Announcements 2011 | NOIRLab

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Here, you can follow along, through the end of 2011, as some of the top science results (and dozens of stunning images) from the twin 8-meter Gemini telescopes are featured each week in “Gemini Gems.” Bringing in the New Year with Celestial Fireworks! December 29, 2011 Dubbed the “Fireworks Galaxy” this spiral galaxy is named for its great number of supernovae explosions over the past century. In addition it shows many areas where stars are being born. Learn more about this galactic fireworks factory at: The staff of Gemini Observatory hopes you have enjoyed the last two months of Gemini Gems. If you have missed any of these featured stories see the archive here Dwarf Planets at the Edge of …"><strong>29 December 2011</strong>: Join in the celebration of Gemini Observatory’s one-thousandth scientific paper by becoming a friend of Gemini on Facebook (click on the "Like" button above to join Facebook friends of Gemini). Here, you can follow along, through the end of 2011, as some of the top science results (and dozens of stunning images) from the twin 8-meter Gemini telescopes are featured each week in “Gemini Gems.” Bringing in the New Year with Celestial Fireworks! December 29, 2011 Dubbed the “Fireworks Galaxy” this spiral galaxy is named for its great number of supernovae explosions over the past century. In addition it shows many areas where stars are being born. Learn more about this galactic fireworks factory at: The staff of Gemini Observatory hopes you have enjoyed the last two months of Gemini Gems. If you have missed any of these featured stories see the archive here Dwarf Planets at the Edge of …</div> </div> <div class="news-readmore" aria-label="Read more">Read more</div> </div> <!-- news-wrapper --> </a> </div> <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-6 col-xs-12"> <a href="/public/announcements/geminiann11016/"> <div class="news-wrapper"> <div class="news-image"> <img class="img-responsive" src="/public/media/archives/images/thumb350x/geminiann11016a.jpg" alt="Unveiling the Next Generation of Stars in M33"> </div> <div class="news-description"> <div class="news-id" aria-label="geminiann11016 — Announcement ">geminiann11016 — Announcement</div> <div class="news-title" role="heading" aria-level="1" aria-label="Unveiling the Next Generation of Stars in M33 ">Unveiling the Next Generation of Stars in M33</div> <div class="news-teaser" aria-label="15 December 2011 Massive stars form in giant HII regions, and other galaxies in the Local Group offer some of the best views of the largest ones. Despite these advantages, the dusty environments of star formation present an intrinsic challenge, as they block the emergence of visible light. Thus, near-infrared (NIR) observations are valuable, with the longer-wavelength light able to penetrate the dust. Recently, Cecilia Fariña (Universidad Nacional de La Plata and IALP-CONICET, Argentina) and collaborators took advantage of these benefits, using the Near-infrared Imager and Spectrometer on Gemini North to take deep, multi-band observations of NGC 604, a giant star forming region in M33 (geminiann11016a). The second-most luminous giant HII region in the Local Group, after 30 Doradus, NGC 604 offers the contrast of star formation spread broadly across a large area (~10,000 square parsecs or ~100,000 square light-years), as opposed to being centrally concentrated. The primary objective of this work was …"><strong>15 December 2011</strong>: Massive stars form in giant HII regions, and other galaxies in the Local Group offer some of the best views of the largest ones. Despite these advantages, the dusty environments of star formation present an intrinsic challenge, as they block the emergence of visible light. Thus, near-infrared (NIR) observations are valuable, with the longer-wavelength light able to penetrate the dust. Recently, Cecilia Fariña (Universidad Nacional de La Plata and IALP-CONICET, Argentina) and collaborators took advantage of these benefits, using the Near-infrared Imager and Spectrometer on Gemini North to take deep, multi-band observations of NGC 604, a giant star forming region in M33 (geminiann11016a). The second-most luminous giant HII region in the Local Group, after 30 Doradus, NGC 604 offers the contrast of star formation spread broadly across a large area (~10,000 square parsecs or ~100,000 square light-years), as opposed to being centrally concentrated. The primary objective of this work was …</div> </div> <div class="news-readmore" aria-label="Read more">Read more</div> </div> <!-- news-wrapper --> </a> </div> <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-6 col-xs-12"> <a href="/public/announcements/geminiann11015/"> <div class="news-wrapper"> <div class="news-image"> <img class="img-responsive" src="/public/media/archives/images/thumb350x/geminiann11015a.jpg" alt="Australian Student Contest Winner Reaches for the Stars"> </div> <div class="news-description"> <div class="news-id" aria-label="geminiann11015 — Announcement ">geminiann11015 — Announcement</div> <div class="news-title" role="heading" aria-level="1" aria-label="Australian Student Contest Winner Reaches for the Stars ">Australian Student Contest Winner Reaches for the Stars</div> <div class="news-teaser" aria-label="15 November 2011 When Australian student Benjamin Reynolds was named winner of the 2011 Australian Gemini School Astronomy Contest for his proposed observations of the galaxy NGC 7552, he said it took him a step closer to the stars. “I have always dreamed of being an astronaut,” said Ben, after receiving the applause of his classmates. An urge to explore the stars comes naturally to Ben. As a child, he went to science days run by CSIRO, Australia’s national research organization. In 2010, he went to NASA’s Kennedy Space Center and experienced the second-to-last launch of the space shuttle Atlantis. Not long after that, Ben participated in a work experience program at Mount Stromlo Observatory near Canberra, Australia. “One of the staff members advised me to enter [the Gemini competition],” Ben said. “It would give me an idea of what a telescope proposal is like.” Entries were received from all over Australia and …"><strong>15 November 2011</strong>: When Australian student Benjamin Reynolds