Terms Buyers V1.1

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10.8655 38.5289 11.3903C38.0407 11.8977 37.7966 12.6237 37.7966 13.5684V21.5197H33.3504V13.5684C33.3504 12.6237 33.0976 11.8977 32.5919 11.3903C32.1037 10.8655 31.4237 10.6031 30.5519 10.6031C29.6801 10.6031 28.9914 10.8655 28.4857 11.3903C27.9975 11.8977 27.7534 12.6237 27.7534 13.5684V21.5197H23.2811V6.87676H27.7534V8.71368C28.2068 8.10137 28.7996 7.62028 29.5319 7.27038C30.2642 6.903 31.0924 6.71931 32.0165 6.71931C33.115 6.71931 34.0914 6.95548 34.9458 7.42784C35.8176 7.90019 36.4976 8.57373 36.9858 9.44845C37.4914 8.6437 38.1801 7.98766 39.0519 7.48032C39.9237 6.97298 40.874 6.71931 41.9027 6.71931Z" fill="currentColor"></path> <path d="M54.9168 8.94986C55.3527 8.26757 55.9542 7.7165 56.7214 7.29663C57.4886 6.87676 58.3865 6.66682 59.4153 6.66682C60.6183 6.66682 61.7081 6.97298 62.6845 7.58529C63.6609 8.1976 64.4281 9.07232 64.986 10.2095C65.5614 11.3466 65.8491 12.6674 65.8491 14.172C65.8491 15.6765 65.5614 17.0061 64.986 18.1607C64.4281 19.2979 63.6609 20.1813 62.6845 20.8112C61.7081 21.4235 60.6183 21.7296 59.4153 21.7296C58.404 21.7296 57.506 21.5197 56.7214 21.0998C55.9542 20.6799 55.3527 20.1376 54.9168 19.4728V28.5H50.4445V6.87676H54.9168V8.94986ZM61.2983 14.172C61.2983 13.0523 60.9845 12.1776 60.3568 11.5478C59.7465 10.9005 58.9881 10.5768 58.0814 10.5768C57.1922 10.5768 56.4337 10.9005 55.806 11.5478C55.1958 12.1951 54.8906 13.0786 54.8906 14.1982C54.8906 15.3179 55.1958 16.2013 55.806 16.8486C56.4337 17.4959 57.1922 17.8196 58.0814 17.8196C58.9706 17.8196 59.7291 17.4959 60.3568 16.8486C60.9845 16.1838 61.2983 15.2916 61.2983 14.172Z" fill="currentColor"></path> <path d="M72.1447 2.10075V21.5197H67.6723V2.10075H72.1447Z" fill="currentColor"></path> <path d="M88.6196 13.962C88.6196 14.3819 88.5935 14.8193 88.5412 15.2741H78.4196C78.4893 16.1838 78.777 16.8836 79.2827 17.3735C79.8057 17.8458 80.4421 18.082 81.1919 18.082C82.3078 18.082 83.0837 17.6097 83.5196 16.6649H88.2796C88.0355 17.6271 87.5909 18.4931 86.9458 19.2629C86.3181 20.0326 85.5247 20.6362 84.5658 21.0736C83.6068 21.5109 82.5345 21.7296 81.3488 21.7296C79.9191 21.7296 78.6462 21.4235 77.5303 20.8112C76.4144 20.1988 75.5426 19.3241 74.9149 18.187C74.2872 17.0498 73.9734 15.7202 73.9734 14.1982C73.9734 12.6762 74.2785 11.3466 74.8888 10.2095C75.5165 9.07232 76.3883 8.1976 77.5042 7.58529C78.6201 6.97298 79.9016 6.66682 81.3488 6.66682C82.7611 6.66682 84.0165 6.96423 85.115 7.55904C86.2134 8.15386 87.0678 9.00234 87.6781 10.1045C88.3058 11.2067 88.6196 12.4925 88.6196 13.962ZM84.0427 12.7812C84.0427 12.0114 83.7811 11.3991 83.2581 10.9442C82.735 10.4894 82.0811 10.2619 81.2965 10.2619C80.5468 10.2619 79.9103 10.4806 79.3873 10.918C78.8816 11.3554 78.5678 11.9764 78.4457 12.7812H84.0427Z" fill="currentColor"></path> <path d="M94.9282 9.31724C95.4513 8.5125 96.1052 7.88269 96.8898 7.42784C97.6744 6.95548 98.5462 6.71931 99.5052 6.71931V11.4691H98.2759C97.16 11.4691 96.3231 11.714 95.7652 12.2038C95.2072 12.6762 94.9282 13.5159 94.9282 14.7231V21.5197H90.4559V6.87676H94.9282V9.31724Z" fill="currentColor"></path> <path d="M103.212 21.7296C102.427 21.7296 101.782 21.5022 101.277 21.0473C100.788 20.575 100.544 19.9977 100.544 19.3154C100.544 18.6156 100.788 18.0295 101.277 17.5572C101.782 17.0848 102.427 16.8486 103.212 16.8486C103.979 16.8486 104.607 17.0848 105.095 17.5572C105.601 18.0295 105.854 18.6156 105.854 19.3154C105.854 19.9977 105.601 20.575 105.095 21.0473C104.607 21.5022 103.979 21.7296 103.212 21.7296Z" fill="currentColor"></path> </svg></div></a><img src="" loading="lazy" data-w-id="86137869-20ee-8acf-ad57-070b83c7d016" custom-nav="close" alt="close" class="navbar_close"></div><div data-hover="true" data-delay="0" data-w-id="86137869-20ee-8acf-ad57-070b83c7d02f" class="navigation-dropdown w-dropdown"><div class="navbar_link dropdown w-dropdown-toggle"><div class="navbar-link_text">Why Simpler?</div><div class="dropdown-icon w-icon-dropdown-toggle"></div><a href="/increase-conversion-rate" 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class="section section-legal"><div class="w-layout-blockcontainer container w-container"><h1 class="h1">Terms &amp; Conditions for Shoppers</h1></div><div class="container is-flex-vertical w-container"><div class="richtext-legals w-richtext"><p><em>Last Revised: October 23, 2024</em></p><p>‍</p><h3><strong>1. General </strong></h3><p>This website and its subdomains (hereinafter referred to as the &quot;Website&quot;) are owned by the company named “SIMPLER GROUP LTD,” located at 128 City Road, London, EC1V 2NX (hereinafter referred to as “Simpler,” “we,” or “us”).