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In an exclusive, the bodies and brains behind the bathing suits look back &#151; and ahead, because did we mention there's a movie now?</p> <p class="by">By Laura Lane</by> <p class="more_author"><a href="/web/20140301062417/;author=Laura+Lane&amp;srchtyp=system">More from this author</a></p> </div><!--end article_header--> <!-- begin viral toolbar --> <!-- Start ContentViralTools Top--> <div class="viral_tools top article"> <!-- Start Email Button --> <div class="viral_button left emailButton" htrack="emailTop"> <a id="ck_email_7612924" class="chicklet" href="javascript:mailPage();"><span st_page="send"></span></a> </div> <!-- End Email Button --> <!-- Start Print Button --> <div class="viral_button left printButton" htrack="printTop"> <a id="baywatch-cast-4"> </a> </div> <!-- End Print Button --> <!-- Start Comment Button --> <div class="xs_viral_button_t left plusone"><g:plusone callback="plusone_vote" size="medium" count="false" href=""></g:plusone></div> <!--Start Pinterest Button--> <div class="xs_viral_button_t left pin" htrack="pinTop"> <div id="xs_soc_pinit" hvtnode="pinbutton"><a href=";description=<i>Baywatch</i>: The Oral History&amp;media=" class="pin-it-button" count-layout="none" target="_blank"><img border="0" src="//" title="Pin It"/></a></div> </div> <div class="xs_viral_button_t left pin" htrack="pinTop"> <div id="xs_soc_pinit" hvtnode="pinbutton"><a href=";description=<i>Baywatch</i>: The Oral History&amp;media=" class="pin-it-button" count-layout="none" target="_blank"><img border="0" src="//" title="Pin It"/></a></div> </div> <div class="xs_viral_button_t left pin" htrack="pinTop"> <div id="xs_soc_pinit" hvtnode="pinbutton"><a href=";description=<i>Baywatch</i>: The Oral History&amp;media=" class="pin-it-button" count-layout="none" target="_blank"><img border="0" src="//" title="Pin It"/></a></div> </div> <div class="xs_viral_button_t left pin" htrack="pinTop"> <div id="xs_soc_pinit" hvtnode="pinbutton"><a href=";description=<i>Baywatch</i>: The Oral History&amp;media=" class="pin-it-button" count-layout="none" target="_blank"><img border="0" src="//" title="Pin It"/></a></div> </div> <div class="xs_viral_button_t left pin" htrack="pinTop"> <div id="xs_soc_pinit" hvtnode="pinbutton"><a href=";description=<i>Baywatch</i>: The Oral History&amp;media=" class="pin-it-button" count-layout="none" target="_blank"><img border="0" src="//" title="Pin It"/></a></div> </div> <!--Remove duplicated pin button--> <script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript"> $(document).ready(function () { var duplicateChk = {}; $(' .pin').each (function () { if (duplicateChk.hasOwnProperty(this.className)) { $(this).remove(); } else { duplicateChk[this.className] = 'true'; } }); $(' .pin').show(); }); </script> <!--End Pinterest Button--> <!-- Start FB Share Button --> <div class="xs_viral_button_t left fbshare"><a class="xs_soc_fbshare" href="javascript:fbShare('');">Share</a> <script type="text/javascript"> function fbShare(url){ console.log(url);'' + url + '?src=soc_fcbks','','width=500,height=400'); } </script></div> <!-- End FB Share Button --> <!-- Start FB Like Button --> <div class="fblikeButton left" htrack="fblikeTop"><div id="xs_soc_fblike" hvtnode="fblikebutton"> <fb:like ref="soc_fcbk" href="" layout="button_count" show_faces="false" width="90" height="21"></fb:like> </div> </div> <!-- End FB Like Button --> <!--Start InShare Button--> <!--End InShare Button--> <!-- Start Tweeter Button --> <div class="fbtweetButton left" htrack="twitterTop"><iframe id="xs_soc_tweetb" width="110" height="20" hvtnode="twlikebutton" defer-src=";text=%3Ci%3EBaywatch%3C%2Fi%3E%3A%20The%20Oral%20History&amp;related=EsquireMag&amp;via=EsquireMag" allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> </div> <!-- End Tweeter Button --> </div> <div class="clear"></div> <!-- End ContentViralTools Top --> <!-- end viral toolbar --> <div id="article_content"> <div id="image_container" style="width:471px;text-align:center;margin:0 0 10px 0;"> <img src="/web/20140301062417im_/" alt="baywatch girls" style="margin:0;"/> <div id="img_credit" style="margin:0px;float:left;"> <p style="float:right;display:inline;margin-right:5px;">Courtesy of Michael Berk Collection</p> </div> <div id="img_caption" style="margin:0px;float:left;"> <p style="margin-left:5px;margin-right:5px;">The cast of 1997 (from left): Kelly Packard, Carmen Electra, Donna D'Errico, Marliece Andrada, Brande Roderick, and Angelica Bridges.</p> </div> </div> <!