(IUCr) 1994 Report - Commision on Journals

<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE> (IUCr) 1994 Report - Commision on Journals </TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY background="/iucr-top/logos/iucrbkgd.jpg"><div style="border:2px solid red;color:red;padding:6px">This is an archive copy of the IUCr web site dating from 2008. For current content please visit <a href=""></a>.</div> <A HREF="/iucr-top/welcome.html"> <IMG ALT="[IUCr Home Page]" SRC="/iucr-top/logos/iucrhome.gif"></A> <img alt="[IUCr Commission on Journals" src="/iucr-top/logos/coj.gif"> <P> <HR> <H1>IUCr 1994 Report - Commision on Journals</H1> <P>A number of significant changes were made to the Golden Jubilee volume of<I> Acta Crystallographica</I> (<I>Acta</I>) in 1994. The appointment of separate editors allowed each section to benefit from having the full energies of an editor devoted strictly to the development of the individual section. The journal covers were redesigned in distinctive colors with space allocated for graphics, the contents pages revamped to include a short synopsis of each paper, and a single presentation format was adopted. New <I>Notes for Authors</I> were published that mapped out the criteria for submitting manuscripts for the next decade. Topical Reviews, brief and focused review articles on timely topics, were introduced. These changes were designed to modernize the image of the journal, make it more visible in libraries, and make it easier to locate papers of importance to individual readers. <P> Volume 50 of <I>Acta</I> included 1189 papers with an overall total of 4602 pages. 1556 manuscripts were received by Co-editors during 1994, a 7% increase over 1993. The number of papers submitted to the Managing Editor slightly increased to 1295. Median publication times for Full Articles in <I>Acta A</I> (6.3 months), <I>Acta B</I> (6.5 months), and <I>Acta D</I> (5.2 months) increased slightly, and in <I>Section C</I> the median publication time for Regular Structural Papers increased to 6.5 months. These increases are linked to a high editing backlog during 1993 and early 1994 that has been significantly reduced. <P> New <I>Acta</I> Co-editors appointed during the year were G. Ferguson, J. Harada, T. Janssen, P. G. Jones, L. L. Koh, R. E. Marsh, R. Parthasarathy, J. J. Stezowski, M. R. Taylor and Z. Zhang. M. Hursthouse retired from his Co-editorial duties at the end of the year. <P> A survey of the contents of IUCr Journals is given in <I>Acta Cryst</I>. (1996). A<B>52</B>, 92. <P> [<A HREF="a.htm">Next section</A>] [<A HREF="adbod.htm">Previous section</A>] [<A HREF="index.htm">Index</A>] in IUCr annual report for 1994 <BR> [<A HREF="../rep93/coj.htm">1993</A>] [<A HREF="../rep95/coj.htm">1995</A>] IUCr Commission on Journals report <HR> Updated 14th February 1997 <p><b>Copyright &copy; 1994 International Union of Crystallography</b><p><ADDRESS> <A HREF = "/iucr-top/docs/bm.html">IUCr Webmaster</A> </ADDRESS> </BODY> </HTML>

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