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Its activities include media monitoring, press release distribution, custom media analysis, and advanced intelligence software applications.</p> <p>The company was founded in Prague, Czech Republic in 1995 as EIN (European Information Network) and became one of the first online news publishers. It quickly gained recognition and popularity with news sites such as Central Europe Online (1995) and Inside China Today (1996). It was the first news website to host an <a href="">online interview with the Dalai Lama</a> (1998).</p> <p>After the dot-com bubble burst in 2000, the company abandoned its reliance on advertising revenue and became an early adopter of a subscription-based paywall model. It gained further popularity with the launch of U.S. Politics Today in 2003, which offered a different take on George W. Bush's domestic and foreign policies in the era of the Patriot Act and the Iraq War than most of the mainstream media at the time.</p> <p>2008 saw the launch of <a href="">EIN Presswire</a>, which quickly became a go-to service for professional communicators and organizations that need to get their news in front of the media, stakeholders, and the public. </p> <p>Recent additions to the Newsmatics product line include <a href="">Affinity Group Publishing</a>, a platform of 3,900 moderated publications that provide the kind of hybrid news service so needed in the current post-truth era, and <a href="">Perspectify</a>, a website that provides users with comprehensive political bias and ownership information on the news publications it tracks. In addition, EIN Presswire expanded its portfolio of services with the launch of the <a href="">AI Press Release Generator</a>, a free tool that provides a fast and efficient solution for writing press releases.</p> <p>The company's staff is a global network of talented individuals focused on bringing clarity and transparency to news content, while striving to help fill local news deserts. </p> <p>The world is witnessing a dangerous rise in propaganda and misinformation that is deliberately and strategically finding its way into media outlets, some of which are dedicated solely to these harmful activities. Pushing back against these trends is part of our core ethos.</p> <p>David Rothstein<br />CEO<br />Newsmatics Inc</p> <div class="career-link"> <p>Life is a journey. Why not spend some of yours with us? <a href="/career">Join the company's workforce!</a> </p> </div> </section> <footer> <div class="mx-auto w-full px-20 pb-60 pt-60 md:pt-90 lg:pt-[120px] max-w-[1360px] text-center"> <div class="flex justify-center gap-3 mb-4"> <span>Follow Us: </span> <a href="" target="_blank"><img class="w-25 h-25 hover:opacity-80 transition-all" src="/images/linkedin.svg" alt="Linkedin"></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img class="w-25 h-25 hover:opacity-80 transition-all" src="/images/facebook.svg" alt="Facebook"></a> </div> <p class="mb-5 text-15">Newsmatics Inc., 1025 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20036 | Tel: +1 (202) 335-9494 </p> <span class="max-sm:block">Copyright 1995-2024 Newsmatics, Inc. All rights reserved. </span> <a class="underline inline-block mx-[8px] mt-5" href="/user-agreement">User Agreement</a> <a class="underline inline-block mx-[8px] mt-5" href="/privacy-policy">Privacy Policy</a> <a class="underline inline-block mx-[8px] mt-5" href="/copyright-policy">Copyright Policy</a> <a class="underline inline-block mx-[8px] mt-5" href="/career">Join the company's workforce!</a> </div> </footer> <div data-controller="cookies" class="hidden cookies flex flex-col lg:flex-row justify-center fixed bottom-[0px] py-20 px-80 text-[14px] md:py-10 left-[0px] w-[100%] p-[8px] bg-[#656565] text-white text-center z-[10000]"> We use cookies for analytics, personalized content and ads. 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