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class="container"> <div id="content" class="sixteen columns"> <article id="post-15563" class="post-15563 page type-page status-publish hentry"> <div class="entry"> <div class="tabset tabstyle-horizontal clearfix"><ul class="tabs"><li class="tab"><a href="#panel18662007001">Educators</a></li> <li class="tab"><a href="#panel18662007002">Partners</a></li> <li class="tab"><a href="#panel18662007003">Presenters</a></li></ul><div class="panels"><div class="panel" id="panel18662007001"><p><div class="testimonials-widget-testimonials listing"> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-4820444 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:4820444: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>Thank you for being part of my morning routine. I wake up and listen to 5 minutes of NPR to review the news. Then I go to edWeb and listen as I prepare to leave for school. Thank you for being such a generous source of professional development. You and your team have transformed my practice one webinar, one podcast at a time.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Tan Huynh, Educator in Cambodia</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-4337686 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:4337686: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>The data on our edWeb district program is very telling and amazing! I’d encourage districts to use edWeb as their hub so teachers keep going back to it.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Donna Reichman, Assistant Superintendent, Wayne Township Public Schools (NJ)</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-1962491 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:1962491: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>I wanted to express my appreciation for the hard work that edWeb does to provide such a variety of professional development opportunities for educators. Not only is there broad content, but it is free of charge and offers the opportunity for continuing education credit. I am also thankful for the ability to watch the recording afterwards so that I can fit it into my schedule in a way that works for me.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Amy Yost, School Counselor, The Raleigh School, NC</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-558603 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:558603: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span><span data-sheets-value="{"1":2,"2":"Thank you so very much! I am truly enjoying these webinars. I've been teaching pre k since 1974. There have been many changes but one thing always stays the same, the children. They are truly the best thing in life. These webinars have kept me updated to many changes and given me that little kick that I need from time to time to remind me that children are children no matter what! So thank you!"}" data-sheets-userformat="{"2":6787,"3":{"1":0},"4":{"1":2,"2":16777215},"10":0,"12":0,"14":{"1":2,"2":2236962},"15":"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"}">Thank you so very much! I am truly enjoying these edWebinars. I’ve been teaching pre k since 1974. There have been many changes but one thing always stays the same, the children. They are truly the best thing in life. These edWebinars have kept me updated on many changes and given me that little kick that I need from time to time to remind me that children are children no matter what! So thank you!</span><span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Rose Flanagan, Lead Teacher, Gilbert Public Schools</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-37393 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:37393: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span><span data-sheets-value="{"1":2,"2":"This was an inspiring and motivating presentation. I loved the practical strategies the presenter gave us. I will use it for reference and post it on my board. Thinking outside the box and putting on other people's shoes is just what we need sometimes, to give ourselves and others a break for a new impulse forward. Thank you very much for what I need."}" data-sheets-userformat="{"2":513,"3":{"1":0},"12":0}">This was an inspiring and motivating presentation. I loved the practical strategies the presenter gave us. I will use it for reference and post it on my board. Thinking outside the box and putting on other people’s shoes is just what we need sometimes, to give ourselves and others a break for a new impulse forward. Thank you very much.</span><span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Monica Quintero</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-37392 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:37392: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>The opportunity to join like-minded educators and share additional strategies and resources in the chat was the icing on the cake.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Veronica Anklam</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-36656 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials category-presenter-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:36656: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span><span data-sheets-value="{"1":2,"2":"I discovered edWeb when I was a classroom teacher running a program for preschoolers with autism. I was fresh out of graduate school and knew I had a lot more to learn! I have always valued professional development as a cornerstone to being an effective teacher, so I was so excited when I discovered edWeb and the Teaching Students with Autism community. I was thrilled at the chance to learn in short bursts on my own time (the option to watch recordings was especially helpful) while gaining CEUs – and all for free! \n\nI continued accessing edWeb until transitioning from the classroom to my current role at STAR Autism Support (SAS), who also happens to be one of the consortium members of the Teaching Students with Autism community. My interest in receiving professional development sparked my passion for providing it to others, which is one of the reasons I was honored to join the SAS team as a training specialist. After presenting the “Lessons Learned” training yesterday for edWeb, I feel like I have come full circle – from receiving training as a newbie to providing training to educators around the globe! Such a rewarding experience."}" data-sheets-userformat="{"2":12801,"3":{"1":0},"12":0,"15":"Arial, sans-serif","16":11}">I discovered edWeb when I was a classroom teacher running a program for preschoolers with autism. I was fresh out of graduate school and knew I had a lot more to learn! I have always valued professional development as a cornerstone to being an effective teacher, so I was so excited when I discovered edWeb and the Teaching Students with Autism community. I was thrilled at the chance to learn in short bursts on my own time (the option to watch recordings was especially helpful) while gaining CEUs – and all for free!</span></p> <p><span data-sheets-value="{"1":2,"2":"I discovered edWeb when I was a classroom teacher running a program for preschoolers with autism. I was fresh out of graduate school and knew I had a lot more to learn! I have always valued professional development as a cornerstone to being an effective teacher, so I was so excited when I discovered edWeb and the Teaching Students with Autism community. I was thrilled at the chance to learn in short bursts on my own time (the option to watch recordings was especially helpful) while gaining CEUs – and all for free! \n\nI continued accessing edWeb until transitioning from the classroom to my current role at STAR Autism Support (SAS), who also happens to be one of the consortium members of the Teaching Students with Autism community. My interest in receiving professional development sparked my passion for providing it to others, which is one of the reasons I was honored to join the SAS team as a training specialist. After presenting the “Lessons Learned” training yesterday for edWeb, I feel like I have come full circle – from receiving training as a newbie to providing training to educators around the globe! Such a rewarding experience."}" data-sheets-userformat="{"2":12801,"3":{"1":0},"12":0,"15":"Arial, sans-serif","16":11}">I continued accessing edWeb until transitioning from the classroom to my current role at STAR Autism Support (SAS), who also happens to be one of the consortium members of the Teaching Students with Autism community. My interest in receiving professional development sparked my passion for providing it to others, which is one of the reasons I was honored to join the SAS team as a training specialist. After presenting the “Lessons Learned” training for edWeb, I feel like I have come full circle – from receiving training as a newbie to providing training to educators around the globe! Such a rewarding experience.</span><span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Alicia Balfrey, Autism Training Specialist, STAR Autism Support</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-35079 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:35079: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>This was honestly the best PD I have ever been a part of, in regards to trauma-informed practices. All the material was brilliantly presented so all could understand the effects trauma has on the brain and how to help students get to their learning brain. I am sending the recording to my supervisor and fellow counselors as soon as I get it!<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Lorle Young, School Counselor, Knox County Schools</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-35075 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:35075: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>I feel like I just grabbed a lifesaver. Thank you! Already recommended to colleagues.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Linda Mitchell, Librarian, Prince William County Schools</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-34097 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:34097: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>I really enjoyed the webinar, <em>Embracing Anti-Bias Classrooms: A Response to Racism in America</em>. It was so eye-opening for me as a teacher who teaches very young children. I work in a nonprofit homeless shelter for families with dependents, with over 90% being young black children. I am always advocating that until these families are empowered within they will repeat this cycle. I struggle in life as a black female in school because I was a sharecropper grandchild, whose grandparents were not educated themselves. After school was integrated I was instructed by my white teacher to take the base classes in school because college was not an option for me. Thanks to all the ladies who shared life on this webinar keep the good work up.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Annie Paylor, Teacher</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-33719 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:33719: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>I am new to edWeb and have to tell you, I absolutely love and appreciate it. Not only am I enjoying it, but I’m learning some cool stuff. I regret that I did not have such a resource last millennium!<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Eric Goodrich</span><span class="join-title"></span><span class="job-title">Substitute Teacher and Retired School Social Worker</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-32835 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:32835: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>I can’t wait to share what I learned with my coworkers. I’m so glad edWeb is available to me as a children’s librarian in a public library. It’s one great big amazing resource!<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Karen Earp, Ocean Pines Library</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-32769 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:32769: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>I really enjoyed the specific tools and recommendations! I can see myself putting them in practice tomorrow. The advice and knowledge was given by real educators, which is invaluable.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Stephanie LeBlanc, Instructional Strategist, MSAD 51</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-32221 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:32221: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>I am a Literacy Coach in Spartanburg School District 6. Someone invited me to a webinar when I was a classroom teacher and I have been viewing these for 3 years. As a Literacy Coach I forward webinars to our teachers. Thank you for this resource. It’s phenomenal. I’ve learned so much!<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Carlton Carruth, Literacy Coach, Spartanburg School District 6</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-31306 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:31306: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>Just wanted to tell you that we are formally educated for a short period but andragogily self-educated our whole lives. You guys are such a valuable resource to that end. Good job and keep up the good work.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Michael Haran, Institute of Progressive Education and Learning</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-29983 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:29983: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>Needed this type of fun today. edWeb has the best webinars ever!!!!<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Mary Jo Huff, Multi-Award Winning Author, Master Storyteller and Puppeteer for the Early Childhood Classroom</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-29546 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:29546: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>I LOVE edWeb webinars for countless reasons. The fact that you send the webinar link to every registered guest (for free!) sets you apart from other webinar facilitators. You spotlight exemplary educators working in the field, day-to-day, and their expertise is powerful!<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Tamara Letter, M.Ed., Instructional Technology Resource Teacher, Hanover County Public Schools, VA</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-28957 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:28957: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>I want to sincerely thank you for your your excellent educational website! Keep up the great work! I have been recommending your wonderful website edWeb since 2016. I knew I found a gem from the first time I viewed an edWebinar. I really appreciate the important work you do for education! Your website is definitely an all-star!<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">John-Michael Werking, Learning Support/Inclusion Teacher, Altoona Area School District, PA</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-28000 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:28000: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>I have been attending these webinars for at least 1 to 1 1/2 years; I absolutely love them, and the wide choice. I learned of this site from our County BOE representatives.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Charline Robinson, Intervention Teacher, Adel, GA</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-25491 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:25491: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>Oh my gosh!! I love this new platform for PD and a built-in collaborative community! This is the best idea I’ve seen in a while! I can watch relevant material, at my leisure, take a quiz & submit for staff development credits–but I can also see archived resources and connect with other educators like me! I love this resource! Thank you so much.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Kristen Koeller, RTI Instructional Coach, Northern California</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-25490 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:25490: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span> is your one stop shop for professional development opportunities. I enjoy becoming a part of the various online communities. By doing so, I am able to increase my technology tool box as well as collaborate with fellow teachers.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Brittany Fowler, Freed-Hardeman University student, M.Ed. in Instructional Technology Program</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-24679 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:24679: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>edWeb is what teachers need who have real lives.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Robert McCarthy, Math Teacher, Immaculate Conception School, NY</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-24062 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:24062: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>I just watched the webinar entitled Creating Tomorrows Schools Today and I was moved by all the information that I heard about…. I thoroughly enjoy the classroom but after seeing the webinar I’m inspired to fulfill my administrator calling…. The webinar just adds to the plate as far as how much more of a positive impact I could make if I were to become an administrator. This forum will indeed give me more information. I look forward to the great things that will come out of being in this community.