Legal notice | Ministerio de Cultura

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Plaza del Rey 1, Madrid 28004. Tel: 917 017 000.</p> </div> <div class="cte"> <p>The ministry of culture informs you that access to and use of this portal, partners and sub-domains domains (hereinafter &quot;portal&quot;), as well as services or contents accessed through the same, are subject to the terms of which are set out in this Legal notice, without prejudice to such access might require the acceptance of additional general conditions.</p> <p>Therefore, if you&#39;re not happy with the terms of this Legal Notice, please do not make use of the portal, as any use or the services and contents implies acceptance of terms contained in this text. The conditions and terms of this Notice may vary, so we invite you to revise them when you visit again the portal.</p> <p>The ministry of culture reserves the right to modify, expand or temporarily suspend the presentation, configuration, technical specifications and services of the web site, as well as to make changes to update, correct, modify, add or remove the contents of the website or its design, without prior notice to users. The contents and services offered in the website is updated continuously. Due to the updating of the information is not immediately, we suggest you always check the validity and accuracy of information, services and contents set out in the portal.</p> <p>The information obtained through the portal, as well as the replies to the issues raised in its contact forms, serves as a general information and citizen attention in terms of article 4 of the royal decree 208/1996 of 9 february, regulating the management information services and attention to the citizen, which in no case may arise in any binding legal effect.</p> <p>For the purposes of this document is meant by &ldquo; agent reutilizador &rdquo; any person, physical or legal entity that reuse of public sector information, whether for commercial or noncommercial use.</p> </div> <div class="cte"> <h2>1. Intellectual and industrial property</h2> <p>The structure of the portal, its design and source codes, databases, designs, logos, trademarks and other distinctive signs, texts, photographs, images, videos and other contents, as well as its format, including in the portal of the ministry of culture are the property of the ministry of culture or their partners and are protected by intellectual and industrial property rights.</p> <p>The ministry of culture authorizes reuse of texts, photographs, images, videos and other content available through the portal according to the following:</p> <h3 class="subrayado">General license of reuse of documents in which responsibility rests with the ministry of culture and its agencies servants assigned or dependants.</h3> <p>The ministry of culture authorizes reuse of texts, photographs, images, videos and other contents available to the portal in the ministry of culture whose original source is the ministry of culture in accordance with the general conditions set out in articles 7 and 8<a href="" rel="external">Royal Decree 1495/2011, of 24 october</a><img alt="BOE" height="13" src="/docroot/img/iconos/13/ico-boe.gif" title="BOE" width="30" /> , which develops law 37/2007 of 16 november, on re-use of public sector information, on the field of public sector, and in the Annex of this royal decree reproduced adapted to the ministry below:</p> <h4 class="ml-40px">Legal notice to the general modality of providing reusable documents</h4> <h4 class="ml-40px">Obligation of the general conditions</h4> <p class="ml-40px">The present general conditions, available on a permanent basis under<a href=""></a><img alt="New window" height="14" src="/docroot/img/iconos/13/ico-nv.gif" title="New window" width="16" /> linked to any actor reutilizador by the mere use of the documents submitted to them.</p> <p class="ml-40px">Authorization for re-use and non-exclusive assignment of intellectual property rights.</p> <p class="ml-40px">The present general conditions enable leverage of the documents submitted to them. It is understood by reuse the use of documents on file with the organs of the General state administration and other agencies and entities of the state sector referred to in article 1.2 of the royal decree 1495/2011, of 24 october, by individuals or legal entities, for commercial or noncommercial purposes, provided that such use does not constitute a public administrative activity. Reuse authorized includes, by way of example, activities such as copying, distribution, modification, adaptation, extraction, reordering and combination of information.