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is-centered"> <div class="main-content column is-10"><div id="block-bulma-gesteau-content" class="block block-system block-system-main-block clearfix"> <article data-history-node-id="184204" role="article" about="/en/life-eau-climat/communication" typeof="schema:WebPage" class="content page full clearfix"> <span property="schema:name" content="Communication" class="hidden"></span> <div> <div property="schema:text" class="field-text-with-summary content"> <div property="schema:text"><p style=" font-weight:bold; color:#2f6897;text-shadow:2px">CONTACT</p> <p>For any information on the LIFE Water&Climate project, you can use the <a href="">contact form</a> by choosing the value "About the LIFE Eau&Climat project" in the field "Reason for your message". All the documents provided on this page are in french.</p> <hr /><p style=" font-weight:bold; color:#2f6897;text-shadow:2px">LOGO聽</p> <ul><li><a href="" target="_blank">Logo of the LIFE Eau&Climat project in聽jpg聽format</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Logo of the LIFE Eau&Climat project in png聽forma</a>t</li> </ul><hr /><p style=" font-weight:bold; color:#2f6897;text-shadow:2px">PRESENTATION BROCHURE</p> <ul><li><a href="" target="_blank">Presentation brochure of the LIFE Eau&Climat project</a></li> </ul><p style=" font-weight:bold; color:#2f6897;text-shadow:2px">SUMMARY DOCUMENT</p> <p style=" font-weight:bold; color:#2f6897;text-shadow:2px"><em>Coming soon</em></p> <p style=" font-weight:bold; color:#2f6897;text-shadow:2px">PARTNERS' POSTERS [FR]</p> <p>Posters presenting the involvement of each partner in the project with focus on certain actions:</p> <ul><li><a href="" target="_blank">Poster of ACTIERRA</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Poster of EP Loire</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Poster of EPAGE Loire Lignon</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Poster of EPTB Charente</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Poster of EPTB Vienne</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Poster of</a> <a href="">Aquanova </a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Poster of INRAE</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Poster of M茅t茅o-France</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Poster of l'OiEau</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Poster of R茅gion Grand Est</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Poster of SMAVD</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Poster of SMBVLB</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Poster of SMEAG</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Poster of Syndicat Mixte - C茅l茅 Lot M茅dian</a></li> </ul><ul><li>Project presentation聽<a href="" target="_blank">Roll-up [EN]</a></li> </ul><p style=" font-weight:bold; color:#2f6897;text-shadow:2px">PUBLISHING ARTICLES</p> <p><em>April 2022</em> - <a href=" " target="_blank">"Gestion locale de l'eau et changement climatique : des outils apport茅s par le projet europ茅en LIFE Eau&Climat"</a>聽in TSM magazine (Astee) ->聽Article written by OiEau presenting the project, its issues聽and the main deliverables</p> <p><em>December 2023</em> - <a href="" target="_blank">"M茅tier - Charg茅 de mission SAGE "Eau et Climat"</a> in Astee's TSM magazine -> Interview with Maxime Pantarotto from SMEAG</p> <p style=" font-weight:bold; color:#2f6897;text-shadow:2px">INFORMATION LETTERS</p> <p>Latest news of the LIFE Eau&Climat聽project mentioned in the Gest'eau newsletter :</p> <ul><li><a href="" target="_blank">Lettre d'information Gest'eau du 26 avril 2024</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Lettre d'information Gest'eau du 29 f茅vrier 2024</a></li> <li><a href="">Lettre d'information Gest'eau du 28 avril 2023</a></li> <li><a href="">Lettre d'information Gest'eau du 28 f茅vrier 2023</a></li> <li><a href="">Lettre d'information Gest'eau du 15 d茅cembre 2022</a></li> <li><a href="">Lettre d'information Gest'eau du 27 octobre 2022</a></li> <li><a href="">Lettre d'information Gest'eau du 31 ao没t 2022</a></li> <li><a href="">Lettre d'information Gest'eau du 24 juin 2022</a></li> <li><a href="">Lettre d'information Gest'eau du 29 avril 2022</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Lettre d'information Gest'eau du 28 f茅vrier 2022</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Lettre d'information Gest'eau du 16 d茅cembre 2021</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Lettre d'information Gest'eau du 29 octobre 2021</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Lettre d'information Gest'eau du 31 ao没t 2021</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Lettre d'information Gest'eau du 25 juin聽2021</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Lettre