Pro-Russian Party In Georgia Cuts Ties With European Body - What’s At Stake?

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href="/author/rfe-rls-georgian-service/q-v_qy" title="RFE/RL&#39;s Georgian Service">RFE/RL&#39;s Georgian Service</a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <h1 class="title pg-title"> Pro-Russian Party In Georgia Cuts Ties With European Body - What’s At Stake? </h1> <div class="cover-media"> <figure class="media-image js-media-expand"> <div class="img-wrap"> <div class="thumb thumb16_9"> <img src="" alt="PACE chamber (left) Tea Tsulukiani, the head of the Georgian delegation(right)" /> </div> </div> <figcaption> <span class="caption">PACE chamber (left) Tea Tsulukiani, the head of the Georgian delegation(right)</span> </figcaption> </figure> </div> <div class="news__buttons news__buttons--main pos-abs"> <button class="btn btn--news btn--news-more pos-abs"> <span class="ico ico-chevron-down"></span> </button> <button class="btn btn--news sticky-btn btn--news-less"> <span class="ico ico-close"></span> </button> </div> <div class="wsw accordeon__target"> <p>The Georgian Dream party ceased its work in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), the head of the Georgian delegation said after the Strasbourg-based legislative body overwhelmingly passed a resolution calling on Georgia to set a date for new parliamentary elections.</p> <p>Tea Tsulukiani <strong><a class="wsw__a" href="" target="_blank">announced the move</a></strong> on January 29, saying that conditions of the resolution, which passed 114-13, were &quot;unacceptable, unfair, and unfounded.&quot;</p> <p>The resolution calls on Georgian authorities to set a date for new parliamentary elections before April, release all political prisoners, and review controversial laws. Its demands echo those of protesters who continue to hold pro-European rallies in Tbilisi and elsewhere in the country.</p><div class="wsw__embed"> <figure class="media-image js-media-expand"> <div class="img-wrap"> <div class="thumb"> <img alt="Protest in Georgia demanding new election and the release of unjustly detained." src="" /> </div> </div> <figcaption> <span class="caption">Protest in Georgia demanding new election and the release of unjustly detained.</span> </figcaption> </figure> </div> <p>Tsulukiani said the resolution’s demand for new elections “violates Georgia’s sovereignty and ignores the will of more than 1,120,000 voters who voted for Georgian Dream and is categorically unacceptable,” according to the Novosti-Gruzia.</p> <p>“To accept this reservation on our part would be tantamount to betraying our electorate and, consequently, the overwhelming majority of our society,” Tsulukiani said. “Based on the above, we, members of the Georgian parliamentary delegation in Strasbourg, are ceasing our work in PACE from today.”</p> <p>Georgian Dream was harshly criticized by members of the PACE during its plenary session on January 29. Among them was Latvian MP Zanda Kalniņa-Lukasevica, who said there had been a rollback of democracy in the country.</p> <p>Georgian Dream last month pushed through its candidate, Mikheil Kavelashvili, a former soccer player and right-wing populist, as the country's new president despite widespread claims that the country’s parliamentary elections in October were not free and fair.</p><div class="content-floated overlap-md" data-owner-ct="Article" data-inline="False"> <div class="media-block also-read also-read--aside"> <a class="img-wrap img-wrap--size-3 also-read__img also-read__img--aside" href="/a/tbilisi-georgia-dream-mask-protest-ivanishvili/33280517.html" title="Georgian Protesters Back On Streets As Ex-President Takes Cause To Trump Inauguration"> <span class="thumb thumb16_9"> <noscript class="nojs-img"> <img src="" alt="Protesters in Tbilisi wear masks in defiance of a new law banning face-coverings in Georgia."> </noscript> <img data-src="" alt="Protesters in Tbilisi wear masks in defiance of a new law banning face-coverings in Georgia." /> </span> </a> <div class="media-block__content also-read__body also-read__body--aside also-read__body--aside-h"> <a href="/a/tbilisi-georgia-dream-mask-protest-ivanishvili/33280517.html" title="Georgian Protesters Back On Streets As Ex-President Takes Cause To Trump Inauguration"> <span class="also-read__text--label"> SEE ALSO: </span> <h4 class="media-block__title media-block__title--size-3 also-read__text p-0"> Georgian Protesters Back On Streets As Ex-President Takes Cause To Trump Inauguration </h4> </a> </div> </div> </div> <p>Georgian Dream claimed victory in the elections, which the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) said were marred by instances of vote-buying, double-voting, physical violence, and intimidation.</p> <p>Anti-government protests broke out in response to Georgian Dream’s claim and intensified in November after a government decision to delay negotiations on Georgia joining the European Union.</p> <p>The authorities responded violently to the demonstrations, arresting hundreds of people and surveilling participants with Chinese-made cameras with facial-recognition capabilities.</p> <p>The PACE’s resolution also calls for “an inclusive process involving all stakeholders and social actors” in Georgia to address “the shortcomings and problems revealed by the recent parliamentary elections.” </p> <p>The process should strive for “an electoral environment conducive to the holding of genuinely democratic new parliamentary elections, which should be called in the coming months,” the resolution said.</p> </div> <div class="pos-rel news__read-more"> <label class="news__read-more-label accordeon__control-label pos-abs" data-for="more-less-33296055" data-switcher-trigger="true"></label> <a class="btn btn--link news__read-more-btn" href="#" title="Read more"> <span class="btn__text"> Read more </span> </a> </div> <label data-for="more-less-33296055" data-switcher-trigger="true" class="switcher-trigger__label accordeon__control-label news__control-label pos-abs"></label> </div> <div class="news__share-outer"> <aside class="share news__sharing js-share--apply-sticky js-share--expandable js-share--horizontal"> <ul class="share__list"> <li class="share__item"> <a href="" data-analytics-text="share_on_facebook" title="Share on Facebook" target="_blank" class="btn btn--rounded btn-facebook js-social-btn"> <span class="ico ico--rounded ico-facebook ico--s"></span> </a> </li> <li class="share__item"> <a href=";text=Pro-Russian+Party+In+Georgia+Cuts+Ties+With+European+Body+-+What%e2%80%99s+At+Stake%3f" data-analytics-text="share_on_twitter" title="Share on Twitter" target="_blank" class="btn btn--rounded btn-twitter js-social-btn"> <span class="ico ico--rounded ico-twitter ico--s"></span> </a> </li> <li class="share__item"> <a href="" data-analytics-text="share_on_vkontakte" title="Share on В Контакте" target="_blank" class="btn btn--rounded btn-vkontakte js-social-btn"> <span class="ico ico--rounded ico-vkontakte ico--s"></span> </a> </li> <li class="share__item"> <a href="mailto:?;subject=Pro-Russian Party In Georgia Cuts Ties With European Body - 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We're going to be putting a price on that card of about $5 million,&quot; Trump said.</p><p>Proceeds from sales will be used to reduce the deficit, Trump said. The program will be aimed at “people with money” who will create jobs, the president said.</p><p>&quot;They’ll be wealthy and they’ll be successful, and they’ll be spending a lot of money and paying a lot of taxes and employing a lot of people, and we think it’s going to be extremely successful,” Trump said.</p><p>Applicants for the new gold cards would be carefully vetted and it may be possible for wealthy Russians to apply.</p><p>&quot;I know some Russian oligarchs that are very nice people. It's possible,&quot; Trump said. &quot;They're not as wealthy as they used to be. I think they can. I think they can afford $5 million.&quot;</p><div data-owner-ct="None" data-inline="False"> <div class="media-block also-read"> <a class="img-wrap img-wrap--size-3 also-read__img" href="/a/u-s-attorney-general-pam-bondi-kleptocapture-russian-oligarchs/33306710.html" title="From Oligarchs To Cartels: The U.S. Reshapes Global Law Enforcement "> <span class="thumb thumb16_9"> <noscript class="nojs-img"> <img src="" alt="New U.S. Attorney General Pam Bondi "> </noscript> <img data-src="" alt="New U.S. Attorney General Pam Bondi " /> </span> </a> <div class="media-block__content also-read__body also-read__body--h"> <a href="/a/u-s-attorney-general-pam-bondi-kleptocapture-russian-oligarchs/33306710.html" title="From Oligarchs To Cartels: The U.S. Reshapes Global Law Enforcement "> <span class="also-read__text--label"> SEE ALSO: </span> <h4 class="media-block__title media-block__title--size-3 also-read__text p-0"> From Oligarchs To Cartels: The U.S. Reshapes Global Law Enforcement </h4> </a> </div> </div> </div><p>U.S. Commerce Secretary Howard Lutnick told reporters that the “Trump Gold Card” would replace the EB-5 Immigration Investor Program, which was created by Congress in 1990 to generate foreign investment. EB-5 visas are available to people who spend about $1 million on a company that employs at least 10 people.</p><p>Lutnick said the new &quot;gold card&quot; would raise the price to $5 million and do away with fraud in the EB-5 program. He emphasized that money from the sale of the new cards will be used to reduce the deficit.</p><p>The Congressional Research Service <a class="wsw__a" href="" target="_blank"><strong>reported in 2023</strong></a> that some members of Congress and other observers have long expressed concerns about fraud in the EB-5 program. It said this occurs when applicants misrepresent their wealth, lie about their identity, or fail to make the required investments.</p><p>More than half of the EB-5 visas approved in 2022 went to citizens of China, according to the report.</p><p>Trump, who has made the deportation of undocumented migrants a priority, said the new card would be a route to U.S. citizenship.</p><p>&quot;A lot of people are going to want to be in this country, and they'll be able to work and provide jobs and build companies,&quot; Trump said. &quot;It'll be people with money.&quot;</p><p>Trump estimated that the United States would be able to “sell maybe a million of these cards.”</p><p>About 8,000 people obtained investor visas through the EB-5 program in the 12-month period ending September 30, 2022, according to the Homeland Security Department's most recent <a class="wsw__a" href="" target="_blank"><strong>Yearbook of Immigration Statistics</strong></a>.</p><h6 class="wsw__h6">With reporting by Reuters and AFP</h6> </div> <div class="pos-rel news__read-more"> <label class="news__read-more-label accordeon__control-label pos-abs" data-for="more-less-33328458" data-switcher-trigger="true"></label> <a class="btn btn--link news__read-more-btn" href="#" title="Read more"> <span class="btn__text"> Read more </span> </a> </div> <label data-for="more-less-33328458" data-switcher-trigger="true" class="switcher-trigger__label accordeon__control-label news__control-label pos-abs"></label> </div> <div class="news__share-outer"> <aside class="share news__sharing js-share--apply-sticky js-share--expandable js-share--horizontal"> <ul class="share__list"> <li class="share__item"> <a href="" data-analytics-text="share_on_facebook" title="Share on Facebook" target="_blank" class="btn btn--rounded btn-facebook js-social-btn"> <span class="ico ico--rounded ico-facebook ico--s"></span> </a> </li> <li class="share__item"> <a href=";text=U.S.+To+Sell+%27Gold+Card%27+Visas+For+%245+Million" data-analytics-text="share_on_twitter" title="Share on Twitter" target="_blank" class="btn btn--rounded btn-twitter js-social-btn"> <span class="ico ico--rounded ico-twitter ico--s"></span> </a> </li> <li class="share__item"> <a href="" data-analytics-text="share_on_vkontakte" title="Share on В Контакте" target="_blank" class="btn btn--rounded btn-vkontakte js-social-btn"> <span class="ico ico--rounded ico-vkontakte ico--s"></span> </a> </li> <li class="share__item"> <a href="mailto:?;subject=U.S. To Sell &#39;Gold Card&#39; 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</h1> <div class="cover-media"> <figure class="media-image js-media-expand"> <div class="img-wrap"> <div class="thumb thumb16_9"> <img src="" alt="Britain&#39;s PM Starmer delivers a &#39;Defence and Security&#39; Statement at the House of Commons, in London" /> </div> </div> <figcaption> <span class="caption">Britain&#39;s PM Starmer delivers a &#39;Defence and Security&#39; Statement at the House of Commons, in London</span> </figcaption> </figure> </div> <div class="news__buttons news__buttons--main pos-abs"> <button class="btn btn--news btn--news-more pos-abs"> <span class="ico ico-chevron-down"></span> </button> <button class="btn btn--news sticky-btn btn--news-less"> <span class="ico ico-close"></span> </button> </div> <div class="wsw accordeon__target"> <p>British Prime Minister Keir Starmer pledged the &quot;biggest sustained increase&quot; in defense <a class="wsw__a" href="" target="_blank"><strong>spending</strong></a> since the end of the Cold War as he readies to meet NATO-skeptic U.S. President Donald Trump later this week in Washington.</p><p>Starmer, speaking before parliament on February 25, said defense spending would rise to 2.5 percent of economic output by 2027 from 2.3 percent this year, funding the increase with cuts in international aid.</p><p>European countries have ramped up defense budgets since Russia's <a class="wsw__a" href="" target="_blank"><strong>all-out invasion</strong></a> of Ukraine in 2022. And many leaders have said the increased spending must continue to counter the growing military threat from Moscow.</p><p>&quot;We must go further still. I have long argued that...all European allies must step up and do more for our own defense,&quot; he said, adding the UK should aim for 3 percent by the end of the decade.</p><p>Starmer is on the eve of departing for Washington where he is set to meet Trump on February 27 to discuss ending Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, becoming the second major European leader to travel to Washington this week.</p><p>Trump met French President Emmanuel Macron on February 24 to discuss the same issue.</p><p>Since taking office a little over a month ago, Trump has aggressively pursued negotiations to end the war in Ukraine, starting his European allies by opening direct talks with Moscow and accusing Ukraine of starting the war.</p><p>European leaders are now scrambling to get a seat at the negotiating table to influence a deal that will directly impact European security.</p><p>Macron organized an emergency meeting with his European counterparts on February 17 -- the eve of the first official U.S.-Russia meeting in years -- before agreeing to fly to Washington a week later to meet Trump.</p><p>Trump, who has berated European allies for not spending enough on their own defense, shaking the foundations of the 75-year-old NATO alliance, has said he will not supply U.S. troops for any peacekeeping mission in Ukraine.</p><p>“We must reject any false choice between our allies. Between one side of the Atlantic or the other. That is against our history, country and party,” Starmer said, calling Britain’s relationship with America his country’s “most important bilateral alliance.”</p><p>“This week when I meet President Trump, I will be clear: I want this relationship to go from strength to strength.”</p><p>U.S. Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth, who spoke with British Defense Minister John Healey on February 25, reacted positively to the announcement, saying in a <a class="wsw__a" href="" target="_blank"><strong>post</strong></a> on X that it was &quot;a strong step from an enduring partner.&quot;</p><p>Ukraine has demanded Western security guarantees be part of any negotiated settlement to deter Russia from invading again. Macron told Trump at their White House meeting that European leaders are willing to put peacekeeping troops in Ukraine as part of the security guarantee.</p><p>Starmer may seek to leverage his commitment to boost defense funding and deploy peacekeeping forces to Ukraine to convince Trump to backstop European security guarantees for Kyiv.</p><h6 class="wsw__h6">With reporting by Reuters</h6> </div> <div class="pos-rel news__read-more"> <label class="news__read-more-label accordeon__control-label pos-abs" data-for="more-less-33327959" data-switcher-trigger="true"></label> <a class="btn btn--link news__read-more-btn" href="#" title="Read more"> <span class="btn__text"> Read more </span> </a> </div> <label data-for="more-less-33327959" data-switcher-trigger="true" class="switcher-trigger__label accordeon__control-label news__control-label pos-abs"></label> </div> <div class="news__share-outer"> <aside class="share news__sharing js-share--apply-sticky js-share--expandable js-share--horizontal"> <ul class="share__list"> <li class="share__item"> <a href="" data-analytics-text="share_on_facebook" title="Share on Facebook" target="_blank" class="btn btn--rounded btn-facebook js-social-btn"> <span class="ico ico--rounded ico-facebook ico--s"></span> </a> </li> <li class="share__item"> <a href=";text=U.K.%27s+Starmer+Announces+Defense+Spending+Boost+Ahead+Of+Trump+Meeting%c2%a0" data-analytics-text="share_on_twitter" title="Share on Twitter" target="_blank" class="btn btn--rounded btn-twitter js-social-btn"> <span class="ico ico--rounded ico-twitter ico--s"></span> </a> </li> <li class="share__item"> <a href="" data-analytics-text="share_on_vkontakte" title="Share on В Контакте" target="_blank" class="btn btn--rounded btn-vkontakte js-social-btn"> <span class="ico ico--rounded ico-vkontakte ico--s"></span> </a> </li> <li class="share__item"> <a href="mailto:?;subject=U.K.&#39;s Starmer Announces Defense Spending Boost Ahead Of Trump Meeting&#160;" title="Email to a Friend" class="btn btn--rounded btn-email "> <span class="ico ico--rounded ico-email ico--s"></span> </a> </li> <li class="share__item share__item--additional"> <a href=";;title=U.K.&#39;s Starmer Announces Defense Spending Boost Ahead Of Trump Meeting&#160;" data-analytics-text="share_on_linkedIn" title="Share on LinkedIn" target="_blank" class="btn btn--rounded btn-linkedin js-social-btn"> <span class="ico ico--rounded ico-linkedin ico--s"></span> </a> </li> <li class="share__item share__item--additional"> <div class="ctc"> <input type="text" class="ctc__input" readonly="readonly"> <button class="btn btn--rounded btn--ctc ctc__button" value="text" role="copy link" js-href="" title="copy link"> <span class="ico ico-content-copy ico--rounded ico--s"></span> </button> </div> </li> <li class="share__item share__item--sharing-more"> <a title="More options" data-title-additional="Fewer options" class="btn btn--rounded btn--show-more hidden"> <span class="ico ico--rounded ico-ellipsis ico--s"></span> </a> </li> </ul> </aside> </div> </div> </div> <div class="accordeon__item-wrap"> <div class="news__item news__item--unopenable accordeon__item sticky-btn-parent" data-switch-target="more-less-33327873" data-article-id="33327873" data-api-id="33327873" data-api-type="1"> <div class="news__item-inner pos-rel"> <div class="publishing-details "> <div class="published"> <span class="date" > <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2025-02-25T16:52:28+01:00"> February 25, 2025 </time> </span> </div> <div class="links"> <ul class="links__list"> <li class="links__item"> By <a class="links__item-link" href="/author/rfe-rls-balkan-service/okymi" title="RFE/RL&#39;s Balkan Service">RFE/RL&#39;s Balkan Service</a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <h1 class="title pg-title"> Serbian Police Raids Target NGOs Supported By USAID </h1> <div class="cover-media"> <figure class="media-image js-media-expand"> <div class="img-wrap"> <div class="thumb thumb16_9"> <img src="" alt="The raids came after U.S. President Donald Trump curtailed the work of USAID work when he ordered a 90-day spending freeze on January 24. (file photo)" /> </div> </div> <figcaption> <span class="caption">The raids came after U.S. President Donald Trump curtailed the work of USAID work when he ordered a 90-day spending freeze on January 24. (file photo)</span> </figcaption> </figure> </div> <div class="news__buttons news__buttons--main pos-abs"> <button class="btn btn--news btn--news-more pos-abs"> <span class="ico ico-chevron-down"></span> </button> <button class="btn btn--news sticky-btn btn--news-less"> <span class="ico ico-close"></span> </button> </div> <div class="wsw accordeon__target"> <p>Serbian police raided the offices of several NGOs after prosecutors opened an investigation into their usage of funds from the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID).</p><p>The Public Prosecutor's Office in Belgrade said police on February 25 &quot;began collecting information&quot; regarding the work of four NGOs -- the Center for Research, Transparency and Accountability (CRTA), Civic Initiatives, the Center for Practical Politics, and the Trag Foundation.</p><p style="text-align: start;">Chief Public Prosecutor Nenad Stefanovic said there were orders that &quot;for the time being, all documentation related to USAID donations be removed from these four organizations, as well as that interviews be conducted with the responsible persons.&quot;</p><p style="text-align: start;">CRTA and Civic Initiatives <a class="wsw__a" href="" target="_blank"><strong>confirmed</strong></a> that police entered their premises on the morning of February 25. The Center for Practical Politics reportedly doesn't currently receive money from USAID.</p><p style="text-align: start;">&quot;This is a serious attack on basic civil rights and the continuation of illegal pressure on civil society in Serbia. The ruling structures are trying to implement mechanisms of intimidation and persecution,&quot; Civic Initiatives said in a <a class="wsw__a" href="" target="_blank"><strong>statement</strong></a>.</p><div data-owner-ct="None" data-inline="False"> <div class="media-block also-read"> <a class="img-wrap img-wrap--size-3 also-read__img" href="/a/usaid-cuts-ukrainian-war-charities-funding-freeze-jobs/33305654.html" title="Ukraine Feels The Shockwaves As USAID Cuts Start To Bite"> <span class="thumb thumb16_9"> <noscript class="nojs-img"> <img src="" alt="Ukraine&#39;s agriculture sector has been a key beneficiary of USAID. (file photo)"> </noscript> <img data-src="" alt="Ukraine&#39;s agriculture sector has been a key beneficiary of USAID. (file photo)" /> </span> </a> <div class="media-block__content also-read__body also-read__body--h"> <a href="/a/usaid-cuts-ukrainian-war-charities-funding-freeze-jobs/33305654.html" title="Ukraine Feels The Shockwaves As USAID Cuts Start To Bite"> <span class="also-read__text--label"> SEE ALSO: </span> <h4 class="media-block__title media-block__title--size-3 also-read__text p-0"> Ukraine Feels The Shockwaves As USAID Cuts Start To Bite </h4> </a> </div> </div> </div><p style="text-align: start;">The raids came after U.S. President Donald Trump curtailed the work of USAID work when he ordered a 90-day spending freeze on January 24.</p><p style="text-align: start;">On February 3, employees were locked out of USAID's offices in Washington and many staff have been pulled from overseas deployments.</p><p style="text-align: start;">The administration is conducting a review of the agency, which was founded in the early 1960s to coordinate U.S. aid abroad.</p><p style="text-align: start;">Since Trump's return to the White House, his administration and people close to it have repeatedly called USAID a &quot;criminal organization.&quot;</p><p style="text-align: start;">A day before the raids, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said Serbia &quot;will assist&quot; the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in its investigation into the financing of Serbian NGOs by USAID and the National Endowment for Democracy (NED).</p><p style="text-align: start;">&quot;There is no doubt, we will cooperate very closely with the FBI on this issue,&quot; Vucic told Happy Television, adding that the FBI will receive any information it requests from Serbia.</p><p style="text-align: start;">Since 2000, USAID has invested more than $1 billion in Serbia, according to data from the U.S. State Department and USAID's website on foreign assistance.</p><p style="text-align: start;">In order to assist economic and democratic development, the agency cooperated primarily with state institutions in Serbia, as well as the private sector, civil society organizations, and the media.</p> </div> <div class="pos-rel news__read-more"> <label class="news__read-more-label accordeon__control-label pos-abs" data-for="more-less-33327873" data-switcher-trigger="true"></label> <a class="btn btn--link news__read-more-btn" href="#" title="Read more"> <span class="btn__text"> Read more </span> </a> </div> <label data-for="more-less-33327873" data-switcher-trigger="true" class="switcher-trigger__label accordeon__control-label news__control-label pos-abs"></label> </div> <div class="news__share-outer"> <aside class="share news__sharing js-share--apply-sticky js-share--expandable js-share--horizontal"> <ul class="share__list"> <li class="share__item"> <a href="" data-analytics-text="share_on_facebook" title="Share on Facebook" target="_blank" class="btn btn--rounded btn-facebook js-social-btn"> <span class="ico ico--rounded ico-facebook ico--s"></span> </a> </li> <li class="share__item"> <a 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<span class="ico ico--rounded ico-linkedin ico--s"></span> </a> </li> <li class="share__item share__item--additional"> <div class="ctc"> <input type="text" class="ctc__input" readonly="readonly"> <button class="btn btn--rounded btn--ctc ctc__button" value="text" role="copy link" js-href="" title="copy link"> <span class="ico ico-content-copy ico--rounded ico--s"></span> </button> </div> </li> <li class="share__item share__item--sharing-more"> <a title="More options" data-title-additional="Fewer options" class="btn btn--rounded btn--show-more hidden"> <span class="ico ico--rounded ico-ellipsis ico--s"></span> </a> </li> </ul> </aside> </div> </div> </div> <div class="accordeon__item-wrap"> <div class="news__item news__item--unopenable accordeon__item sticky-btn-parent" data-switch-target="more-less-33327814" data-article-id="33327814" data-api-id="33327814" data-api-type="1"> <div class="news__item-inner pos-rel"> <div class="publishing-details "> <div class="published"> <span class="date" > <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2025-02-25T15:56:54+01:00"> February 25, 2025 </time> </span> </div> <div class="links"> <ul class="links__list"> <li class="links__item"> By <a class="links__item-link" href="/author/golnaz-esfandiari/rtmpp" title="Golnaz Esfandiari">Golnaz Esfandiari</a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <h1 class="title pg-title"> Hope And Fear In Iran As Russia&#39;s Lavrov Visits Tehran </h1> <div class="cover-media"> <figure class="media-image js-media-expand"> <div class="img-wrap"> <div class="thumb thumb16_9"> <img src="" alt="Iranian Foreign Minister Abbas Araghchi (left) and his Russian counterpart, Sergei Lavrov, arrive for their a press conference in Tehran on February 25." /> </div> </div> <figcaption> <span class="caption">Iranian Foreign Minister Abbas Araghchi (left) and his Russian counterpart, Sergei Lavrov, arrive for their a press conference in Tehran on February 25.</span> </figcaption> </figure> </div> <div class="news__buttons news__buttons--main pos-abs"> <button class="btn btn--news btn--news-more pos-abs"> <span class="ico ico-chevron-down"></span> </button> <button class="btn btn--news sticky-btn btn--news-less"> <span class="ico ico-close"></span> </button> </div> <div class="wsw accordeon__target"> <p>Iranian Foreign Minister Abbas Araqchi, after a meeting with his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov, said Tehran would not bow to pressure from the United States, a day after Washington <a class="wsw__a" href="" target="_blank"><strong>imposed</strong></a> new sanctions on Iran's oil industry.</p><p>Lavrov's one-day trip to Tehran on February 25 comes a week after the first high-level talks between Moscow and Washington in three years.</p><p>The talks in Saudi Arabia on February 18 have raised hopes of a reset between Russia and the United States after tensions soared following the Kremlin's full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022.</p><p>Analysts said the meeting in Tehran could be the Kremlin checking in to make sure Iran's stance on key issues is in line with Moscow -- especially regarding relations with Washington -- or that Lavrov could be delivering a message from the Saudi Arabian talks.</p><p>The potential rapprochement has fueled <a class="wsw__a" href="" target="_blank"><strong>concerns</strong></a> in Iran that Moscow could abandon Tehran, an ally, to revive relations with Washington. Others in the Islamic republic hope Moscow can mediate an end to the standoff between Iran and the United States.</p><p>“They tend to send some diplomats to Iran at least assuage concerns because as you know there is a long-standing apprehension in Iran that the Russians may potentially sell out Iran to the United States,” Nicole Grajewski, a fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace’s Nuclear Policy Program, told Radio Farda.</p><div data-owner-ct="None" data-inline="False"> <div class="media-block also-read"> <a class="img-wrap img-wrap--size-3 also-read__img" href="/a/farda-briefing-iran-russia-us-talks-riyadh/33322006.html" title="Iran Watches U.S.