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class="tab_header macro_tab_header clear"> <li class="ui-tabs-selected"><a href="#section_bucket_stories_newsmilitary" title="Military Stories">Stories</a></li> <li><a href="#section_bucket_media_newsmilitary" title="Military Media">Media</a></li> </ul><!-- end .tab_header --> <div id="section_bucket_stories_newsmilitary" class="bucket_primary clear"> <ul class="story_list"> <li> <a href="/web/20130113030406/" title="ARMY ">Coastal Bend Military Notes: 01.12.13 </a> <span class="date">Published 1/12/2013 at 7:30 a.m.</span> <a href="/web/20130113030406/" class="comment_count">0 comments</a> <p>ARMY</p> </li> <li> <a href="/web/20130113030406/" title="Government will pick up the full in-state cost for any honorably discharged service member wishing to attend a public college or university">Vets face confusion using GI Bill at state schools</a> <span class="date">Published 1/6/2013 at 11:00 a.m.</span> <a href="/web/20130113030406/" class="comment_count">1 comment</a> <p>Government will pick up the full in-state cost for any honorably discharged service member wishing to attend a public college or university</p> </li> <li> <a href="/web/20130113030406/" title="CEREMONY ">Coastal Bend Military Notes: 01.06.13 </a> <span class="date">Published 1/5/2013 at 7:30 a.m.</span> <a href="/web/20130113030406/" class="comment_count">0 comments</a> <p>CEREMONY</p> </li> <li> <a href="/web/20130113030406/" title="South Texas business and political leaders continue a fairly quiet but steady campaign to protect area military installations, even as the Pentagon got a temporary reprieve from automatic spending cuts to start the new year. ">Military cuts avoided for now, but South Texas base task force isn't resting </a> <span class="date">Published 1/2/2013 at 5:40 p.m.</span> <a href="/web/20130113030406/" class="comment_count">10 comments</a> <p>South Texas business and political leaders continue a fairly quiet but steady campaign to protect area military installations, even as the Pentagon got a temporary reprieve from automatic spending cuts to start the new year.</p> </li> <li> <a href="/web/20130113030406/" title="AIR FORCE ">Coastal Bend Military Notes: 12.29.12 </a> <span class="date">Published 12/29/2012 at 7:30 a.m.</span> <a href="/web/20130113030406/" class="comment_count">0 comments</a> <p>AIR FORCE</p> </li> <li> <a href="/web/20130113030406/" title="George Flores fought off the pain of frostbite and exhaustion during the Battle of the Bulge. ">World War II veteran's family wins fight for his benefits 70 years later </a> <span class="date">Published 12/25/2012 at 6:00 a.m.</span> <a href="/web/20130113030406/" class="comment_count">5 comments</a> <p>George Flores fought off the pain of frostbite and exhaustion during the Battle of the Bulge.</p> </li> <li> <a href="/web/20130113030406/" title="AIR FORCE ">Coastal Bend Military notes: 12.22.12 </a> <span class="date">Published 12/22/2012 at 7:30 a.m.</span> <a href="/web/20130113030406/" class="comment_count">0 comments</a> <p>AIR FORCE</p> </li> <li> <a href="/web/20130113030406/" title="Veterans buried at the Coastal Bend State Veterans Cemetery were honored with wreaths placed graveside Saturday. ">Wreaths placed at Coastal Bend State Veterans Cemetery graves to honor veterans </a> <span class="date">Published 12/15/2012 at 5:08 p.m.</span> <a href="/web/20130113030406/" class="comment_count">1 comment</a> <p>Veterans buried at the Coastal Bend State Veterans Cemetery were honored with wreaths placed graveside Saturday.</p> </li> <li> <a href="/web/20130113030406/" title="Coastal Bend natives making news in the military ">Coastal Bend Military Notes: 12.15.12 </a> <span class="date">Published 12/15/2012 at 8:00 a.m.</span> <a href="/web/20130113030406/" class="comment_count">0 comments</a> <p>Coastal Bend natives making news in the military</p> </li> <li> <a href="/web/20130113030406/" title="The Navy awarded a five-year, $400 million aircraft maintenance contract that includes work at Naval Air Station Corpus Christi to BAE Systems, the company announced Thursday. ">NAS-Corpus Christi aircraft service contract changes hands </a> <span class="date">Updated 12/13/2012 at 1:13 p.m.</span> <a href="/web/20130113030406/" class="comment_count">4 comments</a> <p>The Navy awarded a five-year, $400 million aircraft maintenance contract that includes work at Naval Air Station Corpus Christi to BAE Systems, the company announced Thursday.</p> </li> <li> <a href="/web/20130113030406/" title="Coastal Bend natives making news in the military">Coastal Bend Military Notes: 12.08.12 </a> <span class="date">Published 12/8/2012 at 7:30 a.m.</span> <a href="/web/20130113030406/" class="comment_count">0 comments</a> <p>Coastal Bend natives making news in the military</p> </li> <li> <a href="/web/20130113030406/" title="A ceremony to remember those who died at Pearl Harbor and honor survivors took place on the Lexington Museum on the Bay on Friday, which marked the 71st anniversary of the bombing in Hawaii on Dec. 7, 1941. ">Lexington Museum on the Bay commemorates Pearl Harbor Day </a> <span class="date">Published 12/7/2012 at 6:59 p.m.</span> <a href="/web/20130113030406/" class="comment_count">1 comment</a> <p>A ceremony to remember those who died at Pearl Harbor and honor survivors took place on the Lexington Museum on the Bay on Friday, which marked the 71st anniversary of the bombing in Hawaii on Dec. 7, 1941.</p> </li> <li> <a href="/web/20130113030406/" title="Ceremonies get under way with a moment of silence at 7:55 a.m., the exact time the bombing began in 1941">Pearl Harbor dead remembered on 71st anniversary</a> <span class="date">Updated 12/7/2012 at 3:10 p.m.</span> <a href="/web/20130113030406/" class="comment_count">1 comment</a> <p>Ceremonies get under way with a moment of silence at 7:55 a.m., the exact time the bombing began in 1941</p> </li> <li> <a href="/web/20130113030406/" title="AIR FORCE ">Coastal Bend Military Notes: 12.01.12 </a> <span class="date">Published 12/1/2012 at 7:30 a.m.</span> <a href="/web/20130113030406/" class="comment_count">0 comments</a> <p>AIR FORCE</p> </li> <li> <a href="/web/20130113030406/" title="Laying of the Wreaths Ceremony will be at 11 a.m. Dec. 15 ">Donations accepted for laying of Coastal Bend State Veterans Cemetery's wreath event </a> <span class="date">Published 11/27/2012 at 10:00 a.m.</span> <a href="/web/20130113030406/" class="comment_count">0 comments</a> <p>Laying of the Wreaths Ceremony will be at 11 a.m. Dec. 15</p> </li> </ul><!-- end .story_list --> <ul class="time_paginated_arrows time_paginated_arrows_reverse clear"> <li class="time_paginated_prev">Newer Stories</li> <li class="time_paginated_next"><a href="?page=2">Older Stories</a></li> </ul> </div><!-- end #section_bucket_stories_newsmilitary --> <div id="section_bucket_media_newsmilitary" class="bucket_primary clear preventFOUC"> <div class="section_bucket_media_primary"> <h4>Photo Galleries</h4> <ul class="media_list clear"> <li class="newline"> <a 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