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href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><strong>Video scouting report »</strong></a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 60 | Power: 55 | Run: 60 | Arm: 55 | Field: 55 | Overall: 60&nbsp;</p><p>The son of seven-time All-Star Matt Holliday, Jackson not only has some of the best bloodlines in the high school class but also is one of its better hitters. Though he struggled at times on the showcase circuit last summer when he got too focused on homers, he finished strong and has taken his game to another level as a high school senior and should go in the first five selections. Gatorade's Oklahoma prep player of the year, he broke J.T. Realmuto's national high school record for hits in a season with 89 in 41 games while batting .685/.749/1.392.&nbsp;</p><p>Holliday has an advanced approach, no surprise given his roots, and a knack for putting the barrel on the ball. He usually makes consistent hard contact, though he didn't during the summer when he let his simple left-handed stroke get too long. After getting bigger and stronger, he's hitting the ball with more authority than ever this spring, and he also looks more relaxed at the plate and is letting his considerable power come naturally.&nbsp;</p><p>Holliday has gotten faster as he has gotten stronger, and he now flashes plus-plus run times as a senior and is a consistent plus runner. He's throwing better too, and his solid to plus arm strength and enhanced quickness give him a better opportunity to remain at shortstop. His high baseball IQ also helps his chances after many evaluators previously believed he was destined for second or third base. In the unlikely event that he makes it to college, he'll play for his uncle Josh, the head coach at Oklahoma State, where Matt is a volunteer assistant.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"Draft"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Hit: 60 | Power: 55 | Run: 60 | Arm: 55 | Field: 55 | Overall: 60&nbsp;</p><p>The son of seven-time All-Star Matt Holliday, Jackson had some of the best bloodlines in the high school class and was considered to be one of its better hitters. Though he struggled at times on the showcase circuit last summer when he got too focused on homers, Holliday finished strong. He took his game to another level as a high school senior, earning Gatorade's Oklahoma prep player of the year honors and breaking J.T. Realmuto's national high-school record for hits in a season with 89 in 41 games while batting .685/.749/1.392. All of that added up led to him being the No. 1 pick in the 2022 Draft, with the Orioles giving him $8.19 million to sign, a record for a high school player.</p><p>Holliday has an advanced approach, no surprise given his roots, and a knack for putting the barrel on the ball. He usually makes consistent hard contact, though he didn't during the summer when he let his simple left-handed stroke get too long. After getting bigger and stronger, he hit the ball with more authority than ever this past spring, and he also looked more relaxed at the plate, letting his considerable power come naturally.&nbsp;</p><p>Holliday has gotten faster as he has gotten stronger. He now flashes plus-plus run time and is a consistent plus runner. He's throwing better too, and his solid-to-plus arm strength and enhanced quickness give him a better opportunity to remain at shortstop. His high baseball IQ also helps his chances after many evaluators previously believed he was destined for second or third base.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"2022"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 70 | Power: 55 | Run: 60 | Arm: 55 | Field: 55 | Overall: 70</p><p>After a bit of an up-and-down showing on the summer showcase circuit, Holliday’s stock took a bit of a hit, though scouts routinely predicted he would right the ship once the spring of 2022 started. Matt Holliday’s son did just that, earning Gatorade’s Oklahoma High School Player of the Year honors and setting the national high school record for hits. All of that landed him at the top of the Draft, taken No. 1 overall by the Orioles and given a bonus of $8.19 million, a record for a high schooler. He reached Low-A Delmarva during his pro debut, then hit his way to Double-A in his first full season.</p><p>The combination of nature and nurture certainly come into play, with growing up around the game clearly helping Holliday’s overall skillset. He has an extremely advanced approach at the plate, and he showed it off by walking more than twice as much as he struck out during his debut last summer. He has a simple left-handed stroke he got back to after his swing got a little long last summer, allowing him make more hard contact than ever, with plenty of power coming organically from his swing.</p><p>With strength he added before his senior year, and with more to come, Holliday has also gotten faster and is a consistently plus runner. There’s an up arrow next to his arm strength as well and that, along with his improved quickness, means he should be able to play shortstop for a long time. His combination of pure tools and high baseball IQ have helped him move through the system quicker than a typical prep player.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 70 | Power: 60 | Run: 60 | Arm: 55 | Field: 55 | Overall: 65</p><p>Holliday entered his senior year of high school as a potential late first-round pick following an inconsistent summer showcase circuit, but he took off during that spring to vault his way toward the top of most Draft boards. The son of seven-time All-Star Matt Holliday, Jackson set a record for a prep player when he received a bonus of $8.19 million from the Orioles as the No. 1 pick in the 2022 Draft. If it’s possible for a top pick to exceed the hype that comes with that Draft standing, Holliday did it, playing across four levels last season while finishing with a .941 OPS and earning MLB Pipeline Prospect Hitter of the Year honors.</p><p>It's an easy argument to make that Holliday is the best pure hitting prospect in the game. His incredibly advanced approach at the plate led to him being one of just eight Minor Leaguers who walked 100 or more times in 2023, resulting in a .442 on-base percentage. He combines that discipline with a short left-handed stroke that delivers consistent hard contact and elite-level exit velocities. Still only 20 for the 2024 season, Holliday continues to add strength, and there’s confidence he’ll drive the ball more -- and over the fence -- with greater consistency.</p><p>A plus runner who can steal a base, Holliday has more than enough range, good enough hands and actions and plus instincts to play shortstop for a very long time. The only thing that might be in question is his arm, which he’s worked to improve since entering pro ball. There’s a chance he’ll need to slide over to second, though that’s as much because of other Orioles personnel as it is any questions about his arm strength.</p>","contentTitle":"2024"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":"Oklahoma State","signed":null}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":2,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2024","gradesHitting":[],"gradesPitching":null,"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":null,"playerPhotoCustomUrl":",q_auto:best/v1/people/694192/headshot/silo/current","player":{"__ref":"Person:694192"},"position":"OF","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">More »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Hit: 55 | Power: 55 | Arm: 55 | Run: 50 | Field: 50</p><p>Chourio is tall and lean with a projectable body and enough athleticism play shortstop or center field in the future.</p><p>His hit tool&nbsp;might be the most advanced part of his game at the moment, but his defense is not far behind. In fact, he shows good hands in the infield and an average arm now that projects to be a plus tool in the future. Like most prospects his age, Chourio is working on improving his footwork and internal clock, but he continues to make big strides in both areas. In the outfield, he has a good first step in center field and can cover lots of ground because of his running speed, which projects to be a plus tool in the future.</p><p>At the plate, the teen shows good bat speed, an understanding of the strike zone, and the ability to put backspin on the ball. As a result, he can drive the ball out of the park to all fields, especially the opposite field. He is expected to have plus power as he matures and his body develops. There’s a chance his frame will force him to move to third base or a corner outfield spot, but for now, he’s staying put up the middle.</p><p>Chourio was a star on Venezuela’s youth teams and evaluators love his ability to perform in big games. He’s also been praised for his makeup. The teenager trains at CJ Baseball Academy in Maracaibo, Venezuela, with Jonathan Herrera and is represented by Beverly Hills Sports Council’s Cesar Suarez, a member of MLB’s Trainer Partnership Program. The Brewers are the favorites to sign him.</p>","contentTitle":"2020"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Hit: 55 | Power: 50 | Run: 60 | Arm: 55 | Field: 50 | Overall: 45</p><p>Chourio ranked 18th on MLB Pipeline’s Top 30 International Prospects list in 2020 before the Brewers signed him for $1.8 million in January 2021, their top signing in the class. In a normal year, the Brewers would have brought Chourio to Phoenix at the end of Spring Training so the organization’s coaches could make assessments and decide whether to send him back to the Dominican Summer League or keep him in Arizona. The amended signing calendar and expected restrictions on Minor League camps delayed the start of Chourio’s pro career, and as a result, he did end up beginning his career in the DSL.</p><p>Long and lean at 6-foot-1 and 165 pounds, and with experience at both shortstop and center field, Chourio’s hit tool was ahead of his defense as he entered pro ball, but only by a hair as he impressed scouts with good hands in the infield and an arm that projects to be a plus tool in the future. He’s athletic enough to play in the outfield and has a good enough first step in center field to project as a five-tool, Adam Jones-type outfielder, with speed to cover lots of ground. Scouts are split on whether Chourio winds up on the infield or in the outfield.</p><p>At the plate, the teen shows good bat speed, an understanding of the strike zone and the ability to put backspin on the ball. He can drive the ball out of the park to all fields, especially the opposite field. There’s a chance Chourio’s frame eventually could force him to move to third base or a corner outfield spot, but for now, like so many top prospects beginning their career in the Brewers system, the club is committed to keeping him up the middle.</p>","contentTitle":"2021"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Hit: 55 | Power: 60 | Run: 70 | Arm: 45 | Field: 60 | Overall: 60</p><p>Ranked No. 18 in the 2020-21 international signing class by MLB Pipeline, Chourio -- a Venezuelan outfielder -- signed with the Brewers for $1.8 million in January, making him the organization’s top addition in the class. He was invited stateside for the tail end of Minor League Spring Training, stayed in Arizona for extended and then moved to the Dominican Summer League for his first taste of pro ball. The results in the DR complex were solid -- a .296/.386/.447 line, five homers and eight steals in 45 games -- and the Brewers decided to test the 18-year-old with a move over the Arizona Complex League to Single-A Carolina. He’s been arguably the breakout prospect star of the 2022 season, with a power-speed combo that’s already fueled another rise to High-A.</p><p>Simply put, Chourio is one of the toolsiest players in the Minor Leagues. He generates incredible bat speed from the right side that’s helped him make loud, hard contact everywhere he’s played this summer. There are some swing-and-miss concerns, especially on breaking stuff away, but the young outfielder has shown an ability to adjust when given time to do so. He could be at least a 20-25 home run threat in the Majors, despite a relatively lean frame right now.</p><p>Signed as a shortstop, Chourio has put plus-plus speed to good use in center field since he was in the DSL, and he could be a defensive star as well. Carolina manager Victor Estevez said earlier in the summer that Chourio needed to be challenged and that he could be on a Ronald Acuña Jr.-type trajectory, at least when it comes to speed of ascent. In a system loaded with outfielders, no Brewers prospect has a higher ceiling than Chourio. That may be true of all prospectdom soon enough.</p>","contentTitle":"2022"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 55 | Power: 60 | Run: 70 | Arm: 45 | Field: 60 | Overall: 65</p><p>Chourio originally signed with the Brewers as a shortstop for $1.8 million, making him the club’s top international addition on Jan. 15, 2021. He started to pop in the Dominican Summer League after signing -- while arm issues pushed him into center field -- and entering 2022, Milwaukee realized it needed to find tougher assignments for the Venezuela native in his age-18 season. Chourio skipped right over the domestic Complex league to open with Single-A Carolina in May and ended the year at Double-A, hitting .288/.342/.538 with 20 homers and 16 steals in 99 games across all three levels. He was the only 2022 All-Star Futures Game participant with a 2004 birthdate.</p><p>Chourio brings multiple at least plus tools to the table. His 70-grade speed is perhaps the loudest, and it was a big reason why Milwaukee moved him to center field, where he could cover even more ground than shortstop. What’s more, his contact at the plate is loud and capable of playing everywhere in the park. Brewers officials were often awestruck at how the right-handed slugger thumped the ball to right almost as easily as he did to left.</p><p>All that being said, what keeps Chourio from being the gold standard among position-player prospects at this stage is his still-developing plate discipline and zone coverage. Early on in 2022, Chourio struggled against breaking stuff away, but as the season wore on, he made enough adjustments (especially with two strikes) to look like a potential above-average hitter. He’ll still be a teenager for the duration of the 2023 season, so he has time to continue to build on this impressive base and enter a prospect stratosphere all his own in the years (or months) to come.</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 55 | Power: 65 | Run: 70 | Arm: 50 | Field: 60 | Overall: 65</p><p>Originally a shortstop as an amateur, Chourio joined the Brewers for $1.8 million out of Venezuela in January 2021. A year later, he enjoyed one of the biggest breakout seasons in recent memory, hitting .288/.342/.538 with 20 homers and 16 steals across three full-season levels before completing his age-18 season. Chourio’s 2023 campaign with Double-A Biloxi was less consistent, but he still capped it with a brief stint at Triple-A Nashville. With 22 homers and 44 steals, Chourio became the fifth 20-40 teenager in the Minors since 1958 and the first since Ronald Acuña Jr. in 2017. Milwaukee signed the outfielder to an eight-year, $82 million extension in December -- a record for a player with no MLB service time.</p><p>In addition to dealing with the Southern League ball changes, Milwaukee coaches thought Chourio was pressing to build on his 2022 successes early on at Biloxi, and by July (when he batted .388/.447/.718 with 14 extra-base hits in 19 games), he was back to playing into his own game. That starts with a vicious right-handed swing capable of driving the ball to all fields -- nine of his 22 homers went to right -- and he has the strength in his 5-foot-11 frame to eventually post 30-homer seasons. That loud contact fuels his average, and the approach should improve with more reps against upper-level pitching in his 20s.</p><p>With plus-plus speed, Chourio pushed the envelope more than ever on the bases last season. He’s more than capable of tracking down balls in the gaps as a center fielder, though he still needs work going aggressively into the walls. And while elbow trouble early in his career limited his arm strength, the Brewers gave him some looks in right. Chourio’s considerable tools have him on Milwaukee’s doorstep, and he has the makings of a potential superstar.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"2024"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":null,"signed":"Jan. 15, 2021 - MIL"}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":3,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2024","gradesHitting":null,"gradesPitching":null,"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":"","playerPhotoCustomUrl":",q_auto:best/v1/people/694973/headshot/silo/current","player":{"__ref":"Person:694973"},"position":"RHP","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 80 | Slider: 70 | Changeup: 50 | Control: 55 | Overall: 65&nbsp;</p><p>Part of an outlandish Louisiana State recruiting class, Skenes spent his first two college seasons at Air Force and pitched two summers with the U.S. collegiate national team before coming to Baton Rouge and winning a College World Series championship this spring. The only NCAA Division I player to reach double figures in wins and home runs in 2022, he might be the top two-way player in the 2023 class. But he's also the best college pitching prospect since Stephen Strasburg in 2009 and a potential No. 1 overall pick on the mound, so he hasn't picked up a bat this spring. He won Southeastern Conference pitcher of the year honors, led NCAA Division I in strikeouts (209, breaking Ben McDonald's school and SEC record), strikeouts per nine innings (15.3) and WHIP (0.75) and ranked second in wins (12), ERA (1.69) and opponents' average (.165).</p><p>After working at 93-95 mph and touching 99 with his fastball as a sophomore, Skenes has averaged 98 mph and hit 102 at LSU, with the flat approach angle and carry on his heater making it almost impossible to hit. His slider has improved under the tutelage of Tigers pitching coach Wes Johnson, becoming an 85-89 mph beast with sharp break and absurd swing-and-miss and chase rates. His power changeup arrives at 88-93 mph with fade and is a solid offering when he lands it in the strike zone.&nbsp;</p><p>Physically imposing at 6-foot-6 and 235 pounds, Skenes is athletic with the body control to repeat a sound delivery and provide plenty of strikes. A classic No. 1 starter, he'd also factor into the top three rounds as a position player thanks to his huge right-handed power to all fields and projected solid defense at first base. He caught some at Air Force but is too big for the position.</p>","contentTitle":"Draft"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 80 | Slider: 70 | Changeup: 50 | Control: 55 | Overall: 65&nbsp;</p><p>Part of an outlandish Louisiana State recruiting class, Skenes spent his first two college seasons at Air Force and pitched two summers with the U.S. collegiate national team before coming to Baton Rouge and winning a College World Series championship this spring. The only NCAA Division I player to reach double figures in wins and home runs in 2022, he might be the top two-way player in the 2023 class. But he's also the best college pitching prospect since Stephen Strasburg in 2009, so he didn’t pick up a bat all spring. He won Southeastern Conference pitcher of the year honors, led NCAA Division I in strikeouts (209, breaking Ben McDonald's school and SEC record), strikeouts per nine innings (15.3) and WHIP (0.75) and ranked second in wins (12), ERA (1.69) and opponents' average (.165). All of that led to him being taken with the No. 1 overall pick by the Pirates, who set a Draft record by giving him a $9.2 million bonus.</p><p>After working at 93-95 mph and touching 99 with his fastball as a sophomore, Skenes averaged 98 mph and hit 102 at LSU, with the flat approach angle and carry on his heater making it almost impossible to hit. His slider improved under the tutelage of Tigers pitching coach Wes Johnson, becoming an 85-89 mph beast with sharp break and absurd swing-and-miss and chase rates. His power changeup arrives at 88-93 mph with fade and is a solid offering when he lands it in the strike zone.&nbsp;</p><p>Physically imposing at 6-foot-6 and 235 pounds, Skenes is athletic with the body control to repeat a sound delivery and provide plenty of strikes. A classic No. 1 starter, he might have factored into the top three rounds as a position player, but that will be nothing more than a footnote for a frontline starter who should reach Pittsburgh in a hurry.</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 80 | Slider: 70 | Changeup: 55 | Control: 60 | Overall: 65</p><p>After two years at Air Force and two summers pitching for Team USA, Skenes transferred to Louisiana State for his junior season, helping lead the Tigers to a Men's College World Series title in 2023. A former two-way player who reached double digits in wins and home runs with Air Force in 2022, Skenes' focus on pitching helped cement him as the best college pitching prospect since Stephen Strasburg. So did an other-worldly junior campaign that earned him SEC pitcher of the year honors while leading all Division I pitchers in strikeouts, K/9 and WHIP. The Pirates set a Draft record by giving him a $9.2 million bonus as last year's No. 1 overall pick and let him get his feet wet with a handful of professional outings that ended in Double-A.</p><p>Skenes’ velocity started to spike during the fall at LSU. It carried over to his incredible spring in Baton Rouge, averaging 98 mph and topping out at 102 mph with his fastball, with a flat approach angle and carry that make it very difficult to hit, as evidenced by a 30 percent miss rate on it last spring. His slider turned into the best secondary pitch in the class. In the Minors, it's thrown largely in the upper 80s with sharp break that elicited ridiculous swing-and-miss rates (62 percent). His 89-93 mph changeup might be his third pitch, but don’t be surprised if it’s a third plus pitch as a pro as he learns to land the fading offspeed offering in the zone more consistently.</p><p>At 6-foot-6 and 235 pounds, Skenes brings an imposing presence to the mound. A former catcher, he’s athletic on the hill, repeating his delivery well and filling the strike zone exceedingly well, especially given his premium stuff. He has all the makings of a frontline starter, one who should not take very long to make his presence felt in Pittsburgh.</p>","contentTitle":"2024"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":"","signed":null}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":4,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2024","gradesHitting":null,"gradesPitching":null,"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":null,"playerPhotoCustomUrl":",q_auto:best/v1/people/691406/headshot/silo/current","player":{"__ref":"Person:691406"},"position":"3B/2B","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 45 | Power: 60 | Run: 45 | Arm: 50 | Field: 50 | Overall: 45</p><p>This story might sound familiar: Facing a deadline to protect eligible prospects from the Rule 5 Draft, the Rays flipped an intriguing, nearly MLB-ready pitcher who didn’t fit on their 40-man roster and received a young infielder with no experience outside of complex-league ball. Yes, it sounds like how they acquired a pre-breakout Curtis Mead. But in this case, we’re talking about how the Rays landed Caminero from Cleveland in November 2021. Tampa Bay traded Rule 5-eligible righty Tobias Myers for Caminero, a Santo Domingo native and part of the Guardians’ 2019 international signing class. Caminero barely has any professional experience but showed some intriguing traits while performing well at the plate during his pro debut in the Dominican Summer League, leading some evaluators to believe the Rays might have unearthed another hidden gem.</p><p>With a right-handed swing and impressive bat speed, the 5-foot-11 Caminero generated a lot of power to his pull side – he pulled 55 percent of the balls he put in play last year – and hit the ball in the air roughly 60 percent of the time. Caminero projects to have plus power at the plate, although the question for now is whether he’ll continue to make enough contact to get to that power as he’s challenged by higher-level pitching, better stuff and more complex sequencing.</p><p>Caminero profiles as a future corner infielder, another potential parallel to Mead, although he worked all around the infield in his debut with 18 games at third, 10 at first and the rest up the middle. He has split his time between third and short this season in the Florida Complex League. He has a solid-average arm and is projected to be an average runner. Caminero hit well in the FCL, showing both power and a solid contact rate, and Tampa Bay decided to test him with a move to Single-A Charleston a month after his 19th birthday. In a system loaded with infielders, Caminero has given himself plenty of helium and could shoot higher up prospect boards during his true full-season debut in 2023.</p>","contentTitle":"2022"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 60 | Power: 60 | Run: 45 | Arm: 50 | Field: 50 | Overall: 60</p><p>The Rays followed a familiar playbook to land Caminero. To resolve a roster crunch before the deadline to protect eligible prospects from the Rule 5 Draft, they traded a nearly MLB-ready pitcher and in return targeted a young infielder with little experience outside of complex-league ball. That’s how they acquired Curtis Mead from the Phillies, and it’s how they snagged Caminero from Cleveland in exchange for right-handed pitcher Tobias Myers in November 2021. Signed by the Guardians in 2019 out of the Dominican Republic, Caminero almost immediately proved to be another hidden gem following Mead’s path into the upper tier of a loaded Tampa Bay system.</p><p>Only 19 at the start of the 2023 season, Caminero possesses elite bat speed that generates a ton of power to his pull side and impressive bat-to-ball ability that allows hard line-drive contact to all fields. His plus raw power led to 11 homers over 62 games as he hit .314/.384/.498 between the Rookie-level FCL Rays (where he was the organization’s team MVP) and Single-A Charleston in 2022, but there may be more over-the-fence production coming as he continues to grow. Evaluators rave about his offensive traits and mature feel for what he’s doing in the batter’s box, painting the picture of a potentially special bat.</p><p>Caminero’s best spot defensively is third base, where he spent most of his time in his first season with the Rays and all his time in the Australian Baseball League over the winter. He profiles as an average defensive player at the hot corner in the future, with a solid-average arm, which is more than enough to stick there given his offensive ability. Caminero will have to be added to the Rays’ 40-man roster in December 2023, and the organization has gotten aggressive with him in 2023 by sending the teenager to Double-A already, backing up its confidence with its assignments. </p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 60 | Power: 70 | Run: 45 | Arm: 55 | Field: 50 | Overall: 65</p><p>Caminero signed with Cleveland in July 2019, but because of the pandemic, he didn’t debut in the Dominican Summer League until two years later, slashing .295/.380/.534 with nine homers in 43 games. Tampa Bay acquired him for Tobias Myers in a 40-man-clearing move in November 2021, and Caminero's breakout came in a big way during his age-19 season in 2023. His 31 homers between High-A and Double-A tied for sixth-most in the Minors (no other teenager hit more than 24). His .591 slugging percentage ranked fifth among MiLB full-season qualifiers, and his .324 average placed 11th. The Rays called up Caminero from Montgomery on Sept. 22 and kept him on their postseason roster as a bench bat.</p><p>Starting from an open stance, the right-handed slugger routinely unloads on pitches of all kinds (especially fastballs) with exit velocities that would pop up Major League leaderboards right now, nevermind ones adjusted for age. It’s near top-of-the-scale power that plays to all fields -- eight of his 20 Double-A homers went the other way to right -- and it’s a big reason why Tampa Bay wanted him nearby in the playoffs. His plate discipline also improved as he climbed the ladder, and that, combined with his loud contact, should help him be a plus overall hitter, too.</p><p>A fringy runner, Caminero moved from shortstop to third base more full-time in 2023, and Tampa Bay officials were enthused by how he improved his reactions at the hot corner as the season wore on. He has enough arm for either spot on the left side and should be at least average defensively. Caminero’s bat is what gives him such an elite ceiling, however, and he should be a talent the Rays make room for, even with an already loaded infield.</p>","contentTitle":"2024"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":null,"signed":"July 2, 2019 - CLE"}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":5,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2024","gradesHitting":[],"gradesPitching":null,"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":null,"playerPhotoCustomUrl":"","player":{"__ref":"Person:694497"},"position":"OF","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 50 | Power: 50 | Run: 55 | Arm: 50 | Field: 55 | Overall: 45&nbsp;</p><p>The Rangers surprised a lot of teams when they selected Carter in the second round in June and signed him away from a Duke commitment for an under-slot $1.25 million bonus. But they firmly believe in his five-tool upside and believe other clubs would have bought into his talent if the coronavirus hadn't wiped out all but three games of his senior season at Elizabethton (Tenn.) High. He flew under the radar because he didn't attend many showcase events and his part of Tennessee isn't heavily scouted.&nbsp;</p><p>Carter was one of the youngest and most projectable players taken in the 2020 Draft, carrying 190 pounds on his lean 6-foot-4 frame and not turning 18 until late August. He has a loose left-handed swing with plenty of bat speed and leverage, so he could hit for both average and power as he adds more strength, which he began to do this spring. His speed earns solid to plus grades from evaluators.&nbsp;</p><p>Carter is capable of playing anywhere in the outfield with his quickness and average to solid arm strength. He'll begin his pro career in center field and has a good chance to stick there. The valedictorian of his high school class, he draws raves reviews for his intelligence and makeup.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"2020"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 50 | Power: 50 | Run: 55 | Arm: 50 | Field: 55 | Overall: 45&nbsp;</p><p>Most clubs didn't rate Carter as highly in the 2020 Draft as the Rangers, who took him in the second round and signed him away from a Duke commitment for an under-slot $1.25 million. Led by area scout Derrick Tucker, they scouted him heavily and believe other teams would have bought into what they see as five-tool upside if the coronavirus hadn't ended his final high school season after three games. He flew under the radar because he didn't attend many showcase events and he played in an out-of-the-way northeast corner of Tennessee.&nbsp;</p><p>One of the youngest and most projectable players in the 2020 Draft, Carter didn't turn 18 until late August and entered pro ball with 190 pounds on a lean 6-foot-4 frame. His loose left-handed swing features plenty of bat speed and leverage, and he impressed with his ability to control the strike zone during instructional league. He could hit for both average and power once he adds more muscle, which he began to do as a high school senior.&nbsp;</p><p>With solid to plus speed, Carter can steal some bases and cover ground in center field. His arm earns average to solid grades and would fit in either outfield corner as well. The valedictorian of his Elizabethton (Tenn.) High class, he also draws praise for his intelligence, instincts and makeup.</p>","contentTitle":"draft"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 50 | Power: 50 | Run: 55 | Arm: 50 | Field: 55 | Overall: 50</p><p>Most clubs didn't rate Carter as highly in the 2020 Draft as the Rangers, who took him in the second round and signed him away from a Duke commitment for an under-slot $1.25 million. Led by area scout Derrick Tucker, they scouted him heavily and believe other teams would have bought into what they see as five-tool upside if the coronavirus hadn't ended his final high school season after three games. He flew under the radar because he didn't attend many showcase events and he played in an out-of-the-way northeast corner of Tennessee.</p><p>One of the youngest and most projectable players in the 2020 Draft, Carter didn't turn 18 until late August and entered pro ball with 190 pounds on a lean 6-foot-4 frame. His loose left-handed swing features plenty of bat speed and leverage, and he impressed with his ability to control the strike zone during instructional league. He could hit for both average and power once he adds more muscle, which he began to do as a high school senior.</p><p>With solid to plus speed, Carter can steal some bases and cover ground in center field. His arm earns average to solid grades and would fit in either outfield corner as well. The valedictorian of his Elizabethton (Tenn.) High class, he also draws praise for his intelligence, instincts and makeup.</p>","contentTitle":"2021"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 60 | Power: 50 | Run: 60 | Arm: 50 | Field: 55 | Overall: 55</p><p>Carter went overlooked by many clubs in the 2020 Draft because he hadn't attended many showcase events and played just three games as an Elizabethton(Tenn.) High senior before the pandemic ended his season. But area scout Derrick Tucker and the Rangers saw enough to believe Carter had five-tool potential and selected him in the second round, signing him away from a Duke scholarship for an under-slot $1.25 million. He shed his anonymity with an impressive 2021 pro debut, with some teams evaluating him as Texas' top position-player prospect considering his performance relative to age as an 18-year-old in Low-A.</p><p>Though he was one of the youngest players in full-season ball and hadn't faced much pro-caliber competition in the past, Carter wowed scouts with his advanced approach at the plate. Before a stress fracture in his back ended his debut prematurely, he drew 34 walks in 32 games, recognizing pitches and managing the strike zone with aplomb while using the entire field. He has a lean 6-foot-4 frame but has enough bat speed and leverage to produce 20 or more homers on an annual basis once he adds some strength and turns on more pitches.&nbsp;</p><p>He not only possesses plus speed but Carter also has the instincts to steal bases and chase down balls in center field. His arm strength grades as average to solid, so he's capable at all three outfield positions. The valedictorian of his high school class, he stands out with his intelligence and makeup in addition to his tools.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"2022"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 60 | Power: 50 | Run: 60 | Arm: 50 | Field: 55 | Overall: 60&nbsp;</p><p>Carter didn't get scouted heavily as an amateur because he attended few showcase events and played just three games as an Elizabethton (Tenn.) HS senior before the pandemic ended his 2020 senior season. But area scout Derrick Tucker and the Rangers believed he had five-tool potential and made him a surprise second-round pick, signing him away from a Duke commitment for an under-slot $1.25 million. He has wowed pro scouts with his ability and polish ever since, advanced to Double-A shortly after turning 20 last summer and helped Frisco win the Texas League championship.&nbsp;</p><p>The Rangers' 2022 Minor League player of the year, Carter stands out most for his advanced approach at the plate, where he recognizes pitches and controls the strike zone well beyond his years and uses the entire field. He makes consistent contact with a clean left-handed swing, and his bat speed and the leverage in his lanky 6-foot-2 frame should lead to at least average power once he adds some needed strength and pulls pitches more frequently. He completes his offensive package with plus speed and the savvy to use it well on the bases.&nbsp;</p><p>His instincts also are apparent on defense, where Carter uses his quickness and long strides to chase balls down with ease in center field. His arm strength grades as average to solid, so he's capable of manning all three outfield positions, but there's no reason he won't stick in center. The valedictorian of his high school class, he also earns praise for his intelligence and makeup.</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 65 | Power: 50 | Run: 70 | Arm: 50 | Field: 60 | Overall: 65&nbsp;</p><p>Because he attended few showcase events and played just three games as an Elizabethton (Tenn.) HS senior before the pandemic ended his 2020 season, Carter was a relative unknown when the Rangers shocked the industry by drafting him in the second round that June. Area scout Derrick Tucker and Texas' upper-level evaluators believed he had five-tool potential when they signed him away from a Duke commitment with a $1.25 million bonus, and he quickly impressed other teams with his ability and polish once he began his pro career. He sparked the Rangers to the 2023 playoffs by posting a 1.058 OPS during a September callup, then slashed .300/.417/.500 while also starring defensively in the postseason as the franchise won its first World Series championship.&nbsp;</p><p>Carter's offensive game centers around his preternatural ability to recognize pitches and discern strikes, which has earned him the nickname \"Full Count Carter\" and allowed him to record a 16.1 chase rate in his big league debut (including the postseason) -- better than the MLB-leading 16.6 mark of official qualifier Juan Soto. Though he was more pull-happy in his first taste of the Majors, he focuses on making hard contact to all fields with a quick left-handed stroke and should have at least average power as he gains more strength and launches more balls in the air. His lone offensive weakness is his production versus left-handers, against whom he slashed .242/.349/.253 in 2023, though the Rangers think he'll improve as he faces more southpaws.&nbsp;</p><p>Carter has well-above-average speed and uses it well on the bases, stealing 32 bags in 43 attempts at all levels last year. His quickness and savvy are also assets in center field, where he chases down balls from gap to gap with long, gliding strides. He spent most of his big league debut in left field in deference to Leody Taveras, and his average arm strength allows him to play all three spots. The valedictorian of his high school class, he also impresses with his intelligence and makeup and handled baseball's biggest stage in October with aplomb.</p>","contentTitle":"2024"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":null,"signed":null}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":6,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2024","gradesHitting":null,"gradesPitching":null,"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":"","playerPhotoCustomUrl":",d_people:generic:headshot:silo:current.png,q_auto:best,f_auto/v1/people/694671/headshot/silo/current","player":{"__ref":"Person:694671"},"position":"OF","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report </a><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"color: rgb(77, 81, 86);\">»</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 60 | Power: 65 | Run: 55 | Arm: 50 | Field: 50 | Overall: 60</p><p>Langford played three sports at Trenton High School in Florida before heading to Gainesville to focus on baseball at the University of Florida. He barely played as a freshman but burst onto the scene in 2022 as a sophomore, earning All-American status by leading the SEC and tying Matt LaPorta’s single-season Gators record with 26 home runs while finishing with a .356/.447/.719 line. A solid performance with Team USA last summer added to his resume as one of the best hitters in the 2023 Draft class, something he only cemented with another strong spring after shaking off an early injury.</p><p>Langford has five-tool potential. He can really hit, with excellent swing mechanics and a very good approach at the plate, one that helped him limit strikeouts while drawing walks. It also aided in his ability to tap into his considerable raw power, which some area scouts said is plus-plus. Strong and muscle-bound, he’s capable of being at least an above-average runner as well.</p><p>While he was a third baseman and a catcher in high school, Langford started every day in left field for the Gators in 2022. There was some thought he’d slide over to center field this year, and reports on him there last fall were very encouraging, but he ended up back in left once the 2023 season got underway. He plays hard and aggressively and it would surprise no one if he ended up in conversations for the No. 1 overall pick.</p>","contentTitle":"draft"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Hit: 60 | Power: 65 | Run: 55 | Arm: 50 | Field: 50 | Overall: 60&nbsp;</p><p>Langford went undrafted as a Florida high school third baseman in 2020 and got just four at-bats as a Florida freshman before exploding into one of the most devastating college hitters the last two seasons. He led the Southeastern Conference with 26 homers in 2022 and took the Gators to the College World Series finals this year, batting .373/.498/.784 while topping NCAA Division I with 28 doubles and 52 extra-base hits. The best power prospect in the 2023 crop, he went fourth overall and signed for a Rangers-record $8 million.&nbsp;</p><p>Langford generates well above-average power to all fields with ease, employing a simple right-handed stroke that allows him to drive balls in the air to his pull side without selling out for power. He lets his considerable strength and bat speed do all the work, and his mature approach allows him to make consistent hard contact and leaves him with no obvious weaknesses at the plate. He manages the strike zone well and projects as a .280 hitter with 35 homers per season.&nbsp;</p><p>Though he's a solid to plus runner, Langford played mostly left field for the Gators in deference to faster players. Texas will see what he can do in center field but most scouts believe he'll eventually wind up back on a corner. He has average arm strength and did some catching in high school and summer ball, though there are no plans to try him behind the plate.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 60 | Power: 70 | Run: 55 | Arm: 45 | Field: 50 | Overall: 65&nbsp;</p><p>Undrafted as a Trenton (Fla.) HS third baseman in 2020, Langford got just four at-bats as a Florida freshman before destroying college pitching the next two seasons. He topped the Southeastern Conference with 26 homers in 2022 and led NCAA Division I with 28 doubles and 52 extra-base hits in '23, hitting .373/.498/.784 last spring while helping the Gators reach the College World Series finals. Signed for a Rangers-record $8 million as the No. 4 overall pick, he continued to rake in his pro debut, slashing .360/.480/.677 with 10 homers and 12 steals in 44 games while reaching Triple-A.</p><p>A complete package at the plate, Langford stands out most with his plus-plus power to all fields, which he generates with an easy right-handed stroke that lets him launch balls in the air. By letting his massive strength, electric bat speed and natural loft work for him without swinging for the fences, he makes consistent loud contact and projects as a .280 hitter with 35 or more homers per season. He makes sound swing decisions and controls the strike zone, walking more than he struck out during his college career and his first taste of pro ball.</p><p>Though he's a good athlete with solid to plus speed, Langford spent most of his college days and his first pro summer in left field. While there's some thought that he could handle center field, Texas has more capable defenders at that position in Leody Taveras and Evan Carter. With fringy to average arm strength, Langford likely will remain in left and should make his presence felt in the big leagues at some point in 2024.</p>","contentTitle":"2024"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":null,"signed":null}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":7,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2025","gradesHitting":[],"gradesPitching":null,"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":"","playerPhotoCustomUrl":",d_people:generic:headshot:silo:current.png,q_auto:best,f_auto/v1/people/686611/headshot/silo/current","player":{"__ref":"Person:686611"},"position":"OF","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Video »</a></p><p>In 2015, Lake Mary High School outside of Orlando produced the top high school talent in the Draft. That June, Brendan Rodgers went No. 3 overall to the Colorado Rockies. Crews has the chance to be the next product from the school to go high in the Draft, though a summer in which he didn't live up to expectations has impacted his stock a bit.</p><p>When Crews is at his best, he can hit for average and power. When he's on time with his swing, he centers the ball well and makes hard contact. There's good bat speed with a short swing and more than enough strength in his fairly physically mature frame to produce solid power. He's willing to see a lot of pitches and draw walks, though he struggled to make contact at times over the summer. While there isn't a ton of projection for Crews, he has become a better athlete and is a solid average runner who runs the bases well.</p><p>Crews does play center field and is a very good defender with an above-average arm, though many scouts see a future in an outfield corner for him. That does put more pressure on his bat and the LSU recruit did not show that much more offensively during his brief senior year to move back up boards.</p>","contentTitle":"2020"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 70 | Power: 60 | Run: 60 | Arm: 55 | Field: 55 | Overall: 65&nbsp;</p><p>Crews generated some first-round buzz as a Florida high schooler in 2020 but ultimately withdrew from the Draft and has had a decorated career at Louisiana State. He led the Southeastern Conference with 163 total bases, set a school freshman record with 18 homers and earned National Freshman of the Year recognition in 2021. He encored by swatting 22 homers, sharing SEC player of the year honors and playing for the U.S. Collegiate National Team for a second straight summer before having his best season yet in 2023. He led the Tigers to the College World Series championship, won the Golden Spikes Award and repeated as SEC player of the year while batting .426/.567/.713 and tying for the NCAA Division I lead with 71 walks.&nbsp;</p><p>MLB Pipeline's top-rated position player in the 2023 Draft, Crews is a plus-plus hitter with plus power and some evaluators are even more bullish on his bat. He hits the ball as hard and as consistently as any collegian, thanks to a quick right-handed stroke, the strength and leverage in his 6-foot frame and a selectively aggressive approach. After creating some mild swing-and-miss concerns last summer, he's controlling the strike zone and making contact better than ever, repeatedly hammering velocity and quality pitching.</p><p>A good athlete, Crews is showing more speed than in the past, with plus run times out of the batter's box despite taking a big swing and well-above-average quickness once he gets going. He can steal an occasional base and has improved in center field, showing the ability to track down balls hit over his head. Most scouts are sold that he'll stick in center at the big league level, and at worst, he'll be an asset in right with solid arm strength.</p>","contentTitle":"draft"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Hit: 70 | Power: 60 | Run: 60 | Arm: 55 | Field: 55 | Overall: 65&nbsp;</p><p>Crews generated some first-round buzz as a Florida high schooler in 2020 but ultimately withdrew from the Draft and had a decorated career at Louisiana State. He led the Southeastern Conference with 163 total bases, set a school freshman record with 18 homers and earned National Freshman of the Year recognition in 2021. He encored by swatting 22 homers, sharing SEC player of the year honors and playing for the U.S. Collegiate National Team for a second straight summer before having his best season yet in 2023. He led the Tigers to the College World Series championship, won the Golden Spikes Award and repeated as SEC player of the year while batting .426/.567/.713 and tying for the NCAA Division I lead with 71 walks. The Nationals picked him second overall and signed him for $9 million, the second-highest bonus in Draft history.&nbsp;</p><p>MLB Pipeline's top-rated position player in the 2023 Draft, Crews is a plus-plus hitter with plus power, and some evaluators are even more bullish on his bat. He hit the ball as hard and as consistently as any collegian, thanks to a quick right-handed stroke, the strength and leverage in his 6-foot frame and a selectively aggressive approach. After creating some mild swing-and-miss concerns last summer, he's controlling the strike zone and making contact better than ever, repeatedly hammering velocity and quality pitching.</p><p>A good athlete, Crews is showing more speed than in the past, with plus run times out of the batter's box despite taking a big swing and well-above-average quickness once he gets going. He can steal an occasional base and has improved in center field, showing the ability to track down balls hit over his head. Most scouts are sold that he'll stick in center at the big league level, and at worst, he'll be an asset in right with solid arm strength.</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 60 | Power: 60 | Run: 60 | Arm: 55 | Field: 55 | Overall: 60</p><p>A three-year performer in Baton Rouge, Crews enjoyed one of the most decorated careers in LSU baseball history, nabbing SEC Co-Player of the Year honors in 2022. He then won the award outright along with the Golden Spikes Award a year later as he led the Tigers to the 2023 Men's College World Series title. He ranked among the Division I leaders in average (.426, fourth), OBP (.567, second), OPS (1.280, 11th), hits (110, second) and walks (71, first) over 71 games, all while cutting his strikeout rate from 18.2 percent as a sophomore to 13.4 as a junior. The Nationals snagged Crews with the second overall pick in July and signed him for $9 million, the second-highest bonus in Draft history. He ended the season at Double-A Harrisburg, where he started to show fatigue from the long spring and summer.</p><p>Crews thrust himself into the conversation as the top talent in the 2023 Draft on the strength of his improved plate discipline in college, rarely going outside the zone while teeing off on the pitches he could drive (particularly fastballs). He struggled a little more with offspeed stuff on the pro side, but his ability to adjust during his time as LSU speaks well to his chances of improvement in his first full season and beyond. Batting from a well-coiled right-handed stance, Crews packs at least plus power in his 6-foot frame.&nbsp;</p><p>A plus runner, Crews doesn’t have a history of stealing bags, but he can make defenses think twice once he gets moving. He has the athleticism to stick in center field, but the former Bayou Bengal saw some time in the corners in Harrisburg as he joined a roster with James Wood and Robert Hassell III. His bat should play anywhere in Washington’s dream of a homegrown outfield.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"2024"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Hit: 60 | Power: 60 | Run: 70 | Arm: 60 | Field: 60 | Overall: 60</p><p>Crews finished his three-year spin at LSU with a lengthy resume that included the 2022 SEC Co-Player of the Year, the 2023 Golden Spikes Award and the 2023 College World Series title. His phenomenal junior campaign captured scouts’ attentions not only for posting gaudy numbers, but also for honing his plate discipline. The Nationals selected him second overall that July and signed him for $9 million. Crews proved to be as advanced as expected in his first full season in 2024, hitting .270/.342/.451 with 13 homers and 25 steals in 100 games between Double-A Harrisburg and Triple-A Rochester and debuted in the Majors on Aug. 26.</p><p>The right-handed slugger may not have popped statistically in the pros in the same ways he did in college, but the overall scouting report remains. He was chase-heavy early at Triple-A but reeled that in as his sample expanded, in part because of improved hand placement and a more efficient load, and his chase rate was above average over his 132 plate appearances in the bigs. That has much been Crews’ MO as a prospect. Given enough time at a level, he tends to figure out pitchers, adjust and exceed the competition. An improved approach also helps because he packs a significant punch from his 5-foot-11 frame, thanks to good strength and bat speed, and his Triple-A exit velocities specifically (112.6 mph max, 106.3 90th- percentile) point to a player with 30+ homer potential.</p><p>Crews has already brought his plus-plus motor to The Show with 12 steals, and the wheels give another level to his offensive game. He moves well in all directions defensively and won a 2024 Rawlings Minor League Gold Glove for his efforts. With his plus arm strength, he’s a natural fit for center field but may continue playing right in deference to Jacob Young to begin his MLB career.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"2025"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":null,"signed":""}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":8,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2027","gradesHitting":null,"gradesPitching":null,"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":"","playerPhotoCustomUrl":",q_auto:best/v1/people/806956/headshot/silo/current","player":{"__ref":"Person:806956"},"position":"C","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 60 | Power: 50 | Run: 50 | Arm: 60 | Field: 55 | Overall: 55</p><p>The top player in the class is one of the best catching prospects in recent history. His strong skills on the field are matched by his notable family ties, as his grandfather, father and uncle all played professionally. He is the younger brother of Twins prospect Jose Salas, and he could end up being the best player in the family.</p><p>The athletic Salas has a good feel for the strike zone and shows the ability to hit the ball to all fields. He shows good raw power, and it is expected to increase as he develops. He has a nice loose swing and shows the ability to hit home runs in batting practice and games. On defense, he shows plus potential because of his soft hands, blocking ability and receiving skills. He shows good throwing mechanics and a strong arm. He is already exhibiting leadership skills and runs well for a catcher.</p><p>He is trained by his father, Jose Salas Sr. and Cesar Suarez of CJ Baseball Academy. The Padres are among the teams who have shown strong interest. Suarez is a member of MLB's Trainer Partnership Program.</p>","contentTitle":"International"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Hit: 60 | Power: 55 | Run: 45 | Arm: 60 | Field: 60 | Overall: 65</p><p>The Salas family has already been through the international signing process when Jose (now a Twins prospect) signed with the Marlins for $2.8 million in July 2019. Nearly four years later, younger brother Ethan, who was also born in Florida before moving to Venezuela, had his chance to join the pro ranks and did so with even more fanfare. Ranked as MLB Pipeline's No. 1 international prospect for 2023, Salas signed with the Padres for $5.6 million in January, taking nearly all of the organization's $5,825,500 base signing pool.</p><p>Despite the heavy investment, Padres officials routinely come back saying they believe it was worth going almost all-in on the 16-year-old, who could be a rare five-tool catcher. Salas's smooth left-handed swing helps him make solid contact to all fields and he's already shown above-average power during his move stateside after showcasing some of that pop at Petco Park in preseason BP sessions.</p><p>The Padres had Salas work with Major Leaguers -- including Yu Darvish -- in early bullpens because his receiving, blocking, hands, communication skills and overall movement behind the plate are already so advanced. His ability to pop out of the crouch and utilize impressive arm strength should also help him limit the running game. Salas also runs well for a catcher, and even if he slows as he ages, the rest of his game is so well-rounded that he could be the face of the next catching generation. He's already proven himself at an aggressive assignment to Single-A Lake Elsinore and was even pushed to High-A Fort Wayne as a 17-year-old in August.</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 50 | Power: 55 | Run: 45 | Arm: 60 | Field: 65 | Overall: 55</p><p>Considered the clear No. 1 international prospect in the 2023 class, Salas signed with the Padres on Jan. 15 for $5.6 million of the organization's $5,825,500 base signing pool. San Diego believed the Venezuela native – and brother of Twins prospect Jose Salas – to be extremely advanced and backed that up by skipping him over both complex leagues and starting him at Single-A Lake Elsinore in late May, a few days short of his 17th birthday. Salas hit .267/.350/.487 with nine homers in 48 games with the Storm and was given quick second-half promotions to High-A Fort Wayne and Double-A San Antonio (the latter to help the club's postseason push) before a right knee sprain ended his season early in September.</p><p>Salas has taken a step back offensively in his return to Fort Wayne in 2024, leaving much of the industry scratching their heads at who he could still be. On one hand, he's been one of only two 18-year-old qualifiers at the High-A level (Sebastian Walcott being the other), and he hasn't struck out as much as one might expect for a player so young at that level. On the other, he's elevated the ball perhaps too much on contact, leading to infield popouts and catchable flyballs in the outfield that have dulled his BABIP and overall offensive profile. The quality of contact could improve with more physical maturity.</p><p>What has made an already aggressive San Diego front office ready to push Salas this hard in the first place was his defense behind the plate. He draws strong reviews for his blocking, receiving, throwing and communication skills, including from Major Leaguers who worked with him early in 2023. Salas still has an immense ceiling as a multi-tooled backstop, but he might be on more of a traditional development track than it seemed like he'd take at the end of his first season.</p>","contentTitle":"2024"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Hit: 50 | Power: 50 | Run: 45 | Arm: 60 | Field: 70 | Overall: 55</p><p>Ranked as the No. 1 international prospect in 2023, Salas signed with the Padres for $5.6 million that January, and the hype around him only grew as he opened his age-17 season at Single-A Lake Elsinore. San Diego continued to push the backstop with stops at High-A Fort Wayne and Double-A San Antonio before a right knee sprain ended his year early. He returned to the Midwest League for 2024 and remained there all season, finishing with just a .206/.288/.311 line and four homers in 111 games. He showed some improvements from August onward (109 wRC+ in the month) and held his own in the Arizona Fall League.</p><p>In July, Salas traveled to San Diego to work with Padres Major League hitting coaches and started standing taller in the box. The adjustment helped him stay more square to the ball rather than getting under pitches for catchable fly balls, and he became more proficient at producing extra-base hits (11 of his 27 doubles on the season came in August). His strikeout and walk rates were still within healthy margins, but some evaluators would still like to see the quality of contact return for a larger sample.</p><p>While the bat perplexes, Salas' defensive work remains a major strength. Sticking with one team all season enabled him to become even better at working with pitchers and forming game plans, and his blocking and receiving earned strong marks for a High-A backstop. He also improved at limiting the running game in '24 after focusing more on efficiency than quickness with his throws. He's a fine example of the phrase \"development isn't always linear,\" but Salas will need to put his lessons to good use to get the arrow back up in 2025.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"2025"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":null,"signed":"Jan. 15, 2023 - SD"}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":9,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2025","gradesHitting":[],"gradesPitching":null,"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":"","playerPhotoCustomUrl":",q_auto:best/v1/people/695657/headshot/silo/current","player":{"__ref":"Person:695657"},"position":"SS","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><br></p>","contentTitle":"draft"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 50 | Power: 55 | Run: 45 | Arm: 55 | Field: 50 | Overall: 50</p><p>Indiana's 2020-21 male high school athlete of the year, Montgomery set the career basketball scoring record at Southridge High (Huntingburg, Ind.) and had the opportunity to walk on the hoops team at Indiana if he had gone to college. But his future is brighter in baseball, where he made continued improvement on the showcase circuit before his senior year, when he led Southridge to its first state 3-A championship. One of the more physical athletes in the 2021 prep class, he went 22nd overall to the White Sox in the first round and signed for $3,027,000.</p><p>As a 6-foot-4 lefty-hitting shortstop, Montgomery repeatedly draws Corey Seager comparisons and has the strength and bat speed to develop similar power. Though his pop stands out more than his hitting ability, he has a smooth stroke and should be able to hit for average as well. He's at his best when he uses the entire field rather than trying to pull pitches out of the park, and his approach has gotten more consistent during the last year.</p><p>Because he has fringy speed and figures to slow a bit as he matures physically, most scouts believe Montgomery will outgrow shortstop. He moves well for his size, however, and the White Sox will give him a chance to stick there. If he has to move to third base, he projects as at least an average defender with a solid arm.</p>","contentTitle":"2021"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 55 | Power: 55 | Run: 50 | Arm: 55 | Field: 50 | Overall: 55</p><p>Indiana's 2020-21 male high school athlete of the year, Montgomery led Southridge High (Huntingburg) to its first state 3A baseball championship and also set the school's career basketball scoring record. Though he would have had the opportunity to walk on Indiana's basketball team had he accepted a baseball scholarship from the Hoosiers, the decision to turn pro became easy when the White Sox drafted him 22nd overall. The second-highest prep position player pick in his state's history, he signed for $3,027,000 and enjoyed a solid debut in the Rookie-level Arizona Complex League.&nbsp;</p><p>Because he's a 6-foot-4 lefty-hitting shortstop with impressive hitting ability and raw power, Montgomery draws repeated comparisons to Corey Seager. He has a smooth stroke and provided consistent contact in the ACL, where he made good swing decisions and focused on using the entire field rather than trying to do too much at the plate. He has the bat-to-ball skills, strength and bat speed to produce 25 or more homers per season as he learns to more consistently turn on pitches and launch them in the air.&nbsp;</p><p>Though many amateur scouts believed Montgomery will outgrow shortstop as he fills out and slows a bit, the White Sox are confident he can stay at the position. He compensates for average speed with a quick first step and has the athleticism and solid arm strength to make plays. If he winds up not having enough range to remain at short, he would likely move to third base and could become a solid defender there.</p>","contentTitle":"2022"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 60 | Power: 60 | Run: 50 | Arm: 55 | Field: 55 | Overall: 60</p><p>One of the better two-sport athletes in the 2021 Draft, Montgomery was named Indiana's male high school athlete of the year after setting Southridge High's (Huntingburg, Ind.) basketball career scoring record and leading the Raiders to their first state 3-A baseball championship. Indiana offered him a baseball scholarship and the opportunity to walk on its basketball team, but he signed for $3,027,000 after the White Sox selected him 22nd overall. As a 6-foot-4 lefty-swinging shortstop with offensive upside, he repeatedly gets compared to Corey Seager.</p><p>Montgomery has impressed evaluators with his ability to make advanced swing decisions for a youngster, rarely chasing pitches out of the strike zone while laying off difficult offerings and pounding the ones he should. He has focused on controlling the zone, using the entire field and making consistent hard contact early in his pro career. With his hitting ability, bat speed, projectable strength and leverage, he should provide plus power once he starts launching more balls in the air.&nbsp;</p><p>While it's natural to wonder if a big shortstop with average speed can stay at the position as he matures physically and slows a bit, the White Sox believe Montgomery will be able to do so. His quick first step and athleticism enable him to get to balls and his solid arm strength allows him to complete plays. Seager overcame similar doubts and even if Montgomery shifts to the hot corner, his bat still should make him a star.</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Hit: 50 | Power: 60 | Run: 50 | Arm: 55 | Field: 55 | Overall: 55</p><p>The all-time leading scorer on the basketball court at Southridge HS (Huntingburg, Ind.) with 1,966 points, Montgomery had the opportunity to walk on Indiana's hoops team had he attended college on a baseball scholarship. Instead, he turned pro for $3,027,000 after the White Sox made him 22nd overall pick in the 2021 Draft. He reached Double-A at the end of his first full pro season before he was slowed by oblique and back injuries in his second, but he ranked as the Arizona Fall League's top prospect during the offseason and still is on track to make his big league debut in 2024.</p><p>As a large-framed, lefty-hitting shortstop with a huge offensive ceiling, Montgomery has drawn Corey Seager comparisons for years. Like Seager, he has plus power and is tapping into more often by launching balls in the air more consistently in 2023 and 2024. He has gotten more aggressive and his swing decisions have suffered as a result.</p><p>Montgomery continues to add strength without losing speed, though he's merely an average runner and some evaluators wonder if he'll outgrow shortstop. The White Sox have no such concerns, pointing to his quick first step and athleticism, and Seager has remained at short despite hearing the same questions. Montgomery's agility and solid arm strength should allow him to make an easy transition to third base if needed, and his bat should make him an All-Star wherever he plays.</p>","contentTitle":"2024"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 45 | Power: 60 | Run: 45 | Arm: 55 | Field: 55 | Overall: 55</p><p>Montgomery set the career scoring record at Southridge HS (Huntingburg, Ind.) with 1,966 points on the basketball court and Indiana offered him the chance to walk on its hoops team if he attended college on a baseball scholarship. That didn't happen because he went 22nd overall in the 2021 Draft and signed for $3,027,000. He has risen swiftly through the White Sox system but struggled for much of 2024 at Triple-A, where he slashed .214/.329/.381 with 18 homers in 130 games at age 22.</p><p>Because he's a physical lefty-hitting shortstop, Montgomery has drawn constant comparisons to Corey Seager, and he showed similar power and hitting ability at the lower levels of the Minors. But Montgomery's approach has changed in the past two years, when he has become much more focused on launching balls in the air to his pull side, and his swing decisions regressed last season as his chase rate jumped to 30 percent from 17 percent in 2023. He still has 30-homer pop and draws his share of walks, but he's a career .253 hitter through his first four years as a pro.</p><p>Montgomery exhibits below-average speed out of the batter's box but is an average runner once he gets going, albeit not much of a threat to steal. He moves well at shortstop, making plays with a quick first step, good agility for his size, a fine internal clock and solid arm strength. Chicago believes he'll stay at shortstop despite his size, while some scouts think he could be a plus defender at third base, where he spent most of his two-week Arizona Fall League stint in October.</p>","contentTitle":"2025"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":"Indiana","signed":null}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":10,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2026","gradesHitting":null,"gradesPitching":null,"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":"","playerPhotoCustomUrl":",g_auto/w_360/v1/people/805805/headshot/milb/current","player":{"__ref":"Person:805805"},"position":"OF","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 60 | Power: 60 | Run: 55 | Arm: 60 | Field: 55 | Overall: 60&nbsp;</p><p>Jenkins has slipped past Indiana's Max Clark as the top high schooler in the 2023 Draft this spring and is North Carolina's best prep position prospect since Josh Hamilton went No. 1 overall in 1999. A hamate injury hampered him on the showcase circuit during the summer and prevented him from making the U.S. national 18-and-under team after he did so in 2021, but his physical ability was still obvious. Scouts also praise his makeup as much as his considerable tools.&nbsp;</p><p>Gatorade's North Carolina player of the year in both 2022 and 2023,&nbsp;Jenkins is built to hit for power with a strong 6-foot-3 frame and a quick left-handed stroke. He already shows the ability to turn on quality fastballs and drive them out of the park to right field, and his pop extends to the opposite field as well. While his hitting ability doesn't stand out quite as much as his double-plus raw power, he has a sweet swing and makes consistent hard contact.&nbsp;</p><p>Though Jenkins displayed plus speed earlier in his high school career, he has slowed a bit as he has gotten stronger and now is more of a solid runner. His instincts may allow the North Carolina recruit to remain in center field, with his reads and routes enhancing his range. If not, his plus arm strength will help him to fit the profile of a slugging right fielder.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"Draft"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 60 | Power: 60 | Run: 55 | Arm: 60 | Field: 55 | Overall: 60</p><p>There was intriguing competition atop the 2023 Draft among the top high schoolers in the class: Jenkins and Indiana's Max Clark. While Jenkins had slipped past Clark on many boards and was North Carolina's best prep position prospect since Josh Hamilton in 1999, it was Clark who came off the board first, at No. 3 overall to the Tigers. After the Rangers took college outfielder Wyatt Langford No. 4, the Twins were thrilled to get Jenkins, his tools and makeup at No. 5, giving him a full-slot bonus of $7.14 million to sign.</p><p>Gatorade's North Carolina player of the year in both 2022 and 2023, Jenkins is built to hit for power, with a strong 6-foot-3 frame and a quick left-handed stroke. He already shows the ability to turn on quality fastballs and drive them out of the park to right field, and his pop extends to the opposite field as well. While his hitting ability doesn't stand out quite as much as his double-plus raw power, he has a sweet swing and makes consistent hard contact.&nbsp;</p><p>Though Jenkins displayed plus speed earlier in his high school career, he has slowed a bit as he has gotten stronger and now is more of a solid runner. His instincts may enable the North Carolina recruit to remain in center field, with his reads and routes enhancing his range. If not, his plus arm strength will help him fit the profile of a slugging right fielder.</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 60 | Power: 60 | Run: 55 | Arm: 60 | Field: 55 | Overall: 60</p><p>The best high school hitter from North Carolina since Josh Hamilton was the No. 1 overall pick back in 1999, Jenkins was thought to be one of five legitimate 1-1 caliber talents in the 2023 Draft class. The Twins, who had the No. 5 pick courtesy of the first MLB Draft Lottery, were thrilled when Jenkins was still available. He signed for a full-slot bonus of $7.14 million and made a strong first impression by reaching full-season ball and posting a .988 combined OPS in 26 games during his pro debut.</p><p>With a strong 6-foot-3 frame and a ton of bat speed from the left side of the plate, Jenkins has the chance to be a plus hitter with plus power. He can punish good velocity, showing the ability to turn on balls already and hit them out to his pull side, though his double-plus raw pop shows up to the opposite field as well. He makes a ton of hard contact, and in his pro debut, he didn't swing and miss much, with his hit tool right now a touch ahead of his in-game power.</p><p>A solid runner with good instincts, Jenkins began his pro career mostly playing center field, and that's largely where he's going to play during his first full season of pro ball as well. He'll get some exposure to the corners just so he's comfortable there if there's an opening whenever his bat is ready for Minnesota, but there's internal conviction he can stay up the middle.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"2024"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 60 | Power: 60 | Run: 55 | Arm: 60 | Field: 55 | Overall: 60</p><p>The Twins were one of the bigger winners in the lottery to determine the top of the 2023 Draft, making a large jump up to nab the No. 5 overall pick. That enabled them to get Jenkins, one of the two top high school hitters in the class, and he quickly hit his way to full-season ball, whetting the Twins' appetites with a .988 OPS during his pro debut. A quad strain slowed him early and he missed six weeks at the start of the season with a hamstring injury, but the North Carolina native still managed to play his way to Double-A in his first full year.</p><p>Jenkins has every chance to be a plus hitter with plus power in time. He turns around velocity with a smooth left-handed swing, recognizes spin well and can hit the ball a long way to all fields. He doesn't swing and miss much and draws walks, making consistent hard contact. Once he literally got his legs under him following his injuries, the Twins saw what he could do with a .303/.404/.494 line in July and August. There's plenty more power for him to get to in games as he gets more reps.&nbsp;</p><p>There may be a time when it makes more sense for Jenkins to slide over to right field, where his plus arm and offensive game profile very well. But he's an above-average runner whose plus instincts are an asset in center field, so there's no reason to move him permanently, even if he gets more exposure in the corners so there are options to get his bat into the lineup in the big leagues soon.</p>","contentTitle":"2025"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":"North Carolina","signed":null}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":11,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2025","gradesHitting":[],"gradesPitching":null,"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":"","playerPhotoCustomUrl":"","player":{"__ref":"Person:691783"},"position":"SS","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 55 | Power: 55 | Run: 60 | Arm: 60 | Field: 55 | Overall: 60</p><p>As a five-tool shortstop from a Dallas-area high school, Lawlar inevitably draws parallels to Bobby Witt Jr., the No. 2 overall pick in 2019 by the Royals. While Witt had louder tools and was more advanced because he grew up around the game as the son of a 16-year big leaguer, Lawlar should go in the same area of the 2021 Draft. He entered the year as the consensus top high school prospect and won Gatorade's Texas high school player of the year award.</p><p>Lawlar is a more polished hitter than Witt was at the same stage with a quick, compact right-handed swing and a mature, patient approach, though he has struck out more than expected as a senior.&nbsp;He focuses on working the gaps and has a knack for inside-outing balls to right field. With his bat speed and the projectable strength in his 6-foot-2 frame, he should develop solid power once he adds strength and starts turning on more pitches.&nbsp;</p><p>Lawlar's plus speed plays well on the bases and in the field, and he'll even clock some well-above-average run times on occasion. The Vanderbilt recruit is a no-doubt shortstop with plenty of range, quick hands and a strong arm, though like most youngsters he needs to improve his defensive consistency. There isn't much to quibble with his game, though teams with age-based models won't like that he'll turn 19 a week after the Draft.</p>","contentTitle":"Draft"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 55 | Power: 55 | Run: 60 | Arm: 60 | Field: 55 | Overall: 60</p><p>As a five-tool shortstop from a Dallas-area high school, Lawlar inevitably draws parallels to Bobby Witt Jr., the No. 2 overall pick in 2019 by the Royals. While Witt had louder tools and was more advanced because he grew up around the game as the son of a 16-year big leaguer, Lawlar entered the year as the consensus top high school prospect and won Gatorade's Texas high school player of the year award. The D-backs selected him with the sixth overall pick and signed him away from his Vanderbilt commitment with an above-slot bonus of $6.71 million. However, a shoulder injury ended his professional debut after just two games in the ACL.</p><p>Lawlar is a more polished hitter than Witt was at the same stage with a quick, compact right-handed swing and a mature, patient approach, though he struck out more than expected as a senior. He focuses on working the gaps and has a knack for inside-outing balls to right field. With his bat speed and the projectable strength in his 6-foot-2 frame, he should develop solid power once he adds strength and starts turning on more pitches.&nbsp;</p><p>Lawlar's plus speed plays well on the bases and in the field, and he'll even clock some well-above-average run times on occasion. He is a no-doubt shortstop with plenty of range, quick hands and a strong arm, though like most youngsters he needs to improve his defensive consistency.</p>","contentTitle":"2021"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Hit: 55 | Power: 55 | Run: 60 | Arm: 55 | Field: 55 | Overall: 60</p><p>As a five-tool shortstop from a Dallas-area high school, Lawlar inevitably draws parallels to Bobby Witt Jr., the No. 2 overall pick in 2019 by the Royals. While Witt had louder tools and was more advanced after growing up around the game as the son of a 16-year big leaguer, Lawlar entered 2021 as the consensus top high school prospect and won Gatorade's Texas high school player of the year award. The D-backs selected him with the sixth overall pick and signed him away from his Vanderbilt commitment with an above-slot bonus of $6.71 million. But a shoulder injury ended his professional debut after just two games (five at-bats) in the Rookie-level Arizona Complex League.</p><p>Lawlar is a more polished hitter than Witt was at the same stage with a quick, compact right-handed swing and a mature, patient approach, though he struck out more than expected as a senior. He focuses on working the gaps and has a knack for inside-outing balls to right field. With his bat speed and the projectable strength in his 6-foot-2 frame, he should develop solid power once he adds strength and starts turning on more pitches.&nbsp;</p><p>Lawlar's plus speed plays well on the bases and in the field, and he'll even clock some well-above-average run times on occasion. With plenty of range, quick hands and a strong arm, there's no doubt he'll stick at shortstop, though like most youngsters he needs to improve his consistency.</p>","contentTitle":"2022"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Hit: 55 | Power: 55 | Run: 60 | Arm: 55 | Field: 55 | Overall: 60</p><p>Fresh off being named Gatorade's 2021 Texas High School Player of the Year, Lawlar went sixth overall to the D-backs and signed for the Draft's third-highest bonus at $6,713,300. After a shoulder injury ended his first dip into the Minors after only two games, the right-handed slugger came out firing in 2022, batting .351/.447/.603 with 22 extra-base hits in 44 games at Single-A Visalia. Eager to press the shortstop, Arizona gave him looks at High-A Hillsboro, Double-A Amarillo and the Arizona Fall League before a fractured left scapula knocked him out again in the autumn.</p><p>Lawlar's compact right-handed swing is already helpful in his pursuit to square up balls, and his advanced pitch recognition aids that ability to produce solid averages and walk rates. (He notably walked at least 10 percent of the time at all three full-season stops in 2022.) The former Vanderbilt commit established a solid power base with 16 homers in his first full season and could build on that as he matures into his 6-foot-2 frame. Even now, the power plays well to all fields as he can go the other way with authority when pitch location calls him to do so.</p><p>Using his plus speed, Lawlar took advantage of Minor League rules to swipe 39 bags across three levels, and even if he doesn't reach those heights in the bigs, he should be a baserunning threat for much of his career. He's still a work in progress defensively, particularly when it comes to the accuracy of his throws. Good range and promising arm strength still give him an impressive five-tool ceiling, but the D-backs will have to balance the need to challenge Lawlar's bat and develop his glove in future assignments.</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 55 | Power: 55 | Run: 70 | Arm: 55 | Field: 60 | Overall: 60</p><p>Ranked as MLB Pipeline's No. 3 prospect in the 2021 Draft, the Gatorade Texas High School Player of the Year went to the D-backs with the sixth overall pick before signing for well-above-slot at $6,713,300. A left shoulder injury limited him to only two Minor League games that summer, but he showed signs of being a quick mover with time at four levels -- including Double-A Amarillo -- in 2022 while finishing with a .303/.401/.509 line, 16 homers and 39 steals. He returned to the Texas League for 2023 and caught fire midseason, leading to an August promotion to Triple-A Reno and a quick September hook to the Majors. Lawlar appeared in three games in Arizona's playoff push to the World Series, serving as a pinch-hitter and runner.</p><p>Lawlar's quick and compact swing means he can catch up to velocity, although he exhibited some swing-and-miss issues with offspeed stuff in 2023. Having turned only 21 last July, he might just need more exposure to high-level non-fastballs to iron out those issues. Lawlar also rarely expands the zone and has posted at least a 10 percent walk rate at each of his Minor League stops thus far. He did a better job of elevating on contact in his return to Amarillo (an extreme hitter's park), and he should quickly be a 20-homer threat in the Majors.&nbsp;</p><p>The 6-foot-1 infielder moves extremely well and smartly picks his stolen-base opportunities, leading to back-to-back 30-plus steal seasons in 2022 and '23. That athleticism has treated him well at shortstop, too, and the D-backs believe he's solidified his standing at the position with improved consistency across the board. Arizona will have a good problem with Geraldo Perdomo manning the six, but with his pop advantage, Lawlar has the higher long-term ceiling. Before challenging Perdomo in 2024, Lawlar will need to return from right thumb surgery that is expected to keep him out for the first two months of the regular season.</p>","contentTitle":"2024"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 55 | Power: 50 | Run 70 | Arm: 55 | Field: 60 | Overall: 60</p><p>After going sixth overall in the 2021 Draft, Lawlar zoomed through the D-backs system in his first two full seasons. He earned most of his 2023 accolades in the Texas League, where he picked up Top Prospect and All-Star honors and a spot in the All-Star Futures Game. The Texas native made his Major League debut for Arizona that summer at 21 years old, and though he went just 4-for-31, Lawlar cracked the club's postseason rosters and walked in his lone World Series plate appearance. Thumb and hamstring injuries limited him to only 23 Minor League games in 2024, and after not appearing in The Show, he made up for the lost at-bats with Licey during winter ball in the Dominican Republic.</p><p>The missed time only gave evaluators a 58-plate-appearance sample in Lawlar's return to Triple-A, but some of his strengths remained, namely his above-average ability to focus on pitches inside the zone. The Pacific Coast League's (and Reno's, specifically) hitter-friendly environs flattered his .592 slugging percentage as his exit velocities didn't meet those standards; his xSLG was .317. But the long layoff and thumb issue did him no favors, and he should have the bat speed to settle into at least average power long term.</p><p>Lawlar can really fly, especially underway, and he should be a threat to steal 30+ bags for much of his career. He's grown more consistent at shortstop over the years, doing more than just relying on his athleticism to make plays, and his throwing has improved with the professional reps. He sprinkled some time in at third base in both the summer and winter, and the D-backs say that will continue, along with some potential work at second, as they try to find him an MLB home in 2025.</p>","contentTitle":"2025"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":"Vanderbilt","signed":null}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":12,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2024","gradesHitting":[],"gradesPitching":null,"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":"","playerPhotoCustomUrl":",q_auto:best/v1/people/701538/headshot/silo/current","player":{"__ref":"Person:701538"},"position":"SS/OF","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Hit: 50 | Power: 45 | Run: 50 | Arm: 55 | Field: 50 | Overall: 50</p><p>There have been just two high school position players from Maryland who have been drafted in the top five rounds this century, outfielders Troy Stokes Jr. in 2014 and Matt McPhearson in 2013, both taken in the fourth round. Merrill, who was seen a little bit last summer at a team tournament at USA Baseball’s facility in Cary, N.C., has been a pop-up prospect for most of this spring, and now he has the chance to join that very select group.</p><p>A 6-foot-3, left-handed-hitting infielder, Merrill has some intriguing tools that had scouts pouring into Maryland late in this extended Draft season. He has a good feel to hit with decent bat speed, showing the ability to use the whole field with some solid raw power he could grow into. He can have more of an inside-out swing at times and will have to learn how to turn on pitches to his pull side more to get to his power more consistently.</p><p>Scouts like the way Merrill moves as a shortstop, with good actions and hands, with enough arm to give him the chance to at least start out at the premium position. The only question is his run tool, which could mean an eventual move to third or second, with confidence the University of Kentucky recruit can stay on the dirt long-term.</p>","contentTitle":"draft"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Hit: 50 | Power: 45 | Run: 50 | Arm: 55 | Field: 50 | Overall: 50</p><p>Prior to Merrill, there had been just two high school position players from Maryland who have been drafted in the top five rounds this century, outfielders Troy Stokes Jr. in 2014 and Matt McPhearson in 2013, both taken in the fourth round. Merrill, who was seen a little bit last summer at a team tournament at USA Baseball’s facility in Cary, N.C., was a pop-up prospect for most of this spring and became the highest pick of that group when San Diego called his name at 27th overall. Merrill signed for below slot at $1.8 million.</p><p>A 6-foot-3, left-handed-hitting infielder, Merrill has a good feel to hit with decent bat speed, showing the ability to use the whole field with some solid raw power he could grow into. He can have more of an inside-out swing at times and will have to learn how to turn on pitches to his pull side more to get to his power more consistently.</p><p>Scouts like the way Merrill moves as a shortstop, with good actions and hands, and enough arm to give him the chance to at least start out at the premium position. The only question is his run tool, which could mean an eventual move to third or second. At the least, he should stay on the dirt in the San Diego system.</p>","contentTitle":"2021"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 55 | Power: 55 | Run: 50 | Arm: 55 | Field: 50 | Overall: 55</p><p>Prior to Merrill, there had been just two high school position players from Maryland who have been drafted in the top five rounds this century, outfielders Troy Stokes Jr. in 2014 and Matt McPhearson in 2013, both taken in the fourth round. Merrill became the highest pick of that group when San Diego called his name 27th overall in 2021. Merrill passed on his Kentucky commitment and signed for below slot value at $1.8 million and then put together a solid professional debut, slashing .280/.339/.383 with nine extra-base hits over 31 games in the Rookie-level Arizona Complex League.</p><p>A 6-foot-3, left-handed-hitting infielder, Merrill has a good feel for hitting and some power that he’ll grow into as he continues to develop. He improved his timing at the plate last summer and utilizes the whole field when he’s in the box. He can have more of an inside-out swing at times and will have to learn how to turn on pitches to get to his power more consistently.</p><p>While there’s a chance Merrill could outgrow shortstop and eventually move to second or third, the Padres do plan on keeping him at shortstop for the time being. With an above-average arm and soft hands, Merrill has the tools needed to stick at shortstop. The organization has also been impressed with his maturity and mental makeup as he’s drawn strong reviews for his work ethic.</p>","contentTitle":"2022"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Hit: 65 | Power: 55 | Run: 50 | Arm: 55 | Field: 55 | Overall: 60</p><p>Merrill became the highest Maryland high-school position player selected since 1986 when he went 27th overall to the Padres in the 2021 Draft. After signing for below slot at $1.8 million, the left-handed hitter produced a solid .722 OPS in the Arizona Complex League that summer and was showing major signs of a breakout with Single-A Lake Elsinore (.325/.387/.482), though wrist and hamstring injuries limited him to only 45 games in the California League. San Diego made an aggressive move in sending the 19-year-old to the Arizona Fall League, and Merrill responded by being one of the most talked about prospects in the advanced loop, despite modest numbers.</p><p>On the taller side for a shortstop at 6-foot-3, Merrill showed a promising mix of discipline and an all-fields approach in the early stages of his career and took those to the next level everywhere he played in 2022. To prove the point, his pull (38.5 percent) and opposite-field (39.1) rates were nearly equal at Lake Elsinore. He should still add muscle as he matures and could grow into above-average power at his Major League peak, especially if he starts to elevate batted balls more.</p><p>While it was once a question of if Merrill would have to move off short someday, he’s improved his lateral quickness enough to erase those concerns, and San Diego officials were often wowed at how much his arm strength improved in his first full season. The next step will be keeping Merrill on the field for a full campaign after last year’s injury concerns, and if he does that, the Padres could be even more ecstatic that he was the big-name prospect they kept around following the Juan Soto blockbuster trade.</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Hit: 65 | Power: 55 | Run: 50 | Arm: 55 | Field: 55 | Overall: 60</p><p>The highest Maryland high school position player selected since 1986, Merrill went 27th overall to the Padres in 2021 and signed for below slot at $1.8 million. He put himself on the Top 100 radar at Single-A Lake Elsinore the following year despite being limited by wrist and hamstring injuries, and he made up the lost time with an aggressive move to the Arizona Fall League. He got off to a slow start with High-A Fort Wayne in '23 but slashed .310/.342/.474 over his final 50 games with the TinCaps, earning a mid-July bump to Double-A San Antonio. He slashed .273/.338/.444 with 104 wRC+ over 46 games the rest of the way in the Texas League.&nbsp;</p><p>Batting from the left side, Merrill uses an all-fields approach to pepper the ballpark with base knocks while protecting the plate. He doesn’t whiff often for his age and experience with an 8.1 percent swinging-strike rate that ranked 10th-best among qualified full-season Minor Leaguers aged 20 or younger in 2023. He did a better job of elevating balls last season, cutting down his ground-ball rate from 59.6 percent to 42.5, and that helps the belief that he’ll settle into above-average power later in his 20s.&nbsp;</p><p>Merrill is on the taller side for shortstop at 6-foot-3 but has improved his quickness enough in pro ball to help the belief that he can stick at shortstop. However, as Merrill climbed into the upper levels, San Diego gave him looks at second base, left field and even one start at first to see if he can get out of the shadow of more options at short. He is expected to move around more because of his proximity to the bigs. That underlines how much belief the club has in the bat and how quickly Merrill could move in his age-21 season.</p>","contentTitle":"2024"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":"Kentucky","signed":null}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":13,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2027","gradesHitting":null,"gradesPitching":null,"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":"","playerPhotoCustomUrl":",g_auto/w_360/v1/people/703601/headshot/milb/current","player":{"__ref":"Person:703601"},"position":"OF","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 60 | Power: 50 | Run: 70 | Arm: 65 | Field: 60 | Overall: 60</p><p>Clark is the best prospect to come out of Indiana since Bryan Bullington went No. 1 overall in 2002 and the state's best prepster ever. Gatorade's National Baseball Player of the Year, he's&nbsp;a viable candidate for the Pirates with the top pick. Besides his physical ability, he has excellent makeup and a penchant for rising to the occasion, such as when he provided a clutch homer against Canada and three hits in the gold medal-winning game against Taiwan at the 18-and-under World Cup in September.&nbsp;</p><p>Clark has four tools that grade as at least plus, starting with his hitting ability, which some evaluators rate as plus-plus. He has a sweet left-handed swing and a mature approach that focuses on smoking line drives from gap to gap. He presently concentrates on making hard contact rather than launching balls, but his bat speed and projectable strength should translate into at least 20-homer power that he already hints at in batting practice.&nbsp;</p><p>Clark is a double-plus runner and his quickness makes him an asset on the bases and in the outfield. The Vanderbilt is a no-doubt center fielder who enhances his physical ability with his reads and routes. He also has a well above-average arm that produces fastballs clocked up to 97 mph when he takes the mound.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"draft"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 60 | Power: 50 | Run: 70 | Arm: 65 | Field: 60 | Overall: 60</p><p>Clark is the best prospect to come out of Indiana since Bryan Bullington went No. 1 overall in 2002 and the state's best prepster ever. Gatorade's National Baseball Player of the Year, he was considered a potential No. 1 pick himself before going to the Tigers at No. 3 and signing for $7.7 million. Besides his physical ability, he has excellent makeup and a penchant for rising to the occasion, such as when he provided a clutch homer against Canada and three hits in the gold medal-winning game at the 18-and-under World Cup in September.&nbsp;</p><p>Clark has four tools that grade as at least plus, starting with his hitting ability, which some evaluators rate as plus-plus. He has a sweet left-handed swing and a mature approach that focuses on smoking line drives from gap to gap. He presently concentrates on making hard contact rather than launching balls, but his bat speed and projectable strength should translate into at least 20-homer power that he already hints at in batting practice.&nbsp;</p><p>Clark is a double-plus runner and his quickness makes him an asset on the bases and in the outfield. The former Vanderbilt commit is a no-doubt center fielder who enhances his physical ability with his reads and routes. He also has a well-above-average arm that produced fastballs clocked up to 97 mph when he took the mound.</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Hit: 60 | Power: 50 | Run: 70 | Arm: 65 | Field: 60 | Overall: 60</p><p>After helping the U.S. capture the gold medal in the 18-and-under World Cup, Clark was the 2023 Gatorade National Player of the Year out of Indiana after hitting .646/.808/1.215 during his senior campaign at Franklin Community HS in the spring. The Tigers selected him third overall, making him the Hoosier State’s highest-ever pick as a position player. They signed him below slot at $7.7 million, allowing the club to add Kevin McGonigle and Paul Wilson later in the process. Clark steamrolled through the Florida Complex League (.283/.411/.543 in 12 games) before getting a quick look at Single-A Lakeland, where he walked 12 times in 11 games but did little else offensively.</p><p>The 6-foot-1 outfielder seized the attention of early Detroit evaluators with plus-plus speed that immediately made him one of the most athletic players on any field he took, and his arm strength -- he was clocked up to 97 mph off the mound as a prepster -- gave him another asset on the defensive side. At the plate, he proved to be selective with his swings, rarely expanding the zone against low-level arms, and his left-handed swing played well to all fields. He might need some time to adjust to velocity, but the approach and physical tools are advanced enough that modification should come in time.</p><p>That gives Clark four plus-to-double-plus tools. The only question that remains is his power. His early exit velocities in the Florida State League didn’t stand out in a small sample, and Clark is close to being maxed out physically, even at a young age. He still has the bat speed to get to more pop and push his gap doubles over the fence, and if that happens, he has the five-tool potential on which dreams are built.</p>","contentTitle":"2024"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Hit: 60 | Power: 50 | Run: 70 | Arm: 70 | Field: 60 | Overall: 60</p><p>Clark was a standout on the local (2023 Gatorade Indiana Player of the Year) and international (2022 18-and-under World Cup champion) fronts as an amateur. The Tigers selected him third overall in 2023 and inked him to a below-slot $7.7 million deal that helped them select and sign Clark’s Team USA teammate Kevin McGonigle. The Hoosier Stater was a solid performer in his first full season, picking up Florida State League All-Star and Top Prospect honors after slashing .286/.386/.421 with seven homers and 26 steals in 73 games with Single-A Lakeland. He finished out his age-19 campaign with a solid 34-game turn at High-A West Michigan.</p><p>The left-handed hitter is hit-over-power at this still-early age of his development. He ran solid contact rates against most pitch types (save for the slider) in the FSL and generally didn’t chase much, leading to healthy walk and strikeout rates. His exit velocities were around average for the level, and his power didn’t quite pop in terms of slugging numbers due to a high ground-ball rate. Just entering his 20s, Clark has already added strength from his amateur days, and if he adds a little more loft as part of that trajectory, there’s the potential for at least average power.</p><p>The 6-foot outfielder can really fly with plus-plus run times and regularly exceeds 30 ft/sec Sprint Speeds when in front of Statcast, as he was in the FSL. It should be no surprise that he has played center field exclusively in the pros with that speed, and his plus-plus arm strength gives him another weapon, having been recorded with an outfield throw as high as 98.1 mph. (Detroit Major Leaguers topped out at 96.2 from the grass in 2024.) Clark’s power could be what determines whether he’s a very good player or a true superstar.</p>","contentTitle":"2025"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":"Vanderbilt","signed":null}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":14,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2024","gradesHitting":[],"gradesPitching":[],"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":"","playerPhotoCustomUrl":",d_people:generic:headshot:silo:current.png,q_auto:best,f_auto/v1/people/695578/headshot/silo/current","player":{"__ref":"Person:695578"},"position":"OF","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 40 | Power: 55 | Run: 55 | Arm: 60 | Field: 50 | Overall: 50</p><p>Wood entered the summer as a relatively under-the-radar athletic outfielder who had moved from his home in Maryland to attend IMG Academy to focus on baseball. The former two-sport standout (basketball) had as strong of a summer as just about any high schooler on the showcase circuit, putting him firmly on the radar as perhaps the Florida Draft prospect with the highest upside, though some struggles at the plate this spring hurt his stock a little.</p><p>Hailing from an athletic family -- Wood’s father played basketball professionally in Europe and his sister plays hoops at Northwestern University -- Wood is a veritable toolshed and showed at various events an ability to use all of them against good competition. The 6-foot-6, 230-pound left-handed hitter has tremendous raw power that showed up consistently in batting practice, with glimpses of it in games. Right now, it’s more of a handsy swing and he should tap into that pop more as he learns to use his lower half better. That will allow him to stay back longer on soft stuff, with his ability to adjust to that a big factor in him reaching his power potential, which could be hitting 25-30 homers annually.</p><p>Wood clocked plus run times in 60-yard dashes over the summer and is better once he gets going. He’s shown the ability to cover a lot of ground smoothly in center field with an outstanding arm that would work in right field should he outgrow center. He’s committed to attend Mississippi State, but while he did seem lost at times offensively this spring, it looks like he still could go early enough to never set foot on campus.</p>","contentTitle":"draft"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 40 | Power: 55 | Run: 55 | Arm: 60 | Field: 50 | Overall: 50</p><p>Wood entered the summer of 2020 as a relatively under-the-radar athletic outfielder who had moved from his home in Maryland to attend IMG Academy to focus on baseball. The former two-sport standout (basketball) had as strong of a summer as just about any high schooler on the showcase circuit, putting him firmly on the radar as perhaps the Florida Draft prospect with the highest upside, though some struggles at the plate this spring hurt his stock a little. He was still scooped up by the Padres in the second round and got San Diego’s largest signing bonus at $2.6 million, more than double the slot value for his pick.</p><p>Hailing from an athletic family -- Wood’s father played basketball professionally in Europe and his sister plays hoops at Northwestern University -- Wood is a veritable toolshed and showed at various events an ability to use all of them against good competition. The 6-foot-6, 230-pound left-handed hitter has tremendous raw power that showed up consistently in batting practice, with glimpses of it in games. Right now, it’s more of a handsy swing and he should tap into that pop more as he learns to use his lower half better. That will allow him to stay back longer on soft stuff, with his ability to adjust to that a big factor in him reaching his power potential, which could be hitting 25-30 homers annually.</p><p>Wood clocked plus run times in 60-yard dashes over the summer and is better once he gets going. He’s shown the ability to cover a lot of ground smoothly in center field with an outstanding arm that would work in right field should he outgrow center. If he can improve the consistency of his bat, he has star potential given his other tools.</p>","contentTitle":"2021"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 50 | Power: 60 | Run: 60 | Arm: 55 | Field: 50 | Overall: 55</p><p>Wood entered the summer of 2020 as a relatively under-the-radar athletic outfielder who had moved from his home in Maryland to attend IMG Academy to focus on baseball. The former two-sport standout (basketball) had a strong summer on the showcase circuit, putting him firmly on the radar as a toolsy prospect with tremendous upside. Some struggles in the spring dampened his stock prior to the 2021 Draft, but it wasn’t enough to deter the Padres, who selected Wood in the second round and inked him to a $2.6 million bonus, more than double the slot value for the 62nd overall pick. He got off to a toolsy start with Single-A Lake Elsinore this summer and showed enough improvement to become a key prospect piece in the Juan Soto blockbuster trade with the Nationals.</p><p>Wood comes from an athletic family -- his father played professional basketball in Europe, and his sister is a captain on the Northwestern University women’s basketball team -- and his own athleticism is apparent in all aspects of his game. He generates plus raw power from his 6-foot-7, 240-pound frame, though he’s still learning how to fully tap into that power in games. Wood sees the ball and has good bat-to-ball skills but could improve his aggressiveness early in counts, when he’s more likely to get a pitch he’s able to drive.</p><p>A plus runner, Wood maximizes his speed with his instincts. On the bases, he was a perfect 10-for-10 in stolen base attempts in 2021. Defensively, he exceeded expectations with his range and ability to track down balls in the gaps. While his accuracy was a bit inconsistent in ‘21, Wood has a strong arm that could profile well in right field if he outgrows center. Couple that with his potential to hit 30 homers a year and it’s easy to see why the Nats would have targeted him in such a big deal.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"2022"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 55 | Power: 60 | Run: 60 | Arm: 55 | Field: 55 | Overall: 60</p><p>After a standout showcase circuit, Wood saw his stock drop a touch with struggles back at IMG Academy in the spring of 2021, allowing San Diego to take him in the second round and sign him for double-slot at $2.6 million. It was an upside pick that provided almost instant reward. Wood floored Padres officials in his first Spring Training and hit .337/.453/.601 with 10 homers and 15 steals in 50 games at Single-A Lake Elsinore. He became a big part of the prospect return in the Juan Soto blockbuster trade with the Nationals and continued to put up strong Single-A performances in his new organization.</p><p>You wouldn’t expect Wood -- with his 6-foot-7, 240-pound frame -- to be a plus runner based on his size, but it’s one of the first things evaluators mention when discussing his game. His long strides allow him to eat up space, and he should be a strong contender to stick in center as a result, thanks to above-average arm strength.