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seal_link = Coat of arms of New York | nickname = [[Empire State|The Empire State]] | motto = {{lang|la|[[Coat of arms of New York|Excelsior]]}} {{in lang|la}}<ref>{{cite web|title=New York State Motto|publisher=New York State Library|date=January 29, 2001|url=|access-date=November 16, 2007|archive-url=|archive-date=May 24, 2009|url-status=dead}}</ref><br />''Ever upward'' | Languages = * [[English language|English]] 69.6% * [[Spanish language|Spanish]] 15.2% * [[Chinese language|Chinese]] 3.1% * [[Filipino language|Tagalog]] 2.5% * [[French language|French]] 1.6% * [[Russian language|Russian]] 1.2% * [[Italian language|Italian]] 0.9% * [[Yiddish]] 0.7% * [[Hindustani language|Hindi/Urdu]] 0.6% * [[Arabic]] 0.5% * [[Korean language|Korean]] 0.5%<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Language spoken at home by ability to speak English for the population 5 years and over—2014 American Community Survey 1-Year Estimates|access-date=January 24, 2016|archive-url=|archive-date=February 13, 2020|url-status=dead}}</ref> | population_demonym = New Yorker | image_map = New York in United States.svg | seat = [[Albany, New York|Albany]] | LargestCity = [[New York City|New York]] | LargestCounty = [[Brooklyn|Kings (Brooklyn)]] | LargestMetro = [[New York metropolitan area]] | area_rank = 27th | area_total_sq_mi = 54,555<ref name=area/> | area_total_km2 = 141,298<ref name=area/> | area_land_sq_mi = 47,126 | area_land_km2 = 122,057 | area_water_sq_mi = 7,429 | area_water_km2 = 19,240 | area_water_percent = 13.6 | width_mi = 285 | width_km = 455 | length_mi = 330 | length_km = 530 | Latitude = 40° 30′ N to 45° 1′ N | Longitude = 71° 51′ W to 79° 46′ W | population_as_of = 2023 | 2010Pop = 19,571,216<ref name="PopHousingEst">{{cite web |title=US Census Quickfacts, Population Estimates, July 1 2023 |url= |url-status=live |archive-url= |archive-date=April 26, 2021 |access-date=December 21, 2023 | |publisher=United States Census Bureau}}</ref> | population_rank = 4th | 2000DensityUS = 412 | 2000Density = 159 | 2010DensityUS = 416.42 | MedianHouseholdIncome = ${{round|75157|-2}}<ref>{{cite web |url=|publisher=[[United States Census Bureau]]|title=US Census Bureau QuickFacts|access-date=May 1, 2022}}</ref> | IncomeRank = [[List of U.S. states and territories by income#States and territories ranked by median household income|14th]] | population_density_rank = 8th | elevation_max_point = [[Mount Marcy]]<ref>{{cite ngs|id=PG2096|designation=Marcy|access-date=October 20, 2011}}</ref><ref name=USGS>{{cite web|url=|archive-url=|archive-date=February 1, 2009|title=Elevations and Distances in the United States|publisher=[[United States Geological Survey]]|year=2001|access-date=October 24, 2011}}</ref>{{efn|name=NAVD88|Elevation adjusted to [[North American Vertical Datum of 1988]]}} | elevation_max_ft = 5,344 | elevation_max_m = 1,629 | elevation_ft = 1,000 | elevation_m = 300 | elevation_min_point = [[Atlantic Ocean]]<ref name=USGS/>{{efn|name=NAVD88}} | elevation_min_ft = 0 | elevation_min_m = 0 | Former = Province of New York | AdmittanceDate = July 26, 1788 | AdmittanceOrder = 11th | Governor = [[Kathy Hochul]] ([[Democratic Party (New York)|D]]) | Lieutenant Governor = [[Antonio Delgado]] (D) | Legislature = [[New York State Legislature|State Legislature]] | Upperhouse = [[New York State Senate|State Senate]] | Lowerhouse = [[New York State Assembly|State Assembly]] | Judiciary = [[New York Court of Appeals]] | Senators = {{plainlist| * {{nowrap|[[Chuck Schumer]] (D)}} * {{nowrap|[[Kirsten Gillibrand]] (D)}} }} | Representative = {{plainlist| * 16 [[Democratic Party (New York)|Democrats]] * 10 [[Republican Party (New York)|Republicans]] }} | timezone1 = [[Eastern Time Zone|EST]] | utc_offset1 = −5 | timezone1_DST = [[Eastern Daylight Time|EDT]] | utc_offset1_DST = −4 | postal_code = NY | TradAbbreviation = N.Y. | iso_code = US-NY | website = | Capital = [[Albany, New York|Albany]] | Representatives = }} {{Infobox region symbols|country=United States <!--> |image_flag = Flag of New York.svg |flag_link = Flag of New York (state) |image_flag_size = 100px |image_seal = Seal of New York.svg |seal_link = Seal of New York (state) |image_seal_size = 100px |image_arms = Coat of arms of New York State.svg |state = New York |mammal = [[North American beaver]] |beverage = [[Milk]] |bird = [[Eastern bluebird]] |insect = [[Coccinella novemnotata|Nine-spotted ladybug]] |fish = [[Brook trout]] (fresh water), [[Striped bass]] (salt water) |fossil = ''[[Eurypterus remipes]]'' |flower = [[Rose]] |tree = [[Sugar maple]], [[Lilac bush]] |gemstone = [[Garnet]] |reptile = [[Common snapping turtle]] |shell = [[Bay scallop]] |fruit = [[Apple]] |food = [[Yogurt]] |sport = [[Baseball]] |slogan = ''[[I Love New York]]'' |image_route = NY-17.svg |image_quarter = 2001_NY_Proof.png |quarter_release_date = 2001 }} '''New York''', also called '''New York State''',{{efn|To distinguish it from its largest city, [[New York City]]}} is a [[U.S. state|state]] in the [[Northeastern United States]]. One of the [[Mid-Atlantic (United States)|Mid-Atlantic]] states, it borders the [[Atlantic Ocean]], [[New England]], Canada, and the [[Great Lakes]].{{efn|The other Mid-Atlantic states of [[New Jersey]] and [[Pennsylvania]] are to its south. The New England states of [[Connecticut]], [[Massachusetts]], and [[Vermont]] are also to its east, and it shares a [[maritime border]] with [[Rhode Island]]. The Canadian province of [[Quebec]] is to the north, and [[Ontario]] to the northwest.}} With almost 19.6 million residents, it is the [[List of U.S. states and territories by population|fourth-most populous state in the United States]],<ref name="PopHousingEst"/> and the [[List of U.S. states and territories by area|27th-largest state by area]], with a total area of {{convert|54,556|sqmi|km2}}.<ref name="area" /> New York has a [[Geography of New York (state)|varied geography]]. The southeastern part of the state, known as [[Downstate New York|Downstate]], encompasses [[New York City]], the United States's largest city; [[Long Island]], the nation's most populous island; and the suburbs and wealthy enclaves of the lower [[Hudson Valley]]. These areas are the center of the expansive [[New York metropolitan area]]<ref>{{cite web |url= |title=World's Largest Urban Areas [Ranked by Urban Area Population] |publisher=Rhett Butler|year=2003–2006|access-date=August 2, 2014 |url-status=dead|archive-url=|archive-date=October 9, 2009}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web |title=Top 100 World Metropolitan Areas Ranked by Population |url= |archive-url= |archive-date=March 8, 2019 |access-date=January 24, 2021 |website=[[Baruch College]] of the [[City University of New York]]}}</ref> and account for approximately two-thirds of the state's population. The larger [[Upstate New York|Upstate]] area spreads from the [[Great Lakes]] to [[Lake Champlain]] and includes the [[Adirondack Mountains]] and the [[Catskill Mountains]] (part of the wider [[Appalachian Mountains]]). The east–west [[Mohawk River]] Valley bisects the more mountainous regions of Upstate and flows into the north–south [[Hudson River]] valley near the [[List of U.S. state capitals|state capital]] of [[Albany, New York|Albany]]. [[Western New York]], home to the cities of [[Buffalo, New York|Buffalo]] and [[Rochester, New York|Rochester]], is part of the [[Great Lakes region]] and borders [[Lake Ontario]] and [[Lake Erie]]. [[Central New York]] is anchored by the city of [[Syracuse, New York|Syracuse]]; between the central and western parts of the state, New York is dominated by the [[Finger Lakes]], a popular tourist destination. To the south, along the state border with [[Pennsylvania]], the [[Southern Tier]] sits atop the [[Allegheny Plateau]], representing some of the northernmost reaches of [[Appalachia]]. New York was one of the original [[Thirteen Colonies]] that went on to form the United States. The area of present-day New York had been inhabited by tribes of the [[Algonquian peoples|Algonquians]] and the [[Iroquois]] Confederacy [[Indigenous peoples of the Americas|Native Americans]] for several thousand years by the time the earliest Europeans arrived.<ref name="Zumbusch-2014">{{Cite book|last1=Zumbusch|first1=Amelie von |url= |title=The First Peoples of New York|last2=Faust|first2=Daniel R.|date=July 15, 2014|publisher=The Rosen Publishing Group, Inc|isbn=978-1-4777-7304-8}}</ref> Stemming from [[Henry Hudson]]'s expedition in 1609,<ref>{{Cite web|title=Henry Hudson and His Crew Sailed into the River that Would Bear His Name|url= |url-status=live|archive-url=|archive-date=January 24, 2021|access-date= January 24, 2021|website=[[Library of Congress]]}}</ref> the [[Dutch people|Dutch]] established the multiethnic colony of [[New Netherland]] in 1621. [[Kingdom of England|England]] seized the colony from the Dutch in 1664, renaming it the [[Province of New York]].<ref>{{Cite web |last=Greenspan |first=Jesse |date=September 8, 2014 |title=The Dutch Surrender New Netherland |url= |url-status=live |archive-url= |archive-date=January 24, 2021 |access-date=January 24, 2021 |website=History}}</ref> During the [[American Revolutionary War]], a group of colonists eventually succeeded in establishing independence, and the state ratified the then new [[United States Constitution]] in 1788. From the early 19th century, New York's development of its interior, beginning with the construction of the [[Erie Canal]], gave it incomparable advantages over other regions of the United States.<ref name="Roberts">{{cite news |last=Roberts |first=Sam |date=June 26, 2017 |title=200 Years Ago, Erie Canal Got Its Start as Just a 'Ditch' |work= [[The New York Times]] |url= |url-status=live |url-access=limited |access-date=July 25, 2017 |archive-url= |archive-date=November 12, 2020}}</ref> The state built its political, cultural, and economic ascendancy over the next century, earning it the nickname of the "[[Empire State]]". Although [[Rust Belt|deindustrialization]] eroded a portion of the state's economy in the second half of the 20th century, New York in the 21st century continues to be considered as a global node of [[innovation|creativity]] and [[entrepreneurship]],<ref name=VentureCapitalNY1>{{cite web|url=|title=Venture Investment—Regional Aggregate Data|publisher=National Venture Capital Association and PricewaterhouseCoopers|access-date=April 22, 2016|archive-url=| archive-date=April 8, 2016|url-status=dead}}</ref> [[social tolerance]],<ref name="SocialToleranceNY1">{{cite news |author=Flegenheimer |first=Matt |date=March 23, 2016 |title=Ted Cruz Deplores 'Liberal, Left-Wing Values' While Lobbying for New York Votes |newspaper=The New York Times |url= |access-date=April 22, 2016}}</ref> and [[environmental sustainability]].<ref name="EnvironmentalSustainabilityNY1">{{cite news |date=April 22, 2016 |title=The Latest: China Hopes US Joins Climate Deal Quickly |newspaper=The New York Times |agency=Associated Press |url= |access-date= April 22, 2016 |archive-url= |archive-date= May 3, 2016}}</ref><ref name="EnvironmentalSustainabilityNY2">{{cite news |author=Foderaro |first=Lisa |date=September 21, 2014 |title=Taking a Call for Climate Change to the Streets |newspaper=The New York Times |url= |url-status=live |url-access=subscription |access-date=April 22, 2016 |archive-url= |archive-date=September 21, 2014}}</ref> The state attracts visitors from all over the globe, with the highest count of any U.S. state in 2022.<ref>{{cite web |last1=Remmy |first1=Alicia |title=These Are The 10 Most Visited States In The US |url= |website=TheTravel |language=en |date=16 December 2023}}</ref> Many of its landmarks are well known, including four of the world's ten most-visited tourist attractions in 2013: [[Times Square]], [[Central Park]], [[Niagara Falls]], and [[Grand Central Terminal]].<ref name="Ann Shields">{{cite web |author=Shields |first=Ann |date=November 10, 2014 |title=The World's 50 Most Visited Tourist Attractions—No. 3: Times Square, New York City—Annual Visitors: 50,000,000 |url= |archive-url= |archive-date=July 6, 2017 |access-date=July 17, 2015 |publisher=Travel+Lesiure |quote=No.{{spaces}}3 Times Square, New York City—Annual Visitors: 50,000,000{{spaces}}... No.{{spaces}}4 (tie) Central Park, New York City—Annual Visitors: 40,000,000{{spaces}}... No.{{spaces}}9 Niagara Falls, New York and Ontario—Annual Visitors: 22,000,000{{spaces}}... No.{{spaces}}10 Grand Central Terminal, New York City—Annual Visitors: 21,600,000}}</ref> New York is home to [[List of colleges and universities in New York (state)|approximately 200 colleges and universities]], including [[Ivy League]] members [[Columbia University]] and [[Cornell University]], and the expansive [[State University of New York]], which is among the largest university systems in the nation.<ref name="usnews">{{cite web |title=2020 Best National University Rankings |url= |website=U.S. News & World Report }}</ref><ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Academic Ranking of World Universities 2015 |publisher=ShanghaiRanking Consultancy |access-date=August 27, 2015 |archive-date=October 30, 2015 |archive-url= |url-status=dead }}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=|title=CWUR 2015—World University Rankings|publisher=Center for World University Rankings|access-date=August 27, 2015}}</ref><ref name="suny">{{cite web |url= |title= SUNY Fast Facts |author=<!--Not stated--> |date= |website= | access-date=May 9, 2023}}</ref> New York City is home to the [[headquarters of the United Nations]],<ref>{{cite web|url= |title=Office of the Mayor Commission for the United Nations, Consular Corps and Protocol |publisher=The City of New York |year=2012 |access-date=August 2, 2014 |url-status=dead |archive-url= |archive-date=July 1, 2014 }}</ref> and it is sometimes described as the world's most important city,<ref name="NYCWorld'sMostImportantCity">{{cite web|url=,on%20a%200–100%20scale.&text=According%20to%20the%20Mid%202023%20Model%2C%20New%20York%20is%20currently,Tokyo%2C%20London%2C%20and%20Beijing.|title=GLOBAL CITY RANKING MODEL: What are the World's Most Important Cities?|author=Justin O'Beirne|year=2023|access-date=August 6, 2023}}</ref><ref name="NYCWorld'sMostImportantCity2">{{cite web|url=|title=The 21 most influential cities in the world|author=Will Martin and Libertina Brandt|publisher=[[Business Insider]]|date=June 14, 2019|access-date=August 12, 2023|quote=It's no surprise that New York City, home of Wall Street and the United Nations, is viewed as the world's most important city.}}</ref> the [[Culture of New York City|cultural]],<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Introduction to Chapter 14: New York City (NYC) Culture|publisher=The Weissman Center for International Business Baruch College/CUNY 2011|access-date=August 2, 2014|url-status=dead|archive-url=|archive-date=May 5, 2013}}</ref><ref name="culture4">{{cite book|title=New York, Culture Capital of the World, 1940–1965 / edited by Leonard Wallock; essays by Dore Ashton ... [et al.]|url=|url-status=live|archive-url=|archive-date=January 24, 2021|access-date=August 2, 2014|via=[[National Library of Australia]]|year=1988 |publisher=Rizzoli |isbn=9780847809905 }}</ref> [[Wall Street|financial]],<ref name="WorldEconomicAndFinancialSuperCenter">{{cite web |date=July 31, 2011 |title=Top 8 Cities by GDP: China vs. The U.S. |url= |access-date=October 28, 2015 |publisher=Business Insider, Inc |quote=For instance, Shanghai, the largest Chinese city with the highest economic production, and a fast-growing global financial hub, is far from matching or surpassing New York, the largest city in the U.S. and the economic and financial super center of the world.}}<br />{{cite web |title=PAL sets introductory fares to New York |url= |archive-url= |archive-date=March 27, 2015 |access-date=March 25, 2015 |publisher=[[Philippine Airlines]]}}</ref><ref name="NYCDominantFinancialCenter">{{cite web|author=Jones|first=Huw|date=January 27, 2020|title=New York surges ahead of Brexit-shadowed London in finance: survey|url= |url-status=live |archive-url= |archive-date=January 13, 2021|access-date=January 27, 2020 |publisher=[[Reuters]]|quote=New York remains the world's top financial center, pushing London further into second place as Brexit uncertainty undermines the UK capital and Asian centers catch up, a survey from consultants Duff & Phelps said on Monday.}}</ref><ref name=NewYorkFinancialCapitalWorld>{{cite web|url=|title=The Global Financial Centres Index 32|date=September 22, 2022|publisher=Long Finance|access-date=September 22, 2022}}</ref> and [[Media in New York City|media]] epicenter,<ref>{{cite web|author=Richter|first=Felix|date=March 11, 2015|title=New York Is The World's Media Capital|url=|url-status=live|archive-url=|archive-date=January 21, 2021|access-date=May 29, 2017 |publisher=Statista}}</ref><ref>{{cite web |author=Ennis|first=Dawn|date=May 24, 2017|title=ABC will broadcast New York's pride parade live for the first time |url= |url-status=live|archive-url=|archive-date=January 24, 2021|access-date=May 29, 2017 |publisher=LGBTQ Nation}}</ref> and the capital of the world.<ref name=NYCTheCapitaloftheWorld>{{cite book |title = The Epic of New York City: A Narrative History |author = Edward Robb Ellis |date = December 21, 2004 |access-date = January 2, 2023 |publisher = Basic Books |page = 593 |isbn = 9780786714360 |url = }}</ref><ref name="NewYorkCapitaloftheWorld2">{{cite news |first = Sam |last = Roberts |date = September 14, 2017 |title = When the World Called for a Capital |newspaper = The New York Times |url = |access-date = January 2, 2023 }}</ref> {{TOC limit|3}} ==History== {{Main|History of New York (state)}} ===Native American history=== [[File:Early Localization Native Americans NY.svg|thumb|Prior to European settlement, New York was dominated by [[Iroquoian languages|Iroquoian]] (purple) and [[Algonquian peoples|Algonquian]] (red) [[tribe (Native American)|tribe]]s.|alt=Map of New York showing Algonquian tribes in the eastern and southern portions and Iroquoian tribes to the western and northern portions.|left]] The [[Native Americans in the United States|Native American]] tribes in what is now New York were predominantly [[Iroquois]] and [[Algonquian peoples|Algonquian]].<ref name="Zumbusch-2014" /> [[Long Island]] was divided roughly in half between the Algonquian [[Wampanoag]] and [[Lenape]] peoples. The Lenape also controlled most of the region surrounding [[New York Harbor]].<ref>{{Cite web |last=Connolly |first=Colleen |date=October 5, 2018 |title=The True Native New Yorkers Can Never Truly Reclaim Their Homeland |url= |access-date=January 24, 2021 |website=Smithsonian Magazine}}</ref> North of the Lenape was a third Algonquian nation, the [[Mohican]]s. Starting north of them, from east to west, were two Iroquoian nations: the [[Mohawk people|Mohawk]]—part of the original Iroquois Five Nations, and the [[Petun]]. South of them, divided roughly along [[Appalachia]], were the [[Susquehannock]] and the [[Erie (tribe)|Erie]].<ref>{{cite web|title=Susquehannock Indians|url=|url-status=live|archive-url=|archive-date=August 15, 2020|access-date=March 3, 2018|website=Bucknell University}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|date=July 9, 2011|title=Erie Tribe|url=|url-status=live|archive-url=|archive-date=September 20, 2020|access-date=March 3, 2018|website=Access Genealogy}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|last=Charles|first=Garrad|title='Petun' and the Petuns|url=|url-status=live|archive-url=|archive-date=July 20, 2020|access-date=March 3, 2018|website=Wyandot Nation of Kansas}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|date=July 9, 2011|title=Mahican Tribe|url=|url-status=live|archive-url=|archive-date=November 28, 2020|access-date=March 3, 2018|website=Access Genealogy}}</ref> Many of the Wampanoag and Mohican peoples were caught up in [[King Philip's War]], a joint effort of many [[New England]] tribes to push Europeans off their land. After the death of their leader, Chief Philip [[Metacomet]], most of those peoples fled inland, splitting into the [[Abenaki]] and the [[Schaghticoke people|Schaghticoke]]. Many of the Mohicans remained in the region until the 1800s,<ref>{{cite web |date=November 13, 2019 |title=King Philip's War—Native American History |url= |url-status=live |archive-url= |archive-date=November 1, 2020 |access-date=March 3, 2018 |website=History}}</ref> however, a small group known as the Ouabano migrated southwest into [[Protohistory of West Virginia|West Virginia]] at an earlier time. They may have merged with the [[Shawnee]].<ref>John Heckewelder (Loskiel): Conoys, Ganawese, etc. explains Charles A. Hanna (Vol II, 1911:96, Ganeiens-gaa, Margry, i., 529; ii., 142–43,) using La Salle's letter of August 22, 1681, Fort Saint Louis (Illinois) mentioning "Ohio tribes" for extrapolation.</ref><ref>Hanna 1911:158</ref> The Mohawk and Susquehannock were the most [[militarism|militaristic]]. Trying to corner trade with the Europeans, they targeted other tribes. The Mohawk were also known for refusing white settlement on their land and discriminating against any of their people who converted to [[Christianity]].<ref>{{Cite web|last=Winfield|first=Nicole|date=October 20, 2012|title=Boy's miracle cure makes 'Lily of the Mohawks' first Native American saint|url=|url-status=dead|archive-url=|archive-date=January 25, 2021|access-date=January 25, 2021|website=NBC News|quote=Known as the "Lily of the Mohawks," Kateri was born in 1656 to a pagan Iroquois father and an Algonquin Christian mother in what is today upstate New York. Her parents and only brother died when she was 4 during a smallpox epidemic that left her badly scarred and with impaired eyesight. She went to live with her uncle, a Mohawk, and was baptized Catholic by Jesuit missionaries. But she was ostracized and persecuted by other natives for her faith, and she died in Canada when she was 24.}}</ref> They posed a major threat to the Abenaki and Mohicans, while the Susquehannock briefly conquered the Lenape in the 1600s. The most devastating event of the century, however, was the [[Beaver Wars]]. From approximately 1640–1680, the Iroquois peoples waged campaigns which extended from modern-day Michigan to Virginia against Algonquian and Siouan tribes, as well as each other. The aim was to control more land for animal [[trapping]],<ref>{{Cite web |last1=Parrott |first1=Zach |last2=Marshall |first2=Tabitha |date=February 7, 2006 |title=Iroquois Wars |url= |url-status=live |archive-url= |archive-date=November 27, 2020 |access-date=January 25, 2021 |website=The Canadian Encyclopedia}}</ref> a career most natives had turned to in hopes of trading with whites first. This completely changed the ethnography of the region, and most large game was hunted out before whites ever fully explored the land. Still, afterward, the Iroquois Confederacy offered shelter to refugees of the [[Mascouten]], Erie, [[Neutral Nation|Chonnonton]], [[Tutelo]], [[Saponi]], and [[Tuscarora people|Tuscarora]] nations. The Tuscarora became the sixth nation of the Iroquois. In the 1700s, Iroquoian peoples would take in the remaining Susquehannock of Pennsylvania after they were decimated in the [[French-Indian War|French and Indian War]].