Analyze - Pulsedive
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"You can scan one indicator at a time." : "You have " + remaining + " scan" + (remaining > 1 || remaining <= 0 ? 's' : '') + " left today.", { icon:'info-circle', class:remaining <= 0 ? 'error' : '' })); } if ( > 0 && remaining_month !== undefined && remaining_month < 5000) { note.add(UI.p("You have " + remaining_month + " scan" + (remaining_month > 1 || remaining_month <= 0 ? 's' : '') + " left this month.", { icon:'info-circle', class:remaining_month <= 0 ? 'error' : '' })); } if (note.children.length > 0) {; } // monthly notices if ( > 0 && remaining_month !== undefined) { // limit reached if (remaining_month <= 0) {"Your monthly indicator scan limit has been reached. Upgrade to increase your limits.", { type:'error', button:UI.button('View Limits', '/about/api', { newTab:true, class:'calltoaction' }) }); // not many remaining } else if (remaining_month <= 50) {"You have " + remaining_month + " indicator scan" + (remaining_month > 1 || remaining_month <= 0 ? 's' : '') + " left this month. Upgrade to increase your limits.", { type:'warning', button:UI.button('View Limits', '/about/api', { newTab:true, class:'calltoaction' }) }); } } // limit reached if (remaining <= 0) {"Your daily indicator scan limit has been reached. Upgrade to increase your limits.", { type:'error', button:UI.button('View Limits', '/about/api', { newTab:true, class:'calltoaction' }) }); // not a registered user } else if ( <= 0) {"Non-registered users can scan one indicator at a time. Create an account to increase your limits.", { type:'warning', button:UI.button('Sign Up', function() {'register'); }, { newTab:true, class:'calltoaction' }) }); // not many remaining } else if (remaining <= 25) {"You have " + remaining + " indicator scan" + (remaining > 1 || remaining <= 0 ? 's' : '') + " left today. Upgrade to increase your limits.", { type:'warning', button:UI.button('View Limits', '/about/api', { newTab:true, class:'calltoaction' }) }); } // adjust queue card height adjust(); }); } function adjust() { // keep queue height the same as input card try { // get top of queue element var top = queueElement.getBoundingClientRect().top; // calculate offset from top of queue card var offset = top -; // calculate max height var height = (parseInt(window.getComputedStyle( - offset - 30) + 'px'; // set max height of queue element if ( != height) { = height; } } catch (err) { } } function pageChange() { // analysis in progress if ((results && > 0) || (action && action.counts && > 0)) { // going back to main input section if ( != 'results') { // hide preview pane if ( {; } // back button var button = UI.button('Return to results', function(done) { window.scrollTo(0, 0);'results'); }, { class:'calltoaction' }); // analysis in progress var notice; if ( > 0 && action.counts.completed < {"Analysis in progress.", { type:'warning', button:button, clear:true }); } else {"Analysis complete.", { type:'success', button:button, clear:true }); } // update API status getStatus(); } // not initialized } else { // trying to access previous results if ( == 'results') {'main', true);"Previous results expired.", { type:'error' }); } // load input section'main', true); } } function excluded(input) { // iterate through list of exclusions var exclusions =; for (var i = 0, len = exclusions.length; i < len; i++) { // input matches exclusion if (input.toLowerCase().indexOf(exclusions[i].toLowerCase()) >= 0) { return true; } } return false; } function normalize(text) { // remove trailing periods and ellipses text = text.replace(/\.+$/, ''); text = text.replace(/\u2026/, ''); // too short if (text.length <= 2) { return; } // too long if (text.length > 1000) { return; } // get inclusions var includes = || []; if (includes.length <= 0) { return; } // possible IP, domain, URL, email if (text.indexOf('.') >= 0 && text.lastIndexOf('.') < text.length - 1) { // filter timestamps if (/^\d\d\d\d\-\d\d\-\d\dt\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\.000z$/i.test(text)) { return; } // refang before validating text = refang(text); // unescape backslashes text = text.replace(/\\\//g, '/'); // URL if (/.