-Russia Talks With Apprehension"> <span class="thumb thumb16_9"> <noscript class="nojs-img"> <img src="" alt="A protest action in Kyiv by the Iranian diaspora against Iranian officials&#39; support for Russian aggression in Ukraine in October 2022"> </noscript> <img data-src="" alt="A protest action in Kyiv by the Iranian diaspora against Iranian officials&#39; support for Russian aggression in Ukraine in October 2022" /> </span> </a> <div class="media-block__content also-read__body also-read__body--h"> <a href="/a/farda-briefing-iran-russia-us-talks-riyadh/33322006.html" title="Iran Watches U.S.-Russia Talks With Apprehension"> <span class="also-read__text--label"> SEE ALSO: </span> <h4 class="media-block__title media-block__title--size-3 also-read__text p-0"> Iran Watches U.S.-Russia Talks With Apprehension </h4> </a> </div> </div> </div><p>Lavrov's visit came a day after Washington imposed a new round of sanctions targeting Iran's oil industry, the main source of the country's income.</p><p>Earlier this month, Trump restored his &quot;maximum pressure&quot; campaign on Iran, saying Tehran was &quot;too close&quot; to weaponizing its nuclear program.</p><p>In 2018, during his first term in office, Trump pulled the United States out of an agreement between Tehran and world powers that placed limits on Iran's nuclear program in exchange for the lifting of international sanctions. Since then, the Islamic republic has ramped up its uranium enrichment, raising fears that it is close to developing a nuclear warhead.</p><p>&quot;There is no possibility of direct negotiations with the U.S. as long as maximum pressure is being applied in this way,&quot; Araghchi said at a joint news conference with Lavrov</p><p>Lavrov said diplomatic measures were still on the table for resolving issues around Iran's nuclear program.</p><p>The prospect of improved relations between Washington and Moscow have raised concern among some in Tehran who feel it could impact Iran.</p><p>Iran's conservative daily Jomhuri Eslami on February 25 warned of a &quot;grand bargain&quot; between Washington and Moscow that could result in Russia &quot;turning a blind eye&quot; to any potential U.S. military action against Iran.</p><p>The daily Etemad suggested this week that Lavrov could carry a message from Washington that includes proposals for reducing tensions between Iran and the United States and paving the way for a new round of talks between the two countries.</p><div data-owner-ct="None" data-inline="False"> <div class="media-block also-read"> <a class="img-wrap img-wrap--size-3 also-read__img" href="/a/israel-iran-attack-nuclear-program/33315232.html" title="Can Israel Destroy Iran&#39;s Nuclear Program?"> <span class="thumb thumb16_9"> <noscript class="nojs-img"> <img src="" alt="Supporters of the Islamic republic march past ballistic missile models in Tehran during the 46th anniversary of the Islamic revolution, February 10"> </noscript> <img data-src="" alt="Supporters of the Islamic republic march past ballistic missile models in Tehran during the 46th anniversary of the Islamic revolution, February 10" /> </span> </a> <div class="media-block__content also-read__body also-read__body--h"> <a href="/a/israel-iran-attack-nuclear-program/33315232.html" title="Can Israel Destroy Iran&#39;s Nuclear Program?"> <span class="also-read__text--label"> SEE ALSO: </span> <h4 class="media-block__title media-block__title--size-3 also-read__text p-0"> Can Israel Destroy Iran&#39;s Nuclear Program? </h4> </a> </div> </div> </div><p>The daily also said the aim of Lavrov's trip to Iran could be to become acquainted with Tehran's positions before a potential meeting between Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin in the future.</p><p>&quot;What Putin is pursuing is not a deal regarding Iran but merely the national interests of Russia,&quot; Hossein Shalevarzi, a former head of Iran's Chamber of Commerce, <a class="wsw__a" href="" target="_blank"><strong>said</strong></a> on X last week.</p><p>Despite deep mistrust, Tehran and Moscow have grown closer and enhanced military cooperation since Russia launched its full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 and Moscow was hit by a slew of Western sanctions.</p><p>Iran has provided Russia with cheap but deadly drones that have been used against Ukraine, though both Tehran and Moscow deny it.</p><p>“The aim of the trip is to put pressure on Tehran to be in line with Moscow,” Damon Golriz, a lecturer at the Hague University of Applied Sciences, told Radio Farda.</p><p>Other Iranian observers say a potential U.S.-Russia reset could be an opportunity for Tehran.</p><p>Tehran-based analyst Abdolreza Farajirad said in an interview with Etemad that Lavrov's trip to Iran comes amid &quot;a deadlock&quot; between Tehran and Washington and a worsening economy that has turned into a major challenge for the Islamic republic.</p><p>&quot;If Russia can act as a mediator between Tehran and Washington, it can be considered a positive development,&quot; Farajirad said.</p> </div> <div class="pos-rel news__read-more"> <label class="news__read-more-label accordeon__control-label pos-abs" data-for="more-less-33327814" data-switcher-trigger="true"></label> <a class="btn btn--link news__read-more-btn" href="#" title="Read more"> <span class="btn__text"> Read more </span> </a> </div> <label data-for="more-less-33327814" data-switcher-trigger="true" class="switcher-trigger__label accordeon__control-label news__control-label pos-abs"></label> </div> <div class="news__share-outer"> <aside class="share news__sharing js-share--apply-sticky js-share--expandable js-share--horizontal"> <ul class="share__list"> <li class="share__item"> <a href="" data-analytics-text="share_on_facebook" title="Share on Facebook" target="_blank" class="btn btn--rounded btn-facebook js-social-btn"> <span class="ico ico--rounded ico-facebook ico--s"></span> </a> </li> <li class="share__item"> <a href=";text=Hope+And+Fear+In+Iran+As+Russia%27s+Lavrov+Visits+Tehran" data-analytics-text="share_on_twitter" title="Share on Twitter" target="_blank" class="btn btn--rounded btn-twitter js-social-btn"> <span class="ico ico--rounded ico-twitter ico--s"></span> </a> </li> <li class="share__item"> <a href="" data-analytics-text="share_on_vkontakte" title="Share on В Контакте" target="_blank" class="btn btn--rounded btn-vkontakte js-social-btn"> <span class="ico ico--rounded ico-vkontakte ico--s"></span> </a> </li> <li class="share__item"> <a href="mailto:?;subject=Hope And Fear In Iran As Russia&#39;s Lavrov Visits Tehran" title="Email to a Friend" class="btn btn--rounded btn-email "> <span class="ico ico--rounded ico-email ico--s"></span> </a> </li> <li class="share__item share__item--additional"> <a href=";;title=Hope And Fear In Iran As Russia&#39;s Lavrov Visits Tehran" data-analytics-text="share_on_linkedIn" title="Share on LinkedIn" target="_blank" class="btn btn--rounded btn-linkedin js-social-btn"> <span class="ico ico--rounded ico-linkedin ico--s"></span> </a> </li> <li class="share__item share__item--additional"> <div class="ctc"> <input type="text" class="ctc__input" readonly="readonly"> <button class="btn btn--rounded btn--ctc ctc__button" value="text" role="copy link" js-href="" title="copy link"> <span class="ico ico-content-copy ico--rounded ico--s"></span> </button> </div> </li> <li class="share__item share__item--sharing-more"> <a title="More options" data-title-additional="Fewer options" class="btn btn--rounded btn--show-more hidden"> <span class="ico ico--rounded ico-ellipsis ico--s"></span> </a> </li> </ul> </aside> </div> </div> </div> <div class="accordeon__item-wrap"> <div class="news__item news__item--unopenable accordeon__item sticky-btn-parent" data-switch-target="more-less-33327600" data-article-id="33327600" data-api-id="33327600" data-api-type="1"> <div class="news__item-inner pos-rel"> <div class="publishing-details "> <div class="published"> <span class="date" > <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2025-02-25T13:16:52+01:00"> February 25, 2025 </time> </span> </div> <div class="links"> <ul class="links__list"> <li class="links__item"> By <a class="links__item-link" href="/author/rfe-rls-ukrainian-service/guv_qt" title="RFE/RL&#39;s Ukrainian Service">RFE/RL&#39;s Ukrainian Service</a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <h1 class="title pg-title"> Ukraine&#39;s Lawmakers Back Zelenskyy After Trump &#39;Dictator&#39; Barbs </h1> <div class="cover-media"> <figure class="media-image js-media-expand"> <div class="img-wrap"> <div class="thumb thumb16_9"> <img src="" alt="According to the Ukrainian constitution, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is bound to remain in office as the country is under martial law because of Russia&#39;s full-scale invasion." /> </div> </div> <figcaption> <span class="caption">According to the Ukrainian constitution, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is bound to remain in office as the country is under martial law because of Russia&#39;s full-scale invasion.</span> </figcaption> </figure> </div> <div class="news__buttons news__buttons--main pos-abs"> <button class="btn btn--news btn--news-more pos-abs"> <span class="ico ico-chevron-down"></span> </button> <button class="btn btn--news sticky-btn btn--news-less"> <span class="ico ico-close"></span> </button> </div> <div class="wsw accordeon__target"> <p>Ukraine's parliament, in a symbolic show of support, has approved a resolution reconfirming President Volodymyr Zelenskyy's legitimacy as the country's leader amid <a class="wsw__a" href="" target="_blank"><strong>questions</strong></a><strong> </strong>from the United States and Russia over his legal standing.</p><p>The resolution highlights tensions between Washington and Kyiv after U.S. President Donald Trump last week called Zelenskyy a &quot;dictator without elections&quot; for failing to hold a vote during <a class="wsw__a" href="" target="_blank"><strong>wartime</strong></a><strong> </strong>while also falsely accusing Kyiv of starting the war.</p><p>Russian President Vladimir Putin has also widely claimed there can't be peace talks with Ukraine because Zelenskyy is not the country's legitimate leader because his term was originally supposed to end in May 2024.</p><div class="content-floated overlap-md" data-owner-ct="None" data-inline="False"> <div class="media-block also-read also-read--aside"> <a class="img-wrap img-wrap--size-3 also-read__img also-read__img--aside" href="/a/ukraine-russia-crisis-crosshairs-live-briefing/31668477.html" title="Ukraine Live Briefing: Kyiv Close To Signing U.S. Minerals Deal"> <span class="thumb thumb16_9"> <noscript class="nojs-img"> <img src="" alt="People rally in Kyiv to support Ukraine to mark three years since Russia&#39;s full-scale invasion of Ukraine on February 24."> </noscript> <img data-src="" alt="People rally in Kyiv to support Ukraine to mark three years since Russia&#39;s full-scale invasion of Ukraine on February 24." /> </span> </a> <div class="media-block__content also-read__body also-read__body--aside also-read__body--aside-h"> <a href="/a/ukraine-russia-crisis-crosshairs-live-briefing/31668477.html" title="Ukraine Live Briefing: Kyiv Close To Signing U.S. Minerals Deal"> <span class="also-read__text--label"> SEE ALSO: </span> <h4 class="media-block__title media-block__title--size-3 also-read__text p-0"> Ukraine Live Briefing: Kyiv Close To Signing U.S. Minerals Deal </h4> </a> </div> </div> </div><p><br /></p><p>However, under the constitution, Zelenskyy is bound to remain in office as the country is under martial law because of Russia's full-scale invasion, a point Ukrainian lawmakers underlined in <a class="wsw__a" href="" target="_blank"><strong>approving</strong></a> the resolution at a meeting of parliament, called the Verkohona Rada, in Kyiv on February 25.</p><p>&quot;Martial law in Ukraine, introduced in response to Russia's full-scale invasion, does not allow for elections by Ukraine's constitution. At the same time, the Ukrainian people are united in the opinion that such elections should be held after the war's end,&quot; the resolution says.</p><p>Martial law was imposed by Kyiv just a day after the Kremlin launched its all-out war in February 2022.</p><p style="text-align: start;">Ukrainian officials have repeatedly noted that practical considerations, along with legal ones, make it impossible to hold elections.</p><p style="text-align: start;">They point to major security concerns saying packed polling stations would make tempting targets for a Russian military that has repeatedly struck civilian targets including schools, hospitals, and apartment buildings over the past three years.</p><p style="text-align: start;">In addition, millions of Ukrainians have fled the country because of the war and their participation must be accounted for, officials say.</p><div data-owner-ct="None" data-inline="False"> <div class="media-block also-read"> <a class="img-wrap img-wrap--size-3 also-read__img" href="/a/ukraine-election-zelenskyy-challengers-war-vote/33323202.html" title="As War Rages, Ukraine&#39;s Politicians Circle Presidential &#39;Electric Chair&#39;"> <span class="thumb thumb16_9"> <noscript class="nojs-img"> <img src="" alt="A man casts his ballot paper at a polling station during a parliamentary election in Kyiv in July 2019. "> </noscript> <img data-src="" alt="A man casts his ballot paper at a polling station during a parliamentary election in Kyiv in July 2019. " /> </span> </a> <div class="media-block__content also-read__body also-read__body--h"> <a href="/a/ukraine-election-zelenskyy-challengers-war-vote/33323202.html" title="As War Rages, Ukraine&#39;s Politicians Circle Presidential &#39;Electric Chair&#39;"> <span class="also-read__text--label"> SEE ALSO: </span> <h4 class="media-block__title media-block__title--size-3 also-read__text p-0"> As War Rages, Ukraine&#39;s Politicians Circle Presidential &#39;Electric Chair&#39; </h4> </a> </div> </div> </div><p style="text-align: start;">Those concerns have been backed by dozens of civic groups, which last week issued issued a joint statement declaring the impossibility of holding elections under current circumstances.</p><p style="text-align: start;">&quot;Only after the end of the war and the achievement of a stable peace…will it be possible to organize elections freely, fairly, democratically, and accessibly,&quot; they wrote.</p><p style="text-align: start;">Zelenskyy, who has not said whether he would run in a vote, has said elections could take place this year if martial law is lifted -- something that would be possible after a deal to stop the fighting.</p><p style="text-align: start;">Talk of a peace settlement has intensified in recent weeks, though how it will be achieved is unclear.</p><div data-owner-ct="None" data-inline="False"> <div class="media-block also-read"> <a class="img-wrap img-wrap--size-3 also-read__img" href="/a/analysis-russia-trump-rulebook-relations-ukraine/33326192.html" title="Analysis: Trump Rips Up Longstanding Rulebook Of U.S.-Russia Relations"> <span class="thumb thumb16_9"> <noscript class="nojs-img"> <img src="" alt="(illustrative image)"> </noscript> <img data-src="" alt="(illustrative image)" /> </span> </a> <div class="media-block__content also-read__body also-read__body--h"> <a href="/a/analysis-russia-trump-rulebook-relations-ukraine/33326192.html" title="Analysis: Trump Rips Up Longstanding Rulebook Of U.S.-Russia Relations"> <span class="also-read__text--label"> SEE ALSO: </span> <h4 class="media-block__title media-block__title--size-3 also-read__text p-0"> Analysis: Trump Rips Up Longstanding Rulebook Of&#160;U.S.-Russia Relations </h4> </a> </div> </div> </div><p style="text-align: start;">Top U.S. and Russian officials <a class="wsw__a" href="" target="_blank"><strong>held talks last week in Saudi Arabia</strong></a> on ending the war -- the first formal high-level talks between Washington and Moscow since before the February 2022 invasion.<br /><br />Despite some assurances, and calls from European leaders, to make sure Ukrainian officials are involved in the negotiations, Ukraine was pointedly been left out of those talks.</p><p style="text-align: start;">French President Emmanuel Macron on February 24, speaking to Fox News after meeting with Trump earlier in the day, <a class="wsw__a" href="" target="_blank"><strong>said a truce</strong></a><strong> </strong>between Ukraine and Russia could be agreed &quot;in the weeks to come.&quot;</p><p style="text-align: start;">&quot;After speaking with President Trump, I fully believe there is a path forward,&quot; Macron said.</p> </div> <div class="pos-rel news__read-more"> <label class="news__read-more-label accordeon__control-label pos-abs" data-for="more-less-33327600" data-switcher-trigger="true"></label> <a class="btn btn--link news__read-more-btn" href="#" title="Read more"> <span class="btn__text"> Read more </span> </a> </div> <label data-for="more-less-33327600" data-switcher-trigger="true" class="switcher-trigger__label accordeon__control-label news__control-label pos-abs"></label> </div> <div class="news__share-outer"> <aside class="share news__sharing js-share--apply-sticky js-share--expandable js-share--horizontal"> <ul class="share__list"> <li class="share__item"> <a href="" data-analytics-text="share_on_facebook" title="Share on Facebook" target="_blank" class="btn btn--rounded btn-facebook js-social-btn"> <span class="ico ico--rounded ico-facebook ico--s"></span> </a> </li> <li class="share__item"> <a href=";text=Ukraine%27s+Lawmakers+Back+Zelenskyy+After+Trump+%27Dictator%27+Barbs" data-analytics-text="share_on_twitter" title="Share on Twitter" target="_blank" class="btn btn--rounded btn-twitter js-social-btn"> <span class="ico ico--rounded ico-twitter ico--s"></span> </a> </li> <li class="share__item"> <a href="" data-analytics-text="share_on_vkontakte" title="Share on В Контакте" target="_blank" class="btn btn--rounded btn-vkontakte js-social-btn"> <span class="ico ico--rounded ico-vkontakte ico--s"></span> </a> </li> <li class="share__item"> <a href="mailto:?;subject=Ukraine&#39;s Lawmakers Back Zelenskyy After Trump &#39;Dictator&#39; 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The vote was 93-18 with 65 abstentions.</p><p>The United States then <a class="wsw__a" href="" target="_blank"><strong>abstained from voting</strong></a> on its own competing resolution after language was added making clear that Russia had invaded its smaller neighbor in violation of the UN Charter. The vote on that resolution in the 193-nation world body was 93-8 with 73 abstentions. Ukraine voted yes and Russia voted no.</p><p>The United States sided with Russia a second time when it pushed for a vote on its original draft resolution in the UN Security Council. The vote in the 15-member council was 10-0 with five European countries -- Britain, France, Denmark, Greece, and Slovenia -- abstaining.</p><div class="content-floated overlap-md" data-owner-ct="None" data-inline="False"> <div class="media-block also-read also-read--aside"> <a class="img-wrap img-wrap--size-3 also-read__img also-read__img--aside" href="/a/ukraine-russia-crisis-crosshairs-live-briefing/31668477.html" title="Ukraine Live Briefing: Kyiv Close To Signing U.S. Minerals Deal"> <span class="thumb thumb16_9"> <noscript class="nojs-img"> <img src="" alt="People rally in Kyiv to support Ukraine to mark three years since Russia&#39;s full-scale invasion of Ukraine on February 24."> </noscript> <img data-src="" alt="People rally in Kyiv to support Ukraine to mark three years since Russia&#39;s full-scale invasion of Ukraine on February 24." /> </span> </a> <div class="media-block__content also-read__body also-read__body--aside also-read__body--aside-h"> <a href="/a/ukraine-russia-crisis-crosshairs-live-briefing/31668477.html" title="Ukraine Live Briefing: Kyiv Close To Signing U.S. Minerals Deal"> <span class="also-read__text--label"> SEE ALSO: </span> <h4 class="media-block__title media-block__title--size-3 also-read__text p-0"> Ukraine Live Briefing: Kyiv Close To Signing U.S. Minerals Deal </h4> </a> </div> </div> </div><p><br /></p><p>Senator John Curtis (Republican-Utah) said he was &quot;deeply troubled&quot; by the U.S. vote that &quot;put us on the same side&quot; as Russia and North Korea.</p><p>&quot;These are not our friends. This posture is a dramatic shift from American ideals of freedom and democracy,&quot; Curtis <a class="wsw__a" href="" target="_blank"><strong>said on X</strong></a>. &quot;We all want an end to the war, but it must be achieved on terms that ensure Ukraine's sovereignty and security and that deter [President Vladimir] Putin from pursuing further territorial ambitions.&quot;</p><p>Resolutions passed by the General Assembly are not legally binding but are a closely watched way to gauge world opinion. Those passed by the UN Security Council are legally binding.</p><p>The divide represented a dramatic shift in transatlantic relations under President Donald Trump and follows his decision to open direct negotiations with Russia on ending the war in Ukraine without representatives of Ukraine and Europe at the table.</p><p>The votes also reflect tensions between Washington and Kyiv after Trump last week called Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy a “dictator&quot; for not holding elections during wartime and falsely accused Kyiv of starting the war.</p><div data-owner-ct="None" data-inline="False"> <div class="media-block also-read"> <a class="img-wrap img-wrap--size-3 also-read__img" href="/a/analysis-russia-trump-rulebook-relations-ukraine/33326192.html" title="Analysis: Trump Rips Up Longstanding Rulebook Of U.S.-Russia Relations"> <span class="thumb thumb16_9"> <noscript class="nojs-img"> <img src="" alt="(illustrative image)"> </noscript> <img data-src="" alt="(illustrative image)" /> </span> </a> <div class="media-block__content also-read__body also-read__body--h"> <a href="/a/analysis-russia-trump-rulebook-relations-ukraine/33326192.html" title="Analysis: Trump Rips Up Longstanding Rulebook Of U.S.-Russia Relations"> <span class="also-read__text--label"> SEE ALSO: </span> <h4 class="media-block__title media-block__title--size-3 also-read__text p-0"> Analysis: Trump Rips Up Longstanding Rulebook Of&#160;U.S.-Russia Relations </h4> </a> </div> </div> </div><p>The U.S.-drafted resolution acknowledged &quot;the tragic loss of life throughout the Russia-Ukraine conflict&quot; and called for &quot;a swift end to the conflict and further urges a lasting peace between Ukraine and Russia&quot; but didn’t mention Moscow's aggression.</p><p>In a surprise move, France, on behalf of European states, proposed three amendments which added references to Moscow's full-scale invasion, Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity, and the need for a &quot;just, lasting and comprehensive peace&quot; between Ukraine and the Russian Federation in line with the Charter of the United Nations.</p><p>Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, a strong ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin, apologized on February 25 for his country's support for a resolution reaffirming support for Ukraine and its territorial integrity, saying the vote cast was a &quot;mistake.&quot;</p><p style="text-align: start;">He told Happy Television that Serbia should have exercised restraint by abstaining from the vote, as it did with the U.S.-backed proposal.</p><p style="text-align: start;">&quot;I think Serbia made a mistake, I apologize to the citizens for that and I bear the blame for it myself,&quot; Vucic said.</p><p>In the Security Council, Russia used its veto to prevent any changes to the U.S. resolution.</p><p>Ukrainian Deputy Foreign Minister Mariana Betsa said her country is exercising its &quot;inherent right to self-defense&quot; following Russia's invasion. She told the General Assembly that the way Russian aggression is answered &quot;will define the future of Ukraine…Europe and our common future.&quot;</p><div class="wsw__embed"> <div class="media-pholder media-pholder--video "> <div class="c-sticky-container" data-poster=""> <div class="c-sticky-element" data-sp_api="pangea-video" data-persistent data-persistent-browse-out > <div class="c-mmp c-mmp--enabled c-mmp--loading c-mmp--video c-mmp--standard c-mmp--has-poster c-sticky-element__swipe-el" data-player_id="" data-title="Music And Mourning In Kharkiv Subway On War Anniversary " data-hide-title="False" data-breakpoint_s="320" data-breakpoint_m="640" data-breakpoint_l="992" data-hlsjs-src="/Scripts/responsive/hls.b" data-bypass-dash-for-vod="true" data-bypass-dash-for-live-video="true" data-bypass-dash-for-live-audio="true" id="player33326458"> <style> @media (max-width: 639.9px) { #player33326458 { aspect-ratio: 202 / 360; } } </style> <div class="c-mmp__poster js-poster 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a cost to the people in Ukraine and Russia and beyond.&quot;</p><p>&quot;What we need is a resolution marking the commitment from all UN member states to bring a durable end to the war,&quot; Shea said.</p><p>Shea called it &quot;a first step, but a crucial one,&quot; saying it &quot;puts us on the path to peace.&quot;</p> </div> <div class="pos-rel news__read-more"> <label class="news__read-more-label accordeon__control-label pos-abs" data-for="more-less-33326888" data-switcher-trigger="true"></label> <a class="btn btn--link news__read-more-btn" href="#" title="Read more"> <span class="btn__text"> Read more </span> </a> </div> <label data-for="more-less-33326888" data-switcher-trigger="true" class="switcher-trigger__label accordeon__control-label news__control-label pos-abs"></label> </div> <div class="news__share-outer"> <aside class="share news__sharing js-share--apply-sticky js-share--expandable js-share--horizontal"> <ul class="share__list"> <li class="share__item"> <a href="" 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news__item--unopenable accordeon__item sticky-btn-parent" data-switch-target="more-less-33326886" data-article-id="33326886" data-api-id="33326886" data-api-type="1"> <div class="news__item-inner pos-rel"> <div class="publishing-details "> <div class="published"> <span class="date" > <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2025-02-25T01:59:37+01:00"> February 25, 2025 </time> </span> </div> <div class="links"> <ul class="links__list"> <li class="links__item"> By <a class="links__item-link" href="/author/rfe-rl/t-upm" title="RFE/RL">RFE/RL</a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <h1 class="title pg-title"> Macron Says Russia-Ukraine Truce Could Be Weeks Away, After Talks With Trump </h1> <div class="cover-media"> <figure class="media-image js-media-expand"> <div class="img-wrap"> <div class="thumb thumb16_9"> <img src="" alt="U.S. President Donald Trump (right) meets with French President Emmanuel Macron at the White House on February 24." /> </div> </div> <figcaption> <span class="caption">U.S. President Donald Trump (right) meets with French President Emmanuel Macron at the White House on February 24.</span> </figcaption> </figure> </div> <div class="news__buttons news__buttons--main pos-abs"> <button class="btn btn--news btn--news-more pos-abs"> <span class="ico ico-chevron-down"></span> </button> <button class="btn btn--news sticky-btn btn--news-less"> <span class="ico ico-close"></span> </button> </div> <div class="wsw accordeon__target"> <p>French President Emmanuel Macron on February 24 said a truce between Ukraine and Russia could be agreed &quot;in the weeks to come&quot; but also warned that peace cannot mean the &quot;surrender&quot; of Ukraine.</p><p>Macron spoke in an interview with U.S. broadcaster Fox News following a meeting with President Donald Trump at the White House on the third anniversary of Russia's full-scale invasion.</p><p>Trump said earlier in the Oval Office that the war could end soon.</p><p>&quot;I think we could end it within weeks if we're smart. If we're not smart, it will keep going,&quot; Trump said alongside Macron after welcoming him to the White House.</p><p>Macron said he had spoken with European leaders and many of them are ready to provide security guarantees, a key demand of Ukraine in any peace deal.</p><p>Both Macron and Trump said there had been progress on the idea of sending peacekeepers to Ukraine, although Macron insisted the United States join Europe in the pledge, saying it would be critical for Washington to offer &quot;backup&quot; for any European peacekeeping force.</p><div data-owner-ct="None" data-inline="False"> <div class="media-block also-read"> <a class="img-wrap img-wrap--size-3 also-read__img" href="/a/analysis-russia-trump-rulebook-relations-ukraine/33326192.html" title="Analysis: Trump Rips Up Longstanding Rulebook Of U.S.-Russia Relations"> <span class="thumb thumb16_9"> <noscript class="nojs-img"> <img src="" alt="(illustrative image)"> </noscript> <img data-src="" alt="(illustrative image)" /> </span> </a> <div class="media-block__content also-read__body also-read__body--h"> <a href="/a/analysis-russia-trump-rulebook-relations-ukraine/33326192.html" title="Analysis: Trump Rips Up Longstanding Rulebook Of U.S.-Russia Relations"> <span class="also-read__text--label"> SEE ALSO: </span> <h4 class="media-block__title media-block__title--size-3 also-read__text p-0"> Analysis: Trump Rips Up Longstanding Rulebook Of&#160;U.S.-Russia Relations </h4> </a> </div> </div> </div><p>Trump claimed Russian President Vladimir Putin is ready to &quot;accept&quot; European troops deployed in Ukraine as guarantors of a deal to end fighting.</p><p style="text-align: start;">&quot;I have specifically asked him that question. He has no problem it,&quot; Trump said when asked by a reporter about Putin's position on the matter.</p><p style="text-align: start;">The French leader said any European forces sent to Ukraine would be there to &quot;maintain peace&quot; and would not be placed along the front lines or become part of the conflict.