NOAA's National Ocean Service - About Us

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The National Ocean Service (NOS) translates science, tools, and services into action, to address threats to coastal areas such as climate change, population growth, port congestion, and contaminants in the environment, all working towards healthy coasts and healthy economies."> <meta name="DC.creator" content="US Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration"> <meta name="" scheme="ISO8601" content="2013-06-01"> <meta name="DC.language" scheme="DCTERMS.RFC1766" content="EN-US"> <meta property="og:image" content="" /> <style> .jumbotron-home-banner { color: white; background-image: linear-gradient(to top, rgba(245, 246, 252, 0.2), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.9)), url('/bs4/img/alabama-oyster-reef.jpg'); /* for hurricanes, use image from current hurricane as bg image, which you can get from NESDIS*/ background-position: center; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: cover; height: 50vh; } </style> </head> <body class="about"> <!--head start--> <meta property="og:image" content="/apple-icon-144x144.png" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <link href="/bs4/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet"> <link href="/font-awesome/css/all.css" rel="stylesheet"> <link href="/bs4/css/theme.css" rel="stylesheet"> <link href=",400,400i,700" rel="stylesheet"> <!--<link href="/bootstrap/css/zocial.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/> <link href="/bootstrap/css/video-js.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>--> <!--[if IE 7]> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/bootstrap/css/font-awesome-ie7.min.css"> <![endif]--> <!-- Fav and touch icons --> <link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="57x57" href="/apple-icon-57x57.png" /> <link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="72x72" href="/apple-icon-72x72.png" /> <link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="144x144" href="/apple-icon-144x144.png" /> <link rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed" sizes="57x57" href="/apple-icon-57x57-precomposed.png" /> <link rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed" sizes="72x72" href="/apple-icon-72x72-precomposed.png" /> <link rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed" sizes="144x144" href="/apple-icon-144x144-precomposed.png" /> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="/favicon.ico"> <!--end head.html--> <header> <div class="usa-banner"> <small> <p class="text-center"> <img class="flag" src="/bs4/img/flag.png" alt="U.S. flag"> An official website of the United States government. <br class="d-md-none"> <a data-toggle="collapse" href="#collapse-usa" role="button" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapseExample">Here's how you know we're official. </a> </p> </small> <div class="collapse pb-3" id="collapse-usa"> <div class="card-deck mx-5 mt-3"> <div class="card border-primary mb-4"> <div class="row no-gutters"> <div class="col-md-12"> <div class="card-body"> <h5 class="card-title small text-uppercase"><svg id="Layer_2" data-name="Layer 2" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 60 55" width="30" height="25"><defs><style>.cls-3{fill:#007faa;}.cls-4{fill:none;stroke:#046b99;stroke-miterlimit:10;}</style></defs><title>dot gov icon</title><path class="cls-3" d="M36.5,20.91v1.36H35.15a0.71,0.71,0,0,1-.73.68H18.23a0.71,0.71,0,0,1-.73-0.68H16.14V20.91l10.18-4.07Zm0,13.57v1.36H16.14V34.48a0.71,0.71,0,0,1,.73-0.68h18.9A0.71,0.71,0,0,1,36.5,34.48ZM21.57,23.62v8.14h1.36V23.62h2.71v8.14H27V23.62h2.71v8.14h1.36V23.62h2.71v8.14h0.63a0.71,0.71,0,0,1,.73.68v0.68H17.5V32.45a0.71,0.71,0,0,1,.73-0.68h0.63V23.62h2.71Z"/><circle class="cls-4" cx="27" cy="27.12" r="26"/></svg> <strong>Official websites use .gov</strong></h5> <p class="card-text"><small>A <strong>.gov</strong> website belongs to an official government organization in the United States.</small></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="card border-primary mb-4"> <div class="row no-gutters"> <div class="col-md-12"> <div class="card-body"> <h5 class="card-title small text-uppercase"><svg id="Layer_1" data-name="Layer 1" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 60 55" width="30" height="25"><defs><style>.cls-1{fill:#549500;}.cls-2{fill:none;stroke:#458600;stroke-miterlimit:10;}</style></defs><title>https icon</title><path class="cls-1" d="M34.72,34.84a1.29,1.29,0,0,1-1.29,1.29H20.57a1.29,1.29,0,0,1-1.29-1.29V27.12a1.29,1.29,0,0,1,1.29-1.29H21V23.26a6,6,0,0,1,12,0v2.57h0.43a1.29,1.29,0,0,1,1.29,1.29v7.72Zm-4.29-9V23.26a3.43,3.43,0,0,0-6.86,0v2.57h6.86Z"/><circle class="cls-2" cx="27" cy="27.12" r="26"/></svg> <strong>Secure websites use HTTPS</strong></h5> <p class="card-text"><small>A small lock or <strong>https://</strong> means you’ve safely connected to a .gov website. 