LISTSERV 16.5 - Subscriber's Corner

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"CB_1115_HM_GRANTS","CB_1609_ORAL_HEALTH_LISTSERV","CB_1TIMENOTES-L","CB_2002-MIS-PMIS","CB_2004CRIRS-L","CB_2004PNC","CB_2005CRIRS-L","CB_2006CRIRS-L","CB_2007CRIRS-L","CB_2008CRIRS-L","CB_2008SUMMERPOSTERDAY","CB_2009CRIRS-L","CB_2010-GRC-CRS-L","CB_2010_NIHREGIONAL_NW","CB_2012-HD-SUMMIT","CB_2012-UNIVERSAL-L","CB_2013_ADSSP_SI","CB_2014_ADSSP_SI","CB_2015RADEPIDOS-L","CB_2015_ADSSP","CB_2016_ADSSP","CB_2017I4CMEETING","CB_2017_ADI","CB_2017_ADSSP","CB_2018_ADPI","CB_2019_ADPI","CB_2019_RADEPI_COURSE_REGISTERED","CB_2020_ADPI","CB_2021_ADPI","CB_2022_ADPI","CB_2023_ADPI","CB_37-PIS-SEMINARS-L","CB_3D-SIG-L","CB_3SWN-IMC","CB_3SWNPVCS","CB_3T-ANNOUNCE","CB_3T-SCANLOG","CB_3T-SCANTIME","CB_3TLDRRUSERS","CB_3_BLIND_MICE","CB_424R_R-E_R_LIAISONS","CB_4DN-RFA-IMAGING","CB_4DN-RFA-NOFIC","CB_4DN-RFA-NUCBODIES","CB_4DN-RFA-NUCLEOMICS","CB_4PARENTS","CB_4PARENTS_ESPANOL","CB_5RC_LAB_LISTSERV","CB_99NIHINTERNS-L","CB_A-ANIMAL_DEL_RQSTR"]; function ck() { for(i in c) { if 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--> 1609_ORAL_HEALTH_LISTSERV<br>1609 Oral Health Listserv <br> </td> <td>This listserv is for the DP16-1609 funded grantees to communicate in one area <br>on topics related to the 1609 FOA. </td> </tr> <tr class="normalgroup"> <td><b><input type="checkbox" class="ckbox" name="1" ID="CB_1TIMENOTES-L" value="1TIMENOTES-L"> </b></td> <td scope="row"> <!-- 1TIMENOTES-L --> 1TIMENOTES-L<br>List will be for messages from ITAS <br> </td> <td>Many times as a timekeeper I am asked to send information <br>to those who are on the ITAS list credited to me. I think <br>a List-Serve would be most helpful and save time </td> </tr> <tr class="emphasizedgroup"> <td><b><input type="checkbox" class="ckbox" name="1" ID="CB_2002-MIS-PMIS" value="2002-MIS-PMIS"> </b></td> <td scope="row"> <!-- 2002-MIS-PMIS --> <span onmouseover="showDesc('This list is only for the NIH in house interns. There is a master intern listserve (2002INTERNS) that has all of the Emerging Leaders, but this list only has the designated NIH interns for the 2002-2004 class.','2002-MIS-PMIS','List for NIH interns')" onmouseout="hideDesc()">2002-MIS-PMIS</span><br>List for NIH interns <br> </td> <td>Archive-Months: 6 <br> <br>This list is only for the NIH in house interns. There is a <br>master intern listserve (2002INTERNS) that has all of the <br>Emerging Leaders, but this list only has the designated NIH <br>interns for the 2002-2004 class. </td> </tr> <tr class="normalgroup"> <td><b><input type="checkbox" class="ckbox" name="1" ID="CB_2004CRIRS-L" value="2004CRIRS-L"> </b></td> <td scope="row"> <!-- 2004CRIRS-L --> <span onmouseover="showDesc('2004 Cancer Research Interns','2004CRIRS-L','cancer research interns')" onmouseout="hideDesc()">2004CRIRS-L</span><br>cancer research interns <br> </td> <td>2004 Cancer Research Interns </td> </tr> <tr class="emphasizedgroup"> <td><b><input type="checkbox" class="ckbox" name="1" ID="CB_2004PNC" value="2004PNC"> </b></td> <td scope="row"> <!-- 2004PNC --> 2004PNC<br>2004 Polymer Networks Conference <br> </td> <td>Archive-Months: 12 <br> <br>2004 Polymer Networks Conference </td> </tr> <tr class="normalgroup"> <td><b><input type="checkbox" class="ckbox" name="1" ID="CB_2005CRIRS-L" value="2005CRIRS-L"> </b></td> <td scope="row"> <!