Struggling to get online? - Surrey County Council

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Some centres also offer training courses. These services are usually free. Enter your postcode on the site to find centres near you.</p><h2>Good Things Foundation: The National Databank</h2><p>Internet access is essential in today's society, and yet 2 million households have no home internet, and 2.4 million can't afford a mobile phone contract. This lack of access often affects vulnerable people facing other inequalities.</p><p>To ensure everyone benefits from internet connectivity, Good Things Foundation built <a href="">The National Databank</a>. Launched in July 2021 with our strategic partner Virgin Media O2, the National Databank was founded to tackle data poverty and isolation during the Covid-19 pandemic.</p><h2>Surrey Coalition for Disabled People</h2><p>Surrey Coalition's <a href="">Tech Angels</a> can loan a smart device if someone has no access to one for a year. They have the opportunity to 'buy' the device for good after the loan period by making a donation to the charity.</p><h2>We Are Digital</h2><p>As part of their digital exclusion work with Vodafone, We Are Digital offer <a href="">free SIM cards</a> with 20GB of data, and 6 months of free calls and texts. SIMs are limited in number, but are available to those who are digitally excluded, in need, or on a low income.</p><h2>Vodafone - The Great British Tech Appeal</h2><p>Donate your old smartphone or tablet and <a href="">Vodafone</a> gift them to people in need along with free data, calls, and texts.</p><p>With the help of our charity partner, Barnardo's, they'll clean up, re-box and give your donated tech to someone in need, along with six months of free data, calls, and texts.</p><p>These devices are a vital lifeline, making sure people can keep in touch with family, friends and support workers, and access healthcare and education.</p><p>So far, they have collected 45,000 devices and donated more than 15,000 to people who need it most.</p><h2>CPR Computer Recycling</h2><p>Their Surrey Computer Recycling service helps businesses and school meet environmental targets by providing a safe and environmentally friendly way of recycling your old computer equipment. Visit the <a href="">CPR Computer Recycling</a> site for more details.</p> </article> </div> </div> </div> </section> <div class="scc-section scc-feedback js-feedback d-none d-print-none mb-0"> <div class="container"> <hr class="" /> <h2 class="my-0">Did you find this information helpful?</h2> <div class="js-feedback-btns mt-4"> <button class="scc-btn scc-feedback__btn js-feedback-btn" type="button">Yes</button> <button class="scc-btn scc-feedback__btn js-feedback-btn" type="button">No</button> </div> <div class="js-feedback-content"> <form id="form_email_383424" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="" method="post" class="scc-form" ><input type="hidden" name="SQ_FORM_383424_PAGE" value="1" class="sq-form-field" id="SQ_FORM_383424_PAGE" /><input type="hidden" name="form_email_383424_referral_url" value="" /> <input type="text" name="honey" value="" size="10" maxlength="10" class="d-none" id="honey" title="If you are a human, do not fill in this field." /> <div class="scc-form__row d-none js-feedback-rating"> <legend class="sq-form-question-title">Rating </legend> Did you find the information helpful? 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