Stars Join UNICEF UK at First Ever Once Upon Our Time Gala - Look to the Stars

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readings from <span class="caps">UNICEF</span> UK Ambassador Gemma Chan, and <span class="caps">UNICEF</span> UK High Profile Supporter Cel Spellman, amplifying inspiring words from children and young people around the world and highlighting UNICEF&#8217;s vital support. Cel told the story of Samar, age 11, one of five million children in Sudan forced to flee her home due to conflict, whilst Gemma recounted Ehsan&#8217;s story, age 6, who lost his brother in the devastating Pakistan floods. Guests heard how both children are now rebuilding their lives with help from <span class="caps">UNICEF</span>, providing mental health support and safe spaces to live, play and learn again.</p> <p>The night culminated in a rousing pledge moment by <span class="caps">UNICEF</span> UK Ambassador, <a href="">James Nesbitt</a>, highlighting the devastating situation for the one in five children around the world caught up in conflict across the globe, including Sudan, Gaza, Lebanon and Ukraine, and encouraging guests to donate to UNICEF&#8217;s work to protect them.</p> <p>Guests were also treated to a performance from pop icon <a href="">Lulu</a> who thrilled with old favourites including &#8216;Shout&#8217; and &#8216;Boom Bang-a-bang&#8217;, and finished with crowd-pleasing hits, including Elton John&#8217;s &#8217;I&#8217;m Still Standing&#8217; and David Bowie&#8217;s &#8216;The Man Who Sold the World&#8217;.</p> <p>The star-studded event also welcomed <span class="caps">UNICEF</span> UK Ambassador Levison Wood and <span class="caps">UNICEF</span> UK High-Profile Supporter, Alex Scott and was hosted by <span class="caps">UNICEF</span> UK supporter and presenter, Scarlette Douglas and <span class="caps">UNICEF</span> UK High-Profile Supporter, Lee Juggurnauth.</p> <p>Guests also pledged their support at the evening&#8217;s live auction, with prize lots including a golfing experience with <span class="caps">UNICEF</span> UK Ambassador James Nesbitt, a meet and greet with <span class="caps">UNICEF</span> UK President Olivia Colman at the UK premiere of The Roses next year and a private tour led by Sir Grayson Perry of his new exhibition &#8216;Delusion of Grandeur&#8217; at the Wallace Collection, London, all contributing to the £670,000 total.</p> <p>The Once Upon Our Time Gala took place at Frameless London, an immersive art experience venue, taken over by <span class="caps">UNICEF</span> for the evening. Attendees were immersed in a world of real-life children&#8217;s stories, as they watched the space turn from sunrise to sunset, pausing on daily rituals shared by children around the world. From a morning bath and school with friends, to playtime and a safe bed to sleep, the everyday stories of children around the world highlighted that no matter where in the world they are, <span class="caps">UNICEF</span> is there making sure every child has the care and opportunities they need to fulfil their potential and enjoy happy, healthy childhoods.</p> <p><span class="caps">UNICEF</span> UK President, Olivia Colman, said: &#8220;What a wonderful evening for <span class="caps">UNICEF</span> and for children all over the world, this World Children&#8217;s Day. Tonight was a reminder of why I&#8217;m so proud to be <span class="caps">UNICEF</span> UK&#8217;s President – working with an organisation that puts children, their voices and their rights at the heart of everything it does – it&#8217;s true, the &#8216;C&#8217; really does stand for Children. Hearing inspiring stories from around the globe tonight, it&#8217;s proof that no matter where children are or the tragedy they are facing, <span class="caps">UNICEF</span> will be there to protect them, so they can simply be children. Thank you to everyone who supported and helped raise an astounding amount of money to continue this important work.&#8221;</p> <p><span class="caps">UNICEF</span> UK Ambassador, James Nesbitt, said: &#8220;It was a huge privilege to attend the Once Upon Our Time Gala for <span class="caps">UNICEF</span> tonight. I&#8217;ve been a proud Ambassador for almost 20 years now, and lucky enough to travel to countries like India, Zambia and Jordan with <span class="caps">UNICEF</span> to see their amazing work for children. I always come away inspired and in awe of the amazing children I meet who have been through so much, but are so full of life and potential, which it&#8217;s clear <span class="caps">UNICEF</span> is determined to nurture and protect. I was honoured to speak tonight and share stories from children caught up in devastating conflict globally, helping to raise awareness and such an incredible amount of money for <span class="caps">UNICEF</span> that will be life-changing for so many children. It&#8217;s an experience I won&#8217;t forget.&#8221;</p> <p>The money raised from the Once Upon Our Time Gala will help <span class="caps">UNICEF</span> continue its life-saving work providing safe spaces, education, health, and nutrition for children around the world, as well as responding to emergencies that children are facing right now, such as in Sudan, Gaza, Lebanon and Ukraine.</p></div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-3"> <aside id="fact-bar"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-xs-6 col-sm-8 col-md-12"> <div class="panel panel-default panel-facts"> <div class="panel-heading"> <h4>Profiles</h4> </div> <div class="panel-body"> <h4>Celebrities:</h4> <ul class="item-links"><li><a href="">Olivia Colman</a></li><li><a href="">James Nesbitt</a></li><li><a href="">Lulu</a></li></ul> <h4>Charities:</h4> <ul class="item-links"><li><a href="">UNICEF</a></li></ul> <h4>Causes:</h4> <ul class="item-links"><li><a href="">Children</a></li><li><a href="">Poverty</a></li><li><a href="">Health</a></li><li><a href="">Human Rights</a></li><li><a href="">Slavery & Human Trafficking</a></li></ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </aside> </div> </div> </article> </section> <section id="disqus_thread"></section> <script> var disqus_shortname = 'ltts'; 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