EconPapers: EcoMod2014
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Diah Utari</i></dd> <dt>7351: <a href="7351.htm">Competitive Advantages and Performance of Banks in India In Post Reforms Period: Application of Diamond Theory</a> <img src="/downloads_econpapers.gif" width="61" height="16" alt="Downloads"></dt> <dd><i>Medha Tapiawala</i></dd> <dt>7346: <a href="7346.htm">The Economy-Wide Impact of Increasing Natural Gas Production and Utilization on the Indonesian Economy</a> <img src="/downloads_econpapers.gif" width="61" height="16" alt="Downloads"></dt> <dd><i>Djoni Hartono</i>, <i>Nurkholis</i> and <i>Aldi Hutagalung</i></dd> <dt>7344: <a href="7344.htm">Energy Pricing Policies in Indonesia: A Computable General Equilibrium Model</a> <img src="/downloads_econpapers.gif" width="61" height="16" alt="Downloads"></dt> <dd><i>Djoni Hartono</i>, <i>Tony Irawan</i> and <i>Ahmad Komarulzaman</i></dd> <dt>7342: <a href="7342.htm">Modeling Financial Distress: The Case of Indonesian Banking Industry</a> <img src="/downloads_econpapers.gif" width="61" height="16" alt="Downloads"></dt> <dd><i>Rinaldo Sjahril</i>, <i>Andry Priharta</i>, <i>Andi Parewangi</i> and <i>Hermiyetti</i></dd> <dt>7340: <a href="7340.htm">Optimalization Profitability through Working Capital Management and Capital Structure: Evidence from Indonesian Banking Industry</a> <img src="/downloads_econpapers.gif" width="61" height="16" alt="Downloads"></dt> <dd><i>Titik Agus Setiyaningsih</i>, <i>Andi Parewangi</i>, <i>Siti Jamilah</i> and <i>Siti Hamidah Rustiana</i></dd> <dt>7264: <a href="7264.htm">Egypt’s Post Revolution Development Path From A Dynamic Economy Wide Model "A Three-Year Economic Recovery Plan"</a> <img src="/downloads_econpapers.gif" width="61" height="16" alt="Downloads"></dt> <dd><i>Motaz Khorshid</i> and <i>Asaad El- Sadek</i></dd> <dt>7238: <a href="7238.htm">The Contribution of Saving and Loan onn Economic Growth, The Case of Indonesia</a> <img src="/downloads_econpapers.gif" width="61" height="16" alt="Downloads"></dt> <dd><i>Muhammad Fadli Hanafi</i>, <i>Berly Martawardaya</i> and <i>Andi Parewangi</i></dd> <dt>7232: <a href="7232.htm">A General Equilibrium Analysis of the COMESA-EAC-SADC Tripartite FTA</a> <img src="/downloads_econpapers.gif" width="61" height="16" alt="Downloads"></dt> <dd><i>Dirk Willenbockel</i></dd> <dt>7225: <a href="7225.htm">Econometric Methods for Modelling Systems with a Mixture of I(1) and I(0) Variables</a> <img src="/downloads_econpapers.gif" width="61" height="16" alt="Downloads"></dt> <dd><i>Hyeon-seung Huh</i>, <i>Lance Fisher</i> and <i>Adrian Pagan</i></dd> <dt>7220: <a href="7220.htm">The impact of Exhange rate shock on Banking Industies Performance</a> <img src="/downloads_econpapers.gif" width="61" height="16" alt="Downloads"></dt> <dd><i>Agus Hendrawan</i> and <i>Andi Parewangi</i></dd> <dt>7200: <a href="7200.htm">FREQUENCY ASPECTS OF INFORMATION TRANSMISSION IN NETWORKS OF EQUITY MARKETS</a> <img src="/downloads_econpapers.gif" width="61" height="16" alt="Downloads"></dt> <dd><i>Angi Roesch</i>, <i>Harald Schmidbauer</i> and <i>Erhan Uluceviz</i></dd> <dt>7198: <a href="7198.htm">Effects of demographic changes on hospital workforce in European countries</a> <img src="/downloads_econpapers.gif" width="61" height="16" alt="Downloads"></dt> <dd><i>Marek Radvansky</i></dd> <dt>7194: <a href="7194.htm">Monetary policy and financial shocks in an empirical small open-economy DSGE model</a> <img src="/downloads_econpapers.gif" width="61" height="16" alt="Downloads"></dt> <dd><i>Max Steinbach</i>, <i>Stan Du Plessis</i> and <i>Ben Smit</i></dd> <dt>7185: <a href="7185.htm">The origin of stock market volatility --- the case of Indonesia and Turkey</a> <img src="/downloads_econpapers.gif" width="61" height="16" alt="Downloads"></dt> <dd><i>Harald Schmidbauer</i> and <i>Narod Erkol</i></dd> <dt>7163: <a href="7163.htm">Lyon Taming by the IRS: Evidence on Tax Deductions</a> <img src="/downloads_econpapers.gif" width="61" height="16" alt="Downloads"></dt> <dd><i>Nandkumar Nayar</i></dd> <dt>7160: <a href="7160.htm">Spillover Effects in the Customs Union of Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus</a> <img