</p><p>But it’s his work in the box that has him shooting up prospect boards going into 2023. The son of a former European pro basketball player, Wood takes his athleticism into his offensive work with a slightly open stance that allows him to jump on balls and lift them with loud authority. He showed an advanced approach already in his age-19 season and has impressed Nats officials with his early aptitude on how best to attack pitches he can drive and lay off those he can’t. The chance he slows down a touch and moves to right, instead of center, may be all that stands between Wood and a status as a five-tool Major Leaguer.</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Hit: 50 | Power: 70 | Run: 60 | Arm: 55 | Field: 55 | Overall: 65</p><p>Late struggles at IMG Academy in 2021 caused Wood to drop to the second round, where the Padres selected him and signed him for $2.6 million, double the slot value, as a high-upside pick. Wood made San Diego look good quickly, hitting .337/.453/.601 in 50 games for Single-A Lake Elsinore in his first full season, pushing him into the Top 100 and grabbing the attention of other organizations. The Nationals acquired the outfielder as a key piece in the August 2022 blockbuster for Juan Soto, and Wood quickly moved from High-A to Double-A in his first full season in Washington's system.</p><p>Listed at 6-foot-7, Wood has the size evaluators have long dreamed would lead to impressive in-game power, and that pop took the next step in 2023 with 26 homers, second-most among Minor Leaguers aged 20 or younger behind only Junior Caminero’s 31. That’s with part of his season being played in a hitters' graveyard like High-A Wilmington. Wood uses that same frame to glide comfortably on the basepaths and in the outfield, and many teammates and others come away surprised at how effortless he makes plus speed look.</p><p>The concern comes around his 33.7 percent K rate at Double-A as Wood swung and missed at an unhealthy amount of sliders, changeups and splitters. The good news is he doesn’t chase too often, especially for someone his age at such an advanced level, and the Nationals are hopeful some focus on his load can ease the contact concerns. Wood should battle Dylan Crews for the future of center field in D.C. with either still having enough offensive ceiling to be valuable in the corners.</p>","contentTitle":"2024"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":"Mississippi State","signed":""}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":15,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2025","gradesHitting":[],"gradesPitching":null,"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":"","playerPhotoCustomUrl":",g_auto/w_360/v1/people/691785/headshot/milb/current","player":{"__ref":"Person:691785"},"position":"SS","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 60 | Power: 55 | Run: 50 | Arm: 60 | Field: 60 | Overall: 60</p><p>Over the course of the summer showcase circuit, a pair of high school shortstops separated themselves as the top two prep position players in the country. The first is Jordan Lawlar from Texas and the second is Mayer, who hails from the same Eastlake High School that has produced first-rounders Adrian Gonzalez, and more recently, Keoni Cavaco. Mayer has performed like someone who belonged near the top of the Draft this spring.</p><p>He has average or above tools across the board, starting with a plus feel to hit from the left side of the plate. He has an advanced approach and knowledge of the strike zone to go with elite bat-to-ball skills and a pure stroke. Long and lean, there’s a lot of raw power for him to grow into, with some scouts seeing a Corey Seager-like offensive profile if it all comes together.</p><p>While not a burner -- some scouts have a tick above-average run grades, some have fringy ones -- no one doubts Mayer will be able to stay at shortstop for a long time. He has easy actions, plus hands and footwork and an arm that plays plus. All of it plays up because of his instincts and aptitude, in a Brandon Crawford kind of way. He’s committed to Southern Cal, but as a potential first-round pick, the odds of him setting foot on campus are slim.</p>","contentTitle":"draft"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Hit: 60 | Power: 55 | Run: 45 | Arm: 60 | Field: 60 | Overall: 60</p><p>The Red Sox selected fourth overall in July, their highest pick in 54 years, and had MLB Pipeline's top-rated prospect fall into their lap. The consensus among scouts is that Mayer was both the best hitter and the best defender in the 2021 Draft class, and he was likened to a mix of Corey Seager's bat and Brandon Crawford's glove. A product of the same Eastlake High School (Chula Vista, Calif.) program that spawned 2000 No. 1 overall choice and former Boston All-Star Adrian Gonzalez, he signed for a franchise-record $6,664,000.&nbsp;</p><p>Like Gonzalez, Mayer has a pure left-handed swing and outstanding bat-to-ball skills. He also displays an advanced approach at the plate, managing the strike zone well and using the entire field. He possesses plus raw power and lets it come naturally, driving the ball when the opportunity presents itself rather than swinging for the fences.&nbsp;</p><p>The only knock on Mayer's game is that his speed is fringy, though he does have a quick first step and exhibits good instincts on the bases. His smooth actions, fast hands, strong arm and excellent internal clock help him make all the plays at shortstop. He also earns praise for his makeup as well as his physical ability and should progress quickly through the Minors.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"2021"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 60 | Power: 55 | Run: 45 | Arm: 60 | Field: 60 | Overall: 60&nbsp;</p><p>Mayer was MLB Pipeline's top-rated prospect in the 2021 Draft, and the consensus among scouts was that he was both the best hitter and best defender available. Boston was delighted when he fell into its lap with the fourth overall pick, the team's earliest selection since 1967, and signed him for a franchise-record $6,664,000. Viewed as a potential combination of Corey Seager's bat and Brandon Crawford's glove, he lived up to that billing during his pro debut in Rookie ball.&nbsp;</p><p>Mayer hails from the same Eastlake HS (Chula Vista, Calif.) program that produced 2000 No. 1 overall pick and former Red Sox All-Star Adrian Gonzalez and has a sweet left-handed swing and outstanding bat-to-ball ability in the same mold. He employs a mature approach at the plate, recognizing pitches, making good decisions and using the entire field better than most teenagers. His bat speed and the projectable strength in his lean 6-foot-3 frame should give him 20-25 home run power once he's fully developed, and he lets his pop come naturally rather than focusing on knocking balls over the fence.&nbsp;</p><p>With smooth actions, quick hands, a strong arm and a finely tuned internal clock, Mayer is equipped to make an impact on both sides of the ball. The only flaw in his game is his fringy speed, though he compensates with a quick first step and shows good instincts on the bases. The worst-case scenario is that he slows down as he matures physically and has to slide over to third base, but he would profile as an All-Star there as well.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"2022"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Hit: 55 | Power: 55 | Run: 40 | Arm: 60 | Field: 55 | Overall: 60&nbsp;</p><p>With the No. 4 overall pick in 2021, their highest selection in 54 years, the Red Sox had MLB Pipeline's top-rated prospect fall into their lap because the Pirates cut a deal with Henry Davis and the Rangers and Tigers had their hearts set on Jack Leiter and Jackson Jobe. The consensus among scouts was that Mayer was both the best hitter and best defender in his Draft class, a potential combination of Corey Seager's bat and Brandon Crawford's glove. Signed for a franchise-record $6,664,000, he batted .280/.399/.489 with 45 extra-base hits and 17 steals in his 2022 full-season debut but has struggled since arriving in Double-A midway through this year.&nbsp;</p><p>Mayer displayed the ability to recognize pitches, make good swing decisions and use the entire field at lower levels. After getting to Double-A, he has had difficulty dealing with a steady diet of breaking balls and changeups. He's adding strength to his 6-foot-3 frame, and his penchant for hard contact should translate into 25 homers per season once he learns to drive the ball in the air more consistently.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>While Mayer is bigger than most shortstops, he has the smooth actions, quick hands and plus arm to make all the plays at the position. The only knock on his game is his below-average speed, though he makes up for it with a quick first step and good instincts on the bases and in the field. It's not impossible that he could slow down enough as he fills out that he might have to shift to second or third base, but he still should profile as a difference-maker offensively and defensively at either spot.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 55 | Power: 55 | Run: 40 | Arm: 60 | Field: 55 | Overall: 60</p><p>MLB Pipeline's top-rated 2021 Draft Prospect, Mayer dropped into the Red Sox's lap with the No. 4 overall pick -- their highest in 54 years -- because the Pirates saved money with Henry Davis and the Rangers and Tigers coveted Jack Leiter and Jackson Jobe. Signed for a franchise-record $6,664,000, Mayer performed well in the lower levels of the Minors and reached Double-A at age 20 last year, but he also struggled after sustaining a left shoulder impingement when he fell while running the bases in early May. He batted .337/.414/.582 before the injury but just .190/.256/.366 afterward until he was shut down in August. He rebounded in 2024 but missed the final two months of the season with a lumbar strain, earning a promotion to Triple-A but never getting the chance to play at that level.</p><p>Though Mayer was hampered for much of last season, he still showed impact potential at the plate. He has gotten stronger since turning pro and is driving the ball in the air to his pull side more than ever, which could translate into 25 or more homers per season. He has swung and missed a bit more than expected, particularly on pitches in the zone, but he has a pretty left-handed stroke and generally makes good swing decisions, so he should be a solid hitter as well.&nbsp;</p><p>Mayer is bigger and slower than most shortstops, so the top question surrounding him is whether he'll play the position on a long-term basis in the Majors. He compensates for below-average speed with a quick first step and keen instincts, and the consensus is that he can be an asset with a strong arm at shortstop. Some scouts believe he'll wind up at third base, where he might be a plus defender while still profiling well offensively.</p>","contentTitle":"2024"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 55 | Power: 55 | Run: 40 | Arm: 60 | Field: 55 | Overall: 60</p><p>The Red Sox landed the fourth overall pick in 2021, their earliest since 1967, and MLB Pipeline's top-rated Draft prospect in Mayer, a California prep shortstop whom some scouts considered the best hitter and defender that year. He has mostly lived up to expectations since signing for a franchise-record $6,664,000 but has played in just 246 games in three full pro seasons because of wrist (2022), shoulder (2023) and back (2024) ailments. At age 21, he did slash .307/.370/.480 at Double-A last summer, but a lumbar strain meant he never took the field after getting promoted to Triple-A in August.</p><p>Mayer has a fluid left-handed stroke and makes decent swing decisions, though he's been more aggressive at the plate and sought more power as he has gotten stronger. He stands out with his bat speed and exit velocities and has improved his ability to drive pitches to his pull side, though a propensity to make ground-ball contact may cap his power output at 20-25 homers per year. He still needs to make adjustments against non-fastballs (1.019 OPS against heaters in 2024, .690 vs. everything else) and same-side pitchers (.896 OPS against righties, .674 vs. lefties).</p><p>Bigger than most shortstops, Mayer has below-average speed but his quick first step and instincts help him compensate. He can pick his spots to steal bases, going 46-for-54 (85 percent) in 272 games over his first four years as a pro, and he plays a solid shortstop with plus arm strength. Some evaluators like him better at third base, where they believe he could be a plus defender with profile power.</p>","contentTitle":"2025"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":"Southern California","signed":null}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":16,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2024","gradesHitting":[],"gradesPitching":null,"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":"","playerPhotoCustomUrl":"","player":{"__ref":"Person:691718"},"position":"OF","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit 55 | Power 40 | Run 60 | Arm 55 | Field 60 | Overall 50</p><p>Hailing from the same high school, Harvard-Westlake, that has produced big leaguers like Jack Flaherty, Max Fried and Lucas Giolito, Crow-Armstrong has been on radars for some time. He really jumped on the national map when he starred as an underclassman on USA Baseball's 18 and Under team that won a gold medal in the Pan-American Championships. A combination of being under the microscope for so long and a more uneven summer has led Crow-Armstrong's star to fade a bit, though a big push at the start of the spring moved him back up Draft boards.</p><p>Crow-Armstrong stood out early on in his high school career because of his ability to hit and run. Some swing and miss over this summer had some evaluators concerned, but he does have a track record of making a lot of loud contact. While he's clearly hit over power, he's stronger than some people think and there should be pop in the future, with some of that strength and power showing up before things were shut down. A plus runner, he can really play center and might be the best defensive outfielder in the class.</p><p>A dynamic athlete who goes hard at all times, he reminds some of a Grady Sizemore type in terms of his frame. He's committed to Vanderbilt and was moving back up closer to the top of the first round with a return to who he'd been, along with some added strength, at the beginning of his senior year.</p>","contentTitle":"draft"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting Grades:</strong> Hit 55 | Power 40 | Run 60 | Arm 55 | Field 60 | Overall 50</p><p>Hailing from the same high school, Harvard-Westlake, that has produced big leaguers like Jack Flaherty, Max Fried and Lucas Giolito, Crow-Armstrong has been on radars for some time. He really jumped on the national map when he starred as an underclassman on USA Baseball's 18 and Under team that won a gold medal in the Pan-American Championships. A combination of being under the microscope for so long and a more uneven summer caused Crow-Armstrong's star to fade a bit, though a big push at the start of the spring moved him back up Draft boards, leading to his selection by the Mets with the 19th overall pick in the 2020 Draft.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>Crow-Armstrong stood out early on in his high school career because of his ability to hit and run. Some swings and misses over the summer had some evaluators concerned, but he does have a track record of making a lot of loud contact from the left side of the plate. Though he profiles as a hit-over-power offensive player, he’s also stronger than some people think and could surpass his early power projections. Some of that strength and power was starting to show up before his senior season was shut down.&nbsp;</p><p>A plus runner, Crow-Armstrong can really play center and was viewed by scouts as perhaps the best defensive outfielder in his class. He’s a dynamic athlete who goes hard at all times and seemingly gets to everything hit in the air with his outstanding first-step quickness and preternatural feel for reading the ball off the bat. That defensive prowess gives Crow-Armstrong a higher floor than the typical high school pick, though his ultimate ceiling will be determined by his development at the plate.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"2020"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting Grades:</strong> Hit 55 | Power 40 | Run 60 | Arm 55 | Field 65 | Overall 50</p><p>Crow-Armstrong ranked as the best high school prospect entering the showcase circuit before his senior season, and while he didn't quite maintain that status, he still went 19th overall in the 2020 Draft and signed with the Mets for $3,359,000. He played only six games in New York's system, however, before tearing the labrum in his right (non-throwing) shoulder in a baserunning mishap this May. Two months later, the Mets dealt him to the Cubs for Javier Baez and Trevor Williams.</p><p>One of the best pure hitters in the 2020 high school class, Crow-Armstrong has a quick left-handed swing geared for hitting line drives to all fields. There's some question as to how much power he'll produce, but he could develop into a 15-homer threat as he adds more strength and turns on more pitches. He has plus speed and the instincts to make the most of it on the bases.</p><p>While he has offensive upside as a catalyst atop a batting order, Crow-Armstrong may be more impressive as a center fielder. He might have been the top outfield defender in the 2020 Draft and has Gold Glove potential. He enhances his quickness with good reads and routes, and he also features solid arm strength.</p>","contentTitle":"2021"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Hit: 55 | Power: 50 | Run: 60 | Arm: 55 | Field: 70 | Overall: 55</p><p>Part of a Harvard-Westlake (Studio City, Calif.) program that has produced seven big leaguers -- including Jack Flaherty, Max Fried and Lucas Giolito -- Crow-Armstrong ranked as the best high school prospect in the 2020 class entering the showcase circuit the previous summer. While his stock dipped slightly, he still went 19th overall in the Draft and signed with the Mets for $3,359,000. His pro debut lasted just six games before he tore the labrum in his right (non-throwing) shoulder in a baserunning mishap and required season-ending surgery last May, two months before New York traded him to the Cubs for Javier Baez and Trevor Williams.&nbsp;</p><p>Crow-Armstrong's quick left-handed stroke and mature approach is built for spraying line drives all over the park. He could fit near the top of an order with his hitting ability and on-base skills, not to mention his plus speed and baserunning savvy. While it initially was believed he might not have more than average raw power, he has made some swing changes that are allowing him to launch and pull balls more easily, and he now may have 20-homer pop.</p><p>The top outfield defender in the 2020 Draft, Crow-Armstrong is a no-doubt center fielder with Gold Glove potential. He covers tremendous ground with his quickness and instincts, and he also possesses solid arm strength. He has a similar profile to former Cubs center fielder Albert Almora, though he bats left-handed and should be a better hitter.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"2022"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Hit: 55 | Power: 50 | Run: 60 | Arm: 55 | Field: 80 | Overall: 60</p><p>Crow-Armstrong entered the summer of 2019 as the top-rated high school prospect, and while his stock dipped slightly, he still went 19th overall in the 2020 Draft and signed with the Mets for $3,359,000. The California high school product's pro debut ended after six games when he tore the labrum in his non-throwing shoulder during a baserunning mishap in May 2021, and New York traded him to the Cubs for Javier Baez and Trevor Williams two months later. In his first year in the new organization, he demonstrated newfound power at the plate, established himself as the game's best defensive prospect, played in the SiriusXM All-Star Futures Game and helped South Bend win the High-A Midwest League championship.&nbsp;</p><p>As an amateur, Crow-Armstrong used his quick left-handed stroke and a disciplined mindset to lace line drives to all fields. Chicago helped him incorporate some swing changes designed to allow him to pull and lift balls more easily, and he responded last year by making increased hard contact and showing at least 20-homer potential. He did become noticeably more aggressive, striking out nearly five times as much as he walked following a promotion to High-A, and will need to tone down his approach to succeed against more advanced pitching.&nbsp;</p><p>As exciting as Crow-Armstrong's enhanced offensive upside is, it pales in comparison to his defense. Scouts give top-of-the-scale grades to his center-field skills, as he exhibits tremendous range from gap to gap with his combination of plus speed and precision reads and routes, and he completes the package with solid arm strength. He's aggressive in the outfield and on the bases, stealing 32 bags in 43 tries last season.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 55 | Power: 50 | Run: 70 | Arm: 55 | Field: 80 | Overall: 55</p><p>The son of actors Matthew Armstrong and Ashley Crow (who played the mother in the baseball movie \"Little Big League\"), Crow-Armstrong repeatedly starred on U.S. national youth and junior teams before signing with Mets for $3,359,000 as the 19th overall pick in the 2020 Draft. His 2021 pro debut ended after six games when he tore the labrum in his right (non-throwing) shoulder during a baserunning mishap that May, and New York traded him to the Cubs for Javier Báez and Trevor Williams two months later. Crow-Armstrong has since developed into the game's best defensive prospect, displayed a higher offensive ceiling than expected and made his big league debut last September at age 21.</p><p>Crow-Armstrong was more of a line-drive hitter with limited power as an amateur, but Chicago helped him alter his quick left-handed swing so that he could lift and pull balls more easily. He's hitting the ball harder than ever and now looks like a 20-homer threat. He's still learning to curb a tendency to become overly aggressive, a trait that was obvious when he went 0-for-14 with seven strikeouts with the Cubs, but he'll also show a willingness to use the entire field and patiently work counts at times.</p><p>Crow-Armstrong's combination of plus-plus speed, outstanding instincts and fearlessness allow him to cover a tremendous amount of ground in center field and make plays most defenders can only dream of. He adds to his defensive package with solid arm strength and accuracy on his throws. His aggressiveness carries over to the bases as well, and he stole 39 bags in 51 attempts last season.</p>","contentTitle":"2024"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":"Vanderbilt","signed":""}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":17,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2025","gradesHitting":[],"gradesPitching":null,"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":null,"playerPhotoCustomUrl":",q_auto:best/v1/people/694212/headshot/silo/current","player":{"__ref":"Person:694212"},"position":"C/1B","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 45 | Power: 50 | Run: 40 | Arm: 50 | Field: 50 | Overall: 45</p><p>The Orioles celebrated a record-setting international class on signing day 2021, having invested more heavily in the market than at any other point in franchise history. The clearest example of that commitment is Basallo, a bat-first catcher who signed for $1.3 million out of the Dominican Republic. The bonus is the largest ever given by the Orioles to an international prospect.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>A left-handed-hitting backstop with potential plus power, Basallo wowed scouts by registering triple-digit exit velocity readings with wood bats as a 16-year-old. He stands out for his physique and raw power to all fields, producing precocious strength from his 6-foot-3, 180 pound frame. Basallo is an imposing presence in the box, using a high leg kick and strong hands to drive pitches consistently. Like all young players, he may need to shorten that swing to adjust to pitching at the next level.&nbsp;</p><p>Scouts also give Basallo high marks for his arm strength and flexibility behind the plate, while noting he’s already big for the position and could grow out of it in time. There is room for his receiving and blocking to improve as he develops, and questions about his quickness will linger simply because of his size. But as one of the younger players in his entire class, Basallo has a lot of time to tackle this learning curve. If it all clicks, he could grow into an run-producing, everyday backstop at the big league level.</p>","contentTitle":"2021"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Hit: 50 | Power: 50 | Run: 40 | Arm: 50 | Field: 45 | Overall: 50</p><p>The Orioles are investing more heavily than ever in the international market these days, and their system is starting to show the fruits of those efforts. One prime example is Basallo, a left-handed-hitting backstop who signed for $1.3 million out of the Dominican Republic in 2021, receiving what -- at the time -- was the largest bonus ever given by the O’s to an international prospect. Basallo then built on that promise with a solid debut season, hitting five homers in 41 games in Rookie ball.&nbsp;</p><p>Basallo hits the ball hard. His best tool is his potential plus power, which wowed scouts by registering triple-digit exit velocity readings with wood bats as a 16-year-old. His 6-foot-3, 200-pound frame creates an imposing presence in the box and produces precocious strength, coupling with a high leg kick and strong hands to drive pitches consistently.&nbsp;It’s a long swing Basallo may need to shorten to keep up with higher-level pitching, but he showed good plate discipline for a young player in his pro debut and should get even stronger as his body matures.&nbsp;</p><p>Basallo also receives high marks for his arm strength and flexibility behind the plate, though his physique suggests he could grow out of the position in time. The Orioles gave Basallo experience last summer at first base, where his offensive skill set would profile well. Either way, his age gives him huge upside and more than enough time to develop into an everyday run producer at the highest level if it all clicks.</p>","contentTitle":"2022"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 50 | Power: 55 | Run: 40 | Arm: 60 | Field: 45 | Overall: 55</p><p>One of the first splashes the Orioles’ revamped international scouting department made in Latin America, Basallo signed for $1.3 million out of the Dominican Republic in 2021, receiving what -- at the time -- was the largest bonus ever given by the O’s to an international prospect. The left-handed hitting backstop rewarded the club with a very solid showing in Rookie ball, hitting 11 homers with a .344 on-base-percentage in 84 games across two seasons.&nbsp;</p><p>Basallo hits the ball really hard. His top offensive tool is his potential plus power, which wowed scouts by registering triple-digit exit velocity readings with wood bats as a 16-year-old. His 6-foot-4 frame creates an imposing presence in the box and produces precocious strength. Strong hands help him drive pitches consistently, and he’s quieted his front side since turning pro, eliminating a high leg kick with an eye toward improving bat control. He might need to keep shortening the swing to keep up with higher-level pitching, but is already producing strong walk rates for his strength and age.&nbsp;</p><p>Basallo is still raw defensively, but has a huge arm -- clocked as high as 86 mph on throws to second base.&nbsp;Though his physique suggests he could grow too big to catch, the Orioles are bullish on his flexibility and hopeful that outside factors -- like the automated strike zone in affiliated ball -- help ease his transition out of Rookie ball from a defensive standpoint.&nbsp;They’ve also spent time getting Basallo used to first base, where his offensive skill set would profile well. Wherever he ends up defensively, Basallo’s age gives more than enough time to develop into an everyday run producer at the highest level. He’s a potential breakout prospect heading into 2023.</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Hit: 60 | Power: 60 | Run: 40 | Arm: 60 | Field: 45 | Overall: 60</p><p>One of Mike Elias’ key points of emphasis when he took over as general manager of the Orioles was to re-engage on the international market. Basallo was one of their first primary targets, getting what was then an organizational-record $1.3 million bonus to sign in January 2021. After showing glimpses of his offensive potential in the Dominican Summer League in '21, and then in the Florida Complex League the following year, Basallo burst on the scene by posting a .953 OPS while reaching Double-A as a teenager.</p><p>It's becoming clear it might be a mistake to put a cap on Basallo’s offensive ceiling. The left-handed hitter combines the ability to hit the ball very hard with elite-level exit velocities and an advanced approach at the plate, making him a very dangerous hitter. Basallo has very strong hands and has simplified his setup, giving him the ability to drive the ball to all fields and make a ton of contact. He also draws a lot of walks, helping him to get in better counts to tap into his considerable raw power consistently, with the 20 homers he hit in 2023 just the tip of the iceberg.&nbsp;</p><p>If there are any questions at all about Basallo, they are about his ability to stick behind the plate. He’s made strides there, too, and his plus arm helped him throw out 33.1 percent of potential basestealers a year ago. There’s still work to be done on his overall receiving, but his bat will profile just fine at first base, where he’s been getting comfortable defensively to provide some positional flexibility, especially with Adley Rutschman behind the dish in Baltimore.</p>","contentTitle":"2024"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Hit: 55 | Power: 60 | Run: 40 | Arm: 70 | Field: 45 | Overall: 60</p><p>When Mike Elias took over as the general manager of the Orioles, one of the first orders of business was to get the organization re-involved in the international market after a long absence. Basallo was one of the club’s first big signs, getting a then-organizational record bonus of $1.3 million in January 2021. Since then, he’s climbed the ladder relatively quickly, spending nearly all of the 2024 season at age 19 at the upper levels of the Orioles system and representing the organization in the Futures Game.</p><p>While Basallo’s overall surface numbers weren’t as eye-popping last year as they were the year prior, struggling a bit in a small sample in his first taste of Triple-A, he still projects to be a very productive left-handed hitter. He hits the ball hard as consistently as anyone in the system and even had good exit velocities despite his tribulations with Norfolk. With strong hands and a simple setup, Basallo has a good approach at the plate, limiting strikeouts and drawing walks. He can get over-aggressive at times because of his knack for making contact, leading to higher chase rates, but he’s shown the ability to drive the ball with considerable power to all fields.</p><p>Basallo’s defensive game isn’t considered nearly as sure of a thing as his bat. He has a cannon for an arm that can help control the running game and he moves surprisingly well behind the dish for a 6-foot-4 backstop. Scouts like his hands and think that gives him a shot to stick, though his overall receiving and blocking continue to be a work in progress. Believers think he’ll work out the rough edges given his age while others think he could end up at first base, where his bat should still play.</p>","contentTitle":"2025"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":null,"signed":"Jan. 15, 2021 - BAL"}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":18,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2024","gradesHitting":null,"gradesPitching":null,"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":"","playerPhotoCustomUrl":",d_people:generic:headshot:silo:current.png,q_auto:best,f_auto/v1/people/686797/headshot/silo/current","player":{"__ref":"Person:686797"},"position":"INF","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><strong>Video scouting report »</strong></a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Hit: 65 | Power: 55 | Run: 50 | Arm: 55 | Field: 50 | Overall: 60</p><p>Lee was a well-regarded prospect out of the California high school ranks, but wasn’t taken until the 35th round because scouts knew he wanted to go play for his father, Larry, the head coach at Cal Poly. After missing nearly all of the shortened 2020 season following knee and hamstring surgery, Lee came back in 2021 to earn co-Big West Player of the Year honors by hitting .342/384/.626. He further solidified his bona fides as one of the top college bats in the class by hitting very well both for Team USA and in the Cape Cod League last summer, then showed he was the best college hitter in this class in 2022.</p><p>Talk to any scout about the switch-hitting infielder and the first thing that comes up are his otherworldly bat-to-ball skills. He almost never strikes out and has made consistent hard contact everywhere he’s been, including his 21-game stretch with a wood bat on the Cape, where he hit .405/.432/.667 with six homers in just 84 at-bats. He can drive the ball from both sides of the plate and as he’s gotten more physical, it’s easy to project him having better-than-average power in the future.</p><p>That physicality will mean he’s very likely to move off of shortstop at the next level, with third the most likely destination to take advantage of his above-average arm. As the son of a coach, he thinks like one on the field and plays like a veteran, giving more certainty that he’s going to maximize all of his tools as a pro.</p>","contentTitle":"Draft"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p>Scouting grades: Hit: 65 | Power: 55 | Run: 50 | Arm: 55 | Field: 50 | Overall: 55</p><p>Lee was a well-regarded prospect out of the California high school ranks, but wasn’t taken until the 35th round because scouts knew he wanted to go play for his father, Larry, the head coach at Cal Poly. After missing nearly all of the shortened 2020 season following knee and hamstring surgery, Lee came back in 2021 to earn co-Big West Player of the Year honors by hitting .342/384/.626. He further solidified his bona fides as one of the top college bats in the class by hitting very well for Team USA and in the Cape Cod League last summer, then showed he was the best college hitter in this class in 2022. After finishing with a .357/.462/.664 line and being discussed as a potential No. 1 overall pick, he went No. 8 overall to the Twins, signing for a slightly-over-slot bonus of $5.68 million.</p><p>Talk to any scout about the switch-hitting infielder and the first thing that comes up are his otherworldly bat-to-ball skills. He almost never strikes out and has made consistent hard contact everywhere he’s been, including his 21-game stretch with a wood bat on the Cape, where he hit .405/.432/.667 with six homers in just 84 at-bats. He can drive the ball from both sides of the plate, and as he’s gotten more physical, it’s easy to project him having better-than-average power in the future.</p><p>That physicality will mean he’s likely to move off of shortstop at the next level, with third base the most likely destination to take advantage of his above-average arm. As the son of a coach, he thinks like one on the field and plays like a veteran, driving home the belief that will maximize all of his tools as a pro.</p>","contentTitle":"2022"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 65 | Power: 55 | Run: 50 | Arm: 55 | Field: 50 | Overall: 55</p><p>Lee could have been an early-round pick out of high school in 2019, but teams knew he was intent on heading to Cal Poly so he could play for their head coach -- his father, Larry. A severe knee and hamstring injury forced Lee to miss almost all of the shortened 2020 season, but he returned in 2021 to post an OPS over 1.000 and shared Big West Player of the Year honors. After hitting a combined .375 between Team USA and the Cape Cod League that summer, he upped his production in his final year at Cal Poly with an OPS of 1.125. The Twins took him No. 8 overall and saw him hit over .300 in his pro debut.</p><p>The switch-hitter has as good contact skills as anyone in the Minors, leaving college with more walks than strikeouts and a measly K rate of 11.7 percent. He is capable of driving the ball from both sides of the plate and clearly has no problem doing so with a wood bat. He&nbsp;hit .405 and slugged .667 on the Cape and posted a .303/.388/.451 line in his pro debut that ended in Double-A. He’s added strength over time, and there should be plenty of in-game power as a result.</p><p>There was concern that Lee would have to move off of shortstop as a pro because of that increased physicality, but the Twins think he has a chance to stick there because of plus instincts, excellent hands and an arm that approaches plus. If he does move to third, he could be a Gold Glover there and his advanced bat could get to Minnesota in a hurry.</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 65 | Power: 55 | Run: 50 | Arm: 55 | Field: 50 | Overall: 60</p><p>A solid high school prospect in California, Lee went to Cal Poly to play for his father, Larry. He bounced back from a severe knee and hamstring injury in 2020 to put up big numbers as a sophomore in 2021, and he went on to cement his bona fides as one of the best pure college hitters heading into 2022 by raking for Team USA and in the Cape Cod League. After a strong junior season (1.125 OPS), Lee went eighth overall in the Draft that summer, then jumped on the fast track by starting his first full season in Double-A and finishing it with Triple-A St. Paul.&nbsp;</p><p>The switch-hitting Lee entered pro ball with a reputation for having an advanced approach and impressive contact skills, and he did nothing to dampen that evaluation during his first full season, striking out in just 16 percent of his plate appearances while walking nearly 10 percent of the time. He can make hard contact from both sides of the plate, though he drove the ball more as a left-handed hitter in 2023. He’ll never sell out for power, but more pop should show up in games as he continues to physically mature, add strength and make adjustments.</p><p>While he’s just an average runner, his instincts, internal clock and hands all give him the chance to play shortstop. He has enough arm and has seen a little time at third, where he could be a plus defender, and he’ll at least get some early work in at second base, especially with Royce Lewis and Carlos Correa in Minnesota.</p>","contentTitle":"2024"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":null,"signed":null}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":19,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2024","gradesHitting":[],"gradesPitching":null,"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":"","playerPhotoCustomUrl":",q_auto:best/v1/people/681297/headshot/silo/current","player":{"__ref":"Person:681297"},"position":"OF","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Hit: 60 | Power: 50 | Run: 60 | Arm: 50 | Field: 55 | Overall: 55</p><p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p>Cowser was a late bloomer at Cypress Ranch HS (Cypress, Texas), where he played alongside projected 2021 first-rounder Ty Madden as well as J.J. Goss and Matt Thompson, who both went in the top two rounds in 2019. Scouts liked Cowser but not enough to divert him from Sam Houston, where he could surpass Glenn Wilson (No. 18 overall, 1980) as the highest pick in school history. The only Bearkat ever to play for the U.S. collegiate national team, he earned MVP honors in a 2019 series against Cuba after batting .438 in six games.&nbsp;</p><p>One of the best bats in the college class, Cowser has a pure left-handed stroke and repeatedly finds the barrel. His quick hands allow him to pepper line drives all over the field as he executes a very controlled approach. Though he presently doesn't have a lot of loft in his swing, leading to some questions about his power potential, he has the hitting ability and strength to provide 20 or more homers annually and answered some questions about his power by going deep in five straight games in April and topping the Southland Conference with 16 homers this spring.&nbsp;</p><p>Scouts were somewhat split on Cowser's ability to play center field, though they believe in him now that he has posted consistent plus running times this spring. He has good defensive instincts in center,&nbsp;possesses an average arm and spent most of his prep career in right field -- Goss and Thompson played center when they weren't pitching -- and part of his freshman season at third base. The Southland Conference player of the year's game has earned him comparisons to Brandon Nimmo and Bradley Zimmer and he could join them as mid-first-round picks.</p>","contentTitle":"Draft"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Hit: 60 | Power: 50 | Run: 60 | Arm: 50 | Field: 55 | Overall: 55</p><p>A late bloomer at a Cypress Ranch HS (Cypress, Texas) program that also produced 2021 draftee Ty Madden (Tigers) and 2019 draftees J.J. Goss and Matt Thompson, Cowser went on to star at Sam Houston and for the U.S. collegiate national team, where he earned MVP honors in a 2019 series against Cuba. When the Orioles went under slot for the second straight year for a college bat and signed Cowser as the No. 5 overall pick for $4.9 million, he became the highest pick in school history, surpassing Glenn Wilson (No. 18 overall, 1980).</p><p>One of the best bats in the college class of 2021, Cowser has a pure left-handed stroke and repeatedly finds the barrel. His quick hands allow him to pepper line drives all over the field as he executes a very controlled approach. Though he presently doesn't have a lot of loft in his swing, leading to some questions about his power potential, he has the hitting ability and strength to provide 20 or more homers annually and answered some questions about his power by going deep in five straight games in April. He also topped the Southland Conference with 16 homers this spring.</p><p>Scouts were somewhat split on Cowser's ability to play center field, though they believed in him after he posted consistent plus running times this past spring. He has good defensive instincts in center, possesses an average arm and spent most of his prep career in right field -- Goss and Thompson played center when they weren't pitching -- and part of his freshman season at third base. The Southland Conference player of the year's game has earned him comparisons to Brandon Nimmo and Bradley Zimmer.</p>","contentTitle":"2021"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 60 | Power: 55 | Run: 55 | Arm: 55 | Field: 50 | Overall: 55</p><p>Sam Houston State has produced two first-round picks in school history. The first was Glenn Wilson, the No. 18 pick back in 1980 who spent parts of 10 years in the big leagues. Cowser became the second when the Orioles took a college outfielder high in the Draft and went under slot to do so for the second straight year. Cowser signed for $4.9 million as the No. 5 overall pick and then posted a .375/.490/.492 in his pro debut, mostly in full-season ball, to provide a very strong early return on that investment, following it up by hitting his way to Double-A in his first full season.</p><p>A big and strong left-handed hitter, Cowser has a tremendous feel to hit and an advanced approach at the plate that allowed him to walk more than he struck out not only in his college career, but in his pro debut as well. He can send line drives to all fields and while he was known as a hit-over-power type of performer, the Orioles see some serious power coming from the 6-foot-3 outfielder.</p><p>Cowser runs pretty well, especially for his size, but might eventually settle into being an average runner in the future. He has enough instincts to play a decent center field, but he’s likely to move to a corner if a better center fielder, someone like Cedric Mullins in Baltimore, is on the team, and he could be a plus defender there should a permanent move take place. With his feel, maturity and advanced approach, it might not take long for O’s fans to find out where he’ll fit into the big league outfield.</p>","contentTitle":"2022"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Hit: 60 | Power: 55 | Run: 55 | Arm: 55 | Field: 50 | Overall: 60</p><p>Cowser was the top-ranked college hitter in the 2021 Draft class, coming in at No. 10 overall, and the Orioles took him No. 5 overall that summer to make him the second first-round pick in Sam Houston State history. He signed for a below-slot $4.9 million and made a very strong first impression with a .982 OPS in his professional debut. He kept it going in his first full season, making his way from High-A to Double-A, where he absolutely raked to earn one more move up to finish the year in Triple-A.</p><p>A 6-foot-3 left-handed hitter, Cowser combines an outstanding swing, bat speed and good plate discipline to make him a dangerous all-around hitter. He was known more as a hit-over-power type, but the pop is very real and showed up in his first full season. He understands the strike zone, leading to 94 walks in 2022, but there was also more swing-and-miss to his game than anticipated. He struggled with softer stuff at the upper levels, with a 44 percent miss rate on breaking stuff, though that didn’t keep him from driving the ball to all fields.</p><p>While he’s not a burner, Cowser uses his tick-above-average speed well on both sides of the ball. He’s shown he can play solid center field with good instincts, but long term he might be better suited in a corner, where he could be a very good defender with an above-average arm. He jumped on the fast track and impacted Baltimore’s lineup for the first time in 2023.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 55 | Power: 50 | Run: 55 | Arm: 55 | Field: 50 | Overall: 55</p><p>With the noticeable exception of top prospect Jackson Holliday, the Orioles have been very bullish on college hitters over the last few years of the Draft, a run that began with Adley Rutschman in 2019. It continued with Heston Kjerstad in 2020 and extended to Cowser as the No. 5 overall pick in 2021, and like Kjerstad, he was signed at a discount. Cowser hasn’t performed like a bargain, touching Triple-A in his first full season, then dominating back at that level in 2023 (.937 OPS), though he didn’t take advantage of his first chance to prove himself in the big leagues.</p><p>Despite the small hiccup over 61 Major League at-bats, Cowser still profiles as an everyday presence in a big league lineup. He has a smooth left-handed swing and good overall approach and draws plenty of walks, even during his time in Baltimore. He can drive the ball to all fields and consistently hit the ball hard in 2023. He also cut down his strikeout rate a bit, though he still had some difficulty with spin, with a 45 percent miss rate on breaking stuff while with Norfolk.</p><p>Cowser runs well and has shown he can play a solid center field with excellent instincts, something he was called upon to do in Baltimore last year. With a strong arm, he might be best suited for a corner spot should he settle in at one position, though his first order of business will be trying to find a way to break through the logjam of talent to land in the big leagues full time.</p>","contentTitle":"2024"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":null,"signed":null}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":20,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2025","gradesHitting":[],"gradesPitching":null,"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":"","playerPhotoCustomUrl":",q_auto:best/v1/people/700246/headshot/silo/current","player":{"__ref":"Person:700246"},"position":"SS","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Draft scouting grades: </strong>Hit: 50 | Power: 45 | Run: 50 | Arm: 65 | Field: 55 | Overall: 50</p><p>Torrey Pines High School in San Diego has had 11 players drafted in its history, headlined by 1995 first-rounder Chad Hutchinson. Only one has actually signed out of the school (Luc Rennie, 16th round, 2012), but that could change with Williams, who certainly raised his profile when he was named MVP at Perfect Game’s World Wood Bat Association World Championship last October.</p><p>Williams is fairly polished for a high schooler in all facets of the game. He’s hit over power now and while some scouts have voiced concerns about his lack of success against premium pitching, he does have offensive upside with good bat speed and some natural loft to his swing. He’s going to add strength to his 6-foot-2 frame and grow into more extra-base authority in the future.&nbsp;</p><p>An average-to-a-tick-above runner, Williams easily has a plus arm and excellent actions and instincts at shortstop. That arm regularly fires fastballs up to 95 mph and there are evaluators who prefer him on the mound. The California recruit prefers to be a position player, however, with scouts comparing him to a Kevin Elster with more offensive upside or a Jordy Mercer type.</p>","contentTitle":"draft"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Hit: 50 | Power: 45 | Run: 50 | Arm: 65 | Field: 55 | Overall: 50</p><p>Entering 2021, Torrey Pines High School in San Diego had 11 players drafted in its history, headlined by 1995 first-rounder Chad Hutchinson. Only one had actually signed out of the school (Luc Rennie, 16th round, 2012) prior to Williams, who certainly raised his profile when he was named MVP at Perfect Game’s World Wood Bat Association World Championship last October. The shortstop became signee No. 2 after Tampa Bay took him 28th overall in July and inked him with a $2.35 million bonus.</p><p>Williams is fairly polished for a player coming out of high school in all facets of the game. He’s hit over power now, and while some scouts have voiced concerns about his lack of success against premium pitching, he does have offensive upside with good bat speed and some natural loft to his swing. He’s going to add strength to his 6-foot-2 frame and grow into more extra-base authority in the future. </p><p>An average-to-a-tick-above runner, Williams easily has a plus arm and excellent actions and instincts at shortstop. That arm regularly fires fastballs up to 95 mph, and there were evaluators who preferred him on the mound before the Draft. Those that liked him at short compared him to a Kevin Elster with more offensive upside or a Jordy Mercer type, and it is now on the Rays to develop him to reach that ceiling.</p>","contentTitle":"2021"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Hit: 45 | Power: 55 | Run: 50 | Arm: 65 | Field: 55 | Overall: 55</p><p>Playing for Torrey Pines High School in San Diego, Williams was a two-way prospect with such a strong arm – his fastball touched 95 mph – that some evaluators preferred him as a pitcher. But the Rays liked Williams better at shortstop, selected him strictly as a position player with the 28th pick in the 2021 Draft and signed him for $2.35 million. The former California commit said he was “ecstatic” to begin his career as a position player, and he showed his promise right away.</p><p>The 18-year-old right-handed hitter performed well enough in the Rookie-level Florida Complex League during his 11-game professional debut. But he really impressed Rays officials in offseason and preseason camps, coming in with even more muscle – in addition to the 10-15 pounds he put on during his senior year – on his 6-foot-3 frame. Considered a polished player overall coming out of high school, Williams is now showing more extra-base power potential at the plate. He has good bat speed and some natural loft to his swing but struggled against premium pitching as an amateur, so whether he reaches his ceiling is still dependent upon his bat-to-ball skills improving. </p><p>Williams is considered a true shortstop prospect, combining slightly above-average speed with quality actions and instincts in the field and plus arm strength. He also shows some intriguing leadership traits, with the way he carries himself drawing some favorable comparisons to a young Evan Longoria. His potential to stick at shortstop, plus his offensive upside, gives him a high ceiling even in a Tampa Bay system full of intriguing middle infielders.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"2022"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 45 | Power: 60 | Run: 55 | Arm: 65 | Field: 60 | Overall: 55</p><p>Ranked as MLB Pipeline’s No. 41 Draft prospect in 2021, Williams had scouts who preferred him on the mound after he touched 95 mph at Torrey Pines High School in San Diego. The Rays preferred him as an everyday talent and backed up that belief by selecting him 28th overall and signing him to a $2.35 million bonus. The shortstop looked the part in his first full season at Single-A Charleston, where he produced a 124 wRC+, 19 homers and 28 steals in 113 games.</p><p>Williams is a bit atypical for his position in that he’s developed a power-over-hit profile. He’s added a good amount of muscle since the start of his senior year of high school, and the natural loft in his swing lets him take advantage with extra-base hits aplenty. His 32.1 percent K rate in 2022, however, was a major concern, and that came as a result of plate discipline issues. Rays officials are hopeful that Williams will continue to learn where in the zone he does the most damage and hunts pitches there over swinging and missing in search of simple contact.</p><p>A Minor League Gold Glove winner in his first full season, Williams has improved his range at the six to the point where he can be a plus defender there, and that arm that pumped mid-90s heat in high school is still a weapon when needed. The speed that helps him defensively makes him a threat on the basepaths, too. He didn't turn 20 until late June 2023, and if he can find a way to improve his contact rate in his second full season, the chances of him reaching his ceiling as an everyday, multi-skilled shortstop skyrocket.</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 45 | Power: 60 | Run: 55 | Arm: 70 | Field: 65 | Overall: 60</p><p>Believed by some to be a future pitcher, Williams won over the Rays as a potential everyday player and joined the system as the 28th overall pick in the 2021 Draft. He got off to a strong start with a 124 wRC+ over 113 games with Single-A Charleston in 2022, helping the RiverDogs win a Carolina League title. He followed that up with his first 20-20 season in 2023, hitting 23 homers and stealing 20 bags in 115 games across three levels (primarily with High-A Bowling Green).</p><p>The San Diego-area native may have one of the most striking profiles in the game. He’s a no-doubt shortstop with good reactions, hands and range with a 2022 Minor League Gold Glove Award already on his mantel. His arm, which touched 95 mph in school, gives him another defensive weapon, and he’s impressed so much at the six that Tampa Bay -- normally an organization that tries to press versatility on its prospects -- hasn’t entertained moving Williams around even as he closes in on the upper Minors.</p><p>Williams also possesses the speed to be a stolen-base threat, and his power clearly plays already, in part due to a naturally lofted swing that helps push balls over the fence. There are some truly loud tools here, but it might all come down to hitting. Williams struck out more than 31 percent of the time at both Single-A and High-A as he worked to find an approach that allows him to keep tapping into the power while prioritizing a bit more contact. The Rays believe that will come in time as he grows more comfortable in the pro game, but the hit tool will decide whether Williams is a solid regular or an All-Star-caliber shortstop.</p>","contentTitle":"2024"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 45 | Power: 60 | Run: 55 | Arm: 70 | Field: 70 | Overall: 60</p><p>Williams joined the Rays out of Torrey Pines (Calif.) HS as the 28th overall pick in the 2021 Draft and didn’t need long to put his stamp on pro ball with 19 homers and 28 steals as a Carolina League All-Star for Single-A Charleston a year later. He’s been a power-speed threat ever since and was named the top prospect in the Southern League in 2024 after slashing .256/.352/.469 with 20 homers and 33 steals in 115 games for Double-A Montgomery.</p><p>On four of the five major tools alone, Williams could be a future All-Star shortstop. A Minor League Gold Glove winner, he earns praise from across the industry for his glovework at a premium position. Evaluators point out that his quickness helps him get to balls deep in the hole and his high-quality hands make sure he completes the play. He has plus-plus arm strength dating back to his days as a prep pitcher and the accuracy to go along with it. What’s more, he is strong for his size at 6-foot-2 and utilizes that with a simple setup and violent swing that gets the ball in the air.</p><p>The right-handed slugger struck out 28.5 percent of the time at Double-A last season. That’s normally a concern, but it was also down from the low 30s earlier in his career. The high K rate speaks more to pitch selection than anything mechanical; Williams tends to stay in the zone but will miss more on breaking stuff. A better understanding of swinging at more drivable pitches will keep that strikeout trend moving in the right direction and allow Williams’ plus power to play even more. But as always, his defense alone gives him a great floor as he closes in on the Majors.</p>","contentTitle":"2025"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":"","signed":null}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":21,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2024","gradesHitting":[],"gradesPitching":null,"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":null,"playerPhotoCustomUrl":",q_auto:best/v1/people/682622/headshot/silo/current","player":{"__ref":"Person:682622"},"position":"3B/SS","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 50 | Power: 50 | Run: 70 | Arm: 55 | Field: 50 | Overall: 45</p><p>Marte was one of four shortstops in the top 10 of MLB Pipeline's Top 30 International prospects list at the start of the 2018-19 signing period. The Mariners liked his power-speed combination enough to give him $1.55 million to sign. The Dominican teenager came to Arizona in the fall to participate in the organization's high performance camp, rather than play in instructional league games, so he'll be making his professional debut in 2019.</p><p>Two things stood out for the Mariners with Marte from the get-go: his bat speed and his footspeed. He has work to do on his approach, nothing new given his age and experience level, but he's already been making an effort in that regard and will just have to start applying it as he begins his career in earnest. He should have the ability to hit for average and the leverage in his swing points to plenty of power as well. Marte can really run too, with some seeing 80 run times on the 20-to-80 scouting scale. There are some good defensive tools to work with, though at first his actions weren't in sync, with his feet ahead of his hands. He's already shown more maturity in approaching ground balls and keeping his feet under him, giving more confidence he can stay on the dirt with his strong arm.</p><p>Whether that's at shortstop remains to be seen, as it's hard to know exactly how his body will continue to mature. A move to third or second could be in his future, and the Mariners think his electric speed would play in center field.</p>","contentTitle":"2019"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 50 | Power: 55 | Run: 45 | Arm: 55 | Field: 55 | Overall: 45</p><p>Marte ranked as MLB Pipeline's No. 7 prospect for the 2018-19 international period before signing a $1.55 million pact with the Mariners. The Dominican Republic native impressed club officials with his all-around tools, though it was his present hitting ability and overall upside at the plate that pushed him to the top of Seattle's international agenda.&nbsp;</p><p>Marte is a big power bat, and big power bats play. The teenager has shown tons of strength now, and it's expected to increase as he grows and makes his way through the Mariners' system. Marte has good mechanics at the plate and creates a lot of backspin and loft at contact. One scout dropped a young Miguel Cabrera comparison on him, while another evaluator believes Marte could eventually hit .270 and hit 25-30 home runs in the big leagues.</p><p>On defense, Marte has shown good footwork, a good arm and solid defensive actions. He's been working out at shortstop and has a good feel for the position, but he could shift to third base one day. Marte has good hands now that could eventually become a plus tool.</p>","contentTitle":"2018"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 50 | Power: 55 | Run: 60 | Arm: 55 | Field: 50 | Overall: 50</p><p>Marte was one of the best prospects on the international amateur market when the signing period began in July 2018, landing in the top 10 of MLB Pipeline’s Top 30 international prospects. The Mariners signed him for $1.55 million and he made it seem like a sound investment right out of the gate in 2019, leading the Dominican Summer League in total bases and RBIs while showing off his power-speed combination.</p><p>The Mariners were confident in Marte’s ability to impact the baseball and he didn’t disappoint during his debut, with nine homers and 31 extra-base hits in 65 games overall. Most of his power has come to his pull side thus far, but he’s shown the ability to drive the ball to all fields. He’s already gotten much more physical since he signed while improving his approach, looking very much like someone who will hit for average and power. While that increased physicality has slowed him down a touch, he’s still a plus runner who can steal a base.</p><p>While it is still unclear exactly where Marte’s defensive home will be, he’s answered many questions with his commitment to his throwing program, syncing up his lower half and his arm action. He made a lot of errors early in his debut, then cleaned things up and was very sharp at the end. He could end up at third when all is said and done, but that’s an improvement for a player who some doubted would be able to stay on the dirt at all. Even if he had to move to the outfield, his bat is going to play, with some seeing similar offensive traits as Hanley Ramirez at this age.</p>","contentTitle":"2020"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 50 | Power: 55 | Run: 60 | Arm: 55 | Field: 50 | Overall: 60</p><p>One of the top prospects on the international amateur market when the singing period began in July 2018, Marte landed in the top 10 of MLB Pipeline’s Top 30 international prospects that year. Seattle signed him for $1.55 million and he made it seem like a sound investment right away in 2019, when Marte led the Dominican Summer League in total bases and RBIs while showing off his power-speed combination and hitting .309/.371/.511 with nine homers in 65 games. The Mariners liked him so much that they invited him to Summer Camp with the big league team before the 2020 season. At 18 years old, he was the youngest of the 60 players there. Though he was understandably overmatched at times, Marte showed that he had gleaned valuable experience by the time he showed up to instructional league last fall.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>Seattle has been confident in Marte’s ability to impact the baseball, with most of his power coming from his pull side, though he’s shown the ability to drive the ball to all fields. He’s already gotten much more physical since he signed while improving his approach, looking very much like someone who will hit for average and power. While that increased physicality has slowed him down a touch, he’s still a plus runner who can steal a base.</p><p>Had it not been for the cancellation of the Minor League season, Marte likely would’ve been headed for Class A Short Season or Class A. Instead, he spent 2020 at the alternate training site, where he flashed an assortment of loud tools while gaining the type of experience against older competition that could lead to a breakout campaign in 2021. While it is still unclear exactly where Marte’s defensive home will be, he’s answered many questions with his commitment to his throwing program, syncing up his lower half and his arm action. He made a lot of errors early in his debut, then cleaned things up and was very sharp at the end. He could end up at third base when all is said and done, but that’s an improvement for a player who some doubted would be able to stay on the dirt at all. Even if he had to move to the outfield, his bat is going to play, with some seeing similar offensive traits as Hanley Ramirez at this age.</p>","contentTitle":"2021"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 50 | Power: 60 | Run: 60 | Arm: 55 | Field: 50 | Overall: 55</p><p>A year after landing Julio Rodríguez on the international amateur market, the Mariners were aggressive again, signing Marte, thought to be one of the best players in the 2018-19 signing class, for $1.55 million. Excitement grew when Marte lit up the Dominican Summer League and then was the youngest player at the Mariners’ alternate training site in 2020. He carried lessons learned there into his United States debut in 2021, earning a late promotion from Low-A to High-A. After a slow start back in High-A in '22, Marte was heating up in a big way when he was sent to the Reds as the top prospect in the trade that sent Luis Castillo to Seattle.</p><p>Marte has ridiculous raw power, as the young shortstop can go toe-to-toe with just about anyone in batting practice displays. It shows up in games -- he hit 17 homers in 2021 -- especially to the pull side, and he’s naturally good at impacting the ball out front. While he has shown a willingness to draw walks, he can get out of his approach at times, and like many young hitters, he will need to continue to find consistency between at-bats and games. He wore down and is learning how to pace himself for a long professional season.</p><p>It’s still up in the air if Marte will stay at shortstop forever. His bat would profile at third and he’s athletic enough to handle center field. The focus is now on shortstop, and that’s the only position he’s played as a professional prior to joining Cincinnati.</p>","contentTitle":"2022"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Hit: 50 | Power: 60 | Run: 55 | Arm: 55 | Field: 50 | Overall: 55</p><p>The Mariners originally signed Marte for $1.55 million at the start of the 2018-19 international signing period, and he made an immediate impression with a strong debut in the Dominican Summer League in 2019. He was able to play his way from Low-A to Single-A in his 2021 United States debut, and after a slow first half back with Everett in 2022, he had an 1.164 OPS in July, when he was sent to the Reds in the Luis Castillo trade. After finishing off with Dayton in his new organization, he capped things off by trying out a new position in the Arizona Fall League.</p><p>There are few prospects with more raw power than Marte, and he’s continuing to learn how to tap into it, with 36 homers over the last two seasons. It shows up more to his pull side as he’s good at barreling the ball out front. He draws walks and keeps his strikeouts to a minimum but can still improve on swing decisions and overall consistency in following his gameplan, though it should be noted he’s always been quite young for his level.</p><p>While Marte has the feel, instincts and arm to play shortstop long-term, it’s unclear if he’s going to outgrow the position. The Reds introduced him to third base in the AFL and were pleased with how that went, even if outside evaluators detected a player who looked more like he wanted to prove he can stick at short. He’s just 21 for all of the 2023 season, with plenty of time for him to figure things out and let his bat carry him to the big leagues.</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 50 | Power: 60 | Run: 55 | Arm: 55 | Field: 50 | Overall: 55</p><p>Marte was No. 10 on MLB Pipeline’s Top 30 international prospects list when the 2018-19 international signing period opened and he signed with the Mariners for $1.55 million, then made a strong first impression the following summer in the Dominican Summer League. He reached High-A during his U.S. debut in 2021 and was red-hot following a sluggish start to his 2022 season when he was traded to the Reds in the Luis Castillo deal. He hit his way from Double-A to Cincinnati in 2023, finishing the year with a long hit streak and a .380/.417/.544 line from Sept. 1 until the end of the year. He got off to a hot start in winter ball too, but a hamstring issue cut his time with Gigantes short. He was preparing for what seemed like his first full season in the big leagues when he received an 80-game suspension in March for testing positive for&nbsp;Boldenone, a performance enhancing substance.</p><p>Just 22 for all of the 2024 season, Marte is still a bit mercurial as a player, but he made strides in being a more consistent offensive performer last season. The Reds challenged him to make better swing decisions when he got to Triple-A and he showed more aptitude in making adjustments, which led to his callup to the big leagues. In the Minors, he’s never struck out much and continued to draw walks, which will help him improve his ability to tap into his considerable raw power. It still shows up mostly to his pull side, but he’s shown he has the acumen to drive the ball to all fields.</p><p>Marte is largely an above-average runner who can steal a base here and there, but he did register some elite-level sprint speeds during his big league debut. While he’s embraced playing third and could be an excellent defender at the hot corner, the Reds didn’t completely take shortstop away from him, which came in handy when he was asked to fill in at his original position last year.</p>","contentTitle":"2024"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":null,"signed":"July 2, 2018 - SEA"}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":22,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2024","gradesHitting":[],"gradesPitching":[],"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":"","playerPhotoCustomUrl":",q_auto:best/v1/people/690993/headshot/silo/current","player":{"__ref":"Person:690993"},"position":"3B/2B","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 55 | Curveball: 55 | Changeup: 50 | Control: 50 | Overall: 45</p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong>&nbsp;Hit: 50 | Power: 45 | Run: 50 | Arm: 60 | Field: 50 | Overall: 45</p><p>Gatorade's Mississippi high school player of the year as a junior last spring after moving from Arizona, Keith is one of the top two-way talents in the 2020 Draft. Scouts are divided as to whether he's a better prospect as a pitcher or an infielder, though they believe he prefers to play every day. A sore arm prevented him from pitching in midsummer showcase events but he did return to the mound and impressed in the fall.</p><p>Keith makes consistent hard contact from the left side of the plate and is beginning to tap into his solid raw power, the product of bat speed and leverage. Projected strength gains should add more pop but also may slow him down enough to necessitate a move from shortstop in high school to third base in pro ball. The Arizona State recruit is an average runner whose plus arm will play on the left side of the infield.</p><p>As a right-handed pitcher, Keith operates with an 89-93 mph fastball and uses his size and high three-quarters delivery to create downhill plane. His upper-70s curveball features good depth, while his changeup is more of a work in progress. His arm works well and there's plenty of projection remaining in his athletic 6-foot-3 frame.</p>","contentTitle":"draft"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Hit: 50 | Power: 50 | Run: 50 | Arm: 60 | Field: 50 | Overall: 45</p><p>Fastball: 55 | Curveball: 50 | Changeup: 50 | Control: 50 | Overall: 45</p><p>Gatorade's 2019 Mississippi high school player of the year after moving from Arizona, Keith was one of the better two-way talents in the 2020 Draft. Scouts were divided as to whether he's a better prospect as an infielder or a pitcher, though the belief is that he prefers to play every day. The Tigers announced him as a third baseman when they drafted him in the fifth round and signed him for $500,000.&nbsp;</p><p>Keith has the potential to hit for average and power. His left-handed swing is geared more for line drives at this point and enables him to make consistent contact to all speeds. With his bat speed and the leverage in his 6-foot-2 frame, he could develop 20-homer pop as he gets stronger and launches more balls.&nbsp;</p><p>Though Keith is athletic, his average speed dictated a move from shortstop in high school to the hot corner in pro ball. His plus arm is an asset anywhere in the infield and generated 89-93 mph fastballs and upper-70s curveballs with promising depth when he took the mound. Of the 20 teams who talked with him before the Draft, he said 15 explored the idea of developing him as a two-way player.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"2020"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Hit: 45 | Power: 50 | Run: 50 | Arm: 60 | Field: 50 | Overall: 45</p><p>Not only did the Tigers select two Arizona State players in the 2020 Draft, they wooed a recruit away from the Sun Devils when they selected Keith in the fifth round and signed him for a $500,000 bonus. The Gatorade 2019 Mississippi high school player of the year was a two-way talent, with some scouts valuing him more as a pitcher, but the Tigers quickly committed him to third base, a natural move from his high-school spot at shortstop given his body frame.</p><p>Keith has a line-drive, left-handed swing with bat speed but is expected to develop power as he matures. Some evaluators wonder whether that could come at the cost of more strikeouts. His potential maturation mirrors that of Nick Castellanos, who made a similar transition in the Tigers system after he was a first-round pick as a high-school shortstop in 2010. Keith’s strong pitching arm serves him well in the field, complementing his quick reactions for plus potential defensively. If the hot corner doesn’t work out, his arm could play well in an outfield corner.</p><p>The Tigers system is deep in third basemen, including several recent Draft picks out of college, but Keith presents a higher upside, especially on offense. Detroit can afford to be patient with him as he just entered his 20s in August.</p>","contentTitle":"2021"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Hit: 55 | Power: 50 | Run: 45 | Arm: 60 | Field: 45 | Overall: 50</p><p>The Tigers wooed Keith away from an Arizona State commitment with a fifth-round pick in the 2020 MLB Draft and a $500,000 bonus, a nifty pickup amidst a pandemic-shortened amateur season and Draft. His rust showed with a slow start last summer at Low-A Lakeland, but once he caught up, he tore up the Florida State League with a .356 average in July (compared to .225 in June). His success earned him a late August promotion to High-A West Michigan, a week and a half after his 20th birthday.&nbsp;</p><p>Keith is athletic for his big frame. He was a two-way talent in high school and drew interest from some clubs as a pitcher. His size hasn’t yet translated into power, but he has a nice line-drive approach and advanced plate discipline for his age thanks in part to a quick, efficient left-handed swing that enables him to wait to commit. His .320 average at Lakeland included a .437 on-base percentage; followed by eight walks in 18 games at West Michigan. He doesn’t chase breaking balls out of the zone often, though he can be challenged by high velocity in the strike zone. He has quick reactions and a strong arm, but will need to continue working to stick at third.</p><p>Though Keith’s career is off to a nice start at a good level, the Tigers can afford to be patient and let him find his identity as a hitter. He’s in a system deep in third basemen, yet the Tigers will find a place for him if he hits.</p>","contentTitle":"2022"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 55 | Power: 60 | Run: 45 | Arm: 60 | Field: 45 | Overall: 55</p><p>Keith looked on his way to Arizona State before Detroit selected him in the fifth round of the shortened 2020 Draft and signed him for above slot at $500,000. The left-handed slugger got hot late in his first full season and seemed to be carrying that performance into 2022, when he hit .301/.370/.544 with 26 extra-base hits in 48 games with High-A West Michigan. A June 9 shoulder injury, suffered when he dove back to the bag on a pickoff attempt, knocked Keith out for the remainder of the regular season, but he made up for the lost time by hitting .344/.463/.541 with a 16/16 K/BB ratio over 19 Arizona Fall League contests.</p><p>The Mississippi native has added even more size to his 6-foot-3 frame since his Draft days, and that’s starting to translate into more power, as he proved in the AFL, where he had multiple batted balls with a 105-plus mph exit velocity (as measured by Statcast). His quick left-handed swing should help him hit for healthy averages too, and it was a promising sign for his developing approach when his K rate dropped to 19.4 percent in the Midwest League last season.</p><p>Keith has seen some time at second base in the Minors, but a lack of footspeed, which may only get worse as he ages, should keep him at third. The plus arm that had him throwing 89-93 mph off the mound in high school is best utilized at the hot corner anyways. Keith has managed only 113 Minor League games over his first two seasons, so getting him those defensive reps -- and proving how well his bat can play over the long term -- should go a long way in 2023.</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 60 | Power: 60 | Run: 40 | Arm: 50 | Field: 45 | Overall: 55</p><p>The Tigers selected Keith in the fifth round of the shortened 2020 Draft and talked him out of an Arizona State commitment with an above-slot $500,000 signing bonus. Injuries -- including to his right shoulder in 2022 -- limited him to only 113 games over his first two full seasons, though he did stand out in the Arizona Fall League in '22. Finally healthy for much of 2023, Keith broke out with a .306/.380/.552 line and 27 homers in 126 games between Double-A and Triple-A. His 68 extra-base hits and 280 total bases ranked third and fifth among Minor Leaguers, respectively. In January, the Tigers rewarded him with a six-year, $28,642,500 contract extension with club options through 2032.</p><p>Using a quick and short left-handed swing, the Mississippi native does a nice job of marrying quality contact rates with noticeable impact at the dish. He elevates well and rarely expands the zone, leading to the high slugging percentages and extra-base-hit rates. With Triple-A Toledo, he maxed out with an exit velocity of 110.1 mph and slugged a 473-foot homer (per Statcast) that ranked as the fifth-longest in the International League last season. Higher EVs and more tape-measure shots should be in his future as he grows more comfortable getting through long seasons.</p><p>The Tigers moved Keith -- a below-average runner with a stocky frame -- from third base to second on a near-full-time basis by mid-August last season out of the belief his reaction times and throwing motion work better at the keystone. He’d be a bat-first player at either place, but there is a clear lane for Keith to seize a spot in the Majors and join Spencer Torkelson and Riley Greene as homegrown premier talents in Detroit.</p>","contentTitle":"2024"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":"Arizona State","signed":""}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":23,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2024","gradesHitting":null,"gradesPitching":[],"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":"","playerPhotoCustomUrl":",d_people:generic:headshot:silo:current.png,q_auto:best,f_auto/v1/people/690986/headshot/silo/current","player":{"__ref":"Person:690986"},"position":"LHP","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 50 | Slider: 55 | Changeup: 50 | Control: 50 | Overall: 50</p><p>De La Salle High School in Northern California is a bit of a baseball dynasty, having won four straight division titles heading into the 2020 season. Harrison has been a key part of two, including winning the championship game as a junior before embarking on a successful summer showcase circuit that culminated with a very strong turn on USA Baseball's 18U National Team.</p><p>Harrison has the chance to be a very solid left-handed starter with a three-pitch mix and a feel to use all three offerings well. He's been up to 93 mph with his fastball, usually sitting closer to 90-91 mph, throwing his heater with good life. It's tough to square up coming from a difficult angle thanks to a three-quarter slot. His slider is his out pitch, an upper-70s breaking ball that's especially tough on left-handed hitters. He also has good feel for his changeup and commands all of his pitches well.</p><p>There are some who might see Harrison, a UCLA recruit, as having a limited ceiling. His pitchability and the deception of his delivery from the left side does give him a higher floor than most high school pitchers and makes him one of the top prep lefties in the class.</p>","contentTitle":"draft"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 55 | Slider: 55 | Changeup: 50 | Control: 55 | Overall: 50&nbsp;</p><p>The most effective starting pitcher on the U.S. national team at the 2019 Under-18 World Cup last summer, Harrison threw 10 scoreless innings in South Korea and established himself as the best healthy high school lefty for the 2020 Draft. He made just two starts as a senior before the coronavirus shutdown, then lasted until the third round in part because of his high price tag. The Giants made him their fifth selection but gave him their second-highest bonus&nbsp;at $2,497,500, the equivalent of late first-round money.&nbsp;</p><p>Harrison usually works from 90-93 mph with his fastball, which plays better than its velocity because he creates plenty of run and sink with a low three-quarters arm slot that also provides a difficult angle for left-handers. His best pitch is a slider that slashes across the plate in the upper 70s and is effective against both lefties and righties. He shows enough feel for his changeup to develop it into at least an average third offering as he uses it more often.&nbsp;</p><p>Harrison has the athleticism to repeat his clean delivery, which provides deception without compromising his ability to pound the strike zone. He has one of the highest floors among the 2020 prep pitching class, as well as the upside of a lefty with the possibility for three solid pitches. He might be even better than that if he adds some more velocity as he matures physically.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"2020"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 60 | Slider: 55 | Changeup: 50 | Control: 50 | Overall: 55&nbsp;</p><p>Harrison threw 10 scoreless innings for Team USA at the 2019 Under-18 World Cup, establishing himself as the best healthy prep southpaw in the 2020 Draft. He lasted until the third round because of his high price tag, with San Francisco paying him $2,497,500, the equivalent of late first-round money. His introduction to pro ball came in instructional league, where he wowed the Giants by sitting at 94-95 mph and touching 97 in short stints.&nbsp;</p><p>Known more for his polish than his power as an amateur, Harrison usually worked at 90-93 mph with a fastball that played above its velocity thanks to the run, sink and angle he creates from a low three-quarters arm slot. In his first season as a pro, he has operated in the mid-90s and hit 98. His slider gives him a second potential plus offering, slashing across the plate in the upper 70s and working against both lefties and righties. </p><p>Harrison's feel for pitching should allow him to develop at least an average changeup once he uses it more often as a pro. While he has the athleticism to repeat his efficient delivery, he has struggled to command and control his revved-up fastball during his pro debut after filling the strike zone with ease in high school. If he regains his ability to locate his pitches while maintaining his increased velocity, he'll rise quickly through the Minors and up this&nbsp;list.</p>","contentTitle":"2021"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 65 | Slider: 60 | Changeup: 50 | Control: 50 | Overall: 55&nbsp;</p><p>The best healthy high school left-hander in the 2020 Draft, Harrison dropped to the third round because of signability but landed a $2,497,500 bonus, the equivalent of late first-round money. Known more for his pitchability than his stuff as an amateur, he opened eyes by sitting at 94-95 mph and touching 97 in instructional league that fall. He maintained that velocity throughout his pro debut last summer, earning Low-A West pitcher of the year honors and leading the league in ERA (3.19) and strikeouts per nine innings (14.3).&nbsp;</p><p>After working with a low-90s fastball that stood out more for sink and command as an amateur, Harrison now blows hitters away up in the strike zone with a mid-90s heater that reaches 98 mph with plenty of armside run. His slider also has gotten sharper and harder, parking at 82-85 mph while proving effective against hitters from both sides of the plate. He's gaining faith in a changeup with similar velocity and some fade, and it should become at least an average pitch once fully developed.&nbsp;</p><p>Harrison delivers from a low-three-quarters slot that adds action to his pitches and should make him especially tough on left-handers, though they tagged him for a .797 OPS in 2021 (compared to .617 by right-handers). Hitters have trouble barreling and lifting his pitches. He's still learning to harness his newfound stuff, as evidenced by his 4.7 walks per nine innings in his debut, and he could move quickly once he does.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"2022"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Fastball: 70 | Slider: 60 | Changeup: 55 | Control: 45 | Overall: 55&nbsp;</p><p>Scouts considered Harrison the best healthy prep left-hander in the 2020 Draft, and he landed first-round money ($2,497,500) after dropping to the third round because of signability. His arsenal took a leap forward after he turned pro and he debuted by earning Low-A West pitcher of the year honors after leading the league in ERA (3.19) and strikeouts per nine innings (14.3) in 2021. He was even better last season, topping the Minors in whiffs per nine (14.8) and whiff percentage (39.8) while reaching Double-A at age 20.&nbsp;</p><p>Known more for his polish than his stuff in high school, Harrison has shown the ability to miss bats with three different pitches as he has matured physically. He generated a tremendous 41 percent swing-and-miss rate with his four-seam fastball in Double-A, sitting at 92-95 mph and peaking at 97 with riding action and a flat approach angle from a low three-quarters arm slot. Hitters didn't have much more success against his plus low-80s slider with sweep or his improved mid-80s changeup with fade and sink.&nbsp;</p><p>Harrison's low slot creates good angle and shape on his pitches. He's still learning to harness his enhanced stuff, though his ability to miss bats in the strike zone with all three of his offerings means that he doesn't need to locate them with precision. Once he refines his control and command, he'll be ready to help the Giants and should headline their rotation in the near future.</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Fastball: 70 | Slider: 55 | Changeup: 55 | Control: 45 | Overall: 55&nbsp;</p><p>The best healthy high school left-hander in the 2020 Draft, Harrison got first-round money ($2,497,500) as a third-round pick after dropping because of signability concerns. His stuff was just beginning to take off when the pandemic ended his high school senior season, and he has dominated throughout his pro career. He earned Low-A West pitcher of the year accolades in his first pro season, led the Minors in strikeout rate (14.8 per nine innings) and percentage (39.8) in his second and was in the running to do so again in his third before making his big league debut 10 days after his 22nd birthday.&nbsp;</p><p>More polished than overpowering as an amateur, Harrison now owns a fastball that sits at 92-95 mph and reaches 97 while playing well above its velocity thanks to its riding action, flat approach angle and the extension in his delivery. Both of his secondary pitches can be plus offerings at their best, though they weren't as effective in the Majors as they were in the Minors. His sweeping low-80s slider is more reliable than his fading mid-80s changeup.&nbsp;</p><p>While Harrison's low arm slot creates deceptive angle and shape on his pitches, he has yet to develop consistent control. Big leaguers didn't chase his pitches out of the strike zone as much as Minor Leaguers did, and he's going to have to learn to locate better to reach his ceiling as a frontline starter. The good news is that his ability to get swings and misses in the zone, especially with his fastball, means that he won't have to be precise with his command.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"2024"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":"UCLA","signed":""}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":24,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2025","gradesHitting":null,"gradesPitching":null,"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":"","playerPhotoCustomUrl":",g_auto/w_360/v1/people/701350/headshot/milb/current","player":{"__ref":"Person:701350"},"position":"OF","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 45 | Power: 55 | Run: 50 | Arm: 50 | Field: 50 | Overall: 50</p><p>Anthony was well-known on the summer showcase circuit and made a big impression at Major League Baseball’s High School All-Star Game in Denver, hammering a 450-foot homer in the exhibition. His stock took a bit of a hit when scouts grew concerned about the swing-and-miss that came with his power, but he started rising up boards over the course of a strong senior year at Florida’s Stoneman Douglas High School, alma mater for big leaguers like Anthony Rizzo and Jesús Luzardo.</p><p>There hasn’t been much question about Anthony’s raw power from the left side of the plate, showing it off in batting practice and swinging the bat well at this year’s National High School Invitational. But there were enough questions early about whether he’d hit enough to get to his power to concern many scouts. He’s made more consistent contact as the spring has progressed, moving up boards as a result.</p><p>While Anthony plays center field for Stoneman Douglas, he’s likely going to need to move to a corner outfield spot, especially as he fills out his 6-foot-3 frame. That puts more pressure on his power bat to play, with more teams having confidence it would leading to some helium for the Ole Miss recruit.</p>","contentTitle":"Draft"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 45 | Power: 55 | Run: 50 | Arm: 50 | Field: 50 | Overall: 50&nbsp;</p><p>Anthony hit the most memorable home run on the 2021 showcase circuit, a 450-foot blast during the High School All-American Game at Coors Field. Scouts still worried about his ability to make consistent contact, but he cleaned up his swing and approach this spring while leading Stoneman Douglas HS (Parkland, Fla.) to their second straight state 7-A championship. The Red Sox made him their third pick (79th overall) in the 2022 Draft but paid him their highest bonus, $2.5 million (the equivalent of late first-round money).&nbsp;</p><p>Gatorade's Florida high school player of the year, Anthony generates well above-average raw pop from the left side of the plate with his bat speed, strength and the leverage in his 6-foot-3 frame, which still has plenty of room to add muscle. He quieted his approach and tightened his stroke this spring, raising confidence that he'll be able to tap into his power potential in pro ball. His offensive profile shares some similarities to that of fellow Stoneman Douglas product (and Red Sox 2007 sixth-rounder) Anthony Rizzo at the same stage, though Anthony is much more athletic.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>Anthony moves well for his size, displaying average speed and good instincts on the bases. Though he shows some savvy in center field, he may slow a bit as he matures physically and probably is destined for an outfield corner. He has average to solid arm strength and makes accurate throws.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"2022"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Hit: 55 | Power: 60 | Run: 50 | Arm: 50 | Field: 50 | Overall: 55&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>Anthony blasted a 450-foot home run during the 2021 High School All-American Game at Coors Field, then cleaned up his swing and approach as a senior last spring. He led Stoneman Douglas HS (Parkland, Fla.) to its second straight 7-A state title and won Gatorade's Florida High School Player of the Year Award before the Red Sox made him their third pick (supplemental second round) in July. They paid him $2.5 million, the equivalent of late first-round money and their highest bonus in the 2022 Draft.&nbsp;</p><p>His combination of bat speed, strength and the leverage in his still-projectable 6-foot-3 frame give Anthony well above-average raw power. He has tightened his left-handed stroke and toned down what was an aggressive approach without losing his ability to do damage, and he walked more than he struck out in his 20-game pro debut. He has a similar offensive profile to fellow Stoneman Douglas product and 2007 Red Sox sixth-rounder Anthony Rizzo at the same stage of their careers, though Anthony is a far better athlete.</p><p>Anthony moves well for his size and enhances his average speed with good instincts on the bases and in center field. If he slows down at all as he adds more muscle, he'll probably wind up in an outfield corner. He makes accurate throws with average to solid arm strength.</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 55 | Power: 60 | Run: 50 | Arm: 50 | Field: 50 | Overall: 60</p><p>Anthony made a name for himself by smashing a 450-foot home run at the 2021 High School All-American Game at Coors Field before leading Stoneman Douglas HS (Parkland, Fla.) to its second consecutive 7-A state championship and winning Gatorade's Florida high school player of the year award as a senior. Though he was Boston's third pick (supplemental second round) in 2022, he received the highest bonus in its Draft class: $2.5 million, the equivalent of late first-round money. He began his first full pro season by batting .228/.376/.316 in 42 games in Single-A, but his underlying metrics were so good that Boston promoted him and he raked at a .301/.422/.565 clip between High-A and Double-A.&nbsp;</p><p>His swing decisions and penchant for making extremely hard contact translated at higher levels, bode well for his future and give him a higher offensive ceiling than fellow Red Sox prospect Marcelo Mayer in the minds of some evaluators. Anthony began to shorten his quick left-handed stroke and refine his approach as a high school senior, and his next step will be to learn to launch balls in the air more consistently. The organization's 2023 Minor League offensive player of the year, he combines hitting ability with well-above-average raw power in a fashion reminiscent of fellow Stoneman Douglas product and 2007 Boston sixth-rounder Anthony Rizzo, though he's a much better athlete.</p><p>Anthony will flash plus run times out of the batter's box and has good instincts on the bases and in the outfield, though he'll probably have average speed after he's fully developed physically. He has handled center field better than expected and the Red Sox believe he can stay there, though most scouts think he's destined for a corner once he slows down. With his power and average-to-solid arm strength, he could fit nicely in right field.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"2024"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 60 | Power: 60 | Run: 50 | Arm: 50 | Field: 50 | Overall: 65</p><p>After entering his Florida high school senior season in 2022 known more as a slugger who crushed a 450-foot homer during the High School All-American Game at Coors Field the previous summer, Anthony impressed scouts by shortening his left-handed swing and upgraded his approach at the plate. The Red Sox paid him late first-round money ($2.5 million) as a supplemental second-rounder and have watched him develop into a fine all-around hitter and the best position prospect in baseball. He led the Double-A Eastern League in slugging (.489) and OPS (.856) as a 20-year-old last season, then slashed .344/.463/.519 with 16 extra-base hits in 35 games following his promotion to Triple-A.</p><p>Anthony's advanced swing decisions, quick stroke and growing strength allow him to make more consistent contact and generate higher exit velocities than most players his age. He pulled the ball with more authority than ever in 2024, though he won't fully tap into his plus-plus raw power until he lifts pitches more regularly. He could become a .300 hitter who provides 30 homers and ranks among the league leaders in walks on an annual basis.</p><p>While Anthony can flash plus run times out of the batter's box, he projects more as an average runner once he finishes filling out his 6-foot-2 frame. His instincts allow him to steal some bases and to get the job done in the center field, though he profiles better on a corner. He earns average-to-solid grades for his arm strength but recorded just two assists in 101 outfield starts in 2024.</p>","contentTitle":"2025"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":"","signed":null}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":25,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2025","gradesHitting":[],"gradesPitching":[],"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":"","playerPhotoCustomUrl":",q_auto:best/v1/people/695549/headshot/silo/current","player":{"__ref":"Person:695549"},"position":"RHP","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 60 | Curveball: 55 | Slider: 70 | Changeup: 60 | Control: 50 | Overall: 60</p><p>One of the best and most advanced high school pitching prospects in recent years, Dylan Bundy went fourth overall as an Oklahoma prepster in 2011 and reached the Majors 15 months later. Fast forward a decade and the Sooner State has another high school arm whom some scouts say is even better in Jobe. He has one of the quickest arms and the best slider in the Draft, and his other pitches have improved this spring.&nbsp;He won Gatorade's state high school player of the year award after leading Heritage Hall (Oklahoma City) to the Oklahoma 4-A championship and going 9-0 with a 0.13 ERA and 122/5 K/BB ratio in 51 2/3 innings.&nbsp;</p><p>Jobe showcases a wipeout slider that sits in the low 80s with elite spin rates above 3,000 rpm, depth and the ability to locate it where he wants. He pitches at 92-94 mph and tops out at 96 with his four-seam fastball, which also features high spin rates and riding action. He has upgraded his low-80s changeup with tumble and will use it against lefties and righties -- some evaluators say it's almost as good as his slider -- and he&nbsp;can give hitters another look with an upper-70s curveball with nice shape.&nbsp;</p><p>Jobe repeats his easy delivery and provides plenty of strikes, and his athleticism and efficiency should allow him to remain in the rotation for the long term. He's clearly a pitcher, though he also offers upside as a strong-armed shortstop with bat speed and power potential. He projects as an average hitter with similar speed and might play both ways if he attends college at Mississippi, where he'd be Draft-eligible as a sophomore in 2023.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"Draft"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 60 | Curveball: 55 | Slider: 70 | Changeup: 60 | Control: 50 | Overall: 55</p><p>One of the best and most advanced high school pitching prospects in recent years, Dylan Bundy went fourth overall as an Oklahoma prepster in 2011 and reached the Majors 15 months later. Fast forward a decade, and the Sooner State produced another high school arm whom some scouts said is even better in Jobe. He possessed one of the quickest arms and the best slider in the 2021 Draft, and his other pitches improved this spring. He won Gatorade's state high school player of the year award after leading Heritage Hall (Oklahoma City) to the Oklahoma 4-A championship and going 9-0 with a 0.13 ERA and 122/5 K/BB ratio in 51 2/3 innings. Detroit was so enthused about Jobe’s ceiling that it took him third overall in July and signed him for $6.9 million, the second-highest bonus of this year’s Draft.</p><p>Jobe showcases a wipeout slider that sits in the low 80s with elite spin rates above 3,000 rpm, depth and the ability to locate it where he wants. He pitches at 92-94 mph and tops out at 96 with his four-seam fastball, which also features high spin rates and riding action. He has upgraded his low-80s changeup with tumble and will use it against lefties and righties -- some evaluators say it's almost as good as his slider -- and he can give hitters another look with an upper-70s curveball with nice shape.&nbsp;</p><p>Jobe repeats his easy delivery and provides plenty of strikes, and his athleticism and efficiency should allow him to remain in the rotation for the long term. The Tigers’ farm system once revolved around high-end pitchers like Casey Mize, Tarik Skubal and Matt Manning, and even after all three have graduated to the Majors, Jobe is very much in position to continue their tradition in the pipeline.</p><p><br></p>","contentTitle":"2021"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 60 | Curveball: 55 | Slider: 65 | Changeup: 60 | Control: 50 | Overall: 55</p><p>Detroit has sported top-five picks in each of the last four Drafts and has gone for high-ceiling types with each one. Jobe very much falls in line with Casey Mize, Riley Greene and Spencer Torkelson in that group. The 2021 Gatorade Oklahoma High School Player of the Year was ranked as MLB Pipeline’s top prep pitching prospect (No. 7 overall) last year after going 9-0 with a 0.13 ERA and 122/5 K/BB ratio in 51 2/3 innings and helping Heritage Hall capture a state 4-A title. Detroit went above his pre-Draft ranking to take Jobe at No. 3 overall and gave him a $6.9 million signing bonus, the second-highest of the 2021 Draft.</p><p>The slider is easily Jobe’s premium pitch. The offering comes in the low 80s and sports elite spin rates above 3,000 rpm. As if that wasn’t enough, the right-hander can spot the breaking pitch well, making it even tougher. He currently sits at 92-94 mph most days with the four-seam heater, and there have been occasions where he’s thrown more in the mid-90s. A low-80s changeup with plenty of dropping action gives him a third quality pitch -- and one that can be used against batters on both sides of the plate -- while his upper-70s curve provides another look, even if it’s only used to set up the other pitches.</p><p>Jobe’s delivery is repeatable and athletic, and throwing strikes shouldn’t be much of a concern on the pro side. There may be some baby steps along the way, but the building blocks are evident in what could make Jobe a future No. 2 starter in Detroit.</p>","contentTitle":"2022"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 65 | Slider: 65 | Changeup: 55 | Cutter: 55 | Control: 50 | Overall: 55</p><p>The Tigers have held four top five Draft picks since 2018, and they used their latest on the only prep pitcher of the group in Jobe -- the third overall selection in 2021. The '21 Gatorade Oklahoma High School Player of the Year was the rawest of that high-pick group, and that showed last year at Single-A Lakeland. Jobe posted a 4.52 ERA and 1.36 WHIP in 61 2/3 innings in what is typically a pitcher-friendly Florida State League but flashed his potential by also fanning 26.3 percent of his batters faced. He finished out the year with three High-A starts. Jobe suffered lumbar spine inflammation in Spring Training but returned to the mound in mid-June and has looked his typical dominant self since.</p><p>On a stuff level, you can still see what makes Jobe such a promising young righty. The 6-foot-2 right-hander has sat 95-97 mph in shorter stints since his return this year, and that's even up a few ticks from where it was in the FSL a year ago. His plus-plus slider remains his bread-and-butter with low-80s velo, consistent 3,000-plus rpm of spin and plenty of sweeping depth.&nbsp;</p><p>A low-80s changeup gives him another potential above-average pitch with sinking action, and he's added a low-90s cutter that plays tighter off the slider. With an athletic delivery, Jobe shouldn’t have control issues moving forward. He needs experience to learn how to best mix his arsenal and time to prove that the back issue is behind him. If it comes together, he has the tools to be a No. 2/3 starter.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 65 | Slider: 70 | Changeup: 60 | Cutter: 55 | Control: 55 | Overall: 60</p><p>Detroit bucked recent Draft trends when it selected Jobe third overall in 2021 and signed him for $6.9 million. The Oklahoma native was expected to need time to develop, and that has indeed been the case. He went through an uneven first full season in 2022 and missed out on much of the first half of 2023 with lumbar spine inflammation. Following his return in mid-June, he was as dominant as ever with a 2.81 ERA and an astonishing 84/6 K/BB ratio over 64 innings across four levels, finishing at Double-A Erie. Jobe also made up for the lost time with four impressive starts in the Arizona Fall League.</p><p>After throwing more of a dead-zone fastball in high school, the 6-foot-2 right-hander has added more ride to the heater, and he aims for 18 inches of induced vertical break on the 94-97 mph pitch. As if that wasn’t dangerous enough, his 82-85 mph slider remains his best offering, with spin rates regularly above 3,000 rpm and sweeping horizontal movement of 10-17 inches. He added an 88-92 mph cutter for 2023 that gave him a tighter, more controllable look, and his mid-80s changeup improved with more killed spin, making him a tough at-bat for lefties too.</p><p>Jobe walked only 2.3 percent of his batters faced during the regular season last summer but that number climbed to 7.5 in the shorter AFL sample. Even with all the repertoire tinkering, his control gains have solidified his standing as one of the best prospect arms in the game. The next goal will be staying on the mound for 100+ innings in a season, at which point Jobe might be already knocking on Detroit’s door.</p>","contentTitle":"2024"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 70 | Slider: 70 | Changeup: 60 | Cutter: 60 | Control: 55 | Overall: 60</p><p>The Tigers went against traditional thinking that argues against taking a high-school right-handed pitcher early when it selected Jobe third overall in 2021. There have been ebbs and flows since, in part due to injuries -- lumbar spine inflammation in 2023, a left hamstring strain in '24 -- but the Oklahoma native has been a massive developmental success. He set a career high with 91 2/3 innings last summer across three Minor League levels and debuted in the Majors on Sept. 25 before making a pair of postseason appearances out of the Tigers bullpen.</p><p>The 6-foot-2 righty grabbed headlines when he touched 101.8 mph in a Spring Training game on March 12 -- the highest velocity recorded by Statcast during 2024 Spring Training -- and while he never quite got there again the rest of the year, his four-seamer remained a stellar pitch, typically sitting 95-97 mph with strong rise and run metrics. He can still crank it up to 99-100 mph as he did during the postseason. His 81-84 mph slider can be a spin monster, averaging around 2,900 rpm with ample sweep, and earned marks from executives as the best secondary pitch among current prospects. He leaned on his 88-91 mph cutter as a sharp bridge pitch he picked up in late 2022, and his changeup, which jumped with a move to a split-like grip in '23, runs enough armside with lots of separation from the heater to make it another plus pitch.