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To learn more, click <a href=\"%url%#accelerated-pay\">here<\/a>.","careers.acceleratedPay.yes":"Accelerated Pay Increment","careers.Featured.acceleratedPayFilter":"Accelerated Pay Increment","careers.expeditedApplication":"Expedited Application trial","careers.expeditedApplication.blurb":"The expedited application trial is an initiative where some applicants to the Regular Force in certain occupations will not be required to write the Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) and Trait Self Descriptor - Personality Inventory (TSD-PI) before enrolment. <a href=\"%link1%\">Learn More<\/a>.","careers.expeditedApplication.yes":"Expedited Application trial","careers.Featured.expeditedApplicationFilter":"Expedited Application trial","careers.filter.commStatus":"Commissioned Status","":"Officers","":"in the CAF hold positions of authority and respect. They are responsible for the safety, well-being and morale of a group of soldiers, sailors, air men or air women. Analyzing, planning, making decisions and providing advice are a few aspects of an Officer\u2019s role.","":"Non-Commissioned Members","":"are skilled personnel who provide operational and support services in the CAF. Non-Commissioned Members start out as recruits and are trained to do specific jobs.","careers.officer":"Officer","careers.ncm":"Non-Commissioned Member (NCM)","careers.ed":"Minimum Required Education","careers.Edu.1":"Grade 10","careers.Edu.2":"High School","careers.Edu.3":"College Degree","careers.Edu.4":"Bachelor Degree","careers.Edu.5":"Graduate Degree","careers.paided.grad":"Graduate","careers.category":"Category","careers.none":"No Careers Found","careers.none.p":"No careers match your results. Try changing your search terms or the filters you've selected.","careers.selected":"Selected Filters","careers.paidEd.cat1":"Skilled Trades (NCMSTEP)","careers.paidEd.cat2":"Undergraduate (ROTP)","careers.paidEd.cat2.short":"Undergraduate (ROTP)","":"Skilled Trades (NCMSTEP)","careers.paidEdcat.uni":"Undergraduate (ROTP)","careers.paidEdcat.grad":"Specialty Programs\/Graduate","career.Training.BasicOccupational":"Basic Occupational Qualification Training","career.Training.Bmq":"Basic Military Qualification","career.Training.Bmoq":"Basic Military Officer Qualification","career.Training.ProfessionalTraining":"Available Professional Training","career.Training.SpecialtyTraining":"Available Specialty Training","career.Training.AdvancedTraining":"Available Advanced Training","career.Training.AirTraining":"Specific Air Force Training","career.Training.ArmyTraining":"Specific Army Training","career.Training.NavyTraining":"Specific Navy Training","career.Entry.RequiredEd":"Required Education","career.Entry.DirectEntry":"Direct Entry Options","career.Entry.PaidEducation":"Paid Education Options","career.PartTime.Employment":"Part Time Employment","career.PartTime.ResTraining":"Reserve Force Training","career.PartTime.ServeRes":"Serve with the Reserve Force","career.PartTime.ResWorkingEnv":"Reserve Working Environment","career.Header.RelatedCiv":"Related Civilian Occupations","career.Header.RelatedCivNone":"Although this occupation has no direct related civilian job, the experience, skills and leadership abilities developed in this position are highly valued by employers.","career.Header.PAndB":"A competitive compensation and benefits package is available for this medical specialization. Contact a Health Services Specialist Recruiter to learn more: <a href='mailto:%email%'>%email%<\/a>","career.Header.Overview":"Overview","career.Header.WorkEnv":"Work environment","career.Header.PayDev":"Pay and career development","career.Tabs.Training":"Training","career.Tabs.EntryPlans":"Entry plans","career.Tabs.PartTimeOptions":"Part time options","career.VideoBackground":"video background image","career.videoOverlay":"Career Overview","career.Link.Basic":"Learn more about Basic Training","career.Link.paided":"Learn more about our Paid Education programs","career.Edu.Label":"Highest Level of Education Completed:","career.related":"Related Careers","career.view":"View Occupation","career.findRecCentre":"Find a Recruiting Centre","about.Army.Title":"About us - Army","about.Air.Title":"About us - Air Force","about.Navy.Title":"About us - Navy","about.FeaturedCareer":"In Demand Career","about.ViewCareer":"View Career","about.Glance":"At a glance","about.WhatDo":"What we do","about.Browse":"Browse Careers","about.Journey":"Where will your journey take you?","about.ApplyFor":"Apply for a career in","about.ApplyNow":"Apply Now","about.Opportunity":"Unparalleled Opportunity","about.MenuItem1":"Overview","about.MenuItem2":"Opportunity","about.MenuItem3":"Life in the %shortTitle%","about.MenuItem4":"Experiences","about.Life.subTitle":"Life in %title%","about.Life.title":"See how you fit in","about.Life.Sq1Title":"Jobs","about.Life.Sq2Title":"Pay","about.Life.Sq3Title":"Living","about.Life.Sq4Title":"Travel","about.Testimonial":"Canadian armed forces member working for the","about.findRecCentre":"Find a Recruiting Centre","ethos.title":"Values & Ethos","ethos.meta.desc":"The CAF is fully committed to creating a workplace that is welcoming, inclusive, safe and respectful \u2013 for every member of the Defence Team. This is how we will develop cohesive and inclusive teams and build our operational effectiveness.","ethos.header.p":"The Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) is fully committed to creating a workplace that is welcoming, inclusive, safe and respectful \u2013 for every member of the Defence Team. This is how we will develop cohesive and inclusive teams and build our operational effectiveness.","":"Trusted to Serve","ethos.nav.doing":"Recent Activities","ethos.nav.principles":"Ethical Principles","ethos.nav.values":"Military Values","ethos.nav.expect":"Professional Expectations","ethos.trusted.p":"The CAF Ethos describes who we are as a profession. Ethos is defined as the characteristic spirit of a culture, community or organization as manifested in its beliefs and aspirations. The CAF Ethos comprises seventeen elements categorized as three ethical principles, six military values, and eight professional expectations.","ethos.trusted.p2":"It is our individual level of commitment to a set of principled behaviours that determines our strength of character","ethos.trusted.h2":"Culture Change","ethos.trusted.h2.p":"Every member of the CAF and the Department of National Defence (DND) team is entitled to work in an environment of mutual respect, dignity and inclusion, where they have the opportunity to contribute and achieve their full potential.","ethos.doing.title":"What We're Doing","ethos.doing.p":"These initiatives are among just some of the work being done across the entire Defence Team to achieve lasting change, as DND\/CAF continues to build an environment where all members feel supported by their organization, and are able to achieve their full potential.","ethos.doing.init1.title":"Addressing Sexual Misconduct","ethos.doing.init1.p":"Recently, a Training Needs Assessment was conducted that primarily focused on sexual misconduct within the ranks and resulted in several recommendations to develop a holistic approach to address training and education requirements across the conduct spectrum. This will be a critical part of targeting and eliminating harmful behaviours from our institution, and will bolster the broader CAF culture change efforts.","ethos.doing.init2.title":"Gender Inclusivity","ethos.doing.init2.p":"To enable military members to express their rank in the way that best matches their gender and in an effort to provide a safe and inclusive environment for all our members, regardless of their personal gender identity, gender-inclusive military ranks have been introduced. As well, the <a class=\"ext-link\" href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/department-national-defence\/maple-leaf\/defence\/2021\/05\/improvement-to-the-dnd-40-drivers-license.html\">sex designation on the military\u2019s driver\u2019s licence<\/a> has been removed.","ethos.doing.init3.title":"Employment Equity","ethos.doing.init3.p":"The <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/department-national-defence\/maple-leaf\/defence\/2021\/11\/caf-commitment-employment-equity-plan-2021-2026.html\" class=\"ext-link\">CAF Employment Equity Plan (2021-26)<\/a> will guide efforts to increase the representation, inclusion, and participation of under-represented groups, across all levels of the organization. Importantly, the CAF Employment Equity Plan holds leadership accountable in measurable ways, by laying out specific reporting questions that they must answer each reporting cycle, to see where they are meeting their goals, and where adjustments need to be made.","ethos.doing.init4.title":"Inclusive Promotion & Selection Process","ethos.doing.init4.p":"Two key initiatives will improve CAF promotion and selection processes: all scoring criteria (SCRIT) are subject to a <a class='ext-link' href='https:\/\/\/en\/immigration-refugees-citizenship\/corporate\/publications-manuals\/departmental-plan-2020-2021\/gender-based-analysis-plus.html'>Gender Based Analysis Plus (GBA+)<\/a> review, and the fall National Selection Boards now feature procedural improvements including bias awareness training and mandating that one voting member be from an equity seeking group. Senior leadership appointments and promotions will also be subject to additional evaluations, including a 360 degree assessment.","ethos.doing.init5.title":"Health & Wellness","ethos.doing.init5.p":"On March 4th, DND\/CAF launched the <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/department-national-defence\/services\/benefits-military\/health-support\/total-health-and-wellness-strategy.html\" class=\"ext-link\">Total Health and Wellness Strategy<\/a> \u2013 a comprehensive strategy that focuses on improving the health and wellness of Defence Team members and promises a strengthened workforce, best able to meet professional and personal challenges. Over $950 million will be invested in new and existing health and wellness programs benefitting all Defence Team members.","ethos.doing.init6.title":"Updated Nursing & Pumping Policy","ethos.doing.init6.p":"Since March, CAF members have been permitted to wear nursing T-shirts while in uniform and <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/department-national-defence\/maple-leaf\/defence\/2021\/12\/caf-reimburse-maternity-clothing.html\" class=\"ext-link\">they can now be reimbursed for these items<\/a>. The CAF\u2019s first <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/department-national-defence\/maple-leaf\/defence\/2021\/08\/lactation-plan-supports-caf-members-nursing-pumping.html\" class=\"ext-link\">Nursing and Pumping Policy<\/a> provides CAF leaders the necessary guidance on inclusive practices with respect to nursing infants and requires all Commanding Officers to establish a lactation plan to support their members.","ethos.doing.init7.title":"Compassionate & Short Leave (Time Off)","ethos.doing.init7.p":"The Director of Compensation and Benefits has <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/department-national-defence\/maple-leaf\/defence\/2021\/11\/new-compassionate-leave-policy-supports-families.html\" class=\"ext-link\">introduced new sub-types of compassionate leave and short leave<\/a>, in the <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/department-national-defence\/corporate\/policies-standards\/leave-policy-manual.html\" class=\"ext-link\">Canadian Forces Leave Policy Manual<\/a>. To help reduce personal and family stress, CAF members will be able to request time off in the tragic situations of pregnancy or adoption loss, as victims of family violence, or as parents of young victims of crime. Short leave may be requested for family-related situations and religious and spiritual accommodation.","ethos.doing.init8.title":"Updated Uniform and Appearance Standards","ethos.doing.init8.p":"The updated <a class=\"ext-link\" href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/services\/defence\/caf\/military-identity-system\/dress-manual.html\">Dress Instructions<\/a> provide an inclusive, single standard for all and focus on removing the barriers to members\u2019 choice of clothing and other aspects of their appearance, honouring the diversity of our members in uniform while continuing to prioritize operational effectiveness and safety.","ethos.principles.title":"Ethical Principles","ethos.principles.1.title":"Respect The Dignity Of All Persons","ethos.principles.1.p":"Everyone must be treated with respect and humanity at all times and in all places. Everyone deserves to serve in a safe, inclusive environment. As military professionals, we must respect the dignity of all persons at all times.","ethos.principles.2.title":"Serve Canada Before Self","ethos.principles.2.p":"CAF personnel prioritize service to the country, the military and their teammates ahead of themselves as a personal commitment to mission success. As military professionals, we place service before self to maximize team effectiveness.","ethos.principles.3.title":"Obey And Support Lawful Authority","ethos.principles.3.p":"CAF personnel act decisively in following lawful commands and orders to achieve mission success. As military professionals, we always obey and support lawful orders and the authority that issues them.","ethos.values.title":"Military Values","ethos.values.1.title":"Loyalty","ethos.values.1.p":"Those who are loyal always show respect, challenge unacceptable behaviour, support their teammates in difficult situations, help others, ensure that their conduct and performance is always a credit to the CAF, ensure others\u2019 well-being and safety, and are willing to risk their health or life for that of another.","ethos.values.2.title":"Integrity","ethos.values.2.p":"Those who embody integrity take responsibility for their decisions and actions and accept the consequences, good or bad. They own their mistakes, learn from them and share their insights. They assess conduct and performance transparently and honestly. They are reliable and trusted to complete tasks, are sincere, trustworthy and honest, and act on what they believe to be right. Their conduct will stand up to the closest public scrutiny, they are dedicated to fairness and justice, never use their official role for personal gain, and instead of making excuses, they make things right.","ethos.values.3.title":"Courage","ethos.values.3.p":"Those who are courageous take calculated risks and learn from their mistakes, have the will and drive to get things done despite any danger or difficulty and do what is right despite pressure to do otherwise. They speak out and correct things when something is wrong, admit to needing help and accept it, resist peer pressure, remain steadfast in the face of adversity, and do what must be done despite personal risk.","ethos.values.4.title":"Excellence","ethos.values.4.p":"People who embody excellence seek opportunities for personal improvement, are curious, ask questions and seek advice. They embrace valid standards, they are open to experimenting with new concepts and processes, they help others to improve their standards of conduct and performance, they pursue lifelong learning through additional training and education, and they look for ways to improve their workplace, their trade, occupation and profession.","ethos.values.5.title":"Inclusion","ethos.values.5.p":"Those who are inclusive reject racism, sexism, heteronormativity, homophobia, xenophobia or any other form of hateful, discriminatory or hurtful behaviour, conduct or association. They take a proactive approach to prevent, stop and report such conduct and support those affected. Inclusive leaders and team members take deliberate steps to identify and challenge inequities both within their teams and within the institution.","ethos.values.6.title":"Accountability","ethos.values.6.p":"Those who are accountable live our ethos, help others to embody the ethos, do not hesitate to respectfully question or correct others (including superiors) and routinely discuss the application of our ethos in daily military service with others. They identify, report and change any elements of military culture that oppose the CAF Ethos.","ethos.expect.title":"Professional Expectations","ethos.expect.1.title":"Duty","ethos.expect.1.p":"Those with a strong sense of duty put the mission first, they are dedicated to the completion of a task despite hardship and obstacles, maintain a positive attitude, give focus and attention to the task at hand, are reliable, demonstrate initiative and complete tasks to the highest professional standards.","ethos.expect.2.title":"Accepting Unlimited Liability","ethos.expect.2.p":"Those who accept unlimited liability never give in or shy away from work, they are willing to push beyond personal limits to succeed, they do what needs to be done regardless of personal risk, they carry on despite risks and hardship, they ensure other\u2019s well-being, and they take calculated risks for unselfish reasons without thought for reward.","ethos.expect.3.title":"Fighting Spirit","ethos.expect.3.p":"People who embody fighting spirit push past their own perceived limits, they always take on tasks no matter how challenging they might appear, they remain calm, confident and demonstrate resolve in the face of extreme adversity, and they are relentless in ensuring high levels of ethical conduct across the profession.","ethos.expect.4.title":"Leadership","ethos.expect.4.p":"Leaders make difficult decisions based on sound moral principles and commit to them even in the face of adversity, they seek out and take on responsibility and are accountable for their actions, they recognize their own limitations and that of others, they mentor, coach and develop subordinates, and they provide professional advice to superiors. They also develop CAF culture by purposefully pursuing self-development for the benefit of their team, embodying all aspects of the CAF Ethos and inspiring the same in others, and, most importantly, they promote the welfare of their subordinates by creating a healthy workplace.","ethos.expect.5.title":"Discipline","ethos.expect.5.p":"Those who are disciplined are critical of their own conduct and behaviour first, and challenge unacceptable behaviour in others. They enforce discipline and uphold professional standards, they take ownership and do what is right without incentive or reward, they demonstrate self-control in the face of adversity, and they cultivate cohesion through teamwork.","ethos.expect.6.title":"Teamwork","ethos.expect.6.p":"Those who strengthen teams prioritize having a positive attitude and influence, they pull the team together to complete a task, they respect, recognize and develop the diverse talent within the team, always contribute to high morale, and foster a safe and healthy workplace.","ethos.expect.7.title":"Readiness","ethos.expect.7.p":"Those who take readiness seriously attain and maintain high personal and professional standards, they push themselves to higher levels of physical fitness, they maintain open and honest relationships with others, they balance military service and personal life to keep themselves, their family and their friends well, and they communicate honestly with their superiors to ensure such a balance.","ethos.expect.8.title":"Stewardship","ethos.expect.8.p":"Additionally, leaders that commit to stewardship make sure their subordinates are completely prepared for their mission, they prioritize their subordinates\u2019 well-being, keep their subordinates well-informed and highly motivated in the performance of their duties, and shepherd resources to allow for longer-term goals. Stewards ensure the long-term health, credibility and viability of the Profession of Arms.","apply.Title":"Apply Now","apply.Ready":"Ready to apply?","apply.Eligible":"Am I Eligible?","apply.StartApp":"Start application now","apply.continueApp":"Already started your application?","apply.continueApp2":"Return to the Applicant Portal.","apply.Info":"Need More Information?","apply.ContactLocal":"Contact your local recruiting centre","apply.FindOnline":"Find more information online","apply.Faq":"Frequently Asked Questions","apply.Facebook":"Ask us on facebook","apply.Browse":"Browse positions","apply.RegularForce":"Regular force (full time)","apply.ReserveForce":"Reserve force (part time)","apply.ReserveArmy":"Army - Reserve force (part time)","apply.ReserveNavy":"Navy - Reserve force (part time)","apply.ReserveAir":"Air Force - Reserve force (part time)","apply.NoLocation":"Use the tables below to search for a centre near you. If you are unsure about the difference between Regular and Reserve force refer to our frequently asked questions.","apply.RecruitCentres":"Recruiting Centres","apply.Name":"Centre Name","apply.Address":"Address","apply.Contact":"Contact information","apply.Type":"Type of centre","apply.RegTableCaption":"Centres listed below are for Regular Force (full time). Select Reserve Force above if you wish to see Reserve Force (part time) centres. For more information about the differences please refer to our","apply.ResTableCaption":"Centres listed below are for Reserve Force (part time). Select Regular Force above if you wish to see Regular Force (full time) centres. For more information about the differences please refer to our","apply.RequirementsAlt":"Requirements to join the Canadian Armed Forces infographic","paided.HeroText":"Paid Education","paided.Title":"Paid Education","paided.intro":"The Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) has a number of paid education programs for a first-class education that will prepare you for a challenging and rewarding career.","paided.overview":"Overview","paided.programs":"Programs","paided.elibilityreqs":"Eligibility Requirements","paided.overview1":"Whether you\u2019re thinking of going to college or getting your post-grad degree, the CAF can help you get there with one of our paid education programs. <strong>If you qualify, the CAF will pay 100% of your school fees, including your tuition, books and academic equipment!<\/strong> Meanwhile, you\u2019ll earn a competitive annual salary and an excellent benefits package including health, dental, vision care and much more. Please note that online distance learning is not currently considered for paid education programs with the CAF. Cooperative education programs are considered for subsidized training only in certain cases. Please talk to a recruiter.","":"Military Commitment after Graduation","paided.overview2":"After you graduate from one of our paid education programs, you will be guaranteed a job in your field with the CAF. Your salary will continue to increase through professional experience and promotions. Each program requires two months of service for every month of paid education.","paided.value.title":"The Value of Paid Education in the CAF","paided.value1":"$3200 - $12,000","paided.value1.p":"the amount you will save on the annual average cost of tuition for a post-secondary education","paided.peryear":"year","paided.value2":"$30,200","paided.value2.p":"the annual starting salary you will earn from the CAF while attending your paid education program","paided.benefits":"Benefits","paided.benefits1":"Leadership Training","paided.benefits2":"Sports & Athletics programs","paided.benefits3":"Second language training","paided.benefits4":"Exciting employment opportunities in a wide variety of occupations post education","paided.benefits5":"Full-time salary, excellent benefits, and vacation pay","paided.benefits6":"Paid tuition and administration fees","paided.benefits7":"Free textbooks","paided.benefits8":"Challenging roles and tasks","paided.benefits9":"Meaningful work and the chance to help others","paided.benefits10":"Continuous opportunities for education, training, and personal development","paided.ncm.subtitle":"Skilled Trades","paided.ncmstep.acr":"Non-Commissioned Member Subsidized Training and Education Plan (NCMSTEP)","paided.ncm.highlight":"Training or education for authorized courses of study related to military occupations.","paided.rotp.subtitle":"Undergraduate","paided.rotp.acr":"Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)","paided.rotp.highlight":"Obtain both an officer's commission in the CAF and an undergraduate degree.","paided.aloy.subtitle":"Indigenous Peoples","paided.aloy.acr":"Indigenous Leadership Opportunity Year (ILOY)","paided.aloy.highlight":"One-year preparatory education open to Canadian Indigenous Peoples through the Royal Military College of Canada in Kingston, Ontario.","paided.spec.subtitle":"Undergraduate \/ Graduate","paided.spec.acr":"Speciality Programs","paided.spec.highlight":"Unique programs for specialized careers in the CAF. Includes social work, chaplain, dental and medical programs.","paided.hsei.subtitle":"Secondary School","paided.hsei.acr":"High School Education Initiative","paided.hsei.highlight":"Complete your high school diploma while serving in the Canadian Armed Forces.","paided.reqs.title":"Eligibility Requirements","paided.reqs.p1":"Your application for a paid education program is also an application to become a member of the CAF for the length of your training and specific period of service afterwards. All applicants are required to meet both the general qualifications for the CAF, as well as the academic requirements for your field of study or technical program.","paided.reqs.p2":"To qualify for admission to the CAF and a paid education plan, you must:","paided.reqs.li1":"Be a Canadian Citizen or permanent resident","paided.reqs.li2":"Meet the minimum medical standard required for CAF enrolment","paided.reqs.li3":"Pass pre-enrolment tests including the Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT), an assessment of aptitudes and suitability for your choice of occupation","paided.reqs.li4":"Be 16 years of age to submit an application (with parent\/legal guardian consent if you are under 18)","paided.reqs.li5":"Meet educational requirements of the program (See program details above)","paided.reqs.p3":"For more information about joining the CAF, visit <a href=\"%link%\">Joining the Forces<\/a>.","paided.ncmstep.short":"NCMSTEP","paided.ncmstep.noacr":"Non-Commissioned Member Subsidized Training and Education Plan","paided.ncmstep.howworks":"How it Works","paided.ncmstep.howapply":"How to Apply","paided.ncmstep.overview.p1":"The Non-Commissioned Member Subsidized Training and Education Plan (NCMSTEP) offers full-time paid training or education at Canadian colleges, universities and other postsecondary establishments for authorized courses of study related to military occupations. This program allows our members to attain the knowledge and skills they need to perform demanding tasks in diverse environments, as well as optimize their professional development.","paided.ncmstep.overview.p2":"If you wish to work as an expert in your field, you may want to consider enrolling in the NCMSTEP.","paided.ncmstep.overview.p3":"This paid program is a competitive application process. An applicant may be a:","paided.ncmstep.overview.li1":"Civilian, with or without prior CAF service; or","paided.ncmstep.overview.li2":"Non-commissioned member (NCM) in the Regular Force or the Reserve Force.","paided.ncmstep.overview.highlight":"With paid tuition and a salary during school, you can graduate without requiring student loans!","paided.ncmstep.whatisncm":"What is a Non-Commissioned Member?","paided.ncmstep.whatisncm.p":"A non-commissioned member (NCM) is any person, other than an officer, who is enrolled in the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF). NCM are soldiers, sailors and aviators. They are the skilled experts whose hands-on experience and trade specialties are required to conduct all CAF operations domestically and abroad. As they gain leadership experience and go up in rank, they become part of the command team.","paided.earninschool":"Earn a Salary While in School","paided.earn.span1":"The salary of an untrained Private is","paided.earn.span2":"$42,400","paided.earn.span3":"You will receive this the moment you successfully enroll. This will increase upon graduation from your trades training, and with seniority.","":"Your application to become a non-commissioned member (NCM) in the CAF is also an opportunity to receive paid training and education. Students can join the military and attend one of our Military Training Schools to learn the trades skills required for their career. For certain qualifying occupations, studies can be completed at a qualifying Canadian college or post-secondary establishment.","":"Military Training","":"Personnel must normally attain the Basic Military Qualification (BMQ) prior to commencing full-time studies under the program. Attendance may be authorized for BMQ training at the end of the first academic year for those who enroll during that year or have scheduling conflicts that cannot be reconciled. Participants will pursue military training during the summer periods or academic breaks.","":"Period of Paid Training or Education","":"While in receipt of pay and allowances, the participant:","":"Is only subsidized for that period of time required to complete an authorized course of study, up to a maximum of four years.","":"Must be registered as a full-time student and follow the number of courses required in each semester as set out in the curriculum for that course of study, to progress normally to the next academic year.","paided.ncmstep.programs":"NCMSTEP Programs","paided.ncmstep.programs.p":"Use this table to determine what programs at Canadian Universities and Colleges are approved for the NCMSTEP program. Tap on each occupation to learn more about it, or <a href=\"%link%\">Browse Careers<\/a> to see all military occupations.","paided.ncmstep.programs.h1":"Program","paided.ncmstep.programs.h2":"Institution","paided.ncmstep.programs.h3":"Program Length","paided.ncmstep.apply.p1":"Your application to become a non-commissioned member (NCM) in the CAF is also an opportunity to receive paid training and education. You can apply to the program if you meet the <a href='%link%'>Eligibility Requirements<\/a> for our Paid Education programs and fit one of the following situations:","paided.ncmstep.apply.li1":"You can prove attendance in good standing at an accredited educational institution","paided.ncmstep.apply.li2":"You can prove unconditional acceptance to an","paided.ncmstep.apply.li2b":"eligible program","paided.ncmstep.apply.li3":"You have an interest in the NCMSTEP program and can discuss with your local <a href=\"%link%\">Canadian Forces Recruiting Centre (CFRC)<\/a> about attending a qualifying Canadian college or post-secondary establishment","paided.ncmstep.apply.p2":"All applicants interested in pursuing full-time paid training or education through the NCMSTEP must start their <a href=\"%link%\">application online<\/a>.","paided.ncmstep.apply.p2b":"For more information about joining the CAF, visit <a href=\"%link%\">How to Join<\/a>","paided.ncmstep.apply.p2c":"read our new <a href=\"%link%\">paid education booklet (pdf 22MB)<\/a>","paided.ncmstep.apply.p2d":"or visit our <a href=\"%link%\">Help Centre<\/a> if you have questions.","paided.rotp.short":"ROTP","paided.rotp.noacr":"Regular Officer Training Plan","paided.rotp.colleges":"Military Colleges","paided.rotp.process":"Selection Process","paided.rotp.occupations":"Occupations","paided.rotp.overview1":"The Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP) gives young Canadians an opportunity to obtain both an officer\u2019s commission in the CAF and an undergraduate degree. Applicants who have been accepted at either of our two Canadian Military Colleges (CMC), or at another Canadian university, are enrolled in the CAF as officer\/naval cadets.","paided.rotp.overview2":"As an officer\/naval cadet attending either of the CMC campuses, you\u2019ll also receive an annual salary of $30,200 (monthly room, board and mess fees will be deducted). The military also provides paid vacation while in school! During the summer, all officer\/naval cadets receive military training, occupation training, and second language training at bases throughout the country. On successful completion of the ROTP, officer\/naval cadets receive an undergraduate degree in Engineering, Science, or Arts and become fit officers in the Royal Canadian Navy, Canadian Army, or Royal Canadian Air Force. Those officers who complete training at the CMC will be bilingual.","paided.rotp.whatis.officer":"What is an Officer?","paided.rotp.whatis.officer.p":"Officers are leaders, managers, policy makers, and planners. They must hold a university degree. As an officer, you will be given the necessary leadership skills to command units composed of soldiers, sailors, and aviators in the conduct of their activities at home and overseas.","paided.earn.rotp.span2":"$30,200","paided.earn.rotp.span3":"- The starting salary you will earn from the CAF while attending your paid education program. Your salary will increase immediately upon graduation and continue to increase as you progress in rank.","paided.rotp.colleges.title":"Canadian Military Colleges","paided.rotp.colleges.p":"Both Canadian Military Colleges (CMCs) \u2014 the Royal Military College of Canada (RMC) in Kingston, Ontario, and Royal Military College Saint-Jean (RMC Saint-Jean) in Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec \u2014 truly are universities with a difference.","paided.rotp.colleges.rmc":"Royal Military College of Canada (RMC)","paided.rotp.colleges.rmc.p":"RMC provides young Canadians with fully subsidized high-level education leading to a university degree that allows them to develop the competencies required to become strong leaders for the CAF. All of our programs are offered in the first official language of the officer\/naval cadets. As you join RMC as an officer\/naval cadet, you will embark on an invigorating journey and become a part of a proud heritage. The education and military experience will provide you with the professional and intellectual skills necessary to assume the responsibilities and meet the demands of leadership in today\u2019s rapidly changing world. A career as an officer in the CAF will offer you experiences and challenges serving Canada across the country and the globe. Attending RMC is the first step you will take on an exciting career path destined for success.","":"RMC Website","paided.rotp.colleges.rmc-stjean":"Royal Military College Saint-Jean (RMC Saint-Jean)","paided.rotp.colleges.rmc-stjean.p":"RMC Saint-Jean, in Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec, ensures officer\/naval cadets a seamless transition from high school to university by providing college and first-year university-level programs in Engineering, Science, and Social Sciences & Humanities. In addition, RMC Saint-Jean offers a degree in International Studies. Each program is offered in your first official language for both the Preparatory Year and First Year.","paided.rotp.colleges.rmc-stjean.p2":"Preparatory Year, commonly known as Prep Year, is equivalent to grade 12 in most