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If you have a question that is not answered below, please <a href="/contact.html">contact us</a>.</h2> <!-- faq section 1--> <div id="accordion3" class="myaccordion"> <div class="card" id="cardI"> <div class="card-header" id="headingI"> <h2 class="mb-0"> <button class="d-flex align-items-center justify-content-between btn btn-link collapsed" id="image" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#collapseI" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapseI">Can I have permission to use your image or graphic? How do I credit NOAA? <span class="fa-stack fa-sm"> <i class="fas fa-circle fa-stack-2x"></i> <i class="fas fa-plus fa-stack-1x fa-inverse"></i> </span> </h2> </button> </div> <div id="collapseI" class="collapse d-print-block" aria-labelledby="headingI" data-parent="#accordion3"> <!-- begin block --> <div class="card-body"> <h4><strong>Can I use this image? </strong></h4> <p>Most of NOAA's information is in the ‘public domain’ and CANNOT be copyrighted. <strong>Unless otherwise noted in the credit or caption of the item</strong> of interest, you may use it without express permission. The one exception are our videos, as they often use third-party copyrighted footage. Video, in other words, will be assessed on a case-by-case basis. However, for most other content (e.g., our images, infographics, articles) you may use this material, but may not:</p> <ul><li> Claim it as your own (i.e., claiming copyright for federal information);</li> <li> Use it in a manner that implies an endorsement or affiliation with the U.S. Government; or</li> <li> Modify the content or misrepresent the content, and then present it as official government material.</li></ul> <p>Credit should be given to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). </p> <div class="pb-3"></div> <h4><strong>Can I modify/crop infographics? </strong></h4> <p>You are welcome to link to our infographics (provide thumbnails that link back to the originals on our website), but we ask that people not modify/crop our infographics. The reason is that these are official NOAA products. If people modify them, we can no longer vouch for the accuracy of the material. Moreover, if something changes that would affect the content of those infographics (which often happens), we update our graphics on our website... but over time the accuracy of the infographics that are reproduced/shared externally would decline. </p> <p>If you are uncertain about usage of particular product on our website, please <a href="/contact.html">contact us</a>.</p> <div class="pb-3"></div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end block --> <!-- faq section 2--> <div class="card" id="cardII"> <div class="card-header" id="headingII"> <h2 class="mb-0"> <button class="d-flex align-items-center justify-content-between btn btn-link collapsed" id="citation" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#collapseII" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapseII">How do I cite articles from this website?<span class="fa-stack fa-sm"> <i class="fas fa-circle fa-stack-2x"></i> <i class="fas fa-plus fa-stack-1x fa-inverse"></i> </span> </h2> </button> </div> <div id="collapseII" class="collapse d-print-block" aria-labelledby="headingII" data-parent="#accordion3"> <!-- begin block --> <div class="card-body"><h4>How to cite National Ocean Service articles</h4> <p><em>The following are examples of how to cite articles on this website. Citation formats will vary based on your chosen <a href="">style guide</a>. Please note that we do not use author names for individual articles. When citing an article or resource from this website, use "NOAA" or spell out "National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration" as the author.</em></p> <p><strong>Web Page with Known Publication Date.</strong> If a story has a listed publication or modification date on the page, cite as follows:</p> <div class="bs-callout callout-orange" data-aos="fade"> <p>NOAA. What is eutrophication? National Ocean Service website,, 10/05/17.</p> </div> <p> <strong>Web Page with Unknown Publication Date.</strong> If a story does not have a listed publication or modification date on the page, cite as follows:</p> <div class="bs-callout callout-orange" data-aos="fade"> <p>NOAA. Historical Maps and Charts audio podcast. National Ocean Service website,, accessed on 8/13/17.</p></div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end block --> <!-- faq section 3--> <div class="card" id="cardIII"> <div class="card-header" id="headingIII"> <h2 class="mb-0"> <button class="d-flex align-items-center justify-content-between btn btn-link collapsed" id="meritbadge" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#collapseIII" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapseIII">Can you help my scout troop with their merit badges?<span class="fa-stack fa-sm"> <i class="fas fa-circle fa-stack-2x"></i> <i class="fas fa-plus fa-stack-1x fa-inverse"></i> </span> </h2> </button> </div> <div id="collapseIII" class="collapse d-print-block" aria-labelledby="headingIII" data-parent="#accordion3"> <!