Allstream Insiders - Insider News for the Energy Sector

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class="mec-event-masonry"> <div data-sort-masonry="2025-02-25" class="mec-masonry-item-wrap "> <div class="mec-masonry"> <article class="mec-event-article mec-clear "> <div class="mec-masonry-img"><a data-event-id="16219" href="" target="_self" rel="noopener"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="1200" height="628" src="" class="attachment-full size-full wp-post-image" alt="Allstream Insiders Oil and Gas Global News and Network of Events" /></a></div> <div class="mec-masonry-content mec-event-grid-modern"> <div class="event-grid-modern-head clearfix"> <div class="mec-masonry-col6"> <div class="mec-event-date mec-color">25</div> <div class="mec-event-month">February</div> <div class="mec-event-detail">7:30 am - 12:00 am</div> </div> <div class="mec-masonry-col6"> <div class="mec-event-location"> <i class="mec-sl-location-pin"></i> <div class="mec-event-location-det"> <h6 class="mec-location">Norris Centers - Houston</h6> <address class="mec-events-address"><span class="mec-address">816 Town &amp; Country Blvd. Suite 210, Houston, TX 77024</span></address> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="mec-event-content"> <h4 class="mec-event-title"><a class="mec-color-hover" data-event-id="16219" href="" target="_self" rel="noopener">Register Now for AI in Energy Conference Feb 24 &#8211; Feb 25, 2025 &#8211; Houston &#8211; 20% PROMO CODE</a> </h4> <div class="mec-event-description mec-events-content"> <p>ALLSTREAM20 for 20% off conference passes (T&amp;C&#8217;s Apply) Join 150+ energy leaders this February 24-25 in Houston to explore how AI, Data, ML and Generative AI can be leveraged to drive asset optimization, energy efficiency, and intelligent operations. Envision an energy company where data, digital tools, and advanced analytics empower frontline operations. Operators using AI... <a class="g1-link g1-link-more" href="">More</a> ...</p> </div> </div> <div class="mec-event-footer"> <a class="mec-booking-button" data-event-id="16219" href="" target="_self" rel="noopener">View Detail</a> </div> </div> </article> </div> </div> <div data-sort-masonry="2025-02-26" class="mec-masonry-item-wrap "> <div class="mec-masonry"> <article class="mec-event-article mec-clear "> <div class="mec-masonry-img"><a data-event-id="16219" href="" target="_self" rel="noopener"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="1200" height="628" src="" class="attachment-full size-full wp-post-image" alt="Allstream Insiders Oil and Gas Global News and Network of Events" /></a></div> <div class="mec-masonry-content mec-event-grid-modern"> <div class="event-grid-modern-head clearfix"> <div class="mec-masonry-col6"> <div class="mec-event-date mec-color">26</div> <div class="mec-event-month">February</div> <div class="mec-event-detail">12:00 am - 3:30 pm</div> </div> <div class="mec-masonry-col6"> <div class="mec-event-location"> <i class="mec-sl-location-pin"></i> <div class="mec-event-location-det"> <h6 class="mec-location">Norris Centers - Houston</h6> <address class="mec-events-address"><span class="mec-address">816 Town &amp; Country Blvd. Suite 210, Houston, TX 77024</span></address> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="mec-event-content"> <h4 class="mec-event-title"><a class="mec-color-hover" data-event-id="16219" href="" target="_self" rel="noopener">Register Now for AI in Energy Conference Feb 24 &#8211; Feb 25, 2025 &#8211; Houston &#8211; 20% PROMO CODE</a> </h4> <div class="mec-event-description mec-events-content"> <p>ALLSTREAM20 for 20% off conference passes (T&amp;C&#8217;s Apply) Join 150+ energy leaders this February 24-25 in Houston to explore how AI, Data, ML and Generative AI can be leveraged to drive asset optimization, energy efficiency, and intelligent operations. Envision an energy company where data, digital tools, and advanced analytics empower frontline operations. Operators using AI... <a class="g1-link g1-link-more" href="">More</a> ...</p> </div> </div> <div class="mec-event-footer"> <a class="mec-booking-button" data-event-id="16219" href="" target="_self" rel="noopener">View Detail</a> </div> </div> </article> </div> </div> <div data-sort-masonry="2025-02-26" class="mec-masonry-item-wrap "> <div class="mec-masonry"> <article class="mec-event-article mec-clear "> <div class="mec-masonry-img"><a data-event-id="18287" href="" target="_self" rel="noopener"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="1200" height="627" src="𝟰𝘁𝗵-𝗔𝗻𝗻𝘂𝗮𝗹-𝗘𝗺𝗶𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀-𝗧𝗿𝗮𝗰𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗴-𝗥𝗲𝗽𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴-𝗮𝗻𝗱-𝗖𝗼𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗶𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗲-𝗖𝗼𝗻𝗳𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲.jpeg" class="attachment-full size-full wp-post-image" alt="Zevac Cross Compression Equipment" /></a></div> <div class="mec-masonry-content mec-event-grid-modern"> <div class="event-grid-modern-head clearfix"> <div class="mec-masonry-col6"> <div class="mec-event-date mec-color">26</div> <div class="mec-event-month">February</div> <div class="mec-event-detail">8:00 am - 12:00 am</div> </div> <div class="mec-masonry-col6"> <div class="mec-event-location"> <i class="mec-sl-location-pin"></i> <div class="mec-event-location-det"> <h6 class="mec-location">Doubletree By Hilton</h6> <address class="mec-events-address"><span class="mec-address">6 E Greenway Plaza, Houston, TX 77046</span></address> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="mec-event-content"> <h4 class="mec-event-title"><a class="mec-color-hover" data-event-id="18287" href="" target="_self" rel="noopener">Register For the 4th Annual Emissions Tracking, Reporting, and Compliance Conference by Energy Conference Network February 26 &#8211; Feb 27, 2025 &#8211; Houston</a> </h4> <div class="mec-event-description mec-events-content"> <p>This Event Reminder is Sponsored by: From Data to Decisions: AI’s Role in Driving Business Value Through Emissions Management Join us this year to explore how AI and digital innovation are turning emissions management from a regulatory requirement into a competitive advantage—enhancing efficiency, reducing costs, and unlocking new business opportunities. ABOUT THE CONFERENCE As the... <a class="g1-link g1-link-more" href="">More</a> ...</p> </div> </div> <div class="mec-event-footer"> <a class="mec-booking-button" data-event-id="18287" href="" target="_self" rel="noopener">View Detail</a> </div> </div> </article> </div> </div> <div data-sort-masonry="2025-02-26" class="mec-masonry-item-wrap "> <div class="mec-masonry"> <article class="mec-event-article mec-clear "> <div class="mec-masonry-img"><a data-event-id="18320" href="" target="_self" rel="noopener"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="800" height="800" src="" class="attachment-full size-full wp-post-image" alt="2025 Oil and Gas Global Industry News and Network of Events Insiders Calendar" /></a></div> <div class="mec-masonry-content mec-event-grid-modern"> <div class="event-grid-modern-head clearfix"> <div class="mec-masonry-col6"> <div class="mec-event-date mec-color">26</div> <div class="mec-event-month">February</div> <div class="mec-event-detail">5:00 pm - 7:00 pm</div> </div> <div class="mec-masonry-col6"> <div class="mec-event-location"> <i class="mec-sl-location-pin"></i> <div class="mec-event-location-det"> <h6 class="mec-location">The Briar Club</h6> <address class="mec-events-address"><span class="mec-address">2603 Timmons Ln, Houston, TX 77027</span></address> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="mec-event-content"> <h4 class="mec-event-title"><a class="mec-color-hover" data-event-id="18320" href="" target="_self" rel="noopener">Register Now for the Data Center Load Growth Panel Discussion and Networking Happy Hour February 26 &#8211; Houston, Tx</a> </h4> <div class="mec-event-description mec-events-content"> <p>Description Renewable energy is playing a critical role in supporting the growth of data centers, as these facilities increasingly rely on clean power to meet their expanding energy needs. Join us on February 26, 2025 from 5-7 p.m. at The Briar Club for a dynamic panel discussion with industry experts who will share how renewable... <a class="g1-link g1-link-more" href="">More</a> ...</p> </div> </div> <div class="mec-event-footer"> <a class="mec-booking-button" data-event-id="18320" href="" target="_self" rel="noopener">View Detail</a> </div> </div> </article> </div> </div> <div data-sort-masonry="2025-02-27" class="mec-masonry-item-wrap mec-t607 mec-t606 mec-t1461 mec-t608"> <div class="mec-masonry"> <article class="mec-event-article mec-clear "> <div class="mec-masonry-img"><a data-event-id="15655" href="" target="_self" rel="noopener"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="1200" height="675" src="" class="attachment-full size-full wp-post-image" alt="2025 Houston Rodeo Cookoff Information" /></a></div> <div class="mec-masonry-content mec-event-grid-modern"> <div class="event-grid-modern-head clearfix"> <div class="mec-masonry-col6"> <div class="mec-event-date mec-color">27</div> <div class="mec-event-month">February</div> <div class="mec-event-detail">All Day</div> </div> <div class="mec-masonry-col6"> <div class="mec-event-location"> <i class="mec-sl-location-pin"></i> <div class="mec-event-location-det"> <h6 class="mec-location">NRG Park, 1 Fannin St, Houston, TX 77054</h6> <address class="mec-events-address"><span class="mec-address"></span></address> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="mec-event-content"> <h4 class="mec-event-title"><a class="mec-color-hover" data-event-id="15655" href="" target="_self" rel="noopener">2025 Houston Rodeo BBQ Cook Off and Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo HSLR Lineup &#038; info – Feb 27-Mar 23</a> </h4> <div class="mec-event-description mec-events-content"> <p>We post this as a courtesy for the non-profits we support. (WE DON’T RECOMMEND SCHEDULING ANY EVENTS DURING HOUSTON RODEO) Save this date, and plan around. Are you wondering what day the Houston Rodeo Cookoff is for 2025, we got you covered. HLSR is thrilled to announce that the 93rd Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo will... <a class="g1-link g1-link-more" href="">More</a> ...</p> </div> </div> <div class="mec-event-footer"> <a class="mec-booking-button" data-event-id="15655" href="" target="_self" rel="noopener">View Detail</a> </div> </div> </article> </div> </div> <div data-sort-masonry="2025-02-27" class="mec-masonry-item-wrap "> <div class="mec-masonry"> <article class="mec-event-article mec-clear "> <div class="mec-masonry-img"><a data-event-id="18287" href="" target="_self" rel="noopener"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="1200" height="627" src="𝟰𝘁𝗵-𝗔𝗻𝗻𝘂𝗮𝗹-𝗘𝗺𝗶𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀-𝗧𝗿𝗮𝗰𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗴-𝗥𝗲𝗽𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴-𝗮𝗻𝗱-𝗖𝗼𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗶𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗲-𝗖𝗼𝗻𝗳𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲.jpeg" class="attachment-full size-full wp-post-image" alt="Zevac Cross Compression Equipment" /></a></div> <div class="mec-masonry-content mec-event-grid-modern"> <div class="event-grid-modern-head clearfix"> <div class="mec-masonry-col6"> <div class="mec-event-date mec-color">27</div> <div class="mec-event-month">February</div> <div class="mec-event-detail">12:00 am - 6:00 pm</div> </div> <div class="mec-masonry-col6"> <div class="mec-event-location"> <i class="mec-sl-location-pin"></i> <div class="mec-event-location-det"> <h6 class="mec-location">Doubletree By Hilton</h6> <address class="mec-events-address"><span class="mec-address">6 E Greenway Plaza, Houston, TX 77046</span></address> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="mec-event-content"> <h4 class="mec-event-title"><a class="mec-color-hover" data-event-id="18287" href="" target="_self" rel="noopener">Register For the 4th Annual Emissions Tracking, Reporting, and Compliance Conference by Energy Conference Network February 26 &#8211; Feb 27, 2025 &#8211; Houston</a> </h4> <div class="mec-event-description mec-events-content"> <p>This Event Reminder is Sponsored by: From Data to Decisions: AI’s Role in Driving Business Value Through Emissions Management Join us this year to explore how AI and digital innovation are turning emissions management from a regulatory requirement into a competitive advantage—enhancing efficiency, reducing costs, and unlocking new business opportunities. ABOUT THE CONFERENCE As the... <a class="g1-link g1-link-more" href="">More</a> ...</p> </div> </div> <div class="mec-event-footer"> <a class="mec-booking-button" data-event-id="18287" href="" target="_self" rel="noopener">View Detail</a> </div> </div> </article> </div> </div> <div data-sort-masonry="2025-02-28" class="mec-masonry-item-wrap mec-t607 mec-t606 mec-t1461 mec-t608"> <div class="mec-masonry"> <article class="mec-event-article mec-clear "> <div class="mec-masonry-img"><a data-event-id="15655" href="" target="_self" rel="noopener"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="1200" height="675" src="" class="attachment-full size-full wp-post-image" alt="2025 Houston Rodeo Cookoff Information" /></a></div> <div class="mec-masonry-content mec-event-grid-modern"> <div class="event-grid-modern-head clearfix"> <div class="mec-masonry-col6"> <div class="mec-event-date mec-color">28</div> <div class="mec-event-month">February</div> <div class="mec-event-detail">All Day</div> </div> <div class="mec-masonry-col6"> <div class="mec-event-location"> <i class="mec-sl-location-pin"></i> <div class="mec-event-location-det"> <h6 class="mec-location">NRG Park, 1 Fannin St, Houston, TX 77054</h6> <address class="mec-events-address"><span class="mec-address"></span></address> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="mec-event-content"> <h4 class="mec-event-title"><a class="mec-color-hover" data-event-id="15655" href="" target="_self" rel="noopener">2025 Houston Rodeo BBQ Cook Off and Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo HSLR Lineup &#038; info – Feb 27-Mar 23</a> </h4> <div class="mec-event-description mec-events-content"> <p>We post this as a courtesy for the non-profits we support. (WE DON’T RECOMMEND SCHEDULING ANY EVENTS DURING HOUSTON RODEO) Save this date, and plan around. Are you wondering what day the Houston Rodeo Cookoff is for 2025, we got you covered. HLSR is thrilled to announce that the 93rd Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo will... <a class="g1-link g1-link-more" href="">More</a> ...</p> </div> </div> <div class="mec-event-footer"> <a class="mec-booking-button" data-event-id="15655" href="" target="_self" rel="noopener">View Detail</a> </div> </div> </article> </div> </div> <div data-sort-masonry="2025-02-28" class="mec-masonry-item-wrap "> <div class="mec-masonry"> <article class="mec-event-article mec-clear "> <div class="mec-masonry-img"><a data-event-id="17460" href="" target="_self" rel="noopener"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="1200" height="675" src="₂-and-Hydrogen-Storage-Create-Sustainable-Chemicals-and-Fuels-Society-of-Low-Carbon-Technologies.jpeg" class="attachment-full size-full wp-post-image" alt="KB Industries Premium Threads in Machining" /></a></div> <div class="mec-masonry-content mec-event-grid-modern"> <div class="event-grid-modern-head clearfix"> <div class="mec-masonry-col6"> <div class="mec-event-date mec-color">28</div> <div class="mec-event-month">February</div> <div class="mec-event-detail">9:10 am - 11:55 am</div> </div> <div class="mec-masonry-col6"> <div class="mec-event-location"> <i class="mec-sl-location-pin"></i> <div class="mec-event-location-det"> <h6 class="mec-location">NOV Tower Houston</h6> <address class="mec-events-address"><span class="mec-address">10353 Richmond Avenue Houston, TX 77042</span></address> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="mec-event-content"> <h4 class="mec-event-title"><a class="mec-color-hover" data-event-id="17460" href="" target="_self" rel="noopener">Register now for SFLCT&#8217;s How CO₂ and Hydrogen Storage Create Sustainable Chemicals and Fuels Feb 28, 2025 &#8211; Houston</a> </h4> <div class="mec-event-description mec-events-content"> <p>This Event Reminder is Sponsored by: Society for Low Carbon Technologies’ (SFLCT) upcoming panel session that includes Repsol, Syzygy Plasmonics, Arcadia eFuels, Capgemini, and Fugro. The panelists, composed of industry experts, will provide a realistic and innovative outlook on “How CO₂ and Hydrogen Create Sustainable Chemicals and Fuels.” Join us as we answer the renewed... <a class="g1-link g1-link-more" href="">More</a> ...</p> </div> </div> <div class="mec-event-footer"> <a class="mec-booking-button" data-event-id="17460" href="" target="_self" rel="noopener">View Detail</a> </div> </div> </article> </div> </div> <div data-sort-masonry="2025-03-01" class="mec-masonry-item-wrap mec-t607 mec-t606 mec-t1461 mec-t608"> <div class="mec-masonry"> <article class="mec-event-article mec-clear "> <div class="mec-masonry-img"><a data-event-id="15655" href="" target="_self" rel="noopener"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="1200" height="675" src="" class="attachment-full size-full wp-post-image" alt="2025 Houston Rodeo Cookoff Information" /></a></div> <div class="mec-masonry-content mec-event-grid-modern"> <div class="event-grid-modern-head clearfix"> <div class="mec-masonry-col6"> <div class="mec-event-date mec-color">1</div> <div class="mec-event-month">March</div> <div class="mec-event-detail">All Day</div> </div> <div class="mec-masonry-col6"> <div class="mec-event-location"> <i class="mec-sl-location-pin"></i> <div class="mec-event-location-det"> <h6 class="mec-location">NRG Park, 1 Fannin St, Houston, TX 77054</h6> <address class="mec-events-address"><span class="mec-address"></span></address> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="mec-event-content"> <h4 class="mec-event-title"><a class="mec-color-hover" data-event-id="15655" href="" target="_self" rel="noopener">2025 Houston Rodeo BBQ Cook Off and Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo HSLR Lineup &#038; info – Feb 27-Mar 23</a> </h4> <div class="mec-event-description mec-events-content"> <p>We post this as a courtesy for the non-profits we support. (WE DON’T RECOMMEND SCHEDULING ANY EVENTS DURING HOUSTON RODEO) Save this date, and plan around. Are you wondering what day the Houston Rodeo Cookoff is for 2025, we got you covered. HLSR is thrilled to announce that the 93rd Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo will... <a class="g1-link g1-link-more" href="">More</a> ...</p> </div> </div> <div class="mec-event-footer"> <a class="mec-booking-button" data-event-id="15655" href="" target="_self" rel="noopener">View Detail</a> </div> </div> </article> </div> </div> <div data-sort-masonry="2025-03-02" class="mec-masonry-item-wrap "> <div class="mec-masonry"> <article class="mec-event-article mec-clear "> <div class="mec-masonry-img"><a data-event-id="17722" href="" target="_self" rel="noopener"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="1200" height="628" src="" class="attachment-full size-full wp-post-image" alt="Best digital Marketing for Oil and Gas Allstream Energy Partners BIC Events" /></a></div> <div class="mec-masonry-content mec-event-grid-modern"> <div class="event-grid-modern-head clearfix"> <div class="mec-masonry-col6"> <div class="mec-event-date mec-color">2</div> <div class="mec-event-month">March</div> <div class="mec-event-detail">5:00 pm - 12:00 am</div> </div> <div class="mec-masonry-col6"> <div class="mec-event-location"> <i class="mec-sl-location-pin"></i> <div class="mec-event-location-det"> <h6 class="mec-location">Grand Hyatt San Antonio River Walk</h6> <address class="mec-events-address"><span class="mec-address">600 E. Market Street San Antonio, TX 78205</span></address> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="mec-event-content"> <h4 class="mec-event-title"><a class="mec-color-hover" data-event-id="17722" href="" target="_self" rel="noopener">Register Now for the AFPM Annual Meeting Taking Place in San Antonio on March 2-March 4, 2025</a> </h4> <div class="mec-event-description mec-events-content"> <p>ANNUAL MEETING The AFPM Annual Meeting is the world&#8217;s premier refining meeting, assembling key executives, decision-makers, and technical experts from refining businesses, technology providers, contracting and consulting firms, and equipment manufacturers around the world. Sessions are designed to provide deep insights into the policies, regulations, geopolitics, and disruptions that will affect business in the coming... <a class="g1-link g1-link-more" href="">More</a> ...</p> </div> </div> <div class="mec-event-footer"> <a class="mec-booking-button" data-event-id="17722" href="" target="_self" rel="noopener">View Detail</a> </div> </div> </article> </div> </div> <div data-sort-masonry="2025-03-03" class="mec-masonry-item-wrap mec-t1461 mec-t608"> <div class="mec-masonry"> <article class="mec-event-article mec-clear "> <div class="mec-masonry-img"><a data-event-id="16968" href="" target="_self" rel="noopener"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="812" height="1044" src="" class="attachment-full size-full wp-post-image" alt="2025 Oil and Gas Global Industry News and Network of Events Upstream Calendar" /></a></div> <div class="mec-masonry-content mec-event-grid-modern"> <div class="event-grid-modern-head clearfix"> <div class="mec-masonry-col6"> <div class="mec-event-date mec-color">3</div> <div class="mec-event-month">March</div> <div class="mec-event-detail">All Day</div> </div> <div class="mec-masonry-col6"> <div class="mec-event-location"> <i class="mec-sl-location-pin"></i> <div class="mec-event-location-det"> <h6 class="mec-location">George R. Brown Convention Center</h6> <address class="mec-events-address"><span class="mec-address">1001 Avenida De Las Americas, Houston, TX 77010</span></address> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="mec-event-content"> <h4 class="mec-event-title"><a class="mec-color-hover" data-event-id="16968" href="" target="_self" rel="noopener">Register Now for CCUS 2025 Conference: Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage Hosted by AAPG, SPE, SEG &#8211; 3 &#8211; 5 March 2025 &#8211; Houston, Tx</a> </h4> <div class="mec-event-description mec-events-content"> <p>This Event Reminder is Sponsored by: The maturing carbon market is a major driver for deployment of carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) projects. Both the subsurface technical knowledge and related data sets of the petroleum industry are major inputs required for the world to successfully move towards a carbon-neutral and sustainable energy future. CCUS... <a class="g1-link g1-link-more" href="">More</a> ...</p> </div> </div> <div class="mec-event-footer"> <a class="mec-booking-button" data-event-id="16968" href="" target="_self" rel="noopener">View Detail</a> </div> </div> </article> </div> </div> <div data-sort-masonry="2025-03-03" class="mec-masonry-item-wrap "> <div class="mec-masonry"> <article class="mec-event-article mec-clear "> <div class="mec-masonry-img"><a data-event-id="17722" href="" target="_self" rel="noopener"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="1200" height="628" src="" class="attachment-full size-full wp-post-image" alt="Best digital Marketing for Oil and Gas Allstream Energy Partners BIC Events" /></a></div> <div class="mec-masonry-content mec-event-grid-modern"> <div class="event-grid-modern-head clearfix"> <div class="mec-masonry-col6"> <div class="mec-event-date mec-color">3</div> <div class="mec-event-month">March</div> <div class="mec-event-detail">All Day</div> </div> <div class="mec-masonry-col6"> <div class="mec-event-location"> <i class="mec-sl-location-pin"></i> <div class="mec-event-location-det"> <h6 class="mec-location">Grand Hyatt San Antonio River Walk</h6> <address class="mec-events-address"><span class="mec-address">600 E. Market Street San Antonio, TX 78205</span></address> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="mec-event-content"> <h4 class="mec-event-title"><a class="mec-color-hover" data-event-id="17722" href="" target="_self" rel="noopener">Register Now for the AFPM Annual Meeting Taking Place in San Antonio on March 2-March 4, 2025</a> </h4> <div class="mec-event-description mec-events-content"> <p>ANNUAL MEETING The AFPM Annual Meeting is the world&#8217;s premier refining meeting, assembling key executives, decision-makers, and technical experts from refining businesses, technology providers, contracting and consulting firms, and equipment manufacturers around the world. Sessions are designed to provide deep insights into the policies, regulations, geopolitics, and disruptions that will affect business in the coming... <a class="g1-link g1-link-more" href="">More</a> ...</p> </div> </div> <div class="mec-event-footer"> <a class="mec-booking-button" data-event-id="17722" href="" target="_self" rel="noopener">View Detail</a> </div> </div> </article> </div> </div> <div data-sort-masonry="2025-03-04" class="mec-masonry-item-wrap mec-t1461 mec-t608"> <div class="mec-masonry"> <article class="mec-event-article mec-clear "> <div class="mec-masonry-img"><a data-event-id="16968" href="" target="_self" rel="noopener"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="812" height="1044" src="" class="attachment-full size-full wp-post-image" alt="2025 Oil and Gas Global Industry News and Network of Events Upstream Calendar" /></a></div> <div class="mec-masonry-content mec-event-grid-modern"> <div class="event-grid-modern-head clearfix"> <div class="mec-masonry-col6"> <div class="mec-event-date mec-color">4</div> <div class="mec-event-month">March</div> <div class="mec-event-detail">All Day</div> </div> <div class="mec-masonry-col6"> <div class="mec-event-location"> <i class="mec-sl-location-pin"></i> <div class="mec-event-location-det"> <h6 class="mec-location">George R. Brown Convention Center</h6> <address class="mec-events-address"><span class="mec-address">1001 Avenida De Las Americas, Houston, TX 77010</span></address> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="mec-event-content"> <h4 class="mec-event-title"><a class="mec-color-hover" data-event-id="16968" href="" target="_self" rel="noopener">Register Now for CCUS 2025 Conference: Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage Hosted by AAPG, SPE, SEG &#8211; 3 &#8211; 5 March 2025 &#8211; Houston, Tx</a> </h4> <div class="mec-event-description mec-events-content"> <p>This Event Reminder is Sponsored by: The maturing carbon market is a major driver for deployment of carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) projects. Both the subsurface technical knowledge and related data sets of the petroleum industry are major inputs required for the world to successfully move towards a carbon-neutral and sustainable energy future. CCUS... <a class="g1-link g1-link-more" href="">More</a> ...</p> </div> </div> <div class="mec-event-footer"> <a class="mec-booking-button" data-event-id="16968" href="" target="_self" rel="noopener">View Detail</a> </div> </div> </article> </div> </div> <div data-sort-masonry="2025-03-04" class="mec-masonry-item-wrap "> <div class="mec-masonry"> <article class="mec-event-article mec-clear "> <div class="mec-masonry-img"><a data-event-id="17722" href="" target="_self" rel="noopener"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="1200" height="628" src="" class="attachment-full size-full wp-post-image" alt="Best digital Marketing for Oil and Gas Allstream Energy Partners BIC Events" /></a></div> <div class="mec-masonry-content mec-event-grid-modern"> <div class="event-grid-modern-head clearfix"> <div class="mec-masonry-col6"> <div class="mec-event-date mec-color">4</div> <div class="mec-event-month">March</div> <div class="mec-event-detail">12:00 am - 5:00 pm</div> </div> <div class="mec-masonry-col6"> <div class="mec-event-location"> <i class="mec-sl-location-pin"></i> <div class="mec-event-location-det"> <h6 class="mec-location">Grand Hyatt San Antonio River Walk</h6> <address class="mec-events-address"><span class="mec-address">600 E. Market Street San Antonio, TX 78205</span></address> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="mec-event-content"> <h4 class="mec-event-title"><a class="mec-color-hover" data-event-id="17722" href="" target="_self" rel="noopener">Register Now for the AFPM Annual Meeting Taking Place in San Antonio on March 2-March 4, 2025</a> </h4> <div class="mec-event-description mec-events-content"> <p>ANNUAL MEETING The AFPM Annual Meeting is the world&#8217;s premier refining meeting, assembling key executives, decision-makers, and technical experts from refining businesses, technology providers, contracting and consulting firms, and equipment manufacturers around the world. Sessions are designed to provide deep insights into the policies, regulations, geopolitics, and disruptions that will affect business in the coming... <a class="g1-link g1-link-more" href="">More</a> ...</p> </div> </div> <div class="mec-event-footer"> <a class="mec-booking-button" data-event-id="17722" href="" target="_self" rel="noopener">View Detail</a> </div> </div> </article> </div> </div> <div data-sort-masonry="2025-03-05" class="mec-masonry-item-wrap mec-t1461 mec-t608"> <div class="mec-masonry"> <article class="mec-event-article mec-clear "> <div class="mec-masonry-img"><a data-event-id="16968" href="" target="_self" rel="noopener"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="812" height="1044" src="" class="attachment-full size-full wp-post-image" alt="2025 Oil and Gas Global Industry News and Network of Events Upstream Calendar" /></a></div> <div class="mec-masonry-content mec-event-grid-modern"> <div class="event-grid-modern-head clearfix"> <div class="mec-masonry-col6"> <div class="mec-event-date mec-color">5</div> <div class="mec-event-month">March</div> <div class="mec-event-detail">All Day</div> </div> <div class="mec-masonry-col6"> <div class="mec-event-location"> <i class="mec-sl-location-pin"></i> <div class="mec-event-location-det"> <h6 class="mec-location">George R. Brown Convention Center</h6> <address class="mec-events-address"><span class="mec-address">1001 Avenida De Las Americas, Houston, TX 77010</span></address> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="mec-event-content"> <h4 class="mec-event-title"><a class="mec-color-hover" data-event-id="16968" href="" target="_self" rel="noopener">Register Now for CCUS 2025 Conference: Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage Hosted by AAPG, SPE, SEG &#8211; 3 &#8211; 5 March 2025 &#8211; Houston, Tx</a> </h4> <div class="mec-event-description mec-events-content"> <p>This Event Reminder is Sponsored by: The maturing carbon market is a major driver for deployment of carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) projects. Both the subsurface technical knowledge and related data sets of the petroleum industry are major inputs required for the world to successfully move towards a carbon-neutral and sustainable energy future. CCUS... <a class="g1-link g1-link-more" href="">More</a> ...</p> </div> </div> <div class="mec-event-footer"> <a class="mec-booking-button" data-event-id="16968" href="" target="_self" rel="noopener">View Detail</a> </div> </div> </article> </div> </div> <div data-sort-masonry="2025-03-06" class="mec-masonry-item-wrap "> <div class="mec-masonry"> <article class="mec-event-article mec-clear "> <div class="mec-masonry-img"><a data-event-id="18298" href="" target="_self" rel="noopener"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="1200" height="675" src="" class="attachment-full size-full wp-post-image" alt="" /></a></div> <div class="mec-masonry-content mec-event-grid-modern"> <div class="event-grid-modern-head clearfix"> <div class="mec-masonry-col6"> <div class="mec-event-date mec-color">6</div> <div class="mec-event-month">March</div> <div class="mec-event-detail">7:00 am - 9:30 am</div> </div> <div class="mec-masonry-col6"> <div class="mec-event-location"> <i class="mec-sl-location-pin"></i> <div class="mec-event-location-det"> <h6 class="mec-location">Technip Energies Houston Office</h6> <address class="mec-events-address"><span class="mec-address">15377 Memorial Dr, Houston, Texas, US, 77079</span></address> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="mec-event-content"> <h4 class="mec-event-title"><a class="mec-color-hover" data-event-id="18298" href="" target="_self" rel="noopener">Trash or Treasure&#8221; Circular Economy-Chemical &#038; Plastic Recycling by RGF March 6, 2025 &#8211; Houston</a> </h4> <div class="mec-event-description mec-events-content"> <p>Join us for the next Rice Global Forum event “Trash or Treasure &#8211; Chemical and Plastic Recycling – Deconstructing Waste and Creating Sustainability for a Circular Economy”. The growing volume of waste presents one of the most daunting challenges globally. To address this problem and enhance potential environmental, economic, and social advantages, waste valorization through... <a class="g1-link g1-link-more" href="">More</a> ...