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Gail Morris, Business Education/Computer Technology Instructor, Gauger-Cobbs Middle School</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-23689 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:23689: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>I love your webinars! I’ve told all my coworkers about them.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Mary Newell, Preschool Teacher, Prince of Peace Lutheran School, Springfield VA</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-23642 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:23642: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>Thank you so much for the wonderful webinars you provide to educators. I love the Early Childhood communities and have joined several groups. I appreciate the archives so I can watch the sessions when I am free( and relaxed). Thank you again. PS I have learned so much from the presenters.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Janice L Marshall, Kinder Teacher, Amphi Schools</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-23515 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:23515: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>When I think about how far we have come regarding technology, it is amazing! Your workshops can be accessed by people everywhere and nobody had to get on an airplane to present it :)<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Robin Sachs, Child Development Faculty, MiraCosta College</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-21894 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:21894: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>I want to thank everyone for all the wisdom you shared. This is so amazing… It has encouraged me to be more aware of my actions and attitude. It is also refreshing to have all this knowledge in one place. Such a blessing. I am inspired and empowered.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Alicia Weeden, Paraprofessional Educator, Robert R. Gray Elementary School, MD</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-21881 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:21881: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>LOVE the new calendar with archived webinars. Really makes it easier for me to view past events given my busy days. And I continue to recommend to colleagues that they sign up and take advantage of the great PD opps from edWeb.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Davida Bagatelle, Special Education Liaison/Teacher</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-21707 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:21707: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>Wow! Thank you so much for all of your help and support! I had so much fun sharing, and I loved feeling the energy from the side chat box! I’ll be promoting the recording for the rest of the week! It was great to work with you! It usually feels hard to connect with the audience during a webinar, but I felt instant connections!<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Neil Gupta, Director of Secondary Education, Worthington City Schools in Ohio</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-21602 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:21602: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>I just want to THANK YOU for offering so many quality webinars and other professional development opportunities. Your service is wonderful, your topics informative and you make it so easy to participate.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Patty Spitnale, Director at Aldersgate Day School</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-20854 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:20854: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>Leaders like myself always turn to edWeb for the best practitioner-driven strategies, ideas, and solutions to improve professional practice.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Eric Sheninger, Senior Fellow and Thought Leader on Digital Leadership, International Center for Leadership in Education</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-20810 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:20810: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>I would like to take this opportunity to personally thank edWeb for holding such tremendously enlightening and extremely thought-provoking presentations full of fantastic ideas and invaluable strategies. They are always well thought out and clear, and hold my interest until the end. Watching your webinars has given me a lot of insight. They are a treasure chest for everyone. edWeb is simply exceptional. Keep up your excellent work!<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Rizwana Bari, English Teacher, Kiev, Ukraine</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-20776 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:20776: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>Thank you so much ! Last night’s principal chat went super smooth, and there was lots of great discussion. The hour goes by so fast! I’m receiving lots of positive feedback from the chat participants. I’m also getting lots of positive feedback regarding edWeb, too! The principals are loving the platform and might I add, I am too!!!<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Charles Shultz, NAESP Principal Coach</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-18934 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:18934: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>edWeb has become a valuable component of my professional development. Thank you, edWeb, for putting me in the driver’s seat of my development!!<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Debb Greco, 4th Grade Teacher, Thomas B. Conley School, Asbury, NJ</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-18929 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:18929: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>I am always showing educators and administrators the wonders of all that is edWeb.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Rachel Murat, Teacher and Tech Integrator, Maine-Endwell High School, Endwell, NY</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-18755 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:18755: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>I have posts from edWeb come in through my school email account and they open the door to discussion in this immediate community but also with my students! Some of the cases I’ve read make for great class opening discussions and add a rich depth to my lessons. Frankly, I enjoy learning with this community and I will continue to share the resources developed and provided by Common Sense Media. I look forward to “kicking off” my 2015-2016 academic year with a collection of Digital Passports, units, and case-scenario role plays!<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Erin Gillespie, ICT Teacher, German-Swiss International School</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-18312 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:18312: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>Downloading the edweb calendar is one of the best things I ever did.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Susie Highley, Media Specialist, Indianapolis, IN</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-18152 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:18152: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>I just wanted to say thanks for all of your help as a group and individually with setting up the communities. I may have found another interesting vocation – all this technology is fun to learn! The system is really easy to use.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Carol Riley, Associate Executive Director, Professional Learning and Outreach, National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP)</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-18151 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:18151: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>I did an extensive search to see which online educational program would best meet my need for a platform that created a collaborative online learning community that I could use for the doctoral seminars I teach. I settled on edWeb and could not be more pleased, both because of its collaborative features and because of the first-class support it provides. Any question or issue I have had is immediately addressed with a high level of professional expertise.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Holbrook Mahn, Professor, University of New Mexico</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-18149 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:18149: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>I am so grateful to have the support system of so many brilliant minds on this site. Thank you again!<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Nicholas Clayton, SDC Teacher/Tech Coach, Victor Elementary School District, CA</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-18003 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:18003: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>I just love the team and all that the organization has to offer! Keep up the terrific work, because educators like myself are truly benefiting from the outstanding information and ideas presented in your webinars.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">April Rice, Media Specialist, Holy Rosary Catholic School in Jacksonville, Florida</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-17961 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:17961: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>‘The sum of all the parts is greater than the whole’ – COLLABORATION – edWeb is fun and informative!!!<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Barbara Cotter, Technology Instructor, Florida</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-17959 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:17959: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>edWeb is a goldmine.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Rachel Langenhorst, Technology Integrationist, Rock Valley School District, Iowa</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-17732 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:17732: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>O-M-G. I can’t thank you enough. We need this.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Latrina Helfrich, Center Director, Xplor Private Preschool and Early Care Center, Carrollton, Texas</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-17605 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:17605: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>I enjoyed Mary Jo Huff’s Storytelling and Puppetry Webinar so much! I often use stuffed animals, finger puppets and other small manipulatives, like rubber ducks, to make activities more exciting in my preschool classroom but she gave me so many new ways to enhance my lessons for this coming year. Thanks for providing teachers with an interesting hour filled with some very creative new ideas!<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Rosemary Medeiros, Teacher, Silveira Kindergarten & Nursery School, Rhode Island</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-17602 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:17602: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>I truly LOVE having access to such quality professionals in the education field, that are spread all across the country, and the access is from my home computer here in little old Gladstone, Oregon…technology is amazing!! My grandparents would be in total awe of what we’re capable of… Thanks to Lisa Schmucki and others that clearly had a vision and made it a reality! May edWeb continue for decades to come, supporting and educating professionals that daily impact our next generations!<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Kecia Melton, Substitute Teacher, Gladstone, Oregon</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-17429 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:17429: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>Thank You edWeb. You have made my summer such a fantastic learning experience. The webinars have opened up so many different perspectives and I feel enriched. The hour long webinars have been rich in content and an excellent form of professional development right here in my home. Thank you edweb by keeping everything so updated and recent.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Heeru Bhojwani, Librarian, American School of Bombay, Mumbai, India</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-17344 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:17344: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>Recently, my Pre-K class and I took part in a webinar from edWeb via Time for Kids and viewed scientists “LIVE from Antarctica”. The scientist specifically spoke about the penguins they were studying. My students were so excited! How often do you actually get to hear and see live from actual scientists from their geological site? The students were also engaged in polls and answering questions from them. We learned many new facts about penguins and about Antarctica.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Christi Gonzales, PreK Teacher at Chitimacha Tribal School, Lousianna and District Representative - Louisiana Early Childhood Association Monthly Journal </span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-17343 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:17343: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>As always EDWeb, you ROCK!<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Barbara Cotter, Florida</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-17342 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:17342: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>Thank you, you are a new professional resource for me, and so far have been fabulous! Looking forward to building my online PLC.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Karen from Vancouver Island, Canada</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-17341 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:17341: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>I’ve learned so much this school year from these edWeb webinars!<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Deb Goetjen, New Jersey</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-17340 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:17340: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>Excellent resources. It was like attending FETC in Florida and not having to travel there!<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Leslie Siegel</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-17337 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:17337: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>New to edWeb…this is my 3rd webinar and I LOVE the professional development opportunities here. ADDICTED! My co-worker hooked me onto edWeb!<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Pamela Meehan, United States</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-16803 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:16803: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span><i>The work you are doing at edWeb is outstanding and needs to be in the hands of more people. Leaders have to do a better job of modeling the learning process. Thanks again for the opportunity to present.</i><span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="job-title">Joe Sanfelippo, edWeb presenter and Superintendent and Elementary Principal of the Fall Creek School District in Fall Creek, Wisconsin</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-16791 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:16791: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>I have found that these webinars have been incredible for personal development, have done 40+ since last fall and love the entire concept of the edWeb network of groups – it really narrows things down to communities of people with whom you can really work with on common goals.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="job-title">Allan R Chabot-Stahls from Port-au-Prince, Haïti</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-16768 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:16768: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>Thank you for the opportunity! It was amazing! We enjoyed the experience. I am still trying to wrap my head around the fact that my students shared an experience with scientists working in Antarctica in real time! Amazing!