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London, discuss how future-proofing your organisation as far as is economically viable, is the key to growing your ICT provision and improving the learner journey.</p> <h3 style="text-align: center;"><strong>Which new trends can university IT departments expect to see within the next five years?</strong></h3> <p><strong>AM</strong>: The rise of 5G Networks will drive an improvement in application performance and lead to the creation of new applications that will benefit from the significantly higher speed, latency, and capacity that 5G brings. For the higher education sector, this will mean a capability to deliver a faster, better user experience, and to further encompass the Internet of Things (IoT), leading to more and more connected devices.</p> <p><strong>MN</strong>: Cloud is the most pertinent trend, and it’s emerging as the most cost-effective way to manage infrastructure within higher education. It allows a university to eliminate that cost of running a data centre on premise and it can be managed by a cloud provider, reducing time and money spent being managed in-house.</p> <p><strong>AM:</strong> Within the next couple of years, the clamour for IoT will lead to an adaptation of teaching style, as students begin to rely more and more upon connected devices such as tablets, smartwatches, and AI assistants. One result of this will be an increase in data, and in turn, the need for more scalable storage, which lends itself to more utilisation of cloud-based storage solutions.</p> <h3 style="text-align: center;"><strong>What about compatibility with student devices? Will BYOD be widely adopted by universities?</strong></h3> <p><strong>AM:</strong> BYOD has been a buzz-acronym for quite some time, and in the ideal world it is a way in which the University can save on device cost, as students or staff are likely to own a laptop or tablet, which they would prefer to work on, are more comfortable with, and they have the ability to use that device in a variety of environments.</p> <p>The pitfalls here, however, can quickly outweigh any benefit; what happens if the students forget their device? What if the device fails? What about application incompatibility? Giving everyone access to really good WiFi, for example, is great, but the underlying need is that those that need a device, always have one available.</p> <p><strong>MN:</strong> I agree, and I don’t think certain trends that claim to be cost saving solutions, such as BYOD, always reap the benefits they promise. Having an infrastructure that is compatible with a whole range of devices may well cost you more in order to make sure your systems can do that. It’s undeniable though that this is an expectation for students now – they come with their own devices.<div class="mod_ijoomlazone" id="ijoomlazone497"><div class="adg_row"><div class="adg_cell"></div></div></div> <div id="blocker-modal-background" class="blocker-modal-background" onclick="javascript:closeBlockerModal(); return false;" style="display: none;"> </div> <div id="blocker-modal-content" class="blocker-modal-content" style="display: none;"> <div class="blocker-modal-header"> <div class="blocker-modal-close"> <div onclick="javascript:closeBlockerModal(); return false;"><span class="fa fa-times"></span></div> </div> <div class="agency-blocker-title"> <img src=""> How to resolve AdBlock issue? </div> </div> <div class="blocker-modal-content-msg"> <div class="agency_blocker-steps"> <p>You are using adblocker please support us by whitelisting</p> </div> <div><a class="btn btn-large btn-block btn-success" onclick="location.reload();">Refresh this page</a></div> </div> </div><div class="related-articles-area row"> <div class="related-article col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-4"> <div class="related-contents"> <div class="related-img"> <a href="/web/20210918174033/"><img src="/web/20210918174033im_/" alt="British Orchestra Partners with Guildhawk During Pandemic to Songs to bring Joy "></a> <div class="related-category"> Sector News </div> </div> <div class="related-introtext"> Concerned at how COVID-19 was devastating for musicians, Guildhawk CEO </div> </div> </div> <div class="related-article col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-4"> <div class="related-contents"> <div class="related-img"> <a href="/web/20210918174033/"><img src="/web/20210918174033im_/" alt="Bristol’s Engineering, Education and Medicine courses among best in the country, Sunday Times and Guardian find"></a> <div class="related-category"> Sector News </div> </div> <div class="related-introtext"> The Sunday Times Good University Guide 2022, released today, found Bri </div> </div> </div> <div class="related-article col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-4"> <div class="related-contents"> <div class="related-img"> <a href="/web/20210918174033/"><img src="/web/20210918174033im_/" alt="Imperial graduate launches widening participation scheme for aspiring medics"></a> <div class="related-category"> Sector News </div> </div> <div class="related-introtext"> In2MedSchool provides mentoring for students from disadvantaged areas </div> </div> </div> </div></p> <p><strong>AM:</strong> A laptop loan programme can remedy this issue. It helps to save on cost, and ensures that those who don’t have access to a device, are able to get their hands upon one. This simple solution has already been implemented in lots of universities, the student can access a locker using their ID Card, and loan a laptop for a period of time. To keep the cost down even further, these devices could be Chromebooks – inexpensive, secure, and they are extremely mobile devices.</p> <p><strong>MN</strong>: Personally, I think it should be more of a question of what they want to use to access university systems. It’s not a cost saving practice, but it’s what universities should be doing to improve overall student experience.</p> <h3 style="text-align: center;"><strong>What role can a scalable ICT framework play in cutting down budgets and how easy is it to adopt?</strong></h3> <p><strong>MN:</strong> You want to be able to flex up and down, and one of the ways to do that is to use a pay as you use supplier. If you use more capacity you can scale up for it, but you can scale down at quieter times when you don’t need it. Being able to downscale when needed is a cost saver and therefore surmountable to growth.</p> <p><strong>AM:</strong> Device as a Service and other IT subscription methods are an easy way to be able to scale up to suit demand over time or for specific projects, and allow universities to better manage budgets.</p> <p><strong>MN:</strong> Scalability is very important, and it’s entirely possible for universities to achieve that in this day and age with the technology that’s out there. You don’t want to be tied in should your needs be reduced in a particular area. Be it the summer holidays, or a particularly quiet period, why should you be tied into IT capacity that you now don’t need?</p> <h3 style="text-align: center;"><strong>Do you feel that in order to ‘future proof’ an organisation you need to pick expensive solutions?</strong></h3> <p><strong>AM:</strong> The ‘user experience’ of students within HE is now probably more important than it has ever been; the systems that the University invests in have to be robust, high-performing, and fit for purpose. Devices and products that the students will come into contact with the most, such as desktops and mobile devices, are constantly evolving, so it is prudent to maintain a balance between products that are well-costed and durable, whilst always having one eye on where the ‘refresh point’ is likely to be.</p> <p>Future-proofing as far as is economically viable is the key – spend too little, and risk the device being problematic within a short space of time, as it struggles to cope with newer apps; or you can over-spec the device and pay extra now, with no guarantee that the device will ever be used to its full capability. A mixed approach to devices is best, where there are common standards for particular use scenarios.</p> <p><strong>MN:</strong> I don’t necessarily agree that higher cost means better quality; I think that approach is a bit old fashioned. Historically, it was thought that purchasing a more expensive system future proofed your organisation. These days, universities want more agile technology, where the connection between your systems is more about standards and defining how you pass the data between them rather than the physical interfaces or integrations.</p> <p>It’s not about spending money, it’s about understanding how to evolve and keep updating. The danger is that you can embark on a big expensive project with all the latest equipment, but within months it needs updating again.</p> <h3 style="text-align: center;"><strong>What should universities do to improve their ICT framework and the maximum provision it can provide to enhance the learners journey?</strong></h3> <p><strong>AM:</strong> As a bare minimum, the expectation has to be that the systems are good, reliable, and fit for purpose. This is whether we are talking about ensuring that all parts of the University have good wireless coverage; that the PCs in the library work; that the University’s Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) is available, as and when required.</p> <p>There should be no maximum. It’s not about making provision ‘good enough’, it is about making it the best it can be.