d'information Gest'eau du 30 avril 2021</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Lettre d'information Gest'eau du 26 f茅vrier 2021</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Lettre d'information Gest'eau du 30 novembre 2020</a></li> </ul><hr /><p style=" font-weight:bold; color:#2f6897;text-shadow:2px">COMMUNICATION BY THE PARTNERS</p> <p><strong>Communication media for results :</strong></p> <ul><li><a href="" target="_blank">DRIAS-Eau presentation flyer</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">DRIAS-Eau presentation video</a></li> </ul><p><strong>Partner publications about the project: web articles, newsletters...:</strong></p> <ul><li>24 July 2024 - <a href="" target="_blank">M茅t茅o-France Activity Report</a> -> <em>mention of the DRIAS-Eau portal and interview with Jean-Michel Soubeyroux</em></li> <li>11 July 2024 - <a href="" target="_blank">News " Restitution de l'茅tude d'impact des pr茅l猫vements et du changement climatique sur le bassin de la Seugne" </a>-<em>> news on this day and its contributions</em>.</li> <li>July 2024 - <a href="" target="_blank">SMBVLB 2023 activity repor</a>t-> <em>presentation of hydrogeological model</em></li> <li>July 2024 - <a href="" target="_blank">EPTB Vienne 2023 activity report</a> -> <em>guide to adapting to climate change and HMUC study</em></li> <li>June 2024 - <a href="" target="_blank">Newsletter n掳135, Les nouvelles du bassin du Lignon du Velay</a> -> <em>educational trail panels and World Water Day</em></li> <li>May 2024 -<a href="" target="_blank"> Newsletter n掳134, Les nouvelles du bassin du Lignon du Velay </a>-> <em>review of the year 2023 with a look back at the actions carried out under LIFE Water&Climate</em></li> <li>april 2024 - <a href="" target="_blank">Newsletter of the Vienne basin n掳49</a> -> <em>third seminar on water and climate change</em></li> <li>March 2024 - <a href="" target="_blank">EPTB Charente 2023 activity report</a> -> <em>presentation of the results of the project on the territory</em></li> <li>jJly 2023 - <a href="" target="_blank">Newsletter n掳132, Les nouvelles du bassin du Lignon du Velay</a> -> <em>educational trail and escape game during the f锚te du Lignon</em></li> <li>April 2023 - <a href="" target="_blank">SMEAG 2022 activity report</a> -> <em>presentation of works and climate change page</em></li> <li>April 2023 -聽<a href="">Newsletter n掳131, News from the Lignon du Velay catchment area</a> -> <em>water and climate change workshop of the "聽P么le d鈥橢quilibre Territorial et Rural de la Jeune Loire" (R茅gional and Rural Balance Pole of the Jeune Loire)</em></li> <li>17th April 2023 -聽<a href="">DRIAS-Eau: What future for water in 2050?</a> -><em> web article on the M茅t茅o France website</em></li> <li>31st March 2023 -聽<a href="">Launch of the DRIAS-Eau hydrological data portal</a> -> <em>news and distribution of the press release and press kit on the INRAE website</em></li> <li>31st聽March 2023 -聽<a href="">Launch of the DRIAS-Eau hydrological data portal</a> -> <em>news and distribution of the press release and press kit on the M茅t茅o France website</em></li> <li>31st March 2023 -聽<a href="">M茅t茅o-France in support of water resource management</a> -> <em>article on M茅t茅o France's expertise, with mention of the project and DRIAS-Eau</em></li> <li>21st March 2023 -聽<a href="">Water resources, droughts and climate change</a> -> <em>article using DRIAS-Eau data</em></li> <li>March 2023 -聽<a href="">Newsletter n掳130, News from the Lignon du Velay catchment area</a> -> <em>activities at a secondary school on World Water Day</em></li> <li>March 2023 - <a href="" target="_blank">EPTB Charente 2022 activity report</a> -> progress of the prospective study</li> <li>March 2023 - <a href="" target="_blank">SMAVD 2022 activity report</a> -> progress in the use of satellite images</li> <li>January 2023 -聽<a href="">Newsletter n掳129, News from the Lignon du Velay catchment area</a> -> <em>low-water monitoring network</em></li> <li>October 2022 -聽<a href="">Newsletter n掳127, News from the Lignon du Velay catchment</a> -> <em>installation of equipment to monitor river water levels, 9th chronicle on climate change</em></li> <li>24th October聽2022 -聽<a href="">La lettre du bassin de la Vienne, Octobre 2022 - N掳46</a> -> <em>Results of the study on the effects of climate change on water resources in the Vienne basin now available online</em></li> <li>September 2022 -聽<a href="">Newsletter n掳126, News from the Lignon du Velay basin</a> -><em> 8th chronicle on climate change</em></li> <li>September 2022 - <a href="" target="_blank">Chronique de la Garonne n掳8 </a>-><em> article on the rising level of the Garonne and mention of the project</em></li> <li>August 2022 -<a href="" target="_blank"> EPTB Vienne 2021 activity report</a> -<em>> progress