</p><p>Macron said he would work with British Prime Minister Keir Starmer, who is scheduled to visit the White House on February 27, on a proposal to send peacekeeping troops to Ukraine in the event of a deal.</p><p>&quot;After speaking with President Trump, I fully believe there is a path forward,&quot; Macron said.</p><p>Macron told journalists that the war had cost a lot of money and that it was the &quot;responsibility of Russia because the aggressor is Russia.&quot; The statement contrasted with Trump's comment last week in which he suggested Ukraine started the war.</p><div data-owner-ct="None" data-inline="False"> <div class="media-block also-read"> <a class="img-wrap img-wrap--size-3 also-read__img" href="/a/belarus-rapeseed-oil-ukraine-war-eu/33326485.html" title="Belarus Selling Rapeseed Oil Sourced From Occupied Ukraine To The EU, RFE/RL Finds"> <span class="thumb thumb16_9"> <noscript class="nojs-img"> <img src="" alt="(illustrative image)"> </noscript> <img data-src="" alt="(illustrative image)" /> </span> </a> <div class="media-block__content also-read__body also-read__body--h"> <a href="/a/belarus-rapeseed-oil-ukraine-war-eu/33326485.html" title="Belarus Selling Rapeseed Oil Sourced From Occupied Ukraine To The EU, RFE/RL Finds"> <span class="also-read__text--label"> SEE ALSO: </span> <h4 class="media-block__title media-block__title--size-3 also-read__text p-0"> Belarus Selling Rapeseed Oil Sourced From Occupied Ukraine To The EU, RFE/RL Finds </h4> </a> </div> </div> </div><p>Trump said he expected Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy at the White House in the next two weeks to sign a deal granting Washington access to Ukraine's rare minerals.</p><p>In response to a reporter's question, the American president declined to call Putin a dictator despite using the word to describe Zelenskyy last week.</p><p>Zelenskyy, who has said he would step down in exchange for peace with a guarantee that Ukraine could join NATO, called on February 24 for a &quot;real, lasting peace&quot; this year.</p><p>Putin on February 24 indicated a shift in his stance, saying in an interview with state television that European countries can &quot;participate&quot; in talks to resolve the conflict in Ukraine. He also said that U.S. and Russian companies were &quot;in touch&quot; on joint economic projects -- including strategic minerals in occupied Ukraine.</p><p style="text-align: start;">Trump said his team is &quot;constantly&quot; speaking with the Russians, including about potential U.S.-Russian business deals, representing a shocking change in U.S. policy.</p><p style="text-align: start;">&quot;My administration is making a decisive break with the foreign policy values of the past administration, and frankly the past,&quot; said Trump, who has demanded the United States be paid back for the billions of dollars in aid it has given Kyiv.</p><p style="text-align: start;">The Biden administration's strategy was to isolate Russia politically and economically, disengaging from communication and imposing sweeping sanctions on the country following its invasion of Ukraine.</p> </div> <div class="pos-rel news__read-more"> <label class="news__read-more-label accordeon__control-label pos-abs" 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</time> </span> </div> <div class="links"> <ul class="links__list"> <li class="links__item"> By <a class="links__item-link" href="/author/rfe-rl/t-upm" title="RFE/RL">RFE/RL</a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <h1 class="title pg-title"> Trump Says Putin Ready To Accept European Peacekeepers </h1> <div class="cover-media"> <figure class="media-image js-media-expand"> <div class="img-wrap"> <div class="thumb thumb16_9"> <img src="" alt="U.S. President Donald Trump welcomes French President Emmanuel Macron to the White House in Washington, D.C., on February 24." /> </div> </div> <figcaption> <span class="caption">U.S. President Donald Trump welcomes French President Emmanuel Macron to the White House in Washington, D.C., on February 24.</span> </figcaption> </figure> </div> <div class="news__buttons news__buttons--main pos-abs"> <button class="btn btn--news btn--news-more pos-abs"> <span class="ico ico-chevron-down"></span> </button> <button class="btn btn--news sticky-btn btn--news-less"> <span class="ico ico-close"></span> </button> </div> <div class="wsw accordeon__target"> <p>U.S. President Donald Trump said Russian President Vladimir Putin is willing to accept European peacekeepers ahead of talks with his French counterpart, Emmanuel Macron, on ways to end the war in Ukraine.</p><p>&quot;I have specifically asked him that question. He has no problem it,&quot; Trump said, when asked by a reporter about Putin's position on the matter.</p><p>Macron said European countries &quot;are ready and willing to provide&quot; Ukraine with security guarantees &quot;which could perhaps include troops.&quot;</p><p>The French leader said any European forces sent to Ukraine would be there to &quot;maintain peace&quot; and would not be placed along the front lines or become part of the conflict.</p><p>Trump said his team is “constantly” speaking with the Russians, including about potential U.S.-Russian business deals, representing a shocking change in U.S. policy. The Biden administration sought to isolate Russia politically and economically, disengaging from communication and imposing sweeping sanctions on the country, following its invasion of Ukraine.</p><p> “My administration is making a decisive break with the foreign policy values of the past administration, and frankly the past,” Trump said.</p><p>He said the two sides were close to signing a deal on Ukrainian mineral resources. </p><p>&quot;Once it is signed, Russia will go back to its business and Ukraine with Europe will go to their business. Things will be very good,&quot; Trump said after welcoming Macron to the White House.</p><p>Macron's visit to Washington comes on the third anniversary of the war sparked by Russia's full-scale invasion. He and Trump attended a virtual meeting with fellow leaders of the Group of Seven (G7) economies to discuss the war in Ukraine prior to holding one-on-one talks.</p><div data-owner-ct="None" data-inline="False"> <div class="media-block also-read"> <a class="img-wrap img-wrap--size-3 also-read__img" href="/a/33323245.html" title="Grief, Anger, And Pride As Ukraine Marks Third Anniversary Of Russia&#39;s Full-Scale Invasion "> <span class="thumb thumb16_9"> <noscript class="nojs-img"> <img src="" alt="A woman cries at the memorial to the fallen Ukrainian soldiers on Independence Square in Kyiv on February 24."> </noscript> <img data-src="" alt="A woman cries at the memorial to the fallen Ukrainian soldiers on Independence Square in Kyiv on February 24." /> </span> </a> <div class="media-block__content also-read__body also-read__body--h"> <a href="/a/33323245.html" title="Grief, Anger, And Pride As Ukraine Marks Third Anniversary Of Russia&#39;s Full-Scale Invasion "> <span class="also-read__text--label"> SEE ALSO: </span> <h4 class="media-block__title media-block__title--size-3 also-read__text p-0"> Grief, Anger, And Pride As Ukraine Marks Third Anniversary Of Russia&#39;s Full-Scale Invasion </h4> </a> </div> </div> </div><p>The trip to Washington comes on a day of high-stakes diplomacy, where Macron's visit, along with a summit in Kyiv and a showdown over diplomatic language at the United Nations over how to refer to the war have laid bare Western divisions over how to end it.</p><p>Ahead of his trip, Macron said he would present a European action plan to help achieve a durable peace deal with solid security guarantees for Ukraine.</p><p>During a press conference streamed on social media before departing for Washington, he said he would also present the case to Trump that how he handles Putin in Ukraine will either dissuade or embolden China, the United States' largest geopolitical competitor.</p><p>&quot;You can't be weak in the face of President Putin. It's not you, it's not your trademark, it's not in your interest,&quot; Macron said, outlining the argument he planned to make to the U.S. president. &quot;How can you then be credible in the face of China if you're weak in the face of Putin?&quot;</p><div data-owner-ct="None" data-inline="False"> <div class="media-block also-read"> <a class="img-wrap img-wrap--size-3 also-read__img" href="/a/russia-ukraine-war-three-years-impact-moscow-regions-repression-economy/33324247.html" title="3 Years In: How Moscow&#39;s War In Ukraine Has Reshaped Life In Russia"> <span class="thumb thumb16_9"> <noscript class="nojs-img"> <img src="" alt="A mobilized Russian soldier in the Tyumen region says goodbye to his loved ones as he departs for the war in Ukraine. (file photo)"> </noscript> <img data-src="" alt="A mobilized Russian soldier in the Tyumen region says goodbye to his loved ones as he departs for the war in Ukraine. (file photo)" /> </span> </a> <div class="media-block__content also-read__body also-read__body--h"> <a href="/a/russia-ukraine-war-three-years-impact-moscow-regions-repression-economy/33324247.html" title="3 Years In: How Moscow&#39;s War In Ukraine Has Reshaped Life In Russia"> <span class="also-read__text--label"> SEE ALSO: </span> <h4 class="media-block__title media-block__title--size-3 also-read__text p-0"> 3 Years In: How Moscow&#39;s War In Ukraine Has Reshaped Life In Russia </h4> </a> </div> </div> </div><p>Addressing G7 leaders virtually, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said he hoped to finish the war &quot;this year&quot; as he appealed to Trump for continued U.S. support and argued for allowing Ukraine to join NATO, which the Trump administration opposes.</p><p>“If Ukraine remains outside NATO, it will be a much more expensive and complicated path for everyone because NATO provides the simplest and most cost-effective security guarantees,&quot; the Ukrainian president said.</p><p>Zelenskyy added that Kyiv is working &quot;productively&quot; on an economic deal with Washington amid <a class="wsw__a" href="" target="_blank"><strong>ongoing tense talks</strong></a> on access to Ukrainian mineral resources in exchange for continued aid.</p><p>Trump has roiled America's traditional allies in Europe with his readiness to restart diplomatic ties with Putin and negotiate an end to the war in Ukraine, raising concerns that Europe -- and even Kyiv itself -- will be sidelined in the process.</p><p>Macron's trip comes after Zelenskyy met with at least 13 foreign officials in Kyiv on February 24 -- with another two dozen or more joining online -- to discuss support for Ukraine in the face of questions over U.S. assistance.</p><p>Those concerns -- which have expanded since U.S.-Russia talks in Saudi Arabia last week -- were borne out in comments from European governments at a summit in Kyiv where leaders looked to reaffirm their support for Ukraine.</p><div data-owner-ct="None" data-inline="False"> <div class="media-block also-read"> <a class="img-wrap img-wrap--size-3 also-read__img" href="/a/us-russia-saudi-ukraine-peace-talks-riyadh-rubio-lavrov/33319124.html" title="What We Learned From High-Stakes U.S.-Russia Talks In Saudi Arabia"> <span class="thumb thumb16_9"> <noscript class="nojs-img"> <img src="" alt="U.S. Secretary of State Marco Rubio (right), Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov (left), and Russian President Vladimir Putin&#39;s foreign policy adviser Yury Ushakov attend talks in Riyadh on February 18. "> </noscript> <img data-src="" alt="U.S. Secretary of State Marco Rubio (right), Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov (left), and Russian President Vladimir Putin&#39;s foreign policy adviser Yury Ushakov attend talks in Riyadh on February 18. " /> </span> </a> <div class="media-block__content also-read__body also-read__body--h"> <a href="/a/us-russia-saudi-ukraine-peace-talks-riyadh-rubio-lavrov/33319124.html" title="What We Learned From High-Stakes U.S.-Russia Talks In Saudi Arabia"> <span class="also-read__text--label"> SEE ALSO: </span> <h4 class="media-block__title media-block__title--size-3 also-read__text p-0"> What We Learned From High-Stakes U.S.-Russia Talks In Saudi Arabia </h4> </a> </div> </div> </div><p>&quot;It is Russia that started this war,&quot; German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier said via video link. &quot;Russia may have gained an open ear in the White House but they have not gained an inch of legitimacy.&quot;</p><p>During the summit in Kyiv, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen vowed to &quot;speed up the delivery of weapons and ammunition&quot; to Ukraine and announced 3.5 billion euros in new aid. Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez also promised 1 billion euros in new military support and equipment, while Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Ottawa would contribute new military support and donate frozen Russian funds to Kyiv.<br /><br />The European Union also announced a new sanctions package against Russia and von der Leyen said Ukraine could join the bloc before 2030 if the country continues its reforms at their current speed and quality.</p><div data-owner-ct="None" data-inline="False"> <div class="media-block also-read"> <a class="img-wrap img-wrap--size-3 also-read__img" href="/a/merz-germany-trump-nato-ukraine-russia-election/33325458.html" title="Germany&#39;s Merz &#39;Hopeful&#39; On U.S. Ties Despite Recent Trump Moves"> <span class="thumb thumb16_9"> <noscript class="nojs-img"> <img src="" alt="Friedrich Merz, leader of Germany&#39;s conservative Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and his party&#39;s main candidate for chancellor, addresses supporters on February 23."> </noscript> <img data-src="" alt="Friedrich Merz, leader of Germany&#39;s conservative Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and his party&#39;s main candidate for chancellor, addresses supporters on February 23." /> </span> </a> <div class="media-block__content also-read__body also-read__body--h"> <a href="/a/merz-germany-trump-nato-ukraine-russia-election/33325458.html" title="Germany&#39;s Merz &#39;Hopeful&#39; On U.S. Ties Despite Recent Trump Moves"> <span class="also-read__text--label"> SEE ALSO: </span> <h4 class="media-block__title media-block__title--size-3 also-read__text p-0"> Germany&#39;s Merz &#39;Hopeful&#39; On U.S. Ties Despite Recent Trump Moves </h4> </a> </div> </div> </div><p>&quot;President Trump has changed the global conversation over the last few weeks, and it has created an opportunity,&quot; British Prime Minister Keir Starmer told world leaders over video connection. &quot;If we want peace to endure, Ukraine must have a seat at the table, and any settlement must be based on a sovereign Ukraine backed up with strong security guarantees.&quot;</p><div data-owner-ct="None" data-inline="False"> <div class="media-block also-read"> <a class="img-wrap img-wrap--size-3 also-read__img" href="/a/33320765.html" title="Can The U.S. And Russia Impose A Peace Deal On Ukraine?"> <span class="thumb thumb16_9"> <noscript class="nojs-img"> <img src="" alt="Russian President Vladimir Putin (left) and U.S. President Donald Trump walk together during a G20 leaders summit in Japan in 2019. "> </noscript> <img data-src="" alt="Russian President Vladimir Putin (left) and U.S. President Donald Trump walk together during a G20 leaders summit in Japan in 2019. " /> </span> </a> <div class="media-block__content also-read__body also-read__body--h"> <a href="/a/33320765.html" title="Can The U.S. And Russia Impose A Peace Deal On Ukraine?"> <span class="also-read__text--label"> SEE ALSO: </span> <h4 class="media-block__title media-block__title--size-3 also-read__text p-0"> Can The U.S. And Russia Impose A Peace Deal On Ukraine? </h4> </a> </div> </div> </div><p style="text-align: start;">The prospect of a normalization of ties between Russia and the United States, Trump's stated desire to quickly end the war, and a public war of words between the U.S. president and Zelenskyy have worried European leaders and launched a wave of outreach to Washington.</p><p style="text-align: start;">&quot;If you look at the messages that come from the U.S., then it's clear that the Russian narrative is there, very strongly represented,&quot; Kaja Kallas, the EU's top diplomat, told reporters in Brussels. She is scheduled to travel to Washington on February 25 and meet with U.S. Secretary of State Marco Rubio.</p><p style="text-align: start;">Kallas will follow Macron in visiting Washington, and Starmer is also set to meet with Trump on February 27 at the White House.</p><p style="text-align: start;">Polish President Andrzej Duda <a class="wsw__a" href="" target="_blank"><strong>also met</strong></a> with Trump over the weekend.</p><div data-owner-ct="None" data-inline="False"> <div class="media-block also-read"> <a class="img-wrap img-wrap--size-3 also-read__img" href="/a/russia-ukraine-war-wounded-database-hospital/33323265.html" title="Exclusive: Russian Defector Leaks Files Revealing Shocking Scale of War Casualties"> <span class="thumb thumb16_9"> <noscript class="nojs-img"> <img src="" alt="Official Western estimates of Russia&#39;s wounded during its three-year, all-out invasion of Ukraine exceed 600,000. "> </noscript> <img data-src="" alt="Official Western estimates of Russia&#39;s wounded during its three-year, all-out invasion of Ukraine exceed 600,000. " /> </span> </a> <div class="media-block__content also-read__body also-read__body--h"> <a href="/a/russia-ukraine-war-wounded-database-hospital/33323265.html" title="Exclusive: Russian Defector Leaks Files Revealing Shocking Scale of War Casualties"> <span class="also-read__text--label"> SEE ALSO: </span> <h4 class="media-block__title media-block__title--size-3 also-read__text p-0"> Exclusive: Russian Defector Leaks Files Revealing Shocking Scale of War Casualties </h4> </a> </div> </div> </div><p style="text-align: start;">During a trip to Turkey on the war's anniversary, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Moscow remains open to negotiations but its military campaign will only stop if the outcome is satisfactory to Russia.</p><p style="text-align: start;">Lavrov added he believes many countries have become more &quot;realistic&quot; in their position around the war and that the recent meeting in Saudi Arabia raised hopes of having normal dialogue between Moscow and Washington.</p><p style="text-align: start;">Alongside Lavrov, Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan said Turkey -- a NATO member that has previously helped broker agreements between Moscow and Kyiv -- was ready to host future peace talks on ending the war in Ukraine.</p><p style="text-align: start;">In addition to unfolding Western divisions at the G7, a diplomatic battle over Ukraine took place at the United Nations in New York City, where the United States proposed a draft resolution that uses less critical language of Russia's full-scale invasion than a draft resolution put forward by the EU and Ukraine.</p><p style="text-align: start;">The United States abstained during a vote at 193-member UN General Assembly on February 24, allowing the body to reaffirm Ukraine's territorial integrity and adopt a strongly worded resolution condemning Russia's invasion.</p><p style="text-align: start;">But Washington also joined Russia in voting against a UN resolution proposed by Ukraine and European countries that refers to &quot;the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation&quot; and demands that Russia immediately withdraw its forces.</p><p style="text-align: start;">The U.S. then abstained from voting on its own resolution after three amendments proposed by France passed. One of the amendments added that the conflict was the result of a “full-scale invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation.&quot; Another reaffirmed the assembly’s commitment to Ukraine’s sovereignty, independence, unity, and territorial integrity, and the third called for peace that respects the UN Charter.</p><p style="text-align: start;">All the amendments were approved and the resolution passed 93-8 with 73 abstentions. Ukraine voted yes, the U.S. abstained, and Russia voted no.<br /><br />The UN Security Council later approved the original U.S.-sponsored resolution. The vote in the 15-member council was 10-0 with five countries abstaining. In order to be adopted, a council resolution needs at least nine votes in favor and no vetoes by permanent members Britain, China, France, Russia, and the United States.</p><p style="text-align: start;">In contrast, the General Assembly has no vetoes and despite being a closely watched way to gauge world opinion, its resolutions are legally nonbinding unlike those adopted by the Security Council.</p><div class="clear"></div> <div class="wsw__embed"> <div class="infgraphicsAttach"> <a class="flexible-iframe" data-height="300" data-iframe="true" data-layout="1" data-size="ArticleLarge" data-width="large" href="/a/33323316.html?layout=1">Ukraine war anniversary interstitial</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="pos-rel news__read-more"> <label class="news__read-more-label accordeon__control-label pos-abs" data-for="more-less-33325758" data-switcher-trigger="true"></label> <a class="btn btn--link news__read-more-btn" href="#" title="Read more"> <span class="btn__text"> Read more </span> 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Germany&#39;s Merz &#39;Hopeful&#39; On U.S. Ties Despite Recent Trump Moves </h1> <div class="cover-media"> <figure class="media-image js-media-expand"> <div class="img-wrap"> <div class="thumb thumb16_9"> <img src="" alt="Friedrich Merz, leader of Germany&#39;s conservative Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and his party&#39;s main candidate for chancellor, addresses supporters on February 23." /> </div> </div> <figcaption> <span class="caption">Friedrich Merz, leader of Germany&#39;s conservative Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and his party&#39;s main candidate for chancellor, addresses supporters on February 23.</span> </figcaption> </figure> </div> <div class="news__buttons news__buttons--main pos-abs"> <button class="btn btn--news btn--news-more pos-abs"> <span class="ico ico-chevron-down"></span> </button> <button class="btn btn--news sticky-btn btn--news-less"> <span class="ico ico-close"></span> </button> </div> <div class="wsw accordeon__target"> <p>Friedrich Merz, the presumptive next German chancellor and a longtime supporter of transatlantic ties, said he now seeks security &quot;independence&quot; from the United States and expressed doubts about the future of NATO, the alliance that has underpinned Western defense interests since World War II.</p><p>The 69-year-old, who faces tough coalition talks after his party's <a class="wsw__a" href="" target="_blank"><strong>first-place finish</strong></a> in Germany's parliamentary elections over the weekend, said on February 24 that the country can't afford political paralysis at a time when Washington's foreign policy is shifting and the German economy is slumping.</p><p>&quot;For me, the absolute priority will be to strengthen Europe as quickly as possible so that, step by step, we can really achieve independence from the USA&quot; in defense matters, <a class="wsw__a" href="" target="_blank"><strong>Merz</strong></a><strong> </strong>said.</p><div data-owner-ct="None" data-inline="False"> <div class="media-block also-read"> <a class="img-wrap img-wrap--size-3 also-read__img" href="/a/33325069.html" title="German Election Results Match Poll Predictions, Handing Victory To CDU/CSU "> <span class="thumb thumb16_9"> <noscript class="nojs-img"> <img src="" alt="German Christian Democrat leader Friedrich Merz"> </noscript> <img data-src="" alt="German Christian Democrat leader Friedrich Merz" /> </span> </a> <div class="media-block__content also-read__body also-read__body--h"> <a href="/a/33325069.html" title="German Election Results Match Poll Predictions, Handing Victory To CDU/CSU "> <span class="also-read__text--label"> SEE ALSO: </span> <h4 class="media-block__title media-block__title--size-3 also-read__text p-0"> German Election Results Match Poll Predictions, Handing Victory To CDU/CSU&#160; </h4> </a> </div> </div> </div><p>Merz, leader of the center-right CDU/CSU alliance, said he had &quot;no illusions at all about what is coming out of America.&quot;</p><p>&quot;After <a class="wsw__a" href="" target="_blank"><strong>Donald Trump's statements</strong></a> in the last week, it is clear that the Americans are largely indifferent to the fate of Europe,&quot; he said in a televised postelection discussion with other party leaders, a traditional event following German elections.</p><p>&quot;I'm very curious to see how we head toward the NATO summit at the end of June -- whether we will still be talking about NATO in its current form or whether we will have to establish an independent European defense capability much more quickly,&quot; Merz added.</p><p>In one of Germany's most important elections in the post-World War II era, the CDU/CSU finished on top with 28.5 percent of the vote, according to official figures, which isn't enough to form a government alone.</p><p>However, in what likely caused a major sigh of relief in many EU capitals as well as inside Germany, the results will likely allow mainstream parties to keep the far-right AfD party out of government.</p><p>Coalition partner candidates are the center-left SPD of Chancellor Olaf Scholz, which lost nearly 10 percentage points compared with four years ago, receiving 16.4 percent, and the Greens, who finished fourth with 11.6 percent. AfD was second with 20.8 percent.</p><div class="clear"></div> <div class="wsw__embed"> <div class="infgraphicsAttach" > <script type="text/javascript"> initInfographics( { groups:[], params:[{"Name":"q","Value":"{\"url\":\"\",\"title\":\"German Election Results\",\"id\":\"datawrapper-chart-fl66U\",\"aria\":\"Column Chart\"}","DefaultValue":"","HtmlEncode":false,"Type":"HTML"}], isMobile:true }); </script> <script> (function (d) { var thisScriptElement = d.currentScript; var containerElement = d.createElement('div'); containerElement.classList.add('DatawrapperSnippet'); thisScriptElement.parentNode.insertBefore(containerElement, thisScriptElement.nextSibling); var data = JSON.parse(Infographics.Param.q); var render = function () { var iframe = d.createElement("IFRAME"); iframe.src = data.url; iframe.scrolling="no" iframe.frameborder=0"width: 0; min-width: 100% !important; border: none;" iframe.height=400 // add iframe into container element containerElement.appendChild(iframe); var scriptE = d.createElement("script"); scriptE.type = 'text/javascript'; scriptE.innerHTML = `window.addEventListener("message", (function(e) { if (void 0 !==["datawrapper-height"]) { var t = document.querySelectorAll("iframe"); for (var a in["datawrapper-height"]) { for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++) { if (t[r].contentWindow === e.source) { t[r].style.height =["datawrapper-height"][a] + "px" } } } } }));`; containerElement.appendChild(scriptE); }; // asynchronously call render function if (d.readyState === "uninitialized" || d.readyState === "loading"){ window.addEventListener("load", render); } else { render(); } })(document); </script> </div> </div><p>Scholz will likely remain in place as a caretaker chancellor until a new government is formed.</p><p>Despite the recent tensions within the transatlantic alliance, Trump hailed the results, posting on his social media platform that the conservatives' victory was &quot;a great day for Germany.&quot;</p><p>&quot;Much like the USA, the people of Germany got tired of the no common sense agenda, especially on energy and immigration,&quot; Trump wrote.</p><p>Left-leaning <a class="wsw__a" href="" target="_blank"><strong>British</strong></a> Prime Minister Keir Starmer and centrist French President Emmanuel Macron, both key NATO allies, congratulated Merz on his party's victory and also underlined the need for enhanced European security efforts.</p><p>&quot;I look forward to working with the new government to deepen our already strong relationship, enhance our joint security, and deliver growth for both our countries,&quot; Starmer posted on X.</p><p>Macron, who is due to meet Trump in Washington on February 24, said, &quot;We are more determined than ever to achieve great things together for France and for Germany and to work for a strong and sovereign Europe.&quot;</p><p>&quot;In this period of uncertainty, we are united to face the great challenges of the world and of our continent.&quot;</p><p><a class="wsw__a" href="" target="_blank"><strong>Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy</strong></a> also congratulated Merz, writing on social media that &quot;Europe must be able to defend itself, develop its industries, and achieve the necessary results.&quot;</p><p>&quot;Europe needs shared successes, and those success will bring even greater unity to Europe,&quot; <a class="wsw__a" href="" target="_blank"><strong>he wrote</strong></a><strong>.</strong></p><div data-owner-ct="None" data-inline="False"> <div class="media-block also-read"> <a class="img-wrap img-wrap--size-3 also-read__img" href="/a/ukraine-russia-crisis-crosshairs-live-briefing/31668477.html" title="Ukraine Live Briefing: Kyiv Close To Signing U.S. Minerals Deal"> <span class="thumb thumb16_9"> <noscript class="nojs-img"> <img src="" alt="People rally in Kyiv to support Ukraine to mark three years since Russia&#39;s full-scale invasion of Ukraine on February 24."