Do you need a visa for Thailand? - Lonely Planet

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7.54417 13.4033C7.49353 13.4548 7.46515 13.5241 7.46515 13.5962C7.46515 13.6684 7.49353 13.7377 7.54417 13.7892C8.24583 14.4908 9.61417 14.55 10.0117 14.55C10.4092 14.55 11.7658 14.5033 12.4792 13.7892C12.5279 13.7379 12.557 13.6712 12.5614 13.6006C12.5658 13.5301 12.5453 13.4602 12.5033 13.4033C12.4519 13.3524 12.3824 13.3239 12.31 13.3239C12.2376 13.3239 12.1681 13.3524 12.1167 13.4033C11.6608 13.8475 10.7133 14.0117 10.0233 14.0117C9.33333 14.0117 8.37417 13.8483 7.93 13.4033C7.90459 13.378 7.87443 13.358 7.84125 13.3444C7.80807 13.3308 7.77252 13.324 7.73667 13.3242V13.325Z"></path></svg></button><button type="button" data-taggyid="copy to clipboard" class="w-12 h-12 bg-white border-r border-box border-black-200 lg:border-b" aria-label="Copy to clipboard"><div class="flex items-center justify-center h-full"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" aria-hidden="true"><path d="M9.00003 4.31664L11.3417 1.97496C11.6484 1.66601 12.0132 1.4208 12.4151 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11.3417L5.72697 7.5897C6.03368 7.28075 6.39849 7.03555 6.80038 6.86822C7.20228 6.70089 7.63331 6.61475 8.06865 6.61475C8.50399 6.61475 8.93502 6.70089 9.33692 6.86822C9.73881 7.03555 10.1036 7.28075 10.4103 7.5897C10.5687 7.74368 10.7113 7.91304 10.8361 8.09529" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10"></path></svg></div><input class="w-0 h-0 opacity-0" aria-label="Hidden for copy functionality"/></button><div class="hidden lg:block" data-testid="showMore"><button type="button" data-taggyid="open/close" class="border-box w-12 h-12 flex items-center justify-center border-r lg:border-b border-black-200 bg-white" aria-label="More options"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 26 6" fill="currentColor" aria-hidden="true"><circle cx="3" cy="3" r="3"></circle><circle cx="13" cy="3" r="3"></circle><circle cx="23" cy="3" r="3"></circle></svg></button></div></div></div></div></div><div class="lg:container lg:px-0"><img alt="Beautiful Rice field in the morning mist at pai, mae hong son, thailand License Type: media Download Time: 2023-07-26T04:40:11.000Z User: claramonitto Is Editorial: No purchase_order: 56530/Global Publishing-WIP " fetchPriority="high" width="1440" height="810" decoding="async" data-nimg="1" class="max-w-full object-cover w-full" style="color:transparent" srcSet=";h=810&amp;fit=crop&amp;auto=format&amp;q=75 1x,;h=810&amp;fit=crop&amp;auto=format&amp;q=75 2x" src=";h=810&amp;fit=crop&amp;auto=format&amp;q=75"/><div class="container xl:max-w-6xl xl:border-sand-300 xl:border xl:border-b-0 xl:border-t-0"><p class="p-2 text-xs text-right container lg:max-w-4xl">Look over the visa options for Thailand with this handy guide. Travel Mania/Shutterstock</p></div></div></div></header><div class="py-14 container xl:max-w-6xl xl:border-sand-300 xl:border xl:border-b-0 xl:border-t-0 xl:py-24"><div class="lg:px-24"><div><div class="lg:w-full styles_block__5n3XJ"><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Citizens of dozens of countries can enter <a href="">Thailand</a> visa-free.</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">This makes it one of the easiest countries in Asia to visit impulsively. Other travelers and visitors on longer trips need a visa, but they're easy and inexpensive to obtain.&nbsp;</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">There's <a href="">a lot to see and do in Thailand</a>, and your visa must cover the full period of your stay. Make sure you know the requirements before your trip – read on for the basics. Coming prepared will also help you plan a perfect journey to Thailand and avoid unnecessary problems with documents.</p><div class="hidden styles_gpt-ad__BVAfH bg-white pb-3 my-12"></div><figure class="my-24 lg:w-[calc(100%+5rem)] lg:-ml-10"><img alt="Thai girl from village in rural of Thailand offering foods to Buddhist monks who going about with alms bowl to receive food in morning by walking across rice field with palm trees" loading="lazy" width="2121" height="1414" decoding="async" data-nimg="1" class="max-w-full object-contain w-full bg-black-100" style="color:transparent" sizes="(min-width: 1024px) 1200px, (min-width: 448px) 95vw, 100vw" srcSet=";w=640&amp;auto=format&amp;q=75 640w,;w=750&amp;auto=format&amp;q=75 750w,;w=828&amp;auto=format&amp;q=75 828w,;w=1024&amp;auto=format&amp;q=75 1024w,;w=1080&amp;auto=format&amp;q=75 1080w,;w=1200&amp;auto=format&amp;q=75 1200w,;w=1280&amp;auto=format&amp;q=75 1280w,;w=1920&amp;auto=format&amp;q=75 1920w,;w=2048&amp;auto=format&amp;q=75 2048w,;w=3840&amp;auto=format&amp;q=75 3840w" src=";w=3840&amp;auto=format&amp;q=75"/><figcaption class="text-right mt-2 text-xs">Getting a visa for Thailand is usually straightforward © Mongkolchon Akesin / Getty Images</figcaption></figure><h2 class="text-black mt-16 mb-6 article-h2">Is a visa mandatory for Thailand?