was named winner of the 2011 Australian Gemini School Astronomy Contest for his proposed observations of the galaxy NGC 7552, he said it took him a step closer to the stars. “I have always dreamed of being an astronaut,” said Ben, after receiving the applause of his classmates. An urge to explore the stars comes naturally to Ben. As a child, he went to science days run by CSIRO, Australia’s national research organization. In 2010, he went to NASA’s Kennedy Space Center and experienced the second-to-last launch of the space shuttle Atlantis. Not long after that, Ben participated in a work experience program at Mount Stromlo Observatory near Canberra, Australia. “One of the staff members advised me to enter [the Gemini competition],” Ben said. “It would give me an idea of what a telescope proposal is like.” Entries were received from all over Australia and …</div> </div> <div class="news-readmore" aria-label="Read more">Read more</div> </div> <!-- news-wrapper --> </a> </div> <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-6 col-xs-12"> <a href="/public/announcements/geminiann11014/"> <div class="news-wrapper"> <div class="news-image"> <img class="img-responsive" src="/public/media/archives/images/thumb350x/geminiann11014a.jpg" alt="Congratulations to the 2011 Nobel Prize Winners for Physics"> </div> <div class="news-description"> <div class="news-id" aria-label="geminiann11014 — Announcement ">geminiann11014 — Announcement</div> <div class="news-title" role="heading" aria-level="1" aria-label="Congratulations to the 2011 Nobel Prize Winners for Physics ">Congratulations to the 2011 Nobel Prize Winners for Physics</div> <div class="news-teaser" aria-label="12 October 2011 The staff of the Gemini Observatory wish to congratulate the winners of the 2011 Nobel Prize for Physics: Saul Perlmutter (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and University of California, Berkeley), Brian P. Schmidt (Australian National University), and Adam G. Riess (Johns Hopkins University and Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore). The Nobel prize citation recognizes two teams for the discovery of the accelerating expansion of the universe based on observations of supernovae (SN). Since the original discoveries, both teams have used Gemini data to pursue their studies, especially as part of the Supernova Legacy Survey (SNLS) and the ESSENCE survey. The origin of the acceleration is also known as dark energy, and its further study requires the power of the world's largest and most sensitive telescopes to characterize distant supernovae in the early universe. Once characterized, these exploding stars can be used as "standard candles"—objects of known intrinsic brightness—to measure the expansion …"><strong>12 October 2011</strong>: The staff of the Gemini Observatory wish to congratulate the winners of the 2011 Nobel Prize for Physics: Saul Perlmutter (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and University of California, Berkeley), Brian P. Schmidt (Australian National University), and Adam G. Riess (Johns Hopkins University and Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore). The Nobel prize citation recognizes two teams for the discovery of the accelerating expansion of the universe based on observations of supernovae (SN). Since the original discoveries, both teams have used Gemini data to pursue their studies, especially as part of the Supernova Legacy Survey (SNLS) and the ESSENCE survey. The origin of the acceleration is also known as dark energy, and its further study requires the power of the world's largest and most sensitive telescopes to characterize distant supernovae in the early universe. Once characterized, these exploding stars can be used as "standard candles"—objects of known intrinsic brightness—to measure the expansion …</div> </div> <div class="news-readmore" aria-label="Read more">Read more</div> </div> <!-- news-wrapper --> </a> </div> </div> <div class="row news-list news-list-overflow"> <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-6 col-xs-12"> <a href="/public/announcements/geminiann11013/"> <div class="news-wrapper"> <div class="news-image"> <img class="img-responsive" src="/public/media/archives/images/thumb350x/geminiann11013a.jpg" alt="New Dwarf Galaxy Discovered near the Andromeda Galaxy"> </div> <div class="news-description"> <div class="news-id" aria-label="geminiann11013 — Announcement ">geminiann11013 — Announcement</div> <div class="news-title" role="heading" aria-level="1" aria-label="New Dwarf Galaxy Discovered near the Andromeda Galaxy ">New Dwarf Galaxy Discovered near the Andromeda Galaxy</div> <div class="news-teaser" aria-label="29 September 2011 New observations with the Gemini Multi-Object Spectrograph on Gemini North confirm a new dwarf companion to the Andromeda Galaxy. The Local Group of galaxies includes many smaller dwarf galaxies in addition to the large Milky Way and Andromeda spiral galaxies. These dwarfs tend to contain a high proportion of dark matter, and theories of galaxy formation and dark matter make specific predictions about their presence and quantity. The Local Group contains many fewer dwarf galaxies than “standard” models of galaxy formation in a dark matter-dominated universe predict and at least two outstanding questions remain: 1) whether astronomers have missed some of the dwarfs (which, even though these in the Local Group are relatively close, are hard to see because they are intrinsically faint), or 2) whether dark matter theories need to be revised. Now, adding new evidence to the debate, Eric Bell (University of Michigan) and collaborators report the discovery …"><strong>29 September 2011</strong>: New observations with the Gemini Multi-Object Spectrograph on Gemini North confirm a new dwarf companion to the Andromeda Galaxy. The Local Group of galaxies includes many smaller dwarf galaxies in addition to the large Milky Way and Andromeda spiral galaxies. These dwarfs tend to contain a high proportion of dark matter, and theories of galaxy formation and dark matter make specific predictions about their presence and quantity. The Local Group contains many fewer dwarf galaxies than “standard” models of galaxy formation in a dark matter-dominated universe predict and at least two outstanding questions remain: 1) whether astronomers have missed some of the dwarfs (which, even though these in the Local Group are relatively close, are hard to see because they are intrinsically faint), or 2) whether dark matter theories need to be revised. Now, adding new evidence to the debate, Eric Bell (University of Michigan) and collaborators report the discovery …</div> </div> <div class="news-readmore" aria-label="Read more">Read more</div> </div> <!