A133613 - OEIS

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E.g., for n&gt;9, 3^^n == 4195387 (mod 10^7).</div> <div class=sectline>This sequence also gives many final digits of Graham's number ...399618993967905496638003222348723967018485186439059104575627262464195387. - <a href="/wiki/User:Paul_Muljadi">Paul Muljadi</a>, Sep 08 2008 and J. Luis A. Yebra, Dec 22 2008</div> <div class=sectline>Graham's number can be represented as G(64):=3^^3^^...^^3 [see M. Gardner and Wikipedia], in which case its G(63) lowermost digits are guaranteed to match this sequence (i.e., the convergence speed of the base 3 is unitary - see <a href="/A317905" title="Convergence speed of m^^m, where m = A067251(n) and n &gt;= 2. a(n) = f(m, m) - f(m, m - 1), where f(x, y) corresponds to the m...">A317905</a>). To avoid such confusion, it would be best to interpret this sequence as a real-valued constant 0.783591464..., corresponding to 3^^k in the limit of k-&gt;infinity, and call it Graham's constant G(3). Generalizations to G(n) and G(n,base) are obvious. - <a href="/wiki/User:Stanislav_Sykora">Stanislav Sykora</a>, Nov 07 2015</div> <div class=sectline>Let G(64) be Graham's number. Let b and c be two (strictly) positive integers so that the super-logarithm base b of c (i.e., slog_b(c)) is well defined. Then, this sequence gives the slog_3(G(64))-1 final digits of G(64) since the congruence speed of 3 is equal to 0 at height 1 while it is 1 for all the integer hyperexponents above 0 (i.e., 3 is characterized by a constant congruence speed of 1, as proved by Lemma 1 of &quot;On the congruence speed of tetration&quot; and also confirmed by Equation (16) of &quot;Number of stable digits of any integer tetration&quot; - see Links). On the other hand, the difference between the slog_3(G(64))-th rightmost digit of G(64) and a(slog_3(G(64))) is congruent to 6 modulo 10 (since the asymptotic phase shift of 3 is [4,6] - see <a href="/A376842" title="Asymptotic phase shift of the tetration base n written by juxtaposing its representative congruence classes modulo 10 (i.e.,...">A376842</a>). - <a href="/wiki/User:Marco_Ripà">Marco Ripà</a>, Oct 17 2024</div> </div> </div> <div class=section> <div class=sectname>REFERENCES</div> <div class=sectbody> <div class=sectline>M. Gardner, Mathematical Games, Scientific American 237, 18 - 28 (1977).</div> <div class=sectline>M. Ripà, La strana coda della serie n^n^...^n, Trento, UNI Service, Nov 2011, p. 11-12, 69-78. ISBN 978-88-6178-789-6.</div> <div class=sectline>Ilan Vardi, &quot;Computational Recreations in Mathematica,&quot; Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., Redwood City, CA, 1991, pages 226-229.</div> </div> </div> <div class=section> <div class=sectname>LINKS</div> <div class=sectbody> <div class=sectline>Robert G. Wilson v, <a href="/A133613/b133613.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 0..10039</a></div> <div class=sectline>J. Jimenez Urroz and J. Luis A. Yebra, <a href="">On the equation a^x == x (mod b^n)</a>, J. Int. Seq. 12 (2009) #09.8.8.</div> <div class=sectline>Robert P. Munafo, <a href="">Large Numbers</a> [From <a href="/wiki/User:Robert_G._Wilson_v">Robert G. Wilson v</a>, May 07 2010]</div> <div class=sectline>Reddit user atticdoor, <a href="">Spotted an error in the comments of sequence A133613.</a></div> <div class=sectline>Marco Ripà, <a href="">On the constant congruence speed of tetration</a>, Notes on Number Theory and Discrete Mathematics, Volume 26, 2020, Number 3, Pages 245—260.</div> <div class=sectline>Marco Ripà, <a href="">The congruence speed formula</a>, Notes on Number Theory and Discrete Mathematics, 2021, 27(4), 43-61.</div> <div class=sectline>Wikipedia, <a href=";s_number">Graham's number</a></div> </div> </div> <div class=section> <div class=sectname>FORMULA</div> <div class=sectbody> <div class=sectline>a(n) = floor( <a href="/A183613" title="a(n) = 3^^(n+1) modulo 10^n.">A183613</a>(n+1) / 10^n ).