> </noscript> <img data-src="" alt="People rally in Kyiv to support Ukraine to mark three years since Russia&#39;s full-scale invasion of Ukraine on February 24." /> </span> </a> <div class="media-block__content also-read__body also-read__body--h"> <a href="/a/ukraine-russia-crisis-crosshairs-live-briefing/31668477.html" title="Ukraine Live Briefing: Kyiv Close To Signing U.S. Minerals Deal"> <span class="also-read__text--label"> SEE ALSO: </span> <h4 class="media-block__title media-block__title--size-3 also-read__text p-0"> Ukraine Live Briefing: Kyiv Close To Signing U.S. Minerals Deal </h4> </a> </div> </div> </div><p>Zelenskyy on February 23 also said<strong> </strong><a class="wsw__a" href="" target="_blank"><strong>he was ready</strong></a> to give up his position as president to bring peace, saying it could be in exchange for his country joining NATO.</p><p>&quot;If there is peace for Ukraine, if you really need me to leave my post, I am ready.... I can exchange it for NATO,&quot; Zelenskyy told a news conference in Kyiv, adding he would depart &quot;immediately&quot; if necessary.</p><p>Following recent speculation about sending peacekeeping troops to Ukraine following a truce deal, Merz said it was too early to discuss such efforts.</p><p>&quot;I see it the same way as the chancellor [Scholz]. This is not <a class="wsw__a" href="" target="_blank"><strong>a question at all at the moment</strong></a>,&quot; said Merz, who has regularly backed continued aid for Kyiv.</p><p>Scholz on February 18 said discussions over sending peacekeepers were &quot;completely premature&quot; and &quot;highly inappropriate&quot; while the war is ongoing.</p><p>Trump has roiled America's traditional allies in Europe with his readiness to restart diplomatic ties with Russian President Vladimir Putin and negotiate an end to the war in Ukraine, raising concerns that Europe -- or even Kyiv itself -- will be sidelined in the process.</p><p>Trump has also long complained that European nations are not paying enough for their own defense and has often questioned the long-term viability of NATO itself.</p><p>Against the backdrop of Russia's war against Ukraine, Merz will also have to balance relations between Berlin and Moscow amid an environment of shifting geopolitical winds brought about by the new administration in the White House.</p><p>&quot;Each time [there's a new government] we want to hope for a more sober approach to reality, for a more sober approach to what could be issues of mutual interest [between Russia and Germany], mutual benefits,&quot; Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said in Moscow on February 24.</p><p>&quot;But let's see how it will be in reality.&quot;</p><p>In his postelection remarks, Merz said, &quot;The interventions from Washington were no less dramatic and drastic and ultimately outrageous than the interventions we have seen from Moscow,&quot; referring to Trump ally Elon Musk’s remarks ahead of the vote in favor of the far-right AfD.</p><p>&quot;We are under so much pressure from two sides that my absolute priority now really is to create unity in Europe,&quot; Merz added.</p><h6 class="wsw__h6">With reporting by Reuters and dpa</h6> </div> <div class="pos-rel news__read-more"> <label class="news__read-more-label accordeon__control-label pos-abs" data-for="more-less-33325458" data-switcher-trigger="true"></label> <a class="btn btn--link news__read-more-btn" href="#" title="Read more"> <span class="btn__text"> Read more </span> </a> </div> <label data-for="more-less-33325458" data-switcher-trigger="true" class="switcher-trigger__label accordeon__control-label news__control-label pos-abs"></label> </div> <div class="news__share-outer"> <aside class="share news__sharing js-share--apply-sticky js-share--expandable js-share--horizontal"> <ul class="share__list"> <li class="share__item"> <a href="" data-analytics-text="share_on_facebook" title="Share on Facebook" target="_blank" class="btn btn--rounded btn-facebook js-social-btn"> <span class="ico ico--rounded ico-facebook ico--s"></span> </a> </li> <li class="share__item"> <a href=";text=Germany%27s+Merz+%27Hopeful%27+On+U.S.+Ties+Despite+Recent+Trump+Moves" data-analytics-text="share_on_twitter" title="Share on Twitter" target="_blank" class="btn btn--rounded btn-twitter js-social-btn"> <span class="ico ico--rounded ico-twitter ico--s"></span> </a> </li> <li class="share__item"> <a href="" data-analytics-text="share_on_vkontakte" title="Share on В Контакте" target="_blank" class="btn btn--rounded btn-vkontakte js-social-btn"> <span class="ico ico--rounded ico-vkontakte ico--s"></span> </a> </li> <li class="share__item"> <a href="mailto:?;subject=Germany&#39;s Merz &#39;Hopeful&#39; 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</h1> <div class="cover-media"> <figure class="media-image js-media-expand"> <div class="img-wrap"> <div class="thumb thumb16_9"> <img src="" alt="German Christian Democrat leader Friedrich Merz" /> </div> </div> <figcaption> <span class="caption">German Christian Democrat leader Friedrich Merz</span> </figcaption> </figure> </div> <div class="news__buttons news__buttons--main pos-abs"> <button class="btn btn--news btn--news-more pos-abs"> <span class="ico ico-chevron-down"></span> </button> <button class="btn btn--news sticky-btn btn--news-less"> <span class="ico ico-close"></span> </button> </div> <div class="wsw accordeon__target"> <p style="text-align: start;">PRAGUE -- The headlines indicate that the far-right <a class="wsw__a" href="" target="_blank"><strong>AfD party</strong></a><strong> </strong>had its best-ever result in the German parliamentary elections, finishing second with some 20 percent of the vote, nearly doubling the result they got four years ago.</p><p style="text-align: start;">But there will be a sigh of relief in many EU capitals, governed by centrists, as well as inside Germany itself, that the vote results matched what polls had long predicted.</p><p style="text-align: start;">Despite vocal endorsements from the world’s richest man, Elon Musk, as well as far-right populist leaders, from both the United States and Europe, the AfD came in a distant second behind the establishment center-right CDU/CSU party.</p><div class="content-floated overlap-md" data-owner-ct="None" data-inline="False"> <div class="media-block also-read also-read--aside"> <a class="img-wrap img-wrap--size-3 also-read__img also-read__img--aside" href="/a/33325032.html" title="Exit Polls: Christian Democrats Win German Elections, AfD Doubles Vote "> <span class="thumb thumb16_9"> <noscript class="nojs-img"> <img src="" alt="Christian Democrat leader Friedrich Merz"> </noscript> <img data-src="" alt="Christian Democrat leader Friedrich Merz" /> </span> </a> <div class="media-block__content also-read__body also-read__body--aside also-read__body--aside-h"> <a href="/a/33325032.html" title="Exit Polls: Christian Democrats Win German Elections, AfD Doubles Vote "> <span class="also-read__text--label"> SEE ALSO: </span> <h4 class="media-block__title media-block__title--size-3 also-read__text p-0"> Exit Polls: Christian Democrats Win German Elections, AfD Doubles Vote </h4> </a> </div> </div> </div><p style="text-align: start;">The CDU/CSU finished top with 28.5 percent of the vote and Merz has indicated that he would prefer to have just one coalition partner, avoiding the unwieldy three-party set-up of the previous German government that was marred by infighting, which eventually led to snap elections.</p><p style="text-align: start;">As long predicted, it will be up to Friedrich Merz, leader of the CDU, to try to piece together a government.</p><p style="text-align: start;">And the only thing that is more or less sure is that the AfD -- which received 20.8 percent -- won’t be part of those talks, shunned as they are by the other major political parties in Germany.</p><p style="text-align: start;">The question is if Merz will get his way. The numbers indicate he might have to take in at least two parties to get a parliamentary majority, although seat allocations could differ slightly from the overall vote total. </p><p style="text-align: start;">The two prime candidates are the center-left SPD, led by current Chancellor Olaf Scholz, which lost nearly 10 percentage points compared to four years ago, getting just 16.4 percent and the Greens, who finished fourth with 11.6 percent.</p><p style="text-align: start;">However, some initial seat estimates indicate the CDU/CSU and the SPD together could manage a slight majority by the two groups and form a so-called &quot;grand coalition.&quot;</p><p style="text-align: start;">Before the election, Merz said he wanted to have a new government in place by Easter, April 20.</p><p style="text-align: start;">Following the vote, he said that “we have nearly eight weeks until Easter now and I think that should be enough time — the maximum time — to form a government in Germany.”</p><p style="text-align: start;">The key thing to look out for is if the liberal FDP and Sahra Wagenknecht and her far-left BSW party clear the required 5 percent threshold to enter parliament. If both parties manage that, Merz will likely be forced to look for more than one coalition partner.</p><p style="text-align: start;">The big issue is now how long it will take to form a new government with Merz indicating that he wants it all done and dusted by the latter half of April, at the very latest.</p><p style="text-align: start;">The faster he manages, the better, given that there is a bulging in-tray waiting for the government. The German economy has endured two consecutive years of recession and many voters will expect immigration rules to be tightened, with several deadly attacks by immigrants linked to radical Islam capturing the headlines in recent months.</p><p style="text-align: start;">But the biggest immediate challenge will be how to deal with the new U.S. administration in and making sure that Europe has a say in any potential deal made between the United States and Russia over Ukraine. Merz does share certain traits with U.S. President Donald Trump: they both cut their teeth in business and are keen golfers for example, but <a class="wsw__a" href="" target="_blank"><strong>will that be enough?</strong></a></p><div data-owner-ct="None" data-inline="False"> <div class="media-block also-read"> <a class="img-wrap img-wrap--size-3 also-read__img" href="/a/33322005.html" title="A Ukrainian Woman Walks The Corridors Of Power In Berlin "> <span class="thumb thumb16_9"> <noscript class="nojs-img"> <img src="" alt=""> </noscript> <img data-src="" alt="" /> </span> </a> <div class="media-block__content also-read__body also-read__body--h"> <a href="/a/33322005.html" title="A Ukrainian Woman Walks The Corridors Of Power In Berlin "> <span class="also-read__text--label"> SEE ALSO: </span> <h4 class="media-block__title media-block__title--size-3 also-read__text p-0"> A Ukrainian Woman Walks The Corridors Of Power In Berlin </h4> </a> </div> </div> </div><p style="text-align: start;">Following the release of exit polls, Trump hailed the results, posting on his social media platform that the conservatives' victory was &quot;great day for Germany.&quot;</p><p style="text-align: start;">&quot;&quot;Much like the USA, the people of Germany got tired of the no common sense agenda, especially on energy and immigration,&quot; Trump wrote.</p><p style="text-align: start;">A likely, impending transatlantic trade war will hit the export-oriented German economy hard, with Trump saying he will soon impose steep tariffs on German cars and most German political parties, including CDU/CSU, are adamant that they want to continue to <a class="wsw__a" href="" target="_blank"><strong>support Ukraine</strong></a> both economically and politically.</p><p style="text-align: start;">Many challenges will face the new German chancellor. And Europe will be looking to Germany to take the lead on many issues. For example, other European countries will be looking to Germany to see if it is willing to <a class="wsw__a" href="" target="_blank"><strong>send troops</strong></a> to oversee a potential cease-fire in Ukraine. And they will also be looking to see whether Germany is willing to drop its traditional opposition to borrowing, so that EU bonds can be issued by the union as a whole, in order to allow the continent to quickly increase its defense spending.</p><p style="text-align: start;">Following the election, Merz said it was too early to discuss the potential deployment of peacekeeping troops to Ukraine.</p><p style="text-align: start;">&quot;I see it the same way as the chancellor (Scholz). This is not a question at all at the moment,&quot; said.</p><p style="text-align: start;">Scholz on February 18 <a class="wsw__a" href="" target="_blank"><strong>said discussions</strong></a> over sending peacekeepers were &quot;completely premature&quot; and &quot;highly inappropriate&quot; while the war is ongoing.</p><p style="text-align: start;">Merz also expressed concerns about the future of the transatlantic alliance in the face of consistent remarks by Trump over the viability of NATO -- &quot;or if we need to develop independent European defense capabilities much faster.&quot;</p><p style="text-align: start;">&quot;That is my absolute priority, and I have absolutely no illusions about what is happening in America,&quot; said Merz, who has long favored strong U.S. ties.</p><p style="text-align: start;">Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy congratulated Merz on his party's victory, writing on social media that &quot;a clear voice from the voters, and we see how important this is for Europe.&quot;</p><p style="text-align: start;">&quot;Europe must be able to defend itself, develop its industries, and achieve the necessary results. Europe needs shared successes, and those success will bring even greater unity to Europe,&quot; <a class="wsw__a" href="" target="_blank"><strong>he wrote.</strong></a></p><p style="text-align: start;"><strong>With reporting by</strong></p> </div> <div class="pos-rel news__read-more"> <label class="news__read-more-label accordeon__control-label pos-abs" data-for="more-less-33325069" data-switcher-trigger="true"></label> <a class="btn btn--link news__read-more-btn" href="#" title="Read more"> <span class="btn__text"> Read more </span> </a> </div> <label data-for="more-less-33325069" data-switcher-trigger="true" class="switcher-trigger__label accordeon__control-label news__control-label pos-abs"></label> </div> <div class="news__share-outer"> <aside class="share news__sharing js-share--apply-sticky js-share--expandable js-share--horizontal"> <ul class="share__list"> <li class="share__item"> <a href="" data-analytics-text="share_on_facebook" title="Share on Facebook" target="_blank" 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news__item--unopenable accordeon__item sticky-btn-parent" data-switch-target="more-less-33324896" data-article-id="33324896" data-api-id="33324896" data-api-type="1"> <div class="news__item-inner pos-rel"> <div class="publishing-details "> <div class="published"> <span class="date" > <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2025-02-23T13:17:07+01:00"> February 23, 2025 </time> </span> </div> <div class="links"> <ul class="links__list"> <li class="links__item"> By <a class="links__item-link" href="/author/rfe-rls-ukrainian-service/guv_qt" title="RFE/RL&#39;s Ukrainian Service">RFE/RL&#39;s Ukrainian Service</a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <h1 class="title pg-title"> Polish President Duda Meets With Trump, Discusses Ukraine, Security Cooperation </h1> <div class="cover-media"> <figure class="media-image js-media-expand"> <div class="img-wrap"> <div class="thumb thumb16_9"> <img src="" alt="Polish President Andrzej Duda waves at the CPAC 2025 event in Washington on February 22." /> </div> </div> <figcaption> <span class="caption">Polish President Andrzej Duda waves at the CPAC 2025 event in Washington on February 22.</span> </figcaption> </figure> </div> <div class="news__buttons news__buttons--main pos-abs"> <button class="btn btn--news btn--news-more pos-abs"> <span class="ico ico-chevron-down"></span> </button> <button class="btn btn--news sticky-btn btn--news-less"> <span class="ico ico-close"></span> </button> </div> <div class="wsw accordeon__target"> <p>Polish President Andrzej Duda<strong> </strong><a class="wsw__a" href="" target="_blank"><strong>held</strong></a><strong> </strong>a private discussion with U.S. President Donald Trump during which they addressed several key topics, including the ongoing war in Ukraine.</p><p>According to the Polish <a class="wsw__a" href="" target="_blank"><strong>president’s office</strong></a>, Duda and Trump met on February 22 in Washington to discuss Polish-American relations, security cooperation, and the U.S. military and economic presence in Poland.</p><p>Regarding Ukraine, Duda stated that Trump shared his concise plan for resolving the conflict, emphasizing the need for negotiations as the only viable path to ending the war.</p><p>&quot;I had a private conversation with President Donald Trump, during which he briefly outlined his plan. He said negotiations are necessary, as that is the only way to end the war,&quot; Duda's office reported.</p><div data-owner-ct="None" data-inline="False"> <div class="media-block also-read"> <a class="img-wrap img-wrap--size-3 also-read__img" href="/a/trump-ukraine--russia-zelenskiy-zelenskyy-minerals/33324313.html" title="Talks &#39;Making Progress&#39; As U.S. Sets Sights On Ukrainian Minerals "> <span class="thumb thumb16_9"> <noscript class="nojs-img"> <img src="" alt="U.S. President Donald Trump at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) near Washington, D.C. on February 22."> </noscript> <img data-src="" alt="U.S. President Donald Trump at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) near Washington, D.C. on February 22." /> </span> </a> <div class="media-block__content also-read__body also-read__body--h"> <a href="/a/trump-ukraine--russia-zelenskiy-zelenskyy-minerals/33324313.html" title="Talks &#39;Making Progress&#39; As U.S. Sets Sights On Ukrainian Minerals "> <span class="also-read__text--label"> SEE ALSO: </span> <h4 class="media-block__title media-block__title--size-3 also-read__text p-0"> Talks &#39;Making Progress&#39; As U.S. Sets Sights On Ukrainian Minerals </h4> </a> </div> </div> </div><p>The meeting comes against increasing tension between Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, who recently exchanged sharp criticism. Trump called Zelenskyy a &quot;dictator&quot; and suggested Ukraine bears responsibility for starting the war with Russia -- remarks that sparked concern in Kyiv, European capitals, and among some high-ranking Republican lawmakers in the United States.</p><p>Speaking to journalists, Duda emphasized Trump's interest in strengthening Ukraine, including through economic ties. He noted that the U.S. economic presence in Ukraine could serve as a form of security guarantee, ensuring Ukraine remains stable and protected.</p><p>Duda's visit to the United States followed a conversation with Zelenskyy on February 21. The Polish leader described the talk as &quot;frank&quot; and urged Zelenskyy to maintain a calm and constructive approach to relations with Trump amid recent diplomatic tensions.</p><div data-owner-ct="None" data-inline="False"> <div class="media-block also-read"> <a class="img-wrap img-wrap--size-3 also-read__img" href="/a/russia-ukraine-war-three-years-impact-moscow-regions-repression-economy/33324247.html" title="3 Years In: How Moscow&#39;s War In Ukraine Has Reshaped Life In Russia"> <span class="thumb thumb16_9"> <noscript class="nojs-img"> <img src="" alt="A mobilized Russian soldier in the Tyumen region says goodbye to his loved ones as he departs for the war in Ukraine. (file photo)"> </noscript> <img data-src="" alt="A mobilized Russian soldier in the Tyumen region says goodbye to his loved ones as he departs for the war in Ukraine. (file photo)" /> </span> </a> <div class="media-block__content also-read__body also-read__body--h"> <a href="/a/russia-ukraine-war-three-years-impact-moscow-regions-repression-economy/33324247.html" title="3 Years In: How Moscow&#39;s War In Ukraine Has Reshaped Life In Russia"> <span class="also-read__text--label"> SEE ALSO: </span> <h4 class="media-block__title media-block__title--size-3 also-read__text p-0"> 3 Years In: How Moscow&#39;s War In Ukraine Has Reshaped Life In Russia </h4> </a> </div> </div> </div><p>Zelenskyy previously said Trump had been influenced by Russian disinformation and allowed the United States to help Russia escape years of international isolation by engaging in high-level diplomatic talks in Riyadh on February 18.</p><p>As Ukraine continues to defend itself against Russia's military aggression, the diplomatic landscape is becoming increasingly complex. Trump's statements and shifting U.S. policy stances have raised concerns in Kyiv and across Europe about the future of Western support for Ukraine. </p><p>Meanwhile, efforts by Poland, the United Kingdom, and the EU signal ongoing international backing for Ukraine, even as diplomatic challenges persist.</p> </div> <div class="pos-rel news__read-more"> <label class="news__read-more-label accordeon__control-label pos-abs" data-for="more-less-33324896" data-switcher-trigger="true"></label> <a class="btn btn--link news__read-more-btn" href="#" title="Read more"> <span class="btn__text"> Read more </span> </a> </div> <label data-for="more-less-33324896" data-switcher-trigger="true" class="switcher-trigger__label accordeon__control-label news__control-label pos-abs"></label> </div> <div class="news__share-outer"> <aside class="share news__sharing js-share--apply-sticky js-share--expandable js-share--horizontal"> <ul class="share__list"> <li class="share__item"> <a href="" 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class="accordeon__item-wrap"> <div class="news__item news__item--unopenable accordeon__item sticky-btn-parent" data-switch-target="more-less-33324872" data-article-id="33324872" data-api-id="33324872" data-api-type="1"> <div class="news__item-inner pos-rel"> <div class="publishing-details "> <div class="published"> <span class="date" > <span class="badge badge--updated">Updated</span> <time datetime="2025-02-23T15:36:54+01:00"> February 23, 2025 </time> </span> </div> <div class="links"> <ul class="links__list"> <li class="links__item"> By <a class="links__item-link" href="/author/rfe-rls-ukrainian-service/guv_qt" title="RFE/RL&#39;s Ukrainian Service">RFE/RL&#39;s Ukrainian Service</a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <h1 class="title pg-title"> Russia Launches Largest-Ever Drone And Missile Attack On Ukraine, Casualties Mounting </h1> <div class="cover-media"> <figure class="media-image js-media-expand"> <div class="img-wrap"> <div class="thumb thumb16_9"> <img src="" alt="Rescuers work at the site of a Russian missile strike in Kryviy Rih, Ukraine, on February 23." /> </div> </div> <figcaption> <span class="caption">Rescuers work at the site of a Russian missile strike in Kryviy Rih, Ukraine, on February 23.</span> </figcaption> </figure> </div> <div class="news__buttons news__buttons--main pos-abs"> <button class="btn btn--news btn--news-more pos-abs"> <span class="ico ico-chevron-down"></span> </button> <button class="btn btn--news sticky-btn btn--news-less"> <span class="ico ico-close"></span> </button> </div> <div class="wsw accordeon__target"> <p>Russian forces <a class="wsw__a" href="" target="_blank"><strong>launched</strong></a> the largest-ever attack on Ukraine overnight, deploying 267 Shahed-type attack drones, various decoy UAVs, and three Iskander-M/KN-23 ballistic missiles, the Ukrainian Air Force <a class="wsw__a" href="" target="_blank"><strong>said</strong></a> on February 23.</p><p>Air Force spokesman Yuriy Ihnat said the night of February 22-23 had seen the highest number of Russian drone attacks since the beginning of Russia's all-out invasion on February 24, 2022</p><p>Writing on social media, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy called it &quot;the largest attack since Iranian drones began hitting Ukrainian cities and villages.&quot;</p><p>The Ukrainian military <a class="wsw__a" href="" target="_blank"><strong>said</strong></a> it managed to shoot down 138 drones over multiple regions, including key cities and strategic locations such as Kharkiv, Poltava, Sumy, Kyiv, Chernihiv, Cherkasy, Kirovohrad, Zhytomyr, Khmelnytskiy, Rivne, Mykolayiv, Odesa, and Dnipropetrovsk.</p><p>An additional 119 decoy drones reportedly lost signal without causing any confirmed damage.</p><p>Nevertheless, there were reports the attack caused significant damage and numerous casualties in several regions.</p><div class="clear"></div> <div class="wsw__embed"> <div class="infgraphicsAttach"> <a class="flexible-iframe" data-height="300" data-iframe="true" data-layout="1" data-size="ArticleLarge" data-width="large" href="/a/33324966.html?layout=1">Ukraine Hit By Thousands Of Air And Drone Strikes (2025)</a> </div> </div><p>The exact number of casualties and the extent of the damage were still being assessed. Still, the toll on civilians was expected to be high.</p><p><a class="wsw__a" href="" target="_blank"><strong>According</strong></a> to Ukraine’s State Emergency Service, drone strikes caused fires and structural damage in three districts of Kyiv. A private house caught fire, while two houses sustained damage. In the Pechera district, an explosion shattered the windows of a nonresidential building.</p><p>In Kryviy Rih, Dnipropetrovsk region, Russian forces struck civilian infrastructure, killing one person and injuring five others. Emergency services reported that a 60-square-meter fire broke out following the attack. Rescuers pulled a man and a woman from the rubble, but the man later died in the hospital. Among the injured were four women and one man, with three still hospitalized, one in critical condition.</p><div class="wsw__embed"> <div class="media-pholder media-pholder--video "> <div class="c-sticky-container" data-poster=""> <div class="c-sticky-element" data-sp_api="pangea-video" data-persistent data-persistent-browse-out > <div class="c-mmp c-mmp--enabled c-mmp--loading c-mmp--video c-mmp--standard c-mmp--has-poster c-sticky-element__swipe-el" data-player_id="" data-title="War-Weary Ukrainians Discuss Hope For Victory After Three Years Of Full-Scale Conflict" data-hide-title="False" data-breakpoint_s="320" data-breakpoint_m="640" data-breakpoint_l="992" data-hlsjs-src="/Scripts/responsive/hls.b" data-bypass-dash-for-vod="true" data-bypass-dash-for-live-video="true" data-bypass-dash-for-live-audio="true" id="player33323504"> <style> @media (max-width: 639.9px) { #player33323504 { aspect-ratio: 202 / 360; } } </style> <div class="c-mmp__poster js-poster c-mmp__poster--video 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'video', 33323504, 'War-Weary Ukrainians Discuss Hope For Victory After Three Years Of Full-Scale Conflict', null, 'RFE/RL&amp;#39;s Ukrainian Service', '2025', '02', '23')"> 720p | 24.1MB </a> </li> <li class="subitem"> <a href="" title="1080p | 21.5MB" class="handler" onclick="FireAnalyticsTagEventOnDownload(this, 'video', 33323504, 'War-Weary Ukrainians Discuss Hope For Victory After Three Years Of Full-Scale Conflict', null, 'RFE/RL&amp;#39;s Ukrainian Service', '2025', '02', '23')"> 1080p | 21.5MB </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div><p>Meanwhile, in Zaporizhzhya, a 53-year-old woman was injured and hospitalized following another Russian drone strike. The explosion caused a fire in a two-story residential building and a truck, with flames covering an area of 80 square meters. The blast wave and debris also damaged nearby houses.</p><p>Despite ample evidence, the Russian government denies targeting civilian infrastructure during its full-scale invasion of Ukraine.</p><p>Ukrainian officials and international organizations classify these strikes as war crimes, emphasizing they are not only deliberate but also indiscriminate, targeting residential areas, schools, hospitals, and essential infrastructure such as power grids and water supply facilities.