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Includes the Catholic Encyclopedia, Church Fathers, Summa, Bible and more — all for only $19.99...</a></em></p> <p>ARCHDIOCESE OF PARIS (PARIBIENSIS)</p> <p><em>See also</em> <a href="../cathen/11495a.htm">UNIVERSITY OF PARIS</a>.</p> <p>Paris comprises the Department of the Seine. It was re-established by the Concordat of 1802 with much narrower limits than it had prior to the <a href="../cathen/13009a.htm">Revolution</a>, when, besides the city of Paris and its suburbs, it comprised the archdeanery of Josas (including the deaneries of Châteaufort and Montlhéry) and the archdeanery of Brie (including the deaneries of Lagny and Vieux-Corbeil). The deanery of Champeaux, enclosed within the territory of the <a href="../cathen/13716a.htm">Diocese of Sens</a>, was also dependent on the Archdiocese of Paris, which had then 492 <a href="../cathen/11499b.htm">parishes</a>. The Concordat gave to the <a href="../cathen/05001a.htm">dioceses</a> of <a href="../cathen/15366a.htm">Versailles</a> and Meaux the archdeaneries of Josas and Brie, which had nearly 350 <a href="../cathen/11499b.htm">parishes</a>, and reduced the Archdiocese of Paris to 42 urban and 76 suburban <a href="../cathen/11499b.htm">parishes</a>. According to the Concordat it had eight suffragans: Amiens, <a href="../cathen/01752c.htm">Arras</a>, <a href="../cathen/03209c.htm">Cambrai</a>, <a href="../cathen/11318b.htm">Orléans</a>, Meaux, <a href="../cathen/14130c.htm">Soissons</a>, <a href="../cathen/15067a.htm">Troyes</a> and <a href="../cathen/15366a.htm">Versailles</a>. The re-establishment under the Restoration of the <a href="../cathen/01694b.htm">Archdioceses</a> of <a href="../cathen/07356b.htm">Reims</a> and Sens removed the Dioceses of <a href="../cathen/15067a.htm">Troyes</a>, <a href="../cathen/01429d.htm">Amiens</a>, and <a href="../cathen/14130c.htm">Soissons</a> from the <a href="../cathen/08567a.htm">jurisdiction</a> of Paris, but the Dioceses of <a href="../cathen/02602b.htm">Blois</a> and Chartres, created in 1882, were attached to the Province of Paris. In 1841 Cambrai, having become a <a href="../cathen/10244c.htm">metropolitan</a> <a href="../cathen/10244c.htm">see</a>, ceased to be a suffragan of Paris, Arras being made its suffragan.</p> <div class="CMtag_300x250" style="display: flex; height: 300px; align-items: center; justify-content: center; "></div> <h2>The Roman <em>lutetia</em></h2> <p>The Gaul Camulogenus burnt Lutetia in 52 <font size=-2>B.C.</font>, while defending against Cæsar the tribe of the <em>Parisii</em>, whose capital it was. The Romans erected a new city on the left slope of Mt. Lucotilius (later Mont Ste-Geneviève). That the Romanization of Paris was very quickly accomplished is <a href="../cathen/12454c.htm">proved</a>:</p> <div class="bulletlist"><ul><li>(1) by the altar (discovered in 1710 under the choir of Notre-Dame) raised to Jupiter under <a href="../cathen/14717b.htm">Tiberius</a> by the <em>Nautœ Parisiaci</em>, on which are represented several <a href="../cathen/04683a.htm">deities</a> borrowed from the Roman pantheon;</li><li>(2) by the remains of a pedestal (found in 1871 on the site of the old Hôtel-Dieu), which doubtless supported a <a href="../cathen/13641b.htm">statue</a> of Germanicus, and on which is represented <em>Janus Quadrifrons</em>, the Roman symbol of peace.</li></ul></div> <p>At the end of the third century Lutetia was destroyed by the barbarians, but an important military camp was at once installed in this district. Cæsar Julian, later emperor and known as <a href="../cathen/08558b.htm">Julian the Apostate</a>, defended Lutetia against fresh invasions from the north over the road from Senlis to Orléans. There, in 360, he was proclaimed Augustus by his soldiers, and Valentian I also sojourned there. The ruins found in the garden of the Musée de Cluny have, since the twelfth century, been regarded as the ruins of the <em>Thermœ</em>, but in 1903-04 other <em>thermœ</em> were discovered a little distance away, which must be either those of the palace of <a href="../cathen/08558b.htm">Julian the Apostate</a>, or, according to M. Julian, those of the communal house of the <em>Nautœ Parisiaci</em>. Ruins have also been discovered of an arena capable of holding from 8000 to 9000 <a href="../cathen/11726a.htm">persons</a>.</p> <h2>Beginnings of Christianity at Paris</h2> <p>Paris was a <a href="../cathen/03712a.htm">Christian</a> centre at an early <a href="../cathen/04636c.htm">date</a>, its first apostles being St. Denis and his companions, Sts. Rusticus and Eleutherius. Until the <a href="../cathen/13009a.htm">Revolution</a> the ancient tradition of the Parisian Church commemorated the seven stations of St. Denis, the stages of his apostolate and <a href="../cathen/09736b.htm">martyrdom</a>:</p> <div class="bulletlist"><ul><li>(1) the ancient <a href="../cathen/04340c.htm">monastery</a> of Notre-Dame-des-Champs of which the <a href="../cathen/04558a.htm">crypt</a>, it was said, had been dedicated to the Blessed Virgin by St. Denis on his arrival in Paris;</li><li>(2) the <a href="../cathen/03744a.htm">Church</a> of St-Etienne-des-Grès (now disappeared), which stood on the site of an oratory erected by St. Denis to St. Stephen;</li><li>(3) the <a href="../cathen/03744a.htm">Church</a> of St-Benoît (disappeared), where St. Denis had erected an oratory to the Trinity (<em>Deus Benedictus</em>);</li><li>(4) the <a href="../cathen/03574b.htm">chapel</a> of St-Denis-du-Pas near Notre-Dame (disappeared), on the site of the tribunal of the prefect Sicinnius, who tried St. Denis;</li><li>(5) the <a href="../cathen/03744a.htm">Church</a> of St-Denis-de-la-Châtre, the <a href="../cathen/04558a.htm">crypt</a> of which was regarded as the <a href="../cathen/04171a.htm">saint's</a> cell (now vanished);</li><li>(6) Mont-martre, where, according to the chronicle written in 836 by Abbot Hilduin, St. Denis was executed;</li><li>(7) the basilica of St-Denis (see below).</li></ul></div> <p>The memorials of the <a href="../cathen/04171a.htm">saint's</a> activity in Paris have thus survived, but even the <a href="../cathen/04636c.htm">date</a> of his apostolate is a matter of controversy. The legend stating St. Denis came to Gaul in the time of St. Clement, dates only from the end of the eighth century. It is found in the "Passio Dionisii", written about 800, and in the "Gesta Dagoberti", written at the Abbey of St-Denis at the beginning of the ninth century. Still later than the formation of this legend Abbot Hilduin identified St. Denis of Paris with Denis the Areopagite (see <a href="../cathen/05013a.htm">DIONYSIUS THE PSEUDO-AREOPAGITE</a>), but this identification is no longer admitted, and history is inclined to accept the opinion of <a href="../cathen/07018b.htm">St. Gregory of Tours</a>, who declares St. Denis one of the seven <a href="../cathen/02581b.htm">bishops</a> sent by Pope Fabian about 250. It is <a href="../cathen/03539b.htm">certain</a> that the <a href="../cathen/03712a.htm">Christian</a> community of Paris was of some importance in the third century. Recent discoveries seem to prove that the <a href="../cathen/03417b.htm">catacombs</a> of the Gobelins and of St. Marcellus on the left bank were the oldest <a href="../cathen/03504a.htm">necropolis</a> of Paris; here have been found nearly 500 <a href="../cathen/14773b.htm">tombs</a>, of which the oldest date from the end of the third century. Doubtless in this quarter was situated the church spoken of by <a href="../cathen/07018b.htm">St. Gregory of Tours</a> as the oldest in the city; here was the sarcophagus of the virgin Crescentia, granted that our hypothesis agrees with a legend referring to this region the foundation of the <a href="../cathen/03574b.htm">chapel</a> under the patronage of Pope St. Clement, in which Bishop St. Marcellus was buried in the fifth century. This <a href="../cathen/02581b.htm">bishop</a>, who was a native of Paris, governed the <a href="../cathen/03744a.htm">Church</a> of Paris about 430; he is celebrated in popular tradition for his victory over a dragon, and his life was written by <a href="../cathen/06149a.htm">Fortunatus</a>.</p> <div class="CMtag_300x250" style="display: flex; height: 300px; align-items: center; justify-content: center; "></div> <h2>Merovingian Paris</h2> <p>Paris was preserved from the invasion of <a href="../cathen/02061b.htm">Attila</a> through the <a href="../cathen/12345b.htm">prayers</a> and activity of <a href="../cathen/06413f.htm">St. Genevieve</a>, who prevailed on the Parisians not to abandon their city. <a href="../cathen/04070a.htm">Clovis</a>, King of the <a href="../cathen/06238a.htm">Franks</a>, was received there in 497 after his <a href="../cathen/04347a.htm">conversion</a> to <a href="../cathen/03712a.htm">Christianity</a>, and made it his capital. The coming of the <a href="../cathen/06238a.htm">Franks</a> brought about its great religious development. At the summit of the hill on the left bank <a href="../cathen/04070a.htm">Clovis</a> founded, in <a href="../cathen/07462a.htm">honour</a> of the Apostles Peter and Paul, a <a href="../cathen/02325a.htm">basilica</a> to which the <a href="../cathen/14773b.htm">tomb</a> of <a href="../cathen/06413f.htm">St. Genevieve</a> drew numbers of the <a href="../cathen/05769a.htm">faithful</a>, and in which St. Clotilde, who died at <a href="../cathen/15002a.htm">Tours</a>, was buried. On the right bank were built as early as the fifth century two churches <a href="../cathen/04276a.htm">consecrated</a> to <a href="../cathen/09732b.htm">St. Martin of Tours</a> — one near the present Notre-Dame, the other further in the country, in the place where the <a href="../cathen/03744a.htm">Church</a> of St-Martin-des-Champs now stands. Childebert (died 558), son of <a href="../cathen/04070a.htm">Clovis</a>, having become King of Paris in 511, added to the religious prestige of the city. After his campaign in <a href="../cathen/14169b.htm">Spain</a>, he made peace with the inhabitants of Saragossa on condition that they would deliver to him the <a href="../cathen/01357e.htm">sacred vessels</a> and the <a href="../cathen/14301a.htm">stole</a> of St. Vincent, and on his return, at the instance of St. Germain, built a <a href="../cathen/02781a.htm">church</a> in <a href="../cathen/07462a.htm">honour</a> of St. Vincent, which later took the name of Germain himself. The present church of St-Germain-des-Prés still preserves some columns from the triforium, which must date from the first building. After the death of Caribert, son of Clotaire I (567), Paris was not divided among the other sons of Clotaire, but formed a sort of municipal republic under the direction of St. Germain. Owing to this exceptional situation Paris escaped almost entirely the consequences of the civil <a href="../cathen/15546c.htm">wars</a> with which the sons of Clotaire, and later Fredegunde and Brunhilde, disturbed Merovingian <a href="../cathen/06166a.htm">France</a>. Mgr Duchesne concedes a certain authority to an ancient catalogue of the <a href="../cathen/02581b.htm">bishops</a> of Paris, preserved in a sacramentary <a href="../cathen/04636c.htm">dating</a> from the end of the ninth or the beginning of the tenth century. After St. Germain other <a href="../cathen/02581b.htm">bishops</a> of the Merovingian period were: St. Céran (Ceraunus, 606-21), who collected and compiled the Acts of the Martyrs, and during whose episcopate a council of seventy-nine <a href="../cathen/02581b.htm">bishops</a> (the first national council of <a href="../cathen/06166a.htm">France</a>) was held at the basilica of Sts. Peter and Paul; St. Landry (650-6), who founded under the patronage of St. Christopher the first charity <a href="../cathen/07480a.htm">hospital</a> (<em>Hôtel-Dieu</em>) of Paris, and who caused the <a href="../cathen/10487b.htm">monk</a> Marculf to compile, under the name of "Recueil de Formules", the first French and Parisian code, which is a real monument of the legislation of the seventh century; St. Agilbert (666-80), who was the brother of St. Theodechilde, first <a href="../cathen/01007e.htm">Abbess</a> of Jouarre, and who had, during his youth in <a href="../cathen/05445a.htm">England</a>, instructed in <a href="../cathen/03712a.htm">Christianity</a> the King of the Saxons; St. Hugues (722-30), nephew of <a href="../cathen/03629a.htm">Charles Martel</a>, previously <a href="../cathen/01691a.htm">Archbishop</a> of <a href="../cathen/13208b.htm">Rouen</a> and <a href="../cathen/01015c.htm">Abbot</a> of Fontenelle.</p> <h2>Paris under the Carlovingians</h2> <p>The <a href="../cathen/03610c.htm">Carlovingian</a> period opened with the episcopate of Déodefroi (757-75), who received Pope Stephen at Paris. Special mention must be made of Æneas (appointed <a href="../cathen/02581b.htm">bishop</a> in 853 or 858; died 870), who wrote against Photius, under the title "Libellus adversus Græcos", a collection of texts from the Fathers on the Holy Ghost, <a href="../cathen/05789c.htm">fasting</a>, and the Roman primacy. As the Carlovingians most frequently resided on the banks of the Meuse or the Rhine, the <a href="../cathen/02581b.htm">bishops</a> of Paris greatly increased their political influence, though confronted by counts who represented the absent sovereigns. The <a href="../cathen/02581b.htm">bishops</a> were masters of most of the <em>Ile de la Cité</em> and of a considerable portion of the right bank, near St-Germain-l'Auxerrois. As early as the ninth century the <a href="../cathen/12462a.htm">property</a> of the chapter of Notre-Dame, established (775-95) by Bishop Erchenrade, was distinct from that of the <a href="../cathen/05001a.htm">diocese</a>, while the <a href="../cathen/04060a.htm">cloister</a> and the residences of the canons were quite independent of the royal power. Notre-Dame and the Abbey of St-Germain-des-Prés were then two great <a href="../cathen/12213b.htm">economic</a> powers which sent through the kingdom their agents (<em>missi negociantes</em>), charged with making purchases. When the Normans entered Paris in 845 or 846, the body of St. Germain was hurriedly removed. They established themselves in the <a href="../cathen/01010a.htm">abbey</a>, but left on payment of 7000 livres, whereupon the <a href="../cathen/04171a.htm">saint's</a> body was brought back with great pomp. Another Norman invasion in 850 or 856 again occasioned the removal of St. Germain's body, which was restored in 863. Other alarms came in 865 and 876, but the worst attack took place on 24 Nov., 885, when Paris was defended by its <a href="../cathen/02581b.htm">bishop</a>, the celebrated Gozlin, a <a href="../cathen/02443a.htm">Benedictine</a> and former <a href="../cathen/01015c.htm">Abbot</a> of St-Germain-des-Prés, and by Count Eudes of Paris, later King of <a href="../cathen/06166a.htm">France</a>. The siege lasted a year, of which an account in Latin verse was written by the <a href="../cathen/10487b.htm">monk</a> <a href="../cathen/01015a.htm">Abbo Cernuus</a>. Gozlin died in the breach on 16 April, 886. His nephew Ebles, <a href="../cathen/01015c.htm">Abbot</a> of St-Germain, was also among the valiant defenders of the city. The Parisians called upon Emperor Charles the Fat to assist them, and he paid the Normans a ransom, and even gave them permission to ascend the Seine through the city to pillage <a href="../cathen/03068a.htm">Burgundy</a>; the Parisians refused to let them pass, however, and the Normans had to drag their boats around the walls. After the deposition of Charles the Fat, Eudes, who had defended Paris against the Normans, became king, and repelled another Norman attack, assisted by Gozlin's successor, Bishop Anscheric (886-91). After the death of Eudes the Parisians recognized his brother Robert, Count of Paris and Duke of <a href="../cathen/06166a.htm">France</a>, and then Hugh the Great. <a href="../cathen/07515c.htm">Hugh Capet</a>, son of Hugh the Great, prevented Paris from falling into the hands of the troops of Emperor <a href="../cathen/11355a.htm">Otto II</a> in 978; in 987 he founded the Capetian dynasty.</p> <h2>Paris under the Capetians</h2> <p>"To form a conception of Paris in the tenth and eleventh centuries", writes M. Marcel Poète, "we must picture to ourselves a network of churches and <a href="../cathen/04340c.htm">monasteries</a> surrounded by cultivated farm-lands on the present site of Paris." Take, for example, the <a href="../cathen/04340c.htm">monastery</a> of St. Martin-des-Champs, which in 1079 was attached to the Order of Cluny; about this <a href="../cathen/04340c.htm">monastery</a> and its hospice was grouped a real agricultural colony, while all trades were practised in the <a href="../cathen/10459a.htm">monastic</a> <a href="../cathen/13554b.htm">school</a>. The same was <a href="../cathen/15073a.htm">true</a> of the <a href="../cathen/04340c.htm">monastery</a> of Sts. Barthélemy and Magloire, which was celebrated at the beginning of the Capetian period, and was dependent on the Abbey of Marmoutiers (see <a href="../cathen/15002a.htm">TOURS</a>). But a still more famous monastic establishment was the Abbey of St-Germain-des-Prés. Its estates of Issy and of Celle-St-Cloud were vast possessions, and the polyptych (record of the monastic possessions), drawn up at the beginning of the ninth century under the direction of Abbot Irminon, shows how these estates, which extended into Indre and Normandy, were administered and cultivated. The first Capetians generally resided at Paris. Louis the Fat quarrelled with Bishop Etienne de Senlis (1124-42). The <a href="../cathen/02581b.htm">bishop</a> placed the royal domain under <a href="../cathen/08073a.htm">interdict</a>, whereupon the king confiscated the temporalities of the <a href="../cathen/05001a.htm">diocese</a>, but the intervention of the <a href="../cathen/12260a.htm">pope</a> and of <a href="../cathen/02498d.htm">St. Bernard</a> put an end to the difference, and to seal the reconciliation, the king invited the <a href="../cathen/02581b.htm">bishop</a> to the <a href="../cathen/04380a.htm">coronation</a> of his son, Louis VII. The episcopal court of <a href="../cathen/11768d.htm">Peter Lombard</a> (1157 or 1159 to 1160 or 1164) contributed to the scholarly reputation of the <a href="../cathen/03744a.htm">Church</a> of Paris. The <a href="../cathen/11495a.htm">University of Paris</a> did not yet exist, but, from the beginning of the twelfth century, the <a href="../cathen/10459a.htm">monastic</a> <a href="../cathen/13554b.htm">schools</a> of Notre-Dame were already famous, and the teaching of <a href="../cathen/11768d.htm">Peter Lombard</a>, known as the Master of the Sentences, added to their lustre. Louis VI declared in a diploma that he had passed "his childhood in the <a href="../cathen/13554b.htm">schools</a> of Notre-Dame as in the maternal bosom". At Notre-Dame <a href="../cathen/15632a.htm">William of Champeaux</a> had taught dialectics, been a professor, and become an <a href="../cathen/01693a.htm">archdeacon</a>, and had <a href="../cathen/01036b.htm">Abelard</a> as a disciple before he founded the <a href="../cathen/13554b.htm">school</a> of St-Victor in 1108. Until about 1127 the students of Notre-Dame resided within the chapter enclosure. By a command of <a href="../cathen/01287a.htm">Alexander III</a> the principle of gratuitous instruction was asserted. In a letter written between 1154 and 1182 Philippe de Harvengt says: "There is at Paris such an assemblage and abundance of <a href="../cathen/04049b.htm">clerics</a> that they threatened to outnumber the <a href="../cathen/08748a.htm">laity</a>. Happy city, where the Holy Books are so assiduously studied and their mysteries so well expounded, where such diligence reigns among the students, and where there is such a <a href="../cathen/08673a.htm">knowledge</a> of Scripture that it may be called the city of letters!" At the same period Peter of <a href="../cathen/02602b.htm">Blois</a> says that all who wish the settlement of any question should apply to Paris, where the most tangled knots are untied. In his letter to Archbishop <a href="../cathen/15638b.htm">William of Sens</a> (1169), St. Thomas à Becket declares himself ready to submit his difference with the King of <a href="../cathen/05445a.htm">England</a> to the judgment of the scholars at Paris.