Lanc么me My Makeup Favorites Set Gift Sets | Heathrow Reserve & Collect
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destination airport or operator flight number" class="form-control flight-destinition mb-0" id="flightDestination" data-no-results="No matching results" autocomplete="off" name="flightDestination" name="dwfrm_flightInfo_flightDestination" required aria-required="true" value="" maxLength="2147483647" aria-autocomplete="list" placeholder="e.g. New York or BA0356" > <div class="flight-loading-container d-none"> <svg class="icon icon-search-loading icon-search-loading-dims " > <use xlink:href="/on/demandware.static/Sites-Boutique-Site/-/default/dw5160a701/images/compiled/sprites.svg#search-loading"/> </svg> </div> <span name="reset-button" class="flight-reset-button d-none" aria-label="Clear flight keywords"> <svg class="icon icon-close-search icon-close-search-dims " > <use xlink:href="/on/demandware.static/Sites-Boutique-Site/-/default/dw5160a701/images/compiled/sprites.svg#close-search"/> </svg> </span> <div class="flight-input-container"></div> </div> </form> </div> <div class="flight-details no-flight-details-wrapper "> <button class="btn btn-secondary confirm-flight-button letter-spacing-normal" disabled="disabled"> Add flight details </button> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> <div class="flight-details flight-details-wrapper d-none"> <div class="flight-details-link flight-details-link-active d-inline-block position-relative" data-flight="null" href="javascript:void(0)" data-mocked-text="<span class="flight-details-info-text"></span>" title="Change" aria-label="Change" > <span class="flight-details-info"> <span class="flight-details-info-text"></span> {0} </span> </div> </div> <div class="flight-button d-none"> <a class="btn btn-link light change-flight-button pr-3 d-none" href="javascript:void(0)"> Change </a> <button class="btn btn-link light remove-flight-button pr-0 d-none" data-url="/on/"> Remove </button> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> <div class="product-available d-none"> Great! This product is available for Reserve & Collect </div> <input type="hidden" class="add-to-cart-url" value="/on/" data-button-url="/on/" /> <div class="hidden product-availability-status" data-disabled="null"></div> <div class="cart-and-ipay position-static col-auto px-0"> <div class="add-to-cart-block py-0 text-left"> <button class="btn btn-primary scroll-to-flight w-100 mt-2">Select a flight to check availability</button> <div class=""> <button class="add-to-cart btn btn-primary" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#chooseBonusProductModal" data-pid="world-duty-free_4529725" disabled> Add to basket </button> </div> </div> </div> <div class="add-to-cart-flight-spinner-outer d-none justify-content-center align-items-center"><div class="add-to-cart-flight-spinner"></div></div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="content-asset"><!-- dwMarker="content" dwContentID="2067651a3ca7964cdaf033ec3f" --> <div class="pdp-shopper-link d-lg-flex justify-content-lg-between w-100"> <div class="pdp-personal-shopper"><a href="" target="_blank"><img alt="personal shopper icon" src="" title="" /> <span class="font-normal">Personal Shopper</span> </a> </div> <div class="pdp-reserve-collect"><a href="" target="_blank"><img alt="reserve and collect icon" src="" title="" /> <span class="font-normal"> Reserve & Collect </span> </a> </div> <div class="pdp-return-promise"><a href="" target="_blank"><img alt="return promise icon" src="" title="" /> <span class="font-normal"> Return Promise </span> </a> </div> </div> </div> <!-- End content-asset --> </div> </div> <!-- Social Sharing Icons --> <input type="hidden" class="availability-bar-url" value="/on/" /> <div class="availability-bar-wrapper"> <div class="terminal-reservation-window d-lg-flex px-0 pt-3 pb-1 pt-lg-2"> <div class="availability-bar-title-inner"> <div class="availability-bar-title-one pb-2 pr-lg-7"> <p class="availability-bar-title m-0">Available in:</p> Terminal 2, 3, 4 and 5 </div> </div> <div class="reservation-window-inner"> <div class="reservation-window-one pb-2"> <div class="reservation-window"> Reservation window: </div> <div class="reservation-window-text"> 聽Between 4 weeks and 1 day before your flight </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="description-and-detail pt-3"> <div class="accordion-view"> <div class="description-title p-0"> Description </div> <div class="description-body pb-2"> <div class="col-sm-12 px-0" id="collapsible-details-1"> <p class="mb-0 pt-2 longDescription"> All your make-up favorites in one set, containing: Hypn么se Mascara Noir (full size), L鈥橝bsolu Rouge Cream (1.6g), Crayon Kh么l Noir (1.14g), Bi-Facil (30ml)....