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overflow:hidden; width:450px; height:35px;" allowTransparency="true"></iframe><br /> <i>啸邪褉械褋邪泄 褋泻褉懈懈薪褋械泄胁褗褉邪:</i> <br /><iframe src="//;;send=false&amp;layout=standard&amp;width=450&amp;show_faces=false&amp;action=like&amp;colorscheme=light&amp;font&amp;height=35" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:450px; height:35px;" allowTransparency="true"></iframe></p> <p>袩褉械写懈 胁褉械屑械 锌褍褋薪邪褏 邪薪泻械褌邪 薪邪 褎械泄褋斜褍泻 褋褌褉邪薪懈褑邪褌邪 薪邪 褋邪泄褌邪. 袙褗锌褉芯褋邪 斜械褕械 懈褋泻邪褌械 谢懈 写邪 懈屑邪褌械 褟锌芯薪褋泻懈褌械 胁懈褕薪懈 芯褌 <a href="" target="_blank">锌褉芯谢械褌薪邪褌邪 锌邪薪芯褉邪屑邪</a> 泻邪褌芯 褋泻褉懈懈薪褋械泄胁褗褉.</p> <p>袠 锌芯薪械卸械 褉械蟹褍谢褌邪褌邪 斜械褕械 锌芯谢芯卸懈褌械谢械薪, 谢懈薪泻邪 蟹邪 褋胁邪谢褟薪械 械 芯斜褟胁械薪 薪邪 褎械泄褋斜褍泻 褋褌褉邪薪懈褑邪褌邪: <a href=""></a></p> <p><div id="attachment_686" class="wp-caption aligncenter" style="width: 298px"><img src="" alt="袠薪褋褌邪谢懈褉邪 褋械 褋 写械褋械薪 斜褍褌芯薪 薪邪 屑懈褕泻邪褌邪 -&gt; install" title="install" width="288" height="114" class="size-full wp-image-686" /><p class="wp-caption-text">袠薪褋褌邪谢懈褉邪 褋械 褋 写械褋械薪 斜褍褌芯薪 薪邪 屑懈褕泻邪褌邪 -> install</p></div><br /> <a href=";loc=bg_BG" target="_blank">袗斜芯薪懈褉邪泄褌械 褋械</a>, 邪泻芯 薪械 懈褋泻邪褌械 写邪 懈蟹锌褍褋薪械褌械 褋谢械写胁邪褖懈褌械 锌邪薪芯褉邪屑懈.</p> </div> <div class="post-footer">7 芯泻褌芯屑胁褉懈, 2011谐. | 袣邪褌械谐芯褉懈褟: <a href="">袨斜褖懈</a>, <a href="">袩褉懈褉芯写邪</a> | <a href="">袝写懈薪 泻芯屑械薪褌邪褉</a></div> </div><!-- / Post --> <div class="post"> <!-- Post Headline --> <div class="post-headline"> <h2> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to 小芯褎懈褟 芯褌 褏械谢懈泻芯锌褌械褉 &#8211; 袙懈褉褌褍邪谢薪邪 褉邪蟹褏芯写泻邪">小芯褎懈褟 芯褌 褏械谢懈泻芯锌褌械褉 &#8211; 袙懈褉褌褍邪谢薪邪 褉邪蟹褏芯写泻邪 </a> </h2> </div> <!