</h2><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">It depends on the passport you’re holding and the purpose of your visit. If you’re coming for tourism and planning to stay for a short time, you’ll most likely be either exempt from a visa entirely or can receive a visa on arrival. So in the majority of cases, prior visa application is not mandatory for Thailand.&nbsp;</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Here’s a quick review of Thailand’s different visa options for short-term stays.&nbsp;</p><h3 class="text-black mt-16 mb-6 article-h3">Tourist Visa Exemption Scheme</h3><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">In short, you can enter Thailand without a visa if you qualify based on the conditions below. The border officer will put a passport stamp that will entitle you to a stay in the country.&nbsp;</p><ul class="my-8 pl-10 list-circle list-outside text-md"><li class="mt-3"><p class="text-md text-black-400"><b>Who can use it: </b>passport holders of 93 countries and territories (including citizens of the USA, UK, Australia and Ireland).&nbsp;</p></li><li class="mt-3"><p class="text-md text-black-400"><b>Duration:</b> up to 60 days period of stay with a possibility of 30 days extension</p></li></ul><h3 class="text-black mt-16 mb-6 article-h3">Visa on Arrival (VoA)</h3><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">VoA is different from the Tourist Visa Exemption program. If you qualify, based on the conditions below, you will have to go to a designated immigration checkpoint at a land or air border crossing and actually apply for the visa. Also, there’s a 2000B (or US$59) fee, payable in cash.&nbsp;</p><ul class="my-8 pl-10 list-circle list-outside text-md"><li class="mt-3"><p class="text-md text-black-400"><b>Who can use it:</b> passport holders of 31 countries and territories (including citizens of Mexico, China and India).</p></li><li class="mt-3"><p class="text-md text-black-400"><b>Duration of trip:</b> should not exceed 15 days</p></li></ul><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Let’s go into more detail about the various Thailand visa types to give you a better idea of how the system works.</p><h2 class="text-black mt-16 mb-6 article-h2">What you need to know about visas in Thailand&nbsp;&nbsp;</h2><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Entry procedures for tourists to Thailand are very straightforward, whether you arrive by air or overland. Thailand shares land borders with <a href="">Malaysia</a>, <a href="">Myanmar</a>, <a href="">Cambodia</a> and <a href="">Laos</a>, and many people zip in and out multiple times on a multi-destination trip around <a href="">Southeast Asia</a>.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Many travelers can arrive in Thailand visa-free; the remainder have to apply for tourist visas. For all visa classes, you need a passport that is valid for at least six months beyond the date of entry, with several spare blank pages. You can be denied entry without proof of an onward ticket and sufficient funds for your stay, but in practice, this is rarely checked. You'll also need to enter an address in Thailand on your arrival card.</p><div class="hidden styles_gpt-ad__BVAfH bg-white pb-3 my-12"></div><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">The <a href="">Ministry of Foreign Affairs</a> oversees immigration and visa policies; check the website or contact the nearest Thai embassy or consulate for the current rules. The <a href="">'Do I need a tourist visa?</a>' section of Thailand's e-visa website is very helpful for identifying requirements based on your nationality.</p><h2 class="text-black mt-16 mb-6 article-h2">Visa-free entry to Thailand depends on what passport you hold</h2><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Thailand allows visa-free entry for tourists from many countries for stays of up to 90 days. The exact <a href="">list of countries and permitted durations of stay varies</a>, but it usually includes the US, Canada, the UK, Ireland, most of Europe, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and some nations in Asia, South America and the Middle East.&nbsp;</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">For example, if you’re a US citizen, you’re automatically entitled to a Tourist Visa Exemption and don’t need to obtain a visa before arriving in Thailand. The border officer will stamp your passport at the airport’s immigration and customs checkpoint. Also, your fingerprints will be scanned and a photo taken. After that, you can stay in Thailand for 60 days with the possibility to extend it for up to 30 days.