<a class="longDescription-accordion-link-anchor" href="#">Read more</a> </p> <p class="mb-0 py-2 fullLongDescription">All your make-up favorites in one set, containing: Hypn么se Mascara Noir (full size), L鈥橝bsolu Rouge Cream (1.6g), Crayon Kh么l Noir (1.14g), Bi-Facil (30ml).</p> </div> <a class="pdp-accordion-read-less d-none" href="#"> Read less </a> </div> <div class="accordion-wrapper"> <div class="accordion" id="accordionDetails"> <div class="card mb-0"> <div class="toggle-button" data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#accordionDetails" data-target="#specifications" href="#specifications" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="specifications"> <div class="card-header p-0" id="headingOne">Product Specifications</div> </div> <div id="specifications" class="collapse show hide-if-no-data" data-parent="#accordionDetails" aria-labelledby="headingOne"> <div class="card-body m-0 p-0"> <div class="product-attributes check-data"> <ul class="boutique-attributes"> <li class=""> <span class="col-5 pl-0 d-inline-block font-bold">Size </span><span class="col-7 d-inline-block"> 1.6g + 1.14g + 30ml</span> </li> <li class=""> <span class="col-5 pl-0 d-inline-block font-bold">Max quantity allowed </span><span class="col-7 d-inline-block"> 10</span> </li> <li class=""> <span class="col-5 pl-0 d-inline-block font-bold">Net Weight </span><span class="col-7 d-inline-block"> 0</span> </li> <li class="more-attributes"> <span class="col-5 pl-0 d-inline-block font-bold">Net Weight Unit </span><span class="col-7 d-inline-block"> KILOGRAM</span> </li> </ul> <div class="my-2"> <a class="productspecification-read-more font-medium" href="#">Read more</a> <a class="productspecification-read-less font-medium d-none" href="#">Read less</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="card mb-0"> <div class="toggle-button collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#retailer" data-parent="#accordionDetails" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="retailer"> <div class="card-header p-0" id="headingTwo">Retailer</div> </div> <div id="retailer" class="collapse hide-if-no-data" data-parent="#accordionDetails" aria-labelledby="headingTwo"> <div class="card-body m-0 p-0 pb-2 pb-md-3 pb-lg-4"> <div class="retailer-container check-data"> <div class="retailer-content"> <p class="text-center"><img alt="" class="world-duty-free" src="/on/demandware.static/-/Sites-boutique-storefront-catalog/default/dw0314d4c3/world-duty-free-logo-vector.svg?$staticlink$" title="" /></p> <p class="mb-2">World Duty free are the UK’s leading travel retailer, offering a wide selection of premium brands across our stores. We strive to bring you the very latest products at great value prices. Our unparalleled selection of premium products include ranges from cosmetics to confectionery, fragrances to fashion accessories, spirits to souvenirs, skincare to sunglasses, fine foods to fine wines and champagne.</p> <div class="retailer-buttons"> <p class="d-lg-inline-block mb-2 mb-lg-0 pr-lg-3"><a href="/en/retailers/world-duty-free"><button class="retailer-details-button text-left btn btn-secondary">Learn more</button></a></p> <p class="d-lg-inline-block mb-0"><a href="/en/retailers/world-duty-free/products"><button class="retailer-products-button text-left btn btn-secondary">Show all products</button></a></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="card mb-0"> <div class="toggle-button collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#returns" data-parent="#accordionDetails" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="returns"> <div class="card-header p-0" id="headingFour">Returns</div> </div> <div id="returns" class="collapse hide-if-no-data" data-parent="#accordionDetails" aria-labelledby="headingFour"> <div class="card-body m-0 p-0"> <div class="pb-2 pb-md-3 pb-lg-4 check-data"> <div class="content-asset"><!-- dwMarker="content" dwContentID="cf217700b5db1cfaf683c21b78" --> <p class="m-0 feature-paragraph font-medium">Shop with confidence, knowing you can return the product within 60 days.