provinces and to the first year of college-level studies (CEGEP) in Quebec. Prep Year is the normal entry point into the Canadian Military Colleges (CMCs) for Quebec high-school graduates. This academic year is also designed for applicants from across Canada who demonstrate strong academic ability but are missing prerequisites for direct admission to First Year. Following successful completion of Prep Year, officer \/ naval cadets typically begin their undergraduate degree at RMC Saint-Jean.","":"RMC St-Jean Website","paided.programs.title":"Canadian Military College Programs","paided.programs.arts.title":"Arts","paided.programs.arts.1":"Business Administration","paided.programs.arts.2":"Economics","paided.programs.arts.3":"English, Culture & Communication","paided.programs.arts.4":"French, Literature & Culture","paided.programs.arts.5":"History","paided.programs.arts.6":"Military & Strategic Studies","paided.programs.arts.7":"Psychology","paided.programs.arts.8":"Political Science","paided.programs.arts.9":"International Studies","paided.programs.eng.title":"Engineering","paided.programs.eng.1":"Aeronautical Engineering","paided.programs.eng.2":"Chemical Engineering","paided.programs.eng.3":"Civil Engineering","paided.programs.eng.4":"Computer Engineering","paided.programs.eng.5":"Electrical Engineering","paided.programs.eng.6":"Mechanical Engineering","paided.programs.sci.title":"Science","paided.programs.sci.1":"Chemistry","paided.programs.sci.2":"Computer Science","paided.programs.sci.3":"Mathematics","paided.programs.sci.4":"Physics","paided.programs.sci.5":"Space Science","paided.rotp.process.p":"By submitting their application, applicants are applying for full-time employment with the CAF, and attendance at CMC becomes part of their professional development as future officers in the CAF. The goal is to provide exceptional education while developing the officer\/naval cadets to refine their leadership capabilities in a holistic approach to military education.","paided.rotp.process.elig.title":"Eligibility and Selection","paided.rotp.process.elig.p":"Since an application to the ROTP is also an application to RMC and RMC Saint-Jean, an applicant must:","paided.rotp.process.elig.li1":"Be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident;","paided.rotp.process.elig.li2":"Be 16 years of age at enrolment (with parental\/legal guardian consent);","paided.rotp.process.elig.li3":"Possess the necessary academic prerequisites for admission;","paided.rotp.process.elig.li3.li1":"an assessment of a candidate\u2019s top six most recent marks related to the <a href=\"%link%\">requirements of their chosen program<\/a>; or","paided.rotp.process.elig.li3.li2":"gain unconditional admission at a Canadian university.","paided.rotp.process.elig.p2":"All ROTP candidates are required to complete the following through their local <a href='%link%'>Canadian Forces Recruiting Centre<\/a>:","paided.rotp.process.elig.p2.li1":"The Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT);","paided.rotp.process.elig.p2.li2":"A medical examination; and","paided.rotp.process.elig.p2.li3":"An interview.","paided.rotp.process.elig.p3":"Applicants are evaluated on two fundamental criteria:","paided.rotp.process.elig.p3.ol1":"<strong>Military Potential:<\/strong> The Military Potential score is based on the assessment of an applicants\u2019 Aptitude Test, Personality Traits, and the choice of the proper occupation.","paided.rotp.process.elig.p3.ol2":"<strong>Academic Performance Potential:<\/strong> This will be assessed by the Admissions Office at RMC. This is an assessment of a candidate\u2019s top six most recent marks which adhere to the admission requirements for their academic program of choice.","paided.rotp.process.elig.p4":"For more information about any of our paid education plans, visit our <a href=\"%link%\">Help Centre<\/a>.","paided.rotp.process.rmc.title":"Academic Qualifications RMC","paided.rotp.process.rmc.p":"To qualify for admission to RMC, a candidate must have a 75% academic average and 75% in all <a href=\"%link%\">prerequisite courses<\/a> to apply, and be in the process of completing or have completed secondary school at a university preparatory level (Grade 12 or the provincial equivalent). Candidates are required to have the necessary credits for admission to a university in the province in which they are completing secondary education as well as meet the admission requirements for the program they want to pursue.","paided.rotp.process.rmc.p2":"Quebec students enrolled in CEGEP must be completing or have completed the first year of a two-year pre-university program, and will normally be expected to have obtained a minimum of fourteen credits. The admission requirements for First Year \u2014 the second year of collegial studies offered at RMC Saint-Jean in Quebec \u2014 and the first year of undergraduate studies at RMC are the same, as they are considered to be equivalent.","paided.rotp.process.rmcstjean.title":"Academic Qualifications RMC Saint-Jean","paided.rotp.process.rmcstjean.title2":"Preparatory Year Admission Requirements","paided.rotp.process.rmcstjean.p":"To be admitted, applicants must meet this following conditions:","paided.rotp.process.rmcstjean.li1":"Hold a high school diploma or equivalency;","paided.rotp.process.rmcstjean.li2":"Pass the Secondary 4 History course (Quebec applicants);","paided.rotp.process.rmcstjean.li3":"Pass Secondary 5 Second Language course (Quebec applicants);","paided.rotp.process.rmcstjean.li4":"Meet admission requirements of the chosen program of collegial studies; and","paided.rotp.process.rmcstjean.li5":"Have a mark of 70% or higher in <a href=\"%link%\">academic requirement courses<\/a>.","paided.rotp.occ.title":"See Where Your Education Can Take You","paided.rotp.occ.p":"Use this table to determine what program of study lead into each military officer occupation. Tap on each occupation to learn more about it, or <a href=\"%link%\">Browse Careers<\/a> to see all military occupations.","paided.rotp.occ.th1":"Military Occupation","paided.rotp.occ.th2":"Science Degree","paided.rotp.occ.th3":"Engineering Degree","paided.rotp.occ.th4":"Arts Degree","paided.rotp.occ.any":"Any","paided.rotp.apply.p":"All students interested in pursuing full-time undergraduate degree program offered at the CMC must start their applications online. Applicants are encouraged to start their application in September of their final year of high school. Please be aware of the following when you apply:","paided.rotp.apply.ol1":"Applicants should indicate when they apply that they are interested in the ROTP;","paided.rotp.apply.ol2":"Applicants will receive an email from CAF Recruiting confirming the application has been received and is being processed. Candidates will receive further instructions with the next steps of their application process;","paided.rotp.apply.ol3":"Applicants are encouraged to check your spam folder on a regular basis for information from Recruiting; and","paided.rotp.apply.ol4":"All communications with ROTP applicants will be done through their respective Recruiting Centers. CMC will not provide updates on the status of your application.","paided.rotp.apply.p2":"Visit our <a href=\"%link%\">Help Centre<\/a> to learn more.","paided.rotp.apply.p3":"<strong>Application Deadline:<\/strong> January 31 of the year of enrolment. Depending on availability and screening requirements, applications submitted after this date may still be considered. Note: The Application deadline for Pilot, Air Combat Systems Officer, and Aerospace Control Officer is December 15th due to air crew selection requirements.","paided.rotp.reqs.title":"Canadian Military Colleges Admission Requirements","paided.rotp.reqs.p":"You will need to meet the academic requirements according to your province in order to be admitted to a Canadian Military College (CMC).","paided.rotp.reqs.english":"English","paided.rotp.reqs.math":"Mathematics","paided.rotp.reqs.math2":"Math","paided.rotp.reqs.amath":"Applied Mathematics","paided.rotp.reqs.afunc":"Advanced Functions","paided.rotp.reqs.func":"Functions","paided.rotp.reqs.funcrel":"Functions & Relations","paided.rotp.reqs.mathpc":"Mathematics Pre-Calculus","paided.rotp.reqs.precalc":"Pre-Calculus","paided.rotp.reqs.calc":"Calculus","paided.rotp.reqs.calcvec":"Calculus & Vectors","paided.rotp.reqs.chem":"Chemistry","paided.rotp.reqs.phys":"Physics","":"Biology","":"French","paided.rotp.reqs.any2":"And any two of the following:","paided.rotp.reqs.any1":"And any one of the following:","paided.rotp.reqs.plus2":"Plus 2 more 4U or 4M level courses","paided.rotp.reqs.plus1":"Plus 1 more 4U or 4M level courses","paided.rotp.reqs.plus4":"Plus 4 more 4U or 4M level courses","paided.rotp.reqs.corecourse":"English - 2 Core courses","paided.rotp.reqs.m1of":"Math one of:","paided.rotp.reqs.madd":"An additional math from above","paided.rotp.reqs.secv":"Sec V Mathematics Technical & Scientific Option (064506 or 564506) or, prior to 2010, Sec V Mathematics 526.","paided.rotp.reqs.or":"or","paided.rotp.reqs.and":"and","paided.rotp.reqs.ensec":"(English Sector)","paided.rotp.reqs.frsec":"(French Sector)","paided.spec.seelm":"SEELM","":"Dental","paided.spec.medical":"Medical","paided.spec.nursepharm":"Nursing, Pharmacy & Physician Assistants","paided.spec.patp":"Physician Assistant","paided.spec.overview.p":"The Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) currently provides paid education for certain specialized careers. If you are interested in one of these professions with the CAF, you may apply through one of our specialized Training Plans, below.","paided.spec.seelm.full":"Subsidized Education for Entry Level Masters (SEELM)","paided.spec.seelm.p1":"If you wish to become a Social Work Officer, Physiotherapy Officer or Chaplain for the CAF, you can apply for Subsidized Education for Entry Level Masters (SEELM). Just like any other paid education program in the CAF, you will receive a salary, medical and dental care, and paid time off and, in exchange, you will need to complete two months of service for each month of paid education following the completion of your studies.","paided.spec.seelm.p2":"All applicants interested in pursuing full-time paid training or education through the SEELM program must <a href=\"%link%\">start their application online<\/a>. For more information about joining the CAF, visit <a href=\"%join%\">How to Join<\/a> or visit our <a href=\"%help%\">Help Centre<\/a> if you have questions.","":"To apply, you must have been accepted without condition to a graduate program in social work at an accredited Canadian university recognized by the CAF.","":"To apply, you must have been accepted without condition to a graduate program in Physiotherapy at an accredited Canadian university recognized by the CAF.","paided.spec.chaplain.p":"To apply, you must have been accepted without condition to a graduate professional degree in ministry formation at an accredited Canadian university recognized by the CAF.","paided.spec.dotp":"Dental Officer Training Plan (DOTP)","paided.spec.dotp.p1":"If you wish to become a Dental Officer (dentist), you can apply for paid education through the DOTP.","paided.spec.dotp.p2":"Because this position requires a Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) degree, the CAF will pay you to complete your program at a Canadian university.","paided.spec.dotp.p3":"If you are already enrolled in a dental program, you are also eligible for the DOTP. If accepted, you will receive a salary, benefits and paid time off for the rest of your studies. You will continue to attend university during the regular academic year and participate in military training during the summer months.","paided.spec.quals":"Qualifications","paided.spec.dotp.quals.p":"To be eligible for DOTP, you must have been accepted without conditions to both the CAF and at a Canadian university that offers a dentistry program.","paided.spec.dotp.apply.p":"All applicants interested in pursuing full-time paid training or education through the DOTP program must <a href=\"%link%\">start their application online<\/a>. For more information about joining the CAF, visit <a href=\"%join%\">How to Join<\/a> or visit our <a href=\"%help%\">Help Centre<\/a> if you have questions.","paided.spec.motp":"Medical Officer Training Plan (MOTP)","paided.spec.motp.p1":"You can apply for paid education through the Medical Officer Training Plan (MOTP) and become a medical officer (doctor) without the massive debt.","paided.spec.motp.p2":"Because this position requires a medical degree, the CAF will pay you to complete an undergraduate medicine program leading to a Doctor of Medicine (MD) degree at a Canadian university. The CAF will pay for your tuition, books and instruments. You will also receive a salary, medical and dental care, and paid vacation. In exchange, you must work for the CAF for a period of time.","paided.spec.motp.p3":"If you are already enrolled in an undergraduate medical education program (UGME), you are also eligible for the MOTP. If accepted, you will receive a salary, benefits, and paid vacation for the rest of your studies and residency. You will continue to attend university during the regular academic year and participate in military training during the summer months.","paided.spec.motp.qual":"To be eligible for MOTP, you must apply to both the CAF and a Canadian university that offers a Doctor of Medicine (MD) degree program.","paided.spec.motp.apply":"All applicants interested in pursuing full-time paid training or education through the MOTP program must <a href=\"%link%\">start their application online<\/a>. For more information about joining the CAF, visit <a href=\"%join%\">How to Join<\/a> or visit our <a href=\"%help%\">Help Centre<\/a> if you have questions.","paided.nursepharm.p":"If you wish to become a Nursing Officer, Pharmacy Officer, or Physician Assistant, you can apply for paid education through the <a href=\"%link%\">Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)<\/a>. Nursing Officer, Pharmacy Officer, or Physician Assistant students attain their education by attending an approved Canadian civilian university program.","paided.nursepharm.qual.p":"To be eligible for the ROTP as a Nursing Officer, Pharmacy Officer, or Physician Assistant, you must have been accepted without conditions to both the CAF and to a Canadian university baccalaureate degree program recognized for your selected occupation.","paided.nursepharm.qual.p2":"For further information on any healthcare profession please contact Health Services Recruiting at <a href=\"\"><\/a> and you will be put in touch with a Regional Recruiter for your area.","paided.nursepharm.apply":"Learn more about the ROTP program and how to apply:","paided.patp.title":"Physician Assistant Training Program (PATP)","paided.patp.p1":"You can apply for paid education through the PATP and become a Physician Assistant without the massive debt.","paided.patp.p2":"As this position requires certification as a Physician Assistant, the CAF will pay successful recruits to complete a recognized Canadian University Bachelors of Science Physician Assistant program. This program covers educational expenses, including books, instruments, supplies, student fees, registration costs and tuition fees for the two year education program. If you are already enrolled in a Physician Assistant program, you are also eligible for the PATP. If accepted, you will receive a salary, benefits, and paid vacation. In exchange, you must work for the CAF for a period of time. You will continue to attend university during the academic year and participate in military training once completed your degree.","paided.patp.qual.p":"To be eligible for PATP, you must apply to both the CAF and a Canadian university that offers a Bachelors of Science Physician Assistant degree program.","paided.patp.qual.apply":"All applicants interested in pursuing full-time paid training or education through the PATP program must <a href=\"%apply%\">start their application online<\/a>. For more information about joining the CAF, visit <a href=\"%join%\">How to Join<\/a> or visit our <a href=\"%help%\">Help Centre<\/a> if you have questions.","paided.hsei.short":"HSEI","paided.hsei.noacr":"High School Education Initiative","paided.hsei.advancment.title":"Career advancement benefits","paided.hsei.advancment.p1":"A high school diploma can help you advance your career within the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF). It is a requirement for many jobs in the CAF and a high school diploma will provide you with more opportunities early on in your military career.","paided.hsei.eligible.title":"Who is eligible?","paided.hsei.eligible.p1":"The High School Education Initiative applies to Regular Force and Reserve Force Members of the Canadian Armed Forces who have already enrolled. You may be eligible for the opportunity to finish your high school diploma during duty hours if operations allow.","paided.hsei.eligible.p2":"To help you finish your high school diploma, the Canadian Armed Forces, along with local school districts in the province and territory where you live, will work with you to create a personalized learning plan.","paided.hsei.eligible.p3":"Please note the <a href=\"%link%\">requirements<\/a> you must meet in order to join the Canadian Armed Forces.","paided.hsei.credits.title":"Earn high school credits","paided.hsei.credits.p1":"Depending on the province and territory where you live, you can earn credits towards your high school diploma from your:","paided.hsei.credits.li1":"previous educational experiences","paided.hsei.credits.li2":"basic military training","paided.hsei.credits.li3":"life and work experiences","paided.hsei.credits.p2":"A prior learning assessment will determine the credits you need to complete your high school diploma. A local school counsellor is available to help you.","paided.hsei.credits.p3":"The Canadian Armed Forces is committed to our people and their families by providing them with the support and tools needed to be successful at every stage of their careers, and education is at the core of this commitment.","paided.hsei.credits.p4":"If you are thinking of completing your high school diploma, the Canadian Armed Forces can help you get there.","paided.reasons.h1":"Why Choose Paid education with the Canadian Armed Forces?","paided.reasons.1":"Paid Tuition","paided.reasons.p1":"The CAF will cover all tuition and fees for your education, including all the textbooks and supplies you need.","paided.reasons.2":"Get Paid While You study","paided.reasons.p2":"You will earn a Salary from the moment you start your studies, including Benefits and Vacation.","paided.reasons.3":"Guaranteed employment","paided.reasons.p3":"Your career with the CAF is waiting for you after you graduate, no job hunting required.","paided.reasons.4":"And More...","paided.reasons.p4":"Leadership training, personal & professional development, second language training, travel opportunities, and a rewarding career are just some of the many other benefits of Paid education with the CAF.","paided.get":"Get Started","":"How it Works","paided.program":"Find a Program","paided.p1":"Whether you\u2019re thinking of going to college, university or getting your post-grad degree, the CAF can help you get there with one of our six paid education programs. If you qualify, the CAF will pay 100% of your school fees, including your tuition, books and academic equipment! Meanwhile, you\u2019ll earn a competitive annual salary and an excellent benefits package including health, dental, vision care and much more.","paided.p2":"After you graduate from one of our paid education programs, you will be guaranteed a job in your field with the CAF. Your salary will continue to increase through professional experience and promotions. Each program requires two months of service for every month of paid education. For more information about the service commitment, or about any of our paid education plans, visit our <a href=\"%link%\">Help Centre<\/a> or explore our new paid education booklets for <a href=\"%brochureLink%\" target=\"_blank\">University<\/a> and <a href=\"%brochureLinkTwo%\" target=\"_blank\">Skilled Trades<\/a> programs.","paided.tagline1":"Paid tuition, a salary, and a guaranteed job are all part of the curriculum","paided.tagline2":"Become an expert in your field with hands-on technical training.","paided.tagline3":"Unparalleled education for tomorrow's leaders and decision-makers.","paided.tagline4":"Each of our programs is designed to produce the best and brightest.","paided.widgetHeading":"Select a program and see how much you could be saving:","":"College","paided.uni":"University","":"Medical School","":"Dental School","paided.flight":"Flight School","paided.grad":"Specialty Programs","paided.ourProgram":"Our program","paided.widgetCollegeBad":"You pay <strong class=\"text-red\">$2,400 - $5,000<\/strong> per year + fees, books and equipment.","paided.widgetCollegeGood":"You pay <strong>$0<\/strong>, and earn <strong class=\"text-green\">$44,000<\/strong> per year while you study.","paided.widgetUniBad":"You pay <strong class=\"text-red\">$6,373 - $8,114<\/strong> per year + fees, books and equipment.","paided.widgetUniGood":"You pay <strong>$0<\/strong>, and earn <strong class=\"text-green\">$26,000<\/strong> per year while you study.","paided.widgetMedBad":"You pay <strong class=\"text-red\">$13,858<\/strong> per year + fees, books and equipment.","paided.widgetMedGood":"You pay <strong>$0<\/strong>, and earn <strong class=\"text-green\">$62,000<\/strong> per year while you study. After graduation, we will cover your start-up costs. A signing bonus may also be available.","paided.widgetDentalBad":"You pay <strong class=\"text-red\">$21,012<\/strong> per year + fees, books and equipment.","paided.widgetDentalGood":"You pay <strong>$0<\/strong>, and earn <strong class=\"text-green\">$62,000<\/strong> per year while you study. After graduation, we will cover your start-up costs. A signing bonus may also be available.","paided.widgetFBad":"You pay <strong class=\"text-red\">$30,000 - $39,000<\/strong> in tuition + fees, books and equipment, to become a pilot.","paided.widgetFGood":"The CAF\u2019s unique pilot training program allows you to earn your degree and Pilot\u2019s Wings in just four years, while paying <strong>$0<\/strong> for tuition, textbooks and academic equipment. You will earn <strong class=\"text-green\">$44,000<\/strong> a year while you study.","paided.HProgram":"Find the program that's right for you","paided.ProgP1":"The program you choose will depend on where you want your education to take you","paided.ProgP2":"All programs involve intensive studying during the regular academic year and basic training during the summer months. Whichever program you choose, you\u2019ll leave with professional experience unlike any other and skills that you will carry throughout your career in the Forces and onward. For more information about the programs, the curriculum or the facilities, <a href=\"%link%\">visit our Help Centre<\/a>","paided.ProgP3":"When you enrol in any paid program, the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) will pay for your tuition, books and academic equipment. You will also receive a salary and benefits while you attend school. Your salary includes medical and dental care, as well as vacation time with full pay. In exchange, you must complete two months of service in the CAF for each month of paid tuition. That usually works out to three to four years.","paided.blank":"^ Select Your Program","paided.col.p1":"If you qualify for paid college, you will begin your studies at a Canadian college through the Non-Commissioned Member Subsidized Training and Education Plan (NCMSTEP). During the summer months, you will attend basic training and on-the-job training.","paided.col.p2":"The deadline to apply is in January for the fall college session.","paided.col.p3":"Your application does not guarantee a spot at a Canadian college. You are encouraged to apply to an accredited program through the college of your choice before applying to the CAF.","paided.col.p4":"Students are expected to meet and maintain the academic standards of the college where they are enrolled. After graduating, you will continue with training to apply your technical education to the military environment.","paided.col.img":"The college program experience","paided.uni.p1":"If you qualify for paid university, you will enter the Canadian Military College system under the Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP). Students begin the program as Officer Cadets and receive a first-class education that balances academics, leadership, bilingualism and physical fitness. In most cases, our students complete their studies at the <b>Royal Military College of Canada (RMC)<\/b>.","paided.uni.p2":"In rare instances, based on the needs of the CAF, applicants may be approved to attend another Canadian University. A determination will be made on a case by case basis.","paided.uni.p3":"In addition to a university education, Officer\/Naval Cadets receive military training, occupation training and second language training.","paided.uni.img1":"A parade at the Royal Military College of Canada (RMC)","paided.uni.h1":"The Regular Officer Training Plan Selection Process","paided.uni.p4":"Since an application to the ROTP is also an application to the Canadian Military College system, all applicants are assessed against:","paided.uni.li1":"an Aptitude Test","paided.uni.li2":"a Medical Examination","paided.uni.li3":"an Interview","paided.uni.li4":"Military Potential \u2013 an assessment of aptitudes, personality traits, and the choice of occupation","paided.uni.li5":"Academic Performance \u2013 your top six most recent marks related to the requirements of your chosen program","paided.uni.p5":"If you have an average of at least 75 percent in the subjects required for your program, you will begin your studies as a senior applicant. The first year of your program will take place at the Royal Military College of Canada (RMC), Royal Military College Saint-Jean (RMC Saint-Jean) or a Canadian university. If you are attending RMC Saint-Jean, in a program other than International Studies, you will complete at least the last two or three years of your degree at RMC.","paided.uni.p6":"If you are a Quebec high school student with an average of at least 70 percent in the subjects required for your program who wishes to study at a Canadian Military College, you will begin the program as a junior applicant. Junior applicants start their studies through a preparatory year at RMC Saint-Jean. The prep year is equivalent to first year CEGEP in Quebec. If you are a high school student living outside of Quebec, who falls just below the senior minimum, you may be eligible to enter the program as a junior applicant. This is usually the case when a student needs additional courses for science or engineering programs, or has a lower average in the required subjects. Junior applicants complete their program over a period of five years.","paided.uni.h2":"Submitting your application","paided.uni.p7":"Joining the ROTP is a competitive process with multiple assessment stages. The selection process (Canadian Forces Aptitudes Test, Medical examination and Interview) being long, we strongly suggest that you apply right from mid-September. January 31 is the target date to be assured that your application will be considered for the next school year.","paided.uni.p8":"Should your application be accepted, you may receive an Early Conditional Acceptance. If this is the case, a position will be held for you at one of the military colleges. If you have finished the aptitude test, you may be given a conditional offer of acceptance as early as September 15 for the University program starting in September the following year. The acceptance offer is conditional based on the applicant meeting academic requirements in their final year of high school and successfully completing the rest of the application process.","paided.uni.p9":"If you are a Canadian living abroad and are applying to the ROTP, submit your application and paperwork in advance to allow for possible delays. Candidates applying from outside of Canada should submit by November 30.","paided.grad.p1":"Eligible members, including reservists, may claim reimbursement of education, training, and professional certification expenses, in whole or in part, under a series of Education Reimbursement (ER) programs.","paided.grad.p2":"The Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) currently provides paid education for four specialized careers. If you are interested in one of these professions with the CAF, you may apply through one of our specialized Training Plans, below.","paided.grad.h1":"Medical Officer Training Plan (MOTP)","paided.grad.p4":"Because this position requires a medical degree, the CAF will pay you to complete an undergraduate medicine program leading to a Doctor of Medicine (MD) degree at a Canadian university. The CAF will pay for your tuition, books and instruments. You will also receive a salary, medical and dental care, and paid vacation. In exchange, you must work for the CAF for a period of time.","paided.grad.p5":"If you are already enrolled in an undergraduate medical education program, you are also eligible for the MOTP. If accepted, you will receive a salary, benefits and paid vacation for the rest of your studies and residency. You will continue to attend university during the regular academic year and participate in military training during the summer months.","paided.grad.p6":"To be eligible for MOTP, you must apply to both the CAF and a Canadian university that offers a Doctor of Medicine (MD) degree program.","paided.grad.h2":"Dental Officer Training Plan (DOTP)","paided.grad.p7":"Because this position requires a Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) degree, the CAF will pay you to complete your program at a Canadian university. You will receive a salary, medical and dental care, and paid vacation. In exchange, you must work for the CAF for a period of time.","paided.grad.p8":"Students already enrolled in a dental program are also eligible for the DOTP. They receive a salary, benefits and paid vacation for the rest of their studies. Students attend university during the regular academic year and participate in military training during the summer months.","paided.grad.p9":"To be eligible for DOTP, you must apply to both the CAF and a Canadian university that offers a dentistry program.","paided.grad.h3":"Pilot - Continuing Education Officer Training Program (CEOTP)","paided.grad.p10":"The CAF offers a unique combined degree and pilot training program so you can obtain a Bachelor of Aviation Technology at Seneca College and your Pilot\u2019s Wings in four years. You will receive a salary, medical and dental care, and paid vacation. In exchange, you must serve as a pilot with the CAF for seven years.","paided.grad.p11":"To apply for this combined degree and pilot training program, select \u201cCEOTP \u2013 Pilot\u201d when filling out the online application.","paided.grad.h4":"Social Work Officer - Subsidized Education for Entry Level Masters (SEELM)","paided.grad.p12":"If you have a Bachelor of Social Work degree from a recognized Canadian university, the CAF will pay you to complete a Master of Social Work program at a Canadian university.","paided.grad.p13":"You will receive a salary, medical and dental care, and paid vacation. In exchange, you must work for the CAF for a period of time. To apply, you must have been accepted without condition to a Master of Social Work program at a Canadian university in a program accredited by the Canadian Association of Schools of Social Work.","paided.get.p1":"To qualify for paid education, you must first join the CAF. On your application, you will indicate which Paid Education program you are applying for. <span class='text-nowrap'>Visit <a href='%link%'>Joining the Canadian Armed Forces<\/a><\/span> for eligibility requirements and instructions on how to apply.","paided.get.title":"Getting started","paided.get.banner":"You know what you want from life. We want to help you achieve it.","ind.programs.whatExperience":"What you will experience","ind.programs.opening":"Continuous intake","":"Pay, compensation and benefits","ind.program.proStartDate":"Start Date","ind.nep.videoOverlay":"The Navy Experience - One year. Fully paid. Adventure awaits!","ind.simple":"Indigenous","ind.HeroText":"Programs for Indigenous Peoples","ind.Title":"Programs for Indigenous Peoples","ind.tagline":"Make an impact in your community and country.","ind.tagline2":"Today\u2019s Indigenous soldiers have become exceptional leaders in the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF). <br>You too can discover how rewarding a career in the military can be, with no obligation to join.","ind.introp":"The CAF offers unique educational programs and entry plans for Indigenous Peoples. By joining one of the programs you get to experience the CAF lifestyle while all expenses are covered. Check out the different programs below to learn more.","ind.benefits.title":"Why choose one of our Programs for Indigenous Peoples?","ind.benefits1":"Learn about the CAF","ind.benefits2":"Have a Challenging and Rewarding Experience","ind.benefits3":"Build Lasting Friendships","ind.benefits4":"All Expenses Covered","ind.benefits5":"No long term commitments","ind.programs.title":"Programs","ind.programs.length":"Length","ind.programs.location":"Location","ind.programs.applyBy":"Apply By","ind.programs.startDate":"Start Date","ind.programs.completion":"Upon Completion","ind.programs.overview":"Program Overview","ind.programs.whatLearn":"What You Will Learn","ind.programs.apply":"How to Apply","":"Contact Information","ind.intro":"The Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) has several educational programs and entry plans for Indigenous peoples. Select one of the programs below to learn more.","ind.aloy":"Indigenous Leadership Opportunity Year","ind.cfaep":"Canadian Armed Forces Indigenous Entry Program","ind.summ":"Summer Training Programs","ind.aloy.pull":"RMC is situated on Point Frederick just east of downtown Kingston, Ontario. It is a beautiful location, overlooking the city, the entrance to the St. Lawrence River and Lake Ontario.","ind.aloy.p1":"The Indigenous Leadership Opportunity Year (ILOY) is a one-year educational and leadership experience through the Royal Military College of Canada (RMC) in Kingston, Ontario. The ILOY program includes","ind.aloy.li1":"Sports","ind.aloy.li2":"Field trips","ind.aloy.li3":"Leadership development","ind.aloy.li4":"Military training","ind.aloy.li5":"Cultural support activities","ind.aloy.li6":"Individual learning plans","ind.aloy.p2":"Through these learning plans, you will take part in individual and small group tutorials for pre-university (non-credit) and first-year university courses.","ind.aloy.p3":"As part of the program, you will enrol in the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) for one year as an Officer Cadet and receive free tuition and books. You may request to leave the program at any time. At