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account</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Managing access to your user account's project boards</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Best practices for leaving your company</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">What does the 'Available for hire' checkbox do?</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Managing email preferences</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Adding an email address to your GitHub account</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Changing your primary email address</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Setting a backup email address</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Setting your commit email address</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Blocking command line pushes that expose your personal email address</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Remembering your GitHub username or email</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Types of emails GitHub sends</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">Managing marketing emails from GitHub</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Managing access to your personal repositories</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Inviting collaborators to a personal repository</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Removing a collaborator from a personal repository</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Removing yourself from a collaborator's repository</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">Maintaining ownership continuity of your user account's repositories</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Managing your membership in organizations</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">About organization membership</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Accessing an organization</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Viewing people's roles in an organization</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Requesting organization approval for OAuth Apps</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Publicizing or hiding organization membership</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Managing your scheduled reminders</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">Removing yourself from an organization</a> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <!-- some categories have no maptopics, only articles --> </details> </li> <li class="sidebar-category py-1 "> <details class="dropdown-withArrow details details-reset" open> <summary> <div class="d-flex flex-justify-between"> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-2 py-2 f6 text-uppercase d-block flex-auto mr-3">Profiles</a> <svg xmlns="" class="octicon flex-shrink-0 arrow mr-3" style="margin-top:7px" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16" height="16"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M12.7803 6.21967C13.0732 6.51256 13.0732 6.98744 12.7803 7.28033L8.53033 11.5303C8.23744 11.8232 7.76256 11.8232 7.46967 11.5303L3.21967 7.28033C2.92678 6.98744 2.92678 6.51256 3.21967 6.21967C3.51256 5.92678 3.98744 5.92678 4.28033 6.21967L8 9.93934L11.7197 6.21967C12.0126 5.92678 12.4874 5.92678 12.7803 6.21967Z"></path></svg> </div> </summary> <!-- some categories have maptopics with child articles --> <ul class="sidebar-topics list-style-none position-relative"> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Customizing your profile</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">About your profile</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">About your organization's profile</a> </li> <li 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6.51256 13.0732 6.98744 12.7803 7.28033L8.53033 11.5303C8.23744 11.8232 7.76256 11.8232 7.46967 11.5303L3.21967 7.28033C2.92678 6.98744 2.92678 6.51256 3.21967 6.21967C3.51256 5.92678 3.98744 5.92678 4.28033 6.21967L8 9.93934L11.7197 6.21967C12.0126 5.92678 12.4874 5.92678 12.7803 6.21967Z"></path></svg> </div> </summary> <!-- some categories have maptopics with child articles --> <ul class="sidebar-topics list-style-none position-relative"> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Keeping your account and data secure</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">About authentication to GitHub</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Creating a strong password</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Updating your GitHub access credentials</a> </li> <li 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log</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Removing sensitive data from a repository</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">About anonymized image URLs</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">About GitHub's IP addresses</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">GitHub's SSH key fingerprints</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Sudo mode</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">Preventing unauthorized access</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Securing your account with two-factor authentication (2FA)</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">About two-factor authentication</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Configuring two-factor authentication</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Configuring two-factor authentication recovery methods</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Accessing GitHub using two-factor authentication</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Recovering your account if you lose your 2FA credentials</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Changing two-factor authentication delivery methods for your mobile device</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Countries where SMS authentication is supported</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">Disabling two-factor authentication for your personal account</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Authenticating with SAML single sign-on</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">About authentication with SAML single sign-on</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Authorizing an SSH key for use with SAML single sign-on</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Authorizing a personal access token for use with SAML single sign-on</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">Viewing and managing your active SAML sessions</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Connecting to GitHub with SSH</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">About SSH</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Checking for existing SSH keys</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Generating a new SSH key and adding it to the ssh-agent</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Adding a new SSH key to your GitHub account</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Testing your SSH connection</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">Working with SSH key passphrases</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Troubleshooting SSH</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Using SSH over the HTTPS port</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Recovering your SSH key passphrase</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Deleted or missing SSH keys</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Error: Permission denied (publickey)</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Error: Bad file number</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Error: Key already in use</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Error: Permission to user/repo denied to other-user</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Error: Permission to user/repo denied to user/other-repo</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Error: Agent admitted failure to sign</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Error: ssh-add: illegal option -- K</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Error: SSL certificate problem, verify that the CA cert is OK</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">Error: We're doing an SSH key audit</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Managing commit signature verification</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">About commit signature verification</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Checking for existing GPG keys</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Generating a new GPG key</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Adding a new GPG key to your GitHub account</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Telling Git about your signing key</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Associating an email with your GPG key</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Signing commits</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">Signing tags</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Troubleshooting commit signature verification</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Checking your commit and tag signature verification status</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Updating an expired GPG key</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">Using a verified email address in your GPG key</a> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <!-- some categories have no maptopics, only articles --> </details> </li> <li class="sidebar-category py-1 "> <details class="dropdown-withArrow details details-reset"> <summary> <div class="d-flex flex-justify-between"> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-2 py-2 f6 text-uppercase d-block flex-auto mr-3">Managing subscriptions and notifications on GitHub</a> <svg xmlns="" class="octicon flex-shrink-0 arrow mr-3" style="margin-top:7px" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16" height="16"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M12.7803 6.21967C13.0732 6.51256 13.0732 6.98744 12.7803 7.28033L8.53033 11.5303C8.23744 11.8232 7.76256 11.8232 7.46967 11.5303L3.21967 7.28033C2.92678 6.98744 2.92678 6.51256 3.21967 6.21967C3.51256 5.92678 3.98744 5.92678 4.28033 6.21967L8 9.93934L11.7197 6.21967C12.0126 5.92678 12.4874 5.92678 12.7803 6.21967Z"></path></svg> </div> </summary> <!-- some categories have maptopics with child articles --> <ul class="sidebar-topics list-style-none position-relative"> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Setting up notifications</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">About notifications</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">Configuring notifications</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Viewing and triaging notifications</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Managing notifications from your inbox</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Triaging a single notification</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">Customizing a workflow for triaging your notifications</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Managing subscriptions for activity on GitHub</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Viewing your subscriptions</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">Managing your subscriptions</a> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <!-- some categories have no maptopics, only articles --> </details> </li> <li class="sidebar-category py-1 "> <details class="dropdown-withArrow details details-reset"> <summary> <div class="d-flex flex-justify-between"> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-2 py-2 f6 text-uppercase d-block flex-auto mr-3">Organizations and teams</a> <svg xmlns="" class="octicon flex-shrink-0 arrow mr-3" style="margin-top:7px" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16" height="16"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M12.7803 6.21967C13.0732 6.51256 13.0732 6.98744 12.7803 7.28033L8.53033 11.5303C8.23744 11.8232 7.76256 11.8232 7.46967 11.5303L3.21967 7.28033C2.92678 6.98744 2.92678 6.51256 3.21967 6.21967C3.51256 5.92678 3.98744 5.92678 4.28033 6.21967L8 9.93934L11.7197 6.21967C12.0126 5.92678 12.4874 5.92678 12.7803 6.21967Z"></path></svg> </div> </summary> <!-- some categories have maptopics with child articles --> <ul class="sidebar-topics list-style-none position-relative"> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Collaborating with groups in organizations</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">About organizations</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">About your organization dashboard</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Creating a new organization from scratch</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Accessing your organization's settings</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">About your organization’s news feed</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">Viewing insights for your organization</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Managing membership in your organization</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Inviting users to join your organization</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Canceling or editing an invitation to join your organization</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Removing a member from your organization</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Reinstating a former member of your organization</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">Can I create accounts for people in my organization?</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Managing people's access to your organization with roles</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Permission levels for an organization</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Maintaining ownership continuity for your organization</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Giving "team maintainer" permissions to an organization member</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Adding a billing manager to your organization</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">Removing a billing manager from your organization</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Organizing members into teams</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">About teams</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Creating a team</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Setting your team's profile picture</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Adding organization members to a team</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Managing code review assignment for your team</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Renaming a team</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Changing team visibility</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Synchronizing a team with an identity provider group</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Moving a team in your organization’s hierarchy</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Requesting to add a child team</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Requesting to add or change a parent team</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Removing organization members from a team</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Disabling team discussions for your organization</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Managing scheduled reminders for your team</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">Deleting a team</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Managing access to your organization's repositories</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Repository permission levels for an organization</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Setting base permissions for an organization</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Viewing people with access to your repository</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Managing an individual's access to an organization repository</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Managing team access to an organization repository</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Adding outside collaborators to repositories in your organization</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Canceling an invitation to become an outside collaborator in your organization</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Removing an outside collaborator from an organization repository</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Converting an organization member to an outside collaborator</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Converting an outside collaborator to an organization member</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">Reinstating a former outside collaborator's access to your organization</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Managing access to your organization’s project boards</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Project board permissions for an organization</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Managing access to a project board for organization members</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Managing team access to an organization project board</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Managing an individual’s access to an organization project board</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Adding an outside collaborator to a project board in your organization</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">Removing an outside collaborator from an organization project board</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Managing access to