Looker Studio release notes | Google Cloud
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Check this page for announcements about new or updated features, bug fixes, known issues, and deprecated functionality regarding Looker Studio. You may also be interested in the <a href="/looker/docs/release-notes">Looker release notes</a>.</p> <p>For releases earlier than May 2023, visit the <a href="">historical release notes</a> page. </section> <section> <p> You can see the latest product updates for all of Google Cloud on the <a href="/release-notes" track-type="releaseNotes" track-name="releaseNotesIndex"> Google Cloud</a> page, browse and filter all release notes in the <a href="" target="console" class="external" track-type="releaseNotes" track-name="consoleLink">Google Cloud console</a>, or programmatically access release notes in <a class="external" href="" track-type="releaseNotes" track-name="bigqueryDataset">BigQuery</a>. </p> </section> <section class="xml"> <p> To get the latest product updates delivered to you, add the URL of this page to your <a href="" class="external">feed reader</a>, or add the <a href="">feed URL</a> directly. </p> </section> <section class="releases"> <section class="releases"> <h2 id="February_13_2025" data-text="February 13, 2025" tabindex="-1">February 13, 2025</h2> <div id="03c1d16e" class="release-feature"> <p><strong>Sort by multiple columns</strong></p> <p>Viewers can now sort table charts by multiple columns by clicking multiple column headers while holding the Shift key.</p> <p><a href="">Learn more about table charts.</a></p> </div> <h2 id="February_06_2025" data-text="February 06, 2025" tabindex="-1">February 06, 2025</h2> <div id="c538ecd5" class="release-announcement"> <p><strong>Looker Studio documentation has a new home</strong></p> <p>Looker Studio documentation has moved from Help Center to Google Cloud. <a href="">Visit the new documentation site to learn more about the move.</a></p> </div> <div id="e2f6329a" class="release-feature"> <p><strong>Modern charts in public preview</strong></p> <p>The new <strong>Modern charts</strong> public preview offers new chart styling, new default chart configuration options, and new chart settings that give report creators greater control over how data is curated and presented to users.</p> <p><a href="">Learn more about Modern charts.</a></p> </div> <div id="81c08363" class="release-announcement"> <p><strong>Partner connection launch update</strong> </p> <p>The following partner connectors have been added to the <a href="">Looker Studio Connector Gallery</a>:</p> <ul> <li><a href="">Refinaria by Totvs</a> by TOTVS S.A.</li> <li><a href="">Prestashop Connector</a> by SOLEDIS</li> <li><a href="">Magento</a> by Catchr</li> <li><a href="">TikTok Ads CMMNDR Private</a> by Kondiment Worldwide SRL</li> <li><a href="">GA CMMNDR Private</a> by Kondiment Worldwide SRL</li> <li><a href="">IG Insights CMMNDR Private</a> by Kondiment Worldwide SRL</li> <li><a href="">FB Insights CMMNDR Private</a> by Kondiment Worldwide SRL</li> <li><a href="">Google Ads CMMNDR Private</a> by Kondiment Worldwide SRL</li> <li><a href="">FB Ads CMMNDR Private</a> by Kondiment Worldwide SRL</li> <li><a href="">TT Organic CMMNDR Private</a> by Kondiment Worldwide SRL</li> <li><a href="">Piano Analytics</a> by Piano</li> <li><a href="">BigCommerce</a> by Catchr</li> <li><a href="">Snapchat Ads</a> by Reporting Ninja</li> <li><a href="">Gravity Forms</a> by</li> <li><a href="">LinkedIn Company Pages</a> by Adzviser</li> <li><a href="">LogicGate Risk Cloud®</a> by LogicGate</li> </ul> </div> <h2 id="January_23_2025" data-text="January 23, 2025" tabindex="-1">January 23, 2025</h2> <div id="034c4bd1" class="release-announcement"> <p><strong>Correction</strong></p> <p>The <strong>Modern charts in preview</strong> feature description was removed from release notes on January 29, 2025.</p> </div> <div id="d7dda8d5" class="release-feature"> <p><strong>Pivot sort by any</strong></p> <p>Users can <a href="">sort a pivot table</a> by any metric or calculated field in a data source.</p> </div> <div id="acf0dae8" class="release-changed"> <p><strong>Is Any</strong> filter condition option for Looker data sources</p> <p>Previously, when the value of some filter parameters was left blank in a Looker data source's underlying LookML, Looker Studio would interpret the blank value incorrectly. With the addition of the <strong>Is Any</strong> filter condition option, Looker Studio treats blank LookML filter values as expected by assigning those filters a default condition that allows any value.</p> <p><a href="">Learn more about how Looker Studio interprets LookML filters.</a></p> </div> <h2 id="January_09_2025" data-text="January 09, 2025" tabindex="-1">January 09, 2025</h2> <div id="71b5be40" class="release-feature"> <p><strong>Increased field count limits for Looker</strong> </p> <p>You can now include up to 100 dimensions and up to 100 metrics in table charts that are <a href="">connected to a Looker data source</a>. </p> </div> <div id="286961fa" class="release-feature"> <p><strong>Warnings for external links</strong></p> <p>When users click an external link, Looker Studio displays a redirect notice. </p> </div> <h2 id="December_19_2024" data-text="December 19, 2024" tabindex="-1">December 19, 2024</h2> <div id="900f4e69" class="release-announcement"> <p><strong>Partner connection launch update</strong> </p> <p>The following partner connectors have been added to the <a href="">Looker Studio Connector Gallery</a>:</p> <ul> <li><a href="">TikTok Organic</a> by</li> <li><a href="">Google Ads -</a> by</li> <li><a href="">Klaviyo</a> by Adzviser</li> <li><a href="">Google Merchant Center</a> by Adzviser</li> <li><a href="">Google My Business</a> by Adzviser</li> <li><a href="">Mailchimp</a> by Adzviser</li> <li><a href="">WooCommerce</a> by Adzviser</li> <li><a href="">Shopify</a> by Adzviser</li> <li><a href="">Microsoft Ads</a> by Adzviser</li> <li><a href="">Awin</a> by</li> <li><a href="">Strava</a> by</li> <li><a href="">Harvest</a> by</li> <li><a href="">CoinGecko Coins</a> by</li> <li><a href="">Whatagraph</a> by</li> <li><a href=""></a> by</li> <li><a href="">Line Ads</a> by</li> <li><a href="">BigCommerce</a> by</li> <li><a href="">Zoho CRM (ZOHO)</a> by</li> <li><a href="">Omnisend</a> by</li> <li><a href="">Prestashop</a> by</li> </ul> </div> <h2 id="December_17_2024" data-text="December 17, 2024" tabindex="-1">December 17, 2024</h2> <div id="b478552e" class="release-feature"> <p><strong>Preview your data</strong></p> <p>The data source editor displays a <a href="">preview of the data</a> in your fields. This feature is available for the following data sources:</p> <ul> <li><a href="">Google BigQuery</a></li> <li><a href="">Google Sheets</a></li> <li><a href="">Looker</a></li> <li><a href="">Microsoft Excel</a></li> <li><a href="">CSV upload</a></li> </ul> </div> <div id="15beeab4" class="release-feature"> <p><strong>Gemini in Looker enhancements</strong></p> <p>When <a href="">creating a calculated field with Gemini assistance</a>, Looker Studio now suggests sample prompts to help you get started. </p> </div> <div id="ecb6470b" class="release-feature"> <p><strong>Warnings for external links</strong></p> <p>When users click an external link, Looker Studio displays a redirect notice.</p> <aside class="note"><strong>Note:</strong><span> This feature is being released gradually. You might not see it right away.</span></aside> </div> <div id="0fc786ec" class="release-feature"> <p><strong>Proportional heights for inverted triangle funnels</strong> </p> <p>You can now use the <a href=""><strong>Use proportional heights</strong></a> setting to display the value of categories in a funnel chart by varying the height of each bar when you select the <strong>inverted triangle funnel</strong> style option. Larger values have taller bars while smaller values have shorter bars.