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// intentional redundancy // this way the script can load before core was loaded function determineLanguage(options){ options = options || {}; var possibleLangs = []; // PRIO 1: check for URL-Parameter "language" // Tempor盲r umgezogen if (options.urlParam) { var urlLang = Hafas.Core.getParameterByName(options.urlParam); if (urlLang) possibleLangs.push(urlLang); } // PRIO 2: language via options if(options.language) { possibleLangs.push(options.language); } // PRIO 3: local storage try { if (options.localStorageKey && localStorage && localStorage.getItem && options.localStorageKey) { var lsLang = localStorage.getItem(options.localStorageKey); if (lsLang) { lsLang = JSON.parse(lsLang); // check if entry is expired if (new Date().getTime() > lsLang.expires) { localStorage.removeItem(options.localStorageKey); } else { possibleLangs.push(lsLang.lang); } } } } catch (e) { console.log("i18n.readFromStorage", "Fehler: Sprache kann nicht aus localStorage gelesen werden.", e); } // PRIO 4: browser language // Allgemein gibt der Browser ein Sprachk眉rzel an (-> shortcode 'de'). // Je nachdem ob der Benutzer ein Land angibt, wird das L盲nderk眉rzel herausgegeben (-> fullcode 'de_DE'). // Wird der fullcode gefunden wird die Spracheinstellung 眉bernommen. if (hfsMetadata.Switches.useBrowserLanguage && (navigator.language || navigator.browserLanguage)) { // navigator.language // navigator.browserLanguage (alteIE) // Internet Explorer 11: de-DE // Opera/Firefox/Chrome: de/en-US/en-GB (Firefox kann Sprache detailliert einstellen) // K眉rzel wird in der Webapp mit Unterstrich angegeben (daher replace) var browserLang = (navigator.language || navigator.browserLanguage || '').replace('-', '_'); possibleLangs.push(browserLang); // Extrahiere Sprachcode possibleLangs.push(browserLang.slice(0, 2)); } // PRIO 5: default language possibleLangs.push(hfsMetadata.defaultLang); var allLangs = hfsMetadata.languages; for (var i = 0, size = possibleLangs.length; i < size; i++) { var posLang = possibleLangs[i]; for (var j = 0, jSize = allLangs.length; j < jSize; j++) { var curLang = allLangs[j]; if (curLang.lang === posLang || curLang.iso === posLang || curLang.hciLang === posLang) { return curLang; } } } // Wenn alle Stricke rei脽en... return allLangs[0]; } function getURLParameter(name) { return decodeURIComponent((new RegExp('[?|&]' + name + '=' + '([^&;]+?)(&|#|;|$)').exec( || [null, ''])[1].replace(/\+/g, '%20')) || null; } function isValidVirtualClient(vc){ return new RegExp("vs_[^<>]*$","g").test(vc); } function getDefaultLang(){ for(var l=0; l < hfsMetadata.languages.length;l++){ var lang = hfsMetadata.languages[l]; if(lang.isDefault){ hfsMetadata.defaultLang = lang.lang; } } } function initSplashScreen(){ // Determin defaultLang getDefaultLang(); if(hfsMetadata.Switches.useSplashScreen == false){ return; } document.getElementById('HFS_Splashscreen').style.display = ''; // Logo zeigen if(hfsMetadata.Splashscreen.mode == 'BOTH' || hfsMetadata.Splashscreen.mode == 'LOGO'){ var colorScheme = Hafas.Core.getColorScheme(); document.getElementById('HFS_SplashscreenLogo').style.display = ''; document.getElementById('HFS_SplashscreenLogoImage').width = hfsMetadata.Splashscreen.logoWidth; document.getElementById('HFS_SplashscreenLogoImage').src = hfsMetadata.imageBasePath + colorScheme + '/' + hfsMetadata.Splashscreen.logo; } // Text zeigen if(hfsMetadata.Splashscreen.mode == 'BOTH' || hfsMetadata.Splashscreen.mode == 'TEXT'){ document.getElementById('HFS_SplashscreenText').style.display = ''; } // Loading Spinner if(hfsMetadata.Splashscreen.showLoadingSpinner == true){ document.getElementById('HFS_SplashSpinner').style.display = ''; } // Progress Bar if(hfsMetadata.Splashscreen.showProgress == true){ document.getElementById('HFS_SplashProgress').style.display = ''; } var langParam = getURLParameter("language"); var language = determineLanguage({ language: langParam }); var descriptionText = (typeof hfsMetadata.description == 'string')?hfsMetadata.description:hfsMetadata.description[language.lang]; document.getElementById('HFS_SplashTitle').innerHTML =; document.getElementById('HFS_SplashDesc').innerHTML = descriptionText; } function applyPreference (mediaQueryList) { if (Hafas.Util && Hafas.Util.isCookieTypeActive('functional')) { var storage = Hafas.Core.newType('hafasStorage'); if (storage && storage.get('hfsColorScheme_' + { return; } } if (mediaQueryList.matches) { Hafas.Core.setColorScheme('dark'); } else { Hafas.Core.setColorScheme('light'); } } function initColorScheme () { // If WebApp is in an iFrame and also initialized by the iFrame API, color scheme will be handled by iFrame API if (window.self !== && Hafas.Config.iframeApiEnabled) { return; } // Add a listener for color scheme requests from iframes, e.g. by the widget generator addEventListener('message', (message) => { if ( === 'getColorScheme') { Hafas('iframe', false)?.contentWindow?.postMessage({type: 'colorScheme', colorScheme: Hafas.Core.getColorScheme()}, '*'); } }); // If only one color scheme was configured, set useColorTheming to false, so we don't have to check availableThemes every time if (!(Hafas.Config.ColorScheme?.availableSchemes?.length > 1)) { Hafas.Config.Switches.useColorTheming = false; } if (Hafas.Config.Switches.useColorTheming) { // Check if URL has a dark mode parameter and apply it // Jumpin module would be too late to avoid loading unnecessary CSS files var darkModeUrlParam = getURLParameter('darkmode'); if (darkModeUrlParam != null) { if (darkModeUrlParam === '1' && Hafas.Config.ColorScheme?.availableSchemes?.includes('dark')) { Hafas.Core.setColorScheme('dark'); } else { Hafas.Core.setColorScheme('light'); } return; } // Check local storage for color scheme var storageId =; // At this point, does not yet contain the virtual client name var lParam = getURLParameter('L'); if (lParam) { storageId = + '_' + lParam + '_' + Hafas.Config.Storage.prop.env + '_' + Hafas.Config.Storage.prop.version; } var storedScheme = localStorage.getItem('hfsColorScheme_' + storageId); if (storedScheme) { // Apply color scheme from local storage Hafas.Core.setColorScheme(storedScheme); return; } // Check if system setting should be used and apply it if (Hafas.Config.ColorScheme.useSystemSetting) { // Set color theme according to system setting and add listener var prefersDarkScheme = window.matchMedia("(prefers-color-scheme: dark)"); applyPreference(prefersDarkScheme); prefersDarkScheme.addEventListener('change', applyPreference); return; } } // If useColorTheming === false or color scheme can/should not be set according to URL parameter, local storage, or system setting, get and set scheme according to config var colorScheme = Hafas.Core.getColorScheme(); Hafas.Core.setColorScheme(colorScheme); } var subPath = getURLParameter("L"); var embedConfig = true; if(subPath) { if(!isValidVirtualClient(subPath)){ embedConfig = false; } else { path = 'customer/' + subPath + '/js/'; document.getElementsByTagName("html")[0].setAttribute("data-customer", subPath); } } if(embedConfig) { if(subPath) { document.write('<script type="text\/javascript" src="' + path + 'metadata.js?v=1719222691516"><\/script>'); 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