the end of the year, you may apply to continue at RMC in a <a href=\"%link%\">degree program<\/a> through either the Regular Officer Training Plan or the Reserve Entry Training Plan.","ind.aloy.h1":"How to apply","ind.aloy.p4":"To apply for the ILOY program you must have completed at least Grade 12 (Secondaire V in Quebec), or have obtained your GED. Applications are due February 15 so that all the arrangements can be made for the beginning of the school year in September. ILOY Enrolment form is under revision. Please proceed with completing your <a href=\"https:\/\/\/default.aspx?l=eng\" onclick=\"gtag('event', 'Start Application', {'event_category': 'Apply', 'event_label': 'ALOY'});\">online application<\/a>.","ind.aloy.img":"The Royal Military College","ind.cfaep.p1":"The Canadian Armed Forces Indigenous Entry Program (CAFIEP) is a special three-week course for Indigenous peoples who are considering a career in the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF). During the program, you will get hands-on experience with military training, careers and lifestyle.","ind.cfaep.p2":"You do not have to join the CAF after completing the three weeks. At the end of the program, you will receive $1,200 and a certificate of military achievement.","ind.cfaep.p3":"The course takes place at the Canadian Forces Leadership and Recruit School in Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec and at Canadian Forces Base Halifax, Nova Scotia. We provide transportation to and from the training centre, living accommodations, food, clothing and all equipment for the course. At the end of the course, if you choose to join the CAF, you will return home until the next available Basic Training course starts.","ind.cfaep.h1":"What you will learn","ind.cfaep.p4":"You will learn about the long and proud history of Indigenous peoples in Canada\u2019s military and take part in exercises similar to Basic Training, such as:","ind.cfaep.li1":"Morning inspections","ind.cfaep.li2":"Daily physical fitness and sports","ind.cfaep.li3":"Navigation with compass and maps","ind.cfaep.li4":"Basic weapons training","ind.cfaep.li5":"Military drill","ind.cfaep.p5":"You will also try living in field conditions. Civilian Indigenous counsellors will be available to assist you with the transition to military life.","ind.cfaep.h2":"How to apply","ind.cfaep.p6":"To apply to the CAFIEP, you must fill out the <a href=\"https:\/\/\/default.aspx?l=eng\" onclick=\"gtag('event', 'Start Application', {'event_category': 'Apply', 'event_label': 'CAFIEP'});\">online application<\/a>. When filling out the \u201cProgram Choices\u201d field, choose \u201cCAFIEP\u201d. You may apply at any time throughout the year.","ind.cfaep.pull":"The CAFIEP is a unique three-week course with the option, but no obligation, to join the CAF.","ind.cfaep.img":"Lieutenant-General Walter Semianiw, Commander Canada Command salutes a general salute during the 1 Canadian Ranger Patrol Unit Commendation Ceremony.","ind.summ.intro":"Are you an Indigenous Youth living in Canada, and are you looking for a very challenging and rewarding employment opportunity for the summer? Do you like to make new friends, work hard, like doing physical activities and enjoy the outdoors? Then maybe our Summer Programs are exactly what you are looking for.","ind.summ.p1":"The Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) offers five summer training programs that combine military lifestyle with cultural awareness. Each combines Indigenous culture and teachings with military training, that will help you develop valuable skills such as self-confidence, self-discipline, teamwork, time management, respect and fitness. Click on the headings to learn more:","ind.summ.c1":"Bold Eagle","ind.summ.c2":"Raven","ind.summ.c3":"Black Bear","ind.summ.c4":"Carcajou","ind.summ.c5":"Grey wolf","ind.summ.p2":"We arrange your travel to and from the program, living accommodations, food, clothing and all equipment. While you are in the program, you are a temporary CAF member. You will be paid around $4,200 for completing your program.","ind.summ.h1":"What you will learn","ind.summ.p3":"These six-week long programs give you a taste of military training with the option to join the CAF. You are not required to join the CAF after completing the program. The training is based on the Army Reserve Basic Military Qualification and is taught by military instructors. Subjects include:","ind.summ.li1":"General military knowledge","ind.summ.li2":"Weapons handling","ind.summ.li3":"Navigation","ind.summ.li4":"First Aid","ind.summ.li5":"Drill","ind.summ.li6":"Survival skillset","ind.summ.p4":"All five summer training programs begin with a culture camp. The camp is designed to ease the transition from civilian to military lifestyle, and focuses on common spiritual beliefs. All culture camps are led by Elders of different First Nations and Indigenous groups. At the end of the program, we can arrange with your high school guidance counselor to register your time in the program as career experience credits.","ind.summ.h2":"How to apply","ind.summ.p5":"You must have completed at least Grade 10 (Secondaire IV in Quebec). To apply to a summer training program, you must fill out the <a href=\"https:\/\/\/default.aspx?l=eng\" onclick=\"gtag('event', 'Start Application', {'event_category': 'Apply', 'event_label': 'Indigenous Summer Training'});\">online application<\/a>. When filling out the \u201cProgram Choices\u201d field, choose \u201cBold Eagle,\u201d \u201cRaven\u201d, \u201cBlack Bear\u201d, \u201cCarcajou\u201d, or \u201cGrey Wolf.\u201d Your application is due by the end of April so that all the arrangements can be made for the beginning of the programs in July.","ind.summ.h3":"Contact us","ind.summ.p6":"For more information about our programs, or to apply, contact a recruiter near you at 1-800-856-8488. You can also contact them to request a presentation in your community on the various CAF Indigenous programs. For requests to visit rural or remote locations, a coordinator will try to include your community, when it is feasible to do so, during a planned visit to the region.","ind.summ.pull":"At the end of the course, you will recieve the CAF Army Reserve Basic Military Qualification and have the option to join the Reserve Force.","":"Phone: ","":"Email: ","":"For more information about the program, visit <a href=\"%link%\" class=\"ext-link\">%name% -<\/a>","ind.eagle.p1":"The Bold Eagle program is open to Indigenous peoples living in Western Canada or Northwestern Ontario. Participants train in Wainwright, Alberta at the 3rd Canadian Division Training Centre from early July to late August each year. Applications are accepted starting in September of each year and, you must submit your application by April 30 to ensure processing for the summer program opportunities. Depending on availability and screening requirements, applications submitted after this date may still be considered.","ind.eagle.p2":"If you\u2019re 16, you can still apply to the Bold Eagle program as long as you\u2019re a full-time student and will turn 17 before the enrolment date. All applicants under the age of 18 must obtain consent from a parent or legal guardian to participate in this exciting opportunity. If you\u2019re still completing Grade 10, you must send us a letter from your high school outlining the courses you\u2019re taking and your potential to complete them successfully. Make sure to send us your proof of completion early, as you cannot be enrolled in the program without it, and slots fill up early. Residents of British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and NW Ontario are also eligible to apply for the program.","":"Bold Eagle Contact","":"Email: <a href=\"\"><\/a>","":"Phone: 780-842-1363 ext. 5158 or 780-261-0202","":"Website: <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/army\/services\/bold-eagle.html\">https:\/\/\/en\/army\/services\/bold-eagle.html<\/a>","ind.raven.p1":"The Raven program is a Navy summer program for Indigenous peoples from across Canada. Participants train in Esquimalt, British Columbia, at the Work Point Barracks, and the staff are current Military members who have years of experience.","ind.raven.p2":"Applications are accepted starting in September of each year and, you must submit your application by April 30 to ensure processing for the summer program opportunities. Depending on availability and screening requirements, applications submitted after this date may still be considered. If you wish to file an application, be sure you submit it to your nearest Canadian Armed Forces Recruiting Centre. If you have more specific questions about the Raven program please see the contact list below:","":"Raven Contact","":"Email: <a href=\"\"><\/a>","":"Phone: 250-363-0901","ind.bear.p1":"The Black Bear program is an Army training program for Indigenous peoples from across Canada. Participants train in Oromocto, New Brunswick, at the 5th Canadian Division Training Centre.","ind.bear.p2":"This program will allow you to find out more about yourself and what you are capable of achieving through hard work, perseverance and reliance on others. You will also meet Indigenous youth from across Canada.","ind.bear.p3":"Applications are accepted starting in September of each year and, you must submit your application by April 30 to ensure processing for the summer program opportunities. Depending on availability and screening requirements, applications submitted after this date may still be considered.","":"Black Bear Contact","":"Email: <a href=\"\"><\/a>","":"Phone: 506-422-2000 ext. 6764 or 506-292-0124","":"Website: <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/army\/services\/black-bear.html\">https:\/\/\/en\/army\/services\/black-bear.html<\/a>","ind.carcajou.p1":"Are you an Indigenous person living in Canada? Interested in a challenging summer experience that delivers hands-on skills development, encourages teamwork, provides physical fitness training and promotes cultural awareness?","ind.carcajou.p2":"If so, Carcajou is the program for you! This unique summer training program, which combines Indigenous culture and teachings with military training, will help you develop valuable skills such as self-confidence, self-discipline, teamwork, time management, respect and fitness. Carcajou is an Army program open to Indigenous people living across Canada and is delivered mostly in French, but will be bilingual. Participants train in Valcartier, Quebec.","ind.carcajou.p3":"The six-week program is conducted from early July to mid-August each year. During this time, you are enrolled as a member of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF). Upon completion of the program, you can choose to remain in the CAF (as a Regular Force member, a Reserve Force member or a Canadian Ranger) or to be released from service.","ind.carcajou.p4":"Applications are accepted starting in September of each year and, you must submit your application by April 30 to ensure processing for the summer program opportunities. Depending on availability and screening requirements, applications submitted after this date may still be considered.","":"Contact Us","":"Carcajou Coordinator: Lt Gabriel Bond-Castelli","":"Email: <a href=\"\"><\/a>","":"Phone: 514-252-2777","":"Website: <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/army\/services\/carcajou.html\">https:\/\/\/en\/army\/services\/carcajou.html<\/a>","ind.wolf.p1":"Are you an Indigenous person living in Ontario? Interested in a challenging summer experience that delivers hands-on skills development, encourages teamwork, provides physical fitness training and promotes cultural awareness?","ind.wolf.p2":"If so, Grey Wolf is the entry program for you! This unique military training program combines Indigenous culture and teachings with military training that will help you develop valuable skills such as self-confidence, self-discipline, teamwork, time management, respect and fitness. Grey Wolf is a Canadian Army program open to Indigenous people living within a reasonable commuting distance (approximately 75 km) from an Army Reserve unit. Participants train in Meaford, Ontario.","ind.wolf.p3":"The six-week program is conducted from early July to late August each year. During this time, you are enrolled as a member of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF). Upon completion of the training program, you will continue to serve at an Army Reserve unit on a part-time or full-time basis. You may also transfer into the Regular Force.","ind.wolf.p4":"Applications are accepted starting in September of each year and, you must submit your application by April 30 to ensure processing for the summer program opportunities. Depending on availability and screening requirements, applications submitted after this date may still be considered.","":"Website: <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/army\/services\/grey-wolf.html\">https:\/\/\/en\/army\/services\/grey-wolf.html<\/a>","":"Contact Us","":"Grey Wolf Coordinator: Contact the Canadian Armed Forces Recruitment Group","":"Email: <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/talk-to-a-recruiter\/\">Find a recruiter near you<\/a>","":"Phone: 1-800-856-8488","ind.summ.img":"The 2010 Bold Eagle graduation ceremony in Wainwright, AB.","":"Learn more about our programs for Indigenous peoples","ind.temp.cfaep.msg":"We're making some changes to this program and expect that the next start date will be fall 2022. Thanks for your understanding.","faq.Title":"Frequently asked questions","faq.Section1":"Eligibility","faq.Sec1Q1":"I have a General Educational Development (GED) Certificate or High School Equivalency Certificate. Am I eligible to join the Forces?","faq.Sec1A1":"Yes. A GED or a High School Equivalency Certificate does meet the basic eligibility requirements for the Forces. However, they will not be considered an equivalency for occupations in the Forces that require higher education. Contact your local recruiting centre to discuss your situation with a recruiter.","faq.Sec1Q2":"I have completed some\/all of my education overseas. Do the Forces recognize education credentials from countries other than Canada?","faq.Sec1A2":"Yes. However, you are responsible for providing proof that your credentials meet the requirements of the Forces. There are a number of organizations in Canada that will assess foreign secondary and post-secondary credentials to verify equivalencies. Visit the <a href=\"http:\/\/\/\">Alliance of Credential Evaluation Services of Canada<\/a> to find accredited organizations that offer this service. You are responsible for all associated costs.","faq.Sec1Q3":"Why do Officers need a university degree?","faq.Sec1A3":"Officers in the Forces are required to think critically, develop innovative solutions to problems and use their intellectual abilities to analyze, plan and make decisions. A university degree is a very good indicator that an applicant has the intellectual skills that Officers need on the job.","faq.Sec1Q4":"I have a criminal record. Am I eligible to join the Forces?","faq.Sec1A4":"Yes. If you have a conviction under the Criminal Code of Canada or the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, you may still apply to the Forces, as long as you have served your sentence and no longer have any legal obligations.","faq.Sec1Q5":"Are Forces members allowed to have tattoos and\/or piercings?","faq.Sec1A5":"The Canadian Armed Forces has a long-standing history with the desire to commemorate, celebrate and honour those things most important to our members through artful tattoos. Their place in modern society is also gaining popularity and because of their permanence and representation, it is a consideration during the CAF recruitment process. The CAF reserves the right to review and refuse an applicant\u2019s enrollment based on the ethical foundation and visible placement of some tattoos.","faq.Section2":"Starting your career","faq.Sec2Q1":"What is Regular Force? (Full Time)","faq.Sec2A1":"Members of the Regular Force serve full time protecting Canada and defending our sovereignty. They contribute to international peace and security, and work with the United States to defend North America. They are ready to respond at a moment\u2019s notice to threats, natural disasters or humanitarian crises at home and around the world.","faq.Sec2Q2":"What is Reserve Force? (Part Time)","faq.Sec2A2":"Members of the Reserve Force serve part time in the CAF and do not have a set Term of Service. Their main role is to support the Regular Force at home and abroad. Reservists typically serve one or more evenings a week and\/or during weekends at locations close to home. Some Reservists may volunteer to be deployed on operations, if there are positions available, but are not required to be deployed. Benefits are also provided to Reserve Members.","faq.Sec2Q3":"What is an Officer?","faq.Sec2A3":"Officers in the CAF hold positions of authority and respect. They are responsible for the safety, well-being and morale of a group of soldiers, sailors, air men or air women. Analyzing, planning, making decisions and providing advice are a few aspects of an Officer\u2019s role.","faq.Sec2Q4":"What is a Non-Commissioned Member?","faq.Sec2A4":"Non-Commissioned Members are skilled personnel who provide operational and support services in the CAF. Non-Commissioned Members start out as recruits and are trained to do specific jobs.","faq.Sec2Q5":"How do I choose a job in the Forces?","faq.Sec2A5":"We recommend that you only choose a job after carefully researching your options, taking into account your personal skills, abilities and interests. Visit <a href=\"%link%\">Careers<\/a> to explore occupations in the Forces. Recruiters can also help you find suitable occupations.","faq.Sec2Q6":"How long do I have to serve?","faq.Sec2A6":"When you enrol in the Regular Force, you are expected to sign on for a few years of service. Terms of service start at three years, but can be longer depending on the type and amount of training you will need for your occupation. If you join the Forces through a Paid Education program, you will be required to serve two months for every month of paid education. Learn more about our Paid Education programs <a href=\"%link%\" title=\"Paid Education programs\">here<\/a>. <br>If you want to continue your career in the Forces beyond your initial contract, you may be offered further terms of service.","faq.Sec2Q7":"How difficult is basic training?","faq.Sec2A7":"Basic training is quite demanding and not everyone passes the course. Working hard to properly prepare beforehand and putting in your best effort while at basic training will help you succeed. Visit <a href=\"%link%\">Joining the Canadian Armed Forces<\/a> to learn more about basic training.","faq.Sec2Q8":"What happens after basic training?","faq.Sec2A8a":"After completing basic training, Non-Commissioned Members (NCMs) will be sent on further training that is specific to their environment (Land, Sea, Air):","faq.Sec2A8b":"NCMs in the Army will attend the 4-week Basic Military Qualification \u2013 Land Course at one of several centres across the country before continuing on to occupation training.","faq.Sec2A8c":"NCMs in the Navy will attend the 5-week Fleet School in Esquimalt or Halifax before continuing on to occupation training.","faq.Sec2A8d":"NCMs in the Air Force usually go directly to occupation training.","faq.Sec2A8e":"Officers will be sent to either second language training or occupation training.","faq.Section3":"Life in the Forces","faq.Sec3Q1":"My spouse\/partner is already in the Forces. If I join, will we be posted together?","faq.Sec3A1":"Married couples who are both serving in the Forces are typically posted together to the same location. However, the Forces is occasionally unable to accommodate spouses in cases where there are distinct differences in occupations or elements (e.g. posting an Air Weapons Specialist with his\/her Infantry spouse) or because of operational requirements, such as overseas deployments.","faq.Sec3Q2":"What are regular working hours in the Forces?","faq.Sec3A2":"Most members in the Regular Force work normal eight-hour days, with evenings and weekends free. However, there are exceptions, depending on the job or operational requirements and an expectation that some periods of work will routinely extend beyond eight hours.","faq.Sec3Q3":"Do Forces members get benefits?","faq.Sec3A3":"Yes. Regular Force members have health and dental benefits through the Public Service Medical and Dental plans. In addition to health and dental benefits, Forces members are also provided with paid vacation days, a generous pension, excellent maternity and parental leave, and access to support programs such as sports and fitness programs. Visit <a href=\"%link%\">Lifestyle<\/a> to discover all the advantages of a career in the Forces.","faq.Sec3Q4":"Do I get to choose where I am posted?","faq.Sec3A4":"Your first posting will be given to you based on where you are needed most. However, after completing your initial posting, you can request to be posted to your preferred locations. The Forces will try to accommodate your choices, but this is not always possible due to operational requirements.<br><br>If you would like to stay in your area, consider joining the Reserve Force. Reservists in the Forces train and serve in their local areas and are not required to move.","faq.Sec3Q5":"If I join the Forces, will I be sent on deployment overseas?","faq.Sec3A5":"All members of the Regular Force must be prepared to take part in a deployment at some point in their career. Whether or not you are selected for deployment depends on a number of factors, including the type of mission, your occupation, the unit that you are posted to, and the need for your skills onsite. Certain careers may be required to deploy more often than others, such as Combat specialists.","faq.Sec3Q6":"Are Forces members required to live on base?","faq.Sec3A6":"No. Forces members are not required to live on base. Most members choose to rent or buy their own accommodations in the community. Visit <a href=\"%link%\">Lifestyle<\/a> to learn more.","faq.ViewReg":"View all regular force positions","faq.ViewRes":"View all reserve force positions","faq.ViewOfficer":"View all officer positions","faq.ViewNCM":"View all non-commissioned member positions","faq.endTitle":"How to speak with your family member about joining the Canadian Armed Forces","faq.endInfo":"Joining the Canadian Armed Forces is a big decision for anyone. We've prepared a document to help you with discussing this lifestyle change with your family member. You can download it","faq.endDownload":"here","lifestyle.Title":"Life in the Forces","lifestyle.Subtitle":"Make a difference. Travel the world to provide humanitarian efforts or engage in a mission using innovative technology all while receiving competitive benefits, paid education and training.","":"Community","":"Pay & Benefits","":"Success Stories","lifestyle.benefits.salTitle":"Salary","lifestyle.benefits.salTitle1":"Competitive Salary","lifestyle.benefits.salTitle2":"Pay Rates","":"When you join the Canadian Armed Forces you join a diverse community that fosters lifelong friendships and provides programs and support for you and your family.","":"Diversity","":"Diversity is the strength of Canada\u2019s population and is essential to our military\u2019s operational effectiveness and long-term success.","":"Individuals in the Canadian Armed Forces will always be seen as a soldier first, regarded for your duty, work and contributions above all else. The Forces welcome applicants from all genders, religions, ethnicities and sexual orientations.","":"Women in the Canadian Armed Forces","":"By the end of 2017, there were 12 women at the General and Flag Officer ranks in the CAF, a record high with four in each service. The number of women in senior NCM ranks also rose to 57 Chief Warrant Officers and Chief Petty Officers 1st Class, as did the number of women in Special Forces roles.","":"The CAF values diversity and recognizes the strength that women bring to our force through enhanced operational effectiveness. Canada\u2019s military continues to strive to better reflect Canadian society in our ranks as we promote Canadian values at home and abroad.","":"Flexibility","":"In the Canadian Armed Forces we have over 100 job opportunities that come with excellent pay and benefits. You also have the opportunity to take time and improve your skills through education at any point in your career.","":"You can apply to the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) as an Officer or a Non-Commissioned Member. The path that you choose will depend on your skillset, interests and educational background.","":"Careers are available in the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) as a full-time or part-time member. Full-time members make up the Regular Force. Part-time members make up the Reserve Force.","":"Travel and Adventure","":"Whether you choose a career in the Royal Canadian Navy, the Canadian Army, or the Royal Air Force, your will have a unique work experience with extraordinary opportunities for travel and adventure. The Canadian Armed Forces have taken major steps to improve career management, education and training systems with the goal of enhancing military service as a career of choice. Equipped with these skills, you will have the opportunities to work anywhere doing almost any job.","":"If you want a work experience that is out of the ordinary there is no career more challenging or rewarding than serving in the Canadian Armed Forces.","":"Esprit de corps","":"Members of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) are well supported from the moment they join, throughout their career, and finally as they transition out of the military. This also includes keeping the door open to Veterans wishing to return to service, or who later need assistance and support.","":"From the moment you begin basic training, you\u2019ll be welcomed into a team of dedicated professionals who will soon become like family. Members of the CAF come from all across Canada, each bringing something unique and valuable to the team as a whole. As you progress in rank and skill, you\u2019ll learn something new from every member you meet, and develop lifelong friendships along the way.","":"CAF Sports","":"In the Canadian Armed Forces, playing sports allows you to relive stress, improve your leadership skills, practice self discipline, and to stay operationally fit.","":"The CAF offers many varieties of sports to its members across Canada. Members are encouraged to participate in sports no matter their skill level. If you are at a competitive skill level, you may have the opportunity to participate in military sports competitions. When you are a part of a team, you make connections with your peers to conquer common goals and build communication skills.","lifestyle.sal.para1":"The Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) offers competitive salaries and world-class benefit packages \u2013 including health, dental, vision, from four to six weeks paid vacation annually, great pension plans and continuous training \u2013 that start from the moment you put on the uniform.","lifestyle.sal.p1":"The CAF offers competitive salaries. Your skills, knowledge, experience and training can impact your starting salary. As a new direct entry recruit in the Regular Force, you could earn anywhere from $3,614 to $5,304 per month, while you complete basic training.","lifestyle.sal.p2":"Once you are fully trained for your chosen occupation, your salary will continue to increase based on your time in the military, rank and acquired skills. Starting salaries are based on equivalent careers for entry level positions within the private sector. The benefits of continuous professional development, training, healthcare and pension from the moment you enroll separate the CAF from every other private sector opportunity.","lifestyle.sal.p3":"If you enroll through one of our paid education plans, you will receive at least $30,200, while you complete your paid education. Depending on your enrolment plan, this could be significantly more. Your pay also increases once you graduate. Take a look at some of our <a href=\"%link%\">paid education<\/a> plans to find out more about pay and benefits for students.","lifestyle.sal.p4":"Some of our <a href=\"%link%\">featured occupations<\/a> in the Regular Force offer a signing bonus. To be eligible for a signing bonus, you must meet the specific criteria for the occupation. These criteria may include: the possession of a technical or vocational qualification that is in part based upon practical work experience and that closely corresponds to the majority of advanced military occupation training; the possession of a diploma, certificate or degree issued by a Canadian post-secondary educational institution in an area that closely corresponds to a majority of the initial military occupation training; the military training and experience that is necessary for immediate employment \u2014 without further training or experience \u2014 in the military occupation; or being a licenced professional. Criteria may be different for each occupation. It is recommended that you <a href=\"%link2%\">speak to a local recruiter<\/a> who can help you evaluate your potential entitlement to a signing bonus.","lifestyle.sal.calc.p":"The following table will give you an indication of your expected rate of pay at each rank level. Within each rank there are a number of pay increments (PI) which represent automatic annual increases in pay to recognize advancements in experience, skill and knowledge. All pay rates are exclusive of any allowances, allotments, or deductions which may be applicable to specific occupations, appointments or entry plans.","lifestyle.sal.calc.p2":"Depending on if you are serving full-time (Regular Force) or part-time (Reserves), you will be paid at either a monthly or daily rate respectively. Reservists typically work on a part-time basis on evenings and weekends and, as such, are paid a daily rate.","lifestyle.sal.calc.p3":"This table is intended for information purposes only. Certain specialist occupations may have a different pay scale. Additionally, pay rates for Pilots, Dental & Medical Officers, and Legal Officers differ from the below. Pay rates are subject to change without notice. For the most up-to-date and comprehensive pay information, visit the <a class=\"ext-link\" href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/department-national-defence\/services\/benefits-military\/pay-pension-benefits\/pay.html\">Military Pay section of<\/a>.","lifestyle.sal.calc.p4":"<strong>Accelerated Pay Increment<\/strong>: Upon the enrolment and successful completion of Regular Force Basic Training (Basic Military qualification (BMQ)), you will be eligible for an accelerated pay increment if you enrol in one of the designated occupations. <a href=\"%link%\">Browse Careers<\/a> to find out which occupations are eligible for this offer. <a href=\"%link2%\">Speak to a local recruiter<\/a> to learn more about the Accelerated Pay Increment Incentive.","payrate.reg.ncm.title":"Monthly Pay Rates for Regular Force Non-Commissioned Members (NCMs)","":"Monthly Pay Rates for Regular Force Officers","payrate.res.ncm.title":"Daily Pay Rates for Reserve Force Non-Commissioned Members (NCMs)","":"Daily Pay Rates for Reserve Force Officers","payrate.potential":"Potential Pay","lifestyle.benefits.sec2Title":"Benefits","":"Medical, Dental, and Vision Care","lifestyle.text":"Health and Fitness","":"You and your family will receive health and dental coverage throughout your career. If you enrol as a part-time member, you may also benefit from the medical and dental care during specified periods, depending on your duty status.","lifestyle.benefits.mat.h":"Maternity and Parental Leave","lifestyle.benefits.mat":"The CAF offers maternity and parental leave benefits to spend time with your newest family member with 93% of your normal salary.","lifestyle.benefits.vacation.h":"Vacation","lifestyle.benefits.vacation":"As a full-time member, you will start with 20 paid vacation days per year. These can normally be scheduled around training and operational requirements. The vacation time will increase throughout your career, to a maximum of 30 days. If you enrol as a part-time member, you will receive one paid vacation day for each 15 consecutive calendar days.","lifestyle.benefits.pension.h":"Retirement","lifestyle.benefits.pension":"Our pension plans provide you with peace of mind today and for years to come. Whether you are joining full time or part-time, you can rest assured that you can retire with a pension.","lifestyle.benefits.train.h":"Education & Training","lifestyle.benefits.train.p1":"The Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) recognizes that education is the best investment an organization can make toward the development of its members and has a number of <a href=\"%link%\">paid education<\/a> plans for college, university and graduate-level programs. Learn more about our Paid Education programs.","lifestyle.benefits.train.p2":"A modernized training and education platform ensures soldiers receive the training they need at each step of their careers. Education within the CAF focuses not only on the military application of job specific roles, but also on marketable skills that can prepare a Member for life outside the CAF.","lifestyle.benefits.train.p3":"Many courses within the CAF are credit transferable to post-secondary institutions via a prior learning assessment (PLAR) out process. The same applies for the PLAR in process, where civilians with post-secondary accreditation can receive advanced standing upon joining the Forces.","lifestyle.benefits.train.p4":"Canadian Armed Forces members and Department of National Defence employees have access to the Defence Learning Network which houses technologically advanced professional development tools, courses and training.","lifestyle.benefits.sec3Title":"Family Support","lifestyle.benefits.sec3Text":"Families are a major source of support to CAF members and integral to the success of the military \u2013 they are the strength behind the uniform.","lifestyle.benefits.sec3Text1":"There are many services to support you and your family during your military and Veteran family journey that are offered both nationally and locally through Canadian Forces Morale and Welfare Services (CFMWS), and at each Base and Wing through community partners, such as Military Family Resource Centres.","lifestyle.benefits.sec3Text2":"Services and benefits provided for families are targeted to support frequent geographical relocations, job-related absences and transition. These may include, but are not limited to information and awareness, such as community orientation; tailored support including employment assistance and second language training for spouses; physical and mental well-being support specifically recreational activities, low-cost access to sports and fitness facilities, a member assistance program, operational trauma and stress support centres, and personal development workshops; as well as individualized assistance for more urgent situations including short-term counselling and financial services such as insurance and financial planning.","lifestyle.benefits.sec1Title":"Education & Training","lifestyle.benefits.sec1Text":"The Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) recognizes that education is the best investment an organization can make toward the development of its members and has a number of paid education plans for college, university and graduate-level programs.","lifestyle.benefits.sec1Text2":"A modernized training and education platform ensures soldiers receive the training they need at each step of their careers. Education within the CAF focuses not only on the military application of job specific roles, but also on marketable skills that can prepare a Member for life outside the CAF.","lifestyle.benefits.sec1Text3":"Many courses within the CAF are credit transferable to post-secondary institutions via a prior learning assessment (PLAR) out process. The same applies for the PLAR in process, where civilians with post-secondary accreditation can receive advanced standing upon joining the Forces.","lifestyle.benefits.sec1Text4":"Canadian Armed Forces members and Department of National Defence employees have access to the Defence Learning Network which houses technologically advanced professional development tools, courses and training.","lifestyle.success.sec1Title":"Successful careers begin in the Forces","lifestyle.success.blurb":"Start a career of your choice within the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) and you will be surprised at what you are able to do!","lifestyle.success.sec1Text2":"All our members enjoy a range of prestigious full-and part-time career options in fields like healthcare, law, IT and engineering, the possibility of specializing in your career, accelerated responsibilities and faster advancement opportunities than in the civilian world, the chance to travel and work around the world, and a full range of enviable benefits and advantages.","lifestyle.success.sec1Quote":"\u201cIt's incredible to see. It's something I never thought I'd get to witness in my career.