Henry Marshall Tory | The Canadian Encyclopedia
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href="" class="b b-md b-primary">Create Account </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="sidebar-layout"> <div class="sidebar js-sidebar" id="article-sidebar"> <article-sidebar initial-article-data="{"article":{"id":"80438","author_text":"Donald J.c. Phillipson","revisor":null,"major_update":null,"trigger_warning":0,"views":0,"shares":0,"type":"article","itunes_songs":null,"indigo":null,"itunes_title_en":null,"itunes_title_fr":null,"indigo_title_en":null,"indigo_title_fr":null,"status":"published","schedule_from":null,"schedule_until":null,"created_at":"2007-12-18T00:00:00.000000Z","updated_at":"2013-12-16T15:11:06.000000Z","deleted_at":null,"title":"Henry Marshall Tory","slug":"henry-marshall-tory","alt_slug":null,"summary":"Henry Marshall Tory, educator (b at Port Shoreham, NS 11 Jan 1864; d at Ottawa 6 Feb 1947).","body":"<h3>Tory, Henry Marshall<\/h3><p>Henry Marshall Tory, educator (b at Port Shoreham, NS 11 Jan 1864; d at Ottawa 6 Feb 1947). Awarded one of McGill's earliest doctoral degrees in science, Tory did not himself become a researcher but was the principal founder of several universities - UBC, U of A and Carleton - and of the <a href=\"\/article\/alberta-research-council\/\">ALBERTA RESEARCH COUNCIL<\/a> and the National Research Council Laboratories. <\/p> <p>Son of a Methodist minister, Tory trained for the ministry but was offered a teaching post at McGill after graduation. In 1905, when professor of mathematics, he was sent to BC to advise on the future of McGill's affiliated Vancouver and Victoria colleges, leading to the 1908 UBC Act. His tour of the West led to his appointment in 1908 as founding president of U of A, which he built into a lively institution, with both services (eg, a travelling rural library and radio station) and high standards of teaching and research. In 1917 he organized the <a href=\"\/article\/khaki-university\/\">KHAKI UNIVERSITY<\/a> for Canadian soldiers in England, and in 1919 was instrumental, with J.L. <a href=\"\/article\/jean-leon-cote\/\">C\u00d4T\u00c9<\/a>, in creating the organization that in 1921 became the Alberta Research Council. Appointed in 1923 to the <a href=\"\/article\/national-research-council-of-canada\/\">NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL<\/a>, Tory became its chairman within 6 months, apparently because no other member had faith in its political future. His first priority was persuading the government to build the national laboratories planned in 1919 but vetoed in 1921 through procedural confusion in Parliament. He succeeded in 1927 and the following year moved to Ottawa as the NRC's first full-time president. Tory was then 64 years old. <\/p> <p>Depression conditions frustrated Tory's ambition of making the NRC as vigorous an influence in Canada as the university had been in Alberta, but the laboratories were completed and staffed between 1928 and 1932 with about 50 scientists, the essential nucleus for the NRC's expansion in WWII. Though embittered by the manner of his 1935 retirement, Tory regarded the NRC Laboratories as his supreme achievement. At age 77 he headed the committee that opened Carleton College in 1942, serving as unpaid president and lecturer until his death. Throughout his life, Tory's main characteristic was enthusiasm. The promotion of science was his central theme, but his interests ranged from the League of Nations to the settlement of the Canadian Prairies. The most famous educator of his day, he was a controversial and proud man: but he had much to be proud of. <\/p>","twitter_summary":null,"translations":[{"id":"f71dd046-eda0-4d3b-99e3-9fb8c9da1d56","article_id":"80438","title":"Henry Marshall Tory","summary":"Henry Marshall Tory, educator (b at Port Shoreham, NS 11 Jan 1864; d at Ottawa 6 Feb 1947).","body":"<h3>Tory, Henry Marshall<\/h3><p>Henry Marshall Tory, educator (b at Port Shoreham, NS 11 Jan 1864; d at Ottawa 6 Feb 1947). Awarded one of McGill's earliest doctoral degrees in science, Tory did not himself become a researcher but was the principal founder of several universities - UBC, U of A and Carleton - and of the <a href=\"\/article\/alberta-research-council\/\">ALBERTA RESEARCH COUNCIL<\/a> and the National Research Council Laboratories. <\/p> <p>Son of a Methodist minister, Tory trained for the ministry but was offered a teaching post at McGill after graduation. In 1905, when professor of mathematics, he was sent to BC to advise on the future of McGill's affiliated Vancouver and Victoria colleges, leading to the 1908 UBC Act. His tour of the West led to his appointment in 1908 as founding president of U of A, which he built into a lively institution, with both services (eg, a travelling rural library and radio station) and high standards of teaching and research. In 1917 he organized the <a href=\"\/article\/khaki-university\/\">KHAKI UNIVERSITY<\/a> for Canadian soldiers in England, and in 1919 was instrumental, with J.L. <a href=\"\/article\/jean-leon-cote\/\">C\u00d4T\u00c9<\/a>, in creating the organization that in 1921 became the Alberta Research Council. Appointed in 1923 to the <a href=\"\/article\/national-research-council-of-canada\/\">NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL<\/a>, Tory became its chairman within 6 months, apparently because no other member had faith in its political future. His first priority was persuading the government to build the national laboratories planned in 1919 but vetoed in 1921 through procedural confusion in Parliament. He succeeded in 1927 and the following year moved to Ottawa as the NRC's first full-time president. Tory was then 64 years old. <\/p> <p>Depression conditions frustrated Tory's ambition of making the NRC as vigorous an influence in Canada as the university had been in Alberta, but the laboratories were completed and staffed between 1928 and 1932 with about 50 scientists, the essential nucleus for the NRC's expansion in WWII. Though embittered by the manner of his 1935 retirement, Tory regarded the NRC Laboratories as his supreme achievement. At age 77 he headed the committee that opened Carleton College in 1942, serving as unpaid president and lecturer until his death. Throughout his life, Tory's main characteristic was enthusiasm. The promotion of science was his central theme, but his interests ranged from the League of Nations to the settlement of the Canadian Prairies. The most famous educator of his day, he was a controversial and proud man: but he had much to be proud of. <\/p>","slug":"henry-marshall-tory","alt_slug":null,"twitter_summary":null,"locale":"en","automated":false,"hidden":0,"views":0,"created_at":"2007-12-18T00:00:00.000000Z","updated_at":"2013-12-16T15:11:06.000000Z"},{"id":"48cf652b-a6aa-4a9f-a869-8056943fe631","article_id":"80438","title":"Tory, Henry Marshall","summary":"Henry Marshall Tory, \u00e9ducateur (Port Shoreham, N.-\u00c9., 11 janv. 1864\u00a0-- Ottawa, 6 f\u00e9vr. 1947). D\u00e9tenteur d'un des premiers doctorats \u00e8s sciences de l'U. McGill, Tory est le principal fondateur de plusieurs universit\u00e9s, dont l'U. de la Colombie-Britannique, l'U. de l'Alberta et l'U.","body":"<h3>Tory, Henry Marshall<\/h3><p>Henry Marshall Tory, \u00e9ducateur (Port Shoreham, N.-\u00c9., 11 janv. 1864\u00a0-- Ottawa, 6 f\u00e9vr. 1947). D\u00e9tenteur d'un des premiers doctorats \u00e8s sciences de l'U. McGill, Tory est le principal fondateur de plusieurs universit\u00e9s, dont l'U. de la Colombie-Britannique, l'U. de l'Alberta et l'U. Carleton, ainsi que du <a href=\"\/article\/alberta-research-council\/\">ALBERTA RESEARCH COUNCIL<\/a> et des laboratoires du Conseil national de recherches du Canada (CNRC), bien qu'il n'ait jamais \u00e9t\u00e9 lui-m\u00eame chercheur.<\/p> <p>Fils d'un pasteur m\u00e9thodiste, Tory fait des \u00e9tudes de pasteur, mais on lui offre un poste d'enseignant \u00e0 McGill apr\u00e8s l'obtention de son dipl\u00f4me. En 1905, alors qu'il est professeur de math\u00e9matiques, on l'envoie en Colombie-Britannique \u00e0 titre de conseiller sur l'avenir des coll\u00e8ges de Vancouver et de Victoria affili\u00e9s \u00e0 McGill, ce qui donne lieu \u00e0 la <i>UBC Act<\/i> en 1908. Sa tourn\u00e9e dans l'Ouest lui vaut d'\u00eatre nomm\u00e9 pr\u00e9sident fondateur de l'U. de l'Alberta en 1908, dont il fait une institution dynamique offrant les services d'une biblioth\u00e8que ambulante rurale et d'une station de radio, et dont les normes d'enseignement et de recherche sont \u00e9lev\u00e9es. En 1917, il met sur pied l'<a href=\"\/article\/khaki-university\/\">UNIVERSIT\u00c9 KHAKI<\/a> \u00e0 l'intention des soldats canadiens stationn\u00e9s en Angleterre. En 1919, avec J.-L. <a href=\"\/article\/jean-leon-cote\/\">COT\u00c9<\/a> il est responsable de la cr\u00e9ation de l'organisme qui deviendra, en 1921, l'Alberta Research Council. Nomm\u00e9 en 1923 au <a href=\"\/article\/national-research-council-of-canada\/\">CONSEIL NATIONAL DE RECHERCHES DU CANADA<\/a>, Tory en devient le pr\u00e9sident en l'espace de six mois, apparemment parce qu'aucun autre membre ne croyait en l'avenir politique de ce conseil. Sa premi\u00e8re priorit\u00e9 est de convaincre le gouvernement de construire les laboratoires nationaux pr\u00e9vus en 1919 mais refus\u00e9s par veto en 1921 en raison d'une confusion dans la proc\u00e9dure parlementaire. Il atteint sont but en 1927 et d\u00e9m\u00e9nage \u00e0 Ottawa l'ann\u00e9e suivante pour occuper le poste de premier pr\u00e9sident \u00e0 temps plein du CNRC. Il est alors \u00e2g\u00e9 de 64 ans.<\/p> <p>La crise \u00e9conomique l'emp\u00eache de faire du CNRC une institution ayant autant d'influence au Canada que l'universit\u00e9 en Alberta. Toutefois, de 1928 \u00e0 1932, la construction des laboratoires se termine et le personnel est engag\u00e9, dont 50 scientifiques qui forment le noyau essentiel \u00e0 l'expansion du CNRC durant la Deuxi\u00e8me Guerre mondiale. Bien que rempli d'amertume par les circonstances entourant sa retraite en 1935, Tory consid\u00e8re les laboratoires du CNRC comme sa plus grande r\u00e9alisation. \u00c0 l'\u00e2ge de 77 ans, il dirige le comit\u00e9 fondateur qui ouvre les portes du coll\u00e8ge Carleton en 1942, o\u00f9 il occupe b\u00e9n\u00e9volement le poste de pr\u00e9sident et de charg\u00e9 de cours jusqu'\u00e0 son d\u00e9c\u00e8s. Durant toute sa vie, l'enthousiasme est ce qui le caract\u00e9rise le plus. La promotion de la science est sa principale pr\u00e9occupation, mais ses int\u00e9r\u00eats vont de la Soci\u00e9t\u00e9 des Nations \u00e0 la colonisation des Prairies. \u00c9ducateur le plus renomm\u00e9 de son temps, cet homme controvers\u00e9 avait de quoi \u00eatre fier, et il l'\u00e9tait.<\/p>","slug":"tory-henry-marshall","alt_slug":null,"twitter_summary":null,"locale":"fr","automated":false,"hidden":0,"views":0,"created_at":"2007-12-18T00:00:00.000000Z","updated_at":"2013-12-16T15:11:06.000000Z"}],"widgets":[],"links":[],"recommended_readings":[],"tags":[],"sponsors":[],"translation":{"id":"f71dd046-eda0-4d3b-99e3-9fb8c9da1d56","article_id":"80438","title":"Henry Marshall Tory","summary":"Henry Marshall Tory, educator (b at Port Shoreham, NS 11 Jan 1864; d at Ottawa 6 Feb 1947).","body":"<h3>Tory, Henry Marshall<\/h3><p>Henry Marshall Tory, educator (b at Port Shoreham, NS 11 Jan 1864; d at Ottawa 6 Feb 1947). Awarded one of McGill's earliest doctoral degrees in science, Tory did not himself become a researcher but was the principal founder of several universities - UBC, U of A and Carleton - and of the <a href=\"\/article\/alberta-research-council\/\">ALBERTA RESEARCH COUNCIL<\/a> and the National Research Council Laboratories. <\/p> <p>Son of a Methodist minister, Tory trained for the ministry but was offered a teaching post at McGill after graduation. In 1905, when professor of mathematics, he was sent to BC to advise on the future of McGill's affiliated Vancouver and Victoria colleges, leading to the 1908 UBC Act. His tour of the West led to his appointment in 1908 as founding president of U of A, which he built into a lively institution, with both services (eg, a travelling rural library and radio station) and high standards of teaching and research. In 1917 he organized the <a href=\"\/article\/khaki-university\/\">KHAKI UNIVERSITY<\/a> for Canadian soldiers in England, and in 1919 was instrumental, with J.L. <a href=\"\/article\/jean-leon-cote\/\">C\u00d4T\u00c9<\/a>, in creating the organization that in 1921 became the Alberta Research Council. Appointed in 1923 to the <a href=\"\/article\/national-research-council-of-canada\/\">NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL<\/a>, Tory became its chairman within 6 months, apparently because no other member had faith in its political future. His first priority was persuading the government to build the national laboratories planned in 1919 but vetoed in 1921 through procedural confusion in Parliament. He succeeded in 1927 and the following year moved to Ottawa as the NRC's first full-time president. Tory was then 64 years old. <\/p> <p>Depression conditions frustrated Tory's ambition of making the NRC as vigorous an influence in Canada as the university had been in Alberta, but the laboratories were completed and staffed between 1928 and 1932 with about 50 scientists, the essential nucleus for the NRC's expansion in WWII. Though embittered by the manner of his 1935 retirement, Tory regarded the NRC Laboratories as his supreme achievement. At age 77 he headed the committee that opened Carleton College in 1942, serving as unpaid president and lecturer until his death. Throughout his life, Tory's main characteristic was enthusiasm. The promotion of science was his central theme, but his interests ranged from the League of Nations to the settlement of the Canadian Prairies. The most famous educator of his day, he was a controversial and proud man: but he had much to be proud of. <\/p>","slug":"henry-marshall-tory","alt_slug":null,"twitter_summary":null,"locale":"en","automated":false,"hidden":0,"views":0,"created_at":"2007-12-18T00:00:00.000000Z","updated_at":"2013-12-16T15:11:06.000000Z"},"media":[],"related_collections":[]},"related_articles":[{"id":"73667","author_text":"Wallace Laughton","revisor":null,"major_update":null,"trigger_warning":0,"views":0,"shares":0,"type":"article","itunes_songs":null,"indigo":null,"itunes_title_en":null,"itunes_title_fr":null,"indigo_title_en":null,"indigo_title_fr":null,"status":"published","schedule_from":null,"schedule_until":null,"created_at":"2007-08-07T00:00:00.000000Z","updated_at":"2017-06-10T23:04:20.000000Z","deleted_at":null,"title":"Brian McCool","slug":"brian-mccool-emc","alt_slug":null,"summary":"Brian (Samuel) McCool. Educator, administrator, conductor, b London, Ont, 20 Oct 1901, d Toronto 22 Jan 1982; BA (Toronto) 1923. He taught English, physical training, and classical languages in Toronto schools and was head 1928-39 of the music section at Harbord Collegiate, Toronto.","body":"<h3>Brian McCool<\/h3>\r\n<p>\r\n\t Brian (Samuel) McCool. Educator, administrator, conductor, b London, Ont, 20 Oct 1901, d Toronto 22 Jan 1982; BA (Toronto) 1923. He taught English, physical training, and classical languages in Toronto schools and was head 1928-39 of the music section at Harbord Collegiate, Toronto. Following distinguished military service in World War II, including his participation as principal landing officer at Dieppe, he was awarded the MBE.\r\n<\/p>\r\n<p>\r\n\t The Ontario Dept of Education appointed McCool assistant director of music in 1945 and he was vice-principal of its Summer Music School 1945-9 and principal 1956-70. He was a music professor 1948-9 at the Ontario College of Education and the music director 1959-68 for Ontario schools. Through the music branch of the Dept of Education, he organized concerts 1947-60 in 75 Ontario towns, in which more than 300 young performing artists (including <a href=\"\/article\/jon-vickers-emc\/\">Jon Vickers<\/a> and <a href=\"\/article\/lois-marshall-emc\/\">Lois Marshall<\/a>) gave and received invaluable musical experience.\r\n<\/p>\r\n<p>\r\n\t A man of prodigious energies, McCool engaged in many community activities. He was conductor 1945-8 of the Harmony Symphony Orchestra and assistant conductor of the <a href=\"\/article\/leslie-bell-singers-emc\/\">Leslie Bell Singers<\/a>. An ardent Gilbert &amp; Sullivan fan, he conducted over 100 productions of their works in the years 1932-70. He was also Ontario chairman 1945-9 of the Citizen's Forum and, after retirement, secretary for both the provincial and federal Boundaries Commissions. In 1974 he was awarded L'Ordre militaire et hospitalier de St-Lazare de J\u00e9rusalem. With <a href=\"\/article\/healey-willan-emc\/\">Healey Willan<\/a> he edited the 1951 edition of the <em>School and Community Song Book<\/em> (Toronto). In 1966 the Toronto <a href=\"\/article\/kiwanis-festivals-emc\/\">Kiwanis Festival<\/a> established the Brian S. McCool trophy to be awarded annually to the school accumulating the most points in choral, orchestral, and band classes.\r\n<\/p>","twitter_summary":null,"pivot":{"model_id":"80438","relatable_id":"73667","relatable_type":"App\\Models\\Article","position":0},"translations":[{"id":"9fce1902-33cf-49a4-8f16-9210618e2e39","article_id":"73667","title":"Brian McCool","summary":"Brian (Samuel) McCool. Educator, administrator, conductor, b London, Ont, 20 Oct 1901, d Toronto 22 Jan 1982; BA (Toronto) 1923. He taught English, physical training, and classical languages in Toronto schools and was head 1928-39 of the music section at Harbord Collegiate, Toronto.","body":"<h3>Brian McCool<\/h3>\r\n<p>\r\n\t Brian (Samuel) McCool. Educator, administrator, conductor, b London, Ont, 20 Oct 1901, d Toronto 22 Jan 1982; BA (Toronto) 1923. He taught English, physical training, and classical languages in Toronto schools and was head 1928-39 of the music section at Harbord Collegiate, Toronto. Following distinguished military service in World War II, including his participation as principal landing officer at Dieppe, he was awarded the MBE.