-- 2005CRIRS-L --> 2005CRIRS-L<br>cancer research interns <br> </td> <td>2005 Cancer Research Interns - CCR </td> </tr> <tr class="emphasizedgroup"> <td><b><input type="checkbox" class="ckbox" name="1" ID="CB_2006CRIRS-L" value="2006CRIRS-L"> </b></td> <td scope="row"> <!-- 2006CRIRS-L --> 2006CRIRS-L<br>cancer research interns - ccr <br> </td> <td>2006 Cancer Research Interns - CCR </td> </tr> <tr class="normalgroup"> <td><b><input type="checkbox" class="ckbox" name="1" ID="CB_2007CRIRS-L" value="2007CRIRS-L"> </b></td> <td scope="row"> <!-- 2007CRIRS-L --> 2007CRIRS-L<br>cancer research interns - ccr <br> </td> <td>2007 Cancer Research Interns - CCR/OTE </td> </tr> <tr class="emphasizedgroup"> <td><b><input type="checkbox" class="ckbox" name="1" ID="CB_2008CRIRS-L" value="2008CRIRS-L"> </b></td> <td scope="row"> <!-- 2008CRIRS-L --> 2008CRIRS-L<br>interns <br> </td> <td>Cancer Research Interns </td> </tr> <tr class="normalgroup"> <td><b><input type="checkbox" class="ckbox" name="1" ID="CB_2008SUMMERPOSTERDAY" value="2008SUMMERPOSTERDAY"> </b></td> <td scope="row"> <!-- 2008SUMMERPOSTERDAY --> <span onmouseover="showDesc('Provide information about the 2008 Summer Poster Day including session times, dates, poster informaiton','2008SUMMERPOSTERDAY','Notify 2008 summer participants of poster day')" onmouseout="hideDesc()">2008SUMMERPOSTERDAY</span><br>Notify 2008 summer participants of poster day <br> </td> <td>Provide information about the 2008 Summer Poster Day <br>including session times, dates, poster informaiton </td> </tr> <tr class="emphasizedgroup"> <td><b><input type="checkbox" class="ckbox" name="1" ID="CB_2009CRIRS-L" value="2009CRIRS-L"> </b></td> <td scope="row"> <!-- 2009CRIRS-L --> 2009CRIRS-L<br>research interns - ccr <br> </td> <td>2009 Cancer Research Interns - CCR </td> </tr> <tr class="normalgroup"> <td><b><input type="checkbox" class="ckbox" name="1" ID="CB_2010-GRC-CRS-L" value="2010-GRC-CRS-L"> </b></td> <td scope="row"> <!-- 2010-GRC-CRS-L --> <span onmouseover="showDesc('This is a mailing list for potential attendees for the 2010 Plasminogen Activation and Extracellular Proteolysis Gordon Conference','2010-GRC-CRS-L','2010 Gordon Research Conference')" onmouseout="hideDesc()">2010-GRC-CRS-L</span><br>2010 Gordon Research Conference <br> </td> <td>This is a mailing list for potential attendees for the 2010 <br>Plasminogen Activation and Extracellular Proteolysis Gordon <br>Conference for which I am the Chair and Roman Szabo is the <br>Chair of the associated Gordon Research Seminar </td> </tr> <tr class="emphasizedgroup"> <td><b><input type="checkbox" class="ckbox" name="1" ID="CB_2010_NIHREGIONAL_NW" value="2010_NIHREGIONAL_NW"> </b></td> <td scope="row"> <!-- 2010_NIHREGIONAL_NW --> 2010_NIHREGIONAL_NW<br>PIs & SROs for the NW Regional Seminar <br> </td> <td>One time distribution list for 2010 NIH Regional Seminar in <br>Portland, Oregon - June 23-25. </td> </tr> <tr class="normalgroup"> <td><b><input type="checkbox" class="ckbox" name="1" ID="CB_2012-HD-SUMMIT" value="2012-HD-SUMMIT"> </b></td> <td scope="row"> <!