\u201d","lifestyle.success.sec1Quoted":"Sergeant Mireille Gauthier","lifestyle.success.sec2Title":"Push your limits","lifestyle.success.sec2Text":"Sports inspire CAF members to improve their physical fitness and build their leadership and self-discipline skills. Sports also promote teamwork, esprit de corps, loyalty, and commitment.","lifestyle.success.sec2Text1":"Every base, unit and wing has a variety of both team and individual sports for athletes of all kinds.","lifestyle.success.sec2Text2":"If you qualify at the competitive level, you may have the opportunity to participate in regional, national and international military sporting competitions.","lifestyle.success.sec2Text3":"Team and individual sports range from recreational to highly competitive Olympic levels.","lifestyle.success.sec2Quote":"\u201cIt's a place for people who want to be leaders.\u201d","lifestyle.success.sec2Quoted":"Second Lieutenant Alyssa Kane","lifestyle.success.sec3Title":"Exceed your expectations","lifestyle.success.sec3Text":"Transcend with a career in the Canadian Armed Forces. CAF Members are well supported and trained to progress through their career goals and beyond.","lifestyle.success.sec3Text2":"As a member of the Canadian Armed Forces you will gain unique experiences, work hard and can achieve beyond your perceived limits.","lifestyle.success.sec3Quote":"\u201cMy career in the Forces enabled me to discover skills I never knew I had.\u201d","lifestyle.success.sec3Quoted":"Captain Flavie Tchoko","women.Title":"Women in the CAF","women.title.full":"Women in the Canadian Armed Forces","women.lead":"Canada is a world leader in terms of the proportion of women in its military, and the areas in which they can serve. Among their allies, the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) are highly regarded as being at the forefront of military gender integration.","women.sec1.h2":"Overview","women.sec1.h3":"Equal Opportunity","women.sec1.h3.1.p1":"Women can enroll in any CAF occupation, which includes operational trades, and serve in any environment.","women.sec1.h3.1.p2":"In all trades, CAF men and women are selected for training, promotions, postings and all career opportunities in exactly the same way - based on rank, qualifications and merit.","women.sec1.h3.2":"A Rich History","women.sec1.h3.2.p1":"Women have been involved in Canada\u2019s military service and contributed to Canada\u2019s rich military history and heritage for more than 100 years. They have been fully integrated in all occupations and roles for over 20 years, with the exception of serving on submarines which was eventually lifted by the Royal Canadian Navy on March 8, 2001.","women.figcaption.1":"Personnel of the Canadian Women\u2019s Army Corps at No. 3 CWAC (Basic) Training Centre, Kitchener, Ontario, April 6, 1944. RCAF Women's Division. <small>Photo- Library and Archives Canada PA 133631<\/small>","women.sec2.h2":"History of Women in the CAF","women.sec2.h3":"The Early Years","women.sec2.h3.1.p1":"The number of women in uniform has fluctuated over the years, with the largest number serving during the Second World War, when many performed non-traditional duties","women.sec2.h3.1.p2":"Following the large reduction in personnel after the Second World War, the Royal Canadian Navy, the Canadian Army, and the Royal Canadian Air Force again allowed women to enroll in the early 1950s, though their employment was restricted to traditional roles in medicine, communication, logistics, and administration.","women.sec2.h3.2":"New Beginnings","women.sec2.h3.2.p1":"The roles of women in the CAF began to expand in 1971, after the Department reviewed the recommendations of the Royal Commission on the Status of Women.","women.sec2.h3.2.p2":"The ceiling of 1 500 was lifted, and employment opportunities were gradually expanded into the non-traditional areas\u2014vehicle drivers and mechanics, aircraft mechanics, air-traffic controllers, military police, and firefighters.","women.sec2.h3.2.p3":"The Department further reviewed personnel policies in 1978 and 1985, after Parliament passed the Canadian Human Rights Act and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.","women.sec2.h3.2.p4":"The Department changed its policies to permit women to serve at sea in replenishment ships and in a diving tender, with the army service battalions, in military police platoons and field ambulance units, and in most air squadrons.","women.sec2.h3.3":"The Legacy Continues","women.sec2.h3.3.p1":"Servicewomen of the Navy, Army and Air Force endured much hardship while serving Canada over the past century. It was their determination, dedication, and professionalism that opened the door for so many women to join.","women.sec2.h3.3.p2":"These brave and courageous women were faced with many obstacles as they entered what was traditionally a man's arena. Not only did they have to do the job and excel at it, but first they had to prove that, given the opportunity, they would not fail.","women.sec2.h3.3.p3":"It was a daunting challenge that women met with <strong>hope<\/strong>, <strong>courage<\/strong> and most importantly, <strong>success<\/strong>.","women.sec2.h3.3.p4":"Presently, women serve on a number of global operations ranging across the spectrum from peacekeeping and humanitarian assistance operations, through to stability and security and peace-enforcement operations.","women.sec3.h2":"Women in Combat Roles","women.sec3.h3.1":"Policy Development","women.sec3.h3.1.p1":"In 1987, occupations and units with the primary role of preparing for direct involvement in combat on the ground or at sea were still closed to women&#58; infantry, armoured corps, field artillery, air-defence artillery, signals, field engineers, and naval operations.","women.sec3.h3.1.p2":"On February 5, 1987, the Minister of National Defence created an office to study the impact of employing men and women in combat units. These trials were called Combat-Related Employment of Women.","women.sec3.h3.2":"New Occupations","women.sec3.h3.2.p1":"All military occupations were open to women in 1989, with the exception of submarine service, which opened in 2001.","women.sec3.h3.2.p2":"Throughout the 1990s, the introduction of women into the combat arms increased the potential recruiting pool by about 100 per cent. It also provided opportunities for all persons to serve their country to the best of their abilities.","women.sec3.h3.3":"Welcoming Gender Integration","women.sec3.h3.3.p1":"Today, all equipment must be suitable for a mixed-gender force. Combat helmets, rucksacks, combat boots, and flak jackets are designed to ensure women have the same level of protection and comfort as their male colleagues.","women.sec3.h3.3.p2":"The women's uniform is similar in design to the men's uniform, but conforms to the female figure, and is functional and practical. Women are also provided with an annual financial entitlement for the purchase of brassiere undergarments.","women.sec4.h2":"Into the Future","women.sec4.h3.1":"Commitment to Diversity","women.sec4.h3.1.p1":"The history of Canadian service women is an important part of our national military heritage and their achievements contribute to the full and equal inclusion of women in our society and national institutions.","women.sec4.h3.1.p2":"It's an exciting time for women, for now there is truly no limit to career opportunities for them in the CAF.","women.apply.lead":"Become Part of Our History","women.history.img.alt":"Women in the RCAF 1944","women.overview.img.alt":"Corporal Connie Scuncio a medic attached to 2 Royal Canadian Regiment Battle Group, conducts her daily rounds around Gundi Gar.","women.legacy.img.alt":"Major Julia Atherley-Blight from Harrowsmith, Ont., Deputy Commanding Officer of the Canadian Forces (CF) Disaster Assistance Response Team (DART), salutes during a solemn Remembrance Day ceremony at the DART camp in Garhi Dopatta, Pakistan.","women.combat.img.alt":"Her Majesty's Canadian Ship FREDERICTON's Air Detachment deck director signals the deck crew during the start-up of the embarked CH-124 Sea King helicopter on Operation REASSURANCE on March 3, 2015.","":"Members of the Force Protection team conduct a weapons handling drill in Kuwait, during Operation IMPACT on January 18, 2015.","women.row.img.1.alt":"Corporal Kristy Doyle from the Joint Meteorological Centre Gagetown, attached to 4 Engineer Support Regiment reads the meteorological data on the deployable weather station in Goose Bay, Labrador on February 18, 2015 during Exercise NORTHERN SAPPER.","women.row.img.2.alt":"Captain Skye Simpson of 436 Transport Squadron pilots a C-130 Hercules to Caen, France for the 70th anniversary of D-Day on June 2, 2014.","women.row.img.3.alt":"Captain (Capt) Sarah Heer, a member of the Canadian Forces Disaster Assistance Response Team (DART), marks a grid on the operations map. Capt Heer who hails from Guelph, Ontario, is in Sri Lanka to provide humanitarian aid.","error.Contact":"Contact us","error.Return":"Return to homepage","error.404":"Page not found (404)","error.404msg":"The page you were looking for may be broken or the page may have been removed. If this issue continues please contact us.","error.500":"Internal server error (500)","error.500msg":"We seem to be experiencing some issues. Try again later. If this issue continues please contact us.","error.Generic":"Error","error.Genericmsg":"Something has gone wrong. If this issue continues please contact us.","search.Results":"Search Results","search.subHeading":"%count% results for the search: %query%","search.Entity.Article":"Article","search.Entity.Job":"Career","search.Entity.Page":"Page","search.Entity.Environment":"Environment","search.Entity.Event":"Event","search.Entity.Detachment":"Detachment","search.Entity.Unit":"Unit","index.HeroVidText":"Join the canadian armed forces","index.vidText":"\"This is for you\"","index.BrowseSectionHeader":"Your future awaits within the","index.CAF":"The Canadian Armed Forces","":"Watch the Video","index.role.h":"Find Your Role","index.role.subh":"Let us help you find your perfect career.","index.interests.h":"What Interests You?","index.interests.subh":"Browse careers based on your area of interest.","careers.cat1":"Health Care","careers.cat2":"Computing & intelligence","careers.cat3":"Safety & Emergency Services","careers.cat4":"Administration","careers.cat5":"Hospitality & Support","careers.cat6":"Public Relations","careers.cat7":"Transport & Logistics","careers.cat8":"Combat Operations","careers.cat9":"Engineering & Infrastructure","careers.cat10":"Equipment & Vehicle Maintenance","careers.cat11":"Aviation","careers.cat12":"Naval Operations","index.interests.more.btn":"See More Options","index.FeaturedCareer":"In Demand","index.Learn":"Learn more","index.PositionsInc":"Positions include","index.RegFull":"Regular force (full time)","index.ResPart":"Reserve force (part time)","index.Officer":"Officer","index.NCM":"Non-Commissioned Member","index.Army":"Army","index.Navy":"Navy","index.Air":"Air Force","index.fullTime":"Full-time","index.partTime":"Part-time","index.Career":"Learn more about this career","index.NCM.sub":"<dfn>NCMs<\/dfn> are the skilled workforce of the CAF performing technical, administrative, and operational roles in support of daily business or complex military operations. Through experience and professional development, our NCMs are increasingly challenged with leadership and technical advisory roles throughout their career.","index.Officer.sub":"The principle role of <dfn>officers<\/dfn> in the CAF is to lead personnel and manage resources under their command. Officers are often tasked as advisors, planning and analyzing the challenges faced in daily business or on complex military operations.","index.Regular.sub":"Members of the <dfn>Regular Force<\/dfn> serve full time protecting Canada and defending our sovereignty. They are ready to respond at a moment\u2019s notice to threats, natural disasters or humanitarian crises at home and around the world.","index.Reserve.sub":"Members of the <dfn>Reserve Force<\/dfn> serve part time in the CAF and do not have a set Term of Service. Their main role is to support the Regular Force at home and abroad.","index.view.pos":"View Positions","index.BrowseAll":"Browse All Careers","index.Eligible":"Am I eligible?","index.Age":"Age","index.Select":"-- select --","index.Select.nodash":"Select","index.Other":"Other","index.Citizenship":"Citizenship","index.Canadian":"Canadian","index.Education":"Education","index.University":"University degree or higher","index.College":"College diploma or equivalent","index.Highschool":"High School diploma or equivalent","index.Grade10":"Grade 10\/Secondary IV or equivalent","index.Grade9":"Grade 9\/Secondary III or below","index.ApplyToday":"Apply today","index.WhoWeAre":"Who we are","index.WhoWeAreDetails":"Experience unique adventures, stimulating challenges, rewarding friendships and the chance to see and shape the world.","index.Env":"Three Environments,<br> One Team","index.env.nav":"Three Environments, One Team","index.Env.heroText":"See our forces<br> at work, as one","":"See our forces at work, as one","index.Env-sub":"Click each to learn more.","":"Ready to Help, Ready to Lead, Ready to Fight","":"Strong. Proud. Ready.","index.air.sub":"Rise Above","":"Life and Work in the CAF","":"Discover why the Canadian Armed Forces is the employer for you.","":"Recruiting Events","":"Find an event near you.","":"Study for free at college or university while earning a salary and benefits.","":"The Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) offers competitive salaries and world-class benefit packages.","":"Join the Canadian Reserves and serve part-time at your local unit.","":"Make an impact in your community and country.","":"Part-Time Options","":"About the Canadian Armed Forces","":"Find a Recruiting Centre","":"Visit your local recruiting centre to learn more about joining the CAF and have all your questions answered.","":"Diversity in the Forces","":"Diversity is the strength of Canada\u2019s population and is essential to our military\u2019s operational effectiveness and long-term success.","":"Women in the Canadian Armed Forces","":"Women can enroll in any CAF occupation, which includes operational trades, and serve in any environment.","index.join.title":"Interested in Joining?","index.join.sub":"Get all the info you need","index.join.sub1":"Join your own way","index.join.sub2":"Steps and requirements","index.join.sub3":"What to expect","index.join.sub4":"Find out if you're eligible","index.HowToJoin":"Joining the Canadian Armed Forces","index.HowToJoinDetails":"Come find your reason to serve.","":"Info for Parents & Guardians","index.LifeInMil":"Life in the Forces","index.LifeInMilDetails":"Always ready for tomorrow's challenges in a complex and dangerous world, Canada's professional soldiers are forged in combat.","index.AirAction":"Learn more about the Royal Canadian Air Force","index.NavyAction":"Learn more about the Royal Canadian Navy","index.ArmyAction":"Learn more about the Canadian Army","index.Title":"Home","index.Prev":"Previous","index.Next":"Next","index.footer-heading":"READY TO JOIN OR RE-ENROL?","index.Interests":"No matter your interests, whatever your goals,","index.InterestsTwo":"Find a career that fits you in the Canadian Armed Forces","howto.cani":"Can I Join","howto.ways":"Ways to Join","howto.steps":"Steps to Join","howto.HeroText":"Joining the Canadian Armed Forces","howto.Title":"Joining the Canadian Armed Forces","howto.Heading":"Being a member of the Canadian Forces means dedication and perserverance. See the steps as you shape yourself into a Canadian Armed Forces Member.","howto.Requirements":"Requirements","howto.HowTo":"How to Join","howto.Basic":"Basic Training","howto.Opts.Heading":"Entry Options","howto.cani.blurb":"There are certain requirements you must meet in order to join the Canadian Armed Forces. In some cases, you may still be able to join even if you do not meet the basic requirements.","howto.cani.toJoin":"To join as a","howto.cani.toJoinn":"To join as an","howto.cani.req1":"You are a minimum of 17* years of age.","howto.cani.req1.sub":"The maximum age is based on the age of 60 less the minimum years of service required for the career chosen. Ask a recruiter for the minimum number of years.","howto.cani.req1.sub.2":"The consent of a custodial parent or legal guardian is required for the enrolment of an applicant who is under the age of 18 on the day of enrolment.","howto.cani.req1.sub.3":"*For complete information read the full <a href=\"%link1%\"> Qualifications for Enrolment.<\/a>","howto.cani.req1.sub.4":"For complete information read the full <a href=\"%link1%\"> Qualifications for Enrolment.<\/a>","howto.cani.req1.Officer":"You are a minimum of 16* years of age.","howto.cani.req2":"You are a Canadian citizen or permanent resident.","howto.cani.req3":"You have completed Grade 10 or 24 credits of Secondary IV (Quebec).","howto.cani.req4":"You have completed Grade 12 or Secondary V (Quebec) and you have, or are working towards, a Bachelor's Degree.","howto.cani.req4.sub":"If you do not meet this requirement, you may be eligible for one of our <a href=\"%link%\">Paid Education<\/a> programs.","howto.cani.req3.sub":"If you have completed your education outside Canada, you must have your Educational Credential Assessments (<a href=\"%link%\">ECAs<\/a>) completed for your high school and highest level of education prior to submitting your application.","howto.cani.req.caption":"Eligibility requirements to join the Canadian Armed Forces","howto.ways.p":"There are several ways to join the Canadian Armed Forces. Your skills, qualification, background, and ambition will influence your way of entry. Get in touch with a recruiter by visiting our <a href=\"%link%\">Help Centre<\/a> to find out which entry option is best for you.","howto.steps.p":"There are 5 primary steps in the application process. Each step requires your input and dedication. Make sure you are prepared and provide all required documents in a timely manner. Get in touch with a recruiter by visiting our <a href=\"%link%\">Help Centre<\/a> if you need help during the process.","howto.Opts.Full.heading":"Join the Regular Force (Full-Time)","howto.Opts.Full.text":"Members of the Regular Force serve full time protecting Canada and defending our sovereignty. They contribute to international peace and security, and work with the United States to defend North America. They are ready to respond at a moment\u2019s notice to threats, natural disasters or humanitarian crises at home and around the world.","howto.Opts.Part.heading":"Join the Reserves (Part-Time)","howto.Opts.Part.text":"Members of the Reserve Force serve part time in the CAF. Their main role is to support the Regular Force at home and abroad. Reservists typically serve one or more evenings a week and\/or during weekends at locations close to home. Some Reservists may volunteer to be deployed on operations, if there are positions available.","howto.Opts.Ped.heading":"Paid Education","howto.Opts.Ped.text":"The CAF will help you to unlock your potential by providing a variety of opportunities for training to gain leadership skills, resourcefulness, and marketable and transferable skills. The Reserve Force also offers many summer job and co-op opportunities, especially for students. For the first four years of your career, you are guaranteed full-time summer employment (FTSE) with the Reserves. Deployments are not mandatory, but there are opportunities if you are interested. There is also the possibility of working full time.","howto.Opts.Ab.heading":"Programs for Indigenous Peoples","howto.Opts.Ab.Aloy":"Indigenous Leadership Opportunity Year","howto.Opts.Ab.Aloy.Text":"A one-year educational program offered to Indigenous peoples through the Royal Military College of Canada (RMC)","howto.Opts.Ab.Summer":"Summer training programs","howto.Opts.Ab.Summer.Text":"Summer Indigenous programs provide an opportunity to discover Military culture and training.","howto.Opts.Ab.CFAEP":"Canadian Armed Forces Indigenous Entry Program","howto.Opts.Ab.CFAEP.Text":"A special three-week program for Indigenous peoples who are considering a career in the CAF.","howto.Opts.NEP.heading":"Naval Experience Program","howto.Opts.NEP.text":"The Naval Experience Program will provide you with enough exposure to life in the Royal Canadian Navy to decide if it is right for you.<p>Following an accelerated enrollment, eight week basic military training and four week naval training, you will join the Navy fleet on either the East or West coast. Over the course of several months, you will learn the ropes of being a sailor by shadowing a variety of jobs and gaining exposure to a number of skills. The program culminates with going to sea portion, so you can get a sense of the adventure found in a naval career.","howto.Steps.Heading":"Requirements and How to Join","howto.Step1Head":"Submit your application","howto.Step1Details":"You will need to provide original copies of your birth certificate, government issued photo ID, transcripts from your highest level of education completed, proof of trade qualifications and professional licenses, and any additional forms required for the trade or job you selected. All overseas education must be presented with a Canadian equivalency from <strong>Alliance of Credential Evaluation Services of Canada<\/strong>","howto.Step2Head":"Background Check","howto.Step2Details":"You will fill out reliability screening forms. This background check will ensure that you are trustworthy with sensitive information. The Canadian Armed Forces will verify all the forms you submit so be completely honest when filling out the required forms.","howto.Step3Head":"Employment and Personality Assessment","howto.AptitudeTest1":"A trial is being conducted where some Regular Force applicants to certain occupations will not be required to write the Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) and Trait Self Descriptor - Personality Inventory (TSD-PI) before enrolment.","howto.AptitudeTest2":"To be eligible for the Expedited Application Trial, applicants to qualifying <a href=\"%link%\">occupations<\/a> must meet one of the following criteria:","howto.AptitudeTest3":"For Officers:","howto.AptitudeTest4":"For Non-Commissioned Members:","howto.AptitudeTest5":"The <a href=\"%link%\">occupations<\/a> included in this trial are based on internal requirements, as well as the complexity of the occupation or if higher education is required. Since this is a trial, highly complex occupations or those occupations requiring higher CFAT scores were not included.","howto.AptitudeTest6":"To determine the effectiveness of this trial and future success of occupation training, applicants who qualify for this trial will still write the CFAT and TSD-PI during the start of Basic Military Qualification \/Basic Military Officer Qualification. However, the results of the CFAT and TSD-PI will have no bearing on the future career progression of the applicant in their chosen occupation.","howto.AptitudeTest7":"For those occupations that do not qualify for this trial, or for those who wish to write the CFAT:","howto.AptitudeTest.li1":"Have completed a degree from a Canadian university or completed an assessed equivalency to enrol as an Officer.","howto.AptitudeTest.li2":"Have completed a degree from a Canadian university or equivalency.","howto.AptitudeTest.li3":"Have completed a College Diploma on the Military Occupation List. Speak to a recruiter to see if your diploma qualifies.","howto.AptitudeTest.li4":"Meet the target occupation ideal entry standard.","howto.AptitudeTest.li5":"Meet the necessary Scored Employment Application Form criteria.","howto.accommodations1":"Accommodations","howto.accommodations2":"The green sector has dormitories while the blue sector has individual bedrooms. Washrooms in both sectors come as follows:","howto.accommodations.li1":"Men","howto.accommodations.li2":"Women","howto.accommodations.li3":"Universal","howto.accommodations3":"Our gymnasiums have locker rooms as follows:","howto.accommodations4":"To see photos of our accommodations, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/department-national-defence\/services\/benefits-military\/education-training\/basic-training\/recruit-school\/joining-instructions\/canadian-forces-leadership-recruit-school-accommodation.html\" class=\"ext-link\">click here<\/a>.","howto.Step3Details":"You will complete an aptitude test to assist in determining which military occupations you may be best suited for. The 60 minute aptitude test will evaluate your verbal skills, spatial ability, and problem solving. Writing exams can be stressful for some people, you are strongly encouraged to complete the official <a href=\"%link1%\" class=\"ext-link\" onclick=\"%gtag1%\">Practice Canadian Forces Aptitude Test <\/a> prior to the testing session at a Recruiting Centre near you. For more detailed information, visit the <a href=\"%link2%\" onclick=\"%gtag2%\">\u201cHow do I prepare for the CFAT?\u201d<\/a> article in the Help Centre.","howto.Step3Employment":"All applicants are required to complete a Scored Employment Application Form (SEAF). The SEAF evaluates and examine achievement orientation, physical fitness and athletics, teamwork and leadership, realistic expectations\/person-job fit, bilingualism, and well-roundedness. These are essential qualities for personal and organizational success. The SEAF is conducted on-line and may be completed over multiple sessions. To learn more about the SEAF, check out this <a href=\"%link%\">help centre article<\/a>.","":"In addition to the SEAF, all applicants are required to complete a Trait Self Descriptor - Personality Inventory (TSD-PI) assessment. The TSD-PI is a 30-minute personality inventory, which provides information on an applicant\u2019s personal characteristics and qualities. The TSD-PI provides further measurable applicant data which enables recruiters to further assess and rank applicants. To learn more about the TSD-PI and how it may influence military occupation choices, check out this <a href=\"https:\/\/\/snapwebhost\/s.asp?k=160131824020\" class=\"ext-link\" onclick=\"%gtag%\">personality assessment<\/a>.","howto.Step4Head":"Medical exam","howto.Step4Details":"You will then take a two-part medical exam: First there is a medical history questionnaire including specific information on your medication. Then the medical staff will conduct a physical exam to measure your height, weight, evaluate your vision, colour perception and hearing. The second step is a medical file review to determine any limitations that will affect your training and career.","howto.Step5Head":"Interview","howto.Step5Details":"The next step is an interview with a military career counsellor; it is your official job interview and a very important step. The application process is very competitive and you will be asked questions about your work history, knowledge of the Canadian Armed Forces, and understanding of the job you selected.","howto.Step6Head":"Enrollment","howto.Step6Details":"If the Canadian Armed Forces offers you a job, you will have 10 days to make your decision. If you accept, you will receive joining instructions to explain the next phase including an enrollment ceremony and basic training.","howto.Step":"Step","howto.Basic.Details":"Basic training, also known as Basic Military Qualification (BMQ), will teach you the core skills and knowledge to succeed in a military environment. Throughout this course, you will be mentored by leaders who have diverse experiences and background. The four pillars of BMQ training are: professional conduct, resiliency, physical fitness, and military skills. By building inclusive teams and working together to overcome obstacles; you will build resilience and be provided every opportunity to learn the skills necessary to be successful as you transition from a civilian to a military team member. As you progress through basic training, you will learn how to conduct drill, properly handle a weapon, and apply first aid. You will also get to spend time in outside environments, where you will be given the opportunity to practice fieldcraft and apply everything you have learned in a classroom environment. Most importantly, you will live and work with other candidates of your platoon for nine weeks, working collaboratively towards the goal of being a member of the Canadian Armed Forces.","howto.Basic.Length":"Length","howto.Basic.Class":"Class Time","howto.Basic.Field":"Field Time","howto.Basic.Physical":"Physical Training","howto.basic.PhysTest":"Physical Fitness Evalutaion","howto.Basic.12Week":"9 weeks","howto.Basic.Head1":"Where does Basic Training take Place?","howto.Basic.Details1":"For the majority of full-time regular force candidates, the Basic Military Qualification (BMQ) training takes place at the Canadian Forces Leadership and Recruit School (CFLRS) in Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec, approximately 20 minutes outside of Montr\u00e9al.","howto.Basic.Details1p2":"All part-time candidates joining their local Primary Reserve unit will undergo similar BMQ training objectives. Reserve units will conduct their basic training either at the local reserve unit location or at a Canadian Armed Forces training centre. Locations vary depending on units. Talk to a Primary Reserve unit recruiter for more information on their basic training program.","howto.Basic.HeadBT":"Basic Training","howto.Basic.DetalsBT1":"Your training starts as soon as you walk through the green doors of the Canadian Forces Leadership and Recruit School. Commonly known as <em>the gateway to the profession of arms<\/em>, you will be welcomed by a skilled team of military personnel and instructors that will help you transition to this new and exciting experience; they will be with you and mentor you through all challenges. Your instructors are professional military members who have diverse backgrounds and experiences and want to see you succeed.","howto.Basic.DetalsBT2":"During your first week, much of your administration will be completed during class time. You will also receive your equipment for which you will be responsible for the duration of your training. You will have to complete an Initial Fitness Screening assessment that includes three components: walking, speed\/agility, and strength\/power.","howto.Basic.DetalsBT3":"A typical day at basic training starts at 5 a.m. The day often consists of physical training and lessons of all types (lectures, practical or physical) such as weapon handling, drill movements, first aid, Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Training, CAF professional conduct and culture, etc. Every lesson achieves an objective from one of the four training pillars. The training day ends between 6 p.m. and 7 p.m. Most evenings are spent studying or preparing for the next day\u2019s learning. Daily, we ask candidates to be in their bed no later than 11 p.m. to ensure candidates have the necessary time for physical and mental rest for the next training day.","howto.Basic.DetalsBT4":"During the final week of basic training, you will practice your parade movements with your instructors and a music ensemble to get ready for your first official military parade. After nine weeks of hard work, you can enjoy this rite of passage marking the beginning of the rest of your military career in front of family and friends during the graduation ceremony.","howto.Basic.DetalsBT5":"Officer candidates do everything that BMQ candidates do, but they explore how to effectively lead their own small teams towards a common goal. Basic Military Officer Qualification (BMOQ) candidates are expected to demonstrate leadership abilities as they complete their training. They will learn how to properly delegate tasks, teach lessons and mentor team members, while maintaining a command presence. This portion of the training is an additional <em>four<\/em> weeks in length. BMOQ candidates complete training on the 12 principles of leadership and the 16 steps of battle procedure in order to be able to conduct field training tasks, such as: section attacks, defensives, raids and reconnaissance missions.","howto.Basic.Head2":"Daily routine","howto.Basic.Details2":"Your days start at 5 am. and ends at 10 pm. Each training day consists of physical training, marching, classes and practical sessions on a variety of military subjects. You will spend your evenings maintaining personal equipment and living quarters, and prepare for the next day\u2019s activities.","howto.Basic.Head3":"Field exercises","howto.Basic.Details3":"Field exercises focus on practical military skills such as weapons firing, map and compass use, and marches of various lengths in full combat gear. You will also learn how to set up personnel \/ communal austere living arrangements and non-conventional cooking techniques","howto.Basic.Head4":"Confidence Course","howto.Basic.Details4":"Confidence Course training