Global Development: Views from the Center

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In her foreword, Nancy Birdsall wrote:</p> <p>“Readers concerned and interested in the fate of the Copenhagen discussions will be dismayed and heartened, depending on the issue. To the extent the negotiating positions are just that, they may of course change; our website will provide periodic updates.” <a href="" class="more-link">More&#8230;</a></p> </p> <p class="posted"><a href="" title="Comment on With Climate Change Negotiations Stymied, Mexico and Korea Offer Hope">1 Comment</a></p> </div> <div class="br"><br/></div> <div id="post-1919"> <h2> August 13, 2009 </h2> <h3><a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to In Kenya, Questions and Suggestions on AGOA">In Kenya, Questions and Suggestions on AGOA</a></h3> <h4>By <a href="" title="Posts by Randall Soderquist">Randall Soderquist</a> </h4> <p><p>Last week Secretary of State Clinton, U.S. Trade Representative Kirk, Secretary of Agriculture Vilsack, and other U.S. government officials were in Nairobi at the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) Forum, making new and improved promises about the commitment of the United States to African development. I was in Nairobi last week too to moderate our fifth consultation meeting for the <a href="">CGD Global Trade Preference Reform Working Group</a>. Previous consultations were held in Jaipur, Delhi, Dhaka, and London, but the AGOA Forum offered a unique opportunity to discuss global trade preference program reform and coordination – an initiative specifically designed to assist lesser-developed countries expand exports and increase opportunities for economic growth – with individuals from the public, private, and non-profit sectors in Africa. <a href="" class="more-link">More&#8230;</a></p> </p> <p class="posted"><a href="" title="Comment on In Kenya, Questions and Suggestions on AGOA">1 Comment</a></p> </div> <div class="br"><br/></div> <div id="post-1909"> <h2> August 12, 2009 </h2> <h3><a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to Despite Obama in Ghana, a Bad Month for African Democracy">Despite Obama in Ghana, a Bad Month for African Democracy</a></h3> <h4>By <a href="" title="Posts by Todd Moss">Todd Moss</a> </h4> <p><p>President Obama’s trip to Ghana was a <a href="">celebration of African democracy</a>. Similarly, <a href="">Secretary Clinton’s ongoing 7-country, 11-day trek across the continent</a> will hit the democracy promotion theme, especially during her stop today in Nigeria.</p> <p>But it’s hardly been a good month for democracy in Africa: <a href="" class="more-link">More&#8230;</a></p> </p> <p class="posted"><a href="" title="Comment on Despite Obama in Ghana, a Bad Month for African Democracy">Comment</a></p> </div> <div class="br"><br/></div> <div id="post-1889"> <h2> August 10, 2009 </h2> <h3><a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to It’s Not All Downhill from Here: The Uphill Flow of Skill-Intensive Goods and FDI from Developing Countries">It&#8217;s Not All Downhill from Here: The Uphill Flow of Skill-Intensive Goods and FDI from Developing Countries</a></h3> <h4>By <a href="" title="Posts by Arvind Subramanian">Arvind Subramanian</a> </h4> <p><p>We tend to think of globalization in the following way: the rich world exports financial capital, technology, sophisticated goods, and entrepreneurial and managerial skills in the form of <a id="aptureLink_1RKuzn8ndS" href="">foreign direct investment </a>(FDI) to developing countries; the latter, in turn, export people, resources, and low-skilled goods to the rich world.</p> <p>Well, it turns out that globalization no longer respects these clean distinctions. <a href="" target="_blank">Many</a> <a href="" target="_blank">recent</a> <a href="" target="_blank">studies</a> have examined movement of capital from developing to high-income countries, with the assumption that only flows of finance could defy our expectations. But, increasingly, even flows of of sophisticated goods and FDI are going in both directions, a phenomenon Aaditya Mattoo and I call “Criss-crossing Globalization” in our latest <a href="">paper</a>. Countries such as China are exporting sophisticated goods to OECD countries, and countries such as India, Brazil, and South Africa are exporting FDI to the rich world. Think of Indian TATA&#8217;s takeover of the UK&#8217;s Jaguar, China’s Lenovo’s acquisition of IBM, Brazil’s success exporting commercial aircraft to high-income countries, and the growing exports of skilled services from Israel and India to OECD markets, and it’s clear that something significant is happening.