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false, contents: "", completedSectionsCount: 0, slidedeckUrl: getBaseLocation() + "/Docs/SingleCaseTraining/WWC-SCD-Mod_5-DCES_for_SCDs_Webinar_Slidedeck-508.pdf", slidedeckFileSize: "7.73 MB", transcriptUrl: null, transcriptFileSize: "187 KB", sections: [ { id: "55-1", number: 1, name: "Design-Comparable Effect Size", completed: false, contents: null, video: "uXTbL8QkNvY" } ] }, { id: "56", group: 4, number: 7, name: "Module 6: Study Review Guide", completed: false, contents: "", completedSectionsCount: 0, slidedeckUrl: getBaseLocation() + "/Docs/SingleCaseTraining/WWC-SCD-Mod6-StudyReviewGuide-508.pdf", slidedeckFileSize: "7.5 MB", transcriptUrl: null, transcriptFileSize: "187 KB", sections: [ { id: "56-1", number: 1, name: "Study Review Guide", completed: false, contents: null, video: "pzR01iQ_W7A" } ] } ]; } else if ($scope.type === "RDDTraining") { $ = 6; $scope.trainingSession.modules = []; } else if ($scope.type === "AdvancedTraining5") { $ = 7; $scope.trainingSession.modules = []; } else if ($scope.type === "SingleCaseTraining5") { $ = 8; $scope.trainingSession.modules = []; } else if ($scope.type === "GroupDesign5") { $ = 9; $scope.trainingSession.modules = []; } else { $ = 3; $scope.trainingSession.modules = []; } // end of module definition $scope.continueTraining = function () { $('#modalSession').modal('hide'); $scope.trainingSession.displayChange("continue"); } $scope.saveSession = function () { var data = JSON.stringify({ type: $scope.type, completedModules: $scope.trainingSession.completedModules.toString(), completedSections: $scope.trainingSession.completedSections.toString(), activeModuleId: $scope.trainingSession.activeModule ? $ : null, activeSectionId: $scope.trainingSession.activeSection ? $ : null }); // do not save session for version 5 training if ($scope.version == 5) { return; } $"//" + + getBaseLocation() + "/" + $scope.apiControllerName + "/SaveSession", data) .success(function (response) { $ = response; }); } $scope.createCertificate = function () { var data = JSON.stringify({ type: $scope.type, name: $scope.trainingSession.certificateName, pin: $ }); $"//" + + getBaseLocation() + "/" + $scope.apiControllerName + "/CreateCertificate", data) .success(function (response) { $scope.trainingSession.certificateFile = response; }).error(function (data, status) { console.error('error', status, data); }); } $scope.showModal = function () { $ = false; $ = null; $ = null; } $scope.SendMessage = function (type) { var data = JSON.stringify({ emailTo: $, emailNameTo: $, emailFrom: $, emailNameFrom: $, emailNote: $, type: type, apiControllerName: $scope.apiControllerName }); // do not send message for version 5 training if ($scope.version == 5) { return; } $"//" + + getBaseLocation() + "/" + $scope.apiControllerName + "/SendMessage", data) .success(function (response) { if (response == null || response == '') { $ = true; $ = null; $ = null; $ = null; } else { $ = false; $ = response; } }); } $scope.selectModule = function (module) { $scope.trainingSession.activeSection = null; $scope.trainingSession.activeModule = module; $scope.selectSection(module.sections[0]); if ($scope.trainingSession.loaded) $scope.saveSession(); }; $scope.selectSection = function (section) { $scope.trainingSession.displayChange("training"); $scope.trainingSession.activeSection = section; $scope.activeContents = null; if (section.contents) $scope.activeContents = "<p>" + section.contents + "</p>"; if ( { player.cueVideoById(; $scope.trainingSession.videoEnded = false; $('#player').show(); } else { // video coming soon $('#player').hide(); } if ($scope.trainingSession.loaded) $scope.saveSession(); }; $scope.updateCompletedSections = function () { $scope.trainingSession.completedModules = []; $scope.trainingSession.completedModulesCount = 0; $scope.trainingSession.sectionCount = 0; $scope.trainingSession.completedSections = []; $scope.trainingSession.completedSectionsCount = 0; //interate modules $.each($scope.trainingSession.modules, function (index, value) { var module = this; module.completedSectionsCount = 0; //iterate sections $.each(this.sections, function (index, value) { var section = this; $scope.trainingSession.sectionCount++; if (section.completed) { module.completedSectionsCount++; $scope.trainingSession.completedSectionsCount++; if ($.inArray(, $scope.trainingSession.completedSections) == -1) $scope.trainingSession.completedSections.push(; } }); //if sections complete if (module.completedSectionsCount == module.sections.length) { module.completed = true; $scope.trainingSession.completedModulesCount++; if ($.inArray(, $scope.trainingSession.completedModules) == -1) $scope.trainingSession.completedModules.push(; } }); //get completed percents $scope.trainingSession.completedSectionsPercent = (($scope.trainingSession.completedSectionsCount / $scope.trainingSession.sectionCount) * 100).toFixed(0); $scope.trainingSession.completedModulesPercent = (($scope.trainingSession.completedModulesCount / $scope.trainingSession.modules.length) * 100).toFixed(0); ////if all modules completed //if ($scope.groupModulesCompleted(1)) { // $scope.trainingSession.activeModule = null; // $scope.trainingSession.activeSection = null;outcome //} } $scope.groupModulesCompleted = function (group) { for (var i = 0; i < $scope.trainingSession.modules.length; i++) { var incomplete = $scope.trainingSession.modules[i].group === group && $scope.trainingSession.completedModules.indexOf($scope.trainingSession.modules[i].id) < 0; if (incomplete) return false; } return true; }; // ------------------------------------------- $scope.groupDesignRequiredModulesCompleted = function () { return $scope.groupModulesCompleted(1); }; $scope.groupDesignAllModulesCompleted = function () { if ($ === 1 && $scope.groupModulesCompleted(1) && $scope.groupModulesCompleted(2) && !$scope.trainingSession.skipCertificate && $scope.trainingSession.activeModule.number === 10) { $scope.trainingSession.hideContent = true; return true; } $scope.trainingSession.hideContent = false; return false; }; // ------------------------------------------- $scope.rddRequiredModulesCompleted = function () { return $scope.groupModulesCompleted(6); }; $scope.rddAllModulesCompleted = function () { if ($ === 6 && $scope.groupModulesCompleted(6) && !$scope.trainingSession.skipCertificate && $scope.trainingSession.activeModule.number === 11) { $scope.trainingSession.hideContent = true; return true; } $scope.trainingSession.hideContent = false; return false; }; // ------------------------------------------- $scope.singleCaseTrainingAllModulesCompleted = function () { if ($ === 4 && $scope.groupModulesCompleted(4) && !$scope.trainingSession.skipCertificate && $scope.trainingSession.activeModule.number === 7) { $scope.trainingSession.hideContent = true; return true; } $scope.trainingSession.hideContent = false; return false; }; $scope.singleCaseTrainingRequiredModulesCompleted = function () { var modulesToPass = ["50", "51", "52"]; for (var i = 0; i < modulesToPass.length; i++) { if ($scope.trainingSession.modules[i].group === 4 && $scope.trainingSession.completedModules.indexOf(modulesToPass[i]) === -1) { return false; } } return true; }; // ------------------------------------------- $scope.completeSection = function (section) { section.completed = true; $scope.updateCompletedSections(); $scope.videoEnded = false; if ($scope.trainingSession.loaded) $scope.saveSession(); //if 1 section completed if ($scope.version == 4 && $scope.trainingSession.completedSectionsCount === 1 && $scope.trainingSession.loaded && $scope.type != 'Recertification') { //show modal $('#modalMySession').modal('show'); } }; $scope.nextModule = function () { if (!