Visit to Europe: Third Day & ASEM Summit Meeting: First Day (The Prime Minister in Action) | Prime Minister of Japan and His Cabinet
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src="/content/20181018eu02.jpg?w=496&s=300000" alt="Photograph of the Prime Minister visiting the “Jomon – Birth of art in prehistoric Japan” exhibit" /></p> <p class="caption">Photograph of the Prime Minister visiting the “Jomon – Birth of art in prehistoric Japan” exhibit</p> </div> <div class="block-photo" id="inner_content3"> <p class="photo"><img src="/content/20181018eu03.jpg?w=496&s=300000" alt="Photograph of the Prime Minister visiting the “Jomon – Birth of art in prehistoric Japan” exhibit" /></p> <p class="caption">Photograph of the Prime Minister visiting the “Jomon – Birth of art in prehistoric Japan” exhibit</p> </div> <div class="block-photo" id="inner_content4"> <p class="photo"><img src="/content/20181018eu04.jpg?w=496&s=300000" alt="Photograph of the Prime Minister receiving a courtesy call from the Director-General of UNESCO" /></p> <p class="caption">Photograph of the Prime Minister receiving a courtesy call from the Director-General of UNESCO</p> </div> <div class="block-photo" id="inner_content5"> <p class="photo"><img src="/content/20181018eu05.jpg?w=496&s=300000" alt="Photograph of the Prime Minister receiving a courtesy call from the Director-General of UNESCO" /></p> <p class="caption">Photograph of the Prime Minister receiving a courtesy call from the Director-General of UNESCO</p> </div> <div class="block-photo" id="inner_content6"> <p class="photo"><img src="/content/20181018eu06.jpg?w=360&s=300000" alt="Photograph of the Prime Minister visiting Belgium" /></p> <p class="caption">Photograph of the Prime Minister visiting Belgium</p> </div> <div class="block-photo" id="inner_content7"> <p class="photo"><img src="/content/20181018eu07.jpg?w=496&s=300000" alt="Photograph of the Prime Minister shaking hands with the Prime Minister of Slovakia" /></p> <p class="caption">Photograph of the Prime Minister shaking hands with the Prime Minister of Slovakia</p> </div> <div class="block-photo" id="inner_content8"> <p class="photo"><img src="/content/20181018eu08.jpg?w=496&s=300000" alt="Photograph of the V4 plus Japan Summit Meeting" /></p> <p class="caption">Photograph of the V4 plus Japan Summit Meeting</p> </div> <div class="block-photo" id="inner_content9"> <p class="photo"><img src="/content/20181018eu09.jpg?w=496&s=300000" alt="Photograph of the V4 plus Japan Summit Meeting" /></p> <p class="caption">Photograph of the V4 plus Japan Summit Meeting</p> </div> <div class="block-photo" id="inner_content10"> <p class="photo"><img src="/content/20181018eu10.jpg?w=496&s=300000" alt="Photograph of the V4 plus Japan Summit Meeting" /></p> <p class="caption">Photograph of the V4 plus Japan Summit Meeting</p> </div> <div class="block-photo" id="inner_content11"> <p class="photo"><img src="/content/20181018eu11.jpg?w=360&s=300000" alt="Photograph of the Prime Minister shaking hands with the President of the European Commission" /></p> <p class="caption">Photograph of the Prime Minister shaking hands with the President of the European Commission</p> </div> <div class="block-photo" id="inner_content12"> <p class="photo"><img src="/content/20181018eu12.jpg?w=496&s=300000" alt="Photograph of the Japan-EU Summit Meeting " /></p> <p class="caption">Photograph of the Japan-EU Summit Meeting </p> </div> <div class="block-photo" id="inner_content13"> <p class="photo"><img src="/content/20181018eu13.jpg?w=496&s=300000" alt="Photograph of the Japan-EU Summit Meeting " /></p> <p class="caption">Photograph of the Japan-EU Summit Meeting </p> </div> <div class="block-photo" id="inner_content14"> <p class="photo"><img src="/content/20181018eu14.jpg?w=496&s=300000" alt="Photograph of the Prime Minister shaking hands with the Chancellor of Germany" /></p> <p class="caption">Photograph of the Prime Minister shaking hands with the Chancellor of Germany</p> </div> <div class="block-photo" id="inner_content15"> <p class="photo"><img src="/content/20181018eu15.jpg?w=496&s=300000" alt="Photograph of the Japan-Germany Summit Meeting" /></p> <p class="caption">Photograph of the Japan-Germany Summit Meeting</p> </div> <div class="block-photo" id="inner_content16"> <p