\r\n<\/p>\r\n<p>\r\n\t The Ontario Dept of Education appointed McCool assistant director of music in 1945 and he was vice-principal of its Summer Music School 1945-9 and principal 1956-70. He was a music professor 1948-9 at the Ontario College of Education and the music director 1959-68 for Ontario schools. Through the music branch of the Dept of Education, he organized concerts 1947-60 in 75 Ontario towns, in which more than 300 young performing artists (including <a href=\"\/article\/jon-vickers-emc\/\">Jon Vickers<\/a> and <a href=\"\/article\/lois-marshall-emc\/\">Lois Marshall<\/a>) gave and received invaluable musical experience.\r\n<\/p>\r\n<p>\r\n\t A man of prodigious energies, McCool engaged in many community activities. He was conductor 1945-8 of the Harmony Symphony Orchestra and assistant conductor of the <a href=\"\/article\/leslie-bell-singers-emc\/\">Leslie Bell Singers<\/a>. An ardent Gilbert &amp; Sullivan fan, he conducted over 100 productions of their works in the years 1932-70. He was also Ontario chairman 1945-9 of the Citizen's Forum and, after retirement, secretary for both the provincial and federal Boundaries Commissions. In 1974 he was awarded L'Ordre militaire et hospitalier de St-Lazare de J\u00e9rusalem. With <a href=\"\/article\/healey-willan-emc\/\">Healey Willan<\/a> he edited the 1951 edition of the <em>School and Community Song Book<\/em> (Toronto). In 1966 the Toronto <a href=\"\/article\/kiwanis-festivals-emc\/\">Kiwanis Festival<\/a> established the Brian S. McCool trophy to be awarded annually to the school accumulating the most points in choral, orchestral, and band classes.\r\n<\/p>","slug":"brian-mccool-emc","alt_slug":null,"twitter_summary":null,"locale":"en","automated":false,"hidden":0,"views":0,"created_at":"2007-08-07T00:00:00.000000Z","updated_at":"2017-06-10T23:04:20.000000Z"},{"id":"c19b4009-8680-4ccc-b025-52a65188e7a5","article_id":"73667","title":"Brian McCool","summary":"Brian (Samuel) McCool. \u00c9ducateur, administrateur, chef d'orchestre (London, Ont., 20 octobre 1901 - Toronto, 22 janvier 1982). B.A. (Toronto) 1923. Il enseigna l'anglais, l'\u00e9ducation physique et les langues classiques dans des \u00e9coles de Toronto et fut dir. de la section musique du Harbord Collegiate (Toronto) de 1928 \u00e0 1939.","body":"<h3>Brian McCool<\/h3>\r\n<p>\r\n\t Brian (Samuel) McCool. \u00c9ducateur, administrateur, chef d'orchestre (London, Ont., 20 octobre 1901 - Toronto, 22 janvier 1982). B.A. (Toronto) 1923. Il enseigna l'anglais, l'\u00e9ducation physique et les langues classiques dans des \u00e9coles de Toronto et fut dir. de la section musique du Harbord Collegiate (Toronto) de 1928 \u00e0 1939. Apr\u00e8s une brillante carri\u00e8re militaire durant la Deuxi\u00e8me Guerre mondiale (il fut notamment principal officier d'appontage \u00e0 Dieppe), il fut re\u00e7u M.B.E. Le minist\u00e8re de l'\u00c9ducation de l'Ontario le nomma dir. adj. de la musique en 1945, vice-principal de son \u00e9cole de musique d'\u00e9t\u00e9 (1945-49) puis principal de cette derni\u00e8re (1956-70). Il fut prof. de musique \u00e0 l'Ontario College of Education (1948-49) et dir. mus. pour les \u00e9coles de l'Ontario (1959-68). De 1947 \u00e0 1960, par l'entremise de la section musique du minist\u00e8re de l'\u00c9ducation, il organisa des concerts dans 75 villes de l'Ontario, qui furent pour plus de 300 jeunes interpr\u00e8tes (dont <a href=\"\/article\/jon-vickers-emc\/\">Jon Vickers<\/a> et <a href=\"\/article\/lois-marshall-emc\/\">Lois Marshall<\/a>) l'occasion de participer \u00e0 des \u00e9changes qui devinrent une remarquable exp\u00e9rience musicale. Homme d'une prodigieuse \u00e9nergie, McCool s'impliqua dans plusieurs activit\u00e9s communautaires. Il fut chef d'orchestre de l'OS Harmony et dir. adj. des <a href=\"\/article\/leslie-bell-emc\/\">Leslie Bell<\/a> Singers. Fervent amateur de Gilbert et Sullivan, il dirigea plus de 100 productions de leurs oeuvres au cours des ann\u00e9es 1932-70. Il fut aussi pr\u00e9s. pour l'Ontario du Citizen's Forum (1945-49) et, apr\u00e8s sa retraite, il fut secr. des commissions des fronti\u00e8res, \u00e0 la fois pour les gouvernements provincial et f\u00e9d\u00e9ral. En 1974, il fut d\u00e9cor\u00e9 de l'Ordre militaire et hospitalier de Saint-Lazare de J\u00e9rusalem. Avec <a href=\"\/article\/healey-willan-emc\/\">Healey Willan<\/a>, il dirigea l'\u00e9dition de 1951 du <em>School and Community Song Book<\/em> (Toronto). En 1966, le <a href=\"\/article\/kiwanis-festivals-emc\/\">festival Kiwanis<\/a> de Toronto institua le troph\u00e9e Brian S. McCool attribu\u00e9 \u00e0 l'\u00e9cole accumulant le plus grand nombre de points dans les cat\u00e9gories chant choral, orchestre et harmonie.\r\n<\/p>","slug":"mccool-brian","alt_slug":null,"twitter_summary":null,"locale":"fr","automated":false,"hidden":0,"views":0,"created_at":"2007-08-07T00:00:00.000000Z","updated_at":"2017-06-10T23:04:20.000000Z"}]},{"id":"91074","author_text":null,"revisor":null,"major_update":null,"trigger_warning":0,"views":0,"shares":0,"type":"article","itunes_songs":null,"indigo":null,"itunes_title_en":null,"itunes_title_fr":null,"indigo_title_en":null,"indigo_title_fr":null,"status":"published","schedule_from":null,"schedule_until":null,"created_at":"2017-02-27T17:09:19.000000Z","updated_at":"2017-09-06T21:45:26.000000Z","deleted_at":null,"title":"Rural Teachers in Canada","slug":"rural-teachers-in-canada","alt_slug":null,"summary":"\u200bUp until the second half of the 19th century, most rural teachers in Canada were young, female, poorly paid, and held the most limited professional qualifications. These teachers delivered a rudimentary education to thousands of Canada\u2019s rural children, often amidst difficult conditions. Indeed, until the 1960s, rural teachers frequently taught students of various ages and wide-ranging academic abilities together in one-room schoolhouses while also shouldering the burden of maintaining the schools themselves.","body":"<div><img src='https:\/\/\/media\/media\/9332735d-2eb6-4e74-88bb-1694be3b9764.jpg' title='Meeting of the School Trustees' alt='Meeting of the School Trustees' \/><figcaption>Oil on canvas, 1885, by Robert Harris (courtesy National Gallery of Canada\/Mus\u00e9e des Beaux-Arts du Canada, Ottawa).<\/figcaption><\/div>\r\n<h3>Early Education and Administration<\/h3>\r\n<p>\r\n\t During the first half of the 19th century, Canadian teachers, tutors, and even schools themselves were accessible primarily to children of the <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/elites\/\">elite<\/a> and to those in urban areas. Most households in rural Canada preferred to educate their children in or around the home, providing them with practical training for careers in <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/forestry\/\">forestry<\/a>, farming, fishing, or homemaking. By the mid-19th century, promoters of state-supported schooling such as <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/egerton-ryerson\/\">Egerton Ryerson<\/a> in <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/ontario\/\">Ontario<\/a> and John Jessop in <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/british-columbia\/\">British Columbia<\/a> championed the idea that formally trained teachers and publically funded schools would help create social harmony while also opening up economic opportunities and fostering character building. One-room schoolhouses began to dot the landscape in rural Canada and from the mid-19th to the mid-20th Century a single teacher in a one-room school was the dominant form of <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/education\/\">education<\/a> for rural Canadian children. Colonial and later provincial Department of Education officials typically provided only minimal direction with regards to courses, textbooks, qualifications and administration, which meant that local boards of <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/school-trustee\/\">trustees<\/a> were left to handle most educational matters. Since trustees often controlled funding, the procurement of equipment and hiring decisions, rural teachers were often at their mercy.\r\n<\/p>\r\n<p>\r\n\t <strong><\/strong>\r\n<\/p>\r\n<div><img src='https:\/\/\/media\/media\/thumbnails\/25bf3c6a-5eb8-49c4-bd86-c56ad0169b35.jpg\" data-url=\"https:\/\/\/media\/media\/17059a5d-52bc-4699-a223-1ee3ca4ec8bf.jpg\" data=\"{&quot;url&quot;: &quot;https:\/\/\/media\/media\/17059a5d-52bc-4699-a223-1ee3ca4ec8bf.jpg&quot;, &quot;pk&quot;: 2332, &quot;model&quot;: &quot;;, &quot;content_class&quot;: &quot;image&quot;, &quot;fields&quot;: {&quot;source_fr&quot;: &quot;(avec la permission des Public Archives of Ontario\/S-2641)&quot;, &quot;source_en&quot;: &quot;(courtesy Public Archives of Ontario\/S-2641)&quot;, &quot;caption_fr&quot;: &quot;Egerton Ryerson, \\u00e0 l'origine de l'am\u00e9nagement des programmes canadiens, fait partie des fondateurs du syst\\u00e8me scolaire qui voient dans un syst\\u00e8me d'\u00e9ducation contr\\u00f4l\u00e9 par l'\\u00c9tat le principal moyen d'int\u00e9grer des \\u00ab \u00e9trangers \\u00bb.&quot;, &quot;title_en&quot;: &quot;Egerton Ryerson&quot;, &quot;caption_en&quot;: &quot;School promoters such as Egerton Ryerson, the founder of Canadian curriculum development, saw state-controlled schooling as the primary means of assimilating \\&quot;alien\\&quot; elements.&quot;, &quot;title_fr&quot;: &quot;Egerton Ryerson&quot;}' title='' alt='' \/><\/div>\r\n<p>\r\n\t There was no universal experience for rural teachers in Canada. Rather, age, gender, class, race, ethnicity, region and historical context shaped rural teachers\u2019 lives both inside and outside the classroom. Nevertheless, some commonalities emerged in terms of their training, their working conditions and the programs of study they offered to rural children from coast to coast.\r\n<\/p>\r\n<h3> Qualifications and Experience<\/h3>\r\n<p>\r\n\t In rural Canada, from the mid-19th to the 20th Century, the combination of relatively low student populations and small <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/tax\/\">tax<\/a>-bases meant that it was consistently difficult to afford sufficiently qualified teachers. Rural <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/school-boards\/\">school boards<\/a> generally preferred to keep schools open and employ inexperienced or underqualified teachers over closing them down entirely because no qualified teacher could be found. Few rural teachers undertook pedagogical training in teacher training centres called <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/normal-schools\/\">Normal Schools<\/a>, which first opened in large urban <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/british-north-america\/\">British North American<\/a> cities in the late 1840s and early 1850s. In fact, most rural teachers only had some combination of <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/high-school-secondary-school\/\">high school<\/a> work and a couple of months of professional training to prepare them for life in the classroom; some had no formal qualifications whatsoever and simply learned through observation and practice. Generally speaking, rural teachers held only the lowest-ranking teaching certifications or temporary permits to teach, which were issued by the boards or trustees. While their average number of years of teaching experience and their levels of qualification grew substantially from the 1920s onwards, rural teachers nevertheless consistently lagged behind their urban counterparts in terms of both qualification level and length of service.\r\n<\/p>\r\n<p>\r\n\t In general, rural teachers also had lower salaries than their urban colleagues; however, they often received room and board from a local parent or other community member. This bolstered their modest income and provided a degree of independence and social status in the community. Despite these benefits, rural teachers rarely lasted too long: high turnover rates were a defining characteristic among the young, unmarried female teachers, usually between 17 and 23, who dominated the position until the 1960s. While some teachers were dismissed for disciplinary reasons, most left on their own accord \u2013 some for urban schools, others for new careers, and others still because of the low pay. Perhaps the most important factor connected to their transiency and low wages \u2013 especially amongst women \u2013 was that their teaching was viewed as a temporary measure before leaving to marry, have children and work in their own homes.\r\n<\/p>\r\n<h3> School Buildings<\/h3>\r\n<p>\r\n\t Regardless of historical period or region, rural schools throughout Canada were generally simple buildings that reflected what local residents could afford and construct themselves. They were generally rectangular structures of wood, brick, or stone, consisting of a classroom and perhaps a cloakroom or closet for storage. Like most rural Canadian homes, the overwhelming majority of these schools did not have <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/electric-power\/\">electricity<\/a> or indoor plumbing, and were heated by wood stoves. The furnishings were minimal; teachers were generally equipped with a desk, some books and maps, a blackboard, chalk and brushes, a globe, a clock, a dictionary, a bell, a broom, a woodbox or coal bucket and a shovel for the stove.\r\n<\/p>\r\n<p>\r\n\t <strong><\/strong>\r\n<\/p>\r\n<div><img src='https:\/\/\/media\/media\/8b192352-63f2-4358-98bf-206f660e3b65.jpg' title='<em>School At Canoe Cove, P.E.I.<\/em>' alt='<em>School At Canoe Cove, P.E.I.<\/em>' \/><figcaption>Painting by Robert Harris, oil on canvas. This scene illustrates a Prince Edward Island one-room schoolhouse in the early 1900s, where children of various ages sat together and were instructed by one teacher (courtesy Confederation Centre Art Gallery\/CAGH-72).\\r\\n<\/figcaption><\/div>\r\n<p>\r\n\t The schools were often unsanitary and unsafe. Ventilation was inadequate, there was no running water, and since they were often built from wood and heated by an open furnace, the risk of fire was ever-present. In these unsanitary conditions, the risk of contracting a contagious <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/disease\/\">disease<\/a> such as diphtheria or typhoid was high, a situation that was exacerbated by factors such as overcrowding or when human waste seeped into the wells. The schoolyard usually consisted of a well, one or more outhouses, and woodpiles. In Western Canada, where many students rode horses to school, there were sometimes barns or stables on the school grounds as well. Only a very few had recreational equipment. Nevertheless, the one-room school was an important community hub for rural people. It served as site for dances and <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/christmas-music-emc\/\">Christmas concerts<\/a>, political speeches and polling stations, public examinations, fundraisers, church services and even weddings and <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/funeral-practices\/\">funerals<\/a>.\r\n<\/p>\r\n<h3> Curriculum<\/h3>\r\n<p>\r\n\t Despite all these uses, rural schools were primarily sites for education. Generally speaking, rural parents were eager to send their children to school because they provided not only the basic academic training they would need for success on or off the farm, but also for the social benefits and character building that were built into the <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/curriculum-development\/\">curriculum<\/a>. Notwithstanding, irregular student attendance remained a problem across rural Canada. Several factors limited children\u2019s ability to attend classes, including the need to help parents with their work (particularly in farming areas during harvest season), snowstorms and other poor <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/weather\/\">weather<\/a> conditions, and the sometimes long and arduous treks to school.\r\n<\/p>\r\n<p>\r\n\t <strong><\/strong>\r\n<\/p>\r\n<div class=\"slider\"><div class=\"bxslider\"><div><img src='https:\/\/\/media\/media\/ed692f1f-737a-4b8c-a846-b116f0eec226.jpg' title='Prairie School' alt='Prairie School' \/><figcaption>Coldridge School, circa 1905 (courtesy Saskatchewan Archives Board).<\/figcaption><\/div><div><img src='https:\/\/\/media\/media\/89ee2f01-3ae0-4ced-90d6-82374cc32c91.jpg' title=' Edmonton's first school built in 1881' alt=' Edmonton's first school built in 1881' \/><\/div><\/div><div class='bxslider-controls'><a href='#' class='bx-prev'>Previous<\/a><a href='#' class='bx-next'>Next<\/a><\/div><\/div>\r\n<p>\r\n\t When at school, most rural teachers focused on teaching educational basics such as reading, writing, arithmetic, spelling and <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/geography\/\">geography<\/a>. Organizing such lessons was challenging due to the differing ages and abilities of the children. In order to ensure that all students and subjects were addressed, teachers were forced to innovate. This meant that a lot of the time, they gave brief presentations to a particular group while other students worked on their own tasks or conferred with older students about their assignments. Rural teachers often held a number of responsibilities in addition to their teaching including lighting the wood stove early in the morning and keeping it going all day, cleaning the school, doing small repairs, supervising students on breaks and lunch and doing paperwork for trustees or school inspectors.\r\n<\/p>\r\n<h3> Decline of the One-Room School<\/h3>\r\n<p>\r\n\t Around the turn of the 20th century, rural one-room schoolhouses began to close. Educational promoters claimed that merging together many one-room schools into one larger building in a village or small town would help alleviate administrative burdens, improve cost efficiency, and provide a broader range of educational opportunities and higher quality instruction. Despite resentment from some parents about sending their children lengthier distances to receive their education in consolidated schools, the process was virtually complete by the 1960s. By then, the one-room schoolhouse was no longer a viable option for Canadian students, and with it marked the passing of the one-room schoolteacher.