of the prospective study</em></li> <li>August 2022 -聽<a href="">Newsletter n掳125, Les nouvelles du bassin versant du Lignon du Velay</a> -><em> climate fresco workshop and 7th chronicle on climate change</em></li> <li>July 2022 -聽<a href="">Newsletter n掳124, News from the Lignon du Velay basin</a> -><em> 6th chronicle on climate change</em></li> <li>13th July 2022 - <a href="" target="_blank">Lettre d'info n掳19 du SAGE Vienne, Juillet 2022</a> -> <em>study of the influence of climate change on the Vienne river basin</em></li> <li>8th July聽2022 - <a href="" target="_blank">La lettre du bassin de la Vienne, Juillet 2022 - N掳45</a> ->聽<em>presentation of the prospective study on the impact of climate change on the Vienne river basin. 2nd water and climate seminar.聽</em></li> <li>July 2022 - <a href="" target="_blank">SMBVLB 2021 activity report</a><em>-> project progress report</em></li> <li>June 2022 - <a href="" target="_blank">Newsletter n掳123, Les nouvelles du bassin versant du Lignon du Velay</a> <em>-> water workshop and climate fresco, water level monitoring network, 5th chronicle on climate change</em></li> <li>May聽2022 -聽<a href="" target="_blank">Newsletter n掳122, News from the聽bassin versant du Lignon du Velay</a> <em>-> 4th聽chronicle about climate change聽</em></li> <li>12 May 2022 - <a href="" target="_blank">News from the Aquanova site </a><em>-> 3rd general meeting of the project</em></li> <li>9th May 2022聽-聽<a href="" target="_blank">LIFE Eau&Climat : les structures porteuses des SAGE testent de nouveaux outils pour mod茅liser plus pr茅cis茅ment le changement climatique</a> <em>-> News on SMEAG's website about the third LIFE Eau&Climat general meeting聽</em></li> <li>April 2022 -聽<a href="" target="_blank">Newsletter n掳121, News from the bassin versant du Lignon du Velay</a> <em>-> 3rd聽chronicle about climate change聽</em></li> <li><em>25th聽April聽2022</em> -聽<a href="" target="_blank">C茅l茅 et du Lot m茅dian</a><a href="">'s Newsletter</a>聽<em>->聽Steering committees of two actions carried out in the framework of the project LIFE Eau&Climat</em></li> <li>March聽2022 -聽<a href="" target="_blank">Newsletter n掳120, News from the聽bassin versant du Lignon du Velay</a> <em>-> Raise awareness聽for聽high school classes to climate change on the occasion of World Water Day, 2nd chronicle on climate change, LIFE Eau&Climat聽project leaflet</em></li> <li>March聽2022 -聽 <a href="" target="_blank">"Changement climatique" page updated聽on the聽SAGE Vall茅e de la Garonne</a>'s website ->聽<em>addition of a section on the LIFE Eau&Climat project with in particular the actions led by SMEAG</em></li> <li>March 2022 - <a href="" target="_blank">EPTB Charente 2021 activity report</a> -> progress of the prospective study</li> <li>March 2022 - <a href="" target="_blank">SMAVD 2021 activity report</a> -<em>> C3PO and mobilisation of elected representatives</em></li> <li>February聽2022<em> -聽</em><a href="" target="_blank">Newsletter n掳119, News from聽the bassin versant du Lignon du Velay</a>聽->聽<em>1st chronicle聽on climate change</em></li> <li>January聽2022 -聽<a href="" target="_blank">Newsletter n掳118, News from聽the聽bassin versant du Lignon du Velay</a> -><em> low-water monitoring network</em></li> <li>Decembrer 2021 - <a href="" target="_blank">聽SAGE Creuse's Newsletter n掳4</a><em> ->聽presentation of the project results during the seminar of September 30, 2021 organized by the EPTB Vienne</em></li> <li>November 2021 - <a href="" target="_blank">Sources en action - Newsletter n掳7</a><em> -> involvement of the EPTB Vienne, presentation of the project during the seminar of September 30, 2021</em></li> <li>21st october聽2021 -聽<a href="[UNIQID]" target="_blank">聽bassin du C茅l茅 et du Lot m茅dian</a><a href="[UNIQID]">'s Newsletter</a>聽<em>-> News on municipal water resource management projects</em></li> <li>october 2021 - <a href="" target="_blank">Newsletter for the Vienne basin n掳43</a> -<em>> seminar on adapting to climate change</em></li> <li>September聽2021 -聽<a href="" target="_blank">Newsletter n掳115, News of bassin versant du Lignon du Velay</a> -><em>聽evolution of Lignon's聽 low water flow</em></li> <li>September聽2021 - <a href="" target="_blank">Garonne chronicles n掳7</a> <em>-> presentation of the聽projet and聽SMEAG's involvement</em></li> <li>11st August 2021 - <a href="">News on the聽</a><a href="" target="_blank">SAGE Bassin Ferrif猫re</a><a href="">聽website</a> ->聽<em>citizen observatory of climate change impacts on water resources</em></li> <li>August聽2020 - <a href="">Activity report</a><a href="" target="_blank">聽2020 EPTB Vienne</a> <em>-> 聽EPTB Vienne's participation in the project</em></li> <li>23rd July聽2021 - <a href="" target="_blank">News on the OiEau website</a>聽<em>->聽launch of the Explore2 project</em></li> <li>19th July聽2021 -聽<a href="" target="_blank">News