involves physical tasks like scaling two- and four-metre walls, climbing a four-metre net, and crossing a four-metre ditch while hanging from a set of monkey bars.","howto.Basic.Head5":"Swimming","howto.Basic.Details5":"The military swim standard is a key element of basic training. This test involves jumping into a pool wearing a life jacket and swimming 50 metres. You must also somersault into the water without a life jacket, tread water for two minutes and then swim 20 metres.","howto.Basic.Head6":"Physical training","howto.Basic.Details6":"Regular physical training sessions will prepare you for field exercises, 13-kilometre marches in full combat gear, and meeting the CAF minimum physical fitness standard.","howto.Basic.head":"9 Week Training Timeline","howto.Basic.week":"Week","howto.Basic.week0Head":"Introduction & On-Boarding","howto.Basic.week0Details":"The course will begin with a three day on-boarding process to conduct administrative procedures including briefings, signing paperwork, and reviewing policies and regulations.","howto.Basic.week1Head":"Military Life","howto.Basic.week1Details":"The beginning of your basic military qualification (BMQ) will be dedicated to settling into your quarters and getting accustomed to military life. You will receive your equipment and learn how to install it in your cubicle in preparation for future inspections. You will conduct medical and fitness screenings in order to determine if you are at risk of developing injuries during sustained training. For the first three weeks of BMQ, you will have to devote yourself entirely to your integration into military life.","howto.Basic.week2Head":"Dress & Drill","howto.Basic.week2Details":"Drill aims to contribute to operational efficiency, to promote discipline and above all it constitutes the basis of teamwork. You will begin this training unarmed. You will learn its importance, its origin and its purpose, the words of command, the regulation pauses, the length of the steps and their cadence, as well as the military salutes. In addition to keeping you in shape, marches develop resilience in the face of challenges. This will be the first challenge of your BMQ, two 3-km rucksack marches. Other marches will take place throughout your nine weeks on BMQ. You will learn how to wear your uniform for the first time and how to maintain your equipment. Many lessons and discussions about mental health will take place. You will receive tools to manage stress and have opportunities to express yourself about your successes and challenges. In addition, you will be accompanied by a health professional who will teach you good habits to keep you healthy.","howto.Basic.week3Head":"First Aid","howto.Basic.week3Details":"In order to provide you with the skills, knowledge and confidence to respond to a medical emergency or injury, whether at home, at work or in public, the instruction of St. John\u2019s Ambulance first aid material is used throughout the course. Offered by the First Aid Cell, the courses will allow you to cover a variety of topics, from cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) skills to severe injury management, without ignoring the recognition and management of common medical problems. You will be able to recognize the signs and symptoms of common medical conditions, provide basic first aid, assess the severity of injuries and illnesses, and work effectively as a team.","howto.Basic.week4Head":"Weapon Handling","howto.Basic.week4Details":"You will benefit from a range of courses designed to teach you the various skills necessary to properly handle the weapon safely, the shooting skills and the different firing positions. In the following weeks, you will be subjected to a variety of practice shooting exercises in the shooting simulator as well as field practice on the range. From this point on, you will be responsible for ensuring the proper handling of the assigned weapon and securing it. It will be up to you to maintain your weapon regularly and ensure its safe handling.","howto.Basic.week5Head":"Physical Training","howto.Basic.week5Details":"It is in week 6 that you will do your FORCE test. This test must be succeeded to continue your BMQ and it is during the preceding weeks that you will have built the capacity to meet the objectives of the test. This will also be test week for drill to assess your ability with and without weapons. Through the obstacle courses, you will develop resilience and physical endurance. The obstacle courses require teamwork between yourself and your peers.","howto.Basic.week6Head":"Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN)","howto.Basic.week6Details":"Theoretical and practical lessons will help you understand the importance of adequate preparation under its conditions by learning about CBRN military doctrine. You will have to master various survival techniques in a CBRN environment, including masking, unmasking, drinking with a mask, changing the canister of the mask and assuming personal decontamination. All this will culminate in theoretical, but above all practical evaluations during the exercise of the gas hut, a materialization of the whole teaching that underlines the importance of mastering the various CBRN concepts.","howto.Basic.week7Head":"Field Training","howto.Basic.week7Details":"In order to make sure that you have assimilated the theory, nothing better than practice. The entire week is dedicated to applying your newfound knowledge on the pitch in the field training environment. The final exercise consists of a mission in friendly or hostile terrain which will consolidate your knowledge acquired during the previous six weeks including the application of first aid to casualties, rules of engagement and functioning as a section to accomplish the tasks assigned. This final exercise focuses on developing your basic skills like communication and teamwork.","howto.Basic.week8Head":"Graduation","howto.Basic.week8Details":"You will benefit from the last moments of reflection with the various mentors who will have supported you throughout your journey, a last moment of sharing on all your learnings during the 9 weeks as well as on the achievements you will bring with you in the years of service that will follow. Strength, resilience, stress management, job skills, military skills, health and well-being, the keys to success have been revealed to you and it is from then on, that the fruits of your labour begin to appear. You finally proceed to the administration of the end of the course, you bring back the supplies that have been lent to you for the duration of your course and will receive your next instructions guiding you to your respective career courses. It is with a head full of memories and a heart full of pride that the door of the School closes behind you, and that of your military future opens before you.","howto.Basic.week5HeadUpdated":"Military Skills","howto.Basic.week5HeadDetailsUpdated":"After learning how to handle your weapon in Week 4, you\u2019ll train at the simulator to acquire precision and technical rigour, and to learn how to hit a target. These practical exercises will later conclude with a weapons test at the range. You will learn the codes governing military radio communications so you can relay crucial information safely and effectively, as well as the framework and limits of your field of action in the event of armed conflict, as well as the fundamental laws governing the use of armed force. Other lessons will teach you how to read distances and relief on a map, as well as how to measure angles to optimize your movements and anticipate those of the enemy in a conflict situation.","howto.Basic.Head7":"Physical fitness evaluation & preparation","howto.Basic.Details7p1":"Physical performance is an essential component of operational readiness. In order to perform at your best, you need to be trained and fit, properly fueled, well-rested, and free from injury. The decision to be active, eat healthy, adopt proper sleep habits or train safely lies with you. Your instructors and fellow recruits will be supporting and encouraging you throughout this process. In order to better prepare your fitness for basic training, please click on the following link to download our <a href=\"https:\/\/\/sport-fitness-rec\/fitness-training\/caf-fitness\/pre-bmt\" class=\"ext-link\">Pre-Basic Military Training (PRE-BMT) Fitness Training Program<\/a>. The program aims to help you establish a minimum level of physical fitness needed to optimize performance and reduce the injury risk during your basic training course. Improving personal fitness requires a consistent routine and sufficient time to build your abilities.","howto.Basic.Details7p2":"You will be required to meet the standard of the FORCE evaluation during week six of your basic training course.","howto.Basic.Details7p3":"If you are unsuccessful in meeting the four FORCE Evaluation fitness test objectives at the end of the 90 days, you will be released from the CAF. You may re-start the application process three to five years after your release date (depending on the circumstances of your release) by submitting a new application online. Visit our <a href=\"%link%\">Help Centre<\/a> if you have more questions.","howto.Basic.HeadAfterBT":"What happens after basic training?","howto.Basic.DetailsAfterBT1":"In the last week of your basic training, you will receive information about your next assignment. Dependent on your branch and occupation, you will be sent to your trade school to complete your next career course. Following that, you will be posted with your home unit.","howto.Basic.Quote":"The 9 week Basic Military Qualification (BMQ) training is designed to build truly inclusive teams with foundational excellence in professional culture and conduct, individual and team resilience, physical fitness and core military skills.","howto.Basic.pull1":"The FORCE fitness test includes four components:","howto.Basic.li1":"20-metre rushes","howto.Basic.li2":"sandbag lift","howto.Basic.li3":"intermittent loaded shuttles","howto.Basic.li4":"sandbag drag","howto.Basic.pull2":"Take a look at these examples of the <a href=\"https:\/\/\/sport-fitness-rec\/fitness-testing\/cmtfe-force-evaluation\/force-evaluation\" class=\"ext-link\">four components<\/a>.","howto.Basic.Head8":"Preparing for Basic Training","howto.Basic.Details8p0":"In order to better prepare your fitness for basic training, please click on the following link to download our <a href=\"https:\/\/\/CFMWS\/media\/images\/documents\/4.0%20Sport%20Fitness%20and%20Rec\/4.1.1\/Final-(FEB-2023)-Pre-BMT-Training-Program_compressed.pdf\" class=\"ext-link\">Pre-Basic Military Training (PRE-BMT) Fitness Training Program<\/a>. The program aims to help you establish a minimum level of physical fitness needed to optimize performance and reduce the injury risk during our Basic Military Qualification course.","howto.Basic.Details8p1":"Before starting basic training, you should be able to:","howto.Basic.li5":"run five kilometres","howto.Basic.li6":"run 2.4 kilometres within an appropriate time (see<button id=\"running-chart-btn\" data-toggle=\"modal\" data-target=\"#running-chart\">chart<\/button>)","howto.Basic.li7":"complete push-ups with a full range of motion and sit-ups","howto.Basic.li8":"complete a hand-grip test","howto.Basic.li9":"tread water for at least two minutes and swim 20 metres without a life jacket","howto.Basic.Details8p2":"By the time you complete basic training, you will be able to:","howto.Basic.li10":"complete a 13-kilometre march in full combat gear","howto.Basic.li11":"complete push-up and sit-up tests","howto.Basic.li12":"run up to six kilometres","howto.Basic.li13":"complete swimming tests","howto.Basic.li14":"scale walls and cross ditches","":"Acceptable time ranges for completing a 2.4-km run","":"Age Range","":"Acceptable Range (min)","":"Men","":"Women","":"Under 30 Years","":"55 and over","howto.Basic.Head9":"Getting ready to train","howto.Basic.Details9p1":"An excellent way to determine your fitness level is to undergo a fitness appraisal.","howto.Basic.Details9p2":"Talk to your doctor before starting a fitness routine or appraisal, particularly if you have a heart condition, feel chest pain, lose your balance or consciousness, have a bone or joint problem, or take drugs for a blood pressure or heart condition. Tell your doctor about the kinds of activities you want to do and follow his or her advice.","howto.Basic.Head10":"Physical fitness training","howto.Basic.Details10p1":"Your fitness program should start at a level that is right for you now. You can progress gradually as your strength and endurance improve.","howto.Basic.Details10p2":"When starting a workout session, consider the frequency, intensity, time and type of activity and your goals. In other words, follow the FITT principle:","howto.Basic.10.li1":"<strong>Frequency<\/strong> is a balance between exercising often enough to challenge your body and resting enough to allow your body to recover from the workout.","howto.Basic.10.li2":"<strong>Intensity<\/strong> is measured using your heart rate during aerobic activity and workload during muscular strength training. Gradually increase the intensity of your workouts to increase your overall endurance.","howto.Basic.10.li3":"<strong>Time<\/strong> of your workout generally increases as you become more fit. However, if you exercise more than 60 minutes you may risk overtraining and injury.","howto.Basic.10.li4":"<strong>Type<\/strong> refers to the kind of exercise you choose to achieve particular fitness goals; aerobic exercise for cardio fitness and resistance training for muscular strength.","howto.Basic.Head11":"Getting fit with FITT","howto.Basic.Details11":"As a rule of thumb, ease into your activities, gradually increase each element of FITT, and end each session with a cool-down. For example:","howto.Basic.11.li1":"Begin with a 5- to 10-minute warm-up. Walking, biking or a slow jog will increase blood flow to the muscles and lightly increase your heart rate. Follow up with some light stretching of the muscles you will be using in your workout.","howto.Basic.11.li2":"Improving your overall fitness is most effectively done through a combination of 20 to 60 minutes of aerobic and strength exercises. The two sample fitness sessions below are based on Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology guidelines.","howto.Basic.11.li3":"A 5- to 10-minute cool-down helps return your body to its normal, pre-exercise condition. Suddenly stopping an intense workout can make you dizzy, nauseated or even faint. Walking, biking or a slow jog will gradually bring down your heart rate and relieve muscle soreness.","howto.Basic.Head12":"Aerobic fitness session","howto.Basic.Details12p1":"<strong>Frequency<\/strong> - Three to five times a week. Initially, exercising three times a week on non-consecutive days is best, gradually increasing your frequency to four to five times a week.","howto.Basic.Details12p2":"<strong>Intensity<\/strong> - 65 to 90 percent of your maximum heart rate. To determine the intensity of your aerobic exercise, first calculate your maximum heart rate by subtracting your age from 220. Next, count the number of times your heart beats in 15 seconds and multiply by four to determine the average beats per minute. Divide the beats per minute by the maximum rate and multiply by 100. The resulting number is the percentage of intensity.","howto.Basic.Details12p3":"<strong>Time<\/strong> - 20 to 60 minutes. Your workout sessions should last about 20 minutes for the first few weeks. Gradually increase your time two to three minutes each week. The frequency and duration should not be increased in the same week; increase them one at a time.","howto.Basic.Details12p4":"<strong>Type<\/strong> - Any activity that raises your heart rate is a good activity. However, work towards running \u2013 a major part of basic training.","howto.Basic.Head13":"Muscular strength session","howto.Basic.Details13p1":"<strong>Frequency<\/strong> - Two to three times per week. Use all major muscle groups.","howto.Basic.Details13p2":"<strong>Intensity<\/strong> - The appropriate weight is what you can lift the required number of times and not more. The first set of exercises in a weight program is a warm-up set even though you have done a structured warm-up.","howto.Basic.Details13p3":"<strong>Time<\/strong> - 15 to 60 minutes. Your workout sessions should last about 15 minutes for the first few weeks. Gradually increase your time two to three minutes each week. The frequency and duration should not be increased in the same week; increase them one at a time.","howto.Basic.Details13p4":"<strong>Type<\/strong> - Resistance training can include both free weights and resistance machines.","howto.basic.ApplyNow":"Apply Now","howto.basic.HelpCentre":"Visit Our Help Centre","howto.Video.Steps":"Learn more about How to Join","howto.Video.Bmq":"Basic Military Qualifications","howto.Video.Bmoq":"Basic Military Officer Qualifications","howto.CFLRS":"Canadian Forces Leadership and Recruit School in Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec","howto.Field":"Canadian Forces members firing guns as a part of field exercise","howto.Obstacle":"Canadian Forces member participating in an Confidence Course","howto.Swimming":"Canadian Forces member treading water","howto.Physical":"Canadian Forces members walking over a hill","howto.Daily":"Canadian Forces member during sunset","howto.Alt.RegForce":"Regular force member","howto.Alt.ResForce":"Reserve force member","howto.Alt.Paid":"Forces member in a education dorm","howto.Alt.Indigenous":"Indigenous forces members discussing a task","howto.Alt.Nep":"TEST","apply.geo.comeTalk":"Enter a postal code to find the nearest recruiting centres:","apply.geo.wrongPostal":"Not the right place? Click here","eligible.Error1":"You are not eligible because...","eligible.Error2":"You do not meet age requirements","eligible.Error3":"You must be a Canadian citizen","eligible.Error4":"You do not meet education requirements","eligible.Error5":"<a href=\"%url%\">Talk to a recruiter<\/a> about your eligibility.","eligible.Consent":"Because of your age you will need parental consent","eligible.output":"You are eligible to join the Canadian Forces","bread.AllCareers":"All Careers","bread.Home":"Home","application.head":"Begin Application","application.personal":"Personal Details","application.address.det":"Address Details","application.elig.details":"Eligibility Details","application.invalidPost":"Please enter a valid Canadian postal code. (e.g. A1B 2C3).","application.invalidNumb":"Please enter a valid phone number. (e.g. 123-456-7890).","application.hasErrors":"Warning!","application.postalLabel":"Postal code","application.addressLabel":"Street Address","application.fnLabel":"First Name","application.lnLabel":"Last Name","application.telLabel":"Phone Number","application.emailLabel":"Email","application.bdLabel":"Date of Birth","application.genderLabel":"Gender","application.unitLabel":"Unit","application.cityLabel":"City","application.provinceLabel":"Province","application.citizenLabel":"Are you a Canadian Citizen or permanent resident?","application.ofAgeLabel":"Are you 17 years or older?","application.minEduLabel":"Have you completed the 10th grade with a minimum of 24 credits?","application.eduLevelLabel":"Select the highest level of education that you have completed:","application.submitLabel":"Apply","application.success":"Success!","application.successBlurb":"You successfuly submitted your application.","application.enable":"Enable","application.disable":"Disable","help.title":"Help Centre","help.meta.desc":"Find answers to your questions about the Canadian Armed Forces recruitment process.","help.lead":"How can we help you?","help.placeholder":"Search questions, keywords, topics...","help.popular.title":"Popular Articles","":"Article Categories","help.related.title":"Related Articles","help.relatedLinks.title":"External Links","":"Search Results","help.endSentence":"articles.","help.noResults.title":"No Articles Found","help.noResults.p":"We didn't find any articles based on your query. 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If you are having difficult contacting them we can assist you.","contactus.message.howToApply":"Have you visited the <a class=\"faqLink\" href=\"%url%\">\"Apply Now\"<\/a> page? You will find more information there on how to apply to the Canadian Armed Forces.","contactus.message.eligibility":"Have you read the \"Eligibility\" section of the <a id=\"eligibility\" class=\"faqLink\" href=\"%url%\">Help Centre<\/a>? Still have unanswered questions? Ask them below","contactus.message.entryPlan":"Please clearly identify Entry Plan \/ Occupation choices you would like changed.","contactus.message.reOpen":"You have selected to Re-open your application to the CAF. Please ensure all your contact informations is up to date. Please provide below any information that will need to be updated with respect to your application.","contactus.message.withdraw":"You have selected to withdraw your application from the CAF. Please provide feedback on your descision to withdraw.","contactus.message.theContact":"Inquiry Details","contactus.message.personalInfo":"Contact Information","contactus.message.updateContact":"Select the items you wish to change and provide the value you want it changed to.","":"Internet Explorer","contactus.browsers.edge":"Microsoft Edge","contactus.browsers.ffox":"Mozilla FireFox","":"Google Chrome","contactus.browsers.ios":"Safari","contactus.browsers.opera":"Opera","contactus.webIssue.technical":"Technical Issue","":"Incorrect Information","contactus.button.pageError":"Website Issues","contactus.button.recruitment":"Recruitment Inquiry","contactus.Title":"Contact Us","contactus.Submit":"Submit","contactus.error.captcha":"You must be a <strong>human<\/strong> to submit! <br\/>Use the reCaptcha to prove you're a human.","contactus.error.noIssueSelect":"You must select the kind of issue you want to report!","contactus.error.noAppNumber":"If you have applied to the CAF, you must provide your <strong>Applicant Number<\/strong>","contactus.error.noDob":"You must enter a <strong>Date of Birth<\/strong>!","contactus.error.noPob":"You must enter your <strong>Place of Birth<\/strong>!","contactus.error.noActionSelect":"You must select an <strong>Action<\/strong>!","contactus.toassist":"To provide you with the proper contact options, we need to know the reason you are contacting us today.","contactus.mainq":"Have you already applied to the Canadian Armed Forces and wish to discuss details of your application?","":"To protect your privacy and personal information, we can only discuss details of your application through certain contact channels. If you have not yet applied to the CAF, select \"No\".","contactus.options":"Your Contact Options","contactus.options.centre":"Find your Recruiting Centre","contactus.options.centre.p.applied":"Visit or contact the Recruiting Centre that is processing your application directly, as indicated in your Applicant Portal. This is the best contact option if you wish to discuss your application.","contactus.options.centre.p.notApplied":"Visit or contact your local Recruiting Centre if you would like to speak with a recruiter about joining the CAF.","":"Send us an Email using our Online Form","":"Describe your inquiry, including your applicant information, and our customer service team will get back to you as soon as possible.","":"Make an Inquiry","contactus.options.appt":"Schedule a Phone Call with a Recruiter","contactus.options.appt.p":"Schedule a time to speak with a recruiter over the phone. Please note we cannot discuss your application due to privacy implications.","contactus.options.appt.btn":"Book a phone call","contactus.options.fb":"Chat with us on Facebook","contactus.options.fb.p":"Chat live with a recruiter. To protect your privacy, only general CAF recruiting information can be discussed on Facebook. For questions about your personal situation, please consider one of our other contact options.","contactus.options.fb.btn":"Chat Now","contactus.options.event":"Join us for a Recruiting Event","contactus.options.event.p":"Experience a small taste of the CAF at one of our Recruiting Events held virtually or in your community. You will have the opportunity to talk to recruiters and ask questions.","contactus.options.event.btn":"Browse Events","":"Have you tried our Help Centre?","":"Find answers to your most frequently asked questions now:","":"See More Articles","":"Please enter a valid phone number","":"Please enter a valid email address","contactus.helpArticles":"Have you tried these articles from our Help Centre?","contactus.success":"Thank you for your message! We will get back to you as soon as possible.","email.contactus.title":"A User Emailed Us","email.sent.success":"Email has been sent!","email.sent.successBlurb":"Your email has been sent successfuly. Thank you for contacting us!","careers.FilterOfficer":"Filter Officer Careers","careers.FilterNcm":"Filter Non-Commissioned Member Careers","careers.BtnOfficer":"Officer","careers.BtnNcm":"NCM","careers.ed.blurb":"By selecting one of the options below you will be shown only those occupations which require that level of education.","applynow.blurb1":"Let\u2019s start with the basics. To start a full or part-time career in the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) you must","applynow.blurb-req1":"Be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident","applynow.blurb-req2":"Be at least 17 years of age:","applynow.blurb-req2.sub1.update":"For enrolment as an Officer, you may be 16* years of age (conditions apply - see link below).","applynow.blurb-req2.sub1.update2":"The consent of a custodial parent or legal guardian is required for the enrolment of an applicant who is under the age of 18 on the day of enrolment.","applynow.blurb-req2.sub1":"For the <a href='%url%'>Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)<\/a> programs \u2014 you may be 16 years old (with parental consent).","applynow.blurb-req2.sub2":"For the Primary Reserves\u2014you may be 16 years old (with parental consent) and must be enrolled as a full-time student.","applynow.blurb-req3":"Have completed at least Grade 10 or 24 credits of Secondary IV in Quebec (some jobs need higher levels of education)","applynow.blurb-req3.sub":"If you have completed your education outside Canada, you must have your Educational Credential Assessments (<a href=\"%link%\">ECAs<\/a>) completed for your high school and highest level of education prior to submitting your application.","applynow.blurb2":"For more information about eligibility requirements or the application process, please visit <a href=\"%url%\">Joining the Forces<\/a>.","applynow.blurb3":"You can submit your application even if you are not sure about the job-specific requirements. Once we get your application, we\u2019ll work with you to determine if you qualify. If you have questions at any time throughout the process or you\u2019d like to know which part-time jobs are available in your area, you can <a href=\"%url%\">visit our Help Centre<\/a> or <a href=\"%url2%\">Contact Us<\/a>.","applynow.cta":"Ready to Get Started?","applynow.blurb":"Let\u2019s start with the basics. To start a full or part-time career in the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) you must: <ul> <li>be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident<\/li> <li>be at least 18 years old (17 years old with parental consent), except: <\/li> <ul> <li>For the paid education programs\u2014you may be 16 years old (with parental consent)<\/li> <li>For the Primary Reserves\u2014you may be 16 years old (with parental consent) and must be enrolled as a full-time student<\/li> <\/ul> <li>have completed at least Grade 10 or Secondaire IV in Qu\u00e9bec (some jobs need higher levels of education)<\/li> <\/ul>You can submit your application even if you are not sure about the job-specific requirements. Once we get your application, we\u2019ll work with you to determine if you qualify. If you have questions at any time throughout the process or you\u2019d like to know which part-time jobs are available in your area, you can <a href=\"%url%\" onlick=\"gtag('event', 'Talk to a Recruiter', {'event_category': 'Apply', 'event_label': 'Apply Now Page'});\">speak to a recruiter<\/a>.","talkRecruiter.blurb":"Find a recruiter in your area who can answer your questions about working in the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF).","talkRecruiter.contactUs":"Can't make it to a Recruiting Centre?","talkRecruiter.mapView":"Map View","talkRecruiter.listView":"List View","":"Show reserve units that are hiring for this career:","talkRecruiter.form.hiring":"Currently Hiring for","talkRecruiter.form.environment":"Show reserve units that belong to this Environment:","talkRecruiter.form.showEntries":"Show entries:","talkRecruiter.centre":"Canadian Armed Forces Recruiting Centre","talkRecruiter.centre.view":"View Centre","talkRecruiter.directions":"Get Directions","alt.img.Cook":"Cooks in the Canadian Armed Forces","alt.img.Vtech":"Vehicle Technicians in the Canadian Armed Forces","alt.img.Legal":"Legal Officer in the Canadian Armed Forces","alt.img.Engineer":"Engineer in the Canadian Armed Forces","alt.img.Doctor":"Doctors in the Canadian Armed Forces","alt.img.Dentist":"Dentists in the Canadian Armed Forces","alt.img.Lav":"Icon of a Light Armoured Vehicle","alt.img.Plane":"Icon of a aircraft","alt.img.Ship":"Icon of a ship","alt.img.Arrow":"Arrow indicating a link to more information","alt.img.Gleam":"Gleam effect","alt.btn.Nav":"Button to open navigation menu","alt.img.arrowLeft":"Arrow left","alt.img.Crest":"Badge of the Canadian Armed Forces","meta.Author":"National Defence","meta.desc.Index":"Jobs in the Canadian Armed Forces, and information about the application process, paid education, benefits, and life in the military.","meta.tags.Index":"Forces jobs, jobs, careers, Canadian military, Canadian Armed Forces, CAF, military jobs, military","meta.desc.Paided":"The Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) has a number of paid education programs for a first-class education that will prepare you for a challenging and rewarding career in Canada\u2019s esteemed military.","meta.tags.Paided":"college, paid education, military, jobs, college, university, graduate degree","meta.desc.Talkto":"Recruiters can offer advice and guidance as you consider applying for a career in the Canadian Armed Forces.","meta.tags.Talkto":"Canadian Armed Forces, CAF, recruitment centres","meta.desc.Apply":"The eligibility requirements and application process of enrolling in the Canadian Armed Forces.","meta.tags.Apply":"CAF application process; CAF eligibility requirements; submitting an application to CAF; Canadian Armed Forces application process; Canadian Armed Forces eligibility requirements; submitting an application to the Canadian Armed Forces; Canadian military application","meta.desc.Lifestyle":"Check out some of the support systems that we have to offer that ensure that our members have a healthy work-life balance.","meta.tags.Lifestyle":"caf, work life balance, family, health, sports, recreation, support","meta.desc.HowtoJoin":"See the steps as you shape yourself into a Canadian Armed Forces Member. Entry options, Steps to Join and Basic Training information","meta.desc.Indigenous":"Educational programs and entry plans for Indigenous peoples who are interested in working with the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF).","meta.tags.Indigenous":"Programs for Indigenous peoples in the CAF; Programs for Indigenous peoples in the Canadian military; CAF entry plans for Indigenous peoples; Canadian military entry plans for Indigenous peoples","meta.desc.Browse":"Search current job opportunities in the Canadian Armed Forces. Explore available careers in the Forces and find your dream occupation.","meta.desc.Contact":"Contact Canadian Armed Forces Recruiting and get answers to your recruitment and application questions.","meta.desc.Faq":"Get answers to your frequently asked questions about recruitment and life in the Canadian Armed Forces. Find out what you need to apply, and what happens after you join.","meta.desc.Women":"All Canadian Armed Forces jobs and careers are open to female applicants. Learn about the long and proud history of women in the Canadian Armed Forces.","mobile.Header":"Forces Jobs Mobile Application","mobile.Subhead":"Download today","mobile.p1":"The purpose of this application is to inform, in a dynamic and interactive manner, the different full-time and part-time jobs in the Canadian Armed Forces. The user is invited to set preferences according to their interests to view trades that are likely to interest them. By selecting the job card, you can view all the specifics of the trade, watch videos and find out the necessary prerequisites for eligibility. If the user finds the job interesting, they can save the job in their favourites and look at it again later. At any time the user can apply for the job of their choice.","mobile.p2":"This application has been developed to maximize the user experience. Ease of use and intuitive navigation are the criteria that influenced the design of the application. This tool is part of a set of innovation-based initiatives to support Canada's Strong, Secure, Engaged and Operation GENERATION policies.","mobile.btn.ios":"Download on iOS","":"Download on Android","modal.close":"Close","aircrew.Title":"Aircrew Selection Centre","aircrew.Para":"the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) requires that all Pilots, Aerospace Controllers and Air Combat Systems Officers attend and successfully complete the Aircrew Selection. The selection centre is located in Trenton, Ontario where candidates are tested over a 2-day period with computer-based scenarios designed to validate those skills and aptitudes required by the RCAF. Success at Aircrew Selection is a necessary step in order to continue to be processed for these three occupations.","aircrew.Learn":"Watch this <a href id=\"air-crew-btn\" data-toggle=\"modal\" data-target=\"#air-crew-modal\">video<\/a> to learn more.","application.Notice.Title":"IF YOU HAVE PREVIOUSLY SUBMITTED AN APPLICATION TO THE CANADIAN ARMED FORCES (CAF), PLEASE CAREFULLY READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS:","application.Notice.Text":"If you have previously submitted an application to the Canadian Armed Forces, <strong>do not submit a new application<\/strong>. Use the <a href=\"%link%\">Contact Form<\/a> and select \u2018Recruitment Inquiry\u2019. Indicate that you have already applied to the CAF and select \u2018Application Change Request\u2019 as the reason you are reaching out to us. If you do not know your Applicant Number, you cam type \u201cUnknown\u201d. When asked what action you would like to perform, select \u2018Re-Open File\u2019. Please provide accurate contact information so that we are able to locate your previous application in our system. Once our staff review your request, you will be sent instructions detailing how to proceed with your new application.","application.Downtime":"The Canadian Armed Forces Recruiting application system is currently undergoing systems upgrades and will be unavailable Saturday 12 February 2022 from 7am \u2013 9am. During this time you will be unable to submit an application.