</p> <p>We call these flows of skill-intensive goods and FDI from poor countries to rich countries “uphill flows”—uphill because they are defying the normal pattern of <a id="aptureLink_rItjM1PKgd" href="">comparative advantage</a>.</p> <p>What are the consequences for countries that send goods and services uphill? Our preliminary work suggests that such countries experience positive economic growth as a result. If this is true, it suggests that policies that promote skill-intensive patterns of production and specialization—even if they go against natural comparative advantage—may need to be considered by developing countries.</p> <p>A second consequence—and one that will perhaps play out more in the future—relates to the political economy of international trade and investment negotiations. When flows are two-way, perceived objectives of high-income and developing countries are more in sync with one another, which makes the political economy much more conducive to reaching agreement on common international rules. This could be good for all countries, developed and developing.</p> </p> <p class="posted"><a href="" title="Comment on It’s Not All Downhill from Here: The Uphill Flow of Skill-Intensive Goods and FDI from Developing Countries">2 Comments</a></p> </div> <div class="br"><br/></div> <div id="post-1879"> <h2> August 7, 2009 </h2> <h3><a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to Zoellick Goes to Africa">Zoellick Goes to Africa</a></h3> <h4>By <a href="" title="Posts by Vijaya Ramachandran">Vijaya Ramachandran</a> </h4> <p><p>The World Bank has announced that its president, Robert B. Zoellick, <a href=",,contentMDK:22268277~menuPK:34463~pagePK:34370~piPK:34424~theSitePK:4607,00.html">will travel to three African countries next week</a>. President Zoellick is urging investors to take advantage of investment opportunities in the region with regard to energy and transport, among other things. His message cannot come at a better time. Across Africa, a majority of businesses surveyed cite inadequate power supply as a major or severe constraint. Outages are not just frequent but unpredictable and long, sometimes stretching through the entire work day. Businesses in many countries suffer outages on more than half the working days in the year. Comparable data for China show that the burden of power outages for businesses there is far smaller. <a href="" class="more-link">More&#8230;</a></p> </p> <p class="posted"><a href="" title="Comment on Zoellick Goes to Africa">Comment</a></p> </div> <div class="br"><br/></div> <div id="post-1877"> <h2> August 7, 2009 </h2> <h3><a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to The Farmer Out of the Dell: Who’s Next in the USAID Courtship Ritual?">The Farmer Out of the Dell: Who&#8217;s Next in the USAID Courtship Ritual?</a></h3> <h4>By <a href="" title="Posts by Sheila Herrling">Sheila Herrling</a> </h4> <p><p>As others before me have <a href="">reported</a>, Paul Farmer, the longest-rumored contender for the USAID Administrator nomination, is out of the running. And so begins again a courtship ritual that, funny enough, is captured in the old <a href="">children’s rhyme</a> that bears his name. Not so funny is the fact that seven months into an administration that ran on a <a href="">smart power platform</a> promising to elevate development to equal footing with diplomacy and defense, there is still no appointee at the helm of the agency charged with executing U.S. development policy and foreign assistance. (Yeah, yeah, I know the Secretary of State is technically in charge since USAID is a sub-cabinet agency. But as I have <a href="">said before</a>, she has a full-time job on the diplomacy front and needs a powerful wingman 24/7 on the development front.) <a href="" class="more-link">More&#8230;</a></p> </p> <p class="posted"><a href="" title="Comment on The Farmer Out of the Dell: Who’s Next in the USAID Courtship Ritual?">19 Comments</a></p> </div> <div class="br"><br/></div> <div id="post-1868"> <h2> August 6, 2009 </h2> <h3><a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to The Differences between COD Aid and the EC’s Budget Support: A Response to Duncan Green (and Others)">The Differences between COD Aid and the EC&#8217;s Budget Support: A Response to Duncan Green (and Others)</a></h3> <h4>By <a href="" title="Posts by Nancy Birdsall">Nancy Birdsall</a> </h4> <p><p><em>This is a joint post with <a href="">William Savedoff</a> and <a href="">Ayah Mahgoub</a>.