$scope.trainingSession.activeModule) return; //get first and max module number for group var firstModuleNumber = 0; var maxModuleNumber = 10; if ($scope.type === "SingleCaseTraining") maxModuleNumber = 7; if ($scope.type === "SingleCaseTraining5") maxModuleNumber = 6; if ($scope.type === "GroupDesign5") maxModuleNumber = 12; if ($scope.type === "RDDTraining") maxModuleNumber = 11; if ($scope.type === "AdvancedTraining5") maxModuleNumber = 9; if ($scope.trainingSession.activeModule.number < maxModuleNumber) { var skip = $scope.type === "SingleCaseTraining" && $scope.trainingSession.activeModule.number === $scope.moduleBeforePrint ? 2 : 1; var nextModule = $.grep($scope.trainingSession.modules, function (e) { return e.number === $scope.trainingSession.activeModule.number + skip; })[0]; $scope.selectModule(nextModule); return false; } else { //go to first incomplete module in group $.each($scope.trainingSession.modules, function (index, value) { if (this.completedSectionsCount != this.sections.length && == $ { $scope.selectModule(this); return false; } }); } //go to first module in group var nextModule = $.grep($scope.trainingSession.modules, function (e) { return == $ && e.number == firstModuleNumber; })[0]; $scope.selectModule(nextModule); } $scope.nextSection = function () { if (!$scope.trainingSession.activeSection) return; if ($scope.trainingSession.activeModule.completedSectionsCount == $scope.trainingSession.activeModule.sections.length) { //if module completed, go to next module $scope.nextModule(); } else if ($scope.trainingSession.activeSection.number == $scope.trainingSession.activeModule.sections.length) { //if end of module, go to first incomplete section in module $.each($scope.trainingSession.activeModule.sections, function (index, value) { if (this.completed == false) { $scope.selectSection(this); return false; } }); } else { //otherwise, go to next section if ($scope.trainingSession.activeSection.number < $scope.trainingSession.activeModule.sections.length) { var nextSectionEntity = $.grep($scope.trainingSession.activeModule.sections, function (e) { return e.number == $scope.trainingSession.activeSection.number + 1; })[0]; $scope.selectSection(nextSectionEntity); } } } $scope.videoEnd = function () { $scope.completeSection($scope.trainingSession.activeSection); $scope.trainingSession.videoEnded = true; $scope.$apply(); } $scope.continueSession = function () { location.href = "//" + + getBaseLocation() + "/" + $scope.apiControllerName + "/" + $("#PIN").val(); } $scope.newTrainingSession = function () { location.href = "//" + + getBaseLocation() + "/" + $scope.apiControllerName + "/new"; } $scope.trainingSession.displayChange = function (view) { $scope.trainingSession.display = view; player.pauseVideo(); }; $scope.trainingSession.firstSection = function () { $scope.trainingSession.activeSection = $scope.trainingSession.modules[0].sections[0]; }; $(document).ready(function () { testYouTubeAPI(); // pull metadata from the model var js = "[]"; // deserialize JSON var jsonObject = JSON.parse(js.replaceAll("&quot;", "\"")); // repopulate for group 6 only if ($ == 6) { // clear modules list $scope.trainingSession.modules = []; // repopulate modules list jsonObject.forEach(mapModules); } // repopulate for group 7 only if ($ == 7) { // clear modules list $scope.trainingSession.modules = []; // repopulate modules list jsonObject.forEach(mapModules); } // repopulate for group 8 only if ($ == 8) { // clear modules list $scope.trainingSession.modules = []; // repopulate modules list jsonObject.forEach(mapModules); } // repopulate for group 9 only if ($ == 9) { // clear modules list $scope.trainingSession.modules = []; // repopulate modules list jsonObject.forEach(mapModules); } }); function mapModules(valueOfElement, indexOfElement, arrayOfFruits) { var mm = valueOfElement.moduleMedia; var sm = valueOfElement.sectionMedias; var sectionMedias = []; for (var j = 0; j < sm.length; j++) { var sectionMedia = { id: sm[j].id, number: sm[j].number, name: sm[j].mediaName, completed: false, contents: null, video: sm[j].Video, slidedeckUrl: getBaseLocation() + sm[j].slideDeck, slidedeckFileSize: sm[j].slideDeckSize, transcriptUrl: getBaseLocation() + sm[j].Transcript, transcriptFileSize: sm[j].transcriptSize } sectionMedias.push(sectionMedia); } var moduleMedia = { id:, group: $, number: mm.number, name: mm.mediaName, completed: false, contents: "", completedSectionsCount: 0, slidedeckUrl: getBaseLocation() + mm.slideDeck, slidedeckFileSize: mm.slideDeckSize, transcriptUrl: getBaseLocation() + mm.Transcript, transcriptFileSize: mm.transcriptSize, sections: sectionMedias }; $scope.trainingSession.modules.push(moduleMedia); } function testYouTubeAPI() { //loop until player and function cueVideoById are defined if (player == undefined) { $timeout(function () { testYouTubeAPI(); }, 100); } else { if (player.cueVideoById == undefined) { $timeout(function () { testYouTubeAPI(); }, 100); } else { loadSavedSession(); } } } function loadSavedSession() { //set completed from session var completedModules = ("").split(','); var completedSections = ("").split(','); //setup modules and sections from model $.each($scope.trainingSession.modules, function (index, value) { //completed module if ( == "") { //active module $scope.selectModule(this); //active section $.each(this.sections, function (index, value) { if ( == "") { $scope.selectSection(this); } }); } //completed sections $.each(this.sections, function (index, value) { if (completedSections.indexOf( > -1) { $scope.completeSection(this); } }); }); if ($scope.type === "SingleCaseTraining" && $scope.groupModulesCompleted(4)) { $scope.trainingSession.skipCertificate = true; } $scope.trainingSession.loaded = true; } }); </script> <div id="trainingApp" ng-app="trainingApp"> <div id="trainingController" ng-controller="trainingController"> <h1 class="guide"> <span ng-if="type == 'Group Design'"> WWC GROUP DESIGN STANDARDS ONLINE VERSION 4.1 TRAINING </span> <span ng-if="type == 'SingleCaseTraining'"> WWC SINGLE-CASE DESIGN STANDARDS VERSION 4.1 ONLINE TRAINING. </span> <span ng-if="type == 'RDDTraining'"> WWC REGRESSION DISCONTINUITY DESIGN STANDARDS VERSION 4.1 ONLINE TRAINING. </span> <span ng-if="type == 'AdvancedTraining5'"> WWC ADVANCED GROUP DESIGN STANDARDS VERSION 5.0 ONLINE TRAINING </span> <span ng-if="type == 'SingleCaseTraining5'"> WWC SINGLE-CASE DESIGN STANDARDS VERSION 5.0 ONLINE TRAINING </span> <span ng-if="type == 'GroupDesign5'"> WWC GROUP DESIGN STANDARDS VERSION 5.0 ONLINE TRAINING </span> <span ng-if="type == 'Recertification'"> WWC GROUP DESIGN RECERTIFICATION </span> <div ng-if="type == 'RDDTraining'" style="margin-top:1em;"></div> <!