+:\/\/.+\..+/.test(text)) { // clean up start of URL text = text.replace(/^[^a-z0-9\-]+/i, ''); // add trailing slash for pathless domains if (/.+:\/\/[^\/]+$/.test(text)) { text += '/'; } // parse URLs if (includes.indexOf('url') >= 0) { return text; } return; } // email if (/^[^@]+@.+\..+$/.test(text)) { // don't parse email domains if (( || []).indexOf('email') >= 0) { return normalize((text.split('@', 2))[1]); } return; } // IP:port if (/^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\:\d{1,5}$/.test(text)) { text = text.split(':')[0]; } // IP if (/^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$/.test(text)) { // parse IPs if (includes.indexOf('ipv4') >= 0) { return text; } return; } // don't parse domains if (includes.indexOf('domain') < 0) { return; } // remove wildcards or periods from the start of the string text = text.replace(/^\*/, ''); text = text.replace(/^\./, ''); // convert to lowercase text = text.toLowerCase(); // domain if (text.indexOf('.') > 0 && text.lastIndexOf('.') < text.length - 2) { // invalid characters if (!/^[a-z0-9\-.:\u00df-\u2b81d]+$/.test(text)) { return; } // numbers in non-punycode TLD const tld = text.split('.').pop(); if (/[0-9]+/.test(tld) && !/^xn\-\-/i.test(tld)) { return; } // colon if (text.indexOf(':') > 0) { var parts = text.split(':'); // too many colons if (parts.length > 2) { return; } // second part is not a port if (!/^\d{1,5}$/.test(parts[1])) { return; } return parts[0]; } return text; } return; } // possible IPv6 if (text.indexOf(':') >= 0 && text.lastIndexOf(':') < text.length) { // string does not contain minimum number of octets if (text.split(':').length < 8) { // no abbreviation if (!/::/.test(text)) { return; } } // convert to lowercase text = text.toLowerCase(); // IPv6 if (text.match(/:/g).length > 1 && /^[a-f0-9:]+$/.test(text.toLowerCase())) { if (includes.indexOf('ipv6') >= 0) { return text; } return; } return; } // Enterprise users only if ( > 0) { // possible hash if ([32, 40, 64].indexOf(text.length) >= 0) { // md5 if (/^[0-9a-f]{32}$/i.test(text)) { if (includes.indexOf('md5') >= 0) { return text; } return; } // sha1 if (/^[0-9a-f]{40}$/i.test(text)) { if (includes.indexOf('sha1') >= 0) { return text; } return; } // sha256 if (/^[0-9a-f]{64}$/i.test(text)) { if (includes.indexOf('sha256') >= 0) { return text; } return; } } } } function parse(text) { // add terminating character text += "\n"; // indicator buffer var buffer = ''; // iterate through each character for (var i = 0, len = text.length; i < len; i++) { // hit max indicators if (count > 1000000) { break; } // determine action based on character switch (text[i]) { // separator characters case '\n': case '\r': case '\t': case ' ': case ',': case '<': case '>': case '"': case "'": case '?': // no value present if (buffer.length <= 0) { break; } // validate and expand CIDR var ips = Indicator.expandCidr(buffer); if (ips) { // include CIDR expansion if parsing IPs if (( || []).indexOf('ipv4') >= 0 && ( || []).indexOf('cidr') >= 0) { // keep raw CIDR cidr.push(buffer); // add IPs to queue for (var j = 0, ipc = ips.length; j < ipc; j++) { // does not match exclusion if (!excluded(ips[j])) { // add indicator to queue if (unique[ips[j]] === undefined) { unique[ips[j]] = count++; } } } } } else { // normalize and validate indicator var ioc = normalize(buffer); // valid indicator does not match exclusions if (ioc && !excluded(ioc)) { // add indicator to queue if (unique[ioc] === undefined) { unique[ioc] = count++; } } } // reset buffer buffer = ''; break; // add character to buffer default: buffer += text[i]; } } } function download() { // no indicators to download if (queue.length <= 0) { // flash queue element = "flash 0.4s linear 3"; return; } // create blob with queue data var blob = new Blob([queue.join("\n")], { type:'text/plain' }); // create object URL var url = URL.createObjectURL(blob); // create