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class="title">A term茅k adatai:</span></div> <hr> <div style="width: 100%"> <table style="width: 100%"> <tbody> <tr><td style="width: 100%; vertical-align: top"><b>ISBN13:</b></td><td style="vertical-align: top"><span itemprop="isbn">9780321573209</span></td></tr> <tr><td style="width: 100%; vertical-align: top"><b>ISBN10:</b></td><td style="vertical-align: top">032157320X</td></tr> <tr><td style="width: 100%; vertical-align: top"><b>K枚t茅st铆pus:</b></td><td style="vertical-align: top"><link itemprop="bookFormat" href="">Puhak枚t茅s</link></td></tr> <tr><td style="width: 100%; vertical-align: top"><b>Terjedelem:</b></td><td style="vertical-align: top"><span itemprop="numberOfPages">180</span> oldal</td></tr> <tr><td style="width: 100%; vertical-align: top"><b>M茅ret:</b></td><td style="vertical-align: top">203x134x20 mm</td></tr> <tr><td style="width: 100%; vertical-align: top"><b>S煤ly:</b></td><td style="vertical-align: top">340 g</td></tr> <tr><td style="width: 100%; vertical-align: 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<div><b>Kiad谩s sorsz谩ma:</b> <span itemprop="bookEdition">1</span></div> <div><b>Kiad贸:</b> <span itemprop="publisher" itemscope itemtype="">New Riders Publishing</span></div> <div><b>Megjelen茅s d谩tuma:</b> <span itemprop="datePublished" content="2008-09-01">2008. szeptember 1.</span></div> <div><span class="title-bold"> </span></div> <div><span class="title-bold">Norm谩l 谩r:</span></div> <hr> <div><b>Kiad贸i lista谩r:</b> <br> USD 29.99</div> <div itemprop="offers" itemscope itemtype=""> <b>Becs眉lt forint 谩r:</b> <br><span itemprop="price">12 343</span> Ft (11 756 <span itemprop="priceCurrency" content="HUF">Ft</span> + 5% 谩fa) <br> <span class="help description"> <a class="kerdojel" onclick="javascript: return false;" id="why-estimated-pop" href="#" data-toggle="popover" data-html="true" data-content=" <!-- popover content kezdet --> <h3>Mi茅rt becs眉lt az 谩r?</h3> <p>Az 谩r az茅rt becs眉lt, mert a rendel茅s pillanat谩ban nem lehet pontosan tudni, hogy a be茅rkez茅skor milyen lesz a forint 谩rfolyama az adott term茅k eredeti deviz谩j谩hoz k茅pest. 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As it never has before.</b></p><p>Design creates so much of what we see, what we use, and what we experience. In a time of unprecedented environmental, social, and economic crises, designers must now choose what their young profession will be about: deploying weapons of mass deception — or helping repair the world.</p><p><br/></p><p><b><i>Do Good Design </i>is a call to action:</b><br/>This book alerts us to the role design plays in persuading global audiences to fulfill invented needs. The book then outlines a sustainable approach to both the practice and the consumption of design. All professionals will be inspired by the message of how we can feel better and do better while holding onto our principles. <br/></p><p><br/></p><p>In a time when anything has become possible, design thinking offers a way forward for us all.</p><p><b>What will you do?</b></p><br/><b>"...just the right measure of passion and reticence...excellent" </b><br/>Ken Garland<br/>Author, <i>First Things First Manifesto</i><br/><br/><b>"Do Good Design will now proudly be in the library of the Bauhaus." </b><br/>Dr. Walter Prigge <br/>Bauhaus Dessau Foundation<br/><br/><b>ABOUT THE AUTHOR</b><br/>David B. Berman is a strategic consultant with 30 years experience in universal design thinking. He has traveled to over 50 countries, as an expert speaker, high-level advisor to the U.N., Ethics Chair for graphic design in Canada, chair for accessible technology at Carleton University, and a vice president of Icograda, the world body for graphic design. Clients include IBM, the international Space Station, Sierra Club, and Canada's three largest federal government departments.<br/><h3></div> <div classx="floatleft"><b>Hossz煤 le铆r谩s:</b><div> <div itemprop="description"><b>How Design CAN CHANGE the World </b><br/><br/><p>Today, everyone is a designer. <b>And the future of civilization is our common design project.</b></p><p>How does design help choose our leaders?<br/>Why do we <i>really </i>have an environmental crisis?<br/>How can accessible design broaden your audience?<br/>Why does the U.S. economy now struggle to compete?<br/>How has design thinking added to the bottom line of the world’s most valuable companies?</p><p><b><br/></b></p><p><b>Design matters. As it never has before.</b></p><p>Design creates so much of what we see, what we use, and what we experience. In a time of unprecedented environmental, social, and economic crises, designers must now choose what their young profession will be about: deploying weapons of mass deception — or helping repair the world.</p><p><br/></p><p><b><i>Do Good Design </i>is a call to action:</b><br/>This book alerts us to the role design plays in persuading global audiences to fulfill invented needs. The book then outlines a sustainable approach to both the practice and the consumption of design. All professionals will be inspired by the message of how we can feel better and do better while holding onto our principles. <br/></p><p><br/></p><p>In a time when anything has become possible, design thinking offers a way forward for us all.