-- my session --> <div style="text-transform: capitalize;" class="pull-right" ng-if="type != 'Recertification'"> <a ng-if="type == 'Group Design'" role="button" class="btn hlBtn" href="" target="_blank"><span class="fa"></span>Public Study Review Guide</a> <a ng-if="type == 'SingleCaseTraining'" role="button" class="btn hlBtn" href="/ncee/WWC/StudyReviewGuide" target="_blank"><span class="fa"></span>Public Study Review Guide</a> <a ng-if="type == 'Group Design'" role="button" class="btn hlBtn" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#modalShare" ng-click="showModal()"><span class="fa fa-share-alt"></span> Share</a> <a ng-if="type == 'RDDTraining'" role="button" class="btn hlBtn" href="/ncee/WWC/StudyReviewGuide" target="_blank"><span class="fa"></span>Public Study Review Guide</a> <span ng-if="type == 'RDDTraining' || type == 'Group Design' || type == 'SingleCaseTraining'"> <a class="btn hlBtn" role="button" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#modalSession" ng-click="showModal()"><span class="fa fa-user" style="height: auto; width: auto;"></span> My Training Session</a> </span> </div> </h1> <div ng-if="" class="pull-right"> <strong> Your PIN: {{}} </strong> </div> <div style="clear: both;"></div> <!-- slidedecks --> <div ng-if="trainingSession.display == 'slidedecks'"> <h3>Slide Decks by Module</h3> <p> For each module, we have a printable PDF you can download. A printable version can be handy for reference or to take notes on. </p> <div ng-repeat="module in trainingSession.modules"> <a ng-if="module.slidedeckUrl" href="{{module.slidedeckUrl}}" target="_blank"> <span class="fa fa-file-pdf-o"></span> {{}} Slide Deck ({{module.slidedeckFileSize}}) </a> <p ng-if="module.number == 7 && == 6" style="padding-left:2rem;"> <a href="{{module.sections[0].slidedeckUrl}}" target="_blank"> – Chapter 1: {{ module.sections[0].name}} Slide Deck ({{module.sections[0].slidedeckFileSize}}) </a> </p> <p ng-if="module.number == 7 && == 6" style="padding-left:2rem;"> <a href="{{module.sections[1].slidedeckUrl}}" target="_blank"> – Chapter 2: {{ module.sections[1].name}} Slide Deck ({{module.sections[1].slidedeckFileSize}}) </a> </p> </div> <p style="margin: 15px auto; text-align: center;"><a class="btn btn-primary" style="color: white; margin-left: 10px;" ng-click="trainingSession.displayChange('training')">Back to Your Session</a></p> </div> <!-- transcripts --> <div ng-if="trainingSession.display == 'transcripts'"> <h3>Transcripts by Module</h3> <p> A transcript of the audio for each module can be accessed below. </p> <div ng-repeat="module in trainingSession.modules"> <a ng-if="module.transcriptUrl" href="{{module.transcriptUrl}}" target="_blank"> <span class="fa fa-file-pdf-o"></span> {{}} Transcript ({{module.transcriptFileSize}}) </a> <p ng-if="module.number == 7 && == 6" style="padding-left:2rem;"> <a href="{{module.sections[0].transcriptUrl}}" target="_blank"> – Chapter 1: {{ module.sections[0].name}} Transcript ({{module.sections[0].transcriptFileSize}}) </a> </p> <p ng-if="module.number == 7 && == 6" style="padding-left:2rem;"> <a href="{{module.sections[1].transcriptUrl}}" target="_blank"> – Chapter 2: {{ module.sections[1].name}} Transcript ({{module.sections[1].transcriptFileSize}}) </a> </p> </div> <p style="margin: 15px auto; text-align: center;"><a class="btn btn-primary" style="color: white; margin-left: 10px;" ng-click="trainingSession.displayChange('training')">Back to Your Session</a></p> </div> <!-- continue --> <div ng-if="trainingSession.display == 'continue'"> <h3>Continue Your Session</h3> <p>Enter your personal PIN to return to your saved session.</p> <div class="form-group"> <input type="text" class="form-control" id="PIN" placeholder="Your Personal PIN" style="width: 155px; display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle;"> <a class="btn btn-primary" ng-click="continueSession()" style="color: white;">Continue</a> </div> <a ng-click="trainingSession.displayChange('overview');">Cancel</a> </div> <!-- training --> <div ng-show="trainingSession.comingsoon == false && (trainingSession.display == 'training' || trainingSession.display == 'overview' || trainingSession.display == 'overviewBack')"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-4"> <div class="otMenu"> <!-- module tabs --> <ul class="nav nav-pills nav-stacked"> <li ng-class="{active: trainingSession.display == 'overview' || trainingSession.display == 'overviewBack'}"> <a ng-click="trainingSession.displayChange('overviewBack')">Home</a> </li> <li ng-repeat="module in trainingSession.modules" ng-if=" ==" ng-class="{'active': trainingSession.display == 'training' && ==}"> <a ng-if="!module.printCertificate" ng-click="selectModule(module);"> {{}} <span class="pull-right" ng-if="1 == 2 && !module.completed && module.completedSectionsCount > 0">{{module.completedSectionsCount}} of {{module.sections.length}}</span> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok pull-right" aria-hidden="true" ng-if="module.completed"></span> </a> <a ng-if="module.printCertificate" ng-click="trainingSession.displayChange('certificate')">Print Certificate of Completion</a> <!-- section tabs --> <div ng-if="!module.printCertificate" class="otMenu"> <ul class="nav nav-pills nav-stacked" ng-if="trainingSession.display == 'training' && =="> <li ng-repeat="section in module.sections" ng-class="{'active': ==, }"> <a ng-click="selectSection(section);"> <div class="subTopic"> Chapter {{section.number}}: {{}} <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok pull-right" aria-hidden="true" ng-if="section.completed"></span> </div> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </li> <li ng-if=" == 1"> <a ng-click="trainingSession.displayChange('certificate')">Print Certificate of Completion</a> </li> <li ng-repeat="module in trainingSession.modules" ng-if=" == 2 || == 5" ng-class="{'active': trainingSession.display == 'training' && ==}"> <a ng-click="selectModule(module);"> {{}} <span class="pull-right" ng-if="1 == 2 && !module.completed && module.completedSectionsCount > 0">{{module.completedSectionsCount}} of {{module.sections.length}}</span> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok pull-right" aria-hidden="true" ng-if="module.completed"></span> </a> <!-- section tabs --> <div class="otMenu"> <ul class="nav nav-pills nav-stacked" ng-if="trainingSession.display == 'training' && =="> <li ng-repeat="section in module.sections" ng-class="{'active': ==, }"> <a ng-click="selectSection(section);"> <div class="subTopic"> Chapter {{section.number}}: {{}} <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok pull-right" aria-hidden="true" ng-if="section.completed"></span> </div> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="otMenu" style="margin-top: 20px;"> <ul class="nav nav-pills nav-stacked" id="stacked-menu" ng-class="{'group2': == 2}"> <li ng-class="{active: trainingSession.resourcesMenu}"> <a ng-click="trainingSession.resourcesMenu = !trainingSession.resourcesMenu">WWC Resources</a> <div class="otMenu" ng-if="trainingSession.resourcesMenu"> <ul class="nav nav-pills nav-stacked"> <li ng-if=" == 1"><a ng-click="trainingSession.displayChange('slidedecks');window.scrollTo(0, 0);">Slide Decks by Module</a></li> <li ng-if=" == 1"><a ng-click="trainingSession.displayChange('transcripts');window.scrollTo(0, 0);">Transcripts by Module</a></li> <li ng-if=" == 1"><a href="/ncee/WWC/Glossary" target="_blank">Glossary</a></li> <li ng-if=" == 1"><a href="/ncee/WWC/FAQ" target="_blank">FAQs</a></li> <li ng-if=" == 1"><a href="/ncee/WWC/Handbooks" target="_blank">Procedures and Standards Handbooks</a></li> <li ng-if=" == 1"><a href="/ncee/WWC/Protocols" target="_blank">Review Protocols</a></li> <li ng-if=" == 1"><a href="/ncee/WWC/StudyReviewGuide" target="_blank">Study Review Guides</a></li> <li ng-if=" == 1"><a href="/ncee/WWC/StandardsBriefs" target="_blank">Standards Briefs</a></li> <li ng-if=" == 1"><a href="/ncee/WWC/Document/243" target="_blank">Assessing