{"title":"Studying on ARINC653 Partition Run-time Scheduling and Simulation","authors":"Dongliang Wang, Jun Han, Dianfu Ma, Xianqi Zhao","volume":71,"journal":"International Journal of Computer and Systems Engineering","pagesStart":1482,"pagesEnd":1487,"ISSN":"1307-6892","URL":"https:\/\/\/pdf\/12769","abstract":"Avionics software is safe-critical embedded software\r\nand its architecture is evolving from traditional federated architectures\r\nto Integrated Modular Avionics (IMA) to improve resource usability.\r\nARINC 653 (Avionics Application Standard Software Interface) is a\r\nsoftware specification for space and time partitioning in Safety-critical\r\navionics Real-time operating systems. Arinc653 uses two-level\r\nscheduling strategies, but current modeling tools only apply to simple\r\nproblems of Arinc653 two-level scheduling, which only contain time\r\nproperty. In avionics industry, we are always manually allocating\r\ntasks and calculating the timing table of a real-time system to ensure\r\nit-s running as we design. In this paper we represent an automatically\r\ngenerating strategy which applies to the two scheduling problems with\r\ndependent constraints in Arinc653 partition run-time environment. It\r\nprovides the functionality of automatic generation from the task and partition models to scheduling policy through allocating the tasks to the partitions while following the constraints, and then we design a simulating mechanism to check whether our policy is schedulable or\r\nnot ","references":"[1] Jean-Louis Camus, \"The Airbome Software Development Challenge,\"\r\nWhite Paper, ESTEREL TECHNOLOGIES, March 2010.\r\n[2] Sandeep K. Shukla, \"Model-Driven Engineering and Safety-Critical\r\nEmbedded Software,\" Computer, vol. 42, no. 9, pp. 93-95, Sept. 2009,\r\ndoi:10.1109\/MC.2009.294\r\n[3] SAE Aerospace. SAE AS5506: Architecture Analysis and Design\r\nLanguage (AADL), Version 2.0, 2009.\r\n[4] C.B.Watkins and R.Walter, \"Transitioning from federated avionics\r\narchitectures to Integrated Modular Avionics,\" In Proceedings of the\r\nIEEE\/AIAA 26th Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC -07),\r\nOctober 2007.\r\n[5] John Rushby,Partitioning in Avionics Architectures:Requirements,\r\nMechanisms, and Assurance, Langley Research Center Prepared for\r\nLangley Research Center Hampton, Virginia 23681-2199\r\n[6] Airlines electronic engineering committee (AEEC), avionics application\r\nsoftware standard interface - ARINC specification 653 - part 1\r\n(REQUIRED SERVICES), December 2005, ARINC, Inc.\r\n[7] ARINC CHARACTERISTIC 702A-3, December 15, 2006, ARINC, Inc.\r\n[8] F Singhoff, J Legrand, L Nana, L Marce Cheddar : a Flexible Real Time\r\nScheduling Framework in ACM SIGADA 2004 International conference\r\nProceedings (2004)","publisher":"World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology","index":"Open Science Index 71, 2012"}