link element var a = document.createElement('a'); a.href = url; = 'pulsedive_parsediocs.csv'; // download; // revoke URL URL.revokeObjectURL(url); } function update(done) { // clear result'', ''); // adjust queue height adjust(); // clear queue and caches queue = []; unique = {}; count = 0; cidr = []; // clear download button{ header:{ title:'Queue', icon:'list-alt', aside:UI.div('loader') } }); // update status = 'none'; queueElement.textContent = ''; queueElement.appendChild(UI.element('span', "Parsing input", { class:'loader', style:{ whiteSpace:'normal' } })); // parse data on separate thread setTimeout(function() { // parse text parse(; // get file objects from tags var files = { return tag.file }); // no files to read if (files.length <= 0) { // preview indicators preview(); } // track files read var filesRead = 0; // parse files for (var i = 0, len = files.length; i < len; i++) { // initialize file reader var reader = new FileReader(); // reader finished reading file reader.onload = function(event) { // parse indicators parse(; // increment read counter filesRead++; // all files read if (filesRead >= files.length) { // preview indicators preview(); } }; // start reading file try { reader.readAsText(files[i]); } catch(err) { } } if (done) { done(); } }, 1); } function preview() { // insert unique indicators into queue and preserve order for (var ioc in unique) { queue[unique[ioc]] = ioc; // preserve memory delete unique[ioc]; } // re-add download button{ header:{ title:'Queue', icon:'list-alt', aside:UI.a('Download', function(done) { download(); done(); }, { icon:'download', alt:"Download list of parsed indicators." }) } }); // clear preview queueElement.textContent = ''; // no indicators parsed if (queue.length <= 0) { queueElement.textContent += "No indicators parsed."; queueElement.appendChild(UI.element('span', " (" +', ') + ")", { class:'note' })); // active exclusions var exclusions = ( || []).length; if (exclusions > 0) { queueElement.appendChild(UI.element('div', exclusions + " parsing exclusions.", { class:'note', style:{ marginTop:'2em' } })); } // add indicators to queue preview } else { // queue is too big to show all if (queue.length > 1000) { queueElement.textContent += "Showing 1000 indicators out of " + queue.length + "."; // hit max if (queue.length >= 1000000) { queueElement.textContent += " (max: 1M)"; } queueElement.textContent += "\n\n"; } else { queueElement.textContent += "Parsed " + queue.length + " indicators.\n\n"; } // CIDRs were expanded if (cidr.length > 0) { queueElement.textContent += "The following CIDR strings were expanded into IPs:\n"; // preview expanded strings for (var i = 0, len = cidr.length; i < len; i++) { // limit preview if (i >= 4 && cidr.length > i + 1) { queueElement.textContent += "and " + (cidr.length - i) + " more.\n\n"; break; } // list CIDR string queueElement.textContent += cidr[i] + "\n"; } queueElement.textContent += "\n"; } // preview indicators for (var i = 0, len = queue.length; i < len; i++) { // don't display entire queue if (i > 1000) { break; } // list indicator queueElement.textContent += queue[i] + "\n"; } } // adjust queue height adjust(); } function clear(done) { // reset includes'all', true); // clear input text = ''; // clear files; // clear indicator queue update(); // callback done(); } function analyze(done, submit, input) { // no values parsed if (queue.length <= 0) {"No indicators.parsed.", 'error'); if (done) { done(); } return; } // cut queue to limit if ( <= 0 && < 2) { queue.splice( ? remaining : 1); } // hide results header, actions, and sort menu = 1; = 1; = 1; // initial status'loader').add('Processing'), ''); // clear results results.clear(); // reset action data action.reset(); // get status labels var status = {'[name=progress]'),'[name=errors]') }; // add progress bar var progress = UI.progress(0, 1, "Initializing..."); status.progress.textContent = ''; status.progress.appendChild(progress); // update totals{ header:{ title:'Indicators', icon:'indicator', aside:new Taglist({ toggle:true, radio:true }, [ { name:'all', selected:true, display:'All', alt:"Show all results.", callback:function() { // show all results; } }, { name:'success', display:'Successful', alt:"Show successful results only.", callback:function() { // show successful results only { return row._raw.error ? false : true; }); } }, { name:'errors', display:'Errors', class:'error', alt:"Show errors only.", callback:function() { // show successful results only { return row._raw.error ? true : false; }); } } ]).taglist } }); // show pause button pause.disabled = false; resume.disabled = true; // whether analysis has started var started = false; // scan or submit data and get results var form =; action.update(submit ? { value:queue, type:'auto', stamp_seen:1, activate:1, risk:form.risk ? form.risk.selection() : 'recommended', comment:form.comment && form.comment.value.trim().length > 0 ? form.comment.value.trim() : null, threat:form.threats ? form.threats.selection() : [], probe:function() { switch (form.scan ? form.scan.selection() : 'active') { case 'passive': return 0; case 'active': return 1; case 'never': return 'never'; } }(), attributes:Object.keys(form).reduce(function(form, attributes, input) { // valid attribute input if (/^attribute_/.test(input)) { // add attribute tags try { attributes[input.replace(/^attribute_/, '')] = form[input].selection(); } catch (err) { } } return attributes; }.bind(this, form), {}) } : { value:queue, type:'auto' }).process('indicator', submit ? 'submit' : 'analyze', function(err) { // show error, 'error'); // complete if (done) { done(); } }, function() { // analysis has started if (started == false) { started = true; // switch to results window.scrollTo(0, 0);'results'); // clear input page result''); // complete if (done) { done(); } // add notice if submitting if (submit) {"Submissions in progress. You can leave this page if you wish."); } } }, function(completed, total, errors) { // update progress progress.update(completed, total, completed + '/' + total); // update errors status.errors.textContent = errors; if (errors > 0) { status.errors.classList.add('error'); } else { status.errors.classList.remove('error'); } }, function() { // show results printResults(); // update status status.progress.textContent = submit ? "Submission complete." : "Analysis complete."; // hide pause and resume buttons pause.disabled = true; resume.disabled = true; // reparse input and finish update(done); }); } function submit(done) { // reset action data action.reset(); // get status label var status ='[name=progress]'); // add progress bar var progress = UI.progress(0, 1, "Submitting"); status.textContent = ''; status.appendChild(progress); // add values to submit var values = []; for (var i = 0, len =; i < len; i++) { // skip errors if ([i]._raw.error) { continue; } values.push([i].indicator); } // submit data var form =; action.update({ value:values, type:'auto', stamp_seen:1, activate:1, risk:form.risk ? form.risk.selection() : 'recommended', comment:form.comment && form.comment.value.trim().length > 0 ? form.comment.value.trim() : null, threat:form.threats ? form.threats.selection() : [], probe:function() { switch (form.scan ? form.scan.selection() : 'active') { case 'passive': return 0; case 'active': return 1; case 'never': return 'never'; } }(), attributes:Object.keys(form).reduce(function(form, attributes, input) { // valid attribute input if (/^attribute_/.test(input)) { // add attribute tags try { attributes[input.replace(/^attribute_/, '')] = form[input].selection(); } catch (err) { } } return attributes; }.bind(this, form), {}) }).process('indicator', 'submit', function(err) { // show error, 'error'); // hide progress bars and update status status.textContent = err.message; done(); }, function() { // hide submit form Card.hideOverlay(); // successfully uploaded submissions done(); // no need to stay"Submissions in progress. You can leave this page if you wish."); }, function(completed, total, errors) { // update progress progress.update(completed, total, "Submitting: " + completed + '/' + total); }, function() { // update status status.textContent = "Submission complete."; // print latest data printResults(); done(); }); } function printResults() { // clear data results.clear(); // show results header, actions, and sort menu = 0; = 0; = 0; // add requests to results table for (var qid in action.requests) { // skip pending requests if (action.requests[qid].constructor !