&nbsp;</p><h2 class="text-black mt-16 mb-6 article-h2">Some visitors can get a tourist visa on arrival (VoA)</h2><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Citizens of some smaller European countries and a handful of destinations in Asia can <a href="">get a tourist visa on arrival (VoA) for stays of 15 days</a>.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">There are desks handling the paperwork at more than 30 airports and land border crossings. You'll need a recent passport photo, proof of funds to support yourself and tickets for onward travel within 15 days. The cash fee is 2000B (about US$60), payable in Thai Baht.</p><figure class="my-24 lg:w-[calc(100%+5rem)] lg:-ml-10"><img alt="Backpacker on suspension bridge in rainforest in Thailand" loading="lazy" width="5580" height="3720" decoding="async" data-nimg="1" class="max-w-full object-contain w-full bg-black-100" style="color:transparent" sizes="(min-width: 1024px) 1200px, (min-width: 448px) 95vw, 100vw" srcSet=";w=640&amp;auto=format&amp;q=75 640w,;w=750&amp;auto=format&amp;q=75 750w,;w=828&amp;auto=format&amp;q=75 828w,;w=1024&amp;auto=format&amp;q=75 1024w,;w=1080&amp;auto=format&amp;q=75 1080w,;w=1200&amp;auto=format&amp;q=75 1200w,;w=1280&amp;auto=format&amp;q=75 1280w,;w=1920&amp;auto=format&amp;q=75 1920w,;w=2048&amp;auto=format&amp;q=75 2048w,;w=3840&amp;auto=format&amp;q=75 3840w" src=";w=3840&amp;auto=format&amp;q=75"/><figcaption class="text-right mt-2 text-xs">Visa on arrival can mean you don&#x27;t have to walk the tightrope of bureaucracy © FredFroese / Getty Images</figcaption></figure><h2 class="text-black mt-16 mb-6 article-h2">Get a tourist visa in advance from your local embassy or consulate, or online</h2><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">If you are not eligible for visa-free travel or a VoA, you will need to <a href="">apply for a tourist visa</a> ahead of your visit. It allows a stay of up to 60 days at a time and is valid for three or six months. Fees and conditions vary; contact your local Thai embassy or consulate for the latest rules.</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">The Thai government's e-visa process makes applying online a possibility for eligible nationalities. Use <a href="">the Q&amp;A form</a> to understand if this process is open to you. If it is, you can create an online account and follow the steps to provide all the requested information digitally, paying the application fee ahead of processing. If your application is successful, a confirmation email will be sent to you, which you should print out and show to airline or immigration officials when traveling to Thailand.</p><h2 class="text-black mt-16 mb-6 article-h2">Education visas are available for those going to study&nbsp;&nbsp;</h2><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Thousands of travelers visit Thailand yearly for long-term diving training, meditation study, Muay Thai courses, language lessons and more. If that's you, you can <a href="">apply for an education visa</a>. Check out all the instances when you can get the ED visa on the <a href="">official Thai E-Visa portal</a>.&nbsp;</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">You'll need a letter of acceptance from an accredited education institution showing proof of enrollment on a course, and your passport should be valid for at least six months past the end of the course. The single-entry visas are valid for three months. The extension of the ED visa is possible but only at the discretion of the immigration officer.</p><div class="hidden styles_gpt-ad__BVAfH bg-white pb-3 my-12 shadow p-6"></div><figure class="my-24 lg:w-[calc(100%+5rem)] lg:-ml-10"><img alt="Asian woman travel nature. Travel relax. sit work with a laptop the balcony of the resort. View of the field on the Moutain in summer" loading="lazy" width="2119" height="1415" decoding="async" data-nimg="1" class="max-w-full object-contain w-full bg-black-100" style="color:transparent" sizes="(min-width: 1024px) 1200px, (min-width: 448px) 95vw, 100vw" srcSet=";w=640&amp;auto=format&amp;q=75 640w,;w=750&amp;auto=format&amp;q=75 750w,;w=828&amp;auto=format&amp;q=75 828w,;w=1024&amp;auto=format&amp;q=75 1024w,;w=1080&amp;auto=format&amp;q=75 1080w,;w=1200&amp;auto=format&amp;q=75 1200w,;w=1280&amp;auto=format&amp;q=75 1280w,;w=1920&amp;auto=format&amp;q=75 1920w,;w=2048&amp;auto=format&amp;q=75 2048w,;w=3840&amp;auto=format&amp;q=75 3840w" src=";w=3840&amp;auto=format&amp;q=75"/><figcaption class="text-right mt-2 text-xs">Thailand doesn&#x27;t yet have a digital nomad visa © last19 / Getty Images</figcaption></figure><h2 class="text-black mt-16 mb-6 article-h2">Does Thailand have a digital nomad visa?