-- 2012-HD-SUMMIT --> 2012-HD-SUMMIT<br>2012 Health Disparities Summit <br> </td> <td>This mailing list provides information to registrants regarding the 2012 <br>Science of Eliminating Health Disparities Summit. </td> </tr> <tr class="emphasizedgroup"> <td><b><input type="checkbox" class="ckbox" name="1" ID="CB_2012-UNIVERSAL-L" value="2012-UNIVERSAL-L"> </b></td> <td scope="row"> <!-- 2012-UNIVERSAL-L --> 2012-UNIVERSAL-L<br>2012 Universal Influenza Vaccines Meeting Speakers <br> </td> <td>2012 Universal Influenza Vaccines Meeting Speakers </td> </tr> <tr class="normalgroup"> <td><b><input type="checkbox" class="ckbox" name="1" ID="CB_2013_ADSSP_SI" value="2013_ADSSP_SI"> </b></td> <td scope="row"> <!-- 2013_ADSSP_SI --> 2013_ADSSP_SI<br>2013 ADSSP Systems Integration Grantees <br> </td> <td>Facilitate communications to and between 2013 ADSSP Systems Integration Grantees </td> </tr> <tr class="emphasizedgroup"> <td><b><input type="checkbox" class="ckbox" name="1" ID="CB_2014_ADSSP_SI" value="2014_ADSSP_SI"> </b></td> <td scope="row"> <!-- 2014_ADSSP_SI --> 2014_ADSSP_SI<br>2014 ADSSP Systems Integration Grantees <br> </td> <td>2014 ADSSP Systems Integration Grantees, Project officer and Technical <br>Assistance staff </td> </tr> <tr class="normalgroup"> <td><b><input type="checkbox" class="ckbox" name="1" ID="CB_2015RADEPIDOS-L" value="2015RADEPIDOS-L"> </b></td> <td scope="row"> <!-- 2015RADEPIDOS-L --> 2015RADEPIDOS-L<br>2015 Radiation Epidemiology & Dosimetry Attendees <br> </td> <td>2015 Radiation Epidemiology Dosimetry Attendees </td> </tr> <tr class="emphasizedgroup"> <td><b><input type="checkbox" class="ckbox" name="1" ID="CB_2015_ADSSP" value="2015_ADSSP"> </b></td> <td scope="row"> <!-- 2015_ADSSP --> 2015_ADSSP<br>2015 ADSSP Grantees <br> </td> <td>Facilitate communications to and between 2013 ADSSP Systems Integration <br>Grantees </td> </tr> <tr class="normalgroup"> <td><b><input type="checkbox" class="ckbox" name="1" ID="CB_2016_ADSSP" value="2016_ADSSP"> </b></td> <td scope="row"> <!-- 2016_ADSSP --> 2016_ADSSP<br>2016_ADSSP <br> </td> <td>List Serv for 2016 Grantees of the ADSSP program funded through AoA/ACL </td> </tr> <tr class="emphasizedgroup"> <td><b><input type="checkbox" class="ckbox" name="1" ID="CB_2017I4CMEETING" value="2017I4CMEETING"> </b></td> <td scope="row"> <!-- 2017I4CMEETING --> 2017I4CMEETING<br>2017 International Childhood Cancer Cohort Consortium (I4C) Meeting <br> </td> <td>Communicate with members of the group. </td> </tr> <tr class="normalgroup"> <td><b><input type="checkbox" class="ckbox" name="1" ID="CB_2017_ADI" value="2017_ADI"> </b></td> <td scope="row"> <!-- 2017_ADI --> 2017_ADI<br>2017_ADI <br> </td> <td>2017 Alzheimer s Disease Initiative Grantees funded though ACL </td> </tr> <tr class="emphasizedgroup"> <td><b><input type="checkbox" class="ckbox" name="1" ID="CB_2017_ADSSP" value="2017_ADSSP"> </b></td> <td scope="row"> <!-- 2017_ADSSP --> 2017_ADSSP<br>2017_ADSSP <br> </td> <td>2017 Grantees of the Alzheimer s Disease Supportive Services Program funded <br>through ACL </td> </tr> <tr class="normalgroup"> <td><b><input type="checkbox" class="ckbox" name="1" ID="CB_2018_ADPI" value="2018_ADPI"> </b></td> <td scope="row"> <!