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data-line-number="4"></span></td> <td rel="L4" class="lines-code chroma"><code class="code-inner">look for the file /robots.txt. If this file is found and has lines that apply </code></td> </tr> <tr> <td id="L5" class="lines-num"><span id="L5" data-line-number="5"></span></td> <td rel="L5" class="lines-code chroma"><code class="code-inner">to them they will do as instructed. A very basic robots.txt follow as an </code></td> </tr> <tr> <td id="L6" class="lines-num"><span id="L6" data-line-number="6"></span></td> <td rel="L6" class="lines-code chroma"><code class="code-inner">example: </code></td> </tr> <tr> <td id="L7" class="lines-num"><span id="L7" data-line-number="7"></span></td> <td rel="L7" class="lines-code chroma"><code class="code-inner"> </code></td> </tr> <tr> <td id="L8" class="lines-num"><span id="L8" data-line-number="8"></span></td> <td rel="L8" class="lines-code chroma"><code class="code-inner">------------------------------------------- </code></td> </tr> <tr> <td id="L9" class="lines-num"><span id="L9" data-line-number="9"></span></td> <td rel="L9" class="lines-code chroma"><code class="code-inner"># go away </code></td> </tr> <tr> <td id="L10" class="lines-num"><span id="L10" data-line-number="10"></span></td> <td rel="L10" class="lines-code chroma"><code class="code-inner">User-agent: * </code></td> </tr> <tr> <td id="L11" class="lines-num"><span id="L11" data-line-number="11"></span></td> <td rel="L11" class="lines-code chroma"><code class="code-inner">Disallow: / </code></td> </tr> <tr> <td id="L12" class="lines-num"><span id="L12" data-line-number="12"></span></td> <td rel="L12" class="lines-code chroma"><code class="code-inner">------------------------------------------- </code></td> </tr> <tr> <td id="L13" class="lines-num"><span id="L13" data-line-number="13"></span></td> <td rel="L13" class="lines-code chroma"><code class="code-inner"> </code></td> </tr> <tr> <td id="L14" class="lines-num"><span id="L14" data-line-number="14"></span></td> <td rel="L14" class="lines-code chroma"><code class="code-inner">This tells every search engine that cares (User-agent: *) to not index the site </code></td> </tr> <tr> <td id="L15" class="lines-num"><span id="L15" data-line-number="15"></span></td> <td rel="L15" class="lines-code chroma"><code class="code-inner">(Disallow everything past /). </code></td> </tr> <tr> <td id="L16" class="lines-num"><span id="L16" data-line-number="16"></span></td> <td rel="L16" class="lines-code chroma"><code class="code-inner"> </code></td> </tr> <tr> <td id="L17" class="lines-num"><span id="L17" data-line-number="17"></span></td> <td rel="L17" class="lines-code chroma"><code class="code-inner">Another slightly more intelligent robots.txt file example allows for some bot indexing (good for your site in google, etc), but also stops your Koha from getting thrashing by ignoring URLs that cause heavy search load </code></td> </tr> <tr> <td id="L18" class="lines-num"><span id="L18" data-line-number="18"></span></td> <td rel="L18" class="lines-code chroma"><code class="code-inner"> </code></td> </tr> <tr> <td id="L19" class="lines-num"><span id="L19" data-line-number="19"></span></td> <td rel="L19" class="lines-code chroma"><code class="code-inner">------------------------------------------- </code></td> </tr> <tr> <td id="L20" class="lines-num"><span id="L20" data-line-number="20"></span></td> <td rel="L20" class="lines-code chroma"><code class="code-inner"># do some indexing, but dont index search URLs </code></td> </tr> <tr> <td id="L21" class="lines-num"><span id="L21" data-line-number="21"></span></td> <td rel="L21" class="lines-code chroma"><code class="code-inner">User-agent: * </code></td> </tr> <tr> <td id="L22" class="lines-num"><span id="L22" data-line-number="22"></span></td> <td rel="L22" class="lines-code chroma"><code class="code-inner">Disallow: /cgi-bin/koha/ </code></td> </tr> <tr> <td id="L23" class="lines-num"><span id="L23" data-line-number="23"></span></td> <td rel="L23" class="lines-code chroma"><code class="code-inner">------------------------------------------- </code></td> </tr> <tr> <td id="L24" class="lines-num"><span id="L24" data-line-number="24"></span></td> <td rel="L24" class="lines-code chroma"><code class="code-inner"> </code></td> </tr> <tr> <td id="L25" class="lines-num"><span id="L25" data-line-number="25"></span></td> <td rel="L25" class="lines-code chroma"><code class="code-inner">If you have installed Koha to /usr/local/koha3 then this file would be placed </code></td> </tr> <tr> <td