\r\n<\/p>\r\n<p>\r\n\t<em>See also<\/em> <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/children-education-and-the-law\/\">Children, Education and the Law<br>\r\n\t <\/a>\r\n<\/p>\r\n<iframe width=\"560\" height=\"315\" src=\"https:\/\/\/embed\/kqAgOOaJyLc?list=PL1848FF9428CA9A4A\" frameborder=\"0\" allowfullscreen=\"\">\r\n<\/iframe>","twitter_summary":null,"pivot":{"model_id":"80438","relatable_id":"91074","relatable_type":"App\\Models\\Article","position":0},"translations":[{"id":"8e3c0839-6d4e-443d-9cfb-1e4186d75528","article_id":"91074","title":"Rural Teachers in Canada","summary":"\u200bUp until the second half of the 19th century, most rural teachers in Canada were young, female, poorly paid, and held the most limited professional qualifications. These teachers delivered a rudimentary education to thousands of Canada\u2019s rural children, often amidst difficult conditions. Indeed, until the 1960s, rural teachers frequently taught students of various ages and wide-ranging academic abilities together in one-room schoolhouses while also shouldering the burden of maintaining the schools themselves.","body":"<div><img src='https:\/\/\/media\/media\/9332735d-2eb6-4e74-88bb-1694be3b9764.jpg' title='Meeting of the School Trustees' alt='Meeting of the School Trustees' \/><figcaption>Oil on canvas, 1885, by Robert Harris (courtesy National Gallery of Canada\/Mus\u00e9e des Beaux-Arts du Canada, Ottawa).<\/figcaption><\/div>\r\n<h3>Early Education and Administration<\/h3>\r\n<p>\r\n\t During the first half of the 19th century, Canadian teachers, tutors, and even schools themselves were accessible primarily to children of the <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/elites\/\">elite<\/a> and to those in urban areas. Most households in rural Canada preferred to educate their children in or around the home, providing them with practical training for careers in <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/forestry\/\">forestry<\/a>, farming, fishing, or homemaking. By the mid-19th century, promoters of state-supported schooling such as <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/egerton-ryerson\/\">Egerton Ryerson<\/a> in <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/ontario\/\">Ontario<\/a> and John Jessop in <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/british-columbia\/\">British Columbia<\/a> championed the idea that formally trained teachers and publically funded schools would help create social harmony while also opening up economic opportunities and fostering character building. One-room schoolhouses began to dot the landscape in rural Canada and from the mid-19th to the mid-20th Century a single teacher in a one-room school was the dominant form of <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/education\/\">education<\/a> for rural Canadian children. Colonial and later provincial Department of Education officials typically provided only minimal direction with regards to courses, textbooks, qualifications and administration, which meant that local boards of <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/school-trustee\/\">trustees<\/a> were left to handle most educational matters. Since trustees often controlled funding, the procurement of equipment and hiring decisions, rural teachers were often at their mercy.\r\n<\/p>\r\n<p>\r\n\t <strong><\/strong>\r\n<\/p>\r\n<div><img src='https:\/\/\/media\/media\/thumbnails\/25bf3c6a-5eb8-49c4-bd86-c56ad0169b35.jpg\" data-url=\"https:\/\/\/media\/media\/17059a5d-52bc-4699-a223-1ee3ca4ec8bf.jpg\" data=\"{&quot;url&quot;: &quot;https:\/\/\/media\/media\/17059a5d-52bc-4699-a223-1ee3ca4ec8bf.jpg&quot;, &quot;pk&quot;: 2332, &quot;model&quot;: &quot;;, &quot;content_class&quot;: &quot;image&quot;, &quot;fields&quot;: {&quot;source_fr&quot;: &quot;(avec la permission des Public Archives of Ontario\/S-2641)&quot;, &quot;source_en&quot;: &quot;(courtesy Public Archives of Ontario\/S-2641)&quot;, &quot;caption_fr&quot;: &quot;Egerton Ryerson, \\u00e0 l'origine de l'am\u00e9nagement des programmes canadiens, fait partie des fondateurs du syst\\u00e8me scolaire qui voient dans un syst\\u00e8me d'\u00e9ducation contr\\u00f4l\u00e9 par l'\\u00c9tat le principal moyen d'int\u00e9grer des \\u00ab \u00e9trangers \\u00bb.&quot;, &quot;title_en&quot;: &quot;Egerton Ryerson&quot;, &quot;caption_en&quot;: &quot;School promoters such as Egerton Ryerson, the founder of Canadian curriculum development, saw state-controlled schooling as the primary means of assimilating \\&quot;alien\\&quot; elements.&quot;, &quot;title_fr&quot;: &quot;Egerton Ryerson&quot;}' title='' alt='' \/><\/div>\r\n<p>\r\n\t There was no universal experience for rural teachers in Canada. Rather, age, gender, class, race, ethnicity, region and historical context shaped rural teachers\u2019 lives both inside and outside the classroom. Nevertheless, some commonalities emerged in terms of their training, their working conditions and the programs of study they offered to rural children from coast to coast.\r\n<\/p>\r\n<h3> Qualifications and Experience<\/h3>\r\n<p>\r\n\t In rural Canada, from the mid-19th to the 20th Century, the combination of relatively low student populations and small <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/tax\/\">tax<\/a>-bases meant that it was consistently difficult to afford sufficiently qualified teachers. Rural <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/school-boards\/\">school boards<\/a> generally preferred to keep schools open and employ inexperienced or underqualified teachers over closing them down entirely because no qualified teacher could be found. Few rural teachers undertook pedagogical training in teacher training centres called <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/normal-schools\/\">Normal Schools<\/a>, which first opened in large urban <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/british-north-america\/\">British North American<\/a> cities in the late 1840s and early 1850s. In fact, most rural teachers only had some combination of <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/high-school-secondary-school\/\">high school<\/a> work and a couple of months of professional training to prepare them for life in the classroom; some had no formal qualifications whatsoever and simply learned through observation and practice. Generally speaking, rural teachers held only the lowest-ranking teaching certifications or temporary permits to teach, which were issued by the boards or trustees. While their average number of years of teaching experience and their levels of qualification grew substantially from the 1920s onwards, rural teachers nevertheless consistently lagged behind their urban counterparts in terms of both qualification level and length of service.\r\n<\/p>\r\n<p>\r\n\t In general, rural teachers also had lower salaries than their urban colleagues; however, they often received room and board from a local parent or other community member. This bolstered their modest income and provided a degree of independence and social status in the community. Despite these benefits, rural teachers rarely lasted too long: high turnover rates were a defining characteristic among the young, unmarried female teachers, usually between 17 and 23, who dominated the position until the 1960s. While some teachers were dismissed for disciplinary reasons, most left on their own accord \u2013 some for urban schools, others for new careers, and others still because of the low pay. Perhaps the most important factor connected to their transiency and low wages \u2013 especially amongst women \u2013 was that their teaching was viewed as a temporary measure before leaving to marry, have children and work in their own homes.\r\n<\/p>\r\n<h3> School Buildings<\/h3>\r\n<p>\r\n\t Regardless of historical period or region, rural schools throughout Canada were generally simple buildings that reflected what local residents could afford and construct themselves. They were generally rectangular structures of wood, brick, or stone, consisting of a classroom and perhaps a cloakroom or closet for storage. Like most rural Canadian homes, the overwhelming majority of these schools did not have <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/electric-power\/\">electricity<\/a> or indoor plumbing, and were heated by wood stoves. The furnishings were minimal; teachers were generally equipped with a desk, some books and maps, a blackboard, chalk and brushes, a globe, a clock, a dictionary, a bell, a broom, a woodbox or coal bucket and a shovel for the stove.\r\n<\/p>\r\n<p>\r\n\t <strong><\/strong>\r\n<\/p>\r\n<div><img src='https:\/\/\/media\/media\/8b192352-63f2-4358-98bf-206f660e3b65.jpg' title='<em>School At Canoe Cove, P.E.I.<\/em>' alt='<em>School At Canoe Cove, P.E.I.<\/em>' \/><figcaption>Painting by Robert Harris, oil on canvas. This scene illustrates a Prince Edward Island one-room schoolhouse in the early 1900s, where children of various ages sat together and were instructed by one teacher (courtesy Confederation Centre Art Gallery\/CAGH-72).\\r\\n<\/figcaption><\/div>\r\n<p>\r\n\t The schools were often unsanitary and unsafe. Ventilation was inadequate, there was no running water, and since they were often built from wood and heated by an open furnace, the risk of fire was ever-present. In these unsanitary conditions, the risk of contracting a contagious <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/disease\/\">disease<\/a> such as diphtheria or typhoid was high, a situation that was exacerbated by factors such as overcrowding or when human waste seeped into the wells. The schoolyard usually consisted of a well, one or more outhouses, and woodpiles. In Western Canada, where many students rode horses to school, there were sometimes barns or stables on the school grounds as well. Only a very few had recreational equipment. Nevertheless, the one-room school was an important community hub for rural people. It served as site for dances and <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/christmas-music-emc\/\">Christmas concerts<\/a>, political speeches and polling stations, public examinations, fundraisers, church services and even weddings and <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/funeral-practices\/\">funerals<\/a>.\r\n<\/p>\r\n<h3> Curriculum<\/h3>\r\n<p>\r\n\t Despite all these uses, rural schools were primarily sites for education. Generally speaking, rural parents were eager to send their children to school because they provided not only the basic academic training they would need for success on or off the farm, but also for the social benefits and character building that were built into the <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/curriculum-development\/\">curriculum<\/a>. Notwithstanding, irregular student attendance remained a problem across rural Canada. Several factors limited children\u2019s ability to attend classes, including the need to help parents with their work (particularly in farming areas during harvest season), snowstorms and other poor <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/weather\/\">weather<\/a> conditions, and the sometimes long and arduous treks to school.\r\n<\/p>\r\n<p>\r\n\t <strong><\/strong>\r\n<\/p>\r\n<div class=\"slider\"><div class=\"bxslider\"><div><img src='https:\/\/\/media\/media\/ed692f1f-737a-4b8c-a846-b116f0eec226.jpg' title='Prairie School' alt='Prairie School' \/><figcaption>Coldridge School, circa 1905 (courtesy Saskatchewan Archives Board).<\/figcaption><\/div><div><img src='https:\/\/\/media\/media\/89ee2f01-3ae0-4ced-90d6-82374cc32c91.jpg' title=' Edmonton's first school built in 1881' alt=' Edmonton's first school built in 1881' \/><\/div><\/div><div class='bxslider-controls'><a href='#' class='bx-prev'>Previous<\/a><a href='#' class='bx-next'>Next<\/a><\/div><\/div>\r\n<p>\r\n\t When at school, most rural teachers focused on teaching educational basics such as reading, writing, arithmetic, spelling and <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/geography\/\">geography<\/a>. Organizing such lessons was challenging due to the differing ages and abilities of the children. In order to ensure that all students and subjects were addressed, teachers were forced to innovate. This meant that a lot of the time, they gave brief presentations to a particular group while other students worked on their own tasks or conferred with older students about their assignments. Rural teachers often held a number of responsibilities in addition to their teaching including lighting the wood stove early in the morning and keeping it going all day, cleaning the school, doing small repairs, supervising students on breaks and lunch and doing paperwork for trustees or school inspectors.\r\n<\/p>\r\n<h3> Decline of the One-Room School<\/h3>\r\n<p>\r\n\t Around the turn of the 20th century, rural one-room schoolhouses began to close. Educational promoters claimed that merging together many one-room schools into one larger building in a village or small town would help alleviate administrative burdens, improve cost efficiency, and provide a broader range of educational opportunities and higher quality instruction. Despite resentment from some parents about sending their children lengthier distances to receive their education in consolidated schools, the process was virtually complete by the 1960s. By then, the one-room schoolhouse was no longer a viable option for Canadian students, and with it marked the passing of the one-room schoolteacher.\r\n<\/p>\r\n<p>\r\n\t<em>See also<\/em> <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/children-education-and-the-law\/\">Children, Education and the Law<br>\r\n\t <\/a>\r\n<\/p>\r\n<iframe width=\"560\" height=\"315\" src=\"https:\/\/\/embed\/kqAgOOaJyLc?list=PL1848FF9428CA9A4A\" frameborder=\"0\" allowfullscreen=\"\">\r\n<\/iframe>","slug":"rural-teachers-in-canada","alt_slug":null,"twitter_summary":null,"locale":"en","automated":false,"hidden":0,"views":0,"created_at":"2017-02-27T17:09:19.000000Z","updated_at":"2017-09-06T21:45:26.000000Z"},{"id":"7365e56f-da6d-4e41-80c7-cdb8cb8d4657","article_id":"91074","title":"Enseignants en milieu rural au Canada","summary":"Jusqu\u2019\u00e0 la seconde moiti\u00e9 du XIXe si\u00e8cle, la plupart des enseignants en milieu rural au Canada \u00e9taient en fait de jeunes enseignantes, mal pay\u00e9es qui d\u00e9tenaient des qualifications professionnelles des plus limit\u00e9es. Elles fournissaient \u00e0 des milliers d\u2019enfants vivant en zone rurale une \u00e9ducation rudimentaire, souvent dans des conditions difficiles. En outre, jusqu\u2019aux ann\u00e9es 1960, en dehors des zones urbaines, les enseignants faisaient souvent la classe \u00e0 des \u00e9l\u00e8ves appartenant \u00e0 des groupes d\u2019\u00e2ge diff\u00e9rents, dot\u00e9s de capacit\u00e9s scolaires vari\u00e9es, dans le cadre d\u2019\u00e9coles compos\u00e9es d\u2019une pi\u00e8ce unique dont ils assuraient d\u2019ailleurs souvent eux m\u00eames l\u2019entretien.","body":"<div><img src='https:\/\/\/media\/media\/9332735d-2eb6-4e74-88bb-1694be3b9764.jpg' title=' Une rencontre des commissaires d'\u00e9cole' alt=' Une rencontre des commissaires d'\u00e9cole' \/><figcaption> Huile sur toile de Robert Harris, 1885 (avec la permission de la National Gallery of Canada\/Mus\u00e9e des Beaux-Arts du Canada, Ottawa).\\r\\n \\r\\n\\r\\n<\/figcaption><\/div>\r\n<h3>Premiers temps : \u00e9ducation et administration<\/h3>\r\n<p>\r\n\t Au Canada, durant la premi\u00e8re moiti\u00e9 du XIX<sup>e<\/sup> si\u00e8cle, la tr\u00e8s grande majorit\u00e9 des \u00e9l\u00e8ves ayant acc\u00e8s \u00e0 l\u2019enseignement de ma\u00eetres ou de tuteurs, voire simplement \u00e0 des \u00e9coles, sont les enfants de l\u2019<a href=\"https:\/\/\/fr\/article\/elites\/\">\u00e9lite<\/a> et ceux vivant en zones urbaines. La plupart des m\u00e9nages ruraux privil\u00e9gient, pour leurs enfants, une \u00e9ducation \u00e0 domicile ou non loin du foyer, leur fournissant une formation pratique qui les conduira vers les m\u00e9tiers de la <a href=\"https:\/\/\/fr\/article\/forestry\/\">sylviculture<\/a>, de l\u2019agriculture ou de la p\u00eache, voire, pour les filles, vers un r\u00f4le de m\u00e9nag\u00e8re. Au milieu du XIX<sup>e<\/sup> si\u00e8cle, des promoteurs de l\u2019enseignement public comme <a href=\"https:\/\/\/fr\/article\/egerton-ryerson\/\">Egerton Ryerson<\/a> en <a href=\"https:\/\/\/fr\/article\/ontario\/\">Ontario<\/a> et John Jessop en <a href=\"https:\/\/\/fr\/article\/british-columbia\/\">Colombie\u2011Britannique<\/a> d\u00e9fendent l\u2019id\u00e9e que des enseignants ayant re\u00e7u une formation formelle et des \u00e9coles financ\u00e9es par l\u2019\u00c9tat favoriseraient l\u2019harmonie sociale, tout en g\u00e9n\u00e9rant de nouvelles possibilit\u00e9s \u00e9conomiques et en forgeant des personnalit\u00e9s au caract\u00e8re plus marqu\u00e9. Les \u00e9coles \u00e0 classe unique se mettent alors \u00e0 prolif\u00e9rer et pars\u00e8ment bient\u00f4t la campagne canadienne. De la moiti\u00e9 du XIX<sup>e<\/sup> si\u00e8cle \u00e0 la moiti\u00e9 du XX<sup>e<\/sup> si\u00e8cle, ce type d\u2019\u00e9coles anim\u00e9es par un enseignant unique constitue ainsi le mod\u00e8le dominant d\u2019<a href=\"https:\/\/\/fr\/article\/education\/\">\u00e9ducation<\/a> pour les enfants canadiens vivant en milieu rural. \u00c0 l\u2019\u00e9chelon de la colonie comme, plus tard, \u00e0 l\u2019\u00e9chelon de chacune des provinces, les fonctionnaires du minist\u00e8re de l\u2019\u00c9ducation ne fournissent, en g\u00e9n\u00e9ral, que des orientations tr\u00e8s limit\u00e9es concernant le contenu des cours, les manuels scolaires, les qualifications et l\u2019administration, ce qui signifie qu\u2019il incombe aux <a href=\"https:\/\/\/fr\/article\/school-trustee\/\">conseillers scolaires<\/a>, membres des commissions locales, de g\u00e9rer la majorit\u00e9 des questions d\u2019\u00e9ducation. Dans un contexte o\u00f9 ce sont ces conseillers qui contr\u00f4lent le financement, l\u2019achat des \u00e9quipements et les d\u00e9cisions d\u2019embauche, les enseignants ruraux sont, la plupart du temps, \u00e0 leur merci.