</div> </div> </div> <div class=section> <div class=sectname>EXAMPLE</div> <div class=sectbody> <div class=sectline>783591464262726575401950934681584810769327843222300836694509769399816993697535...</div> <div class=sectline>Consider the sequence 3^^n: 1, 3, 27, 7625597484987, ... From 3^^3 = 7625597484987 onwards, all terms end with the digits 87. This follows from Euler's generalization of Fermat's little theorem.</div> </div> </div> <div class=section> <div class=sectname>MATHEMATICA</div> <div class=sectbody> <div class=sectline>(* Import Mmca coding for &quot;SuperPowerMod&quot; and &quot;LogStar&quot; from text file in <a href="/A133612" title="Unique sequence of digits a(0), a(1), a(2), ... such that for all k &gt;= 2, the number A(k) := Sum_{n = 0..k-1} a(n)*10^n sati...">A133612</a> and then *) $RecursionLimit = 2^14; f[n_] := SuperPowerMod[3, n + 1, 10^n]; Reverse@ IntegerDigits@ f@ 105 (* <a href="/wiki/User:Robert_G._Wilson_v">Robert G. Wilson v</a>, Mar 06 2014 *)</div> </div> </div> <div class=section> <div class=sectname>CROSSREFS</div> <div class=sectbody> <div class=sectline>Cf. <a href="/A133612" title="Unique sequence of digits a(0), a(1), a(2), ... such that for all k &gt;= 2, the number A(k) := Sum_{n = 0..k-1} a(n)*10^n sati...">A133612</a>, <a href="/A133614" title="Unique sequence of digits a(0), a(1), a(2), ... such that for all k &gt;= 2, the number A(k) := Sum_{n = 0..k-1} a(n)*10^n sati...">A133614</a>, <a href="/A133615" title="Unique sequence of digits a(0), a(1), a(2), ... such that for all k &gt;= 2, the number A(k) := Sum_{n = 0..k-1} a(n)*10^n sati...">A133615</a>, <a href="/A133616" title="Unique sequence of digits a(0), a(1), a(2), ... such that for all k &gt;= 2, the number A(k) := Sum_{n = 0..k-1} a(n)*10^n sati...">A133616</a>, <a href="/A133617" title="Unique sequence of digits a(0), a(1), a(2), ... such that for all k &gt;= 2, the number A(k) := Sum_{n = 0..k-1} a(n)*10^n sati...">A133617</a>, <a href="/A133618" title="Unique sequence of digits a(0), a(1), a(2), ... such that for all k &gt;= 2, the number A(k) := Sum_{n = 0..k-1} a(n)*10^n sati...">A133618</a>, <a href="/A133619" title="Unique sequence of digits a(0), a(1), a(2), ... such that for all k &gt;= 2, the number A(k) := Sum_{n = 0..k-1} a(n)*10^n sati...">A133619</a>, <a href="/A144539" title="Unique sequence of digits a(0), a(1), a(2), .. such that for all k &gt;= 2, the number A(k) := Sum_{n = 0..k-1 } a(n)*10^n sati...">A144539</a>, <a href="/A144540" title="Unique sequence of digits a(0), a(1), a(2), .. such that for all k &gt;= 2, the number A(k) := Sum_{n = 0..k-1 } a(n)*10^n sati...">A144540</a>, <a href="/A144541" title="Unique sequence of digits a(0), a(1), a(2), .. such that for all k &gt;= 2, the number A(k) := Sum_{n = 0..k-1 } a(n)*10^n sati...">A144541</a>, <a href="/A144542" title="Unique sequence of digits a(0), a(1), a(2), .. such that for all k &gt;= 2, the number A(k) := Sum_{n = 0..k-1 } a(n)*10^n sati...">A144542</a>, <a href="/A144543" title="Unique sequence of digits a(0), a(1), a(2), .. such that for all k &gt;= 2, the number A(k) := Sum_{n = 0..k-1 } a(n)*10^n sati...">A144543</a>, <a href="/A144544" title="Unique sequence of digits a(0), a(1), a(2), .. such that for all k &gt;= 2, the number A(k) := Sum_{n = 0..k-1 } a(n)*10^n sati...">A144544</a>, <a href="/A317905" title="Convergence speed of m^^m, where m = A067251(n) and n &gt;= 2. a(n) = f(m, m) - f(m, m - 1), where f(x, y) corresponds to the m...">A317905</a>, <a href="/A318478" title="Decimal digits such that for all k&gt;=1, the number A(k) := Sum_{n = 0..k-1 } a(n)*10^n satisfies the congruence 1984^A(k) == ...">A318478</a>, <a href="/A373387" title="Constant congruence speed of the tetration base n (in radix-10) and -1 if n is a multiple of 10.">A373387</a>, <a href="/A376842" title="Asymptotic phase shift of the tetration base n written by juxtaposing its representative congruence classes modulo 10 (i.e.,...">A376842</a>.