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<div data-ux-pagebuilder="Column"> <ul> <li> <div> <div data-ux-pagebuilder="Widget"> <div class="widgetBody"> <h1>How Does Online Learning Work?</h1> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div> <div data-ux-pagebuilder="Widget"> <div class="widgetBody"> <p>If you are new to online learning, you might be wondering what it will be like and the best way to get started. Drexel University is here to help. Many aspects of online learning look a lot like what you&rsquo;re used to in a traditional classroom, with the added benefit of learning some cool technology and typically conducting your schoolwork on a much more flexible schedule. And, the best part, you&rsquo;ll be supported through every step of your academic journey. We have dedicated enrollment counselors who work with you to answer all your questions about the application and admissions process, academic advisors who guide you through course selection and registration, and a host of other resources to support you as you work your way toward your degree.</p> <p><iframe src="//" width="100%" height="300px"></iframe></p> <p>As you continue to explore online learning as an option for you, please make sure to check out Drexel&rsquo;s <a title="Online Test Drive" href="/about/test-drives.aspx">Online Test Drive</a>. This week-long virtual event lets you try out the online learning platform before you apply. You can upload sample assignments, talk to other prospective students, meet Drexel faculty, advisors, and enrollment counselors through discussion boards, and get a sense of what it would be like to be an online student at Drexel.</p> <h2>How Online Lectures Work</h2> <p>Each day you&rsquo;ll log into <a href="" target="blank">Blackboard</a>, Drexel&rsquo;s online learning platform, and access your most recent lecture, discussion threads, and assignments. While we recommend you access Blackboard from a computer, an app is available to alert you to new assignments and more on your mobile device. This makes it easy and convenient to check in each day.</p> <p>Your weekly lectures are accessible through the Blackboard platform and may be delivered in a variety of formats, such as PowerPoint, video, video chat sessions, audio files, or some combination of these. Most of Drexel&rsquo;s classes are asynchronous, which means you don&rsquo;t have to worry about logging on and listening to your lectures at a specific time each week. Instead, you can learn when it&rsquo;s most convenient for you, whether that&rsquo;s late at night, before work or during your daily commute. If your professor does require synchronous sessions, this will be communicated to you in advance, so you have time to schedule and plan for them.</p> <p>We encourage you to talk to your advisor prior to the start of term about the expectations for each class so you are well prepared on day one. You should also make sure to check your syllabus and your Blackboard classroom for homework and project due dates.</p> <h2>How Do Online Exams Work?</h2> <p>Most of your online exams are housed directly on Blackboard. They can take a number of formats, including open book tests, simulation activities, and multiple choice tests that are automatically graded as you take them. Other exams might take the form of a PDF, which you&rsquo;ll be expected to fill out and upload back into Blackboard.</p> <p>Most exams will be asynchronous, so you don&rsquo;t need to worry about taking them at a specific time. Instead, your professors will communicate a time period during which you can take them. Some exams may be timed, beginning from the moment you start taking your test, while others may allow you to complete them over the course of a few days. If your professor prefers a synchronous exam, meaning everyone takes it at a set date and time, this will be communicated with you well in advance.</p> <p>In addition to tests and quizzes, some of your classes may require research papers. Deadlines and requirements for your papers will be clearly stated in your syllabus, and you can upload them directly to Blackboard.</p> <h2>How Long Do Online Classes Take?</h2> <p>Most online degree and certificate programs offered at Drexel are based on a quarter system, rather than the typical semester system. Each quarter is 10 weeks long, followed by a week of exams. There are four quarters in Drexel&rsquo;s academic calendar. To learn more, visit our guide to <a href="/support/college-semester-versus-quarter.aspx">Drexel&rsquo;s quarter system</a>.</p> <p>Drexel University&rsquo;s College of Medicine and Thomas R. Kline School of Law do operate on a traditional semester-based system. Programs within these two colleges, including online programs, follow a different <a href="/support/academic-calendars.aspx">academic calendar</a>.</p> <p>Whether the class is on the quarter or semester system, it&rsquo;s easy to calculate an estimate of how many hours of work per week a class will require between lectures, homework and studying. One credit translates to one hour of lecture or classwork. Traditionally, professors will also expect you to study about two to three hours per credit hour outside of lectures. This means that if you take a three-credit class, you could estimate spending between six to nine hours per week on homework and an additional two to three hours in lectures or classwork.