\r\n<\/p>\r\n<p>\r\n <strong><\/strong>\r\n<\/p>\r\n\r\n<div><img src='https:\/\/\/media\/media\/thumbnails\/25bf3c6a-5eb8-49c4-bd86-c56ad0169b35.jpg\" data-url=\"https:\/\/\/media\/media\/17059a5d-52bc-4699-a223-1ee3ca4ec8bf.jpg\" data=\"{&quot;url&quot;: &quot;https:\/\/\/media\/media\/17059a5d-52bc-4699-a223-1ee3ca4ec8bf.jpg&quot;, &quot;pk&quot;: 2332, &quot;model&quot;: &quot;;, &quot;content_class&quot;: &quot;image&quot;, &quot;fields&quot;: {&quot;source_fr&quot;: &quot;(avec la permission des Public Archives of Ontario\/S-2641)&quot;, &quot;source_en&quot;: &quot;(courtesy Public Archives of Ontario\/S-2641)&quot;, &quot;caption_fr&quot;: &quot;Egerton Ryerson, \\u00e0 l'origine de l'am\u00e9nagement des programmes canadiens, fait partie des fondateurs du syst\\u00e8me scolaire qui voient dans un syst\\u00e8me d'\u00e9ducation contr\\u00f4l\u00e9 par l'\\u00c9tat le principal moyen d'int\u00e9grer des \\u00ab \u00e9trangers \\u00bb.&quot;, &quot;title_en&quot;: &quot;Egerton Ryerson&quot;, &quot;caption_en&quot;: &quot;School promoters such as Egerton Ryerson, the founder of Canadian curriculum development, saw state-controlled schooling as the primary means of assimilating \\&quot;alien\\&quot; elements.&quot;, &quot;title_fr&quot;: &quot;Egerton Ryerson&quot;}' title='' alt='' \/><\/div>\r\n<p>\r\n\t Concr\u00e8tement, \u00e0 cette \u00e9poque, les exp\u00e9riences v\u00e9cues au Canada par ces enseignants sont extr\u00eamement vari\u00e9es : l\u2019\u00e2ge, le sexe, la classe sociale, la race, l\u2019ethnicit\u00e9, la r\u00e9gion et le contexte historique d\u00e9terminent leur vie, aussi bien en milieu scolaire qu\u2019\u00e0 l\u2019ext\u00e9rieur. N\u00e9anmoins, un certain nombre de points communs \u00e9mergent, notamment en mati\u00e8re de formation, de conditions de travail et de programmes d\u2019\u00e9tudes qu\u2019ils dispensent aux petits Canadiens et aux petites Canadiennes vivant en zone rurale d\u2019un oc\u00e9an \u00e0 l\u2019autre.\r\n<\/p>\r\n<h3>Qualifications et exp\u00e9rience<\/h3>\r\n<p>\r\n\t Du milieu du XIX<sup>e<\/sup> si\u00e8cle au XX<sup>e<\/sup> si\u00e8cle, le petit nombre des \u00e9l\u00e8ves et la faiblesse des ressources <a href=\"https:\/\/\/fr\/article\/tax\/\">fiscales<\/a> se traduisent r\u00e9guli\u00e8rement par des difficult\u00e9s \u00e0 pouvoir financer l\u2019embauche d\u2019enseignants suffisamment qualifi\u00e9s. Les <a href=\"https:\/\/\/fr\/article\/school-boards\/\">commissions scolaires<\/a> choisissent g\u00e9n\u00e9ralement de garder les \u00e9coles ouvertes et d\u2019employer des enseignants sans exp\u00e9rience ou sous\u2011qualifi\u00e9s, plut\u00f4t que de les fermer faute d\u2019avoir trouv\u00e9 un enseignant suffisamment comp\u00e9tent. En dehors des zones urbaines, seul un petit nombre d\u2019enseignants suit une formation p\u00e9dagogique dans des centres de formation des ma\u00eetres, appel\u00e9s <a href=\"https:\/\/\/fr\/article\/normal-schools\/\">\u00e9coles normales<\/a> qui ouvrent tout d\u2019abord, dans les grandes villes d\u2019<a href=\"https:\/\/\/fr\/article\/british-north-america\/\">Am\u00e9rique du Nord britannique<\/a> \u00e0 la fin des ann\u00e9es 1840 et au d\u00e9but des ann\u00e9es 1850. En fait, la plupart des enseignants en milieu rural ne peuvent s\u2019appuyer, pour se pr\u00e9parer \u00e0 l\u2019exercice de leur m\u00e9tier, que sur leur fr\u00e9quentation de l\u2019<a href=\"https:\/\/\/fr\/article\/high-school-secondary-school\/\">\u00e9cole secondaire<\/a> et sur une formation professionnelle r\u00e9duite de quelques mois. Certains d\u2019entre eux, ayant simplement appris par l\u2019observation et la pratique, n\u2019ont m\u00eame absolument aucune qualification professionnelle officielle. D\u2019une mani\u00e8re g\u00e9n\u00e9rale, ces enseignants ne sont titulaires que des certifications d\u2019enseignement du plus bas niveau ou de permis d\u2019enseignement temporaires \u00e9mis par les commissions scolaires ou par les conseillers. Bien que leur nombre moyen d\u2019ann\u00e9es d\u2019exp\u00e9rience dans l\u2019enseignement et leurs niveaux de qualification augmentent sensiblement \u00e0 partir des ann\u00e9es 1920, les enseignants ruraux continuent n\u00e9anmoins \u00e0 afficher, pour ces deux crit\u00e8res, un certain retard sur leurs homologues urbains.\r\n<\/p>\r\n<p>\r\n\t Ces diff\u00e9rences se traduisent \u00e9videmment par des \u00e9carts de r\u00e9mun\u00e9ration, att\u00e9nu\u00e9s toutefois par le fait que les enseignants en milieu rural sont souvent h\u00e9berg\u00e9s et nourris par un parent ou par un autre membre de la collectivit\u00e9 au sein de laquelle ils enseignent. Ces avantages leur permettent d\u2019accro\u00eetre un revenu par ailleurs assez modeste, les dotant d\u2019un certain degr\u00e9 d\u2019ind\u00e9pendance et d\u2019un statut social dans la communaut\u00e9 o\u00f9 ils vivent. Toutefois, en d\u00e9pit de ces \u00ab privil\u00e8ges \u00bb, les enseignants en milieu rural restent rarement en poste sur de longues p\u00e9riodes, le taux \u00e9lev\u00e9 de rotation du personnel constituant une caract\u00e9ristique marqu\u00e9e parmi la population des jeunes ma\u00eetresses d\u2019\u00e9cole c\u00e9libataires, habituellement \u00e2g\u00e9es de 17 \u00e0 23 ans, qui, jusque dans les ann\u00e9es 1960, repr\u00e9sente la majorit\u00e9 des titulaires de ces postes. Si certains de ces d\u00e9parts font suite \u00e0 des licenciements pour des raisons disciplinaires, la plupart de ces ma\u00eetresses (et ma\u00eetres) d\u2019\u00e9cole partent de leur plein gr\u00e9, soit pour int\u00e9grer des \u00e9coles en milieu urbain, soit pour embrasser une nouvelle carri\u00e8re, soit parce que le salaire est v\u00e9ritablement trop faible. Toutefois, il semble que cette mobilit\u00e9 importante et la faiblesse du niveau de r\u00e9mun\u00e9ration, particuli\u00e8rement chez les femmes, <a>soit<\/a> essentiellement li\u00e9es \u00e0 la perception que cette activit\u00e9 d\u2019enseignement constitue pour elles une activit\u00e9 temporaire avant qu\u2019elles ne se marient, n\u2019aient des enfants et n\u2019occupent leur \u00ab poste d\u00e9finitif \u00bb de femme au foyer au sein de la soci\u00e9t\u00e9.\r\n<\/p>\r\n<h3>B\u00e2timents scolaires<\/h3>\r\n<p>\r\n\t Quelles que soient la p\u00e9riode ou la r\u00e9gion, les \u00e9coles rurales, partout au pays, sont souvent de simples b\u00e2timents refl\u00e9tant les moyens financiers de la population et ses propres capacit\u00e9s de construction. Il s\u2019agit g\u00e9n\u00e9ralement de structures rectangulaires en bois, en briques ou en pierres compos\u00e9es d\u2019une salle de classe unique et \u00e9ventuellement de toilettes et d\u2019une petite pi\u00e8ce de rangement. \u00c0 l\u2019image de la plupart des habitations rurales au Canada, l\u2019immense majorit\u00e9 de ces \u00e9coles ne disposent ni d\u2019<a href=\"https:\/\/\/fr\/article\/electric-power\/\">\u00e9lectricit\u00e9<\/a> ni de plomberie int\u00e9rieure et sont chauff\u00e9es au moyen de po\u00eales \u00e0 bois. L\u2019ameublement est r\u00e9duit \u00e0 sa plus simple expression. Les enseignants disposent g\u00e9n\u00e9ralement d\u2019un bureau, de quelques livres, de cartes, d\u2019un tableau noir, de craies, de brosses, d\u2019un globe terrestre, d\u2019une horloge, d\u2019un dictionnaire, d\u2019une cloche, d\u2019un balai, d\u2019un coffre en bois ou d\u2019un seau \u00e0 charbon et d\u2019une pelle pour le po\u00eale.\r\n<\/p>\r\n<p>\r\n <strong><\/strong>\r\n<\/p>\r\n\r\n<div><img src='https:\/\/\/media\/media\/8b192352-63f2-4358-98bf-206f660e3b65.jpg' title='' alt='' \/><\/div>\r\n<p>\r\n\t <span style=\"background-color: initial;\">Ces \u00e9coles sont souvent insalubres et dangereuses. La ventilation y est insuffisante, il n\u2019y a pas d\u2019eau courante, et, comme elles sont la plupart du temps construites en bois et chauff\u00e9es avec un po\u00eale ouvert, le risque d\u2019incendie y est permanent. Dans de telles conditions d\u2019insalubrit\u00e9, il y a un risque \u00e9lev\u00e9 de contracter des <\/span><a href=\"https:\/\/\/fr\/article\/disease\/\" style=\"background-color: initial;\">maladies<\/a><span style=\"background-color: initial;\"> contagieuses comme la dipht\u00e9rie ou la typho\u00efde, une situation encore exacerb\u00e9e par des facteurs comme un trop grand nombre d\u2019enfants cohabitant pour les capacit\u00e9s de l\u2019\u00e9cole ou l\u2019infiltration des vidanges dans les puits d\u2019eau. Dans la cour de l\u2019\u00e9cole, on trouve habituellement un puits, une ou plusieurs d\u00e9pendances et des tas de bois. Dans l\u2019Ouest canadien, o\u00f9 de nombreux \u00e9l\u00e8ves se rendent \u00e0 l\u2019\u00e9cole \u00e0 cheval, on trouve parfois \u00e9galement des granges ou des \u00e9tables sur le terrain de l\u2019\u00e9cole. Seules quelques rares \u00e9coles sont dot\u00e9es d\u2019\u00e9quipements de loisirs. En d\u00e9pit de tout cela, l\u2019\u00e9cole \u00e0 classe unique demeure un carrefour communautaire important pour ces populations locales. Elles servent de bureau de vote et on y organise des bals, des <\/span><a href=\"https:\/\/\/fr\/article\/christmas-music-emc\/\" style=\"background-color: initial;\">concerts de No\u00ebl<\/a><span style=\"background-color: initial;\">, des r\u00e9unions politiques, des examens publics, des collectes de fonds, des services religieux et m\u00eame des mariages et des <\/span><a href=\"https:\/\/\/fr\/article\/funeral-practices\/\" style=\"background-color: initial;\">fun\u00e9railles<\/a><span style=\"background-color: initial;\">.<\/span>\r\n<\/p>\r\n<h3>Programmes scolaires<\/h3>\r\n<p>\r\n\t En d\u00e9pit de toutes ces activit\u00e9s compl\u00e9mentaires, les \u00e9coles demeurent essentiellement des lieux d\u2019\u00e9ducation. D\u2019une fa\u00e7on g\u00e9n\u00e9rale, les parents vivant en milieu rural sont d\u00e9sireux d\u2019envoyer leurs enfants \u00e0 l\u2019\u00e9cole non seulement pour la formation scolaire de base dont ils auront besoin pour r\u00e9ussir, \u00e0 la ferme ou ailleurs, mais \u00e9galement pour les avantages que procure le <a href=\"https:\/\/\/fr\/article\/curriculum-development\/\">programme d\u2019\u00e9tudes<\/a> en mati\u00e8re de capacit\u00e9s de socialisation et de construction du caract\u00e8re. Toutefois, la fr\u00e9quentation irr\u00e9guli\u00e8re de l\u2019\u00e9cole demeure un probl\u00e8me r\u00e9current dans toutes les r\u00e9gions rurales du Canada. Plusieurs facteurs concourent \u00e0 limiter la pr\u00e9sence des \u00e9l\u00e8ves \u00e0 l\u2019\u00e9cole, notamment la n\u00e9cessit\u00e9 d\u2019aider les parents dans leur travail \u2014 particuli\u00e8rement dans les r\u00e9gions agricoles lors de la saison des r\u00e9coltes \u2014, les temp\u00eates de neige ou d\u2019autres conditions <a href=\"https:\/\/\/fr\/article\/weather\/\">m\u00e9t\u00e9orologiques<\/a> difficiles ainsi que les trajets parfois longs et p\u00e9rilleux qu\u2019ils doivent entreprendre pour s\u2019y rendre.\r\n<\/p>\r\n<p>\r\n <strong><\/strong>\r\n<\/p>\r\n\r\n<div class=\"slider\"><div class=\"bxslider\"><div><img src='https:\/\/\/media\/media\/ed692f1f-737a-4b8c-a846-b116f0eec226.jpg' title='Prairies, \u00e9cole des' alt='Prairies, \u00e9cole des' \/><figcaption>\u00c9cole de Coldridge, vers 1905 (avec la permission du Saskatchewan Archives Board).<\/figcaption><\/div><div><img src='https:\/\/\/media\/media\/89ee2f01-3ae0-4ced-90d6-82374cc32c91.jpg' title='La premi\u00e8re \u00e9cole d'Edmonton, construite en 1881. ' alt='La premi\u00e8re \u00e9cole d'Edmonton, construite en 1881. ' \/><\/div><\/div><div class='bxslider-controls'><a href='#' class='bx-prev'>Pr\u00e9c\u00e9dent<\/a><a href='#' class='bx-next'>Suivant<\/a><\/div><\/div>\r\n<p>\r\n\t <span style=\"background-color: initial;\">\u00c0 l\u2019\u00e9cole, la plupart des enseignants ruraux mettent l\u2019accent sur les fondamentaux que sont la lecture, l\u2019\u00e9criture, l\u2019arithm\u00e9tique, l\u2019orthographe et la <\/span><a href=\"https:\/\/\/fr\/article\/geography\/\" style=\"background-color: initial;\">g\u00e9ographie<\/a><span style=\"background-color: initial;\">. L\u2019organisation concr\u00e8te de le\u00e7ons de ce type est toutefois rendue difficile, dans ces \u00e9coles \u00e0 classe unique, par la diversit\u00e9 des \u00e2ges et des capacit\u00e9s des enfants. Dans ce contexte, afin de veiller \u00e0 ce que tous les \u00e9l\u00e8ves soient concern\u00e9s et \u00e0 ce que tous les sujets soient trait\u00e9s, les enseignants sont contraints d\u2019innover. Cela signifie qu\u2019ils doivent faire preuve de capacit\u00e9s de parall\u00e9lisation, effectuant, par exemple, une br\u00e8ve pr\u00e9sentation \u00e0 l\u2019intention d\u2019un groupe donn\u00e9, tandis que d\u2019autres \u00e9l\u00e8ves s\u2019adonnent \u00e0 des t\u00e2ches qui leur sont propres ou \u00e9changent avec des enfants plus \u00e2g\u00e9s sur le travail que l\u2019enseignant leur a demand\u00e9. Outre leurs fonctions \u00e9ducatives <\/span><em style=\"background-color: initial;\">stricto sensu<\/em><span style=\"background-color: initial;\">, ces enseignants en milieu rural assument souvent un certain nombre d\u2019autres responsabilit\u00e9s, notamment l\u2019allumage du po\u00eale \u00e0 bois t\u00f4t le matin et son maintien en fonctionnement toute la journ\u00e9e, le nettoyage de l\u2019\u00e9cole, la r\u00e9alisation de petites r\u00e9parations, la supervision des \u00e9l\u00e8ves lors des r\u00e9cr\u00e9ations et pour le d\u00eener ainsi que le travail administratif \u00e0 l\u2019intention des conseillers et des inspecteurs scolaires.<\/span>\r\n<\/p>\r\n<h3>D\u00e9clin de l\u2019\u00e9cole \u00e0 classe unique<\/h3>\r\n<p>\r\n\t Au tournant du XX<sup>e<\/sup> si\u00e8cle, on commence \u00e0 assister \u00e0 la fermeture des \u00e9coles \u00e0 classe unique en milieu rural. Les promoteurs de l\u2019\u00e9ducation pr\u00e9tendent que la fusion de plusieurs \u00e9coles \u00e0 classe unique dans un seul b\u00e2timent situ\u00e9 dans un village ou dans une petite ville permet de r\u00e9duire la charge administrative, d\u2019am\u00e9liorer l\u2019efficacit\u00e9 \u00e9conomique, d\u2019offrir aux enfants un spectre plus large de possibilit\u00e9s \u00e9ducatives et de fournir une instruction de meilleure qualit\u00e9. Bien que certains parents ren\u00e2clent \u00e0 envoyer leurs enfants dans ces nouvelles \u00e9coles regroup\u00e9es, ce qui les obligerait \u00e0 parcourir un trajet encore plus long, ce processus est pratiquement achev\u00e9 d\u00e8s les ann\u00e9es 1960. \u00c0 cette \u00e9poque, les \u00e9coles \u00e0 classe unique ne sont d\u00e9j\u00e0 plus une solution envisageable pour les \u00e9l\u00e8ves canadiens et, avec elles, ce sont \u00e9galement les enseignants en classe unique qui disparaissent.\r\n<\/p>\r\n<p>\r\n\t <em>Voir \u00e9galement l\u2019article <\/em><a href=\"https:\/\/\/fr\/article\/children-education-and-the-law\/\">Enfants, \u00e9ducation et loi<\/a>.\r\n<\/p>","slug":"rural-teachers-in-canada","alt_slug":null,"twitter_summary":null,"locale":"fr","automated":false,"hidden":0,"views":0,"created_at":"2017-02-27T17:09:19.000000Z","updated_at":"2017-09-06T21:45:26.000000Z"}]},{"id":"91128","author_text":"","revisor":"","major_update":null,"trigger_warning":0,"views":0,"shares":0,"type":"article","itunes_songs":"","indigo":"<script language=\"javascript\" src=\"https:\/\/\/widget-5a8c7d9f94c123dce4fea894-7406579?target=_top&mouseover=Y\" type=\"text\/javascript\"><\/script>","itunes_title_en":"","itunes_title_fr":"","indigo_title_en":"Read More \/\/ Wab Kinew","indigo_title_fr":"","status":"published","schedule_from":null,"schedule_until":null,"created_at":"2017-05-24T19:48:16.000000Z","updated_at":"2019-09-18T20:32:35.000000Z","deleted_at":null,"title":"Wab Kinew","slug":"wab-kinew","alt_slug":"","summary":"Wabanakwut Kinew, premier of Manitoba 2023-present, hip hop artist, broadcaster, university administrator, author, politician (born 31 December 1981 in Kenora, ON). An Ojibwa activist and public intellectual, Wab Kinew began his career as a musician and\r\nrapper with the hip hop group Dead Indians. He gained national attention through his radio and television journalism for the CBC, including 8th Fire, a television series on Indigenous issues. Kinew\u2019s 2015 memoir, The Reason You Walk, was a national bestseller\r\nand finalist for the RBC Taylor Prize. Kinew was elected to the Manitoba legislature in 2016, despite controversial tweets and rap lyrics that dogged his campaign. Similarly, revelations of stayed domestic assault charges from 2003 threatened to derail\r\nhis bid to become leader of the Manitoba New Democratic Party, though he was named leader in September 2017. In 2023, Kinew became the premier of Manitoba.","body":"<div><img src=\"https:\/\/\/media\/media\/7817719e-eeb8-4eb7-8bb8-71a799ddd247.jpg\" title=\"Wab Kinew\" alt=\"Wab Kinew\">\r\n<\/div>\r\n\r\n<h3>Early Years and Education<\/h3>\r\n\r\n<p>Wab Kinew was born in 1981 to Kathi Avery Kinew, a policy analyst, and Tobasonakwut Kinew, a former Northern Ontario regional chief, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/residential-schools\/\">residential school<\/a> survivor and educator.\r\n\tKinew spent his early years on the Onigaming First Nation in Northern Ontario and attended an Anishinaabe immersion preschool before moving with his family to <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/winnipeg\/\">Winnipeg<\/a>, where he\r\n\twent to elementary school. Kinew grew up largely in a south Winnipeg suburb and attended Coll\u00e8ge B\u00e9liveau, a French immersion high school. His father encouraged him to pursue public speaking opportunities, and as a child, he testified before the <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/royal-commission-on-aboriginal-peoples\/\">Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples<\/a>\tabout his Anishinaabe school experience.