</em></p> <p>As proponents of <a href="">Cash on Delivery (COD) Aid</a>, we agree that EC performance-linked budget support is a good example of a results or outcome-based aid program &#8212; and we wouldn&#8217;t want to see any COD Aid program substituting for rather than complementing this approach or for that matter other aid arrangements &#8212; certainly not in the short run.</p> <p>As Green mentioned in a recent <a href="">blog post</a>, the EC allocates budget support in the form of MDG contracts with both a fixed and a variable tranche. The amount of the variable tranche depends on whether the recipient has met targets for public finance, health, and education, but the EC’s budget support initiative differs from COD Aid in that it contains a relatively large number of indicators, and most of the funds are fixed and not linked to outcomes (more than 90%). COD Aid thus retains most of the positive aspects of the MDG contracts e.g. no policy conditionality and a greater focus on outcomes, but differs in important ways.</p> <p>What&#8217;s different about COD Aid &#8212; where&#8217;s the added value?</p> <p>First, the laser-like focus on measuring a single key outcome &#8212; and independent verification of reported progress (instead of annual discussion and negotiation over whether enough was achieved on a range of outcomes and outputs).</p> <p>Second the clarity and transparency of the &#8220;contract&#8221; to civil society groups and citizens in developing countries &#8212; so that they have a tool to make their own institutions and governments accountable to them &#8212; rather than to donors for &#8220;reporting&#8221; on outcomes.</p> <p>Third the potential for one or more donors, private as well as public, to offer exactly the same contract to one or more developing countries.</p> <p>By the way, we believe, and discuss in our forthcoming book, that COD Aid can work in many countries considered &#8220;fragile&#8221;. The key is responsible leadership at the top &#8212; not whether there is extensive current institutional &#8220;capacity&#8221; throughout.</p> <p>For those interested in learning more about COD Aid please read the <a href="">frequently asked questions and responses</a> on the <a href="">initiative page</a> of our website, and read our forthcoming book Cash on Delivery: A New Approach to Foreign Aid with An Application to Primary Schooling.</p> </p> <p class="posted"><a href="" title="Comment on The Differences between COD Aid and the EC’s Budget Support: A Response to Duncan Green (and Others)">1 Comment</a></p> </div> <div class="br"><br/></div> <div id="post-1854"> <h2> August 4, 2009 </h2> <h3><a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to John Barton (1936–2009)">John Barton (1936&ndash;2009)</a></h3> <h4>By <a href="" title="Posts by Tom Bollyky">Tom Bollyky</a> </h4> <p><p>John Barton, the George E. Osborne Professor of Law, Emeritus, at Stanford Law School, <a href="">passed away yesterday.</a></p> <p>There is an enormous shortage of clear-minded and pragmatic thinkers on intellectual property, trade, and development; the population of those as brilliant and decent as John was unfortunately singular. The world is a poorer place for his passing, but he leaves behind a legacy of scholarship and service that will be of abiding benefit to many.<br/> Among his more recent efforts:</p> <ul> <li>On <a href="">intellectual property and development</a></li> <li>On climate change, intellectual property, and technology transfer <a href="">here</a> and <a href="">here</a></li> <li>On access to medicines and international pharmaceutical pricing <a href="">here</a> and <a href="">here</a></li> <li>On <a href="">competition law, intellectual property, and development</a></li> </ul> <p>As importantly, John also leaves behind his many former students, like me, whose interests, careers, and lives have been much shaped by his 40 years of teaching and mentorship. My heart goes out to the Barton family and the Stanford Law School community in general.</p> </p> <p class="posted"><a href="" title="Comment on John Barton (1936–2009)">Comment</a></p> </div> <div class="br"><br/></div> <div id="post-1830"> <h2> July 31, 2009 </h2> <h3><a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to What Can Africa Hope For During Clinton Visit?">What Can Africa Hope For During Clinton Visit?