<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="job-title">Janie Ashcraft Winn, Ph.D, Kindergarten Teacher, Morgan Elementary School</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-16561 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:16561: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>Thank you so very much for providing this FREE webinar – with funding so tight, this option is about all we have for our professional development.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="job-title">Debra Sahleen, Teacher, Colton Elementary, OR</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-16379 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:16379: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>Thank you Shannon for the resources that have been posted in the “Stop Bullying” community. I have been sharing them with our counselor and incorporating them in the cyberbullying/internet safety unit I teach with our 4th and 5th graders. I’m always glad to find practical, common sense materials that have the heart of a child as the focal point. Appreciate it!<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="job-title">Rosa Blocker, Library Media Specialist, Cushing Public Schools, Oklahoma</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-16330 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:16330: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>I wanted to let you know how impressed I am with the quality of the webinars for library media specialists. I watched my first one yesterday and immediately e-mailed the other media specialists in our district to let them know about this incredible resource.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Sheri Pruitt</span><span class="join-title"></span><span class="job-title">Media Specialist</span><span class="join"></span><span class="company">Sonoraville Elementary School, Calhoun, Georgia</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-16220 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:16220: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>This is the best presenter and the best video I have ever seen. This man MUST be a regular to help us understand the appropriate components to learning.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="job-title">Amber Cece, Teacher of the Visually Impaired</span><span class="join-location"></span><span class="location">Houston Independent School System</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-16111 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:16111: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>These are some of the best webinars ever!<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="job-title">Mary Elizabeth Smith </span><span class="join-location"></span><span class="location">Bryan University</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-16109 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:16109: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>I have thoroughly enjoyed being a part of many edWeb communities, and benefited greatly from the recent webinars.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="job-title">Heather Murfee, School Librarian</span><span class="join-location"></span><span class="location">Elko Middle School</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-16108 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:16108: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>Hi!! Awesome work! THANK YOU for bringing this network of education to us!!<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="job-title">Trish Mohr</span><span class="join-location"></span><span class="location">Grand Forks, ND</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-16094 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:16094: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>Thank you soooooo much! I really have to say this was an AMAZING experience for me! You and your team are wonderful!!!<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="job-title">Nicole Rothbauer, edWeb Presenter</span><span class="join-location"></span><span class="location">Salem City (Ohio) </span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-15879 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:15879: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>Thanks so much. These webinars are great. I cannot imagine how else I would be able to participate in PD on this level!<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Lorraine Scaffidi</span><span class="join-title"></span><span class="job-title">Lorraine Scaffidi, Librarian, The Kings Christian School</span><span class="join-location"></span><span class="location">Cherry Hill, NJ</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-15825 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:15825: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>I have found your site to be one of the finest PD opportunities available. Please, keep up the excellent work! We are now using your webinars as regular PD in our school.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Judy Cornelius</span><span class="join-title"></span><span class="job-title">Director of Technology</span><span class="join"></span><span class="company">Prince of Peace Catholic School</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-15823 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:15823: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>Best webinar I’ve experienced all year, but since it’s from you, I’m not surprised. Thank you so much for this and all you do! :)<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Lee Cook </span><span class="join"></span><span class="company"> Plank Junior High, Oswego, Il</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-15765 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:15765: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>This was by far the BEST webinar I’ve ever experienced. I now believe everyone should use Twitter as the backchannel for a webinar because it allows searchable resources for later. So many positives as well as the presentation itself. Shannon was fabulous and responded to each of our tweets. He is very dedicated and models what he teaches.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Renee Setser</span><span class="join-title"></span><span class="job-title">Coordinator of Instructional Technology, Innovative Technology</span><span class="join"></span><span class="company">Manor ISD, Manor, TX</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-15755 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials tag-edwebchat tag-twitter" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:15755: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span><strong>Here are some recent tweets at #edwebchat</strong></p> <p>Although @twitter is great for #prodev, I love #edwebnet webinars with @newteacherhelp. So much energy & so many great ideas. #edwebchat.</p> <p>@newteacherhelp Wow! 24/7 of resources sounds fabulous! Just set up my @edwebnet account.</p> <p>#edwebchat @newteacherhelp thanks for a great webinar.</p> <p>#edwebchat Great ideas and resources today on twitter in the classroom. Sad it is over!</p> <p>Thank you all for sharing your great ideas! Glad to be there, it’s 7am right now in my area, though.)) Such a valuable time!!! #edwebchat</p> <p>Thank you for a webinar filled with awesome ideas & resources! #edwebchat</p> <p>@InstTechTalk I just did my first twitter chat, #edwebchat! awesome</p> <p>Really helpful webinar. Love all the resources-and they’ll all be available! #edwebchat</p> <p>This has been one of the best webinar, very practical and useful ideas on Tweetir in the classroom! Thanks a lot! #edwebchat<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Posted on Twitter Today</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-15688 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:15688: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>edWeb is the best thing since sliced bread!<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Irene Kwidzinski</span><span class="join-title"></span><span class="job-title">Library Media Specialist</span><span class="join-location"></span><span class="location">Connecticut Assn of School Librarians (CASL), New Milford, CT</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-15537 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:15537: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>This is by far the best PLN for educators that I have found! I send out a tech tidbit each week to my staff and always include something new that I’ve discovered on the site and in communities. I believe that online PLNs are the way that many districts are heading, not just because of budget cuts, but because this is the wave of the future…present!<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Janna Elfrink</span><span class="join-title"></span><span class="job-title">Instructional Technology Specialist</span><span class="join-location"></span><span class="location">Reeds Spring R-IV School District, Reeds Spring, MO</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-15413 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:15413: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>THANK YOU for this wonderful learning tool for me. I have enjoyed and put to use so many ideas that I have learned. Two years ago I searched high and low for a specific class on building a working platform for the students that I tutor. After a long discussion and paying a lot of money, I took a class from a University Professor. She was a great salesman. It was exactly the opposite of what I was looking for, wasted time and money. Last night I watched with my mouth open in awe and my pen racing taking notes as Shannon Holden in his Classroom Flipping webinar gave me EXACTLY the information I was looking for. And, with great enthusiasm. (I did not even complete the class that I paid for as it was so mundane).</p> <p>On the positive side, I would like to think that perhaps I was ahead of the curve looking for such a class 2 years ago, and I learned how not to conduct online learning. edWeb has taught me how to bring today’s learning environment into the classroom and make learning fun.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Debbie Wilson</span><span class="join-title"></span><span class="job-title">Teacher</span><span class="join-location"></span><span class="location"> Vail, CO</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-14839 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:14839: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>Why I Love Being an edWeb Webinar Presenter – Being a webinar presenter on has put me in a position to impact the lives of thousands of teachers and students in a positive way. All too often, educators work in isolation because they are hesitant to share their weaknesses, challenges, and concerns with colleagues and supervisors. edWeb has been a great vehicle for teachers to find a helping hand that doesn’t pass judgment on them or their abilities. I have been able to collaborate and network with teachers and administrators from all fifty states, and numerous foreign countries to find out “what works” in classrooms. This type of real-time interaction is the future of education, and I am so glad to be a part of it!<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Shannon Holden</span><span class="join-title"></span><span class="job-title">Assistant Principal</span><span class="join-location"></span><span class="location">Republic Middle School, Republic, MO</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-15539 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:15539: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>I am so glad to be a member of edWeb. I find edWeb speakers at webinars and other members to be helpful and not selfish in sharing their resources and knowledge of best practice in education. I have benefited a lot from online networking and discussing issues commonly encountered in our field with colleagues from the US. I am encouraging my teachers to become a member and take advantage of what Ed Web has to offer. I will add to my new teacher training program edWeb membership. Oh, I could go on and on.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Leah Montano</span><span class="join-title"></span><span class="job-title">ELD Program Coordinator</span><span class="join-location"></span><span class="location">APU International School, Vietnam</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-15548 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:15548: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>Wow, I just finished this webinar and submitted the quiz for it. This was really great, and would benefit any first year teacher!!! Lots of good information. Thanks<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Glenda Crosby</span><span class="join-title"></span><span class="job-title">Education Technician</span><span class="join-location"></span><span class="location">Enfield Station School, Maine</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-15560 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:15560: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>–favorite site of the year?? If you aren’t familiar with “where the education community meets,” take a tour. This is a social network that belongs in the “must experience” category of your web life for those involved in education.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">The Library Notes Blog</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-15559 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:15559: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>As a freelance journalist, I’m always looking for the best sources to interview for the stories I write for Ed Week and other publications. edWeb gives me instant access to educators around the nation who can speak passionately about what matters to them most. And for that I am deeply grateful!<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Robin L. Flanigan</span><span class="join-title"></span><span class="job-title">Journalist</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-15557 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:15557: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>I would like to compliment you on the wonderful work you and your team have done. We spent months looking at various options for a social networking site or framework able to accommodate our ambitious dreams and edWeb is it. We haven’t regretted the decision for a minute.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Carl Falsgraf</span><span class="join-title"></span><span class="job-title">Director of the Center for Applied Second Language Studies</span><span class="join-location"></span><span class="location">University of Oregon</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-15556 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:15556: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>Thanks for yesterday’s Webinar. It was the first one that I have participated in and I found the content informative and the system of delivery easy and convenient. It was a snow day at school, so I participated from home. I was impressed by the number of participants from all over the globe… Thanks again for a great professional development session. I look forward to using more of the resources, including Webinars, from edWeb in the future.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Robin Magistrali</span><span class="join-title"></span><span class="job-title">Library Media Specialist</span><span class="join-location"></span><span class="location">Torrington High School, Torrington, CT</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-15555 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:15555: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>The edWeb tools have been extremely beneficial for our coaches. For instance, all documents from trainings and coaching information are made available online for their convenience and so that pertinent information does not get lost in personal hard drives. All important dates specifically for coaches are utilized with the calendar tool so communication about deadlines and professional development is clear. Coaches are currently using the Wiki to make changes to content outlined for an eventual Power Point presentation they will present. Blogs are used for coaches to share best practices. Recently, coaches were asked to share their experience with their initial meetings with their mentees. Another critical aspect of the edWeb community for our coaches is the threaded discussions. This tool was used initially by posting a question when coaches were first hired where they were asked to describe their expectations of a Technology Integration Coach. Coaches then responded and some included clarifying questions for others before everyone had met for the first time. They also took the online survey I created to get a visual for everyone to view regarding computer and teaching expertise of the group as a whole.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Kelly Daly</span><span class="join-title"></span><span class="job-title">English Teacher</span><span class="join-location"></span><span class="location">Banning High School, Banning, CA</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-15554 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:15554: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>This website ROCKS! I set up my community and sent out the email invites to all my teachers and 5 minutes later 3 had already joined! I kid you not. I tried using a Ning and this beats it by a mile! Thank you so much.