</p> <p class="ml-40px">The concept of the document is established in paragraph 2 of article 3<a href="" rel="external">Law 37/2007 of 16 november</a><img alt="BOE" height="13" src="/docroot/img/iconos/13/ico-boe.gif" title="BOE" width="30" /> on re-use of public sector information, including any information regardless of their support, material or tourism, as well as their graphic expression, sound or image, also used, including data disaggregated levels or more &ldquo; product &rdquo;.</p> <p class="ml-40px">This authorization carries with it, in addition, the assignment of free and not exclusive of intellectual property rights, as appropriate, for such documents, authorised the realization of reproduction, distribution, public communication or transformation, necessary to develop the business of reuse authorized, in any manner and under any format, for the whole world and the maximum period permitted by law.</p> <h4 class="ml-40px">General conditions for reuse.</h4> <p class="ml-40px">For the reuse of official apply the following terms:</p> <p class="ml-80px">1. It is prohibited to distort the meaning of the information.</p> <p class="ml-80px">2. It must include the source of the documents which are the subject of reuse. This may be as follows: Data source: ministry of culture.</p> <p class="ml-80px">3. It should be mentioned that the date of the last update of the documents which are the subject of reuse, as long as it were included in the original document.</p> <p class="ml-80px">4. You will not be able to indicate, imply or suggest that the ministry of Culture holder usable information participates, sponsors or supports reuse carried out in it.</p> <p class="ml-80px">5. They must be preserved, not altered or be suppressed the metadata on the date of updating and conditions for re-use applicable including, where applicable, in the document made available for reuse.</p> <h4 class="ml-40px">Exclusion of liability</h4> <p class="ml-40px">The reuse of documents will be undertaken at the risk of reutilizador agent; exclusively respond against third parties for the damage that may cause.</p> <p class="ml-40px">The ministry of culture is not liable for their use reutilizadores agents of the tools and information contained in the web, nor any damages which are directly or indirectly, or it could produce usable information.</p> <h4 class="ml-40px">The responsibility of reutilizador agent.</h4> <p class="ml-40px">The agent reutilizador is subjected to the rules applicable in respect of the reuse of public sector information, including the sanctions regime set out in article 11 of act 37/2007 of 16 november.</p> <p class="ml-40px">With the aim of informing engines and automated search on the Internet, be included in the location of public information can be reused as timely. To that end, while others may be used for the technical modalities, the following basic command, linked to the general conditions of reuse:</p> <p class="ml-40px">&lt; a href = &quot;; rel =&quot; license &quot;&gt; legal notice</p> <p class="ml-40px">either the command</p> <p class="ml-40px">&lt; a href = &quot;legal;&gt;aviso .</p> <h3 class="subrayado">Reuse of licence documents in which responsibility is different from third to the ministry of culture and its agencies servants assigned or dependants</h3> <p>With regard to documents issued at this portal in which responsibility is third, it is understood that the exclusive rights to protect them have been assigned to the ministry of culture or their Government Agencies, attached or dependent, through the corresponding legal instrument, a prior to disclosure, in accordance with article 308<a href="" rel="external">Law 9/2017 of 8 november</a><img alt="BOE" height="13" src="/docroot/img/iconos/13/ico-boe.gif" title="BOE" width="30" /> , on public Sector contracts. In this case, it is of the implementation of the general license reuse of documents of the previous subparagraph, unless otherwise provided in the Area of this Portal containing works protected by intellectual property rights included a specific notice where expressly provided otherwise. In the latter case, the license of reuse is limited to the specific conditions contained in such notice, or to download of such user content exclusively for private use, provided that these contents remain, with Full use, reproduction, distribution, public communication, transformation or any other activity similar or analogous, totally prohibited, except in cases of express authorization from the ministry of culture.</p> <h3 class="subrayado">Reuse of licence documents, archives and collections of private origin</h3> <p>As to the documents, archives and collections of private origin is stored in the archives, libraries and museums, its provision for the purpose of reuse is carried out according to the conditions established in the legal instrument that has led to the preservation and care of these funds in public cultural institutions, in accordance with the Additional Provision fourth of the act 37/2007 of 16 november.