== Object) { continue; } // create and add indicator object results.add(new Indicator(action.requests[qid])); } // remove error filters results.filter = null; // print results results.print(); } function formatRow(row, indicator) { // qid row.dataset.qid = indicator.qid; // clear row row.textContent = ''; // completed but error if (indicator._raw.error) { // error icon row.appendChild(UI.div().add(UI.icon('exclamation-circle', { class:'error' }))); // request value and error message row.appendChild(UI.div('grow').add(UI.heading(indicator.indicator)).add(UI.div('error').add(indicator._raw.error))); return row; } // set URL row.href = indicator.url(); // risk row.appendChild(UI.div().add(UI.icon('risk-' + indicator.risk.score))); // retired if (indicator.stamp.retired) { row.classList.add('retired'); } // subtext var subtext = UI.div(); // PTR record var ptr ='dns', 'ptr'); if (ptr.constructor === Array) { ptr = ptr[0]; } if (ptr && ptr.trim().indexOf(';;') < 0) { subtext.add(UI.p('dns', 'ptr'), { icon:'location-arrow', class:'note' })); } // location var cc = indicator.countrycode(); if (cc) { subtext.add(UI.p([UI.flag(cc), indicator.location()], { class:'note' })); } // indicator name row.appendChild(UI.div('grow').add(UI.heading(indicator.display())).add(subtext)); // last scan if (indicator.stamp.added) { row.appendChild(UI.div('right').add(UI.p(UI.stamp(indicator.stamp.probed), { icon:'barcode', alt:"Last active scan" }))); // not in database } else { row.appendChild(UI.div('right').add(UI.p("Not in database", { class:'note', icon:'info-circle' }))); } return row; } function handleUpdate() { // handling key presses'keypress', function(event) { // determine key pressed switch (event.key) { // analyze shortcut case 'Enter': if (event.shiftKey) { // update and analyze update(function() { // count is higher than user's limit if ( <= 0 && < 2 && count > remaining) { // prompt user prompt(); return; } // analyze indicators analyze(); }); // prevent default action event.preventDefault(); } break; } }); // handling pasting text'paste', function(event) { // fetch clipboard data and update raw text input var text = (event.clipboardData || window.clipboardData).getData('text'); // lengthy paste if (text.length > 10000) { // create file object var file = new Blob([text], { type:'text/plain' }); // add to files{ name:"PASTE-" + Math.random().toString(36).substring(0, 10), icon:'clone', description:(text.length / 1024).toFixed(1) + ' KB - pasted text', file:file, class:'flash' }); // prevent default handling of event event.preventDefault(); return; } }); // handle clicks on text input (for add-on)'click', function(event) { // parse data update(); }); // handle any other type of text input'input', debounce(function(event) { // parse data update(); }, 300)); // file list changed = debounce(function(tag) { // parse data update(); // adjust queue element card height adjust(); }, 300); } function handleFileDrop() { // create file drop overlay var overlay; // track enter/leave events var counter = 0; // handle file dragging document.body.addEventListener('dragenter', function(event) { // unsupported if (!event.dataTransfer || !event.dataTransfer.types) { return; } // no files dragged if (event.dataTransfer.types.indexOf('Files') < 0) { return; } // prevent default handling of event event.preventDefault(); // track event counter++; // switch back to input if results section is showing'main'); // overlay displaying already if (overlay) { return; } // create overlay overlay = UI.div('overlay'); // add overlay to card; }); document.body.addEventListener('dragleave', function(event) { // unsupported