</p> <div class="CMtag_300x250" style="display: flex; height: 300px; align-items: center; justify-content: center; "></div> <p>The long episcopate of <a href="../cathen/14329c.htm">Maurice de Sully</a> (1160-96), the son of a simple serf, was marked by the <a href="../cathen/04276a.htm">consecration</a> of the <a href="../cathen/03438a.htm">Cathedral</a> of Notre-Dame (see below) and the journey to Paris of <a href="../cathen/01287a.htm">Pope Alexander III</a> (1163). Hughes de Monceaux, <a href="../cathen/01015c.htm">Abbot</a> of St-Germain, requested the <a href="../cathen/12260a.htm">pope</a> to <a href="../cathen/04276a.htm">consecrate</a> the <a href="../cathen/04340c.htm">monastery</a> church. <a href="../cathen/14329c.htm">Maurice de Sully</a>, <a href="../cathen/02581b.htm">Bishop</a> of Paris, having accompanied the <a href="../cathen/12260a.htm">pope</a> to the <a href="../cathen/03538b.htm">ceremony</a>, was invited by the <a href="../cathen/01015c.htm">abbot</a> to withdraw, and <a href="../cathen/01287a.htm">Alexander III</a> declared in a sermon, afterwards confirmed by a <a href="../cathen/03052b.htm">Bull</a>, thenceforth the <a href="../cathen/03744a.htm">Church</a> of St-Germain-des-Prés was dependent only on the <a href="../cathen/12260a.htm">Roman pontiff</a>, and subsequently conferred on the <a href="../cathen/01015c.htm">abbot</a> a number of episcopal prerogatives. In time the Abbey of St-Germain became the centre of a bourg, the inhabitants of which were granted municipal freedom by Abbot Hughes de Monceaux about 1170. Eudes de Sully (1197-1208), the successor of Maurice, <a href="../cathen/06147a.htm">courageously</a> opposed King Philip II, when he wished to repudiate Ingeburge and wed Agnes de Méran. Philip II was a benefactor of Paris, and the <a href="../cathen/15188a.htm">university</a> was founded during his reign (1215). (See <a href="../cathen/11495a.htm">UNIVERSITY OF PARIS</a>.) The thirteenth century, and especially the reign of St. Louis, was a period of great industrial and commercial prosperity for Paris, as is shown by the "Livre des Mestiers" of Etienne Boileau and the invectives of <a href="../cathen/11778a.htm">Petrarch</a>. Bishop Guillaume d'Auvergne (1227-49) received from St. Louis the Crown of Thorns, which was borne in procession to Paris on 18 August, 1239. Under St. Louis the Parliament was permanently established at Paris and the <a href="../cathen/02581b.htm">Bishop</a> of Paris declared a <em>conseiller-né</em>. Under <a href="../cathen/12004a.htm">Philip the Fair</a> occurred at Paris the trial of the <a href="../cathen/14493a.htm">Templars</a> which ended (1314) with the execution of Jacques de Molai.</p> <h2>Paris under the Valois</h2> <p>The troubles of the Hundred Years' War throw into relief the character of Pierre de la Forest, <a href="../cathen/02581b.htm">Bishop</a> of Paris (1350-2), later <a href="../cathen/01691a.htm">Archbishop</a> of <a href="../cathen/13208b.htm">Rouen</a> and <a href="../cathen/03333b.htm">cardinal</a>. After the Battle of <a href="../cathen/12178c.htm">Poitiers</a> (1356), at which John II was taken <a href="../cathen/12430a.htm">prisoner</a>, the dauphin Charles (afterwards Charles V) convoked at Paris the States General of 1356, 1357, and 1358. At these assemblies the <a href="../cathen/12517a.htm">provost</a> of merchants, Etienne Marcel, and Robert Le Coq, <a href="../cathen/02581b.htm">Bishop</a> of Laon, were the leaders of a violent opposition to the royal party. The result of the assassination of Etienne Marcel was the dauphin's victory. Having become king as Charles V, the latter made himself a magnificent residence at the Hôtel St-Paul, rebuilt the Louvre, and began the construction of the Bastille. During his reign the <a href="../cathen/03333b.htm">cardinalitial</a> purple was first given to the <a href="../cathen/02581b.htm">bishops</a> of Paris. Etienne de Paris (1363-8) and Aimeri de Maignac (1368-84) received it in turn. The revolt of the Maillotins (1381) and the <a href="../cathen/15546c.htm">wars</a> between the <a href="../cathen/03068a.htm">Burgundians</a> and Armagnacs during the first twenty years of the fifteenth century filled Paris with blood. After the Treaty of Troyes (1420) Paris received an English garrison. Because of his sympathy with Charles VI, John Courtecuisse, a <a href="../cathen/14580x.htm">theologian</a> of Gallican tendencies who became <a href="../cathen/02581b.htm">bishop</a> in 1420, was compelled to go into exile at <a href="../cathen/09040a.htm">Geneva</a>, where he died in 1423. The attack of <a href="../cathen/08409c.htm">Joan of Arc</a> on Paris in 1430 was unsuccessful. The Treaty of Arras between Philip the Good, Duke of <a href="../cathen/03068a.htm">Burgundy</a>, and Charles VII, restored Paris under the dominion of the kings of <a href="../cathen/06166a.htm">France</a>. Louis XI (q.v.), successor of Charles VII, was much beloved by the citizens of Paris. The poet Jean du Bellay, friend of <a href="../cathen/06207a.htm">Francis I</a> and several times ambassador, was <a href="../cathen/02581b.htm">Bishop</a> of Paris from 1532 to 1551, and was made <a href="../cathen/03333b.htm">cardinal</a> in 1535. With him the <a href="../cathen/12765b.htm">Renaissance</a> was established in the <a href="../cathen/05001a.htm">diocese</a>, and it was at his persuasion that <a href="../cathen/06207a.htm">Francis I</a> founded for the teaching of languages and philology the Collège Royal, which later became the Collège de France (1529). In 1533 du Ballay negotiated between <a href="../cathen/07222a.htm">Henry VIII</a> and <a href="../cathen/04024a.htm">Clement VII</a> in an attempt to prevent <a href="../cathen/05445a.htm">England's</a> break with the <a href="../cathen/07424b.htm">Holy See</a>, and, when in 1536 the troops of <a href="../cathen/03625a.htm">Charles V</a> threatened Picardy and Champagne, he received from <a href="../cathen/06207a.htm">Francis I</a> the title of Lieutenant-General of the Kingdom and placed Paris in a state of defence. Du Bellay was a typical <a href="../cathen/12386b.htm">prelate</a> of the <a href="../cathen/12765b.htm">Renaissance</a>, and was celebrated for his three books of Latin poetry and his magnificent Latin discourses. For a time he had for his secretary, Rabelais, whom he is said to have inspired to write "Pantagruel". He was disgraced under Henry II, resigned his <a href="../cathen/05001a.htm">bishopric</a> in 1551, and went to <a href="../cathen/13164a.htm">Rome</a>, where he died. The consequences of the rise of <a href="../cathen/12495a.htm">Protestantism</a> and of the <a href="../cathen/15546c.htm">wars</a> of religion in regard to Paris are treated under <a href="../cathen/13333b.htm">SAINT BARTHOLOMEW'S DAY</a>; <a href="../cathen/09098b.htm">THE LEAGUE</a>; <a href="../cathen/06166a.htm">FRANCE</a>.</p> <h2>Paris under the Bourbons</h2> <p>With Cardinal Pierre de Gondi (died 1598), who occupied the See of Paris from 1568, began the Gondi dynasty which occupied the <a href="../cathen/05001a.htm">see</a> for a century. As ambassador to <a href="../cathen/12130a.htm">Pius V</a>, <a href="../cathen/07001b.htm">Gregory XIII</a>, and <a href="../cathen/14033a.htm">Sixtus V</a>, Pierre de Gondi always opposed the League and favoured the accession of <a href="../cathen/07225a.htm">Henry of Navarre</a>. After the episcopate of his nephew Cardinal Henri de Gondi (1598-1622), Paris became an <a href="../cathen/01694b.htm">archiepiscopal see</a>, and was given to Jean François de Gondi. As early as 1376 Charles V had sought the erection of Paris to <a href="../cathen/01694b.htm">archiepiscopal</a> rank, but, out of regard for the <a href="../cathen/01691a.htm">archbishops</a> of <a href="../cathen/13716a.htm">Sens</a>, the <a href="../cathen/07424b.htm">Holy See</a> had then refused to grant the petition. Louis XIII was more successful, and by a <a href="../cathen/03052b.htm">Bull</a> of October, 1622, Paris was made a <a href="../cathen/10244c.htm">metropolitan</a> <a href="../cathen/10244c.htm">see</a> with Chartres, Meaux, and Orléans as suffragans. Jean François de Gondi did much to further the development of religious congregations (see PIERRE DE BÉRULLE; <a href="../cathen/11274a.htm">FRENCH CONGREGATION OF THE ORATORY</a>; <a href="../cathen/11240d.htm">JEAN-JACQUES OLIER</a>; <a href="../cathen/13378a.htm">SOCIETY OF ST-SULPICE</a>; <a href="../cathen/15434c.htm">SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL</a>), and, during the civil disturbances of the Fronde, laboured for the relief of the suffering populace, whose tireless benefactor was <a href="../cathen/15434c.htm">St. Vincent de Paul</a>. The <a href="../cathen/01691a.htm">archbishop's</a> coadjutor was his nephew Jean François Paul de Gondi, Cardinal de Retz, who often played the part of a political conspirator. In 1662 the See of Paris was for a very brief period occupied by the Gallican canonist Pierre de Marca, earlier <a href="../cathen/01691a.htm">Archbishop</a> of <a href="../cathen/14795b.htm">Toulouse</a>. He was succeeded by <a href="../cathen/07135c.htm">Hardouin</a> de Péréfixe de Beaumont (1662-71), during whose episcopate began the sharp conflicts evoked by <a href="../cathen/08285a.htm">Jansenism</a>. He had been tutor to <a href="../cathen/09371a.htm">Louis XIV</a> and was the biographer of <a href="../cathen/07225a.htm">Henry IV</a>. Harlay de Champvallon (1671-95) is the subject of a separate article. <a href="../cathen/11085b.htm">Louis Antoine* de Noailles</a> (1695-1729), made <a href="../cathen/03333b.htm">cardinal</a> in 1700, played an important part in the disputes concerning <a href="../cathen/12608c.htm">Quietism</a> and <a href="../cathen/08285a.htm">Jansenism</a>. After an attempt to reconcile <a href="../cathen/02698b.htm">Bossuet</a> and <a href="../cathen/06035a.htm">Fénelon</a> he took sides against the latter, successively approved and condemned <a href="../cathen/12601c.htm">Quesnel's</a> book, and did not subscribe to the <a href="../cathen/03052b.htm">Bull</a> <a href="../cathen/15128a.htm">"Unigenitus"</a> until 1728. In the eighteenth century the See of Paris was made illustrious by Christophe de Beaumont (1746-81), earlier <a href="../cathen/02581b.htm">Bishop</a> of <a href="../cathen/02360b.htm">Bayonne</a> and <a href="../cathen/01691a.htm">Archbishop</a> of Vienne, who succeeded in putting an end to the opposition lingering among some of the <a href="../cathen/04049b.htm">clergy</a> to the <a href="../cathen/03052b.htm">Bull</a> <a href="../cathen/15128a.htm">"Unigenitus"</a>. The parliamentarians protested against the denial of the <a href="../cathen/13295a.htm">sacraments</a> to impenitent <a href="../cathen/08285a.htm">Jansenists</a>, and Louis XV, after having at first forbidden the Parliament to concern itself with this question, turned against the <a href="../cathen/01691a.htm">archbishop</a>, exiled him, and then endeavoured to secure his resignation by offering him tempting dignities. But it was especially against the <em>philosophes</em> that this <a href="../cathen/12386b.htm">prelate</a> waged <a href="../cathen/15546c.htm">war</a>; pamphlets were written against him, among them the "Lettre de Jean Jacques Rousseau à monseigneur l'archévêque de Paris". Antoine* Le Clerc de Juigné (died 1811), who succeeded Beaumont in 1781, was president of the <a href="../cathen/04049b.htm">clergy</a> at the States General of 1789. He went into exile during the <a href="../cathen/13009a.htm">Revolution</a>, and at the Concordat resigned his <a href="../cathen/05001a.htm">see</a> at the <a href="../cathen/12260a.htm">pope's</a> request.</p> <h2>Paris during the Revolution</h2> <p>Within the present boundaries of the archdiocese the number of <a href="../cathen/12406a.htm">priests</a> forming the active <a href="../cathen/04049b.htm">clergy</a> at the time of the <a href="../cathen/13009a.htm">Revolution</a> was about 1000, of whom 600 were in Parisian <a href="../cathen/11499b.htm">parishes</a>, 150 in those of the suburbs, and 250 were <a href="../cathen/03579b.htm">chaplains</a>. There were 921 religious, belonging to 21 religious <a href="../cathen/05782a.htm">families</a> divided among 38 <a href="../cathen/04340c.htm">convents</a>. Immediately after the adoption of the Civil Constitution of the <a href="../cathen/04049b.htm">clergy</a> 8 new <a href="../cathen/11499b.htm">parishes</a> were created in Paris and 27 were suppressed. Out of 50 Parisian <a href="../cathen/11537b.htm">pastors</a> 26 refused to take the <a href="../cathen/11176a.htm">oath</a>; out of 69 first or second <a href="../cathen/04570a.htm">curates</a> 36 refused; of the 399 other <a href="../cathen/12406a.htm">priests</a> having spiritual powers, 216 refused. On the other hand among the <a href="../cathen/12406a.htm">priests</a> who, not exercising <a href="../cathen/11499b.htm">parochial</a> <a href="../cathen/05215a.htm">duties</a>, were not called upon to swear, 196 declared that they would take the <a href="../cathen/11176a.htm">oath</a> and 14 refused. On 13 March 1791, Gobel (born 1727), <a href="../cathen/02581b.htm">Bishop</a> of <a href="../cathen/09468b.htm">Lydda</a>, Coadjutor <a href="../cathen/02581b.htm">Bishop</a> of Basle, and a member of the Constitutional Assembly, was elected <a href="../cathen/02581b.htm">bishop</a> by 500 votes. Loménie de Brienne, <a href="../cathen/01691a.htm">Archbishop</a> of <a href="../cathen/13716a.htm">Sens</a>, and Jarente, <a href="../cathen/02581b.htm">Bishop</a> of <a href="../cathen/11318b.htm">Orléans</a>, though both had accepted the civil constitution of the <a href="../cathen/04049b.htm">clergy</a>, refused to give Gobel <a href="../cathen/08065a.htm">canonical institution</a>, and he received it from the famous Talleyrand, <a href="../cathen/02581b.htm">Bishop</a> of <a href="../cathen/02144a.htm">Autun</a>. Gobel surrounded himself with married <a href="../cathen/04049b.htm">clerics</a> such as Louis de Saint Martin, Colombart, and Aubert, and through the Marquis of Spinola, Minister of the Republic of <a href="../cathen/06419a.htm">Genoa</a>, endeavoured to obtain from the <a href="../cathen/07424b.htm">Holy See</a> a sum of money in exchange for his submission. At the beginning of 1793 he was at the head of about 600 "sworn" <a href="../cathen/12406a.htm">priests</a>, about 500 of whom were employed in <a href="../cathen/11499b.htm">parishes</a>. On 7 November, 1793, he solemnly declared before the Convention that his subordinates and he renounced the <a href="../cathen/05215a.htm">duties</a> of <a href="../cathen/10326a.htm">ministers</a> of <a href="../cathen/03449a.htm">Catholic</a> worship, whereupon the Convention congratulated him on having "sacrificed the grotesque baubles of <a href="../cathen/14339a.htm">superstition</a>". On the same day Notre-Dame was dedicated to the worship of Reason, Citizeness Aubry, a <em>comédienne</em>, impersonating that goddess and Gobel presiding at the <a href="../cathen/03538b.htm">ceremony</a>. Finally, the Commune of Paris decided that all churches should be closed, and that whosoever requested that they be reopened should be regarded as a suspect. In March, 1794, Gobel was condemned to <a href="../cathen/12565a.htm">death</a> as an <a href="../cathen/02040a.htm">atheist</a> by the followers of Robespierre, and was executed after lengthy spiritual interviews with the Sulpician Emery and after he had addressed to Abbé Lothringer a letter in which he declared his repentance. In the absence of Juigné, the legitimate <a href="../cathen/02581b.htm">bishop</a>, the <a href="../cathen/03449a.htm">Catholic</a> faithful continued to obey a council formed of the Abbéss de Malaret, Emery, and Espinasse, under the leadership of the former <a href="../cathen/15402a.htm">vicar-general</a>, Charles Henri du Valk de Dampierre, who was in hiding. Public worship was restored by the Law of Ventose, Year III, and by the <a href="../cathen/09053a.htm">law</a> of 2 Prairial, Year III (30 March, 1795), fifteen churches were reopened. As early as 1796 about fifty places of worship had been reopened in Paris; sixteen or seventeen, of which eleven were <a href="../cathen/11499b.htm">parochial</a> churches, were administered by <a href="../cathen/12406a.htm">priests</a> who had accepted the Constitution. More than thirty others of which three were <a href="../cathen/11499b.htm">parochial</a> churches, were administered by <a href="../cathen/12406a.htm">priests</a> who were in secret obedience to the legitimate <a href="../cathen/01691a.htm">archbishop</a>, and the number of Constitutional <a href="../cathen/12406a.htm">priests</a> had fallen from 600 to 150.