{"title":"Foreign Languages and Employability in the EU","authors":"Paulina Pietrzyk-Kowalec","volume":198,"journal":"International Journal of Cognitive and Language Sciences","pagesStart":411,"pagesEnd":415,"ISSN":"1307-6892","URL":"https:\/\/\/pdf\/10013138","abstract":"<p>This paper presents the phenomenon of multilingualism becoming the norm rather than the exception in the European Union. It also seeks to describe the correlation between the command of foreign languages and employability. It is evident that the challenges of today's societies when it comes to employability are more and more complex. Thus, it is one of the crucial tasks of higher education to prepare its students to face this kind of complexity, understand its nuances, and have the capacity to adapt effectively to situations that are common in corporations based in the countries belonging to the EU. From this point of view, the assessment of the impact that the command of foreign languages of European university students could have on the numerous business sectors becomes vital. It also involves raising awareness of future professionals to make them understand the importance of mastering communicative skills in foreign languages that will meet the requirements of students' prospective employers. The direct connection between higher education institutions and the world of business also allows companies to realize that they should rethink their recruitment and human resources procedures in order to take into account the importance of foreign languages. This article focuses on the objective of the multilingualism policy developed by the European Commission, which is to enable young people to master at least two foreign languages, which is crucial in their future careers. The article puts emphasis on the existence of a crucial connection between the research conducted in higher education institutions and the business sector in order to reduce current qualification gaps.<\/p>","references":"[1]\tL. Ara\u00fajo, P. D. Costa, S. Flisi and E.S. Calvo, Languages and employability. Ispra (Va)\/Italy: European Commission, 2015 (E-Reader Version). Retrieved from http:\/\/\/repository\/bitstream\/JRC97544\/languages%20and%20empl oyabilityonline.pdf \r\n[2]\tEuropean Commission (EC), Employers' perception of graduate employability, Analytical Report. Hungary: European Commission, 2018 (E-Reader Version). Retrieved from http:\/\/\/commfrontoffice\/publicopinion\/flash\/fl_304_en.pdf\r\n[3]\tBritish Chamber of Commerce (BCC), Press Releases, Business is good for Britain, 2013. Accessed 23 February, 2018. Retrieved from http:\/\/\/pressoffice\/press-releases\/duplicate-of-bcc-knowledge-gaps-and-language-skills-hold-backexporters.html 0617\r\n[4]\tOrganiza\u00e7\u00e3o para a coopera\u00e7\u00e3o e Desenvolvimento Econ\u00f3mico (OCDE), Relat\u00f3rios econ\u00f3micos da OCDE Portugal. OCDE, 2017 (E-Reader Version). Retrieved from https:\/\/\/eco\/surveys\/Portugal-2017-OECD-economic-survey-overviewportuguese.pdf\r\n[5]\tAudretsch, D. B., E. E. Lehmann, and M. Wright. 2014. \u2018Technology Transfer in a Global Economy.\u2019 The Journal of Technology Transfer 39 (3): 301\u201312. Bandura, A. 1997. \r\n[6]\tEuropean Commission (EC), Employers' perception of graduate employability, Analytical Report. Hungary: European Commission, 2018 (E-Reader Version). Retrieved from http:\/\/\/commfrontoffice\/publicopinion\/flash\/fl_304_en.pdf\r\n[7]\tC. Carr\u00e8re, V. Ginsburgh, J. M\u00e9litz, M. Masood and F. Grin, L'impact \u00e9conomique des langues. Clermont-Ferrand France: Ferdi-Economica, 2016. \r\n[8]\tEuropean Commission (EC), Strategic Framework \u2013 Education & Training 2020. What is EU\u2019s role in education & training? Development of Skills. Accessed 25 February, 2018. Retrieved from https:\/\/\/education\/policy\/strategic-framework\/skills-development_en?2ndlanguage=cs\r\n[9]\tEuropean Commission (EC), Strategic Framework \u2013 Education & Training 2020. \r\n[10]\tRobert H.Frank, Ben Bernanke \u2018Principles of Economics\u2019, 2007\r\n[11]\tArthur O\u2019Sullivan, Steven Sheffin, Steven Perez, \u2018Economics: Principles, Applications and Tools, Global Edition\u2019, 2017\r\n[12]\tBarry R. Chiswick \u2018The Economics of Language: International Analyses\u2019, 2014\r\n[13]\tC. Carr\u00e8re, V. Ginsburgh, J. M\u00e9litz, M. Masood and F. Grin, L'impact \u00e9conomique des langues. Clermont-Ferrand France: Ferdi-Economica, 2016. \r\n[14]\tZhang, W., S. Hong, D. T. Takeuchi, and D. T. Mossakowski. 2012. \u2018Limited English Proficiency and Psychological Distress among Latinos and Asian Americans.\u2019 Social Science & Medicine 75 (2): 1006\u201314.\r\n[15]\thttps:\/\/\/","publisher":"World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology","index":"Open Science Index 198, 2023"}