</p> </div> <div id="adec200f" class="release-feature"> <p><strong>Improved hide/remove data source fields</strong></p> <p>We've improved the functionality of hiding and removing fields from a data source:</p> <ul> <li>You can remove any field from a data source. (Previously, you could only remove calculated fields.)</li> <li>Hiding or removing a field from a data source prevents report viewers from accessing metadata about that field. Field metadata includes information such as the field name and type of connector that is used to access that field.</li> </ul> <p>These improvements help you control access to your organization's sensitive information while still promoting data democratization.</p> <p><a href="">Learn more about data governance in Looker Studio.</a></p> </div> <div id="ff2ca8e4" class="release-feature"> <p><strong>Dimensions in scorecard charts</strong> </p> <p>You can now choose whether to display a dimension or a metric as the <a href="">primary field in a scorecard chart</a>. When a dimension is selected as the primary field, you can also select a different field for sorting the dimension values. </p> </div> <h2 id="December_12_2024" data-text="December 12, 2024" tabindex="-1">December 12, 2024</h2> <div id="2d2fd979" class="release-breaking"> <p><strong>Updated Admin Console setting</strong></p> <p>The <strong>Let editors set owner's credentials for data source access</strong> setting has been renamed to <strong>Allow users in this org to be the credential owner for any data source</strong>. This setting now exhibits the following changes in behavior, which may be breaking for some users:</p> <ul> <li>If a Looker Studio administrator turns off this setting, any existing data sources that have a data source owner within the organization and that were configured to use <strong>Owner's Credentials</strong> must use <strong>Viewer's Credentials</strong>. Users who don't have access to a data source's underlying data may lose access to any Looker Studio content that is based on that data source. Re-enabling this setting restores the original <strong>Owner's Credentials</strong> to those data sources.</li> </ul> <p><a href="">Learn more about this setting.</a></p> </div> <div id="a3dbcf9e" class="release-feature"> <p><strong>New condition option for filters on date or time data type dimensions</strong></p> <p>Report editors can now specify a value and a unit of time for the following filter conditions with <a href="">date or time data type</a> dimensions:</p> <ul> <li>Is in the Last</li> <li>Is Before</li> <li>Is On or After</li> <li>Is Previous</li> <li>Is This</li> <li>Is Next</li> <li>Is in the Month</li> <li>Is in the Year</li> </ul> <p><a href="">Learn more about filter conditions.</a></p> </div> <div id="c2902a5d" class="release-feature"> <p><strong>Looker connector filter enhancements</strong></p> <p>Looker data sources now support a <strong>Matches (advanced)</strong> filter option with <a href="">date or time data type</a> dimensions.</p> <p><a href="">Learn more about the Looker connector.</a></p> </div> <div id="6313afa6" class="release-changed"> <p><strong>Changes to New Search Ads 360 connector field names</strong></p> <p>These New Search Ads 360 connector fields were renamed to resolve a naming conflict:</p> <ul> <li>The field previously named <strong>Conv. value</strong> is now named <strong>Client account conv. value</strong>.</li> <li>The field previously named <strong>Conv. value / click</strong> is now named <strong>Client account conv. value / click</strong>.</li> </ul> <p>The original <strong>Conv. value</strong> field remains unchanged and continues to be the correct field name.</p> </div> <div id="a5128aa4" class="release-announcement"> <p><strong>Partner connection launch update</strong> </p> <p>The following partner connectors have been added to the <a href="">Looker Studio Connector Gallery</a>:</p> <ul> <li><a href=""> náklady</a> by METRIXANA</li> <li><a href=""> Sortiment report</a> by METRIXANA</li> <li><a href="">Shoptet produkty</a> by METRIXANA</li> <li><a href="">Shoptet objednávky</a> by METRIXANA</li> <li><a href="">BigQuery</a> by</li> <li><a href="">LinkedIn Page Analytics</a> by Doodlytics</li> <li><a href="">Vibe</a> by</li> <li><a href="">Partnerize</a> by</li> <li><a href="">Adtraction</a> by</li> <li><a href="">MNTN</a> by</li> <li><a href="">Income Access</a> by</li> <li><a href="">Square</a> by</li> <li><a href="">Calendly</a> by The Data Students</li> <li><a href="">Cin7 Core</a> by Jivrus Technologies</li> <li><a href="">Pipedrive</a> by Supermetrics</li> <li><a href="">TrueClicks PPC Audit</a> by TrueClicks</li> <li><a href="">J+Search - Analytics</a> by Jellyfish</li> <li><a href="">Mixpanel</a> by</li> <li><a href="">ShareASale</a> by</li> <li><a href=""></a> by</li> <li><a href="">Marcode</a> by Marcode</li> <li><a href="">Search Ads 360</a> by Supermetrics</li> <li><a href="">WorkMeter</a> by WorkMeter, S.L.</li> <li><a href=""> náklady</a> by METRIXANA</li> <li><a href="">LinkedIn Ads Analytics</a> by Doodlytics</li> <li><a href="">Pinterest Ads</a> by Detrics</li> <li><a href="">Recharge</a> by</li> </ul> </div> <h2 id="December_05_2024" data-text="December 05, 2024" tabindex="-1">December 05, 2024</h2> <div id="085bb66f" class="release-announcement"> <p><strong>Looker Studio Labs</strong></p> <p>Learn the fundamentals of Looker Studio and Looker Studio Pro by using these Cloud Skills Boost Labs: </p> <ul> <li><a href="">Create a report in Looker Studio</a></li> <li><a href="">Looker Studio Pro Essentials</a></li> </ul> </div> <div id="321ba412" class="release-announcement"> <p><strong>New Conversational Analytics guide</strong></p> <p>A new educational resource is available in Looker Studio to guide you through how to use <a href="">Conversational Analytics</a>, a <a href="">Gemini in Looker</a> feature.</p> <p>Select <strong>Create</strong> > <strong>Conversation</strong> to get started.</p> </div> <div id="78429da9" class="release-feature"> <p><strong>Autogenerated titles for charts</strong></p> <p>When you enable the <strong>Show title</strong> option for a chart, Looker Studio <a href="">automatically generates a chart title</a> by default. The title is based on both the chart type and the fields that are used. You can add a custom title to a chart by entering it into the <strong>Title</strong> field.</p> </div> <div id="bac31f77" class="release-feature"> <p><strong>More data from New Search Ads 360</strong></p> <p>You can visualize the following fields using the <a href="">New Search Ads 360 connector</a>:</p> <ul> <li>Conversions (by conv. time)</li> <li>All conv. rate</li> <li>Cost / client account conv.</li> <li>Google Ads Auction-time bidding</li> <li>Currency code</li> </ul> </div> <h2 id="November_21_2024" data-text="November 21, 2024" tabindex="-1">November 21, 2024</h2> <div id="f848c3c6" class="release-feature"> <p><strong>Let report viewers see all filters</strong></p> <p>Report editors can <a href="">let report viewers see all of the filters applied to a report</a>, including filters that viewers can't edit.</p> </div> <div id="a8a86f24" class="release-feature"> <p><strong>Filter value suggestions</strong></p> <p>When defining filters on charts, pages, or reports that use <strong>Equal to (=)</strong> or <strong>In</strong> conditions, report editors can select from a list of possible filter values that are provided from the underlying data. Filter suggestions are supported for all data connectors and can be disabled during filter creation.</p> <p><a href="">Learn more about filter properties.</a></p> </div> <div id="b8b8b707" class="release-feature"> <p><strong>Looker connector filter enhancements</strong></p> <p>The following features are now available for use with the <a href="">Looker connector</a>: </p> <ul> <li>Filter-only fields can be set as a report control and a quick filter.