</div> <div class=sectline>Sequence in context: <a href="/A020843" title="Decimal expansion of 1/sqrt(86).">A020843</a> <a href="/A241296" title="Decimal expansion of 7^(7^(7^7)) = 7^^4.">A241296</a> <a href="/A083648" title="Decimal expansion of Sum_{n&gt;=1} -(-1)^n/n^n = Integral_{x=0..1} x^x dx.">A083648</a> * <a href="/A296140" title="Decimal expansion of 1/sqrt(1 + 1/sqrt(2 + 1/sqrt(3 + 1/sqrt(4 + 1/sqrt(5 + ...))))).">A296140</a> <a href="/A194622" title="Decimal expansion of x with 0 &lt; x &lt; y and x^y = y^x = 17.">A194622</a> <a href="/A193010" title="Decimal expansion of the constant term of the reduction of e^x by x^2-&gt;x+1.">A193010</a></div> <div class=sectline>Adjacent sequences: <a href="/A133610" title="Partial sums of pyramidal sequence A053616.">A133610</a> <a href="/A133611" title="A triangular array of numbers related to factorization and number of parts in Murasaki diagrams.">A133611</a> <a href="/A133612" title="Unique sequence of digits a(0), a(1), a(2), ... such that for all k &gt;= 2, the number A(k) := Sum_{n = 0..k-1} a(n)*10^n sati...">A133612</a> * <a href="/A133614" title="Unique sequence of digits a(0), a(1), a(2), ... such that for all k &gt;= 2, the number A(k) := Sum_{n = 0..k-1} a(n)*10^n sati...">A133614</a> <a href="/A133615" title="Unique sequence of digits a(0), a(1), a(2), ... such that for all k &gt;= 2, the number A(k) := Sum_{n = 0..k-1} a(n)*10^n sati...">A133615</a> <a href="/A133616" title="Unique sequence of digits a(0), a(1), a(2), ... such that for all k &gt;= 2, the number A(k) := Sum_{n = 0..k-1} a(n)*10^n sati...">A133616</a></div> </div> </div> <div class=section> <div class=sectname>KEYWORD</div> <div class=sectbody> <div class=sectline><span title="a sequence of nonnegative numbers">nonn</span>,<span title="dependent on base used for sequence">base</span></div> </div> </div> <div class=section> <div class=sectname>AUTHOR</div> <div class=sectbody> <div class=sectline>Daniel Geisler (daniel(AT), Dec 18 2007</div> </div> </div> <div class=section> <div class=sectname>EXTENSIONS</div> <div class=sectbody> <div class=sectline>More terms from J. Luis A. Yebra, Dec 12 2008</div> <div class=sectline>Edited by <a href="/wiki/User:N._J._A._Sloane">N. J. A. Sloane</a>, Dec 22 2008</div> <div class=sectline>More terms from <a href="/wiki/User:Robert_G._Wilson_v">Robert G. Wilson v</a>, May 07 2010</div> </div> </div> <div class=section> <div class=sectname>STATUS</div> <div class=sectbody> <div class=sectline>approved</div> </div> </div> </div> <div class=space10></div> </div> </div></div> <p> <div class=footerpad></div> <div class=footer> <center> <div class=bottom> <div class=linksbar> <a href="/">Lookup</a> <a href="/wiki/Welcome"><font color="red">Welcome</font></a> <a href="/wiki/Main_Page"><font color="red">Wiki</font></a> <a href="/wiki/Special:RequestAccount">Register</a> <a href="/play.html">Music</a> <a href="/plot2.html">Plot 2</a> <a href="/demo1.html">Demos</a> <a href="/wiki/Index_to_OEIS">Index</a> <a href="/webcam">WebCam</a> <a href="/Submit.html">Contribute</a> <a href="/eishelp2.html">Format</a> <a href="/wiki/Style_Sheet">Style Sheet</a> <a href="/transforms.html">Transforms</a> <a href="/ol.html">Superseeker</a> <a href="/recent">Recents</a> </div> <div class=linksbar> <a href="/community.html">The OEIS Community</a> </div> <div class=linksbar> Maintained by <a href="">The OEIS Foundation Inc.</a> </div> <div class=dbinfo>Last modified December 11 23:56 EST 2024. 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