</p> <p><strong>MN</strong>: Every university has great technology, but not all are using it to its best capability. Take a VLE for example, all universities have them but not all are running it in the most efficient way. It’s important to have a VLE provider who understands the HE sector and the needs of the students and staff. They can advise on the best upgrades and integrations out there to improve the learning experience for all and provide the optimum value for money for students.</p> <p>If you’re not doing this at the very least, then you are at some level suffering in terms of your ability to deliver the best learner journey for your students. It’s always worth asking for feedback from your learning environment provider to see if you’re meeting these requirements.</p><div id="jfbcLoginModal" class="sourcecoast modal" style="display:none"><div class="modal-body">You are now being logged in using your Facebook credentials</div></div></body></html> </p> </div> <!---Tag Position ---> <!---Tag Position ---> <div style="margin:15px 0px;"> </div> <div class="comment_section"> <div style="z-index: 98;" class="scsocialcomments"><div class="sourcecoast facebook comments jfbccomments"><div class="fb-comments" data-href="" data-width="350" data-numposts="10" data-colorscheme="dark" data-mobile="false" data-order-by="reverse_time"></div></div></div> </div> <div> </div> <ul class="pager pagenav"> <li class="previous"> <a class="hasTooltip" title="The Green Product Award and the "Future Village"" aria-label="Previous article: The Green Product Award and the "Future Village"" href="/web/20210918174033/" rel="prev"> <span 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alt="Leading Music College LCCM Launches First Scholarship Day"></a> <div class="related-category"> Sector News </div> </div> <div class="related-introtext"> London music college (@lccmlondon) has launched its inaugural Scholars </div> </div> </div> </div></div></div></div><div class="t3-module module " id="Mod496"><div class="module-inner"><div class="module-ct"><div class="mod_ijoomlazone" id="ijoomlazone496"><div class="adg_row"><div class="adg_cell"></div></div></div> <div id="blocker-modal-background" class="blocker-modal-background" onclick="javascript:closeBlockerModal(); return false;" style="display: none;"> </div> <div id="blocker-modal-content" class="blocker-modal-content" style="display: none;"> <div class="blocker-modal-header"> <div class="blocker-modal-close"> <div onclick="javascript:closeBlockerModal(); return false;"><span class="fa fa-times"></span></div> </div> <div class="agency-blocker-title"> <img src=""/> How to resolve AdBlock issue? </div> </div> <div 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<script> // load library joms.onStart(function ($) { var scriptUrl = '/modules/mod_community_eventscalendar/calendar.js'; joms.$LAB.script(scriptUrl).wait(function () { $(function () { joms_mod_eventscalendar_init($); }); }); }); // initialize calender function joms_mod_eventscalendar_init($) { $('#calendar').eCalendar({ firstDay: 1, weekDays: [ 'Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat' ], months: [ 'January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December' ], textArrows: {previous: '◀', next: '▶'}, eventTitle: 'Events', url: '', events: [ { title: 'Effective Self Assessment & Improvement Planning (Zoom Conferencing)', description: 'The SAR remains a critical document for Ofsted who analyse the content as part of inspection preparation.', url: '/create-event/viewevent/1872-effective-self-assessment-improvement-planning-zoom-conferencing', showAmpm: +'1', datelabel: '20/09 10:00 AM', datetime: new Date( 2021, 8, 20, 10, 00, 00 ) }, { title: 'The future of the FE sector and priorities for the Skills and Post-16 Education Bill', description: 'This conference is examining the future for the Further Education sector. ', url: '/create-event/viewevent/1951-the-future-of-the-fe-sector-and-priorities-for-the-skills-and-post-16-education-bill', showAmpm: +'1', datelabel: '21/09 9:00 AM', datetime: new Date( 2021, 8, 21, 09, 00, 00 ) }, { title: 'Developing Quality Apprenticeships: A unique 4-Part Conference Series ', description: 'Developing Quality Apprenticeships 4 part conference organised by Amazing Apprenticeships and Youth Employment UK. ', url: '/create-event/viewevent/2025-developing-quality-apprenticeships-a-unique-4-part-conference-series', showAmpm: +'1', datelabel: '22/09 9:00 AM', datetime: new Date( 2021, 8, 22, 09, 00, 00 ) }, { title: 'Capital Gains - how can employers make the most of emerging talent?', description: 'To explore how London will play a pivotal role in supporting the UK’s economic recovery and how employers can make the most of the emerging talent coming onto the jobs market from schools, colleges and universities.', url: '/create-event/viewevent/2032-capital-gains-how-can-employers-make-the-most-of-emerging-talent', showAmpm: +'1', datelabel: '22/09 10:00 AM', datetime: new Date( 2021, 8, 22, 10, 00, 00 ) }, { title: 'RoATP Masterclass (Zoom Conferencing)', description: 'The seminar is suitable for all providers and employers wishing to submit an RoATP application.', url: '/create-event/viewevent/1921-roatp-masterclass-zoom-conferencing', showAmpm: +'1', datelabel: '22/09 10:00 AM', datetime: new Date( 2021, 8, 22, 10, 00, 00 ) }, { title: 'Creating Amazing Online Content ', description: 'Building a Content power house in a digital first world', url: '/create-event/viewevent/2046-creating-amazing-online-content', showAmpm: +'1', datelabel: '22/09 2:00 PM', datetime: new Date( 2021, 8, 22, 14, 00, 00 ) }, { title: 'Exploring the Complexities of College Governance Conference', description: 'This conference is free to attend for anyone with an interest in college governance. ', url: '/create-event/viewevent/2029-exploring-the-complexities-of-college-governance-conference', showAmpm: +'1', datelabel: '23/09 12:00 AM', datetime: new Date( 2021, 8, 23, 00, 00, 00 ) }, { title: 'Emsi UK National Conference', description: '', url: '/create-event/viewevent/1567-emsi-uk-national-conference', showAmpm: +'1', datelabel: '23/09 9:30 AM', datetime: new Date( 2021, 8, 23, 09, 30, 00 ) }, { title: 'An introduction to Board Assurance Frameworks (BAFs)', description: 'How to create BAFs and use them beneficially.', url: '/create-event/viewevent/2044-an-introduction-to-board-assurance-frameworks-bafs', showAmpm: +'1', datelabel: '23/09 10:00 AM', datetime: new Date( 2021, 8, 23, 10, 00, 00 ) }, { title: 'Designated Safeguarding Lead Training (Zoom Conferencing)', description: 'For Designated Safeguarding Lead (and deputies) working in Training Providers, FE, Apprenticeship and Skills settings', url: '/create-event/viewevent/2022-designated-safeguarding-lead-training-zoom-conferencing', showAmpm: +'1', datelabel: '23/09 10:00 AM', datetime: new Date( 2021, 8, 23, 10, 00, 00 ) }, { title: 'Level 3 Award in Education & Training (Zoom Conferencing)', description: 'Inspector led programme designed for new/ existing trainers who wish to develop their teaching and training skills.', url: '/create-event/viewevent/1960-level-3-award-in-education-training-zoom-conferencing', showAmpm: +'1', datelabel: '23/09 10:00 AM', datetime: new Date( 2021, 8, 23, 10, 00, 00 ) }, { title: 'Learning and Skills Teacher (Level 5 Apprenticeship) (Zoom Conferencing)', description: 'Developing staff will impact positively on the Quality of Education - join us fr this \'Gold Standard\' CPD opportunity.', url: '/create-event/viewevent/1736-learning-and-skills-teacher-level-5-apprenticeship-zoom-conferencing', showAmpm: +'1', datelabel: '23/09 10:00 AM', datetime: new Date( 2021, 8, 23, 10, 00, 00 ) }, { title: 'Observing apprenticeship provision masterclass (Online)', description: 'Can you meet Ofsted\'s expectations? Join our masterclass to learn from former Ofsted inspector James Houston.', url: '/create-event/viewevent/1986-observing-apprenticeship-provision-masterclass-online', showAmpm: +'1', datelabel: '23/09 10:30 AM', datetime: new Date( 2021, 8, 23, 10, 30, 00 ) }, { title: 'Preparing for an Ofsted Inspection (Zoom Conferencing)', description: 'An important Seminar designed to ensure that delegates are clear about Ofsted’s expectations of providers under the EIF.', url: '/create-event/viewevent/1980-preparing-for-an-ofsted-inspection-zoom-conferencing', showAmpm: +'1', datelabel: '24/09 10:00 AM', datetime: new Date( 2021, 8, 24, 10, 00, 00 ) }, { title: 'Audit & Compliance for Apprenticeships & AEB', description: 'Address all of your compliance and assurance needs!', url: '/create-event/viewevent/2031-audit-compliance-for-apprenticeships-aeb', showAmpm: +'1', datelabel: '28/09 9:30 AM', datetime: new Date( 2021, 8, 28, 09, 30, 00 ) }, { title: 'EDI Networking Group\'s', description: 'Want to join a free networking group discussing equality, diversity and inclusion? ', url: '/create-event/viewevent/2036-edi-networking-group-s', showAmpm: +'1', datelabel: '28/09 3:00 PM', datetime: new Date( 2021, 8, 28, 15, 00, 00 ) }, { title: 'How can we improve equality, diversity and inclusion in apprenticeships?', description: 'Let’s explore what more we can do from the positions we’re in!', url: '/create-event/viewevent/2041-how-can-we-improve-equality-diversity-and-inclusion-in-apprenticeships', showAmpm: +'1', datelabel: '29/09 10:00 AM', datetime: new Date( 2021, 8, 29, 10, 00, 00 ) }, { title: 'Ofsted Inspection Nominee Training (Zoom Conferencing)', description: 'A Workshop to prepare you for the role of Nominee', url: '/create-event/viewevent/1984-ofsted-inspection-nominee-training-zoom-conferencing', showAmpm: +'1', datelabel: '29/09 10:00 AM', datetime: new Date( 2021, 8, 29, 10, 00, 00 ) }, { title: 'The future of the children’s social care system in