</p> <p class="m-0">Shopping at the airport is even more enjoyable and convenient than ever before. You may be familiar with the wide selection of shops, fantastic range of products and outstanding value at Heathrow. But did you know that as part of our commitment to providing world class customer service, we also operate a 60 day returns service on behalf of the Heathrow retailers? </p> <p class="m-0">See our <a href="">returns policy</a> for further information about our returns.</p> </div> <!-- End content-asset --> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Sticky pdp --> <div class="global-outer-container sticky-basket-pdp light-bg px-3 py-2"> <div class="row mx-0 sticky-top-bar"> <div class="sticky-success col-12 p-0"> </div> <div class="sticky-top-container d-flex"> <div class="sticky-image"> <img class="tile-image" src="" alt='My Makeup Favorites Set' title="My Makeup Favorites Set, " /> </div> <div class="sticky-short-description pl-1 pr-4"> <h2 class="product-name font-weight-normal">My Makeup Favorites Set</h2> <p class="product-desc font-normal m-0">All your make-up favorites in one set, containing: Hypnôse Mascara Noir (full size), L’Absolu Rouge Cream (1.6g), Crayon Khôl Noir (1.14g), </p> </div> <div class="sticky-cta"> <div class="close-button"> <button type="button" class="close" aria-label="Close"></button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="prices-add-to-cart-actions p-0 sticky-detail-bar"> <div class="d-none"> <!-- Availability --> <div class="availability row product-availability" data-ready-to-order="true" data-available="true"> <div class="col-4"> <span class="availability non-input-label"> Availability: </span> </div> <div class="col-8"> <ul class="list-unstyled availability-msg"> <li> <div>In Stock</div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row mx-0 ml-lg-1 prices-pdp-block py-2"> <div class="col-12 px-0 border-top"> <!-- Applicable Promotions --> <div class="promo-label"> <div class="col-12 promotions"> <div class="callout gradient-pink-purple" title=""> SPECIAL PRICE </div> </div> </div> <!-- Prices --> <div class="prices text-left"> <div class="price"> <div class="row mx-0"> <div class="col-12 pl-0 pr-2 sales"> <span class='value-price mb-0 mr-0 value wishlist-quickview' content="29.95"> £29.95 </span> <span class="you-save">(You save £8.25)</span> </div> <div class="font-bold pt-2 pb-md-1"> <span class="terms-conditions-link">Learn more about <a target="_blank" href="">savings and promotions</a> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="attribute mt-0 quantity col-12 col-md-auto px-0 pr-md-1 pl-lg-1 d-block"> <div class="quantity-module form-group-select form-group-select-pdp form-group m-0 p-0" data-enableQuantitySelector="false"> <select class="quantity-select form-control quantity custom-select "> <!-- PDP default select if no flight selected --> <option value="1" data-url="/on/" selected> 1 </option> <option value="2" data-url="/on/" > 2 </option> <option value="3" data-url="/on/" > 3 </option> <option value="4" data-url="/on/" > 4 </option> <option value="5" data-url="/on/" > 5 </option> <option value="6" data-url="/on/" > 6 </option> <option value="7" data-url="/on/" > 7 </option> <option value="8" data-url="/on/" > 8 </option> <option value="9" data-url="/on/" > 9 </option> <option value="10" data-url="/on/" > 10 </option> </select> <label for="Quantity" class="pdp-label">Quantity</label> </div> </div> <!-- Cart and [Optionally] Apple Pay --> <div class="product-available d-none"> Great! This product is available for Reserve & Collect </div> <input type="hidden" class="add-to-cart-url" value="/on/" data-button-url="/on/" /> <div class="hidden product-availability-status" data-disabled="null"></div> <div class="cart-and-ipay position-static col-auto px-0"> <div class="add-to-cart-block py-0 text-left"> <button class="btn btn-primary scroll-to-flight w-100 mt-2">Select a flight to check availability</button> <div class=""> <button class="add-to-cart btn btn-primary" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#chooseBonusProductModal" data-pid="world-duty-free_4529725" disabled> Add to basket </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> </div> <div class="recommendations-selected white-bg mt-0 pb-5 pb-lg-0"> <!