</p> </div> </div> <div class="mec-event-footer"> <a class="mec-booking-button" data-event-id="18298" href="" target="_self" rel="noopener">View Detail</a> </div> </div> </article> </div> </div> <div data-sort-masonry="2025-03-06" class="mec-masonry-item-wrap "> <div class="mec-masonry"> <article class="mec-event-article mec-clear "> <div class="mec-masonry-img"><a data-event-id="17368" href="" target="_self" rel="noopener"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="800" height="1066" src="" class="attachment-full size-full wp-post-image" alt="Best digital Marketing for Oil and Gas Allstream Energy Partners" /></a></div> <div class="mec-masonry-content mec-event-grid-modern"> <div class="event-grid-modern-head clearfix"> <div class="mec-masonry-col6"> <div class="mec-event-date mec-color">6</div> <div class="mec-event-month">March</div> <div class="mec-event-detail">9:00 am - 3:00 pm</div> </div> <div class="mec-masonry-col6"> <div class="mec-event-location"> <i class="mec-sl-location-pin"></i> <div class="mec-event-location-det"> <h6 class="mec-location">Greater Houston Sports Club</h6> <address class="mec-events-address"><span class="mec-address">6700 McHard Road Houston, Texas 77053</span></address> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="mec-event-content"> <h4 class="mec-event-title"><a class="mec-color-hover" data-event-id="17368" href="" target="_self" rel="noopener">Register now for PVF Roundtable Sporting Clays Tournament March 6, 2025 &#8211; Houston, Tx</a> </h4> <div class="mec-event-description mec-events-content"> <p>Who&#8217;s ready to have a BLAST at our 8th Annual PVF Young Professionals Clay Shooting Event⁉️ Be sure to come locked in and ready for a fantastic day filled with FOOD, FUN along with an AMAZING opportunity to connect! 🤝 Team Registration will open online 1/27/25 • 9:00 AM 10:30 AM: REGISTRATION OPENS &amp; WARM-UP... <a class="g1-link g1-link-more" href="">More</a> ...</p> </div> </div> <div class="mec-event-footer"> <a class="mec-booking-button" data-event-id="17368" href="" target="_self" rel="noopener">View Detail</a> </div> </div> </article> </div> </div> <div data-sort-masonry="2025-03-06" class="mec-masonry-item-wrap mec-t607 mec-t606 mec-t1461 mec-t608"> <div class="mec-masonry"> <article class="mec-event-article mec-clear "> <div class="mec-masonry-img"><a data-event-id="16581" href="" target="_self" rel="noopener"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="1200" height="674" src="" class="attachment-full size-full wp-post-image" alt="" /></a></div> <div class="mec-masonry-content mec-event-grid-modern"> <div class="event-grid-modern-head clearfix"> <div class="mec-masonry-col6"> <div class="mec-event-date mec-color">6</div> <div class="mec-event-month">March</div> <div class="mec-event-detail">11:00 am - 7:00 pm</div> </div> <div class="mec-masonry-col6"> <div class="mec-event-location"> <i class="mec-sl-location-pin"></i> <div class="mec-event-location-det"> <h6 class="mec-location">Chicken N Pickle - Oklahoma City</h6> <address class="mec-events-address"><span class="mec-address">8400 N Oklahoma Ave, Oklahoma City, OK 73114</span></address> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="mec-event-content"> <h4 class="mec-event-title"><a class="mec-color-hover" data-event-id="16581" href="" target="_self" rel="noopener">OKC: The Industry Collective Mid-Con Oilfield Pickleball Open March 6, 2025</a> </h4> <div class="mec-event-description mec-events-content"> <p>It&#8217;s Coming! And it&#8217;s going to be a Big Dill! From The Industry Collective. THE BIG DILL &#8211; The 1st Annual Mid-Continent Oilfield Pickleball Open. 2-Person &#8211; Amateur and Pro Division Tournament and Social Networking Event. Coming to Chicken N Pickle &#8211; March 6th, 2025. Details Coming Soon! Brought to you by THE INDUSTRY COLLECTIVE <a class="g1-link g1-link-more" href="">More</a> ...</p> </div> </div> <div class="mec-event-footer"> <a class="mec-booking-button" data-event-id="16581" href="" target="_self" rel="noopener">View Detail</a> </div> </div> </article> </div> </div> <div data-sort-masonry="2025-03-07" class="mec-masonry-item-wrap "> <div class="mec-masonry"> <article class="mec-event-article mec-clear "> <div class="mec-masonry-img"><a data-event-id="17310" href="" target="_self" rel="noopener"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="960" height="1200" src="" class="attachment-full size-full wp-post-image" alt="" /></a></div> <div class="mec-masonry-content mec-event-grid-modern"> <div class="event-grid-modern-head clearfix"> <div class="mec-masonry-col6"> <div class="mec-event-date mec-color">7</div> <div class="mec-event-month">March</div> <div class="mec-event-detail">8:00 am - 3:00 pm</div> </div> <div class="mec-masonry-col6"> <div class="mec-event-location"> <i class="mec-sl-location-pin"></i> <div class="mec-event-location-det"> <h6 class="mec-location">BlackHorse Golf Club</h6> <address class="mec-events-address"><span class="mec-address">12205 Fry Rd, Cypress, TX 77433</span></address> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="mec-event-content"> <h4 class="mec-event-title"><a class="mec-color-hover" data-event-id="17310" href="" target="_self" rel="noopener">ECC SPONSOR Event: 2025 ECC Association Golf Tournament March 7, 2025 &#8211; Houston</a> </h4> <div class="mec-event-description mec-events-content"> <p>This Event Reminder is Sponsored by: This Event is a ECC Sponsor Event.  SAVE THE DATE &#8211; Friday, March 7, 2025 2nd Annual ECC Golf Tournament Join ECC Association on Friday, March 7, 2025 at 8:00 a.m. BlackHorse Golf Club (12205 Fry Road, Cypress, TX 77433 For questions on becoming an ECC Sponsor Click The... <a class="g1-link g1-link-more" href="">More</a> ...</p> </div> </div> <div class="mec-event-footer"> <a class="mec-booking-button" data-event-id="17310" href="" target="_self" rel="noopener">View Detail</a> </div> </div> </article> </div> </div> <div data-sort-masonry="2025-03-10" class="mec-masonry-item-wrap "> <div class="mec-masonry"> <article class="mec-event-article mec-clear "> <div class="mec-masonry-img"><a data-event-id="16845" href="" target="_self" rel="noopener"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="1200" height="675" src="" class="attachment-full size-full wp-post-image" alt="Allstream Insiders Oil and Gas Global News and Network of Events" /></a></div> <div class="mec-masonry-content mec-event-grid-modern"> <div class="event-grid-modern-head clearfix"> <div class="mec-masonry-col6"> <div class="mec-event-date mec-color">10</div> <div class="mec-event-month">March</div> <div class="mec-event-detail">8:40 am - 12:00 am</div> </div> <div class="mec-masonry-col6"> <div class="mec-event-location"> <i class="mec-sl-location-pin"></i> <div class="mec-event-location-det"> <h6 class="mec-location">George R. Brown Convention Center</h6> <address class="mec-events-address"><span class="mec-address">1001 Avenida De Las Americas, Houston, TX 77010</span></address> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="mec-event-content"> <h4 class="mec-event-title"><a class="mec-color-hover" data-event-id="16845" href="" target="_self" rel="noopener">Register Now for CERAWeek 2025 &#8211; Taking Place in Houston March 10 &#8211; March 14, 2025 &#8211; Houston</a> </h4> <div class="mec-event-description mec-events-content"> <p>What is CERAWeek? Chaired by Daniel Yergin, CERAWeek is recognized as the foremost annual gathering in the energy sector, rated among the top five “corporate leader conferences” worldwide. This premier event convenes over 450 C-Suite executives, 80 ministers and top officials, and 325 media representatives, with more than 10,000 participants from over 2,050 companies across... <a class="g1-link g1-link-more" href="">More</a> ...</p> </div> </div> <div class="mec-event-footer"> <a class="mec-booking-button" data-event-id="16845" href="" target="_self" rel="noopener">View Detail</a> </div> </div> </article> </div> </div> <div data-sort-masonry="2025-03-11" class="mec-masonry-item-wrap "> <div class="mec-masonry"> <article class="mec-event-article mec-clear "> <div class="mec-masonry-img"><a data-event-id="16845" href="" target="_self" rel="noopener"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="1200" height="675" src="" class="attachment-full size-full wp-post-image" alt="Allstream Insiders Oil and Gas Global News and Network of Events" /></a></div> <div class="mec-masonry-content mec-event-grid-modern"> <div class="event-grid-modern-head clearfix"> <div class="mec-masonry-col6"> <div class="mec-event-date mec-color">11</div> <div class="mec-event-month">March</div> <div class="mec-event-detail">All Day</div> </div> <div class="mec-masonry-col6"> <div class="mec-event-location"> <i class="mec-sl-location-pin"></i> <div class="mec-event-location-det"> <h6 class="mec-location">George R. Brown Convention Center</h6> <address class="mec-events-address"><span class="mec-address">1001 Avenida De Las Americas, Houston, TX 77010</span></address> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="mec-event-content"> <h4 class="mec-event-title"><a class="mec-color-hover" data-event-id="16845" href="" target="_self" rel="noopener">Register Now for CERAWeek 2025 &#8211; Taking Place in Houston March 10 &#8211; March 14, 2025 &#8211; Houston</a> </h4> <div class="mec-event-description mec-events-content"> <p>What is CERAWeek? Chaired by Daniel Yergin, CERAWeek is recognized as the foremost annual gathering in the energy sector, rated among the top five “corporate leader conferences” worldwide. This premier event convenes over 450 C-Suite executives, 80 ministers and top officials, and 325 media representatives, with more than 10,000 participants from over 2,050 companies across... <a class="g1-link g1-link-more" href="">More</a> ...</p> </div> </div> <div class="mec-event-footer"> <a class="mec-booking-button" data-event-id="16845" href="" target="_self" rel="noopener">View Detail</a> </div> </div> </article> </div> </div> <div data-sort-masonry="2025-03-12" class="mec-masonry-item-wrap "> <div class="mec-masonry"> <article class="mec-event-article mec-clear "> <div class="mec-masonry-img"><a data-event-id="16845" href="" target="_self" rel="noopener"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="1200" height="675" src="" class="attachment-full size-full wp-post-image" alt="Allstream Insiders Oil and Gas Global News and Network of Events" /></a></div> <div class="mec-masonry-content mec-event-grid-modern"> <div class="event-grid-modern-head clearfix"> <div class="mec-masonry-col6"> <div class="mec-event-date mec-color">12</div> <div class="mec-event-month">March</div> <div class="mec-event-detail">All Day</div> </div> <div class="mec-masonry-col6"> <div class="mec-event-location"> <i class="mec-sl-location-pin"></i> <div class="mec-event-location-det"> <h6 class="mec-location">George R. Brown Convention Center</h6> <address class="mec-events-address"><span class="mec-address">1001 Avenida De Las Americas, Houston, TX 77010</span></address> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="mec-event-content"> <h4 class="mec-event-title"><a class="mec-color-hover" data-event-id="16845" href="" target="_self" rel="noopener">Register Now for CERAWeek 2025 &#8211; Taking Place in Houston March 10 &#8211; March 14, 2025 &#8211; Houston</a> </h4> <div class="mec-event-description mec-events-content"> <p>What is CERAWeek? Chaired by Daniel Yergin, CERAWeek is recognized as the foremost annual gathering in the energy sector, rated among the top five “corporate leader conferences” worldwide. This premier event convenes over 450 C-Suite executives, 80 ministers and top officials, and 325 media representatives, with more than 10,000 participants from over 2,050 companies across... <a class="g1-link g1-link-more" href="">More</a> ...</p> </div> </div> <div class="mec-event-footer"> <a class="mec-booking-button" data-event-id="16845" href="" target="_self" rel="noopener">View Detail</a> </div> </div> </article> </div> </div> <div data-sort-masonry="2025-03-13" class="mec-masonry-item-wrap "> <div class="mec-masonry"> <article class="mec-event-article mec-clear "> <div class="mec-masonry-img"><a data-event-id="16845" href="" target="_self" rel="noopener"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="1200" height="675" src="" class="attachment-full size-full wp-post-image" alt="Allstream Insiders Oil and Gas Global News and Network of Events" /></a></div> <div class="mec-masonry-content mec-event-grid-modern"> <div class="event-grid-modern-head clearfix"> <div class="mec-masonry-col6"> <div class="mec-event-date mec-color">13</div> <div class="mec-event-month">March</div> <div class="mec-event-detail">All Day</div> </div> <div class="mec-masonry-col6"> <div class="mec-event-location"> <i class="mec-sl-location-pin"></i> <div class="mec-event-location-det"> <h6 class="mec-location">George R. Brown Convention Center</h6> <address class="mec-events-address"><span class="mec-address">1001 Avenida De Las Americas, Houston, TX 77010</span></address> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="mec-event-content"> <h4 class="mec-event-title"><a class="mec-color-hover" data-event-id="16845" href="" target="_self" rel="noopener">Register Now for CERAWeek 2025 &#8211; Taking Place in Houston March 10 &#8211; March 14, 2025 &#8211; Houston</a> </h4> <div class="mec-event-description mec-events-content"> <p>What is CERAWeek? Chaired by Daniel Yergin, CERAWeek is recognized as the foremost annual gathering in the energy sector, rated among the top five “corporate leader conferences” worldwide. This premier event convenes over 450 C-Suite executives, 80 ministers and top officials, and 325 media representatives, with more than 10,000 participants from over 2,050 companies across... <a class="g1-link g1-link-more" href="">More</a> ...</p> </div> </div> <div class="mec-event-footer"> <a class="mec-booking-button" data-event-id="16845" href="" target="_self" rel="noopener">View Detail</a> </div> </div> </article> </div> </div> <div data-sort-masonry="2025-03-14" class="mec-masonry-item-wrap "> <div class="mec-masonry"> <article class="mec-event-article mec-clear "> <div class="mec-masonry-img"><a data-event-id="16845" href="" target="_self" rel="noopener"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="1200" height="675" src="" class="attachment-full size-full wp-post-image" alt="Allstream Insiders Oil and Gas Global News and Network of Events" /></a></div> <div class="mec-masonry-content mec-event-grid-modern"> <div class="event-grid-modern-head clearfix"> <div class="mec-masonry-col6"> <div class="mec-event-date mec-color">14</div> <div class="mec-event-month">March</div> <div class="mec-event-detail">12:00 am - 12:15 pm</div> </div> <div class="mec-masonry-col6"> <div class="mec-event-location"> <i class="mec-sl-location-pin"></i> <div class="mec-event-location-det"> <h6 class="mec-location">George R. Brown Convention Center</h6> <address class="mec-events-address"><span class="mec-address">1001 Avenida De Las Americas, Houston, TX 77010</span></address> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="mec-event-content"> <h4 class="mec-event-title"><a class="mec-color-hover" data-event-id="16845" href="" target="_self" rel="noopener">Register Now for CERAWeek 2025 &#8211; Taking Place in Houston March 10 &#8211; March 14, 2025 &#8211; Houston</a> </h4> <div class="mec-event-description mec-events-content"> <p>What is CERAWeek? Chaired by Daniel Yergin, CERAWeek is recognized as the foremost annual gathering in the energy sector, rated among the top five “corporate leader conferences” worldwide. 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Envision an energy company where data, digital tools, and advanced analytics empower frontline operations. Operators using AI to assess operations gaps, implement corrective actions, and collaborate effortlessly across teams. At the same time, they harness AI’s predictive powers to enhance asset management, sustainability, and operational efficiency. At the 2025 AI in Energy Summit, you will learn how to bring that vision to life. Join your peers and unlock the potential of AI within your operations in 2025. ", "image": "", "name": "Register Now for AI in Energy Conference Feb 24 &#8211; Feb 25, 2025 &#8211; Houston &#8211; 20% PROMO CODE", "url": "" } </script> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "Event", "eventStatus": "", "startDate": "2025-02-26", "endDate": "2025-02-26", "eventAttendanceMode": "", "location": { "@type": "Place", "name": "Norris Centers - Houston", "image": "", "address": "816 Town &amp; Country Blvd. Suite 210, Houston, TX 77024" }, "organizer": { "@type": "Person", "name": "Oil and Gas IQ Info", "url": "" }, "offers": { "url": "", "price": "1399", "priceCurrency": "USD", "availability": "", "validFrom": "2025-02-26T00:00" }, "performer": "", "description": "ALLSTREAM20 for 20% off conference passes (T&amp;C's Apply) Join 150+ energy leaders this February 24-25 in Houston to explore how AI, Data, ML and Generative AI can be leveraged to drive asset optimization, energy efficiency, and intelligent operations. Envision an energy company where data, digital tools, and advanced analytics empower frontline operations. Operators using AI to assess operations gaps, implement corrective actions, and collaborate effortlessly across teams. At the same time, they harness AI’s predictive powers to enhance asset management, sustainability, and operational efficiency. At the 2025 AI in Energy Summit, you will learn how to bring that vision to life. Join your peers and unlock the potential of AI within your operations in 2025. ", "image": "", "name": "Register Now for AI in Energy Conference Feb 24 &#8211; Feb 25, 2025 &#8211; Houston &#8211; 20% PROMO CODE", "url": "" } </script> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "Event", "eventStatus": "", "startDate": "2025-02-26", "endDate": "2025-02-27", "eventAttendanceMode": "", "location": { "@type": "Place", "name": "Doubletree By Hilton", "image": "", "address": "6 E Greenway Plaza, Houston, TX 77046" }, "organizer": { "@type": "Person", "name": "Kyle Cornish", "url": "" }, "offers": { "url": "", "price": "0", "priceCurrency": "USD", "availability": "", "validFrom": "2025-02-26T00:00" }, "performer": "", "description": "This Event Reminder is Sponsored by: From Data to Decisions: AI’s Role in Driving Business Value Through Emissions Management Join us this year to explore how AI and digital innovation are turning emissions management from a regulatory requirement into a competitive advantage—enhancing efficiency, reducing costs, and unlocking new business opportunities. ABOUT THE CONFERENCE As the energy sector evolves, emissions tracking is no longer just about compliance—it’s a strategic asset. Companies that leverage cutting-edge technology to optimize emissions reporting can improve operational performance, strengthen investor confidence, and gain a market edge. This year’s conference highlights how AI, automation, and advanced data strategies are transforming emissions management into a driver of business value. Discover tools and approaches that streamline reporting, enhance decision-making, and create long-term resilience in an ever-changing landscape. Join us at the 4th Annual Emissions Tracking, Reporting, and Compliance Conference, February 26-27, 2025, in Houston, to connect with industry leaders and explore how emissions data can fuel smarter business strategies. New in 2025: Emissions Tracking, Reporting &amp; Compliance Houston Conference This year’s conference brings a fresh perspective and exciting new features to keep you ahead of industry trends: • AI and Compliance: Explore how AI is driving innovation in emissions tracking and regulatory strategies. • New Industry Voices: Learn from fresh speakers offering diverse insights into the challenges ahead. • 2025 Regulatory Outlook: Discuss the evolving landscape and key shifts in emissions reduction and stakeholder priorities. Enhanced Networking Opportunities: • Lunch &amp; Learn Sessions: Enjoy a curated lunch while engaging with top speakers. • Live Audience Polls: Share your perspective and see how peers approach industry challenges. • Interactive Roundtables: Collaborate with experts to tackle compliance and reporting solutions. • Lightning Round Updates: Quick, impactful insights into the latest projects shaping emissions tracking. • Cross-Sector Networking: Connect with over 300+ attendees from a range of industries. Join us as a #ETRUSA25 delegate and gain full access to an event designed to keep you at the forefront of emissions tracking, reporting, and compliance. Your delegate pass includes: • Access to All Sessions: Dive into cutting-edge presentations, panels, and discussions featuring industry leaders driving ESG transformation. • Enhanced Networking Events: Connect with key players across the energy value chain through curated opportunities like roundtables, live polls, and lightning updates. • Two Full Days of Insight: Meet and collaborate with professionals from: o Major oil and gas companies o Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (EPC) firms o Refinery operators o Equipment and solution providers o Pioneering startups o Pipeline operators o Drilling contractors Don't miss this chance to forge lasting connections and gain actionable insights from the energy sector's top innovators.", "image": "𝟰𝘁𝗵-𝗔𝗻𝗻𝘂𝗮𝗹-𝗘𝗺𝗶𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀-𝗧𝗿𝗮𝗰𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗴-𝗥𝗲𝗽𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴-𝗮𝗻𝗱-𝗖𝗼𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗶𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗲-𝗖𝗼𝗻𝗳𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲.jpeg", "name": "Register For the 4th Annual Emissions Tracking, Reporting, and Compliance Conference by Energy Conference Network February 26 &#8211; Feb 27, 2025 &#8211; Houston", "url": "" } </script> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "Event", "eventStatus": "", "startDate": "2025-02-26", "endDate": "2025-02-26", "eventAttendanceMode": "", "location": { "@type": "Place", "name": "The Briar Club", "image": "", "address": "2603 Timmons Ln, Houston, TX 77027" }, "organizer": { "@type": "Person", "name": "", "url": "" }, "offers": { "url": "", "price": "0", "priceCurrency": "USD", "availability": "", "validFrom": "2025-02-26T00:00" }, "performer": "", "description": "Description Renewable energy is playing a critical role in supporting the growth of data centers, as these facilities increasingly rely on clean power to meet their expanding energy needs. Join us on February 26, 2025 from 5-7 p.m. at The Briar Club for a dynamic panel discussion with industry experts who will share how renewable energy is supporting data center growth. Enjoy happy hour from 5:00-5:45 p.m. with complimentary light bites and beverages, followed by our panel discussion. The discussion will be followed by additional networking, concluding at 7 p.m. Panelists: Gordon Kellerman, Executive Vice President of Sales &amp; Leasing, Skybox Datacenters Michelle Musson, Analyst, Orennia Will Rankin, Director of Eastern Utility Origination, EDP Renewables Moderated by Brian Chen, Vice President of Sales - Energy &amp; Infrastructure, Stewart Title Thanks to the support of our sponsors, this event is free to attend. Registration is required. Space is limited. Register today! &nbsp; Speaker Bios &nbsp; Gordon Kellerman Gordon Kellerman serves as Executive Vice President, Sales &amp; Leasing for Skybox Datacenters. Gordon brings 12 years of experience in critical facilities sales and marketing. Mr. Kellerman is a leading sales expert within the data center industry completing over 1.2GW &amp; 3M SF of mission critical projects throughout North America. Gordon is a graduate of Southern Methodist University and serves as an Associate Board Member for the Folsom School of Real Estate, as well as on the Executive Board of Camp John Marc. Camp John Marc aims to “inspire confidence for life” for kids with various chronic medical and physical challenges. &nbsp; Michelle Musson Michelle has worked on the Analyst team at Orennia for the past three years, focusing on renewables and battery storage analytics across the US. Some of her work includes evaluating project economics, forecasting ancillary service prices, evaluating tolling and capacity prices and analyzing historical revenue performance from utility-scale battery storage operators. Using data-driven insights and Orennia's Ion_AI platform, Michelle provides Orennia's clients with actionable research reports and supports clients in making informed investment decisions in the renewable energy industry. &nbsp; Will Rankin Will Rankin is currently the Director of Eastern Utility Origination for EDP Renewables where he leads the company's marketing efforts toward traditional load-serving entities east of the Mississippi and is responsible for negotiating utility-scale offtake agreements from EDPR’s wind, solar, and storage projects. Previously, Will led the company's commercial and industrial partnership strategy, where he focused particularly on power purchase agreements that go “above and beyond” standard energy procurements, incorporating positive environmental and community impact. Before joining EDPR, Will worked as an educator and school leader in public schools across Houston. He lives with his wife, Cheryl, and their nearly-two-old son, who is also named Will. &nbsp; Brian Chen Brian Chen is a key leader in Stewart Title’s National Energy and Infrastructure Team, specializing in managing large, complex transactions across the country. With extensive experience in title insurance, project finance, and risk management, Brian serves as a trusted advisor to clients navigating high-value energy and infrastructure deals. His expertise spans renewable energy, utilities, transportation, and large-scale commercial developments, providing a seamless and strategic approach to closing transactions efficiently. As a dedicated problem solver, Brian understands the unique challenges that come with multi-state and high-liability projects. He works closely with developers, lenders, and legal professionals to ensure a smooth and secure transaction process, offering clients a single point of contact for their title and escrow needs.", "image": "", "name": "Register Now for the Data Center Load Growth Panel Discussion and Networking Happy Hour February 26 &#8211; Houston, Tx", "url": "" } </script> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "Event", "eventStatus": "", "startDate": "2025-02-27", "endDate": "2025-03-01", "eventAttendanceMode": "", "location": { "@type": "Place", "name": "NRG Park, 1 Fannin St, Houston, TX 77054", "image": "", "address": "" }, "organizer": { "@type": "Person", "name": "", "url": "" }, "offers": { "url": "", "price": "0", "priceCurrency": "USD", "availability": "", "validFrom": "2025-02-27T00:00" }, "performer": "", "description": "We post this as a courtesy for the non-profits we support. (WE DON’T RECOMMEND SCHEDULING ANY EVENTS DURING HOUSTON RODEO) Save this date, and plan around. Are you wondering what day the Houston Rodeo Cookoff is for 2025, we got you covered. HLSR is thrilled to announce that the 93rd Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo will be held March 4 – 23, 2025! The World’s Championship Bar-B-Que Contest presented by Cotton Holdings will be held February 27 – March 1, 2025. The location for the Houston BBQ Cookoff will be in the NRG Stadium Parking Lots. You can buy tickets ahead of time to enter the Cook-Off Grounds, but most tents tickets for entry are given to their sponsors for their guests to enter the rodeo cookoff tents with free passes. Are you Wanting to Know How Much are Tickets to The Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo and Houston Rodeo Cook Off? Tickets BAR-B-QUE CONTEST ADMISSION Adult (13 &amp; over): $26 | Child (3-12): $10 | Age two &amp; under: Free Concerts at The Garden Stage, sponsored by Miller Lite Admission to Carnival (NOT valid for rides or games) Admission to Saloon &amp; Chuckwagon Complimentary sliced brisket, beans and chips GROUNDS SEASON PASS Grounds Season Pass: $57 Daily admission to World’s Championship Bar-B-Que Contest Daily admission during the run of the Show, with access to all public activities at NRG Park, NRG Center &amp; NRG Arena Admission to Carnival (NOT valid for rides or games) NOT INCLUDED: Rodeo &amp; concert in NRG Stadium, Rodeo Uncorked! events Public Venues With a Bar-B-Que Contest ticket, visitors may enjoy The Garden Stage, sponsored by Miller Lite, which presents some of the best names in Texas country music. The Garden Stage is located in the center of the contest grounds. A delicious complimentary sliced brisket plate with chips and beans awaits guests at The Chuckwagon, and next door visitors can enjoy the Rockin’ Bar-B-Que Saloon, which features live and DJ music. At the saloon you can find an outdoor patio area. The Carnival is available for people to enjoy throughout the day and night. The Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo promotes agriculture by hosting an annual, family-friendly experience that educates and entertains the public, supports Texas youth, showcases Western heritage, and provides year-round educational support within the community. Since its beginning in 1932, the Rodeo has committed more than $575 million to the youth of Texas and education. The 93rd Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo will be held March 4 – 23, 2025! The World’s Championship Bar-B-Que Contest presented by Cotton Holdings will be held Feb. 27 – March 1, 2025. For more information, visit If you are wondering who is performing at the 2025 Houston Rodeo, we got you covered. The concert lineup has been officially announced for the 2025 Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo on January 9, 2025.o CONCERT LINEUP Tuesday, March 4: Reba McEntire - Opening Day, presented by Shell Federal Credit Union Wednesday, March 5: Riley Green - Armed Forces Appreciation Day, presented by Crown Royal Thursday, March 6: AJR Friday, March 7: Bun B's Birthday Bonanza - Black Heritage Day Saturday, March 8: Bailey Zimmerman Sunday, March 9: Carin León Monday, March 10: Brad Paisley - First Responders Day, presented by BP America Tuesday, March 11: Zach Topp Wednesday, March 12: Lauren Daigle - Community Day, presented by TC Energy Thursday, March 13: Jon Pardi - Volunteer Appreciation Day, presented by Phillips 66 Friday, March 14: Journey Saturday, March 15: Warren Zeiders Sunday, March 16: Grupo Frontera - Go Tejano Day, sponsored by Fiesta Mart Monday, March 17: Charley Crockett Tuesday, March 18: Post Malone Wednesday, March 19: Old Dominion Thursday, March 20: Cody Jinks Friday, March 21: Parker McCollum Saturday, March 22: Brooks &amp; Dunn Sunday, March 23: Luke Bryan Key Days Themes: GENRE Calendar Coming Soon.. March 4 Opening Day March 5 Armed Forces Appreciation Day to Honor Brave Men and Women for their Service in U.S. Military. Free NRG Park Admission on Armed Forces Appreciation Day for the following: Actively-serving military members in uniform and with a current military ID, plus four of their family members Spouses of actively-serving military members currently deployed with a dependent ID, plus four of their family members. Admission provided at the NRG Park entrances on Armed Forces Appreciation Day only Rodeo/Concert tickets sold separately March 7 Black Heritage Day Day-long festivities include live entertainment on the Junction Stage from Houston’s finest bands, choirs, dance teams, cheerleader teams, and fine arts groups; special entertainment at the Champion Wine Garden and in The Hideout; and historical and educational displays around the grounds of NRG Park. March 10 First Responders Day The Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo salutes the various public law enforcement, firefighters, EMS and other emergency services agencies in the Houston Metropolitan Area on First Responders Day. Free NRG Park admission to the grounds for all first responders with a badge, plus four of their family members (admission provided at the NRG Park entrances on First Responders Day only) Special equipment and services displays Rodeo/Concert tickets sold separately March 12 Community Day 2025 The Rodeo will host Community Day, providing additional discounts for guests coming to NRG Park on the middle Wednesday of Rodeo. The celebration includes buy one get one rides and games in the Junction and community activations. Free admission for all guests to the Grounds until noon Buy one, get one rides and games in the Junction Carnival area until 4 p.m. Discounted food and beverage offerings at the Junction until 4 p.m. $3 mini corn dog at McKinney Corn Dog $3 mini popcorn at Kid Shack $3 small sour apple lemonade at Squeezers March 13 Volunteer Appreciation Day The Rodeo is turning the spotlight on its unsung heroes like never before with the inaugural Volunteer Appreciation Day. The party will start bright and early with the “Boots and Bubbly Brunch” and other events include a volunteer talent show, and a special presentation inside NRG Stadium, including a Rodeo volunteer who will sing the national anthem. March 16 Go Tejano Day Go Tejano Day festivities include live entertainment on The Junction Stage and in the Champion Wine Garden, and the Mariachi Invitational Semifinals in The Hideout. Enjoy Fiesta Charra in the NRG Center Main Arena, a colorful exhibition of traditional Mexican folk dance, music and horseback riding. Get ready for 2025: Rodeo announces Pre-Rodeo Events - Are you wondering what are the dates for the Pre-Rodeo Events? Festivities include World’s Championship Bar-B-Que Contest, Rodeo Roundup &amp; Go Texan Day, Trail Rides, Rodeo Run and the Downtown Rodeo Parade The Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo is excited to announce its dates and details for key events held during a weeklong celebration leading up to the 2025 Rodeo, scheduled for March 4 – March 23. 