-- Post Body Copy --> <div class="post-bodycopy clearfix"> <p><a title="小芯褎懈褟" href="" target="_blank"><br /> <img src="" alt="小芯褎懈褟 芯褌 褏械谢懈泻芯锌褌械褉" title="小芯褎懈褟 芯褌 褏械谢懈泻芯锌褌械褉" width="650" height="190" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-647" /></a></p> <p>啸邪褉械褋邪泄 褋邪泄褌邪 胁褗胁 褎械泄褋斜褍泻:<br /> <iframe src=";layout=standard&amp;show_faces=false&amp;width=450&amp;action=like&amp;colorscheme=light&amp;height=35" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:450px; height:35px;" allowTransparency="true"></iframe></p> <p><a href="" target="_blank"> 袧邪褌懈褋薪械褌械 胁褗褉褏褍 褋薪懈屑泻邪褌邪 懈谢懈 褌褍泻, 蟹邪 写邪 胁懈写懈褌械 胁懈褉褌褍邪谢薪邪褌邪 360 谐褉邪写褍褋芯胁邪 褉邪蟹褏芯写泻邪 薪邪 小芯褎懈褟 芯褌 胁褗蟹写褍褏邪. </a><br /> 袗泻芯 褏邪褉械褋胁邪褌械 褉邪蟹褏芯写泻懈褌械 懈 薪械 懈褋泻邪褌械 写邪 懈蟹锌褍褋薪械褌械 褋谢械写胁邪褖懈褌械, 邪斜芯薪懈褉邪泄褌械 褋械 锌芯 e-mail 芯褌 谐芯褉械 胁 写褟褋薪芯 懈谢懈 <a href=";loc=bg_BG" target="_blank">褌褍泻</a>.</p> <p>袨褌 懈蟹胁械褋褌薪芯 胁褉械屑械 胁懈 芯斜械褖邪胁邪屑 锌邪薪芯褉邪屑邪 芯褌 褏械谢懈泻芯锌褌械褉. 袝褌芯 褟.<br /> 袦懈薪邪谢邪褌邪 谐芯写懈薪邪, 谐芯褉械-写芯谢褍 锌芯 褌芯胁邪 胁褉械屑械 懈屑邪褏 胁褗蟹屑芯卸薪芯褋褌褌邪 写邪 褋械 泻邪褔邪 薪邪 褏械谢懈泻芯锌褌械褉, 蟹邪 写邪 <a href="" class="more-link">袩褉芯写褗谢卸邪胁邪 &raquo;</a></p> </div> <div class="post-footer">11 褞谢懈, 2011谐. | 孝邪谐芯胁械: <a href="" rel="tag">褋芯褎懈褟 芯褌 褏械谢懈泻芯锌褌械褉</a> | 袣邪褌械谐芯褉懈褟: <a href="">袟邪斜械谢械卸懈褌械谢薪芯褋褌懈</a>, <a href="">袨斜褖懈</a> | <a href="">7 泻芯屑械薪褌邪褉懈</a></div> </div><!-- / Post --> <div class="post"> <!-- Post Headline --> <div class="post-headline"> <h2> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to 袣邪褉褌懈褔泻邪 蟹邪 袩褗褉胁邪 锌褉芯谢械褌 :: 袙懈褉褌褍邪谢薪邪 褉邪蟹褏芯写泻邪">袣邪褉褌懈褔泻邪 蟹邪 袩褗褉胁邪 锌褉芯谢械褌 :: 袙懈褉褌褍邪谢薪邪 褉邪蟹褏芯写泻邪 </a> </h2> </div> <!-- Post Body Copy --> <div class="post-bodycopy clearfix"> <p><a title="袣邪褉褌懈褔泻邪 蟹邪 锌褗褉胁邪 锌褉芯谢械褌" href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="泻邪褉褌懈褔泻邪 蟹邪 锌褗褉胁邪 锌褉芯谢械褌" title="锌褗褉胁邪 锌褉芯谢械褌" width="650" height="190" class="size-full wp-image-625" /></a><br /> 啸邪褉械褋邪泄 褋邪泄褌邪 胁褗胁 褎械泄褋斜褍泻:<br /> <iframe src=";layout=standard&amp;show_faces=false&amp;width=450&amp;action=like&amp;colorscheme=light&amp;height=35" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:450px; height:35px;" allowTransparency="true"></iframe><br /> 啸邪褉械褋邪泄 泻邪褉褌懈褔泻邪褌邪 胁褗胁 褎械泄褋斜褍泻:<br /> <iframe src=";layout=standard&amp;show_faces=false&amp;width=450&amp;action=like&amp;font&amp;colorscheme=light&amp;height=35" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:450px; height:35px;" allowTransparency="true"></iframe><br /> <a href="" target="_blank"> 袧邪褌懈褋薪械褌械 胁褗褉褏褍 褋薪懈屑泻邪褌邪 懈谢懈 褌褍泻, 蟹邪 写邪 胁懈写懈褌械 胁懈褉褌褍邪谢薪邪褌邪 泻邪褉褌懈褔泻邪 蟹邪 袩褗褉胁邪 锌褉芯谢械褌. </a></p> <p>袝写薪邪 薪芯胁邪 泻邪褉褌懈褔泻邪 蟹邪 袩褗褉胁邪 锌褉芯谢械褌. 袩芯褉邪写懈 屑薪芯谐芯褌芯 锌褉懈泻谢褞褔械薪懈褟 锌褉懈 蟹邪褋薪械屑邪薪械褌芯 薪邪 锌褉械写懈褕薪邪褌邪, 褌邪蟹懈 谐芯写懈薪邪 斜褟褏 锌芯写谐芯褌胁械薪 芯褌 屑薪芯谐芯 芯褌写邪胁薪邪. 袗泻芯 薪械 蟹薪邪械褌械 蟹邪 泻邪泻胁芯 谐芯胁芯褉褟 <a href="" class="more-link">袩褉芯写褗谢卸邪胁邪 &raquo;</a></p> </div> <div class="post-footer">21 屑邪褉褌, 2011谐. | 孝邪谐芯胁械: <a href="" rel="tag">锌褗褉胁邪 锌褉芯谢械褌</a> | 袣邪褌械谐芯褉懈褟: <a href="">袣邪褉褌懈褔泻懈</a>, <a href="">袨斜褖懈</a> | <a href="">25 泻芯屑械薪褌邪褉懈</a></div> </div><!-- / Post --> <div class="post"> <!-- Post Headline --> <div class="post-headline"> <h2> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to 袩芯写胁芯写薪懈褑邪 &#8211; 袙懈褉褌褍邪谢薪邪 褉邪蟹褏芯写泻邪">袩芯写胁芯写薪懈褑邪 &#8211; 袙懈褉褌褍邪谢薪邪 褉邪蟹褏芯写泻邪 </a> </h2> </div> <!-- Post Body Copy --> <div class="post-bodycopy clearfix"> <p><a title="锌芯写胁芯写薪懈褑邪" href="" target="_blank"><br /> <img src="" alt="锌芯写胁芯写薪懈褑邪" title="锌芯写胁芯写薪懈褑邪" width="650" height="190" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-589" /></a></p> <p>啸邪褉械褋邪泄 褋邪泄褌邪 胁褗胁 褎械泄褋斜褍泻:<br /> <iframe src=";layout=standard&amp;show_faces=false&amp;width=450&amp;action=like&amp;colorscheme=light&amp;height=35" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:450px; height:35px;" allowTransparency="true"></iframe><br /> 啸邪褉械褋邪泄 胁懈褉褌褍邪谢薪邪褌邪 锌芯写胁芯写薪懈褑邪 胁褗胁 褎械泄褋斜褍泻:<br /> <iframe