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Consent Manager Tag v2.2 (for TCF 2.2) /** * DataLayer Push & CCPA Support * * Version 2.0.7 */ (function() { //URLs need to be externalized based on environments, during build update. var get_iab_vendors_url = ''; var get_google_atp_url = ""; var iab_vendors, iab_vendor_ids, iab_vendor_names; var google_vendors, google_vendor_ids, google_vendor_names; var google_vendors_arr = [], google_vendor_ids_arr = [], google_vendor_names_arr = []; var iab_vendors_arr = [], iab_vendor_ids_arr = [], iab_vendor_names_arr = []; var non_iab_vendors, non_iab_vendor_ids, non_iab_vendor_names; var non_iab_vendors_arr = [], non_iab_vendor_ids_arr = [], non_iab_vendor_names_arr = []; var publisher_consents, publisher_legitimate_interests; var purpose_consents, purpose_legitimate_interests; function resultToList(a) {b = ','; for (var i in a){if (a[i]){b+=i+','}} return b;} /** * Get a full list of Non-IAB Vendors, specific to the Quantcast Universal Tag ID, using tcfapi */ function vendors_getNonIABVendorList() { window.__tcfapi('getConfig', 2, function(retObj) { if(retObj.hasOwnProperty('nonIabVendorsInfo')){ if(retObj.nonIabVendorsInfo.hasOwnProperty('nonIabVendorList')) { non_iab_vendors = retObj.nonIabVendorsInfo.nonIabVendorList; // Dont assume array key = vendor id, set key as vendor id with iab_vendors[i].id Object.keys(non_iab_vendors).forEach(function (i) { non_iab_vendors_arr[non_iab_vendors[i].vendorId] = non_iab_vendors[i].name; }); } } }); } /** * Get a full list of IAB Vendors. */ function vendors_getIABVendorList() { var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhttp.onreadystatechange = function() { if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) { var res = JSON.parse(this.responseText); if(res.hasOwnProperty('vendors')) { iab_vendors = res.vendors; // Dont assume array key = vendor id, set key as vendor id with iab_vendors[i].id Object.keys(iab_vendors).forEach(function (i) { iab_vendors_arr[iab_vendors[i].id] = iab_vendors[i].name; }); } } };"GET", get_iab_vendors_url, true); xhttp.send(); } /** * Get a full list of google atp list */ function vendors_getGoogleVendorList() { var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhttp.onreadystatechange = function() { if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) { google_vendors = JSON.parse(this.responseText); google_vendors.forEach(function (vendor) { google_vendors_arr[vendor.provider_id] = vendor.provider_name; }); } };"GET", get_google_atp_url, true); xhttp.send(); } /** * CMP Loaded. * * Push __cmpLoaded event to the data layer. */ function dlSend_tcLoaded(tcData) { window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; window.dataLayer.push({ 'event': '__cmpLoaded', '__cmpLoaded': true, 'gdpr': tcData.gdprApplies, }); } /** * IAB Vendors. * * Push __cmpIABConsents event to the datalayer, along with iab vendor consent ids. */ function dlSend_consentData(tcData) { window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; iab_vendor_names_arr = []; iab_vendor_ids_arr = []; non_iab_vendor_names_arr = []; non_iab_vendor_ids_arr = []; google_vendor_names_arr = []; google_vendor_ids_arr = []; if(tcData.hasOwnProperty('publisher')) { publisher_consents = resultToList(tcData.publisher.consents); publisher_legitimate_interests = resultToList(tcData.publisher.legitimateInterests); } if(tcData.hasOwnProperty('purpose')) { purpose_consents = resultToList(tcData.purpose.consents); purpose_legitimate_interests = resultToList(tcData.purpose.legitimateInterests); } // Run this in an interval (every 0.1s) just in case we are still waiting // on the return with our iab_vendors list calls, bail after 10 seconds var cnt = 0; var interval = setInterval(function(){ cnt += 1; if(cnt === 100){ clearInterval(interval); } if(iab_vendors) { clearInterval(interval); if(tcData.gdprApplies) { // Create name & id arrays of iab vendors with consent. if(tcData.hasOwnProperty('vendor')) { Object.keys(tcData.vendor.consents).forEach(function(vendorId) { if(tcData.vendor.consents[vendorId] || ! tcData.gdprApplies) { iab_vendor_names_arr[vendorId] = iab_vendors_arr[vendorId]; iab_vendor_ids_arr[vendorId] = vendorId; } }); } } else { // GDPR does not apply, add all vendor names/ids iab_vendor_names_arr = iab_vendors_arr; iab_vendors_arr.forEach(function(vendorName, vendorId) { iab_vendor_ids_arr[vendorId] = vendorId; }); } if(tcData.addtlConsent && google_vendors_arr) { // Create name and id arrays of google vendors with consent. // addtlConsent: "1~ // 1~ is the version and the rest are the decoded ids google_vendor_ids_arr = tcData.addtlConsent.split('1~')[1].split('.'); google_vendor_ids_arr && google_vendor_ids_arr.forEach(function(google_id) { google_vendor_names_arr.push(google_vendors_arr[google_id]); }); } // Non IAB Vendors window.__tcfapi('getNonIABVendorConsents',2, function(nonIabConsent, nonIabSuccess) { if (nonIabSuccess) { if(nonIabConsent.gdprApplies) { // Create name & id arrays of non iab vendors with consent. nonIabConsent.nonIabVendorConsents && Object.keys(nonIabConsent.nonIabVendorConsents).forEach(function(vendorId) { if(nonIabConsent.nonIabVendorConsents[vendorId] || ! nonIabConsent.gdprApplies) { non_iab_vendor_names_arr[vendorId] = non_iab_vendors_arr[vendorId]; non_iab_vendor_ids_arr[vendorId] = vendorId; } }); } else { // GDPR does not apply, add all non iab vendor names/ids non_iab_vendor_names_arr = non_iab_vendors_arr; non_iab_vendors_arr.forEach(function(vendorName, vendorId) { non_iab_vendor_ids_arr[vendorId] = vendorId; }); } } // Join our array values, skipping empty items and joing them with a delimiter iab_vendor_names = iab_vendor_names_arr.filter(Boolean).join('|'); iab_vendor_ids = iab_vendor_ids_arr.filter(Boolean).join(','); google_vendor_names = google_vendor_names_arr.filter(Boolean).join('|'); google_vendor_ids = google_vendor_ids_arr.filter(Boolean).join('|'); non_iab_vendor_names = non_iab_vendor_names_arr.filter(Boolean).join('|'); non_iab_vendor_ids = non_iab_vendor_ids_arr.filter(Boolean).join(','); // Push __cmpIABConsents signals to the data layer. window.dataLayer.push({ 'event': '__cmpConsents', '__cmpConsents': { 'iabVendorConsentIds': iab_vendor_ids, 'iabVendorsWithConsent': iab_vendor_names, 'nonIABVendorConsentIds': non_iab_vendor_ids, 'nonIABVendorsWithConsent': non_iab_vendor_names, 'googleVendorConsentIds': google_vendor_ids, 'googleVendorsWithConsent': google_vendor_names, 'gdpr': tcData.gdprApplies, 'publisherConsents': publisher_consents, 'publisherLegitimateInterests': publisher_legitimate_interests, 'purposeConsents': purpose_consents, 'purposeLegitimateInterests': purpose_legitimate_interests, } }); }); } }, 100); } /** * CCPA footer message. */ function ccpa_footerMsg(tcData) { // Bail if there is no ccpa msg id value window.__uspapi('uspPing', 1, function(obj, status) { var footer_msg = document.getElementById('choice-footer-msg'); // get the footer container for our CCPA message if (status && obj.mode.includes('USP') && footer_msg !== null) { footer_msg.innerHTML = footer_msg.innerHTML + 'We use cookies' + ' and other data collection technologies' + ' to provide the best experience for our customers. You may request' + ' that your data not be shared with third parties here: ' + '<a href="#" onclick="window.__uspapi(\'displayUspUi\');"' + '>Do Not Sell My Data</a>' + '.'; // Add the 'ccpa-msg-added' class to the container for post message add styling. footer_msg.classList.add("ccpa-msg-added"); window.__uspapi('setUspDftData', 1, function(obj, status) { if (!status) { console.log("Error: USP string not updated!") } }); } }); } })(); </script> <script type="text/javascript"> requestAnimationFrame(() => { setTimeout(() => { window.googletag = window.googletag || {cmd: []}; googletag.cmd.push(() => { const interstitialSlot = googletag .defineOutOfPageSlot( "/154371181/", googletag.enums.OutOfPageFormat.INTERSTITIAL ) if (interstitialSlot) { interstitialSlot.addService(googletag.pubads()); googletag.enableServices(); googletag.display(interstitialSlot); } }); let rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 101); let ff = '1'; let exp = 'b'; let exp_20s = Math.ceil((rand)/20).toString() if(rand <= 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