</p><p>These Terms and Conditions apply to all Shoppers who choose to use Simpler Checkout to complete their purchases (hereinafter referred to as “Shoppers” or “you”). By using Simpler Services, you agree to be bound by the following:</p><ul role="list"><li>the present terms and conditions (hereinafter “Present Terms”)</li><li>the terms and conditions of our integrated payment service providers (please see below section 2)</li><li> and the terms and conditions of each Seller.</li></ul><p>If you don’t agree with any of these terms, you must refrain from using the Services.</p><p>Simpler reserves the right to amend the Present Terms, in whole or in part, at any time without prior notice. We will post the updated terms on the Website to inform you accordingly. To ensure you are aware of any changes, we will notify you by placing a notice on <a href=""></a> website, sending you an email, and/or using other means of communication. By continuing to use Simpler Services after any amendments, you are deemed to have unconditionally accepted the revised terms.</p><p>‍</p><h3>‍</h3><h3><strong>2. Service </strong></h3><p>Simpler offers a streamlined online shopping experience, allowing you to check out with just one click and without the need for a password. We make the buying experience fast, secure, and straightforward across hundreds of retailers and through various channels. Through a Simpler account, you can manage all your orders from a centralised dashboard. While Simpler is essential for online shoppers, it also serves as a valuable tool for businesses aiming to enhance their sales by providing customers with an exceptional shopping experience, enabling them to check out in seconds from anywhere. For the purpose of the Present Terms, “Service” or “Services” refer to proceeding to purchases via Simpler Checkout as a registered user with Simpler.</p><p>‍</p><p>‍</p><h3><strong>3. Definitions</strong></h3><p>“&#x27;Simpler Checkout” refers to the technical solution for checkout process by Simpler where Shoppers provide their personal data that is necessary for the delivery of products within an e-shop. Simpler Checkout is integrated into the Seller’s online store.</p><p>“Seller” or “Sellers” refers to merchants registered within the Simpler network who offer products for sale and provide Simpler Checkout Services.</p><p>&quot;Shopper&quot; or &quot;Shoppers&quot; refers to you, natural persons, who intend to purchase goods or services through Simpler Checkout. You may also be Users, except when using the Checkout Takeover Service via Guest Checkout.</p><p>“User” or “Users” refers to Shoppers who are also registered with Simpler. </p><p>“Services” refers to using Simpler Checkout as a User.  </p><p>“Checkout Takeover Service” refers to situations where Simpler Checkout is not offered as an additional payment option, but instead becomes the primary checkout method provided by the Seller. In this case, Simpler Checkout replaces the Seller’s own checkout and becomes the main option for completing transactions. This service, referred to as “Checkout Takeover” is not included under the general definition of “Services” for the purposes of the Present Terms.</p><p>‍</p><p>‍</p><h3><strong>4. Using the Service</strong></h3><ol role="list"><li>To access Services, you acknowledge and agree to the following:</li></ol><ul role="list"><li>You shall create a Simpler Account. Upon deletion or suspension of a User&#x27;s Account, Simpler will be unable to provide its services.</li><li>Services are available through designated Sellers.</li><li>You shall confirm that you have read, understood, and accepted the Present Terms, as well as the terms and conditions of the Payment Service Providers and Payment Methods Providers (please see below), as well as each Seller’s Terms and Conditions. Acceptance of all of these Terms and Conditions is a prerequisite for the provision of Simpler Services.</li><li>You shall register essential information, including their contact details, delivery address, and payment methods. We process this data according to our Privacy Policy.</li></ul><ol start="2" role="list"><li>Services are limited to: automatic filling of your personal data during the purchase process, verification of your identity via email or text message, and secure storage of your payment options to streamline your checkout. For the avoidance of doubt, Simpler does not function as a payment provider. To facilitate payment processing and enhance the checkout experience, Simpler partners with the Service Payment Providers. Simpler reserves the right to add or remove payment providers at its discretion and without prior notice.