England', description: 'This conference will examine next steps for the care system in England, as well as priorities for its regulation.', url: '/create-event/viewevent/2018-the-future-of-the-children-s-social-care-system-in-england', showAmpm: +'1', datelabel: '30/09 9:00 AM', datetime: new Date( 2021, 8, 30, 09, 00, 00 ) }, { title: 'The National Apprenticeship & School Leavers Event and Conference', description: 'EMPLOYERS & TRAINING PROVIDERS, EXHIBIT AT THE SHOW showcase your apprenticeship, traineeship, retraining and t levels', url: '/create-event/viewevent/2005-the-national-apprenticeship-school-leavers-event-and-conference', showAmpm: +'1', datelabel: '30/09 9:30 AM', datetime: new Date( 2021, 8, 30, 09, 30, 00 ) }, { title: 'Health and Safety Guidance and Best Practice for the FE sector ', description: 'Ensuring providers remain effective and compliant.', url: '/create-event/viewevent/2045-health-and-safety-guidance-and-best-practice-for-the-fe-sector', showAmpm: +'1', datelabel: '30/09 10:00 AM', datetime: new Date( 2021, 8, 30, 10, 00, 00 ) }, { title: 'Designated Safeguarding Lead Training (Zoom Conferencing)', description: 'For Designated Safeguarding Lead (and deputies) working in Training Providers, FE, Apprenticeship and Skills settings', url: '/create-event/viewevent/1985-designated-safeguarding-lead-training-zoom-conferencing', showAmpm: +'1', datelabel: '30/09 10:00 AM', datetime: new Date( 2021, 8, 30, 10, 00, 00 ) }, { title: 'The National Apprenticeship & School Leavers Event and Conference', description: 'The Midlands largest Apprenticeship & Careers Event, be inspired by TOP UK businesses showcasing their opportunities', url: '/create-event/viewevent/2006-the-national-apprenticeship-school-leavers-event-and-conference', showAmpm: +'1', datelabel: '01/10 9:30 AM', datetime: new Date( 2021, 9, 01, 09, 30, 00 ) }, { title: 'Understanding Local Skills Improvement plans', description: 'What does the future hold for local skills decision-making?', url: '/create-event/viewevent/2047-understanding-local-skills-improvement-plans', showAmpm: +'1', datelabel: '01/10 10:00 AM', datetime: new Date( 2021, 9, 01, 10, 00, 00 ) }, { title: 'Berkshire College of Agriculture October Open Day', description: 'Book your place on our Open Day taking place on Saturday 2nd October 2021', url: '/create-event/viewevent/1886-berkshire-college-of-agriculture-october-open-day', showAmpm: +'1', datelabel: '02/10 10:00 AM', datetime: new Date( 2021, 9, 02, 10, 00, 00 ) }, { title: 'Designated Safeguarding Lead Training (Zoom Conferencing)', description: 'For Designated Safeguarding Lead (and deputies) working in Training Providers, FE, Apprenticeship and Skills settings', url: '/create-event/viewevent/2023-designated-safeguarding-lead-training-zoom-conferencing', showAmpm: +'1', datelabel: '04/10 10:00 AM', datetime: new Date( 2021, 9, 04, 10, 00, 00 ) }, { title: 'Getting Tender Ready', description: 'Be sure you can win and implement new business.', url: '/create-event/viewevent/2048-getting-tender-ready', showAmpm: +'1', datelabel: '05/10 10:00 AM', datetime: new Date( 2021, 9, 05, 10, 00, 00 ) }, { title: 'SDN Masterclass in apprenticeship curriculum design (5 Oct 2021)', description: '', url: '/create-event/viewevent/1999-sdn-masterclass-in-apprenticeship-curriculum-design-5-oct-2021', showAmpm: +'1', datelabel: '05/10 1:00 PM', datetime: new Date( 2021, 9, 05, 13, 00, 00 ) }, { title: 'Recognising and supporting learners who are at risk of, or affected by sexual violence, harassment and peer on peer abuse', description: 'Exploring sexual violence, harassment, peer on peer abuse of learners and vulnerable adults.', url: '/create-event/viewevent/2050-recognising-and-supporting-learners-who-are-at-risk-of-or-affected-by-sexual-violence-harassment-and-peer-on-peer-abuse', showAmpm: +'1', datelabel: '06/10 10:00 AM', datetime: new Date( 2021, 9, 06, 10, 00, 00 ) }, { title: 'Building successful 16-19 Study Programmes – Funding, contracts and programme development', description: 'Overview of Study Programmes, how to source and maximise funding, build provision and be ready to deliver', url: '/create-event/viewevent/2051-building-successful-16-19-study-programmes-funding-contracts-and-programme-development', showAmpm: +'1', datelabel: '07/10 10:00 AM', datetime: new Date( 2021, 9, 07, 10, 00, 00 ) }, { title: 'Register Of Apprenticeship Training Providers – Refresh 2021', description: 'Secure a place on the updated register', url: '/create-event/viewevent/2038-register-of-apprenticeship-training-providers-refresh-2021', showAmpm: +'1', datelabel: '07/10 10:00 AM', datetime: new Date( 2021, 9, 07, 10, 00, 00 ) }, { title: 'LGBTQ+ Awareness for FE Providers', description: '', url: '/create-event/viewevent/2049-lgbtq-awareness-for-fe-providers', showAmpm: +'1', datelabel: '08/10 10:00 AM', datetime: new Date( 2021, 9, 08, 10, 00, 00 ) }, { title: 'Leading Change and Working in a Virtual Environment', description: 'Build your change management toolkit by practicing core techniques in the virtual space.', url: '/create-event/viewevent/2003-leading-change-and-working-in-a-virtual-environment', showAmpm: +'1', datelabel: '12/10 9:30 AM', datetime: new Date( 2021, 9, 12, 09, 30, 00 ) }, { title: 'Safeguarding Good Practice Masterclass ', description: 'How effective and confident is your safeguarding team?', url: '/create-event/viewevent/1992-safeguarding-good-practice-masterclass', showAmpm: +'1', datelabel: '12/10 10:00 AM', datetime: new Date( 2021, 9, 12, 10, 00, 00 ) }, { title: 'Effective Governance in Post-16 Training (Zoom Conferencing)', description: 'An important seminar led by a Governance professional with 30 years experience who sits as a NED on the Board of 6 ITP\'s', url: '/create-event/viewevent/1973-effective-governance-in-post-16-training-zoom-conferencing', showAmpm: +'1', datelabel: '12/10 10:00 AM', datetime: new Date( 2021, 9, 12, 10, 00, 00 ) }, { title: 'Register Of Apprenticeship Training Providers – Refresh 2021', description: 'Secure a place on the updated register', url: '/create-event/viewevent/2039-register-of-apprenticeship-training-providers-refresh-2021', showAmpm: +'1', datelabel: '12/10 10:00 AM', datetime: new Date( 2021, 9, 12, 10, 00, 00 ) }, { title: 'Next steps for early years education and the EYFS', description: '***Full-scale policy conference taking place online*** ', url: '/create-event/viewevent/2020-next-steps-for-early-years-education-and-the-eyfs', showAmpm: +'1', datelabel: '13/10 9:00 AM', datetime: new Date( 2021, 9, 13, 09, 00, 00 ) }, { title: 'Tackling abuse and sexual misconduct in the education system', description: '***Full-scale policy conference taking place online*** ', url: '/create-event/viewevent/2021-tackling-abuse-and-sexual-misconduct-in-the-education-system', showAmpm: +'1', datelabel: '14/10 9:00 AM', datetime: new Date( 2021, 9, 14, 09, 00, 00 ) }, { title: 'Register of Apprenticeship Training Providers – Refresh 2021', description: 'Secure a place on the updated register.', url: '/create-event/viewevent/2052-register-of-apprenticeship-training-providers-refresh-2021', showAmpm: +'1', datelabel: '14/10 10:00 AM', datetime: new Date( 2021, 9, 14, 10, 00, 00 ) }, { title: 'Preparing for an Apprenticeship Audit (Zoom Conferencing)', description: 'An ideal event for Providers who wish to make sure that they are compliant with ESFA Audit expectations.', url: '/create-event/viewevent/1978-preparing-for-an-apprenticeship-audit-zoom-conferencing', showAmpm: +'1', datelabel: '14/10 10:00 AM', datetime: new Date( 2021, 9, 14, 10, 00, 00 ) }, { title: 'Nominee Bootcamp', description: 'Ofsted inspection preparation residential bootcamp', url: '/create-event/viewevent/2035-nominee-bootcamp', showAmpm: +'1', datelabel: '14/10 10:00 AM', datetime: new Date( 2021, 9, 14, 10, 00, 00 ) }, { title: 'In-depth webinar series: The fundamentals of Apprenticeship Compliance and what this means for your role (Starting 14 October)', description: 'Everyone involved in apprenticeship delivery should understand the fundamentals of apprenticeship compliance.', url: '/create-event/viewevent/2019-in-depth-webinar-series-the-fundamentals-of-apprenticeship-compliance-and-what-this-means-for-your-role-starting-14-october', showAmpm: +'1', datelabel: '14/10 10:30 AM', datetime: new Date( 2021, 9, 14, 10, 30, 00 ) }, { title: 'Train The Trainer - Functional Skills English', description: 'Become a Functional Skills English subject expert – Level 1 And Level 2', url: '/create-event/viewevent/2004-train-the-trainer-functional-skills-english', showAmpm: +'1', datelabel: '15/10 9:30 AM', datetime: new Date( 2021, 9, 15, 09, 30, 00 ) }, { title: 'Effective Self Assessment & Improvement Planning (Zoom Conferencing)', description: 'The SAR remains a critical document for Ofsted who analyse the content as part of inspection preparation.', url: '/create-event/viewevent/1975-effective-self-assessment-improvement-planning-zoom-conferencing', showAmpm: +'1', datelabel: '18/10 10:00 AM', datetime: new Date( 2021, 9, 18, 10, 00, 00 ) }, { title: 'Greening the curriculum - qualifications, curriculum design and implementation, supporting teachers, and progression routes into further study and employment', description: '', url: '/create-event/viewevent/1964-greening-the-curriculum-qualifications-curriculum-design-and-implementation-supporting-teachers-and-progression-routes-into-further-study-and-employment', showAmpm: +'1', datelabel: '19/10 9:00 AM', datetime: new Date( 2021, 9, 19, 09, 00, 00 ) }, { title: 'An introduction to Risk Management ', description: 'WHAT IT IS AND HOW TO MANAGE IT EFFECTIVELY', url: '/create-event/viewevent/2014-an-introduction-to-risk-management', showAmpm: +'1', datelabel: '19/10 10:00 AM', datetime: new Date( 2021, 9, 19, 10, 00, 00 ) }, { title: 'Key priorities for apprenticeship funding in England', description: 'This conference will consider key priorities for apprenticeship funding in England.', url: '/create-event/viewevent/1953-key-priorities-for-apprenticeship-funding-in-england', showAmpm: +'1', datelabel: '21/10 9:00 AM', datetime: new Date( 2021, 9, 21, 09, 00, 00 ) }, { title: 'Effective use of PDSAT and Monitoring Reports (Zoom Conferencing)', description: 'An ideal event for Providers who wish to make sure that they are compliant with ESFA Audit expectations.', url: '/create-event/viewevent/1981-effective-use-of-pdsat-and-monitoring-reports-zoom-conferencing', showAmpm: +'1', datelabel: '22/10 10:00 AM', datetime: new Date( 2021, 9, 22, 10, 00, 00 ) }, { title: 'Designated Safeguarding Lead Training (Zoom Conferencing)', description: 'For Designated Safeguarding Lead (and deputies) working in Training Providers, FE, Apprenticeship and Skills settings', url: '/create-event/viewevent/2024-designated-safeguarding-lead-training-zoom-conferencing', showAmpm: +'1', datelabel: '22/10 10:00 AM', datetime: new Date( 2021, 9, 22, 10, 00, 00 ) }, { title: 'Preparing for an Apprenticeship Audit (Zoom Conferencing)', description: 'An ideal event for Providers who wish to make sure that they are compliant with ESFA Audit expectations.', url: '/create-event/viewevent/1979-preparing-for-an-apprenticeship-audit-zoom-conferencing', showAmpm: +'1', datelabel: '28/10 10:00 AM', datetime: new Date( 2021, 9, 28, 10, 00, 00 ) }, { title: 'Next steps for the school system in England - assessing plans for an MAT-based structure, progress on faith school trusts, and improving collaboration', description: '', url: '/create-event/viewevent/1966-next-steps-for-the-school-system-in-england-assessing-plans-for-an-mat-based-structure-progress-on-faith-school-trusts-and-improving-collaboration', showAmpm: +'1', datelabel: '01/11 9:00 AM', datetime: new Date( 2021, 10, 01, 09, 00, 00 ) }, { title: 'AELP Autumn Conference', description: 'Book your place now!', url: '/create-event/viewevent/2009-aelp-autumn-conference', showAmpm: +'1', datelabel: '02/11 9:00 AM', datetime: new Date( 2021, 10, 02, 09, 00, 00 ) }, { title: 'Berkshire College of Agriculture November Open Day', description: 'Book your place on our Open Day taking place on Saturday 20th November 2021', url: '/create-event/viewevent/1885-berkshire-college-of-agriculture-november-open-day', showAmpm: +'1', datelabel: '20/11 10:00 AM', datetime: new Date( 2021, 10, 20, 10, 00, 00 ) }, { title: 'Berkshire College of Agriculture March Open Day Open Day', description: 'Book your place on our Open Day taking place on Saturday 5th March 2022.', url: '/create-event/viewevent/1884-berkshire-college-of-agriculture-march-open-day-open-day', showAmpm: +'1', datelabel: '05/03 10:00 AM', datetime: new Date( 2022, 2, 05, 10, 00, 00 ) }, { title: 'Berkshire College of Agriculture May Open Evening', description: 'Book your place on our Virtual Open Evening taking place on Wednesday 4th May 2022', url: '/create-event/viewevent/1883-berkshire-college-of-agriculture-may-open-evening', showAmpm: +'1', datelabel: '04/05 5:00 PM', datetime: new Date( 2022, 4, 04, 17, 00, 00 ) }, ] }); } </script> </div></div></div><div class="t3-module module-sidebar design2 title-solid title-purple " id="Mod239"><div class="module-inner"><h3 class="module-title "><span>Advertiser Skyscrapers</span></h3><div class="module-ct"><div class="bannergroup-sidebar design2 title-solid title-purple"> <h3 class="module-title"><span><a href="/web/20210918174033/">Advertisers</a></span></h3> </div> </div></div></div><div class="t3-module module-sidebar design2 title-solid title-purple skyscrapers " id="Mod477"><div class="module-inner"><h3 class="module-title "><span>Newsroom Activity</span></h3><div class="module-ct"><svg version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="498" height="144" viewbox="0 0 498 144" class="joms-hide"> <defs> <g id="joms-icon-home"> <path class="path1" d="M16 9.226l-8-6.21-8 6.21v-2.532l8-6.21 8 6.21zM14 9v6h-4v-4h-4v4h-4v-6l6-4.5z"></path> </g> <g id="joms-icon-newspaper"> <path class="path1" d="M14 4v-2h-14v11c0 0.552 0.448 1 1 1h13.5c0.828 0 1.5-0.672 1.5-1.5v-8.5h-2zM13 13h-12v-10h12v10zM2 5h10v1h-10zM8 7h4v1h-4zM8 9h4v1h-4zM8 11h3v1h-3zM2 7h5v5h-5z"></path> </g> <g id="joms-icon-pencil"> <path class="path1" d="M13.5 0c1.381 0 2.5 1.119 2.5 2.5 0 0.563-0.186 1.082-0.5 1.5l-1 1-3.5-3.5 1-1c0.418-0.314 0.937-0.5 1.5-0.5zM1 11.5l-1 4.5 4.5-1 9.25-9.25-3.5-3.5-9.25 9.25zM11.181 5.681l-7 7-0.862-0.862 7-7 0.862 0.862z"></path> </g> <g id="joms-icon-image"> <path class="path1" d="M0 2v13h16v-13h-16zM15 14h-14v-11h14v11zM11 5.5c0-0.828 0.672-1.5 1.5-1.5s1.5 0.672 1.5 1.5c0 0.828-0.672 1.5-1.5 1.5-0.828 0-1.5-0.672-1.5-1.5zM14 13h-12l3-8 4 5 2-1.5z"></path> </g> <g id="joms-icon-images"> <path class="path1" d="M2 4v10h14v-10h-14zM15 12.333l-2-3.333-2.267 1.889-1.733-2.889-6 5v-8h12v7.333zM4 7.5c0-0.828 0.672-1.5 1.5-1.5s1.5 0.672 1.5 1.5c0 0.828-0.672 1.5-1.5 1.5-0.828 0-1.5-0.672-1.5-1.5zM14 2h-14v10h1v-9h13z"></path> </g> <g id="joms-icon-camera"> <path class="path1" d="M4.75 9.5c0 1.795 1.455 3.25 3.25 3.25s3.25-1.455 3.25-3.25-1.455-3.25-3.25-3.25-3.25 1.455-3.25 3.25zM15 4h-3.5c-0.25-1-0.5-2-1.5-2h-4c-1 0-1.25 1-1.5 2h-3.5c-0.55 0-1 0.45-1 1v9c0 0.55 0.45 1 1 1h14c0.55 0 1-0.45 1-1v-9c0-0.55-0.45-1-1-1zM8 13.938c-2.451 0-4.438-1.987-4.438-4.438 0-2.451 1.987-4.438 4.438-4.438 2.451 0 4.438 1.987 4.438 4.438 0 2.451-1.987 4.438-4.438 4.438zM15 7h-2v-1h2v1z"></path> </g> <g id="joms-icon-play"> <path class="path1" d="M15.331 2.502c-2.244-0.323-4.724-0.502-7.331-0.502-2.607 0-5.087 0.179-7.331 0.502-0.43 1.683-0.669 3.543-0.669 5.498 0 1.955 0.239 3.815 0.669 5.498 2.244 0.323 4.724 0.502 7.331 0.502 2.607 0 5.087-0.179 7.331-0.502 0.43-1.683 0.669-3.543 0.669-5.498 0-1.955-0.239-3.815-0.669-5.498zM6 11v-6l5 3-5 3z"></path> </g> <g id="joms-icon-film"> <path class="path1" d="M0 2v12h16v-12h-16zM3 13h-2v-2h2v2zM3 9h-2v-2h2v2zM3 5h-2v-2h2v2zM12 13h-8v-10h8v10zM15 13h-2v-2h2v2zM15 9h-2v-2h2v2zM15 5h-2v-2h2v2zM6 5v6l4-3z"></path> </g> <g id="joms-icon-camera2"> <path class="path1" d="M6 4.5c0-1.381 1.119-2.5 2.5-2.5s2.5 1.119 2.5 2.5c0 1.381-1.119 2.5-2.5 2.5-1.381 0-2.5-1.119-2.5-2.5zM0 4.5c0-1.381 1.119-2.5 2.5-2.5s2.5 1.119 2.5 2.5c0 1.381-1.119 2.5-2.5 2.5-1.381 0-2.5-1.119-2.5-2.5zM12 9.5v-1.5c0-0.55-0.45-1-1-1h-10c-0.55 0-1 0.45-1 1v5c0 0.55 0.45 1 1 1h10c0.55 0 1-0.45 1-1v-1.5l4 2.5v-7l-4 2.5zM10 12h-8v-3h8v3z"></path> </g> <g id="joms-icon-bullhorn"> <path class="path1" d="M16 6.707c0-3.139-0.919-5.687-2.054-5.707 0.005-0 0.009-0 0.014-0h-1.296c0 0-3.044 2.287-7.425 3.184-0.134 0.708-0.219 1.551-0.219 2.523 0 0.972 0.085 1.816 0.219 2.523 4.382 0.897 7.425 3.184 7.425 3.184h1.296c-0.005 0-0.009-0-0.014-0.001 1.136-0.020 2.054-2.567 2.054-5.707zM13.513 11.551c-0.147 0-0.305-0.152-0.387-0.243-0.197-0.22-0.387-0.562-0.55-0.989-0.363-0.957-0.564-2.239-0.564-3.611 0-1.372 0.2-2.655 0.564-3.611 0.162-0.428 0.353-0.77 0.55-0.99 0.081-0.091 0.24-0.243 0.387-0.243 0.147 0 0.305 0.152 0.387 0.243 0.197 0.22 0.387 0.562 0.55 0.99 0.363 0.957 0.564 2.239 0.564 3.611 0 1.372-0.2 2.655-0.564 3.611-0.162 0.428-0.353 0.77-0.55 0.989-0.081 0.091-0.24 0.243-0.387 0.243zM3.935 6.707c0-0.812 0.060-1.6 0.173-2.33-0.74 0.102-1.39 0.161-2.193 0.161-1.048 0-1.048 0-1.048 0l-0.867 1.479v1.378l0.867 1.479c0 0 0 0 1.048 0 0.803 0 1.453 0.059 2.193 0.161-0.113-0.729-0.173-1.518-0.173-2.33zM5.752 10.034l-2-0.383 1.279 5.024c0.066 0.26 0.324 0.391 0.573 0.291l1.852-0.741c0.249-0.1 0.349-0.374 0.222-0.611l-1.926-3.581zM13.513 8.574c-0.057 0-0.118-0.059-0.149-0.094-0.076-0.085-0.149-0.217-0.212-0.381-0.14-0.369-0.217-0.863-0.217-1.392 0-0.529 0.077-1.023 0.217-1.392 0.063-0.165 0.136-0.297 0.212-0.381 0.031-0.035 0.092-0.094 0.149-0.094 0.056 0 0.118 0.059 0.149 0.094 0.076 0.085 0.149 0.217 0.212 0.381 0.14 0.369 0.217 0.863 0.217 1.392 0 0.529-0.077 1.023-0.217 1.392-0.063 0.165-0.136 0.297-0.212 0.381-0.031 0.035-0.092 0.094-0.149 0.094z"></path> </g> <g id="joms-icon-library"> <path class="path1" d="M8 0l-8 5h16l-8-5zM12.5 6l0.5 1v6h2v-6l0.5-1h-3zM8.5 6l0.5 1v6h2v-6l0.5-1h-3zM4.5 6l0.5 1v6h2v-6l0.5-1h-3zM0.5 6l0.5 1v6h2v-6l0.5-1h-3zM0.5 14l-0.5 2h16l-0.5-2h-15zM9 3c0 0.552-0.448 1-1 1s-1-0.448-1-1 0.448-1 1-1c0.552 0 1 0.448 1 1z"></path> </g> <g id="joms-icon-profile"> <path class="path1" d="M13.5 0h-12c-0.825 0-1.5 0.675-1.5 1.5v13c0 0.825 0.675 1.5 1.5 1.5h12c0.825 0 1.5-0.675 1.5-1.5v-13c0-0.825-0.675-1.5-1.5-1.5zM13 14h-11v-12h11v12zM4 9h7v1h-7zM4 11h7v1h-7zM5 4.5c0-0.828 0.672-1.5 1.5-1.5s1.5 0.672 1.5 1.5c0 0.828-0.672 1.5-1.5 1.5-0.828 0-1.5-0.672-1.5-1.5zM7.5 6h-2c-0.825 0-1.5 0.45-1.5 1v1h5v-1c0-0.55-0.675-1-1.5-1z"></path> </g> <g id="joms-icon-support"> <path class="path1" d="M8 0c-4.418 0-8 3.582-8 8s3.582 8 8 8 8-3.582 8-8-3.582-8-8-8zM5 8c0-1.657 1.343-3 3-3s3 1.343 3 3-1.343 3-3 3-3-1.343-3-3zM14.468 10.679v0l-2.772-1.148c0.196-0.472 0.304-0.989 0.304-1.531s-0.108-1.059-0.304-1.531l2.772-1.148c0.342 0.825 0.532 1.73 0.532 2.679s-0.189 1.854-0.532 2.679v0zM10.679 1.532v0 0l-1.148 2.772c-0.472-0.196-0.989-0.304-1.531-0.304s-1.059 0.108-1.531 0.304l-1.148-2.772c0.825-0.342 1.73-0.532 2.679-0.532 0.949 0 1.854 0.189 2.679 0.532zM1.532 5.321l2.772 1.148c-0.196 0.472-0.304 0.989-0.304 1.531s0.108 1.059 0.304 1.531l-2.772 1.148c-0.342-0.825-0.532-1.73-0.532-2.679s0.189-1.854 0.532-2.679zM5.321 14.468l1.148-2.772c0.472 0.196 0.989 0.304 1.531 0.304s1.059-0.108 1.531-0.304l1.148 2.772c-0.825 