OFTC - GroupServ
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Registering a group allows projects to join together one or more nicknames, groups can then be added to channel access lists. A group has a name, a description, a registration date, a privacy setting, a list of administrators, and a list of members. A group name starts with an @ (“AT”) character to distinguish it from nicknames. The lists of administrators and members can contain accounts (nicknames).</p> <p>In particular, using GroupServ allows everybody to create and administer, or drop a group, list non-private groups, query information about a group</p> <h2 id="register-a-group">Register a group</h2> <p>Use the command <code class="highlighter-rouge">/msg GroupServ REGISTER @<groupname> <description></code> to register a group. Please use common sense when registering a group, for example if channel <code class="highlighter-rouge">#oftc</code> wanted to register a group, they would register <code class="highlighter-rouge">@oftc</code>, or <code class="highlighter-rouge">@oftc-users</code>.</p> <h2 id="configure-a-group">Configure a group</h2> <h3 id="url">URL</h3> <p>Sets the URL field on a group for display purposes only. The URL address is shown in the INFO command. Use the command <code class="highlighter-rouge">/msg GroupServ SET @<groupname> URL <url></code> to set the URL field, or <code class="highlighter-rouge">/msg GroupServ SET @<groupname> URL -</code> to clear the URL field.</p> <h3 id="e-mail">E-mail</h3> <p>Sets the e-mail field on a group for display purposes only. The e-mail address is shown in the INFO command if PRIVATE is not set. Use the command <code class="highlighter-rouge">/msg GroupServ SET @<groupname> EMAIL <email></code> to set the e-mail field.</p> <h3 id="private">Private</h3> <p>Sets the private flag on a group which prevents an e-mail address being shown in an INFO request, and also prevents a group showing in a LIST. Use the command <code class="highlighter-rouge">/msg GroupServ SET @<groupname> PRIVATE ON|OFF</code> to enable or disable this option.</p> <h2 id="view-group-information">View group information</h2> <p>Use the command <code class="highlighter-rouge">/msg GroupServ INFO @<groupname></code> to get information on a group. GroupServ will then echo all information that services know about that group, excluding e-mail addresses for private groups.</p> <h2 id="list-groups">List groups</h2> <p>Use the command <code class="highlighter-rouge">/msg GroupServ LIST <pattern></code> to list registered groups that match a specified pattern. For example if you wanted to list all groups that contained the word <code class="highlighter-rouge">oftc</code> then use <code class="highlighter-rouge">/msg GroupServ LIST *oftc*</code>. Results are limited to 50 matches, so try to be specific with a pattern. Groups that have the private flag enabled will not be listed.</p> <h2 id="drop-a-group">Drop a group</h2> <p>To delete a group use the command <code class="highlighter-rouge">/msg GroupServ DROP @<groupname></code>. Deleting a group cannot be undone and is the only method of allowing other users to make use of it, or register it for their use.</p> <h1 id="support">Support</h1> <p>For support regarding group services please join <code class="highlighter-rouge">#oftc</code>.</p> </div> </div> </div> <!-- /container --> </article> </body> </html>