</p> </div> <div class="pos-rel news__read-more"> <label class="news__read-more-label accordeon__control-label pos-abs" data-for="more-less-33324872" data-switcher-trigger="true"></label> <a class="btn btn--link news__read-more-btn" href="#" title="Read more"> <span class="btn__text"> Read more </span> </a> </div> <label data-for="more-less-33324872" data-switcher-trigger="true" class="switcher-trigger__label accordeon__control-label news__control-label pos-abs"></label> </div> <div class="news__share-outer"> <aside class="share news__sharing js-share--apply-sticky js-share--expandable js-share--horizontal"> <ul class="share__list"> <li class="share__item"> <a href="" data-analytics-text="share_on_facebook" title="Share on Facebook" target="_blank" class="btn btn--rounded btn-facebook js-social-btn"> <span class="ico ico--rounded ico-facebook ico--s"></span> </a> </li> <li class="share__item"> <a href=";text=Russia+Launches+Largest-Ever%0aDrone+And+Missile+Attack+On+Ukraine%2c+Casualties+Mounting" data-analytics-text="share_on_twitter" title="Share on Twitter" target="_blank" class="btn btn--rounded btn-twitter js-social-btn"> <span class="ico ico--rounded ico-twitter ico--s"></span> </a> </li> <li class="share__item"> <a href="" data-analytics-text="share_on_vkontakte" title="Share on В Контакте" target="_blank" class="btn btn--rounded btn-vkontakte js-social-btn"> <span class="ico ico--rounded ico-vkontakte ico--s"></span> </a> </li> <li class="share__item"> <a href="mailto:?;subject=Russia Launches Largest-Ever Drone And Missile Attack On Ukraine, Casualties Mounting" title="Email to a Friend" class="btn btn--rounded btn-email "> <span class="ico ico--rounded ico-email ico--s"></span> </a> </li> <li class="share__item share__item--additional"> <a href=";;title=Russia Launches Largest-Ever Drone And Missile Attack On Ukraine, Casualties Mounting" data-analytics-text="share_on_linkedIn" title="Share on LinkedIn" target="_blank" class="btn btn--rounded btn-linkedin js-social-btn"> <span class="ico ico--rounded ico-linkedin ico--s"></span> </a> </li> <li class="share__item share__item--additional"> <div class="ctc"> <input type="text" class="ctc__input" readonly="readonly"> <button class="btn btn--rounded btn--ctc ctc__button" value="text" role="copy link" js-href="" title="copy link"> <span class="ico ico-content-copy ico--rounded ico--s"></span> </button> </div> </li> <li class="share__item share__item--sharing-more"> <a title="More options" data-title-additional="Fewer options" class="btn btn--rounded btn--show-more hidden"> <span class="ico ico--rounded ico-ellipsis ico--s"></span> </a> </li> </ul> </aside> </div> </div> </div> <div class="accordeon__item-wrap"> <div class="news__item news__item--unopenable accordeon__item sticky-btn-parent" data-switch-target="more-less-33324642" data-article-id="33324642" data-api-id="33324642" data-api-type="1"> <div class="news__item-inner pos-rel"> <div class="publishing-details "> <div class="published"> <span class="date" > <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2025-02-23T02:49:20+01:00"> February 23, 2025 </time> </span> </div> <div class="links"> <ul class="links__list"> <li class="links__item"> By <a class="links__item-link" href="/author/rfe-rl/t-upm" title="RFE/RL">RFE/RL</a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <h1 class="title pg-title"> Britain To Unveil Large Package Of Sanctions On Russia </h1> <div class="cover-media"> <figure class="media-image js-media-expand"> <div class="img-wrap"> <div class="thumb thumb16_9"> <img src="" alt="Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy (left) and British Foreign Minister David Lammy (file photo)" /> </div> </div> <figcaption> <span class="caption">Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy (left) and British Foreign Minister David Lammy (file photo)</span> </figcaption> </figure> </div> <div class="news__buttons news__buttons--main pos-abs"> <button class="btn btn--news btn--news-more pos-abs"> <span class="ico ico-chevron-down"></span> </button> <button class="btn btn--news sticky-btn btn--news-less"> <span class="ico ico-close"></span> </button> </div> <div class="wsw accordeon__target"> <p>London will unveil a significant package of sanctions against Russia on February 24, the anniversary of the <a class="wsw__a" href="" target="_blank">start of Moscow's full-scale war with Ukraine</a>, British Foreign Secretary David Lammy said on February 23.</p><p>The sanction will be the largest package against Russia since the early days of the war, he said. They will be aimed at &quot;eroding their military machine and reducing revenues fueling the fires of destruction in Ukraine,&quot; Lammy said in a statement.</p><p>&quot;This is also the time to turn the screws on [President Vladimir] Putin's Russia,&quot; Lammy said.</p><p>Lammy reiterated Britain's military backing for Kyiv, which includes a pledge to provide £3 billion ($3.78 billion) annually and its readiness to provide British troops as part of peacekeeping forces if necessary.</p><p>&quot;Off the battlefield, we will work with the U.S. and European partners to achieve a sustainable, just peace, and in doing so, remaining clear that there can be nothing about Ukraine without Ukraine,&quot; Lammy added.</p><div class="content-floated overlap-md" data-owner-ct="None" data-inline="False"> <div class="media-block also-read also-read--aside"> <a class="img-wrap img-wrap--size-3 also-read__img also-read__img--aside" href="/a/us-russia-saudi-ukraine-peace-talks-riyadh-rubio-lavrov/33319124.html" title="What We Learned From High-Stakes U.S.-Russia Talks In Saudi Arabia"> <span class="thumb thumb16_9"> <noscript class="nojs-img"> <img src="" alt="U.S. Secretary of State Marco Rubio (right), Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov (left), and Russian President Vladimir Putin&#39;s foreign policy adviser Yury Ushakov attend talks in Riyadh on February 18. "> </noscript> <img data-src="" alt="U.S. Secretary of State Marco Rubio (right), Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov (left), and Russian President Vladimir Putin&#39;s foreign policy adviser Yury Ushakov attend talks in Riyadh on February 18. " /> </span> </a> <div class="media-block__content also-read__body also-read__body--aside also-read__body--aside-h"> <a href="/a/us-russia-saudi-ukraine-peace-talks-riyadh-rubio-lavrov/33319124.html" title="What We Learned From High-Stakes U.S.-Russia Talks In Saudi Arabia"> <span class="also-read__text--label"> SEE ALSO: </span> <h4 class="media-block__title media-block__title--size-3 also-read__text p-0"> What We Learned From High-Stakes U.S.-Russia Talks In Saudi Arabia </h4> </a> </div> </div> </div><p>British Prime Minister Keir Starmer on February 22 held separate phone calls with EU chief Ursula von der Leyen and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, repeating a similar message to Lammy's.</p><p>EU countries last week agreed a new round of sanctions that are set to be formally adopted on February 24. They include a ban on imports of Russian aluminum.</p><p>Starmer is scheduled to travel to Washington to meet with U.S. President Donald Trump on February 27, hoping to act as a &quot;bridge&quot; between the United States and Europe to ensure territorial and security guarantees for Kyiv in the event of a deal to end the war.</p><p>Lammy's announcement comes after the United States alarmed Kyiv and its European backers by starting talks with Russia on the future of the conflict without the participation Ukraine or the European Union.</p><p>&quot;This is a critical moment in the history of Ukraine, Britain, and all of Europe.... Now is the time for Europe to double down on our support for Ukraine,&quot; said Lammy.</p><p>London already has imposed sanctions on 1,900 people and organizations with links to Putin's government since the start of the war.</p><h6 class="wsw__h6">With reporting by AFP</h6> </div> <div class="pos-rel news__read-more"> <label class="news__read-more-label accordeon__control-label pos-abs" data-for="more-less-33324642" data-switcher-trigger="true"></label> <a class="btn btn--link news__read-more-btn" href="#" title="Read more"> <span class="btn__text"> Read more </span> </a> </div> <label data-for="more-less-33324642" data-switcher-trigger="true" class="switcher-trigger__label accordeon__control-label news__control-label pos-abs"></label> </div> <div class="news__share-outer"> <aside class="share news__sharing js-share--apply-sticky js-share--expandable js-share--horizontal"> <ul class="share__list"> <li class="share__item"> <a href="" data-analytics-text="share_on_facebook" title="Share on Facebook" target="_blank" class="btn btn--rounded btn-facebook js-social-btn"> <span class="ico ico--rounded ico-facebook ico--s"></span> </a> </li> <li class="share__item"> <a href=";text=Britain+To+Unveil+Large+Package+Of+Sanctions+On+Russia" data-analytics-text="share_on_twitter" title="Share on Twitter" target="_blank" class="btn btn--rounded btn-twitter js-social-btn"> <span class="ico ico--rounded ico-twitter ico--s"></span> </a> </li> <li class="share__item"> <a href="" data-analytics-text="share_on_vkontakte" title="Share on В Контакте" target="_blank" class="btn btn--rounded btn-vkontakte js-social-btn"> <span class="ico ico--rounded ico-vkontakte ico--s"></span> </a> </li> <li class="share__item"> <a href="mailto:?;subject=Britain To Unveil Large Package Of Sanctions On Russia" title="Email to a Friend" class="btn btn--rounded btn-email "> <span class="ico ico--rounded ico-email ico--s"></span> </a> </li> <li class="share__item share__item--additional"> <a href=";;title=Britain To Unveil Large Package Of Sanctions On Russia" data-analytics-text="share_on_linkedIn" title="Share on LinkedIn" target="_blank" class="btn btn--rounded btn-linkedin js-social-btn"> <span class="ico ico--rounded ico-linkedin ico--s"></span> </a> </li> <li class="share__item share__item--additional"> <div class="ctc"> <input type="text" class="ctc__input" readonly="readonly"> <button class="btn btn--rounded btn--ctc ctc__button" value="text" role="copy link" js-href="" title="copy link"> <span class="ico ico-content-copy ico--rounded ico--s"></span> </button> </div> </li> <li class="share__item share__item--sharing-more"> <a title="More options" data-title-additional="Fewer options" class="btn btn--rounded btn--show-more hidden"> <span class="ico ico--rounded ico-ellipsis ico--s"></span> </a> </li> </ul> </aside> </div> </div> </div> <div class="accordeon__item-wrap"> <div class="news__item news__item--unopenable accordeon__item sticky-btn-parent" data-switch-target="more-less-33324313" data-article-id="33324313" data-api-id="33324313" data-api-type="1"> <div class="news__item-inner pos-rel"> <div class="publishing-details "> <div class="published"> <span class="date" > <span class="badge badge--updated">Updated</span> <time datetime="2025-02-23T17:40:02+01:00"> February 23, 2025 </time> </span> </div> <div class="links"> <ul class="links__list"> <li class="links__item"> By <a class="links__item-link" href="/author/rfe-rls-ukrainian-service/guv_qt" title="RFE/RL&#39;s Ukrainian Service">RFE/RL&#39;s Ukrainian Service</a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <h1 class="title pg-title"> Talks &#39;Making Progress&#39; As U.S. Sets Sights On Ukrainian Minerals </h1> <div class="cover-media"> <figure class="media-image js-media-expand"> <div class="img-wrap"> <div class="thumb thumb16_9"> <img src="" alt="U.S. President Donald Trump at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) near Washington, D.C. on February 22." /> </div> </div> <figcaption> <span class="caption">U.S. President Donald Trump at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) near Washington, D.C. on February 22.</span> </figcaption> </figure> </div> <div class="news__buttons news__buttons--main pos-abs"> <button class="btn btn--news btn--news-more pos-abs"> <span class="ico ico-chevron-down"></span> </button> <button class="btn btn--news sticky-btn btn--news-less"> <span class="ico ico-close"></span> </button> </div> <div class="wsw accordeon__target"> <p>As Ukraine prepares to mark three years since <a class="wsw__a" href="" target="_blank">Russia's full-scale invasion</a> on February 24, leaders in Kyiv are weighing U.S. proposals for access to Ukrainian mineral resources.</p><p>Speaking on February 23, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said talks with the United States on the matter were &quot;making progress.&quot; The same day, Trump aide Steve Witkoff told CNN that he expected the deal to be signed this week.</p><p>But details still need to be ironed out. Zelenskyy mentioned a potential stumbling block, suggesting that clinching the deal would require security guarantees from Washington.</p><p>According to another senior Ukrainian politician, a working group will form even as <a class="wsw__a" href="" target="_blank">commemorations of the anniversary</a> are taking place.</p><p>Ruslan Stefanchuk, speaker of Ukraine's parliament, has told multiple media outlets that the group would begin working on the agreement text proposed by Washington on February 24.</p><p>He added that Ukraine wants to receive specific security guarantees in exchange for signing up, something Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has also suggested.</p><p>U.S. President Donald Trump on February 22 said he wants Ukraine to pay back the billions of dollars the United States sent to the country to help it defend against Russia's full-scale invasion.</p><p>&quot;I want them to give us something for all of the money that we put up. We're asking for rare earth and oil -- anything we can get,&quot; Trump said at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) near Washington. &quot;I'm trying to get the money back or secured.&quot;</p><div class="wsw__embed"> <div class="media-pholder media-pholder--video "> <div class="c-sticky-container" data-poster=""> <div class="c-sticky-element" data-sp_api="pangea-video" data-persistent data-persistent-browse-out > <div class="c-mmp c-mmp--enabled c-mmp--loading c-mmp--video c-mmp--standard c-mmp--has-poster c-sticky-element__swipe-el" data-player_id="" data-title="Why Are Rare Earth Minerals Making Headlines?" data-hide-title="False" data-breakpoint_s="320" data-breakpoint_m="640" data-breakpoint_l="992" data-hlsjs-src="/Scripts/responsive/hls.b" data-bypass-dash-for-vod="true" data-bypass-dash-for-live-video="true" data-bypass-dash-for-live-audio="true" id="player33312353"> <style> @media (max-width: 639.9px) { #player33312353 { aspect-ratio: 202 / 360; } } </style> 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Standish, Will Tizard', '2025', '02', '12')"> 1080p | 11.7MB </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div><p>Trump made the comments amid negotiations between Washington and Kyiv on a deal that would involve the rights to Ukraine's mineral resources, including those used to make batteries for electric vehicles and other technology.</p><p>Trump's special envoy for Ukraine and Russia, Keith Kellogg, traveled to Kyiv earlier this week and met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, saying afterward that the Ukrainian president understood signing a deal with the United States was &quot;critical.&quot; Kellogg also <a class="wsw__a" href="" target="_blank">praised Zelenskyy</a> as &quot;courageous&quot; after the visit.</p><p>Trump told supporters at the annual CPAC gathering that he thinks a deal can be reached.</p><p>&quot;We're going to get our money back because it's just not fair,&quot; he said. &quot;And we will see, but I think we're pretty close to a deal, and we better be close to a deal,&quot; Trump said.</p><p>A proposed deal reportedly would grant the United States rights to Ukraine's rare earth minerals to make up for U.S. aid given to Kyiv. Zelenskyy reportedly balked at signing the initial deal, but reports on February 22 quoting unidentified Ukrainian officials said he is now seriously considering a revised version of the deal.</p><div data-owner-ct="None" data-inline="False"> <div class="media-block also-read"> <a class="img-wrap img-wrap--size-3 also-read__img" href="/a/ukraine-trump-rare-earth-minerals-russia/33302784.html" title="Ukraine Needs U.S. Weapons. Trump Wants Its Rare Earth Minerals In Return."> <span class="thumb thumb16_9"> <noscript class="nojs-img"> <img src="" alt="Rare earth minerals, like these extracted in Texas, are used in a range of high-tech manufacturing and renewable energy products. (file photo)"> </noscript> <img data-src="" alt="Rare earth minerals, like these extracted in Texas, are used in a range of high-tech manufacturing and renewable energy products. (file photo)" /> </span> </a> <div class="media-block__content also-read__body also-read__body--h"> <a href="/a/ukraine-trump-rare-earth-minerals-russia/33302784.html" title="Ukraine Needs U.S. Weapons. Trump Wants Its Rare Earth Minerals In Return."> <span class="also-read__text--label"> SEE ALSO: </span> <h4 class="media-block__title media-block__title--size-3 also-read__text p-0"> Ukraine Needs U.S. Weapons. Trump Wants Its Rare Earth Minerals In Return. </h4> </a> </div> </div> </div><p>Some of the terms appear even tougher than those of the earlier draft, The New York Times reported on February 22. The latest proposal, which the newspaper said it had reviewed, calls for Ukraine to contribute revenue from its resources to a U.S.-held fund until the amount contributed reaches $500 billion, The New York Times said.</p><p>Trump's diplomatic overtures toward Russia, including the possibility of a summit between Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin, have alarmed Ukraine and Europe over the possibility that the United States would sign a deal unfavorable to them.</p><p>The conflict has reached a critical stage just ahead of its third anniversary on February 24 and with Kyiv's forces slowly ceding ground on the front line.</p><p>The Russian Defense Ministry earlier on February 22 claimed the capture of Novolyubivka in the Luhansk region.</p><h6 class="wsw__h6">With reporting by Reuters, AFP, and The New York Times</h6> </div> <div class="pos-rel news__read-more"> <label class="news__read-more-label accordeon__control-label pos-abs" data-for="more-less-33324313" data-switcher-trigger="true"></label> <a class="btn btn--link news__read-more-btn" href="#" title="Read more"> <span class="btn__text"> Read more </span> </a> </div> <label data-for="more-less-33324313" data-switcher-trigger="true" class="switcher-trigger__label accordeon__control-label news__control-label pos-abs"></label> </div> <div class="news__share-outer"> <aside class="share news__sharing js-share--apply-sticky js-share--expandable js-share--horizontal"> <ul class="share__list"> <li class="share__item"> <a href="" data-analytics-text="share_on_facebook" title="Share on Facebook" target="_blank" class="btn btn--rounded btn-facebook js-social-btn"> <span class="ico ico--rounded ico-facebook ico--s"></span> </a> </li> <li class="share__item"> <a href=";text=Talks+%27Making+Progress%27+As+U.S.+Sets+Sights+On+Ukrainian+Minerals+" data-analytics-text="share_on_twitter" title="Share on Twitter" target="_blank" class="btn btn--rounded btn-twitter js-social-btn"> <span class="ico ico--rounded ico-twitter ico--s"></span> </a> </li> <li class="share__item"> <a href="" data-analytics-text="share_on_vkontakte" title="Share on В Контакте" target="_blank" class="btn btn--rounded btn-vkontakte js-social-btn"> <span class="ico ico--rounded ico-vkontakte ico--s"></span> </a> </li> <li class="share__item"> <a href="mailto:?;subject=Talks &#39;Making Progress&#39; 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Those handed the longest sentences are not allowed back in Gaza and will be sent to a third country.</p><p>The multiphase ceasefire went into effect on January 19, but negotiations have not yet started to move to the crucial second phase, which involves a permanent end to the Gaza war.</p><p>&quot;The completion of a hostage deal is a humanitarian, moral, and Jewish imperative,&quot; Herzog wrote on X.</p><div data-owner-ct="None" data-inline="False"> <div class="media-block also-read"> <a class="img-wrap img-wrap--size-3 also-read__img" href="/a/middle-east-power-shift-iran-weakened-israel-stronger/33279058.html" title="How The Israel-Hamas War Reshaped The Middle East"> <span class="thumb thumb16_9"> <noscript class="nojs-img"> <img src="" alt="Mourners react near the bodies of Palestinians killed in Israeli air strikes in Khan Younis on January 17. "> </noscript> <img data-src="" alt="Mourners react near the bodies of Palestinians killed in Israeli air strikes in Khan Younis on January 17. " /> </span> </a> <div class="media-block__content also-read__body also-read__body--h"> <a href="/a/middle-east-power-shift-iran-weakened-israel-stronger/33279058.html" title="How The Israel-Hamas War Reshaped The Middle East"> <span class="also-read__text--label"> SEE ALSO: </span> <h4 class="media-block__title media-block__title--size-3 also-read__text p-0"> How The Israel-Hamas War Reshaped The Middle East </h4> </a> </div> </div> </div><p>The conflict broke out on October 7, 2023, when Hamas-led militants attacked settlements in southern Israel, killing around 1,200 people, mostly civilians, and taking 251 hostages to Gaza.</p><p>Israel retaliated by launching a devastating war in the Palestinian enclave that has killed tens of thousands of people, according to local authorities, and displaced most of Gaza’s 2.3 million residents.</p><p>Hamas has been strongly criticized for its stage-managed release of Israeli hostages, which have included public ceremonies during which hostages are taken on stage.</p><p>The United Nations and the International Committee of the Red Cross slammed Hamas this week for parading the bodies of dead Israeli hostages in Gaza.</p><div data-owner-ct="None" data-inline="False"> <div class="media-block also-read"> <a class="img-wrap img-wrap--size-3 also-read__img" href="/a/hamas-israel-palestine-syria-iran-gaza-ceasefire/33297538.html" title="Diminished Hamas Remains Dominant In Gaza Despite Israel War"> <span class="thumb thumb16_9"> <noscript class="nojs-img"> <img src="" alt="Hamas militants hand over Doron Steinbrecher, a hostage who had been held in Gaza since October 2023, to members of the International Committee of the Red Cross as part of a cease-fire deal between Hamas and Israel, in Gaza on January 19."> </noscript> <img data-src="" alt="Hamas militants hand over Doron Steinbrecher, a hostage who had been held in Gaza since October 2023, to members of the International Committee of the Red Cross as part of a cease-fire deal between Hamas and Israel, in Gaza on January 19." /> </span> </a> <div class="media-block__content also-read__body also-read__body--h"> <a href="/a/hamas-israel-palestine-syria-iran-gaza-ceasefire/33297538.html" title="Diminished Hamas Remains Dominant In Gaza Despite Israel War"> <span class="also-read__text--label"> SEE ALSO: </span> <h4 class="media-block__title media-block__title--size-3 also-read__text p-0"> Diminished Hamas Remains Dominant In Gaza Despite Israel War </h4> </a> </div> </div> </div><p>The militant Palestinian group on February 20 handed over the bodies of four hostages to the Red Cross, after presenting their coffins on a stage surrounded by armed militants.</p><p>The bodies included two children and their mother Shiri Bibas, but Israeli authorities said the body in the coffin was not hers. This threatened the tenuous cease-fire as Israel accused Hamas of being in “serious violation” of the truce.</p><p>However, Hamas delivered another body late on February 21, which Bibas’s family confirmed to be hers.</p><p>The Palestinian group insists the family was killed in an Israeli airstrike, but Israel says forensics show the mother and her young children were “deliberately” killed by their captors.</p><p>The final four sets of remains, completing the hostage release of the first phase, will be released next week.</p><p>Mediators say both sides plan to begin a second round of negotiations focused on securing the release of about 60 remaining hostages -- fewer than half of whom are believed to be alive --and the withdrawal of Israeli forces.</p><div data-owner-ct="None" data-inline="False"> <div class="media-block also-read"> <a class="img-wrap img-wrap--size-3 also-read__img" href="/a/trump-gaza-takeover-reactions-backlash/33304311.html" title="Why Trump&#39;s Gaza Takeover Proposal Has Drawn Strong Reactions Worldwide"> <span class="thumb thumb16_9"> <noscript class="nojs-img"> <img src="" alt="An activist dressed as the Statue of Liberty is pulled in shackles as protesters rally in Washington, D.C. in support of Palestinians during Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu&#39;s visit to the U.S capital on February 4."> </noscript> <img data-src="" alt="An activist dressed as the Statue of Liberty is pulled in shackles as protesters rally in Washington, D.C. in support of Palestinians during Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu&#39;s visit to the U.S capital on February 4." /> </span> </a> <div class="media-block__content also-read__body also-read__body--h"> <a href="/a/trump-gaza-takeover-reactions-backlash/33304311.html" title="Why Trump&#39;s Gaza Takeover Proposal Has Drawn Strong Reactions Worldwide"> <span class="also-read__text--label"> SEE ALSO: </span> <h4 class="media-block__title media-block__title--size-3 also-read__text p-0"> Why Trump&#39;s Gaza Takeover Proposal Has Drawn Strong Reactions Worldwide </h4> </a> </div> </div> </div><p>However, prospects for an agreement have been complicated by <a class="wsw__a" href=""><strong>disputes over Gaza’s future</strong></a>, further inflamed by regional outrage over U.S. President Donald Trump's proposal to remove Palestinians from the enclave and transform it into a U.S.-controlled resort.</p> </div> <div class="pos-rel news__read-more"> <label class="news__read-more-label accordeon__control-label pos-abs" data-for="more-less-33324015" data-switcher-trigger="true"></label> <a class="btn btn--link news__read-more-btn" href="#" title="Read more"> <span class="btn__text"> Read more </span> </a> </div> <label data-for="more-less-33324015" data-switcher-trigger="true" class="switcher-trigger__label accordeon__control-label news__control-label pos-abs"></label> </div> <div class="news__share-outer"> <aside class="share news__sharing js-share--apply-sticky 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Hostages" title="Email to a Friend" class="btn btn--rounded btn-email "> <span class="ico ico--rounded ico-email ico--s"></span> </a> </li> <li class="share__item share__item--additional"> <a href=";;title=First Phase Of Gaza Cease-Fire Nears End With Release Of 6 Israeli Hostages" data-analytics-text="share_on_linkedIn" title="Share on LinkedIn" target="_blank" class="btn btn--rounded btn-linkedin js-social-btn"> <span class="ico ico--rounded ico-linkedin ico--s"></span> </a> </li> <li class="share__item share__item--additional"> <div class="ctc"> <input type="text" class="ctc__input" readonly="readonly"> <button class="btn btn--rounded btn--ctc ctc__button" value="text" role="copy link" js-href="" title="copy link"> <span class="ico ico-content-copy ico--rounded ico--s"></span> </button> </div> </li> <li class="share__item share__item--sharing-more"> <a title="More options" data-title-additional="Fewer options" class="btn btn--rounded btn--show-more hidden"> <span class="ico ico--rounded ico-ellipsis ico--s"></span> </a> </li> </ul> </aside> </div> </div> </div> <div class="accordeon__item-wrap"> <div class="news__item news__item--unopenable accordeon__item sticky-btn-parent" data-switch-target="more-less-33323867" data-article-id="33323867" data-api-id="33323867" data-api-type="1"> <div class="news__item-inner pos-rel"> <div class="publishing-details "> <div class="published"> <span class="date" > <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2025-02-22T05:36:10+01:00"> February 22, 2025 </time> </span> </div> <div class="links"> <ul class="links__list"> <li class="links__item"> By <a class="links__item-link" href="/author/rfe-rl/t-upm" title="RFE/RL">RFE/RL</a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <h1 class="title pg-title"> Trump Fires Top U.S. General In Major Shakeup Of Pentagon Leadership </h1> <div class="cover-media"> <figure class="media-image js-media-expand"> <div class="img-wrap"> <div class="thumb thumb16_9"> <img src="" alt="U.S. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Air Force General CQ Brown, speaks during a press conference after concluding the Ukraine Defense Contact Group meeting at the Pentagon in April 2024." /> </div> </div> <figcaption> <span class="caption">U.S. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Air Force General CQ Brown, speaks during a press conference after concluding the Ukraine Defense Contact Group meeting at the Pentagon in April 2024.</span> </figcaption> </figure> </div> <div class="news__buttons news__buttons--main pos-abs"> <button class="btn btn--news btn--news-more pos-abs"> <span class="ico ico-chevron-down"></span> </button> <button class="btn btn--news sticky-btn btn--news-less"> <span class="ico ico-close"></span> </button> </div> <div class="wsw accordeon__target"> <p>President Donald Trump on February 21 fired the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and dismissed five other admirals and generals in a major shake-up of the top leadership of the U.S. military.</p><p>Air Force General CQ Brown, who had served as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff since 2023 after being appointed by former President Joe Biden, was ousted in the move, which Trump announced on his social media platform Truth Social.</p><p>Brown, the second black officer to hold the job of chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, had been expected to complete his four-year term in September 2027.</p><p>A <a class="wsw__a" href="" target="_blank"><strong>Pentagon statement</strong></a> said Trump would nominate retired Lieutenant General Dan &quot;Razin&quot; Caine to succeed Brown. A former F-16 fighter pilot, Caine is a former associate director of military affairs at the CIA.</p><p>The Pentagon announced separately that Trump will replace the head of the U.S. Navy, a position held by Admiral Lisa Franchetti, the first woman to lead a military service, and Vice Chief of Staff of the Air Force General Jim Slife. The judge advocates general for the army, navy, and air force were also fired.</p><p>Slife led Air Force Special Operations Command prior to becoming the service's vice chief of staff and had deployed to the Middle East and Afghanistan.</p><p>The moves were part of a campaign led by Secretary of Defense Pete Hegseth to rid the military of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs. Hegseth said that the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) would have &quot;broad access&quot; to root out such programs from the Pentagon.</p><div class="wsw__embed"> <figure class="media-image js-media-expand"> <div class="img-wrap"> <div class="thumb"> <img alt="U.S. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General CQ Brown (left) and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy at the start of a Ukraine Defense Contact Group meeting in September 2024 (file photo)" src="" /> </div> </div> <figcaption> <span class="caption">U.S. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General CQ Brown (left) and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy at the start of a Ukraine Defense Contact Group meeting in September 2024 (file photo)</span> </figcaption> </figure> </div><p>DOGE will work to &quot;find the redundancies and identify the last vestiges of Biden priorities&quot; such as DEI programs. These are &quot;not core to our mission, and we're going to get rid of it all,” Hegseth said.