0.342-1.73 0.532-2.679 0.532-0.949 0-1.854-0.189-2.679-0.532z"></path> </g> <g id="joms-icon-envelope"> <path class="path1" d="M14.5 2h-13c-0.825 0-1.5 0.675-1.5 1.5v10c0 0.825 0.675 1.5 1.5 1.5h13c0.825 0 1.5-0.675 1.5-1.5v-10c0-0.825-0.675-1.5-1.5-1.5zM6.23 8.6l-4.23 3.295v-7.838l4.23 4.543zM2.756 4h10.488l-5.244 3.938-5.244-3.938zM6.395 8.777l1.605 1.723 1.605-1.723 3.29 4.223h-9.79l3.29-4.223zM9.77 8.6l4.23-4.543v7.838l-4.23-3.295z"></path> </g> <g id="joms-icon-location"> <path class="path1" d="M8 0c-2.761 0-5 2.239-5 5 0 5 5 11 5 11s5-6 5-11c0-2.761-2.239-5-5-5zM8 8c-1.657 0-3-1.343-3-3s1.343-3 3-3 3 1.343 3 3-1.343 3-3 3z"></path> </g> <g id="joms-icon-clock"> <path class="path1" d="M10.293 11.707l-3.293-3.293v-4.414h2v3.586l2.707 2.707zM8 0c-4.418 0-8 3.582-8 8s3.582 8 8 8 8-3.582 8-8-3.582-8-8-8zM8 14c-3.314 0-6-2.686-6-6s2.686-6 6-6c3.314 0 6 2.686 6 6 0 3.314-2.686 6-6 6z"></path> </g> <g id="joms-icon-bell"> <path class="path1" d="M16.023 12.5c0-4.5-4-3.5-4-7 0-0.29-0.028-0.538-0.079-0.749-0.263-1.766-1.44-3.183-2.965-3.615 0.014-0.062 0.021-0.125 0.021-0.191 0-0.52-0.45-0.945-1-0.945-0.55 0-1 0.425-1 0.945 0 0.065 0.007 0.129 0.021 0.191-1.71 0.484-2.983 2.208-3.020 4.273-0.001 0.030-0.001 0.060-0.001 0.091 0 3.5-4 2.5-4 7 0 1.191 2.665 2.187 6.234 2.439 0.336 0.631 1.001 1.061 1.766 1.061s1.43-0.43 1.766-1.061c3.568-0.251 6.234-1.248 6.234-2.439 0-0.004-0-0.007-0-0.011l0.024 0.011zM12.91 13.345c-0.847 0.226-1.846 0.389-2.918 0.479-0.089-1.022-0.947-1.824-1.992-1.824s-1.903 0.802-1.992 1.824c-1.072-0.090-2.071-0.253-2.918-0.479-1.166-0.311-1.724-0.659-1.928-0.845 0.204-0.186 0.762-0.534 1.928-0.845 1.356-0.362 3.1-0.561 4.91-0.561s3.554 0.199 4.91 0.561c1.166 0.311 1.724 0.659 1.928 0.845-0.204 0.186-0.762 0.534-1.928 0.845z"></path> </g> <g id="joms-icon-calendar"> <path class="path1" d="M5 6h2v2h-2zM8 6h2v2h-2zM11 6h2v2h-2zM2 12h2v2h-2zM5 12h2v2h-2zM8 12h2v2h-2zM5 9h2v2h-2zM8 9h2v2h-2zM11 9h2v2h-2zM2 9h2v2h-2zM13 0v1h-2v-1h-7v1h-2v-1h-2v16h15v-16h-2zM14 15h-13v-11h13v11z"></path> </g> <g id="joms-icon-box-add"> <path class="path1" d="M13 1h-10l-3 3v10.5c0 0.276 0.224 0.5 0.5 0.5h15c0.276 0 0.5-0.224 0.5-0.5v-10.5l-3-3zM8 13l-5-4h3v-3h4v3h3l-5 4zM2.414 3l1-1h9.172l1 1h-11.172z"></path> </g> <g id="joms-icon-box-remove"> <path class="path1" d="M13 1h-10l-3 3v10.5c0 0.276 0.224 0.5 0.5 0.5h15c0.276 0 0.5-0.224 0.5-0.5v-10.5l-3-3zM10 10v3h-4v-3h-3l5-4 5 4h-3zM2.414 3l1-1h9.171l1 1h-11.171z"></path> </g> <g id="joms-icon-bubble"> <path class="path1" d="M8 1c4.418 0 8 2.91 8 6.5 0 3.59-3.582 6.5-8 6.5-0.424 0-0.841-0.027-1.247-0.079-1.718 1.718-3.77 2.027-5.753 2.072v-0.421c1.071-0.525 2-1.48 2-2.572 0-0.152-0.012-0.302-0.034-0.448-1.809-1.192-2.966-3.012-2.966-5.052 0-3.59 3.582-6.5 8-6.5z"></path> </g> <g id="joms-icon-bubbles"> <path class="path1" d="M17 14.081c0 0.711 0.407 1.327 1 1.628v0.249c-0.166 0.023-0.335 0.035-0.508 0.035-1.063 0-2.021-0.446-2.699-1.16-0.41 0.109-0.844 0.168-1.293 0.168-2.485 0-4.5-1.791-4.5-4 0-2.209 2.015-4 4.5-4 2.485 0 4.5 1.791 4.5 4 0 0.865-0.309 1.665-0.834 2.32-0.107 0.232-0.166 0.489-0.166 0.761zM8 0c4.351 0 7.89 2.822 7.997 6.336-0.768-0.343-1.619-0.524-2.497-0.524-1.493 0-2.903 0.523-3.971 1.472-1.107 0.984-1.717 2.304-1.717 3.716 0 0.698 0.149 1.373 0.433 1.997-0.082 0.002-0.164 0.003-0.246 0.003-0.424 0-0.841-0.027-1.247-0.079-1.718 1.718-3.77 2.027-5.753 2.072v-0.421c1.071-0.525 2-1.48 2-2.572 0-0.152-0.012-0.302-0.034-0.448-1.809-1.192-2.966-3.012-2.966-5.052 0-3.59 3.582-6.5 8-6.5z"></path> </g> <g id="joms-icon-user"> <path class="path1" d="M9.732 10.98c-0.345-0.055-0.353-1.005-0.353-1.005s1.015-1.005 1.236-2.356c0.595 0 0.963-1.437 0.368-1.942 0.025-0.532 0.765-4.177-2.982-4.177-3.747 0-3.007 3.645-2.982 4.177-0.595 0.505-0.228 1.942 0.368 1.942 0.221 1.351 1.236 2.356 1.236 2.356s-0.008 0.95-0.353 1.005c-1.113 0.177-5.268 2.010-5.268 4.020h14c0-2.010-4.155-3.843-5.268-4.020z"></path> </g> <g id="joms-icon-users"> <path class="path1" d="M11.484 12.584c-0.296-0.047-0.303-0.854-0.303-0.854s0.87-0.854 1.060-2.002c0.51 0 0.825-1.221 0.315-1.65 0.021-0.452 0.656-3.55-2.556-3.55-3.212 0-2.577 3.097-2.556 3.55-0.51 0.43-0.195 1.65 0.315 1.65 0.19 1.148 1.060 2.002 1.060 2.002s-0.007 0.807-0.303 0.854c-0.954 0.15-4.516 1.708-4.516 3.416h12c0-1.708-3.562-3.266-4.516-3.416zM5.376 12.856c0.689-0.424 1.525-0.817 2.212-1.053-0.246-0.351-0.52-0.827-0.693-1.392-0.241-0.196-0.437-0.477-0.562-0.822-0.126-0.345-0.174-0.732-0.135-1.089 0.028-0.256 0.101-0.495 0.213-0.705-0.068-0.728-0.116-2.157 0.819-3.199 0.363-0.404 0.821-0.695 1.37-0.87-0.098-1.012-0.612-2.2-2.601-2.2-3.212 0-2.577 3.097-2.556 3.55-0.51 0.43-0.195 1.65 0.315 1.65 0.19 1.148 1.060 2.002 1.060 2.002s-0.007 0.807-0.303 0.854c-0.954 0.151-4.516 1.708-4.516 3.416h5.15c0.074-0.048 0.149-0.096 0.226-0.144z"></path> </g> <g id="joms-icon-spinner"> <path class="path1" d="M16 8c-0.020-1.045-0.247-2.086-0.665-3.038-0.417-0.953-1.023-1.817-1.766-2.53-0.743-0.714-1.624-1.278-2.578-1.651-0.953-0.374-1.978-0.552-2.991-0.531-1.013 0.020-2.021 0.24-2.943 0.646-0.923 0.405-1.758 0.992-2.449 1.712-0.691 0.72-1.237 1.574-1.597 2.497-0.361 0.923-0.533 1.914-0.512 2.895 0.020 0.981 0.234 1.955 0.627 2.847 0.392 0.892 0.961 1.7 1.658 2.368 0.697 0.668 1.523 1.195 2.416 1.543 0.892 0.348 1.851 0.514 2.799 0.493 0.949-0.020 1.89-0.227 2.751-0.608 0.862-0.379 1.642-0.929 2.287-1.604 0.645-0.674 1.154-1.472 1.488-2.335 0.204-0.523 0.342-1.069 0.415-1.622 0.019 0.001 0.039 0.002 0.059 0.002 0.552 0 1-0.448 1-1 0-0.028-0.001-0.056-0.004-0.083h0.004zM14.411 10.655c-0.367 0.831-0.898 1.584-1.55 2.206-0.651 0.622-1.422 1.112-2.254 1.434-0.832 0.323-1.723 0.476-2.608 0.454-0.884-0.020-1.759-0.215-2.56-0.57-0.801-0.354-1.526-0.867-2.125-1.495-0.599-0.628-1.071-1.371-1.38-2.173-0.31-0.801-0.457-1.66-0.435-2.512 0.020-0.852 0.208-1.694 0.551-2.464 0.342-0.77 0.836-1.468 1.441-2.044 0.605-0.576 1.321-1.029 2.092-1.326 0.771-0.298 1.596-0.438 2.416-0.416 0.82 0.020 1.629 0.202 2.368 0.532 0.74 0.329 1.41 0.805 1.963 1.387 0.553 0.582 0.988 1.27 1.272 2.011 0.285 0.74 0.418 1.532 0.397 2.32h0.004c-0.002 0.027-0.004 0.055-0.004 0.083 0 0.516 0.39 0.94 0.892 0.994-0.097 0.544-0.258 1.075-0.481 1.578z"></path> </g> <g id="joms-icon-search"> <path class="path1" d="M15.504 13.616l-3.79-3.223c-0.392-0.353-0.811-0.514-1.149-0.499 0.895-1.048 1.435-2.407 1.435-3.893 0-3.314-2.686-6-6-6-3.314 0-6 2.686-6 6 0 3.314 2.686 6 6 6 1.486 0 2.845-0.54 3.893-1.435-0.016 0.338 0.146 0.757 0.499 1.149l3.223 3.79c0.552 0.613 1.453 0.665 2.003 0.115s0.498-1.452-0.115-2.003zM6 10c-2.209 0-4-1.791-4-4s1.791-4 4-4 4 1.791 4 4-1.791 4-4 4z"></path> </g> <g id="joms-icon-key"> <path class="path1" d="M11 0c-2.761 0-5 2.239-5 5 0 0.313 0.029 0.619 0.084 0.916l-6.084 6.084v3c0 0.552 0.448 1 1 1h1v-1h2v-2h2v-2h2l1.298-1.298c0.531 0.192 1.105 0.298 1.702 0.298 2.761 0 5-2.239 5-5s-2.239-5-5-5zM12.498 5.002c-0.828 0-1.5-0.672-1.5-1.5s0.672-1.5 1.5-1.5 1.5 0.672 1.5 1.5-0.672 1.5-1.5 1.5z"></path> </g> <g id="joms-icon-lock"> <path class="path1" d="M13 7h-1v-3c0-2.209-1.791-4-4-4s-4 1.791-4 4v3h-1c-0.55 0-1 0.45-1 1v7c0 0.55 0.45 1 1 1h10c0.55 0 1-0.45 1-1v-7c0-0.55-0.45-1-1-1zM8 13c-0.552 0-1-0.448-1-1s0.448-1 1-1 1 0.448 1 1-0.448 1-1 1zM10 7h-4v-3c0-1.103 0.897-2 2-2s2 0.897 2 2v3z"></path> </g> <g id="joms-icon-wrench"> <path class="path1" d="M15.671 12.779l-7.196-6.168c0.335-0.63 0.525-1.348 0.525-2.111 0-2.485-2.015-4.5-4.5-4.5-0.455 0-0.893 0.068-1.307 0.193l2.6 2.6c0.389 0.389 0.389 1.025 0 1.414l-1.586 1.586c-0.389 0.389-1.025 0.389-1.414 0l-2.6-2.6c-0.125 0.414-0.193 0.852-0.193 1.307 0 2.485 2.015 4.5 4.5 4.5 0.763 0 1.482-0.19 2.111-0.525l6.168 7.196c0.358 0.418 0.969 0.441 1.358 0.052l1.586-1.586c0.389-0.389 0.365-1-0.052-1.358z"></path> </g> <g id="joms-icon-cog"> <path class="path1" d="M14.59 9.535c-0.839-1.454-0.335-3.317 1.127-4.164l-1.572-2.723c-0.449 0.263-0.972 0.414-1.529 0.414-1.68 0-3.042-1.371-3.042-3.062h-3.145c0.004 0.522-0.126 1.051-0.406 1.535-0.839 1.454-2.706 1.948-4.17 1.106l-1.572 2.723c0.453 0.257 0.845 0.634 1.123 1.117 0.838 1.452 0.336 3.311-1.12 4.16l1.572 2.723c0.448-0.261 0.967-0.41 1.522-0.41 1.675 0 3.033 1.362 3.042 3.046h3.145c-0.001-0.517 0.129-1.040 0.406-1.519 0.838-1.452 2.7-1.947 4.163-1.11l1.572-2.723c-0.45-0.257-0.839-0.633-1.116-1.113zM8 11.24c-1.789 0-3.24-1.45-3.24-3.24 0-1.789 1.45-3.24 3.24-3.24 1.789 0 3.24 1.45 3.24 3.24-0 1.789-1.45 3.24-3.24 3.24z"></path> </g> <g id="joms-icon-gift"> <path class="path1" d="M12.055 5c0.283-0.201 0.555-0.425 0.804-0.674 0.522-0.522 0.871-1.164 0.983-1.808 0.123-0.706-0.057-1.362-0.494-1.798-0.348-0.348-0.82-0.533-1.365-0.533-0.775 0-1.593 0.372-2.242 1.021-1.039 1.039-1.644 2.472-1.97 3.496-0.241-1.028-0.722-2.416-1.657-3.351-0.501-0.501-1.142-0.759-1.748-0.759-0.495 0-0.965 0.172-1.317 0.523-0.781 0.781-0.675 2.153 0.236 3.064 0.325 0.325 0.705 0.595 1.105 0.819h-3.391v4h1v7h12v-7h1v-4h-2.945zM10.536 2.003c0.433-0.433 0.974-0.692 1.446-0.692 0.167 0 0.402 0.035 0.57 0.203 0.407 0.407 0.178 1.349-0.489 2.016-0.687 0.687-1.61 1.159-2.413 1.47h-0.792c0.29-0.899 0.813-2.132 1.678-2.997zM3.655 2.514c-0.011-0.143-0.001-0.41 0.191-0.601 0.16-0.16 0.372-0.194 0.521-0.194v0c0.332 0 0.679 0.157 0.952 0.429 0.529 0.529 0.965 1.371 1.26 2.436 0.008 0.029 0.016 0.057 0.023 0.086-0.028-0.008-0.057-0.015-0.086-0.023-1.064-0.295-1.906-0.731-2.436-1.26-0.247-0.247-0.403-0.565-0.426-0.872zM7 15h-4v-6.5h4v6.5zM7 8h-5v-2h5v2zM13 15h-4v-6.5h4v6.5zM14 8h-5v-2h5v2z"></path> </g> <g id="joms-icon-remove"> <path class="path1" d="M3 16h10l1-11h-12zM10 2v-2h-4v2h-5v3l1-1h12l1 1v-3h-5zM9 2h-2v-1h2v1z"></path> </g> <g id="joms-icon-briefcase"> <path class="path1" d="M15 4h-4v-1c0-0.55-0.45-1-1-1h-4c-0.55 0-1 0.45-1 