id="L26" class="lines-num"><span id="L26" data-line-number="26"></span></td> <td rel="L26" class="lines-code chroma"><code class="code-inner">in the directory /usr/local/koha3/opac/htdocs/. This should prevent search </code></td> </tr> <tr> <td id="L27" class="lines-num"><span id="L27" data-line-number="27"></span></td> <td rel="L27" class="lines-code chroma"><code class="code-inner">engines from browsing every biblio record, and every view of each record, on </code></td> </tr> <tr> <td id="L28" class="lines-num"><span id="L28" data-line-number="28"></span></td> <td rel="L28" class="lines-code chroma"><code class="code-inner">your Koha install periodically. </code></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <div class="code-line-menu tippy-target"> <a class="item view_git_blame" role="menuitem" href="/Koha-community/Koha/blame/commit/03538b59aaa897375e1839e4260ffadac03890ab/README.robots">View git blame</a> <a class="item copy-line-permalink" role="menuitem" data-url="/Koha-community/Koha/src/commit/03538b59aaa897375e1839e4260ffadac03890ab/README.robots">Copy permalink</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <footer class="page-footer" role="group" aria-label="Footer"> <div class="left-links" role="contentinfo" aria-label="About this software"> <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="">Powered by Forgejo</a> Version: 8.0.2&#43;gitea-1.22.0 Page: <strong>47ms</strong> Template: <strong>3ms</strong> </div> <div class="right-links" role="group" aria-label="Links"> <div class="ui dropdown upward language"> <span class="flex-text-inline"><svg viewBox="0 0 16 16" class="svg octicon-globe" aria-hidden="true" width="14" height="14"><path d="M8 0a8 8 0 1 1 0 16A8 8 0 0 1 8 0M5.78 8.75a9.64 9.64 0 0 0 1.363 4.177q.383.64.857 1.215c.245-.296.551-.705.857-1.215A9.64 9.64 0 0 0 10.22 8.75Zm4.44-1.5a9.64 9.64 0 0 0-1.363-4.177c-.307-.51-.612-.919-.857-1.215a10 10 0 0 0-.857 1.215A9.64 9.64 0 0 0 5.78 7.25Zm-5.944 1.5H1.543a6.51 6.51 0 0 0 4.666 5.5q-.184-.271-.352-.552c-.715-1.192-1.437-2.874-1.581-4.948m-2.733-1.5h2.733c.144-2.074.866-3.756 1.58-4.948q.18-.295.353-.552a6.51 6.51 0 0 0-4.666 5.5m10.181 1.5c-.144 2.074-.866 3.756-1.58 4.948q-.18.296-.353.552a6.51 6.51 0 0 0 4.666-5.5Zm2.733-1.5a6.51 6.51 0 0 0-4.666-5.5q.184.272.353.552c.714 1.192 1.436 2.874 1.58 4.948Z"/></svg> English</span> <div class="menu language-menu"> <a lang="id-ID" data-url="/?lang=id-ID" class="item ">Bahasa Indonesia</a> <a lang="de-DE" data-url="/?lang=de-DE" class="item ">Deutsch</a> <a lang="en-US" data-url="/?lang=en-US" class="item active selected">English</a> <a lang="es-ES" data-url="/?lang=es-ES" class="item ">Español</a> <a lang="eo" data-url="/?lang=eo" class="item ">Esperanto</a> <a lang="fil" data-url="/?lang=fil" class="item ">Filipino</a> <a lang="fr-FR" data-url="/?lang=fr-FR" class="item ">Français</a> <a lang="it-IT" data-url="/?lang=it-IT" class="item ">Italiano</a> <a lang="lv-LV" data-url="/?lang=lv-LV" class="item ">Latviešu</a> <a lang="hu-HU" data-url="/?lang=hu-HU" class="item ">Magyar nyelv</a> <a lang="nl-NL" data-url="/?lang=nl-NL" class="item ">Nederlands</a> <a lang="pl-PL" data-url="/?lang=pl-PL" class="item ">Polski</a> <a lang="pt-PT" data-url="/?lang=pt-PT" class="item ">Português de Portugal</a> <a lang="pt-BR" data-url="/?lang=pt-BR" class="item ">Português do Brasil</a> <a lang="sl" data-url="/?lang=sl" class="item ">Slovenščina</a> <a lang="fi-FI" data-url="/?lang=fi-FI" class="item ">Suomi</a> <a lang="sv-SE" data-url="/?lang=sv-SE" class="item ">Svenska</a> <a lang="tr-TR" data-url="/?lang=tr-TR" class="item ">Türkçe</a> <a lang="cs-CZ" data-url="/?lang=cs-CZ" class="item ">Čeština</a> <a lang="el-GR" data-url="/?lang=el-GR" class="item ">Ελληνικά</a> <a lang="bg" data-url="/?lang=bg" class="item ">Български</a> <a lang="ru-RU" data-url="/?lang=ru-RU" class="item ">Русский</a> <a lang="uk-UA" data-url="/?lang=uk-UA" class="item ">Українська</a> <a lang="fa-IR" data-url="/?lang=fa-IR" class="item ">فارسی</a> <a lang="ja-JP" data-url="/?lang=ja-JP" class="item ">日本語</a> <a lang="zh-CN" data-url="/?lang=zh-CN" class="item ">简体中文</a> <a lang="zh-TW" data-url="/?lang=zh-TW" class="item ">繁體中文(台灣)</a> <a lang="zh-HK" data-url="/?lang=zh-HK" class="item ">繁體中文(香港)</a> <a lang="ko-KR" data-url="/?lang=ko-KR" class="item ">한국어</a> </div> </div> <a href="/assets/licenses.txt">Licenses</a> <a href="/api/swagger">API</a> </div> </footer> <script src="/assets/js/index.js?v=8.0.2~gitea-1.22.0" onerror="alert('Failed to load asset files from ' + this.src + '. 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