-- news-wrapper --> </a> </div> <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-6 col-xs-12"> <a href="/public/announcements/noaoann11008/"> <div class="news-wrapper"> <div class="news-image"> <img class="img-responsive" src="/public/media/archives/images/thumb350x/noaoann11008a.jpg" alt="Supernova SN2011fe in M101"> </div> <div class="news-description"> <div class="news-id" aria-label="noaoann11008 — Announcement ">noaoann11008 — Announcement</div> <div class="news-title" role="heading" aria-level="1" aria-label="Supernova SN2011fe in M101 ">Supernova SN2011fe in M101</div> <div class="news-teaser" aria-label="29 September 2011 Left: This close-up image of the nearby galaxy M101 was obtained with the Mayall 4-meter telescope at Kitt Peak National Observatory. SN2011fe, the closest Type 1a supernova to be observed since 1972, is visible as the bright, bluish star in the lower, right portion of the image (mouse over the image to highlight). This image was obtained on September 18, 2011, about two weeks after supernova PTF11kly achieved its peak brightness. Right: WIYN/WHIRC light curve, showing relative magnitudes in the J, H and Ks bands. Initial observation taken on August 26, 2011."><strong>29 September 2011</strong>: Left: This close-up image of the nearby galaxy M101 was obtained with the Mayall 4-meter telescope at Kitt Peak National Observatory. SN2011fe, the closest Type 1a supernova to be observed since 1972, is visible as the bright, bluish star in the lower, right portion of the image (mouse over the image to highlight). This image was obtained on September 18, 2011, about two weeks after supernova PTF11kly achieved its peak brightness. Right: WIYN/WHIRC light curve, showing relative magnitudes in the J, H and Ks bands. Initial observation taken on August 26, 2011.</div> </div> <div class="news-readmore" aria-label="Read more">Read more</div> </div> <!-- news-wrapper --> </a> </div> <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-6 col-xs-12"> <a href="/public/announcements/noaoann11007/"> <div class="news-wrapper"> <div class="news-image"> <img class="img-responsive" src="/public/media/archives/images/thumb350x/noaoann11007a.jpg" alt="September 2011 NOAO Newsletter"> </div> <div class="news-description"> <div class="news-id" aria-label="noaoann11007 — Announcement ">noaoann11007 — Announcement</div> <div class="news-title" role="heading" aria-level="1" aria-label="September 2011 NOAO Newsletter ">September 2011 NOAO Newsletter</div> <div class="news-teaser" aria-label="31 August 2011 The September 2011 NOAO Newsletter is online and ready to download. This issue includes information pertaining to the 2012A Call for Proposals, which are due September 30th. On the Cover This image illustrates the dome floor of the Blanco 4-m telescope with components of the f/8 handling system in the early stages of its installation for use with DECam. Other completed work includes the DECam focal-plan, which now has all 74 science-grade CCDs installed."><strong>31 August 2011</strong>: The September 2011 NOAO Newsletter is online and ready to download. This issue includes information pertaining to the 2012A Call for Proposals, which are due September 30th. On the Cover This image illustrates the dome floor of the Blanco 4-m telescope with components of the f/8 handling system in the early stages of its installation for use with DECam. Other completed work includes the DECam focal-plan, which now has all 74 science-grade CCDs installed.</div> </div> <div class="news-readmore" aria-label="Read more">Read more</div> </div> <!-- news-wrapper --> </a> </div> <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-6 col-xs-12"> <a href="/public/announcements/geminiann11012/"> <div class="news-wrapper"> <div class="news-image"> <img class="img-responsive" src="/public/media/archives/images/thumb350x/geminiann11012a.jpg" alt="Trans-Neptunian Binaries and the History of the Outer Solar System"> </div> <div class="news-description"> <div class="news-id" aria-label="geminiann11012 — Announcement ">geminiann11012 — Announcement</div> <div class="news-title" role="heading" aria-level="1" aria-label="Trans-Neptunian Binaries and the History of the Outer Solar System ">Trans-Neptunian Binaries and the History of the Outer Solar System</div> <div class="news-teaser" aria-label="22 August 2011 An international team of astronomers, using data from the Gemini North telescope, are revealing the history of the outer Solar System by measuring the mutual orbits of extremely widely separated binaries located beyond Neptune in the icy Kuiper Belt. The researchers conclude that these “trans-Neptunian binaries” formed close to their current locations, and—contrary to previous suggestions—that they may have formed from direct collapse in the disk of material that produced the planets and other solid bodies of the Solar System. Binary systems are found in most minor planet populations, such as asteroids, but binaries in the Kuiper Belt are notable due to the frequency of very widely-separated systems and those with nearly equal-sized primary and secondary bodies. A team of researchers led by Alex Parker (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics; formerly of the University of Victoria, Canada) followed some of the most widely-separated Kuiper Belt binaries known, using a combination of …"><strong>22 August 2011</strong>: An international team of astronomers, using data from the Gemini North telescope, are revealing the history of the outer Solar System by measuring the mutual orbits of extremely widely separated binaries located beyond Neptune in the icy Kuiper Belt. The researchers conclude that these “trans-Neptunian binaries” formed close to their current locations, and—contrary to previous suggestions—that they may have formed from direct collapse in the disk of material that produced the planets and other solid bodies of the Solar System. Binary systems are found in most minor planet populations, such as asteroids, but binaries in the Kuiper Belt are notable due to the frequency of very widely-separated systems and those with nearly equal-sized primary and secondary bodies. A team of researchers led by Alex Parker (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics; formerly of the University of Victoria, Canada) followed some of the most widely-separated Kuiper Belt binaries known, using a combination of …</div> </div> <div class="news-readmore" aria-label="Read more">Read more</div> </div> <!