</a></h3> <h4>By <a href="" title="Posts by Todd Moss">Todd Moss</a> </h4> <p><p><em>This blog also appeared on the <a href="">Huffington Post</a></em><br/> <img align="left" src="" alt="Map of Africa" width="200" height="204"/><br/> Secretary Clinton will be leaving <a href="">August 5 for a seven-country tour of Africa</a>. She will hit Kenya, South Africa, Angola, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Nigeria, Liberia, and Cape Verde. (Whew!) The itinerary suggests that the theme of the trip will be more real politik than President Obama’s recent visit to Ghana which stressed good governance and was a celebration of Ghana’s recent electoral and economic successes. The Secretary, in choosing the largest economies and the continent’s most influential capitals, is likely to highlight more traditional U.S. economic and security interests. A few thoughts on what to expect &#8212; and what Africa can hope for: <a href="" class="more-link">More&#8230;</a></p> </p> <p class="posted"><a href="" title="Comment on What Can Africa Hope For During Clinton Visit?">Comment</a></p> </div> <div class="br"><br/></div> <div id="post-1802"> <h2> July 30, 2009 </h2> <h3><a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to Who’d a Thunk It? Bipartisan Consensus on Foreign Aid">Who&#8217;d a Thunk It? Bipartisan Consensus on Foreign Aid</a></h3> <h4>By <a href="" title="Posts by Sheila Herrling">Sheila Herrling</a> </h4> <p><p><em>This is a joint posting with <a href="">Sarah Jane Staats</a> and also appeared on the <a href="">Huffington Pos</a>t</em></p> <p><img src="" alt="Sheila Herrling and Sara Jane Staats" width="200" height="200" align="left" style="margin: 10px 10px 0 0"/>Amidst of a month of partisan battles on Capitol Hill over a Supreme Court nominee, healthcare and financial regulation, a new bill was introduced this week that rose above party lines: the Foreign Assistance Revitalization and Accountability Act of 2009 (<a href="">S. 1524</a>). Senators Kerry, Lugar, Menendez, Corker, Risch and Cardin&#8211;three Democrats and three Republicans&#8211;introduced the bill as “a first step toward comprehensive reform of U.S. foreign assistance,” showing they are ready, willing and able to work with the administration on a set of deeper reforms. <a href="" class="more-link">More&#8230;</a></p> </p> <p class="posted"><a href="" title="Comment on Who’d a Thunk It? Bipartisan Consensus on Foreign Aid">8 Comments</a></p> </div> <div class="br"><br/></div> <div id="post-1794"> <h2> July 30, 2009 </h2> <h3><a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to Climate Disagreement Makes Headlines during Clinton’s Asia Trip—But the Good News Should Be Part of the Story, Too">Climate Disagreement Makes Headlines during Clinton&#8217;s Asia Trip—But the Good News Should Be Part of the Story, Too</a></h3> <h4>By <a href="" title="Posts by Nancy Birdsall">Nancy Birdsall</a> </h4> <p><div><em>This posting is joint with Jan Von Der Goltz</em></div> <p><img src="" alt="Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton is greeted by Minister for Forests and Environment Jairam Ramesh" width="250" height="165" align="left"/>International cooperation on climate change got bad press during Secretary Clinton’s Asia trip this month, when Indian Environment Minister Jairam Ramesh rebuffed Washington&#8217;s position that advanced developing countries should take on emission caps. <em>The New York Times</em> story “<a href=";scp=3&amp;sq=clinton%20india%20climate&amp;st=cse">Meeting Shows U.S.-India Split On Emissions</a>” started with a description of a tour of an innovative, energy-efficient office building:</p> <p> <a href="" class="more-link">More&#8230;</a></p> </p> <p class="posted"><a href="" title="Comment on Climate Disagreement Makes Headlines during Clinton’s Asia Trip—But the Good News Should Be Part of the Story, Too">Comment</a></p> </div> <div class="br"><br/></div> <div id="post-1779"> <h2> July 29, 2009 </h2> <h3><a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to UK Poverty Action Plan Discussed at CGD Roundtable (Now, if only the United States…)">UK Poverty Action Plan Discussed at CGD Roundtable (Now, if only the United States…)</a></h3> <h4>By <a href="" title="Posts by Lawrence MacDonald">Lawrence MacDonald</a> </h4> <p><p><img src="" alt="Douglas Alexander at CGD" width="200" height="200" align="left"/></p> <p>UK Minister for International Development Douglas Alexander presented at a CGD roundtable yesterday a new poverty action plan to help the world’s poorest people cope with the global economic crisis. Alexander said that the measures described in the new UK government White Paper, <em><a href="">Eliminating World Poverty: Building Our Common Future</a></em> would help 50 million people hit by the crisis, keeping children in school, parents in jobs, and the most vulnerable people out of destitution.