1v1h-4c-0.55 0-1 0.45-1 1v9c0 0.55 0.45 1 1 1h14c0.55 0 1-0.45 1-1v-9c0-0.55-0.45-1-1-1zM6 3.002c0.001-0.001 0.001-0.001 0.002-0.002h3.996c0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.002v0.998h-4v-0.998zM15 8h-2v1.5c0 0.275-0.225 0.5-0.5 0.5h-1c-0.275 0-0.5-0.225-0.5-0.5v-1.5h-6v1.5c0 0.275-0.225 0.5-0.5 0.5h-1c-0.275 0-0.5-0.225-0.5-0.5v-1.5h-2v-1h14v1z"></path> </g> <g id="joms-icon-switch"> <path class="path1" d="M10 2.29v2.124c0.566 0.247 1.086 0.6 1.536 1.050 0.944 0.944 1.464 2.2 1.464 3.536s-0.52 2.591-1.464 3.536c-0.944 0.944-2.2 1.464-3.536 1.464s-2.591-0.52-3.536-1.464c-0.944-0.944-1.464-2.2-1.464-3.536s0.52-2.591 1.464-3.536c0.45-0.45 0.97-0.803 1.536-1.050v-2.124c-2.891 0.861-5 3.539-5 6.71 0 3.866 3.134 7 7 7 3.866 0 7-3.134 7-7 0-3.171-2.109-5.849-5-6.71zM7 0h2v8h-2z"></path> </g> <g id="joms-icon-signup"> <path class="path1" d="M7 12.414l-3.207-3.707 0.914-0.914 2.293 1.793 4.293-3.793 0.914 0.914zM12.996 2c0.001 0.001 0.003 0.002 0.004 0.004v11.993c-0.001 0.001-0.002 0.003-0.004 0.004h-9.993c-0.001-0.001-0.003-0.002-0.004-0.004v-11.993c0.001-0.001 0.002-0.003 0.004-0.004h-2.004v12c0 1.1 0.9 2 2 2h10c1.1 0 2-0.9 2-2v-12h-2.004zM10 2v-1c0-0.552-0.448-1-1-1h-2c-0.552 0-1 0.448-1 1v1h-2v2h8v-2h-2zM9 2h-2v-1h2v1z"></path> </g> <g id="joms-icon-list"> <path class="path1" d="M0 0h4v4h-4zM6 1h10v2h-10zM0 6h4v4h-4zM6 7h10v2h-10zM0 12h4v4h-4zM6 13h10v2h-10z"></path> </g> <g id="joms-icon-menu"> <path class="path1" d="M1 3h14v3h-14zM1 7h14v3h-14zM1 11h14v3h-14z"></path> </g> <g id="joms-icon-earth"> <path class="path1" d="M13.657 2.343c1.511 1.511 2.343 3.52 2.343 5.657s-0.832 4.146-2.343 5.657c-1.511 1.511-3.52 2.343-5.657 2.343-2.137 0-4.146-0.832-5.657-2.343-1.511-1.511-2.343-3.52-2.343-5.657 0-2.137 0.832-4.146 2.343-5.657 1.511-1.511 3.52-2.343 5.657-2.343 2.137 0 4.146 0.832 5.657 2.343zM12.95 12.95c0.985-0.985 1.64-2.213 1.911-3.548-0.211 0.31-0.412 0.425-0.537-0.269-0.128-1.131-1.167-0.409-1.821-0.81-0.688 0.463-2.233-0.901-1.97 0.638 0.405 0.694 2.188-0.929 1.299 0.54-0.567 1.025-2.073 3.296-1.877 4.473 0.025 1.715-1.752 0.358-2.364-0.211-0.412-1.139-0.14-3.131-1.217-3.689-1.169-0.051-2.172-0.157-2.625-1.464-0.273-0.935 0.29-2.326 1.292-2.541 1.466-0.921 1.99 1.079 3.365 1.116 0.427-0.447 1.591-0.589 1.687-1.090-0.902-0.159 1.145-0.759-0.086-1.1-0.679 0.080-1.117 0.704-0.756 1.234-1.316 0.307-1.358-1.905-2.624-1.207-0.032 1.103-2.066 0.358-0.704 0.134 0.468-0.205-0.763-0.797-0.098-0.689 0.327-0.018 1.427-0.403 1.129-0.663 0.613-0.38 1.127 0.911 1.727-0.029 0.433-0.723-0.182-0.856-0.724-0.49-0.306-0.343 0.54-1.082 1.286-1.402 0.249-0.107 0.486-0.165 0.668-0.148 0.376 0.434 1.071 0.509 1.107-0.052-0.931-0.446-1.957-0.681-3.020-0.681-1.525 0-2.976 0.485-4.177 1.381 0.323 0.148 0.506 0.332 0.195 0.567-0.241 0.72-1.221 1.686-2.082 1.549-0.447 0.77-0.741 1.619-0.867 2.508 0.72 0.238 0.887 0.71 0.732 0.868-0.367 0.32-0.593 0.774-0.709 1.271 0.235 1.435 0.909 2.757 1.957 3.806 1.322 1.322 3.080 2.050 4.95 2.050 1.87 0 3.628-0.728 4.95-2.050z"></path> </g> <g id="joms-icon-link"> <path class="path1" d="M14.897 1.166l-0.063-0.063c-1.471-1.471-3.878-1.471-5.349 0l-3.408 3.408c-1.471 1.471-1.471 3.878 0 5.349l0.063 0.063c0.122 0.123 0.252 0.233 0.386 0.335l1.248-1.248c-0.145-0.086-0.283-0.189-0.408-0.313l-0.063-0.063c-0.799-0.798-0.799-2.098 0-2.897l3.408-3.408c0.799-0.799 2.098-0.799 2.897 0l0.063 0.063c0.798 0.799 0.798 2.098 0 2.897l-1.542 1.542c0.268 0.661 0.395 1.366 0.383 2.069l2.384-2.384c1.471-1.471 1.471-3.878-0-5.349zM9.86 6.077c-0.122-0.122-0.252-0.233-0.386-0.335l-1.248 1.247c0.145 0.086 0.283 0.189 0.408 0.313l0.063 0.063c0.799 0.799 0.799 2.098 0 2.897l-3.408 3.408c-0.799 0.798-2.098 0.798-2.897 0l-0.063-0.063c-0.798-0.799-0.798-2.098 0-2.897l1.542-1.542c-0.268-0.661-0.394-1.366-0.383-2.069l-2.384 2.384c-1.471 1.471-1.471 3.878 0 5.349l0.063 0.063c1.471 1.471 3.878 1.471 5.349 0l3.408-3.408c1.471-1.471 1.471-3.878 0-5.349l-0.063-0.063z"></path> </g> <g id="joms-icon-eye"> <path class="path1" d="M8 3c-3.489 0-6.514 2.032-8 5 1.486 2.968 4.511 5 8 5 3.489 0 6.514-2.032 8-5-1.486-2.968-4.511-5-8-5zM11.945 5.652c0.94 0.6 1.737 1.403 2.335 2.348-0.598 0.946-1.395 1.749-2.335 2.348-1.181 0.753-2.545 1.152-3.944 1.152-1.399 0-2.763-0.398-3.945-1.152-0.94-0.6-1.737-1.403-2.335-2.348 0.598-0.946 1.395-1.749 2.335-2.348 0.061-0.039 0.123-0.077 0.185-0.114-0.156 0.427-0.241 0.888-0.241 1.369 0 2.209 1.791 4 4 4s4-1.791 4-4c0-0.481-0.085-0.942-0.241-1.369 0.062 0.037 0.124 0.075 0.185 0.114zM8 6.406c0 0.828-0.672 1.5-1.5 1.5s-1.5-0.672-1.5-1.5 0.672-1.5 1.5-1.5 1.5 0.672 1.5 1.5z"></path> </g> <g id="joms-icon-star"> <path class="path1" d="M16 6.204l-5.528-0.803-2.472-5.009-2.472 5.009-5.528 0.803 4 3.899-0.944 5.505 4.944-2.599 4.944 2.599-0.944-5.505 4-3.899zM8 11.773l-3.492 1.836 0.667-3.888-2.825-2.753 3.904-0.567 1.746-3.537 1.746 3.537 3.904 0.567-2.825 2.753 0.667 3.888-3.492-1.836z"></path> </g> <g id="joms-icon-star2"> <path class="path1" d="M16 6.204l-5.528-0.803-2.472-5.009-2.472 5.009-5.528 0.803 4 3.899-0.944 5.505 4.944-2.599 4.944 2.599-0.944-5.505 4-3.899zM8 11.773l-0.015 0.008 0.015-8.918 1.746 3.537 3.904 0.567-2.825 2.753 0.667 3.888-3.492-1.836z"></path> </g> <g id="joms-icon-star3"> <path class="path1" d="M16 6.204l-5.528-0.803-2.472-5.009-2.472 5.009-5.528 0.803 4 3.899-0.944 5.505 4.944-2.599 4.944 2.599-0.944-5.505 4-3.899z"></path> </g> <g id="joms-icon-thumbs-up"> <path class="path1" d="M14.5 9c1.141 0 0.5 3-0.5 3 0.5 0 0 2.5-1 2.5 0 1-1 1.5-2 1.5-4.224 0-2.739-1.057-7-1.5v-8c3.764-1.129 7.5-3.96 7.5-6.5 0.828 0 3 1 0 6 0 0 2.5 0 3 0 1.5 0 1 3 0 3zM3 6.5v8h1v0.5h-2c-0.55 0-1-0.675-1-1.5v-6c0-0.825 0.45-1.5 1-1.5h2v0.5h-1z"></path> </g> <g id="joms-icon-happy"> <path class="path1" d="M8 16c4.418 0 8-3.582 8-8s-3.582-8-8-8-8 3.582-8 8 3.582 8 8 8zM8 1.5c3.59 0 6.5 2.91 6.5 6.5s-2.91 6.5-6.5 6.5-6.5-2.91-6.5-6.5 2.91-6.5 6.5-6.5zM8 9.356c1.812 0 3.535-0.481 5-1.327-0.228 2.788-2.393 4.971-5 4.971-2.607 0-4.772-2.186-5-4.973 1.465 0.845 3.188 1.329 5 1.329zM4 5.5c0-0.828 0.448-1.5 1-1.5s1 0.672 1 1.5c0 0.828-0.448 1.5-1 1.5-0.552 0-1-0.672-1-1.5zM10 5.5c0-0.828 0.448-1.5 1-1.5s1 0.672 1 1.5c0 0.828-0.448 1.5-1 1.5-0.552 0-1-0.672-1-1.5z"></path> </g> <g id="joms-icon-smiley"> <path class="path1" d="M8 16c4.418 0 8-3.582 8-8s-3.582-8-8-8-8 3.582-8 8 3.582 8 8 8zM8 1.5c3.59 0 6.5 2.91 6.5 6.5s-2.91 6.5-6.5 6.5-6.5-2.91-6.5-6.5 2.91-6.5 6.5-6.5zM4 5c0-0.552 0.448-1 1-1s1 0.448 1 1c0 0.552-0.448 1-1 1-0.552 0-1-0.448-1-1zM10 5c0-0.552 0.448-1 1-1s1 0.448 1 1c0 0.552-0.448 1-1 1-0.552 0-1-0.448-1-1zM11.002 9.801l1.286 0.772c-0.874 1.454-2.467 2.427-4.288 2.427s-3.413-0.973-4.288-2.427l1.286-0.772c0.612 1.018 1.727 1.699 3.002 1.699s2.389-0.681 3.002-1.699z"></path> </g> <g id="joms-icon-tongue"> <path class="path1" d="M8 16c4.418 0 8-3.582 8-8s-3.582-8-8-8-8 3.582-8 8 3.582 8 8 8zM8 1.5c3.59 0 6.5 2.91 6.5 6.5s-2.91 6.5-6.5 6.5-6.5-2.91-6.5-6.5 2.91-6.5 6.5-6.5zM4 5c0-0.552 0.448-1 1-1s1 0.448 1 1c0 0.552-0.448 1-1 1-0.552 0-1-0.448-1-1zM10 5c0-0.552 0.448-1 1-1s1 0.448 1 1c0 0.552-0.448 1-1 1-0.552 0-1-0.448-1-1zM12 9v1h-1v1.5c0 0.828-0.672 1.5-1.5 1.5s-1.5-0.672-1.5-1.5v-1.5h-4v-1h8z"></path> </g> <g id="joms-icon-sad"> <path class="path1" d="M8 16c4.418 0 8-3.582 8-8s-3.582-8-8-8-8 3.582-8 8 3.582 8 8 8zM8 1.5c3.59 0 6.5 2.91 6.5 6.5s-2.91 6.5-6.5 6.5-6.5-2.91-6.5-6.5 2.91-6.5 6.5-6.5zM4 5c0-0.552 0.448-1 1-1s1 0.448 1 1c0 0.552-0.448 1-1 1-0.552 0-1-0.448-1-1zM10 5c0-0.552 0.448-1 1-1s1 0.448 1 1c0 0.552-0.448 1-1 1-0.552 0-1-0.448-1-1zM4.998 12.199l-1.286-0.772c0.874-1.454 2.467-2.427 4.288-2.427 1.82 0 3.413 0.973 4.288 2.427l-1.286 0.772c-0.612-1.018-1.727-1.699-3.002-1.699-1.274 0-2.389 0.681-3.002 1.699z"></path> </g> <g id="joms-icon-wink"> <path class="path1" d="M8 16c4.418 0 8-3.582 8-8s-3.582-8-8-8-8 3.582-8 8 3.582 8 8 8zM8 1.5c3.59 0 6.5 2.91 6.5 6.5s-2.91 6.5-6.5 6.5-6.5-2.91-6.5-6.5 2.91-6.5 6.5-6.5zM8.48 11.11c2.191-0.433 3.892-1.43 4.507-2.759-0.338 2.624-2.524 4.649-5.17 4.649-1.863 0-3.498-1.004-4.42-2.515 1.1 0.86 3.040 1.028 5.083 0.625zM10 5.5c0-0.828 0.448-1.5 1-1.5s1 0.672 1 1.5c0 0.828-0.448 1.5-1 1.5-0.552 0-1-0.672-1-1.5zM5.5 5.805c-0.653 0-1.208 0.245-1.414 0.586-0.055-0.092-0.086-0.503-0.086-0.605 0-0.485 0.672-0.879 1.5-0.879 0.828 0 1.5 0.394 1.5 0.879 0 0.103-0.030 0.514-0.086 0.605-0.206-0.341-0.761-0.586-1.414-0.586z"></path> </g> <g id="joms-icon-grin"> <path class="path1" d="M8 16c4.418 0 8-3.582 8-8s-3.582-8-8-8-8 3.582-8 8 3.582 8 8 8zM8 1.5c3.59 0 6.5 2.91 6.5 6.5s-2.91 6.5-6.5 6.5-6.5-2.91-6.5-6.5 2.91-6.5 6.5-6.5zM3 8v1c0 2.2 1.8 4 4 4h2c2.2 0 4-1.8 4-4v-1h-10zM6 11.828c-0.415-0.148-0.796-0.388-1.118-0.71-0.569-0.569-0.882-1.321-0.882-2.118h2v2.828zM9 12h-2v-3h2v3zM11.118 11.118c-0.322 0.322-0.703 0.562-1.118 0.71v-2.828h2c0 0.797-0.313 1.549-0.882 2.118zM3.521 6c0 0 0 0 0 0 0.153 0 0.283-0.11 0.308-0.261 0.096-0.573 0.589-0.989 1.171-0.989s1.074 0.416 1.171 0.989c0.025 0.151 0.156 0.261 0.308 0.261 0.153 0 0.283-0.11 0.308-0.261 0.017-0.101 0.025-0.202 0.025-0.302 0-0.999-0.813-1.813-1.813-1.813s-1.813 0.813-1.813 1.813c0 0.1 0.009 0.201 0.025 0.302 0.025 0.151 0.156 0.261 0.308 0.261zM9.521 6c0 0 0 0 0 0 0.153 0 0.283-0.11 0.308-0.261 0.096-0.573 0.589-0.989 1.171-0.989s1.074 0.416 1.171 0.989c0.025 0.151 0.156 0.261 0.308 0.261s0.283-0.11 0.308-0.261c0.017-0.101 0.025-0.202 0.025-0.302 0-0.999-0.813-1.813-1.813-1.813s-1.813 0.813-1.813 1.813c0 0.1 0.008 0.201 0.025 0.302 0.025 0.151 0.156 0.261 0.308 0.261z"></path> </g> <g id="joms-icon-cool"> <path class="path1" d="M8 16c4.418 0 8-3.582 8-8s-3.582-8-8-8-8 3.582-8 8 3.582 8 8 8zM8 1.5c3.59 0 6.5 2.91 6.5 6.5s-2.91 6.5-6.5 6.5-6.5-2.91-6.5-6.5 2.91-6.5 6.5-6.5zM12.5 4c0.275 0 0.5 0.225 0.5 0.5v1.5c0 