eDesign Interactive | Terms and Conditions
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DEFINITIONS</strong></p> <p>1. „Website“ includes all information, photos, images, and graphic artwork, design, texts and other material resources as well as any other information that may be found on the website, as well as on a subdomain with the same address.</p> <p>2. „Visitor“ is a any person who uses the Internet website and/or the services/information provided therein.</p> <p><strong>II. OBJECT</strong></p> <p>Art. 1. (1) These General Terms and Conditions are meant to regulate the relations between “EDesign Interactive” AD, UIC 204417228, with headquarters and address of management in 29 St. Naum Str., Lozenets district, 1421 Sofia, Bulgaria and the Visitors of the website and/or the services/information provided therein (“EDesign Interactive”).</p> <p>(2) The website is an online platform which provides information about the activity and services of EDesign Interactive, articles and materials protected by copyright as well as links to other sites.</p> <p>(3) By accessing and loading the Website, all Visitors agree to be bound by these Terms and conditions and any amendments hereto and to comply with them.</p> <p><strong>III. DETAILS OF PLATFORM SUPPLIER</strong></p> <p>Art. 2. (1) Information about EDesign Interactive:</p> <p>1. Name: EDesign Interactive AD</p> <p>2. Entry in public registers: UIC 204417228</p> <p>3. Headquarters and address of management in 29 St. Naum Str., Lozenets district, 1421 Sofia, Bulgaria.</p> <p>(2) Commission for Personal Data Protection</p> <p>Address: 2 Prof. Tzvetan Lazarov Str., 1592 Sofia, Bulgaria, tel.: 02/91-53-518, fax: 02/91-53-525, Email:,</p> <p>Website: <a href=""></a></p> <p><strong>IV. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS</strong></p> <p>Art. 3. (1) All publications on the Website, including texts, design, program codes, software, database, photos, images, and graphic artwork and any other information are exclusive intellectual property of EDesign Interactive and are under the protection of the Law on Copyright and Neighbouring Rights and may not be used by any means without the prior written consent of EDesign Interactive.</p> <p>(2) Any unauthorized use of the materials published on the Website without the permission of EDesign Interactive is an infringement of the law for which the infringer shall be liable and take civil, administrative and penal responsibility in accordance with the Bulgarian legislation.</p> <p>Art. 4. (1) The User has no right to copy, preserve, process, publish, distribute in original or transformed form, as well as to use in any other way the texts, images or other parts of the content of the Website.</p> <p>(2) Any references from other websites to the materials of this Website are permissible if made in accordance with the accepted principles of morality and the commercial practice and in case that a referral and its presentation do not give rise to doubts about the authorship of EDesign Interactive of the materials so that visitors are not deceived.</p> <p><strong>V. PROTECTION OF PERSONAL DATA</strong></p> <p>Art. 5. (1) EDesign Interactive shall take measures to protect the personal data of the Visitors in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation and Privacy policy published on the Website.</p> <p>(2) EDesign Interactive does not provide identifying information to third parties and does not require a registration in order for the Visitor to use the Website.</p> <p>(3) Due to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation), coming into force in 25 May 2018, personal data which is processed on the basis of a consent should be processed based on a written and on a case-by-case consent given by the data subject.</p> <p><strong>VI. OBLIGATIONS OF THE VISITORS</strong></p> <p>Art. 6. All Visitors of the platform shall be obliged to:</p> <p>1. comply with the Bulgarian legislation and these Terms and Conditions;</p> <p>2. restrain from any actions that might destroy or harm the platform or other systems (cracks).</p> <p><strong>VII. AMENDMENT OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS</strong></p> <p>Art. 7. (1) These Terms and Conditions can be amended by EDesign Interactive, for which the latter will accordingly notify all Visitors by promptly publishing the amended Terms and Conditions, as well as a notice in connection with the amendment of these Terms and Conditions shall be sent to the them.</p> <p>(2) The amendments of these Terms and Conditions shall have an effect to the Visitor after their publication by EDesign Interactive.</p> <p><strong>VIII. LIABILITY</strong></p> <p>Art. 8. (1) EDesign Interactive shall provide access to the content of the Pages as is and shall not guarantee that the guidelines in the material in the Pages lead to the results aimed by the Visitors.</p> <p>(2) EDesign Interactive shall not be liable for any damages or lost profit due to execution by the Visitors of advices or guidelines containing in the published on the Pages materials.</p> <p>(3) EDesign Interactive shall not be liable for damages caused by the Visitors to third parties resulting from the use of the Pages and the materials contained therein.</p> <p>(4) The Website contains references/links to other websites of third parties and EDesign Interactive is not responsible for the content and consequences of the use of these websites.</p> <p><strong>IX. OTHER PROVISIONS</strong></p> <p>Art. 9. The Visitors of the Pages shall be obliged to comply with the ethic norms and shall not harm the reputation of EDesign Interactive in the course of the use of the Pages and the materials contained therein.</p> <p>Art. 10. For all issues not specified herein related to the implementation and interpretation of these Terms and Conditions, the legislation of the Republic of Bulgaria applies.</p> <p>Art. 11. 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