Visit to Europe: Third Day & ASEM Summit Meeting: First Day (The Prime Minister in Action) | Prime Minister of Japan and His Cabinet

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class="photo"><img src="/content/20181018eu02.jpg?w=496&s=300000" alt="Photograph of the Prime Minister visiting the “Jomon – Birth of art in prehistoric Japan” exhibit" /></p> <p class="caption">Photograph of the Prime Minister visiting the “Jomon – Birth of art in prehistoric Japan” exhibit</p> </div> <div class="block-photo" id="inner_content3"> <p class="photo"><img src="/content/20181018eu03.jpg?w=496&s=300000" alt="Photograph of the Prime Minister visiting the “Jomon – Birth of art in prehistoric Japan” exhibit" /></p> <p class="caption">Photograph of the Prime Minister visiting the “Jomon – Birth of art in prehistoric Japan” exhibit</p> </div> <div class="block-photo" id="inner_content4"> <p class="photo"><img src="/content/20181018eu04.jpg?w=496&s=300000" alt="Photograph of the Prime Minister receiving a courtesy call from the Director-General of UNESCO" /></p> <p class="caption">Photograph of the Prime Minister receiving a courtesy call from the Director-General of UNESCO</p> </div> <div class="block-photo" id="inner_content5"> <p class="photo"><img src="/content/20181018eu05.jpg?w=496&s=300000" alt="Photograph of the Prime Minister receiving a courtesy call from the Director-General of UNESCO" /></p> <p class="caption">Photograph of the Prime Minister receiving a courtesy call from the Director-General of UNESCO</p> </div> <div class="block-photo" id="inner_content6"> <p class="photo"><img src="/content/20181018eu06.jpg?w=360&s=300000" alt="Photograph of the Prime Minister visiting Belgium" /></p> <p class="caption">Photograph of the Prime Minister visiting Belgium</p> </div> <div class="block-photo" id="inner_content7"> <p class="photo"><img src="/content/20181018eu07.jpg?w=496&s=300000" alt="Photograph of the Prime Minister shaking hands with the Prime Minister of Slovakia" /></p> <p class="caption">Photograph of the Prime Minister shaking hands with the Prime Minister of Slovakia</p> </div> <div class="block-photo" id="inner_content8"> <p class="photo"><img src="/content/20181018eu08.jpg?w=496&s=300000" alt="Photograph of the V4 plus Japan Summit Meeting" /></p> <p class="caption">Photograph of the V4 plus Japan Summit Meeting</p> </div> <div class="block-photo" id="inner_content9"> <p class="photo"><img src="/content/20181018eu09.jpg?w=496&s=300000" alt="Photograph of the V4 plus Japan Summit Meeting" /></p> <p class="caption">Photograph of the V4 plus Japan Summit Meeting</p> </div> <div class="block-photo" id="inner_content10"> <p class="photo"><img src="/content/20181018eu10.jpg?w=496&s=300000" alt="Photograph of the V4 plus Japan Summit Meeting" /></p> <p class="caption">Photograph of the V4 plus Japan Summit Meeting</p> </div> <div class="block-photo" id="inner_content11"> <p class="photo"><img src="/content/20181018eu11.jpg?w=360&s=300000" alt="Photograph of the Prime Minister shaking hands with the President of the European Commission" /></p> <p class="caption">Photograph of the Prime Minister shaking hands with the President of the European Commission</p> </div> <div class="block-photo" id="inner_content12"> <p class="photo"><img src="/content/20181018eu12.jpg?w=496&s=300000" alt="Photograph of the Japan-EU Summit Meeting " /></p> <p class="caption">Photograph of the Japan-EU Summit Meeting </p> </div> <div class="block-photo" id="inner_content13"> <p class="photo"><img src="/content/20181018eu13.jpg?w=496&s=300000" alt="Photograph of the Japan-EU Summit Meeting " /></p> <p class="caption">Photograph of the Japan-EU Summit Meeting </p> </div> <div class="block-photo" id="inner_content14"> <p class="photo"><img src="/content/20181018eu14.jpg?w=496&s=300000" alt="Photograph of the Prime Minister shaking hands with the Chancellor of Germany" /></p> <p class="caption">Photograph of the Prime Minister shaking hands with the Chancellor of Germany</p> </div> <div class="block-photo" id="inner_content15"> <p class="photo"><img src="/content/20181018eu15.jpg?w=496&s=300000" alt="Photograph of the Japan-Germany Summit Meeting" /></p> <p class="caption">Photograph of the Japan-Germany Summit Meeting</p> </div> <div class="block-photo" id="inner_content16"> <p class="photo"><img