</p> <h3 class="subrayado">Concluding statement and point of contact</h3> <p>The ministry of culture declares its commitment to respect the intellectual and industrial property rights of third parties. That is why we ask you if it considers that this website could be to violate their rights, contact us through the<a href="" rel="external">contact form of the ministry</a>indicating in the subject of the consultation &ldquo; disagreement with the Legal notice &rdquo;.</p> </div> <div class="cte"> <h2>2. Links or hyperlinks</h2> <p>The ministry of culture allows him access to other websites which you may find of interest. Those links are Only provide the search of resources that may interest you. However, those web sites do not belong to it, nor does a review of its content and, therefore, it could not be responsible for them, the functioning of the linked page or possible damages that may derive from access or use of the same. The user assumes sole responsibility under its consequences, damage or actions that might result from access to the website.</p> <p>People intending to establish a hyperlink from your website and the ministry of culture should take into account the following:</p> <ul> <li> <p>The establishment of the hyperlink does not mean in any case the existence of relations between the ministry of culture and the owner of the website is established, nor the acceptance and approval by the ministry of culture of its content or services. Therefore, not declare or imply that the ministry of culture has expressly authorised the hyperlink, nor that it has supervised or assumed the services offered or made available on the website that establishes the hyperlink.</p> </li> <li> <p>The ministry of culture is in no way responsible nor guarantees the quality, accuracy, reliability, accuracy or morality of the contents or services that the establishment of the hyperlink can offer. The user assumes sole responsibility under its consequences, damage or actions that might result from access to the website of the hyperlink.</p> </li> <li> <p>The web page where the hyperlink is established may not contain brand, denomination, logo, slogan or other distinctive signs belonging to the ministry of culture, except the signs that form part of the hyperlink.</p> </li> <li> <p>The web page where the hyperlink is established shall not contain information with illegal content, discriminatory, contrary to commonly accepted ethical principles or violate public order or rights of third parties.</p> </li> <li> <p>At any time, the ministry of culture may require the abolition of the link to your domain, with no need to give any cause. In this case, the page that has made the link should proceed to its immediate deletion, as soon as the debtor receives notification of this by the ministry of Culture.</p> </li> </ul> <h2>3. Frames</h2> <p>The ministry of culture expressly prohibits the realization of &quot;framings&quot; or use by third parties of any mechanism that alters the design, original configuration or contents of its portal.</p> <h2>4. Applicable law and jurisdiction in send information about</h2> <p>The law applicable in the event of a dispute or conflict of interpretation of terms that make up this legal notice, as well as any issue related to the services of this portal, is spanish law. For the resolution of any conflict that may arise during the visit to the portal or the use of its services, the ministry of culture and the user or the user agree to be bound by the courts of his home, provided that it is located on spanish territory.</p> </div> <div class="cte"> <div class="ta-center cten fondo"> <p>Updated information in April 2024.</p> <p>This webpage was translated by a translation software without revision by human translators. More information in our <a href="" rel="external">notice on translations</a>.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <footer> <div id="pie"> <div class="bloque-superior"> <div class="centrado"> <ul class="logos"> <li > <a rel="external" href=""> <img loading="lazy" title="Acceso a Participación pública en proyectos normativos" alt="Acceso a Participación pública en proyectos normativos" src="/.imaging/mte/mcd-theme/pie-logotipos/dam/mcd/servicios-al-ciudadano/logo-tipos-pie/participacion-publica/jcr:content/participacion-publica.jpg"> </a> </li> <li > <a rel="external" href=""> <img loading="lazy" title="Portal de transparencia" alt="Portal de transparencia" src="/.imaging/mte/mcd-theme/pie-logotipos/dam/mcd/servicios-al-ciudadano/logo-tipos-pie/logotipo-transparencia/jcr:content/logotipo-transparencia.jpg"> </a> </li> <li > <a rel="external" href=""> <img loading="lazy" title="Acceso al PAG. Punto de acceso general" alt="Acceso al PAG. 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