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What fun!&quot;</p> <p>He added what he said was a free piece of advice: &quot;Don&#39;t adopt the Israel&#39;s system of government,&quot; he said to laughter. &quot;Every system has its pluses and minuses, but believe me it&#39;s a lot easier finding common ground between two parties than it is to find common ground among 10 parties. You think you have difficulty working out your politics, believe me this is hard.&quot;</p> <p> <div class="blog_tools"> <ul class="inlist"> <li>Posted by Lesley Clark at 04:15 PM in <a href="">Barack Obama</a>, <a href="">Israel</a></li> <li> | </li> <li><a href="">Permalink</a></li> <li> | </li> <li><a href="">Comments <span class="stats">(0)</span></a></li> <li> | </li> <li><a href="">TrackBack <span class="stats">(0)</span></a></li> <br/> <!-- technorati tags --> <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> </ul> </div></div></p><br/> <a id="a6a00d83451c64169e2017d417b1404970c"></a> <div class="blog_entry"> <h2 class="entry-header"><a href="">Obama: Spending cuts remain a "deep concern"</a></h2> <p>President Obama told his Cabinet Monday that the across-the=board spending cuts that went into effect Friday remains a &quot;deep concern.&quot;</p> <p>&quot;We are going to manage it as best we can, try to minimize the impacts on American families, but it’s not the right way for us to go about deficit reduction,&quot; he said. &#39;It makes sense for us to take a balanced approach that takes a long view and doesn’t reduce our commitment to things like education and basic research that will help us grow over the long term.&quot;</p> <p>Obama said he will continue to &quot;seek out partners on the other side of the aisle so that we can create the kind of balanced approach of spending cuts, revenues, entitlement reform that everybody knows is the right way to do things.&quot;</p> <p>&quot;In the meantime, we’re going to do our best to make sure that our agencies have the support they need to try to make some very difficult decisions, understanding that there are going to be families and communities that are hurt, and that this will slow our growth. It will mean lower employment in the United States than otherwise would have been.&quot;</p> <p>New faces at Obama&#39;s first Cabinet meteing of his second term: Treasury Secretary Jack Lew and Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel.</p> <p> <div class="blog_tools"> <ul class="inlist"> <li>Posted by Anita Kumar at 02:19 PM in <a href="">Barack Obama</a>, <a href="">White House</a></li> <li> | </li> <li><a href="">Permalink</a></li> <li> | </li> <li><a href="">Comments <span class="stats">(0)</span></a></li> <li> | </li> <li><a href="">TrackBack <span class="stats">(0)</span></a></li> <br/> <!-- technorati tags --> <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> </ul> </div></div></p><br/> <a id="a6a00d83451c64169e2017d4179ffb7970c"></a> <div class="blog_entry"> <h2 class="entry-header"><a href="">US is committed to preventing a nuclear Iran, Biden tells AIPAC</a></h2> <p>Vice President Joe Biden said Monday that President Obama isn&#39;t exaggerating when he says he&#39;d use military action if necessary to prevent Iran from securing a nuclear weapon.</p> <p>Speaking to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, Biden said the U.S. is &quot;not looking for war,&quot; and prefers to &quot;negotiate peacefully.&quot; But, he added that all options, including military force, are on the table -- and that Obama isn&#39;t kidding. </p> <p>&quot;Big nations can&#39;t bluff,&quot; Biden said. &quot;And presidents of the United States cannot and do not bluff.&#0160; And President Barack Obama is not bluffing.&quot;</p> <p>Biden offered a spirited defense of Obama&#39;s Israel policy, his remarks coming just a few weeks before President Obama will travel to Israel for the first time as president. Biden said he expected Obama to hit many of the same points on his trip, but he joked that he&#39;s learned not to &quot;steal the president&#39;s thunder.&quot; (Biden famously embraced gay marriage in a TV interview last year, prompting a faster-than-expected evolution from Obama.)