<ref>Editor: Alvin M. Josephy Jr., by the editors of American Heritage Magazine (1961). "The American Heritage Book of Indians" pages 188–219. American Heritage Publishing Co., Inc</ref> Most of these other groups assimilated and eventually ceased to exist as separate tribes. Then, after the [[American Revolution]], a large group of Seneca split off and returned to Ohio, becoming known as the [[Mingo]] Seneca. The current Six Nations of the Iroquois Confederacy include the Seneca, Cayuga, Onondaga, Oneida, Tuscarora and Mohawk. The Iroquois fought for both sides during the [[American Revolutionary War|Revolutionary War]]; afterwards many pro-British Iroquois migrated to Canada. Today, the Iroquois still live in several enclaves across New York and Ontario.<ref>{{cite web |title=Historical Timeline |url= |publisher=Oneida Nation |access-date=December 19, 2019}}</ref><ref>{{cite web |title=Seneca Nation |url= |access-date=December 19, 2019}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|title=Beaver Wars|url=|url-status=live|archive-url=|archive-date=August 16, 2020|access-date=March 3, 2018|website=War Paths 2 Peace Pipes}}</ref><ref>{{cite web |last=Baldwin |first=C. C. |date=September 1878 |title=Early Indian Migration in Ohio |url= |url-status=live |archive-url= |archive-date=September 5, 2020 |access-date=March 3, 2018 |website=Genealogy Trails}}</ref> Meanwhile, the Lenape formed a close relationship with [[William Penn]]. However, upon Penn's death, his sons managed to take over much of their lands and banish them to Ohio.<ref>{{cite web |date=June 27, 2013 |title=Official Site of the Delaware Tribe of Indians » The Walking Purchase |url= |url-status=live |archive-url= |archive-date=November 26, 2020 |access-date=March 3, 2018 |}}</ref> When the U.S. drafted the [[Indian Removal Act]], the Lenape were further moved to Missouri, whereas their cousins, the Mohicans, were sent to Wisconsin. Also, in 1778, the United States relocated the [[Nanticoke people|Nanticoke]] from the [[Delmarva Peninsula]] to the former Iroquois lands south of Lake Ontario, though they did not stay long. Mostly, they chose to migrate into Canada and merge with the Iroquois, although some moved west and merged with the Lenape.<ref>Pritzker 441</ref> ===16th century=== In 1524, [[Giovanni da Verrazzano]], an [[Italian people|Italian]] explorer in the service of the [[French crown]], explored the [[Atlantic Ocean|Atlantic]] coast of [[North America]] between the [[Carolinas]] and [[Newfoundland]], including [[New York Harbor]] and [[Narragansett Bay]]. On April 17, 1524, Verrazzano entered [[New York Bay]],<ref>{{Cite web|date=April 17, 2016|title=This Day in History… April 17, 1524|url=|url-status=live|archive-url=|archive-date=January 25, 2021|access-date=January 25, 2021|website=Mystic Stamp Discovery Center}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web|title=Giovanni da Verrazzano|url=|access-date=January 25, 2021|website=The Mariners' Museum and Park}}</ref> by way of the strait now called [[the Narrows]] into the northern bay which he named Santa Margherita, in honor of the King of France's [[Marguerite de Navarre|sister]]. Verrazzano described it as "a vast coastline with a deep delta in which every kind of ship could pass" and he adds: "that it extends inland for a league and opens up to form a beautiful lake. This vast sheet of water swarmed with native boats." He landed on the tip of Manhattan and possibly on the furthest point of Long Island. Verrazzano's stay was interrupted by a storm which pushed him north towards [[Martha's Vineyard]].<ref>{{cite web |date=April 15, 2009 |title=1524, The Voyage Of Discoveries |url= |url-status=dead |archive-url= |archive-date=April 15, 2009 |access-date=March 3, 2018 |website=Centro Studi Storici Verrazzano}}</ref> In 1540, French traders from New France built a [[chateau]] on [[Castle Island (New York)|Castle Island]], within present-day Albany; it was abandoned the following year due to flooding. In 1614, the Dutch, under the command of Hendrick Corstiaensen, rebuilt the French chateau, which they called [[Fort Nassau (North River)|Fort Nassau]].<ref name="NewNetherland" /> Fort Nassau was the first Dutch settlement in North America, and was located along the Hudson River, also within present-day Albany. The small fort served as a trading post and warehouse. Located on the Hudson River flood plain, the rudimentary fort was washed away by flooding in 1617,<ref>{{Cite web |last=Bielinski |first=Stefan |date=November 30, 2001 |title=Castle Island |url= |url-status=live |archive-url= |archive-date=February 7, 2021 |access-date=January 25, 2021 |website=The New York State Museum}}</ref> and abandoned for good after [[Fort Orange|Fort Orange (New Netherland)]] was built nearby in 1623.<ref name=Chronicles>{{cite book | title = Albany Chronicles: A History of the City Arranged Chronologically | publisher = J.B. Lyon Company | author = Reynolds, Cuyler | url = | page = [ 18] | quote = fort nassau albany. | year = 1906}}</ref> ===17th century=== {{Main|New Netherland|Province of New York|Dominion of New England}} [[File:Castelloplan.jpg|thumb|A 1660 map illustration of [[New Amsterdam]], present-day [[Lower Manhattan]]]] Henry Hudson's 1609 voyage marked the beginning of European involvement in the area. Sailing for the [[Dutch East India Company]] and looking for a passage to Asia, he entered the [[Upper New York Bay]] on September 11 of that year.<ref>[ Nevius, Michelle and James, "New York's many 9/11 anniversaries: the Staten Island Peace Conference"], ''Inside the Apple: A Streetwise History of New York City'', September 8, 2008. Retrieved September 24, 2012.</ref> Word of his findings encouraged Dutch merchants to explore the coast in search of profitable fur trading with local Native American tribes. During the 17th century, Dutch [[trading post]]s established for the trade of pelts from the Lenape, Iroquois, and other tribes were founded in the colony of [[New Netherland]]. The first of these trading posts were Fort Nassau (1614, near present-day [[Albany, New York|Albany]]);<ref name="NewNetherland">{{Cite web|title=Fort Nassau |work = A Tour of New Netherland|url= |url-status=live|archive-url= |archive-date=January 24, 2021|access-date=|publisher =New Netherland Institute}}</ref> Fort Orange (1624, on the [[Hudson River]] just south of the current city of Albany and created to replace Fort Nassau), developing into settlement [[Beverwijck]] (1647), and into what became Albany; [[Fort Amsterdam]] (1625, to develop into the town [[New Amsterdam]], which is present-day New York City); and Esopus (1653, now [[Kingston, New York|Kingston]]). The success of the [[patroon]]ship of [[Manor of Rensselaerswyck|Rensselaerswyck]] (1630), which surrounded Albany and lasted until the mid-19th century, was also a key factor in the early success of the colony. The English captured the colony during the [[Second Anglo-Dutch War]] and governed it as the [[Province of New York]]. The city of New York was recaptured by the Dutch in 1673 during the [[Third Anglo-Dutch War]] (1672–1674) and renamed New Orange. It was returned to the English under the terms of the [[Treaty of Westminster (1674)|Treaty of Westminster]] a year later.<ref>{{Cite book|last1=Scheltema|first1=Gajus|url=|title=Exploring Historic Dutch New York: New York City * Hudson Valley * New Jersey * Delaware|last2=Westerhuijs|first2=Heleen|date=October 17, 2018|publisher=Courier Corporation|isbn=978-0-486-83493-1}}</ref> ===18th century=== ====American Revolution==== {{Further|Saratoga campaign}} [[File:Surrender of General Burgoyne.jpg|thumb|Illustration of [[British Army during the American Revolutionary War|British]] general [[John Burgoyne]] surrendering at [[Saratoga campaign|Saratoga]] on October 17, 1777|alt=A painting of British general John Burgoyne and his men surrendering at Saratoga, 1777]] [[File:1800LowsNYstate.jpeg|thumb|An 1800 map of New York from ''[[Low's Encyclopaedia]]'']] The [[Sons of Liberty]] were organized in [[New York City]] during the 1760s, largely in response to the oppressive [[Stamp Act 1765|Stamp Act]] passed by the [[Parliament of the United Kingdom|British Parliament]] in 1765.<ref>{{Cite web|last=Kiger|first=Patrick J.|date=August 20, 2019|title=Who Were the Sons of Liberty?|url=|url-status=live|archive-url=|archive-date=January 26, 2021|access-date=February 2, 2021|website=History}}</ref> The [[Stamp Act Congress]] met in the city on October 19 of that year, composed of representatives from across the [[Thirteen Colonies]] who set the stage for the [[Continental Congress]] to follow. The Stamp Act Congress resulted in the [[Declaration of Rights and Grievances]], which was the first written expression by representatives of the Americans of many of the rights and complaints later expressed in the [[United States Declaration of Independence]]. This included the right to [[No taxation without representation|representative government]]. At the same time, given strong commercial, personal and sentimental links to [[Kingdom of Great Britain|Britain]], many New York residents were [[Loyalist]]s. The [[Capture of Fort Ticonderoga]] provided the [[Fortification of Dorchester Heights|cannon and gunpowder]] necessary to force a [[Kingdom of Great Britain|British]] withdrawal from the [[siege of Boston]] in 1775. New York was the only colony [[United States Declaration of Independence#Draft and adoption|not to vote for independence]], as the delegates were not authorized to do so. New York then endorsed the [[United States Declaration of Independence|Declaration of Independence]] on July 9, 1776.<ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Declaration of Independence | |access-date=April 10, 2008|archive-url = |archive-date=April 9, 2008|url-status=dead}}</ref> The [[New York Constitution|New York State Constitution]] was framed by a [[Constitutional convention (political meeting)|convention]] which assembled at [[White Plains, New York|White Plains]] on July 10, 1776, and after repeated adjournments and changes of location, finished its work at [[Kingston, New York|Kingston]] on Sunday evening, April 20, 1777, when the [[Constitution of New York, 1777|new constitution]] drafted by [[John Jay]] was adopted with but one dissenting vote. It was not submitted to the people for ratification. On July 30, 1777, [[George Clinton (vice president)|George Clinton]] was inaugurated as the first [[Governor of New York]] at Kingston.<ref>{{Cite web|title=NYS Kids Room – State History|url=|url-status=live|archive-url=|archive-date=October 20, 2020|access-date=February 2, 2021|website=[[New York State Department of State]]}}</ref> Approximately a third of the battles of the [[American Revolutionary War]] took place in New York; the first major one and largest of the entire war was the [[Battle of Long Island]], also known as the Battle of Brooklyn, in August 1776. After their victory, the British occupied present-day New York City, making it their military and political base of operations in North America for the duration of the conflict, and consequently the focus of General [[George Washington]]'s [[Intelligence operations in the American Revolutionary War|intelligence network]]. On the notorious British [[HMS Jersey (1736)|prison ships]] of [[Wallabout Bay]], more American combatants died than were killed in combat in every battle of the war combined. Both sides of combatants lost more soldiers to disease than to outright wounds. The first of two major British armies were captured by the [[Continental Army]] at the [[Battles of Saratoga|Battle of Saratoga]] in 1777,<ref name="History-2020">{{Cite web|date=January 14, 2020|title=Battle of Saratoga|url=|url-status=live|archive-url=|archive-date=January 20, 2021|access-date=February 2, 2021|website=History}}</ref> a success that influenced [[France]] to ally with the revolutionaries; the state constitution was enacted in 1777. New York became the 11th state to ratify the [[United States Constitution]], on July 26, 1788. In an attempt to retain their [[sovereign nation|sovereignty]] and remain an independent nation positioned between the new United States and [[British America|British North America]], four of the [[Iroquois|Iroquois Nations]] fought on the side of the British; only the [[Oneida people|Oneida]] and their dependents, the Tuscarora, allied themselves with the Americans.<ref>{{cite book|title=The Divided Ground: Indians, Settlers, and the Northern Borderland of the American Revolution|url=|url-access=registration|author=Alan Taylor|publisher=Knopf|isbn=978-0-679-45471-7|year=2006}}</ref> In retaliation for attacks on the frontier led by [[Joseph Brant]] and Loyalist [[Mohawk people|Mohawk forces]], the [[Sullivan Expedition]] of 1779 destroyed nearly 50 Iroquois villages, adjacent croplands and winter stores, forcing many refugees to British-held Niagara.<ref>{{cite web |title=Sullivan/Clinton Interactive Map Set |url= |access-date=August 30, 2010}}</ref> As allies of the British, the Iroquois were forced out of New York, although they had not been part of treaty negotiations. They resettled in Canada after the war and were given land grants by the Crown. In the treaty settlement, the British ceded most Indian lands to the new United States. Because New York made a treaty with the Iroquois without getting Congressional approval, some of the land purchases have been subject to land claim suits since the late 20th century by the federally recognized tribes. New York put up more than {{convert|5|e6acre|km2}} of former Iroquois territory for sale in the years after the Revolutionary War, leading to rapid development in Upstate New York.<ref>Chen, David W. [ "Battle Over Iroquois Land Claims Escalates"], ''The New York Times''. May 16, 2000. Retrieved April 11, 2008.</ref> As per the [[Treaty of Paris (1783)|Treaty of Paris]], the last vestige of British authority in the former [[Thirteen Colonies]]—their troops in New York City—departed in 1783, which was long afterward celebrated as [[Evacuation Day (New York)|Evacuation Day]].<ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Happy Evacuation Day |publisher=New York City Department of Parks and Recreation |access-date=April 12, 2008}}</ref> ====Confederation period and 1790s==== New York City was the national capital under the [[Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union]], the first national government. That organization was found to be inadequate, and prominent New Yorker [[Alexander Hamilton]] advocated for a new government that would include an executive, national courts, and the power to tax. Hamilton led the [[Annapolis Convention (1786)]] that called for the [[Philadelphia Convention]], which drafted the United States Constitution, in which he also took part. The new government was to be a strong [[Federation|federal]] national government to replace the relatively weaker [[confederation]] of individual states. Following heated debate, which included the publication of ''[[The Federalist Papers]]'' as a series of installments in New York City newspapers, New York was the 11th state to ratify the [[United States Constitution]], on July 26, 1788.<ref>{{cite web |url=|title=New York's Ratification |publisher=The U.S. Constitution Online |access-date=April 10, 2008}}</ref> New York City remained the national capital under the new constitution until 1790 when it was moved to [[Philadelphia]] until 1800, when it was relocated to its current location in [[Washington, D.C.]]<ref>{{Cite book|url=|title=Transforming America: Perspectives on U.S. Immigration [3 volumes]: Perspectives on U.S. Immigration|last=LeMay|first=Michael C.|date=December 10, 2012|publisher=ABC-CLIO|isbn=9780313396441}}</ref> and was the site of the inauguration of President George Washington,<ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=George Washington's First Inaugural Address: Primary Documents of American History (Virtual Programs & Services) |website=Library of Congress |author=Washington, George|access-date=July 30, 2018}}</ref> In the first session of the [[Supreme Court of the United States]], the [[United States Bill of Rights]] were drafted. ===19th and 20th centuries=== {{Further|New York in the American Civil War}} [[File:Lockport bartlett color crop.jpg|thumb|An illustration of the [[Erie Canal]] at [[Lockport, New York|Lockport]] in 1839|alt=A painting of the Erie Canal, depicted in 1839.]] Transportation in [[Western New York]] was by expensive wagons on muddy roads before canals opened up the rich farmlands to long-distance traffic. Governor [[DeWitt Clinton]] promoted the [[Erie Canal]], which connected [[New York City]] to the [[Great Lakes]] by the [[Hudson River]], the new canal, and the rivers and lakes. Work commenced in 1817, and the [[Erie Canal]] opened eight years later, in 1825. [[Packet boat]]s pulled by horses on tow paths traveled slowly over the canal carrying passengers and freight.<ref name=ErieCanal>{{cite web |url=|title=The Erie Canal: A Brief History |publisher=New York State Canals |access-date=April 10, 2008 |archive-url= |archive-date=January 24, 2010}}</ref> Farm products came in from the [[Midwestern United States|Midwest]], and finished manufactured goods moved west. It was an engineering marvel which opened up vast areas of New York to commerce and settlement. It enabled Great Lakes port cities such as [[Buffalo, New York|Buffalo]] and [[Rochester, New York|Rochester]] to grow and prosper. It also connected the burgeoning agricultural production of the Midwest and shipping on the [[Great Lakes]], with the port of New York City. Improving transportation, it enabled additional population migration to territories west of New York. After 1850, railroads largely replaced the canal.<ref>Peter L. Bernstein, ''Wedding of the waters: The Erie Canal and the making of a great nation'' (2005).</ref> The connectivity offered by the canal, and subsequently the railroads, led to an economic boom across the entire state through the 1950s. Major corporations that got their start in New York during this time include [[American Express]], [[AT&T Corporation|AT&T]], [[Bristol Myers Squibb]], [[Carrier Global|Carrier]], [[Chase Bank|Chase]], [[General Electric]], [[Goldman Sachs]], [[IBM]], [[Eastman Kodak|Kodak]], [[Macy's]], [[NBC]], [[Pfizer]], [[Random House]], [[RCA]], [[Tiffany & Co.]], [[Wells Fargo]], [[Western Union]], and [[Xerox]]. New York City was a major [[port|ocean port]] and had extensive traffic importing cotton from the [[American South|South]] and exporting manufacturing goods. Nearly half of the state's exports were related to cotton. Southern cotton factors, planters and bankers visited so often that they had favorite hotels.<ref>Robert Greenhalgh Albion, ''The rise of New York port (1815–1860)'' (1939).</ref> At the same time, activism for [[abolitionism]] was strong upstate, where some communities provided stops on the [[Underground Railroad]]. Upstate, and New York City, gave strong support for the [[American Civil War]], in terms of finances, volunteer soldiers, and supplies. The state provided more than 370,000 soldiers to the [[Union (American Civil War)|Union]] armies. Over 53,000 New Yorkers died in service, roughly one of every seven who served. However, Irish draft riots in 1862 were a significant embarrassment.<ref>Ernest A. McKay, ''The Civil War and New York City'' (1990).</ref><ref>Frederick Phisterer, ''New York in the War of the Rebellion, 1861 To 1865'' (1890), p. 88.</ref> ====Immigration==== {{Further|Ellis Island}} [[File:Ellis Island immigration footage.ogg|thumb|Scenes at the Immigration Depot and a nearby dock on [[Ellis Island]] in May 1906]] Since the early 19th century, New York City has been the largest [[port of entry]] for [[Immigration to the United States|legal immigration into the United States]]. In the United States, the [[Federal government of the United States|federal government]] did not assume direct jurisdiction for immigration until 1890. Prior to this time, the matter was delegated to the individual states, then via contract between the states and the federal government. Most immigrants to New York would disembark at the bustling docks along the Hudson and [[East River]]s, in the eventual [[Lower Manhattan]]. On May 4, 1847, the [[New York State Legislature]] created the Board of Commissioners of Immigration to regulate immigration.<ref>{{cite web|url=|archive-url=|archive-date=November 10, 2013 |title=Castle Garden as An Immigrant Depot:1855–1890 |publisher=National Park Service|access-date=September 9, 2013}}</ref> The first permanent immigration depot in New York was established in 1855 at [[Castle Clinton|Castle Garden]], a converted [[War of 1812]] era fort located within what is now [[Battery Park]], at the tip of Lower Manhattan. The first immigrants to arrive at the new depot were aboard three ships that had just been released from [[quarantine]]. Castle Garden served as New York's immigrant depot until it closed on April 18, 1890, when the federal government assumed control over immigration. During that period, more than eight million immigrants passed through its doors (two of every three U.S. immigrants).<ref>{{cite web|url= |title=Castle Clinton |publisher=National Park Service|date=August 22, 2013 |access-date=September 9, 2013}}</ref> When the federal government assumed control, it established the [[Immigration and Naturalization Service|Bureau of Immigration]], which chose the three-acre (1.2 ha) Ellis Island in [[Upper New York Bay|Upper New York Harbor]] for an entry depot. Already federally controlled, the island had served as an ammunition depot. It was chosen due its relative isolation with proximity to New York City and the rail lines of [[Jersey City, New Jersey]], via a short ferry ride. While the island was being developed and expanded via [[land reclamation]], the federal government operated a temporary depot at the Barge Office at the Battery.<ref>Vincent J. Cannato: ''American Passage: The History of Ellis Island''. p.50: Harper Collins (2009) {{ISBN|0060742739}}</ref> Ellis Island opened on January 1, 1892, and operated as a central immigration center until the [[Immigration Act of 1924|National Origins Act]] was passed in 1924, reducing immigration. After that date, the only immigrants to pass through were [[displaced persons]] or war [[refugees]]. The island ceased all immigration processing on November 12, 1954, when the last person detained on the island, [[Norwegians|Norwegian]] seaman Arne Peterssen, was released. He had overstayed his shore leave and left on the 10:15{{spaces}}a.m. Manhattan-bound ferry to return to his ship. More than 12 million immigrants passed through Ellis Island between 1892 and 1954. More than 100 million Americans across the United States can trace their [[ancestry]] to these immigrants. Ellis Island was the subject of a contentious and long-running border and jurisdictional dispute between the State of New York and the State of New Jersey, as both claimed it. The issue was officially settled in 1998 by the [[Supreme Court of the United States|U.S. Supreme Court]] which ruled that the original {{convert|3.3|acre|adj=on}} island was New York state territory and that the balance of the {{convert|27.5|acres|0|abbr=on}} added after 1834 by landfill was in New Jersey.