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Google Cloud has one of the most popular databases named Spanner. So,here is a high-level overview on what Spanner is, how it’s components and architecture look like, and benefits of Spanner compared to its alternatives. Cloud Spanner is a highly scalable database that combines unlimited scalability with relational semantics, such as secondary indexes, strong consistency, schemas, and SQL providing 99.999% availability in one easy solution.Hence, it’s suitable for both relational and non-relational workloads. <div class="arial12Green" id="depends6"> <div align="right"> <a href="/whitepaper/spanner-one-of-the-most-popular-databases-wid-238.html"> <img src="" border="0" /></a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!--white paper 1 --> <div id="Furthermore"></div> <!--white paper 1 --> <div id="urgently"> <div id="depends3" class="arial13bold"> <a href="/whitepaper/introduction-to-kubernetes-wid-237.html" class="Georgia14"> Introduction to Kubernetes </a> </div> <div id="depends4"> <img src="" width="123" height="160" class="photonewcommunity"/> <div id="longevity" class="arial12Black"> <div align="center">Presented by</div> </div> <div id="longevity"><img src="" width="123" height="56" class="photonewcommunity" /></div> </div> <div id="depends5" class="arial12Black">This whitepaper offers an in-depth exploration of Kubernetes, covering its components and architecture. It also delves into how Kubernetes is crucial in advancing infrastructure development. Presenting a high-level overview on what Kubernetes is, how it’s components and architecture look like, and how Kubernetes help in building better infrastructure. <div class="arial12Green" id="depends6"> <div align="right"> <a href="/whitepaper/introduction-to-kubernetes-wid-237.html"> <img src="" border="0" /></a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!--white paper 1 --> <div id="Furthermore"></div> <!--white paper 1 --> <div id="urgently"> <div id="depends3" class="arial13bold"> <a href="/whitepaper/data-is-on-the-move-can-security-keep-up-wid-226.html" class="Georgia14"> Data is on the move. Can security keep up? </a> </div> <div id="depends4"> <img src="" width="123" height="160" class="photonewcommunity"/> <div id="longevity" class="arial12Black"> <div align="center">Presented by</div> </div> <div id="longevity"><img src="" width="123" height="56" class="photonewcommunity" /></div> </div> <div id="depends5" class="arial12Black">Employees need to share data to stay productive, but could expose data to threats. Accessible, seamless security solutions should encourage efficiency, not inhibit it. Learn more about Dell and Intel® solutions to make your systems more secure at <div class="arial12Green" id="depends6"> <div align="right"> <a href="/whitepaper/data-is-on-the-move-can-security-keep-up-wid-226.html"> <img src="" border="0" /></a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!--white paper 1 --> <div id="Furthermore"></div> <!--white paper 1 --> <div id="urgently"> <div id="depends3" class="arial13bold"> <a href="/whitepaper/4-tips-to-keep-offsite-workers-productive-wid-224.html" class="Georgia14"> 4 tips to keep off-site workers productive </a> </div> <div id="depends4"> <img src="" width="123" height="160" class="photonewcommunity"/> <div id="longevity" class="arial12Black"> <div align="center">Presented by</div> </div> <div id="longevity"><img src="" width="123" height="56" class="photonewcommunity" /></div> </div> <div id="depends5" class="arial12Black">Letting employees work how and where they want produces better performance overall. Here are some ways to create a flexible work environment and help them thrive. 34% of all employees believe they are more productive in working outside of the office. 52% work outside of a traditional office at least once a week. 28% say they get more work done while remote due to a reduced commute. <div class="arial12Green" id="depends6"> <div align="right"> <a href="/whitepaper/4-tips-to-keep-offsite-workers-productive-wid-224.html"> <img src="" border="0" /></a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!--white paper 1 --> <div id="Furthermore"></div> <!--white paper 1 --> <div id="urgently"> <div id="depends3" class="arial13bold"> <a href="/whitepaper/5-tips-to-keep-onsite-workers-productive-wid-223.html" class="Georgia14"> 5 tips to keep on-site workers productive </a> </div> <div id="depends4"> <img src="" width="123" height="160" class="photonewcommunity"/> <div id="longevity" class="arial12Black"> <div align="center">Presented by</div> </div> <div id="longevity"><img src="" width="123" height="56" class="photonewcommunity" /></div> </div> <div id="depends5" class="arial12Black">From the desk to the meeting or somewhere in between, they always get the job done and exceed expectations every time. They excel with powerful technology to keep them on task, so that’s exactly what we give them. Here are more tips on how to keep them in the zone. <div class="arial12Green" id="depends6"> <div align="right"> <a href="/whitepaper/5-tips-to-keep-onsite-workers-productive-wid-223.html"> <img src="" border="0" /></a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!--white paper 1 --> <div id="Furthermore"></div> <!--white paper 1 --> <div id="urgently"> <div id="depends3" class="arial13bold"> <a href="/whitepaper/unlock-innovation-in-your-workforce-wid-230.html" class="Georgia14"> Unlock Innovation In Your Workforce </a> </div> <div id="depends4"> <img src="" width="123" height="160" class="photonewcommunity"/> <div id="longevity" class="arial12Black"> <div align="center">Presented by</div> </div> <div id="longevity"><img src="" width="123" height="56" class="photonewcommunity" /></div> </div> <div id="depends5" class="arial12Black">Fueled by a wave of digital startups, fast-moving global competition is making one thing clear to companies in all industries: Business as usual is a blueprint for failure. Continuous innovation is essential not only for success, but for survival. The good news is that business leaders recognize the peril they face—and the need to do something about it. <div class="arial12Green" id="depends6"> <div align="right"> <a href="/whitepaper/unlock-innovation-in-your-workforce-wid-230.html"> <img src="" border="0" /></a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!