</p> <p>Before Biden took the stage, Sen. John McCain delivered a sharp critique of the administration&#39;s Middle East policies, arguing that it needs to get tougher with Iran.</p> <p>&quot;The only way to deter Iran&quot; from a nuclear program, McCain said, is to convince it that Israel and the U.S. would strike together. </p> <p>MCain was also critical of the administration&#39;s reluctance to arm the rebels in Syria, but Biden said that although the US believes Syrian leader Bashir Assad must go, the U.S. isn&#39;t &quot;signing up for one murderous gang replacing another in Damascus.&quot;</p> <p>He said the administration was &quot;carefully vetting those to who we give assistance.&quot; </p> <p> <div class="blog_tools"> <ul class="inlist"> <li>Posted by Lesley Clark at 11:21 AM in <a href="">Barack Obama</a>, <a href="">Joe Biden</a></li> <li> | </li> <li><a href="">Permalink</a></li> <li> | </li> <li><a href="">Comments <span class="stats">(1)</span></a></li> <li> | </li> <li><a href="">TrackBack <span class="stats">(0)</span></a></li> <br/> <!-- technorati tags --> <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> </ul> </div></div></p><br/> <a id="a6a00d83451c64169e2017c37498372970b"></a> <div class="blog_entry"> <h2 class="entry-header"><a href="">President Obama to fill up Cabinet seats </a></h2> <p>President Obama today will nominate Sylvia Mathews Burwell as director of the Office of Management and Budget, a White House official says. Obama will make the announcement from the East Room at the White House.</p> <p>NPR and Politico are reporting that Obama also will nominate&#0160;Gina McCarthy as the new Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency and Ernest Moniz for Enery Secretary.</p> <p>The White House says Burwell, a a deputy director of the OMB during the Clinton administration, is an expert on budgetary and domestic policy and brings a &quot;keen understanding of the budget process&quot; to the role.&#0160; Burwell served as OMB deputy director from 1998 to 2001. She also served as deputy chief of staff to the President and chief of staff to the Treasury Secretary during the Clinton administration.</p> <p>The White House says that during her tenure at OMB, she was &quot;one of the principal architects of a series of budget plans that produced a budget surplus, proving her ability to navigate the intricacies of the budget process and to work in a bipartisan way to produce results.&quot;&#0160;</p> <p>She has also held top roles at two prominent philanthropic organizations. She currently serves as president of the Walmart Foundation, where she leads the foundation and also leads Walmart&#39;s Women&#39;s Economic Empowerment Initiative. Before assuming the role in 2012, Burwell was president of the Global Development Program at the Bill &amp; Melinda Gates Foundation, where she worked for 10 years and was also chief operating officer.</p> <p> <div class="blog_tools"> <ul class="inlist"> <li>Posted by Lesley Clark at 07:06 AM in <a href="">Barack Obama</a></li> <li> | </li> <li><a href="">Permalink</a></li> <li> | </li> <li><a href="">Comments <span class="stats">(0)</span></a></li> <li> | </li> <li><a href="">TrackBack <span class="stats">(0)</span></a></li> <br/> <!-- technorati tags --> <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> </ul> </div></div></p><br/> <a id="a6a00d83451c64169e2017c373abae5970b"></a> <div class="blog_entry"> <p class="date">March 02, 2013</p> <h2 class="entry-header"><a href="">Republicans stick to their position on cuts, keep blaming Obama</a></h2> <p>As automatic spending cuts went into effect, House of Representatives were firm in their stance: It&#39;s President Barack Obama&#39;s fault.</p> <p>House Republican Conference Chairwoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers, R-Wash., made that point in the party&#39;s Saturday address.</p> <p>&quot;Yesterday, across-the-board spending cuts known as ‘the sequester’ took effect because President Obama and Senate Democrats failed to act.