<ref>{{cite news|author=Linda Greenhouse|first=|date=May 27, 1998|title=The Ellis Island Verdict: The Ruling|work=The New York Times|url=|url-status=live|access-date=September 5, 2013|archive-url=|archive-date=January 13, 2021}}</ref> In May 1964, Ellis Island was added to the [[National Park Service]] by President [[Lyndon B. Johnson]] and is still owned by the federal government as part of the [[Statue of Liberty National Monument]]. In 1990, Ellis Island was opened to the public as a museum of immigration.<ref>{{cite web|url= |title=Statue Of Liberty National Monument | |access-date=September 9, 2013}}</ref> ===21st century=== ====September 11 attacks==== {{Main|September 11 attacks}} [[File:UA Flight 175 hits WTC south tower 9-11 edit.jpeg|thumb|[[United Airlines Flight 175]] hitting the [[2 World Trade Center#Original building (1973–2001)|South Tower]] during the [[September 11 attacks]]|alt=The twin towers are seen spewing black smoke and flames, particularly from the left of the two]] [[File:Hurricane Sandy Flooding Avenue C 2012.JPG|thumb|Flooding on [[Avenue C (Manhattan)|Avenue{{spaces}}C]] in [[Lower Manhattan]] caused by [[Hurricane Sandy]] in October 2012|alt=Lower Manhattan's Avenue{{spaces}}C is seen flooded.]] On September 11, 2001, two of four hijacked planes were flown into the Twin Towers of the original [[World Trade Center (1973–2001)|World Trade Center]] in [[Lower Manhattan]], and [[Collapse of the World Trade Center|the towers collapsed]]. [[7 World Trade Center (1987–2001)|7 World Trade Center]] also collapsed due to damage from fires. The other buildings of the World Trade Center complex were damaged beyond repair and demolished soon thereafter. The collapse of the Twin Towers caused extensive damage and resulted in the deaths of 2,753 victims, including 147 aboard the two planes. Since September{{spaces}}11, most of Lower Manhattan has been restored. In the years since, over 7,000 rescue workers and residents of the area have developed several life-threatening illnesses, and some have died.<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Charting post-9/11 deaths|first=Susan|last=Edelman|access-date=January 22, 2012|date=January 6, 2008}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web|title=Statistics|url=|access-date=June 27, 2020|website=The Never Forget Project}}</ref> A memorial at the site, the [[National September&nbsp;11 Memorial & Museum]], was opened to the public on September{{spaces}}11, 2011. A permanent museum later opened at the site on March 21, 2014. Upon its completion in 2014, the new [[One World Trade Center]] became the [[List of tallest buildings in New York City|tallest skyscraper]] in the Western Hemisphere, at {{convert|1,776|ft|m}}, meant to symbolize the year [[American Revolutionary War|America gained its independence]], 1776.<ref>{{cite news|author=Katia Hetter|first=|date=November 12, 2013|title=It's official: One World Trade Center to be tallest U.S. skyscraper|work=|publisher=CNN|url=|url-status=live|access-date=November 12, 2013|archive-url=|archive-date=September 22, 2020}}</ref> From 2006 to 2018, [[3&nbsp;World Trade Center]], [[4&nbsp;World Trade Center]], 7{{spaces}}World Trade Center, the [[World Trade Center Transportation Hub]], [[Liberty Park]], and [[Borough of Manhattan Community College#Fiterman Hall and the September 11 attacks|Fiterman Hall]] were completed. [[St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church]] and [[Performing Arts Center (Manhattan)|Ronald O. Perelman Performing Arts Center]] are under construction at the [[World Trade Center site]]. ====Hurricane Sandy (2012)==== {{Main|Effects of Hurricane Sandy in New York}} On October 29 and 30, 2012, [[Hurricane Sandy]] caused extensive destruction of the state's shorelines, ravaging portions of New York City, [[Long Island]], and southern Westchester with record-high [[storm surge]], with severe flooding and high winds causing [[power outage]]s for hundreds of thousands of New Yorkers, and leading to [[gasoline]] shortages and disruption of [[mass transit]] systems. The storm and its profound effects have prompted the discussion of constructing [[seawall]]s and other [[coastal management|coastal barriers]] around the shorelines of New York City and Long Island to minimize the risk from another such future event. Such risk is considered highly probable due to [[global warming]] and [[sea level rise|rising sea levels]].<ref>{{cite web|author1=Jeff Stone|author2=Maria Gallucci|date=October 29, 2014|title=Hurricane Sandy Anniversary 2014: Fortifying New York—How Well Armored Are We For The Next Superstorm?|url=|url-status=live|archive-url=|archive-date=July 31, 2020|access-date=July 23, 2015|work=International Business Times|name-list-style=amp}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=|title=ADAPTATION: Political support for a sea wall in New York Harbor begins to form|author=Robert S. Eshelman|publisher=E&E Publishing, LLC|date=November 15, 2012|access-date=July 23, 2015|archive-date=July 2, 2015|archive-url=|url-status=dead}}</ref> ====COVID-19 pandemic (2020–2023)==== {{Main|COVID-19 pandemic in New York (state)|Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on religion}} On March 1, 2020, New York had its first confirmed case of [[COVID-19 pandemic in the United States|COVID-19]] after [[Washington (state)]], two months prior.<ref>{{Cite news|last=West|first=Melanie Grayce|date=March 2, 2020|title=First Case of Coronavirus Confirmed in New York State|work=[[The Wall Street Journal]]|url=|url-status=live|access-date=June 27, 2020|archive-url=|archive-date=November 7, 2020|issn=0099-9660}}</ref> From May 19–20, Western New York and the [[Capital District, New York|Capital Region]] entered Phase{{spaces}}1 of reopening.<ref>{{Cite web|last=|first=|date=May 18, 2020|title=WNY can begin reopening on Tuesday|url=|url-status=live|archive-url=|archive-date=October 26, 2020|access-date=June 27, 2020|website=[[WIVB-TV]]}}</ref><ref>{{Cite news|last=|first=|date=May 19, 2020|title=Capital Region reopening: What does it mean?|url=|url-status=live|archive-url=|archive-date=June 13, 2020|access-date=June 27, 2020|website=Times Union}}</ref> On May 26, the Hudson Valley began Phase{{spaces}}1,<ref>{{Cite web|last=Campbell|first=Joseph Spector and Jon|title=The Hudson Valley has started to reopen. Here's what you need to know|url=|access-date=June 27, 2020|website=The Journal News}}</ref> and New York City partially reopened on June 8.<ref>{{Cite news|last=Goodman|first=J. David|date=June 7, 2020|title=After 3 Months of Outbreak and Hardship, N.Y.C. Is Set to Reopen|work=The New York Times|url=|url-status=live|access-date=June 27, 2020|archive-url=|archive-date=November 19, 2020|issn=0362-4331}}</ref> During July 2020, a federal judge ruled Governor [[Andrew Cuomo]] and Mayor [[Bill de Blasio]] exceeded authority by limiting religious gatherings to 25% when others operated at 50% capacity.<ref>{{Cite web|title=Judge blocks 25% capacity rule for religious services in NY|url=|url-status=live|archive-url=|archive-date=November 20, 2020|access-date=June 27, 2020|website=ABC News}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web|title=Federal Judge Rules Cuomo, De Blasio Exceeded Authority by Restricting Religious Services While Condoning Protests|url=|url-status=live|archive-url=|archive-date=July 1, 2020|access-date=June 27, 2020||date=June 26, 2020 }}</ref><ref>{{Cite web |last1=Tarinelli |first1=Ryan |title=Federal Judge Rules Against New York's Outdoor Gathering Restrictions |url= |date=June 26, 2020 |archive-url= |archive-date=November 21, 2020 |url-status=live |url-access=subscription |website=New York Law Journal |access-date=September 24, 2024}}</ref> On Thanksgiving Eve, the U.S. Supreme Court blocked additional religious restrictions imposed by Cuomo for areas with high infection rates.<ref>{{Cite web|date=November 26, 2020|title=In a 5–4 ruling, Supreme Court sides with religious groups in a dispute over Covid-19 restrictions in New York|url=|url-status=live|archive-url=|archive-date=February 1, 2021|access-date=February 2, 2021|website=CNN}}</ref> ==Geography== {{Main|Geography of New York (state)}} [[File:New York state geographic map-en.svg|thumb|New York is bordered by five U.S. states ([[Connecticut]], [[Massachusetts]], [[New Jersey]], [[Pennsylvania]], and [[Vermont]]), two [[Great Lakes]] ([[Lake Erie]] and [[Lake Ontario]]), and two Canadian provinces ([[Ontario]] and [[Quebec]]).|alt=A topographic map of the state of New York, with urban and geographic features marked]] The state of New York covers a total area of {{convert|54,555|sqmi||0}} and ranks as the [[List of U.S. states and territories by area|27th-largest state by size]].<ref name="area">{{cite web |url= |title=How Wet is Your State? The Water Area of Each State &#124; U.S. Geological Survey | |access-date=October 5, 2021}}</ref> The highest elevation in New York is [[Mount Marcy]] in the [[Adirondack High Peaks]] in [[North Country (New York)|Northern New York]], at {{convert|5,344|ft|m|0|abbr=off|sp=us}} [[above sea level]]; while the state's lowest point is at sea level, on the [[Atlantic Ocean]] in [[Downstate New York]].<ref name=usgs>{{cite web |date=April 29, 2005 |url= |archive-url= |archive-date=February 1, 2009 |title=Elevations and Distances in the United States |publisher=U.S. Geological Survey |access-date=November 6, 2006}}</ref> In contrast with New York City's urban landscape, the vast majority of the state's geographic area is dominated by [[meadow]]s, [[forest]]s, rivers, farms, mountains, and lakes. Most of the southern part of the state rests on the [[Allegheny Plateau]], which extends from the [[southeastern United States]] to the [[Catskill Mountains]]; the section in the State of New York is known as the [[Southern Tier]]. The rugged [[Adirondack Mountains]], with vast tracts of wilderness, lie west of the [[Lake Champlain Valley]]. The [[Great Appalachian Valley]] dominates eastern New York and contains Lake Champlain Valley as its northern half and the [[Hudson Valley]] as its southern half within the state. The [[Tug Hill]] region arises as a [[cuesta]] east of [[Lake Ontario]].<ref name="NYS_THComm_Region">{{cite web|title=Tug Hill Region|url=|access-date=April 1, 2017|website=|publisher=New York State Tug Hill Commission}}</ref> The state of New York contains a part of the [[Marcellus shale]], which extends into Ohio and Pennsylvania.<ref name="frack">{{Cite news|last=Kaplan|first=Thomas|date=December 17, 2014|title=Citing Health Risks, Cuomo Bans Fracking in New York State|work=The New York Times|url=|url-status=live|access-date=|archive-url=|archive-date=May 15, 2020}}</ref> ''Upstate'' and ''Downstate'' are often used informally to distinguish New York City or its greater metropolitan area from the rest of the State of New York. The placement of a boundary between the two is a matter of great contention.<ref>{{cite book| title = The Encyclopedia of New York State| page = 1619| isbn = 978-0-8156-0808-0| year = 2005| publisher=[[Syracuse University Press]]| editor = Eisenstadt, Peter}}</ref> Unofficial and loosely defined regions of Upstate New York include from the Southern Tier, which includes many of the counties along the border with Pennsylvania,<ref>{{cite book| title = The Encyclopedia of New York State| page = 1437| isbn = 978-0-8156-0808-0| year = 2005| publisher=Syracuse University Press| editor = Eisenstadt, Peter}}</ref> to the [[North Country (New York)|North Country]] region, above or sometimes including parts of the Adirondack region.<ref>{{cite book| title = The Encyclopedia of New York State| isbn = 978-0-8156-0808-0| year = 2005| publisher=Syracuse University Press| editor = Eisenstadt, Peter}}</ref> ===Water=== ====Borders==== [[File:New York City and the Long Island.jpg|thumb|Enveloped by the [[Atlantic Ocean]] and [[Long Island Sound]], [[New York City]] and [[Long Island]] have a combined population of 11 million residents, representing over 56 percent of the state's population.]] [[File:Köppen Climate Types New York.png|thumb|The [[Köppen climate classification]] of New York]] [[File:LakeEffectSnowBuffalo101206.gif|thumb|[[Lake-effect snow]] is a major contributor to heavy snowfall totals in [[Western New York]], including the [[Tug Hill]] region.]] Among the total area of New York state, 13.6% consists of water.<ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Area of each state that is water | |access-date=September 23, 2017}}</ref> Much of New York's boundaries are in water, as is true for New York City: four of its [[Borough (New York City)|five boroughs]] are situated on three islands at the mouth of the [[Hudson River]]: [[Manhattan|Manhattan Island]]; [[Staten Island]]; and [[Long Island]], which contains [[Brooklyn]] and [[Queens]] at its western end. The state's borders include a water boundary in (clockwise from the west) two [[Great Lakes]] ([[Lake Erie]] and [[Lake Ontario]], which are connected by the [[Niagara River]]); the provinces of [[Ontario]] and [[Quebec]] in Canada, with New York and Ontario sharing the [[Thousand Islands]] [[archipelago]] within the Saint Lawrence River, while most of its border with Quebec is on land; it shares [[Lake Champlain]] with the [[New England]] state of [[Vermont]]; the New England state of [[Massachusetts]] has mostly a land border; New York extends into [[Long Island Sound]] and the [[Atlantic Ocean]], sharing a water border with [[Rhode Island]], while [[Connecticut]] has land and sea borders. Except for areas near the [[New York Harbor]] and the Upper [[Delaware River]], New York has a mostly land border with two [[Mid-Atlantic states]], [[New Jersey]] and [[Pennsylvania]]. New York is the only state that borders both the Great Lakes and the [[Atlantic Ocean]]. ====Drainage==== The [[Hudson River]] begins near [[Lake Tear of the Clouds]] and flows south through the eastern part of the state, without draining Lakes [[Lake George (lake), New York|George]] or [[Lake Champlain|Champlain]]. Lake George empties at its north end into Lake Champlain, whose northern end extends into Canada, where it drains into the [[Richelieu River]] and then ultimately the [[Saint Lawrence River]]. The western section of the state is drained by the [[Allegheny River]] and rivers of the [[Susquehanna River|Susquehanna]] and [[Delaware River]] systems. [[Niagara Falls]] is shared between New York and Ontario as it flows on the Niagara River from Lake Erie to Lake Ontario. The Delaware River Basin Compact, signed in 1961 by New York, New Jersey, [[Pennsylvania]], [[Delaware]], and the federal government, regulates the utilization of water of the Delaware system.<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Delaware River Basin Commission|publisher=The State of New Jersey|access-date=April 3, 2017}}</ref> ===Climate=== {{Main|Climate of New York (state)}} Under the [[Köppen climate classification]], most of New York has a [[humid continental climate]], though New York City and Long Island have a [[humid subtropical climate]].<ref name=NYClimate>{{cite web|url=|archive-url=|archive-date=April 12, 2008|title=Climate of New York|publisher=New York State Climate Office—Cornell University|access-date=April 10, 2008}}</ref> Weather in New York is heavily influenced by two continental air masses: a warm, humid one from the southwest and a cold, dry one from the northwest. Downstate New York (comprising New York City, Long Island, and lower portions of the Hudson Valley) have rather hot summers with some periods of high humidity and cold, damp winters which are relatively mild compared to temperatures in Upstate New York, due to the downstate region's lower elevation, proximity to the Atlantic Ocean, and relatively lower [[latitude]]. [[Upstate New York]] experiences warm summers, marred by only occasional, brief intervals of sultry conditions, with long and cold winters. Western New York, particularly the Tug Hill region, receives heavy [[lake-effect snow]]s, especially during the earlier portions of winter, before the surface of Lake Ontario itself is covered by ice. The summer climate is cool in the Adirondacks, Catskills, and at higher elevations of the Southern Tier. Buffalo and its metropolitan area are described as climate change havens for their weather pattern in Western New York.<ref>{{Cite news|title=Will Buffalo Become a Climate Change Haven?|url=|url-status=live|archive-url=|archive-date=January 31, 2021|access-date=June 27, 2020||date=December 5, 2019}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web|last=García|first=Beatriz|date=December 16, 2019|title=Why Buffalo is the best U.S. city for climate refugees|url=|url-status=live|archive-url=|archive-date=February 1, 2021|access-date=June 27, 2020|website=AL DÍA News}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web|title=Move to Buffalo? With Earth warming, northern cities could become oases.|url=|url-status=live|archive-url=|archive-date=January 21, 2021|access-date=June 27, 2020|website=NBC News|date=January 24, 2020 }}</ref><ref>{{Cite web|last=|first=|date=June 26, 2020|title=Buffalo is designated a "United States Pioneer" by CitiesWithNature|url=|url-status=live|archive-url=|archive-date=February 3, 2021|access-date=June 28, 2020|website=Buffalo Rising}}</ref> Summer daytime temperatures range from the high 70s to low 80s{{spaces}}°F (25 to 28{{spaces}}°C), over most of the state. In the majority of winter seasons, a temperature of {{convert|-13|F|C|0}} or lower can be expected in the northern highlands (Northern Plateau) and {{convert|5|F|C|0}} or colder in the southwestern and east-central highlands of the Southern Tier. New York had a record-high temperature of 108{{spaces}}°F (42.2{{spaces}}°C) on July 22, 1926, in the [[Albany, New York|Albany]] area.<ref name="noaa-2020">{{Cite web|title=State Climate Extremes Committee (SCEC) {{!}} Extremes {{!}} National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)|url=|access-date=June 29, 2020|}}</ref> Its record-lowest temperature during the winter was −52{{spaces}}°F (−46.7{{spaces}}°C) in 1979.<ref name="noaa-2020" /> [[Governors Island, Manhattan]], in [[New York Harbor]], is planned to host a US$1 billion research and education center poised to make New York the global leader in addressing the [[climate change|climate crisis]].<ref name=NYCGlobalClimateLeader>{{cite web|url=|title= Mayor Adams, Trust For Governors Island Unveil Finalist Proposals For Climate Solutions Center|publisher=City of New York|date=October 26, 2022|access-date=October 29, 2022}}</ref> ===Flora and fauna=== Due to New York's relatively large land area and unique geography compared to other eastern states, there are several distinct [[ecoregions]] present in the state, many of them reduced heavily due to urbanization and other human activities: [[Southern Great Lakes forests]] in [[Western New York]], [[New England–Acadian forests]] on the [[New England]] border, [[Northeastern coastal forests]] in the lower [[Hudson Valley]] and western [[Long Island]], [[Atlantic coastal pine barrens]] in southern Long Island, [[Northeastern interior dry–mesic oak forest]] in the eastern [[Southern Tier]] and upper Hudson Valley, [[Appalachian–Blue Ridge forests]] in the Hudson Valley), [[Central Appalachian dry oak–pine forest]] around the Hudson Valley, [[Eastern Great Lakes and Hudson Lowlands (ecoregion)|Eastern Great Lakes and Hudson Lowlands]], [[Eastern forest–boreal transition]] in the Adirondacks, [[Eastern Great Lakes lowland forests]] around the Adirondacks, and [[Allegheny Highlands forests]], most of which are in the western Southern Tier. Some species that can be found in this state are [[American ginseng]], [[Nitellopsis obtusa|starry stonewort]], [[Hydrilla|waterthyme]], water chestnut, [[Toxicodendron radicans|eastern poison ivy]], [[Toxicodendron vernix|poison sumac]], [[Heracleum mantegazzianum|giant hogweed]], [[Heracleum maximum|cow parsnip]] and [[Urtica dioica|common nettle]].<ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=Plants—NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation||access-date=December 13, 2019|archive-date=October 31, 2019|archive-url=|url-status=dead}}</ref> There are more than 70 mammal species, more than 20 bird species, some species of amphibians, and several reptile species. Species of mammals that are found in New York are the [[white-footed mouse]], [[North American least shrew]], [[little brown bat]], [[muskrat]], [[eastern gray squirrel]], [[eastern cottontail]], [[American ermine]], [[groundhog]], [[striped skunk]], [[Fisher (animal)|fisher]], [[North American river otter]], [[raccoon]], [[bobcat]], [[eastern coyote]], [[red fox]], [[gray fox]] [[white-tailed deer]], [[moose]], and [[American black bear]]; [[extirpated]] mammals include [[Canada lynx]], [[American bison]], [[wolverine]], [[Allegheny woodrat]], [[caribou]], [[eastern elk]], [[eastern cougar]], and [[eastern wolf]].<ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=Mammals of NYS—Conservationist Centerfold|access-date=December 13, 2019}}</ref> Some species of birds in New York are the [[Common pheasant|ring-necked pheasant]], [[northern bobwhite]], [[ruffed grouse]], [[spruce grouse]], [[Canada jay]], [[wild turkey]], [[blue jay]], [[eastern bluebird]] (the [[List of U.S. state birds|state bird]]), [[American robin]], and [[black-capped chickadee]]. Birds of prey that are present in the state are [[great horned owl]]s, [[bald eagle]]s, [[red-tailed hawk]]s, [[American kestrel]]s, and [[northern harrier]]s. Waterfowl like [[mallard]]s, [[wood duck]]s, [[canvasback]]s, [[American black duck]]s, [[trumpeter swan]]s, [[Canada goose|Canada geese]], and [[blue-winged teal]]s can be found in the region. Maritime or shore birds of New York are [[great blue heron]], [[killdeer]]s, [[northern cardinal]]s, [[American herring gull]]s, and [[common tern]]s.<ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=Birds of NYS—Conservationist Centerfold|access-date=December 13, 2019}}</ref> Reptile and amphibian species in land areas of New York include [[queen snake]]s, [[hellbender]]s, [[diamondback terrapin]]s, [[timber rattlesnake]]s, [[eastern fence lizard]]s, [[spotted turtle]]s, and [[Blanding's turtle]]s. Sea turtles that can be found in the state are the [[green sea turtle]], [[loggerhead sea turtle]], [[leatherback sea turtle]] and [[Kemp's ridley sea turtle]].<ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=Amphibians & Reptiles—NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation||access-date=December 13, 2019}}</ref> [[New York Harbor]] and the [[Hudson River]] constitute an [[estuary]], making the state of New York home to a [[Marine life of New York–New Jersey Harbor Estuary|rich array of marine life]] including shellfish—such as [[oysters]] and [[clams]]—as well as fish, microorganisms, and sea-birds. {{multiple image|align=right|direction=vertical |image1=Map of New York Economic Regions.svg|caption1=Economic regions|image2=New York State Department Economic Development Regions.svg|caption2=Tourism regions}} ===Regions=== {{Main|List of regions of the United States#New York}} Due to its long history, New York has several overlapping and often conflicting definitions of regions within the state. The regions are also not fully definable due to the colloquial use of regional labels. The [[Empire State Development Corporation|New York State Department of Economic Development]] provides two distinct definitions of these regions. It divides the state into ten economic regions,<ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Age/sex/race in New York State: Based on Census 2010 |access-date=May 15, 2012}}</ref> which approximately correspond to terminology used by residents: {{Div col|colwidth=18em}} # [[Western New York]] # [[Finger Lakes]] # [[Southern Tier]] # [[Central New York]] # [[North Country (New York)|North Country]] # [[Mohawk Valley]] # [[Capital District, New York|Capital District]] # [[Hudson Valley]] # [[New York City]] # [[Long Island]] {{div col end}} The department also groups the counties into eleven regions for tourism purposes.<ref>{{cite book |author1=New York Department of Economic Development, Division of Tourism |author1-link=Empire State Development Corporation |title=ILNY Travel Planner |date=2017 |page=36 |url= |access-date=April 30, 2023 |language=en}}</ref><ref>{{cite web |author1=New York State Department of Economic Development, Division of Tourism |author1-link=Empire State Development Corporation |title=New York Travel Guides |url= | |access-date=April 30, 2023 |language=en-us}}</ref> {{Div col|colwidth=18em}} # [[Chautauqua–Allegheny]] # [[Niagara Frontier]] # [[Finger Lakes]] # [[Thousand Islands]] # [[Central New York Region|Central-Leatherstocking Region]] # [[Adirondack Mountains]] # [[Capital District, New York|Capital District]] # [[Catskill Mountains]] # [[Hudson Valley]] # [[New York City]] # [[Long Island]] {{div col end}} ===State parks=== {{See also|List of New York state parks|New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation}} [[File:Adirondack and Catskill Parks Locator.svg|thumb|Two major New York state parks (in green), [[Adirondack Park]] (north) and [[Catskill Park]] (south)]] New York has many state parks and two major forest preserves. [[Niagara Falls State Park]], established in 1885, is the oldest state park in the United States and the first to be created via [[eminent domain]].<ref name=NYSA_EnvHist>{{cite web |url= |title=Publication #72—Environmental Affairs in New York State: A Historical Overview |publisher=New York State Archives |date=2001 |author=Edmondson, Brad |pages=7–9 |access-date=April 1, 2017 |archive-date=February 24, 2021 |archive-url= |url-status=dead }}</ref><ref name=NFSP_NPS_study>{{cite web |url= |title=Niagara National Heritage Area Study Report |page=26 |publisher=National Park Service |date=2005 |access-date=April 1, 2017}}</ref> In 1892, [[Adirondack Park]], roughly the size of the state of [[Vermont]] and the largest state park in the United States,<ref name="">[ ''Largest Park Area in the Contiguous U.S. Remains Open to Visitors, Thursday, October 3, 2013.''] Regional Office of Sustainable Tourism / Lake Placid CVB. Retrieved July 26, 2014.</ref> was established and given state constitutional protection to remain "forever wild" in 1894. The park is larger than [[Yellowstone National Park|Yellowstone]], [[Everglades National Park|Everglades]], [[Glacier National Park (U.S.)|Glacier]], and [[Grand Canyon National Park|Grand Canyon]] national parks combined.<ref name=""/><ref>[ About the Adirondack Park], Adirondack Park Agency. Retrieved July 1, 2009.</ref> The [[Catskill Park]] was protected in legislation passed in 1885,<ref name=CatskillPark1>{{cite web|url=|archive-url=|url-status=dead|archive-date=May 2, 2006|title=Catskill Park History||access-date=April 11, 2008}}</ref> which declared that its land was to be conserved and never put up for sale or lease. Consisting of {{convert|700000|acre|km2}} of land,<ref name=CatskillPark1/> the park is a habitat for deer, [[mink]]s, and fishers. There are some 400 [[American black bear|black bears]] living in the region.<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=The Catskill Region||access-date=September 15, 2014|archive-date=October 24, 2014|archive-url=|url-status=dead}}</ref> The state operates numerous campgrounds, and there are over {{convert|300|mi|km}} of multi-use trails in the Park. The 1797 [[Montauk Point Light|Montauk Lighthouse]], commissioned under [[President of the United States|President]] [[George Washington]], is a major tourist attraction in [[Montauk Point State Park]] at the easternmost tip of [[Long Island]]. [[Hither Hills State Park]], also on Long Island's [[South Fork (Long Island)|South Fork]], offers camping and is a popular destination with surfcasting sport fishermen. ===National parks, monuments, and historic landmarks=== [[File:Statue of Liberty, NY.jpg|thumb|right|The [[Statue of Liberty]] in [[New York Harbor]], a global symbol of the United States and its ideals<ref>{{cite web|title=Statue of Liberty|work=World Heritage|publisher=UNESCO|url=|access-date=November 24, 2013}}</ref>]] [[File:African Burial Ground-aerial view-NYC.jpg|thumb|The [[African Burial Ground National Monument]] in [[Lower Manhattan]]]] The State of New York is well represented in the [[National Park Service|National Park System]] with 22 [[national park]]s, which received 16,349,381 visitors in 2011. In addition, there are a [[National Marine Sanctuary|national marine sanctuary]], four [[National Heritage Area|national heritage area]]s, 27 [[National Natural Landmark|national natural landmark]]s, 262 [[National Historic Landmark|national historic landmark]]s, and 5,379 listings on the [[National Register of Historic Places]]. Some major areas, landmarks, and monuments are listed below. * The [[Statue of Liberty National Monument]] includes [[Ellis Island]] and the [[Statue of Liberty]]. The statue, designed by [[Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi|Frédéric Bartholdi]] and formally named ''Liberty Enlightening the World'', was a gift from [[France]] to the United States to mark the Centennial of the [[Declaration of Independence of the United States|American Declaration of Independence]]; it was dedicated in New York Harbor on October 28, 1886. It has since become an icon of the United States and the concepts of democracy and freedom. * The [[African Burial Ground National Monument]] in [[Lower Manhattan]] is the only national monument dedicated to Americans of African ancestry. It preserves a site containing the remains of more than 400 [[Ethnic groups of Africa|Africans]] buried during the late 17th and 18th centuries in a portion of what was the largest colonial-era cemetery for people of African descent, both free and enslaved, with an estimated tens of thousands of remains interred. The site's excavation and study were called "the most important historic urban archeological project in the United States."<ref name="ABG">[ ''African Burial Ground''], General Services Administration, accessed February 10, 2012</ref> * [[Fire Island National Seashore]] is a [[United States]] [[List of United States national lakeshores and seashores|national seashore]] that protects a {{convert|26|mi|adj=on}} section of [[Fire Island]], an approximately {{convert|30|mi|adj=on}} long [[barrier island]] separated from the mainland of [[Long Island]] by the [[Great South Bay]]. The island is part of [[Suffolk County, New York|Suffolk County]].<ref>{{Cite web|date=December 20, 2020|title=Fire Island National Seashore|url=|access-date=February 9, 2021|website=National Park Foundation}}</ref> * [[Gateway National Recreation Area]] is more than {{convert|26000|acres|0|abbr=on}} of water, [[salt marsh]], [[wetlands]], islands, and shoreline at the entrance to New York Harbor,<ref>{{Cite web |title=Gateway National Recreation Area – NY, NJ |url= |website=[[National Park Service]] |access-date=September 24, 2024}}</ref> the majority of which lies within New York. Including areas on Long Island and in New Jersey, it covers more area than that of two Manhattan islands. * [[General Grant National Memorial]] is the final resting place of President [[Ulysses S. Grant]] and is the largest [[mausoleum]] in North America. * [[Hamilton Grange National Memorial]] preserves the home of [[Alexander Hamilton]], Caribbean immigrant and [[orphan]] who rose to be a United States founding father and associate of George Washington. * The [[Home of Franklin D. Roosevelt National Historic Site]], established in 1945, preserves the Springwood estate in [[Hyde Park, New York]]. Springwood was the birthplace, lifelong home, and burial place of the 32nd [[President of the United States]], [[Franklin D. Roosevelt]]. * The [[Lake Ontario National Marine Sanctuary]] was designated by the [[National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration]] in 2024; it covers {{convert|1,722|sqmi|sqnmi km2}} of southeastern [[Lake Ontario]] off the coasts of [[Jefferson County, New York|Jefferson]], [[Oswego County, New York|Oswego]], [[Cayuga County, New York|Cayuga]], and [[Wayne County, New York|Wayne]] [[County (United States)|counties]] and protects historic [[shipwreck]]s and an area of cultural, historical, and spiritual importance to [[Native Americans in the United States|Native Americans]]. It is managed jointly by NOAA's [[Office of National Marine Sanctuaries]] and the State of New York.<ref>{{Cite web |title=Lake Ontario National Marine Sanctuary |url= |access-date=October 14, 2024 |}}</ref><ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Lake Ontario National Marine Sanctuary Designation Ceremony |author=<!--Not stated--> |date=<!--Not stated--> | |publisher=National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration |access-date=October 14, 2024}}</ref> * [[Niagara Falls National Heritage Area]] was designated by the [[United States Congress|U.S. Congress]] in 2008; it stretches from the western boundary of [[Wheatfield, New York]] to the mouth of the [[Niagara River]] on Lake [[Ontario]], including the communities of Niagara Falls, Youngstown, and Lewiston. It includes [[Niagara Falls State Park]] and [[Fort Niagara|Colonial Niagara Historic District]]. It is managed in collaboration with the state. * [[Saratoga National Historical Park]] preserves the site of the [[Battles of Saratoga]], the first significant [[United States Armed Forces|American military]] victory of the [[American Revolutionary War]]. In 1777, American forces defeated a major [[British Army]],<ref name="History-2020" /> which led [[France]] to recognize the independence of the United States, and enter the war as a decisive military ally of the struggling Americans. * [[Stonewall National Monument]], in the [[Greenwich Village]] neighborhood of Lower Manhattan, is the first U.S. national monument dedicated to [[LGBT rights in the United States|LGBTQ rights]], designated on June 24, 2016. The monument comprises the area around the still privately operated [[Stonewall Inn]], commonly recognized to be the cradle of the [[gay liberation]] movement as the site of the 1969 [[Stonewall Riots]]; the adjacent [[Christopher Street|Christopher Park]]; and surrounding streets and sidewalks.<ref name="NYTRosenberg20160624">{{cite news|last=Rosenberg|first=Eli|date=June 24, 2016|title=Stonewall Inn Named National Monument, a First for the Gay Rights Movement|newspaper=The New York Times|url=|url-status=live|access-date=April 8, 2019|archive-url=|archive-date=May 6, 2020}}</ref><ref name="NPSStonewallMonument">{{cite web |title=Stonewall National Monument |url= |publisher=National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior |access-date=April 8, 2019}}</ref><ref name="LATHayasaki20070518">{{cite news|last=Hayasaki|first=Erika|date=May 18, 2007|title=For gays, a generation gap grows|newspaper=Los Angeles Times|url=|url-status=live|access-date=April 8, 2019|archive-url=|archive-date=December 7, 2020}}</ref> * Manhattan's [[Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace National Historic Site]] is also the childhood home of President Theodore Roosevelt, the only president born in New York City until [[Donald Trump]]. ===Administrative divisions=== {{Main|Administrative divisions of New York (state)}} [[File:New York Counties.svg|thumb|Map of the 62 counties of New York state]] As of 2022, New York is divided into 62 [[County (United States)|counties]].<ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=These Are The 11 Most Populated Counties In New York State|last=Young |first=Yasmin |date=October 8, 2022|website=Power 93.7 WBLK}}</ref> Aside from the five counties of New York City, each of these counties is subdivided into [[town#New York|towns]] and [[city|cities]], incorporated under state law. Towns can contain incorporated [[village]]s or unincorporated [[hamlet (place)#New York|hamlets]]. New York City is divided into five [[borough (New York City)|boroughs]], each coterminous with a county. The major cities of the state developed along the key transportation and [[trade route]]s of the early 19th century, including the [[Erie Canal]] and railroads paralleling it. The [[New York Thruway]] acts as a modern counterpart to commercial water routes.<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=New York State Thruway||publisher=New York State Thruway Authority|access-date=September 15, 2014|archive-url= |archive-date=August 22, 2014}}</ref> [[Downstate New York]] ([[Geography of New York City|New York City]], [[Long Island]], and the southern portion of the [[Hudson Valley]]) can be considered to form the central core of the [[Northeast megalopolis]], an urbanized region stretching from [[New Hampshire]] to [[Virginia]]. ====Cities and towns==== {{Main|List of cities in New York}} {{Further|List of towns in New York|List of villages in New York|List of census-designated places in New York|New York statistical areas}} [[File:New York City, night.jpg|thumb|New York City at night]] New York contains 62 administrative divisions termed cities. The largest city in the state and the most populous city in the United States is New York City, which comprises five counties (each coextensive with a [[borough (New York City)|borough]]): [[Bronx]], New York County ([[Manhattan]]), [[Queens]], Kings County ([[Brooklyn]]), and Richmond County ([[Staten Island]]). New York City is home to more than two-fifths of the state's population. [[Albany, New York|Albany]], the state capital, is the sixth-largest city in the State of New York. The smallest city is [[Sherrill, New York]], in [[Oneida County, New York|Oneida County]]. [[Hempstead, New York|Hempstead]] is the most populous [[town (New York)|town]] in the state; if it were a city, it would be the second-largest in the State of New York, with more than 700,000 residents. New York contains 13 [[metropolitan areas]], as defined by the U.S. Census Bureau.<ref>{{cite web |title=County and Metro Area Population Estimates |url= |website=U.S. Census Bureau |access-date=October 19, 2019 }}</ref> Major metro areas include New York City, [[Buffalo, New York|Buffalo]], [[Rochester, New York|Rochester]], the [[Capital District, New York|Capital District]] ([[Albany, New York|Albany]], [[Schenectady, New York|Schenectady]], and [[Troy, New York|Troy]]), [[Poughkeepsie, New York|Poughkeepsie]], [[Syracuse, New York|Syracuse]], [[Utica, New York|Utica]], and [[Binghamton, New York|Binghamton]]. {{Largest cities | country = New York | stat_ref = 2020 U.S. census <ref>{{cite web|title=U.S. Census Bureau QuickFacts: New York|url=|}}</ref> | list_by_pop = | div_name = | div_link = Counties of New York{{!}}County | city_1 = New York City | div_1 = Boroughs of New York City{{!}}Kings, Queens, New York, Bronx, Richmond | pop_1 = 8,804,190 | img_1 = | city_2 = Hempstead, New York{{!}}Hempstead | div_2 = Nassau County, New York{{!}}Nassau | pop_2 = 793,409 | img_2 = | city_3 = Brookhaven, New York{{!}}Brookhaven | div_3 = Suffolk County, New York{{!}}Suffolk | pop_3 = 488,497 | img_3 = | city_4 = Islip, New York{{!}}Islip | div_4 = Suffolk County, New York{{!}}Suffolk | pop_4 = 339,938 | img_4 = | city_5 = Oyster Bay, New York{{!}}Oyster Bay | div_5 = Nassau County, New York{{!}}Nassau | pop_5 = 301,332 | img_5 = | city_6 = Buffalo, New York{{!}}Buffalo | div_6 = Erie County, New York{{!}}Erie | pop_6 = 278,349 | img_6 = | city_7 = North Hempstead, New York{{!}}North Hempstead | div_7 = Nassau County, New York{{!}}Nassau | pop_7 = 237,639 | img_7 = | city_8 = Babylon, New York{{!}}Babylon | div_8 = Suffolk County, New York{{!}}Suffolk | pop_8 = 218,223 | img_8 = | city_9 = Yonkers, New York{{!}}Yonkers | div_9 = Westchester County, New York{{!}}Westchester | pop_9 = 211,569 | img_9 = | city_10 = Rochester, New York{{!}}Rochester | div_10 = Monroe County, New York{{!}}Monroe | pop_10 = 211,328 | img_10 = }} ==Demographics== {{Main|Demographics of New York (state)}} ===Population=== {{US Census population | 1790 = 340120 | 1800 = 589051 | 1810 = 959049 | 1820 = 1372812 | 1830 = 1918608 | 1840 = 2428921 | 1850 = 3097394 | 1860 = 3880735 | 1870 = 4382759 | 1880 = 5082871 | 1890 = 6003174 | 1900 = 7268894 | 1910 = 9113614 | 1920 = 10385227 | 1930 = 12588066 | 1940 = 13479142 | 1950 = 14830192 | 1960 = 16782304 | 1970 = 18236967 | 1980 = 17558072 | 1990 = 17990455 | 2000 = 18976457 | 2010 = 19378102 | 2020 = 20201249 | estimate = 19571216 | estyear = 2023 | align-fn = center | footnote = Sources: 1910–2020; 2023.<ref>{{cite web |title=Historical Population Change Data (1910–2020) |url= | |publisher=United States Census Bureau |access-date=May 1, 2021 |archive-date=April 29, 2021 |archive-url= |url-status=dead }}</ref><ref name="PopHousingEst"/> }}[[File:New York Population Map.png|thumb|upright=1.3|Among New York state's population of 19.5 million, 11 million, or 56 percent, are in [[New York City]] or [[Long Island]]]] New York was the most populous state in the U.S. from the 1810s until 1962. As of 2024, it is the nation's fourth-most populous state behind [[California]], [[Texas]], and [[Florida]]. Growth has been distributed unevenly. The [[New York metropolitan area]], [[Buffalo–Niagara Falls metropolitan area]], [[Saratoga County, New York|Saratoga County]] and [[Capital District (New York)|Capital District]] are growing while [[Rochester, New York|Rochester]], [[Syracuse, New York|Syracuse]], and other population centers have been losing residents or have been stagnant for decades.<ref name=2016NYCountyGrowthCensus>{{cite web |title=Community Facts—Find popular facts (population, income, etc.) and frequently requested data about your community |url= |publisher=[[United States Census Bureau]] |access-date=July 4, 2017 }}</ref> New York City gained 223,615 residents between April 2010 and July 2018, representing the greatest population increase of any U.S. city.<ref name=2018NYCest>{{cite web|url=|title=Annual Estimates of the Resident Population for Incorporated Places of 50,000 or More, Ranked by July 1, 2018, Population: April 1, 2010. to July 1, 2018—United States—Places of 50,000+ Population—2018 Population Estimates|publisher=[[United States Census Bureau]]|access-date=January 29, 2020}}</ref> Since 2020, the city's population decreased by 546,155 residents, roughly 6.2%.<ref name="USCensusEst2022">{{cite web|url=|title=Growth in U.S. Population Shows Early Indication of Recovery Amid COVID-19 Pandemic.|publisher=|access-date= April 14, 2023}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web |last=Bureau |first=US Census |title=Data |url= |access-date=December 22, 2022 |}}</ref> According to [[immigration]] statistics, the state is a leading recipient of migrants from around the globe. In 2008 New York had the second-largest international immigrant population in the country among U.S. states, at 4.2{{spaces}}million; most reside in and around New York City, due to its size, high profile, vibrant economy, and [[cosmopolitanism|cosmopolitan]] culture. New York has a pro-[[sanctuary city]] law.<ref>{{Cite web|last=Shoichet|first=Catherine E.|date=May 9, 2019|title=Florida is about to ban sanctuary cities. At least 11 other states have, too|url=|url-status=live|archive-url=|archive-date=July 30, 2020|access-date=|website=CNN}}</ref> The [[United States Census Bureau]] tabulated in the [[2020 United States census|2020 census]] that the population of New York was 20,215,751 on April 1, 2020, a 4.3% increase since the [[2010 United States census|2010 census]].<ref name="PopHousingEst" /><ref>{{Cite web|last=Campbell|first=Jon|title=NY tops 20 million in population, loses congressional seat by razor-thin margin|url=|access-date=April 27, 2021|website=Democrat and Chronicle}}</ref> Despite the abundance of open land in the state, New York's population is very urban, with 92% of residents living in an urban area,<ref>{{cite web|author=Timothy S. Parker |url=|title=New York Fact Sheet: NY agriculture income population food education employment farms top commodities exports counties financial indicators poverty organic farming farm income America USDA | |date=September 10, 2010 |access-date=October 2, 2010}}</ref> predominantly in the New York City metropolitan area. Two-thirds of the state's population resides in the [[New York metropolitan area]]. New York City is the most populous city in the United States,<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=America's 5 biggest cities|author=Blake Ellis|publisher=CNN|date=March 25, 2011|access-date=November 12, 2013}}</ref> with an estimated record high population of 8,622,698 in 2017,<ref name="NYCest2">{{cite web|title=2018 Demographic and Housing Estimates|url=|url-status=live|archive-url=|archive-date=January 24, 2021|access-date=March 10, 2020|website=U.S. Census Bureau}}</ref> incorporating more immigration into the city than emigration since the 2010 United States census.<ref name=inmigration>{{cite news|last=Roberts|first=Sam|author-link=Sam Roberts (newspaper journalist)|title=Fewer People Are Abandoning the Bronx, Census Data Show|url=|newspaper=The New York Times|date=March 14, 2013}}</ref> More than twice as many people live in New York City as in the second-most populous U.S. city, [[Los Angeles]],<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=State & County QuickFacts Los Angeles (city), California|publisher=U.S. Census Bureau|access-date=July 9, 2015|url-status=dead|archive-url=|archive-date=August 2, 2012}}</ref> and within a smaller area. [[Long Island]] alone accounted for a census-estimated 7,838,722 residents in 2015, representing 39.6% of the State of New York's population.