-- 2018_ADPI --> 2018_ADPI<br>2018 ADPI <br> </td> <td>2018 ADPI - Grantees and supporting staff of the AoA/ACL Alzheimer s Disease <br>Programs Initiative funded in the 2018 cycle </td> </tr> <tr class="emphasizedgroup"> <td><b><input type="checkbox" class="ckbox" name="1" ID="CB_2019_ADPI" value="2019_ADPI"> </b></td> <td scope="row"> <!-- 2019_ADPI --> 2019_ADPI<br>2019 ADPI <br> </td> <td>ACL ADPI Grantees, Program Officers and NADRC Staff </td> </tr> <tr class="normalgroup"> <td><b><input type="checkbox" class="ckbox" name="1" ID="CB_2019_RADEPI_COURSE_REGISTERED" value="2019_RADEPI_COURSE_REGISTERED"> </b></td> <td scope="row"> <!-- 2019_RADEPI_COURSE_REGISTERED --> 2019_RADEPI_COURSE_REGISTERED<br>Registered Participants for 2019 Radiation Epidemiology & Dosimetry Course <br> </td> <td>Participants for the 2019 REB Radiation Epidemiology and Dosimetry Course </td> </tr> <tr class="emphasizedgroup"> <td><b><input type="checkbox" class="ckbox" name="1" ID="CB_2020_ADPI" value="2020_ADPI"> </b></td> <td scope="row"> <!-- 2020_ADPI --> 2020_ADPI<br>2020_ADPI <br> </td> <td>Grantees of ACL/AoA s Alzheimer s Disease Initiative Program ADPI 2020 cohort </td> </tr> <tr class="normalgroup"> <td><b><input type="checkbox" class="ckbox" name="1" ID="CB_2021_ADPI" value="2021_ADPI"> </b></td> <td scope="row"> <!-- 2021_ADPI --> 2021_ADPI<br>2021_ADPI <br> </td> <td>2021 Grantee of the ACL Alzheimer s Disease Program Intiative </td> </tr> <tr class="emphasizedgroup"> <td><b><input type="checkbox" class="ckbox" name="1" ID="CB_2022_ADPI" value="2022_ADPI"> </b></td> <td scope="row"> <!-- 2022_ADPI --> 2022_ADPI<br>2022_ADPI <br> </td> <td>List for grantees funded in 2022 by ACL under Alzheimer s Disease Program <br>Initiative. Includes ACL staff and NADRC contractors </td> </tr> <tr class="normalgroup"> <td><b><input type="checkbox" class="ckbox" name="1" ID="CB_2023_ADPI" value="2023_ADPI"> </b></td> <td scope="row"> <!-- 2023_ADPI --> 2023_ADPI<br>2023_ADPI <br> </td> <td>List for grantees funded in 2023 by ACL under Alzheimer s Disease Program Initiative. <br>Includes ACL staff <br>and NADRC contractors </td> </tr> <tr class="emphasizedgroup"> <td><b><input type="checkbox" class="ckbox" name="1" ID="CB_37-PIS-SEMINARS-L" value="37-PIS-SEMINARS-L"> </b></td> <td scope="row"> <!-- 37-PIS-SEMINARS-L --> <span onmouseover="showDesc('This list is for Bldg. 37 Principal Investigators as it relates to the Principal Investigators Monthly Seminar Series. This seminar series is designed for building 37 PIs to interact with each other for the purpose of sharing research in their individual laboratories as well as any relevant outside research that would be of interest to the senior scientists of building of 37.','37-PIS-SEMINARS-L','Monthly Seminar Series-Bldg. 37 PIs')" onmouseout="hideDesc()">37-PIS-SEMINARS-L</span><br>Monthly Seminar Series-Bldg. 37 PIs <br> </td> <td>This list is for Bldg. 37 Principal Investigators as it <br>relates to the Principal Investigators Monthly Seminar <br>Series. This seminar series is designed for building 37 <br>PIs to interact with each other for the purpose of sharing <br>research in their individual laboratories as well as any <br>relevant outside research that would be of interest to the <br>senior scientists of building of 37. </td> </tr> <tr class="normalgroup"> <td><b><input type="checkbox" class="ckbox" name="1" ID="CB_3D-SIG-L" value="3D-SIG-L"> </b></td> <td scope="row"> <!