</p><p>The right-hander saw his walk rate creep up to 12 percent in the Minors last season, but he’s generally viewed as a good strike-thrower. His limited Minor League workloads may be the only worrisome dings on his profile, and he might not erase those until he’s already near the top of the Detroit rotation alongside Tarik Skubal.</p>","contentTitle":"2025"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":"Mississippi","signed":null}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":26,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2025","gradesHitting":[],"gradesPitching":[],"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":"","playerPhotoCustomUrl":",g_auto/w_360/v1/people/690990/headshot/milb/current","player":{"__ref":"Person:690990"},"position":"RHP","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Pitching grades:</strong> Fastball: 60 | Slider: 55 | Changeup: 55 | Control: 50 | Overall: 50</p><p><strong>Hitting grades:</strong> Hit: 45 | Power: 50 | Run: 50 | Arm: 60 | Field: 55 | Overall: 50</p><p>Oklahoma featured one of the best two-way prep prospects in last year's Draft in Jenks right-hander/shortstop Bryce Osmond, and the state has an even better version for 2020 in Horton. Now at Oklahoma State, Osmond was a second-round talent whose asking price knocked him down to the Nationals in the 35th round. Signability also could be a factor with Horton, who accounted for 4,233 yards and 41 touchdowns as a senior quarterback and has committed to play two sports at Oklahoma.</p><p>Scouts prefer Horton on the mound, where his quick arm produces 91-94 mph fastballs that peak at 96. He has an advanced changeup for a high schooler and also owns a solid slider, with both secondary offerings operating around 78-82 mph. He already throws strikes and features little effort in his athletic, three-quarters delivery, and he could have three plus offerings if he focuses solely on pitching.</p><p>Though he'll probably get drafted as a pitcher, Horton is a legitimate prospect at shortstop. He's a quality defender with the quickness, hands and arm to remain at the position. His right-handed power potential presently stands out more than his pure hitting ability, and he possesses average speed.</p>","contentTitle":"2020"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 60 | Curveball: 50 | Slider: 65 | Changeup: 45 | Control: 50 | Overall: 50&nbsp;</p><p>One of the top two-way prospects and two-sport talents in the 2020 high school class as a right-hander/shortstop/quarterback, Horton had second-round ability but went unselected because he was all but unsignable. He missed all of his first season at Oklahoma following Tommy John surgery in February 2021 before opening this year as the Sooners' starting third baseman and not taking the mound until March 29. After he finished the regular season with a 7.94 ERA, his stock soared when he logged a 2.61 ERA with 49 strikeouts in 31 innings over five postseason starts as Oklahoma finished second at the College World Series.&nbsp;</p><p>Horton's fastball velocity came back quickly but his life and command didn't, so his heater got hit until the playoffs, when he sat at 94-96 mph and topped out at 98 with improved armside run and carry. His biggest difference-maker was a slider that got much better after he toyed with trying to add a cutter before the Big 12 Conference tournament, giving him a wipeout breaking ball that parks in the mid-80s and reaches 90 mph with two-plane depth. It's an upgrade over his low-80s downer curveball.&nbsp;</p><p>Horton also dabbles with a fading changeup, though it's too firm in the upper 80s and he doesn't land it for strikes. A quality athlete who looked rusty but not out of place at third base for the Sooners, he pounded the zone with his fastball and slider during the postseason. He doesn't come with a long track record of college performance but his ceiling as a No. 2 or 3 starter could land him in the top 40 picks.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"draft"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Fastball: 60 | Curveball: 50 | Slider: 65 | Changeup: 45 | Control: 50 | Overall: 50&nbsp;</p><p>Horton was one of the top two-way prospects and two-sport talents in the 2020 prep class, but he went undrafted because he wanted to play baseball and football at Oklahoma. He never got on the field as a quarterback and missed all of his first baseball season following Tommy John surgery in February 2021. He opened 2022 as Oklahoma's starting third baseman and didn't pitch until March 29, finishing the regular season with a 7.94 ERA. But he took off in the postseason, posting a 2.61 ERA with 49 strikeouts in 31 innings as the Sooners finished second at the College World Series, propelling him to the seventh overall pick in the Draft and a below-slot $4.45 million bonus.&nbsp;</p><p>Horton's fastball velocity returned quickly last spring but his life and command didn't, so his heater got pounded until the playoffs, when he worked at 94-96 mph and peaked at 98 with improved armside run and carry. The biggest improvement came with his slider, which got much better after he toyed with trying to add a cutter before the Big 12 Conference tournament, and he now has a wipeout breaking ball that sits in the mid-80s and touches 90 mph with two-plane depth. It's a huge upgrade over his low-80s downer curveball.&nbsp;</p><p>In pro ball, Horton will have to devote more time to his fading changeup, which he throws too hard in the upper 80s and doesn't land regularly for strikes. An outstanding athlete who looked rusty but not out of place at the hot corner for Oklahoma, he pounded the zone with his fastball and slider during the college playoffs. Though he doesn't have a long track record of performance, he was the best pitching prospect in college baseball this year and could become a No. 2 or 3 starter.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"2022"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 60 | Curveball: 50 | Slider: 65 | Changeup: 45 | Control: 55 | Overall: 55</p><p>One of the best two-way prospects and two-sport talents in the 2020 high school class, Horton went undrafted because he wanted to play baseball and football at Oklahoma -- where he never got any playing time at quarterback and missed his first baseball season following Tommy John surgery in February 2021. He began last season as the Sooners' starting third baseman, didn't take the mound until late March and ended the regular season with a 7.94 ERA. Then he dominated in the postseason and led the Sooners to a second-place finish at the College World Series before the Cubs drafted him seventh overall and signed him for a below-slot $4.45 million.&nbsp;</p><p>Horton quickly regained the velocity but not the command on his fastball, which got hit hard until the playoffs, during which he operated at 94-96 mph and topped out at 98 with carry and armside run. His slider improved significantly after he toyed with adding a cutter before the Big 12 Conference tournament, becoming a wipeout two-plane breaker that parks in the mid-80s and reaches 90 mph. His upgraded slider is much more effective than his low-80s curveball, which he's still trying to refine.&nbsp;</p><p>Horton is also working on his changeup, which features some fade but is too firm in the upper 80s and doesn't land for strikes often enough. A quality athlete who looked a bit rusty but not overmatched at third base for Oklahoma, he had no trouble pounding the zone with his fastball and slider at the end of the college season. He doesn't have a long track record of performance, though he'll have to prove he can stay healthy and maintain his stuff over a full year of starts.</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 60 | Curveball: 50 | Slider: 70 | Changeup: 45 | Control: 55 | Overall: 55&nbsp;</p><p>Though Horton was one of the top two-way prospects and two-sport talents in the 2020 Draft, he went unselected because he wanted to play baseball and football at Oklahoma. He never got any time at quarterback for the Sooners and missed his first baseball season following Tommy John surgery in February 2021, but he came back to dominate in the 2022 postseason and lead Oklahoma to a second-place finish at the College World Series. Signed for a below-slot $4.45 million as the seventh overall pick that July, he won Cubs Minor League pitcher of the year accolades in his 2023 pro debut, reaching Double-A while posting a 2.65 ERA, .191 opponent average and 117/27 K/BB ratio in 88 1/3 innings.&nbsp;</p><p>Horton posted a 7.94 ERA during the 2022 college regular season before toying with a cutter at the Big 12 Conference tournament and discovering a slider that has become a plus-plus weapon that sits in the mid-80s with two-plane depth. He sets it up with a mid-90s fastball that peaks at 98 mph and features bat-missing carry and run. He's working to upgrade a mid-80s changeup with some fade and will use a low-80s downer curveball to give hitters a different look.&nbsp;</p><p>For a pitcher with just 53 2/3 innings of college experience, Horton looked more advanced than expected during his first pro season. The athleticism that allowed him to double as a third baseman for the Sooners also translates into consistent strikes, and he had no difficulty maintaining his stuff and control throughout 2023. Besides improving his changeup, the only other thing he really needs to prove to become a No. 2 starter is that he can handle a full workload.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"2024"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong>&nbsp;Fastball: 60 | Curveball: 50 | Slider: 70 | Changeup: 45 | Control: 55 | Overall: 55</p><p>One of the best two-way prospects and two-sport athletes in the 2020 Draft, Horton went unpicked because he wanted to play baseball and football at Oklahoma. He never made it onto the gridiron as a quarterback with the Sooners and lost his first baseball season after having Tommy John surgery in February 2021. He returned to dominate on the mound in the 2022 postseason, leading Oklahoma to a runner-up finish at the College World Series before signing for a below-slot $4.45 million as the seventh overall pick. The Cubs' organization Pitcher of the Year in his 2023 pro debut, he earned a promotion to Triple-A after four starts last year but was hampered by a shoulder strain that ended his season in late May.</p><p>Horton's plus-plus mid-80s slider with two-plane depth was as effective as ever last season, producing a 49 percent chase rate and 50 percent swing-and-miss rate. His fastball dipped slightly when his shoulder began bothering him, but when healthy, he operates in the mid 90s and peaks at 98 mph with carry and run. He'll use a low-80s curveball to give hitters a different look, while his upper-80s changeup has some fade and can miss bats, but he has trouble throwing it for strikes.</p><p>The athleticism that made Horton a quarterback prospect and allowed him to play third base for the Sooners helps him repeat his delivery and provide constant strikes. He has proven even more polished than Chicago expected but has to show he can handle a starter's workload after topping out at 88 1/3 innings and totaling 176 1/3 in the last four seasons. He has the stuff and makeup to be the Cubs' next ace if he can stay healthy.</p>","contentTitle":"2025"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":"","signed":""}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":27,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2025","gradesHitting":null,"gradesPitching":[],"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":"","playerPhotoCustomUrl":",q_auto:best/v1/people/691725/headshot/silo/current","player":{"__ref":"Person:691725"},"position":"RHP","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Fastball: 60 | Curveball: 55 | Slider: 50 | Changeup: 55 | Control: 55 | Overall: 50</p><p>There are high school pitchers who garner a lot of attention because of huge raw stuff, and there are prep arms who have an advanced feel for pitching. When the two come together in one prospect, there’s the chance for something special. Painter showed off that exciting combination of raw stuff and feel for pitching at a number of showcase events over the summer to establish himself as one of the best high school pitchers in the 2021 Draft class. He did nothing to dampen those expectations, striking out 54 percent of the batters he faced during his senior year en route to Gatorade state high school player of the year honors.</p><p>Painter delivers a legitimate four-pitch mix from a 6-foot-6 frame and has a very advanced feel for his gameplan on the mound. He typically sits in the 93-95 mph range and touches 96 with his fastball. He utilizes both a two- and four-seamer and likes to elevate to get swings and misses up in the zone. He throws both a 12-to-6 type curveball in the upper 70s and a mid-80s slider, and he flashed a potentially plus changeup over the summer.</p><p>Despite his size, Painter is very athletic on the mound and repeats his delivery extremely well, throwing all four pitches for strikes with a chance he’ll have plus control and command in the future. And while he’s already strong, there’s projection in his frame, and he could throw harder as he matures. Committed to Florida, Painter should be one of the first high school pitchers to come off the board in July.</p>","contentTitle":"draft"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Fastball: 60 | Curveball: 55 | Slider: 50 | Changeup: 55 | Control: 55 | Overall: 50</p><p>Painter’s combination of big stuff and advanced feel for pitching put him high up on the radar, especially after showing off both at a number of showcase events last summer, establishing himself as one of the best high school pitchers in the 2021 Draft class. He pitched well enough to earn Gatorade state high school player of the year honors this spring and to become the second prep right-hander to be selected in the first round when the Phillies took him No. 13 overall and signed him for $3.9 million.</p><p>Painter delivers a legitimate four-pitch mix from a 6-foot-6 frame and has a very advanced feel for his gameplan on the mound. He typically sits in the 93-95 mph range and touches 96 with his fastball. He utilizes both a two- and four-seamer and likes to elevate to get swings and misses up in the zone. He throws both a 12-to-6 type curveball in the upper 70s and a mid-80s slider, and he flashed a potentially plus changeup over the summer.</p><p>Despite his size, Painter is very athletic on the mound and repeats his delivery extremely well, throwing all four pitches for strikes with a chance he’ll have plus control and command in the future. And while he’s already strong, there’s projection in his frame, and he could throw harder as he matures, allowing Phillies fans the chance to dream of a Painter-Mick Abel combination at the top of a future rotation.</p>","contentTitle":"2021"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 60 | Curveball: 55 | Slider: 50 | Changeup: 55 | Control: 55 | Overall: 55</p><p>For two years in a row, the Phillies went big high school right-hander with their first-round pick, taking Mick Abel from the Pacific Northwest in 2020, then going down to Florida to nab Painter with the No. 13 overall selection in the 2021 Draft. The Gatorade Florida high school player of the year brings exciting size, stuff and feel for pitching to the system. He made a strong, albeit brief, impression during his pro debut, striking out 12 and walking none over six innings in the Florida Complex League.</p><p>Painter stands at 6-foot-7 and has the chance to boast at least three offerings that are above-average or better. His fastball sits easily in the mid-90s and is trending upwards, touching 97-98 mph at the outset of his pro career. It comes out of his hand very easily and he’ll both sink his two-seamer and elevate his four-seamer to miss bats up. His true upper-70s curve is a tick ahead of his mid-80s slider, though the slider has the chance to catch up and give him two distinct breaking pitches that flash plus. He has feel for a solid changeup and that was a point of focus for him during his time in instructional league play last year.</p><p>While some might worry about Painter’s size, he repeats his delivery very well and can land all four offerings in the strike zone. He can still add strength, with more in the tank to come, giving him the chance to join the top pitching prospects in baseball as he progresses through the Phillies system.</p>","contentTitle":"2022"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 70 | Curveball: 50 | Slider: 60 | Changeup: 55 | Control: 65 | Overall: 55</p><p>The general rule of thumb is that high school pitchers need a little more time to develop, with the leap from the prep to the pro game a large one. There are exceptions to the rule, with Painter currently making for an outstanding Exhibit A. The Florida high schooler went in the middle of the first round of the 2021 Draft and was absolutely dominant across three levels of the Minors in his first full season, reaching Double-A and earning MLB Pipeline Pitching Prospect of the Year honors in the process. He wasn’t able to follow up that success in 2024 as an elbow injury initially suffered in Spring Training eventually resulted in elbow reconstruction surgery in late July.</p><p>Prior to the injury, Painter had become one of the best pitching prospects in the game thanks to his combination of his size (6-foot-7), stuff and command. He has a four-pitch mix, with three of them having the potential to be plus offerings. It starts with a fastball that now touches triple digits and was averaging over 96 mph even at the end of his first full season, and he can sink a two-seamer as well as elevate a four-seamer with good spin rates up in the zone to miss bats. His slider has become his best secondary offering, a low-80s, high-spin pitch with a ton of break. He can fold in an upper-70s curve and had an above-average changeup that took a nice step forward during his ascent in 2022.</p><p>Painter has shown he can miss a ton of bats, striking out 13.5 per nine in 2022 while repeating his delivery very well to fill up the strike zone, walking just 2.2 per nine. It looked like he was ready to knock on the big league door and start his ascension to frontline starter status after reaching the upper levels well ahead of most schedules, but a sprained UCL in his right elbow suffered in Spring Training delayed the start of his 2023 season, but now Phillies fans will have to wait for him to rehab post-surgery to see him reach his potential in the big leagues.</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Fastball: 70 | Curveball: 50 | Slider: 60 | Changeup: 55 | Control: 65 | Overall: 55</p><p>Thought to be the second-best high school right-hander in the 2021 Draft, Painter was taken in the first round that summer behind Jackson Jobe. He leapt to the head of the pitching prospect ranks with an outstanding first full season of pro ball in 2022, reaching Double-A and being named MLB Pipeline Pitching Prospect of the Year. He appeared to be on a fast track to Philadelphia when an elbow injury shut him down early in 2023, and his Tommy John surgery in late July will keep him out for the 2024 season, though he was throwing bullpens in July.</p><p>The fact that Painter is still regarded as one of the best pitching prospects in the game while on the sidelines is a testament to his ability. His combination of stuff, size and feel for pitching add to the faith in him, with a legitimate four-pitch mix at his disposal. His fastball can touch triple digits and was averaging around 96 mph at the end of 2022, and he throws both a sinking two-seamer as well as a high-spin four-seamer up in the zone. His slider is an out pitch, a low-80s offering with a ton of break and huge spin rates. His upper-70s curve provides a different look, and his above-average changeup has really improved.</p><p>All coming from his 6-foot-7 frame, Painter does an amazing job of repeating his delivery well, enabling him to fill up the zone while missing a ton of bats. He was knocking on the big league door when the injury occurred, so don’t be surprised to see him get there again quickly once he’s healthy, and it’s important to note that even with the missed time, he’ll be just 22 years old for the entire 2025 season when he’s expected to return.</p>","contentTitle":"2024"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 70 | Curveball: 50 | Slider: 60 | Changeup: 55 | Control: 65 | Overall: 60</p><p>One of the best high school arms in the 2021 Draft class, Painter looked like perhaps the best pitching prospect in the game during his first full season, reaching Double-A in 2022 and earning MLB Pipeline Pitching Prospect of the Year honors. His express train to the big leagues was derailed by an elbow injury and subsequent Tommy John surgery that kept him off a competitive mound for all of 2023 and 2024. His highly anticipated return to action in the Arizona Fall League last year did not disappoint, and there was little rust as the right-hander displayed his elite-level stuff over the course of six outings.</p><p>During his time in the Fall League, Painter showed that in many ways he was the same premium prospect with a legitimate four-pitch mix, albeit with a little twist. His plus heater was touching 100 mph again and averaged 97 in the fall with plenty of ride up in the zone, he dropped in his low-80s curve for strikes and his above-average changeup got better as the fall season wore on. The new wrinkle for the 6-foot-7 right-hander was a harder slider with cutter-like action thrown in the upper 80s, replacing what had been more of a sweeper.&nbsp;</p><p>Painter misses bats with all four offerings, and while his fastball command was understandably a bit scattered at times given his long layoff, he continued to astound with his ability to pound the strike zone thanks to a simple and repeatable delivery. Even with all the time away, Painter will be just 22 years old for the 2025 season and ready to pick up where he left off before the injury.</p>","contentTitle":"2025"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":"","signed":null}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":28,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2024","gradesHitting":[],"gradesPitching":null,"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":null,"playerPhotoCustomUrl":",q_auto:best/v1/people/691182/headshot/silo/current","player":{"__ref":"Person:691182"},"position":"2B","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>2020 Scouting Grades:</strong> Hit: 50 | Power: 40 | Run: 50 | Arm: 55 | Field: 55 | Overall: 40</p><p>As the 2019-20 international signing period was set to begin, Amador was the sixth-highest rated shortstop on the market, settling in at No. 14 overall on MLB Pipeline’s Top 30 international prospects list. Amador, who starred as the youngest player on the Dominican Republic’s team at the Pan-Am U-15 Championship tournament in 2017, got $1.5 million from the Rockies, and immediately began to impress the organization with his skillset and feel for the game.</p><p>A tooled up middle infielder, Amador is already standing out as a precocious offensive player. A switch-hitter, the teenager is developing an approach more mature than many his age. He has excellent bat speed, with good rhythm and timing, with all signs pointing to him having the potential to be an above-average hitter with some power. As he’s grown and gained strength, he’s been running better and shows good instincts on the basepaths.</p><p>Those instincts carry over to his work on the dirt as well. He has excellent actions and more than enough arm to play shortstop long-term. Given that he might still grow and add strength, when coupled with his advanced feel for the game already, there’s a lot of upside to dream on as Amador begins his pro career.</p>","contentTitle":"2020"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting Grades:</strong> Hit: 50 | Power: 40 | Run: 50 | Arm: 55 | Field: 55 | Overall: 45</p><p>One of the top shortstop prospects available in the 2019-20 international signing period, Amador had previously stood out in international competition on the Dominican Republic’s 15U team at the Pan Am Championship in 2017. The Rockies were thrilled to get his upside and advanced feel for the game for $1.5 million in July 2019, though they haven’t really been able to see him play much between the shutdown and then a broken hamate during instructional league play last fall.</p><p>Even in his brief time at instructs, Amador stood out for not looking his age, showing an aptitude beyond most 17-year-olds. There’s plenty of tools to grow into as well, with a solid approach from both sides of the plate, using bat speed, rhythm and timing, ingredients for him to be perhaps a better than average hitter with pop, with his right-handed swing creating a bit more impact at present. There’s plenty of room for him to continue to add strength, which should help him at the plate and as a baserunner.</p><p>He has the arm, hands and instincts to play a solid shortstop, with confidence that he’ll have the aptitude to move around the infield as needed, something the Rockies often preach. Ahead of most his age in terms of his ability to understand the game, now it’s time for him to put those tools and instincts to use on the field.</p>","contentTitle":"2021"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting Grades:</strong> Hit: 55 | Power: 45 | Run: 50 | Arm: 50 | Field: 55 | Overall: 55</p><p>The 2019-20 international signing class might be best known right now for current Yankees phenom Jasson Dominguez, but Amador was among the top prospects in the class, one who got $1.5 million from the Rockies to sign that July. The pandemic pushed his professional debut until 2021, but he came stateside and more than held his own in the Arizona Complex League with a .299/.394/.445 line. </p><p>Amador, a teenager for all of the 2022 season, has impressed with his ability to make contact from both sides of the plate. He controls the barrel very well and has an advanced approach at the plate, especially for his age and experience, walking nearly as much as he struck out during his debut. The biggest question about his offensive profile had been about how much he’ll be able to impact the ball, but he’s worked to add strength and showed much more extra-base authority in 2022.</p><p>While he played mostly shortstop during his debut, the jury is out what his long-term defensive home will be. He showed off excellent footwork during instructs and he has the chance to develop as a shortstop with an average arm, but he might best be suited for second base in the future. The good news is his actions work very well on the dirt up the middle, with his ceiling tied to how much his offensive profile develops.</p>","contentTitle":"2022"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 60 | Power: 45 | Run: 50 | Arm: 50 | Field: 55 | Overall: 55</p><p>The Rockies gave out 16 bonuses of at least six figures during the 2019-20 international signing period. Amador, who was No. 16 on MLB Pipeline’s Top 30 International Prospects list at the time, was at the top of that class, getting $1.5 million to sign when the period opened in July. He hasn’t disappointed, performing very well during his professional and United States debut in the Arizona Complex League in 2021. He then showed it was no fluke by having an All-Star season in the Single-A California League in 2022.</p><p>A teenager for all of last season, Amador stands out for his very advanced approach from both sides of the plate. He walked more than he struck out in his first year-plus of pro ball, with just a 12.7 percent strikeout rate compared to a 15.1 percent walk rate. He has a very good feel for the barrel and has shown the propensity to make good swing decisions. There were some questions about what kind of impact he would have, but he’s added strength and there’s reason to believe the extra-base authority on display with Fresno in 2022 is real.</p><p>Amador has played a lot of shortstop since he’s joined the Rockies and has decent hands, footwork and a solid arm. A lack of quickness, especially as he physically matures, might limit his range enough to necessitate a move to second, where he has seen some time. He could be an outstanding defender at the keystone, with the progress he’s shown at the plate contributing to an everyday middle infielder profile.</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 55 | Power: 45 | Run: 50 | Arm: 50 | Field: 55 | Overall: 50</p><p>One of the top-ranked players available on the international market for the 2019-20 signing period, Amador received a $1.5 million bonus to join the Rockies. He wasn’t able to make his pro debut until 2021 because of the pandemic but showed right out of the gate that he had the chance to be a very good hitter, performing well that summer in the Arizona Complex League, replicating that success during his full-season debut in 2022 and hitting well while touching Double-A for the first time in 2023. He did miss seven weeks following surgery to repair a broken hamate in his right hand.</p><p>Right from the outset, Amador has shown off an advanced approach at the plate that has belied his years. The switch-hitting infielder has walked more than he’s struck out in his career heading into the 2024 season, drawing a free pass in 14.2 percent of his plate appearances while striking out just 12.3 percent of the time. He barrels up the ball consistently from both sides, and while he’s definitely a hit-over-power type, the strength he’s added has allowed him to drive the ball for extra bases more consistently.&nbsp;</p><p>While he continued to play shortstop more than anywhere else in 2023 and has solid hands and footwork to go along with a decent arm, he did start to get additional reps at second base, with some thinking that might be his best spot as he continues to fill out his six-foot frame. He’ll play all of 2024 at age 21, with a chance to really show off just how much offensive ceiling he has.</p>","contentTitle":"2024"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":null,"signed":"July 2, 2019 - COL"}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":29,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2026","gradesHitting":null,"gradesPitching":[],"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":"","playerPhotoCustomUrl":",d_people:generic:headshot:silo:current.png,q_auto:best,f_auto/v1/people/694357/headshot/silo/current","player":{"__ref":"Person:694357"},"position":"LHP","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 55 | Slider: 50 | Changeup: 55 | Control: 50 | Overall: 45</p><p>While the 2020 amateur season was cut short because of the pandemic, Tiedemann did manage to become a bit of a pop-up prospect who rose into MLB Pipeline’s Top 100 prior to last year’s Draft. The younger brother of Rangers Minor League right-hander Tai Tiedemann went undrafted in the five-round event and rather than head to San Diego State, he switched gears to Long Beach Junior College in order to be eligible this year. When Long Beach cancelled spring sports because of COVID-19, Tiedemann was on the move again, this time to Golden West College.</p><p>Tiedemann’s overall profile of solid stuff, size and athleticism hasn’t changed much in a year’s time, but there’s plenty to like. His fastball sits in the low-90s and will bump 93-94 mph at times, with more in the tank as he continues to add strength to his 6-foot-4 frame. His changeup flashes plus and his slider has gotten a bit tighter and more effective.</p><p>A good athlete who hit in the middle of his high school lineup, Tiedemann should be able to continue throwing strikes even if he starts throwing harder. He still hasn’t been seen a ton, but given how hard it is to find projectable left-handed starters, scouts will be paying many visits to Golden West to see if Tiedemann is worthy of a top three or four round selection.</p>","contentTitle":"draft"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 55 | Slider: 50 | Changeup: 55 | Control: 50 | Overall: 45</p><p>While the 2020 amateur season was cut short because of the pandemic, Tiedemann did manage to become a bit of a pop-up prospect who rose into MLB Pipeline’s Top 100 prior to last year’s Draft. The younger brother of Rangers Minor League right-hander Tai Tiedemann went undrafted in the five-round event and rather than head to San Diego State, he switched gears to Long Beach Junior College in order to be eligible in 2021. When Long Beach cancelled spring sports because of COVID-19, Tiedemann was on the move again, this time to Golden West College. The move paid off when Toronto took him in the third round and signed him for right around slot at $644,800.</p><p>Tiedemann’s overall profile of solid stuff, size and athleticism hasn’t changed much since he missed out on the 2020 Draft, but there’s plenty to like. His fastball sits in the low-90s and will bump 93-94 mph at times, with more in the tank as he continues to add strength to his 6-foot-4 frame. His changeup flashes plus, and his slider has gotten a bit tighter and more effective.</p><p>A good athlete who hit in the middle of his high school lineup, Tiedemann should be able to continue throwing strikes even if he starts throwing harder. He still only turns 19 this August and will be given a long leash in the Toronto system to find a spot in a future Jays rotation.</p>","contentTitle":"2021"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 60 | Slider: 55 | Changeup: 55 | Control: 50 | Overall: 55</p><p>After going undrafted in the five-round 2020 Draft, Tiedemann changed his commitment from San Diego State to attend Long Beach Junior College, making him eligible for the ’21 Draft. Long Beach soon cancelled spring sports due to COVID-19, though, and Tiedemann was on the move again, landing at Golden West College. The end result paid off, though, as the Blue Jays scooped up Tiedemann in the third round and signed him to a bonus of $644,800.</p><p>After not having much of a detailed strength or throwing program prior to the Draft, Tiedemann took off once the Blue Jays got him into their new player development complex. The lefty added more muscle to his 6-foot-4 frame and his velocity ticked up from the 93-94 range pre-draft, now sitting at 95-96 mph and reaching higher. Tiedemann also mixes in a mid-80s circle change with plus potential and a low-80s slider that’s progressed since he joined the club. That hard slider, in particular, will be key to keeping hitters off his plus fastball. All three pitches have been major parts of Tiedemann’s breakout 2022 season in which he’s climbed from Single-A to Double-A.</p><p>With as much upward momentum as any prospect in the organization, Tiedemann has already accelerated his development timeline significantly. The Jays have tried to manage Tiedemann’s workload some -- giving him a midseason pause in Florida before his ascent to New Hampshire -- and that’s about the only thing that’s held him back. With his ability to generate whiffs with a stellar three-pitch mix, Tiedemann has quickly become one of the game’s best pitching prospects.</p>","contentTitle":"2022"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 65 | Slider: 55 | Changeup: 70 | Control: 50 | Overall: 55</p><p>Originally a San Diego commit headed into the fall of 2020, Tiedemann chose to go the JuCo route instead, eventually landing at Golden West College. The southpaw struck out 60 batters in 38 innings as a freshman, prompting the Blue Jays to take him in the 2021 third round and sign him for around slot at $644,800. Tiedemann started showing signs of a breakout in the spring before his first full season and carried that improved stuff into the summer, when he posted a 2.17 ERA with 117 strikeouts in 78 2/3 innings across three levels, ending at Double-A New Hampshire.</p><p>While he sat around 93-94 mph as an amateur, the 6-foot-4 lefty started being around 95-96 mph, touching higher, with his heater after adding muscle in the offseason. The pitch has some sink to it as well and helped Tiedemann force healthy amounts of ground-ball contact. That said, his mid-80s, diving changeup has become arguably his best pitch with the way it generates whiffs, and that helped him limit righties to a .153 average in 2022. His low-80s, sweeping slider shows plus potential, though it needs to be a little more consistent to give Tiedemann his true third weapon.</p><p>Beyond being difficult to touch, Tiedemann’s control should continue to improve as he gains experience in his delivery, which includes some long levers and a lower arm slot. The next step is adding innings after Toronto carefully managed the California native, including with a brief midseason pause in Florida in 2022. Biceps issues have limited Tiedemann this season, but longer, more frequent starts in the future will keep him on a trajectory toward being a possible No. 2 starter in the bigs.</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Fastball: 60 | Slider: 60 | Changeup: 60 | Control: 45 | Overall: 50</p><p>A dominant arm in his one year at Golden West (Junior) College (Huntington Beach, Calif.), Tiedemann joined the Blue Jays as a third-round pick in 2021 and quickly broke out by striking out 117 batters over 78 2/3 innings across three levels in his first full season. Shoulder and biceps issues limited him to only 44 frames while topping out at Triple-A during the regular season in 2023, but he still managed to finish with a 44.1 percent K rate that ranked second among 1,832 Minor Leaguers with at least 40 innings. He made up for the lost time by looking healthy and productive in the Arizona Fall League, where he was named the circuit’s Pitcher of the Year. Tiedemann opened 2024 with Triple-A Buffalo but struggled with health all summer and ultimately needed Tommy John surgery in July.</p><p>The 6-foot-4 left-hander can run his fastball up to 98 mph and it generally sat at 93-96 over the top two levels of the Minors this past summer. His low three-quarters arm slot helps the heater play above the velocity too, making the four-seam a true plus pitch. His swings-and-misses, however, come from the offspeed -- a low-80s sweeping slider that has gotten better in pro ball and a mid-80s changeup that can dive below bats. He does well against fellow lefties but was an absolute menace against opposite-side batters in 2023, holding them to a .186 average and a .196 slugging percentage over 123 plate appearances.</p><p>The length of Tiedemann’s delivery has led to some control issues, and his walk rate climbed from 9.6 percent in 2022 to 12.4 in 2023. That control will be worth monitoring when he returns in late 2025 at the absolute earliest, and it likely won’t be until 2026 that he can truly push for a Major League debut at last.</p>","contentTitle":"2024"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":"","signed":""}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":30,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2025","gradesHitting":[],"gradesPitching":null,"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":"","playerPhotoCustomUrl":",q_auto:best/v1/people/691723/headshot/silo/current","player":{"__ref":"Person:691723"},"position":"3B/1B","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong>&nbsp;Hit: 45 | Power: 55 | Run: 40 | Arm: 65 | Field: 45 | Overall: 45</p><p>Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida has produced some serious talent over the years, starting with Cubs first baseman Anthony Rizzo and continuing with A’s left-hander Jesus Luzardo and Rockies third-base prospect Colton Welker. Mayo also plays the hot corner, with the kind of power potential that many teams covet.</p><p>There are no questions about Mayo’s raw power from the right side of the plate. He can flat-out crush the ball, using his strong 6-foot-5 frame to his advantage. The concerns crop up regarding whether he’ll hit enough to get to that power on a consistent basis. There’s swing and miss to his game and while he’ll show the ability to drive the ball to the opposite field in batting practice, he can get very pull-happy in games. </p><p>Not everyone is convinced Mayo can stick at third as well. While he does have a well above-average arm, his feet and hands are just OK, which might mean a move to first base or maybe to left field. His strong arm, power and physicality might remind some of Austin Riley and the team that tries to sign him away from his commitment to Florida will believe that’s who he can become.</p>","contentTitle":"draft"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 45 | Power: 55 | Run: 40 | Arm: 65 | Field: 45 | Overall: 45</p><p>Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida has produced some serious talent over the years, starting with Cubs first baseman Anthony Rizzo and continuing with A’s left-hander Jesus Luzardo and Rockies third-base prospect Colton Welker. Mayo also plays the hot corner, with the kind of power potential that many teams coveted as the 2020 Draft approached, albeit with a commitment to the University of Florida to contend with. The Orioles manipulated their bonus pool well, using the Heston Kjerstad-generated savings to be able to sign Mayo in the fourth round for a well-above-slot bonus of $1.75 million.</p><p>There are no questions about Mayo’s raw power from the right side of the plate. He can flat-out crush the ball, using his strong 6-foot-5 frame to his advantage. The concerns crop up regarding whether he’ll hit enough to get to that power on a consistent basis. There’s swing and miss to his game and while he’ll show the ability to drive the ball to the opposite field in batting practice, he can get very pull-happy in games.</p><p>Not everyone is convinced Mayo can stick at third as well. While he does have a well-above-average arm, his feet and hands are just OK, which might mean a move to first base or maybe to left field. His strong arm, power and physicality might remind some of Austin Riley, the kind of player the Orioles are hoping he can eventually become.</p><p><br></p>","contentTitle":"2020"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p>Part of the strategy the Orioles used to manipulate their bonus pool in the 2020 Draft was to allow them to take upside gamble on prep third baseman Coby Mayo, who they drafted in the fourth round out of Stoneman Douglas High in Florida for a well-above-slot bonus of $1.75 million. Mayo is the latest in a growing line of talent to come out of Stoneman Douglas, along with Cubs first baseman Anthony Rizzo, A’s left-hander Jesus Luzardo and Rockies third-base prospect Colton Welker. Mayo also plays the hot corner, with the kind of power potential found few other places in the Orioles system.</p><p>Standing 6-foot-5 and 215 pounds, Mayo uses a clean swing path and freakish raw strength to flat-out crush the ball. He already makes louder contact than almost any other player in the Orioles system, consistently ranking near the top of their exit velocity readings during 2020 instructional camp, where he showed significant bat speed and light-tower power in batting practice and simulated games. The concerns crop up regarding whether he’ll hit enough to get to that power on a consistent basis. There’s enough swing and miss to his game to potentially drown out Mayo’s loud tools when exposed to professional pitching.</p><p>Not everyone is convinced Mayo can stick at third as well. He does have a plus arm, strong enough to produce mid-90s velocity readings off the mound in high school. But his feet and hands are just OK, which might mean a move to first base or maybe to left field. His strong arm, power and physicality remind some of Troy Glaus, Pat Burrell and Austin Riley; therein lies the range of players the O’s are hoping he can eventually become.</p>","contentTitle":"2021"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 45 | Power: 60 | Run: 40 | Arm: 70 | Field: 45 | Overall: 50</p><p>Mired in a long rebuild and facing a shortened Draft in 2020, the Orioles manipulated their bonus pool at the top of the Draft to save money for upside gambles later on. The strategy allowed them to nab prep third baseman Coby Mayo in the fourth round out of Stoneman Douglas High in Florida, the same school that’s produced All-Star first baseman Anthony Rizzo and Marlins left-hander Jesús Luzardo, among others. In convincing Mayo to forgo a commitment to Florida with a well-above slot $1.75 million bonus, the O’s also injected their system with the kind of power potential found few places in the Minor Leagues.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>Standing 6-foot-5 and 215 pounds, Mayo makes louder contact than almost any other player in the O’s system. He uses a clean swing path and freakish raw strength to flat-out crush the ball, consistently ranking near the top of Baltimore’s system’s exit velocity readings. Mayo showed off significant bat speed and light-tower power at the club’s 2020 instructional camp and then enjoyed an excellent debut in ’21, hitting .319 with nine homers while reaching Low-A Delmarva. He also did well to quell plate discipline concerns, walking nearly as much as he struck out in his first pro season.&nbsp;</p><p>Mayo's profile suggests he might struggle to get to that power consistently when exposed to better pitching at higher levels and not everyone is convinced he’ll stick at third, either. Mayo does have a plus-plus arm, strong enough to produce mid-90s velocity readings off the mound in high school.&nbsp;He’s athletic for a big guy, running well enough to swipe 11 bases in 2021 but his size presents potential issues defensively, and his hands and feet are just OK, which might mean a move to first base or left field. His strong arm, power and&nbsp;physicality conjure comparisons to Troy Glaus, Pat Burrell&nbsp;and Austin Riley, but the huge upside comes with risk. If it all clicks, Baltimore could have a potential superstar on its hands.</p>","contentTitle":"2022"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Hit: 45 | Power: 60 | Run: 40 | Arm: 70 | Field: 45 | Overall: 55</p><p>When the Orioles took Heston Kjerstad No. 2 overall in the shortened 2020 Draft, they saved more than $2.5 million in bonus pool money to sign him, funds that were used to go after talent in the ensuing rounds. It enabled them to go well over slot in the fourth round to sign Mayo for $1.75 million out of the Florida high school ranks. He raised expectations by posting a .981 OPS, albeit in just 53 games, during his first season in 2021. While he was a little inconsistent in 2022, he continued to show off his power potential and reached Double-A at age 20.</p><p>Mayo’s carrying tool will always be his power. He makes extremely loud contact from the right side of the plate with outstanding exit velocities. His combination of bat speed and strength point to a future with a lot of home runs, especially to the pull side. He punishes fastballs, but does struggle with spin at times. His overall approach regressed a bit in 2022, but he has enough of an idea at the plate that he should get back to making better swing decisions as he adjusts to levels, though there’s always going to be swing-and-miss in his game.</p><p>One of the strongest arms in the system, if not the Minor Leagues, works very well for third base. Even though he currently moves surprisingly well for his size, there are concerns that he will outgrow the ability to play third and there’s a chance he ends up at first or left field when all is said and done. The kind of consistent power production the Orioles think he can provide will work from any spot on the diamond.</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 45 | Power: 65 | Run: 40 | Arm: 70 | Field: 45 | Overall: 60</p><p>When Mayo was coming out of Stoneman Douglas HS in Florida in 2020, scouts saw some similarities with current Braves All-Star Austin Riley. The Orioles thought he could develop into that kind of impact hitter and went well over slot to sign him for $1.75 million as a fourth-rounder in the pandemic-shortened Draft that summer. He showed glimpses of what he was capable in 2021 and 2022, but really took off in 2023, reaching Triple-A at age 21 while hitting a combined 29 homers with a .973 OPS.</p><p>Mayo has long been known for his ability to punish the baseball from the right side of the plate and he made strides in doing that more consistently in 2023. He has plus bat speed and strength and he used both to reach the seats more regularly. His improved approach led to a huge spike in his walk rate and a drop in his strikeout rate as well. There will always be some swing-and-miss in his game, but it’s looking like he has the chance to be close to an average hitter.</p><p>With one of the best arms in the system, if not the Minors, Mayo can make all the throws from the hot corner. He moves well for his size, but the potential of him outgrowing third as well as the glut of talent on the dirt in Baltimore and throughout the system led him to add first base to his resume. That might help his power bat get to the big leagues faster.</p>","contentTitle":"2024"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 50 | Power: 70 | Run: 40 | Arm: 70 | Field: 45 | Overall: 60</p><p>The 2020 Draft may have been shortened because of the pandemic, but it’s looking like it might have been an extremely productive haul for the Orioles. Three of the club’s six selections have already touched the big leagues, with Jordan Westburg establishing himself and Heston Kjerstad settling in. Both of them came from the college ranks. Mayo was a high schooler who got an over-slot deal as a fourth-rounder who has shown he can consistently get to his power at every level of the Minors. He sports a career .921 OPS heading into 2025 and 54 homers over the past two seasons at the upper levels, though he scuffled in a very small sample size during his big league debut.</p><p>A big right-handed hitter who has long reminded evaluators of Braves All-Star Austin Riley, Mayo has the chance to be more than just a power-only bat. The bat speed and strength are there for him to continue to be a home run threat every time he steps in the box. But he’s also become a better all-around hitter who takes walks and can drive the ball to all fields, even if most of his over-the-fence pop comes on his pull side. There will always be strikeouts in his game, but he’s kept that under control in the Minors and will have to show he can adjust to how big league pitchers attack him.</p><p>Mayo has long had one of the better arms in the Orioles' system and he’s capable of making throws from anywhere at third base, even if he’s struggled a bit with accuracy. Because of his size and the fact that Westburg was an All-Star who got a lot of reps at the hot corner, Mayo could continue to see more time at first as he’s ready to get a longer look in Baltimore.</p>","contentTitle":"2025"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":"Florida","signed":""}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":31,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2025","gradesHitting":null,"gradesPitching":null,"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":"","playerPhotoCustomUrl":",q_auto:best/v1/people/800050/headshot/silo/current","player":{"__ref":"Person:800050"},"position":"OF","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 55 | Power: 60 | Run: 55 | Arm: 50 | Field: 50 | Overall: 55</p><p>The best player by far to come out of James Madison University has been Billy Sample, a tenth-round pick back in 1976. After hitting extremely well in abbreviated seasons in 2020 and 2021, then tying for the Cape Cod League lead in home runs last summer, DeLauter has the chance to become the first true first-rounder in the history of the school and surpass Sample’s big league production. He was well on his way to cementing that position with a .437/.576/.828 line in 24 games when he broke his foot in April sliding into second base.&nbsp;</p><p>DeLauter could be a middle-of-the-order type of hitter. He’s put up gaudy numbers at JMU, beating up the pitching in the mid-major Colonial Athletic Conference. He has at least plus raw power and even though there’s a little drift to his lower half that causes him to be more of a front-foot hitter at times, he’s so big and strong he can still out-leverage pitching. Some might question the length in his swing path and some scouts point to being overmatched against Florida State to start the season as proof that it won’t work against better pitching, but he had no problem getting to his power with wood on the Cape, and the fact he has more walks than strikeouts in his career points to a solid approach.</p><p>DeLauter runs well, especially for his size, which helps him now in center field, though most see a move to a corner in the future. He’s shown a strong arm that has fired 90-92 mph fastballs as a pitcher in college, but has played more as average in the outfield, with a power profile that would fit well in right field.</p>","contentTitle":"draft"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 55 | Power: 60 | Run: 60 | Arm: 60 | Field: 55 | Overall: 55&nbsp;</p><p>Lightly recruited as a West Virginia prepster, DeLauter went to James Madison and batted .402/.520/.715 in three years en route to becoming the highest pick in school history. The pandemic shortened his first two seasons and a broken left foot truncated his third, but he also proved himself with wood bats in the Cape Cod League, which he led in homers (nine) and slugging (.589) in 2021. He offered the best combination of tools, plate discipline and performance among college hitters in the 2022 Draft and went 16th overall before signing for $3.75 million.&nbsp;</p><p>DeLauter is a 6-foot-4, 235-pound athlete with bat speed, strength and leverage that produce well-above-average raw power that plays to all fields. He lets his pop come naturally with an extremely disciplined approach that resulted in 62 walks vs. just 45 strikeouts in 66 college games. Scouts don't love his left-handed stroke, which can get long, or his tendency to drift onto his front foot, but it's hard to argue with his track record.&nbsp;</p><p>DeLauter is a legitimate five-tool talent. He translates his plus speed into basestealing ability and enough range to man center field. Some evaluators think he'll wind up moving to right field, and he has the arm for the position after producing some low-90s fastballs during sporadic college pitching appearances.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"2022"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Hit: 55 | Power: 60 | Run: 55 | Arm: 60 | Field: 55 | Overall: 55&nbsp;</p><p>Barely recruited as a West Virginia high schooler, DeLauter attended James Madison and became the first first-rounder in Dukes history after batting .402/.520/.715 in three years. The pandemic limited his first two seasons and a broken left foot shortened his third, but he proved himself with wood bats by leading the Cape Cod League in homers (nine) and slugging (.589) in the summer of 2021. He reinjured his foot after signing for $3.75 million as the 16th overall pick, leading to surgery to replace a screw with a bone graft in January and putting his pro debut on hold until midseason 2023.</p><p>The 6-foot-4, 235-pound DeLauter offers a rare combination of size, athleticism, plate discipline and performance. His bat speed, strength and leverage combine to give him well above-average raw power to all parts of the ballpark, and he lets his power come naturally with an extremely disciplined approach. Scouts aren't enamored of his tendency to get long with his left-handed swing or to drift onto his front foot, but that hasn't stopped him from making a lot of hard contact.&nbsp;</p><p>DeLauter possesses solid speed and translates it into basestealing ability and center-field range. Some scouts think he's destined for right field, where his plus power and arm strength would fit the classic profile. He delivered low-90s fastballs when he pitched sporadically in college.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 55 | Power: 60 | Run: 55 | Arm: 60 | Field: 55 | Overall: 55</p><p>Largely anonymous as a West Virginia prepster, DeLauter batted .402/.520/.715 in three years at James Madison and became the first Duke ever drafted in the first round. Though the pandemic shortened his schedule in his first two seasons and a broken left foot truncated his third, he had proved his bona fides by leading the Cape Cod League with nine homers and a .589 slugging percentage in the summer of 2021. He reinjured his foot after signing for $3.75 million as the 16th overall pick in 2022, leading to surgery to replace a screw with a bone graft and delaying his pro debut until June 2023, but he posted a .945 OPS while reaching Double-A afterward and then starred in the Arizona Fall League.</p><p>At 6-foot-4 and 235 pounds, DeLauter offers a tantalizing combination of size, athleticism, performance and plate discipline. His loudest tool is his well-above-average raw power to all fields, which he creates with bat speed, strength and leverage. His left-handed swing can get long and he'll drift onto his front foot, yet he still makes consistent hard contact and controls the strike zone exceptionally well.</p><p>DeLauter has solid speed and uses it to steal an occasional base and to cover ground in the outfield. He played all three outfield positions in his debut and projects as an average defender in center field and solid on the corners. He fits best in right field with a strong arm that produced low-90s fastballs when he pitched sporadically at James Madison.</p>","contentTitle":"2024"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 60 | Power: 60 | Run: 50 | Arm: 60 | Field: 55 | Overall: 55</p><p>Lightly regarded by pro scouts and college recruiters as a West Virginia high schooler, DeLauter went to James Madison, slashed .402/.520/.715 in three seasons, led the Cape Cod League with nine homers and a .589 slugging percentage in 2021 and became the first first-round pick in school history. He broke his left foot running the bases midway though his Draft year in 2022, then reinjured it after signing for $3.75 million as the 16th overall choice, which led to surgery to replace a screw with a bone graft and delayed his pro debut until June 2023. He broke the foot again last April, costing him nearly three months, but he has slashed .317/.387/.517 in two pro seasons and .313/.417/.522 in two trips to the Arizona Fall League.</p><p>Few players in the Minors can match DeLauter's combination of size (6-foot-3, 235 pounds), athleticism, ability to hit for both average and power, and plate discipline. He rarely strays from the strike zone and makes repeated hard contact against all types of pitches. He has an unorthodox left-handed swing that can get long and he'll get caught on his front foot at times, but his bat speed and strength allow him to pull pitches for power and drive them the other way with authority.</p><p>An average runner, DeLauter has been more conservative on the bases in pro ball compared to college because of his repeated foot injuries. He has seen time at all three outfield positions and is a capable defender in center field, and his plus arm strength fits nicely in right field. He generated low-90s fastballs when he pitched on occasion at James Madison.</p>","contentTitle":"2025"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":null,"signed":null}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":32,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2024","gradesHitting":[],"gradesPitching":null,"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":"","playerPhotoCustomUrl":",q_auto:best/v1/people/677008/headshot/silo/current","player":{"__ref":"Person:677008"},"position":"OF","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong>&nbsp;Hit: 45 | Power: 60 | Run: 45 | Arm: 55 | Field: 50 | Overall: 55</p><p>A 36th-round pick by the Mariners as a Texas high schooler in 2017, Kjerstad teamed with fellow top prospect Casey Martin to lead Arkansas to back-to-back College World Series appearances in their first two years of college. His 14 homers in 2018 broke the school freshman record of 13 set by eventual first-rounder Zack Cox in 2009, and Kjerstad encored with 17 as a sophomore. He offers the best left-handed power in the 2020 college class and only potential No. 1 overall pick Spencer Torkelson has more pop among collegians.</p><p>Kjerstad's strength and bat speed give him well above-average raw power to all fields. He has a complicated swing that features a big hand circle in his load, so he has to be precise with his timing to make it work -- but he has done so in college and was the top performer in the U.S. collegiate team's lineup last summer. He's an aggressive hitter who always will accumulate strikeouts as a tradeoff for his pop.</p><p>Though Kjerstad records below-average running times out of the batter's box, he displays average speed once he gets going. He's not a threat on the bases but plays a capable right field. His huge power and solid arm strength fit the profile for the position.</p>","contentTitle":"draft"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Hit: 45 | Power: 60 | Run: 45 | Arm: 55 | Field: 50 | Overall: 55</p><p>A 36th-round pick by the Mariners as a Texas high schooler in 2017, Kjerstad teamed with fellow top prospect Casey Martin to lead Arkansas to back-to-back College World Series appearances in their first two years of college. His 14 homers in 2018 broke the school freshman record of 13 set by eventual first-rounder Zack Cox in 2009, and Kjerstad encored with 17 as a sophomore. He had the best left-handed power bat in the 2020 college class and while he was considered a top-10-caliber talent, the Orioles reached a bit and signed him as the No. 2 overall pick for $5.2 million, more than $2.5 million below pick value.&nbsp;</p><p>Kjerstad's strength and bat speed give him well-above-average raw power to all fields. He has a complicated swing that features a big hand circle in his load, so he has to be precise with his timing to make it work -- but he has done so in college and was the top performer in the U.S. collegiate team's lineup last summer. He's an aggressive hitter who always will accumulate strikeouts as a tradeoff for his pop.</p><p>Though Kjerstad records below-average running times out of the batter's box, he displays average speed once he gets going. He's not a threat on the bases but plays a capable right field. His huge power and solid arm strength fit the profile for the position.</p><p><br></p>","contentTitle":"2020"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Hit: 45 | Power: 60 | Run: 45 | Arm: 55 | Field: 50 | Overall: 50</p><p>A total of five hitters have been taken from the University of Arkansas in the first round of the Draft, starting with Kevin McReynolds in 1981 and No. 1 overall pick Jeff King back in 1986. After setting a freshman home run record with 14 in 2018, hitting 17 more as a sophomore and starting out his junior year on fire, Kjerstad looked like he was ready to join that pair and 2015 No. 7 overall pick Andrew Benintendi as a Top 10 selection. The Orioles, loving the bat and knowing they could save some money, reached a little to sign him for more than $2.5 million below pick value at No. 2 overall. He was unable to participate in the club’s alternate camp or instructional league last summer after he was diagnosed with myocarditis, a viral inflammation of the heart. Kjerstad resumed physical activity at the club's Sarasota complex in August and has yet to play a game as a professional.</p><p>Kjerstad had the best left-handed power bat among college hitters in the 2020 Draft. With strength and bat speed to spare, he has well-above-average raw power to all fields. An aggressive hitter who has some swing-and-miss to his game – a sacrifice the Orioles will have to make to get his power production – Kjerstad has a lot of moving parts to his swing, which makes it a little tougher for him to be on time consistently. It’s a setup that worked at Arkansas and he made strides during his shortened junior year to simplify and make more contact.</p><p>Speed will never be a big part of his game, but Kjerstad is better underway and moves well enough to be a solid corner outfielder. An above-average arm and potential to hit in the middle of a big league lineup should profile well in right field in the future.</p>","contentTitle":"2021"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 45 | Power: 60 | Run: 45 | Arm: 55 | Field: 50 | Overall: 50</p><p>The Orioles sent shockwaves through the industry when they selected Kjerstad out of the University of Arkansas second overall in the 2020 Draft, as part of a strategy to manipulate their bonus pool and spend on upside picks later on. The fifth Razorbacks hitter to be taken in the first round of the Draft, Kjerstad signed for more than $2.5 million below-pick value after accumulating 37 homers over parts of three seasons in Fayetteville, where he emerged as one of the top sluggers in college baseball. Due to the lingering effects of myocarditis, a viral inflammation of the heart that surfaced shortly after the Draft, Kjerstad didn't make his pro debut until June 2022.&nbsp;</p><p>Because of those unforeseen circumstances, Kjerstad remains something of an unknown quantity to the Orioles and the baseball world at large. He was seen as the best left-handed power bat among college hitters in his Draft class, with significant strength and bat speed and well-above average raw power to all fields. He was an aggressive hitter in college with some swing-and-miss attributed to the moving parts in his swing. It’s a herky-jerky swing with a hitch that sometimes made it tougher for Kjerstad to be on time consistently, but that may have been altered in the 23-some months since he left campus. Whether he’s tailored that swing to make more contact and how well he maintained strength during the layoff will be two points of emphasis for the eyes on Kjerstad as he gets acclimated to pro ball.</p><p>Kjerstad resumed baseball activity at the Orioles’ training complex late last year, and while he went more than two years without playing in a competitive game, he managed to hit his way from Single- to High-A in short order in 2022. He’s just 23, plenty young enough to make up the time missed and climb up the Orioles’ system. He’s still seen as a potential middle-of-the-order hitter, a bat-first corner outfielder with an above-average arm and who moves well enough to profile in right field long-term.</p>","contentTitle":"2022"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 50 | Power: 55 | Run: 45 | Arm: 55 | Field: 50 | Overall: 55</p><p>Kjerstad had put his name on the map as a potential impact college bat by hitting 31 homers over his first two seasons at Arkansas. When he broke out of the gate in 2020 by posting a 1.304 OPS over his first 16 games, his Draft stock took a bigger leap and while it surprised many when the Orioles took him No. 2 overall to save money and manipulate their bonus pool, he was a bona fide first-rounder. A diagnosis of myocarditis, a viral inflammation of the heart, and its lingering effects, kept him off the field until June 2022. He made quick work of Single-A ball, struggled a bit with the move to High-A but definitely righted the ship with an MVP performance in the Arizona Fall League.</p><p>More than anything, the 2022 season was a win for Kjerstad simply because he got on the field and competed for the first time in over two years. Beyond that, he started to show that his left-handed power bat has the chance to have an impact at this level. There’s strength and bat speed and even though there’s some swing-and-miss that’s still a part of his game that might always make him more power-over-hit, he showed a willingness to work counts and take walks as well as the ability to punish the baseball. His approach suffered a bit when he moved up to High-A and his K rate went up in the AFL, though he hit the ball consistently hard in Arizona.</p><p>Defensively, Kjerstad fits nicely into an outfield corner, with a strong arm that works in right field. It’s his bat that will continue to carry him up the ladder, though, with the hope that his AFL experience serves as a springboard.</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 50 | Power: 55 | Run: 45 | Arm: 55 | Field: 50 | Overall: 55</p><p>Kjerstad was off to a hot start (1.304 OPS) at Arkansas in his Draft year, but his season was cut short by the pandemic in 2020. While most of the industry saw him as a legitimate first-rounder, the Orioles reached a little bit to take him at No. 2 and sign him well under slot so they could aggressively go after other talent in the later rounds. He wasn’t able to play until June 2022 because of a diagnosis of myocarditis, a viral inflammation of the heart. That summer was mostly about just getting him on the field, but he showed he was ready to make the next step when he won Arizona Fall League MVP honors that fall. It carried over to a 2023 season in which he posted a .904 OPS between Double-A and Triple-A while making his big league debut in September.</p><p>With the ailment clearly in his rearview, Kjerstad is looking very much like the left-handed power bat the Orioles hoped they were picking up. He has a combination of strength and bat speed and makes a ton of hard contact, showing the ability to drive the ball over the fence and for extra bases to all fields. His overall approach improved in 2023, and while he’s an aggressive swinger, he also managed his strikeouts well (18.4 percent K rate in the Minors), giving hope that he might not be as much power-over-hit as some anticipated.</p><p>While he’s a fringy runner, Kjerstad is an athletic outfielder and fits nicely in right field with an above-average arm. It’s looking like his bat will profile well there in the big leagues too, and he should get every opportunity to prove that soon.</p>","contentTitle":"2024"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":null,"signed":null}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":33,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2025","gradesHitting":null,"gradesPitching":[],"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":"","playerPhotoCustomUrl":",q_auto:best/v1/people/694819/headshot/silo/current","player":{"__ref":"Person:694819"},"position":"RHP","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 60 | Curveball: 55 | Slider: 50 | Changeup: 45 | Control: 45 | Overall: 40</p><p>With coronavirus shutting down sports across the country, several projectable high school pitchers never got the chance to show scouts what they could do this spring, making it nearly impossible to invest enough in them to divert them from college. A prime example is Misiorowski, who was hampered by a hamstring injury last summer but looked more impressive during the fall. His senior season got cancelled, though he did show some electric stuff during a preseason bullpen workout.</p><p>While he's far from a finished product, Misiorowski has the 6-foot-6 build and raw stuff to dream on and think that he has a chance to become another Adam Wainwright. He has a quick arm that produces 90-94 mph fastballs with high spin rates and backspin action, and his frame has plenty of room to add strength and velocity. He has developed an overhand curveball that can be a hammer at its best and has surpassed his slider, which can reach the mid-80s with bite.</p><p>Misiorowski still is learning to keep his long limbs in sync, so his control and command remain works in progress, as does his changeup. He has made improvements to his delivery and strike-throwing since last summer, though he didn't get a chance to show them off in game action this spring. He'll pitch at Oklahoma State if he doesn't sign this summer.</p>","contentTitle":"2020"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 60 | Curveball: 55 | Slider: 50 | Changeup: 50 | Control: 45 | Overall: 40</p><p>Misiorowski has flashed tantalizing potential going back to his Missouri high school days, but he was hard to see prior to 2022. A hamstring injury hampered him on the showcase circuit heading into his 2020 senior season, which got cancelled by the coronavirus pandemic. He tore the meniscus in his right knee in his first start for Crowder (Mo.) JC last spring, ending his season in February, but he returned this season to rank third in NJCAA Division I in strikeouts (136) and strikeout rate (16.1).&nbsp;</p><p>Fully healthy again, Misiorowski has hit 100 mph with his four-seam fastball and sat in the mid-90s for several innings at a time. His extension, high spin rates and induced vertical break create carry up in the strike zone, and he might find even more velocity if he can add some muscle to his skinny 6-foot-7 frame. His mid-80s slider features good depth and is a well above-average offering at its best, though it's more of a chase pitch than one he can land consistently for strikes.&nbsp;</p><p>Very much a work in progress, Misiorowski primarily operates with two pitches and rarely breaks out a curveball or changeup. The Louisiana State recruit still is learning to keep his long limbs in sync and he needs more strength to repeat his delivery. He started finding the zone more often down the stretch and helped his cause with the most impressive bullpen workout at the MLB Draft Combine, giving him a chance to surpass Aaron Ashby (fourth round, 2018) as the highest pick in Crowder history.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"draft"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Fastball: 70 | Slider: 55 | Control: 45 | Overall: 45</p><p>Misiorowski has flashed tantalizing potential going back to his Missouri high school days, but he was hard to see prior to 2022. A hamstring injury hampered him on the showcase circuit heading into his 2020 senior season, which got canceled by the coronavirus pandemic. He tore the meniscus in his right knee in his first start for Crowder JC (Mo.) last spring, ending his season in February, but he returned this season to rank third in NJCAA Division I in strikeouts (136) and strikeout rate (16.1). The Brewers selected Misiorowski in the second round and gave him their biggest signing bonus at $2.35 million.</p><p>Fully healthy again, Misiorowski has hit 100 mph with his four-seam fastball and sat in the mid-90s for several innings at a time. His extension, high spin rates and induced vertical break create carry up in the strike zone, and he might find even more velocity if he can add some muscle to his skinny 6-foot-7 frame. His mid-80s slider features good depth and is a well-above-average offering at its best, though it's more of a chase pitch than one he can land consistently for strikes.&nbsp;</p><p>Very much a work in progress, Misiorowski primarily operates with two pitches and rarely breaks out a curveball or changeup. The Louisiana State recruit still is learning to keep his long limbs in sync and he needs more strength to repeat his delivery. He started finding the zone more often down the stretch and helped his cause with the most impressive bullpen workout at the MLB Draft Combine, surpassing fellow Brewer Aaron Ashby (fourth round, 2018) as the highest pick in Crowder history.</p>","contentTitle":"2022"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades</strong>: Fastball: 70 | Curveball: 55 | Slider: 70 | Changeup: 45 | Control: 45 | Overall: 55</p><p>Misiorowski was a question mark at the beginning of last year because of a hamstring injury that kept him out of many 2019 showcases, the pandemic-canceled 2020 season and a torn right meniscus in 2021. He shoved when he was able to get on the mound consistently for Crowder (Mo.) Junior College, finishing third in NJCAA Division I with 136 strikeouts and a 16.1 K/9 over 15 appearances. The Brewers already had experience with Crowder -- having taken Aaron Ashby from there in 2018 -- and nabbed Misiorowski two rounds earlier at 63rd overall before giving him the highest bonus ($2.35 million) of their 2022 Draft class.</p><p>Brewers data analysts were ecstatic about adding the 6-foot-7 right-hander and his considerable arsenal to their pitching mix. The former LSU commit can touch triple digits and regularly sat in the mid-90s by late last spring, earning added points for his extension, spin rate and perceived carry up in the zone. As if that wasn’t enough, Misiorowksi also showcased a mid-80s slider with depth that often caught hitters chasing out of the zone when they got fooled looking for heat. He only needed two offerings in college, but he has started utilizing his curveball and change more in pro ball, the former of which should benefit from his feel for spin.</p><p>As may be expected for someone this raw with such long limbs, Misiorowski can struggle with control, and that was certainly the case during a quick dip into the Minors when he walked seven of his 14 batters faced with Single-A Carolina. There’s enough premium stuff to work with here that Misiorowski could give the Brewers' system the star pitching prospect it so desperately needs.</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);\"><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Fastball: 70 | Curveball: 60 | Slider: 70 | Changeup: 40 | Control: 40 | Overall: 55</p><p>After finishing third in NJCAA Division I with 136 strikeouts over 15 appearances for Crowder (Mo.) Junior College in 2022, Misiorowski went in the second round to the Brewers that July and ended up signing for Milwaukee’s largest bonus of the class at $2.35 million. It already looks like a solid investment after the 6-foot-7 right-hander’s breakout 2023 campaign. He ranked fifth in the Minors with a 35 percent K rate (min. 70 IP) while climbing from Single-A to Double-A but was shut down in late August with what the club called arm fatigue after only 71 1/3 innings.</p><p>In terms of stuff, Misiorowski is easily one of baseball’s most electric prospect arms. He wowed in the 2023 Futures Game by touching 102.4 mph and generally sits in the upper 90s with a heater that starts from his low three-quarters slot, gets close to the plate with a ton of extension and explodes up in the zone. His wicked slider is now in the low-90s with cutter-ish shape after showing more depth in 2023. He started adding back his curveball to play off his feel for spin after not needing it much in college, and it's been an impressive whiff generator in its own right in '24. He hasn’t used his changeup much to this point, but it’s at least another option.</p><p>After experiencing walk issues at the lower levels, Misiorowski issued free passes to 15 percent of the batters he faced with Biloxi as Double-A hitters knew to lay off his weapons outside the zone. Because of those concerns, some evaluators think he’s a future closer, and he could be a right-handed version of Josh Hader. But the possibility that Misiorowski could keep this arsenal in a starting role with even slight control improvements remains all too enticing.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"2024"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Fastball: 80 | Curveball: 70 | Slider: 60 | Control: 40 | Overall: 55</p><p>The Brewers are always active drafters at the JuCo level, and in 2022, they went to Crowder (Mo.) Junior College to select Misiorowski in the second round. The right-hander eventually signed for $2.35 million (the highest bonus in Milwaukee’s 2022 class) and solidified his place on the national scene with 110 strikeouts in 71 1/3 innings across three levels in his first full season before being slowed by arm fatigue. Misiorowski spent much of 2024 in the Double-A Biloxi rotation, where he finished with a 3.50 ERA, 105 strikeouts and 50 walks in 79 2/3 frames and then flipped to the bullpen after an August promotion to Triple-A Nashville.</p><p>The Brewers are still planning on rolling out the 6-foot-7 hurler as a starter because pitch-for-pitch, he’s easily one of the best prospects in baseball. His four-seam fastball can touch triple digits and even sits around 97-99 mph with some rise and run. As if that heat wasn’t enough, Misiorowski generates elite extension to put the ball right on batters, and his three-quarters release is low enough to give a flat approach angle, rounding out its case as an 80-grade pitch. His mid-80s curveball has distinct two-plane break to generate whiffs, and he also shows a low-90s slider that can act as sharp as a cutter. Misiorowski didn’t go much to his changeup in 2024.</p><p>Cutting a thin figure and pitching exclusively out of the stretch, Misiorowski can look like all elbows and knees in his up-tempo delivery as he attempts to fire pitches past hitters. It isn’t always a repeatable delivery, and while the strikeouts can pile up, so can the lengthy plate appearances and eventual walks. Most believe he’s headed for a high-leverage bullpen role as a right-handed Josh Hader who could help the Crew this summer.</p>","contentTitle":"2025"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":"Louisiana State","signed":""}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":34,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2025","gradesHitting":null,"gradesPitching":null,"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":"","playerPhotoCustomUrl":",q_auto:best/v1/people/695076/headshot/silo/current","player":{"__ref":"Person:695076"},"position":"RHP","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\"><span class=\"ql-cursor\"></span></a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 55 | Slider: 55 | Changeup: 60 | Control: 60 | Overall: 55&nbsp;</p><p>After cracking Wake Forest's weekend rotation as a freshman but posting a 6.12 ERA, Lowder nearly halved his ERA to 3.08 last year, ranked second in NCAA Division I with 11 victories, became the first Demon Deacon ever named Atlantic Coast Conference pitcher of the year and pitched for the U.S. Collegiate National Team. This spring, he joined Danny Hultzen as the only players ever to repeat as ACC pitcher of the year and led NCAA D-I with 15 wins and ranked fourth in ERA (1.87) and strikeouts (143, a school record) while pitching Wake to its first College World Series since 1955. He'll be the Demon Deacons' third pitcher taken in the first round in the last four Drafts, and he's a significantly better prospect than predecessors Jared Shuster (2020) and Ryan Cusick (2021).&nbsp;</p><p>Lowder owns one of the best changeups in college baseball, a plus mid-80s offering with significant fade that he'll use against both left-handers and right-handers. He sets it up with a 92-95 mph fastball that maxes out at 97 and features more sink than ride, so it elicits more ground balls than empty swings. His low-80s slider has more depth than sweep and improved significantly in 2023, grading as a plus pitch at its best.&nbsp;</p><p>Lowder repeats his delivery well, providing plenty of strikes from a three-quarters arm slot. There's not much projection remaining in his 6-foot-2 frame, but he earns high marks for his feel for pitching and his competitiveness. He has one of the highest floors in this Draft and should become at least a durable mid-rotation starter.</p>","contentTitle":"Draft"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 55 | Slider: 55 | Changeup: 60 | Control: 60 | Overall: 55&nbsp;</p><p>After cracking Wake Forest's weekend rotation as a freshman but posting a 6.12 ERA, Lowder nearly halved that to 3.08 last year, ranked second in NCAA Division I with 11 victories, became the first Demon Deacon ever named Atlantic Coast Conference pitcher of the year and pitched for the U.S. Collegiate National Team. This spring, he joined Danny Hultzen as the only players to repeat as ACC pitcher of the year, and he led NCAA D-I with 15 wins and ranked fourth in ERA (1.87) and strikeouts (143, a school record) while pitching Wake to its first College World Series since 1955. He became the Demon Deacons' third pitcher taken in the first round in the past four Drafts when the Reds selected him No. 7 overall and signed him for a below-slot bonus of $5.7 million.</p><p>Lowder owned one of the best changeups in college baseball, a plus mid-80s offering with significant fade that he'll use against both left-handers and right-handers. He sets it up with a 92-95 mph fastball that maxes out at 97 and features more sink than ride, so it elicits more ground balls than empty swings. His low-80s slider has more depth than sweep and improved significantly in 2023, grading as a plus pitch at its best.&nbsp;</p><p>Lowder repeats his delivery well, providing plenty of strikes from a three-quarters arm slot. There's not much projection remaining in his 6-foot-2 frame, but he earns high marks for his feel for pitching and his competitiveness. He has a very high floor&nbsp;and should become at least a durable mid-rotation starter.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 55 | Slider: 55 | Changeup: 60 | Control: 65 | Overall: 55</p><p>Lowder spent three years in Wake Forest’s weekend rotation, improving considerably each year. After posting a 6.12 ERA as a freshman, he brought that down to 3.08 as a sophomore to win ACC pitcher of the year honors and pitched for Team USA that summer. He repeated as the ACC’s top arm in 2023, leading Division I with 15 wins and ranking fourth in ERA (1.87) and strikeouts (143) as the Demon Deacons reached the Men's College World Series for the first time since 1955. Lowder was the second pitcher taken in the 2023 Draft behind No. 1 overall pick Paul Skenes, with the Reds selecting him seventh overall and signing him for $5.7 million.</p><p>The right-hander didn’t pitch competitively in 2023 after signing but made a strong impression at instructs in the fall, mostly participating in velocity work as well as an early January check-in camp. Lowder’s feel for pitching is so good that sometimes his pure stuff is underrated. His fastball can tap out at around 97 mph, sitting easily in the 92-95 mph range, and it has more sink than ride, getting a lot of weak ground-ball contact. He brings one of the best changeups in the college game to the Reds, a mid-80s offering with huge fade that he’ll throw to hitters on both sides of the plate. His low-80s slider has more depth than sweep, and it flashes plus.</p><p>Lowder is athletic on the mound, repeating his delivery well and using a three-quarters arm slot to fill up the zone. He has a keen understanding of how to set hitters up with his complete repertoire, and he received the most votes for “best pitchability” in MLB Pipeline’s executive poll in 2024, a big reason why there’s an expectation he could move very quickly through the Reds system.</p>","contentTitle":"2024"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Fastball: 55 | Slider: 55 | Changeup: 55 | Control: 65 | Overall: 55</p><p>Lowder stepped into Wake Forest’s weekend rotation right when he arrived, turning an inconsistent freshman year into a successful one as a sophomore that led to him winning 2022 ACC pitcher of the year honors. He was the conference’s top arm again in 2023 and one of the best in the country, leading to him being the second pitcher taken in that summer’s Draft behind No. 1 pick Paul Skenes. The No. 7 overall selection started his pro career in 2024 with High-A Dayton and ended it with some early success in the big leagues.</p><p>The right-hander has long had a reputation for his advanced feel for pitching, so much so that his stuff often gets short shrift. His fastball averaged around 93-94 mph at all levels in 2024, topping out at 96-97 and he throws both a four- and a two-seamer, the latter featuring solid sink to elicit a good amount of ground-ball outs. He has an outstanding changeup, thrown 86-87 mph with a ton of fade and to both sides of the plate when at its best, though he didn’t throw it as much nor was it quite as effective as during his junior year at Wake Forest. He’s leaned more on his mid-80s slider as a pro, throwing it as often as his four-seamer during his big league debut.</p><p>One thing the Reds can be sure of is that Lowder is going to be in the strike zone consistently. He repeats his three-quarters arm slot and delivery extremely well and continues to be seen as the pitching prospect with the best pitchability in the game. He showed the ability to make adjustments and succeed as he climbed the ladder quickly, something he’s sure to do when he settles into the big league rotation.</p>","contentTitle":"2025"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":null,"signed":null}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":35,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2025","gradesHitting":[],"gradesPitching":null,"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":null,"playerPhotoCustomUrl":",d_people:generic:headshot:silo:current.png,q_auto:best,f_auto/v1/people/691620/headshot/silo/current","player":{"__ref":"Person:691620"},"position":"C","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting Grades:</strong> Hit: 50 | Power: 45 | Run: 40 | Arm: 60 | Field: 55 | Overall: 45</p><p>A member of Venezuela's Little League World Series team in 2015, Quero continued to improve in the subsequent years and was regarded by scouts as one of the better catching prospects in the 2019-20 international class. Intrigued by his potential to contribute on both sides of the ball, the Brewers signed Quero for $200,000 at the outset of the July 2 period.&nbsp;</p><p>Quero stands out most right now for his hitting ability, but he also has a chance to be a good defensive catcher. He has an advanced approach and makes a lot of hard, consistent contact for a young player, barreling the ball to all fields from the right side of the plate. He has good raw power that plays to his pull side right now, and it's easy to envision Quero applying it to all fields as he gets stronger and matures as a hitter.</p><p>Defensively, Quero is an athletic backstop who already receives high marks for his receiving, blocking technique and feel for handling pitchers. His plus arm headlines an impressive catch-and-throw skillset that should allow him to combat the running game. The Brewers are eager to see how Quero's advanced tools and skills translate in game action in 2020, when he will make his pro debut at age 18.</p>","contentTitle":"2020"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting Grades:</strong> Hit: 50 | Power: 50 | Run: 40 | Arm: 60 | Field: 55 | Overall: 50</p><p>Quero first garnered notice as a member of Venezuela's Little League World Series team in 2015 and has continued to develop into an impressive all-around player who performs on both sides of the ball and commands the field. After rising to be one of the best catching prospects in the 2019-20 international class, he signed with the Brewers for $200,000.&nbsp;</p><p>Quero initially stood out for his hitting ability, featuring an advanced approach and consistent, line-drive contact rare for a player so early in his professional development. He does not have loft power but he does have power, slashing the ball to right-center and using the whole field with more regularity as he has filled out his frame. It was especially impressive during the 2020 fall instructional league, when Quero hit with authority while other young prospects struggled to re-adjust to big velocity coming off a period of shutdown. Early concern about his smallish frame has waned since Quero began his pro career, and that's gone further away since Quero has started getting going this year in the Arizona Complex League.</p><p>While some young catchers can be reserved, Quero has developed a reputation for being unafraid. Defensively, he is an athletic backstop who already receives high marks for his above-average arm, receiving, blocking technique and feel for handling pitchers. His plus arm headlines an impressive catch-and-throw skillset that should allow him to combat the running game. He has a long way to go in his development, especially after being denied his first game action in 2020, but has one of the highest ceilings of any player in the system.</p>","contentTitle":"2021"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 50 | Power: 50 | Run: 40 | Arm: 60 | Field: 60 | Overall: 50</p><p>Signed for only $200,000 out of Venezuela in July 2019, Quero may have been a much more prominent name across the Minors if not for injuries that piled up in his first taste of the Minors last season. A concussion, a hamstring injury and a surgery-requiring issue with his left (non-throwing) shoulder limited him to 23 games in the Arizona Complex League. He went 21-for-68 (.309) with two homers and caught six of 19 attempted basestealers in that span.</p><p>Milwaukee coaches and coordinators noted quickly just how advanced Quero's defensive game is behind the plate. He earns strong reviews already for his ability to work with pitchers on top of his athletic receiving and blocking. Even out of his 5-foot-10 frame, he possesses a plus arm that should control the running game at any level. He has looked more like a slasher at the plate in his early looks dating back to 2020 fall instructional league -- one that will work a good at-bat, take his walks and limit his strikeouts. He walked 12 times and struck out 10 last season. The power is mostly in the gaps at present, but he could mature into more average pop in time.</p><p>On paper, it's a well-rounded skillset from a catcher who will still only be 19 for the duration of the 2022 season. Quero just needs more playing time to put those tools to the test. If they continue to show as they have in early brief looks, he has real breakout potential on his way to becoming a key contributor as an everyday Major League backstop.</p>","contentTitle":"2022"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades</strong>: Hit: 50 | Power: 55 | Run: 40 | Arm: 60 | Field: 60 | Overall: 55</p><p>Having signed for $200,000 out of Venezuela in July 2019, Quero has flashed impressive tools at every stop to this point, and perhaps injuries in 2021 (concussion, hamstring, left shoulder) and 2022 (right shoulder) are the only reasons why he hasn't risen to higher prospect status. Playing in his age-19 season last year, the backstop slashed .286/.342/.439 with 10 homers in 95 games between Single-A and High-A and moved onto the Arizona Fall League, where he held his own as one of the showcase circuit's youngest players.</p><p>Quero's defensive work has popped since he first signed. He moves well behind the plate, earning strong reviews for his blocking and receiving, and Milwaukee officials have long been impressed with how well he works with pitchers at such a young age. He's always shown plus arm strength too, and that truly popped last year in the Fall League, when he caught 11 of 24 (45.8 percent) attempted base stealers. His 30.6 percent CS rate during the regular season may be a more realistic expectation over a larger sample, but still shows just how good he can be at limiting the opponents' run game.</p><p>Offensively, the right-handed slugger shows good pitch recognition (no surprise for a catcher) out of a relaxed setup at the plate, and his power potential started to turn more into actual production with increased launch angles in 2022. Quero can reach base at a decent clip and hit for decent pop, and if he combines that with his defensive skills, there's enough upside to be a good starting catcher in the big leagues.</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 50 | Power: 50 | Run: 40 | Arm: 60 | Field: 70 | Overall: 55</p><p>Signed for $200,000 out of Venezuela in July 2019, Quero has established himself as one of the game's top catching prospects, leading to a spot on Milwaukee's 40-man roster this past offseason. After solid showings at Single-A, High-A and the Arizona Fall League in 2021, the 5-foot-11 backstop spent the entire 2023 campaign with Double-A Biloxi and hit .262/.339/.440 with 16 home runs over 90 games. He was one of only two 20-year-old catchers to get more than 33 plate appearances at Double-A, and he blew that total out of the water with 381, during which he posted an above-average 107 wRC+. Quero suffered a torn labrum in his right shoulder diving back to the first-base bag in his Triple-A Nashville debut in March, an injury that required season-ending surgery.&nbsp;</p><p>Quero won a well-deserved 2023 Rawlings Minor League Gold Glove Award as he's developed into arguably the Minors' best defensive catcher. His receiving and blocking – aided by his right-knee-down positioning – can be top-notch, and his framing can look as smooth as it gets. His arm strength and quick reactions behind the plate also helped him throw out 34.6 percent of attempted Double-A basestealers, and those skills should help him limit opposing running games at a time when steals are taking off across baseball.</p><p>While the right-handed slugger did struggle with chasing some sliders and changeups in the Southern League, Quero still projects for average hit and power tools with the capability to pull homers down the left-field line and spray doubles the opposite way. The glovework alone would make him a regular starter in the Majors, while the bat could push him closer to All-Star catcher level. Assuming health, he could be on track for a second-half MLB debut in 2024 once he establishes himself at Triple-A Nashville.&nbsp;&nbsp;He was on track for a 2024 debut, but the shoulder surgery will push that Major League arrival back by at least one year.</p>","contentTitle":"2024"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Hit: 50 | Power: 50 | Run: 40 | Arm: 60 | Field: 70 | Overall: 55</p><p>A $200,000 signing out of Venezuela in July 2019, Quero has been a steady climber in the Milwaukee system who made stops at every domestic affiliate, including one game at Triple-A Nashville last year after he was added to the 40-man roster in the offseason. He suffered a torn labrum in his right shoulder on a dive back to first base in his International League debut on March 29 and underwent surgery that forced him out for the rest of the season.</p><p>The injury was poor timing for one of the game's top catching prospects as he looked set to make a Major League impact in 2024 based on the strength of his defense alone. A Minor League Gold Glove winner in 2023, Quero has long earned praise for his overall work behind the plate. He's used a right-knee-down positioning to steal strikes as a quality framer and moves well behind the dish to help his blocking as well. He possesses at least plus-plus arm strength with quick pop times, but Milwaukee may limit him to part-time DH duty early in 2025 to protect the shoulder.</p><p>Offensively, Quero still projects as an average bat with decent power, capable of pulling homers to left or slicing doubles the opposite way when needed. His 16 homers for Double-A Biloxi during his age-20 season in 2023 represented a career high. It remains to be seen how much the shoulder will impact his work at the plate, and a season's worth of lost at-bats certainly won't help. But Quero's defense alone gives him a high floor, and with William Contreras holding down the catching spot in Milwaukee, the younger backstop should get all the developmental time he needs.</p>","contentTitle":"2025"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":null,"signed":"July 2, 2019 - MIL"}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":36,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2025","gradesHitting":null,"gradesPitching":null,"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":"","playerPhotoCustomUrl":",h_250,c_thumb,g_auto,q_auto,f_jpg/mlb/x41ug5axey8kwlxjrki3","player":{"__ref":"Person:702281"},"position":"LHP","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Fastball: 55 | Curveball: 60 | Changeup: 45 | Control: 50 | Overall: 55</p><p>Last summer, Snelling hit the showcase circuit as a big, strong left-handed pitcher who was also a big-time football recruit. Originally planning on heading to Arizona to play both sports, he changed gears when Jay Johnson was named Louisiana State's head coach. Snelling switched his commitment, and with it, the chance to play football at the next level. This spring, he’s continued to show he has a strong future on the mound.</p><p>Snelling is a big, physical presence on the mound, one who shook off tacklers as a quarterback and punished offensive players as a linebacker. The 6-foot-3 left-hander has plenty of fastball, routinely up to 94 mph, touching as high as 97 over the summer. His best pitch is his curveball and he can really spin it, a plus breaker thrown in the upper 70s that misses a ton of bats. He has a changeup that has the chance to be average, but he doesn’t use it much.</p><p>In addition to the strong fastball-curve combination, Snelling does a very good job of filling up the strike zone. He brings a football mentality to the mound and has the frame to be able to handle a starting pitcher’s workload. Scouting directors have spent a lot of time in Reno, and it’s possible Snelling goes high enough to not follow Johnson to LSU.</p>","contentTitle":"draft"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Fastball: 55 | Curveball: 60 | Changeup: 45 | Control: 50 | Overall: 50</p><p>Last summer, Snelling hit the showcase circuit as a big, strong left-handed pitcher who was also a top football recruit. Originally planning on heading to Arizona to play both sports, he changed gears when Jay Johnson was named Louisiana State's head coach. Snelling switched his commitment, and with it, the chance to play football at the next level. This spring, he continued to show he has a strong future on the mound, and that was enough for San Diego to take him 39th overall and sign him for above slot at $3 million.</p><p>Snelling is a major physical presence on the mound, one who shook off tacklers as a quarterback and punished offensive players as a linebacker. The 6-foot-3 left-hander has plenty of fastball, routinely up to 94 mph, touching as high as 97 over the summer. His best pitch is his curveball and he can really spin it, a plus breaker thrown in the upper 70s that misses a ton of bats. He has a changeup that has the chance to be average, but he doesn’t use it much.</p><p>In addition to the strong fastball-curve combination, Snelling does a very good job of filling up the strike zone. He brings a football mentality to the mound and has the frame to be able to handle a starting pitcher’s workload.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"2022"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Fastball: 55 | Curveball: 60 | Changeup: 45 | Control: 55 | Overall: 55</p><p>A universe exists in which Snelling went to Arizona this year as a two-sport athlete, playing both football and baseball. Instead, Jay Johnson, who would have been his coach with the Wildcats, moved to LSU and brought Snelling’s commitment for baseball only with him. That may have been a big step in making the Nevada native a full-time pitcher in 2022 and beyond, but the truth is Snelling’s senior season at Reno’s McQueen High School -- in which he set a state single-season record with 146 strikeouts in 62 1/3 innings, breaking the previous mark set by Shawn Estes in 1991 -- likely locked him onto the diamond for good. The Padres took the left-hander 39th overall and signed him above slot for $3 million.</p><p>Both a quarterback and a linebacker in his football days, Snelling has the size and presence of both positions at a listed 6-foot-3, 210 pounds. He can work the fastball around 93-95 mph and has a history of touching 97. He shows quality feel for spin by altering the velo and shape of his low-80s breaking ball according to his needs, and it does a nice job of keeping hitters off the four-seam. Like many young pitchers, the southpaw rarely needed a changeup as an amateur, so that could be a deciding pitch in his future.</p><p>Snelling goes right after batters with his two best pitches and projects to be at least an average strike-thrower given his athletic background. He became a quick mover in his first full season, jumping from Single-A to High-A while racking up strikeouts at both stops, and he's become the organization's top pitching prospect.</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Fastball: 50 | Curveball: 55 | Changeup: 50 | Control: 50 | Overall: 50</p><p>A college recruit as both a pitcher and linebacker, Snelling helped seal his professional place on the mound by setting a Nevada state single-season record with 146 strikeouts in 62 1/3 innings as a senior at Reno’s McQueen High School in 2022. The Padres took the southpaw 39th overall that July and signed him for well above slot at $3 million. He dominated while reaching Double-A in his first full pro season, then regressed significantly this year before San Diego included him in the Tanner Scott/Bryan Hoeing trade with the Marlins in July.</p><p>Snelling worked at 92-95 mph and touched 96 late in the season in 2023, but he has operated more at 90-92 this year, still missing some bats thanks to his flat approach angle and deception. His two-plane curveball hasn't been the same plus pitch it was last season, parking in the upper 70s. He continues to fiddle with an 85-87 mph changeup, and more refinement could turn it into an average offering in time.</p><p>The 6-foot-3 hurler earned praise from San Diego officials for his ability to make adjustments at each passing level, and his athletic background should help keep him throwing strikes the higher he climbs. His strong 2023 success reinforced his high floor as a future Major League starter, and he could push into at least the middle of a rotation if he can regain his stuff from a year ago.</p>","contentTitle":"2024"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong>&nbsp;Fastball: 50 | Slider: 55 | Changeup: 50 | Control: 50 | Overall: 50</p><p>Snelling drew interest from college programs as both a pitcher and linebacker before sealing his fate by setting a Nevada high school record with 146 strikeouts in 62 1/2 innings as a senior in 2022. Signed for a well-over-slot $3 million as a supplemental first-rounder by the Padres, he dominated while advancing to Double-A in his first full pro season before slumping terribly to start 2024. Sent to the Marlins in a July deal for Tanner Scott and Bryan Hoeing, Snelling logged a 6.01 ERA before the trade and a 3.64 mark afterward.</p><p>Snelling's fastball dropped from 92-95 mph in 2023 to 91-93 last year, topping out at 95, and it lacks movement. He relies on using a flat approach angle to produce carry up in the zone, and he recaptured his ability to miss bats with his heater after joining the Marlins. His best pitch is a low-80s slurve that also lost velocity and effectiveness in the first half of 2024 before playing as a solid pitch afterward.</p><p>While Snelling's fading changeup can elicit some ugly swings, it's too firm in the mid-80s and he doesn't land it in the strike zone consistently. His football background shows in his aggressive mentality on the mound, though he challenged hitters less often when he was getting roughed up in Double-A last season. His ceiling doesn't look nearly as high as it did the year before, but the ingredients are still there for at least a No. 4 starter.</p>","contentTitle":"2025"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":"Louisiana State","signed":null}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":37,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2025","gradesHitting":null,"gradesPitching":null,"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":"","playerPhotoCustomUrl":",q_auto:best/v1/people/702284/headshot/silo/current","player":{"__ref":"Person:702284"},"position":"SS/2B","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><strong>Video scouting report »</strong></a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 60 | Power: 40 | Run: 55 | Arm: 55 | Field: 50 | Overall: 55</p><p>The Pittsburgh area might not seem like a high school baseball hotbed, but it has produced some solid Draft talent, from 2020 first-round pick Austin Hendrick back to 2004 first-rounder Neil Walker. Young, who attends North Allegheny High School in the suburbs north of the city, was a mainstay and steady performer on the summer showcase circuit, and a solid, if unspectacular spring, gives him the chance to join them in the opening round.</p><p>Young is the kind of player who needs to be seen more than once to be truly appreciated, as his feel for the game is greater than any jump off the page tools. That said, he does have impressive bat-to-ball skills from the left side of the plate. He doesn’t swing and miss much, doesn’t look overmatched against velocity and shows the ability to use the whole field. While he’s not a huge power guy, there is some impact here, with gap power.