&#0160; These devastating across-the-board cuts, first proposed by the president, will affect the lives of so many hardworking Americans,&quot; she said. &quot;Yet, this week, the president traveled 180 miles to Newport News, Virginia, instead of traveling one and a half miles to Senator Harry Reid’s office on Capitol Hill to negotiate a replacement of smarter spending cuts.&#0160; The president failed to act, and his Senate never passed a bill to replace the sequester.&quot;</p> <p>She recalled how last year, the House of Representatives passed two plans--with no Democratic support--to implement alternative cuts. The plans went nowhere in the Democratic-run Senate.</p> <p>&quot;Our plans cut government waste and make long-term reforms that put us on a path to a balanced budget.&#0160; In addition, we are looking at ways to close tax loopholes and clean up our tax code so we can lower rates and help create jobs.&#0160; These ideas get government out of the way so we can bring jobs home and preserve the American Dream,&quot; McMorris Rodgers said. </p> <p><a href="">Continue reading "Republicans stick to their position on cuts, keep blaming Obama"</a></p> <p> <div class="blog_tools"> <ul class="inlist"> <li>Posted by David Lightman at 10:06 AM in <a href="">Barack Obama</a>, <a href="">Congress</a>, <a href="">Democrats</a>, <a href="">Economy</a>, <a href="">Fiscal cliff</a>, <a href="">House of Representatives</a>, <a href="">Republicans</a>, <a href="">Taxes</a>, <a href="">White House</a></li> <li> | </li> <li><a href="">Permalink</a></li> <li> | </li> <li><a href="">Comments <span class="stats">(4)</span></a></li> <li> | </li> <li><a href="">TrackBack <span class="stats">(0)</span></a></li> <br/> <!-- technorati tags --> <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> </ul> </div></div></p><br/> <a id="a6a00d83451c64169e2017c3739996d970b"></a> <div class="blog_entry"> <h2 class="entry-header"><a href="">Obama pins blame on Republicans for sequester in weekly radio address</a></h2> <p>President Obama laid the blame for a series of spending cuts that start today at the feet of Republicans in his weekly <a href="" target="_blank">address</a>.</p> <p>In his remarks Obama said the $85 billion in cuts -- known in Washington as &quot;the sequester&quot; -- have &quot;already started to inflict pain on communities across the country.&quot;</p> <p>He called the cuts &quot;not smart&quot; and said they&#39;d &quot;hurt our economy and cost us jobs. And Congress can turn them off at any time – as soon as both sides are willing to compromise.&quot;</p> <p>The administration has been accused of overstating the affects of the cuts, and Obama said -- as he did Friday -- that &quot;while not everyone will feel the pain of these cuts right away, the pain will be real.&#0160; Many middle-class families will have their lives disrupted in a significant way.&quot;</p> <p>He said beginning this week, businesses that work with the military will have to lay people off and communities near military bases will suffer.</p> <p>But he said, &quot;It&#39;s happening because Republicans in Congress chose this outcome over closing a single wasteful tax loophole that helps reduce the deficit.&quot;</p> <p><a href="">Continue reading "Obama pins blame on Republicans for sequester in weekly radio address"</a></p> <p> <div class="blog_tools"> <ul class="inlist"> <li>Posted by Lesley Clark at 07:38 AM in <a href="">Barack Obama</a></li> <li> | </li> <li><a href="">Permalink</a></li> <li> | </li> <li><a href="">Comments <span class="stats">(2)</span></a></li> <li> | </li> <li><a href="">TrackBack <span class="stats">(0)</span></a></li> <br/> <!-- technorati tags --> <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> </ul> </div></div></p><br/> <a id="a6a00d83451c64169e2017d4165bff3970c"></a> <div class="blog_entry"> <p class="date">March 01, 2013</p> <h2 class="entry-header"><a href="">Obama signs 'sequestration' order</a></h2> <p>It's official.</p> <p>President Barack Obama signed the <a href="" target="_blank">'sequestration order'</a> that triggers $85 billion in <a href="" target="_self">automatic, across the board spending cuts</a>.