0.55-0.45 1-1 1h-2c-0.55 0-1-0.45-1-1h-2c0 0.55-0.45 1-1 1h-2c-0.55 0-1-0.45-1-1v-1.5c0-0.275 0.225-0.5 0.5-0.5h3c0.275 0 0.5 0.225 0.5 0.5v0.5h2v-0.5c0-0.275 0.225-0.5 0.5-0.5h3zM8 12c1.456 0 2.731-0.778 3.43-1.942l0.857 0.515c-0.874 1.454-2.467 2.427-4.288 2.427-0.757 0-1.475-0.169-2.118-0.47l0.518-0.864c0.49 0.214 1.031 0.334 1.6 0.334z"></path> </g> <g id="joms-icon-angry"> <path class="path1" d="M8 16c4.418 0 8-3.582 8-8s-3.582-8-8-8-8 3.582-8 8 3.582 8 8 8zM8 1.5c3.59 0 6.5 2.91 6.5 6.5s-2.91 6.5-6.5 6.5-6.5-2.91-6.5-6.5 2.91-6.5 6.5-6.5zM11.002 12.199c-0.612-1.018-1.727-1.699-3.002-1.699-1.274 0-2.389 0.681-3.002 1.699l-1.286-0.772c0.874-1.454 2.467-2.427 4.288-2.427 1.82 0 3.414 0.973 4.288 2.427l-1.286 0.772zM11.985 4.379c0.067 0.268-0.096 0.539-0.364 0.606-0.275 0.070-0.602 0.189-0.89 0.334 0.166 0.179 0.268 0.418 0.268 0.681 0 0.552-0.448 1-1 1-0.552 0-1-0.448-1-1 0-0.018 0.001-0.036 0.002-0.054 0.032-0.741 0.706-1.234 1.275-1.518 0.543-0.271 1.080-0.407 1.102-0.413 0.268-0.067 0.539 0.096 0.606 0.364zM4.015 4.379c0.067-0.268 0.338-0.431 0.606-0.364 0.023 0.006 0.559 0.141 1.102 0.413 0.568 0.284 1.243 0.776 1.275 1.518 0.001 0.018 0.002 0.036 0.002 0.054 0 0.552-0.448 1-1 1s-1-0.448-1-1c0-0.263 0.102-0.503 0.268-0.681-0.288-0.144-0.614-0.264-0.89-0.334-0.268-0.067-0.431-0.338-0.364-0.606z"></path> </g> <g id="joms-icon-evil"> <path class="path1" d="M10 7c-0.552 0-1-0.448-1-1 0-0.018 0.001-0.036 0.002-0.054 0.032-0.741 0.706-1.234 1.275-1.518 0.543-0.271 1.080-0.407 1.102-0.413 0.268-0.067 0.539 0.096 0.606 0.364 0.067 0.268-0.096 0.539-0.364 0.606-0.275 0.070-0.602 0.189-0.89 0.334 0.166 0.179 0.268 0.418 0.268 0.681 0 0.552-0.448 1-1 1zM4.379 4.985c-0.268-0.067-0.431-0.338-0.364-0.606 0.067-0.268 0.338-0.431 0.606-0.364 0.023 0.006 0.559 0.141 1.102 0.413 0.568 0.284 1.243 0.776 1.275 1.518 0.001 0.018 0.002 0.036 0.002 0.054 0 0.552-0.448 1-1 1-0.552 0-1-0.448-1-1 0-0.263 0.102-0.503 0.268-0.681-0.288-0.144-0.614-0.264-0.89-0.334zM8 11.5c1.274 0 2.389-0.681 3.002-1.699l1.286 0.772c-0.874 1.454-2.467 2.427-4.288 2.427s-3.413-0.973-4.288-2.427l1.286-0.772c0.612 1.018 1.727 1.699 3.002 1.699zM16 1c0-0.711-0.149-1.387-0.416-2-0.525 1.201-1.507 2.155-2.726 2.643-1.347-1.031-3.030-1.643-4.857-1.643s-3.51 0.613-4.857 1.643c-1.22-0.488-2.202-1.443-2.726-2.643-0.268 0.613-0.416 1.289-0.416 2 0 1.15 0.388 2.208 1.040 3.053-0.662 1.165-1.040 2.512-1.040 3.947 0 4.418 3.582 8 8 8s8-3.582 8-8c0-1.436-0.378-2.783-1.040-3.947 0.652-0.845 1.040-1.903 1.040-3.053zM8 14.5c-3.59 0-6.5-2.91-6.5-6.5s2.91-6.5 6.5-6.5 6.5 2.91 6.5 6.5-2.91 6.5-6.5 6.5z"></path> </g> <g id="joms-icon-shocked"> <path class="path1" d="M8 16c4.418 0 8-3.582 8-8s-3.582-8-8-8-8 3.582-8 8 3.582 8 8 8zM8 1.5c3.59 0 6.5 2.91 6.5 6.5s-2.91 6.5-6.5 6.5-6.5-2.91-6.5-6.5 2.91-6.5 6.5-6.5zM6 11c0-1.105 0.895-2 2-2s2 0.895 2 2c0 1.105-0.895 2-2 2-1.105 0-2-0.895-2-2zM10 5.5c0-0.828 0.448-1.5 1-1.5s1 0.672 1 1.5c0 0.828-0.448 1.5-1 1.5-0.552 0-1-0.672-1-1.5zM4 5.5c0-0.828 0.448-1.5 1-1.5s1 0.672 1 1.5c0 0.828-0.448 1.5-1 1.5-0.552 0-1-0.672-1-1.5z"></path> </g> <g id="joms-icon-confused"> <path class="path1" d="M8 16c4.418 0 8-3.582 8-8s-3.582-8-8-8-8 3.582-8 8 3.582 8 8 8zM8 1.5c3.59 0 6.5 2.91 6.5 6.5s-2.91 6.5-6.5 6.5-6.5-2.91-6.5-6.5 2.91-6.5 6.5-6.5zM4 5c0-0.552 0.448-1 1-1s1 0.448 1 1c0 0.552-0.448 1-1 1-0.552 0-1-0.448-1-1zM10 5c0-0.552 0.448-1 1-1s1 0.448 1 1c0 0.552-0.448 1-1 1-0.552 0-1-0.448-1-1zM11.345 10h1.014c0.144 1.133-0.507 2.258-1.624 2.665-1.295 0.472-2.733-0.199-3.204-1.494-0.283-0.777-1.145-1.179-1.923-0.896-0.712 0.259-1.109 1.005-0.953 1.725h-1.013c-0.144-1.133 0.507-2.258 1.624-2.665 1.295-0.472 2.733 0.199 3.204 1.494 0.283 0.777 1.145 1.179 1.923 0.896 0.712-0.259 1.109-1.005 0.953-1.725z"></path> </g> <g id="joms-icon-neutral"> <path class="path1" d="M8 16c4.418 0 8-3.582 8-8s-3.582-8-8-8-8 3.582-8 8 3.582 8 8 8zM8 1.5c3.59 0 6.5 2.91 6.5 6.5s-2.91 6.5-6.5 6.5-6.5-2.91-6.5-6.5 2.91-6.5 6.5-6.5zM4 5c0 0.552 0.448 1 1 1s1-0.448 1-1-0.448-1-1-1-1 0.448-1 1zM10 5c0 0.552 0.448 1 1 1s1-0.448 1-1-0.448-1-1-1-1 0.448-1 1zM6 11h4v1h-4v-1z"></path> </g> <g id="joms-icon-wondering"> <path class="path1" d="M8 16c4.418 0 8-3.582 8-8s-3.582-8-8-8-8 3.582-8 8 3.582 8 8 8zM8 1.5c3.59 0 6.5 2.91 6.5 6.5s-2.91 6.5-6.5 6.5-6.5-2.91-6.5-6.5 2.91-6.5 6.5-6.5zM11.652 9.4l0.351 1.2-6.828 2-0.351-1.2zM4 5c0-0.552 0.448-1 1-1s1 0.448 1 1c0 0.552-0.448 1-1 1-0.552 0-1-0.448-1-1zM10 5c0-0.552 0.448-1 1-1s1 0.448 1 1c0 0.552-0.448 1-1 1-0.552 0-1-0.448-1-1z"></path> </g> <g id="joms-icon-warning"> <path class="path1" d="M8 2.48l-5.388 11.52h10.776l-5.388-11.52zM8 0v0c0.345 0 0.69 0.233 0.951 0.698l6.829 13.611c0.523 0.93 0.078 1.691-0.989 1.691h-13.583c-1.067 0-1.512-0.761-0.989-1.691l6.829-13.611c0.262-0.465 0.606-0.698 0.951-0.698zM7 12c0-0.552 0.448-1 1-1s1 0.448 1 1c0 0.552-0.448 1-1 1-0.552 0-1-0.448-1-1zM8 6c0.552 0 1 0.448 1 1l-0.313 3h-1.375l-0.313-3c0-0.552 0.448-1 1-1z"></path> </g> <g id="joms-icon-info"> <path 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4.854-4.854-4.854c-0-0-0-0-0-0-0.052-0.052-0.113-0.090-0.178-0.114-0.178-0.066-0.386-0.029-0.529 0.114l-2.293 2.293c-0.143 0.143-0.181 0.351-0.114 0.529 0.024 0.065 0.062 0.126 0.114 0.178 0 0 0 0 0 0l4.854 4.854-4.854 4.854c-0 0-0 0-0 0-0.052 0.052-0.090 0.113-0.114 0.178-0.066 0.178-0.029 0.386 0.114 0.529l2.293 2.293c0.143 0.143 0.351 0.181 0.529 0.114 0.065-0.024 0.126-0.062 0.178-0.114 0-0 0-0 0-0l4.854-4.854 4.854 4.854c0 0 0 0 0 0 0.052 0.052 0.113 0.090 0.178 0.114 0.178 0.066 0.386 0.029 0.529-0.114l2.293-2.293c0.143-0.143 0.181-0.351 0.114-0.529-0.024-0.065-0.062-0.126-0.114-0.178z"></path> </g> <g id="joms-icon-checkmark"> <path class="path1" d="M13.5 2l-7.5 7.5-3.5-3.5-2.5 2.5 6 6 10-10z"></path> </g> <g id="joms-icon-plus"> <path class="path1" d="M15.5 6h-5.5v-5.5c0-0.276-0.224-0.5-0.5-0.5h-3c-0.276 0-0.5 0.224-0.5 0.5v5.5h-5.5c-0.276 0-0.5 0.224-0.5 0.5v3c0 0.276 0.224 0.5 0.5 0.5h5.5v5.5c0 0.276 0.224 0.5 0.5 0.5h3c0.276 0 0.5-0.224 0.5-0.5v-5.5h5.5c0.276 0 0.5-0.224 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2 1 1.105 0 2-0.448 2-1v-5l6-6v-1.5c0-1.381-3.582-2.5-8-2.5zM1.475 2.169c0.374-0.213 0.9-0.416 1.52-0.586 1.374-0.376 3.152-0.583 5.005-0.583 1.854 0 3.631 0.207 5.005 0.583 0.62 0.17 1.146 0.372 1.52 0.586 0.247 0.141 0.38 0.26 0.442 0.331-0.062 0.071-0.195 0.19-0.442 0.331-0.374 0.213-0.9 0.416-1.52 0.586-1.374 0.376-3.152 0.583-5.005 0.583-1.854 0-3.631-0.207-5.005-0.583-0.62-0.17-1.146-0.372-1.52-0.586-0.247-0.141-0.38-0.26-0.442-0.331 0.062-0.071 0.195-0.19 0.442-0.331z"></path> </g> <g id="joms-icon-console"> <path class="path1" d="M0 1v14h16v-14h-16zM15 14h-14v-12h14v12zM14 3h-12v10h12v-10zM7 8h-1v1h-1v1h-1v-1h1v-1h1v-1h-1v-1h-1v-1h1v1h1v1h1v1zM11 10h-3v-1h3v1z"></path> </g> <g id="joms-icon-share"> <path class="path1" d="M13.5 11c-0.706 0-1.342 0.293-1.797 0.763l-6.734-3.367c0.021-0.129 0.032-0.261 0.032-0.396s-0.011-0.267-0.032-0.396l6.734-3.367c0.455 0.47 1.091 0.763 1.797 0.763 1.381 0 2.5-1.119 2.5-2.5s-1.119-2.5-2.5-2.5-2.5 1.119-2.5 2.5c0 0.135 0.011 0.267 0.031 0.396l-6.734 3.367c-0.455-0.47-1.091-0.763-1.797-0.763-1.381 0-2.5 1.119-2.5 2.5 0 1.381 1.119 2.5 2.5 2.5 0.706 0 1.343-0.293 1.797-0.763l6.734 3.367c-0.021 0.129-0.031 0.261-0.031 0.396 0 1.381 1.119 2.5 2.5 2.5s2.5-1.119 2.5-2.5c0-1.381-1.119-2.5-2.5-2.5z"></path> </g> <g id="joms-icon-facebook"> <path class="path1" d="M8 0c4.418 0 8 3.582 8 8 0 4.080-3.054 7.446-7 7.938v-5.938h2.75l0.25-2h-3v-1c0-0.552 0.448-1 1-1h2v-2h-2c-1.657 0-3 1.343-3 3v1h-1.5v2h1.5v5.938c-3.946-0.492-7-3.858-7-7.938 0-4.418 3.582-8 8-8z"></path> </g> <g id="joms-icon-libreoffice"> <path class="path1" d="M8.354 0.354c-0.194-0.194-0.579-0.354-0.854-0.354h-6c-0.275 0-0.5 0.225-0.5 0.5v15c0 0.275 0.225 0.5 0.5 0.5h12c0.275 0 0.5-0.225 0.5-0.5v-9c0-0.275-0.159-0.659-0.354-0.854l-5.293-5.293zM13 15h-11v-14h5.487c0.046 0.008 0.131 0.043 0.169 0.070l5.274 5.274c0.027 0.038 0.062 0.123 0.070 0.169v8.487zM13.5 0h-3c-0.275 0-0.341 0.159-0.146 0.354l3.293 3.293c0.194 0.194 0.354 0.129 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0-3.43-3.268-3.757-3.602s-0.348-0.935 0-1.293c0.349-0.357 0.834-0.385 1.261 0l3.126 2.998 3.126-2.998c0.427-0.385 0.914-0.357 1.261 0 0.349 0.357 0.327 0.958 0 1.292z"></path> </g> <g id="joms-icon-redo"> <path class="path1" d="M9 3.881v-3.881l6 6-6 6v-3.966c-6.98-0.164-6.681 4.747-4.904 7.966-4.386-4.741-3.455-12.337 4.904-12.119z"></path> </g> <g id="joms-icon-tag"> <path class="path1" d="M14.497 0h-4.509c-0.827 0-1.981 0.478-2.566 1.063l-6.984 6.984c-0.585 0.585-0.585 1.541 0 2.126l5.389 5.389c0.585 0.585 1.541 0.585 2.125 0l6.984-6.984c0.585-0.585 1.063-1.739 1.063-2.566v-4.509c0-0.827-0.676-1.503-1.503-1.503zM12.5 5c-0.828 0-1.5-0.672-1.5-1.5s0.672-1.5 1.5-1.5 1.5 0.672 1.5 1.5-0.672 1.5-1.5 1.5z"></path> </g> <g id="joms-icon-search-user"> <path class="path1" d="m 6.625,0.65625 c -3.3284658,0 -2.6784574,3.2149237 -2.65625,3.6875 -0.528539,0.4485921 -0.2169276,1.75 0.3125,1.75 C 4.4775645,7.2938451 5.375,8.1875 5.375,8.1875 c 0,0 -0.00605,0.8261411 -0.3125,0.875 -0.9886796,0.1572204 -4.65625,1.777014 -4.65625,3.5625 l 6.96875,0 c 0.6239997,0.493934 1.3922687,0.8125 2.25,0.8125 0.906707,0 1.735545,-0.328901 2.375,-0.875 -0.0098,0.206236 0.09712,0.448315 0.3125,0.6875 l 1.96875,2.3125 c 0.336812,0.374031 0.883159,0.39809 1.21875,0.0625 0.335592,-0.335592 0.311523,-0.882548 -0.0625,-1.21875 L 13.125,12.4375 c -0.239186,-0.215388 -0.512513,-0.321652 -0.71875,-0.3125 0.546099,-0.639454 0.875,-1.468293 0.875,-2.375 0,-2.0220911 -1.634159,-3.65625 -3.65625,-3.65625 -0.189247,0 -0.380995,0.034819 -0.5625,0.0625 C 9.5454895,6.0445805 9.7554144,4.7727162 9.25,4.34375 9.272211,3.8711737 9.9534653,0.65625 6.625,0.65625 z m 3,6.65625 c 1.347858,0 2.4375,1.0896417 2.4375,2.4375 0,1.347858 -1.089642,2.46875 -2.4375,2.46875 -1.3478569,0 -2.4375,-1.120892 -2.4375,-2.46875 0,-1.3478583 1.0896431,-2.4375 2.4375,-2.4375 z"></path> </g> </defs> </svg> <div id="activity-stream-container" class="joms-module"> <!