</li> <li>Looker Studio displays suggestions for filter values based on the data source's LookML <a href=""><code translate="no" dir="ltr">suggest_dimension</code></a> and <a href=""><code translate="no" dir="ltr">suggest_explore</code></a> definitions when <strong>Equal to (=)</strong> and <strong>In</strong> conditions are used. </li> </ul> </div> <h2 id="October_31_2024" data-text="October 31, 2024" tabindex="-1">October 31, 2024</h2> <div id="70f0b67b" class="release-announcement"> <p><strong>Partner connection launch update</strong></p> <p>The following partner connectors have been added to the <a href="">Looker Studio Connector Gallery</a>:</p> <ul> <li><a href="">Oktopost</a> by Oktopost</li> <li><a href="">Jepto - GMB/GBP Free</a> by Jepto</li> <li><a href="">Instagram Insights</a> by Detrics</li> <li><a href="">Bing Ads</a> by Detrics</li> <li><a href="">LinkedIn Ads</a> by Detrics</li> <li><a href="">X Ads (Twitter) </a>by Detrcs</li> <li><a href="">Insites</a> by Insites</li> <li><a href="">LinkedIn Ads </a>by Pro Plugg</li> <li><a href="">TikTok Organic </a>by Power My Analytics</li> <li><a href="">Nightwatch SEO Tracker </a>by Nightwatch</li> <li><a href="">MongoDB AppiWorks </a>by Jivrus Technologies</li> <li><a href="">Google Merchant Center</a> by Adformatic </li> </ul> </div> <div id="831f4f85" class="release-feature"> <p><strong>Text wrapping for pivot table row headers</strong></p> <p>You can now choose to wrap row header text in pivot table charts by <a href="">enabling the <strong>Wrap text</strong> option</a> in the <strong>Style</strong> tab. </p> </div> <h2 id="October_24_2024" data-text="October 24, 2024" tabindex="-1">October 24, 2024</h2> <div id="cb223047" class="release-announcement"> <p><strong>Partner connection launch update</strong> </p> <p>The following partner connectors have been added to the <a href="">Looker Studio Connector Gallery</a>:</p> <ul> <li><a href=""> Sortiment report</a> by METRIXANA</li> <li><a href="">Auth0</a> by</li> <li><a href="">CJ Affiliate</a> by Supermetrics</li> <li><a href="">WooCommerce</a> by Supermetrics</li> <li><a href="">TikTok Ads</a> by Detrics</li> </ul> </div> <h2 id="October_10_2024" data-text="October 10, 2024" tabindex="-1">October 10, 2024</h2> <div id="31040a63" class="release-changed"> <p><strong>Cart conversion fields</strong></p> <p>The following cart conversion are now available in the New Search Ads 360 connector:</p> <ul> <li>Orders (Cart)</li> <li>Avg. cart size</li> <li>Avg. order value</li> <li>Cross-sell cost of goods sold</li> <li>Cross-sell gross profit</li> <li>Cross-sell revenue</li> <li>Cross-sell units sold</li> <li>Lead cost of goods sold</li> <li>Lead gross profit</li> <li>Lead revenue</li> <li>Lead units sold</li> <li>Cost of goods sold</li> <li>Gross profit</li> <li>Revenue (Cart)</li> <li>Units sold (Cart)</li> </ul> </div> <h2 id="September_26_2024" data-text="September 26, 2024" tabindex="-1">September 26, 2024</h2> <div id="87bce7c2" class="release-announcement"> <p><strong>Partner connection launch update</strong> </p> <p>The following partner connectors have been added to the <a href="">Looker Studio Connector Gallery</a>:</p> <ul> <li><a href="">ReQues</a>t by ReGuest Srl</li> <li><a href="">Insightly</a> by</li> <li><a href="">Zendesk Sell</a> by</li> <li><a href=""></a> by</li> <li><a href="">Digistorm</a> by</li> <li><a href="">Yahoo Finance</a> by</li> </ul> </div> <div id="e2954e93" class="release-feature"> <p><strong>New funnel chart option</strong> </p> <p>The new funnel chart option lets you visualize how a metric changes over events in a sequential process.</p> <p><a href="">Learn more about funnel charts in Looker Studio</a>.</p> </div> <div id="d4776166" class="release-feature"> <p><strong>Microsoft Excel connector available</strong></p> <p>The <a href="">Microsoft Excel connector</a> lets you access the data stored in an Excel worksheet.</p> </div> <h2 id="September_19_2024" data-text="September 19, 2024" tabindex="-1">September 19, 2024</h2> <div id="85878077" class="release-announcement"> <p><strong>Partner Connector launch update</strong></p> <p>The following partner connectors have been added to the <a href="">Looker Studio Connector Gallery</a>:</p> <ul> <li><a href=""> náklady</a> by METRIXANA</li> <li><a href="">GrowthPlatform</a> by BizSpring</li> <li><a href="">Google Play Console</a> by Supermetrics</li> <li><a href="">FaceBook Ads</a> by Data Conductor</li> <li><a href="">LinkedIn Ads</a> by Data Conductor</li> <li><a href="">Adobe Analytics 2.0</a> by</li> <li><a href="">lemlist</a> by</li> <li><a href="">GitLab</a> by</li> <li><a href="">ChartMogul</a> by</li> <li><a href="">BambooHR</a> by</li> <li><a href="">CoinMarketCap</a> by</li> <li><a href="">Alpha Vantage</a> by</li> </ul> </div> <h2 id="September_12_2024" data-text="September 12, 2024" tabindex="-1">September 12, 2024</h2> <div id="f1e3464b" class="release-announcement"> <p><strong>Partner Connector launch update</strong></p> <p>The following partner connectors have been added to the <a href="">Looker Studio Connector Gallery</a>:</p> <ul> <li><a href="">Meta Ads</a> By Detrics</li> <li><a href="">Similarweb Rank Tracker</a> By Similarweb</li> <li><a href="">The Trade Desk</a> By Power My Analytics</li> <li><a href="">Pinterest Organic</a> By Reporting Ninja</li> <li><a href="">Salesmate</a> By Salesmate</li> </ul> </div> <div id="fe84af37" class="release-feature"> <p><strong>Text wrapping for pivot table column headers</strong></p> <p>You can choose to wrap column header text in pivot table charts by <a href="">enabling the <strong>Wrap text</strong> option</a> in the <strong>Style</strong> tab. </p> </div> <div id="698ef77f" class="release-feature"> <p><strong>Public Preview of Gemini in Looker Conversational Analytics</strong></p> <p>You can <a href="">query data in natural language</a>. The Conversational Analytics feature is a Gemini-powered data querying experience that makes it easier to find answers, explore data, and share insights using natural language. This feature is now available in <a href="">Public Preview</a>.</p> <p>Learn more about <a href="">Gemini in Looker</a> and how to <a href="">enable it in Looker Studio</a>.</p> </div> <h2 id="September_05_2024" data-text="September 05, 2024" tabindex="-1">September 05, 2024</h2> <div id="9e0e5c05" class="release-changed"> <p><strong>Gemini in Looker now available for Looker Studio content</strong></p> <p>Looker Studio Pro users can now <a href="">create calculated fields</a> and <a href="">generate Google Slides</a> from Looker Studio content using Gemini assistance. Gemini in Looker no longer requires content to be associated with a Looker Studio Pro subscription.</p> <p>For more information about Gemini in Looker, see the <a href="">Gemini in Looker overview</a>.</p> </div> <h2 id="August_30_2024" data-text="August 30, 2024" tabindex="-1">August 30, 2024</h2> <div id="ab243ff9" class="release-announcement"> <p><strong>Community migration is complete</strong></p> <p>The Looker Studio Help community migration to Google Cloud is complete. To ask questions and participate in conversations with fellow Looker Studio users and experts, <a href="">visit the new community</a>.</p> </div> <h2 id="August_22_2024" data-text="August 22, 2024" tabindex="-1">August 22, 2024</h2> <div id="53a75791" class="release-announcement"> <p><strong>Partner Connector launch update</strong></p> <p>The following partner connectors have been added to the <a href="">Looker Studio Connector Gallery</a>:</p> <ul> <li><a href="">Adobe Commerce (Magento)</a> By Supermetrics</li> <li><a href="">CTM: Call Log</a> By CallTrackingMetrics LLC</li> <li><a href="">Piano Analytics</a> By Catchr</li> <li><a href="">ClickUp</a> By Bay Leaf Digital</li> <li><a href="">TikTok</a> By Gladior B.V.</li> <li><a href="">WooCommerce</a> By Data Bloo</li> <li><a href=""></a> By</li> <li><a href="">Semactic SEO Data</a> By Semactic</li> <li><a href="">Piwik PRO Analytics</a> By Piwik PRO</li> <li><a href="">Metrihub</a> By Metrihub</li> <li><a href="">Klaviyo</a> By Power My Analytics</li> <li><a href="">Similarweb website analysis</a> By Similarweb</li> </ul> </div> <div id="a1839ec7" class="release-feature"> <p><strong>Conditional formatting for collapsed pivot table charts</strong></p> <p>You can now <a href="">apply single color conditional formatting</a> to <a href="">collapsed</a> pivot table charts.