<ref name=NYCest2/><ref name="Kings County, New York QuickFacts">{{cite web|url=|title=Kings County, New York QuickFacts|publisher=U.S. Census Bureau|access-date=March 24, 2016|url-status=dead|archive-url=|archive-date=February 17, 2016}}</ref><ref name="Queens County, New York QuickFacts">{{cite web|url=|title=Queens County, New York QuickFacts|publisher=U.S. Census Bureau|access-date=March 24, 2016|url-status=dead|archive-url=|archive-date=August 8, 2014}}</ref><ref name="Nassau County, New York QuickFacts">{{cite web|url=|title=Nassau County, New York QuickFacts|publisher=U.S. Census Bureau|access-date=March 24, 2016|url-status=dead|archive-url=|archive-date=June 7, 2011}}</ref><ref name="Suffolk County, New York QuickFacts">{{cite web|url=|title=Suffolk County, New York QuickFacts|publisher=U.S. Census Bureau|access-date=March 24, 2016|archive-url=|archive-date=July 29, 2011|url-status=dead}}</ref> Of the total statewide population, 6.5% of New Yorkers were under five years of age, 24.7% under 18, and 12.9% were 65 or older. According to [[United States Department of Housing and Urban Development|HUD]]'s 2022 [[Annual Homeless Assessment Report to Congress|Annual Homeless Assessment Report]], there were an estimated 74,178 [[Homelessness|homeless]] people in New York.<ref>{{Cite web |title=2007-2022 PIT Counts by State |url=}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=The 2022 Annual Homelessness Assessment Report (AHAR) to Congress}}</ref> The leading out-of-state birthplaces in New York were the [[Dominican Republic]], [[China]], [[India]], [[Puerto Rico]], [[New Jersey]], [[Pennsylvania]], [[Russia]], [[Mexico]], and Central American countries in 2017.<ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=New York Migration History 1850-2018 - America's Great Migrations|}}</ref> ===Race and ethnicity=== [[File:Ethnic Origins in New York.png|thumb|Ethnic origins in New York|247x247px]] {| class="wikitable sortable collapsible"; text-align:right; font-size:80%;" |+ style="font-size:90%" |Racial and ethnic composition as of the [[2020 United States census|2020 census]] |- ! Race and ethnicity<ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Race and Ethnicity in the United States: 2010 Census and 2020 Census |author=<!--Not stated--> |date=August 12, 2021 | |publisher=United States Census Bureau |access-date=September 26, 2021}}</ref> ! colspan="2" data-sort-type=number |Alone ! colspan="2" data-sort-type=number |Total |- | [[Non-Hispanic or Latino whites|White (non-Hispanic)]] |align=right| {{bartable|52.5|%|2||background:gray}} |align=right| {{bartable|55.3|%|2||background:gray}} |- | [[Hispanic and Latino Americans|Hispanic or Latino]]{{efn|Persons of Hispanic or Latino origin are not distinguished between total and partial ancestry.}} |align=right| {{bartable}} |align=right| {{bartable|19.5|%|2||background:green}} |- | [[African Americans|African American (non-Hispanic)]] |align=right| {{bartable|13.7|%|2||background:mediumblue}} |align=right| {{bartable|15.1|%|2||background:mediumblue}} |- | [[Asian Americans|Asian]] |align=right| {{bartable|9.5|%|2||background:purple}} |align=right| {{bartable|10.5|%|2||background:purple}} |- | [[Native Americans in the United States|Native American]] |align=right| {{bartable|0.3|%|2||background:gold}} |align=right| {{bartable|1.1|%|2||background:gold}} |- | [[Pacific Islander Americans|Pacific Islander]] |align=right| {{bartable|0.03|%|2||background:pink}} |align=right| {{bartable|0.1|%|2||background:pink}} |- | Other |align=right| {{bartable|1.0|%|2||background:brown}} |align=right| {{bartable|2.2|%|2||background:brown}} |} According to the 2000 census, Italian, Irish, German, African American and English were the most common ancestries.<ref>{{cite web|url=|archive-url=|archive-date=20 Sep 2004|title=Ancestry: 2000}}</ref> The state's historically most populous racial group, non-Hispanic White people, declined as a proportion of the state population from 94.6% in 1940 to 58.3% in 2010.<ref name="PopUS">{{cite web |url= |title=New York QuickFacts |date=January 17, 2012 |publisher=U.S. Census Bureau |access-date=April 18, 2012 |url-status=dead |archive-url= |archive-date=May 16, 2015}}</ref><ref name="census1" /> {{As of|2011}}, 55.6% of New York's population younger than age{{spaces}}1 were minorities.<ref>"[ Americans under age{{spaces}}1 now mostly minorities, but not in Ohio: Statistical Snapshot]". ''[[The Plain Dealer]]''. June 3, 2012.</ref> New York's robustly increasing [[Jews|Jewish]] population, the largest outside of [[Israel]],<ref>{{cite news|author1=Thomas Kaplan|first=|author2=Jason Horowitz|date=August 13, 2014|title=Cuomo, Visiting Israel, Joins Growing U.S. List|newspaper=The New York Times|url=|url-status=live|access-date=September 28, 2014|archive-url=|archive-date=November 20, 2018|name-list-style=amp}}</ref> was the highest among states both by percentage and by absolute number in 2012.<ref>{{cite web|title=Jewish Population in the United States, by State|url=|url-status=live|archive-url=|archive-date=September 28, 2013|access-date=November 11, 2013|website=|publisher=American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise}}</ref> It is driven by the high reproductive rate of [[Orthodox Judaism|Orthodox Jewish]] families,<ref>{{cite news|author=David Brooks|first=|author-link=David Brooks (commentator)|date=March 7, 2013|title=The Orthodox Surge|newspaper=The New York Times|url=|url-status=live|access-date=November 11, 2013|archive-url=|archive-date=February 1, 2021}}</ref> particularly in [[Brooklyn]] and communities of the [[Hudson Valley]]. New York is home to the [[Demographics of Asian Americans|second-largest Asian American]] population and the [[List of U.S. states by African-American population|fourth-largest Black or African American]] population in the United States. New York's Black and African population increased by 2.0% between 2000 and 2010, to 3,073,800.<ref name=NYQuickLinks>{{cite web|url=|title=State & County QuickFacts—New York QuickLinks|publisher=United States Census Bureau|access-date=September 13, 2015|url-status=dead|archive-url=|archive-date=September 5, 2015}}</ref> In 2019, the Black and African American population increased to an estimated 3,424,002. The Black or African American population is in a state of flux, as New York is the largest recipient of immigrants from [[Africa]],<ref name=Chinese2013est>{{cite web|url=|title=Yearbook of Immigration Statistics: 2013 Supplemental Table 1|publisher=U.S. Department of Homeland Security|access-date=May 29, 2015}}</ref> while established Blacks and African Americans are migrating out of New York to the [[New Great Migration|southern United States]].<ref>{{cite news|author=Dan Bilefsky|first=|date=June 21, 2011|title=For New Life, Blacks in City Head to South|newspaper=The New York Times|url=|url-status=live|access-date=September 13, 2015|archive-url=|archive-date=February 1, 2021}}</ref> The New York City neighborhood of [[Harlem]] has historically been a major cultural capital for Blacks and African Americans of sub-Saharan descent, and [[Bedford–Stuyvesant, Brooklyn|Bedford-Stuyvesant]] in Brooklyn has the largest such population in the United States. Meanwhile, New York's Asian population increased by a notable 36% from 2000 to 2010, to 1,420,244;<ref name=NYQuickLinks/> in 2019, its population grew to an estimated 1,579,494. [[Queens]], in New York City, is home to the state's largest Asian American population and is the most [[ethnic diversity|ethnically diverse]] county in the United States and the most ethnically diverse urban area in the world.<ref>{{cite news|url=|title=Queens, New York, Sightseeing|author1=Christine Kim |author2=Demand Media |newspaper=USA Today|access-date=July 19, 2014}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Queens|author=Andrew Weber||date=April 30, 2013|access-date=July 19, 2014|url-status=dead|archive-url=|archive-date=May 13, 2015}}</ref> New York's growing Hispanic and Latino American population numbered 3,416,922 in 2010,<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Profile of General Population and Housing Characteristics: 2010 Demographic Profile Data|publisher=U.S. Census Bureau|access-date=October 3, 2015|archive-url=|archive-date=February 12, 2020|url-status=dead}}</ref> a 19% increase from the 2,867,583 enumerated in 2000.<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Profile of General Demographic Characteristics: Census 2000 Summary File 1 (SF 1) 100-Percent Data|publisher=U.S. Census Bureau|access-date=October 3, 2015|archive-url=|archive-date=February 13, 2020|url-status=dead}}</ref> In 2020, it numbered an estimated 3,811,000. Queens is home to the largest [[Andes|Andean]] ([[Colombian American|Colombian]], [[Ecuadorian American|Ecuadorian]], [[Peruvian American|Peruvian]], and [[Bolivian American|Bolivian]]) populations in the United States. In addition, New York has the largest [[Puerto Rican people|Puerto Rican]], [[Dominican American|Dominican]], and [[Jamaican American]] populations in the continental United States. The [[Overseas Chinese|Chinese]] population constitutes the fastest-growing nationality in the State of New York, which is the top destination for new Chinese immigrants, and large-scale [[Chinese emigration|Chinese immigration]] continues into the state.<ref name=Chinese2013est/><ref name=Chinese2012est>{{cite web|url= |title=Yearbook of Immigration Statistics: 2012 Supplemental Table 1|publisher=U.S. Department of Homeland Security|access-date=May 29, 2015}}</ref><ref name=Chinese2011est>{{cite web|url=|title=Yearbook of Immigration Statistics: 2011 Supplemental Table 1|publisher=U.S. Department of Homeland Security|access-date=November 10, 2013}}</ref><ref name=Chinese2010est>{{cite web|url=|title=Yearbook of Immigration Statistics: 2010 Supplemental Table 1|publisher=U.S. Department of Homeland Security|access-date=November 10, 2013}}</ref><ref>{{cite news |url= |title=Malaysian man smuggled illegal Chinese immigrants into Brooklyn using Queen Mary 2: authorities |first=John |last=Marzulli |newspaper=[[The New York Daily News]] |date=May 9, 2011 |access-date=November 10, 2013 |archive-url= |archive-date=May 5, 2015}}</ref> Multiple [[natural satellite|satellites]] of the original [[Chinatown, Manhattan|Manhattan Chinatown]], in [[Chinatown, Brooklyn|Brooklyn]], and around [[Chinatown, Flushing|Flushing, Queens]], are thriving as traditionally urban enclaves, while also expanding rapidly eastward into suburban [[Nassau County, New York|Nassau County]],<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=State & County QuickFacts Nassau County, New York QuickLinks|publisher=United States Census Bureau|access-date=November 14, 2013|archive-url=|archive-date=October 7, 2014|url-status=dead}}</ref> on [[Long Island]].<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Join The Great Gatsby: Chinese Real Estate Buyers Fan Out To Long Island's North Shore|author=Heng Shao|work=Forbes|date=April 10, 2014|access-date=August 2, 2014}}</ref> Long Island, including Queens and Nassau County, is also home to several [[Curry Hill|Little Indias]] and a large [[Koreatown, Long Island|Koreatown]], with large and growing attendant populations of [[Indian American]]s and [[Korean American]]s, respectively. Brooklyn has been a destination for [[West Indian]] immigrants of African descent, as well as Asian Indian immigrants. The annual New York City India Day Parade, held on or approximately every August 15 since 1981, is the world's largest [[Indian Independence Day]] parade outside of India.<ref name="NYCLargestIndiaParade">{{cite web|author=Karina Cuevas|date=August 16, 2015|title=Thousands celebrate at India Day Parade along Madison Avenue|url=|url-status=live|archive-url=|archive-date=November 19, 2018|access-date=August 16, 2015|website=|publisher=Metro International}}</ref> In the 2000 U.S. census, New York had the largest [[Italian American]] population, composing the largest self-identified ancestral group in [[Staten Island]] and Long Island, followed by [[Irish American]]s. Albany and the [[Mohawk Valley]] also have large communities of ethnic Italians and Irish Americans, reflecting 19th and early 20th-century immigration. According to the 2011-2015 [[American Community Survey]], New York also had the largest [[Greek Americans|Greek American]] population, enumerating 148,637 individuals (0.7% of the state).<ref name="pop1">{{cite web |title=2011–2015 American Community Survey Selected Population Tables |url= |access-date=August 10, 2018}}</ref> In [[Buffalo, New York|Buffalo]] and Western New York, [[German Americans]] comprise the largest ancestry. In the [[North Country (New York)|North Country]] of New York, [[French Canadians]] represent the leading ethnicity, given the area's proximity to [[Quebec]]. Americans of [[English American|English]] ancestry are present throughout all of upstate New York, reflecting early colonial and later immigrants. {|class="wikitable" style="margin:1em auto 1em auto" | {|class="wikitable" style="margin:0.5em; border:none;" |- ! Racial composition !! 1950<ref name="census1"/> !! 1970<ref name="census1"/> !! 1990<ref name="census1">{{cite web |url= |archive-url= |url-status=dead |archive-date=July 25, 2008 |title=Historical Census Statistics on Population Totals By Race, 1790 to 1990, and By Hispanic Origin, 1970 to 1990, For The United States, Regions, Divisions, and States}}</ref> !! 2010<ref>{{cite web|title=New York: 2020 Census|url=|access-date=September 19, 2021|website=United States Census Bureau|language=EN-US}}</ref>!! 2020<ref name="2020DP1">{{Cite web |url= |title=Profile of General Population and Housing Characteristics: 2020 Demographic Profile Data (DP-1): New York |publisher=United States Census Bureau |access-date=April 17, 2024}}</ref> |rowspan="8" style="border-top:0px; border-bottom:0px"| !colspan="2" | Largest ancestry by county (2017)<ref>{{cite web |url= |title= 2017 American Community Survey |publisher= U.S. Census Bureau |date= 2017 |access-date= March 3, 2019 |archive-url= |archive-date= February 13, 2020 |url-status= dead }}</ref> |- | [[White American|White]] || 93.5% || 86.8%|| 74.4% || 65.7% || 55.2% || rowspan="7" style="border-right:0px" |[[File:Largest ancestry of each New York county (en).svg|250px]]||rowspan="7" style="border-left:0px"|{{Legend|#cccccc|[[American ancestry|American]]}} {{Legend|#d7ffd0 |[[English American|English]]}} {{Legend|#ffd0d0|[[French American|French]]/[[French Canadian Americans|French Canadian]]}} {{Legend|#ffffd0|[[German American|German]]}} {{Legend|#f2d0ff|[[Irish American|Irish]]}} {{Legend|#9ec7f3|[[Italian American|Italian]]}} {{Legend|#ffbc66|[[West Indian Americans|Caribbean]]}} |- | [[Black American|Black or<br />African American]] || 6.2% || 11.9% || 15.9% || 15.9% || 14.8% |- | [[Native Americans in the United States|American Indian and Alaska Native]] || 0.1% || 0.2% || 0.3% || 0.6% || 0.7% |- | [[Asian American|Asian]] || 0.2% || 0.7% || 3.9% || 7.3% || 9.6% |- | [[Pacific Islander American|Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander]] || – || – || – || – || 0.1% |- | [[Race and ethnicity in the United States Census|Other race]] || – || 0.4% || 5.5% || 7.4% || 10.9% |- | [[Multiracial American|Two or more races]] || – || – || – || 3.0% || 8.7% |- | [[Hispanic and Latino Americans|Hispanic or Latino]] || − || − || 12.3% || 17.6% || 19.5% |} |} In 2018, The top countries of origin for New York's immigrants were the [[Dominican Republic]], [[China]], [[Mexico]], [[Jamaica]] and [[India]].<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Immigrants in New York|}}</ref> Before the American Revolution. Dutch people, English people, Scottish people and German people predominately settled in New York. The influx of European immigrants to New York came initially from the northern and central parts of Europe and then later from southern Europe countries. They were mainly from Italy, Russia and Ukraine, Poland, Germany, Ireland, the United Kingdom and Canada.<ref>{{cite encyclopedia| title=Soil Types, Climate, Geology|encyclopedia=Encyclopedia Britannica | date=26 July 1999 | url=}}</ref> ===Languages=== {| class="wikitable sortable floatright" style="margin-left:1em; font-size: 90%; display: inline-table" |+ Most common non-English languages (2010)<ref name="MLA Data"/> |- ! Language !! Population |- | [[Spanish language|Spanish]] || 14.44% |- | [[Chinese language|Chinese]] <small>(incl. [[Cantonese]] and [[Standard Chinese|Mandarin]])</small>|| 2.61% |- | [[Russian language|Russian]] || 1.20% |- | [[Italian language|Italian]] || 1.18% |- | [[French-based creole languages|French Creole]] || 0.79% |- | [[French language|French]] || 0.75% |- | [[Yiddish language|Yiddish]] || 0.67% |- | [[Korean language|Korean]] || 0.63% |- | [[Polish language|Polish]] || 0.53% |- | [[Bengali language|Bengali]] || 0.43% |} In 2019, the U.S. Census Bureau reported that 69.5% of New York's population aged 5 years and older only spoke [[English language|English]], with 30.6% speaking a language other than English. [[Spanish language|Spanish]] remained the second most spoken non-English language with 2,758,925 speakers. Other [[Indo-European languages]] were spoken by 1,587,798 residents, and Asian and Pacific Islander languages were spoken by 948,959 people.<ref>{{Cite web|title=ACS 2019 Language Estimates|url=|access-date=April 9, 2021|}}</ref> At the American Community Survey's 2017 estimates, nearly six million residents spoke a language other than English. Approximately 1,249,541 New York residents spoke Spanish, 386,290 [[Chinese language|Chinese]], 122,150 [[Russian language|Russian]], 63,615 [[Haitian Creole]], 62,219 [[Bengali language|Bengali]], and 60,405 [[Korean language|Korean]].<ref>{{Cite web|title=ACS 2018 Languages Spoken at Home Demographics for New York State|url=|access-date=July 7, 2020|}}</ref><ref name="MLA Data" /> In 2018, 12,756,975 aged 5{{spaces}}years and older spoke English alone and 10,415,395 aged 18 and older only spoke English. Spanish-speaking households by majority were not limited to English-speaking.<ref>{{Cite web|title=ACS 2018 Household Language Statistics for New York State|url=|access-date=July 7, 2020|}}</ref> An estimated 2.7{{spaces}}million households with residents aged{{spaces}}5 and older spoke Spanish. Chinese, Slavic, and [[French language|French]] languages were the following largest household languages spoken in 2018.<ref>{{Cite web|title=ACS 2018 Languages Spoken at Home Statistics Ages 5 and Older for New York State|url=|access-date=July 7, 2020|}}</ref> In 2010, 70.72% (12,788,233) of New York residents aged five and older reported speaking only English at home, while 14.44% (2,611,903) spoke Spanish, 2.61% (472,955) Chinese (which includes [[Cantonese]] and [[Standard Chinese|Mandarin]]), 1.20% (216,468) Russian, 1.18% (213,785) [[Italian language|Italian]], 0.79% (142,169) [[French-based creole languages|French Creole]], 0.75% (135,789) French, 0.67% (121,917) [[Yiddish language|Yiddish]], 0.63% (114,574) Korean, and [[Polish language|Polish]] was spoken by 0.53% (95,413) of the population over the age of five. In total, 29.28% (5,295,016) of New York's population aged five and older reported speaking a language other than English.<ref name="MLA Data">{{cite web|url= |title=New York |publisher=[[Modern Language Association]] |access-date=August 6, 2013 |url-status=dead |archive-url= |archive-date=August 15, 2013 }}</ref> In 2010, the most common [[American English]] [[dialect]]s spoken in New York, besides [[General American English]], were the [[New York dialect|New York City area dialect]] (including [[New York Latino English]] and [[New Jersey English dialects#North Jersey English|North Jersey English]]), the [[Western New England dialect|Western New England accent]] around [[Albany, New York|Albany]], and [[Inland Northern American English]] in Buffalo and western New York State. As many as 800 languages are spoken in New York City,<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Endangered Language Alliance|year=2012|access-date=November 11, 2013}}</ref><ref name="800source2">{{cite news|url=|title=Linguistics—Say what?|publisher=The Economist|date=September 10, 2011|access-date=November 11, 2013}}</ref><ref name="800source3">{{cite web|url=|title=New Yorkers, Self-Assured and Opinionated, Defend Their Values|author=N. R. Kleinfield|work=The New York Times|via=MSN|date=January 15, 2016|access-date=January 15, 2016}}</ref> making it the most linguistically diverse city in the world.<ref>{{cite news|last=Roberts|first=Sam|date=April 28, 2010|title=Listening to (and Saving) the World's Languages|work=The New York Times|url=|url-status=live|access-date=November 11, 2013|archive-url=|archive-date=May 3, 2019}}</ref> ===Sexual orientation and gender identity=== {{Further|Greenwich Village Halloween Parade|LGBT culture in New York City|LGBT rights in New York|List of largest LGBT events|NYC Pride March|List of LGBT people from New York City|Same-sex marriage in New York}} [[File:Stonewall Inn 5 pride weekend_2016.jpg|thumb|[[Stonewall Inn]] in [[Greenwich Village]], site of the June 1969 [[Stonewall riots]], the cradle of the modern [[LGBT social movements|LGBT rights movement]]<ref name="GayGreenwichVillage1">{{cite web|last=Goicichea|first=Julia|date=August 16, 2017|title=Why New York City Is a Major Destination for LGBT Travelers|url=|url-status=live|archive-url=|archive-date=January 2, 2020|access-date=April 8, 2019|website=|publisher=The Culture Trip}}</ref><ref name="NYTRosenberg20160624" /><ref name="NPSStonewallMonument" />|alt=]] [[File:Capital Gay Pride parade in Albany New York 2009.jpg|thumb|The Capital Gay Pride Parade and Festival in [[Albany, New York|Albany]], the largest celebration of [[LGBT history in New York|LGBTQ+ culture]] in [[Upstate New York]]]] As of 2013, roughly 3.8 percent of the state's adult population self-identifies as [[lesbian]], [[gay]], [[bisexual]], or [[transgender]], constituting a total LGBT adult population in the state of 570,388 individuals.<ref>"LGBT Percentage Highest in D.C., Lowest in North Dakota". State of the States. Gallup Politics. February 15, 2013.</ref> In 2010, the number of same-sex couple households stood at roughly 48,932.<ref>{{Cite web |url= |title=Williams Inst. Census Snapshot |access-date=October 14, 2017 |archive-date=October 14, 2017 |archive-url= |url-status=live }}</ref> New York legalized [[Same-sex marriage in New York|same-sex marriage]] on July 24, 2011; one of the first U.S. states to have done so.