<br\/><br\/>Thank you for your understanding.","application.Downtime2":"The Canadian Armed Forces Recruiting application system is currently undergoing systems upgrades and will be unavailable Saturday 16 October 2021. During this time you will be unable to submit an application.<br\/><br\/>Thank you for your understanding.","head.women-2020":"Women in the Forces","head.women-2020.apply":"Apply Now","women-2020.link1":"Learn more about Women in the CAF","women-2020-link-p":"Meet some of the women in the CAF and find out how you fit in.","women-2020.meta":"In the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF), women carve out unique careers catered to their values, interests and lifestyle.\u00a0Explore over 100 different careers in either the Regular Force (full-time) or Reserves (part-time).","women-2020.intro":"In the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF), women carve out unique careers catered to their values, interests and lifestyle.","women-2020.blurb":"Find what you are looking for in the CAF in either the Regular Force (full-time) or Reserves (part-time).","women-2020.test.title":"Testimonials","women-2020.test.text":"Hear what our members have to say","":"Lead by Example","":"Lieutenant Kayla Bouchard, now Lieutenant-Commander, is the Marine Systems Engineering Officer onboard the HMCS Vancouver. She oversees a team of 55 Marine Technicians and Firefighters to ensure the ship is running smoothly and effectively.\u00a0","":"As the head of the department, it is really about working with and enabling my team.","":"Lieutenant-Commander Kayla Bouchard","":"Achieve Your Goals","":"Martine Guay first joined the CAF as a Reservist before proudly becoming the first female Regimental Sergeant Major at the Canadian Special Operation Forces Headquarters. She\u2019s become a leader for other women, showing that it\u2019s possible to earn high-ranking positions within CAF.","":"When you want something, you just go after it... Nothing is impossible","":"Chief Warrant Officer (CWO) Martine Guay","women-2020.air.title":"Exceed Expectations","women-2020.air.p":"Meet Captain Jennifer Bass, an Air Combat Systems Officer working at 415 Squadron in Greenwood, Nova Scotia. When she\u2019s not working on Canada\u2019s long-range patrol aircraft, The Aurora, she can be found pursuing her passion for oil painting and studying for her Master of Arts degree.","women-2020.air.quote":"There is nothing physically that I am unable to do that somebody else can.","":"Captain Jennifer Bass, Air Combat Systems Officer","women-2020.last.title":"That fire keeps getting stronger","women-2020.last.p":"Sgt Karen Nightingale is a Flight Steward with 437 Squadron in CFB Trenton and serves the Prime Minister and his wife on the aircraft. She also does charity work and is into bodybuilding.","women-2020.last.quote":"You are only going to get out of it what you put into it. I have taken that to the max","":"Sgt Karen Nightingale, Flight Steward","overview.opportunity.sec1Text1":"Equal Opportunity","overview.opportunity.sec1Text2":"Women can enroll in any CAF occupation, which includes operational trades, and serve in any environment.","overview.opportunity.sec1Text3":"In all trades, CAF men and women are selected for training, promotions, postings and all career opportunities in exactly the same way based on rank, qualifications and merit.","overview.opportunity.sec2Text1":"A Rich History","overview.opportunity.sec2Text2":"Women have been involved in Canada's military service and contributed to Canada's rich military history and heritage for more than 100 years. They have been fully integrated in all occupations and roles since 1989, with the exception of serving on submarines which was eventually lifted by the Royal Canadian Navy on March 8, 2001.","overview.opportunity.sec3Text1":"Commitment to Diversity","overview.opportunity.sec3Text2":"The history of Canadian service women is an important part of our national military heritage and their achievements contribute to the full and equal inclusion of women in our society and national institutions.","overview.opportunity.sec3Text3":"It's an exciting time for women, for now there is truly no limit to career opportunities for them in the CAF.","overview.footerHeader.sec1Text1":"Learn about careers in the Regular Force (full-time) or Reserve Force (part-time).","women-2020.why.blurb":"WOMEN IN THE CANADIAN ARMED FORCES PURSUE UNIQUE CAREERS THAT SUPPORT THEIR VALUES, INTERESTS, AND LIFESTYLES","women-2020.why.title":"Why Work with Us?","women-2020.why1.title":"Pay & Benefits","women-2020.why1.p":"The Canadian Armed Forces offers competitive salaries based on skills, knowledge and experience. Our members receive world-class benefits and family support, including medical, dental and vision care; a retirement pension; generous paid vacation; and enhanced maternity leave covering 93% of a normal salary.","women-2020.why2.title":"Travel & Adventure","women-2020.why2.p":"Our members gain one-of-a-kind experiences by travelling overseas to engage in meaningful, rewarding work, such as peacekeeping and humanitarian efforts, that directly impacts the lives of others.","women-2020.why3.title":"Training & Development","women-2020.why3.p":"CAF provides the skills training, mentorship and support to uplift its members in achieving their career goals. No matter if you\u2019re starting or advancing in your career, we provide flexible, ongoing training opportunities to help you develop transferable and marketable skills.","women-2020.why4.title":"Supportive Work<br>Environment","women-2020.why4.p":"Canada is a world leader in terms of the proportion of women in its military and the areas in which they can serve. When you join the Canadian Armed Forces, you join a community that values and promotes inclusivity, diversity, teamwork and lifelong friendships.","women-2020.why5.title":"Work-Life Balance","women-2020.why5.p":"We\u2019ve taken considerable steps to improve work-life balance for our members, with added assistance for families such as Emergency Child Care, Family Care Assistance and the Family Care Plan. Whether you\u2019re pursuing a part-time or full-time career, the CAF is here to help you make time spent with family and friends a priority.","women-2020.why6.title":"Paid Education","women-2020.why6.p":"We invest in our members by providing paid education and financial support while earning a certificate, diploma or degree. While pursuing your studies debt-free, you can rest assured that a job will be waiting for you upon graduation.","women-2020.browseTitle":"Find Your Role","women-2020.qsTitle":"Still Have Questions?","women-2020.qsLink":"Visit Our Help Centre","women-2020.endTag":"Are you ready to make a difference?","head.Women-promo":"Women in the Forces - You ask. We answer.","promo.women-intro":"We answer some of the questions that come to us from women across the country. Women can enroll in any CAF occupation, which includes operational trades, and serve in any environment. In all trades, CAF men and women are selected for training, promotions, postings and all career opportunities in exactly the same way - based on rank, qualifications and merit.","":"Click to see answer","":"Can I practice my faith in the military?","":"Yes, you can practice your faith. The CAF provides an environment where you will be respected and accepted.","":"Can I wear makeup in the Forces?","":"Yes, but it needs to be subdued.","":"Will I have to live on base when I become a member of the CAF?","":"Forces members are not required to live on base. You can choose where you want to live following your training. Most members choose to rent or buy their own accommodations in the community. Visit <a href=\"%link%\">Life in the Forces<\/a> to read more about the Forces lifestyle.","":"Can you have a social life in the Armed Forces?","":"You can enjoy a social life while at the CAF and you\u2019ll meet many life-long friends. Most members in the Regular Force work normal eight-hour days, with evenings and weekends free. All bases have sports and activities including league sports. Most bases have swimming pools, gyms and sports fields. There are also libraries and community centres that have clubs and activities. Forces members build friendships that last their entire lives.","":"Will I get time to spend with my family while I\u2019m in the Forces?","":"There is time to spend with family and friends just like any other job. Members usually work eight hours a day, Monday to Friday, and have evenings and weekends free. Family members are also welcomed on bases.","":"Can I be a mom and be in the Armed Forces?","":"The CAF has many benefits to help your family with the costs of raising children, including benefits for raising a child with a disability. Employment Insurance benefits such as maternity, parental and caregiving benefits and leave.","":"Can I be vegan in the Forces?","":"We offer a wide variety of healthy, nutritious meal options in order to better serve our diverse military.","":"What kind of healthcare is there in the Forces?","":"While employed full-time, the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) provides comprehensive medical and dental benefits for all its uniformed members. Most military bases have a medical clinic to support the immediate needs of its members. For medical and dental concerns beyond those provided on base, members can be referred to and receive treatment at a civilian health care facility at no cost to the member.","":"Will the Armed Forces help pay for my tuition?","":"The Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) offer different enrollment options, some of which offer subsidized education. If you apply and are accepted into one of the subsidized education plans there is opportunity to receive 100% tuition coverage and salary while attending school. Once a member of the CAF, professional development is highly encouraged and supported.","":"What kind of education does the Armed Forces offer?","":"The Canadian Armed Forces is dedicated to providing a career enriched with continuous professional development. Each member of the Canadian Armed Forces enters into a development cycle that provides professional and personal learning opportunities. Throughout your career, you will receive advancement training within your occupation and the leadership specific skills to succeed as you take on increasing responsibility.","":"Will I be able to find a job if I want to leave the Armed Forces?","":"The knowledge and skills gained when you\u2019re with the CAF are often what employers are looking for.","":"Does the CAF care about my professional development?","":"The CAF is invested in your success and making sure you get the training you need to succeed is a priority. We offer many on-the-job training opportunities.","":"What is basic training like in the Forces?","":"Basic training is the introductory course for all members of the Canadian Armed Forces. Its purpose is to introduce members to our culture and help integrate them within the team environment. It is an exciting phase of training.","":"As a military member, can I be deployed overseas?","":"Yes, there are various types of international missions and exercises that a member can be deployed on. From joint operations with allied nations, to humanitarian and disaster relief, there are many opportunities to serve abroad. Your overseas deployment will depend on your occupation, the needs of the service, and your personal circumstances.","":"Can women serve in combat roles within the Forces?","":"There will be opportunities for combat training in the beginning, then it will depend on how you specialize your career. There are more than <a href=\"%link%\">a hundred jobs<\/a> to choose from.","":"Do I have to be athletic to join the Forces?","":"The CAF encourages fitness and a healthy lifestyle throughout your career and you will have access to state-of-the-art gymnasiums and sports facilities, on top of a range of wellness programs specifically designed for you and your family.","":"Can I have tattoos in the Armed Forces?","":"There are guidelines but you can have tattoos.","":"Is the CAF a 9 to 5 job?","":"Most members in the Regular Force work normal eight-hour days, with evenings and weekends free. However, there are exceptions, depending on the job or operational requirements and an expectation that some periods of work will routinely extend beyond eight hours.","":"What is the fitness training like in the Forces?","":"CAF members are supported to maintain a healthy and balanced lifestyle. As a member of this exclusive community, you will have access to state-of-the-art gymnasiums and sports facilities, on top of a range of wellness programs specifically designed for you and your family.","promo.women.ready":"Ready to Get Started?","promo.women.more":"Have more questions?","promo.women.learn":"Discover more about the long and proud history of women in the CAF.","promo.Women.Hidden":"hidden","promo.Women.Top":"Back to top","meta.desc.pres":"This is a great time to join the Reserve Force with thousands of part-time jobs available near you.","reserve.force.partTime":"Reserve Force","head.pres-promo":"Reserve Force","reserve.force.partTime.commitment":"Part-time commitment","reserve.force.partTime2":"Part-time commitment.","reserve.force.partTime3":"Lifelong skills","reserve.force.partTime4":"Lifelong <br> skills.","reserve.force.partTime5":"Apply <br> Now.","reserve.force.find":"Find a unit near you","promo.pres.intro":"This is a great time to join the Reserve Force with thousands of part-time jobs available near you! As a reservist, you can feel good about the work you are doing.","":"Find a Part-Time Job in the Army","":"Find a Part-Time Job in the Navy","reserve.force.partTime.airForce":"Find a Part-Time Job in the Air Force","promo.pres.intro.cta":"Interested in a Part-Time Job in your Area?","promo.pres.nav.sec1":"The Reserve Force","promo.pres.nav.sec2":"Life as a Reservist","promo.pres.nav.sec3":"Interested in Joining?","promo.pres.article1.h2":"Who are Reservists and what do they do?","promo.pres.article1.p1":"As a reservist, you will play an essential role in supporting the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF). Through this part-time opportunity, you will develop new skills, useful throughout your life and sought after by many employers. Reservists make a difference in their communities, providing security at events, assisting civil authorities, supporting humanitarian aid and responding to natural disasters. With opportunities for education reimbursement, paid vacation days, health and dental coverage, a pension, and much more. As a reservist, you will be expected to attend training nights with your unit as well as one training weekend as minimum per month in order to maintain your soldier skills. If you are an air force reservist, your attendance is dependant on your position and contract. Reservists can continue to benefit their communities and assist the CAF in many exciting fields.","promo.pres.article1.p2":"Reservists aid in supporting Canadian operations both at home and abroad. In the past, part-time CAF members have kept Canadians safe and secure by:","promo.pres.article1.li1":"Helping with flood relief efforts in Quebec and Manitoba;","promo.pres.article1.li2":"Fighting forest fires in Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia;","promo.pres.article1.li3":"Participating in recovery efforts following ice storms in eastern Canada; and","promo.pres.article1.li4":"Assisting with hurricane relief efforts in Nova Scotia and Newfoundland and Labrador.","promo.pres.article1.p3":"Reservists are also active in their communities and volunteer with cultural events, parades, festivals and other public events in communities across Canada. Our part-time members may also choose to serve overseas when there are opportunities available.","promo.pres.article2.h2":"Get New Skills and make Friendships","promo.pres.article2.p1":"We offer part-time jobs in health care, administration, public protection and more! Unlike our full-time positions, these jobs are available by location. <a href=\"%link%\">Find a unit<\/a> near you for jobs available in your area.","promo.pres.article2.h3.1":"Get Pay and Benefits","promo.pres.article2.p2":"Your pay will increase with your skill level and seniority in the Forces. To help you achieve your professional goals, we offer education reimbursements of up to $2000 a year to a max of $8000 for a post-secondary education that will help you advance in your career. On top of great pay and advancement opportunities, you will have access to an excellent benefits package, which includes paid vacation days, health and dental coverage, a pension, and more!","promo.pres.article2.h3.2":"Maintain a Healthy Work\/Life Balance","promo.pres.article2.p3":"As a reservist, you will typically work one night a week and occasionally participate in weekend training activities or tasks. Many of our members choose to spend their spare time pursuing their education or working another job. On top of a flexible schedule, you may have access to benefits to maximize your personal time including time off and ongoing support programs. <a href=\"%link%\">Find a unit<\/a> in your area to talk to a recruiter about benefits available to the different Reserve class types.","promo.pres.article4.h3.1":"Unlock Your Potential","promo.pres.article2.p4":"The CAF will help you to unlock your potential by providing a variety of opportunities for training to gain leadership skills, resourcefulness, and marketable and transferable skills. The Reserve Force also offers many summer job and co-op opportunities, especially for students. For the first four years of your career, you are guaranteed full-time summer employment (FTSE) with the Reserves. Deployments are not mandatory, but there are opportunities if you are interested. There is also the possibility of working full time.","promo.pres.article3.h2":"Did you know that reservists work in the Navy, Army and Air Force?","promo.pres.article3.p1":"Each unit serves a unique purpose in the defence and security of Canada.","promo.pres.article3.h3.1":"Army","promo.pres.article3.p2":"Army reservists offer crucial support in the wake of various natural disasters by providing relief and recovery to the affected communities. They also help with cultural events in their local communities and augment the Regular Force on international operations.","promo.pres.article3.h3.2":"Navy","promo.pres.article3.p3":"Naval reservists are engaged in their civilian lives while pursuing a military career. They train to be ready to serve their country, support and help their local communities such as natural disaster strikes. As a component of the Royal Canadian Navy, they can sail in ships, operate at home and abroad, and patrol the world\u2019s oceans.","promo.pres.article3.h3.3":"Air Force","promo.pres.article3.p4":"Air Force reservists play an active role in the surveillance and control of Canadian airspace, worldwide airlift of CAF personnel and material, search and rescue missions and humanitarian operations. Unlike Army and Navy reservists, Air Force reservists typically work 15 days per month and not usually on weekends and weeknights.","promo.pres.article4.h3.2":"Ready to take the first step?","promo.pres.article4.p2":"Although you will need to submit an online application, you can also <a href=\"%link%\">contact your local Reserve unit<\/a> to see what jobs they have available. Once you submit your application, we will review it and help you through the joining process.","promo.pres.article4.p3":"You must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident, at least 16 or older and have completed at least Grade 10 (Secondary 4 in Quebec).","promo.pres.article4.cta":"Start online application","promo.pres.article5.h2":"Find out more about what it\u2019s like to work part-time in the CAF","promo.pres.footer.1":"Send us an <a href=\"%url%\">email<\/a>","promo.pres.footer.2":"Send us a message on <a href=\"%url%\">Facebook<\/a>","promo.pres.footer.3":"Call us at <a href=\"tel:+%number%\">1-800-856-8488<\/a>","reserves.faq.title":"FAQ","reserves.faq.title1":"Who are Reservists?","reserves.faq.who.desc1":"Reservists devote part of their time to military duty. They keep Canadians safe by assisting with natural disaster relief, recovery efforts, and much more. With opportunities in military and civilian life, Reservists are the vital link between the CAF and local communities.","reserves.faq.title2":"What does part-time entail?","reserves.faq.who.desc2":"As a Reservist, you work for the CAF one evening a week and occasional weekends at locations close to home, along with summer job opportunities and competitive salary and benefits.","reserves.faq.title3":"What types of job opportunities are available?","reserves.faq.who.desc3":"You can choose from a wide range of occupations within the Army, Navy, and Air Forces; in a wide range of fields like health care, engineering, law, administration, public protection, and <a href=\"%link%\">more<\/a>.","reserves.faq.title4":"Where will I be working?","reserves.faq.who.desc4":"As a Reservist, you can join the Navy, the Army, or the Air Force, at a <a href=\"%link%\">reserve unit near you<\/a>. Reserve units are in hundreds of communities across Canada.","reserves.faq.title5":"Do Reservists get deployed?","reserves.faq.who.desc5":"As a reservist, you will stay and work locally in your community. Should you choose, you can apply to go on a deployment either within Canada or abroad.","reserves.faq.title6":"Why Join?","reserves.faq.who.desc6":"The Reserves empower individuals and provide skills that you can utilize for the rest of your life, along with lifelong friendships and unique work experiences.","reserves.faq.title7":"Do I qualify?","reserves.faq.who.desc7":"You must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident, at least 16 years old, and have completed at least Grade 10 (Secondaire IV in Quebec) or equivalent.","reserves.faq.title8":"Does the Reserve Force work with the Regular Force?","reserves.faq.who.desc8":"Reservists train to the same standard as their Regular force compatriots to be able to be integratable with the Regular Force on deployments and operations, domestic or abroad as required.","province.AB":"Alberta","province.BC":"British Columbia","province.MB":"Manitoba","province.NB":"New Brunswick","province.NL":"Newfoundland and Labrador","province.NS":"Nova Scotia","province.ON":"Ontario","province.PE":"Prince Edward Island","province.QC":"Quebec","province.SK":"Saskatchewan","province.NT":"Northwest Territories","province.NU":"Nunavut","province.YT":"Yukon","external.Applicant":"Applicant Portal","admin.Dashboard.Title":"Admin Dashboard","admin.Dashboard.regionTitle":"%regionName% Dashboard","admin.Dashboard.backLink":"Back to Admin Dashboard","admin.Dashboard.backToCentre":"Back to","admin.goForces":"Go to","admin.GenUrl.Title":"Generate My Lead URL","admin.GenUrl.Recruiter":"The URL above is your personalized recruiter lead generation page. Copy and share that URL to generate leads that will be tagged to you.","admin.GenUrl.Event":"The URL above is this events lead generation page. Copy and share that URL to generate leads that will be tagged to this event.","admin.GenUrl.Event.Tooltip":"Generate this events lead URL","admin.GenUrl.RecruiterEvent":"The URL above is your personalized recruiter and event lead generation page. Copy and share that URL to generate leads that will be tagged to you and this event.","admin.GenUrl.RecruiterEvent.Tooltip":"Generate this events lead URL with my recruiter code","admin.Actions":"Actions","admin.Name":"Name","admin.Location":"Location","admin.Region":"Region","admin.element":"Element","admin.Careers":"Edit Occupations","admin.Careers.title":"Occupations","admin.viewAll":"View All","admin.edit":"Edit","admin.delete":"Delete","admin.tableView":"Grid View","admin.listView":"List View","admin.Chatbot":"Chatbot","admin.ReturnDashboard":"Return to Dashboard","admin.ReqField":"Indicates required field","admin.Status":"Status","admin.FieldRequired":"This is a required field","admin.InfoRemoval":"Personal Information Removal","admin.Users.Title":"Users","admin.Users.Name":"Name","admin.Users.Email":"Email","admin.Users.Username":"Username","admin.Users.Roles":"Roles","admin.users.deactivate":"Deactivate Users","admin.users.inactive.view":"View Inactive Users","":"View Active Users","admin.users.archived.view":"View Archived Users","user.form.firstName":"First Name","user.form.lastName":"Last Name","user.form.rank":"Rank","user.form.rank.placeholder":"Select a rank for this user","user.form.deactivate":"Deactivate User","user.form.deactivate.message":"Are you sure you want to deactivate this user?","user.form.activate":"Activate User","user.form.activate.message":"Are you sure you want to activate this user?","user.form.username.hover":"Please use the same details as the user's DWAN account. Format should be lastname.initials (ie. bloggins.jmb)","admin.back.btn":"Return to previous page","admin.Roles.admin":" Reviewing OPI","admin.Roles.detachmentMgr":"Attraction Team OPI","admin.Roles.region":"R5 VR","admin.Roles.brigade":"L1 Reviewing OPI","admin.Roles.detachment":"DET Recruiter","admin.Roles.unit":"Event Coordinators","admin.Detachments.Title":"Detachments","admin.Detachments.Edit.Title":"Edit Detachment","admin.Detachments.Edit.Info":"Enter Detachment Information","admin.Units.Edit.Title":"Edit Unit","admin.Units.Edit.Info":"Enter Unit Information","admin.Units.Create.Title":"Create Unit","admin.Confirm.Message":"Are you sure you would like to delete this user?","admin.Delete.User":"Delete User","admin.Confirm":"Confirm","admin.Add.Det":"Add Det","admin.Confirm.Close":"Close","admin.Add.User":"Add User","admin.Edit.User":"Edit User","admin.Edit.Info":"Edit User Information","admin.Add.Details":"User Details","admin.Add.Info":"Enter User Information","admin.Create.User":"Create User","admin.Create.Det":"Create Det","admin.Create.Unit":"Create Unit","admin.Create.Event":"Create Event","admin.Create.Logout":"Log Out","admin.Units.Title":"Units","admin.Unit.Add":"Add Unit","admin.RecDashboard.Title":"Recruiter Dashboard","admin.UserDashboard.Title":"User Dashboard","admin.AuditTrail":"Audit Trail","admin.audit.history":"History","admin.AuditTrail.view":"View Audit Trail","admin.Audit.details":"View Change Details","admin.Audit.details.title":"Audit Trail - Change Details","admin.audit.user":"User","admin.audit.action":"Action","admin.audit.dateTime":"Date & Time","admin.audit.field":"Field Name","admin.audit.prior":"Prior State","admin.audit.changed":"Changed State","":"Name","admin.audit.type":"Content Type","admin.Audit.none":"None","admin.Audit.yes":"Yes","":"No","admin.Audit.persist":"Created","admin.Audit.update":"Updated","admin.Audit.remove":"Deleted","form.submit":"Submit Form","form.submit.1":"Submit","admin.Events.Title":"Events","admin.Events.TitleMy":"My Events","admin.Events.TitleUna":"Unapproved Events","admin.Events.TitleUnaMy":"My Unapproved Events","admin.Events.TitleC":"Current Events","admin.Events.Add":"Add Event","admin.Events.Create":"Create Event","admin.Events.Date":"Date","admin.Events.Requested":"Requested Events","admin.Events.Status":"Approval Status","admin.Events.Review":"Review Event","admin.Events.Approve":"Approve Event","admin.Events.Approve.Message":"Do you want to approve this event?","admin.Events.Deny":"Deny Event","admin.Events.Reschedule":"Reschedule","admin.Events.Return":"Return to user for re-submission","admin.Events.Approval.Cancelled":"Cancelled","admin.Events.Approval.Draft":"Draft","admin.Events.Approval.Pending":"Pending","admin.Events.Approval.Approved":"Approved","admin.Events.Approval.Denied":"Denied","admin.Events.Approval.Returned":"Returned to user","admin.Events.Approval.AwaitingAar":"Ready for Approval","admin.Events.Approval.Completed":"Completed","admin.Events.Approval.Approve":"Approve","admin.Events.Approval.Deny":"Deny","admin.Events.Approval.UpdateAar":"Update AAR","admin.Events.Approval.CompleteAar":"Complete AAR","admin.Events.success.requested":"Event has been requested.","admin.Events.success.created":"Event has been created.","admin.Events.TitleA":"Completed Events","events.removeFilter":"Remove Filter","admin.Events.flash.updated":"Event has been successfully updated. The approval status is now %approvalStatus%.","":"Analytics Dashboard","":"Contact Emails","":"Total","":"Customer Service","":"Website Changes","":"FASM","":"Foreign Service","events.browseall":"Browse All Events","events.soon":"Happening Soon","events.joinnow":"Join Now","events.all":"All Events","events.success":"You have successfully registered for this event! We look forward to seeing you there!","events.platform":"This event will be hosted on","events.copy":"Copy URL","events.join":"Join Event","events.howto.join":"Join the event by clicking the link or copying the URL.","":"The event link and details will be displayed here when they're made available.","events.about":"About this Event","events.local":"Events Near You","events.register":"Register for Event","events.error":"Something went wrong. Please try again later.","events.which.days":"Which days will you attend?","events.bookappt1":"Can\u2019t make it to an event?","events.bookappt2":"Book an appointment with a recruiter.","admin.Select.Image":"Please select an image.","admin.Select.Image.Category":"Please select an image.","admin.Select.Category":"Please select a category","form.event.request":"Submit for Review","events.Title":"Events","events.midSentence":"of","events.endSentence":"events.","form.event.Name":"Event Name","form.eventName":"Event Name (EN)","form.eventDesc":"Event Description (EN)","form.eventNameFr":"Event Name (FR)","form.eventDescFr":"Event Description (FR)","form.event.detachment":"Detachment","form.event.detachment.placeholder":"Please select a detachment for this event","form.event.unit":"Unit","form.event.unit.placeholder":"Please select a unit for this event","form.event.startTime":"Start Time","form.event.startTimeHour":"Start Time Hour","form.event.startTimeMin":"Start Time Minute","form.event.endTime":"End Time","form.event.endTimeHour":"End Time Hour","form.event.endTimeMin":"End Time Minute","form.event.address":"Address","form.event.addressFr":"Address Fr","form.event.latlngblurb":"We are working on improvements to this page. In the meantime, please enter the <strong>latitude and longitude coordinates<\/strong> for your event location below. You can find this information by searching for the event address in <a href=\"https:\/\/\/maps\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Google Maps<\/a>, then right click the map pin, and left click the coordinates to copy them. See <a href=\"https:\/\/\/maps\/answer\/18539?hl=en&co=GENIE.Platform%3DDesktop\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">this article<\/a> for additional help. We thank you for your patience and apologize for any inconvenience.","form.event.latNLong":"Latitude\/Longitude Co-ordinates","form.event.latNLong.placeholder":"Place here","form.event.latitude":"Latitude","form.event.longitude":"Longitude","form.event.primaryObjective":"Primary Objective","form.event.secondaryObjective":"Secondary Objective","form.event.tertiaryObjective":"Tertiary Objective","form.event.primaryObjective.placeholder":"Please select a primary objective.","form.event.secondaryObjective.placeholder":"Please select a secondary objective.","form.event.tertiaryObjective.placeholder":"Please select a tertiary objective.","form.event.footnote":"The event details will be reviewed by the approval authority before being published.","":"Upload a photo for this event. Leave blank when editing to keep the original photo.","form.event.currentPhoto":"Current Photo","form.event.noPhoto":"Event has no photo","form.event.url":"Event URL","form.event.platform":"Host Platform","form.event.joinInstructions":"Join Instructions","form.event.joinInstructionsFr":"Join Instructions (Fr)","form.event.recruiters":"Recruiters","form.event.poc":"Point of Contact","form.event.rating":"How would you rate the event performance?","form.event.attendance":"How many people attended the event?","form.event.recommended":"Is the event recommended for repeat?","form.event.observations":"General Observations","form.event.timezone":"Timezone","form.event.recommendedReason":"Why?","form.event.isAdvertiseDate":"When should the event be displayed on","form.event.advertiseDate.fixed":"2 weeks before event date","form.event.advertiseDate.approved":"Immediately after approval","form.event.advertiseDate.custom":"Custom date","form.event.advertiseDate":"Advertisement Date","form.event.misc":"Miscellaneous","form.event.opi":"OPI","form.event.opi.placeholder":"Please select an OPI","form.event.assessmentInfo":"Assessment Information","form.event.platform.details":"Set Platform Details","form.event.SubmittedBy":"Submitted By:","form.event.Submit":"Submit for approval","form.event.Save":"Save and Close","form.event.HostOrganization":"Host Organization","form.event.HostOrganization.sub":"The CAF, a college or university, etc.","form.event.IsVirtual":"Is this a virtual event?","form.event.LocationDetails":"Location Details","form.event.Image":"Event Image","form.event.Image.Select":"Select Event Image","form.event.Objective":"Objective","form.event.Objectives.Title":"Recruiting Objectives","form.event.Objectives.Select":"If applicable, please indicate the recruiting objectives of this event:","form.event.IsPublic":"Will this event be advertised on","form.event.IsExternalRegistration":"Hide Register Button for this Event?","form.event.externalRegisterUrl":"Event Register URL","form.event.IsAdvertised":"Is Advertised?","form.event.EventInfo":"Event Information","form.event.title.aar":"After Action Report","form.event.Language":"Language","form.event.Language.Bilingual":"Bilingual","form.event.Language.en":"English","":"French","form.event.Language.Help":"The primary language this event will be delivered in.","form.event.after":"After","form.event.before":"Before","form.event.filename":"File Name","form.event.confirm.cancel":"Confirm Cancel","form.event.confirm.cancel.reason":"If applicable, please provide a reason why this event is cancelled","form.event.confirm.resched":"Confirm Reschedule","objectives.Title":"Recruiting Objectives","objectives.Title.Create":"Create Recruiting Objective","objectives.Field.Title":"Recruiting Objective Name","objectives.Field.TitleFr":"Recruiting Objective Name (FR)","form.eventCost.Title":"Estimated Event Cost","form.eventCost.eventFee":"Event Fee ($)","form.eventCost.transportationFee":"Transportation Fee ($)","form.eventCost.accomidationsFee":"Accomodations Fee ($)","form.eventCost.mealsFee":"Meals Fee ($)","form.eventCost.incidentialsFee":"Incidentals Fee ($)","form.eventCost.miscFee":"Miscellaneous Fee ($)","form.eventCost.estimatedTotal":"Estimated Event Cost ($)","form.aar.actualCost":"Actual Event Cost","form.aar.boost.q":"Did