Goodnight, Internet Explorer | Butterick’s Practical Typography

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <title>Goodnight, Internet Explorer | Butterick’s Practical Typography</title> </head> <body id="body" class="hidden" body-text="true"> <h2>Goodnight, Internet Explorer</h2> <p>Dear <span class="no-hyphens">Reader:</span></p><p>I’ve just re­leased the sec­ond edi­tion of <em>Prac­ti­cal Ty­pog­ra­phy</em>. I’m afraid, how­ever, that I’ve had to drop sup­port for In­ter­net Ex­plorer 11 or ear­lier. These are the worst web browsers that ever ex­isted. I did my best with them, as long as I could. But they’re rid­dled with lay­out and se­cu­rity prob­lems that are ex­pen­sive for me to sup­port. And to­day, these browsers are used by an ever-tinier frac­tion of <span class="no-hyphens">visitors.</span></p> <p>Therefore, the kind­est thing I can do is en­cour­age you to <strong>switch browsers</strong>. For in­stance, <a href="">Google Chrome,</a> <a href="">Mozilla Fire­fox,</a> or <a href="">Mi­crosoft <span class="no-hyphens">Edge.</span></a></p> <p>See you on the other side.</p> <p>—Matthew <span class="no-hyphens">Butterick</span></p></div><a id="links"></a><div class="gap" style="height:1em"></div><ul class="children"></ul></div> </body> </html> <!-- © 2010–18 Matthew Butterick -->

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