-- 3D-SIG-L --> 3D-SIG-L<br>3D Printing and Modeling Special Interest Group <br> </td> <td>The 3D Printing group s mission is to provide NIH users with information on 3D <br>printing and modeling resources, services, and technologies to offer a forum <br>for the exchange of information and ideas and to promote awareness of the <br>benefits of 3D printing technologies in fulfilling the NIH mission. </td> </tr> <tr class="emphasizedgroup"> <td><b><input type="checkbox" class="ckbox" name="1" ID="CB_3SWN-IMC" value="3SWN-IMC"> </b></td> <td scope="row"> <!-- 3SWN-IMC --> 3SWN-IMC<br>3SWN-IMC PEDS PROCEDURE TEAM <br> </td> <td>3SWN-IMC PEDS PROCEDURE TEAM </td> </tr> <tr class="normalgroup"> <td><b><input type="checkbox" class="ckbox" name="1" ID="CB_3SWNPVCS" value="3SWNPVCS"> </b></td> <td scope="row"> <!-- 3SWNPVCS --> 3SWNPVCS<br>3SWN-IMC PEDS Procedure Team <br> </td> <td>3SWN-IMC PEDS Procedure Team </td> </tr> <tr class="emphasizedgroup"> <td><b><input type="checkbox" class="ckbox" name="1" ID="CB_3T-ANNOUNCE" value="3T-ANNOUNCE"> </b></td> <td scope="row"> <!-- 3T-ANNOUNCE --> 3T-ANNOUNCE<br>Announcements to the entire FMRIF user community <br> </td> <td>Archive-Months: 12 <br> <br>Announcements to the entire FMRIF user community </td> </tr> <tr class="normalgroup"> <td><b><input type="checkbox" class="ckbox" name="1" ID="CB_3T-SCANLOG" value="3T-SCANLOG"> </b></td> <td scope="row"> <!-- 3T-SCANLOG --> 3T-SCANLOG<br>Log of issues on FMRIF Scanners <br> </td> <td>This list serves as the online scanlog of issues on all of FMRIF scanners. <br> <br>Any issues users experience with the scanners should be entered here. <br> <br>The FMRIF staff will also log minor maintenance issues on this list. <br> <br>The FMRIF staff is subscribed to this list so they will be <br> <br>immediately notified of problems users are experiencing. <br> <br>Users are not subscribed to this list unless they <br> <br>specifically request to be added. </td> </tr> <tr class="emphasizedgroup"> <td><b><input type="checkbox" class="ckbox" name="1" ID="CB_3T-SCANTIME" value="3T-SCANTIME"> </b></td> <td scope="row"> <!-- 3T-SCANTIME --> 3T-SCANTIME<br>For posting and claiming scan time on FMRIF scanners <br> </td> <td>Archive-Months: 12 <br> <br>For posting and claiming scan time available on FMRIF's scanners. </td> </tr> <tr class="normalgroup"> <td><b><input type="checkbox" class="ckbox" name="1" ID="CB_3TLDRRUSERS" value="3TLDRRUSERS"> </b></td> <td scope="row"> <!-- 3TLDRRUSERS --> 3TLDRRUSERS<br>3TLDRRUsers <br> </td> <td>users of the 3T LDRR MRI in the NMR center </td> </tr> <tr class="emphasizedgroup"> <td><b><input type="checkbox" class="ckbox" name="1" ID="CB_3_BLIND_MICE" value="3_BLIND_MICE"> </b></td> <td scope="row"> <!-- 3_BLIND_MICE --> 3_BLIND_MICE<br>Blind and low vision resource sharing group <br> </td> <td>The 3 Blind Mice is an independent group dedicated to <br>sharing information and resources related to blindness and <br>low vision. This group is open to any interested <br>individuals; blind, low vision, sighted all are welcome. <br> <br>Our Mission: <br>The mission of the 3 Blind Mice is to provide fundamental <br>knowledge about the needs of the blind/low vision community <br>within NIH and strengthen the overall quality of <br>accessibility, training, and awareness throughout the <br>workplace. </td> </tr> <tr class="normalgroup"> <td><b><input type="checkbox" class="ckbox" name="1" ID="CB_424R_R-E_R_LIAISONS" value="424R_R-E_R_LIAISONS"> </b></td> <td scope="row"> <!