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Privacy commitment</h3> <p>The website is owned and operated by The National Theatre. We are committed to safeguarding your privacy online and to this end have developed the following Privacy Policy to deal with issues which may concern you. Please read the Privacy Policy to understand how your personal information will be treated. This policy may change from time to time so please check it periodically. It was last updated on 11 June 2013.</p> <p><strong>2. Personal Information</strong></p> <p>2.1 The details which you provide about yourself and any information which identifies you such as your name, address, email address, telephone number, country of residence and credit and debit card details ("Personal Information") will only be retained by us if you provide this information when using one of the services available on our website, such as posting a message on the Bulletin Board, subscribing to one of our email lists or when purchasing tickets. Personal Information will be held on our system and used for operational purposes such as the processing of bookings and orders in connection with our on-line ticket and book ordering services and for mailing list subscriptions.<br/>In order to process a transaction, your Personal Information and card details may be passed to third party service providers. Card details will only be used for the purpose of handling an individual transaction.</p> <p>The Personal Information you supply when you join one of our e-mail lists will be used by the National Theatre to keep you up-to-date with events and activities organised by the National Theatre. When purchasing tickets you are given the opportunity to opt in to receiving news and information from the National Theatre and its co-producers, other arts organisations and our sponsors. When joining one of our e-mail lists you are given the opportunity to opt in to receiving information from other arts organisations and our sponsors. The National Theatre will only pass on your Personal Information for marketing purposes if the relevant box has been ticked. In these instances, we supply your Personal Information for one-off use by the other arts organisation. Each e-mail we send you offers you the opportunity to amend these preferences, or you can ask us to do this, by e-mailing <a href=""></a></p> <p>2.2 If you would like to revise the information provided to us at any time, or feel what we currently have on record is incorrect, you may update the information by e-mailing <a href=""></a></p> <p>2.3 We may from time to time ask you for further information in order to update our records or for particular purposes. We will always tell you how we will use any further information received from you. From time to time we will need to send you our website and service announcement updates.</p> <p>2.4 You have the right to obtain from us an electronic or paper copy of all Personal Information concerning yourself by e-mailing <a href=""></a> or writing to Tony Peers at The Royal National Theatre, Upper Ground, London SE1 9PX. If you decide not to use our services any further and notify us either in writing or by email as mentioned above, we shall destroy any retained Personal Information.</p> <h3>3. Log files</h3> <p>3.1 Every time someone visits our web site a log file is generated on our computer.</p> <p>3.2 The log file records the time and date of your visit, the files that were requested, your IP (Internet Protocol) address, the referrer URL (if provided) and the browser version. We collect this information to help us diagnose problems and administer our systems and to audit the geographical make-up of users and how they have arrived at our site; that is, from what other sites have visitors arrived - this information being obtained from the referrer URL.</p> <p>3.3 We do not normally link IP addresses to anything personally identifiable, which means that you remain anonymous even though we include your IP address in our aggregate information. However, we can and will attempt to use IP addresses to identify a user when we feel it is necessary to enforce compliance with our terms and conditions, or to protect our services and other users.</p> <h3 id="cookie-policy">4. Cookie Policy</h3> <p>Cookies are small pieces of information that are stored by your browser on your computer's hard drive. They make it possible for us to provide our online ticketing service and track visitor statistics, such as returning visitors.</p> <p>This website uses the following non-essential cookies:</p> <p>Google Analytics cookies used by the National Theatre: _utma, _utmb, _utmc, _utmz<br/>These cookies are used to collect information about how visitors use our site. The cookies collect information in an anonymous form, so we don't know who is using our site. We use the information on how people use our website to compile reports and to help us improve the site. You can go to <a href="" target="_blank"></a> to find out more about Google Analytics cookies and how to opt-out of them.</p> <p>Cookies used by Twitter: _utma, _utmz, Guest_id, k<br/>These cookies provide information on visitors to Twitter, checks whether users are logged in to Twitter and sets the Twitter application cookie.</p> <p>We also use cookies to manage the聽shopping baskets on our ticketing pages and our Bookshop site, as well as logging in and using your MyNT account pages. The cookies used for these functions聽are temporary cookies that are removed once the transaction has been completed or you log out. It is not possible to purchase anything on our website without accepting these cookies.</p> <p>This website also uses advertising cookies, for our West End transfers, but we offer the option to opt out of these to prevent them being set on your computer if they are introduced in future.</p> <p><strong><a title="Cookies used on the National Theatre website" href="/web/20140712093413/" target="_blank">You can review a full list of the cookies we use in this document</a></strong>.</p> <p><strong><a class="edit-cookieconsent-settings" href="#">Review and change your settings here.</a></strong></p> <p>For more information on cookies, please visit: <br/><a title="About Cookies website" href=""></a><br/><a title="Cookies entry on Wikipedia website" href="">Wikipedia</a></p> <p>Please note that we are not responsible for information available on these websites.</p> <h3>5. Use and disclosure of Personal Information</h3> <p>5.1 If you contact us we reserve the right to keep a record of that correspondence and incorporate the information it contains into our database</p> <p>5.2 If we are required by law or requested by the police or a regulatory or government authority investigating potentially illegal activities to provide information concerning your activities whilst using the network we shall do so. We may also disclose Personal Information to appropriate third聽 parties to assist in anti-fraud checks and investigations.</p> <h3>6. How we protect information</h3> <p>6.1 We take every precaution to protect your information. To this end all Personal Information stored by us is kept on a server in a secure environment. Save as agreed by you for marketing purposes, only employees and approved contractors/developers we may appoint from time to time, and who need the information to perform a specific job, are granted access to personally identifiable information.</p> <p>6.2 Regular security reviews are held by us to ensure that the site remains safe and secure for your protection.</p> <h3>7. Surveys and Promotions</h3> <p>From time to time we conduct surveys and promotions and may request information from you as part of these. Participation in these is entirely voluntary and you therefore have a choice whether or not to disclose any information which might be required. We may also ask you whether you would like to receive promotional emails and mailings from us about our other products or services. Again, you are under no obligation to accept such information.</p> <h3>8. Users Under 18</h3> <p>If you are under 18, please ensure that you obtain your parent/guardian's consent beforehand whenever you provide Personal Information to the website. 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