</p> <p>The Office of Management and Budget&nbsp;sent the simple one-page document&nbsp;to Congress. Reporters were notified through an email from Press Secretary Jay Carney.</p> <p>"By the authority vested in me as President by the laws of the United States of America, and in accordance with section 251A of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as amended (the "Act"), 2 U.S.C. 901a, I hereby order that budgetary resources in each non-exempt budget account be reduced by the amount calculated by the Office of Management and Budget in its report to the Congress of March 1, 2013,'' it reads.</p> <p> <div class="blog_tools"> <ul class="inlist"> <li>Posted by Anita Kumar at 08:46 PM in <a href="">Barack Obama</a>, <a href="">White House</a></li> <li> | </li> <li><a href="">Permalink</a></li> <li> | </li> <li><a href="">Comments <span class="stats">(0)</span></a></li> <li> | </li> <li><a href="">TrackBack <span class="stats">(0)</span></a></li> <br/> <!-- technorati tags --> <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> </ul> </div></div></p><br/> <a id="a6a00d83451c64169e2017d41651f51970c"></a> <div class="blog_entry"> <h2 class="entry-header"><a href="">White House embraces the Jedi Mind Meld </a></h2> <p>President Obama may have crossed science fiction references when he told reporters he couldn&#39;t pull a &quot;Jedi mind meld&quot; on congressional Republicans -- but he touched off an internet frenzy -- and Twitter trend.</p> <p>(Jedi is from Star Wars/Vulcan Mind melds are Star Trek) And the White House sought to capitalize on the gaffe, tweeting out this picture and setting up a web address: <a href="" target="_blank"> </a>-- that links viewers to the president&#39;s plan for averting $85 billion in spending cuts that are poised to begin taking effect as soon as Saturday.</p> <p> <a class="asset-img-link" href="" style="float: right;"><img alt="Jedi" class="asset asset-image at-xid-6a00d83451c64169e2017d416520eb970c" src="" style="margin: 0px 0px 5px 5px;" title="Jedi"/></a></p> <p> <div class="blog_tools"> <ul class="inlist"> <li>Posted by Lesley Clark at 06:58 PM in <a href="">Barack Obama</a></li> <li> | </li> <li><a href="">Permalink</a></li> <li> | </li> <li><a href="">Comments <span class="stats">(0)</span></a></li> <li> | </li> <li><a href="">TrackBack <span class="stats">(0)</span></a></li> <br/> <!-- technorati tags --> <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> </ul> </div></div></p><br/> <a id="a6a00d83451c64169e2017c3735fb67970b"></a> <div class="blog_entry"> <h2 class="entry-header"><a href="">White House says sequester spat won't stall agenda </a></h2> <p>White House officials say President Obama and Cabinet officials warned of dire consequences of looming budget cuts -- not because they thought they&#39;d get Republicans to compromise -- but because they were&#0160; obliged to tell the American public.</p> <p>Senior White House officials told reporters Friday that the White House would continue to talk about the sequester, but that it wouldn&#39;t be the only issue on the agenda, saying they plan to push with plans for an immigration overhaul and gun safety legislation.&#0160;</p> <p> <div class="blog_tools"> <ul class="inlist"> <li>Posted by Lesley Clark at 06:53 PM in <a href="">Barack Obama</a></li> <li> | </li> <li><a href="">Permalink</a></li> <li> | </li> <li><a href="">Comments <span class="stats">(0)</span></a></li> <li> | </li> <li><a href="">TrackBack <span class="stats">(0)</span></a></li> <br/> <!-- technorati tags --> <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> </ul> </div></div></p><br/> <div class="pager-bottom pager-entries pager content-nav" style="text-align: center;"> <div class="pager-inner"> <span class="pager-right"> <a href=""><span class="pager-label">More Posts</span> <span class="chevron">&#187;</span></a> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div id="col_2"> <!-- BEGIN SIDEBAR --> <div class="box_1"> <a href=""><img src="" border="0" width="22px"/></a> <h3>ABOUT THIS BLOG</h3> <p>"Planet Washington" covers politics and government. 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