-- begin: .joms-stream__wrapper --> <div 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Our specialisation is providing you with a mixture of the latest education news, our stance is always positive, sector building and sharing different perspectives and views from thought leaders, to provide you with a think tank of new ideas and solutions to bring the education sector together and come up with new innovative solutions and ideas.</p> <p>FE News publish exclusive peer to peer thought leadership articles from our feature writers, as well as user generated content across our network of over 3000 Newsrooms, offering multiple sources of the latest education news across the Education and Employability sectors.</p> <p>FE News also broadcast live events, podcasts with leading experts and thought leaders, webinars, video interviews and Further Education news bulletins so you receive the latest developments in <strong>Skills News</strong> and across the Apprenticeship, Further Education and Employability sectors.</p> <p>Every week FE News has over 200 articles and new pieces of content per week. We are a news channel providing the latest Further Education News, giving insight from multiple sources on the latest education policy developments, latest strategies, through to our thought leaders who provide blue sky thinking strategy, best practice and innovation to help look into the future developments for education and the future of work.</p> <p>In Jan 2021, FE News had over 173,000 unique visitors according to Google Analytics and over 200 new pieces of news content every week, from thought leadership articles, to the latest education news via written word, podcasts, video to press releases from across the sector, putting us in the top 2,000 websites in the UK.</p> <p>We thought it would be helpful to explain how we tier our latest education news content and how you can get involved and understand how you can read the latest daily Further Education news and how we structure our FE Week of content:</p> <h2>Main Features</h2> <p>Our main features are exclusive and are thought leadership articles and blue sky thinking with experts writing peer to peer news articles about the future of education and the future of work. The focus is solution led thought leadership, sharing best practice, innovation and emerging strategy. These are often articles about the future of education and the future of work, they often then create future education news articles. We limit our main features to a maximum of 20 per week, as they are often about new concepts and new thought processes. Our main features are also exclusive articles responding to the latest education news, maybe an insight from an expert into a policy announcement or response to an education think tank report or a white paper.</p> <h2>FE Voices</h2> <p>FE Voices was originally set up as a section on FE News to give a voice back to the sector. As we now have over 3,000 newsrooms and contributors, FE Voices are usually thought leadership articles, they don’t necessarily have to be exclusive, but usually are, they are slightly shorter than Main Features. FE Voices can include more mixed media with the Further Education News articles, such as embedded podcasts and videos. Our sector response articles asking for different comments and opinions to education policy announcements or responding to a report of white paper are usually held in the FE Voices section. If we have a live podcast in an evening or a radio show such as SkillsWorldLive radio show, the next morning we place the FE podcast recording in the FE Voices section.</p> <h2>Sector News</h2> <p>In sector news we have a blend of content from Press Releases, education resources, reports, education research, white papers from a range of contributors. We have a lot of positive education news articles from colleges, awarding organisations and Apprenticeship Training Providers, press releases from DfE to Think Tanks giving the overview of a report, through to helpful resources to help you with delivering education strategies to your learners and students.</p> <h2>Podcasts</h2> <p>We have a range of education podcasts on FE News, from hour long full production FE podcasts such as SkillsWorldLive in conjunction with the Federation of Awarding Bodies, to weekly podcasts from experts and thought leaders, providing advice and guidance to leaders. FE News also record podcasts at conferences and events, giving you one on one podcasts with education and skills experts on the latest strategies and developments.</p> <p>We have over 150 education podcasts on FE News, ranging from EdTech podcasts with experts discussing Education 4.0 and how technology is complimenting and transforming education, to podcasts with experts discussing education research, the future of work, how to develop skills systems for jobs of the future to interviews with the Apprenticeship and Skills Minister.</p> <p>We record our own exclusive FE News podcasts, work in conjunction with sector partners such as FAB to create weekly podcasts and daily education podcasts, through to working with sector leaders creating exclusive education news podcasts.</p> <h2>Education Video Interviews</h2> <p>FE News have over 700 FE Video interviews and have been recording education video interviews with experts for over 12 years. These are usually vox pop video interviews with experts across education and work, discussing blue sky thinking ideas and views about the future of education and work.</p> <h2>Events</h2> <p>FE News has a free events calendar to check out the latest conferences, webinars and events to keep up to date with the latest education news and strategies.</p> <h2>FE Newsrooms</h2> <p>The FE Newsroom is home to your content if you are a FE News contributor. It also help the audience develop relationship with either you as an individual or your organisation as they can click through and ‘box set’ consume all of your previous thought leadership articles, latest education news press releases, videos and education podcasts.</p> <p>Do you want to contribute, share your ideas or vision or share a press release?</p> <p>If you want to write a thought leadership article, share your ideas and vision for the future of education or the future of work, write a press release sharing the latest education news or contribute to a podcast, first of all you need to set up a <a href="/web/20210918174033/">FE Newsroom login</a> (which is free): once the team have approved your newsroom (all content, newsrooms are all approved by a member of the FE News team- no robots are used in this process!), you can then start adding content (again all articles, videos and podcasts are all approved by the FE News editorial team before they go live on FE News). As all newsrooms and content are approved by the FE News team, there will be a slight delay on the team being able to review and approve content.</p> <p> <a href="/web/20210918174033/"><img src="/web/20210918174033im_/" alt="RSS Icon" width="25" height="25" style="margin: 3px 10px 10px; float: left;"/></a><strong><a href="/web/20210918174033/" style="font-size: 18px;">RSS Feed Selection Page</a></strong></p></div> </div></div></div> </div> </div> <!-- SPOTLIGHT --> </div> </div> <!-- //SPOTLIGHT 1 --> <!-- Slideshow1 end --> </div> <div class="col-lg-2 col-pillar"> <div class="site-right-ad" style="position: fixed; top: 0;"> <div class="mod_ijoomlazone" id="ijoomlazone469"><div class="adg_row"><div class="adg_cell"></div></div></div> <div id="blocker-modal-background" class="blocker-modal-background" onclick="javascript:closeBlockerModal(); return false;" style="display: none;"> </div> <div id="blocker-modal-content" class="blocker-modal-content" style="display: none;"> <div class="blocker-modal-header"> <div class="blocker-modal-close"> <div onclick="javascript:closeBlockerModal(); return false;"><span class="fa fa-times"></span></div> </div> <div class="agency-blocker-title"> <img src=""/> How to resolve AdBlock issue? </div> </div> <div class="blocker-modal-content-msg"> <div class="agency_blocker-steps"> <p>You are using adblocker please support us by whitelisting</p> </div> <div><a class="btn btn-large btn-block btn-success" onclick="location.reload();">Refresh this page</a></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="t3-wrapper" style="position: relative; z-index: 20;"> <div class="wrap t3-address"> <div class="container"> <!-- NAV HELPER --> <nav class="bottom-address"> <div class="custom"> <div style="text-align: center;">5 Harrington Lane, The Library Room, Pinhoe, Exeter, EX4 8PF - 08456 125 750 - <a href="/web/20210918174033/" class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="d5b0b1bca1baa795b3b0bbb0a2a6fbb6bafba0be">[email protected]</a></div></div> </nav> <!-- //NAV HELPER --> </div> </div> <!-- FOOTER --> <footer id="t3-footer" class="wrap t3-footer"> <!-- FOOT NAVIGATION --> <div class="container"> <!-- SPOTLIGHT --> <div class="t3-spotlight t3-bottom row"> <div class=" col-lg-3 col-md-3 col-sm-3 col-xs-6"> <div class="t3-module module " id="Mod196"><div class="module-inner"><div class="module-ct"> <div class="custom"> <p><img src="/web/20210918174033im_/" alt="fenews white"/></p> <p><strong>FE News is the news channel for the Future of Education. 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