</p> <p> <a href="" class="more-link">More&#8230;</a></p> </p> <p class="posted"><a href="" title="Comment on UK Poverty Action Plan Discussed at CGD Roundtable (Now, if only the United States…)">1 Comment</a></p> </div> <div class="br"><br/></div> <div id="post-1744"> <h2> July 27, 2009 </h2> <h3><a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to Development is Key to Climate Change Resilience, Wheeler says in Congressional Testimony">Development is Key to Climate Change Resilience, Wheeler says in Congressional Testimony</a></h3> <h4>By <a href="" title="Posts by Kaci Farrell">Kaci Farrell</a> </h4> <p><div><img src="" alt="David Wheeler testifies" width="197" height="176" align="left"/></div> <p><p>Congress should focus U.S. foreign assistance on human and economic development to buttress vulnerable societies against the inevitable impacts of climate change, CGD senior fellow David Wheeler told members of the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Asia, the Pacific and the Global Environment at a <a href="">congressional hearing</a> last week. </p> <div></div> <p> <a href="" class="more-link">More&#8230;</a></p> </p> <p class="posted"><a href="" title="Comment on Development is Key to Climate Change Resilience, Wheeler says in Congressional Testimony">2 Comments</a></p> </div> <div class="br"><br/></div> <div id="post-1732"> <h2> July 27, 2009 </h2> <h3><a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to The Expanding Role of the Fed and Why It Matters for Development">The Expanding Role of the Fed and Why It Matters for Development</a></h3> <h4>By <a href="" title="Posts by Liliana Rojas-Suarez">Liliana Rojas-Suarez</a> </h4> <p><p><img src="" alt="Liliana Rojas-Suarez" width="108" height="138" align="left"/>In a recent interview on <a href="">CNN en Español</a> I discussed the evolving role of the U.S. Federal Reserve Board and its implications for developing countries. People in Latin America are following this issue closely. That’s because the global crisis has reminded everybody that an unstable financial sector in the industrial countries has powerful ripple effects not only on the financial sector of developing countries but also on the real economy, with serious consequences for poverty and inequality. <a href="" class="more-link">More&#8230;</a></p> </p> <p class="posted"><a href="" title="Comment on The Expanding Role of the Fed and Why It Matters for Development">1 Comment</a></p> </div> <div class="br"><br/></div> <div id="post-1713"> <h2> July 23, 2009 </h2> <h3><a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to Special Op-Ed From Senator Lugar: Strong Voice for Development Needed">Special Op-Ed From Senator Lugar: Strong Voice for Development Needed</a></h3> <h4>By <a href="" title="Posts by Sheila Herrling">Sheila Herrling</a> </h4> <p><p><img src="" alt="Senator Lugar" width="141" height="171" align="left"/>CGD was delighted to be asked by Senator Richard Lugar to post his op-ed on the urgent need to elevate global development and strengthen U.S. foreign assistance programs. Together with Senators Kerry, Menendez and Corker, Lugar plans to introduce <a href="">legislation</a> this month that bolsters USAID and promotes capacity, accountability and transparency in U.S. foreign assistance programs. He says a strong, independent foreign aid agency is critical to our long-term security and urges the Obama administration to support the forthcoming, bipartisan Foreign Assistance Revitalization and Accountability Act. The full text of his op-ed follows:</p> <p> </p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="margin: 0in 0in 0pt"><span style="font-size: small;font-family: Calibri">[<strong>UPDATE 7/28/09</strong>: Today, Sens. Kerry, Lugar, Menendez, Corker, Risch, and Cardin introduced the Foreign Assistance Revitalization and Accountability Act of 2009, bill number S. 1524 available <a href="">here</a>: </span><span style="font-size: small;font-family: Calibri">]</span></p> <p> </p> <p> <a href="" class="more-link">More&#8230;</a></p> </p> <p class="posted"><a href="" title="Comment on Special Op-Ed From Senator Lugar: Strong Voice for Development Needed">13 Comments</a></p> </div> <div class="br"><br/></div> <div id="post-1690"> <h2> July 17, 2009 </h2> <h3><a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to Response to Question on Attribution and Cash on Delivery Aid">Response to Question on Attribution and Cash on Delivery Aid</a></h3> <h4>By <a href="" title="Posts by Nancy Birdsall">Nancy Birdsall</a> </h4> <p><p>In a <a href="">recent blog post</a> Duncan Green of Oxfam briefly introduced COD Aid (for what that is go <a href="">here</a>) and raised