</p> </div> <h2 id="August_15_2024" data-text="August 15, 2024" tabindex="-1">August 15, 2024</h2> <div id="c30a6794" class="release-announcement"> <p><strong>New Looker and Looker Studio shared terms and concepts glossary</strong></p> <p>A new <a href="">Looker and Looker Studio shared terms and concepts glossary</a> is available. This resource compares and contrasts terms and concepts that are used in common between Looker and Looker Studio, including some that have similar-seeming naming conventions but different functionality.</p> </div> <div id="6be36689" class="release-feature"> <p><strong>Sort list controls by any metric</strong></p> <p><a href="">List controls</a> now support sorting the options on any metric, rather than just the reference metric.</p> </div> <h2 id="August_08_2024" data-text="August 08, 2024" tabindex="-1">August 08, 2024</h2> <div id="0eec4e02" class="release-feature"> <p><strong>New formatting options for the bin calculated field type</strong></p> <p>New formatting options for the <a href=""><strong>Bin</strong> calculated field type</a> let you customize the appearance of ad hoc numeric tiers. These options include: </p> <ul> <li><strong>Interval "[x,y)"</strong> — This format displays the range including x, and up to but not including y.</li> <li><strong>Integer "x to y"</strong> — This format must be used with discrete integer values (such as age). </li> <li><strong>Relational ">= x and < y"</strong> — This format is best used with continuous numbers (such as dollars).</li> </ul> </div> <h2 id="August_01_2024" data-text="August 01, 2024" tabindex="-1">August 01, 2024</h2> <div id="39094e8e" class="release-feature"> <p><strong>Audit logging for Gemini in Looker</strong></p> <p>You can view Gemini in Looker log events in the Admin Console (Security Investigation Tool). Gemini in Looker can be enabled for Looker Studio Pro subscriptions, which are associated with a Google Cloud project. To see which Google Cloud projects have Gemini in Looker enabled, as well as those with Gemini in Looker's Trusted Tester capabilities, filter the log by choosing the <strong>Setting name</strong> attribute and view the entries in the <strong>Project ID</strong> column.</p> <p>Learn more about <a href="">Looker Studio log events</a>.</p> </div> <h2 id="July_18_2024" data-text="July 18, 2024" tabindex="-1">July 18, 2024</h2> <div id="61720803" class="release-announcement"> <p><strong>Partner Connector launch update</strong></p> <p>The following partner connectors have been added to the <a href="">Looker Studio Connector Gallery</a>:</p> <ul> <li><a href="">Facebook Ads</a> By "DAXRM"</li> <li><a href="">Pitchbox Daily Outreach Activity</a> By Pitchbox</li> <li><a href="">Wrike</a> By</li> <li><a href=""></a> By</li> <li><a href="">Metabase</a> By</li> <li><a href="">SurveyMonkey</a> By</li> <li><a href="">Okta</a> By</li> <li><a href="">Chargebee</a> By</li> <li><a href="">Mailerlite</a> By</li> <li><a href="">Clickup</a> By</li> <li><a href="">Courier</a> By</li> <li><a href="">Play console connector</a> By Multivariate Tech</li> <li><a href="">Dynamics 365</a> By</li> <li><a href="">AdRoll</a> By Catchr</li> </ul> </div> <div id="e2c78c51" class="release-feature"> <p><strong>Ads Location Extension Fields</strong></p> <p>The following asset location fields are available in the Google Ads and New Search Ads 360 connectors:</p> <ul> <li>Asset location address line 1</li> <li>Asset location address line 2</li> <li>Asset location business name</li> <li>Asset location city</li> <li>Asset location country code</li> <li>Asset location phone number</li> <li>Asset location postal code</li> <li>Asset location province</li> </ul> </div> <h2 id="July_11_2024" data-text="July 11, 2024" tabindex="-1">July 11, 2024</h2> <div id="bbe0111e" class="release-announcement"> <p><strong>Partner Connector launch update</strong></p> <p>The following partner connectors have been added to the <a href="">Looker Studio Connector Gallery</a>:</p> <ul> <li><a href="">Typeform</a> By</li> <li><a href="">Google Search Console</a> By Catchr</li> <li><a href="">Clockify</a> By</li> <li><a href="">GitLab</a> By</li> <li><a href="">AppFollow</a> By</li> <li><a href="">Monday</a> By</li> <li><a href="">Agorapulse Social Analytics</a> By Agorapulse</li> <li><a href="">Oktopost</a> By Oktopost</li> <li><a href="">LinkedIn Business Manager</a> By Power My Analytics</li> <li><a href="">Facebook Insights</a> By Doodlytics</li> <li><a href="">Instagram Insights</a> By Doodlytics</li> <li><a href="">Facebook Ads</a> Insights By Doodlytics</li> <li><a href="">Pardot</a> By Catchr</li> <li><a href="">ConvertKit</a> By</li> <li><a href="">Delighted</a> By</li> <li><a href="">Everhour</a> By</li> <li><a href="">Linnworks</a> By</li> <li><a href="">s.i.m.b.a Google Ads</a> By s.i.m.b.a</li> <li><a href="">s.i.m.b.a Google Analytics</a> By s.i.m.b.a</li> <li><a href="">s.i.m.b.a LinkedIn Page</a> By Simba</li> <li><a href="">s.i.m.b.a LinkedIn Ads</a> By s.i.m.b.a</li> <li><a href="">MINT ARM</a> By MINT</li> <li><a href="">WooCommerce</a> By</li> <li><a href="">Bing Webmaster Tool</a> By Catchr</li> </ul> </div> <div id="082d7f70" class="release-feature"> <p><strong>Pro feature: Gemini in Looker public preview features</strong></p> <p>The following <a href="">Gemini in Looker</a> features are now available in <a href="">Public Preview</a>:</p> <ul> <li><a href="">Create calculated fields</a>: Create custom fields and calculations in Looker Studio without prerequisite knowledge or experience with Looker Studio formula language.</li> <li><a href="">Add Looker Studio content to Google Slides</a>: Import components from your Looker Studio reports into a Google Slides presentation.</li> </ul> <p>Learn more about <a href="">Gemini in Looker</a> and how to <a href="">enable it in Looker Studio</a>.</p> </div> <div id="82e0ebda" class="release-deprecated"> <p><strong>Search Ads 360 connector deprecation complete</strong></p> <p>The Search Ads 360 connector deprecation that was announced on April 2, 2024 is complete. Please use the <a href="">New Search Ads 360 connector</a>.</p> </div> <h2 id="June_13_2024" data-text="June 13, 2024" tabindex="-1">June 13, 2024</h2> <div id="1a8a9ea4" class="release-feature"> <p><strong>Group Others available in more chart types</strong></p> <p>The <strong>Group Others</strong> chart setting lets you aggregate results that are outside of specified limits into a category labeled <strong>Others</strong>. This checkbox lets you compare data against the context of the remaining results. </p> <p><strong>Group Others</strong> is supported for the following chart types:</p> <ul> <li><a href="">Table charts</a> </li> <li><a href="">Time series charts</a></li> <li><a href="">Bar charts and column charts</a></li> <li><a href="">Pie charts</a> </li> <li><a href="">Line charts and combo charts</a> </li> <li><a href="">Area charts</a> </li> <li><a href="">Pivot table charts</a> </li> <li><a href="">Treemap charts</a> </li> </ul> </div> <div id="ebe91e34" class="release-feature"> <p><strong>Expanded data label customization options</strong></p> <p>The <strong>Data label</strong> section in the <strong>Style</strong> tab of the <strong>Properties</strong> panel provides expanded customization options, including font type, font color, font size, and font styling, as well as background color, opacity, and border radius settings. These options are supported for the following chart types:</p> <ul> <li><a href="">Area charts</a></li> <li><a href="">Bar charts and column charts</a></li> <li><a href="">Line charts and combo charts</a></li> <li><a href="">Time series charts</a></li> </ul> </div> <div id="a7544034" class="release-feature"> <p><strong>New Bin calculated field type</strong> </p> <p>The <a href=""><strong>Bin</strong> calculated field type</a> lets you create ad hoc numeric tiers for numeric dimensions without needing to develop <code translate="no" dir="ltr">CASE WHEN</code> expressions in calculated fields or logic in SQL.