-- begin block --> <div class="card-body"> <p>The one program we had for this in Chesapeake, Virginia, is no longer active because the person running it on a volunteer basis has retired. We're not aware of any other NOAA programs of a similar nature.</p> <div class="pb-3"></div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end block --> <!-- faq section 4--> <div class="card" id="cardIV"> <div class="card-header" id="headingIV"> <h2 class="mb-0"> <button class="d-flex align-items-center justify-content-between btn btn-link collapsed" id="homework" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#collapseIV" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapseIV">Can you help me research my student project or report? Can I interview a NOAA expert?<span class="fa-stack fa-sm"> <i class="fas fa-circle fa-stack-2x"></i> <i class="fas fa-plus fa-stack-1x fa-inverse"></i> </span> </h2> </button> </div> <div id="collapseIV" class="collapse d-print-block" aria-labelledby="headingIV" data-parent="#accordion3"> <!-- begin block --> <div class="card-body"> <h4><strong>Can you do my homework/research? </strong></h4> <p> We do not have the staff or resources to help you research your topic. For answers to common ocean-related questions, you can search the <a href="">National Ocean Service website</a>; our <a href="">Ocean Facts</a> may be helpful as well. All content is in the public domain unless otherwise noted, and you may quote it in your schoolwork as long as you cite NOAA's National Ocean Service.</p> <div class="pb-3"></div> <h4><strong>Can I talk to an expert for my school project? </strong></h4> <p> NOAA does not have the staff or resources to provide informational interviews for school projects. We suggest contacting your public library or your county or university's <a href="">cooperative extension service</a> to find an expert on your topic.</p> <div class="pb-3"></div> <h4><strong>Sea level rise resources</strong></h4> <p> We do have a lot of resources online, however. Here are some that will help with your project: </p> <ul><li><a href="">Is sea level rising?</a></li> <li><a href="">Sea Level Rise - NOS Education</a></li> <li><a href="">How is sea level rise related to climate change?</a></li> <li><a href="">Global vs. Local Sea Level</a></li></ul> <div class="pb-3"></div> <h4><strong>Coral reef resources</strong></h4> <p>The following links may be helpful for your school project: </p> <ul><li><a href="">NOAA Coral Reef Conservation Program</a></li> <li><a href="">NOS Infographics</a></li> <li><a href="">Coral reefs: Essential and threatened</a></li></ul> <div class="pb-3"></div> <h4><strong>Ocean acidification resources</strong></h4> <p>Here are some resources that may be helpful to you related to ocean acidification:</p> <ul><li><a href="">What is Ocean Acidification? (NOS)</a></li> <li><a href="">What is Ocean Acidification? (PMEL)</a></li> <li><a href="">Ocean acidification (NOAA)</a></li></ul> <div class="pb-3"></div> <h4><strong>Noise pollution resources</strong></h4> <p>Here are a few resources that include webinars with questions and answers and other detailed infographics: </p> <ul><li><a href="">Understanding Sound in the Ocean</a></li> <li><a href="">Ocean Noise and Soundscape Projects</a></li> <li><a href="">A Noisy Ocean: A Q&A with Dr. Leila Hatch</a></li> <li><a href="">Noise Sanctuary Sentinel Site Issue</a></li></ul> <div class="pb-3"></div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end block --> <!-- faq section 5--> <div class="card" id="cardV"> <div class="card-header" id="headingV"> <h2 class="mb-0"> <button class="d-flex align-items-center justify-content-between btn btn-link collapsed" id="opportunities" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#collapseV" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapseV">What opportunities does NOAA offer for students, recent graduates, or volunteers?<span class="fa-stack fa-sm"> <i class="fas fa-circle fa-stack-2x"></i> <i class="fas fa-plus fa-stack-1x fa-inverse"></i> </span> </h2> </button> </div> <div id="collapseV" class="collapse d-print-block" aria-labelledby="headingV" data-parent="#accordion3"> <!-- begin block --> <div class="card-body"> <h4><strong>Scholarships, fellowships, internships</strong></h4> <p>While NOAA's opportunities are not managed through one centralized process, a great place to start is NOAA's <a href="">Student Opportunities</a> portal, which lists many open scholarships, internships, fellowships, and other programs throughout the agency &mdash; and you can easily filter this list by audience and opportunity type.