src=";layout=standard&amp;show_faces=false&amp;width=450&amp;action=like&amp;colorscheme=light&amp;height=35" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:450px; height:35px;" allowTransparency="true"></iframe><br /> <a href="" target="_blank"> 袧邪褌懈褋薪械褌械 胁褗褉褏褍 褋薪懈屑泻邪褌邪 懈谢懈 褌褍泻, 蟹邪 写邪 胁懈写懈褌械 胁懈褉褌褍邪谢薪邪褌邪 360 谐褉邪写褍褋芯胁邪 褉邪蟹褏芯写泻邪 薪邪 锌芯写胁芯写薪懈褑邪褌邪. </a></p> <p>孝芯胁邪 械 360 谐褉邪写褍褋芯胁邪 锌邪薪芯褉邪屑邪 薪邪 褌褍褉懈褋褌懈褔械褋泻邪 锌芯写胁芯写薪懈褑邪 胁 袝谐懈锌械褌. 袟邪褋薪械褏 褟 屑懈薪邪谢邪褌邪 谐芯写懈薪邪, 泻芯谐邪褌芯 斜褟褏 薪邪 械泻褋泻褍褉蟹懈褟 褌邪屑 (锌芯 褋褗褖芯褌芯 胁褉械屑械 械 锌褉邪胁械薪邪 懈 褉邪蟹褏芯写泻邪褌邪 薪邪 <a href="" > 械谐懈锌械褌褋泻懈褌械 锌懈褉邪屑懈写懈</a>). 袩芯写胁芯写薪懈褑邪褌邪 褋械 懈蟹锌芯谢蟹胁邪, 蟹邪 写邪 锌芯泻邪卸械 薪邪 褌褍褉懈褋褌懈褌械 屑芯褉褋泻芯褌芯 写褗薪芯 懈 芯斜懈褌邪褌械谢懈褌械 屑褍 胁 械褋褌械褋褌胁械薪邪褌邪 懈屑 褋褉械写邪.<br /> 袟邪 写邪 胁懈 锌褉懈斜谢懈卸邪 屑邪谢泻芯 锌芯胁械褔械 写芯 褍褋械褖邪薪械褌芯, 褋褗屑 锌褉懈斜邪胁懈谢 薪褟泻芯谢泻芯 褋薪懈屑泻懈 薪邪 谐谢械写泻懈, <a href="" class="more-link">袩褉芯写褗谢卸邪胁邪 &raquo;</a></p> </div> <div class="post-footer">1 褟薪褍邪褉懈, 2011谐. | 孝邪谐芯胁械: <a href="" rel="tag">锌芯写胁芯写薪懈褑邪</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">褉懈斜懈</a> | 袣邪褌械谐芯褉懈褟: <a href="">袝谐懈锌械褌</a>, <a href="">袨斜褖懈</a> | <a href="">5 泻芯屑械薪褌邪褉懈</a></div> </div><!-- / Post --> <div class="post"> <!-- Post Headline --> <div class="post-headline"> <h2> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to 袣邪褉褌懈褔泻邪 蟹邪 袣芯谢械写邪 懈 袧芯胁邪 谐芯写懈薪邪 : 360 谐褉邪写褍褋芯胁邪 懈薪褌械褉邪泻褌懈胁薪邪 锌邪薪芯褉邪屑邪">袣邪褉褌懈褔泻邪 蟹邪 袣芯谢械写邪 懈 袧芯胁邪 谐芯写懈薪邪 : 360 谐褉邪写褍褋芯胁邪 懈薪褌械褉邪泻褌懈胁薪邪 锌邪薪芯褉邪屑邪 </a> </h2> </div> <!-- Post Body Copy --> <div class="post-bodycopy clearfix"> <p><a title="袣邪褉褌懈褔泻邪 蟹邪 泻芯谢械写邪 懈 薪芯胁邪 谐芯写懈薪邪" href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="泻邪褉褌懈褔泻邪 蟹邪 泻芯谢械写邪 懈 薪芯胁邪 谐芯写懈薪邪" title="袣芯谢械写薪邪 懈 薪芯胁芯谐芯写懈褕薪邪 泻邪褉褌懈褔泻邪" width="650" height="190" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-550" /></a><br /> 啸邪褉械褋邪泄 褋邪泄褌邪 胁褗胁 褎械泄褋斜褍泻:<br /> <iframe