2025 SCHEDULE OF PRE-RODEO EVENTS: World’s Championship Bar-B-Que Contest, presented by Cotton Holdings: Feb. 27 – March 1 More than 250 barbecue teams will compete in the World’s Championship Bar-B-Que Contest, scheduled for Thursday, Feb. 27 – Saturday, March 1. Over the course of three days, teams from across the state of Texas and the world will compete for champion titles in the following categories: Brisket, Ribs, Chicken, Go Texan and Dutch Oven Dessert, and Open Contest. The Jr. Cook-off Contest, for children between the ages of 8 and 14, will be held Friday, Feb. 28. Rodeo Roundup &amp; Go Texan Day: Friday, Feb. 28 All Houstonians are invited to attend this free event in downtown Houston on Friday, Feb. 28 at Houston City Hall in Hermann Square. Mayor John Whitmire’s Go Texan Day proclamation will kick off the event. Enjoy live music and visit with Rodeo volunteers representing the more than 100 committees to learn more about this annual Houston tradition. Go Texan Day, the city-wide celebration of Western heritage, will also be held Friday, Feb. 28. As the unofficial kickoff of the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo, everyone in the Houston community is encouraged to wear their best Western attire. Get ready for Rodeo in your favorite jeans, boots and cowboy hats. Trail Rides: Friday, Feb. 28 On Friday, Feb. 28, horses and wagons from 10 trail rides will make their way through the city streets to merge and camp one final night at Memorial Park before participating in the Downtown Rodeo Parade on Saturday, March 1. This continues a 71-year-old tradition that keeps Western heritage alive in the nation’s fourth largest city. Rodeo Run, presented by ConocoPhillips: Saturday, March 1 Rodeo Run will be held Saturday, March 1. The run will precede the Downtown Rodeo Parade and will kick off with the wheelchair race, followed by the 10K and 5K timed and untimed events. Additional details will be announced when finalized. Downtown Rodeo Parade: Saturday, March 1 The Downtown Rodeo Parade, one of the Rodeo’s most cherished annual traditions in Houston, will be held on Saturday, March 1. Houston is transformed from a bustling metropolis to a down-home celebration of Western heritage. Decorative floats intermingle with thousands of men and women on horseback to fill the streets with hoof beats and marching bands. Enthusiastic Houstonians join out-of-town spectators to line the streets and sidewalks to be involved in one of Houston’s most popular celebrations. Record-Breaking Purse Ignites Rodeo Revolution $2.5 Million In the heart of Texas, where the spirit of the Old West still thrives, a seismic shift is about to rock the rodeo world. RODEOHOUSTON, the crown jewel of the Lone Star State’s cowboy culture, has just announced an unprecedented purse increase for 2025 that’s set to increase the stakes for rodeo athletes across the nation. Rodeo isn’t just a sport—it’s a living, breathing piece of American history. Born from the gritty reality of 19th-century ranch life, it has evolved from informal competitions between vaqueros to a heart-pounding spectacle that draws thousands. In 1938, a pivotal moment arrived when the Rodeo was added to what was called the Houston Fat Stock Show. It began with five events, bareback riding, bull riding, tie down roping, saddle bronc riding and steer wrestling. This move legitimized the sport even more, setting standards and paving the way for today’s thrilling competition which now includes eight events. Lefty Holman, a saddle bronc rider whose name evokes images of legendary cowboys, knows firsthand the toll this sport takes on its athletes. “We put our heart, our soul, we dedicate our lives to this game,” Holman says, his voice carrying the weight of countless eight-second rides. Ranked in the top 10 in the world, Holman’s recent second-place finish in RODEOHOUSTON 2024 netted him over $28,000—a substantial sum, but one that barely scratches the surface of the financial demands faced by modern-day cowboys. Now, RODEOHOUSTON is set to rewrite the rules of the game. With a staggering increase of $355,500, the total official purse for 2025 will reach an eye-watering $2,533,500. “It’s life-changing money,” Holman declares, his eyes glinting with a mixture of excitement and gratitude. “The Rodeo is changing rodeo for the better in every way possible.” For athletes like Holman and Jackie Crawford, a breakaway roper with an astounding 23 WPRA World Titles to her name, this increase represents more than just a bigger paycheck—it’s a validation of their sacrifices and a beacon of hope for the sport’s future. Crawford, who lassoed a whopping $55,250 at Houston in 2024, puts it plainly: “I don’t think people understand just how expensive it is to rodeo. When you have a rodeo that pays what Houston does, it is a huge relief, and it is a huge leg up monetarily for you.” This bold move by RODEOHOUSTON isn’t just about the money—it’s about propelling rodeo into the spotlight it deserves. “I think it’s going to turn rodeo upside down and make rodeo more of a mainstream sport,” Holman predicts. For Crawford, a mother herself, the implications stretch far beyond the present. She dreams of a brighter future for her three-year-old daughter, who already shows a love for the sport. “I often kind of dream about what it’s going to be like then,” she says. “I can’t help but think that she’s going to have amazing opportunities, and it’s going to continue to grow from where it is even right now.” As the dust settles on this groundbreaking announcement, one thing is clear: RODEOHOUSTON isn’t just preserving a tradition—it’s revolutionizing it. With each bucking bronc and every roped calf, the spirit of the American West charges forward into a new era, carried on the backs of these modern-day cowboys and cowgirls. The message from Houston is loud and clear: Rodeo isn’t just alive—it’s bucking harder than ever.", "image": "", "name": "2025 Houston Rodeo BBQ Cook Off and Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo HSLR Lineup &#038; info – Feb 27-Mar 23", "url": "" } </script> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "Event", "eventStatus": "", "startDate": "2025-02-27", "endDate": "2025-02-27", "eventAttendanceMode": "", "location": { "@type": "Place", "name": "Doubletree By Hilton", "image": "", "address": "6 E Greenway Plaza, Houston, TX 77046" }, "organizer": { "@type": "Person", "name": "Kyle Cornish", "url": "" }, "offers": { "url": "", "price": "0", "priceCurrency": "USD", "availability": "", "validFrom": "2025-02-27T00:00" }, "performer": "", "description": "This Event Reminder is Sponsored by: From Data to Decisions: AI’s Role in Driving Business Value Through Emissions Management Join us this year to explore how AI and digital innovation are turning emissions management from a regulatory requirement into a competitive advantage—enhancing efficiency, reducing costs, and unlocking new business opportunities. ABOUT THE CONFERENCE As the energy sector evolves, emissions tracking is no longer just about compliance—it’s a strategic asset. Companies that leverage cutting-edge technology to optimize emissions reporting can improve operational performance, strengthen investor confidence, and gain a market edge. This year’s conference highlights how AI, automation, and advanced data strategies are transforming emissions management into a driver of business value. Discover tools and approaches that streamline reporting, enhance decision-making, and create long-term resilience in an ever-changing landscape. Join us at the 4th Annual Emissions Tracking, Reporting, and Compliance Conference, February 26-27, 2025, in Houston, to connect with industry leaders and explore how emissions data can fuel smarter business strategies. New in 2025: Emissions Tracking, Reporting &amp; Compliance Houston Conference This year’s conference brings a fresh perspective and exciting new features to keep you ahead of industry trends: • AI and Compliance: Explore how AI is driving innovation in emissions tracking and regulatory strategies. • New Industry Voices: Learn from fresh speakers offering diverse insights into the challenges ahead. • 2025 Regulatory Outlook: Discuss the evolving landscape and key shifts in emissions reduction and stakeholder priorities. Enhanced Networking Opportunities: • Lunch &amp; Learn Sessions: Enjoy a curated lunch while engaging with top speakers. • Live Audience Polls: Share your perspective and see how peers approach industry challenges. • Interactive Roundtables: Collaborate with experts to tackle compliance and reporting solutions. • Lightning Round Updates: Quick, impactful insights into the latest projects shaping emissions tracking. • Cross-Sector Networking: Connect with over 300+ attendees from a range of industries. Join us as a #ETRUSA25 delegate and gain full access to an event designed to keep you at the forefront of emissions tracking, reporting, and compliance. Your delegate pass includes: • Access to All Sessions: Dive into cutting-edge presentations, panels, and discussions featuring industry leaders driving ESG transformation. • Enhanced Networking Events: Connect with key players across the energy value chain through curated opportunities like roundtables, live polls, and lightning updates. • Two Full Days of Insight: Meet and collaborate with professionals from: o Major oil and gas companies o Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (EPC) firms o Refinery operators o Equipment and solution providers o Pioneering startups o Pipeline operators o Drilling contractors Don't miss this chance to forge lasting connections and gain actionable insights from the energy sector's top innovators.", "image": "𝟰𝘁𝗵-𝗔𝗻𝗻𝘂𝗮𝗹-𝗘𝗺𝗶𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀-𝗧𝗿𝗮𝗰𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗴-𝗥𝗲𝗽𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴-𝗮𝗻𝗱-𝗖𝗼𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗶𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗲-𝗖𝗼𝗻𝗳𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲.jpeg", "name": "Register For the 4th Annual Emissions Tracking, Reporting, and Compliance Conference by Energy Conference Network February 26 &#8211; Feb 27, 2025 &#8211; Houston", "url": "" } </script> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "Event", "eventStatus": "", "startDate": "2025-02-28", "endDate": "2025-03-01", "eventAttendanceMode": "", "location": { "@type": "Place", "name": "NRG Park, 1 Fannin St, Houston, TX 77054", "image": "", "address": "" }, "organizer": { "@type": "Person", "name": "", "url": "" }, "offers": { "url": "", "price": "0", "priceCurrency": "USD", "availability": "", "validFrom": "2025-02-28T00:00" }, "performer": "", "description": "We post this as a courtesy for the non-profits we support. (WE DON’T RECOMMEND SCHEDULING ANY EVENTS DURING HOUSTON RODEO) Save this date, and plan around. Are you wondering what day the Houston Rodeo Cookoff is for 2025, we got you covered. HLSR is thrilled to announce that the 93rd Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo will be held March 4 – 23, 2025! The World’s Championship Bar-B-Que Contest presented by Cotton Holdings will be held February 27 – March 1, 2025. The location for the Houston BBQ Cookoff will be in the NRG Stadium Parking Lots. You can buy tickets ahead of time to enter the Cook-Off Grounds, but most tents tickets for entry are given to their sponsors for their guests to enter the rodeo cookoff tents with free passes. Are you Wanting to Know How Much are Tickets to The Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo and Houston Rodeo Cook Off? Tickets BAR-B-QUE CONTEST ADMISSION Adult (13 &amp; over): $26 | Child (3-12): $10 | Age two &amp; under: Free Concerts at The Garden Stage, sponsored by Miller Lite Admission to Carnival (NOT valid for rides or games) Admission to Saloon &amp; Chuckwagon Complimentary sliced brisket, beans and chips GROUNDS SEASON PASS Grounds Season Pass: $57 Daily admission to World’s Championship Bar-B-Que Contest Daily admission during the run of the Show, with access to all public activities at NRG Park, NRG Center &amp; NRG Arena Admission to Carnival (NOT valid for rides or games) NOT INCLUDED: Rodeo &amp; concert in NRG Stadium, Rodeo Uncorked! events Public Venues With a Bar-B-Que Contest ticket, visitors may enjoy The Garden Stage, sponsored by Miller Lite, which presents some of the best names in Texas country music. The Garden Stage is located in the center of the contest grounds. A delicious complimentary sliced brisket plate with chips and beans awaits guests at The Chuckwagon, and next door visitors can enjoy the Rockin’ Bar-B-Que Saloon, which features live and DJ music. At the saloon you can find an outdoor patio area. The Carnival is available for people to enjoy throughout the day and night. The Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo promotes agriculture by hosting an annual, family-friendly experience that educates and entertains the public, supports Texas youth, showcases Western heritage, and provides year-round educational support within the community. Since its beginning in 1932, the Rodeo has committed more than $575 million to the youth of Texas and education. The 93rd Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo will be held March 4 – 23, 2025! The World’s Championship Bar-B-Que Contest presented by Cotton Holdings will be held Feb. 27 – March 1, 2025. For more information, visit If you are wondering who is performing at the 2025 Houston Rodeo, we got you covered. The concert lineup has been officially announced for the 2025 Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo on January 9, 2025.o CONCERT LINEUP Tuesday, March 4: Reba McEntire - Opening Day, presented by Shell Federal Credit Union Wednesday, March 5: Riley Green - Armed Forces Appreciation Day, presented by Crown Royal Thursday, March 6: AJR Friday, March 7: Bun B's Birthday Bonanza - Black Heritage Day Saturday, March 8: Bailey Zimmerman Sunday, March 9: Carin León Monday, March 10: Brad Paisley - First Responders Day, presented by BP America Tuesday, March 11: Zach Topp Wednesday, March 12: Lauren Daigle - Community Day, presented by TC Energy Thursday, March 13: Jon Pardi - Volunteer Appreciation Day, presented by Phillips 66 Friday, March 14: Journey Saturday, March 15: Warren Zeiders Sunday, March 16: Grupo Frontera - Go Tejano Day, sponsored by Fiesta Mart Monday, March 17: Charley Crockett Tuesday, March 18: Post Malone Wednesday, March 19: Old Dominion Thursday, March 20: Cody Jinks Friday, March 21: Parker McCollum Saturday, March 22: Brooks &amp; Dunn Sunday, March 23: Luke Bryan Key Days Themes: GENRE Calendar Coming Soon.. March 4 Opening Day March 5 Armed Forces Appreciation Day to Honor Brave Men and Women for their Service in U.S. Military. Free NRG Park Admission on Armed Forces Appreciation Day for the following: Actively-serving military members in uniform and with a current military ID, plus four of their family members Spouses of actively-serving military members currently deployed with a dependent ID, plus four of their family members. Admission provided at the NRG Park entrances on Armed Forces Appreciation Day only Rodeo/Concert tickets sold separately March 7 Black Heritage Day Day-long festivities include live entertainment on the Junction Stage from Houston’s finest bands, choirs, dance teams, cheerleader teams, and fine arts groups; special entertainment at the Champion Wine Garden and in The Hideout; and historical and educational displays around the grounds of NRG Park. March 10 First Responders Day The Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo salutes the various public law enforcement, firefighters, EMS and other emergency services agencies in the Houston Metropolitan Area on First Responders Day. Free NRG Park admission to the grounds for all first responders with a badge, plus four of their family members (admission provided at the NRG Park entrances on First Responders Day only) Special equipment and services displays Rodeo/Concert tickets sold separately March 12 Community Day 2025 The Rodeo will host Community Day, providing additional discounts for guests coming to NRG Park on the middle Wednesday of Rodeo. The celebration includes buy one get one rides and games in the Junction and community activations. Free admission for all guests to the Grounds until noon Buy one, get one rides and games in the Junction Carnival area until 4 p.m. Discounted food and beverage offerings at the Junction until 4 p.m. $3 mini corn dog at McKinney Corn Dog $3 mini popcorn at Kid Shack $3 small sour apple lemonade at Squeezers March 13 Volunteer Appreciation Day The Rodeo is turning the spotlight on its unsung heroes like never before with the inaugural Volunteer Appreciation Day. The party will start bright and early with the “Boots and Bubbly Brunch” and other events include a volunteer talent show, and a special presentation inside NRG Stadium, including a Rodeo volunteer who will sing the national anthem. March 16 Go Tejano Day Go Tejano Day festivities include live entertainment on The Junction Stage and in the Champion Wine Garden, and the Mariachi Invitational Semifinals in The Hideout. Enjoy Fiesta Charra in the NRG Center Main Arena, a colorful exhibition of traditional Mexican folk dance, music and horseback riding. Get ready for 2025: Rodeo announces Pre-Rodeo Events - Are you wondering what are the dates for the Pre-Rodeo Events? Festivities include World’s Championship Bar-B-Que Contest, Rodeo Roundup &amp; Go Texan Day, Trail Rides, Rodeo Run and the Downtown Rodeo Parade The Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo is excited to announce its dates and details for key events held during a weeklong celebration leading up to the 2025 Rodeo, scheduled for March 4 – March 23. 2025 SCHEDULE OF PRE-RODEO EVENTS: World’s Championship Bar-B-Que Contest, presented by Cotton Holdings: Feb. 27 – March 1 More than 250 barbecue teams will compete in the World’s Championship Bar-B-Que Contest, scheduled for Thursday, Feb. 27 – Saturday, March 1. Over the course of three days, teams from across the state of Texas and the world will compete for champion titles in the following categories: Brisket, Ribs, Chicken, Go Texan and Dutch Oven Dessert, and Open Contest. The Jr. Cook-off Contest, for children between the ages of 8 and 14, will be held Friday, Feb. 28. Rodeo Roundup &amp; Go Texan Day: Friday, Feb. 28 All Houstonians are invited to attend this free event in downtown Houston on Friday, Feb. 28 at Houston City Hall in Hermann Square. Mayor John Whitmire’s Go Texan Day proclamation will kick off the event. Enjoy live music and visit with Rodeo volunteers representing the more than 100 committees to learn more about this annual Houston tradition. Go Texan Day, the city-wide celebration of Western heritage, will also be held Friday, Feb. 28. As the unofficial kickoff of the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo, everyone in the Houston community is encouraged to wear their best Western attire. Get ready for Rodeo in your favorite jeans, boots and cowboy hats. Trail Rides: Friday, Feb. 28 On Friday, Feb. 28, horses and wagons from 10 trail rides will make their way through the city streets to merge and camp one final night at Memorial Park before participating in the Downtown Rodeo Parade on Saturday, March 1. This continues a 71-year-old tradition that keeps Western heritage alive in the nation’s fourth largest city. Rodeo Run, presented by ConocoPhillips: Saturday, March 1 Rodeo Run will be held Saturday, March 1. The run will precede the Downtown Rodeo Parade and will kick off with the wheelchair race, followed by the 10K and 5K timed and untimed events. Additional details will be announced when finalized. Downtown Rodeo Parade: Saturday, March 1 The Downtown Rodeo Parade, one of the Rodeo’s most cherished annual traditions in Houston, will be held on Saturday, March 1. Houston is transformed from a bustling metropolis to a down-home celebration of Western heritage. Decorative floats intermingle with thousands of men and women on horseback to fill the streets with hoof beats and marching bands. Enthusiastic Houstonians join out-of-town spectators to line the streets and sidewalks to be involved in one of Houston’s most popular celebrations. Record-Breaking Purse Ignites Rodeo Revolution $2.5 Million In the heart of Texas, where the spirit of the Old West still thrives, a seismic shift is about to rock the rodeo world. RODEOHOUSTON, the crown jewel of the Lone Star State’s cowboy culture, has just announced an unprecedented purse increase for 2025 that’s set to increase the stakes for rodeo athletes across the nation. Rodeo isn’t just a sport—it’s a living, breathing piece of American history. Born from the gritty reality of 19th-century ranch life, it has evolved from informal competitions between vaqueros to a heart-pounding spectacle that draws thousands. In 1938, a pivotal moment arrived when the Rodeo was added to what was called the Houston Fat Stock Show. It began with five events, bareback riding, bull riding, tie down roping, saddle bronc riding and steer wrestling. This move legitimized the sport even more, setting standards and paving the way for today’s thrilling competition which now includes eight events. Lefty Holman, a saddle bronc rider whose name evokes images of legendary cowboys, knows firsthand the toll this sport takes on its athletes. “We put our heart, our soul, we dedicate our lives to this game,” Holman says, his voice carrying the weight of countless eight-second rides. Ranked in the top 10 in the world, Holman’s recent second-place finish in RODEOHOUSTON 2024 netted him over $28,000—a substantial sum, but one that barely scratches the surface of the financial demands faced by modern-day cowboys. Now, RODEOHOUSTON is set to rewrite the rules of the game. With a staggering increase of $355,500, the total official purse for 2025 will reach an eye-watering $2,533,500. “It’s life-changing money,” Holman declares, his eyes glinting with a mixture of excitement and gratitude. “The Rodeo is changing rodeo for the better in every way possible.” For athletes like Holman and Jackie Crawford, a breakaway roper with an astounding 23 WPRA World Titles to her name, this increase represents more than just a bigger paycheck—it’s a validation of their sacrifices and a beacon of hope for the sport’s future. Crawford, who lassoed a whopping $55,250 at Houston in 2024, puts it plainly: “I don’t think people understand just how expensive it is to rodeo. When you have a rodeo that pays what Houston does, it is a huge relief, and it is a huge leg up monetarily for you.” This bold move by RODEOHOUSTON isn’t just about the money—it’s about propelling rodeo into the spotlight it deserves. “I think it’s going to turn rodeo upside down and make rodeo more of a mainstream sport,” Holman predicts. For Crawford, a mother herself, the implications stretch far beyond the present. She dreams of a brighter future for her three-year-old daughter, who already shows a love for the sport. “I often kind of dream about what it’s going to be like then,” she says. “I can’t help but think that she’s going to have amazing opportunities, and it’s going to continue to grow from where it is even right now.” As the dust settles on this groundbreaking announcement, one thing is clear: RODEOHOUSTON isn’t just preserving a tradition—it’s revolutionizing it. With each bucking bronc and every roped calf, the spirit of the American West charges forward into a new era, carried on the backs of these modern-day cowboys and cowgirls. The message from Houston is loud and clear: Rodeo isn’t just alive—it’s bucking harder than ever.", "image": "", "name": "2025 Houston Rodeo BBQ Cook Off and Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo HSLR Lineup &#038; info – Feb 27-Mar 23", "url": "" } </script> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "Event", "eventStatus": "", "startDate": "2025-02-28", "endDate": "2025-02-28", "eventAttendanceMode": "", "location": { "@type": "Place", "name": "NOV Tower Houston", "image": "", "address": "10353 Richmond Avenue Houston, TX 77042" }, "organizer": { "@type": "Person", "name": "Fernando Hernandez", "url": "" }, "offers": { "url": "", "price": "50", "priceCurrency": "USD", "availability": "", "validFrom": "2025-02-28T00:00" }, "performer": "", "description": "This Event Reminder is Sponsored by: Society for Low Carbon Technologies’ (SFLCT) upcoming panel session that includes Repsol, Syzygy Plasmonics, Arcadia eFuels, Capgemini, and Fugro. The panelists, composed of industry experts, will provide a realistic and innovative outlook on “How CO₂ and Hydrogen Create Sustainable Chemicals and Fuels.” Join us as we answer the renewed call to action to leverage CO₂ and hydrogen to spark a low-carbon future powered by sustainable chemicals and fuels. With the critical need for solutions to decarbonize and meet global energy demands across the aviation, maritime, and ground transport sectors, the SFLCT Chairman and panelists will thoroughly discuss: How CO₂ and hydrogen can be stored and utilized to create sustainable fuels and chemicals Challenges of CO₂ capture and hydrogen storage, and how their intersection sparks innovation How these methods reduce emissions and maximize resource efficiency Looking ahead to 2035 as it pertains to the innovations in sustainable chemicals and fuels Optimizing green fuel production while ensuring economic viability Optimizing sustainable fuel projects while balancing scalability and economic viability effectively And more! Panel sessions continue gaining prominence with pioneering discussions that foster impactful connections. Be part of the future. Agenda 9:10 AM - 9:45 AM Meet &amp; greet (light bites and refreshments provided) 9:45 AM - 11:00 AM Panel session 11:00 AM - 11:15 AM Q&amp;A portion 11:15 AM - 11:25 AM Closing remarks 11:25 AM - 11:55 AM Networking 11:55 AM - 11:55 AM Adjourn Repsol, Syzygy Plasmonics, Arcadia eFuels, Capgemini, and Fugro will take the stage alongside our Chairman. Join us as we answer the call to action to harness CO₂ and hydrogen, with speakers presenting bold solutions to drive a low-carbon future across the aviation, maritime, and ground transport sectors.", "image": "₂-and-Hydrogen-Storage-Create-Sustainable-Chemicals-and-Fuels-Society-of-Low-Carbon-Technologies.jpeg", "name": "Register now for SFLCT&#8217;s How CO₂ and Hydrogen Storage Create Sustainable Chemicals and Fuels Feb 28, 2025 &#8211; Houston", "url": "" } </script> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "Event", "eventStatus": "", "startDate": "2025-03-01", "endDate": "2025-03-01", "eventAttendanceMode": "", "location": { "@type": "Place", "name": "NRG Park, 1 Fannin St, Houston, TX 77054", "image": "", "address": "" }, "organizer": { "@type": "Person", "name": "", "url": "" }, "offers": { "url": "", "price": "0", "priceCurrency": "USD", "availability": "", "validFrom": "2025-03-01T00:00" }, "performer": "", "description": "We post this as a courtesy for the non-profits we support. (WE DON’T RECOMMEND SCHEDULING ANY EVENTS DURING HOUSTON RODEO) Save this date, and plan around. Are you wondering what day the Houston Rodeo Cookoff is for 2025, we got you covered. HLSR is thrilled to announce that the 93rd Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo will be held March 4 – 23, 2025! The World’s Championship Bar-B-Que Contest presented by Cotton Holdings will be held February 27 – March 1, 2025. The location for the Houston BBQ Cookoff will be in the NRG Stadium Parking Lots. You can buy tickets ahead of time to enter the Cook-Off Grounds, but most tents tickets for entry are given to their sponsors for their guests to enter the rodeo cookoff tents with free passes. Are you Wanting to Know How Much are Tickets to The Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo and Houston Rodeo Cook Off? Tickets BAR-B-QUE CONTEST ADMISSION Adult (13 &amp; over): $26 | Child (3-12): $10 | Age two &amp; under: Free Concerts at The Garden Stage, sponsored by Miller Lite Admission to Carnival (NOT valid for rides or games) Admission to Saloon &amp; Chuckwagon Complimentary sliced brisket, beans and chips GROUNDS SEASON PASS Grounds Season Pass: $57 Daily admission to World’s Championship Bar-B-Que Contest Daily admission during the run of the Show, with access to all public activities at NRG Park, NRG Center &amp; NRG Arena Admission to Carnival (NOT valid for rides or games) NOT INCLUDED: Rodeo &amp; concert in NRG Stadium, Rodeo Uncorked! events Public Venues With a Bar-B-Que Contest ticket, visitors may enjoy The Garden Stage, sponsored by Miller Lite, which presents some of the best names in Texas country music. The Garden Stage is located in the center of the contest grounds. A delicious complimentary sliced brisket plate with chips and beans awaits guests at The Chuckwagon, and next door visitors can enjoy the Rockin’ Bar-B-Que Saloon, which features live and DJ music. At the saloon you can find an outdoor patio area. The Carnival is available for people to enjoy throughout the day and night. The Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo promotes agriculture by hosting an annual, family-friendly experience that educates and entertains the public, supports Texas youth, showcases Western heritage, and provides year-round educational support within the community. Since its beginning in 1932, the Rodeo has committed more than $575 million to the youth of Texas and education. The 93rd Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo will be held March 4 – 23, 2025! The World’s Championship Bar-B-Que Contest presented by Cotton Holdings will be held Feb. 27 – March 1, 2025. For more information, visit If you are wondering who is performing at the 2025 Houston Rodeo, we got you covered. The concert lineup has been officially announced for the 2025 Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo on January 9, 2025.o CONCERT LINEUP Tuesday, March 4: Reba McEntire - Opening Day, presented by Shell Federal Credit Union Wednesday, March 5: Riley Green - Armed Forces Appreciation Day, presented by Crown Royal Thursday, March 6: AJR Friday, March 7: Bun B's Birthday Bonanza - Black Heritage Day Saturday, March 8: Bailey Zimmerman Sunday, March 9: Carin León Monday, March 10: Brad Paisley - First Responders Day, presented by BP America Tuesday, March 11: Zach Topp Wednesday, March 12: Lauren Daigle - Community Day, presented by TC Energy Thursday, March 13: Jon Pardi - Volunteer Appreciation Day, presented by Phillips 66 Friday, March 14: Journey Saturday, March 15: Warren Zeiders Sunday, March 16: Grupo Frontera - Go Tejano Day, sponsored by Fiesta Mart Monday, March 17: Charley Crockett Tuesday, March 18: Post Malone Wednesday, March 19: Old Dominion Thursday, March 20: Cody Jinks Friday, March 21: Parker McCollum Saturday, March 22: Brooks &amp; Dunn Sunday, March 23: Luke Bryan Key Days Themes: GENRE Calendar Coming Soon.. March 4 Opening Day March 5 Armed Forces Appreciation Day to Honor Brave Men and Women for their Service in U.S. Military. Free NRG Park Admission on Armed Forces Appreciation Day for the following: Actively-serving military members in uniform and with a current military ID, plus four of their family members Spouses of actively-serving military members currently deployed with a dependent ID, plus four of their family members. Admission provided at the NRG Park entrances on Armed Forces Appreciation Day only Rodeo/Concert tickets sold separately March 7 Black Heritage Day Day-long festivities include live entertainment on the Junction Stage from Houston’s finest bands, choirs, dance teams, cheerleader teams, and fine arts groups; special entertainment at the Champion Wine Garden and in The Hideout; and historical and educational displays around the grounds of NRG Park. March 10 First Responders Day The Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo salutes the various public law enforcement, firefighters, EMS and other emergency services agencies in the Houston Metropolitan Area on First Responders Day. Free NRG Park admission to the grounds for all first responders with a badge, plus four of their family members (admission provided at the NRG Park entrances on First Responders Day only) Special equipment and services displays Rodeo/Concert tickets sold separately March 12 Community Day 2025 The Rodeo will host Community Day, providing additional discounts for guests coming to NRG Park on the middle Wednesday of Rodeo. The celebration includes buy one get one rides and games in the Junction and community activations. Free admission for all guests to the Grounds until noon Buy one, get one rides and games in the Junction Carnival area until 4 p.m. Discounted food and beverage offerings at the Junction until 4 p.m. $3 mini corn dog at McKinney Corn Dog $3 mini popcorn at Kid Shack $3 small sour apple lemonade at Squeezers March 13 Volunteer Appreciation Day The Rodeo is turning the spotlight on its unsung heroes like never before with the inaugural Volunteer Appreciation Day. The party will start bright and early with the “Boots and Bubbly Brunch” and other events include a volunteer talent show, and a special presentation inside NRG Stadium, including a Rodeo volunteer who will sing the national anthem. March 16 Go Tejano Day Go Tejano Day festivities include live entertainment on The Junction Stage and in the Champion Wine Garden, and the Mariachi Invitational Semifinals in The Hideout. Enjoy Fiesta Charra in the NRG Center Main Arena, a colorful exhibition of traditional Mexican folk dance, music and horseback riding. Get ready for 2025: Rodeo announces Pre-Rodeo Events - Are you wondering what are the dates for the Pre-Rodeo Events? Festivities include World’s Championship Bar-B-Que Contest, Rodeo Roundup &amp; Go Texan Day, Trail Rides, Rodeo Run and the Downtown Rodeo Parade The Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo is excited to announce its dates and details for key events held during a weeklong celebration leading up to the 2025 Rodeo, scheduled for March 4 – March 23. 