Announcements | Belgian Journal of Zoology

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The following changes will be implemented as from March 31<sup>st</sup>, 2024.</p> <ol> <li>Our rules for cybersecurity need to be followed strictly, see the Submissions section. As before, submissions can only be done via email to and not via a link to a website. Such submissions will be ignored.</li> <li>The old template for papers is cancelled. As a rule of thumb, the format of the recently published papers on our website can be followed, and more details can be found in the Author guidelines under Submissions on the About page.</li> <li>BJZ will no longer make a distinction between Research articles and Short notes, which used to have a different format. From now on, there will only be full Research articles, which will follow the same format for the text (IMRAD structure - <a href=""></a>).</li> <li>The style of references, both in the text and in the list of references, will be based on the APA format (<a href=""></a>), on which various reference management tools are based. For example: authors’ names of references will no longer be in small caps. Check the Author guidelines under Submissions on the About page for more details.</li> </ol> <ul class="cmp_announcements"> <li> <article class="obj_announcement_summary"> <h2> <a href=""> Impact factor for the Belgian Journal of Zoology 2023 is 1.3 </a> </h2> <div class="date"> 2024-06-21 </div> <div class="summary"> <a href="" class="read_more"> <span aria-hidden="true" role="presentation"> Read More </span> <span class="pkp_screen_reader"> Read more about Impact factor for the Belgian Journal of Zoology 2023 is 1.3 </span> </a> </div> </article><!-- .obj_announcement_summary --> </li> <li> <article class="obj_announcement_summary"> <h2> <a href=""> New format for the Belgian Journal of Zoology starting 31st of March, 2024 </a> </h2> <div class="date"> 2024-03-29 </div> <div class="summary"> <p>At the last meeting of the editorial board of BJZ, it was decided to simplify the format of submissions. The following changes will be implemented as from March 31<sup>st</sup>, 2024. Please check 'Submissions' on the About page.</p> <a href="" class="read_more"> <span aria-hidden="true" role="presentation"> Read More </span> <span class="pkp_screen_reader"> Read more about New format for the Belgian Journal of Zoology starting 31st of March, 2024 </span> </a> </div> </article><!-- .obj_announcement_summary --> </li> <li> <article class="obj_announcement_summary"> <h2> <a href=""> PDF/A for the Belgian Journal of Zoology </a> </h2> <div class="date"> 2022-10-18 </div> <div class="summary"> <p>Accepted manuscripts are momentarily published as a freely downloadable pdf only, but from now on will also be available as a pdf/a, which is a pdf for long-term archival purposes. This version will also be freely downloadable, and can be used for distribution among peers and other interested parties.</p> <a href="" class="read_more"> <span aria-hidden="true" role="presentation"> Read More </span> <span class="pkp_screen_reader"> Read more about PDF/A for the Belgian Journal of Zoology </span> </a> </div> </article><!-- .obj_announcement_summary --> </li> <li> <article class="obj_announcement_summary"> <h2> <a href=""> Belgian Journal of Zoology supports the Biodiversity crisis campaign </a> </h2> <div class="date"> 2020-08-31 </div> <div class="summary"> <p>The <em>Belgian Journal of Zoology</em> joins the national campaign launched on May 22nd by the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences which will be continued and amplified this coming year. It is a campaign informing Belgian citizens about the Biodiversity crisis (following the 2019 IPBES global report) and there are already almost 50 Belgian organisations being part of it, including the Flemish and Wallonian regional and the federal administrations, most federal institutions of research, universities, and dozens of NGOs.</p><p>In practice, a "kit" in French and Dutch have been developed, including a film and logos, which list of tools is attached. The link to the tools of the kit is here: <a href=""></a></p><p>There is also a website in two langages for proposing multiple-scale solutions for protecting the biodiversity:</p><p><a href=""></a></p><p><a href=""></a></p> <a href="" class="read_more"> <span aria-hidden="true" role="presentation"> Read More </span> <span class="pkp_screen_reader"> Read more about Belgian Journal of Zoology supports the Biodiversity crisis campaign </span> </a> </div> </article><!