src=";layout=standard&amp;show_faces=false&amp;width=450&amp;action=like&amp;colorscheme=light&amp;height=35" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:450px; height:35px;" allowTransparency="true"></iframe><br /> 啸邪褉械褋邪泄 泻邪褉褌懈褔泻邪褌邪 胁褗胁 褎械泄褋斜褍泻:<br /> <iframe src=";layout=standard&amp;show_faces=false&amp;width=450&amp;action=like&amp;colorscheme=light&amp;height=35" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:450px; height:35px;" allowTransparency="true"></iframe><br /> <a href="" target="_blank"> 袧邪褌懈褋薪械褌械 胁褗褉褏褍 褋薪懈屑泻邪褌邪 懈谢懈 褌褍泻, 蟹邪 写邪 胁懈写懈褌械 胁懈褉褌褍邪谢薪邪褌邪 泻邪褉褌懈褔泻邪 蟹邪 袣芯谢械写邪 懈 袧芯胁邪 谐芯写懈薪邪. </a></p> <p>袝写薪邪 薪芯胁邪 泻邪褉褌懈褔泻邪 蟹邪 袣芯谢械写邪 懈 袧芯胁邪 谐芯写懈薪邪. 袦懈褋谢械褏 写邪 薪械 锌褉邪胁褟 褌邪蟹懈 谐芯写懈薪邪, 薪芯 懈屑邪褕械 屑薪芯谐芯 卸械谢邪械褖懈.<br /> 袟邪褌芯胁邪 褋械 泻邪褔懈褏屑械 薪邪 袙懈褌芯褕邪 褋 袛械褟薪 芯褌 <a href="" target="_blank" title="褍械斜 写懈蟹邪泄薪">Rubix studio</a> 懈 蟹邪褋薪械褏屑械 褌邪蟹懈 锌褉懈褉芯写薪邪 锌邪薪芯褉邪屑邪. 袙褉械屑械褌芯 斜械褕械 屑褗谐谢懈胁芯 懈 懈蟹斜褉邪褏屑械 屑褟褋褌芯 褋褉械写 写褗褉胁械褌邪褌邪, 蟹邪 写邪 褋械 褍褋械褌懈 械褎械泻褌邪. 袧邪写褟胁邪屑 褋械 写邪 胁懈 褏邪褉械褋邪. 袗泻芯 锌褉械写锌芯褔懈褌邪褌械 屑芯卸械褌械 写邪 懈蟹锌芯谢蟹胁邪褌械 写褉褍谐邪褌邪 泻邪褉褌懈褔泻邪 芯褌 : <a href="">褌褍泻</a></p> <p><a name="generator"></a><br /> 袗泻芯 胁懈 褏邪褉械褋胁邪褌 泻邪褉褌懈褔泻懈褌械 褋械 邪斜芯薪懈褉邪泄褌械 芯褌 谐芯褉械 胁 写褟褋薪芯 (懈谢懈 <a href=";loc=bg_BG" target="_blank">褌褍泻</a>). 袗泻芯 胁械褔械 褋褌械 褋械 邪斜芯薪懈褉邪谢懈 &#8211; 斜谢邪谐芯写邪褉褟 胁懈!</p> <p>袠褋泻邪褌械 写邪 薪邪锌褉邪胁懈褌械 褋胁芯褟 泻邪褉褌懈褔泻邪? 小邪屑芯 锌芯锌褗谢薪械褌械 写邪薪薪懈褌械 褌褍泻 懈 薪邪褌懈褋薪械褌械 &#8222;小褗蟹写邪泄 泻邪褉褌懈褔泻邪褌邪&#8220;:<br /> <a href="" class="more-link">袩褉芯写褗谢卸邪胁邪 &raquo;</a></p> </div> <div class="post-footer">23 写械泻械屑胁褉懈, 2010谐. | 孝邪谐芯胁械: <a href="" rel="tag">泻邪褉褌懈褔泻邪</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">泻芯谢械写邪</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">薪芯胁邪 谐芯写懈薪邪</a> | 袣邪褌械谐芯褉懈褟: <a href="">袣邪褉褌懈褔泻懈</a>, <a href="">袨斜褖懈</a> | <a href="">9 泻芯屑械薪褌邪褉懈</a></div> </div><!-- / Post --> <div class="post"> <!-- Post Headline --> <div class="post-headline"> <h2> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to 3袛 袠谢褞蟹懈褟 &#8211; 袪褍斜懈泻 泻褍斜">3袛 袠谢褞蟹懈褟 &#8211; 袪褍斜懈泻 泻褍斜 </a> </h2> </div> <!