your organization's apps</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Adding GitHub App managers in your organization</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">Removing GitHub App managers from your organization</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Managing organization settings</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Verifying your organization's domain</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Renaming an organization</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Transferring organization ownership</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Restricting repository creation in your organization</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Setting permissions for deleting or transferring repositories</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Restricting repository visibility changes in your organization</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Managing the forking policy for your organization</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Disabling or limiting GitHub Actions for your organization</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Configuring the retention period for GitHub Actions artifacts and logs in your organization</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Setting permissions for adding outside collaborators</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Allowing people to delete issues in your organization</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Setting team creation permissions in your organization</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Managing scheduled reminders for your organization</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Managing the default branch name for repositories in your organization</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Managing default labels for repositories in your organization</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Changing the visibility of your organization's dependency insights</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Managing the display of member names in your organization</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Disabling publication of GitHub Pages sites for your organization</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Deleting an organization account</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Converting an organization into a user</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">Upgrading to the Corporate Terms of Service</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Migrating to improved organization permissions</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Converting an Owners team to improved organization permissions</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Converting an admin team to improved organization permissions</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">Migrating admin teams to improved organization permissions</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Restricting access to your organization's data</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">About OAuth App access restrictions</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Enabling OAuth App access restrictions for your organization</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Disabling OAuth App access restrictions for your organization</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Approving OAuth Apps for your organization</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">Denying access to a previously approved OAuth App for your organization</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Keeping your organization secure</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Viewing whether users in your organization have 2FA enabled</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Preparing to require two-factor authentication in your organization</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Requiring two-factor authentication in your organization</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Managing security and analysis settings for your organization</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Managing secret scanning for your organization</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Managing allowed IP addresses for your organization</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Restricting email notifications to an approved domain</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Reviewing the audit log for your organization</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">Reviewing your organization's installed integrations</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Managing SAML single sign-on for your organization</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">About identity and access management with SAML single sign-on</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">About SCIM</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Connecting your identity provider to your organization</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Configuring SAML single sign-on and SCIM using Okta</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Enabling and testing SAML single sign-on for your organization</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Preparing to enforce SAML single sign-on in your organization</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Enforcing SAML single sign-on for your organization</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Downloading your organization's SAML single sign-on recovery codes</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Managing team synchronization for your organization</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">Accessing your organization if your identity provider is unavailable</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Granting access to your organization with SAML single sign-on</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Managing bots and service accounts with SAML single sign-on</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Viewing and managing a member's SAML access to your organization</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">About two-factor authentication and SAML single sign-on</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Managing Git access to your organization's repositories</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">About SSH certificate authorities</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">Managing your organization's SSH certificate authorities</a> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <!-- some categories have no maptopics, only articles --> </details> </li> <li class="sidebar-category py-1 "> <details class="dropdown-withArrow details details-reset"> <summary> <div class="d-flex flex-justify-between"> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-2 py-2 f6 text-uppercase d-block flex-auto mr-3">Your enterprise</a> <svg xmlns="" class="octicon flex-shrink-0 arrow mr-3" style="margin-top:7px" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16" height="16"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M12.7803 6.21967C13.0732 6.51256 13.0732 6.98744 12.7803 7.28033L8.53033 11.5303C8.23744 11.8232 7.76256 11.8232 7.46967 11.5303L3.21967 7.28033C2.92678 6.98744 2.92678 6.51256 3.21967 6.21967C3.51256 5.92678 3.98744 5.92678 4.28033 6.21967L8 9.93934L11.7197 6.21967C12.0126 5.92678 12.4874 5.92678 12.7803 6.21967Z"></path></svg> </div> </summary> <!-- some categories have maptopics with child articles --> <ul class="sidebar-topics list-style-none position-relative"> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Managing your enterprise account</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">About enterprise accounts</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Viewing the subscription and usage for your enterprise account</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">Managing licenses for Visual Studio subscription with GitHub Enterprise</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Managing users in your enterprise</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Roles in an enterprise</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Inviting people to manage your enterprise</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Viewing people in your enterprise</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">Viewing and managing a user's SAML access to your enterprise</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Managing organizations in your enterprise account</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Adding organizations to your enterprise account</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Managing unowned organizations in your enterprise account</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Viewing the audit logs for organizations in your enterprise account</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">Configuring webhooks for organization events in your enterprise account</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Setting policies for organizations in your enterprise account</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Enforcing repository management policies in your enterprise account</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Enforcing project board policies in your enterprise account</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Enforcing team policies in your enterprise account</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Enforcing security settings in your enterprise account</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Configuring SAML single sign-on and SCIM for your enterprise account using Okta</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Enforcing a policy on dependency insights in your enterprise account</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Enforcing GitHub Actions policies in your enterprise account</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">Configuring the retention period for GitHub Actions artifacts and logs in your enterprise account</a> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <!-- some categories have no maptopics, only articles --> </details> </li> <li class="sidebar-category py-1 "> <details class="dropdown-withArrow details details-reset"> <summary> <div class="d-flex flex-justify-between"> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-2 py-2 f6 text-uppercase d-block flex-auto mr-3">Billing and payments</a> <svg xmlns="" class="octicon flex-shrink-0 arrow mr-3" style="margin-top:7px" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16" height="16"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M12.7803 6.21967C13.0732 6.51256 13.0732 6.98744 12.7803 7.28033L8.53033 11.5303C8.23744 11.8232 7.76256 11.8232 7.46967 11.5303L3.21967 7.28033C2.92678 6.98744 2.92678 6.51256 3.21967 6.21967C3.51256 5.92678 3.98744 5.92678 4.28033 6.21967L8 9.93934L11.7197 6.21967C12.0126 5.92678 12.4874 5.92678 12.7803 6.21967Z"></path></svg> </div> </summary> <!-- some categories have maptopics with child articles --> <ul class="sidebar-topics list-style-none position-relative"> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Managing your GitHub billing settings</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">About billing on GitHub</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Viewing your subscriptions and billing date</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Adding or editing a payment method</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Viewing your payment history and receipts</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Adding information to your receipts</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Setting your billing email</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Changing the duration of your billing cycle</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Redeeming a coupon</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Troubleshooting a declined credit card charge</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Unlocking a locked account</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">Removing a payment method</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Managing billing for your GitHub account</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">About billing for GitHub accounts</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">About per-user pricing</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">How does upgrading or downgrading affect the billing process?</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Upgrading your GitHub subscription</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Viewing and managing pending changes to your subscription</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Downgrading your GitHub subscription</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">Discounted subscriptions for GitHub accounts</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Managing billing for GitHub Marketplace apps</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">About billing for GitHub Marketplace</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Upgrading the billing plan for a GitHub Marketplace app</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Downgrading the billing plan for a GitHub Marketplace app</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">Canceling a GitHub Marketplace app</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Managing billing for GitHub Actions</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">About billing for GitHub Actions</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Viewing your GitHub Actions usage</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">Managing your spending limit for GitHub Actions</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Managing billing for Git Large File Storage</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">About billing for Git Large File Storage</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Viewing your Git Large File Storage usage</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Upgrading Git Large File Storage</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">Downgrading Git Large File Storage</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Managing billing for GitHub Sponsors</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">About billing for GitHub Sponsors</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Upgrading a sponsorship</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">Downgrading a sponsorship</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Managing billing for GitHub Packages</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">About billing for GitHub Packages</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Viewing your GitHub Packages usage</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">Managing your spending limit for GitHub Packages</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Setting up paid organizations for procurement companies</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">About organizations for procurement companies</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Creating and paying for an organization on behalf of a client</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Upgrading or downgrading your client's paid organization</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">Renewing your client's paid organization</a> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <!-- some categories have no maptopics, only articles --> </details> </li> <li class="sidebar-category py-1 "> <details class="dropdown-withArrow details details-reset"> <summary> <div class="d-flex flex-justify-between"> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-2 py-2 f6 text-uppercase d-block flex-auto mr-3">Writing on GitHub</a> <svg xmlns="" class="octicon flex-shrink-0 arrow mr-3" style="margin-top:7px" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16" height="16"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M12.7803 6.21967C13.0732 6.51256 13.0732 6.98744 12.7803 7.28033L8.53033 11.5303C8.23744 11.8232 7.76256 11.8232 7.46967 11.5303L3.21967 7.28033C2.92678 6.98744 2.92678 6.51256 3.21967 6.21967C3.51256 5.92678 3.98744 5.92678 4.28033 6.21967L8 9.93934L11.7197 6.21967C12.0126 5.92678 12.4874 5.92678 12.7803 6.21967Z"></path></svg> </div> </summary> <!-- some categories have maptopics with child articles --> <ul class="sidebar-topics list-style-none position-relative"> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Getting started with writing and formatting on GitHub</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">About writing and formatting on GitHub</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">Basic writing and formatting syntax</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Working with advanced formatting</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Organizing information with tables</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Creating and highlighting code blocks</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">Autolinked references and URLs</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Working with saved replies</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">About saved replies</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Creating a saved reply</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Editing a saved reply</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Deleting a saved reply</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">Using saved replies</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Editing and sharing content with gists</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Creating gists</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">Forking and cloning gists</a> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <!-- some categories have no maptopics, only articles --> </details> </li> <li class="sidebar-category py-1 "> <details class="dropdown-withArrow details details-reset"> <summary> <div class="d-flex flex-justify-between"> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-2 py-2 f6 text-uppercase d-block flex-auto mr-3">Creating, cloning, and archiving repositories</a> <svg xmlns="" class="octicon flex-shrink-0 arrow mr-3" style="margin-top:7px" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16" height="16"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M12.7803 6.21967C13.0732 6.51256 13.0732 6.98744 12.7803 7.28033L8.53033 11.5303C8.23744 11.8232 7.76256 11.8232 7.46967 11.5303L3.21967 7.28033C2.92678 6.98744 2.92678 6.51256 3.21967 6.21967C3.51256 5.92678 3.98744 5.92678 4.28033 6.21967L8 9.93934L11.7197 6.21967C12.0126 5.92678 12.4874 5.92678 12.7803 6.21967Z"></path></svg> </div> </summary> <!-- some categories have maptopics with child articles --> <ul class="sidebar-topics list-style-none position-relative"> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Creating a repository on GitHub</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">About repositories</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">About repository visibility</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Creating a new repository</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Creating a repository from a template</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">About READMEs</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">About code owners</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">About repository languages</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Licensing a repository</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Creating a template repository</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Creating an issues-only repository</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Limits for viewing content and diffs in a repository</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">Duplicating a repository</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Cloning a repository from GitHub</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Cloning a repository</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">HTTPS cloning errors</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Error: Repository not found</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">Error: Remote HEAD refers to nonexistent ref, unable to checkout</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Archiving a GitHub repository</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">About archiving repositories</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Archiving repositories</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">About archiving content and data on GitHub</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Referencing and citing content</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">Backing up a repository</a> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <!-- some categories have no maptopics, only articles --> </details> </li> <li class="sidebar-category py-1 "> <details class="dropdown-withArrow details details-reset"> <summary> <div class="d-flex flex-justify-between"> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-2 py-2 f6 text-uppercase d-block flex-auto mr-3">Using Git</a> <svg xmlns="" class="octicon flex-shrink-0 arrow mr-3" style="margin-top:7px" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16" height="16"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M12.7803 6.21967C13.0732 6.51256 13.0732 6.98744 12.7803 7.28033L8.53033 11.5303C8.23744 11.8232 7.76256 11.8232 7.46967 11.5303L3.21967 7.28033C2.92678 6.98744 2.92678 6.51256 3.21967 6.21967C3.51256 5.92678 3.98744 5.92678 4.28033 6.21967L8 9.93934L11.7197 6.21967C12.0126 5.92678 12.4874 5.92678 12.7803 6.21967Z"></path></svg> </div> </summary> <!-- some categories have maptopics with child articles --> <ul class="sidebar-topics list-style-none position-relative"> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Getting started with Git and GitHub</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Setting your username in Git</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Caching your GitHub credentials in Git</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Why is Git always asking for my password?</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">Updating credentials from the macOS Keychain</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Learning about Git</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Git workflows</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Associating text editors with Git</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Configuring Git to handle line endings</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">Ignoring files</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Using common Git commands</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Pushing commits to a remote repository</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Getting changes from a remote repository</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">Dealing with non-fast-forward errors</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Managing remote repositories</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">About remote repositories</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Which remote URL should I use?</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Adding a remote</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Changing a remote's URL</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Renaming a remote</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">Removing a remote</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Using advanced Git commands</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">About Git rebase</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Using Git rebase on the command line</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Resolving merge conflicts after a Git rebase</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">About Git subtree merges</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">Splitting a subfolder out into a new repository</a> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <!-- some categories have no maptopics, only articles --> </details> </li> <li class="sidebar-category py-1 "> <details class="dropdown-withArrow details details-reset"> <summary> <div class="d-flex flex-justify-between"> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-2 py-2 f6 text-uppercase d-block flex-auto mr-3">Committing changes to your project</a> <svg xmlns="" class="octicon flex-shrink-0 arrow mr-3" style="margin-top:7px" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16" height="16"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M12.7803 6.21967C13.0732 6.51256 13.0732 6.98744 12.7803 7.28033L8.53033 11.5303C8.23744 11.8232 7.76256 11.8232 7.46967 11.5303L3.21967 7.28033C2.92678 6.98744 2.92678 6.51256 3.21967 6.21967C3.51256 5.92678 3.98744 5.92678 4.28033 6.21967L8 9.93934L11.7197 6.21967C12.0126 5.92678 12.4874 5.92678 12.7803 6.21967Z"></path></svg> </div> </summary> <!-- some categories have maptopics with child articles --> <ul class="sidebar-topics list-style-none position-relative"> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Creating and editing commits</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">About commits</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Creating a commit with multiple authors</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Creating a commit on behalf of an organization</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">Changing a commit message</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Viewing and comparing commits</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Commit branch and tag labels</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Comparing commits</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">Differences between commit views</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Troubleshooting commits</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Commit exists on GitHub but not in my local clone</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">Why are my commits linked to the wrong user?</a> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <!-- some categories have no maptopics, only articles --> </details> </li> <li class="sidebar-category py-1 "> <details class="dropdown-withArrow details details-reset"> <summary> <div class="d-flex flex-justify-between"> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-2 py-2 f6 text-uppercase d-block flex-auto mr-3">Collaborating with issues and pull requests</a> <svg xmlns="" class="octicon flex-shrink-0 arrow mr-3" style="margin-top:7px" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16" height="16"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M12.7803 6.21967C13.0732 6.51256 13.0732 6.98744 12.7803 7.28033L8.53033 11.5303C8.23744 11.8232 7.76256 11.8232 7.46967 11.5303L3.21967 7.28033C2.92678 6.98744 2.92678 6.51256 3.21967 6.21967C3.51256 5.92678 3.98744 5.92678 4.28033 6.21967L8 9.93934L11.7197 6.21967C12.0126 5.92678 12.4874 5.92678 12.7803 6.21967Z"></path></svg> </div> </summary> <!-- some categories have maptopics with child articles --> <ul class="sidebar-topics list-style-none position-relative"> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Overview</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">GitHub flow</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">About collaborative development models</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">About conversations on GitHub</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Working with forks</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">About forks</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Configuring a remote for a fork</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Syncing a fork</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Merging an upstream repository into your fork</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Allowing changes to a pull request branch created from a fork</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">What happens to forks when a repository is deleted or changes visibility?</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Collaborating on repositories with code quality features</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">About status checks</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Proposing changes to your work with pull requests</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">About branches</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Creating and deleting branches within your repository</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">About pull requests</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">About comparing branches in pull requests</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Creating a pull request</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Creating a pull request from a fork</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Changing the stage of a pull request</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Requesting a pull request review</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Changing the base branch of a pull request</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">Committing changes to a pull request branch created from a fork</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Addressing merge conflicts</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">About merge conflicts</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Resolving a merge conflict on GitHub</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">Resolving a merge conflict using the command line</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Reviewing changes in pull requests</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">About pull request reviews</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Reviewing proposed changes in a pull request</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Filtering files in a pull request</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Finding changed methods and functions in a pull request</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Commenting on a pull request</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Viewing a pull request review</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Incorporating feedback in your pull request</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Approving a pull request with required reviews</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Dismissing a pull request review</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">Checking out pull requests locally</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Incorporating changes from a pull request</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">About pull request merges</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Merging a pull request</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Closing a pull request</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">Reverting a pull request</a> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <!-- some categories have no maptopics, only articles --> </details> </li> <li class="sidebar-category py-1 "> <details class="dropdown-withArrow details details-reset"> <summary> <div class="d-flex flex-justify-between"> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-2 py-2 f6 text-uppercase d-block flex-auto mr-3">Managing your work on GitHub</a> <svg xmlns="" class="octicon flex-shrink-0 arrow mr-3" style="margin-top:7px" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16" height="16"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M12.7803 6.21967C13.0732 6.51256 13.0732 6.98744 12.7803 7.28033L8.53033 11.5303C8.23744 11.8232 7.76256 11.8232 7.46967 11.5303L3.21967 7.28033C2.92678 6.98744 2.92678 6.51256 3.21967 6.21967C3.51256 5.92678 3.98744 5.92678 4.28033 6.21967L8 9.93934L11.7197 6.21967C12.0126 5.92678 12.4874 5.92678 12.7803 6.21967Z"></path></svg> </div> </summary> <!-- some categories have maptopics with child articles --> <ul class="sidebar-topics list-style-none position-relative"> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Managing your work with issues</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">About issues</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Creating an issue</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Deleting an issue</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Opening an issue from a comment</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Opening an issue from code</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Transferring an issue to another repository</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Pinning an issue to your repository</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Creating a permanent link to a code snippet</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">About task lists</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">About automation for issues and pull requests with query parameters</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">File attachments on issues and pull requests</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Assigning issues and pull requests to other GitHub users</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Viewing all of your issues and pull requests</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Disabling issues</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Linking a pull request to an issue</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">About duplicate issues and pull requests</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Labeling issues and pull requests</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">About labels</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Creating a label</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Applying labels to issues and pull requests</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Editing a label</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">Deleting a label</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Managing project boards</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">About project boards</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Creating a project board</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Editing a project board</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Linking a repository to a project board</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">About automation for project boards</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Configuring automation for project boards</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Copying a project board</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Closing a project board</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Reopening a closed project board</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Deleting a project board</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Disabling project boards in a repository</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Disabling project boards in your organization</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">Changing project board visibility</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Tracking the progress of your work with project boards</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Adding issues and pull requests to a project board</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Adding notes to a project board</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Tracking progress on your project board</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Filtering cards on a project board</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">Archiving cards on a project board</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Tracking the progress of your work with milestones</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">About milestones</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Creating and editing milestones for issues and pull requests</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Associating milestones with issues and pull requests</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Filtering issues and pull requests by milestone</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">Viewing your milestone's progress</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Finding information in a repository</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Filtering issues and pull requests</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Filtering issues and pull requests by assignees</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Filtering issues and pull requests by labels</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Filtering pull requests by review status</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Sorting issues and pull requests</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Using search to filter issues and pull requests</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">Sharing filters</a> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <!-- some categories have no maptopics, only articles --> </details> </li> <li class="sidebar-category py-1 "> <details class="dropdown-withArrow details details-reset"> <summary> <div class="d-flex flex-justify-between"> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-2 py-2 f6 text-uppercase d-block flex-auto mr-3">Codespaces</a> <svg xmlns="" class="octicon flex-shrink-0 arrow mr-3" style="margin-top:7px" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16" height="16"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M12.7803 6.21967C13.0732 6.51256 13.0732 6.98744 12.7803 7.28033L8.53033 11.5303C8.23744 11.8232 7.76256 11.8232 7.46967 11.5303L3.21967 7.28033C2.92678 6.98744 2.92678 6.51256 3.21967 6.21967C3.51256 5.92678 3.98744 5.92678 4.28033 6.21967L8 9.93934L11.7197 6.21967C12.0126 5.92678 12.4874 5.92678 12.7803 6.21967Z"></path></svg> </div> </summary> <!-- some categories have maptopics with child articles --> <ul class="sidebar-articles list-style-none"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-1">About Codespaces</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-1">About billing for Codespaces</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-1">Configuring Codespaces for your project</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-1">Creating a codespace</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-1">Developing in a codespace</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-1">Personalizing Codespaces for your account</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-1">Deleting a codespace</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-1">Troubleshooting your codespace</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-1">Using Codespaces in Visual Studio Code</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">Using Codespaces in Visual Studio</a> </li> </ul> </details> </li> <li class="sidebar-category py-1 "> <details class="dropdown-withArrow details details-reset"> <summary> <div class="d-flex flex-justify-between"> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-2 py-2 f6 text-uppercase d-block flex-auto mr-3">Building a strong community</a> <svg xmlns="" class="octicon flex-shrink-0 arrow mr-3" style="margin-top:7px" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16" height="16"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M12.7803 6.21967C13.0732 6.51256 13.0732 6.98744 12.7803 7.28033L8.53033 11.5303C8.23744 11.8232 7.76256 11.8232 7.46967 11.5303L3.21967 7.28033C2.92678 6.98744 2.92678 6.51256 3.21967 6.21967C3.51256 5.92678 3.98744 5.92678 4.28033 6.21967L8 9.93934L11.7197 6.21967C12.0126 5.92678 12.4874 5.92678 12.7803 6.21967Z"></path></svg> </div> </summary> <!-- some categories have maptopics with child articles --> <ul class="sidebar-topics list-style-none position-relative"> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Setting up your project for healthy contributions</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">About community management and moderation</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">About community profiles for public repositories</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Accessing a project's community profile</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Adding a code of conduct to your project</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Setting guidelines for repository contributors</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Adding a license to a repository</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Adding support resources to your project</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Creating a default community health file</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">Encouraging helpful contributions to your project with labels</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Using templates to encourage useful issues and pull requests</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">About issue and pull request templates</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Configuring issue templates for your repository</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Creating a pull request template for your repository</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">Manually creating a single issue template for your repository</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Moderating comments and conversations</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Managing disruptive comments</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Locking conversations</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Limiting interactions in your repository</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Limiting interactions for your user account</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Limiting interactions in your organization</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Tracking changes in a comment</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Managing how contributors report abuse in your organization's repository</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">Managing reported content in your organization's repository</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Maintaining your safety on GitHub</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Blocking a user from your personal account</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Viewing users you've blocked from your personal account</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Unblocking a user from your personal account</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Blocking a user from your organization</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Viewing users who are blocked from your organization</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Unblocking a user from your organization</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">Reporting abuse or spam</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Documenting your project with wikis</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">About wikis</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Adding or editing wiki pages</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Creating a footer or sidebar for your wiki</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Editing wiki content</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Viewing a wiki's history of changes</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Changing access permissions for wikis</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">Disabling wikis</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Collaborating with your team</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">About team discussions</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Creating a team discussion</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Editing or deleting a team discussion</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">Pinning a team discussion</a> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <!-- some categories have no maptopics, only articles --> </details> </li> <li class="sidebar-category py-1 "> <details class="dropdown-withArrow details details-reset"> <summary> <div class="d-flex flex-justify-between"> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-2 py-2 f6 text-uppercase d-block flex-auto mr-3">Searching for information on GitHub</a> <svg xmlns="" class="octicon flex-shrink-0 arrow mr-3" style="margin-top:7px" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16" height="16"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M12.7803 6.21967C13.0732 6.51256 13.0732 6.98744 12.7803 7.28033L8.53033 11.5303C8.23744 11.8232 7.76256 11.8232 7.46967 11.5303L3.21967 7.28033C2.92678 6.98744 2.92678 6.51256 3.21967 6.21967C3.51256 5.92678 3.98744 5.92678 4.28033 6.21967L8 9.93934L11.7197 6.21967C12.0126 5.92678 12.4874 5.92678 12.7803 6.21967Z"></path></svg> </div> </summary> <!-- some categories have maptopics with child articles --> <ul class="sidebar-topics list-style-none position-relative"> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Getting started with searching on GitHub</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">About searching on GitHub</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Understanding the search syntax</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Troubleshooting search queries</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Sorting search results</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">Enabling repository search in GitHub Enterprise Server</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Searching on GitHub</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Finding files on GitHub</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Searching for repositories</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Searching topics</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Searching code</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Searching commits</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Searching issues and pull requests</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Searching GitHub Marketplace</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Searching users</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Searching for packages</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Searching wikis</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">Searching in forks</a> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <!-- some categories have no maptopics, only articles --> </details> </li> <li class="sidebar-category py-1 "> <details class="dropdown-withArrow details details-reset"> <summary> <div class="d-flex flex-justify-between"> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-2 py-2 f6 text-uppercase d-block flex-auto mr-3">Importing your projects</a> <svg xmlns="" class="octicon flex-shrink-0 arrow mr-3" style="margin-top:7px" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16" height="16"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M12.7803 6.21967C13.0732 6.51256 13.0732 6.98744 12.7803 7.28033L8.53033 11.5303C8.23744 11.8232 7.76256 11.8232 7.46967 11.5303L3.21967 7.28033C2.92678 6.98744 2.92678 6.51256 3.21967 6.21967C3.51256 5.92678 3.98744 5.92678 4.28033 6.21967L8 9.93934L11.7197 6.21967C12.0126 5.92678 12.4874 5.92678 12.7803 6.21967Z"></path></svg> </div> </summary> <!-- some categories have maptopics with child articles --> <ul class="sidebar-topics list-style-none position-relative"> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Importing source code to GitHub</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">About GitHub Importer</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Importing a repository with GitHub Importer</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Updating commit author attribution with GitHub Importer</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Importing a Git repository using the command line</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Adding an existing project to GitHub using the command line</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">Source code migration tools</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Working with Subversion on GitHub</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">What are the differences between Subversion and Git?</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Support for Subversion clients</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">Subversion properties supported by GitHub</a> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <!-- some categories have no maptopics, only articles --> </details> </li> <li class="sidebar-category py-1 "> <details class="dropdown-withArrow details details-reset"> <summary> <div class="d-flex flex-justify-between"> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-2 py-2 f6 text-uppercase d-block flex-auto mr-3">Administering a repository</a> <svg xmlns="" class="octicon flex-shrink-0 arrow mr-3" style="margin-top:7px" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16" height="16"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M12.7803 6.21967C13.0732 6.51256 13.0732 6.98744 12.7803 7.28033L8.53033 11.5303C8.23744 11.8232 7.76256 11.8232 7.46967 11.5303L3.21967 7.28033C2.92678 6.98744 2.92678 6.51256 3.21967 6.21967C3.51256 5.92678 3.98744 5.92678 4.28033 6.21967L8 9.93934L11.7197 6.21967C12.0126 5.92678 12.4874 5.92678 12.7803 6.21967Z"></path></svg> </div> </summary> <!-- some categories have maptopics with child articles --> <ul class="sidebar-topics list-style-none position-relative"> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Managing repository settings</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Setting repository visibility</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Managing teams and people with access to your repository</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Classifying your repository with topics</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Customizing how changed files appear on GitHub</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">About email notifications for pushes to your repository</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Displaying a sponsor button in your repository</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Customizing your repository's social media preview</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Viewing deployment activity for your repository</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Managing the forking policy for your repository</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Configuring the retention period for GitHub Actions artifacts and logs in your repository</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Disabling or limiting GitHub Actions for a repository</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Managing Git LFS objects in archives</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Configuring autolinks to reference external resources</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Renaming a repository</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Transferring a repository</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Deleting a repository</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">Restoring a deleted repository</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Managing branches in your repository</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Viewing branches in your repository</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Changing the default branch</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">Deleting and restoring branches in a pull request</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Configuring pull request merges</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">About merge methods on GitHub</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Configuring commit squashing for pull requests</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Configuring commit rebasing for pull requests</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">Managing the automatic deletion of branches</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Defining the mergeability of pull requests</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">About protected branches</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Configuring protected branches</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">About required status checks</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Types of required status checks</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Enabling required status checks</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">About branch restrictions</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Enabling branch restrictions</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">About required reviews for pull requests</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Enabling required reviews for pull requests</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">About required commit signing</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Enabling required commit signing</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Requiring a linear commit history</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Enabling force pushes to a protected branch</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">Enabling deletion of a protected branch</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Releasing projects on GitHub</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">About releases</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Managing releases in a repository</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Viewing your repository's releases and tags</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Linking to releases</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Comparing releases</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">Automation for release forms with query parameters</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Securing your repository</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">About securing your repository</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">About secret scanning</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Configuring secret scanning for private repositories</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Managing alerts from secret scanning</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">Managing security and analysis settings for your repository</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Keeping your dependencies updated automatically</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">About Dependabot version updates</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Enabling and disabling version updates</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Listing dependencies configured for version updates</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Managing pull requests for dependency updates</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Customizing dependency updates</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Configuration options for dependency updates</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">Keeping your actions up to date with Dependabot</a> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <!-- some categories have no maptopics, only articles --> </details> </li> <li class="sidebar-category py-1 "> <details class="dropdown-withArrow details details-reset"> <summary> <div class="d-flex flex-justify-between"> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-2 py-2 f6 text-uppercase d-block flex-auto mr-3">Visualizing repository data with graphs</a> <svg xmlns="" class="octicon flex-shrink-0 arrow mr-3" style="margin-top:7px" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16" height="16"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M12.7803 6.21967C13.0732 6.51256 13.0732 6.98744 12.7803 7.28033L8.53033 11.5303C8.23744 11.8232 7.76256 11.8232 7.46967 11.5303L3.21967 7.28033C2.92678 6.98744 2.92678 6.51256 3.21967 6.21967C3.51256 5.92678 3.98744 5.92678 4.28033 6.21967L8 9.93934L11.7197 6.21967C12.0126 5.92678 12.4874 5.92678 12.7803 6.21967Z"></path></svg> </div> </summary> <!-- some categories have maptopics with child articles --> <ul class="sidebar-topics list-style-none position-relative"> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Accessing basic repository data</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">About repository graphs</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Viewing a summary of repository activity</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Viewing a project's contributors</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">Viewing traffic to a repository</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Analyzing changes to a repository's content</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Visualizing commits in a repository</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">Visualizing additions and deletions to content in a repository</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Understanding connections between repositories</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Viewing a repository's network</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Listing the forks of a repository</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">About the dependency graph</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">Exploring the dependencies of a repository</a> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <!-- some categories have no maptopics, only articles --> </details> </li> <li class="sidebar-category py-1 "> <details class="dropdown-withArrow details details-reset"> <summary> <div class="d-flex flex-justify-between"> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-2 py-2 f6 text-uppercase d-block flex-auto mr-3">Managing security vulnerabilities</a> <svg xmlns="" class="octicon flex-shrink-0 arrow mr-3" style="margin-top:7px" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16" height="16"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M12.7803 6.21967C13.0732 6.51256 13.0732 6.98744 12.7803 7.28033L8.53033 11.5303C8.23744 11.8232 7.76256 11.8232 7.46967 11.5303L3.21967 7.28033C2.92678 6.98744 2.92678 6.51256 3.21967 6.21967C3.51256 5.92678 3.98744 5.92678 4.28033 6.21967L8 9.93934L11.7197 6.21967C12.0126 5.92678 12.4874 5.92678 12.7803 6.21967Z"></path></svg> </div> </summary> <!-- some categories have maptopics with child articles --> <ul class="sidebar-topics list-style-none position-relative"> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Managing security vulnerabilities in your project</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Adding a security policy to your repository</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">About GitHub Security Advisories</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Permission levels for security advisories</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Creating a security advisory</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Adding a collaborator to a security advisory</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Removing a collaborator from a security advisory</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Collaborating in a temporary private fork to resolve a security vulnerability</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Publishing a security advisory</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Editing a security advisory</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">Withdrawing a security advisory</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Managing vulnerabilities in your project's dependencies</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Browsing the Advisory Database</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">About alerts for vulnerable dependencies</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Configuring notifications</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">About Dependabot security updates</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Configuring Dependabot security updates</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Viewing and updating vulnerable dependencies</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Troubleshooting detection</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">Troubleshooting errors</a> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <!-- some categories have no maptopics, only articles --> </details> </li> <li class="sidebar-category py-1 "> <details class="dropdown-withArrow details details-reset"> <summary> <div class="d-flex flex-justify-between"> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-2 py-2 f6 text-uppercase d-block flex-auto mr-3">Finding vulnerabilities and coding errors</a> <svg xmlns="" class="octicon flex-shrink-0 arrow mr-3" style="margin-top:7px" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16" height="16"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M12.7803 6.21967C13.0732 6.51256 13.0732 6.98744 12.7803 7.28033L8.53033 11.5303C8.23744 11.8232 7.76256 11.8232 7.46967 11.5303L3.21967 7.28033C2.92678 6.98744 2.92678 6.51256 3.21967 6.21967C3.51256 5.92678 3.98744 5.92678 4.28033 6.21967L8 9.93934L11.7197 6.21967C12.0126 5.92678 12.4874 5.92678 12.7803 6.21967Z"></path></svg> </div> </summary> <!-- some categories have maptopics with child articles --> <ul class="sidebar-topics list-style-none position-relative"> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Automatically scanning your code for vulnerabilities and errors</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">About code scanning</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Triaging alerts in pull requests</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Enabling code scanning</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Managing alerts</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Configuring code scanning</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Configuring for compiled languages</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Troubleshooting CodeQL</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">Code scanning in a container</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Integrating with code scanning</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">About integration</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Uploading a SARIF file</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">SARIF support</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Using CodeQL code scanning with your existing CI system</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Running in your CI</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Configuring in your CI</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">Troubleshooting in your CI</a> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <!-- some categories have no maptopics, only articles --> </details> </li> <li class="sidebar-category py-1 "> <details class="dropdown-withArrow details details-reset"> <summary> <div class="d-flex flex-justify-between"> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-2 py-2 f6 text-uppercase d-block flex-auto mr-3">Managing files in a repository</a> <svg xmlns="" class="octicon flex-shrink-0 arrow mr-3" style="margin-top:7px" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16" height="16"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M12.7803 6.21967C13.0732 6.51256 13.0732 6.98744 12.7803 7.28033L8.53033 11.5303C8.23744 11.8232 7.76256 11.8232 7.46967 11.5303L3.21967 7.28033C2.92678 6.98744 2.92678 6.51256 3.21967 6.21967C3.51256 5.92678 3.98744 5.92678 4.28033 6.21967L8 9.93934L11.7197 6.21967C12.0126 5.92678 12.4874 5.92678 12.7803 6.21967Z"></path></svg> </div> </summary> <!-- some categories have maptopics with child articles --> <ul class="sidebar-topics list-style-none position-relative"> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Managing files on GitHub</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Navigating code on GitHub</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Creating new files</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Adding a file to a repository</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Moving a file to a new location</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Editing files in your repository</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Editing files in another user's repository</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Tracking changes in a file</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Deleting files</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Renaming a file</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">Getting permanent links to files</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Managing files using the command line</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Adding a file to a repository using the command line</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Renaming a file using the command line</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">Moving a file to a new location using the command line</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Working with non-code files</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Rendering and diffing images</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">3D File Viewer</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Rendering CSV and TSV data</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Rendering PDF documents</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Rendering differences in prose documents</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Mapping geoJSON files on GitHub</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">Working with Jupyter Notebook files on GitHub</a> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <!-- some categories have no maptopics, only articles --> </details> </li> <li class="sidebar-category py-1 "> <details class="dropdown-withArrow details details-reset"> <summary> <div class="d-flex flex-justify-between"> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-2 py-2 f6 text-uppercase d-block flex-auto mr-3">Managing large files</a> <svg xmlns="" class="octicon flex-shrink-0 arrow mr-3" style="margin-top:7px" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16" height="16"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M12.7803 6.21967C13.0732 6.51256 13.0732 6.98744 12.7803 7.28033L8.53033 11.5303C8.23744 11.8232 7.76256 11.8232 7.46967 11.5303L3.21967 7.28033C2.92678 6.98744 2.92678 6.51256 3.21967 6.21967C3.51256 5.92678 3.98744 5.92678 4.28033 6.21967L8 9.93934L11.7197 6.21967C12.0126 5.92678 12.4874 5.92678 12.7803 6.21967Z"></path></svg> </div> </summary> <!-- some categories have maptopics with child articles --> <ul class="sidebar-topics list-style-none position-relative"> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Working with large files</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Conditions for large files</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Removing files from a repository's history</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Distributing large binaries</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">What is my disk quota?</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Versioning large files</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">About Git Large File Storage</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Installing Git Large File Storage</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Configuring Git Large File Storage</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">About storage and bandwidth usage</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Collaboration with Git Large File Storage</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Moving a file in your repository to Git Large File Storage</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Removing files from Git Large File Storage</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">Resolving Git Large File Storage upload failures</a> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <!-- some categories have no maptopics, only articles --> </details> </li> <li class="sidebar-category py-1 "> <details class="dropdown-withArrow details details-reset"> <summary> <div class="d-flex flex-justify-between"> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-2 py-2 f6 text-uppercase d-block flex-auto mr-3">Customizing your GitHub workflow</a> <svg xmlns="" class="octicon flex-shrink-0 arrow mr-3" style="margin-top:7px" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16" height="16"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M12.7803 6.21967C13.0732 6.51256 13.0732 6.98744 12.7803 7.28033L8.53033 11.5303C8.23744 11.8232 7.76256 11.8232 7.46967 11.5303L3.21967 7.28033C2.92678 6.98744 2.92678 6.51256 3.21967 6.21967C3.51256 5.92678 3.98744 5.92678 4.28033 6.21967L8 9.93934L11.7197 6.21967C12.0126 5.92678 12.4874 5.92678 12.7803 6.21967Z"></path></svg> </div> </summary> <!-- some categories have maptopics with child articles --> <ul class="sidebar-topics list-style-none position-relative"> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Exploring integrations</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">About integrations</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">About GitHub Marketplace</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">GitHub extensions and integrations</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Purchasing and installing apps in GitHub Marketplace</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Installing an app in your personal 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6.21967Z"></path></svg> </div> </summary> <!-- some categories have maptopics with child articles --> <ul class="sidebar-articles list-style-none"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-1">Getting started with the API</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-1">Git automation with OAuth tokens</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">About webhooks</a> </li> </ul> </details> </li> <li class="sidebar-category py-1 "> <details class="dropdown-withArrow details details-reset"> <summary> <div class="d-flex flex-justify-between"> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-2 py-2 f6 text-uppercase d-block flex-auto mr-3">GitHub Pages</a> <svg xmlns="" class="octicon flex-shrink-0 arrow mr-3" style="margin-top:7px" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16" height="16"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M12.7803 6.21967C13.0732 6.51256 13.0732 6.98744 12.7803 7.28033L8.53033 11.5303C8.23744 11.8232 7.76256 11.8232 7.46967 11.5303L3.21967 7.28033C2.92678 6.98744 2.92678 6.51256 3.21967 6.21967C3.51256 5.92678 3.98744 5.92678 4.28033 6.21967L8 9.93934L11.7197 6.21967C12.0126 5.92678 12.4874 5.92678 12.7803 6.21967Z"></path></svg> </div> </summary> <!