Qualified Charitable Distributions | The American Cancer Society

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As you plan your required minimum distributions, consider using your IRA to make a simple, yet valuable charitable gift."> <meta name="keywords" content="ira charitable rollover "> <link href="" rel="canonical" /> <meta property="og:url" content="" /> <link href="/clients/1113/src/" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> <!--[if lte IE 9]><script src="/etc/designs/" ></script><![endif]--> <script type="text/javascript" src="/clients/1113/src/"></script> <link rel="canonical" href=""> <meta property="og:url" content=""> <meta property="og:title" content="Planned Giving Test Page"> <link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href=""> <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href=""> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/clients/1113/src/datatables.min.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/clients/1113/src/bootstrap.min.css" integrity="sha384-1q8mTJOASx8j1Au+a5WDVnPi2lkFfwwEAa8hDDdjZlpLegxhjVME1fgjWPGmkzs7" crossorigin="anonymous"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/clients/1113/src/bootstrap-datepicker.css" type="text/css"> <script src="/clients/1113/src/" integrity="sha384-0mSbJDEHialfmuBBQP6A4Qrprq5OVfW37PRR3j5ELqxss1yVqOtnepnHVP9aJ7xS" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/clients/1113/src/clientlib.min.css" type="text/css"> <!-- <script src="js/toolbar.js" type="text/javascript"></script>--> <script src="/clients/1113/src/__utm.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <style type="text/css"> #vgsubqa a { cursor: pointer !important; 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border:1px solid #8C3130; margin: 0 0 1rem; padding: 20px; font-size: 80%;">The CARES act temporarily waives required minimum distributions (RMDs) for all types of retirement plans (including IRAs, 401(k)s, 403(b)s, 457(b)s, and inherited IRA plans) for calendar year 2020. This includes the first RMD, which individuals may have delayed from 2019 until April 1, 2020.</p> </div> --> <h2><small>(Also referred to as Charitable IRA Rollover Gifts)</small></h2> <section> <h2> Did you know the gift of a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) benefits donors aged 70&frac12; and up? </h2> <p> The Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) is an excellent way to show your support for the American Cancer Society <strong>and receive tax benefits in return</strong>. As you plan your required minimum distributions (RMD), consider using your IRA account to make the most of your charitable giving. You receive a tax benefit even if you take the standard deduction! </p> <p> It's important to consider your tax situation before deciding whether to make a charitable contribution from your IRA. Be sure to share this gift plan with your financial advisor. </p> <p> For more information, please <a href="">contact us</a>. </p> <p> Please mail QCD checks to:<br> American Cancer Society<br> PO Box 6704<br> Hagerstown, MD 21741<br> Please note: We need your name and address to accompany the check in order to correctly credit and acknowledge your gift. </p> </section> <section> <h2> To qualify </h2> <ul> <li>You must be 70&frac12; or older at the time of gift.</li> <li>Distributions must be made directly from a traditional IRA account by your IRA administrator to the American Cancer Society. </li> <li>Gifts must be outright, meaning they go directly to the American Cancer Society. Distributions to donor-advised funds do not qualify.</li> <li>Gifts from 401(k), 403(b), "ongoing" SEP or SIMPLE IRAs, and other plans do not qualify. Ask your financial advisor if it would make sense for you to create a traditional IRA account so you can benefit from an IRA Qualified Charitable Distribution.</li> </ul> </section> <section> <h2> Tax Benefits </h2> <ul> <li>IRA Qualified Charitable Distributions are excluded as gross income for federal income tax purposes on your IRS Form 1040. </li> <li>The gift counts toward your required minimum distribution for the year in which you made the gift.</li> <li>You could avoid a higher tax bracket that might otherwise result from adding an RMD to your income.</li> </ul> </section> <section> <h2> Example </h2> <p> John is 73 years old and wants to make a gift to the American Cancer Society. He has $500,000 in his IRA and wants to gift $20,000. He can authorize the administrator of his IRA to distribute $20,000 to the American Cancer Society. Because the IRA Qualified Charitable Distribution is excluded from income, John will not be eligible for a charitable income tax deduction &mdash; but he still receives tax savings. The $20,000 distributed to the American Cancer Society will be counted toward his annual minimum required distribution and he will not pay income tax on the portion given to the organization. </p> </section> <section class="pg-qa"> <h2> Questions and Answers </h2> <div id="vgsubqa"> <p> <a class="pg-faq-toggle" href="javascript:swapLayers('slide1');changeStatus('1');"> <img class="openhide" src="/clients/i/open.gif" border="0" alt="" /> What's the IRS Rule?