-- Post Body Copy --> <div class="post-bodycopy clearfix"> <p><object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value=";hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=";hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object><br /> 啸邪褉械褋邪泄 褋邪泄褌邪 胁褗胁 褎械泄褋斜褍泻:<br /> <iframe src=";layout=standard&amp;show_faces=false&amp;width=450&amp;action=like&amp;colorscheme=light&amp;height=35" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:450px; height:35px;" allowTransparency="true"></iframe><br /> 啸邪褉械褋邪泄 褋褌邪褌懈褟褌邪 胁褗胁 褎械泄褋斜褍泻:<br /> <iframe src=";layout=standard&amp;show_faces=false&amp;width=450&amp;action=like&amp;colorscheme=light&amp;height=35" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:450px; height:35px;" allowTransparency="true"></iframe></p> <p>袙褔械褉邪 褋懈 锌芯懈谐褉邪褏 屑邪谢泻芯 懈 褋褗褌胁芯褉懈褏 褌邪蟹懈 3写 懈谢褞蟹懈褟 薪邪 泻褍斜邪 薪邪 袪褍斜懈泻. 袙懈卸褌械 泻谢懈锌褔械褌芯 懈 屑懈 芯褋褌邪胁械褌械 泻芯屑械薪褌邪褉 写邪谢懈 胁懈 褏邪褉械褋胁邪. 袠褋泻邪褌械 谢懈 写邪 锌褉邪胁褟 懈 写褉褍谐懈 褌邪泻懈胁邪?</p> <p>孝芯胁邪 薪械 械 360 谐褉邪写褍褋芯胁邪 胁懈褉褌褍邪谢薪邪 褉邪蟹褏芯写泻邪. 些械 锌芯锌懈褌邪褌械 &#8211; 褌芯谐邪胁邪 蟹邪褖芯 锌芯泻邪蟹胁邪屑 泻谢懈锌褔械褌芯 褌褍泻? 袦薪芯谐芯 褏芯褉邪 <a href="" class="more-link">袩褉芯写褗谢卸邪胁邪 &raquo;</a></p> </div> <div class="post-footer">19 写械泻械屑胁褉懈, 2010谐. | 孝邪谐芯胁械: <a href="" rel="tag">3写</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">懈谢褞蟹懈褟</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">泻褍斜</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">褉褍斜懈泻</a> | 袣邪褌械谐芯褉懈褟: <a href="">袠谢褞蟹懈懈</a>, <a href="">袨斜褖懈</a> | <a href="">9 泻芯屑械薪褌邪褉懈</a></div> </div><!-- / Post --> <div class="post"> <!-- Post Headline --> <div class="post-headline"> <h2> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to 袣邪褉褌懈褔泻邪 蟹邪 袚械褉谐褜芯胁写械薪 :: 360 谐褉邪写褍褋芯胁邪 锌邪薪芯褉邪屑邪">袣邪褉褌懈褔泻邪 蟹邪 袚械褉谐褜芯胁写械薪 :: 360 谐褉邪写褍褋芯胁邪 锌邪薪芯褉邪屑邪 </a> </h2> </div> <!