</p> </div> <div id="c9bbdd46" class="release-feature"> <p><strong>New Color by tooltip option for Timeline charts</strong></p> <p>You can use the <strong>Color by tooltip</strong> style option to color <a href="">timeline charts</a> by tooltip dimension values.</p> </div> <h2 id="June_06_2024" data-text="June 06, 2024" tabindex="-1">June 06, 2024</h2> <div id="841784b3" class="release-announcement"> <p><strong>Partner Connector launch update</strong></p> <p>The following partner connectors have been added to the <a href="">Looker Studio Report Gallery</a>:</p> <ul> <li><a href="">Google Ads Account Explorer</a> by Supermetrics</li> <li><a href="">TrueClicks PPC Audit</a> by Trueclicks</li> <li><a href="">Pitchbox Project Status</a> by Pitchbox</li> <li><a href="">Pitchbox Outreach Activity</a> by</li> <li><a href="">Pitchbox Campaigns Data</a> by</li> <li><a href="">Pitchbox Link Monitoring</a> by</li> <li><a href="">LinkedIn Company Pages </a>By Railsware Products Studio, LLC</li> <li><a href="">Microsoft Advertising</a> By Railsware Products Studio, LLC.</li> <li><a href="">Facebook Public Data </a>By Railsware Products Studio, LLC.</li> <li><a href="">Instagram Insights By Railsware Products Studio</a>, LLC.</li> <li><a href="">X / Twitter Public Data</a> by</li> <li><a href="">Bing Webmaster Tools</a> by Daxrm</li> <li><a href="">Microsoft Ads</a> by Daxrm</li> <li><a href="">Instagram Public Data</a> by</li> <li><a href="">TikTok Organic</a> by Reportingninja</li> </ul> </div> <div id="09ef9375" class="release-feature"> <p><strong>Create totals that ignore canvas filters</strong> </p> <p>You can configure <a href="">totals</a> and <a href="">comparison metrics</a> to ignore any viewer-applied filters.</p> </div> <h2 id="May_30_2024" data-text="May 30, 2024" tabindex="-1">May 30, 2024</h2> <div id="ab73a5f8" class="release-feature"> <p><strong>Looker connector support for filter-only fields</strong></p> <p>Filters that are defined in <a href="">LookML models</a> with the <a href=""><code translate="no" dir="ltr">parameter</code></a> and <a href=""><code translate="no" dir="ltr">filter</code></a> LookML parameters are now displayed as filter-only fields in Looker Studio charts that use a Looker data source.</p> <p><a href="">Learn more about LookML filters for Looker data sources</a>.</p> </div> <h2 id="May_23_2024" data-text="May 23, 2024" tabindex="-1">May 23, 2024</h2> <div id="761a3ef0" class="release-announcement"> <p><strong>Looker Studio forum moved to Google Cloud</strong></p> <p>The <a href="">Looker Studio Community</a> on Google Cloud is open to all Looker Studio and Looker Studio Pro users to ask questions and interact with fellow Looker Studio customers. </p> </div> <div id="a22446f0" class="release-announcement"> <p><strong>New partner connectors</strong></p> <p>The following partner connectors have been added to the <a href="">Looker Studio Report Gallery</a>:</p> <ul> <li><a href="">Pro Rank Tracker - SEO Data</a> by F.T.B ONLINE LTD.</li> <li><a href="">CallRail</a> by</li> <li><a href="">Basis</a> by Supermetrics</li> <li><a href="">Facebook Ads</a> by Adzviser</li> <li><a href="">LinkedIn Revenue Attribution</a> by Supermetrics</li> <li><a href="">Pinterest Organic</a> by</li> </ul> </div> <div id="3e919bfb" class="release-feature"> <p><strong>Looker drill fields now available in Looker Studio</strong></p> <p>Drill fields and links that are defined with the <a href=""><code translate="no" dir="ltr">drill_fields</code></a> and <a href=""><code translate="no" dir="ltr">link</code></a> LookML parameters in Looker are now available to Looker Studio report viewers in the <a href="">Drill Actions</a> menu on Looker Studio table charts.</p> <p><a href="">Learn more about drill fields in the Looker connector</a>.</p> </div> <h2 id="May_16_2024" data-text="May 16, 2024" tabindex="-1">May 16, 2024</h2> <div id="ae20d709" class="release-feature"> <p><strong>New Looker Studio log event attributes</strong></p> <p>New event logging attributes are now available for the Looker Studio log event data source. These attributes let Looker Studio administrators audit and monitor how Looker Studio users in their organization interact with schedules and alerts.</p> <p><a href="">Learn more about audit log events in Looker Studio</a>.</p> </div> <div id="519b3e2e" class="release-feature"> <p><strong>Looker data sources now display LookML filters</strong></p> <p>Filters that are defined in LookML models with the <a href=""><code translate="no" dir="ltr">conditionally_filter</code></a> and <a href=""><code translate="no" dir="ltr">always_filter</code></a> LookML parameters are now displayed in Looker Studio charts with a Looker data source.</p> <p><a href="">Learn more about LookML filters for Looker data sources</a>.</p> </div> <h2 id="May_02_2024" data-text="May 02, 2024" tabindex="-1">May 02, 2024</h2> <div id="883cee29" class="release-feature"> <p><strong>Chart titles</strong></p> <p>You can now add a title directly to a chart in Looker Studio. You can customize the title's font, color, size, styling, and positioning within the Title section of the Style tab of the properties panel.</p> <p><a href="">Learn more about adding and styling titles for charts</a>.</p> </div> <h2 id="April_25_2024" data-text="April 25, 2024" tabindex="-1">April 25, 2024</h2> <div id="e7916465" class="release-feature"> <p><strong>Timeline chart option</strong></p> <p>The new timeline chart option lets you visualize the relationships between groups of events and compare the timespans over which these events took place. </p> <p><a href="">Learn more about timeline charts in Looker Studio</a>.</p> </div> <div id="aef37ec7" class="release-feature"> <p><strong>Create a Looker Studio report within Google Sheets</strong></p> <p>You can <a href="">create a Looker Studio report</a> directly within Google Sheets. To create a report from a Google Sheets worksheet or range, use the Looker Studio extension in Google Sheets.</p> </div> <div id="b615d903" class="release-feature"> <p><strong>Create a Google Cloud project while subscribing to Looker Studio Pro</strong></p> <p>You can create a new Cloud project during the Looker Studio Pro subscription process. This project is used to host your Looker Studio Pro content.</p> <p><a href="">Learn more about linking Looker Studio Pro to a Google Cloud project</a>.</p> </div> <h2 id="April_18_2024" data-text="April 18, 2024" tabindex="-1">April 18, 2024</h2> <div id="064212db" class="release-feature"> <p><strong>Viewer role for team workspaces</strong></p> <p>The <a href="">Viewer role</a> can now be assigned to members of a team workspace. The Viewer role lets users view existing assets in the team workspace, view folders in the team workspace, and view the team workspace Trash.</p> </div> <div id="bf19712e" class="release-feature"> <p><strong>Pro feature: New Viewer permissions to create scheduled report deliveries</strong></p> <p>When sharing a Pro report, Pro users can now <a href="">grant users</a> with a <a href="">Viewer role</a> the <a href="">ability to create scheduled deliveries</a> of the shared report.</p> </div> <h2 id="April_02_2024" data-text="April 02, 2024" tabindex="-1">April 02, 2024</h2> <div id="1c369703" class="release-breaking"> <p><strong>Search Ads 360 connector deprecation</strong></p> <p>After April 30, 2024, you will no longer be able to create new reports from this connector. Please start using the <a href="">New Search Ads 360 connector</a>.</p> <p>To learn more about this change, read the <a href="">Connect to Search Ads 360 (deprecated)</a> Help Center article.