</h2><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">After years of weighing the idea of a digital nomad visa, Thailand finally introduced it in 2024. Called Destination Thailand Visa (DTV), it gives its holder the right to stay in a country for 5 years with multiple entries. However, it’s essential to understand that this kind of visa doesn’t mean permanent residence. The duration of the stay is limited to 180 days, total, with a possibility to extend it for another 180 days.&nbsp;</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">In other words, the visa is valid for 5 years, but you can only be a maximum of 360 days in Thailand during that period. It is reserved for freelancers and participants of so-called “soft power-related activities” (like Muay Thai courses, Thai cooking classes, etc.). Check out the full list on the <a href="">visa application website</a>. The cost of DTV is 10000B (or around US$295), and it can be obtained both from Thai embassies and online.</p><h2 class="text-black mt-16 mb-6 article-h2">What is a Thailand long-term resident visa (LTR)?</h2><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Thailand has a special visa for the so-called “high-potential” individuals. It is called <a href="">LTR (long-term resident) visa</a>, and it’s mostly geared towards investors and high-earning individuals. Applicants must pay a processing fee of 50,000B (approximately US$1380) and show proof of earning US$80,000 per year (or at least US$40,000 per year if they can fulfill other requirements, such as having a master's degree). They also need insurance covering US$50,000 and must work in a legally registered company that has an income of no less than US$150 million within the past three years. If granted, it allows up to a 10-year stay for skilled professionals who wish to work from Thailand.</p><h2 class="text-black mt-16 mb-6 article-h2">Tourist visas can be extended in Thailand</h2><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">If you run short on time during your stay, tourist visas can be extended for an additional 30 days at any immigration office in Thailand at the discretion of Thai immigration authorities; the usual fee is 1900B (equivalent to US$56). See the website of the <a href="">Immigration Bureau</a> for office listings.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Remember to dress in your best when you visit the office; turning up in threadbare beachwear and thongs is unlikely to reassure the immigration officers that you have funds to support yourself for a longer stay.</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">For all types of visa extensions, bring two passport-sized photos and photocopies of the photo and visa pages from your passport. Always take care of your visa business yourself; if you go through a third party, you'll pay more, and there's a risk of falling for a scam.</p><h2 class="text-black mt-16 mb-6 article-h2">What if I overstay my visa?</h2><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">If you overstay your visa, the usual penalty is a fine of 500B (around US$15) per day, with a 20,000B (or US$592) limit. Fines must be paid in Thai baht, either at the airport or in advance at an immigration office. Kids under 15 are exempt, and if you've overstayed by only one day or your departure is delayed because of circumstances beyond your control (eg a flight cancellation by the airline), you usually won't get charged.</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Overstaying your visa for more than 90 days can negatively affect your future visas to Thailand and can result in an entry ban or, worse, prison. For example, you may be denied a Thailand LTR visa if you have an overstay history.&nbsp;</p><h2 class="text-black mt-16 mb-6 article-h2">"The visa run" is still a possibility... twice</h2><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Another extremely popular extension-of-stay option for travelers eligible for visa-free entry is simply to cross a land border and re-enter Thailand after a few days. A new visa exemption will be issued upon your return.</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">This typically works well the first two times, but authorities are becoming increasingly strict towards travelers who try to extend their stay indefinitely by popping over the border multiple times; don't expect to be able to come back in if you've already done it twice, and remember that re-entry is at the discretion of the visa agent.