</p> <h2>Traditional vs Online Learning</h2> <p>While online learning contains many elements of traditional learning (you&rsquo;ll interact with classmates and professors, be expected to turn in papers and homework assignments, etc.), there are some key differences between the two. In many ways, online learning can be a real benefit to students, especially those juggling a family or career with school.</p> <p>Unlike a traditional classroom, online classes tend to be more convenient in terms of when you can participate in lectures, classwork, and group assignments. For most online courses, you&rsquo;ll be able to log on to Blackboard, access your lectures and homework assignments, and work on them when it is most convenient for you. Although we recommend that you log in to Blackboard each day to make sure you don&rsquo;t miss any important updates, most of your professors will provide a set amount of time to get homework done. This allows you some flexibility around your busy work schedule, taking care of loved ones, or learning during the time of day that&rsquo;s most convenient for you.</p> <p>You&rsquo;ll upload assignments directly through Blackboard and interact with your professors and classmates through discussion boards and video threads. Your professors are also always available over email, and sometimes over phone or video platforms. Some programs do include in-person residencies, but most are completely online. What makes online learning at Drexel so appealing is that it allows you to pursue the same high-quality Drexel education on your own schedule, without having to come to campus each week.</p> <h2>How to Succeed in Online Classes</h2> <p>At the end of the day, the expectations for online classes are similar to in-person classes: you&rsquo;ll complete homework and tests, submit papers, work on group projects and interact with your classmates and professors. But there are a few skills, like managing your time better and learning smarter ways to study, that can help you become a better online student.</p> <p>Our <a href="/news/digital-dragon.aspx/2020-resolutions-for-online-students">resolutions for online students</a> blog post shares helpful tips on connecting with your classmates and professors, cutting down on procrastination, taking advantage of Drexel resources, and more. Want direct advice from some online Dragons? DrexelNow spoke with <a href="" target="blank">four past and present students</a> about their tips and tricks to succeeding in the online classroom.</p> <p>Speaking of resources, as a Drexel online student, you&rsquo;ll have access to many of <a href="/support/current-students.aspx">Drexel&rsquo;s resources</a>. You can (and should!) take advantage of these resources to help you get ahead in your courses.</p> <p><iframe src="//" width="100%" height="300px"></iframe></p> </div> </div> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="left-rail" class="grid-6 pull-12"> <div> <div data-ux-pagebuilder="DropZone"> <div data-ux-pagebuilder="Column"> <ul> <li> <div> <div data-ux-pagebuilder="Widget"> <div class="widgetBody"> <nav> <div class="likeh1 mobile-hide">About Drexel</div> <ul> <li class=""><a href="/about/why-drexel.aspx">Why Drexel Online?</a></li> <li class=""><a href="/about/learn-from-the-best.aspx">Learn From the Best</a></li> <li class="active"><a href="/about/how-does-online-learning-work.aspx">How Does Online Learning Work? </a></li> <li class=""><a href="/about/events.aspx">Attend an Online or Live Event</a></li> <li class=""><a href="/support/current-students.aspx">Tools and Resources for Online Students</a></li> <li class=""><a 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Leadership and Management - Hybrid Philadelphia</option> <option value="158">EdD in Educational Leadership and Management - Online</option> <option value="414">EdS in Applied Learning, Leadership, and Innovation - Online</option> <option value="312">EdS in School Psychology</option> <option value="408">Family Nurse Practitioner PMC with Emergency Specialization</option> <option value="148">Family Nurse Practitioner Post-Masters Certificate</option> <option value="83">Goodwin College Undergraduate Non-Matriculated Option</option> <option value="390">Graduate Certificate in Applied Artificial Intelligence &amp; Machine Learning</option> <option value="178">Graduate Certificate in Applied Behavior Analysis</option> <option value="419">Graduate Certificate in Archives and Curation</option> <option value="123">Graduate Certificate in Autism Spectrum Disorders</option> <option value="356">Graduate Certificate in Big Data Analytics</option> <option value="380">Graduate Certificate in Business Analytics Management</option> <option value="391">Graduate Certificate in Computational Artificial Intelligence &amp; Machine Learning</option> <option value="392">Graduate Certificate in Computer Science Foundations</option> <option value="393">Graduate Certificate in Computer Science Theory &amp; Practice</option> <option value="371">Graduate Certificate in Computer Security &amp; Privacy</option> <option value="97">Graduate Certificate in Construction Management</option> <option value="324">Graduate