</p> <h2>Paris in the nineteenth century</h2> <p>The Archdiocese of Paris became more and more important in <a href="../cathen/06166a.htm">France</a> during the nineteenth century. <a href="../cathen/02418a.htm">Jean Baptiste de Belloy</a>, former <a href="../cathen/02581b.htm">Bishop</a> of <a href="../cathen/09715b.htm">Marseilles</a>, who was appointed <a href="../cathen/01691a.htm">archbishop</a> in 1802, was then ninety-three years old. On 18 April, 1802, he presided at Notre-Dame over the <a href="../cathen/03538b.htm">ceremony</a> at which the Concordat was <a href="../cathen/14133a.htm">solemnly</a> published. Despite his great age he reorganized worship in Paris, and re-established <a href="../cathen/12748b.htm">religious life</a> in its forty-two <a href="../cathen/11499b.htm">parishes</a>. In a conciliatory spirit he appointed to about twelve of these <a href="../cathen/11499b.htm">parishes</a> <a href="../cathen/12406a.htm">priests</a> who had taken the <a href="../cathen/11176a.htm">oath</a> during the <a href="../cathen/13009a.htm">Revolution</a>. He became <a href="../cathen/03333b.htm">cardinal</a> in 1803 and died in 1808. The conflict between <a href="../cathen/10687a.htm">Napoleon</a> and <a href="../cathen/12132a.htm">Pius VII</a> was then at its height. <a href="../cathen/10687a.htm">Napoleon</a> attempted to make <a href="../cathen/06050b.htm">Fesch</a> accept the See of Paris, while the latter wished to retain that of <a href="../cathen/09472a.htm">Lyons</a>. Cardinal Maury (1746-1817), formerly a royalist deputy to the Constitutional Assembly, also ambassador to the <a href="../cathen/07424b.htm">Holy See</a> from the Count of Provence, but who went over to the Empire in 1800 and in 1810 became <a href="../cathen/03579b.htm">chaplain</a> to King Jerome, was named <a href="../cathen/01691a.htm">Archbishop</a> of Paris by <a href="../cathen/10687a.htm">Napoleon</a> on 14 Oct., 1810. The chapter at once conferred on him the powers of <a href="../cathen/15401c.htm">vicar-capitular</a>, until he should be <a href="../cathen/12376a.htm">preconized</a> by the <a href="../cathen/12260a.htm">pope</a>, but, when it became known that <a href="../cathen/12132a.htm">Pius VII</a>, by a <a href="../cathen/03052b.htm">Brief</a> of 5 November, 1810, refused to recognize the <a href="../cathen/11093a.htm">nomination</a>, Maury was actively opposed by a section of the chapter and the <a href="../cathen/04049b.htm">clergy</a>. The emperor took his revenge by striking at the <a href="../cathen/15401c.htm">vicar-capitular</a>, <a href="../cathen/02031a.htm">Astros</a>. At the fall of <a href="../cathen/10687a.htm">Napoleon</a>, despite his <a href="../cathen/15753a.htm">zeal</a> in persuading it to adhere to the deposition of the emperor, Maury was deprived of his faculties by the chapter. In agreement with <a href="../cathen/13164a.htm">Rome</a>, Louis XVIII named as <a href="../cathen/01691a.htm">Archbishop</a> of Paris (1 Aug., 1817) Alexandre Angélique de Talleyrand-Périgord (1736-1821), who, despite the Concordat, chose to retain his title of <a href="../cathen/01691a.htm">Archbishop</a> of <a href="../cathen/12725a.htm">Reims</a> until 1816 and who was created <a href="../cathen/03333b.htm">cardinal</a> on 28 July, 1817. Talleyrand-Périgord did not take possession of his <a href="../cathen/05001a.htm">see</a> until Oct., 1819. He divided the diocese into three arch-deaneries, which division is still in force.</p> <p>On the death of Talleyrand-Périgord in 1821, his coadjutor Hyacinthe Louis de Quélen (1778-1840), court <a href="../cathen/03579b.htm">chaplain</a>, succeeded him. A member of the Chamber of Peers under the Restoration, Quélen, as president of the commission for the investigation of the <a href="../cathen/13554b.htm">school</a> situation, vainly endeavoured to prevent the <a href="../cathen/12454b.htm">promulgation</a> of the Martignac ordinances against the <a href="../cathen/14081a.htm">Jesuits</a> in June, 1828. His friendly relations with Louis XVIII and Charles X drew upon him in 1830 the hostility of the populace; his palace was twice sacked, and the Monarchy of July regarded him with suspicion, but the devotion he showed during a terrible cholera epidemic won many hearts to him. Assisted by <a href="../cathen/05202a.htm">Dupanloup</a> he converted the famous Talleyrand, nephew of his predecessor, on his death-bed in 1838. Quélen died 8 Jan., 1840, and was succeeded by <a href="../cathen/01180a.htm">Denis-Auguste Affre</a>, (1793-1848), who was slain at the barricades in 1848. <a href="../cathen/13769a.htm">Marie-Dominique-Auguste Sibour</a> (1792-1862), formerly <a href="../cathen/02581b.htm">Bishop</a> of <a href="../cathen/04793a.htm">Digne</a>, succeeded <a href="../cathen/01180a.htm">Affre</a>; among the <a href="../cathen/12386b.htm">prelates</a> consulted by <a href="../cathen/12134b.htm">Pius IX</a> with regard to the opportuneness of defining the Immaculate Conception, he was one of the few who opposed it. He was killed in the church of St-Etienne-du-Mont on 3 Jan., 1857, by a suspended <a href="../cathen/12406a.htm">priest</a>. After the short episcopate of Cardinal Morlot (1857-62) the <a href="../cathen/05001a.htm">see</a> was occupied from 1862 to 1872 by <a href="../cathen/04634b.htm">Georges Darboy</a>, who was <a href="../cathen/04168a.htm">slain during the Commune</a>. Joseph-Hippolyte Guibert (1802-86), previously <a href="../cathen/02581b.htm">Bishop</a> of <a href="../cathen/15493a.htm">Viviers</a> and <a href="../cathen/01691a.htm">Archbishop</a> of <a href="../cathen/15002a.htm">Tours</a>, became <a href="../cathen/01691a.htm">Archbishop</a> of Paris on 27 Oct., 1871. His episcopate was made notable by the erection of the basilica of Montmartre (see below), and the creation of the Catholic University, at the head of which he placed <a href="../cathen/07538a.htm">Mgr d'Hulst</a>. His successor was François-Marie-Benjamin Richard (1819-1907), former <a href="../cathen/02581b.htm">Bishop</a> of <a href="../cathen/02415a.htm">Belley</a>, who had been coadjutor of Paris since July, 1875, became <a href="../cathen/03333b.htm">cardinal</a> 24 May, 1889, and was active in the defence of the religious congregations. Mgr Léon Amette (born at Douville, in the <a href="../cathen/05671a.htm">Diocese of Evreux</a>, 1850), coadjutor to Cardinal Richard since February, 1906, succeeded him in the See of Paris, on 28 Jan., 1908.</p> <div class="CMtag_300x250" style="display: flex; height: 300px; align-items: center; justify-content: center; "></div> <h2>Notre-Dame-de-Paris</h2> <p>On the site now occupied by the courtyards of Notre-Dame de Paris there was as early as the sixth century a church of Notre-Dame, which had as patrons the Blessed Virgin, St. Stephen, and St. Germain. It was built by Childebert about 528, and on the site of the present <a href="../cathen/13322b.htm">sacristy</a> there was also a church dedicated to St. Stephen. The Norman invasions destroyed Notre-Dame, but St-Etienne remained standing, and for a time served as the <a href="../cathen/03438a.htm">cathedral</a>. At the end of the ninth century Notre-Dame was rebuilt, and the two churches continued to exist side by side until the eleventh century when St-Etienne fell to ruin. <a href="../cathen/14329c.htm">Maurice de Sully</a> resolved to erect a magnificent <a href="../cathen/03438a.htm">cathedral</a> on the ruins of St-Etienne and the site of Notre-Dame. Surrounded by twelve <a href="../cathen/03333b.htm">cardinals</a>, <a href="../cathen/01287a.htm">Alexander III</a>, who sojourned at Paris from 24 March to 25 April, 1163, laid the <a href="../cathen/14303a.htm">corner-stone</a>. Henri de Château-Marçay, <a href="../cathen/09118a.htm">papal legate</a>, <a href="../cathen/04276a.htm">consecrated</a> the <a href="../cathen/07346b.htm">high altar</a> in 1182; Hierarchus, <a href="../cathen/11549a.htm">Patriarch</a> of <a href="../cathen/08344a.htm">Jerusalem</a>, officiated in 1185 in the completed choir; the <a href="../cathen/05745c.htm">façade</a> was finished in 1218, the towers in 1235. Jean and Pierre de Chelles completed the work, and, at the beginning of the fourteenth century, the <a href="../cathen/03438a.htm">cathedral</a> was as it is now. The following are among the noteworthy events which took place at Notre-Dame: the depositing by St. Louis (10 Aug., 1239) of the Crown of Thorns, a portion of the <a href="../cathen/04529a.htm">True Cross</a>, and a nail of the Passion; the obsequies of St. Louis (21 May, 1271); the assembling of the first States-General (10 April, 1302); the <a href="../cathen/04380a.htm">coronation</a> of Henry VI of <a href="../cathen/05445a.htm">England</a> as King of <a href="../cathen/06166a.htm">France</a> (17 Nov., 1431); the <a href="../cathen/04380a.htm">coronation</a> of <a href="../cathen/09764a.htm">Mary Stuart</a> (4 April, 1560); the funeral oration of the Duc de Mercœur by <a href="../cathen/06220a.htm">St. Francis de Sales</a> (27 April, 1602); the <a href="../cathen/15511a.htm">vow</a> of Louis XIII, making the Assumption a feast of the kingdom (10 Feb., 1638); the <a href="../cathen/01044d.htm">abjuration</a> of the Ambrose Maréchal de Turenne (23 Oct., 1668); the funeral oration of the Prince de Condé by <a href="../cathen/02698b.htm">Bossuet</a> (10 March, 1687).</p> <p>During the <a href="../cathen/13009a.htm">French Revolution</a>, in the period following 1790, the treasury was despoiled of many of its precious objects, which were sent to the mint to be melted down. The Crown of Thorns was taken to the cabinet of antiquities of the Bibliothèque Nationale and thus escaped destruction. The <a href="../cathen/13641b.htm">statues</a> of the kings, which adorned the <a href="../cathen/15387a.htm">porch</a>, were destroyed in October, 1793, by order of the Paris Commune. The feast of Reason was celebrated in Notre-Dame in November, 1793; in December of the same year Saint-Simon, the future founder of the Saint-Simonian religion, was about to purchase the church and destroy it. From 1798 it contained the offices of the Constitutional <a href="../cathen/04049b.htm">clergy</a>, and from 5 March to 28 May, 1798, it was also the meeting-place of the <a href="../cathen/14624a.htm">Theophilanthropists</a>. <a href="../cathen/03449a.htm">Catholic</a> worship was resumed on 18 April, 1802, and the <a href="../cathen/04380a.htm">coronation</a> of <a href="../cathen/10687a.htm">Napoleon</a> took place there on 2 December, 1804. By the preface of his novel "Notre Dame de Paris" (1832) Victor Hugo aroused a strong public sentiment in favour of the <a href="../cathen/03438a.htm">cathedral</a>. In April, 1844, the Government entrusted Lassus and Viollet le Duc with a complete restoration, which was completed in 1864. On 31 May, 1864, <a href="../cathen/04634b.htm">Archbishop Darboy</a> dedicated the restored <a href="../cathen/03438a.htm">cathedral</a>. The marriage of <a href="../cathen/10699a.htm">Napoleon III</a> (30 January, 1853), the funeral services of President Carnot (1 July, 1894), the obsequies of President Félix Faure (23 Feb., 1899), took place at Notre-Dame. Notre-Dame has been a minor basilica since 27 Feb., 1805. As early as the beginning of the thirteenth century at least two churches were copied entirely from the <a href="../cathen/03438a.htm">cathedral</a> of Paris, viz, the collegiate church of Mantes (Seine-et-Oise.) and the <a href="../cathen/03438a.htm">cathedral</a> of <a href="../cathen/11071c.htm">Nicosia</a> in the <a href="../cathen/04589a.htm">Island of Cyprus</a>, the <a href="../cathen/02581b.htm">bishop</a> of which was a brother of the cantor of Notre-Dame. The <em>Ile de la Cité</em>, where Notre-Dame stands, also contains the Sainte-Chapelle, in the Palais de la Justice, one of the most beautiful religious buildings in Paris. It was built (1212-47) under St. Louis by Pierre de Montereau, with the exception of the spire. Its <a href="../cathen/14241a.htm">stained-glass</a> windows are admirable. In former times the king, from an ogival baldachin, displayed to the people the <a href="../cathen/12734a.htm">relics</a> of the Passion.</p> <h2>Principal churches on the right bank of the Seine</h2> <p>The Church of St-Germain-l'Auxerrois was built between the thirteenth and the sixteenth century on the site of a <a href="../cathen/02276b.htm">baptistery</a> built by St. Germain, where <a href="../cathen/02258b.htm">baptism</a> was administered on fixed dates. At other times the <em>piscina</em> was dry, and the <a href="../cathen/03430b.htm">catechumens</a> came and seated themselves on the steps while <a href="../cathen/05075b.htm">catechetical</a> classes were held. Three tragic recollections are connected with this church. On 24 August, 1572, its bells gave the signal for the Massacre of St. Bartholomew; in 1617, the body of Concini, Ambrose Maréchal d'Ancre, which had been buried there, was disinterred by the mob and mutilated; on 14 Feb., 1831, the people sacked the church under the pretext that an anniversary Mass was being celebrated for the <a href="../cathen/14153a.htm">soul</a> of the Duc de Berry. The <a href="../cathen/03744a.htm">Church</a> of St-Eustache, built between 1532 and 1637, was the scene of the First Communion of <a href="../cathen/09371a.htm">Louis XIV</a> (1649), the funeral oration of Turenne preached by <a href="../cathen/06100a.htm">Fléchier</a> (1676), and <a href="../cathen/10034a.htm">Massillon's</a> sermon on the small number of the <a href="../cathen/05374a.htm">elect</a> (1704). <a href="../cathen/10034a.htm">Massillon</a> preached the <a href="../cathen/09152a.htm">Lenten</a> sermons in the church of St-Leu (fourteenth century), and the conspirator Georges Cadoudal hid in its <a href="../cathen/04558a.htm">crypt</a> from the police of <a href="../cathen/10687a.htm">Bonaparte</a>. In the <a href="../cathen/03744a.htm">Church</a> of St-Gervais (early sixteenth-century), where the League was established, <a href="../cathen/02698b.htm">Bossuet</a> preached the funeral sermon of Chancellor Michel Le Tellier. Its doorway, of which Louis XIII laid the first stone in 1616, is a very beautiful work of Salomon de Brosse. Blessed Marie de l'Incarnation was <a href="../cathen/02258b.htm">baptized</a> at Saint-Merry (1520-1612). In Saint-Louis-en-l'Ile (rebuilt 1664-1726) <a href="../cathen/15434c.htm">St. Vincent de Paul</a> presided over the meetings at which the charity bureaux were organized. Charles VI, Charles VII, and <a href="../cathen/11240d.htm">Olier</a> were <a href="../cathen/02258b.htm">baptized</a> in the <a href="../cathen/03744a.htm">Church</a> of St-Paul, destroyed during the <a href="../cathen/13009a.htm">Revolution</a>. The <a href="../cathen/03744a.htm">Church</a> of St-Louis (seventeenth-century), former <a href="../cathen/03574b.htm">chapel</a> of the <a href="../cathen/14081a.htm">Jesuit</a> professed house, where <a href="../cathen/02717a.htm">Bourdaloue</a> preached the funeral sermon of Condé and where he was buried, was chosen at the Concordat to replace the <a href="../cathen/11499b.htm">parish</a> of St-Paul, and took the name of St-Paul-St-Louis. The Madeleine (begun 1764 and finished 1824), of which <a href="../cathen/10687a.htm">Napoleon I</a> wished to make a Temple of Glory, had within less than a century two <a href="../cathen/11537b.htm">pastors</a>, who were <a href="../cathen/09736b.htm">martyred</a>, Le Ber, butchered in 1792, and Deguerry, shot in 1871. The <a href="../cathen/03744a.htm">Church</a> of St-Lawrence (fifteenth-century) was often visited by <a href="../cathen/15434c.htm">St. Vincent de Paul</a>, who lived in the <a href="../cathen/04340c.htm">convent</a> of St-Lazare within the confines of the <a href="../cathen/11499b.htm">parish</a>. Here was buried <a href="../cathen/09133b.htm">Venerable Madame Le Gras</a>, foundress of the Sisters of Charity. During the <a href="../cathen/13009a.htm">Revolution</a> it was given to the <a href="../cathen/14624a.htm">Theophilanthropists</a> who made of it the "Temple of Hymen and Fidelity". With regard to Notre-Dame-des-Victoires see below under FAMOUS PILGRIMAGES. St-Denys-de-la-Chapelle (thirteenth-century) stands where <a href="../cathen/06413f.htm">St. Genevieve</a> and her companions rested, when they were making a <a href="../cathen/12085a.htm">pilgrimage</a> from Paris to the <a href="../cathen/14773b.htm">tomb</a> of St. Denis. <a href="../cathen/08409c.htm">Bl. Joan of Arc</a>, who had come to besiege Paris, stopped here to <a href="../cathen/12345b.htm">pray</a>.</p> <h2>Principal churches on the left bank</h2> <p>St-Nicholas-du-Chardonnet (1656-1758) is famous for the <a href="../cathen/13694a.htm">seminary</a> which Bourdoise founded in the vicinity, for the Forty Hours preached there by St. Francis de Sales, and for the funeral oration of <a href="../cathen/08766a.htm">Lamoignon</a> preached there by <a href="../cathen/06100a.htm">Fléchier</a>. St-Sulpice (1646-1745) is famous for its <a href="../cathen/11537b.htm">pastor</a> <a href="../cathen/11240d.htm">Olier</a>; in 1793 it was a <a href="../cathen/14495a.htm">temple</a> of Victory, under the Directory it was used by the <a href="../cathen/14624a.htm">Theophilanthropists</a>, and there <a href="../cathen/12132a.htm">Pius VII</a> <a href="../cathen/04276a.htm">consecrated</a> the <a href="../cathen/02581b.htm">bishops</a> of <a href="../cathen/09006a.htm">La Rochelle</a> and <a href="../cathen/12178c.htm">Poitiers</a>. To the <a href="../cathen/05257a.htm">architectural</a> importance of St-Germain-des-Prés was added in the nineteenth century the attraction of <a href="../cathen/06096a.htm">Flandrin's</a> frescoes. St-Médard (fifteenth-sixteenth-century) became celebrated in the eighteenth century owing to the sensation caused by the <a href="../cathen/08285a.htm">Jansenists</a> with regard to the wonders wrought at the <a href="../cathen/14773b.htm">tomb</a> of the <a href="../cathen/04647c.htm">deacon</a> Paris. St-Séverin (fourteenth-fifteenth-century), one of the most remarkable Gothic edifices of Paris, replaced an older church in which <a href="../cathen/06157a.htm">Foulques de Neuily</a> preached the <a href="../cathen/04543c.htm#section4">Fourth Crusade</a> in 1199; <a href="../cathen/15434c.htm">St. Vincent de Paul</a>, <a href="../cathen/02698b.htm">Bossuet</a>, <a href="../cathen/10034a.htm">Massillon</a>, <a href="../cathen/06100a.htm">Fléchier</a>, <a href="../cathen/08733a.htm">Lacordaire</a>, and <a href="../cathen/12667b.htm">Ravignan</a> preached in this church. Originally dedicated to St. Severinus, a Parisian <a href="../cathen/07280a.htm">hermit</a>, who was buried there in 555, it was dedicated to St. Severinus of Agaune from the fifteenth to the eighteenth century, and since 1753 has had both these <a href="../cathen/04171a.htm">saints</a> as patrons. Ste-Clotilde (1846-61) was made a minor basilica on 19 April, 1897, at the time of the fourteenth centenary of <a href="../cathen/04070a.htm">Clovis</a>. St-Lambert-de-Vaugirard had as <a href="../cathen/11537b.htm">pastor</a> <a href="../cathen/11240d.htm">Olier</a>, who founded the Society of St-Sulpice, and <a href="../cathen/08444a.htm">St. John Baptist de la Salle</a> opened his first <a href="../cathen/13554b.htm">school</a> in this <a href="../cathen/11499b.htm">parish</a>; its name of Vaugirard (<em>Vallis Gerardi</em>) recalls the charitable <a href="../cathen/01015c.htm">Abbot</a> of St-Germain-des-Prés, Gerard de Moret, who built dwellings for sick religious in the locality. The church of the <a href="../cathen/14149a.htm">Sorbonne</a>, where religious services are no longer held, was begun in 1635, <a href="../cathen/13047a.htm">Richelieu</a> laying its foundation stone, and completed in 1646. <a href="../cathen/13047a.htm">Richelieu's</a> <a href="../cathen/14773b.htm">tomb</a> in this church was violated during the <a href="../cathen/13009a.htm">Revolution</a>; the <a href="../cathen/03333b.htm">cardinal's</a> head, which was taken away on this occasion, was restored to this church in 1866. The <a href="../cathen/03574b.htm">chapel</a> of Val-de-Gârce, a very beautiful specimen of the <a href="../cathen/14081a.htm">Jesuit</a> style and famous for its <a href="../cathen/04569d.htm">cupola</a> wherein <a href="../cathen/10289a.htm">Mignard</a> has depicted the glory of the blessed, was built in fulfillment of a <a href="../cathen/15511a.htm">vow</a> made by Anne of Austria. <a href="../cathen/09609a.htm">Mansart</a> was its first architect, and the <a href="../cathen/14303a.htm">corner-stone</a> was laid in 1645 by <a href="../cathen/09371a.htm">Louis XIV</a> at the age of seven. Here was buried Henrietta of <a href="../cathen/06166a.htm">France</a>, wife of Charles I of <a href="../cathen/05445a.htm">England</a>, and here <a href="../cathen/02698b.htm">Bossuet</a> preached the <a href="../cathen/09152a.htm">Lenten</a> sermons of 1663. It is now the <a href="../cathen/03574b.htm">chapel</a> of the Paris military <a href="../cathen/07480a.htm">hospital</a>. The <a href="../cathen/03574b.htm">chapel</a> of St-Louis-des-Invalides contains the <a href="../cathen/14773b.htm">tomb</a> of <a href="../cathen/10687a.htm">Napoleon I</a>. In the <a href="../cathen/04558a.htm">crypt</a> of the <a href="../cathen/03744a.htm">Church</a> of St-Joseph-des-Carmes, built by the <a href="../cathen/03354a.htm">Carmelites</a> between 1613 and 1625 and now the church of the Institut Catholique, are the <a href="../cathen/14773b.htm">tomb</a> of <a href="../cathen/11378a.htm">Ozanam</a> and the remains of the 120 <a href="../cathen/12406a.htm">priests</a> massacred in this church on 2 Sept., 1792, after fifteen days of captivity. In this <a href="../cathen/04558a.htm">crypt</a> <a href="../cathen/08733a.htm">Lacordaire</a> remained attached to a cross for three hours.