<ref>{{cite news|author1=Nicholas Confessore|first=|author2=Michael Barbaro|date=June 24, 2011|title=New York Allows Same-Sex Marriage, Becoming Largest State to Pass Law|work=The New York Times|url=|url-status=live|access-date=November 11, 2013|archive-url=|archive-date=January 6, 2021|name-list-style=amp}}</ref> [[LGBT culture in New York City|New York City]] has been described as the [[List of largest LGBT events|gay capital]] of the world and the central node of the LGBTQ+ [[political sociology|sociopolitical ecosystem]], and is home to one of the world's largest LGBTQ populations and the most prominent.<ref name=NYCGayCapitalOfTheWorld1>{{cite web|url=|title=New York - The World's Gay Capital|author=Peter Minkoff|publisher=Your LGBTQ+ Voice|date=April 5, 2018|access-date=January 4, 2023}}</ref> In July 2012, [[Michael Bloomberg]], [[Mayor of New York City]] from 2002 to 2013, said "same-sex marriages in New York City had generated an estimated $259{{spaces}}million in economic impact and $16{{spaces}}million in City revenues" in the first year after enactment of the Marriage Equality Act.<ref>"NYC Same-Sex Marriages Generate $259{{spaces}}Million in Economic Impact". New York City Mayor Bloomberg, retrieved November 26, 2013</ref> New York City is home to the nation's largest [[transgender]] population, estimated at 25,000 as of 2016.<ref>{{cite news|url=|title=De Blasio: NYC toilets won't discriminate by gender identity|author=Jennifer Fermino|newspaper=New York Daily News|date=March 7, 2016|access-date=March 26, 2016}}</ref> The annual [[NYC Pride March]], the largest pride parade in [[North America]] held annually in June, traverses down [[Fifth Avenue]] in Manhattan and ends in [[Greenwich Village]].<ref name="NYCWorld'sLargestPrideParade">{{cite web|last=|first=|date=June 25, 2017|title=Revelers Take To The Streets For 48th Annual NYC Pride March|url=|url-status=live|archive-url=|archive-date=November 19, 2018|access-date=June 29, 2017|website=|publisher=CBS New York|quote=A sea of rainbows took over the Big Apple for the biggest pride parade in the world Sunday.}}</ref> ====Stonewall riots==== {{Main|Stonewall riots}} On June 29, 1969, the [[Stonewall riots]] were a series of spontaneous, violent protests by members of the [[LGBT community|gay community]] against a [[police raid]] at the [[Stonewall Inn]] in [[Greenwich Village]]. They are considered to constitute to be one the most important events leading to the [[gay liberation]] movement,<ref name="GayGreenwichVillage1" /><ref name="KentuckyStonewall">{{cite web |url= |title=Brief History of the Gay and Lesbian Rights Movement in the U.S. |publisher=University of Kentucky |access-date=September 2, 2017 |archive-date=November 18, 2019 |archive-url= |url-status=dead }}</ref><ref name="PinkNewsStonewall">{{cite web|author=Nell Frizzell|date=June 28, 2013|title=Feature: How the Stonewall riots started the LGBT rights movement|url=|url-status=live|archive-url=|archive-date=January 6, 2021|access-date=August 31, 2017|website=|publisher=Pink News UK}}</ref><ref name="EncycloStonewall">{{cite web |url= |title=Stonewall riots |publisher=Encyclopædia Britannica |access-date=August 31, 2017}}</ref> and the modern LGBT rights movement.<ref name="NPSStonewall">{{cite web |author=[[U.S. National Park Service]] |title=Civil Rights at Stonewall National Monument |url= |publisher=[[Department of the Interior]] |date=October 17, 2016 |access-date=August 31, 2017}}</ref><ref name="ObamaStonewall">{{cite web |url= |title=Obama inaugural speech references Stonewall gay-rights riots |access-date=July 2, 2013 |url-status=dead |archive-url= |archive-date=May 30, 2013}}</ref> The [[Stonewall National Monument]], a [[National monument (United States)|national monument]], commemorates the Stonewall riots. In June 2017, plans were announced for the first monument to LGBT individuals commissioned by the State of New York and planned to be built in [[Hudson River Park]] in Manhattan, near the Hudson River waterfront.<ref name="NYSOfficialLGBTMonument">{{cite news|url=|title=A Winning Design for a New York Monument to Gay and Transgender People|author=Joshua Barone|newspaper=The New York Times|date=June 25, 2017|access-date=June 29, 2017}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web|date=September 30, 2016|title=LGBT Memorial Commission|url=|access-date=February 9, 2021|website=Welcome to the State of New York|archive-date=February 25, 2021|archive-url=|url-status=dead}}</ref> [[Stonewall 50 – WorldPride NYC 2019]] commemorated the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots and was the [[List of largest LGBT events|largest LGBTQ+ pride event]] in world history, attracting four million attendees in New York City.<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Governor Cuomo Announces Commemoration of 50th Anniversary of Stonewall Rebellion in 2019|publisher=State of New York|date=June 25, 2017|access-date=July 14, 2018|archive-date=April 2, 2019|archive-url=|url-status=dead}}</ref> The Brooklyn Liberation March, the largest [[Legal status of transgender people|transgender-rights]] demonstration in LGBTQ history, took place on June 14, 2020, stretching from [[Grand Army Plaza]] to the [[Fort Greene, Brooklyn|Fort Greene]] section of Brooklyn, focused on supporting Black transgender lives, drawing an estimated 15,000 to 20,000 participants.<ref>{{cite news|author=Anushka Patil|first=|date=June 15, 2020|title=How a March for Black Trans Lives Became a Huge Event|newspaper=The New York Times|url=|url-status=live|access-date=June 28, 2020|archive-url=|archive-date=February 4, 2021}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Corporate Pride Events Can't Happen This Year. Let's Keep It That Way|author=Shannon Keating|website=[[BuzzFeed News]]|date=June 6, 2020|access-date=June 28, 2020}}</ref> ===Religion=== {{Pie chart | thumb = right | caption = Religious self-identification, per [[Public Religion Research Institute]]'s 2022 ''American Values Survey''<ref>{{Cite web |last=Staff |date=February 24, 2023 |title=PRRI – American Values Atlas: Religious Tradition in New York |url= |access-date=April 3, 2023 |website=[[Public Religion Research Institute]]}}</ref> | label1 = [[Catholicism in the United States|Catholicism]] | value1 = 33 | color1 = Purple | label2 = [[Protestantism in the United States|Protestantism]] | value2 = 27 | color2 = Blue | label3 = [[Unitarianism|Unitarian]]/[[Unitarian Universalism|Universalist]] | value3 = 1 | color3 = Red | label4 = [[Jehovah's Witnesses|Jehovah's Witness]] | value4 = 1 | color4 = lightblue | label5 = [[Irreligion in the United States|Unaffiliated]] | value5 = 26 | color5 = White | label6 = [[American Jews|Judaism]] | value6 = 7 | color6 = Pink | label7 = [[New Age]] | value7 = 2 | color7 = Red | label8 = [[Buddhism in the United States|Buddhism]] | value8 = 1 | color8 = Yellow | label9 = [[Islam in the United States|Islam]] | value9 = 1 | color9 = Green | label10 = [[Hinduism in the United States|Hinduism]] | value10 = 1 | color10 = Orange }} In 2014, the [[Pew Research Center]] released a study of New York's religious population, which found that majority, 60%, are [[Christianity|Christian]]. Christians are followed by the irreligious (27%), [[Judaism]] (7%), [[Islam]] (2%), [[Eastern religions|Buddhism and Hinduism]] (1% each), and other faiths (0.5%).<ref name="Pew-2020">{{Cite web|title=Religion in America: U.S. Religious Data, Demographics and Statistics|url=|access-date=July 7, 2020|website=Pew Research Center's Religion & Public Life Project}}</ref> Through another study by the [[Public Religion Research Institute]] in 2020, the majority of New York's religious or spiritual population were 67% Christian, followed by the irreligious (22%), Judaism (4%), Islam (2%), Buddhism and Hinduism (1% each), and other faiths (1%).<ref>{{Cite web |title=PRRI – American Values Atlas |url= |access-date=July 9, 2022 |}}</ref> Prior to the 1800s, [[Protestantism|Protestant]] denominations dominated the religious life of New York, although religion did not play as large a role in the public life of colonial-era [[New Netherland]] as it did in [[New England]], with its Puritan population.<ref name="">{{cite web|title=Religions|url=|access-date=November 25, 2018}}</ref> Historically, New York served as the foundation for [[Burned-over district|new Christian denominations]] in the [[Second Great Awakening]]. Non-Western Christian traditions and non-Christian religions did not grow for much of the state's history because immigration was predominantly from [[Western Europe]] (favored by the quotas in federal immigration law). The [[Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965]] removed the quotas, allowing for the growth of other religious groups. The [[Catholic Church|Roman Catholic Church]] is the largest Christian denomination in New York as of 2014's study (31%). The largest Roman Catholic diocese is the [[Latin Church]]'s [[Roman Catholic Archdiocese of New York|Archdiocese of New York]]. The largest Eastern Catholic diocese is the [[Ruthenian Catholic Eparchy of Passaic]] of the [[Ruthenian Greek Catholic Church]]. The [[United Methodist Church]] was the largest [[Mainline Protestant]] denomination and second-largest overall, followed by the [[Episcopal Church (United States)|Episcopal Church in the U.S.]] and other [[Continuing Anglican movement|Continuing Anglican]] bodies. The [[Presbyterian Church (USA)]], [[Evangelical Lutheran Church in America]], and [[American Baptist Churches USA]] were the following largest Mainline denominations. Mainline Protestants together made up 11% of Christians in the state as of 2014.<ref name="Pew-2020" /> In Evangelical Protestantism the [[Baptists]], [[Nondenominational Christianity|non-denominational Protestants]], and [[Pentecostalism|Pentecostals]] were the largest groups. The [[National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc.|National Baptist Convention (USA)]] and [[Progressive National Baptist Convention]] were the largest historically black Protestant churches in New York. Roughly 10% of Christians in New York identify as Evangelical Protestants as of 2014.<ref name="Pew-2020" /> Additionally, the [[Eastern Orthodox Church|Eastern]] and [[Oriental Orthodox Churches|Oriental Orthodox]] collectively comprised 1% of the religious demographic alongside [[Jehovah's Witnesses]] and [[List of Christian denominations|other Christians]]; the Orthodox Christians in 2020's study made up 1% of the population, and Jehovah's Witnesses grew to 1% of the population as well. According to the Pew Research Center, non-Christian religions account for 12% of New York state's population.<ref name="Pew-2020" /> Judaism is the second-largest religion as of 2014 and 2020. In 2010, 588,500 practiced [[Orthodox Judaism]].<ref>{{Cite web|title=The Association of Religion Data Archives {{!}} Maps & Reports|url=|access-date=July 7, 2020||archive-date=December 3, 2013|archive-url=|url-status=dead}}</ref> A little over 392,953 professed Islam. The [[Powers Street Mosque]] in New York City was the state's first Muslim organization.<ref>{{Cite web|date=December 26, 2018|title=America's Oldest Surviving Mosque Is in Williamsburg|url=|access-date=February 9, 2021|website=Bedford + Bowery}}</ref> New York is also home to the oldest [[Zoroastrian]] [[fire temple]] in the nation.<ref>{{cite web|date=April 3, 2016|title=Zoroastrian temple erected in New York|url=|access-date=September 11, 2023|website=USA Today|author-last1=Kramer|author-first1=Peter D. }}</ref> Less than 1% of New York's population practice [[New Age]] and [[Modern Paganism|contemporary paganism]]. [[Native American religion]]s are also a minority religion.<ref name="Pew-2020" /> Statewide, 17% were not religiously practicing, 5% identified as agnostic, and 5% as [[atheist]]. ==Economy== {{Main|Economy of New York (state)}} {{See also|New York locations by per capita income|Economy of New York City}} New York's [[Gross domestic product]] (GDP) in 2022-Q2 was US$2.0{{spaces}}trillion.<ref name="GDPByState">{{cite web |title=GDP by State |url= |website=GDP by State &#124; U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) |publisher=Bureau of Economic Analysis |access-date=April 10, 2022}}</ref> If the State of New York were an independent nation, it would rank as the 11th-largest economy in the world.<ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=Putting America's enormous $19.4T economy into perspective by comparing US state GDPs to entire countries &#124; American Enterprise Institute—AEI %|date=May 8, 2018}}</ref> However, in 2022, the multi-state, New York City-centered [[List of Metropolitan Statistical Areas|metropolitan statistical area]] produced a [[gross metropolitan product]] (GMP) of over US$2.16 trillion, [[List of cities by GDP|the largest metropolitan economy worldwide]] and behind the [[gross domestic product|GDP]] of only nine nations. ===Wall Street=== {{Main|Wall Street}} [[File:NYC NYSE.jpg|thumb|The [[New York Stock Exchange]], the world's largest [[stock exchange]] by total [[market capitalization]] of its listed companies<ref name=NYSEhighestcap>{{cite web|url= |title=2013 WFE Market Highlights |publisher=World Federation of Exchanges |access-date=July 20, 2014 |url-status=dead |archive-url= |archive-date=March 27, 2014 }}</ref>|258x258px]] Anchored by Wall Street in the [[Financial District, Manhattan|Financial District]] of [[Lower Manhattan]], New York City has been called both the most economically powerful city and the leading financial center of the world.<ref name=WorldEconomicAndFinancialSuperCenter /><ref name="EconomicallyPowerful2015">{{cite news |author=Florida|first=Richard|date=March 3, 2015|title=Sorry, London: New York Is the World's Most Economically Powerful City ||url=|url-status=live|archive-url=|archive-date=November 13, 2020|access-date=March 25, 2015 |quote=Our new ranking puts the Big Apple firmly on top.}}</ref><ref>{{cite news|url=|title=New York Boosts Lead on London as Leading Finance Center|author=John Glover ||publisher=Bloomberg L.P|date=November 23, 2014|access-date=March 25, 2015}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=|title=UBS may move US investment bank to NYC| Ltd|date=June 10, 2011|access-date=March 25, 2015}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=|title=The Global Financial Centres Index 17|date=March 23, 2015|access-date=March 25, 2015|publisher=Long Finance|archive-url=|archive-date=April 14, 2015|url-status=dead}}</ref> Lower Manhattan is the third-largest [[central business district]] in the United States and is home to the [[New York Stock Exchange]], on Wall Street, and [[Nasdaq]], at [[One Liberty Plaza|165 Broadway]], representing the world's largest and second-largest [[list of stock exchanges|stock exchanges]], respectively, as measured both by overall average daily trading volume and by total [[market capitalization]] of their listed companies in 2023. New York City remains the largest global center for trading in [[public equity]] and [[security (finance)|debt]] [[capital markets]], driven in part by the size and [[Financial Development Index|financial development]] of the [[U.S. economy]].<ref name="CNY2007">{{cite web|url=|title=Sustaining New York's and the US' Global Financial Services Leadership|publisher=City of New York|author=McKinsey & Company and the New York City Economic Development Corporation|access-date=July 19, 2015}}</ref>{{rp|31–32}}<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Total debt securities|date=June 2013|publisher=[[Bank for International Settlements]]|access-date=July 19, 2015}}</ref> New York also leads in [[List of private equity firms|private equity]] and the monetary volume of [[mergers and acquisitions]]. Several financial institutions and related managers headquartered in Manhattan are important participants in other global financial centers.<ref name="CNY2007" />{{rp|34–35}} New York is also the principal [[commercial banking]] center of the United States.<ref>{{cite news|url=|title=Ranking the Biggest U.S. Banks: A New Entrant in Top 5|author=Saabira Chaudhuri|newspaper=The Wall Street Journal|date=September 15, 2014 |access-date=July 19, 2015}}</ref> Many of the world's largest [[media conglomerate]]s are also based in the city. [[Manhattan]] contained approximately 520{{spaces}}million square feet (48.1{{spaces}}million m<sup>2</sup>) of office space in 2013,<ref>{{cite web|url=|archive-url=|url-status=dead|archive-date=September 29, 2010|title=What is an office condominium?|publisher=Rudder Property Group|access-date=May 28, 2013}}</ref> making it the largest office market in the United States,<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Understanding The Manhattan Office Space Market||access-date=July 20, 2014|archive-date=July 13, 2014|archive-url=|url-status=dead}}</ref> while [[Midtown Manhattan]] is the largest central business district in the nation.<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Marketbeat United States CBD Office Report 2Q11|publisher=Cushman & Wakefield, Inc|access-date=July 20, 2014 |archive-url= |archive-date=May 8, 2013}}</ref> ===High technology=== ====Silicon Alley eastward throughout Long Island==== {{Main|Silicon Alley}} {{Further|Tech:NYC|Tech companies in New York|Biotech and pharmaceutical companies in New York}} [[File:Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.jpg|thumb|[[Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory]] on the [[North Shore (Long Island)|North Shore]] of [[Long Island]], an internationally renowned [[biomedical research]] facility and home to eight scientists awarded the [[Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine]]]] [[Silicon Alley]], once confined to [[Manhattan]], has since evolved into a [[metonym]] for the sphere encompassing the New York City metropolitan region's [[entrepreneurship ecosystem|high technology and entrepreneurship ecosystem]]; in 2015, Silicon Alley generated over $7.3{{spaces}}billion in [[venture capital]] investment.<ref name=VentureCapitalNY1/> [[High tech]] industries including [[digital media]], [[biotechnology]], [[software development]], [[game design]], and other fields in [[information technology]] are growing, bolstered by New York City's position at the terminus of several [[transatlantic telephone cable|transatlantic fiber optic trunk lines]],<ref>{{cite web|title=Telecommunications and Economic Development in New York City: A Plan for Action|publisher=New York City Economic Development Corporation |date=March 2005 |url= |archive-url= |archive-date=March 7, 2008 |access-date=July 19, 2006}}</ref> its [[intellectual capital]], as well as its growing outdoor [[wireless network|wireless connectivity]].<ref>{{cite web|url= |archive-url= |url-status=dead |archive-date=February 11, 2014 |title=City opens nation's largest continuous Wi-Fi zone in Harlem |author=Ivan Pereira |publisher=amNewYork/Newsday |date=December 10, 2013 |access-date=February 11, 2014 }}</ref> In December 2014, the State of New York announced a $50{{spaces}}million venture-capital fund to encourage enterprises working in biotechnology and [[Materials science|advanced materials]]; according to former Governor [[Andrew Cuomo]], the [[seed money]] would facilitate [[entrepreneur]]s in bringing their research into the marketplace.<ref>{{cite news|url=|title=New York State Will Start $50 Million Venture-Capital Fund|author=Freeman Klopott||publisher=Bloomberg L.P|date=December 12, 2014|access-date=August 26, 2015}}</ref> On December 19, 2011, then Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg announced his choice of [[Cornell University]] and [[Technion-Israel Institute of Technology]] to build a two billion dollar [[graduate school]] of [[applied science]]s on [[Roosevelt Island]] in Manhattan, with the goal of transforming New York City into the world's premier technology capital.<ref>{{cite news|url=|author=Richard Pérez-Peña|title=Cornell Alumnus Is Behind $350 Million Gift to Build Science School in City|newspaper=The New York Times|date=December 19, 2011|access-date=August 1, 2014}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=|title='Game-changing' Tech Campus Goes to Cornell, Technion|first=Anne|last=Ju|publisher=Cornell University|date=December 19, 2011|access-date=August 26, 2015}}</ref> New York City's [[artificial intelligence]] (AI) sector alone raised US$483.6 million in venture capital investment in 2022.<ref name=NYCArtificialIntelligenceHub>{{cite web|url=|title=City AI firms bucked the VC downturn, raised a whopping $483.6M in 2022|author=Cara Eisenpress|publisher=Crain Communications|date=March 22, 2023|access-date=November 19, 2023}}</ref> In 2023, New York unveiled the first comprehensive initiative to create both a framework of rules and a [[chatbot]] to regulate the use of AI within the sphere of city government.<ref name=NYCArtificialIntelligenceGovernment>{{cite web|url=|title=New York City Unveils AI Action Plan that Develops Rules Framework|publisher=PYMNTS|date=October 16, 2023|access-date=November 19, 2023|quote=This comprehensive initiative is the first for a major U.S. city...As part of the plan, the city has piloted the first citywide AI chatbot to help business owners navigate government.}}</ref> [[Long Island]] is a prominent nexus for [[STEM]]-based education and technology. [[Biotech and pharmaceutical companies in the New York metropolitan area|Biotechnology companies]] and [[scientific research]] play a significant role in Long Island's economy,<ref name="LongIslandBioPharma">{{cite web|url= |title=New York biotech, pharmaceutical & life science companies |archive-url= |archive-date=November 16, 2016 |date=November 16, 2016|access-date=September 25, 2022}}</ref> including [[research institute|research facilities]] at [[Brookhaven National Laboratory]], [[Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory]], [[Stony Brook University]], [[New York Institute of Technology]], [[Plum Island Animal Disease Center]], the [[New York University Tandon School of Engineering]], the [[City University of New York]], the [[Zucker School of Medicine|Hofstra Northwell School of Medicine]], and the [[Feinstein Institutes for Medical Research]]. ====Tech Valley==== {{Main|Tech Valley}} [[File:IBM Yorktown Heights.jpg|thumb|The main laboratory building of the [[IBM Research|IBM]] [[Thomas J. Watson Research Center|Watson Research Center]] in [[Yorktown Heights, New York|Yorktown Heights]]]] [[File:1 times square night 2013.jpg|thumb|[[Times Square]] in [[Midtown Manhattan]], hub of the [[Broadway theatre|Broadway]]'s [[Theater District (Manhattan)|theater district]], a [[media (communication)|media]] center, and one of the world's busiest [[pedestrian]] intersections]] [[Albany, New York|Albany]],<ref name=MadeInAlbanyNY>{{cite news|url=|title=Made in Albany: IBM reveals breakthrough chip made at SUNY Poly|author=Larry Rulison|newspaper=Albany Times-Union|date=July 10, 2015|access-date=July 12, 2015}}</ref> [[Saratoga County, New York|Saratoga County]],<ref name=MadeInSaratogaCountyNY/><ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Fab 8 Overview|publisher=GLOBALFOUNDRIES Inc|access-date=July 12, 2015}}</ref> [[Rensselaer County, New York|Rensselaer County]], and the [[Hudson Valley]], collectively recognized as eastern New York's [[Tech Valley]], have experienced significant growth in the [[computer hardware]] ecosystem within the [[high-technology industry]], making great strides in the [[nanotechnology]] sector, [[digital electronics]] design, and water- and electricity-dependent [[integrated circuit|integrated microchip circuit]] manufacturing,<ref name=MadeInSaratogaCountyNY>{{cite web|url=|title=Better than advertised: Chip plant beats expectations|author=Keshia Clukey|publisher=Albany Business Review|date=June 27, 2014|access-date=July 20, 2015}}</ref> involving companies including [[IBM]] and its [[Thomas J. Watson Research Center]],<ref>{{cite news|url=|title=IBM Scientists Find New Way to Shrink Transistors|author=John Markoff|newspaper=The New York Times|date=October 1, 2015|access-date=October 2, 2015}}</ref> and the three foreign-owned firms, GlobalFoundries, [[Samsung]], and [[Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Limited|Taiwan Semiconductor]], among others.