Attrition Bias</a></li> <li ng-if=" == 1"><a href="/ncee/WWC/Docs/ReferenceResources/wwc_rdd_guide_022218.pdf" target="_blank">Regression Discontinuity Design Guide for Study Authors</a> <li ng-if=" == 1"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Statistical Power for Regression Discontinuity Designs</a></li> <li ng-if=" == 1"><a href="/ncee/WWC/Help" target="_blank">WWC Help Desk</a></li> <li ng-if=" == 3"><a href="/ncee/WWC/Glossary" target="_blank">Glossary</a></li> <li ng-if=" == 3"><a href="/ncee/WWC/FAQ" target="_blank">FAQs</a></li> <li ng-if=" == 3"><a href="/ncee/WWC/Handbooks" target="_blank">Procedures and Standards Handbooks</a></li> <li ng-if=" == 3"><a href="/ncee/WWC/Protocols" target="_blank">Review Protocols</a></li> <li ng-if=" == 3"><a href="/ncee/WWC/StudyReviewGuide" target="_blank">Study Review Guides</a></li> <li ng-if=" == 3"><a href="/ncee/WWC/StandardsBriefs" target="_blank">Standards Briefs</a></li> <li ng-if=" == 3"><a href="/ncee/WWC/Help" target="_blank">WWC Help Desk</a></li> <li ng-if=" == 4"><a ng-click="trainingSession.displayChange('slidedecks');window.scrollTo(0, 0);">Slide Decks by Module</a></li> <li ng-if=" == 4"><a href="/ncee/WWC/StudyReviewGuide" target="_blank">Single-Case Design Study Review Guide</a></li> <li ng-if=" == 4"><a href="/ncee/WWC/GroupDesign41" target="_blank">Group Design Online Training</a></li> <li ng-if=" == 4"><a href="/ncee/WWC/Glossary" target="_blank">Glossary</a></li> <li ng-if=" == 4"><a href="/ncee/WWC/FAQ" target="_blank">FAQs</a></li> <li ng-if=" == 4"><a href="/ncee/WWC/Handbooks" target="_blank">Procedures and Standards Handbooks</a></li> <li ng-if=" == 4"><a href="/ncee/WWC/Protocols" target="_blank">Review Protocols</a></li> <li ng-if=" == 4"><a href="/ncee/WWC/StandardsBriefs" target="_blank">Standards Briefs</a></li> <li ng-if=" == 4"><a href="/ncee/WWC/Help" target="_blank">WWC Help Desk</a></li> <li ng-if=" == 6"><a ng-click="trainingSession.displayChange('slidedecks');window.scrollTo(0, 0);">Slide Decks by Module</a></li> <li ng-if=" == 6"><a ng-click="trainingSession.displayChange('transcripts');window.scrollTo(0, 0);">Transcripts by Module</a></li> <li ng-if=" == 6"><a href="/ncee/WWC/StudyReviewGuide" target="_blank">Regression Discontinuity Design Study Review Guide</a></li> <li ng-if=" == 6"><a href="/ncee/WWC/GroupDesign41" target="_blank">Group Design Online Training</a></li> <li ng-if=" == 6"><a href="/ncee/WWC/SingleCaseTraining41" target="_blank">Single-Case Online Training</a></li> <li ng-if=" == 6"><a href="/ncee/WWC/Glossary" target="_blank">Glossary</a></li> <li ng-if=" == 6"><a href="/ncee/WWC/FAQ" target="_blank">FAQs</a></li> <li ng-if=" == 6"><a href="/ncee/WWC/Handbooks" target="_blank">Procedures and Standards Handbooks</a></li> <li ng-if=" == 6"><a href="/ncee/WWC/Protocols" target="_blank">Review Protocols</a></li> <li ng-if=" == 6"><a href="/ncee/WWC/StandardsBriefs" target="_blank">Standards Briefs</a></li> <li ng-if=" == 6"><a href="/ncee/WWC/Help" target="_blank">WWC Help Desk</a></li> <li ng-if=" == 7"><a ng-click="trainingSession.displayChange('slidedecks');window.scrollTo(0, 0);">Slide Decks by Module</a></li> <li ng-if=" == 7"><a href="/ncee/WWC/Glossary" target="_blank">Glossary</a></li> <li ng-if=" == 7"><a href="/ncee/WWC/FAQ" target="_blank">FAQs</a></li> <li ng-if=" == 7"><a href="/ncee/WWC/Handbooks" target="_blank">Procedures and Standards Handbooks</a></li> <li ng-if=" == 7"><a href="/ncee/WWC/Document/1297" target="_blank">Study Review Protocol</a></li> <li ng-if=" == 7"><a href="/ncee/WWC/StudyReviewGuide" target="_blank">Study Review Guide</a></li> <li ng-if=" == 7"><a href="/ncee/WWC/StandardsBriefs" target="_blank">Standards Briefs</a></li> <li ng-if=" == 7"><a href="/ncee/WWC/Help" target="_blank">WWC Help Desk</a></li> <li ng-if=" == 8"><a ng-click="trainingSession.displayChange('slidedecks');window.scrollTo(0, 0);">Slide Decks by Module</a></li> <li ng-if=" == 8"><a href="/ncee/WWC/Glossary" target="_blank">Glossary</a></li> <li ng-if=" == 8"><a href="/ncee/WWC/FAQ" target="_blank">FAQs</a></li> <li ng-if=" == 8"><a href="/ncee/WWC/Handbooks" target="_blank">Procedures and Standards Handbooks</a></li> <li ng-if=" == 8"><a href="/ncee/WWC/Document/1297" target="_blank">Study Review Protocol</a></li> <li ng-if=" == 8"><a href="/ncee/WWC/StudyReviewGuide" target="_blank">Study Review Guide</a></li> <li ng-if=" == 8"><a href="/ncee/WWC/StandardsBriefs" target="_blank">Standards Briefs</a></li> <li ng-if=" == 8"><a href="/ncee/WWC/Help" target="_blank">WWC Help Desk</a></li> <li ng-if=" == 9"><a ng-click="trainingSession.displayChange('slidedecks');window.scrollTo(0, 0);">Slide Decks by Module</a></li> <li ng-if=" == 9"><a href="/ncee/WWC/Glossary" target="_blank">Glossary</a></li> <li ng-if=" == 9"><a href="/ncee/WWC/FAQ" target="_blank">FAQs</a></li> <li ng-if=" == 9"><a href="/ncee/WWC/Handbooks" target="_blank">Procedures and Standards Handbooks</a></li> <li ng-if=" == 9"><a href="/ncee/WWC/Document/1297" target="_blank">Study Review Protocol</a></li> <li ng-if=" == 9"><a href="/ncee/WWC/StudyReviewGuide" target="_blank">Study Review Guide</a></li> <li ng-if=" == 9"><a href="/ncee/WWC/StandardsBriefs" target="_blank">Standards Briefs</a></li> <li ng-if=" == 9"><a href="/ncee/WWC/Help" target="_blank">WWC Help Desk</a></li> </ul> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-8"> <!-- overview --> <div ng-show="trainingSession.display == 'overview' || trainingSession.display == 'overviewBack'"> <div ng-if=" == 1"> <p> <strong>NOTE: </strong> This training does not correspond to the most up-to-date version of the <i>Handbook</i>. For training and certification details corresponding to the <i>WWC Procedures and Standards Handbook, Version 5.0</i>, please see <a href="/ncee/WWC/OnlineTraining">the training landing page</a>. </p> <p>Welcome to the What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) group design standards training. The WWC offers this training to inform the public about the key elements of the WWC group design standards, increase transparency of our review process, and promote the use of rigorous, high-quality research. <p><strong>ABOUT THE TRAINING</strong></p> <p> This training series includes nine modules, each focused on a different aspect of the WWC group design standards and procedures. We recommend viewing the modules in numerical order. Start with the introductory module, which describes the goals, topics, and organization of this training. </p> <p style="text-decoration:underline;"><strong>You may continue a previous training session by clicking “My Training Session” above.</strong></p> <p><strong>CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION</strong></p> <p> If you view the first six modules on WWC standards in this training series, you will earn a certificate of completion. When you complete the Systematic Reviews module, choose the "Print Certificate" menu option on the left to receive your certificate. </p> <p><strong>GROUP DESIGN STANDARDS CERTIFICATION</strong></p> <p> Becoming certified in the WWC group design standards requires that you view all nine modules on the WWC Standards and Procedures and successfully complete a multiple-choice certification test. You will have four opportunities to take and pass the test, which includes shorter multiple-choice questions and two multiple-part questions that simulate a review. When you successfully complete the test, you will be able to print a certificate as proof that you are certified in the WWC group design standards. </p> <p><a href="">Take the test</a></p> <p>Upon successfully passing the certification test, you will be a certified reviewer for the WWC. Those who successfully complete this level of certification can be included in the list of certified reviewers on the WWC website, and the WWC or the Institute of Education Sciences may contact you about assisting with review efforts. Contact the <a href="/ncee/WWC/help">WWC Help Desk</a> if you wish to be listed as a WWC certified reviewer.