</p> <h2>Principal abbeys</h2> <p>The <a href="../cathen/02443a.htm">Benedictine</a> Abbey of St-Germain-des-Prés, the foundation and <a href="../cathen/10285c.htm">medieval</a> splendour of which have been described above, was long famous for the fair which it held. During the seventeenth century its important <a href="../cathen/09227b.htm">library</a> made it a centre of learning, and Luc d'Achéry, <a href="../cathen/09479b.htm">Mabillon</a>, and Montfaucon rendered it illustrious. Abbé Prévost, author of the famous romance "Manon Lescaut", was for a time a <a href="../cathen/02443a.htm">Benedictine</a> at St-Germain-des-Prés, where he worked on "Gallia Christiana". John Casimir, first a <a href="../cathen/14081a.htm">Jesuit</a> and later King of <a href="../cathen/12181a.htm">Poland</a>, died as <a href="../cathen/01015c.htm">Abbot</a> of St-Germain-des-Prés in 1672. The <a href="../cathen/01010a.htm">abbey</a> <a href="../cathen/12430a.htm">prison</a> was the scene of the September massacres in 1792.</p> <p>The origin of the Abbey of St-Victor was a hermitage, to which <a href="../cathen/15632a.htm">William of Champeaux</a> retired in 1108. The <a href="../cathen/01010a.htm">abbey</a> was founded by a royal charter in 1113, and had as first <a href="../cathen/01015c.htm">abbot</a> Gilduin, confessor of Louis the Fat. The <a href="../cathen/01010a.htm">abbey</a> governed the <a href="../cathen/12428b.htm">priories</a> of Corbeil, Château-Laudon, Etampes, Mantes, Poissy, Dreux, and even the <a href="../cathen/03438a.htm">cathedral</a> of <a href="../cathen/13681d.htm">Séez</a>. During the first century it was rendered illustrious by Richard of St-Victor, Hugh of St-Victor, and the <a href="../cathen/09306a.htm">liturgical</a> poet, Adam of St-Victor. Grave abuses having crept into the Congregation of the Canons of <a href="../cathen/06413f.htm">St. Genevieve</a>, <a href="../cathen/05599a.htm">Pope Eugenius III</a> and <a href="../cathen/14326a.htm">Suger</a> in 1148 introduced the <a href="../cathen/03288a.htm">Canons Regular of St. Augustine</a> from the Abbey of St-Victor. From the thirteenth to the fifteenth century the <a href="../cathen/01010a.htm">abbey</a> passed through a period of decadence, and in 1498 two strange <a href="../cathen/10487b.htm">monks</a>, John Standonck, <a href="../cathen/12676c.htm">rector</a> of the College of Montaigu, and John Monbaer of Windesheim near Zwolle, spent nine months at the <a href="../cathen/01010a.htm">abbey</a> to effect its reform. With the sixteenth century began a series of commendatory <a href="../cathen/01015c.htm">abbots</a>, one of whom, Antonio Caracciolo, became a <a href="../cathen/12495a.htm">Protestant</a>. The canons of St-Victor took a very important part in the League. The first half of the seventeenth century was characterized by a conflict between Jean de <a href="../cathen/14795b.htm">Toulouse</a>, <a href="../cathen/12427c.htm">prior</a> of St-Victor, and the Genovéfains; a decision of the <em>official</em> (28 June, 1645) declared St-Victor autonomous. <a href="../cathen/08285a.htm">Jansenism</a> found its way into St-Victor, and was combatted by Simon Gourdan, who was <a href="../cathen/11703a.htm">persecuted</a>. In the eighteenth century its <a href="../cathen/09227b.htm">library</a> was celebrated, and was open to the public three times a week. The librarian Mulot, who was also grand prior, published a translation of "Daphnis and Chloe". The <a href="../cathen/01010a.htm">abbey's</a> end was sad. When the <a href="../cathen/13009a.htm">Revolutionary</a> commissaries questioned the twenty-one religious present, only one, aged 81, affirmed his desire to remain; nine did not reply, eleven left the <a href="../cathen/04340c.htm">monastery</a>, and the librarian Mulot became a deputy of the Legislative Assembly. The <a href="../cathen/01010a.htm">abbey</a> was destroyed in November, 1798.</p> <p>The early history of the Abbey of Saint-Denis, near Paris, is very obscure. In the second half of the fifth century the <a href="../cathen/04049b.htm">clergy</a> of Paris erected at the instance of <a href="../cathen/06413f.htm">St. Genevieve</a> in the village of Catulliacus where the <a href="../cathen/04171a.htm">saint</a> was buried, a <a href="../cathen/02325a.htm">basilica</a>, administered by a community of <a href="../cathen/10487b.htm">monks</a>. Pilgrims flocked thither, and, as early as 625, a charter of Clotaire II authorized the <a href="../cathen/01015c.htm">abbot</a> to receive a legacy. Nevertheless, tradition regards Dagobert I (628-38) as the real founder. According to <a href="../cathen/09479b.htm">Mabillon</a>, Félibien, and M. Léon Levillain, he merely decorated and embellished the already existing basilica; according to Julian Havet, this early basilica stood at the place called Saint-Denis-de-l'Entrée, west of the present church, and between 623 and 625 Dagobert founded the new <a href="../cathen/01010a.htm">abbey</a> church, to which the <a href="../cathen/12734a.htm">relics</a> were removed in 626. Whatever the solution of this problem, with which scholars have occupied themselves since the seventeenth century, Dagobert was the <a href="../cathen/01010a.htm">abbey's</a> signal benefactor: the altar ornaments, the <a href="../cathen/14773b.htm">tomb</a> containing the body of St. Denis, the golden cross set with precious stones which stood behind the <a href="../cathen/07346b.htm">high altar</a> were the work of the goldsmith, <a href="../cathen/05386a.htm">St. Eligius</a> (Eloi), the king's friend. Dagobert himself desired to be buried at <a href="../cathen/13343b.htm">Saint-Denis</a>. At the instance of Abbot Fulrad (died 784) Pepin the Short had the <a href="../cathen/01010a.htm">abbey</a> rebuilt, and here on 28 July, 754, <a href="../cathen/14288c.htm">Pope Stephen II</a> solemnly administered the royal anointment to Pepin, Queen <a href="../cathen/02519a.htm">Bertha</a>, and their two sons, and <a href="../cathen/04276a.htm">consecrated</a> an altar. The new edifice was dedicated on 24 Feb., 775, in the presence of <a href="../cathen/03610c.htm">Charlemagne</a>. Hilduin, who became <a href="../cathen/01015c.htm">abbot</a> in 814, wrote the life of St. Denis, and identifies him with St. Denis the Areopagite; During the ninth century the Normans several times levied tribute on and pillaged the <a href="../cathen/04340c.htm">monastery</a>. During the siege of Paris in 886, the <a href="../cathen/10487b.htm">monks</a> sought refuge with Archbishop Foulques of <a href="../cathen/07356b.htm">Reims</a>, taking with them the body of St. Denis. After these disasters the <a href="../cathen/01010a.htm">abbey</a> was restored and perhaps, as some scholars maintain, entirely rebuilt. St. Gerard, of a noble <a href="../cathen/05782a.htm">family</a> of the Low Countries, was a <a href="../cathen/10487b.htm">monk</a> at St-Denis previously to founding the Abbey of Broglie in 1030. In 1106 Paschal II visited the <a href="../cathen/01010a.htm">abbey</a>, and for a time <a href="../cathen/01036b.htm">Abelard</a> was a <a href="../cathen/10487b.htm">monk</a> there. <a href="../cathen/14326a.htm">Suger</a>, minister of Louis VI and Louis VII, who became <a href="../cathen/01015c.htm">Abbot</a> of St-Denis in 1122, wished to erect a sumptuous new church; his <a href="../cathen/05257a.htm">architectural</a> work is known to us through two of his writings, the "Book of his Administration" and the "Treatise on the Consecration of the Church of St. Denis". St-Denis then attracted numerous <a href="../cathen/12085a.htm">pilgrims</a>, whom <a href="../cathen/14326a.htm">Suger</a> describes as crowding to the doors, "squeezed as in a press". By a charter of 15 March, 1125, <a href="../cathen/14326a.htm">Suger</a> released from <a href="../cathen/10579a.htm">mortmain</a> the people of St-Denis, who in gratitude gave him the money for the reconstruction of the church. The work began doubtless about 1132; the choir was <a href="../cathen/04276a.htm">consecrated</a> on 11 June, 1144, in the presence of Louis VII, five <a href="../cathen/01691a.htm">archbishops</a>, and fourteen <a href="../cathen/02581b.htm">bishops</a>, and the translation of the <a href="../cathen/12734a.htm">relics</a> took place the same day. The alliance of the Capetians with the <a href="../cathen/04340c.htm">monastery</a> of St. Denis was thenceforth sealed. Odo of Deuil, <a href="../cathen/14326a.htm">Suger's</a> successor as <a href="../cathen/01015c.htm">abbot</a>, was <a href="../cathen/03579b.htm">chaplain</a> to Louis VII during the <a href="../cathen/04543c.htm#section2">Second Crusade</a>, of which he wrote a chronicle. The Abbey of St-Denis was the repository of the royal insignia — the crown, sceptre, <em>main de <a href="../cathen/08571c.htm">justice</a></em>, and the garments and ornaments used at the <a href="../cathen/04380a.htm">coronation</a> of the kings. For each <a href="../cathen/04380a.htm">coronation</a> the <a href="../cathen/01015c.htm">abbot</a> brought them to <a href="../cathen/07356b.htm">Reims</a>. The <a href="../cathen/11306a.htm">oriflamme</a> was also kept there, and thither repaired <a href="../cathen/08409c.htm">Bl. Joan of Arc</a> after the <a href="../cathen/04380a.htm">coronation</a> of Charles VII at <a href="../cathen/07356b.htm">Reims</a>.</p> <p>The new Church of St-Denis has an extreme importance for the history of <a href="../cathen/10285c.htm">medieval</a> architecture. It was the earliest important building in which the pointed arch (<em>croisée d'ogive</em>) was used in the <a href="../cathen/03574b.htm">chapels</a> of the deambulatory, thus inaugurating this wonderful invention of the <a href="../cathen/06665b.htm">Gothic</a> style. The church exercised also a great influence on the development of the industrial arts: the products of the goldsmith's and enameller's art ordered by <a href="../cathen/14326a.htm">Suger</a> formed one of the most beautiful treasures of <a href="../cathen/03712a.htm">Christianity</a>, some remnants of which are still preserved in the Gallery of Apollo at the Louvre. As regards monumental <a href="../cathen/13641b.htm">sculpture</a> M. André Michel, the art historian, writes that "the grand <a href="../cathen/03573c.htm">chantry</a> of St-Denis was the decisive studio in the elaboration and, if we may so speak, the proclamation of the new style." In 1231 the religious of St-Denis resolved to reconstruct the basilica, and the chronicler <a href="../cathen/15634b.htm">Guillaume de Nangis</a>, a <a href="../cathen/10487b.htm">monk</a> at the <a href="../cathen/01010a.htm">abbey</a>, says that St. Louis, a friend of their <a href="../cathen/01015c.htm">abbot</a> Mathieu de Vendôme, advised them to do so. It may be that portions of the edifice built by <a href="../cathen/14326a.htm">Suger</a> had fallen to ruin, or perhaps St. Louis's plan to erect <a href="../cathen/14773b.htm">tombs</a> to his predecessors was the origin of the plan. Of <a href="../cathen/14326a.htm">Suger's</a> building the western <a href="../cathen/05745c.htm">façade</a>, the deambulatory, the <a href="../cathen/03574b.htm">chapels</a> of the <a href="../cathen/01659a.htm">apse</a>, and the <a href="../cathen/04558a.htm">crypt</a> were retained, the remainder being rebuilt. The work was directed by the architect Pierre de Montereau, thanks to whose genius the <a href="../cathen/10724a.htm">nave</a> and <a href="../cathen/15018a.htm">transept</a> form a glorious example of the splendid Gothic art of the thirteenth century. St-Denis was the historical laboratory of the old French monarchy: the <a href="../cathen/01015c.htm">abbot</a> selected a religious who followed the court as historiographer to the king, and, on the death of each king, the history of his reign, after having been submitted to the chapter, was incorporated in the "Grandes Chroniques". Especially important, as historical sources, are the works of the <a href="../cathen/10487b.htm">monk</a> Rigord on <a href="../cathen/12001a.htm">Philip Augustus</a> and that of <a href="../cathen/15634b.htm">Guillaume de Nangis</a> on St. Louis. On the invention of printing the "Grandes Chroniques" were put in order by Jean Chartier, who completed them with the history of Charles VII and published them in 1476, this being the earliest book known to have been printed in Paris.</p> <p>From 1529 St-Denis had commendatory <a href="../cathen/01015c.htm">abbots</a>, the first of whom was Louis Cardinal de Bourbon. The Religious Wars were a disastrous period for the <a href="../cathen/01010a.htm">abbey</a>. In 1562 and 1567 <a href="../cathen/14773b.htm">tombs</a> were destroyed, the archives ravaged, and the <a href="../cathen/12762a.htm">reliquaries</a> of the <a href="../cathen/04171a.htm">saints</a> stripped of their plates of gold and silver. <a href="../cathen/03443a.htm">Catherine de' Medici</a> planned to erect beside the church a <a href="../cathen/03574b.htm">chapel</a> for Henry II and herself; François Primatice, Jean Bullant, and Androuet de Cerceau in turn supervised the work on this great mausoleum, which, owing to the civil disturbances, was never finished and was demolished in 1719. The troubles of the League brought about fresh pillages. Here on 25 July, 1593, <a href="../cathen/02376c.htm">Renaud de Beaune</a>, <a href="../cathen/01691a.htm">Archbishop</a> of <a href="../cathen/02720b.htm">Bourges</a>, received the <a href="../cathen/01044d.htm">abjuration</a> of <a href="../cathen/07225a.htm">Henry IV</a>. In 1633 the <a href="../cathen/02443a.htm">Benedictines</a> of the Congregation of St. Maur reformed the <a href="../cathen/01010a.htm">abbey</a>, and for a time the celebrated <a href="../cathen/09479b.htm">Mabillon</a> (1632-1707) was guardian of the treasury. In 1686 <a href="../cathen/09371a.htm">Louis XIV</a> transferred the abbatial revenues to the recently founded royal house of St-Cyr. In 1691 the title and dignity of its <a href="../cathen/01015c.htm">abbot</a> were suppressed, and thenceforth the <a href="../cathen/01010a.htm">abbey</a> was directed by grand <a href="../cathen/12427c.htm">priors</a>, dependent on the superior-general of the congregation who resided at the Abbey of St-Germain-des-Prés. These grand <a href="../cathen/12427c.htm">priors</a> were of right vicars-general of the <a href="../cathen/01691a.htm">archbishops</a> of Paris. In 1706 the <a href="../cathen/10487b.htm">monk</a> Félibien (1666-1719) published the history of the <a href="../cathen/01010a.htm">abbey</a>. In the eighteenth century the <a href="../cathen/01010a.htm">abbey</a> buildings were entirely rebuilt by the <a href="../cathen/10487b.htm">monks</a>, and they were about to change completely the Gothic appearance of the church itself when the <a href="../cathen/13009a.htm">Revolution</a> broke out. St-Denis was then called <em>Franciade</em>, the church became first a <a href="../cathen/14495a.htm">temple</a> of Reason, and then a market-house. In August, 1793, the Convention, on the recommendation of Barère, ordered the destruction of the <a href="../cathen/14773b.htm">tombs</a> of the kings. Immediately most of the Gothic <a href="../cathen/14773b.htm">tombs</a> were destroyed, and between 14 and 25 Oct., 1793, the ashes of the Bourbons were scattered to the winds. In 1795 Alexander Lenoir had all the <a href="../cathen/14773b.htm">tombs</a> that had been spared removed to the Museum of French Monuments. <a href="../cathen/10687a.htm">Napoleon</a> (20 Feb., 1805) decided that the church should be restored, re-established worship there, and decreed that thenceforth St-Denis should be the burial-place of the emperors. At the Restoration the <a href="../cathen/14773b.htm">tombs</a> which had been removed to the Museum of French Monuments were restored to St-Denis, but in such a disorderly fashion that <a href="../cathen/10513b.htm">Montalembert</a>, in a discourse of 1847, called the Church of St. Denis "a museum of bric-A-brac". A truly artistic restoration was accomplished finally (1847-79) by Viollet le Duc.