-- 424R_R-E_R_LIAISONS --> 424R_R-E_R_LIAISONS<br>IC Electronic Receipt Liaisions <br> </td> <td>IC Liaisons for the Electronic Receipt of Grant Applications </td> </tr> <tr class="emphasizedgroup"> <td><b><input type="checkbox" class="ckbox" name="1" ID="CB_4DN-RFA-IMAGING" value="4DN-RFA-IMAGING"> </b></td> <td scope="row"> <!-- 4DN-RFA-IMAGING --> 4DN-RFA-IMAGING<br>4DN Imaging RFA Awardees <br> </td> <td>This is a listserv for communication with awardees of the 4DN Imaging Tools <br>RFA. </td> </tr> <tr class="normalgroup"> <td><b><input type="checkbox" class="ckbox" name="1" ID="CB_4DN-RFA-NOFIC" value="4DN-RFA-NOFIC"> </b></td> <td scope="row"> <!-- 4DN-RFA-NOFIC --> 4DN-RFA-NOFIC<br>4DN NOFIC Awardees <br> </td> <td>This is a listserv for communication among grantees of the 4DN NOFIC RFA. </td> </tr> <tr class="emphasizedgroup"> <td><b><input type="checkbox" class="ckbox" name="1" ID="CB_4DN-RFA-NUCBODIES" value="4DN-RFA-NUCBODIES"> </b></td> <td scope="row"> <!-- 4DN-RFA-NUCBODIES --> 4DN-RFA-NUCBODIES<br>4DN Nuclear Bodies and Compartments Awardees <br> </td> <td>This is a list for communication with grantees of the 4DN Nuclear Bodies and <br>Compartments RFA. </td> </tr> <tr class="normalgroup"> <td><b><input type="checkbox" class="ckbox" name="1" ID="CB_4DN-RFA-NUCLEOMICS" value="4DN-RFA-NUCLEOMICS"> </b></td> <td scope="row"> <!-- 4DN-RFA-NUCLEOMICS --> 4DN-RFA-NUCLEOMICS<br>4DN Nucleomics Tools RFA awardees <br> </td> <td>This is a listserv for communication with the 4DN Nucleomics Tools grantees. </td> </tr> <tr class="emphasizedgroup"> <td><b><input type="checkbox" class="ckbox" name="1" ID="CB_4PARENTS" value="4PARENTS"> </b></td> <td scope="row"> <!-- 4PARENTS --> 4PARENTS<br> communications <br> </td> <td>Your children need you to guide them in making smart <br>choices about their health and future. is a <br>guide to help you and your pre-teen or mid teen discuss <br>important, yet difficult, issues about healthy choices, <br>abstinence, sex and relationships. We hope that it will be <br>helpful to you and your family as your children face the <br>challenges of the teenage years. </td> </tr> <tr class="normalgroup"> <td><b><input type="checkbox" class="ckbox" name="1" ID="CB_4PARENTS_ESPANOL" value="4PARENTS_ESPANOL"> </b></td> <td scope="row"> <!-- 4PARENTS_ESPANOL --> 4PARENTS_ESPANOL<br> y PSUNC informacion en espanol <br> </td> <td> y PSUNC informacion en espanol </td> </tr> <tr class="emphasizedgroup"> <td><b><input type="checkbox" class="ckbox" name="1" ID="CB_5RC_LAB_LISTSERV" value="5RC_LAB_LISTSERV"> </b></td> <td scope="row"> <!-- 5RC_LAB_LISTSERV --> 5RC_LAB_LISTSERV<br>Listserv for Lab Staff at 5 Research Court <br> </td> <td>Listserv for Lab Staff at 5 Research Court </td> </tr> <tr class="normalgroup"> <td><b><input type="checkbox" class="ckbox" name="1" ID="CB_99NIHINTERNS-L" value="99NIHINTERNS-L"> </b></td> <td scope="row"> <!