2025 SCHEDULE OF PRE-RODEO EVENTS: World’s Championship Bar-B-Que Contest, presented by Cotton Holdings: Feb. 27 – March 1 More than 250 barbecue teams will compete in the World’s Championship Bar-B-Que Contest, scheduled for Thursday, Feb. 27 – Saturday, March 1. Over the course of three days, teams from across the state of Texas and the world will compete for champion titles in the following categories: Brisket, Ribs, Chicken, Go Texan and Dutch Oven Dessert, and Open Contest. The Jr. Cook-off Contest, for children between the ages of 8 and 14, will be held Friday, Feb. 28. Rodeo Roundup &amp; Go Texan Day: Friday, Feb. 28 All Houstonians are invited to attend this free event in downtown Houston on Friday, Feb. 28 at Houston City Hall in Hermann Square. Mayor John Whitmire’s Go Texan Day proclamation will kick off the event. Enjoy live music and visit with Rodeo volunteers representing the more than 100 committees to learn more about this annual Houston tradition. Go Texan Day, the city-wide celebration of Western heritage, will also be held Friday, Feb. 28. As the unofficial kickoff of the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo, everyone in the Houston community is encouraged to wear their best Western attire. Get ready for Rodeo in your favorite jeans, boots and cowboy hats. Trail Rides: Friday, Feb. 28 On Friday, Feb. 28, horses and wagons from 10 trail rides will make their way through the city streets to merge and camp one final night at Memorial Park before participating in the Downtown Rodeo Parade on Saturday, March 1. This continues a 71-year-old tradition that keeps Western heritage alive in the nation’s fourth largest city. Rodeo Run, presented by ConocoPhillips: Saturday, March 1 Rodeo Run will be held Saturday, March 1. The run will precede the Downtown Rodeo Parade and will kick off with the wheelchair race, followed by the 10K and 5K timed and untimed events. Additional details will be announced when finalized. Downtown Rodeo Parade: Saturday, March 1 The Downtown Rodeo Parade, one of the Rodeo’s most cherished annual traditions in Houston, will be held on Saturday, March 1. Houston is transformed from a bustling metropolis to a down-home celebration of Western heritage. Decorative floats intermingle with thousands of men and women on horseback to fill the streets with hoof beats and marching bands. Enthusiastic Houstonians join out-of-town spectators to line the streets and sidewalks to be involved in one of Houston’s most popular celebrations. Record-Breaking Purse Ignites Rodeo Revolution $2.5 Million In the heart of Texas, where the spirit of the Old West still thrives, a seismic shift is about to rock the rodeo world. RODEOHOUSTON, the crown jewel of the Lone Star State’s cowboy culture, has just announced an unprecedented purse increase for 2025 that’s set to increase the stakes for rodeo athletes across the nation. Rodeo isn’t just a sport—it’s a living, breathing piece of American history. Born from the gritty reality of 19th-century ranch life, it has evolved from informal competitions between vaqueros to a heart-pounding spectacle that draws thousands. In 1938, a pivotal moment arrived when the Rodeo was added to what was called the Houston Fat Stock Show. It began with five events, bareback riding, bull riding, tie down roping, saddle bronc riding and steer wrestling. This move legitimized the sport even more, setting standards and paving the way for today’s thrilling competition which now includes eight events. Lefty Holman, a saddle bronc rider whose name evokes images of legendary cowboys, knows firsthand the toll this sport takes on its athletes. “We put our heart, our soul, we dedicate our lives to this game,” Holman says, his voice carrying the weight of countless eight-second rides. Ranked in the top 10 in the world, Holman’s recent second-place finish in RODEOHOUSTON 2024 netted him over $28,000—a substantial sum, but one that barely scratches the surface of the financial demands faced by modern-day cowboys. Now, RODEOHOUSTON is set to rewrite the rules of the game. With a staggering increase of $355,500, the total official purse for 2025 will reach an eye-watering $2,533,500. “It’s life-changing money,” Holman declares, his eyes glinting with a mixture of excitement and gratitude. “The Rodeo is changing rodeo for the better in every way possible.” For athletes like Holman and Jackie Crawford, a breakaway roper with an astounding 23 WPRA World Titles to her name, this increase represents more than just a bigger paycheck—it’s a validation of their sacrifices and a beacon of hope for the sport’s future. Crawford, who lassoed a whopping $55,250 at Houston in 2024, puts it plainly: “I don’t think people understand just how expensive it is to rodeo. When you have a rodeo that pays what Houston does, it is a huge relief, and it is a huge leg up monetarily for you.” This bold move by RODEOHOUSTON isn’t just about the money—it’s about propelling rodeo into the spotlight it deserves. “I think it’s going to turn rodeo upside down and make rodeo more of a mainstream sport,” Holman predicts. For Crawford, a mother herself, the implications stretch far beyond the present. She dreams of a brighter future for her three-year-old daughter, who already shows a love for the sport. “I often kind of dream about what it’s going to be like then,” she says. “I can’t help but think that she’s going to have amazing opportunities, and it’s going to continue to grow from where it is even right now.” As the dust settles on this groundbreaking announcement, one thing is clear: RODEOHOUSTON isn’t just preserving a tradition—it’s revolutionizing it. With each bucking bronc and every roped calf, the spirit of the American West charges forward into a new era, carried on the backs of these modern-day cowboys and cowgirls. The message from Houston is loud and clear: Rodeo isn’t just alive—it’s bucking harder than ever.", "image": "", "name": "2025 Houston Rodeo BBQ Cook Off and Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo HSLR Lineup &#038; info – Feb 27-Mar 23", "url": "" } </script> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "Event", "eventStatus": "", "startDate": "2025-03-02", "endDate": "2025-03-04", "eventAttendanceMode": "", "location": { "@type": "Place", "name": "Grand Hyatt San Antonio River Walk", "image": "", "address": "600 E. Market Street San Antonio, TX 78205" }, "organizer": { "@type": "Person", "name": "AFPM Contact", "url": "" }, "offers": { "url": "", "price": "2800", "priceCurrency": "USD", "availability": "", "validFrom": "2025-03-02T00:00" }, "performer": "", "description": "ANNUAL MEETING The AFPM Annual Meeting is the world's premier refining meeting, assembling key executives, decision-makers, and technical experts from refining businesses, technology providers, contracting and consulting firms, and equipment manufacturers around the world. Sessions are designed to provide deep insights into the policies, regulations, geopolitics, and disruptions that will affect business in the coming months and years.", "image": "", "name": "Register Now for the AFPM Annual Meeting Taking Place in San Antonio on March 2-March 4, 2025", "url": "" } </script> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "Event", "eventStatus": "", "startDate": "2025-03-03", "endDate": "2025-03-05", "eventAttendanceMode": "", "location": { "@type": "Place", "name": "George R. Brown Convention Center", "image": "", "address": "1001 Avenida De Las Americas, Houston, TX 77010" }, "organizer": { "@type": "Person", "name": "", "url": "" }, "offers": { "url": "", "price": "1075", "priceCurrency": "USD", "availability": "", "validFrom": "2025-03-03T00:00" }, "performer": "", "description": "This Event Reminder is Sponsored by: The maturing carbon market is a major driver for deployment of carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) projects. Both the subsurface technical knowledge and related data sets of the petroleum industry are major inputs required for the world to successfully move towards a carbon-neutral and sustainable energy future. CCUS has experienced growing interest over the past two decades, due to the desire to reduce CO₂ emissions and to make industrial sources more environmentally sustainable. More recently, policy instruments such as the expanded Section 45Q federal tax credits - up to $35 per tonne for EOR and $50 for geologic storage - and carbon credit mechanisms such as California’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) are providing opportunities that offset deployment costs and can result in CCUS being a potentially profitable enterprise. Plan now to attend Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS) 3–5 March 2025 at the George R. Brown Convention Center in Houston, Texas. This in-person event unites AAPG, SPE, and SEG to highlight current CCUS work and address related challenges, including: Subsurface Geologic Storage, Site Selection, Monitoring, Modeling, and Risk Assessment Infrastructure and Well Design EOR, Injection, and Utilization Financial, Economics, and Regulatory Framework ESGs and Stakeholder Engagement ML and Data Analytics Applications Case Studies Exciting keynote speakers and lunch panels will drive the discussions of the future of energy. Technical speakers will represent research institutions, universities, and industry. The work presented at the event will demonstrate the ongoing need for skilled petroleum geologists, geophysicists, and engineers to help define the future of carbon management. Where do Energy Professionals come into play? The technology and methodologies developed by the oil and gas industry are directly applicable in characterizing storage formations, caprocks, reservoir model development, monitoring, well design, and ensuring the safe construction of injection sites. Energy Professionals are uniquely suited to evaluate candidate storage formations and EOR fields for CCUS programs. How does this benefit the petroleum industry? Given the world’s reliance on fossil-fuels for the next several decades, CCUS offers a path to sustainable development within the petroleum industry and a means to meet increasingly stiff emission regulations. The near-term use of CO₂ for EOR also helps maximize production from currently stranded oil reserves, thus reducing the environmental footprint relative to field development. Finally, the petroleum industry is uniquely qualified to deploy large-scale geological storage commercially, while creating an additional revenue stream. Therefore, CCUS offers the potential for new career pathways for early- to late-career professions, including geologists and engineers.", "image": "", "name": "Register Now for CCUS 2025 Conference: Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage Hosted by AAPG, SPE, SEG &#8211; 3 &#8211; 5 March 2025 &#8211; Houston, Tx", "url": "" } </script> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "Event", "eventStatus": "", "startDate": "2025-03-03", "endDate": "2025-03-04", "eventAttendanceMode": "", "location": { "@type": "Place", "name": "Grand Hyatt San Antonio River Walk", "image": "", "address": "600 E. Market Street San Antonio, TX 78205" }, "organizer": { "@type": "Person", "name": "AFPM Contact", "url": "" }, "offers": { "url": "", "price": "2800", "priceCurrency": "USD", "availability": "", "validFrom": "2025-03-03T00:00" }, "performer": "", "description": "ANNUAL MEETING The AFPM Annual Meeting is the world's premier refining meeting, assembling key executives, decision-makers, and technical experts from refining businesses, technology providers, contracting and consulting firms, and equipment manufacturers around the world. Sessions are designed to provide deep insights into the policies, regulations, geopolitics, and disruptions that will affect business in the coming months and years.", "image": "", "name": "Register Now for the AFPM Annual Meeting Taking Place in San Antonio on March 2-March 4, 2025", "url": "" } </script> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "Event", "eventStatus": "", "startDate": "2025-03-04", "endDate": "2025-03-05", "eventAttendanceMode": "", "location": { "@type": "Place", "name": "George R. Brown Convention Center", "image": "", "address": "1001 Avenida De Las Americas, Houston, TX 77010" }, "organizer": { "@type": "Person", "name": "", "url": "" }, "offers": { "url": "", "price": "1075", "priceCurrency": "USD", "availability": "", "validFrom": "2025-03-04T00:00" }, "performer": "", "description": "This Event Reminder is Sponsored by: The maturing carbon market is a major driver for deployment of carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) projects. Both the subsurface technical knowledge and related data sets of the petroleum industry are major inputs required for the world to successfully move towards a carbon-neutral and sustainable energy future. CCUS has experienced growing interest over the past two decades, due to the desire to reduce CO₂ emissions and to make industrial sources more environmentally sustainable. More recently, policy instruments such as the expanded Section 45Q federal tax credits - up to $35 per tonne for EOR and $50 for geologic storage - and carbon credit mechanisms such as California’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) are providing opportunities that offset deployment costs and can result in CCUS being a potentially profitable enterprise. Plan now to attend Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS) 3–5 March 2025 at the George R. Brown Convention Center in Houston, Texas. This in-person event unites AAPG, SPE, and SEG to highlight current CCUS work and address related challenges, including: Subsurface Geologic Storage, Site Selection, Monitoring, Modeling, and Risk Assessment Infrastructure and Well Design EOR, Injection, and Utilization Financial, Economics, and Regulatory Framework ESGs and Stakeholder Engagement ML and Data Analytics Applications Case Studies Exciting keynote speakers and lunch panels will drive the discussions of the future of energy. Technical speakers will represent research institutions, universities, and industry. The work presented at the event will demonstrate the ongoing need for skilled petroleum geologists, geophysicists, and engineers to help define the future of carbon management. Where do Energy Professionals come into play? The technology and methodologies developed by the oil and gas industry are directly applicable in characterizing storage formations, caprocks, reservoir model development, monitoring, well design, and ensuring the safe construction of injection sites. Energy Professionals are uniquely suited to evaluate candidate storage formations and EOR fields for CCUS programs. How does this benefit the petroleum industry? Given the world’s reliance on fossil-fuels for the next several decades, CCUS offers a path to sustainable development within the petroleum industry and a means to meet increasingly stiff emission regulations. The near-term use of CO₂ for EOR also helps maximize production from currently stranded oil reserves, thus reducing the environmental footprint relative to field development. Finally, the petroleum industry is uniquely qualified to deploy large-scale geological storage commercially, while creating an additional revenue stream. Therefore, CCUS offers the potential for new career pathways for early- to late-career professions, including geologists and engineers.", "image": "", "name": "Register Now for CCUS 2025 Conference: Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage Hosted by AAPG, SPE, SEG &#8211; 3 &#8211; 5 March 2025 &#8211; Houston, Tx", "url": "" } </script> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "Event", "eventStatus": "", "startDate": "2025-03-04", "endDate": "2025-03-04", "eventAttendanceMode": "", "location": { "@type": "Place", "name": "Grand Hyatt San Antonio River Walk", "image": "", "address": "600 E. Market Street San Antonio, TX 78205" }, "organizer": { "@type": "Person", "name": "AFPM Contact", "url": "" }, "offers": { "url": "", "price": "2800", "priceCurrency": "USD", "availability": "", "validFrom": "2025-03-04T00:00" }, "performer": "", "description": "ANNUAL MEETING The AFPM Annual Meeting is the world's premier refining meeting, assembling key executives, decision-makers, and technical experts from refining businesses, technology providers, contracting and consulting firms, and equipment manufacturers around the world. Sessions are designed to provide deep insights into the policies, regulations, geopolitics, and disruptions that will affect business in the coming months and years.", "image": "", "name": "Register Now for the AFPM Annual Meeting Taking Place in San Antonio on March 2-March 4, 2025", "url": "" } </script> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "Event", "eventStatus": "", "startDate": "2025-03-05", "endDate": "2025-03-05", "eventAttendanceMode": "", "location": { "@type": "Place", "name": "George R. Brown Convention Center", "image": "", "address": "1001 Avenida De Las Americas, Houston, TX 77010" }, "organizer": { "@type": "Person", "name": "", "url": "" }, "offers": { "url": "", "price": "1075", "priceCurrency": "USD", "availability": "", "validFrom": "2025-03-05T00:00" }, "performer": "", "description": "This Event Reminder is Sponsored by: The maturing carbon market is a major driver for deployment of carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) projects. Both the subsurface technical knowledge and related data sets of the petroleum industry are major inputs required for the world to successfully move towards a carbon-neutral and sustainable energy future. CCUS has experienced growing interest over the past two decades, due to the desire to reduce CO₂ emissions and to make industrial sources more environmentally sustainable. More recently, policy instruments such as the expanded Section 45Q federal tax credits - up to $35 per tonne for EOR and $50 for geologic storage - and carbon credit mechanisms such as California’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) are providing opportunities that offset deployment costs and can result in CCUS being a potentially profitable enterprise. Plan now to attend Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS) 3–5 March 2025 at the George R. Brown Convention Center in Houston, Texas. This in-person event unites AAPG, SPE, and SEG to highlight current CCUS work and address related challenges, including: Subsurface Geologic Storage, Site Selection, Monitoring, Modeling, and Risk Assessment Infrastructure and Well Design EOR, Injection, and Utilization Financial, Economics, and Regulatory Framework ESGs and Stakeholder Engagement ML and Data Analytics Applications Case Studies Exciting keynote speakers and lunch panels will drive the discussions of the future of energy. Technical speakers will represent research institutions, universities, and industry. The work presented at the event will demonstrate the ongoing need for skilled petroleum geologists, geophysicists, and engineers to help define the future of carbon management. Where do Energy Professionals come into play? The technology and methodologies developed by the oil and gas industry are directly applicable in characterizing storage formations, caprocks, reservoir model development, monitoring, well design, and ensuring the safe construction of injection sites. Energy Professionals are uniquely suited to evaluate candidate storage formations and EOR fields for CCUS programs. How does this benefit the petroleum industry? Given the world’s reliance on fossil-fuels for the next several decades, CCUS offers a path to sustainable development within the petroleum industry and a means to meet increasingly stiff emission regulations. The near-term use of CO₂ for EOR also helps maximize production from currently stranded oil reserves, thus reducing the environmental footprint relative to field development. Finally, the petroleum industry is uniquely qualified to deploy large-scale geological storage commercially, while creating an additional revenue stream. Therefore, CCUS offers the potential for new career pathways for early- to late-career professions, including geologists and engineers.", "image": "", "name": "Register Now for CCUS 2025 Conference: Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage Hosted by AAPG, SPE, SEG &#8211; 3 &#8211; 5 March 2025 &#8211; Houston, Tx", "url": "" } </script> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "Event", "eventStatus": "", "startDate": "2025-03-06", "endDate": "2025-03-06", "eventAttendanceMode": "", "location": { "@type": "Place", "name": "Technip Energies Houston Office", "image": "", "address": "15377 Memorial Dr, Houston, Texas, US, 77079" }, "organizer": { "@type": "Person", "name": "Kathryn (Kat) Lewton", "url": "" }, "offers": { "url": "", "price": "100", "priceCurrency": "USD", "availability": "", "validFrom": "2025-03-06T00:00" }, "performer": "", "description": " Join us for the next Rice Global Forum event “Trash or Treasure - Chemical and Plastic Recycling – Deconstructing Waste and Creating Sustainability for a Circular Economy”. The growing volume of waste presents one of the most daunting challenges globally. To address this problem and enhance potential environmental, economic, and social advantages, waste valorization through chemical and plastic recycling has emerged as a sustainable and effective strategy. This process adds value to waste materials, offering a promising solution. Our breakfast panel session featuring LyondellBasell, Technip Energies, and Waste Management will discuss the opportunities, challenges, technologies and latest developments, and future of the industry on the 6th March, 2025. Our panel will look at the value chain of recycling; from the perspective of plastic waste recycling with Dr. Ganesh Nagarajan from Waste Management, chemical and plastic recycling conversion and purification technologies and production with James Starr of Technip Energies and Andreas Neumann of LyondellBasell. RGF’s Executive Sponsor, Technip Energies will host this breakfast-time event at their offices located at 15377 Memorial Drive. Ste 1400, Houston, Texas 77079. The event will begin with networking at 7:00am; the panel will run from 8:00 AM – 9:30 AM. Members, enter your promo code below at the very bottom of the page to redeem your event credit(s). Event Dates: Thursday, March 6, 2025 7:00 AM to 9:30 AM Event Sponsored by Technip Energies If you have questions about this event, contact: Kathryn (Kat) Lewton - 832-483-9234 Sarah Hoelzen - 832-495-4131", "image": "", "name": "Trash or Treasure&#8221; Circular Economy-Chemical &#038; Plastic Recycling by RGF March 6, 2025 &#8211; Houston", "url": "" } </script> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "Event", "eventStatus": "", "startDate": "2025-03-06", "endDate": "2025-03-06", "eventAttendanceMode": "", "location": { "@type": "Place", "name": "Greater Houston Sports Club", "image": "", "address": "6700 McHard Road Houston, Texas 77053" }, "organizer": { "@type": "Person", "name": "", "url": "" }, "offers": { "url": "", "price": "0", "priceCurrency": "USD", "availability": "", "validFrom": "2025-03-06T00:00" }, "performer": "", "description": " Who's ready to have a BLAST at our 8th Annual PVF Young Professionals Clay Shooting Event⁉️ Be sure to come locked in and ready for a fantastic day filled with FOOD, FUN along with an AMAZING opportunity to connect! 🤝 Team Registration will open online 1/27/25 • 9:00 AM 10:30 AM: REGISTRATION OPENS &amp; WARM-UP GAMES BEGIN • 10:20 AM: SAFETY BRIEFING AND INSTRUCTIONS • 10:30 AM 1:00 PM: MAIN EVENT BEGINS • 1:00 PM: LUNCH BEGINS • 1:00 PM 3:00 PM: HAPPY HOUR/NETWORKING/AWARDS CEREMONY/RAFFLE DRAWINGS", "image": "", "name": "Register now for PVF Roundtable Sporting Clays Tournament March 6, 2025 &#8211; Houston, Tx", "url": "" } </script> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "Event", "eventStatus": "", "startDate": "2025-03-06", "endDate": "2025-03-06", "eventAttendanceMode": "", "location": { "@type": "Place", "name": "Chicken N Pickle - Oklahoma City", "image": "", "address": "8400 N Oklahoma Ave, Oklahoma City, OK 73114" }, "organizer": { "@type": "Person", "name": "", "url": "" }, "offers": { "url": "", "price": "0", "priceCurrency": "USD", "availability": "", "validFrom": "2025-03-06T00:00" }, "performer": "", "description": "It's Coming! And it's going to be a Big Dill! From The Industry Collective. THE BIG DILL - The 1st Annual Mid-Continent Oilfield Pickleball Open. 2-Person - Amateur and Pro Division Tournament and Social Networking Event. Coming to Chicken N Pickle - March 6th, 2025. Details Coming Soon! Brought to you by THE INDUSTRY COLLECTIVE", "image": "", "name": "OKC: The Industry Collective Mid-Con Oilfield Pickleball Open March 6, 2025", "url": "" } </script> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "Event", "eventStatus": "", "startDate": "2025-03-07", "endDate": "2025-03-07", "eventAttendanceMode": "", "location": { "@type": "Place", "name": "BlackHorse Golf Club", "image": "", "address": "12205 Fry Rd, Cypress, TX 77433" }, "organizer": { "@type": "Person", "name": "", "url": "" }, "offers": { "url": "", "price": "0", "priceCurrency": "USD", "availability": "", "validFrom": "2025-03-07T00:00" }, "performer": "", "description": "This Event Reminder is Sponsored by: This Event is a ECC Sponsor Event. SAVE THE DATE - Friday, March 7, 2025 2nd Annual ECC Golf Tournament Join ECC Association on Friday, March 7, 2025 at 8:00 a.m. BlackHorse Golf Club (12205 Fry Road, Cypress, TX 77433 For questions on becoming an ECC Sponsor Click The Link on the side. About The ECC Association: For over 50 years, the Engineering and Construction Contracting (ECC) Association has provided unique opportunities for industry pioneers and innovators to collaborate in a forum free from the daily demands and politics of business—the Annual ECC Conference. Formed by owners, contractors, suppliers, and academics in the engineering and construction business, ECC aims to drive excellence and the long-term success of the industry through networking, innovation, and outreach. What to Expect at the 2025 The ECC Association Golf Tournament &nbsp;", "image": "", "name": "ECC SPONSOR Event: 2025 ECC Association Golf Tournament March 7, 2025 &#8211; Houston", "url": "" } </script> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "Event", "eventStatus": "", "startDate": "2025-03-10", "endDate": "2025-03-14", "eventAttendanceMode": "", "location": { "@type": "Place", "name": "George R. Brown Convention Center", "image": "", "address": "1001 Avenida De Las Americas, Houston, TX 77010" }, "organizer": { "@type": "Person", "name": "", "url": "" }, "offers": { "url": "", "price": "10500", "priceCurrency": "USD", "availability": "", "validFrom": "2025-03-10T00:00" }, "performer": "", "description": " What is CERAWeek? Chaired by Daniel Yergin, CERAWeek is recognized as the foremost annual gathering in the energy sector, rated among the top five “corporate leader conferences” worldwide. This premier event convenes over 450 C-Suite executives, 80 ministers and top officials, and 325 media representatives, with more than 10,000 participants from over 2,050 companies across 80 countries for dialogue on the agenda ahead as the world enters a new era of energy transition. CERAWeek 2025, Moving Ahead: Energy strategies for a complex world, will focus on the challenges ahead for energy security, supply, and climate ambitions – as well as for markets, infrastructure, directions of policy and the advance of technology including AI – and what this means for all aspects of the industry and beyond. Through a diverse set of programs and platforms CERAWeek highlights the linkages of these topics across industries and showcase the partnerships and collaborative models that are transforming energy. CERAWeek is comprised of three mutually reinforcing platforms: The Executive Conference, the Innovation Agora, and Partner Programs. The industry's foremost thought leaders convene to cultivate relationships and exchange transformative ideas. Our programs are designed to advance new ideas, insight and solutions to the biggest challenges facing the future of energy, the environment, and climate. Executive Conference Provides an integrated framework for understanding what’s ahead for global energy markets and geopolitics. Sessions focus on the most relevant themes and topics for the energy industry addressed by the most prominent voices in the industry. Innovation Agora An open marketplace for the exchange of insights and solutions on energy innovation and emerging technologies. Sessions focus on emerging, innovative technologies in the energy space. Partner Programs Designed to promote high-level interaction among senior executives and officials and build communities to address and share learning on the most important challenges facing the energy future; and programs that foster engagement by emerging leaders and communities. Geopolitics A fragmenting political order Geopolitical competition is creating a more difficult global and complicating energy markets, trade