if (!event.dataTransfer || !event.dataTransfer.types) { return; } // no files dragged if (event.dataTransfer.types.indexOf('Files') < 0) { return; } // prevent default handling of event event.preventDefault(); // no overlay if (!overlay) { return; } counter--; // remove overlay if (counter <= 0) { if (overlay) {; overlay = null; } counter = 0; } }); // must define dragover event for drop event to fire document.body.addEventListener('dragover', function(event) { // prevent default handling of event event.preventDefault(); }); // handle file drops document.body.addEventListener('drop', function(event) { // prevent default handling of event event.preventDefault(); // remove overlay if (overlay) {; overlay = null; } counter = 0; // get files from drop var files = event.dataTransfer.items; // add files to upload for (var i = 0, len = files.length; i < len; i++) { // not a file if (files[i].kind !== 'file') { continue; } // get File object var file = files[i].getAsFile(); // add to upload[i].getAsFile(), 'text'); } }); } function exportUrl(format, sid) { // unsupported format format = format.toLowerCase(); if (['csv', 'json', 'stix'].indexOf(format) < 0) { return; } // create base URL var url ='/') + '/api/scan.php?'; // add format url += 'format=' + format; // pretty-print JSON if (['json', 'stix'].indexOf(format) >= 0) { url += '&pretty=1'; } // add submission ID url += '&sid=' + (sid || action.sids[0]); return url; } function handleExport(format, sid) { // no submissions if (action.sids.length <= 0) { return; } // multiple submissions if (!sid && action.sids.length > 1) { promptExport(format); return; } // export var url = exportUrl(format, sid); if (url) {, '_blank'); } } function promptExport(format) { // prompt user new Card({ name:'promptExport', header:{ title:'Export', icon:'file-export', aside:new Taglist({ toggle:true, radio:true, select:format, callback:function(tag) { promptExport(tag.getAttribute('name')); } }, [{ name:'csv', display:'CSV' }, { name:'stix', display:'STIX 2.1' }, { name:'json', display:'JSON' }]).taglist }, modal:true }).append().form({ note:"Your analysis was composed of multiple submissions. You can export each individual submission below." }, { // get export URL var url = exportUrl(format, sid); if (!url) { return; } return { type:UI.div('flex', { marginBottom:'2em' }).add(UI.div().add(UI.copy(url, url))).add(UI.button("Export", function(sid, done) { // export submission handleExport(format, sid); }.bind(null, sid), { class:'calltoaction' })) }; }), [{ text:"Close", click:function(done) { // hide modal Card.hideOverlay(); done(); } }]).modal(true); } function prompt() { // ignore Enterprise user limits if ( > 0) { return; } // ignore admin limits if ( >= 2) { return; } // create modal var prompt = new Card({ name:'prompt', header:{ title:remaining <= 0 ? "Scan Limit Reached" : "Scan Limits", icon:'exclamation-triangle' }, modal:true }).form({ cancel:true }, [{ type:'p', > 0 ? ("You have " + remaining + " indicator scans left today. Upgrade to increase your limits.") : "You can scan one indicator at a time. Sign up to increase your limits." }], [ <= 0 ? { name:'register', text:'Sign Up', click:function(done, event) { done();'register'); } } : { name:'upgrade', text:'View Limits', class:'calltoaction', click:function(done, event) { done(); // go to API limits'/about/api', '_blank'); } }, remaining > 0 ? { name:'continue', text:'Scan ' + (remaining == 1 ? 