-- 99NIHINTERNS-L --> 99NIHINTERNS-L<br>1999 NIH PMIs and MIs <br> </td> <td>Archive-Months: 12 <br> <br>1999 NIH PMIs and MIs </td> </tr> <tr class="emphasizedgroup"> <td><b><input type="checkbox" class="ckbox" name="1" ID="CB_A-ANIMAL_DEL_RQSTR" value="A-ANIMAL_DEL_RQSTR"> </b></td> <td scope="row"> <!-- A-ANIMAL_DEL_RQSTR --> A-ANIMAL_DEL_RQSTR<br>A list of active CAPS Animal Delivery Requesters <br> </td> <td>A list of active CAPS Animal Delivery Requesters </td> </tr> <tr class="emphasizedcell"> <td><b> </b></td> <td scope="row"><LABEL FOR="SEL_LIST"><IMG SRC="/archives/images/b-blank.gif" ALT="Action to perform setting to set on selected lists" WIDTH="1" HEIGHT="1" BORDER="0" HSPACE="0" VSPACE="0" ALIGN="LEFT"></LABEL> <select name="V" ID="SEL_LIST"> <option value="0" selected>-- <option value="s">Subscribe <option value="u">Unsubscribe </select> </td> <td> </td> </tr> </table> <table width="100%"> <tr><td><p>[1] [<a href="/cgi-bin/wa.exe?REPORT=&P=2&9=O&z=3&a=1&s=0">2</a>] [<a href="/cgi-bin/wa.exe?REPORT=&P=3&9=O&z=3&a=1&s=0">3</a>] [<a href="/cgi-bin/wa.exe?REPORT=&P=4&9=O&z=3&a=1&s=0">4</a>] [<a href="/cgi-bin/wa.exe?REPORT=&P=5&9=O&z=3&a=1&s=0">5</a>] [<a href="/cgi-bin/wa.exe?REPORT=&P=6&9=O&z=3&a=1&s=0">6</a>] [<a href="/cgi-bin/wa.exe?REPORT=&P=7&9=O&z=3&a=1&s=0">7</a>] [<a href="/cgi-bin/wa.exe?REPORT=&P=8&9=O&z=3&a=1&s=0">8</a>] [<a href="/cgi-bin/wa.exe?REPORT=&P=9&9=O&z=3&a=1&s=0">9</a>] [<a href="/cgi-bin/wa.exe?REPORT=&P=10&9=O&z=3&a=1&s=0">10</a>] [<a href="/cgi-bin/wa.exe?REPORT=&P=11&9=O&z=3&a=1&s=0">11</a>] [<a href="/cgi-bin/wa.exe?REPORT=&P=12&9=O&z=3&a=1&s=0">12</a>] [<a href="/cgi-bin/wa.exe?REPORT=&P=13&9=O&z=3&a=1&s=0">13</a>] [<a href="/cgi-bin/wa.exe?REPORT=&P=14&9=O&z=3&a=1&s=0">14</a>] [<a href="/cgi-bin/wa.exe?REPORT=&P=15&9=O&z=3&a=1&s=0">15</a>] [<a href="/cgi-bin/wa.exe?REPORT=&P=16&9=O&z=3&a=1&s=0">16</a>] [<a href="/cgi-bin/wa.exe?REPORT=&P=17&9=O&z=3&a=1&s=0">17</a>] [<a href="/cgi-bin/wa.exe?REPORT=&P=18&9=O&z=3&a=1&s=0">18</a>] [<a href="/cgi-bin/wa.exe?REPORT=&P=19&9=O&z=3&a=1&s=0">19</a>] [<a href="/cgi-bin/wa.exe?REPORT=&P=2&9=O&z=3&a=1&s=0">Next</a>] [<a href="/cgi-bin/wa.exe?REPORT=&P=20&9=O&z=3&a=1&s=0"> >> </a>] </p></td></tr> </table> <br> <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"> <tr> <td align="left" valign="bottom"> <p> <a href="javascript:windowUp('/cgi-bin/wa.exe?SHOWTPL=HELP-REPORT-LISTINFO-LISTS_PER_PAGE&L=',425)"><img src="/archives/images/b-smallhelp.png" alt="Help for Lists per Page" title="Help for Lists per Page" border="0"></a> <LABEL FOR="Lists per Page">Lists per Page:</LABEL> <input name="m" value="50" size="4" id="Lists per Page"> </p> </td> <td align="right" valign="bottom"> <p> <input type="hidden" name="q" value="q"> <label for="Send email notification of changes">Send email notification of changes</label> <input type="checkbox" name="q" value="SEND_EMAIL" id="Send email notification of changes"> </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" align="right" valign="bottom"> <br> <p> <input type="submit" value="Submit"> </p> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> </form> <div id="listdesc" style="position:absolute; 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