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Martha Vincent</span><span class="join-title"></span><span class="job-title">Special Services</span><span class="join-location"></span><span class="location">Region 8 Education Service Center, Mt. Pleasant TX</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-15549 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:15549: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>I found the presentation to be informative, insightful, and beneficial. I believe this is a perfect mix of hearing expertise shared with the opportunity to dialogue openly and have questions answered so quickly. It is a wonderful way to secure a range of ideas and reference in a short amount of time. Thank you for modeling what can be done through this venue. I need to learn more to do the same for our members for various topics. The work you are doing is real, relevant, and informative. Thank you for leading this collective engagement in thinking and processing about teaching, learning, and leadership.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Kelly Meyers</span><span class="join-title"></span><span class="job-title">Associate Executive Director</span><span class="join-location"></span><span class="location">Association of Wisconsin School Administrators</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-15547 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:15547: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>I love the archived webinars because I am able to stop and start and go back and in general, take my time to absorb the information. Thanks for all you do to make this possible.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Elaine Moore</span><span class="join-title"></span><span class="job-title">Media Specialist</span><span class="join-location"></span><span class="location">Cardinal Mooney Catholic High School</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-15546 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:15546: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>edWeb has proven to be a valuable resource for our learning community. The number one complaint of all educators is not enough time. edweb provides an online meeting spot where ideas and resources can be shared with ease. We can use it in school or in the comfort of our own home. It easy to use and has so many useful applications.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Cory Radisch</span><span class="join-title"></span><span class="job-title">Principal</span><span class="join-location"></span><span class="location">Maple Place Middle School</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-15545 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:15545: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>I am so impressed with the responsiveness of this site. I have learned a great deal and have shared so much information with my colleagues. I am also encouraging them to join us. You are doing a masterful job and I thank you.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Eva O'Mara</span><span class="join-title"></span><span class="job-title">Principal</span><span class="join-location"></span><span class="location">Highland Drive Elementary, Brecksville, OH</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-15544 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:15544: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>I recently stumbled upon and I cannot say enough great things about it. In the short time I have become a member, I have attended several webinars with my teachers, watched archived sessions that I missed, made connections with other educators, and provided resources to my district about Common Core Standards. The membership is free and once you are logged in, you can search for communities to belong to such as PD in Action and Implementing the Common Core Standards. Many of the communities host live webinars and all sessions are archived and include the slides and recorded chat session files. In addition, the site includes personal profiles, live chat, messaging, polling, discussions, shared calendars, wikis, and shared bookmarks.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Lynn Reedy</span><span class="join-location"></span><span class="location">Discovery Education Blog</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-15543 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:15543: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>I am also so thankful I found this incredible website and all the generous contributors. You have answered questions I didn’t even know I had!<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Nancy McEnanly</span><span class="join-title"></span><span class="job-title">Library Media Specialist</span><span class="join-location"></span><span class="location">Mt. Pleasant High School, Providence, RI</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-15542 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:15542: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>This was the first webinar that I’ve had a chance to view in quite some time… always….great information. Thanks to you, I sound so smart when I speak to my colleagues about trends and sites to inspire us in our journey toward 21st century tech.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Donna Presz</span><span class="join-title"></span><span class="job-title">Library Services Supervisor</span><span class="join-location"></span><span class="location">Ottawa Catholic School Board, ON, Canada</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-15558 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:15558: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>I really had a great time attending the live webinar on Using Data to Start the Conversation yesterday. I’m totally blown away with how the presenter elucidate the “4 big ideas” and how she backed them up with empirical data. I really agree with the presenter that Test Scores, Attendance, Graduation, Teacher Qualifications and Safety and Security are the major elements that would contribute to the “portrait of your school.” These are really highly significant because they play a vital role in the achievement of that certain school in the district.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Descartes Docabo</span><span class="join-location"></span><span class="location">Frontier College, ON, Canada</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-15541 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:15541: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>So impressed with the edWeb PLCs and have been a member since last spring.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Sherri James</span><span class="join-title"></span><span class="job-title">Coordinator of Professional Growth and Learning</span><span class="join-location"></span><span class="location">Portland Christian Schools</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-15538 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:15538: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>I am a 4th grade teacher from a very small school district. I am excited to view the webinars, collaborate with fellow educators, and be an active part of this community. Being a teacher from a small school district, I teach all subjects to my students, and I am the only grade level teacher. It will be very nice to have support from other 4th grade teachers.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Janis Behrens</span><span class="join-title"></span><span class="job-title">Teacher</span><span class="join"></span><span class="company">Lind School District</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-15536 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:15536: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>The discussions are brilliant. The responses that I have seen are very diverse and all are worthy of further discussion.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Brad Henry</span><span class="join-title"></span><span class="job-title">Education Technologist</span><span class="join-location"></span><span class="location">The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-15380 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:15380: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>I have learned more about the math practices from these webinars than I have anywhere else on the web. Thanks.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Rebecca Zullo, M. Ed.</span><span class="join-title"></span><span class="job-title">Graduate instructor</span><span class="join"></span><span class="company">Communicate Institute Training and Development, LLC</span><span class="join-location"></span><span class="location">Fairview Park, OH</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-15378 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:15378: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>I just watched this webinar in its entirety and it was terrific! Thank you. As the school librarian, I’d love to share this with my teachers. I know they, like I would, would like to get CE credit…. This is a wonderful way I can facilitate their professional development so I’m hoping I can be the go between.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Marie Blair</span><span class="join-title"></span><span class="job-title">School Librarian</span><span class="join"></span><span class="company">OLS School</span><span class="join-location"></span><span class="location">Birmingham, AL</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-15377 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:15377: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>Sam Wang is quite a gem. I was enthralled for the hour plus and have already downloaded his book on my Kindle. What a great service to educators.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Gerry Bogatz</span><span class="join-title"></span><span class="job-title">President</span><span class="join"></span><span class="company">MarketingWorks, Inc.</span><span class="join-location"></span><span class="location">Doylestown, PA</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-15375 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:15375: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>This group is not just for NEW teachers. I’ve been teaching forever and learn something new every time I log into Shannon’s webinars.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Nancy Hamann</span><span class="join-title"></span><span class="job-title">Teacher</span><span class="join-location"></span><span class="location">New Hampshire</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-15373 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:15373: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>The great thing about these webinars is learning something new from the presenter(s) as well as participants.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Khorshed Bhote</span><span class="join-title"></span><span class="job-title">Head of Programme within Teacher education</span><span class="join"></span><span class="company">an Adult and Community/Further Education college</span><span class="join-location"></span><span class="location">London, England</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-15382 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:15382: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>Remember the days of in-service- sitting for hours, while some topic is broadcast to the masses. It didn’t matter what the topic, as long as you were present to put in the time, you either walked away gaining some insight or you just walked away. As we move through the 21st century, more and more teachers are becoming responsible for their own professional development. The amount of education related material that is available on the internet is incredible and if you are not already connected to something education related, you are already behind the times. Listserves, 140 conferences, unconferences, edcamps, webinars, and even online communities like Nings, Twitter, RSS Feeds, Social Bookmarking and edweb can provide professional learning anytime- anywhere. But if you are looking for a place to start, edWeb can be that first step. edWeb is a learning community dedicated to educators. After a quick sign in process, you can search for and join any of hundreds of communities. Within these communities are blog sites, discussion forums and chat areas. You can post questions to your community or follow /participate in any of the discussion topics of interest to you. The great thing that Ed Web also has is webinars. Click to join these and engage in the discussions that take place during the show. Most take an hour to complete and the best part is that they should be about a topic you want to explore further. Most webinars take place after 3 pm and if you miss one it will be archived for anytime viewing. If you are looking to get more from your PD, edWeb is a great place to start.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Doug Alichwer</span><span class="join-title"></span><span class="job-title">Librarian</span><span class="join"></span><span class="company">Central Dauphin School District</span><span class="join-location"></span><span class="location">Harrisburg, PA</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-15370 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:15370: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>Thank you to you all for your help! I am so grateful to be able to find support here to continue on with the process! It has all been very helpful! We present our plans to the School District next month. Hopefully all goes well and we will start next fall with our plans.<br /> Thanks again! and best of luck to you all! This is a worthwhile cause that affects a lot of children for good.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Adrienne Plicka</span><span class="join-title"></span><span class="job-title">Garden Coordinator</span><span class="join"></span><span class="company">Hooper elementary school</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-15367 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:15367: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>Dear edWeb Team, Congratulations for your awards which you deserve for your hard work to help education by sharing around the world with generosity and without distinctions. Thanks a lot!<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Maritere Meléndez Mantilla de Elorreaga</span><span class="join-title"></span><span class="job-title">Foreign Language Teacher</span><span class="join-location"></span><span class="location">Chiclayo City, Lambayeque, Perú</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-14721 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:14721: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>I want to thank you for this course as it has inspired me to step outside my comfort level and start making partnerships with for instance the public teen librarian who has access to tonnes of ebooks. I am trying to get ereaders here for kids to sign out in order to use her collection. Also, I am now partnering with a very tech savvy French language teacher. We are joining together to teach staff how to use emerging technology to build content in their classes. She and I will demonstrate the techniques at staff meetings and I will support teachers by facilitating in learning the “how- to” on their prep time in the library. I now also have a vision of how social media can be used to enhance my library program, and even though my blog is still vastly underutilized, I have hope for the future in trying Facebook and Twitter now that our board is easing up on the filters.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Sarah Murray</span><span class="join-title"></span><span class="job-title">Teacher-Librarian</span><span class="join"></span><span class="company">St. Joseph High School</span><span class="join-location"></span><span class="location">Ottawa, Ontario, Canada</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-14720 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:14720: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>There is such a need for all you are doing with technology in education. If teachers will start incorporating tech in the classroom, student engagement will soar!<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Amy Anders</span><span class="join-title"></span><span class="job-title">Assistant. Principal</span><span class="join"></span><span class="company">Atascocita High School, Humble, TX </span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-14719 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:14719: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>Enjoyed every moment of this webinar. Thank you for inspiring me.