-- some categories have maptopics with child articles --> <ul class="sidebar-topics list-style-none position-relative"> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Getting started with GitHub Pages</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">About GitHub Pages</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Creating a GitHub Pages site</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Adding a theme to your GitHub Pages site with the theme chooser</a> </li> <li 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<li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Creating a GitHub Pages site with Jekyll</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Testing your GitHub Pages site locally with Jekyll</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Adding content to your GitHub Pages site using Jekyll</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Setting a Markdown processor for your GitHub Pages site using Jekyll</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Adding a theme to your GitHub Pages site using Jekyll</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">About Jekyll build errors for GitHub Pages sites</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">Troubleshooting Jekyll build errors for GitHub Pages sites</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Configuring a custom domain for your GitHub Pages site</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">About custom domains and GitHub Pages</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Managing a custom domain for your GitHub Pages site</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">Troubleshooting custom domains and GitHub Pages</a> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <!-- some categories have no maptopics, only articles --> </details> </li> <li class="sidebar-category py-1 "> <details class="dropdown-withArrow details details-reset"> <summary> <div class="d-flex flex-justify-between"> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-2 py-2 f6 text-uppercase d-block flex-auto mr-3">GitHub Sponsors</a> <svg xmlns="" class="octicon flex-shrink-0 arrow mr-3" style="margin-top:7px" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16" height="16"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M12.7803 6.21967C13.0732 6.51256 13.0732 6.98744 12.7803 7.28033L8.53033 11.5303C8.23744 11.8232 7.76256 11.8232 7.46967 11.5303L3.21967 7.28033C2.92678 6.98744 2.92678 6.51256 3.21967 6.21967C3.51256 5.92678 3.98744 5.92678 4.28033 6.21967L8 9.93934L11.7197 6.21967C12.0126 5.92678 12.4874 5.92678 12.7803 6.21967Z"></path></svg> </div> </summary> <!-- some categories have maptopics with child articles --> <ul class="sidebar-topics list-style-none position-relative"> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Overview</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">About GitHub Sponsors</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 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--> <ul class="sidebar-topics list-style-none position-relative"> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Using GitHub at your educational institution</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">About GitHub Education</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">About Campus Experts</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1 pb-2">About Campus Advisors</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="sidebar-maptopic "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-4 pr-5 py-2">Using GitHub for your schoolwork</a> <ul class="sidebar-articles my-2"> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">About GitHub Education for students</a> </li> <li class="sidebar-article "> <a href="/web/20201116135400/" class="pl-6 pr-5 py-1">Applying for a student 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title="product:" href="/web/20201116135400/" class="d-inline-block "></a> <a title="category: Site policy" href="/web/20201116135400/" class="d-inline-block "> Site policy</a> <a title="article: GitHub Terms of Service" href="/web/20201116135400/" class="d-inline-block text-gray-light"> GitHub Terms of Service</a> </nav> </div> <div class="d-none d-lg-block"> </div> </div> <div class="mt-2 article-grid-container"> <div class="article-grid-head"> <div class="d-flex flex-items-baseline flex-justify-between mt-3"> <h1 class="border-bottom-0">GitHub Terms of Service</h1> <div class="d-none d-lg-block ml-2"> <button class="btn-link link-gray js-print tooltipped tooltipped-n" aria-label="Print this article"> <!-- From --> <svg fill="none" height="18" width="18" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2" viewbox="0 0 24 24" stroke="currentColor"><path d="M17 17h2a2 2 0 002-2v-4a2 2 0 00-2-2H5a2 2 0 00-2 2v4a2 2 0 002 2h2m2 4h6a2 2 0 002-2v-4a2 2 0 00-2-2H9a2 2 0 00-2 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Definitions</a></li> <li class="ml-0 mb-2 lh-condensed"><a href="#b-account-terms">B. Account Terms</a></li> <li class="ml-0 mb-2 lh-condensed"><a href="#c-acceptable-use">C. Acceptable Use</a></li> <li class="ml-0 mb-2 lh-condensed"><a href="#d-user-generated-content">D. User-Generated Content</a></li> <li class="ml-0 mb-2 lh-condensed"><a href="#e-private-repositories">E. Private Repositories</a></li> <li class="ml-0 mb-2 lh-condensed"><a href="#f-copyright-infringement-and-dmca-policy">F. Copyright Infringement and DMCA Policy</a></li> <li class="ml-0 mb-2 lh-condensed"><a href="#g-intellectual-property-notice">G. Intellectual Property Notice</a></li> <li class="ml-0 mb-2 lh-condensed"><a href="#h-api-terms">H. API Terms</a></li> <li class="ml-0 mb-2 lh-condensed"><a href="#i-github-additional-product-terms">I. GitHub Additional Product Terms</a></li> <li class="ml-0 mb-2 lh-condensed"><a href="#j-beta-previews">J. Beta Previews</a></li> <li class="ml-0 mb-2 lh-condensed"><a href="#k-payment">K. Payment</a></li> <li class="ml-0 mb-2 lh-condensed"><a href="#l-cancellation-and-termination">L. Cancellation and Termination</a></li> <li class="ml-0 mb-2 lh-condensed"><a href="#m-communications-with-github">M. Communications with GitHub</a></li> <li class="ml-0 mb-2 lh-condensed"><a href="#n-disclaimer-of-warranties">N. Disclaimer of Warranties</a></li> <li class="ml-0 mb-2 lh-condensed"><a href="#o-limitation-of-liability">O. Limitation of Liability</a></li> <li class="ml-0 mb-2 lh-condensed"><a href="#p-release-and-indemnification">P. Release and Indemnification</a></li> <li class="ml-0 mb-2 lh-condensed"><a href="#q-changes-to-these-terms">Q. Changes to These Terms</a></li> <li class="ml-0 mb-2 lh-condensed"><a href="#r-miscellaneous">R. Miscellaneous</a></li> </ul> <div class="d-none d-xl-block border-top border-gray-light mt-4"> <form class="js-helpfulness mt-4 f5" id="helpfulness-xl"> <h4 data-help-start data-help-yes data-help-no> Did this doc help you? </h4> <p class="radio-group" data-help-start data-help-yes data-help-no> <input hidden id="helpfulness-yes-xl" type="radio" name="helpfulness-vote" value="Yes" aria-label="Yes"/> <label class="btn x-radio-label" for="helpfulness-yes-xl"> <svg version="1.1" width="24" height="24" viewbox="0 0 24 24" class="octicon octicon-thumbsup" aria-hidden="true"><path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M12.596 2.043c-1.301-.092-2.303.986-2.303 2.206v1.053c0 2.666-1.813 3.785-2.774 4.2a1.866 1.866 0 01-.523.131A1.75 1.75 0 005.25 8h-1.5A1.75 1.75 0 002 9.75v10.5c0 .967.784 1.75 1.75 1.75h1.5a1.75 1.75 0 001.742-1.58c.838.06 1.667.296 2.69.586l.602.17c1.464.406 3.213.824 5.544.824 2.188 0 3.693-.204 4.583-1.372.422-.554.65-1.255.816-2.05.148-.708.262-1.57.396-2.58l.051-.39c.319-2.386.328-4.18-.223-5.394-.293-.644-.743-1.125-1.355-1.431-.59-.296-1.284-.404-2.036-.404h-2.05l.056-.429c.025-.18.05-.372.076-.572.06-.483.117-1.006.117-1.438 0-1.245-.222-2.253-.92-2.941-.684-.675-1.668-.88-2.743-.956zM7 18.918c1.059.064 2.079.355 3.118.652l.568.16c1.406.39 3.006.77 5.142.77 2.277 0 3.004-.274 3.39-.781.216-.283.388-.718.54-1.448.136-.65.242-1.45.379-2.477l.05-.384c.32-2.4.253-3.795-.102-4.575-.16-.352-.375-.568-.66-.711-.305-.153-.74-.245-1.365-.245h-2.37c-.681 0-1.293-.57-1.211-1.328.026-.243.065-.537.105-.834l.07-.527c.06-.482.105-.921.105-1.25 0-1.125-.213-1.617-.473-1.873-.275-.27-.774-.455-1.795-.528-.351-.024-.698.274-.698.71v1.053c0 3.55-2.488 5.063-3.68 5.577-.372.16-.754.232-1.113.26v7.78zM3.75 20.5a.25.25 0 01-.25-.25V9.75a.25.25 0 01.25-.25h1.5a.25.25 0 01.25.25v10.5a.25.25 0 01-.25.25h-1.5z"></path></svg> </label> <input hidden id="helpfulness-no-xl" type="radio" name="helpfulness-vote" value="No" aria-label="No"/> <label class="btn x-radio-label" for="helpfulness-no-xl"> <svg version="1.1" width="24" height="24" viewbox="0 0 24 24" class="octicon octicon-thumbsdown" aria-hidden="true"><path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M12.596 21.957c-1.301.092-2.303-.986-2.303-2.206v-1.053c0-2.666-1.813-3.785-2.774-4.2a1.864 1.864 0 00-.523-.13A1.75 1.75 0 015.25 16h-1.5A1.75 1.75 0 012 14.25V3.75C2 2.784 2.784 2 3.75 2h1.5a1.75 1.75 0 011.742 1.58c.838-.06 1.667-.296 2.69-.586l.602-.17C11.748 2.419 13.497 2 15.828 2c2.188 0 3.693.204 4.583 1.372.422.554.65 1.255.816 1.57.396 2.58l.051.39c.319 2.386.328 4.18-.223 5.394-.293.644-.743 1.125-1.355 1.431-.59.296-1.284.404-2.036.404h-2.05l.056.429c. 1.006.117 1.438 0 1.245-.222 2.253-.92 2.942-.684.674-1.668.879-2.743.955zM7 5.082c1.059-.064 2.079-.355 3.118-.651.188-.054.377-.108.568-.16 1.406-.392 3.006-.771 5.142-.771 2.277 0 3.004.274 3.39.781.216.283.388.718.54 1.448.136.65.242 1.45.379 2.477l.05.385c.32 2.398.253 3.794-.102 4.574-.16.352-.375.569-.66.711-.305.153-.74.245-1.365.245h-2.37c-.681 0-1.293.57-1.211 1.328. 1.25 0 1.125-.213 1.617-.473 1.873-.275.27-.774.456-1.795.528-.351.024-.698-.274-.698-.71v-1.053c0-3.55-2.488-5.063-3.68-5.577A3.485 3.485 0 007 12.861V5.08zM3.75 3.5a.25.25 0 00-.25.25v10.5c0 . 0 00.25-.25V3.75a.25.25 0 00-.25-.25h-1.5z"></path></svg> </label> </p> <p class="text-gray f6" hidden data-help-yes> Want to learn about new docs features and updates? 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Because it is such an important contract between us and our users, we have tried to make it as clear as possible. For your convenience, we have presented these terms in a short non-binding summary followed by the full legal terms.</p> <h3 id="summary"><a href="#summary">Summary</a></h3> <table><thead><tr><th>Section</th><th>What can you find there?</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td><a href="#a-definitions">A. Definitions</a></td><td>Some basic terms, defined in a way that will help you understand this agreement. Refer back up to this section for clarification.</td></tr><tr><td><a href="#b-account-terms">B. Account Terms</a></td><td>These are the basic requirements of having an Account on GitHub.</td></tr><tr><td><a href="#c-acceptable-use">C. Acceptable Use</a></td><td>These are the basic rules you must follow when using your GitHub Account.</td></tr><tr><td><a href="#d-user-generated-content">D. User-Generated Content</a></td><td>You own the content you post on GitHub. However, you have some responsibilities regarding it, and we ask you to grant us some rights so we can provide services to you.</td></tr><tr><td><a href="#e-private-repositories">E. Private Repositories</a></td><td>This section talks about how GitHub will treat content you post in private repositories.</td></tr><tr><td><a href="#f-copyright-infringement-and-dmca-policy">F. Copyright & DMCA Policy</a></td><td>This section talks about how GitHub will respond if you believe someone is infringing your copyrights on GitHub.</td></tr><tr><td><a href="#g-intellectual-property-notice">G. Intellectual Property Notice</a></td><td>This describes GitHub's rights in the website and service.</td></tr><tr><td><a href="#h-api-terms">H. API Terms</a></td><td>These are the rules for using GitHub's APIs, whether you are using the API for development or data collection.</td></tr><tr><td><a href="#i-github-additional-product-terms">I. Additional Product Terms</a></td><td>We have a few specific rules for GitHub's features and products.</td></tr><tr><td><a href="#j-beta-previews">J. Beta Previews</a></td><td>These are some of the additional terms that apply to GitHub's features that are still in development.</td></tr><tr><td><a href="#k-payment">K. Payment</a></td><td>You are responsible for payment. We are responsible for billing you accurately.</td></tr><tr><td><a href="#l-cancellation-and-termination">L. Cancellation and Termination</a></td><td>You may cancel this agreement and close your Account at any time.</td></tr><tr><td><a href="#m-communications-with-github">M. Communications with GitHub</a></td><td>We only use email and other electronic means to stay in touch with our users. We do not provide phone support.</td></tr><tr><td><a href="#n-disclaimer-of-warranties">N. Disclaimer of Warranties</a></td><td>We provide our service as is, and we make no promises or guarantees about this service. <strong>Please read this section carefully; you should understand what to expect.</strong></td></tr><tr><td><a href="#o-limitation-of-liability">O. Limitation of Liability</a></td><td>We will not be liable for damages or losses arising from your use or inability to use the service or otherwise arising under this agreement. <strong>Please read this section carefully; it limits our obligations to you.</strong></td></tr><tr><td><a href="#p-release-and-indemnification">P. Release and Indemnification</a></td><td>You are fully responsible for your use of the service.</td></tr><tr><td><a href="#q-changes-to-these-terms">Q. Changes to these Terms of Service</a></td><td>We may modify this agreement, but we will give you 30 days' notice of changes that affect your rights.</td></tr><tr><td><a href="#r-miscellaneous">R. Miscellaneous</a></td><td>Please see this section for legal details including our choice of law.</td></tr></tbody></table> <h3 id="the-github-terms-of-service"><a href="#the-github-terms-of-service">The GitHub Terms of Service</a></h3> <p>Effective date: April 2, 2020</p> <h3 id="a-definitions"><a href="#a-definitions">A. Definitions</a></h3> <p><strong>Short version:</strong> <em>We use these basic terms throughout the agreement, and they have specific meanings. You should know what we mean when we use each of the terms. There's not going to be a test on it, but it's still useful information.</em></p> <ol> <li>An "Account" represents your legal relationship with GitHub. A “User Account” represents an individual User’s authorization to log in to and use the Service and serves as a User’s identity on GitHub. “Organizations” are shared workspaces that may be associated with a single entity or with one or more Users where multiple Users can collaborate across many projects at once. A User Account can be a member of any number of Organizations.</li> <li>The “Agreement” refers, collectively, to all the terms, conditions, notices contained or referenced in this document (the “Terms of Service” or the "Terms") and all other operating rules, policies (including the GitHub Privacy Statement, available at <a href=""></a>) and procedures that we may publish from time to time on the Website. Most of our site policies are available at <a href="/web/20201116135400/"></a>.</li> <li>"Beta Previews" mean software, services, or features identified as alpha, beta, preview, early access, or evaluation, or words or phrases with similar meanings.</li> <li>“Content” refers to content featured or displayed through the Website, including without limitation code, text, data, articles, images, photographs, graphics, software, applications, packages, designs, features, and other materials that are available on the Website or otherwise available through the Service. "Content" also includes Services. “User-Generated Content” is Content, written or otherwise, created or uploaded by our Users. "Your Content" is Content that you create or own.</li> <li>“GitHub,” “We,” and “Us” refer to GitHub, Inc., as well as our affiliates, directors, subsidiaries, contractors, licensors, officers, agents, and employees.</li> <li>The “Service” refers to the applications, software, products, and services provided by GitHub, including any Beta Previews.</li> <li>“The User,” “You,” and “Your” refer to the individual person, company, or organization that has visited or is using the Website or Service; that accesses or uses any part of the Account; or that directs the use of the Account in the performance of its functions. A User must be at least 13 years of age. Special terms may apply for business or government Accounts (See <a href="#5-additional-terms">Section B(5): Additional Terms</a>).</li> <li>The “Website” refers to GitHub’s website located at <a href=""></a>, and all content, services, and products provided by GitHub at or through the Website. It also refers to GitHub-owned subdomains of, such as <a href=""></a> and <a href=""></a>. These Terms also govern GitHub’s conference websites, such as <a href=""></a>, and product websites, such as <a href=""></a>. Occasionally, websites owned by GitHub may provide different or additional terms of service. If those additional terms conflict with this Agreement, the more specific terms apply to the relevant page or service.</li> </ol> <h3 id="b-account-terms"><a href="#b-account-terms">B. Account Terms</a></h3> <p><strong>Short version:</strong> <em>User Accounts and Organizations have different administrative controls; a human must create your Account; you must be 13 or over; you must provide a valid email address; and you may not have more than one free Account. You alone are responsible for your Account and anything that happens while you are signed in to or using your Account. You are responsible for keeping your Account secure.</em></p> <h4 id="1-account-controls"><a href="#1-account-controls">1. Account Controls</a></h4> <ul> <li> <p>Users. Subject to these Terms, you retain ultimate administrative control over your User Account and the Content within it.</p> </li> <li> <p>Organizations. The "owner" of an Organization that was created under these Terms has ultimate administrative control over that Organization and the Content within it. Within the Service, an owner can manage User access to the Organization’s data and projects. An Organization may have multiple owners, but there must be at least one User Account designated as an owner of an Organization. If you are the owner of an Organization under these Terms, we consider you responsible for the actions that are performed on or through that Organization.