-- Post Body Copy --> <div class="post-bodycopy clearfix"> <p><a title="袣邪褉褌懈褔泻邪 蟹邪 袚械褉谐褜芯胁写械薪" href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="袚械褉谐褜芯胁写械薪" title="袚械褉谐褜芯胁写械薪" width="650" height="190" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-488" /></a><br /> <br /> <iframe src=";layout=standard&amp;show_faces=false&amp;width=450&amp;action=like&amp;colorscheme=light&amp;height=35" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:450px; height:35px;" allowTransparency="true"></iframe><br /> <a href="" target="_blank"> 袧邪褌懈褋薪械褌械 胁褗褉褏褍 褋薪懈屑泻邪褌邪 懈谢懈 褌褍泻, 蟹邪 写邪 胁懈写懈褌械 胁懈褉褌褍邪谢薪邪褌邪 泻邪褉褌懈褔泻邪 蟹邪 袚械褉谐褜芯胁写械薪. </a> </p> <p>袝褌芯 泻邪褉褌懈褔泻邪褌邪 蟹邪 袚械褉谐褜芯胁写械薪 懈 写械薪褟 薪邪 邪褉屑懈褟褌邪. 袩褉懈泻谢褞褔械薪懈械褌芯 芯泻芯谢芯 薪械褟 械 褋胁褗褉蟹邪薪芯 褋 屑邪谢泻芯 锌褉邪褏 蟹邪 锌褉邪薪械&#8230;<br /> 小薪懈屑泻邪褌邪 械 芯褌 锌褉械写懈 2 褋械写屑懈褑懈, 泻芯谐邪褌芯 斜褟褏屑械 写邪 褋薪懈屑邪屑械 袪芯卸械薪褋泻懈褟 屑邪薪邪褋褌懈褉 懈 袦械谢薪懈泻 (褖械 谐懈 胁懈写懈褌械, 泻芯谐邪褌芯 懈屑 写芯泄写械 褉械写邪). 袛芯泻邪褌芯 锌褗褌褍胁邪褏屑械 胁械褔械 蟹薪邪械褏, 褔械 褖械 屑懈 褌褉褟斜胁邪 锌芯写褏芯写褟褖邪 褋薪懈屑泻邪 蟹邪 袚械褉谐褜芯胁写械薪.<br /> 袩褉芯斜谢械屑褗褌 械, 褔械 褔械胁械褉屑械褌邪褌邪 薪邪锌褉懈屑械褉, 褋械 褋谢褍褔胁邪褌 薪邪 褋邪屑懈褟 锌褉邪蟹薪懈泻 懈 薪褟屑邪 泻邪泻 写邪 谐懈 褋薪懈屑邪屑 锌褉械写胁邪褉懈褌械谢薪芯. 袟邪 褌芯胁邪 斜褟褏 褉械褕懈谢 写邪 褋懈 芯褌胁邪褉褟屑 芯褔懈褌械 薪邪 褔械褌懈褉懈 蟹邪 褋褌邪写邪 褋 邪谐薪械褌邪 (懈谢懈 锌芯芯褋褌邪褉械谢懈 褌邪泻懈胁邪) &#8211; 蟹邪 写邪 械 锌芯 褌械屑邪褌邪. 孝芯胁邪 褋褌邪写芯 斜械褕械 胁 锌褉械褏芯写 泻芯谐邪褌芯 谐芯 胁懈写褟褏屑械. 小锌褉褟褏屑械 泻芯谢邪褌邪 <a href="" class="more-link">袩褉芯写褗谢卸邪胁邪 &raquo;</a></p> </div> <div class="post-footer">5 屑邪泄, 2010谐. | 孝邪谐芯胁械: <a href="" rel="tag">谐械褉谐褜芯胁写械薪</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">泻邪褉褌懈褔泻邪</a> | 袣邪褌械谐芯褉懈褟: <a href="">袣邪褉褌懈褔泻懈</a>, <a href="">袨斜褖懈</a>, <a href="">袩褉懈褉芯写邪</a> | <a href="">15 泻芯屑械薪褌邪褉懈</a></div> </div><!-- / Post --> <div class="post"> <!-- Post Headline --> <div class="post-headline"> <h2> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to Easter e-card :: 360 degree panorama">Easter e-card :: 360 degree panorama </a> </h2> </div> <!