a few good questions (along with a disclaimer that he needs to learn more) about the approach. One concern he raised is whether the approach doesn’t pass the donor’s usual attribution test, i.e. the test of whether the donor’s aid made some positive and measurable difference. We could point out that that’s the case already with about 99 percent of all official aid—including budget support—but that would be surly! (To understand why serious evaluation doesn’t usually happen read the <a href="">Evaluation Gap</a> and learn about the subsequent founding of the <a href="">3IE</a> and the support it provides for recipient countries to do their own evaluations of their own programs, whether financed by their own or donors’ revenues.) <a href="" class="more-link">More&#8230;</a></p> </p> <p class="posted"><a href="" title="Comment on Response to Question on Attribution and Cash on Delivery Aid">Comment</a></p> </div> <div class="br"><br/></div> <div id="post-1598"> <h2> July 13, 2009 </h2> <h3><a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to UK Conservative Party Announces Support for Two CGD Initiatives – Cash on Delivery Aid and 3ie">UK Conservative Party Announces Support for Two CGD Initiatives – Cash on Delivery Aid and 3ie</a></h3> <h4>By <a href="" title="Posts by Ayah Mahgoub">Ayah Mahgoub</a> </h4> <p><p><a href=""><img class="bookcover left" src="" alt="ONE WORLD CONSERVATISM: A CONSERVATIVE AGENDA FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT" width="134"></a>The United Kingdom’s Conservative Party launched a <a href=" Papers/OneWorldConservatism.ashx">policy green paper</a> outlining the party’s agenda for international development today. The paper sets forth policies and initiatives the party plans to adopt if elected to power in the upcoming UK elections with a focus on increasing the value of aid, enhancing wealth creation, and addressing conflict, stabilization and peacekeeping. Among other initiatives outlined in the paper, we are pleased to learn that the party has announced strong support for two initiatives developed by the Center for Global Development: <a href="">Cash on Delivery (COD) Aid</a> – an outcomes-based aid modality that focuses on results while promoting recipient ownership; and the <a href="">International Initiative for Impact Evaluation(3ie)</a> – an organization that supports and promotes quality impact evaluations of development programs in low- and middle-income countries. <a href="" class="more-link">More&#8230;</a></p> </p> <p class="posted"><a href="" title="Comment on UK Conservative Party Announces Support for Two CGD Initiatives – Cash on Delivery Aid and 3ie">1 Comment</a></p> </div> <div class="br"><br/></div> <div id="post-1578"> <h2> July 13, 2009 </h2> <h3><a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to A New (and Optimistic) Open Book: Kenny’s Success of Development">A New (and Optimistic) Open Book: Kenny&#8217;s Success of Development</a></h3> <h4>By <a href="" title="Posts by Todd Moss">Todd Moss</a> </h4> <p><p>Our friend and colleague Charles Kenny has taken a leap into the world of Open Book Blogging, with his excellent early draft of <a href="">The Success of Development</a>. Like my CGD colleague David Roodman, who is <a href="">writing a book on microfinance through a similar format</a>, this is a brave venture to put draft work up for all to see—and criticize. But then that’s precisely the point. <a href="" class="more-link">More&#8230;</a></p> </p> <p class="posted"><a href="" title="Comment on A New (and Optimistic) Open Book: Kenny’s Success of Development">Comment</a></p> </div> <div class="br"><br/></div> <div id="post-1564"> <h2> July 13, 2009 </h2> <h3><a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to Hip Hip…Hooray? Cautious Optimism for G8 Agricultural Commitments">Hip Hip&#8230;Hooray? Cautious Optimism for G8 Agricultural Commitments</a></h3> <h4>By <a href="" title="Posts by Jenny Aker">Jenny Aker</a> </h4> <p><p>Last week, the leaders of the Group of 8 pledged <a href="">20 billion dollars in agricultural aid</a>, with the purpose of boosting agricultural productivity &#8212; especially in Africa. But will $20 billion over a three-year period help to feed many of the 1.02 billion people on earth who suffer from food insecurity? <a href="" class="more-link">More&#8230;</a></p> </p> <p class="posted"><a href="" title="Comment on Hip Hip…Hooray? Cautious Optimism for G8 Agricultural Commitments">Comment</a></p> </div> <div class="br"><br/></div> <div id="post-1558"> <h2> July 13, 2009 </h2> <h3><a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to