--end image_container--> <p><h2><br/>"If You Didn't Look Right, They Were Going to Get Rid of You"</h2> <p><strong>Susan Glickman:</strong> They hired too many girls that weren't right. They were nice and attractive, but they weren't in the same league as Pamela. The producers just decided, <em>We don't know what's going to hit, we have the money, so let's just hire a handful.<strong> </strong></em></p> <p><strong>Traci Bingham:</strong> Donna [D'Errico] &#151; when Pamela left, she thought she was Pamela. Carmen Electra was there, I thought, to replace her....</p> <p><strong>Carmen Electra:</strong> I don't think I was hired as a replacement. I think that we all were. One of the producers either saw me on <em>Singled Out </em>or saw an interview or something that I had done, and they called me into audition. I didn't have an acting coach at the time &#151; it was just spur of the moment.</p> <p><strong>Kelly Packard:</strong> There was a room of Pamela Anderson-looking women. I was like, <em>Why am I in there? They're not going to hire me. </em>Turns out I was the only one there for my part &#151; all those girls were there for the part that Carmen Electra ended up doing.</p> <p><strong>Michael Bergin (J.D. Darius, 1997-1999):</strong> Calvin Klein looked into who was going to replace Marky Mark. I shot two days with Kate Moss, and overnight I became a sensation. My manager sent this poster to the casting directors. It was hard to even get in the door, but I got in because she sent them that poster.&#160;</p> <p><strong>Douglas Schwartz: </strong>We made the mistake as producers sometimes of casting people because of their look. Carmen Electra, Traci Bingham, and Michael Bergin were all examples of that. They would look good in a swimsuit, they can do the action, they could swim. They just, as actors, were not strong enough, so we wouldn't give them big storylines.</p> <p><strong>Traci Bingham:</strong> If you weren't on you're A-game and you weren't in shape and you didn't look right, they were going to get rid of you or they would write you out of scripts, which meant they were <em>going</em> to get rid of you.</p> <p><strong>Susan Glickman:</strong> You can see the theme of what we looked for: gorgeous girls who can slightly act, who have some acting ability.</p> <p><strong>Traci Bingham: </strong>One of the producers had brought me into my trailer because he wanted to see me in person. He asked me to put my red suit on, and he wanted to look at me in the swimsuit. I don't know if it was a sexual thing or a sexual-harassment type of deal, which I felt it was because he was looking at my breasts. He wanted to know what the deal was with my breasts. He wanted to know if I was padding my suit. He kind of, like, touched under my breasts. I felt sexually harassed by one of the producers.</p> <p><strong>Douglas Schwartz: </strong>Greg never had fame. He was just a lifeguard making 12 bucks an hour being a lifeguard &#151; that's what he did. We gave him an enormous opportunity to be an executive producer and director on his own television show, and he was never really appreciative &#151; fame went to his head.</p> <div style="width: 240px; margin-bottom: 5px; margin-right: 5px; float: left;"><img src="/web/20140301062417im_/" alt=""/> <span style="font-weight: bold; color: #545454; font-size: 9px;">Producer Greg Bonann did not respond to multiple requests for comment, referring specific questions about his role in the show as it concerns body image to his 2000 book.</span></div> <div style="margin-right: 5px; float: left;"><img src="/web/20140301062417im_/" alt=""/></div> <p><strong>Traci Bingham:</strong> <em>Playboy</em> actually approached me before I was on <em>Baywatch</em>. I was getting ready to do the spread. They had asked me not to do it while I was on the show, and I said, <em>Are you joking?</em> And this is the same producer that wrote that book, maybe the same producer that may have been sexually expressive, if you will. This producer, Greg Bonann, I thought how could you have a show like <em>Baywatch</em> &#151; everyone on <em>Baywatch</em> has pretty much been in <em>Playboy</em> &#151; and you're telling me you don't want my <em>Playboy</em> spread to come out while I'm on the show? He wanted me the classy black girl: <i>Just shut up and put up and do what we say.</i> Before the show ended, I did pose for <em>Playboy</em> and many times after.</p> <p><strong>Michael Berk:</strong> We encouraged her to do <em>Playboy</em>. Traci did <em>Playboy</em>. Traci was never not allowed to do it.