</li></ol><p> </p><p>‍</p><h3><strong>5. Obligations</strong></h3><ol role="list"><li>When using the Services, you authorize Simpler to transfer funds from your account or debit your payment card (as applicable) and deposit them into the Seller’s account. If you complete a purchase with recurring payments, you authorize Simpler to charge the card used for the initial purchase for each recurrence.</li><li>Whenever you complete a purchase, a unique token is created for that transaction. When you pay using your Simpler Account, your payment information is encrypted and securely stored in a token vault designated for transactions. This allows us to charge your credit or debit card, and you agree that we may use this token for future transactions with the same card.</li><li>By choosing to pay with your saved payment information in your Simpler Account, you agree that the Seller may charge you in accordance with your agreement with that Seller for each transaction using the stored payment information. When you complete a transaction using your Simpler Account, you consent to Simpler using the information stored in your Account to initiate the payment process with the Seller and fulfill your order.</li><li>You agree to provide accurate, complete, and updated information about yourself. You may not provide information that you do not have the right to use or use another person’s name with the intent to impersonate that person. You may not transfer your account to anyone else without our prior written permission. Simpler is not liable for any errors resulting from inaccurate information you provide during registration.</li><li>You warrant that you are of legal age to form a binding contract, or, if not, that you have obtained your parents’ or guardian’s permission to use the Services and have ensured that they agree to these terms and conditions on your behalf.</li><li>You will only use the Services for your own internal, personal, non-commercial use, and not on behalf of or for the benefit of any third party, and only in a manner that complies with all applicable laws. If your use of the Services is prohibited by applicable laws, you are not authorized to use the Services. We cannot and will not be responsible for your use of the Services in a manner that violates the law.</li><li> You will not share your account with anyone and are solely responsible for protecting the security of your account details and for any activities associated with your account.</li><li>You agree to notify Simpler immediately of any unauthorized use of your Account, password, or any other breach of security, and ensure that you have logged out of your Account at the end of each session when you do not wish to use Simpler Services further. Simpler will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from your failure to comply with this provision. You will be held liable for any losses incurred by Simpler and/or its Third-Party Sellers due to your failure to comply with this provision.</li><li>You declare that you will not use Simpler Services to post, publish, transmit, or distribute content that may be illegal, threatening, obscene, discriminatory, or infringe on third-party rights. You are solely responsible for any damage caused to Simpler by your misuse or improper use of the Services.</li><li>You are bound by the Terms and Conditions of each Seller regarding the placement of orders, refund and delivery of goods. Simpler is not held liable for any violations of these Terms and Conditions or/and for any potential inconsistency with applicable legal framework.</li></ol><p>‍<br><br></p><h3><strong>6. Simpler Statements</strong></h3><ol role="list"><li>Without prejudice to errors due to force majeure, including technical problems in the system, Simpler states that it makes every possible effort to ensure the validity and accuracy of the information contained in its Services, allowing you to obtain a complete picture of the Services offered by Simpler.</li><li>The information and content of the Services do not constitute encouragement, advice, or a prompt to perform any action; rather, you are invited to evaluate it individually and to act based on your judgment and discretion, excluding any liability of Simpler.</li></ol><p>‍</p><h3><strong>7. Disclaimer</strong></h3><ol role="list"><li>Simpler is not liable for any legal claims or for any direct or indirect damage or expense that may result from operating or not operating, accessing, using, or navigating its website or services, or from downloading material, text, or other data contained therein, including damage caused by viruses, bugs, hardware or software malfunctions, or any other errors.