-- news-wrapper --> </a> </div> </div> <div class="row news-list news-list-overflow"> <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-6 col-xs-12"> <a href="/public/announcements/geminiann11011/"> <div class="news-wrapper"> <div class="news-image"> <img class="img-responsive" src="/public/media/archives/images/thumb350x/geminiann11011a.jpg" alt="Viaje al Universo and AstroDay Chile 2011 - Building Anticipation for 2012 and Beyond"> </div> <div class="news-description"> <div class="news-id" aria-label="geminiann11011 — Announcement ">geminiann11011 — Announcement</div> <div class="news-title" role="heading" aria-level="1" aria-label="Viaje al Universo and AstroDay Chile 2011 - Building Anticipation for 2012 and Beyond ">Viaje al Universo and AstroDay Chile 2011 - Building Anticipation for 2012 and Beyond</div> <div class="news-teaser" aria-label="8 August 2011 Thanks to a partnership between Gemini South and the Extension Department of the University of La Serena as well as participation by the Municipality of La Serena and the Tourism Board (SERNATUR), the Viaje al Universo and AstroDay Chile programs introduced our Chilean host communities to Gemini (and astronomy) in exciting new ways. Already, anticipation is building for the 2012 programs. Kicking off the week’s events, about 3000 kids, parents and public gathered for AstroDay Chile, which is one of the most significant public outreach astronomy programs in Chile. The AstroDay Chile program offered a variety of experiences thoughtout the day on Saturday, July 16th at the Extension Center of the University of La Serena (ULS). "It is very pleasing and impressive to see how each year there are more families coming to this event, even from other cities. I received very flattering comments and for us as a university …"><strong>8 August 2011</strong>: Thanks to a partnership between Gemini South and the Extension Department of the University of La Serena as well as participation by the Municipality of La Serena and the Tourism Board (SERNATUR), the Viaje al Universo and AstroDay Chile programs introduced our Chilean host communities to Gemini (and astronomy) in exciting new ways. Already, anticipation is building for the 2012 programs. Kicking off the week’s events, about 3000 kids, parents and public gathered for AstroDay Chile, which is one of the most significant public outreach astronomy programs in Chile. The AstroDay Chile program offered a variety of experiences thoughtout the day on Saturday, July 16th at the Extension Center of the University of La Serena (ULS). "It is very pleasing and impressive to see how each year there are more families coming to this event, even from other cities. I received very flattering comments and for us as a university …</div> </div> <div class="news-readmore" aria-label="Read more">Read more</div> </div> <!-- news-wrapper --> </a> </div> <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-6 col-xs-12"> <a href="/public/announcements/geminiann11010/"> <div class="news-wrapper"> <div class="news-image"> <img class="img-responsive" src="/public/media/archives/images/thumb350x/geminiann11010a.jpg" alt="A Yellow Supergiant Progenitor of a Massive Star Supernova in M51"> </div> <div class="news-description"> <div class="news-id" aria-label="geminiann11010 — Announcement ">geminiann11010 — Announcement</div> <div class="news-title" role="heading" aria-level="1" aria-label="A Yellow Supergiant Progenitor of a Massive Star Supernova in M51 ">A Yellow Supergiant Progenitor of a Massive Star Supernova in M51</div> <div class="news-teaser" aria-label="8 August 2011 Another supernova has exploded in the Whirlpool Galaxy (M51), and now astronomers have identified its unusual progenitor using data from Gemini. Several amateur astronomers independently discovered the bright supernova, designated SN 2011dh, early in June 2011. The object was quickly classified as a Type IIb supernova based on its spectrum; this class of supernovae likely arises from massive stars that have lost some, but not all, of their outermost layers of hydrogen. Within hours of the discovery of SN 2011dh a multi-national science team, including Morgan Fraser (Queens University Belfast, UK) triggered their Gemini Target of Opportunity (ToO) program to obtain high-resolution images with the near-infrared camera NIRI at the Gemini North telescope in Hawai‘i. However, snow and poor weather on Mauna Kea (where Gemini North is located) kept the telescope closed for a few nights, delaying the observations. When observations were again possible, NIRI was successfully used with the …"><strong>8 August 2011</strong>: Another supernova has exploded in the Whirlpool Galaxy (M51), and now astronomers have identified its unusual progenitor using data from Gemini. Several amateur astronomers independently discovered the bright supernova, designated SN 2011dh, early in June 2011. The object was quickly classified as a Type IIb supernova based on its spectrum; this class of supernovae likely arises from massive stars that have lost some, but not all, of their outermost layers of hydrogen. Within hours of the discovery of SN 2011dh a multi-national science team, including Morgan Fraser (Queens University Belfast, UK) triggered their Gemini Target of Opportunity (ToO) program to obtain high-resolution images with the near-infrared camera NIRI at the Gemini North telescope in Hawai‘i. However, snow and poor weather on Mauna Kea (where Gemini North is located) kept the telescope closed for a few nights, delaying the observations. When observations were again possible, NIRI was successfully used with the …</div> </div> <div class="news-readmore" aria-label="Read more">Read more</div> </div> <!