src="/downloads_econpapers.gif" width="61" height="16" alt="Downloads"></dt> <dd><i>Yulia Vymyatnina</i></dd> <dt>7151: <a href="7151.htm">Challenges in modeling the impacts of modern development policies: The case of the GMR-approach</a> <img src="/downloads_econpapers.gif" width="61" height="16" alt="Downloads"></dt> <dd><i>Attila Varga</i></dd> <dt>7147: <a href="7147.htm">The role of microenterprises in empowering women in urban Sudan</a> <img src="/downloads_econpapers.gif" width="61" height="16" alt="Downloads"></dt> <dd><i>Khadra Hassan Siddig</i> and <i>Mohamed Osman Hegazi</i></dd> <dt>7143: <a href="7143.htm">The Impact of East African Community Macroeconomic Convergence Criteria on the Ugandan economy: A Dynamic General Equilibrium Analysis</a> <img src="/downloads_econpapers.gif" width="61" height="16" alt="Downloads"></dt> <dd><i>Justine Nannyonjo</i> and <i>Wilson Asiimwe</i></dd> <dt>7133: <a href="7133.htm">The role of microfinance institutions in supporting women microenterprises in urban Sudan</a> <img src="/downloads_econpapers.gif" width="61" height="16" alt="Downloads"></dt> <dd><i>Khadra Hassan Siddig</i> and <i>Mohamed Osman Hegazi</i></dd> <dt>7126: <a href="7126.htm">Importance of Firm Heterogeneity for Exports Policy Design in Turkey: Implications for 500 Billion $ Exports Target for 2023</a> <img src="/downloads_econpapers.gif" width="61" height="16" alt="Downloads"></dt> <dd><i>A. Emre Akel</i></dd> <dt>7113: <a href="7113.htm">Modeling of household economic security</a> <img src="/downloads_econpapers.gif" width="61" height="16" alt="Downloads"></dt> <dd><i>Maria Piotrowska</i></dd> <dt>7106: <a href="7106.htm">Quantifying Economy-Wide Impacts of Reducing Subsidy to the Electricity Sector in Kuwait</a> <img src="/downloads_econpapers.gif" width="61" height="16" alt="Downloads"></dt> <dd><i>Ayele Gelan</i></dd> <dt>7104: <a href="7104.htm">Individual investors’ stock buying behavior: Does experience matter in a developing economy stock market</a> <img src="/downloads_econpapers.gif" width="61" height="16" alt="Downloads"></dt> <dd><i>Osaro Agbontaen</i> and <i>Enase Okonedo</i></dd> <dt>7098: <a href="7098.htm">Asymmetric tax competition with public inputs and imperfect labour markets</a> <img src="/downloads_econpapers.gif" width="61" height="16" alt="Downloads"></dt> <dd><i>Johannes Pauser</i> and <i>Holger Gillet</i></dd> <dt>7089: <a href="7089.htm">A regional perspective to achieve the future climate regime: a long-term analysis with the TIAM-FR model</a> <img src="/downloads_econpapers.gif" width="61" height="16" alt="Downloads"></dt> <dd><i>Sandrine Selosse</i> and <i>Nadia Maizi</i></dd> <dt>7083: <a href="7083.htm">Research of Impact of Natural Resources Wealth on Economic Development and Human Capital Using Marx’s Production Scheme</a> <img src="/downloads_econpapers.gif" width="61" height="16" alt="Downloads"></dt> <dd><i>Yadulla Hasanli</i></dd> <dt>7069: <a href="7069.htm">Réunion Island's energy autonomy objective by 2030</a> <img src="/downloads_econpapers.gif" width="61" height="16" alt="Downloads"></dt> <dd><i>Olivia Ricci</i>, <i>Sandrine Selosse</i>, <i>Sabine Garabedian</i> and <i>Nadia Maizi</i></dd> <dt>7065: <a href="7065.htm">A unified structural equation modeling approach for the decomposition of rank-dependent indicators of socioeconomic inequality of health</a> <img src="/downloads_econpapers.gif" width="61" height="16" alt="Downloads"></dt> <dd><i>Roselinde Kessels</i> and <i>Guido Erreygers</i></dd> <dt>7045: <a href="7045.htm">Economic growth and Income distribution: The case of Korean R&D Investment</a> <img src="/downloads_econpapers.gif" width="61" height="16" alt="Downloads"></dt> <dd><i>Sungmoon Jung</i>, <i>Yeo Yeongjun</i> and <i>Jeong-Dong Lee</i></dd> <dt>7033: <a href="7033.htm">The Design of Income Tax System Responding To The Middle Class Growth, and Its Effects on Income Distribution</a> <img src="/downloads_econpapers.gif" width="61" height="16" alt="Downloads"></dt> <dd><i>Rita Tenrini</i> and <i>Anda Nugroho</i></dd> <dt>7029: <a href="7029.htm">The contribution of women microenterprises to poverty alleviation in urban Sudan</a> <img src="/downloads_econpapers.gif" width="61" height="16" alt="Downloads"></dt> <dd><i>Khadra