<ref name=MadeInAlbanyNY/><ref>{{cite web|url=|archive-url=|url-status=dead|archive-date=September 30, 2011|title=IBM, Intel Start $4.4 Billion in Chip Venture in New York|publisher=2011 Bloomberg|author1=Freeman Klopott|author2=Xu Wang|author3=Niamh Ring|name-list-style=amp|date=September 27, 2011|access-date=July 12, 2015}}</ref> The area's high technology ecosystem is supported by technologically focused [[academia|academic institutions]] including [[Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute]] and the [[State University of New York Polytechnic Institute|SUNY Polytechnic Institute]].<ref name=MadeInAlbanyNY/> In 2015, Tech Valley, straddling both sides of the [[Adirondack Northway]] and the [[New York Thruway]], generated over $163{{spaces}}million in venture capital investment.<ref name="VentureCapitalNY1" /> The [[Rochester, New York|Rochester]] area is important in the field of [[photographic processing|photographic processing and imaging]] as well as [[business incubator|incubating]] an increasingly diverse high technology sphere encompassing [[STEM fields]], similarly in part the result of private [[startup company|startup enterprises]] collaborating with major academic institutions, including the [[University of Rochester]] and Cornell University.<ref>{{cite news|url=|title=High Tech Rochester adds 4 businesses|newspaper=Rochester Democrat and Chronicle|date=November 7, 2013|access-date=August 26, 2015}}</ref> [ [[Westchester County, New York|Westchester County]] has developed a burgeoning [[biotechnology|biotechnology sector]] in the 21st century, with over a billion dollars in planned private investment as of 2016.<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=$1.2 Billion Project Could Make Westchester a Biotech Destination|author=John Jordan|publisher=Hudson Gateway Association of Realtors|date=January 2016|access-date=April 9, 2016}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Westchester's Unexpected Powerhouse Position In the Biotech Industry—Four years after our initial look at Westchester's biotech industry, the sector has gone from fledgling to behemoth.|quote=All around, there are signs of a Biochester bloom:|author=Steve Ditlea|date=May 7, 2015|publisher=Today Media|access-date=April 7, 2016}}</ref> In April 2021, [[GlobalFoundries]], a company specializing in the [[semiconductor industry]], moved its headquarters from [[Silicon Valley, California]] to its most advanced [[semiconductor|semiconductor-chip manufacturing]] facility in [[Saratoga County, New York|Saratoga County]] near a section of the Adirondack Northway, in [[Malta, New York]].<ref name="GlobalFoundriesSaratogaCountyHeadquartersNewYork">{{cite web |url= |title=GLOBALFOUNDRIES Moves Corporate Headquarters to its Most Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing Facility in New York &#124; GlobalFoundries | |date= April 26, 2021|access-date=May 19, 2021}}</ref> ===Media and entertainment=== {{Main|Media in New York City}} [[Creative industries]], which are concerned with generating and distributing [[knowledge]] and [[information]], such as new media, digital media, [[film production|film]] and [[television production]], advertising, fashion, design, and architecture, account for a growing share of employment, with New York City possessing a strong competitive advantage in these industries.<ref>{{cite journal|author=Currid, Elizabeth |title=New York as a Global Creative Hub: A Competitive Analysis of Four Theories on World Cities |journal=Economic Development Quarterly |year=2006 |volume=20 |pages=330–350 |doi=10.1177/0891242406292708 |issue=4|s2cid=154428747 | issn=0891-2424}}</ref> {{As of|2014}}, the State of New York was offering tax incentives of up to $420{{spaces}}million annually for [[filmmaking]] within the state, the most generous such [[tax rebate]] among U.S. states. New York has also attracted higher-wage [[visual effects|visual-effects]] employment by further augmenting its tax credit to a maximum of 35% for performing [[post-production|post-film production]] work in Upstate New York.<ref>{{cite news|url=|title=New York taking a larger bite out of Hollywood productions|author1=Richard Verrier |author2=Steven Zeitchik |name-list-style=amp |newspaper=Los Angeles Times|date=May 4, 2014|access-date=July 15, 2015}}</ref> The filmed [[entertainment industry]] has been growing in New York, contributing nearly $9{{spaces}}billion to the New York City economy alone as of 2015.<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Mayor De Blasio Announces Increased Growth of New York City's Entertainment Industry Brings $8.7 billion into the Local Economy|publisher=City of New York Mayor's Office of Media and Entertainment|date=October 15, 2015|access-date=April 10, 2016}}</ref> [[File:I Love New York.svg|thumb|"I Love New York"]] ===Tourism=== {{Main|Tourism in New York City|Niagara Falls|Broadway theatre}} [[File:Container Ship CMA CGM Theodore Roosevelt in NY Harbor on Sept 7, 2017 (36415318053).jpg|thumb|The ''Theodore Roosevelt'', the largest container ship to enter the [[Port of New York and New Jersey]] as of September 2017]] [[I Love New York]] (stylized as I ❤ NY) is a [[slogan]], a [[logo]], and state song that are the basis of an [[advertising]] campaign used since 1977 to promote [[tourism]] in the New York state,<ref>{{cite web |url= |title=I Love New York Logo |website=New York State Library—New York State Education Department |access-date=June 30, 2015 |archive-date=September 6, 2015 |archive-url= |url-status=dead }}</ref> including [[New York City]].<ref>{{cite web |url= |title=New York State Information—State Emblems |website=New York State Library—New York State Education Department}}</ref><ref>[ Interview with Milton Glaser], ''[[The Believer (magazine)|The Believer]]''</ref> The [[trademarked]] logo is owned by [[Empire State Development Corporation|New York State Empire State Development]].<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=I Love New York Logo|publisher=[[New York State Education Department]]|date=September 26, 2013|access-date=May 4, 2014|archive-date=September 6, 2015|archive-url=|url-status=dead}}</ref> [[The Broadway League]] reported that [[Broadway theatre|Broadway]] shows sold approximately $1.27{{spaces}}billion worth of tickets in the 2013–2014 season, an 11.4% increase from $1.139{{spaces}}billion in the 2012–2013 season. Attendance in 2013–2014 stood at 12.21{{spaces}}million, representing a 5.5% increase from the 2012–2013 season's 11.57{{spaces}}million.<ref name=league>{{cite web|url=|title=Broadway Calendar-Year Statistics|publisher=The Broadway League|access-date=July 20, 2014}}</ref> ===Exports=== New York exports a wide variety of goods such as prepared foods, [[computer]]s and [[consumer electronics|electronics]], cut [[diamond]]s, and other commodities. In 2007, the state exported a total of $71.1{{spaces}}billion worth of goods, with the five largest foreign export markets being Canada ($15{{spaces}}billion), the [[United Kingdom]] ($6{{spaces}}billion), [[Switzerland]] ($5.9{{spaces}}billion), [[Israel]] ($4.9{{spaces}}billion), and [[Hong Kong]] ($3.4{{spaces}}billion). New York's largest imports are oil, gold, aluminum, natural gas, electricity, rough diamonds, and lumber. The state also has a large [[manufacturing sector]] that includes printing and the production of [[garment]]s, mainly in New York City; and furs, railroad equipment, automobile parts, and bus line vehicles, concentrated in Upstate regions. New York is the nation's third-largest [[grape]] producing state, and third-largest [[New York wine|wine]] producer by volume, behind California and Washington. The southern [[Finger Lakes]] hillsides, the Hudson Valley, the [[North Fork, Suffolk County, New York|North Fork]] of Long Island, and the southern shore of Lake Erie are the primary grape- and wine-growing regions in New York, with many [[vineyard]]s. In 2012, New York had 320 [[wineries]] and 37,000 grape bearing acres (15,000 ha), generating full-time employment for nearly 25,000 and annual wages over $1.1{{spaces}}billion, and yielding $4.8{{spaces}}billion in direct economic impact from New York grapes, grape juice, and wine and grape products.<ref>{{cite web|url=|archive-url=|url-status=dead|archive-date=June 3, 2013|title=Welcome to New York Wine Country!|publisher=New York Wine & Grape Foundation|access-date=July 20, 2015}}</ref> ===Agriculture=== The [[Agriculture in New York|New York agriculture]] industry is a major producer overall, ranking among the top five states for agricultural products including [[maple syrup]], apples, cherries, cabbage, [[New York dairy industry|dairy products]], onions, and potatoes. The state is the largest producer of cabbage in the U.S. The state has about a quarter of its land in farms and produced $3.4{{spaces}}billion in agricultural products in 2001. The south shore of Lake Ontario provides the right mix of soils and [[microclimate]] for many apple, cherry, plum, pear and peach orchards. Apples are also grown in the Hudson Valley and near Lake Champlain. A moderately sized saltwater commercial fishery is located along the Atlantic side of Long Island. The principal catches by value are clams, lobsters, squid, and [[flounder]].<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=A Profile of Agriculture in New York State}}</ref> ===Energy=== {{Further|New York energy law|Solar power in New York|List of power stations in New York}} In 2017, the State of New York consumed 156,370 [[Kilowatt hour|gigawatthours]] (GWh) of electrical energy. Downstate regions (Hudson Valley, New York City, and Long Island) consumed 66% of that amount. Upstate regions produced 50% of that amount. The peak load in 2017 was 29,699 MW. The resource capability in 2017 was 42,839 MW.<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=NYISO 2018 Gold Book (pdf)||access-date=November 26, 2018|page=13|archive-url=|archive-date=November 1, 2018|url-status=dead}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=|title=2018 Power Trends||date=April 2018|access-date=November 29, 2018|pages=11, 12, 14|archive-date=November 30, 2018|archive-url=|url-status=dead}}</ref> The [[New York energy law#NYISO|NYISO's]] market monitor described the average all-in wholesale electric price as a range (a single value was not provided) from $25 per MWh to $53 per MWh for 2017.<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=2017 State of the Market Report||first4=David B.|last4=Patton|first2=Pallas|last2=LeeVanSchaick|first1=Jie|last1=Chen|first3=Raghu Palavadi|last3=Naga|date=May 2018|pages=ii,3, A-2, A-6|access-date=November 30, 2018}}</ref> ==Education== {{Main|Education in New York (state)}} {{see also|List of colleges and universities in New York (state)}} [[File:Butler_Library_-_1000px_-_AC.jpg|thumb|[[Butler Library]] at [[Columbia University]], an [[Ivy League]] university in [[Upper Manhattan]]]] [[File:Harris Hall 1589 Amst Av jeh.jpg|thumb|[[Harris Hall]] at [[City College of New York]], a public college of the [[City University of New York]] in the [[Hamilton Heights, Manhattan|Hamilton Heights]] section of [[Manhattan]]]] Among all New York-based colleges and universities, [[Cornell University]] in [[Ithaca, New York|Ithaca]] and [[Columbia University]] in [[Upper Manhattan]], both [[Ivy League]] universities, are the most selective universities, and both are world-renowned private universities. [[New York University]] in Manhattan also ranks highly among New York state-based universities. Other notable large private universities include [[Syracuse University]] and [[Fordham University]]. Smaller notable private institutions of higher education include [[University of Rochester]], [[Rockefeller University]], [[Mercy University]], [[New York Institute of Technology]], [[Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute]], [[Yeshiva University]], and [[Hofstra University]]. There are also a multitude of [[postgraduate degree|postgraduate]]-level schools in the State of New York, including [[Medical School|medical]], [[Law School|law]], and [[engineering]] schools such as [[New York Medical College]] and [[New York Law School]]. The [[United States Military Academy]] at [[West Point, New York|West Point]], the service academy of the [[United States Army|U.S. Army]], is located just south of [[Newburgh (city), New York|Newburgh]], on the west bank of the [[Hudson River]]. The federal [[United States Merchant Marine Academy|Merchant Marine Academy]] is at [[Kings Point, New York|Kings Point]] on [[Long Island]]. In [[higher education in the United States|post-secondary education]], the statewide public university system is the [[State University of New York]] (SUNY). The SUNY system consists of 64 community colleges, technical colleges, undergraduate colleges, and doctoral-granting institutions.<ref>{{cite web |title=Complete Campus List |url= |publisher=[[SUNY]] |access-date=May 1, 2021}}</ref> The SUNY system has four "university centers": [[University at Albany, SUNY|Albany]] (1844), [[University at Buffalo|Buffalo]] (1846), [[Binghamton University|Binghamton]] (1946), and [[Stony Brook University|Stony Brook]] (1957), of which Buffalo and Stony Brook are the two flagship universities.<ref>{{Cite web |date=2022-01-06 |title=Governor Hochul Names Stony Brook a Flagship University in State of the State Address - SBU News |url= |access-date=2023-12-29 |language=en-US}}</ref> The SUNY system is home to three academic medical centers: [[Renaissance School of Medicine at Stony Brook University]] on [[Long Island]], [[State University of New York Upstate Medical University#Norton College of Medicine|Norton College of Medicine]] at [[State University of New York Upstate Medical University|SUNY Upstate Medical University]] in [[Syracuse, New York|Syracuse]], and [[SUNY Downstate Medical Center]] in [[Brooklyn]]. The [[City University of New York]] is the [[Public university|public]] [[university system]] of [[Education in New York City|New York City]]. It is the largest urban university system in the United States, comprising 25 campuses: eleven [[Upper division college|senior colleges]], seven [[community college]]s and seven professional institutions. While its constituent colleges date back as far as 1847, CUNY was established in 1961. The university enrolls more than 275,000 students, and counts thirteen [[Nobel Prize]] winners and twenty-four [[MacArthur Fellows Program|MacArthur Fellows]] among its alumni.<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Appointment of Interim President||access-date=November 1, 2018}}</ref> A number of selective private liberal arts institutions are located in New York. Among them are [[Adelphi University]], [[Bard College]], [[Barnard College]], [[Colgate University]], [[Hamilton College]], [[Hobart and William Smith Colleges]], [[Marist College]], [[Sarah Lawrence College]], [[Skidmore College]], [[St. Lawrence University]], [[Union College]], and [[Vassar College]]. Two of these schools, Barnard and Vassar, are members of the selective [[Seven Sisters (colleges)|Seven Sisters]], originally all women's colleges with ties to the [[Ivy League]]. Barnard is affiliated with [[Columbia University]], its Manhattan neighbor, and Vassar became coeducational in 1969 after declining an offer to merge with [[Yale University]]. New York is also home to what are widely regarded as the best performing arts schools in the world. The [[Juilliard School]], located in the [[Upper West Side]] of [[Manhattan]], is one of the world's leading music and dance schools.<ref>{{cite web|url= |title=Still 'best reputation' for Juilliard at 100 |publisher=[[The Washington Times]] |access-date=September 15, 2013}}</ref><ref>{{cite book|title=Juilliard|last1=Frank Rich|publisher=Harry N. Abrams|isbn=978-0810935365|quote=Juilliard grew up with both the country and its burgeoning cultural capital of New York to become an internationally recognized synonym for the pinnacle of artistic achievement.|year=2003|pages=[ 10]|url=}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=|title=The Top 25 Drama Schools in the World|work=[[The Hollywood Reporter]] |date=May 30, 2013|access-date=September 15, 2013}}</ref> The [[Eastman School of Music]], a professional school within the [[University of Rochester]], was ranked first among U.S. music schools by ''[[U.S. News & World Report]]'' for five consecutive years.<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=2014 Best America's Top Music Schools Ranking|work=US College Rankings|access-date=June 16, 2018|archive-url=|archive-date=March 12, 2015|url-status=dead}}</ref> The [[University of the State of New York]] accredits and sets standards for elementary, middle-level, and secondary education in the state, while the [[New York State Education Department]] oversees public schools and controls their [[standardized test]]s. The [[New York City Department of Education]] manages the [[New York City Public Schools]] system. In 1894, reflecting general racial discrimination then, the state passed a law that allowed communities to set up separate schools for children of African-American descent. In 1900, the state passed another law requiring integrated schools.<ref>Martha A. Sandweiss, ''Passing Strange: A Gilded Age Tale of Love and Deception Across the Color Line'', New York: Penguin Press, 2009, p. 213</ref> During the 2013 fiscal year, New York spent more on public education per pupil than any other state, according to [[U.S. Census Bureau]] statistics.<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Education Spending Per Student by State|date=February 9, 2012|publisher=Governing|access-date=July 15, 2015}}</ref> ==Transportation== {{Main|Transportation in New York (state)}} [[File:R188 Subway Car, 7898, 7, September 5th, 2014.jpg|thumb|The [[New York City Subway]], [[List of metro systems|one of the world's busiest subway systems]], serving over five million passengers each weekday|alt=A subway train and many people are seen in New York City's subway system.]] [[File:Grand Central Terminal ceiling view.jpg|thumb|[[Grand Central Terminal]] in [[Manhattan]]]] [[File:JFK Plane Queue.jpg|thumb|[[John F. Kennedy International Airport]] in [[Queens]], the [[Busiest airports in the United States by international passenger traffic|busiest international air passenger gateway]] to the United States|alt=Five jumbo airplanes wait in a line on a runway next to a small body of water at John F. Kennedy Airport.]] New York has one of the oldest and most extensive transportation infrastructures in the country. Engineering challenges posed by the complex terrain of the state and the unique infrastructural issues of New York City brought on by urban crowding have had to be overcome perennially. Population expansion of the state has followed the path of the early waterways, first the [[Hudson River]] and [[Mohawk River]], then the [[Erie Canal]]. In the 19th century, railroads were constructed along the river valleys, followed by the [[New York State Thruway]] in the 20th century. ===Roads and highways=== The [[New York State Department of Transportation]] (NYSDOT) is the department of the [[government of New York (state)|government of New York]] responsible for the development and operation of [[Numbered highways in New York|highways]], [[List of New York railroads|railroads]], [[mass transit]] systems, [[port]]s, [[waterways]], and [[List of airports in New York (state)|aviation facilities]] within the State of New York.<ref>[[Transportation Law]] § 11. "There shall be in the state government a department of transportation. The head of the department shall be the commissioner of transportation." Accessed July 19, 2015.</ref> The NYSDOT is headquartered at 50 Wolf Road in [[Colonie, New York|Colonie]], [[Albany County, New York|Albany County]]. The [[Port Authority of New York and New Jersey]] (PANYNJ) is a joint venture between the states of New York and New Jersey and authorized by the [[U.S. Congress]], established in 1921 through an [[interstate compact]], that oversees much of the regional transportation infrastructure, including [[bridge]]s, [[tunnel]]s, [[airport]]s, and [[seaport]]s, within the geographical jurisdiction of the [[Port of New York and New Jersey]]. This {{convert|1500|sqmi|abbr=on|adj=on}} port district is generally encompassed within a {{convert|25|mi|adj=on|abbr=on}} radius of the [[Statue of Liberty National Monument]].<ref name="PANYNJ-annual-report-2002">{{cite web |url= |title=2002 Annual Report |publisher=PANY |year=2003 |access-date=July 19, 2015 |archive-date=September 24, 2015 |archive-url= |url-status=dead }}. Accessed July 19, 2015.</ref> The Port Authority is headquartered at [[4 World Trade Center]] in Lower Manhattan. The [[New York State Department of Motor Vehicles]] (NYSDMV or DMV) is the governmental agency responsible for registering and [[vehicle inspection|inspecting automobiles]] and other motor vehicles, as well as licensing drivers in the State of New York. {{As of|2008}}, the NYSDMV has 11,284,546 drivers licenses on file and 10,697,644 vehicle registrations in force.