</p></div></div></div><div class="hidden styles_gpt-ad__BVAfH bg-white pb-3 mt-24"></div></div><section class="relative py-12 md:py-20 border-t border-sand-300"><section class="jsx-f704f42be0b5c3bb max-w-full mx-4 my-16 articles lg:my-24 md:mx-auto md:container"><div class="jsx-f704f42be0b5c3bb"><header class="jsx-f704f42be0b5c3bb flex items-end justify-between mt-5 mb-10 lg:mt-8 lg:mb-14"><h2 class="text-2xl md:text-5xl md:leading-relaxed">Explore related stories</h2><div class="jsx-f704f42be0b5c3bb flex-none hidden md:inline-block"><a href="/articles" class="jsx-f704f42be0b5c3bb btn">Read more articles</a></div></header></div><div class="jsx-f704f42be0b5c3bb relative z-0 lg:flex lg:gap-x-8"><div class="jsx-f704f42be0b5c3bb mb-8 lg:w-3/5 lg:shrink-0 lg:mb-auto"><div class="relative"><div class="relative lg:rounded overflow-hidden lg:h-[688px]"><img alt="Young beautiful Asian woman friends using mobile phone photography together while travel on boat passing island beach lagoon in sunny day. 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Here’s everything to know - Lonely Planet","name":"twitter:title","tag":"meta"},{"content":"@lonelyplanet","name":"twitter:site","tag":"meta"},{"content":"Citizens of dozens of countries can enter Thailand visa-free.This makes it one of the easiest countries in Asia to visit impulsively. 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Here’s everything to know","featuredImage":{"__typename":"Image","alt":"Beautiful Rice field in the morning mist at pai, mae hong son, thailand License Type: media Download Time: 2023-07-26T04:40:11.000Z User: claramonitto Is Editorial: No purchase_order: 56530/Global Publishing-WIP ","caption":"Look over the visa options for Thailand with this handy guide. Travel Mania/Shutterstock","credit":"Travel mania / Shutterstock","height":2592,"name":"Shutterstock252956647.jpg","title":"Shutterstock252956647.jpg","url":"","width":3888},"contentBlocks":[{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Citizens of dozens of countries can enter \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eThailand\u003c/a\u003e visa-free."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"This makes it one of the easiest countries in Asia to visit impulsively. Other travelers and visitors on longer trips need a visa, but they're easy and inexpensive to obtain.\u0026nbsp;"},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"There's \u003ca href=\"\"\u003ea lot to see and do in Thailand\u003c/a\u003e, and your visa must cover the full period of your stay. Make sure you know the requirements before your trip – read on for the basics. Coming prepared will also help you plan a perfect journey to Thailand and avoid unnecessary problems with documents."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","type":"ad_unit","data":{"adPath":"articles/in-content-top","adPlacement":"fullWidth","native":false}},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"alt":"Thai girl from village in rural of Thailand offering foods to Buddhist monks who going about with alms bowl to receive food in morning by walking across rice field with palm trees","caption":"Getting a visa for Thailand is usually straightforward © Mongkolchon Akesin / Getty Images","contentId":"tu3ot9nnf16p5f2o74q824j10n","credit":"© / Getty Images","height":"1414","src":"","title":"GettyImages-1392044193.jpg","width":"2121"},"type":"canto_image"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"level":2,"text":"Is a visa mandatory for Thailand?"},"type":"header"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"It depends on the passport you’re holding and the purpose of your visit. If you’re coming for tourism and planning to stay for a short time, you’ll most likely be either exempt from a visa entirely or can receive a visa on arrival. So in the majority of cases, prior visa application is not mandatory for Thailand.\u0026nbsp;"},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Here’s a quick review of Thailand’s different visa options for short-term stays.\u0026nbsp;"},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"level":3,"text":"Tourist Visa Exemption Scheme"},"type":"header"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"In short, you can enter Thailand without a visa if you qualify based on the conditions below. The border officer will put a passport stamp that will entitle you to a stay in the country.\u0026nbsp;"},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"items":["\u003cb\u003eWho can use it: \u003c/b\u003epassport holders of 93 countries and territories (including citizens of the USA, UK, Australia and Ireland).