on the INRAE website</a>聽<em>-> 聽launch of the Explore2 project</em></li> <li>July 2021 - <a href="" target="_blank">OiEau 2020 Activity Report</a> -> <em>presentation of the project</em></li> <li>July 2021 - <a href="" target="_blank">2020 SMBVLB activity report</a>-> <em>presentation of the project and SMBVLB participation</em></li> <li>29th Mars 2021 - <a href="" target="_blank">Newsletter n掳12 of the SAGE Vall茅e de la Garonne聽</a>->聽SAGE involvement in the project<em> </em></li> <li>March 2021 - <a href="" target="_blank">EPTB Charente 2020 activity report</a> -> EPTB Charente participation in the project</li> <li>March 2021 - <a href="" target="_blank">2020 SMAVD activity report</a> -> SMAVD participation</li> <li>08th February聽2021 - <a href="">News on the OiEau website</a> -> <em>interview with the coordinator</em></li> <li>06th November聽2020 - <a href="" target="_blank">Newsletter n掳41 of the Vienne river basin 聽</a>-> <em>involvement of the EPTB Vienne in the project</em></li> <li>21st October聽2020 - <a href="" target="_blank">News on the聽EPTB Charente website</a>聽-> <em>launch of the project</em></li> <li>15th October 2020 - <a href="" target="_blank">News on the EPAGE Loire lignon website</a>聽->聽<em>launch of the project</em></li> <li>15th October 2020 - <a href="" target="_blank">News on the HYDREOS website</a>聽-> <em>launch of the project</em></li> <li>22nd September 2020 - <a href="" target="_blank">Newsletter n掳106, News from the Lignon du Velay river basin聽</a><em>-> launch of the project</em></li> <li>2nd September 2020 - <a href="" target="_blank">News on the聽SMAVD website</a>聽<em>-> launch of the project</em></li> <li>27th August聽2020 - <a href="" target="_blank">News on the EPTB Vienne website</a>聽<em>-> launch of the project</em></li> <li>26th August 2020聽- <a href="" target="_blank">Newsletter of the C茅l茅 and Lot m茅dian basin</a> <em>-> project validation</em></li> </ul><p><strong>Presentation of the project during events:</strong></p> <ul><li>10-13 june 2024 - <strong>103rd congress of Astee </strong>- OiEau's intervention</li> <li>27 May 2024 - <a href="" target="_blank"><strong>Climate change and water resources in the Vienne river basin</strong></a> - organisation and presentation by EPTB Vienne, presentation by OiEau</li> <li>14 - 19 april 2024 - <strong>General Assembly of the EGU </strong>- INRAE intervention</li> <li>10 - 12 April 2024 - <strong>HydroExpo #3 </strong>- Aquanova presentation</li> <li>29 March 2024 - <strong><a href="" target="_blank">Climate change: impact on water resources</a> </strong>- presentation by EPTB Charente and EPTB vienne on their HMUC studies</li> <li>28 March 2024 - <a href="" target="_blank"><strong>Technical meeting "Adapting my livestock farming to climate change"</strong></a> - SmCLm</li> <li>21 March 2024 - <strong>PACA region water seminar</strong> - presentation by M茅t茅o-France</li> <li>23 and 30 January 2024 - <strong>NRG SAGE public meetings in Auch and Arreau</strong> - intervention by M茅t茅o-France and INRAE</li> <li>14 November 2023 - <strong>Presentation of the DRIAS-Eau portal to the Tourism Commission of the Conseil Sup茅rieur de la M茅t茅orologie </strong>- presentation by M茅t茅o-France</li> <li>9 November 2023 - <strong>Speech at the AFL Days in Occitania: what situation for water in Occitania in the coming decades?</strong> - by M茅t茅o-France</li> <li>8 November 2023 - <strong>Meeting to launch the European NATALIE project</strong> - presentation by EPTB Vienne</li> <li>6 and 7 October 2023 - <a href="" target="_blank"><strong>Rencontre durable par la commune Saint-Pal-De-Mons </strong></a>- presentation by EPAGE Loire-Lignon</li> <li>29 June 2023 - <strong><a href="" target="_blank">Meeting of the Cerema hydraulic modelling club</a></strong> - presentation by M茅t茅o-France</li> <li>from 21 to 25 June 2023 - <strong>Odyssy </strong>- intervention by EPTB Charente</li> <li>10 to 17 June 2023 - <strong>C茅l茅't茅</strong> - organised by SmCLm</li> <li>11 July 2023 - <strong><a href="" target="_blank">Rainwater and climate change workshop organised by AQUANOVA and the Grand Est region in Strasbourg</a></strong> - presentation of the project</li> <li>8 June 2023 - <strong><a href="" target="_blank">HydroExpo #2</a></strong>, European trade fair for the maintenance and development of aquatic environments - Aquanova presentation</li> <li>11 May 2023 - <a href="" target="_blank"><strong>NaturAdapt closing seminar</strong></a> - presentations by EPAGE Loire-Lignon, M茅t茅o-France and OiEau</li> <li>27 April 2023 - <a href="" target="_blank"><strong>Water and climate change workshop of the P么le d'Equilibre Territorial et Rural de la Jeune Loire </strong></a>- presentation by the EPAGE Loire-Lignon</li> <li>9 March 2023 - <a href="" target="_blank"><strong>Regional symposium