</p> <p>Many opportunities for students and recent graduates are also posted on <a href=""></a> as they become available, so it's worth checking back regularly. </p> <div class="pb-3"></div> <h4><strong>Volunteer</strong></h4> <p>NOAA offers many volunteering opportunities, including citizen science projects. Visit <a href="">NOAA's volunteering portal</a> for more information. </p> <div class="pb-3"></div> <h4><strong>Job announcements</strong></h4> <p>NOAA job openings are posted on <a href=""></a> as they become available. </p> <div class="pb-3"></div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end block --> <!-- faq section 6--> <div class="card" id="cardVI"> <div class="card-header" id="headingVI"> <h2 class="mb-0"> <button class="d-flex align-items-center justify-content-between btn btn-link collapsed" id="publicize" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#collapseVI" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapseVI">Can you publicize or share my ( website, Facebook page, project) on your website? <span class="fa-stack fa-sm"> <i class="fas fa-circle fa-stack-2x"></i> <i class="fas fa-plus fa-stack-1x fa-inverse"></i> </span> </h2> </button> </div> <div id="collapseVI" class="collapse d-print-block" aria-labelledby="headingVI" data-parent="#accordion3"> <div class="card-body"> <p>As a U.S. federal agency, we cannot publicize, advocate for, or promote non-federal programs, businesses, nonprofits, or personal projects. We are also prohibited from directly or indirectly implying endorsement of non-government programs and activities, and are prohibited by law in activities that involve solicitation of funds or direct/indirect lobbying. </p> <div class="pb-3"></div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- faq section 7--> <div class="card" id="cardVII"> <div class="card-header" id="headingVII"> <h2 class="mb-0"> <button class="d-flex align-items-center justify-content-between btn btn-link collapsed" id="hurricane-name" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#collapseVII" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapseVII">Can you name a hurricane after me? <span class="fa-stack fa-sm"> <i class="fas fa-circle fa-stack-2x"></i> <i class="fas fa-plus fa-stack-1x fa-inverse"></i> </span> </h2> </button> </div> <div id="collapseVII" class="collapse d-print-block" aria-labelledby="headingVII" data-parent="#accordion3"> <div class="card-body"> <p>NOAA does not name tropical storms. There is a strict procedure established by the World Meteorological Organization. For Atlantic hurricanes, there is a list of male and female names that are used on a six-year rotation. The only time that there is a change is if a storm is so deadly or costly that the future use of its name on a different storm would be inappropriate. In the event that more than 21 named tropical cyclones occur in a season, any additional storms will take names from a backup list. Additional resources are available below. </p> <ul><li><a href="/facts/storm-names.html">How are hurricanes named?</a></li> <li><a href=""> Tropical cyclone naming: World Meteorological Organization </a></li> <li><a href="">World Meteorological Organization member nations</a></li></ul> <div class="pb-3"></div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- faq section 8--> <div class="card" id="cardVIII"> <div class="card-header" id="headingVIII"> <h2 class="mb-0"> <button class="d-flex align-items-center justify-content-between btn btn-link collapsed" id="business-idea" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#collapseVIII" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapseVIII">Can you provide feedback on or help me with my new business idea or invention? <span class="fa-stack fa-sm"> <i class="fas fa-circle fa-stack-2x"></i> <i class="fas fa-plus fa-stack-1x fa-inverse"></i> </span> </h2> </button> </div> <div id="collapseVIII" class="collapse d-print-block" aria-labelledby="headingVIII" data-parent="#accordion3"> <div class="card-body"> <p>By law, the U.S. Government is not able to accept unsolicited product recommendations or business proposals. This law guarantees that all companies are treated equally when competing for federal contracts. If you wish to respond to a federal contracting solicitation, you should visit the federal contracting portal here: Not only will you find solicitations from NOAA, but from all federal agencies, which should save you some time.</p> <p>We are also unable to provide feedback, advice, or help with unsolicited inventions, ideas, or plans.</p> <div class="pb-3"></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="mb-5"></div> </div> <!--SIDE BAR--> <div class="col-md-3"> <div class="card card-highlight mb-5 mt-5 bg-light"> <div class="card-body p-3"> <h4 class="card-title p-2 text-center"><strong>MORE INFORMATION</strong></h4> <!--MORE INFORMATION--> <div id="accordion" class="myaccordion"> <div class="card" id="cardA"> <div class="card-header" id="headingA" style="background-color:#d3d3d3;"> <button class="d-flex align-items-center justify-content-between btn btn-link collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#collapseA" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapseA"> <p class="mb-0 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