-- .obj_announcement_summary --> </li> <li> <article class="obj_announcement_summary"> <h2> <a href=""> BJZ is Diamond Open Access </a> </h2> <div class="date"> 2020-06-11 </div> <div class="summary"> <p>It is our pleasure to announce that the <em>Belgian Journal of Zoology</em> is now a <strong>Diamond Open Access Journal</strong>. This means that all publication charges are now cancelled, both for authors and readers. As co-publishers, the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (RBINS) and the Royal Belgian Zoological Society (RBZS) are thrilled that the Belgian Journal of Zoology has adopted this highest level of <a href="">open access</a> in the year in which we are also celebrating the 150th anniversary of the journal!</p><p>We are looking forward to receive new submissions via <a href=""></a>. Manuscripts on all aspects of zoology are considered, including anatomy, behaviour, developmental biology, ecology, evolution, genetics, genomics and physiology. The <em>Belgian Journal of Zoology</em> also welcomes reviews, especially from complex or poorly understood research fields in zoology.</p><p>All issues can be found in the Web of Science and Scopus, and also here: <a href="/BJZ/issue/archive"></a>.</p><p>RBINS and RBSZ are strongly committed to promoting free publication and consultation of peer-reviewed scientific articles. In this context, the Belgian Journal of Zoology will also participate in the <a href="">Peer Community Initiative</a> (PCI). You will shortly receive additional information about the novel PCI Zoology that is currently being created.</p><p>Publication of the <em>Belgian Journal of Zoology</em> is supported by the National Fund for Scientific Research (FNRS), the University Foundation and RBINS.</p><p>On behalf of the <em>Belgian Journal of Zoology</em></p><p>Isa Schön, Editor-in-Chief of the <em>Belgian Journal of Zoology</em></p> <a href="" class="read_more"> <span aria-hidden="true" role="presentation"> Read More </span> <span class="pkp_screen_reader"> Read more about BJZ is Diamond Open Access </span> </a> </div> </article><!-- .obj_announcement_summary --> </li> </ul> </div><!-- .page --> </div><!-- pkp_structure_main --> <div class="pkp_structure_sidebar left" role="complementary" aria-label="Sidebar"> <div class="pkp_block block_custom" id="customblock-bibliometric-indices-bjz"> <h2 class="title pkp_screen_reader">bibliometric_indices_bjz</h2> <div class="content"> <p><span style="font-size: small;"><strong>Bibliometric indices</strong> of the <em>Belgian Journal of Zoology</em></span></p> <p><span style="font-size: small;"><br>Impact Factor Clarivate 2023 | <strong>1.3</strong><br>CiteScore 2023 | <strong>1.9</strong><br>SJR 2023 | <strong>0.395 Q2</strong><br>SNIP 2023 | <strong>0.689</strong><br>HIndex 2023 | <strong>34</strong></span></p> <p><a title="SCImago Journal &amp; Country Rank" href=";tip=sid&amp;exact=no"><img src="" alt="SCImago Journal &amp; Country Rank" border="0"></a></p> </div> </div> <div class="pkp_block block_developed_by"> <h2 class="pkp_screen_reader"> Developed By </h2> <div class="content"> <a href=""> Open Journal Systems </a> </div> </div> <div class="pkp_block block_information"> <h2 class="title">Information</h2> <div class="content"> <ul> <li> <a href=""> For Readers </a> </li> <li> <a href=""> For Authors </a> </li> <li> <a href=""> For Librarians </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div><!-- pkp_sidebar.left --> </div><!-- pkp_structure_content --> <div class="pkp_structure_footer_wrapper" role="contentinfo"> <a id="pkp_content_footer"></a> <div class="pkp_structure_footer"> <div class="pkp_footer_content"> <p><img src="" alt="" width="431" height="200" /></p> </div> <div class="pkp_brand_footer" role="complementary"> <a href=""> <img alt="More information about the publishing system, Platform and Workflow by OJS/PKP." src=""> </a> </div> </div> </div><!-- pkp_structure_footer_wrapper --> </div><!-- pkp_structure_page --> <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script><script src="" type="text/javascript"></script><script src="" type="text/javascript"></script><script src="" type="text/javascript"></script><script src="" type="text/javascript"></script><script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> </body> </html>

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