-- =============== This snippet of JavaScript handles fetching the dynamic recommendations from the remote recommendations server and then makes a call to render the configured template with the returned recommended products: ================= --> <script> (function(){ // window.CQuotient is provided on the page by the Analytics code: var cq = window.CQuotient; var dc = window.DataCloud; var isCQ = false; var isDC = false; if (cq && ('function' == typeof cq.getCQUserId) && ('function' == typeof cq.getCQCookieId) && ('function' == typeof cq.getCQHashedEmail) && ('function' == typeof cq.getCQHashedLogin)) { isCQ = true; } if (dc && ('function' == typeof dc.getDCUserId)) { isDC = true; } if (isCQ || isDC) { var recommender = '[["product-to-product"]]'; var slotRecommendationType = 'RECOMMENDATION'; // removing any leading/trailing square brackets and escaped quotes: recommender = recommender.replace(/\[|\]|"/g, ''); var separator = '|||'; var slotConfigurationUUID = 'b16062a68e070c3273932b2900'; var contextAUID = 'world-duty-free_4529725'; var contextSecondaryAUID = ''; var contextAltAUID = ''; var contextType = ''; var anchorsArray = []; var contextAUIDs = contextAUID.split(separator); var contextSecondaryAUIDs = contextSecondaryAUID.split(separator); var contextAltAUIDs = contextAltAUID.split(separator); var contextTypes = contextType.split(separator); var slotName = 'pdp-first-recommendation'; var slotConfigId = 'pdp-recommendation'; var slotConfigTemplate = 'slots/recommendation/pdp_recomm.isml'; if (contextAUIDs.length == contextSecondaryAUIDs.length) { for (i = 0; i < contextAUIDs.length; i++) { anchorsArray.push({ id: contextAUIDs[i], sku: contextSecondaryAUIDs[i], type: contextTypes[i], alt_id: contextAltAUIDs[i] }); } } else { anchorsArray = [{id: contextAUID, sku: contextSecondaryAUID, type: contextType, alt_id: contextAltAUID}]; } var urlToCall = '/on/'; var params = null; if (isCQ) { params = { userId: cq.getCQUserId(), cookieId: cq.getCQCookieId(), emailId: cq.getCQHashedEmail(), loginId: cq.getCQHashedLogin(), anchors: anchorsArray, slotId: slotName, slotConfigId: slotConfigId, slotConfigTemplate: slotConfigTemplate, ccver: '1.03' }; } // console.log("Recommendation Type - " + slotRecommendationType + ", Recommender Selected - " + recommender); if (isDC && slotRecommendationType == 'DATA_CLOUD_RECOMMENDATION') { // Set DC variables for API call dcIndividualId = dc.getDCUserId(); dcUrl = dc.getDCPersonalizationPath(); if (dcIndividualId && dcUrl && dcIndividualId != '' && dcUrl != '') { // console.log("Fetching CDP Recommendations"); var productRecs = {}; productRecs[recommender] = getCDPRecs(dcUrl, dcIndividualId, recommender); cb(productRecs); } } else if (isCQ && slotRecommendationType != 'DATA_CLOUD_RECOMMENDATION') { if (cq.getRecs) { cq.getRecs(cq.clientId, recommender, params, cb); } else { cq.widgets = cq.widgets || []; cq.widgets.push({ recommenderName: recommender, parameters: params, callback: cb }); } } }; function cb(parsed) { var arr = parsed[recommender].recs; if (arr && 0 < arr.length) { var filteredProductIds = ''; for (i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { filteredProductIds = filteredProductIds + 'pid' + i + '=' + encodeURIComponent(arr[i].id) + '&'; } filteredProductIds = filteredProductIds.substring(0, filteredProductIds.length - 1);//to remove the trailing '&' var formData = 'auid=' + encodeURIComponent(contextAUID) + '&scid=' + slotConfigurationUUID + '&' + filteredProductIds; var request = new XMLHttpRequest();'POST', urlToCall, true); request.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); request.onreadystatechange = function() { if (this.readyState === 4) { // Got the product data from DW, showing the products now by changing the inner HTML of the DIV: var divId = 'cq_recomm_slot-' + slotConfigurationUUID; document.getElementById(divId).innerHTML = this.responseText; //find and evaluate scripts in response: var scripts = document.getElementById(divId).getElementsByTagName('script'); if (null != scripts) { for (var i=0;i<scripts.length;i++) {//not combining script snippets on purpose var srcScript = document.createElement('script'); srcScript.text = scripts[i].innerHTML; srcScript.asynch = scripts[i].asynch; srcScript.defer = scripts[i].defer; srcScript.type = scripts[i].type; srcScript.charset = scripts[i].charset; document.head.appendChild( srcScript ); document.head.removeChild( srcScript ); } } } }; request.send(formData); request = null; } }; })(); </script> <!