BSNIC .BS Domain Registry
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Be sure to bring along a copy of your invoice. <br><br> If you are not in Nassau, but wish to pay by credit card, please complete and submit the <a href="ccauth.doc">Credit Card Authorisation</A> form available <a href="ccauth.doc"><b>here</b></a> for download. <br><br> <h4>Cheques or Bank Drafts</h4><br> Personal cheques are not accepted. You may submit payment in the form of Bahamian Dollar company cheques or bank drafts <U>drawn on a local bank in The Bahamas</U>. Cheques/bank drafts/money orders drawn on foreign banks incur a local bank charge in excess of $100 for processing. <br><br> Cheques, drafts should be made <strong>payable to <u>UNIVERSITY OF THE BAHAMAS</u></strong>. Please forward payments in this form to:<br><br> BSNIC<br> Office of Information Technology<br> University of The Bahamas<br> University Drive (Thompson Blvd.), PO Box N4912<br> Nassau, NP, Bahamas<br><br><br> <h4>Wire Transfers</h4><br> Make payments by online direct deposit/wire transfer to: <br><br> <b>RBC Royal Bank (Bahamas) Limited</b><br> <!-- Chase Manhattan Bank, New York<BR> ABA 021000021<BR> SWIFT (CHASUS 33)<BR> Account 0011188448<BR> <I>Further credit to:</I><BR> Royal Bank of Canada, Nassau, Bahamas<BR> SWIFT (ROYCBSNS)<BR> <I>Further credit to:</I><BR> --> John F. Kennedy Branch<br> PO Box N-7549<br> Nassau, Bahamas<br> SWIFT: ROYCBSNS<br> Name on Account: University of The Bahamas - Book account<br> Checking Account No.: 05165-1067982<br> Account Currency: BSD<br> <br><br> <b>Please Note:</b> <ul> <li>The cost of the wire transfer, including all intermediary bank fees, must be borne by the applicant. </li><li>You must quote the invoice number(s) for which payment is being submitted. Also, notify us of the payment by sending an e-mail to <font color="#000000"><a href=""></a></font>. Your message should contain the following payment information:<br><br> - date<br> - purpose (list invoice numbers and domain names for renewal/registration)<br> - amount<br> - your bank name and account number<br> - other tracking information or reference numbers<br> </section> </div> </div> </div> <div class="footer-wrapper"> <div class="container"> <!-- Footer --> <footer> <!-- <p><img src="images/twitter.png" alt="twitter" /> <img src="images/facebook.png" alt="facebook" /> <img src="images/rss.png" alt="rss" /></p> --> <p><a href="index.html">Home</a> | <a href="registration.html">Domain Registration</a> | <a href="contact.php">Contact Us</a></p> <FONT SIZE="1"><p>Copyright © CSS3_red_tulip | <a href="">skel.js</a> | <a href="">design from</a></p></FONT> </footer> </div> </div> </body> </html>