</p> <p> To receive updates about new training content and/or certification options, please subscribe to the <a href="">WWC's Newsflash</a>. </p> <p><strong>Becoming recertified under version 4.1</strong></p> <p> Trainees who have attained version 4.0 certification may recertify to version 4.1 by following the recertification process outlined on <a href="/ncee/WWC/GroupDesign41/recertification">this page</a>. </p> <p><strong>Becoming a Certified Reviewer in Regression Discontinuity Design Standards or Single-Case Design Standards</strong></p> <p> Trainees who wish to become certified in Single-Case Design (SCD) or Regression Discontinuity Design (RDD) standards should first become certified in the group design standards. To become SCD or RDD certified, trainees must complete the training material, pass the relevant certification exam, and complete a study review guide activity. SCD and RDD trainings are now available online on the <a href="/ncee/WWC/SingleCaseTraining41">WWC Single-Case Design Online Training</a> and <a href="/ncee/WWC/RDDTraining">WWC Regression Discontinuity Design Online Training</a> page. To receive updates about WWC training availability and resources, please subscribe to the <a href="">WWC's Newsflash</a>. </p> <br /> <b>RDD:</b> <ul> <li> <a href="/ncee/WWC/Docs/ReferenceResources/wwc_rdd_guide_022218.pdf" target="_blank">Regression Discontinuity Design Guide for Study Authors</a> </li> <li> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Statistical Power for Regression Discontinuity Designs</a> </li> </ul> </div> <div ng-if=" == 3"> <p> This page provides details on how WWC reviewers already certified under version 4.0 of the WWC Group Design Standards can become recertified under version 4.1. The version 4.1 recertification process involves two steps. First, reviewers certified under version 4.0 should watch the recertification video below, to learn about the application of the most significant changes under version 4.1 standards and procedures.</p><br /> <div style="text-align: center;"> <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media;" allowfullscreen></iframe> </div> <br /> <p>After watching the video, reviewers should email the WWC Help Desk via <a href=""></a> to receive a multiple-choice knowledge check question. Upon correctly answering the knowledge check question, reviewers’ certification will be updated to version 4.1. Reviewers will be given up to three opportunities to pass a knowledge check question to become certified under version 4.1.</p> <p> Reviewers who have never been certified by the WWC, or who have group design standards certification in version 3.0 or an earlier version, should become certified under version 4.1 by watching the version 4.1 <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">online training modules</a> and completing the certification exam. </p> </div> <div ng-if=" == 4"> <p> <strong>NOTE: </strong> This training does not correspond to the most up-to-date version of the <i>Handbook</i>. For training and certification details corresponding to the <i>WWC Procedures and Standards Handbook, Version 5.0</i>, please see <a href="/ncee/WWC/OnlineTraining">the training landing page</a>. </p> <p>Welcome to the What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) single-case design standards training. The WWC offers this training to inform the public about the key elements of the WWC single-case design standards, increase transparency of our review process, and promote the use of rigorous, high-quality research.</p> <p><strong>ABOUT THE TRAINING</strong></p> <p> This training series includes six modules, each focused on a different aspect of the WWC single-case design standards, procedures, and review process. We recommend viewing the modules in numerical order. Start with the introductory module, which describes the goals, topics, and organization of this training. </p> <p style="text-decoration:underline;"><strong>You may continue a previous training session by clicking “My Training Session” above.</strong></p> <p><strong>CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION</strong></p> <p> After viewing the first three modules on the WWC single-case design (SCD) standards in this training series, you will earn a certificate of completion. When you complete the Determining a Study Rating module, choose the "Print Certificate" menu option on the left to receive your certificate. </p> <p><strong>SINGLE-CASE DESIGN STANDARDS CERTIFICATION</strong></p> <p> After obtaining the certificate of completion, individuals who wish to become a WWC single-case design certified reviewer will need to complete the following additional requirements: watching the remaining three modules, passing a multiple-choice examination, and passing a study review guide activity. Please contact the <a href="/ncee/WWC/help" target="_blank">WWC Help Desk</a> to learn more about becoming a certified reviewer in the WWC single-case design standards. </p> <p> To receive updates about new training content and/or certification opportunities, please subscribe to the <a href="" target="_blank">WWC's Newsflash</a>. </p> <p><strong>Becoming a Certified Reviewer in Group Design Standards or Regression Discontinuity Design Standards</strong></p> <p> Trainees who wish to become certified in the single-case design (SCD) standards must first become a certified reviewer in the group design (GD) standards. To become a GD certified reviewer, trainees must view a series of training modules and complete a certification exam. The group design training and exam are available online on the <a href="/ncee/WWC/GroupDesign41" target="_blank">WWC Group Design Training</a> home page. </p> <p> Trainees who wish to become certified in regression-discontinuity design (RDD) standards must first become certified in the group design standards. To become RDD certified, trainees must attend a training session, pass the relevant certification exam, and complete a study review guide activity. RDD trainings are offered periodically. To receive updates about upcoming trainings, please subscribe to the <a href="" target="_blank">WWC's Newsflash</a>. </p> </div> <div ng-if=" == 6"> <p> <strong>NOTE: </strong> This training does not correspond to the most up-to-date version of the <i>Handbook</i>. For training and certification details corresponding to the <i>WWC Procedures and Standards Handbook, Version 5.0</i>, please see <a href="/ncee/WWC/OnlineTraining">the training landing page</a>. </p> <p> Welcome to the What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) Regression Discontinuity Design (RDD) standards training. The WWC offers this training to inform the public about the key elements of the WWC RDD standards, increase transparency of our review process, and promote the use of rigorous, high-quality research </p> <p><strong>ABOUT THE TRAINING</strong></p> <p> This training series includes eleven modules, each focused on a different aspect of the WWC RDD standards, procedures, and review process. We recommend viewing the modules in numerical order. Start with the introductory module, which describes the goals, topics, and organization of this training. </p> <p style="text-decoration:underline;"><strong>You may continue a previous training session by clicking “My Training Session” above.