this event receive boost funding from ADM(PA)?","form.aar.boost":"Boost Funding","form.aar.assessment":"Assessment Information","form.aar.submit":"Submit After Action Report","form.event.saving":"Saving","admin.Leads.Title":"Leads","admin.Leads.GlobalTitle":"Global Leads","admin.Leads.Create":"Create Lead","admin.Leads.Add.Details":"Lead Details","admin.Leads.Add.Title":"Add Lead","admin.Leads.Add.Info":"Enter Lead Information","admin.Leads.Public.Add.Details":"Enter your details in the fields below to be contacted by the Canadian Armed Forces.","admin.Leads.Public.Add.Title":"Your Information","admin.Leads.Public.Add.Info":"Enter Your Contact Information","admin.Leads.Edit.Title":"Edit Lead","admin.lead.delete":"Delete Lead","admin.lead.delete.message":"Are you sure you want to delete this lead?","lead.Name":"Name","lead.Email":"Email","lead.Recruiter":"Recruiter","lead.Phone":"Phone","lead.Event":"Event","lead.none":"No Leads","lead.No.Leads":"You don't have any leads yet. Share your lead generation URL by clicking on the drop-down menu in the top right corner.","lead.consent":"By clicking the checkbox you consent to receive email communication from Canadian Forces Recruiting Group.","form.lead.event.placeholder":"Please select an event to tag this lead to","form.lead.recruiter.placeholder":"Please select a recruiter to tag this lead to","detachment.Dashboard.Title":"Detachment Dashboard","unit.Dashboard.Title":"Unit Dashboard","event.Registration.Title":"Event Registration","event.Registration.Info":"Event Registration Information","event.Register.btn":"Register","event.Registration.rsvp1":"Going","event.Registration.rsvp2":"Interested","event.Registration.rsvp3":"Maybe","event.Registration.Details":"Event Details","event.Registration.Where":"Where","event.Registration.Date":"Date","event.Registration.Time":"Time","event.Registration.Desc":"Description","event.Registration.Loc":"Event Location Details","event.Registration.address":"Location","event.Registration.language":"Primary Language","event.Registration.RSVP":"Your RSVP","event.User.Email":"Email","event.User.firstName":"First Name","event.User.lastName":"Last Name","events.Users.Registered":"Users registered for","event.No.Entry":"You haven't planned any events yet. Select \"Add Event\" to begin adding events.","event.Recruiting":"Recruiting Events","event.Filter":"Filter Events","event.City":"City","event.After.Date":"After Date:","event.Before.Date":"Before Date:","event.Reset.Search":"Reset Search","event.Title":"Events | CAF Events","event.Centre.Type":"Recruit Centre Type","event.Date.Time":"Date & Time Details","event.Edit":"Edit Event","event.Edit.Info":"Enter Event Information","event.owner":"by <a href=\"%url%\">%name%<\/a>","event.ownerBy":"Hosted by","event.Display.None":"There are no events planned.","event.display.none.title":"No Events","event.display.none.body":"There are no users for registered for this event","event.Archived.None":"Currently, you have no archived events. Events become archived when the date it takes place on has passed, or when a new event is created with a date that is in the past.","event.type.title":"Event Type","event.type.virtual":"Virtual","event.type.inPerson":"In-Person","event.type.all":"All Event Types","event.Live.Now":"Live Now","event.Live.Hour":"The event link will be displayed here 1 hour before the event.","event.lang.title":"Event Language","event.lang.desc1":"This event will be hosted in","event.lang.desc2":"but we will make every effort to accommodate both official languages. If you would like to confirm English\/French staff availability, please feel free to send an e-mail to the recruiting centre hosting the event.","event.lang.bilingual.desc":"This event will be hosted in both official languages. We will have both English and French speaking staff available to answer your questions.","event.Reporting.Title":"Reporting","event.Reporting.Generate":"Generate Report","event.Reporting.Preview":"Report Preview","event.Reporting.Excel":"Export to Excel","event.Reporting.MinCost":"Min. Cost ($)","event.Reporting.MaxCost":"Max. Cost ($)","event.Reporting.Virtual":"Virtual","event.Reporting.Clear":"Clear","event.Registrations.Title":"Registrations","event.Feedback.Give":"Give Feedback","event.Feedback.How":"Click fields to leave feedback.","event.Feedback.How2":"When finished, click \"Submit Review\" to complete review.","event.Feedback.Enter":"Enter feedback for this field","event.Feedback.Submit":"Submit Review","event.Deny.Title":"Confirm Deny","event.Deny.Confirm":"Are you sure you wish to Deny approval for this event? If you do, it will be","event.Deny.Confirm2":"permanently archived.","event.Deny.Reason":"If you wish to continue, please provide a reason why approval is denied for this event","event.Rescheule":"Rescheudle","event.Reschedule.Select":"Select a new date and time for this event","admin.Archive.Event":"Archive Event","admin.Archive.Message":"Are you sure you would like to archive this event?","admin.Delete.Event":"Delete Event","admin.Delete.Message":"Are you sure you would like to delete this event? All leads associated with this event will also be deleted.","event.Title.Dashboard":"Events Dashboard","event.Title.Dashboard.Back":"Back to Events Dashboard","event.Title.Templates":"Event Templates","event.Templates.Title":"Event Templates","event.Templates.Create":"Add Template","event.Templates.Update":"Update Template","event.Templates.Delete":"Are you sure you would like to delete this template?","event.Templates.Create.Preamble":"Create a new event or select from a list of predefined templates.","event.Templates.Create.Preamble2":"Creating an event from a template will automatically assign the events photo, name and description.","event.Templates.None":"None (blank template)","event.Templates.Select":"Choose a Template","event.Request.EventName":"Event Name","event.Status.Update":"Status Update - ","event.Status.Update.System":"System","event.isPublic":"This event is being advertised on","event.isNotPublic":"This event is private","event.public":"Public","event.private":"Private","event.availability.NotAdvertised":"Not Publicly Advertised","event.availability.publiclyAdvertised":"Advertised on","event.availability.passed":"Event has passed","event.status":null,"browse.NocLabel":"Begin typing your current or past career to find related positions","form.centre.nameFr":"Name (Fr)","centre.DetailsHeading":"Details","centre.Type":"Centre Type","centre.Address":"Address","centre.City":"City","centre.AddressEn":"Address Line 1","centre.AddressFr":"Address Line 1 (FR)","centre.AddressHelp":"Street Address","centre.poBoxEn":"PO Box","centre.poBoxFr":"PO Box (FR)","centre.Suite":"Address Line 2","centre.SuiteFr":"Address Line 2 (FR)","centre.SuiteHelp":"Suite, Unit, PO Box, Floor, etc..","centre.Contact":"Contact Info","centre.Phone":"Phone","centre.Email":"Email","centre.Fax":"Fax","form.centre.hours":"Hours","form.centre.hoursFr":"Hours (Fr)","form.centre.whatWeDo":"What We Do","form.centre.whatWeDoFr":"What We Do (Fr)","form.centre.advisoryToggle":"Do you want to display an advisory message?","form.centre.advisory":"Advisory Message","form.centre.advisoryFr":"Advisory Message (Fr)","centre.Availability":"Availability","centre.VisitWeb":"Visit Website","centre.SendEmail":"Send us an Email","centre.available.Jobs":"Available Jobs","centre.Recruiting.Centre":"Recruiting Centre","":"Select the job(s) this unit is hiring for","":"This Unit is not advertising for specific careers. Contact the Unit to learn more.","centre.blurb.isPoBox":"This recruiting centre is not based in a physical location. The address listed below is for the recruiting centre's PO box.","centre.location.override":"Override Latitude\/Longitude?","centre.location.hasOverride":"The location details can't be managed because they have been overridden by an administrator","":"Play","":"Pause","":"Next","":"Previous","":"Edit Detachment","centres.create.details":"Detachment Details","centres.details.where":"Where","":"Date","centres.details.when":"When","centres.details.back":"All Recruiting Centres","vblog.intro.cta":"Follow our Facebook Page","vblog.latest":"Latest News","vblog.apr5.title":"Story of MCpl Goodwin","vblog.apr5":"April 5th 2019","vblog.apr5.copy":"Learn more about the Aircraft Structures Technician occupation.","vblog.intro1":"The <strong>Aerospace Maintenance Competition<\/strong> is held annually in conjunction with the Aviation Week\u2019s MRO Americas. Teams representing educational institutions, commercial airlines, repair and manufacturing companies, military, general aviation and space compete to find out who's the best of the best.","vblog.intro2":"Within the <strong>84<\/strong> teams competing this year, <strong>5<\/strong> were from the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF). We followed the Spitfires, one of the RCAF\u2019s team, during the entire event. As they were competing against teams from the private and public sectors, we wanted to know why they chose a career in the military.","vblog.intro3":"If you are studying to become an avionics systems technician, an aircraft structures technician or an aviation systems technician, we encourage you to explore the different career opportunities within the Canadian Armed Forces!","vblog.intro4":"A career in the Canadian Armed Forces means that you will receive not only a competitive salary, a specialist pay and a pension, but you will also have benefits, and services offered to you and your family such as: health and dental care, free access to health facilities and access to childcare.","vblog.intro5":"Upon reaching the qualified working rank of a corporal, you can expect an <strong>annual salary between $60,100 and $63,600.<\/strong> You will receive your <strong>specialist pay<\/strong> once you meet all prerequisites, which is an <strong>increase of approximatively $7,200.<\/strong> You can expect further pay increases as you get promoted to more senior ranks.","vblog.callToAction":"Hiring Now!","vblog.outro":"See the Spitfires in action and relive the highlights of the competition.","promo.colleges.article1.heading":"Life in the military","promo.colleges.article1.desc":"From the moment you begin basic training, you\u2019ll be welcomed into a team of dedicated professionals who will soon become like family. Members of the Canadian Armed Forces come from all across Canada, each bringing something unique and valuable to the team as a whole.","promo.colleges.article2.heading":"Paid education with the Canadian Armed Forces","promo.colleges.article2.desc":"The Canadian Armed Forces has a number of paid education programs for a first-class education that will prepare you for a challenging and rewarding career in Canada\u2019s esteemed military.","promo.colleges.article3.heading":"Exceed your expectations","promo.colleges.article3.desc":"Transcend with a career in the Canadian Armed Forces. Canadian Armed Forces members are well supported and trained to progress through their career goals and beyond.","promo.colleges.article4.heading":"Pay and Benefits","promo.colleges.article4.desc":"The Canadian Armed Forces offers competitive salaries and world-class benefit packages \u2013 including health, dental, vision, from four to six weeks paid vacation annually, great pension plans and continuous training \u2013 that start from the moment you put on the uniform.","promo.colleges.article5.heading":"Work-life Balance","promo.colleges.article5.desc":"Work-life balance is essential in the Canadian Armed Forces.","form.days.sunday":"Sunday","form.days.monday":"Monday","form.days.tuesday":"Tuesday","form.days.wednesday":"Wednesday","form.days.thursday":"Thursday","form.days.friday":"Friday","form.days.saturday":"Saturday","form.days.heading":"Hours of Operation","form.days.title":"Day of the week","":"Open","":"Open Time","":"Close Time","day.closed":"Closed","careers.signingBonus":"Signing Bonus","careers.signingBonusBlurb":"This occupation is currently offering a Signing Bonus to applicants joining the Regular Force (Full-Time) who meet certain criteria.","careers.signingBonusBlurb.Reenroll":"This occupation is currently offering a Signing Bonus to applicants who are re-enrolling in the Regular Force (Full-Time) and who are previously qualified in this occupation.","careers.signingBonusBlurb2":"Click <a href=\"%url%#signing-bonus\">here<\/a> for more information.","careers.signingBonusConditions":"Conditions apply.","careers.signingBonusBlurb3":"or <a href=\"%link%\">visit our Help Centre<\/a>.","lifestyle.bonus.p":"Some of our featured occupations offer a signing bonus when you join the Regular Force (Full-Time). This bonus will not be offered when you join the Reserve Force (Part-Time).","lifestyle.bonus.p1":"You can find a list of these occupations <a href=\"%url%\">here<\/a>.","lifestyle.bonus.p2":"To be eligible for a signing bonus, you must meet the specific criteria for the occupation. These criteria may be different for each occupation.","lifestyle.bonus.p3":"A signing bonus for a non-commissioned member (NCM) is determined based on a combination of work qualifications, education, experience, or any prior military training. Each file is then assessed by an occupation specialist to determine the appropriate bonus.","lifestyle.bonus.p4":"For officers, on the other hand, once the entitlement to the bonus is established, the calculation of the amount of bonus can be based on the academic qualifications, type of professional license, publicly subsidized education\/enrollment in a residency program (medical officers only), and the period of service completed.","lifestyle.bonus.p5":"It is recommended that you speak to a recruiter who can help you estimate the recruitment allowance you could be entitled to.","":"st","gld.sup.nd":"nd","gld.sup.rd":"rd","":"th","gld.dates.hamilton":"June 25 - 28, 2022","":"June 25&colon; 10am - 4pm","":"June 26&colon; 1pm - 4pm","gld.dates.toronto":"June 30 - July 10, 2022","":"July 2&colon; 10am - 4pm","":"July 3&colon; 10am - 4pm","":"July 8&colon; 10am - 4pm","":"July 9&colon; 10am - 4pm","gld.dates.oshawa":"July 11, 2022","":"July 11&colon; 1pm - 5pm","gld.dates.kingston":"July 13, 2022","":"July 13&colon; 2:30pm - 4:30pm","gld.dates.montreal":"July 15 - 18, 2022","":"July 16&colon; 1pm - 5pm","":"July 17&colon; 1pm - 5pm","":"July 21 - 23, 2022","":"July 21&colon; 1pm - 5pm","":"July 23&colon; 10am - 5pm","gld.dates.rimouski":"July 25, 2022","":"July 25&colon; 1pm - 5pm","gld.sailor.dates.1":"<strong>Montreal, QC<\/strong> - Nov. 4<sup>th<\/sup>","gld.sailor.dates.2":"<strong>Montreal, QC<\/strong> - Nov. 5<sup>th<\/sup>","gld.sailor.dates.3":"<strong>Quebec City, QC<\/strong> - Nov. 7<sup>th<\/sup>","gld.sailor.dates.4":"<strong>Quebec City, QC<\/strong> - Nov. 8<sup>th<\/sup>","gld.title":"Great Lakes Deployment 2022","gld.meta.desc":"Tour one of Canada\u2019s warships \u2013 HMCS Glace Bay \u2013 as you learn what it\u2019s like to be a sailor for the Royal Canadian Navy. As part of the annual Great Lakes Deployment, HMCS Glace Bay will visit communities throughout the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Seaway. Tour the ship and speak to the crew to find out more about career opportunities full of adventure and opportunity in the Royal Canadian Navy.","gld.pretitle":"HMCS <i>Glace Bay<\/i>","gld.title-dates":"June 25<sup>th<\/sup> - July 25<sup>th<\/sup> 2022","gld.s1.header":"Follow Her Majesty's Canadian Ship (HMCS) <i>Glace Bay<\/i> on its journey through the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Seaway","gld.s1.p1":"As part of the annual Great Lakes Deployment, HMCS <i>Glace Bay<\/i> will visit communities throughout the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Seaway. The ship will be open to visitors, and you can participate in tours aboard HMCS Glace Bay","gld.s1.p2":"Canadian Armed Forces members will be available at every port and jetty to highlight the diverse opportunities available for those interested in making a difference at home and abroad. You can test your sailor skills, come aboard a warship, and <strong>Sea for Yourself<\/strong> what it\u2019s like to be a sailor with the Royal Canadian Navy.","gld.s1.p3":"See the schedule below for more details. Schedule is subject to change. Masking and\/or physical distancing may be required depending on specific activities and provincial guidelines. To come on-board of HMCS Glace Bay, it is mandatory to wear a mask.","gld.sched.1":"Ship is open to visitors","gld.sched.2":"Administrative Duties and Private Events","gld.sched.reg":"To register for this event, please email","gld.sched.btn":"See Schedule","gld.sched.h2":"Schedule","gld.s2-header":"Meet those who serve in your Royal Canadian Navy","":"Watch the Video","gld.about.h1":"About HMCS <i>Glace Bay<\/i>","gld.about.p1":"HMCS <i>Glace Bay<\/i> is a Maritime Coastal Defence Vessel (MCDV) designed to commercial standards and intended to conduct coastal patrols, minesweeping, law enforcement, pollution surveillance and response as well as search and rescue duties. Since 1996, the ship has carried out a variety of tasking\u2019s - from Operation PERSISTENCE in the aftermath of the Swissair disaster to North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) minesweeping exercises.","":"HMCS <i>Glace Bay<\/i>","gld.23.header":"We're Hiring","gld.23.p1":"The Royal Canadian Navy is currently looking for applicants to these exciting careers.","gld.more.h":"Discover your Career in the Canadian Armed Forces","":"Current Location","":"Arrives at","":"Departs at","":"En Route to","":"In Port","gld.montreal":"Montreal","":"Quebec City","gld.sailor":"Sailor for a Day","gld.sailor.title":"In <strong>Montreal<\/strong> or <strong>Quebec City<\/strong>?","gld.sailor.subtitle":"Come test your sailor skills on board a warship! <br><button type=\"button\" data-toggle=\"modal\" data-target=\"#sfad-modal\">Register now<\/button> for <b>Sailor for a Day<\/b>!","gld.sailor.choose":"Please choose which event you wish to attend","gld.fair.head":"Career Fair","gld.fair.sched.1":"Oct. 23<sup>rd<\/sup>&colon; 1pm - 8pm","gld.fair.sched.2":"Oct. 24<sup>th<\/sup>&colon; 8am - 8pm","gld.fair.sched.3":"Oct. 27<sup>th<\/sup>&colon; 9am - 4pm","gld.fair.sched.3b":"Oct. 28<sup>th<\/sup> - 29<sup>th<\/sup>&colon; 8am - 6pm","gld.fair.sched.4":"Nov. 3<sup>rd<\/sup> - 5<sup>th<\/sup>&colon; 8am - 8pm","gld.fair.sched.5":"Nov. 7<sup>th<\/sup> - 8<sup>th<\/sup>&colon; 8am - 8pm","gld.fair.sched.6":"Nov. 11<sup>th<\/sup>&colon; 12pm - 8pm","gld.address.hamilton":"Pier 8 East, <br>650 Catherine St. N","gld.address.toronto":"HTO Park West, <br>375 Queens Quay W","gld.address.oshawa":"West Pier (by Lakeview Park), <br> 1689 Simcoe St. South","gld.address.kingston":"Coal Dock, <br> 36 Lakewatch Ln.","gld.address.montreal":"Old Port of Montreal <br>(west of pier Alexandra)","":"Section 21 <br>170 Rue Dalhousie","gld.address.rimouski":"1 Rue de la marina <br>Berth 4","gld.end.notice":"Thanks to all who came and visited HMCS <i>Glace Bay<\/i> on its journey through the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Seaway.","gld.end.notice.2":"See you next year!","alerts":{"contactUs":"The recruiting centres and customer service team will be at reduced manning over the holiday period between December 23rd 2019 and January 6th 2020. During this time, you may experience delays in receiving a response to any inquiries. We apologize for any inconvenience and we wish you a safe and happy holiday season."},"appointment.step0.blurb1":"Appointments are for <strong>general inquiries<\/strong> only and are conducted <strong>over the phone<\/strong> (a recruiter will call you).","appointment.step0.blurb2":"If you have already started your application, please reach out to the","appointment.step0.blurb3":"Recruiting Centre","appointment.step0.blurb4":"responsible for processing your application.","appointment.step0.blurb5":"To continue to book a general inquiry appointment, click 'Next'.","appointment.InfoConsent":"I consent to the information provided being used for the purposes of conducting this appointment, and to receive email and\/or SMS confirmation, reminder, and update messages for this appointment based on my notification preferences identified above.","appointment.general":"General Inquiry","appointment.cfat":"Virtual CFAT","appointment.language":"Language","appointment.missed":"Missed","appointment.reschedule":"Reschedule Appointment","appointment.Verify.Subject":"Appointment Confirmation","appointment.Verify.body1":"Thank you for scheduling an appointment through the Digital Recruiting Centre (DRC).","appointment.Verify.body2":"%recruiter% will contact you at the phone number provided on %date%. The appointment details are listed below:","appointment.Verify.body3":"If the details of your appointment are correct, please verify your appointment using the link below.","appointment.Verify.body4":"If you need to reschedule your appointment please use the link below.","appointment.Verify.body5":"or if you need to cancel the appointment entirely, you can use the link below.","appointment.Verify.body6":"To view the Terms and Conditions, please use the below link.","appointment.Verify.DetailsHeading":"Appointment Details","appointment.Verify.Address":"Address","appointment.Verify.Date":"Date","appointment.Verify.Time":"Time","appointment.Verify.Recruiter":"Recruiter","appointment.Reminder.body4":"Please note that the call from our recruiter may appear as a private or blocked number.","appointment.Confirmation.Subject":"Appointment Confirmed","appointment.Confirmation.Body":"Thank you for confirming your appointment. Details about your upcoming appointment are referenced below:","appointment.Cancellation.Subject":"Appointment Cancelled","appointment.Cancellation.Body":"The appointment listed below has been cancelled.","appointment.Cancellation.Body2":"If you are still interested in scheduling an appointment, please follow the link below to reschedule for another date.","appointment.Cancellation.VisitHelpCentre":"If you are still interested in scheduling an appointment, please select the \"Book an Appointment\" button below.","appointment.Cancellation.ErrorComplete":"The appointment could not be cancelled because it's passed the reservation date.","appointment.Recaptcha.Error":"Please verify your identity","appointment.Type":"Appointment Type","appointment.Client.Name":"Client Name","appointment.Client.Phone":"Client Phone","appointment.Client.Email":"Client Email","appointment.Recruiter.Name":"Recruiter Name","appointment.Recruiter.Email":"Recruiter 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in.","stepTwoEnglish":"English","stepTwoFrench":"Fran\u00e7ais","stepTwoSelectDate":"Select Date:","stepTwoSelectTime":"Select Time:","stepTwoNoTimeSlots":"No timeslots available, please select a different day.","stepTwoPleaseTime":"Please select a time.","stepThreeEmail":"Email:","stepThreeConfirmEmail":"Confirm Email:","stepThreeFillOut":"Please fill out this field.","stepThreeValidEmail":"Please enter a valid Email address.","stepThreeMatchEmail":"Emails do not match.","stepFourFirstName":"First Name:","stepFourLastName":"Last Name:","stepFourPhone":"Phone Number:","stepFourPhoneCan":"Must be Canadian phone number","stepFourExtension":"Extension:","stepFourValidPhone":"Please enter a valid Phone number.","stepFourQuestion":"What would you like to discuss?","stepFourValidQuestion":"Please enter valid text.","stepFiveReviewInfo":"Please review your information:","stepFiveDetails":"Your Details:","stepFiveRecruit":"Recruiting Centre:","stepFiveLang":"Appointment 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Please set a schedule in the Schedule Manager, or see the","":"Help Section","":"to learn more.","":"EN:","":"FR:","":"Appts:","":"No Recruiters","":"Viewing Timeslot:","":"Appointments Scheduled:","":"didn't show for their scheduler.","":"Recruiter:","":"Cancel Appointment","":"Missed","":"No Appointments Scheduled","":"Available Recruiters:","":"Languages:","":"All available recruiters are booked.","":"Timeslot","":"Appointment","":"My Appointment Schedule","scheduler.user.read1":"Appt Booked","scheduler.user.read2":"Open","scheduler.user.read3":"Viewing Appointment","scheduler.user.read4":"didn't show for their appointment.","scheduler.user.read5":"Client Information","scheduler.user.read6":"Appointment Type:","scheduler.user.read7":"Phone:","scheduler.user.read8":"Name:","scheduler.sub.component":"Publish","scheduler.sub.component1":"There is currently no Default Schedule set.","scheduler.sub.component2":"Set New Default Schedule","scheduler.sub.component3":"You haven't published a Default Schedule yet.","scheduler.sub.component4":"Editing Day:","scheduler.sub.component5":"Cancel","scheduler.sub.component6":"Manage Recruiters for the Whole Day:","scheduler.sub.component7":"Timeslots Assigned:","scheduler.sub.component8":"Assign to Whole Day","scheduler.sub.component9":"Unassign from Whole Day","scheduler.sub.component10":"Booked","scheduler.sub.component11":"Editing Appointment Timeslot:","scheduler.sub.component12":"Recruiters Assigned:","scheduler.sub.component13":"Unassign All","scheduler.sub.component14":"Unassign","scheduler.sub.component15":"No Recruiters Assigned","scheduler.sub.component16":"Please assign at least one recruiter to this timeslot, or delete the timeslot.","scheduler.sub.component17":"Assign All","scheduler.sub.component18":"Assign","scheduler.sub.component19":"No other Available Recruiters.","scheduler.sub.component20":"Create Timeslot","scheduler.sub.component21":"Delete Timeslot","scheduler.virtualDet":"National Dashboard","scheduler.reassignment.1":"Reassign","scheduler.reassignment.2":"Reassigning Appointment","scheduler.reassignment.2a":"Reassign all Appointments","scheduler.reassignment.3":"Select a Recruiter to Reassign this Appointment to","scheduler.reassignment.4":"Reassign appointments and remove from day","scheduler.reassignment.5":"Reassign to Another Detachment","scheduler.reassignment.6":"Are you sure you want to cancel this appointment?","scheduler.reassignment.7":"Are you sure you want to mark this appointment as missed?","scheduler.reassignment.8":"Are you sure you want to reassign this appointment to","scheduler.reassignment.9":"Are you sure you want to reassign this appointment?","scheduler.multi.title":"Editing Multiple Timeslots","scheduler.multi.sub1":"Manage Recruiters for Selected Timeslots","scheduler.multi.1":"Assign to All","scheduler.multi.2":"Unassign from All","scheduler.multi.3":"Reassign Appointments and remove from all","scheduler.timezone.title":"Timezone Conversions","":"Show Timezone Conversions","scheduler.timezone.hide":"HideTimezone Conversions","scheduler.timezone.p":"Use this legend to determine what this timeslot will be in different timezones.","scheduler.timezone.shift1":"Please be aware of the time change on","scheduler.timezone.shift2":"This affects the time offset in Central Time (CFRC Regina).","knowBase.title":"Help Centre","knowBase.cta":"Visit Our Help Centre","knowBase.title.allArticles":"All Articles","knowBase.title.tagManager":"Tag Manager","knowBase.title.backList":"Back to Articles List","knowBase.filter.category":"Filter By Category:","knowBase.readArticle":"Read Article","knowBase.visitLink":"View Webpage","knowBase.chatNotice":"We're currently improving the Recruiting Virtual Assistant and it will be offline for maintenance until 9 Nov 2020. Thank you for your patience.","knowBase.article.view":"Viewing Article","knowBase.article.view.centre":"View in help centre","knowBase.article.create":"Create Article","knowBase.article.delete":"Delete Article","knowBase.article.delete.confirm":"Are you sure you want to delete this article?","":"Search Articles...","":"No articles found.","knowBase.article.linkEn":"EN Link","knowBase.article.linkFr":"FR Link","knowBase.article.field.title":"Title (EN)","knowBase.article.field.titleFr":"Title (FR)","knowBase.article.field.body":"Body (EN)","knowBase.article.field.bodyFr":"Body (FR)","knowBase.article.field.article":"Article (EN)","knowBase.article.field.articleFr":"Article (FR)","knowBase.article.field.relatedArticles":"Related Articles","knowBase.article.field.relatedArticles.none":"No related articles","knowBase.article.field.relatedLinks":"Related Links","":"Link","":"New Link","knowBase.article.field.relatedLinks.delete":"Delete Link","knowBase.article.field.relatedLinks.title":"Title (EN)","knowBase.article.field.relatedLinks.titleFr":"Title (FR)","knowBase.article.field.relatedLinks.url":"URL (EN)","knowBase.article.field.relatedLinks.urlFr":"URL (FR)","knowBase.article.field.relatedQuestions":"Related Questions","":"Question","knowBase.article.field.relatedQuestions.delete":"Delete Question","":"New Question","knowBase.article.field.relatedQuestions.question":"Question (EN)","knowBase.article.field.relatedQuestions.questionFr":"Question (FR)","knowBase.article.field.categories":"Categories","knowBase.article.field.categories.none":"No categories","":"Category","knowBase.article.tagsEn":"Tags - EN","knowBase.article.tagsFr":"Tags - FR","knowBase.article.tags.none":"No tags selected","":"Search tags...","":"No tags found.","knowBase.article.tags.add":"Add Tag","knowBase.article.tags.create":"Create new Tag","knowBase.article.tags.edit":"Edit Tag","knowBase.article.tags.delete":"Delete Tag","knowBase.article.tags.delete.confirm":"Are you sure you want to delete this tag?","knowBase.article.tags.create.placeholder":"Create new Tag...","knowBase.article.tags.en":"English Tags","":"French Tags","knowBase.article.performance.labelPerformance":"Performance","knowBase.article.performance.title":"Article Views","knowBase.article.performance.labelPopularity":"Popularity","knowBase.article.performance.labelViewsPeriod":"Views (This period)","knowBase.article.performance.labelViewsTotal":"Views (Total)","knowBase.article.performance.labelViewsPerWeek":"Views per week","knowBase.article.performance.labelViewsPerMonth":"Views per month","knowBase.article.performance.labelViewsPerYear":"Views per year","knowBase.article.performance.scope.label":"Time Frame","knowBase.article.performance.scope.month":"Month","knowBase.article.performance.scope.quartYear":"3 Months","knowBase.article.performance.scope.halfYear":"6 Months","knowBase.article.performance.scope.year":"Year","knowBase.article.performance.scope.all":"All Time","":"Feedback","":"Article Analytics","":"Article Feedback","":"Rating","":"Unavailable","":"No Data","":"Helpful","":"Unhelpful","":"Total Feedback","":"Latest Comments","":"Resolved Comments","":"Resolve Comment","":"Delete Comment","":"Are you sure you want to delete this comment?","":"Most Popular","":"Least Popular","":"Highest Rated","":"Lowest Rated","admin.update":"Update","admin.cancel":"Cancel","admin.submit":"Submit","help.technicalIssue":"Report a Technical Issue","audit.field.article.title":"Title (En)","audit.field.article.titleFr":"Title (Fr)","audit.field.article.body":"Body (En)","audit.field.article.bodyFr":"Body (Fr)","audit.field.article.englishTags":"English Tags","audit.field.article.frenchTags":"French Tags","audit.field.article.relatedArticles":"Related Articles","audit.field.article.categories":"Categories","audit.field.article.questions":"Questions","audit.field.article.relatedLinks":"Related Links","appointment.Verify.Client":"Client","appointment.Verify.Recruiter.body1":"You have been scheduled for a general inquiry with %client%. The appointment details are listed below:","appointment.Notification.Verify.Recruiter.body1":"You have been scheduled for a general inquiry with %client%.","appointment.Errors.apptBooked":"You already have an upcoming appointment scheduled. For instructions on rescheduling, please see the confirmation email you recieved when you booked the initial appointment.","appointment.Verify.Blurb":"An access code is being sent to your email address. If you have not received an e-mail in your inbox within a few minutes, please check your spam folder. Once you have received your access code, please enter it below.","appointment.Verify.EnterAccessCode":"Access Code","appointment.Verify.ResendAccessCodeBlurb":"Didn't recieve the code? Resend...","appointment.Verify.Errors.Empty":"Please enter a valid access code.","appointment.Verify.Errors.InvalidCode":"The supplied access code is invalid.","appointment.Verify.Errors.ExpiredCode":"Access token has expired. Please request another.","appointment.Activation.Subject":"Activation Code for Appointment","appointment.Activation.Body":"Your appointment activation code is:","appointment.Activation.Expiry":"It will expire in 30 minutes.","covidmsg.title.short":"Important Information in Response to COVID-19","covidmsg.title":"Important Information in Response to COVID-19 during the Holiday season, between December 19th 2020 and January 10th 2021","covidmsg.start":"<b>Due to the current medical situation related to COVID 19<\/b>...","covidmsg.p1":"Canadian Forces Recruiting Group (CFRG) continues to adapt to the evolving COVID-19 pandemic while carrying out our mission of recruiting and processing applications of talented Canadians who wish to join the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF). CFRG prioritizes health and wellness and synchronizes its efforts to align with Health Canada and the Public Health Agency of Canada guidance.","covidmsg.p2":"As a result, the CAF will continue to maintain some COVID-19 vaccination requirements to ensure operational readiness to meet Government of Canada requirements. This will include members in certain key roles and tasks, members who are deploying, those maintaining high readiness, as well as those posted to countries that have their own vaccine requirements. At this time, applicants are not required to be vaccinated against COVID-19 in order to join and serve in the CAF. New recruits will be informed of the vaccination policy for pre-deployment which includes COVID-19 vaccines, and that employment in certain positions, roles, and tasks may require COVID-19 or other vaccinations for operational and readiness purposes.","covidmsg.p5":"Thank you, in advance, for your patience and continuing interest in joining the CAF.","holidayMsg2021.title":"Response times during the Holiday Season","holidayMsg2021.p1":"During the holiday season, between December 17th 2021 and January 9th 2022, you may experience longer than usual response times. Your questions are important to us and we will respond to all inquiries within 3 business days. For more information on recruiting centers' specific operating hours over the holidays, please visit the <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/talk-to-a-recruiter\/\">Find a Recruiting Centre<\/a> page.","holidayMsg2021.p2":"We thank you for your patience during this time and wish everyone a safe and happy holidays.","holidayMsg2021.p1.a":"During the holiday season, between December 17th 2021 and January 9th 2022, you may experience longer than usual response times. Your questions are important to us and we will respond to all inquiries within 3 business days. For more information on recruiting centers' specific operating hours over the holidays, please visit the","holidayMsg2021.p1.b":"page.","reenroll.banner1":"Former CAF Member?","reenroll.banner2":"Re-enrol Now","reenroll.b1":"Former Serving Member Interested in Returning?","reenroll.bx":"The defence team recognizes the value of former members and is actively seeking to re-enrol ex-military members who are considering re-joining the team.","reenroll.b2":"The defence team recognizes the value of former members and is actively seeking to re-enrol ex-military members who are considering re-joining the team. Anyone considering coming back to the Canadian Armed Forces should fill out an application <a href=\"https:\/\/\/c_p.aspx\" onclick=\"%onClick%\">here<\/a> and our team will work to expedite your re-enrolment.","reenroll.b3":"If you were released within the last 5-years and meet the following criteria","reenroll.l1":"You released under items 4C (voluntary), 5B (reduction of strength), or 5C (completed service);","reenroll.l2":"Were fully trained in your occupation;","reenroll.l3":"Wish to rejoin your previous occupation; and","reenroll.l4":"You meet the eligibility and suitability requirements.","reenroll.b4":"All other requirements are still in place but we will abbreviate and streamline the process as much as possible. Our skilled applicant processing team is standing by to expedite your file.","reenroll.b6":"<strong>Please note our processing prioritization will be based on occupational requirements.