src="/content/20181018eu16.jpg?w=496&s=300000" alt="Photograph of the opening ceremony of the ASEM Summit" /></p> <p class="caption">Photograph of the opening ceremony of the ASEM Summit</p> </div> <div class="block-photo" id="inner_content17"> <p class="photo"><img src="/content/20181018eu17.jpg?w=496&s=300000" alt="Photograph of the opening ceremony of the ASEM Summit" /></p> <p class="caption">Photograph of the opening ceremony of the ASEM Summit</p> </div> <div class="block-photo" id="inner_content18"> <p class="photo"><img src="/content/20181018eu18.jpg?w=496&s=300000" alt="Photograph of the opening ceremony of the ASEM Summit" /></p> <p class="caption">Photograph of the opening ceremony of the ASEM Summit</p> </div> </div><!-- /#photoSet --> <div id="format"> <div class="aly_tx_right"><span lang="EN-US" style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51); line-height: 200%; font-family: &quot;Times New Roman&quot;,serif; font-size: 12.5pt;">[Provisional Translation]</span></div> <br /> On October 18, 2018 (local time), Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who is visiting Paris in the French Republic, visited the &ldquo;Jomon &ndash; Birth of art in prehistoric Japan&rdquo; exhibit of Japonismes 2018. Afterwards, the Prime Minister received a courtesy call from H.E. Ms. Audrey Azoulay, Director-General of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).<br /> &nbsp;<br /> In the afternoon, Prime Minister Abe visited Brussels in the Kingdom of Belgium and held a summit meeting with H.E. Mr. Peter Pellegrini, Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic, H.E. Mr. Andrej Babi&scaron;, Prime Minister of the Czech Republic, H.E. Mr. Mateusz Morawiecki, Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland, and H.E. Mr. Viktor Orb&aacute;n, Prime Minister of Hungary, followed by a summit meeting with H.E. Mr. Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission. Afterwards, the Prime Minister held a summit meeting with H.E. Dr. Angela Merkel, Federal Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany.<br /> &nbsp;<br /> In the evening, Prime Minister Abe attended the opening ceremony of the 12<sup>th</sup> Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) Summit Meeting. </div> </div> <p class="btn-pagetop"><a href="#" class="a-pagetop"><img src="/n3-common/images/btn-pagetop.png" width="61" height="13" alt="Page Top" /></a></p> </div> <!-- //.main-left --> <!-- .main-right --> <div class="main-right png"> <h3>Related Link</h3> <ul class="list-related"> <li class="icon icon-window"><a href="//" target="_blank">Japanese</a></li> </ul> </div> <!-- //.main-right --> </div> <!-- //.main-body --> </div> </div> <!-- //#main --> <!-- #footer --> <div id="footer"> <!-- #footer-nav --> <div id="footer-nav" class="wrapper cf"> <dl> <dt><a href="/index.html">Home</a></dt> <dd id="home_navi_ft"></dd> </dl> <dl> <dt><a href="">News</a></dt> <dd id="news_navi_ft"></dd> </dl> <dl> <dt><a href="//" target="_blank">Videos</a></dt> <dd id="videos_navi_ft"></dd> </dl> <dl> <dt><a href="/policy/index.html">Policy</a></dt> <dd id="policy_navi_ft"></dd> </dl> <dl> <dt> <a href="/101_kishida/meibo/index_e.html">The Cabinet</a> </dt> <dd id="cabinet_navi_ft"></dd> </dl> <dl> <dt><a href="/link/index.html">Links</a></dt> <dd id="links_navi_ft"></dd> </dl> <div class="footer-nav-sns"> <ul> <li><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="/n3-common/images/icon-header-footer-facebook-white.png" alt="facebook" width="32" height="32" /></a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="/n3-common/images/icon-header-footer-twitter-white.png" alt="twitter" width="32" height="32" /></a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="/n3-common/images/icon-header-footer-youtube-white.png" alt="youtube" width="32" height="32" /></a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <!-- //#footer-nav --> <!-- #footer-copy --> <div id="footer-copy" class="wrapper cf"> <p><img src="/n3-common/images/footer-logo-white.png" alt="" width="48" height="44" /></p> <small> Cabinet Public Affairs Office, Cabinet Secretariat, 1-6-1 Nagata-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100 - 8968, Japan<br /> Copyright&copy; Cabinet Public Affairs Office, Cabinet Secretariat. 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