-- news-wrapper --> </a> </div> <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-6 col-xs-12"> <a href="/public/announcements/noaoann11006/"> <div class="news-wrapper"> <div class="news-image"> <img class="img-responsive" src="/public/media/archives/images/thumb350x/noaoann11006a.jpg" alt="Galaxy-hopping stars detected in the Large Magellanic Cloud"> </div> <div class="news-description"> <div class="news-id" aria-label="noaoann11006 — Announcement ">noaoann11006 — Announcement</div> <div class="news-title" role="heading" aria-level="1" aria-label="Galaxy-hopping stars detected in the Large Magellanic Cloud ">Galaxy-hopping stars detected in the Large Magellanic Cloud</div> <div class="news-teaser" aria-label="19 July 2011 The Milky Way’s near neighbor, the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), has accreted a smattering of stars from its smaller neighbor, the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC). This image shows the LMC imaged by the Spitzer Space Telescope. Overlaid in red and blue, with the colors representing their line-of-sight velocities, are the stars whose origin has been traced to the SMC. These stars were discovered by a team led by NOAO astronomer Knut Olsen, through analysis of spectra obtained at the CTIO 4-m Blanco telescope."><strong>19 July 2011</strong>: The Milky Way’s near neighbor, the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), has accreted a smattering of stars from its smaller neighbor, the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC). This image shows the LMC imaged by the Spitzer Space Telescope. Overlaid in red and blue, with the colors representing their line-of-sight velocities, are the stars whose origin has been traced to the SMC. These stars were discovered by a team led by NOAO astronomer Knut Olsen, through analysis of spectra obtained at the CTIO 4-m Blanco telescope.</div> </div> <div class="news-readmore" aria-label="Read more">Read more</div> </div> <!-- news-wrapper --> </a> </div> <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-6 col-xs-12"> <a href="/public/announcements/geminiann11009/"> <div class="news-wrapper"> <div class="news-image"> <img class="img-responsive" src="/public/media/archives/images/thumb350x/geminiann11009a.jpg" alt="GeMS First Light: A New Generation of Adaptive Optics Begins"> </div> <div class="news-description"> <div class="news-id" aria-label="geminiann11009 — Announcement ">geminiann11009 — Announcement</div> <div class="news-title" role="heading" aria-level="1" aria-label="GeMS First Light: A New Generation of Adaptive Optics Begins ">GeMS First Light: A New Generation of Adaptive Optics Begins</div> <div class="news-teaser" aria-label="17 June 2011 In early April 2011, after more than a decade of effort, the Gemini Multi-Conjugate Adaptive Optics System (GeMS) saw starlight for the first time. With this milestone GeMS kicked off a new era in adaptive optics (AO) technologies both for Gemini and for future generations of even larger telescopes that will require advanced AO to make them scientifically viable. These first GeMS photons, captured on April 19, 2011 (see Figure 1), kept hopes high for equally successful progress when commissioning resumes in late 2011 and then for system verification in early 2012. Adaptive Optics is a well-known technology that compensates for image distortions induced by atmospheric turbulence. The vast majority of large telescopes in the world are now equipped with AO systems of various kinds, and many use lasers to create artificial stars (laser guide stars, LGS) in order to probe and correct for atmospheric turbulence over a larger portion …"><strong>17 June 2011</strong>: In early April 2011, after more than a decade of effort, the Gemini Multi-Conjugate Adaptive Optics System (GeMS) saw starlight for the first time. With this milestone GeMS kicked off a new era in adaptive optics (AO) technologies both for Gemini and for future generations of even larger telescopes that will require advanced AO to make them scientifically viable. These first GeMS photons, captured on April 19, 2011 (see Figure 1), kept hopes high for equally successful progress when commissioning resumes in late 2011 and then for system verification in early 2012. Adaptive Optics is a well-known technology that compensates for image distortions induced by atmospheric turbulence. The vast majority of large telescopes in the world are now equipped with AO systems of various kinds, and many use lasers to create artificial stars (laser guide stars, LGS) in order to probe and correct for atmospheric turbulence over a larger portion …</div> </div> <div class="news-readmore" aria-label="Read more">Read more</div> </div> <!-- news-wrapper --> </a> </div> </div> <div class="row news-list news-list-overflow"> <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-6 col-xs-12"> <a href="/public/announcements/geminiann11008/"> <div class="news-wrapper"> <div class="news-image"> <img class="img-responsive" src="/public/media/archives/images/thumb350x/geminiann11008a.jpg" alt="Celestial Fireworks Flare as Massive Black Hole Consumes Star in Distant Galaxy"> </div> <div class="news-description"> <div class="news-id" aria-label="geminiann11008 — Announcement ">geminiann11008 — Announcement</div> <div class="news-title" role="heading" aria-level="1" aria-label="Celestial Fireworks Flare as Massive Black Hole Consumes Star in Distant Galaxy ">Celestial Fireworks Flare as Massive Black Hole Consumes Star in Distant Galaxy</div> <div class="news-teaser" aria-label="16 June 2011 An international team of astronomers using the Gemini North telescope revealed that a powerful outburst of radiation originated from a massive black hole at the center of a distant galaxy. The black hole, thought to be about a million times more massive than our Sun, appears to have ripped apart a star that orbited too close and in the process released a powerful beam of energy. The light emitted by the beam crossed 3.8 billion light years of space to be eventually detected by NASA’s Swift satellite. This triggered a flurry of activity by an international team of astronomers who rushed to make detailed observations of this remarkable event with Gemini and other telescopes. Their research is published today in two companion papers in the June 16, 2011 issue of the journal Science. “The high energy X-rays and gamma-rays