Certificate in Corporate Entrepreneurship</option> <option value="106">Graduate Certificate in Creativity and Innovation</option> <option value="217">Graduate Certificate in Criminal Law</option> <option value="255">Graduate Certificate in Cybersecurity and Information Privacy Compliance</option> <option value="381">Graduate Certificate in Data Management for Business Analytics</option> <option value="394">Graduate Certificate in Data Science Foundations</option> <option value="361">Graduate Certificate in Digital Transformation</option> <option value="152">Graduate Certificate in Education Policy</option> <option value="03">Graduate Certificate in Engineering Management</option> <option value="411">Graduate Certificate in Engineering Technical Leadership</option> <option value="256">Graduate Certificate in Financial Regulatory Compliance</option> <option value="358">Graduate Certificate in Hardware Systems Engineering</option> <option value="174">Graduate Certificate in Health Care Compliance</option> <option value="241">Graduate Certificate in Higher Education Compliance</option> <option value="343">Graduate Certificate in Higher Education Leadership</option> <option value="218">Graduate Certificate in Human Resources Compliance</option> <option value="396">Graduate Certificate in Human-Computer Interaction &amp; UX Research &amp; Design</option> <option value="397">Graduate Certificate in Human-Computer Interaction &amp; UX Theory &amp; Frontiers</option> <option value="389">Graduate Certificate in Information Systems</option> <option value="365">Graduate Certificate in Information Systems Development</option> <option value="363">Graduate Certificate in Information Technology &amp; Management</option> <option value="364">Graduate Certificate in Information Technology Strategy &amp; Execution</option> <option value="341">Graduate Certificate in Instructional Design for eLearning</option> <option value="348">Graduate Certificate in Learning Analytics</option> <option value="395">Graduate Certificate in Machine Learning for Data Science</option> <option value="417">Graduate Certificate in Metadata and Digital Technologies</option> <option value="238">Graduate Certificate in Mind, Brain, &amp; Learning</option> <option value="308">Graduate Certificate in Naval Engineering</option> <option value="175">Graduate Certificate in NCAA Compliance</option> <option value="330">Graduate Certificate in New Venture Creation</option> <option value="340">Graduate Certificate in Online Teaching and Learning</option> <option value="342">Graduate Certificate in Organization and Talent Development</option> <option value="360">Graduate Certificate in Organizational Security</option> <option value="291">Graduate Certificate in Peace Engineering</option> <option value="304">Graduate Certificate in Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Regulatory Compliance</option> <option value="379">Graduate Certificate in Predictive Business Analytics</option> <option value="223">Graduate Certificate in Project Management</option> <option value="103">Graduate Certificate in Real Estate</option> <option value="333">Graduate Certificate in Social Entrepreneurship</option> <option value="299">Graduate Certificate in Social, Emotional and Behavioral Wellness</option> <option value="372">Graduate Certificate in Software Architecture</option> <option value="373">Graduate Certificate in Software Management</option> <option value="111">Graduate Certificate in Student Development and Affairs</option> <option value="113">Graduate Certificate in Sustainability &amp; Green Construction</option> <option value="212">Graduate Certificate in Systems Engineering</option> <option value="33">Graduate Certificate in Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL)</option> <option value="347">Graduate Certificate in U.S. Education Policy</option> <option value="382">Graduate Certificate in Uncovering Insights with Business Analytics</option> <option value="418">Graduate Certificate in Users and Library Services</option> <option value="398">Graduate Certificate in Web Application Development</option> <option value="128">Graduate Education Non-Matriculated</option> <option value="157">Graduate Engineering Non-Matriculated</option> <option value="150">Graduate Nursing Non-Matriculated</option> <option value="288">LLM in Cyber Law and Data Privacy</option> <option value="383">LLM in Global Financial Regulation</option> <option value="289">LLM in Health Care and Pharmaceutical Compliance</option> <option value="192">Master of Health Administration</option> <option value="233">Master of Laboratory Animal Science</option> <option value="168">Master of Legal Studies</option> <option value="322">Master of Public Health (Epidemiology)</option> <option value="319">Master of Public Health (Executive)</option> <option value="307">Master of Public Health (Global Health)</option> <option value="315">Master of Public Health (Urban Health)</option> <option value="407">Master of Public Policy</option> <option value="01">MBA</option> <option value="285">MFA in Creative Writing</option> <option value="188">MS in Applied Behavior Analysis</option> <option value="311">MS in Artificial Intelligence &amp; Machine Learning</option> <option value="85">MS in Arts