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Add new ones to [[Wikidata:Do not merge/15]]. __NOINDEX__ #[[Q28019731]] ([[:fr:Baymax]]) and [[Q16839317]] ([[:en:Baymax]]) #[[Q2883792]] ([[:fr:Barambo]]) and [[Q28224535]] ([[:en:Barambo]]) #[[Q2880313]] ([[:fr:Bakor]]) and [[Q2765691]] ([[:en:Bakor]]) #[[Q28086678]] ([[:fr:Anthony Joseph]]) and [[Q4772848]] ([[:en:Anthony Joseph]]) #[[Q19757893]] ([[:fr:Aphyocheirodon]]) and [[Q6416818]] ([[:en:Aphyocheirodon]]) #[[Q1902744]] ([[:fr:Apistops]]) and [[Q1532515]] ([[:en:Apistops]]) #[[Q2868632]] ([[:fr:Astynome]]) and [[Q12748550]] ([[:en:Astynome]]) #[[Q28746310]] ([[:fr:Anthony Cheung]]) and [[Q4772260]] ([[:en:Anthony Cheung]]) #[[Q2850088]] ([[:fr:Animo]]) and [[Q28130176]] ([[:en:Animo]]) #[[Q242835]] ([[:fr:Amphion]]) and [[Q21560738]] ([[:en:Amphion]]) #[[Q17149773]] ([[:fr:Allow Me to Reintroduce Myself]]) and [[Q28036143]] ([[:en:Allow Me to Reintroduce Myself]]) #[[Q2822518]] ([[:fr:Acanthocharax]]) and [[Q6416808]] ([[:en:Acanthocharax]]) #[[Q28040714]] ([[:fr:Acul]]) and [[Q4677872]] ([[:en:Acul]]) #[[Q18695762]] ([[:ca:Bar Sport]]) and [[Q3634478]] ([[:en:Bar Sport]]) #[[Q11913741]] ([[:ca:Château Margaux]]) and [[Q1063236]] ([[:en:Château Margaux]]) #[[Q11913803]] ([[:ca:Cinc Camins]]) and [[Q5120179]] ([[:en:Cinc Camins]]) #[[Q15914020]] ([[:zh:行政執行法]]) and [[Q11626093]] ([[:ja:行政執行法]]) #[[Q11481425]] ([[:gan:常樂寺]]) and [[Q21018123]] ([[:zh:常樂寺]]) #[[Q11167416]] ([[:fi:Abdullah Ali]]) and [[Q24450211]] ([[:en:Abdullah Ali]]) #[[Q26211798]] ([[:fi:Adam Fox]]) and [[Q349355]] ([[:en:Adam Fox]]) #[[Q26056270]] ([[:fi:Aliyu Abubakar]]) and [[Q4727549]] ([[:en:Aliyu Abubakar]]) #[[Q26198075]] ([[:fi:Anders Jansson]]) and [[Q4753826]] ([[:en:Anders Jansson]]) #[[Q26723790]] ([[:fi:Bad Bad Boy]]) and [[Q17000882]] ([[:en:Bad Bad Boy]]) #[[Q26849129]] ([[:fi:Beautiful Dreams]]) and [[Q4877711]] ([[:en:Beautiful Dreams]]) #[[Q11854285]] ([[:fi:Birger Andersson]]) and [[Q2904458]] ([[:en:Birger Andersson]]) #[[Q23045547]] ([[:fi:Blast of Silence]]) and [[Q1347905]] ([[:en:Blast of Silence]]) #[[Q20916194]] ([[:fi:Bongo Rock]]) and [[Q16844334]] ([[:en:Bongo Rock]]) #[[Q1140787]] ([[:fi:CS M'saken]]) and [[Q22666951]] ([[:en:CS M'saken]]) #[[Q20916882]] ([[:fi:Carrying a Torch]]) and [[Q5046827]] ([[:en:Carrying a Torch]]) #[[Q5584481]] ([[:fi:Erik Brahe]]) and [[Q5584485]] ([[:en:Erik Brahe]]) #[[Q11858165]] ([[:fi:Erik Lindström]]) and [[Q11967735]] ([[:en:Erik Lindström]]) #[[Q11858775]] ([[:fi:Esperanza Diaz]]) and [[Q5398889]] ([[:en:Esperanza Diaz]]) #[[Q26824963]] ([[:fi:Evans Mensah]]) and [[Q5415936]] ([[:en:Evans Mensah]]) #[[Q11859249]] ([[:fi:Eyesight to the Blind]]) and [[Q3062771]] ([[:en:Eyesight to the Blind]]) #[[Q11859363]] ([[:fi:Family Meeting]]) and [[Q5433189]] ([[:en:Family Meeting]]) #[[Q11859704]] ([[:fi:First Affair]]) and [[Q5452249]] ([[:en:First Affair]]) #[[Q26707471]] ([[:fi:Five Long Years]]) and [[Q5456001]] ([[:en:Five Long Years]]) #[[Q23674467]] ([[:fi:Food for the Gods]]) and [[Q5465481]] ([[:en:Food for the Gods]]) #[[Q23755722]] ([[:fi:For Children]]) and [[Q714970]] ([[:en:For Children]]) #[[Q28031105]] ([[:fi:For Crying Out Loud]]) and [[Q5466697]] ([[:en:For Crying Out Loud]]) #[[Q11859807]] ([[:fi:Forever Endeavour]]) and [[Q17090143]] ([[:en:Forever Endeavour]]) #[[Q14325630]] ([[:fi:Francesco Imberti]]) and [[Q687433]] ([[:en:Francesco Imberti]]) #[[Q11859884]] ([[:fi:Francis Chan]]) and [[Q5480468]] ([[:en:Francis Chan]]) #[[Q11860008]] ([[:fi:Frederick Boyle]]) and [[Q5497402]] ([[:en:Frederick Boyle]]) #[[Q11860107]] ([[:fi:Fritt Folk]]) and [[Q4588916]] ([[:en:Fritt Folk]]) #[[Q11860306]] ([[:fi:Gary Williams]]) and [[Q3758560]] ([[:en:Gary Williams]]) #[[Q13815005]] ([[:fi:Giovanni Battista Parodi]]) and [[Q5563742]] ([[:en:Giovanni Battista Parodi]]) #[[Q1243727]] ([[:fi:Giovanni Giudici]]) and [[Q554860]] ([[:en:Giovanni Giudici]]) #[[Q13420419]] ([[:fi:Giuseppe Battaglia]]) and [[Q27841682]] ([[:en:Giuseppe Battaglia]]) #[[Q1711387]] ([[:fi:Golden Cap]]) and [[Q5579263]] ([[:en:Golden Cap]]) #[[Q11860565]] ([[:fi:Golden Void]]) and [[Q16839568]] ([[:en:Golden Void]]) #[[Q9001420]] ([[:fi:Guitar Heroes]]) and [[Q5616742]] ([[:en:Guitar Heroes]]) #[[Q18688558]] ([[:fi:Gunnar Nylund]]) and [[Q5619093]] ([[:en:Gunnar Nylund]]) #[[Q11860765]] ([[:fi:Gunnar Öhman]]) and [[Q6256712]] ([[:en:Gunnar Öhman]]) #[[Q27122064]] ([[:fi:Gustaf Nyholm]]) and [[Q1092429]] ([[:en:Gustaf Nyholm]]) #[[Q18659882]] ([[:fi:Göran Karlsson]]) and [[Q11973506]] ([[:en:Göran Karlsson]]) #[[Q18658741]] ([[:fi:Gösta Eriksson]]) and [[Q376829]] ([[:en:Gösta Eriksson]]) #[[Q13417834]] ([[:fi:HC Nové Zámky]]) and [[Q3124881]] ([[:en:HC Nové Zámky]]) #[[Q22137351]] ([[:fi:Hamburger Börs]]) and [[Q3126365]] ([[:en:Hamburger Börs]]) #[[Q16299401]] ([[:fi:Hanna Jensen]]) and [[Q20667495]] ([[:en:Hanna Jensen]]) #[[Q5404738]] ([[:fi:Hanna Lindberg]]) and [[Q4989070]] ([[:en:Hanna Lindberg]]) #[[Q26220489]] ([[:fi:Hans Krieger]]) and [[Q96730]] ([[:en:Hans Krieger]]) #[[Q11861822]] ([[:fi:Heikki Hietanen]]) and [[Q27178715]] ([[:en:Heikki Hietanen]]) #[[Q11862025]] ([[:fi:Helge Johansson]]) and [[Q3494422]] ([[:en:Helge Johansson]]) #[[Q16297956]] ([[:fi:Henry Bacon]]) and [[Q2530379]] ([[:en:Henry Bacon]]) #[[Q20919580]] ([[:fi:Hold on to Love]]) and [[Q16252854]] ([[:en:Hold on to Love]]) #[[Q18689844]] ([[:fi:How Much More]]) and [[Q5918020]] ([[:en:How Much More]]) #[[Q11863691]] ([[:fi:Howard Jacobs]]) and [[Q5919985]] ([[:en:Howard Jacobs]]) #[[Q11863704]] ([[:fi:Huan Jing]]) and [[Q25513853]] ([[:en:Huan Jing]]) #[[Q20916232]] ([[:fi:Heart of Light]]) and [[Q1757030]] ([[:en:Heart of Light]]) #[[Q18677366]] ([[:fi:How I Won the War]]) and [[Q117090]] ([[:en:How I Won the War]]) #[[Q3792355]] ([[:fi:Ignazio Messina]]) and [[Q3792354]] ([[:en:Ignazio Messina]]) #[[Q20916246]] ([[:fi:In the Absence of Light]]) and [[Q9008223]] ([[:en:In the Absence of Light]]) #[[Q11865832]] ([[:fi:James Fergus]]) and [[Q6133832]] ([[:en:James Fergus]]) 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[[Q924563]] ([[:en:Kim Seong-eun]]) #[[Q21656196]] ([[:fi:Kirill Romanov]]) and [[Q10486510]] ([[:en:Kirill Romanov]]) #[[Q16338148]] ([[:fi:Knut Johansson]]) and [[Q15998400]] ([[:en:Knut Johansson]]) #[[Q11873022]] ([[:fi:Krister Holmberg]]) and [[Q21836434]] ([[:en:Krister Holmberg]]) #[[Q16338192]] ([[:fi:Kurt Martin]]) and [[Q1793847]] ([[:en:Kurt Martin]]) #[[Q18706442]] ([[:fi:Kyle Lewis]]) and [[Q6451269]] ([[:en:Kyle Lewis]]) #[[Q18688438]] ([[:fi:Lars Haglund]]) and [[Q5782560]] ([[:en:Lars Haglund]]) #[[Q20645972]] ([[:fi:Lasse Sørensen]]) and [[Q6493947]] ([[:en:Lasse Sørensen]]) #[[Q27653724]] ([[:fi:Lauri Halonen]]) and [[Q15999595]] ([[:en:Lauri Halonen]]) #[[Q18706520]] ([[:fi:Lawrence Wright]]) and [[Q353893]] ([[:en:Lawrence Wright]]) #[[Q3374448]] ([[:fi:Leif Jakobsson]]) and [[Q3373340]] ([[:en:Leif Jakobsson]]) #[[Q18688434]] ([[:fi:Lennart Ginman]]) and [[Q1763871]] ([[:en:Lennart Ginman]]) #[[Q11347863]] ([[:fi:Leon Taylor]]) and [[Q517281]] ([[:en:Leon Taylor]]) #[[Q4354891]] ([[:fi:Leonid Sobolev]]) and [[Q739876]] ([[:en:Leonid Sobolev]]) #[[Q11875937]] ([[:fi:Linda Steiner]]) and [[Q22569655]] ([[:en:Linda Steiner]]) #[[Q11876069]] ([[:fi:Little Mary Mixup]]) and [[Q6650869]] ([[:en:Little Mary Mixup]]) #[[Q11876208]] ([[:fi:Lonely Blue Boy]]) and [[Q6671578]] ([[:en:Lonely Blue Boy]]) #[[Q11876309]] ([[:fi:Love & Devotion]]) and [[Q18162106]] ([[:en:Love & Devotion]]) #[[Q18679773]] ([[:fi:Love Connection]]) and [[Q3264149]] ([[:en:Love Connection]]) #[[Q11876318]] ([[:fi:Love Is...]]) and [[Q20888793]] ([[:en:Love Is...]]) #[[Q11876314]] ([[:fi:Love for the Streets]]) and [[Q1769178]] ([[:en:Love for the Streets]]) #[[Q11876316]] ([[:fi:Love or Nothing]]) and [[Q11229555]] ([[:en:Love or Nothing]]) #[[Q20257465]] ([[:fi:Ludvig Lindström]]) and [[Q6699109]] ([[:en:Ludvig Lindström]]) #[[Q556237]] ([[:fi:Luigi Moretti]]) and [[Q1876230]] ([[:en:Luigi Moretti]]) #[[Q3840212]] ([[:fi:Luigi Tosi]]) and [[Q3266555]] ([[:en:Luigi Tosi]]) #[[Q11879752]] ([[:fi:Luis Salgado]]) and [[Q11764165]] ([[:en:Luis Salgado]]) #[[Q16169890]] ([[:fi:Luis de Figueroa]]) and [[Q23612115]] ([[:en:Luis de Figueroa]]) #[[Q20916287]] ([[:fi:Lunar Jetman]]) and [[Q6703669]] ([[:en:Lunar Jetman]]) #[[Q11879958]] ([[:fi:László Boros]]) and [[Q6710648]] ([[:en:László Boros]]) #[[Q23056504]] ([[:en:Radkovec]]) and [[Q12048607]] ([[:cs:Radkovec]]) #[[Q16676472]] ([[:en:Sergej Nikitin]]) and [[Q16601034]] ([[:cs:Sergej Nikitin]]) #[[Q18044725]] ([[:en:Tibor Magyar]]) and [[Q27967595]] ([[:cs:Tibor Magyar]]) #[[Q355145]] ([[:en:Timekeeper]]) and [[Q25927531]] ([[:cs:Timekeeper]]) #[[Q7820605]] ([[:en:Tomáš Křivánek]]) and [[Q27914574]] ([[:cs:Tomáš Křivánek]]) #[[Q7929075]] ([[:en:Vij]]) and [[Q1055822]] ([[:cs:Vij]]) #[[Q20002692]] ([[:en:Wall of Noise]]) and [[Q25997914]] ([[:cs:Wall of Noise]]) #[[Q27832760]] ([[:en:Wilfredo García]]) and [[Q1680680]] ([[:cs:Wilfredo García]]) #[[Q8038951]] ([[:en:Wu Ping]]) and [[Q10919020]] ([[:cs:Wu Ping]]) #[[Q402344]] ([[:de:Ahoj]]) and [[Q10722087]] ([[:sk:Ahoj]]) #[[Q808509]] ([[:de:Barnov]]) and [[Q12762944]] ([[:sk:Barnov]]) #[[Q257176]] ([[:de:Benigna]]) and [[Q1161837]] ([[:sk:Benigna]]) #[[Q863488]] ([[:de:Bina]]) and [[Q3492942]] ([[:sk:Bina]]) #[[Q26262604]] ([[:fi:A Little More]]) and [[Q21539833]] ([[:en:A Little More]]) #[[Q18701577]] ([[:fi:I Just Wanna]]) and [[Q2814170]] ([[:en:I Just Wanna]]) #[[Q11881507]] ([[:fi:Mats Hansson]]) and [[Q6787952]] ([[:en:Mats Hansson]]) #[[Q11881851]] ([[:fi:Max Jensen]]) and [[Q138043]] ([[:en:Max Jensen]]) #[[Q11881850]] ([[:fi:Max Krook]]) and [[Q6794949]] ([[:en:Max Krook]]) #[[Q3304516]] ([[:fi:Mehdi Marzouki]]) and [[Q24209056]] ([[:en:Mehdi Marzouki]]) #[[Q11882367]] ([[:fi:Michael Franck]]) and [[Q1927447]] ([[:en:Michael Franck]]) #[[Q11882370]] ([[:fi:Michael Hofmann]]) and [[Q101170]] ([[:en:Michael Hofmann]]) #[[Q11778366]] ([[:fi:Michael Khodarkovsky]]) and [[Q6831864]] ([[:en:Michael Khodarkovsky]]) #[[Q103387]] ([[:fi:Michael Meier]]) and [[Q24005662]] ([[:en:Michael Meier]]) #[[Q4357924]] ([[:fi:Mihail Petrov]]) and [[Q10496444]] ([[:en:Mihail Petrov]]) #[[Q18688546]] ([[:fi:Mika Mäkelä]]) and [[Q6845530]] ([[:en:Mika Mäkelä]]) #[[Q5402166]] ([[:fi:Mikael Söderman]]) and [[Q26689613]] ([[:en:Mikael Söderman]]) #[[Q16338295]] ([[:fi:Mikko Tuomi]]) and [[Q27983581]] ([[:en:Mikko Tuomi]]) #[[Q11883295]] ([[:fi:Moussa Diallo]]) and [[Q26252979]] ([[:en:Moussa Diallo]]) #[[Q11884058]] ([[:fi:Natural Boogie]]) and [[Q6980438]] ([[:en:Natural Boogie]]) #[[Q11884067]] ([[:fi:Naum Levin]]) and [[Q16093921]] ([[:en:Naum Levin]]) #[[Q20916311]] ([[:fi:New Day Rising]]) and [[Q1754295]] ([[:en:New Day Rising]]) #[[Q10799542]] ([[:fi:Nguyễn Thành Trung]]) and [[Q7023110]] ([[:en:Nguyễn Thành Trung]]) #[[Q11884306]] ([[:fi:Nick Davies]]) and [[Q7026991]] ([[:en:Nick Davies]]) #[[Q18680367]] ([[:fi:Night on Fire]]) and [[Q7033740]] ([[:en:Night on Fire]]) #[[Q473276]] ([[:fi:Nikolai Nikitin]]) and [[Q1372731]] ([[:en:Nikolai Nikitin]]) #[[Q16299088]] ([[:fi:Nils Holm]]) and [[Q7037302]] ([[:en:Nils Holm]]) #[[Q5399874]] ([[:fi:Norman Glacier]]) and [[Q7052272]] ([[:en:Norman Glacier]]) #[[Q18678004]] ([[:fi:Nuclear Blues]]) and [[Q6046190]] ([[:en:Nuclear Blues]]) #[[Q18678005]] ([[:fi:Nuclear Death]]) and [[Q976916]] ([[:en:Nuclear Death]]) #[[Q11884981]] ([[:fi:Nylon Moon]]) and [[Q3879978]] ([[:en:Nylon Moon]]) #[[Q18661067]] ([[:fi:Olo n:o 22]]) and [[Q3351528]] ([[:en:Olo n:o 22]]) #[[Q18680377]] ([[:fi:On the Rebound]]) and [[Q17042666]] ([[:en:On the Rebound]]) #[[Q11885554]] ([[:fi:One Step Further]]) and [[Q17111328]] ([[:en:One Step Further]]) #[[Q20919604]] ([[:fi:Ooo La La La]]) and [[Q7095373]] ([[:en:Ooo La La La]]) #[[Q18688519]] ([[:fi:Oscar Lindelöf]]) and [[Q16013027]] ([[:en:Oscar Lindelöf]]) #[[Q18960470]] ([[:fi:Oscar Nelson]]) and [[Q7106155]] ([[:en:Oscar Nelson]]) #[[Q11885839]] ([[:fi:Oscar Soria]]) and [[Q16215110]] ([[:en:Oscar Soria]]) #[[Q11885848]] ([[:fi:Oskar Johansson]]) and [[Q7106921]] ([[:en:Oskar Johansson]]) #[[Q3358525]] ([[:fi:Oussama Boughanmi]]) and [[Q3358542]] ([[:en:Oussama Boughanmi]]) #[[Q20916333]] ([[:fi:Out of Darkness]]) and [[Q7111530]] ([[:en:Out of Darkness]]) #[[Q11886185]] ([[:fi:Owen Price]]) and [[Q7114603]] ([[:en:Owen Price]]) #[[Q11886294]] ([[:fi:Paavo Paajanen]]) and [[Q16847359]] ([[:en:Paavo Paajanen]]) #[[Q11886338]] ([[:fi:Paco Rodriguez]]) and [[Q3499269]] ([[:en:Paco Rodriguez]]) #[[Q166968]] ([[:fi:Panorama Tower]]) and [[Q4547246]] ([[:en:Panorama Tower]]) #[[Q11886844]] ([[:fi:Passionworks]]) and [[Q1943702]] ([[:en:Passionworks]]) #[[Q5406559]] ([[:fi:Paul Olsson]]) and [[Q20646252]] ([[:en:Paul Olsson]]) #[[Q18688618]] ([[:fi:Paul Sievert]]) and [[Q1584401]] ([[:en:Paul Sievert]]) #[[Q4336702]] ([[:fi:Pavel Orlov]]) and [[Q7155715]] ([[:en:Pavel Orlov]]) #[[Q23809198]] ([[:fi:Penny Arcade]]) and [[Q2069159]] ([[:en:Penny Arcade]]) #[[Q18706505]] ([[:fi:Pete Sears]]) and [[Q3376401]] ([[:en:Pete Sears]]) #[[Q11887713]] ([[:fi:Peter Lerche]]) and [[Q103650]] ([[:en:Peter Lerche]]) #[[Q11887721]] ([[:fi:Peter Lund]]) and [[Q107208]] ([[:en:Peter Lund]]) #[[Q18706514]] ([[:fi:Peter West]]) and [[Q7177658]] ([[:en:Peter West]]) #[[Q5394755]] ([[:fi:Petri Salo]]) and [[Q7178772]] ([[:en:Petri Salo]]) #[[Q11887874]] ([[:fi:Phil Cummings]]) and [[Q7181819]] ([[:en:Phil Cummings]]) #[[Q11887882]] ([[:fi:Philip Morton]]) and [[Q15979238]] ([[:en:Philip Morton]]) #[[Q11709956]] ([[:fi:Point of Impact]]) and [[Q1659347]] ([[:en:Point of Impact]]) #[[Q11888740]] ([[:fi:Port Caledonia]]) and [[Q7230523]] ([[:en:Port Caledonia]]) #[[Q11888852]] ([[:fi:Private Case]]) and [[Q7246052]] ([[:en:Private Case]]) #[[Q11889668]] ([[:fi:Radio On]]) and [[Q3416779]] ([[:en:Radio On]]) #[[Q20257424]] ([[:fi:Ragnar Ekberg]]) and [[Q5629342]] ([[:en:Ragnar Ekberg]]) #[[Q18680401]] ([[:fi:Push Play]]) and [[Q9064903]] ([[:en:Push Play]]) #[[Q5408665]] ([[:fi:Ray Cunningham]]) and [[Q7297374]] ([[:en:Ray Cunningham]]) #[[Q751601]] ([[:de:Camac]]) and [[Q3323127]] ([[:sk:Camac]]) #[[Q1032806]] ([[:de:Canapé]]) and [[Q1951477]] ([[:sk:Canapé]]) #[[Q1033020]] ([[:de:Cando]]) and [[Q2530701]] ([[:sk:Cando]]) #[[Q730776]] ([[:de:Carani]]) and [[Q4503131]] ([[:sk:Carani]]) #[[Q1061975]] ([[:de:Changes]]) and [[Q15905567]] ([[:sk:Changes]]) #[[Q162758]] ([[:de:Come Out and Play]]) and [[Q2400922]] ([[:sk:Come Out and Play]]) #[[Q27013121]] ([[:sv:Húsafell]]) and [[Q1026861]] ([[:nl:Húsafell]]) #[[Q27016205]] ([[:sv:Stykkishólmsbær]]) and [[Q1798358]] ([[:nl:Stykkishólmsbær]]) #[[Q25176581]] ([[:sv:Alue Baro]]) and [[Q12471557]] ([[:nl:Alue Baro]]) #[[Q333847]] ([[:de:David Steel]]) and [[Q12764404]] ([[:sk:David Steel]]) #[[Q21005558]] ([[:de:Daya]]) and [[Q28048882]] ([[:sk:Daya]]) #[[Q1200681]] ([[:de:Designation]]) and [[Q13406943]] ([[:sk:Designation]]) #[[Q1235073]] ([[:de:Doktor Martin]]) and [[Q17490542]] ([[:sk:Doktor Martin]]) #[[Q12857738]] ([[:simple:Aurangzeb Khan]]) and [[Q28059646]] ([[:en:Aurangzeb Khan]]) #[[Q26424006]] ([[:simple:Salvation]]) and [[Q192054]] ([[:en:Salvation]]) #[[Q11526784]] ([[:simple:Takashi Azuma]]) and [[Q4057557]] ([[:en:Takashi Azuma]]) #[[Q7810469]] ([[:simple:Tiwana]]) and [[Q25114502]] ([[:en:Tiwana]]) #[[Q11644190]] ([[:simple:Yuki Sakai]]) and [[Q17158636]] ([[:en:Yuki Sakai]]) #[[Q1157925]] ([[:de:Dalibor]]) and [[Q26775414]] ([[:sk:Dalibor]]) #[[Q1334017]] ([[:de:Eltanin]]) and [[Q23929668]] ([[:sk:Eltanin]]) #[[Q24175927]] ([[:de:Emanuel Hermann]]) and [[Q12765302]] ([[:sk:Emanuel Hermann]]) #[[Q1336156]] ([[:de:Emil Göllner]]) and [[Q12765323]] ([[:sk:Emil Göllner]]) #[[Q18121477]] ([[:de:Emily]]) and [[Q12765347]] ([[:sk:Emily]]) #[[Q1375203]] ([[:de:Europa 2]]) and [[Q9256220]] ([[:sk:Europa 2]]) #[[Q20017330]] ([[:sv:Adios Amigos]]) and [[Q27526166]] ([[:nl:Adios Amigos]]) #[[Q18706498]] ([[:fi:Reto Müller]]) and [[Q26899298]] ([[:en:Reto Müller]]) #[[Q5394804]] ([[:fi:Richard Sahla]]) and [[Q2150497]] ([[:en:Richard Sahla]]) #[[Q11891026]] ([[:fi:Robert Lamoureux]]) and [[Q2671274]] ([[:en:Robert Lamoureux]]) #[[Q5392639]] ([[:fi:Roger Gustafsson]]) and [[Q182996]] ([[:en:Roger Gustafsson]]) #[[Q18706438]] ([[:fi:Ronnie Clark]]) and [[Q7365832]] ([[:en:Ronnie Clark]]) #[[Q11998415]] ([[:fi:Rooster Blues]]) and [[Q325962]] ([[:en:Rooster Blues]]) #[[Q11891322]] ([[:fi:Rudolf Winter]]) and [[Q21934077]] ([[:en:Rudolf Winter]]) #[[Q5412317]] ([[:fi:Ruth Watson]]) and [[Q7383257]] ([[:en:Ruth Watson]]) #[[Q11891534]] ([[:fi:Ryan Owens]]) and [[Q7384404]] ([[:en:Ryan Owens]]) #[[Q11891614]] ([[:fi:S.E.X.]]) and [[Q7387179]] ([[:en:S.E.X.]]) #[[Q11543506]] ([[:fi:Saber Tiger]]) and [[Q2838495]] ([[:en:Saber Tiger]]) #[[Q11892471]] ([[:fi:Sarah Lamb]]) and [[Q7422503]] ([[:en:Sarah Lamb]]) #[[Q11893069]] ([[:fi:Serdar Özkan]]) and [[Q577265]] ([[:en:Serdar Özkan]]) #[[Q4341366]] ([[:fi:Sergei Pavlenko]]) and [[Q4341367]] ([[:en:Sergei Pavlenko]]) #[[Q11893257]] ([[:fi:Shallow Grave]]) and [[Q506032]] ([[:en:Shallow Grave]]) #[[Q11893281]] ([[:fi:Shi Jian]]) and [[Q283828]] ([[:en:Shi Jian]]) #[[Q11893472]] ([[:fi:Sillä siisti]]) and [[Q7515444]] ([[:en:Sillä siisti]]) #[[Q20915973]] ([[:fi:Simon Andersson]]) and [[Q9337041]] ([[:en:Simon Andersson]]) #[[Q19830111]] ([[:fi:Sita Kumari Rai]]) and [[Q24005114]] ([[:en:Sita Kumari Rai]]) #[[Q18678598]] ([[:fi:Snakecharm]]) and [[Q7547155]] ([[:en:Snakecharm]]) #[[Q11894278]] ([[:fi:Space Fury]]) and [[Q7572361]] ([[:en:Space Fury]]) #[[Q20917049]] ([[:fi:Spirit of the Age]]) and [[Q7578020]] ([[:en:Spirit of the Age]]) #[[Q11894360]] ([[:fi:Stairway to the Stars]]) and [[Q7597119]] ([[:en:Stairway to the Stars]]) #[[Q11894368]] ([[:fi:Star Flyer]]) and [[Q3009565]] ([[:en:Star Flyer]]) #[[Q11894367]] ([[:fi:Star Gold]]) and [[Q3631491]] ([[:en:Star Gold]]) #[[Q18678629]] ([[:fi:Steal the Light]]) and [[Q17038492]] ([[:en:Steal the Light]]) #[[Q5495036]] ([[:fi:Steel City]]) and [[Q7605647]] ([[:en:Steel City]]) #[[Q11894429]] ([[:fi:Stephen Lim]]) and [[Q18062197]] ([[:en:Stephen Lim]]) #[[Q11894428]] ([[:fi:Stephen Perkins]]) and [[Q1343669]] ([[:en:Stephen Perkins]]) #[[Q11894431]] ([[:fi:Stephen Whittaker]]) and [[Q7610841]] ([[:en:Stephen Whittaker]]) #[[Q18706519]] ([[:fi:Steve Webb]]) and [[Q264116]] ([[:en:Steve Webb]]) #[[Q26202550]] ([[:fi:Steven Caldwell]]) and [[Q369507]] ([[:en:Steven Caldwell]]) #[[Q18678632]] ([[:fi:Still Burning]]) and [[Q7617013]] ([[:en:Still Burning]]) #[[Q18678633]] ([[:fi:Still Psycho]]) and [[Q7617123]] ([[:en:Still Psycho]]) #[[Q11894485]] ([[:fi:Stoned Love]]) and [[Q2093611]] ([[:en:Stoned Love]]) #[[Q11894525]] ([[:fi:Street Music]]) and [[Q7622888]] ([[:en:Street Music]]) #[[Q11894616]] ([[:fi:Sujit Kumar]]) and [[Q2364052]] ([[:en:Sujit Kumar]]) #[[Q11894701]] ([[:fi:Summer Party]]) and [[Q7637396]] ([[:en:Summer Party]]) #[[Q11894714]] ([[:fi:Sune Carlsson]]) and [[Q7639906]] ([[:en:Sune Carlsson]]) #[[Q11895488]] ([[:fi:Svante Olsson]]) and [[Q7651653]] ([[:en:Svante Olsson]]) #[[Q5957119]] ([[:fi:Sven Lindman]]) and [[Q1371113]] ([[:en:Sven Lindman]]) #[[Q11895545]] ([[:fi:Sweet Desire]]) and [[Q7655271]] ([[:en:Sweet Desire]]) #[[Q11895557]] ([[:fi:Swords of a Thousand Men]]) and [[Q7659355]] ([[:en:Swords of a Thousand Men]]) #[[Q26707480]] ([[:fi:Table for One]]) and [[Q7673201]] ([[:en:Table for One]]) #[[Q11896096]] ([[:fi:Takahiro Tanaka]]) and [[Q7677070]] ([[:en:Takahiro Tanaka]]) #[[Q11897195]] ([[:fi:The Ground]]) and [[Q7738359]] ([[:en:The Ground]]) #[[Q20916393]] ([[:fi:The Hook]]) and [[Q1571413]] ([[:en:The Hook]]) #[[Q18677361]] ([[:fi:The Horse]]) and [[Q7740330]] ([[:en:The Horse]]) #[[Q10695598]] ([[:fi:The Hounds]]) and [[Q7740466]] ([[:en:The Hounds]]) #[[Q11897205]] ([[:fi:The House Without a Name]]) and [[Q7740549]] ([[:en:The House Without a Name]]) #[[Q9358072]] ([[:fi:The Last Embrace]]) and [[Q7745734]] ([[:en:The Last Embrace]]) #[[Q4373827]] ([[:fi:The Last September]]) and [[Q1199395]] ([[:en:The Last September]]) #[[Q18365243]] ([[:fi:The Makings of Me]]) and [[Q730054]] ([[:en:The Makings of Me]]) #[[Q11897251]] ([[:fi:The Milestones]]) and [[Q7751413]] ([[:en:The Milestones]]) #[[Q18511501]] ([[:fi:The Missing Links]]) and [[Q7751733]] ([[:en:The Missing Links]]) #[[Q18690019]] ([[:fi:The Mustangs]]) and [[Q7752792]] ([[:en:The Mustangs]]) #[[Q18690021]] ([[:fi:The Mutants]]) and [[Q619474]] ([[:en:The Mutants]]) #[[Q18690030]] ([[:fi:The Needles]]) and [[Q2281259]] ([[:en:The Needles]]) #[[Q11897262]] ([[:fi:The Opposition]]) and [[Q778826]] ([[:en:The Opposition]]) #[[Q18678114]] ([[:fi:The Pathway]]) and [[Q7756340]] ([[:en:The Pathway]]) #[[Q11897283]] ([[:fi:The Prophecy]]) and [[Q1534001]] ([[:en:The Prophecy]]) #[[Q21187942]] ([[:fi:The Protagonists]]) and [[Q3791194]] ([[:en:The Protagonists]]) #[[Q3988972]] ([[:fi:The Renegades]]) and [[Q3821381]] ([[:en:The Renegades]]) #[[Q5490059]] ([[:fi:The Roosters]]) and [[Q7761498]] ([[:en:The Roosters]]) #[[Q11897314]] ([[:fi:The Souls]]) and [[Q7765384]] ([[:en:The Souls]]) #[[Q11897319]] ([[:fi:The Stalkers]]) and [[Q7766197]] ([[:en:The Stalkers]]) #[[Q11897351]] ([[:fi:The Videosingles]]) and [[Q7772579]] ([[:en:The Videosingles]]) #[[Q18690376]] ([[:fi:The Wicked]]) and [[Q3663758]] ([[:en:The Wicked]]) #[[Q18690306]] ([[:fi:The Zoo]]) and [[Q7776902]] ([[:en:The Zoo]]) #[[Q9358494]] ([[:fi:Thomas Hofer]]) and [[Q27973974]] ([[:en:Thomas Hofer]]) #[[Q23045595]] ([[:fi:Tides of War]]) and [[Q3791395]] ([[:en:Tides of War]]) #[[Q11897799]] ([[:fi:Toby Wright]]) and [[Q7811916]] ([[:en:Toby Wright]]) #[[Q11897939]] ([[:fi:Toivo Ovaska]]) and [[Q7813410]] ([[:en:Toivo Ovaska]]) #[[Q20916739]] ([[:fi:Äijö]]) and [[Q8077041]] ([[:en:Äijö]]) #[[Q11903086]] ([[:fi:Yu Liang]]) and [[Q3267269]] ([[:en:Yu Liang]]) #[[Q11589502]] ([[:fi:Yuji Suzuki]]) and [[Q11648848]] ([[:en:Yuji Suzuki]]) #[[Q18663009]] ([[:fi:Wasa Station]]) and [[Q2898336]] ([[:en:Wasa Station]]) #[[Q17383711]] ([[:fi:William L. Schultz]]) and [[Q24054493]] ([[:en:William L. Schultz]]) #[[Q16298288]] ([[:fi:Vikram Gandhi]]) and [[Q16499742]] ([[:en:Vikram Gandhi]]) #[[Q23988392]] ([[:fi:Vladimir Kramarenko]]) and [[Q7938429]] ([[:en:Vladimir Kramarenko]]) #[[Q9370400]] ([[:fi:Valentina Popova]]) and [[Q2542114]] ([[:en:Valentina Popova]]) #[[Q5483822]] ([[:fi:Uus Maailm]]) and [[Q155155]] ([[:en:Uus Maailm]]) #[[Q4102070]] ([[:fi:Va-Bank]]) and [[Q7907784]] ([[:en:Va-Bank]]) #[[Q11898638]] ([[:fi:Tuomas Rantanen]]) and [[Q7853443]] ([[:en:Tuomas Rantanen]]) #[[Q11898761]] ([[:fi:Turner Glacier]]) and [[Q7855928]] ([[:en:Turner Glacier]]) #[[Q5492703]] ([[:fi:Top Rank]]) and [[Q7824594]] ([[:en:Top Rank]]) #[[Q5403261]] ([[:fi:Tore Johansen]]) and [[Q7825633]] ([[:en:Tore Johansen]]) #[[Q18689244]] ([[:fi:Trans Tech]]) and [[Q7833690]] ([[:en:Trans Tech]]) #[[Q11898377]] ([[:fi:Tristan Jones]]) and [[Q370360]] ([[:en:Tristan Jones]]) #[[Q5672380]] ([[:eu:Ana Casares]]) and [[Q4750334]] ([[:en:Ana Casares]]) #[[Q12253529]] ([[:eu:Andrés Ruiz]]) and [[Q26611933]] ([[:en:Andrés Ruiz]]) #[[Q12253644]] ([[:eu:Antonio Arroyo]]) and [[Q26267565]] ([[:en:Antonio Arroyo]]) #[[Q12255381]] ([[:eu:Blood Wedding]]) and [[Q886624]] ([[:en:Blood Wedding]]) #[[Q12255440]] ([[:eu:Boris Romanov]]) and [[Q18166012]] ([[:en:Boris Romanov]]) #[[Q7694639]] ([[:eu:Borja Pérez]]) and [[Q2679273]] ([[:en:Borja Pérez]]) #[[Q12255860]] ([[:eu:Clear Light]]) and [[Q2917623]] ([[:en:Clear Light]]) #[[Q23955792]] ([[:eu:Darío Gómez]]) and [[Q5226312]] ([[:en:Darío Gómez]]) #[[Q3022773]] ([[:eu:Denis Langlois]]) and [[Q3022776]] ([[:en:Denis Langlois]]) #[[Q3178088]] ([[:eu:Bro Gwened]]) and [[Q2926358]] ([[:en:Bro Gwened]]) #[[Q10474101]] ([[:eu:Disco Volante]]) and [[Q1228510]] ([[:en:Disco Volante]]) #[[Q3312350]] ([[:eu:El Progreso]]) and [[Q2277161]] ([[:en:El Progreso]]) #[[Q16516975]] ([[:eu:El Sitio]]) and [[Q25247820]] ([[:en:El Sitio]]) #[[Q12258083]] ([[:eu:Gabriel Ramos]]) and [[Q16003598]] ([[:en:Gabriel Ramos]]) #[[Q12258776]] ([[:eu:Guiding Light]]) and [[Q1145764]] ([[:en:Guiding Light]]) #[[Q12258952]] ([[:eu:Heart of Steel]]) and [[Q5692354]] ([[:en:Heart of Steel]]) #[[Q14372945]] ([[:eu:Jon Larrinaga]]) and [[Q13975406]] ([[:en:Jon Larrinaga]]) #[[Q9018746]] ([[:eu:La Montaña]]) and [[Q6463955]] ([[:en:La Montaña]]) #[[Q1075548]] ([[:eu:Les Brigades du Tigre]]) and [[Q3088861]] ([[:en:Les Brigades du Tigre]]) #[[Q12262699]] ([[:eu:Luis Sarria]]) and [[Q28059474]] ([[:en:Luis Sarria]]) #[[Q12263283]] ([[:eu:Maya Gold]]) and [[Q6796693]] ([[:en:Maya Gold]]) #[[Q16518407]] ([[:eu:Mundo Nuevo]]) and [[Q17110758]] ([[:en:Mundo Nuevo]]) #[[Q9057765]] ([[:eu:Pedro de Luján]]) and [[Q21931790]] ([[:en:Pedro de Luján]]) #[[Q6113395]] ([[:eu:Rubén Zamora]]) and [[Q7376550]] ([[:en:Rubén Zamora]]) #[[Q12267932]] ([[:eu:The Dirties]]) and [[Q17101080]] ([[:en:The Dirties]]) #[[Q12267944]] ([[:eu:The Morning Dew]]) and [[Q22121776]] ([[:en:The Morning Dew]]) #[[Q9095786]] ([[:eu:West Cross]]) and [[Q16248696]] ([[:en:West Cross]]) #[[Q350869]] ([[:commons:Adam Scott]]) and [[Q201842]] ([[:simple:Adam Scott]]) #[[Q133215]] ([[:commons:Casino]]) and [[Q277624]] ([[:voy:en:Casino]]) #[[Q11063761]] ([[:gl:Dafydd Huws]]) and [[Q13127944]] ([[:en:Dafydd Huws]]) #[[Q21624067]] ([[:gl:Francisco Garmendia]]) and [[Q12257998]] ([[:en:Francisco Garmendia]]) #[[Q27430251]] ([[:gl:Iván Cruz]]) and [[Q6100035]] ([[:en:Iván Cruz]]) #[[Q26971131]] ([[:gl:Jaime Pacheco]]) and [[Q1370368]] ([[:en:Jaime Pacheco]]) #[[Q28031258]] ([[:gl:Joaquín Álvarez Álvarez]]) and [[Q4255906]] ([[:en:Joaquín Álvarez Álvarez]]) #[[Q27587048]] ([[:gl:José Manuel Corral]]) and [[Q16298511]] ([[:en:José Manuel Corral]]) #[[Q27064181]] ([[:gl:La Noche]]) and [[Q6464151]] ([[:en:La Noche]]) #[[Q12392840]] ([[:gl:Manuel Vicente]]) and [[Q973742]] ([[:en:Manuel Vicente]]) #[[Q12392976]] ([[:gl:Marta González]]) and [[Q26236433]] ([[:en:Marta González]]) #[[Q12393007]] ([[:gl:Martín Gómez]]) and [[Q6777791]] ([[:en:Martín Gómez]]) #[[Q12393097]] ([[:gl:Matías Rodríguez]]) and [[Q1910910]] ([[:en:Matías Rodríguez]]) #[[Q12401096]] ([[:gl:Tiago Sousa]]) and [[Q19663254]] ([[:en:Tiago Sousa]]) #[[Q357761]] ([[:gl:Willendorf]]) and [[Q536068]] ([[:en:Willendorf]]) #[[Q12626491]] ([[:hr:Abdul Qayyum Khan]]) and [[Q4665608]] ([[:en:Abdul Qayyum Khan]]) #[[Q112426]] ([[:hr:Alfred Keller]]) and [[Q66199]] ([[:en:Alfred Keller]]) #[[Q12626761]] ([[:hr:Alison Grant]]) and [[Q4727084]] ([[:en:Alison Grant]]) #[[Q17865689]] ([[:hr:Andrea Feldman]]) and [[Q3296754]] ([[:en:Andrea Feldman]]) #[[Q12626954]] ([[:hr:Anna Lee]]) and [[Q460474]] ([[:en:Anna Lee]]) #[[Q16111698]] ([[:hr:Ante Puljić]]) and [[Q3618392]] ([[:en:Ante Puljić]]) #[[Q12627018]] ([[:hr:Ante Rožić]]) and [[Q511258]] ([[:en:Ante Rožić]]) #[[Q21290866]] ([[:hr:Bashkim Shehu]]) and [[Q3302530]] ([[:en:Bashkim Shehu]]) #[[Q12628141]] ([[:hr:Boris Kalin]]) and [[Q893695]] ([[:en:Boris Kalin]]) #[[Q16114399]] ([[:hr:Boris Popov]]) and [[Q1619566]] ([[:en:Boris Popov]]) #[[Q12628272]] ([[:hr:Branimir Petrović]]) and [[Q898558]] ([[:en:Branimir Petrović]]) #[[Q12628300]] ([[:hr:Branko Kovačević]]) and [[Q3623779]] ([[:en:Branko Kovačević]]) #[[Q12628436]] ([[:hr:Bruno Bulić]]) and [[Q3645671]] ([[:en:Bruno Bulić]]) #[[Q3116607]] ([[:hr:Cantus Records]]) and [[Q16947057]] ([[:en:Cantus Records (album)]]) #[[Q12629040]] ([[:hr:Chupacabra (album)]]) and [[Q5116482]] ([[:en:Chupacabra (album)]]) #[[Q12629233]] ([[:hr:Country (album)]]) and [[Q5177190]] ([[:en:Country (album)]]) #[[Q6593655]] ([[:hr:Dođite na show!]]) and [[Q5303854]] ([[:en:Dođite na show!]]) #[[Q12630540]] ([[:hr:Eleven Roses]]) and [[Q5359778]] ([[:en:Eleven Roses]]) #[[Q2303313]] ([[:hr:Engelberga]]) and [[Q255437]] ([[:en:Engelberga]]) #[[Q16114812]] ([[:hr:Feeling]]) and [[Q205555]] ([[:en:Feeling]]) #[[Q12631016]] ([[:hr:Finally Free]]) and [[Q5449500]] ([[:en:Finally Free]]) #[[Q12631240]] ([[:hr:Frederick Hewitt]]) and [[Q21932013]] ([[:en:Frederick Hewitt]]) #[[Q16109845]] ([[:hr:Goran Petković]]) and [[Q5584463]] ([[:en:Goran Petković]]) #[[Q16111457]] ([[:hr:Handwriting]]) and [[Q2393642]] ([[:en:Handwriting]]) #[[Q16111633]] ([[:hr:Heinz Schäfer]]) and [[Q19663014]] ([[:en:Heinz Schäfer]]) #[[Q12632213]] ([[:hr:Henrik Sørensen]]) and [[Q4581830]] ([[:en:Henrik Sørensen]]) #[[Q14556358]] ([[:hr:Henry Dobson]]) and [[Q5720381]] ([[:en:Henry Dobson]]) #[[Q12632362]] ([[:hr:Home]]) and [[Q7743]] ([[:en:Home]]) #[[Q12632375]] ([[:hr:Homo erectus (album)]]) and [[Q5890995]] ([[:en:Homo erectus (album)]]) #[[Q12632711]] ([[:hr:Hrvoje Kovačević]]) and [[Q5924037]] ([[:en:Hrvoje Kovačević]]) #[[Q12632875]] ([[:hr:Ilija Mitić]]) and [[Q386859]] ([[:en:Ilija Mitić]]) #[[Q1402732]] ([[:hr:Innocence]]) and [[Q359385]] ([[:en:Innocence]]) #[[Q16115092]] ([[:hr:Instant (album)]]) and [[Q16254378]] ([[:en:Instant (album)]]) #[[Q12633171]] ([[:hr:Ivan Gavran]]) and [[Q10438075]] ([[:en:Ivan Gavran]]) #[[Q4195771]] ([[:hr:Ivan Ivanišević]]) and [[Q2301888]] ([[:en:Ivan Ivanišević]]) #[[Q12633207]] ([[:hr:Ivan Marinković]]) and [[Q6096889]] ([[:en:Ivan Marinković]]) #[[Q16116318]] ([[:hr:Ivan Mirković]]) and [[Q16231814]] ([[:en:Ivan Mirković]]) #[[Q12633214]] ([[:hr:Ivan Mišković]]) and [[Q18358347]] ([[:en:Ivan Mišković]]) #[[Q12633253]] ([[:hr:Ivan Zovko]]) and [[Q6097839]] ([[:en:Ivan Zovko]]) #[[Q12633288]] ([[:hr:Ivanković]]) and [[Q1675660]] ([[:en:Ivanković]]) #[[Q16117049]] ([[:hr:Ivo Grbić]]) and [[Q21932130]] ([[:en:Ivo Grbić]]) #[[Q16111342]] ([[:hr:Josip Lovrić]]) and [[Q24005255]] ([[:en:Josip Lovrić]]) #[[Q12633813]] ([[:hr:Jovan Radivojević]]) and [[Q6296684]] ([[:en:Jovan Radivojević]]) #[[Q1104217]] ([[:hr:Kapelski Vrh]]) and [[Q1710200]] ([[:en:Kapelski Vrh]]) #[[Q886737]] ([[:hr:Krvna osveta]]) and [[Q17077974]] ([[:en:Krvna osveta]]) #[[Q19706294]] ([[:hr:Luka Pavlović]]) and [[Q20983188]] ([[:en:Luka Pavlović]]) #[[Q16111630]] ([[:hr:László Magyar]]) and [[Q930255]] ([[:en:László Magyar]]) #[[Q12635913]] ([[:hr:M-22]]) and [[Q20796016]] ([[:en:M-22]]) #[[Q11776988]] ([[:hr:Meje]]) and [[Q2678295]] ([[:en:Meje]]) #[[Q11988115]] ([[:hr:Mare]]) and [[Q1104034]] ([[:en:Mare]]) #[[Q12636341]] ([[:hr:Marko Marković]]) and [[Q12754963]] ([[:en:Marko Marković]]) #[[Q19776689]] ([[:hr:Marko Pavlović]]) and [[Q6771225]] ([[:en:Marko Pavlović]]) #[[Q16113264]] ([[:hr:Martin Kostadinov]]) and [[Q16239608]] ([[:en:Martin Kostadinov]]) #[[Q12636416]] ([[:hr:Mary Stevenson]]) and [[Q15972586]] ([[:en:Mary Stevenson]]) #[[Q1928754]] ([[:hr:Michael Novak]]) and [[Q3177150]] ([[:en:Michael Novak]]) #[[Q12636854]] ([[:hr:Mike Gilbert]]) and [[Q6846998]] ([[:en:Mike Gilbert]]) #[[Q11120350]] ([[:hr:Milan Katić]]) and [[Q24005121]] ([[:en:Milan Katić]]) #[[Q12636899]] ([[:hr:Milan Vuković]]) and [[Q6850720]] ([[:en:Milan Vuković]]) #[[Q12636973]] ([[:hr:Milorad Popović]]) and [[Q1935698]] ([[:en:Milorad Popović]]) #[[Q16115704]] ([[:hr:Mississippi Queen]]) and [[Q4044366]] ([[:en:Mississippi Queen]]) #[[Q12637312]] ([[:hr:Mortimer]]) and [[Q18822560]] ([[:en:Mortimer]]) #[[Q17440544]] ([[:hr:Nataša Anđelić]]) and [[Q3870700]] ([[:en:Nataša Anđelić]]) #[[Q6041503]] ([[:hr:New Millennium]]) and [[Q7010400]] ([[:en:New Millennium]]) #[[Q16114145]] ([[:hr:Nikola Pavić]]) and [[Q24005232]] ([[:en:Nikola Pavić]]) #[[Q3500500]] ([[:hr:Nikola Stojanović]]) and [[Q21755499]] ([[:en:Nikola Stojanović]]) #[[Q12756249]] ([[:hr:Nikola Šakić]]) and [[Q19664054]] ([[:en:Nikola Šakić]]) #[[Q3442738]] ([[:hr:Nina (album)]]) and [[Q7037831]] ([[:en:Nina (album)]]) #[[Q19124]] ([[:hr:Nun]]) and [[Q191808]] ([[:en:Nun]]) #[[Q16110368]] ([[:hr:Petar Jelić]]) and [[Q1358800]] ([[:en:Petar Jelić]]) #[[Q12639661]] ([[:hr:Phantasmagoria]]) and [[Q1760363]] ([[:en:Phantasmagoria]]) #[[Q16110620]] ([[:hr:Philip Warwick]]) and [[Q16205445]] ([[:en:Philip Warwick]]) #[[Q16112526]] ([[:hr:Prisoner]]) and [[Q1862087]] ([[:en:Prisoner]]) #[[Q12758137]] ([[:hr:Radoslav Pavlović]]) and [[Q21145460]] ([[:en:Radoslav Pavlović]]) #[[Q24035909]] ([[:hr:Randall Hall]]) and [[Q3376836]] ([[:en:Randall Hall]]) #[[Q3938676]] ([[:hr:Roberto Cazzaniga]]) and [[Q17279963]] ([[:en:Roberto Cazzaniga]]) #[[Q12641451]] ([[:hr:Rudolf Keller]]) and [[Q96472]] ([[:en:Rudolf Keller]]) #[[Q12641446]] ([[:hr:Rudolf Weiss]]) and [[Q7377355]] ([[:en:Rudolf Weiss]]) #[[Q12641722]] ([[:hr:Sanja Knežević]]) and [[Q3948436]] ([[:en:Sanja Knežević]]) #[[Q16111320]] ([[:hr:Slavko Matić]]) and [[Q7539445]] ([[:en:Slavko Matić]]) #[[Q10969074]] ([[:hr:Slobodan Petrovski]]) and [[Q24005095]] ([[:en:Slobodan Petrovski]]) #[[Q12642406]] ([[:hr:Solitude]]) and [[Q275473]] ([[:en:Solitude]]) #[[Q3444043]] ([[:hr:Spade]]) and [[Q216642]] ([[:en:Spade]]) #[[Q645093]] ([[:hr:Stari Glog]]) and [[Q2409248]] ([[:en:Stari Glog]]) #[[Q16114058]] ([[:hr:TV Tropes]]) and [[Q2537428]] ([[:en:TV Tropes]]) #[[Q12643285]] ([[:hr:Taking Over Me]]) and [[Q7678353]] ([[:en:Taking Over Me]]) #[[Q25502572]] ([[:hr:The Fugitive (album]]) and [[Q3648433]] ([[:en:The Fugitive (album)]]) #[[Q12643658]] ([[:hr:To Live Forever]]) and [[Q2701531]] ([[:en:To Live Forever]]) #[[Q12643761]] ([[:hr:Tool Box]]) and [[Q7824042]] ([[:en:Tool Box]]) #[[Q15077526]] ([[:hr:Tourniquet]]) and [[Q1132870]] ([[:en:Tourniquet]]) #[[Q11221829]] ([[:hr:U ime ljubavi]]) and [[Q11223955]] ([[:en:U ime ljubavi]]) #[[Q12644165]] ([[:hr:Understanding]]) and [[Q46744]] ([[:en:Understanding]]) #[[Q12644174]] ([[:hr:United Forces]]) and [[Q7887778]] ([[:en:United Forces]]) #[[Q16110207]] ([[:hr:Vanja Ilić]]) and [[Q21931898]] ([[:en:Vanja Ilić]]) #[[Q16110644]] ([[:hr:Vedran Jerković]]) and [[Q7918013]] ([[:en:Vedran Jerković]]) #[[Q3555323]] ([[:hr:Velika Njiva]]) and [[Q3555324]] ([[:en:Velika Njiva]]) #[[Q1563700]] ([[:hr:Vladimir Filipović]]) and [[Q19957782]] ([[:en:Vladimir Filipović]]) #[[Q12644820]] ([[:hr:Vladimir Jovanović]]) and [[Q1335808]] ([[:en:Vladimir Jovanović]]) #[[Q12645109]] ([[:hr:We]]) and [[Q7478101]] ([[:en:We]]) #[[Q12645179]] ([[:hr:White Stones]]) and [[Q1941344]] ([[:en:White Stones]]) #[[Q12645761]] ([[:hr:Zlatna kolekcija]]) and [[Q8073023]] ([[:en:Zlatna kolekcija]]) #[[Q11254744]] ([[:hr:Zoran Cvetković]]) and [[Q8074332]] ([[:en:Zoran Cvetković]]) #[[Q16114800]] ([[:hr:Zoran Tomić]]) and [[Q8074406]] ([[:en:Zoran Tomić]]) #[[Q16114963]] ([[:hr:Zvonimir Krznarić]]) and [[Q8075570]] ([[:en:Zvonimir Krznarić]]) #[[Q118841]] ([[:commons:Grand Canyon]]) and [[Q220289]] ([[:voy:en:Grand Canyon]]) #[[Q7328]] ([[:commons:Vasco da Gama]]) and [[Q978780]] ([[:voy:en:Vasco da Gama]]) #[[Q21167280]] ([[:commons:Gauge]]) and [[Q914462]] ([[:simple:Gauge]]) #[[Q289]] ([[:commons:Television]]) and [[Q8075]] ([[:simple:Television]]) #[[Q1409090]] ([[:de:Fetch]]) and [[Q12765790]] ([[:sk:Fetch]]) #[[Q2064236]] ([[:de:Frontón]]) and [[Q190996]] ([[:sk:Frontón]]) #[[Q691534]] ([[:de:Half Light]]) and [[Q17091294]] ([[:sk:Half Light]]) #[[Q114031]] ([[:de:Heinrich Gross]]) and [[Q5700133]] ([[:sk:Heinrich Gross]]) #[[Q205615]] ([[:de:Hufnagel]]) and [[Q12767202]] ([[:sk:Hufnagel]]) #[[Q1327718]] ([[:sh:Elemental]]) and [[Q24885346]] ([[:ja:Elemental]]) #[[Q568625]] ([[:sh:Flathead]]) and [[Q5457896]] ([[:ja:Flathead]]) #[[Q697752]] ([[:sh:MACO]]) and [[Q24903151]] ([[:ja:MACO]]) #[[Q1249551]] ([[:sh:Marisol]]) and [[Q24899332]] ([[:ja:Marisol]]) #[[Q3433823]] ([[:sh:Shin]]) and [[Q24863139]] ([[:ja:Shin]]) #[[Q1254835]] ([[:sh:Tio]]) and [[Q24886383]] ([[:ja:Tio]]) #[[Q11713705]] ([[:en:Ircle]]) and [[Q24867298]] ([[:ja:Ircle]]) #[[Q15704237]] ([[:en:Shinobu]]) and [[Q11246056]] ([[:ja:Shinobu]]) #[[Q288523]] ([[:de:ACME]]) and [[Q11188871]] ([[:ja:ACME]]) #[[Q288794]] ([[:de:ACTION]]) and [[Q3280414]] ([[:ja:ACTION]]) #[[Q292150]] ([[:de:AFRA]]) and [[Q4689412]] ([[:ja:AFRA]]) #[[Q297786]] ([[:de:ASKA]]) and [[Q840500]] ([[:ja:ASKA]]) #[[Q15081549]] ([[:de:Abby]]) and [[Q11189941]] ([[:ja:Abby]]) #[[Q388905]] ([[:de:After Dark]]) and [[Q11190029]] ([[:ja:After Dark]]) #[[Q438431]] ([[:de:Alternative]]) and [[Q17239605]] ([[:ja:Alternative]]) #[[Q455983]] ([[:de:Amazing]]) and [[Q425673]] ([[:ja:Amazing]]) #[[Q533804]] ([[:de:Angelic]]) and [[Q11190294]] ([[:ja:Angelic]]) #[[Q564025]] ([[:de:Annabel]]) and [[Q4767675]] ([[:ja:Annabel]]) #[[Q567435]] ([[:de:Anny]]) and [[Q18383046]] ([[:ja:Anny]]) #[[Q790541]] ([[:de:Aventura]]) and [[Q3545201]] ([[:ja:Aventura]]) #[[Q134459]] ([[:de:Batis]]) and [[Q24869351]] ([[:ja:Batis]]) #[[Q814478]] ([[:de:Behind]]) and [[Q11192183]] ([[:ja:Behind]]) #[[Q815610]] ([[:de:Believer]]) and [[Q11192211]] ([[:ja:Believer]]) #[[Q863814]] ([[:de:Bingo!]]) and [[Q11192370]] ([[:ja:Bingo!]]) #[[Q885867]] ([[:de:Blue Rose]]) and [[Q11192527]] ([[:ja:Blue Rose]]) #[[Q903489]] ([[:de:Bread & Butter]]) and [[Q24902166]] ([[:ja:Bread & Butter]]) #[[Q681382]] ([[:de:Brix]]) and [[Q24896927]] ([[:ja:Brix]]) #[[Q13582007]] ([[:de:Candy Girl]]) and [[Q11194312]] ([[:ja:Candy Girl]]) #[[Q194446]] ([[:de:Canna]]) and [[Q11194315]] ([[:ja:Canna]]) #[[Q1061975]] ([[:de:Changes]]) and [[Q11194435]] ([[:ja:Changes]]) #[[Q329045]] ([[:de:Chiko]]) and [[Q2037210]] ([[:ja:Chiko]]) #[[Q1092398]] ([[:de:Cinema]]) and [[Q11194611]] ([[:ja:Cinema]]) #[[Q1094751]] ([[:de:Claire]]) and [[Q11194633]] ([[:ja:Claire]]) #[[Q2936353]] ([[:de:Claudia]]) and [[Q11194648]] ([[:ja:Claudia]]) #[[Q1131112]] ([[:de:Copet]]) and [[Q11194909]] ([[:ja:Copet]]) #[[Q1135726]] ([[:de:Corvinus]]) and [[Q11194931]] ([[:ja:Corvinus]]) #[[Q15803994]] ([[:de:Creeps]]) and [[Q11194997]] ([[:ja:Creeps]]) #[[Q3700210]] ([[:de:D.I.]]) and [[Q1388799]] ([[:ja:D.I.]]) #[[Q1638743]] ([[:de:Ibu]]) and [[Q2573469]] ([[:sk:Ibu]]) #[[Q1072012]] ([[:de:International]]) and [[Q18117997]] ([[:sk:International]]) #[[Q931093]] ([[:de:Ioan]]) and [[Q4179787]] ([[:sk:Ioan]]) #[[Q1076891]] ([[:de:It’s Like That]]) and [[Q4178096]] ([[:sk:It’s Like That]]) #[[Q1541894]] ([[:commons:Driftwood]]) and [[Q982076]] ([[:voy:en:Driftwood]]) #[[Q19809]] ([[:commons:Christmas]]) and [[Q29838]] ([[:voy:en:Christmas]]) #[[Q35525]] ([[:commons:White House]]) and [[Q2787872]] ([[:voy:en:White House]]) #[[Q26389854]] ([[:commons:Yell]]) and [[Q376068]] ([[:voy:en:Yell]]) #[[Q9989]] ([[:commons:Å]]) and [[Q258490]] ([[:voy:en:Å]]) #[[Q283]] ([[:commons:Water]]) and [[Q7892]] ([[:voy:en:Water]]) #[[Q101879]] ([[:commons:Weed]]) and [[Q985254]] ([[:voy:en:Weed]]) #[[Q53268]] ([[:commons:Toyota]]) and [[Q201117]] ([[:voy:en:Toyota]]) #[[Q13085]] ([[:commons:Sandstone]]) and [[Q1000182]] ([[:voy:en:Sandstone]]) #[[Q1124292]] ([[:commons:Royal Oak]]) and [[Q529165]] ([[:voy:en:Royal Oak]]) #[[Q124072]] ([[:commons:Rifle]]) and [[Q2273536]] ([[:voy:en:Rifle]]) #[[Q35535]] ([[:commons:Police]]) and [[Q208022]] ([[:voy:en:Police]]) #[[Q282]] ([[:commons:Wine]]) and [[Q2180552]] ([[:voy:en:Wine]]) #[[Q1844833]] ([[:commons:Whitewater]]) and [[Q1570484]] ([[:voy:en:Whitewater]]) #[[Q193294]] ([[:commons:Sunrise]]) and [[Q506375]] ([[:voy:en:Sunrise]]) #[[Q1418]] ([[:commons:Nokia]]) and [[Q192870]] ([[:voy:en:Nokia]]) #[[Q961592]] ([[:de:Jan Rychlík]]) and [[Q12023054]] ([[:sk:Jan Rychlík]]) #[[Q264922]] ([[:de:Jingle]]) and [[Q649654]] ([[:sk:Jingle]]) #[[Q17522212]] ([[:de:Jodok]]) and [[Q13420805]] ([[:sk:Jodok]]) #[[Q3179961]] ([[:de:Joe Alex]]) and [[Q4160353]] ([[:sk:Joe Alex]]) #[[Q1701407]] ([[:de:John Petersen]]) and [[Q12768063]] ([[:sk:John Petersen]]) #[[Q16980175]] ([[:de:John Ratcliffe]]) and [[Q12768064]] ([[:sk:John Ratcliffe]]) #[[Q1471896]] ([[:de:Jolana]]) and [[Q854739]] ([[:sk:Jolana]]) #[[Q21094329]] ([[:commons:Atlas of Canada]]) and [[Q4072153]] ([[:en:Atlas of Canada]]) #[[Q21152741]] ([[:commons:Ausbund]]) and [[Q778221]] ([[:en:Ausbund]]) #[[Q1541268]] ([[:de:Lancôme]]) and [[Q1470545]] ([[:sk:Lancôme]]) #[[Q935400]] ([[:de:Live!]]) and [[Q3286042]] ([[:sk:Live!]]) #[[Q1877780]] ([[:de:Lusus]]) and [[Q12770611]] ([[:sk:Lusus]]) #[[Q19482175]] ([[:commons:Category:Minori]]) and [[Q9423313]] ([[:zh:Category:Minori]]) #[[Q15834049]] ([[:de:Markin]]) and [[Q12771087]] ([[:sk:Markin]]) #[[Q1715103]] ([[:de:Martin Frank]]) and [[Q12771127]] ([[:sk:Martin Frank]]) #[[Q1904120]] ([[:de:Martin Húska]]) and [[Q12771134]] ([[:sk:Martin Húska]]) #[[Q1919311]] ([[:de:Melichar]]) and [[Q1175678]] ([[:sk:Melichar]]) #[[Q1246765]] ([[:de:Michalovka]]) and [[Q13449571]] ([[:sk:Michalovka]]) #[[Q1646773]] ([[:de:Mind’s Eye]]) and [[Q2538078]] ([[:sk:Mind’s Eye]]) #[[Q1799665]] ([[:de:Modulo]]) and [[Q319400]] ([[:sk:Modulo]]) #[[Q975775]] ([[:de:Monte Verde]]) and [[Q526591]] ([[:sk:Monte Verde]]) #[[Q429450]] ([[:de:Mustjõe]]) and [[Q3476799]] ([[:sk:Mustjõe]]) #[[Q123701]] ([[:de:My Love]]) and [[Q16998379]] ([[:sk:My Love]]) #[[Q726582]] ([[:de:Mário]]) and [[Q18193880]] ([[:sk:Mário]]) #[[Q3057844]] ([[:es:Escapade]]) and [[Q991260]] ([[:tr:Escapade]]) #[[Q174173]] (Per) and [[Q11994554]] (PER) #[[Q14411]] (Pi) and [[Q16881198]] (PI) #[[Q10090]] ([[:eu:Hindu]]) and [[Q2383943]] ([[:fr:Hindu]]) #[[Q10398928]] ([[:sv:Access All Areas]]) and [[Q2822682]] ([[:fr:Access All Areas]]) #[[Q1052451]] ([[:es:Orientación]]) and [[Q12811251]] ([[:tr:Orientación]]) #[[Q1072012]] ([[:fr:International]]) and [[Q18117997]] ([[:sk:International]]) #[[Q11171481]] ([[:nl:Damaran]]) and [[Q5212679]] ([[:sr:Damaran]]) #[[Q11285887]] ([[:mn:Honeymoon]]) and [[Q19056536]] ([[:ru:Honeymoon]]) #[[Q1146647]] ([[:es:Chibi]]) and [[Q615021]] ([[:tr:Chibi]]) #[[Q1175765]] ([[:fr:David Moss]]) and [[Q342949]] ([[:sk:David Moss]]) #[[Q1189674]] ([[:es:Everything Must Go]]) and [[Q1763868]] ([[:tr:Everything Must Go]]) #[[Q12267792]] ([[:eu:Tabar]]) and [[Q535449]] ([[:fr:Tabar]]) #[[Q12268952]] ([[:eu:Weightless]]) and [[Q12130601]] ([[:fr:Weightless]]) #[[Q12970652]] ([[:tl:Irene]]) and [[Q3644425]] ([[:fr:Irene]]) #[[Q131514]] ([[:fr:Canapé]]) and [[Q1951477]] ([[:sk:Canapé]]) #[[Q1388944]] ([[:fr:Something Good]]) and [[Q7560103]] ([[:sk:Something Good]]) #[[Q14329491]] ([[:de:Twilight Zone]]) and [[Q7858013]] ([[:sk:Twilight Zone]]) #[[Q14798562]] ([[:eu:La Fornarina]]) and [[Q153441]] ([[:fr:La Fornarina]]) #[[Q15070713]] ([[:es:Believe Me]]) and [[Q4882805]] ([[:tr:Believe Me]]) #[[Q16098027]] ([[:mn:???]]) and [[Q1069905]] ([[:ru:???]]) #[[Q1617357]] ([[:fr:Lucie]]) and [[Q4963472]] ([[:sk:Lucie]]) #[[Q1617481]] ([[:es:Daniel Dantas]]) and [[Q10263934]] ([[:tr:Daniel Dantas]]) #[[Q1667327]] ([[:de:State of Mind]]) and [[Q7603781]] ([[:sk:State of Mind]]) #[[Q1770655]] ([[:es:Cabral]]) and [[Q357286]] ([[:tr:Cabral]]) #[[Q1799831]] ([[:de:Parti]]) and [[Q901636]] ([[:sk:Parti]]) #[[Q18396704]] ([[:eu:La Constancia]]) and [[Q1798733]] ([[:fr:La Constancia]]) #[[Q1856767]] ([[:fr:Ulice]]) and [[Q11878028]] ([[:sk:Ulice]]) #[[Q18636099]] ([[:mn:Miracles]]) and [[Q3858703]] ([[:ru:Miracles]]) #[[Q1929613]] ([[:fr:Pomos]]) and [[Q4818415]] ([[:tr:Pomos]]) #[[Q1931463]] ([[:es:One Second]]) and [[Q6025792]] ([[:tr:One Second]]) #[[Q1932836]] ([[:fr:Resolution (album]])]]) and [[Q7315672]] ([[:sk:Resolution (album)]]) #[[Q19364850]] ([[:es:Danilo Nikolic]]) and [[Q3702194]] ([[:tr:Danilo Nikolic]]) #[[Q1946690]] ([[:fr:Skeleton Key]]) and [[Q7534403]] ([[:sk:Skeleton Key]]) #[[Q2002745]] ([[:fr:The Maze]]) and [[Q2527253]] ([[:sk:The Maze]]) #[[Q2078228]] ([[:de:Peter Schwartz]]) and [[Q3244168]] ([[:sk:Peter Schwartz]]) #[[Q2078364]] ([[:de:Peter Simons]]) and [[Q2492967]] ([[:sk:Peter Simons]]) #[[Q20900227]] ([[:fr:Priscilla Chan]]) and [[Q711092]] ([[:tr:Priscilla Chan]]) #[[Q212841]] ([[:fr:Dráma]]) and [[Q25372]] ([[:sk:Dráma]]) #[[Q22081101]] ([[:sv:Arame]]) and [[Q336087]] ([[:fr:Arame]]) #[[Q2256975]] ([[:nl:Tref]]) and [[Q1788166]] ([[:sk:Tref]]) #[[Q2302887]] ([[:es:Underneath]]) and [[Q3492121]] ([[:tr:Underneath]]) #[[Q2353697]] ([[:de:Strata]]) and [[Q4178024]] ([[:sk:Strata]]) #[[Q2354955]] ([[:tl:Juan Abad]]) and [[Q27955929]] ([[:es:Juan Abad]]) #[[Q24054627]] ([[:es:Conviction]]) and [[Q2996428]] ([[:tr:Conviction]]) #[[Q2418703]] ([[:nl:Silvia]]) and [[Q837124]] ([[:sk:Silvia]]) #[[Q24263761]] ([[:es:Crazy Eyes]]) and [[Q18149644]] ([[:tr:Crazy Eyes]]) #[[Q24279005]] ([[:eu:Sergio Herrera]]) and [[Q2057751]] ([[:fr:Sergio Herrera]]) #[[Q2428696]] ([[:sr:Resurrection]]) and [[Q1094701]] ([[:hr:Resurrection]]) #[[Q2606591]] ([[:es:M-30]]) and [[Q172757]] ([[:tr:M-30]]) #[[Q26267944]] ([[:de:Teon]]) and [[Q2190351]] ([[:sk:Teon]]) #[[Q2740538]] ([[:fr:Love Is]]) and [[Q3435801]] ([[:sk:Love Is]]) #[[Q2740538]] ([[:fr:Love Is]]) and [[Q3435801]] ([[:sk:Love Is]]) #[[Q2793511]] ([[:tl:Francisco Delgado]]) and [[Q23942854]] ([[:fr:Francisco Delgado]]) #[[Q27959361]] ([[:nl:Children]]) and [[Q2606509]] ([[:sk:Children]]) #[[Q281756]] ([[:de:No Return]]) and [[Q15870529]] ([[:sk:No Return]]) #[[Q286477]] ([[:de:Ognon]]) and [[Q609348]] ([[:sk:Ognon]]) #[[Q2902129]] ([[:fr:Big Bang (album)]]) and [[Q2234998]] ([[:sk:Big Bang (album)]]) #[[Q290562]] ([[:de:Oger]]) and [[Q1228972]] ([[:sk:Oger]]) #[[Q3100526]] ([[:fr:Generation (album)]]) and [[Q12018129]] ([[:sk:Generation (album)]]) #[[Q3129041]] ([[:fr:Heartbreak]]) and [[Q16957881]] ([[:sk:Heartbreak]]) #[[Q321494]] ([[:eu:Hans Hansen]]) and [[Q101270]] ([[:fr:Hans Hansen]]) #[[Q3285136]] ([[:es:Man to Man]]) and [[Q27118794]] ([[:tr:Man to Man]]) #[[Q3523645]] ([[:es:Theobald]]) and [[Q267065]] ([[:tr:Theobald]]) #[[Q368493]] ([[:fr:Simon Curtis]]) and [[Q2438622]] ([[:tr:Simon Curtis]]) #[[Q3741955]] ([[:fr:Porthos]]) and [[Q936529]] ([[:tr:Porthos]]) #[[Q3809542]] ([[:fr:John Petersen]]) and [[Q12768063]] ([[:sk:John Petersen]]) #[[Q3809567]] ([[:fr:John Ratcliffe]]) and [[Q12768064]] ([[:sk:John Ratcliffe]]) #[[Q3824222]] ([[:eu:Sergio Mora]]) and [[Q2036108]] ([[:fr:Sergio Mora]]) #[[Q436257]] ([[:fr:Velasco]]) and [[Q838916]] ([[:sk:Velasco]]) #[[Q4440864]] ([[:fr:Dimension]]) and [[Q385773]] ([[:sk:Dimension]]) #[[Q4712773]] ([[:sv:Album II]]) and [[Q265938]] ([[:fr:Album II]]) #[[Q477719]] ([[:de:Today]]) and [[Q2758957]] ([[:sk:Today]]) #[[Q5042026]] ([[:mn:?????? ???????]]) and [[Q372643]] ([[:ru:?????? ???????]]) #[[Q524940]] ([[:es:Disco Inferno]]) and [[Q2482822]] ([[:tr:Disco Inferno]]) #[[Q537963]] ([[:fr:Pardon]]) and [[Q982821]] ([[:tr:Pardon]]) #[[Q5474796]] ([[:es:Monty]]) and [[Q3862549]] ([[:tr:Monty]]) #[[Q560519]] ([[:fr:Konken]]) and [[Q920413]] ([[:tr:Konken]]) #[[Q569177]] ([[:fr:Take a Look Around]]) and [[Q2262201]] ([[:sk:Take a Look Around]]) #[[Q5984979]] ([[:es:Lux Aeterna]]) and [[Q1996231]] ([[:tr:Lux Aeterna]]) #[[Q617871]] ([[:de:Nightmare]]) and [[Q1156134]] ([[:sk:Nightmare]]) #[[Q623515]] ([[:sv:Alle Jahre wieder]]) and [[Q834011]] ([[:fr:Alle Jahre wieder]]) #[[Q638232]] ([[:eu:Warder]]) and [[Q2227038]] ([[:fr:Warder]]) #[[Q65131]] ([[:es:Ludwig Rellstab]]) and [[Q28858]] ([[:tr:Ludwig Rellstab]]) #[[Q6820943]] ([[:fr:Give It All]]) and [[Q2732514]] ([[:sk:Give It All]]) #[[Q7091181]] ([[:es:On Top of the World]]) and [[Q4831637]] ([[:tr:On Top of the World]]) #[[Q724178]] ([[:es:Cent]]) and [[Q58093]] ([[:tr:Cent]]) #[[Q742103]] ([[:sr:Zona sumraka]]) and [[Q14329491]] ([[:hr:Zona sumraka]]) #[[Q7514360]] ([[:mn:Silence]]) and [[Q1094330]] ([[:ru:Silence]]) #[[Q761532]] ([[:nl:V.I.P.]]) and [[Q12747307]] ([[:sr:V.I.P.]]) #[[Q791534]] ([[:es:Bay]]) and [[Q177053]] ([[:tr:Bay]]) #[[Q806585]] ([[:es:Banya]]) and [[Q1759615]] ([[:tr:Banya]]) #[[Q859587]] ([[:es:Bax]]) and [[Q14905392]] ([[:tr:Bax]]) #[[Q9016800]] ([[:sr:Just Dance]]) and [[Q189007]] ([[:hr:Just Dance]]) #[[Q9091330]] ([[:eu:Unanu]]) and [[Q3549178]] ([[:fr:Unanu]]) #[[Q928109]] ([[:de:Nasty]]) and [[Q18702411]] ([[:sk:Nasty]]) #[[Q940763]] ([[:es:Mamadou Diallo]]) and [[Q2054985]] ([[:tr:Mamadou Diallo]]) #[[Q944665]] ([[:es:Luri]]) and [[Q4701277]] ([[:tr:Luri]]) #[[Q95832]] ([[:fr:Richard Hartmann]]) and [[Q7326306]] ([[:sk:Richard Hartmann]]) #[[Q1478309]]]]) and [[[[Q27954822]] #[[Q4738574]] ([[:sl:Alya]]) and [[Q450242]] ([[:sk:Alya]]) #[[Q1009362]] ([[:bs:Muta]]) and [[Q187436]] ([[:sv:Muta]]) #[[Q1027609]] ([[:id:Elevation]]) and [[Q1970769]] ([[:sk:Elevation]]) #[[Q10381840]] ([[:pt:The Temple]]) and [[Q1125986]] ([[:sk:The Temple]]) #[[Q1067502]] ([[:ca:Charly]]) and [[Q1067509]] ([[:sk:Charly]]) #[[Q1070160]] ([[:ca:Invincible]]) and [[Q44376]] ([[:sk:Invincible]]) #[[Q1109330]] ([[:id:Ulva]]) and [[Q496415]] ([[:nl:Ulva]]) #[[Q1143462]] ([[:bs:Chin]]) and [[Q46910]] ([[:sv:Chin]]) #[[Q1145242]] ([[:bs:M40]]) and [[Q1541030]] ([[:sv:M40]]) #[[Q1157]] ([[:ca:Ohlsdorf]]) and [[Q669162]] ([[:sk:Ohlsdorf]]) #[[Q11909538]] ([[:ca:Boda]]) and [[Q647156]] ([[:sk:Boda]]) #[[Q11954328]] ([[:ca:Vanga]]) and [[Q229625]] ([[:sk:Vanga]]) #[[Q1225399]] ([[:ca:Dila]]) and [[Q6064721]] ([[:sk:Dila]]) #[[Q1243374]] ([[:ca:Conquest]]) and [[Q2567962]] ([[:sk:Conquest]]) #[[Q12484268]] ([[:id:Glitch]]) and [[Q1100989]] ([[:sk:Glitch]]) #[[Q12518297]] ([[:id:Swing]]) and [[Q203775]] ([[:sk:Swing]]) #[[Q12581167]] ([[:hr:10 (album)]]) and [[Q10397060]] ([[:sv:10 (album)]]) #[[Q1269007]] ([[:ca:Dynamite]]) and [[Q1269045]] ([[:sk:Dynamite]]) #[[Q1282972]] ([[:pt:John Day]]) and [[Q1699778]] ([[:sk:John Day]]) #[[Q130424]] ([[:id:West Side Highway]]) and [[Q1503595]] ([[:nl:West Side Highway]]) #[[Q130790]] ([[:ca:Nightmare]]) and [[Q1156134]] ([[:sk:Nightmare]]) #[[Q1398584]] ([[:id:Musso]]) and [[Q47668]] ([[:nl:Musso]]) #[[Q1418913]] ([[:id:Firefly]]) and [[Q11622]] ([[:sk:Firefly]]) #[[Q14405941]] ([[:id:What Is Love]]) and [[Q550158]] ([[:nl:What Is Love]]) #[[Q1465924]] ([[:id:Samsø]]) and [[Q216422]] ([[:nl:Samsø]]) #[[Q149172]] ([[:bs:Diva]]) and [[Q867132]] ([[:sv:Diva]]) #[[Q149524]] ([[:bs:Soldier]]) and [[Q1930984]] ([[:sv:Soldier]]) #[[Q150907]] ([[:id:Franken]]) and [[Q325080]] ([[:sk:Franken]]) #[[Q1524605]] ([[:id:The Break-Up]]) and [[Q833566]] ([[:nl:The Break-Up]]) #[[Q15705420]] ([[:tr:To the Sky]]) and [[Q7811312]] ([[:id:To the Sky]]) #[[Q1609613]] ([[:id:Gilles Simon]]) and [[Q212833]] ([[:sk:Gilles Simon]]) #[[Q16691336]] ([[:bs:Alan]]) and [[Q16496006]] ([[:sv:Alan]]) #[[Q1720717]] ([[:ca:Out of the Blue]]) and [[Q6035921]] ([[:sk:Out of the Blue]]) #[[Q1752259]] ([[:tr:Stars]]) and [[Q12516212]] ([[:id:Stars]]) #[[Q17756]] ([[:ca:Bruno]]) and [[Q955175]] ([[:sk:Bruno]]) #[[Q18811634]] ([[:ca:Silence]]) and [[Q6061818]] ([[:sk:Silence]]) #[[Q19776360]] ([[:ca:Hero]]) and [[Q2734581]] ([[:sk:Hero]]) #[[Q19942437]] ([[:id:Aul]]) and [[Q771444]] ([[:sk:Aul]]) #[[Q19942517]] ([[:id:Boda]]) and [[Q647156]] ([[:sk:Boda]]) #[[Q19943322]] ([[:id:Glow]]) and [[Q5572217]] ([[:sk:Glow]]) #[[Q203775]] ([[:tr:Swing]]) and [[Q12518297]] ([[:id:Swing]]) #[[Q20645861]] ([[:id:Twice]]) and [[Q1956834]] ([[:nl:Twice]]) #[[Q2086056]] ([[:ca:Bantam]]) and [[Q1266661]] ([[:sk:Bantam]]) #[[Q21099467]] ([[:ca:Dagon]]) and [[Q1157371]] ([[:sk:Dagon]]) #[[Q211517]] ([[:id:Anathema]]) and [[Q487396]] ([[:sk:Anathema]]) #[[Q2230773]] ([[:ca:Emily]]) and [[Q12765347]] ([[:sk:Emily]]) #[[Q2231552]] ([[:id:I Want It All]]) and [[Q544294]] ([[:sk:I Want It All]]) #[[Q2286346]] ([[:ca:Haswell]]) and [[Q59069]] ([[:sk:Haswell]]) #[[Q2295955]] ([[:id:Strix]]) and [[Q241515]] ([[:sk:Strix]]) #[[Q2302213]] ([[:ca:Summertime]]) and [[Q2384797]] ([[:sk:Summertime]]) #[[Q2395028]] ([[:ca:Olívia]]) and [[Q632264]] ([[:sk:Olívia]]) #[[Q242437]] ([[:ca:Lights]]) and [[Q1184983]] ([[:sk:Lights]]) #[[Q2443487]] ([[:ca:Crescendo]]) and [[Q2347888]] ([[:sk:Crescendo]]) #[[Q2570502]] ([[:ca:Tice]]) and [[Q715057]] ([[:sk:Tice]]) #[[Q2570502]] ([[:pt:Tice]]) and [[Q715057]] ([[:sk:Tice]]) #[[Q2636723]] ([[:id:Defying Gravity]]) and [[Q2619812]] ([[:sk:Defying Gravity]]) #[[Q2647181]] ([[:id:Asios]]) and [[Q730598]] ([[:nl:Asios]]) #[[Q268271]] ([[:tr:Vanessa Angel]]) and [[Q12523634]] ([[:id:Vanessa Angel]]) #[[Q2703275]] ([[:ca:Fragile]]) and [[Q5068680]] ([[:sk:Fragile]]) #[[Q2708696]] ([[:gl:Drive]]) and [[Q169987]] ([[:sk:Drive]]) #[[Q2881848]] ([[:id:Bana]]) and [[Q789941]] ([[:sk:Bana]]) #[[Q2881848]] ([[:id:Bana]]) and [[Q789941]] ([[:sk:Bana]]) #[[Q2887850]] ([[:bs:Chama]]) and [[Q3802202]] ([[:sv:Chama]]) #[[Q29359]] ([[:tr:Tex-Mex]]) and [[Q7707224]] ([[:id:Tex-Mex]]) #[[Q3029382]] ([[:id:Fals]]) and [[Q3064816]] ([[:sk:Fals]]) #[[Q3279517]] ([[:pt:Karla]]) and [[Q16430050]] ([[:sk:Karla]]) #[[Q3325380]] ([[:tr:Anari]]) and [[Q486434]] ([[:id:Anari]]) #[[Q3354449]] ([[:ca:Ian Wright]]) and [[Q312595]] ([[:sk:Ian Wright]]) #[[Q3511604]] ([[:bs:Antin]]) and [[Q1327528]] ([[:sv:Antin]]) #[[Q352748]] ([[:pt:John Spencer]]) and [[Q6258641]] ([[:sk:John Spencer]]) #[[Q3674954]] ([[:ca:Belit]]) and [[Q4598593]] ([[:sk:Belit]]) #[[Q4019794]] ([[:id:Wild at Heart]]) and [[Q751382]] ([[:nl:Wild at Heart]]) #[[Q4024175]] ([[:id:Zenodorus]]) and [[Q985217]] ([[:nl:Zenodorus]]) #[[Q4049710]] ([[:tr:Soldier of Fortune]]) and [[Q979256]] ([[:id:Soldier of Fortune]]) #[[Q4049710]] ([[:tr:Soldier of Fortune]]) and [[Q979256]] ([[:id:Soldier of Fortune]]) #[[Q4147080]] ([[:ca:Gotham]]) and [[Q15726959]] ([[:sk:Gotham]]) #[[Q4168071]] ([[:id:The Big Heat]]) and [[Q1093085]] ([[:nl:The Big Heat]]) #[[Q431836]] ([[:ca:When the Wind Blows]]) and [[Q18043452]] ([[:sk:When the Wind Blows]]) #[[Q453993]] ([[:ca:Karina]]) and [[Q16430098]] ([[:sk:Karina]]) #[[Q462503]] ([[:tr:Tommy Smith]]) and [[Q10581]] ([[:id:Tommy Smith]]) #[[Q465646]] ([[:ca:Boys Don't Cry]]) and [[Q1931163]] ([[:sk:Boys Don't Cry]]) #[[Q4763181]] ([[:sl:Angie]]) and [[Q166686]] ([[:sk:Angie]]) #[[Q477361]] ([[:ca:Ian Hunter]]) and [[Q712678]] ([[:sk:Ian Hunter]]) #[[Q4886987]] ([[:ca:Daya]]) and [[Q28048882]] ([[:sk:Daya]]) #[[Q506938]] ([[:tr:Corcovado]]) and [[Q1132067]] ([[:id:Corcovado]]) #[[Q514215]] ([[:ca:Linda]]) and [[Q1136594]] ([[:sk:Linda]]) #[[Q525970]] ([[:ca:Peter Cook]]) and [[Q1249215]] ([[:sk:Peter Cook]]) #[[Q5451832]] ([[:tr:Firefly]]) and [[Q1418913]] ([[:id:Firefly]]) #[[Q546321]] ([[:id:Bark]]) and [[Q216057]] ([[:sk:Bark]]) #[[Q546321]] ([[:id:Bark]]) and [[Q216057]] ([[:sk:Bark]]) #[[Q584652]] ([[:bs:Dijakovac]]) and [[Q21729203]] ([[:sv:Dijakovac]]) #[[Q5913233]] ([[:tr:Hounded]]) and [[Q3629136]] ([[:id:Hounded]]) #[[Q615403]] ([[:ca:Whistle]]) and [[Q1781150]] ([[:sk:Whistle]]) #[[Q6299671]] ([[:nn:Angelique]]) and [[Q4762774]] ([[:sv:Angelique]]) #[[Q6457946]] ([[:bs:Banfi]]) and [[Q21411712]] ([[:sv:Banfi]]) #[[Q646051]] ([[:ca:Tul]]) and [[Q143373]] ([[:sk:Tul]]) #[[Q657562]] ([[:id:Alope]]) and [[Q11840993]] ([[:nl:Alope]]) #[[Q694450]] ([[:tr:Steyr]]) and [[Q260320]] ([[:id:Steyr]]) #[[Q70899]] ([[:bs:Adem]]) and [[Q11481844]] ([[:sv:Adem]]) #[[Q726495]] ([[:ca:Civil War]]) and [[Q742366]] ([[:sk:Civil War]]) #[[Q7311526]] ([[:bs:Remake (film)]]) and [[Q22667555]] ([[:sv:Remake (film)]]) #[[Q741143]] ([[:bs:Samael]]) and [[Q779725]] ([[:sv:Samael]]) #[[Q748963]] ([[:id:Asterope]]) and [[Q13446]] ([[:nl:Asterope]]) #[[Q755975]] ([[:ca:Survivor]]) and [[Q1135315]] ([[:sk:Survivor]]) #[[Q7715699]] ([[:pt:The Barrier]]) and [[Q808918]] ([[:sk:The Barrier]]) #[[Q7720997]] ([[:id:The Call]]) and [[Q489293]] ([[:nl:The Call]]) #[[Q7763028]] ([[:pt:The Secret Jewel Box]]) and [[Q12777486]] ([[:sk:The Secret Jewel Box]]) #[[Q7763031]] ([[:pt:The Secret Kingdom]]) and [[Q12777488]] ([[:sk:The Secret Kingdom]]) #[[Q7766990]] ([[:pt:The Street]]) and [[Q3596073]] ([[:sk:The Street]]) #[[Q7798473]] ([[:id:Through the Night]]) and [[Q7798474]] ([[:sk:Through the Night]]) #[[Q782158]] ([[:ca:Dolores]]) and [[Q846175]] ([[:sk:Dolores]]) #[[Q7821908]] ([[:id:Tony Black]]) and [[Q7821907]] ([[:nl:Tony Black]]) #[[Q7911053]] ([[:tr:Valentino]]) and [[Q19944479]] ([[:id:Valentino]]) #[[Q791712]] ([[:id:Because of You]]) and [[Q4597473]] ([[:sk:Because of You]]) #[[Q791712]] ([[:id:Because of You]]) and [[Q868569]] ([[:nl:Because of You]]) #[[Q798650]] ([[:ca:Bad Boys]]) and [[Q2629093]] ([[:sk:Bad Boys]]) #[[Q818312]] ([[:ca:Posadas]]) and [[Q44238]] ([[:sk:Posadas]]) #[[Q8247042]] ([[:ca:Berta]]) and [[Q4092653]] ([[:sk:Berta]]) #[[Q847722]] ([[:id:Endless Summer]]) and [[Q989607]] ([[:sk:Endless Summer]]) #[[Q862591]] ([[:ca:Thal]]) and [[Q571822]] ([[:sk:Thal]]) #[[Q9002234]] ([[:ca:Hate]]) and [[Q20866599]] ([[:sk:Hate]]) #[[Q949181]] ([[:ca:Stripped]]) and [[Q331202]] ([[:sk:Stripped]]) #[[Q960600]] ([[:ca:China Girl]]) and [[Q2551963]] ([[:sk:China Girl]]) #[[Q987432]] ([[:ca:Gia]]) and [[Q429557]] ([[:sk:Gia]]) #[[Q28071322]] ([[:it:Andy Clark]]) and [[Q4760523]] ([[:en:Andy Clark]]) #[[Q28064452]] ([[:it:Apt Pupil]]) and [[Q2447051]] ([[:en:Apt Pupil]]) #[[Q3622225]] ([[:it:Areto]]) and [[Q13375832]] ([[:en:Areto]]) #[[Q16558308]] ([[:it:Gadana]]) and [[Q28059674]] ([[:en:Gadana]]) #[[Q2733418]] ([[:it:Galeries Lafayette]]) and [[Q3094686]] ([[:en:Galeries Lafayette]]) #[[Q14928133]] ([[:it:Henri Hell]]) and [[Q22319229]] ([[:en:Henri Hell]]) #[[Q28037234]] ([[:it:Irama]]) and [[Q6066633]] ([[:en:Irama]]) #[[Q15117330]] ([[:it:John W. Noble]]) and [[Q28055496]] ([[:en:John W. Noble]]) #[[Q3809873]] ([[:it:Jon Parry]]) and [[Q28043379]] ([[:en:Jon Parry]]) #[[Q28020680]] ([[:it:Klaas]]) and [[Q9314979]] ([[:en:Klaas]]) #[[Q28064448]] ([[:it:Lu Cheng]]) and [[Q13228116]] ([[:en:Lu Cheng]]) #[[Q28030665]] ([[:it:Mion]]) and [[Q6871544]] ([[:en:Mion]]) #[[Q28057344]] ([[:it:Nyemba]]) and [[Q3346649]] ([[:en:Nyemba]]) #[[Q28071156]] ([[:it:Perimede]]) and [[Q7168545]] ([[:en:Perimede]]) #[[Q3901678]] ([[:it:Phorbas]]) and [[Q18479157]] ([[:en:Phorbas]]) #[[Q20917876]] ([[:it:Podkoren]]) and [[Q2372087]] ([[:en:Podkoren]]) #[[Q15843146]] ([[:it:Route Napoléon]]) and [[Q1271253]] ([[:en:Route Napoléon]]) #[[Q1154467]] ([[:it:Thisvi]]) and [[Q3524772]] ([[:en:Thisvi]]) #[[Q28064447]] ([[:it:Thy Kingdom Come]]) and [[Q7799541]] ([[:en:Thy Kingdom Come]]) #[[Q28064527]] ([[:it:Time Stand Still]]) and [[Q7805102]] ([[:en:Time Stand Still]]) #[[Q17638629]] ([[:it:Tony Diaz]]) and [[Q28051645]] ([[:en:Tony Diaz]]) #[[Q13338450]] ([[:commons:Category:Southern Netherlands]]) and [[Q19975490]] ([[:voy:en:Category:Southern Netherlands]]) #[[Q2472273]] ([[:it:Addis Zemen]]) and [[Q353041]] ([[:de:Addis Zemen]]) #[[Q28071322]] ([[:it:Andy Clark]]) and [[Q525529]] ([[:de:Andy Clark]]) #[[Q634937]] ([[:it:Architectural Digest]]) and [[Q28054798]] ([[:de:Architectural Digest]]) #[[Q2312662]] ([[:it:Candelaria (Campeche)]]) and [[Q28056717]] ([[:de:Candelaria (Campeche)]]) #[[Q1491492]] ([[:it:Carbo]]) and [[Q21540436]] ([[:de:Carbo]]) #[[Q9741889]] ([[:it:Charles Chandler]]) and [[Q5076185]] ([[:de:Charles Chandler]]) #[[Q2480302]] ([[:it:Digest]]) and [[Q12764655]] ([[:de:Digest]]) #[[Q13365892]] ([[:it:Dobrovnik]]) and [[Q907388]] ([[:de:Dobrovnik]]) #[[Q1643735]] ([[:it:Dubai Tennis Championships 2006]]) and [[Q13904789]] ([[:de:Dubai Tennis Championships 2006]]) #[[Q570397]] ([[:it:Gornja Radgona]]) and [[Q15868]] ([[:de:Gornja Radgona]]) #[[Q3435689]] ([[:it:Gornji Petrovci]]) and [[Q851946]] ([[:de:Gornji Petrovci]]) #[[Q13377778]] ([[:it:Grosuplje]]) and [[Q15870]] ([[:de:Grosuplje]]) #[[Q13377780]] ([[:it:Hrastnik]]) and [[Q15871]] ([[:de:Hrastnik]]) #[[Q3191996]] ([[:it:Kais]]) and [[Q1721497]] ([[:de:Kais]]) #[[Q3814845]] ([[:it:Kevin Robertson]]) and [[Q28017806]] ([[:de:Kevin Robertson]]) #[[Q6434840]] ([[:it:Kovar]]) and [[Q901990]] ([[:de:Kovar]]) #[[Q3441893]] ([[:it:Kranj]]) and [[Q1021]] ([[:de:Kranj]]) #[[Q3484655]] ([[:it:Krško]]) and [[Q15886]] ([[:de:Krško]]) #[[Q6454057]] ([[:it:Köýtendag]]) and [[Q3545429]] ([[:de:Köýtendag]]) #[[Q28065225]] ([[:it:Mahmoud Hassan]]) and [[Q20997383]] ([[:de:Mahmoud Hassan]]) #[[Q3299086]] ([[:it:Mato]]) and [[Q1908892]] ([[:de:Mato]]) #[[Q3309151]] ([[:it:Michel Bégon]]) and [[Q328054]] ([[:de:Michel Bégon]]) #[[Q554537]] ([[:it:Milówka]]) and [[Q1221928]] ([[:de:Milówka]]) #[[Q1569014]] ([[:it:Naklo]]) and [[Q991076]] ([[:de:Naklo]]) #[[Q1648208]] ([[:it:One Mississippi]]) and [[Q25204269]] ([[:de:One Mississippi]]) #[[Q7106150]] ([[:it:Oscar Murillo]]) and [[Q15698294]] ([[:de:Oscar Murillo]]) #[[Q2143650]] ([[:it:Puerto López]]) and [[Q5763389]] ([[:de:Puerto López]]) #[[Q3504544]] ([[:it:RG-41]]) and [[Q7276634]] ([[:de:RG-41]]) #[[Q3348367]] ([[:it:Ramu]]) and [[Q2064454]] ([[:de:Ramu]]) #[[Q7355512]] ([[:it:Rockne]]) and [[Q2160740]] ([[:de:Rockne]]) #[[Q1764163]] ([[:it:Santo Antônio de Jesus]]) and [[Q28030863]] ([[:de:Santo Antônio de Jesus]]) #[[Q1473324]] ([[:it:Scottish League One]]) and [[Q14468449]] ([[:de:Scottish League One]]) #[[Q1394554]] ([[:it:Scottish League Two]]) and [[Q14626725]] ([[:de:Scottish League Two]]) #[[Q2463444]] ([[:it:Vassago]]) and [[Q28016937]] ([[:de:Vassago]]) #[[Q3441849]] ([[:it:Velenje]]) and [[Q15928]] ([[:de:Velenje]]) #[[Q13378281]] ([[:it:Velike Lašče]]) and [[Q639899]] ([[:de:Velike Lašče]]) #[[Q4011126]] ([[:it:Vicente González]]) and [[Q27924921]] ([[:de:Vicente González]]) #[[Q13378288]] ([[:it:Vitanje]]) and [[Q1809612]] ([[:de:Vitanje]]) #[[Q2134561]] ([[:it:Vojnik]]) and [[Q16469]] ([[:de:Vojnik]]) #[[Q583774]] ([[:it:Wizna]]) and [[Q2237742]] ([[:de:Wizna]]) #[[Q2287826]] ([[:it:Wołczyn]]) and [[Q1005384]] ([[:de:Wołczyn]]) #[[Q28057046]] ([[:it:Yabba Dabba Doo!]]) and [[Q2598785]] ([[:de:Yabba Dabba Doo!]]) #[[Q3482211]] ([[:it:Črnomelj]]) and [[Q15861]] ([[:de:Črnomelj]]) #[[Q21558953]] ([[:ca:Acacius]]) and [[Q403173]] ([[:en:Acacius]]) #[[Q17379233]] ([[:ca:Acholla]]) and [[Q340577]] ([[:en:Acholla]]) #[[Q2666563]] ([[:ca:Acoetes]]) and [[Q26678513]] ([[:en:Acoetes]]) #[[Q12244506]] ([[:ca:Agdal]]) and [[Q2826513]] ([[:en:Agdal]]) #[[Q20001173]] ([[:ca:Ainoa]]) and [[Q4697464]] ([[:en:Ainoa]]) #[[Q4697464]] ([[:en:Ainoa]]) and [[Q15142698]] ([[:fi:Ainoa]] #[[Q20001173]] ([[:ca:Ainoa]]) and [[Q15142698]] ([[:fi:Ainoa]] #[[Q11905404]] ([[:ca:Amusic]]) and [[Q4749024]] ([[:en:Amusic]]) #[[Q26234928]] ([[:ca:Andal]]) and [[Q465030]] ([[:en:Andal]]) #[[Q25422152]] ([[:ca:Androna]]) and [[Q12180802]] ([[:en:Androna]]) #[[Q11905671]] ([[:ca:Annata]]) and [[Q4768025]] ([[:en:Annata]]) #[[Q5696750]] ([[:ca:Antec]]) and [[Q1192617]] ([[:en:Antec]]) #[[Q11905741]] ([[:ca:Antigono]]) and [[Q4774778]] ([[:en:Antigono]]) #[[Q17301668]] ([[:ca:Anya]]) and [[Q511390]] ([[:en:Anya]]) #[[Q12155875]] ([[:ca:Araújo]]) and [[Q626620]] ([[:en:Araújo]]) #[[Q2405579]] ([[:ca:Ardanuç]]) and [[Q638539]] ([[:en:Ardanuç]]) #[[Q1845994]] ([[:ca:Arfa]]) and [[Q17342199]] ([[:en:Arfa]]) #[[Q21095804]] ([[:ca:Ashir]]) and [[Q5720006]] ([[:en:Ashir]]) #[[Q11906897]] ([[:ca:Asin]]) and [[Q470226]] ([[:en:Asin]]) #[[Q11906919]] ([[:ca:Aspar]]) and [[Q361276]] ([[:en:Aspar]]) #[[Q11906936]] ([[:ca:Asprella]]) and [[Q4808207]] ([[:en:Asprella]]) #[[Q2866932]] ([[:ca:Assabah]]) and [[Q4808310]] ([[:en:Assabah]]) #[[Q11907034]] ([[:ca:Astapa]]) and [[Q16834818]] ([[:en:Astapa]]) #[[Q21097694]] ([[:ca:Atilia]]) and [[Q2334126]] ([[:en:Atilia]]) #[[Q11907308]] ([[:ca:Ausa]]) and [[Q591243]] ([[:en:Ausa]]) #[[Q11907366]] ([[:ca:Avant]]) and [[Q724485]] ([[:en:Avant]]) #[[Q11907589]] ([[:ca:Baghar]]) and [[Q4841771]] ([[:en:Baghar]]) #[[Q1965054]] ([[:de:Napred]]) and [[Q12772305]] ([[:sk:Napred]]) #[[Q743836]] ([[:de:Nay]]) and [[Q13537421]] ([[:sk:Nay]]) #[[Q1302885]] ([[:de:One in a Million]]) and [[Q15043814]] ([[:sk:One in a Million]]) #[[Q2033998]] ([[:de:Oskar Singer]]) and [[Q12773156]] ([[:sk:Oskar Singer]]) #[[Q1247914]] ([[:de:Otto Geyer]]) and [[Q13537984]] ([[:sk:Otto Geyer]]) #[[Q2040982]] ([[:de:Otto Wiesner]]) and [[Q12773244]] ([[:sk:Otto Wiesner]]) #[[Q2041866]] ([[:de:Out of Control]]) and [[Q1070776]] ([[:sk:Out of Control]]) #[[Q779317]] ([[:it:Asymptote]]) and [[Q752716]] ([[:sk:Asymptote]]) #[[Q1028495]] ([[:hr:Camelot]]) and [[Q220437]] ([[:sk:Camelot]]) #[[Q649496]] ([[:hr:Cannibal]]) and [[Q60196]] ([[:sk:Cannibal]]) #[[Q18159613]] ([[:it:Avonmore]]) and [[Q2478012]] ([[:sk:Avonmore]]) #[[Q13368004]] ([[:sk:Abura]]) and [[Q24697712]] ([[:sv:Abura]]) #[[Q2315805]] ([[:sk:Acol]]) and [[Q2404354]] ([[:sv:Acol]]) #[[Q4728721]] ([[:sk:All Fall Down]]) and [[Q4728729]] ([[:sv:All Fall Down]]) #[[Q4770221]] ([[:sk:Another Country]]) and [[Q9616730]] ([[:sv:Another Country]]) #[[Q14200]] ([[:sk:Auva]]) and [[Q24345594]] ([[:sv:Auva]]) #[[Q853407]] ([[:sk:Bara]]) and [[Q1185188]] ([[:sv:Bara]]) #[[Q2401761]] ([[:it:Bobov dol]]) and [[Q405175]] ([[:sk:Bobov dol]]) #[[Q2234998]] ([[:sk:Big Bang (album)]]) and [[Q3283682]] ([[:sv:Big Bang (album)]]) #[[Q608479]] ([[:sk:Biri]]) and [[Q4087011]] ([[:sv:Biri]]) #[[Q7691420]] ([[:en:Team 4]]) and [[Q20671063]] ([[:sk:Team 4]]) #[[Q15846496]] ([[:eo:Attila Kaszás]]) and [[Q348426]] ([[:sk:Attila Kaszás]]) #[[Q3215700]] ([[:eo:Bouchet]]) and [[Q381506]] ([[:sk:Bouchet]]) #[[Q35]] ([[:eo:Danio]]) and [[Q901804]] ([[:sk:Danio]]) #[[Q3557028]] ([[:it:Victoire]]) and [[Q12778475]] ([[:sk:Victoire]]) #[[Q1065530]] ([[:eo:Pobeda]]) and [[Q18398469]] ([[:sk:Pobeda]]) #[[Q4013644]] ([[:it:Vinea]]) and [[Q1165857]] ([[:sk:Vinea]]) #[[Q27993685]] ([[:eo:Tibor Gáll]]) and [[Q12777523]] ([[:sk:Tibor Gáll]]) #[[Q4018658]] ([[:it:We Can Do It]]) and [[Q18010509]] ([[:sk:We Can Do It]]) #[[Q3797788]] ([[:it:Incorporated]]) and [[Q3178478]] ([[:sk:Incorporated]]) #[[Q1150898]] ([[:it:Gemini (film)]]) and [[Q12766285]] ([[:sk:Gemini (film)]]) #[[Q717916]] ([[:it:Zoltán Horváth]]) and [[Q9391957]] ([[:sk:Zoltán Horváth]]) #[[Q51055]] ([[:it:Ollagüe]]) and [[Q1420297]] ([[:sk:Ollagüe]]) #[[Q5066297]] ([[:it:Miroslava]]) and [[Q923005]] ([[:sk:Miroslava]]) #[[Q4231639]] ([[:ro:Kontinent]]) and [[Q205895]] ([[:sk:Kontinent]]) #[[Q6435916]] ([[:ro:Krakatit]]) and [[Q3564795]] ([[:sk:Krakatit]]) #[[Q5002937]] ([[:it:Butterfly House]]) and [[Q12763650]] ([[:sk:Butterfly House]]) #[[Q1638527]] ([[:it:Cloud 9]]) and [[Q15813913]] ([[:sk:Cloud 9]]) #[[Q952645]] ([[:it:Dimension]]) and [[Q385773]] ([[:sk:Dimension]]) #[[Q3999623]] ([[:it:Troja]]) and [[Q2643835]] ([[:sk:Troja]]) #[[Q4018630]] ([[:it:We're Not Gonna Take It]]) and [[Q3751821]] ([[:sk:We're Not Gonna Take It]]) #[[Q1412540]] ([[:de:The Street]]) and [[Q3596073]] ([[:sk:The Street]]) #[[Q1323303]] ([[:de:The Tree]]) and [[Q7770073]] ([[:sk:The Tree]]) #[[Q2064568]] ([[:de:Pavel Dvořák]]) and [[Q12044040]] ([[:sk:Pavel Dvořák]]) #[[Q1637409]] ([[:de:Pavol Novák]]) and [[Q12773559]] ([[:sk:Pavol Novák]]) #[[Q1125206]] ([[:de:Pendeli]]) and [[Q7057301]] ([[:sk:Pendeli]]) #[[Q2076660]] ([[:de:Peter Liba]]) and [[Q13538214]] ([[:sk:Peter Liba]]) #[[Q5625724]] ([[:de:Peter Markovič]]) and [[Q11815884]] ([[:sk:Peter Markovič]]) #[[Q11017957]] ([[:fi:Nahara]]) and [[Q28126503]] ([[:en:Nahara]]) #[[Q28126531]] ([[:ca:Nahara]]) and [[Q11017957]] ([[:fi:Nahara]]) #[[Q28126531]] ([[:ca:Nahara]]) and [[Q28126503]] ([[:en:Nahara]]) #[[Q21099328]] ([[:ca:Bahu]]) and [[Q4842910]] ([[:en:Bahu]]) #[[Q11907630]] ([[:ca:Bajana]]) and [[Q4848848]] ([[:en:Bajana]]) #[[Q11907639]] ([[:ca:Bakmi]]) and [[Q1293258]] ([[:en:Bakmi]]) #[[Q11907643]] ([[:ca:Bakra]]) and [[Q4849522]] ([[:en:Bakra]]) #[[Q21091835]] ([[:ca:Balahi]]) and [[Q5785650]] ([[:en:Balahi]]) #[[Q21088340]] ([[:ca:Balk]]) and [[Q1069344]] ([[:en:Balk]]) #[[Q11907764]] ([[:ca:Bamanbore]]) and [[Q2765812]] ([[:en:Bamanbore]]) #[[Q806435]] ([[:ca:Bangassou]]) and [[Q806478]] ([[:en:Bangassou]]) #[[Q621652]] ([[:ca:Baraguá]]) and [[Q1816192]] ([[:en:Baraguá]]) #[[Q3095365]] ([[:ca:Barana]]) and [[Q4858327]] ([[:en:Barana]]) #[[Q21092588]] ([[:ca:Barcella]]) and [[Q2710998]] ([[:en:Barcella]]) #[[Q11908231]] ([[:ca:Barpali]]) and [[Q712508]] ([[:en:Barpali]]) #[[Q8242658]] ([[:ca:Barrabás]]) and [[Q808794]] ([[:en:Barrabás]]) #[[Q21097818]] ([[:ca:Basilis]]) and [[Q4867451]] ([[:en:Basilis]]) #[[Q3328976]] ([[:ca:Baula]]) and [[Q654933]] ([[:en:Baula]]) #[[Q16176018]] ([[:ca:Bavi]]) and [[Q4873699]] ([[:en:Bavi]]) #[[Q11908840]] ([[:ca:Bavra]]) and [[Q2642767]] ([[:en:Bavra]]) #[[Q11908848]] ([[:ca:Baykara]]) and [[Q4874544]] ([[:en:Baykara]]) #[[Q11908912]] ([[:ca:Begun]]) and [[Q759147]] ([[:en:Begun]]) #[[Q2894600]] ([[:ca:Bella]]) and [[Q13530003]] ([[:en:Bella]]) #[[Q4083816]] ([[:ca:Bengkalis]]) and [[Q2598137]] ([[:en:Bengkalis]]) #[[Q11909248]] ([[:ca:Bhadli]]) and [[Q2766949]] ([[:en:Bhadli]]) #[[Q21075443]] ([[:ca:Bhadvana]]) and [[Q2766670]] ([[:en:Bhadvana]]) #[[Q11909256]] ([[:ca:Bhainsrorgarh]]) and [[Q4900783]] ([[:en:Bhainsrorgarh]]) #[[Q11909260]] ([[:ca:Bhalala]]) and [[Q2767230]] ([[:en:Bhalala]]) #[[Q11909266]] ([[:ca:Bhandaria]]) and [[Q28132198]] ([[:en:Bhandaria]]) #[[Q21075444]] ([[:ca:Bharejda]]) and [[Q2766991]] ([[:en:Bharejda]]) #[[Q11909271]] ([[:ca:Bharhut]]) and [[Q2310870]] ([[:en:Bharhut]]) #[[Q11909279]] ([[:ca:Bhayavadar]]) and [[Q759168]] ([[:en:Bhayavadar]]) #[[Q26236153]] ([[:ca:Bidiga]]) and [[Q4904168]] ([[:en:Bidiga]]) #[[Q11909363]] ([[:ca:Bijni]]) and [[Q797126]] ([[:en:Bijni]]) #[[Q17588110]] ([[:ca:Bijolia]]) and [[Q757846]] ([[:en:Bijolia]]) #[[Q19882934]] ([[:ca:Birsk]]) and [[Q105133]] ([[:en:Birsk]]) #[[Q11909483]] ([[:ca:Biy]]) and [[Q4919314]] ([[:en:Biy]]) #[[Q11909480]] ([[:ca:Biyabanak]]) and [[Q10860345]] ([[:en:Biyabanak]]) #[[Q435940]] ([[:de:Pater]]) and [[Q12773457]] ([[:sk:Pater]]) #[[Q373068]] ([[:de:Petrovo]]) and [[Q930756]] ([[:sk:Petrovo]]) #[[Q27999365]] ([[:de:Prezident]]) and [[Q30461]] ([[:sk:Prezident]]) #[[Q456984]] ([[:de:Radomka]]) and [[Q11833507]] ([[:sk:Radomka]]) #[[Q645767]] ([[:de:Rave]]) and [[Q898709]] ([[:sk:Rave]]) #[[Q2142926]] ([[:de:Remember]]) and [[Q491283]] ([[:sk:Remember]]) #[[Q1473792]] ([[:de:Roboking]]) and [[Q6458472]] ([[:sk:Roboking]]) # Q147782 (de:Zaraza) and Q12743986 (ro:Zaraza) # Q1048184 (nl:Toplica) and Q656735 (hu:Toplica) # Q1049992 (de:Castulo) and Q5050838 (ro:Castulo) # Q1063361 (nl:Tătăranu) and Q5070122 (hu:Tătăranu) # Q1070553 (fi:Speak) and Q1290707 (hu:Speak) # Q1088440 (nl:Șirna) and Q12171894 (hu:Șirna) # Q1116846 (de:Jan Groth) and Q11978054 (ro:Jan Groth) # Q1123885 (fi:The Ark) and Q3085924 (hu:The Ark) # Q1123885 (nl:The Ark) and Q3085924 (hu:The Ark) # Q1127184 (fi:Splash) and Q1290868 (hu:Splash) # Q1130641 (de:Alor) and Q12720485 (ro:Alor) # Q1163454 (de:Pilar) and Q2013557 (ro:Pilar) # Q1165799 (de:Thou) and Q2022000 (ro:Thou) # Q11851420 (fi:Anger) and Q537922 (hu:Anger) # Q1195733 (nl:Albești-Paleologu) and Q12077538 (hu:Albești-Paleologu) # Q12078004 (nl:Amzacea) and Q697735 (hu:Amzacea) # Q12111150 (nl:Cogealac) and Q868214 (hu:Cogealac) # Q1213010 (nl:The Savages) and Q390387 (hu:The Savages) # Q12160980 (nl:Tătărăști) and Q15905191 (hu:Tătărăști) # Q12161957 (nl:Topalu) and Q1077657 (hu:Topalu) # Q1264776 (nl:Dulcinea) and Q911015 (hu:Dulcinea) # Q12724543 (nl:Beștepe) and Q794476 (hu:Beștepe) # Q12724762 (nl:Eftimie Murgu) and Q833459 (hu:Eftimie Murgu) # Q12724837 (nl:Gălănești) and Q1031848 (hu:Gălănești) # Q12725240 (nl:Ulma) and Q1065999 (hu:Ulma) # Q12725244 (nl:Vadu Moldovei) and Q649272 (hu:Vadu Moldovei) # Q1340643 (de:Baumeister) and Q12721581 (ro:Baumeister) # Q13576623 (nl:Emilio) and Q989341 (hu:Emilio) # Q1381659 (de:Evelina) and Q864141 (ro:Evelina) # Q1384202 (nl:Exotica) and Q916387 (hu:Exotica) # Q1385557 (de:Fred Jones) and Q2225316 (ro:Fred Jones) # Q1396493 (de:Javier Moreno) and Q3497934 (ro:Javier Moreno) # Q1396493 (de:Javier Moreno) and Q3497934 (ro:Javier Moreno) # Q1411305 (nl:Apostolache) and Q1195719 (hu:Apostolache) # Q1423971 (nl:The Virgin Suicides) and Q834171 (hu:The Virgin Suicides) # Q14263915 (nl:Surani) and Q13423454 (hu:Surani) # Q143880 (de:Athamas) and Q110152 (ro:Athamas) # Q1442301 (de:Steve Forrest) and Q655799 (ro:Steve Forrest) # Q1446299 (de:Tomás Morales) and Q9088280 (ro:Tomás Morales) # Q14628767 (nl:Georgina) and Q1586600 (hu:Georgina) # Q1464730 (de:All I Want) and Q4728883 (ro:All I Want) # Q147683 (nl:Zarafa) and Q904088 (hu:Zarafa) # Q15285089 (de:Nadine) and Q12736370 (ro:Nadine) # Q15317 (de:Helvetia) and Q1034323 (ro:Helvetia) # Q1541963 (de:Graham Simpson) and Q5255097 (ro:Graham Simpson) # Q15861 (nl:Črnomelj) and Q3482211 (hu:Črnomelj) # Q1634001 (nl:Xystus) and Q716777 (hu:Xystus) # Q1636134 (de:Stephen Gallagher) and Q4356281 (ro:Stephen Gallagher) # Q16427204 (nl:Balta Doamnei) and Q789744 (hu:Balta Doamnei) # Q16427315 (nl:Crișeni) and Q12115266 (hu:Crișeni) # Q16427487 (nl:Dorna Candrenilor) and Q909124 (hu:Dorna Candrenilor) # Q16427577 (nl:Valea Moldovei) and Q2605707 (hu:Valea Moldovei) # Q16427591 (nl:Volovăț) and Q1195081 (hu:Volovăț) # Q16940948 (fi:The Journey) and Q1319468 (hu:The Journey) # Q1726731 (de:Alissa) and Q21013177 (ro:Alissa) # Q173597 (nl:Óscar González) and Q293379 (hu:Óscar González) # Q1741338 (de:Verna) and Q6273207 (ro:Verna) # Q1744621 (nl:Arbore) and Q15634262 (hu:Arbore) # Q1758316 (nl:Unison) and Q304426 (hu:Unison) # Q181259 (nl:Guga) and Q3889216 (hu:Guga) # Q1814594 (fi:The Message) and Q513219 (hu:The Message) # Q18354827 (nl:Truth) and Q1190056 (hu:Truth) # Q18697386 (de:Fatma) and Q12728149 (ro:Fatma) # Q192196 (fi:Utu) and Q526992 (hu:Utu) # Q1930977 (fi:The Last Temptation) and Q843079 (hu:The Last Temptation) # Q19689366 (fi:Anette) and Q702023 (hu:Anette) # Q19711013 (fi:Tidal) and Q847595 (hu:Tidal) # Q1992531 (nl:Hawker) and Q1034542 (hu:Hawker) # Q1999075 (nl:Ștefăneștii de Jos) and Q1706296 (hu:Ștefăneștii de Jos) # Q2005086 (de:Two Worlds) and Q250010 (ro:Two Worlds) # Q20118 (nl:Turia) and Q1190141 (hu:Turia) # Q205015 (de:Seeteufel) and Q13538915 (sk:Seeteufel) # Q20753121 (de:Ioan Bogdan) and Q7476739 (ro:Ioan Bogdan) # Q2095290 (nl:Uriel) and Q4006453 (hu:Uriel) # Q21144097 (fi:Asser) and Q428905 (hu:Asser) # Q2156780 (nl:Gornet-Cricov) and Q14077986 (hu:Gornet-Cricov) # Q2218951 (de:Samuel Weber) and Q27915438 (sk:Samuel Weber) # Q224965 (de:Grimus) and Q277692 (ro:Grimus) # Q23066944 (de:Vasile Nistor) and Q12743216 (ro:Vasile Nistor) # Q239040 (nl:Henti) and Q1619860 (hu:Henti) # Q2398365 (de:Team 4) and Q20671063 (sk:Team 4) # Q2429893 (de:Thunder and Lightning) and Q3297110 (ro:Thunder and Lightning) # Q2437579 (de:Toa) and Q930062 (ro:Toa) # Q2465515 (nl:Valea Doftanei) and Q12161119 (hu:Valea Doftanei) # Q2511076 (de:Vasile Florea) and Q25978535 (ro:Vasile Florea) # Q2527507 (de:Viorel Gheorghiță) and Q12743515 (ro:Viorel Gheorghiță) # Q2528331 (de:Visions) and Q4993531 (ro:Visions) # Q2549801 (nl:Dorna-Arini) and Q6314654 (hu:Dorna-Arini) # Q256316 (nl:Tullia) and Q1325046 (hu:Tullia) # Q2575254 (de:Wilhelm Stern) and Q12779193 (sk:Wilhelm Stern) # Q2605142 (nl:Gura Vitioarei) and Q14078162 (hu:Gura Vitioarei) # Q2605179 (nl:Teișani) and Q12160317 (hu:Teișani) # Q2605205 (nl:Valea Călugărească) and Q6465406 (hu:Valea Călugărească) # Q2605220 (nl:Sângeru) and Q6455716 (hu:Sângeru) # Q2605257 (nl:Ștefești) and Q12172396 (hu:Ștefești) # Q2605657 (nl:Șoimari) and Q12172182 (hu:Șoimari) # Q2605761 (nl:Telega) and Q12160352 (hu:Telega) # Q2606128 (nl:Vărbilău) and Q6467336 (hu:Vărbilău) # Q2701214 (de:Mormon) and Q3177118 (ro:Mormon) # Q2716494 (nl:Berca) and Q12082297 (hu:Berca) # Q2716660 (nl:Emerita) and Q989292 (hu:Emerita) # Q2718077 (nl:Andrășești) and Q12078261 (hu:Andrășești) # Q2718996 (nl:Axintele) and Q12077374 (hu:Axintele) # Q2720323 (nl:Tinosu) and Q6455577 (hu:Tinosu) # Q2720416 (nl:Vâlcănești) and Q6468441 (hu:Vâlcănești) # Q2736716 (fi:Tab) and Q302526 (hu:Tab) # Q27555099 (de:Transsylvania) and Q21043159 (ro:Transsylvania) # Q281034 (nl:Harry Nilsson) and Q973638 (hu:Harry Nilsson) # Q286477 (de:Ognon) and Q609348 (ro:Ognon) # Q319325 (nl:Søren Sørensen) and Q12004866 (hu:Søren Sørensen) # Q3235782 (nl:Dragomirești-Vale) and Q1654023 (hu:Dragomirești-Vale) # Q3365077 (fi:Tages) and Q659594 (hu:Tages) # Q3407910 (nl:Berești-Bistrița) and Q15627787 (hu:Berești-Bistrița) # Q3407946 (nl:Berești-Tazlău) and Q15629002 (hu:Berești-Tazlău) # Q377444 (nl:Talea) and Q12159836 (hu:Talea) # Q3779656 (it:Guilt) and Q4039746 (sk:Guilt) # Q400302 (fi:Ahja) and Q400301 (hu:Ahja) # Q429242 (de:Ango) and Q3276148 (ro:Ango) # Q4411366 (fi:The Awakening) and Q6303345 (hu:The Awakening) # Q477613 (fi:Villandry) and Q1138735 (hu:Villandry) # Q482244 (de:América) and Q1247400 (ro:América) # Q4903244 (nl:Ancilla) and Q760287 (hu:Ancilla) # Q499375 (de:Daru) and Q497305 (ro:Daru) # Q5052415 (nl:Chirnogeni) and Q860821 (hu:Chirnogeni) # Q5052564 (nl:Grădina) and Q1028459 (hu:Grădina) # Q5053313 (nl:Baba Ana) and Q787791 (hu:Baba Ana) # Q5054175 (nl:Tortoman) and Q1188563 (hu:Tortoman) # Q5060209 (nl:Cucuteni) and Q899500 (hu:Cucuteni) # Q5065792 (nl:Gârliciu) and Q934014 (hu:Gârliciu) # Q5066473 (nl:Chilia Veche) and Q860733 (hu:Chilia Veche) # Q5066556 (nl:Dumbrava Roșie) and Q911095 (hu:Dumbrava Roșie) # Q5066630 (nl:Crăcăoani) and Q870128 (hu:Crăcăoani) # Q5066952 (nl:Beidaud) and Q792067 (hu:Beidaud) # Q5069698 (nl:Turcoaia) and Q1041615 (hu:Turcoaia) # Q5070243 (nl:Valea Nucarilor) and Q1066301 (hu:Valea Nucarilor) # Q5070576 (nl:Topolog) and Q1041628 (hu:Topolog) # Q5086561 (nl:Valea Teilor) and Q593601 (hu:Valea Teilor) # Q5087046 (nl:Dăeni) and Q987294 (hu:Dăeni) # Q5091598 (nl:Văcăreni) and Q848236 (hu:Văcăreni) # Q5113969 (nl:Umbrărești) and Q1065940 (hu:Umbrărești) # Q514298 (de:Cloud Nine) and Q510608 (ro:Cloud Nine) # Q527196 (nl:William Warner) and Q1628712 (hu:William Warner) # Q538909 (de:Mr. Wonderful) and Q2551004 (ro:Mr. Wonderful) # Q5400275 (fi:Ura) and Q285333 (hu:Ura) # Q567576 (de:Anomia) and Q23828719 (ro:Anomia) # Q568130 (nl:Șotrile) and Q12172254 (hu:Șotrile) # Q571394 (de:Third) and Q921580 (ro:Third) # Q58029 (fi:Wilhelm Peters) and Q1250825 (hu:Wilhelm Peters) # Q58029 (nl:Wilhelm Peters) and Q1250825 (hu:Wilhelm Peters) # Q591539 (de:Anton Lindner) and Q12720809 (ro:Anton Lindner) # Q606389 (de:Monteiro Lobato) and Q1760453 (ro:Monteiro Lobato) # Q64089 (de:Girl on Fire) and Q376611 (ro:Girl on Fire) # Q642599 (de:Viva!) and Q12743593 (ro:Viva!) # Q642599 (de:Viva!) and Q12743593 (ro:Viva!) # Q643856 (nl:Vadu Săpat) and Q6465501 (hu:Vadu Săpat) # Q651626 (nl:Cocorăștii Colț) and Q12111516 (hu:Cocorăștii Colț) # Q660947 (de:Hakka) and Q10516114 (ro:Hakka) # Q683726 (nl:Dream Street) and Q909757 (hu:Dream Street) # Q705887 (de:Heaven) and Q5694609 (ro:Heaven) # Q714064 (de:City Hunter) and Q484941 (ro:City Hunter) # Q721931 (fi:Vaja) and Q1088783 (hu:Vaja) # Q727523 (de:Special Delivery) and Q7574517 (ro:Special Delivery) # Q744766 (nl:Chiojdeanca) and Q12116538 (hu:Chiojdeanca) # Q751324 (de:Stronger) and Q1056686 (ro:Stronger) # Q764767 (nl:Andreiașu de Jos) and Q13768630 (hu:Andreiașu de Jos) # Q77112 (de:David Foster) and Q2582465 (ro:David Foster) # Q7720825 (de:The Buttons) and Q16518518 (sk:The Buttons) # Q7887301 (fi:United) and Q1399869 (hu:United) # Q793781 (nl:Bertea) and Q12082375 (hu:Bertea) # Q803933 (nl:Birda) and Q14771631 (hu:Birda) # Q804628 (nl:Balance of Power) and Q789150 (hu:Balance of Power) # Q8067100 (nl:Venter) and Q725221 (hu:Venter) # Q817327 (fi:Thaba-Tseka) and Q777028 (hu:Thaba-Tseka) # Q8532896 (de:Tomorrow) and Q4265281 (ro:Tomorrow) # Q863750 (de:Binga) and Q4086832 (ro:Binga) # Q868161 (nl:Cocorăștii Mislii) and Q12111517 (hu:Cocorăștii Mislii) # Q868236 (nl:Colceag) and Q12111823 (hu:Colceag) # Q880636 (de:Black Water) and Q17507649 (ro:Black Water) # Q885741 (de:Blue Jacket) and Q4929273 (ro:Blue Jacket) # Q891935 (de:Bombo) and Q4940747 (ro:Bombo) # Q900312 (de:Celia) and Q3664254 (ro:Celia) # Q937042 (de:Montseny) and Q15434 (ro:Montseny) # Q937467 (nl:Vizantea-Livezi) and Q12129807 (hu:Vizantea-Livezi) # Q939169 (nl:Gura Vadului) and Q14078051 (hu:Gura Vadului) # Q948967 (de:The Promise) and Q1605662 (ro:The Promise) # Q960975 (nl:Wisdom) and Q827788 (hu:Wisdom) # Q974706 (nl:Wild Is the Wind) and Q754696 (hu:Wild Is the Wind) # Q978201 (nl:Topla) and Q824902 (hu:Topla) # Q997040 (fi:Tura) and Q1064032 (hu:Tura) #[[Q11909537]] ([[:ca:Bobbili]]) and [[Q861841]] ([[:en:Bobbili]]) #[[Q11909585]] ([[:ca:Bolundra]]) and [[Q2766553]] ([[:en:Bolundra]]) #[[Q25352456]] ([[:ca:Borsalino]]) and [[Q593680]] ([[:en:Borsalino]]) #[[Q2750138]] ([[:ca:Boumerdès]]) and [[Q770518]] ([[:en:Boumerdès]]) #[[Q11910192]] ([[:ca:Burman]]) and [[Q450765]] ([[:en:Burman]]) #[[Q131183]] ([[:ca:Cabaret]]) and [[Q27976507]] ([[:en:Cabaret]]) #[[Q11910880]] ([[:ca:Calafat]]) and [[Q652856]] ([[:en:Calafat]]) #[[Q11910889]] ([[:ca:Calcid]]) and [[Q5018769]] ([[:en:Calcid]]) #[[Q20984928]] ([[:ca:Can Jubany]]) and [[Q5029067]] ([[:en:Can Jubany]]) #[[Q11912237]] ([[:ca:Capreol]]) and [[Q5036220]] ([[:en:Capreol]]) #[[Q3658073]] ([[:ca:Capusa]]) and [[Q5037140]] ([[:en:Capusa]]) #[[Q26160655]] ([[:ca:Cardita]]) and [[Q3017099]] ([[:en:Cardita]]) #[[Q11912620]] ([[:ca:Carrhenes]]) and [[Q1764092]] ([[:en:Carrhenes]]) #[[Q11912625]] ([[:ca:Carruca]]) and [[Q5046746]] ([[:en:Carruca]]) #[[Q2878845]] ([[:ca:Carrusel]]) and [[Q1065778]] ([[:en:Carrusel]]) #[[Q18696039]] ([[:ca:Casa Rosa]]) and [[Q5047878]] ([[:en:Casa Rosa]]) #[[Q21092604]] ([[:ca:Casal]]) and [[Q2134396]] ([[:en:Casal]]) #[[Q8342753]] ([[:ca:Casual]]) and [[Q2161329]] ([[:en:Casual]]) #[[Q11913578]] ([[:ca:Chaki]]) and [[Q1134443]] ([[:en:Chaki]]) #[[Q11913589]] ([[:ca:Chamardi]]) and [[Q15120585]] ([[:en:Chamardi]]) #[[Q11913632]] ([[:ca:Chausa]]) and [[Q20873016]] ([[:en:Chausa]]) #[[Q11913670]] ([[:ca:Chikiti]]) and [[Q1105855]] ([[:en:Chikiti]]) #[[Q11913685]] ([[:ca:Chintpurni]]) and [[Q5101362]] ([[:en:Chintpurni]]) #[[Q11913700]] ([[:ca:Chobari]]) and [[Q15284361]] ([[:en:Chobari]]) #[[Q11913712]] ([[:ca:Chotila]]) and [[Q2723942]] ([[:en:Chotila]]) #[[Q11913890]] ([[:ca:Cipher]]) and [[Q4681865]] ([[:en:Cipher]]) #[[Q21088393]] ([[:ca:Cons]]) and [[Q3687178]] ([[:en:Cons]]) #[[Q13580764]] ([[:ca:Copes]]) and [[Q5168543]] ([[:en:Copes]]) #[[Q11691520]] ([[:ca:Cornellana]]) and [[Q5171582]] ([[:en:Cornellana]]) #[[Q3104080]] ([[:ca:Cove]]) and [[Q31615]] ([[:en:Cove]]) #[[Q11916105]] ([[:ca:Crispo]]) and [[Q25114445]] ([[:en:Crispo]]) #[[Q11916187]] ([[:ca:Crocota]]) and [[Q5187428]] ([[:en:Crocota]]) #[[Q16553920]] ([[:ca:Cuadrilátero]]) and [[Q5191810]] ([[:en:Cuadrilátero]]) #[[Q11916329]] ([[:ca:Cutina]]) and [[Q5196854]] ([[:en:Cutina]]) #[[Q5803522]] ([[:ca:DAMA]]) and [[Q5204250]] ([[:en:DAMA]]) #[[Q16190327]] ([[:ca:Dabar]]) and [[Q17050060]] ([[:en:Dabar]]) #[[Q11916465]] ([[:ca:Dabri]]) and [[Q5207553]] ([[:en:Dabri]]) #[[Q13108091]] ([[:ca:GR 1]]) and [[Q3478682]] ([[:en:GR 1]]) #[[Q17615968]] ([[:ca:GR 4]]) and [[Q2240313]] ([[:en:GR 4]]) #[[Q22004334]] ([[:ca:Hadad]]) and [[Q682855]] ([[:en:Hadad]]) #[[Q16241782]] ([[:ca:Huaman]]) and [[Q3818422]] ([[:en:Huaman]]) #[[Q24548159]] ([[:ca:Jan van der Hoeven]]) and [[Q322636]] ([[:en:Jan van der Hoeven]]) #[[Q9019363]] ([[:ca:L'isola disabitata]]) and [[Q468384]] ([[:en:L'isola disabitata]]) # Q15625724 (de:Peter Markovič) and Q11815884 (sk:Peter Markovič) # Q1003412 (nl:Nova Roma) and Q1194329 (hu:Nova Roma) # Q10818662 (nl:Satrapa) and Q170305 (hu:Satrapa) # Q110817 (nl:Atto) and Q22124382 (hu:Atto) # Q1136724 (nl:The Journey) and Q1319468 (hu:The Journey) # Q1181805 (nl:Platea) and Q1376222 (hu:Platea) # Q1186391 (nl:Clinceni) and Q12110632 (hu:Clinceni) # Q1188240 (nl:Topraisar) and Q15938827 (hu:Topraisar) # Q1188568 (nl:Poarta Albă) and Q5052748 (hu:Poarta Albă) # Q12074009 (nl:Izvoarele Sucevei) and Q1089013 (hu:Izvoarele Sucevei) # Q12082897 (nl:Blejoi) and Q804450 (hu:Blejoi) # Q12134510 (nl:Nufăru) and Q1093460 (hu:Nufăru) # Q12508730 (nl:Risa) and Q1249325 (hu:Risa) # Q12724514 (nl:Arsura) and Q1959761 (hu:Arsura) # Q12724567 (nl:Botoșana) and Q848491 (hu:Botoșana) # Q12724578 (nl:Brodina) and Q2606112 (hu:Brodina) # Q12724619 (nl:Bălțești) and Q278686 (hu:Bălțești) # Q12724854 (nl:Horodnic de Jos) and Q933624 (hu:Horodnic de Jos) # Q12724855 (nl:Horodnic de Sus) and Q963318 (hu:Horodnic de Sus) # Q12724862 (nl:Hârtop) and Q2720373 (hu:Hârtop) # Q12724993 (nl:Niculițel) and Q953724 (hu:Niculițel) # Q12725256 (nl:Valu lui Traian) and Q931160 (hu:Valu lui Traian) # Q1281654 (nl:Jean Meeus) and Q1343358 (hu:Jean Meeus) # Q1360888 (nl:Jean Richard) and Q3174308 (hu:Jean Richard) # Q1426495 (nl:The Rapture) and Q1319671 (hu:The Rapture) # Q1438412 (nl:Rise Up) and Q15928143 (hu:Rise Up) # Q14931 (nl:Boiler) and Q726042 (hu:Boiler) # Q16036390 (nl:Ghindăoani) and Q2542013 (hu:Ghindăoani) # Q16426463 (nl:Goicea) and Q1011377 (hu:Goicea) # Q16426756 (nl:Bucu) and Q145755 (hu:Bucu) # Q16426845 (nl:Dascălu) and Q1653912 (hu:Dascălu) # Q16427505 (nl:Fundu Moldovei) and Q253340 (hu:Fundu Moldovei) # Q16427522 (nl:Ilișești) and Q1065993 (hu:Ilișești) # Q16427580 (nl:Vatra Moldoviței) and Q933684 (hu:Vatra Moldoviței) # Q1649556 (nl:Transylmania) and Q1323566 (hu:Transylmania) # Q1653578 (nl:Dobroești) and Q12101557 (hu:Dobroești) # Q1659395 (nl:Cloak and Dagger) and Q868001 (hu:Cloak and Dagger) # Q1703719 (nl:Petrăchioaia) and Q12140124 (hu:Petrăchioaia) # Q1791677 (nl:David Baird) and Q1173630 (hu:David Baird) # Q1831358 (nl:The Last Resort) and Q3987911 (hu:The Last Resort) # Q18583425 (nl:Nodulus) and Q582484 (hu:Nodulus) # Q1884733 (nl:Unal) and Q1399738 (hu:Unal) # Q1895138 (nl:Pleșcuța) and Q3849225 (hu:Pleșcuța) # Q1926205 (nl:Warboys) and Q747849 (hu:Warboys) # Q193518 (nl:Sabotage) and Q692298 (hu:Sabotage) # Q2074019 (nl:Peter Mertens) and Q125294 (hu:Peter Mertens) # Q2099237 (nl:Glogovica) and Q769195 (hu:Glogovica) # Q2108644 (nl:Zalug) and Q1415910 (hu:Zalug) # Q2123109 (nl:The Poet) and Q740458 (hu:The Poet) # Q2175737 (nl:Newborn) and Q1217519 (hu:Newborn) # Q2227079 (nl:Call on Me) and Q724114 (hu:Call on Me) # Q2344630 (nl:Norberta) and Q1218510 (hu:Norberta) # Q243573 (nl:Roderik) and Q25936886 (hu:Roderik) # Q2437208 (nl:Never Too Late) and Q786569 (hu:Never Too Late) # Q2467643 (nl:Izvoru Berheciului) and Q15707977 (hu:Izvoru Berheciului) # Q2469285 (nl:Plopana) and Q15732446 (hu:Plopana) # Q2484425 (nl:Dealu Morii) and Q15634583 (hu:Dealu Morii) # Q2486706 (nl:Glăvănești) and Q15651139 (hu:Glăvănești) # Q2501374 (nl:Carlos Ferro) and Q858588 (hu:Carlos Ferro) # Q2538880 (nl:Borănești) and Q12722899 (hu:Borănești) # Q2539288 (nl:Buești) and Q12724589 (hu:Buești) # Q2605195 (nl:Iordăcheanu) and Q14079750 (hu:Iordăcheanu) # Q2605244 (nl:Râfov) and Q5071438 (hu:Râfov) # Q2605720 (nl:Bahna) and Q15957595 (hu:Bahna) # Q2605779 (nl:Bălțătești) and Q15957670 (hu:Bălțătești) # Q2716444 (nl:Bozioru) and Q12083548 (hu:Bozioru) # Q282675 (nl:Target Center) and Q1316875 (hu:Target Center) # Q2879343 (nl:Velma) and Q1420824 (hu:Velma) # Q3032438 (nl:Eternally Yours) and Q755444 (hu:Eternally Yours) # Q323638 (nl:Sumène) and Q609784 (hu:Sumène) # Q332576 (nl:Michael Martin) and Q725012 (hu:Michael Martin) # Q3372482 (nl:GEM) and Q849246 (hu:GEM) # Q3407894 (nl:Huruiești) and Q15662679 (hu:Huruiești) # Q455195 (nl:Blandina) and Q714592 (hu:Blandina) # Q5052607 (nl:Saraiu) and Q1188247 (hu:Saraiu) # Q5052651 (nl:Ciobanu) and Q867451 (hu:Ciobanu) # Q5052950 (nl:Ion Corvin) and Q1091887 (hu:Ion Corvin) # Q5052979 (nl:Seimeni) and Q1091890 (hu:Seimeni) # Q5062884 (nl:Cerchezu) and Q859620 (hu:Cerchezu) # Q5062970 (nl:Castelu) and Q858972 (hu:Castelu) # Q5064482 (nl:Apold) and Q618878 (hu:Apold) # Q5065390 (nl:Ghindărești) and Q242006 (hu:Ghindărești) # Q5065604 (nl:Ceamurlia de Jos) and Q859186 (hu:Ceamurlia de Jos) # Q5065937 (nl:Casimcea) and Q858861 (hu:Casimcea) # Q5069585 (nl:Aroneanu) and Q777836 (hu:Aroneanu) # Q5069842 (nl:Cernica) and Q2349589 (hu:Cernica) # Q5070979 (nl:Sarichioi) and Q1065021 (hu:Sarichioi) # Q5091611 (nl:Carcaliu) and Q858396 (hu:Carcaliu) # Q5113257 (nl:Maliuc) and Q1066617 (hu:Maliuc) # Q5113397 (nl:Bălăbănești) and Q855738 (hu:Bălăbănești) # Q5113727 (nl:Ghidigeni) and Q1010196 (hu:Ghidigeni) # Q5113769 (nl:Ceatalchioi) and Q859191 (hu:Ceatalchioi) # Q5113832 (nl:Plugari) and Q2606010 (hu:Plugari) # Q5114127 (nl:Bălușeni) and Q855734 (hu:Bălușeni) # Q5119817 (nl:SEV) and Q517041 (hu:SEV) # Q513643 (nl:Ciorogârla) and Q12170626 (hu:Ciorogârla) # Q533234 (nl:Michael Lewis) and Q311654 (hu:Michael Lewis) # Q535952 (nl:Béma) and Q2029217 (hu:Béma) # Q5379139 (nl:Ennea) and Q687382 (hu:Ennea) # Q588464 (nl:The Message) and Q513219 (hu:The Message) # Q617805 (nl:Ciolpani) and Q12170439 (hu:Ciolpani) # Q622742 (nl:Where the Wild Things Are) and Q753042 (hu:Where the Wild Things Are) # Q627234 (nl:Sunflower) and Q940780 (hu:Sunflower) # Q661282 (nl:The Hardest Part) and Q726227 (hu:The Hardest Part) # Q685885 (nl:Iceland) and Q721810 (hu:Iceland) # Q709568 (nl:David Pegg) and Q572919 (hu:David Pegg) # Q712820 (nl:Howard Jones) and Q583183 (hu:Howard Jones) # Q7363279 (nl:Romola) and Q1250739 (hu:Romola) # Q753685 (nl:Campari) and Q899150 (hu:Campari) # Q7686825 (nl:Tatárjárás) and Q852171 (hu:Tatárjárás) # Q769937 (nl:Gherghița) and Q14077756 (hu:Gherghița) # Q771526 (nl:Scarabaeus) and Q3951583 (hu:Scarabaeus) # Q784088 (nl:Idlewild) and Q590071 (hu:Idlewild) # Q859570 (nl:Ceptura) and Q12169547 (hu:Ceptura) # Q859596 (nl:Cerașu) and Q12169566 (hu:Cerașu) # Q900621 (nl:Enfleurage) and Q735886 (hu:Enfleurage) # Q912936 (nl:Castaway) and Q1504743 (hu:Castaway) # Q919680 (nl:Filipeștii de Târg) and Q14071145 (hu:Filipeștii de Târg) # Q937827 (nl:Delila) and Q714883 (hu:Delila) # Q945561 (nl:Filipeștii de Pădure) and Q14070781 (hu:Filipeștii de Pădure) # Q976061 (nl:Elvira Madigan) and Q272263 (hu:Elvira Madigan) # Q26222781 (sv:Štakorovica) and Q516763 (hu:Štakorovica) # Q21732223 (sv:Žerava) and Q16116962 (hu:Žerava) # Q981989 (sh:Alamo, Texas) and Q2636724 (sv:Alamo, Texas) # Q16691336 (sh:Alan) and Q16496006 (sv:Alan) # Q311556 (sh:Alekto) and Q1643451 (sv:Alekto) # Q797722 (sh:Babina) and Q2160610 (sv:Babina) # Q2184835 (sv:Šišatovac) and Q1065776 (hu:Šišatovac) # Q25327776 (sv:Šeganovac) and Q3440080 (hu:Šeganovac) # Q3051656 (sv:Temptation) and Q1058679 (hu:Temptation) # Q7655465 (sv:Sweet Revenge) and Q674123 (hu:Sweet Revenge) # Q256611 (sv:Sweet Sixteen) and Q16164480 (hu:Sweet Sixteen) # Q1039666 (sv:Sweetheart) and Q835363 (hu:Sweetheart) # Q323638 (sv:Sumène) and Q609784 (hu:Sumène) # Q3737213 (sv:Aglaja) and Q15410550 (hu:Aglaja) # Q4759570 (nl:Exposed) and Q994189 (hu:Exposed) # Q1952849 (nl:FLM) and Q995153 (hu:FLM) # Q1752956 (nl:Fade to Black) and Q515251 (hu:Fade to Black) # Q1391906 (nl:Fading) and Q917263 (hu:Fading) # Q3064515 (nl:Fair Warning) and Q649585 (hu:Fair Warning) # Q3133005 (nl:Favorit) and Q996733 (hu:Favorit) # Q21287589 (nl:Ferdinand Feyerick) and Q1642337 (hu:Ferdinand Feyerick) # Q790010 (nl:Bang Bang You're Dead) and Q16385104 (hu:Bang Bang You're Dead) #[[Q317438]] ([[:ca:Abdul Razak]]) and [[Q247730]] ([[:pt:Abdul Razak]]) #[[Q15362022]] ([[:ca:Acerola]]) and [[Q273742]] ([[:pt:Acerola]]) #[[Q984944]] ([[:ca:Achar]]) and [[Q9580084]] ([[:pt:Achar]]) #[[Q18292702]] ([[:ca:Aghbalou]]) and [[Q2826832]] ([[:pt:Aghbalou]]) #[[Q50399]] ([[:ca:Aimag]]) and [[Q3187075]] ([[:pt:Aimag]]) #[[Q11904510]] ([[:ca:Ain Beida]]) and [[Q2876256]] ([[:pt:Ain Beida]]) #[[Q28137490]] ([[:ca:Akora]]) and [[Q2475251]] ([[:pt:Akora]]) #[[Q421648]] ([[:ca:Aksu (Xinjiang)]]) and [[Q421638]] ([[:pt:Aksu (Xinjiang)]]) #[[Q1375571]] ([[:ca:Albert Nicholas]]) and [[Q24005723]] ([[:pt:Albert Nicholas]]) #[[Q2838261]] ([[:ca:Aliança Progressista]]) and [[Q7248622]] ([[:pt:Aliança Progressista]]) #[[Q4739434]] ([[:ca:Amalou]]) and [[Q1657281]] ([[:pt:Amalou]]) #[[Q138086]] ([[:ca:Ambush]]) and [[Q9610332]] ([[:pt:Ambush]]) #[[Q4857288]] ([[:ca:Amila]]) and [[Q589684]] ([[:pt:Amila]]) #[[Q2446595]] ([[:ca:Anderson Mesa]]) and [[Q3306528]] ([[:pt:Anderson Mesa]]) #[[Q2555342]] ([[:ca:Andrew Davis]]) and [[Q504461]] ([[:pt:Andrew Davis]]) #[[Q478535]] ([[:ca:Antics]]) and [[Q2266306]] ([[:pt:Antics]]) #[[Q2856740]] ([[:ca:Antoine Simon]]) and [[Q886481]] ([[:pt:Antoine Simon]]) #[[Q2749012]] ([[:ca:Antonio Ramos Espejo]]) and [[Q8201627]] ([[:pt:Antonio Ramos Espejo]]) #[[Q15015195]] ([[:ca:Apple Pippin]]) and [[Q621312]] ([[:pt:Apple Pippin]]) #[[Q1822238]] ([[:ca:Aquilia]]) and [[Q9626938]] ([[:pt:Aquilia]]) #[[Q11906475]] ([[:ca:Arisco]]) and [[Q9628735]] ([[:pt:Arisco]]) #[[Q2536103]] ([[:ca:Ashfield]]) and [[Q2157505]] ([[:pt:Ashfield]]) #[[Q21099321]] ([[:ca:Aska]]) and [[Q730904]] ([[:pt:Aska]]) #[[Q21095818]] ([[:ca:Ato]]) and [[Q421744]] ([[:pt:Ato]]) #[[Q2162940]] ([[:ca:Atrapada]]) and [[Q3281637]] ([[:pt:Atrapada]]) #[[Q2481478]] ([[:ca:Avicultura]]) and [[Q861182]] ([[:pt:Avicultura]]) #[[Q12224806]] ([[:ca:Azzaba]]) and [[Q2214091]] ([[:pt:Azzaba]]) #[[Q815537]] ([[:ca:BRF]]) and [[Q899097]] ([[:pt:BRF]]) #[[Q4840705]] ([[:ca:Bade]]) and [[Q74052]] ([[:pt:Bade]]) #[[Q9164491]] ([[:ca:Bakura]]) and [[Q4849604]] ([[:pt:Bakura]]) #[[Q13389050]] ([[:ca:Banganapalle]]) and [[Q1553292]] ([[:pt:Banganapalle]]) #[[Q4837169]] ([[:ca:Bansi]]) and [[Q637722]] ([[:pt:Bansi]]) #[[Q3476823]] ([[:ca:Barnegat]]) and [[Q1088201]] ([[:pt:Barnegat]]) #[[Q72926]] ([[:ca:Barés]]) and [[Q809707]] ([[:pt:Barés]]) #[[Q11908691]] ([[:ca:Bastidor]]) and [[Q2879748]] ([[:pt:Bastidor]]) #[[Q479833]] ([[:ca:Batch]]) and [[Q661613]] ([[:pt:Batch]]) #[[Q11908901]] ([[:ca:Bed & Breakfast]]) and [[Q4878938]] ([[:pt:Bed & Breakfast]]) #[[Q4083056]] ([[:ca:Beli]]) and [[Q652584]] ([[:pt:Beli]]) #[[Q3469009]] ([[:ca:Belle Haven]]) and [[Q1377012]] ([[:pt:Belle Haven]]) #[[Q2522722]] ([[:ca:Benji]]) and [[Q729475]] ([[:pt:Benji]]) #[[Q2899108]] ([[:ca:Berons]]) and [[Q4894645]] ([[:pt:Berons]]) #[[Q854999]] ([[:ca:Bhima]]) and [[Q4901747]] ([[:pt:Bhima]]) #[[Q11909366]] ([[:ca:Bila]]) and [[Q794991]] ([[:pt:Bila]]) #[[Q863321]] ([[:ca:Bilma]]) and [[Q863297]] ([[:pt:Bilma]]) #[[Q8962143]] ([[:ca:Bita]]) and [[Q3640481]] ([[:pt:Bita]]) #[[Q2904965]] ([[:ca:Biu]]) and [[Q9658176]] ([[:pt:Biu]]) #[[Q4893709]] ([[:ca:Bizarre]]) and [[Q364526]] ([[:pt:Bizarre]]) #[[Q450392]] ([[:ca:Blowback]]) and [[Q166034]] ([[:pt:Blowback]]) #[[Q93542]] ([[:commons:Aquaman]]) and [[Q623059]] ([[:simple:Aquaman]]) #[[Q21152883]] ([[:commons:Baden]]) and [[Q6877935]] ([[:simple:Baden]]) #[[Q659986]] ([[:commons:Category:Sool]]) and [[Q8772426]] ([[:voy:en:Category:Sool]]) #[[Q15625724]] ([[:de:Peter Markovič]]) and [[Q11815884]] ([[:sk:Peter Markovič]]) #[[Q331209]] ([[:de:Theodore Sedgwick]]) and [[Q16518535]] ([[:sk:Theodore Sedgwick]]) #[[Q615309]] ([[:de:Tom Bell]]) and [[Q17115573]] ([[:sk:Tom Bell]]) #[[Q749606]] ([[:de:Trnovo]]) and [[Q773817]] ([[:sk:Trnovo]]) #[[Q2499883]] ([[:de:Ura]]) and [[Q285333]] ([[:sk:Ura]]) #[[Q1006397]] ([[:de:Vila Pouca de Aguiar]]) and [[Q2662738]] ([[:sk:Vila Pouca de Aguiar]]) #[[Q2532166]] ([[:de:Volksrecht]]) and [[Q27979941]] ([[:sk:Volksrecht]]) #[[Q207219]] ([[:de:Zlatá hokejka]]) and [[Q1961593]] ([[:sk:Zlatá hokejka]]) # Q112500 (nl:Hans Schmid) and Q1582321 (hu:Hans Schmid) # Q1219922 (nl:Strange Cargo) and Q1291866 (hu:Strange Cargo) # Q1260081 (nl:Still Standing) and Q748036 (hu:Still Standing) # Q12724846 (nl:Hoceni) and Q2548469 (hu:Hoceni) # Q12724854 (nl:Horodnic de Jos) and Q933624 (hu:Horodnic de Jos) # Q12724855 (nl:Horodnic de Sus) and Q963318 (hu:Horodnic de Sus) # Q13654151 (nl:Happy Hour) and Q1033776 (hu:Happy Hour) # Q15646469 (nl:Yuki Kadono) and Q20873423 (pt:Yuki Kadono) # Q15869895 (nl:Amanda Brown) and Q4739578 (pt:Amanda Brown) # Q1603024 (nl:Helmut Vetter) and Q1035179 (hu:Helmut Vetter) # Q16427563 (nl:Sucevița) and Q1188191 (hu:Sucevița) # Q1822814 (nl:Home Movies) and Q2660900 (hu:Home Movies) # Q2032484 (nl:Vladimir Ivanov) and Q4196086 (pt:Vladimir Ivanov) # Q20650924 (nl:World on Fire) and Q8036661 (pt:World on Fire) # Q20973591 (nl:Here for You) and Q19507764 (hu:Here for You) # Q2139583 (nl:Honor) and Q1054933 (hu:Honor) # Q2172512 (nl:Submarine) and Q260509 (hu:Submarine) # Q22986114 (nl:Top of the World) and Q838710 (hu:Top of the World) # Q2361875 (nl:Hont) and Q781122 (hu:Hont) # Q24067238 (nl:Afraid of Heights) and Q4689418 (cs:Afraid of Heights) # Q2469306 (nl:Stănișești) and Q15885309 (hu:Stănișești) # Q2486663 (nl:Helegiu) and Q15651341 (hu:Helegiu) # Q2518070 (nl:24K) and Q12621311 (fr:24K) # Q2570675 (nl:South Beach) and Q720907 (hu:South Beach) # Q2584522 (nl:Hien) and Q1217679 (hu:Hien) # Q2720381 (nl:Starchiojd) and Q5071101 (hu:Starchiojd) # Q2760036 (nl:All the Brothers Were Valiant) and Q3209123 (pt:All the Brothers Were Valiant) # Q27684928 (nl:Abachi) and Q137952 (fr:Abachi) # Q2823428 (nl:Acoustic) and Q4674611 (pt:Acoustic) # Q3133005 (nl:Favorit) and Q1996375 (cs:Favorit) # Q3135096 (nl:Hey Stoopid) and Q430340 (hu:Hey Stoopid) # Q3229575 (nl:Hermia) and Q1035612 (hu:Hermia) # Q3538321 (nl:Charlie (album)) and Q27115154 (hu:Charlie (album)) # Q373911 (nl:Víctor García) and Q7944624 (pt:Víctor García) # Q381694 (nl:Henry Cooper) and Q1606623 (hu:Henry Cooper) # Q5066773 (nl:Holboca) and Q1037420 (hu:Holboca) # Q5071003 (nl:Somova) and Q1066655 (hu:Somova) # Q5096545 (nl:Stephen Bennett) and Q1352746 (hu:Stephen Bennett) # Q5112618 (nl:Hamcearca) and Q1033365 (hu:Hamcearca) # Q5113116 (nl:Stolniceni-Prăjescu) and Q2607525 (hu:Stolniceni-Prăjescu) # Q538880 (nl:Sorgues) and Q716185 (hu:Sorgues) # Q57426 (nl:Heiner Müller) and Q1035006 (hu:Heiner Müller) # Q62599 (nl:Heinz Müller) and Q573335 (hu:Heinz Müller) # Q63371 (nl:Heinrich Schwarz) and Q28034524 (hu:Heinrich Schwarz) # Q712820 (nl:Howard Jones) and Q583183 (hu:Howard Jones) # Q7912596 (nl:Valsa) and Q193434 (pt:Valsa) # Q955855 (nl:Force Majeure) and Q3023451 (cs:Force Majeure) # Q887756 (nl:Admiralty Inlet) and Q3740577 (pl:Admiralty Inlet) # Q10420474 (sv:Assa) and Q1047502 (cs:Assa) # Q1042398 (pl:Paranoia) and Q1229994 (cs:Paranoia) # Q10589146 (sv:Mork) and Q6912474 (cs:Mork) # Q11762652 (pl:Lost and Found) and Q2458927 (cs:Lost and Found) # Q1260067 (pl:Spy) and Q12055742 (cs:Spy) # Q1344153 (pl:Another Day) and Q2707578 (cs:Another Day) # Q138153 (sv:Colo) and Q1110232 (cs:Colo) # Q14121326 (sv:Afra) and Q598081 (cs:Afra) # Q14777025 (sv:Moser) and Q637767 (cs:Moser) # Q1543771 (pl:Sorek) and Q252254 (cs:Sorek) # Q155370 (pl:Alchemy) and Q4713023 (cs:Alchemy) # Q1655140 (fr:Santo Domingo de Silos) and Q1766072 (pl:Santo Domingo de Silos) # Q17378096 (nl:Aelianus) and Q380788 (pl:Aelianus) # Q1739409 (pl:Alser Straße) and Q2651453 (cs:Alser Straße) # Q17511125 (sv:All I Need) and Q15811116 (cs:All I Need) # Q1824594 (pl:Back Home) and Q1825058 (cs:Back Home) # Q18581283 (nl:Alcira) and Q16527142 (pl:Alcira) # Q1932833 (nl:Ai Maeda) and Q1147812 (pl:Ai Maeda) # Q1941020 (nl:All Tomorrow's Parties) and Q2613885 (pl:All Tomorrow's Parties) # Q1984795 (nl:Altar) and Q1970778 (pl:Altar) # Q1991028 (pl:Azara) and Q144592 (cs:Azara) # Q2005199 (nl:Ángel Gallardo) and Q3295996 (pl:Ángel Gallardo) # Q2023945 (sv:All Night Long) and Q594856 (cs:All Night Long) # Q213343 (pl:Look) and Q2740768 (cs:Look) # Q2218387 (sv:Breed) and Q765421 (cs:Breed) # Q2219208 (fr:Samut Prakan) and Q13139252 (pl:Samut Prakan) # Q2449787 (nl:Allan McLean) and Q4730850 (pl:Allan McLean) # Q247280 (sv:Beat) and Q546264 (cs:Beat) # Q253990 (sv:Fréhel) and Q175676 (cs:Fréhel) # Q2732917 (it:D.A.N.C.E.) and Q11692503 (pl:D.A.N.C.E.) # Q28034854 (sv:Montecassiano) and Q83095 (cs:Montecassiano) # Q2862073 (fr:Armando Costa) and Q9159893 (pl:Armando Costa) # Q2906927 (pl:Blood, Sweat & Tears (album)) and Q804529 (cs:Blood, Sweat & Tears (album)) # Q2931834 (sv:Cold) and Q1107761 (cs:Cold) # Q296217 (pl:Mori) and Q229146 (cs:Mori) # Q3025061 (pl:Alberich) and Q19001594 (cs:Alberich) # Q3028267 (pl:For What It's Worth) and Q2551974 (cs:For What It's Worth) # Q3049315 (pl:Union Square) and Q110007 (cs:Union Square) # Q304947 (pl:Paraíba do Sul) and Q1807293 (cs:Paraíba do Sul) # Q328518 (sv:Armenia) and Q683174 (cs:Armenia) # Q3427967 (pl:Agara) and Q146765 (cs:Agara) # Q3453824 (pl:Seira) and Q12051315 (cs:Seira) # Q347020 (sv:Adak) and Q79371 (cs:Adak) # Q3471253 (fr:Samuel Walker) and Q3443874 (pl:Samuel Walker) # Q3549911 (pl:Unger) and Q1617600 (cs:Unger) # Q3640509 (pl:Bittersweet) and Q2752372 (cs:Bittersweet) # Q3737213 (sv:Aglaja) and Q517046 (cs:Aglaja) # Q381697 (nl:Aeros) and Q16797 (pl:Aeros) # Q4271790 (pl:Love Love Love) and Q14955814 (cs:Love Love Love) # Q434924 (pl:Altay) and Q434883 (cs:Altay) # Q4727454 (nl:Alive and Kicking) and Q11685424 (pl:Alive and Kicking) # Q4735191 (pl:Alphabet City) and Q1156938 (cs:Alphabet City) # Q4776666 (fr:Antonio Gómez) and Q9157911 (pl:Antonio Gómez) # Q4830296 (pl:Axel Jensen) and Q3369836 (cs:Axel Jensen) # Q4928787 (pl:Blue (album)) and Q3498558 (cs:Blue (album)) # Q504876 (fr:Andrew Gordon) and Q9151102 (pl:Andrew Gordon) # Q539597 (nl:Akim) and Q418389 (pl:Akim) # Q541186 (sv:Chris Thompson) and Q322288 (cs:Chris Thompson) # Q5507118 (sv:Fuel) and Q2412660 (cs:Fuel) # Q5555515 (pl:Max Andersson) and Q943868 (cs:Max Andersson) # Q579141 (pl:Maury) and Q16279209 (cs:Maury) # Q625667 (sv:Aram) and Q4068496 (cs:Aram) # Q627487 (sv:Ariana) and Q654850 (cs:Ariana) # Q638206 (sv:Arktika) and Q673840 (cs:Arktika) # Q639920 (pl:Montblanc) and Q142691 (cs:Montblanc) # Q6780115 (pl:Mary Lou) and Q7011259 (cs:Mary Lou) # Q7131893 (pl:Panton) and Q3505942 (cs:Panton) # Q74548 (sv:Chris Wood) and Q26099 (cs:Chris Wood) # Q772978 (pl:Gambrinus) and Q45298 (cs:Gambrinus) # Q877176 (sv:Alexander Huber) and Q67452 (cs:Alexander Huber) # Q900288 (sv:Cofidis) and Q1106920 (cs:Cofidis) # Q9141002 (pl:Adolf Franke) and Q20056895 (cs:Adolf Franke) # Q9144453 (pl:Albeřice) and Q22695955 (cs:Albeřice) # Q930167 (fr:Sothis) and Q4353680 (pl:Sothis) #[[Q26995953]] ([[:s:en:Module:Date]]) and [[Q19963557]] ([[:en:Module:Date]]) #[[Q744540]] ([[:s:en:Author:Longinus]]) and [[Q319947]] ([[:en:Longinus]]) #[[Q28097046]] ([[:s:en:Spirits of the Dead]]) and [[Q18415]] ([[:en:Spirits of the Dead]]) #[[Q3198816]] ([[:q:fr:Kookaburra]]) and [[Q340041]] ([[:en:Kookaburra]]) #[[Q18221660]] ([[:q:fr:Marsupilami]]) and [[Q841812]] ([[:en:Marsupilami]]) #[[Q3309007]] ([[:q:fr:Michel Besnier]]) and [[Q18221696]] ([[:en:Michel Besnier]]) #[[Q3379897]] ([[:q:fr:Philippe Gautier]]) and [[Q7184820]] ([[:en:Philippe Gautier]]) #[[Q3380374]] ([[:q:fr:Philippe Meyer]]) and [[Q16213658]] ([[:en:Philippe Meyer]]) #[[Q3471251]] ([[:q:fr:Samuel Vincent]]) and [[Q2572399]] ([[:en:Samuel Vincent]]) #[[Q11866159]] ([[:q:fi:Jarmo Korhonen]]) and [[Q11720712]] ([[:en:Jarmo Korhonen]]) #[[Q5405446]] ([[:q:fi:Tapio Laakso]]) and [[Q7684648]] ([[:en:Tapio Laakso]]) #[[Q18808650]] ([[:en:Amalie Kaercher]]) and [[Q18507751]] ([[:cy:Amalie Kaercher]]) #[[Q2844983]] ([[:en:Ana Juan]]) and [[Q19815158]] ([[:cy:Ana Juan]]) #[[Q4054960]] ([[:en:Anastasia Abramova]]) and [[Q19364631]] ([[:cy:Anastasia Abramova]]) #[[Q4767374]] ([[:en:Anna Nagy]]) and [[Q12950816]] ([[:cy:Anna Nagy]]) #[[Q930860]] ([[:en:Anna Zawadzka]]) and [[Q16529232]] ([[:cy:Anna Zawadzka]]) #[[Q4768209]] ([[:en:Anne Carlisle]]) and [[Q21543361]] ([[:cy:Anne Carlisle]]) #[[Q271270]] ([[:en:Barbara Brylska]]) and [[Q18983334]] ([[:cy:Barbara Brylska]]) #[[Q57236]] ([[:en:Bettina von Arnim]]) and [[Q19835427]] ([[:cy:Bettina von Arnim]]) #[[Q27976507]] ([[:en:Cabaret]]) and [[Q131183]] ([[:cy:Cabaret]]) #[[Q448890]] ([[:en:Charlotte Cushman]]) and [[Q20829595]] ([[:cy:Charlotte Cushman]]) #[[Q5253885]] ([[:en:Delia Reinhardt]]) and [[Q22712890]] ([[:cy:Delia Reinhardt]]) #[[Q5271226]] ([[:en:Diana Martín]]) and [[Q5805160]] ([[:cy:Diana Martín]]) #[[Q4161271]] ([[:en:Dyfnwal Moelmud]]) and [[Q2426699]] ([[:cy:Dyfnwal Moelmud]]) #[[Q5362595]] ([[:en:Elizabeth Clarke]]) and [[Q25999287]] ([[:cy:Elizabeth Clarke]]) #[[Q5362688]] ([[:en:Elizabeth Donald]]) and [[Q27924436]] ([[:cy:Elizabeth Donald]]) #[[Q446008]] ([[:en:Emily Hart]]) and [[Q23061161]] ([[:cy:Emily Hart]]) #[[Q270848]] ([[:en:Erika Lust]]) and [[Q1319995]] ([[:cy:Erika Lust]]) #[[Q5416468]] ([[:en:Evelyn Williams]]) and [[Q21459080]] ([[:cy:Evelyn Williams]]) #[[Q5422376]] ([[:en:Extreme Survival]]) and [[Q27653031]] ([[:cy:Extreme Survival]]) #[[Q441537]] ([[:en:Frances Wright]]) and [[Q27924448]] ([[:cy:Frances Wright]]) #[[Q1035165]] ([[:en:Helma]]) and [[Q19554832]] ([[:cy:Helma]]) #[[Q28061859]] ([[:en:Hiroko Sasaki]]) and [[Q11382183]] ([[:cy:Hiroko Sasaki]]) #[[Q27980198]] ([[:en:Iain McLean]]) and [[Q20566711]] ([[:cy:Iain McLean]]) #[[Q16157512]] ([[:en:Ingrid Almqvist]]) and [[Q4935239]] ([[:cy:Ingrid Almqvist]]) #[[Q274704]] ([[:en:Jane Morgan]]) and [[Q21458272]] ([[:cy:Jane Morgan]]) #[[Q4975058]] ([[:en:Julie Roberts]]) and [[Q21465660]] ([[:cy:Julie Roberts]]) #[[Q89514]] ([[:en:Luise Neumann]]) and [[Q1876648]] ([[:cy:Luise Neumann]]) #[[Q6759197]] ([[:en:Margaret Boden]]) and [[Q21455895]] ([[:cy:Margaret Boden]]) #[[Q3846887]] ([[:en:Margaret Thompson]]) and [[Q27924657]] ([[:cy:Margaret Thompson]]) #[[Q21401329]] ([[:en:Maria Olsen]]) and [[Q27923991]] ([[:cy:Maria Olsen]]) #[[Q1388996]] ([[:en:Maria Reese]]) and [[Q15438998]] ([[:cy:Maria Reese]]) #[[Q6780310]] ([[:en:Mary McEvoy]]) and [[Q21457738]] ([[:cy:Mary McEvoy]]) #[[Q6780316]] ([[:en:Mary McIntyre]]) and [[Q27919039]] ([[:cy:Mary McIntyre]]) #[[Q7030059]] ([[:en:Nicole Galland]]) and [[Q6042063]] ([[:cy:Nicole Galland]]) #[[Q71775]] ([[:en:Ruth Fischer]]) and [[Q2798868]] ([[:cy:Ruth Fischer]]) #[[Q7422078]] ([[:en:Sarah Baker]]) and [[Q23955378]] ([[:cy:Sarah Baker]]) #[[Q8025416]] ([[:en:Winifred Phillips]]) and [[Q21466901]] ([[:cy:Winifred Phillips]]) #[[Q4693123]] ([[:en:Ágnes Szatmári]]) and [[Q16522902]] ([[:cy:Ágnes Szatmári]]) #[[Q191897]] ([[:en:Argolis]]) and [[Q12649101]] ([[:cs:Argolis]]) #[[Q11908904]] ([[:en:Bedla]]) and [[Q11065036]] ([[:cs:Bedla]]) #[[Q45336]] ([[:en:Konrad Bayer]]) and [[Q4075478]] ([[:cs:Konrad Bayer]]) #[[Q16117000]] ([[:en:Salaš]]) and [[Q2649726]] ([[:cs:Salaš]]) #[[Q2802035]] ([[:en:Stok]]) and [[Q1582929]] ([[:cs:Stok]]) #[[Q28129894]] ([[:en:Femme]]) and [[Q11200092]] ([[:ja:Femme]]) #[[Q7977544]] ([[:en:We Don't Stop]]) and [[Q17164091]] ([[:ja:We Don't Stop]]) # Q1137613 (pl:Cour Saint-Émilion) and Q3000918 (sk:Cour Saint-Émilion) # Q10366270 (ca:Ríos Rosas) and Q2479349 (pl:Ríos Rosas) # Q1081756 (it:Christian Schmidt) and Q107018 (pl:Christian Schmidt) # Q1147190 (ca:Leben) and Q6511289 (pl:Leben) # Q11686339 (pl:Anton) and Q5401576 (sk:Anton) # Q1170515 (ca:Valley of the Dolls) and Q3553871 (pl:Valley of the Dolls) # Q11908901 (ca:Bed & Breakfast) and Q813778 (pl:Bed & Breakfast) # Q11954724 (ca:Viki) and Q2814432 (pl:Viki) # Q1273803 (ca:Joseph Huber) and Q3185095 (pl:Joseph Huber) # Q1298893 (ca:Black Sunday) and Q880587 (pl:Black Sunday) # Q13194 (ca:Kiwi) and Q12236826 (pl:Kiwi) # Q1339628 (ca:Juan de Padilla) and Q6301304 (pl:Juan de Padilla) # Q1348812 (ca:John Orr) and Q6251326 (pl:John Orr) # Q1413053 (ca:Justa) and Q11729650 (pl:Justa) # Q1443597 (ca:Bernstorff) and Q568975 (pl:Bernstorff) # Q1509098 (ca:John Jenkins) and Q1000791 (pl:John Jenkins) # Q15232998 (pl:Kalenice) and Q1021135 (sk:Kalenice) # Q15616276 (ca:Telegram) and Q1522225 (pl:Telegram) # Q15737024 (it:37 Days) and Q4635848 (pl:37 Days) # Q158022 (ca:Aira) and Q1198576 (pl:Aira) # Q1581069 (ca:Luther Blissett) and Q10531 (pl:Luther Blissett) # Q1592990 (ca:Astor Place) and Q2199564 (pl:Astor Place) # Q16149374 (it:Christine Adams) and Q74783 (pl:Christine Adams) # Q16275016 (it:Beau) and Q4877332 (pl:Beau) # Q1699429 (ca:John Brown) and Q189366 (pl:John Brown) # Q18042441 (ca:Twinkle) and Q532994 (pl:Twinkle) # Q1836938 (ca:Port Clarence) and Q7230548 (pl:Port Clarence) # Q18609978 (ca:Valente) and Q1806997 (pl:Valente) # Q1891679 (ca:Manuel Ramírez) and Q19904697 (pl:Manuel Ramírez) # Q1926647 (ca:Ole Olsen) and Q942411 (pl:Ole Olsen) # Q1956447 (ca:Powder River) and Q2096785 (pl:Powder River) # Q1966521 (ca:Place d'Italie) and Q1537246 (pl:Place d'Italie) # Q1984116 (ca:José Luis Moreno) and Q3810483 (pl:José Luis Moreno) # Q203161 (ca:Tricolor) and Q2305997 (pl:Tricolor) # Q2065363 (ca:Beau Brummell) and Q561019 (pl:Beau Brummell) # Q2098078 (ca:Aldgate) and Q782929 (pl:Aldgate) # Q21290247 (pl:Stachy) and Q132422 (sk:Stachy) # Q2248070 (ca:Ricardo Franco) and Q6108185 (pl:Ricardo Franco) # Q2271021 (pl:Araukana) and Q579035 (sk:Araukana) # Q2401991 (ca:Telesfor) and Q3982948 (pl:Telesfor) # Q2426646 (pl:Bajna) and Q788754 (sk:Bajna) # Q244692 (pl:Zwijndrecht) and Q244690 (sk:Zwijndrecht) # Q2469793 (ca:Tauros) and Q2630757 (pl:Tauros) # Q2530954 (ca:Take Me Out to the Ball Game) and Q1363603 (pl:Take Me Out to the Ball Game) # Q25409966 (it:Brayan Ramírez) and Q5733463 (pl:Brayan Ramírez) # Q2566034 (ca:Lavapiés) and Q388743 (pl:Lavapiés) # Q2616059 (pl:Bowery) and Q785788 (sk:Bowery) # Q2638863 (ca:Albert Spalding) and Q1272299 (pl:Albert Spalding) # Q2662229 (ca:John Nelson) and Q1701201 (pl:John Nelson) # Q2741566 (ca:Affection) and Q4688874 (pl:Affection) # Q2836186 (ca:La Moraleja) and Q2059047 (pl:La Moraleja) # Q2898115 (ca:Avishai Cohen) and Q388320 (pl:Avishai Cohen) # Q2985575 (ca:K-9) and Q558413 (pl:K-9) # Q3095518 (ca:Twenty) and Q7857719 (pl:Twenty) # Q319684 (ca:Rigas Fereos) and Q2035813 (pl:Rigas Fereos) # Q3279613 (pl:Astro) and Q3391330 (sk:Astro) # Q3394996 (ca:Julio Maldonado) and Q18649967 (pl:Julio Maldonado) # Q34952 (ca:Benga) and Q524665 (pl:Benga) # Q3619426 (it:Antonio Cipriani) and Q26273582 (pl:Antonio Cipriani) # Q363465 (ca:Adolf Müller) and Q4684140 (pl:Adolf Müller) # Q377776 (ca:Tortilla Flat) and Q606720 (pl:Tortilla Flat) # Q3825835 (ca:Richard Miller) and Q7327815 (pl:Richard Miller) # Q398365 (ca:Aguilares) and Q2289978 (pl:Aguilares) # Q411850 (ca:Aya) and Q3443832 (pl:Aya) # Q4161569 (ca:Richard Dixon) and Q13627458 (pl:Richard Dixon) # Q4659051 (it:A Promise) and Q9137819 (pl:A Promise) # Q4680166 (pl:Adamka) and Q10379812 (sk:Adamka) # Q4724226 (it:Algiers) and Q20012828 (pl:Algiers) # Q4876846 (ca:Beast) and Q664050 (pl:Beast) # Q4908765 (ca:Bill Dickinson) and Q254490 (pl:Bill Dickinson) # Q51906 (it:Bowmore) and Q51905 (pl:Bowmore) # Q5551008 (ca:José Contreras) and Q5939032 (pl:José Contreras) # Q558413 (pl:K-9) and Q2985575 (sk:K-9) # Q566825 (ca:Albert Becker) and Q84930 (pl:Albert Becker) # Q5711903 (ca:Karl Engel) and Q3193385 (pl:Karl Engel) # Q605376 (ca:Antonio Tamburini) and Q605371 (pl:Antonio Tamburini) # Q605376 (it:Antonio Tamburini) and Q605371 (pl:Antonio Tamburini) # Q612096 (ca:Back Street) and Q4839172 (pl:Back Street) # Q6294057 (ca:José Mota) and Q488971 (pl:José Mota) # Q63571 (ca:Johannes Weiss) and Q1335134 (pl:Johannes Weiss) # Q650374 (ca:Loverboy) and Q264859 (pl:Loverboy) # Q6551648 (ca:Linda Hogan) and Q16572170 (pl:Linda Hogan) # Q683996 (ca:Bergisel) and Q672833 (pl:Bergisel) # Q700753 (ca:Karlsplatz) and Q335894 (pl:Karlsplatz) # Q735041 (pl:Branice) and Q690542 (sk:Branice) # Q760737 (ca:Alameda de Osuna) and Q2403543 (pl:Alameda de Osuna) # Q7759723 (pl:The Reason) and Q1025631 (sk:The Reason) # Q783933 (ca:Angelina) and Q1097621 (pl:Angelina) # Q7897390 (ca:Unrest) and Q1951926 (pl:Unrest) # Q792730 (pl:Bene) and Q12771056 (sk:Bene) # Q810051 (it:Basil Williams) and Q4867282 (pl:Basil Williams) # Q815837 (ca:Bis) and Q1363276 (pl:Bis) # Q815838 (pl:Belle-Île) and Q1399325 (sk:Belle-Île) # Q816536 (ca:Benjamin King) and Q4888916 (pl:Benjamin King) # Q845307 (ca:Tlalnepantla de Baz) and Q18812162 (pl:Tlalnepantla de Baz) # Q850238 (ca:Betty) and Q2090092 (pl:Betty) # Q890147 (it:Boedo) and Q3296722 (pl:Boedo) # Q9014404 (ca:José María García) and Q11728603 (pl:José María García) # Q9014787 (ca:José Ríos) and Q10545292 (pl:José Ríos) # Q9164904 (pl:Bandos) and Q2380493 (sk:Bandos) # Q947275 (ca:Alchemy) and Q155370 (pl:Alchemy) # Q951791 (ca:Posta) and Q224333 (pl:Posta) # Q28126580 (es:Alejandro Arce) and Q9145069 (pl:Alejandro Arce) # Q1140351 (es:Sly) and Q9338583 (pl:Sly) # Q1151353 (es:Slave) and Q9338518 (pl:Slave) # Q144419 (pl:Zaira) and Q4026211 (tr:Zaira) # Q1851381 (es:Scott Sunderland) and Q1884760 (pl:Scott Sunderland) # Q20973111 (es:Sigala) and Q3454337 (pl:Sigala) # Q27490873 (es:Alfredo Ugarte) and Q17544350 (pl:Alfredo Ugarte) # Q3095518 (es:Twenty) and Q7857719 (pl:Twenty) # Q4735894 (fr:Alan MacDonald) and Q1423815 (pl:Alan MacDonald) # Q4793618 (pl:Armitage) and Q16971177 (tr:Armitage) # Q4797815 (pl:Arthur Anderson) and Q4797820 (tr:Arthur Anderson) # Q4910198 (es:Bill Miller) and Q860960 (pl:Bill Miller) # Q4926584 (es:Blind Man) and Q4926589 (pl:Blind Man) # Q596229 (es:Bishan) and Q3234658 (pl:Bishan) # Q6130370 (es:Sleepwalk) and Q9338541 (pl:Sleepwalk) # Q733309 (pl:Too Much) and Q5260386 (tr:Too Much) # Q8037692 (pl:Wrecked) and Q3044816 (tr:Wrecked) # Q82470 (es:Steve Brown) and Q9345789 (pl:Steve Brown) # Q833882 (pl:Amat) and Q6060304 (tr:Amat) # Q852380 (pl:With U) and Q253871 (tr:With U) # Q863073 (es:Billy Dean) and Q735971 (pl:Billy Dean) #[[Q1413252]] ([[:en:Bow wave]]) and [[Q12763403]] ([[:sk:Bow wave]]) #[[Q5289717]] ([[:en:Dom (film)]]) and [[Q11863246]] ([[:sk:Dom (film)]]) #[[Q5371282]] ([[:en:Emil Herrmann]]) and [[Q1035721]] ([[:sk:Emil Herrmann]]) #[[Q16209607]] ([[:en:František Gödri]]) and [[Q13409019]] ([[:sk:František Gödri]]) #[[Q5492576]] ([[:en:František Patočka]]) and [[Q13409042]] ([[:sk:František Patočka]]) #[[Q3785402]] ([[:en:Hex (album)]]) and [[Q17151331]] ([[:sk:Hex (album)]]) #[[Q121016]] ([[:en:Ivan Engler]]) and [[Q113252]] ([[:sk:Ivan Engler]]) #[[Q23683468]] ([[:en:Ivan Lazarov]]) and [[Q4252937]] ([[:sk:Ivan Lazarov]]) #[[Q3160681]] ([[:en:Jakub Fiala]]) and [[Q1001058]] ([[:sk:Jakub Fiala]]) #[[Q6160718]] ([[:en:Jaroslav Ševčík]]) and [[Q12767897]] ([[:sk:Jaroslav Ševčík]]) #[[Q6282178]] ([[:en:Joseph Coates]]) and [[Q12768086]] ([[:sk:Joseph Coates]]) #[[Q6297925]] ([[:en:Jozef Slovák]]) and [[Q13420981]] ([[:sk:Jozef Slovák]]) #[[Q27918298]] ([[:en:Ján Kellner]]) and [[Q13421319]] ([[:sk:Ján Kellner]]) #[[Q16232319]] ([[:en:Ján Nosko]]) and [[Q21993053]] ([[:sk:Ján Nosko]]) #[[Q6469738]] ([[:en:Ladislav Švarc]]) and [[Q13425980]] ([[:sk:Ladislav Švarc]]) #[[Q1112661]] ([[:en:Legal Drug]]) and [[Q13429909]] ([[:sk:Legal Drug]]) #[[Q12125779]] ([[:en:Livin' Large]]) and [[Q12770455]] ([[:sk:Livin' Large]]) #[[Q6702722]] ([[:en:Lukáš Vaculík]]) and [[Q12034395]] ([[:sk:Lukáš Vaculík]]) #[[Q733264]] ([[:en:László Köteles]]) and [[Q13431212]] ([[:sk:László Köteles]]) #[[Q1282903]] ([[:en:Mali Zvornik]]) and [[Q13100341]] ([[:sk:Mali Zvornik]]) #[[Q3290393]] ([[:en:Marek Novotný]]) and [[Q13441034]] ([[:sk:Marek Novotný]]) #[[Q26689656]] ([[:en:Martin Novák]]) and [[Q13441429]] ([[:sk:Martin Novák]]) #[[Q6835753]] ([[:en:Michal Hlinka]]) and [[Q21809786]] ([[:sk:Michal Hlinka]]) #[[Q6835802]] ([[:en:Michal Novák]]) and [[Q13449510]] ([[:sk:Michal Novák]]) #[[Q7175260]] ([[:en:Peter Kopecký]]) and [[Q12773735]] ([[:sk:Peter Kopecký]]) #[[Q102444]] ([[:en:Peter Schutz]]) and [[Q12773756]] ([[:sk:Peter Schutz]]) #[[Q7387180]] ([[:en:S.E.X.Y.]]) and [[Q12775706]] ([[:sk:S.E.X.Y.]]) #[[Q7720779]] ([[:en:The Butchers]]) and [[Q22121633]] ([[:sk:The Butchers]]) #[[Q7756862]] ([[:en:The Phantoms]]) and [[Q12777481]] ([[:sk:The Phantoms]]) #[[Q7781804]] ([[:en:Theodore Gordon]]) and [[Q16518532]] ([[:sk:Theodore Gordon]]) #[[Q18713858]] ([[:en:Tina (album)]]) and [[Q16518637]] ([[:sk:Tina (album)]]) #[[Q7820656]] ([[:en:Tomáš Urban]]) and [[Q12777616]] ([[:sk:Tomáš Urban]]) #[[Q15846496]] ([[:eo:Attila Kaszás]]) and [[Q348426]] ([[:sk:Attila Kaszás]]) #[[Q179385]] ([[:eo:Greenwich]]) and [[Q693450]] ([[:sk:Greenwich]]) #[[Q12349593]] ([[:eo:Ivan Slávik]]) and [[Q13419678]] ([[:sk:Ivan Slávik]]) #[[Q12351084]] ([[:eo:Károly Vígh]]) and [[Q12769997]] ([[:sk:Károly Vígh]]) #[[Q27993685]] ([[:eo:Tibor Gáll]]) and [[Q12777523]] ([[:sk:Tibor Gáll]]) #[[Q4680166]] ([[:en:Adamka]]) and [[Q10379812]] ([[:sk:Adamka]]) #[[Q4801389]] ([[:en:Artona]]) and [[Q13375796]] ([[:sk:Artona]]) #[[Q814437]] ([[:en:Behar]]) and [[Q12763015]] ([[:sk:Behar]]) #[[Q4973129]] ([[:en:Brodno]]) and [[Q648794]] ([[:sk:Brodno]]) #[[Q2017395]] ([[:en:Cantando]]) and [[Q12763765]] ([[:sk:Cantando]]) #[[Q738308]] ([[:en:Casomai]]) and [[Q3661869]] ([[:sk:Casomai]]) #[[Q5121710]] ([[:en:Circulus]]) and [[Q12764136]] ([[:sk:Circulus]]) #[[Q5189819]] ([[:en:Cruciform]]) and [[Q12764237]] ([[:sk:Cruciform]]) # Q2711494 (ca:Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic) and Q725902 (pl:Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic) # Q1089109 (ca:Surfin' USA) and Q915712 (pl:Surfin' USA) # Q13273 (ca:Soddo) and Q673275 (pl:Soddo) # Q2289624 (ca:Soldier of Fortune) and Q1427606 (pl:Soldier of Fortune) # Q1012644 (ca:Snowflake) and Q7548629 (pl:Snowflake) # Q2759345 (ca:The Rack) and Q4051251 (pl:The Rack) # Q2249260 (ca:Seventh Heaven) and Q2701998 (pl:Seventh Heaven) # Q2140112 (ca:Runaways) and Q2701133 (pl:Runaways) # Q336545 (ca:Prometea) and Q11827724 (pl:Prometea) # Q21092557 (ca:Alberga) and Q3274078 (pl:Alberga) # Q2303820 (ca:Allenwood) and Q4732087 (pl:Allenwood) # Q3443832 (pl:Aya) and Q11003525 (tr:Aya) # Q811021 (pl:Battles) and Q26703474 (tr:Battles) # Q1933727 (pl:Blueprint) and Q6061895 (tr:Blueprint) # Q4932365 (pl:Bob Elliott) and Q3431782 (tr:Bob Elliott) # Q3938368 (pl:Bobby Campbell) and Q832731 (tr:Bobby Campbell) # Q9182145 (pl:Burda) and Q2640282 (tr:Burda) # Q930259 (pl:Calla) and Q6047464 (tr:Calla) # Q170132 (pl:Can) and Q1031816 (tr:Can) # Q1758557 (pl:Carlos Gomes) and Q263855 (tr:Carlos Gomes) # Q4449628 (pl:Cavid Tağıyev) and Q20987654 (tr:Cavid Tağıyev) # Q1033652 (pl:Chamoy) and Q5069848 (tr:Chamoy) # Q1761606 (pl:Colina) and Q3841 (tr:Colina) # Q2419013 (pl:Come Back to Me) and Q868450 (tr:Come Back to Me) # Q2996436 (pl:Conviction) and Q2996428 (tr:Conviction) # Q863433 (pl:Creep) and Q1408525 (tr:Creep) # Q9196847 (pl:Crowne Plaza) and Q2746220 (tr:Crowne Plaza) # Q9200941 (pl:Dalin) and Q6020841 (tr:Dalin) # Q2048184 (ro:Dead End) and Q676341 (pt:Dead End) # Q3815320 (pl:Dangara) and Q4154483 (tr:Dangara) # Q5227935 (pl:Daughters) and Q2093319 (tr:Daughters) # Q1174747 (pl:David Hogan) and Q21606998 (tr:David Hogan) # Q5240111 (pl:David Stone) and Q921970 (tr:David Stone) # Q5245159 (pl:Dead End) and Q3149188 (tr:Dead End) # Q3495197 (pl:Delight) and Q6027478 (tr:Delight) # Q672490 (pl:Dem) and Q6025285 (tr:Dem) # Q1191499 (pl:Departure) and Q2559459 (tr:Departure) # Q9206377 (pl:Desa) and Q5204857 (tr:Desa) # Q5264941 (pl:Desperate Living) and Q2017468 (tr:Desperate Living) # Q909104 (pl:Dorian) and Q5297766 (tr:Dorian) # Q909104 (pl:Dorian) and Q5297766 (tr:Dorian) # Q3046620 (pl:Easy Go) and Q5331131 (tr:Easy Go) # Q1089469 (pl:Stadium) and Q6075402 (tr:Stadium) # Q1089469 (pl:Stadium) and Q3496282 (tr:Stadium) # Q690328 (pl:Ours) and Q2704752 (tr:Ours) # Q375249 (pl:My Generation) and Q8353114 (tr:My Generation) # Q6850641 (pl:Milan Nikolić) and Q983518 (tr:Milan Nikolić) # Q181358 (pl:Michael Campbell) and Q543007 (tr:Michael Campbell) # Q696877 (pl:Michael Gruber) and Q3274912 (tr:Michael Gruber) # Q305203 (de:Abalak) and Q2502064 (tr:Abalak) # Q415502 (de:Akala) and Q6005422 (tr:Akala) # Q798696 (de:Bad Girls) and Q619424 (tr:Bad Girls) # Q1228453 (de:Disco Inferno) and Q2482822 (tr:Disco Inferno) # Q909104 (de:Dorian) and Q5297766 (tr:Dorian) # Q950596 (de:The Outsider) and Q12812185 (tr:The Outsider) # Q238331 (de:Mona Simpson) and Q1641818 (tr:Mona Simpson) # Q1508964 (de:Jim Ward) and Q4280417 (tr:Jim Ward) # Q4963071 (de:Jasmine) and Q962208 (tr:Jasmine) # Q27860269 (de:Marilyn King) and Q16334807 (tr:Marilyn King) # Q2273737 (de:Serkan Kaya) and Q27037907 (tr:Serkan Kaya) # Q27490824 (de:Tapan) and Q6018941 (tr:Tapan) # Q735890 (de:She) and Q3119058 (tr:She) # Q1608693 (de:Sinja) and Q2617135 (tr:Sinja) # Q35096 (de:Bedik) and Q6852791 (tr:Bedik) # Q15787405 (de:Bedre) and Q2416584 (tr:Bedre) # Q814548 (de:Behram) and Q6009765 (tr:Behram) # Q3430697 (de:My Foolish Heart) and Q1524538 (tr:My Foolish Heart) # Q618536 (de:Kandidat) and Q737462 (tr:Kandidat) # Q954170 (de:Kasper) and Q18199995 (tr:Kasper) # Q1092210 (de:Killed by Death) and Q3029815 (tr:Killed by Death) # Q15814551 (de:Heartthrob) and Q3576660 (tr:Heartthrob) # Q1588083 (de:Hasan Ağa) and Q3128112 (tr:Hasan Ağa) # Q1567292 (de:Hacı Ali) and Q5750420 (tr:Hacı Ali) # Q15857527 (de:Ersin Aydın) and Q6047967 (tr:Ersin Aydın) # Q20829038 (de:Carpe Noctem) and Q3015441 (tr:Carpe Noctem) # Q1060400 (de:Chamaco) and Q6050402 (tr:Chamaco) # Q449149 (de:Damage) and Q3075061 (tr:Damage) # Q1228453 (de:Disco Inferno) and Q2482822 (tr:Disco Inferno) # Q1235744 (de:Era) and Q3365188 (tr:Era) # Q361546 (de:Grand Cru) and Q6048539 (tr:Grand Cru) # Q1304472 (de:Gregorius) and Q6000471 (tr:Gregorius) # Q1729065 (de:Lee Rose) and Q6514838 (tr:Lee Rose) # Q12260521 (de:Leo Burnett) and Q326356 (tr:Leo Burnett) # Q188108 (sr:Believe) and Q2313345 (sk:Believe) # Q573931 (de:Itasy) and Q4176881 (sk:Itasy) # Q16782053 (it:Dan Spătaru) and Q4438302 (sk:Dan Spătaru) # Q124853 (it:David Johnson) and Q92801 (sk:David Johnson) # Q25945 (it:Vladislav Pavlovič) and Q22346354 (sk:Vladislav Pavlovič) # Q21185493 (it:West Side) and Q500601 (sk:West Side) # Q502962 (it:Viborg) and Q21176 (sk:Viborg) # Q9658176 (pt:Biu) and Q12763262 (sk:Biu) # Q9668687 (pt:Burgau) and Q690957 (sk:Burgau) # Q1103989 (pt:Canapé) and Q1951477 (sk:Canapé) # Q15059449 (pt:Detail) and Q1201081 (sk:Detail) # Q8070261 (da:Zhang Li) and Q197235 (sv:Zhang Li) # Q1347014 (da:Wonderland) and Q10720470 (sv:Wonderland) # Q12341604 (da:Winter) and Q10720274 (sv:Winter) # Q2581862 (da:Willy Bille) and Q4939032 (sv:Willy Bille) # Q3650362 (da:Walkers) and Q1296097 (sv:Walkers) # Q669028 (da:David Douglas) and Q28060182 (sv:David Douglas) # Q16979890 (da:Darja Dmitrijeva) and Q289195 (sv:Darja Dmitrijeva) # Q280981 (da:Downfall) and Q21477801 (sv:Downfall) # Q12301291 (da:Amine) and Q2843403 (sv:Amine) # Q530241 (da:Ang Thong) and Q243795 (sv:Ang Thong) # Q531444 (da:Angel Station) and Q1953239 (sv:Angel Station) # Q12302245 (da:Arto) and Q2865839 (sv:Arto) # Q20755944 (da:Bench) and Q2895681 (sv:Bench) # Q20728189 (da:Bertram) and Q793802 (sv:Bertram) # Q12304295 (da:Breakout) and Q177491 (sv:Breakout) # Q944031 (da:Chiton) and Q2528273 (sv:Chiton) # Q1783283 (da:Chris Foy) and Q1077223 (sv:Chris Foy) # Q12305781 (da:Christa) and Q13466249 (sv:Christa) # Q5109133 (da:Christel) and Q1078264 (sv:Christel) # Q20728665 (da:Family) and Q2293615 (sv:Family) # Q12313695 (da:Georg Hansen) and Q28100337 (sv:Georg Hansen) # Q1587744 (da:George Hunter) and Q3101667 (sv:George Hunter) # Q3760633 (da:George Rennie) and Q5543812 (sv:George Rennie) # Q3039787 (da:Glengarry Glen Ross) and Q844068 (sv:Glengarry Glen Ross) # 2804624 (da:Hem) and Q7743 (sv:Hem) # Q381220 (da:Huang Hua) and Q275147 (sv:Huang Hua) # Q1382255 (da:Kevin Sullivan) and Q3814855 (sv:Kevin Sullivan) # Q1818203 (da:Lenore) and Q1811803 (sv:Lenore) # Q10393430 (pt:West Side) and Q500601 (sk:West Side) # Q10385787 (pt:Tá) and Q2709118 (sk:Tá) # Q3541103 (pt:True Colours) and Q4180126 (sk:True Colours) # Q909791 (pt:Tropojë) and Q13047018 (sk:Tropojë) # Q2227160 (pt:Trosky) and Q508519 (sk:Trosky) # Q21160010 (pt:The Butchers) and Q22121633 (sk:The Butchers) # Q3278344 (pt:The Videos) and Q4180140 (sk:The Videos) # Q2806164 (pt:Gunpoint) and Q15729139 (sk:Gunpoint) # Q2731592 (pt:Markovica) and Q12771091 (sk:Markovica) # Q274041 (pt:Nanny) and Q12772303 (sk:Nanny) # Q569558 (pt:Rattenberg) and Q261778 (sk:Rattenberg) # Q2500615 (pt:Mehen) and Q1099570 (sk:Mehen) # Q7250917 (pt:Prosperous) and Q2528850 (sk:Prosperous) # Q569558 (pt:Rattenberg) and Q261778 (sk:Rattenberg) # Q645767 (pt:Rave) and Q898709 (sk:Rave) # Q17042804 (en:Wist) and Q12779204 (sk:Wist) # Q246883 (en:Universo) and Q12778080 (sk:Universo) # Q1502859 (en:Ramada) and Q12775076 (sk:Ramada) # Q3486124 (en:Skalp) and Q17115562 (sk:Skalp) # Q7534457 (en:Skell) and Q13539012 (sk:Skell) # Q608993 (en:Satra) and Q3561505 (sk:Satra) # Q7269434 (en:Quasi) and Q12774982 (sk:Quasi) # Q7178694 (en:Petrana) and Q12773798 (sk:Petrana) # Q2975644 (en:Perceptor) and Q12773641 (sk:Perceptor) # Q435940 (nl:Pater) and Q12773457 (sk:Pater) # [[Q13105425]] (lb:Wilhelm Hülsemann) and [[Q26945515]] (de:Wilhelm Hülsemann) 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Taylor) and Q5983056 (sv:Ian Taylor) #Q1194773 (sco:Gun) and Q1796041 (sv:Gun) #Q277162 (sco:Hammersmith) and Q1762419 (sv:Hammersmith) #Q1972540 (sco:Wensleydale) and Q3241921 (sv:Wensleydale) #Q1688204 (sco:Jesse Winchester) and Q443209 (sv:Jesse Winchester) #Q1691642 (sco:Joe Walsh) and Q354033 (sv:Joe Walsh) #Q11035229 (sco:John Carter) and Q2566776 (sv:John Carter) #Q5371876 (sco:John McDermott) and Q3182049 (sv:John McDermott) #Q3777412 (sco:John Perry) and Q1701398 (sv:John Perry) #Q6258217 (sco:John Smeaton) and Q460922 (sv:John Smeaton) #Q6464594 (sco:La Prensa) and Q1632268 (sv:La Prensa) #Q1647913 (sco:Lantz) and Q16291870 (sv:Lantz) #Q1826778 (sco:Liniers) and Q1615248 (sv:Liniers) #Q3181006 (sco:Lochaber) and Q3257723 (sv:Lochaber) #Q1929419 (sco:Michael Smith) and Q232289 (sv:Michael Smith) #Q631351 (sco:Origin) and Q5463788 (sv:Origin) #Q682821 (sco:Oteiza) and Q257705 (sv:Oteiza) #Q7172996 (sco:Peter Brown) and Q962080 (sv:Peter Brown) #Q1228773 (sco:Plentzia) and Q24016793 (sv:Plentzia) #Q1136987 (sco:Shadow the Hedgehog) and Q1140411 (sv:Shadow the Hedgehog) #Q2366153 (commons:Sunday) and