</p> <p>Of the thirty-two Capetian kings from <a href="../cathen/07515c.htm">Hugh Capet</a> to Louis XV only three were buried elsewhere than in St-Denis. The series of authentic portraits of the kings of <a href="../cathen/06166a.htm">France</a> at St-Denis opens with the sepulchral <a href="../cathen/13641b.htm">statue</a> of Philip III the Bold (died 1285). Until the sixteenth century the royal <a href="../cathen/14773b.htm">tombs</a> at St-Denis maintained modest proportions, but in that century the church was filled with works of art. The monument of the Dukes of <a href="../cathen/11318b.htm">Orléans</a>, erected by Louis XII, was the work of four <a href="../cathen/06419a.htm">Genoese</a> <a href="../cathen/13641b.htm">sculptors</a>; that of Louis XII (died 1515) and Anne of Brittany (died 1514), is the work of the <a href="../cathen/08571b.htm">Juste family</a>, <a href="../cathen/08208a.htm">Italian</a> <a href="../cathen/13641b.htm">sculptors</a> residing at <a href="../cathen/15002a.htm">Tours</a>; the magnificent monument of <a href="../cathen/06207a.htm">Francis I</a> and Claude of <a href="../cathen/06166a.htm">France</a> is the work of the great architect Philibert Delorme and of the <a href="../cathen/13641b.htm">sculptor</a> Pierre Bontemps; that of Henry II and <a href="../cathen/03443a.htm">Catherine de' Medici</a>, executed under the direction of Primatice, is admired for the <a href="../cathen/13641b.htm">sculptures</a> of Germain Pilon. The only monument representing the art of the seventeenth century is that of Turenne. The episcopal chapter of St-Denis, created by <a href="../cathen/10687a.htm">Napoleon I</a> to care for the basilica, was composed of ten canons whose head was the grand almoner. The canons had to be former <a href="../cathen/02581b.htm">bishops</a> more than fifty years of age. The Restoration created canons of a second order, who were not chosen from among the <a href="../cathen/02581b.htm">bishops</a>, and the grand almoner received the title of <em>primicier</em> (dean) of the chapter. The empire and the Restoration claimed that this chapter, which <a href="../cathen/10687a.htm">Napoleon</a> had created without taking counsel with <a href="../cathen/13164a.htm">Rome</a>, should not be subject to the <a href="../cathen/08567a.htm">jurisdiction</a> of the ordinary. This was the cause of conflict until 1846, when the <a href="../cathen/12260a.htm">pope</a> issued a <a href="../cathen/03052b.htm">Bull</a> placing the chapter of St-Germain under the direct supervision of the <a href="../cathen/07424b.htm">Holy See</a>; the <a href="../cathen/12423b.htm">primate</a> retained episcopal authority over the church and the house of the Legion of Honour annexed to the church, and the <a href="../cathen/01691a.htm">Archbishop</a> of Paris had no <a href="../cathen/08567a.htm">spiritual jurisdiction</a> over either of these buildings. The budget for the chapter of St-Denis was suppressed by the State in 1888. The <a href="../cathen/14580a.htm">theologian</a> Maret, famous for his writings against the opportuneness of the definition of <a href="../cathen/07790a.htm">infallibility</a>, was the last <a href="../cathen/12423b.htm">primate</a>.</p> <h2>Famous pilgrimages</h2> <h3 id="A">Tomb of St. Genevieve</h3> <p><a href="../cathen/06413f.htm">St. Genevieve</a> is the patroness of Paris, but after the conversion of the church into a Pantheon of <a href="../cathen/06166a.htm">France's</a> great men the <a href="../cathen/04171a.htm">saint</a> had no church in Paris. Since 1803 her <a href="../cathen/14773b.htm">tomb</a> has been at St-Etienne-du-Mont (built 1517-1620), the burial-place of <a href="../cathen/12630b.htm">Racine</a> and <a href="../cathen/11511a.htm">Pascal</a>. There <a href="../cathen/12132a.htm">Pius VII</a> went to <a href="../cathen/12345b.htm">pray</a> on 10 January, 1805, and it was the scene of the assassination of <a href="../cathen/13769a.htm">Archbishop Sibour</a> on 3 January, 1857. The veneration of <a href="../cathen/06413f.htm">St. Genevieve</a> is expressed in two feasts:</p> <div class="bulletlist"><ol><li>on her <a href="../cathen/06021b.htm">feast</a> proper (3 January) and the following eight days a solemn novena takes place at St-Etienne-du-Mont and at the <a href="../cathen/03041a.htm">church</a> of Nanterre, birthplace of <a href="../cathen/06413f.htm">St. Genevieve</a>, whither Clotaire II, St. Louis, Blanche of Castile, Louis XIII, and Anne of Austria went to venerate her memory:</li><li>on 26 November, anniversary of the <a href="../cathen/10338a.htm">miracle</a> whereby, in 1130, a procession of the <a href="../cathen/12734a.htm">relics</a> of <a href="../cathen/06413f.htm">St. Genevieve</a> cured many Parisians of the <em>mal des ardents</em> (<em>Miracle des arderts</em>).</li></ol></div> <h3 id="B">Notre-Dame-des-Victoires</h3> <p>In consequence of the visions granted to Catherine Labouré (who six months previously had become a member of the Sisters of Charity), M. Aladel, assistant of the <a href="../cathen/10357a.htm">Lazarists</a>, with the approval of Mgr de Quélen, had struck the <a href="../cathen/10115a.htm">"miraculous medal"</a> of Mary Conceived without Sin, more than 4,000,000 of which were distributed throughout the world within four years. In 1838 Desgenettes, <a href="../cathen/11537b.htm">pastor</a> of Notre-Dame-des-Victoires, organized in that church the Association in <a href="../cathen/07462a.htm">honour</a> of the Holy and Immaculate Heart of Mary, which <a href="../cathen/07006a.htm">Gregory XVI</a> made a confraternity on 24 April, 1838, and the badge of which was the <a href="../cathen/10115a.htm">miraculous medal</a>. In virtue of another <a href="../cathen/07789a.htm">indult</a> of <a href="../cathen/07006a.htm">Gregory XVI</a> (7 Dec., 1838) the Diocese of Paris received the <a href="../cathen/13055c.htm">right</a> to transfer to the second <a href="../cathen/14335a.htm">Sunday</a> of <a href="../cathen/01165a.htm">Advent</a> the solemnity of the feast of the Immaculate Conception. On 10 July, 1894, <a href="../cathen/09169a.htm">Leo XIII</a> granted to the <a href="../cathen/10357a.htm">Lazarists</a>, and to the <a href="../cathen/05001a.htm">dioceses</a> that should request it, the faculty of celebrating yearly on 27 November the manifestation of the Blessed Virgin through the <a href="../cathen/10115a.htm">miraculous medal</a>. This feast was first celebrated at Paris in the <a href="../cathen/03574b.htm">chapel</a> of Rue du Bac on 25, 26, and 27 November, 1894. On 27 July, 1897, the <a href="../cathen/13641b.htm">statue</a> of the <a href="../cathen/15464b.htm">Blessed Virgin</a> in this <a href="../cathen/03574b.htm">chapel</a> was <a href="../cathen/14133a.htm">solemnly</a> <a href="../cathen/04380a.htm">crowned</a> in virtue of a <a href="../cathen/03052b.htm">Brief</a> of <a href="../cathen/09169a.htm">Leo XIII</a> (2 March, 1897). In 1899 the number of Masses celebrated by foreign <a href="../cathen/12406a.htm">priests</a> at Notre-Dame-des-Victoires was 3031; the number of Communions, 110,000; intentions 1,305,980, or an average of 3578 per day.</p> <h3 id="C">Montmartre</h3> <p>Prior to the ninth century there were two churches on the hill of Montmartre — one, half way up, stood on the traditional site of the martyrdom of St. Denis, while the other, on the summit, was said to replace a temple dedicated to Mars. In 1095 these two churches became the <a href="../cathen/12462a.htm">property</a> of a <a href="../cathen/04340c.htm">monastery</a> occupied first (1095-1134) by the <a href="../cathen/10487b.htm">monks</a> of St-Martin-des-Champs, and from 1034 to the <a href="../cathen/13009a.htm">Revolution</a> by the <a href="../cathen/02443a.htm">Benedictines</a>. The church on the summit was rebuilt in the twelfth century, and <a href="../cathen/04276a.htm">consecrated</a> on 21 April, 1147, by <a href="../cathen/05599a.htm">Pope Eugenius III</a> with <a href="../cathen/02498d.htm">St. Bernard of Clairvaux</a> as <a href="../cathen/04647c.htm">deacon</a>, and Peter the Venerable, <a href="../cathen/01015c.htm">Abbot</a> of Cluny, as <a href="../cathen/14320a.htm">subdeacon</a>. <a href="../cathen/01287a.htm">Alexander III</a> visited it in 1162; St. Thomas à Becket in 1170; <a href="../cathen/14663b.htm">St. Thomas Aquinas</a>, <a href="../cathen/08409c.htm">Bl. Joan of Arc</a>, St. Ignatius, <a href="../cathen/06233b.htm">St. Francis Xavier</a>, <a href="../cathen/15434c.htm">St. Vincent de Paul</a>, <a href="../cathen/11240d.htm">Olier</a>, and Blessed John Eudes <a href="../cathen/12345b.htm">prayed</a> there. During the <a href="../cathen/15546c.htm">war</a> of 1870-71 MM. Legentil and <a href="../cathen/13117b.htm">Rohault de Fleury</a> issued from <a href="../cathen/12178c.htm">Poitiers</a> an appeal in behalf of the erection at Paris of a sanctuary to the Sacred Heart to obtain the release of the <a href="../cathen/12260a.htm">pope</a> and the <a href="../cathen/13407a.htm">salvation</a> of <a href="../cathen/06166a.htm">France</a>. On 23 July, 1873, the National Assembly passed a law declaring the construction of this sanctuary a matter of public utility. After a meeting in which seventy architects took part Abadie was charged with its construction, in Byzantine style. Cardinal Guibert laid the <a href="../cathen/14303a.htm">corner-stone</a> on 16 June, 1875, and said the first <a href="../cathen/10006a.htm">Mass</a> in the <a href="../cathen/04558a.htm">crypt</a> on 21 April, 1881. Cardinal Richard blessed the church on 5 June, 1891, and on 17 October 1899, blessed the cross surmounting the main <a href="../cathen/05100b.htm">dome</a>.</p> <h3 id="D">Pilgrimage to the church of St. Francis</h3> <p>Pilgrimage to the Church of St. Francis in <a href="../cathen/07462a.htm">honour</a> of the famous <em><a href="../cathen/10338a.htm">Miracle</a> des Billettes</em> in 1290, when blood flowed from a Host which had been profaned by a <a href="../cathen/08399a.htm">Jew</a> and Christ appeared above the receptacle where the <a href="../cathen/08399a.htm">Jew</a> had thrown the Host.</p> <h3 id="E">Pilgrimage to the chapel of the Picpus</h3> <div class="CMtag_300x250" style="display: flex; height: 300px; align-items: center; justify-content: center; "></div> <p>A <a href="../cathen/12085a.htm">Pilgrimage</a> in <a href="../cathen/07462a.htm">honour</a> of the <a href="../cathen/13641b.htm">statue</a> of Notre-Dame-de-Paix which the famous <a href="../cathen/03320b.htm">Capuchin</a> Joyeuse, known as <a href="../cathen/08530c.htm">Père Ange</a>, gave to his <a href="../cathen/04340c.htm">convent</a> (sixteenth century).</p> <h3 id="F">Pilgrimage of Notre-Dame-des-Vertus</h3> <p>A <a href="../cathen/12085a.htm">Pilgrimage</a> at the <a href="../cathen/03041a.htm">church</a> of Aubervilliers (dating from 1336), whither Louis XIII, St. Ignatius, Blessed John Eudes, <a href="../cathen/06220a.htm">St. Francis de Sales</a>, <a href="../cathen/15434c.htm">St. Vincent de Paul</a>, <a href="../cathen/08444a.htm">St. John Baptist de la Salle</a>, and <a href="../cathen/02698b.htm">Bossuet</a> went to <a href="../cathen/12345b.htm">pray</a>.</p> <h3 id="G">Pilgrimage of Notre-Dame-des-Miracles</h3> <p>A Pilgrimage at Saint-Maur, dating from the erection of a <a href="../cathen/03574b.htm">chapel</a> of the <a href="../cathen/15464b.htm">Blessed Virgin</a> by the Abbot St. Babolein about 640. The future <a href="../cathen/09724a.htm">Pope Martin IV</a>, <a href="../cathen/12001a.htm">Philip Augustus</a>, St. Louis, Emperor Charles IV of <a href="../cathen/06484b.htm">Germany</a>, and <a href="../cathen/11240d.htm">Olier</a> <a href="../cathen/12345b.htm">prayed</a> there.</p> <h3 id="H">Pilgrimage in honour of St. Vincent de Paul</h3> <p>A <a href="../cathen/12085a.htm">Pilgrimage</a> to the <a href="../cathen/11499b.htm">parish</a> church of Clichy, built by the <a href="../cathen/04171a.htm">saint</a>.</p> <h2>Saints of Paris</h2> <p>A number of <a href="../cathen/04171a.htm">saints</a> are especially connected with the history of the Diocese of Paris: Sts. Agoard and Aglibert, <a href="../cathen/09736b.htm">martyred</a> at Cretil; St. Lucan, <a href="../cathen/09736b.htm">martyred</a> at Paris; St. Eugene, who according to the legend was sent by Saint Denis to <a href="../cathen/14169b.htm">Spain</a>, founded the <a href="../cathen/03744a.htm">Church</a> of Toledo, and was <a href="../cathen/09736b.htm">martyred</a> at Deuil; St. Yon, a disciple of St. Denis; St. Lucian, companion of St. Denis, <a href="../cathen/09736b.htm">martyred</a> at <a href="../cathen/02377c.htm">Beauvais</a> (third century); St. Rieul, founder (c. 300) of the <a href="../cathen/03744a.htm">Church</a> of Senlis, visited and encouraged the <a href="../cathen/03712a.htm">Christian</a> community of Paris; St. Martin (316-400), <a href="../cathen/02581b.htm">Bishop</a> of <a href="../cathen/15002a.htm">Tours</a>, while at Paris, cured a <a href="../cathen/09182a.htm">leper</a> by embracing him; Sts. Alda (Aude) and Célinie, companions of <a href="../cathen/06413f.htm">St. Genevieve</a>; the <a href="../cathen/11164a.htm">nun</a> St. Aurea, disciple of <a href="../cathen/06413f.htm">St. Genevieve</a> (fifth century); St. Germain (380-448), <a href="../cathen/02581b.htm">Bishop</a> of Auxerre, whose name is linked with the history of <a href="../cathen/06413f.htm">St. Genevieve</a>; St. Séverin, <a href="../cathen/01015c.htm">Abbot</a> of Agaune (died 508), who was summoned to Paris to cure <a href="../cathen/04070a.htm">Clovis</a> of a serious illness; Queen St. Clotilde (died 545); St. Leonard, a noble of <a href="../cathen/04070a.htm">Clovis's</a> court, who became a <a href="../cathen/07280a.htm">hermit</a> in Limousin and died about 559; St. Columbanus (540-615), who performed a <a href="../cathen/10338a.htm">miracle</a> during his stay in Paris; St. Cloud (died 560), grandson of St. Clotilde, who was made a <a href="../cathen/10487b.htm">monk</a> by St. Séverin; St. Radegund (519-87), wife of Clotaire I; St. Eloi (Eligius, 588-659), founder of the <a href="../cathen/04340c.htm">convent</a> of <a href="../cathen/09721c.htm">St. Martial</a>, minister of Clotaire II and of Dagobert; <a href="../cathen/02348b.htm">St. Bathilde</a>, Queen of <a href="../cathen/06166a.htm">France</a> (died 680); St. Domnolus (sixth century), <a href="../cathen/01015c.htm">Abbot</a> of St-Laurent, Paris, prior to becoming <a href="../cathen/02581b.htm">Bishop</a> of <a href="../cathen/09143b.htm">Le Mans</a>; St. Bertechramnus (Bertrand, 553-623), <a href="../cathen/01693a.htm">Archdeacon</a> of Paris, later <a href="../cathen/02581b.htm">Bishop</a> of <a href="../cathen/09143b.htm">Le Mans</a>; St. Aure, virgin (7th century), first <a href="../cathen/01007e.htm">Abbess</a> of <a href="../cathen/09721c.htm">St. Martial</a>; St. Merry, <a href="../cathen/02443a.htm">Benedictine</a> Abbot (died 700); <a href="../cathen/11360b.htm">St. Ouen</a> (609-86), who was a friend of <a href="../cathen/05386a.htm">St. Eligius</a> and died <a href="../cathen/01691a.htm">Archbishop</a> of <a href="../cathen/13208b.htm">Rouen</a>; St. Sulpice (seventh century), <a href="../cathen/03579b.htm">chaplain</a> of Clotaire II, died as <a href="../cathen/01691a.htm">Archbishop</a> of <a href="../cathen/02720b.htm">Bourges</a>; St. Doctrovée (seventh century), first <a href="../cathen/01015c.htm">Abbot</a> of St. Vincent; St Leu, <a href="../cathen/02581b.htm">Bishop</a> of <a href="../cathen/13716a.htm">Sens</a> (seventh century), who on his way through Paris released a number of <a href="../cathen/12430a.htm">prisoners</a>; St. John of Matha (1160-1213), who was a student of the <a href="../cathen/11495a.htm">University of Paris</a>, and, while saying his first <a href="../cathen/10006a.htm">Mass</a> in the <a href="../cathen/03574b.htm">chapel</a> of the <a href="../cathen/02581b.htm">Bishop</a> of Paris, had the vision which induced him to found the Trinitarians; St. William, canon of Paris, who died in 1209 as <a href="../cathen/01691a.htm">Archbishop</a> of <a href="../cathen/02720b.htm">Bourges</a>; Bl. Reginald (1160-1220), professor of canon law at the <a href="../cathen/11495a.htm">University of Paris</a>; <a href="../cathen/02648c.htm">St. Bonaventure</a> (1221-74), student and afterwards professor at the <a href="../cathen/11495a.htm">University of Paris</a>; <a href="../cathen/14663b.htm">St. Thomas Aquinas</a> (1227-74), successively student, professor, and preacher at the <a href="../cathen/11495a.htm">University of Paris</a>; <a href="../cathen/06798a.htm">Bl. Gregory X</a> (<a href="../cathen/12260a.htm">pope</a> 1271-6), doctor of the <a href="../cathen/11495a.htm">University of Paris</a>; <a href="../cathen/08256b.htm">St. Yves</a> (1253-1303), who studied <a href="../cathen/09053a.htm">law</a> at the <a href="../cathen/11495a.htm">University of Paris</a>; <a href="../cathen/08018a.htm">Bl. Innocent V</a> (<a href="../cathen/12260a.htm">pope</a> 1276), who succeeded <a href="../cathen/14663b.htm">St. Thomas Aquinas</a> as professor of <a href="../cathen/14580x.htm">theology</a> at the <a href="../cathen/11495a.htm">University of Paris</a>; St. Louis (1215-70), and his sister Bl. Isabelle (1224-70), foundress of the Abbey of <a href="../cathen/12251b.htm">Poor Clares</a> of Longchamps, who later called themselves Urbanists because their rule was confirmed by <a href="../cathen/15214a.htm">Urban V</a>; Bl. Peter of Luxemburg (1369-87), canon of Paris before becoming <a href="../cathen/02581b.htm">Bishop</a> of <a href="../cathen/10247a.htm">Metz</a>; Blessed <a href="../cathen/15214a.htm">Urban V</a> (<a href="../cathen/12260a.htm">pope</a> 1362-70), sometime professor of canon law at the <a href="../cathen/11495a.htm">University of Paris</a>; Bl. Jeanne-Marie de Maille (1332-1414), who came to Paris to make known to the king her prophetical visions concerning <a href="../cathen/06166a.htm">France</a>; Bl. Jeanne de Valois (1464-1505), daughter of Louis XI and wife of Louis XII, foundress of the Annunciades; <a href="../cathen/07639c.htm">St. Ignatius Loyola</a> (1491-1556); <a href="../cathen/06233b.htm">St. Francis Xavier</a> (1506-52), who studied at the Collège de St-Barbe and made his <a href="../cathen/15511a.htm">vows</a> as a <a href="../cathen/14081a.htm">Jesuit</a> at Montmartre; <a href="../cathen/09667b.htm">Mme Acarie</a>, <a href="../cathen/05188b.htm">venerated</a> as Bl. Marie de l'Incarnation (1565-1618), a Parisian by birth, who, under the protection of the Duchesse de Longueville, established at Paris the <a href="../cathen/03354a.htm">Carmelites</a> of the Faubourg St-Jacques; St. Francis de Sales (1567-1622), who was <a href="../cathen/05295b.htm">educated</a> at the Collège de Clermont, Paris, and later preached there on two occasions; <a href="../cathen/15434c.htm">St. Vincent de Paul</a> (1576-1660), who, having received from Jean-François de Gondi the Collège des Bons Enfants, founded there the <a href="../cathen/10357a.htm">Congregation of the Mission</a>; Bl. Louis Grignion de Montfort (seventeenth century), who studied at St-Sulpice and preached several times at Paris.