\u0026nbsp;","\u003cb\u003eDuration:\u003c/b\u003e up to 60 days period of stay with a possibility of 30 days extension"],"style":"unordered"},"type":"list"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"level":3,"text":"Visa on Arrival (VoA)"},"type":"header"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"VoA is different from the Tourist Visa Exemption program. If you qualify, based on the conditions below, you will have to go to a designated immigration checkpoint at a land or air border crossing and actually apply for the visa. Also, there’s a 2000B (or US$59) fee, payable in cash.\u0026nbsp;"},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"items":["\u003cb\u003eWho can use it:\u003c/b\u003e passport holders of 31 countries and territories (including citizens of Mexico, China and India).","\u003cb\u003eDuration of trip:\u003c/b\u003e should not exceed 15 days"],"style":"unordered"},"type":"list"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Let’s go into more detail about the various Thailand visa types to give you a better idea of how the system works."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"level":2,"text":"What you need to know about visas in Thailand\u0026nbsp;\u0026nbsp;"},"type":"header"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Entry procedures for tourists to Thailand are very straightforward, whether you arrive by air or overland. Thailand shares land borders with \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eMalaysia\u003c/a\u003e, \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eMyanmar\u003c/a\u003e, \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eCambodia\u003c/a\u003e and \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eLaos\u003c/a\u003e, and many people zip in and out multiple times on a multi-destination trip around \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eSoutheast Asia\u003c/a\u003e.\u0026nbsp;\u0026nbsp;"},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Many travelers can arrive in Thailand visa-free; the remainder have to apply for tourist visas. For all visa classes, you need a passport that is valid for at least six months beyond the date of entry, with several spare blank pages. You can be denied entry without proof of an onward ticket and sufficient funds for your stay, but in practice, this is rarely checked. You'll also need to enter an address in Thailand on your arrival card."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","type":"ad_unit","data":{"adPath":"articles/in-content-middle","adPlacement":"fullWidth","native":false}},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"The \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eMinistry of Foreign Affairs\u003c/a\u003e oversees immigration and visa policies; check the website or contact the nearest Thai embassy or consulate for the current rules. The \u003ca href=\"\"\u003e'Do I need a tourist visa?\u003c/a\u003e' section of Thailand's e-visa website is very helpful for identifying requirements based on your nationality."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"level":2,"text":"Visa-free entry to Thailand depends on what passport you hold"},"type":"header"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Thailand allows visa-free entry for tourists from many countries for stays of up to 90 days. The exact \u003ca href=\"\"\u003elist of countries and permitted durations of stay varies\u003c/a\u003e, but it usually includes the US, Canada, the UK, Ireland, most of Europe, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and some nations in Asia, South America and the Middle East.\u0026nbsp;"},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"For example, if you’re a US citizen, you’re automatically entitled to a Tourist Visa Exemption and don’t need to obtain a visa before arriving in Thailand. The border officer will stamp your passport at the airport’s immigration and customs checkpoint. Also, your fingerprints will be scanned and a photo taken. After that, you can stay in Thailand for 60 days with the possibility to extend it for up to 30 days.\u0026nbsp;"},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"level":2,"text":"Some visitors can get a tourist visa on arrival (VoA)"},"type":"header"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Citizens of some smaller European countries and a handful of destinations in Asia can \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eget a tourist visa on arrival (VoA) for stays of 15 days\u003c/a\u003e.