</strong></p> <p><strong>REGRESSION DISCONTINUITY DESIGN STANDARDS CERTIFICATION</strong></p> <p> Individuals who wish to become a WWC RDD certified reviewer will need to view all eleven modules, pass a multiple-choice certification test, and then complete an example study review guide. You will have two attempts to pass the regression discontinuity design exam. </p> <p><a href="">Take the test</a></p> <p> Once you have passed the exam, please contact the <a href="/ncee/WWC/help" target="_blank">WWC Help Desk</a> to gain access to the example study review guide task. You will need to be certified in the Group Design 4.1 Standards before gaining access to the example study review guide task. </p> <p> Upon successfully passing the study review guide task, you will be a certified RDD reviewer for the WWC. Those who successfully complete this level of certification can be included in the list of certified reviewers on the WWC website, and the WWC or the Institute of Education Sciences may contact you about assisting with review efforts. Contact the <a href="/ncee/WWC/help">WWC Help Desk</a> if you wish to be listed as a WWC certified reviewer. </p> <p> To receive updates about new training content and/or certification options, please subscribe to the <a href="">WWC's Newsflash</a>. </p> <p><strong>Becoming a Certified Reviewer in Group Design Standards or Single-Case Design Standards</strong></p> <p> Trainees who wish to become certified in the RDD or single-case design standards (SCD) must first become a certified reviewer in the group design standards. To become a group design certified reviewer, trainees must view a series of training modules and complete a certification exam. The group design training and exam are available online on the <a href="/ncee/WWC/GroupDesign41">WWC Group Design Training</a> home page. </p> <p> Trainees who wish to become certified in the SCD standards must first become certified in the group design standards. To become SCD certified, trainees must view a series of training modules, pass the relevant certification exam, and complete a study review guide activity. The SCD training modules are online at the <a href="/ncee/WWC/SingleCaseTraining41">WWC Single-Case Design Training</a> home page. </p> </div> <div ng-if=" == 7"> <p> Welcome to the What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) advanced group design standards version 5.0 training. The WWC offers this training to inform the public about the key elements of the WWC standards for reviewing findings from regression discontinuity designs (RDDs) and findings from randomized controlled trials (RCTs) with complier average causal effects (CACEs), increase transparency of our review process, and to train reviewers who wish to become certified to review designs that use either approach. </p> <p><strong>ABOUT THE TRAINING</strong></p> <p> This training series includes nine modules. The first module is an introductory module, modules 2 through 7 describe the WWC’s approach for reviewing RDDs, module 8 describes how to use the regression discontinuity design study review guide, and the final module describes the WWC’s approach to reviewing CACE studies. We recommend viewing the modules in numerical order. </p> <p> <strong>ADVANCED DESIGN STANDARDS CERTIFICATION</strong> </p> <p> Individuals who wish to become an advanced group design certified reviewer will need to first become certified in the group design standards, and then pass a multiple-choice certification test. You will have four attempts to pass the advanced group design exam. </p> <p><a href="">Take the test</a></p> <p> Upon successfully passing the certification exam, you will be a certified advanced group design reviewer for the WWC. Those who successfully complete this level of certification can be included in the list of certified reviewers on the WWC website, and the organizations that support the WWC may contact you about assisting with review efforts. Contact the <a href="/ncee/WWC/help" target="_blank">WWC Help Desk</a> if you wish to be listed as a WWC certified reviewer. </p> <p> To receive updates about new training content and/or certification options, please subscribe to the <a href="" target="_blank">WWC's Newsflash</a>. </p> <p><strong>Becoming a Certified Reviewer in Group Design Standards or Single-Case Design Standards</strong></p> <p> Trainees who wish to become certified in the advanced group design standards must first become a certified reviewer in the group design standards or single-case design (SCD) standards. To become a group design certified reviewer trainees must pass a certification exam. The group design training is available online on the <a href="/ncee/WWC/GroupDesign5">WWC Group Design Training</a> home page. </p> <p> Trainees who wish to become certified in the SCD standards must first become certified in the group design standards. To become SCD certified trainees must pass a certification exam. The SCD training is available online at the <a href="/ncee/WWC/singlecasetraining5"> WWC Single-Case Design Training </a> home page. </p> </div> <div ng-if=" == 8"> <p> Welcome to the What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) single-case design standards training. The WWC offers this training to inform the public about the key elements of the WWC single-case design standards, increase transparency of our review process, and to train individuals who wish to become certified to review single-case design studies. </p> <p><strong>ABOUT THE TRAINING</strong></p> <p> This training series includes six modules, each focused on a different aspect of the WWC single-case design standards, procedures, and review process. We recommend viewing the modules in numerical order. Start with the introductory module, which describes the goals, topics, and organization of this training. </p> <p> <strong>SINGLE-CASE DESIGN STANDARDS CERTIFICATION</strong> </p> <p> Individuals who wish to become a WWC single-case design certified reviewer will need to first become certified in the group design standards, and then pass a multiple-choice certification test. You will have four attempts to pass the single-case design exam. </p> <p><a href="">Take the test</a></p> <p> Upon successfully passing the certification exam, you will be a certified single-case design reviewer for the WWC. Those who successfully complete this level of certification can be included in the list of certified reviewers on the WWC website, and the organizations that support the WWC may contact you about assisting with review efforts. Contact the <a href="/ncee/WWC/help">WWC Help Desk</a> if you wish to be listed as a WWC certified reviewer. </p> <p> To receive updates about new training content and/or certification options, please subscribe to the <a href="" target="_blank">WWC's Newsflash</a>. </p> <p><strong>Becoming a Certified Reviewer in Group Design Standards or Advanced Group Design Standards</strong></p> <p> Trainees who wish to become certified in