Q132 (en:Sunday) #Q584460 (commons:Mazan) and Q385956 (en:Mazan) #Q2857931 (commons:Aníbal González) and Q2422934 (en:Aníbal González) #Q779845 (commons:Category:CBA) and Q9427536 (zh:Category:CBA) #Q15046596 (commons:Propeller) and Q10852200 (zh:Propeller) #Q1063142 (commons:Spike) and Q2541040 (zh:Spike) #Q23487483 (meta:Go) and Q11413 (es:Go) #Q525778 (commons:Will Power) and Q10853323 (zh:Will Power) #Q8522074 (commons:Category:Hoods) and Q9430650 (zh:Category:Hoods) #Q1779942 (ca:Berne) and Q500261 (la:Berne) #Q1043575 (ca:Carmelo) and Q12899188 (la:Carmelo) #Q1043575 (ca:Carmelo) and Q1043555 (la:Carmelo) #Q2926954 (ca:Bruno Rodríguez) and Q58183 (la:Bruno Rodríguez) #Q595787 (ca:Grace) and Q12900107 (la:Grace) #Q595787 (ca:Grace) and Q12900107 (la:Grace) #Q982118 (ca:Hungerford) and Q1637841 (la:Hungerford) #Q11939758 (ca:Padula) and Q81258 (la:Padula) #Q212129 (commons:A Streetcar Named Desire) and Q842106 (simple:A Streetcar Named Desire) #Q2651022 (commons:Alphaville) and Q153926 (simple:Alphaville) #Q20191479 (commons:Category:ASP) and Q6177644 (zh:Category:ASP) #Q354221 (commons:Bandana) and Q180617 (simple:Bandana) #Q34805 (commons:Bard) and Q215144 (simple:Bard) #Q18354 (commons:Barge) and Q16518 (simple:Barge) #[[Q8400856]] ([[:commons:Category:Eden]]) and [[Q8400859]] ([[:simple:Category:Eden]]) #Q8991000 (commons:Category:Batavia) and Q8292584 (en:Category:Batavia) #[[Q4936168]] ([[:ca:Bocchoris]]) and [[Q2908297]] ([[:pt:Bocchoris]]) #[[Q28092167]] ([[:ca:Boing]]) and [[Q2633066]] ([[:pt:Boing]]) #[[Q4940396]] ([[:ca:Bomarzo]]) and [[Q159689]] ([[:pt:Bomarzo]]) #[[Q17588230]] ([[:ca:Bonavista]]) and [[Q2909951]] ([[:pt:Bonavista]]) #[[Q56526]] ([[:ca:Boni]]) and [[Q1791295]] ([[:pt:Boni]]) #[[Q2056639]] ([[:ca:Boo]]) and [[Q892948]] ([[:pt:Boo]]) #[[Q1193014]] ([[:ca:Boom Town]]) and [[Q2749956]] ([[:pt:Boom Town]]) #[[Q8251241]] ([[:ca:Botina]]) and [[Q1069098]] ([[:pt:Botina]]) #[[Q899741]] ([[:ca:Bratsch]]) and [[Q281137]] ([[:pt:Bratsch]]) #[[Q148558]] ([[:ca:Brida]]) and [[Q1341424]] ([[:pt:Brida]]) #[[Q15091732]] ([[:ca:Brighamia]]) and [[Q13405385]] ([[:pt:Brighamia]]) #[[Q11910158]] ([[:ca:Buka]]) and [[Q860540]] ([[:pt:Buka]]) #[[Q1003523]] ([[:ca:Bulak]]) and [[Q3298413]] ([[:pt:Bulak]]) #[[Q8342753]] ([[:ca:Casual]]) and [[Q1145738]] ([[:pt:Casual]]) #[[Q892272]] ([[:ca:Bundu]]) and [[Q859071]] ([[:pt:Bundu]]) #[[Q8254171]] ([[:ca:CV-33]]) and [[Q933803]] ([[:pt:CV-33]]) #[[Q478759]] ([[:ca:Caiman]]) and [[Q11001288]] ([[:pt:Caiman]]) #[[Q15140200]] ([[:meta:Category:User lua]]) and [[Q21085057]] ([[:en:Category:User lua]]) #[[Q4358176]] ([[:commons:Category:Councils]]) and [[Q14643436]] ([[:simple:Category:Councils]]) #[[Q13265419]] ([[:commons:Category:Hyperion]]) and [[Q8529639]] ([[:simple:Category:Hyperion]]) #[[Q16547512]] ([[:commons:Category:Anglo-Saxons]]) and [[Q7031509]] ([[:simple:Category:Anglo-Saxons]]) #Q1647789 (nl:Abaré) and Q12626483 (hr:Abaré) #Q2015779 (nl:Ahome) and Q4696280 (hr:Ahome) #Q2605448 (nl:Albani) and Q1268166 (hr:Albani) #Q2756183 (nl:Alexander Scott) and Q21165107 (hr:Alexander Scott) #Q18180801 (nl:Alfons) and Q1339467 (hr:Alfons) #Q1364465 (nl:Alix) and Q235637 (hr:Alix) #Q2557630 (nl:All Because of You) and Q3272722 (hr:All Because of You) #Q615462 (nl:Zúñiga) and Q12645890 (hr:Zúñiga) #Q281071 (nl:Čaka) and Q558653 (hr:Čaka) #Q1071535 (nl:Šuja) and Q198358 (hr:Šuja) #Q1805140 (nl:Bituruna) and Q12627989 (hr:Bituruna) #Q13489835 (nl:Batin) and Q2891375 (hr:Batin) #Q2346815 (nl:Bovey) and Q7337176 (hr:Bovey) #Q1024838 (nl:Cabin Fever) and Q5015423 (hr:Cabin Fever) #Q2446605 (nl:Calva) and Q16115841 (hr:Calva) #Q2240615 (nl:Cheam) and Q5088829 (hr:Cheam) #Q713526 (nl:Chris Stewart) and Q1077782 (hr:Chris Stewart) #Q18019526 (nl:Collection) and Q3511222 (hr:Collection) #Q1074496 (nl:Comoé) and Q501344 (hr:Comoé) #Q25050 (nl:Desana) and Q618073 (hr:Desana) #Q32656 (nl:Divehi) and Q1562783 (hr:Divehi) #Q65102 (nl:Donat) and Q1563254 (hr:Donat) #Q2188094 (nl:Dreamland (album)) and Q608495 (hr:Dreamland (album)) #Q1264170 (nl:Duh) and Q193291 (hr:Duh) #Q968626 (nl:Franka) and Q16115894 (hr:Franka) #Q2187768 (nl:Edisto) and Q16113270 (hr:Edisto) #Q968626 (nl:Franka) and Q16115894 (hr:Franka) #Q1221105 (nl:Gaye) and Q20577955 (hr:Gaye) #Q1498679 (nl:Geier) and Q5530103 (hr:Geier) #Q1002023 (nl:Iron) and Q1516309 (hr:Iron) #Q1957886 (nl:Ivan Milas) and Q3510862 (hr:Ivan Milas) #Q12488518 (nl:Kakan) and Q3436267 (hr:Kakan) #Q743314 (nl:Karaburun) and Q187026 (hr:Karaburun) #Q225912 (nl:Kingdom Hearts) and Q755167 (hr:Kingdom Hearts) #Q971245 (nl:Kira) and Q966819 (hr:Kira) #Q2325351 (nl:Lacrymosa) and Q2586835 (hr:Lacrymosa) #Q2667089 (nl:Lady Oscar) and Q699631 (hr:Lady Oscar) #Q612250 (nl:Lae) and Q741121 (hr:Lae) #Q1518002 (nl:Lapwai) and Q12635303 (hr:Lapwai) #Q1650480 (nl:Layana) and Q10316045 (hr:Layana) #Q1929472 (nl:Liao) and Q559661 (hr:Liao) #Q483311 (nl:Loa) and Q737831 (hr:Loa) #Q33628 (nl:Lozi) and Q1267805 (hr:Lozi) #Q2187767 (nl:Merlin (album)) and Q6819753 (hr:Merlin (album)) #Q317293 (nl:Mikael Nilsson) and Q949753 (hr:Mikael Nilsson) #Q2218668 (nl:Milani) and Q683297 (hr:Milani) #Q964513 (nl:Moravice) and Q387519 (hr:Moravice) #Q524233 (nl:Muskogee) and Q51705 (hr:Muskogee) #Q798212 (nl:Naama) and Q1542154 (hr:Naama) #Q946647 (nl:Nacka) and Q13383459 (hr:Nacka) #Q6966112 (nl:Narona) and Q1965337 (hr:Narona) #Q2278195 (nl:Natchitoches) and Q3336505 (hr:Natchitoches) #Q946280 (nl:Nava) and Q12638160 (hr:Nava) #Q26911686 (nl:Nobody) and Q484619 (hr:Nobody) #Q976623 (nl:Noha) and Q838655 (hr:Noha) #Q1761695 (nl:Nova Europa) and Q2638499 (hr:Nova Europa) #Q1044006 (nl:Radava) and Q3416385 (hr:Radava) #Q80035 (nl:Red Bay) and Q284046 (hr:Red Bay) #Q16672410 (nl:Regression) and Q6104459 (hr:Regression) #Q1087137 (nl:Rockaway) and Q1567323 (hr:Rockaway) #Q2183208 (nl:Spare Parts) and Q7573563 (hr:Spare Parts) #Q1670366 (nl:Tangipahoa) and Q3512318 (hr:Tangipahoa) #Q1197489 (nl:The Long Goodbye) and Q2305271 (hr:The Long Goodbye) #Q2706613 (nl:The Only One) and Q12643515 (hr:The Only One) #Q656861 (nl:The Seventh Sign) and Q1753124 (hr:The Seventh Sign) #Q210453 (nl:Thiago Silva) and Q604996 (hr:Thiago Silva) #Q652364 (nl:Thomas Ziegler) and Q439654 (hr:Thomas Ziegler) #Q2327796 (nl:Time of Your Life) and Q16115331 (hr:Time of Your Life) #Q551899 (nl:Tony Smith) and Q1618809 (hr:Tony Smith) #Q1073003 (nl:Torysa) and Q1186856 (hr:Torysa) #Q750448 (nl:Trail of Tears) and Q1149494 (hr:Trail of Tears) #Q10384115 (nl:Transcendence) and Q26709116 (hr:Transcendence) #Q16649639 (nl:Tyrant) and Q2539763 (hr:Tyrant) #Q189157 (nl:Utena) and Q696377 (hr:Utena) #Q1471849 (nl:What's Love Got to Do with It) and Q1766224 (hr:What's Love Got to Do with It) #Q729297 (nl:Whisper) and Q9095908 (hr:Whisper) #Q722103 (nl:William Boyd) and Q281159 (hr:William Boyd) #Q847569 (nl:Yuki) and Q2063871 (hr:Yuki) #Q499656 (q:bs:Elizabeta) and Q235849 (hr:Elizabeta) #Q583869 (q:bs:Revolver) and Q170382 (hr:Revolver) #Q16512112 (q:hr:Mana) and Q859517 (en:Mana) #Q20980716 (q:hr:Bezdan) and Q593834 (en:Bezdan) #Q3443453 (hr:Armada) and Q676324 (de:Armada) #Q944031 (commons:Chiton) and Q188906 (simple:Chiton) #Q209239 (commons:Columba) and Q236326 (simple:Columba) #Q371280 (commons:George Romney) and Q520275 (simple:George Romney) #Q141575 (commons:Harmonia) and Q978079 (simple:Harmonia) #Q38107 (commons:Harrier) and Q3325926 (simple:Harrier) #Q21159 (commons:Husum) and Q1639137 (simple:Husum) #Q1335436 (commons:Jeff Smith) and Q6175000 (simple:Jeff Smith) #Q303380 (commons:John Abbot) and Q3306332 (simple:John Abbot) #Q2691512 (commons:Linghem) and Q1029063 (simple:Linghem) #Q3530435 (commons:Nyborg) and Q1951096 (simple:Nyborg) #Q555135 (commons:Randall Cobb) and Q954422 (simple:Randall Cobb) #Q471387 (commons:Richard Wilson) and Q516671 (simple:Richard Wilson) #[[Q10396778]] ([[:ca:Calador]]) and [[Q1026280]] ([[:pt:Calador]]) #[[Q11910897]] ([[:ca:Calde]]) and [[Q168259]] ([[:pt:Calde]]) #[[Q3595952]] ([[:ca:Callicebus]]) and [[Q203649]] ([[:pt:Callicebus]]) #[[Q11910921]] ([[:ca:Calo]]) and [[Q154558]] ([[:pt:Calo]]) #[[Q8463304]] ([[:ca:Cantina]]) and [[Q1206714]] ([[:pt:Cantina]]) #[[Q55273]] ([[:ca:Capina]]) and [[Q9696231]] ([[:pt:Capina]]) #[[Q496380]] ([[:ca:Caramell]]) and [[Q556678]] ([[:pt:Caramell]]) #[[Q3476871]] ([[:ca:Carneys Point]]) and [[Q1085611]] ([[:pt:Carneys Point]]) #[[Q1736876]] ([[:ca:Cat's Eye]]) and [[Q1071567]] ([[:pt:Cat's Eye]]) #[[Q9773043]] ([[:ca:Categoria:Almenara]]) and [[Q26965566]] ([[:pt:Categoria:Almenara]]) #[[Q9413765]] ([[:ca:Categoria:Ariopsis]]) and [[Q9531680]] ([[:pt:Categoria:Ariopsis]]) #[[Q8393102]] ([[:ca:Categoria:Durazno]]) and [[Q6207051]] ([[:pt:Categoria:Durazno]]) #[[Q6526565]] ([[:ca:Categoria:Hokkaido]]) and [[Q9240685]] ([[:pt:Categoria:Hokkaido]]) #[[Q6394432]] ([[:ca:Categoria:Iris]]) and [[Q18200792]] ([[:ceb:Kategoriya:Iris]]) #[[Q9656413]] ([[:ca:Categoria:Jaguar]]) and [[Q7028362]] ([[:pt:Categoria:Jaguar]]) #[[Q6426454]] ([[:ca:Categoria:Lier]]) and [[Q21800648]] ([[:pt:Categoria:Lier]]) #[[Q18534762]] ([[:ca:Categoria:Linaria]]) and [[Q18212487]] ([[:pt:Categoria:Linaria]]) #[[Q27494260]] ([[:ca:Categoria:Oleiros]]) and [[Q9047898]] ([[:pt:Categoria:Oleiros]]) #[[Q9238439]] ([[:ca:Categoria:Petra]]) and [[Q8759813]] ([[:pt:Categoria:Petra]]) #[[Q6299516]] ([[:ca:Categoria:Platynota]]) and [[Q14989886]] ([[:pt:Categoria:Platynota]]) #[[Q8767045]] ([[:ca:Categoria:Plymouth]]) and [[Q11981640]] ([[:pt:Categoria:Plymouth]]) #[[Q6416304]] ([[:ca:Categoria:Religiosos]]) and [[Q6419133]] ([[:pt:Categoria:Religiosos]]) #[[Q8811406]] ([[:ca:Categoria:Versalles]]) and [[Q6327898]] ([[:pt:Categoria:Versalles]]) #[[Q6428003]] ([[:ca:Categoria:Worms]]) and [[Q7309680]] ([[:pt:Categoria:Worms]]) #[[Q950640]] ([[:ca:Cerro Colorado]]) and [[Q8344241]] ([[:pt:Cerro Colorado]]) #[[Q11913604]] ([[:ca:Chanod]]) and [[Q889343]] ([[:pt:Chanod]]) #[[Q1737707]] ([[:de:Keefe]]) and [[Q6382690]] ([[:en:Keefe]]) #[[Q27450738]] ([[:de:Keill]]) and [[Q6383732]] ([[:en:Keill]]) #[[Q27899015]] ([[:de:Kerry Hill]]) and [[Q6394544]] ([[:en:Kerry Hill]]) #[[Q1740808]] ([[:de:Kick Me]]) and [[Q18636086]] ([[:en:Kick Me]]) #[[Q1741575]] ([[:de:Kim Song-chol]]) and [[Q27830811]] ([[:en:Kim Song-chol]]) #[[Q28018427]] ([[:de:Kim Thomas]]) and [[Q27913360]] ([[:en:Kim Thomas]]) #[[Q28153173]] ([[:de:Kim Woo-sung]]) and [[Q6409589]] ([[:en:Kim Woo-sung]]) #[[Q1247793]] ([[:de:Kinnon]]) and [[Q18324348]] ([[:en:Kinnon]]) #[[Q28005835]] ([[:de:Klemetsen]]) and [[Q6420498]] ([[:en:Klemetsen]]) #[[Q24719348]] ([[:de:Krasimir Kolev]]) and [[Q6436182]] ([[:en:Krasimir Kolev]]) #[[Q2531892]] ([[:de:La Vara]]) and [[Q6465649]] ([[:en:La Vara]]) #[[Q27763895]] ([[:de:Labh Singh]]) and [[Q6467018]] ([[:en:Labh Singh]]) #[[Q27797860]] ([[:de:Larry Abbott]]) and [[Q19938073]] ([[:en:Larry Abbott]]) #[[Q99300]] ([[:de:Lars Brandt]]) and [[Q27831058]] ([[:en:Lars Brandt]]) #[[Q28153226]] ([[:de:Lee Dong-jun]]) and [[Q12611257]] ([[:en:Lee Dong-jun]]) #[[Q1818877]] ([[:de:Leon Griffin]]) and [[Q27831127]] ([[:en:Leon Griffin]]) #[[Q21517186]] ([[:de:Leopold Just]]) and [[Q20657094]] ([[:en:Leopold Just]]) #[[Q12324628]] ([[:de:Lisbeth Østergaard]]) and [[Q27469862]] ([[:en:Lisbeth Østergaard]]) #[[Q1249992]] ([[:de:Lu Yonghua]]) and [[Q28186955]] ([[:en:Lu Yonghua]]) #[[Q27894918]] ([[:de:Lăcustă]]) and [[Q12734632]] ([[:en:Lăcustă]]) #[[Q19096273]] ([[:s:en:The Pennsylvania]]) and [[Q28124491]] ([[:en:The Pennsylvania]]) #[[Q18911844]] ([[:s:en:Author:John Johnson Jr.]]) and [[Q19881037]] ([[:en:John Johnson Jr.]]) #[[Q18910840]] ([[:s:en:Author:Wilhelm Stein]]) and [[Q2575224]] ([[:en:Wilhelm Stein]]) #Q985056 (fr:Jacinto Vera) and Q6336405 (de:Jacinto Vera) #Q27469773 (fr:Jacqueline Bertrand) and Q1677803 (de:Jacqueline Bertrand) #Q128428 (fr:Juan Ramón Fernández) and Q2009446 (de:Juan Ramón Fernández) #Q27891420 (de:Dan Shaughnessy) and Q5214372 (en:Dan Shaughnessy) #Q15290261 (fr:André Collet) and Q28113645 (de:André Collet) #Q3701716 (fr:Daniel Reyes) and Q5218569 (de:Daniel Reyes) #Q27955425 (fr:Famara) and Q1395080 (de:Famara) #Q4716763 (fr:Alex Burns) and Q4716765 (pl:Alex Burns) #Q2832956 (fr:Alex Grant) and Q10543112 (pl:Alex Grant) #Q4730201 (fr:All the Way) and Q4207138 (pl:All the Way) #Q7181075 (fr:American Summer) and Q7757734 (pl:American Summer) #Q2847264 (fr:André Berg) and Q16166270 (pl:André Berg) #Q564684 (fr:Anne) and Q3458947 (pl:Anne) #Q1969590 (fr:Anonymus) and Q567639 (pl:Anonymus) #Q610871 (fr:António Fernandes) and Q4777556 (pl:António Fernandes) #Q1761605 (fr:Aphelia) and Q9158446 (pl:Aphelia) #Q2472160 (fr:Armen Grigorian) and Q26316516 (pl:Armen Grigorian) #Q2863492 (fr:Around) and Q16242569 (pl:Around) #Q4800708 (fr:Arthur Wilson) and Q2067861 (pl:Arthur Wilson) #Q26214607 (fr:Arturo Chávez) and Q19913003 (pl:Arturo Chávez) #Q2868469 (fr:Astoria Palace) and Q9161352 (pl:Astoria Palace) #Q3235994 (fr:Aurelia) and Q21034949 (pl:Aurelia) #[[Q28130249]] ([[:en:As in a Looking Glass]]) and [[Q15865076]] ([[:pt:As in a Looking Glass]]) #[[Q5019219]] ([[:en:Caleb Brown]]) and [[Q28073188]] ([[:pt:Caleb Brown]]) #[[Q5241404]] ([[:en:David Zeiger]]) and [[Q28073194]] ([[:pt:David Zeiger]]) #[[Q47757]] ([[:en:Edson Rodrigues]]) and [[Q28073201]] ([[:pt:Edson Rodrigues]]) #[[Q27957467]] ([[:en:Fernão Velho]]) and [[Q10281630]] ([[:pt:Fernão Velho]]) #[[Q10286898]] ([[:en:Fábio Pillar]]) and [[Q28072985]] ([[:pt:Fábio Pillar]]) #[[Q27924827]] ([[:en:Jorge Durán]]) and [[Q10308102]] ([[:pt:Jorge Durán]]) #[[Q27967394]] ([[:en:Kathy Anderson]]) and [[Q10313998]] ([[:pt:Kathy Anderson]]) #[[Q27957832]] ([[:en:Kaze no Yō ni]]) and [[Q13427965]] ([[:pt:Kaze no Yō ni]]) #[[Q27957834]] ([[:en:Kung Fu Fighter]]) and [[Q10314786]] ([[:pt:Kung Fu Fighter]]) #[[Q27922536]] ([[:en:Mikhail Petrov]]) and [[Q10329967]] ([[:pt:Mikhail Petrov]]) #[[Q28047926]] ([[:en:Márcio Ribeiro]]) and [[Q10334333]] ([[:pt:Márcio Ribeiro]]) #[[Q7332102]] ([[:en:Ricky Jackson]]) and [[Q28073193]] ([[:pt:Ricky Jackson]]) #[[Q7714645]] ([[:en:The Ascent of Money]]) and [[Q28081701]] ([[:pt:The Ascent of Money]]) #[[Q2473997]] ([[:en:Ugo Amaldi]]) and [[Q982393]] ([[:pt:Ugo Amaldi]]) #[[Q27923072]] ([[:en:Robert Loh]]) and [[Q10363188]] ([[:pt:Robert Loh]]) #[[Q27922291]] ([[:en:Marco Costa]]) and [[Q10325324]] ([[:pt:Marco Costa]]) #[[Q27915008]] ([[:en:Henrique Brito]]) and [[Q10294720]] ([[:pt:Henrique Brito]]) #Q4712151 (it:Alberto Cabrera) and Q2831748 (fr:Alberto Cabrera) #Q4913970 (en:Binda) and Q9657521 (pt:Binda) #Q5019219 (en:Caleb Brown) and Q28073188 (pt:Caleb Brown) #Q5241404 (en:David Zeiger) and Q28073194 (pt:David Zeiger) #Q28163706 (en:La Francia) and Q9018548 (pt:La Francia) #Q28187020 (en:Play Game) and Q10350463 (pt:Play Game) #Q27923072 (en:Robert Loh) and Q10363188 (pt:Robert Loh) #Q7714645 (en:The Ascent of Money) and Q28081701 (pt:The Ascent of Money) #Q2956259 (ca:Chantal) and Q2636470 (pt:Chantal) #Q4283258 (ca:Charles Marshall) and Q17180768 (pt:Charles Marshall) #Q21091328 (ca:Dorval) and Q141963 (pt:Dorval) #Q2297267 (ca:Dream On) and Q686850 (pt:Dream On) #Q2635085 (ca:Erik Andersen) and Q16009190 (pt:Erik Andersen) #Q7617439 (ca:Stingray) and Q281892 (pt:Stingray) #Q2385766 (ca:Storm Warning) and Q1580522 (pt:Storm Warning) #Q1041834 (ca:Suddenly) and Q2319941 (pt:Suddenly) #Q1089109 (ca:Surfin' USA) and Q915712 (pt:Surfin' USA) #Q21293317 (ca:Súmate) and Q3511598 (pt:Súmate) #Q11950706 (ca:T'Pau) and Q398101 (pt:T'Pau) #Q704864 (ca:Tamworth) and Q1434796 (pt:Tamworth) #Q236306 (ca:Tatiana Kotova) and Q2395728 (pt:Tatiana Kotova) #Q11951617 (ca:Terra Nostra) and Q1247837 (pt:Terra Nostra) #Q1198394 (ca:The Blue Bird) and Q1424385 (pt:The Blue Bird) #Q2749354 (ca:The Desert Hawk) and Q7729798 (pt:The Desert Hawk) #Q729246 (ca:The Fan) and Q1757754 (pt:The Fan) #Q2700156 (ca:The Golden Compass) and Q637021 (pt:The Golden Compass) #Q201713 (ca:The Last of Mrs. Cheyney) and Q1656073 (pt:The Last of Mrs. Cheyney) #Q95029 (ca:The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen) and Q567577 (pt:The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen) #Q1126567 (ca:The Naked Face) and Q3274195 (pt:The Naked Face) #Q39005 (ca:The Pleasure Garden) and Q7757494 (pt:The Pleasure Garden) #Q1582100 (ca:Tiout) and Q1582877 (pt:Tiout) #Q797782 (en:Medway) and Q202689 (pt:Medway) #Q5408595 (en:Fernando Gutiérrez) and Q8961325 (pl:Fernando Gutiérrez) #Q3078537 (en:Fortunat) and Q18920966 (pl:Fortunat) #Q5483206 (en:Francisco Bravo) and Q11681927 (pl:Francisco Bravo) #Q3081939 (en:Francisco Rubio) and Q2381856 (pl:Francisco Rubio) #Q28032770 (fr:Social Suicide) and Q675167 (de:Social Suicide) #Q28129064 (fr:Gastón González) and Q20181059 (de:Gastón González) #Q28105011 (fr:Georges Haddad) and Q1508934 (de:Georges Haddad) #Q862952 (fr:I Am a Hero) and Q28082055 (de:I Am a Hero) #Q976971 (it:Anthony Smith) and Q2852963 (fr:Anthony Smith) #Q28040877 (fr:Zoulameyong) and Q8074643 (en:Zoulameyong) #Q28040672 (fr:Yett) and Q8053050 (en:Yett) #Q3260909 (ca:Eric Robinson) and Q5387382 (fr:Eric Robinson) #Q5483314 (ca:Francisco Maciel) and Q2328416 (fr:Francisco Maciel) #Q181380 (ca:Li Rui) and Q472939 (fr:Li Rui) #Q2230155 (ca:Lilydale) and Q6548615 (fr:Lilydale) #Q28150766 (de:Droste) and Q2119009 (en:Droste) #Q3148607 (ca:Roff) and Q1936492 (fr:Roff) #Q12845074 (ca:Rosto) and Q2479187 (fr:Rosto) #Q2228164 (ca:Sacred Heart) and Q221886 (fr:Sacred Heart) #Q2883112 (ca:Tobias) and Q4928115 (fr:Tobias) #Q17496648 (ca:San Francisco de Asís) and Q3471441 (fr:San Francisco de Asís) #Q2881303 (ca:Richard Griffith) and Q454700 (fr:Richard Griffith) #Q3825835 (ca:Richard Miller) and Q3431045 (fr:Richard Miller) #Q426619 (ca:Raïta) and Q1483397 (fr:Raïta) #Q3442726 (ca:Rasmus Hansen) and Q12332900 (fr:Rasmus Hansen) #Q281670 (ca:Pero) and Q42996 (fr:Pero) #Q28109074 (ca:Jason Rowe) and Q541845 (fr:Jason Rowe) #Q1151680 (ca:Fu Sheng) and Q2856647 (fr:Fu Sheng) #Q143518 (ca:Esca) and Q284145 (fr:Esca) #Q1196071 (ca:Collie) and Q130685 (fr:Collie) #Q11915412 (ca:Consuelo) and Q2468609 (fr:Consuelo) #Q21089238 (ca:Clic-clac) and Q2894990 (fr:Clic-clac) #Q11905564 (ca:Andrés Díaz) and Q459564 (fr:Andrés Díaz) #Q3357836 (fr:Otto Reitz) and Q28151447 (de:Otto Reitz) #Q28040704 (fr:Papan) and Q1770359 (de:Papan) #Q3369458 (fr:Patrick Gabriel) and Q27927365 (de:Patrick Gabriel) #Q28129874 (fr:Paul Schaffer) and Q2062184 (de:Paul Schaffer) #Q3435309 (fr:Robert Guy) and Q7345009 (de:Robert Guy) #Q10852467 (fr:Steady) and Q28151935 (de:Steady) #Q19628940 (fr:Zhang Cheng) and Q17564018 (de:Zhang Cheng) #Q3568489 (fr:William Catesby) and Q18593569 (de:William Catesby) #Q2383073 (fr:Wilhelm Klingelhöffer) and Q28077251 (de:Wilhelm Klingelhöffer) #Q7882903 (fr:Unconditional Surrender) and Q19840971 (de:Unconditional Surrender) #Q2309524 (fr:Lud) and Q1815870 (de:Lud) #Q3287990 (fr:Marc Eliot) and Q21138151 (de:Marc Eliot) #Q6775342 (fr:Martin Duffy) and Q259433 (de:Martin Duffy) #Q2830665 (fr:Alas) and Q3510716 (cs:Alas) #Q448316 (fr:Alvar) and Q15831157 (cs:Alvar) #Q70587 (fr:Andreas) and Q4926263 (cs:Andreas) #Q2863029 (fr:Arna) and Q3354118 (cs:Arna) #Q2868469 (fr:Astoria Palace) and Q9161352 (cs:Astoria Palace) #Q2878371 (fr:Back Soon) and Q18609017 (cs:Back Soon) #Q4859546 (fr:Barbed Wire) and Q11051543 (cs:Barbed Wire) #Q1608185 (fr:Black Dawn) and Q28133000 (cs:Black Dawn) #Q883744 (fr:Blend) and Q287903 (cs:Blend) #Q1272131 (fr:Bruce Rowland) and Q4978237 (cs:Bruce Rowland) #Q383173 (fr:Caché) and Q1150391 (cs:Caché) #Q3141094 (fr:Hot Pants) and Q28115984 (cs:Hot Pants) #Q281400 (it:Chris Kontos) and Q1077421 (sv:Chris Kontos) #Q69890 (it:Deuter) and Q323161 (sv:Deuter) #Q1174584 (it:David Graham) and Q2042823 (sv:David Graham) #Q10498564 (it:Early Years) and Q10478902 (sv:Early Years) #Q1174652 (it:David Hall) and Q5783838 (sv:David Hall) #Q1027448 (it:David Hirst) and Q4119226 (sv:David Hirst) #Q579552 (it:David Norman) and Q6017122 (sv:David Norman) #Q3703309 (it:David Rees) and Q6066050 (sv:David Rees) #Q3018705 (it:David Robertson) and Q6074767 (sv:David Robertson) #Q5239547 (it:David Schneider) and Q4412226 (sv:David Schneider) #Q1610182 (it:Donald Anderson) and Q334411 (sv:Donald Anderson) #Q279230 (it:Hörsel) and Q160289 (sv:Hörsel) #Q27949673 (it:Mbambala) and Q21434965 (sv:Mbambala) #Q1120175 (it:István Kovács) and Q225271 (sv:István Kovács) #Q3808189 (it:Jesús Fernández) and Q2256521 (sv:Jesús Fernández) #Q18061657 (it:Sergio) and Q6495795 (sv:Sergio) #Q3956304 (it:Sergio Sánchez) and Q974214 (sv:Sergio Sánchez) #Q210258 (it:Seri) and Q14691536 (sv:Seri) #Q54669 (it:Serrata) and Q3739542 (sv:Serrata) #Q1231569 (it:Secutor) and Q2795696 (sv:Secutor) #[[Q947917]] ([[:es:Chevrolet Chevy]]) and [[Q18370336]] ([[:pt:Chevrolet Chevy]]) #[[Q28217006]] ([[:ca:Chevrolet Chevy]]) and [[Q18370336]] ([[:pt:Chevrolet Chevy]]) #[[Q947917]] ([[:es:Chevrolet Chevy]]) and [[Q28217006]] ([[:ca:Chevrolet Chevy]]) #[[Q1071493]] ([[:ca:Chhatarpur]]) and [[Q1071519]] ([[:pt:Chhatarpur]]) #[[Q17986421]] ([[:ca:Chhota Udaipur]]) and [[Q612721]] ([[:pt:Chhota Udaipur]]) #[[Q3322822]] ([[:ca:Chiconcuac]]) and [[Q8345331]] ([[:pt:Chiconcuac]]) #[[Q11913671]] ([[:ca:Chikhli]]) and [[Q3674596]] ([[:pt:Chikhli]]) #[[Q2034887]] ([[:ca:Chris Ward]]) and [[Q1077839]] ([[:pt:Chris Ward]]) #[[Q1095987]] ([[:ca:Class]]) and [[Q23647041]] ([[:pt:Class]]) #[[Q3817433]] ([[:ca:Classe Júpiter]]) and [[Q9770759]] ([[:pt:Classe Júpiter]]) #[[Q3681687]] ([[:ca:Clube Desportivo Primeiro de Agosto]]) and [[Q1023214]] ([[:pt:Clube Desportivo Primeiro de Agosto]]) #[[Q1937074]] ([[:ca:Clímax]]) and [[Q569250]] ([[:pt:Clímax]]) #[[Q311215]] ([[:ca:Colias]]) and [[Q27973770]] ([[:pt:Colias]]) #[[Q8460261]] ([[:ca:Colombiana]]) and [[Q11680798]] ([[:pt:Colombiana]]) #[[Q2598172]] ([[:ca:Comala]]) and [[Q1113251]] ([[:pt:Comala]]) #[[Q786080]] ([[:ca:Combo]]) and [[Q2608165]] ([[:pt:Combo]]) #[[Q16827718]] ([[:ca:Confessor]]) and [[Q2354129]] ([[:pt:Confessor]]) #[[Q1075791]] ([[:ca:Coper]]) and [[Q1654517]] ([[:pt:Coper]]) #[[Q11915607]] ([[:ca:Corbis]]) and [[Q390285]] ([[:pt:Corbis]]) #[[Q27973665]] ([[:ca:Cortesia]]) and [[Q281287]] ([[:pt:Cortesia]]) #[[Q20717977]] ([[:ca:Cortiella]]) and [[Q6774365]] ([[:pt:Cortiella]]) #[[Q1785011]] ([[:ca:Cosmorama]]) and [[Q1800779]] ([[:pt:Cosmorama]]) #[[Q18243667]] ([[:ca:Covenant]]) and [[Q869443]] ([[:pt:Covenant]]) #[[Q993631]] ([[:ca:Cranbury]]) and [[Q1089886]] ([[:pt:Cranbury]]) #[[Q2007832]] ([[:ca:Croca]]) and [[Q994611]] ([[:pt:Croca]]) #[[Q5676387]] ([[:ca:Curió]]) and [[Q657638]] ([[:pt:Curió]]) #[[Q11916329]] ([[:ca:Cutina]]) and [[Q421998]] ([[:pt:Cutina]]) #[[Q1157724]] ([[:ca:Dajt]]) and [[Q1157723]] ([[:pt:Dajt]]) #[[Q325391]] ([[:ca:Dal]]) and [[Q1139389]] ([[:pt:Dal]]) #[[Q3036825]] ([[:ca:Data]]) and [[Q205892]] ([[:pt:Data]]) #[[Q858423]] ([[:ca:Date]]) and [[Q693178]] ([[:pt:Date]]) #[[Q1172600]] ([[:ca:Datia]]) and [[Q1192238]] ([[:pt:Datia]]) #[[Q1177378]] ([[:ca:David de Sousa]]) and [[Q10264461]] ([[:pt:David de Sousa]]) #[[Q11916720]] ([[:ca:Dawa]]) and [[Q1075838]] ([[:pt:Dawa]]) #[[Q4886987]] ([[:ca:Daya]]) and [[Q21005558]] ([[:pt:Daya]]) #[[Q6592876]] ([[:ca:Denúncia]]) and [[Q703934]] ([[:pt:Denúncia]]) #[[Q3025690]] ([[:ca:Dhami]]) and [[Q1953501]] ([[:pt:Dhami]]) #[[Q21849591]] ([[:ca:Diggers]]) and [[Q1224630]] ([[:pt:Diggers]]) #[[Q545515]] ([[:ca:Diuca]]) and [[Q2668619]] ([[:pt:Diuca]]) #[[Q304413]] ([[:ca:Diyala]]) and [[Q217075]] ([[:pt:Diyala]]) #[[Q16190997]] ([[:ca:Djemila]]) and [[Q3032880]] ([[:pt:Djemila]]) #[[Q907682]] ([[:ca:Dogs]]) and [[Q5288423]] ([[:pt:Dogs]]) #[[Q11917554]] ([[:ca:Dolla]]) and [[Q658212]] ([[:pt:Dolla]]) #[[Q3358068]] ([[:ca:Dospat]]) and [[Q406089]] ([[:pt:Dospat]]) #[[Q1401447]] ([[:ca:Downtown Train]]) and [[Q3283041]] ([[:pt:Downtown Train]]) #[[Q6745423]] ([[:ca:Dream Team]]) and [[Q369529]] ([[:pt:Dream Team]]) #[[Q5820787]] ([[:ca:El Adelanto]]) and [[Q3049691]] ([[:pt:El Adelanto]]) #[[Q17599414]] ([[:ca:El Corral]]) and [[Q4703422]] ([[:pt:El Corral]]) #[[Q21088397]] ([[:ca:El Pato]]) and [[Q11681343]] ([[:pt:El Pato]]) #[[Q159117]] ([[:ca:Ernst Busch]]) and [[Q57151]] ([[:pt:Ernst Busch]]) #[[Q610633]] ([[:ca:Eskimo]]) and [[Q5398138]] ([[:pt:Eskimo]]) #[[Q1525330]] ([[:ca:Etah]]) and [[Q583358]] ([[:pt:Etah]]) #[[Q945833]] ([[:ca:Eugène Goossens]]) and [[Q721925]] ([[:pt:Eugène Goossens]]) #[[Q547303]] ([[:ca:Eurínome]]) and [[Q548099]] ([[:pt:Eurínome]]) #[[Q760229]] ([[:ca:Eye for an Eye]]) and [[Q5422657]] ([[:pt:Eye for an Eye]]) #[[Q3452786]] ([[:ca:Falconer]]) and [[Q995805]] ([[:pt:Falconer]]) #[[Q3778271]] ([[:ca:Farahabad]]) and [[Q5794881]] ([[:pt:Farahabad]]) #[[Q24260785]] ([[:ca:GAC]]) and [[Q10287159]] ([[:pt:GAC]]) #Q28222778 (en:Adega) and Q1922558 (pt:Adega) #Q311215 (en:Colias) and Q27973770 (pt:Colias) #Q28008079 (en:Creusa) and Q8351610 (pt:Creusa) #Q3094686 (en:Galeries Lafayette) and Q218613 (pt:Galeries Lafayette) #Q7139757 (en:Parranda) and Q20542639 (pt:Parranda) #Q18926773 (en:Aleksandar Mladenović) and Q28057806 (pl:Aleksandar Mladenović) #Q3754541 (en:Aitor Fernández) and Q16526842 (pl:Aitor Fernández) #Q4715229 (en:Aleksandr Kostin) and Q27808853 (pl:Aleksandr Kostin) #Q24088607 (en:Anna Górna) and Q9155184 (pl:Anna Górna) #Q2809619 (en:Beautiful Darkness) and Q9168231 (pl:Beautiful Darkness) #Q2897835 (en:Bernard Dumont) and Q2929745 (pl:Bernard Dumont) #Q1245536 (es:Tuna) and Q2265260 (pl:Tuna) #Q19666431 (fr:Brandon Ashley) and Q11688761 (pl:Brandon Ashley) #Q3161196 (fr:James Kavanagh) and Q27950985 (de:James Kavanagh) #[[Q1390583]] ([[:de:Fabio Rinaldi]]) and [[Q27689128]] ([[:en:Fabio Rinaldi]]) #[[Q27538384]] ([[:de:Fedde]]) and [[Q1399877]] ([[:en:Fedde]]) #[[Q1442564]] ([[:de:Franco Costa]]) and [[Q21207636]] ([[:en:Franco Costa]]) #[[Q1444095]] ([[:de:Frank Sauer]]) and [[Q28043533]] ([[:en:Frank Sauer]]) #[[Q27787810]] ([[:de:Franz Lorenz]]) and [[Q5492887]] ([[:en:Franz Lorenz]]) #[[Q27921774]] ([[:de:Franz Wohlgemuth]]) and [[Q5493006]] ([[:en:Franz Wohlgemuth]]) #[[Q1453368]] ([[:de:FreeX]]) and [[Q25303281]] ([[:en:FreeX]]) #[[Q1453522]] ([[:de:Freedom Jazz Dance]]) and [[Q25095484]] ([[:en:Freedom Jazz Dance]]) #[[Q1460489]] ([[:de:Friedrich Konrad]]) and [[Q27909842]] ([[:en:Friedrich Konrad]]) #[[Q1465987]] ([[:de:Fritz Demmer]]) and [[Q19933260]] ([[:en:Fritz Demmer]]) #[[Q20180340]] ([[:de:Future Stars]]) and [[Q7669203]] ([[:en:Future Stars]]) #[[Q28003908]] ([[:de:Tanlines]]) and [[Q7683593]] ([[:en:Tanlines]]) #[[Q15060339]] ([[:de:Teun]]) and [[Q4984318]] ([[:en:Teun]]) #[[Q27897902]] ([[:de:The Disaster Area]]) and [[Q7730296]] ([[:en:The Disaster Area]]) #[[Q27554321]] ([[:de:Thila]]) and [[Q6587270]] ([[:en:Thila]]) #[[Q1664121]] ([[:de:Tim Clifford]]) and [[Q27924899]] ([[:en:Tim Clifford]]) #[[Q21280433]] ([[:de:Tony Clark]]) and [[Q11321326]] ([[:en:Tony Clark]]) #[[Q2444259]] ([[:de:Torney]]) and [[Q28134631]] ([[:en:Torney]]) #[[Q20826123]] ([[:de:Villalta]]) and [[Q21496459]] ([[:en:Villalta]]) #[[Q2530420]] ([[:de:Voie]]) and [[Q28224512]] ([[:en:Voie]]) #[[Q1225388]] ([[:de:Werk Arena]]) and [[Q17167695]] ([[:en:Werk Arena]]) #[[Q2561195]] ([[:de:Werner Freitag]]) and [[Q27922503]] ([[:en:Werner Freitag]]) #[[Q27450606]] ([[:de:Wilf]]) and [[Q1421511]] ([[:en:Wilf]]) #[[Q27827257]] ([[:de:Willman]]) and [[Q4111346]] ([[:en:Willman]]) #[[Q20743166]] ([[:de:Woke]]) and [[Q28136847]] ([[:en:Woke]]) #[[Q28003916]] ([[:de:Woody Island (Queensland)]]) and [[Q27957410]] ([[:en:Woody Island (Queensland)]]) #[[Q27827190]] ([[:de:Yonamine]]) and [[Q26910824]] ([[:en:Yonamine]]) #[[Q388872]] ([[:de:Şentürk]]) and [[Q27476988]] ([[:en:Şentürk]]) #[[Q4225706]] ([[:nl:Aleksandar Kovačević]]) and [[Q2282774]] ([[:en:Aleksandar Kovačević]]) #[[Q2117853]] ([[:nl:Barclay Allen]]) and [[Q27839124]] ([[:en:Barclay Allen]]) #[[Q3215872]] ([[:nl:Bart van den Berg]]) and [[Q24578887]] ([[:en:Bart van den Berg]]) #[[Q22041628]] ([[:nl:Black Star Liner]]) and [[Q4921906]] ([[:en:Black Star Liner]]) #[[Q22839310]] ([[:nl:Carlo Andreoli]]) and [[Q4065904]] ([[:en:Carlo Andreoli]]) #[[Q23483121]] ([[:nl:Carlos Parra]]) and [[Q5042473]] ([[:en:Carlos Parra]]) #[[Q13456153]] ([[:nl:Carlos Pigem]]) and [[Q26706842]] ([[:en:Carlos Pigem]]) #[[Q22681050]] ([[:nl:Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister]]) and [[Q2205732]] ([[:en:Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister]]) #[[Q13511162]] ([[:nl:Dan Blazer]]) and [[Q24005325]] ([[:en:Dan Blazer]]) #[[Q2236641]] ([[:nl:Dare to Love]]) and [[Q25094929]] ([[:en:Dare to Love]]) #[[Q2430252]] ([[:nl:Crossing the Rubicon]]) and [[Q25238182]] ([[:en:Crossing the Rubicon]]) #[[Q15804654]] ([[:nl:Das Haus der Krokodile]]) and [[Q1168796]] ([[:en:Das Haus der Krokodile]]) #[[Q26211812]] ([[:nl:David Blitz]]) and [[Q5231480]] ([[:en:David Blitz]]) #[[Q24575525]] ([[:nl:Dirk Verbeek]]) and [[Q20982068]] ([[:en:Dirk Verbeek]]) #[[Q3542760]] ([[:nl:Discover (album)]]) and [[Q5281769]] ([[:en:Discover (album)]]) #[[Q1883244]] ([[:nl:Dome (album)]]) and [[Q25096651]] ([[:en:Dome (album)]]) #[[Q23454671]] ([[:nl:Dr. Mario]]) and [[Q1198580]] ([[:en:Dr. Mario]]) #[[Q4075953]] ([[:nl:Edwin Bakker]]) and [[Q17102917]] ([[:en:Edwin Bakker]]) #[[Q2168031]] ([[:nl:Enrique Marín]]) and [[Q19828059]] ([[:en:Enrique Marín]]) #[[Q6026804]] ([[:nl:Erik Olsson]]) and [[Q18169803]] ([[:en:Erik Olsson]]) #[[Q1363110]] ([[:nl:Erwin Kern]]) and [[Q105581]] ([[:en:Erwin Kern]]) #[[Q26821428]] ([[:nl:Everybody Happy]]) and [[Q5417711]] ([[:en:Everybody Happy]]) #[[Q2367279]] ([[:nl:Eugène Hubert]]) and [[Q23969603]] ([[:en:Eugène Hubert]]) #[[Q2238020]] ([[:nl:Extended Versions]]) and [[Q26261753]] ([[:en:Extended Versions]]) #[[Q24009634]] ([[:nl:Fania Oz-Salzberger]]) and [[Q5433867]] ([[:en:Fania Oz-Salzberger]]) #[[Q2755370]] ([[:nl:Flame of Youth]]) and [[Q23797145]] ([[:en:Flame of Youth]]) #[[Q15943333]] ([[:nl:Flight of Fancy]]) and [[Q28130231]] ([[:en:Flight of Fancy]]) #[[Q2159346]] ([[:nl:Fracture (album)]]) and [[Q21160044]] ([[:en:Fracture (album)]]) #[[Q2693183]] ([[:nl:Frank W. Applebee]]) and [[Q27925470]] ([[:en:Frank W. Applebee]]) #[[Q26828176]] ([[:nl:Frans Van Roy]]) and [[Q5492405]] ([[:en:Frans Van Roy]]) #[[Q2067565]] ([[:nl:Frans van den Berg]]) and [[Q21934128]] ([[:en:Frans van den Berg]]) #[[Q2056189]] ([[:nl:From Madrid to Heaven]]) and [[Q26420532]] ([[:en:From Madrid to Heaven]]) #[[Q2102881]] ([[:nl:Future Nostalgia]]) and [[Q24521299]] ([[:en:Future Nostalgia]]) #[[Q2343358]] ([[:nl:Gualtherus Johannes Kolff]]) and [[Q21069088]] ([[:en:Gualtherus Johannes Kolff]]) #[[Q1570246]] ([[:nl:Halbach]]) and [[Q1570244]] ([[:en:Halbach]]) #[[Q1874846]] ([[:nl:Halina Zalewska]]) and [[Q601312]] ([[:en:Halina Zalewska]]) #[[Q15787829]] ([[:nl:Hamburger Bahnhof]]) and [[Q584756]] ([[:en:Hamburger Bahnhof]]) #[[Q2159925]] ([[:nl:Harlan Miller]]) and [[Q24663877]] ([[:en:Harlan Miller]]) #[[Q24717027]] ([[:nl:Harry Wolter]]) and [[Q5673483]] ([[:en:Harry Wolter]]) #[[Q2125745]] ([[:nl:Hello Doctor]]) and [[Q28183144]] ([[:en:Hello Doctor]]) #[[Q20970818]] ([[:nl:Hendrik Bulthuis]]) and [[Q3562233]] ([[:en:Hendrik Bulthuis]]) #[[Q3131105]] ([[:nl:Henri Fouquet]]) and [[Q1605827]] ([[:en:Henri Fouquet]]) #[[Q3131681]] ([[:nl:Henri Mouton]]) and [[Q163862]] ([[:en:Henri Mouton]]) #[[Q22042084]] ([[:nl:Herman Otten]]) and [[Q16733925]] ([[:en:Herman Otten]]) #[[Q3434368]] ([[:nl:Christian Weiss]]) and [[Q24005012]] ([[:en:Christian Weiss]]) #[[Q26212040]] ([[:nl:Charles Stokes]]) and [[Q5082699]] ([[:en:Charles Stokes]]) #[[Q1816655]] ([[:nl:Charles W. Smith]]) and [[Q23018360]] ([[:en:Charles W. Smith]]) #[[Q380135]] ([[:de:Adya]]) and [[Q25114092]] ([[:en:Adya]]) #[[Q9154028]] ([[:de:Andrzej Wróbel]]) and [[Q19663611]] ([[:en:Andrzej Wróbel]]) #[[Q27450583]] ([[:de:Asiedu]]) and [[Q728869]] ([[:en:Asiedu]]) #[[Q738261]] ([[:de:Asriel]]) and [[Q28221953]] ([[:en:Asriel]]) #[[Q804437]] ([[:de:Bakir]]) and [[Q4849443]] ([[:en:Bakir]]) #[[Q28134486]] ([[:de:Baranki]]) and [[Q4858387]] ([[:en:Baranki]]) #[[Q863222]] ([[:de:Billy Starr]]) and [[Q28136715]] ([[:en:Billy Starr]]) #[[Q21473896]] ([[:de:Blake Peak]]) and [[Q4924459]] ([[:en:Blake Peak]]) #[[Q23959964]] ([[:de:Bow Brook]]) and [[Q25171806]] ([[:en:Bow Brook]]) #[[Q20971266]] ([[:de:Boy 7]]) and [[Q19520824]] ([[:en:Boy 7]]) #[[Q14516279]] ([[:de:Bristol 401]]) and [[Q20740334]] ([[:en:Bristol 401]]) #[[Q17479620]] ([[:de:Carl Abbott]]) and [[Q27996229]] ([[:en:Carl Abbott]]) #[[Q25385895]] ([[:de:Castle Inn]]) and [[Q7721580]] ([[:en:Castle Inn]]) #[[Q1092359]] ([[:de:Cinearte]]) and [[Q9762995]] ([[:en:Cinearte]]) #[[Q1094740]] ([[:de:Clair Obscur]]) and [[Q27865927]] ([[:en:Clair Obscur]]) #[[Q1096636]] ([[:de:Claude Deschamps]]) and [[Q20666509]] ([[:en:Claude Deschamps]]) #[[Q26268013]] ([[:de:Clima]]) and [[Q10360092]] ([[:en:Clima]]) #[[Q1103416]] ([[:de:Cluse]]) and [[Q28208690]] ([[:en:Cluse]]) #[[Q1128598]] ([[:de:Contenido]]) and [[Q28155400]] ([[:en:Contenido]]) #[[Q1142620]] ([[:de:Csaba Kiss]]) and [[Q1111618]] ([[:en:Csaba Kiss]]) #[[Q28155199]] ([[:de:Cusumano]]) and [[Q5196588]] ([[:en:Cusumano]]) #[[Q1162960]] ([[:de:Daniel Traub]]) and [[Q27981472]] ([[:en:Daniel Traub]]) #[[Q1173421]] ([[:de:Davern]]) and [[Q16275318]] ([[:en:Davern]]) #[[Q1173778]] ([[:de:David Bohn]]) and [[Q27831110]] ([[:en:David Bohn]]) #[[Q25640630]] ([[:de:David Wootton]]) and [[Q5241293]] ([[:en:David Wootton]]) #[[Q2674224]] ([[:de:Debbie Clarke]]) and [[Q28008583]] ([[:en:Debbie Clarke]]) #[[Q26389577]] ([[:de:Dennis Martin]]) and [[Q27909760]] ([[:en:Dennis Martin]]) #[[Q27970199]] ([[:de:Derek Cole]]) and [[Q5261884]] ([[:en:Derek Cole]]) #[[Q20998098]] ([[:de:Descending]]) and [[Q27791053]] ([[:en:Descending]]) #[[Q1237246]] ([[:de:Domenico Rossetti]]) and [[Q27824255]] ([[:en:Domenico Rossetti]]) #[[Q27773181]] ([[:de:Doubletime]]) and [[Q5300161]] ([[:en:Doubletime]]) #[[Q1280794]] ([[:de:Echobox]]) and [[Q28133997]] ([[:en:Echobox]]) #[[Q347066]] ([[:de:Echtzeit]]) and [[Q25096483]] ([[:en:Echtzeit]]) #[[Q1339096]] ([[:de:Emotiv]]) and [[Q28130464]] ([[:en:Emotiv]]) #[[Q17540065]] ([[:de:Enache]]) and [[Q5375156]] ([[:en:Enache]]) #[[Q1348168]] ([[:de:Eray]]) and [[Q10487067]] ([[:en:Eray]]) #[[Q1349270]] ([[:de:Erdinç Dinçer]]) and [[Q6052770]] ([[:en:Erdinç Dinçer]]) #[[Q24726725]] ([[:de:Eric Roberson]]) and [[Q5387372]] ([[:en:Eric Roberson]]) #[[Q27877093]] ([[:de:Erich Reinhardt]]) and [[Q5388094]] ([[:en:Erich Reinhardt]]) #[[Q27950936]] ([[:de:Eva Roth]]) and [[Q5415166]] ([[:en:Eva Roth]]) #[[Q28227722]] ([[:de:Fernando Cuenca]]) and [[Q18249461]] ([[:en:Fernando Cuenca]]) #[[Q20788433]] ([[:de:Garret]]) and [[Q5523827]] ([[:en:Garret]]) #[[Q1498803]] ([[:de:Geir Johnson]]) and [[Q11971697]] ([[:en:Geir Johnson]]) #[[Q1415754]] ([[:de:Geisterbahn]]) and [[Q28154502]] ([[:en:Geisterbahn]]) #[[Q27906727]] ([[:de:Geoffrey Bay]]) and [[Q21952385]] ([[:en:Geoffrey Bay]]) #[[Q1506009]] ([[:de:Georg Seyler]]) and [[Q24849198]] ([[:en:Georg Seyler]]) #[[Q1510352]] ([[:de:Gerbrand]]) and [[Q21142292]] ([[:en:Gerbrand]]) #[[Q3762986]] ([[:de:Giancarlo Vitali]]) and [[Q3762988]] ([[:en:Giancarlo Vitali]]) #[[Q679499]] ([[:de:Gisbert]]) and [[Q27436303]] ([[:en:Gisbert]]) #[[Q27914945]] ([[:de:Gospodinov]]) and [[Q12277241]] ([[:en:Gospodinov]]) #[[Q27983203]] ([[:de:Gottesman]]) and [[Q5588005]] ([[:en:Gottesman]]) #[[Q1328781]] ([[:de:Granville Lake]]) and [[Q5596919]] ([[:en:Granville Lake]]) #[[Q404251]] ([[:de:Grzegorz Małecki]]) and [[Q26201828]] ([[:en:Grzegorz Małecki]]) #[[Q27688859]] ([[:de:Gustav Pietsch]]) and [[Q5621195]] ([[:en:Gustav Pietsch]]) #[[Q1569851]] ([[:de:Hakan Çevik]]) and [[Q27831121]] ([[:en:Hakan Çevik]]) #[[Q94438]] ([[:de:Hans Brenner]]) and [[Q27914993]] ([[:en:Hans Brenner]]) #[[Q1401153]] ([[:de:Hans Drexler]]) and [[Q27918268]] ([[:en:Hans Drexler]]) #[[Q23638907]] ([[:de:Harley Brown]]) and [[Q27909602]] ([[:en:Harley Brown]]) #[[Q23061321]] ([[:de:Harold Gibson]]) and [[Q28124257]] ([[:en:Harold Gibson]]) #[[Q19059186]] ([[:de:Harold Moody]]) and [[Q19059178]] ([[:en:Harold Moody]]) #[[Q27450834]] ([[:de:Harouna]]) and [[Q16276374]] ([[:en:Harouna]]) #[[Q27450608]] ([[:de:Haym]]) and [[Q1591945]] ([[:en:Haym]]) #[[Q1238456]] ([[:de:Heike Hofmann]]) and [[Q27674369]] ([[:en:Heike Hofmann]]) #[[Q1601248]] ([[:de:Heinzen]]) and [[Q27794732]] ([[:en:Heinzen]]) #[[Q1603581]] ([[:de:Helmut Graf]]) and [[Q27915003]] ([[:en:Helmut Graf]]) #[[Q27450836]] ([[:de:Henrie]]) and [[Q16276601]] ([[:en:Henrie]]) #[[Q28172222]] ([[:de:Hermann Eggers]]) and [[Q5740631]] ([[:en:Hermann Eggers]]) #[[Q1611543]] ([[:de:Hermann Hoppe]]) and [[Q4143352]] ([[:en:Hermann Hoppe]]) #[[Q27653580]] ([[:de:Hermann Vezin]]) and [[Q5741032]] ([[:en:Hermann Vezin]]) #[[Q1524737]] ([[:de:Hermann Zimmer]]) and [[Q28169774]] ([[:en:Hermann Zimmer]]) #[[Q1620641]] ([[:de:Hisataka]]) and [[Q18324332]] ([[:en:Hisataka]]) #[[Q1356847]] ([[:de:Horrido]]) and [[Q28130245]] ([[:en:Horrido]]) #[[Q1638238]] ([[:de:Hunts Creek]]) and [[Q28224126]] ([[:en:Hunts Creek]]) #[[Q1659274]] ([[:de:Ilyas]]) and [[Q343835]] ([[:en:Ilyas]]) #[[Q1662921]] ([[:de:Ingeborg Renner]]) and [[Q27836882]] ([[:en:Ingeborg Renner]]) #[[Q1388949]] ([[:de:Inwi]]) and [[Q3153969]] ([[:en:Inwi]]) #[[Q18912935]] ([[:de:Ivan Anderson]]) and [[Q16106533]] ([[:en:Ivan Anderson]]) #[[Q27809971]] ([[:de:Jack Simons]]) and [[Q6115170]] ([[:en:Jack Simons]]) #[[Q1677484]] ([[:de:Jacob Frey]]) and [[Q28203630]] ([[:en:Jacob Frey]]) #[[Q27827142]] ([[:de:Jakubiak]]) and [[Q6125634]] ([[:en:Jakubiak]]) #[[Q27652456]] ([[:de:Japan Cup 2016]]) and [[Q28154106]] ([[:en:Japan Cup 2016]]) #[[Q28149867]] ([[:de:Jared Ward]]) and [[Q22002466]] ([[:en:Jared Ward]]) #[[Q22236300]] ([[:de:Joe Scanlan]]) and [[Q6212207]] ([[:en:Joe Scanlan]]) #[[Q18746937]] ([[:de:Johann Heinrich Arnold]]) and [[Q27824985]] ([[:en:Johann Heinrich Arnold]]) #[[Q23639047]] ([[:de:Johannes Frey]]) and [[Q27841696]] ([[:en:Johannes Frey]]) #[[Q27648985]] ([[:de:John Caine]]) and [[Q6224760]] ([[:en:John Caine]]) #[[Q28105546]] ([[:de:John K. Davies]]) and [[Q6242352]] ([[:en:John K. Davies]]) #[[Q1702469]] ([[:de:Johnson Lake]]) and [[Q6268354]] ([[:en:Johnson Lake]]) #[[Q28122511]] ([[:de:Joseph Walter]]) and [[Q6287756]] ([[:en:Joseph Walter]]) #[[Q21496794]] ([[:de:José Valdes]]) and [[Q27918286]] ([[:en:José Valdes]]) #[[Q102868]] ([[:de:Manfred Funke]]) and [[Q27922286]] ([[:en:Manfred Funke]]) #[[Q28133155]] ([[:de:Manuel Rodrigues]]) and [[Q10514017]] ([[:en:Manuel Rodrigues]]) #[[Q1279754]] ([[:de:Martin Hildebrandt]]) and [[Q27835024]] ([[:en:Martin Hildebrandt]]) #[[Q21523545]] ([[:de:Mehmet Bulut]]) and [[Q28161826]] ([[:en:Mehmet Bulut]]) #[[Q27922047]] ([[:de:Michael Feldman]]) and [[Q6830258]] ([[:en:Michael Feldman]]) #[[Q16320251]] ([[:de:Michael Wilks]]) and [[Q28021447]] ([[:en:Michael Wilks]]) #[[Q27969699]] ([[:de:Mihai Pop]]) and [[Q6845107]] ([[:en:Mihai Pop]]) #[[Q27951192]] ([[:de:Mike Willis]]) and [[Q6849290]] ([[:en:Mike Willis]]) #[[Q1946932]] ([[:de:Moosa]]) and [[Q16279691]] ([[:en:Moosa]]) #[[Q27450587]] ([[:de:Mordaunt]]) and [[Q1145161]] ([[:en:Mordaunt]]) #[[Q27919881]] ([[:de:Morley Cohen]]) and [[Q3324161]] ([[:en:Morley Cohen]]) #[[Q27450739]] ([[:de:Moumouni]]) and [[Q6919079]] ([[:en:Moumouni]]) #[[Q21489678]] ([[:de:Mount Ballard]]) and [[Q6919601]] ([[:en:Mount Ballard]]) #[[Q21474774]] ([[:de:Mount Bond]]) and [[Q6919778]] ([[:en:Mount Bond]]) #[[Q21485685]] ([[:de:Mount Ellery]]) and [[Q6920610]] ([[:en:Mount Ellery]]) #[[Q21485656]] ([[:de:Mount Emily]]) and [[Q6920635]] ([[:en:Mount Emily]]) #[[Q1951172]] ([[:de:Moviepilot]]) and [[Q27950627]] ([[:en:Moviepilot]]) #[[Q27916738]] ([[:de:MySky]]) and [[Q16977154]] ([[:en:MySky]]) #[[Q15835964]] ([[:de:Mynors]]) and [[Q6947825]] ([[:en:Mynors]]) #[[Q19971330]] ([[:de:NJOY]]) and [[Q28208953]] ([[:en:NJOY]]) #[[Q27868218]] ([[:de:Nabalia]]) and [[Q2369909]] ([[:en:Nabalia]]) #[[Q28113644]] ([[:de:Nathan Hill]]) and [[Q17007964]] ([[:en:Nathan Hill]]) #[[Q1233043]] ([[:de:Nathan Rice]]) and [[Q27832693]] ([[:en:Nathan Rice]]) #[[Q1984139]] ([[:de:Nganda]]) and [[Q7021974]] ([[:en:Nganda]]) #[[Q16320541]] ([[:de:Oliver Bell]]) and [[Q27929714]] ([[:en:Oliver Bell]]) #[[Q20898463]] ([[:de:Otte Rud]]) and [[Q4357070]] ([[:en:Otte Rud]]) #[[Q15453555]] ([[:de:Otto Vogel]]) and [[Q7109866]] ([[:en:Otto Vogel]]) #[[Q2052573]] ([[:de:Park Sung-bae]]) and [[Q7138065]] ([[:en:Park Sung-bae]]) #[[Q18412127]] ([[:de:Paul Murdoch]]) and [[Q27995846]] ([[:en:Paul Murdoch]]) #[[Q27556247]] ([[:de:Paul Rusch]]) and [[Q11339524]] ([[:en:Paul Rusch]]) #[[Q14152762]] ([[:de:Persona 2]]) and [[Q27791002]] ([[:en:Persona 2]]) #[[Q1489403]] ([[:de:Peter Beier]]) and [[Q28225860]] ([[:en:Peter Beier]]) #[[Q27763953]] ([[:de:Peter Englert]]) and [[Q7173864]] ([[:en:Peter Englert]]) #[[Q26262528]] ([[:de:Peter Feil]]) and [[Q27922647]] ([[:en:Peter Feil]]) #[[Q2076758]] ([[:de:Peter Lundberg]]) and [[Q22074645]] ([[:en:Peter Lundberg]]) #[[Q1981766]] ([[:de:Philip Lowe]]) and [[Q27922677]] ([[:en:Philip Lowe]]) #[[Q27516059]] ([[:de:Pietro Martinelli]]) and [[Q15526714]] ([[:en:Pietro Martinelli]]) #[[Q27827089]] ([[:de:Piip]]) and [[Q7193499]] ([[:en:Piip]]) #[[Q27889582]] ([[:de:Procopio]]) and [[Q7247467]] ([[:en:Procopio]]) #[[Q27926191]] ([[:de:Purton]]) and [[Q7261605]] ([[:en:Purton]]) #[[Q27959046]] ([[:de:Pułaski]]) and [[Q11832036]] ([[:en:Pułaski]]) #[[Q1648127]] ([[:de:Rainer Stephan]]) and [[Q27824370]] ([[:en:Rainer Stephan]]) #[[Q19298928]] ([[:de:Ramiro Quintana]]) and [[Q27831120]] ([[:en:Ramiro