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Pat Lawton</span><span class="join-title"></span><span class="job-title">Health Careers Instructor</span><span class="join"></span><span class="company">Greenwood, IN </span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-14718 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:14718: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>I teach in the middle of Kansas. We are a very small district. We have two sites that are about 25 minutes apart. It’s fun to talk with other teachers and hear about their classes and how things work or don’t work. That’s what I really like about the edWeb site. Thanks for all the great information you post and the conversations you generate.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Jo Walker</span><span class="join-title"></span><span class="job-title">Special Ed Teacher</span><span class="join"></span><span class="company">Tescott Grade School, Tescott, KS</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-14717 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:14717: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>I am a big supporter of edWeb. I am in several communities and I often share information about upcoming events or communities that I think our staff might be interested in. I love edWeb and I want my colleagues to see what it has to offer.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Susan Crowley</span><span class="join-title"></span><span class="job-title">Teacher Librarian</span><span class="join"></span><span class="company">Abington High School, Abington, MA</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-14548 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:14548: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>I really enjoyed the presentation … and am going to be busy following through on some of the resources presented. I am looking forward to the next webinar – hope I can make it live.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Deborah Leverance</span><span class="join-title"></span><span class="job-title">Technology Integration Specialist</span><span class="join"></span><span class="company"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Gila County ESA</a></span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-14504 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:14504: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>Thank you for the lesson plan documents. They are excellent and it is always nice when you don’t have to “invent the wheel”. Keep up the great work!<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Laura Breazeale</span><span class="join-title"></span><span class="job-title">Teacher</span><span class="join"></span><span class="company"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Sumter County Middle School</a></span><span class="join-location"></span><span class="location">Americus, Georgia</span></div> </div> <div class="paging append"><div class="alignleft"></div><div class="alignright"></div></div> </div> </p></div> <div class="panel" id="panel18662007002"><p><div class="testimonials-widget-testimonials listing"> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-8344764 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-partner-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:8344764: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>We were thrilled with our webinar and working with the edWeb team.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Christina Nawn, Director of Marketing, Kinderlab Robotics</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-8093426 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-partner-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:8093426: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>edWeb is the leading option in the industry for helping to garner sales out of thought leadership. Hosting an edWeb program is a celebratory moment for my clients. I often tell them “Let’s work towards an edWebinar!”<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Kate Pechacek, Founder and CEO, OpendoorsEd</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-7836984 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-partner-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:7836984: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>Thank you for creating a platform for teachers where they can truly learn skills and strategies that will help them in their classrooms. PD is so important, yet being truly curious about what you are learning is vital if we want teachers to integrate new ideas. edWeb allows educators to find sessions that resonate with their needs.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Jay Meadows, CEO, Exemplars</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-7239581 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-partner-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:7239581: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>Thanks again for such a great experience before, during, and after our edWeb session! We are still knee-deep in leads and booking meetings, and the value has been tremendous.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Anika Davis, Ed.D., Chief Operating Officer, QoreInsights, Inc.</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-6930392 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-partner-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:6930392: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>Our edLeader Panel was such a great value and we look forward to working with the edWeb Team again soon!<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">LeoLin Bowen, Strategic Partnerships Manager,</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-6202360 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-partner-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:6202360: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>Gosh- is it already a year you have been publishing the edWeb Voice? Congratulations! Savor the pride of creating a top tier publication respected and enjoyed by educators and vendors alike!<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Jane Radenhausen, President, J Daly Associates</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-6015564 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-partner-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:6015564: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>edWeb has been an amazing experience, and we have really enjoyed working with you.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Kathy Hoppe, STEMisED Educational Engagement with USPTO</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-5802016 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-partner-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:5802016: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>I’ve had the pleasure of working with so many great communications professionals and you really stand out as someone who helps us do our jobs and have fun with it too. Thank you so much for being incredibly responsive, professional, and approachable. It was truly a joy to work together. I’m already telling my team how we need to do more of these edWebinars and am so appreciative that EALA helped us sponsor this presentation.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Jared B. Fries ("JBF"), Partnerships Lead, Gradient Learning</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-5517682 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-partner-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:5517682: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>We are thrilled to be partnering with edWeb in the launching of our new Structured Literacy Instruction community. At Really Great Reading, we understand that the true driving force behind student success lies in the hands of dedicated educators. Partnering with edWeb was a natural next step in fulfilling our mission of equipping administrators and teachers with the right tools and knowledge to ensure the best student literacy outcomes.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Scott DeSimone, CEO, Really Great Reading</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-5188104 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-partner-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:5188104: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>Thanks, edWeb Team, for the range of resources that are created from the edLeader Panel!<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Kerryn Colen, Communication & Engagement Lead, PeopleBench</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-5187933 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-partner-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:5187933: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>We thoroughly enjoyed working with the edWeb team and will certainly be reaching out in the future to do more sessions!<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Kristina Kisch, MSEd, Director of Admissions & Recruitment, Yeshiva University, Wurzweiler School of Social Work</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-5000173 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-partner-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:5000173: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>We appreciate the edWeb platform and find it to be among the most effective lead generation methods for our clients.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Emily Garner Sumner, CEO, Spyre Marketing</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-4868461 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-partner-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:4868461: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>We love edWeb! Along with the numbers and data we receive, we also love being in the same space as educators from all over the world.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Toni Rose Deanon, Community Engagement Manager, Modern Classrooms Project</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-4715552 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-partner-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:4715552: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>I love working with the edWeb Team! I’m impressed by their innovation and the great ways they push out our content and resources. Hosting webinars with them is so easy, and I appreciate all of the tech support.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Gretchen Witthuhn, Senior Webinar Marketing Manager, Panorama Education</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-4678427 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-partner-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:4678427: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>After working with our school districts, preparing our edWebinars is my next favorite thing to do. edWeb is a big win for us at Common Sense. The chat comments make my day and the presentations are such a great opportunity for our educator presenters.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Jennifer Ehehalt, Sr. Regional Manager, Common Sense Education</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-4603413 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-partner-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:4603413: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>I love the platform edWeb provides for education professionals to meet and share good ideas. Improving education requires educators to get together, to talk about what is working, what is not and collaborating to improve our specific realities.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Jay Meadows, CEO,</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-4461952 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-partner-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:4461952: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>Hosting edWebinars solves a lot of challenges for our team, and we love that educators get CE credit from the presentations. It’s a great way to reach a wide audience, and the CE credit provides our community with a resource they need. The edWeb Team is reliable, quick, and consistent, and it takes so many logistical tasks off of my plate. We can trust them to handle all of our needs, with a friendly, supportive touch.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Aurora Dreger, Network Lead, EALA Networks Lead, InnovateEDU</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-4351475 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-partner-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:4351475: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>edWeb has been our #1 lead generator. We have successfully closed some big deals through our edWeb programs and connected with edWeb attendees at our in-person events.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Brady Smekens, Director of Professional Development, Smekens Education</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-4183621 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-partner-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:4183621: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>edWeb is a trusted professional learning resource for organizations, administrators, and educators, and my first choice for hosting high-impact webinars focused on the issues that matter in K-12 education.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Allison Maudlin, VP of Marketing, New Meridian</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-4061670 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-partner-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:4061670: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>The results of edWeb’s banner advertising are great! I have this in mind as something we could add again to my campaign portfolio later this year.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Jesse Loudenbarger, Marketing Manager, Solution Tree</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-3898892 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-partner-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:3898892: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>The edWeb Team gave good support and helped our presenters feel comfortable. We were pleasantly surprised about the many leads we received!<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Samantha Jones, Event Manager, Collaborative Classroom</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-3884870 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-partner-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:3884870: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>Congratulations on 15 impressive years of edWeb. Education NEEDED an online PD community to connect educators and education companies. edWeb created a vibrant learning legacy!<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Jane Radenhausen, President, J Daly Associates</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-3839661 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-partner-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:3839661: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>Our edWebinar outperformed and gave us the best third-party advertising and overall webinar experience last year. edWeb was at the top of the list to include in our budget planning for 2023!<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Lindsay Dixon Garcia, Head of Content, Hāpara</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-3788062 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-partner-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:3788062: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>Thank you for the incredible communication and support. The simplicity in registering, viewing, interacting with participants, is what makes the edWeb team truly unmatched in what you do for educators. Always proud to be part!<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Jimmy Brehm, VP of Academic Planning & Solution Development, Scholastic</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-2823571 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-partner-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:2823571: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span><span data-sheets-value="{"1":2,"2":"Thank you again so much for our edWebinar. I was thrilled to see our NPS score! We've received a few follow-up emails from teachers sharing stories of just how badly our approach is needed. Your team members that we worked with were fantastic. The whole experience was just so well designed and managed. Thank you!"}" data-sheets-userformat="{"2":6787,"3":{"1":0},"4":{"1":2,"2":16776960},"10":0,"12":0,"14":{"1":2,"2":2236962},"15":"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"}">Thank you again so much for our edWebinar. I was thrilled to see our NPS score! We’ve received a few follow-up emails from teachers sharing stories of just how badly our approach is needed. Your team members that we worked with were fantastic. The whole experience was just so well designed and managed. Thank you!</span><span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Courtney Reilly, Co-Founder, Skillsline</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-2448003 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-partner-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:2448003: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>edWeb does everything right and this [report] update is another example of edWeb’s willingness to use client feedback for positive results. Thank you for all your team does!