\u0026nbsp;\u0026nbsp;"},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"There are desks handling the paperwork at more than 30 airports and land border crossings. You'll need a recent passport photo, proof of funds to support yourself and tickets for onward travel within 15 days. The cash fee is 2000B (about US$60), payable in Thai Baht."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"alt":"Backpacker on suspension bridge in rainforest in Thailand","caption":"Visa on arrival can mean you don't have to walk the tightrope of bureaucracy © FredFroese / Getty Images","contentId":"s0bgh233691e5drice2mekke4d","credit":"Getty Images","height":"3720","src":"","title":"GettyImages-652735376.jpeg","width":"5580"},"type":"canto_image"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"level":2,"text":"Get a tourist visa in advance from your local embassy or consulate, or online"},"type":"header"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"If you are not eligible for visa-free travel or a VoA, you will need to \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eapply for a tourist visa\u003c/a\u003e ahead of your visit. It allows a stay of up to 60 days at a time and is valid for three or six months. Fees and conditions vary; contact your local Thai embassy or consulate for the latest rules."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"The Thai government's e-visa process makes applying online a possibility for eligible nationalities. Use \u003ca href=\"\"\u003ethe Q\u0026amp;A form\u003c/a\u003e to understand if this process is open to you. If it is, you can create an online account and follow the steps to provide all the requested information digitally, paying the application fee ahead of processing. If your application is successful, a confirmation email will be sent to you, which you should print out and show to airline or immigration officials when traveling to Thailand."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"level":2,"text":"Education visas are available for those going to study\u0026nbsp;\u0026nbsp;"},"type":"header"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Thousands of travelers visit Thailand yearly for long-term diving training, meditation study, Muay Thai courses, language lessons and more. If that's you, you can \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eapply for an education visa\u003c/a\u003e. Check out all the instances when you can get the ED visa on the \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eofficial Thai E-Visa portal\u003c/a\u003e.\u0026nbsp;"},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"You'll need a letter of acceptance from an accredited education institution showing proof of enrollment on a course, and your passport should be valid for at least six months past the end of the course. The single-entry visas are valid for three months. The extension of the ED visa is possible but only at the discretion of the immigration officer."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","type":"ad_unit","data":{"adPath":"articles/in-content-native","adPlacement":"native","native":true}},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"alt":"Asian woman travel nature. Travel relax. sit work with a laptop the balcony of the resort. View of the field on the Moutain in summer","caption":"Thailand doesn't yet have a digital nomad visa © last19 / Getty Images","contentId":"4ru31o9ff13ffe91o9lov0nd7e","credit":"© last19 / Getty Images","height":"1415","src":"","title":"GettyImages-1038025260.jpg","width":"2119"},"type":"canto_image"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"level":2,"text":"Does Thailand have a digital nomad visa?"},"type":"header"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"After years of weighing the idea of a digital nomad visa, Thailand finally introduced it in 2024. Called Destination Thailand Visa (DTV), it gives its holder the right to stay in a country for 5 years with multiple entries. However, it’s essential to understand that this kind of visa doesn’t mean permanent residence. The duration of the stay is limited to 180 days, total, with a possibility to extend it for another 180 days.\u0026nbsp;"},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"In other words, the visa is valid for 5 years, but you can only be a maximum of 360 days in Thailand during that period. It is reserved for freelancers and participants of so-called “soft power-related activities” (like Muay Thai courses, Thai cooking classes, etc.). Check out the full list on the \u003ca href=\"\"\u003evisa application website\u003c/a\u003e. The cost of DTV is 10000B (or around US$295), and it can be obtained both from Thai embassies and online."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"level":2,"text":"What is a Thailand long-term resident visa (LTR)?"