the advanced group design standards must first become a certified reviewer in the group design standards. To become a group design certified reviewer, trainees must pass a certification exam. The group design training is available online on the <a href="/ncee/WWC/GroupDesign5">WWC Group Design Training</a> home page. </p> <p> To become advanced group design certified, trainees must pass a certification exam. The advanced group design training is available online at the <a href="/ncee/WWC/AdvancedTraining">WWC Advanced Group Design Training</a> home page. </p> </div> <div ng-if=" == 9"> <p> Welcome to the What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) group design standards training for the <i>WWC Procedures and Standards Handbook, Version 5.0</i>. The WWC offers this training to inform the public about the key elements of the WWC group design standards, increase transparency of our review process, and to train reviewers who wish to become certified in the WWC’s group design standards. </p> <p><strong>ABOUT THE TRAINING</strong></p> <p> This training series includes twelve modules, each focused on a different aspect of the WWC group design standards and procedures. We recommend viewing the modules in numerical order. Start with the introductory module, which describes the goals, topics, and organization of this training. </p> <p> <strong>GROUP DESIGN STANDARDS CERTIFICATION</strong> </p> <p> Before attempting the certification exam, it is advisable to view the first eleven modules on the WWC Procedures and Standards. To become certified, you must successfully complete a multiple-choice certification test. </p> <p> The group design certification process begins with a shorter pretest, which is intended to allow individuals who are already familiar with the WWC to become certified in the group design standards quickly. Unlike the release of other versions of the Handbook, there is no alternative recertification process for reviewers who are already certified in the WWC’s version 4.1 group design standards; the pretest serves as a recertification activity. The pretest includes multiple-choice questions on important elements of the review process, particularly those that may have changed in the newest version of the <i>Handbook</i>. </p> <p> Trainees who do not successfully pass the pretest will have four opportunities to take and pass the full test, which includes multiple-choice questions and two multi-item study scenarios that simulate a review. When you successfully complete the test, you will receive an email congratulating you on passing the certification exam that you can use as proof of your certification. </p> <p><a href="">Take the test</a></p> <p> Upon successfully passing the certification test, you will be a certified reviewer for the WWC. Those who successfully complete this level of certification can be included in the list of certified reviewers on the WWC website, and the organizations that support the WWC may contact you about assisting with review efforts. Contact the <a href="/ncee/WWC/help" target="_blank">WWC Help Desk</a> if you wish to be listed as a WWC certified reviewer. </p> <p> To receive updates about new training content and/or certification options, please subscribe to the <a href="" target="_blank">WWC's Newsflash</a>. </p> <p> <strong>Becoming a Certified Reviewer in Advanced Group Design Standards or Single-Case Design Standards</strong> </p> <p> Trainees who wish to become certified in advanced group design or single-case design standards must first become certified in the group design standards. The advanced group design and single-case design training courses are also available online: </p> <div> <a href="/ncee/WWC/advancedtraining">• WWC Advanced Group Design Online Training</a> </div> <div> <a href="/ncee/WWC/singlecasetraining5">• WWC Single-Case Design Online Training</a> </div> </div> </div> <div ng-show="trainingSession.display == 'training'"> <!-- active section --> <div ng-show="!trainingSession.hideContent"> <p ng-if="activeContents" ng-bind-html="activeContents | unsafe"></p> <div class="text-center" ng-if="trainingSession.videoEnded && ( != 4 || ( == 4 && !trainingSession.skipCertificate))" style="margin-top: 200px;height: 315px; width: 560px;"> <a class="btn btn-primary" ng-click="nextSection();" ng-if="trainingSession.videoEnded && trainingSession.activeModule.completedSectionsCount != trainingSession.activeModule.sections.length" style="color: white; font-size: 1.5em;">Start the Next Chapter</a> <a class="btn btn-primary" ng-click="nextSection();" ng-if="trainingSession.videoEnded && trainingSession.activeModule.completedSectionsCount == trainingSession.activeModule.sections.length" style="color: white; font-size: 1.5em;">Start the Next Module</a> </div> <div ng-show="!trainingSession.videoEnded"> <div id="player"></div> <p ng-if="trainingSession.activeModule.number==6 && ! == 6"> This module is a recording of the WWC webinar titled <i>Design-comparable effect sizes in single-case designs</i> originally held on October 13, 2020. The materials for this webinar can be found on the <a href="" target="_blank">webinar archive page</a>. </p> <p ng-if="trainingSession.activeModule.number == 7 && == 6 && trainingSession.activeSection.number == 2"> This module is a recording of the <i> WWC webinar titled WWC Standards for Reviewing Fuzzy Regression Discontinuity Designs</i> originally held on October 29, 2019. The materials for this webinar can be found on the <a href="" target="_blank">webinar archive page.</a> </p> <div ng-if="trainingSession.activeModule.slidedeckUrl && trainingSession.activeModule.slidedeckFileSize != 'File Not Found'"> <a href="{{trainingSession.activeModule.slidedeckUrl}}" target="_blank">{{}} Slide Deck ({{trainingSession.activeModule.slidedeckFileSize}})</a> </div> <div ng-if=" != 6 && != 7 && != 8 && != 9 && trainingSession.activeModule.transcriptUrl"> <a href="{{trainingSession.activeModule.transcriptUrl}}" target="_blank">{{}} Transcript ({{trainingSession.activeModule.transcriptFileSize}})</a> </div> <div ng-if="trainingSession.activeModule.number == 12 && == 9"> <p> This video refers extensively to the following research report: </p> <p> Snipes, J., Huang, C.-W., Jaquet, K., and Finkelstein, N. (2015). <i>The effects of the Elevate Math summer program on math achievement and algebra readiness</i> (REL 2015–096). Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance, Regional Educational Laboratory West. Retrieved from <a href="" target="_blank"></a> </p> <p> The full text can be found at the <a href="" target="_blank">ERIC entry for the report</a>. It is recommended that you read and familiarize yourself with the report before viewing the video. </p> </div> <div ng-if="trainingSession.activeModule.number == 8 && == 7"> <p style="margin-top:10px;"> <a href="/ncee/WWC/Docs/AdvancedTraining5/wwc-srg-rdd-s5-example-508.xlsx" target="_blank">wwc-srg-rdd-s5-example-508.xlsx</a> (251KB) </p> <p> This video refers extensively to the following research report: </p> <p> Hodara, M., & Childress, L. (2021). <i>What were the reach and impact of the Oregon Promise financial aid program in its first two years?