</p> <h2>Special features of ecclesiastical Paris</h2> <p>The <a href="../cathen/06021b.htm">feast</a> of the Immaculate Conception was celebrated at Paris as early as the thirteenth century by the students of the English and Norman nations in the <a href="../cathen/03744a.htm">Church</a> of St-Séverin, and a confraternity was established there in <a href="../cathen/07462a.htm">honour</a> of the Immaculate Conception in the fourteenth century. Even in the last quarter of the twelfth century the poet Adam, canon regular of St-Victor, seems to have accepted this <a href="../cathen/05089a.htm">dogma</a>. The <a href="../cathen/11495a.htm">University of Paris</a> opposed it until the arrival of <a href="../cathen/05194a.htm">Duns Scotus</a>, who came to debate the question with the <a href="../cathen/12354c.htm">Dominican</a> <a href="../cathen/05072b.htm">doctors</a> at Paris. The <a href="../cathen/02408b.htm">belief</a> spread during the fourteenth century, and the <a href="../cathen/12354c.htm">Dominican</a> Jean de Montson, having maintained in 1387 that the theory was contrary to <a href="../cathen/05752c.htm">faith</a>, was <a href="../cathen/05678a.htm">excommunicated</a>. The <a href="../cathen/05072b.htm">doctors</a> of the <a href="../cathen/15188a.htm">university</a> were among those most eager to hasten at the Council of Basle the investigations preparatory to the definition of the Immaculate Conception, which this council, in the meantime become <a href="../cathen/13529a.htm">schismatical</a>, <a href="../cathen/12454b.htm">promulgated</a> in 1439. At last, on 9 March, 1497, the <a href="../cathen/15188a.htm">university</a> issued a <a href="../cathen/04670a.htm">decree</a> <a href="../cathen/11189a.htm">obliging</a> all its members to promise on <a href="../cathen/11176a.htm">oath</a> to profess and defend the <a href="../cathen/05075b.htm">doctrine</a> of the Immaculate Conception, and declaring the contrary opinion <a href="../cathen/05781a.htm">false</a>, impious, and <a href="../cathen/05525a.htm">erroneous</a>. In 1575 it took issue with the famous <a href="../cathen/14081a.htm">Jesuit</a> <a href="../cathen/09567a.htm">Maldonatus</a>, who still regarded it as an optional opinion, but it refrained from formally branding as <a href="../cathen/07256b.htm">heretics</a> those who did not admit the <a href="../cathen/05075b.htm">doctrine</a>, as laid down by <a href="../cathen/02432a.htm">Benedict XIV</a> in his treatise, "De festis". The procession in <a href="../cathen/07462a.htm">honour</a> of the Assumption was inaugurated at Paris in 1638, when Louis XIII placed his kingdom under the protection of the Blessed Virgin. Devotion to the departed <a href="../cathen/14153a.htm">souls</a> is perhaps the most deeply rooted form of Parisian <a href="../cathen/12748a.htm">piety</a>. Even in the eighteenth century the <em>clocheteurs</em> of the dead traversed the streets at night, ringing their bells and calling:</p> <blockquote><p>Réveillez vous, gens qui dormez, <br>Priez Dieu pour les trépassés.</p></blockquote> <p>The Association of Our Lady of Suffrage for the Dead, founded in 1838 at the Church of St. Merry by Archbishop Quélen and raised to an archconfraternity in 1857 by <a href="../cathen/12134b.htm">Pius IX</a>, is still flourishing. Several expiatory <a href="../cathen/03574b.htm">chapels</a> exist in Paris:</p> <div class="bulletlist"><ul><li>(1) in memory of Louis XVI and the members of his <a href="../cathen/05782a.htm">family</a> who fell victims to the Terror;</li><li>(2) in memory of the 1300 <a href="../cathen/11726a.htm">persons</a> beheaded at the barrier of the Place du Trône (including the 16 <a href="../cathen/03354a.htm">Carmelites</a> of Compiègne) and buried in the cemetery of Picpus;</li><li>(3) in memory of the Duc d'Orléans, who was killed in 1842 in a carriage accident;</li><li>(4) in memory of the victims of the dreadful fire at the Charity Bazar (4 May, 1897).</li></ul></div> <h2>Religious congregations</h2> <p>Prior to the application of the Law of Associations of 1901, there was a large number of religious congregations in Paris. Among those having their mother-house in the city were: the <a href="../cathen/02104a.htm">Assumptionists</a>, who preserved in their <a href="../cathen/03574b.htm">chapel</a> a <a href="../cathen/13641b.htm">statue</a> of Notre-Dame-de-Salut which, according to tradition, smiled on <a href="../cathen/05194a.htm">Duns Scotus</a> in 1304 when he was about to preach on the Immaculate Conception; the <a href="../cathen/05596b.htm">Eudists</a>; the Missionary Priests of Mercy (founded in 1808 by Père Rauzau), who were the founders of the <a href="../cathen/06166a.htm">French</a> <a href="../cathen/11499b.htm">parish</a> in New York; the <a href="../cathen/11184b.htm">Oblates of Mary Immaculate</a> (founded in 1816 by <a href="../cathen/10094a.htm">Eugene de Mazenod</a>), the apostles of Upper and Lower <a href="../cathen/03227a.htm">Canada</a>, New Brittany, <a href="../cathen/11288a.htm">Oregon</a>, <a href="../cathen/02791b.htm">British Columbia</a>, <a href="../cathen/14543a.htm">Texas</a>, and Mexico; the <a href="../cathen/11272a.htm">Oratorians</a>, founded in 1611 by <a href="../cathen/02524b.htm">Pierre de Bérulle</a>. the Priests of Picpus (founded in 1805 by Abbé Coudrin), the founders of missions in Oceania — four of its members were <a href="../cathen/04168a.htm">martyred under the Commune</a> (1871), Pères Radique, Tuffier, Rouchouze, and Tardieu; the Fathers of the <a href="../cathen/05584a.htm">Blessed Sacrament</a>, founded by Père Eymard; the <a href="../cathen/08056a.htm">Brothers of the Christian Schools</a>, founded by <a href="../cathen/08444a.htm">St. John Baptist de la Salle</a>; the Marianist Brothers founded at <a href="../cathen/02682a.htm">Bordeaux</a> in 1817 for the <a href="../cathen/05295b.htm">education</a> of the young; the Nuns of the Assumption, founded in 1839 under the patronage of <a href="../cathen/01180a.htm">Archbishop Affre</a> for the <a href="../cathen/05295b.htm">education</a> of young girls; the Sisters of Charitable Instruction of the Child Jesus (of St. Maur) for nursing and teaching, which was founded in 1666 by Père Barré, O. Minim., and has missions in <a href="../cathen/08297a.htm">Japan</a>, <a href="../cathen/13765a.htm">Siam</a>, and Malacca; the Sisters of Mary Help, founded in 1854 for the care of young working-women; the <a href="../cathen/12712b.htm">Sisters of Our Lady of Charity of the Refuge</a> (of St. Michael), founded in 1641 by Venerable Eudes to receive <a href="../cathen/15506a.htm">voluntary</a> penitents; the Religious of the Mother of God, a teaching order founded by <a href="../cathen/11240d.htm">Olier</a> in 1648; the <a href="../cathen/03518a.htm">Religious of the Cenacle</a> founded at Paris in 1826; the Religious of the Sacred Heart, founded in the beginning of the nineteenth century by <a href="../cathen/02283a.htm">Madame Barat</a>. the Sisters of Picpus, a teaching and contemplative order founded at <a href="../cathen/12178c.htm">Poitiers</a> and removed to Paris in 1804; the Sisters of Our Lady of Sion, a teaching order founded by <a href="../cathen/12659b.htm">Père Ratisbonne</a>.</p> <p>Prior to 1901 there were also at Paris: <a href="../cathen/03354a.htm">Carmelites</a> <a href="../cathen/12354c.htm">Dominicans</a>, several of whom were <a href="../cathen/04168a.htm">martyred during the Commune</a> (martyrs of Arcueil); <a href="../cathen/06217a.htm">Franciscans</a>; <a href="../cathen/14081a.htm">Jesuits</a>, five of whom were <a href="../cathen/04168a.htm">martyred during the Commune</a> (viz. Pères <a href="../cathen/11243b.htm">Olivaint</a>, Clerc, <a href="../cathen/02479a.htm">de Bengy</a>, Ducoudray, and Caubert); <a href="../cathen/09750b.htm">Marists</a>; Priests of Mercy; Missionaries of the Sacred Heart; and <a href="../cathen/12683a.htm">Redemptorists</a>. Important <a href="../cathen/05295b.htm">educational</a> works brought to an end by the <a href="../cathen/09053a.htm">law</a> of 1901 were the boarding-schools of the Abbaye aux Bois, Oiseaux, and Roule, conducted by the <a href="../cathen/03288a.htm">Canons Regular of St. Augustine</a>, a congregation founded at the end of the sixteenth century by <a href="../cathen/11767b.htm">St. Peter Fourier</a>. The same law also terminated the existence of two great <a href="../cathen/03354a.htm">Carmelite</a> <a href="../cathen/04340c.htm">convents</a> — the one, founded in 1604 in the Faubourg St-Jacques by Marie de l'Incarnation, had witnessed the <a href="../cathen/09152a.htm">Lenten</a> preaching of <a href="../cathen/02698b.htm">Bossuet</a> in 1661, the <a href="../cathen/15511a.htm">vows</a> of Mme de la Vallière in 1675, and the funeral oration of the Princess Palatine in 1685; the other, founded in 1664 and established in the Avenue de Saxe in 1854, possessed a <a href="../cathen/10338a.htm">miraculous</a> crucifix, rescued intact from the flames at the capture of <a href="../cathen/02525b.htm">Besançon</a> by <a href="../cathen/09371a.htm">Louis XIV</a>. Paris still possesses two Visitation <a href="../cathen/04340c.htm">monasteries</a>, which date respectively from 1619 and 1626. They were founded by St. Francis de Sales and St. Jane-Frances de Chantal, and in the middle of the nineteenth century one of them had as superior Venerable Marie de Sales Chappuis. The Sisters of Charity, instituted in 1629 by <a href="../cathen/15434c.htm">St. Vincent de Paul</a> and Venerable Mme Le Gras (<em>née</em> Louise de Marillac) and having their mother-house at Paris, still have the <a href="../cathen/13055c.htm">right</a> to exercise their nursing activity, but are legally bound to discontinue gradually their work as teachers. Among the still existing congregations of <a href="../cathen/15687b.htm">women</a> are: the Congregation of Adoration of Reparation, founded in 1848 by Mother Marie-Thérèse of the Heart of Jesus; the Helpers of the Souls in Purgatory, founded in 1856; the Helpers of the Immaculate Conception, founded in 1859 by the Abbé Largentier for the care of the sick in their homes; the <a href="../cathen/02443a.htm">Benedictine</a> <a href="../cathen/02599a.htm">Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament</a>, founded in 1653 by Catherine de Bar — a second house was founded in 1816 by the Princess Louise de Bourbon-Condé (Mother Marie-Joseph de la Miséricorde).</p> <h2>Seminaries</h2> <p>The Seminary of St-Sulpice, founded by Oiler in 1642, had been supplemented since 1814 by the house at Issy, in the suburbs of Paris, reserved for the teaching of <a href="../cathen/12025c.htm">philosophy</a>. The Paris <a href="../cathen/13694a.htm">seminary</a> was seized by the State in virtue of the recent <a href="../cathen/09053a.htm">laws</a> and the present <a href="../cathen/14580x.htm">theological</a> <a href="../cathen/13554b.htm">school</a> of the Parisian <a href="../cathen/04049b.htm">clergy</a> is located at Issy. The <a href="../cathen/13694a.htm">seminary</a> of Foreign Missions was founded in 1663. Twenty-eight houses were confided to it by the <a href="../cathen/07424b.htm">Holy See</a>. This <a href="../cathen/13694a.htm">seminary</a> belongs to the <a href="../cathen/14079a.htm">Society of Foreign Missions</a> and is still authorized by the State, as also is the Seminary of the Holy Ghost, located in the mother-house of the Congregations of the Holy Ghost and the Immaculate Heart of Mary — the former was founded in 1703 by Poullard Desplace, the latter in 1841 by <a href="../cathen/09223a.htm">Venerable Francis-Mary-Paul Libermann</a>, and the two were merged in 1848. This <a href="../cathen/13694a.htm">seminary</a> provides <a href="../cathen/12406a.htm">priests</a> for the evangelization of the <a href="../cathen/12627a.htm">negroes</a> in <a href="../cathen/01181a.htm">Africa</a> and the colonies. Neither has the State disturbed the Congregations of the Mission of St-Lazarus (<a href="../cathen/10357a.htm">Lazarists</a>), founded by <a href="../cathen/15434c.htm">St. Vincent de Paul</a>, with its mother-house at Paris. They devote themselves to the evangelization of the poor by means of missions and to the foreign missions. For a long time their <a href="../cathen/03574b.htm">chapel</a> held the body of <a href="../cathen/15434c.htm">St. Vincent de Paul</a>, now removed to <a href="../cathen/02395a.htm">Belgium</a>. The <a href="../cathen/10357a.htm">Lazarist</a> Blessed Jean-Gabriel Perboyre, <a href="../cathen/09736b.htm">martyred</a> in <a href="../cathen/03663b.htm">China</a>, is <a href="../cathen/05188b.htm">venerated</a> here. With regard to the <a href="../cathen/08158a.htm">Irish College</a> in Paris see IRISH COLLEGES.</p> <h2>Other religions</h2> <p>AS early as 1512 <a href="../cathen/09114b.htm">Lefèvre d'Etaples</a>, at the Collège du Cardinal Lemoine, and Briçonnet, <a href="../cathen/01015c.htm">Abbot</a> of St-Germain-des-Prés and shortly afterwards <a href="../cathen/02581b.htm">Bishop</a> of Meaux, spread at Paris certain <a href="../cathen/14580x.htm">theological</a> <a href="../cathen/07630a.htm">ideas</a> which prepared the way for <a href="../cathen/12495a.htm">Protestantism</a>. In 1521 <a href="../cathen/09438b.htm">Luther's</a> book, "The Babylonian Captivity", was condemned by the Sorbonne. In 1524 Jacques Pavannes (or Pauvert), a disciple of <a href="../cathen/09114b.htm">Lefèvre</a>, underwent capital punishment for having attacked the <a href="../cathen/15459a.htm">veneration of the Blessed Virgin</a>, <a href="../cathen/12575a.htm">purgatory</a>, and <a href="../cathen/07432a.htm">holy water</a>; the same penalty was inflicted on Louis de Berquin in 1529. Until 1555 the <a href="../cathen/12495a.htm">Protestants</a> of Paris had no <a href="../cathen/11537b.htm">pastor</a>, but in that year they assembled at the house of one of their number, named La Ferrière. As he had a child to <a href="../cathen/02258b.htm">baptize</a>, the gathering elected as <a href="../cathen/11537b.htm">pastor</a> Jean g Maçon, a young man of twenty-two years, who had studied <a href="../cathen/09053a.htm">law</a>. He exercised his ministry at Paris until 1562, when he took up his residence as <a href="../cathen/11537b.htm">pastor</a> at Angers. The first general synod of the Reformed Church of <a href="../cathen/06166a.htm">France</a> was held at Paris from 26 to 28 May, 1558, and drew up a confession of <a href="../cathen/05752c.htm">faith</a> — later called the Confession of <a href="../cathen/09006a.htm">La Rochelle</a>, because it only received its final form at the eighteenth <a href="../cathen/14389a.htm">national synod</a> convened at <a href="../cathen/09006a.htm">La Rochelle</a> in 1607. In 1560 a number of <a href="../cathen/12495a.htm">Protestants</a> perished at Paris, among them the magistrate Anne du Bourg. It is estimated that the Reformed Church of Paris had 40,000 members in 1564. In 1572 took place the massacre of St. Bartholomew. The Edict of July, 1573, having authorized the <a href="../cathen/12495a.htm">Protestants</a> of Paris to assemble at a distance of two leagues from the city, they held their meetings at Noisy le Sec. In 1606 <a href="../cathen/07225a.htm">Henry IV</a> permitted them to build a church at Charenton. During the seventeenth century the Reformed Church of Paris was administered by the <a href="../cathen/11537b.htm">pastors</a> Dumoulin, Mestrezat, Durand, and Montigny. At the revocation of the Edict of Nantes (1685) Pastor Claude was compelled to leave Paris; Pastors Malzac, Giraud, and Givry, who endeavoured despite the revocation to maintain a <a href="../cathen/12495a.htm">Protestant</a> church at Paris, were <a href="../cathen/12430a.htm">imprisoned</a> in 1692. During the eighteenth century the <a href="../cathen/03579b.htm">chaplains</a> attached to the embassies of <a href="../cathen/12495a.htm">Protestant</a> princes gave spiritual assistance to the <a href="../cathen/12495a.htm">Protestants</a> of the city. Marron, <a href="../cathen/03579b.htm">chaplain</a> at the <a href="../cathen/10759a.htm">Dutch</a> embassy, became <a href="../cathen/11537b.htm">pastor</a> in Paris when Louis XVI <a href="../cathen/12454b.htm">promulgated</a> the edict of toleration (1787). A <a href="../cathen/04670a.htm">decree</a> of 1802 gave over to the <a href="../cathen/12495a.htm">Protestant</a> <a href="../cathen/13674a.htm">sect</a> the old church of the Visitandines in the Rue St-Antoine (built by <a href="../cathen/09609b.htm">Mansart</a>); one of 1811 gave them the church of the <a href="../cathen/11272a.htm">Oratorians</a> in the Rue St-Honoré, while the July Monarchy gave them the old Church of Notre-Dame-de-Pentemont, which under the old régime had belonged to the Augustinian Sisters of the Incarnate Word of the <a href="../cathen/05584a.htm">Blessed Sacrament</a>. At present the Reformed Church possesses nineteen places of worship in Paris and seventeen in the suburbs; the <a href="../cathen/09438b.htm">Lutherans</a>, eleven places of worship in Paris and eight in the suburbs; the Protestant Free Churches, four places of worship; the <a href="../cathen/02278a.htm">Baptists</a>, four churches in Paris and one in the suburbs. The American Episcopal, <a href="../cathen/01498a.htm">Anglican</a>, <a href="../cathen/13613a.htm">Scotch</a>, Congregationalist, and Wesleyan Churches conduct services in English. There are in Paris about 50,000 <a href="../cathen/08399a.htm">Jews</a>.</p> <h2>Public assistance and public charity</h2> <p>Under the old régime, what is now called "Public Assistance" included several distinct departments:</p> <div class="bulletlist"><ul><li>(1) that of the Hôtel-Dieu, one of the oldest <a href="../cathen/07480a.htm">hospitals</a> in <a href="../cathen/05607b.htm">Europe</a>, doubtless founded by the Bishop St. Landry after the epidemic of 651. It was at first directed by the canons of Notre-Dame, and after 1505 by a commission of citizens with whom <a href="../cathen/09371a.htm">Louis XIV</a> associated, together with the <a href="../cathen/01691a.htm">Archbishop</a> of Paris, several representatives of the Government and of the chief judiciary bodies. This department undertook the administration of the Hospital for Incurables, the Hospital of St. Louis, and that of St. Anne;</li><li>(2) department of the General Hospital, created by <a href="../cathen/09371a.htm">Louis XIV</a> in 1656 for the sick, the aged, children, and beggars, and with which were connected the infirmaries of Pitié, Bicêtre, the Salpètrière, Vaugirard, the <a href="../cathen/06159a.htm">foundling hospital</a>, and that of the Holy Ghost;</li><li>(3) several independent <a href="../cathen/07480a.htm">hospitals</a>, e.g. Cochin Hospital, founded in 1680 by the Abbé Cochin, <a href="../cathen/11537b.htm">pastor</a> of St-Jacques, and the Necker Hospital, established in 1779 at the initiative of Mme Necker;</li><li>(4) the Bureau of Charity, dependent on the <a href="../cathen/11499b.htm">parishes</a>;</li><li>(5) the central Bureau of the Poor (<em>grand bureau des pauvres</em>), established under <a href="../cathen/06207a.htm">Francis I</a> for the relief of the indigent. It was presided over and directed by the <em>procureur général</em> of the Parlement and levied a yearly "alms tax" on all the inhabitants of Paris. It administered the infirmary of Petites Maisons.