<\/p>\r\n\r\n<p>\r\n\tKinew declined an academic scholarship from an American university in order to stay close to his family and their Anishinaabe roots, and completed an economics degree at the <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/university-of-manitoba\/\">University of Manitoba<\/a>\tin 2003. It was at university that Kinew, by his own admission, got \u201ccaught up in the party lifestyle.\u201d He experimented with drugs, got into fist fights and was convicted of <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/impaired-driving\/\">drunk driving<\/a>\tin 2003. The following year, Kinew pleaded guilty to assaulting a cab driver after trying to evade a fare. Kinew entered <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/alcoholism\/\">Alcoholics Anonymous<\/a> and turned to his Anishinaabe traditions.\r\n\tHowever, he continued to drift for several years, taking temporary jobs in warehouses, on construction sites or doing contract research for <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/first-nations\/\">First Nations<\/a> organizations.<\/p>\r\n\r\n<h3>Music Career<\/h3>\r\n\r\n<p>\r\n\tIn the late-1990s, Wab Kinew and several friends formed the <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/rap-emc\/\">rap<\/a> group Dead Indians. Though they never released a full-length album, the group toured North America and became well-known\r\n\tamong Indigenous youth via social media. The Dead Indians largely stopped performing together in 2008.<\/p>\r\n\r\n<iframe width=\"640\" height=\"360\" src=\"https:\/\/\/embed\/ghVHNrNbpII\" frameborder=\"0\" allowfullscreen=\"\">\r\n<\/iframe>\r\n<br>\r\n\r\n<p>\r\n\tIn 2009, Kinew released the solo hip hop album <em>Live by the Drum<\/em>, named after a successful CBC Radio show that he hosted. The album won the award for best rap\/hip hop album at the Aboriginal Peoples Choice Music Awards (now the <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/canadian-aboriginal-music-awards-emc\/\">Indigenous Music Awards<\/a>).\r\n\tThe following year, he released <em>Mide-Sun<\/em> (2010), his second solo hip hop album. Lyrics from these two albums would resurface and cause controversy several years later when Kinew entered politics.<\/p>\r\n\r\n<h3>Journalism and Activism<\/h3>\r\n\r\n<p>In late 2005, Wab Kinew wrote a letter to the editor about Canada\u2019s Olympic hockey team that was published in the <em><a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/winnipeg-free-press\/\">Winnipeg Free Press<\/a>. <\/em>This caught the attention\r\n\tof a CBC Radio producer and he began working for CBC Manitoba as an associate producer. He later moved into television reporting and also hosted the weekly radio arts program called <em>The 204<\/em>.<\/p>\r\n\r\n<p>\r\n\tIn 2012, Kinew emerged on the national stage as the host of the CBC TV series <em>8th Fire<\/em>, which explored the relationship between <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/aboriginal-people\/\">Indigenous<\/a> and non-Indigenous\r\n\tCanadians. Also that year, Kinew left the CBC to join the <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/university-of-winnipeg\/\">University of Winnipeg<\/a> as the school\u2019s first director of Indigenous inclusion. Later, he became the university\u2019s\r\n\tassociate vice-president for Indigenous relations, but his role at the university did not hinder his growing national profile, or his broadcast career. While still at the university, Kinew also worked as a correspondent with Al Jazeera America for the\r\n\tdocumentary series <em>Fault Lines<\/em>.<\/p>\r\n\r\n<iframe width=\"640\" height=\"360\" src=\"https:\/\/\/embed\/L7LY-fXzhZI\" frameborder=\"0\" allowfullscreen=\"\">\r\n<\/iframe>\r\n<br>\r\n\r\n<p>\r\n\tIn 2014, Kinew championed the winning entry in CBC's <em><a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/canada-reads\/\">Canada Reads<\/a><\/em> competition, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/search\/?keyword=joseph%20boyden\">Joseph Boyden's<\/a>\t<em>The Orenda<\/em>. During the debate, Kinew sparred with such rivals as <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/stephen-henry-lewis\/\">Stephen Lewis<\/a>, with whom Kinew had a spirited debate about the graphic depiction of the Anishinaabe\r\n\ttradition of the sundance in Boyden\u2019s novel. The following year, the CBC chose Kinew to host the 2015 edition of <em>Canada Reads<\/em>. He was also among the contenders to host CBC Radio\u2019s <em>Q <\/em>following the departure of <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/jian-ghomeshi\/\">Jian Ghomeshi<\/a>,\r\n\tand he memorably hijacked the <em>George Stroumboulopoulos Tonight<\/em> show with an impromptu round dance flash mob during the wave of <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/idle-no-more\/\">Idle No More<\/a> protests across Canada.<\/p>\r\n\r\n<p>\r\n\tIn 2015, Kinew authored a memoir largely about his often-fraught relationship with his father, who was dying of <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/cancer\/\">cancer<\/a>, and his exploration of his Anishinaabe culture. Following\r\n\tthe book\u2019s publication, Kinew became an even more frequent lecturer and media commentator. He also served as the first chairman of Winnipeg Mayor <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/brian-bowman\/\">Brian Bowman<\/a>\u2019s Indigenous\r\n\tadvisory circle, created in the aftermath of a <em><a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/macleans\/\">Maclean\u2019s<\/a> <\/em>magazine article naming Winnipeg as Canada\u2019s most <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/racism\/\">racist<\/a>\tcity (<em>see also<\/em> <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/prejudice-and-discrimination\/\">Prejudice and Discrimination in Canada<\/a>).<\/p>\r\n\r\n<h3>Career in Politics<\/h3>\r\n\r\n<div class=\"slider\">\r\n\t<div class=\"bxslider\">\r\n\t\t<div><img src=\"https:\/\/\/WabKinew\/CP168585684_resized.jpg\" title=\"Wab Kinew Gives Victory Speech After 2023 Election\" alt=\"Wab Kinew Gives Victory Speech After 2023 Election\"><\/div>\r\n\t\t<div><img src=\"https:\/\/\/WabKinew\/CP168754917_resized.jpg\" title=\"Wab Kinew Performs a Pipe Ceremony at Swearing-In Ceremony\" alt=\"Wab Kinew Performs a Pipe Ceremony at Swearing-In Ceremony\"><\/div>\r\n\t<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n\r\n<p>\r\n\tIn 2015, it was rumored that Wab Kinew, who had long been open about his political ambitions, was interested in running for the <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/liberal-party\/\">Liberal Party<\/a> in the riding of Winnipeg Centre\r\n\tin the federal election. However, Kinew chose provincial politics to make his debut. In February 2016, he announced he would seek the <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/new-democratic-party\/\">NDP<\/a> nomination in the urban Winnipeg\r\n\triding of Fort Rouge, a safe NDP seat. The race was widely watched, in part because Kinew\u2019s main rival was provincial Liberal leader Rana Bokhari. In the general election on 19 April, Kinew won easily with 37 per cent of the vote. Bokhari placed third\r\n\tbehind the <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/conservative-party\/\">Progressive Conservative<\/a> candidate with 20 per cent of the vote.<\/p>\r\n\r\n<p>\r\n\tThough Kinew won his seat, the NDP lost the provincial election, and leader <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/gregory-selinger\/\">Greg Selinger<\/a> resigned on election night. With the party in disarray, Kinew emerged through\r\n\t2016 as one of the opposition party\u2019s most effective members. In April 2017, Kinew announced his intention to seek the leadership of the provincial NDP. His past came to haunt him once again during the campaign. A month before the final vote, an email\r\n\twas leaked to media claiming that Kinew was hiding details of his criminal background, including two charges of domestic assault in 2003. Kinew countered that the charges in question were investigated but eventually dropped. A second email claimed that\r\n\tKinew had been convicted of seven crimes, including theft under $5,000 for cashing a cheque that wasn\u2019t his. However, these were also charges, not convictions, all of which were dropped. Kinew reiterated that he had received pardons for his past criminal\r\n\tconvictions in 2015.<\/p>\r\n\r\n<p>\r\n\tEventually, and despite much controversy, Kinew was elected leader of the Manitoba NDP on 16 September 2017, defeating rival Steve Ashton by nearly a 3\u20131 margin. Following the victory, Kinew told the media, \u201cOne of the things that I\u2019ve begun to understand\r\n\tover the past few days is, it\u2019s not going to be up to me as to when people are done having those questions answered, so I\u2019ll continue to show up and continue to speak about it.\u201d<\/p>\r\n\r\n<p>During the 2019 provincial election campaign, Premier Brian Pallister and the Progressive Conservatives focused on Kinew\u2019s past. Despite this attack, Kinew kept his seat in Fort Rouge. Moreover, the NDP gained four seats in the election, winning 18 seats\r\n\tin the 57-seat legislature. Kinew and his party were optimistic about the election results. \u201cI think Manitobans sent a very, very strong message, and the seats that we took back made it very clear that Manitobans want us, the New Democrats, to not only\r\n\tbe the conscience of Manitoba, not only to be the opposition of Manitoba, but to be the progressive voice for Manitoba.\u201d<\/p>\r\n\r\n<p>\r\n\tIn the 2023 provincial election, Kinew led the Manitoba NDP to a majority victory. As a result, he became the first First Nations premier of a province in Canada.<\/p>\r\n\r\n<h3>Controversies<\/h3>\r\n\r\n<p>\r\n\tIn addition to <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/criminal-code\/\">criminal<\/a> convictions for <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/impaired-driving\/\">impaired driving<\/a> and assault, Wab Kinew\u2019s <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/rap-emc\/\">rap<\/a>\tsongs and Twitter account also became the focus of controversy. Though he was viewed as a star candidate for the NDP in the 2016 election, his campaign was jolted when his earlier lyrics and tweets resurfaced. Among them were tweets referring to \u201cfat\r\n\tchicks\u201d and suggesting jiu-jitsu is \u201cgay.\u201d He also tweeted \u201cRiding in my limo back to my king sized sweet [sic] feeling really bad for those kids in Attawapiskat. #haha #terrible #inative\u201d<\/p>\r\n\r\n<p>\r\n\tKinew first apologized for the misogynistic and homophobic rap lyrics in his memoir and at the <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/canadian-aboriginal-music-awards-emc\/\">Indigenous Music Awards<\/a> in 2014. Later, at a press conference\r\n\tduring his first campaign, flanked by Selinger and several NDP <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/members-of-provincial-legislatures\/\">MLAs<\/a>, Kinew apologized again for the comments. He noted in particular the tweet related\r\n\tto Attawapiskat was meant as satire to highlight his own privilege. However, the controversy consumed much of his campaign. Kinew was also drawn into the <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/joseph-boyden\/\">Joseph Boyden<\/a> affair,\r\n\toffering a careful defence of his friend following accusations that Boyden overstated and possibly falsified his Indigenous heritage.<\/p>\r\n\r\n<h3>Personal Life<\/h3>\r\n\r\n<p>\r\n\tKinew married physician Lisa Monkman in 2014 and has two sons from a previous relationship. He is a member of the <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/midewiwin\/\">Midewiwin<\/a>, the Anishinaabe society of healers and spiritual leaders.<\/p>\r\n\r\n<h3>Awards<\/h3>\r\n\r\n<ul>\r\n\t<li>Best Rap or Hip Hop Album (<em>Live by the Drum<\/em>), Aboriginal Peoples Choice Music Awards (now the <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/canadian-aboriginal-music-awards-emc\/\">Indigenous Music Awards<\/a>) (2009).<\/li>\r\n\t<li>Honorary Degree, DLitt, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/cape-breton-university\/\">Cape Breton University<\/a> (2014)<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>","twitter_summary":null,"pivot":{"model_id":"80438","relatable_id":"91128","relatable_type":"App\\Models\\Article","position":0},"translations":[{"id":"0ed5cf7b-a345-4a67-9743-dfa212079c47","article_id":"91128","title":"Wab Kinew","summary":"Wabanakwut Kinew, premier of Manitoba 2023-present, hip hop artist, broadcaster, university administrator, author, politician (born 31 December 1981 in Kenora, ON). An Ojibwa activist and public intellectual, Wab Kinew began his career as a musician and\r\nrapper with the hip hop group Dead Indians. He gained national attention through his radio and television journalism for the CBC, including 8th Fire, a television series on Indigenous issues. Kinew\u2019s 2015 memoir, The Reason You Walk, was a national bestseller\r\nand finalist for the RBC Taylor Prize. Kinew was elected to the Manitoba legislature in 2016, despite controversial tweets and rap lyrics that dogged his campaign. Similarly, revelations of stayed domestic assault charges from 2003 threatened to derail\r\nhis bid to become leader of the Manitoba New Democratic Party, though he was named leader in September 2017. In 2023, Kinew became the premier of Manitoba.","body":"<div><img src=\"https:\/\/\/media\/media\/7817719e-eeb8-4eb7-8bb8-71a799ddd247.jpg\" title=\"Wab Kinew\" alt=\"Wab Kinew\">\r\n<\/div>\r\n\r\n<h3>Early Years and Education<\/h3>\r\n\r\n<p>Wab Kinew was born in 1981 to Kathi Avery Kinew, a policy analyst, and Tobasonakwut Kinew, a former Northern Ontario regional chief, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/residential-schools\/\">residential school<\/a> survivor and educator.\r\n\tKinew spent his early years on the Onigaming First Nation in Northern Ontario and attended an Anishinaabe immersion preschool before moving with his family to <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/winnipeg\/\">Winnipeg<\/a>, where he\r\n\twent to elementary school. Kinew grew up largely in a south Winnipeg suburb and attended Coll\u00e8ge B\u00e9liveau, a French immersion high school. His father encouraged him to pursue public speaking opportunities, and as a child, he testified before the <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/royal-commission-on-aboriginal-peoples\/\">Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples<\/a>\tabout his Anishinaabe school experience.<\/p>\r\n\r\n<p>\r\n\tKinew declined an academic scholarship from an American university in order to stay close to his family and their Anishinaabe roots, and completed an economics degree at the <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/university-of-manitoba\/\">University of Manitoba<\/a>\tin 2003. It was at university that Kinew, by his own admission, got \u201ccaught up in the party lifestyle.\u201d He experimented with drugs, got into fist fights and was convicted of <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/impaired-driving\/\">drunk driving<\/a>\tin 2003. The following year, Kinew pleaded guilty to assaulting a cab driver after trying to evade a fare. Kinew entered <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/alcoholism\/\">Alcoholics Anonymous<\/a> and turned to his Anishinaabe traditions.\r\n\tHowever, he continued to drift for several years, taking temporary jobs in warehouses, on construction sites or doing contract research for <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/first-nations\/\">First Nations<\/a> organizations.<\/p>\r\n\r\n<h3>Music Career<\/h3>\r\n\r\n<p>\r\n\tIn the late-1990s, Wab Kinew and several friends formed the <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/rap-emc\/\">rap<\/a> group Dead Indians. Though they never released a full-length album, the group toured North America and became well-known\r\n\tamong Indigenous youth via social media. The Dead Indians largely stopped performing together in 2008.<\/p>\r\n\r\n<iframe width=\"640\" height=\"360\" src=\"https:\/\/\/embed\/ghVHNrNbpII\" frameborder=\"0\" allowfullscreen=\"\">\r\n<\/iframe>\r\n<br>\r\n\r\n<p>\r\n\tIn 2009, Kinew released the solo hip hop album <em>Live by the Drum<\/em>, named after a successful CBC Radio show that he hosted. The album won the award for best rap\/hip hop album at the Aboriginal Peoples Choice Music Awards (now the <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/canadian-aboriginal-music-awards-emc\/\">Indigenous Music Awards<\/a>).\r\n\tThe following year, he released <em>Mide-Sun<\/em> (2010), his second solo hip hop album. Lyrics from these two albums would resurface and cause controversy several years later when Kinew entered politics.<\/p>\r\n\r\n<h3>Journalism and Activism<\/h3>\r\n\r\n<p>In late 2005, Wab Kinew wrote a letter to the editor about Canada\u2019s Olympic hockey team that was published in the <em><a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/winnipeg-free-press\/\">Winnipeg Free Press<\/a>. <\/em>This caught the attention\r\n\tof a CBC Radio producer and he began working for CBC Manitoba as an associate producer. He later moved into television reporting and also hosted the weekly radio arts program called <em>The 204<\/em>.<\/p>\r\n\r\n<p>\r\n\tIn 2012, Kinew emerged on the national stage as the host of the CBC TV series <em>8th Fire<\/em>, which explored the relationship between <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/aboriginal-people\/\">Indigenous<\/a> and non-Indigenous\r\n\tCanadians. Also that year, Kinew left the CBC to join the <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/university-of-winnipeg\/\">University of Winnipeg<\/a> as the school\u2019s first director of Indigenous inclusion. Later, he became the university\u2019s\r\n\tassociate vice-president for Indigenous relations, but his role at the university did not hinder his growing national profile, or his broadcast career. While still at the university, Kinew also worked as a correspondent with Al Jazeera America for the\r\n\tdocumentary series <em>Fault Lines<\/em>.