class="photo"><img src="/content/20181018eu16.jpg?w=496&s=300000" alt="Photograph of the opening ceremony of the ASEM Summit" /></p> <p class="caption">Photograph of the opening ceremony of the ASEM Summit</p> </div> <div class="block-photo" id="inner_content17"> <p class="photo"><img src="/content/20181018eu17.jpg?w=496&s=300000" alt="Photograph of the opening ceremony of the ASEM Summit" /></p> <p class="caption">Photograph of the opening ceremony of the ASEM Summit</p> </div> <div class="block-photo" id="inner_content18"> <p class="photo"><img src="/content/20181018eu18.jpg?w=496&s=300000" alt="Photograph of the opening ceremony of the ASEM Summit" /></p> <p class="caption">Photograph of the opening ceremony of the ASEM Summit</p> </div> </div><!-- /#photoSet --> <div id="format"> <div class="aly_tx_right"><span lang="EN-US" style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51); line-height: 200%; font-family: "Times New Roman",serif; font-size: 12.5pt;">[Provisional Translation]</span></div> <br /> On October 18, 2018 (local time), Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who is visiting Paris in the French Republic, visited the “Jomon – Birth of art in prehistoric Japan” exhibit of Japonismes 2018. Afterwards, the Prime Minister received a courtesy call from H.E. Ms. Audrey Azoulay, Director-General of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).<br /> <br /> In the afternoon, Prime Minister Abe visited Brussels in the Kingdom of Belgium and held a summit meeting with H.E. Mr. Peter Pellegrini, Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic, H.E. Mr. Andrej Babiš, Prime Minister of the Czech Republic, H.E. Mr. Mateusz Morawiecki, Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland, and H.E. Mr. Viktor Orbán, Prime Minister of Hungary, followed by a summit meeting with H.E. Mr. Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission. Afterwards, the Prime Minister held a summit meeting with H.E. Dr. Angela Merkel, Federal Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany.<br /> <br /> In the evening, Prime Minister Abe attended the opening ceremony of the 12<sup>th</sup> Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) Summit Meeting. </div> </div> <p class="btn-pagetop"><a href="#" class="a-pagetop"><img src="/n3-common/images/btn-pagetop.png" width="61" height="13" alt="Page Top" /></a></p> </div> <!-- //.main-left --> <!-- .main-right --> <div class="main-right png"> <h3>Related Link</h3> <ul class="list-related"> <li class="icon icon-window"><a href="//" target="_blank">Japanese</a></li> </ul> </div> <!-- //.main-right --> </div> <!-- //.main-body --> </div> </div> <!-- //#main --> <!-- #footer --> <div id="footer"> <!-- #footer-nav --> <div id="footer-nav" class="wrapper cf"> <dl> <dt><a href="/index.html">Home</a></dt> <dd id="home_navi_ft"></dd> </dl> <dl> <dt><a href="">News</a></dt> <dd id="news_navi_ft"></dd> </dl> <dl> <dt><a href="//" target="_blank">Videos</a></dt> <dd id="videos_navi_ft"></dd> </dl> <dl> <dt><a href="/policy/index.html">Policy</a></dt> <dd id="policy_navi_ft"></dd> </dl> <dl> <dt> <a href="/101_kishida/meibo/index_e.html">The Cabinet</a> </dt> <dd id="cabinet_navi_ft"></dd> </dl> <dl> <dt><a href="/link/index.html">Links</a></dt> <dd id="links_navi_ft"></dd> </dl> <div class="footer-nav-sns"> <ul> <li><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="/n3-common/images/icon-header-footer-facebook-white.png" alt="facebook" width="32" height="32" /></a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="/n3-common/images/icon-header-footer-twitter-white.png" alt="twitter" width="32" height="32" /></a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="/n3-common/images/icon-header-footer-youtube-white.png" alt="youtube" width="32" height="32" /></a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <!-- //#footer-nav --> <!-- #footer-copy --> <div id="footer-copy" class="wrapper cf"> <p><img src="/n3-common/images/footer-logo-white.png" alt="" width="48" height="44" /></p> <small> Cabinet Public Affairs Office, Cabinet Secretariat, 1-6-1 Nagata-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100 - 8968, Japan<br /> Copyright© Cabinet Public Affairs Office, Cabinet Secretariat. 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