<\/strong>","salary.h4":"Monthly pay rates for Regular Force non-commissioned members (NCMs)","salary.h42":"Monthly pay rates for Officers","salary.base":"Base Pay","salary.potential":"Potential Pay in 4 Yrs","salary.spec":"Potential Special Pay","salary.private":"Private","salary.aviator":"Aviator","salary.corporal":"Corporal","salary.mastercorporal":"Master Corporal","salary.sergeant":"Sergeant","salary.warrantofficer":"Warrant Officer","salary.masterwarrantofficer":"Master Warrant Officer","salary.chiefwarrantofficer1":"Chief Warrant Officer","salary.chiefwarrantofficer2":"Senior Chief Warrant Officer","salary.chiefwarrantofficer3":"Command Chief Warrant Officer","salary.officercadet":"Officer Cadet","salary.secondlieutenant":"Second Lieutenant","salary.lieutenant":"Lieutenant","salary.captain":"Captain","salary.major":"Major","salary.lieutenantcolonel":"Lieutenant-Colonel","salary.colonel":"Colonel","salary.brigadiergeneral":"Brigadier-General","salary.majorgeneral":"Major-General","salary.lieutenantgeneral":"Lieutenant-General","salary.oSeaman":"Sailor 3rd Class","salary.aSeaman":"Sailor 2nd Class","salary.lSeaman":"Sailor 1st Class","salary.mSeaman":"Master Sailor","salary.po2":"Petty Officer 2nd class","salary.po1":"Petty Officer 1st class","salary.cpo2":"Chief Petty Officer 2nd class","salary.cpo1":"Chief Petty Officer 1st class","salary.navalcadet":"Naval Cadet","salary.asublieu":"Acting Sub-Lieutenant","salary.sublieu":"Sub-Lieutenant","salary.lieu":"Lieutenant","salary.lieucomm":"Lieutenant-Commander","salary.comm":"Commander","salary.cap":"Captain","salary.commodore":"Commodore","salary.rad":"Rear-Admiral","salary.vad":"Vice-Admiral","":"Admiral","salary.rotp":"Regular Officer Training Plan","salary.octp.nfs":"Officer Candidate Training Plan - No Former Service","salary.deo":"Direct Entry Officer","salary.octp.fs":"Officer Candidate Training Plan - Former Service","salary.cfr":"Commissioned from the Ranks","salary.rotp.footnote":"ROTP NOTE: Your rate of pay may be adjusted when entering through a Paid Education program to account for deductions related to education and living expenses paid for by the CAF","salary.standard":"Standard","salary.entry.method":"Entry Method","salary.basepay":"Base Pay","salary.basepay.base":"Base","salary.benefitsh5":"Benefits","":"Medical, dental, vision care","salary.benefits.two":"20 days of paid vacation","salary.benefits.three":"Retirement package","salary.benefits.four":"30 days of paid vacation","salary.th1":"Basic Pay","salary.pi":"PI","salary.payLev":"Pay Level","salary.th2":"PI 1","salary.th3":"PI 2","salary.th4":"PI 3","salary.th5":"PI 4","salary.th6":"PI 5","salary.th7":"PI 6","salary.th8":"PI 7","salary.th9":"PI 8","salary.th10":"PI 9","salary.th11":"PI 10","salary.th12":"Standard","salary.th13":"Specialist 1","salary.th14":"Specialist 2","salary.th15":"Specialist 3","salary.th16":"Specialist 4","article.Title":"Edit Articles","article.Create":"Create Article","promo.former":"Former Member Re-enrolment","promo.former.meta":"Are you a Former Serving Member Interested in Returning? The defence team recognizes the value of former members and is actively seeking to re-enrol ex-military members who are considering re-joining the team.","promo.former.tag1":"Served then?","promo.former.tag2":"Serve Again","promo.former.intro":"The defence team recognizes the value of former members and is actively seeking to re-enrol ex-military members who are considering re-joining the team.","promo.former.req.title":"You may be eligible for expedited processing if you meet the following criteria","promo.former.req.check":"Checkmark to signify that you meet this requirement.","promo.former.req.req1":"You were released within the last 5 years","promo.former.req.req2":"You released under items 4C (voluntary), 5B (reduction of strength), or 5C (completed service)","promo.former.req.req3":"You were fully trained in your occupation","promo.former.req.req4":"You wish to rejoin your previous occupation","promo.former.req.req5":"You meet the eligibility and suitability requirements","promo.former.req.end":"All other requirements are still in place but we will abbreviate and streamline the process as much as possible.","promo.former.cta":"Start Application","promo.former.unsure.title":"Unsure if you Qualify?","promo.former.unsure.p1":"We welcome you to submit your application even if you are not sure about the requirements.","promo.former.unsure.p2":"Once we receive your application, we will work with you to determine the way ahead. If you have questions at any time throughout the process or you\u2019d like to know which part-time jobs are available in your area, please","promo.former.unsure.disclaimer":"Please note our processing prioritization will be based on occupational requirements.","promo.former.qs":"Still have Questions?","promo.former.pension.title":"Learn how Re-Enrolment affects your pension","promo.former.pension.btn":"Pension Information","promo.former.end":"Re-Enrol Now","user.changePassword.heading":"Change Password","user.changePassword.subHeading":"Change Password for %name%","user.account.edit":"Edit Account","user.account.mydashboard":"My Dashboard","scheduler.expand":"Expand","scheduler.collapse":"Collapse","scheduler.recruiter.profile":"Recruiter Profile","scheduler.Analytics.Title":"Analytics","scheduler.Analytics.StartDate":"Start Date","scheduler.Analytics.EndDate":"End Date","scheduler.Analytics.Detachment.Select":"Select Detachment","scheduler.Analytics.Detachment.All":"All Detachments","scheduler.Analytics.Recruiters":"Recruiters","scheduler.Analytics.Recruiters.Total":"Total Recruiters","scheduler.Analytics.Timeslots":"Timeslots","scheduler.Analytics.TimeslotsEn":"English Timeslots","scheduler.Analytics.TimeslotsFr":"French Timeslots","scheduler.Analytics.Timeslots.Total":"Total Timeslots","scheduler.Analytics.Timeslots.TotalEn":"Total English Timeslots","scheduler.Analytics.Timeslots.TotalFr":"Total French Timeslots","scheduler.Analytics.Timeframe":"Select Timeframe","scheduler.Analytics.Timeframe.Future":"Upcoming (8 Weeks)","scheduler.Analytics.Timeframe.Present":"Current Week","scheduler.Analytics.Timeframe.Fy":"Fiscal Year","scheduler.Analytics.Timeframe.Custom":"Custom","scheduler.Analytics.Bilingual":"Bilingual","scheduler.Analytics.Open":"Open","scheduler.Analytics.Booked":"Booked","scheduler.Analytics.NoCoverage":"No Coverage","admin.login.forgotPassword":"Forgot your password?","admin.passwordReset.request.title":"Request password reset","admin.passwordReset.request.blurb":"If you have forgotten your password please specify your email or username in the text field below. You will recieve an email with instructions on how to change your password.","":"Email or Username","admin.passwordReset.request.submit":"Reset Password","admin.passwordReset.request.back":"Return to login","":"Reset Password","":"To reset your password, please use the link below.","user.activate.success":"Account has been updated successfully!","":"Activate your account","":"An account has been created for you on","":"To login to your account please follow the link below and use the following credentials. After you have logged in, you will be prompted to change your password.","":"Login Credentials","":"Username","":"Password","recruiter.leave.title":"Leave History","recruiter.leave.submit":"Submit Leave","recruiter.leave.submit.warning":"Please note that when your leave is submitted you will be removed from all affected timeslots and all booked appointments will be reassigned. This action is irreversible.","recruiter.leave.delete.title":"Delete Leave","recruiter.leave.delete.confirm":"Are you sure you wish to delete this leave?","recruiter.onLeave":"On Leave","news.prefix":"CAF Spotlight","admin.manageNews":"News Items","news.create":"Create News Item","news.edit":"Edit News Item","news.all":"All News Items","news.backToList":"Back to News Items List","news.labelURL":"URL (page link)","news.delete":"Delete News Item","news.delete.confirm":"Are you sure you want to delete this News Item?","news.hide":"Hide","":"Show","news.custom":"Custom date","news.hide.confirm":"Are you sure you want to hide this News Item?","news.hidden":"Hidden","news.visible":"Visible","":"Link Event","admin.required.note":"Indicates required field","permission.user":"User Management","permission.user.add":"Create","permission.user.edit":"Modify","permission.user.delete":"Delete","":"Read","permission.user.manageLeave":"Manage Leave","permission.event":"Event Management","permission.event.write":"Create\/Edit","":"Read","permission.event.approve":"Approval Authority","permission.event.manage":"System Admin","permission.scheduler":"Scheduler","permission.scheduler.write":"Modify Weekly","permission.scheduler.writeDefault":"Modify Default","":"Read","permission.scheduler.assignable":"Assignable","permission.centre":"Detachment Info","permission.centre.write":"Modify","permission.article":"Help Centre","permission.article.manage":"Manage Articles","permission.auditing":"Auditing","permission.auditing.manage":"Manager","":"News Items","":"Modify","permission.job":"Occupations","permission.job.manage":"Modify","":"Analytics","":"Read","notification.Clear":"Clear All","targets.Field.Title":"Title","targets.Field.TitleFr":"Title (Fr)","notification.Title":"Notifications","notification.None.Title":"No Notifications","notification.None.Body":"You don't have any notifications...","notification.inbox.view":"View Inbox","notification.dismiss.all":"Dismiss All","notification.recieved":"Received at","notification.recieved.on":"on","notification.view":"View","notification.dismiss":"Dismiss","":"Today","notification.last.week":"Last Week","notification.last.month":"Last Month","notification.this.year":"This Year","":"Items per page","appointment.Notification.Cancellation.Subject":"An appointment you were scheduled in has been cancelled.","appointment.Notification.Cancellation.Body":"The appointment listed below has been cancelled.<br><strong>Client:<\/strong> %client%<br> <strong>Date:<\/strong> %date%<br><strong>Time:<\/strong> %time%<br>","appointment.Notification.Verify.Subject":"You have been scheduled for a general inquiry appointment.","appointment.Notification.Verify.Body":"The appointment details are listed below.<br><strong>Client:<\/strong> %client%<br> <strong>Date:<\/strong> %date%<br><strong>Time:<\/strong> %time%<br>","notification.Entity.Appointment":"Appointment","inbox.Title":"Inbox","inbox.Read":"Mark Read","inbox.Read.label":"Read","inbox.Unread":"Mark Unread","inbox.unread.label":"Unread","inbox.deselect":"Deselect","inbox.Delete.Title":"Delete Notifications","inbox.Delete.Body":"Are you sure you wish to delete the selected notifications?","admin.Events.flash.rescheduled":"Event has been successfully rescheduled. The approval status is %approvalStatus%.","admin.Events.flash.AARCompleted":"Event AAR has been completed. The approval status is %approvalStatus%.","admin.Events.cancel":"Cancel Event","admin.Events.cancel.message":"Please explain why this event is being cancelled.","form.event.title.admin":"Administrative Details","form.event.title.advertising":"Advertising Details","form.event.estimatedCost":"Estimated Cost Information","form.event.actualCost":"Actual Cost Information","form.event.recommendedReason.poorAttendance":"Poor Attendance","form.event.recommendedReason.poorVenue":"Poor Venue","form.event.recommendedReason.poorRoi":"Poor ROI due to cost","form.event.recommendedReason.wrongAudience":"Wrong audience","form.event.recommendedReason.noSuitableEquipment":"No suitable equipment available","form.event.rating.veryPoor":"Very Poor","form.event.rating.poor":"Poor","form.event.rating.fair":"Fair","form.event.rating.good":"Good","form.event.rating.veryGood":"Very Good","form.event.timeError":"The end time must be later than the start time","form.event.objectiveError":"The same objective cannot be used more than once","form.event.imageError":"Please select an image.","form.event.joinInstructionsError":"Please don't include links","form.event.eventPhoto":"Event Photo","":"Remove Photo","":"Upload event image","":"Upload new image","":"Update event Image","":"Image Category","":"Are you sure you wish to delete this image?","form.requiredField":"This field is required","audit.field.event.photoFileName":"Event Photo","audit.field.event.rating":"Rating","audit.field.event.attendance":"Attendance","audit.field.event.recommended":"Recommended","audit.field.event.recommendedReason":"Recommended Reason","audit.field.event.estimatedEventFee":"Estimated Event Fee","audit.field.event.estimatedTrasportationFee":"Estimated Transportation Fee","audit.field.event.estimatedAccommodationsFee":"Estimated Accommodations Fee","audit.field.event.estimatedMealsFee":"Estimated Meals Fee","audit.field.event.estimatedIncidentalsFee":"Estimated Incidentals Fee","audit.field.event.estimatedMiscFee":"Estimated Misc Fee","audit.field.event.actualEventFee":"Actual Event Fee","audit.field.event.actualTrasportationFee":"Actual Transportation Fee","audit.field.event.actualAccommodationsFee":"Actual Accommodations Fee","audit.field.event.actualMealsFee":"Actual Meals Fee","audit.field.event.actualIncidentalsFee":"Actual Incidentals Fee","audit.field.event.actualMiscFee":"Actual Misc Fee","event.Request.New":"New Event Request","event.Request.Body":"A new event has been requested by %user% for the detachment %detachment%.","event.Request.UrlPreamble":"Please take a moment to review the event using the URL below.","event.Update.Status":"The status of the event \"%event%\" has been updated to %status%.","event.Update.UrlPreamble":"To view the event, please use the link below.","objectives.Title.Update":"Update Campaign","objectives.Title.Delete":"Delete Objective","objectives.Title.Back":"Back to Campaigns","objectives.Confirm.Delete":"Are you sure you wish to disable this campaign? The campaign will be removed from the system, but will still be available for reporting.","objectives.Confirm.Enable":"Are you sure you wish to enable this campaign?","event.registrationConfirmation.subject":"You\u2019ve registered for an event! | Vous vous \u00eates inscrit \u00e0 une activit\u00e9!","event.registrationConfirmation.body":"We\u2019re just letting you know that you\u2019ve successfully registered for an event on!","event.registrationConfirmation.body2":"Here are the details:","":"We look forward to seeing you there!","":"We hope to see you there!","event.Reminder.Day.Subject":"Upcoming Event","event.Reminder.Day.Body":"This is just a friendly reminder that the event %eventName% will be taking place tomorrow. The details of the event are listed below:","event.Reminder.Day.Location":"Event Location","event.Reminder.Hour.Subject":"An event is about to start","event.Reminder.Hour.Body":"This is just a friendly reminder that the event %eventName% is about to start on %platform%. The instructions to join are listed below:","event.Reminder.Hour.Body.NoPlat":"This is just a friendly reminder that the event %eventName% is about to start. The instructions to join are listed below:","event.Cancelled.Subject":"Event Cancelled","event.Cancelled.Body":"The event listed below has been cancelled. We apologize for the inconvenience.","form.eventCost.actual.Title":"Actual Event Cost","form.eventCost.actualTotal":"Actual Event Cost ($)","event.Rescheduled.Subject":"Event Rescheduled","event.Rescheduled.Body":"The event below has been rescheduled. See the details below for the updated date and time.","event.Virtual":"Virtual","event.Virtual.Subject":"Virtual Event Reminder","event.Virtual.Body":"The virtual event listed below is happening soon and currently has an incomplete event URL, please provide one as soon as possible.","event.ImageRepository":"Image Repository","audit.field.event.dates":"Dates","form.event.dates":"Dates","form.event.dates.add":"Add Date","form.event.dates.delete":"Remove Date","form.eventRegistration.dates.title":"Which day(s) will you attend?","notification.Entity.Event":"Event","event.Notification.Reminder.Day.Subject":"The event %eventName% will be taking place tomorrow","event.Notification.Reminder.Hour.Subject":"The event %eventName% is about to start.","event.Notification.Details.Virtual":"<strong>Event Name:<\/strong> %eventName%<br><strong>Event Description:<\/strong> %eventDescription%<br><strong>Detachment:<\/strong> %detachment%<br><strong>Date:<\/strong> %eventDate%<br><strong>Join Instructions:<\/strong> %joinInstructions%<br><strong>Platform:<\/strong> %platform%<br><strong>URL:<\/strong> %url%<br><br>","event.Notification.Details.InPerson":"<strong>Event Name:<\/strong> %eventName%<br><strong>Event Description:<\/strong> %eventDescription%<br><strong>Detachment:<\/strong> %detachment%<br><strong>Date:<\/strong> %eventDate%<br><strong>Address:<\/strong> %address%<br>","event.Notification.Request.Subject":"A new event has been requested","event.Notification.Request.Body":"The event listed below has been submitted by %user% and is awaiting approval.<br><strong>Event Name:<\/strong> %eventName%<br><strong>Detachment:<\/strong> %detachment%<br><strong>Date:<\/strong> %eventDate%<br>","event.Notification.Rescheduled.Subject":"The event %eventName% has been rescheduled.","event.Notification.Rescheduled.Body":"The event %eventName% has been rescheduled for %date%","event.Notification.Virtual.Subject":"An event requires your attention","event.Notification.Virtual.Body":"The event %eventName% is happening soon and currently has an incomplete event URL, please provide one as soon as possible.","event.variousHours":"Various Hours","targets.Title":"Targets","targets.Title.Create":"Create Target","targets.Title.Update":"Update Target","form.event.Target":"Secondary Target","form.event.Attachments":"Attachments","event.Attachments.Title":"Attachments","event.Attachments.Add":"Attach File","event.Attachments.Delete.Confirm":"Are you sure you wish to delete this attachment?","event.showLess":"Minimize","event.calendarView":"Calendar View","event.Cancel.Confirm":"Are you sure you wish to Cancel approval for this event? If you do, it will be","event.Cancel.Confirm2":"permanently archived.","event.Notification.ReSubmit.Body":"The event details are listed below.<br><strong>Event Name:<\/strong> %eventName%<br><strong>Detachment:<\/strong> %detachment%<br><strong>Date:<\/strong> %eventDate%<br>","event.InfoConsent":"I consent to the information provided being used for the purposes of sending me confirmation, reminder, and update messages by email and\/or SMS regarding this event based on my notification preference identified above.","audit.field.weeklytimeslot.recruiters":"Recruiters","audit.field.weeklytimeslot.appointments":"Appointments","audit.field.generalappointment.recruiter":"Recruiter","noc.Field.Title":"Title","noc.Title":"National Occupations","noc.Create":"Create NOC","noc.Update":"Update NOC","noc.Delete":"Delete NOC","noc.En.Title":"English National Occupations","noc.En.Add":"Add English NOC","noc.Fr.Title":"French National Occupations","noc.Fr.Add":"Add French NOC","noc.Manage.Title":"Manage National Occupations","form.general.loading":"Loading...","admin.Delete.Unit":"Delete Unit","admin.Units.Confirm.Message":"Are you sure you wish to delete this unit?","admin.Units.Confirm.User.Warning":"Deleting this unit will delete the following recruiters:","admin.Units.Confirm.Event.Warning":"Deleting this unit will delete the following Events:","admin.AuditTrail.all":"Auditing Dashboard","admin.audit.activity":"Recruiter Activity","admin.audit.filter":"Filter","admin.audit.refresh":"Refresh","admin.audit.ipAddress":"IP Address","":"Search","admin.audit.filters.account":"Account","admin.audit.filters.detachment":"Detachment","admin.audit.filters.dateFrom":"Date (From)","admin.audit.filters.dateTo":"Date (To)","":"Date, New - Old","":"Date, Old - New","admin.audit.filters.type":"Content Type","admin.audit.filters.sort":"Sort By","admin.audit.flagged.yes":"Remove flag?","":"Flag as suspicious?","":"Please select one of the following options:","admin.audit.details.user":"Account Details","admin.audit.details.audit":"Audit Details","admin.audit.details.change":"Change Details","audit.field.englishtag.title":"Title","audit.field.frenchtag.title":"Title","head.chatbot":"Chat with Recruiting Virtual Assistant","admin":{"jobs":{"delete":{"title":"Delete Occupation","confirm":"Are you sure you want to delete this occupation?"},"hide":{"title":"Hide Occupation","confirm":"Are you sure you want to hide this occupation? It will no longer be visible on the public facing website."},"unhide":{"title":"Show Occupation","confirm":"Are you sure you want to show this occupation? It will now be visible on the public facing website."}}},"admin.user.noExist":"User doesn't exist","admin.users.deactivate.preamble":"Select all of the users to deactivate.","admin.users.deactivate.success":"User(s) have been deactivated successfully.","error.insuffientPermissions":"Insufficient Permissions","":"Search by name:","audit.field.detachment.suiteEn":"Address Line 2","audit.field.detachment.suiteFr":"Address Line 2 (FR)","audit.field.unit.suiteEn":"Address Line 2","audit.field.unit.suiteFr":"Address Line 2 (FR)","audit.field.event.suite":"Address Line 2","audit.field.event.suiteFr":"Address Line 2 (FR)","month.January":"January","month.February":"February","month.March":"March","month.April":"April","month.May":"May","month.June":"June","month.July":"July","month.August":"August","month.September":"September","month.October":"October","month.November":"November","month.December":"December","event.Attachments.MaxSize":"Files can't exceed a maximum file size of %maxSize%MB.","event.Attachments.InvalidFileType":"Files containing the extension .%attachmentFilename% are not permitted. Only Microsoft Word, Excel and PDF documents are acceptable to be uploaded.","event.approvalBlurb":"I confirm that I have received and reviewed all of the financial documentation required to hold this event.","event.Notification.ReSubmit.Subject":"The event \"%eventName%\" has been resubmitted and is awaiting approval","event.Notification.ReSubmit.Subject.Feedback":"The event \"%eventName%\" has been resubmitted based on the feedback provided","form.event.title.aar.blurb":"This section is to be completed after the event has passed.","":"Link Event","news.event.remove":"Remove Event","news.event.remove.blurb":"Are you sure you want to remove this event as a news item?","email.dear":"Dear %user%","form.addressError":"The specified address is invalid. Please verify that you input the address exactly as it appears and ensure that the unit, suite or floor information is included in the second address field. Please also verify that the Province, City and Postal Code are corrent.","scheduler.user.details.edit":"Editing User Details For","scheduler.user.details.title":"User Details","scheduler.user.details.btn":"Edit User Details","scheduler.recruiter.details.title":"Recruiter Details","appointment.Reassigned.Body":"You have been assigned to an appointment that was rescheduled by %oldRecruiter%. The appointment details are listed below.","user.form.deactivate.message.warning":"Deactivating this user will remove them from all timeslots and reassign all of their appointments.","user.form.delete.message.warning":"Deleting this user will remove them from all timeslots and reassign all of their appointments.","appointment.Reminder.Subject":"Reminder of upcoming appointment","appointment.Reminder.body1":"This is just a friendly reminder of your CAF general inquiry appointment with %recruiter% at %time% on %date%.","":"This is just a friendly reminder of your CAF general inquiry appointment with %recruiter% at %time% today.","appointment.Reminder.body2":"If you are unable to make this appointment time, please use the following link to cancel, and you can reschedule at your convenience:","appointment.Reminder.body3":"A reminder that we are unable to discuss the details of your active CAF application during this appointment. For application status updates, please contact your recruiting centre directly.","appointment.Missed.Subject":"Appointment Missed","appointment.Missed.Body":"Recruiter %recruiter% has indicated that you missed the appointment listed below.","":"Find an Appointment","admin.Roles.national":"National Access","user.pendingVerification":"Pending Verification","user.restore.title":"Restore Deleted User","user.restore.body":"Are you sure you want to restore this deleted user?","centre.det.type":"Canadian Forces Recruiting Centre","centre.unit.air":"Air Force Reserve Unit","":"Naval Reserve Unit","":"Army Reserve Unit","":"Health Services","centre.isPoBox":"Does this centre only have a PO Box?","admin.ManageChangeLogs":"Change Logs","changeLog.all":"All Change Logs","changeLog.backToList":"Return to Change Log List","changeLog.create":"Create Change Log","changeLog.edit":"Edit Change Log","changeLog.delete":"Delete Change Log","changeLog.delete.confirm":"Are you sure you want to delete this change log?","changeLog.savePublish":"Save and Publish","changeLog.saveDraft":"Save as Draft","changeLog.publish":"Publish","changeLog.publish.confirm":"Are you sure you wish to publish this change log? Once published this change log will be available for all CMS users to view. Do you wish to continue?","changeLog.rePublish":"Republish","changeLog.rePublish.confirm":"Are you sure you wish to republish this change log? Once republished this change log will be readvertised to all CMS users. Do you wish to continue?","changeLog.inProgress":"In Progress","changeLog.published":"Published","changeLog.latest":"Latest Changes","changeLog.newChanges":"Welcome back! There have been some changes since you were last here:","changeLog.previous":"All Previous Changes","permission.changelog":"Change Log","permission.changelog.manage":"Manage Change Logs","form.event.Image.MaxSize":"Files can't exceed a maximum file size of 2MB.","appointment.notifySms":"I would you like to receive a text message reminder 1 hour prior to my appointment","appointment.stepSixSmsNotify":"You will also receive a text message reminder 1 hour prior to your appointment.","user.2fa.intro.title":"New Secure Login Feature","user.2fa.intro.blurb1":"As part of our on-going efforts to improve the security of this sytem, a Two Factor Authentication step has been implemented. You will recieve a 6-digit security code to the email address associated with your account that will be required on login. This step will be required once every 30 days, or if you login from a new device.","user.2fa.intro.blurb2":"Below is your Account Recovery Code that can be used once to login as an alternative to the email security code. After the code has been used once, a new one will be issued. You can also generate a new code from your user settings, which will invalidate your previous code. <em>Save and keep this code in a secure place<\/em>.","user.2fa.intro.label":"Your Account Recovery Code","user.2fa.intro.copy":"Copy to Clipboard","":"Authenticate your CMS account","":"Please find below your six digit passcode. Enter this into the Two Factor Authentication page on the CMS.","user.2fa.print":"Print","user.2fa":"Use Email Code","user.2fa.title":"Two Factor Authentication","user.2fa.blurb":"A login code has been sent to your email. Please enter the code below.","user.2fa.label":"Enter your 6 digit email code","user.2fa.submit":"Login","user.2fa.recoveryCode":"Use Account Recovery Code","user.2fa.recoveryCode.title":"Account Recovery","user.2fa.recoveryCode.label":"Enter your Account Recovery Code","user.2fa.recoveryCode.label2":"Your New Account Recovery Code","user.2fa.recoveryCode.blurb2":"Keep this code in a safe place.","user.2fa.recoveryCode.continue":"Continue","user.loginSecurity":"Login & Security","user.loginSecurity.Preamble":"Account recovery tokens can be used to authenticate your account in the event you are unable to do so by email.","user.loginSecurity.token":"Account Recovery Token","user.loginSecurity.copyToken":"Copy Token","user.loginSecurity.regenerateToken":"Regenerate Token","user.loginSecurity.locked.title":"Account Locked.","user.loginSecurity.locked.preamble":"account is locked due to repeated unsuccessful login attempts.","user.loginSecurity.unlock.title":"Unlock","user.loginSecurity.resetMessage":"Please check your email for instructions on resetting your password.","user.loginSecurity.password":"Please enter your password","user.login.error.locked":"Account Locked. You may try again in %timeRemaining% minutes.","user.login.error.retries":"Invalid credentials. Your account will be locked after %numOfAttempts% more unsuccessful login attempts.","user.login.error.archived":"Account has been removed","admin.passwordReset.submit":"If a user has forgotten their password, you can click the button below to send them an email with instructions on how to reset their password.","event.CreatePast.New":"An event that has already occurred has been added","event.CreatePast.Body":"The event listed below has already occurred, it was created by %user% for the detachment %detachment% and is awaiting the completion of the after action report.","event.CreatePast.UrlPreamble":"To complete the AAR, please use the link below:","event.Notification.CreatePast.Subject":"An event that has already occurred has been added","event.Notification.CreatePast.Body":"The event listed below has already occurred, it was created by %user% for the detachment %detachment% and is awaiting the completion of the after action report.<br><strong>Event Name:<\/strong> %eventName%<br><strong>Detachment:<\/strong> %detachment%<br><strong>Date:<\/strong> %eventDate%<br>","infoConsent.Acknowledge":"Please acknowledge that you have read the statement above","audit.field.generalappointment.isNoShow":"Appointment Missed","noc.Field.Title.Empty":"Title can't be empty","noc.Field.Title.Exists":"A NOC with this title already exists","noc.Delete.Confirm":"Are you sure you want to delete this National Occupation?","noc.BackLink":"Return to Edit Occupations","getintouch.header":"Get in Touch","":"Please select one of the following options:","contactus.label.errorCode":"Error Code","contactus.nonApplicant.eligibility":"I have a question about my eligibility","contactus.nonApplicant.application":"I have a question about the application process","contactus.nonApplicant.medical":"I have a question about my medical eligibility","contactus.nonApplicant.medical.blurb":"To protect your privacy, our Customer Service Team cannot discuss or offer advice about concerns or questions related to your specific medical situation. Please refer to the articles below, or contact your local Recruiting Centre for questions about medical eligibility.","":"I have a question about the education requirements","contactus.nonApplicant.websiteInfo":"I noticed incorrect information on the website","contactus.nonApplicant.websiteError":"Something isn't working on the website","contactus.nonApplicant.complaint":"I want to file a complaint","contactus.nonApplicant.question":"I have a question that's not on this list","contactus.applyOutside":"Are you applying from outside Canada?","contactus.applicantIssue":"Are you having an issue completing your application?","contactus.applicant.status":"I want a status update","contactus.applicant.question":"I have a question about my application","contactus.applicant.change":"I want to make a change to my application","contactus.applicant.cancel":"I want to cancel my application","contactus.applicant.changeAppt":"I want to change\/cancel an appointment","contactus.applicant.complaint":"I want to file a complaint","contactus.applicant.error":"I have encountered an error","contactus.label.centre":"Your Recruiting Centre","contactus.complaint.label":"Please describe your complaint:","contactus.complaint.det":"I can't get a hold of my detachment","contactus.complaint.process":"It's taking too long for my application to be processed","contactus.complaint.error":"Something is wrong with the website or I have encountered an error","contactus.complaint.medical":"I want to appeal a medical decision","contactus.complaint.medical.blurb":"Please note that our Customer Service Team is unable to assist with the medical appeal process. If you received a medical decision letter from the Recruiting Medical Office (RMO) please follow the instructions provided to initiate the appeal process.","contactus.complaint.other":"Other","contactus.complaint.warningCanada":"Please note that we do not have the ability to correct or fix issues related to web pages under the domain name.","contactus.submission.error.url":"Please enter a valid URL","contactus.label.isForeignMilitary.blurb":"Unfortunately you likely do not meet the basic eligibility requirements to join the CAF. Please refer to the articles below.","contactus.complaint":"Complaint","contactus.appIssue":"Applicant Issue","contactus.eligibility":"Eligibility","":"Mailbox","":"Foreign Service","":"Customer Service Inquiry Type","":"Complaint","":"Applicant Issue","":"Last 12 months","":"Last 12 weeks","sitenotice.title":"Site Notices","sitenotice.all":"All Site Notices","":"Apply Now","":"Help Centre","":"Find a Recruiting Centre","":"Contact us","":"Information (Blue)","":"Warning (Yellow)","":"Critical (Red)","sitenotice.create":"Create Notice","sitenotice.update":"Update Notice","sitenotice.update.back":"Back to Notice list","sitenotice.blurb":"Blurb","sitenotice.displayon":"Display on","sitenotice.type":"Notice Type","sitenotice.status":"Status","":"Active","sitenotice.status.inactive":"Inactive","sitenotice.descriptor":"Descriptor","event.error":"Please correct the errors above before resubmitting.","event.error.submittingUser":"The user who submitted the event cannot be removed","news.visibility":"Visibility","knowBase.article.deactivate":"Deactivate Article","knowBase.article.deactivate.confirm":"Are you sure you want to deactivate this article? 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