<\/p>\r\n\r\n<iframe width=\"640\" height=\"360\" src=\"https:\/\/\/embed\/L7LY-fXzhZI\" frameborder=\"0\" allowfullscreen=\"\">\r\n<\/iframe>\r\n<br>\r\n\r\n<p>\r\n\tIn 2014, Kinew championed the winning entry in CBC's <em><a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/canada-reads\/\">Canada Reads<\/a><\/em> competition, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/search\/?keyword=joseph%20boyden\">Joseph Boyden's<\/a>\t<em>The Orenda<\/em>. During the debate, Kinew sparred with such rivals as <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/stephen-henry-lewis\/\">Stephen Lewis<\/a>, with whom Kinew had a spirited debate about the graphic depiction of the Anishinaabe\r\n\ttradition of the sundance in Boyden\u2019s novel. The following year, the CBC chose Kinew to host the 2015 edition of <em>Canada Reads<\/em>. He was also among the contenders to host CBC Radio\u2019s <em>Q <\/em>following the departure of <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/jian-ghomeshi\/\">Jian Ghomeshi<\/a>,\r\n\tand he memorably hijacked the <em>George Stroumboulopoulos Tonight<\/em> show with an impromptu round dance flash mob during the wave of <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/idle-no-more\/\">Idle No More<\/a> protests across Canada.<\/p>\r\n\r\n<p>\r\n\tIn 2015, Kinew authored a memoir largely about his often-fraught relationship with his father, who was dying of <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/cancer\/\">cancer<\/a>, and his exploration of his Anishinaabe culture. Following\r\n\tthe book\u2019s publication, Kinew became an even more frequent lecturer and media commentator. He also served as the first chairman of Winnipeg Mayor <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/brian-bowman\/\">Brian Bowman<\/a>\u2019s Indigenous\r\n\tadvisory circle, created in the aftermath of a <em><a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/macleans\/\">Maclean\u2019s<\/a> <\/em>magazine article naming Winnipeg as Canada\u2019s most <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/racism\/\">racist<\/a>\tcity (<em>see also<\/em> <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/prejudice-and-discrimination\/\">Prejudice and Discrimination in Canada<\/a>).<\/p>\r\n\r\n<h3>Career in Politics<\/h3>\r\n\r\n<div class=\"slider\">\r\n\t<div class=\"bxslider\">\r\n\t\t<div><img src=\"https:\/\/\/WabKinew\/CP168585684_resized.jpg\" title=\"Wab Kinew Gives Victory Speech After 2023 Election\" alt=\"Wab Kinew Gives Victory Speech After 2023 Election\"><\/div>\r\n\t\t<div><img src=\"https:\/\/\/WabKinew\/CP168754917_resized.jpg\" title=\"Wab Kinew Performs a Pipe Ceremony at Swearing-In Ceremony\" alt=\"Wab Kinew Performs a Pipe Ceremony at Swearing-In Ceremony\"><\/div>\r\n\t<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n\r\n<p>\r\n\tIn 2015, it was rumored that Wab Kinew, who had long been open about his political ambitions, was interested in running for the <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/liberal-party\/\">Liberal Party<\/a> in the riding of Winnipeg Centre\r\n\tin the federal election. However, Kinew chose provincial politics to make his debut. In February 2016, he announced he would seek the <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/new-democratic-party\/\">NDP<\/a> nomination in the urban Winnipeg\r\n\triding of Fort Rouge, a safe NDP seat. The race was widely watched, in part because Kinew\u2019s main rival was provincial Liberal leader Rana Bokhari. In the general election on 19 April, Kinew won easily with 37 per cent of the vote. Bokhari placed third\r\n\tbehind the <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/conservative-party\/\">Progressive Conservative<\/a> candidate with 20 per cent of the vote.<\/p>\r\n\r\n<p>\r\n\tThough Kinew won his seat, the NDP lost the provincial election, and leader <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/gregory-selinger\/\">Greg Selinger<\/a> resigned on election night. With the party in disarray, Kinew emerged through\r\n\t2016 as one of the opposition party\u2019s most effective members. In April 2017, Kinew announced his intention to seek the leadership of the provincial NDP. His past came to haunt him once again during the campaign. A month before the final vote, an email\r\n\twas leaked to media claiming that Kinew was hiding details of his criminal background, including two charges of domestic assault in 2003. Kinew countered that the charges in question were investigated but eventually dropped. A second email claimed that\r\n\tKinew had been convicted of seven crimes, including theft under $5,000 for cashing a cheque that wasn\u2019t his. However, these were also charges, not convictions, all of which were dropped. Kinew reiterated that he had received pardons for his past criminal\r\n\tconvictions in 2015.<\/p>\r\n\r\n<p>\r\n\tEventually, and despite much controversy, Kinew was elected leader of the Manitoba NDP on 16 September 2017, defeating rival Steve Ashton by nearly a 3\u20131 margin. Following the victory, Kinew told the media, \u201cOne of the things that I\u2019ve begun to understand\r\n\tover the past few days is, it\u2019s not going to be up to me as to when people are done having those questions answered, so I\u2019ll continue to show up and continue to speak about it.\u201d<\/p>\r\n\r\n<p>During the 2019 provincial election campaign, Premier Brian Pallister and the Progressive Conservatives focused on Kinew\u2019s past. Despite this attack, Kinew kept his seat in Fort Rouge. Moreover, the NDP gained four seats in the election, winning 18 seats\r\n\tin the 57-seat legislature. Kinew and his party were optimistic about the election results. \u201cI think Manitobans sent a very, very strong message, and the seats that we took back made it very clear that Manitobans want us, the New Democrats, to not only\r\n\tbe the conscience of Manitoba, not only to be the opposition of Manitoba, but to be the progressive voice for Manitoba.\u201d<\/p>\r\n\r\n<p>\r\n\tIn the 2023 provincial election, Kinew led the Manitoba NDP to a majority victory. As a result, he became the first First Nations premier of a province in Canada.<\/p>\r\n\r\n<h3>Controversies<\/h3>\r\n\r\n<p>\r\n\tIn addition to <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/criminal-code\/\">criminal<\/a> convictions for <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/impaired-driving\/\">impaired driving<\/a> and assault, Wab Kinew\u2019s <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/rap-emc\/\">rap<\/a>\tsongs and Twitter account also became the focus of controversy. Though he was viewed as a star candidate for the NDP in the 2016 election, his campaign was jolted when his earlier lyrics and tweets resurfaced. Among them were tweets referring to \u201cfat\r\n\tchicks\u201d and suggesting jiu-jitsu is \u201cgay.\u201d He also tweeted \u201cRiding in my limo back to my king sized sweet [sic] feeling really bad for those kids in Attawapiskat. #haha #terrible #inative\u201d<\/p>\r\n\r\n<p>\r\n\tKinew first apologized for the misogynistic and homophobic rap lyrics in his memoir and at the <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/canadian-aboriginal-music-awards-emc\/\">Indigenous Music Awards<\/a> in 2014. Later, at a press conference\r\n\tduring his first campaign, flanked by Selinger and several NDP <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/members-of-provincial-legislatures\/\">MLAs<\/a>, Kinew apologized again for the comments. He noted in particular the tweet related\r\n\tto Attawapiskat was meant as satire to highlight his own privilege. However, the controversy consumed much of his campaign. Kinew was also drawn into the <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/joseph-boyden\/\">Joseph Boyden<\/a> affair,\r\n\toffering a careful defence of his friend following accusations that Boyden overstated and possibly falsified his Indigenous heritage.<\/p>\r\n\r\n<h3>Personal Life<\/h3>\r\n\r\n<p>\r\n\tKinew married physician Lisa Monkman in 2014 and has two sons from a previous relationship. He is a member of the <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/midewiwin\/\">Midewiwin<\/a>, the Anishinaabe society of healers and spiritual leaders.<\/p>\r\n\r\n<h3>Awards<\/h3>\r\n\r\n<ul>\r\n\t<li>Best Rap or Hip Hop Album (<em>Live by the Drum<\/em>), Aboriginal Peoples Choice Music Awards (now the <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/canadian-aboriginal-music-awards-emc\/\">Indigenous Music Awards<\/a>) (2009).<\/li>\r\n\t<li>Honorary Degree, DLitt, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/cape-breton-university\/\">Cape Breton University<\/a> (2014)<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>","slug":"wab-kinew","alt_slug":"","twitter_summary":null,"locale":"en","automated":false,"hidden":0,"views":0,"created_at":"2017-05-24T19:48:16.000000Z","updated_at":"2019-09-18T20:32:35.000000Z"},{"id":"5ee1a01c-6bbc-48fa-b671-abf167c1904c","article_id":"91128","title":"Wab Kinew","summary":"<p>Wabanakwut Kinew, premier ministre du Manitoba depuis 2023, artiste de hip-hop, animateur de radio et de t\u00e9l\u00e9vision, administrateur universitaire, auteur, politicien (n\u00e9 le 31 d\u00e9cembre 1981 \u00e0 Kenora, en Ontario). Militant et intellectuel public ojibw\u00e9,\r\n\tWab Kinew a commenc\u00e9 sa carri\u00e8re en tant que musicien et rappeur au sein du groupe de hip-hop Dead Indians. Il s\u2019est attir\u00e9 une attention nationale en tant que journaliste pour la radio et la t\u00e9l\u00e9vision de CBC, notamment en animant <em>8 th Fire<\/em>,\r\n\tune s\u00e9rie documentaire t\u00e9l\u00e9vis\u00e9e \u00e9galement diffus\u00e9e \u00e0 la radio et en ligne, portant sur les questions autochtones. Le livre de ses m\u00e9moires paru en 2015, <em>The Reason You Walk<\/em> (trad. <em>La force de marcher<\/em>, 2017), a \u00e9t\u00e9 un livre \u00e0 succ\u00e8s\r\n\tnational et finaliste pour le prix Taylor RBC. En 2016, Wab Kinew a \u00e9t\u00e9 \u00e9lu d\u00e9put\u00e9 \u00e0 l\u2019Assembl\u00e9e l\u00e9gislative du Manitoba, malgr\u00e9 un certain nombre de gazouillis et de paroles de rap controvers\u00e9s qui ont frein\u00e9 sa campagne. De fa\u00e7on similaire, des r\u00e9v\u00e9lations\r\n\td\u2019accusations de violence conjugale datant de 2003 ont menac\u00e9 de faire d\u00e9railler sa course \u00e0 la direction du Nouveau Parti d\u00e9mocratique du Manitoba. Malgr\u00e9 cette r\u00e9v\u00e9lation, Wab Kinew a \u00e9t\u00e9 nomm\u00e9 chef du NPD du Manitoba en septembre 2017. En 2023, il\r\n\test devenu le premier ministre du Manitoba.<\/p>","body":"<div><img src=\"https:\/\/\/media\/media\/7817719e-eeb8-4eb7-8bb8-71a799ddd247.jpg\" title=\"Wab Kinew\">\r\n<\/div>\r\n\r\n<h3>Jeunesse et \u00e9ducation<\/h3>\r\n\r\n<p>N\u00e9 en 1981, Wab Kinew est le fils de Kathi Avery Kinew, analyste politique, et de Tobasonakwut Kinew, ancien chef r\u00e9gional du nord de l\u2019Ontario, survivant et sp\u00e9cialiste des <a href=\"https:\/\/\/fr\/article\/residential-schools\/\">pensionnats autochtones<\/a>.\r\n\tWab Kinew passe son enfance dans la Premi\u00e8re Nation Onigaming, dans le nord de l\u2019Ontario, et il fr\u00e9quente un \u00e9tablissement pr\u00e9scolaire d\u2019immersion en anishinaabemowin avant de d\u00e9m\u00e9nager avec sa famille \u00e0 <a href=\"https:\/\/\/fr\/article\/winnipeg\/\">Winnipeg<\/a>\to\u00f9 il va \u00e0 l\u2019\u00e9cole primaire. Wab Kinew grandit essentiellement dans une banlieue sud de Winnipeg et il \u00e9tudie au Coll\u00e8ge B\u00e9liveau, une \u00e9cole secondaire d\u2019immersion fran\u00e7aise. Son p\u00e8re l\u2019encourage \u00e0 rechercher des occasions de parler en public, et, alors\r\n\tqu\u2019il est enfant, il t\u00e9moigne devant la <a href=\"https:\/\/\/fr\/article\/royal-commission-on-aboriginal-peoples\/\">Commission royale sur les peuples autochtones<\/a> au sujet de son exp\u00e9rience \u00e0 l\u2019\u00e9cole anishinaabe.<\/p>\r\n\r\n<p>Afin de rester pr\u00e8s de sa famille et de ses racines anishinaabe, Wab Kinew refuse une bourse d\u2019\u00e9tudes pour une universit\u00e9 am\u00e9ricaine, et il obtient un dipl\u00f4me en \u00e9conomie \u00e0 l\u2019<a href=\"https:\/\/\/fr\/article\/university-of-manitoba\/\">Universit\u00e9 du Manitoba<\/a>\ten 2003. C\u2019est \u00e0 l\u2019universit\u00e9 qu\u2019il se retrouve, de son propre aveu, \u00ab&nbsp;pris dans un style de vie de f\u00eate&nbsp;\u00bb. Il consomme des drogues, il s\u2019implique dans des bagarres, et il est reconnu coupable de <a href=\"https:\/\/\/fr\/article\/impaired-driving\/\">conduite en \u00e9tat d\u2019\u00e9bri\u00e9t\u00e9<\/a>\ten 2003. L\u2019ann\u00e9e suivante, Wab Kinew est accus\u00e9, et plaide coupable, d\u2019avoir agress\u00e9 un chauffeur de taxi apr\u00e8s avoir tent\u00e9 de s\u2019enfuir sans payer le montant de la course. Il entre dans les <a href=\"https:\/\/\/fr\/article\/alcoholism\/\">Alcooliques anonymes<\/a>\tet se tourne vers ses traditions anishinaabe. Cependant, il continue sa d\u00e9rive pendant plusieurs ann\u00e9es, occupant des emplois temporaires dans des entrep\u00f4ts, sur des chantiers de construction, ou effectuant des contrats de recherche pour des organismes\r\n\tdes <a href=\"https:\/\/\/fr\/article\/first-nations\/\">Premi\u00e8res Nations<\/a>.<\/p>\r\n\r\n<h3>Carri\u00e8re musicale<\/h3>\r\n\r\n<p>\u00c0 la fin des ann\u00e9es 1990, Wab Kinew et plusieurs de ses amis forment le groupe de <a href=\"https:\/\/\/fr\/article\/rap-emc\/\">rap<\/a> Dead Indians. Bien qu\u2019il n\u2019ait jamais sorti un album complet, le groupe effectue des tourn\u00e9es\r\n\ten Am\u00e9rique du Nord et devient reconnu parmi la jeunesse autochtone gr\u00e2ce aux m\u00e9dias sociaux. Le groupe Dead Indians cesse de se produire en 2008.<\/p>\r\n\r\n<iframe width=\"640\" height=\"360\" src=\"https:\/\/\/embed\/ghVHNrNbpII\" frameborder=\"0\" allowfullscreen=\"\">\r\n<\/iframe>\r\n<br>\r\n\r\n<p>En 2009, Wab Kinew sort un album hip\u2011hop solo, <em>Live by the Drum<\/em>, du nom d\u2019une \u00e9mission populaire de CBC Radio qu\u2019il animait. L\u2019album remporte le prix du meilleur album rap\/hip\u2011hop aux Aboriginal Peoples Choice Music Awards (devenus les\r\n\t<a href=\"https:\/\/\/fr\/article\/canadian-aboriginal-music-awards-emc\/\">Indigenous Music Awards<\/a>). L\u2019ann\u00e9e suivante, il sort <em>Mide\u2011Sun<\/em> (2010), son deuxi\u00e8me album solo hip\u2011hop. Les paroles de ces deux albums refont\r\n\tsurface plusieurs ann\u00e9es plus tard et suscitent la controverse lorsque Wab Kinew entre en politique.<\/p>\r\n\r\n<h3>Journalisme et militantisme<\/h3>\r\n\r\n<p>\u00c0 la fin de 2005, Wab Kinew r\u00e9dige une lettre ouverte au sujet de l\u2019\u00e9quipe canadienne olympique de hockey, qui est publi\u00e9e dans le <a href=\"https:\/\/\/fr\/article\/winnipeg-free-press\/\"><em>Winnipeg Free Press<\/em><\/a>. Celle-ci\r\n\tattire l\u2019attention d\u2019un producteur de CBC Radio, et il commence \u00e0 travailler pour CBC Manitoba en tant que producteur associ\u00e9. Il passe ensuite au reportage t\u00e9l\u00e9vis\u00e9 et il anime \u00e9galement une \u00e9mission artistique hebdomadaire \u00e0 la radio, intitul\u00e9e <em>The 204<\/em>.<\/p>\r\n\r\n<p>En 2012, Wab Kinew \u00e9merge sur la sc\u00e8ne nationale en tant qu\u2019animateur de <em>8 th Fire<\/em>, une s\u00e9rie documentaire t\u00e9l\u00e9vis\u00e9e diffus\u00e9e par CBC TV qui explore les relations entre les Canadiens <a href=\"https:\/\/\/fr\/article\/aboriginal-people\/\">autochtones<\/a>\tet non autochtones. Cette m\u00eame ann\u00e9e, il quitte la CBC pour se joindre \u00e0 l\u2019<a href=\"https:\/\/\/fr\/article\/university-of-winnipeg\/\">Universit\u00e9 de Winnipeg<\/a> en tant que premier directeur de l\u2019inclusion autochtone. Il devient\r\n\tplus tard le vice\u2011pr\u00e9sident associ\u00e9 charg\u00e9 des relations avec les Autochtones, mais ce poste \u00e0 l\u2019universit\u00e9 ne nuit pas \u00e0 son profil national grandissant ni \u00e0 sa carri\u00e8re d\u2019animateur. Alors qu\u2019il occupe toujours son poste \u00e0 l\u2019universit\u00e9, Wab Kinew travaille\r\n\t\u00e9galement comme correspondant avec Al Jazeera America dans le cadre de la s\u00e9rie documentaire <em>Fault Lines<\/em>.<\/p>\r\n\r\n<p>En 2014, Wab Kinew d\u00e9fend le vainqueur du concours litt\u00e9raire de CBC, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/fr\/article\/canada-reads\/\">Canada Reads<\/a>, le livre <em>The Orenda <\/em>de <a href=\"https:\/\/\/fr\/search\/?keyword=joseph%20boyden\">Joseph Boyden<\/a>.\r\n\t\u00c0 l\u2019occasion de ce d\u00e9bat, il s\u2019oppose \u00e0 des rivaux comme <a href=\"https:\/\/\/fr\/article\/stephen-henry-lewis\/\">Stephen Lewis<\/a>, avec lequel il a un d\u00e9bat anim\u00e9 au sujet de la repr\u00e9sentation graphique de la tradition anishinaabe\r\n\tde la danse du soleil dans le roman de Joseph Boyden. L\u2019ann\u00e9e suivante, la CBC le choisit pour animer l\u2019\u00e9dition 2015 de<em> Canada Reads.<\/em> Il fait \u00e9galement partie des aspirants pour animer l\u2019\u00e9mission <em>Q <\/em>de CBC Radio apr\u00e8s le d\u00e9part de\r\n\t<a href=\"https:\/\/\/fr\/article\/jian-ghomeshi\/\">Jian Ghomeshi<\/a>. Il d\u00e9tourne \u00e9galement l\u2019\u00e9mission <em>George Stroumboulopoulos Tonight<\/em> de mani\u00e8re m\u00e9morable avec un rassemblement \u00e9clair de danse en rond durant la vague de manifestations du mouvement <a href=\"https:\/\/\/fr\/article\/idle-no-more\/\">Idle No More<\/a>\t\tdans tout le Canada.