'first indicator' : 'first ' + remaining + ' indicators'), class:'calltoaction', click:function(done, event) { Card.hideOverlay(); analyze(done); } } : null]); // show modal prompt.append().modal(true); } function outputAnalyze() { // create split form section var section ='flex', { width:'100%' })); // create card for text or file input new Card({ name:'analyze', full:true, header:{ title:'Input', icon:'file-medical-alt' } }).append(section).note("Paste text or upload files containing IPs, URLs, and domains. Large pasted text will be added as a virtual file. Pulsedive will parse, refang, and deduplicate indicators automatically.").inputs({}, [{ name:'include', label:'Include', type:new Taglist({ selectAll:true, select:'all', deconstruct:true, callback:function(tag) { update(); } }, [{ name:'ipv4', display:'IPv4' }, { name:'ipv6', display:'IPv6' }, { name:'domain', display:'Domains' }, { name:'url', display:'URLs' }].concat( > 0 ? [{ name:'md5', display:'MD5' }, { name:'sha1', display:'SHA-1' }, { name:'sha256', display:'SHA-256' }] : [])).taglist }, { name:'text', label:'Text Input', type:UI.element('textarea', '', { style:{ height:'15em', minHeight:'8em' }, attribute:{ placeholder:"Paste text containing indicators here.", autofocus:true } }) }, { name:'upload', label:'Upload Files', type:UI.upload() }, { type:UI.div('', { marginTop:'2em' }), }, { name:'options', label:'Parsing Options', type:new Taglist({ select:['cidr', 'email'], deconstruct:true, callback:function(tag) { update(); } }, [{ name:'cidr', display:'IPv4 CIDR expansion', alt:"Parse and expand IPv4 ranges into individual IPs" }, { name:'email', display:'Email domains', alt:"Parse domains from email addresses" }]).taglist }, { name:'exclude', label:'Parsing Exclusions' }]).buttons({ result:true }, [{ name:'clear', text:'Reset', click:function(done, event) { clear(done); } }, > 0 || >= 1 ? { name:'submit', text:'Submit', alt:"Submit indicators instead of scanning them.", click:function(done, event) { // show submit form; done(); } } : null, { name:'analyze', text:'Analyze', class:'calltoaction', click:function(done, event) { // count is higher than user's limit if ( <= 0 && < 2 && count > remaining) { // prompt user prompt(); done(); return; } // analyze indicators analyze(done); } }]); // adjust queue height when resizing textbox = adjust; // add taglist to exclusions new Taglist({, onchange:function() { update(); } }); // handle file drag events handleFileDrop(); // handle text input and file upload events handleUpdate(); // create card to preview raw content new Card({ name:'queue', class:'bigscreen', header:{ title:'Queue', icon:'list-alt', aside:UI.a('Download', function(done) { download(); done(); }, { icon:'download', alt:"Download list of parsed indicators." }) } }).append(section); = 0; // create queue element queueElement = UI.p(["No indicators parsed.", UI.element('span', " (" +', ') + ")", { class:'note' })], { name:'queue', class:'code', style:{ maxHeight:'100%', maxWidth:'20em', overflow:'auto', overflowWrap:'normal' } });; // adjust queue height adjust(); } function outputResults() { // add results section'results', 'results'); // add header"Results", { section:'results' }); // add status card outputStatus(); // results card with table new Card({ name:'results', full:true, header:{ title:'Results', icon:'indicator' } }).append(; // add sorting and bulk selection[{ key:'indicator', display:'Indicator' }, { key:'domain', display:'Domain' }, { key:'risk', display:'Risk' }]); // add results table Table([], formatRow, { name:'results', preview:true, loading:true, empty:"No results.", more:'scroll', })); // save results table for easier referencing results =; } function outputActions() { // add submit form outputSubmit(); // submit'Submit All', function(done, event) {; done(); }, { icon:'upload', alt:"Submit indicators to Pulsedive and update existing indicators with fresh active scans." })); // export menu if ( > 0) {'Export', '', { icon:'file-export' }), [ UI.a('CSV via API', function(done) { // export CSV file handleExport('csv'); done(); }, { icon:'product-api' }), UI.a('JSON via API', function(done) { // pretty-print JSON handleExport('json'); done(); }, { icon:'product-api' }), UI.a('STIX 2.1 via API', function(done) { // pretty-print JSON handleExport('stix'); done(); }, { icon:'product-api' }) ])); // not logged in } else {'Export', function(done) { // show login form; done(); }, { icon:'file-export', alt:"Log in to export to CSV, JSON, and STIX 2.1." })); } } function outputSubmit() { // create submit form new Form('submit', "Submit").add({ cancel:outputSubmit, result:true }, ( > 0 || > 0 ? [{ type:UI.p("If Recommended is not selected, only indicators with a lower risk score will be updated.", { class:'note', icon:'info-circle', style:{ padding:0 } }), marginBottom:'1em' }, { name:'risk', label:'Risk', type:new Taglist({ radio:true, select:'recommended' }, [{ name:'recommended', display:'Recommended', icon:'heartbeat' }, { name:'unknown', display:'Unknown', icon:'risk-unknown' }, { name:'none', display:'Very Low', icon:'risk-none' }, { name:'low', display:'Low', icon:'risk-low' }, { name:'medium', display:'Medium', icon:'risk-medium' }, { name:'high', display:'High', icon:'risk-high' }, { name:'critical', display:'Critical', icon:'risk-critical' }]).taglist, marginBottom:'1em' }, { name:'scan', label:'Scan Type', type:new Taglist({ radio:true, select:'active' }, [{ name:'active', display:'Active', icon:'barcode' }, { name:'passive', display:'Passive', icon:'eye-slash' }, { name:'never', display:'Always Passive', icon:'user-secret', alt:"Prevent automated active scans of these indicators. You can reset this flag for each indicator by manually performing an active scan." }]).taglist, marginBottom:'1em' }] : []).concat([{ label:'Comment', type:UI.a("Add a comment", function(done, event) { // reset link in case replacement doesn't work done(); // replace this link with a textarea for the comment if ( {{}, [{ name:'comment', type:'textarea', }], true); } }, { icon:'plus', style:{ display:'inline-block', border:'none', marginBottom:'1em' } }) }]).concat( > 0 || > 0 ? [{ label:'Threats', name:'threats', type:'text', taglist:{ autocomplete:'threats' }, marginTop:'1em' }] : []).concat( > 0 || > 0 ? [{ type:UI.p("Attributes will be added only to indicators that support them. If not supported, the attributes will be silently ignored.", { class:'note', icon:'info-circle', style:{ padding:0 } }), marginTop:'1em', marginBottom:'2em' }] : []).concat( > 0 || > 0 ? Object.keys(, type) { // indicators support attribute for (var itype in { // exclude some types if (['artifact'].indexOf(itype) >= 0) { continue; } if ([itype].attributes.indexOf(type) >= 0) { attributes.push(type); break; } } return attributes; }, []).sort().map(function(type) { return { name:'attribute_' + type, label:UI.descriptor(UI.descriptor([type],[type] ? 'Regex validation' : ''), Object.keys(, itype) { if ([itype].attributes.indexOf(type) >= 0) { supported.push([itype].display); } return supported; }, []).join(', ')), type:'text', taglist:{ autocomplete:type,[type] } }; }) : []).concat( <= 0 ? 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Showing completed results."); }, { name:'pause', class:'danger' }); buttons.add(pause); // add resume button resume = UI.button('Resume', function() { // resume analysis action.resume(); // hide results header, actions, and sort menu = 1; = 1; = 1; // show pause button pause.disabled = false; resume.disabled = true; // clear results results.clear(); }, { name:'resume', class:'calltoaction', }); buttons.add(resume); // hide resume button resume.disabled = true; } </script> </section> <!-- footer --> <footer data-hide="0"> <a href='' target='_blank'>©2025 Pulsedive LLC | v6.3.09 | January 6</a> <!-- links --> <aside> <a data-crawler=1 href='/recent' target='_blank'><i class='fas fa-history'></i>Recent</a> <a name='slack' href='' target='_blank'><i class='fab fa-slack inline'></i></a> <a name='linkedin' href='' target='_blank'><i class='fab fa-linkedin inline'></i></a> <a name='blog' href='' target='_blank'><i class='fas fa-rss inline'></i></a> <span>|</span> <a name='company' href='' target='_blank'><i class='fas fa-copyright'></i>Company</a> <a data-action='contact'><i class='fas fa-envelope'></i>Contact</a> <a href='/terms' target='_blank'><i class='fas fa-file'></i>Terms</a> <a data-enterprise=0 href='/privacy' target='_blank'><i class='fas fa-user-secret'></i>Privacy</a> <a data-enterprise=1 href='/enterprise-privacy' target='_blank'><i class='fas fa-user-secret'></i>Privacy</a> </aside> </footer> </main> </body> </html>