on water and climate change, Breton water assembly </strong></a>- presentation by SMEAG</li> <li>4 April 2023 - <a href="" target="_blank">CERDD workshop on the integration of SAfN</a> - Life ARTISAN - presentations by Actierra and OiEau</li> <li>21 March 2023 - <a href="" target="_blank"><strong>Workshop and conference for World Water Day at the Lyc茅e George Sand in Yssingeaux</strong></a> - presentation by EPAGE Loire-Lignon</li> <li>14 December 2022 - <strong><a href="" target="_blank">Masterclass Europe Climate Adaptation organised by the Belgian Environment Agency</a></strong> - presentation by OiEau</li> <li>6-7 December 2022 - <strong><a href="" target="_blank">Symposium on quantitative management of water resources</a></strong> - co-organised by EP Loire, presentations by EP Loire, INRAE, EPTB Vienne and OiEau</li> <li>2 December 2022 -<strong><a href="" target="_blank"> Les webinaires du Creseb: LIFE Eau&Climat Project - Feedback on prospective studies,</a></strong> presentations by EPTB Vienne, EP Loire and INRAE</li> <li>23 November 2022 - <strong><a href="" target="_blank">Salon des maires et des collectivit茅s locales</a></strong> - presentation by M茅t茅o-France (presentation of DRIAS-Eau)</li> <li>18 November 2022 - L<strong><a href="" target="_blank">es webinaires du Creseb: Discussion on the LIFE Eau&Climat project</a></strong> - presentations by OiEau and INRAE</li> <li>8 November 2022 - <strong><a href="" target="_blank">Rendez-vous de l'eau Bourges plus</a></strong> - presentation by EP Loire</li> <li>8 November 2022 - <strong><a href="" target="_blank">Rencontres techniques du SAGE Mayenne</a></strong> - presentation by OiEau</li> <li>6 October 2022 - <strong>Water meeting in Poitiers </strong>- Speech by EPTB Vienne</li> <li>6 October 2022 - <a href="" target="_blank"><strong>Les jeudis de la CREMA - Integrated water management in the context of climate change</strong></a> - Example of HMUC analyses - presentation by OiEau</li> <li>5 October 2022 - <strong>F锚te de la Science, on the theme of Climate at Saint-Julien Molhesabate town hall </strong>- presentation by the EPAGE Loire Lignon</li> <li>3-5 October 2022 - <a href="" target="_blank"><strong>SAGE 2022 seminar, "Le SAGE face aux situations hors-normes"</strong></a> - presentations by EP Loire, EPAGE Loire-Lignon, SMEAG and OiEau</li> <li>26-29 September 2022 - <a href="" target="_blank"><strong>EUROPE-INBO 2022</strong></a> - Speech by OiEau</li> <li>24 september 2022 -<strong> F锚te de la montagne limousine</strong> - presentation by EPTB Vienne</li> <li>2 September 2022 - <strong>Interlife 2022 meeting</strong> - SMEAG presentation</li> <li>5 August 2022 - <strong>Festival de la R茅serve Naturelle d'Aulon -</strong> intervention by M茅t茅o-France</li> <li>29 July and 5 August 2022 - <a href="" target="_blank"><strong>Fresque du climat stand and water workshop, Saint Jeures farmers' market</strong></a> - EPAGE Loire Lignon contribution</li> <li>1 July 2022 - <strong>National conference on "Old town centres, climate and ecological issues" </strong>- presentation by M茅t茅o-France</li> <li>29-30 June 2022 - <a href="" target="_blank"><strong>Carrefour des gestions locales de l'eau 2022</strong></a> - intervention by OiEau</li> <li>24 June 2022 - <a href="" target="_blank"><strong>Rencontres interLIFE 2022</strong></a> - SMEAG presentation</li> <li>21 June 2022 -<a href="" target="_blank"><strong> Climate change and water resources in the Vienne basin </strong></a>- organisation and presentation by EPTB Vienne</li> <li>14-16 June 2022 - <a href="" target="_blank"><strong>101st congress of Astee</strong></a> - OiEau's intervention</li> <li>6 June 2022 - <strong>Occitanie DREAL seminar </strong>- presentation by M茅t茅o-France</li> <li>6 May 2022 - <a href="" target="_blank"><strong>France 3 Nouvelle Aquitaine broadcast on climate change </strong></a>- contribution by EPTB Vienne</li> <li>22 April 2022 - <strong>Haute Garonne Environnement climate change seminar</strong> - presentation by M茅t茅o-France</li> <li>31 March 2022 - <a href="" target="_blank"><strong>ANEB 2022 seminar </strong></a>- presentation by OiEau</li> <li>23 March 2022 - <a href="" target="_blank"><strong>9th World Water Forum</strong></a> - presentation by OiEau</li> <li>22 March 2022 - <strong>Workshop on World Water Day at the Lyc茅e George Sand in Yssingeaux</strong> - organised by the EPAGE Loire-Lignon</li> <li>15 March 2022 - <a href="" target="_blank"><strong>Life ARTISAN Forum - "the climate is changing, let's adapt with nature", workshop #12</strong></a> - intervention by OiEau</li> <li>14 February 2022 - <strong>Journ茅es loi sur l'eau 1992</strong> - presentation by M茅t茅o-France</li> <li>14 January 2022 - <a href="" target="_blank"><strong>Rendez-vous Gest'eau on the management of water bodies in the