Quintana]]) #[[Q1797637]] ([[:de:Rateau]]) and [[Q3420049]] ([[:en:Rateau]]) #[[Q27909363]] ([[:de:Robert Naumann]]) and [[Q19974993]] ([[:en:Robert Naumann]]) #[[Q27986608]] ([[:de:Robert Percy]]) and [[Q19876933]] ([[:en:Robert Percy]]) #[[Q19970832]] ([[:de:Robert Wyss]]) and [[Q27923244]] ([[:en:Robert Wyss]]) #[[Q6110064]] ([[:de:Roberto da Silva]]) and [[Q28089419]] ([[:en:Roberto da Silva]]) #[[Q27258919]] ([[:de:Robie]]) and [[Q16909342]] ([[:en:Robie]]) #[[Q2223109]] ([[:de:Santa Maria della Speranza]]) and [[Q3472708]] ([[:en:Santa Maria della Speranza]]) #[[Q27450824]] ([[:de:Savea]]) and [[Q15378852]] ([[:en:Savea]]) #[[Q20732086]] ([[:de:Schelomo]]) and [[Q3475319]] ([[:en:Schelomo]]) #[[Q27890138]] ([[:de:Schlawe]]) and [[Q7431677]] ([[:en:Schlawe]]) #[[Q19801202]] ([[:de:Sean]]) and [[Q2262123]] ([[:en:Sean]]) #[[Q2276085]] ([[:de:Sfondrati]]) and [[Q28133980]] ([[:en:Sfondrati]]) #[[Q27450778]] ([[:de:Shigematsu]]) and [[Q7496345]] ([[:en:Shigematsu]]) #[[Q18418723]] ([[:de:Sigismund Stern]]) and [[Q27831223]] ([[:en:Sigismund Stern]]) #[[Q2285306]] ([[:de:Sigrid Müller]]) and [[Q27509633]] ([[:en:Sigrid Müller]]) #[[Q2288984]] ([[:de:Sing It!]]) and [[Q27996000]] ([[:en:Sing It!]]) #[[Q6129300]] ([[:de:Singla]]) and [[Q7523682]] ([[:en:Singla]]) #[[Q262394]] ([[:de:Sport 2000]]) and [[Q28228835]] ([[:en:Sport 2000]]) #[[Q2337413]] ([[:de:Stefan Ritter]]) and [[Q27924835]] ([[:en:Stefan Ritter]]) #[[Q20752308]] ([[:de:Stephanie Lee]]) and [[Q21576362]] ([[:en:Stephanie Lee]]) #[[Q1614180]] ([[:de:Sumulong]]) and [[Q27916058]] ([[:en:Sumulong]]) #[[Q28113681]] ([[:de:Surata]]) and [[Q1655935]] ([[:en:Surata]]) #[[Q22119178]] ([[:de:Sōgen-ji]]) and [[Q3511683]] ([[:en:Sōgen-ji]]) #[[Q28310987]] ([[:de:William Gillies]]) and [[Q8009887]] ([[:en:William Gillies]]) #[[Q13633480]] ([[:nl:Felimare lilyeveae]]) and [[Q5961629]] ([[:en:Felimare lilyeveae]]) #[[Q2300951]] ([[:nl:High Risk (album)]]) and [[Q20735572]] ([[:en:High Risk (album)]]) #[[Q27992725]] ([[:nl:Home Suite Home]]) and [[Q23808616]] ([[:en:Home Suite Home]]) #[[Q2192846]] ([[:nl:Huub Jansen]]) and [[Q24389499]] ([[:en:Huub Jansen]]) #[[Q22008451]] ([[:nl:Jack of Hearts]]) and [[Q2003117]] ([[:en:Jack of Hearts]]) #[[Q2800190]] ([[:nl:Jan Van Dyke]]) and [[Q28067945]] ([[:en:Jan Van Dyke]]) #[[Q1961187]] ([[:nl:Jan van Tongeren]]) and [[Q21931797]] ([[:en:Jan van Tongeren]]) #[[Q3915705]] ([[:nl:Jan van der Molen]]) and [[Q23563293]] ([[:en:Jan van der Molen]]) #[[Q17485914]] ([[:nl:Jean-Pierre Denis]]) and [[Q1748183]] ([[:en:Jean-Pierre Denis]]) #[[Q1974085]] ([[:nl:Jeremy Morris]]) and [[Q21716311]] ([[:en:Jeremy Morris]]) #[[Q2735765]] ([[:nl:Johan Bleeker]]) and [[Q27063827]] ([[:en:Johan Bleeker]]) #[[Q20972447]] ([[:nl:John Pfeiffer]]) and [[Q6252737]] ([[:en:John Pfeiffer]]) #[[Q4919951]] ([[:nl:Jordan Lee]]) and [[Q27983275]] ([[:en:Jordan Lee]]) #[[Q2338987]] ([[:nl:José Aranguren]]) and [[Q9013665]] ([[:en:José Aranguren]]) #[[Q17300151]] ([[:nl:Joël Stalter]]) and [[Q26706872]] ([[:en:Joël Stalter]]) #[[Q1873606]] ([[:nl:July (album)]]) and [[Q17092949]] ([[:en:July (album)]]) #[[Q2511029]] ([[:nl:Jürgen Müller]]) and [[Q21035900]] ([[:en:Jürgen Müller]]) #[[Q18812571]] ([[:nl:It's Complicated (album)]]) and [[Q25097050]] ([[:en:It's Complicated (album)]]) #[[Q2787870]] ([[:nl:Jan Buis]]) and [[Q16561213]] ([[:en:Jan Buis]]) #[[Q21528934]] ([[:nl:Jan Worst]]) and [[Q6150222]] ([[:en:Jan Worst]]) #[[Q2706776]] ([[:nl:Jean Kickx]]) and [[Q1685616]] ([[:en:Jean Kickx]]) #[[Q2058830]] ([[:nl:Keith Webb]]) and [[Q21932028]] ([[:en:Keith Webb]]) #[[Q1734746]] ([[:nl:Kenneth Rose]]) and [[Q11687137]] ([[:en:Kenneth Rose]]) #[[Q24283915]] ([[:nl:Kyle Gibson]]) and [[Q6451161]] ([[:en:Kyle Gibson]]) #[[Q3068911]] ([[:nl:La Haye Sainte]]) and [[Q1798856]] ([[:en:La Haye Sainte]]) #[[Q26707549]] ([[:nl:Lagochilus]]) and [[Q2656953]] ([[:en:Lagochilus]]) #[[Q2328905]] ([[:nl:Larry Paul]]) and [[Q24004977]] ([[:en:Larry Paul]]) #[[Q2334963]] ([[:nl:Leopold Witte]]) and [[Q27978807]] ([[:en:Leopold Witte]]) #[[Q13768855]] ([[:nl:Live in St. Petersburg]]) and [[Q25096847]] ([[:en:Live in St. Petersburg]]) #[[Q24256070]] ([[:nl:Lloyd Chapman]]) and [[Q6662329]] ([[:en:Lloyd Chapman]]) #[[Q3398309]] ([[:nl:Lost in Transit]]) and [[Q3531211]] ([[:en:Lost in Transit]]) #[[Q27898330]] ([[:nl:Madre de Deus]]) and [[Q3281901]] ([[:en:Madre de Deus]]) #[[Q23655546]] ([[:nl:Malcolm Davies]]) and [[Q2116510]] ([[:en:Malcolm Davies]]) #[[Q22944337]] ([[:nl:Manuel Luna]]) and [[Q5993525]] ([[:en:Manuel Luna]]) #[[Q23892378]] ([[:nl:Mark Lennon]]) and [[Q6768555]] ([[:en:Mark Lennon]]) #[[Q23888832]] ([[:nl:Mark Visser]]) and [[Q6770155]] ([[:en:Mark Visser]]) #[[Q23541272]] ([[:nl:Martin Jenkins]]) and [[Q2198788]] ([[:en:Martin Jenkins]]) #[[Q126610]] ([[:nl:Martin Kirchner]]) and [[Q19295906]] ([[:en:Martin Kirchner]]) #[[Q20270603]] ([[:nl:Martínez de la Torre]]) and [[Q974535]] ([[:en:Martínez de la Torre]]) #[[Q15879200]] ([[:nl:Match Made in Heaven]]) and [[Q25215438]] ([[:en:Match Made in Heaven]]) #[[Q12497699]] ([[:nl:Medan Jaya]]) and [[Q6805118]] ([[:en:Medan Jaya]]) #[[Q2177971]] ([[:nl:Michael Norris]]) and [[Q21932397]] ([[:en:Michael Norris]]) #[[Q3955352]] ([[:nl:Michael Schaap]]) and [[Q21016534]] ([[:en:Michael Schaap]]) #[[Q21296024]] ([[:nl:Michel Parent]]) and [[Q16199804]] ([[:en:Michel Parent]]) #[[Q23907681]] ([[:nl:Mini Cooper]]) and [[Q26261760]] ([[:en:Mini Cooper]]) #[[Q27867755]] ([[:nl:Model Behavior]]) and [[Q2322382]] ([[:en:Model Behavior]]) #[[Q2456748]] ([[:nl:Mustafa Aydın]]) and [[Q6093018]] ([[:en:Mustafa Aydın]]) #[[Q2582422]] ([[:nl:Mustafa Kaya]]) and [[Q26212286]] ([[:en:Mustafa Kaya]]) #[[Q26197575]] ([[:nl:Natasha (film)]]) and [[Q6968427]] ([[:en:Natasha (film)]]) #[[Q3090400]] ([[:nl:Niclas Grönholm]]) and [[Q20249480]] ([[:en:Niclas Grönholm]]) #[[Q22980378]] ([[:nl:Norman Girigorie]]) and [[Q19560574]] ([[:en:Norman Girigorie]]) #[[Q23486181]] ([[:nl:Néstor García]]) and [[Q7071465]] ([[:en:Néstor García]]) #[[Q25276108]] ([[:nl:One Word]]) and [[Q7093402]] ([[:en:One Word]]) #[[Q28103054]] ([[:nl:Operation Enterprise]]) and [[Q7097033]] ([[:en:Operation Enterprise]]) #[[Q3580186]] ([[:nl:Natività di Nostro Signore Gesù Cristo a Via Gallia]]) and [[Q3337026]] ([[:en:Natività di Nostro Signore Gesù Cristo a Via Gallia]]) #[[Q21013384]] ([[:nl:Moomba]]) and [[Q6907391]] ([[:en:Moomba]]) #[[Q2162402]] ([[:nl:Out of the Mist]]) and [[Q22976180]] ([[:en:Out of the Mist]]) #[[Q27995452]] ([[:nl:Pablo Alarcón]]) and [[Q923591]] ([[:en:Pablo Alarcón]]) #[[Q23925310]] ([[:nl:Pablo Pereira]]) and [[Q7121718]] ([[:en:Pablo Pereira]]) #[[Q15880604]] ([[:nl:Pedro Figueiredo]]) and [[Q24005160]] ([[:en:Pedro Figueiredo]]) #[[Q2076342]] ([[:nl:Peter Knapp]]) and [[Q17496558]] ([[:en:Peter Knapp]]) #[[Q27790740]] ([[:nl:Petr Skoumal]]) and [[Q3563122]] ([[:en:Petr Skoumal]]) #[[Q10807162]] ([[:nl:Phồn Xương]]) and [[Q10807161]] ([[:en:Phồn Xương]]) #[[Q1894463]] ([[:nl:Pierre Cox]]) and [[Q23595930]] ([[:en:Pierre Cox]]) #[[Q3330538]] ([[:nl:Piet Kuiper]]) and [[Q27922679]] ([[:en:Piet Kuiper]]) #[[Q2119672]] ([[:nl:Pyramid Island]]) and [[Q2119677]] ([[:en:Pyramid Island]]) #[[Q2138615]] ([[:nl:Radio Essex]]) and [[Q7280776]] ([[:en:Radio Essex]]) #[[Q2351376]] ([[:nl:Rail Magazine]]) and [[Q7275726]] ([[:en:Rail Magazine]]) #[[Q1570246]] ([[:nl:Halbach]]) and [[Q27924673]] ([[:en:Halbach]]) #[[Q1859264]] ([[:nl:King Jack]]) and [[Q21095406]] ([[:en:King Jack]]) #[[Q4263006]] ([[:nl:Lyrcus]]) and [[Q28093561]] ([[:en:Lyrcus]]) #[[Q19587813]] ([[:nl:Matthew Michel]]) and [[Q27969792]] ([[:en:Matthew Michel]]) #[[Q2324922]] ([[:nl:Max Schnur]]) and [[Q24005356]] ([[:en:Max Schnur]]) #[[Q21368826]] ([[:nl:Priosphenodon]]) and [[Q3922145]] ([[:en:Priosphenodon]]) #[[Q27861190]] ([[:nl:Wild Wings]]) and [[Q8000870]] ([[:en:Wild Wings]]) #[[Q2178563]] ([[:nl:William Moylan]]) and [[Q28122757]] ([[:en:William Moylan]]) #[[Q2579245]] ([[:nl:William Singer]]) and [[Q21933608]] ([[:en:William Singer]]) #[[Q22981519]] ([[:nl:World Class]]) and [[Q8035524]] ([[:en:World Class]]) #[[Q27588514]] ([[:nl:Xavier Cooper]]) and [[Q19665675]] ([[:en:Xavier Cooper]]) #[[Q21980949]] ([[:nl:Wellington Museum]]) and [[Q9292226]] ([[:en:Wellington Museum]]) #[[Q1916807]] ([[:nl:Van Berkel]]) and [[Q7913147]] ([[:en:Van Berkel]]) #[[Q14512753]] ([[:nl:Van Eck]]) and [[Q16942075]] ([[:en:Van Eck]]) #[[Q23581050]] ([[:nl:Van Nostrand]]) and [[Q7913548]] ([[:en:Van Nostrand]]) #[[Q26995958]] ([[:nl:Under the Surface]]) and [[Q1755694]] ([[:en:Under the Surface]]) #[[Q1732383]] ([[:nl:Tracy Barnes]]) and [[Q7831688]] ([[:en:Tracy Barnes]]) #[[Q23008466]] ([[:nl:Trawool]]) and [[Q7836447]] ([[:en:Trawool]]) #[[Q20659031]] ([[:nl:Tomas Gomez]]) and [[Q24005904]] ([[:en:Tomas Gomez]]) #[[Q2802804]] ([[:nl:Tingel Tangel]]) and [[Q23012049]] ([[:en:Tingel Tangel]]) #[[Q22980627]] ([[:nl:The Jane]]) and [[Q7742946]] ([[:en:The Jane]]) #[[Q3997672]] ([[:nl:The Love Trap]]) and [[Q22974002]] ([[:en:The Love Trap]]) #[[Q2131965]] ([[:nl:The Unseen (album)]]) and [[Q7771700]] ([[:en:The Unseen (album)]]) #[[Q2896814]] ([[:nl:The Young Messiah]]) and [[Q20656805]] ([[:en:The Young Messiah]]) #[[Q22075496]] ([[:nl:That's Me]]) and [[Q2495976]] ([[:en:That's Me]]) #[[Q3204798]] ([[:nl:The Deal (album)]]) and [[Q25096222]] ([[:en:The Deal (album)]]) #[[Q25915586]] ([[:nl:The Ditch]]) and [[Q3222912]] ([[:en:The Ditch]]) #[[Q15882757]] ([[:nl:The Good Fight]]) and [[Q28052823]] ([[:en:The Good Fight]]) #[[Q2850628]] ([[:nl:Team Spirit (film)]]) and [[Q25111228]] ([[:en:Team Spirit (film)]]) #[[Q2569811]] ([[:nl:Steve Shafer]]) and [[Q18158409]] ([[:en:Steve Shafer]]) #[[Q24258356]] ([[:nl:Strictly Come Dancing]]) and [[Q8070684]] ([[:en:Strictly Come Dancing]]) #[[Q14365936]] ([[:nl:Sophie Walker]]) and [[Q21932488]] ([[:en:Sophie Walker]]) #[[Q2535025]] ([[:nl:Stan Haag]]) and [[Q21932005]] ([[:en:Stan Haag]]) #[[Q2511154]] ([[:nl:Simon Howard]]) and [[Q21933519]] ([[:en:Simon Howard]]) #[[Q2978647]] ([[:nl:Solid States]]) and [[Q25096224]] ([[:en:Solid States]]) #[[Q2634312]] ([[:nl:Ready to Go Home]]) and [[Q23782338]] ([[:en:Ready to Go Home]]) #[[Q22943896]] ([[:nl:Red Eyes]]) and [[Q729970]] ([[:en:Red Eyes]]) #[[Q1964377]] ([[:nl:Reg Taylor]]) and [[Q21932093]] ([[:en:Reg Taylor]]) #[[Q2161888]] ([[:nl:The Italian Connection]]) and [[Q3822965]] ([[:en:The Italian Connection]]) #[[Q2484275]] ([[:nl:Think of One]]) and [[Q7784549]] ([[:en:Think of One]]) #[[Q24043108]] ([[:nl:Reginald Kools]]) and [[Q23007963]] ([[:en:Reginald Kools]]) #[[Q15881355]] ([[:nl:Robert Smit]]) and [[Q7349863]] ([[:en:Robert Smit]]) #[[Q2292644]] ([[:nl:SBS Sport]]) and [[Q16969582]] ([[:en:SBS Sport]]) #[[Q4140826]] ([[:nl:Trichasterina]]) and [[Q21711743]] ([[:en:Trichasterina]]) #[[Q2396410]] ([[:nl:Up for It]]) and [[Q7898039]] ([[:en:Up for It]]) #[[Q2687923]] ([[:nl:Rave On]]) and [[Q7296348]] ([[:en:Rave On]]) #[[Q2029413]] ([[:nl:Rhinoleptus]]) and [[Q507038]] ([[:en:Rhinoleptus]]) # Q715854 (uk:Баяс) and Q812108 (be-x-old:Баяс) # Q16692965 (uk:Бонда) and Q6469616 (be-x-old:Бонда) # Q12087243 (uk:Вазон) and Q4102405 (be-x-old:Вазон) # Q21341 (uk:Віш) and Q17047211 (be-x-old:Віш) # Q47492 (uk:Газа) and Q20677396 (be-x-old:Газа) # Q10658266 (uk:Галіца) and Q6481087 (be-x-old:Галіца) # Q4147250 (uk:Грабняк) and Q5739662 (be-x-old:Грабняк) # Q4147844 (uk:Грані) and Q6484093 (be-x-old:Грані) # Q8014570 (uk:Грод) and Q13133208 (be-x-old:Грод) # Q4151774 (uk:Гула) and Q17464248 (be-x-old:Гула) # Q267706 (uk:Гурба) and Q13032259 (be-x-old:Гурба) # Q12098526 (uk:Гурка) and Q11020145 (be-x-old:Гурка) #[[Q15630447]] ([[:zh:Template:Sorry]]) and [[Q22084961]] ([[:en:Template:Sorry]]) #[[Q28219851]] ([[:en:Airly]]) and [[Q23949025]] ([[:ja:Airly]]) #[[Q28178805]] ([[:en:Local Bus]]) and [[Q11230338]] ([[:ja:Local Bus]]) #[[Q4254265]] ([[:en:The Cloud Dream of the Nine]]) and [[Q28185947]] ([[:ja:The Cloud Dream of the Nine]]) #[[Q20049012]] ([[:zh:B.I.G]]) and [[Q11190758]] ([[:ja:B.I.G]]) #[[Q24856047]] ([[:zh:共助]]) and [[Q17240252]] ([[:ja:共助]]) #[[Q15894387]] ([[:zh:趙斗南]]) and [[Q12616645]] ([[:ja:趙斗南]]) #[[Q25501500]] ([[:sl:Cocktail (album)]]) and [[Q5139693]] ([[:en:Cocktail (album)]]) #[[Q843455]] ([[:sl:Gornja Dubrava]]) and [[Q1275247]] ([[:en:Gornja Dubrava]]) #[[Q2780784]] ([[:sl:Gornja Močila]]) and [[Q3111146]] ([[:en:Gornja Močila]]) #[[Q2396197]] ([[:sl:Gornji Barbeš]]) and [[Q3111238]] ([[:en:Gornji Barbeš]]) #[[Q3111296]] ([[:sl:Gornji Orahovac]]) and [[Q3036529]] ([[:en:Gornji Orahovac]]) #[[Q25501421]] ([[:sl:Maraton (album)]]) and [[Q6755056]] ([[:en:Maraton (album)]]) #[[Q12755412]] ([[:sl:Milorad Janković]]) and [[Q6860440]] ([[:en:Milorad Janković]]) #[[Q19935033]] ([[:sl:Miloš Manojlović]]) and [[Q22166582]] ([[:en:Miloš Manojlović]]) #[[Q12796723]] ([[:sl:Miloš Obradović]]) and [[Q6860640]] ([[:en:Miloš Obradović]]) #[[Q18644745]] ([[:sl:Miloš Simić]]) and [[Q24005229]] ([[:en:Miloš Simić]]) #[[Q12797485]] ([[:sl:Nikola Lekić]]) and [[Q10513845]] ([[:en:Nikola Lekić]]) #[[Q12797492]] ([[:sl:Nikola Popović]]) and [[Q19663806]] ([[:en:Nikola Popović]]) #[[Q12798405]] ([[:sl:Paul Kern]]) and [[Q14800163]] ([[:en:Paul Kern]]) #[[Q756904]] ([[:sl:Petar Matić]]) and [[Q56868]] ([[:en:Petar Matić]]) #[[Q19937828]] ([[:sl:Peter Winkler]]) and [[Q10348970]] ([[:en:Peter Winkler]]) #[[Q3501501]] ([[:sl:Plitvička Jezera]]) and [[Q1277540]] ([[:en:Plitvička Jezera]]) #[[Q18373051]] ([[:sl:Podravska Moslavina]]) and [[Q285593]] ([[:en:Podravska Moslavina]]) #[[Q19933664]] ([[:sl:Richard Gardiner]]) and [[Q7325861]] ([[:en:Richard Gardiner]]) #[[Q19933933]] ([[:sl:Richard Hilton]]) and [[Q948705]] ([[:en:Richard Hilton]]) #[[Q19936252]] ([[:sl:Rijeka Dubrovačka]]) and [[Q3445975]] ([[:en:Rijeka Dubrovačka]]) #[[Q19937220]] ([[:sl:Rodrigo Teixeira]]) and [[Q7357431]] ([[:en:Rodrigo Teixeira]]) #[[Q12800333]] ([[:sl:Roger Bureau]]) and [[Q2161633]] ([[:en:Roger Bureau]]) #[[Q6047335]] ([[:sl:Rolf Pettersson]]) and [[Q551742]] ([[:en:Rolf Pettersson]]) #[[Q5581511]] ([[:sl:Roland Bond]]) and [[Q7360169]] ([[:en:Roland Bond]]) #[[Q12800463]] ([[:sl:Roy King]]) and [[Q7373034]] ([[:en:Roy King]]) #[[Q12800565]] ([[:sl:Rudolf Wagner]]) and [[Q65860]] ([[:en:Rudolf Wagner]]) #[[Q12800607]] ([[:sl:Russell Gurney]]) and [[Q7381534]] ([[:en:Russell Gurney]]) #[[Q24755413]] ([[:sl:Samuel Lucas]]) and [[Q7412049]] ([[:en:Samuel Lucas]]) #[[Q3961275]] ([[:sl:Simone Simoni]]) 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([[:en:Wilhelm Ludwig]]) #[[Q12806609]] ([[:sl:Zeleno Polje]]) and [[Q2186395]] ([[:en:Zeleno Polje]]) #[[Q12747515]] ([[:sl:Đuro Kladarin]]) and [[Q8079903]] ([[:en:Đuro Kladarin]]) #[[Q19936922]] ([[:sl:Noel Simpson]]) and [[Q16011988]] ([[:en:Noel Simpson]]) #[[Q600629]] ([[:sl:Novo Brdo]]) and [[Q994263]] ([[:en:Novo Brdo]]) #[[Q15734401]] ([[:sl:Paul Otto]]) and [[Q4673]] ([[:en:Paul Otto]]) #[[Q27094]] ([[:simple:Amplifier]]) and [[Q211554]] ([[:en:Amplifier]]) #[[Q207681]] ([[:simple:Cassiopeia (mythology)]]) and [[Q28133089]] ([[:en:Cassiopeia (mythology)]]) #[[Q756617]] ([[:simple:Denmark]]) and [[Q35]] ([[:en:Denmark]]) #[[Q1993633]] ([[:simple:Mahasiddha]]) and [[Q16077837]] ([[:en:Mahasiddha]]) #[[Q21095978]] ([[:simple:Moldavia]]) and [[Q10957559]] ([[:en:Moldavia]]) #[[Q134125]] ([[:simple:Therizinosaur]]) and [[Q19921988]] ([[:en:Therizinosaur]]) #[[Q21178975]] ([[:simple:Wikipedia:Wikipedia Asian Month/Participants]]) and [[Q27559131]] ([[:en:Wikipedia:Wikipedia Asian 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([[:en:Mr. Bean]]) #[[Q6999691]] ([[:q:it:Paolo Bianchi]]) and [[Q7132150]] ([[:en:Paolo Bianchi]]) #[[Q16938101]] ([[:q:it:Paolo Martinelli]]) and [[Q959846]] ([[:en:Paolo Martinelli]]) #[[Q3386700]] ([[:q:it:Pierre Prévost]]) and [[Q116291]] ([[:en:Pierre Prévost]]) #[[Q3934391]] ([[:q:it:Riccardo Campa]]) and [[Q3430365]] ([[:en:Riccardo Campa]]) #[[Q17181915]] ([[:q:it:Rob Buchanan]]) and [[Q16205821]] ([[:en:Rob Buchanan]]) #[[Q18552266]] ([[:q:it:Steven Armstrong]]) and [[Q7614455]] ([[:en:Steven Armstrong]]) #[[Q23838040]] ([[:q:it:Template:Cfr]]) and [[Q6868614]] ([[:en:Template:Cfr]]) #[[Q19358196]] ([[:q:it:Vincenzo Regina]]) and [[Q24701564]] ([[:en:Vincenzo Regina]]) #[[Q2561228]] ([[:q:it:Werner Fuchs]]) and [[Q2561244]] ([[:en:Werner Fuchs]]) #[[Q1583369]] ([[:vi:Hans von Bülow]]) and [[Q155540]] ([[:en:Hans von Bülow]]) #[[Q10772864]] ([[:vi:In the Spotlight]]) and [[Q11170536]] ([[:en:In the Spotlight]]) #[[Q17299301]] ([[:vi:Orthotheca]]) and [[Q7104940]] ([[:en:Orthotheca]]) #[[Q15432423]] ([[:vi:Ophrys fuciflora]]) and [[Q161487]] ([[:en:Ophrys fuciflora]]) #[[Q3381920]] ([[:vi:Lady Diamond]]) and [[Q6470080]] ([[:en:Lady Diamond]]) #[[Q10773949]] ([[:vi:Jason Gibbs]]) and [[Q6162564]] ([[:en:Jason Gibbs]]) #[[Q20590603]] ([[:tl:Sweet Devil]]) and [[Q28393606]] ([[:en:Sweet Devil]]) #[[Q11364092]] ([[:tl:Takuya Nakayama]]) and [[Q28227750]] ([[:en:Takuya Nakayama]]) #[[Q28163827]] ([[:s:en:Eminent Victorians]]) and [[Q5372505]] ([[:en:Eminent Victorians]]) #[[Q19113181]] ([[:s:en:In the Forest]]) and [[Q28224570]] ([[:en:In the Forest]]) #[[Q19494087]] ([[:s:en:O Captain! My Captain!]]) and [[Q2008338]] ([[:en:O Captain! My Captain!]]) #[[Q19086826]] ([[:s:en:On the Harmony of Religions and Philosophy]]) and [[Q28222009]] ([[:en:On the Harmony of Religions and Philosophy]]) #[[Q19099757]] ([[:s:en:The Spur]]) and [[Q28180781]] ([[:en:The Spur]]) #[[Q3073150]] ([[:s:en:Typhus]]) and [[Q160649]] ([[:en:Typhus]]) #[[Q18529270]] ([[:s:en:Author:James Fontaine]]) and [[Q6134025]] ([[:en:James Fontaine]]) #[[Q28222778]] ([[:en:Adega]]) and [[Q1922558]] ([[:pt:adega]]) #[[Q18697086]] ([[:fi:Zizzi]]) and [[Q8072944]] ([[:en:Zizzi]]) #[[Q258721]] ([[:fi:Avanto]]) and [[Q4827718]] ([[:en:Avanto]]) #[[Q5486152]] ([[:fi:Capricciosa]]) and [[Q22006637]] ([[:en:Capricciosa]]) #[[Q16423167]] ([[:fi:Elli]]) and [[Q1283197]] ([[:en:Elli]]) #[[Q62779]] ([[:fi:Emi]]) and [[Q5371057]] ([[:en:Emi]]) #[[Q11857967]] ([[:fi:Enni]]) and [[Q739826]] ([[:en:Enni]]) #[[Q18808401]] ([[:fi:Galaxi]]) and [[Q3094522]] ([[:en:Galaxi]]) #[[Q7391292]] ([[:fi:Ilma]]) and [[Q1762617]] ([[:en:Ilma]]) #[[Q11864772]] ([[:fi:Immi]]) and 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([[:fi:Leksa]]) and [[Q644854]] ([[:en:Leksa]]) #[[Q11875395]] ([[:fi:Lemmes]]) and [[Q59339]] ([[:en:Lemmes]]) #[[Q11876043]] ([[:fi:Liru]]) and [[Q6557695]] ([[:en:Liru]]) #[[Q11876063]] ([[:fi:Litka]]) and [[Q1006905]] ([[:en:Litka]]) #[[Q3182146]] ([[:fi:Lode]]) and [[Q1256418]] ([[:en:Lode]]) #[[Q18682220]] ([[:fi:Långvik]]) and [[Q596147]] ([[:en:Långvik]]) #[[Q3249024]] ([[:fi:Maaherra]]) and [[Q2441971]] ([[:en:Maaherra]]) #[[Q11880494]] ([[:fi:Madmen]]) and [[Q6728295]] ([[:en:Madmen]]) #[[Q23669139]] ([[:fi:Maila]]) and [[Q3429051]] ([[:en:Maila]]) #[[Q18760851]] ([[:fi:Maini]]) and [[Q15243888]] ([[:en:Maini]]) #[[Q11880759]] ([[:fi:Manimal]]) and [[Q715010]] ([[:en:Manimal]]) #[[Q18346692]] ([[:fi:Marela]]) and [[Q6758938]] ([[:en:Marela]]) #[[Q11881258]] ([[:fi:Martinex]]) and [[Q5643213]] ([[:en:Martinex]]) #[[Q18660777]] ([[:fi:Mastia]]) and [[Q2506350]] ([[:en:Mastia]]) #[[Q10578282]] ([[:fi:Matari]]) and [[Q6786126]] ([[:en:Matari]]) #[[Q11881945]] ([[:fi:Meeri]]) and 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(it:Heinz Grill) and Q1600293 (de:Heinz Grill) # Q3784506 (it:Helen Gardner) and Q5702331 (de:Helen Gardner) # Q2360196 (it:Northfork) and Q825968 (de:Northfork) # Q1566523 (it:Robert Bray) and Q7342324 (de:Robert Bray) # Q28382625 (it:Mustafa Ali) and Q3646767 (fr:Mustafa Ali) # Q9074523 (it:Sara González) and Q28343268 (fr:Sara González) # Q9074523 (it:Sara González) and Q24634550 (fr:Sara González) # Q13148006 (es:San Miguel del Río) and Q985546 (en:San Miguel del Río) # Q21042400 (it:San Martín de Porres) and Q3471561 (fr:San Martín de Porres) #[[Q5475952]] ([[:fi:Åke Pettersson]]) and [[Q6047469]] ([[:sv:Åke Pettersson]]) #[[Q210426]] ([[:fi:Yūbari]]) and [[Q637145]] ([[:sv:Yūbari]]) #[[Q14907486]] ([[:fi:Yksinäinen]]) and [[Q24435146]] ([[:sv:Yksinäinen]]) #[[Q17276564]] ([[:fi:Yellow House]]) and [[Q8051744]] ([[:sv:Yellow House]]) #[[Q1572831]] ([[:fi:Yingli]]) and [[Q14771808]] ([[:sv:Yingli]]) #[[Q11902439]] ([[:fi:William Rosenberg]]) and [[Q3434386]] ([[:sv:William Rosenberg]]) #[[Q313949]] ([[:fi:William Morgan]]) and [[Q2624753]] ([[:sv:William Morgan]]) #[[Q2119625]] ([[:fi:William Brewster]]) and [[Q864709]] ([[:sv:William Brewster]]) #[[Q11902405]] ([[:fi:Wilhelm Carlsson]]) and [[Q5603462]] ([[:sv:Wilhelm Carlsson]]) #[[Q546885]] ([[:fi:Wiener Blut]]) and [[Q1931598]] ([[:sv:Wiener Blut]]) # Q621525 (it:Alex MacDonald) and Q2746229 (fr:Alex MacDonald) # Q3613541 (it:Amala) and Q4739207 (fr:Amala) # Q24718493 (it:Andreas Albrecht) and Q495718 (fr:Andreas Albrecht) # Q3618506 (it:Antonio Lima) and Q2857319 (fr:Antonio Lima) # Q4915438 (it:Bipi) and Q2904312 (fr:Bipi) # Q2348414 (it:Casita) and Q2941145 (fr:Casita) # Q28357672 (it:Émile Robert) and Q3588723 (fr:Émile Robert) # Q8031902 (it:Wonderland Park) and Q2370456 (fr:Wonderland Park) # Q28357614 (it:David Rittenhouse) and Q902703 (fr:David Rittenhouse) # Q28357681 (it:Edward Shippen) and Q4141372 (fr:Edward Shippen) # Q1106262 (it:Francesco Franceschi) and Q28356006 (fr:Francesco Franceschi) # Q28357632 (it:Maxine Brown) and Q527332 (fr:Maxine Brown) # Q28357614 (it:David Rittenhouse) and Q902703 (de:David Rittenhouse) # Q987445 (ca:East) and Q3046483 (fr:East) # Q21088004 (ca:El Pueblo) and Q3050210 (fr:El Pueblo) # Q5350694 (ca:El abuelo) and Q1678494 (fr:El abuelo) # Q21091315 (ca:Francisca) and Q3750955 (fr:Francisca) # Q21849637 (ca:Francisca Moreno) and Q3081757 (fr:Francisca Moreno) # Q21091764 (ca:Francisco Navarro) and Q5866896 (fr:Francisco Navarro) # Q21091347 (ca:François Robert) and Q22269301 (fr:François Robert) # Q17156640 (ca:Frede Jensen) and Q3087066 (fr:Frede Jensen) # Q2664775 (ca:Fresnillo) and Q3087545 (fr:Fresnillo) # Q1983979 (ca:Pepino) and Q135928 (de:Pepino) # Q20001173 (ca:Ainoa) and Q406083 (de:Ainoa) # Q19997686 (ca:Albert Gorter) and Q23639080 (de:Albert Gorter) # Q611380 (ca:Argut) and Q652339 (de:Argut) # Q3476354 (ca:Balko) and Q462278 (de:Balko) # Q1467072 (ca:Bots) and Q894825 (de:Bots) # Q11910185 (ca:Burgo) and Q2253327 (de:Burgo) # Q5168577 (ca:Copic) and Q1131214 (de:Copic) # Q21089249 (ca:Concepción Rodríguez) and Q1123761 (de:Concepción Rodríguez) # Q11915704 (ca:Corpus Delicti) and Q301980 (de:Corpus Delicti) # Q3005707 (ca:Cry Havoc) and Q1142198 (de:Cry Havoc) # Q21131322 (ca:Barbara Weiss) and Q28151228 (de:Barbara Weiss) # Q2230773 (ca:Emily) and Q18121477 (de:Emily) # Q2304515 (ca:Epsom) and Q993164 (de:Epsom) # Q3784506 (it:Helen Gardner) and Q5702331 (de:Helen Gardner) # Q927068 (it:Risma) and Q2822774 (fr:Risma) # Q21542325 (it:Angelo Persichilli) and Q2849491 (fr:Angelo Persichilli) # Q1194906 (it:Assaka) and Q28041083 (fr:Assaka) # Q26761779 (it:Babacar Touré) and Q2877745 (fr:Babacar Touré) # Q22231612 (it:Barbara Bui) and Q3634599 (fr:Barbara Bui) # Q20821318 (it:Battles (album)) and Q26703474 (fr:Battles (album)) # Q3849221 (it:Mario Vega) and Q28062457 (fr:Mario Vega) # Q287395 (it:Mike Norris) and Q6848207 (fr:Mike Norris) # Q3922169 (it:Prisoner of War) and Q2877832 (fr:Prisoner of War) # Q3928954 (it:Rafael Morales) and Q24661933 (fr:Rafael Morales)ç # Q21187104 (it:Rats (album)) and Q27875836 (fr:Rats (album)) # Q2521582 (it:Runnin') and Q28025196 (fr:Runnin') # Q3984169 (it:Tepa) and Q28040578 (fr:Tepa) # Q263520 (fr:Figure 8) and Q2497789 (pl:Figure 8) # Q1311045 (fr:Chilo) and Q544633 (pl:Chilo) # Q2714840 (fr:First Kiss) and Q18758147 (pl:First Kiss) # Q1421260 (fr:Fitz) and Q629378 (pl:Fitz) # Q2268455 (fr:Francesco) and Q9262067 (pl:Francesco) # Q13580939 (fr:Francis Smith) and Q5482482 (pl:Francis Smith) # Q20751607 (fr:Francisco Benítez) and Q16146666 (pl:Francisco Benítez) # Q3754369 (fr:Francisco Rico) and Q2486129 (pl:Francisco Rico) # Q3082547 (fr:Frank Clark) and Q5485850 (pl:Frank Clark) # Q5486455 (fr:Frank Elliott) and Q5486459 (pl:Frank Elliott) # Q513098 (fr:Frank Sullivan) and Q548746 (pl:Frank Sullivan) # Q18926773 (en:Aleksandar Mladenović) and Q28057806 (pl:Aleksandar Mladenović) # Q2809619 (en:Beautiful Darkness) and Q9168231 (pl:Beautiful Darkness) # Q2897835 (en:Bernard Dumont) and Q2929745 (pl:Bernard Dumont) # Q2395876 (en:Ebrulf) and Q9250133 (pl:Ebrulf) # Q4053685 (en:Čumil) and Q9393844 (pl:Čumil) # Q25173318 (en:Świętosława) and Q14918621 (pl:Świętosława) # Q6094318 (en:Zübük) and Q6499179 (pl:Zübük) # Q7976392 (en:Wayne Kirkpatrick) and Q747448 (pl:Wayne Kirkpatrick) # Q7478101 (en:We) and Q609434 (pl:We) # Q2880385 (en:Winterlude) and Q9375268 (pl:Winterlude) # Q2347860 (en:Stewart Adams) and Q9345826 (pl:Stewart Adams) # Q23695811 (en:Ricardo Mendes) and Q9310235 (pl:Ricardo Mendes) # Q2742001 (en:Ricardo Acuña) and Q23641317 (pl:Ricardo Acuña) # Q6774337 (en:Martha Beck) and Q11770652 (pl:Martha Beck) # Q3463951 (en:Ludan) and Q11763395 (pl:Ludan) # Q19567626 (en:Luis Alberto García) and Q11764122 (pl:Luis Alberto García) # Q6701027 (en:Luis Quiñones) and Q16594674 (pl:Luis Quiñones) # Q924723 (en:Lumiar) and Q374170 (pl:Lumiar) # Q6440151 (en:Krzysztof Kaczmarek) and Q14540706 (pl:Krzysztof Kaczmarek) # Q6440188 (en:Krzysztof Palczewski) and Q11749591 (pl:Krzysztof Palczewski) # Q5982597 (en:Ian Phillips) and Q11710887 (pl:Ian Phillips) # Q22678012 (en:Ian Price) and Q11710886 (pl:Ian Price) # Q28051114 (it:Gingerbread Man) and Q5563091 (pl:Gingerbread Man) # Q16301113 (it:Héctor López) and Q2633684 (pl:Héctor López) # Q2896236 (it:René Blum) and Q7313671 (pl:René Blum) # Q390285 (it:Corbis) and Q11915607 (ca:Corbis) # Q3767686 (it:Giovanni Marini) and Q28071605 (ca:Giovanni Marini) # Q28171457 (it:La Nueva España) and Q2227240 (ca:La Nueva España) # Q18914990 (it:The Gilded Lily) and Q2837940 (ca:The Gilded Lily) # Q612829 (it:Stryker) and Q2368160 (ca:Stryker) # Q179336 (it:Puyallup) and Q225469 (ca:Puyallup) # Q1271862 (it:Quinn) and Q2197383 (ca:Quinn) # Q2944360 (it:Centenario) and Q2913444 (ca:Centenario) # Q23821147 (es:Battle Cry) and Q4870031 (pl:Battle Cry) # Q3270333 (pl:Arena (album)) and Q2328257 (cs:Arena (album)) # Q11697646 (pl:Fallen Angels) and Q23759295 (cs:Fallen Angels) # Q2377974 (pl:Guilty Pleasures) and Q8363838 (cs:Guilty Pleasures) # Q2697487 (pl:Miguel Murillo) and Q26887012 (cs:Miguel Murillo) # Q11780556 (pl:Miguel Ángel Ruiz) and Q116177 (cs:Miguel Ángel Ruiz) # Q235362 (pl:Pando) and Q921090 (cs:Pando) # Q834114 (pl:Revenant) and Q17097794 (cs:Revenant) # Q59996 (pl:Robin) and Q1158139 (cs:Robin) # Q1608798 (pl:Roger Brown) and Q13574025 (cs:Roger Brown) # Q2083352 (pl:Rondon) and Q12049777 (cs:Rondon) # Q4194277 (pl:Rudolf Zuber) and Q12050299 (cs:Rudolf Zuber) # Q9323968 (pl:Rumble) and Q2393775 (cs:Rumble) # Q333312 (pl:Tom King) and Q23664009 (cs:Tom King) # Q2362197 (sv:Allegiance) and Q17266730 (pl:Allegiance) # Q2060457 (sv:Andrea Rossi) and Q494954 (pl:Andrea Rossi) # Q15783513 (sv:Anke) and Q556613 (pl:Anke) # Q4956336 (sv:Ann Jansson) and Q9154964 (pl:Ann Jansson) # Q4920988 (sv:Black Hole) and Q2331527 (pl:Black Hole) # Q2894832 (sv:Bellecour) and Q5298 (pl:Bellecour) # Q4899166 (sv:Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea) and Q2004570 (pl:Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea) # Q5568170 (sv:Thomas Beck) and Q1375648 (pl:Thomas Beck) # Q1644625 (sv:Thomas Collins) and Q703558 (pl:Thomas Collins) # Q1849937 (sv:Thomas Davidson) and Q3525030 (pl:Thomas Davidson) # Q1335443 (sv:Thomas Ewing) and Q7789411 (pl:Thomas Ewing) # Q13469562 (sv:Thomas Frank) and Q2744752 (pl:Thomas Frank) # Q2426583 (sv:Thomas Gill) and Q1379367 (pl:Thomas Gill) # Q5905653 (sv:Thomas Kelly) and Q2422904 (pl:Thomas Kelly) # Q5936559 (sv:Thomas Larsen) and Q9358503 (pl:Thomas Larsen) # Q4822496 (fr:Aurora Borealis) and Q2392892 (pl:Aurora Borealis) # Q548151 (fr:Avenida de Mayo) and Q3296371 (pl:Avenida de Mayo) # Q23000438 (fr:William Leslie) and Q9374854 (pl:William Leslie) # Q1003352 (fr:Underberg) and Q612150 (pl:Underberg) # Q3520643 (fr:The Distance) and Q7730374 (pl:The Distance) # Q1486646 (fr:SMS Greif) and Q324575 (pl:SMS Greif) # Q12411366 (fr:Running) and Q15796039 (pl:Running) # Q715111 (fr:Rufus) and Q605821 (pl:Rufus) # Q2742001 (fr:Ricardo Acuña) and Q23641317 (pl:Ricardo Acuña) # Q3430463 (fr:Richard Alston) and Q7323712 (pl:Richard Alston) # Q7324503 (fr:Richard Butler) and Q1348182 (pl:Richard Butler) # Q7325332 (fr:Richard Dyer) and Q9310278 (pl:Richard Dyer) # Q2048314 (fr:Richard Eden) and Q2385617 (pl:Richard Eden) # Q3431022 (fr:Richard Marsh) and Q333512 (pl:Richard Marsh) # Q3431045 (fr:Richard Miller) and Q7327815 (pl:Richard Miller) # Q3431061 (fr:Richard Myers) and Q1937025 (pl:Richard Myers) # Q3431266 (fr:Richard Temple) and Q2072512 (pl:Richard Temple) # Q3434535 (fr:Robert Becker) and Q2158400 (pl:Robert Becker) # Q2157320 (fr:Robert Goldman) and Q4935044 (pl:Robert Goldman) # Q4203202 (fr:Robert Hall) and Q2157459 (pl:Robert Hall) # Q3435347 (fr:Robert Hamilton) and Q1548937 (pl:Robert Hamilton) # Q7345813 (fr:Robert Irwin) and Q534258 (pl:Robert Irwin) # Q45387 (fr:Roberto Blanco) and Q7351600 (pl:Roberto Blanco) # Q3436906 (fr:Roberto González) and Q5764298 (pl:Roberto González) # Q3840963 (fr:Luis Cardoso) and Q11764137 (pl:Luis Cardoso) # Q19520379 (fr:Luis Torres) and Q15141951 (pl:Luis Torres) # Q557786 (nl:Carlos Núñez) and Q5751577 (pl:Carlos Núñez) # Q23483121 (nl:Carlos Parra) and Q2841343 (pl:Carlos Parra) # Q652586 (nl:Confidence) and Q3385037 (pl:Confidence) # Q2311266 (nl:Gustavo Salinas) and Q16556175 (pl:Gustavo Salinas) # Q2304650 (nl:Harry Thomas) and Q1586858 (pl:Harry Thomas) # Q2395940 (nl:Netherfield) and Q596268 (pl:Netherfield) # Q222578 (hu:Albis) and Q15298 (cs:Albis) # Q558974 (hu:Aladin) and Q27627475 (cs:Aladin) # Q593986 (hu:Aldo) and Q2305904 (cs:Aldo) # Q621180 (hu:Alen) and Q471978 (cs:Alen) # Q695472 (hu:Aminta) and Q471831 (cs:Aminta) # Q697810 (hu:Amáta) and Q4488884 (cs:Amáta) # Q648243 (hu:William Lewis) and Q329029 (cs:William Lewis) # Q249668 (hu:Whatever) and Q15111496 (cs:Whatever) # Q756714 (hu:Weka) and Q115494 (cs:Weka) # Q1459489 (hu:Vila) and Q3950 (cs:Vila) # Q1425673 (hu:Vertex) and Q7922776 (cs:Vertex) # Q746595 (hu:Vice) and Q249838 (cs:Vice) # Q4265281 (hu:Tomorrow) and Q2059953 (cs:Tomorrow) # Q557879 (hu:Tomboy) and Q845799 (cs:Tomboy) # Q260751 (hu:Timo Rautiainen) and Q2116577 (cs:Timo Rautiainen) # Q106885 (hu:Thomas Lang) and Q89386 (cs:Thomas Lang) # Q3524969 (hu:Thomas Campbell) and Q1361189 (cs:Thomas Campbell) # Q19281 (hu:Tem) and Q12058596 (cs:Tem) # Q2164275 (hu:Tamerlán (opera)) and Q930452 (cs:Tamerlán (opera)) # Q1292930 (hu:Swan Song) and Q1825923 (cs:Swan Song) # Q739552 (hu:Square) and Q2026833 (cs:Square) # Q2605590 (hu:Snuff) and Q1649136 (cs:Snuff) # Q573074 (hu:Signs) and Q112138 (cs:Signs) # Q431484 (hu:Shadowland) and Q2316666 (cs:Shadowland) # Q1079673 (hu:Sad) and Q236371 (cs:Sad) # Q948407 (hu:Samantha) and Q7408614 (cs:Samantha) # Q1379356 (hu:Scott Hamilton) and Q729950 (cs:Scott Hamilton) # Q1248537 (hu:Respect) and Q12049259 (cs:Respect) # Q834114 (hu:Revenant) and Q17097794 (cs:Revenant) # Q96683 (hu:Richard Müller) and Q1373537 (cs:Richard Müller) # Q2144754 (hu:René Girard) and Q129228 (cs:René Girard) # Q914397 (hu:Porcupine) and Q284603 (cs:Porcupine) # Q655354 (hu:Pipe) and Q178721 (cs:Pipe) # Q1078186 (hu:Piece by Piece) and Q19249917 (cs:Piece by Piece) # Q2890517 (no:A Prairie Home Companion) and Q785709 (es:A Prairie Home Companion) # Q322890 (no:Abondance) and Q322895 (es:Abondance) # Q1797689 (no:Adam Müller) and Q63176 (es:Adam Müller) # Q4679593 (no:Adam Pearson) and Q20974100 (es:Adam Pearson) # Q354418 (no:Adele Goldberg) and Q11605 (es:Adele Goldberg) # Q4690718 (no:Afterglow) and Q8191209 (es:Afterglow) # Q2119584 (no:Alan Campbell) and Q4706317 (es:Alan Campbell) # Q404369 (no:Alburquerque) and Q493370 (es:Alburquerque) # Q1572919 (no:Alexander Huber) and Q67452 (es:Alexander Huber) # Q2790060 (no:Alexander Kirkland) and Q4719322 (es:Alexander Kirkland) # Q43462 (no:Blera) and Q159678 (es:Blera) # Q2987425 (no:Bloom) and Q3280685 (es:Bloom) # Q2547938 (no:Chris Morris) and Q2326339 (es:Chris Morris) # Q2329329 (no:Dem) and Q922254 (es:Dem) # Q23705710 (no:Episode) and Q900962 (es:Episode) # Q3354095 (no:Elna) and Q23073 (es:Elna) # Q744012 (no:Estelle) and Q230622 (es:Estelle) # Q26217949 (no:Estefanía Ramírez) and Q5849237 (es:Estefanía Ramírez) # Q26236524 (no:Gemma Jones) and Q234142 (es:Gemma Jones) # Q5534318 (no:Geoff Smith) and Q5534320 (es:Geoff Smith) # Q2395417 (no:Henri Lepage) and Q21034442 (es:Henri Lepage) # Q3267236 (no:Héctor Olivera) and Q3296644 (es:Héctor Olivera) # Q6058060 (no:Into the Light) and Q3278857 (es:Into the Light) # Q1753804 (no:Into the Night) and Q2307610 (es:Into the Night) # Q2300098 (no:Jeanette) and Q297548 (es:Jeanette) # Q664592 (no:Johnny Green) and Q2326677 (es:Johnny Green) # Q4539731 (no:Joy) and Q5946811 (es:Joy) # Q26267571 (no:Julián Ayala) and Q5955977 (es:Julián Ayala) # 1790506 (no:Juramento) and Q381045 (es:Juramento) # Q23007941 (no:Kim Han-sol) and Q1280778 (es:Kim Han-sol) # Q2357138 (no:Lontra) and Q1777275 (es:Lontra) # Q23070997 (no:Lorentzen) and Q22749 (es:Lorentzen) # Q2352826 (no:Lotte) and Q482841 (es:Lotte) # Q1402673 (no:Marlene) and Q3294445 (es:Marlene) # Q1762919 (no:Merry Christmas) and Q913561 (es:Merry Christmas) # Q954791 (no:Mike Harris) and Q2396411 (es:Mike Harris) # Q1101815 (no:Orba) and Q983550 (es:Orba) # Q5972329 (no:Rie Tanaka) and Q237371 (es:Rie Tanaka) # Q12000334 (no:Sigh No More) and Q2335443 (es:Sigh No More) # Q1198825 (no:The Big One) and Q6144105 (es:The Big One) # Q2531113 (no:The Janitor) and Q5291890 (es:The Janitor) # Q1753857 (no:The Originals) and Q4307100 (es:The Originals) # Q3428090 (no:The Outsider) and Q7755702 (es:The Outsider) # Q955493 (no:Tony Campbell) and Q2331770 (es:Tony Campbell) # Q2345209 (no:Tuna) and Q1245536 (es:Tuna) # Q8001216 (no:Wildfire) and Q3221205 (es:Wildfire) # Q1767472 (no:Änglagård) and Q255247 (es:Änglagård) # Q16070714 (no:Zolina) and Q9097746 (es:Zolina) # Q16163168 (no:All the Way) and Q2879996 (es:All the Way) # Q16183996 (no:Calling You) and Q5741226 (es:Calling You) #[[Q7802985]] ([[:fi:Tilt]]) and [[Q1321070]] ([[:hu:Tilt]]) #[[Q11897806]] ([[:fi:Toe]]) and [[Q1157026]] ([[:hu:Toe]]) #[[Q11897965]] ([[:fi:Toka]]) and [[Q764449]] ([[:hu:Toka]]) #[[Q11897972]] ([[:fi:Tola]]) and [[Q643058]] ([[:hu:Tola]]) #[[Q18682738]] ([[:fi:Tolva]]) and [[Q1020532]] ([[:hu:Tolva]]) #[[Q7843181]] ([[:fi:Trip]]) and [[Q1076521]] ([[:hu:Trip]]) #[[Q20916399]] ([[:fi:Turn It Up]]) and [[Q1325485]] ([[:hu:Turn It Up]]) #[[Q4861678]] ([[:fi:Turre]]) and [[Q1358302]] ([[:hu:Turre]]) #[[Q152596]] ([[:fi:Tutti]]) and [[Q665214]] ([[:hu:Tutti]]) #[[Q4353004]] ([[:fi:Ustje]]) and [[Q1926601]] ([[:hu:Ustje]]) # Q1159583 (ro:Danger Mouse) and Q322915 (sk:Danger Mouse) # Q207104 (ro:Hostie) and Q1071222 (sk:Hostie) # Q1374135 (ro:Prudential) and Q821342 (sk:Prudential) # Q405984 (ro:Tervel) and Q311506 (sk:Tervel) # Q19366562 (b:en:Category:Equipment) and Q6063063 (en:Category:Equipment) # Q1956318 (nl:Alone) and Q4734378 (hr:Alone) # Q483647 (nl:Anadarko) and Q1561576 (hr:Anadarko) # Q1860759 (nl:Apa) and Q1285293 (hr:Apa) # Q2521976 (nl:Areni) and Q230731 (hr:Areni) # Q14128832 (nl:Ci) and Q12629043 (hr:Ci) # Q2749394 (nl:Chiro) and Q12628992 (hr:Chiro) # Q2114394 (nl:Half) and Q12632081 (hr:Half) # Q1018386 (nl:Halliste) and Q1312668 (hr:Halliste) # Q674108 (nl:Hollenthon) and Q695711 (hr:Hollenthon) # Q1096157 (nl:Ignite) and Q12632843 (hr:Ignite) # Q2096127 (nl:WD) and Q12645018 (hr:WD) # Q2219120 (nl:WAG) and Q16112318 (hr:WAG) # Q1641505 (nl:Voto) and Q3565015 (hr:Voto) # Q2658714 (nl:Volvi) and Q132099 (hr:Volvi) # Q1324300 (nl:Visker) and Q6901491 (hr:Visker) # Q15872545 (nl:Utra) and Q12644242 (hr:Utra) # Q496415 (nl:Ulva) and Q12644149 (hr:Ulva) # Q79718 (nl:Tuskegee) and Q12644010 (hr:Tuskegee) # Q859581 (nl:Trarza) and Q12643828 (hr:Trarza) # Q79614 (nl:Tanana) and Q4895596 (hr:Tanana) # Q12643211 (hr:TOS) and Q1574899 (sv:TOS) # Q2722112 (tr:Tattoo) and Q13156702 (sv:Tattoo) # Q112001 (tr:Taygete) and Q17011 (sv:Taygete) # Q477307 (tr:Sønner av Norge) and Q1052377 (sv:Sønner av Norge) # Q1799630 (tr:Sweetheart) and Q1039666 (sv:Sweetheart) # Q4050455 (tr:Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This)) and Q1069455 (sv:Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This)) # Q1089045 (tr:Successor) and Q7632653 (sv:Successor) # Q678972 (tr:Stray Dog) and Q7622568 (sv:Stray Dog) # Q740086 (tr:Steve Young) and Q4356818 (sv:Steve Young) # Q840710 (tr:Speak to Me) and Q3297783 (sv:Speak to Me) # Q56418 (tr:Spanglish) and Q1367647 (sv:Spanglish) # Q1998138 (tr:Sonim) and Q1225892 (sv:Sonim) # Q3031274 (tr:Something Blue) and Q7560072 (sv:Something Blue) # Q2286504 (tr:Silveira) and Q17379421 (sv:Silveira) # Q52427 (tr:San Marco) and Q1479910 (sv:San Marco) # Q677378 (tr:Samand) and Q5840247 (sv:Samand) # Q5028379 (it:Campine) and Q1078270 (fr:Campine) # Q5751572 (it:Carlos Robles) and Q664299 (fr:Carlos Robles) #[[Q18676643]] ([[:s:ja:老子道徳経]]) and [[Q134425]] ([[:ja:老子道徳経]]) #[[Q17670189]] ([[:n:en:Six Nations Cup]]) and [[Q21006888]] ([[:en:Six Nations Cup]]) #[[Q4060475]] ([[:de:Alamüdün]]) and [[Q3313591]] ([[:en:Alamüdün]]) #[[Q19277986]] ([[:de:Albert Krieger]]) and [[Q4710654]] ([[:en:Albert Krieger]]) #[[Q10405146]] ([[:de:Algea]]) and [[Q17112581]] ([[:en:Algea]]) #[[Q491921]] ([[:de:Andia]]) and [[Q28460479]] ([[:en:Andia]]) #[[Q17418178]] ([[:de:Andrew Ratcliffe]]) and [[Q28377896]] ([[:en:Andrew Ratcliffe]]) #[[Q28536999]] ([[:de:Bellion]]) and [[Q13580341]] ([[:en:Bellion]]) #[[Q28542793]] ([[:de:Ben Meisner]]) and [[Q19750970]] ([[:en:Ben Meisner]]) #[[Q896723]] ([[:de:Bracquemond]]) and [[Q16860322]] ([[:en:Bracquemond]]) #[[Q21476152]] ([[:de:Braddock Peak]]) and [[Q4954457]] ([[:en:Braddock Peak]]) #[[Q21476492]] ([[:de:Bruce Island]]) and [[Q2664570]] ([[:en:Bruce Island]]) #[[Q1035020]] ([[:de:Caprotti]]) and [[Q28486464]] ([[:en:Caprotti]]) #[[Q28382042]] ([[:de:Carlos James]]) and [[Q16213572]] ([[:en:Carlos James]]) #[[Q28317067]] ([[:de:Christian Hellmich]]) and 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([[:de:Jacques Vernier]]) and [[Q18744999]] ([[:en:Jacques Vernier]]) #[[Q19959129]] ([[:de:Julian Calor]]) and [[Q28474693]] ([[:en:Julian Calor]]) #[[Q1803644]] ([[:de:Landmesser]]) and [[Q28536711]] ([[:en:Landmesser]]) #[[Q28593770]] ([[:de:Levina]]) and [[Q6535642]] ([[:en:Levina]]) #[[Q28321539]] ([[:de:Mains Castle]]) and [[Q11838974]] ([[:en:Mains Castle]]) #[[Q26911612]] ([[:de:Mamadou Diarra]]) and [[Q21039414]] ([[:en:Mamadou Diarra]]) #[[Q19001798]] ([[:de:Martin Schenck]]) and [[Q6776538]] ([[:en:Martin Schenck]]) #[[Q1929654]] ([[:de:Michael Volland]]) and [[Q28606684]] ([[:en:Michael Volland]]) #[[Q28574826]] ([[:de:Midriff]]) and [[Q6842999]] ([[:en:Midriff]]) #[[Q21477416]] ([[:de:Mount Butler]]) and [[Q3861276]] ([[:en:Mount Butler]]) #[[Q28319094]] ([[:de:Nigel Stephenson]]) and [[Q7032655]] ([[:en:Nigel Stephenson]]) #[[Q28464462]] ([[:de:Olaf Lange]]) and [[Q7082977]] ([[:en:Olaf Lange]]) #[[Q927323]] ([[:de:Ouette]]) and [[Q3358101]] ([[:en:Ouette]]) #[[Q2056581]] ([[:de:Pat Thompson]]) and [[Q28313218]] ([[:en:Pat Thompson]]) #[[Q28464357]] ([[:de:Pedro Baquero]]) and [[Q2878857]] ([[:en:Pedro Baquero]]) #[[Q28126889]] ([[:de:Periphetes]]) and [[Q582161]] ([[:en:Periphetes]]) #[[Q28555557]] ([[:de:Peter Grace]]) and [[Q17421383]] ([[:en:Peter Grace]]) #[[Q26271049]] ([[:de:Rajiv Jain]]) and [[Q28062445]] ([[:en:Rajiv Jain]]) #[[Q3435680]] ([[:de:Robert Laurent]]) and [[Q7346738]] ([[:en:Robert Laurent]]) #[[Q28526315]] ([[:de:Robert Rohde]]) and [[Q16735282]] ([[:en:Robert Rohde]]) #[[Q28471967]] ([[:de:Robert Weiß]]) and [[Q15996022]] ([[:en:Robert Weiß]]) #[[Q20272984]] ([[:de:Santiago Tuxtla]]) and [[Q4769997]] ([[:en:Santiago Tuxtla]]) #[[Q28466557]] ([[:de:Tim Schneider]]) and [[Q19663584]] ([[:en:Tim Schneider]]) #[[Q28530804]] ([[:de:Tom Doyle]]) and [[Q17477997]] ([[:en:Tom Doyle]]) #[[Q4010536]] ([[:de:Vexed]]) and [[Q4010539]] ([[:en:Vexed]]) #[[Q28319790]] ([[:de:Walter Brödel]]) and [[Q7964405]] ([[:en:Walter Brödel]]) #[[Q2554040]] ([[:de:Weeke]]) and [[Q28553291]] ([[:en:Weeke]]) #[[Q15854411]] ([[:de:Wildhaber]]) and [[Q28373642]] ([[:en:Wildhaber]]) #[[Q273687]] ([[:de:Écoute]]) and [[Q28653703]] ([[:en:Écoute]]) #[[Q20193107]] ([[:s:en:Du gamla, du fria]]) and [[Q133261]] ([[:en:Du gamla, du fria]]) #[[Q19070760]] ([[:s:en:Omnipresence]]) and [[Q1062803]] ([[:en:Omnipresence]]) #[[Q18783627]] ([[:s:en:Author:Edward Richardson]]) and [[Q5345046]] ([[:en:Edward Richardson]]) #[[Q28531374]] ([[:s:en:Author:Jacques Passy]]) and [[Q19722029]] ([[:en:Jacques Passy]]) #[[Q25943064]] ([[:s:en:Author:James Wyatt]]) and [[Q1350728]] ([[:en:James Wyatt]]) #[[Q28552194]] ([[:s:en:Author:John J. O'Connor]]) and [[Q3539454]] ([[:en:John J. O'Connor]]) #[[Q28540551]] ([[:s:en:Author:John Mills]]) and [[Q315728]] ([[:en:John Mills]]) #[[Q24204896]] ([[:s:en:Author:Stuart Robinson]]) and [[Q7627033]] ([[:en:Stuart Robinson]]) #[[Q18577169]] ([[:s:en:Author:William Dobson]]) and [[Q58303]] ([[:en:William Dobson]]) #[[Q28167409]] ([[:da:1988 (album)]]) and [[Q4584261]] ([[:en:1988 (album)]]) #[[Q12301455]] ([[:da:Anders Nørgaard]]) and [[Q28225774]] ([[:en:Anders Nørgaard]]) #[[Q12310507]] ([[:da:Ernst