</p> </div> <h2 id="March_28_2024" data-text="March 28, 2024" tabindex="-1">March 28, 2024</h2> <div id="988f957e" class="release-announcement"> <p><strong>Looker Studio release notes moved to Google Cloud</strong></p> <p>We've changed how we deliver product release notes. Looker Studio release notes are available solely on the Google Cloud release notes platform. </p> <p>Release notes prior to this change are preserved in the <a href="">historical release notes</a> page in the Looker Studio Help Center.</p> </div> <div id="fc38ff9d" class="release-changed"> <p><strong>Label fields available in the New Search Ads 360 connector</strong></p> <p>You can now include the following New Search Ads 360 fields in your reports:</p> <ul> <li>Label (Keyword)</li> <li>Label (Ad)</li> </ul> <p><a href="">Learn more about the New Search Ads 360 connector</a>.</p> </div> <h2 id="February_22_2024" data-text="February 22, 2024" tabindex="-1">February 22, 2024</h2> <div id="944fa875" class="release-feature"> <p><strong>Show field descriptions in table chart headers</strong> </p> <p>You can now let report viewers access field descriptions in tooltips when the <strong>Show field descriptions</strong> option is enabled for table charts. <strong>Show field descriptions</strong> is automatically enabled for charts that are connected to a <a href="">Looker</a> or <a href="">Search Ads 360</a> data source. Field descriptions are sourced from the <a href="">Description column</a> in the data source. </p> <p>Learn more about <a href="">table chart header options</a>. </p> </div> <div id="142ff3ac" class="release-announcement"> <p><strong>Looker Studio release notes moving to Google Cloud</strong></p> <p>We're changing how we deliver product release notes. Beginning in a few weeks, Looker Studio release notes will be available solely on the Google Cloud release notes platform. </p> <p>Cloud release notes offer enhanced features, such as RSS feed support and programmatic access using BigQuery. These features make it easier for customers to stay informed about feature updates. Additionally, Google Cloud customers will have the convenience of accessing updates for related products like Looker and BigQuery in a centralized location.</p> <p>Release notes prior to this change are preserved in the <a href="">historical release notes</a> page.</p> <p><a href="">Visit the Cloud Looker Studio release notes now</a>.</p> </div> <h2 id="February_01_2024" data-text="February 01, 2024" tabindex="-1">February 01, 2024</h2> <div id="071fff7d" class="release-feature"> <p><strong>Pro feature: Folders in team workspaces</strong></p> <p>You can use folders and subfolders to organize assets (reports and data sources) in team workspaces. </p> <p><a href="">Learn more about using folders to organize assets in team workspaces</a>.</p> </div> <h2 id="January_25_2024" data-text="January 25, 2024" tabindex="-1">January 25, 2024</h2> <div id="988aadc3" class="release-feature"> <p><strong>Custom value formatting</strong></p> <p><a href="">Custom value formatting</a> lets you specify how dimension, metric, and calculated field values appear in charts without sending additional SQL queries to your database. Custom value formatting also includes the option for report creators and editors to specify a value format by using Google Sheets style notation.</p> </div> <div id="3e57956f" class="release-feature"> <p><strong>Download and third-party access controls in Workspace admin console</strong></p> <p>As a Google Workspace or Cloud Identity administrator, you can control whether viewers in your organization can <a href="">download</a> Looker Studio content. You can also restrict users from <a href="">enabling data sources that use third-party connectors</a> or from <a href="">adding third-party visualizations</a> to Looker Studio reports.</p> </div> <h2 id="December_21_2023" data-text="December 21, 2023" tabindex="-1">December 21, 2023</h2> <div id="e198c7b8" class="release-feature"> <p><strong>Connection map visualization</strong></p> <p>You can now visualize your location data as sequences of points that are connected by a line in a new Google Maps visualization, called a <a href="">connection map</a>.</p> </div> <div id="2c8eecb6" class="release-feature"> <p><strong>Add value to reference line or reference band label</strong></p> <p>You can now choose to display the value of a <a href="">reference line</a> or the value range of a <a href="">reference band</a> in visualizations.</p> </div> <div id="0b813333" class="release-feature"> <p><strong>Stepped lines for time series charts, line charts, and combo charts</strong></p> <p>You can now choose stepped lines for <a href="">time series charts</a> and for <a href="">line charts and combo charts</a>. </p> </div> <div id="6242fc80" class="release-changed"> <p><strong>Updates to New Search Ads 360 connector field names</strong></p> <p>The display names for several fields in the New Search Ads 360 data source have been updated. New connections to the New Search Ads 360 data source will use the new display names. Existing connections to the New Search Ads 360 data source won't be affected. You can also <a href="">manually update</a> the display names for existing data source connections.</p> </div> <h2 id="December_14_2023" data-text="December 14, 2023" tabindex="-1">December 14, 2023</h2> <div id="389083d6" class="release-feature"> <p><strong>Table chart improvements</strong></p> <p>You can now use the following options in <a href="">table charts</a>: Transpose the table, Freeze one or more columns, and Resize row height.</p> </div> <div id="12959a91" class="release-feature"> <p><strong>Schedule delivery controls in Workspace admin console</strong></p> <p>As a Google Workspace or Cloud Identity administrator, you can <a href="">control</a> where users in your organization can send Looker Studio content.</p> </div> <div id="3de3c818" class="release-feature"> <p><strong>Custom grouping</strong></p> <p>The new <a href=""><strong>Group</strong> calculated field type</a> lets you create ad hoc custom groups for dimensions without needing to develop <code translate="no" dir="ltr">CASE WHEN</code> expressions in calculated fields or logic in SQL.</p> </div> <h2 id="November_30_2023" data-text="November 30, 2023" tabindex="-1">November 30, 2023</h2> <div id="af677f74" class="release-announcement"> <p><strong>Updated Looker Studio Terms of Service</strong> </p> <p>We've updated the <a href="">Looker Studio Terms of Service</a>. </p> </div> <h2 id="November_16_2023" data-text="November 16, 2023" tabindex="-1">November 16, 2023</h2> <div id="937f3cf2" class="release-changed"> <p><strong>Pivot table metric limit increased to 20</strong></p> <p>You can now have up to 20 metrics in a <a href="">pivot table</a>.</p> </div> <div id="653027ea" class="release-feature"> <p><strong>Label fields available in the New Search Ads 360 connector</strong></p> <p>You can now include the following <a href="">New Search Ads 360</a> fields in your reports: Label (Account), Label (Campaign), and Label (Ad group).</p> </div> <h2 id="November_02_2023" data-text="November 02, 2023" tabindex="-1">November 02, 2023</h2> <div id="34cf204d" class="release-feature"> <p><strong>Pro feature: Create alerts on a chart</strong></p> <p>Report viewers can <a href="">set up an alert on a chart</a> in a Looker Studio report that will notify the alert creator and chosen recipients when the chart data meets the conditions that are specified in the alert.</p> </div> <div id="8eacd242" class="release-feature"> <p><strong>View underlying data available to all users</strong></p> <p>Looker Studio and Looker Studio Pro users can <a href="">view the underlying data</a> that is available in any chart in a tabular form. This can help you make the best decisions about what to include in the chart. Viewing the underlying data can also help you troubleshoot problems with your reports.