</p><p>An above-average runner who is capable of taking the extra base, Young has enough range and savvy, to go along with an above-average arm, to stay at shortstop long-term. The Duke recruit has received comps to left-handed hitting infielders like Adam Frazier, with more extra-base impact and a better chance to stick at short, and former first-rounder Stephen Drew.</p>","contentTitle":"draft"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 60 | Power: 40 | Run: 55 | Arm: 55 | Field: 50 | Overall: 50</p><p>The Pittsburgh area might not seem like a high school baseball hotbed, but it has produced some solid Draft talent, from 2020 first-round pick Austin Hendrick back to 2004 first-rounder Neil Walker. Young, who attended North Allegheny High School in the suburbs north of the city, was a mainstay and steady performer on the summer showcase circuit, and a solid -- if unspectacular -- spring enabled him to join that group when the Mariners took him No. 21 overall.</p><p>Young is the kind of player you can appreciate the more you see him,&nbsp;as his feel for the game is greater than any jump-off-the-page tools. That said, he does have impressive bat-to-ball skills from the left side of the plate. He doesn’t swing-and-miss much, doesn’t look overmatched against velocity and shows the ability to use the whole field. While he’s not a huge power guy, there is some impact here, with gap power.</p><p>An above-average runner who is capable of taking the extra base, Young has enough range and savvy, to go along with an above-average arm, to stay at shortstop long term. He’s received comps to left-handed hitting infielders like Adam Frazier, with more extra-base impact and a better chance to stick at short, and former first-rounder Stephen Drew.</p>","contentTitle":"2022"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 60 | Power: 45 | Run: 55 | Arm: 55 | Field: 50 | Overall: 55</p><p>Despite growing up in Pittsburgh, an area not known as a baseball hotbed, Young blossomed into one of the best pure-hitting high school prospects in the 2022 Draft. The left-handed hitter was a regular standout on the summer showcase circuit. Mariners president of baseball operations Jerry Dipoto described Young as having “the sweetest swing” among that year’s contingent, illuminating how much the club values his hit tool, enough for the M’s to select him at No. 21 overall.&nbsp;</p><p>Young ascended so quickly after the Draft that the Mariners promoted him to Single-A Modesto one month later, where he slashed an eye-popping .385/.422/.539 in 10 games. What stood out most in that small sample was his all-field ability, and he’s quickly become a favorite of the Mariners’ mantra of 'Dominate The Zone.' And despite his 6-foot frame, the Mariners believe that there is more power potential after he added 12-15 pounds of muscle in their offseason program, prompting one scout to suggest that his “power will surprise everybody in baseball.”</p><p>Young is also an above-average runner and has enough range and arm to stick at shortstop long term, which -- after the club dealt Noelvi Marte to the Reds in the Luis Castillo blockbuster -- makes him the top middle-infield prospect in the system. He’s drawn comps to lefty-hitting infielder Adam Frazier but with more extra-base impact.</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 60 | Power: 45 | Run: 55 | Arm: 55 | Field: 50 | Overall: 55</p><p>After taking college pitchers in the first round three years in a row from 2018 to 2020, the Mariners turned their attention to high school hitters for the next three Drafts, starting with Harry Ford in 2021 and most recently, Colt Emerson in 2023. Sandwiched between those two prep standouts was Young, taken No. 21 overall in 2022 from the Pittsburgh area. In his year-plus in pro ball, Young hasn’t looked like a raw high schooler from a cold-weather region, using his advanced feel for hitting to perform well across two levels of A ball in his first full season of pro ball.</p><p>Young has shown an exciting ability to hit the ball hard to all fields from the left side of the plate. He has impressive contact skills, striking out in less than 15 percent of his plate appearances in 2023 while drawing nearly as many walks. He’s added a good amount of strength since being drafted and is approaching average power as he’s learned to turn on pitches, with confidence that some of the 34 doubles he hit in 2023 will reach the seats in the future.</p><p>A smart and aggressive above-average runner, Young has enough range and arm to play shortstop for a long time. He’s seen some time on the right side of second to provide some positional versatility, something that could come in handy since his advanced bat looks like it could get him to Seattle sooner rather than later.</p>","contentTitle":"2024"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 60 | Power: 45 | Run: 55 | Arm: 50 | Field: 55 | Overall: 55</p><p>Young developed a reputation as a high school infielder with an advanced feel for the game as a Pittsburgh area high schooler and has done nothing to tarnish it since the Mariners took him in the first round of the 2022 Draft. He performed well across two levels of A ball in his first full season, and when the Mariners felt confident enough in him to send him straight to Double-A for year two, he responded with another solid campaign as one of the youngest regulars in the Texas League.</p><p>A left-handed-hitting infielder, Young continues to show a very mature approach at the plate. He makes a ton of contact with a simple and repeatable swing, seeing pitches while also limiting the swing-and-miss tendencies, finishing the 2024 season with a 19-percent miss rate. He’s struck out in just over 15 percent of his career plate appearances heading into 2025, compared to a robust 13.3 percent walk rate. The one thing that hasn’t come as much is his power, as he doesn’t possess a ton of raw pop, and while the Mariners think he could eventually flip a switch to sell out for more power in an Alex Bregman kind of way, they don’t want him to sacrifice his contact skills now.</p><p>More than in any other area, Young may have progressed the most last year defensively, becoming rangier at shortstop to give more confidence he can play there long-term. He’s sure-handed, has good reactions and makes up for what’s mostly an average arm with accuracy and a quick release. He’ll keep playing on both sides of second base, though, to give the big league club options for when they think he’s ready to contribute.</p>","contentTitle":"2025"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":"","signed":null}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":38,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2025","gradesHitting":[],"gradesPitching":null,"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":"","playerPhotoCustomUrl":",d_people:generic:headshot:silo:current.png,q_auto:best,f_auto/v1/people/695670/headshot/silo/current","player":{"__ref":"Person:695670"},"position":"C","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 50 | Power: 50 | Run: 60 | Arm: 55 | Field: 55 | Overall: 55</p><p>The state of Georgia has produced four first-round catchers in the last seven Drafts -- Max Pentecost, Tyler Stephenson, Anthony Seigler, Joey Bart -- and Ford has better all-around tools than any of them. The track record of high school catchers taken in the first round scares clubs, but Ford has the bat and athleticism to profile well at several other positions as well. One scout likened him to Craig Biggio for his ability to theoretically play catcher, second base or center field.&nbsp;</p><p>Ford features some of the best bat speed in the high school class and has a track record of making loud contact against quality pitching, though he sometimes tries to do too much at the plate. He's also strong and has good leverage in his right-handed swing, so he has all of the ingredients to have average or better power. He's very fast for a catcher, clocking a 6.42-second time in the 60-yard dash at the East Coast Pro showcase.&nbsp;</p><p>There's no doubt that Ford can remain behind the plate, though he still needs to polish up his footwork to get the most out of his solid to plus arm strength. Quick and agile, the Georgia Tech recruit has stood out as a receiver while handling premium stuff on the showcase circuit. Though he doesn't have a lot of experience at other positions, he has the athleticism, quickness and arm to play second base, third base or anywhere in the outfield.</p>","contentTitle":"draft"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 50 | Power: 50 | Run: 60 | Arm: 55 | Field: 55 | Overall: 55</p><p>The state of Georgia has produced four first-round catchers in the last seven Drafts -- Max Pentecost, Tyler Stephenson, Anthony Seigler, Joey Bart -- and Ford has better all-around tools than any of them. The track record of high school catchers taken in the first round scares clubs, but Ford has the bat and athleticism to profile well at several other positions as well. One scout likened him to Craig Biggio for his ability to theoretically play catcher, second base or center field, one reason why the Mariners weren’t afraid to take him No. 12 overall in the 2021 Draft and sign him for a full-slot bonus of $4,366,400.</p><p>Ford features some of the best bat speed from his high school class and has a track record of making loud contact against quality pitching, though he sometimes tries to do too much at the plate. He's also strong and has good leverage in his right-handed swing, so he has all of the ingredients to have average or better power. He's very fast for a catcher, clocking a 6.42-second time in the 60-yard dash at the East Coast Pro showcase last summer.&nbsp;</p><p>There's no doubt that Ford can remain behind the plate, though he still needs to polish up his footwork to get the most out of his solid to plus arm strength. Quick and agile, Ford stood out as a receiver while handling premium stuff on the showcase circuit. Though he doesn't have a lot of experience at other positions, he has the athleticism, quickness and arm to play second base, third base or anywhere in the outfield.</p><p><br></p>","contentTitle":"2021"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 55 | Power: 50 | Run: 60 | Arm: 55 | Field: 55 | Overall: 55</p><p>Ford was the top-ranked high school catcher and second overall backstop behind only eventual No. 1 overall pick Henry Davis in the 2021 Draft class. While the history of high school catchers in the Draft is spotty, Ford’s bat and athleticism attracted the Mariners’ attention. He wowed Seattle officials in a private workout as the Draft approached, cementing him as the No. 12 overall pick, then performed well in a 19-game debut in the Rookie-level Arizona Complex League.</p><p>During batting practice in front of GM Jerry Dipoto and others, Ford wowed with his ability to drive the ball consistently the other way to right-center field, doing so with a weighted sleeve on his bat and reminding some of Edgar Martinez's approach to hitting. When asked to shed the extra weight and pull the ball, the right-hander showed ridiculous raw power, hitting balls out to his pull side with ease. Sure, it was just a BP session, but it spoke to the confidence Ford has in his approach and feel for hitting, all of which showed up after he signed.</p><p>A premium athlete with plenty of strength, Ford has gotten some Craig Biggio comps because of his speed and many evaluators' belief that he could play second base or center field. But the Mariners feel very confident in his ability to stick behind the plate, showing a strong arm and more than enough tools to work with to be a big league starting backstop in the future.</p>","contentTitle":"2022"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong>&nbsp;Hit: 50 | Power: 55 | Run: 60 | Arm: 60 | Field: 50 | Overall: 55</p><p>Ford continued a strong line of catchers from Georgia when he became the fifth backstop from the Peach State in eight Drafts to go in the first round when the Mariners took him No. 12 overall in 2021. An alum of the DREAM Series, Ford’s offensive potential and athleticism have been on display since he signed. That was particularly true after he shrugged off a sluggish start in his first full season to post a .942 OPS from June 1 through the end of 2022.</p><p>The Mariners are confident that the Ford who performed in the second half of last year is the real deal and has the chance to be an outstanding hitter from the right side of the plate with at least above-average power in the future. He has tremendous raw pop and is just learning to tap into it. He has shown an ability to drive the ball to all fields, exhibiting excellent pitch-recognition traits and very solid barrel rates, especially for his position.</p><p>Ford doesn’t just “run well for a catcher;” he has plus speed that allows him to be a basestealing threat. His athleticism is a huge plus on both sides of the ball, earning him comparisons to Hall of Famer Craig Biggio -- Ford would be capable of moving around the diamond like Biggio did -- and All-Star Russell Martin. His strong arm and blocking skills point to a long-term future behind the plate, especially if he can continue to refine his framing skills.</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 50 | Power: 55 | Run: 60 | Arm: 60 | Field: 50 | Overall: 55</p><p>The Mariners have taken a high school hitter with their first Draft pick three years in a row, a run that started when they took Ford out of the Georgia prep ranks No. 12 overall in 2021. He’s moved up a level every year, from the Arizona Complex League during his summer debut to the Single-A California League in 2022 and then up to the High-A Northwest League last year before making a stop in the Arizona Fall League, all while becoming an international sensation playing for Great Britain in the World Baseball Classic and other competition.</p><p>The right-handed-hitting backstop will be just 21 for the entirety of the 2024 season and has already shown some serious offensive ability. He has a very advanced approach at the plate, finishing third among all Minor League hitters in 2023 with 103 walks. There’s at least above-average power he’s still learning to tap into, and he can drive the ball to all fields. He’s a plus runner who swiped 47 bags over his first two full seasons of pro ball, and he has 20-20 potential at the highest level.</p><p>That athleticism is an asset for Ford behind the dish as well. His plus arm plays well, and he displays the kind of leadership that teams covet from the position, while his agility has helped earn him comparisons to Craig Biggio and Russell Martin. A student of the game, Ford has every chance to be an elite-level catcher in the big leagues who impacts the game on both sides.</p>","contentTitle":"2024"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 50 | Power: 55 | Run: 60 | Arm: 50 | Field: 50 | Overall: 55</p><p>Ford was the top prep backstop and the second-highest ranked catcher in the 2021 Draft class, and was taken as such when the Mariners selected him No. 12 overall, after college catcher Henry Davis went No. 1 overall to the Pirates. The Georgia prep product has moved a level at a time over his three full seasons of pro ball, going to two Futures Games (in '23 and '24) and starring for Great Britain in international competition, including the World Baseball Classic.</p><p>Playing as one of the younger players at every level, Ford has yet to put it all together in terms of statistical performance, but the right-handed hitter has shown some traits that point to plenty of future success. His 265 combined walks in his three full seasons place him second among all Minor Leaguers in that time span and he has a career .404 on base percentage heading into '25. Now using a simplified toe tap at the plate to help his timing, he has shown the ability to drive the ball to all fields. There’s loft in his swing, even if that did not translate into home run power in Double-A last year.</p><p>Ford offers a unique profile as a catcher with plus speed, one who stole 35 bases in '24 and 82 bags over three years, giving him 20-20 potential. He still has work to do with his overall defensive work in terms of blocking and framing, but he has strong leadership skills, works hard at his craft and his agility plays well behind the dish. For the first time, he did see time in left field last year as the Mariners work to add some positional flexibility to his resume.</p>","contentTitle":"2025"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":"Georgia Tech","signed":null}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":39,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2024","gradesHitting":[],"gradesPitching":null,"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":null,"playerPhotoCustomUrl":"","player":{"__ref":"Person:682617"},"position":"SS","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 55 | Power: 55 | Run: 50 | Arm: 60 | Field: 50 | Overall: 55</p><p>After signing Bahamian shortstop Lucius Fox for $6 million in 2015, the Giants were restricted to paying international bonuses of no more than $300,000 in the next two years. Out of the penalty box in 2018, they spent $2.6 million to land Luciano, the top-rated middle-infield prospect on the international market. They haven't signed a homegrown international All-Star since Pablo Sandoval in 2003 and believe Luciano could end that drought.</p><p>Some scouts considered Luciano the best all-around hitter in the 2018 international crop and the Dominican has shown why while making his U.S. debut at age 17 this year. He has exceptional bat speed from the right side of the plate and already has surprising strength in a wiry frame that has plenty of room to add more muscle. He has a mature approach, keeping his swing compact and using the entire field rather than worrying about home runs.</p><p>Luciano is a quick-twitch athlete with present above-average speed. He may slow down a bit as he matures physically, which leads to some questions as to whether he'll outgrow shortstop. He definitely has the plus arm for that position, and more than enough offensive upside to still be a star if he has to shift to third base or right field.</p>","contentTitle":"2019"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 50 | Power: 55 | Run: 50 | Arm: 60 | Field: 50 | Overall: 50</p><p>After being limited to a maximum $300,000 on the international market the previous two years because they exceeded their bonus pool when they signed Bahamian shortstop Lucius Fox for $6 million in 2015, the Giants came out of the penalty box this summer. They used that freedom and $2.6 million to sign Luciano, MLB Pipeline's No. 2-ranked international prospect for 2018-19. San Francisco's recent big-ticket international signings haven't paid off, but club officials believe he'll change that trend.</p><p>Scouts considered Luciano the best all-around hitter in the 2018 international crop. A Dominican, he has lightning bat speed and surprising strength in a wiry frame that has room to add more muscle. Luciano does a nice job of letting his power come naturally, employing a compact right-handed stroke and using the entire field rather than swinging for the fences.</p><p>Luciano offers more than just a bat. He's a quick-twitch athlete with plus arm strength, giving him a chance to remain at shortstop. If Luciano outgrows the position and loses a half-step as he fills out, he still would profile well at third base or in right field.</p>","contentTitle":"2018"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 55 | Power: 60 | Run: 45 | Arm: 60 | Field: 50 | Overall: 55</p><p>The Giants haven't signed a homegrown international All-Star since Pablo Sandoval in 2003, but Luciano looks poised to end that drought. After two years of financial restrictions that stemmed from signing Lucius Fox for $6 million in 2015, they had the freedom to spend $2.6 million to land Luciano out of the Dominican Republic in 2018. The top-rated middle infielder in that year's international class, he began his pro debut last summer by posting a 1.055 OPS in the Rookie-level Arizona League and ended it as the youngest position player (age 17) in the short-season Northwest League.</p><p>Luciano might have more raw power than any infielder in the Minors, the product of crazy bat speed, surprising strength for his wiry build and loft in his right-handed swing. He already has a promising approach at a young age, displaying a willingness to use the entire field and take walks when pitchers are loathe to challenge him. His career is just starting and he's a long way from reaching his ceiling, but he offers the upside of hitting .300 with 40 homers on an annual basis.</p><p>Though Luciano has a plus arm, a high baseball IQ and some quick-twitch athleticism, scouts are split on whether he'll be able to remain at shortstop. He's already a fringy runner and could slow down further as he adds strength, which could necessitate a move to third base or right field. His offensive prowess should make him a star at any position.</p>","contentTitle":"2020"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 55 | Power: 65 | Run: 45 | Arm: 60 | Field: 50 | Overall: 60</p><p>Following two years of international spending restrictions after signing Lucius Fox for $6 million in 2015, the Giants came out of the penalty box and were able to land Luciano for $2.6 million out of the Dominican Republic in 2018. The top-rated middle infielder in that year's international class, he came straight to the United States for his pro debut in 2019 and batted .302/.417/.564 while reaching the short-season Northwest League at age 17. He spent last year getting exposed to much more experienced pitching at San Francisco's alternate training site and getting more reps in instructional league.&nbsp;</p><p>Luciano's bat speed and raw power rank among the best in the Minors and stand out in particular for a middle infielder. He has a lightning-fast right-handed stroke with loft and his strength continues to increase as he fills out his 6-foot-2 frame. He also has the hitting ability to get the most out of his pop, already showing a willingness to use the entire field and take walks when opponents pitch around him.&nbsp;</p><p>In addition to his offensive promise, Luciano also offers plus arm strength, a high baseball IQ and good actions at shortstop. There's still some question as to whether he can remain at short because he has fringy speed and could lose a step as he gets more physical, but the worst-case scenario is that he shifts to third base or right field. He has the tools to be a solid defender at either spot and his bat makes him a potential superstar anywhere he plays.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"2021"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 55 | Power: 65 | Run: 45 | Arm: 60 | Field: 45 | Overall: 55</p><p>The top-rated middle infielder in the 2018 international crop, Luciano signed for $2.6 million out of the Dominican Republic. He reached the short-season Northwest League as a 17-year-old in his 2019 pro debut, then jumped to full-season ball last year and matched his age with 19 homers between Low-A and High-A. He scuffled against more advanced pitching as the youngest player in the Arizona Fall League, though his huge raw power was still apparent.&nbsp;</p><p>Luciano generates electric bat speed from the right side of the plate and excels at hitting the ball hard and in the air. He does a nice job of using the opposite field and will take his share of walks, but he also can get overly aggressive at times and get himself out by chasing pitches. Though he'll always be a power-over-hit guy, he has enough natural ability to hit for a solid average once he matures.&nbsp;</p><p>Despite plus arm strength and a high baseball IQ, Luciano probably won't stay at shortstop. The Giants will give him every chance to do so, but his speed and range are fringy. The good news is that he has the tools to play a solid third base or right field and the bat to be a superstar at either position.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"2022"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Hit: 55 | Power: 65 | Run: 45 | Arm: 60 | Field: 45 | Overall: 55&nbsp;</p><p>The top middle infielder available in the 2018 international class, Luciano has demonstrated electric power since signing for $2.6 million out of the Dominican Republic. Perennially one of the youngest players in his leagues, Luciano has looked raw at times against older pitching but the only thing that really has slowed him was a back injury that limited him to 57 full-season games in 2022. He still posted a .798 OPS with 10 homers as a 20-year-old in High-A.&nbsp;</p><p>Luciano's most notable asset is his lightning-fast bat speed from the right side of the plate, which produces plus-plus raw power to all fields. While he looks to do damage and can get overly aggressive, he does use the entire field and will accept walks when pitchers decline to challenge him. He'll always be a power-over-hit guy but his natural ability and aptitude for making adjustments could mean that he's a .270 hitter with 35 homers per season.&nbsp;</p><p>Though Luciano has a strong arm and a high baseball IQ, most scouts outside the organization believe he'll have to move off shortstop. He has fringy speed and range that are better suited for third base or right field, where he could be a solid defender. His offensive game will profile at any position.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 50 | Power: 60 | Run: 45 | Arm: 55 | Field: 45 | Overall: 55</p><p>The Giants dominated the international market in the 1950s but have had little success since, with Pablo Sandoval and Camilo Doval their only homegrown All-Stars to come from that source in the last 60-plus years. They have hopes that Luciano will herald a reversal in fortune after signing for $2.6 million as the top middle infielder in the 2018 crop. Despite losing 2020 to the pandemic and dealing with back issues in '22 and '23, the Dominican native needed just 280 games in the Minors before making his big league debut at age 21 last July.</p><p>Few players have more bat speed than Luciano, whose electric right-handed stroke produces huge exit velocities and plus-plus raw power to all fields. He'll use the entire field and work his share of walks, but he's also an extremely aggressive hitter whose plate discipline has wavered as he has rushed through the Minors. He pummeled lefties but struggled against breaking balls from righties last season, and he also had difficulty avoiding chasing changeups out of the strike zone.</p><p>Though San Francisco is counting on Luciano to win its shortstop job in 2024, most evaluators outside the organization think he's better suited for third base or right field. He has solid arm strength but just fringy speed and range at short, where he's a bit error-prone and an average defender at best. But if his power translates as expected, he'll be a star no matter where he plays.</p>","contentTitle":"2024"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":null,"signed":"July 2, 2018 - SF"}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":40,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2025","gradesHitting":[],"gradesPitching":null,"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":"","playerPhotoCustomUrl":",g_auto/w_360/v1/people/691019/headshot/milb/current","player":{"__ref":"Person:691019"},"position":"C","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p>New Jersey has seen three players get drafted in the first two rounds over the last four Drafts: first-rounders Jay Groome (2016) and Anthony Volpe (2019) and second-round pick Nick Decker (2018). There's never been a prep catcher from the Garden State taken in the top 10 rounds, but Teel is hoping to be the first.</p><p>Teel's calling cards are his defense behind the plate and his overall athleticism. He has a plus arm that helps control the running game and his agility behind the dish helps to make him a very capable receiver. That athleticism also gives him the ability to move around the diamond, and he played every position except pitcher at the East Coast Professional Showcase over the summer. Teel does have some offensive upside, though a hitch in his swing causes concern for some scouts. He did show he could adjust and make hard contact against a higher level of competition on the summer showcase circuit tour. There is strength in his left-handed swing and he could eventually develop average power.</p><p>While there is risk with his bat, the combination of offensive ceiling with his defensive acumen, not to mention the ability to be a super-utility man, should attract many teams. Back in 2013, a high school catcher named Matt Thaiss came out of the New Jersey high school ranks and was taken in the 32nd round by the Red Sox. He opted to go to the University of Virginia and emerged as a first-round pick three years later, and Teel could take the same exact path.</p>","contentTitle":"2020"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 55 | Power: 45 | Run: 50 | Arm: 65 | Field: 50 | Overall: 55</p><p>Teel was a very good high school prospect in New Jersey, one who was considered a Top 100 talent, until he removed his name from Draft consideration during the pandemic-shortened 2020 season in order to honor his commitment to the University of Virginia. He’s been a full-time starter since he arrived in Charlottesville, putting up better numbers as a freshman than he did as a sophomore and is generally considered to be the top college backstop in the class of 2023.</p><p>A left-handed-hitting backstop, Teel has the chance to hit for average and power, though he’s gotten caught a bit in between trying to be a hitter with some pop or a power guy. He was more hit over power in high school, but he has been trying to show off the pop more, perhaps a reason why he hit just .276 in 2022, though he’s found the right balance this spring. He does have an advanced approach, walking more than he struck out last year, and while struggles in the Cape Cod League and with Team USA last summer led some to worry about the hit tool, he’s answered them during his junior year.</p><p>Extremely athletic, Teel has seen time in the outfield and probably could handle playing second or third, but he has every chance to stick behind the plate. He has an easily plus arm and his athleticism helps his overall receiving. He gets high marks for his baseball IQ and leadership skills, and with his bat showing up more consistently, his name is floating up Draft boards.</p>","contentTitle":"draft"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Hit: 55 | Power: 50 | Run: 50 | Arm: 60 | Field: 50 | Overall: 55&nbsp;</p><p>Teel could have gone in the top three rounds in 2020 as a New Jersey high schooler, but he withdrew early from the Draft because he wanted to attend Virginia. He slumped as a sophomore but rebounded to bat .407/.475/.655 and earn Atlantic Coast Conference player of the year accolades this spring. The consensus top catcher in the 2023 Draft, he surprisingly slipped a bit to the Red Sox at No. 14 and signed for $4 million.&nbsp;</p><p>After selling out for power too much in 2022, Teel settled down and hit the ball with more authority without worrying about home runs as a junior. A left-handed hitter, he controls the strike zone well and makes consistent hard contact to all fields. He has 20-homer potential and his pop plays from foul pole to foul pole.&nbsp;</p><p>Extremely athletic for a backstop, Teel has average speed but will lose some quickness the longer he remains behind the plate. He used his plus arm strength to throw out 38 percent of basestealers this spring and his receiving continues to improve as he gains more experience. He split time between catcher and right field as a freshman and moves well enough to handle an outfield corner in pro ball.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 55 | Power: 50 | Run: 45 | Arm: 60 | Field: 55 | Overall: 55&nbsp;</p><p>One of the top high school catching prospects in the 2020 class, Teel might have gone in the top three rounds had he not withdrawn from the Draft because he wanted to attend Virginia. He blossomed into the consensus best backstop in the 2023 Draft after hitting .407/.475/.655 and winning Atlantic Coast Conference player of the year honors last spring, yet he dropped to the Red Sox at No. 14. Signed for $4 million, he reached Triple-A at the end of his first full pro season before getting traded to the White Sox as the centerpiece of a four-prospect package for Garrett Crochet at the Winter Meetings in December.</p><p>After focusing too much on power as a sophomore, Teel learned that he can make more consistent hard contact when he doesn't swing for the fences. More hitter than slugger, he has a sound left-handed swing and a disciplined, all-fields approach. He features 20-homer upside and should produce plenty of doubles with pop that plays to all parts of the ballpark.&nbsp;</p><p>Quicker and more athletic than most catchers, Teel presently has average speed but will lose some quickness as he spends more time behind the plate. With plus arm strength and impressive accuracy, he threw out 38 percent of basestealers during his junior season and 29 percent during his pro debut. His receiving continues to improve, and he has a knack for stealing strikes with his framing skills.</p>","contentTitle":"2024"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 55 | Power: 50 | Run: 45 | Arm: 55 | Field: 50 | Overall: 55</p><p>Teel rated as one of the top prep catchers in the 2020 Draft and could have gone in the first three rounds had he not withdrawn because he wanted to attend Virginia. He developed into the best backstop in the 2023 Draft after three years with the Cavaliers, winning Atlantic Coast Conference player of the year honors that spring before surprisingly falling to the Red Sox at No. 14. He reached Double-A at the end of his pro debut and Triple-A by the end of 2024, then went to the White Sox as the best of four prospects traded for Garrett Crochet at the Winter Meetings in December.</p><p>Teel has a sound left-handed swing, a disciplined approach and a higher offensive ceiling than most catchers. He uses the entire field, with most of his home run power going to his pull side. He should hit for average while drawing plenty of walks and providing 15-20 homers per year.</p><p>More athletic but less physical than most at his position, Teel has present average speed but will slow some as he spends more time behind the plate. He struggled at times with his receiving and blocking during his first full pro season, but he also made progress during the year and should be at least an average defender. He has solid arm strength with a quick transfer and makes accurate throws.</p>","contentTitle":"2025"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":null,"signed":""}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":41,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2025","gradesHitting":[],"gradesPitching":null,"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":null,"playerPhotoCustomUrl":"[%E2%80%A6]max/w_180,q_auto:best/v1/people/691176/headshot/silo/current","player":{"__ref":"Person:691176"},"position":"OF","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Hit: 55 | Power: 60 | Run: 55 | Arm: 55 | Field: 55 | Overall: 55&nbsp;</p><p>One of the most hyped international prospects ever, Domínguez signed for $5.1 million out of the Dominican Republic in July 2019 after drawing comparisons to the likes of Bo Jackson, Mickey Mantle and Mike Trout. Also known as \"The Martian\" because of his out-of-this-world tools, he had his pro debut delayed when the coronavirus pandemic wiped out the 2020 Minor League season. He spent most of 2021 in Low-A Southeast, not dominating but holding his own as the circuit's second-youngest position player, and participated in the SiriusXM All-Star Futures Game.&nbsp;</p><p>While evaluators have reeled in their expectations a bit for Domínguez after his first pro season, he still has the chance to show at least solid-to-plus tools across the board. The switch-hitter generates tremendous bat speed from both sides of the plate and did more damage left-handed in his debut. He has prodigious raw power and produces high-end exit velocities, especially for a teenager, though he swung and missed more than expected in 2021 while facing much more advanced pitching than he ever had before.&nbsp;</p><p>Domínguez received some plus-plus speed grades from scouts when he signed but he has slowed down since getting considerably thicker, and there are some questions as to exactly how fast and athletic he'll be in the long run. He still has solid speed but will have to maintain his conditioning in order to remain in center field. With solid-to-plus arm strength, not to mention his offensive upside, he also profiles well in right field.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"2022"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 55 | Power: 60 | Run: 65 | Arm: 60 | Field: 55 | Overall: 55</p><p>The most hyped and tooled-up international prospect in recent memory, Domínguez engenders comparisons to some of the best athletes in baseball history, such as Bo Jackson, Mickey Mantle and Mike Trout. The Yankees spent $5.1 million, all but $300,000 of their bonus pool and a franchise record for an international amateur, to sign him out of the Dominican Republic in July 2019. Some clubs officials thought he might be able to handle making his pro debut in low Class A at age 17 in 2020, but it became a moot point when the coronavirus pandemic scuttled the Minor League season.&nbsp;</p><p>Domínguez not only has the potential for well above-average tools across the board, but he also has the advanced instincts and skills to get the most of them. A switch-hitter, he exhibits a smooth stroke, tremendous bat speed and strength from both sides of the plate. With precocious feel for the barrel and a mature, disciplined approach, he should hit for power and average.&nbsp;</p><p>Domínguez's well above-average speed also allows him to make an impact on the bases and in the outfield. He has 30-30 potential, covers plenty of ground in center field and also features at least a plus arm. His quickness and arm strength would allow him to play almost any position and some teams even worked him out as a catcher, though putting him behind the plate would take a toll on his offensive output.</p>","contentTitle":"2021"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p>The Yankees had $5.4 million in their 2019-20 international bonus pool, and they used $5.1 million of it to sign Domínguez out of the Dominican Republic last July. Scouts had been raving about his all-around talent for years, and New York gladly spent a franchise record for an international amateur to land him. He won't make his pro debut until 2021 but he already has earned comparisons to some of the best athletes in baseball history, such as Bo Jackson, Mickey Mantle and Mike Trout.</p><p>A scout willing to be aggressive could grade each of Domínguez's five tools as well above average, and his instincts are nearly as impressive as his physical ability. He's a switch-hitter who's loaded with bat speed and strength. He has a smooth swing from both sides of the plate, advanced feel for the barrel and a disciplined approach, so he should hit for power and average.</p><p>Domínguez also can influence the outcome of games when he's not standing in the batter's box. His well above-average speed gives him 30-30 potential and makes him a quality defender in center field. His quickness and plus arm would allow him to play almost anywhere on the diamond and some clubs even worked him out as a catcher, though moving behind the plate would detract from his offensive production.</p>","contentTitle":"2020"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 55 | Power: 60 | Run: 65 | Arm: 60 | Field: 55 | Overall: 55</p><p>The Yankees committed almost their entire $5.4 million 2019-20 international bonus pool to sign Dominguez for $5.1 million, a franchise record for an international amateur. Scouts have been raving about the Dominican's package of tools for years, with some saying it's the best they've ever seen from a teenager on the worldwide market. He's a long ways from reaching his ceiling but has earned comparisons to the likes of Bo Jackson, Mickey Mantle and Mike Trout.</p><p>While Dominguez has yet to prove himself against anything resembling big league pitching, he's equipped to do a lot of damage. He's a switch-hitter with easy bat speed and plenty of strength packed in his 5-foot-10 frame. He has a smooth swing from both sides of the plate as well as an advanced feel for hitting and a mature approach.</p><p>Dominguez also has huge upside out of the batter's box. He's a well above-average runner who could be a 30-30 threat while manning center field. With a strong arm and quick feet, he's suited to play almost anywhere on the diamond and some clubs even worked him out as a catcher, though that position would sap some of his offensive production.</p>","contentTitle":"2019"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 50 | Power: 55 | Run: 55 | Arm: 55 | Field: 50 | Overall: 55&nbsp;</p><p>Perhaps the most hyped international prospect ever, Domínguez drew comparisons to Bo Jackson, Mickey Mantle and Mike Trout before signing for $5.1 million out of the Dominican Republic. He earned the nickname \"The Martian\" because of his otherworldly tools, and while he may have a difficult time living up to unrealistic expectations, he's on course to becoming at least a solid regular. He batted .273/.375/.461 with 16 homers and 37 steals in 2022 while advancing from Single-A to Double-A at age 19. He climbed from Double-A to New York this year, homering four times in his first eight big league games before he blew out his right (throwing) elbow and required Tommy John surgery.</p><p>A switch-hitter, Domínguez generates tremendous bat speed and exit velocities from both sides of the plate but has been more effective hitting left-handed in his first two pro seasons. He made significant progress last year, controlling the strike zone better and driving the ball in the air more regularly after he moved up from Single-A. He still needs a couple of more years to develop in the Minors but could be a .270 hitter with 30 homers per season in his prime.&nbsp;</p><p>Though Domínguez has slowed down some since getting stronger and thicker after turning pro, he still had the solid speed and instincts to swipe 37 bases in 44 attempts last year. His play in center field draws mixed reviews, with some evaluators believing he'll remain up the middle and others thinking his defensive inconsistencies will drive him to a corner. With his solid to plus arm strength and offensive promise, he'd have no problem profiling well in right field.</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 50 | Power: 60 | Run: 55 | Arm: 55 | Field: 50 | Overall: 60</p><p>Amid the most hype for any international amateur ever, Domínguez signed for $5.1 million out of the Dominican Republic in 2019 and quickly earned the nickname \"The Martian\" because of his out-of-this-world ability. While he hasn't lived up to reports of possible well-above-average tools across the board -- who could? -- he reached New York at age 20 last September despite losing his first full year as a pro to the pandemic. He homered off Justin Verlander in his first big league game and went deep three more times in his next seven contests before injuring his right (throwing) elbow and requiring Tommy John surgery that will sideline him until mid-2024.&nbsp;</p><p>Domínguez's signature tool is his prodigious power, which he generates with massive strength and tremendous bat speed from both sides of the plate. He looks to turn on pitches but won't maximize his home run potential until he drives the ball in the air more regularly. Scouts are confused by his approach, which can look disciplined at times and too passive at others, but the bottom line is that he draws more than his share of walks while also accruing plenty of strikeouts.&nbsp;</p><p>Built like an NFL running back at 5-foot-9 and considerably more than his listed 190 pounds, Domínguez looked a little less thick in 2023 than he did the previous season. He has solid speed and runs the bases well, enabling him to swipe 41 bags in 49 attempts last year, though his instincts aren't as sharp in the outfield. His reads and routes will have to improve if he's to remain in center field, and the more likely outcome is that he'll become a corner outfielder with solid-to-plus arm strength.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"2024"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 55 | Power: 60 | Run: 55 | Arm: 55 | Field: 45 | Overall: 60</p><p>It always was going to be impossible for Domínguez to live up to the hype of Bo Jackson, Mickey Mantle and Mike Trout comparisons and projections of well-above-average tools across the board when he signed for $5.1 million out of the Dominican Republic in 2019. Despite losing his first full year as a pro because of the pandemic, he still reached New York at age 20 in September 2023, homering off Justin Verlander in his big league debut and going deep three more times in the next seven games before blowing out his right elbow and requiring Tommy John surgery. He returned to the diamond last May and missed six weeks with an oblique injury at midseason before spending most of September with the Yankees, batting .179 with two homers in 18 contests.</p><p>Domínguez's electric bat speed and prodigious strength give him well-above-average raw power from both sides of the plate, though he has done more damage as a lefty hitter throughout his pro career. After showing a disciplined approach that bordered on passive at times in the past, he was much more aggressive in 2024, getting more pull-happy and chasing more pitches out of the zone. He's at his best when he lets his pop come naturally, and he could produce in excess of 30 homers annually if he can learn to lift balls in the air more consistently.</p><p>Domínguez carries considerably more than his listed 190 pounds on his 5-foot-9 frame, yet he has retained solid speed and uses it well on the bases. He stole 21 bases in 22 attempts last year, including going 5-for-5 in the Majors, and has succeeded at an 85 percent rate in his first four pro seasons. His instincts aren't as keen in center field, where his reads and routes leave a lot to be desired, so he profiles better as a corner outfielder with solid-to-plus arm strength.</p>","contentTitle":"2025"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":null,"signed":"July 2, 2019 - NYY"}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":42,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2025","gradesHitting":[],"gradesPitching":null,"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":null,"playerPhotoCustomUrl":",q_auto:best/v1/people/691181/headshot/silo/current","player":{"__ref":"Person:691181"},"position":"OF","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>2019 Scouting grades:</strong>&nbsp;Hit: 50 | Power: 50 | Run: 55 | Arm: 55 | Field: 55 | Overall: 45</p><p>The Twins have long been active on the international amateur player market and the 2019-20 signing period has proven to be no different. The organization handed out seven six-figures or better bonuses at the start of the new signing period, a group topped by Rodriguez. The talented outfielder was ranked No. 8 on MLB Pipeline's Top 30 international prospects list and got $2.5 million to sign.</p><p>Rodriguez has the potential to have above-average tools across the board, profiling as a center fielder right now, but he could end up at one of the corner outfield spots in the future. Athletic with a strong body and medium frame, Rodriguez has shown a solid hitting approach and advanced knowledge of the strike zone for a player his age. He has an efficient swing that creates lots of backspin and generates power to all fields. He also has a real feel and natural instincts for the game and specifically, hitting.</p><p>Rodriguez can cover some ground in the outfield. He has a strong arm with excellent actions that could make him a plus defender in the future. He also runs the timed 60-yard run in 6.5 seconds and is a smart baserunner. Overall, he's reminded some of a young Eddie Rosario, who was drafted by the Twins out of Puerto Rico back in 2010.</p>","contentTitle":"2019"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>2020 Scouting grades:</strong>&nbsp;Hit: 50 | Power: 50 | Run: 55 | Arm: 55 | Field: 55 | Overall: 40</p><p>Rodriguez was one of six outfielders in the top 10 of MLB Pipeline's Top 30 international prospects list for the 2019-20 signing period. He turned out to be the headliner of the Twins' haul on the market, with his $2.5 million topping a group of seven teenagers who received six figures or better last July. Now it's time for him to go out and show what he can do.</p><p>Athletic with a strong body and medium frame, Rodriguez has shown a solid hitting approach and advanced knowledge of the strike zone for a player his age. He has an efficient swing that creates lots of backspin and generates power to all fields. He also has a real feel and natural instincts for the game and, specifically, hitting.</p><p>Right now, Rodriguez profiles as a center fielder, though there's a chance he could end up at a corner as he continues to physically mature. His above-average arm would play fine in right, though he covers enough ground in center to stay there for the time being. He reminds some of a young Eddie Rosario, a Twins homegrown player drafted back in 2010.</p>","contentTitle":"2020"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong>&nbsp;Hit: 50 | Power: 50 | Run: 55 | Arm: 55 | Field: 55 | Overall: 45</p><p>Ranked No. 8 on MLB Pipeline's Top 30 international prospects list at the start of the 2019-20, Rodriguez's $2.5 million bonus tied him for eighth-highest in that year's signing class. He participated in instructional league play in 2019 and came to instructs again in 2020, but spent most of it rehabbing a hand injury.</p><p>A left-handed hitter, Rodriguez has a smooth swing and has displayed an advanced approach at the plate, with excellent strike zone knowledge, especially given his age and experience. He can drive the ball to all fields and naturally creates backspin, with power to come as he continues to add strength.</p><p>Rodriguez's natural instincts and feel for the game not only show up with his knowledge of the strike zone, but also on the defensive end. He has a chance to stick in center field with a tick above-average speed, but if physical maturation necessitates it, he could easily handle a corner. He'll get his career started in earnest in 2021.</p>","contentTitle":"2021"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 50 | Power: 55 | Run: 55 | Arm: 60 | Field: 50 | Overall: 55</p><p>Rodriguez was a top 10 prospect on MLB Pipeline's Top 30 international prospects list for 2019-20 when the signing period opened up in July of 2019. The Twins were all in, giving the toolsy outfielder $2.75 million to sign, then had to wait a bit to see what he could do in a real competitive setting. He participated in instructs the fall after he signed and rehabbed a hand injury there a year later. When he finally made his pro debut, it was stateside, and he showed off his raw power by hitting 10 homers in 37 games in the Florida Complex League. He was making another big step forward during his full-season debut in 2022 when a torn meniscus required surgery and ended his season in June.</p><p>There aren't many in the Twins organization who have more raw power than Rodriguez does and he has the chance to be an impact left-handed hitter with bat speed. His swing can get a little funky, with a tendency to get a little steep. For him to get to his power, he has to catch the ball out front, so it's mostly shown up to the pull side thus far, and the Twins have worked with him to get his bat in the zone a little longer to reduce the swing-and-miss that showed up during his debut. He tends not to miss strikes, but does chase a good amount, though a willingness to draw walks is a foundation for a solid approach.</p><p>Rodriguez has good speed and solid instincts in the outfield, but it's unclear if he'll be able to stick in center field long-term. The good news is he has a plus arm that would work well in right field and there's confidence he'll make the adjustments to have the power profile teams covet from a corner spot.</p>","contentTitle":"2022"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 50 | Power: 60 | Run: 55 | Arm: 60 | Field: 50 | Overall: 55</p><p>One of the top international prospects when the 2019-20 signing period began, Rodriguez topped the Twins' haul with a bonus of $2.5 million. He wasn't able to make his official pro debut until 2021 and quickly announced that his power might play by homering 10 times in 37 Florida Complex League games. He made the jump to full-season ball at age 19 look easy in 2022, posting a 1.044 OPS over 47 games in the Florida State League before a torn meniscus ended his season in June.</p><p>Rodriguez's best tool continues to be his tremendous raw power, with a combination of bat speed and plate discipline allowing him to tap into it fairly consistently already. The left-handed hitter has worked to keep his bat in the zone longer, and while there's still work to be done, he didn't swing through strikes as much as he did in his pro debut. His reduced chasing led to a lower strikeout rate in 2022, when he walked more than he whiffed. He makes a ton of hard contact and should continue to show the ability to drive the ball as he moves up the organizational ladder.</p><p>In the early stages of his career, Rodriguez has shown he has the ability to play a solid center field with above-average speed. There's a chance he'll slow down as he matures, and his plus arm, not to mention his power profile, will fit very well into right field if and when a move is necessary.</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 50 | Power: 60 | Run: 55 | Arm: 60 | Field: 50 | Overall: 55</p><p>The 2019-20 international signing period might best be known for Yankees phenom Jasson Domínguez, but he was far from the only exciting bat to come from that class. Rodriguez was ranked highly on MLB Pipeline's Top 30 international prospect list and the Twins signed him for $2.5 million. He's shown tremendous potential at every stop, making his pro debut stateside in 2021 and moving a rung at a time, with only injuries -- a knee in 2022 and an abdominal strain in 2023 -- slowing him down.</p><p>The left-handed-hitting outfielder has a very exciting combination of raw power, bat speed and plate discipline that has evaluators bullish on his future potential. There's a little too much swing-and-miss in his game, but his ability to draw walks (20.2 percent walk rate in 2023) helps mitigate that. He registers high exit velocities and can drive the ball to all fields with plus power in his future. After a very slow start post-injury in 2023, he posted a .927 OPS from June 1 through the remainder of the season.</p><p>Rodriguez will play all of the 2024 season at age 21 and he's still an above-average runner who can steal&nbsp;a base. He's continued to show an ability to stick in center field, but if he slows down a tick, his plus arm will play just fine in right. His power profile would work there as well, with the first order of business being turning in a full, healthy season.</p>","contentTitle":"2024"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 50 | Power: 60 | Run: 55 | Arm: 60 | Field: 50 | Overall: 55</p><p>The only thing holding Rodriguez back is health. Signed for $2.5 million back in July 2019, the exceptionally talented outfielder has had all of his tools on display … when he's been able to stay on the field. Despite missing time with a knee injury in 2022, an abdominal strain in 2023 and a thumb injury in 2024 -- he's yet to play over 100 games in a season -- he still made it up to Triple-A last year and has a career .932 OPS heading into the 2025 season.</p><p>While the injury bug has found him repeatedly, the Twins are buoyed by the fact that there haven't been recurring injuries and the fact Rodriguez will be just 22 years old for all of the 2025 season. When he's been on the field, he's displayed raw power, bat speed and excellent pitch recognition. With a K rate close to 30 percent in his career, he is going to have to cut down on his strikeouts, though he does offset that with a ton of walks (21.9 percent rate). He hits the ball extremely hard and can drive it to all fields.&nbsp;</p><p>Rodriguez runs well enough to steal the occasional base and to cover enough ground in center field, where he's played almost exclusively to date. If he slows down, he could slide over and be the prototypical athletic, strong-armed right fielder with the power profile to match. Assuming health, his bat could start banging on the big league door soon.</p>","contentTitle":"2025"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":null,"signed":"July 2, 2019 - MIN"}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":43,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2024","gradesHitting":[],"gradesPitching":[],"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":"","playerPhotoCustomUrl":",d_people:generic:headshot:silo:current.png,q_auto:best,f_auto/v1/people/691026/headshot/silo/current","player":{"__ref":"Person:691026"},"position":"SS","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 60 | Curveball: 60 | Changeup: 55 | Control: 50 | Overall: 50</p><p>Winn earns comparisons to Matt Bush, the No. 1 overall pick in 2004, for a variety of reasons. He's a legitimate two-way prospect as a short but talented shortstop with a live arm that can deliver upper-90s fastballs on the mound, and he also comes with makeup concerns because he got sent home early from the inaugural PDP League in July. He was the talk of the World Wood Bat Association World Championship in October, when he touched 98 mph with his fastball, backed it up with two plus secondary pitches and homered in the same game.</p><p>Winn has a higher ceiling on the mound, where he has a pair of high-spin-rate weapons in a heater that sits at 92-96 mph with riding action and a curveball that ranges from 79-82 mph. His low-80s changeup isn't as consistent as his fastball and curve but can give him a third plus offering at its best. His size and the effort in his delivery lead to questions as to whether he can hold up as a starter, but his athleticism and lightning-fast arm help his cause.</p><p>Some scouts prefer Winn as a shortstop and he profiles as a regular there. The Arkansas recruit still needs to refine his hitting ability from the right side of the plate but he possesses plus raw power and solid speed with good instincts on the bases. His arm is an obvious asset and he has the quickness to make plays.</p>","contentTitle":"draft"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 45 | Power: 50 | Run: 55 | Arm: 65 | Field: 55 | Overall: 50</p><p>Fastball: 60 | Curveball: 60 | Changeup: 55 | Control: 50 | Overall: 50</p><p>Several scouts have compared Winn to Matt Bush, the No. 1 overall pick in the 2004 Draft, for a variety of reasons. He's a legitimate two-way prospect as a small but talented shortstop with a live arm, and he was the talk of the World Wood Bat Association World Championship in October when he reached 98 mph with his fastball, backed it up with two plus secondary pitches and homered in the same game. He also comes with makeup concerns after getting sent home early from the inaugural Prospect Development Pipeline League in July 2019.&nbsp;</p><p>The Cardinals announced Winn as a two-way player when they drafted him in the second round in June and will develop him both ways after signing him for $2.1 million. He profiles as a regular at shortstop, where his arm is an obvious asset and his quickness gives him plenty of range. He needs to refine his approach at the plate but possesses plus right-handed raw power as well as solid speed with good instincts on the bases.&nbsp;</p><p>Winn has a higher ceiling on the mound, where he has a pair of high-spin-rate weapons in a fastball that parks at 92-96 mph with riding life and a curveball that ranges from 79-82 mph. His low-80s changeup lacks consistency but gives him a third plus pitch at its best. His size and the effort in his delivery raise questions about whether he can hold up as a starter during a long pro season, but his athleticism and lightning-fast arm speed should help his cause.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"2020"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p>A legitimate two-way prospect, Winn is one of the most intriguing prospects in the Cardinals’ system. The Kingwood (Texas) HS product turned heads at the 2019 World Wood Bat Association World Championship when he homered and hit 98 mph on the mound in the same game. On top of that, he also flashed a pair of plus secondary pitches. The Cardinals selected Winn in the second round (54th overall) in June 2020 and signed him for an above-slot $2.1 million.</p><p>St. Louis will develop Winn as a two-way player and began that process at the organization’s alternate training site in 2020, when he spent a lot of time playing every day at shortstop, but also went through a throwing progression on the mound. Winn’s arm is clearly a plus tool and he also has the quickness and range to stick at shortstop long term. Offensively, his approach needs refinement, though he does possess plus raw power and knows how to utilize his speed on the bases.</p><p>With a fastball that sits in the low- to mid-90s and a pair of secondary pitches with plus potential, it’s easy to see a high ceiling for Winn on the mound. In addition to the heater, the right-hander features a high-spin-rate curveball and a changeup that isn’t yet as consistent as the other two pitches. A small frame and high-effort delivery raise questions about Winn’s durability as a starter over a long season, though there is also a belief that his athleticism could help overcome those questions.</p>","contentTitle":"draft"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 45 | Power: 50 | Run: 55 | Arm: 70 | Field: 55 | Overall: 50</p><p>A prospect with legitimate two-way capabilities, Winn is one of the most intriguing prospects in the Cardinals’ system. The Kingwood (Texas) HS product turned heads at the 2019 World Wood Bat Association World Championship when he homered and hit 98 mph on the mound in the same game. On top of that, he also flashed a pair of plus secondary pitches. The Cardinals selected Winn in the second round (54th overall) in June 2020 and signed him for an above-slot $2.1 million. He made his professional debut with Low-A Palm Beach and although he got off to a slow start, he caught fire in June and was promoted to High-A Peoria as a 19-year-old.</p><p>St. Louis isn’t ruling out developing Winn as a two-way player, though he’s spent the bulk of his time thus far developing as a shortstop. His arm, easily a plus tool, profiles well at short and he has the quickness and range to stick there as well. Offensively, his approach needs refinement. He has good raw power, but is still learning how to get to it in games. He may ultimately become more of a gap-to-gap hitter than a true home-run threat. He has above-average speed, which could help turn some of those line drives in the gaps into triples.</p><p>If Winn gets back on the mound, his fastball sits in the low-to-mid-90s and he has a pair of secondary pitches with plus potential. Overall, he has an intriguing set of tools and consistency will determine his ceiling. While his potential in the field is high, there are some questions about whether he’ll hit enough to become an everyday player in the Majors.</p>","contentTitle":"2021"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 50 | Power: 45 | Run: 65 | Arm: 80 | Field: 60 | Overall: 55</p><p>If Winn could be cloned, he would make for two different, yet impressive prospects. He proved that in the 2019 World Wood Bat Association Championship by shoving at 98 mph and homering in the same game in Jupiter (his future Spring Training/Low-A home). After Winn’s senior year at Kingwood (Texas) High School was interrupted by the pandemic, the Cardinals selected the two-way talent 54th overall and went above slot to sign him for $2.1 million. He was a shortstop only for Low-A Palm Beach and held his own at the plate with a .262/.370/.388 line in 61 games. Winn struggled after an aggressive push to High-A Peoria, and while he did make one relief appearance there, the Cardinals plan to keep him focused on being a position player for the foreseeable future.</p><p>No surprise, Winn’s arm is his most wow-worthy tool. He had 10 throws measured at 95-plus mph by Statcast in Low-A Southeast in 2021 and famously unleashed a 100.5 mph throw in the 2022 All-Star Futures Game that set a Statcast record. As if that wasn’t enough defensively, the 5-foot-11 infielder is a plus runner who shows ample range at a premium position. He used those wheels to steal 32 bags in 2021, and he could be a 25-steal threat in the Majors due to his aggression and efficiency on the basepaths.</p><p>It all comes down to the bat. Winn has shown offensive improvements in 2022, cutting down a little on his strikeouts while adding some strength and impact in his at-bats, leading to a midseason promotion from High-A to Double-A. He should be at least average offensively, and given how great he can be on the other side, he’s a potential above-average regular shortstop. His pitching days are securely in the rearview.</p>","contentTitle":"2022"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 55 | Power: 45 | Run: 60 | Arm: 80 | Field: 60 | Overall: 55</p><p>Winn was a fascinating two-way talent in the five-round 2020 Draft, having shown off an arm capable of touching the high-90s and multiple skills at shortstop. The Cardinals selected him 54th overall that July and toyed briefly with keeping him in both roles before choosing to make him a full-time position player instead. After getting settled at two A-ball levels in 2021, Winn broke out a bit with the bat last year, slashing .283/.364/.468 with 12 homers and 43 steals in 119 games at High-A and Double-A, before he held his own in the Arizona Fall League.</p><p>Any discussion of Winn has to start with his arm, a true 80-grade howitzer. He fired a 100.5 mph seed at the All-Star Futures Game in Los Angeles that broke the Statcast-era record for hardest infield throw. The Cardinals have worked with Winn on knowing when to let it fly and when to be more in control, but he’s still good for a few eye-popping lasers each week. With his near-plus-plus speed and promising hands, Winn has the skills to be a strong overall defender from deep in the hole.</p><p>What launched Winn into Top 100 standing were his offensive improvements in 2022. He became a more patient hitter in his second full season and also started elevating the ball more, leading to a jump in total home runs from five to 11 and extra-base hits from 29 to 56. Continued gains this season at Triple-A Memphis have only helped the case that he'll add value with his bat too, making him a potential five-tool shortstop.</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 55 | Power: 45 | Run: 70 | Arm: 80 | Field: 60 | Overall: 55</p><p>Taken in the second round in 2020, Winn was drafted as a potential two-way player, and he gave pitching a brief shot in pro ball but has stuck to position-player status ever since. His breakout came in 2022 when he hit .283/.364/.468 with 12 homers and 43 steals between High-A and Double-A, earning spots in the All-Star Futures Game and Arizona Fall League along the way, and he showed more power than ever with a career-best 18 homers over 105 games for Triple-A Memphis last season. The Cardinals called up Winn in August but he struggled offensively, going 21-for-122 (.172) with only four extra-base hits.</p><p>Winn has admitted since that he may have been pressing to make a good impression during that first Major League run, leading to drops in power. The right-handed slugger, however, did post above-average chase, whiff and strikeout rates over his 37-game span, and that overall approach points to a solid bat once he reestablishes himself. His Triple-A pop came by jumping on pitches he could drive earlier in counts, and while the raw slugging ability won’t necessarily stand out, there’s still the potential for around 15 homers in a full MLB season.</p><p>The Texas native’s arm strength has been legendary in the Minors -- most notably when he threw 100.5 mph in the 2022 Futures Game -- but he’s learned to keep it under control, drawing praise from Paul Goldschmidt. He can absolutely fly, registering home-to-first times in the 4-second range, and that helps his coverage at short, though he struggled some going to his right in the Majors. Even if the power doesn’t reach Memphis levels again, Winn’s multiple ways to contribute should make him St. Louis’ long-term answer at the six.</p>","contentTitle":"2024"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":"Arkansas","signed":""}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":44,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2026","gradesHitting":null,"gradesPitching":null,"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":"","playerPhotoCustomUrl":",d_people:generic:headshot:silo:current.png,q_auto:best,f_auto/v1/people/702261/headshot/silo/current","player":{"__ref":"Person:702261"},"position":"2B/SS","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><strong>Video scouting report »</strong></a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 70 | Power: 60 | Run: 50 | Arm: 50 | Field: 55 | Overall: 60&nbsp;</p><p>Though he's a high schooler who projects as a second baseman, Johnson is a potential No. 1 overall choice because he might be the best pure prep hitter in decades. He has a track record of pummeling pitchers on the showcase circuit and some evaluators give his bat top-of-the-scale 80 grades. One scout gave him a double Hall of Famer comparison by calling him a combination of Wade Boggs' plate discipline and Vladimir Guerrero Sr.'s bat-to-ball skills.&nbsp;</p><p>Johnson's hand-eye coordination and swing decisions make him an elite contact hitter from the left side of the plate. He isn't fazed by mid-90s fastballs or quality breaking balls, using his quick, compact stroke to drive the ball to all fields. Though his listed 5-foot-10 height might be a bit generous, his ability to barrel balls along with his bat speed and strength could make him a 25-30 homer threat in the big leagues.&nbsp;</p><p>A shortstop in high school, Johnson will change positions as a pro because his quickness and arm are more average than plus. His hands work well in the field as well as at the plate and he profiles best at second base, where he should be at least a solid defender. He committed to Arizona State in May.</p>","contentTitle":"draft"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Hit: 70 | Power: 60 | Run: 50 | Arm: 50 | Field: 55 | Overall: 55&nbsp;</p><p>Though he was a high schooler who projects as a second baseman, Johnson was a potential No. 1 overall choice because he was thought to be one of the best pure prep hitter in decades. He has a track record of pummeling pitchers on the showcase circuit and some evaluators give his bat top-of-the-scale 80 grades. One scout gave him a double Hall of Famer comparison by saying he has a combination of Wade Boggs' plate discipline and Vladimir Guerrero Sr.'s bat-to-ball skills, a reason why the Pirates were thrilled to get him with the No. 4 overall pick and sign him a slightly over-slot bonus just north of $7.2 million.</p><p>Johnson's hand-eye coordination and swing decisions make him an elite contact hitter from the left side of the plate. He isn't fazed by mid-90s fastballs or quality breaking balls, using his quick, compact stroke to drive the ball to all fields. Though his listed 5-foot-10 height might be a bit generous, his ability to barrel balls along with his bat speed and strength could make him a 25- to 30-homer threat in the big leagues.&nbsp;</p><p>A shortstop in high school, Johnson will likely change positions as a pro because his quickness and arm are more average than plus. His hands work well in the field as well as at the plate and he profiles best at second base, where he should be at least a solid defender.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"2022"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 60 | Power: 60 | Run: 50 | Arm: 50 | Field: 55 | Overall: 55 </p><p>In the past, high school players who profiled as second basemen weren't thought of as premium Draft prospects. But Johnson was very much the exception to that rule as he emerged as one of the best pure prep hitters scouts had seen in years. He teed off against good competition throughout the summer showcase circuit and kept impressing in his senior season, landing him in the conversation for the Draft's No. 1 pick before being taken No. 4 overall by the Pirates and given a slightly over-slot bonus of $7.2 million to sign.</p><p>The left-handed hitter combines elite hand-eye coordination and swing decisions to help him post otherworldly contact rates. He turns around premium velocity and good breaking stuff alike with fast hands and a compact stroke. He can drive the ball to all fields, and despite his listed 5-foot-10 frame, he routinely barrels up the baseball and uses bat speed and strength to generate the kind of power that could lead to 25-plus homers annually.</p><p>While Johnson was a shortstop in high school and got a little time there during his brief pro debut in 2022, he’s going to be a second baseman moving forward. His average arm and speed fit there better, although he leaned out his frame and worked with a speed and agility coach this offseason to improve his range. He does have good hands and footwork and should be a very capable defender at the keystone. But it’s his bat that could help him get to the big leagues faster than the typical high school player.</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 55 | Power: 55 | Run: 50 | Arm: 50 | Field: 55 | Overall: 55</p><p>As the 2022 Draft approached, Johnson emerged as not only one of the best pure hitters in the class, but was perceived to be one of the best high school hitters in recent memory. After hitting well on the summer showcase tour and continuing to impress during his senior season in Georgia, his name was mentioned as a possible No. 1 pick before he landed at No. 4 with the Pirates. Slowed out of the gate by a hamstring injury to kick off his first full season, Johnson struggled at first, but found his footing to homer 18 times, draw over 100 walks and earn a late bump up to High-A Greensboro.</p><p>Known for his incredible hand-eye coordination, swing decisions and contact rates entering pro ball, it was concerning that Johnson was striking out at a high rate to kick off his 2023 campaign. But after he shook off the rust from the missed time early, his K rate plummeted, from a 35.2 percent rate through the end of May to 23.2 percent for the remainder of the season. He has big-time power potential with plus bat speed and consistently worked deep counts, which can lend itself to some strikeouts.</p><p>A shortstop as an amateur, Johnson has settled in professionally at second base and should be just fine at the keystone with decent range, hands and enough arm. His bat will carry him to the big leagues and there’s excitement about what he can do, assuming health, to live up to his Draft billing.</p>","contentTitle":"2024"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 50 | Power: 55 | Run: 50 | Arm: 50 | Field: 50 | Overall: 55</p><p>The No. 4 pick in the 2022 Draft, and billed as one of the best pure high school hitters in recent memory, Johnson has gotten off to very slow starts in each of his first two full seasons. But in both years, he gained momentum down the stretch and earned a promotion up a level. So while a career .239 average heading into 2025 isn’t exactly what people projected, he did make it to Double-A at age 20 in his second full season before going on to the Arizona Fall League and Team USA in the Premier12 Tournament.</p><p>Small, compact and strong, Johnson is a left-handed hitter with elite pitch recognition skills. His 186 combined walks in 2023 and 2024 are second among all Minor Leaguers and while he swung and missed more than expected out of the gate, he’s largely kept the strikeouts in check. Johnson has impressive bat speed and the chance to get to even more power, but he needs to trust his all-fields approach more. He’ll get too big at times with his leg kick and hand movement, trying to put the ball 20 rows deep to his pull side. At his best, he can send line drives to the left side. The more he can trust that his power will come naturally, the better all-around hitter he can become.&nbsp;</p><p>While the consensus continues to be that Johnson is best suited for second base long-term, he’ll continue to get reps at shortstop to challenge him and keep him athletic. The Pirates are still bullish on his offensive upside given his age and those underlying traits, with the hope that more reps at the upper levels will help unlock all of that potential.</p>","contentTitle":"2025"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":"Arizona State","signed":null}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":45,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2025","gradesHitting":null,"gradesPitching":null,"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":"","playerPhotoCustomUrl":",d_people:generic:headshot:silo:current.png,q_auto:best,f_auto/v1/people/702518/headshot/silo/current","player":{"__ref":"Person:702518"},"position":"SS/OF","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><strong>Video scouting report »</strong></a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 55 | Power: 45 | Run: 60 | Arm: 50 | Field: 50 | Overall: 50&nbsp;</p><p>At 5-foot-8, Williams might be the smallest player on our Draft Top 250, but he's also a favorite gut-feel guy for a lot of scouts. One crosschecker called him the best hitter on the summer showcase circuit, where he raked despite an injury to his right shoulder. The Mississippi State recruit could factor into the middle of the first round, especially to a club that thinks he can stay at shortstop.&nbsp;</p><p>With quick hands, feel for the barrel and a quality right-handed stroke, Williams rarely swings and misses and makes line-drive contact with ease. He has no problem handling premium velocity or quality breaking pitches, and his size belies his power. He should produce at least 15 homers per year with his bat speed and deceptive strength, perhaps more if he gets more aggressive about pulling pitches.&nbsp;</p><p>Williams has at least plus speed and knows how to use his quickness on the bases and in the field. He has the hands and actions for shortstop, but he didn't throw well during the summer when his shoulder was bothering him. Some evaluators believe he has solid arm strength when healthy and can stay at short, while others think his arm is more fringy to average and he'll wind up at second base or center field.</p>","contentTitle":"Draft"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 55 | Power: 45 | Run: 60 | Arm: 50 | Field: 50 | Overall: 50&nbsp;</p><p>At 5-foot-8, Williams might have been the smallest player in MLB Pipeline’s Draft Top 250, but he's also a favorite gut-feel guy for a lot of scouts. One crosschecker called him the best hitter on the summer showcase circuit, where he raked despite an injury to his right shoulder. The Mets grabbed Williams with the 14th overall pick and signed him for below slot at $3.9 million.</p><p>With quick hands, feel for the barrel and a quality right-handed stroke, Williams rarely swings and misses and makes line-drive contact with ease. He has no problem handling premium velocity or quality breaking pitches, and his size belies his power. He should produce at least 15 homers per year with his bat speed and deceptive strength, perhaps more if he gets more aggressive about pulling pitches.&nbsp;</p><p>Williams has at least plus speed and knows how to use his quickness on the bases and in the field. He has the hands and actions for shortstop, but he didn't throw well during the summer when his shoulder was bothering him. Some evaluators believe he has solid arm strength when healthy and can stay at short, while others think his arm is more fringy-to-average and he'll wind up at second base or center field.</p>","contentTitle":"2022"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 55 | Power: 45 | Run: 60 | Arm: 50 | Field: 50 | Overall: 55</p><p>The Mets had two top-14 picks in the 2022 Draft and used the first (11th overall) on a potential quick mover in Georgia Tech catcher Kevin Parada and the second (14th overall) on a more long-term project with as much upside in Texas high-school shortstop Williams, who signed below slot at $3.9 million. While Parada pops in his own way, the Williams selection had some scouts and evaluators abuzz after he showed one of the best hit tools on the showcase circuit, and he continued hitting in a brief Florida Complex League stay in which he posted an .804 OPS in 10 games.</p><p>Standing at just 5-foot-6, Williams has continued to impress Mets officials with his ability to find the barrel consistently and swing at good pitches to hit. Those skills -- combined with his capacity to handle velocity -- should translate well to each stop up the ladder as he enters full-season ball at 19 years old. Thanks to bat speed and a leg kick that helps with lift on contact, the Dallas-area native has a little more power than his size alone indicates and might settle into 12-15 homers annually.</p><p>A plus runner, Williams is athletic enough to track down balls at shortstop but is still raw defensively, relying more on his athleticism than instincts. The Mets believe that will change as he gets more access to the pro ranks, but even if he needs to move to second base or center field, he can still be a quality up-the-middle talent whose value lies in his bat.</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Hit: 55 | Power: 45 | Run: 60 | Arm: 50 | Field: 50 | Overall: 55</p><p>The Mets used their two top-14 picks in 2022 on Georgia Tech catcher Kevin Parada and Texas prep shortstop Williams, and so far, it’s the latter that’s enjoyed more success in pro ball. Williams pushed through three levels in 2023, reaching as high as Double-A Binghamton, and led Mets full-season Minor Leaguers with his .425 OBP, .876 OPS, eight triples, 81 runs scored and 45 steals. His 104 walks not only topped the organization&nbsp;but also finished second among all Minor Leaguers.</p><p>As expected for someone with those numbers, Williams rarely expands the strike zone, sometimes at the risk of seeing too many offerings in an at-bat. Starting with a leg kick, he has a swing grooved for elevation when he does decide to let it loose, and during his stops at Single-A St. Lucie and High-A Brooklyn, he produced more flyballs than groundballs. There still isn’t a ton of raw power in his 5-foot-6 frame, but he does a good job of squeezing out homers from what he has. That could increase as he matures as well.</p><p>The former Mississippi State commit is a plus runner and stayed aggressive on the basepaths at every stop he made in 2023. He has the right actions and hands for shortstop, but the Mets sprinkled in looks in center field too to give him even more room to use his athleticism. Considering Francisco Lindor’s presence in Queens, that need for versatility will increase and could even lead to looks at second base as Williams hits (and walks) his way toward the Majors. That progress was put on pause midway through 2024. Williams underwent right wrist surgery in early June and didn't return to Minor League play until late August.</p>","contentTitle":"2024"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 55 | Power: 50 | Run: 60 | Arm: 50 | Field: 50 | Overall: 55</p><p>The Mets snagged Williams with their second first-round pick in 2022, taking him 14th overall and signing him below slot at $3.9 million. The Texas native zoomed through the New York system in his first full season, thanks to a .263/.425/.451 line, 13 homers, 104 walks and 45 steals in 121 games across three levels, including Double-A Binghamton. He returned to the Eastern League to begin 2025 but suffered right wrist discomfort in April and underwent debridement surgery in June. He returned to Minor League play in late August, got a quick cameo with Triple-A Syracuse and made up for the lost at-bats in the Arizona Fall League.</p><p>The injury and limited sample make it easy to set aside Williams’ age-20 season, but much of his scouting report remains the same. Standing 5-foot-6, the former Mississippi State commit doesn’t give pitchers a huge zone, and he doesn’t much expand it either, leading to solid walk rates and OBPs. He can work long at-bats, though sometimes those result in strikeouts too. The right-handed batter utilizes a leg kick in his load, and he tends to elevate the ball on contact, enabling him to get to average power despite his frame.</p><p>True to his first name, Williams can burn quickly out of the box, and he proved to be more aggressive and efficient in steals in the Fall League once he was further away from the wrist issue. Drafted as a shortstop, he split his time between there and center field in the AFL and also saw some time at second base in the late summer. He’ll keep moving around so long as he’s behind Francisco Lindor in the same organization, and his quickness should help keep him up the middle no matter what.</p>","contentTitle":"2025"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":"Mississippi State","signed":null}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":46,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2024","gradesHitting":[],"gradesPitching":null,"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":"","playerPhotoCustomUrl":",q_auto:best/v1/people/672012/headshot/silo/current","player":{"__ref":"Person:672012"},"position":"1B","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 60 | Power: 45 | Run: 50 | Arm: 50 | Field :50 | Overall: 50</p><p>The son of Canadian sports broadcaster Rod Black, Tyler was a talented hockey defenseman before leaving the ice to focus on baseball. The 2019 Horizon League freshman of the year, he slumped during the shortened 2020 season but has rebounded to establish himself as one of the best left-handed college bats in the Midwest. He could give Wright State its fourth position player drafted in the top four rounds in the last five years, following Sean Murphy (Athletics, 2016), Peyton Burdick (Marlins, 2019) and Seth Gray (Twins, 2019).&nbsp;</p><p>Black masterfully controls the strike zone from the left side of the plate, making regular hard contact while drawing plenty of walks. He has enough bat speed, strength and leverage in his 6-foot-2 frame to produce 15 homers on an annual basis. He made a good impression by doubling in two at-bats off potential No. 1 overall pick Kumar Rocker of Vanderbilt on Opening Day and by drawing seven walks in five games against Southeastern Conference opposition to start the season.&nbsp;</p><p>While he possesses average speed, Black has the instincts to steal and take extra bases when given the opportunity. He played second base as a freshman before moving to third base in 2020, and now he's back at the keystone following surgery on his throwing shoulder. His arm is merely average so he fits better at second, where his quickness and hands are assets with turning the double play.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"draft"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 60 | Power: 45 | Run: 50 | Arm: 50 | Field: 50 | Overall: 50</p><p>The son of Canadian sports broadcaster Rod Black, Tyler was a talented hockey defenseman before leaving the ice to focus on baseball. The 2019 Horizon League freshman of the year, he slumped during the shortened 2020 season but has rebounded to establish himself as one of the best left-handed college bats in the Midwest. Taken 33rd overall by the Brewers in July, he gave Wright State its fourth position player drafted in the top four rounds in the last five years, following Sean Murphy (Athletics, 2016), Peyton Burdick (Marlins, 2019) and Seth Gray (Twins, 2019).&nbsp;</p><p>Black masterfully controls the strike zone from the left side of the plate, making regular hard contact while drawing plenty of walks. He has enough bat speed, strength and leverage in his 6-foot-2 frame to produce 15 homers on an annual basis. He made a good impression by doubling in two at-bats off Kumar Rocker of Vanderbilt on Opening Day and by drawing seven walks in five games against Southeastern Conference opposition to start the season.&nbsp;</p><p>While he possesses average speed, Black has the instincts to steal and take extra bases when given the opportunity. He played second base as a freshman before moving to third base in 2020, and now he's back at the keystone following surgery on his throwing shoulder. His arm is merely average so he fits better at second, where his quickness and hands are assets with turning the double play.</p>","contentTitle":"2021"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 60 | Power: 45 | Run: 50 | Arm: 45 | Field: 50 | Overall: 50</p><p>A former hockey player, the Ontario native began his time at Wright State as the 2019 Horizon League Freshman of the Year, having hit .353 with only 18 strikeouts in 52 games. He dropped into a 13-game slump the following spring before the pandemic canceled the season, only to jump right back and hit .383/.496/.683 with 13 homers over 48 games in his Draft year. The Brewers selected Black 33rd overall and signed him for exact slot at $2.2 million. He didn’t perform to the same level as college over 23 games at Low-A Carolina (.222/.388/.272, 101 wRC+), in part due to late-summer fatigue, but he did manage to reach base at a solid clip. He was off to a good start at High-A Wisconsin in his first full season and was likely to be promoted in July, but a left scapula fracture ruled him out for the rest of the regular season.</p><p>Black’s plate discipline and bat-to-ball skills instantly became some of the best in the Milwaukee system. Even with a leg kick in his swing, he sees balls well and utilizes good bat speed and strength to make hard contact. He could pick up enough hits and walks to threaten for a .300 average and .400 OBP in the pros. The swing has strength and leverage too, and 15-homer seasons could be within reach.</p><p>Black is just an average runner but will be a threat to pick up the odd steal and extra base. He spent time at second, short and third at Wright State, and the Brewers were giving him looks at second, third and even center field before the latest injury. A below-average arm likely keeps him at second or center, but the versatility, along with the bat, should guide his ascent toward Milwaukee when he returns to regular-season play in 2023.</p>","contentTitle":"2022"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades</strong>: Hit: 60 | Power: 40 | Run: 55 | Arm: 45 | Field: 45 | Overall: 55</p><p>At Wright State, Black batted .353 over 500 career plate appearances and was the 2019 Horizon League Freshman of the Year. The Brewers took him 33rd overall in 2021 and signed him for exact slot at $2.2 million. He looked like his typical self at High-A Wisconsin to begin his first full season in 2022, only to suffer a left scapula fracture in July that ended his year early. Black returned for the Arizona Fall League, but a fractured left thumb ended that trip after 17 games.</p><p>Batting from the left side with a sizable leg kick, Black blends plate discipline, bat speed and hand-eye coordination to pick up hits and walks at impressive rates. He sported a 44/45 K/BB ratio over 283 plate appearances with Wisconsin, making him one of only two Brewers Minor Leaguers (minimum 250 PA) to walk more than he struck out in 2022. His .406 OBP was also tops among the group, beating out Sal Frelick (.403). While there is close to average raw power, Black’s profile prioritizes contact over power, and he may just squeak by with double-digit homers at his peak.</p><p>Drafted as a second baseman, the Ontario native also saw time at third base and the outfield in 2022, as Milwaukee tried to find a spot best suited for his plus speed, which he's used to great effect at the upper levels this season. (Notably, 14 of his 17 starts in the AFL came on the grass, and he's continued to get ample looks at the hot corner in 2023.) He still isn’t a perfect fit at any spot, and a lack of arm strength limits him further. Black’s bat puts him on the cusp of everyday territory in the Majors, but finding a position will be key.</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 60 | Power: 45 | Run: 60 | Arm: 45 | Field: 45 | Overall: 50</p><p>A career .353 hitter at Wright State, Black went to the Brewers with the 33rd overall pick in the 2021 Draft and put together a solid first full season at High-A Wisconsin and the Arizona Fall League that was limited by a left scapula fracture and broken left thumb. Healthy in 2023, the Ontario native was one of Milwaukee’s most productive Minor Leaguers with a .284/.417/.513 line and 145 wRC+ over 123 games. His .930 OPS, 12 triples, 55 extra-base hits and 55 steals all led the Brewers system.</p><p>Black employs a large leg kick as part of his swing but he keeps himself nicely in rhythm, allowing his hand-eye coordination, bat speed and discerning eye to keep him from chasing outside the zone or whiffing when he does take his hacks. His 8.1 percent swinging-strike rate was 13th-best among 125 batters with 500 plate appearances or more at the Minors’ top two levels. He’s willing to take his free passes (23/27 K/BB rate under the ABS system at Triple-A), pushing his OBP further up while his slugging percentage should play closer to average, with decent but not great impact.</p><p>A plus runner, Black seriously pushed the envelope on the basepaths in 2023, leading to steals and triples in big numbers. He’s willing to go all-out when his speed is needed defensively, too, but below-average arm strength and other actions have kept him from sticking to one spot in pro ball. Black got looks at both third and first base in ’23 with Milwaukee trying to find a path for him toward MLB. If he does end up at the cold corner, he’ll be an unorthodox one with his speed and power profile but still a potentially valuable high-OBP asset there.</p>","contentTitle":"2024"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":null,"signed":null}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":47,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2025","gradesHitting":[],"gradesPitching":null,"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":"","playerPhotoCustomUrl":",q_auto:best/v1/people/683357/headshot/silo/current","player":{"__ref":"Person:683357"},"position":"OF","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong>&nbsp;Hit: 45 | Power: 55 | Run: 55 | Arm: 60 | Field: 50 | Overall: 45</p><p>The Canadian province of Ontario has had a high school player taken in the top five rounds of every Draft since 2013, headlined by a pair of first-rounders in the Naylor brothers, Josh and Bo. While Caissie doesn’t project to be a first-round pick in this year’s Draft, he is one of two Canadian prep outfielders who have a very good chance to get taken in the first several rounds.</p><p>Caissie, a Michigan recruit, has the tools to fit the right field profile very well, starting with his plus raw power. He has legit pop from the left side of the plate, with the ability to drive the ball to all fields. Some scouts have questioned his bat path, leading to some concerns about his ability to get to that power, but he has shown the ability to make adjustments in the past. He’s at least an above-average runner, one who gets to plus once underway.</p><p>In deference to the other Canadian outfielder on this list, David Calabrese, Caissie has played a corner outfield spot for the Canadian junior national team. With an arm that delivers low-90s throws from the outfield and his power potential, he fits that mold very well. A team that thinks he has the chops to handle center, and he might, could consider him a bit higher.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"draft"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>2020 Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 45 | Power: 55 | Run: 50 | Arm: 60 | Field: 50 | Overall: 50&nbsp;</p><p>The top Canadian prospect in the 2020 Draft, Caissie became the highest-drafted outfielder ever out of his nation when the Padres made him the 45th overall pick in June. He signed for a below-slot $1.2 million in June, foregoing a Michigan commitment.&nbsp;San Diego shipped him to the Cubs six months later along with three other prospects and Zach Davies to acquire Yu Darvish and Victor Caratini.</p><p>Caissie has the tools to fit the right field profile very well, starting with his plus raw power. He has legit pop from the left side of the plate, with the ability to drive the ball to all fields. Some scouts have questioned his bat path, leading to some concerns about his ability to get to that power, but he has shown the ability to make adjustments in the past. He’s at least an above-average runner, one who gets to plus once underway.</p><p>Defensively, Caissie played a corner outfield spot for the Canadian junior national team in deference to David Calabrese in center. With an arm that delivers low-90s throws from the outfield and his power potential, he fits the corner profile very well. But as one of the youngest players in the entire 2020 Draft class -- he turned 18 on July 8 -- he may also require some extra time to develop in the Minor Leagues.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"2020"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 45 | Power: 55 | Run: 50 | Arm: 60 | Field: 50 | Overall: 50&nbsp;</p><p>Teams didn't get a lot of time to scout Caissie last year, but he did impress while facing Minor Leaguers with Canada's 18-and-under team in the Grapefruit League, where he crushed a ball off the batter's eye at Toronto's ballpark in Dunedin. He was his nation's top prospect in the 2020 Draft and became its highest-drafted outfielder ever, signing with San Diego for a below-slot $1,200,004 as the 45th overall choice. His lone action with the Padres came in instructional league before they shipped him, three other prospects and Zach Davies to the Cubs for Yu Darvish and Victor Caratini in December.&nbsp;</p><p>Caissie is built to hit for power, with a big 6-foot-4 frame that has plenty of room to add strength and a left-handed stroke with lots of bat speed and leverage. His swing can get long and uphill at times, leading to some concerns about his ability to make consistent contact. He did show some ability to make adjustments against pro pitchers as an amateur.&nbsp;</p><p>While Caissie can flash plus straight-line speed, he doesn't play quite that fast and projects as an average runner once he fills out. He fits the right-field profile with his offensive upside and plus arm. One of the younger players in the 2020 Draft at 17 years and 11 months, he'll need time to develop in the Minors.</p>","contentTitle":"2021"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 45 | Power: 55 | Run: 50 | Arm: 60 | Field: 50 | Overall: 50&nbsp;</p><p>The best Canadian prospect in the 2020 Draft, Caissie became his nation's highest-drafted outfielder when San Diego selected him 45th overall and signed him for a below-slot $1,200,004. He only saw instructional league action with the Padres before they traded him with three other prospects and Zach Davies to acquire Yu Darvish and Victor Caratini that December. He broke into the Minors by hitting .349/.478/.596 with six homers in 32 games in the Rookie-level Arizona Complex League last summer, earning a swift promotion to Low-A.&nbsp;</p><p>Caissie possesses more raw power than any Cubs farmhand, the product of the plenty of bat speed and leverage in his left-handed swing and a big 6-foot-4 frame that can add more strength. While his swing can get long and uphill at times, he generally doesn't try to do much at the plate. He uses the opposite field well and shows a willingness to work counts that resulted in high walk (19 percent) and strikeout (30 percent) rates during his pro debut.&nbsp;</p><p>Though Caissie is athletic and can flash plus straight-line speed, he projects as more as an average runner once he matures physically. He's a work in progress as a defender but should have average range on either outfield corner once he gains more experience. With his power and plus arm strength, he profiles well in right field.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"2022"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Hit: 45 | Power: 65 | Run: 45 | Arm: 55 | Field: 45 | Overall: 55</p><p>The highest-drafted Canadian outfielder ever, Caissie went 45th overall to the Padres in June 2020 and signed for a below-slot $1,200,004. He had yet to make his pro debut when San Diego traded him, three other prospects and Zach Davies to the Cubs for Yu Darvish and Victor Caratini six months later. He spent his age-19 season in High-A last summer, hitting a crucial playoff home run as South Bend won the Midwest League championship, and has had a monster year in Double-A in 2023.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>Caissie's signature tool is his well-above-average raw power, which he creates with bat speed and leverage in his left-handed stroke. He produces astounding exit velocities for his age and is doing a better job of pulling and lifting more pitches this summer. He works deep counts but his approach comes with a good deal of strikeouts that will be an acceptable tradeoff for his pop.&nbsp;</p><p>While Caissie has flashed plus straight-line speed in the past, he's more of an average runner on the diamond and may lose a step as he fills out his build. He's athletic for his size, but his reads and routes in the outfield need work, and he could wind up as a fringy defender in left field. He has spent most of his early pro career in right and has the solid arm strength for the position.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 45 | Power: 65 | Run: 40 | Arm: 60 | Field: 50 | Overall: 55</p><p>The Padres selected Caissie with the 45th overall pick in the 2020 Draft, making him the highest-drafted Canadian outfielder ever, and signed him for $1,200,004. Before he made his pro debut, San Diego traded him with three other prospects and Zach Davies to acquire Yu Darvish and Victor Caratini from the Cubs that December. He has helped High-A South Bend and Double-A Tennessee win league championships the past two seasons, and he finished in the top five in all three slash categories (.289/.398/.519) and homers (22) in the Double-A Southern League as a 20-year-old in 2023.</p><p>Despite his youth, Caissie already generates some of the highest exit velocities in the game and his raw power earns top-of-the-scale grades from some evaluators. The bat speed from his left-handed swing and the projectable strength and leverage in his 6-foot-3 frame could translate into 35-40 homers per season as he continues to pull and lift pitches more frequently and makes adjustments at the plate. He struck out at a 31 percent rate in 2023 and struggles with sliders, but the whiffs are an acceptable tradeoff for his pop and he does draw a healthy amount of walks.</p><p>Although Caissie has flashed plus straight-line speed at times, he’s more of an average runner who probably will lose a step as he physically matures. Still working on the consistency of his reads and routes on the outfield corners, he projects as an average defender. He has spent most of his career in right field, where his plus arm helped him register 10 assists in 101 games last summer.</p>","contentTitle":"2024"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 45 | Power: 60 | Run: 50 | Arm: 60 | Field: 50 | Overall: 55</p><p>The highest-drafted Canadian outfielder ever, Caissie signed with the Padres for $1,200,004 as the 45th overall pick in 2020, but he never played a game in the organization. San Diego dealt him with three other prospects and Zach Davies to get Yu Darvish and Victor Caratini from the Cubs that December. He has handled aggressive assignments with aplomb, powering High-A South Bend (2022) and Double-A Tennessee (2023) to championships before slashing .278/.375/.472 with 19 homers as the Triple-A International League's second-youngest batting qualifier (age 21) last year.</p><p>Caissie has had no difficulty producing against much older competition, creating huge raw power with the bat speed and loft in his left-handed swing and the still-growing strength and leverage in his 6-foot-3 frame. He could provide 30 or more homers per season, with his pop playing from left-center to the right-field line and against both lefties and righties. He's an aggressive hitter with a naturally long stroke, leading to a 29 percent strikeout rate in his first four pro seasons, yet he's also a career .278 hitter with a 14 percent walk rate.</p><p>Caissie is deceptively quick for his size, flashing plus speed at times and showing the ability to steal an occasional base. He has improved his reads and routes in the outfield and covers ground well enough to be at least an average defender. With his power and plus arm strength, he fits the right-field profile.</p>","contentTitle":"2025"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":"Michigan","signed":""}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":48,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2025","gradesHitting":[],"gradesPitching":null,"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":"","playerPhotoCustomUrl":",d_people:generic:headshot:silo:current.png,q_auto:best,f_auto/v1/people/691781/headshot/silo/current","player":{"__ref":"Person:691781"},"position":"3B","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 50 | Power: 60 | Run: 50 | Arm: 60 | Field: 50 | Overall: 60</p><p>House entered the summer as the consensus top prospect and most famous player in the 2021 high school class. He left it with a bunch of question marks after struggling mightily at the plate, though he performed better at the World Wood Bat Association World Championship in the fall and has been terrific this spring, especially in an April matchup against Dylan Lesko, the top high school arm in the 2022 class. He's a potential top-five pick and likely won't get out of the top 10.&nbsp;</p><p>At 6-foot-4 and 215 pounds with plenty of strength and bat speed, House looks the part of a power hitter and has well-above-average raw pop to all fields. But after showing the ability to crush good velocity and handle quality breaking balls in past years on the showcase circuit, he got excessively aggressive and his right-handed stroke got longer and slower. Since learning what happens when he sells out for home runs, he has made adjustments, shortened his swing and gotten back to doing damage.&nbsp;</p><p>An average runner, House likely will move to third base in pro ball but may be athletic enough to stay at shortstop.&nbsp;The Tennessee recruit should be at least a solid defender at the hot corner and possesses a plus arm that can pump fastballs up to 96 mph off the mound. Scouts compare him to a more athletic version of Joey Gallo or 2018 Cardinals first-rounder Nolan Gorman.</p>","contentTitle":"draft"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 50 | Power: 60 | Run: 50 | Arm: 60 | Field: 50 | Overall: 55</p><p>House entered the summer as the consensus top prospect and most famous player in the 2021 high school class. He left it with a bunch of question marks after struggling mightily at the plate, though he performed better at the World Wood Bat Association World Championship in the fall and was terrific this spring, especially in an April matchup against Dylan Lesko, the top high school arm in the 2022 class. The Nats were delighted to see him fall to No. 11 and went above slot to sign him for $5 million.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>At 6-foot-4 and 215 pounds with plenty of strength and bat speed, House looks the part of a power hitter and has well-above-average raw pop to all fields. But after showing the ability to crush good velocity and handle quality breaking balls in past years on the showcase circuit, he got overly aggressive and his right-handed stroke got longer and slower. Since learning what happens when he sells out for home runs, he has made adjustments, shortened his swing and gotten back to doing damage.