</p><p>SpaceX and Tesla CEO Elon Musk -- the world's richest person -- has been tasked by Trump to lead DOGE. Musk’s efforts to achieve efficiencies thus far have resulted in the firing of tens of thousands of federal workers, which in turn has sparked legal challenges.</p><div data-owner-ct="None" data-inline="False"> <div class="media-block also-read"> <a class="img-wrap img-wrap--size-3 also-read__img" href="/a/trump-musk-doge-waste-cut-budget-spending-ukraine-afghanstan/33319962.html" title="Trump Praises Musk For Work Cutting Government Waste "> <span class="thumb thumb16_9"> <noscript class="nojs-img"> <img src="" alt="U.S. President Donald Trump (right) and Elon Musk (file photo)"> </noscript> <img data-src="" alt="U.S. President Donald Trump (right) and Elon Musk (file photo)" /> </span> </a> <div class="media-block__content also-read__body also-read__body--h"> <a href="/a/trump-musk-doge-waste-cut-budget-spending-ukraine-afghanstan/33319962.html" title="Trump Praises Musk For Work Cutting Government Waste "> <span class="also-read__text--label"> SEE ALSO: </span> <h4 class="media-block__title media-block__title--size-3 also-read__text p-0"> Trump Praises Musk For Work Cutting Government Waste </h4> </a> </div> </div> </div><p>The Pentagon is already bracing for mass firings of civilian staff in a dramatic overhaul of its budget announced by Hegseth earlier this week.</p><p>Trump did not explain his decision to replace Brown but thanked him for “over 40 years of service to our country, including his time as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.</p><p>“He is a fine gentleman and an outstanding leader, and I wish a great future for him and his family,&quot; Trump wrote.</p><p>Brown’s public support of Black Lives Matter after the police killing of George Floyd in 2020 had made him a target for the administration's wars against “wokeism” in the military.</p><p>Hegseth had been skeptical of Brown before taking the helm of the Pentagon, questioning in a book he published last year whether Brown would have gotten the job if he were not black.</p><p>Representative Adam Smith (Democrat-Washington) said Trump's &quot;Friday night massacre&quot; unleashed even more chaos at the Pentagon. He defended Brown as intelligent, accomplished, and a true patriot.</p><p>&quot;That wasn’t good enough for the president, who has chosen -- yet again --fealty over proven ability to do the job and loyalty to the Constitution,&quot; said Smith, ranking member of the House Armed Services Committee, in a statement.</p><p>“All of this continues to play into the hands of [Russian President] Vladimir Putin and others working to exploit the weakness Trump continues to broadcast and undermine the military, our government, our national security interests, and democracy worldwide,” Smith said.</p><div data-owner-ct="None" data-inline="False"> <div class="media-block also-read"> <a class="img-wrap img-wrap--size-3 also-read__img" href="/a/usaid-cuts-ukrainian-war-charities-funding-freeze-jobs/33305654.html" title="Ukraine Feels The Shockwaves As USAID Cuts Start To Bite"> <span class="thumb thumb16_9"> <noscript class="nojs-img"> <img src="" alt="Ukraine&#39;s agriculture sector has been a key beneficiary of USAID. (file photo)"> </noscript> <img data-src="" alt="Ukraine&#39;s agriculture sector has been a key beneficiary of USAID. (file photo)" /> </span> </a> <div class="media-block__content also-read__body also-read__body--h"> <a href="/a/usaid-cuts-ukrainian-war-charities-funding-freeze-jobs/33305654.html" title="Ukraine Feels The Shockwaves As USAID Cuts Start To Bite"> <span class="also-read__text--label"> SEE ALSO: </span> <h4 class="media-block__title media-block__title--size-3 also-read__text p-0"> Ukraine Feels The Shockwaves As USAID Cuts Start To Bite </h4> </a> </div> </div> </div><p>The cut to the Pentagon’s civilian workforce will begin next week. Darin Selnick, who is performing the duties of undersecretary of defense for personnel and readiness, said in a <a class="wsw__a" href="" target="_blank"><strong>statement</strong></a> that at least 5 percent of the workforce will be cut. The layoffs will focus on recently hired employees in a workforce of about 900,000.</p><p>&quot;We anticipate reducing the department's civilian workforce by 5-8 percent to produce efficiencies and refocus the department on the president's priorities and restoring readiness in the force,&quot; said Selnick.</p><p>The dismissal of approximately 5,400 probationary workers will be followed by a hiring freeze &quot;while we conduct a further analysis of our personnel needs,&quot; Selnick said.</p><p>A day before the announcement, Hegseth said in a video message that &quot;it is simply not in the public interest to retain individuals whose contributions are not mission critical.&quot;</p><h6 class="wsw__h6">With reporting by Reuters, AFP, and AP</h6> </div> <div class="pos-rel news__read-more"> <label class="news__read-more-label accordeon__control-label pos-abs" data-for="more-less-33323867" data-switcher-trigger="true"></label> <a class="btn btn--link news__read-more-btn" href="#" title="Read more"> <span class="btn__text"> Read more </span> </a> </div> <label data-for="more-less-33323867" data-switcher-trigger="true" class="switcher-trigger__label accordeon__control-label news__control-label pos-abs"></label> </div> <div class="news__share-outer"> <aside class="share news__sharing js-share--apply-sticky js-share--expandable js-share--horizontal"> <ul class="share__list"> <li class="share__item"> <a href="" data-analytics-text="share_on_facebook" title="Share on Facebook" target="_blank" class="btn btn--rounded btn-facebook js-social-btn"> <span class="ico ico--rounded ico-facebook ico--s"></span> </a> </li> <li class="share__item"> <a href=";text=Trump+Fires+Top+U.S.+General+In+Major+Shakeup+Of+Pentagon+Leadership" data-analytics-text="share_on_twitter" title="Share on Twitter" target="_blank" class="btn btn--rounded btn-twitter js-social-btn"> <span class="ico ico--rounded ico-twitter ico--s"></span> </a> </li> <li class="share__item"> <a href="" 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role="copy link" js-href="" title="copy link"> <span class="ico ico-content-copy ico--rounded ico--s"></span> </button> </div> </li> <li class="share__item share__item--sharing-more"> <a title="More options" data-title-additional="Fewer options" class="btn btn--rounded btn--show-more hidden"> <span class="ico ico--rounded ico-ellipsis ico--s"></span> </a> </li> </ul> </aside> </div> </div> </div> <div class="accordeon__item-wrap"> <div class="news__item news__item--unopenable accordeon__item sticky-btn-parent" data-switch-target="more-less-33323854" data-article-id="33323854" data-api-id="33323854" data-api-type="1"> <div class="news__item-inner pos-rel"> <div class="publishing-details "> <div class="published"> <span class="date" > <span class="badge badge--updated">Updated</span> <time datetime="2025-02-22T09:19:26+01:00"> February 22, 2025 </time> </span> </div> <div class="links"> <ul class="links__list"> <li class="links__item"> By <a class="links__item-link" href="/author/rfe-rl/t-upm" title="RFE/RL">RFE/RL</a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <h1 class="title pg-title"> UN General Assembly Weighs Competing Resolutions Marking Third Anniversary Of War In Ukraine </h1> <div class="cover-media"> <figure class="media-image js-media-expand"> <div class="img-wrap"> <div class="thumb thumb16_9"> <img src="" alt="UN General Assembly at the United Nations Headquarters in New York (file photo)" /> </div> </div> <figcaption> <span class="caption">UN General Assembly at the United Nations Headquarters in New York (file photo)</span> </figcaption> </figure> </div> <div class="news__buttons news__buttons--main pos-abs"> <button class="btn btn--news btn--news-more pos-abs"> <span class="ico ico-chevron-down"></span> </button> <button class="btn btn--news sticky-btn btn--news-less"> <span class="ico ico-close"></span> </button> </div> <div class="wsw accordeon__target"> <p>The United States has proposed a draft UN resolution that uses less critical language of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine than a draft resolution put forward by the European Union and Ukraine.</p><div class="backgrounder content-floated overlap-md "> <div class="wsw"> <h3 class="wsw__h3">Ukraine Invasion: News &amp; Analysis</h3> <p>RFE/RL's <strong><a class="wsw__a" href="" target="_blank">Ukraine Live Briefing</a> </strong>gives you the latest developments on Russia's invasion, Western military aid, the plight of civilians, and territorial control maps<em>. </em>For all of RFE/RL's coverage of the war, <strong><a class="wsw__a" href="" target="_blank">click here</a></strong>.</p> </div> </div><p>The two drafts were proposed to mark the third anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on February 24, when the UN General Assembly is scheduled to vote on the resolutions.</p><p>The U.S. draft, proposed on February 21, mourns “the tragic loss of life throughout the Russia-Ukraine conflict,” calls for a swift end, and urges a lasting peace. But it fails to mention territory occupied by Russia and doesn't single out Moscow as the source of the conflict.</p><p>U.S. Secretary of State Marco Rubio called the resolution &quot;simple and historic,&quot; and urged UN members to support it &quot;in order to chart a path to peace.&quot;</p><p>&quot;This resolution is consistent with President Trump’s view that the UN must return to its founding purpose, as enshrined in the UN Charter, to maintain international peace and security, including through the peaceful settlement of disputes,&quot; Rubio said in a statement.</p><p>By contrast, the draft resolution from the European Union and Ukraine refers to “the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation” and demands an immediate and unconditional withdrawal of all of Moscow’s forces.</p><p>The Ukrainian-European text stresses the need to redouble diplomatic efforts to end the war this year, while blaming Russia for the invasion and committing to Kyiv's &quot;territorial integrity.&quot; It also recalls the need to implement all previous assembly resolutions “adopted in response to the aggression against Ukraine.”</p><p>The draft resolutions were circulated at the UN headquarters in New York amid a rift between the United States and Europe on how to negotiate an end to the war. The long-standing transatlantic alliance has been shaken over the Trump administration's decision to open negotiations with Russia this week in Saudi Arabia without representatives of Ukraine and the European Union at the table.</p><div data-owner-ct="None" data-inline="False"> <div class="media-block also-read"> <a class="img-wrap img-wrap--size-3 also-read__img" href="/a/zelenskiy-putin-isolation-trump-peace-saud/33320502.html" title="Trump Calls Zelenskyy &#39;Dictator Without Elections,&#39; Urges Him To &#39;Move Fast&#39; "> <span class="thumb thumb16_9"> <noscript class="nojs-img"> <img src="" alt="Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy talks to reporters in Kyiv on February 19."> </noscript> <img data-src="" alt="Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy talks to reporters in Kyiv on February 19." /> </span> </a> <div class="media-block__content also-read__body also-read__body--h"> <a href="/a/zelenskiy-putin-isolation-trump-peace-saud/33320502.html" title="Trump Calls Zelenskyy &#39;Dictator Without Elections,&#39; Urges Him To &#39;Move Fast&#39; "> <span class="also-read__text--label"> SEE ALSO: </span> <h4 class="media-block__title media-block__title--size-3 also-read__text p-0"> Trump Calls Zelenskyy &#39;Dictator Without Elections,&#39; Urges Him To &#39;Move Fast&#39; </h4> </a> </div> </div> </div><p>After Volodymyr Zelenskyy was not invited to take part in the talks in Riyadh on February 18, the Ukrainian president said President Donald Trump was living in a Russian-made “disinformation space.”</p><p>Trump responded by falsely blaming Zelenskyy for allowing the war to start and describing him as a “dictator without elections.” The country has been unable to hold a presidential election while under martial law.</p><p>“It’s a good move,” Russian Ambassador to the UN Vasily Nebenzya told UN reporters in reference to the U.S. resolution.</p><p>Russia has also suggested an amendment to the U.S. resolution to add the phrase “including by addressing its root causes.” This would change the final line to read “implores a swift end to the conflict, including by addressing its root causes, and further urges a lasting peace between Ukraine and Russia.”</p><p>The General Assembly has become the most important UN body dealing with Ukraine. Unlike the UN Security Council, where permanent members Britain, China, France, Russia, and the United States have veto power, no member state has a veto in the General Assembly.</p><p>Resolutions passed by the 193-member body are not legally binding but are closely watched around the world.</p><p>The General Assembly adopted six resolutions on the conflict in 2022, denouncing Moscow and demanding Russia withdraw all its troops. One of the other early resolutions condemned Russia's &quot;attempted illegal annexation&quot; of four regions of Ukraine. It won the greatest support with 143 states voting yes.</p><h6 class="wsw__h6">With reporting by AP, Reuters, AFP</h6> </div> <div class="pos-rel news__read-more"> <label class="news__read-more-label accordeon__control-label pos-abs" data-for="more-less-33323854" data-switcher-trigger="true"></label> <a class="btn btn--link news__read-more-btn" href="#" title="Read more"> <span class="btn__text"> Read more </span> </a> </div> <label data-for="more-less-33323854" data-switcher-trigger="true" class="switcher-trigger__label accordeon__control-label news__control-label pos-abs"></label> </div> <div class="news__share-outer"> <aside class="share news__sharing js-share--apply-sticky js-share--expandable js-share--horizontal"> <ul class="share__list"> <li class="share__item"> <a href="" data-analytics-text="share_on_facebook" title="Share on Facebook" target="_blank" class="btn btn--rounded btn-facebook js-social-btn"> <span class="ico ico--rounded ico-facebook ico--s"></span> </a> </li> <li class="share__item"> <a href=";text=UN+General+Assembly+Weighs+Competing+Resolutions+Marking+Third+Anniversary+Of+War+In+Ukraine" data-analytics-text="share_on_twitter" title="Share on Twitter" target="_blank" class="btn btn--rounded btn-twitter js-social-btn"> <span class="ico ico--rounded ico-twitter ico--s"></span> </a> </li> <li class="share__item"> <a href="" data-analytics-text="share_on_vkontakte" title="Share on В Контакте" target="_blank" class="btn btn--rounded btn-vkontakte js-social-btn"> <span class="ico ico--rounded ico-vkontakte ico--s"></span> </a> </li> <li class="share__item"> <a href="mailto:?;subject=UN General Assembly Weighs Competing Resolutions Marking Third Anniversary Of War In Ukraine" title="Email to a Friend" class="btn btn--rounded btn-email "> <span class="ico ico--rounded ico-email ico--s"></span> </a> </li> <li class="share__item share__item--additional"> <a href=";;title=UN General Assembly Weighs Competing Resolutions Marking Third Anniversary Of War In Ukraine" data-analytics-text="share_on_linkedIn" title="Share on LinkedIn" target="_blank" class="btn btn--rounded btn-linkedin js-social-btn"> <span class="ico ico--rounded ico-linkedin ico--s"></span> </a> </li> <li class="share__item share__item--additional"> <div class="ctc"> <input type="text" class="ctc__input" readonly="readonly"> <button class="btn btn--rounded btn--ctc ctc__button" value="text" role="copy link" js-href="" title="copy link"> <span class="ico ico-content-copy ico--rounded ico--s"></span> </button> </div> </li> <li class="share__item share__item--sharing-more"> <a title="More options" data-title-additional="Fewer options" class="btn btn--rounded btn--show-more hidden"> <span class="ico ico--rounded ico-ellipsis ico--s"></span> </a> </li> </ul> </aside> </div> </div> </div> <div class="accordeon__item-wrap"> <div class="news__item news__item--unopenable accordeon__item sticky-btn-parent" data-switch-target="more-less-33323524" data-article-id="33323524" data-api-id="33323524" data-api-type="1"> <div class="news__item-inner pos-rel"> <div class="publishing-details "> <div class="published"> <span class="date" > <span class="badge badge--updated">Updated</span> <time datetime="2025-02-22T09:50:40+01:00"> February 22, 2025 </time> </span> </div> <div class="links"> <ul class="links__list"> <li class="links__item"> By <a class="links__item-link" href="/author/rfe-rl/t-upm" title="RFE/RL">RFE/RL</a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <h1 class="title pg-title"> Zelenskyy And Putin Must &#39;Get Together&#39; To End War In Ukraine, Trump Says </h1> <div class="cover-media"> <figure class="media-image js-media-expand"> <div class="img-wrap"> <div class="thumb thumb16_9"> <img src="" alt="U.S. President Donald Trump (left) and Commerce Secretary Howard Lutnick (R) at Lutnick&#39;s swearing-in ceremony on February 21. " /> </div> </div> <figcaption> <span class="caption">U.S. President Donald Trump (left) and Commerce Secretary Howard Lutnick (R) at Lutnick&#39;s swearing-in ceremony on February 21. </span> </figcaption> </figure> </div> <div class="news__buttons news__buttons--main pos-abs"> <button class="btn btn--news btn--news-more pos-abs"> <span class="ico ico-chevron-down"></span> </button> <button class="btn btn--news sticky-btn btn--news-less"> <span class="ico ico-close"></span> </button> </div> <div class="wsw accordeon__target"> <p>U.S. President Donald Trump said on February 21 that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Russian President Vladimir Putin will have to &quot;get together&quot; to end the nearly three-year-old war in Ukraine.</p><div class="backgrounder content-floated overlap-md "> <div class="wsw"> <h3 class="wsw__h3">Ukraine Invasion: News &amp; Analysis</h3> <p>RFE/RL's <strong><a class="wsw__a" href="" target="_blank">Ukraine Live Briefing</a> </strong>gives you the latest developments on Russia's invasion, Western military aid, the plight of civilians, and territorial control maps<em>. </em>For all of RFE/RL's coverage of the war, <strong><a class="wsw__a" href="" target="_blank">click here</a></strong>.</p> </div> </div><p>&quot;I think that President Putin and President Zelenskyy are going to have to get together. Because you know what? We want to stop killing millions of people,&quot; Trump told reporters at the White House after swearing in Howard Lutnick as commerce secretary.</p><p>“I think we have a chance to get the deal done. I had to make sure that Russia wanted to do it,” referring to a meeting on the war in Ukraine this week between the top U.S. and Russian diplomats in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.</p><p>Trump also said he would not go to Moscow for the May 9 Victory Day events marking the anniversary of the end of World War II and said the United States was close to signing a minerals deal with Ukraine.</p><p>“I think we are pretty close I think they want it,” Trump said. “It’s significant. It’s a big deal,” he added.</p><p>Three anonymous sources familiar with the matter told<strong> </strong><a class="wsw__a" href="" target="_blank"><strong>Reuters</strong></a> that while pursuing an agreement on critical minerals, Washington has also raised the possibility of cutting Ukraine's access to Elon Musk's Starlink satellite Internet system.</p><p>Darya Kalenyuk, an executive director of Kyiv's Anti-Corruption Action Center, told RFE/RL that the system is vital for Ukraine's defense.</p><p>&quot;It provides an Internet connection at the frontline [...] it is very hard to fight without having access to Starlink,&quot; Kalenyuk said.</p><p>Ukraine has deposits of 117 of the 120 most widely used minerals and metals in the world. Access to these resources could be worth trillions in total.</p><div data-owner-ct="None" data-inline="False"> <div class="media-block also-read"> <a class="img-wrap img-wrap--size-3 also-read__img" href="/a/ukraine-trump-rare-earth-minerals-russia/33302784.html" title="Ukraine Needs U.S. Weapons. Trump Wants Its Rare Earth Minerals In Return."> <span class="thumb thumb16_9"> <noscript class="nojs-img"> <img src="" alt="Rare earth minerals, like these extracted in Texas, are used in a range of high-tech manufacturing and renewable energy products. (file photo)"> </noscript> <img data-src="" alt="Rare earth minerals, like these extracted in Texas, are used in a range of high-tech manufacturing and renewable energy products. (file photo)" /> </span> </a> <div class="media-block__content also-read__body also-read__body--h"> <a href="/a/ukraine-trump-rare-earth-minerals-russia/33302784.html" title="Ukraine Needs U.S. Weapons. Trump Wants Its Rare Earth Minerals In Return."> <span class="also-read__text--label"> SEE ALSO: </span> <h4 class="media-block__title media-block__title--size-3 also-read__text p-0"> Ukraine Needs U.S. Weapons. Trump Wants Its Rare Earth Minerals In Return. </h4> </a> </div> </div> </div><p>Trump has been pushing for a deal to end the war in Ukraine soon and held separate calls this week with both leaders.</p><p>Zelenskyy referred to the minerals deal in his <a class="wsw__a" href="" target="_blank"><strong>evening address</strong></a>, saying he hoped for a fair result.</p><p>&quot;This is an agreement that can add value to our relationship, and the main thing is to work out the details so that it can work,&quot; he said two days after Trump sharply criticized Zelenskyy, calling him a &quot;dictator&quot; who risks losing his country if he does not &quot;move fast.&quot;</p><div data-owner-ct="None" data-inline="False"> <div class="media-block also-read"> <a class="img-wrap img-wrap--size-3 also-read__img" href="/a/zelenskyy-ukraine-trump-putin-war-peace-talks/33320679.html" title="Excluded From Talks, Bruised By Trump, Zelenskyy Calls For ‘More Truth’"> <span class="thumb thumb16_9"> <noscript class="nojs-img"> <img src="" alt="Outgunned and outmanned, exhausted Ukrainian troops are struggling to hold back Russian advance across the 1,100-kilometer front line. "> </noscript> <img data-src="" alt="Outgunned and outmanned, exhausted Ukrainian troops are struggling to hold back Russian advance across the 1,100-kilometer front line. " /> </span> </a> <div class="media-block__content also-read__body also-read__body--h"> <a href="/a/zelenskyy-ukraine-trump-putin-war-peace-talks/33320679.html" title="Excluded From Talks, Bruised By Trump, Zelenskyy Calls For ‘More Truth’"> <span class="also-read__text--label"> SEE ALSO: </span> <h4 class="media-block__title media-block__title--size-3 also-read__text p-0"> Excluded From Talks, Bruised By Trump, Zelenskyy Calls For ‘More Truth’ </h4> </a> </div> </div> </div><p>In his evening address, Zelenskyy said he spoke by phone on February 21 with the leaders of several European countries.</p><p>&quot;Europe must and can do much more to ensure that peace is actually achieved,” he said after calls with the leaders of Germany, Poland, Sweden, the Czech Republic, Luxembourg, Slovenia, and Croatia.</p><p>He said it would be possible to achieve an end to the war with Russia since Ukraine and its partners in Europe have &quot;clear proposals.&quot;</p><p>&quot;On this basis we can ensure the implementation of a European strategy, and it is important that this is done together with America,&quot; he said.</p> </div> <div class="pos-rel news__read-more"> <label class="news__read-more-label accordeon__control-label pos-abs" data-for="more-less-33323524" data-switcher-trigger="true"></label> <a class="btn btn--link news__read-more-btn" href="#" title="Read more"> <span class="btn__text"> Read more </span> </a> </div> <label data-for="more-less-33323524" data-switcher-trigger="true" class="switcher-trigger__label accordeon__control-label news__control-label pos-abs"></label> </div> <div class="news__share-outer"> <aside class="share news__sharing js-share--apply-sticky js-share--expandable js-share--horizontal"> <ul class="share__list"> <li class="share__item"> <a href="" data-analytics-text="share_on_facebook" title="Share on Facebook" target="_blank" class="btn btn--rounded btn-facebook js-social-btn"> <span class="ico ico--rounded ico-facebook ico--s"></span> </a> </li> <li class="share__item"> <a href=";text=Zelenskyy+And+Putin+Must+%27Get+Together%27+To+End+War+In+Ukraine%2c+Trump+Says" data-analytics-text="share_on_twitter" title="Share on Twitter" target="_blank" class="btn btn--rounded btn-twitter js-social-btn"> <span class="ico ico--rounded ico-twitter ico--s"></span> </a> </li> <li class="share__item"> <a href="" data-analytics-text="share_on_vkontakte" title="Share on В Контакте" target="_blank" class="btn btn--rounded btn-vkontakte js-social-btn"> <span class="ico ico--rounded ico-vkontakte ico--s"></span> </a> </li> <li class="share__item"> <a href="mailto:?;subject=Zelenskyy And Putin Must &#39;Get Together&#39; To End War In Ukraine, Trump Says" title="Email to a Friend" class="btn btn--rounded btn-email "> <span class="ico ico--rounded ico-email ico--s"></span> </a> </li> <li class="share__item share__item--additional"> <a href=";;title=Zelenskyy And Putin Must &#39;Get Together&#39; To End War In Ukraine, Trump Says" data-analytics-text="share_on_linkedIn" title="Share on LinkedIn" target="_blank" class="btn btn--rounded btn-linkedin js-social-btn"> <span class="ico ico--rounded ico-linkedin ico--s"></span> </a> </li> <li class="share__item share__item--additional"> <div class="ctc"> <input type="text" class="ctc__input" readonly="readonly"> <button class="btn btn--rounded btn--ctc ctc__button" value="text" role="copy link" js-href="" title="copy link"> <span class="ico ico-content-copy ico--rounded ico--s"></span> </button> </div> </li> <li class="share__item share__item--sharing-more"> <a title="More options" data-title-additional="Fewer options" class="btn btn--rounded btn--show-more hidden"> <span class="ico ico--rounded ico-ellipsis ico--s"></span> </a> </li> </ul> </aside> </div> </div> </div> <div class="accordeon__item-wrap"> <div class="news__item news__item--unopenable accordeon__item sticky-btn-parent" data-switch-target="more-less-33323344" data-article-id="33323344" data-api-id="33323344" data-api-type="1"> <div class="news__item-inner pos-rel"> <div class="publishing-details "> <div class="published"> <span class="date" > <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2025-02-21T17:30:16+01:00"> February 21, 2025 </time> </span> </div> <div class="links"> <ul class="links__list"> <li class="links__item"> By <a class="links__item-link" href="/author/rfe-rl/t-upm" title="RFE/RL">RFE/RL</a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <h1 class="title pg-title"> U.S. Envoy Calls Zelenskyy ‘Courageous Leader’ Amid Escalating Tensions Between Trump and Kyiv </h1> <div class="cover-media"> <figure class="media-image js-media-expand"> <div class="img-wrap"> <div class="thumb thumb16_9"> <img src="" alt="Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy (left) and U.S. special envoy Keith Kellogg meet in Kyiv on February 20. " /> </div> </div> <figcaption> <span class="caption">Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy (left) and U.S. special envoy Keith Kellogg meet in Kyiv on February 20. </span> </figcaption> </figure> </div> <div class="news__buttons news__buttons--main pos-abs"> <button class="btn btn--news btn--news-more pos-abs"> <span class="ico ico-chevron-down"></span> </button> <button class="btn btn--news sticky-btn btn--news-less"> <span class="ico ico-close"></span> </button> </div> <div class="wsw accordeon__target"> <p>U.S. President Donald Trump’s special envoy for Ukraine says he held &quot;extensive and positive&quot; discussions with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy as the White House continues to explore a peace deal and also strike an agreement with Kyiv on accessing the country’s valuable minerals in exchange for U.S. assistance.</p><div class="backgrounder content-floated overlap-md "> <div class="wsw"> <h3 class="wsw__h3">Ukraine Invasion: News &amp; Analysis</h3> <p>RFE/RL's <strong><a class="wsw__a" href="" target="_blank">Ukraine Live Briefing</a> </strong>gives you the latest developments on Russia's invasion, Western military aid, the plight of civilians, and territorial control maps<em>. </em>For all of RFE/RL's coverage of the war, <strong><a class="wsw__a" href="" target="_blank">click here</a></strong>.</p> </div> </div><p>&quot;A long and intense day with the senior leadership of Ukraine,” Keith Kellogg <a class="wsw__a" href=""><strong>wrote</strong></a> in a February 21 post on X in his first comments about his meeting with Zelenskyy since reporters gathered for a February 20 press conference only for it to be canceled at the last minute.</p><p>Kellogg called the Ukrainian president an “embattled and courageous leader” while Zelenskyy said that the meeting “restores hope” following a public rift between Kyiv and Washington, with Trump calling the Ukrainian president a “dictator without elections” and Zelenskyy accusing him of echoing Russian propaganda.</p><p>The conciliatory comments came on the final day of a multiday visit to Ukraine by Kellogg and a few days after U.S.-Russia talks in Saudi Arabia about ending three years of war in Ukraine.</p><p>Since those talks, Trump and Zelenskyy have traded public criticism amid growing tensions between Kyiv and Washington.</p><p>Trump continued his critique on February 21, saying there is &quot;no need to include Zelenskyy in peace talks&quot; because the Ukrainian leader has so far failed to end the war.