Heuser]]) and [[Q16937382]] ([[:en:Ernst Heuser]]) #[[Q24034014]] ([[:da:Getting Better]]) and [[Q517978]] ([[:en:Getting Better]]) #[[Q12314020]] ([[:da:Glenn Gretlund]]) and [[Q24005000]] ([[:en:Glenn Gretlund]]) #[[Q12320170]] ([[:da:John Engelhardt]]) and [[Q28540664]] ([[:en:John Engelhardt]]) #[[Q12322930]] ([[:da:Kristian Kristiansen]]) and [[Q1773289]] ([[:en:Kristian Kristiansen]]) #[[Q12323166]] ([[:da:Kurt Dreyer]]) and [[Q6446702]] ([[:en:Kurt Dreyer]]) #[[Q12323774]] ([[:da:Larry Nelson]]) and [[Q2361423]] ([[:en:Larry Nelson]]) #[[Q12323807]] ([[:da:Lars Christensen]]) and [[Q1389748]] ([[:en:Lars Christensen]]) #[[Q12323834]] ([[:da:Lars Hall]]) and [[Q1334926]] ([[:en:Lars Hall]]) #[[Q12323885]] ([[:da:Lars Nielsen]]) and [[Q6491650]] ([[:en:Lars Nielsen]]) #[[Q12323961]] ([[:da:Lasse Jensen]]) and [[Q16730269]] ([[:en:Lasse Jensen]]) #[[Q12324111]] ([[:da:Leaving Metropolis]]) and [[Q12125653]] ([[:en:Leaving Metropolis]]) #[[Q12324260]] ([[:da:Lene Hansen]]) and [[Q3229447]] ([[:en:Lene Hansen]]) #[[Q12324262]] ([[:da:Lene Jensen]]) and [[Q1817524]] ([[:en:Lene Jensen]]) #[[Q20756790]] ([[:da:Liebe macht blind]]) and [[Q6543855]] ([[:en:Liebe macht blind]]) #[[Q19800016]] ([[:da:Lilli Nielsen]]) and [[Q510931]] ([[:en:Lilli Nielsen]]) #[[Q12324702]] ([[:da:Little Baby]]) and [[Q6648976]] ([[:en:Little Baby]]) #[[Q12324921]] ([[:da:Lotte Olsen]]) and [[Q475228]] ([[:en:Lotte Olsen]]) #[[Q12322935]] ([[:da:Kristian Madsen]]) and [[Q3440421]] ([[:en:Kristian Madsen]]) #[[Q12326138]] ([[:da:Marius Christensen]]) and [[Q6765945]] ([[:en:Marius Christensen]]) #[[Q20033337]] ([[:da:Markus Hess]]) and [[Q100244]] ([[:en:Markus Hess]]) #[[Q12326192]] ([[:da:Marquis de Sade (band)]]) and [[Q6772701]] ([[:en:Marquis de Sade (band)]]) #[[Q12326241]] ([[:da:Martin Damm]]) and [[Q381173]] ([[:en:Martin Damm]]) #[[Q18421584]] ([[:da:Martin Lodge]]) and [[Q23901839]] ([[:en:Martin Lodge]]) #[[Q12326449]] ([[:da:Mattias Johansson]]) and [[Q152804]] ([[:en:Mattias Johansson]]) #[[Q20756860]] ([[:da:Media vita in morte sumus]]) and [[Q357508]] ([[:en:Media vita in morte sumus]]) #[[Q12326827]] ([[:da:Mette Gregersen]]) and [[Q25513884]] ([[:en:Mette Gregersen]]) #[[Q12326903]] ([[:da:Michael Christiansen]]) and [[Q6829256]] ([[:en:Michael Christiansen]]) #[[Q12326954]] ([[:da:Michael Lentz]]) and [[Q109821]] ([[:en:Michael Lentz]]) #[[Q12326987]] ([[:da:Michael Ring]]) and [[Q3777472]] ([[:en:Michael Ring]]) #[[Q12326988]] ([[:da:Michael Rosenberg]]) and [[Q6833968]] ([[:en:Michael Rosenberg]]) #[[Q20729218]] ([[:da:Mind the gap]]) and [[Q1378362]] ([[:en:Mind the gap]]) #[[Q19721221]] ([[:da:Mogens Christensen]]) and [[Q6890477]] ([[:en:Mogens Christensen]]) #[[Q15223211]] ([[:da:Mogens Jespersen]]) and [[Q942375]] ([[:en:Mogens Jespersen]]) #[[Q12327718]] ([[:da:Morten Poulsen]]) and [[Q1948690]] ([[:en:Morten Poulsen]]) #[[Q12328279]] ([[:da:Napoleon Solo]]) and [[Q6965049]] ([[:en:Napoleon Solo]]) #[[Q6968145]] ([[:da:Natalie Cook]]) and [[Q263886]] ([[:en:Natalie Cook]]) #[[Q12328609]] ([[:da:Nick Jensen]]) and [[Q16229145]] ([[:en:Nick Jensen]]) #[[Q16064655]] ([[:da:Nick Nielsen]]) and [[Q7027619]] ([[:en:Nick Nielsen]]) #[[Q12328612]] ([[:da:Nick Petersen]]) and [[Q3339786]] ([[:en:Nick Petersen]]) #[[Q12328628]] ([[:da:Nicolai Clausen]]) and [[Q85891]] ([[:en:Nicolai Clausen]]) #[[Q7031484]] ([[:da:Niels Egelund]]) and [[Q14199727]] ([[:en:Niels Egelund]]) #[[Q20756956]] ([[:da:No Exit]]) and [[Q670637]] ([[:en:No Exit]]) #[[Q12329099]] ([[:da:Nocturne (film)]]) and [[Q7046544]] ([[:en:Nocturne (film)]]) #[[Q12329944]] ([[:da:Oh Happy Day]]) and [[Q2733942]] ([[:en:Oh Happy Day]]) #[[Q12329985]] ([[:da:Olaf Sørensen]]) and [[Q7083007]] ([[:en:Olaf Sørensen]]) #[[Q12330091]] ([[:da:Ole Jensen]]) and [[Q7085868]] ([[:en:Ole Jensen]]) #[[Q12330121]] ([[:da:Ole Mikkelsen]]) and [[Q7085893]] ([[:en:Ole Mikkelsen]]) #[[Q12330122]] ([[:da:Ole Mortensen]]) and [[Q7085902]] ([[:en:Ole Mortensen]]) #[[Q20756991]] ([[:da:One Year]]) and [[Q7093435]] ([[:en:One Year]]) #[[Q2029324]] ([[:da:Ordine Nuovo]]) and [[Q3664761]] ([[:en:Ordine Nuovo]]) #[[Q26812096]] ([[:da:Oscar Neumann]]) and [[Q77186]] ([[:en:Oscar Neumann]]) #[[Q12330533]] ([[:da:Otto Blom]]) and [[Q3277437]] ([[:en:Otto Blom]]) #[[Q12330575]] ([[:da:Otto Lerche]]) and [[Q7109701]] ([[:en:Otto Lerche]]) #[[Q20729332]] ([[:da:Out of the Ordinary]]) and [[Q7111774]] ([[:en:Out of the Ordinary]]) #[[Q12328852]] ([[:da:Niels Mathiesen]]) and [[Q16030320]] ([[:en:Niels Mathiesen]]) #[[Q23784294]] ([[:da:Moss (album)]]) and [[Q6916514]] ([[:en:Moss (album)]]) #[[Q17482484]] ([[:da:Pas de deux (film)]]) and [[Q3367156]] ([[:en:Pas de deux (film)]]) #[[Q12331064]] ([[:da:Patrik Olsson]]) and [[Q6027745]] ([[:en:Patrik Olsson]]) #[[Q12331073]] ([[:da:Paul Becker]]) and [[Q7149283]] ([[:en:Paul Becker]]) #[[Q12331076]] ([[:da:Paul Diamond]]) and [[Q7150268]] ([[:en:Paul Diamond]]) #[[Q16064953]] ([[:da:Per Christensen]]) and [[Q3367977]] ([[:en:Per Christensen]]) #[[Q12331466]] ([[:da:Peter Bach]]) and [[Q7172626]] ([[:en:Peter Bach]]) #[[Q12331471]] ([[:da:Peter Bay]]) and [[Q7172720]] ([[:en:Peter Bay]]) #[[Q12331480]] ([[:da:Peter Blume]]) and [[Q2990693]] ([[:en:Peter Blume]]) #[[Q18199479]] ([[:da:Peter Christian Petersen]]) and [[Q7173270]] ([[:en:Peter Christian Petersen]]) #[[Q12331528]] ([[:da:Peter Foss]]) and [[Q7174041]] ([[:en:Peter Foss]]) #[[Q12331537]] ([[:da:Peter Germer]]) and [[Q100332]] ([[:en:Peter Germer]]) #[[Q12331560]] ([[:da:Peter Hartmann]]) and [[Q7174563]] ([[:en:Peter Hartmann]]) #[[Q12331562]] ([[:da:Peter Hartung]]) and [[Q7174566]] ([[:en:Peter Hartung]]) #[[Q12331587]] ([[:da:Peter Ingwersen]]) and [[Q203043]] ([[:en:Peter Ingwersen]]) #[[Q12331596]] ([[:da:Peter Jepsen]]) and [[Q7174974]] ([[:en:Peter Jepsen]]) #[[Q12331611]] ([[:da:Peter Koefoed]]) and [[Q7175252]] ([[:en:Peter Koefoed]]) #[[Q12331620]] ([[:da:Peter Krogh]]) and [[Q16193691]] ([[:en:Peter Krogh]]) #[[Q4242039]] ([[:da:Peter Schindler]]) and [[Q1504454]] ([[:en:Peter Schindler]]) #[[Q12331754]] ([[:da:Peter West]]) and [[Q7177658]] ([[:en:Peter West]]) #[[Q12329827]] ([[:da:Odd Sørli]]) and [[Q7077442]] ([[:en:Odd Sørli]]) #[[Q2045178]] ([[:da:Pablo Garrido]]) and [[Q2045186]] ([[:en:Pablo Garrido]]) #[[Q23899289]] ([[:da:Pierre André]]) and [[Q3383721]] ([[:en:Pierre André]]) #[[Q21817132]] ([[:da:Placebo (album)]]) and [[Q901155]] ([[:en:Placebo (album)]]) #[[Q20757042]] ([[:da:Plantman]]) and [[Q3139742]] ([[:en:Plantman]]) #[[Q12331967]] ([[:da:Please Don't Stop Loving Me]]) and [[Q4298300]] ([[:en:Please Don't Stop Loving Me]]) #[[Q12332077]] ([[:da:Portland (album)]]) and [[Q20813910]] ([[:en:Portland (album)]]) #[[Q12331913]] ([[:da:Pitchfork]]) and [[Q107293]] ([[:en:Pitchfork]]) #[[Q12332119]] ([[:da:Poul Bjerre]]) and [[Q3656336]] ([[:en:Poul Bjerre]]) #[[Q12332341]] ([[:da:Pride Radio]]) and [[Q7242794]] ([[:en:Pride Radio]]) #[[Q573674]] ([[:da:Sherry Wolf]]) and [[Q7495434]] ([[:en:Sherry Wolf]]) #[[Q28114665]] ([[:da:Thomas Lehmann]]) and [[Q2439809]] ([[:en:Thomas Lehmann]]) #[[Q21082651]] ([[:commons:Agliana]]) and [[Q102555]] ([[:en:Agliana]]) #[[Q21082781]] ([[:commons:Akira Ando]]) and [[Q17128933]] ([[:en:Akira Ando]]) #[[Q21083791]] ([[:commons:Antigonae]]) and [[Q575371]] ([[:en:Antigonae]]) #[[Q21153007]] ([[:commons:Bandipur]]) and [[Q806327]] ([[:en:Bandipur]]) #[[Q21154492]] ([[:commons:Blaafarveværket]]) and [[Q882820]] ([[:en:Blaafarveværket]]) #[[Q21154518]] ([[:commons:Blankenstein]]) and [[Q627672]] ([[:en:Blankenstein]]) #[[Q11243019]] ([[:commons:Bradlec]]) and [[Q2015954]] ([[:en:Bradlec]]) #[[Q1016136]] ([[:commons:Burgwald]]) and [[Q560980]] ([[:en:Burgwald]]) #[[Q21155350]] ([[:commons:Bärenstein]]) and [[Q57714]] ([[:en:Bärenstein]]) #[[Q17295088]] ([[:commons:Callistege mi]]) and [[Q579690]] ([[:en:Callistege mi]]) #[[Q3658911]] ([[:commons:Carlino]]) and [[Q53235]] ([[:en:Carlino]]) #[[Q8393196]] ([[:commons:Category:Durrës]]) and [[Q28057017]] ([[:en:Category:Durrës]]) #[[Q15220578]] ([[:commons:Template:Unknown]]) and [[Q10949943]] ([[:en:Template:Unknown]]) #[[Q16935663]] ([[:commons:Template:War]]) and [[Q13479477]] ([[:en:Template:War]]) #[[Q26856839]] ([[:commons:Template:Languages]]) and [[Q6508401]] ([[:en:Template:Languages]]) #[[Q22944373]] ([[:commons:Template:Panorama]]) and [[Q10992954]] ([[:en:Template:Panorama]]) #[[Q25858808]] ([[:commons:Template:Graphic Lab]]) and [[Q20322111]] ([[:en:Template:Graphic Lab]]) 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Wanna Know) and Q16846187 (en:I Wanna Know) #Q28410878 (zh:Hopeless Love) and Q5899882 (en:Hopeless Love) #Q1025095 (commons:Yate) and Q170173 (es:Yate) #Q833418 (commons:Wheelwright) and Q10888788 (es:Wheelwright) #Q83715 (commons:Tumba) and Q381885 (es:Tumba) #Q6453151 (commons:Toad) and Q1755829 (es:Toad) #Q16066312 (commons:William Duke) and Q15453808 (de:William Duke) #Q181623 (commons:Warehouse) and Q1423025 (de:Warehouse) #Q919536 (commons:Villaverde) and Q51496 (de:Villaverde) #Q1628179 (commons:Valga) and Q193905 (de:Valga) #Q843058 (commons:The Chaser) and Q496724 (de:The Chaser) #Q1319209 (de:Hanging Rock) and Q2317920 (nl:Hanging Rock) #Q21082993 (commons:Alexandre Ferreira) and Q16525318 (fr:Alexandre Ferreira) #Q169442 (commons:Adventure Island) and Q568489 (it:Adventure Island) #Q103908 (commons:Ceto) and Q209489 (simple:Ceto) #Q27685004 (sh:Balsa) and Q612415 (sk:Balsa) #Q3796115 (sh:Hamilkar) and Q1573472 (sk:Hamilkar) #Q3178508 (sh:Jezernice) and Q1632309 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and Q3105943 (fr:Gilberto Reyes) #Q773939 (commons:Carabao) and Q1035286 (fr:Carabao) #Q21082993 (commons:Alexandre Ferreira) and Q16525318 (fr:Alexandre Ferreira) #Q54831 (commons:Amphitheatre) and Q2418420 (fr:Amphitheatre) #Q688350 (commons:Armin Wegner) and Q77036 (fr:Armin Wegner) #Q7679680 (pl:Talk Talk Talk) and Q1316356 (hu:Talk Talk Talk) #Q509037 (pl:Terran) and Q913318 (hu:Terran) #Q1467960 (pl:Zanza) and Q1466745 (hu:Zanza) #Q670620 (pl:Wizard) and Q2587022 (hu:Wizard) #Q25415447 (pl:Wings (album)) and Q966671 (hu:Wings (album)) #Q456905 (pl:William Evans) and Q1464926 (hu:William Evans) #Q15999472 (pl:William Kelly) and Q979510 (hu:William Kelly) #Q5992947 (pl:William Moore) and Q959017 (hu:William Moore) #Q721643 (pl:William Warner) and Q1628712 (hu:William Warner) #Q8020690 (pl:William Young) and Q1465004 (hu:William Young) #Q763942 (pl:Whiplash) and Q848768 (hu:Whiplash) #Q69646 (pl:Werner Müller) and Q1464401 (hu:Werner Müller) #Q4017862 (pl:Walter Simon) and Q74336 (hu:Walter Simon) #Q489612 (pl:Vivid) and Q221443 (hu:Vivid) #Q1765786 (pl:Vinda) and Q755935 (hu:Vinda) #Q1795600 (pl:Uru) and Q63780 (hu:Uru) #Q24459 (pl:Vila) and Q1459489 (hu:Vila) #Q9136676 (pl:99 Problems) and Q1495973 (hu:99 Problems) #Q9142170 (pl:Agnellus) and Q517095 (hu:Agnellus) #Q2629380 (pl:Aina) and Q553109 (hu:Aina) #Q188219 (pl:Aja) and Q411814 (hu:Aja) #Q10801 (commons:Dildo) and Q953629 (voy:en:Dildo) #Q14083 (commons:Dollar) and Q1235672 (voy:en:Dollar) #Q221482 (commons:Jim Thorpe) and Q1025791 (voy:en:Jim Thorpe) #Q201175 (commons:Jasper) and Q999429 (voy:en:Jasper) #[[Q4000264]] ([[:species:Abyla]]) and [[Q28219770]] ([[:en:Abyla]]) #[[Q13863808]] ([[:species:Adalgisa]]) and [[Q2823902]] ([[:en:Adalgisa]]) #[[Q14177093]] ([[:species:Afronatrix]]) and [[Q2395678]] ([[:en:Afronatrix]]) #[[Q27891730]] ([[:species:Ahmet Bozkurt]]) and [[Q2827694]] ([[:en:Ahmet Bozkurt]]) #[[Q21445714]] ([[:species:Akawaio]]) and [[Q922476]] ([[:en:Akawaio]]) #[[Q27819359]] 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White]]) #[[Q26251096]] ([[:species:David Manzur]]) and [[Q5800153]] ([[:en:David Manzur]]) #[[Q23768192]] ([[:species:Daxia]]) and [[Q846492]] ([[:en:Daxia]]) #[[Q25803975]] ([[:species:Diceras]]) and [[Q17104830]] ([[:en:Diceras]]) #[[Q14828907]] ([[:species:Dictator]]) and [[Q183318]] ([[:en:Dictator]]) #[[Q5143446]] ([[:species:Dina]]) and [[Q905581]] ([[:en:Dina]]) #[[Q19402629]] ([[:species:Dipteropeltis]]) and [[Q5280118]] ([[:en:Dipteropeltis]]) #[[Q26769507]] ([[:species:Dolium]]) and [[Q973597]] ([[:en:Dolium]]) #[[Q18591955]] ([[:species:Dolops]]) and [[Q12876507]] ([[:en:Dolops]]) #[[Q14427081]] ([[:species:Drepanoides]]) and [[Q3039369]] ([[:en:Drepanoides]]) #[[Q23766756]] ([[:species:Dublinia]]) and [[Q5311029]] ([[:en:Dublinia]]) #[[Q20243350]] ([[:species:Eduard Wagner]]) and [[Q72299]] ([[:en:Eduard Wagner]]) #[[Q27798025]] ([[:species:Edwin Lewis]]) and [[Q5346613]] ([[:en:Edwin Lewis]]) #[[Q1332377]] ([[:species:Ellis]]) and [[Q21452033]] ([[:en:Ellis]]) #[[Q25365794]] ([[:species:Guttula]]) and [[Q5621943]] ([[:en:Guttula]]) #[[Q2171953]] ([[:species:Gymnoscyphus]]) and [[Q1925448]] ([[:en:Gymnoscyphus]]) #[[Q22103630]] ([[:species:Halil Koç]]) and [[Q18754038]] ([[:en:Halil Koç]]) #[[Q27243022]] ([[:species:Hamad Ibrahim]]) and [[Q24450623]] ([[:en:Hamad Ibrahim]]) #[[Q4096101]] ([[:species:Heinrich Braun]]) and [[Q107974]] ([[:en:Heinrich Braun]]) #[[Q18960135]] ([[:species:Hemitomes]]) and [[Q144418]] ([[:en:Hemitomes]]) #[[Q3771922]] ([[:species:Glaucoma]]) and [[Q159701]] ([[:en:Glaucoma]]) #[[Q25802912]] ([[:species:Hiroaki Sato]]) and [[Q5770042]] ([[:en:Hiroaki Sato]]) #[[Q26830999]] ([[:species:Hiroshi Ishikawa]]) and [[Q5770852]] ([[:en:Hiroshi Ishikawa]]) #[[Q25802854]] ([[:species:Hiroshi Nagano]]) and [[Q1190299]] ([[:en:Hiroshi Nagano]]) #[[Q21447320]] ([[:species:Hiroyuki Sasaki]]) and [[Q21405826]] ([[:en:Hiroyuki Sasaki]]) #[[Q25662110]] ([[:species:Isthmiella]]) and [[Q6088855]] ([[:en:Isthmiella]]) #[[Q20675332]] ([[:species:Ivalouwayneia]]) and [[Q4041680]] ([[:en:Ivalouwayneia]]) #[[Q21393594]] ([[:species:Jakub Straka]]) and [[Q26252971]] ([[:en:Jakub Straka]]) #[[Q22109689]] ([[:species:Jan Růžička]]) and [[Q23925998]] ([[:en:Jan Růžička]]) #[[Q25713853]] ([[:species:Jeff Marcus]]) and [[Q6174432]] ([[:en:Jeff Marcus]]) #[[Q25802446]] ([[:species:Jill White]]) and [[Q6193098]] ([[:en:Jill White]]) #[[Q27619010]] ([[:species:Jimmy Paul]]) and [[Q3179105]] ([[:en:Jimmy Paul]]) #[[Q27229678]] ([[:species:Joachim Ziegler]]) and [[Q95704]] ([[:en:Joachim Ziegler]]) #[[Q22104123]] ([[:species:John D. Black]]) and [[Q26769431]] ([[:en:John D. Black]]) #[[Q27820731]] ([[:species:John E. Scanlon]]) and [[Q21175237]] ([[:en:John E. Scanlon]]) #[[Q25802847]] ([[:species:John W. Reed]]) and [[Q6262492]] ([[:en:John W. Reed]]) #[[Q25804004]] ([[:species:Jolana]]) and [[Q1471896]] ([[:en:Jolana]]) #[[Q25802830]] ([[:species:Joshua B. Smith]]) and [[Q6289634]] ([[:en:Joshua B. 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#Q258267 (pt:Amrita) and Q696933 (hu:Amrita) #Q682454 (pt:Andor) and Q492347 (hu:Andor) #Q2317717 (pt:Are You Ready) and Q776740 (hu:Are You Ready) #Q9136676 (pl:99 Problems) and Q1495973 (hu:99 Problems) #Q5397910 (fi:Black Orchid) and Q4921410 (hu:Black Orchid) #Q20916194 (fi:Bongo Rock) and Q834447 (hu:Bongo Rock) #Q56491 (fi:Bilin) and Q222615 (hu:Bilin) #Q2086380 (fi:Changes) and Q5071933 (hu:Changes) #Q2973331 (fi:Circle of Love) and Q27016868 (hu:Circle of Love) #Q24041535 (fi:Cloud Nine) and Q510608 (hu:Cloud Nine) #Q2722227 (fi:Creil) and Q331087 (hu:Creil) #Q2570516 (fi:David Stone) and Q889824 (hu:David Stone) #Q20916854 (fi:Denis) and Q725832 (hu:Denis) #Q366563 (fi:Dick Clark) and Q2149196 (hu:Dick Clark) #Q205687 (fi:Dina) and Q905581 (hu:Dina) #Q2306652 (fi:Dust) and Q129129 (hu:Dust) #Q1340022 (fi:Enchant) and Q935106 (hu:Enchant) #Q1384721 (fi:Exposed) and Q994189 (hu:Exposed) #Q1547158 (es:Almira) and Q657732 (hu:Almira) #Q552055 (es:Antonín Procházka) and Q4777285 (hu:Antonín Procházka) #Q158399 (es:Armeria) and Q2888741 (hu:Armeria) #Q1775026 (es:Aser) and Q778724 (hu:Aser) #Q132152 (es:Babar) and Q797587 (hu:Babar) #Q652584 (es:Beli) and Q19842804 (hu:Beli) #Q815613 (es:Believe in Nothing) and Q792415 (hu:Believe in Nothing) #Q5411101 (es:Bica) and Q856712 (hu:Bica) #Q3639962 (es:Bill Collins) and Q795006 (hu:Bill Collins) #Q5401705 (es:Blau) and Q804391 (hu:Blau) #Q18148790 (es:Blue Moon) and Q804574 (hu:Blue Moon) #Q63604 (es:Boulonnais) and Q588252 (hu:Boulonnais) #Q1154515 (es:Boys on the Docks) and Q848644 (hu:Boys on the Docks) #Q275206 (es:Brezons) and Q849542 (hu:Brezons) #Q5748854 (es:Caramba) and Q1035374 (hu:Caramba) #Q169530 (es:Zebulon) and Q1466967 (hu:Zebulon) #Q461282 (es:Yi) and Q19842095 (hu:Yi) #Q17142315 (es:Wishful Thinking) and Q1465234 (hu:Wishful Thinking) #Q6270655 (es:Waterfall) and Q4414279 (hu:Waterfall) #Q7981381 (es:Wellington Dias) and Q7981315 (hu:Wellington Dias) #Q1418254 (es:Walter Byron) and Q1250540 (hu:Walter Byron) #Q6133620 (es:Vice) and Q746595 (hu:Vice) #Q23662322 (es:Vanessa Pose) and Q751073 (hu:Vanessa Pose) #Q733531 (es:Van Williams) and Q285079 (hu:Van Williams) #Q196710 (es:Turán) and Q164585 (hu:Turán) #Q327236 (es:Ton) and Q11247037 (hu:Ton) #Q134568 (es:Timon) and Q240702 (hu:Timon) #Q1511349 (es:This Christmas) and Q1320278 (hu:This Christmas) #Q2525712 (es:The Christmas Collection) and Q1040110 (hu:The Christmas Collection) #Q283579 (es:Tar) and Q429772 (hu:Tar) #Q1285062 (es:Steve Howey) and Q923715 (hu:Steve Howey) #Q1380938 (es:Stephen Jones) and Q2670107 (hu:Stephen Jones) #Q511335 (es:Snøhetta) and Q979569 (hu:Snøhetta) #Q858508 (es:Sky High) and Q697442 (hu:Sky High) #Q312376 (es:Silas) and Q384436 (hu:Silas) #Q887656 (es:Secret Combination) and Q1286731 (hu:Secret Combination) #Q3476760 (es:Sean McNamara) and Q727921 (hu:Sean McNamara) #Q504234 (es:San Pancrazio) and Q282170 (hu:San Pancrazio) #Q65860 (es:Rudolf Wagner) and Q28358279 (hu:Rudolf Wagner) #Q3384094 (es:Roy Pugh) and Q22811485 (hu:Roy Pugh) #Q1399028 (es:Romuald) and Q19938339 (hu:Romuald) #Q3438276 (es:Rodolfo) and Q1249751 (hu:Rodolfo) #Q3938404 (es:Robert Reid) and Q1038036 (hu:Robert Reid) #Q7347553 (es:Robert McKenzie) and Q12815814 (hu:Robert McKenzie) #Q21104107 (es:Rodolfo Otero) and Q773686 (hu:Rodolfo Otero) #Q2094249 (es:Rise Up) and Q15928143 (hu:Rise Up) #Q170579 (es:Risa) and Q1249325 (hu:Risa) #Q1531369 (es:Razor) and Q1040008 (hu:Razor) #Q1714785 (es:Rapture) and Q846783 (hu:Rapture) #Q2126982 (es:Rafael Medina) and Q3417267 (hu:Rafael Medina) #Q19819793 (es:Raimundo) and Q836779 (hu:Raimundo) #Q8905685 (es:Phantoms) and Q16916301 (hu:Phantoms) #Q383536 (es:Petr Janda) and Q504840 (hu:Petr Janda) #Q211068 (es:Perry Smith) and Q2071802 (hu:Perry Smith) #Q1342564 (es:Per Nilsson) and Q1806042 (hu:Per Nilsson) #Q729817 (es:Pepo) and Q846058 (hu:Pepo) #Q527737 (es:Pedro Benítez) and Q2696249 (hu:Pedro Benítez) #Q3897534 (es:Pat Carroll) and Q1230737 (hu:Pat Carroll) #Q505996 (es:Palé) and Q1074738 (hu:Palé) #Q16799997 (es:Overdose) and Q901453 (hu:Overdose) #Q2564189 (es:Overcome) and Q917439 (hu:Overcome) #Q1607572 (es:I Want to Know What Love Is) and Q1060955 (hu:I Want to Know What Love Is) #Q1397162 (es:Humphrey Marshall) and Q1386353 (hu:Humphrey Marshall) #Q2892619 (es:Karakura) and Q568199 (hu:Karakura) #Q586110 (es:Forró) and Q283975 (hu:Forró) #Q285057 (es:Cover Up) and Q735108 (hu:Cover Up) #Q28149925 (es:Dalma) and Q901334 (hu:Dalma) #Q92660 (es:James Clark) and Q6131373 (hu:James Clark) #Q2338747 (es:James Guthrie) and Q1680480 (hu:James Guthrie) #Q1355290 (es:Jeremy Spencer) and Q6181906 (hu:Jeremy Spencer) #Q74891 (es:Jonatán) and Q1158394 (hu:Jonatán) #Q11929101 (es:José Lemos) and Q6292676 (hu:José Lemos) #Q21926884 (es:Julio César González) and Q686190 (hu:Julio César González) #Q5990123 (es:Maikel) and Q1163451 (hu:Maikel) #Q582925 (es:Magnet) and Q1567133 (hu:Magnet) #Q2251335 (es:Maestro) and Q1161592 (hu:Maestro) #Q1354843 (es:Machine Gun Kelly) and Q72733 (hu:Machine Gun Kelly) #Q380150 (es:Marco Casagrande) and Q1164916 (hu:Marco Casagrande) #Q3291385 (es:Mariano Medina) and Q1165174 (hu:Mariano Medina) #Q3293985 (es:Mark Andrews) and Q364746 (hu:Mark Andrews) #Q6788610 (es:Matt Elliott) and Q2618115 (hu:Matt Elliott) #Q6006135 (es:Matías Navarrete) and Q1167108 (hu:Matías Navarrete) #Q938304 (es:Maxima) and Q612807 (hu:Maxima) #Q1914912 (es:Mbaye Diagne) and Q16234012 (hu:Mbaye Diagne) #Q670754 (es:Michael Klein) and Q16149220 (hu:Michael Klein) #Q3822175 (es:Michael Mansfield) and Q1176690 (hu:Michael Mansfield) #Q3307967 (es:Michael Rowe) and Q26267744 (hu:Michael Rowe) #Q359457 (es:Mike Doughty) and Q1176978 (hu:Mike Doughty) #Q2888803 (es:More Than a Woman) and Q837602 (hu:More Than a Woman) #Q668923 (es:Mur) and Q253641 (hu:Mur) #Q18562962 (hu:Autumn Leaves) and Q789392 (cs:Autumn Leaves) #Q884473 (hu:Blitz) and Q6900329 (cs:Blitz) #Q259061 (hu:Bát) and Q11706443 (cs:Bát) #Q583705 (hu:Celestina) and Q20719572 (cs:Celestina) #Q860476 (hu:Chemistry) and Q5090557 (cs:Chemistry) #Q5109674 (hu:Christian Hansen) and Q75618 (cs:Christian Hansen) #Q724026 (hu:Cold) and Q1107761 (cs:Cold) #Q544481 (hu:Comet) and Q2679208 (cs:Comet) #Q725832 (hu:Denis) and Q1187221 (cs:Denis) #Q2149196 (hu:Dick Clark) and Q366563 (cs:Dick Clark) #Q3028050 (hu:Dimitar Popov) and Q675887 (cs:Dimitar Popov) #Q241811 (hu:Django) and Q842014 (cs:Django) #Q319120 (hu:Erg) and Q185153 (cs:Erg) #Q785817 (hu:Filibert) and Q24877286 (cs:Filibert) #Q2692055 (hu:Filipi) and Q21995012 (cs:Filipi) #Q16743228 (fi:Badland) and Q272921 (hu:Badland) #Q748363 (fi:Balaklava) and Q211003 (hu:Balaklava) #Q17468562 (fi:Bang Bang) and Q3912860 (hu:Bang Bang) #Q557984 (fi:Barnekow) and Q671375 (hu:Barnekow) #Q325926 (fi:Stefan Müller) and Q2337196 (hu:Stefan Müller) #Q1648285 (fi:Stelvio) and Q493831 (hu:Stelvio) #Q717983 (fi:Charles Ng) and Q524617 (hu:Charles Ng) #Q16275193 (fi:Charlie) and Q635965 (hu:Charlie) #Q1013299 (fi:Charlottenberg) and Q656567 (hu:Charlottenberg) #Q751015 (fi:Chatenet) and Q1147444 (hu:Chatenet) #Q11855468 (fi:Come Back to Me) and Q868450 (hu:Come Back to Me) #Q158077 (fi:Dojran) and Q956963 (hu:Dojran) #Q4348091 (fi:Fight) and Q627030 (hu:Fight) #Q3480175 (fi:Frans) and Q841585 (hu:Frans) #Q372058 (fi:Félix) and Q16868070 (hu:Félix) #Q350959 (fi:George Chapman) and Q342720 (hu:George Chapman) #Q1425389 (fi:George Walker) and Q1508496 (hu:George Walker) #Q2270153 (fi:Gunnar Jansson) and Q1554753 (hu:Gunnar Jansson) #Q8505 (fi:Hari) and Q258012 (hu:Hari) #Q746141 (fi:Haven) and Q864422 (hu:Haven) #Q952062 (fi:Hawker) and Q1034542 (hu:Hawker) #Q1343509 (fi:Heartbreak Hotel) and Q5893164 (hu:Heartbreak Hotel) #Q1602619 (fi:Hell) and Q12814582 (hu:Hell) #Q3135653 (fi:Hildegard) and Q234410 (hu:Hildegard) #Q11862636 (fi:Hille) and Q182716 (hu:Hille) #Q1656868 (fi:Idlewild) and Q590071 (hu:Idlewild) #Q6012162 (fi:In the Flesh) and Q1096788 (hu:In the Flesh) #Q3114562 (fi:Infected) and Q1097037 (hu:Infected) #Q3358452 (fi:Inger) and Q859031 (hu:Inger) #Q316301 (fi:James Morrison) and Q451938 (hu:James Morrison) #Q878687 (fi:John Dickinson) and Q1101262 (hu:John Dickinson) #Q1387000 (fi:John White) and Q459082 (hu:John White) #Q4355940 (fi:Joshua Hill) and Q955602 (hu:Joshua Hill) #Q1710223 (fi:João de Deus) and Q576918 (hu:João de Deus) #Q59665 (fi:Jubilee) and Q825296 (hu:Jubilee) #Q1715700 (fi:Juju) and Q914404 (hu:Juju) #Q938649 (fi:Kabát) and Q152574 (hu:Kabát) #Q48728 (fi:Kalsa) and Q660172 (hu:Kalsa) #Q1358140 (fi:Kapi) and Q1095718 (hu:Kapi) #Q573467 (fi:Karas) and Q1104502 (hu:Karas) #Q645996 (fi:Karl-Erik Nilsson) and Q305089 (hu:Karl-Erik Nilsson) #Q28472 (fi:Karva) and Q1071541 (hu:Karva) #Q13228 (fi:Kerma) and Q1107569 (hu:Kerma) #Q15635237 (fi:Klaus) and Q1113573 (hu:Klaus) #Q241132 (fi:Korinna) and Q19689458 (hu:Korinna) #Q2757158 (fi:Lemonade) and Q23905116 (hu:Lemonade) #Q214913 (fi:Letícia) and Q21285797 (hu:Letícia) #Q4352983 (fi:Liar) and Q1049271 (hu:Liar) #Q2632978 (fi:Live at the Fillmore) and Q527397 (hu:Live at the Fillmore) #Q5479136 (fi:Loue) and Q279370 (hu:Loue) #Q517331 (fi:Mafalda) and Q277675 (hu:Mafalda) #Q5222 (fi:Magas) and Q610684 (hu:Magas) #Q18603035 (fi:Man Down) and Q583423 (hu:Man Down) #Q919249 (fi:Manifest) and Q900856 (hu:Manifest) #Q2357088 (fi:Nick Pope) and Q15999945 (hu:Nick Pope) #Q2531176 (fi:Nightlife) and Q1049789 (hu:Nightlife) #Q1081224 (fi:None) and Q9512 (hu:None) #Q4737574 (es:Aluta) and Q683748 (hu:Aluta) #Q3659534 (es:Carlo Lombardi) and Q669314 (hu:Carlo Lombardi) #Q5750782 (es:Carlos Machado) and Q5042308 (hu:Carlos Machado) #Q201097 (es:Cesta) and Q2482257 (hu:Cesta) #Q923059 (es:Charles King) and Q860223 (hu:Charles King) #Q717983 (es:Charles Ng) and Q524617 (hu:Charles Ng) #Q1251914 (es:David Axelrod) and Q519838 (hu:David Axelrod) #Q3359389 (es:Hybrid) and Q851798 (hu:Hybrid) #Q2369392 (es:Holt) and Q1037986 (hu:Holt) #Q1371498 (es:John McLean) and Q365866 (hu:John McLean) #Q12151852 (es:Nostalgia) and Q12041086 (hu:Nostalgia) #Q103599 (es:Richard Müller) and Q96683 (hu:Richard Müller) #Q13365451 (es:Vinga) and Q1066840 (hu:Vinga) #Q1515725 (es:Vibes) and Q1425966 (hu:Vibes) #Q1266554 (es:V.S.O.P.) and Q1400348 (hu:V.S.O.P.) #Q1133938 (es:Trust) and Q1324540 (hu:Trust) #Q2577086 (es:Too Bad) and Q1322710 (hu:Too Bad) #Q1261804 (de:This Is My Time) and Q1320290 (hu:This Is My Time) #Q458284 (de:The Real Thing) and Q1319682 (hu:The Real Thing) #Q1607572 (en:I Want to Know What Love Is) and Q1060955 (hu:I Want to Know What Love Is) #Q3043247 (en:Hot Blood) and Q1055928 (hu:Hot Blood) #Q2072205 (it:Alatau) and Q3404617 (tr:Alatau) #Q20716403 (it:Alex Oliveira) and Q3311570 (tr:Alex Oliveira) #Q4748308 (it:Amphion) and Q21560738 (tr:Amphion) #Q576922 (it:Antilia) and Q576952 (tr:Antilia) #Q2436664 (it:Arsa) and Q13573186 (tr:Arsa) c #Q746362 (it:Astakos) and Q6050752 (tr:Astakos) #Q3633496 (it:Balon) and Q9706 (tr:Balon) #Q4856427 (it:Banko) and Q806174 (tr:Banko) #Q790041 (it:Banya) and Q1759615 (tr:Banya) #Q3636837 (it:Battle Beast) and Q4869988 (tr:Battle Beast) #Q3644447 (it:Brian Davis) and Q6013597 (tr:Brian Davis) #Q2482800 (it:Buka) and Q3814773 (tr:Buka) #Q1265272 (it:Carousel) and Q5045568 (tr:Carousel) #Q280923 (it:Corazón valiente) and Q28452222 (tr:Corazón valiente) #Q1463152 (it:Centar) and Q1270190 (tr:Centar) #Q1144060 (it:Cunningham) and Q7849873 (tr:Cunningham) #Q576593 (it:Cédric) and Q15458793 (tr:Cédric) #Q3701729 (it:Daniel Schmidt) and Q17159642 (tr:Daniel Schmidt) #Q2917474 (it:Ding Dong) and Q905635 (tr:Ding Dong) #Q12724720 (it:Desa) and Q5204857 (tr:Desa) #Q460453 (it:Dolce) and Q4809644 (tr:Dolce) #Q1235590 (it:Dolin) and Q596654 (tr:Dolin) #Q5306579 (it:Dreamin') and Q5306578 (tr:Dreamin') #Q627030 (it:Fight) and Q4348091 (tr:Fight) #Q3087584 (it:Fretless) and Q28564093 (tr:Fretless) #Q1757050 (it:Främling) and Q373108 (tr:Främling) #Q205466 (it:Göktürk) and Q1559285 (tr:Göktürk) #Q13213 (it:Hamal) and Q1509714 (tr:Hamal) #Q3784989 (it:Henry Picard) and Q4812107 (tr:Henry Picard) #Q557801 (it:James Bulger) and Q28055280 (tr:James Bulger) #Q6227346 (it:John Coventry) and Q6227352 (tr:John Coventry) #Q18819515 (it:John Cuff) and Q1699693 (tr:John Cuff) #Q245783 (it:Władysław Kowalski) and Q9381978 (tr:Władysław Kowalski) #Q719926 (it:William Thornton) and Q1347934 (tr:William Thornton) #Q1647372 (it:Ucar) and Q646809 (tr:Ucar) #Q3990890 (it:Throb) and Q723024 (tr:Throb) #Q24089063 (it:The Bloodline) and Q5280749 (tr:The Bloodline) #Q3967970 (it:Stadium) and Q3496282 (tr:Stadium) #Q3950796 (it:Satoshi Watanabe) and Q11562508 (tr:Satoshi Watanabe) #Q964391 (it:Robert Duncan) and Q2156920 (tr:Robert Duncan) #Q2092926 (it:Reva) and Q1094693 (tr:Reva) #Q469677 (it:Pernes) and Q1749740 (tr:Pernes) #Q1582987 (it:Pardon) and Q982821 (tr:Pardon) #Q7116389 (it:Oyun) and Q11410 (tr:Oyun) #[[Q18761202]] ([[:commons:Watercolor painting]]) and [[Q50030]] ([[:en:Watercolor painting]]) #[[Q22783744]] ([[:commons:Template:IOC]]) and [[Q14396856]] ([[:en:Template:IOC]]) #Q28528741 (es:JAS) and Q6164960 (tr:JAS) #Q1414047 (es:Attila Kovács) and Q513156 (ro:Attila Kovács) #Q68107 (it:August Müller) and Q763138 (tr:August Müller) #Q2928314 (it:Burda) and Q2640282 (tr:Burda) #Q858128 (it:Cape Cross) and Q5034741 (tr:Cape Cross) #Q5105331 (it:Chosen) and Q2378871 (tr:Chosen) #Q336822 (it:Conta) and Q6046290 (tr:Conta) #Q336822 (it:Conta) and Q1427914 (tr:Conta) #Q592512 (it:Đurđevi Stupovi) and Q3180511 (tr:Đurđevi Stupovi) #Q2201222 (it:Zira) and Q6016362 (tr:Zira) #Q4020680 (it:Wolfpack) and Q254266 (tr:Wolfpack) #Q1771928 (it:Why We Fight) and Q3227366 (tr:Why We Fight) #Q831559 (it:Silvana) and Q4359872 (tr:Silvana) #Q2531493 (it:Smiler) and Q4833513 (tr:Smiler) #Q2300062 (it:Sultana) and Q6573769 (tr:Sultana) #Q530315 (it:Tenar) and Q9085840 (tr:Tenar) #Q368584 (it:Saya) and Q6578580 (tr:Saya) #Q23516 (it:Salmanazar) and Q23490 (tr:Salmanazar) #Q2479731 (it:Sabi) and Q1753996 (tr:Sabi) #Q12724720 (it:Desa) and Q28733303 (tr:Desa) #Q27493923 (en:Ahi Çelebi) and Q6010493 (tr:Ahi Çelebi) #Q402680 (en:Ahrem) and Q5995325 (tr:Ahrem) #Q12744519 (en:Arat) and Q10995575 (tr:Arat) #Q4811570 (en:Astrolog) and Q155647 (tr:Astrolog) #Q11455074 (en:Yuki Miyazawa) and Q17215464 (tr:Yuki Miyazawa) #Q8049230 (en:Yaralı) and Q6020683 (tr:Yaralı) #Q27957840 (en:Vurun Kahpeye) and Q6083588 (tr:Vurun Kahpeye) #Q807236 (en:Barak) and Q28647418 (tr:Barak) #Q422321 (en:Blueprint) and Q6061895 (tr:Blueprint) #Q725527 (en:Calchas) and Q2933660 (tr:Calchas) #Q27811416 (en:Jenna Brooks) and Q15920991 (tr:Jenna Brooks) #Q1971536 (en:Namus (film)) and Q6071349 (tr:Namus (film)) #Q27889944 (en:Necdet) and Q6013135 (tr:Necdet) #Q26436578 (en:Serkan Kaya) and Q27037907 (tr:Serkan Kaya) #Q2890539 (en:Basma) and Q6012440 (tr:Basma) #Q2910891 (en:Borina) and Q6002996 (tr:Borina) #Q4952811 (en:Bozdağ) and Q896117 (tr:Bozdağ) #Q579914 (en:Caique) and Q6007199 (tr:Caique) #Q725527 (en:Calchas) and Q2933660 (tr:Calchas) #Q5215193 (en:Dance Revolution) and Q6041240 (tr:Dance Revolution) #Q5304904 (en:Dragan Todorović) and Q25601059 (tr:Dragan Todorović) #Q16041141 (en:Douglas de Souza) and Q11322637 (tr:Douglas de Souza) #Q23683471 (en:Herbert Louis) and Q1608743 (tr:Herbert Louis) #Q5977107 (en:I Fall to Pieces) and Q3205512 (tr:I Fall to Pieces) #Q936695 (en:Let It Beat) and Q6006076 (tr:Let It Beat) #Q6774144 (en:Marta Martin) and Q15834144 (tr:Marta Martin) #Q18339808 (en:Otilia) and Q20429350 (tr:Otilia) #Q15945643 (en:Ragueneau) and Q6011381 (tr:Ragueneau) #Q2392320 (en:Taner) and Q6080298 (tr:Taner) #Q7687923 (en:Tatay) and Q6566594 (tr:Tatay) #Q7696424 (en:Teleon) and Q6102536 (tr:Teleon) #Q7809482 (en:Tiryaki) and Q6032482 (tr:Tiryaki) #Q7905182 (en:Uzunlar) and Q4162671 (tr:Uzunlar) #Q16258762 (en:Verme) and Q6030380 (tr:Verme) #Q4238318 (es:Aleksandr Krasnov) and Q20203071 (en:Aleksandr Krasnov) #Q506249 (es:Comodoro) and Q1221976 (ro:Comodoro) #Q241132 (es:Corina) and Q3693558 (ro:Corina) #Q234533 (es:Cornelia) and Q1119228 (ro:Cornelia) #Q374209 (es:Cullinan) and Q2450605 (ro:Cullinan) #Q4026211 (tr:Zaira) and Q4026233 (sv:Zaira) #Q4833600 (tr:Yula) and Q8060894 (sv:Yula) #Q302518 (tr:Yayıcı) and Q3133665 (sv:Yayıcı) #Q3227366 (tr:Why We Fight) and Q1462630 (sv:Why We Fight) #Q6080144 (tr:Vril) and Q1483529 (sv:Vril) #Q338228 (tr:Vladimir Belusov) and Q621248 (sv:Vladimir Belusov) #Q704576 (tr:Vicente Aranda) and Q20292230 (sv:Vicente Aranda) #Q901386 (fr:Damaged) and Q5211904 (tr:Damaged) #Q3205634 (tr:Awakening) and Q2279143 (sv:Awakening) #Q4882749 (tr:Belief) and Q4882748 (sv:Belief) #Q6755207 (commons:Marble Mountains) and Q2115323 (de:Marble Mountains) #Q3023256 (commons:Charlie Johnson) and Q1066919 (de:Charlie Johnson) #Q683578 (commons:Superga) and Q1145261 (de:Superga) #Q24534065 (commons:Trachy) and Q16331617 (de:Trachy) #Q56111 (commons:Quinchao) and Q2123211 (de:Quinchao) #Q4633393 (en:2 X 2) and Q1490158 (hu:2 X 2) #Q9321430 (fi:Aapeli) and Q24552184 (sv:Aapeli) #Q4651847 (fi:AIDA) and Q293465 (sv:AIDA) #Q3291159 (fi:Abadi) and Q24032882 (sv:Abadi) #Q11849688 (fi:Absolute) and Q1757325 (sv:Absolute) #Q34835 (fi:Abua) and Q24698120 (sv:Abua) #Q355322 (fi:Adelphi Theatre) and Q355319 (sv:Adelphi Theatre) #Q3605513 (fi:Adora) and Q22697287 (sv:Adora) #Q28054760 (fi:Afterlife) and Q2354963 (sv:Afterlife) #Q1248766 (fi:Ärmätti) and Q24543791 (sv:Ärmätti) #Q11902304 (fi:Way Out) and Q4018585 (sv:Way Out) #Q8028010 (fi:With Love) and Q963394 (sv:With Love) #Q1476527 (fi:Wobbler) and Q1929477 (sv:Wobbler) #Q139066 (fi:Zabriskie Point) and Q139078 (sv:Zabriskie Point) #Q8073671 (fi:Zoltán Kovács) and Q8073668 (sv:Zoltán Kovács) #Q1300517 (fi:WJF) and Q328044 (sv:WJF) #Q3085406 (fi:Wave) and Q262304 (sv:Wave) #Q7936340 (fi:Visitors) and Q7936343 (sv:Visitors) #Q2289015 (fi:Core) and Q10459645 (sv:Core) #Q12523 (fi:Big Brother 2005) and Q10429470 (sv:Big Brother 2005) #Q12525 (fi:Big Brother 2006) and Q10429471 (sv:Big Brother 2006) #Q12533 (fi:Big Brother 2011) and Q4905283 (sv:Big Brother 2011) #Q12535 (fi:Big Brother 2012) and Q4905287 (sv:Big Brother 2012) #Q17356441 (fi:Big Brother 2014) and Q17265719 (sv:Big Brother 2014) #Q1326732 (fi:Bittium) and Q2904940 (sv:Bittium) #Q4910185 (fi:Bill Miller) and Q438279 (sv:Bill Miller) #Q582320 (fi:Black Christmas) and Q783069 (sv:Black Christmas) #Q729149 (fi:Blackfoot) and Q1444005 (sv:Blackfoot) #Q1933727 (fi:Blueprint) and Q10431570 (sv:Blueprint) #Q172612 (fi:Bob Drake) and Q4932317 (sv:Bob Drake) #Q22113644 (species:Fritz Schulz) and Q112530 (sv:Fritz Schulz) #Q2355765 (species:Aleksander Zawadski) and Q712459 (sv:Aleksander Zawadski) #Q21445776 (species:Almasi) and Q26735940 (sv:Almasi) #Q34835 (ca:Abua) and Q24698120 (sv:Abua) #Q18437145 (ceb:Alessia) and Q2489475 (sv:Alessia) #Q2637314 (ceb:Yol) and Q683020 (sv:Yol) #Q662505 (ceb:Perl) and Q42478 (sv:Perl) #Q27843695 (sv:Acoustic) and Q2823428 (nl:Acoustic) #Q1760085 (sv:Amorosa) and Q12471834 (nl:Amorosa) #Q4740210 (sv:Amarda) and Q15146209 (nl:Amarda) #Q4791113 (sv:Arita) and Q668427 (nl:Arita) #Q5088931 (sv:Cheater) and Q1095079 (nl:Cheater) #Q6251507 (sv:Zed) and Q14754752 (nl:Zed) #Q27841837 (sv:San Judas Tadeo) and Q3071847 (nl:San Judas Tadeo) #Q28356733 (sv:Ricardo González) and Q3240057 (nl:Ricardo González) #Q28340247 (sv:Nakano) and Q346219 (pt:Nakano) #Q1510292 (sv:Intimacy) and Q76827 (nl:Intimacy) #Q3202422 (sv:L'Ascension) and Q28419143 (nl:L'Ascension) #Q2707347 (sv:Live EP) and Q23668656 (nl:Live EP) #Q20284612 (sv:Raúl Madero) and Q2242153 (nl:Raúl Madero) #Q27841837 (sv:San Judas Tadeo) and Q3071847 (nl:San Judas Tadeo) #[[Q18549930]] ([[:s:en:Template:Edition]]) and [[Q25977420]] ([[:en:Template:Edition]]) #[[Q20735815]] ([[:s:en:Template:Style]]) and [[Q8084578]] ([[:en:Template:Style]]) #[[Q28720052]] ([[:s:en:Author:Charles Christopher Trowbridge]]) and [[Q5076252]] ([[:en:Charles Christopher Trowbridge]]) #[[Q28737896]] ([[:s:en:Author:Clifford Richardson]]) and [[Q5133031]] ([[:en:Clifford Richardson]]) #[[Q19906067]] ([[:s:en:Author:James Macqueen]]) and [[Q18529889]] ([[:en:James Macqueen]]) #Q2916516 (sv:Aliya) and Q597260 (lad:Aliya) #Q650348 (sv:Arcos) and Q1777841 (lad:Arcos) #Q2088319 (sv:Cabra) and Q927931 (lad:Cabra) #Q1056351 (sv:Dobro) and Q5812161 (lad:Dobro) #Q1046063 (sv:Hermin) and Q1406435 (lad:Hermin) #Q4735056 (sv:Huidobro) and Q5904734 (lad:Huidobro) #Q738264 (sv:Los Altos) and Q1778599 (lad:Los Altos) #Q357 (fo:Guantánamo) and Q185156 (sv:Guantánamo) #Q935642 (fo:Mark Schultz) and Q3487332 (sv:Mark Schultz) #Q1768724 (fo:Precious Memories) and Q7239462 (sv:Precious Memories) #Q21074606 (fo:Wonderland) and Q10720470 (sv:Wonderland) #Q28532904 (gd:Tim Armstrong) and Q503710 (sv:Tim Armstrong) #Q20243350 (species:Eduard Wagner) and Q72299 (sv:Eduard Wagner) #Q1470395 (hu:Ælfthryth) and Q2746341 (cs:Ælfthryth) #Q922861 (hu:Závod) and Q11081769 (cs:Závod) #Q1468599 (hu:Zápor) and Q10941415 (cs:Zápor) #Q462634 (hu:Vercors) and Q1435063 (cs:Vercors) #Q1400761 (hu:Vadkert) and Q2665499 (cs:Vadkert) #Q1096772 (hu:Uzon) and Q1374401 (cs:Uzon) #Q1324540 (hu:Trust) and Q854022 (cs:Trust) #Q764449 (hu:Toka) and Q14541933 (cs:Toka) #Q1315783 (hu:TV3) and Q7672102 (cs:TV3) #Q15950121 (hu:Start a Fire) and Q17731526 (cs:Start a Fire) #Q16909253 (hu:Slow Motion) and Q653193 (cs:Slow Motion) #Q12642150 (hu:Sitno) and Q2663843 (cs:Sitno) #Q384436 (hu:Silas) and Q312376 (cs:Silas) #Q1249325 (hu:Risa) and Q7336346 (cs:Risa) #Q1030353 (hu:Red Dragon) and Q18913491 (cs:Red Dragon) #Q32108 (hu:Plateau) and Q503928 (cs:Plateau) #Q252487 (hu:Philip Levine) and Q531273 (cs:Philip Levine) #Q695255 (hu:Persona) and Q6063277 (cs:Persona) #Q2715869 (hu:Panacea) and Q910154 (cs:Panacea) #Q722943 (hu:Ott) and Q2037279 (cs:Ott) #Q951600 (hu:Oswald) and Q18190932 (cs:Oswald) #Q569625 (hu:Nidda) and Q706133 (cs:Nidda) #Q1769220 (hu:Nathan Smith) and Q1966636 (cs:Nathan Smith) #Q752211 (hu:Mlada) and Q455487 (cs:Mlada) #Q729245 (hu:Missing You) and Q2473527 (cs:Missing You) #Q269203 (hu:Merops) and Q4843933 (cs:Merops) #Q612807 (hu:Maxima) and Q938304 (cs:Maxima) #Q27587771 (hu:Maxima) and Q938304 (cs:Maxima) #Q1164916 (hu:Marco Casagrande) and Q380150 (cs:Marco Casagrande) #Q900856 (hu:Manifest) and Q46337 (cs:Manifest) #Q578799 (hu:Malinche) and Q230314 (cs:Malinche) #Q1163630 (hu:Major) and Q983927 (cs:Major) #Q677298 (hu:Ludwigshöhe) and Q30423 (cs:Ludwigshöhe) #Q779106 (hu:Asterion) and Q44409 (cs:Asterion) #Q790744 (hu:Barovka) and Q11058786 (cs:Barovka) #Q2912497 (hu:Blata) and Q11158783 (cs:Blata) #Q503129 (hu:Brownie) and Q2729831 (cs:Brownie) #Q860001 (hu:Chance) and Q22810780 (cs:Chance) #Q14179172 (hu:City of Angels) and Q16746416 (cs:City of Angels) #Q729645 (hu:Clarity) and Q3294 (cs:Clarity) #Q676002 (hu:Coolus) and Q1129723 (cs:Coolus) #Q899653 (hu:Cut (album)) and Q3503147 (cs:Cut (album)) #Q565436 (hu:Fredensborg) and Q1412797 (cs:Fredensborg) #Q1003816 (hu:Fremont) and Q49220 (cs:Fremont) #Q1508496 (hu:George Walker) and Q1508508 (cs:George Walker) #Q1028084 (hu:Green Light) and Q5602808 (cs:Green Light) #Q371767 (hu:Halcyon) and Q3279484 (cs:Halcyon) #Q258012 (hu:Hari) and Q810720 (cs:Hari) #Q1537581 (hu:Heliodor) and Q19601907 (cs:Heliodor) #Q475293 (hu:Hello, Dolly!) and Q1371693 (cs:Hello, Dolly!) #Q373849 (hu:Heuréka) and Q217454 (cs:Heuréka) #Q781122 (hu:Hont) and Q752290 (cs:Hont) #Q1056720 (hu:Hydrocephalus) and Q193003 (cs:Hydrocephalus) #Q1060554 (hu:IMS) and Q1140664 (cs:IMS) #Q1207946 (hu:ISAS) and Q8451679 (cs:ISAS) #Q1096601 (hu:Images) and Q3508164 (cs:Images) #Q223301 (hu:In for the Kill) and Q3043565 (cs:In for the Kill) #Q675958 (hu:In the Dark) and Q1660777 (cs:In the Dark) #Q757365 (hu:Isá) and Q1871102 (cs:Isá) #Q1371280 (hu:Janine) and Q19689450 (cs:Janine) #Q574546 (hu:Jens Martin Knudsen) and Q707385 (cs:Jens Martin Knudsen) #Q63378 (hu:Johannes Thiele) and Q63376 (cs:Johannes Thiele) #Q939371 (hu:John Kerr) and Q6242981 (cs:John Kerr) #Q6257622 (hu:John Sheridan) and Q3080332 (cs:John Sheridan) #Q1101546 (hu:Josef Hrabal) and Q2576701 (cs:Josef Hrabal) #Q3888917 (hu:Mág) and Q12039141 (cs:Mág) #Q6891543 (hu:Mohamed Traoré) and Q3276920 (cs:Mohamed Traoré) #Q18559004 (hu:Memento (album)) and Q3099397 (cs:Memento (album)) #Q840291 (hu:Magneto) and Q1307177 (cs:Magneto) #Q23806131 (ms:Mikha) and Q2804969 (id:Mikha) #Q17478674 (ms:Mark Noble) and Q158814 (id:Mark Noble) #Q1307177 (ms:Magneto) and Q840291 (id:Magneto) #Q4448439 (ms:Luhak) and Q10825667 (id:Luhak) #Q7463611 (ms:Zelo) and Q3675341 (id:Zelo) #Q9186369 (ms:Yang Yang) and Q2599389 (id:Yang Yang) #Q7991443 (ms:What Women Want) and Q156394 (id:What Women Want) #Q4011 (ms:Wesel) and Q82818 (id:Wesel) #Q25488765 (ms:Warna (album)) and Q12524126 (id:Warna (album)) #Q12712331 (ms:Vladimir) and Q2684 (id:Vladimir) #Q13405026 (ms:Victory Through Air Power) and Q2471434 (id:Victory Through Air Power) #Q224713 (ms:Vacone) and Q354208 (id:Vacone) #Q5070886 (ms:Tiri) and Q927143 (id:Tiri) #Q2880229 (ms:The Secret) and Q472197 (id:The Secret) #Q12708973 (ms:Sentuhan Cinta) and Q12513676 (id:Sentuhan Cinta) #Q1307177 (ms:Magneto) and Q840291 (id:Magneto) #Q2438668 (it:Blata) and Q11158783 (cs:Blata) #Q2981904 (it:Bobina) and Q521683 (cs:Bobina) #Q553664 (it:Bogoria) and Q890651 (cs:Bogoria) #Q362980 (it:Adolf Knoll) and Q20861472 (cs:Adolf Knoll) #Q958495 (it:Alex García) and Q23668501 (cs:Alex García) #Q3615181 (it:Ancestry) and Q10818272 (cs:Ancestry) #Q590325 (it:Anton Hofer) and Q23662050 (cs:Anton Hofer) #Q685870 (it:Assa) and Q1047502 (cs:Assa) #Q3283515 (it:Wire (album)) and Q19898253 (cs:Wire (album)) #Q4019027 (it:Werner Otto) and Q95188 (cs:Werner Otto) #Q2024556 (it:Wakonda) and Q10838613 (cs:Wakonda) #Q4018702 (it:Weather) and Q17151643 (cs:Weather) #Q4528822 (it:Vladimir Ivanovič Ščerbakov) and Q4528824 (cs:Vladimir Ivanovič Ščerbakov) #Q1411242 (it:Vizio) and Q3561692 (cs:Vizio) #Q2031384 (it:Varnava) and Q3280 (cs:Varnava) #Q4007602 (it:Vale) and Q783749 (cs:Vale) #Q19699 (it:Usk) and Q573757 (cs:Usk) #Q4001206 (it:Tyra) and Q846468 (cs:Tyra) #Q3989234 (it:The Shepherd) and Q3500885 (cs:The Shepherd) #Q16612206 (it:Tania) and Q9355497 (cs:Tania) #Q2527012 (it:Tested) and Q16746488 (cs:Tested) #Q679855 (it:Symbols) and Q12057823 (cs:Symbols) #Q7613060 (it:Steve Knight) and Q3500818 (cs:Steve Knight) #Q2520922 (it:Skylark) and Q11155964 (cs:Skylark) #Q1365521 (it:Saroma) and Q1329031 (cs:Saroma) #Q9185 (it:Rapti) and Q2869013 (cs:Rapti) #Q1763900 (it:Panorama (album)) and Q18915538 (cs:Panorama (album)) #Q7336 (it:Otto Frank) and Q89925 (cs:Otto Frank) #Q2038702 (it:Otto Fischer) and Q15075491 (cs:Otto Fischer) #Q3877463 (it:No Fun) and Q25997684 (cs:No Fun) #Q2486629 (it:Nicoya) and Q1509253 (cs:Nicoya) #Q326933 (it:Neff) and Q21501972 (cs:Neff) #Q351015 (it:Mlada) and Q455487 (cs:Mlada) #Q613659 (it:Mihailo Petrović) and Q1932828 (cs:Mihailo Petrović) #Q999742 (it:Malba) and Q3305213 (cs:Malba) #Q3847879 (it:Marie Růžičková) and Q12035458 (cs:Marie Růžičková) #Q3529376 (it:Marksman) and Q788137 (cs:Marksman) #Q1788100 (it:Martin Jensen) and Q12326269 (cs:Martin Jensen) #Q840291 (it:Magneto) and Q1307177 (cs:Magneto) #Q21282958 (it:Li Jing) and Q10337095 (cs:Li Jing) #Q2176828 (it:Kumara) and Q48873 (cs:Kumara) #Q1032247 (it:Kelly Miller) and Q3194910 (cs:Kelly Miller) #Q1738621 (it:Ken Jones) and Q20942797 (cs:Ken Jones) #Q3195188 (it:Kenneth Taylor) and Q6390517 (cs:Kenneth Taylor) #Q2668323 (it:Katra) and Q2371196 (cs:Katra) #Q16568570 (it:Karel Blažek) and Q12028134 (cs:Karel Blažek) #Q1050528 (it:Immortals) and Q28048864 (cs:Immortals) #Q927960 (pl:Carlos Machado) and Q5042308 (hu:Carlos Machado) #Q2459757 (pl:Carlos Rivas) and Q16302387 (hu:Carlos Rivas) #Q2325674 (pl:Caspian) and Q765092 (hu:Caspian) #Q11690000 (pl:Chill Out) and Q355395 (hu:Chill Out) #Q2984468 (pl:Colours) and Q868377 (hu:Colours) #Q8561659 (pl:García) and Q980636 (hu:García) #Q9267483 (pl:Gergely) and Q783555 (hu:Gergely) #Q646748 (pl:Golden Boy) and Q19368726 (hu:Golden Boy) #Q188155 (pl:Gorgan) and Q3894331 (hu:Gorgan) #Q5597229 (pl:Graphite) and Q1027984 (hu:Graphite) #Q1342671 (pl:Green Light) and Q1028084 (hu:Green Light) #Q5619202 (pl:Gunner) and Q290088 (hu:Gunner) #Q689111 (pl:Hans Schmid) and Q1582321 (hu:Hans Schmid) #Q938731 (pl:Haruka) and Q11642662 (hu:Haruka) #Q982454 (pl:Jack Bauer) and Q24 (hu:Jack Bauer) #Q316301 (pl:James Morrison) and Q451938 (hu:James Morrison) #Q895857 (pl:James Turner) and Q369751 (hu:James Turner) #Q6173255 (pl:Jeff Davis) and Q365015 (hu:Jeff Davis) #Q1700203 (pl:John Gibbon) and Q1101280 (hu:John Gibbon) #Q3810089 (pl:Jorge Romo) and Q1703919 (hu:Jorge Romo) #Q16236384 (pl:José Naranjo) and Q505618 (hu:José Naranjo) #Q7787167 (pl:Thomas Ashe) and Q277507 (hu:Thomas Ashe) #Q343010 (pl:Thomas Campbell) and Q3524969 (hu:Thomas Campbell) #Q9368971 (pl:Viva (album)) and Q1460534 (hu:Viva (album)) #Q23647166 (pl:Timeless) and Q718732 (hu:Timeless) #Q4346827 (pl:Sophie Adlersparre) and Q531174 (hu:Sophie Adlersparre) #Q16600254 (pl:Secret Combination) and Q1286731 (hu:Secret Combination) #Q973130 (pl:Sex and Violence) and Q1287404 (hu:Sex and Violence) #Q518445 (pl:Shadowland) and Q431484 (hu:Shadowland) #Q17544624 (pl:Shake It Off) and Q17546690 (hu:Shake It Off) #Q653193 (pl:Slow Motion) and Q16909253 (hu:Slow Motion) #Q83625 (pt:Arion) and Q777142 (hu:Arion) #Q158399 (pt:Armeria) and Q2888741 (hu:Armeria) #Q1775026 (pt:Aser) and Q778724 (hu:Aser) #Q2878380 (pt:Back and Forth) and Q726001 (hu:Back and Forth) #Q807238 (pt:Baraca) and Q530342 (hu:Baraca) #Q652584 (pt:Beli) and Q19842804 (hu:Beli) #Q815613 (pt:Believe in Nothing) and Q792415 (hu:Believe in Nothing) #Q3640481 (pt:Bita) and Q613773 (hu:Bita) #Q7981381 (pt:Wellington Dias) and Q7981315 (hu:Wellington Dias) #Q108600 (pt:Werner Müller) and Q1464401 (hu:Werner Müller) #Q4019540 (pt:White Man) and Q1412900 (hu:White Man) #Q15407781 (pt:William Evans) and Q1464926 (hu:William Evans) #Q17388550 (pt:William Logan) and Q2579764 (hu:William Logan) #Q3568919 (pt:William Russell) and Q2471880 (hu:William Russell) #Q10396346 (pt:Éton) and Q1453322 (hu:Éton) #Q3133388 (pt:Trunk) and Q1324527 (hu:Trunk) #Q1488986 (pt:Turn! Turn! Turn!) and Q629234 (hu:Turn! Turn! Turn!) #Q1781443 (pt:United) and Q1399869 (hu:United) #Q3957 (pt:Vila) and Q1459489 (hu:Vila) #Q1010278 (pt:Torit) and Q414989 (hu:Torit) #Q7824705 (pt:Top of the World) and Q838710 (hu:Top of the World) #Q327236 (pt:Ton) and Q11247037 (hu:Ton) #Q2696106 (pt:Together Again) and Q1050301 (hu:Together Again) #Q1017101 (pt:Timon) and Q240702 (hu:Timon) #Q4117884 (pt:Thomas Sterling) and Q433649 (hu:Thomas Sterling) #Q1511349 (pt:This Christmas) and Q1320278 (hu:This Christmas) #Q2213755 (pt:This Is My Time) and Q1320290 (hu:This Is My Time) #Q5226297 (pt:The Rescue) and Q3079177 (hu:The Rescue) #Q401372 (de:Ahmed Maher) and Q18211260 (hu:Ahmed Maher) #Q201951 (de:Ain’t Nobody) and Q553239 (hu:Ain’t Nobody) #Q216042 (de:Akut) and Q557429 (hu:Akut) #Q16032077 (de:Alastair) and Q16150562 (hu:Alastair) #Q601670 (de:Albert Huet) and Q577820 (hu:Albert Huet) #Q1795152 (de:Alexandre Martínez) and Q24352443 (hu:Alexandre Martínez) #Q732406 (de:Ali Saleem) and Q648374 (hu:Ali Saleem) #Q207934 (de:Allee) and Q654923 (hu:Allee) #Q466408 (de:Alois Reinhardt) and Q658921 (hu:Alois Reinhardt) #Q258267 (de:Amrita) and Q696933 (hu:Amrita) #Q19801849 (de:Andor) and Q492347 (hu:Andor) #Q2848135 (de:André Lefèvre) and Q768982 (hu:André Lefèvre) #Q601877 (de:Antonio D’Agostino) and Q3619052 (hu:Antonio D’Agostino) #Q45782 (de:Aquarium) and Q774528 (hu:Aquarium) #Q674572 (de:Arlan) and Q777434 (hu:Arlan) #Q122980 (de:Armida) and Q777559 (hu:Armida) #Q349203 (de:Arthur Blythe) and Q778124 (hu:Arthur Blythe) #Q44409 (de:Asterion) and Q779106 (hu:Asterion) #Q789392 (de:Autumn Leaves) and Q18562962 (hu:Autumn Leaves) #Q798696 (de:Bad Girls) and Q788286 (hu:Bad Girls) #Q815613 (de:Believe in Nothing) and Q792415 (hu:Believe in Nothing) #Q862344 (de:Bill Orban) and Q795019 (hu:Bill Orban) #Q4710775 (en:Albert Macklin) and Q28358276 (hu:Albert Macklin) #Q17401796 (en:Alexandros Monastiriotis) and Q8189275 (hu:Alexandros Monastiriotis) #Q4706609 (en:Alan Ferguson) and Q575338 (hu:Alan Ferguson) #Q732406 (en:Ali Saleem) and Q648374 (hu:Ali Saleem) #Q4728478 (en:All 4 Love) and Q653700 (hu:All 4 Love) #Q12720689 (en:Andrei Rădulescu) and Q285819 (hu:Andrei Rădulescu) #Q349203 (en:Arthur Blythe) and Q778124 (hu:Arthur Blythe) #Q4799905 (en:Arthur Palliser) and Q9160472 (hu:Arthur Palliser) #Q2072737 (en:Đorđe Simić) and Q1473445 (hu:Đorđe Simić) #Q168990 (en:Zdeněk Jirotka) and Q13217473 (hu:Zdeněk Jirotka) #Q71110 (en:Wilhelm Wolff) and Q1463266 (hu:Wilhelm Wolff) #Q1620845 (en:Werner Bergmann) and Q96700 (hu:Werner Bergmann) #Q668274 (en:Wilhelm Hoffmann) and Q106867 (hu:Wilhelm Hoffmann) #Q286061 (en:Vanda) and Q18116955 (hu:Vanda) #Q21482775 (en:Tkalec) and Q752659 (hu:Tkalec) #Q4354546 (en:Tirza) and Q1321441 (hu:Tirza) #Q5645352 (en:The Immigrants) and Q16523277 (hu:The Immigrants) #Q898830 (en:Procession) and Q6087260 (hu:Procession) #Q7402115 (en:Ponticus) and Q1239067 (hu:Ponticus) #Q3198768 (en:Placida) and Q1236982 (hu:Placida) #Q28451440 (en:Metro (album)) and Q1176346 (hu:Metro (album)) #Q566807 (en:Melitta) and Q1919435 (hu:Melitta) #Q6382495 (en:Kecskés) and Q301796 (hu:Kecskés) #Q6370570 (en:Karim Camara) and Q26298617 (hu:Karim Camara) #Q13522497 (en:David Malcolm) and Q902664 (hu:David Malcolm) #Q12720689 (en:Andrei Rădulescu) and Q285819 (hu:Andrei Rădulescu) #Q4938523 (en:Boj) and Q833660 (hu:Boj) #Q11852427 (fi:Arctia) and Q776603 (hu:Arctia) #Q8207417 (fi:Asterion) and Q779106 (hu:Asterion) #Q1379679 (fi:The Order) and Q1319624 (hu:The Order) #Q7745775 (fi:The Last Full Measure) and Q27654311 (hu:The Last Full Measure) #Q3983819 (fi:Teo) and Q16523246 (hu:Teo) #Q1972059 (fi:Shine On) and Q835054 (hu:Shine On) #Q443687 (fi:Sima) and Q652772 (hu:Sima) #Q7530148 (fi:Sirens) and Q533106 (hu:Sirens) #Q2004372 (fi:Slime) and Q12642278 (hu:Slime) #Q1851091 (fi:Sophisticated Lady) and Q26086582 (hu:Sophisticated Lady) #Q18680432 (fi:Sori) and Q266630 (hu:Sori) #Q1764647 (fi:Soye) and Q734037 (hu:Soye) #Q11894392 (fi:Staven) and Q49438 (hu:Staven) #Q1399643 (fi:Stephen Hopkins) and Q709076 (hu:Stephen Hopkins) #Q2984606 (fi:Swindle) and Q7658403 (hu:Swindle) #Q3769293 (fi:Tanya) and Q16523204 (hu:Tanya) #Q11888365 (fi:Platinum) and Q929074 (hu:Platinum) #Q13222181 (fi:Habitus) and Q914668 (hu:Habitus) #Q1417843 (fi:Hanish) and Q16025188 (hu:Hanish) #Q4755426 (en:Andreas Fronius) and Q763891 (hu:Andreas Fronius) #Q138045 (en:Eternity) and Q992006 (hu:Eternity) #Q5446291 (en:Fiametta) and Q972978 (hu:Fiametta) #Q5194397 (en:Forbidden Dreams) and Q18122513 (hu:Forbidden Dreams) #Q96147 (en:Franz Mayer) and Q1003626 (hu:Franz Mayer) #Q798696 (de:Bad Girls) and Q788286 (hu:Bad Girls) #Q789392 (de:Autumn Leaves) and Q18562962 (hu:Autumn Leaves) #Q1507350 (de:George Ford) and Q21064450 (hu:George Ford) #Q366026 (de:Adoma) and Q505334 (hu:Adoma) #Q1759615 (de:Banja) and Q2470422 (hu:Banja) #Q807765 (de:Barbaro) and Q790296 (hu:Barbaro) #Q15456671 (de:Basi) and Q791189 (hu:Basi) #Q1640027 (de:VH1 Storytellers) and Q2351574 (hu:VH1 Storytellers) #Q1510650 (de:Valentin Wagner) and Q1401180 (hu:Valentin Wagner) #Q1000117 (nl:Juva) and Q1094828 (hu:Juva) #Q100255 (hu:Paul Schäfer) and Q63071 (cs:Paul Schäfer) #Q1005968 (pl:Spiritual Garden) and Q7578103 (hu:Spiritual Garden) #Q1007996 (hu:Gang) and Q275186 (cs:Gang) #Q1009754 (de:Jošanica) and Q570317 (hu:Jošanica) #Q1012828 (sv:Lice) and Q250894 (hu:Lice) #Q1017933 (sv:Butka) and Q852358 (hu:Butka) #Q1018207 (sv:Roure) and Q10245 (hu:Roure) #Q1021793 (de:Gorenci) and Q3110952 (hu:Gorenci) #Q1024185 (sv:Vahan) and Q1400890 (hu:Vahan) #Q1026094 (sv:Sog) and Q1066192 (hu:Sog) #Q10294122 (sv:Heart of Stone) and Q901459 (hu:Heart of Stone) #Q1030008 (sv:Tamar) and Q578127 (hu:Tamar) #Q1030024 (de:Camp de Tarragona) and Q3096129 (hu:Camp de Tarragona) #Q1037462 (hu:Holda) and Q17076208 (cs:Holda) #Q10416807 (sv:Aranda) and Q288948 (hu:Aranda) #Q104278 (sv:Babajevo) and Q4074152 (hu:Babajevo) #Q10429514 (sv:Bike) and Q794888 (hu:Bike) #Q10439394 (sv:Caines) and Q376618 (hu:Caines) #Q1044619 (de:Carolus) and Q5045294 (hu:Carolus) #Q10448296 (sv:Champions) and Q605093 (hu:Champions) #Q1044889 (sv:Peter Coates) and Q1233571 (hu:Peter Coates) #Q10454561 (sv:Clarence) and Q15987281 (hu:Clarence) #Q10461865 (sv:Crocodile) and Q602225 (hu:Crocodile) #Q10466509 (sv:Dance with Me) and Q901573 (hu:Dance with Me) #Q10466824 (sv:Darcy) and Q902006 (hu:Darcy) #Q1046736 (fi:Rainbow Bridge) and Q1894724 (hu:Rainbow Bridge) #Q96147 (en:Franz Mayer) and Q1003626 (hu:Franz Mayer) m,. b #Q10470219 (sv:Deve) and Q12099761 (hu:Deve) #Q10474631 (sv:Diversity) and Q906549 (hu:Diversity) #Q10503422 (sv:Gaudeamus) and Q1008524 (hu:Gaudeamus) #Q10503906 (sv:Gentlemen) and Q756405 (hu:Gentlemen) #Q29852 (en:Itala) and Q1098457 (hu:Itala) #Q2960814 (en:Charlie (album)) and Q27115154 (hu:Charlie (album)) #Q286061 (en:Vanda) and Q18116955 (hu:Vanda) #Q2928263 (en:Bunta) and Q12085658 (hu:Bunta) #Q28451440 (en:Metro (album)) and Q1176346 (hu:Metro (album)) #Q28510 (en:Respect) and Q1248537 (hu:Respect) #Q2605273 (en:Provi?a de Sus) and Q14241492 (hu:Provi?a de Sus) #Q2605280 (en:Poiana Câmpina) and Q12143082 (hu:Poiana Câmpina) #Q2605296 (en:Puchenii Mari) and Q6399490 (hu:Puchenii Mari) #Q2605330 (en:Podenii Noi) and Q6455482 (hu:Podenii Noi) #Q2605511 (en:Predeal-Sarari) and Q12143825 (hu:Predeal-Sarari) #Q2605612 (en:Provi?a de Jos) and Q5543718 (hu:Provi?a de Jos) #Q2859621 (bs:Arbanasi) and Q2990814 (sv:Arbanasi) #Q2877850 (bs:Babešnica) and Q21718727 (sv:Babešnica) #Q4854808 (bs:Bane) and Q158940 (sv:Bane) #Q1924124 (bs:Bačkovica) and Q25300950 (sv:Bačkovica) #Q621180 (sl:Alen) and Q411369 (bs:Alen) #Q2484412 (sl:Arbanasi) and Q2859621 (bs:Arbanasi) #Q1076396 (sl:Bak) and Q787845 (bs:Bak) #Q14915263 (sl:Bing) and Q182496 (bs:Bing) #Q1158352 (sl:Bode) and Q2908352 (bs:Bode) #Q950498 (sl:Bukva) and Q25403 (bs:Bukva) #Q12787268 (sl:Dani) and Q1562168 (bs:Dani) #Q14516546 (sl:Daniel) and Q171724 (bs:Daniel) #Q16275327 (sl:Davor) and Q670956 (bs:Davor) #Q475482 (sl:Desetnik) and Q3024398 (bs:Desetnik) #Q209644 (sl:Flora) and Q131449 (bs:Flora) #Q12790793 (sl:Hava) and Q830183 (bs:Hava) #Q182448 (sl:Kana) and Q187659 (bs:Kana) #Q18571609 (sl:Rebeka) and Q40520 (bs:Rebeka) #Q818662 (bs:Beram) and Q27198469 (sv:Beram) #Q12426073 (fi:Chari) and Q135477 (hu:Chari) #Q325389 (fi:Dave Stewart) and Q384206 (hu:Dave Stewart) #Q1101008 (fi:Elton) and Q989130 (hu:Elton) #Q2089459 (fi:Epione) and Q990069 (hu:Epione) #Q2318738 (fi:Falling Down) and Q430233 (hu:Falling Down) #Q11859516 (fi:Ferris) and Q722521 (hu:Ferris) #Q11859981 (fi:Fransu) and Q142374 (hu:Fransu) #Q11860319 (fi:Gaudeamus) and Q1008524 (hu:Gaudeamus) #Q1542012 (fi:Grails) and Q848544 (hu:Grails) #Q13222181 (fi:Habitus) and Q914668 (hu:Habitus) #[[Q1097498]] ([[:q:en:Ruler]]) and [[Q104555]] ([[:en:Ruler]]) #[[Q16519308]] ([[:q:en:Friendliness]]) and [[Q5504040]] ([[:en:Friendliness]]) #Q6492519 (commons:Category:Drivers) and Q25216063 (en:Category:Drivers) #Q352431 (q:bs:Adaptacija) and Q483921 (bs:Adaptacija) #Q86440 (q:bs:Bura) and Q190825 (bs:Bura) #Q722682 (q:bs:Hanibal) and Q36456 (bs:Hanibal) #Q58784 (q:bs:Kapital) and Q8137 (bs:Kapital) #Q320372 (q:bs:Kuga) and Q133780 (bs:Kuga) #Q3305213 (q:bs:Obraz) and Q47038 (bs:Obraz) #Q105801 (q:bs:Zvjezdana vrata) and Q19820 (bs:Zvjezdana vrata) #Q16513015 (q:bs:Red) and Q3142 (en:Red) #Q16513246 (q:bs:Suzana) and Q14936489 (en:Suzana) #Q380482 (q:bs:Agaton) and Q104467 (hr:Agaton) #Q86440 (q:bs:Bura) and Q190825 (hr:Bura) #Q1427252 (q:bs:Flash Gordon) and Q92566 (hr:Flash Gordon) #Q16511487 (q:bs:Hipatija) and Q11903 (hr:Hipatija) #Q28750760 (sl:Krakar) and Q19737734 (bs:Krakar) #Q28750699 (sl:Homar) and Q3139575 (bs:Homar) #Q18083285 (sl:Marjan) and Q1789113 (bs:Marjan) #Q12796042 (sl:Marčelo) and Q2750872 (bs:Marčelo) #Q1165771 (sl:The Final Countdown) and Q198713 (bs:The Final Countdown) #942 (sl:Urga) and Q3039440 (bs:Urga) #Q467338 (sh:Bandol) and Q2882367 (bs:Bandol) #Q285989 (sh:Pivnice) and Q3389455 (bs:Pivnice) #Q145707 (sh:Ševar) and Q3594250 (bs:Ševar) #Q6048132 (sh:Šablon:VAT) and Q13245951 (bs:Šablon:VAT) #Q830302 (sh:Klek (planina)) and Q6420418 (bs:Klek (planina)) #Q58966 (sh:Kolovrat) and Q3198486 (bs:Kolovrat) #Q314911 (sh:Bren) and Q482428 (bs:Bren) #Q639655 (sh:Dunum) and Q216795 (bs:Dunum) #Q953691 (sh:Galičica) and Q950574 (bs:Galičica) #Q1305705 (sh:The Love Bug) and Q491690 (ja:The Love Bug) #Q16633920 (sh:Flora) and Q11200258 (ja:Flora) #Q152273 (ksh:99) and Q30489 (de:99) #Q89 (ksh:Appel) and Q620740 (de:Appel) #Q151632 (ksh:Inspiration) and Q196668 (de:Inspiration) #Q153234 (ksh:Kyla) and Q25190133 (de:Kyla) #Q153894 (ksh:Robert Lynen) and Q596249 (de:Robert Lynen) #Q152429 (ksh:Snow White) and Q1754810 (de:Snow White) #Q27685004 (sh:Balsa) and Q612415 (sk:Balsa) #Q3796115 (sh:Hamilkar) and Q1573472 (sk:Hamilkar) #Q322159 (sh:Karolinka) and Q1027935 (sk:Karolinka) #Q503343 (sh:Westworld) and Q17572811 (sk:Westworld) #Q634705 (sh:Rosenau) and Q148536 (sk:Rosenau) #Q71041 (sh:Reinsberg) and Q672058 (sk:Reinsberg) #Q3076323 (sh:Raven) and Q452217 (sk:Raven) #Q2990795 (sh:Rankovce) and Q385935 (sk:Rankovce) #Q10909316 (sh:Pokora) and Q1186677 (sk:Pokora) #Q2020774 (sh:Pirka) and Q689616 (sk:Pirka) #Q254076 (sh:Pfaffing) and Q696620 (sk:Pfaffing) #Q537465 (sh:Pfaffenhofen) and Q667627 (sk:Pfaffenhofen) #Q702260 (sh:Ossiach) and Q661996 (sk:Ossiach) #Q16909472 (sh:Dragnet) and Q301882 (ru:Dragnet) #Q3115764 (sh:I See You) and Q2275180 (ru:I See You) #Q571276 (sh:Vine) and Q3700238 (ru:Vine) #Q11157229 (sh:When Worlds Collide) and Q7992834 (ru:When Worlds Collide) #Q1335741 (sh:Yazoo) and Q1410055 (ru:Yazoo) #Q263959 (sh:Vanna) and Q2348236 (ru:Vanna) #Q17238939 (sh:Unravel) and Q20116193 (ru:Unravel) #Q1645466 (sh:The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter) and Q32157 (ru:The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter) #Q2677000 (sh:Test) and Q257491 (ru:Test) #Q924657 (sh:Puppet on a String) and Q28007625 (ru:Puppet on a String) #Q15732099 (ro:Ajin) and Q19127 (sh:Ajin) #Q12720845 (ro:Apolodor) and Q205704 (sh:Apolodor) #Q1725997 (ro:Arun) and Q261603 (sh:Arun) #Q257872 (ro:Aspazija) and Q228564 (sh:Aspazija) #Q187941 (ro:Balsa) and Q27685004 (sh:Balsa) #Q835559 (ro:Borja) and Q834588 (sh:Borja) #Q158515 (ro:Boz) and Q598434 (sh:Boz) #Q333661 (ro:Cahokia) and Q5017447 (sh:Cahokia) #Q1070481 (ro:Cherwell) and Q1070474 (sh:Cherwell) #Q690182 (ro:Contrast) and Q17228564 (sh:Contrast) #Q5220168 (ro:Danny Boy) and Q1164523 (sh:Danny Boy) #Q178792 (ro:Delain) and Q923244 (sh:Delain) #Q558579 (ro:Dobra) and Q907250 (sh:Dobra) #Q198046 (ro:Eurotower) and Q2251720 (sh:Eurotower) #Q969098 (ro:Fedra) and Q212818 (sh:Fedra) #Q2549160 (ro:Gata) and Q1564179 (sh:Gata) #Q1795321 (ro:Gavião) and Q10288535 (sh:Gavião) #Q70245 (ro:Gimel) and Q16633934 (sh:Gimel) #Q21706016 (ro:Go West) and Q1287973 (sh:Go West) #Q1758136 (ro:Guaporé) and Q916349 (sh:Guaporé) #Q31610 (ro:Hrazdan) and Q30548 (sh:Hrazdan) #Q861519 (ro:Iki) and Q1146652 (sh:Iki) #Q2468262 (ro:Iona) and Q610 (sh:Iona) #Q991137 (ro:Juti) and Q1253290 (sh:Juti) #Q193337 (ro:Kea) and Q214109 (sh:Kea) #Q13379 (ro:Kurgan) and Q5737 (sh:Kurgan) #Q1025732 (ro:Kuru) and Q274615 (sh:Kuru) #Q842003 (ro:La Madeleine) and Q551959 (sh:La Madeleine) #Q213777 (ro:Magnetofon) and Q1273610 (sh:Magnetofon) #Q1247582 (ro:Mahon) and Q10334216 (sh:Mahon) #Q1161820 (ro:Marta) and Q232453 (sh:Marta) #Q250209 (ro:Mohawk) and Q116971 (sh:Mohawk) #Q2486629 (ro:Nicoya) and Q1415043 (sh:Nicoya) #Q849292 (ro:Pedro Juan Caballero) and Q2423126 (sh:Pedro Juan Caballero) #Q2302499 (ro:Penguin) and Q384193 (sh:Penguin) #Q2013557 (ro:Pilar) and Q17484011 (sh:Pilar) #Q160213 (ro:Rama) and Q1440932 (sh:Rama) #Q1861278 (ro:Witham) and Q917000 (sh:Witham) #Q459755 (ro:Wienerwald) and Q251246 (sh:Wienerwald) #Q2245 (ro:Vinje) and Q1187936 (sh:Vinje) #Q852779 (ro:Valentin) and Q309864 (sh:Valentin) #Q1795600 (ro:Uru) and Q1142249 (sh:Uru) #Q835559 (nl:Borja) and Q834588 (sh:Borja) #Q146497 (ro:Bereg) and Q2896990 (sh:Bereg) #Q347379 (nl:Marien) and Q12636222 (sh:Marien) #Q40448 (nl:Maurovići) and Q3301782 (sh:Maurovići) #Q2791393 (nl:Me and My Girl) and Q1470358 (sh:Me and My Girl) #Q8885676 (nl:Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind) and Q95047 (sh:Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind) #Q930294 (nl:My Brilliant Career) and Q1249439 (sh:My Brilliant Career) #Q1431785 (nl:Muzo) and Q16116921 (sh:Muzo) #Q1952215 (nl:Mull of Kintyre) and Q936930 (sh:Mull of Kintyre) #Q478646 (nl:Turnovo) and Q2740567 (sh:Turnovo) #Q7789543 (nl:Thomas Fearnley) and Q1969461 (sh:Thomas Fearnley) #Q49022 (nl:The Young Ones) and Q7776794 (sh:The Young Ones) #Q1219738 (nl:The Stripper) and Q7767042 (sh:The Stripper) #Q2673249 (nl:The Red Mill) and Q7759898 (sh:The Red Mill) #Q327604 (nl:The Evil Dead) and Q921605 (sh:The Evil Dead) #Q596984 (nl:The Crucible) and Q1183443 (sh:The Crucible) #Q1093636 (nl:Telefoni bianchi) and Q2000178 (sh:Telefoni bianchi) #Q284239 (nl:Chatot) and Q56186 (sh:Chatot) #Q2667518 (nl:Balinci) and Q2880910 (sh:Balinci) #Q1725997 (nl:Arun) and Q261603 (sh:Arun) #Q474039 (nl:Amora) and Q474035 (sh:Amora) #Q2344923 (nl:Blacko) and Q3500188 (sh:Blacko) #Q2344923 (nl:Blacko) and Q3500188 (sh:Blacko) #Q333661 (nl:Cahokia) and Q5017447 (sh:Cahokia) #Q690182 (nl:Contrast) and Q17228564 (sh:Contrast) #Q1761110 (nl:Coroados) and Q10260680 (sh:Coroados) #Q3878 (nl:Cunco) and Q3502040 (sh:Cunco) #Q2356641 (nl:Divas) and Q12629875 (sh:Divas) #Q1045539 (nl:Dolinka) and Q12629960 (sh:Dolinka) #Q2545299 (nl:Frik) and Q735011 (sh:Frik) #Q13578226 (nl:Epil) and Q2527319 (sh:Epil) #[[Q19999722]] ([[:de:André Rousseau]]) and [[Q2848574]] ([[:en:André Rousseau]]) #[[Q28704998]] ([[:de:Arthur Coburn]]) and [[Q24068926]] ([[:en:Arthur Coburn]]) #[[Q28735526]] ([[:de:Bob Barton]]) and [[Q4931753]] ([[:en:Bob Barton]]) #[[Q28752779]] ([[:de:Gallow Hill]]) and [[Q21995509]] ([[:en:Gallow Hill]]) #[[Q15812370]] ([[:de:Giuseppe de Rossi]]) and [[Q28730220]] ([[:en:Giuseppe de Rossi]]) #[[Q24258889]] ([[:de:Heinz Franke]]) and [[Q4492368]] ([[:en:Heinz Franke]]) #[[Q26001002]] ([[:de:John Kendal]]) and [[Q6242791]] ([[:en:John Kendal]]) #[[Q70152]] ([[:de:La Gacilly]]) and [[Q28212099]] ([[:en:La Gacilly]]) #[[Q13685423]] ([[:de:Lujiazui]]) and [[Q1074628]] ([[:en:Lujiazui]]) #[[Q1507515]] ([[:de:Mark Raymond]]) and [[Q28730224]] ([[:en:Mark Raymond]]) #[[Q23671830]] ([[:de:Mike Wainwright]]) and [[Q16215629]] ([[:en:Mike Wainwright]]) #[[Q28484568]] ([[:de:Moret-Loing-et-Orvanne]]) and [[Q21979701]] ([[:en:Moret-Loing-et-Orvanne]]) #[[Q1552715]] ([[:de:Mr. Long]]) and [[Q28657291]] ([[:en:Mr. Long]]) #[[Q27865589]] ([[:de:Nat Jones]]) and [[Q6967849]] ([[:en:Nat Jones]]) #[[Q120828]] ([[:de:Quintus Sulpicius Camerinus Cornutus]]) and [[Q3503523]] ([[:en:Quintus Sulpicius Camerinus Cornutus]]) #[[Q15841549]] ([[:de:Radio Gold]]) and [[Q28732582]] ([[:en:Radio Gold]]) #[[Q28754160]] ([[:de:Ruth Lange]]) and [[Q7383074]] ([[:en:Ruth Lange]]) #[[Q3670503]] ([[:de:San Giovanni Crisostomo a Monte Sacro Alto]]) and [[Q3471466]] ([[:en:San Giovanni Crisostomo a Monte Sacro Alto]]) #[[Q3670711]] ([[:de:San Gregorio Barbarigo alle Tre Fontane]]) and [[Q3471484]] ([[:en:San Gregorio Barbarigo alle Tre Fontane]]) #[[Q3670715]] ([[:de:San Gregorio Magno alla Magliana Nuova]]) and [[Q585954]] ([[:en:San Gregorio Magno alla Magliana Nuova]]) #[[Q27907290]] ([[:de:Sangma]]) and [[Q7418049]] ([[:en:Sangma]]) #[[Q3673912]] ([[:de:Santa Maria della Salute a Primavalle]]) and [[Q3472702]] ([[:en:Santa Maria della Salute a Primavalle]]) #[[Q28748111]] ([[:de:THEO]]) and [[Q25326673]] ([[:en:THEO]]) #[[Q22336701]] ([[:de:The Grass Is Always Greener]]) and [[Q3987352]] ([[:en:The Grass Is Always Greener]]) #[[Q2526060]] ([[:de:Villamagna in Tripolitania]]) and [[Q28162877]] ([[:en:Villamagna in Tripolitania]]) #Q312422 (en:Arion) and Q777142 (hu:Arion) #Q723337 (hu:Onward) and Q1191266 (cs:Onward) #Q10508496 (sv:Great King Rat) and Q927775 (hu:Great King Rat) #Q561 (sh:Zubi) and Q21422526 (sv:Zubi) #Q3576089 (en:Zoran Jovicic) and Q10954686 (sh:Zoran Jovicic) #Q352431 (q:bs:Adaptacija) and Q483921 (bs:Adaptacija) #Q86440 (q:bs:Bura) and Q190825 (bs:Bura) #Q722682 (q:bs:Hanibal) and Q36456 (bs:Hanibal) #Q58784 (q:bs:Kapital) and Q8137 (bs:Kapital) #Q320372 (q:bs:Kuga) and Q133780 (bs:Kuga) #Q3305213 (q:bs:Obraz) and Q47038 (bs:Obraz) #Q105801 (q:bs:Zvjezdana vrata) and Q19820 (bs:Zvjezdana vrata) #Q16513015 (q:bs:Red) and Q3142 (en:Red) #Q16513246 (q:bs:Suzana) and Q14936489 (en:Suzana) #Q380482 (q:bs:Agaton) and Q104467 (hr:Agaton) #Q86440 (q:bs:Bura) and Q190825 (hr:Bura) #Q1427252 (q:bs:Flash Gordon) and Q92566 (hr:Flash Gordon) #Q16511487 (q:bs:Hipatija) and Q11903 (hr:Hipatija) #Q16836791 (nl:Bacula) and Q591063 (ja:Bacula) #Q2678024 (nl:Border) and Q23310225 (ja:Border) #Q80180 (nl:Branch) and Q11192633 (ja:Branch) #Q4997838 (nl:Bunny) and Q15099814 (ja:Bunny) #Q2745521 (nl:By My Side) and Q11192765 (ja:By My Side) #Q2253065 (nl:CAB) and Q194831 (ja:CAB) #Q3393028 (nl:Cabal) and Q2635484 (ja:Cabal) #Q1730663 (nl:Capeta) and Q719201 (ja:Capeta) #Q3663998 (nl:Cavo) and Q2074339 (ja:Cavo) #Q13557314 (nl:Wake me up) and Q16304958 (ja:Wake me up) #Q1675586 (nl:Trax) and Q7836460 (ja:Trax) #Q2207298 (nl:Touch me) and Q11251306 (ja:Touch me) #Q488948 (nl:Sola) and Q306532 (ja:Sola) #Q257819 (nl:Serena) and Q17350053 (ja:Serena) #Q2724050 (nl:Rina) and Q11241922 (ja:Rina) #Q572626 (nl:Rhino) and Q585603 (ja:Rhino) #Q974882 (nl:Retreat) and Q1033852 (ja:Retreat) #Q111872 (nl:Phantasmagoria) and Q683791 (ja:Phantasmagoria) #Q1062824 (nl:Noctua) and Q2495224 (ja:Noctua) #Q541241 (nl:Mylo) and Q3266448 (ja:Mylo) #Q636607 (nl:Loppi) and Q6678653 (ja:Loppi) #Q3366686 (nl:Lia) and Q265103 (ja:Lia) #Q485240 (sh:Billboard) and Q623149 (cs:Billboard) #Q512164 (sh:Buc) and Q5003628 (bs:Buc) #Q3510433 (sh:You're All I Need) and Q8056483 (sv:You're All I Need) #Q973071 (sh:Yuchi) and Q34204 (sv:Yuchi) #Q29424 (de:Väter und Söhne) and Q10718486 (sh:Väter und Söhne) #Q2598488 (de:Xu Rong) and Q1195827 (sh:Xu Rong) #Q751177 (de:Yaprak Dökümü) and Q1247260 (sh:Yaprak Dökümü) #Q15558 (de:Cubelles) and Q1074759 (sh:Cubelles) #Q740141 (de:Bisutun) and Q2930150 (sh:Bisutun) #Q815765 (de:Bella Coola) and Q1268420 (sh:Bella Coola) #Q737924 (de:Aspres) and Q1047512 (sh:Aspres) #Q42117 (de:Ansan) and Q590837 (sh:Ansan) #Q35128 (de:Amarakaeri) and Q5361158 (sh:Amarakaeri) #Q7341941 (sh:Robert Bauer) and Q18412638 (sv:Robert Bauer) #Q2235380 (sh:Sajat-Nova) and Q366289 (sv:Sajat-Nova) #Q581955 (sh:Sandberg) and Q7416026 (sv:Sandberg) #Q1432701 (sh:Santo Spirito) and Q1519975 (sv:Santo Spirito) #Q1249425 (sh:The Constant Gardener) and Q645168 (sv:The Constant Gardener) #Q921605 (sh:The Evil Dead) and Q327604 (sv:The Evil Dead) #Q466816 (sh:The Last Command) and Q1193103 (sv:The Last Command) #Q431524 (sh:The Power and the Glory) and Q1931475 (sv:The Power and the Glory) #Q869725 (sh:The Prince and the Pauper) and Q2557382 (sv:The Prince and the Pauper) #Q637521 (sh:Wallbach) and Q65909 (sv:Wallbach) #Q514499 (sh:Wang) and Q11573145 (sv:Wang) #Q917000 (sh:Witham) and Q1861278 (sv:Witham) #Q12642475 (hr:Southern Sierra Miwok) and Q3492334 (en:Southern Sierra Miwok) #Q12627530 (hr:Baladur) and Q4849786 (en:Baladur) #[[Q2070805]] ([[:zh-yue:法國國際學校]]) and [[Q17029101]] ([[:zh:法國國際學校]]) #[[Q27135]] ([[:en:Bisha]]) and [[Q28684872]] ([[:ja:Bisha]]) #[[Q3647850]] ([[:en:Bye Bye Bye]]) and [[Q28685268]] ([[:ja:Bye Bye Bye]]) #[[Q28736179]] ([[:en:Category:Image]]) and [[Q9420829]] ([[:ja:Category:Image]]) #[[Q23977765]] ([[:en:Dear Bride]]) and [[Q28685765]] ([[:ja:Dear Bride]]) #[[Q6525859]] ([[:en:Leonard Wong]]) and [[Q28683424]] ([[:ja:Leonard Wong]]) #[[Q951741]] ([[:en:Mikoto]]) and [[Q28682069]] ([[:ja:Mikoto]]) #[[Q7111584]] ([[:en:Out of My Tree]]) and [[Q28684917]] ([[:ja:Out of My Tree]]) #[[Q749601]] ([[:en:Recoil]]) and [[Q28682846]] ([[:ja:Recoil]]) #[[Q2093031]] ([[:en:Seben]]) and [[Q28684151]] ([[:ja:Seben]]) #[[Q8042377]] ([[:en:XOX]]) and [[Q28684076]] ([[:ja:XOX]]) #[[Q6042705]] ([[:zh:整式]]) and [[Q28692560]] ([[:ja:整式]]) #Q12783965 (sl:Adi) and Q1294018 (sh:Adi) #Q1068487 (sl:Roland) and Q207535 (sh:Roland) #Q1089328 (sl:Prisika) and Q3403908 (sh:Prisika) #Q1223230 (sl:Rimski most) and Q80593 (sh:Rimski most) #Q12630001 (sl:Donja Suvaja) and Q3036405 (sh:Donja Suvaja) #Q12784001 (sl:Adrijan) and Q1271013 (sh:Adrijan) #Q12785045 (sl:Arabela) and Q5360581 (sh:Arabela) #Q12785914 (sl:Biserka) and Q251842 (sh:Biserka) #Q12786593 (sl:Bukovnik) and Q12628497 (sh:Bukovnik) #Q12787009 (sl:Cipci) and Q16116905 (sh:Cipci) #Q12787134 (sl:Crillon) and Q1089684 (sh:Crillon) #Q12787159 (sl:Curières) and Q1082171 (sh:Curières) #Q12787268 (sl:Dani) and Q1159714 (sh:Dani) #Q12788123 (sl:Džehenem) and Q58418 (sh:Džehenem) #Q12788950 (sl:Florijan) and Q199946 (sh:Florijan) #Q12789220 (sl:Franca) and Q504587 (sh:Franca) #Q12789824 (sl:Germ) and Q1094205 (sh:Germ) #Q12793531 (sl:Kati) and Q12957872 (sh:Kati) #Q1314618 (sl:Epigon) and Q1288034 (sh:Epigon) #Q13566429 (sl:Emilijan) and Q177980 (sh:Emilijan) #Q1416067 (sl:Manja) and Q975852 (sh:Manja) #Q152519 (sl:Bazilisk) and Q651273 (sh:Bazilisk) #Q1564624 (sl:Viza) and Q170404 (sh:Viza) #Q157201 (sl:Bathory) and Q388127 (sh:Bathory) #Q16280984 (sl:Rok) and Q1465133 (sh:Rok) #Q16463 (sl:Licej) and Q1160664 (sh:Licej) #Q18375359 (sl:Danijel) and Q171724 (sh:Danijel) #Q19932725 (sl:Babina) and Q797722 (sh:Babina) #Q205874 (sl:Edda) and Q108652 (sh:Edda) #Q23003016 (sl:Milan Milovanović) and Q18015661 (sh:Milan Milovanović) #Q25973077 (sl:Edling) and Q224720 (sh:Edling) #Q27910479 (sl:Gabrijel) and Q81989 (sh:Gabrijel) #Q28548883 (sl:Novi list) and Q478374 (sh:Novi list) #Q28750539 (sl:Železnik) and Q1259238 (sh:Železnik) #Q28750590 (sl:Bernot) and Q849583 (sh:Bernot) #Q28750777 (sl:Lap) and Q1276686 (sh:Lap) #Q28750838 (sl:Bojana) and Q372490 (sh:Bojana) #Q28750979 (sl:Gera) and Q3750 (sh:Gera) #Q28751084 (sl:Bogomila) and Q890640 (sh:Bogomila) #Q28751104 (sl:Rade) and Q588730 (sh:Rade) #Q28753006 (sl:Dragun) and Q542067 (sh:Dragun) #Q28753143 (sl:Oborin) and Q479295 (sh:Oborin) #Q28753289 (sl:Azpeitia) and Q180611 (sh:Azpeitia) #Q28753413 (sl:Buisson) and Q373618 (sh:Buisson) #Q2943226 (sl:Kaval) and Q178374 (sh:Kaval) #Q3038660 (sl:Drago Mlinarec) and Q837347 (sh:Drago Mlinarec) #Q3057262 (sl:Lolita) and Q127149 (sh:Lolita) #Q3257432 (sl:Ljubica) and Q146095 (sh:Ljubica) #Q332885 (sl:Faust) and Q29478 (sh:Faust) #Q3354086 (sl:Margit) and Q2711488 (sh:Margit) #Q3642339 (sl:Bora) and Q12628129 (sh:Bora) #Q4038577 (sl:Faget) and Q1163094 (sh:Faget) #Q4481297 (sl:Faro) and Q159457 (sh:Faro) #Q507872 (sl:George Jones) and Q508202 (sh:George Jones) #Q5492325 (sl:Frano Kršinić) and Q1280270 (sh:Frano Kršinić) #Q6417829 (sl:Emir) and Q166382 (sh:Emir) #Q662495 (sl:Dobra) and Q907250 (sh:Dobra) #Q6962509 (sl:Žumberak) and Q394286 (sh:Žumberak) #Q715082 (sl:Enej) and Q749966 (sh:Enej) #Q732034 (sl:Štola) and Q392550 (sh:Štola) #Q804481 (sl:Babice) and Q26700386 (sh:Babice) #Q848549 (sl:Frida) and Q35738 (sh:Frida) #Q879050 (sl:Dvorec) and Q853195 (sh:Dvorec) #Q910335 (sl:Bresse) and Q819875 (sh:Bresse) #Q9300837 (sl:Kili) and Q697832 (sh:Kili) #Q986377 (sl:Kenotaf) and Q321053 (sh:Kenotaf) #Q14915263 (sl:Bing) and Q182496 (sr:Bing) #Q12785534 (sl:Batov) and Q12762970 (sk:Batov) #Q12785826 (sl:Besson) and Q843195 (sk:Besson) #Q12787159 (sl:Curières) and Q1082171 (sk:Curières) #Q12787492 (sl:Den) and Q151822 (sk:Den) #Q12790735 (sl:Hanka) and Q5648518 (sh:Hanka) #Q12792766 (sl:Jozefina) and Q1708388 (sh:Jozefina) #Q12805126 (sl:Us) and Q920643 (sk:Us) #Q131564 (sl:Fenek) and Q20902918 (sk:Fenek) #Q1372951 (sl:Jars) and Q1442971 (sk:Jars) #Q14649317 (sl:Claude) and Q979959 (sk:Claude) #Q14915263 (sl:Bing) and Q182496 (sk:Bing) #Q15731830 (sl:Karl) and Q656583 (sh:Karl) #Q16277286 (sl:Janica) and Q929022 (sh:Janica) #Q16282090 (sl:Tian) and Q413411 (sr:Tian) #Q1662371 (sl:Ilija) and Q1018655 (sk:Ilija) #Q18113540 (sl:Jasmin) and Q82014 (sh:Jasmin) #Q20054154 (sl:Blaž) and Q26710105 (sk:Blaž) #Q205874 (sl:Edda) and Q108652 (sk:Edda) #Q2474730 (sl:Cetina) and Q522100 (sk:Cetina) #Q25832 (sl:Kruta) and Q660795 (sk:Kruta) #Q28464309 (sl:Jera) and Q515109 (sh:Jera) #Q2994652 (sl:Orban) and Q1619407 (sk:Orban) #Q310049 (sl:Bara) and Q853407 (sk:Bara) #Q347187 (sl:Dom Pérignon) and Q348666 (sk:Dom Pérignon) #Q354025 (sl:Intruzija) and Q212895 (sh:Intruzija) #Q7038725 (sl:Dolores) and Q846175 (sk:Dolores) #Q848204 (sl:IDEA) and Q1552951 (sk:IDEA) #Q878123 (sl:Dirka) and Q3487223 (sk:Dirka) #Q544604 (sh:Ambohitra) and Q3736030 (sv:Ambohitra) #Q11255387 (sh:Vladimir Smirnov) and Q560383 (sv:Vladimir Smirnov) #Q1247388 (sh:The Eight) and Q10695518 (sv:The Eight) #Q12642139 (sh:Siona) and Q3485115 (sv:Siona) #Q12751944 (sl:Zvonka) and Q4198454 (sk:Zvonka) #Q1282997 (sh:Vladislav) and Q945863 (sv:Vladislav) #Q1284707 (sl:Vinodol) and Q1219465 (sk:Vinodol) #Q14915259 (sl:Arthur) and Q1778168 (de:Arthur) #Q18704149 (sl:Gregori) and Q12766472 (sk:Gregori) #Q1930907 (sh:Quilmes) and Q828782 (sv:Quilmes) #Q23162 (sh:Asterion) and Q4810678 (sv:Asterion) #Q232514 (sh:Belinda) and Q15658 (sv:Belinda) #Q2340670 (sh:Azokan) and Q21787764 (sv:Azokan) #Q235248 (sh:Rachael Taylor) and Q532518 (sv:Rachael Taylor) #Q280416 (sh:Udol) and Q25314028 (sv:Udol) #Q2858300 (sh:Apin) and Q23214350 (sv:Apin) #Q28749719 (sl:See) and Q694226 (sk:See) #Q28749737 (sl:Summer) and Q15982968 (sk:Summer) #Q28750380 (sl:Boomerang) and Q4099144 (sk:Boomerang) #Q28750858 (sl:Rosina) and Q1034058 (sk:Rosina) #Q28751035 (sl:Dona) and Q12764842 (sk:Dona) #Q28752991 (sl:Borzov) and Q12763386 (sk:Borzov) #Q28753289 (sl:Azpeitia) and Q180611 (de:Azpeitia) #Q3110283 (sh:Thank Your Lucky Stars) and Q10695111 (sv:Thank Your Lucky Stars) #Q3421567 (sh:The Skull) and Q4411186 (sv:The Skull) #Q3440160 (sh:Žabno) and Q25287111 (sv:Žabno) #Q3908772 (sl:Ajo) and Q413082 (de:Ajo) #Q459720 (sh:The Price Is Right) and Q5231565 (sv:The Price Is Right) #Q482545 (sh:The Story of Us) and Q2413072 (sv:The Story of Us) #Q528114 (sh:Thierstein) and Q854081 (sv:Thierstein) #Q637704 (sh:Kraja) and Q1786329 (sv:Kraja) #Q744627 (sh:Žabnjača) and Q25301949 (sv:Žabnjača) #Q7648742 (sh:Susanne (film)) and Q10684194 (sv:Susanne (film)) #Q81171 (sh:Teudis) and Q3519236 (sv:Teudis) #Q931700 (sh:Rabula) and Q14909626 (sv:Rabula) #Q19968509 (sl:Dona) and Q12764842 (sk:Dona) #Q1072980 (sl:Albina) and Q580016 (fr:Albina) #Q12785849 (sl:Biale) and Q855277 (de:Biale) #Q12785956 (sl:Black & White) and Q880022 (de:Black & White) #Q12787818 (sl:Drago Druškovič) and Q1254735 (de:Drago Druškovič) #Q12791189 (sl:Husson) and Q1063564 (sk:Husson) #Q12804099 (sl:Thomas Preston) and Q706504 (de:Thomas Preston) #Q12806333 (sl:William Green) and Q3568669 (fr:William Green) #Q12806363 (sl:William Stirling) and Q334215 (fr:William Stirling) #Q14915259 (sl:Arthur) and Q1778168 (de:Arthur) #Q15711317 (sl:Vilhelmina) and Q1760456 (de:Vilhelmina) #Q15711317 (sl:Vilhelmina) and Q515861 (fr:Vilhelmina) #Q15885963 (sl:Tima) and Q36684 (de:Tima) #Q15981328 (sl:Antonio Rizzo) and Q604631 (de:Antonio Rizzo) #Q16002104 (sl:Agostino) and Q2827083 (fr:Agostino) #Q1605089 (sl:Federico Cesi) and Q322023 (de:Federico Cesi) #Q16479814 (sl:Barbier) and Q107198 (de:Barbier) #Q19833892 (sl:Bernasconi) and Q530248 (de:Bernasconi) #Q19932811 (sl:Berliner Börsen-Zeitung) and Q19724822 (de:Berliner Börsen-Zeitung) #Q19934077 (sl:Izar) and Q13255 (sk:Izar) #Q19937958 (sl:Andrej Zupan) and Q503090 (de:Andrej Zupan) #Q2078608 (sl:Kolačno) and Q1043662 (sk:Kolačno) #Q20903714 (sl:Bingo) and Q878160 (de:Bingo) #Q21448853 (sl:Amoroso) and Q309731 (fr:Amoroso) #Q21492858 (sl:Humbert) and Q1026202 (sk:Humbert) #Q24388800 (sl:Kodek) and Q184748 (sk:Kodek) #Q28048677 (sl:Alarcón) and Q1020522 (fr:Alarcón) #Q28749713 (sl:Ikebana) and Q178459 (sk:Ikebana) #Q28749727 (sl:Days Go By) and Q1179145 (de:Days Go By) #Q28749756 (sl:Tracks) and Q2447589 (de:Tracks) #Q28749757 (sl:Focus) and Q700473 (de:Focus) #Q28749816 (sl:Electric Dreams) and Q1325887 (de:Electric Dreams) #Q28750539 (sl:Železnik) and Q1259238 (fr:Železnik) #Q28750618 (sl:Bikar) and Q697812 (de:Bikar) #Q28750646 (sl:Brišnik) and Q921548 (de:Brišnik) #Q28750671 (sl:Ekart) and Q1322236 (de:Ekart) #Q28750683 (sl:Glanz) and Q900581 (de:Glanz) #Q28750853 (sl:Amra) and Q2844486 (fr:Amra) #Q28750891 (sl:Vika) and Q945857 (de:Vika) #Q28750979 (sl:Gera) and Q3750 (de:Gera) #Q28751077 (sl:Božislava) and Q523863 (de:Božislava) #Q28751084 (sl:Bogomila) and Q890640 (de:Bogomila) #Q28751209 (sl:Admira) and Q2399241 (fr:Admira) #Q28751253 (sl:Andja) and Q492171 (de:Andja) #Q28752978 (sl:Bassin) and Q810524 (de:Bassin) #Q28753256 (sl:Eller) and Q1259204 (de:Eller) #Q2912497 (sl:Blata) and Q882088 (de:Blata) #Q2939802 (sl:Andy Bishop) and Q2849064 (fr:Andy Bishop) #Q3104093 (sl:Kalište) and Q6353312 (sk:Kalište) #Q3499583 (sl:Kameno) and Q405191 (sk:Kameno) #Q3504628 (sl:Blatno) and Q882128 (de:Blatno) #Q356151 (sl:Julius Fučík) and Q142059 (sk:Julius Fučík) #Q397382 (sl:Agron) and Q2827239 (fr:Agron) #Q4689534 (sl:Africa (album)) and Q23858249 (fr:Africa (album)) #Q4738574 (sl:Alya) and Q597260 (fr:Alya) #Q4739830 (sl:Amandus) and Q454317 (fr:Amandus) #Q4764403 (sl:Ani) and Q546010 (fr:Ani) #Q4909416 (sl:Bill Hewitt) and Q357382 (de:Bill Hewitt) #Q596983 (sl:Vilusi) and Q1010430 (de:Vilusi) #Q786091 (sl:Jezernice) and Q1632309 (sk:Jezernice) #Q791819 (sl:Beder) and Q813835 (de:Beder) #Q8009357 (sl:William Fraser) and Q2577202 (fr:William Fraser) #Q913844 (sl:The Bridge (album)) and Q3048864 (fr:The Bridge (album)) #[[Q28727074]] ([[:species:Ahmet Dursun]]) and [[Q401817]] ([[:en:Ahmet Dursun]]) #[[Q13911334]] ([[:species:Allocryptobia]]) and [[Q13260839]] ([[:en:Allocryptobia]]) #[[Q939540]] ([[:species:Amarynthis]]) and [[Q1311856]] ([[:en:Amarynthis]]) #[[Q14179750]] ([[:species:Amnesteophis]]) and [[Q2843736]] ([[:en:Amnesteophis]]) #[[Q27926165]] ([[:species:Frank M. Hull]]) and [[Q5488070]] ([[:en:Frank M. Hull]]) #[[Q18091575]] ([[:species:Euryte]]) and [[Q25714723]] ([[:en:Euryte]]) #[[Q2671633]] ([[:species:Evistias]]) and [[Q5235337]] ([[:en:Evistias]]) #[[Q15961895]] ([[:species:Exellia]]) and [[Q5419988]] ([[:en:Exellia]]) #[[Q3738294]] ([[:species:Faecalibacterium]]) and [[Q3738296]] ([[:en:Faecalibacterium]]) #[[Q3068377]] ([[:species:Feniseca]]) and [[Q1312738]] ([[:en:Feniseca]]) #[[Q27922264]] ([[:species:Fernando Acevedo]]) and [[Q3545278]] ([[:en:Fernando Acevedo]]) #[[Q25373841]] ([[:species:Fibula]]) and [[Q302896]] ([[:en:Fibula]]) #[[Q18519757]] ([[:species:Fimoscolex]]) and [[Q5101287]] ([[:en:Fimoscolex]]) #[[Q26973091]] ([[:species:Geopora]]) and [[Q3760359]] ([[:en:Geopora]]) #[[Q27867743]] ([[:species:Georges Richard]]) and [[Q28973]] ([[:en:Georges Richard]]) #[[Q22110794]] ([[:species:Herbert Rösler]]) and [[Q1608995]] ([[:en:Herbert Rösler]]) #[[Q23766778]] ([[:species:Ioanella]]) and [[Q3801322]] ([[:en:Ioanella]]) #Q21283459 (es:Strikes Back) and Q16607615 (pl:Strikes Back) #Q1065049 (sl:Charles Jarrott) and Q951493 (ro:Charles Jarrott) #Q12785464 (sl:Baraba) and Q313417 (ro:Baraba) #Q12800431 (sl:Rosana) and Q1795604 (ro:Rosana) #Q12805191 (sl:Valda) and Q327558 (ro:Valda) #Q15897419 (es:Pedro) and Q11815372 (pl:Pedro) #Q17466270 (en:Eric Johnstone) and Q28758543 (pt:Eric Johnstone) #Q24005168 (en:Ana Paula Lopes) and Q28466369 (pt:Ana Paula Lopes) #Q26684955 (en:Mister Universo) and Q2121467 (pt:Mister Universo) #Q28197217 (en:Usipa) and Q10388478 (pt:Usipa) #Q28222599 (en:Whispering Forest) and Q10393509 (pt:Whispering Forest) #Q28733300 (en:Anna Ludmilla) and Q16939893 (pt:Anna Ludmilla) #Q28749757 (sl:Focus) and Q21198197 (sr:Focus) #Q28749763 (sl:Family) and Q1395369 (ro:Family) #Q28750891 (sl:Vika) and Q59774 (sr:Vika) #Q28753295 (sl:Berland) and Q11960774 (ro:Berland) #Q28753392 (sl:Bevilacqua) and Q47479 (ro:Bevilacqua) #Q2878857 (es:Pedro Baquero) and Q28464357 (pl:Pedro Baquero) #Q2879669 (es:Tempestades) and Q9356645 (pl:Tempestades) #Q2964680 (sl:Chris Carter) and Q437267 (ro:Chris Carter) #Q3479690 (en:Sergio Souto) and Q16940808 (pt:Sergio Souto) #Q352616 (en:Adasa) and Q16485991 (pt:Adasa) #Q3810419 (en:José Casanova) and Q28355285 (pt:José Casanova) #Q4722620 (en:Alfred Egerton) and Q18954042 (pt:Alfred Egerton) #Q5297847 (en:Dorina) and Q28604375 (pt:Dorina) #Q5340791 (en:Eduardo Vasconcelos) and Q28466334 (pt:Eduardo Vasconcelos) #Q5444783 (en:Fernando Lima) and Q16940014 (pt:Fernando Lima) #Q6293034 (en:José Manuel Osório) and Q28355306 (pt:José Manuel Osório) #Q6807991 (it:Meg Johnson) and Q22095586 (es:Meg Johnson) #Q7108054 (en:Osvaldo Lima) and Q28357946 (pt:Osvaldo Lima) #Q7800058 (en:Tiago Costa) and Q28758435 (pt:Tiago Costa) #Q7831813 (en:Tracy Phillips) and Q7831815 (pt:Tracy Phillips) #Q28771832 (sl:Merak) and Q13096 (sk:Merak) #Q1158495 (sl:Mika) and Q186329 (sk:Mika) #Q16279459 (sl:Miko) and Q1047139 (sk:Miko) #Q1479165 (sl:Milka) and Q757388 (sk:Milka) #Q12796754 (sl:Minka) and Q935445 (sk:Minka) #Q22338613 (sl:Nadčlovek) and Q43484 (sk:Nadčlovek) #Q16280058 (sl:Nena) and Q153996 (sk:Nena) #Q12797517 (sl:Nisko) and Q983983 (sk:Nisko) #Q3445866 (sl:Lož) and Q4925193 (sk:Lož) #Q844376 (sl:Koškovec) and Q12769655 (sk:Koškovec) #Q3200479 (sl:Kunovo) and Q20901907 (sk:Kunovo) #Q12794638 (sl:Lavra) and Q824786 (sk:Lavra) #Q3068890 (sl:Lect) and Q730533 (sk:Lect) #Q1818203 (sl:Lenora) and Q1775309 (sk:Lenora) #Q131429 (sl:Oaxaca) and Q34110 (sk:Oaxaca) #Q28751061 (sl:Vislava) and Q373754 (sk:Vislava) #Q28751038 (sl:Vojka) and Q1050605 (sk:Vojka) #Q847696 (sl:Veča) and Q580110 (sk:Veča) #Q25959469 (sl:Vendel) and Q231822 (sk:Vendel) #Q28772055 (sl:Tarča) and Q12777272 (sk:Tarča) #Q28753165 (sl:Strukov) and Q736231 (sk:Strukov) #Q28749894 (sl:Svetlice) and Q1094180 (sk:Svetlice) #Q12803614 (sl:Strobl) and Q667278 (sk:Strobl) #Q11254 (sl:Sol) and Q1199937 (sk:Sol) #Q12803129 (sl:Sokolov) and Q727383 (sk:Sokolov) #Q12800431 (sl:Rosana) and Q14622550 (sk:Rosana) #[[Q13545279]] ([[:nl:Ali Aga]]) and [[Q21600726]] ([[:tr:Ali Aga]]) #[[Q1615533]] ([[:nl:Ane]]) and [[Q2627750]] ([[:tr:Ane]]) #[[Q5642664]] ([[:nl:Antonio Olmo]]) and [[Q386134]] ([[:tr:Antonio Olmo]]) #[[Q12724512]] ([[:nl:Arcani]]) and [[Q3621427]] ([[:tr:Arcani]]) #[[Q4036272]] ([[:nl:Argul]]) and [[Q646920]] ([[:tr:Argul]]) #[[Q12473316]] ([[:nl:Baha]]) and [[Q6089905]] ([[:tr:Baha]]) #[[Q2534121]] ([[:nl:Barad]]) and [[Q896731]] ([[:tr:Barad]]) #[[Q327300]] ([[:nl:Blakeney]]) and [[Q4924613]] ([[:tr:Blakeney]]) #[[Q885659]] ([[:nl:Blue Chips]]) and [[Q753878]] ([[:tr:Blue Chips]]) #[[Q2406254]] ([[:nl:Bohan]]) and [[Q6839883]] ([[:tr:Bohan]]) #[[Q480476]] ([[:nl:Bombe]]) and [[Q6013310]] ([[:tr:Bombe]]) #[[Q978588]] ([[:nl:Botines]]) and [[Q5732751]] ([[:tr:Botines]]) #[[Q912430]] ([[:nl:Brian Lenihan]]) and [[Q18637633]] ([[:tr:Brian Lenihan]]) #[[Q11046049]] ([[:nl:Budur]]) and [[Q6829874]] ([[:tr:Budur]]) #[[Q1764207]] ([[:nl:Caenis]]) and [[Q291216]] ([[:tr:Caenis]]) #[[Q1945962]] ([[:nl:Calla]]) and [[Q6047464]] ([[:tr:Calla]]) #[[Q5024134]] ([[:nl:Calvary]]) and [[Q3209526]] ([[:tr:Calvary]]) #[[Q2098018]] ([[:nl:Caterina Cornaro]]) and [[Q149192]] ([[:tr:Caterina Cornaro]]) #[[Q556094]] ([[:nl:Christian Keller]]) and [[Q653589]] ([[:tr:Christian Keller]]) #[[Q2050648]] ([[:nl:Cornhill]]) and [[Q1782039]] ([[:tr:Cornhill]]) #[[Q13570801]] ([[:nl:Damping]]) and [[Q6027005]] ([[:tr:Damping]]) #[[Q713489]] ([[:nl:David Kelly]]) and [[Q470746]] ([[:tr:David Kelly]]) #[[Q2754648]] ([[:nl:David Mason]]) and [[Q12809147]] ([[:tr:David Mason]]) #[[Q79298]] ([[:nl:Delight]]) and [[Q6027478]] ([[:tr:Delight]]) #[[Q14757725]] ([[:nl:Destination Unknown]]) and [[Q2553366]] ([[:tr:Destination Unknown]]) #[[Q2200689]] ([[:nl:Dona Flor e Seus Dois Maridos]]) and [[Q139879]] ([[:tr:Dona Flor e Seus Dois Maridos]]) #[[Q482721]] ([[:nl:Dongdaemun]]) and [[Q50382]] ([[:tr:Dongdaemun]]) #[[Q2417888]] ([[:nl:Dream On]]) and [[Q2297267]] ([[:tr:Dream On]]) #Q9728494 (v:en:Category:Railways) and Q28464693 (en:Category:Railways) #Q9414180 (commons:Category:Abantiades) and Q8218187 (en:Category:Abantiades) #Q9118905 (commons:Category:Writing contests) and Q7825798 (en:Category:Writing contests) #[[Q2199590]] ([[:nl:EPIC]]) and [[Q1201158]] ([[:tr:EPIC]]) #[[Q179100]] ([[:nl:Enough]]) and [[Q3645475]] ([[:tr:Enough]]) #[[Q3011618]] ([[:nl:Entropy]]) and [[Q3055332]] ([[:tr:Entropy]]) #[[Q2956269]] ([[:nl:Fesa]]) and [[Q721034]] ([[:tr:Fesa]]) #[[Q2126619]] ([[:nl:Finger]]) and [[Q709588]] ([[:tr:Finger]]) #[[Q3240952]] ([[:nl:Geary]]) and [[Q20715678]] ([[:tr:Geary]]) #[[Q2286922]] ([[:nl:Gima]]) and [[Q6041201]] ([[:tr:Gima]]) #[[Q2064169]] ([[:nl:Greenback]]) and [[Q5603663]] ([[:tr:Greenback]]) #[[Q11682240]] ([[:nl:Guts]]) and [[Q5621864]] ([[:tr:Guts]]) #[[Q2913977]] ([[:nl:HDS]]) and [[Q2055873]] ([[:tr:HDS]]) #[[Q609925]] ([[:nl:HMS Warrior]]) and [[Q1354883]] ([[:tr:HMS Warrior]]) #[[Q3693091]] ([[:nl:Hadra]]) and [[Q1751835]] ([[:tr:Hadra]]) #[[Q3705882]] ([[:nl:Haf]]) and [[Q2421210]] ([[:tr:Haf]]) #[[Q200822]] ([[:nl:Hark]]) and [[Q28465333]] ([[:tr:Hark]]) #[[Q2783003]] ([[:nl:Havas]]) and [[Q5959412]] ([[:tr:Havas]]) #[[Q2105085]] ([[:nl:Hell Bent]]) and [[Q21148921]] ([[:tr:Hell Bent]]) #[[Q607426]] ([[:nl:Homam]]) and [[Q1753975]] ([[:tr:Homam]]) #[[Q1855346]] ([[:nl:Homicide]]) and [[Q6014340]] ([[:tr:Homicide]]) #[[Q1139771]] ([[:nl:Hoy]]) and [[Q605105]] ([[:tr:Hoy]]) #[[Q492665]] ([[:nl:Hur]]) and [[Q2409254]] ([[:tr:Hur]]) #[[Q2532311]] ([[:nl:I Only Have Eyes for You]]) and [[Q3212874]] ([[:tr:I Only Have Eyes for You]]) #[[Q2468415]] ([[:nl:Jakar]]) and [[Q6026198]] ([[:tr:Jakar]]) #[[Q717170]] ([[:nl:James Anderson]]) and [[Q2419972]] ([[:tr:James Anderson]]) #[[Q2649346]] ([[:nl:Jason Jordan]]) and [[Q3162955]] ([[:tr:Jason Jordan]]) #[[Q2471565]] ([[:nl:Jean Meyer]]) and [[Q6036815]] ([[:tr:Jean Meyer]]) #[[Q3007102]] ([[:nl:Jeb Stuart]]) and [[Q1360963]] ([[:tr:Jeb Stuart]]) #[[Q13562659]] ([[:nl:Jennifer Johnson]]) and [[Q4825767]] ([[:tr:Jennifer Johnson]]) #[[Q12487887]] ([[:nl:Jia]]) and [[Q985440]] ([[:tr:Jia]]) #[[Q615356]] ([[:nl:John Allen]]) and [[Q6012096]] ([[:tr:John Allen]]) #[[Q1063210]] ([[:nl:Joma]]) and [[Q1051799]] ([[:tr:Joma]]) #[[Q365851]] ([[:nl:Jurga]]) and [[Q288553]] ([[:tr:Jurga]]) #[[Q2443435]] ([[:nl:Jüri]]) and [[Q837675]] ([[:tr:Jüri]]) #[[Q12488610]] ([[:nl:Kaleo]]) and [[Q16851422]] ([[:tr:Kaleo]]) #[[Q588438]] ([[:nl:Kanina]]) and [[Q1723764]] ([[:tr:Kanina]]) #[[Q11238093]] ([[:nl:Karakan]]) and [[Q877130]] ([[:tr:Karakan]]) #[[Q720720]] ([[:nl:Karkar]]) and [[Q386756]] ([[:tr:Karkar]]) #[[Q693934]] ([[:nl:Kerben]]) and [[Q2355674]] ([[:tr:Kerben]]) #[[Q12491377]] ([[:nl:Kesemen]]) and [[Q2649937]] ([[:tr:Kesemen]]) #[[Q13546972]] ([[:nl:Kesik]]) and [[Q6004417]] ([[:tr:Kesik]]) #[[Q1748315]] ([[:nl:Kike]]) and [[Q3271973]] ([[:tr:Kike]]) #[[Q120099]] ([[:nl:Klinik]]) and [[Q1774898]] ([[:tr:Klinik]]) #[[Q1781849]] ([[:nl:Kono]]) and [[Q6429570]] ([[:tr:Kono]]) #[[Q18088650]] ([[:nl:Korzo]]) and [[Q12810416]] ([[:tr:Korzo]]) #[[Q2745449]] ([[:nl:Krnjača]]) and [[Q3199875]] ([[:tr:Krnjača]]) #[[Q2774380]] ([[:nl:Kul]]) and [[Q27918359]] ([[:tr:Kul]]) #[[Q18709658]] ([[:nl:Kung]]) and [[Q2986542]] ([[:tr:Kung]]) #[[Q1759602]] ([[:nl:Learning to Fly]]) and [[Q770196]] ([[:tr:Learning to Fly]]) #[[Q1071501]] ([[:nl:Life on Mars]]) and [[Q3832194]] ([[:tr:Life on Mars]]) #[[Q17747463]] ([[:nl:Lighthouse]]) and [[Q1319512]] ([[:tr:Lighthouse]]) #[[Q28733471]] ([[:nl:Live at Madison Square Garden]]) and [[Q2720880]] ([[:tr:Live at Madison Square Garden]]) #[[Q28114452]] ([[:nl:Lose Control]]) and [[Q3298506]] ([[:tr:Lose Control]]) #[[Q1331849]] ([[:nl:Love Me Tonight]]) and [[Q6691087]] ([[:tr:Love Me Tonight]]) #[[Q2849014]] ([[:nl:Lovers]]) and [[Q4348508]] ([[:tr:Lovers]]) #[[Q22261262]] ([[:nl:Lovesong]]) and [[Q786392]] ([[:tr:Lovesong]]) #[[Q18640772]] ([[:nl:Loyalty]]) and [[Q3264436]] ([[:tr:Loyalty]]) #[[Q990174]] ([[:nl:Mamo]]) and [[Q2461875]] ([[:tr:Mamo]]) #[[Q2757584]] ([[:nl:Manala]]) and [[Q304291]] ([[:tr:Manala]]) #[[Q1164009]] ([[:nl:Manes]]) and [[Q2631851]] ([[:tr:Manes]]) #[[Q11628]] ([[:nl:Margaret Hamilton]]) and [[Q257756]] ([[:tr:Margaret Hamilton]]) #[[Q2490825]] ([[:nl:Margaretenhof]]) and [[Q6022179]] ([[:tr:Margaretenhof]]) #[[Q1898567]] ([[:nl:Marino Grimani]]) and [[Q746707]] ([[:tr:Marino Grimani]]) #[[Q13549026]] ([[:nl:Maru]]) and [[Q2634968]] ([[:tr:Maru]]) #[[Q1835320]] ([[:nl:Masato Suzuki]]) and [[Q23828710]] ([[:tr:Masato Suzuki]]) #[[Q185716]] ([[:nl:Mest]]) and [[Q5997343]] ([[:tr:Mest]]) #[[Q6825522]] ([[:nl:Metula]]) and [[Q1011497]] ([[:tr:Metula]]) #[[Q1060029]] ([[:nl:Motivation]]) and [[Q2707299]] ([[:tr:Motivation]]) #[[Q14644624]] ([[:nl:Mudo]]) and [[Q28059537]] ([[:tr:Mudo]]) #Q9938827 (commons:Category:Macedonian people) and Q5981766 (en:Category:Macedonian people) #Q1369663 (sl:Tim) and Q327245 (hr:Tim) #Q15885985 (sl:Timej) and Q176287 (hr:Timej) #Q3335513 (sl:Nana) and Q9235758 (bs:Nana) #Q444937 (sl:Nino) and Q472097 (bs:Nino) #Q1642324 (sl:Vida) and Q3049626 (hr:Vida) #Q269851 (sl:Aramon) and Q625777 (hr:Aramon) #Q354330 (sl:Braun) and Q631220 (hr:Braun) #Q2964680 (sl:Chris Carter) and Q437267 (hr:Chris Carter) #Q2696851 (sl:Dag) and Q1136295 (hr:Dag) #Q858305 (sl:Eliza) and Q3507450 (hr:Eliza) #Q18074045 (sl:Elizabeta) and Q235849 (hr:Elizabeta) #Q691139 (sl:Faun) and Q223194 (hr:Faun) #Q911730 (sl:Noks) and Q131203 (bs:Noks) #Q159341 (commons:Mold) and Q1191195 (voy:en:Mold) #Q452969 (commons:Moa) and Q168965 (voy:en:Moa) #Q48604 (commons:Mir) and Q922668 (voy:en:Mir) #Q14525855 (commons:Manicouagan) and Q3285874 (voy:en:Manicouagan) #Q912514 (commons:Melide) and Q69981 (voy:en:Melide) #Q140566 (commons:Meta) and Q238629 (voy:en:Meta) #Q708 (commons:Lead) and Q584982 (voy:en:Lead) #Q3736439 (commons:Duck) and Q2724064 (voy:en:Duck) #Q319 (commons:Jupiter) and Q986329 (voy:en:Jupiter) #Q1336827 (commons:Killdozer) and Q2277907 (pt:Killdozer) #Q145212 (commons:Krabat) and Q122652 (pt:Krabat) #Q1337703 (commons:Matlock) and Q1031383 (pt:Matlock) #Q871852 (pt:Blue Moon) and Q804574 (hu:Blue Moon) #Q747905 (pt:Brad Turner) and Q848861 (hu:Brad Turner) #Q3282923 (pt:Bulletproof) and Q729178 (hu:Bulletproof) #Q5041542 (pt:Carlo Lombardi) and Q669314 (hu:Carlo Lombardi) #Q2165006 (pt:Center Stage) and Q728964 (hu:Center Stage) #Q5064261 (pt:Cerion) and Q2382627 (hu:Cerion) #Q515895 (pt:Chance) and Q860001 (hu:Chance) #Q1077223 (pt:Chris Foy) and Q27325388 (hu:Chris Foy) #Q20649551 (pt:Classified) and Q867831 (hu:Classified) #Q1127847 (pt:Gerda) and Q1009647 (hu:Gerda) #Q5561337 (pt:Gilberta) and Q1010464 (hu:Gilberta) #Q1531529 (pt:Glittertind) and Q397876 (hu:Glittertind) #Q2293530 (pt:Goda) and Q585636 (hu:Goda) #Q26447 (fr:La Antigua) and Q1002990 (eo:La Antigua) #Q1632443 (fr:Ánimas Trujano) and Q4497315 (eo:Ánimas Trujano) #Q1650257 (fr:Vallecillo) and Q2000762 (eo:Vallecillo) #Q640161 (fr:Vari) and Q546133 (eo:Vari) #Q6921352 (sv:Huffman) and Q415999 (pl:Huffman) #Q21953131 (eu:Agustín Arenas) and Q2880569 (es:Agustín Arenas) #Q23040969 (eu:Aldana) and Q648948 (es:Aldana) #Q25476049 (eu:Arburua) and Q28802569 (es:Arburua) #Q4912154 (eu:William Barnes) and Q716856 (es:William Barnes) #Q3395909 (eu:Thomas Price) and Q26213731 (es:Thomas Price) #Q3756827 (eu:The Citadel) and Q16639429 (es:The Citadel) #Q12253529 (eu:Andrés Ruiz) and Q24038306 (es:Andrés Ruiz) #Q128405 (eu:Baud) and Q192027 (gl:Baud) #Q1382499 (eu:Hela) and Q191589 (gl:Hela) #Q841241 (eu:Limeira) and Q165354 (gl:Limeira) #Q1108165 (eu:Matra) and Q35982 (gl:Matra) #Q1769099 (eu:Prado) and Q7777019 (gl:Prado) #Q611171 (eu:Peito) and Q9645 (gl:Peito) #Q23675360 (eu:Ángel Ruiz) and Q21899298 (ca:Ángel Ruiz) #Q1289151 (eu:Tim O'Brien) and Q7804054 (ca:Tim O'Brien) #Q12268505 (eu:Ugar) and Q12644107 (es:Ugar) #Q12268493 (eu:Udana) and Q948253 (es:Udana) #Q3756827 (eu:The Citadel) and Q16639429 (es:The Citadel) #Q12267759 (eu:Survive) and Q3283037 (es:Survive) #Q22976344 (eu:Ambasaguas) and Q5672030 (es:Ambasaguas) #Q22976350 (eu:Bernales) and Q5726511 (es:Bernales) #Q12255885 (eu:Cohen) and Q728973 (es:Cohen) #Q12256652 (eu:El Soto) and Q5823417 (es:El Soto) #Q4156191 (eu:El amante bilingüe) and Q19949904 (es:El amante bilingüe) #Q21013051 (eu:Entre todas las mujeres) and Q5834424 (es:Entre todas las mujeres) #Q1142536 (eu:Fabulous Disaster) and Q774063 (es:Fabulous Disaster) #Q20492530 (eu:Fai un Sol de Carallo) and Q26758882 (es:Fai un Sol de Carallo) #Q12257871 (eu:Fika) and Q742793 (es:Fika) #Q1538454 (eu:Gort) and Q3267424 (es:Gort) #Q321494 (eu:Hans Hansen) and Q5650110 (es:Hans Hansen) #Q545710 (eu:Holt) and Q2369392 (es:Holt) #Q12259367 (eu:Ibarreta) and Q5983760 (es:Ibarreta) #Q3165050 (eu:Jean-Claude Larrieu) and Q15122221 (es:Jean-Claude Larrieu) #Q19994476 (eu:Juan Bustamante) and Q5948011 (es:Juan Bustamante) #Q12261079 (eu:Juan Vallejo) and Q21791472 (es:Juan Vallejo) #Q1832895 (eu:Juvenilia) and Q5957079 (es:Juvenilia) #Q12266483 (eu:Ranero) and Q6100267 (es:Ranero) #Q2067509 (eu:Reckless) and Q613404 (es:Reckless) #Q12266512 (eu:Revenga) and Q6106920 (es:Revenga) #Q780483 (eu:Roundstone) and Q4048567 (es:Roundstone) #Q492797 (eu:Sex & Drugs & Rock & Roll) and Q2044687 (es:Sex & Drugs & Rock & Roll) #Q12267677 (eu:Squeeze) and Q591279 (es:Squeeze) #Q2104137 (eu:Sulina) and Q328647 (es:Sulina) #Q70574 (eu:Premier) and Q959664 (es:Premier) #Q1759836 (eu:Pontal) and Q10353082 (es:Pontal) #Q16518698 (eu:Polvorín) and Q2153495 (es:Polvorín) #Q4046673 (eu:Perdita) and Q15660 (es:Perdita) #Q3372077 (eu:Paul Raymond) and Q965801 (es:Paul Raymond) #Q1986139 (eu:Partia) and Q1645483 (es:Partia) #Q2065325 (eu:Paquetá) and Q656693 (es:Paquetá) #Q22981997 (eu:Montellano) and Q1605609 (es:Montellano) #Q12263760 (eu:Molinar) and Q9034217 (es:Molinar) #Q3315699 (eu:Mioma) and Q1941101 (es:Mioma) #Q922247 (eu:Mallow) and Q5990656 (es:Mallow) #Q12263565 (eu:Miguel Elizalde) and Q6014243 (es:Miguel Elizalde) #Q12262601 (eu:Los Cretinos) and Q1217792 (es:Los Cretinos) #Q12262610 (eu:Lost Souls) and Q848269 (es:Lost Souls) #Q720036 (eu:Luis Ibarra) and Q16574406 (es:Luis Ibarra) #Q3836838 (eu:Lorena Sánchez) and Q368079 (es:Lorena Sánchez) #Q1066211 (eu:Kris) and Q331220 (es:Kris) #Q7121536 (eu:La Casilla) and Q509760 (es:La Casilla) #Q12261749 (eu:La Plana) and Q3211709 (es:La Plana) #Q6471979 (eu:Lagena) and Q1519294 (es:Lagena) #Q582880 (eu:Leme) and Q429284 (es:Leme) #Q1586693 (eu:Lloyd's of London) and Q1430712 (es:Lloyd's of London) #Q741333 (eu:Mallet) and Q5396532 (es:Mallet) #Q922247 (eu:Mallow) and Q5990656 (es:Mallow) #Q680346 (eu:Mauensee) and Q7136 (es:Mauensee) #Q12263236 (eu:Matienzo) and Q6787436 (es:Matienzo) #Q16518483 (eu:Norberto Torres) and Q16302135 (es:Norberto Torres) #Q12265475 (eu:Palomares) and Q1116669 (es:Palomares) #Q647208 (eu:Theobroma) and Q162078 (es:Theobroma) #Q3218292 (eu:Serna) and Q3417930 (es:Serna) #Q12267015 (eu:Santecilla) and Q6120760 (es:Santecilla) #Q955095 (eu:River Cess) and Q1057594 (es:River Cess) #Q6471979 (eu:Lagena) and Q1519294 (es:Lagena) #Q377715 (eu:Königsdorf) and Q670565 (es:Königsdorf) #Q12267520 (eu:Sonneratia) and Q3236804 (es:Sonneratia) #Q3473012 (eu:Santurde) and Q6121629 (es:Santurde) #Q23001464 (eu:Abali) and Q22351477 (sv:Abali) #Q12253074 (eu:Albertia) and Q4184035 (sv:Albertia) #Q2832238 (eu:Alda) and Q3480758 (sv:Alda) #Q8195669 (eu:Alkolea) and Q24003544 (sv:Alkolea) #Q2885589 (eu:Barria) and Q10426613 (sv:Barria) #Q2882523 (eu:Baniou) and Q23823033 (sv:Baniou) #Q3323319 (eu:Xera) and Q8043769 (sv:Xera) #Q8013902 (eu:William Kelly) and Q979510 (sv:William Kelly) #Q302729 (eu:Vudu) and Q5371838 (sv:Vudu) #Q5633 (eu:Vištytis) and Q1023852 (sv:Vištytis) #Q2715470 (eu:Vivar) and Q7927498 (sv:Vivar) #Q568205 (eu:Vinningen) and Q28643161 (sv:Vinningen) #Q1402140 (eu:Verbatim) and Q473360 (sv:Verbatim) #Q1784355 (eu:Tierra) and Q10697807 (sv:Tierra) #Q742876 (eu:Staden) and Q10677111 (sv:Staden) #Q3496921 (eu:Star!) and Q955591 (sv:Star!) #Q271241 (eu:Stella) and Q773765 (sv:Stella) #Q740522 (eu:Spania) and Q7573102 (sv:Spania) #Q507621 (eu:Solsona) and Q39677 (sv:Solsona) #Q17673 (eu:Solero) and Q1759129 (sv:Solero) #Q54645 (eu:Samo) and Q10660987 (sv:Samo) #Q12266572 (eu:Ricardo Gómez) and Q5763820 (sv:Ricardo Gómez) #Q3047766 (eu:Ricardo Carvalho) and Q570811 (sv:Ricardo Carvalho) #Q1247716 (eu:Potato) and Q10638201 (sv:Potato) #Q1304597 (eu:Perfect Strangers) and Q375030 (sv:Perfect Strangers) #Q654775 (eu:Allan Ramsay) and Q560792 (ca:Allan Ramsay) #Q16518892 (eu:Schuss) and Q1758483 (ca:Schuss) #Q1788651 (eu:Sericita) and Q17497804 (ca:Sericita) #Q1059532 (eu:Volcano) and Q2428769 (ca:Volcano) #Q547790 (eu:Tarantula) and Q2609953 (ca:Tarantula) #Q1759213 (eu:Taió) and Q3822772 (ca:Taió) #Q271241 (eu:Stella) and Q2419285 (ca:Stella) #Q47520 (eu:Sona) and Q550048 (ca:Sona) #Q593718 (eu:Blackthorn) and Q2919363 (ca:Blackthorn) #Q55008 (eu:Bonito) and Q3642167 (ca:Bonito) #Q121650 (eu:Borra) and Q946338 (ca:Borra) #Q125474 (eu:Bund) and Q647460 (ca:Bund) #Q859351 (eu:Cell) and Q863823 (ca:Cell) #Q12256091 (eu:Dark Star) and Q506580 (ca:Dark Star) #Q1422548 (eu:Detroit Rock City) and Q1304457 (ca:Detroit Rock City) #Q67241 (eu:Gals) and Q273854 (ca:Gals) #Q1381089 (eu:Gareth Edwards) and Q2451678 (ca:Gareth Edwards) #Q63209 (eu:Gerhard Rohlfs) and Q77552 (ca:Gerhard Rohlfs) #Q526768 (eu:Husby) and Q1019544 (ca:Husby) #Q1660388 (eu:Impostor) and Q1413522 (ca:Impostor) #Q159619 (eu:James Stirling) and Q437734 (ca:James Stirling) #Q2455700 (eu:Jean Cau) and Q1572556 (ca:Jean Cau) #Q4165497 (eu:Jesenice) and Q6458033 (ca:Jesenice) #Q2027123 (eu:Joaquim Gomes) and Q2749626 (ca:Joaquim Gomes) #Q3756339 (eu:Kauri) and Q11929706 (ca:Kauri) #Q11020382 (eu:Ken) and Q16454538 (ca:Ken) #Q3196642 (eu:Killers) and Q275550 (ca:Killers) #Q18396704 (eu:La Constancia) and Q9018440 (ca:La Constancia) #Q722310 (eu:Luis de Velasco) and Q2551930 (ca:Luis de Velasco) #Q485893 (eu:Marilyn Manson) and Q186327 (ca:Marilyn Manson) #Q22508 (eu:Momo) and Q465518 (ca:Momo) #Q1760626 (eu:Monte Alto) and Q978622 (ca:Monte Alto) #Q19672223 (eu:Negociador) and Q11938520 (ca:Negociador) #Q243101 (eu:Nemi) and Q3338008 (ca:Nemi) #Q1127723 (eu:Paracas) and Q1641076 (ca:Paracas) #Q5402709 (eu:Pudor) and Q11274775 (ca:Pudor) #[[Q14645649]] ([[:nl:Naip]]) and [[Q173843]] ([[:tr:Naip]]) #[[Q3311611]] ([[:nl:No Fear]]) and [[Q5949868]] ([[:tr:No Fear]]) #[[Q2215255]] ([[:nl:Not Fade Away]]) and [[Q3204788]] ([[:tr:Not Fade Away]]) #[[Q1989124]] ([[:nl:Notion]]) and [[Q119771]] ([[:tr:Notion]]) #[[Q507573]] ([[:nl:Otomat]]) and [[Q787116]] ([[:tr:Otomat]]) #[[Q1218784]] ([[:nl:Our Gang]]) and [[Q2070521]] ([[:tr:Our Gang]]) #[[Q12503724]] ([[:nl:Paten]]) and [[Q1707432]] ([[:tr:Paten]]) #[[Q26869474]] ([[:nl:Paul Dubois]]) and [[Q2524533]] ([[:tr:Paul Dubois]]) #[[Q15880580]] ([[:nl:Paul Dwyer]]) and [[Q6022591]] ([[:tr:Paul Dwyer]]) #[[Q1818773]] ([[:nl:Paul Taylor]]) and [[Q2916069]] ([[:tr:Paul Taylor]]) #[[Q660924]] ([[:nl:Perses]]) and [[Q2071913]] ([[:tr:Perses]]) #[[Q2621179]] ([[:nl:Petru Rareș]]) and [[Q249558]] ([[:tr:Petru Rareș]]) #[[Q68115]] ([[:nl:Phil Campbell]]) and [[Q366807]] ([[:tr:Phil Campbell]]) #[[Q25208234]] ([[:nl:Phrontis]]) and [[Q1862400]] ([[:tr:Phrontis]]) #[[Q1917384]] ([[:nl:Pir]]) and [[Q268385]] ([[:tr:Pir]]) #[[Q1918439]] ([[:nl:Power FM]]) and [[Q7236311]] ([[:tr:Power FM]]) #[[Q2198500]] ([[:nl:Prim]]) and [[Q6004310]] ([[:tr:Prim]]) #[[Q837316]] ([[:nl:Primeval]]) and [[Q2836562]] ([[:tr:Primeval]]) #[[Q204315]] ([[:nl:Quantico]]) and [[Q19866569]] ([[:tr:Quantico]]) #[[Q1756850]] ([[:nl:Radio FG]]) and [[Q6089511]] ([[:tr:Radio FG]]) #[[Q3155968]] ([[:nl:Rainmaker]]) and [[Q579633]] ([[:tr:Rainmaker]]) #[[Q67720]] ([[:nl:Randa]]) and [[Q1004708]] ([[:tr:Randa]]) #[[Q3501191]] ([[:nl:Ravan]]) and [[Q4386888]] ([[:tr:Ravan]]) #[[Q2362462]] ([[:nl:Raver]]) and [[Q2628801]] ([[:tr:Raver]]) #[[Q504582]] ([[:nl:Rega]]) and [[Q6049154]] ([[:tr:Rega]]) #[[Q5190550]] ([[:nl:Reprise]]) and [[Q3223179]] ([[:tr:Reprise]]) #[[Q2993379]] ([[:nl:Reva]]) and [[Q1094693]] ([[:tr:Reva]]) #[[Q1247556]] ([[:nl:Rhoda]]) and [[Q7320831]] ([[:tr:Rhoda]]) #[[Q451261]] ([[:nl:Right of Way]]) and [[Q6048033]] ([[:tr:Right of Way]]) #[[Q2671917]] ([[:nl:Rock City]]) and [[Q1932824]] ([[:tr:Rock City]]) #[[Q465349]] ([[:nl:Route 666]]) and [[Q4526234]] ([[:tr:Route 666]]) #[[Q3576734]] ([[:nl:Run for Cover]]) and [[Q2295458]] ([[:tr:Run for Cover]]) #[[Q14717033]] ([[:nl:Sakala]]) and [[Q206072]] ([[:tr:Sakala]]) #[[Q14695556]] ([[:nl:Samiri]]) and [[Q4158666]] ([[:tr:Samiri]]) #[[Q2328490]] ([[:nl:Saçak]]) and [[Q163972]] ([[:tr:Saçak]]) #[[Q555995]] ([[:nl:Screamers]]) and [[Q585415]] ([[:tr:Screamers]]) #[[Q738004]] ([[:nl:Serra da Estrela]]) and [[Q920673]] ([[:tr:Serra da Estrela]]) #[[Q2899083]] ([[:nl:Sevenhill]]) and [[Q6080115]] ([[:tr:Sevenhill]]) #[[Q2418703]] ([[:nl:Silvia]]) and [[Q12293708]] ([[:tr:Silvia]]) #[[Q3423972]] ([[:nl:Sirannon]]) and [[Q12811865]] ([[:tr:Sirannon]]) #[[Q1781432]] ([[:nl:Solomon Kane]]) and [[Q162460]] ([[:tr:Solomon Kane]]) #[[Q673040]] ([[:nl:Soule]]) and [[Q2429272]] ([[:tr:Soule]]) #[[Q23777380]] ([[:nl:Spice]]) and [[Q818781]] ([[:tr:Spice]]) #[[Q2048631]] ([[:nl:Stacked]]) and [[Q7595967]] ([[:tr:Stacked]]) #[[Q2230805]] ([[:nl:Sultana]]) and [[Q6573769]] ([[:tr:Sultana]]) #[[Q1939888]] ([[:nl:Summer Camp]]) and [[Q12811969]] ([[:tr:Summer Camp]]) #[[Q14421701]] ([[:nl:Surprise]]) and [[Q3151385]] ([[:tr:Surprise]]) #[[Q2033239]] ([[:nl:Swine]]) and [[Q16029080]] ([[:tr:Swine]]) #[[Q1898059]] ([[:nl:TV8]]) and [[Q6528173]] ([[:tr:TV8]]) #[[Q12520643]] ([[:nl:Temas]]) and [[Q6085823]] ([[:tr:Temas]]) #[[Q12520860]] ([[:nl:Tente]]) and [[Q5347026]] ([[:tr:Tente]]) #[[Q2533757]] ([[:nl:The Hills]]) and [[Q20648823]] ([[:tr:The Hills]]) #[[Q224673]] ([[:nl:Tiya]]) and [[Q20982451]] ([[:tr:Tiya]]) #[[Q4780074]] ([[:nl:Tribulation]]) and [[Q2452523]] ([[:tr:Tribulation]]) #[[Q14753354]] ([[:nl:Ture]]) and [[Q2421130]] ([[:tr:Ture]]) #[[Q16681477]] ([[:nl:Type 10]]) and [[Q909224]] ([[:tr:Type 10]]) #[[Q3956409]] ([[:nl:Varak]]) and [[Q6024381]] ([[:tr:Varak]]) #[[Q1940419]] ([[:nl:Whanganui]]) and [[Q1015672]] ([[:tr:Whanganui]]) #[[Q622742]] ([[:nl:Where the Wild Things Are]]) and [[Q3210429]] ([[:tr:Where the Wild Things Are]]) #[[Q27094013]] ([[:nl:William O'Brien]]) and [[Q246726]] ([[:tr:William O'Brien]]) #[[Q2192459]] ([[:nl:Wonders of Life]]) and [[Q8031922]] ([[:tr:Wonders of Life]]) #[[Q1968006]] ([[:nl:Writer's Block]]) and [[Q642547]] ([[:tr:Writer's Block]]) #[[Q586733]] ([[:nl:Yom]]) and [[Q6513614]] ([[:tr:Yom]]) #[[Q28693848]] ([[:nl:Yoshiro Hayashi]]) and [[Q5462919]] ([[:tr:Yoshiro Hayashi]]) #[[Q14942724]] ([[:nl:You're Welcome]]) and [[Q8056611]] ([[:tr:You're Welcome]]) #[[Q3573287]] ([[:nl:Yusuke Suzuki]]) and [[Q3246354]] ([[:tr:Yusuke Suzuki]]) #[[Q4489654]] ([[:nl:Alberda]]) and [[Q20995576]] ([[:en:Alberda]]) #[[Q10404814]] ([[:nl:Aleuas]]) and [[Q26227588]] ([[:en:Aleuas]]) #[[Q28555587]] ([[:nl:Alicia Montoya]]) and [[Q3308775]] ([[:en:Alicia Montoya]]) #[[Q27743199]] ([[:nl:Amyclas]]) and [[Q482040]] ([[:en:Amyclas]]) #[[Q26708356]] ([[:nl:Arktos]]) and [[Q4792057]] ([[:en:Arktos]]) #[[Q2163133]] ([[:nl:Aventus]]) and [[Q24886336]] ([[:en:Aventus]]) #[[Q14621765]] ([[:nl:Barraza]]) and [[Q4863271]] ([[:en:Barraza]]) #[[Q18597572]] ([[:nl:Baruna]]) and [[Q24513450]] ([[:en:Baruna]]) #[[Q28652982]] ([[:nl:Beautiful Goodbye]]) and [[Q4877723]] ([[:en:Beautiful Goodbye]]) #[[Q27870301]] ([[:nl:Behr]]) and [[Q20689046]] ([[:en:Behr]]) #[[Q23892359]] ([[:nl:Bellefleur]]) and [[Q4883753]] ([[:en:Bellefleur]]) #[[Q2347606]] ([[:nl:Bessone]]) and [[Q21509669]] ([[:en:Bessone]]) #[[Q13569036]] ([[:nl:Bhinar]]) and [[Q25247687]] ([[:en:Bhinar]]) #[[Q2200316]] ([[:nl:Bing Bong]]) and [[Q26087070]] ([[:en:Bing Bong]]) #[[Q28151549]] ([[:nl:Bislett]]) and [[Q4918267]] ([[:en:Bislett]]) #[[Q149972]] ([[b:nl:Analyse]]) and [[Q217602]] ([[:nl:Analyse]]) #[[Q1458583]] ([[voy:nl:Categorie:Ruimte]]) and [[Q7163968]] ([[:nl:Categorie:Ruimte]]) #[[Q2006400]] ([[:tr:Abana]]) and [[Q10397807]] ([[:sv:Abana]]) #[[Q4803536]] ([[:tr:Adak]]) and [[Q347020]] ([[:sv:Adak]]) #[[Q14800358]] ([[:tr:Ainos]]) and [[Q1343616]] ([[:sv:Ainos]]) #[[Q4717027]] ([[:tr:Alex Garcia]]) and [[Q15949146]] ([[:sv:Alex Garcia]]) #[[Q28736241]] ([[:tr:Alma]]) and [[Q656870]] ([[:sv:Alma]]) #[[Q257935]] ([[:tr:Amine]]) and [[Q2843403]] ([[:sv:Amine]]) #[[Q797560]] ([[:tr:Babako]]) and [[Q22698461]] ([[:sv:Babako]]) #[[Q6030001]] ([[:tr:Bahor]]) and [[Q21724429]] ([[:sv:Bahor]]) #[[Q6078004]] ([[:tr:Banane]]) and [[Q26716740]] ([[:sv:Banane]]) #[[Q3356355]] ([[:tr:Belonging]]) and [[Q2895061]] ([[:sv:Belonging]]) #[[Q571140]] ([[:tr:Benavente]]) and [[Q951778]] ([[:sv:Benavente]]) #[[Q3076846]] ([[:tr:Blind Date]]) and [[Q884135]] ([[:sv:Blind Date]]) #[[Q6061895]] ([[:tr:Blueprint]]) and [[Q10431570]] ([[:sv:Blueprint]]) #[[Q896117]] ([[:tr:Bozdağ]]) and [[Q6919815]] ([[:sv:Bozdağ]]) #[[Q27888813]] ([[:tr:Budgie]]) and [[Q508678]] ([[:sv:Budgie]]) #[[Q3251738]] ([[:tr:Buhar]]) and [[Q21729043]] ([[:sv:Buhar]]) #[[Q1068824]] ([[:tr:Butik]]) and [[Q213441]] ([[:sv:Butik]]) #[[Q2025060]] ([[:tr:Catch]]) and [[Q3438685]] ([[:sv:Catch]]) #[[Q22252122]] ([[:tr:Chameleon]]) and [[Q1536192]] ([[:sv:Chameleon]]) #[[Q22338688]] ([[:tr:Cheap Thrills]]) and [[Q860418]] ([[:sv:Cheap Thrills]]) #[[Q26706864]] ([[:tr:Chris Jones]]) and [[Q613150]] ([[:sv:Chris Jones]]) #[[Q2996428]] ([[:tr:Conviction]]) and [[Q850276]] ([[:sv:Conviction]]) #[[Q922837]] ([[:tr:Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas]]) and [[Q20137400]] ([[:sv:Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas]]) #[[Q1144423]] ([[:tr:Cura]]) and [[Q5194594]] ([[:sv:Cura]]) #[[Q5215165]] ([[:tr:Dance Mix]]) and [[Q10466507]] ([[:sv:Dance Mix]]) #[[Q3149188]] ([[:tr:Dead End]]) and [[Q10467466]] ([[:sv:Dead End]]) #[[Q1180823]] ([[:tr:Dead Man's Bones]]) and [[Q27119118]] ([[:sv:Dead Man's Bones]]) #[[Q5248638]] ([[:tr:Debu]]) and [[Q27577320]] ([[:sv:Debu]]) #[[Q12270078]] ([[:tr:Didn't It Rain]]) and [[Q5274213]] ([[:sv:Didn't It Rain]]) #[[Q12278112]] ([[:tr:Dimana]]) and [[Q24854452]] ([[:sv:Dimana]]) #[[Q6031872]] ([[:tr:Dimes]]) and [[Q1086927]] ([[:sv:Dimes]]) #[[Q499042]] ([[:tr:Diss]]) and [[Q1229288]] ([[:sv:Diss]]) #[[Q1772475]] ([[:tr:Dori]]) and [[Q999493]] ([[:sv:Dori]]) #[[Q20684035]] ([[:tr:Dorothy]]) and [[Q2647244]] ([[:sv:Dorothy]]) #[[Q910403]] ([[:tr:Dryope]]) and [[Q5309765]] ([[:sv:Dryope]]) #[[Q911143]] ([[:tr:Dummy]]) and [[Q1514286]] ([[:sv:Dummy]]) #[[Q1282320]] ([[:tr:Ed Davis]]) and [[Q5334728]] ([[:sv:Ed Davis]]) #[[Q4530137]] ([[:tr:Ek]]) and [[Q165145]] ([[:sv:Ek]]) #[[Q596546]] ([[:tr:Elidor]]) and [[Q10481386]] ([[:sv:Elidor]]) #[[Q3401295]] ([[:tr:Elmer]]) and [[Q4357927]] ([[:sv:Elmer]]) #[[Q6047513]] ([[:tr:Enzo]]) and [[Q10485120]] ([[:sv:Enzo]]) #[[Q3365188]] ([[:tr:Era]]) and [[Q630830]] ([[:sv:Era]]) #[[Q4583143]] ([[:tr:Erik Lie]]) and [[Q1782989]] ([[:sv:Erik Lie]]) #[[Q5436645]] ([[:tr:Faskin]]) and [[Q1397327]] ([[:sv:Faskin]]) #[[Q1143834]] ([[:tr:Gaco]]) and [[Q21444677]] ([[:sv:Gaco]]) #[[Q3404681]] ([[:tr:Galleria]]) and [[Q1320830]] ([[:sv:Galleria]]) #[[Q5520133]] ([[:tr:Gameshow]]) and [[Q846662]] ([[:sv:Gameshow]]) #[[Q1515513]] ([[:tr:Gertrud]]) and [[Q509729]] ([[:sv:Gertrud]]) #[[Q1351584]] ([[:tr:Glade]]) and [[Q27569516]] ([[:sv:Glade]]) #[[Q1588911]] ([[:tr:Golden Boy]]) and [[Q5579227]] ([[:sv:Golden Boy]]) #[[Q25997026]] ([[:q:nl:Eric Arnold]]) and [[Q5386043]] ([[:en:Eric Arnold]]) #[[Q2344495]] ([[:nl:Boekhout]]) and [[Q28797924]] ([[:en:Boekhout]]) #[[Q15873442]] ([[:nl:Borkowski]]) and [[Q453452]] ([[:en:Borkowski]]) #[[Q2266472]] ([[:nl:Bossut]]) and [[Q25114634]] ([[:en:Bossut]]) #[[Q13493463]] ([[:nl:Bungku]]) and [[Q28163770]] ([[:en:Bungku]]) #[[Q27992480]] ([[:nl:Camp Discovery]]) and [[Q5027127]] ([[:en:Camp Discovery]]) #[[Q23038889]] ([[:nl:Cardabia]]) and [[Q16890122]] ([[:en:Cardabia]]) #[[Q11842061]] ([[:nl:Cardus]]) and [[Q17101245]] ([[:en:Cardus]]) #[[Q22998642]] ([[:nl:Carpentier]]) and [[Q20890442]] ([[:en:Carpentier]]) #[[Q21441854]] ([[:nl:Ceroctena]]) and [[Q5064600]] ([[:en:Ceroctena]]) #[[Q2185604]] ([[:nl:Collinge]]) and [[Q942546]] ([[:en:Collinge]]) #[[Q12479675]] ([[:nl:Curup]]) and [[Q9644909]] ([[:en:Curup]]) #[[Q28147283]] ([[:nl:DENK]]) and [[Q1187881]] ([[:en:DENK]]) #[[Q23823734]] ([[:nl:De Blois]]) and [[Q25113852]] ([[:en:De Blois]]) #[[Q23068980]] ([[:nl:De Camp]]) and [[Q5244298]] ([[:en:De Camp]]) #[[Q16034196]] ([[:nl:De Villegas]]) and [[Q5244814]] ([[:en:De Villegas]]) #[[Q23068986]] ([[:nl:De Waard]]) and [[Q20996062]] ([[:en:De Waard]]) #[[Q23928371]] ([[:nl:De la Croix]]) and [[Q16869449]] ([[:en:De la Croix]]) #[[Q3789316]] ([[:nl:Diacria]]) and [[Q5804968]] ([[:en:Diacria]]) #[[Q23003684]] ([[:nl:Diplopodia]]) and [[Q5279950]] ([[:en:Diplopodia]]) #[[Q12481603]] ([[:nl:Dirgahayu]]) and [[Q27528881]] ([[:en:Dirgahayu]]) #[[Q18592499]] ([[:nl:Dolos]]) and [[Q1236401]] ([[:en:Dolos]]) #[[Q27187778]] ([[:nl:Donnie]]) and [[Q1241954]] ([[:en:Donnie]]) #[[Q10948614]] ([[:nl:Dragan]]) and [[Q19826115]] ([[:en:Dragan]]) #[[Q12482015]] ([[:nl:Duara]]) and [[Q5310423]] ([[:en:Duara]]) #[[Q2760874]] ([[:nl:Dusart]]) and [[Q1267563]] ([[:en:Dusart]]) #[[Q5137046]] ([[:nl:Duva]]) and [[Q5317599]] ([[:en:Duva]]) #[[Q21008988]] ([[:nl:Edvin Paulsen]]) and [[Q3442354]] ([[:en:Edvin Paulsen]]) #[[Q13575625]] ([[:nl:Ekin]]) and [[Q5350425]] ([[:en:Ekin]]) #[[Q2654484]] ([[:nl:El Torito]]) and [[Q797154]] ([[:en:El Torito]]) #[[Q6065384]] ([[:nl:Ernst von der Recke]]) and [[Q22956294]] ([[:en:Ernst von der Recke]]) #[[Q15730645]] ([[:nl:Eurypylus]]) and [[Q1146975]] ([[:en:Eurypylus]]) #[[Q18588299]] ([[:nl:Evenor]]) and [[Q3781309]] ([[:en:Evenor]]) #[[Q19520777]] ([[:nl:Excelsior!]]) and [[Q3061793]] ([[:en:Excelsior!]]) #[[Q2669561]] ([[:nl:Fagan]]) and [[Q143129]] ([[:en:Fagan]]) #[[Q2509378]] ([[:nl:Falz]]) and [[Q21535528]] ([[:en:Falz]]) #[[Q5509259]] ([[:nl:Fancourt]]) and [[Q5433664]] ([[:en:Fancourt]]) #[[Q24020887]] ([[:nl:Fastelavn]]) and [[Q1975890]] ([[:en:Fastelavn]]) #[[Q2612158]] ([[:nl:Florenciella]]) and [[Q23928479]] ([[:en:Florenciella]]) #[[Q2319591]] ([[:nl:Freestone]]) and [[Q5501169]] ([[:en:Freestone]]) #[[Q2135000]] ([[:nl:Funda]]) and [[Q24054368]] ([[:en:Funda]]) #[[Q12456254]] ([[:nl:Gadua]]) and [[Q28177977]] ([[:en:Gadua]]) #[[Q1887926]] ([[:nl:Galloni]]) and [[Q5519132]] ([[:en:Galloni]]) #[[Q1976546]] ([[:nl:Gatti]]) and [[Q23038817]] ([[:en:Gatti]]) #[[Q2772538]] ([[:nl:Gayer]]) and [[Q5528757]] ([[:en:Gayer]]) #[[Q15526367]] ([[:nl:Gerisa]]) and [[Q28162855]] ([[:en:Gerisa]]) #[[Q27923779]] ([[:nl:Gleba]]) and [[Q2034230]] ([[:en:Gleba]]) #[[Q2621491]] ([[:nl:Godden]]) and [[Q1324184]] ([[:en:Godden]]) #[[Q23890439]] ([[:nl:Gravia]]) and [[Q2015909]] ([[:en:Gravia]]) #[[Q23929614]] ([[:nl:Gremi]]) and [[Q1783374]] ([[:en:Gremi]]) #[[Q2547315]] ([[:nl:Groote]]) and [[Q25125968]] ([[:en:Groote]]) #[[Q27349617]] ([[:nl:Grovesia]]) and [[Q5611583]] ([[:en:Grovesia]]) #[[Q22988094]] ([[:nl:Gwala]]) and [[Q16784209]] ([[:en:Gwala]]) #[[Q19849949]] ([[:nl:Hames]]) and [[Q5644527]] ([[:en:Hames]]) #[[Q13653565]] ([[:nl:Hans Bos]]) and [[Q28655889]] ([[:en:Hans Bos]]) #[[Q22980205]] ([[:nl:Headcleaner]]) and [[Q5689532]] ([[:en:Headcleaner]]) #[[Q2548208]] ([[:nl:Hedlund]]) and [[Q23644808]] ([[:en:Hedlund]]) #[[Q2523504]] ([[:nl:Hifo]]) and [[Q20996477]] ([[:en:Hifo]]) #[[Q11518749]] ([[:nl:Hiroyuki Kimura]]) and [[Q3136394]] ([[:en:Hiroyuki Kimura]]) #[[Q2684201]] ([[:nl:Holroyd]]) and [[Q5884412]] ([[:en:Holroyd]]) #[[Q2450723]] ([[:nl:Hoogewerf]]) and [[Q20996690]] ([[:en:Hoogewerf]]) #[[Q17379353]] ([[:nl:Iphis]]) and [[Q1672199]] ([[:en:Iphis]]) #[[Q26722585]] ([[:nl:Ipsen]]) and [[Q111546]] ([[:en:Ipsen]]) #[[Q4897531]] ([[:nl:Itagaki]]) and [[Q23654293]] ([[:en:Itagaki]]) #[[Q13546590]] ([[:nl:Jagapati]]) and [[Q25094924]] ([[:en:Jagapati]]) #[[Q15731014]] ([[:nl:Jonga]]) and [[Q6275482]] ([[:en:Jonga]]) #[[Q3142921]] ([[:nl:Jules Boucher]]) and [[Q3188442]] ([[:en:Jules Boucher]]) #[[Q28816365]] ([[:v:en:Klingon]]) and [[Q54259]] ([[:en:Klingon]]) #[[Q6480886]] ([[:commons:Category:Judaism in Germany]]) and [[Q8568575]] ([[:simple:Category:Judaism in Germany]]) #[[Q9070554]] ([[:commons:Category:Old Dutch]]) and [[Q25220747]] ([[:en:Category:Old Dutch]]) #[[Q28816886]] ([[:en:My Voice]]) and [[Q11234024]] ([[:ja:My Voice]]) #[[Q15151]] ([[:simple:Waw (letter)]]) and [[Q4018575]] ([[:en:Waw (letter)]]) #[[Q16983600]] ([[:de:Alan Evans]]) and [[Q4706594]] ([[:nl:Alan Evans]]) #[[Q487468]] ([[:de:Anatole]]) and [[Q22942701]] ([[:nl:Anatole]]) #[[Q2859575]] ([[:de:Aravis]]) and [[Q2481487]] ([[:nl:Aravis]]) #[[Q19975562]] ([[:de:August Kessler]]) and [[Q6170178]] ([[:nl:August Kessler]]) #[[Q4858482]] ([[:de:Barataria]]) and [[Q2883860]] ([[:nl:Barataria]]) #[[Q4882412]] ([[:de:Belgen]]) and [[Q1377716]] ([[:nl:Belgen]]) #[[Q4889031]] ([[:de:Ben Mitchell]]) and [[Q2766568]] ([[:nl:Ben Mitchell]]) #[[Q827835]] ([[:de:Berthold]]) and [[Q1880357]] ([[:nl:Berthold]]) #[[Q16603763]] ([[:de:Bissula]]) and [[Q13439586]] ([[:nl:Bissula]]) #[[Q20827271]] ([[:de:Bocor]]) and [[Q4271433]] ([[:nl:Bocor]]) #[[Q28797924]] ([[:de:Boekhout]]) and [[Q2344495]] ([[:nl:Boekhout]]) #[[Q897055]] ([[:de:Bradleya]]) and [[Q4544737]] ([[:nl:Bradleya]]) #[[Q1036952]] ([[:de:Carl Barth]]) and [[Q28657162]] ([[:nl:Carl Barth]]) #[[Q28806940]] ([[:de:Carl von Wrede]]) and [[Q20895363]] ([[:nl:Carl von Wrede]]) #[[Q17612276]] ([[:de:Carlos Fortes]]) and [[Q2791333]] ([[:nl:Carlos Fortes]]) #[[Q5055238]] ([[:de:Cawthorne]]) and [[Q5055245]] ([[:nl:Cawthorne]]) #[[Q20497844]] ([[:de:Cethegus]]) and [[Q54958]] ([[:nl:Cethegus]]) #[[Q1061662]] ([[:de:Chances]]) and [[Q3821408]] ([[:nl:Chances]]) #[[Q5106360]] ([[:de:Chris David]]) and [[Q15700078]] ([[:nl:Chris David]]) #[[Q2964784]] ([[:de:Chris Long]]) and [[Q15078228]] ([[:nl:Chris Long]]) #[[Q1087233]] ([[:de:Christus patiens]]) and [[Q23948779]] ([[:nl:Christus patiens]]) #[[Q23579603]] ([[:de:Church Point]]) and [[Q2187595]] ([[:nl:Church Point]]) #[[Q19849864]] ([[:de:Clarisse]]) and [[Q3679132]] ([[:nl:Clarisse]]) #[[Q2978044]] ([[:de:Claude Renard]]) and [[Q21570200]] ([[:nl:Claude Renard]]) #[[Q304821]] ([[:de:Clinch]]) and [[Q23928751]] ([[:nl:Clinch]]) #[[Q19954385]] ([[:de:Code Black]]) and [[Q13472456]] ([[:nl:Code Black]]) #[[Q17621678]] ([[:de:Collide]]) and [[Q2169637]] ([[:nl:Collide]]) #[[Q942546]] ([[:de:Collinge]]) and [[Q2185604]] ([[:nl:Collinge]]) #[[Q1114769]] ([[:de:Comitas]]) and [[Q3137818]] ([[:nl:Comitas]]) #[[Q1147690]] ([[:de:Cygnet]]) and [[Q2668803]] ([[:nl:Cygnet]]) #[[Q343267]] ([[:de:Daniel Smith]]) and [[Q26005171]] ([[:nl:Daniel Smith]]) #[[Q2525348]] ([[:de:Dave Meyers]]) and [[Q2337670]] ([[:nl:Dave Meyers]]) #[[Q23639453]] ([[:de:David Singer]]) and [[Q3123365]] ([[:nl:David Singer]]) #[[Q712266]] ([[:de:Dicranella]]) and [[Q23892007]] ([[:nl:Dicranella]]) #[[Q1241954]] ([[:de:Donnie]]) and [[Q27187778]] ([[:nl:Donnie]]) #[[Q19826115]] ([[:de:Dragan]]) and [[Q10948614]] ([[:nl:Dragan]]) #[[Q1267563]] ([[:de:Dusart]]) and [[Q2760874]] ([[:nl:Dusart]]) #[[Q27926233]] ([[:de:Edinboro]]) and [[Q1132020]] ([[:nl:Edinboro]]) #[[Q1289138]] ([[:de:Egid Verhelst]]) and [[Q18507699]] ([[:nl:Egid Verhelst]]) #[[Q26269487]] ([[:de:Egoland]]) and [[Q2662980]] ([[:nl:Egoland]]) #[[Q1263407]] ([[:de:Eiterbach]]) and [[Q2288082]] ([[:nl:Eiterbach]]) #[[Q1324674]] ([[:de:El Torito]]) and [[Q2654484]] ([[:nl:El Torito]]) #[[Q1328556]] ([[:de:Elford]]) and [[Q2225100]] ([[:nl:Elford]]) #[[Q15807934]] ([[:de:Elve]]) and [[Q2729311]] ([[:nl:Elve]]) #[[Q256241]] ([[:de:Erinna]]) and [[Q5389279]] ([[:nl:Erinna]]) #[[Q3057131]] ([[:de:Ernest Petit]]) and [[Q18061138]] ([[:nl:Ernest Petit]]) #[[Q23638932]] ([[:de:Ernst Cahn]]) and [[Q12404287]] ([[:nl:Ernst Cahn]]) #[[Q21034920]] ([[:de:Ernst von der Recke]]) and [[Q6065384]] ([[:nl:Ernst von der Recke]]) #[[Q1367621]] ([[:de:Esh]]) and [[Q5397756]] ([[:nl:Esh]]) #[[Q1368694]] ([[:de:Essendon]]) and [[Q4549752]] ([[:nl:Essendon]]) #[[Q360413]] ([[:de:Eudokia]]) and [[Q1234282]] ([[:nl:Eudokia]]) #[[Q15838272]] ([[:de:Euryte]]) and [[Q18091575]] ([[:nl:Euryte]]) #[[Q1383816]] ([[:de:Exilia]]) and [[Q5420303]] ([[:nl:Exilia]]) #[[Q325688]] ([[:de:Fair Warning]]) and [[Q3064515]] ([[:nl:Fair Warning]]) #[[Q1404291]] ([[:de:Felsenthal]]) and [[Q2661796]] ([[:nl:Felsenthal]]) #[[Q662582]] ([[:de:Fenestella]]) and [[Q20975616]] ([[:nl:Fenestella]]) #[[Q5443441]] ([[:de:Fengshen]]) and [[Q1075350]] ([[:nl:Fengshen]]) #[[Q1411823]] ([[:de:Fifty Million Frenchmen]]) and [[Q3071601]] ([[:nl:Fifty Million Frenchmen]]) #[[Q18177259]] ([[:de:Firmin]]) and [[Q1851569]] ([[:nl:Firmin]]) #[[Q239273]] ([[:de:Fishburn]]) and [[Q5454712]] ([[:nl:Fishburn]]) #[[Q18020186]] ([[:de:Florinda]]) and [[Q14628094]] ([[:nl:Florinda]]) #[[Q1437973]] ([[:de:Forsa]]) and [[Q2481439]] ([[:nl:Forsa]]) #[[Q1442122]] ([[:de:Francisco Mora]]) and [[Q16545843]] ([[:nl:Francisco Mora]]) #[[Q1442697]] ([[:de:Franconia]]) and [[Q1374404]] ([[:nl:Franconia]]) #[[Q25991417]] ([[:de:Frank Roos]]) and [[Q25997893]] ([[:nl:Frank Roos]]) #[[Q23066041]] ([[:de:Franz von Khevenhüller-Metsch]]) and [[Q15875380]] ([[:nl:Franz von Khevenhüller-Metsch]]) #[[Q27972917]] ([[:de:Freemail]]) and [[Q13637829]] ([[:nl:Freemail]]) #[[Q27436689]] ([[:de:Freire]]) and [[Q13049]] ([[:nl:Freire]]) #[[Q1461479]] ([[:de:Friedrich Petersen]]) and [[Q15875436]] ([[:nl:Friedrich Petersen]]) #[[Q698922]] ([[:de:Friedrich Wilhelm Bauer]]) and [[Q2316887]] ([[:nl:Friedrich Wilhelm Bauer]]) #[[Q24353000]] ([[:de:From Now On]]) and [[Q2691053]] ([[:nl:From Now On]]) #[[Q20820229]] ([[:de:Funda]]) and [[Q2135000]] ([[:nl:Funda]]) #[[Q1474240]] ([[:de:Funebre]]) and [[Q1938117]] ([[:nl:Funebre]]) #[[Q25997026]] ([[:q:nl:Eric Arnold]]) and [[Q5386043]] ([[:en:Eric Arnold]]) #[[Q6673921]] ([[:vls:Lotharingen]]) and [[Q1996103]] ([[:nl:Lotharingen]]) #[[Q1452932]] ([[:de:Frederick Koch]]) and [[Q15886198]] ([[:nl:Frederick Koch]]) #[[Q1490842]] ([[:de:Gaden]]) and [[Q12483204]] ([[:nl:Gaden]]) #[[Q95656]] ([[:de:Gadjo]]) and [[Q1143834]] ([[:nl:Gadjo]]) #[[Q1490929]] ([[:de:Gadsby]]) and [[Q1834784]] ([[:nl:Gadsby]]) #[[Q1491097]] ([[:de:Gaggiolo]]) and [[Q369769]] ([[:nl:Gaggiolo]]) #[[Q5517278]] ([[:de:Gainford]]) and [[Q2298952]] ([[:nl:Gainford]]) #[[Q1491820]] ([[:de:Galene]]) and [[Q18091778]] ([[:nl:Galene]]) #[[Q1492985]] ([[:de:Gambler]]) and [[Q2382668]] ([[:nl:Gambler]]) #[[Q1255462]] ([[:de:Game On]]) and [[Q1934621]] ([[:nl:Game On]]) #[[Q1493712]] ([[:de:Ganzenberg]]) and [[Q2510787]] ([[:nl:Ganzenberg]]) #[[Q1494068]] ([[:de:Garden Plain]]) and [[Q919773]] ([[:nl:Garden Plain]]) #[[Q23090830]] ([[:de:Gary Sheehan]]) and [[Q25160369]] ([[:nl:Gary Sheehan]]) #[[Q1360558]] ([[:de:Geeren]]) and [[Q2905551]] ([[:nl:Geeren]]) #[[Q1498086]] ([[:de:Gefundenes Fressen]]) and [[Q1866344]] ([[:nl:Gefundenes Fressen]]) #Q2028150 (eu:Cocos) and Q12386278 (gl:Cocos) #Q2022167 (eu:Tynan) and Q982107 (ca:Tynan) #Q12266887 (eu:San Leon) and Q981360 (ca:San Leon) #Q23486181 (nl:Néstor García) and Q22275257 (pt:Néstor García) #Q2128769 (nl:OCM) and Q10338635 (pt:OCM) #Q208878 (nl:Ocampo) and Q2990929 (pt:Ocampo) #Q778772 (nl:Odd Man Out) and Q3284363 (pt:Odd Man Out) #Q2518708 (nl:On My Way) and Q16224120 (pt:On My Way) #Q2390111 (nl:Once a Thief) and Q2065369 (pt:Once a Thief) #Q2307201 (nl:Orgasm) and Q1147233 (pt:Orgasm) #Q22137260 (nl:Other People) and Q28006465 (pt:Other People) #Q1922055 (nl:Gitan) and Q9268377 (pl:Gitan) #Q1921490 (nl:Naïve) and Q3874051 (pl:Naïve) #Q1924445 (nl:Eket) and Q3321199 (pl:Eket) #Q2096776 (nl:El Capricho) and Q2056510 (pl:El Capricho) #Q2565192 (nl:Live in Warsaw) and Q6657998 (pl:Live in Warsaw) #Q256316 (nl:Tullia) and Q1766892 (pl:Tullia) #Q541692 (nl:Trill) and Q958592 (pl:Trill) #Q1579280 (commons:Alana) and Q9144149 (pl:Alana) #Q2284532 (commons:Atak) and Q1174599 (pl:Atak) #Q9505308 (commons:Bonfire) and Q834467 (pl:Bonfire) #Q347690 (commons:Workbench) and Q336405 (pl:Workbench) #Q1418954 (commons:Rotunda) and Q623525 (pl:Rotunda) #Q5784097 (commons:Hut) and Q628638 (pl:Hut) #Q503201 (commons:Charles Leclerc) and Q17541912 (pt:Charles Leclerc) #Q20241132 (ceb:Abundio Martínez) and Q23688730 (en:Abundio Martínez) #[[Q773009]] ([[:q:en:Equality]]) and [[Q11697026]] ([[:en:Equality]]) #[[Q28843207]] ([[:tl:Jenna Ortega]]) and [[Q21738166]] ([[:es:Jenna Ortega]]) #[[Q12968936]] ([[:tl:Orlando Romano]]) and [[Q28320370]] ([[:es:Orlando Romano]]) #[[Q2849362]] ([[:species:Angela]]) and [[Q308046]] ([[:zh:Angela]]) #[[Q213984]] ([[:species:Ara]]) and [[Q15114892]] ([[:zh:Ara]]) #[[Q2859194]] ([[:species:Aquarius]]) and [[Q774509]] ([[:zh:Aquarius]]) #[[Q4792084]] ([[:species:Arla]]) and [[Q4792082]] ([[:zh:Arla]]) #[[Q5227137]] ([[:species:Data]]) and [[Q22983]] ([[:zh:Data]]) #[[Q21447680]] ([[:species:Elektra]]) and [[Q10847055]] ([[:zh:Elektra]]) #[[Q18110963]] ([[:species:Erima]]) and [[Q1354574]] ([[:zh:Erima]]) #[[Q10504469]] ([[:species:Gerris]]) and [[Q13580966]] ([[:zh:Gerris]]) #[[Q18643156]] ([[:species:Hatena]]) and [[Q848325]] ([[:zh:Hatena]]) #[[Q14492207]] ([[:species:Idris]]) and [[Q15408477]] ([[:zh:Idris]]) #[[Q10542972]] ([[:species:Kamaka]]) and [[Q3192312]] ([[:zh:Kamaka]]) #[[Q14892993]] ([[:species:Linda]]) and [[Q1136594]] ([[:zh:Linda]]) #[[Q6696928]] ([[:species:Lucida]]) and [[Q267249]] ([[:zh:Lucida]]) #[[Q6709885]] ([[:species:Lyria]]) and [[Q675756]] ([[:zh:Lyria]]) #[[Q2269939]] ([[:species:MTD]]) and [[Q277041]] ([[:zh:MTD]]) #[[Q10575247]] ([[:species:Magia]]) and [[Q667614]] ([[:zh:Magia]]) #[[Q507307]] ([[:species:Mantis]]) and [[Q1421571]] ([[:zh:Mantis]]) #[[Q2880320]] ([[:species:Marina]]) and [[Q9004566]] ([[:zh:Marina]]) #[[Q14228524]] ([[:species:Puck]]) and [[Q21950785]] ([[:zh:Puck]]) #[[Q3734751]] ([[:species:Pupa]]) and [[Q11240077]] ([[:zh:Pupa]]) #[[Q670769]] ([[:species:Pyxis]]) and [[Q26960650]] ([[:zh:Pyxis]]) #[[Q18101010]] ([[:species:Samba]]) and [[Q1830735]] ([[:zh:Samba]]) #[[Q22985027]] ([[:species:Scintilla]]) and [[Q1420403]] ([[:zh:Scintilla]]) #[[Q9358404]] ([[:species:Theora]]) and [[Q372626]] ([[:zh:Theora]]) #[[Q8456657]] ([[:species:Template:Vec]]) and [[Q14947625]] ([[:zh:Template:Vec]]) #[[Q14908052]] ([[:species:Tia]]) and [[Q16029873]] ([[:zh:Tia]]) #[[Q2607656]] ([[:species:Tor]]) and [[Q202044]] ([[:zh:Tor]]) #[[Q15885587]] ([[:species:Utopia]]) and [[Q24837453]] ([[:zh:Utopia]]) #[[Q2467829]] ([[:species:Xenos]]) and [[Q1192582]] ([[:zh:Xenos]]) #[[Q21451014]] ([[:species:玄關]]) and [[Q1137365]] ([[:zh:玄關]]) #[[Q18509022]] ([[:species:首页]]) and [[Q11439]] ([[:zh:首页]]) #[[Q28806254]] ([[:s:en:The Million Pound Bank Note]]) and [[Q7751477]] ([[:en:The Million Pound Bank Note]]) #[[Q18821959]] ([[:s:en:Author:William Trollope]]) and [[Q28844169]] ([[:en:William Trollope]]) #[[Q6580842]] ([[:commons:Category:X-rays]]) and [[Q10160737]] ([[:en:Category:X-rays]]) #[[Q21247298]] ([[:commons:Cigaritis syama]]) and [[Q1595122]] ([[:en:Cigaritis syama]]) #[[Q21159468]] ([[:commons:Csepel]]) and [[Q613220]] ([[:en:Csepel]]) #[[Q9212898]] ([[:commons:Dullahan]]) and [[Q1264812]] ([[:en:Dullahan]]) #[[Q21162772]] ([[:commons:Es Mercadal]]) and [[Q945653]] ([[:en:Es Mercadal]]) #[[Q1404009]] ([[:commons:Fellach]]) and [[Q825056]] ([[:en:Fellach]]) #[[Q16529344]] ([[:commons:Goose]]) and [[Q82562]] ([[:en:Goose]]) #[[Q20827162]] ([[:commons:Heinrich Schwabe]]) and [[Q77209]] ([[:en:Heinrich Schwabe]]) #[[Q21177163]] ([[:commons:Kehlen]]) and [[Q432495]] ([[:en:Kehlen]]) #[[Q21177382]] ([[:commons:Kong Lin]]) and [[Q6429137]] ([[:en:Kong Lin]]) #[[Q21177446]] ([[:commons:Krajna]]) and [[Q1435613]] ([[:en:Krajna]]) #[[Q958143]] ([[:commons:Montecchio]]) and [[Q10842]] ([[:en:Montecchio]]) #[[Q12372598]] ([[:commons:Plum]]) and [[Q6401215]] ([[:en:Plum]]) #[[Q1667835]] ([[:commons:Reitzenstein]]) and [[Q2142252]] ([[:en:Reitzenstein]]) #[[Q4010697]] ([[:commons:Via Popilia]]) and [[Q1235451]] ([[:en:Via Popilia]]) #[[Q15243240]] ([[:en:Løkken Station]]) and [[Q12325401]] ([[:da:Løkken Station]]) #[[Q28815127]] ([[:species:Abhinav Kumar]]) and [[Q23925253]] ([[:en:Abhinav Kumar]]) #[[Q18523624]] ([[:species:Anoecea]]) and [[Q13375086]] ([[:en:Anoecea]]) #[[Q16895234]] ([[:species:Anomalochromis]]) and [[Q387375]] ([[:en:Anomalochromis]]) #[[Q21338250]] ([[:species:Arthur Simmonds]]) and [[Q28867790]] ([[:en:Arthur Simmonds]]) #[[Q28834536]] ([[:species:Chania]]) and [[Q182299]] ([[:en:Chania]]) #[[Q18875475]] ([[:species:Charles McIntosh]]) and [[Q5080840]] ([[:en:Charles McIntosh]]) #[[Q28815032]] ([[:species:David Ortiz]]) and [[Q448005]] ([[:en:David Ortiz]]) #[[Q28853839]] ([[:species:Eric Chan]]) and [[Q9439903]] ([[:en:Eric Chan]]) #[[Q28856473]] ([[:species:Erica McAlister]]) and [[Q5387898]] ([[:en:Erica McAlister]]) #[[Q28815053]] ([[:species:Francisco Pacheco]]) and [[Q365989]] ([[:en:Francisco Pacheco]]) #[[Q28815082]] ([[:species:Heinz Baumann]]) and [[Q90688]] ([[:en:Heinz Baumann]]) #[[Q5577028]] ([[:q:en:Godzilla]]) and [[Q6567]] ([[:en:Godzilla]]) #[[Q9168770]] ([[:commons:Category:Vitina]]) and [[Q24070310]] ([[:en:Category:Vitina]]) #[[Q28792789]] ([[:it:Aldo Mazza]]) and [[Q4713902]] ([[:en:Aldo Mazza]]) #[[Q16610328]] ([[:it:Stefano Quaranta]]) and [[Q28730609]] ([[:en:Stefano Quaranta]]) #[[Q1003]] ([[:fiu-vro:Solidaarsus]]) and [[Q815726]] ([[:et:Solidaarsus]]) #[[Q28803496]] ([[:s:es:Los Miserables]]) and [[Q2889942]] ([[:en:Los Miserables]]) #[[Q3079942]] ([[:frp:Founa]]) and [[Q5474246]] ([[:fr:Founa]]) #[[Q3827491]] ([[:v:cs:Latina]]) and [[Q255932]] ([[:sk:Latina]]) #[[Q8919307]] ([[:commons:Category:Chansonniers]]) and [[Q8356029]] ([[:en:Category:Chansonniers]]) #(Q9004141) 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