-- The DIV tag id below is unique on purpose in case there are multiple recommendation slots on the same .isml page: --> <div id="cq_recomm_slot-b16062a68e070c3273932b2900"></div> <!-- ====================== snippet ends here ======================== --> </div> <div class="recommendations-selected mt-0"> <!-- =============== This snippet of JavaScript handles fetching the dynamic recommendations from the remote recommendations server and then makes a call to render the configured template with the returned recommended products: ================= --> <script> (function(){ // window.CQuotient is provided on the page by the Analytics code: var cq = window.CQuotient; var dc = window.DataCloud; var isCQ = false; var isDC = false; if (cq && ('function' == typeof cq.getCQUserId) && ('function' == typeof cq.getCQCookieId) && ('function' == typeof cq.getCQHashedEmail) && ('function' == typeof cq.getCQHashedLogin)) { isCQ = true; } if (dc && ('function' == typeof dc.getDCUserId)) { isDC = true; } if (isCQ || isDC) { var recommender = '[["recently-viewed"]]'; var slotRecommendationType = 'RECOMMENDATION'; // removing any leading/trailing square brackets and escaped quotes: recommender = recommender.replace(/\[|\]|"/g, ''); var separator = '|||'; var slotConfigurationUUID = 'e0467db28df2635cfdee15da0a'; var contextAUID = ''; var contextSecondaryAUID = ''; var contextAltAUID = ''; var contextType = ''; var anchorsArray = []; var contextAUIDs = contextAUID.split(separator); var contextSecondaryAUIDs = contextSecondaryAUID.split(separator); var contextAltAUIDs = contextAltAUID.split(separator); var contextTypes = contextType.split(separator); var slotName = 'pdp-second-recommendation'; var slotConfigId = 'PDP-recently-viewed-JG'; var slotConfigTemplate = 'slots/recommendation/pdp_recomm.isml'; if (contextAUIDs.length == contextSecondaryAUIDs.length) { for (i = 0; i < contextAUIDs.length; i++) { anchorsArray.push({ id: contextAUIDs[i], sku: contextSecondaryAUIDs[i], type: contextTypes[i], alt_id: contextAltAUIDs[i] }); } } else { anchorsArray = [{id: contextAUID, sku: contextSecondaryAUID, type: contextType, alt_id: contextAltAUID}]; } var urlToCall = '/on/'; var params = null; if (isCQ) { params = { userId: cq.getCQUserId(), cookieId: cq.getCQCookieId(), emailId: cq.getCQHashedEmail(), loginId: cq.getCQHashedLogin(), anchors: anchorsArray, slotId: slotName, slotConfigId: slotConfigId, slotConfigTemplate: slotConfigTemplate, ccver: '1.03' }; } // console.log("Recommendation Type - " + slotRecommendationType + ", Recommender Selected - " + recommender); if (isDC && slotRecommendationType == 'DATA_CLOUD_RECOMMENDATION') { // Set DC variables for API call dcIndividualId = dc.getDCUserId(); dcUrl = dc.getDCPersonalizationPath(); if (dcIndividualId && dcUrl && dcIndividualId != '' && dcUrl != '') { // console.log("Fetching CDP Recommendations"); var productRecs = {}; productRecs[recommender] = getCDPRecs(dcUrl, dcIndividualId, recommender); cb(productRecs); } } else if (isCQ && slotRecommendationType != 'DATA_CLOUD_RECOMMENDATION') { if (cq.getRecs) { cq.getRecs(cq.clientId, recommender, params, cb); } else { cq.widgets = cq.widgets || []; cq.widgets.push({ recommenderName: recommender, parameters: params, callback: cb }); } } }; function cb(parsed) { var arr = parsed[recommender].recs; if (arr && 0 < arr.length) { var filteredProductIds = ''; for (i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { filteredProductIds = filteredProductIds + 'pid' + i + '=' + encodeURIComponent(arr[i].id) + '&'; } filteredProductIds = filteredProductIds.substring(0, filteredProductIds.length - 1);//to remove the trailing '&' var formData = 'auid=' + encodeURIComponent(contextAUID) + '&scid=' + slotConfigurationUUID + '&' + filteredProductIds; var request = new XMLHttpRequest();'POST', urlToCall, true); request.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); request.onreadystatechange = function() { if (this.readyState === 4) { // Got the product data from DW, showing the products now by changing the inner HTML of the DIV: var divId = 'cq_recomm_slot-' + slotConfigurationUUID; document.getElementById(divId).innerHTML = this.responseText; 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When you place an order it will be passed to the appropriate retailer. 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