&nbsp;</p><p>An average runner, House will start out at shortstop in pro ball but might have to move to the hot corner eventually. He should be at least a solid defender there and possesses a plus arm that can pump fastballs up to 96 mph off the mound. Scouts compare him to a more athletic version of Joey Gallo or 2018 Cardinals first-rounder Nolan Gorman.</p>","contentTitle":"2021"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 50 | Power: 60 | Run: 50 | Arm: 60 | Field: 50 | Overall: 50</p><p>House was arguably the top prep player in the 2021 class going into the summer before the Draft, only to take steps back with his offensive production in showcases with swing-and-miss issues. He still showed good upside and rebounded nicely in the spring, leading the Nats to select him at 11th overall. Washington signed their new shortstop prospect for above slot at $5 million. House played 16 games in the Rookie-level Florida Complex League and very much fit his scouting report, hitting .322/.394/.576 with four homers. House opened 2022 with Single-A Fredericksburg, but a back issue in mid-June forced him on the IL and he’s spent much of the summer rehabbing in West Palm Beach.</p><p>House looks and acts the part of a large slugger at a measured 6-foot-4, 215 pounds, using that frame to generate good bat speed and plenty of raw power from the right side. He had previously gotten long in that swing, in order to exhibit that pop on showcase circuits, but shortened it enough last spring and summer to give him an average hit tool projection for now. He’s had issues handling velocity this season in the Carolina League, heightening concerns about his overall hit tool, but the Nats have chalked that up to the back and other growing pains that come with a first full season.</p><p>House has a rocket arm, one that threw fastballs at 96 in prep ball, and that is his best defensive asset at short. He’s an average runner that won’t cover a ton of ground in the hole, but he’s capable of making most plays. If House does need to move to third, it won’t be for a while.&nbsp;The Nationals are willing to give him every chance to stay at short and follow in the line of other larger players at the position like Carlos Correa and Corey Seager (also 6-foot-4 each).</p>","contentTitle":"2022"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Hit: 55 | Power: 60 | Run: 50 | Arm: 60 | Field: 50 | Overall: 55</p><p>In the leadup to the 2021 Draft, House was right in the mix of a loaded shortstop group alongside Marcelo Mayer, Jordan Lawlar and Kahlil Watson, though his stock slipped a bit because of swing-and-miss concerns in showcases. He went 11th overall to the Nationals and signed for above slot at $5 million to become a potentially large part of Washington’s rebuilding efforts. House got off to a hot start at Single-A Fredericksburg with a .341 average in April but fell off in May and June, slashing just .220/.291/.286 over 25 games, and he didn’t play from June 11 onward because of a back injury. It appears that back held down House even more than was originally let on because he's come on hot in 2023, climbing three levels while looking like the slugger he was during his amateur days.</p><p>When everything’s right, House uses every bit of his 6-foot-4 frame to generate good bat speed and plus raw power from the right side. He has had struggles with velocity in the past, and those continued in the Carolina League in 2022, heightening concerns that he may possess just an average hit tool in the end, but he's rebounded nicely at Single-A, High-A and Double-A. His loud contact will be continue to be what drives his offensive value.</p><p>The Nationals announced in the spring that House would be moving from short to third base full-time in ’23. That shouldn’t come as a huge shock given his size and his average speed. His best defensive asset is a rocket arm that helped him throw 96 mph in high school and should ease the transition. The move does heighten House’s need to hit, and now that he’s healthy, he is a big part of Washington's rebuilding plans.</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 55 | Power: 60 | Run: 50 | Arm: 60 | Field: 50 | Overall: 55</p><p>Part of a loaded prep shortstop group in the 2021 Draft, House went 11th overall to the Nationals and signed for an above-slot bonus of $5 million. He met the early hype at Single-A Fredericksburg in 2022, but a back injury seriously slowed him down as the summer wore on, causing him to manage only 45 games in the Carolina League. With a return to health last season, House climbed three levels from Single-A to Double-A while posting a .312/.365/.497 line with 12 homers over 88 games.</p><p>Standing in at 6-foot-4, House is built like his last name and doesn’t need to do much at the plate from a quiet load to tap into his considerable raw power from the right side. His combination of loud contact and improved lift of the ball -- leading to more line drives in particular at Double-A -- helped him hit at least .297 at each of his three stops in 2023, and that tandem should continue to translate at the higher levels, despite some chase issues with Harrisburg.</p><p>The Nats didn’t waste much time by moving House to third base in 2023 out of their belief that his range would play better there, and early reviews were promising. His arm, which helped him touch 96 mph as a high school pitcher, certainly fits the position and gives House a true defensive asset. With his back issues in the past, the Georgia native has rebuilt his stock and joins Double-A teammates Dylan Crews and James Wood as building blocks for the future of baseball in the capital.</p>","contentTitle":"2024"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Hit: 45 | Power: 60 | Run: 50 | Arm: 60 | Field: 55 | Overall: 50</p><p>A Georgia high schooler, House was the third shortstop off the board when he went 11th overall to the Nationals and signed above slot for $5 million. A back injury limited him to 45 games at Single-A in his first full season, then really broke out in 2023, when he slashed .312/.365/.497 in 88 games while topping out at Double-A Harrisburg. He returned to the Eastern League in 2024 and was aggressively pushed to Triple-A Rochester a month after his 21st birthday with subpar results (.250/.285/.375, 66 wRC+).&nbsp;</p><p>Listed at 6-foot-4, House stands tall in the box and brings promising thump to the plate. His 104 mph 90th-percentile exit velocity was comfortably above average in Triple-A, and that’s without adjusting for age. He finished with 19 homers in his first season of playing 100+ games, and he could easily clear 25+ dingers in future campaigns. However, his swing-heavy approach gave scouts major pause. His overall chase rate was as high as 43 percent at Triple-A, which would have been third-highest in the Majors, and he even swung at fastballs outside the zone at a 50 percent clip. House may not have struck out at an alarming rate with Rochester, but by swinging at lots of pitches, he held himself back from finding the barrel consistently and kept his OBP below .300.</p><p>A better runner than his stolen-base totals indicated, House transitioned from shortstop to third base in 2023, in part because he had the plus-arm strength to feature there. His work at the hot corner has improved since then, though he’ll still make some occasional errors on off-balance throws. House still has time on his side to work out his offensive kinks, but the overall concerns are mounting as he heads toward the capital.</p>","contentTitle":"2025"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":"Tennessee","signed":null}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":49,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2025","gradesHitting":null,"gradesPitching":[],"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":"","playerPhotoCustomUrl":",d_people:generic:headshot:silo:current.png,q_auto:best,f_auto/v1/people/690953/headshot/silo/current","player":{"__ref":"Person:690953"},"position":"RHP","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades</strong>: Fastball: 60 | Curveball: 50 | Slider: 55 | Changeup: 55 | Control: 55 | Overall: 55</p><p>A high school player from the state of Oregon hasn't been taken in the top two rounds since the Cardinals took Carson Kelly in the second round of the 2012 Draft. Abel, who helped pitch his Jesuit High School to a state title, was named the state's Gatorade Player of the Year and then pitched well at a variety of summer showcase stops, should be the first Oregon prepster to go in the first round since Matt Smith back in 1994.</p><p>The 6-foot-5 right-hander shows flashes of three plus pitches, starting with a fastball that was regularly in the 93-95 mph range this summer, though he tired a bit near the end of his run. He throws it downhill with good life at the bottom of the zone and then can come back with a four-seamer up in the zone with riding action. His 82-86 mph slider is a very effective pitch, and he also has feel for a curveball with more over the top rotation to it. The two morph into each other at times, but there's enough differentiation to believe he could throw both in the future, along with a future plus changeup that he sells with good arm speed and features sink and dip at the end.</p><p>The Oregon State recruit generally throws strikes and he gets as high marks for his maturity and makeup as he does his stuff. He's only going to get stronger and throw harder as he physically matures, something he showed a glimpse of in one outing this spring before things got shut down, giving him the chance to be the first prep arm to come off the board in June.</p>","contentTitle":"draft"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball 60 | Curveball: 50 | Slider: 55 | Changeup: 55 | Control: 55 | Overall: 55</p><p>Prior to this June, the last high school player from Oregon taken in the top two rounds was Carson Kelly, selected by the Cardinals in the second round back in 2012. Abel had helped pitch his Jesuit High School team to a state title, was named the state’s Gatorade Player of the Year and then was one of the best prep pitchers on the summer showcase circuit to join Kelly. The top-rated high school pitcher in the class did Kelly a round better, getting taken by the Phillies at No. 15 overall and signing for a just above slot bonus of $4.075 million.</p><p>The 6-foot-5 right-hander shows flashes of three plus pitches, starting with a fastball that was regularly in the 93-95 mph range last summer, though he tired a bit near the end of his run. He throws it downhill with good life at the bottom of the zone and then can come back with a four-seamer up in the zone with riding action. His 82-86 mph slider is a very effective pitch, and he also has feel for a curveball with more over the top rotation to it. The two morph into each other at times, but there's enough differentiation to believe he could throw both in the future, along with a future plus changeup that he sells with good arm speed and features sink and dip at the end.</p><p>Abel generally throws strikes and he gets as high marks for his maturity and makeup as he does his stuff. He's only going to get stronger and throw harder as he physically matures, a big reason why he was the&nbsp;first prep arm in the 2020 class to come off the board.</p>","contentTitle":"2020"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball 60 | Curveball: 50 | Slider: 55 | Changeup: 55 | Control: 55 | Overall: 55</p><p>Many players have come out of the Pacific Northwest and gone on to be very good Major Leaguers. More often than not, they’ve been college players, and the high schoolers who have been drafted early have tended to be hitters. Before 2020, the last prep pitcher to be taken in the first round was Jeremy Bonderman in ‘01, so Abel broke a long streak when the Phillies took the big right-hander, who had put his name on the map as a first-rounder (No. 15 overall) with a solid performance on the summer showcase circuit. He then went on to impress during his time in instructional league play last fall.</p><p>Abel has the chance to have a solid four-pitch mix, all coming from an athletic 6-foot-5 frame and a super-fast arm. His fastball was up to 95 mph consistently the summer before the Draft, and he was up to 98 mph during instructional league with the Phillies. He can throw it downhill with life at the bottom of the zone, but he can also elevate his four-seamer with riding action to miss bats. Abel’s slider, which reaches 85-86 mph, flashes plus, and he can spin a curveball with more over-the-top action to it. He has good feel for a sinking changeup, thrown with excellent deception thanks to arm speed.</p><p>The combination of size and pure stuff, with more in the tank as he adds strength, makes Abel a very intriguing pitching prospect. He tends to throw strikes, something that will only improve as he continues to learn how to make adjustments on the mound. He was the first high school pitcher to be taken in the 2020 Draft, and the early returns from instructional league have shown why he was worthy of topping that list.</p>","contentTitle":"2021"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 65 | Curveball: 50 | Slider: 55 | Changeup: 55 | Control: 55 | Overall: 55</p><p>Well known throughout his high school career in Oregon, Abel made a claim to being the best prep arm in the 2020 Draft class with a strong summer showcase showing the summer prior, even if he did tire out a bit at the end. The pandemic all but upended his senior year of high school, but the Phillies liked his combination of size, stuff and feel for pitching enough to take him No. 15 overall, making him the first high school hurler taken. His first full season was inconsistent and he missed time with a shoulder issue, though his stuff played well in Low-A when healthy.</p><p>The 6-foot-5 Abel still has an exciting four-pitch mix he continues to refine. His fastball sits in the mid-90s and he can reach back for more with tremendous arm speed. His mid-80s slider misses bats and has the chance to be a true plus out pitch in the future, and he can spin a solid curve as well, though that’s his fourth pitch. He throws his above-average sinking changeup with the same arm speed as his fastball, giving it outstanding deception.</p><p>Abel is athletic on the mound, though he struggled at times with strike-throwing consistency in 2021. He gets very high marks for his makeup and smarts on the mound, giving the Phillies confidence he’ll make the adjustments necessary to find the strike zone more frequently so he can truly showcase his impressive repertoire and reach his ceiling as a frontline starter.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"2022"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Fastball: 65 | Curveball: 50 | Slider: 55 | Changeup: 50 | Control: 50 | Overall: 55</p><p>In the pandemic-shortened 2020 season, Abel was ranked as the top high school pitcher in the Draft class, based largely on his performance on the summer showcase circuit. He barely pitched at Oregon powerhouse Jesuit High School, but the Phillies had seen enough to take him in the middle of the first round that summer. A shoulder issue contributed to an inconsistent first full season in 2021, but he took a nice step forward in 2022, pitching his way from High-A to Double-A.</p><p>At 6-foot-5, Abel very much looks the part of a projectable right-handed starter. With a very quick arm, his fastball sits comfortably in the mid-90s and he’s able to crank it up into the upper 90s at times. His mid-80s slider flashes plus and can be a true out pitch. He has a distinctly slower curve, though it’s far behind his other offerings. His changeup will show glimpses of eventually being an above-average offspeed pitch with good sink that he sells well.</p><p>While Abel has displayed a growing ability to handle a workload and maintain his stuff in starts, he has had some struggles in the command and control department. He improved his strike-throwing in 2022 while maintaining an excellent strikeout rate. More refinement in that area should help him reach his ceiling as a big league starter who sits in the front half of a rotation. He might be a small step behind Andrew Painter, but Phillies fans can start dreaming about having the pair together in Philadelphia soon.</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Fastball: 65 | Curveball: 55 | Slider: 55 | Changeup: 50 | Control: 40 | Overall: 50</p><p>Coming from Oregon powerhouse Jesuit High School, Abel stood out enough on the summer showcase circuit in 2019 to offset what was largely a lost senior season in 2020 because of the pandemic. That helped him land in the middle of the first round that summer with the Phillies. He was limited by a shoulder issue in 2021 but has pitched his way to Triple-A over the past two full seasons, making a trip to the Futures Game in 2023. He’s shown off impressive stuff all along the way, albeit with some control issues.</p><p>The 6-foot-5 right-hander still offers plenty of projection to go along with his current stuff. He has the chance to have a very good four-pitch mix, starting with a fastball that averaged around 96 mph in 2023 and flirted with triple digits, missing a good amount of bats. He can throw two distinct breaking pitches -- an upper-70s curve and a harder slider that can flash plus. He can sell his upper-80s changeup well with good sink, giving him the chance to eventually have four at least above-average offerings.</p><p>While the stuff to be a frontline starter (11.1 K/9 in his career entering 2024) is not in question, his ability to land that stuff in the strike zone consistently is the one thing that could hold him back. That regressed in 2023, when he walked 5.2 per nine innings, limiting his chances to pitch deep into games. He’ll still be just 22 years old for the bulk of the 2024 season, so there’s time for him to refine that part of his game in order to knock on the big league door.</p>","contentTitle":"2024"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":"Oregon State","signed":""}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":50,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2025","gradesHitting":null,"gradesPitching":null,"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":"","playerPhotoCustomUrl":",g_auto/w_360/v1/people/702273/headshot/milb/current","player":{"__ref":"Person:702273"},"position":"LHP","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\"><strong></strong></a><strong><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></strong></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 55 | Slider: 65 | Changeup: 50 | Control: 50 | Overall: 50&nbsp;</p><p>With his 6-foot-9 frame and low three-quarters arm slot, Schultz conjures physical comparisons to Randy Johnson. He can't match the power in the Hall of Famer's arsenal, but Schultz is a lot more polished than Johnson was as a teenager. He's also difficult to figure out because he barely pitched as a high school senior and is strongly committed to Vanderbilt.&nbsp;</p><p>Schultz's biggest weapon is an upper-70s slider with horizontal break that's nearly impossible for lefties to track because of the angle he presents, and he also can back-foot it against righties. His fastball sat at 89-92 mph and peaked at 94 with good carry and armside run on the showcase circuit last summer, and he's not afraid to work it inside on right-handers. He hasn't had much need for a changeup yet but shows some aptitude for throwing one with some fade.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>Schultz has unusual athleticism and body control for such a tall youngster and he keeps all of his moving parts in sync by working out of the stretch. Scouts would like to see him add some more velocity and he began to trend up a bit during the fall before dealing at 92-96 mph and also showcasing a sharper, harder slider in a two-inning outing to open his senior season. But he came down with mononucleosis soon afterward and displayed shaky control when he returned.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"draft"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Fastball: 55 | Slider: 60 | Changeup: 50 | Control: 50 | Overall: 50&nbsp;</p><p>The White Sox went 21 years between drafting high school pitchers in the first round before they selected homestate product Schultz 26th overall this July. He was hard to scout during the spring because he came down with mononucleosis and barely pitched, but he helped his cause by dominating the Prospect League, a wood-bat college summer circuit, with a 0.93 ERA and 37 strikeouts in 19 1/3 innings leading up to the Draft. Chicago signed him away from a Vanderbilt commitment for $2.8 million.&nbsp;</p><p>Schultz had one of the best sliders in the 2022 Draft, a low-80s sweeper with high spin rates that's nearly impossible for left-handers to deal with because of the difficult angle he presents with a 6-foot-9 frame and low three-quarters arm slot. His fastball velocity improved from 89-94 mph on the showcase circuit last summer to 92-96 this year, and he has some armside run on his heater and the confidence to bust it inside on right-handers. He didn't need a changeup as a prepster but shows aptitude for throwing one with some fading action.&nbsp;</p><p>As a lefty with his size and arm angle, Schultz draws physical comparisons to Randy Johnson. He can't match the power in the Hall of Famer's arsenal, but he has unusual athleticism and body control for such a tall teenager and is much more polished than Johnson was at the same stage. His control was shaky during his brief senior season but should become average as he gains more experience.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"2022"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong>&nbsp;Fastball: 55 | Slider: 65 | Changeup: 50 | Control: 50 | Overall: 55&nbsp;</p><p>Hard to scout as an Illinois high school senior because he barely pitched after contracting mononucleosis, Schultz boosted his stock by heading to the Prospect League and posting a 0.93 ERA with 37 strikeouts in 19 1/3 innings in the wood bat college summer circuit. The White Sox hadn't taken a prep pitcher in the first round since Kris Honel in 2001 before they selected Schultz 26th overall in July and signed him away from a Vanderbilt commitment for $2.8 million. After a flexor strain in Spring Training delayed his pro debut until June 2023, he dominated Single-A hitters while working with a mid-90s fastball.&nbsp;</p><p>Schultz's slider ranked among the best in the 2022 Draft, a low-80s sweeper with high spin rates that's death on left-handers because of the angle he creates with his huge 6-foot-9 frame and low three-quarters arm slot. His fastball parked at 89-94 mph on the showcase circuit and jumped to 92-97 in short stints in 2022, and Chicago has helped him add a sinking two-seamer that could give him another weapon. He's in the early stages of developing a mid-80s changeup with fade that shows the makings of becoming an average pitch.&nbsp;</p><p>Because of Schultz's size and arm angle, the obvious physical comparison is Randy Johnson. He can't match the Hall of Famer's power -- though his velocity is on the rise -- but he has uncommon athleticism and body control for a tall teenager and is much more polished than Johnson was at the same stage. His control was scattered during his brief senior season but he generally throws strikes and commands his slider well.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Fastball: 60 | Slider: 70 | Changeup: 50 | Control: 55 | Overall: 60</p><p>Schultz barely pitched as an Illinois high school senior in 2022 while battling mononucleosis but did dominate the Prospect League, a wood-bat college summer circuit, leading up to the Draft. The White Sox ended a 21-year span of not taking prep pitchers in the first round by selecting him 26th overall and signed him away from a Vanderbilt commitment for $2.8 million. They handled him with care, as he missed the first two months of his 2023 pro debut with a flexor strain and his final couple of starts with a shoulder impingement, but in between he allowed a run in just one of his 10 Single-A outings while striking out 38 in 27 innings.&nbsp;</p><p>Schultz had one of the best sliders in the 2022 Draft, and his low-80s sweeper with high spin rates continued to destroy lower-level hitters because he creates exceptionally wide angle with his huge 6-foot-9 frame and low three-quarters arm slot. His four-seam fastball has sat at 93-95 mph and touched 97 in short stints the last two years, and Chicago is helping him add a sinking two-seam version as well. He's in the nascent stages of developing his changeup, a fading mid-80s offering that shows signs of becoming average.&nbsp;</p><p>With his size and arm angle, Schultz persistently draws physical comparisons to Randy Johnson. Though he's not as overpowering as the Hall of Famer, he's far more polished at the same stage of their careers. He has unusual athleticism and body control for a tall youngster, pounded the strike zone during his brief pro debut and exhibits very good feel for his slider.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"2024"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 60 | Slider: 70 | Changeup: 55 | Control: 55 | Overall: 60</p><p>Mononucleosis wiped out almost all of Schultz's high school senior season, but the suburban Chicago product dominated college hitters in the summer Prospect League leading up to the 2022 Draft, convincing the White Sox to end a 21-year drought of not taking prep pitchers in the first round. After signing for $2.8 million as the 26th overall pick, Schultz worked just 27 innings in his 2023 pro debut while dealing with a flexor strain and a shoulder impingement. He stayed healthy in 2024 and emerged as baseball's best left-handed pitching prospect, earning Southern League Pitcher of the Year accolades by posting a 1.48 ERA and a 73/17 K/BB ratio in 61 innings following a promotion to Double-A in late May.</p><p>With his 6-foot-9 frame and low three-quarters arm slot, Schultz creates exceptional horizontal movement on a wipeout slider that continues to gain velocity -- now sitting in the low 80s and reaching 88 mph. He has boosted his fastball from 89-92 mph in high school to 93-97 with a peak of 99 mph as a pro. He blows four-seamers by hitters up in the strike zone but doesn't miss many bats when he tries to sink heavy two-seamers, generating a lot of ground-ball contact instead.</p><p>Schultz has done a nice job honing an upper-80s changeup that can get a bit firm but is a solid offering that fades in an opposite direction from his slider. He has advanced body control for a pitcher who is so large and so young, and his control and command both grade as better than average. His frame, arm angle and slider prompt inevitable comparisons to Randy Johnson, but Schultz is a much more polished pitcher at the same stage of development.</p>","contentTitle":"2025"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":"Vanderbilt","signed":null}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":51,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2024","gradesHitting":[],"gradesPitching":null,"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":null,"playerPhotoCustomUrl":"","player":{"__ref":"Person:683737"},"position":"INF","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 55 | Power: 55 | Run: 45 | Arm: 40 | Field: 40 | Overall: 50</p><p>Minnesota's top high school position prospect in 2016, Busch went undrafted because his bat outshone his athleticism. While that profile remained true after three years at North Carolina, he established himself as one of the best all-around hitters in college baseball and went 31st overall in the 2019 Draft. After signing for $2,312,000, he played just 10 games in his pro debut because of a hand injury but returned at the end of the Arizona Fall League season.</p><p>Busch masterfully controls the strike zone, waiting for pitches he can attack and taking walks when pitchers refuse to challenge him. His sweet left-handed swing features plenty of bat speed and his balanced approach allows him to drive the ball to all fields. He should hit for average and power while drawing more than his share of walks, giving him one of the highest offensive ceilings and floors among 2019 draftees.</p><p>Though Busch has fringy speed and below-average arm strength, his stocky build belies the deceptive athleticism that made him a three-sport star (baseball, football, hockey) in high school. He played mostly first base and some left field for the Tar Heels, but the Dodgers want to find out if he can handle second base after he saw some action there in the Cape Cod League. He could provide exceptional offense for second base if he can stay there, and he'll definitely hit enough to profile at less challenging positions if needed.</p>","contentTitle":"2020"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 55 | Power: 55 | Run: 45 | Arm: 40 | Field: 40 | Overall: 50</p><p>The top position prospect in a deep Minnesota high school crop in 2016, Busch went undrafted because his bat stood out much more than his athleticism. That profile remained true after three years at North Carolina, though he also established himself as one of the best all-around hitters in college baseball and proved himself with wood bats in summer play. An MVP performance at the Atlantic Coast Conference tournament in May in front of a crowd of scouts cemented him as a first-round pick, and he signed with the Dodgers for $2,312,000 as the 31st overall selection.</p><p>Busch controls the strike zone better than most players, drawing walks when pitchers won't challenge him and attacking hittable offerings when he gets them. He has a sweet left-handed swing with plenty of bat speed, and his balanced approach allows him to drive the ball to all fields. He projects to hit for average and power while drawing plenty of walks, giving him one of the highest offensive ceilings and floors among collegians in the 2019 Draft.</p><p>Because Busch has below-average to fringy speed and arm strength, he played mostly first base and some left field for the Tar Heels. He has some deceptive athleticism for a 6-foot, 207-pounder, starring in football and hockey as well as baseball in high school. Los Angeles has opted to push the defensive envelope by breaking him into pro ball at second base, where he saw some action in the Cape Cod League.</p>","contentTitle":"2019"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 55 | Power: 55 | Run: 45 | Arm: 45 | Field: 45 | Overall: 55</p><p>One of the best all-around hitters in the 2019 college crop, Busch signed for $2,312,000 as the 31st overall pick. Though he broke his right hand when hit by a pitch 10 games into his pro debut and had the 2020 Minor League season wiped out by the pandemic, he has still impressed the Dodgers with the improvements he has made to his defense and athleticism despite the lack of game action. Scouts from other organizations who saw him during instructional league raved about his hitting ability and gave him a better chance to play second base than they had previously.&nbsp;</p><p>Busch employs a polished approach at the plate, controlling the strike zone while waiting for pitches he can do damage against, and he's willing to take walks if pitchers try to work around him. With a pretty left-handed stroke and good balance, he can drive the ball to all fields. He squares up the ball consistently and should hit for average and power while getting on base at a high clip, giving him one of the best offensive ceilings and floors from the 2019 Draft.&nbsp;</p><p>Though Busch mostly played first base and some left field in college at North Carolina, Los Angeles saw him at second base in the Cape Cod League and will give him the chance to make it there. He's stocky but has some deceptive athleticism and has gotten quicker and added some arm strength since signing. His speed and arm are still fringy, but he's looking more comfortable at the keystone and could become a Max Muncy type with a higher batting average.</p>","contentTitle":"2021"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 55 | Power: 55 | Run: 45 | Arm: 45 | Field: 45 | Overall: 55&nbsp;</p><p>Other clubs lament that talented players keep falling to Los Angeles at the end of the first round, starting with Busch in 2019 and followed by Bobby Miller and Maddux Bruns the last two years. One of the best all-around offensive prospects in his Draft class, Busch signed for $2,312,000 as the 31st overall selection. Injuries to his right hand after he was hit by pitches ended his pro debut after 10 games and hampered him early last season, but he rallied to bat .300 with 14 homers in his final 61 games.&nbsp;</p><p>His profile is similar to Dodgers All-Star Max Muncy, though Busch is a better pure hitter. He controls the strike zone while waiting for pitches to punish, employing a sweet left-handed swing and good balance at the plate to drive balls from gap to gap. He barrels balls with ease and draws plenty of walks, and his biggest needs are to be more aggressive early in the count when opportunities present themselves and to launch more balls in the air to get the most out of his plus raw power.&nbsp;</p><p>Like Muncy, Busch fits best defensively at first base (his primary position in college at North Carolina) but can get the job done at second base. His stockiness belies his deceptive athleticism, and he has worked hard to improve his quickness and arm strength since turning pro. His speed and arm are still fringy, but he has impressed scouts inside and outside of the organization by his transformation into an adequate defender at second, and he also has seen some action in left field in 2022.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"2022"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 55 | Power: 55 | Run: 45 | Arm: 40 | Field: 50 | Overall: 50</p><p>While Busch was Minnesota's top high school position prospect in 2016, his bat stood out more than his athleticism and he wasn't a highly regarded recruit or Draft target. That profile remains true today, but now he's one of the best pure hitters in college baseball and a likely first-round pick. He has been one of the Atlantic Coast Conference's most dangerous bats the last two years and also has starred in the Cape Cod League.</p><p>Busch makes it look easy at the plate. He has a smooth left-handed swing with plenty of bat speed and a patient, balanced approach that allows him to hammer balls to all fields. He should hit for average and power while drawing plenty of walks, and few college players in this Draft have a higher offensive ceiling or floor.</p><p>Like Muncy, Busch fits best defensively at first base (his primary position in college at North Carolina) but can get the job done at second base. His stockiness belies his deceptive athleticism, and he has worked hard to improve his quickness and arm strength since turning pro. His speed and arm are still fringy, but he has impressed scouts inside and outside of the organization by his transformation into an adequate defender at second, and he also has seen some action in left field in 2022.</p>","contentTitle":"Draft"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 55 | Power: 55 | Run: 45 | Arm: 45 | Field: 40 | Overall: 55&nbsp;</p><p>One of the best all-around offensive prospects in the 2019 Draft, Busch fell to the Dodgers at No. 31 amid questions about his defensive home and signed for $2,312,000. He dominated the upper levels of the Minors in the last two seasons, winning Pacific Coast League MVP honors in 2023 after leading the circuit and ranking second in the Minors in both slugging (.618) and OPS (1.049). He also made his big league debut but didn't have the road to much playing time with Los Angeles, which traded him and Yency Almonte to the Cubs for prospects Jackson Ferris and Zyhir Hope in January.</p><p>With his sweet left-handed stroke, patient approach with good balance, uncanny hand-eye coordination, bat speed and strength, Busch is equipped to hit for both average and power. He focused more on the latter in 2022, more aggressively attacking pitches early in counts and driving the ball with authority to all fields. He continued to draw walks and present an offensive profile similar to Max Muncy's, though Busch is a better pure hitter.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>Though Busch has fringy speed and arm strength, he has worked hard to improve his quickness and arm since turning pro. Evaluators inside and outside of the Dodgers organization were impressed at how he has transformed himself into an adequate defender at second base, though Los Angeles deployed him primarily at third base in 2023. The game speeds up on him at the hot corner, however, and he's still best suited for first base and capable of playing a passable left field.</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 55 | Power: 60 | Run: 45 | Arm: 40 | Field: 40 | Overall: 55&nbsp;</p><p>Busch has lived up to his reputation as one of the best all-around offensive prospects in the 2019 Draft since signing with Los Angeles for $2,312,000 as the 31st overall pick out of North Carolina. He had his best season yet in 2023, winning Pacific Coast League MVP and prospect of the year honors after topping the Triple-A circuit in slugging (.618, second in the Minors) and OPS (1.049, second), finishing second in batting (.323) and placing third in on-base percentage (.431, eighth). Though he also made his big league debut, he had no avenue to regular playing time with the Dodgers, so they dealt him and Yency Almonte to the Cubs for prospects Jackson Ferris and Zyhir Hope in January.&nbsp;</p><p>Busch is a well-rounded hitter who stands out most for his plus power to all fields, which he creates with a combination of bat speed and strength. With his disciplined approach, smooth left-handed swing and fine hand-eye coordination, he's built to hit for average as well. He draws a healthy amount of walks and has an offensive profile that resembles Max Muncy's but with more hitting ability.&nbsp;</p><p>Primarily a first baseman in college, Busch moved to second base as a pro and worked diligently to improve his quickness and arm strength. He was still fringy at best in both regards and was never going to be more than adequate at second, so Los Angeles deployed him more at third base in 2023, but he faced the same issues there. He's best suited for first base, where he'll have an opportunity with Chicago, or left field.</p>","contentTitle":"2024"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":null,"signed":null}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":52,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2025","gradesHitting":null,"gradesPitching":null,"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":"","playerPhotoCustomUrl":",g_auto/w_360/v1/people/801403/headshot/milb/current","player":{"__ref":"Person:801403"},"position":"RHP","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 70 | Curveball: 50 | Slider: 60 | Changeup: 55 | Control: 55 | Overall: 55</p><p>Dollander began to blossom as a Georgia high schooler in 2020, but the truncated season didn't give him enough time to impress scouts, so he went undrafted before heading to Georgia Southern. He stymied Tennessee with eight strikeouts in 5 2/3 one-run innings in his college debut -- then joined the Volunteers as a transfer for his sophomore season and won Southeastern Conference pitcher of the year honors in 2022. He entered 2023 as the clear top arm in the Draft and while his stuff remains top shelf, he hasn't been quite as sharp as he was last year.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>Dollander's devastating arsenal begins with a 95-97 mph fastball that peaks at 99 and produces elite swing-and-miss rates with its combination of velocity and carry. His best secondary pitch is a tight slider that parks in the mid-80s and reaches 91 mph, and it can be a well-above-average offering with sweep at its best. He also has a bigger mid-70s curveball and a fading upper-80s changeup, both of which can be solid pitches but aren't as consistent as his primary weapons.</p><p>While Dollander continues to display frontline starter stuff, he's not locating it as well. He ranked seventh in NCAA Division I in K/BB ratio (8.3) as a sophomore while repeating his simple delivery with ease, but his control and command have been more average this spring. His athleticism helps him generate his premium pitches with little effort and he still has room to add more strength to his 6-foot-2 frame.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"Draft"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 70 | Curveball: 50 | Slider: 60 | Changeup: 55 | Control: 55 | Overall: 55</p><p>Dollander began to blossom as a Georgia high-schooler in 2020, but the truncated season didn't give him enough time to impress scouts, so he went undrafted before heading to Georgia Southern. He stymied Tennessee with eight strikeouts in 5 2/3 one-run innings in his college debut -- then joined the Volunteers as a transfer for his sophomore season and won Southeastern Conference pitcher of the year honors in 2022. He entered 2023 as the clear top arm in the Draft, and while his stuff remained top shelf, he wasn't quite as sharp as he was last year. He still landed in the top 10, going No. 9 overall to the Rockies and signing for a full-slot bonus of $5.72 million.</p><p>Dollander's devastating arsenal begins with a 95-97 mph fastball that peaks at 99 and produces elite swing-and-miss rates with its combination of velocity and carry. His best secondary pitch is a tight slider that parks in the mid-80s and reaches 91 mph, and it can be a well-above-average offering with sweep at its best. He also has a bigger mid-70s curveball and a fading upper-80s changeup, both of which can be solid pitches but aren't as consistent as his primary weapons.</p><p>While Dollander continued to display frontline starter stuff, he wasn’t locating it as well in 2023. He ranked seventh in NCAA Division I in K/BB ratio (8.3) as a sophomore while repeating his simple delivery with ease, but his control and command were more average this spring. His athleticism helps him generate his premium pitches with little effort and he still has room to add more strength to his 6-foot-2 frame.</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\"><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 65 | Curveball: 50 | Slider: 60 | Changeup: 55 | Control: 50 | Overall: 55</p><p>Dollander was under recruited as a Georgia high schooler, one who didn’t have enough time in the truncated 2020 season to impress big college recruiters, and he headed to Georgia Southern to begin his college career. He threw well enough as a freshman to transfer to Tennessee and was Southeastern Conference pitcher of the year as a sophomore in 2022. That set the stage for him to be considered the top pitcher in the Draft as the 2023 season approached, but inconsistent results knocked him from that perch. He didn’t fall too far, landing No. 9 overall and signing with the Rockies for full slot.</p><p>Dollander’s pure stuff was still pretty exciting during his junior season, with a fastball that averaged around 96 mph and touched 99, a heater with good carry that elicits a lot of swings-and-misses. His mid-80s tight slider can touch the low 90s and is often a plus pitch with sweep. He has a bigger mid-70s curve and an upper-80s changeup with fade, and both can be effective, even if they aren’t as reliable a go-to as the fastball-slider combination.</p><p>While Dollander didn’t walk a ton of guys as a junior, the command of his premium stuff, both in and out of the strike zone, regressed compared to his dominant sophomore campaign. He’s a good athlete on the mound and has shown the ability to repeat his delivery, with the hope that the Rockies can help him right the ship and&nbsp;use his frontline starter stuff more effectively as he embarks on his pro career.</p>","contentTitle":"2024"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 65 | Curveball: 55 | Slider: 60 | Changeup: 55 | Control: 50 | Overall: 55</p><p>After one year at Georgia Southern to start his college career, Dollander transferred to Tennessee and was named the Southeastern Conference’s pitcher of the year in 2022, setting the stage for him to potentially go at the top of the 2023 Draft. His inconsistency as a junior kept that from happening, but he still went No. 9 to the Rockies and pitched his way to Double-A in his first full season with a trip to the Futures Game mixed in.</p><p>Dollander has the chance to have four at least above-average offerings at his disposal. His fastball sits around 96 mph and touches 98-99, and it’s a bat-misser thanks to his approach angle, extension and induced vertical break. At its best, his upper-80s slider is hard and tight and can be an out pitch, though the right-hander tinkered with a variety of grips for the breaking ball in 2024 and wasn’t always thrilled with where it was. As a result, he did go to his upper-70s curve more frequently, especially to get ahead in counts quickly. His upper-80s changeup features fade and can also be very effective.</p><p>A solid athlete on the mound, Dollander has shown the ability to repeat his delivery well and find the strike zone consistently, though there’s room for improvement in terms of overall command. The struggles of that junior year far behind him, Dollander has the stuff and work ethic to give the Rockies a future potential frontline starter.</p>","contentTitle":"2025"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":null,"signed":null}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":53,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2025","gradesHitting":null,"gradesPitching":null,"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":"","playerPhotoCustomUrl":",q_auto:best/v1/people/687551/headshot/silo/current","player":{"__ref":"Person:687551"},"position":"OF","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><strong>Video scouting report »</strong></a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 55 | Power: 45 | Run: 55 | Arm: 60 | Field: 55 | Overall: 50</p><p>Some scouts thought Gilbert had the second-best stuff among upper Midwest high school pitchers in the 2019 Draft (behind Pirates first-rounder Quinn Priester), but his 5-foot-9 frame and college commitment dropped him to his home-state Twins in the 35th round. Although he has pulled double duty at Tennessee and has run his fastball up to 93 mph in a relief role, he has emerged as a better prospect as a center fielder. He homered four times in seven postseason games last June to help the Volunteers reach the College World Series for the first time since 2005, then was the best hitter on a club that ranked No. 1 in the nation for much of this season.&nbsp;</p><p>A fiery competitor who plays with a lot of emotion, Gilbert has an aggressive approach but also the hand-eye coordination to regularly barrel balls. His left-handed swing can get big when he gets too concerned with home runs, and he'd be a better hitter if he focused more on making quality contact. His bat speed and strength give him enough raw pop to hit 15-20 homers per season without selling out.</p><p>Gilbert has solid to plus speed and will steal and take extra bases. While he's not a true burner, his quickness and instincts allow him to run down balls from gap to gap in center field. His plus arm strength would allow him to play anywhere in the outfield, and he also showed feel for spinning a curveball and aptitude for throwing a changeup while drawing some Tim Collins comparisons in high school.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"Draft"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 55 | Power: 45 | Run: 55 | Arm: 60 | Field: 55 | Overall: 50</p><p>Some scouts thought Gilbert had the second-best stuff among upper Midwest high school pitchers in the 2019 Draft (behind only Pirates first-rounder Quinn Priester), but his 5-foot-9 frame and commitment to Tennessee dropped him to his homestate Twins in the 35th round. He starred as a center fielder with the Volunteers, homering four times in seven playoff games to help them reach the 2021 College World Series and putting up the best numbers on a team that ranked No. 1 in the nation for much of this season. The Astros took him with their first first-round pick in three years and signed him for $2,497,500.</p><p>Gilbert has an aggressive approach at the plate but his uncanny hand-eye coordination still enables him to consistently barrel balls. He could become an even better hitter if he focused on making quality contact, but his quick left-handed stroke can get too long when he hunts home runs. He has enough bat speed and strength to produce 15-20 homers per season without swinging for the fences.</p><p>A fiery competitor who plays with a lot of emotion -- sometimes too much -- Gilbert has solid-to-plus speed and looks to steal and take extra bases. He's not a true burner but his quickness and instincts allow him to chase down balls from gap to gap in center field. He has plus arm strength that produced fastballs up to 93 mph in sporadic pitching appearances at Tennessee, and he also displayed feel for spinning a curveball and using a changeup while drawing Tim Collins comparisons as a prepster.</p>","contentTitle":"2022"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Hit: 55 | Power: 45 | Run: 55 | Arm: 60 | Field: 55 | Overall: 55&nbsp;</p><p>He might have had the second-best stuff among prep pitchers from the upper Midwest in the 2019 Draft, trailing only Pirates first-rounder Quinn Priester, but Gilbert's 5-foot-9 frame and Tennessee commitment slid him to his home-state Twins in the 35th round. He starred as center fielder for the Volunteers, homering four times in seven playoff games to lead them to the 2021 College World Series and posting the best numbers (.362/.455/.673) on a club that ranked No. 1 in the nation for most of 2022. He signed for $2,497,500 as Houston's first first-round choice in three years but played just 10 pro games before dislocating his right elbow after running into an outfield wall. Gilbert climbed quickly from High-A to Double-A in his first full season before moving from the Astros to the Mets in the Justin Verlander Deadline deal.</p><p>Gilbert is extremely aggressive in all phases of the game, yet his superb hand-eye coordination enables him to repeatedly barrel balls and produce high exit velocities. His left-handed stroke can get long because he hunts home runs, and while he rarely strikes out, he does make more ground-ball contact than desired. He's not physical but does have enough bat speed and strength to provide 15-20 homers per season without selling out for power.&nbsp;</p><p>Gilbert has solid-to-plus speed and uses it to steal and take extra bases. His quickness and instincts allow him to cover ground in center field, where he shows the plus arm strength that produced fastballs clocked up to 93 mph during infrequent college pitching appearances. A fiery competitor with a lot of emotion, he's destined to become a fan favorite but needs to play more under control at times.</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Hit: 55 | Power: 50 | Run: 55 | Arm: 60 | Field: 55 | Overall: 55</p><p>Gilbert was one of Tennessee’s best performers in 2022 -- when the Volunteers spent much of the spring as the No. 1 team in the country -- and finished with a .362/.455/.673 line and 32/33 K/BB ratio over 58 games. He went in the first round to the Astros but suffered a dislocated right elbow 10 games into his pro career. The former Volunteer got off to a fiery start at High-A Asheville in his first full season, slugging .686 while collecting 15 extra-base hits in 21 games, and pushed for Double-A quickly. He was forced to DH for a time due to a left elbow injury and was showing signs of heating up again when he was traded to the Mets in the Justin Verlander blockbuster. Gilbert finished the season with a .325/.423/.561 line in 35 games for Double-A Binghamton, helping it in its push to the Eastern League postseason.</p><p>The left-handed slugger is often described as a player who performs like his hair is on fire. Once criticized for putting the ball on the ground too often, he did a better job of adding lift and pushing his pull percentage to 50.9 across all three of his stops. That allowed his average power to play in games, especially at hitter-friendly Asheville, but he projects as a hit-over-slug batter given his 5-foot-9 frame.</p><p>Gilbert uses above-average speed well on the basepaths and can push defenses on balls to the gaps. He got time in all three outfield spots with both the Mets and Astros, but his wheels and aggressiveness serve him just fine in center. His arm strength that helped him throw 93 mph off the mound in college also suits a move to right, if that’s where New York needs him.</p>","contentTitle":"2024"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":null,"signed":null}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":54,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2025","gradesHitting":null,"gradesPitching":null,"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":"","playerPhotoCustomUrl":",q_auto:best/v1/people/807713/headshot/silo/current","player":{"__ref":"Person:807713"},"position":"INF","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\"><span class=\"ql-cursor\"></span></a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 55 | Power: 55 | Run: 60 | Arm: 45 | Field: 50 | Overall: 55</p><p>The University of Maryland has produced some solid middle-infield talent that has gone in the top five rounds, notably 2015 third-rounder Brandon Lowe and fourth-rounder Kevin Smith in '17. Shaw has a good chance to beat both Terrapins alumni after hitting .332 as a freshman, blasting 22 homers as a sophomore and then greatly enhancing his Draft stock by capturing Cape Cod League MVP honors thanks to a .360/.432/.574 line.</p><p>Shaw might be one of the better college hitters in the Draft class. He rarely strikes out and draws walks while making consistently hard contact. He can drive the ball to all fields and he showed off impressive opposite-field power last year for Maryland, with many of his homers going out to right and right-center field. He’s a plus runner who is a legitimate basestealing threat.</p><p>Shaw is currently the Terrapins' shortstop, but he’s shown off some defensive versatility, playing second, third and the outfield as a freshman and seeing time on both sides of second on the Cape. A team taking him could certainly send him out as a shortstop, but most feel his arm will push him to second long-term. Wherever he plays, it’s his bat that could get him drafted in the first round.</p>","contentTitle":"draft"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 55 | Power: 55 | Run: 55 | Arm: 45 | Field: 50 | Overall: 55</p><p>Shaw wasn't a priority target for scouts or recruiters as a Massachusetts high schooler but developed into the highest pick ever out of the University of Maryland after three seasons with the Terrapins. He won the Cape Cod League batting title (.360) and MVP award in the summer of 2022, then set Maryland's career home run record (53) and earned Big Ten Conference player of the year accolades this spring. After signing for $4,848,500 as the 13th overall pick in July, he headed almost immediately to High-A.&nbsp;</p><p>A right-handed hitter, Shaw combines aggressiveness and discipline at the plate, doing damage without sacrificing contact. He produces high exit velocities and solid power that plays to all fields. In college, he thrived against all type of pitches and against both left-handers and right-handers.&nbsp;</p><p>Shaw has solid speed and plays quicker than that on the bases because he has fine instincts. A second baseman as a Terrapins freshman before moving to shortstop the past two years, he has enough range to remain at short but his fringy arm strength may dictate a move. He probably fits best at second and could wind up at third, where the Cubs have a greater need.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 55 | Power: 55 | Run: 55 | Arm: 45 | Field: 50 | Overall: 55&nbsp;</p><p>Lightly scouted and recruited as a Massachusetts high schooler, Shaw blossomed into the highest pick ever out of the University of Maryland when the Cubs selected him 13th overall last July. After winning the Cape Cod League batting title (.360) and MVP award during the summer of 2022, he set the Terrapins’ career home run record (53) and was named Big Ten Conference player of the year last spring. He continued to rake after turning pro for $4,848,500, hitting .357/.400/.618 with eight homers and 15 steals in 38 games while reaching Double-A.</p><p>Shaw grew up a Red Sox fan and models his game after Dustin Pedroia. He walks a similarly fine line between aggression and discipline at the plate, repeatedly turning his right-handed swing loose yet still making consistent hard contact. He has no discernible weakness, thriving against both lefties and righties and against all types of pitches. He uses the entire field well, and his solid power plays to all parts of the park.&nbsp;</p><p>Shaw’s baserunning instincts enable him to make good use of his solid speed. He played second base as a college freshman before moving to shortstop, where he has enough range but his fringy arm is a liability. Chicago is set up the middle with Gold Glovers Nico Hoerner and Dansby Swanson, so Shaw has shifted to third base and has the tools to become an average defender there.</p>","contentTitle":"2024"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades</strong>: Hit: 60 | Power: 55 | Run: 55 | Arm: 45 | Field: 50 | Overall: 60</p><p>Shaw won the Cape Cod League batting title (.360) and MVP award during the summer of 2022, then set Maryland's career home run record (53) and was named Big Ten Conference player of the year the following spring. Signed for $4,848,500 as the 13th overall pick in 2023 -- the highest ever in Terrapins history -- he earned Double-A Southern League MVP honors, boosted his production after a promotion to Triple-A and was one of four 20/30 players in the Minors during his first full pro season. He also was Team USA's best hitter at the Premier12 tournament in November, batting .412 and leading the event with 14 RBIs in seven games while earning a bronze medal.</p><p>Growing up as a Red Sox fan, Shaw modeled his game after similarly sized Dustin Pedroia and balances aggression and discipline just like the four-time All-Star did, repeatedly barreling balls despite an effortful right-handed swing. He manages the strike zone well and uses the entire field. His bat-to-ball ability allows him to get to most of his plus raw power and it plays from foul pole to foul pole.</p><p>Shaw's solid speed, aggressive nature and baserunning instincts make him a threat to steal, and he swiped 31 bases in 42 tries (74 percent) last season. He played second base as a freshman at Maryland and spent the next two seasons and most of his pro debut at shortstop before seeing most of his action at third base in 2024. His below-average arm is a bit stretched at the hot corner, though his quickness and fast hands help his cause. He may fit best at second, though Chicago has Gold Glover Nico Hoerner there.</p>","contentTitle":"2025"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":null,"signed":null}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":55,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2024","gradesHitting":[],"gradesPitching":null,"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":null,"playerPhotoCustomUrl":",d_people:generic:headshot:silo:current.png,q_auto:best,f_auto/v1/people/678554/headshot/silo/current","player":{"__ref":"Person:678554"},"position":"3B/2B","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades</strong>: Hit: 50 | Power: 50 | Run 45 | Arm: 50 | Field: 50 | Overall: 50</p><p>Mead hit .373/.411/.471 over 20 games as a 16-year-old in the Australian Baseball League in 2017-18, leading the Phillies to sign the native Aussie the following May. He spent his only two seasons in the Philadelphia system in the Gulf Coast League, including the 2019 campaign in which he posted an .813 OPS and 132 wRC+ over 44 games. Before Mead could leave the complex, the Phils traded him to the Rays in November 2019 for left-handed reliever Cristopher Sánchez, who needed to be added to the 40-man roster that month or else be left vulnerable to the Rule 5 Draft. The canceled 2020 Minor League season kept Mead from suiting up for the Rays until this year, though he did participate in instructs last fall. He dominated once again with Adelaide back home last winter, hitting .347/.382/.569 in 22 games, and started his age-20 season at Low-A Charleston before jumping to High-A Bowling Green.</p><p>Mead is still plenty raw, given his dearth of pro experience, but he has most certainly hit everywhere he has been over the last four years. He exhibits promising bat control from the right side and doesn’t strike out much for this era of baseball with K rates around 15 percent. He can show above-average raw power in batting practice, and the Rays are enthused of how that it starting to translate into games with more promising exit velocities. Even if neither offensive tool proves to be truly plus, Mead has the all-around skill set to be an average hitter at the top level. He has defensive experience at all four infield spots, which could come with some extra value for an innovative Tampa Bay organization, but the Rays like him most at third base, where he shows a solid glove. Mead won’t fire darts from the hot corner, but he possesses enough arm strength to get his throws across the diamond.</p><p>Unless that BP pop results in more in-game homers as he matures, there isn’t going to be much flash in Mead’s game. His potential to put the ball in play and produce steady batting averages, however, is something any manager would want in a lineup, and his history of playing all over the dirt will only strengthen his Major League case as he climbs toward St. Petersburg.</p>","contentTitle":"2021"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 60 | Power: 55 | Run: 45 | Arm: 45 | Field: 45 | Overall: 55</p><p>The son of Australian Baseball Leaguer Tim Mead, Curtis was a quality ABL hitter himself, batting .373/.411/.471 over 20 games as a 16-year-old in the 2017-18 season. The Phillies signed him the following May, then dealt him to the Rays in November 2019 for left-handed reliever Cristopher Sánchez before he left the Florida complex. An instructs participant in 2020, Mead was one of the Rays system’s best hitters last season with a .321/.378/.533 line and 55 extra-base hits in 104 games across three levels. He impressed further in the Arizona Fall League with an 18-game hitting streak.</p><p>The right-handed slugger stands upright in his stance and commands the strike zone with a mix of discipline and bat control that leads to few strikeouts. (His 15.5 percent K rate was fourth-best among Rays full-season qualifiers in 2021.) Mead is also able to show plus raw power from the box. His contact mostly results in line drives and doubles to the gap for now, but the Rays believe those will go over the fence as the 21-year-old matures and gains experience.</p><p>Tampa Bay wants to keep him away from a full-time first base role as long as possible and made third base his primary position in 2021, though he’s far from fluid there. His arm strength is also tested across the diamond. He has seen more game time at second base this season, and that has replaced first as his secondary position. The bat will play anywhere he lands, and that notion has gotten truer with each passing level.</p>","contentTitle":"2022"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 65 | Power: 50 | Run: 40 | Arm: 40 | Field: 45 | Overall: 55</p><p>Mead has become a poster child of why organizations should run if the Rays come asking after a Complex League performer. An Australian Baseball League standout at a young age, Mead signed with the Phillies for $200,000 in May 2018 and was dealt to the Rays for lefty reliever Cristopher Sánchez 18 months later. Mead’s breakout came in 2021 when he hit .321 with a .911 OPS across three full-season levels and produced an 18-game hitting streak in the Arizona Fall League. His 2022 performance at Double-A and Triple-A solidified his standing as a consistent hitter, and if not for a late-season right elbow strain, he would have pushed for St. Petersburg already.</p><p>The Australia native bats out of an upright stance, and its simplicity allows him to see the ball well and react to most pitches. He doesn’t strike out a ton by modern standards, but the Rays have been enthused by the way he’s become more selective in seeking out pitches on which to do damage, rather than making contact for the sake of making contact. That change in approach, along with the 22-year-old’s increasing strength, should help him settle into 20-25-homer power over the next decade.</p><p>Mead’s arm strength has been an issue throughout the Minors, and that was before last year’s elbow injury. He got the bulk of his starts at third base in 2022 but is likely a better fit at second or first because of the arm. As is their M.O., the Rays plan to keep moving Mead around as long as they can to keep any hope of versatility because they, and many in the industry, believe his bat will be an impactful presence in any lineup.</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 60 | Power: 50 | Run: 30 | Arm: 40 | Field: 45 | Overall: 55</p><p>Mead stood out in the Australian Baseball League at a young age and signed with the Phillies for $200,000 in May 2018. He was flipped to the Rays for reliever Cristopher Sánchez 18 months later after two season of complex ball and then broke out with a .321 average and .911 OPS over 104 games across three levels in 2021. He was productive -- though limited by a right elbow strain -- at Double-A and Triple-A in 2022, and broke through to the Majors last season while slashing .294/.385/.515 in 61 games back in Durham. The Adelaide native was Tampa Bay’s second-base starter during Games 1 and 2 of its Wild Card Series loss to the Rangers.</p><p>Batting out of a simple, upright stance, Mead sees the ball well out of opposing pitchers’ hands and has the hand-eye coordination to put bat on ball with relative ease. The Rays have prioritized Mead hunting for pitches on which to do damage as he’s gotten closer to the bigs, but that hasn’t made him a free swinger either. There’s the potential for decent power if he can turn some of his doubles into dingers, but he still profiles closer to average pop for now.</p><p>Because his bat is so advanced, the 23-year-old himself has emphasized his glovework to get it Major League-ready. Below-average arm strength has caused him to add reps at second base over his natural position of third, and while his range has improved since the early days of his career, he still isn’t likely to add much defensive value. Luckily, Mead’s pure hitting ability should make him a piece of Tampa Bay’s puzzle in 2024 and beyond.</p>","contentTitle":"2024"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":null,"signed":"May 4, 2018 - PHI"}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":56,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2026","gradesHitting":null,"gradesPitching":null,"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":"","playerPhotoCustomUrl":",q_auto:best/v1/people/702266//headshot/silo/current","player":{"__ref":"Person:702266"},"position":"RHP","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 60 | Curveball: 55 | Changeup: 70 | Control: 55 | Overall: 55&nbsp;</p><p>Lesko became the first junior ever to claim Gatorade national baseball player of the year honors in 2021, when he went 11-0 with a 0.35 ERA and 112 strikeouts in 60 innings. A dominant start to his senior season along with his combination of stuff, polish, athleticism and projection had the Vanderbilt recruit poised to become the first pitcher -- college or high school -- selected in July. But he injured his elbow in early April and had Tommy John surgery, clouding his status.</p><p>Lesko already works at 92-95 mph and tops out at 97 with his fastball, which features good carry up in the strike zone and armside run and sink when he keeps it down, and he should add more velocity as he gets stronger. He has the best changeup in the Draft, a dastardly low-80s offering that scoots sideways and also has some depth. His curveball is his least reliable pitch, but his upper-70s bender has high spin rates and the potential to become a plus weapon.&nbsp;</p><p>Lesko generates premium stuff with ease and locates it well thanks to his ability to repeat a sound delivery with little effort. He gets good extension, making him even tougher on hitters, and draws praise for his intelligence and maturity. He has ace potential and may need little more than a return to health and innings against pro competition to finish refining his stuff and reach his lofty ceiling.</p>","contentTitle":"draft"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Fastball: 60 | Curveball: 55 | Changeup: 70 | Control: 55 | Overall: 55</p><p>Lesko became the first junior to claim Gatorade National Baseball Player of the Year honors in 2021, when he went 11-0 with an 0.35 ERA and 112 strikeouts in 60 innings. A dominant start to his senior season along with his combination of stuff, polish, athleticism and projection had the Vanderbilt recruit poised to become the first pitcher -- college or high school -- selected in July. But he injured his elbow in early April and had Tommy John surgery, clouding his status. San Diego was more than happy to take him 15th overall and sign him for a $3.9 million bonus.</p><p>Lesko already works at 92-95 mph and tops out at 97 with his fastball. It features good carry up in the strike zone and armside run and sink when he keeps it down, and he should add more velocity as he gets stronger. He has the best changeup in the Draft, a dastardly low-80s offering that scoots sideways and also has some depth. His curveball is his least reliable pitch, but his upper-70s bender has high spin rates and the potential to become a plus weapon.&nbsp;</p><p>Lesko generates premium stuff with ease and locates it well due to his ability to repeat a sound delivery with little effort. He gets good extension, making him even tougher on hitters, and draws praise for his intelligence and maturity. He has ace potential and may need little more than a return to health and innings against pro competition to finish refining his stuff and become a star in the San Diego system.</p>","contentTitle":"2022"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 60 | Curveball: 55 | Changeup: 70 | Control: 55 | Overall: 55</p><p>Lesko was the first junior to win the Gatorade National Baseball Player of the Year award in 2021 after posting a 0.35 ERA with 112 strikeouts in 60 innings at Buford (Ga.) High School, the alma mater of Brandon Marsh and Joey Bart. Lesko continued to shove the following spring as a senior, heightening the belief that he could be the top arm drafted in the Class of 2022, but Tommy John surgery in late April made him a question mark. He still ended up being the first prep pitcher taken when San Diego selected him 15th overall and signed him for just under slot at $3.9 million.</p><p>Before the elbow procedure, the 6-foot-2 righty was already throwing 92-95 mph, touching 97, with a fastball that carried up in the zone, and as he builds back up, there’s the chance he adds even more velo with age and physical maturity. His low-80s changeup was arguably the best of the Draft and will be one of the best in the San Diego system once he throws it again, on account of its separation and two-plane movement that can make hitters look downright silly. His upper-70s curveball will need work to reach consistency, but its high spin rates carry promise.</p><p>Lesko will have to show he can pitch with the same strong command as he continues to build back innings. That’s easier than it once was for Tommy John pitchers, but still no small task. The good news is he’s been getting innings at both the Arizona Complex and California Leagues and could be primed for a bigger takeoff in 2024.</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades</strong>: Fastball: 60 | Curveball: 50 | Slider: 50 | Changeup: 70 | Control: 40 | Overall: 45</p><p>Lesko entered his senior season at Buford (Ga.) High School in 2022 with plenty of hype after becoming the first-ever junior Gatorade National Baseball Player of the Year the prior spring. He was delivering on his promise, only to undergo Tommy John surgery in late April. The Padres still selected the right-hander 15th overall and signed him for just under slot at $3.9 million. Lesko made his pro debut in June 2023 – nearly 14 months after surgery – and despite a 5.45 ERA, showed his high potential again with 52 strikeouts over 33 innings across three levels, ending the season at High-A Fort Wayne. He returned to High-A for 2024 but never dominated as he was capable of doing, and the Padres traded him to the Rays at the Trade Deadline as part of a three-player package for reliever Jason Adam.</p><p>Lesko sits 92-96 mph with his fastball, touching 98, and makes the offering play even better with impressive carry up in the zone. That’s not even his best pitch. That remains his low-80s changeup with tremendous separation off the heater and movement that gets some silly swings, earning it consistent plus-plus grades. (Lefties hit just .186 with a 38.8 percent K rate off Lesko in 2023 as a result.) His mid-70s curveball shows with 12-to-6 movement and promising spin rates but is still developing consistency. A mid-80s slider might end up becoming the better of his two breaking pitches as he gets to work with the Rays pitching group.</p><p>The 6-foot-2 right-hander experienced control problems in his first year back from surgery in 2023, and those issues have continued into this summer. That created an opportunity for Tampa Bay to buy low, with the Rays hoping to harness his promising stuff and get Lesko back to filling the zone with more regularity.</p>","contentTitle":"2024"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":"Vanderbilt","signed":null}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":57,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2026","gradesHitting":null,"gradesPitching":null,"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":"","playerPhotoCustomUrl":",g_auto/w_360/v1/people/800611/headshot/milb/current","player":{"__ref":"Person:800611"},"position":"RHP","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></strong></p><p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Fastball: 60 | Slider: 55 | Changeup: 50 | Control: 50 | Overall: 55</p><p>In 2020, Jesuit High School in Oregon had the best high school pitcher in the class in Mick Abel, now one of the top prospects in the Phillies' organization after being taken in the middle of the first round. The 2023 Draft could be a repeat with another Jesuit product in Meyer, who helped establish himself as perhaps the best prep arm in this upcoming class with strong showings on the summer showcase circuit.</p><p>At 6-foot-5, Meyer certainly looks the part as a projectable high school right-hander. His velocity is tracking upward, frequently touching 97-98 mph over the summer, and while that was in shorter stints, it’s continued this spring as he’s touched triple digits at times during his senior year. It’s easy to dream on more consistent velocity in longer starts as he matures. Meyer backs up that tailing two-seam fastball with a mid-80s power two-plane slider that has good hard bite and spin -- it’s a future strikeout pitch that travels laterally with good depth. He also has good feel for a fading changeup, sold with excellent arm speed.</p><p>Meyer comes at hitters with a bit of a three-quarters arm slot, showing good, whippy arm action, and while there is a little crossfire in his delivery, he has a good feel for the strike zone. Committed to Oregon, he has all the ingredients to be a future frontline starter and could follow Abel as the first high school arm to come off the board.</p>","contentTitle":"draft"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Fastball: 60 | Slider: 60 | Changeup: 50 | Control: 55 | Overall: 55&nbsp;</p><p>For the second time in four Drafts, Jesuit HS (Portland, Ore.) produced the best high school pitcher available, with Meyer following in the footsteps of 2020 Phillies first-rounder Mick Abel. Gatorade's Oregon player of the year, Meyer led Jesuit to the 6-A state finals and posted a 0.51 ERA with 142 strikeouts in 70 innings. The Marlins selected him 10th overall, signed him to a below-slot $4.5 million and used the savings to land the Draft's top left-hander (Thomas White) in the supplemental first round.&nbsp;</p><p>Meyer's fastball velocity increased continually during his last two years of high school, as he went from operating in the upper 80s as a sophomore to sitting at 94-97 mph and reaching 100 with tailing action as a senior. He misses a lot more bats with a mid-80s slider with two-plane break, though he tends to fall in love with his breaking ball too much at times. He also has feel for a fading mid-80s changeup that he sells with deceptive arm speed, and it could give him a solid third pitch once he uses it more frequently.&nbsp;</p><p>Meyer repeats his athletic delivery, provides plenty of strikes and earns praise for his intelligence and competitiveness. The biggest quibble with him is that he doesn't have great metrics on his fastball, which gets hit more than it should. If he can make some adjustments to keep his heater off barrels, he'll pitch at the front of the Marlins' rotation of the future alongside Eury Pérez.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 60 | Slider: 60 | Changeup: 50 | Control: 45 | Overall: 55&nbsp;</p><p>Jesuit HS (Portland, Ore.) produced the best prep pitcher twice in a span of four Drafts with Mick Abel, a Phillies first-rounder in 2020, and Meyer, the 10th overall choice in 2023. Gatorade's Oregon player of the year, he carried Jesuit to the 6-A state finals while logging a 0.51 ERA with 142 strikeouts in 70 innings. The Marlins landed him with a below-slot $4.5 million bonus, then used the savings to grab the 2023 Draft's best left-hander (Thomas White) in the supplemental first round.&nbsp;</p><p>Meyer's best pitch is a high-spin slider with mid-80s velocity and two-plane break, though he can fall in love with it too much and will need to learn to not lean on it as heavily in pro ball. His fastball features plenty of velocity, parking at 94-97 mph and topping out at 100, though it doesn't come with great metrics and has gotten hit more than expected. He sells his fading mid-80s changeup with deceptive arm speed, and it could become a solid or better offering as he incorporates it more often.&nbsp;</p><p>Meyer repeats his athletic delivery well and filled the strike zone as an amateur, but his control hasn't been sharp during his first full pro season. He does have good feel for mixing his pitches and is a tough competitor. He can become a frontline starter if he can make some adjustments with his fastball and regain the polish he showed in high school.</p>","contentTitle":"2024"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong>&nbsp;Fastball: 55 | Curveball: 50 | Slider: 60 | Changeup: 50 | Control: 45 | Overall: 55</p><p>Jesuit HS (Portland, Ore.) spawned the best high school pitching prospect twice in four Drafts, first with Mick Abel (Phillies) in 2020 and then Meyer in '23. The Marlins signed him for a below-slot $4.5 million as the 10th overall pick, then used the savings to float the 2023 Draft's best southpaw (Thomas White) down to the supplemental first round. They pitched together at two levels in their first full pro season, with White outpitching Meyer after they advanced to High-A.</p><p>Meyer's high-spin slider can be a wipeout pitch at its best, sitting at 83-85 mph with two-plane break, though he tends to fall in love with it at the expense of developing his other secondary offerings. He worked at 93-95 mph and topped out at 98 with his fastball in 2024 after throwing a tick or two harder as an amateur. While his heater has plenty of armside run, it doesn't stand out in terms of carry or approach angle and gets hit hard when he didn't locate it well.</p><p>Meyer's fading 83-85 mph changeup and downer 77-79 mph curveball both show flashes of becoming solid pitches if he'll trust them more and do a better job of landing them for strikes. He has an athletic delivery that he repeats well and was known for his polish as an amateur, but he issued 62 walks in 85 innings during his first two years as a pro. He may need more time to develop than expected but still has the upside to pitch in the front half of a big league rotation.</p>","contentTitle":"2025"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":"Oregon","signed":null}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":58,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2026","gradesHitting":null,"gradesPitching":null,"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":"","playerPhotoCustomUrl":",g_auto/w_360/v1/people/800060/headshot/milb/current","player":{"__ref":"Person:800060"},"position":"1B","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 50 | Power: 55 | Run: 30 | Arm: 50 | Field: 40 | Overall: 45&nbsp;</p><p>East Forysth HS (Kernersville, N.C.) spawned one of the best college hitters in the 2021 Draft in Connor Norby, who went to the Orioles in the second round after starring at East Carolina. Now the Eagles offer one of the top prep sluggers for 2022 in Isaac. He has been hard to get a read on, however, because he missed most of his junior season and all of the showcase circuit with a foot injury.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>Isaac's massive 6-foot-4, 240-pound frame packs plenty of strength and bat speed that give him close to top-of-the-scale raw power from the left side of the plate. He does a good job of focusing on hard contact rather than selling out for home runs that will come naturally, leading to hope that he'll hit enough to make the most of his pop. But he has almost no track record of at-bats against quality pitching, so projecting his bat involves a lot of guesswork.&nbsp;</p><p>Almost all of Isaac's value will come from his offensive production. He's a well-below-average runner and a substandard defender at first base, though he does have average arm strength. A team that believes in his bat could take him in the top three rounds, though it's also possible clubs will let him prove he can do damage in college at Florida before paying him.</p>","contentTitle":"Draft"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 50 | Power: 55 | Run: 30 | Arm: 50 | Field: 40 | Overall: 45&nbsp;</p><p>East Forysth HS (Kernersville, N.C.) spawned one of the best college hitters in the 2021 Draft in Connor Norby, who went to the Orioles in the second round after starring at East Carolina. The Eagles offered another one of the top prep sluggers for 2022 in Isaac. He was hard to get a read on because he missed most of his junior season and all of the showcase circuit with a foot injury. Tampa Bay shocked many by taking the Florida commit 29th overall in July, and the organization backed up its confidence in Isaac by signing him to its biggest bonus at exact slot value for $2,548,900.&nbsp;</p><p>Isaac's massive 6-foot-4, 240-pound frame packs plenty of strength and bat speed that give him close to top-of-the-scale raw power from the left side of the plate. He does a good job of focusing on hard contact rather than selling out for home runs that will come naturally, leading to hope that he'll hit enough to make the most of his pop. But he has almost no track record of at-bats against quality pitching, so projecting his bat involves a lot of guesswork.&nbsp;</p><p>Almost all of Isaac's value will come from his offensive production. He's a well-below-average runner and a substandard defender at first base, though he does have average arm strength. The Rays proved they believed enough in his bat, and the organization does think he’ll hit enough to place himself more squarely on the industry’s radar as he settles into pro ball.</p>","contentTitle":"2022"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 50 | Power: 60 | Run: 30 | Arm: 50 | Field: 40 | Overall: 55</p><p>Isaac hails from East Forsyth High School in Kernersville, N.C. -- the same school that produced Orioles infielder Connor Norby -- so scouts had some familiarity with the program. A foot injury kept the 6-foot-4 first baseman from showing out as a junior and on the showcase circuit, and that made the Florida commit a question mark heading into the 2022 Draft. The Rays saw enough of Isaac to shock the industry and select him 29th overall, making him the highest true first baseman taken in his class.</p><p>Those in the Rays' organization who backed Isaac’s selection were big believers in his ability to generate bat speed and exit velocity from his 6-foot-4, 240-pound frame and think his approach of aiming for hard contact, over selling out for power from the left side will ease his transition to the pro game. Those skills will be tested, however, against tougher pro pitching as Isaac only played five games in the Florida Complex League last season. Tampa Bay coaches, who have just gotten to work with Isaac for the first time, have praised his willingness to take on instruction and prove he’s worthy of his high pick.</p><p>That value is likely to come from his bat almost exclusively. While the Rays have made defensive work and agility a primary focus in the 19-year-old’s first offseason, he will be stuck to first base, where he was below-average with the glove as an amateur, and his 30-grade speed won’t help him on the basepaths either. Isaac will need to be a masher, and Tampa Bay has to hope it can take his raw pieces and develop him into its next prospect star.</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Hit: 55 | Power: 65 | Run: 40 | Arm: 50 | Field: 50 | Overall: 55</p><p>A foot injury limited Isaac for part of his junior year at East Forsyth HS (Kernersville, N.C.) and also kept him from displaying his skills at showcase events that could have propped up his Draft status. The Rays surprised much of the industry by still taking him in the first round (29th overall), making him the highest-selected first baseman in the 2022 Draft class, and then signed him for full slot at $2,548,900. That faith was backed up when Isaac hit .285/.395/.521 with a 154 wRC+ over 102 games between Single-A and High-A in his first full season. His 19 homers were sixth-most by a Minor League teenager in 2023.</p><p>The left-handed slugger’s biggest pre-Draft supporters believed his bat speed would translate to the pro game, and that happened quickly. Starting from a slightly open stance, Isaac can turn on drivable pitches and post exciting exit velocities that may only increase as he matures. His power projection has only grown as a result of his pro success, and he’s bordering on plus-plus pop. With a 14.8 percent walk rate, he proved he’s also willing to take free passes when allowed, giving him the starter kit for a well-rounded offensive profile.</p><p>Once thought to be a future base clogger, Isaac impressed Rays officials by developing a leaner and more agile body. He may still be below average in terms of overall foot speed, but he did go 12-for-12 in stolen-base attempts at the lower levels and should move well enough to be average defensively at the cold corner. Isaac still needs to hit aplenty, but his gains in all areas make him all the more valuable in the Tampa Bay system.</p>","contentTitle":"2024"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 45 | Power: 70 | Run: 45 | Arm: 50 | Field: 50 | Overall: 55</p><p>Isaac was one of the surprises of the 2022 Draft when he went 29th overall to the Rays, but Tampa Bay officials insisted his bat speed and power would transition nicely to the pros. That proved true when the first baseman slugged 19 homers and finished with a .916 OPS in 102 games between Single-A and High-A in his first full season. Isaac got off to another quick start in 2024, slashing .287/.381/.535 with 15 homers in 71 games back at High-A, but struggled after an August promotion to Double-A Montgomery, where he posted a 40.6 percent K rate. Isaac got some extra at-bats in the hitter-friendly Arizona Fall League to end on a brighter note.</p><p>The left-handed slugger truly pops from a power standpoint already through his age-20 season. There is strength in his hacks leading to loud exit velocities routinely above 95 mph and occasionally above 110, and there’s an uppercut swing that turns that contact into extra-base hits. It’s the main driver of Isaac’s profile. But evaluators were getting more timid about him after he missed on 49.3 percent of his Double-A swings against all pitch types. Isaac started from an open stance in Montgomery but adjusted to be more straight-forward in the AFL, perhaps in search of less movement, and that’ll deserve monitoring. The Rays are also working with him on pitch selection to help him find the barrel more often.</p><p>Isaac has improved his agility ever since joining the Tampa Bay system while maintaining his prodigious strength, and he’s become a better runner, base stealer and fielder as a result. The Rays tried him out in right field -- keeping him on the same side of the diamond -- and plan to continue that at the upper levels, especially as Isaac shares rosters with Tre’ Morgan.</p>","contentTitle":"2025"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":"Florida","signed":null}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":59,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2024","gradesHitting":[],"gradesPitching":null,"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":"","playerPhotoCustomUrl":",d_people:generic:headshot:silo:current.png,q_auto:best,f_auto/v1/people/700932/headshot/silo/current","player":{"__ref":"Person:700932"},"position":"1B","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Draft scouting grades: </strong>Hit: 55 | Power: 50 | Run: 40 | Arm: 45 | Field: 50 | Overall: 50</p><p>Manzardo played for his dad at Lake City High School in Idaho before heading to Washington State. He got immediate playing time as a freshman, playing nearly every day, then took a big step forward offensively during the shortened 2020 season, posting a .435/.500/.694 line. He’s proven that wasn’t a fluke by arguably being the best all-around hitter in the PAC-12 this spring and certainly the best hitter in the Pacific Northwest, leading to his name rising up Draft boards.</p><p>The left-handed hitter can flat-out punish a baseball, showing the ability to hit for average and power. He has an advanced approach at the plate and isn’t afraid to draw a walk while limiting his swing-and-miss, especially impressive given his power. It’s pop to all fields and his ability to get to hitter’s counts should allow him get to it at the next level. He rarely misses a fastball, but also doesn’t give away too much ground against softer stuff.</p><p>Limited to first base, Manzardo has worked hard to become a more capable defender and he’s shown improvement over the course of this season. College hitters who perform tend to drift upwards as the spring wears on and that’s exactly what was happening with Manzardo as the Draft drew closer.</p>","contentTitle":"Draft"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Hit: 55 | Power: 50 | Run: 40 | Arm: 45 | Field: 50 | Overall: 45</p><p>Manzardo played for his dad at Lake City High School in Idaho before heading to Washington State. He got immediate playing time as a freshman, playing nearly every day, then took a big step forward offensively during the shortened 2020 season, posting a .435/.500/.694 line. He proved that wasn’t a fluke by arguably being the best all-around hitter in the Pac-12 this spring and certainly the best hitter in the Pacific Northwest, leading to his name rising up Draft boards. The Rays took him in the second round and signed him for the below-slot amount of $747,500.</p><p>The left-handed hitter can flat-out punish a baseball, showing the ability to hit for average and power. He has an advanced approach at the plate and isn’t afraid to draw a walk while limiting his swing-and-miss, especially impressive given his power. It’s pop to all fields and his ability to get to hitter’s counts should allow him get to it at the next level. He rarely misses a fastball, but also doesn’t give away too much ground against softer stuff.</p><p>Limited to first base, Manzardo worked hard to become a more capable defender, and he showed improvement over the course of the 2021 collegiate season. He instantly becomes Tampa Bay’s top first-base prospect, and that could allow for a clear lane to St. Petersburg if his progression continues in the Minors.</p>","contentTitle":"2021"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades</strong>: Hit: 60 | Power: 50 | Run: 40 | Arm: 45 | Field: 50 | Overall: 50</p><p>After playing for his dad at Lake City High School in Idaho, Manzardo became an instant contributor at Washington State, where he was a starter all three years. His breakout came as a sophomore in the pandemic-shortened 2020 with a .436/.500/.694 line in 16 games, and it was no fluke. The left-handed-hitting masher hit .366/.437/.640 with 11 homers in 47 games in his final season as a Cougar and entered the 2021 Draft as the best bat out of the Pacific Northwest. Tampa Bay selected him in the second round, signed him for below-slot at $747,500 and sent him to play in the Florida Complex League where he went 15-for-43 (.349) with only six strikeouts.</p><p>Manzardo showed an advanced approach as a junior at Wazzu that resulted in walks and strikeouts in nearly equal measure (25 and 29, respectively), and it should help him get in hitter’s counts on the pro side. He can feast on velocity, recognize off-speed stuff well and spray the ball well all over the diamond. The over-the-fence power may not be quite up to the same level as the hit tool, but Manzardo’s ability to square pitches up should make him a decent slugging threat.</p><p>The former Cougar is limited to first base with below-average speed. He showed defensive improvement in his time on campus, and the Rays came away from their early looks believing the glove won’t be an issue. As he gets acquainted with the Minors, Manzardo has a promising floor as a potential .290 hitter with 20-plus homers -- numbers that would clear the high offensive bar for his position.</p><p><br></p>","contentTitle":"2022"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Hit: 60 | Power: 50 | Run: 30 | Arm: 45 | Field: 50 | Overall: 55</p><p>Washington State's first All-America position player since John Olerud 33 years earlier, Manzardo established himself as one of the best pure hitters in the 2021 college class by batting .366/.437/.640 with more extra-base hits (31) than strikeouts (29) that spring. He continued to rake after signing with the Rays as a second-rounder that July, ranking second in the Minors in OPS (1.043) while advancing to Double-A during his first full season in 2022. He didn't dominate as much in Triple-A this year before Tampa Bay traded him to the Guardians for Aaron Civale at the end of July.</p><p>The left-handed slugger can be a hitting coach’s dream. Utilizing a relatively quiet setup at the plate, he often sees pitches out of the hand well and makes impressive swing decisions, thus cutting down on strikeouts while maintaining healthy walk rates. His hitting performance was remarkably consistent following his first jump to the upper Minors, strengthening the belief that he could threaten for multiple Major League seasons around (or exceeding) a .300 average. Unlike many at his position, Manzardo is hit over power with exit velocities that don’t typically pop off the page, but his ability to find the barrel has helped drive his slugging ability to this point.</p><p>The Rays worked with the 22-year-old on improving his strength, conditioning and agility, in the hopes of unlocking more power and making him more mobile at first base. He has made steady progress in his ability to make defensive plays at first, but even if he can increase his range a touch, a below-average arm will keep him there. Still, Manzardo’s Minor League profile has similarities to Vinnie Pasquantino’s in his ability to clear the high offensive bar for a first-base prospect.</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Hit: 55 | Power: 55 | Run: 30 | Arm: 45 | Field: 50 | Overall: 55&nbsp;</p><p>Manzardo slashed .366/.437/.640 at Washington State in 2021, establishing himself as one of the best pure hitters in the college class while becoming the Cougars' first All-American position player since John Olerud 33 years earlier. A second-round pick of the Rays that June, he ranked second in the Minors in OPS (1.043) and third in slugging (.617) while reaching Double-A during his first full pro season. He had a tumultuous 2023 encore that included a left shoulder injury that cost him six weeks and a July trade to the Guardians for Aaron Civale, but he finished strong while displaying more power than ever in the Arizona Fall League.&nbsp;</p><p>A left-handed hitter, Manzardo utilizes a simple approach at the plate, recognizing pitches well and making quality swing decisions. Despite a reputation as a hit-over-power guy, he always has shown a natural ability to drive balls in the air to his pull side and more aggressively sought home runs in the AFL. He has the pure hitting ability to bat .280-.300 and the strength and bat speed to produce 25 homers per season.&nbsp;</p><p>All of Manzardo's value will come from his bat because he's a well-below-average athlete and runner. He has worked to improve his conditioning and agility since turning pro, but he's just a decent defender with a fringy arm at first base. He wouldn't cover enough ground to handle left field, so his only other option is DH.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"2024"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":null,"signed":null}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":60,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2025","gradesHitting":null,"gradesPitching":null,"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":"","playerPhotoCustomUrl":",q_auto:best/v1/people/690291/headshot/silo/current","player":{"__ref":"Person:690291"},"position":"3B/2B","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><strong>Video scouting report »</strong></a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 60 | Power: 60 | Run: 40 | Arm: 45 | Field: 45 | Overall: 60</p><p>After the Rangers selected Texas Tech third baseman Josh Jung eighth overall in 2019, the Red Raiders replaced him at the hot corner with his younger brother. Jace shifted to second base in 2021 and won Big 12 Conference player of the year honors, just as Josh had two years earlier, and he's primed to go in a similar area in the 2022 Draft. Jace has more power but Josh was a more well-rounded player at the same stage of their careers.&nbsp;</p><p>Jung's upright setup at the plate is unorthodox but doesn't prevent him from destroying all types of pitches and pitchers. The left-handed hitter has no discernible weakness at the plate, drawing more walks than strikeouts in each of his first two college seasons while making repeated hard contact to all fields. His hitting ability, strength and bat speed produce home runs from foul pole to foul pole and he makes two-strike adjustments without sacrificing much power.&nbsp;</p><p>Most of Jung's value will come from his bat, which is fine because he may hit .300 with 30 homers on an annual basis. His aggressive nature helps him play better than his below-average speed on the bases but his defensive home remains in question. He has fringy arm strength, was erratic at third base and may not be more than adequate at second base.</p>","contentTitle":"draft"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 60 | Power: 60 | Run: 40 | Arm: 45 | Field: 45 | Overall: 55</p><p>After the Rangers selected Texas Tech third baseman Josh Jung eighth overall in 2019, the Red Raiders replaced him at the hot corner with his younger brother. Jace shifted to second base in 2021 and won Big 12 Conference player of the year honors, just as Josh had two years earlier. Jace has more power but Josh was a more well-rounded player at the same stage of their careers. Jace went to the Tigers with the 12th overall pick in July, signing for full slot at $4,590,300.</p><p>Jung's upright setup at the plate is unorthodox but doesn't prevent him from destroying all types of pitches and pitchers. The left-handed hitter has no discernible weakness at the plate, drawing more walks than strikeouts in each of his first two college seasons while making repeated hard contact to all fields. His hitting ability, strength and bat speed produce home runs from foul pole to foul pole, and he makes two-strike adjustments without sacrificing much power.&nbsp;</p><p>Most of Jung's value will come from his bat. That's fine, because he may hit .300 with 30 homers on an annual basis. His aggressive nature helps him play better than his below-average speed on the bases, but his defensive home remains in question. He has fringy arm strength, was erratic at third base and may not be more than adequate at second base.</p>","contentTitle":"2022"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 55 | Power: 55 | Run: 40 | Arm: 45 | Field: 45 | Overall: 55</p><p>A dominant Jung was a familiar sight on the Texas Tech infield over the last half-decade. Two years after Josh won 2019 Big 12 Conference Player of the Year honors and went in the first round of the Draft, Jace won the same award by hitting .337/.462/.697 with 21 homers in 56 games. Jace had to wait another year -- one in which he again produced a 1.093 OPS and boasted a 42/59 K/BB ratio -- to go in the first round himself; in his case, it was 12th overall to the Tigers. The younger brother was pushed to High-A West Michigan but may have run out of gas a bit with the additional 30 games.</p><p>Starting from an upright left-handed stance, Jung holds his hands with his bat at an unorthodox backward angle, yet he doesn’t have much issue staying on time with his movements. His knowledge of the strike zone helps drive his plate discipline and healthy walk rates -- even at High-A, he had a .373 OBP -- and he has the strength and bat speed to show near-plus power to all fields, as he did throughout his college career.</p><p>A below-average runner, Jung can provide value on the basepaths with his aggressiveness on balls in play, but he won’t be much of a stolen-base threat. His lack of range and arm keep him limited to second base after dalliances at third and short in college, and while his hands work for the position, he’s still going to need to hit for both average and power to bring impact as an everyday player. Luckily, he has a long resume of doing just that.</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 50 | Power: 60 | Run: 40 | Arm: 50 | Field: 45 | Overall: 55</p><p>Jung was named 2021 Big 12 Conference Player of the Year at Texas Tech -- two years after brother Josh won the same award&nbsp;-- by hitting .337/.462/.697 with 21 homers in 56 games and nearly as good a year for the Red Raiders a year later. That propelled him to become the 12th overall pick in the 2022 Draft. He met expectations in his first full Minor League season by leading the Detroit system with 28 homers while finishing with a .265/.376/.502 line over 128 games between High-A and Double-A. He got some extra time in the Arizona Fall League, where the bigger priority was seeing action at third base.</p><p>The left-handed slugger is notable for his unorthodox plate stance, in which he holds his hands fairly high and points the bat at a backward angle. He has little issue staying in rhythm, though, and comes around so quickly on pitches that he pulled 53 percent of his batted balls in 2023, the highest rate among Tigers full-season qualifiers. His swing is also geared toward lift, and he has repeatedly shown the strength to project as one of the best power-hitting second basemen in the game.</p><p>That’s if he sticks at second base. Jung was a surprise Rawlings Minor League Gold Glove winner given his pre-Draft reputation, but he impressed Tigers officials and Minor League managers with his ability to handle what’s hit to him with his good hands. However, his lack of range limits his defensive ceiling up the middle, and his trial at third coincided with Colt Keith getting looks at the keystone. Jung’s offensive ability is too good to ignore, and should he keep hitting the right benchmarks, he'll remain valuable in the lineup regardless of his defensive spot.</p>","contentTitle":"2024"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Hit: 55 | Power: 55 | Run: 30 | Arm: 50 | Field: 40 | Overall: 50</p><p>After a standout career at Texas Tech in which he won 2021 Big 12 Player of the Year honors, Jung went to the Tigers with the 12th overall pick in 2022. He led Detroit Minor Leaguers with 28 homers between High-A West Michigan and Double-A Erie a year later, thus meeting expectations as a bat-first prospect, and was a solid, if less flashy, performer with Triple-A Toledo in 2024. He missed some time in June due to right wrist soreness but made enough of an impact upon his return to debut in the Majors on Aug. 16. He hit just .241 with a .666 OPS and no homers in 34 games for Detroit down the stretch but did crack the club’s ALDS roster against the Guardians, getting three plate appearances.</p><p>Jung’s batting stance is enjoyable to watch with his hands held high and bat pointed backwards. The left-handed slugger doesn’t chase often, leading to healthy walk rates, and he’s proven capable of elevating hard-hit balls for extra-base knocks. He continues to specialize in pulled balls on the inner half, but he can adjust enough to shoot pitches the other way. Jung’s Major League power numbers weren’t stellar in the small sample, and the wrist may have been partially to blame. He underwent arthroscopic surgery in the offseason to address lingering issues.</p><p>But all of Jung’s value at this stage comes from his work at the plate. Drafted as a second baseman, the former Red Raider slid over to third when Colt Keith took over the keystone, and he still needs to improve his hands, range and actions there. The signing of Gleyber Torres for 2025 and Keith’s subsequent move to first base close two more infield avenues to Jung, complicating his route to a full-time MLB gig.</p>","contentTitle":"2025"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":null,"signed":null}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":61,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2026","gradesHitting":null,"gradesPitching":null,"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":"","playerPhotoCustomUrl":",g_auto/w_360/v1/people/805795/headshot/milb/current","player":{"__ref":"Person:805795"},"position":"SS","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report </a><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"color: rgb(77, 81, 86);\">»</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 50 | Power: 60 | Run: 50 | Arm: 60 | Field: 50 | Overall: 55</p><p>In 2020, Jackson Miller came out of J.W. Mitchell High School in Florida as one of the better prep catchers in the class, going in the second round to the Reds. Now it’s his younger brother Aidan’s turn. After a strong summer on the showcase circuit -- highlighted by All-American Game MVP honors and a Home Run Derby title as part of the All-Star break in Los Angeles -- he has the chance to get taken earlier than his brother, even though he missed much of his senior season because of a broken left hamate.</p><p>Miller is a corner infielder with the kind of offensive profile pro teams want at that spot. The right-handed hitter has easily plus raw power and has shown he can get to it in games against good competition, showing no difficulty in turning around elite velocity. He already has a lot of strength.</p><p>When he first got to high school, a leaner Miller played shortstop. As he’s physically matured, he’s slowed and is bigger and more of an average runner. He has the arm, hands and actions to play third base, his current position, at least in the short-term. Even if he had to move to first, his bat looks like it will play, with the kind of offensive upside that could land the Arkansas recruit in the first round.