<\/p>\r\n\r\n<p>En 2015, Wab Kinew r\u00e9dige un m\u00e9moire largement ax\u00e9 sur sa relation souvent tendue avec son p\u00e8re qui se meurt alors d\u2019un <a href=\"https:\/\/\/fr\/article\/cancer\/\">cancer<\/a>, et sur son exploration de la culture anishinaabe. Apr\u00e8s\r\n\tla publication de son livre, il devient conf\u00e9rencier et commentateur m\u00e9diatique encore plus fr\u00e9quemment. Il est \u00e9galement le premier pr\u00e9sident du Cercle consultatif autochtone du maire de Winnipeg, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/fr\/article\/brian-bowman\/\">Brian Bowman<\/a>,\r\n\tcr\u00e9\u00e9 \u00e0 la suite d\u2019un article du magazine <a href=\"https:\/\/\/fr\/article\/macleans\/\"><em>Maclean\u2019s<\/em><\/a> d\u00e9signant Winnipeg comme \u00e9tant la ville plus <a href=\"https:\/\/\/fr\/article\/racism\/\">raciste<\/a>\tau Canada (<em>voir aussi<\/em> <a href=\"https:\/\/\/fr\/article\/prejudice-and-discrimination\/\">Pr\u00e9jug\u00e9s et discrimination au Canada<\/a>).<\/p>\r\n\r\n<h3>Carri\u00e8re en politique<\/h3>\r\n \r\n <div class=\"slider\">\r\n\t<div class=\"bxslider\">\r\n\t\t<div><img src=\"https:\/\/\/WabKinew\/CP168585684_resized.jpg\" title=\"Wab Kinew prononce un discours de victoire apr\u00e8s les \u00e9lections de 2023\" alt=\"Wab Kinew prononce un discours de victoire apr\u00e8s les \u00e9lections de 2023\"><\/div>\r\n\t\t<div><img src=\"https:\/\/\/WabKinew\/CP168754917_resized.jpg\" title=\"Wab Kinew ex\u00e9cute une c\u00e9r\u00e9monie du calumet lors de la c\u00e9r\u00e9monie d\u2019assermentation\" alt=\"Wab Kinew ex\u00e9cute une c\u00e9r\u00e9monie du calumet lors de la c\u00e9r\u00e9monie d\u2019assermentation\"><\/div>\r\n\t<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n\r\n<p>En 2015, le bruit court que Wab Kinew, qui fait depuis longtemps ouvertement part de ses ambitions politiques, souhaite se pr\u00e9senter comme candidat pour le <a href=\"https:\/\/\/fr\/article\/liberal-party\/\">Parti lib\u00e9ral<\/a> dans\r\n\tla circonscription de Winnipeg\u2011Centre aux \u00e9lections f\u00e9d\u00e9rales. Toutefois, il choisit la politique provinciale pour faire ses d\u00e9buts. En f\u00e9vrier 2016, il annonce qu\u2019il se pr\u00e9sente \u00e0 l\u2019investiture du <a href=\"https:\/\/\/fr\/article\/new-democratic-party\/\">NPD<\/a>\tdans la circonscription urbaine Fort Rouge de Winnipeg, un si\u00e8ge s\u00fbr pour le NPD. La course est largement suivie, en partie parce que sa principale rivale est Rana Bokhari, la chef lib\u00e9rale provinciale. Le 19 avril, lors des \u00e9lections g\u00e9n\u00e9rales provinciales,\r\n\tWab Kinew l\u2019emporte facilement avec 37&nbsp;% des voix. Rana Bokhari termine troisi\u00e8me derri\u00e8re le candidat <a href=\"https:\/\/\/fr\/article\/conservative-party\/\">progressiste\u2011conservateur<\/a> avec 20&nbsp;% des votes.<\/p>\r\n\r\n<p>Bien que Wab Kinew ait remport\u00e9 son si\u00e8ge, le NPD perd les \u00e9lections provinciales, et son chef, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/fr\/article\/gregory-selinger\/\">Greg Selinger<\/a>, d\u00e9missionne le soir m\u00eame. Alors que le parti est en plein\r\n\td\u00e9sarroi, Wab Kinew apparait, tout au long de l\u2019ann\u00e9e 2016, comme l\u2019un des membres les plus efficaces du parti de l\u2019opposition. En avril 2017, il annonce son intention de se pr\u00e9senter \u00e0 la chefferie du NPD provincial. Le pass\u00e9 de Wab Kinew revient le\r\n\thanter \u00e0 nouveau pendant cette campagne. Un mois avant le vote final, un courriel envoy\u00e9 aux m\u00e9dias divulgue que Wab Kinew cache certains d\u00e9tails de son pass\u00e9 criminel, dont deux accusations de violence conjugale en 2003. Wab Kinew r\u00e9torque que les accusations\r\n\ten questions ont fait l\u2019objet d\u2019une enqu\u00eate, mais qu\u2019elles ont \u00e9ventuellement \u00e9t\u00e9 abandonn\u00e9es. Un deuxi\u00e8me courriel affirme que Wab Kinew a \u00e9t\u00e9 reconnu coupable de sept crimes, dont un vol de moins de 5000&nbsp;$, pour avoir encaiss\u00e9 un ch\u00e8que ne lui\r\n\tappartenant pas. Cependant, il ne s\u2019agit que d\u2019accusations et non de condamnations, qui ont \u00e9t\u00e9 \u00e9galement abandonn\u00e9es. Wab Kinew r\u00e9it\u00e8re qu\u2019il a \u00e9t\u00e9 graci\u00e9 pour ses condamnations criminelles ant\u00e9rieures de 2015.<\/p>\r\n\r\n<p>\u00c9ventuellement, malgr\u00e9 les multiples controverses, Wab Kinew est \u00e9lu chef du NPD du Manitoba le 16 septembre 2017, vainquant son rival Steve Ashton par une marge de pr\u00e8s de 3 contre 1. Dans la foul\u00e9e de cette victoire, Wab Kinew annonce aux m\u00e9dias&nbsp;:\r\n\t\u00ab&nbsp;Une des choses que j\u2019ai commenc\u00e9 \u00e0 comprendre au cours des derniers jours, c\u2019est que je n\u2019aurai aucun contr\u00f4le sur le moment o\u00f9 les gens auront fini de me poser leurs questions, alors je continuerai \u00e0 me pr\u00e9senter devant eux et \u00e0 en parler&nbsp;\u00bb.<\/p>\r\n\r\n<p>Au cours de la campagne \u00e9lectorale provinciale de 2019, le premier ministre <a href=\"https:\/\/\/fr\/article\/brian-pallister\">Brian Pallister<\/a> et les progressistes-conservateurs se concentrent sur le pass\u00e9 de Wab Kinew. Malgr\u00e9\r\n\tces attaques, Wab Kinew conserve son si\u00e8ge de Fort Rouge. De plus, le NPD obtient quatre nouveaux si\u00e8ges aux \u00e9lections, remportant 18 des 57 si\u00e8ges de l\u2019Assembl\u00e9e l\u00e9gislative. Wab Kinew et son parti sont optimistes quant aux r\u00e9sultats des \u00e9lections.\r\n\t\u00ab&nbsp;Je crois que les Manitobains ont envoy\u00e9 un message tr\u00e8s tr\u00e8s fort, et les si\u00e8ges que nous avons repris d\u00e9montrent clairement que les Manitobains veulent que nous, les n\u00e9o-d\u00e9mocrates, soyons non seulement la conscience du Manitoba, non seulement\r\n\tl\u2019opposition du Manitoba, mais \u00e9galement la voix progressiste du Manitoba.&nbsp;\u00bb<\/p>\r\n\r\n<p>Lors des \u00e9lections provinciales de 2023, Wab Kinew m\u00e8ne le NPD du Manitoba \u00e0 une victoire majoritaire. Par cons\u00e9quent, il devient le premier membre des Premi\u00e8res Nations \u00e0 \u00eatre premier ministre d\u2019une province du Canada.<\/p>\r\n\r\n<h3>Controverses<\/h3>\r\n\r\n<p>En plus des condamnations <a href=\"https:\/\/\/fr\/article\/criminal-code\">criminelles<\/a> de Wab Kinew pour <a href=\"https:\/\/\/fr\/article\/impaired-driving\/\">conduite en \u00e9tat d\u2019\u00e9bri\u00e9t\u00e9 <\/a>et pour\r\n\tagression, les paroles de ses chansons de <a href=\"https:\/\/\/fr\/article\/rap-emc\/\">rap<\/a> et ses gazouillis sur son compte Twitter deviennent \u00e9galement le c\u0153ur de controverses. Bien qu\u2019il soit consid\u00e9r\u00e9 comme \u00e9tant le candidat\r\n\tvedette du NPD lors des \u00e9lections provinciales de 2016, sa campagne est perturb\u00e9e lorsque les paroles de ses chansons et de ses gazouillis du pass\u00e9 refont surface. Parmi ces gazouillis, certains font r\u00e9f\u00e9rence \u00e0 des \u00ab&nbsp;fat chicks&nbsp;\u00bb (grosses\r\n\tfilles), et il sugg\u00e8re que le jiu\u2011jitsu est \u00ab&nbsp;gai&nbsp;\u00bb. Il a \u00e9galement publi\u00e9 un gazouillis disant&nbsp;: \u00ab&nbsp;Riding in my limo back to my king sized sweet [sic] feeling really bad for those kids in Attawapiskat. #haha #terrible #inative&nbsp;\u00bb\r\n\t[Roulant dans ma limo vers ma suite immense, je me sens vraiment mal pour ces gamins d\u2019Attawapiskat].<\/p>\r\n\r\n<p>Wab Kinew pr\u00e9sente d\u2019abord ses excuses pour les propos misogynes et homophobes de ses paroles de rap dans son m\u00e9moire, et lors des <a href=\"https:\/\/\/fr\/article\/canadian-aboriginal-music-awards-emc\/\">Indigenous Music Awards<\/a>,\r\n\ten 2014. Plus tard, lors d\u2019une conf\u00e9rence de presse au cours de sa premi\u00e8re campagne \u00e9lectorale, accompagn\u00e9 de Greg Selinger et de plusieurs <a href=\"https:\/\/\/fr\/article\/members-of-provincial-legislatures\/\">d\u00e9put\u00e9s<\/a> du\r\n\tNPD, Wab Kinew pr\u00e9sente \u00e0 nouveau des excuses pour ses commentaires. Il d\u00e9clare en particulier que son gazouillis relatif \u00e0 Attawapiskat se voulait une satire pour souligner son propre statut de privil\u00e9gi\u00e9. Cependant, ces controverses consument une grande\r\n\tpartie de sa campagne. Il se retrouve \u00e9galement impliqu\u00e9 dans l\u2019affaire <a href=\"https:\/\/\/fr\/article\/joseph-boyden\/\">Joseph Boyden<\/a>, d\u00e9fendant avec prudence son ami \u00e0 la suite d\u2019accusations selon lesquelles il aurait\r\n\tsurestim\u00e9, et possiblement falsifi\u00e9, son h\u00e9ritage autochtone.<\/p>\r\n\r\n<h3>Vie personnelle<\/h3>\r\n\r\n<p>Wab Kinew \u00e9pouse Lisa Monkman, une m\u00e9decin, en 2014. Il a, par ailleurs, deux fils d\u2019une relation pr\u00e9c\u00e9dente. Il est membre de la <a href=\"https:\/\/\/fr\/article\/midewiwin\/\">Midewiwin<\/a>, la soci\u00e9t\u00e9 anishinaabe des gu\u00e9risseurs\r\n\tet chefs spirituels.<\/p>\r\n\r\n<h3>Prix<\/h3>\r\n<ul>\r\n\t<li>Meilleur album de rap ou de hip\u2011hop (<em>Live by the Drum<\/em>), Aboriginal Peoples Choice Music Awards (maintenant les <a href=\"https:\/\/\/fr\/article\/canadian-aboriginal-music-awards-emc\/\">Indigenous Music Awards<\/a>) (2009)\r\n\t<\/li>\r\n\t<li>Doctorat honorifique en litt\u00e9rature, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/fr\/article\/cape-breton-university\/\">Universit\u00e9 de Cape Breton<\/a> (2014)<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>","slug":"wab-kinew","alt_slug":"","twitter_summary":null,"locale":"fr","automated":false,"hidden":0,"views":0,"created_at":"2017-05-24T19:48:16.000000Z","updated_at":"2019-09-18T20:32:35.000000Z"},{"id":"9e3e3896-1c91-485e-b0c3-3106db249f88","article_id":"91128","title":"Wab Kinew","summary":"Wabanakwut Kinew, wasaaradda Manitoba 2023-goob, fanaanka hip hop, baahayaal, maamulka jaamacadaha, qoraaga, siyaasi (dhashay 31 Disembar 1981 ee Kenora, ON). Dhaqaalin Ojibwa iyo aqoon dadweynaha ah, Wab Kinew ayaa xirfadkiisa u bilaabay muuskaan iyo\r\nraper la leeyahay kooxda hip hop oo dhinaca dhintay. Wuxuu dareenka qaran ku soo gaartay suxufiyadiisa idaacadaha iyo telefishinka ee CBC oo ay ku jiraan 8aad Dab ah, taxane taleefishinka oo ku saabsan Xuska 2015 ee Kinew, Sababta Aad Ka Socdaan, waxa ay ahaayeen bestseller qaran\r\niyo finaalka Abaalinta RBC Taylor. Kinew ayaa loo doortay sharcianka Manitoba sanadkii 2016-ka, inkastoo tweets-muran ah iyo heesaha rap oo dhagay ololahiisa. Sidoo kale, shaacyada lagu joogay eedeynta weerar gudaha ee 2003 oo ku hanjabay in ay ku dhacaan\r\ndalkiisa inuu hogaamiye noqdo xisbiga New Democrat Manitoba, inkastoo uu hogaamiye loo magacaabay bishii September 2017. Sannadkii 2023, Kinew ayaa noqday wasaaradda Manitoba. ","body":"<div><img src=\"https:\/\/\/media\/media\/7817719e-eeb8-4eb7-8bb8-71a799ddd247.jpg\" title=\"Wab Kinew\" alt=\"Wab Kinew\">\r\n<\/div>\r\n\r\n<h3>Sannadaha hore iyo waxbarashada<\/h3>\r\n\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/residential-schools\/\">Wab Kinew ayaa sanadkii 1981 ku dhashay Kathi Avery Kinew oo ah falanayaasha siyaasadeed, iyo Tobasonakwut Kinew oo ah madax hore ee gobolka Waqooyiga Ontario, dugsiyada deegaanka iyo waxbarasho.<\/a> \r\nKinew ayaa sanadiisii hore ku qaaday Onigaming First Nation ee Waqooyiga Ontario wuxuuna ka qeyb galay isagga ah ee Anishinaabe ka hor inta uu la dhaqaaqday qoyskiisa <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/winnipeg\/\">Winnipeg<\/a>, halkaas oo uu tagay dugsiga hoose. \r\n Kinew ayaa si weyn ugu soo kordhay magaalada koonfurta Winnipeg, waxaana ka qeybgalay Coll\u00e8ge B\u00e9liveau oo ah dugsi sare ee dalka Faransiiska. Aabkiisa ayaa ku dhiiriiyey inuu raadiyo fursado hadal dadweynaha, iyadoo caruur uu horay guddiga <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/royal-commission-on-aboriginal-peoples\/\">Royal on Aboriginal Peoples<\/a> ka goobay khidraadiisa dugsiga Anishinaabe.<\/p>\r\n\r\n<p>\r\nKinew ayaa ka dhigay qarash <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/university-of-manitoba\/\">o aqooladeed oo ka soo jeeda jaamacado Mareykanka si uu u dhow qoyskiisa iyo ilahooda Anishinaabe, waxaana dhameystiyay dhig dhaqaalaha ee Jaamacadda<\/a> Manitoba sanadkii 2003-kii. Waxay jaamacad ku ahayd in Kinew, oo ay u helisay, \u201cku qabtay nolosha xisbiga.\u201d Wuxuu tijaabatay daawooyinka, waxaa ku soo gaartay dagaal dhaqan, waxaana lagu x <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/impaired-driving\/\">ukumay wad<\/a> aadii mac Sannadkii soo socda, Kinew ayaa dambi ku ciiday inay weeraray darawaal taksi kadib markii ay isku dayay inay ka baxaan qaab. Kinew oo galay <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/alcoholism\/\">Alcoholics Anonymous wuxuuna u jeediyay dhaqan<\/a> kiisa Anishinaabe. \r\nSi kastaba ahaatee, wuxuu sii sii waday muddo dhowr sano, isaga oo shaqooyin meegga ah ku qaaday magaalada, goobaha dhismaha ama sam <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/first-nations\/\">eeysa<\/a> cilmi-baaris<\/p>\r\n\r\n<h3>Shaqada Musiqa<\/h3>\r\n\r\n<p>\r\nDhankii 1990-kii waxaa Wab Kinew iyo saaxiibo dhowr ah ay sameeyeen kooxda <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/rap-emc\/\">rap ee Dead Indians<\/a>. Inkastoo aysan marnaa soo saareen album buuxda oo dheer ah, kooxda ayaa booqday Waqooyiga Mareykanka, waxaana no \r\n qday dhalinyarada dhaliyaha Hindiyaha Geeriyooday ayaa si weyn u joojisay fuleedka wada<\/p>\r\n\r\n<iframe width=\"640\" height=\"360\" src=\"https:\/\/\/embed\/ghVHNrNbpII\" frameborder=\"0\" allowfullscreen=\"\">\r\n<\/iframe>\r\n<br>\r\n\r\n<p>\r\nSanadkii 2009, Kinew ayaa soo saartay albomka solo hip hop <em>Live by the Drum<\/em>, oo lagu magacaabay bandhig guul ah ee CBC Radio ee uu marti ku ah. Albamka ayaa ku guuleysatay abaalmarinta ugu fiican rap\/hip hop album ee Aboriginal Peoples Choice Music Awards (hadda Abaalinta Muusi <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/canadian-aboriginal-music-awards-emc\/\">ka<\/a> Interial). \r\nSanadka soo socda, wuxuu sii <em>daayay Mide-S<\/em> un (2010), albamkiisii labaad solo hip hop. Heesaha labadan Album ayaa dib u soo noqon lahaa oo muran dhawr sano kaddib markii Kinew ay soo galeen siyaasadda.<\/p>\r\n\r\n<h3>Suxufiyiinta iyo Faqaaladda<\/h3>\r\n\r\n<p>Dambe sanadkii 2005-kii waxa Wab Kinew ayaa warqad u qoray tahriirka ku saabsan kooxda hokeeda olombikada ee Canada oo lagu daabacay <em><a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/winnipeg-free-press\/\">Winnipeg Free Press<\/a><\/em>. Tani ayaa dareenka ku qab \r\n tay samayaal ah ee CBC Radio waxaana uu u shaqeeyay CBC Manitoba sida sameynayaal ah. Wuxuu markii dambe u dhaqaaqday warbixinta telefishinka waxaana sidoo kale marti ku ah barnaami <em>jka toddoba<\/em> adka ee<\/p>\r\n\r\n<p>\r\nSanadkii 2012-kii, Kinew ayaa markii qaran ka soo baxay marti ku ah taxanaha <em>8aad ee CBC TV, taas oo baaday xiriirka u<\/em> dhaxeeya Dalka iyo Aan Aan Aan <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/aboriginal-people\/\">De<\/a> egaanka Canada. \r\n Sidoo kale sanadkaas, Kinew ayaa ka tagay CBC si ay ku biiraan Jaamacada <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/university-of-winnipeg\/\">Winnipeg iyadoo ag<\/a> aasimaha ugu horreysay ee dugsiyada isugu horreeyay ee isugu jirta ahayd Markii dambe wuxuu noqday ku-xigee-xi \r\n geenka wadanka jaamacada ee xiriirka Agaamiyaha, balse kaalinkiisa jaamacaddu aysan halin waxa uu ka horjeeysan waxa qarankiisa koraya, ama <em>Iska weli Jaamacada ku jira, Kinew ayaa sidoo kale oo wariye la shaqeeyay Al Jazeera America taxanaha doonka Fault \r\n Lines.<\/em><\/p>\r\n\r\n<iframe width=\"640\" height=\"360\" src=\"https:\/\/\/embed\/L7LY-fXzhZI\" frameborder=\"0\" allowfullscreen=\"\">\r\n<\/iframe>\r\n<br>\r\n\r\n<p>\r\n<em>Sannadkii 2014, Kinew ayaa horyaalka guuleystay tartanka CBC ee <em><a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/canada-reads\/\">Canada Reads<\/a><\/em>, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/search\/?keyword=joseph%20boyden\">Joseph Boyden<\/a> ee The Orenda.<\/em> Intii doodka ayaa Kinew ayaa la qaaday ciyaariyaha sida <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/stephen-henry-lewis\/\">Stephen Lewis<\/a>, oo Kinew uu dood leh ku yeeshay muuqaalka graafiicka ee dhaqanka Anishinaabe ee sundance ee noolka Boyden\r\n. Sanadka soo socda, CBC ayaa doortay Kinew si ay marti ku marti ku ah nooca 2015 ee <em>Canada<\/em> Reads. <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/idle-no-more\/\">Wuxuu sidoo kale ka mid ahaa tartamayaasha inay martigelinayaan <em>Q<\/em> ee CBC Radio kadib markii uu ka baxay J <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/jian-ghomeshi\/\">ian Ghomeshi<\/a>, \r\n wuxuuna si xus ah u afduubay bandhigga <em>George Stroumboulopoulos Tonight<\/em> oo la qaaday daacsiga wareegga waaweyn ee xilliga dibadbaxyada Idle No More oo guud dalka Canada.<\/a><\/p>\r\n\r\n<p>\r\nSannadkii 2015, Kinew ayaa ku qoray xusoo si weyn ku saabsan xiriirkiisii badan oo ay leeyahay aabkiisa oo dhintay <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/cancer\/\">kan<\/a> sarka, iyo baadhiisa dhaqanka Anishinaabe. Waxaa \r\n ka socda daabinta buugga, Kinew noqday muhadal iyo faahayn warbaahinta sii badan. <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/prejudice-and-discrimination\/\">Wuxuu <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/racism\/\">si<\/a> doo kale u adeegay gudoomiyaha ugu horreysay ee duqa Winnipeg <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/brian-bowman\/\">Brian Bowman<\/a> ee dhaqanka wadanka talashiga ah, oo abuuray kadib maqaal majalada <em><a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/macleans\/\">Maclean<\/a><\/em> oo magacaabay Winnipeg magaalada ugu badnaanta ee Canada (eeg si <em>doo kale Prejudice and Discrimination in Canada<\/em>). \r\n<\/a><\/p>\r\n\r\n<h3>Shaqada Siyaasadda<\/h3>\r\n\r\n<div class=\"slider\">\r\n\t<div class=\"bxslider\">\r\n\t\t<div><img src=\"https:\/\/\/WabKinew\/CP168585684_resized.jpg\" title=\"Wab Kinew Oo Khudbad Guul Siiyay Kadib Doorashada 2023\" alt=\"Wab Kinew Oo Khudbad Guul Siiyay Kadib Doorashada 2023\"><\/div>\r\n\t\t<div><img src=\"https:\/\/\/WabKinew\/CP168754917_resized.jpg\" title=\"Wab Kinew oo Sameeyey Xaflad Tuubo Oo Xaflad Ku Qaaday\" alt=\"Wab Kinew oo Sameeyey Xaflad Tuubo Oo Xaflad Ku Qaaday\"><\/div>\r\n\t<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n\r\n<p>\r\nSanadkii 2015 waxaa la sheegay in Wab Kinew oo dheer ka furay hamaankiisa siyaasadeed, ay xiiso leh inuu u tagayo Xis <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/liberal-party\/\">biga Liber<\/a> al-ka ee dhaqaaqa Winnipeg Centre \r\n ee doorashada federaalka. Si kastaba ahaatee, Kinew ayaa u doortay siyaasadda gobolka si uu u dhacdo Bishii February 2016 waxaa uu ku dhawaaqay \r\n inuu ka raadinayo magacaabka <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/new-democratic-party\/\">NDP<\/a> ee magaalooyinka Winnipeg ee Fort Rouge oo kursi ammaan ah ee NDP. Tartanka ayaa si weyn la daawatay, qayb ah sababta waayo raacibka weyn ee Kinew ayaa ahaa hogaamiyaha gobolka Liberal Rana Bokhari. Doorashada guud ee 19-kii Abriil ayaa Kinew si sahlan ku guuleystay iyadoo 37 boqolkii codka ah. Bokhari ayaa saddexaad ka dambe \r\n eyay musharaxa <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/conservative-party\/\">Muxaafaadka Progressive<\/a> oo boqolka 20 boqolka ah codka ah.