</i> (REL 2022–119). U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance, Regional Educational Laboratory Northwest. </p> <p> The full text can be found at the <a href="" target="_blank">ERIC entry for the report</a>. The full text of the appendices can also be found at the ERIC entry for the appendices, and the video also refers to them in detail. It is recommended that you read and familiarize yourself with the report, focusing on the information about research question 2a, which uses a regression discontinuity design. The <a href="" target="_blank">study appendices</a> also contain important information for the study review. Finally, it is also recommended that you review the example SRG, linked above, before viewing the video. </p> </div> <div ng-if="trainingSession.activeModule.number == 6 && == 8"> <p style="margin-top:10px;"> <a href="/ncee/WWC/Docs/SingleCaseTraining5/wwc-srg-scd-s5-example-508.xlsx" target="_blank">wwc-srg-scd-s5-example-508.xlsx</a> (304KB) </p> <p> This video refers extensively to the following research report: </p> <p> Campbell, A. R., Sallese, M. R., Thompson, J. L., Burke, M. D., & Allen, M. L. (2022). Social-Emotional and Behavioral Support for First- and Second-Grade Black Learners at Risk for Emotional and Behavioral Problems. <i>Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions, 0</i>(0). <a href="" target="_blank"></a> </p> <p> The full text of the study is available at the doi link. This study is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 license. </p> <p> It is recommended that you read and familiarize yourself with the study before viewing the video. It is also recommended that you review the example study review guide, linked above, before viewing the video. </p> </div> </div> </div> <!--On the Module 9 page, add a text note below the embedded video --> <div ng-if="trainingSession.activeModule.number == 10 && ! == 6"> <p style="margin-top:10px;"> Throughout this module, screenshots are used from the version 4.0 SRG. Enhancements to the version 4.1 SRG are in progress. However, these enhancements will not significantly alter the SRG user experience for certified reviewers. </p> </div> <!-- all modules complete --> <div ng-if="groupDesignAllModulesCompleted() || singleCaseTrainingAllModulesCompleted() || rddAllModulesCompleted()"> <h3 style="margin-bottom: 0px;">All Modules Complete</h3> <p> You have completed the What Works Clearinghouse Online Training. Your certificate of completion can be accessed below. </p> <a class="btn btn-primary" ng-click="trainingSession.displayChange('certificate')" style="color: white;">Print Certificate</a> <a ng-click="trainingSession.skipCertificate = true">Skip Certificate</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div ng-show="trainingSession.comingsoon == true"> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <p style="text-align:center;"><strong>WWC Advanced Group Design Training, Standards and Procedures Handbook version 5.0 coming in early 2023.</strong></p> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> </div> <!-- certificate --> <div ng-show="trainingSession.display == 'certificate'"> <h3 style="margin-bottom: 0px;">Print Certificate</h3> <div ng-if=" == 'testcert' || ( == 1 && groupDesignRequiredModulesCompleted()) || ( == 4 && singleCaseTrainingRequiredModulesCompleted()) || ( == 6 && rddRequiredModulesCompleted())"> <p> Please enter your full name in the field below, then click "Get Certificate". A link to your personalized training certificate will appear. </p> <div class="form-group"> <input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Enter Your Full Name" ng-model="trainingSession.certificateName" ng-keydown="trainingSession.certificateFile = null" style="width: 400px; display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle;"> <a class="btn btn-primary" ng-click="createCertificate()" style="color: white;">Get Certificate</a> <div ng-if="trainingSession.certificateFile"> <a target="_blank" href="{{trainingSession.certificateFile.fileName}}"><span class="fa fa-file-pdf-o"></span> Personalized Training Certificate ({{trainingSession.certificateFile.fileSize}})</a> </div> </div> </div> <div ng-if=" != 'testcert' && ( === 4 && !singleCaseTrainingRequiredModulesCompleted()) || ( !== 4 && !groupDesignRequiredModulesCompleted())"> <p ng-if=" !== 4"> You must complete ALL modules before printing certificate. </p> <p ng-if=" === 4"> You must complete the first three modules before printing certificate. </p> </div> <a class="btn btn-primary" ng-click="trainingSession.displayChange('training')" style="margin-left: 10px; color: white;">Back to Your Session</a> </div> <div class="modal fade" id="modalShare" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="modalShareLabel"> <div class="modal-dialog" role="document"> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close"><span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span></button> <h3 class="modal-title" style="padding-bottom: 0px">Share the WWC Group Design Standards Online Training!</h3> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <div ng-if="!email.sent"> <div class="alert alert-danger" role="alert" ng-if="email.error">{{email.error}}</div> <div style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> <div>Your Friend/Colleague</div> <input type="text" class="form-control" ng-model="" placeholder="Name (optional)" style="width: 230px; display: inline-block;"> <input type="text" class="form-control" ng-model="email.address" placeholder="Email" style="width: 330px; display: inline-block;"> </div> <div style="margin-bottom: 10px; "> <div>You</div> <input type="text" class="form-control" ng-model="email.nameFrom" placeholder="Name (optional)" style="width: 230px; display: inline-block;"> <input type="text" class="form-control" ng-model="email.addressFrom" placeholder="Email" style="width: 330px; display: inline-block;"> </div> <div style="border-bottom: 1px solid #e5e5e5; padding-bottom: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px;"> <div>Personal Note (optional)</div> <textarea class="form-control" ng-model="email.note" style="width: 100%;"></textarea> </div> <div style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> <div>Email Message Body</div> <div style=" color: gray; background: #eee; padding :10px; border-radius: 10px;"> <p style="margin-bottom: 10px;" ng-if=""> {{}}, </p> <p style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> <span ng-if="!email.nameFrom">Your friend/colleague</span><span ng-if="email.nameFrom">{{email.nameFrom}}</span> would like to share the <a href="//">WWC Group Design Standards Online Training</a> with you. </p> <p style="margin-bottom: 10px;" ng-if="email.note"> <span ng-if="email.nameFrom">From {{email.nameFrom}}: "</span>{{email.note}}<span ng-if="email.nameFrom">"</span> </p> </div> </div> <div> <a class="btn btn-primary" ng-click="SendMessage('share');" style="color: white;">Send Email</a> </div> </div> <div ng-if="email.sent"> Email sent. </div> </div> <div class="modal-footer"> <button type="button" class="btn btn-default" data-dismiss="modal">Close</button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- My Session Modal --> <div class="modal fade" id="modalMySession" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="modalMySessionLabel"> <div class="modal-dialog" role="document"> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close"><span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span></button> <h3 class="modal-title" style="padding-bottom: 0px">My Training Session</h3> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <p> We have begun tracking your progress. 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