The Didactic Transposition in Brazilian High School Physics Textbooks A Comparative Study of Didactic Materials

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <article key="pdf/10007103" mdate="2017-04-03 00:00:00"> <author>Leandro Marcos Alves Vaz</author> <title> The Didactic Transposition in Brazilian High School Physics Textbooks A Comparative Study of Didactic Materials</title> <pages>969 - 972</pages> <year>2017</year> <volume>11</volume> <number>4</number> <journal>International Journal of Educational and Pedagogical Sciences</journal> <ee></ee> <url></url> <publisher>World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology</publisher> <abstract>In this article, we analyze the different approaches to the topic Magnetism of Matter in physics textbooks of Brazilian schools. For this, we compared the approach to the concepts of the magnetic characteristics of materials (diamagnetism, paramagnetism, ferromagnetism and antiferromagnetism) in different sources of information and in different levels of education, from Higher Education to High School. In this sense, we used as reference the theory of the Didactic Transposition of Yves Chevallard, a French educational theorist, who conceived in his theory three types of knowledge &amp;amp;ndash; Scholarly Knowledge, Knowledge to be taught and Taught Knowledge &amp;amp;ndash; related to teaching practice. As a research methodology, from the reading of the works used in teacher training and those destined to basic education students, we compared the treatment of a higher education physics book, a scientific article published in a Brazilian journal of the educational area, and four high school textbooks, in order to establish in which there is a greater or lesser degree of approximation with the knowledge produced by the scholars &amp;amp;ndash; scholarly knowledge &amp;amp;ndash; or even with the knowledge to be taught (to that found in books intended for teaching). Thus, we evaluated the level of proximity of the subjects conveyed in high school and higher education, as well as the relevance that some textbook authors give to the theme.</abstract> <index>Open Science Index 124, 2017</index> </article>