<span class="hideOffScreen" id="layerStatus1">Layer Closed</span> </a> </p> <div id="slide1" class="vgslide"> <p> The QCD allows individuals 70&frac12; and older to make direct distributions up to $108,000 per year to 501(c)(3) charities without having to count the distributions as income for federal income tax purposes. No charitable deduction may be taken, but distributions will qualify for all or part of the IRA owner's required minimum distributions. </p> </div> </div> <div id="vgsubqa"> <p> <a class="pg-faq-toggle" href="javascript:swapLayers('slide2');changeStatus('2');"> <img class="openhide" src="/clients/i/open.gif" border="0" alt="" /> Who qualifies?<span class="hideOffScreen" id="layerStatus2">Layer Closed</span> </a> </p> <div id="slide2" class="vgslide"> <p> Individuals 70&frac12; or older at the time of the contribution (you have to wait until 6 months after your 70<sup>th</sup> birthday to make the transfer). </p> </div> </div> <div id="vgsubqa"> <p> <a class="pg-faq-toggle" href="javascript:swapLayers('slide3');changeStatus('3');"> <img class="openhide" src="/clients/i/open.gif" border="0" alt="" /> How much can I distribute?<span class="hideOffScreen" id="layerStatus3">Layer Closed</span> </a> </p> <div id="slide3" class="vgslide"> <p> Up to $108,000 per year. The distribution must be outright to charity. </p> </div> </div> <div id="vgsubqa"> <p> <a class="pg-faq-toggle" href="javascript:swapLayers('slide4');changeStatus('4');"> <img class="openhide" src="/clients/i/open.gif" border="0" alt="" /> From what accounts can I make transfers?<span class="hideOffScreen" id="layerStatus4">Layer Closed</span> </a> </p> <div id="slide4" class="vgslide"> <p> Distributions must come from your IRAs directly to the American Cancer Society. If you wish to help us with a gift from another retirement asset such as a 401k, 403b, etc., you must first roll those funds into an IRA. Then you can direct the IRA administrator to distribute the funds from the IRA directly to the American Cancer Society. </p> </div> </div> <div id="vgsubqa"> <p> <a class="pg-faq-toggle" href="javascript:swapLayers('slide5');changeStatus('5');"> <img class="openhide" src="/clients/i/open.gif" border="0" alt="" /> Can I use the QCD to fund life-income gifts (charitable gift annuities, charitable remainder trusts, or pooled income funds)?<span class="hideOffScreen" id="layerStatus5">Layer Closed</span> </a> </p> <div id="slide5" class="vgslide"> <p> Yes. Please <a href="/contact">contact us</a> for more information. </p> </div> </div> <div id="vgsubqa"> <p> <a class="pg-faq-toggle" href="javascript:swapLayers('slide11');changeStatus('11');"> <img class="openhide" src="/clients/i/open.gif" border="0" alt="" /> Can I use the QCD to fund Donor Advised Funds?<span class="hideOffScreen" id="layerStatus10">Layer Closed</span> </a> </p> <div id="slide11" class="vgslide"> <p> No, not at this time. </p> </div> </div> <div id="vgsubqa"> <p> <a class="pg-faq-toggle" href="javascript:swapLayers('slide6');changeStatus('6');"> <img class="openhide" src="/clients/i/open.gif" border="0" alt="" /> How will the American Cancer Society count the gift?<span class="hideOffScreen" id="layerStatus6">Layer Closed</span> </a> </p> <div id="slide6" class="vgslide"> <p> We will give you full credit for the entire gift amount. You will also receive a letter, which states that the gift qualifies as a QCD to use for tax reporting purposes. </p> </div> </div> <div id="vgsubqa"> <p> <a class="pg-faq-toggle" href="javascript:swapLayers('slide7');changeStatus('7');"> <img class="openhide" src="/clients/i/open.gif" border="0" alt="" /> What are the tax implications to me?<span class="hideOffScreen" id="layerStatus7">Layer Closed</span> </a> </p> <div id="slide7" class="vgslide"> <ul> <li>Federal &mdash; You do not recognize the distribution to the American Cancer Society as income, provided it goes directly from the IRA administrator to us. Therefore, you are not entitled to an income tax charitable deduction for your gift.</li> <li>State &mdash; Each state has different laws, so you will need to consult with your own advisors. Some states have a state income tax and will include this distribution as income. Within those states, some will allow for a state income tax charitable deduction and others will not. Other states base their income tax on the federal income or federal tax paid. Some states have no income tax at all.</li> </ul> </div> </div> <div id="vgsubqa"> <p> <a class="pg-faq-toggle" href="javascript:swapLayers('slide8');changeStatus('8');"> <img class="openhide" src="/clients/i/open.gif" border="0" alt="" /> Can my spouse also make a Qualified Charitable Distribution?<span class="hideOffScreen" id="layerStatus8">Layer Closed</span> </a> </p> <div id="slide8" class="vgslide"> <p> Yes, every individual who is the owner of a traditional IRA can use the Qualified Charitable Distribution for up to $108,000 each year. </p> </div> </div> <div id="vgsubqa"> <p> <a class="pg-faq-toggle" href="javascript:swapLayers('slide9');changeStatus('9');"> <img class="openhide" src="/clients/i/open.gif" border="0" alt="" /> How do I know if a Qualified Charitable Distribution is right for me?<span class="hideOffScreen" id="layerStatus9">Layer Closed</span> </a> </p> <div id="slide9" class="vgslide"> <p> Share this information with your financial advisor. Our office can provide additional information and examples of this gift plan. Call us. We would be delighted to help. </p> </div> </div> <div id="vgsubqa"> <p> <a class="pg-faq-toggle" href="javascript:swapLayers('slide10');changeStatus('10');"> <img class="openhide" src="/clients/i/open.gif" border="0" alt="" /> What is the procedure to execute a QCD?