</p> </div> <div id="1b852b2c" class="release-feature"> <p><strong>Quick filters available to all users</strong></p> <p>Originally released as a Looker Studio Pro feature, Looker Studio users can also use <a href="">quick filters</a> to easily change how the data in the report is filtered without changing the report configuration for other users.</p> </div> <div id="e2675b8d" class="release-feature"> <p><strong>New function: <code translate="no" dir="ltr">NATIVE_DIMENSION</code></strong></p> <p>The <a href=""><code translate="no" dir="ltr">NATIVE_DIMENSION</code> function</a> lets you create Google BigQuery SQL expressions in your BigQuery data sources.</p> </div> <div id="a8f5f690" class="release-feature"> <p><strong>Drag and tilt Google Maps</strong></p> <p>With enabled tilt and optimized graphics, you can now <a href="">tilt and rotate Google Maps visualizations</a>. You can tilt a combo map visualization to display a map layer in three dimensions.</p> </div> <div id="b3765eea" class="release-feature"> <p><strong>New map visualization: Combo map</strong></p> <p>You can now combine the properties of a filled map and a bubble map in a new Google Maps visualization, called a <a href="">combo map</a>. Combo maps have vector graphics and three-dimensional display features that are enabled by default.</p> </div> <h2 id="October_19_2023" data-text="October 19, 2023" tabindex="-1">October 19, 2023</h2> <div id="3cf0d5c6" class="release-feature"> <p><strong>Table Drilling and Table Tooltips</strong></p> <p>The Drill Actions experience for table charts provides an updated drill experience for report creators and report viewers. Visit the <a href="">Drill into your data article</a> for more information about the report viewer experience, and visit the <a href="">Add drill actions to charts article</a> for more information about setting up drill actions.</p> </div> <div id="51a063fc" class="release-feature"> <p><strong>Visualize your Apigee API analytics data in Looker Studio</strong></p> <p>Apigee is a platform for developing and managing APIs. The <a href="">Looker Studio Apigee connector</a> lets you create reports and dashboards that are based on analytics and monetization data and share them with stakeholders and customers.</p> </div> <h2 id="October_12_2023" data-text="October 12, 2023" tabindex="-1">October 12, 2023</h2> <div id="7f34a40b" class="release-feature"> <p><strong>Set auto refresh on a report</strong></p> <p>As a report editor, you can <a href="">configure a report to automatically refresh data</a>, at a predefined cadence, as long as the report is open. This feature helps ensure that business decisions leverage the most up-to-date data.</p> </div> <div id="8e9603c2" class="release-feature"> <p><strong>Pro feature: Looker Studio Mobile app</strong></p> <p>Use the <a href="">Looker Studio mobile app</a> to access your data on the go.</p> </div> <h2 id="October_05_2023" data-text="October 05, 2023" tabindex="-1">October 05, 2023</h2> <div id="eaf948ab" class="release-feature"> <p><strong>New control type: Dimension control</strong></p> <p>The <a href="">dimension control</a> lets report viewers change the dimensions on one or more charts without needing to edit the report.</p> </div> <div id="a3732093" class="release-feature"> <p><strong>New field available in Google Ads connector</strong></p> <p>You can now specify an <a href="">Asset Group Name</a> field for a Google Ads data source when you're using the <a href="">Google Ads connector</a>.</p> </div> <h2 id="October_02_2023" data-text="October 02, 2023" tabindex="-1">October 02, 2023</h2> <div id="e32124cb" class="release-feature"> <p><strong>BigQuery native integration in Looker Studio</strong></p> <p><a href="">BigQuery native integration in Looker Studio</a> enables new monitoring features for Looker Studio queries, improves query performance, and supports many BigQuery features. This feature is in preview.</p> </div> <div id="f398d219" class="release-feature"> <p><strong>Upgrade to Looker Studio Pro</strong></p> <p>You can now subscribe to <a href="">Looker Studio Pro</a> directly by using our self-service upgrade tool.</p> </div> <h2 id="September_07_2023" data-text="September 07, 2023" tabindex="-1">September 07, 2023</h2> <div id="89bb74a5" class="release-feature"> <p><strong>Pro feature: View a chart's underlying data</strong></p> <p><a href="">Viewing a chart's underlying data</a> can help you make the best decisions about what data to include in that chart and can also help you troubleshoot problems with your reports.</p> </div> <div id="5cb5186f" class="release-feature"> <p><strong>Move and delete assets in bulk</strong></p> <p>You can now <a href="">select multiple Looker Studio assets at once to move or delete</a>. For example, you can move more than one report from Owned by me to a team workspace, or delete multiple items from the Trash simultaneously.</p> </div> <h2 id="August_03_2023" data-text="August 03, 2023" tabindex="-1">August 03, 2023</h2> <div id="09052482" class="release-feature"> <p><strong>New chart type: Boxplot chart</strong></p> <p>The new <a href="">Boxplot chart</a> lets you visualize the distribution and spread of values in your dataset.</p> </div> <div id="814a6bde" class="release-feature"> <p><strong>New chart type: Candlestick chart</strong></p> <p>The new <a href="">Candlestick chart</a> lets you visualize ranges in your data, including opening and closing values, and the highs and lows of each range.</p> </div> <div id="42503384" class="release-feature"> <p><strong>New chart type: Waterfall chart</strong></p> <p>The new <a href="">Waterfall chart</a> lets you visualize how a sequence of positive and negative values adds up to a total.</p> </div> <div id="7339f616" class="release-changed"> <p><strong>Improved thumbnail images</strong></p> <p>Thumbnails display a fixed size image of 320 px X 240 px, and if possible, present a view of the entire report page. Previously, thumbnails only showed a portion of the page.</p> <p><a href="">Learn more about thumbnail images</a>.</p> </div> <h2 id="July_27_2023" data-text="July 27, 2023" tabindex="-1">July 27, 2023</h2> <div id="14a37a8c" class="release-feature"> <p>New line improvements let you customize the look and functionality of lines in Looker Studio charts. Improvements include:</p> <ul> <li><a href="">Reference bands</a> that let you compare data against a range of values on your charts</li> <li>Vertical reference line support for <a href="">Area</a> and <a href="">Time series charts</a></li> <li>Line style options that let you customize the appearance of lines in your charts</li> <li>Moving average trend line that lets you visualize a moving average calculation of the data on your charts</li> </ul> </div> <div id="e2275895" class="release-changed"> <p><strong>Improved single select option for list controls</strong></p> <p>The Single select option in drop-down and fixed-size list controls requires you to choose only one option from the list. Previously, you could de-select all options in the control, which returned all values. Now, you can select one and only one value when this option is enabled.</p> <p><a href="">Learn more about list controls</a>.</p> </div> <div id="06f86ab2" class="release-changed"> <p><strong>New Looker Studio Pro Help Center article: Best practices and tips for using team workspaces</strong></p> <p>The <a href="">Best practices and tips for using team workspaces</a> article describes best practices, tips, and use cases for working with team workspaces. This article provides guidance for creating and using team workspaces efficiently and confidently and sharing content only as necessary, as well as examples of common naming conventions and scenarios.</p> </div> <h2 id="July_20_2023" data-text="July 20, 2023" tabindex="-1">July 20, 2023</h2> <div id="03264e3e" class="release-feature"> <p><strong>Pro feature: Add a quick filter</strong></p> <p>Quick filters provide a flexible, ad hoc way to explore your data. Use quick filters to easily change how the data in the report is filtered without changing the report configuration for other users. </p> <p><a href="">Learn more about quick filters</a>.