context of climate change</strong></a> - presentations by the Syndicat mixte C茅l茅 - Lot m茅dian and the EPTB Vienne</li> <li>10 December 2021 -<strong> RMT ClimA </strong>- presentation by M茅t茅o-France</li> <li>10 December 2021 - <a href="" target="_blank"><strong>19th international conference of Euro-INBO</strong></a> - presentation by OiEau</li> <li>23 November 2021 - <strong>Adour-Garonne Water Agency seminar </strong>- presentation by M茅t茅o-France</li> <li>23 November 2021 - <strong>Plenary session of the Loire-Bretagne basin committee</strong> - INRAE presentation</li> <li>23 November 2021 - <strong>"Climate & Irrigation" seminar</strong> - presentation by INRAE<br /> 2 November 2021 - <strong>Summer University: Association Sauvons Le Climat</strong> - presentation by M茅t茅o-France</li> <li>20 October 2021 -<strong> ANEB Congress</strong> - presentation by M茅t茅o-France</li> <li>30 September 2021 - <a href="" target="_blank"><strong>Seminar on climate change and water resources in the Vienne river basin organised by EPTB Vienne</strong></a> - presentation by OiEau</li> <li>28 September 2021 - <strong>Forum des 茅lus du Tarn et Garonne</strong> - presentation by M茅t茅o-France</li> <li>23 September 2021 - <a href="" target="_blank"><strong>ANEB conference on water, development and urban planning</strong></a> - SMEAG presentation</li> <li>14 september 2021 - <a href="" target="_blank"><strong>Cycl'eau, thematic day on Water & Climate change</strong></a> - how territories are adapting, organised by the Cycl'eau association - presentations by INRAE, EPAGE Loire Lignon and OiEau</li> <li>18 June 2021 - <a href="" target="_blank"><strong>Annual meetings dedicated to the implementation of the Water Framework Directive in overseas France by the OFB</strong></a> - presentation by OiEau</li> <li>1 April 2021 - <strong>Meeting of SAGE coordinators from the Adour-Garonne basin organised by the Adour-Garonne Water Agency</strong> - contributions from SMBVLB and Actierra</li> <li>1 April 2021 - <strong>Deciphering the water issues raised by the DRIAS 2020 report from M茅t茅o-France and PFE</strong> - presentation by M茅t茅o-France</li> <li>02 February 2021 - <strong>The WINNing days - Get ready for Horizon Europe by France Water Team</strong> - presentation by OiEau</li> <li>22 September 2020 - <a href="" target="_blank"><strong>SAGE 2020 technical days</strong></a> of the French Ministry for Ecological Transition - OiEau's contribution</li> </ul><p>聽</p> <hr /><p>聽</p> <p style=" font-weight:bold; color:#2f6897;text-shadow:2px">PRESS RELEASES</p> <ul><li><a href="" target="_blank">Press briefing of 27 June 2024</a> on the results of the LIFE Eau&Climat and Explore2 projects<br /><a href="" target="_blank">Press release of 28 June 2024</a> on the results of the LIFE Eau&Climat and Explore2 projects</li> <li><a href="">Press kit dated 31st March 2023</a> on the launch of the DRIAS-Eau hydrological data portal, with an editorial by Christophe B茅chu, Minister for Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion in connection with the "Water Plan".</li> <li><a href="">Press release dated 31 March 2023</a> on the launch of the DRIAS-Eau hydrological data portal</li> <li><a href="">Press invitation dated 29 April 2022</a> for the press briefing on 04 May 2022 at the third Annual General Meeting.</li> <li><a href="">P</a><a href="" target="_blank">ress聽invitation of septembre, 10 2021</a> for the general meeting of September 15, 2021 and聽<a href="" target="_blank">14 september 2021 reminder</a></li> <li><a href="">Press release of 19 July 2021</a> about the start of the Explore2 project</li> <li><a href="">Press release of 7 December 2020</a> about the start of the LIFE Eau&Climat project</li> </ul><p style=" font-weight:bold; color:#2f6897;text-shadow:2px">PRESS REVIEW</p> <p>Articles published on the web or in the press about the project:</p> <ul><li>16 July 2024 - <a href="" target="_blank">Article in the Gazette des communes</a> - "Water: using science to adapt to the future climate" (interview with St茅phane Loriot following the final seminar)</li> <li>8 July 2024 - <a href="" target="_blank">Article in Diagonales </a>- "Water and climate change: state of play and prospects" (final feedback seminar)</li> <li>5 July 2024 - <a href="[NDY1NDE%3D]" target="_blank">Article in Actu-environnement</a> - "Adapting water management to future climates: a helping hand from research" (final feedback seminar)</li> <li>4 July 2024 - <a href="" target="_blank">Article in Nouvel Economiste </a>- "Marc-Yvan Laroye, OiEau: "Investing in research on the impacts of climate change remains a challenge" (final feedback seminar)</li> <li>1 July 2024 - <a href="" target="_blank">Article in L'Eau, l'Industrie Les Nuisances</a> - "OiEau pilots the LIFE Eau&Climat project, to adapt