<span class="hideOffScreen" id="layerStatus10">Layer Closed</span> </a> </p> <div id="slide10" class="vgslide"> <p> We offer <a href="clients/1113/doc/QCD-sample-letter.doc" target="new">a sample letter</a> you can send to your plan provider to initiate the distribution. Please let your plan administrator know this gift must be sent prior to December 31 to qualify as a charitable distribution for the tax year. Make sure you <a href="">contact us</a> when you direct the distribution so we can look for the check from your IRA administrator. </p> </div> </div> <!-- <div class="pg-qa-item"> <h3> Does this transfer qualify as my required minimum distribution? </h3> <p> Yes. Once you reach 72;, you are required to take required minimum distributions from your retirement plans each year according to a federal formula. QCDs count toward your minimum required distribution for the year in which you make the gift. </p> </div> --> </section> <section> <h2>Important Notes:</h2> <p> If your administrator provides you an IRA checkbook, please note that the date of your QCD is NOT the date you send the distribution check, but the date that your IRA administrator transfers the funds to the charity. If you want your distribution check to be credited toward the current tax year, it is critical that you mail your check several weeks before the end of the year to ensure there is time for the check to be received by common reporting standards (CRS) and to clear your account. This is especially true if you are relying on those gifts to fulfill your required minimum distribution. </p> <div class="pg-boxed"> <h3> Documentation </h3> <p> There are several ways to send a gift from a qualified retirement account to the American Cancer Society. Once you've decided how you want the check sent to us, follow the appropriate procedure below. </p> <p> <strong>If you are requesting that your IRA administrator send a check directly to the American Cancer Society:</strong> </p> <ul> <li>Notify your plan administrator, preferably in writing, that the documentation accompanying the check must include your name and address. You can use our <a href="clients/1113/doc/QCD-sample-letter.doc">sample letter</a> to make your request.</li> </ul> <p> <strong>If you have check-writing capability on your IRA account:</strong> </p> <ul> <li>If your name and address are not printed on your check, include that information along with your check.</li> </ul> <p> <strong>If your IRA administrator is sending the check directly to you, the check must be payable to the American Cancer Society:</strong> </p> <ul> <li>Make a copy of the check for yourself. Send the original check, and include your name and address, to the American Cancer Society, PO Box 6704, Hagerstown, MD 21741.</li> </ul> <p> <strong>An important note:</strong> No matter how your check is sent to the American Cancer Society, we need your name and address to accompany the check in order to correctly credit and acknowledge your gift. </p> <p> Questions? Please <a href="">contact us</a>. We are here to help. </p> </div> <p> Be sure to check with your financial advisor to determine whether this gift plan is right for you. This information is not meant as tax or legal advice. </p> </section> <br clear="all" /> <div id="vgfooter" class="pg-copyright"> <p class="pg-notice"> The gift planning information presented on this Planned Giving website of the American Cancer Society is not offered as legal or tax advice. </p> <p class="pg-links"> <a href="/disclaimer" class="pg-disclaimer-link">Read full disclaimer</a><span class="vgsep pg-sep" id="vg_sitemap_sep">|</span><a id="vg_sitemap_link" class="pg-sitemap-link" href="/sitemap">Site Map</a><span class="vgsep pg-sep">|</span><span class="copy pg-copyright-info"><a href="//" target="_blank" title="Planned Giving Marketing">Planned Giving Marketing</a> Content © 2021 by <a href="//" target="_blank" title="Planned Giving Marketing"></a>.</span></p> </div></div> <!-- Global site tag (gtag.js) - Google Analytics --> <script async src=""></script> <script> window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag() { dataLayer.push(arguments); } gtag('js', new Date()); gtag('config', 'G-EYH72EXSZQ'); </script> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="main-content"> <div> </div> </section> <a href="" class="scroll-up affix-bottom" style="top: 443px;"><img src="/clients/1113/img/backtotop.gif" alt="Back to top of the page"></a> </main> <footer> <div class="footer-top"> <div class="footer-callout"> <div> <div class="section"> <div class="new"></div> </div> <div class="iparys_inherited"> <div class="parsys iparsys footer-callout"></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="footer-contact"> <div class="container-fluid"> <div class="social-nav hidden-xs"> <h4>Follow Us</h4> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="/clients/1113/img/twitter.png" alt="Twitter"> </a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="/clients/1113/img/facebook.png" alt="Facebook"></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="/clients/1113/img/instagram.png" alt="Instagram"></a> </div> <p class="contact-info"><span>Cancer Information, Answers, and Hope. 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