</p>","contentTitle":"draft"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 50 | Power: 60 | Run: 50 | Arm: 60 | Field: 50 | Overall: 55</p><p>Jackson Miller was a second-round pick of the Reds in 2020 out of J.W. Mitchell High School in Florida. His younger brother Aidan was considered a better prospect, especially after a strong summer on the showcase circuit that included winning All-American Game MVP honors and a Home Run Deby title during All-Star festivities in Los Angeles. A broken left hamate forced him out for most of his senior year of high school, which may have worked to the Phillies’ benefit as he likely would not have been available to be selected No. 27 overall and signed for $3.1 million.</p><p>Miller is a corner infielder with the kind of offensive profile pro teams want at that spot. The right-handed hitter has easily plus raw power and has shown he can get to it against good competition, showing no difficulty in turning around elite velocity. He already has a lot of strength.</p><p>When he first got to high school, a leaner Miller played shortstop. As he’s physically matured, he’s become bigger and slowed to more of an average runner. He has the arm, hands and actions to play third base, his current position, at least in the short-term. Even if he had to move to first, his bat looks like it will play, starting with an assignment to the Florida Complex League to start his pro career.</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Hit: 50 | Power: 60 | Run: 50 | Arm: 60 | Field: 50 | Overall: 55</p><p>After a strong summer showcase circuit performance that included winning the All-American Game MVP and Home Run Derby during MLB’s All-Star break in Los Angeles, Miller looked poised to be one of the top high school bats early in the first round of the 2023 Draft. He broke his left hamate early in the spring and missed nearly all of his senior year in Florida. He remained on the board until the back end of the first round, where the Phillies were thrilled to take him and sign him to a slightly over-slot bonus of $3.1 million, then watched him make a strong, but brief, first impression in pro ball.&nbsp;</p><p>A right-handed hitting infielder, Miller’s easily plus raw power that showed up in the Derby in L.A. has the chance to be legit at the highest level. He can turn around velocity without difficulty and has already shown he’s far from a one-trick pony, with a solid approach that enables him to make consistent contact, limit strikeouts and work counts, giving more confidence he’ll continue to get to that power as he moves up the ladder.</p><p>Miller began his pro career at shortstop, his position in high school. Even though most believe he’ll eventually slide over to third as he continues to physically mature, the Phillies will have him split time at the two spots on the left side of the infield. He has the arm and actions, not to mention the offensive profile, to fit in well at the hot corner.</p>","contentTitle":"2024"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 55 | Power: 60 | Run: 50 | Arm: 60 | Field: 50 | Overall: 55</p><p>It might never sound like a broken hamate is good fortune for anyone, but the Phillies would be hard pressed to refute the claim. Miller looked like one of the best high school hitters in the 2023 Draft class after a tremendous summer showcase performance but because he broke his left hamate, teams didn’t see him enough that spring, enabling him to land in the Phillies’ lap at No. 27 overall. He immediately returned their faith in him by hitting his way from Single-A to Double-A by the end of his first full season, with a stop at the Futures Game along the way.</p><p>Miller entered pro ball with a reputation for having tremendous raw pop, even if some thought he might be a power-over-hit type. He’s proven to have a solid approach and limit strikeouts while drawing walks as well as having acumen at making adjustments as he’s seen new levels of pitching, doing things like cutting down the hitch and hand pump in his swing mechanics that some evaluators worried about. He’s improved his swing decisions, with confidence he could be an above-average hitter who knows he can get to his power naturally.</p><p>While Miller played shortstop in high school, nearly everyone thought he’d have to move to third as he continued to physically mature. But he’s only played short thus far as a pro and he’s driven to prove he can stay at the premium position. He’ll keep getting time there, though the Phillies will expose him to third and second base in 2025, not because they think he has to move immediately, but so there are options when that middle-of-the-order bat is ready for Philadelphia.</p>","contentTitle":"2025"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 55 | Power: 60 | Run: 50 | Arm: 60 | Field: 50 | Overall: 55</p><p>It might sound like a broken hamate is never good fortune, but the Phillies would be hard pressed to refute the claim. Miller looked like one of the best high school hitters in the 2023 Draft class after a tremendous summer showcase performance, but because he broke his left hamate, teams didn’t see him enough that spring, enabling him to land with the Phillies at No. 27 overall. He immediately returned their faith by hitting his way from Single-A to Double-A by the end of his first full season, with a stop at the Futures Game along the way.</p><p>Miller entered pro ball with a reputation for having tremendous raw pop, even if some thought he might be a power-over-hit type. He’s proven to have a solid approach and limit strikeouts while drawing walks, as well as having acumen at making adjustments as he’s seen new levels of pitching, doing things like cutting down the hitch and hand pump in his swing mechanics that some evaluators worried about. He’s improved his swing decisions, with confidence he could be an above-average hitter who knows he can get to his power naturally.</p><p>While Miller played shortstop in high school, nearly everyone thought he’d have to move to third as he continued to physically mature. But he’s only played short thus far as a pro, and he’s driven to prove he can stay at the premium position. He’ll keep getting time there, though the Phillies will expose him to third and second base in 2025, not because they think he has to move immediately, but so there are options when that middle-of-the-order bat is ready for Philadelphia.</p>","contentTitle":"2025"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":"Arkansas","signed":null}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":62,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2024","gradesHitting":null,"gradesPitching":[],"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":"","playerPhotoCustomUrl":",d_people:generic:headshot:silo:current.png,q_auto:best,f_auto/v1/people/683003/headshot/silo/current","player":{"__ref":"Person:683003"},"position":"RHP","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 60 | Slider: 55 | Changeup: 50 | Control: 40 | Overall: 50</p><p>Jones has been on radars for quite some time now as a two-way standout, starring for his La Mirada High School team at the 2019 National High School Invitational and countless showcase events like the PDP League this past summer. While his father, Keith, spent two summers as an infielder in the D-backs system, Jared's future is definitely on the mound.</p><p>Jones will show three usable pitches, though he's more arm strength than pitchability at this point in his young career. But there's plenty of arm to like, with a fastball that is up to 96-97 mph on a consistent basis, thrown with good tail. He'll flash a solid slider that he adds and subtracts from, but it's at its best when it's the harder 80-82 mph version of the pitch and not the more slurvy 74-78 mph offering. He does miss bats with it, though a lower elbow in his delivery leads to him getting underneath it at times. He doesn't need his changeup much now, and it's a bit firm, but the 85-88 mph offspeed pitch has the chance to give him a third at least average offering.</p><p>Jones’ command has been inconsistent at best, not unusual for a prep power pitcher. While he's not the biggest guy in the world, he's strong and athletic, getting good genes from both his father and his mother, who played collegiate softball. Initially committed to attend Southern California, Jones switched to Texas when USC coach Dan Hubbs was fired.</p>","contentTitle":"draft"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 60 | Slider: 55 | Changeup: 50 | Control: 40 | Overall: 45</p><p>Jones was on amateur radars for quite some time as a two-way standout, starring for his La Mirada High School team at the 2019 National High School Invitational and countless showcase events like the PDP League last summer. While his father, Keith, spent two summers as an infielder in the D-backs' system, Jared's future is definitely on the mound, and that’s why&nbsp;the Pirates went more than $500,000 over slot to sign him in the second round of the 2020 Draft.</p><p>Jones will show three usable pitches, though he's more arm strength than pitchability at this point in his young career. But there's plenty of arm to like, with a fastball that is up to 96-97 mph on a consistent basis, thrown with good tail. He'll flash a solid slider that he adds and subtracts from, but it's at its best when it's the harder 80-82 mph version of the pitch and not the more slurvy 74-78 mph offering. He does miss bats with it, though a lower elbow in his delivery leads to him getting underneath it at times. He doesn't need his changeup much now, and it's a bit firm, but the 85-88 mph offspeed pitch has the chance to give him a third at least average offering.</p><p>Jones’ command has been inconsistent at best, not unusual for a prep power pitcher. While he's not the biggest guy in the world, he's strong and athletic, getting good genes from both his father and his mother, who played collegiate softball.&nbsp;</p><p><br></p>","contentTitle":"2020"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 60 | Slider: 55 | Changeup: 50 | Control: 40 | Overall: 45</p><p>Jones was a two-way standout at his California high school, one who stood out at showcase events with his power potential at the plate and his arm strength on the mound. The scouting industry felt his future was on the mound, and the Pirates were in that boat as well, taking him in the second round of the 2020 Draft and giving him an over-slot $2.2 million bonus to sign him away from his University of Texas commitment.</p><p>Entering pro ball, Jones was seen as more thrower than pitcher, but with the makings of a three-pitch mix. There’s more than enough fastball to work with, a heater up to 97 mph with good tail. His slider has the chance to be at least above-average if he commits to throwing the harder low-80s version of it rather than the mid-70s slower slurvy offering, and he can get underneath the pitch at times with a lower elbow. Though his changeup can be too firm, in the 85-88 mph range, he has shown some feel for the offspeed pitch.</p><p>The biggest issue for the young right-hander has been his control, which was inconsistent in high school. He’s strong and athletic with good bloodlines -- his father played pro ball and his mother was a college softball player -- and if he can iron out some of the delivery concerns, he has the chance to start.</p>","contentTitle":"2021"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 60 | Curveball: 50 | Slider: 55 | Changeup: 50 | Control: 40 | Overall: 45</p><p>Jones was all about power in high school, with both a high-octane fastball on the mound and impressive raw power at the plate. He could have possibly gone to University of Texas to play both ways, but most MLB teams saw him as a future pitcher. The Pirates agreed with that assessment, going over slot to sign him for $2.2 million in the second round of the 2020 Draft. His first taste of pro ball came with Low-A Bradenton in 2021, where he missed a ton of bats while showing he still has things to work on.</p><p>Jones’ power stuff dominated Low-A hitters, as he struck out 14 per nine over his 66 innings of work. He throws his fastball in the mid-90s consistently and can reach back for more, with good spin rates up in the zone. He’s gone back and forth on which breaking pitch he wants to focus on, and he committed more to the harder mid-80s slider, landing it for strikes with positive results. There is feel for a changeup, but he still tends to throw it too hard, in the 85-88 mph range.</p><p>Command remains the biggest obstacle in Jones’ development as a potential starter. His walk rate (4.6&nbsp;BB/9) wasn’t astronomical given his experience level and there are no glaring issues with his delivery. He just needs reps to improve consistency of execution and to build up the work load. If he can do that, he has the chance to start, with the fastball-slider combination out of a bullpen an interesting backup plan.</p>","contentTitle":"2022"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 60 | Curveball: 55 | Slider: 55 | Changeup: 50 | Control: 45 | Overall: 55</p><p>A talented two-way player from the California high school ranks, Jones was a University of Texas recruit who could have gone on to show off both his home run pop and premium fastball on the mound. The Pirates had other ideas, going over slot in the second round of the 2020 Draft to sign him for $2.2 million. He showed off his velocity as a thrower in 2021, then took some big strides toward becoming a complete pitcher with a move to High-A in 2022.</p><p>Jones is still very much a power pitcher, he’s just learned how to use that stuff more effectively. He’s continued to throw consistently harder as he’s advanced in his pro career, with a fastball now consistently clocked in the 96-99 mph range. While they do still blend together, metrics show his hard, sweeping slider and his curve are separating more and more, with more depth to the curve sure to help them set apart moving forward. His changeup has also gotten better, fooling hitters when he throws it in the upper-80s, but he throws it too hard (in the low-90s) at times.</p><p>While he cut his walk rate considerably in 2022, there’s still work to be done in terms of Jones’ overall command. Super-competitive, Jones has learned to keep his emotions in check on the mound, giving him every chance to continue his evolution as a complete pitcher and reach his ceiling as a big league starter.</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Fastball: 65 | Curveball: 55 | Slider: 55 | Changeup: 50 | Control: 45 | Overall 55</p><p>As a high schooler, Jones was all about power, both at the plate with serious raw pop and on the mound as a right-hander with premium arm strength. The Pirates went over slot in the second round of the 2020 Draft to sign him away from being a two-way player at the University of Texas and have watched him morph from thrower to complete pitcher as he’s moved steadily up the ladder. He’s topped 120 innings in each of the last two seasons, splitting 2023 between Double-A and Triple-A.</p><p>While Jones has learned a lot about the craft of pitching, he’s still coming at hitters with a power repertoire. His fastball averaged 96 mph in 2023 across two levels and flirted with triple digits, missing bats up in the zone. He’s continued to differentiate between his sweeping slider and his curve that features depth, the former thrown in the upper-80s and the latter a low-80s breaker. Both can miss bats. His firm changeup is a fourth pitch, but it’s improved considerably since the start of his career.</p><p>Jones has made strides in his strike-throwing ability and tends to be around the zone, though he’s more control than command at this point. More than anything, his maturity on the mound has been the top reason for his rise, with him keeping his emotions in check when things go wrong. He continues to add physicality, which should help him reach his ceiling soon as a big league starter.</p>","contentTitle":"2024"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":"Texas","signed":""}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":63,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2024","gradesHitting":[],"gradesPitching":null,"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":null,"playerPhotoCustomUrl":",q_auto:best/v1/people/687401/headshot/silo/current","player":{"__ref":"Person:687401"},"position":"INF","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p>The Orioles’ fourth-round pick out of New Mexico State, Ortiz became the highest-drafted Aggie ever when Baltimore selected him 108th overall in 2019. He did so on the heels of a standout junior season, earning WAC Player of the Year honors after leading the country in hits and runs, and the conference in doubles, triples and total bases as well. Those skills didn’t immediately transfer to pro ball, with Ortiz posting a .612 OPS in his first 56 games before the pandemic struck. But Ortiz added strength in quarantine and looked like a different player at Orioles instructional camp in 2020, where he turned heads by impacting the baseball more frequently.</p><p>By that point, Ortiz had already established himself as one of the, if not the best, defensive prospects in the organization. He’s a true shortstop, with a good clock, strong hands, slick actions and natural ability to read balls off the bat. He has a plus arm that’s improved since his college days, and enough athleticism to move around the diamond if the bat doesn’t mature as hoped.</p><p>This season will go a way toward determining if and how quickly it does. Ortiz doesn’t run particularly well, so it’ll be important for him to translate the power strides he showed at instructional camp into real games. If not, his ceiling is probably of a defensive-minded utility player at the highest level.</p>","contentTitle":"2021"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades: Hit: 50 | Power: 35 | Run: 55 | Arm: 50 | Field: 60 | Overall: 45</strong></p><p>A year ago, right-hander Kyle Bradish set a New Mexico State record by being the first player from the program to be drafted in the fourth round. This year, Ortiz is the top Aggies player on Draft boards with the chance to be the first position player from the school to go in the top five rounds since the Nationals took outfielder Daniel Johnson in the fifth back in 2016.</p><p>Ortiz's best quality is his ability to stay at shortstop long-term. He has really good hands and first-step quickness to go along with enough arm to stick at the premium position. The right-handed hitter has a solid approach at the plate with very good bat-to-ball skills that have allowed him to hit over .400 this spring. He should be able to hit for average at the next level, though the power he has shown is a bit of a hitter-friendly environment and conference mirage.</p><p>A bit undersized, Ortiz isn't a sexy pick in terms of loud tools. But his high marks for work ethic and leadership skills to go along with his defensive chops and contact skills should give him a shot to go at some point on Day 2 of the Draft.</p>","contentTitle":"draft"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 45 | Power: 50 | Run: 45 | Arm: 55 | Field: 65 | Overall: 45</p><p>Looking to beef up their system with up-the-middle players, the Orioles made Ortiz the highest-drafted player taken out of New Mexico State when they picked him 108th overall in 2019. The selection came after Ortiz starred for the Aggies, leading the country in hits and runs as a junior while turning heads with his defensive prowess at shortstop. That plus glovework remains Ortiz’s calling card, and after a slow start offensively, he seemed to be coming into his own at the plate before his season ended prematurely due to shoulder surgery, though he was heating up again as the season wore on in Double-A in 2022.</p><p>Now amid a system brimming with up-the-middle players, Ortiz is regarded by many as perhaps the best defensive prospect of the bunch. He is a true shortstop, with a good clock, strong hands, slick actions and a natural ability to read balls off the bat. He has a plus arm that’s improved since his college days (the 2021 surgery was to his non-throwing shoulder), and remains athletic enough after adding strength during quarantine to move around the diamond if necessary.&nbsp;</p><p>Whether that happens probably depends on his bat, which briefly came to light last summer. After homering just once in his first 75 professional games, Ortiz celebrated his promotion to Double-A by homering four times in 16 contests at the level before injury struck. He doesn’t run particularly well, so it’ll be important for Ortiz to continue translating those power strides. If he does he could grow into a big league regular, or perhaps a defensive-minded utility player at the highest level.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"2022"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades</strong>: Hit: 55 | Power: 45 | Run: 45 | Arm: 55 | Field: 65 | Overall: 55</p><p>New Mexico State is a college hitters' paradise, so scouts weren’t sure what to make of Ortiz’s gaudy numbers as a three-year starter there, particularly his .422/.474/.697 line as a junior. The Orioles figured at least his defensive acumen was worth taking in the fourth round of the 2019 Draft, but it took a while to really know what kind of all-around player they had on their hands, between the pandemic in 2020 and a torn labrum in his non-throwing shoulder cutting his 2021 season short. He took a big step forward with a healthy 2022 in which he reached Triple-A, then hit .321/.378/.507 with Norfolk last year while making multiple stops in Baltimore. He was traded to the Brewers as part of the Corbin Burnes blockbuster in February.</p><p>Since being drafted, Ortiz has added a lot of strength that’s enabled him to consistently register high exit velocities. He hasn’t sacrificed any of his elite bat-to-ball skills, striking out just 17.2 percent of the time in his Minor League career while showing the ability to drive the ball to all fields with solid in-game pop.&nbsp;</p><p>There’s never been any question about his ability to defend. He has plus hands, actions, instincts and the ability to slow the game down, not to mention more than enough arm for shortstop. He’s shown the ability to play a plus second base and can even slide over to third, something that could come in handy given Milwaukee’s larger need at the hot corner with Willy Adames handling short. Adames is a free agent next season, however, and Ortiz could slide over to his natural position for the long haul in Milwaukee.</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Hit: 55 | Power: 45 | Run: 45 | Arm: 55 | Field: 65 | Overall: 55</p><p>New Mexico State is a college hitters' paradise, so scouts weren’t sure what to make of Ortiz’s gaudy numbers as a three-year starter there, particularly his .422/.474/.697 line as a junior. The Orioles figured at least his defensive acumen was worth taking in the fourth round of the 2019 Draft, but it took a while to really know what kind of all-around player they had on their hands, between the pandemic in 2020 and a torn labrum in his non-throwing shoulder cutting his 2021 season short. He took a big step forward with a healthy 2022 in which he reached Triple-A, then hit .321/.378/.507 with Norfolk last year while making multiple stops in Baltimore. He was traded to the Brewers as part of the Corbin Burnes blockbuster in February.</p><p>Since being drafted, Ortiz has added a lot of strength that’s enabled him to consistently register high exit velocities. He hasn’t sacrificed any of his elite bat-to-ball skills, striking out just 17.2 percent of the time in his Minor League career while showing the ability to drive the ball to all fields with solid in-game pop.&nbsp;</p><p>There’s never been any question about his ability to defend. He has plus hands, actions, instincts and the ability to slow the game down, not to mention more than enough arm for shortstop. He’s shown the ability to play a plus second base and can even slide over to third, something that could come in handy given Milwaukee’s larger need at the hot corner with Willy Adames handling short. Adames is a free agent next season, however, and Ortiz could slide over to his natural position for the long haul in Milwaukee.</p>","contentTitle":"2024"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":null,"signed":null}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":64,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2025","gradesHitting":null,"gradesPitching":[],"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":"","playerPhotoCustomUrl":",d_people:generic:headshot:silo:current.png,q_auto:best,f_auto/v1/people/693311/headshot/silo/current","player":{"__ref":"Person:693311"},"position":"RHP","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Video »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 60 | Slider: 55 | Changeup: 50 | Control: 50 | Overall: 45</p><p>The state of Arkansas has had just three high school pitchers drafted in the first three rounds in the last two decades, none since the Indians made Dillon Howard as a second-rounder in 2011. Hence thrust himself into that neighborhood when he broke out during the fall. He hit 94 mph with his fastball at the Future Stars Series in September and then kicked his heater up to 96 at the World Wood Bat Association World Championship in October.</p><p>Hence lacks physicality but compensates with quick-twitch athleticism and a fast arm. His fastball sat at 93-95 mph with heavy sink during his WWBA outing and he displayed similar velocity during a brief look this spring before the high school season ended. He also shows aptitude for spinning the ball, flashing a plus slider at 76-81 mph, and demonstrates some feel for a changeup.&nbsp;</p><p>Hence's arsenal, athleticism and ability to repeat his sound delivery give him a chance to remain a starter despite his small frame. The Arkansas recruit will be 17 on Draft day, adding to his appeal for teams that place a premium on age.</p>","contentTitle":"draft"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 60 | Slider: 55 | Changeup: 50 | Control: 50 | Overall: 45</p><p>The Cardinals signed Hence for $1,115,000 as a supplemental second-rounder in June, drafting him 63rd overall and making him the highest Arkansas prep pitcher taken since Travis Wood went 60th in 2005. Hence broke out as a prospect during the fall, hitting 94 mph with his fastball at the Future Stars Series in September and reaching 96 a month later at the World Wood Bat Association World Championship in October. He was still 17 on Draft day, adding to his appeal for teams that place a premium on age.&nbsp;</p><p>Though Hence lacks physicality at 6-foot-1 and 175 pounds, he compensates with quick-twitch athleticism and arm speed. His fastball sat at 93-95 mph with heavy sink during his WWBA outing and he showed similar velocity during a brief look this spring before the high school season ended prematurely. He also shows aptitude for spinning the ball, flashing a plus slider at 76-81 mph, and for using a changeup.&nbsp;</p><p>Despite his small frame, Hence's athleticism gives him a chance to remain a starter. He has a sound delivery and repeats it well, making him an efficient strike-thrower. Should he wind up as a reliever, his fastball/slider combination could add more power in short stints and allow him to play a high-leverage role.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"2020"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 60 | Slider: 60 | Changeup: 50 | Control: 50 | Overall: 45</p><p>The highest Arkansas prep pitcher taken since Travis Wood went 60th in 2005, the Cardinals selected Hence 63rd overall in 2020 and signed the supplemental second rounder for $1,115,000. The right-hander’s stock rose in the fall when his fastball was clocked at 94 mph during the Future Stars Series in September and followed that up with a 96 mph heater a month later at the World Wood Bat Association World Championship. He made his professional debut in 2021 in the Florida Complex League, where the Cardinals are keeping a close eye on him and building up his arm.</p><p>Listed at 6-foot-1 and 175 pounds, Hence has a small frame, but makes up for it with a quick arm and natural athleticism. In addition to the mid-90s fastball, he’s armed with a plus slider that reaches the low 80s and has shown a feel for a developing changeup.</p><p>Yes, he has a small frame, but Hence has a bunch of potential upside and the athleticism needed to remain a starter. Consistently around the strike-zone, Hence has shown the ability to locate his pitches with a smooth, repeatable delivery. If he’s ultimately moved to the bullpen, Hence’s fastball/slider combination may play up a bit and permit him to take on a high leverage role in the back-end of a bullpen.</p>","contentTitle":"2021"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Fastball: 65 | Curveball: 60 | Changeup: 55 | Control: 50 | Overall: 55</p><p>The Cardinals selected Hence with the 63rd overall pick in 2020, making him the highest Arkansas high-schooler selected since Travis Wood (60th overall) in 2005. He signed for just north of slot at $1,115,000 after showing special velocity in tournaments during the previous fall. Don’t be alarmed just yet by his baseball-card statistics in the pros. Hence pitched only eight games in the Florida Complex League in 2021 as St. Louis wanted to keep him heavily monitored in West Palm Beach. Hence has been incredibly effective in short starts at Single-A Palm Beach this season with a strikeout rate comfortably above 40 percent.</p><p>Hence has always been pegged for a velocity jump, and that has come in the abbreviated outings this season to the point where he’ll sit 95-97 and has touched as high as 99 per Statcast. He showed a plus slider in high school, but has scrapped it since in deference to a 79-81 mph curveball with good spin and bite. He’s grown more and more confident in a mid-80s changeup with armside fade as 2022 has rolled along, and that pitch too gets a healthy whiff rate.&nbsp;</p><p>The right-hander isn’t huge at 6-foot-1, but he uses every bit of his athleticism to showcase his electric arm. While he isn’t expected to get taller, he could fill out a little more as he matures, securing his velo gains in longer outings. The building blocks are there for Hence to see a Major League rotation someday, and after a breakout 2022, he could become one of the game’s best young pitchers when his workload increases again next summer.</p>","contentTitle":"2022"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 65 | Curveball: 60 | Slider: 55 | Changeup: 55 | Control: 50 | Overall: 55</p><p>The Cardinals made Hence the highest Arkansas prep player selected since 2005 (Travis Wood, 60th overall) when they selected him 63rd in the shortened 2020 Draft. The organization has been cautious with the 6-foot-1 right-hander ever since. First, it limited him to only eight Florida Complex League appearances while they kept him heavily monitored in 2021. Then last season, St. Louis moved Hence to Single-A Palm Beach and originally kept him to a three-inning/50-pitch limit that expanded ever so slightly as the year went on. When Hence did pitch, he was downright dominant with a 1.38 ERA and 41.5 percent K rate in 16 starts (52 1/3 frames), earning him a limited run in the Arizona&nbsp;Fall League.</p><p>On a pitch-by-pitch basis, Hence looked like one of the most promising arms in the Minor Leagues in 2022. His mid-90s fastball, which touched 99 last year, explodes up in the zone and often leaves batters hacking and swinging below the pitch. As if that wasn’t enough, he’ll drop in an upper-70s curve with bite that gives him another whiff-heavy option below the knees. His mid-80s fading changeup and mid-80s slider give him two more above-average offerings and round out one of the best pitch mixes in the Minors.</p><p>Hence walked only 7.7 percent of his batters faced in the Florida State League, but the consistency of his command still needs work. That -- and Hence’s limited workload -- are the only knocks against him at this stage. The stuff needs to hold up into the fifth and sixth innings -- and over 100-plus frames overall -- before Hence could be considered a potential ace, but the individual pieces are there.</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 60 | Curveball: 50 | Slider: 55 | Changeup: 70 | Control: 50 | Overall: 55</p><p>Hence was taken 63rd overall in the 2020 Draft, and it’s been a slow, meticulous process since. After being limited to only eight innings in 2021, the right-hander was dominant, while still heavily monitored, with a 1.38 ERA, 0.88 WHIP and 81 strikeouts in 52 1/3 innings at Single-A Palm Beach a year later. He set a career high with 96 frames in 2023 and earned his first in-season promotion by jumping from High-A Peoria to Double-A Springfield. But he struggled in the hitter-friendly Texas League, particularly in August when he had more earned runs (24) than strikeouts (20) in five starts before ending the season on a brighter note.</p><p>In Double-A, Hence sat 92-96 mph with a fastball that can get great ride up in the zone. He has a history of touching 99 in the pros, so there could be more in the tank. His mid-80s changeup had his best whiff rate, getting 32 misses on 51 swings (63 percent) in the Texas League, and the pitch made some hitters look foolish as it dove arm side. Notably, it also helped him post reverse splits and keep lefties in check. A mid-80s slider gives another above-average look with two-plane break, but he could hang it in the zone, leading Double-A batters to slug .613 off it. He pocketed a curveball that had flashed plus earlier in his career.</p><p>The 6-foot-1 hurler has still yet to crack 100 innings in a season, and he's been in and out of the Double-A rotation this summer due to various injuries. The stuff is there for him to be a mid-rotation starter, but he needs to prove durability or else it might be worth a look at turning him into a split-resistant reliever.</p>","contentTitle":"2024"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p>Scouting grades: Fastball: 60 | Curveball: 50 | Slider: 55 | Changeup: 70 | Control: 55 | Overall: 55</p><p>The 2020 Draft may have been shortened to five rounds, but entering 2025, it’s already been a productive one for the Cardinals with Masyn Winn, Alec Burleson and Jordan Walker reaching the Majors in various capacities. Hence, who was added to the 40-man last offseason when he became Rule 5-eligible, is the next in line to follow them. The Arkansas native has faced durability questions throughout his career but has shown strong results, including most recently a 2.71 ERA and 109 strikeouts in 79 2/3 innings for Double-A Springfield despite working around lat/chest/shoulder issues.</p><p>Hence doesn’t cut an imposing figure on the bump at 6-foot-1, but his stuff certainly puts enough fear into batters. He buzzes a 92-96 mph fastball up in the zone from a three-quarters slot and touched as high as 98 mph in the Texas League last season. His best pitch, however, is a 82-84 mph circle changeup that looks much like the heater out of the hand until it dives armside. Per Synergy Sport, the pitch had an insane 73 percent overall whiff rate and a 63 percent whiff in-zone in 2024. Hence went to his gyro slider (around the same velocity) even more often with Springfield, and he’s added back an upper-70s curveball that many scouts loved during his amateur days.</p><p>Hence has kept his walk rates in check throughout his career and would have a nailed-on starter profile if not for the durability concerns. He’s still yet to crack 100 innings in a season entering his age-22 campaign. His upside remains tremendous, but if he needs to move to relief to preserve his health, the stuff would play up in a high-leverage role.</p>","contentTitle":"2025"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":"Arkansas","signed":""}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":65,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2025","gradesHitting":[],"gradesPitching":null,"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":null,"playerPhotoCustomUrl":"","player":{"__ref":"Person:682634"},"position":"OF","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 50 | Power: 55 | Run: 60 | Arm: 55 | Field: 55 | Overall: 50&nbsp;</p><p>One of the youngest and higher-ceiling prospects on the 2018 international market, Alcantara signed for $1 million when he turned 16 on July 12. When he arrived in the Rookie-level Gulf Coast League last June, he became the only 16-year-old on a U.S.-based Minor League team. He'll need a lot of development time, but it's so easy to dream on his upside.</p><p>Built like a young Dexter Fowler, Alcantara could have plus tools across the board once he gets a lot stronger and adds some much-needed polish. A right-handed hitter, his combination of bat speed, physical projection and leverage gives him well above-average raw power and already produces some of the biggest exit velocities in the system. For such a young player, he shows advanced feel for putting the bat on the ball, though he'll need to tighten his strike zone.&nbsp;</p><p>Alcantara has plus speed and gobbles up ground in center field with long, fluid strides. It's possible that he could slow down some once he's physically mature, prompting a move to a corner, but his solid arm strength would play well in right field if that happens. In addition to his physical gifts, he also impresses with his baseball IQ and his work ethic.</p>","contentTitle":"2020"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Hit: 50 | Power: 55 | Run: 60 | Arm: 55 | Field: 55 | Overall: 45</p><p>Younger and possessing a higher ceiling than most of the prospects in the 2018 international class, Alcantara signed with the Yankees for $1 million when he turned 16 on July 12. At the start of the Rookie-level Gulf Coast League season in June 2019, the Dominican was the lone 16-year-old on a U.S.-based Minor League team. His only real development last year came at New York's Dominican instructional league program, and he had just begun playing again this July when the Yankees sent him and right-handed pitching prospect Alexander Vizcaino to the Cubs in exchange for Anthony Rizzo.&nbsp;</p><p>Built like a younger Dexter Fowler, Alcantara now approaches 200 pounds and could have plus tools across the board once he fills out and gains more experience. His bat speed, projectable strength and leverage give him well above-average power from the right side of the plate and produce some of the highest exit velocities in the system. He made a reasonable amount of contact in his 2019 pro debut but will need to improve his discipline when he faces more advanced pitchers.&nbsp;</p><p>A plus runner, Alcantara covers plenty of ground in center field with long, fluid strides. If he slows down as he adds strength and needs to move to a corner, his solid arm strength would fit nicely in right field. Besides his tools, his baseball IQ and work ethic also earn praise.</p>","contentTitle":"2021"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Hit: 50 | Power: 55 | Run: 55 | Arm: 55 | Field: 55 | Overall: 55</p><p>One of the younger and highest-ceilinged players in the 2018 international class, Alcantara signed with the Yankees for $1 million when he turned 16 on July 12. Because of his youth and the pandemic layoff, he accumulated just 280 at-bats in his first three years in pro ball and won't make his full-season debut until 2022. But his upside remains enormous and he batted .337/.415/.609 in the Rookie-level Arizona Complex League after the Cubs acquired him and right-hander Alexander Vizcaino in exchange for Anthony Rizzo last July.&nbsp;</p><p>It's so easy to dream on Alcantara, who's 6-foot-6, extremely athletic for his size and might have close to plus tools across the board once he's stronger and fully developed. With his bat speed, projectable strength and the leverage in his long frame, he creates well-above-average raw power and exit velocities. He's still unproven against advanced pitching and has a naturally long right-handed stroke, but he does have some feel for the barrel and should hit for average if he can refine his plate discipline.&nbsp;</p><p>Alcantara can flash plus speed but probably will lose at least a half-step as he fills out. He eats up plenty of ground in center field with long, fluid strides and his solid arm strength will play well in right field should he have to move. Not only is he physically gifted, but he's also an intelligent player with a strong work ethic.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"2022"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 50 | Power: 55 | Run: 55 | Arm: 55 | Field: 55 | Overall: 55</p><p>One of the youngest and toolsiest players in the 2018 international crop, Alcantara signed with the Yankees for $1 million out of the Dominican Republic once he turned 16 on July 12. One of several quality outfield prospects acquired by the Cubs via trades, he joined the organization along with right-hander Alexander Vizcaino in exchange for Anthony Rizzo in July 2021. He aced his full-season debut as a 19-year-old in 2022, batting .273/.360/.451 with 15 homers, leading the Carolina League with 85 RBIs and ranking among the Single-A circuit's leaders in most offensive categories.&nbsp;</p><p>Though his 6-foot-6 frame results in a naturally long right-handed swing, Alcantara keeps his stroke relatively compact and makes a lot of hard contact, smoking the ball harder than most players his age. As he continues to add strength and learns to pull and lift pitches more frequently, he could develop into a 30-homer threat. He'll probably always be a power-over-hit guy, but his willingness to take walks and use the opposite field bode well for his performance in the latter area.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>Few players as tall as Alcantara move as well as he does. He has twitchy athleticism, solid speed and good instincts on the bases and in the outfield. A center fielder for most of his pro career, he played right field alongside Pete Crow-Armstrong when they were teammates in the first two months of last season and has the solid arm strength required for the position.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 50 | Power: 55 | Run: 55 | Arm: 55 | Field: 55 | Overall: 55&nbsp;</p><p>One of the youngest and highest-ceilinged players in the 2018 international class, Alcántara had to wait until his 16th birthday on July 12 to sign with the Yankees for $1 million out of the Dominican Republic. After losing the 2020 season to the pandemic, he was still in Rookie ball when New York sent him and right-hander Alexander Vizcaino to the Cubs for Anthony Rizzo in July 2021. He finished third in batting (.286) and fourth in slugging (.466) in the High-A Midwest League last season at age 20 before posting a 1.171 OPS in the Double-A Southern League playoffs to help Tennessee win the championship.</p><p>Alcántara struggled when he got overly aggressive at the plate in the first two months last season, then batted .329/.404/.551 once he recalibrated his plate discipline. His 6-foot-6 frame results in a naturally long right-handed swing, and he's at his best when he keeps his stroke relatively compact and focuses on making hard contact rather than worrying about home runs. He has good feel for using the opposite field and could develop 30-homer power if he learns to pull and lift pitches more regularly.</p><p>Few players can match Alcántara's combination of size and athleticism, and he has the instincts to get the most out of his solid speed on the bases and in the outfield. He has spent most of his career in center field and is more than capable there, but he faces a move once he's playing alongside Pete Crow-Armstrong in Chicago. With his power potential and strong arm, he'll profile well in right field.</p>","contentTitle":"2024"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Hit: 50 | Power: 55 | Run: 60 | Arm: 55 | Field: 60 | Overall: 55</p><p>Signed by the Yankees for $1 million out of the Dominican Republic as one of the youngest and highest-upside players in the 2018 international class, Alcántara joined the Cubs as part of the Anthony Rizzo trade three years later. He has posted nearly identical batting lines in his three years in full-season ball, including slashing .278/.353/.428 with 14 homers and 14 steals in 111 games between Double-A and Triple-A last year at age 21. He made his big league debut in the final week of the season, going 1-for-10 in three starts.</p><p>At 6-foot-6, Alcántara has a naturally long right-handed swing, though it comes with plenty of bat speed and produces impressive exit velocities. He has at least 30-homer upside and can drive the ball out of any part of the ballpark, but he has yet to go deep more than 15 times in a season because he chases too many pitches out of the zone and struggles to do damage against non-fastballs. He's at his best when he focuses on making hard contact, but he'll lapse into trying to do too much and produces a lot of rolled-over ground balls.</p><p>Alcántara offers a combination of size and athleticism that few players can match. Though it takes him a while to get out of the batter's box, he's a plus runner once he gets going and can be at least a 20/20 player if he takes more chances on the bases. He continues to improve defensively, and he's a quality center fielder with good instincts and a strong arm.</p>","contentTitle":"2025"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":null,"signed":"July 12, 2018 - NYY"}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":66,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2024","gradesHitting":[],"gradesPitching":null,"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":null,"playerPhotoCustomUrl":",d_people:generic:headshot:silo:current.png,q_auto:best,f_auto/v1/people/682668/headshot/silo/current","player":{"__ref":"Person:682668"},"position":"SS/OF/2B","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 55 | Power: 45 | Run: 55 | Arm: 60 | Field: 50 | Overall: 45</p><p>Acuña&nbsp;signed out of Venezuela in 2018 for $425,000 -- more than four times the $100,000 bonus that his older brother Ronald received from the Braves five years earlier. While he doesn't have the same superstar ceiling as his sibling, Luisangel offers plenty of upside. He batted .342/.438/.455 in the Rookie-level Dominican Summer League during his pro debut last year.</p><p>With a quick right-handed swing and an aggressive approach, Acuña&nbsp;lashes line drives to all fields. Deceptively explosive considering his size -- he's generously listed at 5-foot-10 -- he makes consistent hard contact and walked more than he struck out in his introduction to pro ball. Once he gets stronger and learns to pull more pitches and drive them in the air, he'll start tapping into his solid raw power.</p><p>Acuña&nbsp;earns solid to plus grades for his speed, giving him 20-20 potential. With his quickness and plus arm, he'll definitely play up the middle but perhaps not at shortstop. He made 14 errors in 30 games at short during his debut, looked more comfortable at second base and also could wind up in center field.</p>","contentTitle":"2020"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 50 | Power: 45 | Run: 55 | Arm: 60 | Field: 50 | Overall: 50</p><p>Acuña&nbsp;may not have quite the same superstar ceiling as his older brother Ronald, but he's a quality prospect in his own right and received a higher bonus ($425,000 versus $100,000) when he signed out of Venezuela in 2018. He hit .342/.438/.455 during his 2019 pro debut in the Rookie-level Dominican Summer League but the coronavirus pandemic scuttled plans for him to play in the United States last year. He did participate in instructional league, where he stood out as one of the youngest and most talented Rangers prospects.&nbsp;</p><p>Deceptively explosive for his size, which is generously listed at 5-foot-10, Acuña&nbsp;has an quick right-handed swing and an aggressive approach. He makes a lot of hard contact, mostly line drives at present, and walked more than he struck out in his first season as a pro. He has solid raw power that should start translating into 15-20 homers per year once he learns to turn on more pitches and drive them in the air.&nbsp;</p><p>Acuña&nbsp;has solid to plus speed, and his quickness gives him the ability to steal bases and play all over the diamond. There's some question as to whether he'll stay at shortstop, where he made 14 errors in 30 games during his debut, though his arm strength is not a concern. A definite up-the-middle athlete, he looks more comfortable at second base and also could end up in center field.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"2021"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 55 | Power: 50 | Run: 55 | Arm: 60 | Field: 55 | Overall: 50&nbsp;</p><p>Luisangel commanded a higher bonus ($425,000) when he signed out of Venezuela in 2018 than his older brother Ronald had four years earlier ($100,000). While he doesn't project to match his sibling's superstardom, Luisangel has the potential to become a quality big league regular. As a 19-year-old making his U.S. debut last year, he ranked third in the Low-A East in runs (77), hits (110) and steals (44).&nbsp;</p><p>Generously listed at 5-foot-10, Acuña&nbsp;has an aggressive approach and a surprisingly explosive right-handed stroke. He has a penchant for making hard contact and could develop average power if he adds more loft to his swing. He can get pull-happy and may need more patience against upper-level pitchers but nevertheless is an advanced hitter for his age.&nbsp;</p><p>Acuña&nbsp;pairs his solid to plus speed with good baserunning and basestealing instincts. He answered previous questions about his ability to stay at shortstop by improving significantly in 2021 and earning organization defensive player of the year honors, though the free-agent signings of Corey Seager and Marcus Semien may move him elsewhere. With his quickness and strong arm, he's capable of playing almost anywhere on the diamond, with second base and center field his most obvious destinations.</p>","contentTitle":"2022"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Hit: 55 | Power: 50 | Run: 55 | Arm: 55 | Field: 55 | Overall: 55&nbsp;</p><p>Acuña signed out of Venezuela in 2018 for $425,000 -- more than quadrupling the $100,000 bonus the Braves gave his older brother Ronald four years earlier. Luisangel may not have his older brother's superstar ceiling, but he does have the potential for solid tools across the board. He stood out as one of the best all-around players in the 2022 Arizona Fall League and was in the midst of his best season yet as a 21-year-old in Double-A when the Rangers dealt him to the Mets for Max Scherzer this July.</p><p>Acuña attacks pitches with an explosive right-handed stroke and an aggressive approach. He'll draw his share of walks and doesn't strike out excessively, but he chases and swings and misses too frequently against non-fastballs and doesn't always make quality contact. If he can settle down a bit and drive the ball in the air on a more regular basis, he could be a .270 hitter with 20 or more homers per season.</p><p>Combining solid speed with savvy on the bases, Acuña swiped 126 bags in 151 attempts during his two-plus years in full-season ball before the trade. Earlier in his career, he faced some questions about his ability to remain at shortstop, but he has shown that he has the solid range and arm to do so. He has the tools and athleticism to play all over the diamond, and with Francisco Lindor in New York, Acuña could wind up at second base or in center field.</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Hit: 50 | Power: 45 | Run: 60 | Arm: 55 | Field: 60 | Overall: 45</p><p>Signed by the Rangers for $425,000 out of Venezuela in July 2018, the younger brother of reigning NL MVP Ronald Acuña Jr. really began to put himself on the national radar in 2022 when he reached Double-A at 20 years old and was a standout in that year’s Arizona Fall League. He moved back to Frisco last season and was slashing .315/.377/.453 with seven homers and 42 steals in 84 games when the Mets traded Max Scherzer to Texas and sent along money to acquire a prospect of Acuña’s caliber. The infielder saw his numbers drop significantly after the trade, specifically his slugging percentage which sat at just .304 over 37 games.</p><p>Batting from the right side, Acuña has a stance eerily similar to his brother’s, but at 5-foot-8, he lacks the size or subsequent strength to match his sibling’s power output. He does have solid bat-to-ball skills and plate coverage, however, and that sometimes comes to his detriment. While he keeps the strikeouts in check (18.6 percent last year), he can expand the zone in search of contact, leading to weaker groundballs the other way that keep him from playing into his average raw pop. A more selective, air-based approach could help get him to 20 homers in time, but since he’s on the 40-man roster now, time is certainly ticking on that clock.&nbsp;</p><p>Acuña has the speed to beat out some of those groundballs, and he’s stolen at least 40 bags in three straight seasons. He has the arm and range to be a solid shortstop, but the looming shadow of Francisco Lindor caused the Mets to give him more post-trade looks at second base. He should be even better there, and his wheels have gotten him looks in center field in his first taste of Triple-A.</p>","contentTitle":"2024"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":null,"signed":"July 2, 2018 - TEX"}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":67,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2026","gradesHitting":[],"gradesPitching":null,"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":"","playerPhotoCustomUrl":",q_auto:best/v1/people/695490/headshot/silo/current","player":{"__ref":"Person:695490"},"position":"SS","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 50 | Power: 45 | Run: 55 | Arm: 55 | Field: 60 | Overall: 50</p><p>One of the younger players in the 2021 Draft class, Arroyo quickly established himself as the best player from Puerto Rico on the summer showcase circuit, including picking up a pair of hits at the Perfect Game All-American Classic. The potential up-the-middle player is getting the chance to be evaluated more closely this spring after coming to Florida to attend Central Pointe Christian Academy for his senior season.</p><p>Arroyo offers an intriguing package of athleticism, defense and offensive potential, though he has a ways to go to get there. A switch-hitter, who is a bit better from the right side of the plate, Arroyo has good contact skills, and while he lacks current strength, he does have the chance to grow into some extra-base pop. Defensively, Arroyo has every chance to stick at shortstop, with plenty of arm strength, good hands and easy actions at the premium position.</p><p>Arroyo can actually throw with both hands and has pitched left-handed. That doesn’t necessarily impact his Draft stock, but does point to some intriguing athleticism in the Florida State recruit. Performing well against better competition in Florida as the spring unfolds could help his stock could soar.</p>","contentTitle":"Draft"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 50 | Power: 45 | Run: 55 | Arm: 55 | Field: 60 | Overall: 50</p><p>One of the younger players in the 2021 Draft class, Arroyo quickly established himself as the best player from Puerto Rico on the showcase circuit last summer, including picking up a pair of hits at the Perfect Game All-American Classic. The potential up-the-middle player got the chance to be evaluated more closely last spring after coming to Florida to attend Central Pointe Christian Academy for his senior season, which led to the Mariners taking him in the second round of the 2021 Draft and signing him for $1.65 million.</p><p>Arroyo offers an intriguing package of athleticism, defense and offensive potential, though he has a ways to go to get there. A switch-hitter, who is a bit better from the right side of the plate, Arroyo has good contact skills, and while he lacks current strength, he does have the chance to grow into some extra-base pop. Defensively, Arroyo has every chance to stick at shortstop, with plenty of arm strength, good hands and easy actions at the premium position.</p><p>Arroyo can actually throw with both hands and has pitched left-handed. That doesn’t necessarily impact his Draft stock, but does point to some intriguing athleticism. If the bat comes along, he has the chance to eventually be an everyday shortstop at the big league level.</p>","contentTitle":"2021"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 50 | Power: 45 | Run: 55 | Arm: 55 | Field: 60 | Overall: 55</p><p>One of the younger players in the 2021 Draft class, at age 17, Arroyo quickly established himself as the best player from Puerto Rico on the showcase circuit the summer prior. The potential shortstop got the chance to be evaluated more closely last spring after coming to Florida to attend Central Pointe Christian Academy for his senior season, which led to the Mariners taking him in the second round in 2021 and signing him for $1.65 million. He was having a stellar first full season, sitting in the Top 10 among California League hitters in a host of offensive categories when he was sent to the Reds as part of the package for Luis Castillo.</p><p>Arroyo has an intriguing package of athleticism, defense and offensive potential, and he was making a quicker-than-expected transition to full-season ball in 2022. A switch-hitter who is a bit better from the right side, Arroyo has good contact skills and is a solid line-drive hitter. While he entered pro ball lacking strength, Arroyo has been praised for his sneaky wiry-strong build, and he was already starting to grow into some extra-base pop, with potentially more to come. Defensively, Arroyo has every chance to stick at shortstop, with plenty of arm strength, good hands and easy actions at the premium position. Arroyo can actually throw with both hands and has pitched left-handed, though that doesn’t necessarily mean he’ll do so professionally.&nbsp;</p><p>Arroyo certainly had a wake-up call with his first taste of pro ball in the Arizona Complex League in 2021, hitting .211/.337/.324 (.661 OPS) with a 30.2% strikeout rate in 21 games, and used that lesson to work on his offensive game. If the bat continues to come along, he has the chance to eventually be an everyday shortstop in the big leagues.</p>","contentTitle":"2022"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 50 | Power: 45 | Run: 55 | Arm: 55 | Field: 60 | Overall: 55</p><p>Arroyo was just 17 when the 2021 Draft rolled around and after impressing on the summer showcase circuit, the Puerto Rican infielder relocated to Florida for his senior year of high school for more exposure. The Mariners liked what they saw and took him in the second round of that summer’s Draft, and he was giving an early return on investment with a strong first full season in the Single-A California League when he was sent to the Reds in the Luis Castillo deal.</p><p>Still only 19 years old for nearly all of the 2023 season, Arroyo has the chance to be a dynamic up-the-middle player. He swings the bat well from both sides of the plate and was productive each way, showing the ability to make hard contact with a line-drive approach. He’s added a good amount of strength to his wiry build already, and that led to more power than anticipated out of the gate, though he’s still more of a hit-over-power type. He could become even more of an impact hitter as he tightens up his approach, something that got away from him post-trade as he was likely pressing too much.</p><p>If he continues to hit at all, Arroyo could be an elite-level player because there’s no doubt he’s going to be able to play shortstop for a long time. He has excellent hands and actions at the premium position, with more than enough arm to make throws from all over the infield. Assuming he gets his bearings with his new organization, he should continue to prove he has the tools to be an everyday shortstop in the big leagues.</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 50 | Power: 45 | Run: 55 | Arm: 60 | Field: 60 | Overall: 55</p><p>One of the youngest members of&nbsp;the 2021 Draft class, Arroyo got more exposure to scouts when he relocated from Puerto Rico to Florida for his senior year of high school. Drafted at age 17, he went in the second round to the Mariners and was having a solid first full season of pro ball when he was sent to the Reds in the Deadline deal for Luis Castillo. He struggled initially after the trade and had just a .576 OPS through the end of May 2023, after which he righted the ship. He slashed .276/.356/.474 the rest of the way, including a bump up to Double-A to close out the season. That momentum came to a halt when he needed surgery to repair a torn labrum in his non-throwing shoulder in March, ending his 2024 season before it began.</p><p>Before the injury, the Reds felt everything was trending up for the switch-hitting shortstop, who was set to play at age 20 for almost all of the 2024 season. He has a good swing from both sides of the plate, with a line-drive approach that produces hard contact to all fields. He started really coming into some \"man strength\" as the 2023 season progressed, and he started tapping into his extra-base authority more consistently, with some thinking he’s going to have at least average power eventually. After his rough start, he tightened up his approach and cut his strikeout rate considerably, all while raising his walk rate.</p><p>Arroyo has swiped 56 bases over his first two full seasons of pro ball and should be a threat to steal as he continues to the upper levels of the Reds' system. He’s worked very hard on his defense at short, especially on balls to his glove side, exhibiting impressive body control and leaving no doubt about his ability to play the premium position. The Reds were impressed with his emotional maturity as much as his physical growth, leaving some thinking he’s primed for a breakout season once he’s fully returned from the shoulder injury.</p>","contentTitle":"2024"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 50 | Power: 45 | Run: 55 | Arm: 60 | Field: 60 | Overall: 55</p><p>Because Arroyo was just 17 years old when the Mariners drafted him in 2021, the native of Puerto Rico has always been very young for every level he's reached so far. So even after two full seasons in 2022 and 2023, the latter of which including getting dealt to the Reds in the Luis Castillo deal, and a missed 2024 season because of a torn left labrum suffered in Spring Training, he'll still be only 21 years old for the bulk of the 2025 season. Arroyo had touched Double-A in 2023 with a big up arrow next to his name, and he was able to shake off the rust from the layoff by holding his own in the Arizona Fall League in 2024.&nbsp;</p><p>Arroyo’s time in the AFL was more about him starting to get his timing back at the plate while proving to himself that he put the injury behind him, so even though his offensive numbers were modest, those missions were accomplished. The switch-hitter swings the bat well from both sides with a contact-first approach that allows him to send line drives to all fields. Before the injury, his power started to show up more consistently and there should be more of that in the tank to come. A very aggressive baserunner with above-average speed, Arroyo likes to steal bags and take extra bases.</p><p>The one thing that wasn’t rusty at all during his Fall League stint was Arroyo’s glovework. He’s a smooth defender with excellent body control, showing the ability to make all the plays and throws from all angles, with evaluators thinking he could play shortstop defensively in the big leagues right now. For now, though, he’ll get to focus on playing a full healthy year at the upper levels.</p>","contentTitle":"2025"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":"","signed":null}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":68,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2025","gradesHitting":null,"gradesPitching":null,"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":"","playerPhotoCustomUrl":",q_auto:best/v1/people/805779/headshot/silo/current","player":{"__ref":"Person:805779"},"position":"SS","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report </a><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"color: rgb(77, 81, 86);\">»</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 65 | Power: 50 | Run: 50 | Arm: 55 | Field: 50 | Overall: 55</p><p>Wilson played his high school ball at Thousand Oaks High School in California, playing for his father, former big league All-Star Jack Wilson. Jacob went on to Grand Canyon University and was named a freshman All-American by Collegiate Baseball in 2021. He was even better in 2022, finishing with a 1.004 OPS as a sophomore before raising his profile even more over the summer with a solid stint in the Cape Cod League and then Team USA.</p><p>Wilson, whose dad followed him to Grand Canyon and is an assistant coach this season, has an intriguing combination of baseball IQ and tools. He might be one of the better pure hitters in the class, one who consistently finds the barrel and struck out just seven times in 275 plate appearances as a sophomore. He’s starting to tap into his power more consistently as well, smashing 12 homers and slugging .585 in 2022.</p><p>A fringy-to-average runner, Wilson has the skills to stick at shortstop, with good actions, range and an above-average arm. He might not have the pure power profile should he have to slide over to third, where he played as a freshman, but scouts feel he’ll hit plenty for the hot corner. That makes him a prime candidate to go near the top of the first round.</p>","contentTitle":"Draft"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 65 | Power: 45 | Run: 50 | Arm: 55 | Field: 50 | Overall: 55</p><p>Wilson played his high school ball at Thousand Oaks HS in California, playing for his father, former big league All-Star Jack Wilson. Jacob went on to Grand Canyon University and was named a freshman All-American by Collegiate Baseball in 2021. He was even better in 2022, finishing with a 1.004 OPS as a sophomore, raised his profile even more over the summer with a solid stint in the Cape Cod League and for Team USA, then continuing to rake as a junior in 2023. With his name being mentioned all over the first round, he landed at No. 6 overall with the A’s, who signed him to an under-slot bonus of $5.5 million and quickly got him to full-season ball during his pro debut.</p><p>Wilson, whose dad followed him to Grand Canyon and was an assistant coach this past season, has an intriguing combination of baseball IQ and tools. He might be one of the better pure hitters in the class, one who consistently finds the barrel and struck out in just 4.4 percent of his plate appearances during his college career. While there has been some concern over his ability to impact the ball, he did tap into his power some, smashing 12 homers and slugging .585 in 2022 and .635 this past spring.</p><p>A fringy-to-average runner, Wilson has the skills to stick at shortstop, with good actions, range and an above-average arm. He might not have the pure power profile should he have to slide over to third base, where he played as a freshman, but the contact and pitch recognition skills should enable him to reach the big leagues in a hurry regardless of where he plays defensively.</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 70 | Power: 45 | Run: 50 | Arm: 55 | Field: 50 | Overall: 55</p><p>The son of former All-Star Jack Wilson, Jacob played for his dad at Thousand Oaks High School in California and then headed to Grand Canyon University for college ball. He immediately established himself as one of the better pure hitters in the college game, producing better numbers as he progressed, including a strong showing for Team USA. After hitting .412 with a 1.096 OPS as a junior, he became the No. 6 overall pick in the 2023 Draft and hit a combined .333 while jumping on a faster track by advancing to High-A Lansing during his pro debut.</p><p>Wilson’s knack for contact is otherworldly, and he left Grand Canyon with an absurd 4.4 percent strikeout rate (2.3 percent in 2023). That carried over to his pro debut, when he struck out in just 9.9 percent of his plate appearances. There has been some concern over the lack of impact and lower exit velocities, but the A’s are not worried and feel that as he adds strength and learns he can use his incredible eye to work better counts, he’ll naturally drive the ball more as he swings at more heart pitches.</p><p>While he’s an average runner, Wilson’s hands, actions, instincts and IQ, not to mention his above-average arm, all point to a long-term future at shortstop. He has an extremely high floor because of his contact skills and steady defensive presence, and a step forward with offensive impact could move him to another level.</p>","contentTitle":"2024"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 70 | Power: 45 | Run: 50 | Arm: 55 | Field: 50 | Overall: 55</p><p>After playing for his father and former All-Star, Jack Wilson, at Thousand Oaks High School in California, Jacob spent three years at Grand Canyon University building a resume as one of the best amateur hitters in the game. He went No. 6 in the Draft, signing with the A’s and immediately showing his offensive profile would work as a pro. He hit .443/.474/.668 mostly at the upper levels of the Minors in his first full season and made his big league debut in July. Only injuries slowed him down, with a knee issue forcing him out for a month early on and a hamstring issue shelving him in the big leagues.</p><p>Wilson’s ability to make contact is almost freakish, as he made it through his time at Grand Canyon with a 4.4 percent strikeout rate. That hasn’t stopped as he’s raced up the A’s ladder, as he registered a miniscule nine percent miss rate according to Synergy in his combined time in Double-A, Triple-A and the big leagues. His feel for the barrel can lend itself to high chase rates, something he’s aware of, but it’s worked for him thus far. He’s never going to be a huge power guy, but his groundball rate dropped and his line-drive rate increased from his pro debut in 2023 to the following year, with enough extra-base authority to keep pitchers honest.</p><p>Adding to Wilson’s value is the fact he will play shortstop for a very long time, thanks to good hands, actions, enough arm and very strong instincts. He’s ready to be an every day shortstop in the big leagues and has an incredibly high floor thanks to his feel to hit and defensive chops.</p>","contentTitle":"2025"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":null,"signed":null}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":69,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2024","gradesHitting":null,"gradesPitching":[],"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":null,"playerPhotoCustomUrl":"","player":{"__ref":"Person:700363"},"position":"RHP","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 55 | Curveball: 50 | Control: 50 | Overall: 40</p><p>Part of a Colleyville Heritage program that won a Texas 5-A state title with No. 2 overall pick Bobby Witt in 2019, Smith-Shawver initially was better known for his football exploits. A three-star quarterback recruit who accounted for 29 touchdowns in nine games last fall, he has a brighter future as a pitcher. He has committed to Texas Tech for baseball and may get the opportunity to play football there should he attend college.&nbsp;</p><p>Smith-Shawver barely pitched at Colleyville Heritage before this spring but attracted attention on the showcase circuit last summer with his strong 6-foot-3 frame and a fastball that reached 95 mph. He has pitched in the low 90s as a senior with some armside run on his heater. He has made encouraging progress with his curveball, improving its shape while still needing to add more power because it parks in the mid-70s.&nbsp;</p><p>Because of his inexperience, Smith-Shawver is still raw on the mound. He has a methodical delivery and could add some more power to his pitches if he throws with more intent. He has barely begun working on a changeup that he doesn't use in games, but his athleticism should help him get better once he fully devotes himself to baseball.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"draft"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 55 | Curveball: 50 | Control: 50 | Overall: 45</p><p>Part of a Colleyville Heritage program that won a Texas 5-A state title with No. 2 overall pick Bobby Witt Jr. in 2019, Smith-Shawver initially was better known for his football exploits. A three-star quarterback recruit who accounted for 29 touchdowns in nine games last fall, he has a brighter future as a pitcher. He could have played both sports at Texas Tech, but the Braves kept him from going that route with a well-above-slot bonus of $997,500 after taking him in the seventh round of the 2021 Draft.</p><p>Smith-Shawver barely pitched at Colleyville Heritage before this past spring but attracted attention on the showcase circuit last summer with his strong 6-foot-3 frame and a fastball that reached 95 mph. He pitched in the low 90s as a senior with some armside run on his heater. He made encouraging progress with his curveball, improving its shape while still needing to add more power because it parks in the mid-70s.&nbsp;</p><p>Because of his inexperience, Smith-Shawver is still raw on the mound. He has a methodical delivery and could add some more power to his pitches if he throws with more intent. He has barely begun working on a changeup that he hasn’t used in games, but his athleticism should help him get better now that he’s fully devoted to baseball.</p>","contentTitle":"2021"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 60 | Slider: 50 | Changeup: 45 | Control: 45 | Overall: 45</p><p>Smith-Shawver was a teammate of Bobby Witt Jr.’s at Colleyville Heritage High School in Texas, but was known more for his work on the gridiron than the diamond for much of his high school career. A highly-touted quarterback recruit who had the chance to play football and baseball at Texas Tech, Smith-Shawver instead joined the Braves organization when they went well over slot to sign him for $997,500 in the seventh round of the 2021 Draft.</p><p>The 6-foot-3 Smith-Shawver has big stuff coming from a big, projectable athletic frame and the Braves think he’s just scratching the surface since he really didn’t pitch that much in high school before his senior season. He’s already added velocity, with a fastball that sat in the low-90s at Colleyville but now touches 98 mph with armside run. He’s now focusing on a hard slider that could be above-average in time and he’s already shown some feel for his changeup.</p><p>Being devoted to baseball has already paid dividends as Smith-Shawver’s stuff has ticked up and he’s starting to learn to harness that stuff and repeat his delivery. His athleticism will be a huge asset in that endeavor, though his development comes with the usual high risk/high reward label that accompanies high school right-handers.</p>","contentTitle":"2022"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Fastball: 60 | Slider: 50 | Changeup: 45 | Control: 45 | Overall: 45</p><p>Smith-Shawver was a teammate of Bobby Witt Jr.’s at Colleyville Heritage High School in Texas, but was known more for his work on the gridiron than the diamond for much of his high school career. A highly-touted quarterback recruit who had the chance to play football and baseball at Texas Tech, Smith-Shawver instead joined the Braves organization when they went well over slot to sign him for $997,500 in the seventh round of the 2021 Draft. He was showing his stuff can miss bats during his full-season debut in Single-A in 2022, though there’s work to be done with his command.</p><p>The 6-foot-3 Smith-Shawver has big stuff coming from a big, projectable athletic frame and the Braves think he’s just scratching the surface since he really didn’t pitch that much in high school before his senior season. He’s already added velocity, with a fastball that sat in the low-90s at Colleyville but now touches 98 mph with armside run. He’s now focusing on a hard slider that could be above-average in time and he’s already shown some feel for his changeup.</p><p>Being devoted to baseball has already paid dividends as Smith-Shawver’s starting to learn to harness that stuff and repeat his delivery. His athleticism will be a huge asset in that endeavor, though his development comes with the usual high risk/high reward label that accompanies high school right-handers.</p>","contentTitle":"2022"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 60 | Slider: 55 | Changeup: 45 | Control: 45 | Overall: 55</p><p>During his time at Colleyville Heritage High School in Texas, Smith-Shawver was a legit quarterback recruit while also playing baseball with Bobby Witt Jr., and he could have gone on to Texas Tech to play both sports. His upside and athleticism on the mound was too much for the Braves to pass up and they went well over slot to sign him as a seventh-round pick in the 2021 Draft. He showed off his impressive stuff during his first full season with Single-A Augusta, though with a lack of polish not surprising for a two-sport star.</p><p>Smith-Shawver is big and projectable and already has an electric fastball-slider combination. His heater sits in the mid-90s and touches 98 mph, with a ton of run and life. His slider flashes plus at 88-92 mph and has the chance to be a special out pitch. There’s some feel for his changeup, but he hasn’t thrown it a ton, and it’s behind the other two pitches. He once had a curve but didn’t use it at all last year.</p><p>The 2022 season marked the first time Smith-Shawver focused on baseball (and pitching) full time, so there will be an obvious learning curve. The Braves are optimistic about his ability to harness his stuff and find the strike zone more consistently than he did in his first full season. Of the young high school arms the Braves have selected over the past couple of Drafts, Smith-Shawver might have the highest ceiling.</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 65 | Curveball: 50 | Slider: 55 | Changeup: 50 | Control: 45 | Overall: 55</p><p>Smith-Shawver went to high school with Bobby Witt Jr., playing baseball with him and also quarterbacking for the football team, with the chance to play both sports at Texas Tech. The Braves gave him the equivalent of a Competitive Balance B bonus in the seventh round of the 2021 Draft, close to $1 million, to sign him away from that opportunity. Focusing only on baseball for the first time, he showed glimpses of his pure stuff during an uneven first full season in 2022, then took everyone by surprise by going from High-A Rome all the way to the Majors in 2023. He was back in the big leagues in late May, but landed on the injured list for over a month with an oblique strain, returning to find his footing back in Triple-A.</p><p>Just 21 for all of the 2024 season, Smith-Shawver is far from a finished product. He now has the makings of an electric four-pitch mix. His fastball sits around 95 mph and touched triple-digits last year, with good life, and it’s not difficult to dream on more consistent velocity as he matures. His mid-80s gyro slider that misses a ton of bats is still his best secondary offering, and his changeup also served as an out pitch and got weak contact, giving him two east-to-west pitches. He reintroduced a curve, and the upper-70s breaker isn’t far behind, playing well off his fastball for another north-to-south look.</p><p>While he landed on the Braves’ Division Series roster, Smith-Shawver still has work to do in terms of his command and control. His athleticism should help him continue to repeat his delivery and, given how little he’s pitched, he still might be just scratching the surface of his potential.</p>","contentTitle":"2024"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":"","signed":null}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":70,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2024","gradesHitting":null,"gradesPitching":[],"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":"","playerPhotoCustomUrl":",q_auto:best/v1/people/683175/headshot/silo/current","player":{"__ref":"Person:683175"},"position":"RHP","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 60 | Curveball: 55 | Changeup: 50 | Control: 45 | Overall: 45</p><p>Phillips came on late last spring as a Texas high school senior, turning down offers of third-round money and lasting until the Blue Jays took him in the 35th round. Originally committed to Louisiana State, he switched to McLennan (Texas) CC so he'd be Draft-eligible again as a freshman. He threw very well early in the junior college season before his command eluded him in his final two outings in March.</p><p>Phillips has a quick arm that produces 92-96 mph fastballs that peak at 98 and he already shows the ability to hold his velocity deep into games. His upper-70s curveball has good depth and shows signs of becoming a plus pitch, though he can't always land it for strikes. He'll need to refine his changeup as he faces more advanced hitters.</p><p>There's still some projection remaining in Phillips' 6-foot-2 frame, so he could add more velocity. He sometimes gets hit harder than his stuff would indicate he should because there's effort in his delivery that hampers his command, and his long arm action and high three-quarters slot allow hitters to see the ball well. He's far from a finished product but comes with plenty of upside.</p>","contentTitle":"draft"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Fastball: 60 | Curveball: 55 | Changeup: 50 | Control: 45 | Overall: 45</p><p>Phillips came on late last spring as a Texas high school senior, turning down offers of third-round money and lasting until the Blue Jays took him in the 35th round. Originally committed to Louisiana State, he switched to McLennan (Texas) CC so he'd be Draft-eligible again as a freshman. He threw very well early in the junior college season before his command eluded him in his final two outings in March, but the Mariners saw enough to use their Competitive Balance Round B pick on him, signing him for full a full slot bonus of just over $1 million.</p><p>Phillips has a quick arm that produces 92-96 mph fastballs that peak at 98 and he already shows the ability to hold his velocity deep into games. His upper-70s curveball has good depth and shows signs of becoming a plus pitch, though he can't always land it for strikes. He'll need to refine his changeup as he faces more advanced hitters.</p><p>There's still some projection remaining in Phillips' 6-foot-2 frame, so he could add more velocity. He sometimes gets hit harder than his stuff would indicate he should because there's effort in his delivery that hampers his command, and his long arm action and high three-quarters slot allow hitters to see the ball well. He's far from a finished product but comes with plenty of upside.</p><p><br></p>","contentTitle":"2020"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Fastball: 60 | Curveball: 55 | Changeup: 50 | Control: 45 | Overall: 50</p><p>Phillips was a late bloomer as a Texas high school senior in 2019, declining third-round money and lasting until the Blue Jays took him in the 35th round. Originally committed to LSU, he switched to McLennan (Texas) Community College in order to be Draft-eligible again as a freshman. He threw very well early in JUCO, and the Mariners saw enough to use their Competitive Balance Round B pick on him, signing him for a full slot bonus of just over $1 million -- a sign that Seattle sees him as a big part of its pitching pipeline.&nbsp;</p><p>Phillips has been described as electric, twitchy and high energy. His eccentric warmup routines have been likened to those of Trevor Bauer. His quick arm produces 92- to 96-mph fastballs that peak at 98 and he already shows the ability to hold his velocity deep into games. His upper-70s curveball has good depth and shows signs of becoming a plus pitch, though he can't always land it for strikes. He also throws a side-to-side slider, which widens his arsenal and gives him starter potential. He'll need to refine his changeup as he faces more advanced hitters.</p><p>There's still some projection remaining in Phillips' 6-foot-2 frame, so maintaining his blossoming velocity more consistently is an area he can improve upon, though the Mariners will likely want to ensure he doesn’t turn up the heat too soon. They plan to harness him rather than speed him up. Phillips sometimes gets hit harder than his stuff would indicate he should because there's effort in his delivery that hampers his command, and his long arm action and high three-quarters slot allow hitters to see the ball well. He's far from a finished product, but he wows just as much as any young pitcher in Seattle’s pipeline.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"2021"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 60 | Curveball: 50 | Slider: 45 | Changeup: 50 | Control: 40 | Overall: 45</p><p>More than any pitcher in the organization, Phillips is the classic high-risk, high-upside arm that leaves some scouts marveling and others uncertain. On one hand, the righty had a 32.6% strikeout rate in 2021, and on the other, a 1.477 WHIP. Elite stuff with some command issues has been the profile for the former JUCO pitcher, who the Mariners liked enough in 2020 to use their Competitive Balance Round B pick on, signing him for a full slot bonus of just over $1 million. The Reds also liked the upside, which is why he ended up as the player to be named later in the Jesse Winker trade.&nbsp;</p><p>With a twitchy, high-energy and fast delivery, Phillips is described as arguably the best “mover” in the organization from a biomechanical standpoint. He really pops on TrackMan models for the uniqueness of how efficient and fast his delivery is, combined with his raw stuff. His quick arm yields a fastball velocity in the 92-96 mph range with a peak of 98. His upper-70s curveball has good depth and shows signs of becoming a plus pitch, though he can't always land it for strikes. He also throws a side-to-side slider, which widens his arsenal and gives him starter potential. He'll need to refine his changeup as he faces more advanced hitters.</p><p>Phillips’ 13.7% walk rate between Low-A Modesto and High-A Everett last year was a little alarming and he continued to walk a fair amount with the Reds in 2022, though he did reach Double-A. He has the stuff to start but will need to refine that command to avoid heading to the bullpen.</p>","contentTitle":"2022"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 60 | Curveball: 50 | Slider: 45 | Changeup: 50 | Control: 40 | Overall: 55</p><p>As the shortened 2020 Draft approached, Phillips emerged as the top junior college arm in the class after throwing well at McClennan Community College in Texas. The Mariners liked his arm strength enough to take him in the Competitive Balance Round B, and he managed to pitch his way to High-A at the end of his first full season in 2021. He came to the Reds as the player to be named later in the Jesse Winker trade, and he split his first season in the organization between High-A and Double-A.</p><p>Phillips’ stuff is still extremely exciting, starting with a fastball that touched 99 mph and sat close to 97 mph during his time in Double-A. He has two distinct breaking balls, with his 80-mph curve a bit better than his low-80s slider, though he throws the harder breaker a bit more frequently. He has an upper-80s changeup that he needs to throw more to give hitters a different look.</p><p>The development of that pitch, something to throw to left-handed hitters at the upper levels, along with getting him to attack and compete in the strike zone, are the keys to Phillips’ future. He has the stuff to miss bats and get hitters out in the zone, but his 5.4 walk per nine rate heading into 2023 shows how much work there is to do there. The good news is that his power arsenal would play very well in a shorter relief role should it come to that, though he’s too young to pull the plug on starting yet.</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 65 | Curveball: 55 | Slider: 55 | Changeup: 45 | Control: 40 | Overall: 50</p><p>The Reds and Mariners became comfortable trading partners in 2022. In July, Cincinnati sent Luis Castillo to Seattle and got Noelvi Marte and Edwin Arroyo (among others) in the return. Several months earlier, during Spring Training, they sent Eugenio Suárez and Jesse Winker to the Mariners for a number of prospects. Phillips, who was taken out of the junior college ranks by Seattle No. 64 overall in the 2020 Draft, was the player to be named in that deal. He had shown his elite-level pure stuff -- along with his struggles with command -- in his two years since the trade, making his big league debut last September. Issues with finding the strike zone got so severe in 2024, however, that the Reds sent him from Triple-A back to their complex in Arizona in June to try and straighten things out.</p><p>Even though his Major League debut was uneven, Phillips showed that his stuff can be plenty good enough to get out hitters in The Show. His fastball averaged 96 mph across three levels in 2023 -- touching 99 -- and it features high spin and big IVB, missing a good amount of bats. Both of his breaking balls can be out pitches, and one can be better than the other on any given day, though the Reds think his 11-to-5 curve -- which comes out of the same plane as his fastball with bite and depth -- is slightly better than his mid-80s three-quarters sweeping slider because he tends to locate the curve a bit better. His upper-80s changeup remains behind the other three offerings, but it can be an effective pitch at times.&nbsp;</p><p>The biggest thing Phillips needs to improve is his consistency within the strike zone after walking just over five per nine across all levels in 2023, and regressing from there in 2024. If he can slow his motor down and trust that his elite stuff is good enough, he has the chance to be a mainstay in a big league rotation.</p>","contentTitle":"2024"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":null,"signed":null}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":71,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2026","gradesHitting":null,"gradesPitching":null,"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":null,"playerPhotoCustomUrl":",g_auto/w_360/v1/people/806964/headshot/milb/current","player":{"__ref":"Person:806964"},"position":"SS/3B","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Hit: 60 | Power: 50 | Run: 50 | Arm: 60 | Field: 55 | Overall: 55</p><p>The Bahamas has emerged as a hotbed for international talent in recent years, and Walcott is carrying on the tradition.</p><p>In fact, some believe the long and lean shortstop could eventually rival Miami’s Jazz Chisholm as the best international prospect to come from the Bahamas because of his elite athleticism, physical projection and baseball IQ.</p><p>At the plate, Walcott has a chance to hit for average with plus power potential. He’s already an above-average runner and he could be a potential base-stealer in the future. For now, he projects to hit near the top of the order, but he could evolve into a middle-of-the-lineup hitter that drives in runs.</p><p>He trains with Geron Sands and Albert Cartwright at the International Elite Academy. The Rangers are among the teams who have shown strong interest in him.</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 50 | Power: 55 | Run: 55 | Arm: 65 | Field: 55 | Overall: 55&nbsp;</p><p>The Bahamas is an emerging source of baseball talent and some evaluators believe Walcott could become the best player ever from the islands. The Rangers signed him in January for $3.2 million, the sixth-highest bonus in the 2023 international class. It's easy to dream on him because of his athletic, projectable 6-foot-4 frame and bevy of tools.&nbsp;</p><p>With his bat speed, future strength and the leverage in his right-handed swing, Walcott could grow into plus-plus raw power and deliver 30 or more homers per season. He already can produce 110 mph exit velocities at age 16. While he'll need to develop some polish at the plate, he has good hand-eye coordination and a relatively mature approach.&nbsp;</p><p>Walcott has plus straight-line speed but projects as more of an average-to-solid runner once he fills out. Though he may slow down and is taller than a typical shortstop, he has good infield actions and well-above-average arm strength. He may be able to stick at short, and if he can't, he could be a plus defender at third base or right field.</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 45 | Power: 60 | Run: 55 | Arm: 65 | Field: 55 | Overall: 55&nbsp;</p><p>Some scouts believe Walcott could become the best player ever from the Bahamas, an emerging source of baseball talent. That upside landed him a $3.2 million bonus, the sixth-largest in the 2023 international class. He spent just nine games in the Rookie-level Dominican Summer League before making his U.S. debut last summer, then finished his pro debut in High-A at age 17.</p><p>While Walcott is still raw at the plate and struck out at a 30 percent clip in his first taste of pro ball, it's easy to dream on his tools and youth. He has a lightning-quick right-handed stroke with plenty of leverage, already can smoke balls in excess of 110 mph and could produce 30 or more homers per season when he adds some projectable strength and settles down his approach. He has the hand-eye coordination to make consistent contact but looks to pull and launch almost every pitch he sees.</p><p>While Walcott has plus straight-line speed, he projects as an average to solid runner once his 6-foot-4 frame fills out. Though he's bigger than most shortstops and may lose some quickness, he has smooth infield actions and well-above-average arm strength. If he doesn't remain at short, he could be a plus defender and fit the power profile at third base or right field.</p>","contentTitle":"2024"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 50 | Power: 65 | Run: 55 | Arm: 70 | Field: 50 | Overall: 60</p><p>Before Walcott signed for $3.2 million out of the Bahamas in January 2023, some scouts were saying that he could become the best player ever from the island nation. He has done nothing to dispel that notion, beginning his pro career by reaching High-A during his pro debut at age 17. He earned South Atlantic League all-star honors at that level last year, leading the circuit in triples (nine), extra-base hits (50) and total bases (192) while batting .261/.342/.443 as its youngest regular (age 18), then dominated in a five-game cameo at Double-A.</p><p>The right-handed hitter has thrived against significantly older competition in his first two years as a pro, displaying exceptional bat speed and the ability to produce elite exit velocities for his age. He has no trouble driving balls in the air to his pull side, creates plenty of leverage with his still-projectable 6-foot-4 frame and earns top-of-the-scale grades for his raw power from some evaluators. He has the hand-eye coordination for solid bat-to-ball skills but he's extremely aggressive at the plate and struck out at a 26 percent clip in 2024, so he may need to tone down his approach at higher levels.</p><p>Walcott can flash plus speed and has basestealing ability, but he's more of a solid runner who could slow a bit as he matures physically. While he needs to get more consistent with his hands, footwork and throwing accuracy, he does have smooth infield actions for his size and a rocket arm. If he winds up outgrowing shortstop or lacking the dependability for the position, he'd profile well at third base or right field.</p>","contentTitle":"2025"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":null,"signed":"Jan. 15, 2023 - TEX"}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":72,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2025","gradesHitting":null,"gradesPitching":null,"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":null,"playerPhotoCustomUrl":",q_auto:best/v1/people/692585/headshot/silo/current","player":{"__ref":"Person:692585"},"position":"OF","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 50 | Power: 50 | Run: 40 | Arm: 50 | Field: 45 | Overall: 45</p><p>The 2019-20 international signing class could very well be a successful one for the Rockies. It started with Adael Amador getting $1.5 million, and he’s one of the Rockies' better prospects. Catching up in a hurry might be Fernandez, who signed out of Cuba that summer for $295,000. Finally getting to play in 2021, the outfielder made the Dominican Summer League look easy, finishing in the top 10 in a host of offensive categories, from average and RBIs to slugging percentage and OPS.</p><p>Fernandez has the chance to hit for both average and power from the left side of the plate. Both in the DSL and at instructs last fall, Fernandez showed a knack for barreling up the baseball with hard contact. It’s a small sample, but he’s shown he can turn around premium velocity with plus bat speed while displaying strong strike zone knowledge. He’ll take a walk, work counts and doesn’t strike out much, all while having raw power to all fields.</p><p>Strong and physical, Fernandez will hit his way up the ladder. He has a strong arm, but he will be limited to an outfield corner, playing right field almost exclusively during his debut. He reminds some of the Astros’ Yordan Alvarez in terms of his offensive profile as he makes his United States debut this season at age 19.</p>","contentTitle":"2022"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Hit: 50 | Power: 55 | Run: 40 | Arm: 60 | Field: 50 | Overall: 55</p><p>Fernandez signed with the Rockies for $295,000 out of Cuba in July 2019 and made a very strong first impression in the Dominican Summer League in 2021 with a .937 OPS over 54 games. He started out a little slowly in his full-season debut a year later, but he figured things out and was one of the best hitters in the California League in the second half of the year, finishing as the league leader in RBIs (109), tied for third in homers (21) and fifth in slugging percentage (.507).</p><p>In the early stages of his 2022 season, Fernandez was getting a steady diet of breaking stuff and scuffled as a result, with just a .741 OPS over the season’s first two months as he was swinging at everything. The left-handed hitter then started to adjust and things began to click, with Fernandez posting an OPS over .900 from June 1 on, a stretch of 80 games that included 18 homers and 89 RBIs. He has dangerous raw power he’s just learning to tap into and can leave the yard to all fields, showing he’s the kind of hitter who loves RBI situations.</p><p>Fernandez fits the corner outfield profile very well, both because of his run-production potential and an easily plus arm that looks good in right field. He’s gotten some Yordan Alvarez comps, and if the adjustments he showed in his approach last year are for real, he could come close to living up to them.</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 45 | Power: 60 | Run: 40 | Arm: 60 | Field: 50 | Overall: 50</p><p>The 2019-20 international signing period may turn out to have been a very productive one for the Rockies. Top prospect Adael Amador topped the class with his $1.5 million bonus while Fernandez joined the organization for $295,000 and both reached the upper levels in 2023. After a strong finish in his 2022 full-season debut that saw him finish with an OPS of .847 with 109 RBIs, the Cuban outfielder posted a .959 OPS with High-A Spokane to earn a bump up to Double-A Hartford, where the league adjusted to him much faster than he adjusted to the pitching in the league.</p><p>There are still plenty of reasons to be bullish about Fernandez, starting with his easily plus raw power from the left side of the plate. Even with his struggles in Double-A, the Futures Gamer hit 25 homers in 2023, and he has the ability to drive the ball to all fields with ease. The jump in his strikeout rate to nearly 33 percent with Hartford is a cause for concern, as his miss and chase rates -- especially against breaking stuff -- skyrocketed. He’s always going to be a very aggressive hitter, but there’s confidence the 21-year-old will make adjustments because he did just that when initially fed a steady diet of soft stuff during his full-season debut in 2022.</p><p>A below-average runner, Fernandez has a plus arm that fits the right field profile well, though he’ll be an average defender at best. His run-production potential fits that profile, too, if he can refine his approach again and make better swing decisions while recognizing spin. If all goes his way, he has the chance to be a true middle-of-the-order threat in Colorado.</p>","contentTitle":"2024"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":null,"signed":"July 12, 2019 - COL"}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":73,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2025","gradesHitting":[],"gradesPitching":null,"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":"","playerPhotoCustomUrl":",g_auto/w_360/v1/people/701649/headshot/milb/current","player":{"__ref":"Person:701649"},"position":"2B/OF","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 55 | Power: 45 | Run: 50 | Arm: 55 | Field: 45 | Overall: 50</p><p>Originally part of the Class of 2022, Triantos reclassified to join the 2021 Draft class, leading to scouts flocking to Virginia to check him out as he gained traction as a serious pop-up prospect. A two-way standout at James Madison High School, his future as a professional lies in his ability in the batter’s box, and he had so much helium that it looked possible he’d be the first player at Madison to get taken in the first few rounds since Jay Franklin was a first-round pick in 1971.</p><p>There are some polarizing opinions about Triantos and his upside, with scouts who like him really believing in the bat. Some see a future plus hitter with a feel for the barrel and good bat speed. There’s some surprising power given he’s not the biggest guy in the world, though he’s very physical. Detractors feel he can get stuck with a predetermined approach from the right side of the plate and can guess wrong.</p><p>Even fans of Triantos feel he won’t be a shortstop at the next level. He has the arm for the left side of the infield, with those who dream seeing a little Alex Bregman or fellow Virginia high school product David Wright, albeit a bit less athletic. The University of North Carolina recruit gets high marks for his baseball IQ and work ethic, another reason why he could hear his name called in the top five rounds.</p>","contentTitle":"draft"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 55 | Power: 50 | Run: 50 | Arm: 60 | Field: 45 | Overall: 50</p><p>Originally scheduled to graduate from high school in 2022, Triantos reclassified last fall and entered the 2021 Draft. A two-way star, he led Madison High (Vienna) to the Virginia state Class 6 title this spring, homering and pitching a complete-game one-hitter with 12 strikeouts in the championship game. He had as much late helium as any prepster in the class and went in the second round to the Cubs, who signed him for an over-slot $2.1 million.</p><p>Triantos wasn't as heavily scouted as other top prep players in this year's Draft because he reclassified after the summer showcase circuit, but evaluators who fell in love with him dropped offensive comparisons to Alex Bregman and David Wright. That may be a bit much, but he's a right-handed hitter with a compact swing, good feel for the barrel and a penchant for making hard contact. Though he may not have much projection remaining in his 6-foot-1 frame, he already has enough bat speed and strength for at least average power.</p><p>While Triantos played shortstop in high school and broke into pro ball at that position, even his biggest backers think he's destined to move to second or third base. He's an average runner with a plus arm that produced fastballs as hot as 96 mph on the mound. His high baseball IQ and strong work ethic enhance his physical tools.</p><p><br></p>","contentTitle":"2021"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Hit: 55 | Power: 50 | Run: 50 | Arm: 60 | Field: 50 | Overall: 50&nbsp;</p><p>A two-way star who reclassified into the 2021 Draft, Triantos led Madison High (Vienna) to the Virginia state Class 6 title last spring, homering while pitching a complete-game one-hitter with 12 strikeouts in the championship game. Though he wasn't as heavily scouted as other top prepsters because he moved from the 2022 Draft after the previous summer's showcase circuit, he rode late helium into the second round, where the Cubs signed him for an over-slot $2.1 million. He batted .327/.376/.594 in his pro debut, leading some teams to express regret that they let him last 56 picks in the Draft.&nbsp;</p><p>Triantos' prowess from the right side of the plate has earned him some comparisons to Alex Bregman and David Wright. With a compact stroke and a direct bat path, he exhibits tremendous feel for the barrel, makes good swing decisions and produces a lot of hard contact. While he doesn't have a lot of projection remaining in his 6-foot-1 frame, his hitting ability, bat speed and present strength should create at least average power.&nbsp;</p><p>Triantos possesses average speed and plus arm strength that generated fastballs up to 96 mph when he pitched as an amateur. He split time between second base and shortstop in his pro debut but lacks the quickness for the middle infield, so he has focused on third base in his first full pro season. His high baseball IQ and strong work ethic should allow him to get the most out of his tools.</p>","contentTitle":"2022"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Hit: 55 | Power: 50 | Run: 45 | Arm: 55 | Field: 45 | Overall: 50&nbsp;</p><p>Triantos reclassified into the 2021 Draft with the intention of attending North Carolina but instead played so well that spring that the Cubs signed him for an over-slot $2.1 million in the second round. He led Madison HS (Vienna, Va.) to the state Class 6 title, homering while spinning a complete-game shutout with 12 strikeouts in the championship game. After posting a .970 OPS in his pro debut, he slid to .721 last year amid defensive struggles as a 19-year-old in Single-A.&nbsp;</p><p>Triantos' bat-to-ball skills from the right side of the plate have prompted comparisons to Alex Bregman and David Wright, and he continued to show good feel for the barrel and made good swing decisions in tough hitting conditions at Myrtle Beach last year. He has a compact stroke with a direct bat path and should hit for average, though there are questions about his power upside. His hitting ability, bat speed and strength should lead to average pop, and he has improved his quality of contact in 2023.&nbsp;</p><p>More uncertainty surrounds Triantos' home after he lacked range and had issues with his throwing accuracy after moving from shortstop in high school to third base last season. He has a thick lower half and projects to have fringy speed once he's fully developed, though he does have good hands and solid arm strength. He got leaner in anticipation of seeing more action at second base this year, and he has looked more athletic and instinctive there than he did at the hot corner.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 60 | Power: 50 | Run: 45 | Arm: 55 | Field: 45 | Overall: 55&nbsp;</p><p>Triantos reclassified from the 2022 to the 2021 Draft because he wanted to enroll ahead of schedule at North Carolina, but he played so well that the Cubs diverted him from college by selecting him in the second round and signing him for an over-slot $2.1 million. He struggled defensively as a third baseman in his first full pro season and missed the first month of his second following surgery to repair a torn meniscus in his right knee. He finished strong in 2023, batting .318 in the final month before winning Arizona Fall League offensive player of the year honors by slashing .417/.495/.679.&nbsp;</p><p>Triantos' best attribute remains his bat-to-ball skills from the right side of the plate, which earned him comparisons to Alex Bregman and David Wright as an amateur. He has a discerning eye with advanced feel for the barrel, rarely swinging and missing while employing the entire field. He has yet to produce much power but his combination of hitting ability and bat speed should lead to average pop once he adds more strength, and he did improve his quality of contact last season.&nbsp;</p><p>After displaying subpar range and throwing accuracy at third base in 2022, Triantos looked more comfortable at second last summer. His reliable hands and solid arm strength are assets at the keystone, though his speed and quickness are fringy. He could become an adequate defender at second, but Chicago's middle-infield depth may eventually push him to an outfield corner.