<ref>{{cite web|url= |title=NYS DMV—Statistics—NYS Driver Licenses on File—2008 |publisher=New York State Department of Motor Vehicles |access-date=July 2, 2010 |archive-url= |archive-date=October 11, 2010}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url= |title=NYS DMV—Statistics—Vehicle Registrations in Force—2008 |publisher=New York State Department of Motor Vehicles |access-date=July 2, 2010 |archive-url= |archive-date=October 11, 2010}}</ref> All gasoline-powered vehicles registered in the State of New York are required to have an [[emission standard|emissions inspection]] every 12 months, in order to ensure that [[environmental quality]] controls are working to prevent air pollution. Diesel-powered vehicles with a gross weight rating over 8,500 pounds that are registered in most Downstate New York counties must get an annual emissions inspection. All vehicles registered in the State of New York must get an annual safety inspection. ===Public transportation=== In addition to the [[New York City Subway]] system, which is confined to the five boroughs of New York City, New York state has four suburban [[commuter railroad]] systems that enter and depart the city: the [[Long Island Rail Road]], [[Metro-North Railroad]], [[Port Authority Trans-Hudson]], and five of [[New Jersey Transit Rail Operations|New Jersey Transit's rail lines]]. The [[New York City Department of Transportation]] (NYCDOT) is the agency of the [[government of New York City]] responsible for the management of much of New York City's own transportation infrastructure.<ref>[[New York City Charter]] § 2901; "There shall be a department of transportation, the head of which shall be the commissioner of transportation." Accessed July 19, 2015.</ref> In Buffalo, the [[Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority]] runs the [[Buffalo Metro Rail]] light-rail system; in Rochester, the [[Rochester Subway]] operated from 1927 until 1956, but fell into disuse as state and federal investment went to highways. ===Airports=== Portions of the transportation system are [[intermodal passenger transport|intermodal]], allowing travelers to switch easily from one mode of transportation to another. One of the most notable examples is [[AirTrain JFK]] which allows rail passengers to travel directly to [[airport terminal|terminals]] at [[John F. Kennedy International Airport]] and to the underground New York City Subway system. ==Government== {{Main|Government of New York (state)}} {{See also|Law of New York (state)}} [[File:NYSCapitolPanorama.jpg|thumb|The [[New York State Capitol]] in Albany]] The Government of New York embodies the governmental structure of the State of New York as established by the [[New York State Constitution]]. It is composed of three branches: [[executive branch|executive]], [[legislative branch|legislative]], and [[judicial branch|judicial]].<ref>{{Cite web|title=Branches of Government in New York State|url=|access-date=November 28, 2022|website=New York State Senate|date=March 25, 2009 }}</ref> The [[Governor of New York|governor]] is the state's chief executive and is assisted by the [[Lieutenant Governor of New York|lieutenant governor]]. Both are elected on the same ticket. Additional elected officers include the [[New York Attorney General|attorney general]] and the [[New York State Comptroller|comptroller]]. The [[Secretary of State of New York|secretary of state]], formerly an elected officer, is currently appointed by the governor.<ref>{{Cite web|title=2021 New York Laws EXC - Executive Article 6 - Department of State 90 - Department of State; Secretary of State.|url=|access-date=November 28, 2022|website=Justia}}</ref> The [[New York State Legislature]] is [[bicameral]] and consists of the [[New York State Senate]] and the [[New York State Assembly]]. The state assembly consists of 150 members, while the state senate varies in its number of members, currently having 63. The legislature is empowered to make laws, subject to the governor's power to [[veto]] a bill. However, the veto may be overridden by the legislature if there is a [[two-thirds majority]] in favor of overriding in each house. The permanent laws of a general nature are [[codification (law)|codified]] in the ''[[Consolidated Laws of New York]]''.<ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=Branches of Government in New York State &#124;|}}</ref> [[File:NYSCourtofAppeals1.JPG|thumb|The [[New York Court of Appeals]] is the highest court of the [[Judiciary of New York (state)|New York judiciary]]]] The highest court of appeal in the [[Judiciary of New York|Unified Court System]] is the [[New York State Court of Appeals|Court of Appeals]] whereas the primary [[felony]] [[trial court]] is the [[New York County Court|County Court]] (or the [[New York Supreme Court|Supreme Court]] in New York City). The New York Supreme Court also acts as the intermediate appellate court for many cases, and the local courts handle a variety of other matters including [[small claims]], traffic ticket cases, and local [[zoning]] matters, and are the starting point for all criminal cases. The [[administrative divisions of New York|state is divided]] into counties, cities, towns, and villages, all of which are [[municipal corporation]]s with respect to their own governments, as well as various corporate entities that serve single purposes that are also local governments, such as school districts, fire districts, and [[New York state public-benefit corporations]], frequently known as ''authorities'' or ''development corporations''. Each municipal corporation is granted varying [[home rule]] powers as provided by the New York Constitution. The state also has 10 [[Indian reservation]]s. There have been several movements regarding [[Partition and secession in New York|secession from the state of New York]]. Proposals have included a state of [[Long Island]], consisting of everything on the island outside New York City; a state called Niagara, the [[Western New York|western counties]] of the state of New York; the northern counties of the state of New York called [[Upstate New York]]; making the city of New York a state; a proposal for a new [[Peconic County]] on eastern Long Island; and for the borough of [[Staten Island]] to secede from New York City.<ref>{{Cite web|last=Rattiner|first=Dan|date=October 16, 2020|title=Peconic: The County Is Named, We Have a Flag and Enough People|url=|access-date=February 9, 2021|website=Dan's Papers}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web|last=i_beebe|date=December 9, 2019|title=Staten Island keeps thinking of seceding|url=|access-date=February 9, 2021|website=City & State NY|archive-date=December 11, 2020|archive-url=|url-status=dead}}</ref> In a 2020 study, New York was ranked as the 17th easiest state for citizens to vote in.<ref>{{cite journal |last1=J. Pomante II |first1=Michael |last2=Li |first2=Quan |title=Cost of Voting in the American States: 2020 |journal=Election Law Journal: Rules, Politics, and Policy |date=December 15, 2020 |volume=19 |issue=4 |pages=503–509 |doi=10.1089/elj.2020.0666 |s2cid=225139517 |doi-access=free }}</ref> New York's government released a new seal, coat of arms, and flag in April 2020, adding "''[[E pluribus unum]]"'' below the state's motto.<ref>{{Cite web |last1=Hern |first1=Sunny |last2=Ahern |first2=Ez {{!}} |date=January 15, 2020 |title=Gov. Cuomo seeks to change 138-year-old NY state flag |url= |url-status=live |archive-url= |archive-date=September 18, 2020 |access-date=June 27, 2020 |website=syracuse}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web |last=Campbell |first=Jon |date= |title=10 things to know about New York's new $177B budget deal |url= |url-status=live |archive-url= |archive-date=January 12, 2021 |access-date=June 27, 2020 |website=Democrat and Chronicle}}</ref> A bill utilizing newly designed flag, arms and seal went into effect in September.<ref>{{Cite web |last= |first= |date=October 3, 2020 |title=How They Voted |url= |url-status=live |archive-url= |archive-date=October 6, 2020 |access-date=October 6, 2020 |website=The Highlands Current}}</ref> Revived in the early 2000s, [[Abolition Commemoration Day]], also known as the Fifth of July, is a historic celebration commemorating the abolishment of slavery in New York. In July 2020, the [[New York State Assembly]] passed legislation officially recognizing Abolition Commemoration Day and [[Juneteenth]] in New York.<ref name="nyassembly">{{Cite web |title=Assembly Passes Legislation Recognizing Abolition Commemoration Day and Juneteenth in New York State |url= |access-date=May 16, 2023 |}}</ref><ref name="Levine-2014">{{Cite book |last=Levine |first=Robert S. |url= |title=Genius in Bondage: Literature of the Early Black Atlantic |date=October 17, 2014 |publisher=University Press of Kentucky |isbn=978-0-8131-5946-1 |editor-last=Carretta |editor-first=Vincent |pages=242–60 |language=en |chapter=Fifth of July: Nathaniel Paul and the Construction of Black Nationalism |editor-last2=Gould |editor-first2=Philip |chapter-url=}}</ref> Abolition Commemoration Day is observed on the second Monday in July and Juneteenth on June 19.<ref name="nyassembly" /> ===Capital punishment=== {{Main|Capital punishment in New York (state)}} [[Capital punishment in the United States|Capital punishment]] was reintroduced in 1995 under the [[George Pataki#Death penalty|Pataki administration]], but the statute was declared unconstitutional in 2004, when the [[New York Court of Appeals]] ruled in ''[[People v. LaValle]]'' that it violated the [[New York Constitution|state constitution]]. The remaining death sentence was commuted by the court to [[life imprisonment]] in 2007, in ''People v. John Taylor'', and the death row was disestablished in 2008, under executive order from Governor [[David Paterson]]. No execution has taken place in New York since 1963. Legislative efforts to amend the statute have failed, and death sentences are no longer sought at the state level, though certain crimes that fall under the jurisdiction of the federal government are subject to the [[Capital punishment by the United States federal government|federal death penalty]].<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=New York Executions|date=October 25, 2005|access-date=April 9, 2009|author=Rob Gallagher|archive-url=|archive-date=May 28, 2008|url-status=dead}}</ref><ref>{{cite news|url=|title=Gov Pulls Switch on Death Cell|date=July 24, 2008|work=New York Post|author=Scott, Brendan|access-date=April 9, 2009}}</ref><ref>{{cite news|author=Powell, Michael|title=In N.Y., Lawmakers Vote Not to Reinstate Capital Punishment|url=|newspaper=The Washington Post|date=April 13, 2005|access-date=April 11, 2008}}</ref> ===Federal representation=== {{See also|United States congressional delegations from New York#2013–2023: 27 seats|l1=Current United States congressional delegation from New York|New York's congressional districts}} [[File:Chuck Schumer and Kirstin Gillibrand June 2009.jpg|thumb|[[Kirsten Gillibrand]] and [[Chuck Schumer]], the state's two [[United States Senate|U.S. Senators]] as of 2024|alt=Kirsten Gillibrand and Chuck Schumer are seen giving a speech promoting universal healthcare.]] New York is represented by [[Chuck Schumer]] and [[Kirsten Gillibrand]] in the [[United States Senate]]. There are [[New York's congressional districts|twenty-six congressional districts]], the nation's fourth highest number of congressional districts, behind California's 52, Texas's 38, and Florida's 28.<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Directory of Representatives||access-date=March 15, 2014}}</ref> As of 2024, fifteen districts are represented by members of the Democratic Party, while ten are represented by Republicans. Representation was reduced from 27 in 2023 due to the state's slower overall population growth relative to the overall national population growth.<ref>{{cite web|last=Rey|first=Jay|date=December 22, 2010|url=|title=N.Y.'s slow growth will mean loss of two seats in House|archive-url=|archive-date=May 16, 2012|work=[[The Buffalo News]]|access-date=December 22, 2010}}</ref> New York has 28 [[Electoral College (United States)|electoral votes]] in national presidential elections, a drop from its peak of 47 votes from 1933 to 1953. The state has a strong imbalance of payments with the [[Federal government of the United States|federal government]]. According to the [[New York State Comptroller]], the State of New York received 91 cents in services for every $1 it sent in taxes to the U.S. federal government in the 2013 [[fiscal year]]; New York ranked in 46th place in the federal balance of payments to the state on a per capita basis.<ref>{{cite web|title=New York's Balance of Payments in the Federal Budget—Federal Fiscal Year 2013|author=[[Thomas P. DiNapoli]], State Comptroller|date=October 2015 |url=|publisher=Office of the New York State Comptroller|access-date=April 27, 2016 }}</ref> ==Politics== {{Main|Politics of New York (state)}} {{See also|Elections in New York (state)|Political party strength in New York (state)}} [[File:Kathy Hochul, November 2017.jpeg|thumb|upright|[[Kathy Hochul]] [[Democratic Party (New York)|(D)]], the [[List of Governors of New York|57th]] [[Governor of New York]]]] As of April 2016, the [[Democratic Party (New York)|Democrats]] represented a plurality of voters in the State of New York, constituting more than twice as many [[voter registration|registered voters]] as any other political party affiliation [[Independent politician|or lack thereof]].<ref name=NYSRegisteredVoterAffiliation>[ NYSVoter Enrollment by County, Party Affiliation and Status] {{webarchive |url= |date=July 30, 2016 }} Accessed April 30, 2016.</ref> No Republican presidential candidate has won over New York State since [[1984 United States presidential election|Ronald Reagan's landslide victory in 1984]]. New York City, as well as the state's other major urban locales, are significant Democratic strongholds. Rural portions of upstate New York, however, are generally more conservative than large cities and tend to favor [[Republican Party (New York)|Republicans]]. Heavily populated suburban areas downstate, such as Westchester County and Long Island, were solidly Republican until the 1990s, but have since shifted to primarily supporting the Democratic Party. New York City is the most important source of [[political fundraising]] in the United States for both major parties. Four of the top five [[ZIP Code]]s in the nation for political contributions are in Manhattan. The top ZIP Code, 10021 on the [[Upper East Side]], generated the most money for the 2000 presidential campaigns of both [[George W. Bush]] and [[Al Gore]].<ref>{{cite news |title=2006 Election Overview: Top Zip codes | |date=May 16, 2005 |url= |archive-url= |url-status=dead |archive-date=March 2, 2006 |access-date=July 19, 2006}}</ref> The State of New York has the distinction of being the home state for both major-party nominees in three [[United States presidential election|presidential elections]]. The [[1904 United States presidential election|1904 presidential election]] saw former [[New York Governor]] and incumbent President [[Theodore Roosevelt]] face [[Alton B. Parker]], chief judge of the [[New York Court of Appeals]]. The [[1944 United States presidential election|1944 presidential election]] had [[Franklin D. Roosevelt]], following in his cousin Theodore's footsteps as former New York Governor and incumbent president running for re-election against the then-incumbent New York Governor [[Thomas E. Dewey]]. In the [[2016 United States presidential election|2016 presidential election]], former [[United States Senator]] from New York [[Hillary Clinton]], a resident of [[Chappaqua, New York|Chappaqua]], was the [[Democratic Party (United States)|Democratic Party]] nominee. The [[Republican Party (United States)|Republican Party]] nominee was businessman [[Donald Trump]], a resident of [[Manhattan]] and a native of [[Queens]].<ref>{{cite news |last1=Roy |first1=Yancey |title=Clinton vs. Trump: 2 presidential candidates from one state |url= |website=[[Newsday]] |access-date=September 25, 2016}}</ref> New York City is an important center for [[international diplomacy]].<ref>{{cite web |url= |title=NYC Mayor's Office for International Affairs |publisher=The City of New York |access-date=June 24, 2015 |url-status=dead |archive-url= |archive-date=June 16, 2015}}</ref> The [[Headquarters of the United Nations|United Nations headquarters]] is situated on the [[Midtown East|East Side of Midtown Manhattan]] since 1952. ==Sports== {{Main|Sports in New York (state)}} [[File:The view from the Grandstand Level at New Yankee Stadium.jpg|thumb|[[Yankee Stadium]] in [[The Bronx]]]] The State of New York is geographically home to one [[National Football League]] team, the [[Buffalo Bills]], based in the [[Buffalo, New York|Buffalo]] suburb of [[Orchard Park (town), New York|Orchard Park]]. Although the [[New York Giants]] and [[New York Jets]] represent the [[New York metropolitan area|New York City metropolitan area]] and were previously located in New York City, they play in [[MetLife Stadium]], located in [[East Rutherford, New Jersey]]. New York also has two [[Major League Baseball]] teams, the [[New York Yankees]] (based in [[the Bronx]]) and the [[New York Mets]] (based in [[Queens]]). Minor league baseball teams also play in the State of New York, including the [[Long Island Ducks]], the [[Staten Island FerryHawks]], and the [[Brooklyn Cyclones]], downstate, and the [[Rochester Red Wings]], the [[Binghamton Rumble Ponies]], the [[Syracuse Mets]], the [[Auburn Doubledays]], the [[Batavia Muckdogs]], the [[Hudson Valley Renegades]] and the [[Buffalo Bisons]] upstate. New York is home to three [[National Hockey League]] franchises: the [[New York Rangers]] in [[Manhattan]], the [[New York Islanders]] in Nassau County on Long Island, and the [[Buffalo Sabres]] in Buffalo. New York has two [[National Basketball Association]] teams, the [[New York Knicks]] in Manhattan, and the [[Brooklyn Nets]] in [[Brooklyn]] and a [[Women's National Basketball Association]] team, the [[New York Liberty]], also based in Brooklyn. New York is the home of a [[Major League Soccer]] franchise, [[New York City FC]], currently playing in the Bronx, though they are planning to build a new [[New York City FC stadium|stadium]] in Queens. Although the [[New York Red Bulls]] represent the New York City metropolitan area, they play in [[Red Bull Arena (New Jersey)|Red Bull Arena]] in [[Harrison, New Jersey]]. [[File:Ralph Wilson Stadium.jpg|thumb|left|[[Highmark Stadium (New York)|Highmark Stadium]] in [[Orchard Park (town), New York|Orchard Park]]]] New York hosted the [[1932 Winter Olympics|1932]] and [[1980 Winter Olympics]] at [[Lake Placid, New York|Lake Placid]]. The 1980 Games are known for the USA–USSR [[ice hockey]] match dubbed the "[[Miracle on Ice]]", in which a group of American college students and amateurs defeated the heavily favored Soviet national ice hockey team 4–3 and went on to win the gold medal against [[Finland]]. Along with [[St. Moritz]], [[Switzerland]] and [[Innsbruck]], [[Austria]], Lake Placid is one of the three cities to have hosted the Winter Olympic Games twice. New York City [[New York City bid for the 2012 Summer Olympics|bid]] for the [[2012 Summer Olympics]] but lost to [[London]]. The annual [[US Open (tennis)|United States Open Tennis Championships]] is one of the world's four [[Grand Slam (tennis)|Grand Slam]] tennis tournaments and is held at the [[USTA National Tennis Center|National Tennis Center]] in [[Flushing Meadows–Corona Park]] in Queens.<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=US Open 2015|publisher=United States Tennis Association|access-date=July 6, 2015}}</ref> The [[Belmont Stakes]], part of the [[Triple Crown of Thoroughbred Racing (United States)|Triple Crown of Thoroughbred Racing]], is held at [[Belmont Park]] in Nassau County on Long Island. Several U.S. national sports halls of fame are or have been situated in New York. The [[National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum]] is located in [[Cooperstown]], [[Otsego County, New York|Otsego County]]. The [[National Museum of Racing and Hall of Fame]] in [[Saratoga Springs, New York|Saratoga Springs]], [[Saratoga County, New York|Saratoga County]], honors achievements in the sport of [[thoroughbred horse racing]]. The physical facility of the [[National Soccer Hall of Fame]] in [[Oneonta, New York|Oneonta]], also in Otsego County, closed in 2010, although the organization itself has continued inductions. The state of New York is also home to many intercollegiate division{{spaces}}1 sports programs. The [[State University of New York]]'s flagship [[University at Buffalo]] are the [[Buffalo Bulls]]. [[Syracuse University]]'s intercollegiate teams are the [[Syracuse Orange]]. New York's strong sports background has influenced local industries such as [[sports betting]] as well. Due to the high volume of residents, tourists, and sports to bet on, New York became the first state to take in over $2 billion in sports bets in a single month.<ref>{{Cite web |last=Kelley |first=Zachary |date=2023-11-13 |title=New York Becomes First State With $2B Monthly Betting Handle |url= |access-date=2023-11-13 | |language=en-US}}</ref> {|class="wikitable sortable" |- ! colspan=3 | New York (state) major league professional sports teams |- !Club !Sport !League |- |[[Buffalo Bills]] |[[American football|Football]] |[[National Football League]] |- |[[Brooklyn Nets]] |[[Basketball]] |[[National Basketball Association]] |- |[[New York Knicks]] |[[Basketball]] |[[National Basketball Association]] |- |[[New York Liberty]] |[[Basketball]] |[[Women's National Basketball Association]] |- |[[New York City FC]] |[[Association football|Soccer]] |[[Major League Soccer]] |- |[[Buffalo Sabres]] |[[Ice hockey]] |[[National Hockey League]] |- |[[New York Islanders]] |[[Ice hockey]] |[[National Hockey League]] |- |[[New York Rangers]] |[[Ice hockey]] |[[National Hockey League]] |- |[[New York Mets]] |[[Baseball]] |[[Major League Baseball]] |- |[[New York Yankees]] |[[Baseball]] |[[Major League Baseball]] |} == See also == {{portal|New York (state)|United States}} * [[Index of New York (state)-related articles]] * [[Outline of New York (state)|Outline of New York]] * [[List of New York area codes]] {{clear}} == Notes == {{notelist}} ==References== {{Reflist}} == Further reading == {{Main|Bibliography of New York (state)}} {{refbegin}} * {{Cite book |last=French |first=John Homer |title=Historical and statistical gazetteer of New York State |publisher=R. Pearsall Smith |location=Syracuse, New York |oclc= 224691273 |url= |year=1860}} {{via|GB}} * {{Cite book |title=New York: A Guide to the Empire State |author=New York State Historical Association |publisher=Oxford University Press |year=1940 |location=New York City |oclc=504264143 |url= |isbn=978-1-60354-031-5}} {{via|GB}} {{refend}} == External links == * [ New York State Guide, from the Library of Congress] * {{OSM relation|61320}} {{Subject bar|commons=yes|commons-search=Category:New York|n=yes|n-search=Category:New York|wikt=yes |b=yes |q=yes |s=yes |s-search=Portal:New York |voy=yes |voy-search=New York (state) |d=yes }} {{Prone to spam|date=April 2015}} {{New York|expanded}} {{Northeast US}} {{United States political divisions}} {{Thirteen Colonies}} {{Authority control}} {{coord|43|-76|dim:300000_region:US-NY_type:adm1st|name=State of New York|display=title}} [[Category:New York (state)| ]] [[Category:1788 establishments in the United States]] [[Category:Articles containing 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