</p> <p><em>("Skimpy suits tend to reveal breasts and buttocks," Bonann writes in his book, to which he referred all personal questions after declining multiple interviews and written questions. "We are depicting the real people found on our beaches.... Unlike many other shows, we give our women characters something to do besides standing around like mannequins.")</em></p> <p><strong>Traci Bingham:</strong> Everyone was vying for the spotlight. We had competition for that because everyone was worried about their jobs because at one point the cast was grouped to 14 to 16 series regulars. So everyone was threatened, everyone knew that if you didn't get a lot of TV time and you weren't perfecting your role, you were going to get fired. Because at one point they were firing everybody.</p> <p><strong>Michael Berk:</strong> We had made the mistake of casting too many people the year before &#151; people were getting confused. Donna D'Ericco looked a little like Gena Lee Nolin and people couldn't tell the characters apart sometimes. There were a lot of blondes at one time!&#160;</p> <h2><br/>"It Had Just Gotten Toxic"</h2> <p><img src="/web/20140301062417im_/" alt=""/></p> <p><span style="color: #545454; font-size: 9px;">Everett Collection</span></p> <p style="line-height: 120%;"><span style="font-weight: bold; color: #545454; font-size: 9px;">"Some people had their fame, some people have gone on to get their fame, and pretty much everybody else has been snuffed," says Jeremy Jackson, below. "Snuffed out and snubbed."</span></p> <div style="margin-right: 5px; float: left;"><img src="/web/20140301062417im_/" alt=""/></div> <p><strong>Jeremy Jackson:</strong> I was ten. I was ten years old when I started. I quit just before my eighteenth birthday. I was partying so much, I passed on a lot of really big movie offers, and rather than cleaning up my act, I decided to say screw it all and go further into the dark side. I started snorting a lot, drinking a lot, using. Kind of the classic Hollywood teen-idol story. It was kind of actually a big blowup on the set where I quit in the middle of a filming day.<strong><br/> <br/> Kelly Packard:</strong> I really felt bad for Jeremy because he didn't have a ground to pull on.<strong> </strong>He kind of got lost and that is so easy to do, especially on a show like <em>Baywatch</em>.<strong><br/> <br/> Jeremy Jackson:</strong> I wouldn't get high while I was working, but on this particular day I<strong> </strong>was pretty much going through withdrawals and coming down. I was really tired and I<strong> </strong>couldn't perform and people were noticing and people were asking, <em>Hey, dude, are you</em><strong> </strong><em>okay? What's wrong with you?</em> And David was getting really frustrated with me because<strong> </strong>I wasn't remembering my lines and I was just not there. He kind of called me out on<strong> </strong>it: <em>What's wrong with you, dude? Are you smoking pot or something? </em>It was pretty<strong> </strong>embarrassing. So rather than tell the truth or admit<strong> </strong>defeat or whatever, I just said, <em>Fuck you, I'm out of here. Fuck all you guys, I don't need</em><strong> </strong><em>you</em>. And I just went full-blown with the party-guy, wild, drug lifestyle.<strong><br/> <br/> Douglas Schwartz:</strong> That became a big problem again with Jeremy. It was the same thing with all the child actors that you hear about &#151; he had a singing career, he was a dancer, he had done an album....<strong><br/> <br/> Jeremy Jackson:</strong> I was going through puberty. There was a little bit of emotional abuse<strong> </strong>going on there about me growing up, looking different, getting chubby, getting a big<strong> </strong>nose, breaking out. I was kind of being battered a little bit emotionally.<strong><br/> <br/> Gena Lee Nolin:</strong> I remember just being so terrified of the whole experience and<strong> </strong>after the first year, I went in to the producers and I said, <em>I quit</em>.... They wouldn't let<strong> </strong>me quit. They're like, <em>Nope</em>. Michael Berk said, <em>No way, you're not quitting, we're</em><strong><em> </em></strong><em>going to figure this out.</em> And sure enough I came back the next season and my<strong> </strong>character was extremely popular.<strong><br/> <br/> Douglas Schwartz:</strong> Gena Lee Nolin was afraid of acting and neurotic and crazy, and yet she was popular we would try to bring her up in her acting skills.... We had one issue with Yasmine Bleeth, who was doing<strong> </strong>drugs at the time, and so we were dealing with Yasmine not showing up and<strong> </strong>having difficulties, again with men. That's why we let Yasmine go off the show:<strong> </strong>because it was too difficult to deal with her after awhile.