local water management to climate change" (final feedback seminar)</li> <li>1 July 2024 - <a href="" target="_blank">Article in Le Moniteur</a> - "Des outils pour g茅rer l'eau en 2100" (final feedback seminar)</li> <li>30 June 2024 - <a href="" target="_blank">Article in Nice Matin</a> - "Avenir de la ressource en<br /> une claire incertitude" (final feedback seminar)</li> <li>30 June 2024 - <a href="" target="_blank">Article in Sud Ouest</a> - "Water resources: a study (final seminar)<br /> outlines a threatening future for France" (final seminar)</li> <li>29 June 2024 - <a href="" target="_blank">Article in Ouest-France</a> - "Comment les s茅cheresses vont 茅voluer d'ici 脿 2100" (final seminar)</li> <li>29 June 2024 - <a href="" target="_blank">Article in Le Figaro</a> - "What hydrological future for France?</li> <li>28 June 2024 - <a href="" target="_blank">Article in Le Monde</a> - "Des cycles de l'eau chamboul茅s : une 茅tude explore les multiples sc茅narios possibles dans la France de 2100" (final feedback seminar)</li> <li>28 June 2024 - <a href="" target="_blank">Article in Le Reporterre</a> - "Dry summers, rainy winters: what lies ahead for France" (final seminar)</li> <li>28 June 2024 - <a href="" target="_blank">Article in Le Banque des Territoires</a> - "Explore2 - LIFE Water&Climate projects: initial results provide keys to managing the future of water" (final feedback seminar)</li> <li>28 June 2024 - <a href="" target="_blank">Article in La France Agricole</a> - "What will France's water resources be like in 2100?</li> <li>28 June 2024 -<a href="" target="_blank"> Article in Lib茅ration</a> - "Rainier winters, drier summers... Water resources will be even more unevenly distributed in France by 2100" (final feedback seminar)</li> <li>28 June 2024 - <a href="" target="_blank">Article in Sciences et Aveni</a>r - "Comment les rivi猫res vont couler en 2100" (final seminar)</li> <li>18 April 2024 - <a href="" target="_blank">Article in La Provence </a>- SMAVD web interface<br /> January 2024 - Two articles in the inter-municipal magazines of Tence, Chenereilles and Mas de Tence (43) - "<a href="" target="_blank">L'EPAGE Loire-Lignon au service de la ressource en eau et des milieux aquatiques</a>" and "<a href="" target="_blank">Une f锚te du Lignon r茅ussie au bord de la rivi猫re et un circuit pour mieux la d茅couvrir</a>".</li> <li>January 2024 - Newsletter Info climat N掳100 - "Explore 2 climate and hydrological projections for mainland France and the new DRIAS-Eau portal".</li> <li>10th April 2023 - <a href="">Article on l'Union agricole (Seine-Maritime agricultural news weekly)</a> - "<em>Water: M茅t茅o-France puts its regional availability projections online</em>"</li> <li>6th April 2023 - <a href="">Article on L'info durable</a> - "Drought: M茅t茅o-France launches a platform to visualise water availability" (DRIAS-Eau)</li> <li>6th April 2023 - <a href="">Article on (South and Central Agricultural Press Agency)</a> - "<em>M茅t茅o France launches DRIAS-Eau</em>"</li> <li>4th April 2023 - <a href="">Article on</a> - "<em>Launch of a new hydrological data portal by M茅t茅o-France</em>"</li> <li>3rd April 2023 -<a href=""> Article on Le Kiosque Le Journal </a>- <em>"What future for water in 2050?</em>"</li> <li>3rd April 2023 -<a href=""> Article on La Volont茅 Paysanne .fr</a> - "<em>M茅t茅o-France puts its regional water availability projections online</em>"</li> <li>3rd April 2023 - <a href="">Article on</a> (farming and food industry news) - "<em>Water resources: M茅t茅o France launches a regional availability projections website</em>"</li> <li>31st March 2023 - <a href="">Article on Terre-net (Agricultural information) </a>- "<em>M茅t茅o-France puts its regional water availability projections online</em>"</li> <li>31st March 2023 - <a href="">AFP dispatch</a> - "<em>Global warming: M茅t茅o-France puts its regional water availability projections online</em>".</li> <li>22nd March 2023 - <a href="">Article in Le Populaire</a> - "<em>In Limousin, will the battle for water take place ?</em>" (mention of the prospective study by the EPTB Vienne)</li> <li>16th March 2023 - <a href="">Article in Le Progr猫s</a> - "<em>A public conference to mark World Water and Tree Day</em>" (EPAGE Loire-Lignon)</li> <li>6th March 2023 - <a href="">Article in Le Populaire</a> - "<em>Water is in short supply in Haute-Vienne</em>" (key figures from the EPTB Vienne study)</li> <li>December 2022 - <a href="">Article on the Communaut茅 de Communes聽des Sucs website</a> - "<em>A monitoring and warning network for the levels of the tributaries of the Lignon</em>"</li> <li>14th December 2022 - <a href="">Article in Le Progr猫s</a> - <em>"Climate change worries elected representatives in the Lignon basin</em>"</li> <li>10th November 2022 - <a href="">Radio program - France Culture: Geography on the map</a> - "<em>The Rh么ne: sharing the waters</em>" mention of the project by INRAE</li> <li>5th October 2022 -<a href=""> Article in La Tribune</a> - "<em>Water at 23掳C in the long term is the end of certain fish</em>" (about the installation of water level gauges and probes by the EPAGE Loire Lignon)</li> <li>3rd October 2022 -<a href=""> Article on La comm猫re 43</a> - "<em>Ladders installed to monitor water levels in the tributaries of the Lignon</em>".