</p> </li> </ul> <h4 id="2-required-information"><a href="#2-required-information">2. Required Information</a></h4> <p>You must provide a valid email address in order to complete the signup process. Any other information requested, such as your real name, is optional, unless you are accepting these terms on behalf of a legal entity (in which case we need more information about the legal entity) or if you opt for a <a href="#k-payment">paid Account</a>, in which case additional information will be necessary for billing purposes.</p> <h4 id="3-account-requirements"><a href="#3-account-requirements">3. Account Requirements</a></h4> <p>We have a few simple rules for User Accounts on GitHub's Service.</p> <ul> <li>You must be a human to create an Account. Accounts registered by "bots" or other automated methods are not permitted. We do permit machine accounts:</li> <li>A machine account is an Account set up by an individual human who accepts the Terms on behalf of the Account, provides a valid email address, and is responsible for its actions. A machine account is used exclusively for performing automated tasks. Multiple users may direct the actions of a machine account, but the owner of the Account is ultimately responsible for the machine's actions. You may maintain no more than one free machine account in addition to your free User Account.</li> <li>One person or legal entity may maintain no more than one free Account (if you choose to control a machine account as well, that's fine, but it can only be used for running a machine).</li> <li>You must be age 13 or older. While we are thrilled to see brilliant young coders get excited by learning to program, we must comply with United States law. GitHub does not target our Service to children under 13, and we do not permit any Users under 13 on our Service. If we learn of any User under the age of 13, we will <a href="#l-cancellation-and-termination">terminate that User’s Account immediately</a>. If you are a resident of a country outside the United States, your country’s minimum age may be older; in such a case, you are responsible for complying with your country’s laws.</li> <li>Your login may only be used by one person — i.e., a single login may not be shared by multiple people. A paid Organization may only provide access to as many User Accounts as your subscription allows.</li> <li>You may not use GitHub in violation of export control or sanctions laws of the United States or any other applicable jurisdiction. You may not use GitHub if you are or are working on behalf of a <a href="">Specially Designated National (SDN)</a> or a person subject to similar blocking or denied party prohibitions administered by a U.S. government agency. GitHub may allow persons in certain sanctioned countries or territories to access certain GitHub services pursuant to U.S. government authorizations. For more information, please see our <a href="/web/20201116135400/">Export Controls policy</a>. </li> </ul> <h4 id="4-user-account-security"><a href="#4-user-account-security">4. User Account Security</a></h4> <p>You are responsible for keeping your Account secure while you use our Service. We offer tools such as two-factor authentication to help you maintain your Account's security, but the content of your Account and its security are up to you.</p> <ul> <li>You are responsible for all content posted and activity that occurs under your Account (even when content is posted by others who have Accounts under your Account).</li> <li>You are responsible for maintaining the security of your Account and password. GitHub cannot and will not be liable for any loss or damage from your failure to comply with this security obligation.</li> <li>You will promptly <a href="">notify GitHub</a> if you become aware of any unauthorized use of, or access to, our Service through your Account, including any unauthorized use of your password or Account.</li> </ul> <h4 id="5-additional-terms"><a href="#5-additional-terms">5. Additional Terms</a></h4> <p>In some situations, third parties' terms may apply to your use of GitHub. For example, you may be a member of an organization on GitHub with its own terms or license agreements; you may download an application that integrates with GitHub; or you may use GitHub to authenticate to another service. Please be aware that while these Terms are our full agreement with you, other parties' terms govern their relationships with you.</p> <p>If you are a government User or otherwise accessing or using any GitHub Service in a government capacity, this <a href="/web/20201116135400/">Government Amendment to GitHub Terms of Service</a> applies to you, and you agree to its provisions.</p> <p>If you have signed up for GitHub Enterprise Cloud, the <a href="/web/20201116135400/">Enterprise Cloud Addendum</a> applies to you, and you agree to its provisions.</p> <h3 id="c-acceptable-use"><a href="#c-acceptable-use">C. Acceptable Use</a></h3> <p><strong>Short version:</strong> <em>GitHub hosts a wide variety of collaborative projects from all over the world, and that collaboration only works when our users are able to work together in good faith. While using the service, you must follow the terms of this section, which include some restrictions on content you can post, conduct on the service, and other limitations. In short, be excellent to each other.</em></p> <p>Your use of the Website and Service must not violate any applicable laws, including copyright or trademark laws, export control or sanctions laws, or other laws in your jurisdiction. You are responsible for making sure that your use of the Service is in compliance with laws and any applicable regulations.</p> <p>You agree that you will not under any circumstances violate our <a href="/web/20201116135400/">Acceptable Use Policies</a> or <a href="/web/20201116135400/">Community Guidelines</a>.</p> <h3 id="d-user-generated-content"><a href="#d-user-generated-content">D. User-Generated Content</a></h3> <p><strong>Short version:</strong> <em>You own content you create, but you allow us certain rights to it, so that we can display and share the content you post. You still have control over your content, and responsibility for it, and the rights you grant us are limited to those we need to provide the service. We have the right to remove content or close Accounts if we need to.</em></p> <h4 id="1-responsibility-for-user-generated-content"><a href="#1-responsibility-for-user-generated-content">1. Responsibility for User-Generated Content</a></h4> <p>You may create or upload User-Generated Content while using the Service. You are solely responsible for the content of, and for any harm resulting from, any User-Generated Content that you post, upload, link to or otherwise make available via the Service, regardless of the form of that Content. We are not responsible for any public display or misuse of your User-Generated Content.</p> <h4 id="2-github-may-remove-content"><a href="#2-github-may-remove-content">2. GitHub May Remove Content</a></h4> <p>We do not pre-screen User-Generated Content, but we have the right (though not the obligation) to refuse or remove any User-Generated Content that, in our sole discretion, violates any <a href="/web/20201116135400/">GitHub terms or policies</a>.</p> <h4 id="3-ownership-of-content-right-to-post-and-license-grants"><a href="#3-ownership-of-content-right-to-post-and-license-grants">3. Ownership of Content, Right to Post, and License Grants</a></h4> <p>You retain ownership of and responsibility for Your Content. If you're posting anything you did not create yourself or do not own the rights to, you agree that you are responsible for any Content you post; that you will only submit Content that you have the right to post; and that you will fully comply with any third party licenses relating to Content you post.</p> <p>Because you retain ownership of and responsibility for Your Content, we need you to grant us — and other GitHub Users — certain legal permissions, listed in Sections D.4 — D.7. These license grants apply to Your Content. If you upload Content that already comes with a license granting GitHub the permissions we need to run our Service, no additional license is required. You understand that you will not receive any payment for any of the rights granted in Sections D.4 — D.7. The licenses you grant to us will end when you remove Your Content from our servers, unless other Users have forked it.</p> <h4 id="4-license-grant-to-us"><a href="#4-license-grant-to-us">4. License Grant to Us</a></h4> <p>We need the legal right to do things like host Your Content, publish it, and share it. You grant us and our legal successors the right to store, parse, and display Your Content, and make incidental copies as necessary to render the Website and provide the Service. This includes the right to do things like copy it to our database and make backups; show it to you and other users; parse it into a search index or otherwise analyze it on our servers; share it with other users; and perform it, in case Your Content is something like music or video.</p> <p>This license does not grant GitHub the right to sell Your Content or otherwise distribute or use it outside of our provision of the Service.</p> <h4 id="5-license-grant-to-other-users"><a href="#5-license-grant-to-other-users">5. License Grant to Other Users</a></h4> <p>Any User-Generated Content you post publicly, including issues, comments, and contributions to other Users' repositories, may be viewed by others. By setting your repositories to be viewed publicly, you agree to allow others to view and "fork" your repositories (this means that others may make their own copies of Content from your repositories in repositories they control).</p> <p>If you set your pages and repositories to be viewed publicly, you grant each User of GitHub a nonexclusive, worldwide license to use, display, and perform Your Content through the GitHub Service and to reproduce Your Content solely on GitHub as permitted through GitHub's functionality (for example, through forking). You may grant further rights if you <a href="/web/20201116135400/">adopt a license</a>. If you are uploading Content you did not create or own, you are responsible for ensuring that the Content you upload is licensed under terms that grant these permissions to other GitHub Users.</p> <h4 id="6-contributions-under-repository-license"><a href="#6-contributions-under-repository-license">6. Contributions Under Repository License</a></h4> <p>Whenever you make a contribution to a repository containing notice of a license, you license your contribution under the same terms, and you agree that you have the right to license your contribution under those terms. If you have a separate agreement to license your contributions under different terms, such as a contributor license agreement, that agreement will supersede.</p> <p>Isn't this just how it works already? Yep. This is widely accepted as the norm in the open-source community; it's commonly referred to by the shorthand "inbound=outbound". We're just making it explicit.</p> <h4 id="7-moral-rights"><a href="#7-moral-rights">7. Moral Rights</a></h4> <p>You retain all moral rights to Your Content that you upload, publish, or submit to any part of the Service, including the rights of integrity and attribution. However, you waive these rights and agree not to assert them against us, to enable us to reasonably exercise the rights granted in Section D.4, but not otherwise.</p> <p>To the extent this agreement is not enforceable by applicable law, you grant GitHub the rights we need to use Your Content without attribution and to make reasonable adaptations of Your Content as necessary to render the Website and provide the Service.</p> <h3 id="e-private-repositories"><a href="#e-private-repositories">E. Private Repositories</a></h3> <p><strong>Short version:</strong> <em>You may have access to private repositories. We treat the content of private repositories as confidential, and we only access it for support reasons, with your consent, or if required to for security reasons.</em></p> <h4 id="1-control-of-private-repositories"><a href="#1-control-of-private-repositories">1. Control of Private Repositories</a></h4> <p>Some Accounts may have private repositories, which allow the User to control access to Content.</p> <h4 id="2-confidentiality-of-private-repositories"><a href="#2-confidentiality-of-private-repositories">2. Confidentiality of Private Repositories</a></h4> <p>GitHub considers the contents of private repositories to be confidential to you. GitHub will protect the contents of private repositories from unauthorized use, access, or disclosure in the same manner that we would use to protect our own confidential information of a similar nature and in no event with less than a reasonable degree of care.</p> <h4 id="3-access"><a href="#3-access">3. Access</a></h4> <p>GitHub personnel may only access the content of your private repositories in the following situations:</p> <ul> <li>With your consent and knowledge, for support reasons. If GitHub accesses a private repository for support reasons, we will only do so with the owner’s consent and knowledge.</li> <li>When access is required for security reasons, including when access is required to maintain ongoing confidentiality, integrity, availability and resilience of GitHub's systems and Service.</li> </ul> <p>You may choose to enable additional access to your private repositories. For example:</p> <ul> <li>You may enable various GitHub services or features that require additional rights to Your Content in private repositories. These rights may vary depending on the service or feature, but GitHub will continue to treat your private repository Content as confidential. If those services or features require rights in addition to those we need to provide the GitHub Service, we will provide an explanation of those rights.</li> </ul> <h4 id="4-exclusions"><a href="#4-exclusions">4. Exclusions</a></h4> <p>If we have reason to believe the contents of a private repository are in violation of the law or of these Terms, we have the right to access, review, and remove them. Additionally, we may be <a href="/web/20201116135400/">compelled by law</a> to disclose the contents of your private repositories.</p> <h3 id="f-copyright-infringement-and-dmca-policy"><a href="#f-copyright-infringement-and-dmca-policy">F. Copyright Infringement and DMCA Policy</a></h3> <p>If you believe that content on our website violates your copyright, please contact us in accordance with our <a href="/web/20201116135400/">Digital Millennium Copyright Act Policy</a>. If you are a copyright owner and you believe that content on GitHub violates your rights, please contact us via <a href="">our convenient DMCA form</a> or by emailing There may be legal consequences for sending a false or frivolous takedown notice. Before sending a takedown request, you must consider legal uses such as fair use and licensed uses.</p> <p>We will terminate the Accounts of <a href="/web/20201116135400/">repeat infringers</a> of this policy.</p> <h3 id="g-intellectual-property-notice"><a href="#g-intellectual-property-notice">G. Intellectual Property Notice</a></h3> <p><strong>Short version:</strong> <em>We own the service and all of our content. In order for you to use our content, we give you certain rights to it, but you may only use our content in the way we have allowed.</em></p> <h4 id="1-githubs-rights-to-content"><a href="#1-githubs-rights-to-content">1. GitHub's Rights to Content</a></h4> <p>GitHub and our licensors, vendors, agents, and/or our content providers retain ownership of all intellectual property rights of any kind related to the Website and Service. We reserve all rights that are not expressly granted to you under this Agreement or by law. The look and feel of the Website and Service is copyright © GitHub, Inc. All rights reserved. You may not duplicate, copy, or reuse any portion of the HTML/CSS, Javascript, or visual design elements or concepts without express written permission from GitHub.</p> <h4 id="2-github-trademarks-and-logos"><a href="#2-github-trademarks-and-logos">2. GitHub Trademarks and Logos</a></h4> <p>If you’d like to use GitHub’s trademarks, you must follow all of our trademark guidelines, including those on our logos page: <a href=""></a>.</p> <h4 id="3-license-to-github-policies"><a href="#3-license-to-github-policies">3. License to GitHub Policies</a></h4> <p>This Agreement is licensed under this <a href="">Creative Commons Zero license</a>. For details, see our <a href="">site-policy repository</a>.</p> <h3 id="h-api-terms"><a href="#h-api-terms">H. API Terms</a></h3> <p><strong>Short version:</strong> <em>You agree to these Terms of Service, plus this Section H, when using any of GitHub's APIs (Application Provider Interface), including use of the API through a third party product that accesses GitHub.</em></p> <p>Abuse or excessively frequent requests to GitHub via the API may result in the temporary or permanent suspension of your Account's access to the API. GitHub, in our sole discretion, will determine abuse or excessive usage of the API. We will make a reasonable attempt to warn you via email prior to suspension.</p> <p>You may not share API tokens to exceed GitHub's rate limitations.</p> <p>You may not use the API to download data or Content from GitHub for spamming purposes, including for the purposes of selling GitHub users' personal information, such as to recruiters, headhunters, and job boards.</p> <p>All use of the GitHub API is subject to these Terms of Service and the <a href="">GitHub Privacy Statement</a>.</p> <p>GitHub may offer subscription-based access to our API for those Users who require high-throughput access or access that would result in resale of GitHub's Service.