</li><li>Simpler will make every effort to ensure the proper operation of its Services but does not guarantee continuous, error-free service. Simpler shall not be responsible for any service interruptions unless such interruptions are caused by Simpler.</li></ol><p>‍</p><h3>‍</h3><h3><strong>8. Limitations of Liability</strong></h3><ol role="list"><li>Simpler has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the content, accuracy, or practices of third-party websites or third-party content that you interact with through Simpler Services. Your interactions with third-party organisations found on or through the Services are solely between you and those organizations. You agree that Simpler shall not be responsible for any loss or damage incurred as a result of these dealings.</li><li>Simpler is not liable for any failure or delay resulting from any condition beyond its reasonable control, including but not limited to governmental actions, acts of terrorism, natural disasters, or internet outages.</li><li>Simpler is not involved in the purchase and/or delivery process of products purchased through Simpler Checkout and shall not be held liable for any damage to goods, non-delivery, or any other issues arising from such purchases. All transactions are subject to the terms and conditions set forth by the respective Sellers. Simpler assumes no liability for the payment process, which is exclusively handled by the payment providers.</li></ol><p>‍</p><h3><strong>9. Indemnity</strong></h3><p>To the fullest extent allowed by law, you agree to indemnify and hold harmless Simpler, its subsidiaries, officers, agents, employees, and partners from any claims, liabilities, or losses related to your use of the Services or your violation of these terms and conditions.</p><p>‍</p><p>‍</p><h3><strong>10. Assignment</strong></h3><p>You may not assign, delegate, or transfer these terms or your Services account without Simpler&#x27;s prior written consent. We may transfer these terms and conditions without your consent.</p><p>‍</p><h3>‍</h3><h3><strong>11. Change in Our Services</strong></h3><p>We will attempt to notify you of any material changes to the Services that may adversely affect you. Simpler reserves the right to remove any content from the Services at any time for any reason.</p><p>‍</p><p>‍</p><h3><strong>12. Cost of Services</strong></h3><p>Simpler Services are currently free for Shoppers/Users. However, we reserve the right to charge for certain services in the future. We will notify you prior to any services that begin to incur a fee.</p><p>‍</p><h3><strong>‍</strong></h3><h3><strong>13. Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights</strong></h3><p>The intellectual property rights related to Simpler Services are owned by Simpler and its licensors. Any unauthorized use of the content or services is prohibited.</p><p>‍</p><p>‍</p><h3><strong>14. Personal Data Protection</strong></h3><p>Please read carefully our <a href="http://about:blank">Privacy Policy</a>.</p><p>‍</p><p>‍</p><h3><strong>15. Marketing Communication</strong></h3><ol role="list"><li>Users may receive communication via email and/or SMS by Simpler, in accordance with our Privacy Policy and at our sole discretion. You have the right to unsubscribe at any time.</li><li>Sellers from whom you have made a purchase might also conduct marketing campaigns or send communications via email and/or SMS, in accordance with their Privacy Policy, and at their sole discretion and responsibility</li></ol><p>‍</p><h3><strong>16. Reward Programs</strong></h3><p>Please carefully review the Terms and Conditions of our Reward Programs, which are an integral part of the Present Terms:</p><ul role="list"><li><a href="">Simpler Coins</a></li><li><a href="">MasterCard &amp; Simpler</a></li></ul><p>‍</p><h3><strong>17. Using the Checkout Takeover Service</strong></h3><p>Under certain circumstances, Simpler Checkout is available not only to Users but also to individuals who wish to make purchases without registering with Simpler. This option is available only in partnerships where Simpler Checkout serves as the primary checkout method provided by the Seller. In such cases, Shoppers may opt for Guest Checkout without registering with Simpler. The Seller, in this case, determines the content and processing of the checkout data. Simpler will not streamline your future checkout processes by automatically filling your data or recommending business offers unless you explicitly register with Simpler.All relevant clauses of the Present Terms will still apply to the extent that they are applicable.</p><p>‍</p><p>‍</p><h3><strong>18. 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