detected by Swift persisted at an extremely bright level for weeks …"><strong>16 June 2011</strong>: An international team of astronomers using the Gemini North telescope revealed that a powerful outburst of radiation originated from a massive black hole at the center of a distant galaxy. The black hole, thought to be about a million times more massive than our Sun, appears to have ripped apart a star that orbited too close and in the process released a powerful beam of energy. The light emitted by the beam crossed 3.8 billion light years of space to be eventually detected by NASA’s Swift satellite. This triggered a flurry of activity by an international team of astronomers who rushed to make detailed observations of this remarkable event with Gemini and other telescopes. Their research is published today in two companion papers in the June 16, 2011 issue of the journal Science. “The high energy X-rays and gamma-rays detected by Swift persisted at an extremely bright level for weeks …</div> </div> <div class="news-readmore" aria-label="Read more">Read more</div> </div> <!-- news-wrapper --> </a> </div> <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-6 col-xs-12"> <a href="/public/announcements/geminiann11007/"> <div class="news-wrapper"> <div class="news-image"> <img class="img-responsive" src="/public/media/archives/images/thumb350x/geminiann11007a.jpg" alt="Eclipsing Stellar Embers Offer Glimpse of Binary Demise"> </div> <div class="news-description"> <div class="news-id" aria-label="geminiann11007 — Announcement ">geminiann11007 — Announcement</div> <div class="news-title" role="heading" aria-level="1" aria-label="Eclipsing Stellar Embers Offer Glimpse of Binary Demise ">Eclipsing Stellar Embers Offer Glimpse of Binary Demise</div> <div class="news-teaser" aria-label="14 June 2011 The chance alignment of a pair of helium white dwarfs – both originally about the mass of the Sun – is showing how binary stars interact and eventually suffer a long slow demise. The pair, known as CSS 41177, are held in a close gravitational embrace and aligned such that they eclipse each other as seen from the Earth. This serendipitous circumstance allows astronomers to explore the history of these stars, and their conclusions offer a laboratory to test models of stellar evolution and the extreme states of matter that white dwarfs exhibit. The members of the binary pair, only the second of its kind known, have both endured extreme mass loss as a result of their close pairing. A white dwarf is the usual endpoint of stars like the Sun, but to end as a helium white dwarf, it must lose most of its outer hydrogen mass to reveal …"><strong>14 June 2011</strong>: The chance alignment of a pair of helium white dwarfs – both originally about the mass of the Sun – is showing how binary stars interact and eventually suffer a long slow demise. The pair, known as CSS 41177, are held in a close gravitational embrace and aligned such that they eclipse each other as seen from the Earth. This serendipitous circumstance allows astronomers to explore the history of these stars, and their conclusions offer a laboratory to test models of stellar evolution and the extreme states of matter that white dwarfs exhibit. The members of the binary pair, only the second of its kind known, have both endured extreme mass loss as a result of their close pairing. A white dwarf is the usual endpoint of stars like the Sun, but to end as a helium white dwarf, it must lose most of its outer hydrogen mass to reveal …</div> </div> <div class="news-readmore" aria-label="Read more">Read more</div> </div> <!-- news-wrapper --> </a> </div> <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-6 col-xs-12"> <a href="/public/announcements/noaoann11005/"> <div class="news-wrapper"> <div class="news-image"> <img class="img-responsive" src="/public/media/archives/images/thumb350x/noaoann11005a.jpg" alt="Beauty of the Universe Revealed by the WIYN 0.9m Telescope"> </div> <div class="news-description"> <div class="news-id" aria-label="noaoann11005 — Announcement ">noaoann11005 — Announcement</div> <div class="news-title" role="heading" aria-level="1" aria-label="Beauty of the Universe Revealed by the WIYN 0.9m Telescope ">Beauty of the Universe Revealed by the WIYN 0.9m Telescope</div> <div class="news-teaser" aria-label="2 June 2011 NGC3628, an edge-on spiral about 35 million light years distant, the Crescent nebula (NGC6888, a shell of gas excited by HD192163, a Wolf-Rayet star) and M82, a peculiar galaxy at a distance of about 12 million light years. These images were taken through B, V and hydrogen alpha filters at the WIYN 0.9m in April 2011 as part of a special Visitor Center AOP program. A few nights on the 0.9m unexpectedly became available, and Glen &amp; Joan Saurdiff responded to this opportunity to acquire images with a research telescope using the S2KB camera. The image processing was done by Flynn Haase of the Visitor Center, telescope operation by Steve Peterson and Katy Garmany."><strong>2 June 2011</strong>: NGC3628, an edge-on spiral about 35 million light years distant, the Crescent nebula (NGC6888, a shell of gas excited by HD192163, a Wolf-Rayet star) and M82, a peculiar galaxy at a distance of about 12 million light years. These images were taken through B, V and hydrogen alpha filters at the WIYN 0.9m in April 2011 as part of a special Visitor Center AOP program. A few nights on the 0.9m unexpectedly became available, and Glen &amp; Joan Saurdiff responded to this opportunity to acquire images with a research telescope using the S2KB camera. The image processing was done by Flynn Haase of the Visitor Center, telescope operation by Steve Peterson and Katy Garmany.</div> </div> <div class="news-readmore" aria-label="Read more">Read more</div> </div> <!