flows, investment decisions, technology choices, and energy transition. Conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East are raising risks and highlighting growing worldwide divisions. Rivalries, particularly between the U.S. and China, are reshaping international politics and economic relations and are complicating efforts to address critical global issues. Companies face increasing challenges in navigating this complex geopolitical terrain and preparing for new challenges. Policy and Regulation New policies and directions after the year of elections The 2024 elections brought major global political changes, leading to significant shifts in energy, climate, and trade policies. In 2025, new governments and policymakers are set to implement significant changes to energy, climate and trade policy, with a focus on energy security and fostering domestic industries. Many countries are changing their regulatory regimes to accelerate infrastructure projects, but trade-offs and contradicting mandates are slowing the drive to meet energy and climate goals. Deregulation will be a theme in the United States; increased regulation, in others. Will permitting processes be reformed? New uncertainties are rising, from U.S. Supreme Court decisions to end the “Chevron Deference”, to policy changes both in the United States and globally. These developments are testing investment approaches for companies worldwide. Trade and Supply Chains Under increasing pressure The globalized world of the last three decades is fissuring: the international economic order and trading system is under growing pressure as major powers compete for industrial leadership, particularly in technology and the industrial clean energy sectors. Governments are subsidizing domestic industries while putting up trade barriers to promote onshoring and near shoring of supply chains and to decouple and insulate their economies. Russia’s war in Ukraine has already transformed what was a global oil market into a divided oil market. The overall result of these forces is an increasingly fragmented and contested global trading system, especially for technology, minerals, and energy transition technologies. Will new trade barriers lead to retaliation that impact economic growth and further disrupt energy flows? The Capital Transition The role of finance in the energy transition Finance, the fuel of energy investment, is at the center of the energy transition. Managing the current energy system while fostering new low-carbon technologies and markets will require the mobilization of significant public and private capital, in the face of policy risks, trade tensions and geopolitical disruptions. Meanwhile investors’ choices are sending mixed signals to companies about how to move to a lower emissions energy system while delivering the returns stakeholders need. The financing of the energy transition in emerging markets remains challenged as availability of capital, regulation and risk levels slow investments and capital flows. Business Strategies Adapting to transform performance through the transition Energy companies are pursuing a diverse range of strategies and new business models as they support the needs of today’s energy system while positioning themselves for the energy transition. Experience over the last two years is leading to a reevaluation of priorities as companies analyze costs and opportunities and adjust to volatile government policies and the requirements of investors. Some are moving quickly into new technologies; others are more focused on consolidating for greater scale, efficiency and future flexibility and many are pursuing innovative new partnerships. Whatever the strategies, there remain constants – meeting customer needs, ensuring reliable supply, and seeking to reduce emissions. Oil and Gas: Navigating short- and long-term market uncertainties – and the “demand question” Global Oil in a new future The future of global oil has become more uncertain: The downshift in Chinese consumption is changing the demand outlook, while the growth of U.S. and Western Hemisphere oil is rebalancing the global market. The war in Ukraine has turned a global oil market into a divided market. Even with energy transition, oil will continue to play a significant role in the energy mix for decades to come. To meet this demand as the world pursues lower emissions, companies are innovating with technologies and business models, while tapping new digital tools and AI to increase efficiency. At the same time, companies face new geopolitical challenges and global rivalries that are reshaping the sector’s investment landscape. Energy security has reemerged as a critical concern for governments, adding to the uncertainty for long term demand outlooks and the required levels of investment. Natural Gas: Global commodity Natural gas consumption, which has grown by almost 60 percent over the last two decades, is headed for further growth in the years ahead. LNG, which has tripled, will continue to expand globally, replacing coal and supporting economic growth in Asia Pacific and developing countries. U.S., Qatar, and other suppliers will increase export capacity, with a need for better understanding of the economic impact on exporting economies. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has reduced it to the role of a minor exporter. European consumption, which is down significantly since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, will be dependent on the future of European industry. In the United States, natural gas will be a major contender in assuring electricity reliability for data centers and AI. Managing methane and expanding infrastructure will remain priorities. Power, Grid and Electrification Policies, technologies and systems for a coming surge in demand The electric power sector is at the forefront of the global energy transition, with wind and solar technologies matured and now deploying at scale. The electrification of the energy system and the recent emergence of power-thirsty artificial intelligence systems point to substantial demand growth for the sector, which can pose challenges for what have been seen as set targets for the future generation mix. New technologies, partnerships and policies are emerging to help the sector meet the world’s need for reliable, affordable and low emissions electricity. But standing in the way are roadblocks in the form of permitting, capital deployment, and sourcing and supply chains, all slowing grid transformation and deployment of new generation capacity. Mobility and Transportation Differentiated speeds towards a low-carbon system The transportation sector's electrification shows mixed progress. In China, electric vehicle sales are accelerating, and the country has swiftly emerged as an EV manufacturing and export powerhouse. In the US and Europe, sales growth has slowed, and legacy auto companies are paring back their EV ambitions. The rate of EV adoption over the next decade will be pivotal for the energy transition and for oil demand. As the market evolves and fuels for the mobility sector diversify, energy, power, auto manufacturers and technology companies will develop strategies to low-carbon fuels for transportation systems but will also have to grapple with major questions in terms of consumer demand and government policies. Minerals and Mining Sustainably supplying the raw materials for the new demand from the energy transition Securing reliable supplies of critical minerals for energy transition is a top priority for companies and governments. Demand for these minerals is set to rise sharply, but accessing them is challenging due to high costs, regulatory hurdles, trade tensions, and local issues. China dominates many critical minerals supply chains for both mining and processing, which has made the issue a geopolitical flashpoint as other countries seek to diversify sources of supply. Diversification is proving difficult with an average of two decades required from identification of a new source to first production, making minerals both a necessity and a potential constraint on energy transition. AI and Digital Reshaping the future of production, management and consumption of energy The rapid expansion of AI technologies is delivering a shock to the energy system and could well have transformative effects for the industry. Utilities and power companies are rushing to revise growth plans to respond to surging electricity needs from datacenters and energy transition demand. This is driving investment in renewables, advanced nuclear, and geothermal, but also pointing to a renewed role for natural gas. This new demand is forcing large tech companies into major players in the power sector. At the same time, generative AI and other digital technologies hold the potential to transform how energy is produced, managed and consumed and to help energy systems become more efficient and sustainable. Managing Emissions Innovating to deliver emissions reductions across energy and energy-intensive industries Delivering emissions reductions in energy-intensive sectors such as heavy industry is one of the energy transition’s biggest challenges. Decarbonization technologies such as carbon capture and storage, direct air capture, methane reduction, materials recycling and others, as well as new industrial processes, are making progress, but the scale and speed of deployment remains modest. Early projects are starting to yield lessons that will be vital for technological advancement, reducing costs and scaling up these technologies. Strategies that align industry, policymakers and capital providers can help accelerate and expand decarbonization technologies. But there is the evident risk that some decarbonization policies can impose heavy costs that make companies uncompetitive and lead to shrinkage and deindustrialization. Hydrogen and Low-Carbon Fuels Moving from theory to execution The hydrogen sector is moving towards real-world implementation, but not at the speed expected two years ago. Policy support and low-carbon mandates are underpinning the first projects that are creating the platform for the sector’s future growth while questions about markets and infrastructure are still being addressed. Companies are also investing in sustainable aviation fuel, renewable natural gas, and other low-carbon fuels to help reduce emissions in sectors that will be more difficult to decarbonize. What happens to policy support will be a critical variable in terms of lowering costs, improving technologies, and developing markets. Technology and Innovation Driving performance and pace of transition Harnessing technological innovation is critical to the energy transition. AI and other digital technologies stand out as the most broadly disruptive forces, but technological advancement is occurring across the entire energy landscape. A vibrant innovation ecosystem presents significant strategic opportunities for stakeholders to integrate new approaches into their operations. Understanding successful models of innovation will be essential for advancing technology deployment, scaling innovations, and fostering collaboration across private and public institutions. Company programs, research initiatives and start-ups all have important roles in technological advances. Climate and Sustainability Policies and company strategies after COP29 COP28 marked a significant moment with major industry players committing to reducing emissions and enhancing measurement and monitoring practices. While compliance carbon markets are expanding, questions about their applicability in emerging economies and the potential convergence of voluntary and compliance carbon markets remain. The climate and sustainability agenda are facing challenges in promoting collaboration between governments and industries, as well as in establishing effective funding strategies. Points of contention include how to secure financing for energy transitions in emerging markets, providing capital for both climate adaptation and mitigation efforts, and ensuring the effective operation of carbon markets. Achieving global consensus is increasingly challenging within a polarized political and economic landscape. Partner Programs: Leadership Circles Leadership Circles were established in response to Partner requests for small, peer dialogues. Exclusively for senior-level executives, Leadership Circles convene to address and share learning on the most important challenges facing the energy future. EPICs Energy Partner Informal Conversations (EPICs) are small roundtables with senior public officials for informal discussion, offering a unique opportunity for relaxed dialogue and unscripted interaction. Future Energy Leaders The Future Energy Leaders program cultivates exceptional mid-career industry executives, empowering them to meet current and future energy challenges. These professionals, chosen by virtue of their high potential as future leaders, engage in learning, dialogue and networking at the conference Women in Energy The CERAWeek Women in Energy (WIE) initiative believes the foundation of a strong energy sector embraces an inclusive environment with camaraderie, informal dialogues and networking in support of the growing professional community of women and diverse individuals in energy and related industries. Professional Development Program The Professional Development Program offers future leaders career development prior to CERAWeek. Led by Harvard Business School Professor Forest Reinhardt, participants engage in a series of deep-dive case studies and virtual lectures designed to build leadership skills and strategic thinking. NextGen NextGen at CERAWeek is an exciting new initiative that deepens the ever-important connection between academia and industry, building on the already thriving innovation community at CERAWeek to help faculty source, fund, and scale impactful new concepts – and identify talent. If you are wondering where CERAWeek 2025 will take place, then look no further. This year it will take place in two locations: CERAWeek will take place at Hilton Americas Houston, Texas, United States 1600 Lamar St, Houston, TX 77010, Unites States and the George R. Brown Convention Center 1001 Avenida de las Americas Houston, Texas 77010 How much does CERAWeek Cost? $10,500 After January 27, 2025 Speakers As of January for CERAWeek Speaker Name Speaker Title Company Name H.E. Dr. Amani Abou-Zeid Commissioner for Infrastructure, Energy &amp; Digitalisation African Union Dr. Jess Adkins Smits Family Professor of Geochemistry &amp; Global Environmental Science California Institute of Technology, Chief Executive Officer Calcarea Shaikh Nawaf Al-Sabah Deputy Chairman &amp; Chief Executive Officer Kuwait Petroleum Corporation Hon. Tom Alweendo Minister of Mines and Energy Ministry of Mines and Energy, The Republic of Namibia Atul Arya Senior Vice President &amp; Chief Energy Strategist S&amp;P Global Commodity Insights Murray Auchincloss Chief executive officer bp plc Mario Azar Chairman &amp; Chief Executive Officer Black &amp; Veatch Roeland Baan President &amp; Chief Executive Officer Topsoe Gracelin Baskaran Research Director and Senior Fellow, Energy Security and Climate Change Program Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) Juan Felipe Bedoya General Manager Porsche Colombia S.A.S. Elena Berman Chief Technology Officer Insight M Christian Bruch President &amp; Chief Executive Officer Siemens Energy Luis Cabra Executive Managing Director of Energy Transition, Technology, Institutional Affairs &amp; Deputy CEO Repsol Louis Carranza Managing Director, Head of CERAWeek S&amp;P Global Martina L. Cheung President &amp; Chief Executive Officer S&amp;P Global Jarad Daniels Chief Executive Officer Global Carbon and Capture Storage Institute Ltd Bill Elrick Executive Director Hydrogen Fuel Cell Partnership Graham Evans Director, Electrification Technology Research S&amp;P Global Jim Fitterling Chair &amp; Chief Executive Officer Dow Julio Friedmann Chief Scientist &amp; Chief Carbon Wrangler Carbon Direct Jack Fusco President &amp; Chief Executive Officer Cheniere Energy Faye Gerard Energy Transition Director International Association of Oil &amp; Gas Producers (IOGP) Hon. Thomas J. Gleeson Chairman Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUCT) Samantha Gross Director, Energy Security and Climate Initiative Fellow, Foreign Policy Brookings Institution Harold Hamm Executive Chairman Continental Resources Graham Henley Chief Executive Officer IOGP - International Association of Oil &amp; Gas Producers John Hess Chief Executive Officer Hess Corporation Atsuhiko Hirano Representative Director, Executive Vice President Idemitsu Kosan Co.,Ltd. Vicki Hollub President &amp; Chief Executive Officer Oxy Hunter Hunt Chairman &amp; Chief Executive Officer Hunt Energy, LLC Josu Jon Imaz Chief Executive Officer Repsol Greg Jackson Founder &amp; Chief Executive Officer Octopus Energy Group Ditte Juul Jørgensen Director-General for Energy European Commission Dong Sub Kim President &amp; Chief Executive Officer Korea National Oil Corporation (KNOC) Susan Kish Andesa Managing Partner Steven Koonin Senior Fellow Hoover Institution Roger Kranenburg Vice President, Energy Strategy &amp; Policy Eversource Energy Markus Krebber Chief Executive Officer RWE AG Sanjiv Lamba Chief Executive Officer &amp; Member of the Board of Directors Linde Ryan Lance Chairman &amp; Chief Executive Officer ConocoPhillips Holger Lösch Deputy Director General Holger Lösch Dexin Luo Global Head of Artificial Intelligence Linde Joseph Majkut Director, Energy Security and Climate Change Program Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) Hon. Ibrahim Matola Minister of Energy Ministry of Energy, Malawi Anders Opedal President &amp; Chief Executive Officer Equinor Tania Ortiz Mena President Sempra Infrastructure Matthew Palmer Executive Director S&amp;P Global Commodity Insights Carlos Pascual Sr. Vice President Geopolitics and International Affairs S&amp;P Global Commodity Insights Stuart Payne Chief Executive North Sea Transition Authority John Pettigrew Chief Executive Officer National Grid William (Billy) Pizer President &amp; Chief Executive Officer Resources for the Future (RFF) Ruth Porat President &amp; Chief Investment Officer Alphabet and Google Patrick Pouyanné Chairman of the Board &amp; Chief Executive Officer TotalEnergies Peter Reinhardt Co-Founder &amp; Chief Executive Officer Charm Industrial Toby Rice President &amp; Chief Executive Officer EQT Corporation Paolo Rocca President &amp; Chief Executive Officer The Techint Group Jamey Rosenfield Special Advisor, Founder of CERAWeek S&amp;P Global H.E. the Hon. Dr. Kevin Rudd AC Ambassador to the United States of America Australian Government David Sandalow Inaugural Fellow, Center on Global Energy Policy Columbia University Dev Sanyal Chief Executive Officer VARO Energy Group Wael Sawan Chief Executive Officer Shell Daniel Schrag Sturgis Hooper Professor of Geology; Professor of Environmental Science and Engineering; Professor of Public Policy Harvard University Hon. Danielle Smith Premier of Alberta Government of Alberta Mike Sommers President &amp; Chief Executive Officer American Petroleum Institute (API) Amy Stanley Portfolio Planning Senior Manager, BEV and Mobility Toyota North America Torgeir Stordal Director General Norwegian Offshore Directorate Georges Tijbosch Chief Executive Officer MiQ Scott Tinker Tinker Energy Associates, Chief Executive Officer; Bureau of Economic Geology, Director Emeritus Switch Energy Alliance, Chairman Torbjörn Törnqvist Co-Founder &amp; Chairman Gunvor SA Bobby Tudor Chief Executive Officer, Artemis Energy Partners Chairman, Houston Energy Transition Initiative Olu Verheijen Special Adviser on Energy to President Bola Ahmed Tinubu Office of the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria David Victor Professor of Innovation and Public Policy, School of Global and Strategy University of California, San Diego (UCSD) Zhen Wang President CNOOC Energy Economics Institute Maarten Wetselaar Chief Executive Officer Moeve Christopher Wiernicki Chairman &amp; Chief Executive Officer American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) Morten Wierod Chief Executive Officer ABB Ltd Mike Wirth Chairman of the Board &amp; Chief Executive Officer Chevron Corporation Daniel Yergin Vice Chairman S&amp;P Global What is the meaning of CERAWeek, What Does CERAWeek Stand For &amp; what is CERAWeek History In 1983, Cambridge Energy Research Associates (CERA) was founded in Cambridge, Massachusetts, by Daniel Yergin and James Rosenfield. The energy research and consulting firm became known for its critical knowledge and independent analysis on energy markets, geopolitics, industry trends, technology and strategy. Each year, CERA clients gathered for the executive conference where they gained insight into the energy future while connecting with their peers. Over time, the program was expanded to five days, covering the full energy spectrum and the event was renamed CERAWeek. More than 40 years later, CERAWeek by S&amp;P Global has become the world’s premier energy event. In 2017, this executive gathering expanded to include the Innovation Agora to advance the energy innovation ecosystem. Welcome to Allstream Energy Partners - Industry's Partner to Share Industry Info Allstream Energy Partners stands at the forefront of digital media in the energy sector. Our expertise lies in operating four distinct distribution channels that spotlight positive developments and news within the industry. These platforms are designed to synchronize the energy sector by offering a comprehensive preview of key industry events nationwide. Our Distribution Channels This channel is dedicated to events and news related to offshore oil and gas, drilling, and exploration. It serves as a vital resource for industry professionals seeking to stay informed about the latest advancements and opportunities in upstream activities. Focused on gas gathering, processing, and transmission, this channel provides insights into the midstream sector. It highlights significant events and developments that impact the flow of energy resources from production to end-users. Catering to refining, chemical manufacturing, and storage facilities, this channel offers a detailed look at the downstream sector. It is an essential tool for those involved in the final stages of energy production and distribution. As the world shifts towards sustainable energy, this channel covers events and news related to renewable energy sources. It is a hub for information on wind, solar, and other renewable initiatives that are shaping the future of energy. Our Commitment to the Industry Allstream Energy Partners is committed to supporting non-profit initiatives and fostering community engagement. We collaborate with leading industry trade shows and conferences globally, ensuring our partners have access to the best networking and learning opportunities available. Why Choose Us? Expertise: With years of experience in the energy sector, we understand the nuances of the industry and tailor our services to meet the specific needs of our clients. Comprehensive Coverage: Our channels provide a wide-ranging view of the energy sector, ensuring you never miss an important event or development. Community Focus: We prioritize partnerships that benefit the community and support sustainable practices within the industry. Join Us Stay ahead in the energy sector by leveraging our distribution channels. Whether you’re involved in offshore oil and gas, renewable energy, or any other aspect of the industry, Allstream Energy Partners is your gateway to staying informed and connected.", "image": "", "name": "Register Now for CERAWeek 2025 &#8211; Taking Place in Houston March 10 &#8211; March 14, 2025 &#8211; Houston", "url": "" } </script> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "Event", "eventStatus": "", "startDate": "2025-03-11", "endDate": "2025-03-14", "eventAttendanceMode": "", "location": { "@type": "Place", "name": "George R. Brown Convention Center", "image": "", "address": "1001 Avenida De Las Americas, Houston, TX 77010" }, "organizer": { "@type": "Person", "name": "", "url": "" }, "offers": { "url": "", "price": "10500", "priceCurrency": "USD", "availability": "", "validFrom": "2025-03-11T00:00" }, "performer": "", "description": " What is CERAWeek? Chaired by Daniel Yergin, CERAWeek is recognized as the foremost annual gathering in the energy sector, rated among the top five “corporate leader conferences” worldwide. This premier event convenes over 450 C-Suite executives, 80 ministers and top officials, and 325 media representatives, with more than 10,000 participants from over 2,050 companies across 80 countries for dialogue on the agenda ahead as the world enters a new era of energy transition. CERAWeek 2025, Moving Ahead: Energy strategies for a complex world, will focus on the challenges ahead for energy security, supply, and climate ambitions – as well as for markets, infrastructure, directions of policy and the advance of technology including AI – and what this means for all aspects of the industry and beyond. Through a diverse set of programs and platforms CERAWeek highlights the linkages of these topics across industries and showcase the partnerships and collaborative models that are transforming energy. CERAWeek is comprised of three mutually reinforcing platforms: The Executive Conference, the Innovation Agora, and Partner Programs. The industry's foremost thought leaders convene to cultivate relationships and exchange transformative ideas. Our programs are designed to advance new ideas, insight and solutions to the biggest challenges facing the future of energy, the environment, and climate. Executive Conference Provides an integrated framework for understanding what’s ahead for global energy markets and geopolitics. Sessions focus on the most relevant themes and topics for the energy industry addressed by the most prominent voices in the industry. Innovation Agora An open marketplace for the exchange of insights and solutions on energy innovation and emerging technologies. Sessions focus on emerging, innovative technologies in the energy space. Partner Programs Designed to promote high-level interaction among senior executives and officials and build communities to address and share learning on the most important challenges facing the energy future; and programs that foster engagement by emerging leaders and communities. Geopolitics A fragmenting political order Geopolitical competition is creating a more difficult global and complicating energy markets, trade flows, investment decisions, technology choices, and energy transition. Conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East are raising risks and highlighting growing worldwide divisions. Rivalries, particularly between the U.S. and China, are reshaping international politics and economic relations and are complicating efforts to address critical global issues. Companies face increasing challenges in navigating this complex geopolitical terrain and preparing for new challenges. Policy and Regulation New policies and directions after the year of elections The 2024 elections brought major global political changes, leading to significant shifts in energy, climate, and trade policies. In 2025, new governments and policymakers are set to implement significant changes to energy, climate and trade policy, with a focus on energy security and fostering domestic industries. Many countries are changing their regulatory regimes to accelerate infrastructure projects, but trade-offs and contradicting mandates are slowing the drive to meet energy and climate goals. Deregulation will be a theme in the United States; increased regulation, in others. Will permitting processes be reformed? New uncertainties are rising, from U.S. Supreme Court decisions to end the “Chevron Deference”, to policy changes both in the United States and globally. These developments are testing investment approaches for companies worldwide. Trade and Supply Chains Under increasing pressure The globalized world of the last three decades is fissuring: the international economic order and trading system is under growing pressure as major powers compete for industrial leadership, particularly in technology and the industrial clean energy sectors. Governments are subsidizing domestic industries while putting up trade barriers to promote onshoring and near shoring of supply chains and to decouple and insulate their economies. Russia’s war in Ukraine has already transformed what was a global oil market into a divided oil market. The overall result of these forces is an increasingly fragmented and contested global trading system, especially for technology, minerals, and energy transition technologies. Will new trade barriers lead to retaliation that impact economic growth and further disrupt energy flows? The Capital Transition The role of finance in the energy transition Finance, the fuel of energy investment, is at the center of the energy transition. Managing the current energy system while fostering new low-carbon technologies and markets will require the mobilization of significant public and private capital, in the face of policy risks, trade tensions and geopolitical disruptions. Meanwhile investors’ choices are sending mixed signals to companies about how to move to a lower emissions energy system while delivering the returns stakeholders need. The financing of the energy transition in emerging markets remains challenged as availability of capital, regulation and risk levels slow investments and capital flows. Business Strategies Adapting to transform performance through the transition Energy companies are pursuing a diverse range of strategies and new business models as they support the needs of today’s energy system while positioning themselves for the energy transition. Experience over the last two years is leading to a reevaluation of priorities as companies analyze costs and opportunities and adjust to volatile government policies and the requirements of investors. Some are moving quickly into new technologies; others are more focused on consolidating for greater scale, efficiency and future flexibility and many are pursuing innovative new partnerships. Whatever the strategies, there remain constants – meeting customer needs, ensuring reliable supply, and seeking to reduce emissions. Oil and Gas: Navigating short- and long-term market uncertainties – and the “demand question” Global Oil in a new future The future of global oil has become more uncertain: The downshift in Chinese consumption is changing the demand outlook, while the growth of U.S. and Western Hemisphere oil is rebalancing the global market. The war in Ukraine has turned a global oil market into a divided market. Even with energy transition, oil will continue to play a significant role in the energy mix for decades to come. To meet this demand as the world pursues lower emissions, companies are innovating with technologies and business models, while tapping new digital tools and AI to increase efficiency. At the same time, companies face new geopolitical challenges and global rivalries that are reshaping the sector’s investment landscape. Energy security has reemerged as a critical concern for governments, adding to the uncertainty for long term demand outlooks and the required levels of investment. Natural Gas: Global commodity Natural gas consumption, which has grown by almost 60 percent over the last two decades, is headed for further growth in the years ahead. LNG, which has tripled, will continue to expand globally, replacing coal and supporting economic growth in Asia Pacific and developing countries. U.S., Qatar, and other suppliers will increase export capacity, with a need for better understanding of the economic impact on exporting economies. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has reduced it to the role of a minor exporter. European consumption, which is down significantly since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, will be dependent on the future of European industry. In the United States, natural gas will be a major contender in assuring electricity reliability for data centers and AI. Managing methane and expanding infrastructure will remain priorities. Power, Grid and Electrification Policies, technologies and systems for a coming surge in demand The electric power sector is at the forefront of the global energy transition, with wind and solar technologies matured and now deploying at scale. The electrification of the energy system and the recent emergence of power-thirsty artificial intelligence systems point to substantial demand growth for the sector, which can pose challenges for what have been seen as set targets for the future generation mix. New technologies, partnerships and policies are emerging to help the sector meet the world’s need for reliable, affordable and low emissions electricity. But standing in the way are roadblocks in the form of permitting, capital deployment, and sourcing and supply chains, all slowing grid transformation and deployment of new generation capacity. Mobility and Transportation Differentiated speeds towards a low-carbon system The transportation sector's electrification shows mixed progress. In China, electric vehicle sales are accelerating, and the country has swiftly emerged as an EV manufacturing and export powerhouse. In the US and Europe, sales growth has slowed, and legacy auto companies are paring back their EV ambitions. The rate of EV adoption over the next decade will be pivotal for the energy transition and for oil demand. As the market evolves and fuels for the mobility sector diversify, energy, power, auto manufacturers and technology companies will develop strategies to low-carbon fuels for transportation systems but will also have to grapple with major questions in terms of consumer demand and government policies. Minerals and Mining Sustainably supplying the raw materials for the new demand from the energy transition Securing reliable supplies of critical minerals for energy transition is a top priority for companies and governments. Demand for these minerals is set to rise sharply, but accessing them is challenging due to high costs, regulatory hurdles, trade tensions, and local issues. China dominates many critical minerals supply chains for both mining and processing, which has made the issue a geopolitical flashpoint as other countries seek to diversify sources of supply. Diversification is proving difficult with an average of two decades required from identification of a new source to first production, making minerals both a necessity and a potential constraint on energy transition. AI and Digital Reshaping the future of production, management and consumption of energy The rapid expansion of AI technologies is delivering a shock to the energy system and could well have transformative effects for the industry. Utilities and power companies are rushing to revise growth plans to respond to surging electricity needs from datacenters and energy transition demand. This is driving investment in renewables, advanced nuclear, and geothermal, but also pointing to a renewed role for natural gas. This new demand is forcing large tech companies into major players in the power sector. At the same time, generative AI and other digital technologies hold the potential to transform how energy is produced, managed and consumed and to help energy systems become more efficient and sustainable. Managing Emissions Innovating to deliver emissions reductions across energy and energy-intensive industries Delivering emissions reductions in energy-intensive sectors such as heavy industry is one of the energy transition’s biggest challenges. Decarbonization technologies such as carbon capture and storage, direct air capture, methane reduction, materials recycling and others, as well as new industrial processes, are making progress, but the scale and speed of deployment remains modest. Early projects are starting to yield lessons that will be vital for technological advancement, reducing costs and scaling up these technologies. Strategies that align industry, policymakers and capital providers can help accelerate and expand decarbonization technologies. But there is the evident risk that some decarbonization policies can impose heavy costs that make companies uncompetitive and lead to shrinkage and deindustrialization. Hydrogen and Low-Carbon Fuels Moving from theory to execution The hydrogen sector is moving towards real-world implementation, but not at the speed expected two years ago. Policy support and low-carbon mandates are underpinning the first projects that are creating the platform for the sector’s future growth while questions about markets and infrastructure are still being addressed. Companies are also investing in sustainable aviation fuel, renewable natural gas, and other low-carbon fuels to help reduce emissions in sectors that will be more difficult to decarbonize. What happens to policy support will be a critical variable in terms of lowering costs, improving technologies, and developing markets. Technology and Innovation Driving performance and pace of transition Harnessing technological innovation is critical to the energy transition. AI and other digital technologies stand out as the most broadly disruptive forces, but technological advancement is occurring across the entire energy landscape. A vibrant innovation ecosystem presents significant strategic opportunities for stakeholders to integrate new approaches into their operations. Understanding successful models of innovation will be essential for advancing technology deployment, scaling innovations, and fostering collaboration across private and public institutions. Company programs, research initiatives and start-ups all have important roles in technological advances. Climate and Sustainability Policies and company strategies after COP29 COP28 marked a significant moment with major industry players committing to reducing emissions and enhancing measurement and monitoring practices. While compliance carbon markets are expanding, questions about their applicability in emerging economies and the potential convergence of voluntary and compliance carbon markets remain. The climate and sustainability agenda are facing challenges in promoting collaboration between governments and industries, as well as in establishing effective funding strategies. Points of contention include how to secure financing for energy transitions in emerging markets, providing capital for both climate adaptation and mitigation efforts, and ensuring the effective operation of carbon markets. Achieving global consensus is increasingly challenging within a polarized political and economic landscape. Partner Programs: Leadership Circles Leadership Circles were established in response to Partner requests for small, peer dialogues. Exclusively for senior-level executives, Leadership Circles convene to address and share learning on the most important challenges facing the energy future. EPICs Energy Partner Informal Conversations (EPICs) are small roundtables with senior public officials for informal discussion, offering a unique opportunity for relaxed dialogue and unscripted interaction. Future Energy Leaders The Future Energy Leaders program cultivates exceptional mid-career industry executives, empowering them to meet current and future energy challenges. These professionals, chosen by virtue of their high potential as future leaders, engage in learning, dialogue and networking at the conference Women in Energy The CERAWeek Women in Energy (WIE) initiative believes the foundation of a strong energy sector embraces an inclusive environment with camaraderie, informal dialogues and networking in support of the growing professional community of women and diverse individuals in energy and related industries. Professional Development Program The Professional Development Program offers future leaders career development prior to CERAWeek. Led by Harvard Business School Professor Forest Reinhardt, participants engage in a series of deep-dive case studies and virtual lectures designed to build leadership skills and strategic thinking. NextGen NextGen at CERAWeek is an exciting new initiative that deepens the ever-important connection between academia and industry, building on the already thriving innovation community at CERAWeek to help faculty source, fund, and scale impactful new concepts – and identify talent. If you are wondering where CERAWeek 2025 will take place, then look no further. This year it will take place in two locations: CERAWeek will take place at Hilton Americas Houston, Texas, United States 1600 Lamar St, Houston, TX 77010, Unites States and the George R. Brown Convention Center 1001 Avenida de las Americas Houston, Texas 77010 How much does CERAWeek Cost? $10,500 After January 27, 2025 Speakers As of January for CERAWeek Speaker Name Speaker Title Company Name H.E. Dr. Amani Abou-Zeid Commissioner for Infrastructure, Energy &amp; Digitalisation African Union Dr. Jess Adkins Smits Family Professor of Geochemistry &amp; Global Environmental Science California Institute of Technology, Chief Executive Officer Calcarea Shaikh Nawaf Al-Sabah Deputy Chairman &amp; Chief Executive Officer Kuwait Petroleum Corporation Hon. Tom Alweendo Minister of Mines and Energy Ministry of Mines and Energy, The Republic of Namibia Atul Arya Senior Vice President &amp; Chief Energy Strategist S&amp;P Global Commodity Insights Murray Auchincloss Chief executive officer bp plc Mario Azar Chairman &amp; Chief Executive Officer Black &amp; Veatch Roeland Baan President &amp; Chief Executive Officer Topsoe Gracelin Baskaran Research Director and Senior Fellow, Energy Security and Climate Change Program Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) Juan Felipe Bedoya General Manager Porsche Colombia S.A.S. Elena Berman Chief Technology Officer Insight M Christian Bruch President &amp; Chief Executive Officer Siemens Energy Luis Cabra Executive Managing Director of Energy Transition, Technology, Institutional Affairs &amp; Deputy CEO Repsol Louis Carranza Managing Director, Head of CERAWeek S&amp;P Global Martina L. Cheung President &amp; Chief Executive Officer S&amp;P Global Jarad Daniels Chief Executive Officer Global Carbon and Capture Storage Institute Ltd Bill Elrick Executive Director Hydrogen Fuel Cell Partnership Graham Evans Director, Electrification Technology Research S&amp;P Global Jim Fitterling Chair &amp; Chief Executive Officer Dow Julio Friedmann Chief Scientist &amp; Chief Carbon Wrangler Carbon Direct Jack Fusco President &amp; Chief Executive Officer Cheniere Energy Faye Gerard Energy Transition Director International Association of Oil &amp; Gas Producers (IOGP) Hon. Thomas J. Gleeson Chairman Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUCT) Samantha Gross Director, Energy Security and Climate Initiative Fellow, Foreign Policy Brookings Institution Harold Hamm Executive Chairman Continental Resources Graham Henley Chief Executive Officer IOGP - International Association of Oil &amp; Gas Producers John Hess Chief Executive Officer Hess Corporation Atsuhiko Hirano Representative Director, Executive Vice President Idemitsu Kosan Co.,Ltd. Vicki Hollub President &amp; Chief Executive Officer Oxy Hunter Hunt Chairman &amp; Chief Executive Officer Hunt Energy, LLC Josu Jon Imaz Chief Executive Officer Repsol Greg Jackson Founder &amp; Chief Executive Officer Octopus Energy Group Ditte Juul Jørgensen Director-General for Energy European Commission Dong Sub Kim President &amp; Chief Executive Officer Korea National Oil Corporation (KNOC) Susan Kish Andesa Managing Partner Steven Koonin Senior Fellow Hoover Institution Roger Kranenburg Vice President, Energy Strategy &amp; Policy Eversource Energy Markus Krebber Chief Executive Officer RWE AG Sanjiv Lamba Chief Executive Officer &amp; Member of the Board of Directors Linde Ryan Lance Chairman &amp; Chief Executive Officer ConocoPhillips Holger Lösch Deputy Director General Holger Lösch Dexin Luo Global Head of Artificial Intelligence Linde Joseph Majkut Director, Energy Security and Climate Change Program Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) Hon. Ibrahim Matola Minister of Energy Ministry of Energy, Malawi Anders Opedal President &amp; Chief Executive Officer Equinor Tania Ortiz Mena President Sempra Infrastructure Matthew Palmer Executive Director S&amp;P Global Commodity Insights Carlos Pascual Sr. Vice President Geopolitics and International Affairs S&amp;P Global Commodity Insights Stuart Payne Chief Executive North Sea Transition Authority John Pettigrew Chief Executive Officer National Grid William (Billy) Pizer President &amp; Chief Executive Officer Resources for the Future (RFF) Ruth Porat President &amp; Chief Investment Officer Alphabet and Google Patrick Pouyanné Chairman of the Board &amp; Chief Executive Officer TotalEnergies Peter Reinhardt Co-Founder &amp; Chief Executive Officer Charm Industrial Toby Rice President &amp; Chief Executive Officer EQT Corporation Paolo Rocca President &amp; Chief Executive Officer The Techint Group Jamey Rosenfield Special Advisor, Founder of CERAWeek S&amp;P Global H.E. the Hon. Dr. Kevin Rudd AC Ambassador to the United States of America Australian Government David Sandalow Inaugural Fellow, Center on Global Energy Policy Columbia University Dev Sanyal Chief Executive Officer VARO Energy Group Wael Sawan Chief Executive Officer Shell Daniel Schrag Sturgis Hooper Professor of Geology; Professor of Environmental Science and Engineering; Professor of Public Policy Harvard University Hon. Danielle Smith Premier of Alberta Government of Alberta Mike Sommers President &amp; Chief Executive Officer American Petroleum Institute (API) Amy Stanley Portfolio Planning Senior Manager, BEV and Mobility Toyota North America Torgeir Stordal Director General Norwegian Offshore Directorate Georges Tijbosch Chief Executive Officer MiQ Scott Tinker Tinker Energy Associates, Chief Executive Officer; Bureau of Economic Geology, Director Emeritus Switch Energy Alliance, Chairman Torbjörn Törnqvist Co-Founder &amp; Chairman Gunvor SA Bobby Tudor Chief Executive Officer, Artemis Energy Partners Chairman, Houston Energy Transition Initiative Olu Verheijen Special Adviser on Energy to President Bola Ahmed Tinubu Office of the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria David Victor Professor of Innovation and Public Policy, School of Global and Strategy University of California, San Diego (UCSD) Zhen Wang President CNOOC Energy Economics Institute Maarten Wetselaar Chief Executive Officer Moeve Christopher Wiernicki Chairman &amp; Chief Executive Officer American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) Morten Wierod Chief Executive Officer ABB Ltd Mike Wirth Chairman of the Board &amp; Chief Executive Officer Chevron Corporation Daniel Yergin Vice Chairman S&amp;P Global What is the meaning of CERAWeek, What Does CERAWeek Stand For &amp; what is CERAWeek History In 1983, Cambridge Energy Research Associates (CERA) was founded in Cambridge, Massachusetts, by Daniel Yergin and James Rosenfield. The energy research and consulting firm became known for its critical knowledge and independent analysis on energy markets, geopolitics, industry trends, technology and strategy. Each year, CERA clients gathered for the executive conference where they gained insight into the energy future while connecting with their peers. Over time, the program was expanded to five days, covering the full energy spectrum and the event was renamed CERAWeek. More than 40 years later, CERAWeek by S&amp;P Global has become the world’s premier energy event. In 2017, this executive gathering expanded to include the Innovation Agora to advance the energy innovation ecosystem. Welcome to Allstream Energy Partners - Industry's Partner to Share Industry Info Allstream Energy Partners stands at the forefront of digital media in the energy sector. Our expertise lies in operating four distinct distribution channels that spotlight positive developments and news within the industry. These platforms are designed to synchronize the energy sector by offering a comprehensive preview of key industry events nationwide. Our Distribution Channels This channel is dedicated to events and news related to offshore oil and gas, drilling, and exploration. It serves as a vital resource for industry professionals seeking to stay informed about the latest advancements and opportunities in upstream activities. Focused on gas gathering, processing, and transmission, this channel provides insights into the midstream sector. It highlights significant events and developments that impact the flow of energy resources from production to end-users. Catering to refining, chemical manufacturing, and storage facilities, this channel offers a detailed look at the downstream sector. It is an essential tool for those involved in the final stages of energy production and distribution. As the world shifts towards sustainable energy, this channel covers events and news related to renewable energy sources. It is a hub for information on wind, solar, and other renewable initiatives that are shaping the future of energy. Our Commitment to the Industry Allstream Energy Partners is committed to supporting non-profit initiatives and fostering community engagement. We collaborate with leading industry trade shows and conferences globally, ensuring our partners have access to the best networking and learning opportunities available. Why Choose Us? Expertise: With years of experience in the energy sector, we understand the nuances of the industry and tailor our services to meet the specific needs of our clients. Comprehensive Coverage: Our channels provide a wide-ranging view of the energy sector, ensuring you never miss an important event or development. Community Focus: We prioritize partnerships that benefit the community and support sustainable practices within the industry. Join Us Stay ahead in the energy sector by leveraging our distribution channels. Whether you’re involved in offshore oil and gas, renewable energy, or any other aspect of the industry, Allstream Energy Partners is your gateway to staying informed and connected.", "image": "", "name": "Register Now for CERAWeek 2025 &#8211; Taking Place in Houston March 10 &#8211; March 14, 2025 &#8211; Houston", "url": "" } </script> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "Event", "eventStatus": "", "startDate": "2025-03-12", "endDate": "2025-03-14", "eventAttendanceMode": "", "location": { "@type": "Place", "name": "George R. Brown Convention Center", "image": "", "address": "1001 Avenida De Las Americas, Houston, TX 77010" }, "organizer": { "@type": "Person", "name": "", "url": "" }, "offers": { "url": "", "price": "10500", "priceCurrency": "USD", "availability": "", "validFrom": "2025-03-12T00:00" }, "performer": "", "description": " What is CERAWeek? Chaired by Daniel Yergin, CERAWeek is recognized as the foremost annual gathering in the energy sector, rated among the top five “corporate leader conferences” worldwide. This premier event convenes over 450 C-Suite executives, 80 ministers and top officials, and 325 media representatives, with more than 10,000 participants from over 2,050 companies across 80 countries for dialogue on the agenda ahead as the world enters a new era of energy transition. CERAWeek 2025, Moving Ahead: Energy strategies for a complex world, will focus on the challenges ahead for energy security, supply, and climate ambitions – as well as for markets, infrastructure, directions of policy and the advance of technology including AI – and what this means for all aspects of the industry and beyond. Through a diverse set of programs and platforms CERAWeek highlights the linkages of these topics across industries and showcase the partnerships and collaborative models that are transforming energy. CERAWeek is comprised of three mutually reinforcing platforms: The Executive Conference, the Innovation Agora, and Partner Programs. The industry's foremost thought leaders convene to cultivate relationships and exchange transformative ideas. Our programs are designed to advance new ideas, insight and solutions to the biggest challenges facing the future of energy, the environment, and climate. Executive Conference Provides an integrated framework for understanding what’s ahead for global energy markets and geopolitics. Sessions focus on the most relevant themes and topics for the energy industry addressed by the most prominent voices in the industry. Innovation Agora An open marketplace for the exchange of insights and solutions on energy innovation and emerging technologies. Sessions focus on emerging, innovative technologies in the energy space. Partner Programs Designed to promote high-level interaction among senior executives and officials and build communities to address and share learning on the most important challenges facing the energy future; and programs that foster engagement by emerging leaders and communities. Geopolitics A fragmenting political order Geopolitical competition is creating a more difficult global and complicating energy markets, trade flows, investment decisions, technology choices, and energy transition. Conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East are raising risks and highlighting growing worldwide divisions. Rivalries, particularly between the U.S. and China, are reshaping international politics and economic relations and are complicating efforts to address critical global issues. Companies face increasing challenges in navigating this complex geopolitical terrain and preparing for new challenges. Policy and Regulation New policies and directions after the year of elections The 2024 elections brought major global political changes, leading to significant shifts in energy, climate, and trade policies. In 2025, new governments and policymakers are set to implement significant changes to energy, climate and trade policy, with a focus on energy security and fostering domestic industries. Many countries are changing their regulatory regimes to accelerate infrastructure projects, but trade-offs and contradicting mandates are slowing the drive to meet energy and climate goals. Deregulation will be a theme in the United States; increased regulation, in others. Will permitting processes be reformed? New uncertainties are rising, from U.S. Supreme Court decisions to end the “Chevron Deference”, to policy changes both in the United States and globally. These developments are testing investment approaches for companies worldwide. Trade and Supply Chains Under increasing pressure The globalized world of the last three decades is fissuring: the international economic order and trading system is under growing pressure as major powers compete for industrial leadership, particularly in technology and the industrial clean energy sectors. Governments are subsidizing domestic industries while putting up trade barriers to promote onshoring and near shoring of supply chains and to decouple and insulate their economies. Russia’s war in Ukraine has already transformed what was a global oil market into a divided oil market. The overall result of these forces is an increasingly fragmented and contested global trading system, especially for technology, minerals, and energy transition technologies. Will new trade barriers lead to retaliation that impact economic growth and further disrupt energy flows? The Capital Transition The role of finance in the energy transition Finance, the fuel of energy investment, is at the center of the energy transition. Managing the current energy system while fostering new low-carbon technologies and markets will require the mobilization of significant public and private capital, in the face of policy risks, trade tensions and geopolitical disruptions. Meanwhile investors’ choices are sending mixed signals to companies about how to move to a lower emissions energy system while delivering the returns stakeholders need. The financing of the energy transition in emerging markets remains challenged as availability of capital, regulation and risk levels slow investments and capital flows. Business Strategies Adapting to transform performance through the transition Energy companies are pursuing a diverse range of strategies and new business models as they support the needs of today’s energy system while positioning themselves for the energy transition. Experience over the last two years is leading to a reevaluation of priorities as companies analyze costs and opportunities and adjust to volatile government policies and the requirements of investors. Some are moving quickly into new technologies; others are more focused on consolidating for greater scale, efficiency and future flexibility and many are pursuing innovative new partnerships. Whatever the strategies, there remain constants – meeting customer needs, ensuring reliable supply, and seeking to reduce emissions. Oil and Gas: Navigating short- and long-term market uncertainties – and the “demand question” Global Oil in a new future The future of global oil has become more uncertain: The downshift in Chinese consumption is changing the demand outlook, while the growth of U.S. and Western Hemisphere oil is rebalancing the global market. The war in Ukraine has turned a global oil market into a divided market. Even with energy transition, oil will continue to play a significant role in the energy mix for decades to come. To meet this demand as the world pursues lower emissions, companies are innovating with technologies and business models, while tapping new digital tools and AI to increase efficiency. At the same time, companies face new geopolitical challenges and global rivalries that are reshaping the sector’s investment landscape. Energy security has reemerged as a critical concern for governments, adding to the uncertainty for long term demand outlooks and the required levels of investment. Natural Gas: Global commodity Natural gas consumption, which has grown by almost 60 percent over the last two decades, is headed for further growth in the years ahead. LNG, which has tripled, will continue to expand globally, replacing coal and supporting economic growth in Asia Pacific and developing countries. U.S., Qatar, and other suppliers will increase export capacity, with a need for better understanding of the economic impact on exporting economies. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has reduced it to the role of a minor exporter. European consumption, which is down significantly since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, will be dependent on the future of European industry. In the United States, natural gas will be a major contender in assuring electricity reliability for data centers and AI. Managing methane and expanding infrastructure will remain priorities. Power, Grid and Electrification Policies, technologies and systems for a coming surge in demand The electric power sector is at the forefront of the global energy transition, with wind and solar technologies matured and now deploying at scale. The electrification of the energy system and the recent emergence of power-thirsty artificial intelligence systems point to substantial demand growth for the sector, which can pose challenges for what have been seen as set targets for the future generation mix. New technologies, partnerships and policies are emerging to help the sector meet the world’s need for reliable, affordable and low emissions electricity. But standing in the way are roadblocks in the form of permitting, capital deployment, and sourcing and supply chains, all slowing grid transformation and deployment of new generation capacity. Mobility and Transportation Differentiated speeds towards a low-carbon system The transportation sector's electrification shows mixed progress. In China, electric vehicle sales are accelerating, and the country has swiftly emerged as an EV manufacturing and export powerhouse. In the US and Europe, sales growth has slowed, and legacy auto companies are paring back their EV ambitions. The rate of EV adoption over the next decade will be pivotal for the energy transition and for oil demand. As the market evolves and fuels for the mobility sector diversify, energy, power, auto manufacturers and technology companies will develop strategies to low-carbon fuels for transportation systems but will also have to grapple with major questions in terms of consumer demand and government policies. Minerals and Mining Sustainably supplying the raw materials for the new demand from the energy transition Securing reliable supplies of critical minerals for energy transition is a top priority for companies and governments. Demand for these minerals is set to rise sharply, but accessing them is challenging due to high costs, regulatory hurdles, trade tensions, and local issues. China dominates many critical minerals supply chains for both mining and processing, which has made the issue a geopolitical flashpoint as other countries seek to diversify sources of supply. Diversification is proving difficult with an average of two decades required from identification of a new source to first production, making minerals both a necessity and a potential constraint on energy transition. AI and Digital Reshaping the future of production, management and consumption of energy The rapid expansion of AI technologies is delivering a shock to the energy system and could well have transformative effects for the industry. Utilities and power companies are rushing to revise growth plans to respond to surging electricity needs from datacenters and energy transition demand. This is driving investment in renewables, advanced nuclear, and geothermal, but also pointing to a renewed role for natural gas. This new demand is forcing large tech companies into major players in the power sector. At the same time, generative AI and other digital technologies hold the potential to transform how energy is produced, managed and consumed and to help energy systems become more efficient and sustainable. Managing Emissions Innovating to deliver emissions reductions across energy and energy-intensive industries Delivering emissions reductions in energy-intensive sectors such as heavy industry is one of the energy transition’s biggest challenges. Decarbonization technologies such as carbon capture and storage, direct air capture, methane reduction, materials recycling and others, as well as new industrial processes, are making progress, but the scale and speed of deployment remains modest. Early projects are starting to yield lessons that will be vital for technological advancement, reducing costs and scaling up these technologies. Strategies that align industry, policymakers and capital providers can help accelerate and expand decarbonization technologies. But there is the evident risk that some decarbonization policies can impose heavy costs that make companies uncompetitive and lead to shrinkage and deindustrialization. Hydrogen and Low-Carbon Fuels Moving from theory to execution The hydrogen sector is moving towards real-world implementation, but not at the speed expected two years ago. Policy support and low-carbon mandates are underpinning the first projects that are creating the platform for the sector’s future growth while questions about markets and infrastructure are still being addressed. Companies are also investing in sustainable aviation fuel, renewable natural gas, and other low-carbon fuels to help reduce emissions in sectors that will be more difficult to decarbonize. What happens to policy support will be a critical variable in terms of lowering costs, improving technologies, and developing markets. Technology and Innovation Driving performance and pace of transition Harnessing technological innovation is critical to the energy transition. AI and other digital technologies stand out as the most broadly disruptive forces, but technological advancement is occurring across the entire energy landscape. A vibrant innovation ecosystem presents significant strategic opportunities for stakeholders to integrate new approaches into their operations. Understanding successful models of innovation will be essential for advancing technology deployment, scaling innovations, and fostering collaboration across private and public institutions. Company programs, research initiatives and start-ups all have important roles in technological advances. Climate and Sustainability Policies and company strategies after COP29 COP28 marked a significant moment with major industry players committing to reducing emissions and enhancing measurement and monitoring practices. While compliance carbon markets are expanding, questions about their applicability in emerging economies and the potential convergence of voluntary and compliance carbon markets remain. The climate and sustainability agenda are facing challenges in promoting collaboration between governments and industries, as well as in establishing effective funding strategies. Points of contention include how to secure financing for energy transitions in emerging markets, providing capital for both climate adaptation and mitigation efforts, and ensuring the effective operation of carbon markets. Achieving global