},"type":"header"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Thailand has a special visa for the so-called “high-potential” individuals. It is called \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eLTR (long-term resident) visa\u003c/a\u003e, and it’s mostly geared towards investors and high-earning individuals. Applicants must pay a processing fee of 50,000B (approximately US$1380) and show proof of earning US$80,000 per year (or at least US$40,000 per year if they can fulfill other requirements, such as having a master's degree). They also need insurance covering US$50,000 and must work in a legally registered company that has an income of no less than US$150 million within the past three years. If granted, it allows up to a 10-year stay for skilled professionals who wish to work from Thailand."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"level":2,"text":"Tourist visas can be extended in Thailand"},"type":"header"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"If you run short on time during your stay, tourist visas can be extended for an additional 30 days at any immigration office in Thailand at the discretion of Thai immigration authorities; the usual fee is 1900B (equivalent to US$56). See the website of the \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eImmigration Bureau\u003c/a\u003e for office listings.\u0026nbsp;\u0026nbsp;"},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Remember to dress in your best when you visit the office; turning up in threadbare beachwear and thongs is unlikely to reassure the immigration officers that you have funds to support yourself for a longer stay."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"For all types of visa extensions, bring two passport-sized photos and photocopies of the photo and visa pages from your passport. Always take care of your visa business yourself; if you go through a third party, you'll pay more, and there's a risk of falling for a scam."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"level":2,"text":"What if I overstay my visa?"},"type":"header"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"If you overstay your visa, the usual penalty is a fine of 500B (around US$15) per day, with a 20,000B (or US$592) limit. Fines must be paid in Thai baht, either at the airport or in advance at an immigration office. Kids under 15 are exempt, and if you've overstayed by only one day or your departure is delayed because of circumstances beyond your control (eg a flight cancellation by the airline), you usually won't get charged."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Overstaying your visa for more than 90 days can negatively affect your future visas to Thailand and can result in an entry ban or, worse, prison. For example, you may be denied a Thailand LTR visa if you have an overstay history.\u0026nbsp;"},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"level":2,"text":"\"The visa run\" is still a possibility... twice"},"type":"header"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Another extremely popular extension-of-stay option for travelers eligible for visa-free entry is simply to cross a land border and re-enter Thailand after a few days. A new visa exemption will be issued upon your return."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"This typically works well the first two times, but authorities are becoming increasingly strict towards travelers who try to extend their stay indefinitely by popping over the border multiple times; don't expect to be able to come back in if you've already done it twice, and remember that re-entry is at the discretion of the visa agent."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","type":"relatedBooks","data":{"context":{"tags":[{"title":"thailand","type":"place"},{"title":"laos","type":"place"},{"title":"myanmar (burma)","type":"place"},{"title":"malaysia","type":"place"},{"title":"cambodia","type":"place"}],"slug":"visa-requirements-for-thailand"}}}],"hasNativeAds":true,"related":[{"tags":[{"__typename":"TitleAndSlug","slug":"destination-practicalities","title":"Destination Practicalities"},{"__typename":"TitleAndSlug","slug":"tips-and-advice","title":"Tips \u0026 Advice"}],"excerpt":"Stay connected while you enjoy the best of Thailand with this guide to cell networks, wi-fi and eSIMs.","image":{"url":"","caption":"Stay connected when traveling around Thailand with this guide to cell networks, mobile internet and eSIMs. Getty Images","alt":"Young beautiful Asian woman friends using mobile phone photography together while travel on boat passing island beach lagoon in sunny day. 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