</p><p><b>What will you do?</b></p><br/><BR> <BR>"Do Good Design will now proudly be in the library of the Bauhaus." <br/>--Dr. Walter Prigge <br/>Bauhaus Dessau Foundation<br/><br/>"In Yiddish, a mensch is a person of integrity and honor and it seems David Berman fills the bill. His book is lively and humorous and sly too because while it makes you think and adjust your perspective, it includes the reader on several levels. Changing the world for the good never seemed more appealingly possible."<br/>--Edward Asner<br/>Past President, Screen Actors Guild<br/><br/>"Timely, relevant, and necessary. Well done!"<br/>--Don Ryun Chang<br/>President of Icograda<br/><br/>"I believe that the real value of this book does not reside in the plethora of data and information that it contains but rather in the compelling biographical account of the author’s passionate journey to discover and advocate how design and designers can contribute to doing good in a fragile world."<br/>--Jacques Lange<br/>Former President of Icograda (2005-2007)<br/><br/>"David Berman, in this lively visual narrative, reveals for us the power of design to drive consumption and some of our unbecoming behavior of recent decades. Yet, more importantly, he speaks of the extraordinary potential to design to change the world, leading human behavior toward our aspirational destinies."<br/>--Richard Grefé<br/>Executive director, AIGA | the professional association for design<br/><br/>“...just the right measure of passion and reticence...excellent.”<br/>--Ken Garland<br/>Author, <i>First Things First manifesto</i><br/><br/>"A fine read."<br/>--Steven Rosenberg<br/>Past President, Society of Graphic Designers of Canada<br/><br/>"I think the book is just great!"<br/>--Mervyn Kurlansky<br/>Co-founder, Pentagram UK<br/>Past-President, Icograda<br/><br/>"It should be required reading, not only for all aspiring designers... but even more so for the established stars."<br/>--Pete Kercher<br/>Founder, EIDD - Design For All Europe<br/></div> <div classx="toc floatleft"><b>Tartalomjegyz茅k:</b><div> <div><B>Contents</B><BR><BR>vii Forewords<BR>1 Introduction<BR>4 The Creative Brief: disarming the weapons of mass deception<BR>6 Chapter 1: Start now<BR>20 Chapter 2: Beyond green: a convenient lie<BR>30 Chapter 3: Pop landscape<BR>48 Chapter 4: The weapons: visual lies and manufactured needs<BR>60 Chapter 5: Where the truth lies: the slippery slope<BR>72 Chapter 6: Wine, women, and water<BR>84 Chapter 7: Losing our senses<BR><BR>102 The Design Solution: Convenient Truths<BR>104 Chapter 8: Why our time is the perfect time<BR>120 Chapter 9: How to lie, how to tell the truth<BR>128 Chapter 10: How we do good is how we do good<BR>134 Chapter 11: Professional climate change<BR><BR>146 The Do good Pledge<BR>148 Chapter 12: ?What can one professional do??<BR>159 Appendix A: First Things First manifesto<BR>160 Appendix B: Excerpt from the GDC Code of Ethics<BR>161 Appendix C: Excerpt from AIGA?s Standards of Professional <BR><BR>Practice<BR>162 Appendix D: The road to Norway and China<BR>165 Notes<BR>171 Index<BR>177 Questions for discussion<BR>178 Acknowledgements: a small group of concerned citizens<BR>180 About the author<BR></div> </div> <div id="konyv_ajanlatok" class="konyv_ajanlatok hidden-xs"> </div> <div id="konyv_relevancia_megnezett" class="megnezett_konyvek hidden-xs"> <div class="block ajanlat-slider"> <div class="zoldgomb zold-tartalom-cimke">Mostan谩ban megtekintett</div> <div class="slider block"><!-- Slider kezdet korabbi --> <div><!-- slide start --> <div class="slider-inner"> <a href=""></a> <div class="images"><img src="/ikon2/978/032/157/320/9.jpg" alt="Do Good Design: How Designers Can Change the World" title="Do Good Design: How Designers Can Change the World /></div> <div class="szoveg"> <div class="cim">Do Good Design: How...</div> <div class="szerzo">Berman, David...</div> <div class="ar">12 343 Ft (谩f谩val egy眉tt)</div> </div> </div> </div><!-- slide end / --> </div><!-- Slider vege ajanlat / --> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- main end --> <!-- GENERALT TARTALOM EDDIG /--> </div><!-- Inner vege --> </div><!-- Tartalom vege --> </div><!-- row vege /--> </div><!-- #content vege --> <footer class="footer"> <div id="footer" class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-12 col-md-12 col-lg-12"><!-- lablec kezdet --> <div id="lablec-top" class="clearfix"> <!-- Tanusitvany kezdet --> <div class="row"> <div class="tanusitvany block col-sm-4 col-md-3 col-lg-3"> <!-- BEGIN SECUCERT SEAL BLOCK (CLASSIC for domain ) --> <div class="CON_container_classic"> <div id="con_s_container_84"> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> /* <![CDATA[ */ var _CONNET_ = document.createElement('script'); 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