State Department Launches Inaugural Review of Diplomacy and Development">State Department Launches Inaugural Review of Diplomacy and Development</a></h3> <h4>By <a href="" title="Posts by Sheila Herrling">Sheila Herrling</a> </h4> <p><p><a href=""><img src="" alt="Hillary Clinton" width="198" align="left"/></a>Last Friday, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton <a href="">announced</a> that she would undertake the first ever, and she hopes forever <a href="">mandated</a>, Quadrennial Diplomacy and Development Review (QDDR). Presumably fashioned as a partner piece to the <a href="">Defense Department’s Quadrennial Defense Review</a>, the <a href="">press release</a> says the QDDR will: <a href="" class="more-link">More&#8230;</a></p> </p> <p class="posted"><a href="" title="Comment on State Department Launches Inaugural Review of Diplomacy and Development">4 Comments</a></p> </div> <div class="br"><br/></div> <div> <div class="alignleft"><a href="">&laquo; Previous Entries</a></div> <div class="alignright"></div> </div> <br/> </div> </div> <!-- end content div --> <div id="right"> <ul> <li id="text-375718151" class="widget widget_text"> <div class="textwidget"><p><a href=""><strong>Views from the Center</strong></a> features posts from <a href="">Nancy Birdsall</a> and her colleagues about innovative, practical policy responses to poverty and inequality in a globalizing world.</p></div> </li> <li id="add-to-any-subscribe" class="widget Add_to_Any_Subscribe_Widget_display"> <a class="a2a_dd addtoany_subscribe" href=";"><img src="" width="120" height="16" alt="Subscribe"/></a> </li> <li id="text-389443091" class="widget widget_text"> <div class="textwidget"><a href=""><img src="" width="125" height="16" alt="Bookmark and Share" border="0"></a></div> </li> <li id="search" class="widget widget_search"><form method="get" id="searchform" action=""> <div><input class="formTextbox" type="text" value="Search" name="s" id="s" onfocus="if (this.value == 'Search') {this.value=''}" onblur="if (this.value == '') { this.value='Search' }"/><input class="formBtnGo" type="submit" id="searchsubmit" value="Go"/> </div> </form> </li> <li id="categories-375719051" class="widget widget_categories"><h2 class="widgettitle">Categories</h2> <select name="cat" id="cat" class="postform"> <option value="-1">Select Category</option> <option class="level-0" value="6">Aid Effectiveness</option> <option class="level-0" value="18">Asia</option> <option class="level-0" value="227">Capitol Flows/Financial Crisis</option> <option class="level-0" value="41">Climate Change</option> <option class="level-0" value="20">Debt Relief</option> <option class="level-0" value="228">Economic Growth</option> <option class="level-0" value="230">Education</option> <option class="level-0" value="240">Food &amp; 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My compliments, and congratulations!<br><br> <a href="" title="In Kenya, Questions and Suggestions on AGOA, August 13, 2009">gawain kripke</a> on <a href="">In Kenya, Questions and Suggestions on AGOA</a>: Hi Randy, Thanks for this good posting on your recent experience in Nairobi. A bit...<br><br> <a href="" title="The Farmer Out of the Dell: Who’s Next in the USAID Courtship Ritual?, August 7, 2009">Sheila Herrling</a> on <a href="">The Farmer Out of the Dell: Who&#8217;s Next in the USAID Courtship Ritual?</a>: What a lively discussion, all! Thank you. A recent <br><br> <a href="" title="Who’d a Thunk It? Bipartisan Consensus on Foreign Aid, July 30, 2009">Joe</a> on <a href="">Who&#8217;d a Thunk It? Bipartisan Consensus on Foreign Aid</a>: A core problem is the objectives/priorities of the in-country missions vis a...<br><br> <a href="" title="The Farmer Out of the Dell: Who’s Next in the USAID Courtship Ritual?, August 7, 2009">Tom</a> on <a href="">The Farmer Out of the Dell: Who&#8217;s Next in the USAID Courtship Ritual?</a>: Given that we still don&#8217;t have an Assistant Secretary of...<br><br> </ul></div></li> <li id="archives" class="widget widget_archive"><h2 class="widgettitle">Archives</h2> <select name="archive-dropdown" onchange="document.location.href=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;"> <option value="">Select Month</option> <option value=""> August 2009 &nbsp;(8)</option> <option value=""> July 2009 &nbsp;(18)</option> <option value=""> June 2009 &nbsp;(11)</option> <option value=""> May 2009 &nbsp;(14)</option> <option value=""> April 2009 &nbsp;(24)</option> <option value=""> March 2009 &nbsp;(26)</option> <option value=""> February 2009 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