Administration</option> <option value="245">MS in Biomedicine and Business</option> <option value="404">MS in Biomedicine and Cell and Gene Therapy</option> <option value="243">MS in Biomedicine and Law</option> <option value="136">MS in Business Analytics</option> <option value="362">MS in Business Information Technology</option> <option value="124">MS in Clinical Research for Health Professionals</option> <option value="12">MS in Clinical Research Organization &amp; Management</option> <option value="257">MS in Complementary and Integrative Health</option> <option value="46">MS in Computer Science</option> <option value="378">MS in Computer Security &amp; Privacy</option> <option value="93">MS in Construction Management</option> <option value="339">MS in Creative Education and Entrepreneurship</option> <option value="134">MS in Creativity and Innovation</option> <option value="207">MS in Cybersecurity</option> <option value="277">MS in Data Science</option> <option value="329">MS in Digital Media</option> <option value="230">MS in Drug Discovery &amp; Development</option> <option value="155">MS in Education Improvement and Transformation</option> <option value="53">MS in Educational Administration</option> <option value="05">MS in Electrical Engineering</option> <option value="04">MS in Engineering Management</option> <option value="250">MS in Entrepreneurship &amp; Innovation</option> <option value="45">MS in Higher Education Leadership</option> <option value="406">MS in Human Nutrition-Didactic Program in Dietetics</option> <option value="77">MS in Human Resource Development</option> <option value="294">MS in Human-Computer Interaction &amp; User Experience</option> <option value="244">MS in Immunology</option> <option value="387">MS in Infection Prevention and Control</option> <option value="247">MS in Infectious Disease</option> <option value="10">MS in Information Systems</option> <option value="78">MS in Learning Technologies</option> <option value="416">MS in Marketing</option> <option value="388">MS in Molecular Basis of Cancer</option> <option value="240">MS in Molecular Medicine</option> <option value="274">MS in Nonprofit Management</option> <option value="265">MS in Quality, Safety, and Risk Management in Healthcare</option> <option value="49">MS in Software Engineering</option> <option value="96">MS in Special Education</option> <option value="273">MS in Special Education and Applied Behavior Analysis</option> <option value="80">MS in Sport Business</option> <option value="334">MS in Strategic and Digital Communication</option> <option value="180">MS in Systems Engineering</option> <option value="71">MS in Teaching, Learning, &amp; Curriculum: Advanced Studies Track</option> <option value="298">MS in Teaching, Learning, &amp; Curriculum: Dual Certification Track</option> <option value="38">MS in Teaching, Learning, &amp; Curriculum: Teacher Cert Track - Grades PreK-4 Ed</option> <option value="303">MS in Teaching, Learning, &amp; Curriculum: Teacher Cert Track - Middle Level Ed</option> <option value="137">MS in Teaching, Learning, &amp; Curriculum: Teacher Cert Track - Secondary Education</option> <option value="182">MS in Television &amp; Media Management</option> <option value="11">MSI in Library &amp; Information Science</option> <option value="286">MSN (Undeclared)</option> <option value="146">MSN Family Nurse Practitioner</option> <option value="18">MSN in Adult-Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner</option> <option value="193">MSN in Adult-Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner</option> <option value="22">MSN in Nursing Education</option> <option value="21">MSN in Nursing Leadership in Health Systems Management</option> <option value="318">MSN in Public Health Nursing</option> <option value="266">MSN in Quality, Safety, and Risk Management in Healthcare</option> <option value="187">MSN Pediatric Acute Care Nurse Practitioner</option> <option value="185">MSN Pediatric Primary and Acute Care Nurse Practitioner Dual Option</option> <option value="131">MSN Pediatric Primary Care Nurse Practitioner</option> <option value="23">MSN Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner</option> <option value="72">MSN Women&#39;s Health/Gender Related Nurse Practitioner</option> <option value="351">MSN/MBA: Leadership in Health Systems Management Dual Degree</option> <option value="384">MSN: Family/Individual Across the Lifespan with Emergency Specialization</option> <option value="401">PBC in Food Innovation</option> <option value="405">PBC in Regulatory Affairs for Cell and Gene Therapy</option> <option value="184">Pediatric Acute Care Nurse Practitioner Post-Masters Certificate</option> <option value="239">Pediatric Primary Care and Acute Care NP (Dual Option) Post-Masters Certificate</option> <option value="147">Pediatric Primary Care Nurse Practitioner Post-Masters Certificate</option> <option value="403">Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Fundamental Concepts in Infectious Disease</option> <option value="375">Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Molecular Basis of Cancer</option> <option value="376">Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Quality, Safety, and 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