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"2024"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 65 | Power: 40 | Run: 55 | Arm: 55 | Field: 45 | Overall: 55</p><p>Though Triantos reclassified to the 2021 Draft so he could start his college career a year early at North Carolina, he performed so well with the bat that spring that the Cubs signed him for an over-slot $2.1 million as a second-rounder. He won Arizona Fall League Offensive Player of the Year honors in 2023, then encored by making the Futures Game and finishing second in the Double-A Southern League in hitting (.300) and strikeout percentage (10 percent) at age 21. He batted .302 in the final month following a promotion to Triple-A.</p><p>Triantos' bat-to-ball skills from the right side of the plate drew comparisons to Alex Bregman and David Wright when he was an amateur, and they rank among the best in the Minors. He has tremendous feel for the barrel and rarely swings and misses, though his flat stroke and mildly aggressive swing decisions lead to too much groundball contact. He has slugged just .417 through four pro seasons, with most of his home runs coming on pull shots down the left-field line, and he may max out at 12-15 per year. </p><p>Triantos has gotten faster since turning pro and now features solid speed that helped him swipe 47 bases in 56 attempts last season. Improved quickness has increased his range at second base, where he's a fringy to average defender with reliable hands and solid arm strength. Chicago has given him some brief action in center field the last two years, and he could be a capable corner outfielder, albeit with less-than-desired power. He has a similar profile to Luis Arráez, with a tick less hitting ability but a bit more pop and defensive value.</p>","contentTitle":"2025"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":"","signed":null}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":74,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2026","gradesHitting":null,"gradesPitching":null,"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":"","playerPhotoCustomUrl":"","player":{"__ref":"Person:694371"},"position":"SS","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report </a><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"color: rgb(77, 81, 86);\">»</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 50 | Power: 50 | Run: 55 | Arm: 50 | Field: 50 | Overall: 55</p><p>A solid high school prospect from Northern California in Las Gatos -- just south of San Jose -- Troy went undrafted in 2020 due to a combination of the shortened Draft and his strong commitment to Stanford. He’s been a regular almost from the get-go and saw his offensive production increase exponentially as a sophomore in '22 before spending his second strong summer in the Cape Cod League, where he was named the circuit’s best prospect after slashing .310/.386/.531.</p><p>Troy’s standout tool is his ability to make consistent, hard contact from the right side of the plate. He has impressive bat-to-ball skills and rarely strikes out or chases out of the zone, showing excellent pitch recognition, though there are some moving parts of his swing. There’s enough extra-base pop in there for there not to be concerns about impact at the next level and he could have average power in the future. He’s answered some concerns about his approach and lack of walks by being more selective in 2023.</p><p>Troy is an above-average runner, though he hadn’t been much of a basestealing threat until this spring, and he slid over and played a good amount of shortstop on the Cape last summer. He moved to the hot corner for Stanford this year, but most teams see him as a future solid second-base type, with enough speed to perhaps play center field, to go along with some offensive upside.</p>","contentTitle":"draft"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 55 | Power: 50 | Run: 55 | Arm: 50 | Field: 50 | Overall: 55</p><p>A solid high school prospect from Northern California in Las Gatos -- just south of San Jose -- Troy went undrafted in 2020 due to a combination of the shortened Draft and his strong commitment to Stanford. He’s been a regular almost from the get-go and saw his offensive production increase exponentially as a sophomore in '22 before spending his second strong summer in the Cape Cod League, where he was named the circuit’s best prospect after slashing .310/.386/.531. The D-backs selected him 12th overall in July and signed him below slot at $4.4 million.&nbsp;</p><p>Troy’s standout tool is his ability to make consistent, hard contact from the right side of the plate. He has impressive bat-to-ball skills and rarely strikes out or chases out of the zone, showing excellent pitch recognition, though there are some moving parts to his swing. There’s enough extra-base pop in there for there not to be concerns about impact at the next level and he could have average power in the future. He’s answered some concerns about his approach and lack of walks by being more selective in 2023.</p><p>Troy is an above-average runner, though he hadn’t been much of a basestealing threat until this spring. He slid over and played a good amount of shortstop on the Cape last summer. He moved to the hot corner for Stanford this year, but in the Draft most teams saw him as a future solid second-base type, with enough speed to perhaps play center field, to go along with some offensive upside. Arizona plans to start him at short to see how he lands there as a pro.</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Hit: 50 | Power: 50 | Run: 55 | Arm: 50 | Field: 50 | Overall: 50</p><p>A strong commitment to Stanford and the shortened Draft kept Troy from being selected in 2020, but he quickly became a regular contributor for the Cardinal. He truly broke out as a sophomore in the spring of 2022 and then carried that to the Cape Cod League (where he also appeared in 2021) as the circuit’s best prospect with a .310/.386/.531 line. He posted a .394/.478/.699 line with 17 homers (equal to his totals from the previous two years) over 58 games in his final season on campus in 2023 and went 12th overall to the Diamondbacks in July. Troy appeared in 23 games for High-A Hillsboro last summer but needed surgery in September to address a fracture in his left foot. He's dealt with a hamstring issue for much of 2024 but has earned praise from Arizona coaches for the diligence of his work, both to return and to improve in a rough first full season.</p><p>Troy caught pre-Draft attention from evaluators for his improved ability to drive the ball from the right side, and his bat-to-ball skills, pitch recognition and overall discipline all took nice steps forward. He continued to show quick hands in pro ball and sent nine of his 21 hits with Hillsboro for extra bases, aiding the belief that he’ll hit for at least average power by the time he reaches the Majors.</p><p>The California native has above-average speed and started stealing more bases in 2023 -- a trend that could continue as he puts the foot issues in the rearview. Troy played second, short and third base in college, but he saw the six exclusively in pro ball with Arizona officials taking away that he could at least handle himself there. Even if he needs to move to second -- and that’s a possibility with Jordan Lawlar also in the system -- Troy has upside as a multiskilled talent up the middle.</p>","contentTitle":"2024"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":null,"signed":null}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":75,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2025","gradesHitting":null,"gradesPitching":null,"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":"","playerPhotoCustomUrl":",q_auto:best/v1/people/687221/headshot/silo/current","player":{"__ref":"Person:687221"},"position":"C/OF","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\"><strong></strong></a><strong><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></strong></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 50 | Power: 55 | Run: 20 | Arm: 55 | Field: 45 | Overall: 50</p><p>Henry Davis went No. 1 overall to the Pirates in the 2021 Draft, and his successor as Louisville's catcher is climbing up Draft boards. Rushing accumulated just 93 at-bats and started only two games at catcher in his first two years with the Cardinals, but he emerged as one of the best offensive performers in the Cape Cod League last summer. After proving up to the task behind the plate while sharing the catching job at Louisville and drilling 23 homers this spring, he could go in the first two rounds.&nbsp;</p><p>Rushing translates his impressive strength and well above-average bat speed into solid power. He repeats his compact left-handed swing well and has displayed a more patient approach in his first season as a full-time starter. He's drawing more walks and showing an improved ability to drive the ball in the air and to all fields.&nbsp;</p><p>Rushing needs more experience and agility as a catcher, though area scouts believe he can become at least an adequate receiver and possibly better than Davis in that regard. He has solid arm strength and makes accurate throws, even from his knees. With his lack of quickness, first base is his only other feasible defensive option, though at 5-foot-11 he'd be short for that position.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"draft"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 50 | Power: 55 | Run: 20 | Arm: 55 | Field: 45 | Overall: 50&nbsp;</p><p>Rushing totaled just 93 at-bats and started only two games at catcher in his first two years at Louisville while blocked by 2021 No. 1 overall pick Henry Davis. After breaking out as one of the top offensive performers in the Cape Cod League last summer, Rushing built on that momentum by slugging 23 homers this spring. The Dodgers made him their first pick (second round) in the 2022 Draft and signed him for $1,956,890.&nbsp;</p><p>Rushing creates solid game power with impressive strength and well-above-average bat speed from the left side of the plate. He repeats his compact swing well and shows the ability to drive the ball in the air and to all fields. He works deep counts and enhances his on-base ability by drawing walks and getting hit by more than his share of pitches.&nbsp;</p><p>Though Rushing needs more experience and agility behind the plate, he should become at least an adequate catcher and most area scouts who cover Louisville believe he's a better receiver than Davis. He deters the running game with his solid arm strength and throwing accuracy. If he doesn't stick behind the plate, first base is his only other viable defensive option because he lacks speed and quickness.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"2022"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 50 | Power: 55 | Run: 40 | Arm: 55 | Field: 45 | Overall: 55</p><p>Blocked by 2021 No. 1 overall pick Henry Davis at Louisville, Rushing got just 93 at-bats and started only two games at catcher in his first two college seasons. He broke out as one of the top offensive performers in his Cape Cod League in the summer of 2021, then bashed 23 homers as a junior before the Dodgers made him their first pick (second round) in the 2022 Draft. After signing for $1,956,890, he raked in his pro debut, batting .424/.539/.778 with eight homers in 28 games at Single-A.</p><p>Rushing's most impressive tool is his power, which he creates with formidable strength and well above-average bat speed, but he's more than just a slugger. He repeats his compact left-handed swing well and drives the ball in the air and to all fields without selling out for home runs. He works deep counts, draws walks and enhances his on-base ability by frequently getting hit with pitches.</p><p>Rushing moves well for a 6-foot-1, 220-pound catcher, displaying below-average run times out of the box and flashing close to average speed once he gets going. He moves well behind the plate but needs more experience to improve his receiving and blocking. He should become at least an adequate catcher and deters the running game with solid arm strength and accurate throws.</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Hit: 50 | Power: 55 | Run: 40 | Arm: 55 | Field: 45 | Overall: 55&nbsp;</p><p>Rushing had just 93 at-bats and started only two games at catcher in his first two seasons at Louisville because he was stuck behind 2021 No. 1 overall pick Henry Davis. He raked in the Cape Cod League that summer and hit 23 homers as a junior before signing for $1,956,890 as the Dodgers' top pick (second round) in the 2022 Draft. After posting a 1.262 OPS in his pro debut, he played in the SiriusXM All-Star Futures Game and homered 15 times in 89 games in High-A last summer despite dealing with a concussion after getting hit on a backswing.&nbsp;</p><p>Though Rushing stands out most for his well-above-average raw power, he's far from a one-dimensional player at the plate. He has a quick, compact left-handed swing and consistently drives the ball in air to his pull side without selling out for home runs. Strikeouts are part of his game, but he makes a lot of hard contact, draws plenty of walks and further enhances his on-base ability by getting hit by more than his share of pitches.&nbsp;</p><p>Rushing is reasonably athletic for a 6-foot-1, 220-pound catcher and can flash close to average speed once he gets going on the bases. Because he's relatively inexperienced behind the plate, his receiving and blocking skills are works in progress, though he has the hands and agility to get the job done. He has the solid arm strength to deter the running game and still is learning to call games and run a pitching staff.&nbsp;The Dodgers began playing him in left field in mid-2024, looking for additional ways to eventually get him at-bats in a big league lineup that includes All-Star backstop Will Smith.</p>","contentTitle":"2024"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Hit: 50 | Power: 55 | Run: 45 | Arm: 55 | Field: 50 | Overall: 55</p><p>After getting just 93 at-bats in his first two college seasons at Louisville while stuck behind 2021 No. 1 overall pick Henry Davis, Rushing broke out in the Cape Cod League that summer and bashed 23 homers as a junior. He has made steady progress through the Dodgers system since signing for $1,956,980 as their top pick (second round) in the 2022 Draft. Named the top prospect in the Double-A Texas League as well as the Dodgers' Minor League Player of the Year in 2024, he tied for second among Minor League catchers with 26 homers while improving behind the plate.</p><p>Rushing is a well-rounded hitter with a short, quick left-handed stroke and a patient approach. He makes consistent hard contact and naturally launches balls in the air to his pull side without swinging for the fences. He can drive the ball out of the park to the opposite field as well and pairs his solid power with on-base ability to match, showing a knack for drawing walks and getting hit by pitches.</p><p>More athletic and quicker than a typical 6-foot-1, 220-pound catcher, Rushing can flash solid speed once he gets going. He's still inexperienced behind the plate because he caught just 46 games in three seasons in college and 109 in his first three as a pro, but he has a strong arm and has made progress with his receiving, framing and blocking. Looking for ways to get him at-bats when he joins All-Star catcher Will Smith in the Majors, the Dodgers began playing Rushing in left field in mid-2024, and he shows signs of becoming an adequate defender there.</p>","contentTitle":"2025"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":null,"signed":null}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":76,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2024","gradesHitting":[],"gradesPitching":null,"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":null,"playerPhotoCustomUrl":",q_auto:best/v1/people/678882/headshot/silo/current","player":{"__ref":"Person:678882"},"position":"OF/SS","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 45 | Power: 40 | Run: 55 | Arm: 55 | Field: 55 | Overall: 40&nbsp;</p><p>The Red Sox spent a combined $3 million on third baseman Danny Diaz and shortstop Antonio Flores in their 2017 international class, but thus far the best infielder from that crop has been Rafaela, who signed for $10,000 out of Curacao. He hasn't grown quite a foot since playing in the 2012 Little League World Series at 4-foot-9 and 71 pounds, but he's a twitchy athlete with surprising pop for his size. He's making his full-season debut this year in Low-A at age 20.&nbsp;</p><p>Rafaela has good bat-to-ball skills but needs more patience so he can draw more walks and make less weak contact. Though he's just 5-foot-8 and 152 pounds, he has a quick right-handed swing and some feel for driving the ball in the air, giving him some power to his pull side. If he improves his plate discipline and learns to use the entire field, he has the upside of a .270 hitter with 10-12 homers per season.&nbsp;</p><p>Rafaela has solid speed and uses it aggressively on the basepaths. With his quickness and solid arm strength, he's capable of playing all over the infield and projects as a utilityman. He's potentially a better-than-average defender at third base (where he has spent much of his early career) and second base, average at shortstop and equipped to play the outfield if desired.</p>","contentTitle":"2021"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 50 | Power: 50 | Run: 60 | Arm: 55 | Field: 60 | Overall: 55</p><p>Though the Red Sox spent $7,813,000 on bonuses for their 2017 international classes, their two best signings were both bargains in right-hander Brayan Bello ($28,000) and Rafaela ($10,000). Rafaela hasn't grown quite a foot since playing for Curacao in the 2012 Little League World Series at 4-foot-9 and 71 pounds, but he's a twitchy athlete with surprising pop for his size. One of the most versatile defenders anywhere in the Minors, he successfully navigated Low-A at age 20 last year.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>Rafaela has good bat-to-ball skills and uses the entire field but sometimes undermines himself with an overly aggressive approach that can lead to weak contact and very few walks. Though he's listed at just 5-foot-8 and 152 pounds, he has a quick right-handed swing and some sneaky strength that produces average power. He translates his solid to plus speed into stolen bases and needs to focus on getting on base more.&nbsp;</p><p>With his instincts, quickness and solid arm strength, Rafaela can play all over the diamond and did in 2021, starting games in center field, third base, shortstop, left field, second base and right field. He's at least a plus defender in center field and the same at shortstop and third base. He's an entertaining player who has raised his profile with a breakout 2022 season and now projects as a regular.</p>","contentTitle":"2022"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 50 | Power: 50 | Run: 60 | Arm: 60 | Field: 70 | Overall: 55&nbsp;</p><p>Rafaela played for Curacao in the 2012 Little League World Series at 4-foot-9 and 71 pounds, and though he hadn't added quite a foot and barely doubled in weight when he became eligible to sign five years later, the Red Sox liked his twitchy athleticism enough to take a $10,000 flier on him. He has developed into one of the best defenders in the Minors -- and likely the most versatile -- and his offensive game has taken off since he made adjustments to allow him to drive the ball better in mid-2021. He set career highs across the board last season, hitting .299/.342/.538 with 63 extra-base hits and 28 steals between High-A and Double-A at age 21.&nbsp;</p><p>Boston's Minor League defensive player of the year in 2021 and 2022, Rafaela can provide quality glovework with advanced instincts almost anywhere on the diamond. He saw most of his action last year in center field, where he's a Gold Glover waiting to happen with outstanding range along with plus arm strength. He's also a plus defender at shortstop and has spent time at second base, third base and both outfield corners in the past.&nbsp;</p><p>Despite his lack of physicality, Rafaela produces average power thanks to a combination of a quick right-handed swing, deceptive strength and an extremely aggressive approach. He has good bat-to-ball skills, though he chases a lot of pitches out of the strike zone and will have to make better swing decisions to thrive against more advanced pitching. He's a plus runner who uses his quickness well on the bases and in the field.</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 45 | Power: 50 | Run: 60 | Arm: 60 | Field: 70 | Overall: 55&nbsp;</p><p>Part of Curacao's 2012 Little League World Series team at 4-foot-9 and 71 pounds, Rafaela had barely doubled in weight when he signed for $10,000 in July 2017. He's still not very physical at 5-foot-9 and 165 pounds, but he has developed into one of the best defensive prospects in the game -- and probably its most versatile -- while also producing consecutive 20-20 seasons. He made his big league debut late last summer at age 22 and batted .241/.281/.386 with two homers and 28 strikeouts in 28 games.&nbsp;</p><p>Rafaela has a quick right-handed swing, sneaky strength and a knack for putting the barrel on the ball, but he's also an extremely aggressive hitter who chases too many pitches out of the zone and piles up strikeouts. He hits the ball hard when he makes contact and has 20-homer power despite his size, but he probably won't hit for average or draw many walks unless he overhauls his approach. He has plus speed and looks to make things happen, winning the Red Sox Minor League baserunner of the year award in 2023 after stealing a career-high 36 bases in 49 attempts.&nbsp;</p><p>Even if he's feast or famine as a hitter, Rafaela offers enough value with his defense to be an everyday player in the Majors. Boston's Minor League defensive player of the year in 2021 and 2022, he's a potential Gold Glover with advanced instincts and plus arm strength in center field, his primary position. He also provides plus glovework at shortstop and has shown similar promise at second and third base as well as both outfield corners.</p>","contentTitle":"2024"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":null,"signed":"July 2, 2017 - BOS"}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":77,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2026","gradesHitting":null,"gradesPitching":null,"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":"","playerPhotoCustomUrl":",g_auto/w_360/v1/people/702222/headshot/milb/current","player":{"__ref":"Person:702222"},"position":"OF","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><strong>Video scouting report »</strong></a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Hit: 55 | Power: 40 | Run: 70 | Arm: 55 | Field: 60 | Overall: 55&nbsp;</p><p>The son of former All-Star outfielder Carl Crawford, Justin comes from Las Vegas high school power Bishop Gorman High School, alma mater of Joey Gallo and eventual Yankees first-rounder Austin Wells, among others. The younger Crawford showed off many of his tools on the summer showcase circuit to ensure scouts headed to Vegas this spring, and they haven’t been disappointed.</p><p>Anyone who remembers watching his dad play should not be surprised that Crawford is one of the better athletes in this class. He regularly records easily plus run times and that near-elite speed will allow him to be a threat on the bases and cover a ton of ground in the outfield. At the plate, the left-handed hitter has very good bat-to-ball skills, showing the ability to make adjustments. He’s more of a slap hitter now, content to let his legs do the work, but there’s some whip in his swing and he can sit back and drive the ball the other way, with added strength to help him in the power department in the future.</p><p>Crawford has the chance to be a plus defender in center field when all is said and done. Teams who believe he’s going to fill out that 6-foot-3 frame and consistently impact the ball will be interested in trying to sign him away from his Louisiana State commitment, perhaps making him just the second Bishop Gorman product to go in the top three rounds (Tyler Whitaker was a third-rounder in 2021) since Gallo was a supplemental first-round pick in 2012.</p>","contentTitle":"draft"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 55 | Power: 40 | Run: 70 | Arm: 55 | Field: 60 | Overall: 50</p><p>The son of former All-Star outfielder Carl Crawford, Justin comes from Las Vegas high-school power Bishop Gorman High School, alma mater of Joey Gallo and eventual Yankees first-rounder Austin Wells, among others. The younger Crawford showed off many of his tools on the summer showcase circuit and continued to perform well in Vegas this spring, leading to him being taken No. 17 overall by the Phillies, who went a little over slot to sign him for $3.894 million.</p><p>Anyone who remembers watching his dad play should not be surprised that Crawford was one of the better athletes in the 2022 Draft class. He regularly easily records plus run times and that near-elite speed will enable him to be a threat on the bases and cover a ton of ground in the outfield. At the plate, the left-handed hitter has very good bat-to-ball skills, showing the ability to make adjustments. He’s more of a slap hitter now, content to let his legs do the work, but there’s some whip in his swing, and he can sit back and drive the ball the other way, with added strength to help him in the power department in the future.</p><p>Crawford has the chance to be a plus defender in center field when all is said and done, with an above-average arm. The combination of bloodlines and ceiling -- he’ll certainly fill out his 6-foot-3 frame -- already has the Phillies' player development staff excited.</p>","contentTitle":"2022"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Hit: 55 | Power: 40 | Run: 70 | Arm: 55 | Field: 60 | Overall: 55</p><p>A product of Las Vegas high school powerhouse Bishop Gorman, alma mater of big leaguers like Joey Gallo, Carl Crawford’s son inherited a lot of his dad’s speed and athleticism. They were all on display on the summer showcase circuit in 2021 and into Justin's senior season leading up to the 2022 Draft. The Phillies took him No. 17 overall in the first round, then let him show off those tools during a brief pro debut after signing.</p><p>Crawford is a long and loose athlete who regularly posts at least plus run times. The fact that he stole 10 bases in 16 games during his pro debut is not a fluke, he'll have the chance to steal a ton of bags as he progresses. He has excellent contact skills and is decidedly hit-over-power, using his speed to his advantage. The Phillies have seen some raw pop in BP and think the power will emerge as he tightens up his swing and adds strength. He’s already put on 15 pounds of good weight since he signed.</p><p>Crawford’s speed is a huge asset in the outfield and he has the opportunity to be a plus center fielder for a long time. Evaluators who have seen Crawford as a pro describe his game on both sides of the ball as electric, and there’s excitement about the kind of five-tool potential the teenager might be able to display as he physically matures.</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 55 | Power: 40 | Run: 75 | Arm: 55 | Field: 60 | Overall: 55</p><p>The son of longtime big leaguer Carl Crawford, Justin attended Las Vegas high school powerhouse Bishop Gorman, showing off his tools -- most notably his premium speed -- on the summer showcase circuit in 2021 and then into his senior season in '22, allowing him to land in the middle of the first round with the Phillies. He managed to hit and run his way from Single-A Clearwater up to High-A Jersey Shore in his first full season, while also earning an invitation to the SiriusXM All-Star Futures Game.</p><p>A left-handed hitter, Crawford does a lot of things well at the plate with a setup and approach that’s geared for contact. He struck out in fewer than 20 percent of his plate appearances in 2023 en route to hitting a combined .332 with a .392 on-base percentage. There has been some concern with his propensity to hit the ball on the ground, with a ground-ball rate hovering around 70 percent in 2023. He hits the ball plenty hard enough, with a maximum exit velocity of 110 mph, but he needs to work on the quality of his contact and driving the ball more as he moves up the ladder. It’s something the Phillies think will happen as he continues to gain strength and learns to lift the ball more.</p><p>As fast as Crawford is -- he stole 47 bases in 2023 -- he might even have another gear, with that added strength leading to better body control. That will help him on the basepaths and in center field, where he should easily be a plus defender. Just 20 for all of the 2024 season, he inspires a lot of confidence that he'll make the offensive adjustments necessary to be much more than just a ground-ball guy with elite speed.</p>","contentTitle":"2024"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 55 | Power: 40 | Run: 75 | Arm: 55 | Field: 55 | Overall: 55</p><p>A product of Bishop Gorman high school in Las Vegas, Crawford ran and hit his way into the middle of the 2022 Draft’s first round and landed with the Phillies. Carl’s kid has lived up to billing, reaching Double-A in 2024 at age 20, hitting, getting on base and stealing bags at every stop. A two-time Futures Game performer, Crawford capped off his 2024 season by playing for Team USA in the Premier12 tournament.</p><p>In his two full years of pro ball, Crawford has made a ton of contact and gotten on base at a very high clip. That’s led to a career .316 average and .371 on-base percentage with a strikeout rate of 18.6 percent heading into the 2025 season. The left-handed hitter has started to answer questions about his ability to impact the baseball, registering more consistently high exit velocities, and while he still has a high groundball rate, that number has dropped from year to year. He may never have a ton of power, but as he keeps adding strength, he should be able to drive and lift the ball for extra bases more frequently. The work Crawford has done to strengthen his lower half has helped him not play as low to the ground, standing more upright in the box to help on that front as well.</p><p>More strength also helps Crawford to be more explosive in terms of his baserunning and in his first step covering ground in the outfield. He spent a lot of time working on his defense, and there’s still confidence he’ll be able to play center field for a long time as he attacks the upper levels of the Phillies system.</p>","contentTitle":"2025"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":"Louisiana State","signed":null}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":78,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2026","gradesHitting":null,"gradesPitching":null,"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":"","playerPhotoCustomUrl":",g_auto/w_360/v1/people/702258/headshot/milb/current","player":{"__ref":"Person:702258"},"position":"OF","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><strong>Video scouting report »</strong></a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 55 | Power: 60 | Run: 70 | Arm: 65 | Field: 70 | Overall: 65&nbsp;</p><p>Andruw Jones made five All-Star teams and won 10 Gold Gloves in a 17-year career in the Majors, and his son reminds scouts of his father's game. Druw is taller and leaner than his dad was as a teenager, but he has similar five-tool potential as a center fielder. He improved throughout the summer on the showcase circuit and he has impressed scouts this spring with a more selective approach and more consistent at-bats. He led Wesleyan (Norcross) to the Georgia Class A private school state title en route to winning Gatorade's Georgia high school player of the year award.&nbsp;</p><p>While Jones' right-handed swing is still somewhat of a work in progress, he understands it well, shows the ability to make adjustments and does damage against quality pitching. He already has plenty of bat speed and drives balls to the gaps, and as he fills out his 6-foot-4 frame he should develop plus power. He's a plus-plus runner when he turns on the jets and is capable of beating out ground balls to the left side.&nbsp;</p><p>Jones is the best defensive center fielder in the 2022 high school crop and might be the best defender in the entire Draft. His speed and instincts combine to give him tremendous range and his well-above-average arm strength stands out at a position not known for many cannons. Scouts who have seen the Vanderbilt recruit take infield say he has the tools and actions to play a fine shortstop as well.</p>","contentTitle":"draft"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Scouting grades: Hit: 55 | Power: 60 | Run: 70 | Arm: 65 | Field: 70 | Overall: 60</p><p>Andruw Jones made five All-Star teams and won 10 Gold Gloves in a 17-year career in the Majors, and his son reminds scouts of his father's game. Druw is taller and leaner than his dad was as a teenager, but he has similar five-tool potential as a center fielder. He improved throughout the summer on the showcase circuit, and he has impressed scouts this spring with a more selective approach and more consistent at-bats. He led Wesleyan (Norcross) to the Georgia Class A private school state title en route to winning Gatorade's Georgia high school player of the year award. Arizona selected Jones with the No. 2 overall pick and signed him for $8,189,400, the third-highest bonus in Draft history. Jones suffered a season-ending left shoulder injury in a round of batting practice before he could make his pro debut in 2022.</p><p>While Jones' right-handed swing is somewhat of a work in progress, he understands it well, shows the ability to make adjustments and does damage against quality pitching. He already has plenty of bat speed and drives balls to the gaps, and as he fills out his 6-foot-4 frame, he should develop plus power. He's a plus-plus runner when he turns on the jets and is capable of beating out ground balls to the left side.&nbsp;</p><p>Jones was the best defensive center fielder in the 2022 high school crop and might have been the best defender in the entire Draft. His speed and instincts combine to give him tremendous range, and his well-above-average arm strength stands out at a position not known for many cannons. He’ll aim to join Alek Thomas and Corbin Carroll in a potentially elite Arizona outfield in perhaps a short few years.</p>","contentTitle":"2022"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Hit: 50 | Power: 60 | Run: 70 | Arm: 65 | Field: 70 | Overall: 55</p><p>The son of 10-time Gold Glover Andruw Jones, the younger Jones was always going to be a close follow for scouts out of Georgia leading up to the 2022 Draft. The 6-foot-4 outfielder was a consistent showcase standout and then took his game to another level with more consistent at-bats back home. He picked up team (state title) and individual (Gatorade Player of the Year honors) in the Peach State and was considered MLB Pipeline’s No. 1 Draft prospect heading into July. The D-backs selected him second overall and signed him to the third-highest bonus in Draft history at $8,189,400. Before Jones could step on the field in the Minors, he suffered a left shoulder injury in batting practice, and he's battled quad and hamstring issues throughout his first full season in 2023.</p><p>When healthy, Jones has the potential to be one of the toolsiest players in the Minors. He showed plenty of bat speed from the right side before the shoulder injury, though it's becoming clear the bat will need longer to develop than the other aspects of his game. He had little issue putting the ball in the gaps in high-school showcases, and given his current size, he projects for potential plus power at his peak once he reins in his early whiff issues.</p><p>He certainly follows in his father’s footsteps on the defensive side. Jones’ plus-plus speed is an obvious asset in center, and he has the instincts to track down balls most would miss. His well-above-average arm strength gives him another weapon from the grass and may aid his own future Gold Glove pursuits. He’s in a system with two other stellar outfield defenders in Alek Thomas and Corbin Carroll, though it’ll likely be years before the trio joins forces depending on how Jones’ bat takes to the pro game.</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Hit: 45 | Power: 55 | Run: 70 | Arm: 65 | Field: 70 | Overall: 55</p><p>As the son of former Braves star Andruw Jones, the younger Jones became one of the most closely followed talents in the 2022 Draft, and he impressed at nearly every stop with his multitool potential before going second overall to the Diamondbacks, who signed him to a franchise-record $8,189,400 bonus. Shortly after, Jones sustained a left shoulder injury during batting practice before he could debut in the Minors, and then he battled quad and hamstring injuries during his first full season last year. When he did get on the field, he slashed .252/.366/.351 with two homers in 29 games at Single-A Visalia.</p><p>Starting with the positives, which remain numerous, Jones is an easy plus-plus runner who tracks down balls with ease in center field, much like his father did on his way to winning 10 Gold Gloves. The teenager made that defense stand out in his first pro game when he made a Willie Mays-style over-the-shoulder grab in the deepest part of the ballpark. His arm strength will also give plenty for opposing runners to chew on, and if he only had the wheels and glove, he’d still be a solid prospect.</p><p>Listed at 6-foot-4 and 180 pounds, Jones has ample bat speed and generates solid exit velocities relative to his age and experience. The ingredients are there for at least above-average power. But his bat left something to be desired in the California League as he pushed the ball 48.1 percent of the time to the opposite field while also hitting it into the ground a rough 61.3 percent. Cleaning up the mechanics of his swing (e.g. keeping his front end from leaking out) as he gets farther from the health issues would help in his pursuit of reaching his immense ceiling.</p>","contentTitle":"2024"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":"Vanderbilt","signed":null}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":79,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2026","gradesHitting":[],"gradesPitching":null,"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":null,"playerPhotoCustomUrl":",g_auto/w_360/v1/people/694224/headshot/milb/current","player":{"__ref":"Person:694224"},"position":"OF","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Hit: 50 | Power: 50 | Run: 55 | Arm: 50 | Field: 50 | Overall: 45</p><p>When the delayed 2020-21 international signing period began in mid-January of 2021, the Mariners made sure to use nearly all of their bonus pool of over $5.3 million. They handed out eight bonuses of six figures or higher, with two of them, the $1.5 million for infielder Starlin Aguilar and the $1.3 million for Gonzalez, of the seven-figure variety. The 17-year-old outfielder hit the ground running with a strong start during his pro debut in the Dominican Summer League.</p><p>Strong and compact, Gonzalez has a lot of tools at his disposal. While he has a somewhat smaller frame, he’s well built and is already standing out with his plus bat speed and strength from the right side of the plate. There’s already a good foundation of strength, and while he’s not the prototypical gangly and projectable outfield prospect, there is plenty of power for him to tap into. He’s an above-average runner and an excellent overall athlete.</p><p>That speed and athleticism could give him the chance to play center field, he’s probably better suited for an outfield corner, especially if he slows down as he physically matures. The good news is that he has the power profile for right, the spot he played largely during his pro debut. There’s a way to go for him to reach his considerable ceiling, but he has the chance to be an athletic middle-of-the-order corner outfield type in the big leagues.</p>","contentTitle":"2021"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 50 | Power: 50 | Run: 55 | Arm: 50 | Field: 55 | Overall: 50</p><p>The Mariners used $1.3 million of their $5.3 million bonus pool to sign Gonzalez when the 2020-21 international signing period finally began in January 2021. He wasted no time to show some return on the investment during his debut in the Dominican Summer League, hitting .287/.371/.521 (.892 OPS) with seven homers in 54 games, opening many eyes among Mariners management.&nbsp;</p><p>Touted as an above-average athlete with an above-average glove, the 5-foot-10, 165-pound Gonzalez is strong, compact and well-built despite a somewhat smaller frame. As his numbers in the DSL indicated, the right-handed hitter has plus bat speed. While he’s not the prototypical gangly and projectable outfield prospect, there is plenty of power for him to tap into. That speed and athleticism could give him the chance to play center field, though he’s probably better suited for an outfield corner, especially if he slows down as he physically matures. His power profiles better for right, the position he played most during his pro debut in 2021, and he has the chance to be an athletic middle-of-the-order corner outfield type in the big leagues. And while he’s not as big as Julio Rodríguez, some scouts have suggested that Gonzalez has a similar body build in terms of being bigger and wider.&nbsp;</p><p>The Mariners are excited to see what he and many of their younger international prospects can do when playing in the United States for the first time in 2022. Gonzalez’s bat will likely dictate how quickly he can move up the ladder.</p>","contentTitle":"2022"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 55 | Power: 50 | Run: 45 | Arm: 65 | Field: 50 | Overall: 55</p><p>The Mariners had long been active players on the international market, having signed elite talent like Julio Rodríguez and Noelvi Marte over the years. The 2020-21 signing period, which didn’t start until January 2021 because of the pandemic, was no different, with the organization handing out bonuses of $1.5 million to shortstop Starlin Aguilar and to Gonzalez, who has been the faster mover of the two. He’s followed a pattern in his two years in the United States, conquering a level and earning an in-summer promotion, then scuffling a bit in adjusting to his new environs. He’ll get to show if he’s ready to take the next step in a new organization, heading to the Twins along with Darren Bowen in January’s Jorge Polanco deal.</p><p>Gonzalez, who will be 20 for all of the 2024 season, has already established himself as having a knack for making a lot of contact. He struck out in just 16.6 percent of his plate appearances in 2023, though his approach suffered when he moved up to High-A. His power hasn't come as much yet. He did hit 18 homers in 2023, but his exit velocities and other metrics that measure impact did not take the step forward some evaluators had predicted.</p><p>Gonzalez’s ability to drive the ball is important because he’s limited to a corner outfield spot, putting more pressure on his bat. He’s a fringy runner now and might slow down as he matures, though he has decent defensive instincts and has an absolute hose for an arm. He has to keep staying on top of his body and conditioning, and he’s young enough to grow into tapping into his power to fit that corner profile well.</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Hit: 50 | Power: 50 | Run: 45 | Arm: 65 | Field: 50 | Overall: 50</p><p>The Mariners had long been active players on the international market, having signed elite talent like Julio Rodríguez and Noelvi Marte over the years. The 2020-21 signing period, which didn’t start until January 2021 because of the pandemic, was no different, with the organization handing out bonuses of $1.5 million to shortstop Starlin Aguilar and to Gonzalez, who has been the faster mover of the two. He’s followed a pattern in his two years in the United States, conquering a level and earning an in-summer promotion, then scuffling a bit in adjusting to his new environs. He’ll get to show if he’s ready to take the next step in a new organization, heading to the Twins along with Darren Bowen in January’s Jorge Polanco deal.</p><p>Gonzalez, who will be 20 for all of the 2024 season, has already established himself as having a knack for making a lot of contact.&nbsp;He struck out in just 16.6 percent of his plate appearances in 2023, though his approach suffered when he moved up to High-A. His power hasn't come as much yet. He did hit 18 homers in 2023, but his exit velocities and other metrics that measure impact did not take the step forward some evaluators had predicted.</p><p>Gonzalez’s ability to drive the ball is important because he’s limited to a corner outfield spot, putting more pressure on his bat. He’s a fringy runner now and might slow down as he matures, though he has decent defensive instincts and has an absolute hose for an arm. He has to keep staying on top of his body and conditioning, and he’s young enough to grow into tapping into his power to fit that corner profile well.</p>","contentTitle":"2024"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":null,"signed":"Feb. 5, 2021 - SEA"}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":80,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2025","gradesHitting":null,"gradesPitching":[],"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":"","playerPhotoCustomUrl":",q_auto:best/v1/people/693308/headshot/silo/current","player":{"__ref":"Person:693308"},"position":"RHP","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 60 | Curveball: 50 | Changeup: 45 | Control: 50 | Overall: 45</p><p>Coming out of Palos Verdes Peninsula High School in Southern California, Frasso was a tall and gangly basketball player and pitcher with a ton of upside, but who had difficulty making the transition from one sport to the next, which kept his velocity down for much of the spring. He looked like the type of pitching prospect who needed college, and that's proven to be true. Focusing on baseball at Loyola Marymount, he's started catching up to his upside over his first two years, though an elbow injury suffered before the shutdown put his Draft stock a bit more in question.</p><p>Frasso pitched mostly in relief as a sophomore so he could have more of a regular impact, and ended up saving 10 games. But he began his junior year as a starter, with the chance to work on his three-pitch mix. The velocity is now there consistently when healthy, and the 6-foot-5 right-hander is up to 97 mph with his fastball. He's lived off his four-seamer up in the zone almost entirely during his college career and it misses a ton of bats, as it has tremendous life. He has a sweeping 74-76 mph curve that can be effective at times as he tunnels it off of his fastball and shows some glimpses of an 80-82 mph changeup.</p><p>Very thin with a herky jerky delivery, Frasso is athletic enough to repeat it consistently and throw a good amount of strikes, even if he's not a pinpoint command guy. Had he been able to prove he could start, he would have likely made a jump up Draft boards. The injury clouded things further, though he was reportedly throwing and working his way back when the season stopped. Pro teams could still send him out as a starter, knowing that he's very effective out of the bullpen as well.</p>","contentTitle":"draft"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>2020 Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 60 | Curveball: 50 | Changeup: 45 | Control: 50 | Overall: 40</p><p>Coming out of Palos Verdes Peninsula High School in Southern California, Frasso was a tall and gangly basketball player and pitcher with a ton of upside, but who had difficulty making the transition from one sport to the next, which kept his velocity down for much of the spring. He looked like the type of pitching prospect who needed college, and that's proven to be true. Focusing on baseball at Loyola Marymount, Frasso started catching up to his upside over his first two years, though an elbow injury suffered before the shutdown put his Draft stock a bit more in question. He was reportedly throwing and working his way back when the season stopped, and the Blue Jays liked his untapped potential on the mound enough that they still selected Frasso in the fourth round in June, signing him for below-slot value.&nbsp;</p><p>Frasso’s velocity is now there consistently when healthy, and the 6-foot-5 right-hander is up to 97 mph with his fastball. He lived off his four-seamer up in the zone almost entirely during his college career and it misses a ton of bats thanks to its tremendous life. He has a sweeping 74-76 mph curveball that can be effective at times as he tunnels it off of his fastball and shows some glimpses of an 80-82 mph changeup. Very thin with a herky-jerky delivery, Frasso is athletic enough to repeat it consistently and throw a good amount of strikes, even if he's not a pinpoint command guy.&nbsp;</p><p>Frasso pitched mostly in relief as a sophomore and ended up saving 10 games, then began his junior year as a starter, with the chance to work on his three-pitch mix. The Blue Jays have every incentive to see what the right-hander can do as a starter in the pro ranks, especially when they know that he could be very effective out of the bullpen as well.</p>","contentTitle":"2020"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Fastball: 60 | Slider: 50 | Changeup: 45 | Control: 50 | Overall: 45</p><p>Coming out of Palos Verdes Peninsula High School in Southern California, Frasso was a tall and gangly basketball player and a pitcher with a ton of upside, but who had difficulty making the transition from one sport to the next, which kept his velocity down for much of the spring. He looked like the type of pitching prospect who needed college, and that's proven to be true. Focusing on baseball at Loyola Marymount, Frasso started catching up to his upside over his first two years, though an elbow injury suffered before the shutdown put his Draft stock a bit more in question. He was reportedly throwing and working his way back when the season stopped, and the Blue Jays liked his untapped potential on the mound enough that they selected Frasso in the fourth round in June, signing him for below-slot value.</p><p>Frasso’s athleticism is a plus, as you don’t often find starting pitchers who can dunk a basketball. His fastball has been sitting in the range of 93 mph but reaching up into the 95-97 mph area, and some added strength to his projectable frame could help his sustain that better going forward. That pitch is especially effective up in the zone. Frasso throws a sweeping curve that's an average pitch at this stage with a changeup that lags behind. With long arms, there’s plenty of extension on his releases, too.</p><p>Frasso’s delivery isn’t the smoothest visually, but his athleticism allows him to repeat it well enough and get to his release point consistently. The physical development of Frasso’s wiry frame will be interesting to track now that he’s in the Blue Jays hands, and while there’s certainly bullpen potential down the road, the organization will explore his potential as a starter first.</p>","contentTitle":"2021"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Fastball: 70 | Slider: 50 | Changeup: 50 | Control: 50 | Overall: 45&nbsp;</p><p>Frasso had first-round aspirations entering his junior season at Loyola Marymount in 2020, but he strained his forearm during the shortened college season and lasted until the Blue Jays took him in the fourth round of the five-round Draft. He had elbow surgery in June 2021 but returned to the mound 11 months later to showcase power stuff. The Dodgers acquired him and right-handed pitching prospect Moises Brito at the Trade Deadline for Mitch White and infield prospect Alex DeJesus.&nbsp;</p><p>Frasso hit 97 mph with his fastball in college and has reached new heights this summer, topping out at 100 while sitting at 95-97 with some armside run on his four-seamer. His 82-86 mph slider gets swings and misses with its combination of horizontal action and depth. He's making a concerted effort to work on his mid-80s changeup, which features promising fade and sink.&nbsp;</p><p>Though Frasso still needs more consistency with his slider and changeup, both have the potential to become solid offerings and flash better than that. He has a history of throwing strikes, and though he had yet to go past four innings in a pro outing at the time of the trade, he has the upside of a mid-rotation starter. If durability proves an issue, he has the stuff to have late-inning impact as a reliever.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"2022"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 75 | Slider: 50 | Changeup: 55 | Control: 50 | Overall: 55</p><p>Contenders don't often acquire quality prospects at the Trade Deadline, but the Dodgers did just that last August when they grabbed Frasso and fellow right-handed pitching prospect Moises Brito from the Blue Jays in exchange for Mitch White and infield prospect Alex DeJesus. Frasso was a potential first-rounder entering his junior season at Loyola Marymount in 2020, but he strained his forearm during the shortened season and fell to the fourth round of the five-round Draft. He had elbow surgery in June 2021 but returned to the mound 11 months later and displayed an explosive fastball.&nbsp;</p><p>Frasso can devastate hitters with his heater, which sits at 95-97 mph, touches 100 and plays even better than its velocity thanks to armside run and impressive extension in his delivery. His mid-80s changeup with fade and sink continues to improve as he uses it more often, showing flashes of becoming a plus pitch. His mid-80s slider also misses bats with a combination of sweep and depth, though he has trouble landing it for strikes.&nbsp;</p><p>Frasso didn't go past four innings in an outing during his first two pro seasons, so he still has to prove that his stuff will last deeper into games and over a full season. He uses his athleticism to repeat his delivery well and has a history of throwing strikes. He has the upside of a mid-rotation starter and his fastball alone could make him a high-leverage reliever if he winds up in the bullpen.</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 70 | Slider: 55 | Changeup: 55 | Control: 50 | Overall: 50</p><p>A potential first-rounder going into his junior year at Loyola Marymount, Frasso strained his forearm during the truncated 2020 season and fell the to Blue Jays in the fourth round. He had the ulnar collateral ligament in his pitching elbow repaired with an internal brace in June 2021 and returned to the mound in May 2022 before getting dealt with lefty pitching prospect Moises Brito to the Dodgers for Mitch White and infield prospect Alex DeJesus two months later. He emerged as Los Angeles' best pitching prospect in 2023 before tearing the labrum in his pitching shoulder and having surgery in November that will sideline him for all or most of this season.&nbsp;</p><p>Frasso’s fastball usually ranges from 94-97 mph and tops out at 100 with arm-side run, and the impressive extension he creates enables his heater to get on hitters more quickly than expected. His mid-80s changeup can be a plus pitch at its best, fading and sinking and confusing batters who are trying to sit on his heater. His mid-80s slider has the makings of a solid offering with sweep and depth, though it’s not as reliable as his fastball and changeup.&nbsp;</p><p>Frasso has an extremely deceptive delivery thanks to his extension and crossfire action, and he also has the athleticism to repeat it. He has a long history of throwing strikes and held up while working a career-high 93 innings in 2023. Durability is the only real question he has to answer to become a mid-rotation starter, and he has the stuff to have a fallback as a late-inning reliever.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"2024"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":null,"signed":null}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":81,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2024","gradesHitting":null,"gradesPitching":null,"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":"","playerPhotoCustomUrl":",q_auto:best/v1/people/687597/headshot/silo/current","player":{"__ref":"Person:687597"},"position":"OF","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><strong>Video scouting report »</strong></a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Hit: 45 | Power: 55 | Run: 55 | Arm: 60 | Field: 55 | Overall: 50&nbsp;</p><p>Several evaluators draw parallels between Beck and former Mississippi State star Hunter Renfroe. Both were physical, tooled-up right fielders in the Southeastern Conference, and both were drafted by the Red Sox as raw high schoolers (Beck in the 14th round in 2019). Renfroe slugged his way into the first round after improving in his third college season, and Beck is doing the same this spring.&nbsp;</p><p>Beck uses his bat speed, strength and the leverage in his 6-foot-3 frame to create well above-average raw power to all fields. He gets too aggressive at the plate, however, and he struggled to make contact and drive the ball with wood bats in the Cape Cod League last summer. Developing more discipline and making adjustments against breaking balls and changeups has helped him make the leap Renfroe did.&nbsp;</p><p>Beck runs very well for his size, displaying solid speed and the ability to steal an occasional base. His plus arm strength adds to his profile in right field, where he's a better-than-average defender. Though he doesn't play center field for the Volunteers because they have Drew Gilbert, he did see some action in center on the Cape and may merit a look there in pro ball.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"Draft"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Hit: 45 | Power: 55 | Run: 55 | Arm: 60 | Field: 55 | Overall: 50&nbsp;</p><p>As the Draft approached, several evaluators drew parallels between Beck and former Mississippi State star Hunter Renfroe. Both were physical, tooled-up right fielders in the Southeastern Conference, and both were drafted by the Red Sox as raw high schoolers (Beck in the 14th round in 2019). Renfroe slugged his way into the first round after improving in his third college season, and Beck came close to doing the same this past spring, landing in the Competitive Balance Round A and signing for a slightly-above-slot bonus of $2.2 million.&nbsp;</p><p>Beck uses his bat speed, strength and the leverage in his 6-foot-3 frame to create well-above-average raw power to all fields. He gets too aggressive at the plate, however, and he struggled to make contact and drive the ball with wood bats in the Cape Cod League last summer. Developing more discipline and making adjustments against breaking balls and changeups helped him make the leap Renfroe did.&nbsp;</p><p>Beck runs very well for his size, displaying solid speed and the ability to steal an occasional base. His plus arm strength adds to his profile in right field, where he's a better-than-average defender. Although he didn’t play center field for the Volunteers because they had fellow Draft prospect Drew Gilbert, he did see some action in center on the Cape and may merit a look there in pro ball.</p>","contentTitle":"2022"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Hit: 45 | Power: 55 | Run: 55 | Arm: 60 | Field: 55 | Overall: 55&nbsp;</p><p>Beck established his power-hitter bona fides when he belted 15 homers as a sophomore at Tennessee. He upped that to 18 in his junior year, which helped land him in many first-round conversations as the Draft approached. Some swing-and-miss concerns might have backed some teams off, and the Rockies were thrilled the Volunteers outfielder was available when their Competitive Balance Round A pick came around, They signed him for $2.2 million and he had a solid pro debut between the Arizona Complex League and Single-A California League.</p><p>Beck has pretty much been as advertised since joining the Rockies organization. The right-handed hitter’s power is very real, with at least raw pop that he knows how to get to. He’s great at recognizing mistakes and doing damage with them, and he can drive the ball to all fields with good bat speed and leverage. While he’s more than willing to draw walks, he can get overaggressive, leading to legitimate worries about him making consistent contact. The Rockies have already worked with him to refine his approach and make adjustments based on how pitchers are attacking him, thinking through a team plate appearance and not just winding up and taking three shots on goal.</p><p>Beck runs well, especially for his size, with some thinking he could even potentially play center field. He’s more likely going to stick in a corner, where his arm strength profiles well. The Rockies think he can be an excellent defender if he brings the passion he has for hitting to that side of his game, with a finished product being a power-hitting corner outfielder who fits in the middle of a lineup one day.</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 45 | Power: 55 | Run: 55 | Arm: 60 | Field: 55 | Overall: 55</p><p>Beck hit 33 homers combined as a sophomore and junior at Tennessee, a big reason why his name was popping up in first-round conversations as the 2022 Draft approached. Some concerns about his hit tool may have cooled some teams, and that worked to the Rockies’ advantage as they were able to scoop him up in the Competitive Balance Round A and sign him for just over slot ($2.2 million). He showed off an intriguing combination of athleticism and pop in his first full year, reaching Double-A and finishing with a 20-20 campaign.</p><p>While there are still some questions about swing-and-miss, it’s pretty clear that Beck is going to be able to keep tapping into his considerable raw power. He finished the 2023 season with 61 extra-base hits and was tied for third in the organization with his 134 wRC+. He has good bat speed and uses his leveraged swing to punish mistakes and drive the ball to all fields. He will rack up a fair share of strikeouts, but he’s worked to offset that by drawing more walks as a pro.</p><p>Beck runs better than one might expect given his big 6-foot-3 frame, and isn’t afraid to use that speed on the basepaths. The Rockies have been pleasantly surprised how good he’s been defensively while seeing time in all three outfield spots. He might still best be suited as a super-athletic right-field type who puts up big run production numbers annually.</p>","contentTitle":"2024"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":null,"signed":null}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":82,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2025","gradesHitting":null,"gradesPitching":[],"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":"","playerPhotoCustomUrl":",q_auto:best/v1/people/696143/headshot/silo/current","player":{"__ref":"Person:696143"},"position":"LHP","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 55 | Slider: 55 | Changeup: 50 | Control: 55 | Overall: 50</p><p>If you’re a big high school left-hander who has an unusual delivery, chances are you’re going to draw some Madison Bumgarner or MacKenzie Gore comps. Solometo, the New Jersey prepster who threw well over the summer at events like the Area Code Games, has gotten both. And that’s a big reason why he was being carefully watched as the Draft approached, with solid performances in New Jersey raising his stock.</p><p>The combination of a 6-foot-3 frame and left-handedness have many scouts feeling very bullish about Solometo’s chances at the next level. With a Gore-like high kick and a Bumgarner-esque three-quarter delivery, the North Carolina recruit throws his fastball in the 90-94 mph range with good power and life. He has outstanding command of the pitch, already showing the ability to challenge right-handed hitters inside with it. His breaking ball is at its best when it’s more of a true slider, and though it can get a little too big at times and become slurvy, it still plays well off of his arm slot. He has an average changeup now, but he has the chance to have three above-average pitches in the future.</p><p>The funk in Solometo’s delivery adds a ton of deception, making his already good stuff play up even more. He repeats it well and has a good idea of how to use his stuff. After a firm jump on the map over the summer, the southpaw has really moved up boards this spring, with a chance to land in the first round.</p>","contentTitle":"draft"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 55 | Slider: 55 | Changeup: 50 | Control: 55 | Overall: 50</p><p>If you’re a big high school left-hander who has an unusual delivery, chances are you’re going to draw some Madison Bumgarner or MacKenzie Gore comps. Solometo, the New Jersey prepster who threw well over the summer at events like the Area Code Games, has gotten both. And that’s a big reason why he was carefully watched as the Draft approached, with solid performances in New Jersey raising his stock and eventually landing him in the second round, where the Pirates went over slot to sign away from his North Carolina commitment for $2,797,500.</p><p>The combination of a 6-foot-3 frame and left-handedness has the Pirates feeling very bullish about Solometo’s chances at the next level. With a Gore-like high kick and a Bumgarner-esque three-quarter delivery, Solometo throws his fastball in the 90-94 mph range with good power and life. He has outstanding command of the pitch, already showing the ability to challenge right-handed hitters inside with it. His breaking ball is at its best when it’s more of a true slider, and though it can get a little too big at times and become slurvy, it still plays well off of his arm slot. He has an average changeup now, but he has the chance to have three above-average pitches in the future.</p><p>The funk in Solometo’s delivery adds a ton of deception, making his already good stuff play up even more. He repeats it well and has a good idea of how to use his stuff, giving him a much better chance of reaching his considerable ceiling.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"2021"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Fastball: 55 | Slider: 55 | Changeup: 50 | Control: 55 | Overall: 50</p><p>When the Pirates signed Henry Davis as the No. 1 overall pick for nearly $3 million under slot, that allowed them to be very aggressive in going after high-end high school talent in the ensuing rounds. The first opportunity came in the second round when they took Solometo, the standout New Jersey prep left-hander, and signed him away from his commitment to pitch for North Carolina by giving him $2.8 million, equivalent to late first-round money.</p><p>In high school, Solometo relied mostly on his fastball-slider combination, coming from a delivery that was a combination of Padres prospect MacKenzie Gore’s leg kick and Madison Bumgarner’s three-quarters arm slot. He’s up to 94 mph with his fastball with good life and can command it well, showing no fear in using the inner half of the plate against right-handed hitters. His breaking ball can get slurvy, but at its best, it’s a good hard slider, one that tunnels off his fastball well. He’s shown a feel for an average changeup, but hasn’t used it as much in the past.</p><p>Solometo’s already-good stuff plays up thanks to the deception that comes from his unorthodox delivery, one he repeats well, allowing him to throw a lot of strikes. There’s projection here, with the chance for him to have three above-average pitches or better, giving him the ceiling of a very good big league starter.</p>","contentTitle":"2022"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Fastball: 55 | Slider: 55 | Changeup: 50 | Control: 55 | Overall: 55</p><p>After the Pirates saved nearly $3 million in signing Henry Davis as the No. 1 pick in the 2021 Draft, they were able to go hard after a trio of high-end high school talents, with Solometo the first selected, followed by Lonnie White and Bubba Chandler. Solometo received an over-slot bonus of $2.8 million, and the New Jersey prep standout showed off a lot of good things during his 13-outing full-season debut with Single-A Bradenton in 2022.</p><p>Because of his unorthodox delivery, Solometo has drawn comparisons to fellow lefties Madison Bumgarner (because of his arm slot) and MacKenzie Gore (due to his leg kick). He was consistently in the 90-92 mph range, touching 93 mph with his fastball last year, a pitch that plays like a plus heater with sink because of the funk and deception in his delivery. His mid-80s slider has hard cutter action to hit at its best, and he’s still learning how to perfect it, with both his fastball and breaking ball registering good spin rates. He hadn’t used his changeup much in high school, but he’s gaining feel for an 83-84 mph off-speed pitch that is a spin-killer.</p><p>More than anything pure stuff-wise, Solometo has impressed with his ability to command the baseball and knowing how to repeat his delivery while processing information quickly. He and Chandler have built a competitive bond, and they should be able to push each other towards Pittsburgh’s rotation.</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Fastball: 50 | Slider: 55 | Changeup: 50 | Control: 50 | Overall: 50</p><p>A strong showing on the summer showcase circuit put Solometo on the map, and a continuation of outstanding performances back home in New Jersey during his senior year allowed him to be considered the top high school lefty in the Draft class of 2021. The Pirates were able to afford signing him away from North Carolina with an above-slot $2.8 million deal in the second round thanks to the money saved by signing Henry Davis as the No. 1 overall pick. The southpaw looks poised to give a solid return on that investment, taking a big step forward in 2023 while reaching Double-A and topping 100 innings for the first time. His stuff regressed considerably in 2024, necessitating a trip to Bradenton to work on rebuilding his velocity.</p><p>Now 6-foot-5, the improvement of Solometo’s stuff halted in 2024, but there’s hope the lefty can re-find it, all coming from an unorthodox Madison Bumgarner-like arm slot and MacKenzie Gore-like leg kick. His fastball had topped out at 95 mph last year, but was averaging around just 90 mph in 2024. At its best, it plays up with sink because of the aforementioned funk in his delivery. He has a solid mid-80s slider that has missed bats in the past, a pitch that has cutter-like action to it. He was getting more confident with his 84-mph spin-killing changeup, especially against right-handed hitters.</p><p>Solometo made some excellent adjustments during the 2023 season and saw his command and control improve markedly as the year wore on, though that too regressed in 2024. Because of the deception, his stuff plays up especially against left-handed hitters. Just 21 for all of the 2024 season, there’s time for him to hit the reset button and become a big league starter.</p>","contentTitle":"2024"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":"North Carolina","signed":null}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":83,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2025","gradesHitting":null,"gradesPitching":null,"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":"","playerPhotoCustomUrl":",d_people:generic:headshot:silo:current.png,q_auto:best,f_auto/v1/people/687931/headshot/silo/current","player":{"__ref":"Person:687931"},"position":"LHP","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 50 | Curveball: 50 | Changeup: 65 | Control: 50 | Overall: 50&nbsp;</p><p>Whisenhunt was on the scouting radar as a North Carolina high schooler but went undrafted in 2019 because he lacked present stuff. He heads into 2022 as the best healthy college left-hander available and could give East Carolina a first-round pitcher for the second straight Draft, following Gavin Williams. He's similar to Kansas State southpaw Jordan Wicks, who went 21st overall to the Cubs last July.&nbsp;</p><p>Like Wicks, Whisenhunt has one of the best changeups in his Draft, an 82-85 mph weapon that drops at the plate and generated a 59 percent swing-and-miss rate in 2021. He sets it up with a 91-95 mph fastball with the same arm speed, though his heater features more downhill plane than life and gets hit if he doesn't locate it well. While scouts rate his upper-70s curveball as average at best and he doesn't use it very much, it dodges more than its share of bats.&nbsp;</p><p>Whisenhunt's classic pitcher's build, athleticism and delivery all endear him to evaluators. He shows some feel for working both sides of the plate with his fastball, and his control and command should continue to improve with more experience. He's a potential mid-rotation starter with a high floor.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"2019"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><strong>Video scouting report »</strong></a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 50 | Curveball: 50 | Changeup: 65 | Control: 50 | Overall: 50&nbsp;</p><p>Whisenhunt was on the scouting radar as a North Carolina high schooler but went undrafted in 2019 because he lacked present stuff. He headed into 2022 as the best healthy college left-hander available but won't pitch in a college game after getting a yearlong suspension from the NCAA after testing positive for a performance-enhancing drug he said came from a supplement he bought at a national nutrition store chain. He still could give East Carolina a first-round pitcher for the second straight Draft, following Gavin Williams, and is similar to Kansas State southpaw Jordan Wicks, who went 21st overall to the Cubs last July.&nbsp;</p><p>Like Wicks, Whisenhunt has one of the best changeups in his Draft, an 82-85 mph weapon that drops at the plate and generated a 59 percent swing-and-miss rate in 2021. He sets it up with a 91-95 mph fastball with the same arm speed, though his heater features more downhill plane than life and gets hit if he doesn't locate it well. While scouts rate his upper-70s curveball as average at best and he doesn't use it very much, it dodges more than its share of bats.&nbsp;</p><p>Whisenhunt's classic pitcher's build, athleticism and delivery all endear him to evaluators. He shows some feel for working both sides of the plate with his fastball, and his control and command should continue to improve with more experience. A potential mid-rotation starter with a high floor, he showed he hadn't lost his stuff during a stint in the Cape Cod League this summer.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"draft"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 50 | Curveball: 50 | Changeup: 65 | Control: 50 | Overall: 50&nbsp;</p><p>Whisenhunt entered 2022 as the best healthy college left-hander but drew a yearlong NCAA suspension after testing positive for a performance-enhancing drug he said came from an over-the-counter supplement. He missed the entire season at East Carolina but pitched in the Cape Cod League, where he showed his typical stuff but looked rusty. The Giants drafted him with the final pick of the second round and signed him for a well-over-slot $1,866,200.&nbsp;</p><p>Whisenhunt's changeup is a true weapon, arriving at the plate at 82-85 mph before tumbling sharply, and it generated a 59 percent swing-and-miss rate during the 2021 college season. He sells his cambio with the same arm speed he uses to produce a 91-95 mph fastball that has more plane than life and must be located well to avoid barrels. His upper-70s curveball is merely average and he doesn't use it much, though his bender does miss some bats.&nbsp;</p><p>While Whisenhunt's command wasn't as sharp as usual in the Cape following his layoff, he has shown some feel for working both sides of the plate with his fastball. His control and command should continue to improve as he gains more experience. His classic pitcher's build, athleticism and delivery contribute to his mid-rotation starter potential and high floor.</p>","contentTitle":"2022"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 55 | Curveball: 50 | Changeup: 70 | Control: 50 | Overall: 55</p><p>Whisenhunt ranked as the best healthy college left-hander in the 2022 Draft, but he never threw a pitch at East Carolina after the NCAA gave him a yearlong suspension after he tested positive for a performance-enhancing drug. After watching him in the Cape Cod League, where he displayed his usual stuff but looked rusty, the Giants selected him with the last pick in the second round and signed him for a well over-slot $1,866,200. He struck out 25 in 14 innings between his pro debut and the Arizona Fall League, wowing scouts with his changeup.&nbsp;</p><p>Whisenhunt's cambio is a plus-plus offering that approaches the plate at 82-85 mph before disappearing, and it produced a 59 percent swing-and-miss rate during the 2021 college season. He sells his changeup with the same arm speed that generates a 92-94 mph fastball that tops out at 96 and misses a good number of bats with its sink and bore. His heater features more downhill plane than true life and he must command it well to keep it off barrels.&nbsp;</p><p>The Giants hope to help add Whisenhunt more strength and thus provide more velocity for his fastball, and he also needs to upgrade an upper-70s curveball that he doesn't use very often. While his command wasn't as sharp as usual following his long layoff, he has a history of throwing strikes and has shown feel for working both sides of the plate. His athleticism helps him repeat his delivery and gives him both mid-rotation starter ceiling and a high floor.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 55 | Curveball: 50 | Changeup: 70 | Cutter: 50 | Control: 45 | Overall: 50</p><p>While Whisenhunt ranked as the best healthy college left-hander in the 2022 Draft, he didn't throw a pitch for East Carolina that spring because the NCAA suspended him for the season after he tested positive for a performance-enhancing drug. He displayed his usual stuff in the Cape Cod League before the Giants made him the final pick in the second round and signed him for a well-over-slot $1,866,200. He recorded a 2.45 ERA in 16 starts and reached Double-A two months into his first full pro season before getting shut down with an elbow sprain in late July.&nbsp;</p><p>Whisenhunt owns one of the best changeups in the game, a plus-plus weapon that approaches hitters in the low 80s before tumbling at the plate. He can manipulate the depth and shape of his cambio and sells it with the same arm speed that he uses to produce 92-95 mph fastballs that top out at 97. Though his heater features some sink and can bore in on right-handers, it isn't especially lively, and he must command it well to avoid barrels.&nbsp;</p><p>The biggest key in Whisenhunt's development going forward will be finding a dependable breaking option, and he's having a bit more success this year with his upper-70s curveball while also adding a mid-80s cutter. He's athletic and repeats his delivery well, though his control and command have regressed in Triple-A in 2024. He comes with the ceiling of a mid-rotation starter as well as a high floor, and he could help San Francisco in 2024 provided he stays healthy.</p>","contentTitle":"2024"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong>&nbsp;Fastball: 50 | Curveball: 45 | Slider: 50 | Changeup: 70 | Control: 45 | Overall: 50</p><p>The best healthy college left-hander in the 2022 Draft, Whisenhunt missed his junior season at East Carolina after the NCAA suspended him when he tested positive for a performance-enhancing drug. After he showcased his usual stuff in the Cape Cod League that summer, the Giants took him in the second round and paid him a well-over-slot $1,866,200. He dominated in his first full pro season and advanced to Double-A before getting shut down with an elbow sprain in late July, then posted a 5.42 ERA in the Triple-A Pacific Coast League during a mostly healthy 2024.</p><p>Whisenhunt may feature the best changeup in baseball, posting outlandish chase (49 percent) and swing-and-miss (47 percent) rates while recording 71 of his 135 strikeouts (second in the PCL) with his cambio in Triple-A. He sells his tumbling 78-81 mph change with fastball arm speed and can manipulate its depth and shape. He sets it up with a 92-94 mph two-seamer that reaches 96 with some sink, but it didn't have enough life to avoid getting hammered last year when he didn't command it well.</p><p>Whisenhunt never has demonstrated great feel for spin, and while his low-80s slider is a bit better than his upper-70s curveball, neither is particularly effective. He struggled with a tighter zone and smaller ballparks in the PCL, and his strike-throwing regressed before rebounding in the final two months. He has the athleticism to repeat his delivery well enough to have at least average control. He has the ceiling of a mid-rotation starter and his changeup alone should help him carve out a role in San Francisco.</p>","contentTitle":"2025"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":null,"signed":null}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":84,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2025","gradesHitting":null,"gradesPitching":null,"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":"","playerPhotoCustomUrl":",q_auto:best/v1/people/682987/headshot/silo/current","player":{"__ref":"Person:682987"},"position":"OF","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>2019 Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 50 | Power: 55 | Run: 55 | Arm: 55 | Field: 50 | Overall: 50</p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 55 | Curveball: 55 | Changeup: 40 | Control: 45 | Overall: 45</p><p>At first, Jones' participation at the Perfect Game All-American Classic in San Diego last summer after a solid Area Codes Game performance seemed like a nice little \"local kid done good\" story. Then he singled and stole a base on the offensive end while throwing a perfect inning on the mound, serving notice that he might be the best two-way player in this Draft class. Scouts won't get the chance to see him this spring, however, as surgery to fix a small fracture in his throwing elbow will put him on the shelf until the summer.</p><p>The scouting industry is somewhat divided about where the 6-foot-7 left-hander's future lies. On the mound, he's up to 93 mph with his fastball, a pitch that's rarely straight. He has the ingredients of a very good curveball that could eventually be a plus pitch. It all comes from a projectable body and a delivery that works, giving hope that he'll find the strike zone more consistently and have the aptitude to add an effective third pitch as he gains more experience. Many thought he'd turn into a pitcher only, especially given his size, but he's shown he uses all those moving parts well as a position player. He's a plus runner and obviously, his arm works well, and he's played both the outfield and first base. He has a whip of a swing and is very unpolished, but some evaluators can dream on him as a hitter.</p><p>Jones has as much upside as perhaps anyone in the Draft class and that's true on both sides of the ball. He still could factor in the early rounds of the Draft, though teams looking to sign him away from his Vanderbilt commitment will have to do so based on his summer performance.</p>","contentTitle":"2019"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 50 | Power: 55 | Run: 50 | Arm: 50 | Field: 50 | Overall: 50&nbsp;</p><p>A California high school product, Jones was one of the best two-way prospects in the 2019 Draft but required surgery to repair a small fracture in his pitching elbow. He slid to the Angels in the 31st round because of his strong commitment to Vanderbilt, and he required Tommy John surgery in July 2020 after trying to pitch again in summer ball. He missed part of last season while completing his rehab and didn't become an everyday position player for the Commodores until this spring, when he has hit his way into the top two rounds.&nbsp;</p><p>Jones has the potential to hit for average while producing solid power, but he also swings and misses frequently against non-fastballs. Though he generates plenty of bat speed and has impressive strength and leverage in his 6-foot-7 frame, his size also creates a naturally long left-handed swing. He uses the opposite field almost to a fault, rarely turning on pitches, and there are concerns about whether he'll be able to handle quality fastballs on the inner half.&nbsp;</p><p>Very athletic for his size, Jones shows average speed out of the batter's box, is quicker once he gets going and has some basestealing ability. He covers ground in right field and has regained average arm strength. He also played some first base last year at Vanderbilt and is a solid defender there.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"draft"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 50 | Power: 55 | Run: 50 | Arm: 50 | Field: 50 | Overall: 50&nbsp;</p><p>One of the best two-way prospects in the 2019 Draft as a California high schooler, Jones required surgery to repair a small fracture in his pitching elbow before sliding to the Angels in the 31st round because of his strong commitment to Vanderbilt. He underwent Tommy John surgery in July 2020 after trying to return to the mound in the summer, missed part of 2021 while finishing his rehab and didn't become an everyday player for the Commodores until this spring. He hit his way into the first round by batting .370/.460/.643 with 12 homers and signed for $2,880,800 as the 25th overall selection.&nbsp;</p><p>Jones generates plenty of bat speed and has impressive strength and leverage in his 6-foot-7 frame, and he makes a lot of hard contact while producing solid power. His size does create a naturally long left-handed stroke, however, and he uses the opposite field almost to a fault. Some scouts note that he rarely turns on pitches and wonder if he'll be able to handle quality velocity on the inner half as a pro.&nbsp;</p><p>Very athletic for his size, Jones is an average runner out of the batter's box and faster once he gets going. He shows some basestealing ability and covers ground well in right field, where he has regained average arm strength. He also played some first base in his first two years at Vanderbilt and is an average defender there.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"2022"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Hit: 50 | Power: 55 | Run: 50 | Arm: 50 | Field: 50 | Overall: 55</p><p>Though he was one of the best two-way prospects in the 2019 Draft, Jones dropped to the Angels in the 31st round because he scared teams off with surgery to repair a small fracture in his pitching elbow and a strong commitment to Vanderbilt. He had Tommy John surgery in July 2020 after trying to return to the mound in summer ball and didn't win a regular job in the Commodores lineup until last spring, when he hit his way into the first round by posting a .370/.460/.644 slash line. He continued to rake after signing for $2,880,800 as the 25th overall pick, batting .344/.425/.538 with four homers in his 25-game pro debut.&nbsp;</p><p>Jones features impressive strength and leverage in his towering 6-foot-6 frame, and he also generates plenty of bat speed and makes a lot of hard contact from the left side of the plate. His size does result in a naturally long left-handed swing that leads to strikeouts, and he uses the opposite field almost too much. Because he rarely turns on pitches, some scouts wonder if he'll be able to handle quality velocity on the inner half as he rises through the Minors.&nbsp;</p><p>Extremely athletic for his size, Jones displays average speed out of the batter's box and is a solid runner once he gets going. He stole 12 bases without getting caught in his introduction to pro ball and covers ground in the outfield. A right fielder at Vanderbilt, he played exclusively in center during his debut and has regained average arm strength since having his elbow reconstructed.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 40 | Power: 55 | Run: 50 | Arm: 50 | Field: 50 | Overall: 50</p><p>A California high schooler who ranked as one of the top two-way prospects in the 2019 Draft, Jones dropped all the way to the Angels in the 31st round because he had a strong commitment to Vanderbilt as well as surgery to repair a small fracture in his pitching elbow. The pandemic wiped out most of his first college season in 2020 and he had Tommy John surgery that July after trying to return to the mound in summer ball. He has been a full-time hitter ever since. He hit his way into 2022's first round, signed for $2,880,800 and then totaled 16 homers and 43 steals while advancing to Double-A in his first full pro season.&nbsp;</p><p>Jones offers an intriguing combination of power and uncommon athleticism for a 6-foot-6, 235-pounder. His bat speed, strength and leverage produce well-above-average raw power and exit velocities, though there are some concerns about how much of his pop will play in games. He rarely turns on pitches and must prove he can handle quality velocity on the inner half at higher levels. His naturally long left-handed stroke results in a lot of strikeouts, including 155 with a 29 percent whiff rate in 2023.&nbsp;</p><p>Jones shows average speed out of the batter's box and is a solid runner once underway. He's aggressive on the bases and covers ground with long strides in center field. A right fielder in college, he played exclusively in center his first two years as a pro and has a better chance to remain there than fellow Yankees prospect Jasson Domínguez.</p>","contentTitle":"2024"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":null,"signed":null}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":85,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2024","gradesHitting":null,"gradesPitching":null,"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":"","playerPhotoCustomUrl":",q_auto:best/v1/people/689672/headshot/silo/current","player":{"__ref":"Person:689672"},"position":"RHP","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><strong>Video scouting report »</strong></a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Fastball: 55 | Slider: 45 | Changeup: 60 | Control: 50 | Overall: 50</p><p>Scouts have headed to Cal Poly on a very consistent basis in 2022 to see potential top of the first round talent Brooks Lee in the lineup. They can get a 2-for-1 deal on Fridays, when Thorpe takes the mound. The right-hander was the Mustangs’ Friday night starter in 2021 and has excelled serving in that role again this coming spring on the heels of a summer pitching for USA Baseball and a brief stop in the Cape Cod League.</p><p>At 6-foot-4 and 195 pounds, Thorpe is an intriguing combination of stuff and projection in a college arm. He’s missed bats consistently since joining Cal Poly’s weekend rotation in 2020, thanks largely to what might be the best changeup in the class. He throws it in the low-80s with excellent arm speed for deception and with a ton of sink, getting outs via the strikeout as well as weak contact on the ground. He throws it almost as frequently as his 91-93 mph fastball, a heater that has good riding action and sink at the bottom of the zone and could increase in velocity as he adds strength.</p><p>Thorpe has been pitching off his fastball and has folded in his slider, which he now throws a bit harder in the low-80s, a bit more than in the past, something scouts wanted to see. They do like his projection and his feel for finding the strike zone. His steps forward on those fronts, to go along with his Kyle Hendricks-esque changeup, have helped him move up the college arm rankings.</p>","contentTitle":"Draft"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 50 | Slider: 50 | Changeup: 65 | Control: 55 | Overall: 50&nbsp;</p><p>Thorpe immediately joined Cal Poly's rotation as a freshman in 2020 and served as the Mustangs' No. 1 starter in each of the last two seasons. A consensus All-American in 2022, he ranked second in NCAA Division I in strikeouts (a school-record 149 in 104 2/3 innings) and third in hits per nine innings (5.6) while finishing the spring with 14 straight quality starts. The Yankees drafted him in the second round and signed him for $1,187,600.&nbsp;</p><p>Thorpe relies heavily on one of the best changeups in the 2022 Draft, a fading weapon in the low 80s that earns double-plus grades from some evaluators. His fastball features below-average velocity at 89-92 mph with a peak of 95 and only some mild sink, but it plays as an average offering because he locates it well and keeps hitters off balance. He improved the depth on his low-80s slider this year and it shows flashes of becoming a solid pitch.&nbsp;</p><p>His advanced feel for pitching allows Thorpe to get the most out of his stuff. Recruited as a two-way player, he has the strength and athleticism to repeat his simple delivery and pound the strike zone. He sequences and commands his pitches well, giving him the ceiling of a mid-rotation starter along with a high floor.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"2022"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 50 | Slider: 55 | Changeup: 65 | Control: 55 | Overall: 55&nbsp;</p><p>Thorpe immediately joined Cal Poly's rotation as a freshman in 2020 and served as the Mustangs' No. 1 starter in each of the next two seasons. He was a consensus All-American in 2022 after ranking second in NCAA Division I in strikeouts (a school-record 149 in 104 2/3 innings) and third in hits per nine innings (5.6) while finishing his college career with 14 consecutive quality starts. Signed by the Yankees for $1,187,600 in the second round, he enjoyed a breakout first full season as MLB Pipeline’s Pitching Prospect of the Year with a 2.52 ERA and 182 strikeouts in 139 1/3 innings at High-A and Double-A. The Padres acquired him as part of the Juan Soto blockbuster in December.&nbsp;</p><p>Thorpe owned one of the best changeups in the 2022 Draft and earns double-plus grades from some scouts for his ability to get swings and misses as well as chases with a fading low-80s cambio. He can do the same with a low-80s slider after adding more depth to it last year. While his fastball features below-average velocity (parking at 89-92 mph, peaking at 95) and mild sink, it plays as an average offering because he commands it and mixes it well with the rest of his arsenal.&nbsp;</p><p>Recruited by Cal Poly as a two-way player, Thorpe has the athleticism and strength to repeat his simple delivery, provide plenty of strikes and pile up innings. He has an advanced feel for pitching, and his ability to sequence and locate his pitches allows him to the get the most out of his stuff. He has a high floor as a near-certain starter, and San Diego will hope his upward trajectory carries him to at least the middle of future Padres rotations.</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Fastball: 50 | Slider: 55 | Changeup: 70 | Control: 60 | Overall: 55</p><p>A consensus All-American at Cal Poly in 2022, Thorpe finished second in NCAA Division I with a school-record 149 strikeouts in 104 2/3 innings before signing with the Yankees for $1,187,600 as a second-round pick. He won MLB Pipeline Pitching Prospect of the Year honors in his 2023 pro debut, leading the Minors in strikeouts (182 in 139 1/3 innings), strikeout minus walk percentage (26.9) and swinging-strike rate (18.6 percent) while ranking second in wins (14), winning percentage (.875), WHIP (0.98) and strikeout percentage (34.0). The Padres acquired him as part of the Juan Soto blockbuster trade in December, then flipped him to the White Sox in a package for Dylan Cease three months later.</p><p>Thorpe’s 91-95 mph fastball hasn’t wowed much in college or pro ball and would be a borderline below-average pitch if he didn’t spot it so well. His high strikeout numbers are driven by a stellar changeup, a low-80s offering that he sells exceptionally well before it hits the brakes and fades just before the hitter’s bat. He can get batters to chase the change in pitchers' counts, but they can just as easily be fooled in the zone. Thorpe’s 82-85 mph slider has good depth, giving him an above-average breaking option.</p><p>Ideally, there’d be a tick or two or more of velocity here, but Thorpe’s pitchability makes him at least a back-end starter in the big leagues. Recruited by Cal Poly as a two-way player, he has the athleticism and strength to repeat his simple delivery, pound the strike zone and eat up innings. His ability to sequence and command his pitches makes him more effective, and he immediately became the most advanced pitcher in Chicago's system.</p>","contentTitle":"2024"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":null,"signed":null}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":86,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2027","gradesHitting":null,"gradesPitching":null,"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":null,"playerPhotoCustomUrl":",g_auto/w_360/v1/people/703149/headshot/milb/current","player":{"__ref":"Person:703149"},"position":"SS/2B","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></strong></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 60 | Power: 55 | Run: 55 | Arm: 55 | Field: 55 | Overall: 55</p><p>The top international prospect in the class, Arias is an extraordinary talent and the consensus No. 1.</p><p>There’s a lot to like about the teenager. Starting on the defensive side of the ball, Arias has plus arm potential. His throws are accurate and effortless, and he’s always in a position to make the throws. His arm is strong from any angle. He also shows good footwork with soft hands and above-average range.</p><p>At the plate, he exhibits above-average bat-to-ball skills and strike zone awareness. He shows good plate discipline and doesn’t swing and miss often. He shows power from both sides of the plate, especially by the right side. There’s good opposite-field power from the left side, and the overall package that could develop into a plus-plus hitter.</p><p>On the bases, Arias can score easily from first base and second base showing very good anticipation and awareness. He consistently runs the timed 60-yard run in 6.5 seconds, which is above average.</p><p>The teen trains in the Dominican Republic with Daniel Paulino and Luis Schecker, members of MLB’s Trainer Partnership Program. The Yankees are the favorite to sign him.</p>","contentTitle":"2021"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong>&nbsp;Hit: 55 | Power: 50 | Run: 60 | Arm: 70 | Field: 60 | Overall: 50&nbsp;</p><p>MLB Pipeline's top-rated prospect in the 2021-22 international class, Arias signed for $4 million out of the Dominican Republic in January. He added to the greatest position of strength in a Yankees system headlined by standout shortstops Anthony Volpe and Oswald Peraza. He has the potential for at least solid tools across the board and could be significantly better than that if he reaches his ceiling.&nbsp;</p><p>Arias is extremely advanced at the plate for a teenager. A switch-hitter, he has feel for the barrel, recognizes pitches well, makes good swing decisions and uses the entire field. He makes consistent hard contact that could develop into plus power once he adds more strength and experience, and his pop currently plays better from the right side of the plate.&nbsp;</p><p>Arias' secondary tools may be more exciting than his offensive gifts. He can run the 60-yard dash in 6.5 seconds and should retain at least plus speed once he's physically mature. He's also a no-doubt shortstop with instincts, smooth actions and a plus-plus arm.</p>","contentTitle":"2022"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 50 | Power: 50 | Run: 60 | Arm: 70 | Field: 55 | Overall: 50&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>MLB Pipeline's No. 1 prospect in the 2022 international class, Arias signed for $4 million out of the Dominican Republic. He may have the best all-around collection of tools among the Yankees' stockpile of shortstops, though he'll need time to develop. He missed the first month of the Rookie-level Dominican Summer League with a wrist injury, then slashed .194/.379/.370 with a 33 percent strikeout rate in his pro debut.&nbsp;</p><p>Though Arias didn't post big numbers in his introduction to pro ball, he showed the ability to use the entire field and hit the ball hard from both sides of the plate. He may have returned too soon and tried to do too much once he did, but he displayed a quick bat, the ability to identify breaking balls and promising patience. He drew walks at a 20 percent rate and could develop plus power once he gains more strength and experience.&nbsp;</p><p>Beyond his offensive upside, Arias has exciting all-around ability. He has run the 60-yard dash in 6.5 seconds, should be at least a plus runner even after he fills out his 6-foot-2 frame and is aggressive on the bases. With his quickness, instincts, smooth actions and a plus-plus arm, he's a no-doubt shortstop.</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 45 | Power: 50 | Run: 60 | Arm: 70 | Field: 55 | Overall: 50</p><p>MLB Pipeline's top-rated prospect in the 2022 international crop, Arias turned pro for $4 million out of the Dominican Republic. His debut in the Rookie-level Dominican Summer League was alarming, as he hit .194/.379/.370 with a 33 percent strikeout rate after missing the first month with a wrist injury. He looked much more dynamic in the Rookie-level Florida Complex League in 2023, batting .267/.423/.505 with six homers and 17 steals in 27 games before he broke his right thumb.&nbsp;</p><p>The switch-hitting Arias works counts looking for pitches to drive and has the bat speed and developing strength to punish them when he gets them. He has a pull-happy mentality and did a much better job of making hard contact and lifting balls in the air during his second pro season than he did in his first, though he has regressed in 2024. It's a power-over-hit approach that could produce 20-25 homers per season once he's fully developed.&nbsp;</p><p>Arias not only possesses uncommon power for a middle infielder but also tools to impact the game in a variety of other ways. He's a plus runner who's very aggressive on the bases and has 30-30 upside. He's a solid shortstop with smooth actions, instincts and a plus-plus arm who could play almost anywhere on the diamond.</p>","contentTitle":"2024"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":null,"signed":"Jan. 15, 2022 - NYY"}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":87,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2026","gradesHitting":null,"gradesPitching":null,"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":"","playerPhotoCustomUrl":",g_auto/w_360/v1/people/806068/headshot/milb/current","player":{"__ref":"Person:806068"},"position":"SS/3B","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong>&nbsp;Hit: 60 | Power: 50 | Run: 50 | Arm: 55 | Field: 50 | Overall: 50&nbsp;</p><p>Ohio hasn't had a high school position player drafted in the top three rounds since Derek Dietrich in 2007, though Emerson should end that drought as a potential first-rounder in July. He played well throughout the showcase circuit and hit .360 as the starting third baseman on the U.S. national team that won the 18-and-under World Cup in September. He was an all-state wide receiver as a junior before deciding to focus on baseball as a senior, when he earned Gatorade state player of the year honors.&nbsp;</p><p>Emerson is an advanced high school hitter who makes repeated hard contact with a pretty left-handed swing. He usually drives the ball from gap to gap but shows the ability to pull the ball with authority. Once he does that more regularly, his bat speed and strength should translate into 20 or more homers per season.&nbsp;</p><p>An average runner with solid arm strength, Emerson is a steady defender at shortstop but probably will move to a different position in pro ball. He looked good at the hot corner with Team USA and his quick hands also would work well at second base. An Auburn commit, he won't turn 18 until shortly after the Draft, which will help his cause with clubs who focus on age.</p>","contentTitle":"draft"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p>Scouting grades: Hit: 60 | Power: 50 | Run: 50 | Arm: 55 | Field: 50 | Overall: 50&nbsp;</p><p>Ohio hadn’t had a high school position player drafted in the top three rounds since Derek Dietrich in 2007 until Emerson ended that drought. After playing well throughout the showcase circuit and hitting .360 as the starting third baseman on the U.S. national team that won the 18-and-under World Cup in September, he earned Gatorade state player of the year honors en route to being the Mariners’ first-round pick and signing for an above-slot $3.8 million bonus that kept him from heading to Auburn.</p><p>A former all-state wide receiver who stopped playing football to focus on baseball as a senior, Emerson is an excellent athlete and an advanced high school hitter who makes repeated hard contact with a pretty left-handed swing. He usually drives the ball from gap to gap but shows the ability to pull the ball with authority. Once he does that more regularly, his bat speed and strength should translate into 20 or more homers per season.&nbsp;</p><p>An average runner with solid arm strength, Emerson is a steady defender at shortstop but might eventually move to a different position in pro ball. He looked good at the hot corner with Team USA and his quick hands also would work well at second base.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 60 | Power: 50 | Run: 50 | Arm: 55 | Field: 50 | Overall: 55</p><p>Emerson emerged from the Ohio high school ranks during a strong showcase circuit performance and hit .360 on the U.S. national 18-U team that won the World Cup heading into his senior season. The Gatorade state player of the year that spring, he became the Mariners’ third straight high school bat taken in the first round, signing for an over-slot bonus of $3.8 million and then exceeding expectations with the numbers he put up while reaching full-season ball in his pro debut.</p><p>The athleticism Emerson has as a former all-state wide receiver shows up on the baseball field consistently. He has a smooth left-handed swing geared for hard contact and his advanced approach was on display as he walked nearly as often (17 times) as he struck out (20) during his pro debut. Thought to be a definitive hit-over-power guy, his pop showed up much more than anyone anticipated, and his bat speed plus strength should continue to translate to in-game power.</p><p>Emerson has excellent instincts and is a steady defender at shortstop even though he’s an average runner. He has enough arm for the left side of the infield and played a good third for Team USA, while he also got some reps at second during his pro debut. Wherever he settles in, he has the chance to be an everyday big league performer and gives the Mariners an opportunity to boast a trifecta of high school draftee standouts, following Harry Ford and Cole Young.</p>","contentTitle":"2024"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 65 | Power: 50 | Run: 50 | Arm: 55 | Field: 50 | Overall: 60</p><p>After starring for Team USA in the 18U World Cup before his senior year, Emerson was Ohio’s Gatorade high school player of the year that spring. He landed in the first round with the Mariners in 2023, the third straight year the club took a high school hitter with its first selection. His first full season was a success in that he reached High-A just after his 19th birthday, even though an oblique injury early and a fractured foot suffered in May limited him to 70 games. He made up for lost time with a dozen strong games in the Arizona Fall League, though a minor hamstring issue ended his stay early.</p><p>Owner of the best hit tool in the Mariners system, Emerson got multiple votes in MLB Pipeline’s annual executive poll as being the best pure hitter in the Minors. He has a smooth and repeatable left-handed swing that enables him to find the barrel and make consistent hard contact. His .419 on-base percentage entering 2025 is a sign of his advanced approach as he’s walked nearly as often as he has struck out thus far in his career, and he rarely chases. He hasn’t really started to tap into his raw power with a hit-first approach, but his bat speed and strength point to at least average pop in the future.</p><p>A former all-state wide receiver on the gridiron, Emerson isn’t a burner, but his athleticism shows up on both sides of the ball. He has excellent instincts on the basepaths that allowed him to go 15-for-17 in stolen base attempts in 2024, and he has good actions and enough arm for shortstop. He’s gotten reps at third and second as well, with some thinking he might eventually be best suited for the hot corner long term.