-- news-wrapper --> </a> </div> <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-6 col-xs-12"> <a href="/public/announcements/noaoann11004/"> <div class="news-wrapper"> <div class="news-image"> <img class="img-responsive" src="/public/media/archives/images/thumb350x/noaoann11004a.jpg" alt="First Results from The Kepler Cluster Study"> </div> <div class="news-description"> <div class="news-id" aria-label="noaoann11004 — Announcement ">noaoann11004 — Announcement</div> <div class="news-title" role="heading" aria-level="1" aria-label="First Results from The Kepler Cluster Study ">First Results from The Kepler Cluster Study</div> <div class="news-teaser" aria-label="20 April 2011 The Kepler Cluster Study (PI: Søren Meibom, Harvard-Smithsonian CfA) is a program to search for planets around members of 4 open star clusters in the field of view of NASA’s Kepler mission, and to study the relationships between stellar rotation, age and mass. “Ground-based observations in young (~&lt; 600 million years) open clusters, using NOAO facilities (WIYN 3.5m, the WIYN 0.9m, the CTIO Blanco 4m, and CTIO 1m), have suggested to us that a well-defined relationship exist between the rotation periods, ages, and colors of late-type stars”, says Meibom, “and that observations of such stars in older clusters can define a surface in the 3-dimensional space of rotation, color (mass), and age (figure 1, left). Now, using Kepler, Meibom and his colleagues have extended this surface to 1 billion years by measuring the relation between rotation and color for members of the open cluster NGC6811 (figure 2, right)."><strong>20 April 2011</strong>: The Kepler Cluster Study (PI: Søren Meibom, Harvard-Smithsonian CfA) is a program to search for planets around members of 4 open star clusters in the field of view of NASA’s Kepler mission, and to study the relationships between stellar rotation, age and mass. “Ground-based observations in young (~&lt; 600 million years) open clusters, using NOAO facilities (WIYN 3.5m, the WIYN 0.9m, the CTIO Blanco 4m, and CTIO 1m), have suggested to us that a well-defined relationship exist between the rotation periods, ages, and colors of late-type stars”, says Meibom, “and that observations of such stars in older clusters can define a surface in the 3-dimensional space of rotation, color (mass), and age (figure 1, left). Now, using Kepler, Meibom and his colleagues have extended this surface to 1 billion years by measuring the relation between rotation and color for members of the open cluster NGC6811 (figure 2, right).</div> </div> <div class="news-readmore" aria-label="Read more">Read more</div> </div> <!-- news-wrapper --> </a> </div> </div> <div class="row news-list news-list-overflow"> <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-6 col-xs-12"> <a href="/public/announcements/geminiann11006/"> <div class="news-wrapper"> <div class="news-image"> <img class="img-responsive" src="/public/media/archives/images/thumb350x/geminiann11006a.jpg" alt="Identifying Cool Brown Dwarfs With GNIRS"> </div> <div class="news-description"> <div class="news-id" aria-label="geminiann11006 — Announcement ">geminiann11006 — Announcement</div> <div class="news-title" role="heading" aria-level="1" aria-label="Identifying Cool Brown Dwarfs With GNIRS ">Identifying Cool Brown Dwarfs With GNIRS</div> <div class="news-teaser" aria-label="13 April 2011 Brown dwarfs bridge the astronomical gap between stars (like the Sun) and planets (like Jupiter). Only during the last few years have enough cool brown dwarfs been discovered to begin to test the physical models that describe their atmospheric physics. Still, the population remains sufficiently small making the discovery of additional examples significant. Ben Burningham (University of Hertfordshire, UK) and collaborators report the discovery of one late-type brown dwarf in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. The team initially selected candidates based on their infrared colors in the UKIRT Infrared Deep Sky Survey Galactic Plane Survey. Spectroscopy obtained with the Gemini Near-Infrared Spectrograph (GNIRS) on the Gemini North telescope combined with photometry from the Spitzer Space Telescope enable the secure identification of its spectral type as T8.5. The authors conclude that the temperature of this object, UGPS J0521+3640, is between 600 to 650K, and it has a mass …"><strong>13 April 2011</strong>: Brown dwarfs bridge the astronomical gap between stars (like the Sun) and planets (like Jupiter). Only during the last few years have enough cool brown dwarfs been discovered to begin to test the physical models that describe their atmospheric physics. Still, the population remains sufficiently small making the discovery of additional examples significant. Ben Burningham (University of Hertfordshire, UK) and collaborators report the discovery of one late-type brown dwarf in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. The team initially selected candidates based on their infrared colors in the UKIRT Infrared Deep Sky Survey Galactic Plane Survey. Spectroscopy obtained with the Gemini Near-Infrared Spectrograph (GNIRS) on the Gemini North telescope combined with photometry from the Spitzer Space Telescope enable the secure identification of its spectral type as T8.5. The authors conclude that the temperature of this object, UGPS J0521+3640, is between 600 to 650K, and it has a mass …</div> </div> <div class="news-readmore" aria-label="Read more">Read more</div> </div> <!-- news-wrapper --> </a> </div> <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-6 col-xs-12"> <a href="/public/announcements/geminiann11005/"> <div class="news-wrapper"> <div class="news-image"> <img class="img-responsive" src="/public/media/archives/images/thumb350x/geminiann11005b.jpg" alt="Journey Through the Universe – Seven Years of Exploration"> </div> <div class="news-description"> <div class="news-id" aria-label="geminiann11005 — Announcement ">geminiann11005 — Announcement</div> <div class="news-title" role="heading" aria-level="1" aria-label="Journey Through the Universe – Seven Years of Exploration ">Journey Through the Universe – Seven Years of Exploration</div> <div class="news-teaser" aria-label="15 March 2011 Seven years ago, Gemini Observatory began a modest program in our local Big Island community called Journey Through the Universe (JTtU). At that time the program was administered (Nationally) by the National Center for Earth and Space Education and Gemini began a journey, the magnitude of which nobody could have anticipated back then. Today, JTtU on the Big Island has grown almost beyond recognition from those early days. In its 2011 incarnation, which occurred from February 10-18, a diverse and impressive number of participants joined in the excitement. To summarize the program’s impact, over 6,500 students joined over 50 scientists, engineers and educators from local (and national) observatories and educational organizations. 