<strong><br/> <br/> Traci Bingham:</strong> Yasmine Bleeth and the whole cocaine thing, who does that?<strong> </strong>Really? To the point where she's so out of the business now. Completely M.I.A.<strong><br/> <br/> Michael Berk:</strong> Yasmine basically retired. She ended up getting into some drug<strong><br/> </strong>problems but meeting a guy in drug rehab,<strong> </strong>and she's basically retired. I know she gets offers that she turns down. She was<strong> </strong>an actress at the time she was a little girl, she was very smart with her money<strong>, </strong>and I think she invested well.<strong><br/> <br/> </strong><em>(Calls to phone numbers listed for Yasmine Bleeth and husband Paul Cerrito at residences in Los Angeles and Scottsdale, Arizona, were not returned. Of the other principle actresses, Donna D'Errico declined to be interviewed. In an e-mail, D'Errico told of her plans to climb Mount Ararat to search for Noah's Arc. "That is a very personal and religious journey for me," she wrote. "I don't want people to always just see me in the context of having been on </em>Baywatch<em>." The trip was reportedly canceled over safety concerns.)</em></p> <p><strong>Carmen Electra:</strong> People may have gotten fired and some people quit. I think<strong> </strong>there was just a lot going on, and I remember calling my agent and I just didn't<strong> </strong>feel that it was right for me. And so I quit.<strong><br/> <br/> Douglas Schwartz: </strong>We had other actors that just couldn't act. People were shocked that we let Carmen Electra go off the show, but we just couldn't cope with directing her in another episode.<strong><br/> <br/> Carmen Electra:</strong> I had some personal things going on in my life as well. My mom was sick with cancer. She'd been two years, maybe a year and a half, with cancer &#151; a brain tumor. I remember it was a weekend and <em>Singled Out</em> was done for that season, and I was mainly just shooting <em>Baywatch</em> and we were getting SCUBA-certified, so we had to go in on Saturdays and take SCUBA lessons.My mom called and I guess her tumor came back after chemo and surgery and everything, and she wanted me to come home. I could've gone because I had Friday off, and I went in and asked &#151; I was just going to go for two days &#151; and they said no. That really hurt my feelings a lot.<strong><br/> <br/> Michael Berk:</strong> We had what I guess became like Black Friday where we actually<strong> </strong>had to fire &#151; we didn't pick up the contracts of six or seven of those actors.<strong><br/> <br/> Jeremy Jackson:</strong> The show had really lost its substance and some of the producers<strong> </strong>were just really more interested in bringing on lots of new super-hot chicks, kind of trying<strong> </strong>to find the new Pam and it had just gotten kind of toxic.<strong><br/> <br/> Susan Glickman:</strong> Casting directors can only advise and present people, but if<strong> </strong>the producers and directors decide they want to hire somebody else, it's their<strong> </strong>prerogative.<strong><br/> <br/> Traci Bingham:</strong> Everyone was just cut off the show, and then it moved to Hawaii<strong> </strong>where, to me, it wasn't <em>Baywatch</em> &#151; it was just a bunch of new people running on<strong> </strong>the beach in a yellow suit. To me, once Pamela left, it wasn't <em>Baywatch</em> anymore.</p></p> <!-- begin viral toolbar --> <!-- Start ContentViralTools Top--> <div class="viral_tools bottom article"> <!-- Start Email Button --> <div class="viral_button left emailButton" htrack="emailBot"> <a id="ck_email_7612924_b" class="chicklet" href="javascript:mailPage();"><span st_page="send"></span></a> </div> <!-- End Email Button --> <!-- Start Print Button --> <div class="viral_button left printButton" htrack="printBot"> <a id="baywatch-cast-4"> </a> </div> <!-- End Print Button --> <div class="xs_viral_button_b left plusone"><g:plusone callback="plusone_vote" size="medium" count="false" href=""></g:plusone></div> <!--Start Pinterest Button--> <div class="xs_viral_button_t left pin" htrack="pinBot"> <div id="xs_soc_pinit" hvtnode="pinbutton"><a href=";description=<i>Baywatch</i>: The Oral History&amp;media=" class="pin-it-button" count-layout="none" target="_blank"><img border="0" src="//" title="Pin It"/></a></div> 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