<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Jane Radenhausen, President, J Daly Associates</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-2422549 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-partner-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:2422549: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>I am very happy with the quality of the leads generated this time around. We reached exactly the folks we were after, and with a very high-quality learning experience. I really appreciate edWeb working hand in glove with us not only on delivering a fabulous presentation, but also on meeting our goals for sponsorship. Many props to the whole edWeb team!<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">David Paige, ABC-CLIO</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-2380829 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-partner-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:2380829: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>edWeb team, thank you again for your partnership! You all are truly the best to work with and on behalf of Kaplan Early Learning Company, we are grateful to be able to connect with educators via this platform.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Raven Griffin, Marketing Manager, Kaplan Early Learning Company</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-1112501 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-partner-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:1112501: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>edWeb is the gift that keeps on giving because the edWebinar is recorded and easily available for the 400+ people who registered and didn’t attend. We should be getting even more positive feedback in the weeks to come.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Sandy Goldberg, Education Director, The WNET Group</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-332405 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-partner-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:332405: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span><span data-sheets-value="{"1":2,"2":"This webinar made me so proud to be an educator as I see how our leaders have taught the entire world how to respond to uncertainty with innovation, empathy and flexibility! Thank you all for the work you do to create a continuously better learning environment for our students. These webinars provide our educators innovative and inspiring ideas. They are a treasure and very professionally created. It is an honor to be a part of this work."}" data-sheets-userformat="{"2":6659,"3":{"1":0},"4":{"1":2,"2":16776960},"12":0,"14":{"1":2,"2":0},"15":"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"}">This edWebinar made me so proud to be an educator as I see how our leaders have taught the entire world how to respond to uncertainty with innovation, empathy, and flexibility! Thank you all for the work you do to create a continuously better learning environment for our students. These edWebinars provide our educators innovative and inspiring ideas. They are a treasure and very professionally created. It is an honor to be a part of this work.</span><span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Jerri Kemble, National Academic Advisory and Evangelist for ClassLink</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-304424 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-partner-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:304424: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>This has been yet another wonderful experience with the edWeb team. We deeply enjoyed it, and look forward to all of the follow-up. It was such a pleasure to be able to share this work with a wider audience.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Alex Dreier, Associate Director of Online Learning, Friday Institute for Educational Innovation, College of Education at NC State University</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-203005 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-partner-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:203005: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>The work is so much deeper and richer with wonderful collaborators and people who share core values and mission. This is how I feel about all of you at edWeb. Thank you for all you put into making it seamless on every level.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Pam Allyn, Co-Founder, Dewey</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-125967 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-partner-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:125967: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span><span data-sheets-value="{"1":2,"2":"edWeb, THANK YOU for your partnership and for providing a platform for this important conversation to be shared with educators around the world! You all are remarkable and a true joy to work with."}" data-sheets-userformat="{"2":6659,"3":{"1":0},"4":{"1":2,"2":16777215},"12":0,"14":{"1":2,"2":2236962},"15":"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"}">edWeb, THANK YOU for your partnership and for providing a platform for this important conversation to be shared with educators around the world! You all are remarkable and a true joy to work with.</span><span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Raven Griffin, Marketing Manager, Kaplan Early Learning Company</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-37460 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-partner-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:37460: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span><span data-sheets-value="{"1":2,"2":"I am so impressed with all the support you provide. Thanks for making my job easier."}" data-sheets-userformat="{"2":6659,"3":{"1":0},"4":{"1":2,"2":16777215},"12":0,"14":{"1":2,"2":2236962},"15":"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"}">I am so impressed with all the support you provide. Thanks for making my job easier.</span><span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Irene Spero, CEO, NextChapter Consulting, LLC</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-37338 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-partner-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:37338: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span><span data-sheets-value="{"1":2,"2":"The EdWeb Community is strong and helped make it easy for enthusiasm and passion to be noticed during our talk."}" data-sheets-userformat="{"2":6659,"3":{"1":0},"4":{"1":2,"2":16776960},"12":0,"14":{"1":2,"2":2236962},"15":"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"}">The EdWeb Community is strong and helped make it easy for enthusiasm and passion to be noticed during our talk.</span><span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Noelle Morris, Senior Director of Community Engagement, HMH</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-37097 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-partner-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:37097: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span><span data-sheets-value="{"1":2,"2":"From the first planning meeting to the event itself and the follow-up reporting, working with on our recent edLeader Panel was an incredible experience! We watched our website light up with traffic after they sent the first invitation, and they brought an impressive number of prospects to the panel. We highly recommend edWeb and can't wait for our next event!\""}" data-sheets-userformat="{"2":262657,"3":{"1":0},"12":0,"21":0}">From the first planning meeting to the event itself and the follow-up reporting, working with on our recent edLeader Panel was an incredible experience! We watched our website light up with traffic after they sent the first invitation, and they brought an impressive number of prospects to the panel. We highly recommend edWeb and can’t wait for our next event!</span><span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Douglass Mabry, Director of Marketing, Alma</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-36560 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-partner-testimonials category-presenter-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:36560: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>Working with edWeb was simply smooth, meaningful, and wonderful. The team expertly and patiently guided us through the technology and marketing, and every interaction with them was joyful and productive. What was most powerful, though, was the edWebinar itself, which gathered hundreds of curious and committed teachers from all over the country. Our Folger PD is always highly interactive and learner-centered, and even though we couldn’t see or hear our colleagues, we all found creative ways to immerse everyone in experiential learning and to listen to the perspectives of the best people on earth: educators. Without edWeb, this magic wouldn’t have been possible, and we’re so grateful we’re able to keep in touch with the amazing educators whom we met that day. Thank you, edWeb and the edWeb community! We think you’re awesome and we love, love, LOVE working with you.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Corinne Viglietta, Associate Director of Education, Folger Shakespeare Library</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-36541 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-partner-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:36541: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span><span data-sheets-value="{"1":2,"2":"\"The webinars we've worked on together have made a big impact on our business objectives, especially when we were trying to be supportive of our customer base with the move to remote learning last year! \""}" data-sheets-userformat="{"2":769,"3":{"1":0},"11":4,"12":0}">The webinars we’ve worked on together have made a big impact on our business objectives, especially when we were trying to be supportive of our customer base with the move to remote learning last year! </span><span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Texthelp Marketing Team</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-35703 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-partner-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:35703: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>edWeb helps our marketing and sales from two angles. Our edWebinars help us get our content out and we get great, qualified leads for our sales team. It’s an incredible value for the amount of leads we get!<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Josh Roberts, Marketing Program Manager, Events, Solution Tree</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-35437 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-partner-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:35437: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>Our edWebinar was really an amazing experience to have those conversations with the attendees. We had so many important questions and discussions that I went through the whole chat log and made a Q&A follow up document with written responses + ideas from the attendees (credited).<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Lindsey Tropf, M.Ed., Founder & CEO, Immersed Games</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-35098 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-partner-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:35098: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>The edWebinar was such a meaningful learning experience. Even though it’s virtual, you have an experience of people enjoying themselves as if you’re in the same room. It’s awesome, and better than being in one of those rooms.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Mary Docken, Vice President, Outreach, Intellispark</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-35074 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-partner-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:35074: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>We had about 50 new Facebook followers within an hour of the edWebinar, and more than 100 by the day after. I had several new followers on Twitter too.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Christine M. Snyder, Author of "Finding Your Way Through Conflict"</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-34312 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-partner-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:34312: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>I think what sets your content apart is that it’s so actionable – it’s direct access, for educators, to not just experts, but tips and resources. And it’s succinct – educators have such limited time that they’re able to set aside an hour and focus on the resources and information in the recordings/presentations.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Laura Ascione, Managing Editor, Content Services, eSchool News and eCampus News</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-32542 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-partner-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:32542: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>I’m still in awe of what a fantastic resource edWeb is, and also from the back end, how smooth the production and marketing is!<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Tess Reiche, Growth Marketing, Writable</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-32046 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-partner-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:32046: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>It was the most smooth and seamless webinar I’ve ever done.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Andrea Aust, Senior Manager, Science Education, KQED</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-32008 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-partner-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:32008: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>This was one of the most seamless efforts I’ve been part of. Thank you all for the opportunity to share with your audience. If there’s ever anything we can assist with in the future, don’t hesitate to reach out.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Ana-Le Cairns, Director, Brand Management, McGraw-Hill Education</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-32004 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-partner-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:32004: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>It was an amazing experience, I loved it! I think it’s the active live chat feature that energizes you. Thanks for a great experience!<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Christine Gonzalez, former educator and Customer Advocate, 3P Learning</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-31311 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-partner-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:31311: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>The edWeb team rocks!! One of my clients did an amazing edWebinar with over 1,100 registrants and nearly 500 attending live (with more to watch on demand). We did a followup email blast to the 1,100 and had a 39% open rate and 15.5% click through rate!!! My formula is engaging, meaningful content via edWeb + great promotions of the event + immediate followup with strong call to action = $$$<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Joyce Whitby, President, Innovations4Education</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-30251 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish has-post-thumbnail hentry category-partner-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:30251: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>Thank you, as always, for your awesome support! You really are my favorite webinar company to work with — you make it so easy!!<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Melanie Rogers, Training Team Lead, Rosetta Stone</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-30864 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish has-post-thumbnail hentry category-partner-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:30864: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>edWeb has such an amazingly organized and supportive process to prepare for the webinars – our experiences with edWeb have been by far the most pleasant and easy to understand compared to other partners we’ve worked with.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Kylene Shen, VP of Marketing, Evidentally, Inc. Copy</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-30184 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish has-post-thumbnail hentry category-partner-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:30184: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>Move over TED, our webinars are here! Thanks to a partnership with edWeb.Net and with professors and researchers across the educator community, VIPKid is able to support live and recorded professional development webinars. They are free for all educators and cover an array of teaching topics.