</li></ul></div> <p>The <a href="../cathen/13009a.htm">Revolution</a> effected a radical change in this system. The central <em>Bureau des Pauvres</em> was at first replaced by forty-eight beneficent committees (<em>comités de bienfaisance</em>); these were replaced in 1816 by twelve bureaux of charity, which in 1830 took the name of <em>bureaux de bienfaisance</em> and number twenty since 1860. While in the communes of <a href="../cathen/06166a.htm">France</a> all the <a href="../cathen/07480a.htm">hospital</a> departments are under an administration distinct from that of the bureau of beneficence, at Paris, in virtue of the <a href="../cathen/09053a.htm">law</a> of 10 Jan., 1849, the General Administration of Public Assistance directs both the <a href="../cathen/07480a.htm">hospitals</a> and the departments for relief at home. At present the Department of Public Assistance directs 31 <a href="../cathen/07480a.htm">hospitals</a>, 14 being general <a href="../cathen/07480a.htm">hospitals</a>, 7 special, 9 children's <a href="../cathen/07480a.htm">hospitals</a>, and 1 insane asylum. At the laicization of the <a href="../cathen/07480a.htm">hospitals</a>, the <a href="../cathen/07480a.htm">hospital</a> of St. Joseph, conducted by the Sisters of <a href="../cathen/15434c.htm">St. Vincent de Paul</a>, was opened in 1884 under the patronage of the <a href="../cathen/01691a.htm">Archbishop</a> of Paris; that of Notre-Dame-de-Bon-Secours, in care of the Augustine., was founded by Abbé Carton, <a href="../cathen/11537b.htm">pastor</a> of St-Pierre-de-Montrouge and bequeathed by him in 1887 to the <a href="../cathen/01691a.htm">Archbishop</a> of Paris. The <a href="../cathen/07480a.htm">hospital</a> of Notre-Dame-de-Perpétuel-Secours at Lavallois is conducted by the <a href="../cathen/12354c.htm">Dominican</a> Sisters. The St-Jacques, Hahnemann, St-François, and St-Michel <a href="../cathen/07480a.htm">hospitals</a> are also in the hands of congregations. The Villepinte Institution, in charge of the Sisters of Marie Auxiliatrice, cares for children and young <a href="../cathen/15687b.htm">women</a> suffering from tuberculosis. The Marie-Thérèse infirmary was founded for aged or infirm <a href="../cathen/12406a.htm">priests</a> by the wife of Châteaubriand. The <a href="../cathen/12248a.htm">Little Sisters of the Poor</a> have nine houses in the diocese. The Brothers of <a href="../cathen/08472c.htm">St. John of God</a> maintain a private <a href="../cathen/07480a.htm">hospital</a> and an asylum for incurable young men. The Institution of the Ladies of Calvary, founded at <a href="../cathen/09472a.htm">Lyons</a> in 1842 by Mme Gamier and established at Paris in 1874, is conducted by <a href="../cathen/15617c.htm">widows</a> for the care of the cancerous, and receives into its infirmaries patients whom no other <a href="../cathen/07480a.htm">hospital</a> will admit; it also has houses at <a href="../cathen/09472a.htm">Lyons</a>, <a href="../cathen/09715b.htm">Marseilles</a>, St. Etienne, and <a href="../cathen/13208b.htm">Rouen</a>. The <a href="../cathen/02005d.htm">Little Sisters of the Assumption</a>, nurses of the <a href="../cathen/12327a.htm">poor</a>, who have nine houses in the <a href="../cathen/05001a.htm">diocese</a>, stay night and day without pay in the houses of the sick poor. The same is done by the Sisters of Notre-Dame of the Rue Cassini in the homes of poor <a href="../cathen/15687b.htm">women</a> in their confinement. Other orders for the care of the sick in their homes are the <a href="../cathen/06217a.htm">Franciscan</a> nursing sisters (7 houses) and the Sisters Servants of the Poor (4 houses).</p> <p>Among the institutions now dependent on the State, the foundation of which was formerly the glory of the <a href="../cathen/03744a.htm">Church</a>, must be mentioned that of <em>Quinze Vingts</em> for the blind. As early as the eleventh century there was a confraternity for the blind; St. Louis built for it a house and a church, gave it a perpetual revenue, and decreed that the number of the <em>Quinze Vingts</em> (300 blind) should be maintained complete. When the king was <a href="../cathen/02364b.htm">canonized</a> in 1297 the blind took him as their patron (see <a href="../cathen/05306a.htm">EDUCATION OF THE BLIND</a>). The <a href="../cathen/03449a.htm">Catholic</a> institutions of Paris for the relief of the poor and the uplifting of the labouring classes are very numerous. For the <a href="../cathen/13389a.htm">Society of St. Vincent de Paul</a> see <a href="../cathen/10357a.htm">CONGREGATION OF PRIESTS OF THE MISSION</a>. The Philanthropic Society, founded in 1780 under the protection of Louis XVI, established dispensaries, economical kitchens, night shelters, and settlement houses. The Central Office of Charitable Institutions investigates the condition of workmen and the <a href="../cathen/12327a.htm">poor</a>, and conducts employment and restoration bureaux. The Association of Ladies of Charity, established (1629) in the <a href="../cathen/11499b.htm">parish</a> of St-Sauveur by <a href="../cathen/15434c.htm">St. Vincent de Paul</a> for the visitation of the sick poor and reconstituted in 1840, has given rise to the Society for the Sick Poor, the Society for the Sick Poor in the Suburbs, and the Society for the Visitation of the Poor in the Hospitals. Most <a href="../cathen/11499b.htm">parishes</a> have their organizations of charitable <a href="../cathen/15687b.htm">women</a> who, under the <a href="../cathen/11537b.htm">pastor's</a> supervision, distribute clothing and visit the poor. The <em>Société de Charité Maternelle</em>, which dates from 1784, when it was patronized by <a href="../cathen/09665a.htm">Marie Antoinette</a>, assists married <a href="../cathen/15687b.htm">women</a> in their confinement without regard to creed. In each quarter of Paris <a href="../cathen/15687b.htm">women</a> visitors determine the <a href="../cathen/05782a.htm">families</a> deserving assistance. In 1898 the <a href="../cathen/14074a.htm">society</a> assisted 2797 <a href="../cathen/15687b.htm">women</a> and 2853 children. The <em>Association des Mères de Famille</em>, founded in 1836 by Mme Badenier, assists at childbirth <a href="../cathen/15687b.htm">women</a> who do not meet the conditions required by the <em>Société de Charité Maternelle</em> or who are numbered among the disreputable poor. The <em>Œuvre des Faubourgs</em>, through a number of <a href="../cathen/15687b.htm">women</a>, visits 2000 <a href="../cathen/05782a.htm">families</a> and 8000 children in the Paris suburbs. The <em>Œuvre de la Miséricorde</em> (Work of Mercy), founded in 1822, assists the disreputable poor. An organization founded in 1841 by Mgr Christophe, later <a href="../cathen/02581b.htm">Bishop</a> of <a href="../cathen/14130c.htm">Soissons</a>, helps convalescent lunatics. The objects of the <em>Œuvre de l'Hospitalité du Travail</em> are to offer a free temporary shelter without distinction of creed or nationality to every homeless <a href="../cathen/15687b.htm">woman</a> or girl who has determined to work for an honourable livelihood, to employ its clients at useful tasks, to endeavour to revive the habit of working in those who have lost it, and to assist them in securing honourable employment which will also enable them to provide for the future. This organization, founded in 1881 under the direction of Sister St. Antoine, a member of the Order of Calvary, between 1881 and 1903 gave shelter to 70,240 <a href="../cathen/15687b.htm">women</a>. In 1894 Sister St. Antoine* annexed to it the <em>Œuvre du Travail à Domicile pour les Mères de Famille</em> (Association for procuring home-work for mothers of <a href="../cathen/05782a.htm">families</a>) which between 1892 and 1902 assisted 7449 mothers. The <em>Maison de Travail</em> for men, founded in 1892 by M. de Laubespin, performs the same service for unemployed and homeless men, and is also in charge of the Sisters of Calvary.</p> <p>The <a href="../cathen/03449a.htm">Catholics</a> of Paris have taken part in the syndicate movement by the creation in 1887 of the syndicate of commercial and industrial employees, by the organization of the <em>Aiguille</em> (a professional association of patronesses and <a href="../cathen/15687b.htm">women</a> employees and workers on clothing), and by the <em>Union Centrale</em>, made up of five professional syndicates of working-girls, business employees, seamstresses, servant girls, and nurses, with "La Ruche syndicale" as their organ. The great Society of St. Nicholas, founded in 1827 by <a href="../cathen/02525a.htm">Mgr de Bervanger</a> and Count Victor de Noailles and directed by a staff of <a href="../cathen/03449a.htm">Catholic</a> <a href="../cathen/08748a.htm">laymen</a>, has four houses (Paris, Issy, Igny, and Buzenval), where it gives a professional <a href="../cathen/05295b.htm">education</a> to boys whom it adopts as early as their eighth year. The Society of the Friends of Childhood, founded in 1828, is concerned with the <a href="../cathen/05295b.htm">education</a> and apprenticeship of poor boys. The <em>Ecole commerciale de Francs Bourgeois</em>, created in 1843 by the <a href="../cathen/08056a.htm">Brothers of the Christian Schools</a>, prepares pupils for commercial, industrial, and administrative professions. Numerous homes and restaurants for young working girls have been founded by <a href="../cathen/03449a.htm">Catholics</a>. The Charitable Society of St. Francis Regis was founded in 1826 by M. Gassin to facilitate the religious and <a href="../cathen/09691b.htm">civil marriage</a> of the poor of the <a href="../cathen/05001a.htm">diocese</a> and the legitimatization of their natural children. The day-nurseries, which care for children from 15 days to 3 years of age while their mothers are employed, date from M. Marbeau's foundation in 1844. The Sisters of St. Paul have founded in the <a href="../cathen/11499b.htm">parishes</a> of St-Vincent-de-Paul and St-Séverin a <a href="../cathen/14074a.htm">society</a> for the relief of mothers who wish their children to remain at home. The <em>Œuvre de l'Adoption</em> was founded in 1859 by Abbé Maitrias to gather as many <a href="../cathen/11322b.htm">orphans</a> as possible. Out of so many other associations, the following must be mentioned: the Association des Jeunes Economes which, under the direction of the Sisters of <a href="../cathen/15434c.htm">St. Vincent de Paul</a>, uses the generous donations of a large number of young <a href="../cathen/15687b.htm">women</a> for the apprenticing and employment of poor girls; the Society of St. Anne, founded in 1824; the Society for Abandoned Children, founded in 1803; the Society for the Adoption of Abandoned Little Girls, founded in 1879 (all concerned with finding homes for <a href="../cathen/11322b.htm">orphans</a>); the Society of the Child Jesus, which shelters during their convalescence poor girls who have been discharged from <a href="../cathen/07480a.htm">hospitals</a>.</p> <p>There is a recent tendency towards the complete reorganization of <a href="../cathen/03449a.htm">Catholic</a> charity in a single quarter by the centralization of all charitable departments for the development and protection of <a href="../cathen/05782a.htm">family</a> life. For example the Fresh Air Society for Mothers and Children, founded by Mlle Chaptal in 1901, includes:</p> <div class="bulletlist"><ul><li>(1) a department for the investigation of home conditions;</li><li>(2) one for free consultations for poor mothers and their nursing children;</li><li>(3) one for assisting mothers whose confinement takes place at home;</li><li>(4) one for the distribution of tickets for meat, cereal, or farinaceous food for <a href="../cathen/15687b.htm">women</a> who have been confined;</li><li>(5) the fresh air department, which sends a number of the <a href="../cathen/15687b.htm">women</a> of the district into the country.</li></ul></div> <p>The Society of Ste-Rosalie also combines a number of admirable works which perpetuate the memory of the good done in the Faubourg St-Marcel during the July Monarchy by Sister Rosalie Rendu, who worked in collaboration with Vicomte Armand de Mélun. The Working Women's Society of Our Lady of the Rosary was the nucleus of a flourishing <a href="../cathen/11499b.htm">parish</a> in a district previously deprived of all religious help. The Union Familiale, founded at Charonne by Mlle Gahéry in 1899, has completely transformed the district; it has established a Fröbelian nursery for the small children, and receives children after <a href="../cathen/13554b.htm">school</a> hours; since 1904 it assembles <a href="../cathen/05782a.htm">families</a> in a <a href="../cathen/05782a.htm">family</a> <a href="../cathen/05295b.htm">educational</a> circle; it organizes groups of "little mothers," little girls of ten, who every Thursday take care of 3 or 4 children; it has gardening classes and a department for trousseaux, and since 1900 it has had vacation colonies, known as fresh air <a href="../cathen/14074a.htm">societies</a>. The original congregation of the Blind Sisters of St. Paul, founded in 1851 by Abbé Juge and Anne Bergunion, looks after blind young <a href="../cathen/15687b.htm">women</a>.</p> <div class="CMtag_300x250" style="display: flex; height: 300px; align-items: center; justify-content: center; "></div> <p>According to the report of the Abbé Fonsagrives to the Diocesan Congress of 1908, the Archdiocese of Paris has 356 <a href="../cathen/03449a.htm">Catholic</a> <em>patronages</em>, of which 63 are for magpupils of the free <a href="../cathen/13554b.htm">schools</a>, 79 for male pupils of the lay <a href="../cathen/13554b.htm">schools</a>, 101 for <a href="../cathen/15687b.htm">female</a> pupils of the free <a href="../cathen/13554b.htm">schools</a>, 113 for <a href="../cathen/15687b.htm">female</a> pupils of the lay <a href="../cathen/13554b.htm">schools</a>. At that <a href="../cathen/04636c.htm">date</a> lay patronages were only 245. The Society for the Patronage of Young Working Girls, founded in 1851, receives young girls after their First Communion. The Sisters of the Presentation of <a href="../cathen/15002a.htm">Tours</a> conduct the association and <a href="../cathen/14074a.htm">society</a> for mutual relief for young business <a href="../cathen/15687b.htm">women</a>; the Sisters <a href="../cathen/09750a.htm">Servants of Mary</a> and Sisters of the Cross secure situations for servants. The Sisters of <a href="../cathen/15434c.htm">St. Vincent de Paul</a> have <a href="../cathen/14074a.htm">societies</a> called "patronages internes", which shelter working-girls who are <a href="../cathen/11322b.htm">orphans</a> or who live at a distance from their <a href="../cathen/05782a.htm">families</a>. The <em>Œuvre des Petites Préservées et le Vestiaire des Petits Prisonniers</em>, founded in 1892 by the Comtesse de Biron, looks after the preservation of young girls discharged from <a href="../cathen/12430a.htm">prison</a>. The <a href="../cathen/03449a.htm">Catholic</a> International Society for the Protection of Young Women, organized at <a href="../cathen/06264a.htm">Freiburg</a> in 1897 after the Organization of the Protestant International Union of the Friends of Young Women, in 1905 alone gave shelter to 11,919 young girls in Paris.</p> <p>There is at present a great renewal in <a href="../cathen/03449a.htm">Catholic</a> methods of charity and relief at Paris, the spirit of which is shown in the report concerning <a href="../cathen/03449a.htm">Catholic</a> relief <a href="../cathen/14074a.htm">societies</a> read (Aug., 1910) at the International Congress of Public and Private Relief held at <a href="../cathen/04352a.htm">Copenhagen</a> under the presidency of President Loubet: "The great originality of <a href="../cathen/03449a.htm">Catholic</a> relief work in recent years consists in the multiplication of works for social <a href="../cathen/05295b.htm">education</a>. This arises more and more from the 'patriarchal' conception of these undertakings. The modern wish and tendency is to give him who suffers a share in his own relief, to give him a collaborative or directing part in the effort which is being made to assist and uplift him. Henceforth the favourite <a href="../cathen/03592a.htm">works of charity</a> among <a href="../cathen/03449a.htm">Catholics</a> will be those known as preventive. To prevent misery by an hygienic, domestic, professional <a href="../cathen/05295b.htm">education</a> is the object of the founders of modern works of relief. They are concerned not only with the strife against the consequences of misery but with that against its production. Without neglecting individual <a href="../cathen/01328f.htm">alms</a>, <a href="../cathen/03449a.htm">Catholic</a> charity aims especially at social relief; it prefers to precede misery to prevent it, rather than to follow it to relieve it; it prefers to uplift <a href="../cathen/05782a.htm">families</a> rather than assist them, to help them when they are stumbling rather than to raise them up when they have fallen; it prefers to help them actively to better working conditions, than to relieve passively the results of these <a href="../cathen/05649a.htm">evil</a> conditions. All instruction imparted in organizations for <a href="../cathen/03449a.htm">Catholic</a> youth and in the <a href="../cathen/03449a.htm">Catholic</a> <em>patronages</em> of Paris is impregnated with this apparently new spirit which on closer view is seen to be merely a return to the <a href="../cathen/03712a.htm">Christian</a> solidarity of the <a href="../cathen/10285c.htm">Middle Ages</a>."