</p><p>&quot;I've been watching him negotiate with no cards. He has no cards and you get sick of it...I've had it,&quot; Trump told Fox News radio.</p><p>In addition to exploring the path for a peace deal, Kellogg's visit came amid discussions on reaching a possible agreement that would grant the United States access to lucrative Ukrainian critical minerals and rare earth deposits as compensation for past U.S. aid following Russia’s full-scale invasion while also potentially securing future American assistance.</p><p>The exact terms of the U.S. offer are not known and it remains unclear if progress was made during Kellogg’s trip.</p><p>Both <a class="wsw__a" href=""><u><strong>Reuters</strong></u></a> and <a class="wsw__a" href=""><u><strong>Axios</strong></u></a> reported that U.S. officials during Kellogg’s visit presented a new streamlined minerals pact to Kyiv after Zelenskyy rejected an initial offer presented by U.S. Treasury Secretary Scott Bessent, which would have given the United States a 50 percent stake in Ukraine’s natural resources, including minerals, metals, oil, and gas.</p><div data-owner-ct="None" data-inline="False"> <div class="media-block also-read"> <a class="img-wrap img-wrap--size-3 also-read__img" href="/a/ukraine-trump-rare-earth-minerals-russia/33302784.html" title="Ukraine Needs U.S. Weapons. Trump Wants Its Rare Earth Minerals In Return."> <span class="thumb thumb16_9"> <noscript class="nojs-img"> <img src="" alt="Rare earth minerals, like these extracted in Texas, are used in a range of high-tech manufacturing and renewable energy products. (file photo)"> </noscript> <img data-src="" alt="Rare earth minerals, like these extracted in Texas, are used in a range of high-tech manufacturing and renewable energy products. (file photo)" /> </span> </a> <div class="media-block__content also-read__body also-read__body--h"> <a href="/a/ukraine-trump-rare-earth-minerals-russia/33302784.html" title="Ukraine Needs U.S. Weapons. Trump Wants Its Rare Earth Minerals In Return."> <span class="also-read__text--label"> SEE ALSO: </span> <h4 class="media-block__title media-block__title--size-3 also-read__text p-0"> Ukraine Needs U.S. Weapons. Trump Wants Its Rare Earth Minerals In Return. </h4> </a> </div> </div> </div><p>The new U.S. offer reportedly aims to quickly reach a new simplified agreement with Kyiv and then later negotiate detailed terms. Zelenskyy raised concerns when he rejected the offer last week about some provisions, including a lack of security guarantees for Ukraine. The new U.S. offer is said to have made “improved” modifications to the previous one, according to Reuters and Axios.</p><p>U.S. national-security adviser Mike Waltz said on February 21 while on a panel at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Washington that he expects Kyiv to sign the deal, adding that it would &quot;recoup the hundreds of billions of dollars that have been invested in this war&quot; for U.S. taxpayers.</p><p>&quot;President Zelenskyy is going to sign that deal,&quot; he said. &quot;And you will see that in the very short term.&quot;<br /><br />U.S. Secretary of State Marco Rubio also accused Zelenskyy of backtracking in discussions on a minerals deal during a February 21 interview. He said that an agreement was reached in principle with Zelenskyy that the United States would take a portion of Ukraine's desposits in exchange for previous and future aid.</p><p>&quot;[Zelensky] said: &quot;Sure, we want to do this deal, it makes all the sense in the world, the only thing is I need to run it through my legislative process -- they have to approve it,&quot; Rubio <a class="wsw__a" href="" target="_blank"><strong>said</strong></a>. &quot;I read two days later that Zelensky is out there saying: &quot;I rejected the deal, I told them no way, we're not doing that&quot;, but that's not what happened in that meeting. So, you start to get upset.&quot;</p><p>Trump has repeatedly said that he wants some form of reimbursement for the assistance that Washington has invested in Ukraine’s defense and said that he wants a resource pact in place before authorizing more U.S. military support.</p><p>Access to Ukrainian resources, in particular the country’s rare earth deposits, could be worth trillions in total.</p><div class="clear"></div> <div class="wsw__embed"> <div class="infgraphicsAttach" > <script type="text/javascript"> initInfographics( { groups:[], params:[], isMobile:true }); </script> <div style="max-width: 700px; margin: 0 auto;"> <div style="min-height:838px" id="datawrapper-vis-stAb4"><script type="text/javascript" defer src="" charset="utf-8" data-target="#datawrapper-vis-stAb4"></script><noscript><img src="" alt="" /></noscript></div> </div> </div> </div><p>Ukraine has deposits of 117 of the 120 most widely used minerals and metals in the world -- with up to 50 percent of all Ukraine’s rare earth supplies in the eastern part of the country.</p><p>Rare earths are a valuable class of 17 minerals that make up a critical part of items like smartphones and laptops, but also advanced weaponry like missiles, fighter jets, tanks, and drones. China currently produces about 60 percent of the world's rare earths and refines more than 90 percent of them. This has left many countries, the United States in particular, looking to reduce their dependency on China and tap into other mineral reserves.</p><p>Washington said it wanted $500 billion worth of Ukraine's critical minerals, which Zelenskiy said during a February 19 press conference was “not serious.”</p><div class="wsw__embed"> <div class="media-pholder media-pholder--video "> <div class="c-sticky-container" data-poster=""> <div class="c-sticky-element" data-sp_api="pangea-video" data-persistent data-persistent-browse-out > <div class="c-mmp c-mmp--enabled c-mmp--loading c-mmp--video c-mmp--standard c-mmp--has-poster c-sticky-element__swipe-el" data-player_id="" data-title="Why Are Rare Earth Minerals Making Headlines?" data-hide-title="False" data-breakpoint_s="320" data-breakpoint_m="640" data-breakpoint_l="992" data-hlsjs-src="/Scripts/responsive/hls.b" data-bypass-dash-for-vod="true" data-bypass-dash-for-live-video="true" data-bypass-dash-for-live-audio="true" 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-- which Ukrainian Air Force says involved 160 Russian drones -- hit dozens of homes and damaged infrastructure across the Donetsk, Kherson, Nikopol, and Zaporizhzhya regions.</p> </div> <div class="pos-rel news__read-more"> <label class="news__read-more-label accordeon__control-label pos-abs" data-for="more-less-33323344" data-switcher-trigger="true"></label> <a class="btn btn--link news__read-more-btn" href="#" title="Read more"> <span class="btn__text"> Read more </span> </a> </div> <label data-for="more-less-33323344" data-switcher-trigger="true" class="switcher-trigger__label accordeon__control-label news__control-label pos-abs"></label> </div> <div class="news__share-outer"> <aside class="share news__sharing js-share--apply-sticky js-share--expandable js-share--horizontal"> <ul class="share__list"> <li class="share__item"> <a href="" data-analytics-text="share_on_facebook" title="Share on Facebook" target="_blank" class="btn btn--rounded btn-facebook js-social-btn"> <span 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accordeon__item sticky-btn-parent" data-switch-target="more-less-33323074" data-article-id="33323074" data-api-id="33323074" data-api-type="1"> <div class="news__item-inner pos-rel"> <div class="publishing-details "> <div class="published"> <span class="date" > <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2025-02-21T14:11:14+01:00"> February 21, 2025 </time> </span> </div> <div class="links"> <ul class="links__list"> <li class="links__item"> By <a class="links__item-link" href="/author/anca-gradinaru/oqmkqr" title="Anca Gradinaru">Anca Gradinaru</a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <h1 class="title pg-title"> Kremlin Denies It Asked NATO To Withdraw Troops From Eastern Flanks </h1> <div class="cover-media"> <figure class="media-image js-media-expand"> <div class="img-wrap"> <div class="thumb thumb16_9"> <img src="" alt="Aegis Ashore, the U.S. anti-missile defense system in Romania, has been a major irritant for Russia, which views it, along with NATO&#39;s forward-deployed units, as a potential threat. " /> </div> </div> <figcaption> <span class="caption">Aegis Ashore, the U.S. anti-missile defense system in Romania, has been a major irritant for Russia, which views it, along with NATO&#39;s forward-deployed units, as a potential threat. </span> </figcaption> </figure> </div> <div class="news__buttons news__buttons--main pos-abs"> <button class="btn btn--news btn--news-more pos-abs"> <span class="ico ico-chevron-down"></span> </button> <button class="btn btn--news sticky-btn btn--news-less"> <span class="ico ico-close"></span> </button> </div> <div class="wsw accordeon__target"> <p>The Kremlin has denied reports that Russian officials requested that the United States seek the withdrawal of NATO troops from countries near or bordering Russia.</p><p>&quot;No, this is not true, this does not correspond to reality,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on February 21. “Our position is that the advancement of military infrastructure toward our borders is of concern to us. This position of ours is known to everyone; it is no secret to anyone.”</p><p>Those comments were in response to remarks by a top Romanian presidential adviser, who appeared to say that Russian officials had lodged the request during high-level talks in Riyadh between delegations from Moscow and Washington.</p><p>The Romanian official, Cristian Diaconescu, who spoke to a Romanian TV channel, <a class="wsw__a" href="" target="_blank"><strong>later walked back his comments</strong></a>, clarifying that such a request had been made in the past -- in 2021, prior to the launch of the February 2022 all-out invasion of Ukraine.</p><p>Russia has fumed for years, publicly and privately, about the presence of NATO troops in countries like the three Baltic states and Poland. It’s also complained loudly about NATO missile defense sites in Poland and Romania. And NATO’s expansion eastward -- first in 1997, and then in two rounds in the 2000s -- is seen by many Kremlin hawks as a fundamentally hostile act -- and a partial pretext for the Ukraine invasion.</p><p>With U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration signaling a radical new approach to European relations –- he has repeatedly complained that NATO members aren’t spending enough money on the alliance – there is rising alarm in Europe that the Trump White House could accede to Russian demands.</p><div class="clear"></div> <div class="wsw__embed mediaReplacer externalMedia"> <div class="external-content-placeholder"></div><script>renderExternalContent("//", "//")</script></div><p>Earlier this month, U.S. Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth roiled the 32-member alliance when he pointedly ruled out NATO membership for Ukraine and ruled out U.S. troops joining any potential peacekeeping effort in Ukraine. <a class="wsw__a" href="" target="_blank"><strong>He also said</strong></a> NATO would not come to the rescue of any European nation if it were involved in that effort, and it were attacked by Russia.</p><p>Speaking in an interview with Antena 3 CNN on February 19, one day after U.S and Russian delegations met in Riyadh, Diaconescu appeared to suggest that Moscow had lodged a new request for NATO withdrawal.</p><p>&quot;Their [Russian] expectations are that, at some point, the U.S. would cause the European partners within NATO to withdraw NATO's security guarantees on the 1997 alignment,” he said.</p><div data-owner-ct="None" data-inline="False"> <div class="media-block also-read"> <a class="img-wrap img-wrap--size-3 also-read__img" href="/a/romania-ukraine-nato-black-sea-grain-war/33162333.html" title="From Neighbors To Power Partners: Romania&#39;s Deepening Ties With Ukraine"> <span class="thumb thumb16_9"> <noscript class="nojs-img"> <img src="" alt="A Romanian F-16 jet pilot at the opening ceremony for the European F-16 Training Center at a military air base in southeastern Romania."> </noscript> <img data-src="" alt="A Romanian F-16 jet pilot at the opening ceremony for the European F-16 Training Center at a military air base in southeastern Romania." /> </span> </a> <div class="media-block__content also-read__body also-read__body--h"> <a href="/a/romania-ukraine-nato-black-sea-grain-war/33162333.html" title="From Neighbors To Power Partners: Romania&#39;s Deepening Ties With Ukraine"> <span class="also-read__text--label"> SEE ALSO: </span> <h4 class="media-block__title media-block__title--size-3 also-read__text p-0"> From Neighbors To Power Partners: Romania&#39;s Deepening Ties With Ukraine </h4> </a> </div> </div> </div><p>In subsequent comments to other Romanian TV channels, Diaconescu walked back that statement saying he was referring to previous requests. The Americans and the Europeans do not accept Russian requests, he said, &quot;not then, not now.&quot;</p><p>Poland’s president, whose country has been the most vocal supporter of Ukraine and bolstered NATO troop deployment along NATO’s eastern flank, <a class="wsw__a" href="" target="_blank"><strong>said on February 18</strong></a> that he had received U.S. assurances that there will be no reduction in U.S. troops.</p><p>“There are no concerns that the U.S. would reduce the level of its presence in our country, that the U.S. would in any way withdraw from its responsibility or co-responsibility for the security of this part of Europe,” Andrzej Duda told reporters in Warsaw after a meeting with Trump’s special envoy, Keith Kellogg.<br /><br />The Kremlin <a class="wsw__a" href="" target="_blank"><strong>pushed similar demands</strong></a> about a NATO pullback in discussions with the United States in late 2021 before it launched its full-scale invasion.</p><p>Back then, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov issued demands in talks with the United States that called for a ban on Ukraine joining NATO and withdrawing deployments of NATO troops and weapons to where they were stationed in 1997 before the alliance’s eastward expansion.</p><p>Beyond taking on new members in Eastern Europe, NATO bolstered its eastern forces following Russia's 2014 annexation of Crimea and in the wake of Moscow's full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 to reassure members -- particularly those who fell under Soviet control during the Cold War.</p><div data-owner-ct="None" data-inline="False"> <div class="media-block also-read"> <a class="img-wrap img-wrap--size-3 also-read__img" href="/a/ukraine-russia-crisis-crosshairs-live-briefing/31668477.html" title="Ukraine Live Briefing: Kyiv Close To Signing U.S. Minerals Deal"> <span class="thumb thumb16_9"> <noscript class="nojs-img"> <img src="" alt="People rally in Kyiv to support Ukraine to mark three years since Russia&#39;s full-scale invasion of Ukraine on February 24."> </noscript> <img data-src="" alt="People rally in Kyiv to support Ukraine to mark three years since Russia&#39;s full-scale invasion of Ukraine on February 24." /> </span> </a> <div class="media-block__content also-read__body also-read__body--h"> <a href="/a/ukraine-russia-crisis-crosshairs-live-briefing/31668477.html" title="Ukraine Live Briefing: Kyiv Close To Signing U.S. Minerals Deal"> <span class="also-read__text--label"> SEE ALSO: </span> <h4 class="media-block__title media-block__title--size-3 also-read__text p-0"> Ukraine Live Briefing: Kyiv Close To Signing U.S. Minerals Deal </h4> </a> </div> </div> </div><p><br />In total, <a class="wsw__a" href="" target="_blank"><strong>there are eight NATO battlegroups</strong></a> -- an “enhanced forward presence” -- deployed in eastern Europe and the three Baltic states, totaling nearly 30,000 troops, as of the most recent alliance data.</p><p>&quot;Putin’s objectives remain the same: to subjugate Ukraine and also to divide Europe and also to divide Europe and the United States,&quot; Oana Lungescu, a former NATO spokeswoman, said in an interview with RFE/RL's Romanian Service. &quot;So, precisely for that reason, there is less reason to speculate or to panic, but to look at what the interests of Europe are and, obviously, what the interests of Romania are.&quot;</p> </div> <div class="pos-rel news__read-more"> <label class="news__read-more-label accordeon__control-label pos-abs" data-for="more-less-33323074" data-switcher-trigger="true"></label> <a class="btn btn--link news__read-more-btn" href="#" title="Read more"> <span class="btn__text"> Read more </span> </a> </div> <label data-for="more-less-33323074" data-switcher-trigger="true" class="switcher-trigger__label accordeon__control-label news__control-label pos-abs"></label> </div> <div class="news__share-outer"> <aside class="share news__sharing js-share--apply-sticky js-share--expandable js-share--horizontal"> 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</div> </div> <div class="accordeon__item-wrap"> <div class="news__item news__item--unopenable accordeon__item sticky-btn-parent" data-switch-target="more-less-33322609" data-article-id="33322609" data-api-id="33322609" data-api-type="1"> <div class="news__item-inner pos-rel"> <div class="publishing-details "> <div class="published"> <span class="date" > <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2025-02-21T05:53:13+01:00"> February 21, 2025 </time> </span> </div> <div class="links"> <ul class="links__list"> <li class="links__item"> By <a class="links__item-link" href="/author/rfe-rl/t-upm" title="RFE/RL">RFE/RL</a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <h1 class="title pg-title"> Trump-Putin Summit Depends On Progress On Ending War, Rubio Says </h1> <div class="cover-media"> <figure class="media-image js-media-expand"> <div class="img-wrap"> <div class="thumb thumb16_9"> <img src="" alt="U.S. Secretary of State Marco Rubio (file photo)" /> </div> </div> <figcaption> <span class="caption">U.S. Secretary of State Marco Rubio (file photo)</span> </figcaption> </figure> </div> <div class="news__buttons news__buttons--main pos-abs"> <button class="btn btn--news btn--news-more pos-abs"> <span class="ico ico-chevron-down"></span> </button> <button class="btn btn--news sticky-btn btn--news-less"> <span class="ico ico-close"></span> </button> </div> <div class="wsw accordeon__target"> <p>A possible meeting between U.S. President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin will depend on whether progress is made on ending the war in Ukraine, U.S. Secretary of State Marco Rubio said on February 20.</p><p>Rubio said in an interview that he told Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov during their meeting on February 18 in Saudi Arabia that there won’t be a meeting “until we know what the meeting is going to be about.”</p><p>Such meetings usually are not held “until you know some outcome or some progress has been made,” he added.</p><p>At the talks in Riyadh, Russia and the United States agreed to establish teams to negotiate a path to ending the war that began when Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022. Both Putin and Trump have said they want to hold a summit.</p><p>&quot;So I think when that meeting happens will largely depend on whether we can make any progress on ending the war in Ukraine, and if we can, and that meeting is what seals the deal, I think everybody should celebrate that President Trump is a peacemaker,&quot; he said.</p><div class="content-floated overlap-md" data-owner-ct="None" data-inline="False"> <div class="media-block also-read also-read--aside"> <a class="img-wrap img-wrap--size-3 also-read__img also-read__img--aside" href="/a/us-russia-saudi-ukraine-peace-talks-riyadh-rubio-lavrov/33319124.html" title="What We Learned From High-Stakes U.S.-Russia Talks In Saudi Arabia"> <span class="thumb thumb16_9"> <noscript class="nojs-img"> <img src="" alt="U.S. Secretary of State Marco Rubio (right), Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov (left), and Russian President Vladimir Putin&#39;s foreign policy adviser Yury Ushakov attend talks in Riyadh on February 18. "> </noscript> <img data-src="" alt="U.S. Secretary of State Marco Rubio (right), Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov (left), and Russian President Vladimir Putin&#39;s foreign policy adviser Yury Ushakov attend talks in Riyadh on February 18. " /> </span> </a> <div class="media-block__content also-read__body also-read__body--aside also-read__body--aside-h"> <a href="/a/us-russia-saudi-ukraine-peace-talks-riyadh-rubio-lavrov/33319124.html" title="What We Learned From High-Stakes U.S.-Russia Talks In Saudi Arabia"> <span class="also-read__text--label"> SEE ALSO: </span> <h4 class="media-block__title media-block__title--size-3 also-read__text p-0"> What We Learned From High-Stakes U.S.-Russia Talks In Saudi Arabia </h4> </a> </div> </div> </div><p>Rubio spoke with American journalist Catherine Herridge in an interview broadcast on X.</p><p>Trump has been pushing for a quick deal to end the war, but his tactics have alarmed Ukraine and European governments because they fear that Russia and the U.S. might cut a deal that ignores their security interests.</p><p>Trump on February 19 shocked Ukraine and its European allies by calling President Volodymyr Zelenskyy a &quot;dictator&quot; and falsely blaming Ukraine for the full-scale invasion by Russia.</p><p>Lavrov on February 20 attended a meeting of the Group of 20 nations in South Africa and met on the sidelines with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi.</p><p>Lavrov said Russia's relations with China &quot;have become and remain an increasingly significant factor in stabilizing the international situation and preventing it from sliding into total confrontation,” according to a statement released by the Russian Foreign Ministry.</p><p>Wang told other G20 foreign ministers that a &quot;window for peace&quot; is opening for Ukraine, and China supports “all efforts conducive to peace,&quot; according to a Chinese Foreign Ministry statement.</p><p>The G20 is made up of 19 of the world's major economies, the European Union, and the African Union. South Africa currently holds the rotating presidency of the organization, whose goal is to bring developed and developing countries together to create a foundation for global economic stability and foster cooperation.</p><p>Rubio decided not to attend the two-day G20 meeting amid tensions with South Africa over some of its policies that the Trump administration has characterized as anti-American. The U.S. was represented by Dana Brown, its acting ambassador to South Africa.</p><h6 class="wsw__h6">With reporting by Reuters and AFP</h6> </div> <div class="pos-rel news__read-more"> <label class="news__read-more-label accordeon__control-label pos-abs" data-for="more-less-33322609" data-switcher-trigger="true"></label> <a class="btn btn--link news__read-more-btn" href="#" title="Read more"> <span class="btn__text"> Read more </span> </a> </div> <label data-for="more-less-33322609" data-switcher-trigger="true" class="switcher-trigger__label accordeon__control-label news__control-label pos-abs"></label> </div> <div class="news__share-outer"> <aside class="share news__sharing js-share--apply-sticky js-share--expandable js-share--horizontal"> <ul class="share__list"> <li class="share__item"> <a href="" data-analytics-text="share_on_facebook" title="Share on Facebook" target="_blank" class="btn btn--rounded btn-facebook js-social-btn"> <span class="ico ico--rounded ico-facebook ico--s"></span> </a> </li> <li class="share__item"> <a href=";text=Trump-Putin+Summit+Depends+On+Progress+On+Ending+War%2c+Rubio+Says" data-analytics-text="share_on_twitter" title="Share on Twitter" target="_blank" class="btn btn--rounded btn-twitter js-social-btn"> <span class="ico ico--rounded ico-twitter ico--s"></span> </a> </li> <li class="share__item"> <a href="" data-analytics-text="share_on_vkontakte" title="Share on В Контакте" target="_blank" class="btn btn--rounded btn-vkontakte js-social-btn"> <span class="ico ico--rounded ico-vkontakte ico--s"></span> </a> </li> <li class="share__item"> <a href="mailto:?;subject=Trump-Putin Summit Depends On Progress On Ending War, Rubio Says" title="Email to a Friend" class="btn btn--rounded btn-email "> <span class="ico ico--rounded ico-email ico--s"></span> </a> </li> <li class="share__item share__item--additional"> <a href=";;title=Trump-Putin Summit Depends On Progress On Ending War, Rubio Says" data-analytics-text="share_on_linkedIn" title="Share on LinkedIn" target="_blank" class="btn btn--rounded btn-linkedin js-social-btn"> <span class="ico ico--rounded ico-linkedin ico--s"></span> </a> </li> <li class="share__item share__item--additional"> <div class="ctc"> <input type="text" class="ctc__input" readonly="readonly"> <button class="btn btn--rounded btn--ctc ctc__button" value="text" role="copy link" js-href="" title="copy link"> <span class="ico ico-content-copy ico--rounded ico--s"></span> </button> </div> </li> <li class="share__item share__item--sharing-more"> <a title="More options" data-title-additional="Fewer options" class="btn btn--rounded btn--show-more hidden"> <span class="ico ico--rounded ico-ellipsis ico--s"></span> </a> </li> </ul> </aside> </div> </div> </div> <div class="accordeon__item-wrap"> <div class="news__item news__item--unopenable accordeon__item sticky-btn-parent" data-switch-target="more-less-33322572" data-article-id="33322572" data-api-id="33322572" data-api-type="1"> <div class="news__item-inner pos-rel"> <div class="publishing-details "> <div class="published"> <span class="date" > <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2025-02-21T01:35:13+01:00"> February 21, 2025 </time> </span> </div> <div class="links"> <ul class="links__list"> <li class="links__item"> By <a class="links__item-link" href="/author/rfe-rls-ukrainian-service/guv_qt" title="RFE/RL&#39;s Ukrainian Service">RFE/RL&#39;s Ukrainian Service</a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <h1 class="title pg-title"> Zelenskyy Stresses Need For Strong Agreements With U.S. After Meeting Envoy </h1> <div class="cover-media"> <figure class="media-image js-media-expand"> <div class="img-wrap"> <div class="thumb thumb16_9"> <img src="" alt="Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy (L) and U.S. envoy for Ukraine and Russia Keith Kellogg (R). " /> </div> </div> <figcaption> <span class="caption">Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy (L) and U.S. envoy for Ukraine and Russia Keith Kellogg (R). </span> </figcaption> </figure> </div> <div class="news__buttons news__buttons--main pos-abs"> <button class="btn btn--news btn--news-more pos-abs"> <span class="ico ico-chevron-down"></span> </button> <button class="btn btn--news sticky-btn btn--news-less"> <span class="ico ico-close"></span> </button> </div> <div class="wsw accordeon__target"> <p>Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy cast his talks with U.S. envoy Keith Kellogg in a positive light on February 20 despite a further sign of tension when a planned joint news conference was canceled.</p><p>Zelenskyy said in his <a class="wsw__a" href="" target="_blank"><strong>evening address</strong></a> that the meeting with Kellogg “restores hope” and reiterated that Ukraine needs strong agreements with the United States.</p><p>“I gave instructions to work swiftly and very sensibly. Economy and security must always go hand in hand, and the details of the agreements matter -- the better they are structured, the greater the results,” Zelenskyy said.</p><p>He and Kellogg discussed the situation along the front line, the need to release all Ukrainian prisoners held in Russia, and the need for a reliable and clear system of <a class="wsw__a" href="" target="_blank"><strong>security guarantees</strong></a> that ensure the war “will never return and that Russians will never again destroy lives.”</p><p>The meeting, which ended without the planned joint press conference and no comment from Kellogg, came as U.S. President Donald Trump pushes for a quick deal to end the war. Trump alarmed European allies and Ukraine by leaving them out of initial talks with Russia that took place in Saudi Arabia on February 18.</p><div class="content-floated overlap-md" data-owner-ct="None" data-inline="False"> <div class="media-block also-read also-read--aside"> <a class="img-wrap img-wrap--size-3 also-read__img also-read__img--aside" href="/a/us-russia-saudi-ukraine-peace-talks-riyadh-rubio-lavrov/33319124.html" title="What We Learned From High-Stakes U.S.-Russia Talks In Saudi Arabia"> <span class="thumb thumb16_9"> <noscript class="nojs-img"> <img src="" alt="U.S. Secretary of State Marco Rubio (right), Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov (left), and Russian President Vladimir Putin&#39;s foreign policy adviser Yury Ushakov attend talks in Riyadh on February 18. "> </noscript> <img data-src="" alt="U.S. Secretary of State Marco Rubio (right), Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov (left), and Russian President Vladimir Putin&#39;s foreign policy adviser Yury Ushakov attend talks in Riyadh on February 18. " /> </span> </a> <div class="media-block__content also-read__body also-read__body--aside also-read__body--aside-h"> <a href="/a/us-russia-saudi-ukraine-peace-talks-riyadh-rubio-lavrov/33319124.html" title="What We Learned From High-Stakes U.S.-Russia Talks In Saudi Arabia"> <span class="also-read__text--label"> SEE ALSO: </span> <h4 class="media-block__title media-block__title--size-3 also-read__text p-0"> What We Learned From High-Stakes U.S.-Russia Talks In Saudi Arabia </h4> </a> </div> </div> </div><p>He lashed out a day later against the Ukrainian president, suggesting he started the war and calling him a “dictator.”