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">VIPKid Newsletter</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-30108 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish has-post-thumbnail hentry category-partner-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:30108: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>Our webinars with edWeb yield more leads and a better ROI than any trade show we would ever invest in – and it’s so much easier with the edWeb team.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Siobhan Nordstrom, Community Manager, FreshGrade</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-30105 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish has-post-thumbnail hentry category-partner-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:30105: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>That was an amazing experience. Of the 650 people who were on the Webinar, nearly 10% have gone to the website to sign up to join our pilot. The number is growing by the minute.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Daniel Fountenberry, Founder of CoTeacher</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-29857 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-partner-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:29857: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>We are definitely sold on the value of these webinars for our clients and will be encouraging all of them to do them!<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Emily Garner Sumner, CEO & Creative Director, Spyre</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-29570 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish has-post-thumbnail hentry category-partner-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:29570: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>We were thrilled with the webinar and are so appreciative of everything your team provided in working with us. It was a real pleasure working with you.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Alex Dreier, Instructional Design Lead, Friday Institute for Educational Innovation</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-29531 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish has-post-thumbnail hentry category-partner-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:29531: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>The CoSN/edWeb superintendent webinar series allows us to leverage technology to engage in conversations each month with district leaders who are leading the way in meeting the learning needs of all students, and providing a valuable guide for others to follow.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Ann McMullan, Project Director, CoSN Empowered Superintendents Program</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-29522 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish has-post-thumbnail hentry category-partner-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:29522: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>edWeb’s chat is the busiest chat I’ve ever seen. They are so engaged!<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Melanie Rogers, Training Team Lead, Rosetta Stone</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-29244 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish has-post-thumbnail hentry category-partner-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:29244: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>It’s especially gratifying that participants seem to have found the content of this session useful—and I look forward to working with you and the edWeb team to continue to deliver high-quality professional learning opportunities and to build our ‘Success in a Digital World’ online community membership in the future.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Jeff Meyer, Director of Education,</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-29085 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish has-post-thumbnail hentry category-partner-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:29085: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>We’re thrilled to partner with edWeb in an effort to reach more educators on such important assessment topics. Assessment for Learning provides an interactive opportunity for educators to learn from their industry-peers and have access to helpful content to assist with their day-to-day responsibilities and decision-making.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Bob Sanders, Vice President of Sales Operations and Business Development, Pearson</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-29047 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish has-post-thumbnail hentry category-partner-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:29047: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>It’s been wonderful to hear from VIPKid teachers how teaching with us has helped hone their ESL skills in their classrooms too. We’re delighted to have an opportunity to share and promote stronger support for teaching language learners not just in North America, but globally through our partnership with edWeb.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Karen Raghavan, Head of Teacher Marketing and Business Development, VIPKid</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-27991 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish has-post-thumbnail hentry category-partner-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:27991: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>Superintendents are responsible for ensuring that their school districts embrace transformative digital learning. CoSN is excited to partner with edWeb to provide a platform for current and aspiring superintendents and school leaders to come together as a learning community to share their stories and strategies for successfully leading school system technology initiatives.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Keith R. Krueger, CAE, Chief Executive Officer, CoSN,</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-27759 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish has-post-thumbnail hentry category-partner-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:27759: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>We’ve found the audience to be highly engaged and think this platform is a great space to collaborate with the various sectors involved in edtech research.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Sierra Noakes, Research Associate, Digital Promise</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-26905 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish has-post-thumbnail hentry category-partner-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:26905: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>We are thrilled to be the sponsor of the Technology in Schools community. With our edWeb community, we have an exciting opportunity to share our knowledge with educators and technology leaders and expand the conversations around the importance of access, analytics, and rostering, and the essentials for realizing the full potential of digital learning.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Jim McVety, VP of Strategic Partnerships, ClassLink</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-25893 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish has-post-thumbnail hentry category-partner-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:25893: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>Learning Without Tears is excited to partner with edWeb to reach educators everywhere with creative classroom solutions, tips, and tools for kindergarten readiness instruction as well as handwriting and keyboarding instruction for transitional kindergarten through fifth grade. We’re thrilled to be a part of an online community that makes it simple for us to deliver our fun and engaging, multisensory strategies for Pre-K-5 educators so that they are positioned for success in their classrooms.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Jan Olsen, Founder and President, Learning Without Tears</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-25419 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish has-post-thumbnail hentry category-partner-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:25419: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>Digital Promise is excited to support this network with edWeb. The community and the upcoming webinar will build on the existing foundation and provide support for conducting pilots and making evidence-based design, development, and implementation decisions.”<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Karen Cator, President and CEO, Digital Promise</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-23701 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish has-post-thumbnail hentry category-partner-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:23701: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>edWeb is a unique organization within our industry in that they are truly able to offer value to both sides of education: vendors and educators. The approach edWeb takes puts vendors in a position to showcase their thought leadership, share their knowledge and provide meaningful professional learning opportunities to educators and administrators alike. At the same time, educators and administrators have access to high-quality, ongoing professional development at no cost to them other than time. Now more than ever, it is important for vendors to change their approach to those they serve by going beyond being simple solution providers and becoming true partners in the teaching and learning process. The edWeb team provides that opportunity and so much more through their professional learning communities.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Jacob Hanson, Managing Partner, PR with Panache!</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-23345 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish has-post-thumbnail hentry category-partner-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:23345: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>We have a unique opportunity to speak to–and <em>listen to</em>–the educators who are out there every day reaching and teaching students. Together we can build a caring community of teachers and learners.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Judy Galbraith, President and Founder, Free Spirit Publishing</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-23124 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish has-post-thumbnail hentry category-partner-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:23124: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>Representation at this esteemed level by such renowned professionals is in keeping with our desire to continually offer relevant information related to library growth and transformation. This community that we are sponsoring provides us with the perfect channel to speak to educators who possess the same passion and focus.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Randal Heise, Co-Owner, Mackin</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-21706 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish has-post-thumbnail hentry category-partner-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:21706: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>Other people say they’ll be there for you all the time, and they aren’t. edWeb actually is.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Linda Winter, President, Winter Group</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-21499 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish has-post-thumbnail hentry category-partner-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:21499: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>edWeb is a vital networking tool for Girls Thinking Global. As founders of a start-up non-profit, it was important for us to find a reputable organization to help us share our mission and reach professionals in the world of education who share our passion for educating and empowering adolescent girls and young women around the world. In just a short time, edWeb has enabled us to reach over 1,000 people through our webinar series on leadership. We cannot say enough good things about the professionalism of Lisa Schmucki and her team. We look forward to continuing our relationship with edWeb and would highly recommend their services to anyone trying to connect with professionals in the world of education.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Kathy Hurley and Deb deVries, founders, Girls Thinking Global</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-17214 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish has-post-thumbnail hentry category-partner-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:17214: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>edWeb has substantially raised our visibility with new audiences. Through our community features and webinars, we are able to promote thought leadership, professional learning, and audience participation around our mission. The monthly webinars have been phenomenal. They have helped us consistently reach large and international audiences, and have taken the burden off of of us to coordinate, manage, and promote webinars. I highly recommend edWeb’s professional learning community services.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Kelly Mendoza, Sr. Manager of Professional Development, Common Sense Education</span></div> </div> <div class="paging append"><div class="alignleft"></div><div class="alignright"></div></div> </div> </p></div> <div class="panel" id="panel18662007003"><p><div class="testimonials-widget-testimonials listing"> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-8345535 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-presenter-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:8345535: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>I want to say how impressed I am with the entire edWeb experience. The platform, the attendees, and your team are truly incredible.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Joe Ryan, STEM Project Manager, The Reimagined Classroom</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-7333589 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-presenter-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:7333589: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>We truly love the edWeb community. You bring so many new educators into our invention and IP world with your expansive reach! THANK YOU!!!! I always tell my teacher friends how awesome it is to work with edWeb and that they need to become a part of this community.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Christine Lawlor-King, Current Invention Education Consultant, STEMisED</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-7239862 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-presenter-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:7239862: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>I can’t thank you enough for your incredible support throughout this process. You truly made everything feel effortless! I also appreciate your timely feedback on our session—it was invaluable.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Karen Bryan-Chambers, Executive Director of Alumni Engagement and Impact, New Leaders</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-5310534 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-presenter-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:5310534: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>You are a rockstar! Thank you so much for your guidance and patience with us. It was truly a joy getting to work with you and then presenting as a part of edWeb. I love how the video is ready so quickly. A colleague already watched it last night and shared it, encouraging others to watch. That is a quick turnaround time. The reach edWeb is commendable!<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Christine Lawlor-King, Former Teacher, Current Invention Education Consultant, STEMisED</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-4715733 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-presenter-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:4715733: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>As presenters, our authors appreciate the quality feedback they receive from edWebinars. Seeing the engaged live chat informs our work and research.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Stephanie Roselli, Executive Editor, Gryphon House</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-4243338 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-presenter-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:4243338: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>edWeb sets the benchmark for what professional development should be in education. They take the most important issues head on, recruiting engaging experts to provide educators with the insight and support they need. Additionally, working with their staff members is an absolute joy. They are well organized, creative, insightful, and just flat out fun to be around!