</p> <h2>Religious renewal of the twentieth century</h2> <p>In 1905 at the end of the concordatory period the Diocese of Paris had 3,599,870 inhabitants, 38 <a href="../cathen/11499b.htm">parishes</a>, 104 <em>succursales</em>, 7 vicariates, formerly remunerated by the State. Since the separation of <a href="../cathen/14250c.htm">Church and State</a>, the <a href="../cathen/12738a.htm">religious</a> <a href="../cathen/03584b.htm">character</a> of Paris shows signs of renewal. Statistics of the religious and civil burials from 1883 to 1903, drawn up by the Abbé Raffin, afford a very exact <a href="../cathen/07630a.htm">idea</a> of the religious condition of Paris at the end of the nineteenth century. The largest proportion of civil burials, 23 per cent, was reached in 1884. At the end of the nineteenth century the proportion of civil burials had fallen to 18 per cent; from 1901 to 1903, they showed a tendency to rise to 20 per cent. Civil funerals take place chiefly among the poor. For example in 1888 in the five most costly classes of burials the number of civil burials did not exceed 45 per cent; on the other hand, the ninth class, which is the cheapest, and the free class show 25 to 30 per cent. At present among the wealthy classes there is a slight increase in the number of civil funerals, and a slight decrease among the <a href="../cathen/08719a.htm">working</a> classes, but the fact remains that, despite the gratuitousness of religious assistance in the case of the <a href="../cathen/12327a.htm">poor</a>, the average number of 10,000 civil funerals which take place yearly at Paris consists chiefly of funerals of the poor. One reason for this is the insufficiency of religious assistance in the <a href="../cathen/07480a.htm">hospitals</a>. Although more than a third of the Parisians die in <a href="../cathen/07480a.htm">hospitals</a>, there are only about thirty <a href="../cathen/07480a.htm">hospital</a> <a href="../cathen/03579b.htm">chaplains</a>, and these the management does not permit to approach the sick unless they are summoned. Another reason lies in the excessive size of suburban <a href="../cathen/11499b.htm">parishes</a> and in the difficulty of reaching an immense fluctuating population. At the beginning of the twentieth century Notre-Dame-de-Ménilmontant had 70,000, St-Pierre-de-Montrouge 83,000, Notre-Dame-de-Clignancourt 120,000 inhabitants. For a long time these enormous <a href="../cathen/11499b.htm">parishes</a> had no more <a href="../cathen/12406a.htm">priests</a> than the smaller ones in the centre of Paris. At St-Ambroise there were 8 to 10 <a href="../cathen/12406a.htm">priests</a> for 80,000 <a href="../cathen/14153a.htm">souls</a>, while St-Thomas-d'Aquin had 8 <a href="../cathen/12406a.htm">priests</a> for 14,000, and St-Sulpice 17 for 38,000 (see the report of M. Thureau Dangin, permanent secretary of the <a href="../cathen/01089a.htm">French Academy</a>, concerning the <em>Œuvre des chapelles de secours</em>). M. Thureau Dangin calculated in 1905 that Paris, with its 522 <a href="../cathen/11537b.htm">pastors</a> or <a href="../cathen/04570a.htm">curates</a>, had an average of 37,000 or 38,000 <a href="../cathen/14153a.htm">souls</a> to a <a href="../cathen/11499b.htm">parish</a>, while at <a href="../cathen/09472a.htm">Lyons</a> there was 1 <a href="../cathen/12406a.htm">priest</a> for every 3000 <a href="../cathen/14153a.htm">souls</a>, at <a href="../cathen/01588e.htm">Antwerp</a> 1 for every 500, at New York 1 for every 1500.</p> <p>The realization of this dearth and its dangers caused the organization of the <em>Œuvre des Séminaires</em> as early as 1882 to increase and facilitate vocations, and in 1905 Cardinal Richard pointed out the urgent necessity of the creation of about thirty new <a href="../cathen/11499b.htm">parishes</a> or of <em>chapelles de secours</em>. At present the <a href="../cathen/05001a.htm">diocesan</a> administration is most actively engaged in the organization of these <em>chapelles de secours</em>. Every year a dignitary of the <a href="../cathen/01089a.htm">French Academy</a> or of the Institute presents a report of the progress made, MM. François Coppée, Thureau Dangin, de Mun, d'Haussonville, Georges Picot, and Etienne Lamy having been heard in turn. The Christian Doctrine Society (<em>Œuvre des Catéchismes</em>) founded in 1885 by Cardinal Richard was erected into a confraternity by <a href="../cathen/09169a.htm">Leo XIII</a> on 30 May, 1893, with which all the <a href="../cathen/05075b.htm">catechetical</a> <a href="../cathen/14074a.htm">societies</a> of <a href="../cathen/06166a.htm">France</a> may be affiliated. This <a href="../cathen/14074a.htm">society</a> is formed of <a href="../cathen/15506a.htm">voluntary</a> catechists and promoters paying dues. In addition to the multiplication of places of worship, special religious services have been organized for certain classes of <a href="../cathen/11726a.htm">persons</a>. For example, the missionary work among young seamstresses (<em>Midinettes</em>) has developed greatly between 1908 and 1910; it consists of short instructions between 12:35 and 12:50 p.m., so that the young <a href="../cathen/15687b.htm">women</a> may return punctually to work. More than 5000 working girls have profited by these missions. The Society of Diocesan Missions, founded in 1886 by Cardinal Richard, supports from 18 to 20 missionaries, who according to the report of their superior, the Abbé Gibergues, made to the Diocesan Congress of 1908, have brought back to the <a href="../cathen/03744a.htm">Church</a> more than 40,000 <a href="../cathen/11726a.htm">persons</a> in less than a quarter of a century. Lastly, the Archdiocese of Paris has assumed the direction of the <a href="../cathen/03449a.htm">Catholic</a> social movement. In 1910 a social secretariat was organized, as a bureau of information and headquarters for social undertakings, and the <a href="../cathen/01691a.htm">archbishop</a> has interested himself actively in the abolition of the night-work of bakers, addressing a letter to the <a href="../cathen/11499b.htm">parochial</a> committees to arouse <a href="../cathen/03449a.htm">Catholic</a> sentiment in favour of the claims of these workmen, and on 21 December, 1908, presiding at the meeting organized by the <em>Jeunesse catholique française</em> for the suppression of this work.</p> <p>An interesting organization from the social point of view is that of the provincial associations formed at Paris under <a href="../cathen/03449a.htm">Catholic</a> auspices to bring together the immigrants from each province, to assist them to maintain close ties among themselves, and to procure spiritual help in the loneliness of the great city. In 1892 was founded the <a href="../cathen/14074a.htm">society</a> <em>La Bretagne</em>, and in 1895 the <em>Union aveyronnaise</em>. The latter, which had 1600 members in 1908, supports eight sisters who, in 1908 alone, spent 2641 days or nights with sick <em>Aveyronnais</em>. In imitation of this association were founded successively the <em>Union lozérienne</em>, the <em>Association des Dames limousines et creusoises</em>, the <em>Union lyonnaise et forésienne</em>, the <em>Union pyrénéenne</em>, the <em>Alliance catholique savoisienne</em>, and many others. There is a special <a href="../cathen/14074a.htm">society</a> for the Bretons residing at Paris, which provides sermons and lectures in the Breton tongue. All the provincial unions are federated under the presidency of the <a href="../cathen/03449a.htm">Catholic</a> <a href="../cathen/12213b.htm">economist</a>, M. Henri Joly, a member of the Institut. A list of these associations has been affixed in recent times to the doors of all the churches in Paris. All these undertakings for the development of <a href="../cathen/03712a.htm">Christian</a> life in Paris are studied and developed by the Diocesan Committee organized on 1 March, 1905, with a double aim:</p> <div class="bulletlist"><ul><li>(1) "to sustain, promote, and unite under the <a href="../cathen/01691a.htm">archbishop's</a> authority all movements concerning the religious, moral, social, and even material welfare of the <a href="../cathen/05001a.htm">diocese</a>;"</li><li>(2) "to promote the formation of <a href="../cathen/11499b.htm">parochial</a> committees modelled on and connected with itself".</li></ul></div> <p>It is divided into five commissions, dealing respectively with works of religion and <a href="../cathen/12748a.htm">piety</a>, instruction and <a href="../cathen/05295b.htm">education</a>, perseverance and patronage, charitable and social works, and with the press and propaganda. At the beginning of 1910 there were 67 <a href="../cathen/11499b.htm">parochial</a> committees, nearly half the <a href="../cathen/11499b.htm">parishes</a> being already provided with them. Since 1905 <a href="../cathen/05001a.htm">diocesan</a> congresses have taken place yearly. That of 1909 was especially concerned with the labour of <a href="../cathen/15687b.htm">women</a>, with organizations for instruction of youth, provincial and journalistic organizations. That of 1910 dealt exclusively with liberty of teaching, the formation and recruiting of teachers, and with <a href="../cathen/13554b.htm">school</a> books.</p> <h2>Catholic instruction in Paris in the twentieth century</h2> <p>The suppression of the teaching congregations and the gradual but rapid closing of the establishments directed by them was a serious blow to the prosperity of the independent <a href="../cathen/13554b.htm">schools</a> in the Archdiocese of Paris. In October, 1904, Cardinal Richard instituted a <a href="../cathen/05001a.htm">diocesan</a> committee of "free instruction", which exhorted all the male and <a href="../cathen/15687b.htm">female</a> teachers in private institutions to form separate <a href="../cathen/05001a.htm">diocesan</a> associations. Mutual-aid <a href="../cathen/14074a.htm">societies</a> were established in 1909 to provide for the future of these teachers, male and <a href="../cathen/15687b.htm">female</a>, and in 1910 the diocese <a href="../cathen/12454b.htm">promulgated</a> a regulation fixing the conditions of their promotion and granting certain guarantees for their professional future. On 8 December, 1906, arrangements were made for the supervision of religious instruction in the <a href="../cathen/13554b.htm">schools</a> not under the public authorities, and in June, 1908, a board for the direction of secondary and primary <a href="../cathen/05001a.htm">diocesan</a> instruction was created. From 1879 to 1910 the expenditure for the foundation and maintenance of the independent <a href="../cathen/13554b.htm">schools</a> was $8,000,000, for which appeal was made to the charity of <a href="../cathen/07762a.htm">individuals</a>. Their annual support costs about $600,000. Most of the <a href="../cathen/13554b.htm">schools</a> are supported by a special committee by means of collections, subscriptions, etc.; some belong to civil <a href="../cathen/14074a.htm">societies</a> which rent them to the committees, while others are wholly at the expense of the <a href="../cathen/11537b.htm">pastor</a>. At the beginning of 1910 there were in the 162 <a href="../cathen/11499b.htm">parishes</a> of Paris and its suburbs 217 independent <a href="../cathen/13554b.htm">schools</a>, of which only 36 are still in the hands of congregations, and these also in virtue of the Associations Law are destined after a short time to be under the supervision of lay <a href="../cathen/03449a.htm">Catholics</a>. The number of pupils frequenting these <a href="../cathen/13554b.htm">schools</a> is estimated to be about 42,000. The "Jeunesse prévoyante du diocèse de Paris", established in 1902, constitutes a flourishing <a href="../cathen/13554b.htm">school</a> mutual-aid <a href="../cathen/14074a.htm">society</a>. A district union groups together thirty-five associations of former pupils of the independent <a href="../cathen/13554b.htm">schools</a> (called <em>Amicales</em>), and is a bond among 4500 members. The initiative in domestic economy in Paris was taken by <a href="../cathen/03449a.htm">Catholics</a>. Even before the public authorities had made <a href="../cathen/13309a.htm">sacrifices</a> for this end, the Comtesse de Diesbach had established (15 June, 1902) a first course in domestic economy, lasting a month. It was succeeded by nine other courses in 1903-05, attended by 110 pupils, 60 of them religious from 14 orders. In 1905 was opened the Normal Institute of Domestic Economy which in its three first years gave to the independent <a href="../cathen/13554b.htm">schools</a> 150 teachers of domestic economy. Higher <a href="../cathen/03449a.htm">Catholic</a> <a href="../cathen/05295b.htm">education</a> at Paris is assured by a number of institutions conducted by <a href="../cathen/04049b.htm">ecclesiastics</a>, and by the <a href="../cathen/02698b.htm">Bossuet</a>, Fenélon, <a href="../cathen/06530c.htm">Gerson</a>, and <a href="../cathen/10034a.htm">Massillon</a> <a href="../cathen/13554b.htm">schools</a>, which send their pupils to the state <em>lycées</em>.</p> <p>For the Institut Catholique, see <a href="../cathen/11495a.htm">UNIVERSITY OF PARIS</a>.</p> <div class='catholicadnet-728x90' id='cathen-728x90-bottom' style='display: flex; height: 100px; align-items: center; justify-content: center; '></div> <div class="cenotes"><h2>Sources</h2><p class="cenotes">A. SOURCES. — BARROUX, <em>Essai de bibliogr. critique des généralités de l'hist. de Paris</em> (Paris, 1908), essential; POÈTE, <em>Les sources de l'hist. de P. et les historiens de P. in Revue Bleue</em> (18 and 25 Nov. 1905); TOURNEUX, <em>Bibliogr. de l'hist. de P. pendant la Révolution française</em> (4 vols., Paris, 1890-1906), especially III; <em>Bull. de la Soc. de l'hist. de P. et de l'Ile de France</em> (1874-); <em>Bull. du Comité d'hist. et d'archéol. du dioc. de P.</em> (1883-5); <em>Bibliothèque d'hist. de P.</em> (1909-). <br>B. GENERAL. — LEBEUF, <em>Hist. de la ville et de tout le dioc. de P.</em> (15 vols., Paris, 1754-58), new ed. by AUGIER (5 vols.); <em>Tables</em> (1 vol., Paris, 1884); BOURNON, <em>Rectifications et Additions à l'Abbé Lebeuf</em> (4 fascicles, Paris, 1890-1901); IDEM, <em>P. hist., monuments, administration</em> (Paris, 1888); IDEM, <em>P. Atlas</em> (Paris, 1900); CAIN, <em>Promenades dans P., Pierres de P., Coins de P.</em> (4 vols., Paris, 1905-10); DAVIS, <em>About P.</em> (New York, 1895); HARE, <em>P.</em> (London, 1896); MEMPES, <em>P.</em> (London, 1907); OKEY, <em>P. and its Story</em> (London, 1904); FRANKLIN, <em>La vie privée d'autrefois. Arts et métiers, modes, mæurs, usages des Parisiens du XII<sup>e</sup> au XVII<sup>e</sup> siècle</em> (27 vols., Paris, 1887-1902); HARRISON, <em>Memorable P. Houses with illustrative, critical, and anecdotal notices</em> (London, 1893). <br>C. ECCLESIASTICAL. — <em>Gallia christ.,</em> VII (1744), 1-219, <em>Instrumenta,</em> 1-192; FISQUET, <em>La France pontificale</em> (2 vols., Paris, 1864-6); LONGNON, <em>L'ancien dioc. de P. et ses subdivisions</em> in <em>Bull. du Comité d'hist. et d'archéol. du dioc. de P.,</em> I (1883), pp. 10-19; BERNARD, <em>Les origines de l'église de P., établissement du christianisme dans les Gaules; saint Denys de P.</em> (Paris, 1870); CHARTIER, <em>L'ancien chapitre de Notre-Dame-de-P. et sa maîtrise</em> (Paris, 1897); JAUNAY, <em>Hist. des évêques et archevêques de P.</em> (Paris, 1884); DEPOIN, <em>Essai sur la chronologie des évêques de P. de 768 à 1138</em> in <em>Bull. histor. et philol.</em> (1906); FÉRET, <em>L'abbaye de Ste-Geneviève et la congregation de France</em> (Paris, 1883); BONNARD, <em>Hist. de l'abbaye royale de l'ordre des chanoines réguliers de St-Victor</em> (2 vols., Paris, 1908); BROUILLET, <em>Les églises paroissiales de P.</em> (monographs, Lyons, 1897-1904); LONERGAN, <em>Historic Churches of P.</em> (London, 1896); MORTET, <em>Etude histor. et archéol. sur la cathédrale et le palais épiscopal de P. au VI<sup>e</sup> et XII<sup>e</sup> siècle</em> (Paris, 1888); AUBERT, <em>La cathédrale N.-D.-de-P.</em> (Paris, 1909); HIATT, <em>N.-D.-de-P., a Short History and Description of the Cathedral</em> (London, 1902); DUPLESSY, <em>P. religieux</em> (Paris, 1900); D'AYZAC, <em>Hist. de l'abbaye de St-Denis en France</em> (2 vols., Paris, 1860-1); HAVET, <em>Les origines de St-Denis</em> (Paris, 1890); PARIS, <em>Les grandes chroniques de France, selon qu'elles sont conservées en l'église de St-Denis</em> (6 vols., Paris, 1830-9); VITRY AND BRIÈRE, <em>L'église abbatiale de St-Denis</em> (Paris, 1908); LESÊTRE, <em>L'Immaculée Conception et l'Église de Paris</em> (Paris, 1904); DOUMERGUE, <em>Paris protestant au XVI<sup>e</sup> siècle</em> in <em>Bull. de la Soc. du protestantisme français</em> (1896); DOUEN, <em>La Révocation de l'édit de Nantes à P.</em> (3 vols., Paris, 1894); DECOPPET, <em>P. protestant</em> (Paris, 1876); ROBINET, <em>Le mouvement religieux à P. pendant la Révolution, 1789-1801</em> (2 vols., Paris, 1896); DELARC, <em>L'église de P. pendant la Révolution française, 1789-1801</em> (3 vols., Paris, 1895-8); GRENTE, <em>Le culte catholique à P. de la Terreur au Concordat</em> (Paris, 1903); PISANI, <em>L'église de P. sous la Révolution</em> (3 vols., Paris, 1909-10); DE LANZAC DE LABORIE, <em>P. sous Napoléon,</em> especially IV (Paris, 1907). <br>D. CHARITIES. — CHEVALIER, <em>L'hôtel-Dieu de P. et les Sæurs Augustines (650 à 1810)</em> (Paris, 1901); BRUNET, La charité paroissiale à P. au XVII<sup>e</sup> siècle d'après les réglements des compagnies de charité (Caen, 1906); CAHEN, <em>Le grand bureau des pauvres de P. au milieu du 18<sup>e</sup> siècle</em> (Paris, 1904); MAXIME DU CAMP, <em>La charité privée à P.</em> (Paris, 1885); IDEM, <em>P. bienfaisant</em> (Paris, 1888); DU THILLEUL, <em>L'assistance publique à P., ses bienfaiteurs et sa fortune mobilière</em> (2 vols., Paris, 1904); <em>P. charitable et prévoyant,</em> published by the Central Office of Charitable Institutions (3rd ed., Paris, 1904); <em>Manuel des Œuvres</em> (new ed., Paris, 1911), supplies the most recent information and a detailed description concerning all French Catholic charitable works, especially those of Paris.</p></div> <div class="pub"><h2>About this page</h2><p id="apa"><strong>APA citation.</strong> <span id="apaauthor">Goyau, G.</span> <span id="apayear">(1911).</span> <span id="apaarticle">Paris.</span> In <span id="apawork">The Catholic Encyclopedia.</span> <span id="apapublisher">New York: Robert Appleton Company.</span> <span id="apaurl"></span></p><p id="mla"><strong>MLA citation.</strong> <span id="mlaauthor">Goyau, Georges.</span> <span id="mlaarticle">"Paris."</span> <span id="mlawork">The Catholic Encyclopedia.</span> <span id="mlavolume">Vol. 11.</span> <span id="mlapublisher">New York: Robert Appleton Company,</span> <span id="mlayear">1911.</span> <span id="mlaurl"><>.</span></p><p id="transcription"><strong>Transcription.</strong> <span id="transcriber">This article was transcribed for New Advent by Douglas J. Potter.</span> <span id="dedication">Dedicated to the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary.</span></p><p id="approbation"><strong>Ecclesiastical approbation.</strong> <span id="nihil"><em>Nihil Obstat.</em> February 1, 1911. Remy Lafort, S.T.D., Censor.</span> <span id="imprimatur"><em>Imprimatur.</em> +John Cardinal Farley, Archbishop of New York.</span></p><p id="contactus"><strong>Contact information.</strong> The editor of New Advent is Kevin Knight. My email address is webmaster <em>at</em> Regrettably, I can't reply to every letter, but I greatly appreciate your feedback — especially notifications about typographical errors and inappropriate ads.</p></div> </div> <div id="ogdenville"><table summary="Bottom bar" width="100%" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr><td class="bar_white_on_color"><center><strong>Copyright © 2023 by <a href="../utility/contactus.htm">New Advent LLC</a>. 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