Hassan Siddig</i> and <i>Mohamed Osman Hegazi</i></dd> <dt>7026: <a href="7026.htm">Possible Economic Effects of CU—EU Free Trade Agreement</a> <img src="/downloads_econpapers.gif" width="61" height="16" alt="Downloads"></dt> <dd><i>Bekhan Chokaev</i> and <i>Alexander Knobel</i></dd> <dt>7019: <a href="7019.htm">Analysis of the Unanticipated Factors in Portfolio Inflows to Indonesia: A SCVAR Approach, 2000: Q1 - 2012: Q4</a> <img src="/downloads_econpapers.gif" width="61" height="16" alt="Downloads"></dt> <dd><i>Mr Insukindro</i>, <i>Arti Adji</i> and <i>Aryo Aliyudanto</i></dd> <dt>7017: <a href="7017.htm">The Design of Income Tax System Responding to The Middle Class Growth, and Its Effects on Income Distribution</a> <img src="/downloads_econpapers.gif" width="61" height="16" alt="Downloads"></dt> <dd><i>Anda Nugroho</i> and <i>Rita Tenrini</i></dd> <dt>7009: <a href="7009.htm">From Prescriptive Process Models to Agile Case Modeling</a> <img src="/downloads_econpapers.gif" width="61" height="16" alt="Downloads"></dt> <dd><i>Freimut Bodendorf</i> and <i>Sebastian Huber</i></dd> <dt>7007: <a href="7007.htm">Domestic impact of production cuts in OPEC countries: The cases of Nigeria and Venezuela</a> <img src="/downloads_econpapers.gif" width="61" height="16" alt="Downloads"></dt> <dd><i>Ramón E. Key-Hernández</i> and <i>Claudina Villarroel</i></dd> <dt>7002: <a href="7002.htm">ESTIMATION OF VECTOR ERROR CORRECTION MODEL WITH GARCH ERRORS: MONTE CARLO SIMULATION AND APPLICATIONS</a> <img src="/downloads_econpapers.gif" width="61" height="16" alt="Downloads"></dt> <dd><i>Kusdhianto Setiawan</i> and <i>Koichi Maekawa</i></dd> <dt>6998: <a href="6998.htm">Vietnamese Inter – regional labor migration: system approach to the modeling 1989, 1999, 2009</a> <img src="/downloads_econpapers.gif" width="61" height="16" alt="Downloads"></dt> <dd><i>Tadashi Kikuchi</i></dd> <dt>6995: <a href="6995.htm">Economic and Poverty Impacts of Soaring Oil Prices: The Case for Indonesia</a> <img src="/downloads_econpapers.gif" width="61" height="16" alt="Downloads"></dt> <dd><i>Guntur Sugiyarto</i>, <i>Erwin Corong</i> and <i>Angelo Taningco</i></dd> <dt>6993: <a href="6993.htm">A Long-run Macroeconomic Model of the Slovak Republic (Long-term sustainability of the pension system)</a> <img src="/downloads_econpapers.gif" width="61" height="16" alt="Downloads"></dt> <dd><i>Tomas Domonkos</i>, <i>Štefan Domonkos</i>, <i>Miroslava Jánošová</i> and <i>Filip Ostrihoň</i></dd> <dt>6990: <a href="6990.htm">Optimal Commodity Taxation in the Second Best Situation</a> <img src="/downloads_econpapers.gif" width="61" height="16" alt="Downloads"></dt> <dd><i>Guntur Sugiyarto</i></dd> <dt>6985: <a href="6985.htm">MacSim 2: a computer package for teaching international macroeconomics</a> <img src="/downloads_econpapers.gif" width="61" height="16" alt="Downloads"></dt> <dd><i>Jean Louis Brillet</i>, <i>Gilbert Cette</i>, <i>Ian Gambini</i> and <i>Raymond Gambini</i></dd> </dl> <!-- END CUT --></div></td><td width='15%' align='left' valign='top'><div class='issuelinks'> <h3 class='colored'>Papers sorted by number</h3><img border='0' width='9' height='16' class='arrow' alt='' src='/blank.png'> <b>8107</b> <a href='default1.htm'>6983</a> <a href='default1.htm'><img border='0' width='9' height='16' class='rightarrow' alt='Next' src='/right.png'></a> </div></td></tr><tr><td width='15%' align='left' valign='bottom'><div class='issuelinks'> <h3 class='colored'>Papers sorted by number</h3><img border='0' width='9' height='16' class='arrow' alt='' src='/blank.png'> <b>8107</b> <a href='default1.htm'>6983</a> <a href='default1.htm'><img border='0' width='9' height='16' class='rightarrow' alt='Next' src='/right.png'></a> </div></td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign='bottom'><div class='sidebar'> <p class="smaller"><div align="center"><a href=''><img src="/repec3.gif" alt="RePEc" width='127' height='29'></a></div> <div class="smaller">This site is part of <a href="">RePEc</a> and all the data displayed here is part of the RePEc data set.</div> <p class="smaller">Is your work missing from RePEc? 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