<\/p>\r\n\r\n<p>\r\nInkastoo Kinew ku guuleystay kursikiisa, NDP ayaa waayay doorashada gobolka, waxaana hoggaamiye <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/gregory-selinger\/\">Greg Selinger<\/a> iscasilay habeen doorashada. Iyadoo xisbiga ku dhacay, Kinew ayaa markii \r\n 2016-ka soo baxay mid ka mid ah xubnaha ugu badan ee xisbiga mucaaradka ah. Bishii April 2017, Kinew ayaa ku dhawaaqay inuu doonayo hoggaanka gobolka NDP. Hore uu soo horay ayaa yimid inuu mar kale isaga xilligii ololaha. Bil ka hor codkii ugu dambeeyay ayaa email la sheegay warbaah \r\n inta ku sheegaya in Kinew uu ku dhuumayay faahfaahin ka saaray dhalkiisa dambiyeedka, oo ay ku jiraan laba eedeyn ee weerar gudaha Kinew ayaa ka horjeediyay in eedeynta su&#39;aasha lagu baaray laakiin ugu dambeyntii uu Emailka labaad ayaa sheegtay in \r\n Kinew lagu xukumay todobo dambiyo oo ay ku jiraan xadhiga hoos $5,000 oo si ay u dhaqaaqday cheek aan kiisa ahayn. Si kastaba ahaatee, waxaana sidoo kale waxay ahaayeen eedamo, aan xukun ah, oo dhamaan la dhacay Kinew ayaa ku celisay inuu cafis helay xukumadii dambiiyadii ee soo dhaafay sanadkii 2015- \r\n kii.<\/p>\r\n\r\n<p>\r\nUgu dambeyn, iyo inkastoo muran badan, Kinew ayaa loo doortay hoggaamiyaha Manitoba NDP 16 September 2017, isagoo ku adkaaday ciyaareedka Steve Ashton ku dhawaad 3-1 xillig. Guushii kadib, Kinew ayaa warbaahinta u sheegay, \u201cMid ka mid ah waxyaabaha aan bilowday inuu fah \r\n amay maalmihii lasoo dhaafay waa, ma aanay iigu noqon markii dadku la sameeyo ay su&#39;aaladaasi jawaabeen, sidaas waxaan sii socoto inaan muujinaya oo sii wado inaan ka hadla.\u201d<\/p>\r\n\r\n<p>Xilligii ololaha doorashada gobolka 2019, Premier Brian Pallister iyo Conservative Progressive ayaa diiradda ku saaray markii hore ee Kinew. Inksteen weerarkaan, Kinew ayaa kursigiisa ku jiray Fort Rouge. Sidoo kale, NDP ayaa doorashada ku guuleystay afar kursi, iyagoo ku guuleystay 18 kursi shar \r\n ciga 57-kursiga. Kinew iyo xisbigiisa waxa ay ka raxayeen natiijada doorashada. \u201cWaxaan inay u tahay Manitobans u diray fariin aad, aad u xooggan, kursiga aan dib u qaateen aad u cad in Manitobans inoo doonayo, New Democrats, in aan kaliya noqon xirka Manitoba, aan kaliya noqdo mucaaradka Manitoba, balse inay noqdo codka horumar ee Manitoba.\u201d \r\n<\/p>\r\n\r\n<p>\r\nDoorashada gobolka 2023, Kinew oo hoggaamiyay NDP Manitoba guul badan. Natiiyeedahay wuxuu noqday Ra&#39;iisul ugu horreysay ee Qaramada Koowaad ee gobolka dalka Canada.<\/p>\r\n\r\n<h3>Muranka<\/h3>\r\n\r\n<p>\r\nWaxaa ka dheeraad <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/criminal-code\/\">ay xuk<\/a> umadii dambiyeed <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/impaired-driving\/\">ee wadaad<\/a> ka la dhaafay iyo weerar, heesaha <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/rap-emc\/\">rap<\/a> ee Wab Kinew iyo xisaabta Twitter ayaa sidoo kale noqotay diiradda muranka. Inkastoo uu lagu arkay musharax xiddigaha ee NDP doorashadii 2016-ka, ololahiisa ayaa waxaa la dhaqaaqay markii uu horeeyay heesaha iyo tweetkiisii hore ay dib u soo noqday. Waxaa ka mid ah waxaa ka mid ahaa tweeten oo ku tilmaam \r\n aya \u201cjiu-jitsu\u201d oo soo jeedinaya jiu-jitsu ay tahay \u201cgay.\u201d Wuxuu sidoo kale tweeteen \u201cRiding in Limo my back to the Boqor cabirka macaan [sic] dareemada runtii xun ah ee caruurtaasi ee Attawapiskat. #haha #terrible #inative\u201d<\/p>\r\n\r\n<p>\r\n<a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/canadian-aboriginal-music-awards-emc\/\">Kinew ayaa ugu horreysay raxiyay heeraha rap misogynistic iyo homophobic ee xuskiisa iyo Abaalinta Muusika Abaalinta ah ee 2014.<\/a> Kadib dambe, shir jaraa&#39;id uu xilli \r\n olololadiisa ugu horreeyay, oo uu ka dhacay Selinger iyo dhowr Xildhibaan ee NDP ayaa Kinew <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/members-of-provincial-legislatures\/\">mar<\/a> kale ka rafiyay faallooyinka. Wuxuu xusay gaar ahaan tweet-ka la xi \r\n riira Attawapiskat waxa uu loogu talay sidii uu u muujinayo sharcidiisa. Si kastaba ha ahaatee, muranka oo badan ka bixiyey ololahiisa. Kinew ayaa sidoo kale loogu soo jeediyey arrimaha <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/joseph-boyden\/\">Joseph Boyden<\/a>, isagoo bixiyay difaac \r\n si tax-darad ah saaxiibkiisa kadib eedeynaha in Boyden ay ku badbaadeen oo wax badan ay u qabsaday dhulkiisa A<\/p>\r\n\r\n<h3>Nolosha Shaxsiyada<\/h3>\r\n\r\n<p>\r\nKinew ayaa ku guursaday dabhaatta Lisa Monkman sanadkii 2014 waxaana ay leedahay laba wiil oo kasoo jeeda xiriirka Wuxuu ka tirsan M <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/midewiwin\/\">idewiwin, bulshada Anishinaabe ee<\/a> caawooyinka iyo madaxda ruuxda.<\/p>\r\n\r\n<h3>Abaal marinta<\/h3>\r\n\r\n<ul>\r\n\t<li>Best Rap or Hip Hop Album (<em>Live by the Drum<\/em>), Aboriginal Peoples Choice Music Awards (hadda Abaalinta <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/canadian-aboriginal-music-awards-emc\/\">Muusiq<\/a> ka Abaal ah) (2009).<\/li>\r\n\t<li>Degrada Sharaf, DLitt, Jaamacadda <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/article\/cape-breton-university\/\">Cape Breton (2014)<\/a><\/li>\r\n<\/ul>","slug":"wabsokinew","alt_slug":"","twitter_summary":null,"locale":"so","automated":true,"hidden":0,"views":1,"created_at":"2025-02-18T17:45:45.000000Z","updated_at":"2025-02-18T17:45:45.000000Z"}]}],"associated_collections":[]}" header="Content" ></article-sidebar> </div> <div class="main-content"> <input class="js-picture-information" type="hidden" value="[]"> <main class="main-grid"> <article class="article main-grid__content"> <input type="hidden" id="isUserLogin" name="loginuser" value=""> <aside id="articlewidgets" class="article-widgets"> <input type="checkbox" class="menu-open" name="menu-open" id="menu-open"/> <label class="widget-open-button" for="menu-open"> <span class="dot--1"></span> <span class="dot--2"></span> <span class="dot--3"></span> </label> <button data-target="popup-citation" data-toggle="modal" class="widget-item articleNavPopupEvent"> <div class="widget-item__icon--citation"></div> <span class="widget-item__title">Citation</span> </button> <button data-toggle="modal" class="widget-item articleNavPopupEvent js-edit-submit"> <div class="widget-item__icon--edit"></div> <span class="widget-item__title">Suggest an Edit</span> </button> <button data-target="popup-translation" data-toggle="modal" class="widget-item articleNavPopupEvent js-translation"> <div class="widget-item__icon--translate"></div> <span class="widget-item__title">Request translation</span> </button> <button id="popup-translation__original" class="widget-item hide-widget"> <div class="widget-item__icon--revert"></div> <span class="widget-item__title">Revert to English</span> </button> </aside> <div id="popup-translation" class="modal"> <div class="popup-wrapper"> <div class="popup-content"> <div class="popup-title"> <div role="heading">Request a Translation</div> <div> <a class="popup-close" data-dismiss="modal"></a> </div> </div> <div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="'6LeIWwglAAAAANriZBXJ8HgScx2u6jGAx0gY0GKm'" data-callback="onSubmit" data-size="invisible"> </div> <div class="popup-body"> <div id="translation-language-picker"> <translation-select recaptcha-site-key="6LeIWwglAAAAANriZBXJ8HgScx2u6jGAx0gY0GKm" slug=henry-marshall-tory locale=en></translation-select> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="translation-rating-snackbar"> <translation-rating show-rating=0 slug=henry-marshall-tory></translation-rating> </div> <div id="popup-edit" class="modal"> <div class="popup-wrapper"> <div class="popup-content"> <div class="popup-title"> <div>Suggest an Edit</div> <div> <a class="popup-close" data-dismiss="modal"></a> </div> </div> <div class="popup-body"> <div class="contact-form edit-form"> <div class="form-error-list"> <ul></ul> </div> <form method="POST" action="" accept-charset="UTF-8" class="form form-submit-edit form-main"><input name="_token" type="hidden" value="WERbSbZ2H5VfdhwoqysCPjtOFzD8vmigGii5L8ni"> <input name="aid" type="hidden" value="80438"> <input name="edit" type="hidden" value="true"> <div class="input-group "> <label for="description">Enter your suggested edit(s) to this article in the form field below</label> <textarea id="text-editor" class="form-control input input-fullSpan" placeholder="Write your message here..." name="description" cols="50" rows="10"></textarea> </div> <div class="btn-container"> <div> <input class="disabled js-submitedit-submit b b-md b-invert" type="submit" value="Submit"> </div> <div> <a href="#" data-dismiss="modal" class="js-popup-close b-link">Cancel</a> </div> </div> </form> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="popup-citation" class="modal"> <div class="popup-wrapper"> <div class="popup-content"> <div class="popup-title"> <div> Citation </div> <div> <a class="popup-close" data-dismiss="modal"></a> </div> </div> <div class="popup-body"> <ul class="list"> <li> <ul class="citation-reference"> <input id="copy1" type="text" value="MLA 8TH EDITION |聽Phillipson, Donald J.C.. "Henry Marshall Tory". <em>The Canadian Encyclopedia</em>, 16 December 2013, <em>Historica Canada</em>. Accessed 26 February 2025."> <li class="title">MLA 8TH EDITION</li> <li class="description">Phillipson, Donald J.C.. "Henry Marshall Tory". <em>The Canadian Encyclopedia</em>, 16 December 2013, <em>Historica Canada</em>. Accessed 26 February 2025.</li> <li class="link"><a data-text="Phillipson, Donald J.C.. "Henry Marshall Tory". <em>The Canadian Encyclopedia</em>, 16 December 2013, <em>Historica Canada</em>. Accessed 26 February 2025." href="#" class="js-copy-clipboard b b-md b-invert b-modal-copy">Copy</a></li> </ul> </li> <li> <ul class="citation-reference"> <input id="copy2" type="text" value="APA 6TH EDITION |聽Phillipson, D. (2013). Henry Marshall Tory. In <em>The Canadian Encyclopedia</em>. Retrieved from"> <li class="title">APA 6TH EDITION</li> <li class="description">Phillipson, D. (2013). Henry Marshall Tory. In <em>The Canadian Encyclopedia</em>. Retrieved from</li> <li class="link"><a data-text="Phillipson, D. (2013). Henry Marshall Tory. In <em>The Canadian Encyclopedia</em>. Retrieved from" href="#" class="js-copy-clipboard b b-md b-invert b-modal-copy">Copy</a></li> </ul> </li> <li> <ul class="citation-reference"> <input id="copy3" type="text" value="CHICAGO 17TH EDITION | Phillipson, Donald J.C.. "Henry Marshall Tory." <em>The Canadian Encyclopedia</em>. Historica Canada. Article published December 17, 2007; Last Edited December 16, 2013."> <li class="title">CHICAGO 17TH EDITION</li> <li class="description">Phillipson, Donald J.C.. "Henry Marshall Tory." <em>The Canadian Encyclopedia</em>. Historica Canada. Article published December 17, 2007; Last Edited December 16, 2013.</li> <li class="link"><a data-text="Phillipson, Donald J.C.. "Henry Marshall Tory." <em>The Canadian Encyclopedia</em>. Historica Canada. 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Phillipson</a> </span> </p> </div> <div class="article-info__column--dates"> <p class="info-text">Published Online <span class="info-text__value--date"> December 17, 2007 </span> </p> <p class="info-text">Last Edited <span class="info-text__value--date"> December 16, 2013 </span> </p> </div> </div> <div class="article-toolbar"> <button data-target="popup-share" data-toggle="modal" class="article-toolbar__item articleNavPopupEvent"> <div class="article-toolbar__item__icon--share"></div> <span class="article-toolbar__item__title">Share</span> </button> <button id="js-print" class="article-toolbar__item"> <div class="article-toolbar__item__icon--print"></div> <span class="article-toolbar__item__title">Print</span> </button> </div> <div class="article-content"> <div class="article-content__summary"> Henry Marshall Tory, educator (b at Port Shoreham, NS 11 Jan 1864; d at Ottawa 6 Feb 1947). </div> <div class="article-content-body"> <div id="article-content-def"> <h3>Tory, Henry Marshall</h3><p>Henry Marshall Tory, educator (b at Port Shoreham, NS 11 Jan 1864; d at Ottawa 6 Feb 1947). Awarded one of McGill's earliest doctoral degrees in science, Tory did not himself become a researcher but was the principal founder of several universities - UBC, U of A and Carleton - and of the <a href="/article/alberta-research-council/">ALBERTA RESEARCH COUNCIL</a> and the National Research Council Laboratories. </p> <p>Son of a Methodist minister, Tory trained for the ministry but was offered a teaching post at McGill after graduation. In 1905, when professor of mathematics, he was sent to BC to advise on the future of McGill's affiliated Vancouver and Victoria colleges, leading to the 1908 UBC Act. His tour of the West led to his appointment in 1908 as founding president of U of A, which he built into a lively institution, with both services (eg, a travelling rural library and radio station) and high standards of teaching and research. In 1917 he organized the <a href="/article/khaki-university/">KHAKI UNIVERSITY</a> for Canadian soldiers in England, and in 1919 was instrumental, with J.L. <a href="/article/jean-leon-cote/">C脭T脡</a>, in creating the organization that in 1921 became the Alberta Research Council. Appointed in 1923 to the <a href="/article/national-research-council-of-canada/">NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL</a>, Tory became its chairman within 6 months, apparently because no other member had faith in its political future. His first priority was persuading the government to build the national laboratories planned in 1919 but vetoed in 1921 through procedural confusion in Parliament. He succeeded in 1927 and the following year moved to Ottawa as the NRC's first full-time president. Tory was then 64 years old. </p> <p>Depression conditions frustrated Tory's ambition of making the NRC as vigorous an influence in Canada as the university had been in Alberta, but the laboratories were completed and staffed between 1928 and 1932 with about 50 scientists, the essential nucleus for the NRC's expansion in WWII. Though embittered by the manner of his 1935 retirement, Tory regarded the NRC Laboratories as his supreme achievement. At age 77 he headed the committee that opened Carleton College in 1942, serving as unpaid president and lecturer until his death. Throughout his life, Tory's main characteristic was enthusiasm. The promotion of science was his central theme, but his interests ranged from the League of Nations to the settlement of the Canadian Prairies. The most famous educator of his day, he was a controversial and proud man: but he had much to be proud of. </p> </div> </div> <div id="def" class="article-content-body hide"></div> </div> <div id="article-definitions"> <definitions route="" id="henry-marshall-tory"></definitions> </div> <div class="article-widget widget-adsense"> <script async src="//"></script> <ins class="adsbygoogle" style="display:inline-block;width:468px;height:60px" data-ad-client="ca-pub-3964766461879185" data-ad-slot="1946780682"></ins> <script> (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); </script> </div> </article> </main> <div id="modal-overlay" class="overlay"></div> <div id="article-image" class="article-img-modal" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="article-modal-title"> <button class="article-img-modal__close" aria-label="close image modal"></button> <div id="js-article-modal-image" class="article-img-modal__container"> <div class="image-container"> <img class="article-img-modal__img" src="" alt=""> </div> <div class="text-container"> <span role="heading" aria-level="3" id="article-modal-title" class="article-img-modal__title"></span> <span class="article-img-modal__description"></span> <span class="article-img-modal__creator"></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="main-grid article-related"> <!-- Related Collections --> <!-- Related Articles --> <div class="callouts-layout main-grid__content--full"> <h3 id="recommended" class="callouts-layout__title">Recommended</h3> <div class="callouts-layout__grid"> <div class="callout-item"> <div class="callout-item__container"> <h6 class="callout-item__title"> <a class="callout-item__link" href="" > Brian McCool </a> </h6> <span class="callout-item__category">Article</span> </div> <div class="image-container"> <img loading="lazy" src="" alt="" class="image-container__image" /> </div> </div> <div class="callout-item"> <div class="callout-item__container"> <h6 class="callout-item__title"> <a class="callout-item__link" href="" > Rural Teachers in Canada </a> </h6> <span class="callout-item__category">Article</span> </div> <div class="image-container"> <img src="" class="image-container__image" alt="Meeting of the School Trustees" loading="lazy" /> </div> </div> <div class="callout-item"> <div class="callout-item__container"> <h6 class="callout-item__title"> <a class="callout-item__link" href="" > Wab Kinew </a> </h6> <span class="callout-item__category">Article</span> </div> <div class="image-container"> <img src="" class="image-container__image" alt="Wab Kinew" loading="lazy" /> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <footer id="footer"> <div class="full-width footer-first-part"> <div class="wrap--narrow"> <div class="footer-information grid--col2"> <div class="divider"> <h6>Updates? 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