<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Christopher Jenson, M.D., Senior Health Advisor, Educator, Public Speaker, and Amazon #1 Best-Selling Author on School Mental Health</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-3989691 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-presenter-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:3989691: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>As someone who has greatly benefited from the resources and community offered by edWeb, I am grateful for the opportunity to contribute. edWeb has been an invaluable part of my learning journey, providing me with access to the latest research, tools, and strategies to support student learning.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Dr. Charlene Evans-Smith, Managing Director of Early Literacy, Instruction Partners</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-3899313 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-presenter-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:3899313: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>edWeb as a concept is brilliant! It’s a win/win for companies and participants.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Donna Hejtmanek, Reading Advocate and Founder of Science of Reading-What I Should Have Learned in College Facebook Group</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-2179860 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-presenter-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:2179860: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span><span data-sheets-value="{"1":2,"2":"So thankful for such a wonderful platform (EdWeb) run by a wonderful team (y’all) that allows presenters of her caliber to share their information with the world! ALWAYS enjoy my time with all of you!"}" data-sheets-userformat="{"2":6659,"3":{"1":0},"4":{"1":2,"2":16777215},"12":0,"14":{"1":2,"2":5242960},"15":"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"}">So thankful for such a wonderful platform (edWeb) run by a wonderful team (y’all) that allows presenters of [Mary Jo Huff’s] caliber to share their information with the world! ALWAYS enjoy my time with all of you!</span><span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Stephen Fite, Children’s Artist and President, Melody House Inc.</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-36656 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-member-testimonials category-presenter-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:36656: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span><span data-sheets-value="{"1":2,"2":"I discovered edWeb when I was a classroom teacher running a program for preschoolers with autism. I was fresh out of graduate school and knew I had a lot more to learn! I have always valued professional development as a cornerstone to being an effective teacher, so I was so excited when I discovered edWeb and the Teaching Students with Autism community. I was thrilled at the chance to learn in short bursts on my own time (the option to watch recordings was especially helpful) while gaining CEUs – and all for free! \n\nI continued accessing edWeb until transitioning from the classroom to my current role at STAR Autism Support (SAS), who also happens to be one of the consortium members of the Teaching Students with Autism community. My interest in receiving professional development sparked my passion for providing it to others, which is one of the reasons I was honored to join the SAS team as a training specialist. After presenting the “Lessons Learned” training yesterday for edWeb, I feel like I have come full circle – from receiving training as a newbie to providing training to educators around the globe! Such a rewarding experience."}" data-sheets-userformat="{"2":12801,"3":{"1":0},"12":0,"15":"Arial, sans-serif","16":11}">I discovered edWeb when I was a classroom teacher running a program for preschoolers with autism. I was fresh out of graduate school and knew I had a lot more to learn! I have always valued professional development as a cornerstone to being an effective teacher, so I was so excited when I discovered edWeb and the Teaching Students with Autism community. I was thrilled at the chance to learn in short bursts on my own time (the option to watch recordings was especially helpful) while gaining CEUs – and all for free!</span></p> <p><span data-sheets-value="{"1":2,"2":"I discovered edWeb when I was a classroom teacher running a program for preschoolers with autism. I was fresh out of graduate school and knew I had a lot more to learn! I have always valued professional development as a cornerstone to being an effective teacher, so I was so excited when I discovered edWeb and the Teaching Students with Autism community. I was thrilled at the chance to learn in short bursts on my own time (the option to watch recordings was especially helpful) while gaining CEUs – and all for free! \n\nI continued accessing edWeb until transitioning from the classroom to my current role at STAR Autism Support (SAS), who also happens to be one of the consortium members of the Teaching Students with Autism community. My interest in receiving professional development sparked my passion for providing it to others, which is one of the reasons I was honored to join the SAS team as a training specialist. After presenting the “Lessons Learned” training yesterday for edWeb, I feel like I have come full circle – from receiving training as a newbie to providing training to educators around the globe! Such a rewarding experience."}" data-sheets-userformat="{"2":12801,"3":{"1":0},"12":0,"15":"Arial, sans-serif","16":11}">I continued accessing edWeb until transitioning from the classroom to my current role at STAR Autism Support (SAS), who also happens to be one of the consortium members of the Teaching Students with Autism community. My interest in receiving professional development sparked my passion for providing it to others, which is one of the reasons I was honored to join the SAS team as a training specialist. After presenting the “Lessons Learned” training for edWeb, I feel like I have come full circle – from receiving training as a newbie to providing training to educators around the globe! Such a rewarding experience.</span><span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Alicia Balfrey, Autism Training Specialist, STAR Autism Support</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-36560 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-partner-testimonials category-presenter-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:36560: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>Working with edWeb was simply smooth, meaningful, and wonderful. The team expertly and patiently guided us through the technology and marketing, and every interaction with them was joyful and productive. What was most powerful, though, was the edWebinar itself, which gathered hundreds of curious and committed teachers from all over the country. Our Folger PD is always highly interactive and learner-centered, and even though we couldn’t see or hear our colleagues, we all found creative ways to immerse everyone in experiential learning and to listen to the perspectives of the best people on earth: educators. Without edWeb, this magic wouldn’t have been possible, and we’re so grateful we’re able to keep in touch with the amazing educators whom we met that day. Thank you, edWeb and the edWeb community! We think you’re awesome and we love, love, LOVE working with you.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Corinne Viglietta, Associate Director of Education, Folger Shakespeare Library</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-36540 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-presenter-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:36540: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>The whole preparation process for your guests that the team does is some of the best I’ve seen. Your online moderation keeps things moving and is chock full of resources. No wonder people keep coming back for more! Great content and structure. Kudos for top notch organization.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Diane Doersch, Technical Project Director, Digital Promise</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-35702 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-presenter-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:35702: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>The edWeb team is so professional and easy to work with. Plus, it’s all about numbers – and you have attracted thousands to my sessions!<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Dr. Michael A. DiSpezio, Science Author and Educator</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-34634 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-presenter-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:34634: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>You have built a fantastic platform to showcase best practices in education. Grateful for the chance to have been a part of it.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Todd Rogers, Professor of Public Policy, Harvard University</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-34614 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-presenter-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:34614: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>I really enjoyed the webinar yesterday. Most fun I’ve had with one of these. You guys do a great job. Let me know If I can ever be of help.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Dr. Sandy Addis, Chairman, National Dropout Prevention Center</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-34362 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-presenter-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:34362: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>The edWeb team is the best. I felt so supported doing this scary tech thing by myself.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Lili Levinowitz, Director of Research, Music Together Worldwide, and Professor Emeritus, Rowan University</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-32786 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-presenter-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:32786: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>I love being in the presence of such greatness. You all were awesome and I appreciate your support in getting this together. This guide is all new… this webinar just became a timely asset… I am excited to see how schools/districts use it.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Merve Lapus, Vice President, Outreach & Community Partnerships, Common Sense Education</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-32045 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-presenter-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:32045: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>I wanted to take a moment and thank you ….We were so excited to share our work with the field and your team allowed us to do that, and more!<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Jay Johnson, Education Program Specialist, Arizona Department of Education</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-32030 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-presenter-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:32030: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>THANK YOU SO MUCH! I had an amazing time this afternoon So happy to be part of this edWebinar series- you all were a joy to work with! Hopefully our paths will cross in the future.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Holly Esquia Gerlach, Educational Content Manager, LEGO Education</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-32028 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-presenter-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:32028: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>Thanks, everyone! I totally enjoyed the conversation!!! Keep up the amazing work!!!<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Dr. David Schuler, Superintendent, Township High School District 214, IL, Chair, CoSN Superintendents Advisory Panel, AASA 2018 Superintendent of the Year</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-32026 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-presenter-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:32026: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>I love this report and loved sharing it today on this edWeb webinar!… I also love the entire edWeb gang!!!<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Dr. Julie Evans, Chief Executive Officer, Project Tomorrow</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-32014 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-presenter-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:32014: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>The best way for me to learn how to do something is to make a webinar about it.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Michelle Luhtala, Library Department Chair, New Canaan High School, CT</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-32013 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-presenter-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:32013: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>WOW! WOW! WOW! Thanks to ALL! It was an honor and privilege to serve amongst such passionate leaders DOING THE WORK!!! Truly a transformative moment that WILL shift many and all connected to them. Our children…Our Future…Our Legacies deserve THE BEST!<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Dr. Johni Cruse Craig, Project Director, Delta Teacher Efficacy Campaign (DTEC) & Teachers Advocating to lead great Change (TAG)</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-32009 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-presenter-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:32009: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>Thank you all for such a wonderful experience. It’s a pleasure working with smart and accomplished women who love what they do. I’m grateful to have been asked to share my knowledge with your audience.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Dr. Yalda Uhls, Founder and Executive Director of the Center for Scholars and Storytellers</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-32010 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-presenter-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:32010: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>I LOVE edWeb webinars for countless reasons. The fact that you send the webinar link to every registered guest (for free!) sets you apart from other webinar facilitators. You spotlight exemplary educators working in the field, day-to-day, and their expertise is powerful!<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Tamara Letter, M.Ed., Instructional Technology Resource Teacher, Hanover County Public Schools, VA</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list even post-32007 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-presenter-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:32007: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>I just wanted to say thank you for each and every one of you who made the webinar happen. You were all incredible and made this an amazing experience for me. Thank you again and I truly look forward to working with each of you again very soon.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Evan Abramson, Director of Technology, Millburn Township Public Schools, NJ</span></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-widget-testimonial list odd post-32002 testimonials-widget type-testimonials-widget status-publish hentry category-presenter-testimonials" style=""> <!-- testimonials-widget-testimonials:32002: --> <blockquote><p><span class="open-quote"></span>Just wanted to say thank you for hosting such a great webinar. It was a “fun” topic for me to tackle in an hour and as always, I loved every minute of working with all of you. Such a class act in every way! Thank you.<span class="close-quote"></span></p> </blockquote> <div class="credit"><span class="author">Rachel Wagner, National Trainer and Early Childhood Mental Health Specialist, Devereux Center for Resilient Children</span></div> </div> <div class="paging append"><div class="alignleft"></div><div class="alignright"></div></div> </div> </p></div></div></div> </div> </article> </div> <!-- end content --> </div> <!-- end page-wrap --> <div data-wpr-lazyrender="1" class="clear"></div> <footer data-wpr-lazyrender="1" id="footer"> <div class="container"> <div class="clearfix inner-wrap"> <div id="text-6" class="widget widget_text four columns"> <div class="textwidget"><img class="flogo" src="data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=''%20viewBox='0%200%201%201'%3E%3C/svg%3E" alt="" width="1" height="1" data-lazy-src="" /><noscript><img class="flogo" src="" alt="" width="1" height="1" /></noscript> <p>edWeb helps educators share innovative ideas to improve teaching and learning.<p> <p><a class="signupfreebtn" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">SIGN UP - 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