</p>","contentTitle":"2025"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":"Auburn","signed":null}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":88,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2026","gradesHitting":null,"gradesPitching":null,"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":"","playerPhotoCustomUrl":"","player":{"__ref":"Person:702548"},"position":"RHP","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\"><strong></strong></a><strong><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></strong></p><p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Fastball: 70 | Curveball: 50 | Slider: 55 | Changeup: 60 | Control: 50 | Overall: 55&nbsp;</p><p>The top pitching prospect in the Draft, Porter won three Michigan state titles in three seasons at St. Mary's Prep (Orchard Lake), Division 2 crowns in 2019 and 2021 and a Division 1 championship at part of a 44-0 team in 2022. Gatorade's state player of the year in 2021, he repeated this spring and earned Gatorade's national honor as well after going 9-0 with a 0.41 ERA, 115 strikeouts in 58 innings and three no-hitters. He's the state's best prep pitcher since Steve Avery went No. 3 overall to the Braves in the 1988 Draft.&nbsp;</p><p>Porter has the best fastball in the high school crop, sitting at 94-97 mph for innings at a time, topping out at 100 and generating that velocity and plenty of armside run and carry with relative ease. He also owns one of the better changeups in the Draft, as he throws his with deceptive arm speed, good velocity separation in the low 80s and outstanding horizontal action. He has made encouraging progress with his slider this spring, flashing some plus slide pieces as hard as 87 mph, and he'll mix in a downer curveball in the upper 70s.&nbsp;</p><p>Other than continuing to refine his feel for spin, Porter doesn't need much beyond experience and continued good health. He has a strong 6-foot-4 frame with some projection remaining, repeats a delivery that features little effort and provides plenty of strikes. He's committed to Clemson and would be Draft-eligible in 2024 as a sophomore if he doesn't turn pro this summer.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"draft"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 70 | Curveball: 50 | Slider: 55 | Changeup: 60 | Control: 50 | Overall: 55&nbsp;</p><p>The Rangers saved enough money by selecting Kumar Rocker No. 3 overall in July that they were able to float Porter all the way down to pick 109, where they blew away the fourth-round bonus record by paying him $3.7 million. MLB Pipeline's top-rated pitching prospect in the 2022 Draft, he won three Michigan state titles in three seasons at St. Mary's Prep (Orchard Lake), including a Division 1 championship at part of a 44-0 team this spring. Gatorade's state player of the year in 2021, he repeated this year and earned Gatorade's national honor as well after going 9-0 with a 0.41 ERA, 115 strikeouts in 58 innings and three no-hitters.&nbsp;</p><p>Porter had the best fastball in this year's prep class, showing the ability to sit at 94-97 mph for several innings and top out at 100 with plenty of arm-side run and carry. He also had one of the better changeups in the Draft, getting good velocity separation in the low 80s and outstanding horizontal action while selling it with deceptive arm speed. He significantly improved his slider as a high school senior, flashing some plus ones up to 87 mph, and he also possesses a downer curveball in the upper 70s.&nbsp;</p><p>Porter doesn't have much to work on besides continuing to refine his feel for spin and soaking up some pro experience. He has a strong 6-foot-4 build with some projection remaining, and he repeats a delivery that features little effort. He throws consistent strikes and could move quickly for a high school pitcher.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"2022"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 65 | Curveball: 50 | Slider: 55 | Changeup: 65 | Control: 45 | Overall: 55&nbsp;</p><p>MLB Pipeline's top-rated pitching prospect in the 2022 Draft, Porter won three state titles in three seasons at St. Mary's Prep (Orchard Lake, Mich.) and was Gatorade's state player of the year in both 2021 and 2022. He also earned Gatorade's national award last spring, when he went 9-0 with a 0.41 ERA, 115 strikeouts in 58 innings and three no-hitters for a 44-0 team. After the Rangers saved money by taking Kumar Rocker with the third overall pick last July, they floated Porter all the way down to pick 109, where they destroyed the fourth-round bonus record by paying him $3.7 million.</p><p>Porter had the best fastball and one of the best changeups in the 2022 high school class. He's able to sit at 94-97 mph for several innings at a time and reach triple digits with plenty of run and carry on his four-seamer. He achieves excellent velocity separation between his fastball and his low-80s changeup, which has devastating tumble and fade.</p><p>Porter upgraded his slider significantly as a high school senior, flashing some plus mid-80s slide pieces, and also has a downer curveball in the upper 70s. His strong 6-foot-4 build should lend itself to durability and still has some remaining projection, and he does a nice job of repeating his low-effort delivery. Though Texas decided to defer his pro debut until 2023, he still should advance quickly for a prep pitcher.</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 50 | Slider: 55 | Changeup: 60 | Control: 40 | Overall: 40</p><p>Porter had a decorated high school career at St. Mary's Prep (Orchard Lake, Mich.), winning three state championships in three seasons, Gatorade state player of the year honors in 2021 and 2022 and Gatorade's national award in his senior season. Though he was MLB Pipeline's top-rated pitching prospect in the 2022 Draft, the Rangers managed to float him to the 109th pick, where they used the savings from taking Kumar Rocker at No. 3 to pay Porter a fourth-round-record $3.7 million. He logged a 2.47 ERA with a .160 opponent average and 95 strikeouts in 69 1/3 Single-A innings during his 2023 pro debut, though he also walked 42.</p><p>Porter's fastball and changeup ranked among the best in the 2022 prep class, and the latter pitch continues to confound hitters with its tumble and fade. But after operating at 94-97 mph and touching 100 with his four-seamer in the past, he has sat at 90-93 mph for much of 2024, and his command and confidence with his heater have plummeted as well. He made just three starts in High-A in April before Texas sent him to the Rookie-level Arizona Complex League, where he didn't appear in a game for another two months and continued to struggled when he returned.</p><p>After showing inconsistent feel for spinning the ball in high school, Porter has scrapped an upper-70s curveball to focus on a mid-80s slider that's becoming a solid offering. But his control has gone from below average last year to a disaster this season, making him a wild card as a prospect. He once looked like he'd pitch in the front half of a rotation, but even before his struggles in 2024, several scouts outside the organization were projecting him as more of a late-inning reliever.</p>","contentTitle":"2024"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":"Clemson","signed":null}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":89,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2025","gradesHitting":[],"gradesPitching":null,"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":null,"playerPhotoCustomUrl":",q_auto:best/v1/people/682619/headshot/silo/current","player":{"__ref":"Person:682619"},"position":"2B/3B","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 50 | Power: 55 | Run: 50 | Arm: 55 | Field: 55 | Overall: 50</p><p>Signed by Toronto for $3.5 million on July 2, Martinez received the second-largest bonus of any prospect in the 2018-19 class after ranking No. 6 on MLB Pipeline's list of the Top 30 international prospects. Some scouts who saw Martinez as an amateur in the Dominican Republic compared him to a young Adrian Beltre as a hard-hitting infielder with a good projectable body and a strong arm. While the odds are against Martinez having a Hall of Fame-caliber career like Beltre, he does have one of the higher offensive ceilings in the system.&nbsp;</p><p>Martinez is a good athlete and has across-the-board tools, though it's his potential from the right side of the plate that has club officials the most excited. Combining a rhythmic swing with plus bat speed, he impacts the ball to the big parts of the field with authority. He'll need to clean up his swing some in the coming years like any young hitter, but all the ingredients are there for Martinez to develop into an average hitter. His power, meanwhile, could play close to plus when all is said and done, as Martinez has considerable room to grow into his projectable frame.&nbsp;</p><p>Martinez has average speed but may lose a step or two over time as he fills out physically. It may also force him from shortstop to third base long-term, though Martinez has the tools and skills, including solid defensive actions, advanced body control and above-average arm strength, needed to profile at either position. Questions about his future defensive home aside, Martinez's bat may be good enough to offset any concerns about him moving down the defensive spectrum.</p>","contentTitle":"2019"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong>&nbsp;Hit: 50 | Power: 60 | Run: 50 | Arm: 55 | Field: 55 | Overall: 50</p><p>Ranked as MLB Pipeline's No. 4 international prospect, Martinez has received some comparisons to a young Adrian Beltre as a hard-hitting infielder with a good projectable body and a strong arm. That offensive potential earned the 16-year-old shortstop a $3.5 million bonus, the highest among players in his class, from the Blue Jays at the outset of the 2018-19 international period.</p><p>Martinez has a good rhythm and a short, compact swing with plus bat speed from the right side of the plate, and together those attributes give him a chance to be an above-average hitter with above-average power once fully developed. He's an average runner, having posted times of 6.8-7.1 seconds in the 60-yard dash, and could possibly lose a step with physical maturation.</p><p>That Martinez has plenty of room left to add strength to his projectable frame has some scouts thinking that he'll eventually be forced from shortstop to third base. With solid actions in the field to go along with body control and an above-average arm, Martinez could develop into a quality defender at either position. However, it's Martinez's bat is his calling card and could one day help him reach the Major Leagues.</p>","contentTitle":"2018"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 50 | Power: 55 | Run: 50 | Arm: 55 | Field: 55 | Overall: 50</p><p>Signed by Toronto for $3.5 million on July 2, 2018, Martinez received the second-largest bonus of any prospect in his class. In his first professional season last year, he offered a glimpse of why he had been ranked No. 6 on MLB Pipeline’s list of the Top 30 international prospects, slashing .275/.352/.549 with seven home runs, eight doubles, five triples and 32 RBIs in 40 games in the Rookie-level Gulf Coast League. Some scouts who saw Martinez as an amateur in the Dominican Republic compared him to a young Adrian Beltre as a hard-hitting infielder with a projectable body and strong arm, and though a Hall of Fame-type career may not be in the foreseeable future for Martinez, he has one of the higher offensive ceilings in the system.</p><p>He is a good athlete and has across-the-board tools, though it’s his potential from the right side of the plate that has club officials most excited. Combining a rhythmic swing with plus bat speed, he impacts the ball to the big parts of the field with authority. He needs to continue to clean up his swing in the coming years like any young hitter, but the ingredients are there for Martinez to develop into an average hitter. His power could play close to plus when all is said and done, with considerable room for Martinez still to grow into his projectable frame.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>Martinez has average speed but could lose a step or two over time as he fills out physically. It may also force him from shortstop to third base long term, though Martinez has the tools and skills, including solid defensive actions, advanced body control and above-average arm strength, needed to profile at either position and his feel and rhythm with the glove help his potential future at short. Questions about his future defensive home aside, Martinez’s bat may be good enough to offset any concerns about him moving down the defensive spectrum.</p>","contentTitle":"2020"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 55 | Power: 60 | Run: 50 | Arm: 60 | Field: 50 | Overall: 55</p><p>Signed out of the Dominican Republic for $3.5 million on July 2, 2018, Martinez received the second-largest bonus of any prospect in that year’s international class. Martinez was ranked as the No. 6 prospect in that class by MLB Pipeline with some scouts who saw the young infielder as an amateur comparing his profile to that of Adrian Beltre, given his powerful bat and strong arm from the left side of the infield. Martinez lived up to expectations in his professional debut in the Rookie-level Gulf Coast League, hitting .275 with a .352 on-base percentage and .907 OPS with seven home runs over 40 games.</p><p>Spending time at the Blue Jays’ alternate training site in 2020, Martinez impressed Blue Jays staffers with his willingness and ability to battle against pitchers far older and more advanced than him. With a power tool as strong as any prospect in the Blue Jays system, Martinez should light up the exit velocity numbers as he climbs the ladder through the Minor Leagues. With a plus hit tool to go along with that, Martinez will need to continue to mature his plate approach so that his potentially game-changing bat can shine.</p><p>Martinez’s 6-foot-1 frame is filling out into a power-hitter’s frame, but the Blue Jays still believe he can stick at shortstop due to his fluid and efficient defensive motions. He’ll continue to see time at third base, too, where his plus arm is fully capable of making the throw across the diamond. Once Martinez gets into full-season ball, many expect his profile to take a significant step forward around the league.</p>","contentTitle":"2021"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 45 | Power: 60 | Run: 45 | Arm: 60 | Field: 45 | Overall: 55</p><p>The Blue Jays made Martinez their largest July 2, 2018, signing when they gave him a $3.5 million bonus at the start of the international period. They backed up that belief in him in 2019 by moving him stateside to the Gulf Coast League, where he slugged .549 with seven homers in 40 games. At just 18, he was aggressively sent to the 2020 alternate training site to compete against much older pitchers, and he returned to game action strong a year later. His 28 homers between Low-A and High-A led all Minor League teenagers in 2021, while he finished with a .261/.345/.549 slash line in 451 plate appearances.</p><p>With a quick right-handed swing and promising strength from a 6-foot-1 frame, Martinez can really turn on balls and drive them at fast exit velocities and to far distances. Given his age and athletic body type, there’s the belief that even more power could be coming out of his already promising bat speed. He has struggled with chasing breaking pitches at the lower levels, and he could be vulnerable to that against more advanced pitching as he climbs the chain, which would lead to just a below-average hit tool.</p><p>An average runner at best, he seems like a prime candidate to slow down more as he ages and gets stronger. The Blue Jays have already given him time at both short and third base, and while he remains raw at short right now, he seems likely destined for the hot corner long term with enough arm for the position. Even if he does move, Martinez possesses a high ceiling as a power-first infielder.</p>","contentTitle":"2022"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 45 | Power: 60 | Run: 45 | Arm: 60 | Field: 45 | Overall: 55</p><p>Martinez headlined the Blue Jays’ July 2 class in 2018, signing for a $3.5 million bonus. Believing in his talent early, the Blue Jays brought him to the Rookie-level Gulf Coast League in 2019, where he slugged .549 with seven homers over 40 games. Coming out of the lost pandemic season, Martinez spent 2021 between Single-A Lansing and High-A Vancouver, where he posted a combined .895 OPS with 28 home runs, putting himself on the map as one of the top young power bats in the game.&nbsp;</p><p>That power was still on full display in 2022, as Martinez hit 30 home runs with Double-A New Hampshire, but his strikeout totals became an issue. He batted just .203 with a .286 OBP and that negated some of his power. The Blue Jays had intentionally challenged Martinez with the aggressive assignment against older competition, and at times, he was chasing power numbers. He also fatigued a bit late in the season, but the organization was pleased with how he reflected on those challenges and showed some improvements in that plate approach.&nbsp;He put those to use in 2023, severely cutting down on strikeouts in May, June and July before heading to Triple-A Buffalo for the first time.</p><p>Martinez’s power has the potential to be special, but his pitch selection and patience will determine how far that carries him. He’ll continue to split time between shortstop and third base, and while third is the likelier outcome, he’s earned a longer look at short and has the arm to handle any throws from the left side. Martinez has been 21 years old for the full 2023 season, so there is still plenty of development time ahead of him to become a slug-first infielder in the Majors.</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Hit: 45 | Power: 60 | Run: 40 | Arm: 55 | Field: 45 | Overall: 50</p><p>Martinez was Toronto’s biggest international signing in 2018, joining for $3.5 million. Since then, he’s put together back-to-back-to-back seasons with 28 or more homers and leads all Minor Leaguers with 86 total dingers since 2021. Martinez hit a rough patch with an aggressive assignment to Double-A New Hampshire in 2022, hitting just .203 with a .286 OBP over 118 games, but flipped a switch one month into his return to the Eastern League this past season. He reached Triple-A Buffalo as a 21-year-old in July and is in his second campaign on Toronto’s 40-man roster.</p><p>Martinez’s plus power is undeniable with a powerful base designed to launch the ball on contact. Blue Jays coaches think the right-handed slugger had gone off in search of that power too often by trying to yank balls down the line, leading to an elevated strikeout rate, catchable flyballs and a low BABIP in 2022. Martinez got less jumpy and more selective in his second New Hampshire spin, and his walk rate nearly doubled from 8.1 percent to 14, while his K percentage dropped eight points. He carried that approach improvement to Triple-A and remained a close-to-average bat in a league in which he was five years younger than average.</p><p>The Dominican Republic native was signed as a shortstop but lacks footspeed. The Jays had been splitting his time between there and third base, where his plus arm strength plays, but made him a full-time second baseman by late August because that provides him with extra reaction time compared to the hot corner. After a solid start in Buffalo, Martinez was eventually called up to the Blue Jays for his MLB debut but was suspended 80 games soon after for testing positive for the banned substance Clomiphene. He could return just before the end of the 2024 season in September.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"2024"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 45 | Power: 60 | Run: 40 | Arm: 55 | Field: 45 | Overall: 50</p><p>Martinez signed with the Blue Jays for $3.5 million out of the Dominican Republic in 2018 and has been pushed fairly aggressively ever since. He led the Minor Leagues with 86 home runs between the 2021 and 2023 seasons, topping out with 30 for Double-A New Hampshire in his age-20 season of 2022, and he pushed his way to the Majors for one game on June 21, 2024 after a solid start at Triple-A Buffalo. He was suspended 80 games after testing positive for the banned substance Clomiphene. He returned to the International League in early September but didn’t make it back to the bigs.</p><p>Still only 23, Martinez has been young for every level he’s played at in his career. His prodigious power would pop regardless of age with 90th-percentile and max exit velocities of 107.4 and 115.2 mph in Triple-A, right near the top of the scale for the level. His pull-and-air-heavy approach helps that loud contact play over the fence, and he’s always geared up to hit the fastball with an .804 SLG against four-seamers at Triple-A. He struggles immensely against secondary pitches, however, and you can bet Major League pitchers would take advantage.</p><p>Martinez is a below-average runner, and that lack of footspeed has caused him to move around the infield. Originally signed as a shortstop, he slid over to third base, where he had the arm strength for the position, and started seeing more time at second in 2023 when the Jays wanted him to have more reaction time to balls off the bat. He remains fringy at all spots and needs the power to push his way back into Toronto’s immediate infield plans.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"2025"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":null,"signed":"July 4, 2018 - TOR"}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":90,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2024","gradesHitting":null,"gradesPitching":null,"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":"","playerPhotoCustomUrl":",q_auto:best/v1/people/694462/headshot/silo/current","player":{"__ref":"Person:694462"},"position":"RHP","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report </a><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"color: rgb(77, 81, 86);\">»</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 65 | Slider: 55 | Splitter: 65 | Control: 45 | Overall: 55</p><p>A high school standout from Georgia, Waldrep began his college career at Southern Miss, pitching out of the bullpen as a freshman in 2021 before moving into the weekend rotation a year later. He had a huge year with the Golden Eagles, striking out 14 per nine and helping the team reach the Super Regionals. He entered the transfer portal and joined the University of Florida staff over the summer, when he also played for the U.S. Collegiate National Team alongside his new teammate Wyatt Langford. He’s shown the same huge stuff, albeit with more inconsistent results, as the Gators’ Saturday starter. </p><p>The right-hander has a legitimate three-pitch power mix, with all three offerings having the potential to be at least above-average. He was 95-99 mph in his looks this fall and that’s carried over this spring, though he’s struggled to command the heater at times. His best secondary offering is his split-change, a well-above-average pitch that misses an extraordinary amount of bats. His hard upper-80s slider also flashes plus and can be an out pitch.</p><p>While Waldrep is generally around the strike zone, there is a little effort in his up-tempo delivery, causing some inconsistencies with his command and control, which led to an uptick in his walk rate this spring. Those kinds of things can be ironed out, and his pure stuff still has him in early first-round conversations.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"draft"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 65 | Slider: 55 | Splitter: 65 | Control: 45 | Overall: 55</p><p>A high school standout from Georgia, Waldrep began his college career at Southern Miss, pitching out of the bullpen as a freshman in 2021 before moving into the weekend rotation a year later. He had a huge year with the Golden Eagles, striking out 14 per nine and helping the team reach the Super Regionals. He entered the transfer portal and joined the University of Florida staff over the summer, when he also played for the U.S. Collegiate National Team alongside new teammate Wyatt Langford. He’s shown the same huge stuff, albeit with more inconsistent results, as the Gators’ Saturday starter and the Braves gambled on that stuff, taking him No. 24 overall and signing him for a slightly below-slot bonus of $3 million.</p><p>The right-hander has a legitimate three-pitch power mix, with all three offerings having the potential to be at least above-average. He was 95-99 mph in his looks this fall and that’s carried over this spring, though he’s struggled to command the heater at times. His best secondary offering is his split-change, a well-above-average pitch that misses an extraordinary amount of bats. His hard upper-80s slider also flashes plus and can be an out pitch.</p><p>While Waldrep is generally around the strike zone, there is a little effort in his up-tempo delivery. That has caused some inconsistencies with his command and control, which led to an uptick in his walk rate this spring. Those kinds of things can be ironed out, and his pure stuff gives him the chance to develop into a frontline starter.</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 65 | Slider: 55 | Splitter: 65 | Control: 45 | Overall: 50</p><p>After two years of showing dominant stuff at Southern Miss, one as a reliever and one in the weekend rotation, Waldrep entered the transfer portal and moved to the University of Florida for his junior year. The Team USA alum served as the Gators’ Saturday starter and continued to show off an impressive power repertoire, with uneven results. He showed enough for the Braves to take him with their first-round pick, then watched him race up the organizational ladder, touching all four full-season stops and finishing at Triple-A.</p><p>There is no question about Waldrep’s stuff playing against good competition. He left college with a career 13.5 K/9 rate, then struck out 12.6 per nine during his pro debut last summer. His bread-and-butter is an absolutely unhittable splitter, an upper-80s pitch that generated a miss rate north of 60 percent both at Florida and at the upper levels of the Braves system. He doesn’t always command his fastball well, but it has plenty of velocity, up to 99 mph consistently. He also has a hard upper-80s slider that is plus at times and misses a lot of bats as well.</p><p>Waldrep has used an up-tempo delivery with some effort in the past, something he’ll have to keep working on so he can land his premium stuff in the zone more consistently. There’s a little reliever risk here, but if he can iron things out, his frontline starter stuff could play in a big league rotation soon. Even if it doesn’t quite click, his stuff in shorter stints could be downright nasty in high-leverage bullpen situations.</p>","contentTitle":"2024"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":null,"signed":null}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":91,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2024","gradesHitting":[],"gradesPitching":null,"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":null,"playerPhotoCustomUrl":"","player":{"__ref":"Person:677587"},"position":"SS/2B","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 55 | Power: 40 | Run: 60 | Arm: 50 | Field: 55 | Overall: 50</p><p>The Indians' 2017 international class has a chance to be special, highlighted by three potential impact hitters in Rocchio, fellow Venezuelan switch-hitting shortstop Aaron Bracho and Dominican outfielder George Valera. His $125,000 bonus was a fraction of what Cleveland paid Bracho ($1.5 million) and Valera ($1.3 million), and he already looks like a bargain. Rocchio hit his way to the United States as a 17-year-old last summer, finishing third in the Arizona League batting race (.343) as the rookie circuit's third-youngest qualifier.</p><p>Rocchio has advanced feel for hitting and pitch recognition, along with a sweet swing from both sides of the plate. He commands the strike zone but makes contact so easily that he doesn't draw many walks. While he's small and not physically mature, he has quick hands and snap in his wrists that should produce at least gap power.</p><p>Rocchio has plus speed and is very aggressive on the bases, so he could be a prolific basestealer once he improves his reads and jumps. His quickness and instincts give him solid range at shortstop, though his arm is merely average and might prompt an eventual move to second base. The Indians love his makeup and he has earned the nickname \"The Professor\" for his high baseball IQ.</p>","contentTitle":"2019"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Hit: 55 | Power: 45 | Run: 60 | Arm: 50 | Field: 55 | Overall: 50</p><p>The Indians landed Rocchio during the same 2017-18 international signing period that also netted the organization rising prospects George Valera and Aaron Bracho. While those two players were both plagued by injuries in '18, Rocchio excelled in his first taste of pro ball at age 17, beginning in the Dominican Summer League and then moving stateside to the Rookie-level Arizona League, where he was named a postseason All-Star after producing a .343 average, the circuit's third-best mark.</p><p>The switch-hitting Rocchio possesses one of the more advanced bats in Cleveland's system, as some evaluators have pegged him as a plus hitter. He has preternatural feel for finding the barrel from both sides of the plate to go along with an advanced approach and present pitch recognition. And while he's currently lean and somewhat undersized, Rocchio does have a projectable frame that portends modest game power in future years.</p><p>Rocchio's speed is another plus tool, one that gives him impact potential on the basepaths and translates to above-average range at shortstop, where he's an above-average defender with average arm strength. What's more, club officials are quick to praise the teenager's maturity, makeup and intelligence, qualities that they believe help make him a special player.</p>","contentTitle":"2018"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 55 | Power: 40 | Run: 60 | Arm: 50 | Field: 55 | Overall: 50&nbsp;</p><p>Three of the Indians' best prospects hail from their 2017 international class: Dominican outfielder George Valera and Venezuelan switch-hitting middle infielders Rocchio and Aaron Bracho. While Bracho ($1.5 million) and Valera ($1.3 million) landed seven-figure bonuses, Rocchio was a bargain at $125,000. He batted .335 as a 17-year-old who finished his 2018 pro debut in the United States and held his own as the short-season New York-Penn League's youngest regular last year.</p><p>Rocchio stands out with his advanced feel for hitting and his high baseball IQ, which has earned him the nickname \"The Professor.\" He recognizes pitches better than most teenagers and makes line-drive contact with a smooth stroke from both sides of the plate, though he puts the bat on the ball so easily that it cuts into his walk totals. He's small but has quick hands and snap in his wrists that should produce double-digit home run power once he matures physically.</p><p>With plus speed and an aggressive nature on the basepaths, Rocchio could pile up steals once he refines his technique. His quickness and instincts give him plenty of range at shortstop, where he's a quality defender with reliable hands. He should be able to stay at the position despite average arm strength, compensating by getting rid of the ball quickly.</p>","contentTitle":"2020"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 55 | Power: 45 | Run: 60 | Arm: 50 | Field: 55 | Overall: 50&nbsp;</p><p>The Indians assembled a potentially special international class in 2017, highlighted by outfielders George Valera and Alexfri Planez and middle infielders Rocchio, Aaron Bracho and Jose Tena. The biggest bargain of the group at $125,000, Rocchio batted .335 in his 2018 pro debut, which included coming to the United States at age 17, and held his own as the short-season New York-Penn League's youngest regular the following summer. After going home to Venezuela after Spring Training shut down in 2020, he was unable to return to play at Cleveland's alternate site or instructional league program.&nbsp;</p><p>Rocchio has earned the nickname \"The Professor\" because of his outstanding baseball IQ. It's apparent at the plate, where he's a switch-hitter with precocious bat-to-ball skills and pitch recognition. He may never walk much because he makes contact so easily, but his hitting ability and quick, strong hands should yield double-digit home run totals once he adds some needed strength.&nbsp;</p><p>Rocchio's quickness and instincts also make him an asset on the bases and in the field. He has the plus speed and aggressiveness to steal bases, though he succeeded in only 63 percent of his attempts in his first two pro seasons. He's a reliable defender who covers plenty of ground at shortstop, where he compensates for an average arm with a quick release.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"2021"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 55 | Power: 45 | Run: 60 | Arm: 50 | Field: 60 | Overall: 55&nbsp;</p><p>Part of the Guardians' stellar 2017 international haul that could yield a half-dozen big league position players, Rocchio has the highest floor among that group and rivals fellow Top 100 prospect George Valera for the highest ceiling as well. Signed for just $125,000 out of Venezuela, he quickly became known as \"The Professor\" because of his excellent baseball IQ. Unable to come to the United States to play at Cleveland's alternate site or instructional league program in 2020, he returned last year to hit .277 while tripling his previous career high with 15 homers and reaching Double-A in his full-season debut at age 20.&nbsp;</p><p>Added to the 40-man roster in November, Rocchio is a switch-hitter who recognizes pitches well and drills line drives to all fields. He's not big but got stronger during his pandemic layoff and smoked the ball with more authority in 2021, displaying quick hands, at least average raw power and the ability to get to most of it during games. The youngest regular in the Double-A Northeast during the final two months of the season, he more than held his own against advanced pitchers and his feel for the barrel should allow him to continue to hit for average.&nbsp;</p><p>Rocchio's quickness and instincts are apparent on the bases and in the field. He has the plus speed and aggressive nature to steal and take extra bases. He's a gifted defender with smooth actions and soft hands at shortstop, where he enhances average arm strength with a fast release and impressive accuracy on his throws, and he also can handle second and third base.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"2022"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 55 | Power: 45 | Run: 55 | Arm: 50 | Field: 60 | Overall: 55&nbsp;</p><p>Signed for just $125,000 out of Venezuela as part of a banner 2017 international crop reeled in by Cleveland, Rocchio quickly earned the nickname \"The Professor\" for his high baseball IQ. Unable to come to the United States to play at the Guardians' alternate site or instructional league program during the pandemic shutdown in 2020, he nonetheless reached Triple-A at age 21 last season while hitting a career-best 18 homers. In a system overflowing with infield prospects, he stands out as the most talented offensive player among them.&nbsp;</p><p>A switch-hitter, Rocchio recognizes pitches well, barrels them easily and lashes line drives to all fields. He already had a quick bat and then gained muscle during his pandemic layoff, which has helped him develop average power (solid pop as a righty, more fringy as a lefty). He could be a .275 hitter who produces 15-20 homers annually when he's a finished product.&nbsp;</p><p>Though Rocchio has solid speed, he's not a prolific basestealer and succeeded on just 64 percent of his attempts in his first four pro seasons. His quickness is more apparent at shortstop, where he has smooth actions and soft hands and enhances his average arm with a fast release. He wore down late last season while playing a career-high 132 games, so he needs to add some more strength.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 55 | Power: 45 | Run: 50 | Arm: 50 | Field: 60 | Overall: 55&nbsp;</p><p>Although Rocchio received just the ninth-highest bonus ($125,000) in Cleveland's 2017 international crop, he has emerged as the best prospect of the bunch. He quickly earned the nickname \"The Professor\" for his high baseball IQ, which helped him make his U.S. debut at age 17 and arrive in the big leagues last May at age 22. After the Guardians got little production out of their shortstops in 2023, he's expected to stabilize the position for them this season.</p><p>A switch-hitter, Rocchio has become more proficient from the left side of the plate as he has gained more experience. Though he uncharacteristically tried to do too much in his first taste of the Majors, he generally employs a disciplined approach to stroke line drives to all fields. He's not very physical but has some sneaky pop that could translate into 15 homers per season if he lifts the ball more consistently.</p><p>Despite just average speed, Rocchio stole 25 bases in 32 attempts last season thanks to his savvy. His instincts and quickness give him quality range at shortstop, where he compensates for an average arm with a fast release. A smooth defender with Gold Glove potential, he could play all over the infield in a utility role if he doesn't hit enough to be an everyday shortstop.</p>","contentTitle":"2024"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":null,"signed":"July 2, 2017 - CLE"}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":92,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2025","gradesHitting":null,"gradesPitching":[],"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":"","playerPhotoCustomUrl":",q_auto:best/v1/people/694633/headshot/silo/current","player":{"__ref":"Person:694633"},"position":"RHP","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Fastball: 55 | Curveball: 55 | Changeup: 50 | Control: 50 | Overall: 45</p><p>The second tier of Texas high school pitchers includes several Texas Tech recruits, with Hampton ranking as the best of a group that also includes right-handers Marco Raya (United South High, Laredo) and Levi Wells (LaPorte High). As a junior, Hampton led Kilgore to the state 4-A semifinals. He showed improved stuff this spring and looked like a third- or fourth-rounder on his best days.</p><p>Hampton can show a 91-93 mph fastball that tops out at 95 with four-seam, riding action, and there also are games when he works more at 88-91. His curveball similarly fluctuates in quality, ranging from a near-plus offering with depth to a looser version. His changeup displays some fade and should improve as he uses it more often.&nbsp;</p><p>Hampton's arm works fine and he has cleaned up his three-quarters delivery some since last summer, so he should throw enough strikes to start. Like many high school pitchers, his control is more advanced than his command and he'll have to learn to locate his pitches better at the next level. If he doesn't turn pro, scouts believe he can contribute immediately at Texas Tech.</p>","contentTitle":"draft"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Fastball: 60 | Curveball: 55 | Slider: 55 | Changeup: 45 | Control: 50 | Overall: 55</p><p>Hampton flashed third-round talent as a Texas high-schooler in 2020, but the pandemic cut his senior season short and didn't give him enough time to attract interest from pro teams to divert him from attending Texas Tech. Eligible again as a 21-year-old sophomore in 2022, he overcame a midseason bout with salmonella poisoning to match his career high for strikeouts in each of his last four outings, fanning 37 in 21 2/3 innings and pushing his fastball to 99 mph against Notre Dame in the NCAA regionals. New York selected him in the sixth round and signed him for an over-slot $497,500.&nbsp;</p><p>Hampton's fastball usually works at 91-95 mph and plays as at least a plus pitch with high spin rates, well above-average carry and some armside run. He has nice feel for spinning the ball, with both his upper-70s curveball and tight low-80s slider eliciting plenty of swings and misses and showing the potential to be plus offerings. He complements those three weapons with a fading changeup that's too firm in the mid-80s.</p><p>The Yankees like Hampton's starter traits and he looks another mid-round find along the lines of Ken Waldichuk, Hayden Wesneski, Will Warren and Richard Fitts. With his ability to mix multiple quality pitches and throw them for strikes, he advanced to Double-A two months into his first full pro season. He has a strong 6-foot-2 build and a delivery with a long arm action and a relatively low release point.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 60 | Curveball: 55 | Slider: 60 | Cutter: 55 | Changeup: 40 | Control: 50 | Overall: 50</p><p>Hampton overcame a midseason bout with salmonella poisoning as a Draft-eligible sophomore in 2022 to match or set his career high in strikeouts in each of his last four starts for Texas Tech and pushed his fastball to 99 mph against Notre Dame in the NCAA regionals. The Yankees excel at finding pitching value in the middle rounds and grabbed him in the sixth round, signing him for an over-slot $497,500. He dominated High-A and held his own in Double-A during his 2023 pro debut, posting a 145/37 K/BB ratio in 106 2/3 innings, but missed the first three months of this season with elbow discomfort.</p><p>Hampton's fastball sits at 92-94 mph and usual peaks around 97, but what makes it special is its high spin rates and flat approach angle, producing well-above-average carry. His tight low-80s slider gives him a second plus pitch, and New York has helped him add an upper-80s cutter that is nearly as effective. He also can spin a solid curveball in the upper 70s but has yet to show much feel for a fading changeup that's often too firm in the upper 80s.</p><p>His long arm action and low release point create deception without hampering Hampton's control. Not only can he throw four quality pitches for strikes, but he also sequences them well. He has the upside of a No. 3 starter and will be able to help the Yankees as soon as he fine-tunes his command.</p>","contentTitle":"2024"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":"Texas Tech","signed":""}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":93,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2025","gradesHitting":[],"gradesPitching":[],"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":"","playerPhotoCustomUrl":",q_auto:best/v1/people/696149/headshot/silo/current","player":{"__ref":"Person:696149"},"position":"RHP","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><span class=\"ql-cursor\"></span><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Fastball: 60 | Curveball: 55 | Slider: 50 | Changeup: 50 | Control: 50 | Overall: 50</p><p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Hit: 45 | Power: 50 | Run: 55 | Arm: 70 | Field: 55 | Overall: 45</p><p>North Oconee HS (Bogart, Ga.) produced a potential No. 1 overall pick for the 2021 Draft in Kumar Rocker, who's now at Vanderbilt, and the Titans have another right-hander on the rise in Chandler. Originally committed to Georgia for baseball, Chandler flipped to Clemson last May when the Tigers offered him a football scholarship as a quarterback. His future looks brighter in baseball, as he's a potential first-round pick as a pitcher and some scouts believe he shows more promise at shortstop. </p><p>After working with an 88-93 mph fastball last summer, Chandler has made a leap to operating at 92-95 and touching 97 this spring. He possesses a quick arm and also has added power to his downer curveball, which now resides in the upper 70s, and his less-used slider, which gets up to 85 mph. He shows trust in his low-80s changeup as well.&nbsp;</p><p>Chandler's athleticism and clean arm action and delivery bode well for his control and command, though he's still learning to harness his enhanced stuff. He's also an intriguing prospect as a switch-hitting shortstop with solid power potential and speed. He's believed to prefer baseball, though it remains to be seen how Clemson football will affect his signability.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"draft"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Fastball: 60 | Curveball: 55 | Slider: 50 | Changeup: 50 | Control: 50 | Overall: 50</p><p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Hit: 45 | Power: 50 | Run: 55 | Arm: 70 | Field: 55 | Overall: 45</p><p>Chandler not only starred as a two-way player for North Oconnee High School’s baseball team in Georgia, he also was a standout as a quarterback for the school’s football team, leading to him to change his commitment from Georgia for baseball only to Clemson, who offered him the chance to keep playing football as well. The right-hander and shortstop will focus on baseball only now after the Pirates took him in the third round of the 2021 Draft and went way over slot to sign him for $3 million.</p><p>The Pirates plan to allow Chandler to explore hitting and pitching, at least at the outset of his career. On the mound, his fastball made a leap up to 92-95 mph, touching 97 this past spring. He possesses a quick arm and also has added power to his downer curveball, which now resides in the upper 70s, and his less-used slider, which gets up to 85 mph. He shows trust in his low-80s changeup as well.&nbsp;</p><p>Chandler's athleticism and clean arm action and delivery bode well for his control and command, though he's still learning to harness his enhanced stuff. He's also an intriguing switch-hitting shortstop with solid power potential and speed and it should be an interesting story line to follow how the Pirates allow him to keep hitting and pitching as a pro.</p>","contentTitle":"2021"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Fastball: 60 | Curveball: 55 | Slider: 50 | Changeup: 50 | Control: 50 | Overall: 50</p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 45 | Power: 50 | Run: 55 | Arm: 70 | Field: 55 | Overall: 45</p><p>There was little Chandler couldn’t do as a high school athlete, starring as a pitcher and a shortstop during baseball season and as a quarterback on the gridiron. When the Pirates took him in the third round of the 2021 Draft, they had to sign him away from a chance to play both sports at Clemson, giving him $3 million to do so. He got a handful of at-bats during a brief pro debut, but the plan is to let Chandler develop both ways, at least for the time being.</p><p>Most believe Chandler’s long-term future is better on the mound. He added velocity as a high school senior, topping out at 97 mph and easily sitting 92-95, thrown with a ton of arm speed. His downer curve also features more power, thrown in the upper-70s and while he hasn’t thrown his mid-80s slider as much, it’s a solid offering. He has good feel for his low-80s changeup to give him a potential four-pitch mix.</p><p>As an infielder, Chandler is a switch-hitter with a good amount of raw power. His athleticism and speed play on both sides of the ball, with obviously enough arm to play short. He has a higher ceiling on the mound, but it’s too soon to rule out his ability to do both things well at the next level.</p>","contentTitle":"2022"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 60 | Curveball: 55 | Slider: 55 | Changeup: 50 | Control: 50 | Overall: 50</p><p>Not only was Chandler a talented two-way player in high school, he was also a two-sport star. He could have gone to Clemson to pitch and hit, as well as play quarterback, but the Pirates used the bonus pool savings from Henry Davis to give Chandler $3 million in the third round to convince him to begin his pro career. He’s been hitting and pitching so far in his brief pro career, reaching full-season ball in 2022, but his strides on the mound are pointing to a pitching-only future.</p><p>While Chandler does have abilities as a switch-hitting infielder with some pop, he’d only been DHing as a pro, and the time might come soon when he focuses on pitching only. That could be scary for opposing hitters, because he’s already shown considerable development on the mound. His fastball touched 99 mph in the Florida State League last year and averaged in the mid-90s. While they can blend together at times, he has a distinct slider and curve, throwing the former a lot more in 2022, showing an ability to miss plenty of bats. His changeup will continue to get better the more he throws it.</p><p>A focus on pitching will also allow Chandler to use his athleticism to learn to repeat his delivery and improve his command, something that’s been spotty in the early going. He can get in trouble when he falls behind and just tries to blow it by hitters; learning to trust his stuff in the zone is something that could come with dedicated reps and gives him a very high ceiling.</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Fastball: 60 | Curveball: 50 | Slider: 55 | Changeup: 50 | Control: 50 | Overall: 60</p><p>Chandler’s athleticism as a two-way player (who also could have gone to Clemson to play football and baseball) intrigued scouts enough to move him into first-round conversations in 2021. Signability was an issue, but the Pirates, who had saved money with Henry Davis as the No. 1 overall pick, were able to swoop in at the start of Day 2 of the Draft and sign Chandler for $3 million, first-round money. He both hit and pitched through the 2022 season, but a move to pitching only in '23 allowed him to take a strong step forward, ending the year with a dominant debut at Double-A.</p><p>After struggling early in the year, Chandler made some excellent adjustments in terms of routine and preparation, allowing him to post a 1.66 ERA and .163 batting average against over his last nine starts following the All-Star break. He’s always had impressive physical gifts and pure stuff, and he has made strides in becoming a more complete pitcher. He has an electric fastball that sits in the mid-90s and touches the upper-90s, thrown with excellent life. It's a plus pitch that misses a lot of bats up in the zone. His upper-80s slider has become his go-to secondary offering and it has the chance to be a true out pitch, and he can still fold in a curveball. He’s committed to throwing his changeup more and it could be another above-average offering in time.</p><p>Because of his athleticism, there has always been confidence that Chandler would become a consistent strike-thrower with more reps, and he walked only 2.4 per nine over those last nine starts. The Pirates also think being around Paul Skenes at the end of the year and beyond will only help Chandler learn about how to prepare and reach his considerable ceiling.</p>","contentTitle":"2024"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Fastball: 70 | Curveball: 50 | Slider: 60 | Changeup: 55 | Control: 50 | Overall: 60</p><p>When the Pirates went over slot to sign Chandler in the third round of the 2021 Draft, they were banking on the athleticism that made him both a two-way player on the diamond and a two-sport standout who could have played football at Clemson. After hitting and pitching for a season, Chandler put the bat away for good and has developed into one of the best pitching prospects in baseball, reaching Triple-A in 2024 and serving notice that he’s ready to contribute to a big league rotation.</p><p>Chandler has rapidly evolved from an athlete and thrower to a complete pitcher with a real idea of how to use all four of his pitches effectively. It still starts with his elite-level fastball that averaged 96.7 mph and touched 99 in 2024, according to Synergy. It has impressive vertical break, his command of the pitch has improved and he holds the premium velocity deep into starts. The Pirates challenged Chandler to focus on the development of his secondary offerings, and he responded with a much-improved 86-87 mph slider and upper-80s changeup while still dropping in the occasional low-80s curve.&nbsp;</p><p>The athletic right-hander showed that he’s learned not to lean solely on his heater by throwing slider-changeup-slider to start out the first batter he faced in Triple-A. His strike-throwing continues to improve, and he has the chance to eventually have three plus pitches he can land in the zone. Honing his craft while working out with Paul Skenes, Jared Jones and fellow prospect Thomas Harrington will only help him reach his considerable ceiling.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"2025"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":"Clemson","signed":null}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":94,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2027","gradesHitting":null,"gradesPitching":null,"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":"","playerPhotoCustomUrl":",g_auto/w_360/v1/people/805810/headshot/milb/current","player":{"__ref":"Person:805810"},"position":"C","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 55 | Power: 55 | Run: 35 | Arm: 70 | Field: 50 | Overall: 55&nbsp;</p><p>Although the high school catching demographic scares clubs in the first round, it's otherwise hard to find fault with Mitchell, who could go in the top 15 picks come July. He has tools on both sides of the ball, a fallback option as a pitcher and a long track record of performance. He played for the U.S. junior team the last two summers, winning the gold-medal game at the 18-and-under World Cup with 2 2/3 scoreless innings against Taiwan in September. He also led Sinton HS to the Texas 4-A title as a junior and won Gatorade state player of the year honors in both 2022 and 2023.</p><p>Mitchell's strength, bat speed and patient approach should allow him to hit for power and average from the left side of the plate. A Louisiana State recruit, he shows the aptitude to work counts in search of pitches he can drive and attacks them with a left-handed stroke with loft that produces pop to all fields. He doesn't have the smoothest swing and his power comes with some strikeouts, but he still makes a lot of hard contact.&nbsp;</p><p>Mitchell would fit the offensive profile in right field if he couldn't stick behind the plate, but there's no reason to doubt he'll be a catcher. Although he's a well-below-average runner, he's an athletic and agile defender who projects at least as an average receiver and blocker with double-plus arm strength. He'd fit into the top two rounds as a pitcher, with an easy delivery that produces a fastball that reaches 97 mph, a downer curveball and a promising changeup with tumble.</p>","contentTitle":"Draft"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 55 | Power: 55 | Run: 35 | Arm: 70 | Field: 50 | Overall: 55</p><p>Although the high school catching demographic scares clubs in the first round, it's otherwise hard to find fault with Mitchell, who went eighth overall to the Royals and signed below slot at $4,897,500. He has tools on both sides of the ball, a fallback option as a pitcher and a long track record of performance. He played for the U.S. junior team the past two summers, winning the gold-medal game at the 18-and-under World Cup with 2 2/3 scoreless innings against Taiwan in September. He also led Sinton HS to the Texas 4-A title as a junior and won Gatorade state player of the year honors in both 2022 and 2023.</p><p>Mitchell's strength, bat speed and patient approach should enable him to hit for power and average from the left side of the plate. A Louisiana State recruit, he shows the aptitude to work counts in search of pitches he can drive and attacks them with a lofty left-handed stroke that produces pop to all fields. He doesn't have the smoothest swing, and his power comes with some strikeouts, but he still makes a lot of hard contact.&nbsp;</p><p>Mitchell would fit the offensive profile in right field if he couldn't stick behind the plate, but there's no reason to doubt he'll be a catcher. Although he's a well-below-average runner, he's an athletic and agile defender who projects at least as an average receiver and blocker with double-plus arm strength. He would have fit into the top two rounds as a pitcher, with an easy delivery that produces a fastball that reaches 97 mph, a downer curveball and a promising changeup with tumble.</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 50 | Power: 60 | Run: 35 | Arm: 70 | Field: 55 | Overall: 55</p><p>Mitchell was a rare two-time Gatorade Player of the Year in Texas out of Sinton High School in 2022 and 2023 and further boosted his Draft stock with impressive performances for the U.S. junior team, including the 2022 club that won the 18-and-under World Cup. Ranked as the No. 14 prospect in the 2023 Draft class, Mitchell went to the Royals eighth overall and signed below slot at $4,897,500, thus allowing Kansas City the pool space to sign Blake Wolters, Hiro Wyatt and Jared Dickey. He went just 5-for-34 (.147) in 13 games in the Arizona Complex League after signing but did walk more than he struck out (17/14) and impressed with a better showing in fall instructs.</p><p>The left-handed slugger has plus raw pop and a swing that is geared to lift the ball on contact, leading to promising power projections. As his ACL time proved, he can be selective at the plate while he waits for the right pitch to drive too, and there’s hope that approach can help turn him into at least an average hitter over time. There are some concerns about swing-and-miss for now that deserve monitoring, especially as his professional workload increases.</p><p>Mitchell touched 97 mph off the mound as an amateur, and his plus-plus arm strength will work nicely in the modern game with teams pushing the envelope on the basepaths. Despite being a well-below-average runner, he has enough athleticism and agility to be at least an average blocker and receiver during his development cycle. Prep catchers don’t have a great track record of meeting their potential, but the Lone Star State native has enough of an exciting foundation to beat the odds.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"2024"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 50 | Power: 60 | Run: 30 | Arm: 70 | Field: 55 | Overall: 55</p><p>A two-time Gatorade Player of the Year winner in Texas, Mitchell also used his performance with the U.S. national junior team to vault himself into becoming the eighth overall pick in 2023. He signed for below slot at $4,897,500 with the savings going toward other members of the Draft class. In his first full season, Mitchell was named Kansas City’s 2024 George Brett Hitter of the Year after slashing .238/.376/.439 with 18 homers in 106 games for Single-A Columbia. He finished out his age-19 season with five games for High-A Quad Cities, and his final 135 wRC+ between both spots was tops among Royals full-season Minor Leaguers and best among qualified full-season teenaged catchers.</p><p>Batting from the left side, Mitchell has a swing designed for lift and pull, and the plurality of his contact came via flyballs in 2024. His load is rather simple with a slight leg lift, and the Royals worked with the backstop on keeping his stance from getting too wide in the box. He could challenge for 30-plus homers at his eventual peak. Mitchell isn’t a quick runner but knows when to pick his spots on the basepaths -- ranking third in the Minors among catchers with 26 total steals.</p><p>The Texas native has plus-plus arm strength -- he touched 97 mph as an amateur pitcher -- but he’ll need to work on improving his accuracy after catching only 14.4 percent of attempted basestealers in 2024. As is typical of modern catchers, he isn’t afraid of putting one knee down and getting low in his defensive stance to steal strikes, and he has the athleticism to receive and block well as he develops. K.C. knows something about having a homegrown franchise catcher, and Mitchell is on his way to that status as he enters his 20s.</p>","contentTitle":"2025"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":"Louisiana State","signed":null}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":95,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2024","gradesHitting":null,"gradesPitching":null,"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":"","playerPhotoCustomUrl":",q_auto:best/v1/people/694384/headshot/silo/current","player":{"__ref":"Person:694384"},"position":"1B","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong>&nbsp;Hit: 60 | Power: 50 | Run: 45 | Arm: 50 | Field: 50 | Overall: 50</p><p>Schanuel grew up a stone’s throw from Florida Atlantic University, attending sporting events at the school regularly. After an outstanding high school career in the region, he stayed in his own backyard for college ball and has been raking ever since. A starter from the get-go, Schanuel slashed .357/.462/.619 in his first two years with FAU, positioning himself as one of the better offensive performers among the college set in this class. Though he did not hit well during his stint in the Cape Cod League last summer, he was one of the nation’s top collegiate hitters during the 2023 season.</p><p>The left-handed-hitting Schanuel has the chance to be at least an above-average hitter. He’s always had an advanced approach at the plate, drawing more walks than strikeouts over his first two college seasons, and even though his Cape numbers weren’t very good, the plate discipline still showed up. He’s grown into more power, going from 11 homers as a freshman to 16 a year ago.</p><p>An average runner, Schanuel played first base almost exclusively for FAU over his first two seasons out of need. Some scouts think he’s athletic enough to handle an outfield corner, where he saw some time in the spring. That could raise his profile some, though it’s his advanced bat that could allow him to surpass C.J. Chatham (No. 51 overall pick in 2016) as the highest-drafted player in FAU history.</p>","contentTitle":"draft"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Hit: 60 | Power: 50 | Run: 50 | Arm: 50 | Field: 50 | Overall: 55</p><p>Schanuel grew up a stone’s throw from Florida Atlantic University, attending sporting events at the school regularly. After an outstanding high school career in the region, he stayed in his own backyard for college ball and has been raking ever since. A starter from the get-go, Schanuel slashed .357/.462/.619 in his first two years with FAU, positioning himself as one of the better offensive performers among the college set in this class. After a lackluster showing in the Cape Cod League last summer, he was one of the nation’s top collegiate hitters during the 2023 season, leading all Division I players in average, on-base percentage and walks. He was taken No. 11 overall by the Angels, who gave him full slot ($5.25 million) and pushed him to Double-A during his summer debut.</p><p>The left-handed-hitting Schanuel has the chance to be at least an above-average hitter. He’s always had an advanced approach at the plate, drawing close to three times more walks than strikeouts over his college career. He’s grown into more power, going from 11 homers as a freshman to 16 a year ago and 19 in his final season.</p><p>An average runner, Schanuel played first base almost exclusively for FAU. While some scouts think he’s athletic enough to handle an outfield corner, where he saw some time in the spring, he was playing first base for the Angels at the outset. Wherever he goes defensively, his advanced bat should enable him to move quickly to Los Angeles.</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Hit: 60 | Power: 50 | Run: 50 | Arm: 50 | Field: 50 | Overall: 55</p><p>Schanuel stayed in his own backyard to play college baseball and hit the second he got on Florida Atlantic University’s campus. After posting a combined 1.081 OPS in his first two seasons, he went off as a junior in 2023, leading all Division I hitters in average (.447), on-base percentage (.615) and walks (71). Taken No. 11 overall by the Angels, who have a reputation for pushing guys quickly up the ladder, Schanuel played just 22 Minor League games before getting called up the big leagues, where he promptly walked more than he struck out and reached base in all 29 games he played.</p><p>A left-handed hitter, Schanuel has always had an advanced approach at the plate, leaving FAU with a career .516 OBP. He has a keen sense of finding the barrel and doesn’t swing and miss much, with just a 17.6 percent whiff rate during his first taste of the big leagues. He tapped into more power as he made his way through college, homering 19 times last spring, and while the pop didn’t show up over his first 51 pro games, he spent the offseason working to add strength and make some tweaks to his setup and swing to tap into his raw pop without sacrificing any approach.</p><p>Schanuel is an average runner who has good baserunning instincts, and there’s some athleticism there, though he’s largely played first base both in college and at the outset of his pro career. He’s already reached Los Angeles, and there’s no reason to think his bat won’t be in the lineup daily from here on out.</p>","contentTitle":"2024"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":null,"signed":null}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":96,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2026","gradesHitting":null,"gradesPitching":null,"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":"","playerPhotoCustomUrl":",g_auto/w_360/v1/people/805811/headshot/milb/current","player":{"__ref":"Person:805811"},"position":"1B","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report </a><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"color: rgb(77, 81, 86);\">»</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 50 | Power: 50 | Run: 50 | Arm: 60 | Field: 50 | Overall: 50</p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 55 | Slider: 55 | Changeup: 50 | Control: 50 | Overall: 50</p><p>Every Draft class has a fair share of interesting two-way players, with it typically being fairly clear whether that player’s future lies on the mound or in the batter’s box. There were some spirited discussions over the summer with Eldridge, however, with the Virginia high school product excelling both as a pitcher and a hitter on the summer showcase circuit, including as part of USA Baseball’s gold medal-winning team at the WBSC U-18 Baseball World Cup, though it looked like the industry was leaning more toward him as a hitter during his senior season.</p><p>Eldridge shook off the rust from having missed time, especially on the mound, due a hamstring injury as a high school junior, to show off legitimate ability both ways. On the mound, he shows feel for three pitches, with a fastball up to 95-96 mph, a very effective low-80s slider and the chance to have a solid changeup. He’s athletic on the mound and is generally around the strike zone, repeating his delivery well despite his 6-foot-7 frame.</p><p>At the plate, the left-handed hitter has some serious raw power with leverage but has some feel to hit, with a relatively short stroke. He has soft hands at first base and moves around the bag well, though he is athletic enough with a plus arm where right field could be a very viable option for the University of Alabama recruit.</p>","contentTitle":"draft"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Hit: 50 | Power: 60 | Run: 40 | Arm: 60 | Field: 50 | Overall: 50</p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 55 | Slider: 55 | Changeup: 50 | Control: 50 | Overall: 45&nbsp;</p><p>The top two-way prospect in the 2023 Draft, Eldridge was named MVP of the 2022 18-and-under World Cup, where he homered and threw a shutout inning in the gold-medal victory over Chinese Taipei. An ankle injury hampered him on the mound as a senior, yet he continued to dominate as both a hitter and pitcher while leading James Madison HS (Vienna) to its second state Class 6 title in three years. Gatorade's Virginia high school player of the year, he signed with the Giants for $3,997,500 as the 16th overall pick in the Draft.&nbsp;</p><p>Eldridge's best attribute is his huge raw power, which ranked as some of the best in the 2023 Draft. He has a quick left-handed swing and plenty of strength and leverage in his 6-foot-7 frame, allowing him to drive the ball out of the park to all fields. He shows some feel for hitting as well, with a relatively compact swing, considering his long arms, and a patient approach.&nbsp;</p><p>Eldridge has below-average speed but is relatively athletic for his size. He has soft hands and plus arm strength at first base and might be able to handle an outfield corner. Though most teams preferred him as a hitter, he asked for the opportunity to try to play both ways in pro ball and the Giants will grant that wish. He can run his fastball up to 96 mph and shows flashes of a solid low-80s slider and a mid-80s change with mild fade.</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 50 | Power: 60 | Run: 40 | Arm: 60 | Field: 50 | Overall: 55&nbsp;</p><p>The best two-way talent in the 2023 Draft, Eldridge won MVP honors at the 2022 18-and-under World Cup after homering and spinning a shutout inning in a gold-medal victory over Chinese Taipei. Though an ankle injury limited him on the mound last spring, he still continued to dominate both ways, carrying Madison HS (Vienna) to its second Virginia Class 6 title in three seasons and winning Gatorade’s state player of the year award. Signed for $3,997,500 as the 16th overall choice last July, he homered six times in 31 games and reached Single-A in his pro debut.&nbsp;</p><p>Eldridge’s raw power ranked among the best in the 2023 class and is his best attribute. He already hits the ball harder than most Minor Leaguers as a teenager, thanks to a quick left-handed stroke and the strength and leverage in his 6-foot-7 frame. He can crush the ball out of any part of the park and also shows some feel for hitting with a relatively compact swing for his size and a disciplined approach.&nbsp;</p><p>Despite his below-average speed, Eldridge is more athletic than most players his size. He spent his first pro summer in right field before moving to first base, where he displays soft hands and plus arm strength and should provide&nbsp;at least average defense. He was interested in trying to play both ways as a pro after showing a 92-94 mph fastball that peaked at 96 and flashing a solid low-80s slider as an amateur, but the Giants are going to have him focus solely on hitting.</p>","contentTitle":"2024"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Hit: 50 | Power: 70 | Run: 40 | Arm: 60 | Field: 45 | Overall: 55</p><p>Eldridge won USA Baseball's Dick Case Award as its top player in 2022, when he starred as both a hitter and pitcher while winning a gold medal at the 18-and-under World Cup, and he was the best two-way talent in the 2023 Draft. An ankle injury limited him on the mound as a high school senior but didn't stop him from leading Madison HS (Vienna, Va.) to its second state Class 6 title in three seasons. Signed for $3,997,500 as the 16th overall pick, he advanced from Single-A to Triple-A at age 19 in his first full pro season, earned top prospect honors in the High-A Northwest League and led all Minor League teenagers in homers (23) and slugging (.516) while ranking second in OPS (.885) and fifth in wRC+ (137).</p><p>Despite his youth, Eldridge produced better exit velocities than most Minor Leaguers last season. He has an exceptionally quick left-handed swing and plenty of strength and leverage in his 6-foot-7 frame, earning top-of-the-scale grades for his raw power from many evaluators. He chased fastballs out of the zone and had contact issues against non-fastballs in Double-A and Triple-A, but fatigue may have been an issue, and he has plenty of time to make adjustments. He should hit for a decent average and draw his share of walks while challenging for home run titles in the Majors.</p><p>Eldridge has below-average speed but can flash solid run times under way and is more athletic than most players his size. After spending his pro debut in right field, he had a rough introduction to first base in 2024, committing 18 errors (mostly on fielding miscues and failed catches) in 100 games. He has a stronger arm than most at his position and displayed a 92-96 mph fastball and low-80s slider as an amateur.</p>","contentTitle":"2025"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":"","signed":null}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":97,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2026","gradesHitting":null,"gradesPitching":null,"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":"","playerPhotoCustomUrl":"","player":{"__ref":"Person:691775"},"position":"1B/OF","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><strong>Video scouting report »</strong></a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 55 | Power: 50 | Run: 45 | Arm: 55 | Field: 45 | Overall: 45</p><p>A mainstay on U.S. national teams since he was 12, Clifford won gold medals at international competitions with the 12-and-under squad in 2015 and the 15-and-under club in 2018. He has the tools to be one of the better all-around hitters in the 2022 high school class, though his stock took a slight hit when he didn't light up the showcase circuit last summer. If he doesn't go early enough in the Draft to sign, he'll head to Vanderbilt and be eligible again as a sophomore in 2024.&nbsp;</p><p>With a picturesque left-handed swing and a good bat path, Clifford is equipped to hit for average and power. He has an advanced approach at the plate, focusing on driving balls from gap to gap while rarely chasing pitches out of the strike zone. With his bat speed and the strength in his 6-foot-3 frame, he could provide 20 or more homers per year once he starts driving the ball in the air more regularly.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>Scouts compare Clifford to Seth Beer with more athleticism, but unlike Beer he has a realistic chance to play the outfield. Though he has fringy speed and his reads and routes must improve, he's committed to working on his quickness and defense. He could stay in right field with solid arm strength and could at least be an average defender at first base, where he has played with Team USA.</p>","contentTitle":"draft"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 55 | Power: 50 | Run: 45 | Arm: 55 | Field: 45 | Overall: 45</p><p>Clifford began playing for U.S. national teams at age 12 and won gold medals at international tournaments with the 12-and-under club in 2015 and the 15-and-under squad in 2018. Though his stock took a slight hit when he didn't dominate the showcase circuit last summer, he still was regarded as one of the best all-around hitters in the 2022 prep class. His commitment to Vanderbilt clouded his signability, but the Astros were able to land him with an $1,131,530 bonus in the 11th round.</p><p>Clifford has the ingredients to hit for power and average, starting with a sweet left-handed swing and efficient bat path. He employs a mature approach, concentrating on driving balls from gap to gap and rarely chasing pitches out of the strike zone. With his bat speed and the strength in his 6-foot-3 frame, he could deliver 20 or more homers per season once he starts launching balls in the air more consistently.</p><p>Though he has fringy speed and his reads and routes need work, Clifford should be able to stay in the outfield. He's committed to working on his quickness and defense, and he has the solid arm strength needed for right field. He should be at least an average defender if he does end up at first base, where he has seen action with Team USA.</p>","contentTitle":"2022"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 50 | Power: 55 | Run: 45 | Arm: 55 | Field: 45 | Overall: 50&nbsp;</p><p>Clifford first played for U.S. national teams at age 12 and won gold medals at international events with the 12-and-under squad in 2015 and the 15-and-under club in 2018. Though he was regarded as one of the better all-around hitters in the 2022 prep class, he didn't dominate the showcase circuit and he was committed to Vanderbilt, so he wound up sliding to the 11th round. Signed for $1,131,530, the equivalent of late-second-round money, he hit .247/.426/.390 with two homers in a 25-game pro debut split between Rookie ball and Single-A.&nbsp;He climbed quickly from Single-A to High-A in his first full season and had a .903 OPS at the higher level before being traded to the Mets for Justin Verlander at the Deadline.</p><p>Clifford's approach is more mature than that of most players his age, as he works counts and focuses on making hard contact. He has the bat speed and projectable strength to develop 20-25 home run power, and he does a good job of letting his power come naturally. He has a pretty left-handed swing and an efficient bat path, though his 30 percent strikeout rate in his introduction to pro ball showed he'll need to do a better job of recognizing offspeed pitches.&nbsp;</p><p>While Clifford possesses just fringy speed and could slow down as he gets stronger, he works hard to improve his quickness and defense. His reads and routes need to improve, but he has solid arm strength and could get the job done at an outfield corner. He has also gotten ample looks at first base as a pro, though his need to hit jumps if he lands there long-term with New York.</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Hit: 45 | Power: 60 | Run: 40 | Arm: 55 | Field: 45 | Overall: 55</p><p>Clifford was a well-decorated U.S. national team player and had one of the best all-around bats among 2022 high-schoolers, but a lack of showcase-circuit success and a commitment to Vanderbilt caused him to drop to the 11th round, where he would no longer be tied to a specific slot bonus. The Astros took him there and talked him away from the Commodores with a $1,131,530 bonus, roughly second-round money. Clifford quickly climbed from Single-A to High-A after 25 games in his first full season. The left-handed slugger dominated at hitter-friendly Asheville, slashing .271/.356/.547 with 16 homers in 58 games, and moved to the Mets in a Deadline deal that sent Justin Verlander the other way. His move to High-A Brooklyn was an uneasy one (.188/.307/.376 in 32 games), though rough hitting conditions in Coney Island likely played a factor.</p><p>Regardless of where he played, Clifford ended 2023 with 24 homers, tied for second-most among Minor League teenagers. His uphill bat path helps him get the most of his significant raw pop, and it plays well to all fields. In fact, he may have gone oppo a little too much in ’23 and could increase the power by aiming for more pulled balls. It certainly helped him to get away from Coney Island with a first-half promotion to Double-A Binghamton this summer. He has high three-true-outcome potential with good walk rates but also his share of swing-and-miss issues.&nbsp;</p><p>Clifford has just fringy speed, and while his arm strength could certainly play in a corner outfield spot, both the Astros and Mets gave him ample looks at first base where his lack of quickness is less of a concern. He still has some room to grow defensively there too, but his bat is so good that some evaluators preferred him over Drew Gilbert in the Verlander trade.</p>","contentTitle":"2024"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Hit: 45 | Power: 60 | Run: 40 | Arm: 60 | Field: 45 | Overall: 50</p><p>Clifford ranked 92nd in the 2022 Draft class, but a lack of showcase-circuit success and a commitment to Vanderbilt caused him to fall to the Astros in the 11th round. Houston signed Clifford for roughly second-round money with a $1,131,530 bonus and saw him get off to a hot start in his first full season with 18 homers and a .919 OPS in 83 games between Single-A and High-A. He was promptly dealt alongside Drew Gilbert to the Mets at the Trade Deadline for Justin Verlander and slowed down at pitcher-friendly High-A Brooklyn. The Mets got Clifford out of Coney Island quickly in 2024, and the lefty slugger produced a .231/.359/.456 line with 18 homers in 98 games for Double-A Binghamton to close out his age-20 campaign.</p><p>On one hand, Clifford was one of only five hitters aged 20 or younger to meet the qualifying standard at Double-A in 2024, and his 133 wRC+ only trailed Roman Anthony's 143 and Samuel Basallo's 134 in that group. He has plus power and gets to it well with an uphill bat path that helps him lift and pull. On the downside, while Clifford ran a healthy walk rate, he ran into problems against righties at both levels in 2024 and had a swing-and-miss rate of 44 percent against changeups because of issues with stuff low in the zone, dulling his future offensive projection.</p><p>Clifford is also a below-average runner, and even though he has the arm strength for outfield corners, the majority of his starts last year came at first base. His power would play there, but it’d be helpful if he can be more than a three-true-outcome type. He’ll head back to the upper Minors at just 21 in 2025, giving him time to round out the hit tool.</p>","contentTitle":"2025"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":"Vanderbilt","signed":null}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":98,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2025","gradesHitting":null,"gradesPitching":[],"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":"","playerPhotoCustomUrl":",q_auto:best/v1/people/695534/headshot/silo/current","player":{"__ref":"Person:695534"},"position":"RHP","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball 70 | Slider 55 | Changeup 50 | Control 50 | Overall 50</p><p>Only one New Jersey high school right-handed pitcher has been drafted in the first round since 2007, Rick Porcello, and only three prep pitchers from the Garden State total during that timespan, with lefties Rob Kaminsky and Jay Groome in 2013 and 2016. After showing off one of the best arms on the high school showcase circuit all summer and dominating New Jersey prep competition enough in the spring to be named the Gatorade state high school player of the year, Petty has the chance to join their ranks in 2021.</p><p>There are no questions about Petty’s pure stuff. He touched triple digits at the Area Code Games and sat regularly in the upper 90s across all the events he attended, throwing it with sink and run in on right-handed hitters. His upper-80s slider plays well off his fastball, running away from righties. Petty has a changeup that can be too firm at 90 mph at times, but he showed some depth with the pitch over the summer. He’s fearless on the mound and isn’t afraid to pitch inside.</p><p>The only questions surrounding Petty are around his size and delivery. There is some effort with a low three-quarters slot and his command has been up and down, leading some to feel there could be reliever risk in the 6-foot Florida recruit. He threw more consistent strikes as the summer went on and he’s athletic enough to believe he can start at the next level, with teams undeterred by the “undersized right-hander” label certain to keep tabs on him all spring.</p>","contentTitle":"draft"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 70 | Slider: 55 | Changeup: 50 | Control: 50 | Overall: 50</p><p>When the Twins took Petty No. 26 overall in the 2021 Draft, he became the first New Jersey high school right-hander to go in the first round of the Draft since Rick Porcello was taken back in 2007, and just the fourth prep pitcher from the Garden State to go that early in that timespan (lefties Rob Kaminsky and Jay Groome went in 2013 and 2016). Attracted to his premium arm strength, the Twins signed the Gatorade state player of the year for $2.5 million. The Reds acquired him in March 2022, trading Sonny Gray and Francis Peguero to Minnesota to land him.</p><p>There are no questions about Petty’s pure stuff. He touched triple digits at the Area Code Games and sat regularly in the upper 90s across all the events he attended, throwing it with sink and run in on right-handed hitters. His upper-80s slider plays well off his fastball, running away from righties. Petty has a changeup that can be too firm at 90 mph at times, but he showed some depth with the pitch last&nbsp;summer. He’s fearless on the mound and isn’t afraid to pitch inside.</p><p>The only questions surrounding Petty are around his size and delivery. There is some effort with a low three-quarters slot and his command has been up and down, leading some to feel there could be reliever risk in the 6-foot righty. He has shown the ability to throw strikes consistently against good competition and he’s athletic enough to believe he can start at the next level.</p>","contentTitle":"2021"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 70 | Slider: 55 | Changeup: 50 | Control: 50 | Overall: 50</p><p>Heading into the 2021 Draft, it was a little hard to figure out what to do with Petty. He’s not very big, but he’s athletic. He throws 100 mph. He’s a high schooler from the Northeast. The Twins liked the upside potential of the premium velocity enough to take him at the end of the first round and sign him for $2.5 million. He made his brief pro debut in the Florida Complex League, then was acquired by the Reds in the March 2022 Sonny Gray trade.</p><p>While Petty fits the “undersized right-hander” mold, he is an excellent athlete and has plenty of strength in his relatively compact frame. The velocity is undeniable, having touched triple digits repeatedly and sitting in the upper-90s on a regular basis, throwing the fastball from a lower slot that creates excellent sink and run. His upper-80s slider flashes plus, a big, hard sweepy breaking ball that can miss bats. The changeup is a distant third pitch, though he’s shown a little feel for it, with some concern that it doesn't yet have enough separation from his sinking fastball.</p><p>Although there are concerns about his delivery, both in terms of effort and that lower slot, Petty does a fairly decent job in finding the strike zone. If he can fine-tune his mechanics, he’s athletic enough to repeat his delivery. That, along with development of his third pitch, gives him a good chance to start.</p>","contentTitle":"2022"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 70 | Slider: 55 | Changeup: 50 | Control: 50 | Overall: 50</p><p>Heading into the 2021 Draft, it was a little hard to figure out what to do with Petty. He’s not very big, but he’s athletic. He throws 100 mph. He’s a high schooler from the northeast. The Twins liked the upside potential of the premium velocity enough to take him at the end of the first round and signing him for $2.5 million. He made his brief pro debut in the Florida Complex League, but they sent him to the Reds in March in the Sonny Gray deal.</p><p>While Petty fits the “undersized right-hander” mold, he is an excellent athlete and has plenty of strength in his relatively compact frame. The velocity is undeniable, having touched triple digits repeatedly and sitting in the upper-90s on a regular basis, throwing the fastball from a lower slot that creates excellent sink and run. His upper-80s slider flashes plus, a big, hard sweepy breaking ball that can miss bats. The changeup is a distant third pitch, though he’s shown a little feel for it, with some concern over creating one with enough separation from his sinking fastball.</p><p>Though there are concerns about his delivery, both in terms of effort and that lower slot, Petty does a fairly decent job in finding the strike zone. If he can fine-tune his mechanics, he’s athletic enough to repeat his delivery. That, along with development of his third pitch, gives him a good chance to start.</p>","contentTitle":"2022"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 60 | Slider: 60 | Changeup: 50 | Control: 50 | Overall: 50</p><p>Petty was high on the Reds’ Draft board as the 2021 Draft approached, but they opted to go the college bat route with Matt McLain at No. 17 overall as Petty, the New Jersey prep standout, went nine picks later to the Twins. He appeared in just two complex league games the summer after he signed and was preparing for his first full season of pro ball when he was sent to the Reds in March for Sonny Gray. He had a very successful year with his new organization in 2022, finishing the year up a level in High-A.</p><p>Known for his triple-digits velocity in high school, Petty showed signs of being more of a complete pitcher than some anticipated, especially out of the gate. He sat around 94-95 mph while working with a pretty strict pitch count and his lower arm slot leads to sink and run and resulting groundball outs. His mid-80s slider is a plus breaking ball that can miss bats and he’s made a lot of progress on his changeup, which was a point of emphasis last year.</p><p>Petty’s athleticism -- some say he looks like a shortstop on the mound -- works to his advantage and he pitches with a ton of energy. His move up a level to Dayton in 2022 helped him learn about professional routines and preparation as well as to trust his stuff in the zone more, with more advanced hitters less likely to chase. He’s just as willing to pitch to contact -- that improved changeup will continue to come in handy -- and looks like he has the combination of stuff and command to be a solid big league starter.</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 60 | Slider: 60 | Changeup: 50 | Control: 50 | Overall: 50</p><p>Petty rose up Draft boards in 2021 as a strong-armed -- albeit undersized -- high school right-hander from New Jersey, one who could hit triple digits. His premium velocity was a big reason why the Twins took him at the end of the first round in that year’s Draft. He was in his first Spring Training as a pro in 2022, when he was sent to the Reds in the Sonny Gray deal. Petty had a solid first full season, making his way from Single-A to High-A, and while he was slowed out of the gate in 2023 with a minor elbow issue, he still pitched well enough to touch Double-A.</p><p>The Reds monitored Petty’s workload very carefully post-injury, limiting his innings to make sure he made it through the year, and they were very pleased with how dominant he was while he continued his evolution from pure thrower to pitcher. While he can reach back and get 95-96 mph, he’s also shown he can pitch at 91-93 mph, pitching to contact with a two-seamer that features a ton of sink and run thanks to his lower arm slot, which helps him get a lot of ground-ball outs. His plus mid-80s slider is a go-to pitch that misses bats, and his changeup has continued to improve.</p><p>Petty’s plus athleticism plays well on the mound, helping him repeat his delivery and fill up the strike zone with all of his pitches. The gloves will come off a bit in 2024, hopefully, as Petty continues to learn routines necessary to maintain velocity and stuff deep into starts, and from outing to outing. He’ll be just 21 for the whole season, so there’s time for him to figure himself out as he hits the upper levels.</p>","contentTitle":"2024"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":"Florida","signed":null}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":99,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2025","gradesHitting":null,"gradesPitching":[],"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":"","playerPhotoCustomUrl":",d_people:generic:headshot:silo:current.png,q_auto:best,f_auto/v1/people/694358/headshot/silo/current","player":{"__ref":"Person:694358"},"position":"RHP","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 55 | Curveball: 55 | Changeup: 45 | Control: 55 | Overall: 40</p><p>Florida is a hotbed for Draft talent every year, but the Panhandle hasn’t always been as accessible. Roby had impressed some scouts over the summer and backed it up at the start of the spring, though the early end of the season kept him from being as seen as much as he would’ve been under normal circumstances, when scouts would’ve headed to Pensacola as word of Roby’s stuff spread.</p><p>Roby has the makings of a very solid three-pitch mix, coming from a solid frame, loose delivery, long arms and loose wrist action that allows for good movement on his pitches. He’ll throw his fastball in the 89-94 mph range, with excellent sinking life. He complements it with a 74-78 mph downer-breaking curveball, a pitch that’s at least above-average in the future. He does have a changeup, but he needs to work on developing it to catch it up with his fastball-curve combination.</p><p>The right-hander who is committed to Troy University tends to be around the strike zone, but needs to improve his overall control and command. While he’s not the biggest guy in the world, there is some projection here, with teams considering him in the top few rounds seeing a potential No. 4 type starter in the future.</p>","contentTitle":"draft"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades: </strong>Fastball: 55 | Curveball: 55 | Changeup: 50 | Control: 50 | Overall: 40</p><p>Roby made a name for himself on the showcase circuit in 2019 and was building off that momentum at his Florida Panhandle high school last spring when the season abruptly ended. The Rangers saw enough to draft him in the third round and sign him away from a Troy commitment for a slightly over-slot $775,000. He showed flashes of three plus pitches in instructional league, impressing enough to possibly earn an assignment to low Class A to begin his pro career.&nbsp;</p><p>Roby has high spin rates on his four-seam fastball, which sat in the low 90s in high school, parked at 93-94 during shorter stints in instructs and tops out at 96 mph. His heater pairs well with his upper-70s curveball that features downer break. He also shows advanced feel for a low-80s changeup with fade that should improve as he uses it more often.&nbsp;</p><p>Though Roby is just 6-foot-1, he has long limbs that create extension and angle, making life more difficult for hitters. His athleticism helps him repeat his loose delivery and provide strikes. He has plenty of starter traits and eventually could fit into the middle of a big league rotation.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"2021"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 55 | Curveball: 55 | Slider: 55 | Changeup: 55 | Control: 50 | Overall: 45&nbsp;</p><p>The Rangers liked Roby more than the industry consensus in the 2020 Draft, and they took him in the third round and signed him away from a Troy commitment for a slightly over-slot $775,000. He flashed three plus pitches during instructional league that fall and again in his pro debut last spring. He posted a 2.45 ERA with 35 strikeouts in 22 innings as a 19-year-old in Low-A before getting shut down in mid-June with a sprained elbow.&nbsp;</p><p>Roby's fastball sits at 90-94 mph and reaches 97, playing well above its velocity because of high spin rates and a flat approach angle that create plenty of carry up in the zone. His upper-70s curveball may be his best pitch, peaking at more than 3,000 rpm with big downer break, and he began utilizing a harder slider with similar promise late this summer. His low-80s changeup is an asset as well and continues to improve as he uses it more often.&nbsp;</p><p>Though Roby stands just 6-foot-1, he has long limbs that create extension and angle that add to his deception. He has a loose arm and repeats his delivery well, allowing him to pound the strike zone. He'll have to prove he has the durability to take the ball every fifth day over a full season but if he does, he could fit in the front half of a big league rotation.</p>","contentTitle":"2022"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 55 | Curveball: 55 | Slider: 55 | Changeup: 55 | Control: 50 | Overall: 50</p><p>After taking Evan Carter in the second round of the 2020 Draft, the Rangers used their third-round pick on another high schooler whom they valued more than the rest of the industry. They signed Roby away from a commitment to Troy for a slightly over-slot $775,000 and have been pleased by his development since. After getting shut down with a sprained elbow in 2021, he was fully healthy last year and held his own as one of the youngest starters (age 20) in the High-A South Atlantic League. Roby moved up to Double-A Frisco and was better than his traditional numbers in 2023, when he was moved to St. Louis in the Jordan Montgomery deal while he nursed a shoulder injury.</p><p>Roby can attack in any direction with his four-pitch repertoire. He can work north and south by pairing a fastball that plays better than its 92-96 mph velocity thanks to its outstanding induced vertical break and the extension in his delivery with a high-spin upper-70s curveball with downer break. He can also operate east and west with a fading low-80s changeup moving in the opposite direction from a low-80s slider that he added last summer.</p><p>Though Roby may not have a true plus pitch, he could have four solid offerings once he's fully developed. He has a loose arm and repeats his delivery well enough to provide strikes, though his command is a work in progress. He misses in the middle of the zone more than he should, leaving him vulnerable to homers, but he could become a mid-rotation starter if he locates his pitches more consistently as he gains experience.</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 60 | Curveball: 60 | Slider: 50 | Changeup: 45 | Control: 55 | Overall: 45</p><p>Ranked No. 144 in the 2020 Draft class by MLB Pipeline, Roby went 86th overall to the Rangers and was signed away from a Troy commitment with a $775,000 bonus. He showed promise on the mound during his time in the Texas system, particularly in 2022, but battled a sprained elbow in 2021 and a shoulder injury in the first half of 2023. The Cardinals picked up the Double-A arm at the Trade Deadline in the Jordan Montgomery deal, gave him four starts in Springfield and then got him innings in the Arizona Fall League.</p><p>Roby touched as high as 99 mph in the Fall League as he re-established his health and was generally around 93-96 in the Texas League with a four-seamer that played up with good extension and flat angle. He spots the fastball well too, giving it another chance to be a plus pitch. His 80-83 mph curveball plays well off the heat, dropping nearly straight downward to get swings-and-misses. He added a low-80s slider with the Rangers, but it’s a tighter pitch that can be hammered when left up. His 81-83 mph changeup can generate whiffs but lacks consistency.</p><p>The 6-foot-1 righty repeats his delivery and sidestepped free passes well in 2023 (6.3 percent walk rate). He could avoid the center of the zone better and might just need more experience to improve the command. Shoulder issues have continued to dog Roby in his first full season as a Cardinal, bringing greater questions about his ability to handle a starter's workload. The stuff remains undeniable, however.</p>","contentTitle":"2024"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":"Troy","signed":""}},{"__typename":"RankedPlayerEntity","rank":100,"playerEntity":{"__typename":"PlayerEntity","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","eta":"2025","gradesHitting":null,"gradesPitching":[],"playerPhotoCustomActionUrl":null,"playerPhotoCustomUrl":",q_auto:best/v1/people/682982/headshot/silo/current","player":{"__ref":"Person:682982"},"position":"RHP","prospectBio":[{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 70 | Curveball: 55 | Slider: 60 | Changeup: 50 | Control: 50 | Overall: 50&nbsp;</p><p>Born in Panama, Espino had a mid-80s fastball when he moved to Georgia for his sophomore year of high school in 2016. Two years later, he regularly reached the upper 90s on the showcase circuit and broke Hunter Greene's Under Armour All-America Game record with a 99-mph heater. The hardest thrower in the 2019 prep class, he went 24th overall in the Draft and signed for $2.5 million.</p><p>Espino usually ranges from 94-97 mph and can reach triple digits with his fastball, with running life on his four-seamer and heavy sink on his two-seamer. He dissuades hitters from trying to sit on his overpowering heater with a pair of power breaking pitches, with his low-80s slider sharper than his upper-70s curveball. He's in the early stages of developing his changeup, which can get too firm but shows some promising sink.</p><p>Espino's control and command can waver, in part because he has a long arm action. He comes with more reliever risk than most high school first-rounders, but he also comes with better stuff than most. The Indians envision him as a starter who could one day front their rotation.</p>","contentTitle":"2020"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 70 | Curveball: 55 | Slider: 60 | Changeup: 50 | Control: 50 | Overall: 55</p><p>Born in Panama, Espino went from throwing in the mid-80s when he moved to Georgia for his sophomore year of high school in 2016 to becoming the most electric arm in the 2019 prep class. He regularly reached the upper 90s on the showcase circuit and earned a $2.5 million bonus as the 24th overall pick. He struck out 34 in 23 2/3 innings while becoming the first high schooler the Indians promoted to short-season ball in his debut summer since Francisco Lindor in 2011, but was limited to developing at Cleveland's alternate site in 2020.&nbsp;</p><p>Espino works at 94-97 mph and can touch triple digits with his fastball, imparting running life on his four-seamer and heavy sink on his two-seamer. He backs up his heat with a pair of bat-missing breaking balls, with his low-80s slider sharper and grading better than his high-70s curveball. His changeup is more of a work in progress that gets too firm at times but also features some promising sink.&nbsp;</p><p>Espino has a long arm action that leads to inconsistencies with his control and command, though his outstanding athleticism helps him find the strike zone. While he has more reliever risk than a typical first-round choice, he also has better stuff than most and definitely has closer upside if he winds up in the bullpen. The Indians envision him becoming a frontline starter and he could advance more quickly than initially expected.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"2021"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 70 | Curveball: 55 | Slider: 60 | Changeup: 50 | Control: 50 | Overall: 50</p>","contentTitle":"2019"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 70 | Curveball: 55 | Slider: 65 | Changeup: 50 | Control: 50 | Overall: 55</p><p>The Panamanian-born Espino had a mid-80s fastball when he moved to Georgia for his sophomore year of high school and developed the best heater in the 2019 prep class, topping out in triple digits. Signed for $2.5 million as the 24th overall pick, he reached short-season ball in his pro debut, the first high schooler in Cleveland's system to do so since Francisco Lindor in 2011. He made a spectacular full-season debut in 2021, striking out 152 in 91 2/3 innings between Low-A and High-A with double-digit whiffs in six of his last eight starts.&nbsp;</p><p>Espino has one of the most electric arms in the Minors and easily overpowers hitters with his fastball and slider. He sits in the mid-90s and peaks at 101 mph with his heater, generating running action on his four-seamer. He shows feel for manipulating his slider, working in the mid-80s with more depth and in the upper 80s with more horizontal break, and missing a ton of bats with both versions.&nbsp;</p><p>Espino also has a solid low-80s curveball and a sinking mid-80s changeup with similar promise, though the latter offering can get too firm at times. His athleticism helps him generate premium velocity without excessive effort, and he has made adjustments to shorten his arm action since turning pro. While he still battles the strike zone at times and comes with some reliever risk, he lowered his walk rate to 2.9 per nine innings in 10 High-A starts and has plenty of time to further improve his control in order to become a frontline starter.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"2022"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 80 | Curveball: 55 | Slider: 70 | Changeup: 50 | Control: 50 | Overall: 55&nbsp;</p><p>Born in Panama, Espino arrived with a mid-80s fastball when he moved to Georgia for his sophomore year of high school and developed into one of the best pitchers of the 2019 prep class. Signed for $2.5 million as the 24th overall pick, he has the most electric stuff among pro pitching prospects four years later. Poised to make his big league debut in 2022, he fanned 35 in 18 1/3 innings over four Double-A starts before getting sidelined by knee tendinitis, then got shut down with shoulder soreness. After his shoulder continued to bother him this winter, he was diagnosed with a muscle strain and a capsule tear that led to surgery in May and he isn't expected to return to game action until mid-2024.</p><p>When healthy, Espino can destroy hitters with his top-of-the-scale fastball and plus-plus slider. He operates at 95-98 mph and tops out at 103 with a four-seamer with plenty of arm-side run, and he can use it up in the zone with carry or leverage it lower in the zone with downhill plane. He has good feel for his two-plane slider, showing the ability to work in the mid-80s with increased depth or reaching 93 mph with more horizontal action.&nbsp;</p><p>Espino also owns a downer curveball in the low 80s and a sinking changeup in the mid-80s, both of which can be solid pitches when they're on. He came with reliever risk when he turned pro, but he had erased any doubts that he can be a frontline starter before he got hurt. His athleticism helps him generate premium stuff without much effort and also has enabled him to make adjustments to improve his control and command as he has risen through the Minors.&nbsp;</p>","contentTitle":"2023"},{"__typename":"ProspectBio","contentText":"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Video scouting report »</a></p><p><strong>Scouting grades:</strong> Fastball: 80 | Curveball: 55 | Slider: 70 | Changeup: 50 | Control: 50 | Overall: 50&nbsp;</p><p>The Panamanian-born Espino had a mid-80s fastball when he moved to Georgia for his sophomore year of high school and developed into one of the most electric arms in the 2019 prep class. After he signed for $2.5 million as the 24th overall pick, he kept improving to the point where he might have had the best overall stuff in the Minors -- but he has pitched just 18 1/3 innings in the last two years. Sidelined in May 2022 with knee tendinitis, he developed shoulder soreness while rehabbing and missed all of 2023 following May surgery to repair a muscle strain and capsule tear. He'll miss the entire 2024 season after having a second shoulder operation this March to repair damage to his shoulder capsule and rotator cuff.</p><p>A healthy Espino can be unhittable with a top-of-the-scale fastball and plus-plus slider. In 2022, he was sitting at 95-98 mph and reaching 103 with a four-seam fastball that featured plenty of arm-side run, and he showed the aptitude to blow it by hitters at the letters with carry or leverage it down in the zone. He also has good feel for his two-plane slider, spinning it in the mid-80s with more depth or dialing it up to 93 mph with more horizontal movement.</p><p>Espino's low-80s downer curveball and mid-80s sinking changeup can be solid pitches when they're working. His athleticism allows him to generate overwhelming stuff with little effort and also has enabled him to make adjustments to improve his control and command. If he can stay on the mound, he'll be a frontline starter, but his health remains a huge question mark.</p>","contentTitle":"2024"}],"prospectSchoolCommitted":null,"signed":null}}]},"Team:147":{"__typename":"Team","id":147,"name":"New York Yankees","parentOrgId":null,"parentOrgName":null,"sport":{"__ref":"Sport:1"}},"Team:145":{"__typename":"Team","id":145,"name":"Chicago White Sox","parentOrgId":null,"parentOrgName":null,"sport":{"__ref":"Sport:1"}},"Team:116":{"__typename":"Team","id":116,"name":"Detroit Tigers","parentOrgId":null,"parentOrgName":null,"sport":{"__ref":"Sport:1"}},"Video:beaa3908-f2a5-4a59-9033-c234909ebdf8":{"__typename":"Video","contentDate":"2025-02-18T01:33:06.46Z","duration":"00:06:59","translationId":"beaa3908-f2a5-4a59-9033-c234909ebdf8","slug":"colson-montgomery-on-the-start-of-spring-training","formattedThumbnail({\"aspectRatio\":\"16:9\",\"width\":640})":"","title":"Colson Montgomery on the start of Spring 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