--white paper 1 --> <div id="Furthermore"></div> <!--white paper 1 --> <div id="urgently"> <div id="depends3" class="arial13bold"> <a href="/whitepaper/unleash-the-creative-force-of-today039s-workers-wid-229.html" class="Georgia14"> Unleash the Creative Force of Today's Workers </a> </div> <div id="depends4"> <img src="" width="123" height="160" class="photonewcommunity"/> <div id="longevity" class="arial12Black"> <div align="center">Presented by</div> </div> <div id="longevity"><img src="" width="123" height="56" class="photonewcommunity" /></div> </div> <div id="depends5" class="arial12Black"> How to give your company a modern workforce edge? Experts agree happy employees perform at a higher level, generating more satisfied customers and superior corporate performance. In fact, companies with happier employees have 81% higher customer satisfaction and half the employee turnover compared with other firms. Conversely, employee unhappiness leads to high turnover, which in turn can have a devastating impact on corporate results. <div class="arial12Green" id="depends6"> <div align="right"> <a href="/whitepaper/unleash-the-creative-force-of-today039s-workers-wid-229.html"> <img src="" border="0" /></a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!--white paper 1 --> <div id="Furthermore"></div> <!--white paper 1 --> <div id="urgently"> <div id="depends3" class="arial13bold"> <a href="/whitepaper/the-pc-lifecycle-continuum-from-control-to-transformation-wid-228.html" class="Georgia14"> The PC Lifecycle Continuum: From Control to Transformation </a> </div> <div id="depends4"> <img src="" width="123" height="160" class="photonewcommunity"/> <div id="longevity" class="arial12Black"> <div align="center">Presented by</div> </div> <div id="longevity"><img src="" width="123" height="56" class="photonewcommunity" /></div> </div> <div id="depends5" class="arial12Black"> As diverse organizations seek to implement data-driven strategies, the personal computer in all its varieties remains the key workforce productivity tool. IT leaders must guide PC management across the entire PC life-cycle to enable users to work most effectively. Enlightened IT leaders understand their responsibility is to tailor technology to different users needs. <div class="arial12Green" id="depends6"> <div align="right"> <a href="/whitepaper/the-pc-lifecycle-continuum-from-control-to-transformation-wid-228.html"> <img src="" border="0" /></a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!--white paper 1 --> <div id="Furthermore"></div> <!--white paper 1 --> <div id="urgently"> <div id="depends3" class="arial13bold"> <a href="/whitepaper/digital-controllers-optimize-digital-transformers-innovate-wid-227.html" class="Georgia14"> Digital Controllers Optimize, Digital Transformers Innovate </a> </div> <div id="depends4"> <img src="" width="123" height="160" class="photonewcommunity"/> <div id="longevity" class="arial12Black"> <div align="center">Presented by</div> </div> <div id="longevity"><img src="" width="123" height="56" class="photonewcommunity" /></div> </div> <div id="depends5" class="arial12Black">Today, IT is tasked with increasing operational efficiency, whilst arming employees with the right tools, products, and services to get their jobs done. Enterprises need the power of the latest technology to keep up with constantly changing digital environments and a highly mobile and demanding workforce. And although, the two types of IT, controllers (linear, IT-centric, and insular) and transformers (agile, employee-centric, and flexible) have different approaches, they face similar challenges when enlisting the help of vendors that will enable them to focus on the more strategic tasks of understanding their employees needs. <div class="arial12Green" id="depends6"> <div align="right"> <a href="/whitepaper/digital-controllers-optimize-digital-transformers-innovate-wid-227.html"> <img src="" border="0" /></a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!--white paper 1 --> <div id="Furthermore"></div> <!--white paper 1 --> <div id="urgently"> <div id="depends3" class="arial13bold"> <a href="/whitepaper/four-key-ways-it-leaders-can-start-to-scale-their-transformation-wid-220.html" class="Georgia14"> Four key ways IT leaders can start to scale their transformation </a> </div> <div id="depends4"> <img src="" width="123" height="160" class="photonewcommunity"/> <div id="longevity" class="arial12Black"> <div align="center">Presented by</div> </div> <div id="longevity"><img src="" width="123" height="56" class="photonewcommunity" /></div> </div> <div id="depends5" class="arial12Black">Most IT departments want to take a safe, control-based approach to management, but a tech transformation can make a better business impact. Meeting with functional leaders helps IT better understand the tools that will be the greatest benefit to users. <div class="arial12Green" id="depends6"> <div align="right"> <a href="/whitepaper/four-key-ways-it-leaders-can-start-to-scale-their-transformation-wid-220.html"> <img src="" border="0" /></a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!--white paper 1 --> <div id="Furthermore"></div> <div id="lastno"> <div align="center"> <span class="Verdanabold"> 1 <a href="/whitepaper.html?&pgid=2">2</a> <a href="/whitepaper.html?&pgid=3">3</a> <a href="/whitepaper.html?&pgid=4">4</a> <a href="/whitepaper.html?&pgid=5">5</a> <a href="/whitepaper.html?&pgid=6">6</a> <a href="/whitepaper.html?&pgid=2"> next >> </a> </span> </div> </div> <div style="clear:left; margin-bottom:10px; margin-top:15px; "> <div id="benchmark" > </div> </div> <!--event list close --> </div> </td> <td align="left" valign="top" style="padding: 10px;"> <style type="text/css"> #london{ margin-top:30px;} </style> <div id="london"> <div id='div-gpt-ad-1382945176144-0'> <script type='text/javascript'> googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-1382945176144-0'); 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