</li> <li>3rd July 2022 - <a href="">Article dans la Nouvelle-R茅publique 86 </a>- "<em>Less 20% of water in rivers, -40% in 2050</em>"</li> <li>5th October聽2021 - <a href=",21411.html" target="_blank">Article sur</a> - <em>"Le bassin de la Vienne veut s鈥檃dapter au r茅chauffement climatique"</em></li> <li>21st September聽2021 - <a href=",21380.html" target="_blank">Article sur</a> - <em>"La ressource en eau au coeur du programme europ茅en Life Eau&Climat pr茅sent茅 脿 Limoges"</em></li> <li>16th September聽2021 - <a href="" target="_blank">Article sur Le Populaire</a> - <em>"En quoi consiste le projet Life Eau&climat dont les premiers r茅sultats ont 茅t茅 d茅voil茅s 脿 Limoges ?"聽</em>et <a href="" target="_blank">en version papier du journal</a></li> <li>19th July 2021 - <a href="" target="_blank">Article sur Actu-Environnement</a> : <em>"L'Inrae commence une nouvelle 茅tude des impacts climatiques sur l'eau en France" </em>(launch of the Explore2 project)</li> <li>7th December 2020 - <a href="" target="_blank">Article sur Actu-Environnement</a> : <em>"Le projet Life Eau&Climat veut soutenir l'adaptation au changement climatique"</em></li> <li>11th September 2020 - <a href="" target="_blank">Article sur ID.CiT茅</a> : relay of the news published on for the launch of the project</li> </ul><p style=" font-weight:bold; color:#2f6897;text-shadow:2px">MENTION IN聽PUBLICATIONS聽</p> <ul><li>January 2024 - <a href="" target="_blank">Cahiers th茅matiques d'Acclimaterra "Gestion quantitative de l'eau et usages agricoles sous contrainte climatique"</a>, Acclimaterra -> mention of SMEAG's actions</li> <li>October 2023 - <a href="" target="_blank">Les Annales des Mines</a>: The impact of climate change on the water cycle using the new DRIAS-Eau portal</li> <li>August 2023 -</li> <li>-> the project is presented in appendix 6 with the list of tools produced that can be mobilised for the PTGE approaches.</li> <li>April 2023 - <a href="">How to promote sustainable water management (quantity, quality, sharing) in France in response to climate change?</a>, Conseil 茅conomique social et environnemental -> LIFE Eau&Climat and DRIAS-Eau project</li> <li>May 2022 -聽<a href="" target="_blank">Rapports d'茅valuation et de recommandations de l'茅tude 茅valuative des SAGE</a>,聽Ecological Transition Ministry-> Mention of the project regarding the consideration of climate change in SAGEs</li> <li>March聽2022 - <a href="" target="_blank">"La prospective au service de l'adaptation au changement climatique"</a> ONERC -> DRIAS-Eau homepage</li> </ul><hr /><p style=" font-weight:bold; color:#2f6897;text-shadow:2px">REFERENCING</p> <ul><li>Page dedicated to the project on the INBO (International Network of Basin Organizations) website: <a href="" target="_blank"></a><br /> Page dedicated to the project (presentation and results) on the Creseb website: https://<a href="" target="_blank"></a></li> <li>News on the LIFE Natur'Adapt project website: <a href=""></a></li> <li>Dedicated project page (presentation and results) on the Creseb website:聽<a href="" target="_blank"></a></li> <li>Initiative sheet in the Resource Center for adaptation to climate change: <a href=""></a></li> <li>Initiative sheet in the Climate Change Adaptation Resource Center:聽<a href="" target="_blank"></a>聽and sheet on DRIAS-Eau:聽<a href="" target="_blank"></a></li> <li><a href="">Interview with Jean-Michel Soubeyroux (M茅t茅o France)</a> about DRIAS-Eau on the Explore2 page of the OFB website: <a href=""></a></li> <li>Project brochure available on SEMIDE聽website聽(Syst猫me Euro-M茅diterran茅en d'Information sur les savoir-faire dans le Domaine de l'Eau) :聽<a href="" target="_blank"></a></li> <li>Sheet on the collection of "water and climate change" projects on the Bonnes pratiques pour l'eau du grand Sud-Ouest website: <a href=""></a></li> <li>Presentation of DRIAS-Eau on the website of the SERA Association ("Health and Environment Auvergne Rh么ne Alpes"):聽<a href=""></a></li> <li>Presentation of DRIAS-Eau on the RESO'THEM Eau website (agricultural education resource site for sustainable management of water resources):聽<a href="">ttps://</a></li> </ul></div></div> </div> </article> </div> </div> </div> </main> </section><footer role="contentinfo" class="footer"> <div class="container is-fluid plan"> <div class="container"><div 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