consensus is increasingly challenging within a polarized political and economic landscape. Partner Programs: Leadership Circles Leadership Circles were established in response to Partner requests for small, peer dialogues. Exclusively for senior-level executives, Leadership Circles convene to address and share learning on the most important challenges facing the energy future. EPICs Energy Partner Informal Conversations (EPICs) are small roundtables with senior public officials for informal discussion, offering a unique opportunity for relaxed dialogue and unscripted interaction. Future Energy Leaders The Future Energy Leaders program cultivates exceptional mid-career industry executives, empowering them to meet current and future energy challenges. These professionals, chosen by virtue of their high potential as future leaders, engage in learning, dialogue and networking at the conference Women in Energy The CERAWeek Women in Energy (WIE) initiative believes the foundation of a strong energy sector embraces an inclusive environment with camaraderie, informal dialogues and networking in support of the growing professional community of women and diverse individuals in energy and related industries. Professional Development Program The Professional Development Program offers future leaders career development prior to CERAWeek. Led by Harvard Business School Professor Forest Reinhardt, participants engage in a series of deep-dive case studies and virtual lectures designed to build leadership skills and strategic thinking. NextGen NextGen at CERAWeek is an exciting new initiative that deepens the ever-important connection between academia and industry, building on the already thriving innovation community at CERAWeek to help faculty source, fund, and scale impactful new concepts – and identify talent. If you are wondering where CERAWeek 2025 will take place, then look no further. This year it will take place in two locations: CERAWeek will take place at Hilton Americas Houston, Texas, United States 1600 Lamar St, Houston, TX 77010, Unites States and the George R. Brown Convention Center 1001 Avenida de las Americas Houston, Texas 77010 How much does CERAWeek Cost? $10,500 After January 27, 2025 Speakers As of January for CERAWeek Speaker Name Speaker Title Company Name H.E. Dr. Amani Abou-Zeid Commissioner for Infrastructure, Energy &amp; Digitalisation African Union Dr. Jess Adkins Smits Family Professor of Geochemistry &amp; Global Environmental Science California Institute of Technology, Chief Executive Officer Calcarea Shaikh Nawaf Al-Sabah Deputy Chairman &amp; Chief Executive Officer Kuwait Petroleum Corporation Hon. Tom Alweendo Minister of Mines and Energy Ministry of Mines and Energy, The Republic of Namibia Atul Arya Senior Vice President &amp; Chief Energy Strategist S&amp;P Global Commodity Insights Murray Auchincloss Chief executive officer bp plc Mario Azar Chairman &amp; Chief Executive Officer Black &amp; Veatch Roeland Baan President &amp; Chief Executive Officer Topsoe Gracelin Baskaran Research Director and Senior Fellow, Energy Security and Climate Change Program Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) Juan Felipe Bedoya General Manager Porsche Colombia S.A.S. Elena Berman Chief Technology Officer Insight M Christian Bruch President &amp; Chief Executive Officer Siemens Energy Luis Cabra Executive Managing Director of Energy Transition, Technology, Institutional Affairs &amp; Deputy CEO Repsol Louis Carranza Managing Director, Head of CERAWeek S&amp;P Global Martina L. Cheung President &amp; Chief Executive Officer S&amp;P Global Jarad Daniels Chief Executive Officer Global Carbon and Capture Storage Institute Ltd Bill Elrick Executive Director Hydrogen Fuel Cell Partnership Graham Evans Director, Electrification Technology Research S&amp;P Global Jim Fitterling Chair &amp; Chief Executive Officer Dow Julio Friedmann Chief Scientist &amp; Chief Carbon Wrangler Carbon Direct Jack Fusco President &amp; Chief Executive Officer Cheniere Energy Faye Gerard Energy Transition Director International Association of Oil &amp; Gas Producers (IOGP) Hon. Thomas J. Gleeson Chairman Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUCT) Samantha Gross Director, Energy Security and Climate Initiative Fellow, Foreign Policy Brookings Institution Harold Hamm Executive Chairman Continental Resources Graham Henley Chief Executive Officer IOGP - International Association of Oil &amp; Gas Producers John Hess Chief Executive Officer Hess Corporation Atsuhiko Hirano Representative Director, Executive Vice President Idemitsu Kosan Co.,Ltd. Vicki Hollub President &amp; Chief Executive Officer Oxy Hunter Hunt Chairman &amp; Chief Executive Officer Hunt Energy, LLC Josu Jon Imaz Chief Executive Officer Repsol Greg Jackson Founder &amp; Chief Executive Officer Octopus Energy Group Ditte Juul Jørgensen Director-General for Energy European Commission Dong Sub Kim President &amp; Chief Executive Officer Korea National Oil Corporation (KNOC) Susan Kish Andesa Managing Partner Steven Koonin Senior Fellow Hoover Institution Roger Kranenburg Vice President, Energy Strategy &amp; Policy Eversource Energy Markus Krebber Chief Executive Officer RWE AG Sanjiv Lamba Chief Executive Officer &amp; Member of the Board of Directors Linde Ryan Lance Chairman &amp; Chief Executive Officer ConocoPhillips Holger Lösch Deputy Director General Holger Lösch Dexin Luo Global Head of Artificial Intelligence Linde Joseph Majkut Director, Energy Security and Climate Change Program Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) Hon. Ibrahim Matola Minister of Energy Ministry of Energy, Malawi Anders Opedal President &amp; Chief Executive Officer Equinor Tania Ortiz Mena President Sempra Infrastructure Matthew Palmer Executive Director S&amp;P Global Commodity Insights Carlos Pascual Sr. Vice President Geopolitics and International Affairs S&amp;P Global Commodity Insights Stuart Payne Chief Executive North Sea Transition Authority John Pettigrew Chief Executive Officer National Grid William (Billy) Pizer President &amp; Chief Executive Officer Resources for the Future (RFF) Ruth Porat President &amp; Chief Investment Officer Alphabet and Google Patrick Pouyanné Chairman of the Board &amp; Chief Executive Officer TotalEnergies Peter Reinhardt Co-Founder &amp; Chief Executive Officer Charm Industrial Toby Rice President &amp; Chief Executive Officer EQT Corporation Paolo Rocca President &amp; Chief Executive Officer The Techint Group Jamey Rosenfield Special Advisor, Founder of CERAWeek S&amp;P Global H.E. the Hon. Dr. Kevin Rudd AC Ambassador to the United States of America Australian Government David Sandalow Inaugural Fellow, Center on Global Energy Policy Columbia University Dev Sanyal Chief Executive Officer VARO Energy Group Wael Sawan Chief Executive Officer Shell Daniel Schrag Sturgis Hooper Professor of Geology; Professor of Environmental Science and Engineering; Professor of Public Policy Harvard University Hon. Danielle Smith Premier of Alberta Government of Alberta Mike Sommers President &amp; Chief Executive Officer American Petroleum Institute (API) Amy Stanley Portfolio Planning Senior Manager, BEV and Mobility Toyota North America Torgeir Stordal Director General Norwegian Offshore Directorate Georges Tijbosch Chief Executive Officer MiQ Scott Tinker Tinker Energy Associates, Chief Executive Officer; Bureau of Economic Geology, Director Emeritus Switch Energy Alliance, Chairman Torbjörn Törnqvist Co-Founder &amp; Chairman Gunvor SA Bobby Tudor Chief Executive Officer, Artemis Energy Partners Chairman, Houston Energy Transition Initiative Olu Verheijen Special Adviser on Energy to President Bola Ahmed Tinubu Office of the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria David Victor Professor of Innovation and Public Policy, School of Global and Strategy University of California, San Diego (UCSD) Zhen Wang President CNOOC Energy Economics Institute Maarten Wetselaar Chief Executive Officer Moeve Christopher Wiernicki Chairman &amp; Chief Executive Officer American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) Morten Wierod Chief Executive Officer ABB Ltd Mike Wirth Chairman of the Board &amp; Chief Executive Officer Chevron Corporation Daniel Yergin Vice Chairman S&amp;P Global What is the meaning of CERAWeek, What Does CERAWeek Stand For &amp; what is CERAWeek History In 1983, Cambridge Energy Research Associates (CERA) was founded in Cambridge, Massachusetts, by Daniel Yergin and James Rosenfield. The energy research and consulting firm became known for its critical knowledge and independent analysis on energy markets, geopolitics, industry trends, technology and strategy. Each year, CERA clients gathered for the executive conference where they gained insight into the energy future while connecting with their peers. Over time, the program was expanded to five days, covering the full energy spectrum and the event was renamed CERAWeek. More than 40 years later, CERAWeek by S&amp;P Global has become the world’s premier energy event. In 2017, this executive gathering expanded to include the Innovation Agora to advance the energy innovation ecosystem. Welcome to Allstream Energy Partners - Industry's Partner to Share Industry Info Allstream Energy Partners stands at the forefront of digital media in the energy sector. Our expertise lies in operating four distinct distribution channels that spotlight positive developments and news within the industry. These platforms are designed to synchronize the energy sector by offering a comprehensive preview of key industry events nationwide. Our Distribution Channels This channel is dedicated to events and news related to offshore oil and gas, drilling, and exploration. It serves as a vital resource for industry professionals seeking to stay informed about the latest advancements and opportunities in upstream activities. Focused on gas gathering, processing, and transmission, this channel provides insights into the midstream sector. It highlights significant events and developments that impact the flow of energy resources from production to end-users. Catering to refining, chemical manufacturing, and storage facilities, this channel offers a detailed look at the downstream sector. It is an essential tool for those involved in the final stages of energy production and distribution. As the world shifts towards sustainable energy, this channel covers events and news related to renewable energy sources. It is a hub for information on wind, solar, and other renewable initiatives that are shaping the future of energy. Our Commitment to the Industry Allstream Energy Partners is committed to supporting non-profit initiatives and fostering community engagement. We collaborate with leading industry trade shows and conferences globally, ensuring our partners have access to the best networking and learning opportunities available. Why Choose Us? Expertise: With years of experience in the energy sector, we understand the nuances of the industry and tailor our services to meet the specific needs of our clients. Comprehensive Coverage: Our channels provide a wide-ranging view of the energy sector, ensuring you never miss an important event or development. Community Focus: We prioritize partnerships that benefit the community and support sustainable practices within the industry. Join Us Stay ahead in the energy sector by leveraging our distribution channels. Whether you’re involved in offshore oil and gas, renewable energy, or any other aspect of the industry, Allstream Energy Partners is your gateway to staying informed and connected.", "image": "", "name": "Register Now for CERAWeek 2025 &#8211; Taking Place in Houston March 10 &#8211; March 14, 2025 &#8211; Houston", "url": "" } </script> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "Event", "eventStatus": "", "startDate": "2025-03-13", "endDate": "2025-03-14", "eventAttendanceMode": "", "location": { "@type": "Place", "name": "George R. Brown Convention Center", "image": "", "address": "1001 Avenida De Las Americas, Houston, TX 77010" }, "organizer": { "@type": "Person", "name": "", "url": "" }, "offers": { "url": "", "price": "10500", "priceCurrency": "USD", "availability": "", "validFrom": "2025-03-13T00:00" }, "performer": "", "description": " What is CERAWeek? Chaired by Daniel Yergin, CERAWeek is recognized as the foremost annual gathering in the energy sector, rated among the top five “corporate leader conferences” worldwide. This premier event convenes over 450 C-Suite executives, 80 ministers and top officials, and 325 media representatives, with more than 10,000 participants from over 2,050 companies across 80 countries for dialogue on the agenda ahead as the world enters a new era of energy transition. CERAWeek 2025, Moving Ahead: Energy strategies for a complex world, will focus on the challenges ahead for energy security, supply, and climate ambitions – as well as for markets, infrastructure, directions of policy and the advance of technology including AI – and what this means for all aspects of the industry and beyond. Through a diverse set of programs and platforms CERAWeek highlights the linkages of these topics across industries and showcase the partnerships and collaborative models that are transforming energy. CERAWeek is comprised of three mutually reinforcing platforms: The Executive Conference, the Innovation Agora, and Partner Programs. The industry's foremost thought leaders convene to cultivate relationships and exchange transformative ideas. Our programs are designed to advance new ideas, insight and solutions to the biggest challenges facing the future of energy, the environment, and climate. Executive Conference Provides an integrated framework for understanding what’s ahead for global energy markets and geopolitics. Sessions focus on the most relevant themes and topics for the energy industry addressed by the most prominent voices in the industry. Innovation Agora An open marketplace for the exchange of insights and solutions on energy innovation and emerging technologies. Sessions focus on emerging, innovative technologies in the energy space. Partner Programs Designed to promote high-level interaction among senior executives and officials and build communities to address and share learning on the most important challenges facing the energy future; and programs that foster engagement by emerging leaders and communities. Geopolitics A fragmenting political order Geopolitical competition is creating a more difficult global and complicating energy markets, trade flows, investment decisions, technology choices, and energy transition. Conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East are raising risks and highlighting growing worldwide divisions. Rivalries, particularly between the U.S. and China, are reshaping international politics and economic relations and are complicating efforts to address critical global issues. Companies face increasing challenges in navigating this complex geopolitical terrain and preparing for new challenges. Policy and Regulation New policies and directions after the year of elections The 2024 elections brought major global political changes, leading to significant shifts in energy, climate, and trade policies. In 2025, new governments and policymakers are set to implement significant changes to energy, climate and trade policy, with a focus on energy security and fostering domestic industries. Many countries are changing their regulatory regimes to accelerate infrastructure projects, but trade-offs and contradicting mandates are slowing the drive to meet energy and climate goals. Deregulation will be a theme in the United States; increased regulation, in others. Will permitting processes be reformed? New uncertainties are rising, from U.S. Supreme Court decisions to end the “Chevron Deference”, to policy changes both in the United States and globally. These developments are testing investment approaches for companies worldwide. Trade and Supply Chains Under increasing pressure The globalized world of the last three decades is fissuring: the international economic order and trading system is under growing pressure as major powers compete for industrial leadership, particularly in technology and the industrial clean energy sectors. Governments are subsidizing domestic industries while putting up trade barriers to promote onshoring and near shoring of supply chains and to decouple and insulate their economies. Russia’s war in Ukraine has already transformed what was a global oil market into a divided oil market. The overall result of these forces is an increasingly fragmented and contested global trading system, especially for technology, minerals, and energy transition technologies. Will new trade barriers lead to retaliation that impact economic growth and further disrupt energy flows? The Capital Transition The role of finance in the energy transition Finance, the fuel of energy investment, is at the center of the energy transition. Managing the current energy system while fostering new low-carbon technologies and markets will require the mobilization of significant public and private capital, in the face of policy risks, trade tensions and geopolitical disruptions. Meanwhile investors’ choices are sending mixed signals to companies about how to move to a lower emissions energy system while delivering the returns stakeholders need. The financing of the energy transition in emerging markets remains challenged as availability of capital, regulation and risk levels slow investments and capital flows. Business Strategies Adapting to transform performance through the transition Energy companies are pursuing a diverse range of strategies and new business models as they support the needs of today’s energy system while positioning themselves for the energy transition. Experience over the last two years is leading to a reevaluation of priorities as companies analyze costs and opportunities and adjust to volatile government policies and the requirements of investors. Some are moving quickly into new technologies; others are more focused on consolidating for greater scale, efficiency and future flexibility and many are pursuing innovative new partnerships. Whatever the strategies, there remain constants – meeting customer needs, ensuring reliable supply, and seeking to reduce emissions. Oil and Gas: Navigating short- and long-term market uncertainties – and the “demand question” Global Oil in a new future The future of global oil has become more uncertain: The downshift in Chinese consumption is changing the demand outlook, while the growth of U.S. and Western Hemisphere oil is rebalancing the global market. The war in Ukraine has turned a global oil market into a divided market. Even with energy transition, oil will continue to play a significant role in the energy mix for decades to come. To meet this demand as the world pursues lower emissions, companies are innovating with technologies and business models, while tapping new digital tools and AI to increase efficiency. At the same time, companies face new geopolitical challenges and global rivalries that are reshaping the sector’s investment landscape. Energy security has reemerged as a critical concern for governments, adding to the uncertainty for long term demand outlooks and the required levels of investment. Natural Gas: Global commodity Natural gas consumption, which has grown by almost 60 percent over the last two decades, is headed for further growth in the years ahead. LNG, which has tripled, will continue to expand globally, replacing coal and supporting economic growth in Asia Pacific and developing countries. U.S., Qatar, and other suppliers will increase export capacity, with a need for better understanding of the economic impact on exporting economies. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has reduced it to the role of a minor exporter. European consumption, which is down significantly since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, will be dependent on the future of European industry. In the United States, natural gas will be a major contender in assuring electricity reliability for data centers and AI. Managing methane and expanding infrastructure will remain priorities. Power, Grid and Electrification Policies, technologies and systems for a coming surge in demand The electric power sector is at the forefront of the global energy transition, with wind and solar technologies matured and now deploying at scale. The electrification of the energy system and the recent emergence of power-thirsty artificial intelligence systems point to substantial demand growth for the sector, which can pose challenges for what have been seen as set targets for the future generation mix. New technologies, partnerships and policies are emerging to help the sector meet the world’s need for reliable, affordable and low emissions electricity. But standing in the way are roadblocks in the form of permitting, capital deployment, and sourcing and supply chains, all slowing grid transformation and deployment of new generation capacity. Mobility and Transportation Differentiated speeds towards a low-carbon system The transportation sector's electrification shows mixed progress. In China, electric vehicle sales are accelerating, and the country has swiftly emerged as an EV manufacturing and export powerhouse. In the US and Europe, sales growth has slowed, and legacy auto companies are paring back their EV ambitions. The rate of EV adoption over the next decade will be pivotal for the energy transition and for oil demand. As the market evolves and fuels for the mobility sector diversify, energy, power, auto manufacturers and technology companies will develop strategies to low-carbon fuels for transportation systems but will also have to grapple with major questions in terms of consumer demand and government policies. Minerals and Mining Sustainably supplying the raw materials for the new demand from the energy transition Securing reliable supplies of critical minerals for energy transition is a top priority for companies and governments. Demand for these minerals is set to rise sharply, but accessing them is challenging due to high costs, regulatory hurdles, trade tensions, and local issues. China dominates many critical minerals supply chains for both mining and processing, which has made the issue a geopolitical flashpoint as other countries seek to diversify sources of supply. Diversification is proving difficult with an average of two decades required from identification of a new source to first production, making minerals both a necessity and a potential constraint on energy transition. AI and Digital Reshaping the future of production, management and consumption of energy The rapid expansion of AI technologies is delivering a shock to the energy system and could well have transformative effects for the industry. Utilities and power companies are rushing to revise growth plans to respond to surging electricity needs from datacenters and energy transition demand. This is driving investment in renewables, advanced nuclear, and geothermal, but also pointing to a renewed role for natural gas. This new demand is forcing large tech companies into major players in the power sector. At the same time, generative AI and other digital technologies hold the potential to transform how energy is produced, managed and consumed and to help energy systems become more efficient and sustainable. Managing Emissions Innovating to deliver emissions reductions across energy and energy-intensive industries Delivering emissions reductions in energy-intensive sectors such as heavy industry is one of the energy transition’s biggest challenges. Decarbonization technologies such as carbon capture and storage, direct air capture, methane reduction, materials recycling and others, as well as new industrial processes, are making progress, but the scale and speed of deployment remains modest. Early projects are starting to yield lessons that will be vital for technological advancement, reducing costs and scaling up these technologies. Strategies that align industry, policymakers and capital providers can help accelerate and expand decarbonization technologies. But there is the evident risk that some decarbonization policies can impose heavy costs that make companies uncompetitive and lead to shrinkage and deindustrialization. Hydrogen and Low-Carbon Fuels Moving from theory to execution The hydrogen sector is moving towards real-world implementation, but not at the speed expected two years ago. Policy support and low-carbon mandates are underpinning the first projects that are creating the platform for the sector’s future growth while questions about markets and infrastructure are still being addressed. Companies are also investing in sustainable aviation fuel, renewable natural gas, and other low-carbon fuels to help reduce emissions in sectors that will be more difficult to decarbonize. What happens to policy support will be a critical variable in terms of lowering costs, improving technologies, and developing markets. Technology and Innovation Driving performance and pace of transition Harnessing technological innovation is critical to the energy transition. AI and other digital technologies stand out as the most broadly disruptive forces, but technological advancement is occurring across the entire energy landscape. A vibrant innovation ecosystem presents significant strategic opportunities for stakeholders to integrate new approaches into their operations. Understanding successful models of innovation will be essential for advancing technology deployment, scaling innovations, and fostering collaboration across private and public institutions. Company programs, research initiatives and start-ups all have important roles in technological advances. Climate and Sustainability Policies and company strategies after COP29 COP28 marked a significant moment with major industry players committing to reducing emissions and enhancing measurement and monitoring practices. While compliance carbon markets are expanding, questions about their applicability in emerging economies and the potential convergence of voluntary and compliance carbon markets remain. The climate and sustainability agenda are facing challenges in promoting collaboration between governments and industries, as well as in establishing effective funding strategies. Points of contention include how to secure financing for energy transitions in emerging markets, providing capital for both climate adaptation and mitigation efforts, and ensuring the effective operation of carbon markets. Achieving global consensus is increasingly challenging within a polarized political and economic landscape. Partner Programs: Leadership Circles Leadership Circles were established in response to Partner requests for small, peer dialogues. Exclusively for senior-level executives, Leadership Circles convene to address and share learning on the most important challenges facing the energy future. EPICs Energy Partner Informal Conversations (EPICs) are small roundtables with senior public officials for informal discussion, offering a unique opportunity for relaxed dialogue and unscripted interaction. Future Energy Leaders The Future Energy Leaders program cultivates exceptional mid-career industry executives, empowering them to meet current and future energy challenges. These professionals, chosen by virtue of their high potential as future leaders, engage in learning, dialogue and networking at the conference Women in Energy The CERAWeek Women in Energy (WIE) initiative believes the foundation of a strong energy sector embraces an inclusive environment with camaraderie, informal dialogues and networking in support of the growing professional community of women and diverse individuals in energy and related industries. Professional Development Program The Professional Development Program offers future leaders career development prior to CERAWeek. Led by Harvard Business School Professor Forest Reinhardt, participants engage in a series of deep-dive case studies and virtual lectures designed to build leadership skills and strategic thinking. NextGen NextGen at CERAWeek is an exciting new initiative that deepens the ever-important connection between academia and industry, building on the already thriving innovation community at CERAWeek to help faculty source, fund, and scale impactful new concepts – and identify talent. If you are wondering where CERAWeek 2025 will take place, then look no further. This year it will take place in two locations: CERAWeek will take place at Hilton Americas Houston, Texas, United States 1600 Lamar St, Houston, TX 77010, Unites States and the George R. Brown Convention Center 1001 Avenida de las Americas Houston, Texas 77010 How much does CERAWeek Cost? $10,500 After January 27, 2025 Speakers As of January for CERAWeek Speaker Name Speaker Title Company Name H.E. Dr. Amani Abou-Zeid Commissioner for Infrastructure, Energy &amp; Digitalisation African Union Dr. Jess Adkins Smits Family Professor of Geochemistry &amp; Global Environmental Science California Institute of Technology, Chief Executive Officer Calcarea Shaikh Nawaf Al-Sabah Deputy Chairman &amp; Chief Executive Officer Kuwait Petroleum Corporation Hon. Tom Alweendo Minister of Mines and Energy Ministry of Mines and Energy, The Republic of Namibia Atul Arya Senior Vice President &amp; Chief Energy Strategist S&amp;P Global Commodity Insights Murray Auchincloss Chief executive officer bp plc Mario Azar Chairman &amp; Chief Executive Officer Black &amp; Veatch Roeland Baan President &amp; Chief Executive Officer Topsoe Gracelin Baskaran Research Director and Senior Fellow, Energy Security and Climate Change Program Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) Juan Felipe Bedoya General Manager Porsche Colombia S.A.S. Elena Berman Chief Technology Officer Insight M Christian Bruch President &amp; Chief Executive Officer Siemens Energy Luis Cabra Executive Managing Director of Energy Transition, Technology, Institutional Affairs &amp; Deputy CEO Repsol Louis Carranza Managing Director, Head of CERAWeek S&amp;P Global Martina L. Cheung President &amp; Chief Executive Officer S&amp;P Global Jarad Daniels Chief Executive Officer Global Carbon and Capture Storage Institute Ltd Bill Elrick Executive Director Hydrogen Fuel Cell Partnership Graham Evans Director, Electrification Technology Research S&amp;P Global Jim Fitterling Chair &amp; Chief Executive Officer Dow Julio Friedmann Chief Scientist &amp; Chief Carbon Wrangler Carbon Direct Jack Fusco President &amp; Chief Executive Officer Cheniere Energy Faye Gerard Energy Transition Director International Association of Oil &amp; Gas Producers (IOGP) Hon. Thomas J. Gleeson Chairman Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUCT) Samantha Gross Director, Energy Security and Climate Initiative Fellow, Foreign Policy Brookings Institution Harold Hamm Executive Chairman Continental Resources Graham Henley Chief Executive Officer IOGP - International Association of Oil &amp; Gas Producers John Hess Chief Executive Officer Hess Corporation Atsuhiko Hirano Representative Director, Executive Vice President Idemitsu Kosan Co.,Ltd. Vicki Hollub President &amp; Chief Executive Officer Oxy Hunter Hunt Chairman &amp; Chief Executive Officer Hunt Energy, LLC Josu Jon Imaz Chief Executive Officer Repsol Greg Jackson Founder &amp; Chief Executive Officer Octopus Energy Group Ditte Juul Jørgensen Director-General for Energy European Commission Dong Sub Kim President &amp; Chief Executive Officer Korea National Oil Corporation (KNOC) Susan Kish Andesa Managing Partner Steven Koonin Senior Fellow Hoover Institution Roger Kranenburg Vice President, Energy Strategy &amp; Policy Eversource Energy Markus Krebber Chief Executive Officer RWE AG Sanjiv Lamba Chief Executive Officer &amp; Member of the Board of Directors Linde Ryan Lance Chairman &amp; Chief Executive Officer ConocoPhillips Holger Lösch Deputy Director General Holger Lösch Dexin Luo Global Head of Artificial Intelligence Linde Joseph Majkut Director, Energy Security and Climate Change Program Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) Hon. Ibrahim Matola Minister of Energy Ministry of Energy, Malawi Anders Opedal President &amp; Chief Executive Officer Equinor Tania Ortiz Mena President Sempra Infrastructure Matthew Palmer Executive Director S&amp;P Global Commodity Insights Carlos Pascual Sr. Vice President Geopolitics and International Affairs S&amp;P Global Commodity Insights Stuart Payne Chief Executive North Sea Transition Authority John Pettigrew Chief Executive Officer National Grid William (Billy) Pizer