</p> <h3 id="i-github-additional-product-terms"><a href="#i-github-additional-product-terms">I. GitHub Additional Product Terms</a></h3> <p><strong>Short version:</strong> <em>You need to follow certain specific terms and conditions for GitHub's various features and products, and you agree to the Supplemental Terms and Conditions when you agree to this Agreement.</em></p> <p>Some Service features may be subject to additional terms specific to that feature or product as set forth in the GitHub Additional Product Terms. By accessing or using the Services, you also agree to the <a href="/web/20201116135400/">GitHub Additional Product Terms</a>.</p> <h3 id="j-beta-previews"><a href="#j-beta-previews">J. Beta Previews</a></h3> <p><strong>Short version:</strong> <em>Beta Previews may not be supported or may change at any time, you may receive confidential information through those programs that must remain confidential while the program is private, and we'd love your feedback to make our Beta Previews better.</em></p> <h4 id="1-subject-to-change"><a href="#1-subject-to-change">1. Subject to Change</a></h4> <p>Beta Previews may not be supported and may be changed at any time without notice. In addition, Beta Previews are not subject to the same security measures and auditing to which the Service has been and is subject. <strong>By using a Beta Preview, you use it at your own risk.</strong></p> <h4 id="2-confidentiality"><a href="#2-confidentiality">2. Confidentiality</a></h4> <p>As a user of Beta Previews, you may get access to special information that isn’t available to the rest of the world. Due to the sensitive nature of this information, it’s important for us to make sure that you keep that information secret.</p> <p><strong>Confidentiality Obligations.</strong> You agree that any non-public Beta Preview information we give you, such as information about a private Beta Preview, will be considered GitHub’s confidential information (collectively, “Confidential Information”), regardless of whether it is marked or identified as such. You agree to only use such Confidential Information for the express purpose of testing and evaluating the Beta Preview (the “Purpose”), and not for any other purpose. You should use the same degree of care as you would with your own confidential information, but no less than reasonable precautions to prevent any unauthorized use, disclosure, publication, or dissemination of our Confidential Information. You promise not to disclose, publish, or disseminate any Confidential Information to any third party, unless we don’t otherwise prohibit or restrict such disclosure (for example, you might be part of a GitHub-organized group discussion about a private Beta Preview feature).</p> <p><strong>Exceptions.</strong> Confidential Information will not include information that is: (a) or becomes publicly available without breach of this Agreement through no act or inaction on your part (such as when a private Beta Preview becomes a public Beta Preview); (b) known to you before we disclose it to you; (c) independently developed by you without breach of any confidentiality obligation to us or any third party; or (d) disclosed with permission from GitHub. You will not violate the terms of this Agreement if you are required to disclose Confidential Information pursuant to operation of law, provided GitHub has been given reasonable advance written notice to object, unless prohibited by law. </p> <h4 id="3-feedback"><a href="#3-feedback">3. Feedback</a></h4> <p>We’re always trying to improve of products and services, and your feedback as a Beta Preview user will help us do that. If you choose to give us any ideas, know-how, algorithms, code contributions, suggestions, enhancement requests, recommendations or any other feedback for our products or services (collectively, “Feedback”), you acknowledge and agree that GitHub will have a royalty-free, fully paid-up, worldwide, transferable, sub-licensable, irrevocable and perpetual license to implement, use, modify, commercially exploit and/or incorporate the Feedback into our products, services, and documentation.</p> <h3 id="k-payment"><a href="#k-payment">K. Payment</a></h3> <p><strong>Short version:</strong> <em>You are responsible for any fees associated with your use of GitHub. We are responsible for communicating those fees to you clearly and accurately, and letting you know well in advance if those prices change.</em></p> <h4 id="1-pricing"><a href="#1-pricing">1. Pricing</a></h4> <p>Our pricing and payment terms are available at <a href=""></a>. If you agree to a subscription price, that will remain your price for the duration of the payment term; however, prices are subject to change at the end of a payment term.</p> <h4 id="2-upgrades-downgrades-and-changes"><a href="#2-upgrades-downgrades-and-changes">2. Upgrades, Downgrades, and Changes</a></h4> <ul> <li>We will immediately bill you when you upgrade from the free plan to any paying plan.</li> <li>If you change from a monthly billing plan to a yearly billing plan, GitHub will bill you for a full year at the next monthly billing date.</li> <li>If you upgrade to a higher level of service, we will bill you for the upgraded plan immediately.</li> <li>You may change your level of service at any time by <a href="">choosing a plan option</a> or going into your <a href="">Billing settings</a>. If you choose to downgrade your Account, you may lose access to Content, features, or capacity of your Account. Please see our section on <a href="#l-cancellation-and-termination">Cancellation</a> for information on getting a copy of that Content.</li> </ul> <h4 id="3-billing-schedule-no-refunds"><a href="#3-billing-schedule-no-refunds">3. Billing Schedule; No Refunds</a></h4> <p><strong>Payment Based on Plan</strong> For monthly or yearly payment plans, the Service is billed in advance on a monthly or yearly basis respectively and is non-refundable. There will be no refunds or credits for partial months of service, downgrade refunds, or refunds for months unused with an open Account; however, the service will remain active for the length of the paid billing period. In order to treat everyone equally, no exceptions will be made.</p> <p><strong>Payment Based on Usage</strong> Some Service features are billed based on your usage. A limited quantity of these Service features may be included in your plan for a limited term without additional charge. If you choose to purchase paid Service features beyond the quantity included in your plan, you pay for those Service features based on your actual usage in the preceding month. Monthly payment for these purchases will be charged on a periodic basis in arrears. See <a href="/web/20201116135400/">GitHub Additional Product Terms for Details</a>.</p> <p><strong>Invoicing</strong> For invoiced Users, User agrees to pay the fees in full, up front without deduction or setoff of any kind, in U.S. Dollars. User must pay the fees within thirty (30) days of the GitHub invoice date. Amounts payable under this Agreement are non-refundable, except as otherwise provided in this Agreement. If User fails to pay any fees on time, GitHub reserves the right, in addition to taking any other action at law or equity, to (i) charge interest on past due amounts at 1.0% per month or the highest interest rate allowed by law, whichever is less, and to charge all expenses of recovery, and (ii) terminate the applicable order form. User is solely responsible for all taxes, fees, duties and governmental assessments (except for taxes based on GitHub's net income) that are imposed or become due in connection with this Agreement.</p> <h4 id="4-authorization"><a href="#4-authorization">4. Authorization</a></h4> <p>By agreeing to these Terms, you are giving us permission to charge your on-file credit card, PayPal account, or other approved methods of payment for fees that you authorize for GitHub.</p> <h4 id="5-responsibility-for-payment"><a href="#5-responsibility-for-payment">5. Responsibility for Payment</a></h4> <p>You are responsible for all fees, including taxes, associated with your use of the Service. By using the Service, you agree to pay GitHub any charge incurred in connection with your use of the Service. If you dispute the matter, contact <a href="">GitHub Support</a>. You are responsible for providing us with a valid means of payment for paid Accounts. Free Accounts are not required to provide payment information.</p> <h3 id="l-cancellation-and-termination"><a href="#l-cancellation-and-termination">L. Cancellation and Termination</a></h3> <p><strong>Short version:</strong> <em>You may close your Account at any time. If you do, we'll treat your information responsibly.</em></p> <h4 id="1-account-cancellation"><a href="#1-account-cancellation">1. Account Cancellation</a></h4> <p>It is your responsibility to properly cancel your Account with GitHub. You can <a href="/web/20201116135400/">cancel your Account at any time</a> by going into your Settings in the global navigation bar at the top of the screen. The Account screen provides a simple, no questions asked cancellation link. We are not able to cancel Accounts in response to an email or phone request.</p> <h4 id="2-upon-cancellation"><a href="#2-upon-cancellation">2. Upon Cancellation</a></h4> <p>We will retain and use your information as necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce our agreements, but barring legal requirements, we will delete your full profile and the Content of your repositories within 90 days of cancellation or termination (though some information may remain in encrypted backups). This information can not be recovered once your Account is cancelled.</p> <p>We will not delete Content that you have contributed to other Users' repositories or that other Users have forked.</p> <p>Upon request, we will make a reasonable effort to provide an Account owner with a copy of your lawful, non-infringing Account contents after Account cancellation, termination, or downgrade. You must make this request within 90 days of cancellation, termination, or downgrade.</p> <h4 id="3-github-may-terminate"><a href="#3-github-may-terminate">3. GitHub May Terminate</a></h4> <p>GitHub has the right to suspend or terminate your access to all or any part of the Website at any time, with or without cause, with or without notice, effective immediately. GitHub reserves the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason at any time.</p> <h4 id="4-survival"><a href="#4-survival">4. Survival</a></h4> <p>All provisions of this Agreement which, by their nature, should survive termination <em>will</em> survive termination — including, without limitation: ownership provisions, warranty disclaimers, indemnity, and limitations of liability.</p> <h3 id="m-communications-with-github"><a href="#m-communications-with-github">M. Communications with GitHub</a></h3> <p><strong>Short version:</strong> <em>We use email and other electronic means to stay in touch with our users.</em></p> <h4 id="1-electronic-communication-required"><a href="#1-electronic-communication-required">1. Electronic Communication Required</a></h4> <p>For contractual purposes, you (1) consent to receive communications from us in an electronic form via the email address you have submitted or via the Service; and (2) agree that all Terms of Service, agreements, notices, disclosures, and other communications that we provide to you electronically satisfy any legal requirement that those communications would satisfy if they were on paper. This section does not affect your non-waivable rights.</p> <h4 id="2-legal-notice-to-github-must-be-in-writing"><a href="#2-legal-notice-to-github-must-be-in-writing">2. Legal Notice to GitHub Must Be in Writing</a></h4> <p>Communications made through email or GitHub Support's messaging system will not constitute legal notice to GitHub or any of its officers, employees, agents or representatives in any situation where notice to GitHub is required by contract or any law or regulation. Legal notice to GitHub must be in writing and <a href="/web/20201116135400/">served on GitHub's legal agent</a>.</p> <h4 id="3-no-phone-support"><a href="#3-no-phone-support">3. No Phone Support</a></h4> <p>GitHub only offers support via email, in-Service communications, and electronic messages. We do not offer telephone support.</p> <h3 id="n-disclaimer-of-warranties"><a href="#n-disclaimer-of-warranties">N. Disclaimer of Warranties</a></h3> <p><strong>Short version:</strong> <em>We provide our service as is, and we make no promises or guarantees about this service. Please read this section carefully; you should understand what to expect.</em></p> <p>GitHub provides the Website and the Service “as is” and “as available,” without warranty of any kind. Without limiting this, we expressly disclaim all warranties, whether express, implied or statutory, regarding the Website and the Service including without limitation any warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title, security, accuracy and non-infringement.</p> <p>GitHub does not warrant that the Service will meet your requirements; that the Service will be uninterrupted, timely, secure, or error-free; that the information provided through the Service is accurate, reliable or correct; that any defects or errors will be corrected; that the Service will be available at any particular time or location; or that the Service is free of viruses or other harmful components. You assume full responsibility and risk of loss resulting from your downloading and/or use of files, information, content or other material obtained from the Service.</p> <h3 id="o-limitation-of-liability"><a href="#o-limitation-of-liability">O. Limitation of Liability</a></h3> <p><strong>Short version:</strong> <em>We will not be liable for damages or losses arising from your use or inability to use the service or otherwise arising under this agreement. Please read this section carefully; it limits our obligations to you.</em></p> <p>You understand and agree that we will not be liable to you or any third party for any loss of profits, use, goodwill, or data, or for any incidental, indirect, special, consequential or exemplary damages, however arising, that result from</p> <ul> <li>the use, disclosure, or display of your User-Generated Content;</li> <li>your use or inability to use the Service;</li> <li>any modification, price change, suspension or discontinuance of the Service;</li> <li>the Service generally or the software or systems that make the Service available;</li> <li>unauthorized access to or alterations of your transmissions or data;</li> <li>statements or conduct of any third party on the Service;</li> <li>any other user interactions that you input or receive through your use of the Service; or</li> <li>any other matter relating to the Service.</li> </ul> <p>Our liability is limited whether or not we have been informed of the possibility of such damages, and even if a remedy set forth in this Agreement is found to have failed of its essential purpose. We will have no liability for any failure or delay due to matters beyond our reasonable control.</p> <h3 id="p-release-and-indemnification"><a href="#p-release-and-indemnification">P. Release and Indemnification</a></h3> <p><strong>Short version:</strong> <em>You are responsible for your use of the service. If you harm someone else or get into a dispute with someone else, we will not be involved.</em></p> <p>If you have a dispute with one or more Users, you agree to release GitHub from any and all claims, demands and damages (actual and consequential) of every kind and nature, known and unknown, arising out of or in any way connected with such disputes.</p> <p>You agree to indemnify us, defend us, and hold us harmless from and against any and all claims, liabilities, and expenses, including attorneys’ fees, arising out of your use of the Website and the Service, including but not limited to your violation of this Agreement, provided that GitHub (1) promptly gives you written notice of the claim, demand, suit or proceeding; (2) gives you sole control of the defense and settlement of the claim, demand, suit or proceeding (provided that you may not settle any claim, demand, suit or proceeding unless the settlement unconditionally releases GitHub of all liability); and (3) provides to you all reasonable assistance, at your expense.</p> <h3 id="q-changes-to-these-terms"><a href="#q-changes-to-these-terms">Q. Changes to These Terms</a></h3> <p><strong>Short version:</strong> <em>We want our users to be informed of important changes to our terms, but some changes aren't that important — we don't want to bother you every time we fix a typo. So while we may modify this agreement at any time, we will notify users of any changes that affect your rights and give you time to adjust to them.</em></p> <p>We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to amend these Terms of Service at any time and will update these Terms of Service in the event of any such amendments. We will notify our Users of material changes to this Agreement, such as price changes, at least 30 days prior to the change taking effect by posting a notice on our Website. For non-material modifications, your continued use of the Website constitutes agreement to our revisions of these Terms of Service. You can view all changes to these Terms in our <a href="">Site Policy</a> repository.</p> <p>We reserve the right at any time and from time to time to modify or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, the Website (or any part of it) with or without notice.</p> <h3 id="r-miscellaneous"><a href="#r-miscellaneous">R. Miscellaneous</a></h3> <h4 id="1-governing-law"><a href="#1-governing-law">1. Governing Law</a></h4> <p>Except to the extent applicable law provides otherwise, this Agreement between you and GitHub and any access to or use of the Website or the Service are governed by the federal laws of the United States of America and the laws of the State of California, without regard to conflict of law provisions. You and GitHub agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of the courts located in the City and County of San Francisco, California.</p> <h4 id="2-non-assignability"><a href="#2-non-assignability">2. 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