310 classes participated with the help of 31 “Ambassadors” who escorted visiting educators who, for many, hadn’t seen a K-12 classroom since they were there as students themselves! The unique partnership between Gemini, other local observatories, the Hawai‘i state …"><strong>15 March 2011</strong>: Seven years ago, Gemini Observatory began a modest program in our local Big Island community called Journey Through the Universe (JTtU). At that time the program was administered (Nationally) by the National Center for Earth and Space Education and Gemini began a journey, the magnitude of which nobody could have anticipated back then. Today, JTtU on the Big Island has grown almost beyond recognition from those early days. In its 2011 incarnation, which occurred from February 10-18, a diverse and impressive number of participants joined in the excitement. To summarize the program’s impact, over 6,500 students joined over 50 scientists, engineers and educators from local (and national) observatories and educational organizations. 310 classes participated with the help of 31 “Ambassadors” who escorted visiting educators who, for many, hadn’t seen a K-12 classroom since they were there as students themselves! The unique partnership between Gemini, other local observatories, the Hawai‘i state …</div> </div> <div class="news-readmore" aria-label="Read more">Read more</div> </div> <!-- news-wrapper --> </a> </div> <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-6 col-xs-12"> <a href="/public/announcements/noaoann11003/"> <div class="news-wrapper"> <div class="news-image"> <img class="img-responsive" src="/public/media/archives/images/thumb350x/noaoann11003a.jpg" alt="In Memoriam. Victor Blanco 1918-2011. CTIO Director, 1967-1981."> </div> <div class="news-description"> <div class="news-id" aria-label="noaoann11003 — Announcement ">noaoann11003 — Announcement</div> <div class="news-title" role="heading" aria-level="1" aria-label="In Memoriam. Victor Blanco 1918-2011. CTIO Director, 1967-1981. ">In Memoriam. Victor Blanco 1918-2011. CTIO Director, 1967-1981.</div> <div class="news-teaser" aria-label="9 March 2011 It is with profound sadness and also deep sense of respect that I write this note to recognize the contributions of Victor to CTIO and, more broadly, to the generations of astronomers that have passed through CTIO, both as staff and as users of the facilities. I had the honor of overlapping with Victor briefly when I arrived at CTIO as a postdoc, but didn't get to know him well then. However, through interactions with the many people whose lives he touched, including astronomers, engineers, administrative and facilities staff, I've grown to understand the depth of his impact on CTIO and the “Tololino culture”. His leadership set CTIO on a solid course as a world-leading facility, both in its technical achievements and its culture of close teamwork and pride in the work that is done. That leadership was combined with a father-like quality for the staff, which firmly established the …"><strong>9 March 2011</strong>: It is with profound sadness and also deep sense of respect that I write this note to recognize the contributions of Victor to CTIO and, more broadly, to the generations of astronomers that have passed through CTIO, both as staff and as users of the facilities. I had the honor of overlapping with Victor briefly when I arrived at CTIO as a postdoc, but didn't get to know him well then. However, through interactions with the many people whose lives he touched, including astronomers, engineers, administrative and facilities staff, I've grown to understand the depth of his impact on CTIO and the “Tololino culture”. His leadership set CTIO on a solid course as a world-leading facility, both in its technical achievements and its culture of close teamwork and pride in the work that is done. That leadership was combined with a father-like quality for the staff, which firmly established the …</div> </div> <div class="news-readmore" aria-label="Read more">Read more</div> </div> <!-- news-wrapper --> </a> </div> <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-6 col-xs-12"> <a href="/public/announcements/noaoann11002/"> <div class="news-wrapper"> <div class="news-image"> <img class="img-responsive" src="/public/media/archives/images/thumb350x/noaoann11002a.jpg" alt="March 2011 NOAO Newsletter"> </div> <div class="news-description"> <div class="news-id" aria-label="noaoann11002 — Announcement ">noaoann11002 — Announcement</div> <div class="news-title" role="heading" aria-level="1" aria-label="March 2011 NOAO Newsletter ">March 2011 NOAO Newsletter</div> <div class="news-teaser" aria-label="4 March 2011 The March 2001 NOAO Newsletter is online and ready to download. About the cover image: Against a background of Eta Carina, taken with the SOAR Adaptive Module in Natural Guide Star mode (clockwise from top left): The SOAR telescope on Cerro Pachón, the SOAR Adaptive Module (SAM), the Spartan Infrared Camera, and the Goodman High Throughput Spectrograph."><strong>4 March 2011</strong>: The March 2001 NOAO Newsletter is online and ready to download. About the cover image: Against a background of Eta Carina, taken with the SOAR Adaptive Module in Natural Guide Star mode (clockwise from top left): The SOAR telescope on Cerro Pachón, the SOAR Adaptive Module (SAM), the Spartan Infrared Camera, and the Goodman High Throughput Spectrograph.</div> </div> <div class="news-readmore" aria-label="Read more">Read more</div> </div> <!-- news-wrapper --> </a> </div> </div> <div class="row statusbar"><div class="col-md-3"> Showing 1 to 20 of 25 </div><div class="col-md-6"><div class="text-center"><ul class="pagination"><li class="active"><a href="/public/announcements/archive/year/2011/page/1/">1</a></li><li><a href="/public/announcements/archive/year/2011/page/2/">2</a></li><li><a class="prev-next" href="/public/announcements/archive/year/2011/page/2/">Next</a></li></ul></div></div></div><div class="row"><div class="col-md-12"></div></div> <div class="copyright"> <a href="/public/copyright/">Usage of NOIRLab Images and Videos</a><br /> <a href="/public/subscribe-media/">Are you a journalist? 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