</p><p>White House national-security adviser Mike Waltz on February 20 tried to shift the narrative back to a potential deal involving Ukraine's rare mineral deposits.</p><p>&quot;He needs to come back to the table,&quot; Waltz said at a press conference at the White House, urging Zelenskyy to reach an agreement soon granting the United States access to the minerals, which are critical in the manufacture of high-tech equipment and batteries for electric cars.</p><p>Zelenskyy previously rejected a proposal that would reportedly hand the United States $500 billion in mineral wealth, including rare-earth elements, as a form of payment for U.S. military and financial support for Kyiv's defense against the full-scale invasion that Russia launched in February 2022.</p><p>Zelenskyy has pointed out that the value of U.S. wartime aid so far is far less and that the U.S. proposal did not offer concrete security guarantees.</p><p>Zelenskyy also spoke by phone on February 20 with French President Emmanuel Macron and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to discuss the latest diplomatic efforts to end the war.</p><p><a class="wsw__a" href="" target="_blank"><strong>Macron said on X</strong></a> that he used the call to advise Zelenskyy about all the contacts he had made with European partners and allies that are “keen to work toward a lasting and solid peace for Ukraine and to strengthen Europe's security.&quot;</p><p>It was his fourth call with Zelenskyy this week. Macron is due to meet Trump in Washington on February 24.</p><p>Macron said he will urge Trump to stand up to Russian President Vladimir Putin and try to convince him that the interests of the United States and Europe are in line with one another.</p><p>&quot;I will tell him: deep down you cannot be weak in the face of [Putin],&quot; Macron said.</p><p>Macron hosted a summit of European heads of state and prime ministers on February 17 to discuss the question of European peacekeeping forces to secure a possible cease-fire.</p><p>Trump is also expecting a visit from British Prime Minister Keir Starmer next week. the White House said that meeting has been set for February 27.</p><p>Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau stressed in his call with Zelenskyy that any deal to end the war must include Kyiv at the negotiating table, his office said.</p><p>Trudeau reiterated Canada's support for Ukraine and &quot;emphasized that there can be no sustainable peace in Europe without security for Ukraine,&quot; according to the statement.</p><p>British Foreign Secretary David Lammy warned on February 20 that he saw no indication that Russia wants peace in Ukraine after listening to a speech by Russia's top diplomat at a Group of 20 meeting in South Africa.</p><p>Lammy was speaking to reporters after Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov addressed other senior diplomats in a closed-door session at the G20 foreign ministers meeting. No details of Lavrov's speech were released. Lammy referred to it as “the Russian gentleman’s tired fabrications.”</p><p>Lammy said he was hoping to hear some sympathy for the innocent victims of the aggression or some readiness to seek a durable peace.</p><p>“What I heard was the logic of imperialism dressed up as a realpolitik,” he said. “I say to you all, we should not be surprised, but neither should we be fooled.”</p><p>Lammy said that Lavrov left his seat in the meeting room when it was Lammy's turn to speak.</p><p>Tensions at the meeting were underlined when a photo opportunity for the foreign ministers to pose together for pictures was canceled with no reason given.</p><h6 class="wsw__h6">With reporting by Reuters and AP</h6> </div> <div class="pos-rel news__read-more"> <label class="news__read-more-label accordeon__control-label pos-abs" data-for="more-less-33322572" data-switcher-trigger="true"></label> <a class="btn btn--link news__read-more-btn" href="#" title="Read more"> <span class="btn__text"> Read more </span> </a> </div> <label data-for="more-less-33322572" data-switcher-trigger="true" class="switcher-trigger__label accordeon__control-label news__control-label pos-abs"></label> </div> <div class="news__share-outer"> <aside class="share news__sharing js-share--apply-sticky js-share--expandable js-share--horizontal"> <ul class="share__list"> <li class="share__item"> <a href="" data-analytics-text="share_on_facebook" title="Share on Facebook" target="_blank" class="btn btn--rounded btn-facebook js-social-btn"> <span class="ico ico--rounded ico-facebook ico--s"></span> </a> </li> <li class="share__item"> <a href=";text=Zelenskyy+Stresses+Need+For+Strong+Agreements+With+U.S.+After+Meeting+Envoy" data-analytics-text="share_on_twitter" title="Share on Twitter" target="_blank" class="btn btn--rounded btn-twitter js-social-btn"> <span class="ico ico--rounded ico-twitter ico--s"></span> </a> </li> <li class="share__item"> <a href="" data-analytics-text="share_on_vkontakte" title="Share on В Контакте" target="_blank" class="btn btn--rounded btn-vkontakte js-social-btn"> <span class="ico ico--rounded ico-vkontakte ico--s"></span> </a> </li> <li class="share__item"> <a href="mailto:?;subject=Zelenskyy Stresses Need For Strong Agreements With U.S. After Meeting Envoy" title="Email to a Friend" class="btn btn--rounded btn-email "> <span class="ico ico--rounded ico-email ico--s"></span> </a> </li> <li class="share__item share__item--additional"> <a href=";;title=Zelenskyy Stresses Need For Strong Agreements With U.S. After Meeting Envoy" data-analytics-text="share_on_linkedIn" title="Share on LinkedIn" target="_blank" class="btn btn--rounded btn-linkedin js-social-btn"> <span class="ico ico--rounded ico-linkedin ico--s"></span> </a> </li> <li class="share__item share__item--additional"> <div class="ctc"> <input type="text" class="ctc__input" readonly="readonly"> <button class="btn btn--rounded btn--ctc ctc__button" value="text" role="copy link" js-href="" title="copy link"> <span class="ico ico-content-copy ico--rounded ico--s"></span> </button> </div> </li> <li class="share__item share__item--sharing-more"> <a title="More options" data-title-additional="Fewer options" class="btn btn--rounded btn--show-more hidden"> <span class="ico ico--rounded ico-ellipsis ico--s"></span> </a> </li> </ul> </aside> </div> </div> </div> <div class="accordeon__item-wrap"> <div class="news__item news__item--unopenable accordeon__item sticky-btn-parent" data-switch-target="more-less-33321865" data-article-id="33321865" data-api-id="33321865" data-api-type="1"> <div class="news__item-inner pos-rel"> <div class="publishing-details "> <div class="published"> <span class="date" > <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2025-02-20T16:11:52+01:00"> February 20, 2025 </time> </span> </div> <div class="links"> <ul class="links__list"> <li class="links__item"> By <a class="links__item-link" href="/author/gulbahor-murodi/uurgqy" title="Gulbahor Murodi">Gulbahor Murodi</a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <h1 class="title pg-title"> 3 Tajik Migrants &#39;Killed In Russian Security Forces Raid&#39; </h1> <div class="cover-media"> <figure class="media-image js-media-expand"> <div class="img-wrap"> <div class="thumb thumb16_9"> <img src="" alt="Relatives identified the suspects as Tajik migrant workers Jovid Jumaev (left), Azizjon Jumaqulzoda (center), and Parviz Rustamov." /> </div> </div> <figcaption> <span class="caption">Relatives identified the suspects as Tajik migrant workers Jovid Jumaev (left), Azizjon Jumaqulzoda (center), and Parviz Rustamov.</span> </figcaption> </figure> </div> <div class="news__buttons news__buttons--main pos-abs"> <button class="btn btn--news btn--news-more pos-abs"> <span class="ico ico-chevron-down"></span> </button> <button class="btn btn--news sticky-btn btn--news-less"> <span class="ico ico-close"></span> </button> </div> <div class="wsw accordeon__target"> <p>Three Tajik migrants have been killed in a Russian security forces raid, relatives and friends said, after local authorities claimed they had uncovered a terrorist plot in Russia's western Pskov region.</p><p>Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) said on February 13 that it had “neutralized” three members of an unnamed “international terrorist organization” who had been preparing an attack to “blow up the main railway station” in the provincial capital, Pskov, with makeshift bombs.</p><p>Footage released by the FSB shows heavily armed law enforcement agents raiding a house where the suspects had allegedly been making explosive devices. The video also depicts knives, nails, several bottles of a flammable chemical, acetone, and other items that the suspects had purportedly gathered to use as components for homemade bombs.</p><p>The recording also shows the body of a man on the floor, with what appears to be a gunshot wound to his stomach and a rifle beside his right hand.</p><p>Describing the men as “citizens of one of the Central Asian countries,” the FSB said in a statement that they had been acting “on the instructions of a foreign-based emissary” of a terrorist organization and had planned to flee to “a Near East county” after carrying out the attack.</p><p>The statement did not name the suspects, but several days later relatives and acquaintances of the men identified them as Tajik migrant workers Azizjon Azamqulzoda, Jovid Jumaev, and Parviz Rustamov.</p><p>They disputed Russian authorities’ claim that the migrants were members of a foreign terrorist group.</p><p><strong><big>Fear Of Backlash</big></strong></p><p>“I knew these young men very well, they had so many plans and dreams for the future,” said a Pskov-based Tajik migrant worker, who gave only his first name, Behzod.</p><p>“No one [among those who knew them] believes that they would be engaged in [terrorist] activity. Also, they were not the kind of people who would do something like this for money,” Behzod said, adding that he believes the Tajik workers “were made scapegoats” by Russian authorities.</p><p>Bozorboi Azamqulzoda, the father of one of the suspects, told RFE/RL's Central Asian Migrants Unit on February 17 that his son, Azizjon Azamqulzoda wasn’t religious and &quot;did not pray.&quot;</p><p>The three men used to work together as waiters at the Chaikhona restaurant in Pskov, but Rustamov quit to become a taxi driver, while Azamqulzoda found a job at a shopping center.</p><p>Behzod and several other Tajik workers in Pskov told RFE/RL that the migrant community is concerned about a potential backlash following the FSB announcement.</p><p>Behzod said many Tajiks are too afraid to leave their homes.</p><div data-owner-ct="None" data-inline="False"> <div class="media-block also-read"> <a class="img-wrap img-wrap--size-3 also-read__img" href="/a/tajik-regime-alarmed-moscow-terror-attack-migrants/32902685.html" title="Tajik Regime Alarmed As Moscow Terror Attack Fallout Has Migrants Streaming Home "> <span class="thumb thumb16_9"> <noscript class="nojs-img"> <img src="" alt="In an April 9 address, Tajik President Emomali Rahmon called on Tajiks to be &quot;politically vigilant&quot; amid &quot;growing tension as the process of the world&#39;s repartitioning is intensifying.&quot;"> </noscript> <img data-src="" alt="In an April 9 address, Tajik President Emomali Rahmon called on Tajiks to be &quot;politically vigilant&quot; amid &quot;growing tension as the process of the world&#39;s repartitioning is intensifying.&quot;" /> </span> </a> <div class="media-block__content also-read__body also-read__body--h"> <a href="/a/tajik-regime-alarmed-moscow-terror-attack-migrants/32902685.html" title="Tajik Regime Alarmed As Moscow Terror Attack Fallout Has Migrants Streaming Home "> <span class="also-read__text--label"> SEE ALSO: </span> <h4 class="media-block__title media-block__title--size-3 also-read__text p-0"> Tajik Regime Alarmed As Moscow Terror Attack Fallout Has Migrants Streaming Home </h4> </a> </div> </div> </div><p>Tajik and other Central Asian migrants reported a spike in xenophobic attacks after a terrorist attack on the Crocus City Hall concert venue in the Moscow region killed 145 people in March 2024.</p><p>Russian authorities said the massacre was carried out by four Tajik nationals.</p><p>Tens of thousands of Central Asians have been <a class="wsw__a" href="" target="_blank"><strong>deported</strong></a> or denied entry to Russia following the attack.</p> </div> <div class="pos-rel news__read-more"> <label class="news__read-more-label accordeon__control-label pos-abs" data-for="more-less-33321865" data-switcher-trigger="true"></label> <a class="btn btn--link news__read-more-btn" href="#" title="Read more"> <span class="btn__text"> Read more </span> </a> </div> <label data-for="more-less-33321865" data-switcher-trigger="true" class="switcher-trigger__label accordeon__control-label news__control-label pos-abs"></label> </div> <div class="news__share-outer"> <aside class="share news__sharing js-share--apply-sticky js-share--expandable js-share--horizontal"> <ul class="share__list"> <li class="share__item"> <a href="" data-analytics-text="share_on_facebook" title="Share on Facebook" target="_blank" class="btn btn--rounded btn-facebook js-social-btn"> <span class="ico ico--rounded ico-facebook ico--s"></span> </a> </li> <li class="share__item"> <a href=";text=3+Tajik+Migrants+%27Killed+In+Russian+Security+Forces+Raid%27" data-analytics-text="share_on_twitter" title="Share on Twitter" target="_blank" class="btn btn--rounded btn-twitter js-social-btn"> <span class="ico ico--rounded ico-twitter ico--s"></span> </a> </li> <li class="share__item"> <a href="" data-analytics-text="share_on_vkontakte" title="Share on В Контакте" target="_blank" class="btn btn--rounded btn-vkontakte js-social-btn"> <span class="ico ico--rounded ico-vkontakte ico--s"></span> </a> </li> <li class="share__item"> <a href="mailto:?;subject=3 Tajik Migrants &#39;Killed In Russian Security Forces Raid&#39;" title="Email to a Friend" class="btn btn--rounded btn-email "> <span class="ico ico--rounded ico-email ico--s"></span> </a> </li> <li class="share__item share__item--additional"> <a href=";;title=3 Tajik Migrants &#39;Killed In Russian Security Forces Raid&#39;" data-analytics-text="share_on_linkedIn" title="Share on LinkedIn" target="_blank" class="btn btn--rounded btn-linkedin js-social-btn"> <span class="ico ico--rounded ico-linkedin ico--s"></span> </a> </li> <li class="share__item share__item--additional"> <div class="ctc"> <input type="text" class="ctc__input" readonly="readonly"> <button class="btn btn--rounded btn--ctc ctc__button" value="text" role="copy link" js-href="" title="copy link"> <span class="ico ico-content-copy ico--rounded ico--s"></span> </button> </div> </li> <li class="share__item share__item--sharing-more"> <a title="More options" data-title-additional="Fewer options" class="btn btn--rounded btn--show-more hidden"> <span class="ico ico--rounded ico-ellipsis ico--s"></span> </a> </li> </ul> </aside> </div> </div> </div> <div class="accordeon__item-wrap"> <div class="news__item news__item--unopenable accordeon__item sticky-btn-parent" data-switch-target="more-less-33321583" data-article-id="33321583" data-api-id="33321583" data-api-type="1"> <div class="news__item-inner pos-rel"> <div class="publishing-details "> <div class="published"> <span class="date" > <span class="badge badge--updated">Updated</span> <time datetime="2025-02-20T15:41:53+01:00"> February 20, 2025 </time> </span> </div> <div class="links"> <ul class="links__list"> <li class="links__item"> By <a class="links__item-link" href="/author/merhat-sharipzhan/-oypm" title="Merhat Sharipzhan">Merhat Sharipzhan</a>&#160;and </li> <li class="links__item"> <a class="links__item-link" href="/author/ray-furlong/bmovqv" title="Ray Furlong">Ray Furlong</a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <h1 class="title pg-title"> Trump &#39;Very Frustrated&#39; With Zelenskyy, U.S. National Security Adviser Says </h1> <div class="cover-media"> <figure class="media-image js-media-expand"> <div class="img-wrap"> <div class="thumb thumb16_9"> <img src="" alt="U.S. Special Envoy to Ukraine and Russia Keith Kellogg and Ukrainian President Zelenskyy meet in Kyiv on February 20." /> </div> </div> <figcaption> <span class="caption">U.S. Special Envoy to Ukraine and Russia Keith Kellogg and Ukrainian President Zelenskyy meet in Kyiv on February 20.</span> </figcaption> </figure> </div> <div class="news__buttons news__buttons--main pos-abs"> <button class="btn btn--news btn--news-more pos-abs"> <span class="ico ico-chevron-down"></span> </button> <button class="btn btn--news sticky-btn btn--news-less"> <span class="ico ico-close"></span> </button> </div> <div class="wsw accordeon__target"> <p>The White House national security adviser said that U.S. President Donald Trump is &quot;obviously very frustrated&quot; with Volodymyr Zelenskyy and urged the Ukrainian president to reach an agreement soon granting the United States access to Ukraine's critical minerals.</p><p>The remarks from Michael Waltz came after Zelenskyy and Trump traded sharp criticism in recent days, with Trump calling Zelenskyy a &quot;dictator&quot; and suggesting he started the war with Russia -- comments that caused concern in Ukraine and Europe and prompted pushback from some senior U.S. Republican lawmakers.</p><div class="content-floated overlap-md" data-owner-ct="None" data-inline="False"> <div class="media-block also-read also-read--aside"> <a class="img-wrap img-wrap--size-3 also-read__img also-read__img--aside" href="/a/ukraine-trump-rare-earth-minerals-russia/33302784.html" title="Ukraine Needs U.S. Weapons. Trump Wants Its Rare Earth Minerals In Return."> <span class="thumb thumb16_9"> <noscript class="nojs-img"> <img src="" alt="Rare earth minerals, like these extracted in Texas, are used in a range of high-tech manufacturing and renewable energy products. (file photo)"> </noscript> <img data-src="" alt="Rare earth minerals, like these extracted in Texas, are used in a range of high-tech manufacturing and renewable energy products. (file photo)" /> </span> </a> <div class="media-block__content also-read__body also-read__body--aside also-read__body--aside-h"> <a href="/a/ukraine-trump-rare-earth-minerals-russia/33302784.html" title="Ukraine Needs U.S. Weapons. Trump Wants Its Rare Earth Minerals In Return."> <span class="also-read__text--label"> SEE ALSO: </span> <h4 class="media-block__title media-block__title--size-3 also-read__text p-0"> Ukraine Needs U.S. Weapons. Trump Wants Its Rare Earth Minerals In Return. </h4> </a> </div> </div> </div><p>A day earlier, Zelenskyy rejected a proposal that would reportedly hand the United States $500 billion in mineral wealth, including rare-earth elements, as a form of payment for U.S. military and financial support for Kyiv's defense against Russia's full-scale invasion, which enters its fourth year next week.</p><p>&quot;He needs to come back to the table,&quot; Waltz said at a press conference at the White House on February 20.</p><p>Zelenskyy has pointed out that U.S. wartime aid so far was far less than that amount and that the U.S. proposal did not offer concrete security guarantees.</p><p>Trump's harshest criticism to date of Zelenskyy came after Zelenskyy charged that Trump was pushing “a lot of information that is coming from Russia” and that the United States was helping Russia &quot;break out of years of isolation&quot; by holding high-level talks in Riyadh on February 18 and moving toward normalizing relations.</p><div data-owner-ct="None" data-inline="False"> <div class="media-block also-read"> <a class="img-wrap img-wrap--size-3 also-read__img" href="/a/33320765.html" title="Can The U.S. And Russia Impose A Peace Deal On Ukraine?"> <span class="thumb thumb16_9"> <noscript class="nojs-img"> <img src="" alt="Russian President Vladimir Putin (left) and U.S. President Donald Trump walk together during a G20 leaders summit in Japan in 2019. "> </noscript> <img data-src="" alt="Russian President Vladimir Putin (left) and U.S. President Donald Trump walk together during a G20 leaders summit in Japan in 2019. " /> </span> </a> <div class="media-block__content also-read__body also-read__body--h"> <a href="/a/33320765.html" title="Can The U.S. And Russia Impose A Peace Deal On Ukraine?"> <span class="also-read__text--label"> SEE ALSO: </span> <h4 class="media-block__title media-block__title--size-3 also-read__text p-0"> Can The U.S. And Russia Impose A Peace Deal On Ukraine? </h4> </a> </div> </div> </div><p>The bilateral U.S.-Russia talks, on the war in Ukraine and other issues, stoked worried in Ukraine and among some of its backers that Kyiv could be sidelined from negotiations and pressured to accept a cease-fire or peace deal that would favor Russia.</p><p>French President Emmanuel Macron said he will travel to Washington, where he will urge Trump to stand up to Russian President Vladimir Putin and try to convince him that the interests of the United States and Europe are in line with one another.</p><p>&quot;I will tell him: deep down you cannot be weak in the face of [Putin],&quot; Macron said. The White House said that Trump will host Macron on February 24 and British Prime Minister Keir Starmer on February 27.</p><p>Zelenskyy struck a conciliatory tone following what he called a &quot;productive meeting&quot; on February 20 with Trump's special envoy for Ukraine and Russia, Keith Kellogg, who is on his first visit to Ukraine.</p><p>The pair had &quot;a good discussion, [covering] many important details,&quot; Zelenskyy <a class="wsw__a" href=";t=LyFopsfp6wlGnhBUiBo9Qw" target="_blank"><strong>wrote in a post</strong></a> on X. &quot;I am grateful to the United States for all the assistance and bipartisan support for Ukraine and the Ukrainian people.&quot;</p><div class="wsw__embed wsw__embed--small wsw__embed--pull-right"> <figure class="media-image js-media-expand"> <div class="img-wrap"> <div class="thumb"> <img alt="Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy meets U.S. Special Envoy for Ukraine and Russia Keith Kellogg" src="" /> </div> </div> <figcaption> <span class="caption">Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy meets U.S. Special Envoy for Ukraine and Russia Keith Kellogg</span> </figcaption> </figure> </div><p>&quot;Ukraine is ready for a strong, effective investment and security agreement with the President of the United States,&quot; he wrote, adding, &quot;Strong Ukraine-U.S. relations benefit the entire world.&quot;</p><p>However, a joint press conference by Zelenskyy and Kellogg was canceled, and there was no immediate comment from Kellogg after the meeting.</p><p>Meanwhile, several senior U.S. Republican lawmakers have been pushing back against Trump's recent criticism of Zelenskyy. They worry that signaling a willingness to cut off support for Kyiv could embolden Putin.</p><p><br /></p><div data-owner-ct="None" data-inline="False"> <div class="media-block also-read"> <a class="img-wrap img-wrap--size-3 also-read__img" href="/a/ukraine-russia-putin-trump-zelenskyy-dictator/33321224.html" title="Trump Repeats Harsh Criticism Of Zelenskyy, Says He Could Have Attended Riyadh Talks"> <span class="thumb thumb16_9"> <noscript class="nojs-img"> <img src="" alt="U.S. President Donald Trump speaks with journalists on Air Force One en route from Florida to the White House on February 19. "> </noscript> <img data-src="" alt="U.S. President Donald Trump speaks with journalists on Air Force One en route from Florida to the White House on February 19. " /> </span> </a> <div class="media-block__content also-read__body also-read__body--h"> <a href="/a/ukraine-russia-putin-trump-zelenskyy-dictator/33321224.html" title="Trump Repeats Harsh Criticism Of Zelenskyy, Says He Could Have Attended Riyadh Talks"> <span class="also-read__text--label"> SEE ALSO: </span> <h4 class="media-block__title media-block__title--size-3 also-read__text p-0"> Trump Repeats Harsh Criticism Of Zelenskyy, Says He Could Have Attended Riyadh Talks </h4> </a> </div> </div> </div><p>Trump's framing of Zelenskyy in negative terms stands in stark contrast to those Senate Republicans who view Ukraine as a victim of Russian aggression.</p><p>They voiced strong support for Ukraine on February 19 and warned against appeasing Moscow.</p><p>Senator John Kennedy (Republican-Louisiana) did not mince words when addressing the threat posed by Putin, <a class="wsw__a" href="" target="_blank"><strong>describing</strong></a><strong> </strong>him as &quot;a gangster with a black heart...who makes Jeffrey Dahmer (a notorious serial killer) look like Mother Teresa.&quot;</p><p>&quot;It is Vladimir Putin who started the war.&quot; Kennedy said. &quot;I also believe through bitter experience that Vladimir Putin is a gangster…. He has Stalin's taste for blood.&quot;</p><div class="backgrounder content-floated overlap-md "> <div class="wsw"> <h3 class="wsw__h3">Ukraine Invasion: News &amp; Analysis</h3> <p>RFE/RL's <strong><a class="wsw__a" href="" target="_blank">Ukraine Live Briefing</a> </strong>gives you the latest developments on Russia's invasion, Western military aid, the plight of civilians, and territorial control maps<em>. </em>For all of RFE/RL's coverage of the war, <strong><a class="wsw__a" href="" target="_blank">click here</a></strong>.</p> </div> </div><p>Senator Roger Wicker (Republican-Mississippi) <a class="wsw__a" href="" target="_blank"><strong>echoed</strong></a> Kennedy's concerns, saying that talks to end Russia's invasion of Ukraine must be held with Ukrainians being involved while also taking account of European interests.</p><p>&quot;Putin is a war criminal and should be in jail for the rest of his life, if not executed,&quot; he said.</p><p>At least seven people were killed and 30 injured over the past 24 hours due to Russian attacks, regional military officials <a class="wsw__a" href="" target="_blank"><strong>said</strong></a> on February 20.</p><p>Targets included residential areas, social infrastructure, and essential services. Children were among the injured.</p><p>After Trump called Zelenskyy a &quot;<a class="wsw__a" href="" target="_blank"><strong>dictator without elections</strong></a>,&quot; the head of the Ukrainian Central Election Commission, Oleh Didenko, said in an <a class="wsw__a" href="" target="_blank"><strong>interview</strong></a> with RFE/RL's Ukrainian Service, that talk of elections in Ukraine only benefits Russia.</p><p>“This issue is being raised in order to undermine the legitimacy of the government in Ukraine, to weaken confidence in the government, to weaken support for Ukraine from international partners,” he said.</p><p>Trump also wrote that &quot;we are successfully negotiating an end to the War with Russia.&quot; He added that Zelenskyy “better move fast or he is not going to have a Country left.”</p><p>Trump’s remarks came after Zelenskyy accused Trump of living in a Russian “disinformation bubble” and said he would like Trump’s team to be “more truthful.”</p><p>Senator Thom Tillis (Republican-North Carolina) disagreed with Trump's characterization of Zelenskyy as a &quot;dictator,&quot; although he avoided directly criticizing Trump.</p><p>&quot;It's not a word I would use,&quot; he said, adding that there is &quot;no moral equivalency between Vladimir Putin and President Zelenskyy.&quot;</p><p>&quot;Clearly, Vladimir Putin is responsible for this war,&quot; Tillis <a class="wsw__a" href="" target="_blank"><strong>told reporters</strong></a> in Washington on February 19. &quot;His decision has resulted in the murder, rape, torture and kidnapping of untold numbers of Ukrainians. He owns responsibility for this war.&quot;</p><p>Senate Majority Leader John Thune (Republican-North Dakota) also declined to criticize Trump for his remarks.</p><p>&quot;The president speaks for himself,&quot; he told reporters. &quot;I think what I'm in support of is a peaceful outcome and result in Ukraine… And I think right now, the administration, the president and his team are working to achieve that.&quot;</p><p>Although Zelenskyy's presidential mandate was due to expire in May 2024, the constitution bars elections under martial law, which was imposed when Russia launched its full-scale invasion and has repeatedly extended.</p><h6 class="wsw__h6">With reporting by VoA, ABC, and Forbes</h6> </div> <div class="pos-rel news__read-more"> <label class="news__read-more-label accordeon__control-label pos-abs" data-for="more-less-33321583" data-switcher-trigger="true"></label> <a class="btn btn--link news__read-more-btn" href="#" title="Read more"> <span class="btn__text"> Read more </span> </a> </div> <label data-for="more-less-33321583" data-switcher-trigger="true" class="switcher-trigger__label accordeon__control-label news__control-label pos-abs"></label> </div> <div class="news__share-outer"> <aside class="share news__sharing js-share--apply-sticky js-share--expandable js-share--horizontal"> <ul class="share__list"> <li class="share__item"> <a href="" data-analytics-text="share_on_facebook" title="Share on Facebook" target="_blank" class="btn btn--rounded btn-facebook js-social-btn"> <span class="ico ico--rounded ico-facebook ico--s"></span> </a> </li> <li class="share__item"> <a href=";text=Trump+%27Very+Frustrated%27+With+Zelenskyy%2c+U.S.+National+Security+Adviser+Says" data-analytics-text="share_on_twitter" title="Share on Twitter" target="_blank" class="btn btn--rounded btn-twitter js-social-btn"> <span class="ico ico--rounded ico-twitter ico--s"></span> </a> </li> <li class="share__item"> <a href="" data-analytics-text="share_on_vkontakte" title="Share on В Контакте" target="_blank" class="btn btn--rounded btn-vkontakte js-social-btn"> <span class="ico ico--rounded ico-vkontakte ico--s"></span> </a> </li> <li class="share__item"> <a href="mailto:?;subject=Trump &#39;Very Frustrated&#39; 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