-- Post Body Copy --> <div class="post-bodycopy clearfix"> <p> <a href="" class="more-link">袩褉芯写褗谢卸邪胁邪 &raquo;</a></p> </div> <div class="post-footer">3 邪锌褉懈谢, 2010谐. | 袣邪褌械谐芯褉懈褟: <a href="">袨斜褖懈</a> | <a href="">7 泻芯屑械薪褌邪褉懈</a></div> </div><!-- / Post --> <div class="post"> <!-- Post Headline --> <div class="post-headline"> <h2> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to 袣邪褉褌懈褔泻邪 蟹邪 袙械谢懈泻写械薪 :: 360 谐褉邪写褍褋芯胁邪 胁懈褉褌褍邪谢薪邪 褉邪蟹褏芯写泻邪">袣邪褉褌懈褔泻邪 蟹邪 袙械谢懈泻写械薪 :: 360 谐褉邪写褍褋芯胁邪 胁懈褉褌褍邪谢薪邪 褉邪蟹褏芯写泻邪 </a> </h2> </div> <!-- Post Body Copy --> <div class="post-bodycopy clearfix"> <p><a title="袣邪褉褌懈褔泻邪 蟹邪 袙械谢懈泻写械薪" href=";to=&amp;message=" target ="_blank"><img src="" alt="泻邪褉褌懈褔泻邪 蟹邪 胁械谢懈泻写械薪" title="泻邪褉褌懈褔泻邪 蟹邪 胁械谢懈泻写械薪" width="650" height="190" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-467" /></a></p> <p> <a href=";to=&amp;message=" target="_blank"> 袧邪褌懈褋薪械褌械 胁褗褉褏褍 褋薪懈屑泻邪褌邪 懈谢懈 褌褍泻, 蟹邪 写邪 胁懈写懈褌械 胁懈褉褌褍邪谢薪邪褌邪 泻邪褉褌懈褔泻邪 蟹邪 袙械谢懈泻写械薪. </a> </p> <p>袝褌芯 懈 泻邪褉褌懈褔泻邪褌邪 蟹邪 袙械谢懈泻写械薪. 袞懈胁懈褟 屑芯写械谢 褋械 泻邪蟹胁邪 袘褗谐懈 懈 锌芯谢褍褔懈 蟹邪锌谢邪褖邪薪械褌芯 褋懈 蟹邪 褎芯褌芯褋械褋懈褟褌邪 胁 屑邪谐写邪薪芯蟹 懈 屑芯褉泻芯胁懈.</p> <p>袗泻芯 泻邪褉褌懈褔泻懈褌械 懈 锌邪薪芯褉邪屑懈褌械 胁懈 褏邪褉械褋胁邪褌 懈 芯褖械 薪械 褋褌械 邪斜芯薪邪褌懈, 屑芯卸械褌械 写邪 褋械 邪斜芯薪懈褉邪褌械 蟹邪 薪芯胁懈褌械 芯褌 谐芯褉械 胁 写褟褋薪芯.</p> <p> <a name="generator"></a><br /> 袠褋泻邪褌械 写邪 薪邪锌褉邪胁懈褌械 褋胁芯褟 泻邪褉褌懈褔泻邪? 小邪屑芯 锌芯锌褗谢薪械褌械 写邪薪薪懈褌械 褌褍泻 懈 薪邪褌懈褋薪械褌械 &#8222;小褗蟹写邪泄 泻邪褉褌懈褔泻邪褌邪&#8220;:<br /> <a href="" class="more-link">袩褉芯写褗谢卸邪胁邪 &raquo;</a></p> </div> <div class="post-footer">3 邪锌褉懈谢, 2010谐. | 袣邪褌械谐芯褉懈褟: <a href="">袨斜褖懈</a> | <a href="">18 泻芯屑械薪褌邪褉懈</a></div> </div><!-- / Post --> <div class="navigation-bottom"> <div class="older"> &nbsp;</div><div class="newer">&nbsp; 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