</p> </div> <div id="0fc733ef" class="release-feature"> <p><strong>Pro feature: Get a personal report link</strong></p> <p>A personal report link creates a copy of your report that is only accessible to the person who opens the link. Changes made to either the original or the private report will not affect the other report.</p> <p><a href="">Learn more about personal report links</a>.</p> </div> <div id="7852c130" class="release-feature"> <p><strong>Intervals for time series charts</strong></p> <p>You can add intervals to time series charts to show how much uncertainty there is in your data. Intervals can be represented as shaded bands (area intervals), boxes, lines, or other shapes, depending on the interval type you specify.</p> <p>To add an interval to a time series chart, select the Add an interval option in the STYLE section of the properties panel.</p> <p><a href="">Learn more about intervals</a></p> </div> <div id="94187320" class="release-changed"> <p><strong>Changes to Google Ads creative assets reporting</strong></p> <p>The Google Ads connector for Looker Studio is aligned with the public Google Ads API for creative assets reporting.</p> <p>To return accurate results when using Clicks and/or Impressions metrics in combination with creative asset dimensions, be sure to also include Ad Type and Asset ID dimensions in your chart. Otherwise, the chart may show inaccurate results.</p> <p>Charts that aren't correctly configured will display a message that warns you about the invalid combination of dimensions and metrics. </p> </div> <div id="3207652b" class="release-changed"> <p><strong>New Explore topic in the Help Center</strong></p> <p>You can find content that is related to exploring, analyzing, and filtering your data in <a href="">this new Explore topic</a>. New and existing content on filters, controls, and chart interactions lives in this topic.</p> </div> <h2 id="July_13_2023" data-text="July 13, 2023" tabindex="-1">July 13, 2023</h2> <div id="2dd6d9d3" class="release-feature"> <p><strong>Pro feature: Scheduled delivery using Chat</strong></p> <p>Looker Studio Pro users can schedule reports to be delivered using Google Chat. You can send reports to individual recipients or to entire Chat spaces. </p> </div> <div id="5ea7a2d2" class="release-feature"> <p><strong>Pro feature: Filter by email address for scheduled reports</strong></p> <p>Looker Studio Pro users can add row-level security to the data in a report scheduled to be delivered through email.</p> <p>Learn more about <a href="">Chat delivery and filter by email address</a>.</p> </div> <div id="53d2ca1d" class="release-feature"> <p><strong>See report and data source location on the home page</strong></p> <p>The Location field on the Looker Studio home page shows where your Looker Studio assets live. For free Looker Studio users, you can see if a report or data source is owned by you or has been shared with you. For Looker Studio Pro users, you'll see whether the asset lives in your My Workspace, lives in a Team Workspace, or has been shared with you directly.</p> </div> <h2 id="June_30_2023" data-text="June 30, 2023" tabindex="-1">June 30, 2023</h2> <div id="df937b35" class="release-breaking"> <p><strong>Firewall and database IP address change</strong></p> <p>As announced on July 14, 2022, the IP addresses used by Looker Studio to connect to the following databases have changed:</p> <ul> <li>Amazon Redshift</li> <li>MySQL</li> <li>PostgreSQL</li> <li>Microsoft SQL Server 2017</li> </ul> <p>The IP addresses to use are:</p> <ul> <li></li> <li>2001:4860:4807::/48 (Optional, for platforms that support IPv6)</li> </ul> <p>You may close any of the previously listed addresses. They are no longer used by Looker Studio.</p> </div> <div id="11c91e31" class="release-feature"> <p><strong>Improvements to bar and combo charts</strong></p> <p>You can configure the following options for bar charts and combo charts with bars from the <strong>STYLE</strong> tab of the properties panel:</p> <ul> <li>For stacked bar charts, 100% stacked bar charts, and combo charts with stacked bars, you can choose between the default Metric value label type and the Stacked label type. For stacked bar charts, you can also choose the Total label type.</li> <li>You can use the Bar label position setting to specify the position of the bar label relative to the bars or columns in the chart.</li> <li>In the Chart spacing section, you can define custom spacing between bars and groups of multiple bars.</li> <li>You can select the Bar border color icon to choose a custom color for bar or column borders.</li> </ul> <p>Learn more about <a href="">bar charts</a> and <a href="">combo charts</a>.</p> </div> <div id="3c1b01bc" class="release-feature"> <p><strong>Audit logging for team workspaces</strong></p> <p>You can now view Team Workspace log events in the Admin Console (Security Investigation Tool). To see these events, filter the log by choosing Team Workspace as the asset type.</p> <p>Learn more about <a href="">Looker Studio log events</a>.</p> </div> <h2 id="June_16_2023" data-text="June 16, 2023" tabindex="-1">June 16, 2023</h2> <div id="edbdccc9" class="release-feature"> <p><strong>GA4 API dimensions/metrics</strong></p> <p>New Google Analytics 4 data sources that you create get their fields directly from the GA4 API. Previously, GA4 data sources were based on a fixed schema with a predefined list of fields. To see new fields from the GA4 API in an existing data source, <a href="">refresh the fields</a>.</p> <aside class="note"><strong>Note:</strong><span> This update is backwards compatible with the previous version of the connector. Refreshing a Google Analytics 4 data source will preserve the existing schema and simply add new API fields to the data source.</span></aside> <p>Learn how <a href="">connect to Google Analytics</a>.</p> </div> <div id="07a09479" class="release-changed"> <p><strong>Documentation update</strong></p> <p>Updated Connect to Google Analytics. Added information and links about the GA4 schema change, and the deprecation of Universal Analytics. Removed information about connecting to Universal Analytics.</p> </div> <h2 id="June_08_2023" data-text="June 08, 2023" tabindex="-1">June 08, 2023</h2> <div id="33e00ef0" class="release-feature"> <p><strong>Dynamic links in navigation buttons</strong></p> <p>The URL of a navigation button can be provided dynamically from a dimension value. <a href="">Learn more</a>.</p> </div> <h2 id="May_18_2023" data-text="May 18, 2023" tabindex="-1">May 18, 2023</h2> <div id="d6f65628" class="release-announcement"> <p>Starting with this week's release, Looker Studio release notes are available on Google Cloud. You can also find release notes, including localized versions, in the <a href="">Looker Studio Help Center</a>.</p> </div> <div id="94f41055" class="release-feature"> <p><strong>Pause report updates</strong>. You can pause updates to minimize the number of data requests made while building and editing your report. While the report is paused, changes made to the report's data settings are placed on hold until you resume updates. Pausing report updates can potentially save on query costs because Looker Studio only requests the data needed to meet the report configuration as of the time you resumed updates.</p> </div> </section> </section> <devsite-hats-survey class="nocontent" hats-id="mwETRvWii0eU5NUYprb0Y9z5GVbc" listnr-id="83405"></devsite-hats-survey> </div> <devsite-thumb-rating position="footer"> </devsite-thumb-rating> <div class="devsite-floating-action-buttons"> </div> </article> <devsite-content-footer class="nocontent"> <p>Except as otherwise noted, the content of this page is licensed under the <a href="">Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License</a>, and code samples are licensed under the <a href="">Apache 2.0 License</a>. For details, see the <a href="">Google Developers Site Policies</a>. 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