President &amp; Chief Executive Officer Resources for the Future (RFF) Ruth Porat President &amp; Chief Investment Officer Alphabet and Google Patrick Pouyanné Chairman of the Board &amp; Chief Executive Officer TotalEnergies Peter Reinhardt Co-Founder &amp; Chief Executive Officer Charm Industrial Toby Rice President &amp; Chief Executive Officer EQT Corporation Paolo Rocca President &amp; Chief Executive Officer The Techint Group Jamey Rosenfield Special Advisor, Founder of CERAWeek S&amp;P Global H.E. the Hon. Dr. Kevin Rudd AC Ambassador to the United States of America Australian Government David Sandalow Inaugural Fellow, Center on Global Energy Policy Columbia University Dev Sanyal Chief Executive Officer VARO Energy Group Wael Sawan Chief Executive Officer Shell Daniel Schrag Sturgis Hooper Professor of Geology; Professor of Environmental Science and Engineering; Professor of Public Policy Harvard University Hon. Danielle Smith Premier of Alberta Government of Alberta Mike Sommers President &amp; Chief Executive Officer American Petroleum Institute (API) Amy Stanley Portfolio Planning Senior Manager, BEV and Mobility Toyota North America Torgeir Stordal Director General Norwegian Offshore Directorate Georges Tijbosch Chief Executive Officer MiQ Scott Tinker Tinker Energy Associates, Chief Executive Officer; Bureau of Economic Geology, Director Emeritus Switch Energy Alliance, Chairman Torbjörn Törnqvist Co-Founder &amp; Chairman Gunvor SA Bobby Tudor Chief Executive Officer, Artemis Energy Partners Chairman, Houston Energy Transition Initiative Olu Verheijen Special Adviser on Energy to President Bola Ahmed Tinubu Office of the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria David Victor Professor of Innovation and Public Policy, School of Global and Strategy University of California, San Diego (UCSD) Zhen Wang President CNOOC Energy Economics Institute Maarten Wetselaar Chief Executive Officer Moeve Christopher Wiernicki Chairman &amp; Chief Executive Officer American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) Morten Wierod Chief Executive Officer ABB Ltd Mike Wirth Chairman of the Board &amp; Chief Executive Officer Chevron Corporation Daniel Yergin Vice Chairman S&amp;P Global What is the meaning of CERAWeek, What Does CERAWeek Stand For &amp; what is CERAWeek History In 1983, Cambridge Energy Research Associates (CERA) was founded in Cambridge, Massachusetts, by Daniel Yergin and James Rosenfield. The energy research and consulting firm became known for its critical knowledge and independent analysis on energy markets, geopolitics, industry trends, technology and strategy. Each year, CERA clients gathered for the executive conference where they gained insight into the energy future while connecting with their peers. Over time, the program was expanded to five days, covering the full energy spectrum and the event was renamed CERAWeek. More than 40 years later, CERAWeek by S&amp;P Global has become the world’s premier energy event. In 2017, this executive gathering expanded to include the Innovation Agora to advance the energy innovation ecosystem. Welcome to Allstream Energy Partners - Industry's Partner to Share Industry Info Allstream Energy Partners stands at the forefront of digital media in the energy sector. Our expertise lies in operating four distinct distribution channels that spotlight positive developments and news within the industry. These platforms are designed to synchronize the energy sector by offering a comprehensive preview of key industry events nationwide. Our Distribution Channels This channel is dedicated to events and news related to offshore oil and gas, drilling, and exploration. It serves as a vital resource for industry professionals seeking to stay informed about the latest advancements and opportunities in upstream activities. Focused on gas gathering, processing, and transmission, this channel provides insights into the midstream sector. It highlights significant events and developments that impact the flow of energy resources from production to end-users. Catering to refining, chemical manufacturing, and storage facilities, this channel offers a detailed look at the downstream sector. It is an essential tool for those involved in the final stages of energy production and distribution. As the world shifts towards sustainable energy, this channel covers events and news related to renewable energy sources. It is a hub for information on wind, solar, and other renewable initiatives that are shaping the future of energy. Our Commitment to the Industry Allstream Energy Partners is committed to supporting non-profit initiatives and fostering community engagement. We collaborate with leading industry trade shows and conferences globally, ensuring our partners have access to the best networking and learning opportunities available. Why Choose Us? Expertise: With years of experience in the energy sector, we understand the nuances of the industry and tailor our services to meet the specific needs of our clients. Comprehensive Coverage: Our channels provide a wide-ranging view of the energy sector, ensuring you never miss an important event or development. Community Focus: We prioritize partnerships that benefit the community and support sustainable practices within the industry. Join Us Stay ahead in the energy sector by leveraging our distribution channels. Whether you’re involved in offshore oil and gas, renewable energy, or any other aspect of the industry, Allstream Energy Partners is your gateway to staying informed and connected.", "image": "", "name": "Register Now for CERAWeek 2025 &#8211; Taking Place in Houston March 10 &#8211; March 14, 2025 &#8211; Houston", "url": "" } </script> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "Event", "eventStatus": "", "startDate": "2025-03-14", "endDate": "2025-03-14", "eventAttendanceMode": "", "location": { "@type": "Place", "name": "George R. Brown Convention Center", "image": "", "address": "1001 Avenida De Las Americas, Houston, TX 77010" }, "organizer": { "@type": "Person", "name": "", "url": "" }, "offers": { "url": "", "price": "10500", "priceCurrency": "USD", "availability": "", "validFrom": "2025-03-14T00:00" }, "performer": "", "description": " What is CERAWeek? Chaired by Daniel Yergin, CERAWeek is recognized as the foremost annual gathering in the energy sector, rated among the top five “corporate leader conferences” worldwide. This premier event convenes over 450 C-Suite executives, 80 ministers and top officials, and 325 media representatives, with more than 10,000 participants from over 2,050 companies across 80 countries for dialogue on the agenda ahead as the world enters a new era of energy transition. CERAWeek 2025, Moving Ahead: Energy strategies for a complex world, will focus on the challenges ahead for energy security, supply, and climate ambitions – as well as for markets, infrastructure, directions of policy and the advance of technology including AI – and what this means for all aspects of the industry and beyond. Through a diverse set of programs and platforms CERAWeek highlights the linkages of these topics across industries and showcase the partnerships and collaborative models that are transforming energy. CERAWeek is comprised of three mutually reinforcing platforms: The Executive Conference, the Innovation Agora, and Partner Programs. The industry's foremost thought leaders convene to cultivate relationships and exchange transformative ideas. Our programs are designed to advance new ideas, insight and solutions to the biggest challenges facing the future of energy, the environment, and climate. Executive Conference Provides an integrated framework for understanding what’s ahead for global energy markets and geopolitics. Sessions focus on the most relevant themes and topics for the energy industry addressed by the most prominent voices in the industry. Innovation Agora An open marketplace for the exchange of insights and solutions on energy innovation and emerging technologies. Sessions focus on emerging, innovative technologies in the energy space. Partner Programs Designed to promote high-level interaction among senior executives and officials and build communities to address and share learning on the most important challenges facing the energy future; and programs that foster engagement by emerging leaders and communities. Geopolitics A fragmenting political order Geopolitical competition is creating a more difficult global and complicating energy markets, trade flows, investment decisions, technology choices, and energy transition. Conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East are raising risks and highlighting growing worldwide divisions. Rivalries, particularly between the U.S. and China, are reshaping international politics and economic relations and are complicating efforts to address critical global issues. Companies face increasing challenges in navigating this complex geopolitical terrain and preparing for new challenges. Policy and Regulation New policies and directions after the year of elections The 2024 elections brought major global political changes, leading to significant shifts in energy, climate, and trade policies. In 2025, new governments and policymakers are set to implement significant changes to energy, climate and trade policy, with a focus on energy security and fostering domestic industries. Many countries are changing their regulatory regimes to accelerate infrastructure projects, but trade-offs and contradicting mandates are slowing the drive to meet energy and climate goals. Deregulation will be a theme in the United States; increased regulation, in others. Will permitting processes be reformed? New uncertainties are rising, from U.S. Supreme Court decisions to end the “Chevron Deference”, to policy changes both in the United States and globally. These developments are testing investment approaches for companies worldwide. Trade and Supply Chains Under increasing pressure The globalized world of the last three decades is fissuring: the international economic order and trading system is under growing pressure as major powers compete for industrial leadership, particularly in technology and the industrial clean energy sectors. Governments are subsidizing domestic industries while putting up trade barriers to promote onshoring and near shoring of supply chains and to decouple and insulate their economies. Russia’s war in Ukraine has already transformed what was a global oil market into a divided oil market. The overall result of these forces is an increasingly fragmented and contested global trading system, especially for technology, minerals, and energy transition technologies. Will new trade barriers lead to retaliation that impact economic growth and further disrupt energy flows? The Capital Transition The role of finance in the energy transition Finance, the fuel of energy investment, is at the center of the energy transition. Managing the current energy system while fostering new low-carbon technologies and markets will require the mobilization of significant public and private capital, in the face of policy risks, trade tensions and geopolitical disruptions. Meanwhile investors’ choices are sending mixed signals to companies about how to move to a lower emissions energy system while delivering the returns stakeholders need. The financing of the energy transition in emerging markets remains challenged as availability of capital, regulation and risk levels slow investments and capital flows. Business Strategies Adapting to transform performance through the transition Energy companies are pursuing a diverse range of strategies and new business models as they support the needs of today’s energy system while positioning themselves for the energy transition. Experience over the last two years is leading to a reevaluation of priorities as companies analyze costs and opportunities and adjust to volatile government policies and the requirements of investors. Some are moving quickly into new technologies; others are more focused on consolidating for greater scale, efficiency and future flexibility and many are pursuing innovative new partnerships. Whatever the strategies, there remain constants – meeting customer needs, ensuring reliable supply, and seeking to reduce emissions. Oil and Gas: Navigating short- and long-term market uncertainties – and the “demand question” Global Oil in a new future The future of global oil has become more uncertain: The downshift in Chinese consumption is changing the demand outlook, while the growth of U.S. and Western Hemisphere oil is rebalancing the global market. The war in Ukraine has turned a global oil market into a divided market. Even with energy transition, oil will continue to play a significant role in the energy mix for decades to come. To meet this demand as the world pursues lower emissions, companies are innovating with technologies and business models, while tapping new digital tools and AI to increase efficiency. At the same time, companies face new geopolitical challenges and global rivalries that are reshaping the sector’s investment landscape. Energy security has reemerged as a critical concern for governments, adding to the uncertainty for long term demand outlooks and the required levels of investment. Natural Gas: Global commodity Natural gas consumption, which has grown by almost 60 percent over the last two decades, is headed for further growth in the years ahead. LNG, which has tripled, will continue to expand globally, replacing coal and supporting economic growth in Asia Pacific and developing countries. U.S., Qatar, and other suppliers will increase export capacity, with a need for better understanding of the economic impact on exporting economies. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has reduced it to the role of a minor exporter. European consumption, which is down significantly since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, will be dependent on the future of European industry. In the United States, natural gas will be a major contender in assuring electricity reliability for data centers and AI. Managing methane and expanding infrastructure will remain priorities. Power, Grid and Electrification Policies, technologies and systems for a coming surge in demand The electric power sector is at the forefront of the global energy transition, with wind and solar technologies matured and now deploying at scale. The electrification of the energy system and the recent emergence of power-thirsty artificial intelligence systems point to substantial demand growth for the sector, which can pose challenges for what have been seen as set targets for the future generation mix. New technologies, partnerships and policies are emerging to help the sector meet the world’s need for reliable, affordable and low emissions electricity. But standing in the way are roadblocks in the form of permitting, capital deployment, and sourcing and supply chains, all slowing grid transformation and deployment of new generation capacity. Mobility and Transportation Differentiated speeds towards a low-carbon system The transportation sector's electrification shows mixed progress. In China, electric vehicle sales are accelerating, and the country has swiftly emerged as an EV manufacturing and export powerhouse. In the US and Europe, sales growth has slowed, and legacy auto companies are paring back their EV ambitions. The rate of EV adoption over the next decade will be pivotal for the energy transition and for oil demand. As the market evolves and fuels for the mobility sector diversify, energy, power, auto manufacturers and technology companies will develop strategies to low-carbon fuels for transportation systems but will also have to grapple with major questions in terms of consumer demand and government policies. Minerals and Mining Sustainably supplying the raw materials for the new demand from the energy transition Securing reliable supplies of critical minerals for energy transition is a top priority for companies and governments. Demand for these minerals is set to rise sharply, but accessing them is challenging due to high costs, regulatory hurdles, trade tensions, and local issues. China dominates many critical minerals supply chains for both mining and processing, which has made the issue a geopolitical flashpoint as other countries seek to diversify sources of supply. Diversification is proving difficult with an average of two decades required from identification of a new source to first production, making minerals both a necessity and a potential constraint on energy transition. AI and Digital Reshaping the future of production, management and consumption of energy The rapid expansion of AI technologies is delivering a shock to the energy system and could well have transformative effects for the industry. Utilities and power companies are rushing to revise growth plans to respond to surging electricity needs from datacenters and energy transition demand. This is driving investment in renewables, advanced nuclear, and geothermal, but also pointing to a renewed role for natural gas. This new demand is forcing large tech companies into major players in the power sector. At the same time, generative AI and other digital technologies hold the potential to transform how energy is produced, managed and consumed and to help energy systems become more efficient and sustainable. Managing Emissions Innovating to deliver emissions reductions across energy and energy-intensive industries Delivering emissions reductions in energy-intensive sectors such as heavy industry is one of the energy transition’s biggest challenges. Decarbonization technologies such as carbon capture and storage, direct air capture, methane reduction, materials recycling and others, as well as new industrial processes, are making progress, but the scale and speed of deployment remains modest. Early projects are starting to yield lessons that will be vital for technological advancement, reducing costs and scaling up these technologies. Strategies that align industry, policymakers and capital providers can help accelerate and expand decarbonization technologies. But there is the evident risk that some decarbonization policies can impose heavy costs that make companies uncompetitive and lead to shrinkage and deindustrialization. Hydrogen and Low-Carbon Fuels Moving from theory to execution The hydrogen sector is moving towards real-world implementation, but not at the speed expected two years ago. Policy support and low-carbon mandates are underpinning the first projects that are creating the platform for the sector’s future growth while questions about markets and infrastructure are still being addressed. Companies are also investing in sustainable aviation fuel, renewable natural gas, and other low-carbon fuels to help reduce emissions in sectors that will be more difficult to decarbonize. What happens to policy support will be a critical variable in terms of lowering costs, improving technologies, and developing markets. Technology and Innovation Driving performance and pace of transition Harnessing technological innovation is critical to the energy transition. AI and other digital technologies stand out as the most broadly disruptive forces, but technological advancement is occurring across the entire energy landscape. A vibrant innovation ecosystem presents significant strategic opportunities for stakeholders to integrate new approaches into their operations. Understanding successful models of innovation will be essential for advancing technology deployment, scaling innovations, and fostering collaboration across private and public institutions. Company programs, research initiatives and start-ups all have important roles in technological advances. Climate and Sustainability Policies and company strategies after COP29 COP28 marked a significant moment with major industry players committing to reducing emissions and enhancing measurement and monitoring practices. While compliance carbon markets are expanding, questions about their applicability in emerging economies and the potential convergence of voluntary and compliance carbon markets remain. The climate and sustainability agenda are facing challenges in promoting collaboration between governments and industries, as well as in establishing effective funding strategies. Points of contention include how to secure financing for energy transitions in emerging markets, providing capital for both climate adaptation and mitigation efforts, and ensuring the effective operation of carbon markets. Achieving global consensus is increasingly challenging within a polarized political and economic landscape. Partner Programs: Leadership Circles Leadership Circles were established in response to Partner requests for small, peer dialogues. Exclusively for senior-level executives, Leadership Circles convene to address and share learning on the most important challenges facing the energy future. EPICs Energy Partner Informal Conversations (EPICs) are small roundtables with senior public officials for informal discussion, offering a unique opportunity for relaxed dialogue and unscripted interaction. Future Energy Leaders The Future Energy Leaders program cultivates exceptional mid-career industry executives, empowering them to meet current and future energy challenges. These professionals, chosen by virtue of their high potential as future leaders, engage in learning, dialogue and networking at the conference Women in Energy The CERAWeek Women in Energy (WIE) initiative believes the foundation of a strong energy sector embraces an inclusive environment with camaraderie, informal dialogues and networking in support of the growing professional community of women and diverse individuals in energy and related industries. Professional Development Program The Professional Development Program offers future leaders career development prior to CERAWeek. Led by Harvard Business School Professor Forest Reinhardt, participants engage in a series of deep-dive case studies and virtual lectures designed to build leadership skills and strategic thinking. NextGen NextGen at CERAWeek is an exciting new initiative that deepens the ever-important connection between academia and industry, building on the already thriving innovation community at CERAWeek to help faculty source, fund, and scale impactful new concepts – and identify talent. If you are wondering where CERAWeek 2025 will take place, then look no further. This year it will take place in two locations: CERAWeek will take place at Hilton Americas Houston, Texas, United States 1600 Lamar St, Houston, TX 77010, Unites States and the George R. Brown Convention Center 1001 Avenida de las Americas Houston, Texas 77010 How much does CERAWeek Cost? $10,500 After January 27, 2025 Speakers As of January for CERAWeek Speaker Name Speaker Title Company Name H.E. Dr. Amani Abou-Zeid Commissioner for Infrastructure, Energy &amp; Digitalisation African Union Dr. Jess Adkins Smits Family Professor of Geochemistry &amp; Global Environmental Science California Institute of Technology, Chief Executive Officer Calcarea Shaikh Nawaf Al-Sabah Deputy Chairman &amp; Chief Executive Officer Kuwait Petroleum Corporation Hon. Tom Alweendo Minister of Mines and Energy Ministry of Mines and Energy, The Republic of Namibia Atul Arya Senior Vice President &amp; Chief Energy Strategist S&amp;P Global Commodity Insights Murray Auchincloss Chief executive officer bp plc Mario Azar Chairman &amp; Chief Executive Officer Black &amp; Veatch Roeland Baan President &amp; Chief Executive Officer Topsoe Gracelin Baskaran Research Director and Senior Fellow, Energy Security and Climate Change Program Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) Juan Felipe Bedoya General Manager Porsche Colombia S.A.S. Elena Berman Chief Technology Officer Insight M Christian Bruch President &amp; Chief Executive Officer Siemens Energy Luis Cabra Executive Managing Director of Energy Transition, Technology, Institutional Affairs &amp; Deputy CEO Repsol Louis Carranza Managing Director, Head of CERAWeek S&amp;P Global Martina L. Cheung President &amp; Chief Executive Officer S&amp;P Global Jarad Daniels Chief Executive Officer Global Carbon and Capture Storage Institute Ltd Bill Elrick Executive Director Hydrogen Fuel Cell Partnership Graham Evans Director, Electrification Technology Research S&amp;P Global Jim Fitterling Chair &amp; Chief Executive Officer Dow Julio Friedmann Chief Scientist &amp; Chief Carbon Wrangler Carbon Direct Jack Fusco President &amp; Chief Executive Officer Cheniere Energy Faye Gerard Energy Transition Director International Association of Oil &amp; Gas Producers (IOGP) Hon. Thomas J. Gleeson Chairman Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUCT) Samantha Gross Director, Energy Security and Climate Initiative Fellow, Foreign Policy Brookings Institution Harold Hamm Executive Chairman Continental Resources Graham Henley Chief Executive Officer IOGP - International Association of Oil &amp; Gas Producers John Hess Chief Executive Officer Hess Corporation Atsuhiko Hirano Representative Director, Executive Vice President Idemitsu Kosan Co.,Ltd. Vicki Hollub President &amp; Chief Executive Officer Oxy Hunter Hunt Chairman &amp; Chief Executive Officer Hunt Energy, LLC Josu Jon Imaz Chief Executive Officer Repsol Greg Jackson Founder &amp; Chief Executive Officer Octopus Energy Group Ditte Juul Jørgensen Director-General for Energy European Commission Dong Sub Kim President &amp; Chief Executive Officer Korea National Oil Corporation (KNOC) Susan Kish Andesa Managing Partner Steven Koonin Senior Fellow Hoover Institution Roger Kranenburg Vice President, Energy Strategy &amp; Policy Eversource Energy Markus Krebber Chief Executive Officer RWE AG Sanjiv Lamba Chief Executive Officer &amp; Member of the Board of Directors Linde Ryan Lance Chairman &amp; Chief Executive Officer ConocoPhillips Holger Lösch Deputy Director General Holger Lösch Dexin Luo Global Head of Artificial Intelligence Linde Joseph Majkut Director, Energy Security and Climate Change Program Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) Hon. Ibrahim Matola Minister of Energy Ministry of Energy, Malawi Anders Opedal President &amp; Chief Executive Officer Equinor Tania Ortiz Mena President Sempra Infrastructure Matthew Palmer Executive Director S&amp;P Global Commodity Insights Carlos Pascual Sr. Vice President Geopolitics and International Affairs S&amp;P Global Commodity Insights Stuart Payne Chief Executive North Sea Transition Authority John Pettigrew Chief Executive Officer National Grid William (Billy) Pizer President &amp; Chief Executive Officer Resources for the Future (RFF) Ruth Porat President &amp; Chief Investment Officer Alphabet and Google Patrick Pouyanné Chairman of the Board &amp; Chief Executive Officer TotalEnergies Peter Reinhardt Co-Founder &amp; Chief Executive Officer Charm Industrial Toby Rice President &amp; Chief Executive Officer EQT Corporation Paolo Rocca President &amp; Chief Executive Officer The Techint Group Jamey Rosenfield Special Advisor, Founder of CERAWeek S&amp;P Global H.E. the Hon. Dr. Kevin Rudd AC Ambassador to the United States of America Australian Government David Sandalow Inaugural Fellow, Center on Global Energy Policy Columbia University Dev Sanyal Chief Executive Officer VARO Energy Group Wael Sawan Chief Executive Officer Shell Daniel Schrag Sturgis Hooper Professor of Geology; Professor of Environmental Science and Engineering; Professor of Public Policy Harvard University Hon. Danielle Smith Premier of Alberta Government of Alberta Mike Sommers President &amp; Chief Executive Officer American Petroleum Institute (API) Amy Stanley Portfolio Planning Senior Manager, BEV and Mobility Toyota North America Torgeir Stordal Director General Norwegian Offshore Directorate Georges Tijbosch Chief Executive Officer MiQ Scott Tinker Tinker Energy Associates, Chief Executive Officer; Bureau of Economic Geology, Director Emeritus Switch Energy Alliance, Chairman Torbjörn Törnqvist Co-Founder &amp; Chairman Gunvor SA Bobby Tudor Chief Executive Officer, Artemis Energy Partners Chairman, Houston Energy Transition Initiative Olu Verheijen Special Adviser on Energy to President Bola Ahmed Tinubu Office of the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria David Victor Professor of Innovation and Public Policy, School of Global and Strategy University of California, San Diego (UCSD) Zhen Wang President CNOOC Energy Economics Institute Maarten Wetselaar Chief Executive Officer Moeve Christopher Wiernicki Chairman &amp; Chief Executive Officer American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) Morten Wierod Chief Executive Officer ABB Ltd Mike Wirth Chairman of the Board &amp; Chief Executive Officer Chevron Corporation Daniel Yergin Vice Chairman S&amp;P Global What is the meaning of CERAWeek, What Does CERAWeek Stand For &amp; what is CERAWeek History In 1983, Cambridge Energy Research Associates (CERA) was founded in Cambridge, Massachusetts, by Daniel Yergin and James Rosenfield. The energy research and consulting firm became known for its critical knowledge and independent analysis on energy markets, geopolitics, industry trends, technology and strategy. Each year, CERA clients gathered for the executive conference where they gained insight into the energy future while connecting with their peers. Over time, the program was expanded to five days, covering the full energy spectrum and the event was renamed CERAWeek. More than 40 years later, CERAWeek by S&amp;P Global has become the world’s premier energy event. In 2017, this executive gathering expanded to include the Innovation Agora to advance the energy innovation ecosystem. Welcome to Allstream Energy Partners - Industry's Partner to Share Industry Info Allstream Energy Partners stands at the forefront of digital media in the energy sector. Our expertise lies in operating four distinct distribution channels that spotlight positive developments and news within the industry. These platforms are designed to synchronize the energy sector by offering a comprehensive preview of key industry events nationwide. Our Distribution Channels This channel is dedicated to events and news related to offshore oil and gas, drilling, and exploration. It serves as a vital resource for industry professionals seeking to stay informed about the latest advancements and opportunities in upstream activities. Focused on gas gathering, processing, and transmission, this channel provides insights into the midstream sector. It highlights significant events and developments that impact the flow of energy resources from production to end-users. Catering to refining, chemical manufacturing, and storage facilities, this channel offers a detailed look at the downstream sector. It is an essential tool for those involved in the final stages of energy production and distribution. As the world shifts towards sustainable energy, this channel covers events and news related to renewable energy sources. It is a hub for information on wind, solar, and other renewable initiatives that are shaping the future of energy. Our Commitment to the Industry Allstream Energy Partners is committed to supporting non-profit initiatives and fostering community engagement. We collaborate with leading industry trade shows and conferences globally, ensuring our partners have access to the best networking and learning opportunities available. Why Choose Us? Expertise: With years of experience in the energy sector, we understand the nuances of the industry and tailor our services to meet the specific needs of our clients. Comprehensive Coverage: Our channels provide a wide-ranging view of the energy sector, ensuring you never miss an important event or development. Community Focus: We prioritize partnerships that benefit the community and support sustainable practices within the industry. Join Us Stay ahead in the energy sector by leveraging our distribution channels. Whether you’re involved in offshore oil and gas, renewable energy, or any other aspect of the industry, Allstream Energy Partners is your gateway to staying informed and connected.", "image": "", "name": "Register Now for CERAWeek 2025 &#8211; Taking Place in Houston March 10 &#8211; March 14, 2025 &#8211; Houston", "url": "" } </script> <script> jQuery(document).ready(function() { var mec_interval = setInterval(function() { // Not Visible if(!jQuery("#mec_skin_3524").is(":visible")) return; jQuery("#mec_skin_3524").mecMasonryView( { id: "3524", start_date: "2025-02-21", end_date: "2025-03-14", offset: "1", pagination: "loadmore", atts: 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